#like yeah okay i know i know we need more gay content okay alright i get it
yohankang · 11 months
not to be a hater but they really should stop making bls just for the sake of making bls
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6esiree · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel x GN! Reader Who Makes a Group Chat
Summary: The title is pretty self-explanatory, but basically the reader, who is Gen Z, makes a group chat for everybody in the hotel. I used that episode where they’re doing trust exercises (but I changed it to bonding to be more fitting). I also accidentally made it a little bit of Husk x Reader…but I guess it’s mostly implied?
Warnings: Uhh, swearing.
Bonding—one of the most difficult obstacles Charlie had yet to overcome. While she got along with everybody just fine, trusting them from the moment they set foot in the Hazbin Hotel, nobody else could seem to do the same, especially as their personalities constantly clashed with each other.
When it came to you, well, you were actually a pleasant person to be around with. If anybody had anything bad to say about you, it would probably be the way you acted, which was rather…different than what they were accustomed to. I mean, you were one of the newest and youngest residents in the hotel, having just died a few months ago at the whopping age of 21. Could they really blame you?
Exhibit A:
“Gay son or thot daughter?” You asked Husk after finishing your second cocktail, innocently swinging your legs back and forth as you anticipated his response.
“Alright, I think you’ve had enough, dollface,” Husk said, withdrawing the paw that held the cocktail he had just whipped up for you, leaving you pouting.
Exhibit B:
“Iron deficiency gang stand up,” You said as you quickly got up from the couch, your knees instantly buckling underneath you. “Oh SHIT!”
“Fucking hell!” Angel Dust screeched, catching you before your face could meet the ground.
Exhibit C:
“Sometimes I fill the room with negative energy because I don’t want to be there,” You said as you stood next to Alastor, trying to get along with the smiling man.
“Alright, I’m off to Cannibal Town! I believe Rosie needed something,” Alastor quickly announced before walking out.
Yeah, you were definitely something else, but that’s exactly why Charlie liked you. Even though she and the rest struggled to understand your humor or some of the things you said in general, it was nice to have you around.
So, when it came to overcoming the lack of bonding among the Hazbin Hotel’s residents, the Princess of Hell turned to you, especially after Angel Dust decided to bring all of you to try out bondage…of all the fucking things.
“Hey, Y/N—Oh, oh my goodness,” Charlie winced as a sinner approached her, trying to entice her by dangling some fuzzy handcuffs in front of her face. “No thank you! Sorry. Anyway, uh, I was wondering if you had any ideas to bring everyone together? Something less…like this?”
You stood in front of Husk, who had sought refuge behind you after Niffty appeared next to him with a whip in her hand, excited to punish some “bad boys.” Not like you could do much to conceal him, especially considering that you were about Vaggie’s height, but the little demon did avoid you after you took pity on a roach and threw it out the hotel, sparing it from her wrath.
“Really? Oh, shit! Okay, um, let me think for a moment,” You said, happy that she had asked you to suggest something, “Errr, you know what always helped me get closer to people? A group chat. I know it sounds kind of stupid, but like, I think it would be a nice way for us to slowly get to know each other!”
“Oh, yes! Okay, sure, we can try that out!” Charlie gasped, clasping her hands together, but then she frowned, “Wait, what about Alastor? He won’t be able to participate since he doesn’t use a phone.”
“Doesn’t seem like a problem to me,” Husk spoke up, obviously content with the idea of the Radio Demon being absent from one thing in his life.
“I mean, he’s not even here right now,” You shrugged, agreeing with Husk, who shot you a thankful smile, “I’m pretty sure he’d say no anyway.”
Charlie sighed, but you were right. Alastor avoided technology like the plague, especially Voxtech. He wouldn’t be able to join a group chat even if he had a flip phone—which he definitely didn’t.
“I guess you have a point,” Charlie said, already starting towards the exit of this place, “Alright, let’s get out of here. Come on!”
“Booooo! You guys are boring,” Angel Dust said, dragging Niffty with him, who was the only one sad about leaving. “Except for Niffty, of course. She gets it.”
Back at the hotel, all of you sat in the parlor, exchanging phone numbers with each other. Creating a group chat was supposed to be a simple task, but for some damn reason, y’all were struggling. Sir Pentious forgot his phone number, so you had to help him out with that, and Niffty kept getting side-tracked every time a roach appeared before she could take out her phone.
Everyone else did just fine, thankfully, Husk even handing you his phone to avoid the hassle—which was on light mode (gross). Anyway, big mistake on his part because you decided to take 0.5 photos of yourself when he wasn’t looking, setting one as his lock screen. You tried not to laugh as you handed the cat-demon his phone back, leaving it unlocked so he wouldn’t notice right away.
“Okay, soooo, there! Done,” You said, successfully adding everybody to a group chat on SMS.
“Who said hello? I cannot tell,” Sir Pentious asked as soon as you sent a message.
“Damnit, Pentious. Hand me your phone again,” You said, getting up and taking a seat next to the serpent so you could show him how to name each of his contacts.
“Look, if you tap here then go to info, you’ll be able to name your contacts,” You demonstrated, Pentious staring at you blankly, “But I guess I’ll do it myself, just to be quicker.”
After that, everything was good. The only one who doubted a group chat would work was Vaggie, but as the days passed by, she realized it was much easier to communicate that way. Charlie was having a blast, reacting to every message that was sent with a heart, Pentious used emojis like the precious little man he was, Angel usually sent links from Sinstagram and Envee that he found funny, Husk responded sometimes, but with the most dry texts known to mankind, and Niffty, well, she forgot there was a group chat. Whenever she was reminded of its existence, however, she just sent pictures of the bugs she killed. You always reacted with a sad face.
“Can you stop saying “Congratulations” and “Happy Birthday”,” Vaggie announced as she descended the stairs alongside Charlie, looking at you specifically.
“Why are you glaring at me? I’m not the one spamming it!” You said, turning around to see Angel snickering on the couch, confetti and balloons popping up every time any one of you opened the group chat.
“Yeah, but you taught him how to do it!” Vaggie grumbled.
“Come on, Vaggie, it’s not their fault,” Charlie said, looking at you apologetically before disappearing to the kitchen to get breakfast.
“See? Charlie said I’m not at fault,” You said, but she didn’t back down.
“For real, though, I didn’t think he’d abuse it. Would you have, Husk?” You turned to the cat-demon in hopes that he would defend you too.
“I ain’t helping you until you show me how to change my lock screen,” Husk grunted, his phone lighting up every time Angel sent a new message, the 0.5 photo of your face popping up.
“Okay, then! That’s fine,” You shrugged, Husk rolling his eyes in response. “I can take care of myself.”
“If you really wanted to change it, you would have searched it up,” Angel said from the parlor, setting down his phone much to Vaggie’s delight. “Just admit you like looking at their face, kitty.”
Husk growled, the bottle of cheap booze in his hand slightly cracking in his grip. Vaggie couldn’t be bothered to intervene, disappearing to the kitchen as well.
“Call me kitty one more time and I’ll jam this bottle down your throat,” Husk threatened, but Angel only laughed in response.
“Sure, whatever,” Angel said, shooting you two a wink as he got up from the couch and stretched, looking down at his phone as it vibrated, “I’d argue with ya more on that, but Val’s calling. Maybe we can continue this conversation after work.”
“Hey! Well, apparently you like looking at me too, because your lock screen has been my face all along,” You said with a mischievous smile.
“Yeah, I would have noticed—” Angel said as he looked down at his phone, turning it off and on, “Wait, what the fuck? How—WHEN DID YOU DO THIS?”
“I have my ways,” You shrugged, Husk chuckling as Angel stormed out of the hotel mumbling in disbelief, fixing to change his lock screen.
There was a moment of silence shared between the two of you when the front doors of the Hazbin Hotel closed behind the spider, the only sound bouncing off the walls being the clanging of plates and utensils in the kitchen. You had already eaten earlier, so you stayed at the bar, enjoying the cat-demon’s presence.
“You’re something else, y’know,” Husk suddenly said, looking at you as he languidly sipped at his drink.
“I know,” You laughed, reaching for his phone, “Here, let me change your lock screen for you.”
A paw landed on your hand, catching you off guard. You looked up at Husk, wondering why he had stopped you.
“If I wanted to change it, I would have,” Husk said, his claws lightly dragging along your skin as he withdrew his phone from your grasp. “I ain’t stupid.”
Oh, man. Your face was suddenly hot.
“I, uh, I didn’t think—” You started, Husk quirking a brow at you. “You know what? Shut up!”
“You alright, dollface?” Husk asked.
His tail swished back and forth behind him, causing small drafts of wind to caress your ankles. Husk was obviously amused by how easily he had flustered you—the slick fuck. No longer wanting to satisfy him, you decided to be your usual self.
“Yes, I’m alright! But are you?” You shot back, Husk blinking in confusion.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Clearly you’re not because your phone is on light mode,” You continued, “That’s absolutely disgusting.”
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olsenmyolsen · 5 months
This Is Me Trying - Two - (A Y/N Parker Spider-Woman X Kate Bishop Story)
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Summary: The Hawkeyes and you seem to be on the same track...
Word Count: 3.5K
Content: College stress, Flirty Kate Bishop, Clint being a dad
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"Kate Bishop! Your crush! Asked you that!? No way!" Ned, of course, couldn't believe it. But this was the same man who didn't realize he was going out with Betty Brant for two weeks
"What did you say after she asked?" MJ questioned when she looked up from behind her laptop on the couch.
"I said, "yeah!" and "that's awesome." Was that good?"
MJ shook her head. "Truly a wordsmith." Sarcastic as ever. MJ went back to her screen to basically ignore you and Ned.
"Well, anyways, congrats," Ned said, getting up from the dining room table where his and Peter's LEGO Death Star was kept. Why was it in your dorm and not there's you had no idea. But MJ helped from time to time, so you figured it was okay.
Ned and you walked into your room and closed the door.
"You know it's a good thing everyone knows you're gay, or else the amount of time we go to your room alone would be suspicious." You froze and thought about Ned's words. "Yeah, I guess... I wonder what MJ thinks we do?"
"I think Peter said we watch movies that she'd disapprove of."
That made sense. "Hmm, alright." You walked over to your bed and flopped onto it while you waited for Ned to do what he needed to do.
3...2...1. "Okay, got it." He said as your fingers formed into a 0. "Alright, what am I looking at?" Ned had pulled up security footage from a traffic light from three weeks ago.
"Okay, this was when that building on 10th in Hell's Kitchen burned down." Ned played the video, and it showed a group of guys in Tracksuits fleeing from the building as they piled into a black SUV moments prior to the building going up.
"Okay. So the Tracksuits are back.." You thought out loud as Ned moved his cursor to another video.
"This was from last week on 3rd in Harlem." The video played and was almost identical to the third one. Except the SUV and the plates on the car were different.
You stood in thought as the last video started. "This was last night."
You recognized the building immediately as you remember zipping past it last night. Just like the other two videos, it played out the same. When the video stopped, Ned looked at you.
"Okay, so as bad as their fashion choice is, they're not idiots. They have different cars and plates every time. Their faces are covered, and let me guess, if we follow the cars light by light, they end up at a chop shop?"
Ned nodded.
"So... it's gotta be the buildings." Ned tilted his head. "What do you mean? It's not the chop shops?" You shook your head. "Chop shops are easy to bust. It's like they want you to follow them there. The buildings. The ones they burn. That's the real money."
Ned looked from you to the screen.
"So you think these tracksuit guys are burning the buildings for insurance money?" You shook your head and entered your closet to change into your Spidey Suit.
Just because you're gay doesn't mean you want guy your friend Ned to see you.
"No, I think someone is hiring these guys to do it." You huffed as you remembered who had the tracksuit mafia in his pocket last time.
Wilson Fisk. The Kingpin.
He was a roach you could never squash just right.
If he owned the buildings, that means there was a lot more at play.
"Okay." You stepped out of the closet and quickly scarfed down a leftover slice of pizza Ned had. "Do you think you could find out who owns these buildings?" Ned nodded. "It's probably a bunch of shell companies, but I can do my best." You patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks, man." You hurried across your room and grabbed your mask.
"Oh, and when Peter comes over, could you maybe not tell him I went patrolling? Tell him I overheard something on the radio." Ned gave a flat smile.
Lying was not his strong suit.
"If you do, I'll-"
"Hey, Y/N, are you still in there?" You gave a panicked look to Ned before putting on your mask and twhiping away before MJ wildly opened the door.
She looked from the open window to Ned.
"Where's Y/N?"
"Uhhh..." Ned was really bad at lying. "She left..ago- a while ago!" He was in trouble. "Yeah?" MJ crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe. "How come I didn't see her leave?"
Ned's brain scrambled.
"Blindness?" Ned said, making MJ stand up straighter. "I turn a blind eye to many things, Ned, but this won't be one of them." She uncrossed her arms and stretched her arm out to grab the door handle to the room. "By the way, nice camera footage, totally not suspicious at all." She thinned her eyes and hummed as she closed the door.
After swinging for what felt like a good enough distance away from campus, you stood on the roof of an old pizzeria.
Your phone chimed, and you had a text from Ned. "Did my best. Sorry. 😭😭😭"
You laughed and reassured him that he wouldn't be fired from his guy-in-the-chair duties.
"Keep me posted on the buildings." You sent your final text and put your phone away.
You then stared out into the boro you find yourself in. In the distance, you can see what remains of a shootout you helped rescue people from two months ago. You think about a girl you saved who said she wanted to be like you when she grew up.
Your heart warmed, and you told her to stay in school and that she'd be better than you.
Which was looking more and more accurate by the day as you leaped off the pizzeria, ignoring a text from your brother about the essay you still needed to do.
At the same time, Kate Bishop entered her dorm room, walking past her blonde roommate and fast friend Cassie Lang at her desk before Kate collapsed facedown onto her bed.
"What's wrong?" The slightly shorter of the two, Cassie, turned around and asked. "Tired." Kate's muffled voice spoke.
"How late were you out last night?" Cassie asked as she stood up, approaching her friend's bed. "Past 3," Kate said, making Cassie go wide-eyed. "Kate Bishop! The rule was 2:30 at the latest!"
Kate rolled over and lifted herself up. "I'm sorry." She pouted at her friend, who instantly pulled her into a comforting hug that turned into Kate leaning on Cassie's shoulder. "What else is wrong?" Cassie asked as she saw how exhausted Kate looked.
"Nothing," Kate said, but Cassie wasn't so sure. "Are you doing some overthinking?" Kate froze eventually before nodding. "What about?"
"Clint and the Tracksuits."
Kate spoke freely about her other life to Cassie.
Kate used to tell people openly about how she was working with an Avenger, but after what happened with her mom and Kingpin last year, she toned it down.
Now, the only people who know are Cassie, Pizza Dog, and a rouge assassin for hire. Plus, Clint and his family.
Cassie only found out when she woke up in the middle of the night to see Kate in her Hawkeye outfit on the floor.
Kate tripped, falling through the window, and busted her chin.
Kate wanted to tell more people like you. But as previously mentioned. She liked you and didn't want you to get hurt because of her.
So, she kept her Hawkeye circle small.
However, Kate couldn't get the idea out of her head... what if she told you?
"Kate?" Cassie poked the forehead of her dorm mate. "Where'd you go?" She asked.
Kate sat up and cracked her neck, ignoring the question. Cassie noticed as she raised her eyebrows and returned to her desk. Choosing schoolwork, Chemistry in particular, over prying answers from Kate.
"Do you think I should tell Y/N?" Kate spoke up and waited for Cassie to turn around. But she didn't.
"Cass?" Kate asked as she stepped off her bed and walked next to her friend. "Cass?" She asked again before realizing Cassie had put in her AirPods.
Cassie turned to her left and jumped, startled, before pulling them out. "Oh shit. What's up?!" Kate opened her mouth. "I..- nothing. I just was going to tell you that I.. wanted to.."
She couldn't do it.
"I wanted to invite Y/N to my archery practice!" Kate put on a smile and watched her friend's face light up.
"Oh my God, I love that! Please do it! Ugh, she's so pretty!" Cassie was happy for her friend finally doing something about her crush. "She is," Kate replied with a blush. "Think she'll show?" Kate then asked.
"Why wouldn't she?" Cassie tilted her head, entirely focused on the conversation.
Cassie and you had hung out briefly when your friend group and Kate's got together, but she has never witnessed how your superhero life affects you.
Kate shrugs. "Lately, Y/N has been... flaky isn't the right word.. but not here? I guess? She's always tired too. She bails on plans with her and Peter sometimes."
Cassie raised an eyebrow. "How do you know?"
"I've seen it at the library. Their study block is next to mine." Cassie nodded. "Plus, MJ's told me."
"Michelle Jones?" Cassie questions, making Kate nod. "She's roommates with Y/N, right?" Kate nods again. "Well, what does she think." Kate folds her lips into her mouth and raises her eyebrows.
"She thinks Y/N is The Spider."
Cassie's mouth drops before forming into a smile of laughter. "What?!" Kate nods with her own smile. "It's true. She's convinced."
Cassie laughs, making Kate giggle. "She took pictures of The Spider over a summer once. That doesn't mean she's THE Spider." Kate nodded as her smile naturally faded. "That would be funny," Kate said, making Cassie laugh again.
"Well, good luck with having your crush at practice tomorrow." Kate waved Cassie off as she went to the bathroom to shower and change. "Going out?" Cassie yelled through the closed bathroom door.
"Not till later. Why?" Kate replied as she took her top off. Her eyes finding a yellow bruise on her chest. "Looks like it's gonna snow."
And snow it did.
It started to come down after you stopped an armed robbery. Armed being used lightly as the men committing the crime were carrying toy guns.
Plus, the bank they chose to hit was a block down from a police station.
So, as you swung back up onto a nearby roof, snow hit your mask. You smiled and lifted up the mask to expose your mouth and nose. You inhaled and exhaled, watching your breath hang in the air.
The snow touched your face and melted against your warm pink cheeks.
It was cool and calming.
A few seconds of much-needed peace.
"I love snow." You whispered to yourself as the wind blew, making you shiver, but you remained now sitting on the roof with your smiling face to the darkened sky.
After enough time, you pulled out your phone.
"I should see if anyone needs any help." But before you could check the Friendly Neighborhood Spidey App, you were receiving a call from an unknown number.
"Ew, who calls anyone after 7?"
You weighed the options of answering it due to your fear of talking on the phone, but after three rings, you caved. "Hello?"
"Yes, hello, I'm calling for a Y/N Parker." The male voice on the other end sounded familiar.
"This is she." You said, standing up. "Ah, Y/N! Nice to put a voice to a list of your academic achievements." The male chuckled. "This is Dr. Otto Octavius." You physically stopped pacing and smiled. Holy crap! You were speaking to THE Dr. Octavius!
"Dr. Octavius! Hello! Wow, I can't believe you called. I take it Dr. Connors passed along... well, my life." You sent a small laugh Otto's way. "He did." He replied with a smile. "And I must say he was right; you're a bright student, Y/N."
You made a "yeah!" gesture with your arm.
"But-" Oh no! "I agree with Connors when he says you've been struggling. I can see just by looking at your grades and past reports that you're lazy. Brilliant but lazy."
"I- I'm trying to do better." You paved around the empty rooftop. "I've just had a lot of personal stuff happening lately."
The other side of the line went quiet.
"Parker, intelligence is not a privilege. It's a gift."
You opened your mouth to defend yourself, butDr. Octavius stopped you. Do you think you'll be free after the holidays?" You perked up at that and stood on your tiptoes.
Was he saying what you thought he was saying?
"Uh yes- yes sir! You'll have my undivided attention!"
Dr. Octavius hummed.
"On the second Monday after the new year, I'd like to speak with you face to face. From there, we can see how we'll proceed with one another. That's about a month away, Parker. That should give you time to get your other affairs in order."
You nodded your head. "Yes, sir. Thank you!"
"I'll email you the information and where to meet me two weeks from now. Happy Holidays."
The line went dead, and you cheered. You just got an interview with Dr. Otto Octavius. He called you lazy, but he also said you were brilliant!
You put your phone away and jumped off the roof of the building with an aloud cheer that you were certain people did not appreciate.
Meanwhile, Kate was unlocking the door to her aunt's place to meet up with Clint. What she wasn't expecting was for Clint to be there already.
"Trust me, I don't plan on missing two Christmas' in a row."
Clint was on the phone.
Kate quietly closed the door, dropped her bag, and quiver on the floor.
"Laura..." Clint sounded tired. "With Kingpin back, I'd feel awful if I left and something happened." Kate's lips formed into a flat line. "Yeah, no, she's great. Kicking ass on her own." Clint said and laughed when his wife replied back.
Kate tried to remain quiet, but a floorboard creaking under her left foot gave her away. Lucky's head shot up from Clint's lap, making the archer turn around. "Hey, babes, Hawkeye just arrived, so I gotta go. Yeah. Yeah. I'll be safe. Love you too."
Clint smiled before hanging up. "She says hi." Kate nodded and told Clint to tell Laura hi the next time they spoke.
Kate grabbed a spot on the loveseat next to the couch.
"I didn't hear you come in," Clint spoke up as he put his phone away. "Don't know if that's my old age or..." He tapped his ear. "Maybe I'm just getting better at sneaking around," Kate replied with a smile.
Clint nodded his head with a chuckle. Kate was saving him from embarrassment.
Clint was still struggling with his hearing loss.
"Yeah, well... maybe it's all three," Clint said as he looked away from Kate. His hand still petting the dog.
Something in the room always shifted when talks like these happened. It reminded the two archers that time and missions with one another were limited.
Clint couldn't do this forever.
He didn't want to do this forever. He had a family and a life outside of being Hawkeye.
But damn, if he wasn't going to miss someone, he considers family—an annoying girl who was somehow more skilled than him but clumsy as hell, Kate Bishop.
Clint kicked his tongue and scooted Lucky off his lap before getting up and grabbing a water from the ridge and a laptop from his bag. "While you were at school. I got a friend to do a little research."
Clint returned, sitting at the edge of the couch closest to Kate. He opened the laptop and clicked on a folder of files. Blueprints. Bank records. Phone calls and messages all popped up on the screen.
"A friend?" Kate asked with a knowing smirk.
Clint ignored her as he took a sip of water. Clicking on the map of the city. Certain buildings highlighted in red. Others in grey. "What am I looking at?"
"The red ones are the burned-down buildings." Kate took a look at the map again. "And the grey... Potential targets?" Clint nodded before clicking on another file. It was a picture taken by Clint last night. "This is a zoomed-in photo of the blueprint on the Tracksuits wall."
"Their next target?" Kate asked. "I think so. We find one of the grey buildings that matches this blueprint." He pointed to the screen. "We can stop them."
Stop them, hurt them, make them confess, give us the details and whereabouts of Wilson Fisk.
You know, that kind of stop them.
Kate looked at the screen again. She moved pieces of her hair behind her ears before leaning into the screen. "How do we know they'll target one of the grey ones?"
Clint moved the cursor on the screen and clicked on an open tab. Finical records. "The ones burned down and these ones." The ones highlighted grey. "Are all owned by different shell companies, but when you really start digging deep, you find that they all go to the same place. Red Lion National Bank."
"Kingpin," Kate said.
Clint nodded. "He owns them all."
"So what he uses these buildings as cash houses and then burns them down when they aren't needed?" Clint shrugged. "It's a working theory. I'm sure there's more involved than money." Kate agreed.
"This one looks like the blueprint. But... but so does this one." Kate said as she clicked between two different buildings.
"It's probably built by the same company that's why they're not so different." Clint thought. "We could go stake out one and see how much movement happens."
"Sounds good to me. Doesn't look that far away. I mean it's far but- you get what I mean." She flopped her hand at Clint.
He laughed.
"Alright well, let me go get changed and we'll be off." Clint stood up and clapped his hands. "Oh, I also already fed Lucky and took him out so no need to worry."
Pizza Dog perked his ears up.
"Awww did Uncle Clint already take care of you?" Kate turned on her baby voice as she leaned over to kiss and pet the dog. "You're such a good boy!" Lucky's tail started wagging. Clint playfully rolled his eyes as he walked to the bathroom.
As she waited Kate's mind started to wander.
"Alright, we just about ready?" Clint asked as he zipped up his vest and grabbed his bow. Kate stood up putting her phone into her pocket and nodded. "My stuff's by the door."
"Great." Clint and Kate made their way to the front door to finish gathering what they needed. "Oh, here." Clint tossed Kate a purple beanie.
She smiled and looked at Clint. "Occasion?"
"It's cold and snowing outside. Can't have you getting sick." Kate's heart warmed at that whether it was sarcastic or not. "Thanks. Where'd you get it?" She asked a she released her hair from its ponytail
"Stopped by my place in the city earlier. Found it in the closet."
What Clint failed to tell Kate is that the beanie wasn't store-bought.
It was handmade.
And before you ask. God, no Clint didn't spend hours crocheting a hat together.
Natasha Romanoff did.
"Looks better on you kid." Clint smiled as Kate dawned it with pride. "Hawkeye and Hawkeye. One with a beanie the other with a hearing aid!" Kate posed as if she was shooting an arrow and exaggerated her voice.
"Had to ruin it didn't you?" Clint teased as he opened the door.
"Bye, Lucky!" Clint waved to the dog before entering the hall. "Bye, Pizza Dog! Be good!" Kate flipped all but one light switched off and locked the door.
As the two archers made their trek to the location marked on Clint's phone he spoke up simply because he couldn't help himself.
"So... who were you texting earlier?"
Kate looked to her right confused. However, she knew what Clint was talking about. "Come on. Don't give me that look. I may be deaf at times but I'm never blind." Clint bumped into Kate as they kept waking. "Don't forget I'm also the father of a teenage daughter."
Kate had him there.
"A friend." She said. "Oh, a friend! Are they nice?" Kate nodded. "She's nice." Clint smiled. She. "Does she know about this?" Clint pointed to the arrows on Kate's back.
Kate shook her head. "She knows I do archery but that's it." Clint looked at Kate's side profile. "But you want to tell her?" Kate looked up. "How'd you know?"
Clint exhaled.
"Because Kate you like this friend of yours. You're young. Oh, and you're terrible at keeping secrets."
"Am not."
She was.
In Clint's eyes, it was a miracle the whole world didn't know the real identity of the "new" Hawkeye.
"Regardless, are you going to tell them?"
Kate shrugged. "I don't know."
Clint patted her shoulder. "That's alright." Kate smiled. "I invited her to my archery practice tomorrow and to study afterward. The text was about her coming over."
Clint raised his eyebrows. "Oh well as long as you're safe."
Kate furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. But before she could reply her phone buzzed.
It was a text from you.
"Sounds great! 🎯"
You smiled as you hit send.
Your fingers remained tightly gripped around your phone as you twhiped yourself through an alleyway.
You thought about double-texting Kate. Asking her how she was or what she was doing. Or why the sudden invite to her archery practice?
Was it just for fun? The want to hang out with you? Or did Kate truly just want to show off her toned arms and skills with a bow?
Could it be all of the above?
You closed out your messages app before you could accidentally send a double text and focused on your tingling.
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the-moon-files · 6 months
Linked Universe - Masc!Reader Soulmate Quick Headcanons <3
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(^^ this is so cute i gotta find the anime its from)
Sun: Male/Masc Reader (he/him), Guide Reader :)
Stars: Wild (Breath of the Wild Link)
Planet: Headcanons/scenarios, kinda long sorry
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Link possibly feeling comphet (compulsory heteronormative), the general angst of being the best friend love interest (ends well dw), Links missing you/being sad about it
& Trigger Warnings: Link crying. (Please comment if otherwise.)
Wild (BOTW Link)
Ok so we know he was stuck before the calamity following Zelda around
And while in game it seems like he's perfectly accepting of his role as her knight
And maybe could love her or grow to love her
I feel like after the Calamity, and after he meets you, its not possible anymore
It kinda feels like that same way ppl come to realize theyre lesbians??
Like he could've been straight and happy or content (not really, not fully, but in that way that gay women settle for staying with a man, he'd stay with Zelda maybe)
She used to be all he had left really, so maybe out of obligation he'd have stayed, but then he lost his memories.
And what was once a daily duty now became a woman he barely knew halfway across the kingdom, (who creepily randomly telepathically invaded his mind,,)
Link doesn't really realize how he feels until after traveling with you around the entirety of Hyrule, camping, fighting, cooking, eating etc. together, after becoming best friends with you,
Its like how a lesbian realizes they're lesbian bc they could never imagine themselves actually dating/married to a man, at least relying on him for the long term,
Then that sentiment comes in like "i just wish i could stay with my best (non-man) friend forever" kinda way
Like he definitely had the thought "this is so much easier, i wish we could be together forever" <3
So while "dating" you didn't necessarily occur to Link at first bc of heteronormative mindset/general mission of the Calamity Ganons
He quickly breaks out of that a couple months into the journey
Zelda at first may have been the quintessential "princess needing saving" but you were the "best friend love interest all along" type of energy you know?
So when at the end of you guys' journey, you feel the tug to leave, because the adventure's over.. you fully expect to see Zelda running into his arms or something, and turn away
You may be able to accept he loves women (tho how he looked at you and how comfortable he was touching you had you thinking possibly, maybe, hopefully otherwise)
But that doesn't mean you're going to sit here and watch it happen
(You know the games, the Legend of Zelda, this is how it always ends)
Instead, you feel lean but strong arms clamp around your torso
You're lifted up (even if you complain about how heavy you are, and he must be tired)
But Link is just smiling, and spins you around, Zelda is slack jawed in the background and then giggles??
Well, that's sweet, at least he remembered you were here instead of getting absorbed in her
Link practically whips you around, turning you in his arms
You stumble but he's too strong to let you falter in this position
He crushes you to his chest, a whispered "thank you" in your right ear, his breath is warm and ticklish
You awkwardly pat his back, "yeah, of course buddy, glad she's okay, and you're alright, you should get some rest. Oh, and you can have whatever I've got left in my iventory, since I won't be needing it anymore... you know I've gotta go soon."
You feel more see Link jump in shock, he grasps your shoulders (you didn't realize how hot his hands were until they were gone from your back)
You're worried he forgot about the whole "only here for adventures" Guide thing until painful understanding shows in his blue eyes
He immediately looks like the wind got knocked out of him
"Sorry Link, I wish I could stay to rebuild or explore Hyrule with you... but it's not my choice anymore."
You look apologetic but at least you know he won't be alone, that was your entire reason for being a Guide in the first place
But as you begin to fade (which, wow, Hylia really can't spare having you stick around for longer than a few minutes or seconds after Ganon's defeat??)
Link looks, panicked?
Like he's watching the Calamity happen all over again, but unlike in the game, he actually looks overwhelmed and freaked
His calloused hands attempt to grab you in various places, your arms, your waist, your shoulders, hands, just anything he can hold onto
But nothing works and you give him a sad smile, wishing him good luck with Zelda and the kingdom
And a reminder not to push himself too hard, bc you wont be there to stop him anymore
It's only just as the last of your vision fades (like a movie fading to black at the edges and closing in)
That you see him start to cry.
The first few months without you were hard, you had practically been the one constant in his life, afterall he couldn't remember much else so consistent before you
Sure, he had flickers of old memories, old friends, even of Zelda,
But they were special ones, specific moments, not having a routine every evening for who cooks dinner and who does dishes
No memory of someone helping him figure out how to dress himself, or how to shield surf down the best slopes
You were home, the very wilds he's grown to love and adore during his adventure, his house in Hateno was more like a inn he didn't pay for, rather than the warm fire you were sitting beside, lifting a blanket corner so he could curl up beside you
Zelda had understood, thankfully
She'd expected he would be different, memory loss can affect someone like that
But she'd said he seemed, better, lighter
Lighter than he ever was as a knight, even at the happiest she'd seen him
He'd helped some with the castle at first, but seeing how depressed he was, esp after she got other workers or Hylians to help, Zelda had sent him off
Under the flimsy excuse to go officially inform the rest of the kingdoms that she'd been freed and Ganon defeated
Link had unconciously returned to your favorite spots around Hyrule, and it had hurt in a different way to be around stables and have people ask where you were (you were more talkative than he was)
He'd started to avoid civilization unless absolutely necessary for supply runs, and he preferred to do so in disguise late at night..
So when Link's summoned on an adventure yet again to fight a threat so devastating it needs the previous incarnations of him...
He's actually looking forward to it.
Don't get him wrong, he wishes this weren't necessary to defeat the shadow, and he doesn't want anyone to get hurt, but if this is an adventure...
It means he might be able to see you again.
And he's willing to take on Ganon all over again, spend months at a time fighting and mowing down monsters, if it means you're allowed to be by his side once more
(He had tried praying to Hylia, which he didn't do much pre or post calamity usually, but for you he made an exception, and the blonde found that this was the one prayer that he could feel no divine eye turned on him for...? Her presence was practically gone when he prayed for you back)
But at least now, he realizes, he was right.
Thank goodness (not Hylia?) , he was right
Because Link could feel you,
As he'd learned towards the end of his journey, there was an innate 6th sense he had for feeling your presence, the closer you were, the more precise it was, even down to which way you were turned (all without him looking at you)
(He had ignored the strangely giddy feeling that bubbled up in his chest when Impa learned of this trick, and began to tell him, for the first time since his memories about it were gone, about soulmates)
Like familiar paths in Hyrule, he knew where a safe place to sleep was waiting,
You were waiting.
All he had to do was step through the portal, find his fellow heroes, and he knew, you would be there.
This accidentally posted 💀🥲
Welp, i was about ready to post it anyway, hope someone got a kick outta this,
Im slowly gonna add all the Links btw lol
Thanks for reading, hope u enjoyed! :)
Peace Out,
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alfiely-art · 5 months
About that character inmpression, ship thingy you posted... Of course I'l ask you about Yomi (you can answer each questions for him if you want 👀👀)
Aaaand hmmm
What do you think about Yomi x Seth, Hellxander, Fake Zilch x Seth, and Yomi x Fake Zilch x Seth ?
That might be a lot in one go, so uh, take your time!
OURGHHH Yomi. Okay this is gonna be a lot but lets-a go yahoo
Alright first off, first impression of him.
His introduction was literally golden. From his and Martina's Akira reference to Yomi fake-sobbing before coldly ordering Seth to be executed. I was kicking my feet. He immediately shot to my top favorite (before being kicked down again by Yuma and Makoto) but I absolutely enjoyed what an evil little gremlin he was from the very beginning. Honestly, one of the best introductions of a villain I've ever seen.
Next, headcanons. I think he was a theatre kid in high school. I'm saying this from experience. Every theatre kid goes through a little phase where they're evil and flamboyant it comes with the title. Yomi's just went on a little too long, silly silly boy. OH and I think he has chew toys. Being evil is stressful he's gotta chew on smth or else he'll just take it out on an underling, yk?
As for complaints and praise... weeeell, I thought his takedown was a little... anti-climatic? Like on the one hand, I'm very happy for Martina to get to send him to jail. You go girl. But also, he just sorta... accepts being arrested? I wanted him to resist more. Kicking scratching and screaming, yk?? He did a little of that but not much. And I wish we'd seen him in the epilogue, maybe as a small little shot of him in jail being all pouty. As for praise, I really love how fun-to-hate he is. The game makes it very clear he's horrible and you can't really sympathize with him, but also, he's just so fun to watch. Like. What's wrong with him *twirls hair*
Favorite pairing, hmmmmmmmmmm. Initially it was Makoyomi, but rn it's a three-way tie between Makoyomi, Yomiakou, and Hellxander. These dynamics are all just... really fascinating in all honesty. I want to study them. I'm so glad this fandom enjoys toxic yaoi I think I would go insane if there wasn't a plethora of content for these weirdos.
And finally, my overall opinion. He's my wife. My evil scrunkly meow meow. I'm gonna put a collar on him and cook him a yummy dinner while he's chained to a chair. Also his English VA is amazing and did a wonderful job making Yomi iconic, I'm planning on playing Raincode again but with JP voices to compare. He's the silliest villain I've ever seen. They did a great job with his writing, I think. He just, immediately grabs you- and when you look deeper into him it's genuinely so interesting and fun.
Yomi x Seth is definitely an interesting ship for me. I don't actively think about it but when I come across content of them, my brain goes "fuck yeah". Sadly their interactions don't give us much to go off of as much as other pairs, but it's always a joy to see.
Hellxander. My beloved. Finding Fake!Zilch in the factory and hearing him ramble about Yomi was eye opening. Kodaka did not need to have that in there but it's there and it's amazing. I wish Yomi had a line or something about Zilch, I want to know how he feels about the guy. Was it a parasocial type of thing??? Was Yomi leading him along??? Please Kodaka. Yomi DLC where we visit Kanai Ward and Yomi is doing community service and having flashbacks to his old gay lover Hitman and he cries in the rain "I hate that ugly bowl cut detective!!!!!!! Curse you Yuma the Kokohead!!!!!!!"
Fake!Zilch x Seth isn't something I've ever really thought about, but I can kinda see a dynamic there. Frail little guy x tough hitman? Yeah that's certainly a good dynamic. I just don't know if this particular case would really... grab me?
And Yomi x Fake!Zilch x Seth... yeah I think that's just torture for Seth. Which is fine I like torturing the guy. I can definitely see Yomi being like "lol that seth guy is soooo funny to torment" and zilch is like "do you want me to torment him director yomi. Anything for you director yomi" and Seth is like "can I please just do my job. Please. Please"
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smolgirlowo · 1 year
semi-live blogging riverdale with my friends [S7xE2]
so happy the brought back hot dog, ben button, ethal and pilot dilton but uh... where the fuck is reggie? give me reggie back!
'kevin and the crooners' the fifities makes me want to die
premier jughead behaviour: 'you stole my story!' 'there are no original stories kid' 'alright, I'll work for you'
i love fangs and toni, more greaser content plz
'you haven't even pinned me yet' the fifties make me want to die, also stop trying to fuck a gay man betty
premier judhead behaviour pt2: 'thank you for the job sir, my friend will work for pennies please hire her' 'alright' 'thank you sir'
imagine moving to a new town and hitting on the first guy you see (you are a gay black man in 1955)
'i want to discuss politics, art, current events' i don't think archie knows what those words mean ronnie
imagine moving to a new town and telling the first girl you see she's extremely fuckable (you are a straight woman in 1955 currently dating 4 guys)
oh my god archie in his little suit, i wish i had a picture. he's adorable
i really like the transition from archie and his dad both writing music in high school for girls, to writing poems. it's so cute
not reading archie's poetry out loud, yeah fair writers
love that the greaser gang hangs out in an underground coffee house, adorable
comic accurate purple bow dress, fuck i am going to need photos from this episode
betty talking to her mom about wanting to have sex, betty's mom getting ready to murder her. 1955 cam
god jughead doesn't know what girls are, i love him. are we getting misogynist judhead, stupid jughead, or asexual jughead?
the only artist archie knows is norman rockwell, good for him. oh god he's threatened to murder someone (valid)
mary andrews is the first person to ever tell veronica that she's a bad person and I love that for both of them
genuinely love alice encouraging her daughter's boyfriend to not fuck her. LET. BETTY. FUCK. i mean, not with kevin, but in general
'i'll take one [ticket]' 'glares in murderous bisexual greaser' 'uh, fiVe?' iconic dilton doily bullying hours
good scene. :3
deeply confused by their 1955 gym clothes
oh to be a girl approaching the hottest guy in school to ask for his dick, and then get torn away by your gay male boyfriend who sucks
good scene again.
kevin canonically scared by boobs
etheal roasting her parents for sucking. good for her, good for her.
i now know what a sock hop is
kevin wants to fuck a boy, betty wants to fuck her boyfirends, cheryl and toni are about to have sex, midge is fainting on the dance floor from how horny she is. jughead just wants to eat cookies :3
oh they read archie's poem. it was okay...
aww. archie dancing with his mom instead of the evil girl. god dammit ronnie you're better than julian
alice is so happy her daughter's boyfiend is gay.
oh god I love ethal's actor.
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arrowflier · 3 years
Prompt is anything about Mickey acknowledging that Ian’s past of sexual abuse still affects him, maybe during the 13% debacle when Mickey’s being mad and tells the family at breakfast, Ian gets sad and quiet instead of defensive cause he knows he misspoke but he doesn’t know how to explain the feeling of like not being whole and Tami schools Mickey private bc she knows a little bit how Ian feels?
Content warning: references to child abuse/ sexual abuse of a minor
"Guess who I ran into on the L yesterday?" Ian asked as he made for the coffee machine.
"Dunno man," Mickey answered from behind him, skating a hand over his hip as he moved to take a seat at the table. "Why were you on the fuckin' L anyway, where'd you go when I was hangin' with Sandy?"
He sat down between Carl and Tami--it was a full house this morning--and stole a piece of bacon off Carl's plate even as he hunched over it protectively.
"Oh you know," Ian said, "just headed over to that weekly gay orgy at the rec center."
Mickey flipped him off, but Tami chortled next to him. She handed him another slice of bacon in apology--off Carl's plate, not her own--and went back to feeding Fred.
"Alright, funny man," Mickey said as he chewed, "so who'd you see there then?"
"Linda," Ian answered, unphased. He didn't seem to notice the way Mickey's chewing slowed, or the way Carl abruptly straightened and pushed back from the table.
"Yeah," Ian continued, "she was back for some kind of hearing? Apparently Kash's new boyfriend called the cops on him or something."
Ian took a long sip of coffee, then frowned as he lowered the mug.
"He, uh," Ian started, then stopped to take another drink. "Linda said he found some pictures?”
Mickey stilled.
“What kind of pictures?” he asked suspiciously.  Carl took that as his cue to abandon ship, shoving the rest of his breakfast over toward Mickey as he hightailed it out of the room.  Tami stayed, stuck with a babbling Fred in his high chair and completely lost as to why the room was suddenly so tense.
“Of me, I think,” Ian answered quietly, not meeting Mickey’s eyes.  “Or some other boyfriend maybe?  I don’t know.”
“Another boyfriend,” Mickey parroted, and Ian shrugged.
“Yeah,” he said.  “I mean, I guess.”  He set his mug on the counter, braced himself against the edge with both hands.  “I kinda feel bad for him, you know?” he added.  “It’s not like he asked for stuff like that, I just sent it.”
Mickey’s hand hit the table hard enough to shake the cutlery.
"The fuck did you say?" he asked flatly.
Ian didn't react, but Tami froze next to him with a fork halfway to Fred’s mouth. Mickey ignored her stare.
"You really just tell me you feel bad for that fucker?" Mickey continued, voice rising. "The guy that fuckin' molested you? The guy that shot me cause you dared to fuck someone your own fucking age?"
Ian was quiet. Too quiet, and it hurt to see the way he bit his lip and looked away, like he couldn't face it. Couldn't face the truth--couldn’t face Mickey, either.
"Mickey," Tami murmured, slowly lowering her fork to her plate with a muffled click, "maybe you shouldn't--"
"No," Mickey said firmly, cutting her off. "What I should do is track that fucker down and cut off his fucking dick, so he can’t touch another teenage kid for the rest of his goddamned life.”
“That’s what I should do,” he went on, ignoring the way Tami waved at him frantically under the table.  “But Ian here,” he said, “wouldn’t want that, would he?  Cause Ian thinks Kash loved him, and he won’t fuckin’ admit his first boyfriend was a disgusting-ass pedophilic bastard.”
Ian shoved himself back from the counter, and stormed from the kitchen.  A second later, the front door slammed, and Mickey collapsed back into his chair in resgination.
Before he could feel too sorry for himself, Tami intervened.
"Dude," Tami hissed next to him. Mickey looked over to see her scrunched face, her lip curled. "Are you really shaming him for that right now?"
“The fuck you know about it?” he muttered.  Even Fred seemed to be judging him, that chubby little face pouting, and Mickey didn’t like it one bit.
“I know enough,” Tami said, then sighed.
“Look,” she started slowly.  “I don’t know anything about this Kash guy or whatever, alright?  But it sounds like Ian was just a kid when they got involved.”
“Barely even old enough to do anything, probably,” Mickey groused.  “Bastard picked him up as soon as he fuckin’ saw him.”
“And it went on for a while?” Tami guessed, and raised her hands when Mickey looked at her suspiciously.
“Hey, I’m just getting my facts straight,” she defended.  “But if you ask me, Ian’s got more on his mind with this than whether or not his old boss is a good guy.”
“How the fuck would you know?” Mickey asked.  “He’s had plenty of fuckin’ time to think about this shit, he ought to hate that guy’s guts by now.”
Tami bit her lip, but persevered.
“I know,” she said softly, “because it took me even longer, okay?”
At Mickey’s curious glance, she expanded.
“There was this teacher,” she told him, not meeting his eyes.  “And he made me think I was special.”
Tami laughed, a short, sharp sound, and shook her head.
“He paid attention to me, is more like it,” she admitted.  “And I ate that shit right up, because God knows my dad didn’t back then.  And it never even occurred to me that what we had was wrong.”
She finally looked up.
“Then he brought his new girlfriend by,” she said.  “His new, teenage girlfriend.  And he said all the same things, and she ate it up, too.”
Mickey just watched her.
“So yeah, I get it,” she finished, tracing a scratch on the table with one finger.  “And what Ian needs right now?  Is not your fucking judgement.”
She stood abruptly, her chair screeching as it scraped back, and scooped Fred out of his seat.
"You should think about what he's going through right now," she said as she settled Fred on her hip. "Instead of how it makes you feel."
She moved toward the back door, opened it, then paused.
"Because being confronted with the truth isn't easy," she added. "And he might be a victim, but he doesn't want to be."
Then she was gone, the kitchen silent, just Mickey sitting there at the table with two rapidly cooling plates of eggs and bacon that weren't even his.
"Well, fuck," he said to himself. Then he levered himself up, and made for the front door
As it turned out, Ian hadn't gone far. As soon as Mickey opened the door, there he was: hunched over right there on the steps, head in his hands.
Mickey sat next to him without speaking. Ian shifted over to make room, but otherwise didn't acknowledge him.
"Hey," Mickey started hesitantly. Then he swallowed, wiped sweaty hands on his thighs, and tried again.
"I'm sorry."
Ian didn't bother to lift his head.
"For what?" he asked tiredly. "I mean, you were right."
"I was?" Mickey responded, then cleared his throat. "I was," he repeated more confidently, then, " but I still shouldn't have fucking said it."
Ian sighed, and straightened. "It's okay," he said, smiling weakly. "Kash was an asshole, I know he was. And I know it was wrong, now, but I just..."
Ian stopped, shook his head.
"Never mind," he muttered. "You wouldn't get it."
Mickey inched closer. He raised an arm to wrap around Ian's shoulders, and thought about the bright-eyed kid he fell for all those years ago, ignored by his family and utterly devoted to a man that should have known better.
"No, I wouldn't," he agreed softly, squeezing Ian's shoulders and stroking that hand down his arm in a gentle caress.
"But tell me anyway."
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sazandorable · 4 years
About moderating and banning content on AO3!
Okay so! I haven’t had the spoons to do this for a while but I cracked and ranted about it on twitter which is... not... conducive to long rants, so!
This is a h u g e discussion part of the l o n g history that led to the creation of AO3, which older, more informed, and more articulate people have talked about at length and can be found around if you look (I reblog some of it in my AO3 and fandom history tags for the curious). So I won’t go into that here, nor into the practical reasons why it’s not even possible to put that system in place anyway.
Arbitrarily, or the purpose of this post, because it’s the biggest topic I’ve seen brought up lately, I’ll be talking about fic depicting underage characters in se*ual situations, but honestly I could hold the exact same conversation on literally any controversial content.
This is about why you, specifically, if you are a content creator and especially if you are marginalised and especially if you are queer and especially especially if you are sensitive to fiction depicting certain things... do not, actually, want a banning system on AO3.
What? Of course we do. There’s a lot of p*do shit on AO3 and p*do shit is gross. No one should condone that, wtf? It would be easy to do — just periodically delete the entire Underage tag!
What will happen if that is done is that people will re-upload and continue to write it, they’ll just stop tagging and you will run into it with zero warning nor ability to filter it out. Again, this is not a theoretical — we know this is what happens. When I was a teen, adult content (all adult content) was not allowed on FF.NET; it was everywhere regardless, and without tags. The exact same thing happened on tumblr when adult content was banned as well. It’s not a matter of “staff not handling it well” — it just doesn’t work.
To keep safe the people who need to be able to exclude that tag, that tag needs to exist and be used.
Well, shucks. A reporting system then?
A reporting system would operate in one of two ways:
-an algorithm, which would delete a lot of stuff we wouldn’t want it to delete.
-humans, which is... the bigger problem.
An algorithm sounds great. We do want it to delete everything.
Okay. What about the daddy k*nk fics between consenting adult characters? What about the fics featuring characters that are children in the canon but are adults in the fic? What about the fics about teenagers exploring their se*uality together, written by adults about the experiences they remember having or wish they could have had? What about the thousands of SasuNaru and Drarry and other shounen and YA fics that will get written, by teens or by people who remember being teens? What about the se*ually explicit fic written by teens who are se*ually active in real life? What about the fics about CSA as trauma, about healing from it? What about the fics written by survivors of CSA to cope about their trauma? What about the fics that clearly show that it’s evil and traumatic? What about the super dark, harrowing, but beautiful and artistic that I’m glad I read even though it fucked me up for days? What about the ones that were really shitty but also horribly hot?
Well, some of these are still not okay, but maybe some might be. It depends on how it’s written. We’ll have humans moderating content and deciding, then.
The thing is, I don’t know which of the things I just listed were okay for you to be depicted in fiction and which were too much. Odds are I don’t agree with you. Odds are if I asked 10 people randomly picked off the street, not everyone would agree.
Odds are, even if AO3 arbitrarily decided on which of those are allowed and which are not, you would not agree with their choice, and you would still be unhappy with the decision. (Or you would be happy, but your friends wouldn’t.)
Odds are, different AO3 content moderators might not agree on whether a given fic qualifies or not — is it artistic enough? Does it show enough that these actions are evil and wrong? Can the author prove they’re a teenager? Can the author prove they are a CSA victim? Can the author prove that this is to help them cope with their trauma? The author seem to be functioning alright, they mustn’t really be traumatised!
You know what I mean! There’s absolute, objectively gross shit out there that is not artistic and should not be published.
I agree that there’s vile stuff out there that makes me sick and that I think is very clearly just ped*philic trash. But there is no way to, 1) stop those from getting published anyway, 2) take those down and preserve the safety of everything else.
If we start forbidding some things, there’s two ways to go about it.
One single, clear, arbitrary rule — for instance, absolutely no adult content featuring characters under 18 (leaving aside the fact that this would not even work for the reason cited above). So we lose all the stuff from teenagers, all the coming of age stories about adolescence, all the stuff from CSA survivors; people who need to write it can’t publish it anymore, and people who need to read it can’t anymore either (and as a cool bonus, they’re told it’s wrong and made to feel bad about it). Depending on whether the rules applies to characters that are under 18 in the canon, we lose entire fandoms.
Or, subjective moderation by humans, according to what they estimate to be gross.
Let’s assume all moderators can agree on what’s gross or not.
If there is a system in place to ban some underage works because “gross shit”, then that means other gross stuff can be taken down on account of being gross and harmful.
Yeah! Gross stuff should be taken down! Come on, surely everyone agrees on what’s gross and harmful.
But the problem is.
Here is a list of things I have seen — with my eyes seen — called harmful to be depicted in fiction:
Mental illness
Non-negotiated k*nk, but healthy k*nk is ok
Spanking k*nk
BDSM where the woman is a bottom, but woman top is ok
Healthy depictions of BDSM
Unhealthy depictions of BDSM
Queer people doing bad things
Abusive relationships
Rival/Enemies to lovers
Redemption stories
A happy relationship between a 17 yo and an 18 yo
A happy relationship between a 20 yo and a 60 yo
A happy relationship between a boss and their employee, or a college teacher and a student
A happy relationship between a 14 yo boy and an older teenage boy, because that’s reminiscent of older men preying on younger gay boys IRL
Se*ual content featuring a character whose age is unclear in canon and some people headcanon them as being underage, some as being a young adult
Loving, consensual fluff between characters that are evil villains, because it romanticises them and their actions
Dark content shipping female characters
Fluffy content shipping female characters, because it’s misogynistic to act like lesbians are only soft all the time
Consensual s*x featuring a canonically asexual character, because it implies that all aces can and should still have se*
Fics about the same canonically asexual character hating s*x, because that erases the experience of s*x-positive aces
Shipping a character who is perceived by some fans as queer-coded with a character of a different s*x
The tendency to ship a black character with white characters
Fluffy drunk s*x, because that’s not actually consensual
Sleep s*x, because that’s not actually consensual
Trans characters not experiencing dysphoria, because that idealises the trans experience
Consensual s*x between adults that are not married
LGBT+ content, because kids shouldn’t see that.
I guarantee you: you, I, and 10 random people plucked from the street will not agree on what, in that list, is and isn’t okay to publish and consume fiction of.
So why should your taste be the one followed? Why should it be the taste of mods you don’t know? Why should anyone get to dictate? What if the mods think your OTP is gross and your NOTP is fine?
This is the slippery slope argument.
Yes, it is the slippery slope argument. Because we know it happens. Because we’ve been there, because I’ve seen it happen myself twice already and I’m not even thirty. Because we know people do complain loudly about all of these things.
And because the second there is a banning system in place, assholes will use the system to abuse it and get stuff they just don’t like taken down using the “it is gross” argument, and one day you’ll wake up and the beautiful fic that helped you come to terms with your abuse/trauma/identity/orientation/k*nk for feet will be taken down and wonderful vulnerable creative people will have been harassed out of fandom because they argued with 1 person who didn’t like their foot k*nk fic that happened to also feature, for instance, a CSA trauma backstory.
Again: not exaggerating. Not theoretical. It happens, we know it happens, AO3 was created literally because it happens.
I still fucking hate that stuff.
That is completely fine and normal. No one likes everything. Me too! Most of the dark stuff is niche and the creators know only few people will like it the same way they do.
(For the record, I get grossed out and triggered by fics about an asexual character who does not like s*x having s*x with their partner to make them happy. Deep in my gut everything screams that that’s fucked up, terrifying and harmful, how can people write that. But I recognise that there are people who love and need that, and I leave those people and their content alone.
OTOH, I read a lot of otherwise dark shit and I enjoy it in the same way I enjoyed, say, Hannibal, in the same way some people enjoy true crime documentaries, horror movies or r*pe fantasy k*nk. It helps me explore stuff that I like to see in fiction, in a safe, controlled way. I’m also asexual, 90% s*x-repulsed IRL, and, obviously, I would never abuse a child. For that matter, I wouldn’t kill and eat people, either, nor would I do 90% of the tamer k*nky stuff I read.
Of course, Hannibal was fucked up and lots of people probably think Hannibal was gross and should not have been aired — but as exemplified by the fact that it was created, aired and watched, lots of people thought it was fine, interesting and even fun to watch.)
You can and should curate your experience and protect yourself. The AO3 website now allows you to exclude certain tags, and people have developed tools to help with that such as plugins that save your filters or hide fics that contain certain words.
But no, it isn’t going to, and it shouldn’t, get banned.
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phantaloon-books · 4 years
Things about Tower of Nero that I want to highlight to remember them forever:
Lu being an absolute badass woman, I just love her too much
Piper McClean being canon wlw, she was actually kissing another girl, we really fell in love in october
Chaos being canonically female (just chaos being mentioned as a deity rather than what's below tartarus)
nobody DIED, like no one on the good side at least?? yes plenty of beings have died throughout TOA, but nobody died in TON?? so many died in TLO and BOO, I expected to mourn someone and I didn't have too??! it made me so happy
solangelo. that's it. solangelo makes me happy.
will being incredibly supportive of nico, and instead of stopping him, going with him on dangerous adventures because he doesn't want to leave him alone. also them treating Nico's PTSD for what it is
also will just appearing at the gates of the throne room, glowing in rage because someone touched his boyfriend (and tried to kill his dad), and him just marching through everyone (everyone else letting him), just to pick up his hurt precious boyfriend and take care of him.
meg McCaffrey got her happy ending. she's baby, she deserves her family and her happy ending. also Lu being the mother and the 12 children being siblings?? that's one hell of a way to tell nero to fuck off and right his mistakes. we love meg.
dionysus being the best olympian after apollo. the duo content we needed, and now will never get
nico mentioning bob and how he wants to go look for him, because he can still be in tartarus
rachel still being a Total badass and hitting people in the eye with her blue hairbrush thus being iconic
meg acting as lester's anchor and only reason why he didn't let go of the ledge, not falling into chaos, is top tier 'reasons why I cried reading', because if you think about it, Meg is the first ever friend apollo ever had, and them being best friends is everything to me
also apollo choosing to go looking as lester rather than apollo because lester feels like home is on top tier 'reasons why I cried reading' too
again, the only thing apollo did in the end (once he was god again) that could be described as 'godly' was be in several places at once, fly his chariot, and get meg her unicorn
but apollo shooting fucking fire out of his hands is crazy asf, it was so cool. he really got amazing godly powers this book.
rick being bold enough to showcase abusive parenting knowing that a huge porcentage of his readers are minors, helping many realize that they could be in abusive households, and giving them a tool to reach out for help
apollo defeating nero was so satisfactory, because you realize in the end, that nero wasn't really a monster, he was monstrous, but still very much human (if only with some godly power), and pretty useless once he couldn't hide behind props and weapons, his being wasn't powerful, he was just under layers of protection
the jackson/blofis scene was so warm and loving, they really are willing to put their family in danger, baby estelle in danger, to help 'percy's friends' even tho she knew percy didn't like apollo, but she still takes in everyone who needs help, and paul being a loving and accepting husband
sally working on her SECOND novel, she really is having her best life
none of the big heroes from other series having protagonism, besides nico and will, instead giving the other kids from camp halfblood their chance to show they're just as worthy as the "heroes of olympus"
(still I would have loved to see a scene with everyone else, like the heroes of olympus guys, fighting together one last time, just for nostalgia's sake - I legit hoped to see percy and annabeth arriving with chiron in triumvirate tower, but yeah)
the arrow of dodona may have been a dumb, cringey, and slightly ridiculous thing at first, and I personally rolled my eyes everytime it said anything, but it knew what would happen from the start, and without its sacrifice, apollo would have achieved nothing. we stan one arrow
nico wearing a white cowboy hat. idky but it makes my heart swell with joy. he a gay cowboy
y'all know I love Apollo's arch, and I just gotta point this out. his trials, his time as lester, started with him falling to earth, and ended with him getting up after purposely throwing himself off the earth, towards tartarus, almost falling to chaos. that's really clever writing.
the olympians watching over him, and some actually being concerned for him rather than his progress.
poseidon not really giving a fuck about the world or council meetings anymore because percy's not there anymore
athena being the only one apart from artemis who trusted apollo could do it makes me warm fsr
lester deciding that the best way to retell his adventures is by singing is hilarious to me, he really thinks it'll solve everything
Grover not telling percy and annabeth jason died seems so funny to me, he really said "nah it doesn't matter much, field trip, yes"
"hey man" my heart broke in twenty million pieces. like I don't know where I expected to see jason. but that wasn't it. and it hurt me as much as it hurt apollo man.
(also I kinda hoped we would see nico summon his spirit or smth, but I'm actually happy nico realized that jason went by his own choice, and he was in peace, so he decided not to summon him, because it was alright. that hurt too)
kinda love how lester passes out after literally every battle. it reminds you that even tho he's apollo, his body isn't. I'm sure we all would pass out too if we did a quarter of what lester did in the span of 4 days. his body isn't made to endure that, it doesn't even have a halfblood endurance, it's a weak mortal body
the trogs were fucking hilarious. their screeches and grrs, idk there's something ridiculous and so childish about them, it's so fun
really happy that apollo never had a /real/ love interest (reyna doesn't count), cause that wasn't what his story was about. instead he got to make so many friends, and have quality time with them and his children, it's amazing
apollo being thankful people were telling him he'd grown, and was more human, because he realized that was the best thing he could have learned from his time as a mortal
also him saying fuck you man to zeus and his speech, like "no asshole dad, I did learn, I'm not going to see this as punishment, it was a great time in which bad things happened but I enjoyed it." yes, we love apollo not letting zeus win
getting to see what everyone will do now. nico and will figuring out rachel's prophecy, probs saving bob. rachel living her best life away from her parents. leo doing what leo does, always helping those who have no one else. the hunters' open storyline about this fox, possibly hinting at content? piper settling down in a quiet life is what she deserves tbh, she's earned quiet life with a cute gf, wish her the best. Frank and hazel being the best praetors, and I bet they will continue to be so. And annabeth and percy, who chose their happiness over all, at last
kinda wish we got to see someone still really miss jason after apollo becomes god again tho lmao like apollo missed jason more than the others, nico and piper being the exception. I mean, leo is fine and dandy, hazel and frank are okay, percy and annabeth are done mourning... I just we got to see any of them really mourning, rather than reading they mourned. it would have made it feel more emotional
the last conversation and the last words in general. "the sun always comes back" and "we're friends now. call on me. I'll be there for you" that shit got me sobbing my heart out. rick really managed to do right by the books and end it like he should have, unlike BOO. he took what made TLO good and used a similar formula. it's very different from "and for once I didn't look back", but it still fills you with warmth and the feeling that even though it's over, it's okay.
I'm just really emotional, this is all I can think about, but you bet I'm gonna add more when I remember
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Destiel Trope Collection 2021 | Day 6: Firsts
24 fics under the cut
Sometimes Things Just Work Out | @vampamber
Rating: General Word Count: 1,027 Main Tags/Warnings: arranged marriage, angel Cas, royalty AU, mistaken identities Summary: Castiel is not looking forward to being forced to marry this Prince Dean person. The angel had never met him, never even laid eyes on him. For all he knew, the marriage would be miserable. Now, this human who's trying to hide in Castiel's room? It made Castiel wish that he wasn't going to be part of an arranged marriage, because he was really starting to like this green eyed stranger.
Through the Night | @smokerdean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,147 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel Out of the Empty, Soft Epilogue, First Times, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sharing a Bed Summary: The motel is the same as thousands of others Dean has stayed in over the course of his life, but it's different, it's better, because he is here with Cas.
The Report Card | @fpwoper
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,211 Main Tags/Warnings: First Time, Crack Fic, Blow Jobs Summary: The morning after Dean and Cas first fool around, Dean finds a honest to god report card.
Dragon's Den | @fpwoper
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,280 Main Tags/Warnings: First Date, Dragon!Cas Summary: Dean and Cas's first meeting is in a coffee shop they randomly chose. It's just... a little dragon heavy.
Taking one for Team Free Will | @fellshish
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,560 Main Tags/Warnings: First kiss, pov dean winchester Summary: There’s a spell that requires an angel’s kiss to work. Dean takes one for the team.
Cannibal Queen | @one-more-offbeat-anthem
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,683 Main Tags/Warnings: creature!Castiel and creature!Dean, first time, porn with plot, virgin Castiel, mild gore Summary: What's a zombie to do when he finds out his (pretty hot) roommate and best friend is a vampire? In the case of Dean Winchester, the plan is to convince said vampire that they should team up and heist slaughterhouses. But when a run goes wrong, there are some unexpected consequences...
A Sign of Affection | @clarrisani
Rating: General Word Count: 2,159 Main Tags/Warnings: First Kiss, Fluff Summary: Castiel learns that different kisses mean different things.
9x06 coda : I'm sorry | @allofmystudentsrunaway
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,288 Main Tags/Warnings: Mutual Masturbation, Angst with a Happy Ending, AngstEmotional Hurt/Comfort, fanfic gap Summary: fan fic gap first time.
The blonde-haired witch and the little push | @chaoticdean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2,830 Main Tags/Warnings: Case Fic, Witches, Oblivious Castiel/Dean Winchester, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Sharing a Bed Summary: It’s not the first time Dean’s ever had to listen to someone referring to Castiel as “his boyfriend”, but it sure as hell is the first time he has to sit through a diner listening to a witch referring to Cas as his husband without even batting an eyelash, like it’s the most normal thing in the world. Which would be fine if it didn’t cause actual shivers to run down his spine. (or the one where a friendly witch gives Dean the little push he needs)
Every Part of You | @the-communist-unicorn
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,097 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Panty Kink, Married Dean/Cas, Explicit Sex (but non-penetrative so there's no top or bottom), References to Homophobia Summary: Cas discovered his husband's secret completely by accident, but now that he knew, he wasn't just going to let Dean shove it back in that shoe box like it was something to be ashamed of. Every part of Dean was perfect and beautiful, and Cas might have just discovered a kinky side of himself too.
Whiskey and Wifi | @celipuff
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,401 Main Tags/Warnings: Top!Castiel/Bottom!Dean, Dom Sub Undertones, Neighbors, Castiel Has A Panty Kink Summary: Cas may have lost a WiFi connection, but when he makes his way over to his neighbors house, he ends up gaining something much better.
At Last! | @chaoticdean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 3,617 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friends to Lovers, Best Friends, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Airports, First Kiss, 5+1 Things Summary: Five times Dean kept his mouth shut, and one time he didn’t.
OUR FIRST TIME | @cooloddball
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,920 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff and Smut Summary: Dean & Cas' first time together
Ghost Town Saints | @nothing-but-dreams
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,010 Main Tags/Warnings: College, House Party, Beer Pong, Marijuana, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Friends to Lovers, Trans!Castiel, Supportive Dean, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: College is out for summer vacation, and that means Cas is back home with his family. Ever since he came out as trans, things have been tense, to say the least. After yet another argument with his parents, Cas needs to clear his head. Luckily, his best friend Dean is just a text away. Dean suggests the two of them escape reality for a bit and hit up a party being held at Ghost Town. As they drink and get high, they realize their feelings for each other run deeper than friendship.
It Started With Arousal | @vampamber
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,260 Main Tags/Warnings: ABO, angel Cas, alpha Cas, omega Dean, soul bonds, virgin Cas, porn with plot Summary: It was when Castiel violently slammed the demon into the wall mid-fight that he felt it. The bond he had with Dean ever since he pulled the omega out of Hell had been getting stronger lately, but this was the first time that Castiel truly experienced an emotion that wasn't his own. He had expected something like this to happen eventually, but there was no way he ever would have expected such a feeling at a time like this. Dean was… aroused? He spared a quick glance at the hunter, meeting green eyes but seeing nothing that might cause said arousal. When three more demons kicked through the door to enter the room and the fight, Castiel promptly forgot the confusing emotion. For the time being, at least.
Kiss Me | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,285 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Compliant, First Kiss, Humor, Friends to Lovers Summary: Dean’s spur-of-the-moment ideas aren’t always the best, as lots of people are able to attest. And his last one really took the cake. Because now he’s unable to forget the taste of Castiel’s lips and he’s got no freaking clue how to deal with this.
Kiss at the Drive-in | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,380 Main Tags/Warnings: fluff and smut, getting together, drive-in cinema, semi-public sex, car sex, non-penetrative sex, handjobs, shy!Dean, dirty dancing, implied Bottom!Dean Summary: When Dirty Dancing airs in a Drive-in Cinema near the Bunker, Dean really wants to go with Castiel. Of course only because Castiel’s education about movies is still bad. Not like it’s a date. Sadly.
Swayze Always Gets A Pass | @kingdumbass
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,766 Main Tags/Warnings: Bunker Fic, First Kiss, Drunk Dean and Cas Summary: After Dean and Cas get into an argument over a case, Dean tries to apologize by asking Cas to Netflix and chill. Featuring: Cas the movie critic, his drunk friend, Dean, and Dean's tired brother, Sam.
Y Tu Dean Tambien | @a-mandala-rose
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 6,909 Main Tags/Warnings: High School AU, Geek Dean, Closeted Bi Dean, Pan/Possibly Demi Cas, Referenced Homo/Biphobia, Low/No Angst, Implied/Referenced Consensual Underage Non-Penetrative Sex, Nothing Explicit, Happy Ending Summary: Dean Winchester has a crush. A great, big, secret, gay crush. Okay, more like a great, big, secret, bisexual crush, if we’re being technical. Either way though, the relevant word here is secret, because Dean lives in Kansas, which isn’t exactly known for its thriving LGBT community. In fact, he’s pretty sure most of his neighbors don’t actually know what LGBT stands for and he’d be willing to bet that if asked, at least a solid 10% would think it’s a sandwich. So yeah, nobody knows that Dean’s spent the past six months crushing on Cas Novak, the sexy junior in his Spanish II class, and it’s damn well going to stay that way. “Hola, Señor Winchester,” murmurs a gravelly voice in Dean’s ear, straight out his dirtiest fantasies and close enough to raise the hairs on the back of his neck, as Dean suppresses a shiver. The smirk on the mouth housing that goddamn sinful voice tells him that while he may have resisted the full-body shudder, his red cheeks did not go unnoticed by the boy sliding fluidly into the desk directly behind him. “Hey, Cas.” Nobody knows about Dean’s crush except for Cas, that is. Cas definitely knows.
Game of Survival | @sorajinsei
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8,317 Main Tags/Warnings: Suspense, Alternate UniverseThriller,Alternate Universe - Purge, Demonic Possession, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies Summary: Who's in the shadows? Who's ready to play? Are we the hunters? Or are we the prey? There's no surrender and there's no escape.
Talk Therapy | shara (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9,309 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Top Castiel, Bottom Dean Winchester, First Time Bottoming, Rimming, Communication Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, ALL the issues Summary: "Alright fine, you can put a finger in me," Dean says one night while watching Cas go down on him. Cas pops his mouth off Dean’s dick and stares at him. "I never said I wanted to put a finger in you," he says slowly, and then stops and tilts his head. "Do you want me to put a finger in you?" ~~~~ Dean comes to terms with this thing with Cas, and with himself.
Bind Me To You | @imbiowaresbitch
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 18,184 Main Tags/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Public Blow Jobs, Mild Kink, Condoms, Mutual Pining, Switching, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Anal Sex, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Light Bondage, One Night Stands, Strangers to Lovers, Teasing, Happy Ending, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Smut, Masturbation Summary: Dean and Cas meet in a one night stand, but lust, chance and eventually more bind them together.
Tempered Desires | @mattzerella-sticks
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 20,013 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Pandemic, Baker Dean, Dean has ADHD, Recreational Drug Use, Meet Cute, First Date Summary: Dating, sex, and finding love were the farthest things on the minds of both Dean and Castiel. There were more important things to worry about - namely the pandemic that swept across the globe and changed everything. Navigating this new environment was hard enough without adding romance. But fate never intervenes when you expect. From first meetings to first dates, we'll see how Dean and Castiel's relationship blossoms despite the circumstances.
Put That On A T-Shirt | @celipuff
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 21,524 Main Tags/Warnings: Dean’s First Time With A Man, Blowjobs, Top!Dean/Bottom!Cas, Semi Public Sex Summary: Getting blindfolded and blown by a random dude his girlfriend knew didn’t exactly sound like an ideal Sunday for Dean, until it actually happened.
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pirate-au · 3 years
A Pirate's Life for a Prince (Part 6)
Summary: Roman was a dashing Captain, content with his exciting life out at sea, diving head first into adventure both on and off land. He wouldn't give up his life for anything, and yet he found himself...lacking something. He was never sure what.
When he meets Virgil, a seemingly common traveler in an old tavern, that lacking feeling in his chest goes away for the first time in a long while. So surely there's no harm in offering the stranger and his friend a ride, right?
Notes: Thank you again to @cheshirevalentine for helping with editing and the descriptions of sword fighting, They've got a side blog for this au, go check out @actorau
TW: a little blood and injury and really gay pining
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
Virgil had no idea what he was supposed to be doing.
Roman was frowning at him, watching Virgil with scrutinizing eyes before sheathing his own sword at his side.
“Have you never held a sword before?” he asked, his hands on his hips. “It’s like you’re afraid of it.”
Virgil huffed, lowering the sword that was steadily becoming embarrassingly heavy to his side, cheeks burning red with shame under Roman's judgment. “I don’t know what you think I was doing in that palace, but it wasn’t sword fighting.”
“But I thought you were raised as a prince.”
Virgil had asked before, once or twice when he was much younger, but it had been shut down almost immediately, and the request had never even made it to his Uncle. He would never be the dashing Prince who charged into battle, brandishing a sword like it was nothing. That wasn’t the kind of prince they wanted him to be.
“Whatever.” Virgil would really rather not discuss this right now, especially not here. “Why are we even doing this?”
“Because you have to learn to defend yourself,” Roman said simply, moving around Virgil to check his stance. “I won’t always be here to save the day, you know. Now, lift your sword again. I’ll fix your hold.”
Roman was behind him, making Virgil’s shoulders tense instinctively, but he forced himself to relax and do what he was told.
“Come on,” Roman urged as Virgil lifted the sword. “I promise this will help you feel more secure.”
Virgil rolled his eyes when Roman moved back around, mostly to cover up how uneasy and inadequate he felt. He wasn't exactly excited to show off how weak he was to a pirate Captain who had already seen him cry twice.
“Running away has worked out pretty well so far,” Virgil said, but kept the sword lifted all the same. “I’m not gonna be any good at this.”
“You don't know that," Roman said quietly, moving beside Virgil. He moved to help him hold the sword and hesitated, awkwardly maneuvering his hands as if he wasn't sure how to place them around Virgil's. “Uh… my apologies. Is it alright if I touch you?”
Virgil only hesitated a second, forcibly shoving down the panic rising against his will. It was just Roman, and Roman had made it clear that he wouldn’t hurt him. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Alright then.” Roman moved slowly, clearly trying not to spook Virgil, placing himself behind the prince once again and gently wrapping his warm hands around Virgil’s own. The weight of the sword lifted considerably with his help. “The way I was taught was rather… untraditional. It’s easier to teach like this.”
Virgil nodded, trying to focus on keeping his breathing steady. “So… where did you learn to sword fight?”
“My brother and I learned a long time ago,” Roman said, curt in the way that told Virgil the Captain would prefer to discuss anything else. “Anyways. I’ll teach you to block and parry first.”
Virgil wanted to apologize for prying, but it was already hard enough to form words with the feeling of Roman’s hands encasing his own, his chest rising and falling against Virgil’s back. He had the sudden, ridiculous urge to close his eyes and lean back against the steady warmth.
“Uh, ok,” he said instead, forcing himself to focus. “Just… be patient with me I guess. I’m kind of a slow learner, so… sorry in advance.”
“Nonsense,” the Captain chided. “You’ll do fine.”
Virgil nodded, his breathing still a bit uneven as he let Roman move his hands to the Prince’s wrists. He guided his arms, first to slowly swing up to block at his left shoulder, and then down.
"When you block, you want to make sure your assailant isn't pushing you back,” he said. “On a ship, that could be the difference between being cast overboard or staying dry." He dropped a hand to pat Virgil's left hip. "It's best to step forward after that, preferably with your non-dominant leg. It will give you a stable base to attack on, so make sure your weight is centered."
Virgil was doing his absolute best to listen to what Roman was saying, but to be fair he was pretty sure he was going to suck at this whether he could comprehend the instructions or not.
But Roman was still holding his hand, warm and strong, and when the Captain moved to touch his hip Virgil could only respond with a slightly panicked, "Okay."
“To attack,” Roman continued, his voice a gentle murmur in Virgil’s ear. “Take another step with your other leg and swing forward-” He stepped with Virgil, guiding their arms to swing at their invisible assailant. "Your sword is an extension of your arm. You don't want to overextend and throw yourself off balance, that will give your opponent a chance to swing at you. Now, back-” He stepped back, gently pulling Virgil with him. "Block, forward, attack, back."
Virgil couldn’t breathe, something he was unfortunately used to, but for once it didn’t feel like a bad thing.
The panic wasn't all consuming and cold, it was warm and it made him feel lightheaded and distant. Roman was up against him, guiding his movements, and although he knew he probably looked absolutely pathetic holding the sword, in the moment it felt like he could do anything.
Other than Patton, no one had ever been so gentle with him. It had been so long since he’d been touched without the intention to hurt.
“Once more,” Roman instructed. “Block, forward, attack, back. Look at you! You’re doing amazing already.”
Virgil’s face grew hot, chest light at the praise. It took him a moment to find his voice, choked and unsteady. “I… thank you.”
“Now we pick up the pace,” Roman said, slowly starting to increase their speed. “You’re doing so well. Just a bit faster now and then I’ll let you try it on your own.”
After a moment of the back and forth, the two almost dancing in the afternoon sun, Virgil closed his eyes for just a second, basking in the warm glow, the feeling of Roman’s hands over his, content and safe.
“Now,” Roman said softly. “Can you show me?”
Virgil’s eyes snapped open, reality slamming back into him as Roman stepped away and the sword momentarily wobbled in the air, the Prince struggling to keep it upright by himself.
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” He hesitated, face burning for an entirely new reason this time. God, he was so stupid. He could vaguely recall the movements, but… he'd just end up looking like an idiot if he tried it by himself. "Sorry, uh… could you let me watch you first? Sorry I'm just… kind of slow sometimes."
“You’re not slow,” Roman assured, sending Virgil a patient smile. “Some people are visual learners, it's only a matter of preference. I'm a kinesthetic learner, so I have to do it, rather than see it."
Virgil shrugged, still not fully convinced he wasn’t just stupid. “I guess.”
Roman unsheathed his own practice sword and lifted it, turning so he was parallel to where Virgil was standing, and began the back and forth.
“Block, forward, attack, back,” he said, repeating the motions twice, faster the second time. "Ideally, a fight isn't so tense and scripted. You have to learn to think on your feet. And always, always play dirty. A fair fight is sure to get you killed." He lowered his sword, facing Virgil with a smile. "Ready?"
Slightly stunned by how patient Roman was, Virgil nodded and took a shaky breath. The Captain’s patience was bound to run out soon if he didn’t hurry up and get this right.
“I’m ready.”
He began to copy Roman’s movements- block, forward, attack, back. He knew it looked clumsy and ridiculous, and not even close to what Roman was expecting. The sword still felt heavy and foreign in his hands, and he turned sheepishly to the Captain when he was finished, fully prepared to apologize for doing so poorly.
But Roman was smiling at him, wide and genuine. He sheathed his own sword again, placing his hands on his hips.
“You learn quickly!” he praised. “This particular style requires a lot of physical conditioning. Your abdomen, back, wrists, and hands all need conditioning if you're to properly hold your sword. Though, I'm sure we have a rapier around here somewhere that may better suit you."
Virgil furrowed his brow. “A rapier?”
“Something smaller,” Roman explained, eyes softening. “It might be a bit easier for you. Logan prefers lighter weapons, as well.”
“Oh,” Virgil said, arms already growing sore from the strain of the sword. “Maybe.”
“We’ll save that for later,” Roman said. “For now, I need you to take the rhythm you just learned, and I need you to forget it. Falling into a rhythm can mean spacing out, and without the utmost concentration, you're dead. Now! Make like you're going to attack me.”
Roman didn’t move, didn't even unsheathe his sword, and Virgil frowned when he just stood there, waiting expectantly.
“Uh… okay?” He cautiously positioned the sword again and pointed it at Roman, the Captain still unarmed. “Like this?”
Roman nodded, looking Virgil over carefully. "Widen your stance. For you… I think it's best to stave on the balls of your feet. I believe I've been teaching you how I was taught, and since our body types are so different..."
He trailed off, smiling dropping into a small frown, eyebrows drawn together as he studied Virgil’s stance.
"Don't focus so hard on grounding yourself,” Roman instructed. He finally took his blade out with a flourish, spinning it once before he widened his stance, holding his sword at the ready. "Attack me.”
“I- what?” Virgil wasn’t sure if he was more worried about hurting Roman, or Roman hurting him. The latter seemed more likely. “I’m not gonna… I can’t just start stabbing at you!”
“You can,” Roman declared, shifting eagerly on the balls of his feet. “That’s how you learn. I won’t bite, I promise. Now, attack me! If you hesitate in battle, your foe won’t hesitate to take your life.”
“I guess,” Virgil relented. “Okay.”
He pushed down the lingering uneasiness, both from the sight of a much larger man holding a sword in front of him, and the off chance that he might actually end up hurting the Captain. Virgil moved forward, still hesitant, moving to attack slowly with no real intent to hit.
Roman was silent and still, holding his sword at the ready. He stepped forward to intercept Virgil's blade, twisting his own to knock the handle out of Virgil's grip. His sword clattered to the ground between them and Roman took a step back.
“You can do better,” the Captain said. “We both saw it. Again.”
Virgil reached down to pick up the weapon off the ground, keeping his eyes on Roman and the weapon in his hand. "What if I… accidentally stab you?"
“I’ve been stabbed before,” Roman said, clearly biting back a rising smile. “And you’re a fragile ex-prince who’s never held a sword before. I’m not worried.”
Virgil scowled, hoping his embarrassed flush wasn't as obvious as it felt. He still hesitated, this time with a bit more force. “Well, if you’ve gotten stabbed clearly you can’t be that good.”
“Right, and clearly you’re so talented.” Roman parried this time, stepping forward to smack the blade back. “Again. Harder, this time. You’re not going to hurt me, Virgil.”
"What if I do?" Virgil shot back, unable to stop a smile as he attacked again, still keeping his movements a bit slow. "What will people say if you get stabbed by someone who’s never even held a sword?"
"That I was viciously attacked by a vengeful Prince and did nothing wrong," Roman huffed, smacking the blade away once more. "Faster. I can keep up."
"You sure?" Virgil asked, more teasing than anything as he finally let himself relax just a bit, moving forward to attack once again.
“Move faster and we’ll see.”
The friendly banter took some of the tension away, Virgil smiling despite himself, feeling lighter by the second.
Virgil's movements were still definitely a bit more frantic than they needed to be, shoulders tensing as he moved his sword up, glancing hopefully up at Roman when he blocked the attack.
“Good!” Roman said, beaming. “Try not to panic, it’ll make you lose focus. Try again.”
Right. Try not to panic. That was easier said than done, especially when it came to Virgil, who could never seem to react any other way.
But the praise made him feel lighter than ever, and he smiled with a tiny nod before stepping back to try again.
“You’re doing good. Keep it up, don’t stop-” Roman parried and returned the next blow. “Pick up the speed. Push me back!”
Virgil managed to keep his movements a little less panicked this time, taking deep breaths like Patton had taught him and moved to attack again, faster this time as instructed.
"You sure you can keep up, Captain?" he teased with confidence he didn't feel in the slightest, smiling with his eyes still on the swords.
To his relief Roman’s smile only grew, the Captain taking another step forward to block again. “Eyes on me. Watch the weapons, but if you can see where I'm looking you can see where I'm attacking."
Virgil managed not to completely freak out when he blocked Roman’s next attack, still a bit more tense than he knew the Captain would have liked.
It was almost impossible to keep his eyes on Roman, cheeks growing hot whenever the Captain met his eyes, forcing himself to avert his gaze.
Virgil really did not need to be distracted by the blush spreading across his cheeks and the butterflies in his stomach as he moved to attack again.
Roman laughed, Virgil’s eyes lighting up when he nearly lowered his sword before he could block Virgil’s attack. “Come on handsome, eyes up here.”
“I’m trying!”
Roman took another step forward, swiping down towards Virgil’s leg. “When you can’t block, move!”
Virgil just barely managed to scramble out of the blade's way, and he was sure if Roman had moved any faster he would have lost a leg.
“Jesus!” His face was burning red now, both from the teasing and his own sloppy moves. “Are you trying to kill me?”
Roman's grin only grew as he took a step back, spinning his sword. "No, I'm trying to prepare you. Distractions happen. Now come on beautiful, one more time."
Oh, this was so not fair. Virgil’s blush depended, but he forced himself not to look away this time when he attacked. “Careful, or I’m actually going to stab you.”
“I’ve got the experience, darling,” Roman bragged, though he barely got his sword up in time to block Virgil’s strike. “You can’t hurt me.”
Virgil laughed, ignoring the way his cheeks burned at the nickname. He was going to die here. “Whatever you say, Captain.”
Virgil had no idea how long they went on like this for, time nothing but a distant blur, overshadowed by the warm excitement bubbling in his chest. His cheeks burned bright when he eventually managed to start meeting Roman’s eyes, the Captain sending him a teasing smile.
He should have noticed Roman had gotten distracted, should have realized he’d started moving just a bit slower than he had been when they first started.
But he didn’t, and Roman’s sword didn’t move up to block Virgil's next attack.
Roman gasped when the blade cut into his bicep, ripping through the cloth and drawing blood immediately, and the Captain quickly smacked the blade away with the end of his own sword.
"Holy shit!" Virgil dropped the sword without thinking, wincing when it clattered to the ground. He moved towards Roman, stopping in his tracks when he saw how much blood there was. "I… shit, Roman I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I- I wasn't paying attention I'm so sorry!"
Roman looked back up at Virgil, raising an eyebrow at the Prince’s panic.
“I stand corrected,” he said, voice more awed than annoyed or angry. “It turns out you can stab me. Well done.”
“Well done?” Virgil echoed. “I hurt you!”
“It’s fine, Virgil. I’m barely bleeding. I wasn’t paying attention, this is just the consequence.” He looked back to his wound, lifting his arm to inspect it. “Would you mind grabbing Logan for me, though? He should be up on the bridge.”
Virgil nodded and scrambled back, carefully stepping over the swords, grateful for the excuse to get away. It at least meant Roman wasn't angry enough to lash out.
Unless that was Logan's job.
Virgil’s head was spinning and his hands were shaking, but he forced himself to keep going, rushing to the bridge.
The relief was almost crushing when he saw Patton, leaned up against the wall as he chatted with Logan, the two of them lost in quiet conversation. Virgil hadn’t been sure he could handle being alone with Logan, especially when it ran the risk of making him angry.
“Virgil?” Patton called, concern rising as soon as he saw the young Prince. “What’s wrong, kiddo?”
“I…” Virgil hesitated, eyes glued to Logan. “Roman he- he got hurt. With his sword, it… it was my fault and- and he asked for you. I’m… I’m sorry, I—”
Logan was already starting forward with a sigh, freezing when Virgil flinched back at the sudden movement, arms wrapped protectively around himself, eyes flying instinctively to Patton.
“I’m going to go check on Roman,” Logan explained, keeping his voice low. “I’m not angry with you. Whatever happened was clearly an accident.”
Virgil nodded, still a bit frantic and shaky, stepping aside to let Logan through. Patton moved to follow, pausing to place a gentle hand on Virgil’s hunched shoulder.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly, the words meant just for the two of them. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
Virgil shook his head, grateful beyond words Patton had decided to stay. “I’m fine I just… I- I didn’t mean to hurt him we were just—”
“I know, honey.” Pat squeezed his shoulder, sending a reassuring smile. “Nobody’s gonna hurt you, V. Come on, let’s go see if they need any help.”
They followed Logan back to the deck where Roman was waiting, letting the first mate make a quick stop for a first-aid kit, and Virgil averted his gaze when Roman straightened up at their arrival.
“My valiant knight in black armor,” the Captain greeted, offering his bloody arm to Logan. “Hello, Logan. How has your day been?”
Logan sighed, carefully taking a hold of the injured arm and lowering himself to a crouch. “What on earth are you and Virgil doing?”
“I was teaching Virgil how to use a sword!” Roman announced, and he was beaming when Virgil risked a glance up. “Isn’t he doing great already? I didn’t think he could hit me at all, but here we are!”
Roman rocked back and forth as he talked, gesturing with his free hand, and Logan tightened his grip. “Stay still, please.”
It was clearly a pointless venture, Virgil hadn’t seen Roman sit still once since he’d come aboard, but the Captain nodded and settled for tapping his hands against the floor. He winced when Logan touched the wound but didn't shy away, letting a hissing breath of pain out.
“He’s doing great,” Roman declared again, leaning back slightly to look at Virgil. “You are, you know. This is good progress.”
Virgil tensed, warily glancing between Roman and Logan despite the fact that neither of them seemed inclined to chew him out or make a move to strike him just yet. “I stabbed you. I literally stabbed you!”
“You did!” Roman said, ecstatic. “That’s the whole point! You did it, you got me! And I’m barely even hurt, don’t worry about it.”
Logan sighed again, reaching with his free hand for the rest of the medical supplies as Roman's blood began to soak through the first rag. Virgil looked away, even as he blushed under Roman's praise.
"But I… you’re not mad?”
“Not at all,” Roman assured. “I told you to attack me, didn't I? Sometimes people get hurt when you spar, this was a learning opportunity!" He paused, glancing down at Logan. “I’m bleeding quite a lot, aren’t I? Should I be worried about that?”
“You will be fine,” Logan said, not looking up. “The cut is shallow. Virgil did not land a fatal blow, though I can imagine the temptation was there.”
It startled a laugh out of Virgil, and Roman gave an offended gasp. “He would never! He’s a very good friend, much more so than someone I know.”
“Stay still.”
Roman scowled at his first mate, then winced in pain as he continued to tend to the wound. “It really is okay, Virgil. I’ve been stabbed worse by far more terrible foes, I promise.”
“You seem to have a habit of getting stabbed,” Virgil said, voice still a bit shaky. He relaxed a little when Patton put a hand on his shoulder. “And here I thought you were a master.”
“Even masters occasionally get stabbed. This is nothing,” Roman boasted. “Do I need stitches, Lo? That part does hurt, and I’d recommend not watching if you don’t have a thick stomach.”
Virgil did feel a bit sick at the thought, though it was more the idea of the Captain being in pain because of him than the stitches. The blood didn't bother him all that much- he'd had to get Patton to patch him up like this plenty of times in the past.
“I’m fine,” he said. “I can stay if you need someone to hold your hand.”
It had been a joke, nothing more than teasing, and Virgil absolutely was not half hoping Roman would take him up on the offer.
But Roman grinned, something mischievous in his eyes. He lifted his free hand and wiggled his fingers at Virgil. “Well then you’d better come comfort me, Prince Dreary.”
Virgil was going to kill him. His face flushed again, cheeks on fire. He had no idea how Roman kept managing to fluster him like this, but he wasn’t about to give the Captain the satisfaction of seeing it.
He rolled his eyes as he stepped forward, effortlessly slipping his hand into Roman’s and smirking. “Better?”
“Much,” Roman hummed, and Virgil saw Logan roll his eyes. The Captain just smiled, his thumb stroking gentle lines along the back of Virgil’s hand. “Your hands are very small, you know. Soft, though.”
It was quiet musing, gentle and kind, but Virgil's chest squeezed painfully, suddenly very aware of how much smaller he was than the other three men on the deck, shame and anxiety rising to his throat.
“Yeah okay,” he muttered, gaze dropping back down to the floor. “Maybe your hands are just huge, Roman.”
“I’m not complaining,” Roman said, but his smile softened like he had picked up on Virgil’s discomfort. “They’re soft. Cold as hell, but that’s only fitting for Peter Deadpan, I suppose.”
Virgil scoffed, but his face felt warm, and his smile was quickly becoming more relaxed again. “Well, I didn’t grow up playing with swords like you did. Royal life is kinda boring compared to the life of a pirate.”
“I don’t know,” Roman mused, and he shared an odd look with his first mate. “Royal life can be exciting too. It’s just… a different kind of excitement.”
Logan snorted, peeling the blood soaked cloth away from dark skin. “You would know.”
Roman winced, squeezing Virgil’s hand. “That was years ago, Logan. It’s possible it’s gotten more exciting since then.”
“I’m sure.”
Wait, what?
Virgil didn’t get a chance to ask the questions on the tip of his tongue before Roman huffed, tilting his head to inspect what was left of the wound. “Are you almost done, oh gracious healer?”
“You don’t need stitches, Captain,” Logan said, unamused. “But you’re more than welcome to keep holding the Prince’s hand if you’d like.”
Roman just glared, clearly biting back a smile as Logan gathered up bandages from his first aid kit, still keeping a firm hold on Roman’s arm.
Virgil squeezed Roman’s hand without thinking, scrambling for the right words. “You… you were a royal?”
“A long time ago, yes.” Roman’s smile faded, his thumb going back to tracing soothing lines on Virgil’s hand before he could feel guilty for opening his mouth. “Far from here, I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t know of me.”
“What kingdom?”
“Lucoria,” Roman said softly. “It’s due East, months away. We’re far from it.”
Virgil nodded, fighting not to lose himself to the flood of memories as he thought back to the history practically forced down his throat since he was a child. He’d heard of Lucoria, could vaguely recall rumors and stories, but history had never really been his strong suit. He’d never really been interested in the past, anyway.
But he could see the tension Roman was failing to hide, and he quickly squeezed the Captain’s hand once more, offering what he hoped was a gentle smile
“I’m glad you got out,” Virgil said, eyes glued to Roman, unable to look away. “It doesn’t seem like you’d enjoy that life.”
Roman returned Virgil's smile easily, tilting his head. "Like I said, it’s a lot more free. It wasn’t… all my choice, but once you're out there's no way you can go back. Leaving was the best thing I could have done."
“Well… thank you,” Virgil said quietly, the rest of the world melting away for just a moment. “For letting me leave too.”
Roman’s eyes widened and his cheeks flushed, and for the first time since Virgil had met him, Roman was completely still. “Anything for you.”
For what felt like an eternity neither of them moved, everything almost magically quiet. And then Roman hissed in pain, whirling around and yanking on his injured arm, shattering the moment.
“Ow, you—”
“There you are, Captain,” Logan announced, ignoring Roman’s outburst and cutting the rest of the bandage. “Try to be more careful next time.”
Roman winced and pulled his arm away from Logan, scowling. Virgil glanced at Patton, the older man watching them all carefully, expression worried but guarded.
“Yes, yes,” Roman said, the Captain practically pouting. “We’ll be more careful.”
Virgil hesitated to let go of Roman’s hand, eyes now on his freshly bandaged arm. “I’m sorry, again. For hurting you.”
“It’s okay,” Roman assured. “Though, I do think it’s best that we stop for the day. But we can pick this up anytime.”
“Yeah,” Virgil agreed. Today had entailed more physical activity than he’d ever had in his life, his ribs and chest starting to ache now that the adrenaline was starting to fade. “Sounds good, Captain.”
Logan practically had to drag Roman away, guiding the Captain back to the bridge while Patton gently took Virgil by the shoulder and steered them both back to their quarters.
Virgil went willingly, leaning into Patton’s familiar touch, but it took a while for the pleasant warmth to disappear from Virgil’s cheeks.
And if he couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot for the rest of the afternoon, Patton was gracious enough not to point it out.
Taglist: @i-really-like-dragons @stitches-system @poettheythem @remy-the-lemon-berry @shrubs-and-bushes @i-sexually-identify-as-a-mistake @wordsmithandworm @the-dead-and-the-decaying @hope340 @winterwynd @thomas-sanders-tothe-standers @angstysunshine @sunshineandteddybears @pixelated-pineapple @fire-and-ash67 @blues-clues-oh-wait @shinekittenace @marrymebishop @all-panic-nodisco @ravenclawunicorn1 @someoneiwasnt @listenherebuddypal @aroace-energy @iinyxtello
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COSMIC - S1:E4; Chapter Four, The Body - [Pt. 3]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘠/𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘥𝘥 𝘴𝘺𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘧.
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WARNINGS: Cursing. Homophobic comments from Tr*y [his in script use of the word fa*ry once] Reader fucking SNAPS.
|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
The five of us rode our bikes down the road to school, El on the back of Mike's bike as usual. She seemed eager to soak in everything around her like she would never see it again. Wind brushed the wig aside and she clung tightly to Mike.
Mike was beginning to slow down, the group of us all growing tired from the ride. Soon enough, however, we were walking through the back doors to the schools. Mike was in the lead as he turns to speak to us as we walked.
"Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad."
I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
'He is still missing, isn't he?'
My thoughts were interrupted by the crackling of the speaker.
"Attention students, there will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now. Do not go to fourth period."
I looked to the ceiling at the mention of my best friend and by the time I looked ahead, we had made it outside the AV room. Mike was attempting to open the door but it must be locked.
"It's locked." Mike confirmed.
"What?" Lucas asked.
"Hey, El, is there any way for you to open it?" I ask.
Before she could respond, we all jumped at the voice of Mr. Clarke and froze.
"Boys? Lady." He nodded towards El.
"Hey." Lucas breathed, obviously startled.
"Assembly's about to start."
"We know. We're just, you know..." Mike works a solemn look on his face as he spoke and the others seemed to join in, including me although it wasn't that difficult.
"Upset." Lucas nodded, dropping his nervous smile.
"Yeah, definitely upset," Dustin muttered.
I opened my mouth to speak, but thought better to say nothing at all and even looked down to the ground. Channeling all my emotions from just hours before.
"We need some alone time."
"To... cry." Dustin hesitated.
"Yeah, listen... I get it. I do. I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for Will, huh? And then," Mr. Clarke reached into his pocket and pulled out a key.
He tossed the key to Mike who caught it upon instinct.
"the Heathkit is all yours for the rest of the day. What do you say?"
We all looked to each other, wearing subtle triumphant smirks. It couldn't have been that easy, could it?
Mr. Clarke seemed to finally notice that he had no idea who El was.
"I don't believe we've met. What's your name?"
El seemed shocked and began to say 'Eleven' when Mike panicked and cut in.
"Eleanor! She's my, uh-"
"Cousin!" Lucas jumped in.
"Second cousin," Dustin added.
I started to laugh but caught myself just in time to play it off as a cough. I pretended to clear my throat as I looked to Mr. Clarke who was looking a bit confused.
"She's here for Will's funeral." Mike sighed.
Mr. Clarke seemed content with this answer as he shrugged and turned to her.
"Ah, well, welcome to Hawkins Middle, Eleanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances."
She looked to us and Mike, then turned to Mr. Clarke nodding her head. "Thank you."
A small smile fought its way into my face. She was doing great.
"Uh, where are you from exactly?"
El shook her head, sighing exasperatedly. "Bad place-"
"Sweden!" Dustin cuts in.
"I have a lot of Swedish family."
"She hates it there."
Meanwhile, I had fought back another laugh at the whole exchange and I had to play it off as a cough yet again.
"Are you alright, Mr. Henderson?"
My head snapped up, but luckily I was fairly quick on my feet this time.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I woke up with a fever, haven't been feeling well all morning. But I insisted on coming. For Will." Mr. Clarke seemed satisfied with my answer and dismissed our odd behavior.
"Shall we?"
"Yep!" We all follow Mr. Clarke to the gymnasium in silence.
As we get closer, I can hear the principal speaking from inside.
"At times like these, it is important that we come together as a community. We come-"
Dustin swung open the gymnasium doors far too hard and the loud bang echoed throughout the gym that had drawn the attention of the crowd. I elbow Dustin. I feel him shifting on his feet beside me as panic sets in.
"Abort." He whispers, turning to leave.
Thankfully, Lucas stops him and shoved him forward.
"We come together to heal... we come together to grieve..."
As the principle continues his speech, the five of us wander into the bleachers to find a seat.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Will Byers' death is an unimaginable tragedy. Will was an exceptional student and a wonderful friend to all of us. It's impossible to express the hole his loss will leave in our community. I'd like to introduce you to Sandy Sloane. She's a local grief counselor from the church over in Jonesboro."
While the principal carried on, the five of us all looked to each other, all sharing the same thought.
'We need to get to that radio. And soon.'
"I just want those of you who are having trouble dealing with this tragic loss..."
"Look at these fakers." I heard Mike whisper.
"They probably didn't even know his name till today." Lucas scoffed.
My head whipped to the side when I heard hushed chuckling. I wasn't surprised to see Troy and his friend as the source of the laughter. I glared daggers into them and my hands gripped the edge of my seat until I was sure my knuckles would tear.
The boys and El seemed quick to follow my gaze because soon enough, we were all leaning over glaring at them.
"Who is interested in this? This is so stupid." He laughed.
I grit my teeth as my vision filled with red.
"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah..."
"Y/n..." Lucas warned, reaching out for my arm. I wasn't paying attention, but for some reason, I felt his hand leave my arm almost as soon as he grabbed it.
"'Oh, he was such a great student. Oh, he's going to leave a hole in the community.'" Troy mocked, beginning to fake sob.
I began to shake with rage, wanting nothing more than to stand up and scream 'fu-'
"What?!" I hissed at Lucas, my head whipping around to face him, my jaw clenched.
I saw fear in his eyes as he glanced between my eye line and my hands. I looked down at my own hands to see the dangerously strong grip on the wood. I yanked my hands off the bench and rubbed my hands together, keeping to myself.
I was shocked to see the faintest imprint of the most vaguely shaped hand on the bench. It was hardly noticeable and I had to do a double take.
'What the hell?'
El was leaning over and she met my gaze. She briefly looked at my hands, seeming to dismiss whatever thoughts she had. Then looked to Troy.
"Mouth breather." She whispered.
I let out a strained chuckle and nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah, mouth breather." I whispered, looking back and Troy.
Eventually, the bell rang, dismissing the assembly. Even though Lucas and Dustin seemed to have let it go, Mike and I were not finished.
"Hey! Hey! Hey Troy." Mike called.
I could tell he could hear us because he barely slowed down but was clearly laughing. I stomped towards him and called him out, loud and clear.
"Hey, jackass!"
He stopped in his tracks and turned around. He seemed like he wanted to be mad, but almost like he was happy he got a rise out of us.
"You think that shit was funny?" My voice never wavered and the boys and El seemed just as shocked as I was feeling at my newfound courage.
"What'd you say, orphan?" He asked, dumbfounded.
He only called me that when he was really pissed at me.
"You heard me! And how many times do I have to tell you, I'm not an orphan if I was adopted, you dumbass! Now what the hell is in that tiny brain of yours that would compel you to laugh at someone dying, huh? I mean, shit, you must really be sick in the head. I feel sorry for you." I spit out my last few words, my voice dripping with malice.
By now I was in his face, finally letting out all the pent-up aggression I've harbored for years. And it felt good.
"Get the hell outta my face, freak!" He yells shoving me back.
I get ready to strike but Dustin grabs my arm before my fist can collide with Troy's face. I struggle to get free but my brother was determined to hold me back, with the help of Lucas of course.
"Control your 'brother', Toothless. Or he just might lose a few teeth of his own." He glares at me and I still attempt to break free.
Mike seems to have found his voice as all of this happened because he was the next to speak.
"H-Hey, he's right! Laughing like that? That's a pretty messed up thing to do."
Troy, glares at us as his minion speaks.
"Didn't you listen to the counselor, freaks? Grief shows itself in funny ways."
"You little shit-" I attempt once more to get a right hook in but Lucas stops me.
Troy laughs at me struggling.
"Besides, what's there to be sad about, anyway? Will's in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies. All happy and gay!"
Lucas loosened his grip on me, silently letting me go as Troy began dancing around, mocking Will.
I swung my fist and I felt it collide with his nose with a satisfying crack. He stumbled back and grasped his nose in surprise, he pulled his hand away to find a few drops of blood on his hands. The crowd that had gathered while all of this unfolded, gasped in surprise. I even earned some scattered cheers among the students.
I seemed to realize the consequences of my actions, but I was prepared to face them. It was worth it. I watched as he stormed towards me, blinded by fury.
"You're dead, freak!" He stomped towards me at a shocking speed and I stumbled back, bracing myself for the inevitable retaliation but it never came.
All I felt was a sudden pair of hands on my right arm, harshly pushing me out of the way. I looked in time to see it was Mike who pushed me out of the way. I gakwed in confusion at what happened next.
Troy had just begun to raise his arm as he was only inches from Mike when he froze.
He completely froze in place.
He seemed just as confused, if not more than anyone. That confusion quickly bubbled into fear as his eyes scanned the room as much as he could without moving his head.
It finally dawned on me and I spared a quick glance at El, who was laser-focused on Troy, head tilted down and the smallest hint of blood dripping from her nose. I smirked and looked back to Troy, a smug smile on my face.
I couldn't hold back the laughter as I saw his pants begin to dampen with urine. A stream of it began pooling at his leg, and it even soaked into his socks and shoes. Other students caught on quickly and one boy in particular, began laughing.
"Dude, Troy peed himself!"
The circle of kids erupted into laughter as Troy stood frozen in a puddle of his own pee. I turned to El, who wore a devilish smirk on her face as she glanced between Mike and me. She quickly wiped her nose and started walking away. The boys and I enjoyed this brief moment of bliss.
"Hey! What is going on here?" The principle shouted.
"Come on!" I whisper, gesturing for the boys who all had the same idea. Before people could start asking questions we grouped together and made our way to the AV room unnoticed.
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scorpio-hotch · 2 years
omg can you write something about fake dating danny? thanks <33
Hehe thank you for the request!! I had so much fun writing this (the danny brain rot is strong.) I really hope you enjoy <33
Danny Nyland x male!reader
Word count: 2.7k (the longest fic i've ever witten hehe)
Content/warnings: fake dating, friends to lovers, kissing, mention of hospitals, danny gay panicking
Requests for Danny fics are open :))
Hospital "Romance"
Dr. Danny Nyland was a bit of a playboy. He was known to have many lovers, many of them being nurses he worked with. But he swore to himself he’d change that after meeting you. You were hired as a new doctor at the hospital a few months ago and you and Danny just clicked. You quickly became the best of friends, having lunch together every time you had the same shift, reminding each other to take breaks, even hanging out outside of work. It was clear to every other doctor and nurse that you were close.
But Danny wanted to be closer. He was falling for you, and falling for you hard. He is pretty sure the other doctors were picking up on that too. One day after lunch Jeffery asked him, “How was your date?”
“Was it not a date? You two seem close.”
“If you go by that logic, you and Aaron would be going on dates all the time.”
“Someone’s being defensive.”
But you weren’t dating, even if that’s what Danny wanted. You weren’t the first man he had been attracted to, but you were the first he fell so hard for. You were the first person he fell this hard for. It was easy not to think about it though. At least that's what he told himself. If he didn’t think about dating or relationships at all, he could stop thinking about you.
But things changed when a new nurse, Cindy, started working in the ER. She knew of Danny’s playboy reputation and she wanted to capitalize on it. Her flirting was less than subtle. With every advance he shot down, there was always another one. Danny could feel her eyes on him whenever they were in the ER together. He was sick of it.
He had gone to you many times about it. “I can’t stand it anymore!” he told you at your lunch not-dates.
“Oh no! The handsome and successful Dr. Nyland can’t stand a woman flirting with him,” you tease.
“Hey! This is serious”
“I know, I’m sorry. You’ve told her that you weren’t interested?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t make her stop.”
“Have you tried telling her you’re in a relationship?”
“Well, no…. but I’m not in a relationship.”
“She doesn’t know that.”
Before your conversation could continue your pager went off. “Looks like I gotta go,” you tell him as you get up and gather your things, “I hope things get better with you and that nurse.”
“Thanks,” he responds, disappointed that the best part of his day was cut short.
Later down in the ER, Cindy’s in the room with one of Danny’s patients. He asked her about the patient's vitals, but she was more interested in flirting than giving him the information he needed. As he left the room, she followed him out, calling out, “Hey, Danny,” and putting her hand on his arm.
He turned back to her, “I’m very busy right now,” and turned around to keep walking.
“It’ll only take a second.”
Danny stopped, “What is it?”
“I was wondering, do you wanna get dinner tonight?”
He let out a sigh, “Cindy, how many times do I have to tell you, I’m not interested.”
“Why not? You always tell me no and you never give me a good reason for why.”
Before he could think, Danny said, “I have a boyfriend, alright. Dr. y/l/n. We’ve been together for a while now.”
“I’m gonna get back to rounds if it's okay with you.”
He left her there, stunned in the hallway. He didn’t go back to rounds, he immediately went to go track you down. He finds you writing up a patient’s chart. You look up at him with a smile, “Hey, Danny, is there something I can...”
Before you finish he takes you by the arm and tells you “We gotta talk… in private.”
He takes you to an unused room and closes the door behind you. “What’s wrong?”
Your face is painted with concern. Danny immediately feels back for worrying you, “Nothing’s wrong…. I just wanted to tell you, I took your advice and I told Cindy I was in a relationship.”
“Oh, that's good, hopefully that makes her stop.”
“The thing is…” Danny wrings his hands together nervously, “I may have told her I was in a relationship… with you.”
“Oh…” you respond, “that makes sense I guess, since we’re together all the time, Jeffery even makes jokes that we’re together.”
“So you’re okay with it?”
“Yeah, I guess we’re fake boyfriends now,” you let out a small laugh.
Danny laughs too, “I guess we are… I should probably let you get back to work now.”
“Yeah, I should go back. I’ll see you around, sweetheart,” you tease, before leaving the room.
Danny stands there with blush flushing his cheeks. What has he gotten himself into?
Later, Danny finds himself back in the ER, doing his final rounds before going home. He feels a pit of nervousness in his stomach, but he can’t figure out what he was so nervous about. People finding out that he lied and told Cindy that he was dating you? Or is it people thinking that you’re actually together? Maybe it's the idea of having to act like you’re together but knowing it's not true, knowing you don’t feel the same.
He’s finishing up when Cindy makes her way over to him. “Hi, Danny,” she starts.
Across the room you see what’s going on and make your way over to them. Before she can finish what she’s saying you have your arm wrapped around Danny’s waist and you’re asking him, “Are you ready to go, babe?”
He looks down at you, blush creeping up on his cheeks, “y-yeah,” he stutters out, “I just need to grab my jacket and then we can go.”
You smile and give his waist a squeeze before looking back at Cindy, “Did you need something from Dr. Nyland?”
She looks at you stunned. “Uhh... no. You two have a good night,” she mutters before walking away.
You look back up at Danny with a big smile on your face. “Told you it’d work,” you say quietly.
He smiles too, the blush still evident on his cheek, “You were right.”
You let out a little chuckle, “Go get your jacket, let's hang out tonight. We can get pizza or something.”
You give his waist another squeeze and you press a kiss to his shoulder before letting go, telling him, “You know where to find me.”
He left to go get his jacket. The whole way, thinking about you. The way your arm felt wrapped around him. You calling him ‘babe’. The kiss! You kissed him!! It may have just been to his shoulder but it still blew his mind. He knows this fake dating thing is gonna ruin him, but he doesn’t have it in him to stop it.
The next few days are much of the same. When you and Danny are together you’re both being more affectionate, touching each other more than usual, calling each other the occasional nickname. At lunch, you sit closer than usual. Your knee brushing up against his. You touch his arm when he makes you laugh. You lean in closer when you talk to him. When lunch is over and you’re getting up to leave you give him a big hug and whisper into his ear, “I hope you have a good day.”
He melts into the hug. He knows it's all for show but he can’t help but fall even harder for you. How could he not? You’re the perfect boyfriend. Affectionate, attentive, sweet, beautiful, warm, handsome, amazing...
But it’s not real.
He has to keep reminding himself it's not real. It is all for show. It is all because he can’t handle being hit on.
It isn’t long before the whole hospital knows about you and Danny’s “relationship”. Gossip travels fast here, especially about relationships. The reaction is surprisingly supportive. It is a little surprising to some to hear that allegedly Danny is in a gay relationship, but the concensus is overall positive. He gets some questions from nurses he had brief relationships with before, asking if he knew he was gay when he was with them. He had heard some doctors saying they’ve always known he was a bit fruity. Jeffrey even comes up to him in the ER one day congratulating him, telling him, “Word around the hospital is you and y/n are finally together.”
“Yeah,” Danny responds, feeling weird about all this new attention.
“Well, he seems to make you very happy, so I’m happy for you, kid,” Jeffery says before giving Danny a pat on the back and going on his way.
You do make Danny happy. But the whole hospital thinking you’re together? That's a lot for him. It almost makes him sad to know that the people around him are so supportive of his fake relationship. To think about how wonderful it would be if it was real. But it wasn’t.
He starts to think about all the ways this whole situation has been affecting you. He’s sure you’re getting questions and comments about the relationship and your sexuality. You were out as gay to a few before, but now everyone knows. He can’t help but think about how it could negatively affect your relationships in the future. What if you were interested in someone and now they think you’re with him. He wants to be surprised at how far you go in convincing people that you’re his boyfriend, but he can’t be. You’re his best friend. You have shown time and time again that you’d do anything for him. All of this because some nurse had a silly crush on him.
Before he could spiral too far in self doubt, he gets a page to come up to Phillip’s office. He goes up there to find you already there, as well as Alan Birch, house counsel. When he walks in you give him a small smile. “Why don’t you both take a seat,” Phillip starts.
Danny sits down in the chair next to you and you take his hand in yours. Normally an action like that would make him nervous but at this moment it is comforting. Phillip starts, “It has come to my attention that you two are in a relationship. There are some policies in place...”
Before Phillip could finish, Alan interjected, “And this is not because you are two men in a relationship. These policies are for all couples, gay or straight.”
“That is right, Alan,” Phillip adds, before continuing, “We just need to know that your relationship won’t cause any problems with you both doing your jobs. I just need to ask a few questions. First, how long have you two been romantically involved?”
Danny is about to tell them the whole truth about how the relationship is fake and you’re not actually boyfriends, but before he can, you answer the question, “About three months,” you look over to him, “isn’t that right.”
“Y-yeah, that sounds right,” he stutters out.
He’s hoping that Phillip and Alan think his nervous demeanor is from having to talk about his relationship, not because everything you both are saying is completely untrue.
Phillip and Alan go back and forth asking questions about the logistics of your relationship, trying to determine whether or not it will affect your abilities to be doctors. You answer all the questions confidently without hesitation, Danny interjecting only when directly asked a question. The whole thing is over soon enough. Phillip finishes by saying, “Dr. Nyland, Dr. y/l/n, it appears to me that your relationship isn’t negatively affecting your work or this hospital. I think we’re done here.”
You finally let go of Danny’s hand when you stand up. It makes Danny feel as if he lost a source of warmth and comfort. You bid a farewell to Phillip and Alan, looking down at Danny as if to ask if he’s ready to go. He stands up next to you and follows you out of the office.
You both make your way back downstairs in relative silence. When you get down to the ER, Danny catches your hand, “Hey,” he starts, making you look back at him, “can we talk for a minute?”
You fill with confusion and concern, “Yeah, is something wrong?”
Danny leads you both to a supply room so you can talk in private. He looks down at the floor as he starts, “This whole fake dating thing…”
“Have I been too much? Am I making you uncomfortable? I’m sorry I told Alan and Phillip all that stuff, I just assumed we were trying to convince everyone.”
“No that's not it. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to do this for me.”
“Aw Danny, I’m doing this because I care about you, a lot, and I want to do this for you.”
“Really?” Danny asks, “Are you sure you don’t want to stop?”
“I’m sure, I was actually thinking…”
As you start, the supply closet door opens. You both recognize the person coming into the room. Cindy. Before you can think, you press your lips against Danny’s in a sweet kiss. His cheek immediately flush a deep red as he kisses you back. He’s sure this is the best moment of his life up to this point. His hands make their way to hold your waist. Yours go up to cup his face, deepening the kiss just a bit. You only stop when you hear a voice in the room clear their throat. You pull away, but Danny’s lips chase yours, not being ready to be done kissing you.
You turn to look at Cindy, standing there awkwardly. “I- can you pass me that box of gloves, behind you?” she asks.
You reach up, picking up the box and hand it to her. Danny stands there unable to do anything but relive that kiss over and over again in his head. Cindy gives you a small “Thanks,” before leaving the room, saying something about “letting you two have your privacy”.
You turn back to Danny. Before you can say anything, he starts, “That kiss… it was….” he takes a moment to think about what he’s going to say, “it was.. good…”
You smile at his cute nervous demeanor. He continues, “I was wondering... if maybe, you might like to… do it again sometime- like after I buy you dinner or something?”
Your smile widens as you cup his blushy beautiful face in your hands and press another soft kiss to his lips, “I’d love to get dinner with you.”
Danny gets the biggest smile one his face before pressing his lips to yours again. He smiles into the kiss. As you pull back for air, you rest your forehead against his and quietly say, “You know, I was just about to ask you out myself, before we were rudely interrupted.”
“Really?” he asks, still breathless.
“Yeah,” you chuckle out, “I’ve liked you a lot for a long time.”
“Really?” he asks again, full of shock and disbelief.
“Yeah, really, silly.”
You both let out little laughs as he pulls you in for another kiss. If it was up to him, he’d kiss you forever. Unfortunately, he would not be getting his wish. One of your pagers goes off. Danny makes an angry little noise as he pulls away from the kiss, checking to see if it was him. You let out a little giggle at his reaction and inform him, ‘It’s me.”
He lets out another little groan. You peck his lips, “I’ll see you,” another peck, “later,” another, “dinner tonight?” one more.
“Yeah,” he responds, savoring these last moments holding you, “I’ll let you know details after I make reservations.”
“Perfect,” you smile wide, “I’ll see you later, sweetheart.”
You press one last soft kiss to his lips before leaving. Danny is left standing there. He leans back against the wall behind. The reality of everything that just happened finally hitting him. He’s going on a date with you. You kissed him!!
He can’t get the smile off his face as he stands there reliving everything that just happened and thinking about your date and what the future might hold for the two of you.
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snootsnoot-fiction · 3 years
I Heart You
Pairing: Denny Duquette x reader
Warnings: Mention of death, reference to sex (this was meant to be an aftercare fic but turned into general fluff mostly)
A/n: This is another birthday gif for @lemonboy-milo​ its officially been a year since i wrote my first ever fic as well, all for this gay boi, I hope your day is as good as can be
Summary: Denny can finally really look after you since his surgery...
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It had been a long, and difficult few months to say the least. A heart transplant was no small feet. Nor was everything that came after. There was always a chance of the host body rejecting a new organ.
You were scared for weeks after Denny’s operation. You were more than grateful for his second chance of course - he was almost at the end of his rope on life before receiving this heart - but you were also way too aware that things could be snatched away when you least expect it.
Needless to say, no matter how strong you tried to stay for your man, it was you that ended up needing most comfort. Denny, as much as he hated the idea of leaving you, had personally made peace long ago with the strong possibility of death. 
You had your moments of course. Moments when visiting in the hospital where you would be stronger than ever. It broke you to see him as he was, but you loved him with everything you had. So long as Denny Duquette was alive, you were okay. He was fighting for you, it was only fair you fought for him too.
After the transplant operation, Doctor Burke had gone over what was to come with you and Denny. The average recovery from a heart transplant was at least six months. So, when the man was finally able to go home a few weeks later, you took time off work to make sure you could do anything and everything for him at such a pivotal time. He was no longer in the hospital, and you didn’t want to take any chances.
Denny Duquette tried to get you to relax at times. Of course, he wouldn’t always succeed, but whenever he did, he made sure to promise to not do much. The amount you cared for him and his healing was something he would absolutely never take advantage of. Plus, the sooner he recovered, the better.
The man hated not being able to look after you. That was his one job in life - make sure you were alright. In all the events that occurred thanks to his bad heart, however, he had eventually learnt that taking care of himself was taking care of you. Naturally, he still had his bad times, but it was all worth it to prolong your life together, and keep you happy. 
You had met Denny at the Seattle Grace hospital. He had struck up a conversation while the both of you were waiting in line at the coffee cart. His heart problems were mentioned, and ever since then you had been worried about him and anything relating to his heart. The man even gave you his coffee so you didn’t have to buy one after you expressed concern. 
The two of you had been in intimate situations before, but never full on intercourse. As much as you wanted it at times, not only were you scared about his heart, but you were shy. All that mattered to Denny was that you were comfortable and okay. ‘When you’re ready darlin’ he would say. When his heart got worse and he got his new one, you would suggest you’d be ready when he was fully recovered, but he’d always gently turn you down, insisting you had to be ready. To be comfortable. To truly want it.
That being said, it happened so naturally. It was perfect and everything you could have imagined and more. It had been about seven months since the surgery, and the man wanted to treat you. The perfect indoor date, just the two of you. He went all out, even pretending to drop you off back home at the bedroom door. It was in that moment, as you looked into his loving eyes, emotion swelled up inside you like a hurricane. Before you knew it, you had pulled him in for a passionate kiss. 
The rest, as they say, was history. At least it was up until now. You were laying in Denny’s arms, completely naked and content for the first time in your life. All your worries, in this moment, were nowhere to be found as this man held you to his bare chest. 
“How’s my Y/N?” He asked softly as his thumb rubbed circles into your arm and he placed a kiss upon your head.
“Mmm great…” You murmured softly as you watched your own hand just sitting on his torso. “How are you?” You asked after a few moments, looking up at him. He knew you were thinking about his heart.
“I’m fine baby,” he spoke with a smile as he lifted one hand to cup your face, “more than fine. I love you so much dollface.” His words made you blush and you began to look away, but he gently grabbed your chin between his thumb and forefinger, making you look at him again. “You’ve done so much for me this past year.. I am more than thankful for that.” All you could do was smile shyly and blush harder. He simply chuckled. 
“What are you doing?” You whimpered when Denny slowly started to move.
“I’m looking after you.” He stated matter-of-factly as he gently laid you back down and stood up from the bed, pulling his underwear back on. “Uh- no no no!” The words came out firmly as he leaned over to press a hand to your shoulder when you started to move.
“I should be looking after you…” You pouted at him.
“Baby doll you need to relax okay?” His hand moved to cup your cheek again. “You have been looking after me since we first met, let me really look after you for once, yeah?” He waited, not wanting to let you get up. You could see the seriousness in his eyes. The love and desire to be his normal self again.
“Okay..” you eventually managed to mumble as you laid back as you were. Smiling, Denny’s hand brushed down your arm, grabbed your hand, and pulled it up to his lips for a kiss. His eyes sparkling with happiness as he looked at you.
After another moment, the man let go as he grabbed the sheets to pull them over your nude form. You grabbed the sheets eagerly, hugging them up to your chin.
“You need anything?” He questioned as he stood straight again.
“Just you.. cuddles..” your words made him chuckle softly.
“Is my baby thirsty?” The man gave you a firm look, making you nod ever so slightly. “I’ll just get you some water, okay? Then we can cuddle.” 
You listened to the sound of his footsteps and the clink of glasses as he retrieved one from the cupboard. A grin creeped on your face as the seconds passed and you expected him to walk back in. The tiniest squeal left you when he reappeared, causing the widest smile yet to spread across his face and yet another blush to spread across yours.
“Here.” Denny moved to sit on his side of the bed before handing you the glass. He watched as you downed the water. “Very thirsty.” He commented as you placed the glass on the bedside table. You wasted no time in holding up the bed sheets and patting his spot, silently commanding him to now cuddle. “So impatient!” The man chuckled again as he slid under the covers with you.
Instead of cuddling right away, he laid on his side facing you, grabbing your hands and holding them to his chin. 
“How did I ever get so lucky huh?” Letting one of his hands go, Denny stroked your hair with such affection you could have melted and fallen into a puddle on the floor. 
“I don’t know..” you squirmed slightly, not used to someone caring for you like the man in front of you did.
“C’mere…” Letting go of your hands, he opened his arms. You squealed excitedly again, causing him to chuckle, as you turned around and wiggled back into him. Little spoon that you were. His arms closed tightly around you as he pulled you further into him as he breathed in your scent and let out a long, satisfied sigh. 
“Y/N… I dont think you know just how much I appreciate everything you have done for me, especially over these last few months,” he whispered into your ear. You could hear everything he felt hanging on his every word. “I haven’t been able to look after you as well as I would’ve liked, but now with this new heart, I can do that and love you twice as hard as I ever did.. So I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself in for darlin’.” He nuzzled his face into the back of your neck.
“I love you too Denny baby.” Your words portrayed how soft he had made you feel. This man, who was unable to be the man he usually was for so long, had every intention of looking after you in every sense. You stuck with him all this time, helped him through all the bad, and now he was back to full strength, he was going to do the exact same for his precious baby doll. 
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Not to me. Not if it’s you.
Summary: Logan was, regrettably, rather accustomed to unpleasant accouters in public. They were an android, such things were always happening for their kind. But that was before they had Remy. Content: Injury, non-graphic violence, talk of bad/abusive parent (not exactly a parent but same concept), murder threats (not carried out), people being jerks to androids because people are jerks, it’s actually pretty soft, non-binary!remy, non-binary!logan Pairing: Losleep Notes: remy’s pronoun set is ay/em/air/airs/emself
    Remy had always hated people. Too often they tended to be rude and cruel and vicious and selfish and just plain mean. And it was to air immense displeasure that ay was technically a part of that species.
    (Sometimes, those few people Remy considered passable would joke that’s why Remy started dating an android, that ay could never have found it within emself to settle with another human being. Remy would always snort at the joke before shaking air head. “I would’ve made an exception for my sweetheart.” Ay’d say before grinning. “It’s my luck that I didn’t have to.”)
    The one thing to be said for humans, at the very least, was that they usually stuck to being verbal bitches, at least with strangers- which was a whole ‘nother thing, but Remy digressed. Most people didn’t start anything physical unless someone was drunk or someone was protective.
    ‘Usually.’ ‘Most.’
    “Murder, I’m going to commit murder.” Remy muttered under air breath, trying not to completely lose air focus. Logan’s wrist was still sparking at the break point, metal and wire revealed beneath split artificial skin, and Logan needed that fixed before Remy could go off on air killing spree.
    Logan laughed lightly, taking this all much too well in stride, in Remy’s opinion. Granted, they had already turned off the sensors in their injured arm, the lack of any sort of pain likely taking away from the regular level of stress such an event would cause, but still. “That seems a bit extreme.”
    “He broke your wrist!” Remy protested, glaring at the wrist in question. The asshole was lucky he had only broken the skin and tweaked some wires- had the metal in the arm been damaged at all, Remy would’ve just killed him on the spot. “Just to prove a stupid-ass point he didn’t have any business proving.”
    “Technically, he can not break my wrist in the manner humans typically mean.” Logan pointed out, offering Remy an amused smile when ay shot them a look. “You already, as you may say, ‘returned his favor’ in double, my love. Going back for murder is excessive.”
    Remy took a moment to revel in the recent memory as ay carefully moved all the wires in Logan’s wrist back to their regular positions. Logan’s skin had made an awful sort of cracking noise as it broke open, and as soon as Remy had heard it, ay had jumped on their attacker. His first wrist snapped against the metal of Logan’s, and the second Remy twisted right into a brick wall. “I’m just saying he’d deserve it.”
    “Perhaps.” Logan sounded amused. They fell into an easy silence as Remy continued air work, adding a new protective coating to the wires that had gotten theirs torn open and double checking that everything was in place as it should be.
    “You have done it better than I believe even I could.” Logan commented softly as Remy examined air work.
    “I meant it when I said I’d take care of you, doll, all of you. Fights and repairs included.” Remy replied, equally soft. Logan wasn’t a factory-produced android, instead one custom-made by yet another sucky human who had dropped them off in the nearest dump as soon as Logan was no longer ‘new’ or ‘interesting’ enough in their awful eyes.
    The night Logan had given Remy their blueprints, it had been with a rueful smile, explaining that they weren’t expecting Remy to actually look at them, just that ay should have them in case something did go horribly wrong and some engineer or mechanic needed to know how to put them back together.
    Two days later Remy had them memorized. Like hell would ay ever let someone else fix up air Logan, whether it be for a total system failure or a tiny skin break.
    Remy folded the artificial skin of Logan’s wrist back into place, gently rubbing a glue-lotion over the tear. Satisfied that air work would hold until the skin wove itself back together, Remy wrapped it all up in a brace. Only after gracing it all with a kiss, of course.
    “And now that that’s done…” Remy paused for a moment as ay put away air joint first-aid and repair kit, “how are you feeling?”
    “I am perfectly alright.” Logan answered, seeming uninterested in the emotional turmoil Remy was fairly certain they should be in as they watched their fingers move.
    Remy frowned. “Some asshole tried to snap your wrist because you refused to split your chest open and prove you were an android. That sorta pain ain’t just physical, babe.”
    “It is hardly the first time I have been accosted in public.” Logan said dismissively, though the bittersweet smile they offered Remy betrayed more than they were saying.
    “That doesn’t make it easier, or okay.” Remy shifted further onto the bed, slipping behind Logan to lean them against air chest. Instinctively, Logan tucked their head back against air shoulder as Remy’s arms slipped around their waist. “Talk to me.”
    A quiet sigh. “You are correct in saying it does not become okay simply because it has occurred repeatedly. Nor usually would it become easier. But, I must admit, in all honesty… having you has made it so.”
    Remy hummed encouragingly for Logan to go on as ay pulled air fingers through their hair. The texture was soft, the edges jagged from where Logan had defiantly chopped the symmetrical ends off- one of the many reminders of their creator’s tainted ‘perfection’ that Logan had wanted nothing to do with. It truly was their hair, and Remy loved it.
    “When I was accosted during the time I was still with my creator, they would force me to bend to any human’s odd whims. Should an attack occur, I would be left undefended, and only occasionally assisted in the aftermath.” Logan explained. Their voice didn’t break, but Remy could feel the way they stiffened as they recalled the memories. Ay pressed a kiss against their temple, willing emself to remain focused on Logan and not how dearly ay wanted to put a rusty pipe through their creator’s throat.
    “When alone, I would rarely be able to fend off those… particularly determined persons, and I would have no one to assist me in the aftermath.” Logan paused as their gaze shifted back to their wrist, their uninjured hand moving to rest on top of the brace Remy had put on. “They were bad times. I often felt rather alone, or even pathetic.”
    The arm Remy had left around Logan’s waist tightened. “I don’t ever want you to feel like that again, darling.”
    Logan chuckled, once more relaxing against Remy. “Precisely my point. Before I had you, such events as today’s were not simply stressful in and of themselves, but also in their build-up and aftermath. With you, well…”
    And then Logan laughed, and Remy was very happily reminded of just how dearly ay adored air partner. “You broke his wrists! And you attended to my injuries with more care than- well- anyone ever has. If you intend for this to be the standard of dealing with my public disruptions, I do not think I have to be as distressed by them as I once was.”
    “So… what I’m getting here… is that you’d actually be thrilled if I headed back and took out that asshole?”
    Remy didn’t need to see Logan roll their eyes (affectionately) to know that they had, Logan turning their head to press a kiss to air cheek. “Maybe next time.”
    “Rain check accepted.” Remy joked, settling air head on top of Logan’s. In a sweeter and genuine tone, ay added, “I’m more than happy to make sure you never have a bad interaction go unpunished and unattended ever again, my dear dork.”
    “My queer bodyguard.” Logan murmured in reply, smiling when Remy laughed. “I am immensely fond of you.”
    Remy kissed their forehead. “I love you a lot too, sugar. Wanna cuddle while we watch trash?”
    “With you? Always.”
    So, yeah. Remy hated people, a viewpoint ay felt was wholly justified. But Logan wasn’t a people. As far as Remy was concerned, in air gay-centered mind, Logan wasn’t even an android.
    Logan was Logan, and Logan was perfect.
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
The Transformation Thoughts
bc hsmtmts said gay rights
spoilers below
yesss seb doing the recap
wait did seb just say he was crying?!?! give him a hug 
cow baby!!!
wow miss jenn and seb having a civil conversation
Natalie is back!!
ej and ricky with the mask
kourtney’s outfit!!!
ashlyn’s outfit...
ahh so the awards and the show are separate, good, that’s how it works
i love it
ricky is lgbt do not try to convince me otherwise
like pop off
ricky and the mask
that mask is the true villain in season 2
“Belle, I-” flops
Ashlyn is carrying the scene, she is such a good Belle
how is ricky allowed on stage oh my god
the cap
that damn mask
“It’s okay, it was just my face”
Miss Jenn is hanging on by a thread
finally some ashlyn and ricky content
“Which they will” buddy have you faced the music? Have you seen Ricky?
“I think I might have been playing Troy at one point”
Miss Jenn needs help from someone who isn’t a teenager
“Mother is freaking out” High school theater at it’s finest
“There is math involved”
sassy seb
i can’t with east high’s tech crew, what are you doing?!?!
and why are the actors figuring out the tech stuff?!? i’m sure kourt, big red, ashlyn (she knows all), and seb (he lives on a farm) know what to do. 
the crew cannot be that bad
btw here are my thoughts on this scene
guys it is ashlyn’s house not yours
portwell shoulder bump
i. cannot. with. this. show.
lily wtf
“is this too weird” yes
like why?
lily like actually shut up
big red’s “wtf”
let her be evil damnit
“i’m just not well liked here” i wonder why
that was really weird, anyways
“he gets weird around tools”
me too
no give big red the drill he knows how to use it
someone write a fic about the girls and seb’s chaotic target run
why don’t you have a blackout and dramatic music and lights for the transformation, i know it isn’t award level but if done right it can be pretty dope
“I don’t know if my parents will be okay with me being at a co-ed sleepover”
“Chip, this is your mother speaking, go call your mother”
ashlyn’s bucket
they’re so gay soulmates
let big red have his skateboards
“i need to talk to seb at some point but it can wait” honey no it can’t wait seb is on the verge of a breakdown
wait they havent talked in a week
Im a hypocrite ive been dancing around someone for three years
“You’re still at school”
“I’m worried about my children” “She means us”
such a high school theater thing (like i got married during high school theater, we had a family tree)
“ah, Sebby”
“Now I’m pretty sad” give him a hug
the girls ship seblos
“But, I guess he has to be, out of default, right... there’s not a lot of choices for a boy like Carlos, here, at East.”
alright here come the tears 
why...why couldn’t he say “gay” or “queer” or “lgbt”?!?!
“Not so good at saying the feelings part out loud”
shiz that hit close to home. 
Seb is just making me cry today, isn’t he?
wait so we’re just going to change the subject? coming from a queer person, opening up about your problems about your sexuality is hard. like, there are things that happened years ago im just telling people. 
“You’re my sister, he’s my cousin”
it seems everyone except nina knows about the chocolates. imagine gossip time when gina told people write a fic
Nini just stop talking. It wasn’t a big deal, simple mistake. Not everything has to be big and dramatic
and wasn’t she just asking about Gina and Ej? 
Nini for the love of god it is not something to read into.
“The farmer type”
Ash and Red exchanging gossip
wait... why are they texting about this?
“Why wouldn’t he say something to me?” It’s a hard conversation to have. “hey are we together just because i’m your only option?” 
“Okay, pretty boy” HE CALLED HIM PRETTY BOY
carlos and gina chaotic siblings
give ej a hug 
“Sweet boy”
im so glad the guys are talking about their feelings.
Why a sleepover? It’s more of a hangout.
“Verging on failure”
jennzara therapy
slowwww burn
you go from hand holding to fist bump
disney please release an acoustic version of “let you go”
so it’s just carlos and ricky chillin’ at big red’s house?
do not play let you go for nini
do. not.
“You guys are a hallmark movie”
for once ricky is being smart
“the look on your face when you were talking about Seb tonight” smiles
he is so whipped
“I think you and Seb have something worth fighting for...bro”
that was so sweet and then there is bro
i love this show
“Sorry, I’m adjusting to being called bro” 
him and seb being awkward about feelings... that is a high school relationship
i love ricky in this scene
“Yeah, let’s just write”
nina shut the actual hell up
“It’s in the costume shop, somewhere” mood
“Thank you, 15″ THEY SAID THE THING
howie and kourtney oh my god what is happening
 “and begging”
“hi” he’s so nervous oh my lord.
he is so awkward around seb 
it’s like a switch
“Do you want to get risotto with me sometime” OH MY GOD THATS ADORABLE
gina’s little run
“Am I in trouble?” 
they’re so nervous 
oh my god its time
“You keep it all bottled up” GUYS I CANT ARGGGG
can ricky just like, go behind a curtain?
“lookin’ for our kind of love” carlos basically just said “i love you”
seb is so whipped like look at him?
they’re so in love
seb’s little eye role at “in a heartbeat, i choose you”
the hands omfg
oh my god they’re going to dance
gah the hands i cant
carlos is leading i love it
the tie
a tie just killed me
im combusting
You’re honor, they’re in love
i really thought carlos was going in for a kiss he is probably getting one later
i like how the dance isn’t big, it’s small and a little awkward bc right then it’s just them.
damnit big red
big red is legally required to interrupt almost kiss moments especially if it’s an lgbt kiss bc we cant have two in one season
in a heartbeat is so cute. Frankie showed UP this season with the vocals. there is no way that was all acting bc they looked so in love.
I...I love it
the lyrics are perfect
In a Heartbeat and Let You Go are probably the best OG songs of the season
“Siri, add In a Heartbeat to my gay sob playlist”
these boys are just serenading each other left and right 
so it’s just “yeah”!?!? That’s it!?!?! Seb could have least kissed him on the cheek or did they use all their kisses?
I love the song and love the scene, but there is so much more to discuss. Are we going to brush over the fact that Seb literally had an allergic reaction and didn’t get help because he didn’t want to disappoint Carlos!?!? Are we going to brush over “no, seb” and seb feeling like he has to get carlos big things!?! One “yeah” doesn’t erase all that. I’m hoping we get closure, proper closure, not a joke. 
In conclusion, only one thing was settled (Carlos loves Seb for Seb, not because he is the only out guy in school).
“Seb and Carlos suffer their first fight” effing liars
BTW it looks like they filmed the dance scene with the homecoming suits and normal outfits so disney release the footage
Ricky is the biggest Seblos shipper
you morons. are you using rigging without an adult there?!?!
im pretty sure that isn’t allowed. only trained people were allowed to use the rigging. it should be Natalie since she did it in HSM
you should have gotten mats are something or stand in a circle
i legit have no words oh my god 
they just killed the lead
you guys saw the rope you should have ran 
you should have gotten mats or blankets or something just in case
rigging is difficult, set rigging and people rigging
Looks like the sleepover is going to be in the ER
My gay heart is full but my theater heart is screaming. The episode went by really fast. I liked it, like a lot.
To answer the question, no, I am not okay @organic-guacamole and we will have a theater kid sleepover
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