#like when she has that badass makeover scene
thekingofspin · 7 months
presenting my childhood gay awakening from before I even knew what being gay was:
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treefey · 9 days
I ran across this post that was essentially about how good worldbuilding does so many things-- OP was struck how in a period drama when there's so much emphasis on being proper, the reckless abandon of women sprinting without bonnets, etc. communicates the direness of the situation so quickly. I had something similar happen with mostly character building, but also a bit of world building.
So, I'm slowly reading through the Discworld books, in a random "whatever my library has" order. I've read several of the Watch Arc, including Fifth Elephant, where Carrot and Angua are there and together, but the focus is on Vimes. In all the books I've read so far, Carrot is steady and lucky. I'm currently reading Thud! , where the whole time Angua is so uncomfortable with Sally and is jealous of her charming vampire nature. Angua feels so on edge, brutish, kind of, around Sally. Then they have to put on the stripper's dresses and Angua thinks her gold sequined dress "just [doesn't] work" and Sally looks stunning in a simple dress.
Naturally, when she goes to the watch main office, Carrot is standing there watching her with his mouth open. Such a simple sentence. She doesn't linger on it, but we as readers know this trope. We know the "girl next door who doesn't feel pretty" makeover. And the badass woman having to wear sexy clothes to a fancy event or whatever trope. And we know Carrot. Solid, thinks of everything. He's so smitten, seeing her in a slinky dress. And just watching her. Because of all the character building and world building up to that point, that one line had me completely breathless. Like, probably more than most actual spicy scenes. He is so stunned by her he's not trying to keep the peace in the office, he doesn't move when she threatens to stab a random watch guy with a stripper heel, he's just super into her.
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greengrungeemo · 6 months
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I know the most emotional tale in Avatar Last Airbender tends to be Iroh's tale, especially because it's in honor and memory of his original VA, Mako! Iroh's my favorite character hands down. Toph too!
So, a scene I think about A LOT and get emotional to in ATLA is Katara & Toph's tale in Ba Sing Se. Specifically, after when Katara and Toph go to the spa and get their well-deserved break! They treat themselves to an awesome makeover and feel pretty. What's heartbreaking is that within 20 seconds (I counted) of them walking out of the spa and mentioning how they feel girly and good about themselves, they encounter a group of bullies who say, "Nice makeup", to which Toph thanks them, and they follow with, "... for a clown!" 20. SECONDS. They only had 20 seconds outside where they felt pretty, to be put down soon after. This results in Toph and Katara getting revenge and having a nice bonding moment afterwards.
It just bothers me and actually makes me cry every time I watch it. I know that's weird to admit, but bullying someone, especially a badass blind/disabled person, and making them not feel pretty when they were feeling pretty about themselves... just hurts really badly. I also know it's fiction, but it seems incredibly telling of a society we are when open-handed comments like that are thrown about carelessly, without ANY consideration of how the receiving end would feel, and how it would ultimately and potentially affect their entire day. Toph knows who she is deep down, the strongest bender around, and I think we all know who we are deep down to an extent, so it just sucks when people assume things about you and put their energy into putting you down unnecessarily. Be kind, have empathy! It's not hard! Women as a whole deserve to feel pretty about themselves and feel safe. We need to stop putting each other down.
I tear up the moment Toph has a tear fall from her face, because it's a sharpened painful tear from a lifetime of emotional burden. You can tell it really hurt. I'm gonna be there like Katara is for Toph, for all my friends and loved ones, always.
If anyone ever put you down for your appearance, how you dress, how you present yourself in any way, or for your disability/race/orientation, know for a fact that you're beautiful. Don't let any carelessly thrown about remark define you.
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archangeldyke-all · 18 days
I know you’re mainly a sevika stan and blog (and for good reason), but I wanna know how you feel about everything elsee from the trailerr. Caitlyn, Vi, Warwick, Jinx, THE WHOLE PACKAGE !!!
I feel so many hyped up feelings about it mannn and I TRULY TRULY cannot wait for fucking November OMGGG😫😫
(Also, which do you think is better as some on that excited for the next season of arcane ? — wait for the three weeks for all episodes to release when it does and binge it all at once; or follow the three episodes three act format that slows for both bingers and ppl that love to wait for episodes to come out? I love to binge so I wanna wait and watch it all at once, but I don’t think that’s a good idea as I’ll be so excited tho at I’ll burst and I’ll probably see spoilers on here or sth. So, as a fellow fan, what do you think is best ?)
OMGGG okay let me rewatch it rn and give u my notes hehe
cait's "i want to tear that laugh from her throat forever" LMAOOOOO this was so funny and unexpected coming from her character i mean it's badass and cool but that line in her posh little accent just kills me. but also imagine being vi and hearing ur girlfriend talking about ur sister like that LOL
my best guess for a timeline is that vi will join cait after the initial attack where she'll become an enforcer (meanwhile jinx and sevika will team up in the undercity), then she'll fight jinx the first time then she'll quit-- she can't handle the pressure-- she'll do her emo fighter thing (sevika will get her makeover and jinx will go into hiding-- she cuts her hair and dyes it purple to disguise herself??), and then after a timeskip when vi's hair is long it'll be the final fight of (i'm hoping??) zaun and piltover uniting against noxus (which is when we see sevika in a crowd looking at the sky?)
SPEAKING of noxus-- ambessa just looks so fucking powerful and cool in all her outfits. the hair disc crown she wears is SO cool, the weights on the end of her braids when she's in combat so that her braids act as little weapons too?!?!!? just incredible character design she's so intimidating and badass and her SWORD IS SO COOL
she's like silco: i'm not rooting for her, and i know that her character is The Bad Guy this season, but i just can't help but be excited every time she's on screen.
on a side note..... what are we thinking on the mel front?? mel. please be alive girl ur mom is out here going apeshit and starting wars, we need u baby. please be alive.
(but. then again. i could 100% see the reason ambessa wages this war in the first place is because she's lost her daughter.)
(i saw someone say season 1 was about fatherhood, what if season 2 is about motherhood with ambessa and mel and sevika and jinx being the 'mother/daughter' figures. such a good theory)
i audibly gasped when i saw that enforcer knocking out the firelight with the bird mask (idk if she has a name) but like DUDE that's a FIRELIGHT u better leave her OUT OF IT
now that i'm looking closely, it looks like she's IN the scene where jinx is being touched by all the blue-haired followers she has. that just makes me SQUEAL, because sevika's really gonna do it!! she's gonna align with/tolerate/encourage jinx!!!!
SPEAKING OF WHO IS THAT BLUE HAIRED KID?!!?!? that's not powder, and i'm pretty sure it's sevika carrying them?! is that the kid who is standing by jinx in the background of sevika vs. smeech fight??!?!!?
i cannot fucking wait for sevika and jinx to interact more. god. i'm betting the only comic relief we'll be getting this season is heimerdinger being stupid, and sevika and jinx trying to get along.
i'm obsessed with thieram in the streets fighting enforcers let's go king!!! asl;dhf;laskdjf
singed's "you've found it, haven't you?" was CHILLING. i'm really excited for the singed/vander/warwick storyline. i'm hoping to watch singed and viktor interact too, since viktor is back in the undercity.
(speaking of viktor-- i'm so curious as to why he and jayce haven't been shown yet. it could very well be that they're the main players in act 3 and are what start the big final fight with noxus... but idk.)
"the arcane is waking up" ominous lol
is that ekko pulling that chain?!!?!? with his hair pulled back and his facepaint off and wearing that beige outfit and an earring? i managed to pause on the singular frame they flashed and i'm pretty sure it's him.
his new look is SO SLEEK. OKAY EKKO!!!!!! finally getting an outfit change!!
they keep showing the arcane ('the arcane is waking up' lol) and i wonder if maybe viktor and the arcane have merged in some way. i remember in season 1 viktor said a bunch of sciency shit that was basically like-- the arcane is connected to me, i am connected to it, because he gave it his blood or something?? idk it's just so interesting to try to figure out what's happening there.
poor vi :( sad girl :( little tragic lesbian :( she just can't catch a fucking break can she?
i am so excited to watch that fight. i know the producers said everyone's gonna be an opposite of who they were in season 1, and my bet is that that means in this specific fight it'll be caitlyn vs. sev-- sevika's about to kill her when someone saves cait with a lucky shot (aka the explosion) just like she saved vi from sevika in season 1. who saves her tho? jinx on accident or vi on purpose? or is it just a coincidence?
caitlyn just looks so tired this season. gonna be sad that we don't have naive slightly awkward sweetheart caitlyn anymore.
the ekko and vi shot of them sharing a hoverboard... i'm sobbing.
idk what to say?? i'm so excited to see my wife. arcane isn't usually a show i'd be into (i only really watched for sevika in the first place lmaooo) but season 2 looks THRILLING so far. (but honestly if they kill off sevika i might just dip then and there lololol) (it's not that i don't like vi and cait and jinx and the rest of the characters, it's just that... i'm really only here for sevika hahaha)
i know that the character that's gonna piss me off the most will be caitlyn. i'm thinking that ambessa and cait's shared grief over their respective losses will make cait vulnerable to ambessa's influence. i'm guessing act 3 starts when caitlyn realizes what she has allowed to happen in letting ambessa start a war, and she finds vi and they reunite to save the city from noxus?? who knows. but i know i will be tearing my hair out watching cait kill herself for revenge she's never going to get.
(completely unrelated rant: this would be a caitlyn stan blog if she wasn't a fucking cop. i get that that's her whole character, but come ON. she wanted to help people and piss her parents off and turn her back on her wealth, i get it, she couldn't've become a fucking teacher or something!?!? sorry, the lesbian cop trope just pisses me off so fucking bad.)
if arcane doesn't give caitvi one good kiss (AT LEAST) they're gonna have a big fucking problem on their hands. i went into arcane season 1 thinking 'okay, i'll find out who this hot lady on my pinterest is, and i know there's lesbians in it so it's gotta be worth a watch' only for the lesbians to do NOTHING LESBIAN except yearn. i'm gonna need the homosexuality meter turned all the way up this season. fuck it, make all the characters gay. give jinx a girlfriend. give ekko a boyfriend. give us a sex scene between heimerdinger and singed, idc.
me personally, i'll be watching the episodes as they come out! i think it'll just be easier for me that way-- i won't have to avoid tumblr for half a month, and for me half the fun of watching a show is watching it as it airs out so me and all the little gay people in my phone can talk about it hehehehe
those are my main thoughts! so sorry they were all jumbled and random! feel free to write your conspiracies about the next season in my ask box, i love shit like that!!
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roszabell · 1 year
Hetalia on America's Next Top Model
my headcanons w the characters i immediately thought of for how they would do on the show, this is wildly useless and niche but i'm a geek for it ( i got two people saying i should post this again and ily, lmk if i should do a part 2 / please suggest characters 👀 )
Elizabeta, top challenge winner, they probably do her so dirty in her makeover and turn her blonde, that one girl that has a partner back home and is ACTUALLY LOYAL, never starts fights with gilbert but always finishes them, kind of the unofficial house leader, tyra always highlights her muscles, really versatile for shoots, probably calls at least three photographers misogynistic, falls on the runway bc of heels but the quick recovery saves her that round
Mathieu is the like adorable 17 year old amateur that tyra found on the street, has the shittiest runway walk ever, big and awkward with his body (but tyra is obsessed with his ass and natural booty tooching lol), jock-type photos, wins best photo 2-3 times but is always in the bottom of challenges, panel constantly tells him that he needs to believe in himself more, "i just really don’t want to let tyra down TwT"
Francis is also often the challenge winner bc he’s literally down with doing anything (wink), basically adopts mathieu loves braiding his hair during downtime/behind the scenes and always chooses him for the tyra suite whenever he wins best photo, panel criticizes him for always falling back on being ‘too sexy’ in shoots and he’s not very versatile, gets in trouble for flirting with photographers, is the mom of the house and always cooks for everyone, invested in all the drama
Arthur, hes adored, the panel won’t shut up about his "high-fashion look," he scrapes by every week just by his social media scores bc of his devoted fan following, given a lip piercing n undercut for his makeover, (and the eyebrows STAY bc it’s High Fashion), constantly has beef with brianboy bc he’s a stubborn asshole during shoots , definitely makes it to Top 3 despite such high elimination risk bc of the attitude
Gilbert, the token Unique model due to his albinism, thinks he’s the shit but tbh hes always in bottom two, starts most of the drama in the house, has an insanely  badass runway walk its seriously so cunty, is probably given a complete buzz cut for his makeover and won’t shut up about it (but secretly is really insecure),  sharp features and best smize ever, but rob evans always says he relies too much on his muscles n sucks at Head to Toe modeling
Katya is BEST GIRL in the house, the token Curvy one they always praise for representation but is probably cut in like round three because of the actual fatphobia, everyone cries so hard when she leaves, has a really classic vibe, is seen as innocent but takes really fierce photos, really close to her family at home (leans on sob stories), shes the one that returns and gets back in the game when theres a Comeback episode
Michelle brings all the fun, high spirits lighten the tension for shoots and takes really bubbly energetic photos, amazing pout and expressive eyes, smoothest runway walk like she’s floating, everyone’s friend in the house but is secretly so fucking cutthroat competitive in her asides, cutesy aesthetic despite her age, is constantly criticized because she can’t pull off serious shoots, probs makes it to Top 3
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dainesanddaffodils · 2 years
Friends, Romans, Countrymen. I did it. 
I rewatched Strange Magic late last night on a whim.
It’s been, as far as I can determine, at least four years since I had last seen this movie. Probably closer to five. It’s been. A Minute. And I was so horribly worried that I would find all of its faults far more glaring than I had when it first consumed my life back in 2015. That I wouldn’t find the magic in it the way I did before. 
I was both right and wrong. 
I did, indeed, find some things more flawed, to the point of genuinely cringing in a couple places. However, I also came out remembering exactly why this movie captivated me for as long as it did.
I’m going to ramble in more detail about both things, if you’re so inclined to read more.
Things I found as bad or worse this time around:
The pacing. Dear lord, the pacing of this movie is a fucking trainwreck. I knew it the first time I watched it and it was the one critique I would always agree with. It’s just, it’s so bad. I can’t even tell you how I’d fix it but it just. It needs an overhaul please. 
Like, in my memory it was just the first half that was paced poorly. Once you got into the second half, things improved. 
My memory was wrong. It’s a mess the whole way through.
Tragically, Griselda. I always found her character a little grating but at least sort of endearing...  but it has. gotten worse. The matchmaking was only good in providing the backdrop for Bog and Marianne to rant about how much they hate romance but every other scene with it made me feel like Bog must. I lowkey wanted to put my head through a wall. 
Plum, too, was a little more annoying than I remembered. In general the whole “Love is Strange” scene is probably the one I struggled with the most on this rewatch. 
The kaleidoscope bit at the end. Which again, I was always kinda... unsure about but like, everything else about the ending is so good and then that just really. throws the whole groove off and it’s sad. 
Also, I wouldn’t necessarily call it bad but like, all of Bog’s scenes in the first half of the movie are so melodramatic and I know that’s the point but I was still like ‘christ my dude we get it you’re ~evil~ now please chill for five seconds’ 
- and that’s really it. All told, while these were definitely more noticeable faults upon watching this movie again, I don’t think they were enough to truly hamper my enjoyment of the rest of it.
Speaking of...
Things I found as good or better this time around: 
Marianne. My beloved punk rock fairy princess. I absolutely adore how three-dimensional she is as a character. They give her the whole badass makeover training sequence and then spend the rest of the movie showing you its cracks. Showing you that she never fully outgrew the romantic she was at heart. She was just scared of letting people see that side of her after being hurt. She’s bitter and angry and touch-starved and sympathetic and caring and she’s allowed to be all of these things and none of them contradict each other. 
Marianne and Dawn’s relationship. Holy shit I forgot how good that was. We see only glimpses of it but every single one of them is perfection and so realistic. This is how sisters behave. They drive each other crazy and point out each other’s faults and make each other want to tear their hair out and if anyone hurt them there would be hell to pay. All of their conversations feel so... grounded in reality for a fairy rock opera musical. 
On that note, a lot of the dialogue is just, well delivered and sounds incredibly natural. It took me by surprise. 
Sunny! Sunny also surprised me with how much I liked him. His humor is one of the things that has aged the best in this movie and I really enjoyed his character. You can really see how he is a good guy who was just, very easily manipulated and spends the rest of the movie trying to fix his fuck-up. 
The singing. Similar to my point about line delivery, the... way the characters sing in this movie is really well done. I don’t know how to explain it but the way they use songs in this movie really feels like they’re using it as dialogue. Like, there’s plenty of meta jokes about people breaking into song but it also feels like it’s a natural part of this world. People just sing their feelings here, and it feels believable. It’s fascinating. 
 The animation - specifically the character animation. (Like, the movie has gorgeous background shots, we all know this.) I won’t deny that the detail in the faces gets uncanny valley in places but it’s worth it for the expressiveness that it allows. There are so many incredible face journeys, so many subtle shifts in body language, so much that gets to be said without words - either spoken or sung - and it’s just as good as I remember it.
Speaking of things that are just as good as I remember. Yeah, you guessed it. 
Bog and Marianne’s relationship is still just, top fucking tier. 
Like, it goes back to what I said about expressiveness in the animation. I remembered the big things about these two. I remembered the sword fight flirting; I remembered the ranting about hating love together; I remembered the declaration of love at the end set to “Wild Thing” which perfectly encapsulated their personalities. 
I had forgotten how much of their relationship is progressed through small gestures and lingering looks. Things like Bog leaving his staff behind after their fight, and later returning her sword to her - both shows of trust and respect that Marianne is clearly unused to. Things like the way he looks at her throughout the entire “Strange Magic” sequence as he shows her his home and hopes she’ll find beauty in it. Things like the whole face journey she goes through when it’s revealed he survived his castle collapsing, realizing that she loves him. Things like how you can see on their faces that they’re constantly torn between hope and absolute terror at their growing feelings for each other. 
All of these things are done wordlessly and it’s very well done.
(also man, having re-read a bunch of my fics ahead of this I was kind of like ‘wow a through-line throughout all of this is Bog being just, like, absolutely whipped by Marianne from the start’ and friends, upon rewatch it hit me that that was not just some romance novel tropes sneaking into fic - I took that shit straight from the source. My goblin man really was enamored with her INSTANTLY. It was fucking hilarious.)
Anyway, thanks for coming along with me for this journey. I came out of it just kind of accepting, yeah, this is not what I would call a Good Movie. But it gave me so many things that I loved, and still love, and really, that’s what matters. 
Also now I wanna fucking draw fanart again. That’s wild. 
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thisismisogynoir · 1 year
What do you think about Toph?
I really like her, watching Toph fight is always fun and I also admire her personality and that she is drastically different from Katara and that both are equally badass fighters, just in different ways! I love how they were able to put their conflict aside and become friends over time, also that she is an unapologetic tomboy and doesn't get chided for not being "girly"(although she did show a little bit of a girly side when getting a makeover with Katara, but that was by choice rather than being compulsory so it was nice), and I love how they never do that thing where "tomboy has to get prettied up to impress a guy lol". My favorite scene with her was probably in Ember Island Players when she was excited to be played by a really large buff guy. Also the comics show her being friends with Ty Lee, my favorite character, so 👍🏾 In short, I'm probably forgetting something but that's only because I love Toph so much lol.
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
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I posted 1,869 times in 2022
That's 132 more posts than 2021!
817 posts created (44%)
1,052 posts reblogged (56%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,070 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#the owl house - 373 posts
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#not mine - 266 posts
#luz noceda - 177 posts
#asks - 137 posts
#send asks if you want - 137 posts
#ask me anything - 137 posts
#eda clawthorne - 113 posts
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Longest Tag: 112 characters
#i will always remember him as the guy who yelled at the aliens to piss off when invading his planet on christmas
My Top Posts in 2022:
Quick Thoughts on “The Tomb” from Moon Knight
“The Tomb” might just be my favorite episode. Why? Let me count the ways.
The many great interactions between Marc and Steven. They’re fun and even heartwarming at one point. Plus, Marc punching Steven in the face is pretty funny, I won’t lie.
Steven trying to prove himself as someone useful. Maybe not in a fight, but definitely in a chance to solve a mystery or figure out what everyone needs to do.
Layla. Layla is the stand-out star in this, having moments that proves how badass she can be, as well as this realistic reaction to something heartbreaking.
Arthur Harrow is selling himself as one of my favorite MCU villains. The way he twists characters minds is top notch. He doesn’t lie and doesn’t entirely manipulate. In actuality, all he does is tell them truths. Truths that hurt the characters and make them do...occasionally stupid things. And that’s great. I love a villain who wins his fights through his words rather than actions.
This episode is one third archeological adventure, one third horror story, and one third psychological thriller. And I was invested through all of it, especially that final scene. I won’t give away how, but it really makes you question EVERYTHING you’ve seen in the show so far. And, yeah, that last zing got a chuckle out of me. Well done.
So, yeah. “The Tomb” is a great episode. It was a ton of fun and, with how things left off, it makes me excited for more. Much like every episode before it, but...this one did it better.
628 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
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This happened.
And all of our souls felt a little lighter because of it--DOES AMITY KICK UP HER LEFT LEG?!
Aw, that’s cute...
915 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
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Why do I love this expression?
Because I can easily see this in a 2D cartoon. Somewhere in the vein of Steven Universe or maybe even The Owl House. Like, if Turning Red was hand drawn, this expression would have been made in no time flat. But the animators worked extra hard in making this movie look like a 2D film with a 3D makeover. And that type of dedication earns so much of my respect.
926 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
Please watch Wendell & Wild.
Not just because it's a Halloween classic in the making.
Not just because it has a unique art style.
Not just because it has decent trans rep (which is cool to see it get more attention in recent years).
And not just because it has Key and Peele playing the best characters in the movie.
Watch Wendell & Wild to prove that animation can cater to more than just kids. This movie is PG-13 (but a 90s PG), meaning it's more for older audiences without relying on constant cursing, grotesque violence, and ludicrous amounts of sex and drugs. Instead, it uses creativity and genuinely good writing to tell a story that, while not really too intense for kids, it's at least a lot more advanced for them. And that's great. I want more animation that appeals to a vast majority of audiences of many ages and proves that type of animated content can be successful so people can stop saying animation is just for kids. But it's not. Anybody of any age should be able to enjoy animation and all its strengths, and the best way to do that is to give movies like Wendell & Wild a shot.
So, please, watch it.
2,602 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“Animation is just for kids!”
...Ok...Ok...Let’s take a look at some of that animation that’s “Just for kids,” shall we?
Adventure Time is a series that touches a lot on philosophical questions and theories, with one episode having one character ask “If just being born is the greatest act of creation then what are you supposed to do after that?”
Avatar: The Last Airbender dives deep into having characters question what is right and wrong when dealing with a horrible evil. Like, is it better to harm anybody, even the most innocent old man, just because their society is run by fascists? Should we torture those who tortured us? And should we really kill someone just because they are irredeemable? All hard questions, each with uneasy answers.
The Owl House has a powerful antagonist whose goal is to commit genocide on an entire race of innocent people due to being raced to believe that said people are evil, thus stating that the most dangerous people are the ones who are prejudiced and ignorant.
Centaurworld  has a scene where a man tries to drown an elk. No, I’m not kidding. That happened. It was on screen and everything.
Encanto teaches a lesson on generational trauma, the pressures of living up to expectations, and stating that the best gift is being alive and having those around you.
And do I even have to say ANYTHING about Pixar?! The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Up, Inside Out, Soul, and even Toy Story all have themes and morals that can speak to adults while also being simple enough for kids to understand.
But that’s just animation for kids. Let’s talk about animation for ADULTS, shall we?
South Park takes a comedic view of our society, poking fun in the many ways it’s broken.
The Breadwinner is a tense movie of a young, Afghan girl disguising herself as a boy so she can go out and make money so her family can survive.
Invincible has some of the most brutal scenes I’ve seen from a superhero series, including this moment with a train (you’ll know it when you see it) that was so horrific that, when it cut to black for a second, I saw the look of pure shock and terror of my face reflected onto my laptop.
And Bojack Horseman is the best adult-animated series I’ve ever seen because it tackles issues made for adults. Things like opium addiction, depression, the struggles of being asexual in a sex-driven world, and telling one truth that most adults need to hear. The truth that, in this life, you can’t live happily ever after. You’re alive, always have another problem to deal with, and then you’re dead. There’s no point, in this plane of existence, when you’re happy forever and ever. Because life’s a show, and when everybody’s happy, then there can’t be a show anymore.
Animation. Is not. For kids.
Animation is a medium that is often geared towards kids. And the reason why people keep saying it’s for kids is because they focus on the kids stuff and refuse to look at how mature some animated movies and shows can be.
5,942 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rewatch details/thoughts part 2 (s2 ep4- s2 ep9)
-okay so the beginning of ep4 bears a STRIKING resemblance to the whole "Chrissy wake up" scene (except obviously Will doesn't get killed). so why did Vecna keep him alive when he could've easily taken him?
- also, Will's drawing of the Mindflayer is almost identical to Creel's spider drawing, but obviously a different setting
-can we talk about Will's breakdown to Joyce and him just sobbing "I just want this to be over!" because thats so fucking heartbreaking
-Hopper has one if those stupid bass fish decorations on him cabin wall. why, bro?
-why did I JUST realize that El was so upset about the TV being taken away, not just because it's a source of entertainment, but because she uses it as white noise to contact Mike? maybe I'm stupid
-Dustin relocated his turtle and never put him back. rip Yurtle
- I feel like the fact that Dustin also used to like Max is pretty overlooked. don't get me wrong, Lucas and Max all the way I mean they're adorable. but it would've been interesting either way
-so at the end of season 4, Will says that the "He" that was in his mind in season 2 was Vecna, but in s2 they pointed to a drawing of the mindflayer and asked if that was the "he" and Will said yes. so either he said that because of how often he'd see the Mindflayer in his visions, or Vecna was presenting himself as it in Will's mind. either way I wanna see that touched on more in the last season.
- the demobat trailer scene heavily parallels the junkyard demodog scene in s2 ep6, just in a different sequence. in the case of Eddie, they build the defense on the trailer, run inside and defend against bats trying to come in, THEN Eddie runs out and sacrifices himself. in the case of Steve, they fortify the old bus, Steve uses himself as bait, and then (as he should've) ran back into the bus to ward of the demodogs
-most of El's clothes are WAY too big, specifically her flannels. are they Hopper's?
-Kali has different powers than her siblings, and it's not ever said if she also has telekinesis. it seemed like 10 had sloghtly different powers too, which is a bit of a red flag for Eleven, seeing as she has the exact same powers as 001.
-the captions on ep7 made me realize that I've been singing Runaway by Bon Jovi pretty incorrectly lol
-the way the term "mouthbreather" got pretty dropped is sad :( it held a lot of power
-are the streets of Chicago really that scary? someone from the area please tell me
-Kali's power sorta does tie in with 001, actually. so maybe each kid has a little part of his overall abilities? El's telekinesis/ mind communication, Kali's illusions (like the clock, since anything else is actually in the victim's mind), and 010 seemed to have that sort of "true sight"
- Kali's room has a half lit neon sign of a Hamsa Hand- the universal sign of protection
-some of the graffiti in their hideout says: "Hottie", "So Long and Thanks", "Mena", "Forgot", "TR 117", "Wicked", and "Stinky Fa-" (rt..?) didn't catch the rest of that one
-if Kali escaped before the massacre, Henry possibly helped her. if she had helped him back like El eventually did, maybe it would've happened earlier, taking Eleven down with them. reason being, the speech she gives to El about tapping into strong and angering memories is strikingly similar to the advice Creel gives her in the rainbow room flashback. maybe Kali got the same advice?
-I miss Funshine.
- though "Dead End Justice" was a good choice, I think "Cherry Bomb" would've been equally as badass for El's bitchin makeover
-am I the only one who forgot that the guy Kali and El torture literally SAYS that Brenner is alive??? and it's just brushed over. like, I still thought he was dead until season 4 lmao
- while hyping himself up in the mirror, Billy oils up his... yk...
-speaking of Billy, he has a "Kill Em All" poster on his wall. the duality of 80s Metallica fans, apparently
-again, on the topic of Billy's room, he also has a Mötley Crüe album and a dartboard sitting on his bureau
-if I was Bob in that one scene, I'd be shitting my pants. shaking, crying, throwing up, quaking in my boots. mans was playing a real life FNAF Sister Location or some shit. idk my sister made me play once bc she couldn't beat the part with the flashlights and the endoskeletons and I hated that enough. no thank you, I'd rather be out in the open schmaking the shit out of demobats than bolting down dark hallways.
-joyce's trauma seeing Bob die in front of her got so overlooked in s3, plus eventually seeing Hopper "die" as well. it makes the scene in the Russian prison where Hop is using himself as bait a lot more powerful, I'm glad they brought that up so it wasn't just forgotten
-everyone's methods of understanding and dealing with these things are so different, and it's seen clearly in the part where Steve and the kids are left alone at the Byers' house. Steve uses sports terms, Max wanted cut and dry evidence, and the boys resorted to DnD analogies.
-"[The Mindflayer] its so ancient, it doesn't even know its true home" is an overlooked line, I'd like to see that explained more in season 5. the whole "it believes its the master race" though reminds me of Vecna saying how humans were a special kind of pest
-i wish we got to see Joyce's reaction when she found the demodog's dead body in her fridge
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artzychic27 · 3 years
An akuma with reality powers, The Artist Family and the canon Art kids (maybe the other classmates too) meet each other
Their reaction? Chaos?
Another day, another Akuma for the Malevolent Miraculous team
This one is named Alterna, and they’re a scientist who got Akumatized because their alternate universe theory was rejected
They have the power to open portals to other dimensions
While fighting, Alterna grabbed Black Widower’s whip and used it to ensnare the team before flinging them into a portal
Once they land, they find themselves... In Paris? Only, something feels off, very off...
Since there doesn’t seem to be any danger, they detransform
They look around while getting weird looks from people. (Imagine the ‘Going into town’ scene form the Addams Family 2019 movie)
Nathaniel Artist: Everyone’s dressed so... Conformist. *Sees a magazine with Adrien on the cover* And what happened to Adrien’s new look?
Rose Artist: Is this one of the universes where his dad is a jerk?
Alix Artist scares off a few people by throwing a brick through a few car windows.
Marc Artist: Alix, don’t be rude. Let the others have their turns.
Manon approaches Marinette Artist and asks why she’s wearing dark colors
Marinette Artist: Manon, you know I despise all colors.
A few more minutes of walking, and they see Marinette Dupain-Cheng running to school
Marinette Artist: *Checks her watch* School has begun three minutes ago. She’s not very punctual, is she?
The Artist Family follow her to the alternate DuPont to see what’s going on, then they bump into Mme. Bustier, who was making her way to the teachers lounge.
Mme. Bustier: Marinette? But I just... I saw you, all of you in the classroom. And Marc, shouldn’t you also be in class?
The Artists rush to their respective classrooms and find their alternate sleeves, much to their shock
Nathaniel Kurtzberg: ... What the fuck?!
Nathaniel Artist: I could ask the same about your outfit. Must you insult my eyes with such a color combination?
Chloé: Ha! You just got burned by yourself, tomato head!
Marinette Artist: At least he doesn’t go out looking like a clown gave him a makeover.
Chloé: I’m telling daddy!
Marinette Artist: Yes, let your father get involved with petty teenage drama. That will get him more votes in the upcoming election. Now silence.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng: ... Thank you, me?
They explain what happened, (Leaving out the part about them being superheroes because this universe’s Lila will no doubt run her big mouth to Hawkmoth who they’re sure she’s working for), and the art club is not sure how to react
Alix Kudbel: So we’re basically the Addams Family?
Lila: Oh! You know, my great great grandfather actually inspired Chauncey Addams to create the Addams Family!
While the class eats it up, the art club and Artists just glare at her
Marinette Addams: It’s Charles Addams, idiot.
Lila: Oh, you guys hate me too? *Cue bitch crying*
Juleka Artist: *Waves a skull in front of Lila* Luxor, nexor, burst and burn!
Lila: What’s she doing?
Juleka Artist: Just a curse that will make your pants burst into flames every time you lie.
Lili: *Whining* Why are you all trying to hurt me?! I never lie! *Her pants bursts into flames and she runs out of the school before she’s left in only her underwear*
Alya: *To her Marinette* My sincerest apologies.
Suddenly, screams are heard, followed by Mme. Mendelive and her students running past the classroom. Marc Anciel and Artist walk into the classroom while being trailed by a clutter of spiders
Marc Artist: Well that was quite rude, wouldn’t you say?
Marc Anciel: In their defense, spiders are a little... Horripilante.
Nathaniel Artist just stands there, trying very hard not to kiss the alternate version of his boyfriend and wondering why his alternate self isn’t going kissing his Marc madly with passion
The Artists explain to the Art Club during lunch about their situation and tell them that they’re Miraculous holders in their world, much to Marinette’s shock since she’s never heard of the Malevolent Miraculous
The art club let their alternate selves stay with them until they can figure out a way to get back, but Nathaniel and Marc Artist insist that they stay together
Alix Kudbel and Artist volunteer to let them stay with them. (Cuz they ship ‘em!)
Marinette A is stunned to see her alternate parents, and when they welcome her with open arms since her own parents were always so distant.
Even when she shows her dark nature, they still treat her like family. She tries very hard not to show any emotion
When they’re alone, Tikki and Screech reveal themselves. Tikki explains that there are alternate realities with different Kwamis with similar powers to the Kwamis they’ve alternate versions of. Screech is her alternate self
Marinette A questions why Marinette DC’s Ladybug suit is so skintight and insists that she change her suit which Marinette DC doesn’t mind doing
Marinette A tells Marinette DC about her boyfriend, Damian, confusing DC a bit. What about Adrien?
Marinette A: Adrien wasn’t able to satisfy my needs. Yes, he’s quite attractive, but I needed someone who could keep up with me, worship me, be my love servant and follow me into the underworld.
Marinette DC: ... So who’s this Damian?
Nathaniel K insists that Nathaniel A spend some time away from his Marc so they can talk without them making out every five minutes
Nathaniel A: How is it that you have not gouged out your own eyes?! Your Marc is miles away from you, and you believe you have the right to live?!
Nathaniel K: ... We call each other.
Nathaniel K is starting to regret letting his alternate self live with him since he keeps starting fires! He had to hide all of the matches and anything flammable. And if that’s not bad, Chompp keep chewing on his sketchbooks
Once all of the fire causes were hidden, they bonded over their love for painting and sketching
Nathaniel K: So, your paintings are actually cursed?
Nathaniel A: Very much. One caused the mayor to stumble down the stairs and stay in intensive care.
Nathaniel K: *Thinking of all the ways he could torture Chloé and Lila with his art* ... Teach me.
Marc Anciel is trying not to scream every time one of Marc Artist’s spiders crawl on him, not wanting to seem rude
Marc Anciel: *Shudders* Oh, and that’s a black widow in my hair.
Marc Artist: They’re my favorite. It’s why I chose the name Black Widower.
To release some of the tension, Marc Anciel suggests they read each other’s writing... He will not be sleeping for a while after reading Marc’s Artist’s stories. He asks why his alternate self wrote eulogies for his Nathaniel
Marc Artist: I want others to know of the love we shared together before he’s put to rest. And who better to write my love’s eulogy than the one who knows him best? The one who has loved him, tangoed with him, stabbed his heart.
Marc Andiel ignores the last part and actually considers writing Nathaniel’s eulogy.
Alix K and Alix A are having an awesome time together
Alix A and Duuo throw grenades which Alix K dodges while skating until Alim tells them to do this away from the museum
They outrun the police, prank Kim by putting itching powder in the pool, and watch their Marcs and Nathaniels make out
It’s all fun and well until Alix A meets this universe’ Jalil. Her Jalil sold her out since there was a reward to turn her in, forcing her to run from the authorities and she’s never forgiven him
Jalil K assures her that he’d never do that and reminds her that family always comes first. Alix A is resisting the urge to cry and instead lights a firecracker in his jacket
Juleka A CANNOT stop staring at her alternate self’s Luka. She can actually see his face and body. And he can talk!
Luka: Hey, are Marinette and I a... Thing where you’re from?
Juleka A: She has two hands. Soon to be three when she takes Damian’s in marriage when they’re of age.
Juleka C and A bond over their love for the macabre and witch culture. She even teaches her a few spells to use against Chloé and Lila if she ever shows her face again
They work! Chloé broke out into a terrible rash, and all of Lila’s pants are on fire
Rabbid also may or may not have chewed up the rest of Lila’s clothes, forcing her to spend all of her money on new clothes
Rose A tries to get used to her alternate self’s love of bright colors and Disney movies, but it’s a struggle. So, she exposes her to the darker side of Disney.
Rose L is horrified but also a little excited.
They do a dark Disney marathon and watch all of the movies Disney tried to hide from audiences.
Rose A even changes up Rose L’s look so she looks like a badass punk Princess, which gives Juleka C a slight nosebleed
Rose L is still her bubbly self, but now also has a love for the darker things in life
The Artists stay in this universe for three more days, starting another goth trend in the alternate Paris by giving Adrien a makeover, introducing Marinette to Damian via pen pal program, teaching Nathaniel and Juleka how to curse their enemies, setting Lila’s clothes on fire a couple more times, introducing Marc to a more gothic style of or writing & Rose to a punk style of clothing, and teaching Alix all of the stunts she’s never even thought of doing that involve explosives
They also have a little fun with Nino and help him pursue his dream of traumatizing Gabriel Agreste
This involves chloroform, a coffin, and a walkee talkee. Gabriel is forced to listen to Nino’s voice for 12 whole hours, telling him to be a better dad to Adrien, fire Lila, and to give him $1000 dollars
Gabriel gives Adrien more freedom, fires Lila and burns all of the magazines with her face and name in them, and gives Nino $1000 dollars. Then he passes out
Nino: *Hugging the Artists* I... I love you guys so much. I don’t ever want you to leave. You have made me the happiest man alive!
Then Alterna shows up
Adrien: Hey!
Nino: I’m just kidding... Not.
The Artists and Marinette transform. The Malevolent Miraculous team are shocked to see Chat Noir but are even more shocked when they immediately recognize him as Adrien
They’re able to defeat the Akuma even though Lila (Who’s being a brat because she got fired) keeps interfering by whining about her broken leg, this time in a skirt. (Loophole) And she keeps trying to snatch their Miraculous whenever she gets close to them
Jaws: *Uses power to make his teeth sharper* Keep crying and I’ll give you a real broken leg. *Lila shuts up and lets them work*
They defeat Alterna, and Ladybug and Nocturna use the Miracle/Malevolent cure to remove all of the portals opened by the Akuma and put people back in their respective dimensions
They start to disappear and head back to their dimension as the Bats and Ladybugs swarm around them
Nino: NO! TAKE ME WITH YOU! *They disappear* DAMNIT!
Alya: You have them. *Points to the Art Club*
Nino: Can they murder Gabriel or frame him for a crime?
Juleka: We can try. There’s six of us, one of him. Nathaniel and I now know how to curse people.
Nino: I’m in!
Alya: And while you go ruin Gabriel’s life, I’m gonna go kill Lila.
Back in the Artist’s Dimension!
Juleka Artist: Are we back? Is this our dimension?
Nino: Oh, thank God you’re back! Gabriel was starting to gain consciousness again and Adrien is becoming suspicious. I think he knows I’m keeping him in my basement.
Marinette Artist: *Sighs* Yep. This is our place.
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djmarinizelablog · 4 years
Hey!! Would you mind write a Miss Congeniality!AU with levihan?
You know, with my beloved hange being Sandra Bullock, and Levi loving her in anyway, after or before the changes, but being surprised with them hehehe
Whew, this was a long one, Anon! Read under the cut to see the rest of it, and let me know what you think! I might expand it one of these days...
Beauty pageants are a nightmare for FBI Agent Hange Zoe.
She can do a sliding tackle, a crosspunch, a backflip-ninja-combo-roll before landing a roundabout kick on the bad guys. All of that while she's wearing a handsome suit. Those shitheads were just damn overwhelmed by her the last time the rascals went on the run from the police; Hange managed to find their hiding place after deducing that these crime lords did their operations in small underground bars where they could bribe the management.
But beauty pageants will haunt Hange in her sleep, especially now that her supervisor Erwin Smith has just assigned her to a new mission involving a serial bomber who targets the public. Said criminal had sent them a threat two days ago saying that he intends to bomb the upcoming Miss Paradis beauty pageant within a weeks' time. To add to that, Erwin has asked FBI's top agent Levi Ackerman to call the shots while they're out in the field, which unfortunately in this case... is the runway.
"I just don't fucking understand." Agent Levi grits his teeth as he pulls his suit tighter around him. "Why does this idiot of a bomber want to make a statement in a pageant, of all places?
"Maybe he's a feminist?" Hange suggests. "You know, maybe he doesn't believe that women should be ranked in terms of looks... or maybe he's got a grudge on one of the contestants? They have their own personal advocacies and all that, too."
"Why the hell do you know so much about this?" Levi eyes his colleague suspiciously, her tomboyish nature unconvincing enough to make Hange Zoe the type of person who would be interested in these events.
"Nanaba makes me watch them," Hange says. She's referring to her buddy in the Cybercrime Unit. "Not that I enjoy it, but I think it's enough for me to get an idea of how these shows actually operate---"
And apparently enough for her to infiltrate the pageant.
Hange obviously did not take it lightly when Erwin announced the plan to use her as an insider in order to track any suspicious activity and monitor the candidates' safety as well.
"Oh no, please no," Hange shakes her head. So much for her intelligence and her critical thinking skills. "I'm not gonna strut across the stage in high heels and pushup bras---"
"You don't have a choice." Levi frowns.
"You men seriously don't understand anything about pageants, do you?" She puts both hands on her hips in exasperation. "It takes weeks, months, maybe even years, to train the contestants... and have you seen me?" She gestures to her masculine appearance and her blatant lack of curves.
The two men look at each other before Erwin breaks the silence. "Keith Shadis can take care of that."
Apparently, they had already asked the pageant committee to put her on the roster of candidates, in addition to hiring a beauty consultant to assist her in the preparations.
"Great heavens," Shadis mutters the moment Hange introduces herself to him in plain casual clothes, eyeglasses dirty and her ponytailed hair in complete disarray. His face cannot hide the disappointment. The older man straightens himself up and continues, "Am I staring at a clown? Not that I've seen worse."
He circles Hange slowly, scrutinizing her poor posture and her vital statistics, wondering how a disheveled person like her would even have the audacity to show up at his place for a makeover.
"I heard you're an expert at transformations," Levi comes to Hange's defense, his tone professional. "We just need her to look good enough so she can get into the final selection. Surely some makeup and beauty sleep will do the trick?"
Shadis raises an eyebrow. "At this rate, Mister Ackerman, your partner here needs to hibernate."
Hange winces at the insult. "Look, I'm not as excited in this as you are---"
"But we're already here, aren't we?" Shadis crosses his arms. "Well, let's get to work then."
He snaps his fingers, and out of nowhere, his assistants grab Hange from behind, forcing her down into a styling chair as they inspect every nook and cranny of her face and body, starting from her untidy hair down to her overgrown toenails.
"This is going to be embarrassing," Hange says, an understatement.
No one has ever told Hange Zoe that prepping up for a pageant is worse than torture. Over the past twelve hours, she has been subjected to a manicure, a pedicure, a hot oil treatment, dental prophylaxis, eyebrow threading, earwax cleaning, body sculpting, and of course, a full-body Brazilian waxing.
To add to that, Shadis has discarded her formal suit and has her done several outfit changes to give her a new sense of style.
"My entire face is sore," she complains to Levi who has been on standby while she underwent all the necessary procedures. "I can't even feel my legs.”
They're separated by a huge dark curtain, Shadis wanting it to be a surprise when he finally reveals the new and improved Hange-motherfucking-Zoe.
"It'll be over soon, trust me," Levi consoles her, both of them already exhausted. He doesn't really care about this entire shebang; he just wants to continue with the operation and gather as much intel as they can on the contestants. Unfortunately, this is part of the mission.
Hange whines again. “And they won't even let me eat any of the pizza!"
“I’ll sneak you in a slice while they’re not looking.”
“I heard that.” Shadis says, his head poking through the curtain. 
There's a sigh that escapes Hange on the other side.
"Say, Levi... would you prefer a bombshell model over a badass fighter?" she asks him.
"What kind of question is that?" Levi raises an eyebrow. “You already know my answer.”
He whips his head around just in time to see Shadis smirking, holding the curtains together behind him.
"Behold..." he says, "the one and only... Hange Zoe!"
Levi manages to keep his mouth from falling open when he sees Hange in a nice halter dress, her hair now loose in soft curls, lips pink from the gloss and tint. Instead of her usual glasses, she's now wearing plain contacts.
"What do you think?" She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, her brown eyes curious while she looks at him in all earnest.
Levi swallows. The words have already left him.
Bonus scene!
The girls are already in their bikinis, hands on hips and sashes hanging on their shoulder as they prance around onstage for the swimsuit segment. Earlier that evening, Levi and Erwin had deduced that pageant contestant Petra Rall may be involved in their case, having joined several protests against animal cruelty in the past. Hange Zoe immediately shut their opinions' down, claiming that Petra wouldn't even hurt a fly, even if she knew how to. The men were still skeptical, nevertheless.
"Like a Dalai Lama, like a Dalai Lama," Hange grits her teeth as she forces a smile on her face. She can feel the silicon cups moving around her chest as well as her bikini bottom sliding up her butt.
When she was up for the Q&A portion, the host had asked her what she would wish for in order to make society a better place. Hange Zoe made the mistake of saying "harsher punishments for parole violators," but she immediately rectified it by adding "world peace" to her final statement.
They're now watching Petra Rall from the sidelines, Levi and Erwin still convinced that the girl could be an accomplice to the bomber's plans.
"What's your idea of a perfect date?" The host starts with his question.
"Oh, that's a tough one." Petra giggles, her ginger hair bouncing as she speaks, "I'd have to say April 25th. Because it's not too hot, not too cold... all you need is a light jacket."
Hange lets out a snort as the two men's face wrinkle in confusion.
"So much for your alleged criminal," she says.
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fae-fucker · 3 years
Zenith: Chapter 76-79
Chapter 76
Andi has a nice little poetic nightmare. It’s irrelevant. The next morning has the girls preparing for the ball, complete with dresses and makeup.
Some things to note include Lira saying that in Adhiran religion (which is global, I guess), one has to mourn for three days before “letting” the souls of the dead pass on into ... everything.
Andi tries to say that it’ll take time to heal from it all, but Lira is having none of it.
“It will take time to move past what happened on Adhira,” Andi started, but Lira held up a hand.
“My three days of mourning have passed. Lon’s and my aunt’s, too. Now we, and the others who lost loved ones during the attack, must give the lost spirits to the stars, to the trees, to the wind.”
Which basically means that she’s done feeling bad about the unexpected and brutal attack on her home planet, so that’s convenient. Well, if one of our main characters doesn’t care about her people getting senselessly murdered, then why should we?
She also lets us know that her aunt has fixed up the Marauder and brought it here, because of course. Lira wants to arrange for Lon to be transferred to the Marauder, and though she has a logical reason for it (taking him home personally), it’s only a setup so we know why he’s on there at the end of the book when Andi’s bleeding out and needs a universal donor.
Spoilers, I guess.
Andi’s mother, Glorya, intercepts Andi as she tries to leave her crew to their makeover montages, just so we can move into a scene where her mom is brushing her hair and babbling on about gossip and vapid high society stuff.
But Andi, of course, gets lost in a flashback that’s so amateurishly written it’s honestly embarrassing and only highlights Shinsay’s helpless reliance on flashbacks as a storytelling device.
Her words faded away as memories took their place. Andi lost herself to them.
The whole flashback is written in italics for some inexplicable reason, even though it would’ve been fine as just regular text since we’re clearly told what’s happening now and what’s a memory.
Also, there’s one bit where the memory “fast-forwards” to a different one. Shinsay, this isn’t a fucking movie. This isn’t a screenplay. What the fuck are you DOING.
The flashback and the mother’s inane babbling are all there to illustrate how vapid and brainless Glorya is and how she only ever cared about her status and not about her kid. Glorya pretends that everything is back to the way it was but Andi curses her out for abandoning her when she needed them most and how “the way it was” was actually always shit.
I mean it’s fine. It’s all right. I see what they’re going for, it’s melodramatic as all fuck but it works for what they’re trying to do? I can see this as being a realistic way for an emotionally neglectful family to look like. I wish it was more nuanced and wasn’t just shoe-horned in here (Glorya doesn’t show up before or after this bit, this is the only time she’s ever present or even mentioned in this book in any meaningful capacity) for the sake of making Andi’s friends look better and for her to not have anything that anchors her to Arcardius, but like, I won’t say this isn’t realistic.
And then Shinsay can’t stop themselves and it’s back to silly time:
“Really, Androma...” 
“That is not my name,” Andi whispered. She allowed the darkness to come up into her voice, the mask of shadow and steel to sweep across her face. “My name is the Bloody Baroness. And if you or Commander Racella ever so much as utter a single word toward me or my crew again, I will personally strip the skin from your body and wave it like a flag from my starship.”
Glorya let out a soft squeak. Andi snarled with all of her teeth.
Guys I can’t breathe this is too fucking funny. And not in a good “woo vindication!” sort of way, but in a “they really put this right after an emotional confrontation about parental emotional neglect/abuse huh?” way. They really thought this was ... badass? Revenge? Andi, sweetie, you’re, like, traumatized? Presumably? I can’t really tell. But maybe get some therapy?
Do Shinsay think this is somehow a win and that Andi’s threat means she’s fully released from the hurt and pain her parents have caused her through their neglect? It’s honestly written as if Andi just confronted her mother and her own hopes of coming back to her family in this one short scene, and then upon realizing her parents never loved her, she scares her mom a little and then is all smug and satisfied at the end.
That ain’t how it works, darlings.
Then the annoying Marketable Space Pet runs in and starts biting Glorya’s toes and she runs away shrieking like a defeated Disney villain.
Way to undercut your own drama, Shinsay.
The chapter ends with Andi thinking about how her crew is her True Family for the bajillionth time. Because we’re all idiots and Shinsay wants us to remember that.
Chapter 77
It’s the evening of the ball and Andi thinks about how she missed Bavista, which is apparently your generic coming-of-age ball held at Arcardius for every 16-year-old. I’m guessing it’s a yearly thing? The book never clarifies. Not sure why the fuck it’s here tbh.
Actually, it’s a pretty good demonstration of how the worldbuilding in this book is presented so here, have at thee:
She could still remember seeing the otherworldly dresses and suits float by her on the feeds as she watched the girls and boys glide into the A’Vianna House in the Glass Sector. They seemed light as air, full of pride, bursting at the seams with excitement. Once inside, they would be greeted by members of the Priest Guild, who would award each young person three items.
The first was a vial of water from the Northern Ocean, symbolizing strength. For growth, they accepted a single leaf from the oldest tree on Arcardius, known as The Mother, which was said to have been planted when the Ancients first arrived. Lastly, they were given a single floating pebble, no larger than a child’s fingernail, chiseled from the very gravarock where the Cortas estate was. It represented the wisdom of rising above.
Is this relevant to anything? Does this help you understand this world or its inhabitants? Does it tell you anything of the culture of Arcardius or its youth and what’s expected of them? No? It’s just a really generic list of things thrown together using Mystical Proper Nouns as glue? Weeell heeell.
Also what does “it represented the wisdom of rising above” mean? This is utterly generic and means fuck-all, that’s what.
Anyway, Andi’s admiring herself in the mirror. Her dress is very sexy, trust me, I can’t be bothered to include it so just imagine your favorite My Immortal outfit description. It does include sword holsters at the back, which are Andi’s favorite part, because she’s a strong independent woman who don’t need no man. She never actually uses them or brings the swords to the ball so ... Idk what the point of this was.
We also get some shit about how Andi actually LOVES dresses and being pretty but she never admitted it to anyone. But don’t you worry, this badass space criminal LOVES all things girly, because that’s feminism! Can someone check in on Shinsay? I’m not sure they’re getting enough air with their heads so far up Sarah J Maas’ asshole.
Admitting to herself that she looked pretty was something Andi kept private. She didn’t want to give her crew the satisfaction of knowing her true thoughts about fashion. How even though she was a fierce, hardened criminal, she could still appreciate the joy of a beautiful, impractical ball gown.
Huh. And here I thought they were your family. That’s weird that you’d keep this information from them, especially considering all of them seemed pretty excited to be prettied up in the last chapter. I guess they’d really just haaate the idea of sharing this joy with their captain, huh? Why aren’t you admitting this to them, Andi?
You’re saying shit about how “even though” you’re a hardened criminal, you can “still” appreciate beautiful gowns, like those two are somehow contradictory. Are you, mayhaps, ashamed of having this traditionally girly interest? Hmm! Interesting. Why could that be, I wonder? Why would having traditionally feminine interests or even caring about one’s appearance be seen as something inherently shameful or embarrassing, as inherently contradictory to being fierce and “hardened?”
This is all just so *clenches fist* feminist.
Forreal though, somehow Shinsay managed to take their entire made up GALAXY and make it subtly and not-so-subtly sexist. Good job, morons. Really girlbossed that one, huh?
The only bit I like about this whole mess is this:
The dressmaker had also accented her gown with a sparkling necklace full of jewels that Andi didn’t plan on giving back.
This is the one and only space pirate-y thing Andi does -- sorry, considers doing -- in the whole book and honestly could’ve been used to build her character more, but it’s just a one-off joke here. Wasted.
Valen comes to fetch her and we get some subtle foreshadowing.
“Valen the Resurrected.”
He stopped to look at her, brows raised. “What?”
She shrugged. “It’s what the press is calling you in all the feeds.” Valen let out a deep chuckle.
“Something tells me things are about to change for the better,” he said. “I’m ready to see it all happen.”
Andi wondered what he would do now that he was home with a whole planet at his disposal.
He deserved to have some fun.
Is it bad that I’m rooting for Valen to destroy everything? And this isn’t my villain-fucker coming out, I just want this poor bastard to absolutely annihilate Andi and her gang of acolytes.
Chapter 78
Andi and Valen arrive at the ball. It’s all very pretty and space-y and aesthetic. There’s a bunch of aliens everywhere. Andi sees a woman with funky eyes and assumes it’s a body mod, because I guess she knows the genetic characteristics of every species by heart and can tell when something is real or not.
An old classmate of theirs comes up to talk to Valen and congratulate him on being alive, then Andi reminds him of who she is just to be a smug asshole and the guy fucks off in a panic. She’s just so cool and badass, you guys.
Then it’s time for Valen and Andi to dance, and of course General Cortas looks like he’s about to lose his marbles because these darn kids! >:(
The chapter ends on Andi noticing Dex pouting in the distance.
“Relax,” Andi whispered. “Let’s give them something to talk about.”
She flashed him a wicked grin as the music began.
And as Valen spun her into the first move of the dance, Andi saw Dex standing on the fringes of the crowd, an expression of longing clear on his face.
Chapter 79
This chapter is exactly 298 words of Dex moping around about how he’s actually not over Andi at all when he thought he’d done such a good job of repressing his feelings, and how he should be the one dancing with Andi instead of Valen. If you’re surprised, you’re clinically dead.
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balticprincess · 3 years
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Crash landing on you - perfect for K-drama-beginners. Just watch out - it‘s addictive
I may not be the target audience, but this has really got me. After watching it for the 3rd time back to back (with 16 episodes that are about 70 -90 minutes it’s ok, I guess, when finishing it, I want to see the start again) I now need to put some thoughts down.
Why do I (and apparently millions of others) love it so much?
It‘s funny, tragic, super romantic and suspenseful. The actors are great, not only the main couple Ri Jeong Hyeok ans Yoon Se-Ri as star crossed lovers, but also the second couple, which is even more star-crossed and one half of it is for a lot of episodes hopelessly tied and in love with the elusive RJH. Also the supporting actors are great, especially the band of brothers from Company 5, who do everything to help their leader and YSR. The villain is great and so vile, you hate him - until you see him in the Behind the Scenes-vids, where he is most charming.
It‘s a bit like fanfiction in a series: found family, vile brothers, destiny, star-crossed lovers, fake fiancee, reversed makeover, sleeping in one bed, all the tropes are there, but never blatant, but lovely and well executed. A lot of people who watched it say it’s also enemies to lovers, but I seriously doubt that, seeing Captain Ri‘s face at the end of the first episode. It’s more like love at first sight, smitten and whipped.
While he is a kind of super-hero („Do you think you‘re in the Avengers“) he also has flaws, is sometimes jealous, easily flustered by Se-Ri and exasperated by the whole set up. Still, he does everything for her to make her feel better and to help her escape to the south. He is an ace at fighting, can cook, is a very quick thinker, a good shot, plays the piano and is endearingly truthful (most of the time). Not to say extremely easy on the eye. She, and that is very important in my pov, is no damsel in distress. She is, actually, but she does not act like it. Being a very successful ceo, she takes the North and its people in her stride and instead of whining, heats water and helps poor kids. She cries sometimes when she is overwhelmed, which is a totally normal reaction in my opinion, making her relatable. She is beautiful and successful, he is super handsome and from an upperclass family, but both are supremely unhappy before she literally falls down on him. How they are helping each other is one of the main attractions for me. F.ex. After Se-Ris first really bad meeting with the villain and him coming to the rescue, he asks her if she is allright and not hurt. You can really see how much that surprises her, which is in turn heart-wrenching. He doesn‘t talk much, but one of his catchphrases is: „I am alright“ - which is mostly untrue, whether he stands on a mine, was shot or beaten or impending doom is coming at him. She calls him out for that, which is lovely. Both actors are nearing 40, although they look impossibly younger, but for me, being ever so slightly over 40 it was great that this was not a series with CEOs that look as if they are still in High school.
The Chemistry between the leads is so amazing that one comment said that it could light up North Korea for real. I‘d say it’s not chemistry anymore, it’s Physics, waiting for the inevitable chain reaction/explosion. Captain Ri aka Hyun Bin and Yoon Se-Ri aka Son Ye Jin started dating IRL after the show (or long before, who knows) and are still going strong. That’s really romantic, especially if you watch the BTS. 🔥🔥💥
If you are not interested in history: skip this! Another point in this far too long post is that I asked myself why I could relate to these main characters who are so different from me, being a tall, sturdy blond highschool-headmistress. My husband is a pianist, but that is not it. But I lived long enough to still remember the iron curtain slashing through my country. Not to liken the then existing GDR with NK, but while we West-Germans were allowed to visit in the East, different from the Koreas, the East-Germans were not allowed to come to West-Germany. I had friends in the GDR near Dresden. My parents met them in Hungary and I was pen-friends their daughter. It was super difficult to go to Dresden, but we could meet in Berlin where it was easier to cross the border. In 1986 we met for the first time in person. I was ateeneager on a classtrip. My teacher brought me to the border in Friedrichstraße Railway station, called „Palace of tears“ by the locals. I crossed the border on foot and was in a different county and world in the same city. The cars, how the people dressed, the shops - it was strange, old fashioned and for my 20 years backwards. But the people where lovely. We met like a blind date, they were carrying a white rose. The banners seen in CLOY promoting communism and heralding the states own greatness were everywhere. When they brought me back to the eastern entrance of the railway station I had to cross, I knew why this was called Palace of tears. We cried, everyone there who had to let go family or friends to the west cried. It was heartwrenching. Unification 3 years later was a wonder I had never expected. Never. So, although our situation was not as bad as Se-Ris who knows she cannot visit NK, it is still very relatable. It wasn‘t the 38th parallel but still a nearly impenetrable wall. One of my highschool friends was in love with *drumroll for cloy-watchers* a cellist from the GDR. He was devastated to leave her at the border when we left east-berlin. Our poor teacher - I off to meet unknown people (with a permission slip from my parents but still, no phones etc) and Frank off to meet his gf at the suburbs of east Berlin. But we both came back unscathed. They got married after unification btw.
My favourite scene: Very difficult to choose, the whole set up in Pjöngyang possibly, their argument about destiny, his jealousy and him telling her to stay in his sight and 2 seconds later him being so ashamed to have said that. Also: the scene with Daddy Ri.
Strange things that happened after watching: I really want a Range Rover, preferably red. I own a cloy t-shirt and watched all behind the scenes-vids multiple time.
Why I am so late watching it: the subtitles. Apart from Shtisel, which I love, I watch English dubbed (I am German) all the time. We are used to dubbing here. What can I say: it took me 10 minutes to forget that.
For my fellow Miss Fishers murder mysteries/Phrack-lovers: I know nothing can compare the Phryne and Jack. But: The extremely dashing Captain Ri has a lot of Jack Robinson vibes going on. Dealing with trauma, being honest and respectful, accepting and encouraging the woman he loves, being so handsome and dependable. He also does not talk much but has very speaking eyes. And while Se-Ri accepts more help than Phryne does she is also a badass woman in her own right who dresses sharply and is self-sufficient and smart. CLOY is very romantic though, you can‘t really say it is a slow-burn, the aforementioned chain-reaction happens very fast. The whole thing is quite chaste, but in my mind a lot happens after the camera roll stopped...The OST is beautiful and I listen to it all the time.
Give it a try and see if you are not hooked at the end of the first episode like I was... #fighting!
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olderthannetfic · 4 years
Escapade Vid - The Untamed
I could say this was my attempt at meta on an underappreciated character and that's why I wanted to vid Wen Ning…
Nah, I just think he's hot.
Wen Ning has this adorable babyface and big eyes. Just my type. And then he got a goth makeover and became a creepy zombie, increasing his hotness by ten thousand times. The Living Dead was everything I wanted except for dubcon possession porn, and it both irritates and cracks me up to see how many people find it OOC and badly made. I agree the colors are an abomination though--but more on that later.
I like Wen Ning the best because 1. He's hot and 2. He's one of the most competent characters and compromises his morals the least. Mianmian might be one up on him given how her story turns out, but in a whole series of craven idiots, I like the suicidally moral characters, especially when they're competent.
And also JC. Because I like his face. (What? I never said my Untamed feels were deep.)
I wanted to make this vid last year, right after Escapade. I spent forever finding a song, and I'm glad I did it then because it was a nightmare. I can find love songs easily, but I don't really care about WN/WWX, nor would most love songs fit that. It's clearly one-sided, but WN is also clearly totally happy to follow him around forever. Happy love songs are out. Pining angst is out.
WN is also motivated by high ideals more than specific family feelings. WQ wants to protect her family. WN wants to repay his debts. WN is a shy doofus on the surface when we first see him, and he acts flustered around most of the older characters, but this is deceptive. I feel like the most revealing scene is when he pops up at Lotus Pier, ready to grab JC and take on his entire clan. In what universe was this a good idea? What is he even doing there? Why did it actually work???
I wanted a song that encapsulated WN's quiet stubbornness. The trouble is that like 99% of popular music is either about romance or about being a confident badass, and most of the confident badass music is "Fuck you, ex boyfriend, I'm stronger now". I did not want an ex boyfriend song. A bunch of other songs are macho, flexing dudes talking about how they'll win the sports competition. Obviously, that was out. There are a very few songs like Try Everything, but they're awfully perky for covering Wen Ning's entire story, including him getting, you know, gruesomely murdered.
I honestly can't remember how I found the song I picked. I was probably listening to Happy Hanukkah on endless repeat and saw it in the Youtube sidebar. (Look, it's a great song for all times of year. Shut up.) Matisyahu has many amazing songs that build and move in ways ideal for vids.
I then sat on this source/song combo for a year because, well, it sure was a year. But when we got close to Escapade, I realized I wanted to finish it for the con.
Clip choices:
I'm not going to include the full lyrics on their own since they're in English and on every lyrics site. Instead, I'm putting the relevant bits between my explanations of what I chose and why. A lot of it came together quickly. I knew I wanted to include cute WN moments, like him being bullied by kids, and they wouldn't fit in the main narrative, so I had to put them in the intro.
Feel like the world don't love you They only wanna push you away Some days people don't see you You feel like you're in the way
I had a lot of trouble with 'push you away' since, generally speaking, no one does push him away. However, this is a vid from Wen Ning's own perspective, so it felt like an acceptable match to use the part where Wen Qing tries to leave him behind as they go on a hunt. She's objectively correct to do so given what happens, but Wen Ning is clearly upset that she tried. He doesn't want to be protected, especially at the cost of other people's safety.
Today you feel as if everyone hates Pointing their fingers, looking at your mistakes You do good, but they want great No matter what you give they still wanna take
I was very clear from early on that I wanted to use 'mistakes' for what Wen Ning is actually upset about: ruining Jin Ling's life. Of course he feels super guilty about what he did, despite it not being his fault, but the specific fallout Wen Ning is going to care about is a kid's feelings, not the political drama. That gave me the idea for what to do with 'good' and 'great'. More than most characters in the series, WN is not impressed by the power structure or reputations--scared, yes, but not impressed. WN likes bringing people food, at little things that are quietly good, and their society does not value that. (Cf. everything about Jiang Yanli's betrothal before Jin Zixuan catches feelings.)
'No matter what you give' I used for a shot that is probably not going to read as anything in a convention vidshow. He's bruised up, so I was hoping it would read properly visually. The actual context of the shot is WN having been thrown in the dungeon for being a traitor to the Wen. And yet, when the Wen are defeated, does he get a pardon? Nope, ignominious death. It really didn't matter what he did: these factions are all thoroughly corrupt and the entire system is garbage. It's all power-hungry assholes and sanctimonious prisses ripe for manipulation. All that mattered was that he was a Wen, and the Wens were either on top or being exterminated.
Give your love and they throw it back You give your heart they go on attack When there's nothing left for you, Only thing that you can do, say
The next part is WWX being an ungrateful little bitch. He's understandably stressed, but it still cracks me up that he's all up in WN's face and WN is literally only there to help him. WN might feel an obligation, but WWX sure isn't earning it here.
'When there's nothing left' I wasn't sure about. WN hitting rock bottom is arguably when he gets killed or maybe when they're in the burial mounds, but that didn't work with my structure. I chose to put a montage here of all the times that WQ tells him to stay safe by ditching WWX. I sympathize with WQ, but as WN comments in one of these scenes, he's following their own family code that she taught him. WQ cares so much about protecting WN (and the rest of their little part of the clan, but let's be real, it's mostly about WN) that she's willing to collude with a mass murderer just to keep him safe. Maybe it's only because he's a younger sibling, but WN seems to see things a lot more clearly. I laugh every time he's like "Uh huh, uh huh" as she lectures, and then the next scene is him running off to do something dangerous again.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Fight like a warrior, Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Live like a warrior
For this round of the chorus, WN is burning his Wen clan membership in a fire, and the heroic thing is running away, living to fight another day. WN has no ego, nor would ego be helpful here.
Buuuut, equally, being an actual warrior means hurting people, and while he was literally mind controlled into murder, that still couldn't have happened if he hadn't been already involved in violence and fighting. Violence you regret is also part of this life, and so is accepting responsibility for your actions. (Sure, he's very literally not responsible here, but WN doesn't know that at the time and doesn't feel that even later.)
There's some things you should let go, They're only gonna pull you down, Just like weight on your shoulder They are only gonna make you drown
I swear The Untamed has the best casting for a variety of face types. I recognized everybody from the moment they appeared… Except for Su She. Whom I forgot entirely and couldn't recognize at all. Doh.
It wasn't till I was clipping the whole series for this vid that I realized that the reason Wen Ning gets possessed here is that he's the only one to notice Su She's plight and go to his aid right away. I think on first viewing, I read it as him just getting possessed before he could get in the air, but that's not what's happening at all. His dumb ass stayed behind to try to help someone. Seriously, fuck Su She. They live in a grotesquely shitty power structure, but WN responds in admirable ways, while Su She just whines that he's not on top.
We all swing high, we all swing low, We all got secrets people don't know We all got dreams we can't let go, We wanna be brave, don't be afraid
WN's secret is that he gets possessed so easily and why. WQ is refusing to tell WWX in this scene, but he has figured out something is up and gives her a talisman for WN, which shows up later in the plot to great emotional effect--though not in this vid, alas.
The butterfly reveal was one of the first things on my timeline as I recall. I have Many Feelings. Also, this is me, so yes, I totally ship them. >:D
WN and WQ showing up to accept responsibility is kind of a dumbass move, but it's definitely brave. I enjoy how WN just keeps barrelling through the plot in a way that should mean he's the cute woobie who dies early on to prove the world is bad… and that instead leads to him being one of the strongest fighters, making it through the series, and finding A-Yuan again. (Though, okay, he did that first thing also. Heh.)
I ended on Jin Ling because I was so struck on rewatch at how the juniors first meet Wen Ning.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Fight like a warrior, Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Live like a warrior
I dimly recalled this fight, but it wasn't till I was clipping that I realized just how much focus each of them gets and how WN is literally strangling them and such. I just remembered him fighting people, not who. It's hilarious how quickly after this (in their timeline) we have doofus woobie WN being cute and them being like "He's my murder zombie! ♥"
For this chorus, I focused on that change. WN is rescuing them. "Yesterday" is their scared faces. Here, being a "warrior" is apologizing to JL. And maybe WN doesn't really owe an apology, but JL does deserve one. Almost no one in the series seems to give a shit about how JL is feeling.
And then my favorite scene with my two faves! WN is finally telling JC what he has probably wanted to for ages. WN is a wuss when it comes to himself, but he gets righteously pissed when someone else is being mistreated. The yesterday he's letting burn here is his promise to keep quiet… along with viciously burning down every bit of self perception and hubris JC ever had. Ouch!
Your heart is too heavy from things you carry a long time, Been up you been down, tired and you don't know why, But you're never gonna go back, you only live one life Let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go,
Bless the sequel movie for literally being entirely about Wen Ning's internal struggle. The way he breaks free of the bad guy's hold is by accepting the past and letting go of his guilt over things he can't change.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Fight like a warrior,
He's just so hot in this movie! This first chorus is him coming out of the hallucination, having beaten his self doubt and then beating on the villain.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Live like a warrior
Okay, in actual canon, JL mostly joined them because he was competing with LSZ like the bratty little asshole he is, but I wanted to highlight how JL got over himself enough to join the other juniors on team WN. Also, WN defends both him and LSZ in this scene in ways he couldn't back then.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Fight like a warrior,
This I wasn't planning on at all. As I was clipping the whole series, I was thinking that WN's possessed footage here wouldn't be narratively useful since he went and got taken over again, but when I rewatched for visually impressive stuff to use interstitially, I realized that--holy shit--he's defending Jin Ling in this scene. And he succeeds. I included both a shot of Jin Zixuan, which everyone caught in the vidshow, and a shot that nobody mentioned: Wen Ning's bloody fist after ripping JZX heart out to go with Wen Ning's bloody hand on the sword in the present as he struggles to keep it from Jin Ling. Here, fighting like a warrior means keeping the sword off of JL, even if WN can't defeat the spirit or resolve the entire situation himself.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Live like a warrior
Sometimes, WN is not that sweet. He traps this dude in a hell of his own making instead of letting him kill himself because Wen Ning can be a vindictive little bitch. And then he strides off into the matte painting sunset.
Other vidding notes:
I totally wanted to do something with Chinese characters, but there wasn't really space, and after much dictionary-searching and asking, it's clear that Chinese does not use morality metaphors involving a compass pointing true north. But that effort was not wasted since I needed a good font for my other vid.
Vidding The Living Dead turned out to be a pain. I had completely forgotten it was in another aspect ratio. The shots look much more beautiful before one crops them. That said, none of them are that beautiful because the entire film has this atrocious green color filter over it. It's like they're all wading through mud at all times. Ughhhhh. I spent so long trying to fix the color on that final scene to be at least a little pretty for my vid.
Still, the film had exactly the emotional tone I wanted. It very much skewers the fanon that WN is entirely the bashful wimp he appears to be on the surface when we first see him. It makes overt the change that we see over the series. It's also fundamentally different because it's a situation where WN is the senior person and in charge of someone. We've seen him babysit a small child, and we've seen him around the juniors with lots of people of his generation also there, but we've basically never seen him out from under WQ and WWX's thumbs. It's only natural that he's acting more authoritative here. His smackdown of the villain is very much in line with how he treats JC during the golden core reveal. WN is not a forgiving guy when he thinks someone has been selfish and awful.
Throughout this vid, there are shittons of color, speed, and motion effects. I don't normally use a lot, but it turned out to be a lot of fun this time. I should find another project to use effects on.
The vid:
Available on AO3.
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myhollie1911 · 4 years
Korean Drama List & Short Reviews
Some minor spoilers + trailers :”D  
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9/10 --- She Was Pretty
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This drama is adorable and one of my favorites, I would give it 10/10 but there's a shitty makeover episode that makes the lead look basic. The femail friendships is adorable and the lack of catty femail characters makes me very joyous. It talks alot about inner beauty and learning to love yourself. My least favorite character would be the male lead however who has the typical misunderstood jerk trope.
7/10 --- Boys over Flowers.
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This is a classic. It's quite long and one that tends to have people re-watching. The series is far from perfect and features allot of misogyny and double standards. However its one of the few iv seen where i prefer the Lead male and his jerk boy routine becomes very understandable when you learn his backstory. The characters are well fleshed out and it's full on telenovela drama. The script writing can be a bit all over though with the lead femail being a badass with a killer flying kick one second and then turning into a helpless babe the next.
8/10 --- Strong woman Boon Song.  
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This one is such a laugh, so many comical moments and really fun script. The characters are very likeable and really subverts expectations when it comes to the classic first and second male lead narrative. The concept for the drama is pretty unique and i love a strong STRONG femail lead. She takes no prisoners and speaks her mind. Honesty worth a watch just to see a 4ft Collage girl accidently become a gang leader.
5/10 --- Coffee Prince
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This is your “girl undercover as a guy making people think there gay” trope. Which seems to be rather popular. It gives some cute bromance moments and had some cute secondary characters but overall i found this rather boring. The male lead is suppose to be nearly 30 and acts like a spoilt child. It all boils down to the secrets being kept and trust issues with lack of communication. Although the femail lead starts off as a kick ass take charge type she quickly becomes a bashful mouse incapable of going more than one day without crying.
8/10 --- Birth of a Beauty 
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This drama is all kinds of dramatic, with murder plots and conspiracies left and right. The lead femail is an overweight housewife who becomes a gorgeous supermodel. The characters is more than adhering and the male lead is kick ass. it's hard not to love these two together as they take on the forces of evil. The series is allot about having confidence, being the best version of yourself you can be, inner beauty and revenge. The plot is very fun but it does drag on a few episodes too long. Sara is a very quite meek character and keeps allot to herself witch seems to be a popular character choice for femail leads which leads to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
4/10 --- Cinderella and the Four knights.
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This has been one of my least favorites, the characters seemed so rushed and pretty much everyone in it seemed rude and unlikable. They also all seem to be bipolar switching there emotions and feeling every 5 seconds. The second femail lead was the most irritating of the bunch though due to just terrible writing. This character your suppose to feel pity for ends up being so overly whiny and stalkerish that you'll be fast forwarding all her screen time.
You're Beautiful --- 5/10
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Another one that lacked depth in the characters for me. The main male lead is plays the bad boy with a secret heart of gold quite well and there are some real comical scenes in the series, over all it doesn't take itself too seriously and is pretty light hearted. The second male lead falls short with no memorable qualities and the naivety of the femail lead is overplayed making her quite unrelatable. 
Tempted --- 4/10
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Basically if cruel intentions was a Korean Drama. most of the characters are just psychotic and not deserving of any happy endings. There tragic backstories are surely there to make you have empathy for them, However it's pretty hard to like anyone other than the femail lead. It took me quite awhile to finish watching because i had no motivation to finish it since i just don't believe the selfish entitled characters deserve a happy ending. However the last couple of episodes are quite redeemable. Trigger warnings for suicide and self harm.
Cheese in the Trap --- 8/10
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This one had me hooked from the get go. The lead actress is adorable and i dont think i've enjoyed a drama as much since *She was Pretty*. The Drama has a real nasty case of second male lead with some wonderfully romantic and sweet moments. The characters have real depth and i love that we finally get a femail protagonist that learns to stand up for herself. The male lead is interesting because he's less bad boy and more comic villain. The surprise ending had me gagged thought.
Extraordinary you --- 9/10
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This drama blew me away, i was recommended it and unsure if i wanted to watch it after the trailer. I'm glad i did though since it's such a unique drama. The Characters in the series end up breaking the 4th wall and realise there in a drama. The characters then subvert all expectations of how a typical kdrama should go and put a middle finger up to the forced tropes of the category. I pretty much cried through half of this series fell so deeply in love with the characters, i think it had some of the most relatable writing.
Oh my Ghost --- 4/10
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This was recommended by netflix because its the same actress i loved in Strong woman Boon Song.  However i did not enjoy this drama or find it memorable. The idea of fun loving ghosts should have kept me entertained but its a very slow melancholy drama. The ghost herself is very adorable and well played and the drama elements are pretty fun with a nice serial killer angel. However it progressed so slowly that it was hard to finish. The romance was none existent until at least half way through and ends up being very problematic (as always) i found the male lead unlikable and rather in-human in his dealings with others mental health problems. 
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dolphin-enthusiast · 5 years
My smol butt was browsing Sephora just before I wrote this. Can I have the JoJos with a gf who wears makeup and looks all innocent and is usually polite and sociable and in a good mood and then they face a bad guy and she totally tears him to shreds and then she turns around and is like “Anyway back to being pretty!” Thanks Morgane
- He is very entranced by her gentle personality and the fact that she’s so into makeup is a plus really for he thinks she looks just as beautiful with or without it!
- He also appreciates that she’s just as sociable and down to earth as he is. These 2 are basically made for eachother seeing just how similar their personalities are. But B O I was he surprised when someone crossed the line and his usually bright girlfriend just so happened to be around.
- All that Jonathan could do was watch in both awe and shock as his ray of sunshine girlfriend absolutely tore that poor unfortunate soul to s h r e d s. It was over just as quick as it began and his girlfriend just...shifted back into her usual kind persona. He didn’t dare question her at all afterwards.
- C H A O S would ensure. This man didn’t think one second about the possibility that she could be even just a little bit lethal upon first meeting her. All that he saw was a cute little girl that wore a lot of makeup, which was VERY adorable according to him mind you.
- After seeing whatever the fuck was Tequila Joseph, you bet that he’s going to suggest that she gives him a “sexy” makeover only for his girlfriend to turn him into a literal clown. Either way he loved that shit.
- And when he actually discovered what she’s TRULY capable of?? He was fucking amazed. Just the fact that she usually is so positive and nice while also being capable of beating someone up at the same time is something that shooked him greatly. Let’s just say he loves strong women.
- He knows not to judge the book by it’s cover so he never assumed that this was all that it is to her. And yet he still felt compelled to protect her at all times because she was simply too cute with her makeup and all.
- Honestly he finds her interest in makeup lowkey adorable and just has to compliment her whenever he sees her try out something new. However he thinks she’s just as beautiful without it! This man really has no preference, he just loves her in general.
- Just imagine the look of (pleasant) surprise when he saw her absolutely yeet a man that pissed her off. This assured him that she could protect herself while also demonstrating to him that she’s VERY unpredictable, giving that she’s usually so positive. While he was kinda taken aback, he was quick to congratulate her for being so kickass afterwards by giving her a little kiss on her head. Did he enjoy her headstrong side? Absolutely.
- Oh but he was absolutely smitten with her from the first second. Her makeup skills totally impressed him and he just had to ask her more about it! He finds her style to be absolutely rad and would even be willing to let her experiment with all sorts of colors on him.
- Both of their personalities are VERY similar since Josuke himself is usually polite and down to earth. That is until someone pisses him off obviously. He can go from your local soft boi to a raging punching machine and then back again in less than 2 seconds and he would be quite impressed to discover that his ray of sunshine of a girlfriend isn’t that different either.
- He would be ready to square up that bastard only to spot his girlfriend kicking the absolute shit out of him. In that second he would freeze on the spot and just....s t a r e at the scene in front of him. Once s/o would be done he would throw an arm around her shoulders while high fiving her and claiming that she was fucking badass back there. Power couple for d a y s.
- He too knows not to assume things about people. Upon first meeting her he just knew that there was more to her than her nice persona. And honestly??? He absolutely digs all of her looks and thinks that she’s very talented with makeup.
- Like he just loves watching people practice their hobbies in general and so he’d be quite fond of just sitting down next to her as she would be putting on makeup. Hell he might even let her practice her makeup skills on HIM at some point and end up loving it alot.
- And when he discovered what a beast she can really be?? Simply amazing. In fact HE had to be the one to step in to make her stop beating up that poor unfortunate soul. The way in which she instantly shifted back to her positive and kind persona also lowkey amazed him in a way. Somehow he considers her to be relatable since he too goes absolutely ham when confronted then just as quick shifts back to his polite demeanour afterwards. All in all he is quite fond of her more...kickass side.
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