#like yes I know I always told you the avengers are stupid I know I told you batman was better than iron man I know I said that
babygirlcowboy · 1 year
Conditioning my little sister into being a DC fan has backfired bc now she is refusing to watch the Toby Maguire spiderman movies with me :/
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abbyromanoff · 6 months
Hi! Can I request G!P natasha x R where Nat retired after they got married. However, Nat got a call from steve saying she's needed in the avengers and Nat says yes. She did not consider R's feelings and when she came back, she found out that R had a miscarriage due to stress. :(
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PAIRINGS: Natasha Romanoff x reader
WARNINGS: angst, kinda happy ending, stressful encounters, Nat being neglectful, pregnancies, miscarriages, think that’s all :)
“Y/N, we’ve talked about this,” Nat proclaimed with a sigh, and her gaze was unable to meet yours. Her voice was low, as if she was tired of the topic.
“No, you talked about it, I haven’t got to put my input on any of this! I am due in less than a month, and you want to fucking leave?” She threw her clothes loosely into her bag, and her eyes squeezed shut in irritation. She tied her hair up, removing it from her view while her body began to tense.
“I don’t have a choice, this is my job.”
“And I’m nothing? I’m your wife, Natasha, your wife. You decided to marry me, in sickness and in hell, you remember?”
“Of course, I remember-“
“No, no you don’t. Because you promised me, you promised in your vows that you would never leave my side, and you’re leaving? When I am carrying your child, you want to leave for a mission that anyone else could take?”
“It’s not that simple, my qualifications are required for this.”
“What about Tony, huh? He has a suit of armor, he has blasts that come out of his hand for fucks sake. Or Steve and Bucky, who have super soldier serum? Or Wanda, who has the power to defeat the entire world if she wants to. But you’re needed? You have fists and weapons, sure you have some of the best skills known to mankind, but they will always have more than you. They got lucky, Nat. You’re stuck with the skills you learned, and they have enchantments you don’t, they could easily do anything.” She bit her lip, and her head began swarming with your words. They were better than her, and they always would be. Even in your eyes, they were better.
“I’m needed, Y/N, and my job will always be more important than you are. I will see you in a week, goodbye.” She left without the words ‘I love you’ even leaving her, and you knew that was the end of this discussion, and possibly your relationship. You felt so idiotic, maybe you overreacted? Why would you say that? You knew she had more skills than her coworkers, you were just being selfish in asking if she could stay. You tried texting her apologies, but they went unread.
While you began your episode of sulking, Nat began hers of distraction. She felt so weak hearing you say it, and her insecurities began getting the best of her. Wanda and you had always been close, too close for her liking; but you always told her she had nothing to worry about, that she was simply just a friend and nothing more. But Wanda was stronger than her, she had the ability to defeat all of mankind, but Nat didn’t. Nat could barely even keep you happy, and she knew Wanda made you happier. Wanda was like your break, and your wife was the one making you need a break. And while that was nowhere near the truth in your mind, it was in hers.
The mission continued with little word from Nat, and the stress began taking over. You were filled with worry, and panic, and Nat wasn’t there to relieve that. No, she was the one causing it. You wanted to hate her, how could she leave you like this? But you didn’t just blame her, you blamed yourself. How could you be so stupid? How could you let your emotions get the best of you and belittle her strength when knowing that was her weak spot? You weren’t deserving of her, but that didn’t mean she had to leave you to rot alone.
The only hope you had was Nathan, the baby boy resting in your stomach. And you thought it would be impossible to lose him too, but when you woke with your sheets covered in blood, your crotch the same, you had a gut feeling that this was the last of it. Nat said she would always be here for you, but now she was gone, and you could only hope your child didn’t have the same fate. And while you wanted to have faith, you began picturing the hardships of losing him, and it caused your eyes to blur the entire ride to the hospital. It wasn’t far, and Wanda was on the phone the entire time to console you while ensuring she would be there as soon as possible, it felt as though seconds were hours, and days were months.
“I’m so scared, Wanda, I can’t lose my little boy.” Her heart shattered the worse your thoughts became, and she couldn’t deny that hers were beginning to stir as well.
“You’re not going to lose him, Y/N.”
“You don’t know that.” There was a small beat of silence before her wounded voice arrived once more.
“No, I don’t. But I want to believe it.”
“Nat, you need to get your ass home now. Y/N had to go into emergency labor, they didn’t allow me in but you need to man up and fucking get here already.” You were brought into surgery instantly, and they began performing a c-section in a desperate hope to save the child. Nat’s eyes widened when hearing the news, and in less than minutes she was stirring the Quinjet in your direction. It took less than an hour before she was there, and by the time she was, Wanda was no longer in the waiting room. She stormed in, lips failing to produce the words she wanted to say until Wanda stood, and Nat could tell by the look she gave that she wasn’t going to be receiving positive words.
“Where’s my boy?” Wanda looked down and gulped the tears back, wiping her cheek from the ones that chose to appear. “Where is Nathan, Wanda? Where’s my baby boy?” Tears of her own began to form, and she tried forcing them to stay at bay, but they quickly began streaming down her face.
“She had a miscarriage, The Doctor said all the stress got to her, and, uhm, the baby died, Natasha.” She put her hands on her hips, and Nat nearly broke entirely. It felt like her entire life was coming down on her, and the realization that it was her fault sunk in. She was the one to cause your pain, your stressing mind, and it was what caused the death of her child. She was a killer to her own family.
“Don’t, Nat, it’s best you don’t say anything. You already hurt them enough, they don’t deserve this from you.” Nat decided to stay until you woke, but you begged her to go away. She cried by your side, apologies and pleas leaving her tightening throat, but you continued to stay strong in your choice. Wanda forced her to leave, and while you cried to yourself over the grief of your loves, Wanda began digging into Nat. She yelled, pushing the woman back until they stood outside, and Nat was deemed as too weak to fight back.
“They don’t need you, Natasha, and I certainly don’t need to see you, either. So you decide, you leave on your own, or I’ll force you to your fucking grave myself.” Nat paused, and while she was turning to leave, she suddenly stopped.
“You love them, don’t you?”
“You love Y/N.”
“Of course, I do-“
“No, you love them. You’re in love with my wife, aren’t you?”
“Alright, maybe I do, what’s the problem with that? You weren’t there for them, Nat, and guess what; I was the one to swoop in and save the day once again. And watching them run back to you time and time again fucking destroyed me and I’m not letting them make the same mistake again. I don’t care if they love me or not, I will continue to do so and I will continue to show it until the moment I die. So, please, do us all a favor and leave, they’re better off without you.”
Nat didn’t come back, but she watched you from the shadows each day. And one single day stuck out to her. She was sitting in the park, a cap on her head and a book that she hurried her face in. She knew you’d be here, but she didn’t expect Wanda to be there as well. Her eyes widened at the baby carriage you pushed around and the growing stomach. She watched Wanda put her arm around your waist protectively while she glanced with a smile at the young toddler and the soon-to-be child inside of you. Nat’s face fell, and for a moment she pictured herself in the witch's spot.
But then she realized, she used to be the one doing so, she used to be the one holding you and glancing down at what was going to be her baby boy, but you never looked as happy as you did. Maybe it was because of the addition to your small family, or maybe it was because you finally chose the right woman.
And now Nat knew she would forever be stuck as your first love, but someone else would be your last.
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idkwhatever580 · 21 days
I’m sure you could pt. 1
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader
Prompt: y/n follows Natasha to Norway. What happens when they go out? (Loosely based off of black widow events)
Warnings: fights, mentions of cuts and injuries, no smut but almost, mentions of death. No actual death though.
A/N: I’m working really hard on this one but it’s taking a bit out of me. I decided to create two parts to it. Because I’m basically going with the black widow movie. But including r. So have fun. Tell me if you think I should add something to part two!
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Y/n’s pov
I am pounding on the door of the trailer and Natasha opens it with a gun in her hand and she quickly covers my mouth and pulls me inside.
“Shut the fuck up you’re gonna get me caught!”
I storm past her and say
“No you shut the fuck up! What were you thinking?!”
She sighs and says
“Detka please-”
“No! Don’t baby me! I am so pissed with you.”
“Please let me explain”
I huff and say
“Go on then. Explain to me why you left with no note not even a call! You could have been dead for all I know and I was just at home waiting for you!”
I start pacing back and forth in the little space there is.
“I know I’m not an avenger and I’m not all special like you are, but as your wife I deserve the decency to hear when you’re running away!”
“It wasn’t safe!”
I shake my head in frustration she keeps explaining
“It never is safe right nat?”
“They are after me. Everyone is after me right now. I felt horrible but I had to get rid of my everything because of it. I double crossed tony and the government.”
I let out a frustrated groan and she finally realizes how bad my breathing is. She knows it’s gonna be bad if I don’t calm down soon so she says
“Baby. I need you to breathe with me. In. And out. In. And out.”
I take a few more breaths and then I look back up at her
“I thought you were dead”
My eyes fill with tears and she says
“Oh dorogoy. Im so sorry.”
I start to sob and she wraps her arms around me and I grab onto her shirt as if she’s going to disappear if I let go. I start to rant into her chest.
“I thought I’d never see you again and you just were going to run off. You always do this Natalia I am always so scared. I wish you’d have come home and taken me with you.”
“You know it’s not that simple”
I nod my head and keep crying.
After a long while I finally am able to calm down and we get up and go to the bedroom to talk. Natasha starts with a question naturally
“How did you know where I was?”
I sigh and say
“This guy named mason broke into the compound somehow and told me after I almost shot him.”
She laughs and says
“He’s always been like that. Stupid”
I nod my head in agreement and Natasha asks another
“How did you get here? Do you think anybody followed you?”
I shake my head and say
“Mason made sure to get me here with nobody on my trail.”
I decide it’s my turn for a question
“Are you hurt anywhere?”
She shakes her head and says
“Clint threw me on the ground pretty hard but not bad. I think I got a few bruises but not much more”
I nod my head and say
“Let me see you”
She sighs knowing I need confirmation that she is not damaged too badly. I’ve always been like that.
So she stands up and takes off her shirt and does a slow 360 for me. Before she can turn back around I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and move her hair to the side so I can kiss her neck.
I trail my hands under her breasts and then move to the back and say
“Is this okay?”
She nods her head and whispers
I unhook her bra and let it slide down. I immediately start kneading her boobs softly making her let out some soft moans.
Her head rolls back and she turns around eventually to do the same for me. She kisses me softly and says
“Let me make you feel good”
I sigh and say
“Natty I don’t want to make you tired”
She chuckles and shakes her head
“You give me life baby. You could never make me tired.”
I raise my eyebrow and say
“I don’t know about that. I’m sure I could if I tried”
She smiles and kisses me tenderly
“I’m sure you could detka”
Before we actually get anywhere the generator goes out and everything turns off.
I groan and say
“Why now?”
She chuckles and says
“We don’t need lights”
I smile and say
“No. But I think we should figure it out before we fall asleep and then freeze.”
She sighs and says
“You’re right”
And as she is getting off of me I mumble
“As always”
Nat turns to me
“What was that?”
I look away innocently and say
She slaps my arm and throws on her bra and shirt again. We both go outside to investigate. Well. I investigate and she stands guard.
You can never be too safe.
Unfortunately the generator has run out of gas. So we need to go into town to fill up the little gas can we have.
We load up and go on our way. I smile at her from the passenger seat until we cross a bridge and a bomb goes off throwing us around.
I black out for a few minutes and once I am fully conscious again I look around and find nat next to me unharmed. But I look around for the perpetrator and see this person in a suit. It looks weird. But Natasha already is in action.
She unbuckles and falls making the car move. I finally realize that we’re hanging over the bridge. I shakily say
She turns to me and says
“Get out and get as far away as possible through the backseat okay?”
“I’m not gonna leave you here with that maniac!”
“He’s here for me. Not you. Go!”
I know she’s telling the truth. It’d be no good if I’m hurt and she’d have to handle me too so I slip out the door and she starts shooting at him.
They start fighting and I see a brief case that looks like it has important vials in it. Honestly these things look like magic. So I grab them swiftly and sneak off.
I hide in some bushes and Natasha and the robot person fight more. From the looks of it they are copying her exact moves. Like they know exactly what she’s doing.
This is terrifying since she is never predictable.
Suddenly. They end up staring right at each other and as Natasha analyzes this things armor, it turns towards me. I know I’m hiding in a bush but I think it can see me.
She says
“You’re not here for me”
And she looks around for something. I widen my eyes and realize he’s here for the briefcase that I have in my hands.
Natasha knows it too so she runs at the armored person and they fight a bit more.
Natasha clearly knows what she’s doing so she yells
“Throw the case y/n!”
I don’t think and just listen to her so I throw it on the bridge and they fight to get to it. But Natasha gets there first.
They fight again and Natasha uses the persons shield that oddly looks like caps shield. But before she can win he kicks her off the bridge and I almost scream out but I remember they might come for me too so I stay silent as tears run down my face constantly.
They end up with the briefcase and I look and see that there is nothing in it. Clearly nat took it out before they kicked her off. But there’s no fucking point.
Once they leave and I see the way is clear I run down the side of the bank to the water. It’s a little steep and I slip making me fall a lot but I don’t even care. I don’t stop running.
I get to the water and start looking around.
Nobody’s pov
“My baby! No. No no no no. No no. You can’t be gone. Please Natasha nat please. I need you.”
Words start to roll out of y/n’s throat uncontrollably, but nobody can hear.
Y/n is on her knees at the river bank with cuts and scrapes all over them.
They look around and then start crawling to the water. Somehow their brain isn’t functioning properly and they just start looking for Natasha while repeating the same things over and over like a crazy person.
Until a gasp comes from the water and y/n looks up to see Natasha coming out on the other side.
She immediately scrambles up and says
They can’t hear her speak and they just lie down. Suddenly they pull some red glowing ball out of their jacket.
Y/n’s pov
That red shit is the stuff that was in Natasha’s briefcase! It’s her!
I almost yell her name when she gets up and starts looking around. I find my phone which somehow didn’t break in the crash or my fall and I turn the flashlight on and wave it at her.
I realize that if I yell at her it might alert that person again. I don’t want that.
She sees the light and knows it’s me. So I make my way over the hill and cross the burning bridge and climb back down much slower this time.
We both sigh in relief when we recognize each other.
I run to nat and say
“Are you okay?!”
She nods her head still a bit winded from being under water
I tear up and say
“I swear to god if I ever find that person I’m gonna kill them.”
She shakes her head thinking and says
“You shouldn’t be here. You need to go home”
I look at her like she’s crazy and say
“And leave you for that thing?! No fuckjng way!”
I can tell she’s in black widow mode right now
“Y/n… you don’t know what we’re dealing with right now. I need you to go home. I need you to be safe”
I huff and say
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Why won’t you listen to me!”
“Because! I am only safe with you. If you send me home nobody can protect me as well as you can. You are the only one that can help me sleep at night. You are my safety.”
She sighs and shakes her head knowing it’s a losing battle.
Suddenly I look down into her hands and in one, she is holding the red stuff, but in the other, is a little paper.
“What is that?”
She looks up at me and says
“What is what”
I look her in the eyes to be a bit confrontational and say
“What’s in your hand?”
She holds up the red vials and says
“Uh- I actually don’t know. But I’m going to figure it out”
“No no. Not that hand. That hand”
I point to the other hand.
“What? Oh- nothing.”
“Cut the act Natasha. Tell me what is in your hand.”
She hesitates but hands it to me
“Who are these kids?”
“Me. And…”
My eyes widen and I say
She nods her head and I say
“She got out?!”
Nat shrugs her shoulders and says
“We can talk about this in a bit. We need to get somewhere safe. Where they can’t get to us”
I nod my head and we walk back to the trailer making sure nobody is on our trail.
We sit down and Natasha and I take a second to look at each other and take each other in.
Only now does she realize the cut I got on my forehead because of my fall.
“I’m so sorry”
I shrug and say
“Not your fault. I went too fast down the hill looking for you and fell”
She laughs a bit at my clumsiness.
“I’m glad someone’s getting a kick out of this”
She tends to my wounds and I tend to hers as she tells me everything.
“If you’re coming with me you have to understand the dangers of this. We’re dealing with the red room here”
I nod my head and say
“I might not know much but I at least train with you for hand to hand. And I can shoot.”
She nods her head and says
“I don’t know if Yelena is truly out. She could have just been on a mission.”
“On a mission where?”
I smile and say
“You’re one of the only people I know who say Budapest correctly.”
She nods her head and continues
“I’m hoping she’s still there. If not I don’t know what I’ll do. But mason brought these to me from my hideout there. So she might be laying low if she actually escaped.”
I nod my head and kiss the last wound I just cleaned up for her. Now I move on to brushing and re-braiding her hair.
“Who was that robot person?”
“I don’t know. But from the looks of it, they’re from the red room. So it’s probably not a guy. The red room utilizes women and their weaknesses. That person has been training to fight me since they were a girl.”
I nod my head and say
“Why don’t they look like any other widows?”
“I’m not sure”
I keep braiding my hair and just say what pops into my head.
“Do you think this girl is special to the red room? Like. Maybe she’s dreykovs daughter”
She shakes her head.
“Impossible. She died when I bombed the both of them. I didn’t mean to get her, but I had to get him and that was my only time slot.”
I nod my head in understanding and say
She stands up when I finish the braid and says
“We’re going to Budapest. Grab your things.”
I look around and say
“I don’t have any things. For some reason I just left.”
She sighs and grabs some extra clothes for me.
Before we leave she grabs my hands and says
“Before we go, I can’t in good conscience let you come with me without telling you the dangers of this. We could very likely both die”
I nod my head and say
“I know. But there’s no one I’d rather die with than you. I’m not worried though. I know you’ll keep me safe.”
She smiles and kisses me and says.
“I could always kick your ass and make you stay here”
I smile and use her words from earlier.
“I’m sure you could baby”
A/N: I’m totally gonna make a part two don’t worry. You just might have to wait a little bit :)))
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish
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glassartpeasants · 4 months
I was doing a writing warm-up and made this piece. I kinda like it and might make a fic series about it if anyone is interested. Also, I call Kid 'Eustass' in this because it felt right for some reason?
Eustass Kid/ Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
warnings: Angst, small amount of blood, cheating, slut shaming maybe? Modern Au
“Does he think I’m a fucking idiot?! Does he think I can’t see the way his eyes follow girls’ asses as they walk by?” Gripping the edge of the bathroom sink, you struggle to hold back tears as you talk to your best friend on the other line.
“What am I doing wrong (....)? I’ve done everything right! I gave him all of me, and he’s out here eyeing other women!”
“That’s just the way he is (Y/N). I tried to warn you about him. You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change.” You bite your lip as your body shakes. Emotion overwhelmed you to the point you could no longer hold back tears.
“I don’t understand. He told me he loved me and that he couldn’t imagine a life without me. He made me a matching ring to his. He promised me that his playboy days were over…”
“Well, if he’s staring at other girls, then obviously he broke his promise.”
You're feeling a lot more numb than you thought you would. At first, you thought you’d be yelling, crying, and screaming. Asking him why? But now that you're actually hearing his moans along with an unknown woman's echoing in your shared bedroom, no tears fall from your eyes. 
Maybe your heart and mind were mentally and emotionally ready for this. There were many signs he was starting to stray. Staring at other women, no longer being affectionate in public, you even saw him take off his ring once. He hasn’t done it again, but that was the last straw your heart could take when you tried to ignore the signs.
You should've known it’d end like this. He’s been a fuck boy all throughout high school and college. Slithering his way into vulnerable hearts and crushing them without a care about the people he’s heart. How you’ve been friends with him for so long and knowing what he was doing was something you criticized yourself for. 
While you weren’t best friends during high school and college, you both always had a class together. The two of you just ended up talking during each of them. Well, him hitting on you and you always telling him that you rather swim in hell’s flames than get with him. All throughout high school and college, he’d do this. In a way, you said no to avenge all the hearts he’s broken. But once college started, you accidentally started growing feelings for the idiot. Yet, you still said no until graduation day. He came up to you with a bouquet of roses made of metal that he made in shop class. Every rose was made individually, letting you pluck one out and hold it in your hands. Everyone in said class said he’d been working on it forever. Throwing away and remaking it more times than anyone could count. All to make sure it was perfect. It was then that you finally said yes. No one had done anything so thoughtful for you before. 
But when you told your best friend the news, she wasn’t happy.
“Listen, I know it sounds stupid-”
“That’s because it is stupid (Y/N)! We both know his past and how he still was before you agreed to go out with him! How are you sure he isn’t gonna do the same shit to you?!”
“He’s been asking me for years and actually made me this metal bouquet of flowers. Aren’t they beautiful, though?” Showing her the flowers, you watch her sigh. 
“What happens when he breaks your heart? What will you do then?” You were silent as you looked away from her. Her hands go to your shoulders, and it makes you look at her. 
“I just don’t want you crying over someone like him. I’m just worried about you, okay?”
“I know. Thank you for watching out for me. I’m going to give him a chance. Maybe he’s ready to grow up? But if I get my heart broken. Then you’ll get to say, ‘I told you so’.” Laughing at the last part, you pull (.....) into a hug and enjoy how you could always rely on her to be by your side.
Your eyes caught the metal bouquet on the kitchen table. The sun hit it just right to where it shined in your eyes. Furrowing your brows, an immediate disgust came over you as you looked at them. The one thing that had you thinking he’d changed was laughing at you and calling you a fool for falling for it.
Turning away from the bedroom door, you carefully and quietly walked to the metal sculpture. You pull one of the roses out from the vase they resided in and look at it. You twirled it with your fingers before gripping it tightly. Using your other hand, you encase the metal rosebud with the palm of your hand before twisting it harshly. 
The sharp metal cut into your hand as you ripped off the rose head. A small hiss escaped you, yet you continued. Putting down the first destroyed rose, you move on to the second one. Then the third, fourth, fifth, until every single rose had been ripped apart. By the time you were finished, the stems of the flowers were scattered across the kitchen table, as well as the blood-covered roses. A good representation of a broken heart if you say so.
You could still hear the moans coming from the bedroom, and the more you listened and paid attention, the more you swore you recognized the tone of voice. Tip-toeing to the door, you place your ear against the wood. Taking a few seconds, you listen carefully to try to pinpoint who it could be.
As soon as the words were heard, you felt your world shatter. That was (.....)’s voice. That was (.....) in there fucking your boyfriend. And your boyfriend was cheating on you with your best friend. The two people you cared about the most stabbing you in the back. It’s even worse knowing that (.....) was cheating on her own boyfriend, Trafalgar Law. The smartest person you’ve ever met. He was valedictorian in high school and had the highest grades in college. He's now a world known respected doctor who’s saved so many lives. Everything he’s done, and this is what happens to him? How could Eustass and (.....) pull this on you and Law?
A rage washed over you as soon as you heard her moan his name again. Grabbing your phone from your pocket, you unlock it and call Law. You thankfully had his number after a project you guys did together a month before college ended, and you just never remembered to delete it. 
“Come on, Law. Pick up.” Whispering, you cross your fingers.
“(Y/N)-ya? Why are you-”
“I really need you to stay on the line, okay? I’m going to facetime you now, alright?”
“What? Why? (Y/N)-ya, I have to go back to work-”
“(.....)’s cheating on you with my boyfriend right now as we speak. Don’t believe me? Listen!” You put your phone against the door, and all you heard was silence on Law’s side of the phone. A groan of (.....)’s name leaving Eustass’s mouth finally made you snap.
“That’s it!” Busting open the door, your met with a half-naked Eustass and a very naked (.....).
“Shit (Y/N)!”
“(Y/N)! It’s not what it looks like!” Clutching your phone tightly in your hand, you finally feel your anger bubble over.
“Don’t pull that shit with me! If your gonna be a backstabbing whore at least admit it! Fucking my boyfriend?! The boyfriend you hated?! Did you just want to fuck him the whole time?! How long has this been going on?!” You watched as (.....) scrambled to get her clothes on, and Eustass pushed his dick back in his pants.
“This is the only time it’s happened, I swear!”
“This is all an accident (Y/N), okay? I promise-”
“Oh, so your dick accidentally found its way into her? I don’t believe that for a second! And don’t tell me about your bullshit promises!” You can feel the cut on your hand finally start to sting as blood starts to puddle against the floor. The cut must have been much deeper than you originally thought.
“You're bleeding! (Y/N) are you okay?!-”
“Oh, don’t act like you care (.....)! If you actually cared, you wouldn’t be fucking my boyfriend in my bed! If you actually had a fucking heart, you wouldn’t have cheated on Law either!” The mention of Law's name has a look of horror appear on (.....)'s face.
“Please don’t tell him (Y/N)! I love him, and I don’t want him to leave me!”
“I’m breaking up with you.” (.....)’s face dropped when she realized Law heard everything. Tears start pouring down her face.
“That makes two of us.” You take off the ring Eustass gave you before walking over to (.....) Plopping it into her hand, you look at her with hatred and a disgusted smile.
“Obviously, this was meant for you since he loves you so much he can’t stop saying your name.” You grab the bag you left by the bedroom door before turning around and start to collect things around the apartment that you need.
“I’ll make sure to tell the landlord that my name’s off the lease and that I’ll gather my things tomorrow morning.” Holding everything you could gather at the moment, you make your way to the front door.
“Where do you think you're going?!” You feel Eustass grab your wrist and bring you closer to him. Looking into his eyes, you see panic, fear, and anger swirling around in them. 
“Leaving, obviously! I’m not gonna stay and shatter my heart more after seeing a man I loved, wanted to marry even, fucking my now ex-best friend.” The panic grew more evident as he pulled you to his chest. Both arms wrapped around you so you couldn’t leave.
“You can’t leave, alright! I know I fucked up, but please, let’s talk about this. She means nothing to me! She’s just some slut-”
“A slut you fucked knowing you were taken.” Tears started spilling from your eyes as you felt him hold you closer. 
“Why? Why would you do this to me? Why’d you say you loved me when you out fucking my best friend? How dare you hold me close and act like the stench of sex and her perfume isn’t surrounding you?”
“I’m outside in the car (Y/N).” Hearing Law’s voice shocked you as you remember you never hung up on him. He was so quiet, and you heard nothing on the other side of the line. Having him even show up was surprising, but you weren’t gonna throw away this opportunity to get away from Eustass and (.....). 
“Alright, be right there-”
“No, she won’t! Fuck off, Trafalgar, and take your bitch with you!” Eustass grabbed your phone and hung up before throwing your phone on the couch.
“Eustass! Are you-” You feel one of his hands push your head to his. His lips met yours, and you could feel the urgency in his kisses.
“Please don’t…leave me…” Kissing your between words only had your heart shattering more. How could he kiss you like he loves you after pulling a stunt like this?
It took almost everything inside you not to dig your fingers into his hair and kiss him back. You wanted it all to be a dream and that when you woke up, you’d be sleeping against his chest. 
Putting your hand against his bare chest, you feel his bare skin against your open wound. It made him pull away from his panicked kisses when he felt your bloody hand on his chest.
“Jesus (Y/N)! What happened?!”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Stay here, I’m grabbing bandages!” Letting you go, you see him rush to the bathroom. Taking this chance, you grab your phone and start running out the door. Anything you can carry in tow, you run down the stairs as you hear (.....) scream your name and Eustass yelling at you to stop. 
But who was he to tell you what to do?
Bursting out the apartment complex’s door, you see Law’s car parked waiting for you. Using all your strength, you run as fast as you can. Grabbing the car door, You swung it open before slamming it shut. Everything you brought with you on your lap.
“Drive!” Wasting no time, Law stomps on the gas, and as you see Eustass run out of the apartment, watching you and Law drive away.
If you guys do want this to be an actual fic series, let me know cause this concept is quite interesting to me.
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egoistrin · 6 months
letters from the past
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[🐰] angst. female reader. use of the word y/n. hurt no comfort. mentions of diluc's past/lore. may contain typos and grammatical errors. this is cross-posted on my ao3 account. likes and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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Dear Diluc,
I heard from the knights that you had left Mondstadt and went on your way to pursue people who had given your father the delusion. I assume you are on your way to Snezhnaya? The Fatui are mighty and I hope you know that but I know I cannot change your mind as you are as stubborn as ever. You are doing this to give justice to your father's death, Mr. Crepus was a good man and he didn't deserve to be disrespected by Mr. Eroch. I truly understand your decision. However, these are just my thoughts as a knight. I hope you do not mind me babbling about my feelings as someone who holds you dear to my heart.
I cannot accept the news that you had left Mondstadt. I hate it as it was the first thing that I heard in the morning. You know me well enough to know that I do not want to hear this information. So, why? I could always help you, Diluc. Why did not you consult me? I thought you trusted me? We have gone through so many talks about this already. Did you not promise me? I understand your grieving but I do not understand your rash decisions to leave the city and go risk your life hunting the Fatuis. It will not go well as Snezhnaya has the most powerful military in all of Teyvat. Why do you have to be stubborn? Why can you not just let Grand Master Varka and Jean handle the situation? At the end of the day, Mr. Crepus is already dead. A mere person like me cannot change the hard-headed Diluc Ragnvindr. If this letter finds you, you are not obligated to reply. Safe travels, Diluc.
From, Y/n
No matter how many times Diluc had read this letter, he always felt the twinge of pain in his chest. He finds himself thinking of the answers he can give Y/n in her letter but he chose to be quiet. It is better this way. He is not sure if his answer would suffice to cover all her questions or not. He would rather feel miserable than face her again.
After all, is it not a bit scandalous to talk to a married woman in his manor?
Diluc puts the letter down and his eyes roam at the table. He was about to organize the papers when he saw the other letter written by Y/n. Compared to the first letter, this one appears the latest and less crumpled than the other one. He took a deep breath before opening the letter, preparing himself not to breakdown as he already knows the content of the letter like the back of his hand.
Diluc finds himself questioning if he is a masochist or not. I mean, why would you even read the letter your ex-girlfriend sent you? Finally, he opened the paper, and beautiful handwriting greets Diluc's eyes.
To Diluc Ragnvindr,
I hope you are having a good day Mr. Diluc. I have heard from Lisa that you came back from your adventure yesterday. I am disappointed as I cannot greet you in person as I was busy dealing with work. It has been four years since you left Mondstadt. I assume you had your questions answered now? I assume yes, 4 years' worth of traveling and not even a single clue? Impossible, you are a well-capable man, Mr. Diluc. Kaeya told me you left your vision.... I do not know what to say, I deduced that you used your father's delusion to survive. That is dangerous but never mind, the fact that you are home now puts my mind at ease.
This is probably not the right time to say this but I am now married. My parents decided to put me into an arranged marriage as they could not stand the sight of me waiting for a man whose return is unknown. I tried to oppose them, insisting on waiting for you but as time goes by I can no longer hold on. This is not your fault Diluc, I have come to accept my fate. I am just a mere woman compared to your father. I understand that you would choose to avenge your father's death than fulfill a stupid promise to marry me. I hope that one day, you can let go of your past and decide to move on from all of the things that happened. In that way, you can find your happiness and find someone you love. I have faith in you, I will forever cherish you and our memories together.
From, Y/n L/n
Words cannot describe how Diluc wants to hold you in his arms and apologize for being away from you the whole time. Yes, he needs to search for clues behind his father's death but he cannot stand letting you go. He finds himself wishing for another chance to makeup the time that he missed with you, a chance to redo his mistake, and a chance to spend time with his family again. He cannot help thinking that this is all his fault, from his father's death, his and Kaeya's fight, and to your marriage to another man. But alas, he cannot turn back time. Yet he still holds that prayer tight, If Barbatos is listening to him right now he just hopes that He will give Diluc a chance to live his life again.
He holds your letter tight to his chest as tears sprung down from his eyes. Someone walking on him crying is not his concern right now, he can easily order them to forget what they saw.
Who would have expected that Diluc Ragnvindr can cry from just a single letter? But Diluc has always been emotional, he just tries his best not to show any emotion as he claims himself not the same anymore. Most people see Diluc as grumpy but he is not. He is just reserved, a fragile person, that is. A single letter from his past is sufficient for Diluc to show emotions.
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[🐰]. i miss diluc so much for real 😭 i need more of his lore !!! hoyoverse give us more diluc crumbs !!! i miss my man !!! i still remember the time that i rlly wanted diluc so much... sighsss... good times fr. reblogs guys plss!
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thelittleliars · 1 year
Second Chance (2/4)
Warning: Hurt/Comfort?
Words: 1.4K
Summary: Thanksgiving at the Avengers compound.
AN: Part 2 is finally here!! Natasha redemption just had to happen, no explanation needed! While writing this I had an idea for a Part 3 --> friends to lovers??
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[Part 1: Silence ; Part 3: Surprise]
Friendship breakups hurt but best friend breakups hurt even more, it hurt like nothing else in the world. And that pain os hard to get rid off.
It had been months before you could trust people again, to open yourself up and let new people in. A long and hard road was behind you and a longer one was still in front of you. Thanksgiving was coming up and you knew you couldn't say no to the avengers. They were still your family.
Your heart pounded loud as you walked into the compound for the first time in months. The welcome for you was warm, it made you tear up in happiness and sadness. You missed this, you missed them so much. 
After greeting everyone and getting hugged by so many, you sat down next to Yelena. She instantly told you how much she missed you and then continued by talking about her new knives that were made out of vibranium. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Natasha sitting in a corner extremely quiet. She starred into nothing, as if she was in another world but you knew she was aware what happened around her by her hard body language. 
The hurtful words Natasha once said to you silenced her. She did not utter a single word besides a hello when she is in the compound. Hurting people with words was something she did not want to happen ever again so she chose to say nothing anymore. 
It pained you to see her so out of herself. Even tough she hurt you deeply, you wanted nothing more but for the ex-assassin to be happy. Yelena saw your expression and explained that the red head rarely talked anymore. You've never imagined Natasha being so quiet. She was always this outgoing and open person with you, maybe because you both came from a similar background, but seeing her there not even muttering curse words at the avengers who did something stupid was you did not wanna see ever again.
Wanda came into the room to announce the food being almost ready. Pietro then suggested to start listing things we were thankful for. Tony started by saying he's thankful for his Wife Pepper and his daughter Morgan. Kate was thankful for the opportunity to train with Clint all year long. Yelena was thankful for a life-long Mac & Cheese sponsorship she recently got. The others were mostly thankful for their family and friends. 
Pietro came into the room while carrying a lot of food, Wanda was close behind him doing things with her hands that the magic carried the food to us. She asked of we're all done with our list of being thankful. As everyone was about to say yes or even nod, Natasha spoke up. 
"I'm thankful for Y/N coming tonight" Nobody thought she would speak but your presence changed everything for her. Before anybody could start teasing Nat, the witch said she was thankful for Pietro's health after his almost fatal accident. He of course agreed to it and spoke out a toast. Which only consisted of a Didn’t see that one coming.
You couldn't tear your eyes from the black widow. Figuring her out was like a one color puzzle, very difficult and seemingly impossible but still very possible. Your staring must have been long since Natasha suddenly looked into your direction and caught your gaze. She too couldn't tear her eyes away from you. The facade she held up, started to crumble down and for the first time in forever you could see her vulnerability. You could also see brokenness, regret, apologies, her insecurities and the hate she has for herself. As much as you hated her for what she did, your heart couldn't bear/endure seeing her like this. It's time for both of you to talk. 
Tony somehow organized a small thanksgiving after party with like 50 people you didn't know. You got yourself a drink and went to the floor above the party. In times like these, you craved the tower with its height. You loved to look over the city whenever you had the chance to. It gave you a calming effect but also gave you a lot of intrusive thoughts.
Natasha noticed how you danced around her all night, you did not really avoid her but tried to put off a conversation. When she saw you going upstair she followed you with a good amount of distance until she figured out a perfect moment to join. That moment would never cone so she pushed herself towards you. The Avenger put extra weight in her steps to alert you of her coming. 
As you felt her presence next to you, all the words you wanted to say were gone. It was weird that even with the awkwardness and dread you both felt, the familiarity between you felt like home.
"I really am grateful for you coning today." Natasha was the first one who spoke. "They're as much your family as they are for me. I don't want you to lose that." 
"Well technically I already lost a part of it." She turned her gaze on you but you refused to meet her eyes with the following words. "You. You have always been a part of that family."
Only after you looked at her she started to apologize properly. "What I said to you was cruel and wrong. I apologies for hurting you and Agent Shaw." Natasha wished her apology would fix everything but even if it would fix things, she knew nothing will ever be the same. "I also apologize for my silence, I should have explained what was bothering me instead of pushing you away. And I know that there's nothing I can say or do to fix us. Just know that I'm deeply sorry." 
"You don't want forgiveness?" You wondered aloud. She shrugged before telling you she didn't deserve forgiveness so she won't ask for it. 
Her words broke your heart in a way it didn't before. "Nat." You whispered with tears in your eyes. "Don't do this to yourself, please. People make mistakes and even though yours was hurtful, you still deserve all the good. You're not that monster anymore, you never were."
"I see you still got that big heart." Leaning onto the railing, Natasha finally started to relax. "Told you years ago that your big heart is gonna be your death. You can't just hand it out to people who did you wrong." 
"In a way it was my fault." She stopped you. "Your sexuality was non of my business. You don't owe me insight of your love life. I should've realized that the moment you came out but I felt too betrayed. Thought you didn't trust me enough."
"I think the incident had to happen." You smiled to yourself as the fuzzy feelings came back to you. "It opened my eyes and I realized something."
"Why am I even surprised that you saw something good in pain?"
"You don’t want to know what I realized?" You furrowed your eyebrows together, kinda eager to tell her but were still very anxious about it.
"You were always better at figuring me out then I do myself so you tell me, am I ready for what you wanna tell me?"
"You're like a one colored puzzled right now!!" You grunted in frustration.
"I'm the Black Widow after all." She smirked teasingly. You smiled and shook your head. "I still love you Nat, I hope you know that. And I stop you right now before you say I shouldn't. Humans make mistakes, that's what makes us humans. You're worthy of love."
"But how am I supposed to fix this mess? Is there even a way to fix us?" The hopelessness in her voice was clear. It was  strange to see Natasha not realizing minor things.
"Your apology was a first step. Learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them. It's all I want from you right now. This is a second chance and I hope you take it." Natasha turned towards you. "Can I hug you?" 
You opened your arms for her before she happily embraced you. Natasha was shorter than you so she was able to snuggle her face in your neck. Both of you felt such a relief to have each other back. 
There was no better feeling than this, she was home for you.
There is no place like home. 
Tags: @heheszunie @marvelwomen-simp @wifeofnatasharomanoff @lizlil @how-to-disappearrr @wandanats-goodgirl
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ghostofskywalker · 7 months
Hi hun, I was wondering could you write 🥺
Bucky Barnes w/ fem reader with the quote
“You love me?” || “I always have”
If it’s taken I can choose another 💜
hi missy!! i will absolutely write that for you, it's so cute <;3
words: 766
summary: when you wake up after a mission, confessions are made.
Bedside Visitor
bucky barnes masterlist
The feeling of waking up in the medical wing of the Avengers Compound was not something you cherished, but it did happen more than you would have liked it to. This time however, was not because of a trip down the stairs or a bad cold, but an injury sustained in the field. There was nothing you could do about it now, but you’d prefer not to relive the memory of getting shot in the stomach again. 
Once your eyes had adjusted to harsh light of this room, you noticed that you weren’t alone, and you were in no way surprised about who was sitting on one of the uncomfortable chairs across from the foot of your bed. 
“Bucky,” you breathed in a voice no louder than a whisper, just glad to see that he was okay. You weren’t surprised that your best friend would be here, but you certainly hoped that he had taken care of himself before camping out here to watch over your sleeping body.
You didn’t want to wake him, but unfortunately you were not successful in that endeavor. Seconds later he was at your bedside, looking into your eyes with an expression of worry you had never seen before. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m fine,” you said, not wanting to worry him any more than he clearly was. 
“I watched you pass out,” he said, clearly not calmed down by your brushing off of the subject. “And there’s a hole in your abdomen.” 
“Okay, so maybe I’m not feeling super great right now,” his eyebrows raised as you spoke. “But I made it out, we’re back in the compound, everything is going to be fine, I promise.” 
“From where I’m standing, this is very much not fine,” he said seriously. “When I heard the gunshot, when you fell, I felt like my whole life flashed before my eyes.” 
“Wow,” you said. “Didn’t know I had such an effect on you, Bucko.” 
You could he was starting to get annoyed, but you weren’t completely sure why. Yes, you knew that you cared for you, you cared for him too. But this job wasn’t exactly all meetings and presentations, and you were not the first member of the team to land themselves in a situation that required medical care because of something that had happened out on a mission. 
“Can we please be serious for a moment?” he asked, and you nodded, not wanting to annoy him too much. “How are you feeling?” 
“Not too bad, considering what has happened to me in the last twenty four hours,” you said. “But that’s probably because of some kind of medication they have me on.” 
“Yeah, the doctors put something in the IV,” he said, nodding. “They told me that with some time and physical therapy you’ll make a full recovery, but I still can’t help being worried. I’ve never liked it when the people I love are in pain, and this is no exception.” 
Whatever you were originally going to say in response completely vacated your brain, and you were left to process the insane admittance that Bucky probably hadn’t even realized he had made. “You love me?” 
He stopped, as if just now putting the pieces together. You watched as his face changed, his brain clearly trying to figure out something to say in response before he let out a soft sigh and spoke. “I always have. But I was never sure how you felt about me, so I kept it to myself. I’d rather be your friend than lose you over something as stupid as this.” 
“Bucky,” you said, reaching out in search of his hand. As if he knew what you wanted, he extended it in your direction. “First of all, you could never lose me, and especially not over something as stupid as this. And second of all, I love you too.” 
He stopped, an expression of surprise crossing his face, then a smile. “Really?” 
You nodded. “Really. And I’d really like to kiss you, but I can’t really move my body right now.” 
He laughed before leaning down to place a soft kiss on your lips, and as much as you would have liked to have your first kiss not severely injured, it was perfect in a way you could never truly put words to. 
But of course, there would be many chances for re-dos, and you never wanted to stop kissing him. And from the way he poured all his emotions into this kiss, you had an inkling that he probably felt the same way.
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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loki-princeofasgard · 7 months
Mission #182 (part 1)
Loki x Stark!Reader
Part 2
You and Loki have been forced to go on important a mission together, the thing is you both hate each other. Loki looked at you as you two where walking to the cabin you two are gonna share. “You know I hate every second of this right?” Loki says. You just roll your eyes at this.
Loki rolled his eyes back at you “What? it's true, you get on my nerves”. He sighed at her lack of response. “Why do we need to go on this stupid mission anyhow, I've got better things to do.”
“Because Tony said so” you keep your answer short. You and Loki never really saw eye to eye. He always annoyed you and sometime flirt with you just to get in your nerves. You can’t really say you’ve been nice to him too since this.
When Thor brought him to earth and in the Avengers tower, Tony and Steve wanted to put him on a cell and keep him there. You were the only that was able to convice them to not doing this and actually put him to work with the Avengers, to make up for his mistakes on earth. Because of that, it seems that Tony always put you too to work together.
When you first introduced yourself to him, he was really arrogant and rude to you, which kind of made you regret a little not throwing him on that cell...
“So you do everything he says without question?!” Loki got annoyed at your answer. .
“Oh, believe me, I would rather be on this mission with anyone else” You say.
Loki looked annoyed yet interested “Anyone else? Really?”
“You'd rather be on the mission with Captain American?”
“Like I said...” you stop walking and glare at him “...anyone else”.
Loki glares back at you, he's a bit intrigued at you answer and keeps on pushing the subject “Like who? You'd rather be on the mission with Thor?”
“Yes Loki. Thor, Cap, Nat, Clint, Tony...you can choose anyone.”
Loki looks offended at your answer and crosses his arms and looks away from you “What about Bruce?”
You think about his question. “Bruce? Yes. The hulk...well, look at that, it looks like you won this time” she says with a sarcastic tone.
They kept walking until they finally arrived at the cabin Tony had told them about. You sigh in frustration. It was really a small cabin. “That’s the luxurious cabin Tony told us about?”
Loki looks at you annoyed yet again “What were you expecting? We're in the middle of nowhere, did you expect something like the stark tower?”
“It's gonna be a long mission” You say to yoursel. Loki sighs and follows you into the cabin, looking around to see how small it is. The cabin there's only one room, with only one bed
“Wonderful *you say in a sarcastic tone”
Loki looks at you annoyed, yet he wants to tease you too. “Awww you'll have to sleep in bed with me...”.
“Oh no, you sleep on that couch over there” you point to a smal couch on the corner.
Loki scoffs “I'm not sleeping on the couch. I deserve the bed more than you.”
“Fine, I'll take the couch.” You agreed, not in the mood to discuss more with Loki.
“Fine, I'll take the bed then.” Loki says with a tone of victory. He lays down on the bed. He rolls over and closes his eyes, waiting for you to lay down on the couch. You get a pillow and a blanket and lay down on the small couch.
A few moments go by, Loki looks up and over to see what you were doing. He then sits up in the bed. “Are you comfortable there? It looks uncomfortable...”
“Shut up”. You keep turning around to try to find a comfortable position.
“You're not the most comfortable on the couch huh?” Loki continues to watch her, trying to get her to break and say something.
“I said shut up”.
Loki smirks but keeps quiet, he continues to just sit and watch her try to be comfortable. After a few moments Loki gets up and walks towards her “You're really uncomfortable there huh?”.
You try to keep up the act of being annoyed at him. “I'm... comfortable enough...I don't need your help.”
Loki rolls his eyes at you. He kneels down and moves the blanket out of the way and grabs your pillow.
“HEY! What are you doing? Give it back!”
Loki looks at her annoyed yet again at your resistance “Moving you to the bed. I don't want to get killed tomorrow because you didn't have a good night of sleep”.
“Fine, but you stay in your side and no touching me". You knew he was right, so you just accepted.
He rolls his eyes and lays down, he pats the bed telling her to lay down. “Of course.” Loki lays back on his half of the bed then rolls over and faces you.
You noticed. “What” you whispers looking at him.
He can't hold back his teasing, so he does it again “Come on, you should be glad you’re one of the lucky few to sleep with me.” He whispers and turns his back to you.
“Oh really? So... you didn't sleep with a lot of women. How disappointing...” You smirk, clearly teasing him. You couldn't let this opportunity to tease him pass.
Loki blushes a little at your response but tries not to let you see. “Shut up.’ He turns slightly back looking at her, he's obviously embarrassed.
He turned his face away from her quickly and mumbled “Shut up...” Loki turns away from her completely.
“Oh no!” You say playful and pull him back to you, so he's facing you again, but this time your bodies closer.
Loki looks at her annoyed yet embarrassed. “I told you to shut up.”
“Make me.” you whisper.
Loki look at your lips and got up from the bed, walking away from you to the other side of the cabin. He faced away from you and crossed his arms not saying a word, trying to pretend he was annoyed but in reality, he just wants to kiss you.
You sit on the bed, shocked he just gave up. You start worrying “Maybe I pushed him too much.”
Loki looked over and walks towards you, gently pushing you on the bed again, getting on top of you, and he caress your lip with his thumb “Will this shut you up?”.
Loki stares at you, you’re not saying anything, so he decides to make move. He pulls you closer to him and kisses you passionately. When he pulls back from you , he whispers in your ear “That's should get you to shut up for now”
He gets off you and goes lay down on his side of the bed, his back facing you.
You are shocked after that hot kiss and without reaction.
After a few minutes of being silent, he turns around and faces you. “Is that all? That kiss got you to shut up but no remarks?.”
You look at him but this time, you’re the one kissing him passionately.
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18250mm · 19 days
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not | Y. Belova
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Gif not mine, credit to creator
Pairing: Yelena Belova x GN!Reader (platonic)
Word Count: 650
Warnings: Use of the word ‘dipshit’ once. Besides that, nothing. Just fluff and a cute friendship!
Summary: Yelena questions your friendship and you show her how much she means to you.
"Why isn’t Yelena talking to you?" Kate asked as she entered the kitchen, grabbing her mug off the shelf and filling it with coffee.
You merely chuckled as you set your own mug down on the counter. "I gave her a flower last night and she played ‘loves me, loves me not’ with it. Guess which one it landed on?"
"You’re kidding," the brunette quirked an eyebrow and scoffed, not believing her best friend would go to the extent of ignoring you for something so small.
"Dead serious."
"And my sister’s holding that against you?" Natasha responded, having heard everything as she came up to you two. "Actually, no. You’re right. That absolutely sounds like her."
"Don’t worry," you assured the other Avengers. "I know just the thing that’ll make her speak to me again."
Placing a box of chocolates down, you smiled at the finishing touches of your setup. You had called Yelena earlier — of course, she didn’t pick up. So, you sent her a text and told her to meet in your bedroom after she was done with training. With luck, she’d actually show up and your efforts wouldn’t go to waste.
"What do you want, Y/N?" the all-too-familiar Russian accent came from behind you.
Turning around, you came face-to-face with the blonde, whose hair was damp from the shower she had just taken.
"Look, ‘Lena," you took her by the hand and led her to your bed. "When I gave you that flower last night, I didn’t mean to make you upset about the number of petals it had..."
Truth be told, you hadn’t expected the girl to play the ‘loves me, loves me not’ game at all. But that’s just who Yelena Belova was. She was funny yet inconspicuous, but most importantly, she was someone who loved and cared for her friends with all of her heart.
After a few beats of silence, the assassin finally spoke up. "You mean it?" she asked quizzically, like it would take a lot more for her to be fully convinced.
You nodded in response. "I have something for you."
As the words left your lips, you stepped aside and finally revealed the surprise. Laid out on your bed were two movies, chocolates, and bowls of macaroni and cheese.
"What...?" Yelena mumbled in awe and confusion.
"My sweet girl, I don’t care about some stupid game, let alone how many petals a certain flower has. No matter what happens, you’ll always be one of my best friends. And if this isn’t enough to make you start talking to me again, tell me what to do to make you forgive me," you said firmly, hands on her shoulders to hold her in place.
Yelena didn’t respond; instead, she turned and wrapped her arms around you tightly. "I was going to speak to you again anyway, dipshit," she murmured. "You didn’t have to do all this for me."
"Well, I wanted to," you hummed, hugging her back. "Do you like it?"
"I love it."
"I think I have something you’ll love even more," you grinned, picking up the box of chocolates and taking one out, gesturing for the girl to open her mouth. "There’s vodka in this one. Try it."
The blonde’s eyes lit up like she’d been given the best gift ever. She ate the sweet treat happily, sighing in content before shooting you the best puppy dog eyes she could muster as if to ask, ‘can I have more?’.
"Yes, it’s all for you," you smiled. "Movie?"
Yelena Belova was the girl of your dreams. And you meant it — platonically, of course. As she didn’t share romantic feelings for anyone, you took it in stride that she had chosen you and Kate to be her best friends; which also meant you could spoil her in any way you wanted to.
And you would, for as long as time allowed.
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bonfireheart · 2 years
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title: Trust Takes…A Near-Death Experience?
blurb: the one in which the newest combat avenger that has limited healing abilities proves themselves. (fem!reader)
warnings: Clint should look around before leaving cover, Reader just wants acceptance (at the cost of hurting themselves), injury, medbay vibe?, passing out, the team are kinda mean to start with, swearing
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“Now, everybody follow instructions. Nobody go off and do their own thing, this is a quick in and out mission.”
The voice of the Captain boomed through the tech-clad jet, and the brightness from the overhead lights found love in my eyes, causing me to squint in attempt to see my surroundings.
“Stark, Nat and I will clear the pathway to the entrance. Wanda, Sam and Buck, cover and protect the perimeter. Clint and Y/N enter the building quietly, get the flash drive and leave. Don’t make contact with anyone inside.”
A chorus of “got its” and a cheeky “Sir yes sir” from Sam replaced the single voice. Clint made his way over to me, blindly handing me a small handgun.
“Just in case. You should stay behind me, stay in the shadows unless I tell you otherwise. This should be easy.”
His voice was sharp and I could tell he was annoyed I was partnered up with him. I felt the whole group’s eyes set on me and shuffled back in my seat awkwardly.
Stark stood up, lowering his helmet over his head. “Yeah and uh, when you see HYDRA agents try to stay loyal to us. I know they used to be a such a dear part of your life.”
Hostility was woven in his words, and snickers surrounded me. If the ground felt like eating me whole now would be the perfect time. Or eating them. That would be better, and it would be nice to see them grovelling for my help.
Ever since Fury took me in as a HYDRA escapee, the team have been less than pleased by my mere existence. I’m not stupid, I’ve heard them talking. Things about how they couldn’t trust me, that I was a double agent. It hurt sure, but I couldn’t blame them. Who would genuinely believe that an ex-convict would want to play hero to the world? That doesn’t make their words sting any less though. Wanda wasn’t always the good girl, and neither was Nat. Bucky was one of me for gods sake. The constant bitter phrases and venomous speeches filled my life. If I got hurt on a mission, I am convinced they’d just leave me.
“Great, they’ve already zoned out.” Bucky’s voice pulled me back into reality.
Truth is, this mission was kind of scaring me. They keep calling it a simple deal, but there’s too much history there for me. What if one of the agents walking around recognise me? Would they kill me? Or would they drag me back into that lifestyle? I don’t want any part of that, and I sure as hell am working everyday to repay the world for what I did against it.
“We’re here. Get ready.”
Wanda arose from the seat beside me, giving me one glance over before stationing herself behind the doors. Same with Natasha. And Cap, Tony, Bucky, Sam and Clint.
I sighed and stood, slowly pacing my way over to them. I shut my eyes and inhaled lightly, exhaled lightly. Just like Ma taught me.
The shudder of the doors opening reminded me to extra care of myself on this mission, stay in cover and do as I’m told. I’ve resigned myself to doing that every mission though. A part of me hopes that if I just let them control everything and make the rules, well then, maybe they’d start to warm up to the idea of me.
I felt Clint grab on to my arm as he tugged me towards some boulders sat just by the entrance. I allowed myself to be pulled along and crouched low to avoid being detected. We sat in silence together, I kept my eyes trained on the scene playing out before me. I watched as the others killed people quickly and quietly, and as Nat made her way to the door of the building and opened it, ready to kill any onlookers they may have missed. I felt Clint’s eyes place on to me a few times, either from concern or disgust, I’m not too sure, and I’d rather not know.
It was time. I stood from our cover and let Clint lead the way to the door. Nat offered him a small smile as he went inside, and instantly dropped it when she saw me.
‘Don’t let it get to you.’ I could hear my mother’s voice in my head. It chanted like it was some mantra until I found myself following what it was saying.
The inside of the building wasn’t that much different to the outside. It was bleak, grey and was a hub of sadness if anything. Clint was four steps ahead of me, and didn’t so much as turn around to see if I was even there. Part of me thinks he wouldn’t even question my disappearance, that he just expected me to turn double agent real quick and not look back.
We found the room quickly. It wasn’t hard to locate, nor was it well secured. Typical of HYDRA. They focused their resources in the wrong places. The metal door was heavy and rusted, turning into more of a bronze colouring. It was unlocked and made a loud ‘clank’ as we opened it.
I internally cringed as the sound rang through the empty hallways. The noise was starkly contrasted when a deafening silence fell upon us. Then the footsteps came running. One pair, two pairs, several pairs of people could be heard nearing us. And as if to mock us even further, a blaring alarm played out suddenly. If this wasn’t a serious situation, it possibly would of been funny.
The archer grabbed me by the wrist and quickly tugged us into the dark room, and we found solace behind a cabinet. It wasn’t long before the door to the enclosed space opened again, and from the corner of my eyes I could see the shine of flashlights reflecting against the silver panels of the area.
“раскрыть себя (reveal yourselves).”
I shuddered at the sound of Russian. It reminded me all too well of my past, a past I’m far from proud of. The footsteps paced around the room some more, before the flashlights turned off.
“все чисто (all clear).”
Slowly, the resonating footsteps got further and further away. I knew better than that though. There is at least two men still in this room, I know HYDRA like the back of my hand. ‘Sad that they haven’t changed their ways after all these years’, and god I need to stop thinking serious situations are funny.
Before I could garner my attention back to Clint, his grasp on me lessened and though I tried stop him, he moved into plain sight.
I held my breath and prepared for what came next, it was inevitable.
I heard Clint sigh, “Shit.”
“Ah Mr Barton, рад встрече (nice to meet you).”
A gruff Russian accent coated the man’s words, the tension in the air was thick and surrounded the room. I watched as Hawkeye slowly reached back for an arrow, setting it into his bow. I felt helpless, I couldn’t blow my cover just yet, and Clint is way too egotistical to ask for help. But still, I know this is not going to end well for him, no matter how skilled he is, he is way too outnumbered. He just doesn’t know it yet.
The sound of a sleek, metal point hitting its bullseye in the shape of a man’s head. And lord, Clint has just brought war upon himself.
Before he could reload, or I could pull out my weapon, I heard as the door slammed open and more agents rushed in. Curse the archer for thinking he always knows best.
Gunshots resonated throughout the building, and one could only pray the others could hear it. A hand reached up to my ear piece quickly, and I pressed on it.
“Guys! Backup plea-Clint!”
I watched in horror as he dropped to the floor with a vast array of gunshot wounds taken nest on his shoulders, stomach, torso and just below his heart.
Grabbing my gun from my holster, I left cover and finished off the final three men in the room. I looked around the floor, and fair dues to Barton, he had managed to take out a fair few of them. A groan articulated from beside me and I dropped to my knees in concern. I knew I didn’t have long before more HYDRA officials found their way here and could just hope that the rest of the team would come bursting through the door.
“Clint! Clint, look at me ok? You need to stay still, I’m going to heal you, don’t move.”
My words were shaky and unstable, I don’t know if he could even understand me. But even if I was speaking properly, this man is at deaths door and words wouldn’t be comprehensible anyway. My hands rested comfortably above Clint, a small gap allowing for the particles to flow out of my hands and over his body. I worked silently, even when the door slammed open. One, two, three, four…there was at least fifteen gunshots covering him. I don’t know how far my healing ability can cope with this. I had only ever used it on myself, it was simple trick that was injected into me by HYDRA to ensure they could keep sending me out on mission after mission.
I didn’t dare move even when I heard shouts of Russian around me, or shots being fired into me, all that mattered was making sure his family had their husband and dad in one piece. I watched as his wounds slowly covered over, and as the bleeding came to a stop. My hands didn’t leave him until I knew for sure that every little mark on him was healed.
Pain pricked into me, it was didn’t hurt that much yet it made me scream. I looked up in horror and was met by the rest of the team. It felt like everything was in slow motion now. My head felt woozy and light.
‘Huh, so at least I know I can heal a pretty much dead man’. Not now brain…not now.
My eyes fluttered open and shut like a butterfly, the voices of the team were drained and quiet and my vision was blurry.
The sound of me dropping to the floor.
“She’s waking up, get Bruce.” “She’s awake?” “Shut up, you’re being too loud.” “You shut up!”
Open door.
“Bucky, Sam. She does not need to hear loud noises right now of all times.”
“…sorry Bruce.”
Footsteps, shut door.
My senses slowly came back to me. I can hear my heart monitor. I can feel a blanket clad around my body. I can smell disinfectant, a aroma of cleanliness. I can taste the metallic tang of blood. I let my eyes open and instantly winced at the light compared to darkness of shut eyes.
“Oh! Sorry about that.” Bruce walked over to my bed and pushed the bright lamp that shone over me to face the wall.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like the devil tried finishing the job.”
He laughed in a geeky sort of way. I don’t mind Bruce. I’ve never met met somebody who contrasted their hero alias as much as him, but I guess that’s what made him more likeable. I saw him slightly tamper with the many wires attached to my hand. He must of felt my eyes on him,
“I’m just upping the morphine.”
“No need.” I allowed my hands to perch on top of my chest and focused my energy towards myself. Gradually, it felt like the ton of bricks was being lifted from my shoulders.
“That works too, I guess. Super cool by the way, the healing thing, wish I had that.”
The door crashed open again, this time the team came stumbling into the room.
“I said one at a time!” Natasha spoke up.
“Yeah, you just always got to be right dont you?”
“Stark, I will widow bite you.”
Wanda made her way over to me with a steaming bowl. It smelt amazing, and my stomach was absolutely begging for food. Not to mention the need to recharge my energy.
“It’s gulyas. My mama’s recipe. I’ve seen you eat it before so I just thought…”
“Thank you Wanda. It smells like home.” I leant forward to take the bowl from her.
“Should you be feeding yourself?” She asked as she moved the bowl away from me quickly.
“In case you hadn’t noticed, I can heal myself. I feel good as new. Just a little rough round the edges is all.” I joked light-heartedly.
The Sokovian looked doubtful as she passed it over to me, setting it gently on my side table and produced a spoon. By now, Bruce had managed to calm the others down, reminding them they were in a medical facility.
Clint awkwardly cleared his throat and captured the attention of everyone.
“I uh…just wanted to thank you for healing me. I thought that mission might of been my last so just..yeah..thanks.”
I smiled at him.
“Hey, it’s part of the job right? Protecting people. Nobody said it had to be just civilians.”
Steve lightly nudged Tony.
“My turn already?”
The others looked at him with annoyed glances.
“Ugh fine. Listen Nightingale, we just wanted to…apologise for how we treated you. You clearly have the teams best…interests at heart.”
Groans encompassed the space.
“Really Tony?” “You could of been slightly heartfelt!”
“What Tony is trying to say Y/N, is that we were unfair. Especially considering the fact that three of us were the same as you…technically four but Tony made weapons of destruction so I’d argue that’s worse.” Natasha cut in, looking towards me hopefully.
“Forgive us? Start afresh?”
I looked down in my lap. It felt weird hearing them say sorry. Or even having their attention full stop.
“I’m not going to lie and say I can just move on from this…it kinda hurt the way I was treated. It felt like when I was trying to finally put stuff right, I was just being shunned even more…”
“That was our fault. Completely.”
“But, I am willing to try. You guys seem cool when you’re nice.” I laughed quietly.
“Seem? Seem? I AM cool.”
“Tony, for fucks sake.”
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you belong with me (part 3) // fred weasley
Summary: You’re stubborn, so when your best friend tries to convince you that Bucky Barnes isn’t the right guy for you, you try to prove him wrong. In the process, you end up in a place you thought only existed in books, where you meet the one.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader (eventually)
Word count: 4k
Warnings: angst, mentions of past bullying
A/N: As always, remember English is not my first language. Also, thanks to @error501beta​ for proofreading this!
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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland, Great Britain, 1994
It had been a few weeks since you had unexpectedly landed in this reality, and you might say things were going well for you.
The arrival of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students and the announcement of the Triwizard Tournament had set Hogwarts ablaze with liveliness. The halls were teeming with excitement, as everyone busily prepared for the grand event.
You'd become close to Hermione and spent nearly all of your time with her. It felt good to have a genuine girlfriend; while you were very fond of Peter and treasured your friendship with him, but sometimes you just needed a girl — who wasn’t your sister– on whom you could rely, and sadly you didn’t have that back at home.
“Hey, America,” you sighed in annoyance when you heard the voice you'd –unwillingly– become accustomed to calling you from the end of the corridor.
When you turned your head, you saw a pair of indistinguishable figures with bright red hair. “Yes?” You asked with a forced smile.
“Is it true that you can see the future?” This question does come out of George’s mouth.
You knew it was George and not Fred, because you had since learned all the subtle differences between the twins. They were minimal, but they were there. Also, you were proud to say that you had a keen eye.
You rolled your eyes, recognizing the source of that strange query, “No, I’m not.”
Since you mentioned Ludovic Bagman and the letter to Fred on your first day at Hogwarts, he'd been bugging you, speculating that you were a seer. It wasn't your intention to be serious about it, you just wanted to mess with him, but your "prediction" of what would happen later in the story had stuck with the curious redhead.
“Fred says you are.”
You squinted at him, “And do you believe all the bullshit that comes out your brother’s mouth?”
“Hey!” the aforementioned brother exclaimed, offended.
You just shrugged, not regretting your words. It's not as if you had lied.
“You’re a seer!” He declared with unwavering conviction. Very sure of his words. Something that did not surprise you, because Fred Weasley was defined by his self-assurance.
“What makes you believe she's a seer?” Fred looked at his brother as if he was being incredibly stupid.  
“I already told you!” He threw his arms up in frustration. “She knows stuff,” he mumbled under his breath, not wanting to be heard; something improbable given that you three were the only ones in the corridor, everyone else being in the Great Hall since it was dinner time.  
Your stomach rumbled. You hadn’t eaten since noon, which was hours ago. Eating at set times is something you hadn’t done since your days at the orphanage. Living in the Avengers Compound came with various perks, including the freedom to indulge in any food item at any given hour.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you replied with a puzzled expression on your face.
You would never want someone to be falsely accused of lying, but you and Fred had gotten off to a bad start, and it must be confessed that you were a little spiteful.
Fred widened his eyes, “You told me about Mr. Bagman!”
“Fred, she can’t know about Bagman because she doesn’t even know who he is,” George pointed out. Oh, the voice of the reason.
“But she knows,” Fred insisted, stomping his foot on the floor like a five-year-old throwing a tantrum
“I don’t have time for this. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to have dinner.”
You left the twins behind as you made your way to the Great Hall. Their voices were faintly audible in the distance, as the Weasley boys continued to debate whether or not you were a seer.
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“Well, the goblet is nearly ready to make its choice,” Dumbledore explained. “I believe it will take another minute. “Now, when the champions' names are announced, I would direct them to come to the top of the Hall, go along the staff table, and enter the next chamber,” he pointed to the door behind the staff table, “where they will receive their first instructions.”
He drew out his wand and swung it in a graceful motion, causing all the candles in the room to be snuffed out except for the ones inside the intricately carved pumpkins. The sudden lack of light left the space shrouded in a dim and eerie atmosphere. The Goblet of Fire now shone brighter than anything else in the Hall. The flames within flickered a vibrant, electric blue and white that burned so brightly it was almost painful to look at.
“Hope it’s Angelina,” Fred said.
“So do I.” Hermione agreed with a nod.
Oh, boy, if they only knew…
The flames within the goblet burst into an intense crimson hue once again. Small sparks began shooting out of it. Then a flicker of flame suddenly shot up, followed quickly by a scorched piece of parchment – the entire room gasped. Dumbledore quickly grabbed the parchment and held it out in front of him, the flames flickering white and blue again. Raising his voice so that everyone could hear, he read out loud, “The champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum.”
“No surprises there!” Ron screamed as the hall erupted in applause and cheers.
Viktor Krum slouched up from the Slytherin table towards Dumbledore, turned right, strolled along the staff table, and disappeared through the entrance into the next chamber.
The room fell silent as everyone's focus shifted back to the goblet, which rapidly transformed back into a vibrant red color. Suddenly, the flames erupted once more and a second parchment shot out of it. “The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!”
Hermione, amidst the bustling commotion, gestured towards the remaining Beauxbatons group and said, “Oh look, they’re all disappointed.”
“‘Disappointed’ was a bit of an understatement,” you thought. The girls who hadn't been selected appeared utterly devastated; two of them were now crying uncontrollably and hiding their tear-streaked faces in their arms. Seeing such raw emotion on display made it clear just how much this opportunity had meant to them.
When Fleur Delacour disappeared into the adjacent room, silence fell again, but this time it was a silence so stiff with excitement you could almost taste it. The Hogwarts champion was about to be announced next…
Your stomach had knotted up for no apparent reason. Perhaps it was the anticipation of what was to come.  You knew everything would be okay –except for Cedric– but the terrible taste in your mouth would not disappear.
Although you had only been here for a short while, you had grown fond of these people. You cared about them even before you knew they were real and they were just characters in the pages of a book.
You got attached to people fast, which could be an issue here given what was to come.
Once again, the Goblet of Fire turned red and emitted sparks, shooting a large flame into the air from its tip. Dumbledore retrieved the third piece of parchment and announced with enthusiasm, “The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!”
As Cedric strode towards the chamber behind the teachers' table, every Hufflepuff student sprang up from their seats, cheering and pounding their feet in excitement. The ovation went on for so long that Dumbledore was forced to pause briefly before he could speak again.
“Excellent!” Dumbledore exclaimed with joy once the noise settled. "So, we now have three champions. “I am confident that I can count on all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions all of your support. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real —”
However, as Dumbledore cut himself off mid-sentence, it became evident to those present what had diverted his attention.
The fire within the goblet had once again flared red and tiny flames were bursting from it in various directions. A lengthy flame shot upwards, bearing along an additional piece of parchment.
Dumbledore extended his hand and seized the parchment, raising it aloft as he scrutinized the name inscribed upon it. As the room waited in silence, Dumbledore contemplatively examined the note in his grasp, while all eyes remained fixed upon him. Ultimately, with a throat-clearing, Dumbledore readout —
“Harry Potter.”
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You already knew how everything had gone down. Harry was forced to participate in the tournament, and Ron was fuming with him as he had not believed his friend's denial of putting his name in the goblet. Since then, he had been giving him the silent treatment.
The rest of Hogwarts seemed to be against him as well, and they took every opportunity they had to make it clear that they supported Cedric and not him.
This behavior did remind you of your high school in New York. Apparently, fiction was not far detached from reality.
“Hey, America,” you rolled your eyes at the nickname.
“What do you want?” You were surprised, when you turned around, to only see one redhead. You wonder where George was, or if he was hidden somewhere nearby and you were about to be pranked.
“No pranks for the lady today.”
You wanted to smack your face for speaking your mind aloud. Instead, you repeated your question, “What do you want?”
Fred’s face morphed into a serious expression. “I want you to be honest with me. How did you know about Bagman, and why did you lie to George about it? You made me look like a liar.”
“Why are you still sulking on this? It’s been weeks, let it go.”
“I won’t let it go.”
As you let out a deep breath, you rubbed the bridge of your nose with your fingers in frustration. You knew he was tenacious, and he wouldn't let go of the issue until you provided him with a satisfactory answer. You'd always been a brilliant girl, so you had to think of something. And fast.
“I already told you. I have a gift,” you reiterated with a confident tone.
Fred's eyes rolled in a show of disbelief at your feeble excuse.
“No. Listen, it’s true,” you said as convincingly as you could. “It’s been a thing in our family for decades. My sister has it. My mother had it, pretty sure grandma had it as well,” you mused. “It's a gift that every Maximoff woman is born with.”
Oh my… The whopper you were dropping on him.  You didn’t even believe yourself, so how could you expect him to?
When you caught Fred's blank stare, you figured he wasn't going to buy your story. Without hesitation, you spiced up the lie to make it sound more convincing.  “When we touch someone, we can glimpse inside their soul and thoughts. When I held your hand at the Black Lake I saw you and George at the World Cup, I saw the bet you made with Bagman. I saw how he duped you.”
Fred's face began to show an increasing sense of surprise with each word you said.
“I’m not a seer. I cannot see the future.”
Despite everything you had unfolded, the older twin remained unsatisfied with your answer and pressed for more proof to be presented.
“What do you want me to do?”
He reached out his hand for you. You gazed at it, then at him, perplexed. “Take my hand. I want you to tell me what more you see.”
You lifted your brow at his mistrust, but you took his hand nonetheless. Your small hand was wrapped around his large fingers once again. You shut your eyes and began to perform your role.
While you pretended to be focusing, your thoughts were actually buzzing with potential things to say to him. This time you weren't messing with him; instead, you wanted him to believe you had a gift.
A moment later, your eyes fluttered open and you released his hand.
“You dropped one of your and George’s ton-tongue toffees on the Dursley’s floor and Harry’s cousin picked it up and ate it. His tongue looked like a great python,” you smiled, “Nice one, by the way.”
Fred's eyes grew wide. “Oh, and I know your mom isn’t very fond of — what was it the name?” you pretended to think about it, “Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes! I'm sure she'll change her mind once she sees the amazing things you and George have invented.”
“How do you even —”
“And, I know you put bulbadox powder in Keeneth Towler’s pajamas last year. He erupted into boils! Honestly, Fred. What did the poor guy do to you?”
Fred found himself at a loss for words.
“Do you believe me now?”
He nodded quietly, his gaze fixed on you.
You were ready to leave when Fred grabbed your arm. Obviously, this conversation wasn’t done for him.
“And now what?”
“Why did you not admit this to George?”
“Because it’s meant to be a secret. I can't go around shouting it from the rooftops.”
“You told me.”
“Yeah, Because you can be so incredibly annoying.”
That made him smile broadly. Not taking it as an insult but as a compliment.
“I guess you expect me to keep your secret.”
“That would be very thoughtful of you.”
But you knew it wouldn’t be that simple. It never was when it came to Fred Weasley.
Avengers Compound, New York City, USA, 2016
You strode into the room with anger bubbling inside, and hurled your backpack carelessly onto the floor. You slammed the door shut, not caring that your sister was coming up behind you.
You were seething with anger. Angry at the stupid people in high school, angry at that entitled brat Ashley Miller, and you were especially angry at Wanda.
Without even bothering to knock, your sister stormed into the room, a matching angry expression visible on her face.
“Like she had a reason to be mad,” you thought.
She just stood there, without saying anything or moving a muscle. Her arms were tightly folded across her chest, and her gaze was unwaveringly focused on you. If she was expecting an apology from you, she had another thing coming.
She looked at you expectantly. “Aren’t you going to say anything?”
You shrugged, indifferently. “What do you want me to say?”
“Are you serious right now, Y/N?” she asked you incredulously. “Do you realize what you’ve done?”
There it was again. ‘What you’ve done’. It was always what you had done. Never what others had done to you. That never seemed to matter to her. Or to anyone else.
“She deserved it.”
Wanda gave you a disappointed look, and even though you didn’t show it, it pierced you.
“Why can’t you just behave for once?”
“I have to behave?” you snapped. “What about them? Why do they have to be a bunch of assholes?”
“Same old story again, the world is to blame, and you’re the victim.” Wanda’s voice was dripping with sarcasm, hitting the perfect note of mockery you knew she was clearly aiming for.
“You didn’t even care to ask me what happened.”
“I couldn't care less what happened, Y/N. Nothing justifies what you did.”
“Yes it does!”
“I will not justify your actions any longer. You’re not a child anymore, so quit acting like one.”  Wanda’s words were sharp. And they hurt. They hurt a lot.
You bit your cheek. You weren’t going to cry. Crying is for weak people who lack emotional control.
You were unbreakable.
“Well, I’m sorry I’m not the perfect sister you wished for. But what I’m not sorry for is not letting a bunch of spoiled morons treat me as if I’m less than them, 'cause I’m not.”
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland, Great Britain, 1994
You caught up with Ron and Harry as they were exiting Trelawny’s class, and a few seconds later Hermione joined the group.
“How are classes going, Y/N?” she asked you brightly. “Are you adapting well?”
“Oh yeah, I adapt very easily to changes.”
You arrived at the entrance hall, which was crowded with people queuing for dinner. You and the Golden Trio had just joined the end of the line when a loud voice rang out behind you.
“Weasley! Hey, Weasley!”
When you turned around, your eyes fell upon Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle who were all standing there, each with a look of utter delight on their faces.
“What?” Ron asked.
“Your dad’s in the paper, Weasley!” Malfoy said, waving a copy of the Daily Prophet and speaking loudly enough for everyone in the crowded entry hall to hear. Malfoy straightened the paper with a flourish and read on:
ᴀʀɴᴏʟᴅ ᴡᴇᴀꜱʟᴇʏ, ᴡʜᴏ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴄʜᴀʀɢᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴘᴏꜱꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ
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ɪɴ ᴀ ᴛᴜꜱꜱʟᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴇᴠᴇʀᴀʟ ᴍᴜɢɢʟᴇ ʟᴀᴡ-ᴋᴇᴇᴘᴇʀꜱ
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ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ, ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴍʀ. ᴍᴏᴏᴅʏ ʜᴀᴅ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ʀᴀɪꜱᴇᴅ ᴀ ꜰᴀʟꜱᴇ ᴀʟᴀʀᴍ.
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ᴛʜᴇ ᴍɪɴɪꜱᴛʀʏ ɪɴ ꜱᴜᴄʜ ᴀɴ ᴜɴᴅɪɢɴɪꜰɪᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴏᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ᴇᴍʙᴀʀʀᴀꜱꜱɪɴɢ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ.
“There’s even a picture!” Malfoy stated as he flipped the page over and held it up. “A picture of your parents outside their house — if it can be called that! Your mother could do with losing a bit of weight, couldn’t she?”
Ron was trembling with rage. Everyone in the room was staring at him.
“Stuff it, Malfoy,” Harry said, “Come on, Ron…”
“Oh yeah, you stayed with them this summer, didn't you, Potter?” Malfoy sneered, “So tell me, is his mother really that porky, or is it just the picture?”
“You know your mother, Malfoy?” Harry said — both he and Hermione had grabbed the back of Ron’s robes to stop him from launching himself at Malfoy — “That expression she’s got, like she’s got dung under her nose? Has she always looked like that, or was it just because you were with her?”
Malfoy’s pallid face went slightly pink.
“Don’t you dare insult my mother, Potter.”
“Keep your fat mouth shut, then,” Harry snarled as he turned away.
Several people screamed, and Harry felt something white-hot scratch the side of his face. He reached inside his robes for his wand, but before he could touch it, he heard a second tremendous BANG, and a roar that rang throughout the entrance hall.
When Harry looked around, his gaze was drawn to a pure white ferret shivering on the stone-flagged floor, right where Malfoy had been standing.
There was a frightened hush in the entrance hall. Nobody knew what had happened.
You had distanced yourself from the trio at some point when the argument started, and by staying back, you blended into the sea of students and went unnoticed. As you delicately flicked your fingers, the ferret took off, soaring through the air with ease, before crashing down onto the ground with an audible thud. Despite the impact, you weren't deterred and the furry creature sprang back up into the air once again. As you persisted with your action, the sound of the ferret's painful shrieks filled the air. It bounced relentlessly, reaching higher and higher heights.
“Stinky, cowardly, scumbag asshole,” you muttered under your breath. You were sick of bullies.
The ferret haphazardly soared through the skies, with its legs and tail flailing about uncontrollably.
“What is going on here?” a shocked voice inquired.
Professor McGonagall descended the marble stairwell, her arms laden with books. She watched as the ferret leaped and jumped through the air before her eyes eventually landed on yours. As soon as she caught sight of you, your hand stopped moving and the ferret slipped out of it, hitting the ground with a thud.
She drew her wand, and with a loud snapping noise, Draco Malfoy returned, laying in a heap on the floor, his sleek blond hair all over his now vividly pink face. He winced in pain as he slowly got up on his feet.
He, Crabble, and Goyle ran off immediately, streaking for the dungeons.
“Miss Maximoff,” Professor McGonagall's harsh voice summoning you drew the undesired attention of the entire hall, which was now fixated on you. “My office. Now.”
Peter Parker and May Parker’s Apartment, New York City, USA, 2016
“You know she didn’t mean it, right?” Peter spoke, “She was just upset.”
“I was upset too. And she didn’t even bother asking me what happened,” you settled onto Peter's bed, expressing your frustration. “She just put the blame on me.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” you looked at your best friend, and you felt so lucky to have him in your life.
You and Peter had a connection you had never experienced with anyone else before. He was your first real friend, the one person who truly understood you and whom you could count on for anything.
“I would have reacted the same way if someone had insulted my mother,” he continued.
You let out a humorous laugh, “Would you have turned Flash into a rat?”
You knew Flash usually picked on Peter, but you were sure he would never stoop so low as to make a hurtful remark about Peter's deceased mother. And even if he was, Peter would never have lost control of himself as you had.
“I would have.”
You gazed at him with a puzzled expression.
“I would have!”
“You’re too nice to hurt anyone, Peter.”
And you believed this. Peter Parker was kind and caring, known for his selfless and generous nature. Throughout his life, he was always eager to help others, never once displaying any malice or ill will.
“You’re nice, too.”
“You've got to be the only one who thinks that.”
“Hey,” Peter said, placing his hand on top of yours, “Ashley had it coming. You never let anyone walk all over you, and you always protect the ones you love. That’s so freaking admirable. You are admirable.”
“You know, Wanda is everything I aspire to be one day. And I want her to be proud of me, but I just feel like I’m a constant disappointment to her. No matter how hard I try, it seems like she only sees my flaws,” you swallow the lump in your throat, chest trembling in anticipation at the words you’re going to utter, “Sometimes… Sometimes I think she wishes I was the one who died that day, instead of Pietro.”
“Don’t say that, Y/N,” Peter gasped, his face contorting into a horrid expression of shock and disbelief.
“It’s true,” you said, “They were twins. They had a special bond that she and I would never share.”
“Wanda loves you, Y/N,” Peter tried to reassure you. He was determined not to allow any doubt to arise in your mind regarding the love that your sister has for you. He knew Wanda wasn't perfect and she had messed up by refusing to listen to your version of the story. However, that didn't mean she didn't care about you, or that she hoped you'd died instead of Pietro. “You’re her whole world. You’re the only family she has left. You’re her little sister.”
“A child she has to keep justifying actions for.”
The echoes of her words reverberated in your mind, leaving a lasting impression.
“No. A little sister she feels she must protect and for whom she wishes the best,” Peter interjected, kindly correcting your statement. “She doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you.”
You shifted your gaze towards your friend, the realization dawned upon you that Peter had your best interests at heart. His genuine concern for your well-being touched you deeply, prompting you to open up after all these years of shielding yourself from emotional vulnerability. As the overwhelming wave of emotions crashed down upon you, a sob escaped your lips, highlighted by shimmering rivulets of tears flowing down your face.
Peter swiftly embraced you, and you clung onto him as if he were your sole anchor for survival. You buried your teary face into his chest, releasing all the emotions you'd been repressing for who knows how long.
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3mcwriting · 1 year
She Said Yes!
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Warnings: none
Peter and you had been best friends since middle school, always riding the bus together and buying comic books together every week. Sleepovers all the time at his place, binging the Star Wars movies, and pulling 3 AM snack raids in his kitchen.
Recently though, he's been acting...wierd.
You and him don't hang out as often anymore and he always seems to have trouble talking to you. The sleepovers stopped and the 3 am snack raids became nothing but a memory.
And then, he dropped a bomb.
He told you he's Spider-Man.
You were shocked at first, who wouldn't be? But afterward you were just proud, and a little relieved. You had thought, well he told me his big secret so now maybe things can go back to how they were?
But no, there were still no late night talks, no more blushing and grinning like a fool at Peter when he'd shoot you that adorable, dorky, little smile. No more Star Wars marathons. Just a void in our friendship that continued to grow.
And then one day you got a message from him, surprising you since you stopped texting often a while ago.
Spidy-boy: Hey, wanna meet up at Jasmines Cafe 2morrow after school??
Me: Uh sure?
Spidy-boy: great! See u then :))
The next day you went to the cafe, staring expectantly at Peter as the two of you sat down.
"So, why are we meeting up?" you questioned him.
He furrowed his brows. "Am I not aloud to hang out with my best friend?"
You snorted, disbelief evident. "'Best friend,' is that what I am?"
His forehead got all crinkle-y at your words. "What do you mean?"
"Seriously Peter? You don't know what I'm talking about?" you asked him, both incredulous and a little hurt.
"How about the fact that we haven't hung out at all in 2 months, or that we text each other like once every 2 weeks? Have you really not noticed this bullshit gap growing between us?"
He frowned, looking both concerned and guilty. "I'm sorry, (y/n). I promise I never meant to hurt you. I just thought-" he stopped himself.
"Thought what?" you questioned.
"I thought you didn't need me anymore," he admitted, looking at his hands that were fiddling with a napkin on the table.
"You thought I didn't need you anymore," you echoed, relief flowing through you. "Well, damn. We're both idiots."
"Yeah I know I've been an idiot- wait what do you mean both of us?" he asked, confusion all over his face.
"I had thought we had stopped hanging out because you didn't want to be friends with me anymore, you have all your amazing, cool new superhero friends," you admitted sheepishly, feeling more and more stupid as you realized this all could've been solved if you'd just communicated better. "And I'm just that girl from Queens who's never done anything heroic or amazing in her life. So...I just felt like I wasn't good enough for you anymore?"
Somehow he managed to look even more confused. "What're you talking about? I mean the Avengers are cool, but (y/n)-you're one of the most important people in the world to me. You're intelligent, brave, beautiful, and just downright awesome. I stayed away because I thought that was what you wanted."
"You don't understand how good that is to hear," you let out a breath. "I'm sorry, Peter. I should've just told you how I felt about our lack of hanging out."
"You don't need to apologize, we both made a mistake." He shot you a soft smile. "But as long as you stay in my life I'll be good. So what do you say we head back to my place, put on Star Wars and catch up with each other?"
You grinned. "Sounds amazing, let's go."
The next couple of weeks were awesome, the two of you hanging out more than ever. He even taught you some basic self-defense, and you taught him how to play the guitar.
But there was something new, a tension in the air when the two of you would be all alone watching movies with each other. And your eyes would meet for a long moment, eventually looking away with a bright blush on Peter face and your own cheeks growing rather hot. Or when you'd hug, and the embrace much last much longer than a normal hug.
And then you realized it, you had a crush on your best friend.
Sure, you've always thought he was adorable, but now it was like he wasn't just adorable. When he was in his Spiderman suit and you'd catch yourself staring at his 6-pack that was outlined with the tight suit. And afterward you'd silently berate yourself for ogling a boy you'd known since you still thought the opposite gender had cooties.
You never told him though- not because you worried he'd hurt you. Oh no, Peter Parker was the sweetest person in the universe. If you told him he might be a little awkward but he would probably just blush and say how much that meant to him that you liked him like that. Then he'd give you a hug, tell you that even if he didn't like you that way he still loved you because you were his best friend.
You chose not to tell him because if you did and got rejected that would mean no hope. You, choosing to be a little cowardly, thought that as long as there was no definite answer, you could still have hope.
Peter nervously paced, being careful that the flowers stayed perfect.
Everything had to be perfect.
He had timed it so that when you walked in a favorite song of yours would play, one that was romantic enough to make him bush. Then he'd give you the flowers and tell you how he felt.
Then he'd ask you out.
The door opened, the song gently playing out on the speakers as you stepped in. He watched as a smile full of wonder lit up your face. He stepped in front of you, apparently startling you because you jumped. Trying to stop yourself from falling, you grabbed onto him.
Peter steadied you, making sure you were alright.
In the process, he managed to knock over a candle and light his shirt sleeve on fire.
He patted it out quickly. Then he looked around, the flowers were on the floor, all rumpled and petals everywhere, the music had died and the candle on the table next to the two of you had spilled wax everywhere.
He sighed, the whole setup ruined.
Oh, well. Might as well go for it.
"(y/n), for a long time you've been my best friend, always supporting me and always right beside me. And I really hope this doesn't ruin our friendship but would you like to go out with me?" He squeezed his eyes shut, words rushing out of his mouth quickly.
"Ok, well I hope it isn't awkw-wait, what? You said yes?" Peter didn't- couldn't believe his ears.
"Of course I said yes, I've had a crush on you for a little while and no one has ever done anything this sweet for me."
"Sweet?" The confusion in his voice almost made you laugh. "But I messed it up? The flowers are broken and my shirt was on fire."
"So? It was adorable, plus it's the thought that counts right? "
He just nodded, barely comprehending what has happened.
She said yes!
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stevetonyweekly · 5 months
SteveTony Weekly - February 11th - Week
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I’m traveling this weekend for my niece’s quinceanera so I’m sharing a list of my favorite fics that I posted on twitter last year. It’s still some of my favorite fics of all time, so this week go show them some love or send me some of YOUR favs, and I’ll be back next Sunday with our regularly scheduled weekly reading. 
Open Field in Front of Him by orphan_account
Steve Rogers's football season is functionally over after a loss to Rutgers, but he finds a distraction in Tony Stark (yes, THAT Tony Stark). A college AU Stony fic.
In Trouble Deep by FestiveFerret, SirSapling
"Whoever did this has a reason, and Stark needs to be with someone who can protect him. He won’t exactly be able to protect himself like this.” Fury looked at the baby consideringly. “No, it’s you, Steve. Besides, he likes you. Suck it up, soldier, you’re stuck with him.”
The Twice-Told Tale by arysteia
For someone he'd hero-worshipped for so long, Steve Rogers in the flesh is a pretty big disappointment. For one thing, he keeps looking at Tony as though he reminds him of someone else, and even if he never says anything, Tony's pretty sure it's his father. A lifetime of not measuring up to Howard's expectations is more than enough, thank you very much, and he's certainly not going to make an effort to live up to any of Steve's. Steve's pretty clearly failed to live up to his expectations, in any case, and that's not hypocritical at all.
Bulletproof by foxxcub
At age fifteen, Steve Rogers had been in love with Tony Stark.
By age twenty, he’d (mostly) gotten over it. And then he promptly became Tony Stark's fuck buddy.
dick drunk by mistymountainking
“I’m going to fuck you stupid,” Steve says, pulling away only a fraction of an inch to say it, a promise as deep and certain as the look in his eyes, “and you’re going to take it. Aren’t you, Tony.”
Tony wants a drink. Steve gives him something else.
Sixpence In His Shoe by scifigrl47
Steve and Tony should really read the fine print on what they're signing. Then again, some mistakes are not really mistakes.
Straight on till Morning by Sineala
Tony Stark resigned his commission in Starfleet five years ago, after a disastrous away mission, and he swore he'd never go back. He just wants to be left alone to build warp engines in peace. But the universe has more in store for him than that, as he discovers when Admiral Fury comes to him with an offer he could never have expected and cannot possibly refuse: first officer and chief engineer aboard the all-new USS Avenger, a starship of Tony's own design. What's more, the Avenger's captain is Steve Rogers, hero of the Earth-Romulan War. Believed dead for over a century, Steve is miraculously alive... and very, very attractive.
But nothing is ever easy for Tony. As he wrestles with his secret desire for his new captain and his not-so-dormant fears, another mission starts to go wrong, and Tony becomes aware that Steve has secrets of his own -- and the truth could change everything.
For the Love of a Dragon by Captain_Panda
If it was between you and your dragon, who would you save?
Deep in the Heart of Me by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
Veteran single dad Steve runs a tattoo shop. Pepper arranges for Tony to get that tattoo he always wanted, and he winds up with the mother of all crushes instead. Jumping out of airplanes is one thing, but love requires real courage. Steve struggles with letting someone into his life. Tony tries to keep his heart intact while Steve works on his issues.
Craving a realistic depiction of a romantic relationship featuring PTSD, mental health issues, and characters who discuss their problems? This might be for you. No magic fixes here but a happy ending is guaranteed!
Never Too Late for Love by Sineala
Steve has always believed that a soulbond is a blessing -- a rare and beautiful miracle, joining the thoughts and feelings of two people forever, from the first time they touch. Steve knows he's not going to be one of the lucky ones. He knows Gail isn't his soulmate. But he loves her, even if they're not soulmates, and he's going to do right by her. After the war's over, he's going to marry her, and they're going to settle down. They'll buy a house. They'll have children. He'll see his family again. Maybe Bucky will live next door. It's going to be a good life. He doesn't need a soulbond. He'll be fine without one.
Then Steve wakes up sixty years in the future to find that his wonderful life has moved on without him. His family is long dead. His fiancée married his best friend. And the only purpose he has left is leading the Ultimates, a misbegotten team of superheroes with flaws too numerous to count. Steve hates everything about the future -- but most of all he detests Tony, flashy and flirtatious, who embodies everything Steve hates about a world he never wanted to live in.
And, oh, yeah, Steve has a soulmate after all: Tony fucking Stark.
Toy Soldiers by copperbadge
When Steve Rogers, five foot four and a hundred and ten pounds, met Tony Stark in a bar, he didn't expect it to lead to a relationship. Or that Tony would find out he's not an art student during a SHIELD rescue mission in Afghanistan.
there are still beautiful things by meidui
The day Tony takes Steve home from the New York Army National Guard is the best day of his life.
I've got you under my skin by sirona
Five times Beijing 2008 Olympics Gold Medalist Tony Stark thinks it's going to be no more difficult a job to get ready for London 2012, than what he has just achieved. That is, of course, before Coach Fury comes to visit, and offers him a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a part of something much bigger than himself. Swimming AU.
The Foodieverse by copperbadge, scifigrl47
It's an AU where everyone works in the food industry. That makes total sense and is definitely not wildly irrational on any axis.
do you fondue? by calciseptine
Tony has done crazy things in the name of food, but falling in love with Steve Rogers really takes the cake.
Homefront by copperbadge
Steve Rogers is a capable leader, a kind and cheerful man, a good friend, a strong role model, and a loyal soldier. He's also teetering on the edge of suicide.
stress relief by romanoff
They don't love each other. They barely even like each other.
The Jar by Sineala
The Avengers are ridiculously competitive people, and what starts out as a silly late-night team discussion quickly becomes a contest: their names. Not the code names -- the nicknames. Who can go the longest without using them? They pledge to spend a week not nicknaming each other, and they'll pay up every time they mess up. This hits Tony the hardest, and not just financially. Tony's got a lot of nicknames for everyone, but most of all for Steve -- and when Tony can't use the names he's already got, the names he uses reveal feelings he had no idea he had.
Celestial Navigation by sabrecmc 
Celestial Navigation: 18 year old Omega!Tony finds himself Bonded to Captain Steve Rogers. He isn't happy about it until he is.
By request, here is CN in one place without other stories and artwork.
ad astra by Areiton 
The first time he kissed Tony Stark, the stars danced overhead.
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everywhere at the end of time (memoryloss!spiderdads)
I COULDNT GET THIS OUT OF MY HEAD me and my friend were gossiping about memory loss aus and this appeared...
i probably won't write this out but i wanted u guys to see it and scream w me
thank u for the warm reception for paper rings <3 let me finish some stuff up and then I'll get smth out for u
why yes this is post btsv i just wanted miles here
Peter doesn't blame them, really.
When Miguel told him that a Spider-Person had gone insanely rogue and created a memory-erasing gun, Peter wasn't even that surprised. There was plenty he would want to forget as Spider-Man, certain endorsements and franchises that displayed his mask.
Then Miguel told him that this guy saw their entire family killed by the Sinister Six, and was stuck in a Mysterio-induced hallucination of the memory. They relived it over and over again before the Avengers in their universe found them.
And Peter doesn't blame them at all for doing that.
But what he is doing here in Earth-5338 is making sure that this Spider-Person doesn't do this to other Spider-People. There's a decent amount of them here, Gwen, Miles and Jessica. It's a risky mission of course, but it should just be destroy-the-gizmo and extract-them.
This should be easy.
They're in their lab in Earth-5338. A spare suit hangs from a case, light blue with pink and white accents. Spinner, a sign by it reads. On the wall behind it are drawings of the spider in action, drawn in crayon.
It's something Mayday has done, and his chest constricts.
Someone lays a hand on him, ever-cautious, and Peter looks up at Miguel. It's battle time, so his mask is pulled up. But Peter knows that under it, his lips are just-kissed glossy. He grins at the memory of their pre-mission makeout session. He leans forward, careful to keep his voice down.
"Care for a repeat, ninety-nine?" Miguel has the shame to turn away. His cheeks are probably flaring red, and Peter pulls him closer.
Miguel traces two fingers down Peter's arm, stopping at his wrist. "
"Stay safe." Commanding. It's his way of affection.
"Back to you." Peter replies.
The memory cuts off here. The orange hologram freezes, and Miguel is allowed to fixate on the unhidden affection in Peter's eyes. The colour always reminded him of how Peter drank his tea. English breakfast, with enough milk to turn it opaque and turned sweet with an ungodly amount of sugar.
There's a small smile there on him, and Miguel wants to live in this moment again.
"Lyla, again."
"Miguel, this-"
"Again." He growls it this time.
The orange figures reset and all Miguel looks at is Peter. He will always turn to Peter first. He walks up to the costume case, laying his fingers on the sign.
"Is that me?" The memory breaks like shattered glass. Miguel turns around, and about ten feet below him is Peter.
But somehow, it isn't his Peter.
Miguel turns away again and breathes. He does it slow and quiet, unlike how his heart sounds like in his ears.
"I asked for you when I woke up again. I called you the scary big one, and people seemed to know who you were," Peter's joking, of course he's joking, but it's the way his voice sounds. The way his smile, his stupid grin is so evident in his voice that makes Miguel grip his table, until his claws are leaving marks.
"You know who I am, don't you?" Peter asks. "Who I was or whatever?"
Peter woke up with Miguel holding his hand. Peter pushed him away and asked for Aunt May. When rebuffed, he asked for Uncle Ben. He was scared of Miguel, eyes going wide at the talons on his suit.
The doctor eventually got him sedated and asleep again, but he pulled Miguel aside after. "He might not get his memories back. But we'll play our odds. We'll take it slow. "
Miguel nods. He didn't have to have the Spider-Sense, to know that Miles and Gwen were listening behind the wall. He could hear them whispering. He plans to scold them later, so he doesn't have to picture his future without his Peter.
"We have to keep memory dumps slow, so he won't get overwhelmed." Is there anything else other than being Spider-Man that might shock 616-B, something very different from what he knew before he became Spider-Man?"
"You were beside my bed. You know me, don't you?" Peter asks again.
Miguel breathes in. Breathes out. He closes his eyes.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Yelena Belova x Reader! Super Soldier: Yelena is trying to protect her girlfriend when Natasha arrives and Nat is surprised to find her. Natasha breaks into her sister's apartment who believes Reader is an enemy. But she happens to be Yelena's girlfriend.
For The Best
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Super Soldier! Reader
Summary: With the Avengers looking for you, Yelena does her best to protect you and keep you hidden. 
Angst & Fluff | 1.6K |Mentions of Red Room and Hydra, unwanted medical attention from Hydra | 
AC: I really liked this idea! & after writing it I feel this could have a part 2 if anybody is interested enough! Hehe, I hope you enjoy it x 
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“Yelena, I don’t want you to get into any trouble because of me!” you looked to your girlfriend. “Don’t be stupid, Y/n, I just got you back, I’m not letting them take you!” Yelena argues. 
“Them? Lena, your sister, and her team are the ones looking for me” 
“Yes, and if Natasha finds you, they’ll take you away again, lock you up and treat you like an animal for something that isn’t your fault”
“Maybe it’s for the best. We don’t know what else is wrong with me” 
“Nothing is wrong with you!” Yelena stepped closer to you, “please, I just got you back and I can’t, I won’t lose you again” she spoke, reaching your eyes. “Yelena, what if I hurt you?” 
“You won’t, you couldn’t never” she brushed a lock of hair out of your face, “we’ll work this out together” she adds.
“Yelena, I can’t be the one who tears you and Natasha apart…you guys just found each other again”
“Will you stop? Please! Y/n, I lost you in Red Room and then I lost you again to Hydra, I can’t lose you a third time. I just need some time to draw Natasha way from things and then we can get out of here, okay?” 
A few moments of thinking you finally agreed, “okay, a few days” you spoke. 
“I promise, I’ll keep you safe even if it’s the last thing I do” Yelena kisses you gently. 
When Hydra went down, Yelena caught wind of it and knew she had to find you. Meeting you in Red Room, the two of you secretly found love within each other and helped each other through the hard times within Red Room until Dreykov found out about the love affair and separated the two of you until he sold you to Hydra. 
Your time in Hydra was far worse than the treatment you encountered in Red Room. They ran multiple tests on you, you were their guineapig. They didn’t care what they probed you with, they didn’t care how much it hurt or the after math of this failed tests. You kept the thought of Yelena with you the whole time until eventually, they wiped your memory and created a weapon out of you. 
Yelena tracked you for days when Hydra went under, they told you to run and stay away from anybody and that they would find you again. That’s what you did, moving from town to town, city to city, before Yelena came face to face with you in the middle of nowhere at a ran down wooden barn. You fought her, almost killing her until she spoke her name in Russian. “Останавливаться! это я, это Елена (stop! It’s me, it’s Yelena)”
“Yelena?” you mumbled, letting go of her throat. Your memories of the blonde coming back to you. 
“Da, eto ya moy tsvetok (Yes. It’s me my blossom)” she slowly sat up. 
The keyword ‘blossom’ ringing through your ears before it came to you who Yelena really was to you. “Lena” your eyes filled with tears when she hugged you tightly. “ya zdes' tsvetu (I’m here blossom)” she whispered.
“It’s really you” you sobbed. 
“I’m so sorry, I’m never leaving you again” she kissed the top of your head. 
Yelena knew she couldn’t turn to Natasha for help. The Avengers had a list of all the people Hydra had ever ran tests on and they wanted to find them for the safety of the rest of the world. It’s been 5 months since Yelena brought you back, keeping you at her apartment away from anything that could harm you. But as you came down from all the tests Hydra ran on you, you lashed out uncontrollably and at times you hurt Yelena, but she never held it against you, but you always felt terrible and would isolate yourself away from her until you felt you had control over yourself again. 
“I’m going to go and see Kate like planned, will you be okay here?” Yelena asked, you nodded with a soft smile “I’ll be fine” 
“I won’t be too late, I promise” she kissed your lips once more before grabbing her coat and leaving out the door. 
For the rest of the afternoon, you spent packing somethings that you thought were important to you and Yelena, little things like photos and notebooks she’d kept. You weren’t a fan of the idea to take off with Yelena, she’d just got back in contact with Natasha and things were going great for them, but you knew Yelena had already set her mind on it. 
Downstairs on the side of the street, Natasha sat in her car, looking up at her sister’s apartment living room window that still had the lights on. Natasha thought it was strange that Yelena left a light on but then she saw a shadow moving. Quickly she grabbed her handgun and got out of the car.
Carefully and quietly, she made her way up the stairs to Yelena’s apartment, unlocking the door with her spare key as quietly as possible without alerting you. 
Music from Yelena’s stereo played softly in the bedroom as you started to sort out the wardrobe completely in your own world when you heard a raspy voice behind you. 
“Stop whatever you’re doing and turn around slowly” the voice spoke. You did as ask, turning slowly with your hands up showing you had no weapons. “What are you doing in Yelena’s apartment?” Natasha asked. You knew who she was, you’d seen photos from Yelena’s phone. 
“I asked you a question!” Nat raised her voice, her handgun still pointed directly at you. 
“It’s not what you think” you replied. 
“Really? Sure, as hell looks like you’ve been going through her things!” 
“Natasha stop!” Yelena said standing in the door frame of the shared bedroom. 
“We’ve been looking for you, what do you want with Yelena?” Natasha kept her focus on you. 
���Nothing, please, let me explain” you slowly lowered your hands. 
“Natasha!” Yelena walked in, standing between you and Natasha, “I said stop! Lower your gun”
“Yelena, get out of the way, they are dangerous!”
“She’s not! She’s far from it” Yelena argued, “you’re not taking her” she adds. 
“You know I have too, why are you protecting her?”
Yelena looked over her shoulder at you, “it’s okay Lena…I’ll be okay” you said with a broken smile. “No! I meant what I said, I’m not losing you for a third time” 
“A third time? Yelena are what are you talking about?” Natasha frowned. Yelena turned her attention back to her older sister and took a deep breath in and exhaled. 
“It’s her Nat, the woman I told you about, the one I called blossom, this is her” 
Slowly Natasha lowered her weapon and looked between the two of you. Yelena held your left hand tightly behind her back, “you can’t take her” Yelena said softly. 
“Yelena, she needs to be looked at, we don’t know what Hydra did to her. Bruce can help with that, it’s for her own safety and yours” Nat explained. 
“No! I’ve seen what you guys did to the others and I won’t let you do the same to her. I’ve spoken to Melina, she is going to help us and once she’s okay we’re going to leave, you won’t have to worry about her” 
Natasha shook her head, “Yelena, don’t do this. What can Melina do? She worked for Dreykov, she doesn’t have the stuff we do, the resources we have… I promise you, we won’t hurt her” 
“Lena, please…maybe they can help with my outbursts” you spoke
“You’re having outbursts?” Natasha asked, you nodded in reply, “somethings I can’t control them, and I just lash out, it sometimes feels like I go somewhere completely different” you explained. 
“Has she ever hurt you?” Nat’s eyes darted for Yelena.
“Yes” you said over Yelena, “but I never mean it, I swear” you added. 
“Y/n! please, don’t do this” Yelena turned to you, cupping your face gently, “don’t leave me again, we had a plan”
“And our plan will still happen, but I can’t stand to hurt you again, we don’t know how to stop these outbursts and we don’t even see them coming, please…Lena, I want to get better, for us” you teared up.
“Yelena, you have my word, we won’t hurt her” Nat spoke.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Yelena asked, looking into your eyes. 
“I do” you nodded, “I don’t want to hurt you anymore” 
“And I have your word, right?” Yelena looked over her shoulder to Natasha. 
“I’d never lie to you” she said, “You can see her whenever you want, how much you want” she offers. 
“When they work out how to help me and I can come back, we’ll go get our rescue dog and we’ll go live our lives, I promise” you said before hugging Yelena tightly. “Can we have one last night, please?” you looked at Natasha, “I promise by 10am I’ll have Yelena drop me off at your compound” 
“10am otherwise I’ll come back here” Nat replies. 
“Thank you” you said as you watched her leave you and Yelena be. 
“This is for the best, Lena” you kissed her lips softly. 
“I just – “
“I know, but if I lash out one more time and hurt you, I can’t forgive myself” you explained. 
“But you don’t hurt me” she argued. 
“Lena, I won’t discuss this anymore. I just want to hold you, be with you before tomorrow. Can we do that, please?” you looked at her with begging eyes. She nodded lightly before pulling you back into a tight hug, “ya lyublyu tebya, tsveti (I love you, blossom)” she whispered. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @jeyramarie |
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Dating Thor Headcanons
As a Midgardian...
Thor is clueless about dating traditions on Earth. And he was not even going to date anyone on Earth, but then he saw you.
You're close-but-not-that-close with the Avengers, and the moment Thor saw you, he knew he was going to court you.
But he wanted to do it the right way, so he did some reading and observed around, looking at other couples.
He went as far as to ask for tips from Tony and Clint.
Truth be told, you liked Thor too. But you hadn't asked him out because you thought that he had an Asgardian girlfriend or something. After all, women over there were far more beautiful than those on earth. So why would he even look at you?
But he did. And after enough preparation, he's going to ask you out.
You were surprised when he did, but said yes immediately because you had liked the god for a long time.
Soon, you were in a relationship.
Thor would keep you as happy as he could, bringing you gifts and precious jewels from Asgard, telling you stories of himself and the Warriors three and Lady Sif, and spending a lot of time with you.
He'd never fail to remind you how much you mean to him, and how beautiful, smart and kind you are. Whenever you felt insecure and down because of all other beautiful women - Midgardian and Asgardian - would throw themselves at Thor, the God of Thunder always consoled you and told you that you are the one he wants.
You'd get many jealous looks from women and men, because of your relationship with the God. You had expected that, since Thor was otherworldly handsome and powerful, but took time to adjust to it.
You and Thor love to go to different tourist places and explore the Earth. The fact that he can fly is a bonus.
You always understand when he has to go back to Asgard and don't hold it against him, even when you miss him terribly.
You and he try out different dishes and cuisines from around the world, and he's fascinated by the sheer variety.
Whenever you are sad, he does everything - and I mean everything - to help you feel better. Sometimes, you just burst out laughing because of his sheer innocence/idiocy. But you know he's doing that for you, and you're eternally grateful.
Thor's love language is physical touch. He loves to hold you, kiss you, run his fingers through your hair, caress your cheek and massage your sore muscles. You were taken aback by the gravity of that at first, but love it now.
He's not as dumb as people make him out to be. He's quite smart, and you can see that. He's a lovable himbo, but he's not stupid.
The fact that you're mortal and he's immortal and that you're not gonna stay with him forever is a tense topic, and you avoid discussing it.
There is however, the unspoken truth that you're gonna be with each other as long as you can.
In fact, he wants to introduce you to his family.
Thor's not the smartest, but he is the most loving and caring. And that's all you need, a partner to cherish you, hold you, and love you beyond all your faults.
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