#like. obviously a preference is a preference
hellotailor · 23 hours
Apologies if you've already done a post on this and I've just missed it, but can I ask for your take on the pyjamas worn by the cast of interview with vampire? I mean technically they're not a 100% necessary item, but just from a quick look there seems to be a lot of variety and they do change over the series
ok, i’m delighted by the specificity of this question, and it turns out that i have a VERY extensive answer.
there’s a lot of sleepwear in IWTV due to the volume of bedroom/coffin scenes, and like any other outfit, these costumes are shaped by characterization and historical period. for instance claudia initially wears a long, modest, frilly nightgown - an old-fashioned style that plays into her girlish doll wardrobe purchased by louis and lestat. however her sleepwear matures over the years, including a trendy lace nightdress with bloomers in the 1920s (note the rectangular silhouette), and a pink padded jacket/pastel robe outfit in 1940s paris. she's following contemporary trends while charting a visible trajectory from child to adult.
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when i wrote about the Théâtre des Vampires coven costumes, i noted that while their wardrobes share certain themes (ie. monochrome patterns and stripes), they each have specific personal tastes. that holds true for sleepwear. in the S2 finale we see the coven going to bed in their coffins, with Eglee in a gorgeous (maybe 1940s?) robe, Celeste in a striped pajama suit reflecting her 1920s-30s cabaret style, and Armand in a plain grey set of prison jammies because he's Suffering.
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of course, the star pajama outfits all belong to Louis and Lestat, playing into their wealthy domestic aesthetic in S1. they receive multiple bedroom/coffin scenes, and Lestat's gold Leyendecker robe is obviously iconic.
touching on the historical side of things for a moment, pajamas (as in a matching buttondown top and loose pants) were popularized in the western world in the 19th century, as a repurposed south asian import - kind of like how banyans became trendy among the upper classes in 18th century england. this was when loungewear started to catch on as a concept, both in terms of dressing gowns and smoking jackets (which you could wear while socializing at home) and actual pajamas, which became unisex in the 1920s.
back in his human life in the 18th century, Lestat probably slept naked or wore a shapeless white nightgown (and possibly a nightcap, the sexiest of garments). but in New Orleans he adopts Louis' lifestyle, which involves a luxurious wardrobe of fashionable menswear. they're both into shopping and looking good, and i think they enjoy the ritual of getting dressed together each night.
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(i also have a personal theory that Lestat may prefer to sleep fully clothed because his formative traumatic memory involves waking up naked in the dark. after all, he doesn't need pajamas to stay warm, and he doesn't have a recent habit of wearing them in his human life like Louis does. then again, maybe he just enjoys having a new outfit for every occasion!)
in Dubai, we only get one scene (iirc) with Louis and Armand in their pajamas, lying in bed wearing outfits that tie into the striped prison bar imagery of their bedroom. Armand is in warmer brown tones (like his Paris wardrobe) while Louis is in black and grey, like the rest of his Dubai outfits. i'd also note that this is the one place where they're genuine in private, meaning that they aren't putting on a show for Daniel. so this is potentially Armand's most relaxed costume in the present day.
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the fact that they're wearing this kind of old-school sleepwear feels very appropriate for their whole deal, imo. in the 21st century, a lot of people just sleep in boxers and t-shirts or whatever. there's a slightly 20th century vibe to wearing a full set of buttondown pajamas, and Armand's outfit reads as more stylish (and possibly more wealthy) than your average millennial guy. which makes sense! they're old men.
i think we can assume that every single thing in their Dubai home is ferociously expensive, even when it doesn't need to be. considering the way Louis gives himself a modern makeover in the finale, i do wonder if he'll switch over to sleeping in t-shirts etc next season, or if he'll stick with variations of the same sleepwear he wore during his mortal life.
p.s. all of my iwtv design posts are available on this tag!
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xclowniex · 2 days
Had my first antisemitism whilst dating.
My tinder suddenly fucked out on me and said my profile was under review as it had been reported. I ended up emailing to see what was wrong as I've been talking to someone who I am really getting along with.
And turns out my account was reported for a message I sent to a different person, and I managed to get the customer help person to tell me the message.
During me and this antisemites conversation, she asked me what my plans were for the weekend and I mentioned I had synagogue and a challah making class. I had not mentioned Palestine or Israel to this person. That is all I mentioned, shul and challah baking.
That was the message that was reported.
And like, I know that she just didn't want to date anyone religious as well, I have jewish selected on the bit where you can add your religion so its visible on my profile, as well as the fact that you can unmatch with people and not report them. If she assumed I was a secular jew and realized I'm a religious jew she could literally have unmatched. And I do totally understand if she just wasn't looking for anyone religious. People are allowed to have their preferences that is not an issue for me at all.
But no, instead she reported my message of me mentioning I'm Jewish. And because I hadn't mentioned anything about Israel or Palestine, I know it wasn't because I'm zionist. She didn't know that. She just saw that I'm Jewish and assumed I must hate Palestinians which isn't even true.
Jokes on her my account was given back to me as obviously there was nothing which broke tos with my message. But it does sting and worsen my fear that being jewish is going to make dating harder for me.
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xshadowdelta · 5 hours
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Yoo Jimin (Karina) x Male Reader (6K Length)
Being the son of the president and owner of one of the most famous multinational companies in the entire world had an infinite number of advantages, but one stood out above the rest. The economic power you wielded was practically inexhaustible, which led you to a life of luxuries and whims, since you won the race against the rest of the sperm.
Living in a mansion, having a driver and bodyguard, attending private schools, and one of the best universities in the world, having a huge guaranteed job, and rubbing shoulders with some of the most important people on the planet. Although the latter was sometimes more of a drawback than an advantage, depending on how tedious the matter at hand was.
And that was what had brought you here, to Milan, Italy, in what was known as Milan Fashion Week, a show whose date was marked on the calendar of everyone who was interested in this whole panorama.
It's not that it was your first time attending an event of this caliber, but it was your first time dealing with something related to fashion, a topic that you hardly knew anything about and that didn't interest you too much, to be honest.
Why were you here then? Simple, because of one of your father's contacts. The world of business was not simply about making money with your company, offering a quality product, managing your employees and going home to sleep every night, no, it went much further.
Everyone should start from the bottom, and once you have managed to reach the top, the difficulty lies in staying up there, which is something that experts always say. And to achieve this objective, alliances are needed, partners if you prefer, in order to build a powerful and, at the same time, faithful network of contacts.
One of the most powerful designers at the show belonged to your father's network of contacts, and therefore also to yours and your company's. Attending this parade was nothing more than a business commitment to strengthen the relationship between you two.
However, the CEO of the company, that is, your father, was closing a deal with a new investor in the USA, and his busy schedule prevented him from traveling to Europe precisely at that time. And there is where you came in, your position as heir, your father's current right-hand man, and future president meant that these tasks fell on you.
You had to admit that you were a little nervous. The crowd of celebrities didn't surprise you, you had been to places like this before, but the fashion world used to bring together a lot of, no offense, snobs.
Since your childhood, you have dealt with thousands of these types of people. You were seasoned in a thousand battles against posh children of rich parents who believe they are the center of the universe, just because the guy they called dad once fucked their mother without wearing a condom in a gas station bathroom, and he ended up having success with some banal bullshit. Luckily, you hadn't turned out that stupid.
You witnessed the parade from the guest area between a young actor who was beginning to emerge in Hollywood and a Formula 1 driver. Experiencing this type of event from the inside perhaps would eliminate your prejudices and change your way of seeing them, nothing could be further from reality.
You still couldn't understand how there were people willing to not only wear such extravagant outfits and clothing, but also pay for them, a negligible sum of money for you, obviously, but it wasn't for 99% of the population.
Hours passed and the moon, along with a blanket of stars, beautifully illuminated the sky of the city, in accordance with the end of the event and the subsequent celebration, one of those famous after-parties that the great figures used to chat, get to know each other, and, of course, do some business.
However, that night, it wasn’t among your tasks to sign any new contracts with anyone there. Luckily for you, your father was lenient in this matter. Attending the event, interacting a little bit with acquaintances, and having the freedom to leave after completing said mission.
“I can’t believe my eyes. Look who is here, it's my good friend's little boy!” You caught a glimpse of a quirky guy, approaching you with his arms open.
There was the culprit of this little trip through the Italian country, your father's old partner, a man with long gray hair, about 60 years old, extremely thin and whose body was surrounded by who knows how many animal skins are in danger of extinction.
“It is a pleasure to see you again, sir.” You lied as he hugged you, patting your back. “I thank you for the invitation on behalf of my father, I am sure he would have loved to be able to attend.”
“Ah, that old father of yours, he continues to work too much, it's time for you to take over.”
“It is difficult, sir, we also want him to rest, but you know how stubborn he is.” At that moment, one of the waiters approached you with a tray full of champagne glasses, which you both took.
You continued talking for a while, mostly about your impressions of the show and the work you were involved in lately, taking advantage of the moment to introduce you to other designers and moguls and even some of the models who had paraded on the scenario.
“The last time I saw you, what were you, 16 years old? But look at you now, you are already a man, and you will carry on your shoulders the weight of a huge brand, it is a weight that is not inconsiderable at all. Have you not thought about having a good woman to help you?”
“I think I'm still young for that, sir, but it's certainly something I haven't considered at the moment.”
“There are countless women here and each one stands out in something: power, beauty, intelligence…I could introduce you to whoever you wanted.”
You were beginning to feel uncomfortable because of the direction the conversation was taking. Although it is true that your father gave you freedom on that topic, from time to time he had dropped a comment about it. Without a girlfriend and a large fortune, you were a good catch, of course, but also the perfect target for fortune hunters. However, that didn't stop you from having fun sometimes.
You scanned the place with your gaze, doing a quick sweep of the people that came into your visual range. You then stopped at a girl who stood out above the rest in your perception.
She had Asian features, a bright dark hair and was wearing a very elegant black dress that was tight to her body. Her face was simply beautiful, somewhat pale, but certainly beautiful, as if she were the human representation of a goddess, and her body had perfect proportions, highlighted perfectly by that small dress. She was chatting cheerfully with one of the models at the show, and her smile left you speechless.
The old man next to you also observed the girl since your gaze had been lost in her, and they didn’t have a plan to return to their initial position. He gave you a playful smile and placed a hand on your shoulder. That touch was enough to make you come back to earth.
“Be careful, kid, you know what they say, the devil wears Prada.”
The designer left you there confused with those words while he went to greet another of his guests, but your eyes were still focused on that young girl. You took a long drink of your champagne, finishing it instantly and leaving the glass on one of the nearby tables to begin walking determinedly in the direction of the girl.
Sadly for you, a third person blocked your way by putting an arm around your shoulders. You tried to free yourself from that grip until you realized who it was, one of your old university classmates, the son of a great businessman in the automotive world.
He spoke to you animatedly for a few minutes in which you didn’t pay him a single second of attention while your eyes tried not to lose sight of the figure of that girl, now hidden behind the body of your friend.
You wanted to interrupt him and say something, but you also didn't want to be disrespectful. That was your mistake, was what you thought when he dragged you from there to introduce you to another group of people while you watched how you were moving away from your goal.
Suddenly you found yourself caught up in a loop that lasted about a couple of hours, about meeting new personalities, stupid conversations about business that you would have participated in another time, but not right now when your head was in somewhere else.
You managed to get out of that group with the typical excuse of having to use the bathroom, and you dove into another amount of people trying to escape. You walked through the huge room where the party was taking place while your eyes moved restlessly from side to side.
After a few long minutes, your search was unsuccessful, and you sighed in defeat, thinking that perhaps that girl had already left the party. Your left hand grabbed a strand of hair from your bangs, twisting it angrily, while your right hand held the elbow of your other hand. If you had been alone, you would have let out a frustration yell.
It was then when you noticed how a hand gently touched your back, making you turn on your feet, coming face to face with the owner of your thoughts. You relaxed the expression on your face that could not hide its surprise at seeing her standing there looking at you with a smile, as if a halo of light illuminated only her, dazzling.
“I've been waiting for you all night.” She said this, making a small pout with her mouth. That completely unnerved you. The unknown girl made the first contact. Was she waiting for you?
"How is…"
“I noticed how you looked at me.” Shit, you had been so freaking obvious. Your cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, thereby increasing the volume of her giggle.
“Yoo Jimin, but you can call me Karina.” She offered one of her hands to you, you shook it in greeting, indicating your name back.
Both of you started talking at that moment. You learned that she came from South Korea and that she was dedicated to music and entertainment, specifically being a K-pop idol in a group known as Aespa along with three other girls. You knew little about the subject, but if she was part of it, it was definitely something interesting to investigate in the future.
She told you that she assisted this event as an ambassador for the Prada brand, you smiled then remembering the old man's words, but you still had to decipher the second part.
“And will you stay for a long time in Italy?” You asked.
You were supposed to fly back home tomorrow, but your private plane could wait as long as necessary.
“Oh, well, the truth is that tomorrow I'm going back to Seoul.” It made you sad to know that, and it seems that she noticed it because she got a little closer to you to whisper something in your ear.
“But that doesn't stop us to make this night indelible.” The sensual tone of her voice combined with her perverted smile gave you the clue you needed, there was the devil.
The journey from the place of celebration to the place where you were staying seemed eternal. During the trip, you couldn't help but ogle Karina, you were so obvious that she could only laugh and say “cute”.
You gave her way to your suite, walking around it in amazement, as if she hadn't been in hundreds like that before. On one of the occasions when she turned around and faced you, you grabbed her hips, pulling her towards your body to kiss her passionately, something she responded immediately with the same intensity.
“You don't waste time, I like it.” She said playfully, giving you another kiss.
“It's not like I have much.” You replied by lowering your hands to her butt, massaging it a bit, making her sigh against your lips.
“We have the whole night, tiger, we are going to have a great time.” She commented, letting out a moan when she felt your lips attacking her neck. You gave her buttocks a squeeze, appreciating that you agreed with her statement.
You grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it up pulling it over her head and leaving her in just underwear, and her hand quickly went to the bulge in your crotch caressing it over your pants.
“God, it looks so big, I can't wait to have it in my mouth.” A shiver ran through your body, forcing you to undress as fast as you were allowed, making Karina laugh loudly.
Now with both of you covered only by your underwear, her hands traveled to your chest, caressing it as she reached up to kiss your lips again. In response, your hands distributed slow and gentle caresses along her bare back, taking advantage of the situation to unhook her lace bra. Your torsos were separated enough for the garment to fall to the floor due to gravity.
She took your hand and led you to the bed, where you took her by the waist, causing you both to fall gently lying on the bed, with her under you, still enjoying your kisses.
One of your hands went up her body to her voluptuous breasts, grabbing and kneading one of them at the same time as your tongues surrounded each other inside your mouths.
You moved away from her lips, eager to taste her tits, introducing one into your mouth, savoring it for a long time while your hand caressed her other mound, even going so far as to lightly pinch her nipple.
“Beautiful…” You whispered, offering the same treatment to her other boob.
“Are you saying it to me or my tits?” She asked, pressing your head against her breasts even more.
"Both." She smiled at your answer and shifted on the bed, moving freely, walking on four over the sheets, watching you with a feline gaze that made you rev ​​up the speed.
She completely surrounded your body, being you now the one lying face up on the bed, opening your legs to allowing her to stand in the middle. She lay on top of you, with her face pressed against your crotch, raising her butt giving you an unbeatable view.
She stuck out her tongue to lick the huge bulge that was pushing the fabric of your boxers toward the ceiling, threatening to tear it if it wasn't quickly released. She continued kissing your abdomen, leaving a trail of kisses gradually rising to your chest at the same time that her hands were playing with your member, still inside its lair.
She was playing with you, it was obvious, and you needed her as soon as possible, impatient and anxious, but you refused to show weakness, if Karina wanted to play this game then you would both play.
She went back down to your bulge, there was a part of your gray boxers that had turned into a darker color as some drops of pre-cum had escaped from your tip as a result of Karina's constant teasing. Realizing this she smiled widely with malice knowing that she had won this first round.
She bit with her teeth the elastic of your boxers, pulling them down, lowering them until your hard and throbbing penis was finally free. Karina looked at your naked cock in amazement, bringing her face closer, beginning to spread small kisses along your length.
She rested her elbow on your thigh, measuring your penis with the length of her arm. “Holy fuck, it's so much bigger than I thought. I have never faced one like this” She admitted without stopping kissing it, sticking out her tongue to lick the entire surface, making it wet.
“Come on, I'm sure you could have any boy you wanted…” “You’re not wrong, that's why I have you.” She responded, winking at you.
Meanwhile, your brain was beginning to malfunction due to the pleasure that her lips and tongue were giving you down there. “In that case, be careful and don’t choke yourself.”
Your comment was clearly a joke, but Karina, who was now moving her closed hand around your penis up and down masturbating you, stared at you with a planning in her head.
“There is nothing I want more right now than to choke on this damn cock.” She said in a very hot tone increasing the pace of the handjob making you moan louder.
You swallowed, getting even more excited. You had been with other women before, but Karina gave you an unknown vibe until this moment. She was beautiful, she was sexy, and she was aware of it, and there is no animal more feared by men than a confident and self-assured woman.
A spit came out of the woman's mouth directly onto your cock, which was already completely wet and the movement of the female hand on it was beginning to cause watery sounds.
“I can't wait any longer.” Karina whispered to herself, leaning over your cock, surrounding your tip with her lips and putting as much as she could into her mouth.
She stayed like that for a few seconds adjusting to the size of your penis and proceeded to lower her head a little more until she managed to put the entirety of your dick in her mouth.
You clung tightly to the sheets when shocks of pleasure ran through your body as you noticed how you reached her throat in one go. “God, Karina, you're crazy.”
She would have answered you if her nose wasn't brushing against your lower abdomen at that moment. She was too busy cupping her cheeks to grant you as much pleasure as possible inside her mouth.
After a few seconds of holding her breath she released your member, completely covered in saliva now. Karina coughed a few times but quickly went back to engulfing your cock.
You could see how Karina's head went up and down on your cock in a frantic manner, driving you crazy. Your member did not stop throbbing in the intimacy of her mouth and several strings of saliva were coming out of the girl's mouth meanwhile she was sucking you, starting to make a mess on your lower zone.
You had enough time as spectator and decided to join the action by taking Karina's head in your hands, helping her swallow your cock deep in her throat, causing her to dig her nails into your thighs. You held her hair in one of your fists while she continued to sink again and again on your crotch without any type of modesty.
You removed your hands, and she got separated from you, breathing heavily, but instead of leaning back and walking away, she buried her head between your balls to lick and suck on them, taking them into her mouth.
Karina continued giving love to your balls while now her both hands were masturbating your long member at high speed with enveloping movements, twisting your penis with pleasure.
She switched from your balls to your cock again, sucking you harder than before, swallowing your penis as much as she could and moving her head more desperately, producing erotic sounds from the depths of her throat. 
She let out a large stream of saliva from her mouth against the lower part of your abdomen and your thighs, kneeling on the bed and taking her own tits in her hands, making them swing before your attentive gaze, some of the saliva falling on her breasts.
You sat up a little until you reached her and grabbed her breasts, with a movement of your hips you introduced your penis between them, bouncing your hips and masturbating yourself by using her tits.
This surprised her at first, but she quickly changed her expression to a one much more lustful, staring at you, biting her lower lip, and watching as you enjoyed the massage between her breasts.
Your cock covered on saliva was leaving her tits all sticky and messy, but favoring the sliding of your penis between them.
“Please don't cum yet, I need so much more from you.” Karina moaned, squeezing the sides of her breasts with her knuckles, thus imprisoning your cock, which made you moan.
You lowered your head to kiss her lips, and you placed your hands on her shoulders, starting to move your hips faster. In response, she stuck her tongue out to lick and caress the tip of your cock each time you passed through her breasts.
She held her tits tightly and moved them without mercy or compassion, now they were no longer two huge pieces of meat that shook roughly on your manhood as if they meant nothing more than that, with the only mission of offering you pleasure. “FUCK Karina! Stop or I’m going to explode!” You screamed in ecstasy of lust, doing your best to retain the liquid that was pooling at your tip and threatening to overflow.
She didn't let go of you immediately, no, that would have been too compassionate of her, she slowly reduced the pace making the last caresses feel excitingly deadly. Even so, the damage done to you was remarkable, because the tip of your penis covered in a whitish color was irrefutable proof. With a playful smile Karina bent down to lick your tip and with it those small drops of semen that were peeking out, licking her lips noticeably.
“It tastes so delicious, I can't wait to get the full load.”
You had managed to stabilize your breathing and your emotion just when she threw herself at you again, kissing your lips like a beast and your hands explored each other's body with total freedom, directing one of your hands to her panties to which she began to curve her body rubbing her crotch against your hand.
“I'm so wet.” She made a fake moan, trying to provoke you. “I'm pretty sure you could sink that whole cock into my pussy so easily right now.” Her eyes, her mouth and her entire body were breathing fire, and you weren't afraid of getting burned.
“And what are you supposed to be waiting for?” You played along, murmuring close to her ear as you pulled down her panties and she kicked in the air until she sent them flying away from the bed. “Help yourself.” You gave her another effusive kiss while holding your hard, erect member, offering her a clear sign.
Karina then sat on you, a few inches from your penis, in fact, it was now held upwards, resting on the girl's stomach, and you couldn't have a better view of her at that moment.
She licked the palm of her hand, then running it over your tip, rubbing it insistently in circular motions. One of your eyes closed trying to resist, you were trying to avoid having to beg her at all costs. You were lucky that she was madly horny and couldn't stay playing with you much longer.
She rose just enough to be able to insert the tip of your penis into the entrance to her pussy, slowly descending, allowing you full access to her interior in one go.
A long sigh left her mouth once her butt made contact with your thighs, staying still for a few seconds staring at the ceiling with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. Your hands caressed her thighs, going up to her hips and abdomen, leaving one of your hands lightly pressed against her stomach.
She looked down to make direct eye contact with you while still smiling. Her hands handled yours on her stomach, moving it gently over it.
“I can feel you perfectly…you're so fucking big inside me.” She moaned, beginning to rock back and forth in small movements, without breaking your skin-to-skin contact.
Each time the distance was greater, leaning back and returning forward until it collided with the palm of your hand, a sensation so wonderful that you couldn't describe it in words.
“You're so tight, I could cum at any moment.”
At that moment, Karina's hips began to rise and fall on your cock, riding you and giving you the vision of how your cock entered and left her pussy, each time more abruptly.
“Sorry darling, I would love to have a creampie from you, but sadly today it will be impossible.” She said between moans as she continued bouncing over your dick.
You had to be careful then, you thought internally, letting yourself be carried away more and more by the pleasure, grabbing and squeezing Karina's tits in your hands that were bouncing in the air with ferocious movements.
She rode you harder and faster with each ride. Now placing her feet on the bed and squatting over you, your hands traveled to her ass, pushing yourself even further, making your cock enter even deeper inside her, stirring her insides and making her scream with pleasure.
She continued like this for a few more minutes until suddenly she opened her eyes and mouth wide, suppressing a moan, and made eye contact with you again, completely clouded by pleasure.
“I'm cumming.” She announced riding your cock now in a crazy way and as if those words had turned on a switch in you, you also responded, giving the best you had.
“Fuck yes, just like that make me cum please, please, please…” The way she begged you, her face twisted with pleasure, her body trembling on yours. If there was a paradise after death, it must be something like this.
“Shit shit shit shit!” She screamed, standing on the bed and making your penis come out of her pussy, rubbing her hand frantically against the folds of her pussy, letting out a powerful jet of fluids over the sheets and over part of your crotch and abdomen. You couldn't believe what you had just experienced, Karina had squirted directly on you.
She fell to her knees on the bed, exhausted, trembling, with her legs closed as well as her eyes, breathing heavily, trying to recover from that intense orgasm.
You approached her from behind, surrounding her body in a hug and placing a kiss on her shoulder. She turned to you, smiling with a tired expression.
“That was…”
“The hottest thing I've ever seen in my life.” You interrupted her. “We can rest if you need it.”
Karina glanced at you over her shoulder before leaning over the bed, resting her palms and knees on the sheets, bringing her butt closer to rub against your cock.
“You said it yourself before…we don't have much time.”
You automatically groped her buttocks, and in response, she moved her ass at a faster pace, as if it were a dance. You grabbed your cock and lined it up with her entrance, penetrating her again, making you both moan again.
Karina's twerking didn't stop, not even when your hands gripped her waist, turning your thrusts into much more carnal movements, and causing your own hips to crash hard against her ass every time you buried your cock deep inside her.
The movement of the girl's ass was simply hypnotic, it seemed that her entire body was a sensual spectacle, made by and for the enjoyment of the sexual act.
Her moans of pure pleasure and her desperate pleas asking you for more and more did nothing but heat up the atmosphere even more, and increase your body temperature along with your lust.
You raised one of your hands and let it fall on Karina's buttock in a loud spank to her ass. She let out a small squeal and turned her head to look at you, with lasciviousness in her eyes that you had never seen before.
“Use my body all you want, tonight I'm yours.”
Without a shred of self-control to stop you or make you think at all, you grabbed a handful of her hair in your hand, pulling it back, making her moan. Karina's body sat up until her back was pressed against your torso. With your other arm you totally surrounded her stomach while your hips did not reduce the pace of the thrusts.
One of her arms wrapped around your head as you began to kiss and lick her neck. Your hand let go of her hair and held one of her breasts tightly, pressing her closer to you to prevent her from falling forward but taking advantage of the moment to squeeze it between your fingers.
After a few minutes you released her from your grip, returning to the initial position, not lasting too long there as you immediately pressed one of your hands on her back, forcing her to lie completely face down on the bed.
Your hands tightly gripped the sheet on each side of her head, your thrusts were deeper, burying the entirety of your cock inside Karina, who for some time could not stop moaning uncontrollably.
She tried to silence her moans by biting the sheet, but you instantly leaned gently on her to bring your mouth to her ear and whisper.
“Don't even think about it.” You said, putting a hand on her neck and making her turn her head to remove the sheet from her mouth. “I want to hear you scream.” You whispered in her ear, giving her another spank on her ass.
Karina left that position and turned around on her back, opening her legs for you, while you looked at her with some confusion in your expression. You could see how some tears welled up in her eyes.
“Do you want me to scream?” With the help of her hands, she opened the folds of her pussy, showing you how it was completely wet and dripping. “Then fuck me properly!”
She did not show anger, but her voice and expression were completely authoritative. You smiled when you saw her in that state and bent down to reinsert your member into her pussy.
Despite all your attacks on her tonight, her pussy was still fucking tight, squeezing your hard cock to the point of satiety. That didn't stop you from continuing to pound into her as if it were the last thing you were going to do in this life.
You continued attacking her mercilessly, lowering your head to lick her breasts and then going up to kiss her lips, while your fingers pinched her nipples.
You grabbed the back of her neck as your cock ceaselessly disappeared inside her body, and she rolled her eyes due to the pleasure she was receiving.
“Fuck me please, fuck me please, FUCK ME!” She desperately demanded while you felt the walls of her pussy contract. 
You came out of her, replacing your cock with your fingers, rubbing her folds in the same way she had done some time ago, achieving the same result, another huge jet of fluids straight from her pussy.
You didn't give her time to rest this time, as you grabbed her legs, pulling her to the edge of the bed, holding her body in your arms to lift her up and make her hug your body with you standing.
It seems that despite being tired, she anticipated your idea and surrounded your waist with her legs and your neck with her arms, also lifting her butt, allowing you to insert your penis into her more comfortably.
You grabbed her ass and started rocking her body upwards, making her bounce on your cock incredibly.  Your moans were silenced by your lips, devouring each other without mercy.
After a while you noticed how your legs were wobbly, your hands were clinging tightly to her butt and once again your penis seemed ready to unload everything you had inside.
“You're going to cum for me, right? I want your cum all over me” Karina smiled mockingly on your lips, caressing your hair and your cheeks, you could only nod your head.
“I need to make a mess in that pretty face you have.” She smiled widely.
You separated her from your body, being careful not to fall, and she quickly knelt in front of you, leaving her head at the height of your penis, which you were stroking violently while Karina waited for you on the floor, sticking out her tongue.
You finally released yourself and large streams of semen fell onto Karina's beautiful face, covering it almost entirely in a matter of seconds until you were completely empty.
“Fuck, you came so much.” Karina exclaimed, trying to clean the mess you had caused on her face with her hands, taking the opportunity to lick her fingers in the process.
On the other hand, you were exhausted, panting heavily trying to recover from the tremendous effort you had just made. Even so, you noticed some pressure on your member again, you looked down to discover Karina grabbing it with one hand.
“Let me help you.” She whispered, putting it back into her mouth and making movements with his tongue trying to collect as much of the fluid remains as possible, cleaning it.
“I'll be right back.” She said, standing up and walking past you towards the bathroom, earning a spank on her ass as a tip and turning to give you a satisfied smile before disappearing out the door.
You fell onto the bed, emitting a tired sigh, closing your eyes for a few moments, and seeking to rest your body. After a while you felt the bed move next to you, you opened your eyes and turned your head to the side, seeing how Karina, also now lying next to you, was looking at you penetratingly.
She smiled at you and came close to your body. You put an arm around her shoulder, allowing her to lie on your chest, which she caressed with the palm of her hand. With your free hand, you lifted her chin towards your face to kiss her sweetly.
Karina circled your neck and settled into her position, making the kiss increasingly passionate and needy, to the point where she was practically lying on top of you again. You broke apart, panting and smiling at each other.
“Can't we stop the time?” You asked, making her giggle. She approached your lips again, this time kissing you very slowly.
“Thank you for tonight, I really needed something like that.” She let her head fall between the crook of your head and your shoulder, and you hugged her, pressing her body against yours.
“I guess it all ends here, right?” You asked, caressing her hair, and she turned to you, planting a soft kiss on your cheek.
“I'm sorry…but let's do this.” She said, getting out of bed and walking over to grab something from her bag, a cell phone, and walked back to you. “Give me your number, let's stay in touch, you know, in case we meet again.” She said, winking at you and handing you the device.
"I'd love to." A huge smile formed on your lips as you recorded your contact on Karina's agenda. Once you finished, she snatched the phone from you, throwing it somewhere nearby on the bed, and climbed on top of you, kissing you again desperately.
“There are still a couple of hours until my flight departure, I have to be at my hotel before my staff wakes up, or I will be in trouble.” “It's more than enough for me.” You whispered before returning to devour each other with renewed energy, it seems that your dreamy night still had another chapter to be written.
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babybatss-blog · 2 days
Sirius black x reader, 1100  words
summary: all you wanted to do was cook Sirius some chicken for dinner, but perhaps things don’t always go your way.
c/w: established relationship, alcohol consumption, swearing and crying, argument between Sirus and Reader. Practically just tame, basic relationship angst that turns into fluff :)
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The classic casual Friday night is always a big step in any intimate relationship. Stepping out of uncomfortable outfits and delicate table foods into comfy hoodies and junky snacks creates a whole new level of intimacy with a partner, and can be quite nerve wracking for at least the first few instances. 
But you and Sirius are way past that.
On the first date, you stayed the night at his for two whole days. You met his best friends on that second day, and he met yours just four days later. James said you were funny, and Lily said Sirus was smitten. He admired your comfortableness with him while you appreciated his lack of care towards your groggy state every morning, and a week in you both shared your deepest traumas with each other. On some random Wednesday your parents turned up unannounced in your apartment, which is when he met them both shirtless and slightly hungover (though he concealed the latter expertly).
So, two months later it is entirely expected to have Sirius lounging on your couch, watching some Netflix overproduced action show and as you cook dinner. Usually he prefers taking control of the kitchen because he “likes to spoil his girls”, but he did not impose when you insisted it was your turn to give him some love. The kitchen smells like a variety of spices and mouth-watering flavours, and despite the simple dish you are preparing the kitchen looks like a professional chef is making a world-famous meal. Plates, pots and pans are spread around, ingredients spilled on any and all surfaces and your state decreased to completely dishevelled, huffing and puffing at every slight inconvenience to come your way. “This needs to be perfect for him.” You think, anxiously managing every element with not a moment to spare. Unbeknownst to you Sirus has now snuck over, and softly places his chiselled chin on your shoulder as you peer over the cooking meat.
“Looks raw.” He states nonchalantly, arms creeping around your waist. “I know. It’s not done yet.” You explain bluntly, words leaving your mouth slightly more harsh than you intended. But you don’t take them back, as your focus is entirely taken up by the meal in front of you.
Wait, I thought it was done? What’s it meant to look like if it is done? What does it taste like? What more does it need?
He soon releases you, walking away to the bathroom as he calls out. “Sorry for not wanting to be poisoned I guess!” You huff, opting to not fight back in fear of putting too much energy into something that doesn’t really matter in the scheme of things. You and Sirius are both painfully stubborn when you want to be, and are often laughed at by your friends for getting in ridiculous arguments. Once, you needed to go on a walk and clear your head after the two of you debated which Barbie movie is the best.
As he returns from the bathroom he subtly side eyes the chicken, seeing you have now placed it on a plate ready for serving. Against his better judgment, he calls out, in a half cough half word amalgamation which complains “still raw”. Would it be smart for you to reply? No, of course not! But do you do it anyway? Obviously!
“WELL WHY DON’T YOU COOK THEN MR PERFECT?!” You snap, eyes erratic and wide as you face him. He scoffs, hands placed on the kitchen counter opposite you.
“I’d be happy to, but you didn’t fucking let me!”
”Didn’t let you? I’m not your mother, I’m sorry I wanted to do something nice for you!”
“Well it isn’t nice if I’m too sick to go to work tomorrow!”
“Relax hard ass, you start work at three!” The argument quickly escalates past the point of reasonable, as Sirius’ arms flail widely about and the vegetables are left to burn in the oven.
In a closing statement you call Sirius a “spoilt brat” and he storms off, slamming the bedroom door behind him so he can no longer hear you if you try to apologise. Tears well in your eyes as you look around, realising what just happened truly as your brain finally processes. How can your worst argument be about some stupid chicken? You rush to repair the damage of your distractions to the meal, pulling the vegetables out of the oven as your salty tears fall within. You can barely see through your exaggerated sobs, mad at yourself for all manner of things.
Why did you let his simple comments go to your head? What if he’s right, and the meals a disaster? Will he despise you now for going so off the handle? Is this the last night of your fleeting romance?
You quietly serve up the food as these thoughts run through your head, wiping away gushing tears and snot as you go. Once it’s done, you tentatively go over to the closed door of the bedroom and knock a few times. You hear some shuffles, and the door is opened to reveal an unimpressed Sirus. “Sorry…” You mumble, eyes glued to the wooden floor between you. He pushes past you in silence, grabbing his plate and sitting down on the plush couch. As much as you would like to beg for forgiveness and list all the reasons you should stay together, you don’t deem that important when he pats the space next to him to sit down, handing you a sympathetic yet weak smile. “I know you didn’t mean it.” He finally gets out, eyes drilling into your still shy figure. “I just was trying to help.” “I know. But I didn’t want you to have to worry. I wanted to spoil you; you know?” His hand falls onto your thigh, the other placing the chicken in his hungry mouth. You join him in eating the meal, and reluctantly admit what you wished wasn’t true.
“It’s not fully cooked.” You pout, tears still glossing your eyes. He chuckles, placing his plate down and enveloping you in a hug. “That’s fine gorgeous. UberEats it is.” You pull back and quickly peck his lips, a smile forming on both your faces as you respond.
“Only if it’s Mexican.”
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wrennyfics · 2 days
sub!snape headcanons :)
{part one}
im working on some sub!snape fics rn (ur requests), but in the mean time... have this
im high. so i apologize if thiss is a mess. pls ignore the grammar or whatever
warnings: NSFW, explicit, smutty (MINORS DNI OR I STG)
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alright here we go (virgin, inexperienced, sub!snape)
My headcanons about...
Kissing: I honestly, this is kinda sad, but i imagine that sev was always really scared to be kissed because he thought it would be a prank. The first time you kiss him would have to be somewhere private, for this reason and the fact he hates pda, and you'd have to ask him. (i mean obviously, consent is important folks) but i mean, like literally verbally, "Severus, can I kiss you?" And i think at first his face is just blank, like hes trying to figure out if you're serious, amd he gets all flustered, and blushing and like "i, uh, you want.. are u sure? i.." or he is literally speechless and just nods
Kissing Cont. As the kissing gets more intimate i feel like hed be breathing pretty heavily. we know this man is skilled at occulemency and can control his emotions sooo well.. but when it comes to this... i think that man lets it go and is just a shaky, panting, flustered mess
Teasing: Especially in the beginning, he doesn't like to tease you or make moves. One, he's impatient. Two, he doesn't really know what to do and is scared of doing the wrong thing and messing up. But the second you start kissing on his neck... Running your hands down his body...
Preferences: sub!snape i think def prefers gentle!dom. i don't think he'd be totally against pain or stuff like that... but especially at first and for the most part, imo he would prefer to be taken care of. like lets bffr, his entire life he was neglected, touch starved and forced to always be in control. I think he would crave giving in, letting someone else control him
Prefrences Cont. He keeps his clothes on, especially at first. prob the trauma, mixed with insecurity, mixed with a bunch of other fun stuff. But at first, he is nearly fully clothed.
Kinks: Praise. 100%. And if you asked him before you guys had had sex about praise he probably would've scoffed. But the second you're on top of him the first time, moaning his name, saying how good hes making you feel, how well he's going... I think hes like o h. also slight degredation
Kinks cont. I don't think he'd like to be tied up tbh. as pretty as that'd be.. i think he'd need to touch you, feel you, his hands roaming everywhere. being pinned down by your wrists is different tho
Fav positions: when he's sub! he def likes you riding him, pinning his wrists down, taking what you need from him. he gets to see your whole body.. and relax for once and be a lil selfish in his own pleasure
Oral: sub!snape def prefers to give as opposed to recieving, i think this about dom!snape too, but especially about sub!snape. especially when you ride his face, when he gets to look up at you, watch your face contort in pleasure... especially when you grind down on him, but giving sub!snape head is like, a religious experience fam. on jah, on your jaw, dun dun tiss. yea that man is a shaking, whimpering mess, his hands clawing at the sheets, panting, cursing, begging. yep
His first time: lets be honest guys. he aint lasting long. but i think he would be like THIS? is what its like? and then proceed to overexhaust himself by going ten times because how in the world had he never felt this before.
he never used to touch himself much, insecurity and yk depression, but since you... whenever you're gone... he fucks his pillows yep i said it.
he def likes to edged, and having to beg for it. idk why, but i'd die on this hill.
he blushes so easy. like so easy. the man is so pale, one compliment or small kiss and his face is red
he's relatively quiet. he's verbal, but doesn't moan very loud. more so whispers, begs, quietly.. especially at first when he's more shy. but when he starts to get desperate, maybe after a lil bit of edging... he whimpers when he cums and thats just the truth
but if you compliment those whimpers.. tell him how much it turns you on.. he'll let them out even more
building on that, he wants to please you. be good for you. know that he's doing it right. in a horny way and also in a kinda emotional like.. she really does want me look at how shes reacting kinda way
loves to watch your face when he's making you cum
the first time you pull his hair hes like oh....
needs a lil extra aftercare after being sub! cause its a very vulnerable thing for him.. but his fav is just to lie there, cuddle you, bonus points if you praise him and tell him how proud you are of him
this was shameless.
cheerio xx
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bones4thecats · 3 days
Hello, you can, Tfa Starscream x Conjux femme reader, where Starscream's clones are in love with the reader 💙❤️
➸ Clones v. Starscream; Trans. Animated
Character: Starscream and his Clones (Transformers Animated) A/N: This was actually one of my favorite things I've written for the Transformers Franchise. I hope you enjoy it as well, 💙❤️Anon! Disclaimer(s): Nothing, except maybe poly relationships? I'm not sure, didn't get that deep into it.
Star - 💫 / Slip - 💐 / Ram - 🪶 / Sky - 😱 / Thunder - 🌩️ / Sun - 🌦️
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╚═════ Starscream Clones v. Starscream ══════════════╝
💫 Starscream landed, transforming back into his bi-pedal mode. He was not very amused. Those Primus-forsaken Autobots managed to stop him from gaining another object for his plans! How annoying!
💫 As he walked around the run-down ship that was once the Nemesis, Starscream could hear the voice of his conjunx coming from a couple hallways down. But his conjunx's voice wasn't the only one he heard, he also heard his clones' voices
💫 Speeding up his pace to almost a full-out sprint, the seeker stopped in front of a doorway. There you stood, speaking to Slipstream while Skywarp held onto you from behind. He was acting as if you were his personal plush
💫 Starscream's anger was now soaring. How dare these knockoffs of him start getting along with his conjunx! You were his, not theirs! He's been with you for hundreds of thousands of years, they had only been with you for a couple Earthly months at most!
💫 Hearing a scoff from the entry-way, you turned and saw your conjunx, Starscream, standing there. He was leaning against the doorway with a sour expression on his face. You chuckled and motioned for Skywarp to let you go, which he did
💫 You walked up to Starscream, wrapped your arms around his midsection, and hugged him. Your grasp was better than almost any Cybertronians, especially a femmes. Starscream smiled smugly and hugged you back, glaring at the Clones behind you, you being completely oblivious to the action
"How was your mission on Earth?" You asked.
"I bet he failed." Slipstream voiced.
"Starscream? Fail? That's nonsense." Ramjet said, making Starscream narrow his optics and bawl his servos into fists.
"I recommend you shut your intakes, Clones."
"Exactly. Starscream is one of the best Decepticons ever created. Even better than that bucket-head Megatron." Sunstorm praised.
"Thank you, Thundercracker." Starscream said.
💫 You looked as Slipstream rolled her optics and walked off, her metal hips swaying as she did so. While many mechs would match, you preferred the sight of the original Starscream's hips moving as he walked around
"Oh please. I am obviously the superior Starscream. You're all mere pieces of scrap compared to my genius." Thundercracker boasted.
"Exactly. And you totally didn't fail your last mission against the Autobot Repair Team."
"Why you-"
"Enough, you two. I think you guys need some time to recharge. Go to your chambers and relax," you added, "and don't bother trying to flatter me out of it. Sunstorm."
💫 Sunstorm shrugged and walked off, the others following suite. You then looked at Starscream and chuckled, hugging him once more as he picked you up and walked to look out of one of the many huge windows that surrounded the now-destroyed war ship that you lived on for many years
"You know, sometimes I think that you like those Clones more than me." Starscream teased, a smirk ever so present on his face.
"More than my original sparkmate? Not possible."
💫 Starscream laughed lightly as you leaned forward and leaned your forehead against his. You could feel the bit of the Allspark in his helm pulsing with his own spark as you gave him affection. While many called him sparkless and a monster, you knew the real Starscream. And he could feel love. And right now was extreme proof of that claim
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jesncin · 1 day
Just wondering something about the interests of the martianfam
Would they prefer Super Mario or Sonic the hedgehog?
Also I'm imagining the family playing smash bros... M'gann is pulverizing everyone (except maybe K'hym)
oh this is a difficult question for me because I don't know about Mario or Sonic that well to make an informed answer. Uuuh they like pokemon cuz cute animals that transform. It appeals to their shapeshifting. Now for Smash Bros,,,
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M'gann would be very good at Smash Bros. I can imagine her playing as all sorts of characters but I see her struggling between choosing Pit or Dark Pit because "they're both cute boys". K'hym obviously plays Kirby (and everyone lets her win as they should). J'onn plays Isabelle because She Gets It. Ma'al is going through things.
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ok im gonna sound like a delusional fan in denial but ive been thinking about this for a while.
i honestly don't think the cards are canon bc, in the official book art, jameson looks like this:
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he looks completely different on the card. his hair is shorter and all. nash looks a lot different too (and i think xander's hair is different). i also think the characters' heights are completely off. libby looks taller than nash in the cards (and im quite sure libby is shorter than him in the books). ive been thinking about this thing (since the nash card came out), but i don't think its possible to create 100% accurate silhouettes. like for example, if some guy's silhouette's hair is too long and messy, the face might not look like a face (if you know what i mean). his face would look deformed and... not like a face. ig its up to interpretation. the art has been out for years, so, for me, thats canon (and has been for a while) (i also prefer the character designs for all of the brothers in the book art), but if you'd prefer to think that the cards are canon thats obviously ok too.
im sorry if this doesnt make sense, im still fangirling over the excerpt we got.
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wambsroy · 2 days
i cant believe some people are calling riddy selfish when since the beginning of the show it was clear how suffocated she was feeling in her own relationship but orpheus was so emotionally dependent of her he couldn’t even realize. there are people saying she doesn’t deserve him bc of all he did for her, guess what? she didn’t ask him to do all that shit bro
honestly, i think its a great modern representation for the myth, even though i obviously prefer the hadestown version, i feel like the portrayal is aligned with most relationships in today’s society, it was definitely a great twist sue me i loved it
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darklinaforever · 1 day
First picture :
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Second picture :
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The first person is aware that Lydia could remove the files from her mouth at any time? Literally, she takes them off on her own to talk when she gets tired of them! Beetlejuice is a very powerful fucking demon, if he wanted to completely silence Lydia he could and would have done so. However, he didn't do it. I'm tired of seeing people make this situation worse when in reality it's not as restrictive as it seems.
Same with the baby's delusion, which yes, is admittedly very disturbing at first and the only real reprehensible thing that Beetlejuice does to Lydia in this film in my opinion (because with the song that is played at their wedding ceremony and the how easily he lets Lydia send him away (I'm sure he wasn't really planning on marrying her this time). But then again, he didn't actually get Lydia pregnant ! And she didn't really give birth to his demonic child either ! And she seems to get over that weird, disgusting prank made by Beetlejuice pretty quickly.
Also, I don't know why but I never had the impression that Beetlejuice had traumatized Lydia in the first film as an attempt to affirm these people, particularly the second.
Literally, she doesn't seem to have any after-effects in the first film, and the sequel proves it even more. At what point in her scenes with Beetlejuice himself does Lydia seem to be truly afraid of him or particularly traumatized by him ? And I'm talking about the scenes where she is with him in the flesh. Because the moments when she thinks she's hallucinating his presence, it's logical that she panics. But no, she never seems terrified of Beetlejuice himself.
Not even at the famous wedding, contrary to what the second person says. This is bullshit.
The scenes where Beetlejuice makes declarations to Lydia like the serenade or the marriage, she doesn't seem disgusted (except when he throws his heart in her hands and that's somewhat normal) or terrified, or both.
She just has a face that generally says : Wtf ? Because the situation is WTF ! This wedding scene is not at all portrayed as creepy in the first place !
Frankly, it's bad form to say the opposite for me ! It’s deliberately turning a blind eye. Beetlejuice is a horror comedy, these scenes are above all funny with touches of bizarre and gothic !
The actors love their characters together, including Winona who totally ships them. To say that she played her character as being terrified of Beetlejuice is bullshit.
And even if his acting was out of step with the script, that's not the case. Because once again, Lydia is not traumatized by Beetlejuice even through writing.
Aside from the fact that Lydia doesn't want to say Beetlejuice's name to avoid screwing up her life again (and we understand), there is nothing that indicates a real fear of Beetlejuice, the individual, in her !
And no, Lydia does not have any trauma that caused her to hallucinate the Beetlejuice presence. We know it, we see it, Beetlejuice does this on his own, so when Lydia sees him it's real. These are not hallucinations resulting from trauma at all !
Yes, Beetlejuice is problematic, obviously he's a demon ! Yes, Beetlebabes also has problematic aspects, obviously since once again Beetlejuice is a demon !
(That's literally the whole appeal of this ship between these two... Nobody likes Beetlebabes because it's a healthy relationship !)
But I'm tired of people trying to make it worse than it is.
In this sequel, Beetlejuice literally saved Astrid, Lydia's daughter, and he also saved her from marrying a complete asshole !
Not only that, but the way he pursues Lydia, or courts her if you prefer, isn't really cringeworthy.
He helps her save her daughter. Saves her from a bad marriage. He plays the serenade. Gives her a hand kiss. Is ready to accept Astrid as his child. Offers her his beating heart (yuck), etc. Frankly, it's a good overall approach for me !
And even if it's frankly not cool to haunt her in recent years, the film suggests to us that it's really due to a connection between the two characters. So that balances it out a bit.
Frankly, the antis greatly exaggerate the issues of ship Beetlebabes and the character of Beetlejuice.
It's like those who say he's a pedophile, when he only seeks to marry Lydia for convenience in the first film, not because he has feelings for her. Plus people seem to forget that Beetlejuice comes from an era where girls generally married at the age Lydia was in the first film...
But hey. Really thinking about these is a bit hard obviously for the antis.
And I'm not even going to bother talking about those (like this second person) who think Beetlejuice having a picture of Lydia from the first movie on his desk is creepy...
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akyonceyar · 2 days
Kon: So... you still annoyed? Tim: Yes. You can't keep saying "mischief managed" after we finish sex. Kon: It's what Harry Potter says when he needs to clear the Marauder's Map. Tim: Obviously, I know that, but I would prefer to keep wizard terms out of our sex life. Kon: But what we're doing is magical. We're making a baby. Tim: *sighs and stops the Titan's elevator* Kon: Wait, why'd you stop the elevator? Tim: Look, I know you're excited, and I am too, but I really don't want to talk about us trying to clone a baby while we're at the Tower. You haven't said anything to Bart, right? Kon: No, and it's killing me. I still don't get why you can tell Cassie but I can't tell him. Tim: Cassie's low-key. Kon: Bart can be low-key. --flashback-- Cassie: So, how was everyone's weekend? Tim: Oh, uh, we bought a couch. Bart: WHOO-HOO! Tell me everything! ------------- Kon: Okay, fine, he can be a bit much. *unstops the elevator* But don't worry, I have a plan that guarantees I'm not gonna tell him. I've cut him out of my life completely. Tim: That doesn't seem sustainable. Kon: Yeah, well, so far, it's working, and it's foolproof so- *elevator doors open* Bart: GOODMORNING! Kon, can I talk to you for a second? Kon: Mm-hmm. Bart: I feel like we haven't hung out in forever. Kon: Oh, is that so? I didn't realize. Is that the case? Bart: Wanna get a drink after work tonight? Tim: *behind Bart and miming his mouth shut like a zipper* Bart: I'm dying to tell you about my new shampoo. *whispers* It's edible. Kon: Oh, wow, that sounds so fun, but I actually... can't because I have plans with Ted... Crap! It's a friend of Tim's. The point is, I'm unavailable for a very real reason.
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finnedfatale · 2 days
Well, let me take it for a try. How about some fluff headcanon about favorite things to do when relaxing for Diasomnia. I really love fluff about Tsunotaro!
Giggling, rubbing my hands like a fly. Four big guys. Headcanons are my favorite tbh, I love taking characters and mishmashing what I feel is right for them.
Lilia, Sebek, Silver and Malleus.
You said you like malleus so get ready to read pookie.
Lilia's obviously is hanging upside down. You'd think he does that only to scare people, but for him it's a surprisingly comfortable position to read in. He used to practice instruments for fun but now he has most mastered, from guzheng to percussion so he doesn't find it all that relaxing anymore. He prefers to sit in a dark room, enlightened by candles as he reads something. It's usually a romance, he steers away from any books he deems as fantasy due to thinking they're boring (and already reading the better ones a long time ago). Though, one time Yuu offered him a book from their universe. Despite being a thick and complicated fantasy series, Lilia read through it in less than a day. He was fascinated by all sorts of magic described in the book, having to take everything he knew about his own universe and reconsider if all this fantasy in the book was meant to truly be like a weird alternative version of the one he is in. Yuu never saw that book again, though Yuu did get thousands of questions from Lilia about said book.
Sebek doesn't relax. You think he relaxes? WRONG!!! He's always on high alert in case his liege needs him.... Though he does admit, reading is a hobby of his which he indulges in often. It may not be very surprising but everytime there is thundering outside he relaxes like never before, he himself never is able to fully relax until he hears that distinct rumbling and a deafening crash of light. Though he only watches from inside due to most lighting being accompanied by cold rain, he prefers warm places! (Canonically he finds the school's botanical garden relaxing due to it being warm and humid!)
Silver's weird fact about himself is the fact that he keeps a collection of sword handles. He used to keep full swords (and he still has some) but his collection took up so much place that he decided to shorten them. Blades of the swords were never interesting to him anyways, it's mostly the handles that were intricately designed. To relax he often goes through his collection and polishes them until they shine so bright that it's almost like looking into a mirror. If still needing to relax and his polishing attempts didn't calm him enough, he goes outside in order to feed the birds. The Diasomnia dorm is mostly surrounded by crows which always scurry around him when they see him.
Malleus is somewhat of a yapper. He doesn't get too into talking though until he is sure he can, keeping a distance to his words before actually yapping. Though... When one of the people he trusts more comes by, he tends to talk and talk about mundane topics until the corners of his mouth hurt from speaking. Even other people in the dorm fail to get to see that side of him, it's reserved for those who he can actually open to which isn't a lot of people. When Yuu came by he opened up to them due to a few simple reasons. Tamagotchis and dedication. Other than Malleus having one, Yuu carried about three on their person. He wondered why Yuu needs so many only to find out that two were broken and serving simply as keychains, he understood it simply as attachment to an item they deeply cared for. But for Yuu it was more of a "fixing it costs more money" situation. The two didn't talk much, occasionally passing eachother in the hallways. Yuu found out through Idia's doing that the little devices were compatible despite being from different universes and if given a bigger screen the creatures could interact. Everyday that Malleus saw Yuu, he silently watched as they paced back and forth while planning things. It gotten to the point that Yuu randomly screamed out "Eureka!" and other stuff in class when they gotten a plan on what to do next. Though with the two broken devices Yuu managed to make a scuffed version of a wide tamagotchi. It was like a small connecting screen which as soon as it was placed near a tamagotchi (or a similar device) transfered it from the small screen to the bigger one. Malleus was hesitant at first, obviously scared to put his beloved object next to something that looked like a portable bomb or a Nintendo switch without a casing. But everyday he did it and the two talked while they took care of their little electronic creatures. Malleus finally felt like he could open up, everytime he talked with Yuu he could feel his heart warming up to them. Eventually he forgot about the toy for a bit, only coming to Yuu in order to talk about everything and nothing. Hobbies, food, new things he learned, things Yuu may have not known, history of twisted wonderland... He finally had a friend he could talk to :)
This was long oh my days. This ask was actually so cute so I decided to yap and yap like Malleus. I think I'm getting more comfortable about writing to you guys because my posts are only gonna get longer.
Though... i can't stop imagining what would happen if he finally found a friend in Yuu and the next day they were able to go back to their universe bro would be mentally destroyed 😭
Also this got me thinking why Silver doesn't have a last name. Like shouldn't he have one?? And why is Sebek the only guy from Diasomnia from another place?? Like said place doesnt even have a tumblr tag 🤔
I think I should go offline for today. Too much thoughts.
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It happened again. I spotted patterns and one doesn't fit.
Blinky, Tinky
Wiggly, Nibbly
The Lords in Black can be easily paired up, due to name and point of interest. (Point of interest as in Blinky watches, Tinky has time travel, Wiggly is pretty much the embodiment of capitalism, and Nibbly hungers/possibly the embodiment of consumerism, similar to Wiggly.)
Blinky + Tinky
Obviously, they rhyme.
And I think they could team up and it would be really fun. Tinky could send a Hatchetfield citizen to a random time period and they would just watch them try and figure everything out. Very entertaining.
Wiggly + Nibbly
Half rhyme. Close enough.
Same vibe. Capitalism and consumerism. It still works if we go for the hunger, as displayed in Honey Queen, Nightmare Time 2, Black Friday is a clear display of the hunger the Hatchetfield citizens had to get a Wiggly doll, ideally four of them. They would lie, cheat and steal to get one, just like Linda/Noah did in HQ.
He's just there, wanting a hivemind. The other Lords in Black seem to prefer manipulation to get their way, rather than straight up control.
They can also be paired up in complementary colours,
Purple and yellow - Blinky and Tinky
Green and red/pink - Wiggly and Nibbly
Blue and orange - Pokey and _____
Also his name doesn't fit, the others have:
Full name
Bliklotep - Blinky - The Watcher with a Thousand Eyes
T'noy Karaxis - Tinky - The Bastard of Time and Space
Wiggog Y'Wrath - Wiggly - The Lord in Black
Nibblenephim - Nibbly - The One Who Feasts in the Dark
Pokey has two nicknames, that are just the two halves of his full name
Pokotho - Pokey/Otho - The Singular Voice
I get that Otho, Yellow Jacket, Nightmare time 2, has a different name as he isn't the 'pure' form of Pokey as he's the 'blue shit' spliced with human DNA, still annoying.
Oh well I still love my theatre kid little shit 💙🎶
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world0fmadness · 2 days
øystein “ euronymous ” aarseth x reader x pelle “ dead ” ohlin
♡ general throuple dating headcanons for euronymous and pelle!
୨୧ what’s better than one metal boyfriend? well, two, obviously! the person who requested this in the comment section of two is better than one seems to have deleted their account so i just marked this as an anon request <3
♡ requested by anon | related hc available here, here and here | view my metal masterlist here
reading music recommendations: pagan winds return by decayed - ageispolis by aphex twin
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♡ pelle is very much an observer in this relationship…
୨୧ but not in a creepy way and not in a way where you and euronymous are leaving him out of couple activities or really anything even like that!
♡ pelle just enjoys to admire you two sometimes, he likes to watch the two of you and not get in the middle
୨୧ this is usually especially common on the infamous days where pelle doesn’t have a huge want or need for physical touch
♡ pelle will just sit back and watch you and euronymous as you engage in a sloppy make out session, admiring the way your mouths open to allow your tongues to meet, watching as you grind your hips down on euronymous’ lap as he holds your hips with pale hands…
୨୧ he just really likes to watch you two get lost in each other, get lost in love… he is kind of a voyeur but neither you nor euronymous mind at all, always inviting him to join but sometimes he just doesn’t feel like it and would prefer to simply watch
♡ again, you and euronymous do not purposely leave him out of things! pelle makes the choice to watch on his own and it isn’t always like this…
୨୧ a lot of the time, pelle will join you when he feels like some physical touch and affection won’t hurt him! he’ll come over to you as you sit atop euronymous’ lap, his lanky frame standing over you from behind as he leans down to you, your head tilting back to meet his lips in a messy kiss whilst euronymous chuckles and runs his hands along your hips
♡ or even when you and euronymous are doing mundane daily tasks like washing the dishes together, pelle will quietly come up behind you and simply hold your hips whilst bringing his head down to rest his chin atop your shoulder! smiling just a little as you tilt your head to plant a kiss on his pale cheek which quickly blossoms into a rose red blush when euronymous pats his opposite cheek with a soapy, wet hand and coos at the two of you
“ you’re blushing pelle, you love her kisses, hm? give him another kiss, vakkar ” ( euronymous laughs softly as he says it, only causing you to shove him gently before giving pelle another kiss on the cheek and stroking his other cheek, noticing how warm they are with blood rushing to them as he blushes even deeper )
୨୧ this notion of enjoying to observe you and euronymous also comes into play when sleeping!
♡ when pelle doesn’t fall asleep with you and euronymous, he just really likes to watch you guys…
୨୧ again, this is not in a creepy way though! he does not watch you guys in a creepy way
♡ i suppose the right word would be admire, pelle really likes to admire you and euronymous as you both sleep… he likes to admire your faces as they’re completely soft and at rest, likes to watch as you and euronymous cling to each other even in the fog of sleep, his eyes glistening fondly as euronymous stretches a leg over yours and you reach a hand over to his chest…
୨୧ pelle just thinks you both look so at peace, so safe and beautiful! he could watch you two all night, probably even going to grab his sketchbook to draw the two of you, replicating your sleeping forms with love and dedication, trying to put your beauty down on his paper the best he knows how
♡ sometimes, after a while of drawing, pelle will start to get tired… his eyes becoming irritated and sore as he fights to stay awake, a very obviously losing battle as he sighs deeply before putting his sketchbook and pencil down on his desk, standing up and taking steps towards your shared bed, trying to tread quietly as to not wake you or euronymous
୨୧ pelle will either climb in between you and euronymous, both of your bodies automatically shifting in your shared sleep to let him get in the middle before you cuddle into him slightly, your head coming to rest on his chest as euronymous throws an arm over him
♡ or he’ll get behind you in a big spoon position, letting you cuddle further into euronymous’ chest as pelle cuddles you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looks over at euronymous’ soft, sleeping face…
୨୧ it never takes him long to fall asleep with you two by his side, he feels… protected and at peace, as if he’s been taken to some kind of wonderland of serenity where he has no thoughts of harm or death, no thoughts of leaving
♡ and when you guys wake up, it is just a mess of limbs and long hair spread like halos against the pillows, legs tangled and blankets rustled
୨୧ none of you ever want to get up and out of bed though, the three of you are just so warm and comfy, so at peace as you quietly talk to each other about your plans for the day, accents stronger and voices deeper as they still wake themselves up
♡ euronymous is usually the first one to actually step out of bed, only to go take a piss, yelling back to you and pelle to ask if you want some breakfast, making you look over at pelle and ask him the same question in a soft voice, smiling as pelle nods his head a little before cuddling back into you more as you yell an answer back to euronymous
୨୧ your breakfast is never incredible, none of you really know how to cook all that great but especially not euronymous nor does the band shared house ever really have a lot of amazing food supplies in stock
♡ he usually just comes back to the room with three hot drinks balanced in his hands, cursing slightly under his breath at the heat burning his pale hands as he places them down on the bedside tables before jogging back downstairs to grab the food which consists of fruit and cereal, the fruit mainly being for pelle who enjoys just shoving the whole fruit into his mouth and getting eating over as fast as he can
“ argh! fuck, burning my damn hands… here, vakkar… made you some hot chocolate and pelle, some tea for you… let me go grab the breakfast, got some fruit for you too, pelle ” ( pelle asks euronymous if his hands are okay so quietly, speaking up just before he leaves the room with a near silent voice as euronymous looks back at him and smiles, smacking his hands together and assuring pelle he’s fine, waiting for pelle to nod in response before leaving )
୨୧ having two boyfriends who are in the same band together means you go to their band practices with them whenever you can!
♡ they both really like when you come along with them, both say that with you around, they perform much better… you’ll often be the one recording the band practices for them, shooting them both smiles and blowing them kisses from behind the camera, euronymous always throwing some lewd gesture back to you whilst pelle simply smiles back, long blonde hair messily covering his face from his headbanging
୨୧ it’s the same with concerts too! you always go to their concerts whenever you can, helping them get ready backstage, helping them with their corpse paint and other things
♡ you always help pelle with his corpse paint first, knowing he’s the much less grabby and horny one, he won’t be constantly trying to turn it into a make out session like your other boyfriend
୨୧ pelle more so just sits and lets you do it, holding your hips softly as you sit atop his lap, straddling his hips as you slowly drag the black painted brush across his face, laughing when you see his nose twitch from the ticklish feeling which causes him to smile up at you
♡ whilst you’re doing this, euronymous sits off on a chair to the side, watching the two of you with a cheeky smirk but not particularly saying much, just waiting his turn
୨୧ and his turn is always a stark contrast to pelle, euronymous is like a rabbit, always horny and wanting more! the second you lift a leg over his lap and go to sit, he’s grabbing your hips and pulling you down onto him, leaning his head up for a sloppy kiss before you shove him back, telling him to quit it as you begin to paint his face before feeling his hands reaching to your behind and groping your ass…
♡ you never let euronymous go too crazy, just letting him feel you up as much as he wants but always pushing him back when he leans up for what you know would be a sloppy kiss, not wanting to ruin the corpse paint you just spent your time doing for him…
୨୧ euronymous will usually look over to pelle who is either watching the two of you with soft eyes or staring into the mirror in front of him, asking him if he’s all good and prepared for the concert before helping you get up and off his lap
“ hey, pelle… you alright? everything all ready and fine? good… come on, vakkar, up and away we go ” ( euronymous will drag you in for a sloppy kiss before going on stage, he has to! and pelle, well he’s more content with a simple, soft kiss on the lips as you stroke his cheek, wishing him good luck as he pulls away )
♡ neither euronymous nor pelle ever really get jealous of each other!
୨୧ both of them are very comfortable with the affection you share between them and how you even it out, they never really feel that one is more loved than the other or anything like that
♡ maybe earlier in the newly formed throuple, pelle would’ve been slightly insecure and jealous watching whenever you kissed or showed any major affection to euronymous but you could always tell something was up and would ask him about it, both you and euronymous comforting him and assuring him that you love him just as much, proving it then and there by littering his pale face in butterfly shy kisses
“ pelle, come… you know she loves you, right? and you know i… care for you? don’t be silly, vakkar, show him ” ( euronymous still might have a little trouble saying out loud that he loves and cares for pelle, it’s just how he is, just an affect of the times, but he’ll work up to it )
୨୧ once the throuple relationship has been going on for a while, i think pelle would really lose almost all of his jealousy though some insecurity would remain but that’s something you guys easily help him with!
♡ pelle needs assurance in any type of relationship, it’s just how he is! and now, he has two partners to give him all the assurance and love in the world which he appreciates more than anything…
୨୧ when it comes to being jealous of other people though? yeah, that’s definitely much more common, from both of them
♡ they’ll watch for a short while, watch as someone obviously flirts with you as your face is entirely uninterested, both of them standing side by side as pelle roughly picks at some loose threads on his jeans and euronymous crosses his arms tightly, both of their eyes staring at the scene in front of them
୨୧ surprisingly, pelle is the first to mumble something down to euronymous, something about how they should get the person and torture them somewhere in the woods which causes euronymous’ eyes to widen slightly before looking up at pelle and smirking
“ yeah… yeah, that’s a damn good idea, pelle! you got a lot of good ideas in that swede brain, you know that? ” ( this will only cause pelle to blush slightly before he looks back over at you, seeing as you walk back towards them having finally gotten rid of the person yourself )
♡ when you come back over, euronymous will jokingly huff and tell you they were going to come over and deal with them, tell you about how they were planning to take them out to the woods and do some unsavoury things but this only causes you to laugh and lean up to pelle, kissing his still blushing cheek and asking if that would’ve been his idea to which he simply nods shyly, bringing an arm around you and leaning down to place a kiss on your lips
୨୧ you guys are a strangely lowkey throuple! not like you mean to be though, i mean in more of an accidental way!
♡ most people assume you’re dating euronymous, since he’s the one who is more openly affectionate and always kissing up on you, groping you and holding you! so when people see you kissing pelle or really doing anything affectionate with him whilst euronymous is away, they are quick to report back to euronymous, calling you just about every definition of a cheating whore under the sun as euronymous stares and strokes his chin sarcastically
୨୧ the second the snitch walks him back over to where he saw you loving up on pelle, euronymous immediately turns it into a huge joke and looks back at the person, gesturing towards you two and laughing
“ this? oh satan below, would you look at this? my vakkar, my one true love, is cheating on me with… her boyfriend! urgh… well, time for you to leave, hm? ” ( the person simply stares in shock and confusion for a good couple of seconds before mumbling and walking off, shaking their head as if trying to wake themselves up because no way euronymous is… sharing you, right? )
♡ even after so many instances of this happening, your throuple relationship is still not insanely known to people! either that or people take it as a joke, but the people who do know about it, like your close friends, are very uncaring towards it! they just want to make good music and party, who cares? and that’s good enough for you guys, especially for pelle who isn’t too fond of much extra attention…
୨୧ when pelle wants to go for a midnight walk in the forest surrounding the band shared house, you’ll almost always go with him but euronymous is a different story!
♡ euronymous is like a cat, when he’s comfy and warm in bed, he does not want to leave! and usually you’ll leave him to it, letting him get some sleep as you and pelle talk a nice walk but sometimes, just sometimes, you’ll tease him… sighing softly and saying well, you’ll just have to enjoy the lust of the full moon with pelle and pelle alone, oh well… hearing pelle snicker slightly and the implication of what you might get up to in the woods? that will almost always wake his horny self up and get him walking with you, complaining the whole time about how damn cold it is as pelle rolls his eyes, mumbling back to him about how it isn’t even that cold as you laugh between them, appreciating their friendly banter back and fourth, appreciating the side of pelle that so few people ever see
୨୧ y’know how i mentioned pelle being a bit of a voyeur up at the top of this? yeah, this very much comes into play during sex too
♡ pelle isn’t always in the mood for sex, just as he isn’t always in the mood for physical touch, but he does want to watch you be pleasured, he wants to watch as euphoria takes over your face
୨୧ so, sometimes he just watches as euronymous takes you… sitting on his desk chair or even just the bottom of the bed and watching with glazed over eyes, watching as your glistening bodies move together and listening to your shared moans fill the small bedroom
♡ pelle might masturbate whilst watching but sometimes, he’ll just… watch, he’ll admire the dance of intimacy take place in front of him, studying how your body takes to euronymous’ and if you ever reach your hand out to pelle? still engaged in a sloppy, mid thrust, make out session with euronymous? he’ll gladly lean over and take your hand in his, letting you squeeze it as euronymous hits that perfect spot inside of you, staring right into your eyes as you look up at him
୨୧ i don’t think pelle would ever be the biggest fan of double penetration, it just feels a little too cramped for him so when he has sex with you and euronymous, he either likes to spit roast or simply take turns having you, letting the other catch their breath in between rounds
♡ either way, this relationship is surprisingly casual and normal, none of you ever felt weird or crazy in it, you just felt right <3
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laura1633 · 1 day
about the max/lewis/charles threesome. i always pictured it as lewis fucks max and then charles is like that was cute but lemme show how to REALLY get him going and then does it himself bc they r first and foremost competitive and max likes it best w charles obviously. or they fuck him at the same time.
Haha competitive team mate bonding at its finest.
I am just picturing Lewis and Charles taking it in turns to try different things on Max and getting really competitive about it and asking Max who is better at what but Max is just almost completely out of it because he's cum so many times and everything feels good and he's just a complete wreck.
Afterwards of course when he is cuddled up in bed with Charles he reassures him that he prefers him!
Charles and Lewis at exactly the same time (double penetration) would be an awful lot for Max to handle 👀 ... I am sure he would happily give it a go though (to help Lewis and Charles bond as new teammates of course, he is very selfless 😂)
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lasouge · 2 days
Itoshi sae x fem.Reader
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From a young age, Sae had a sentence on his arm, and it would be the first thing his soulmate will said to him.
But it has been bothering him for many years.
Because the sentence is "Shidou, I've always admired your ......"
What the fuck is this?
This seems to be the opening sentence before the confession, but,
And Who is the fuck Shidou ?
● English is not my native language, there may be grammar issues
The words on Sae's arm were something he hated.
It always has been.
First of all, Sae was sure that he would never change his name to something as ugly as Shidou.
Sae is his name.
Well, otherwise, his soulmate will confess to others, and in front of him
Otherwise, he and his soulmate won't be together.
Anyway, let this Shidou and these things go to hell!
It's as if God was playing a joke on him.
He wouldn't easily show his damn arm in front of everyone.
(Except for one time when he undressed in the locker room, but he quickly covered his arms indifferently.)
The sentence was on his arm, like a damn tattoo, and maybe someone would misunderstand, because it was like some teenager's stupid declaration.
And he didn't know any damn Shidou at all
Before the age of eighteen, he had never hated someone he had never met so much.
And, does his soulmate really prefer someone else?
Choose this Shidou?
Shidou? It sounds quite foolish
Moreover, only after seeing soulmates, will the words on the arm completely disappear.
He had be in a bad mood. He often has a bad temper, he is often sarcastic, cold to people, and expressionless,
but he can't be blamed, as soon as he shows his arms and then looks down to see it, his patience for the day can easily be lost.
Then he met the real Shidou Ryusei. SAE picked him for a team, and a large part of that was why.
Sae thought expressionlessly,
That's it? Is this premature ejaculation demon? It's just as stupid as he thought.
His future soulmate would choose this person instead of him.
Later he teamed up with this guy to compete,
If don't talk about personal grievances, this person's ability to compete is good.
When it comes to competition, everyone needs to put their personal feelings aside and concentrate on it.
Sae could consider continuing to team up with him.
But Sae still hated him.
HE DON'T want to have any close contact with him.
Shidou didn't know why, of course. Because Sae has hated his name for many years and has been conditioned.
You don't know much about football. You're coming to see the game with your older brother.
Your brother is obviously more excited than you are, and he loves these sports. And the players he supports just won.
You look at your brother cheering.
Well, sometimes he took you with him to watch the game, you're used to it.
In Your family, your uncle, dad, and brother all have their own teams to support. They also argued because of the different teams they support.
You sit a little bit at the front, and these seats were managed by your brother with great difficulty. The audience is very large, and the shouts fill your ears.
Your brother was visibly excited, "I said, they're going to win!" We're going to get autographs! Look, we're sitting very far forward! ”
He's talking about player Oliver Aiku, shidou ryusei, itoshi sae...
but you don't know these players. It's just that your family members are fanatical.
"I don't know what to say! I haven't spoken to a football player! "You complained to your brother.
Your brother pulls you to the front to get autographs, and you've never been up close to the players before.
Your brother tells you to just praise them and get them to sign your clothes.
Sign it on the clothes, oh my God, it's so embarrassing.
Thankfully, you wore long sleeves today to get them to write on your sleeves.
You're pretty sure your brother will collect these clothes……
The fans around you are so enthusiastic that they are yelling, waving their arms and greeting the team that comes their way.
Oliver Aiku high-fived them and signed them with lipstick.
You hear the fans start calling Shidou's name, so you squeeze in.
"Player shidou, I've been... I've always admired your ...... character and ability..."
Oh, what are you talking about? Forget it, complete your brother's mission! Then go home!
"Please... Can you give us a signature? Thank you. ”
yes, give my brother the damn autograph he wants!
You huddle in the crowd and smile.
But the person in front of you is not Shidou, you glance at the name on the jersey:
Itoshi Sae.
All right...Your smile freezes.
“I'm Sorry……”
His green eyes are cold, and he looks at you with a blank face.
It's a shame. You don't dare to look at the athlete's face.
Sae frowned slightly, he heard that. Yes.
He looks at you, his ...... Soul mates?
So all this was a misunderstanding, and that sentence was just a misunderstanding, not what he thought?
Is the meeting with your soulmate so sudden? Apparently.
Heaven is too good at joking
And you, he looks at you,
You look overwhelmed and a little nervous, as if you want to explain something.
Your body stiffens,
You're squeezed by the crowd a bit,
You stumble on the ground in front of Sae standing, and will felk next to his sneakers.
All you think about is that you're going to have to lose face a second time in front of Itoshi Sae. No.
You won't agree to go to a game with your brother again. Never
Before you can touch the ground, Sae reaches out to catch you.
You were pulled into his arms
Itoshi Sae hugs a girl! A girl in the audience!
So your brother opens his mouth wide, and the camera points here, and his teammates exclaim.
But sae didn't care.
You like a butterfly, pounce into his arms and land on his fingertips with a slight floral scent.
He can smell the light scent in your hair.
His soulmate
You're blushing.
You're obviously not used to being the center of attention. You apologize to him, you want to go back to your brother, and you don't care about signing autographs
But his hand is still grasping your arm and not letting go.
“Player Itoshi ?……” You look at him, a little confused.
Your brother is completely shocked, Sae's teammates are heckling again, and reporters can't wait to ask questions.
But everything around him is far away from him, and he just looks at you
Although his emotional control ability is top-notch, his heart now is not at all, he knows it.
Although he still looks cold on the surface, he knows that he wants to hold you in his arms again and feel this feeling again.
He was not used to this new emotion, not at all.
He took a breath, his tone the same as usual
"Do you know you've been bothering me for a long time?"
yes, how bothered him you were.
And not only because of the words on his arm . He is still messing with his heart in a new way.
He knew that his heart could not be so calm again.When see you.
even though his expression is as calm as ever.
But you open your eyes wide and say "what the hell?!" ”
You show your arm and It says "Do you know you've been bothering me for a long time?" ”
He's your soulmate?!
Well, it seems that this sentence is also bad on your arm and may have tormented you for many years as well.
It seems that you have been fair to each other.
You look at Sae seriously this time, it turns out that he is that person.
In the past, when you looked at the words on your arm, you always thought that you would be hated or rejected by your soulmate, and you would be sad when you thought about it.
You're glad it's not what you thought it was. But...
Your brother suddenly said loudly, "You are soul mates?!" He was so surprised that he accidentally blurted out.
You want to cover his mouth, but by the time you realize it, the reporters are already around. You wince, you're really not used to this kind of situation, you and your brother are a little overwhelmed.
Sae is young and a good player, and even if you don't know football, you know him as one of the New worlds' 11.
The news on the phone seems to mention that he is suspected of having a beautiful model girlfriend in a relationship, although you don't know if it's true.
Maybe he will reject you, too.
And in front of countless people, isn't that worse than you think before…
The cameras flickered, and the reporters kept asking all kinds of questions. You have to twist your face to the side, you don't want to be photographed.
"Sae, will she be your new girlfriend?"
"How's your last relationship?
Is she really your soulmate? How do you want to choose? ”
You keep your head down, but you feel someone pull you into his arms.
Sae hugs you and presses your face into his arms to keep your front from being photographed more.
You were caught off guard.
Your face is almost as red as his hair color.
Your face is against his jersey, and you smell him deeply, the smell of dry sweat, and the faint scent of his body.
Your eyes are wide open and your limbs are stiff.
You hear him say, "She is.
“ Is my soul mate"
"I've never had anyone else, and I don't have to make any choices."
He said he never had anyone else.
Only you are the imprint of each other's souls.
One day you'll be around each other, like this.
Even if you are caught off guard.
Yes, you will not choose someone else, and he will also not choose someone else
You look up at Sae's green eyes, your eyes are full of surprise . He looks at you, and there is a softness in his cold eyes.
He and his soulmate are destined to embrace each other in the spotlight.
The words on arms disappeared, but the soulmates finally found each other
Your brother: Great, so can we sit in the family seats to watch the game from now on? The view must be good.
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