#lil bald dude
jessiesjaded · 1 year
I really cannot reiterate enough how jarring re-watching the x files has been in regard to just how different everyone looks as compared to the modern tv shows I'm used to- Scully has eyebags and visible freckles, sometimes her hair is a bit fizzy- Mulder has chest hair and forehead wrinkles, characters will sometimes have red marks or pimples, they actually cast women in their 40s and 50s as side characters who look their age rather than having a severe amount of work and make-up and lighting done, frequently they're still framed in a desirable way, people's hair looks so much more normal and natural, not always perfectly primped- it's so... nice. comforting.
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lokis-wager · 4 months
Saw Dune 2. Can't believe that 'yeah, I like dune... dune two chicks at once!' was actually a spoiler smh 😔
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I think that the way they made Lex so fucking pretty and pathetic in smallville should be illegal actually
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dandylion-s · 1 year
I think all the t boy swag polls are missing the character with the most t boy swag: GEORGE COSTANZA.
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jessicatredes · 1 year
besties obsessed w star wars what does it mean when the storm troopers have different color armor
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
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What is the work place I’d you can’t leave weird pictures on your coworker’s white board so her kids get weirded out
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jrueships · 2 years
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jalen can you express your happiness like a normal man
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simpfr · 1 year
There isn't enough of him.
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I love this lil guy even though i haven't watched the movie yet and I can't find any fanfics of him? Not even on ao3 dude. So I'm gonna do it myself. Correct me if i make mistakes or if he's out of character.
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I wish you knew.
Part 1.
"You don't think that's weird, do you?" he asked with worry in his voice as he looked you deep in the eye, searching for the slightest twitch or look of of disgust to confirm that you did in fact, think it was weird.
He just confessed his undying love for one of your friends, gayatri, and how he would stare at her constantly while admiring her every move from afar. Her smile, the way she talks, everything.
But, what he wasn't aware of, was that you already knew all of that and how it saddened you to know that you really never stood a chance of capturing his heart for it was already in the hands of someone far better than you.
Oh how you much you wish he would think of you like that instead.
You couldn't help but crack a smile out of both sorrow and jealousy, "of course not. I would've been a fool to not have realized that months ago."
"Wait what... YOU KNEW??" he exclaimed while crawling over to your side of the bed to hold your shoulders in a tight grasp.
With the way he was acting you would've thought i confessed to being a master mind behind a mass genocide.
"Well, who wouldn't be able to recognize that luxurious hair of yours nearly everywhere they go?" you sassed while rolling your eyes playfully to which he smiled at.
"Should've followed y'all with a bald cap on then."
was it wrong that you liked how close he was to you right now? If only you leaned in a little closer so you could—
"Oh no, You don't think she realized too do you!?" dang it.
with a long sigh, you answered, "No pavitr, I- she's as busy as bee. She doesn't have time to look around her surroundings and look at people."
for a split moment, it looked as if he had something to say but decided to go against it and just nod instead.
Nothing after was said. Just pure silence that was neither comfortable or awkward. A loud beep came from his watch he for some reason randomly got three months ago as a disappointed look arose upon his face.
"Uh, I gotta go. Remember to close the door and leave the key in the machine, okay?" he smiled before leaving with a bag in hand not giving you the opportunity to respond.
"Sure." you said to..well, technically the door.
Surprisingly, you didn't end up leaving but instead ended up accidentally falling asleep which, in your mind, was considered disrespectful but it's not like you did it on purpose.
You got out of his bed and remade it before proceeding to clean the house as a way of saying "sorry for over staying my stay". Pavitr was a tidy person so there wasn't much of a mess in the first place and it made you finish right in time to hear a crash from inside the hall.
Quickly, you grabbed the most damage doing item, which was ironically a bat, and began to approach the room.
"Shit. I really did a number on myself this time.." the voice you guessed belonged to whoever cause the loud bang before said. Wait was it—
"Pavitr?..." the boy looked at you in shock, face fully appalled as if he was caught in the midst of committing a crime.
He had cuts and bruises everywhere while his breath was clearly unsteady making you even more concerned than you were before.
"Are you okay!??!" you exclaimed as you rush towards him dropping the bat in your hand as you did so. you began looking all over him for more injuries that you haven't seen while asking questions like, "who did this?" "does it hurt?" and not before long you realize he had a deep gash on his left cheek.
You carefully placed your hand behind it, rubbing the area to cease the pain, "you aren't in a gang, Are you?" the question was dumb and naive yet you still asked, and to that he let out a heart filled laugh as he placed his hand over yours, "I'm fine, and no I'm not in a gang, y/n." he gave your hand a quick squeeze before placing back to your side.
"Are you sure? You look like you've been working out a lot..."
What you said didn't click for a hot minute before, boom.
You wanted to off yourself.
And of course, the boy who you complimented had the most cockiest smirk known to man on his face, "that's where your mind was at?"
Not even bothering to explain yourself, you went for the first kid and returned.
He compiled without a fight, probably exhausted from the standing up for so long after already being tired.
And with that, you began to work your magic.
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳
You ended up cuddling after you both took a shower (not together) and pavitr immediately fell asleep while you were caught up with your thoughts.
Does anything I do make him feel like i do whenever he does something?
Does what we're doing right now make him as flustered as I am?
Did anything I do matter?
Truthfully, you wanted the fact you did what you did to consume his mind and make him feel the way you do for him which could be admitted as...weird.
You just wanted your feelings to be returned, was that too much to ask for?
You couldn't help but stare and admire his features and the way the dim moonlight blocked by the curtains complimented his features so well.
"I wish you knew."
Part 2
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bettyfrommars · 9 months
Betty baby
how about a little one shot with Eddie and reader hooking up in readers car after a date 🥵
Ziggy my love, anything for you.
I did a lil twist on your request. I've been gone for a bit and this was the first thing I wrote when I got home yesterday, thank you for the much needed inspiration 🥹
Waste Away With Me
Eddie x older!fem!Reader
18+ONLY, smut, age gap, Eddie is in his early 20's and reader is in her early 30's, mutual pining, adoring!eddie, secret crush, friends to lovers, car sex, fingering, mutual masturbation, finger sucking, reader wears a skirt, well-timed but unfortunate Jimmy Buffet lyrics, reader is lonely and thinks she'll never find love. wc: 3.5k
Eddie hadn’t meant to wait up for you to get back from a date with another guy like some lovesick dork, but it happened anyway.  
He was sitting on the couch in his trailer when he saw the headlights sift through the curtains and heard the gravel crunch under the wheels of your approach, settling in between your trailer and his.  
He tapped his cigarette into the full ashtray and looked at the clock; his heart fluttered in his chest, grateful that you were back earlier than expected.  Either the movie part of the dinner date had been skipped, or there had been little to no hanky-panky afterwards, and this fed into the delusion that he still had a chance with you.  
He waited impatiently to hear the clank of the heavy, metal door to your Buick LeSabre open and slam shut, hoping to hell you’d hadn’t brought this new guy home with you.  He could handle the thought of you going on a date with someone—barely—-but the possibility of you inviting someone back to your bed, or you getting serious about some other dude was too gut wrenching to bear.  
Don, your date’s name was Don, and when you’d told Eddie that he’d asked you out, Eddie wanted to show up at the fabrication shop where he found out Don worked and set his hair on fire.  
If the guy even had hair.  
You were maybe a decade older than Eddie, and Don was pushing 40, so maybe he was balding and hopefully you preferred long, shaggy hair and bangs that desperately needed a trim.  
What if Don made you laugh? The thought made Eddie scowl.  What if those adorable lines around your mouth made their appearance and you snorted a little bit all because of stupid Don? Eddie shot to his feet and went to the window.  
A good 10 minutes had passed, and he hadn’t heard you get out of your car, so he decided to take a peek through the side of the curtains.  What if Don was in the car with you, what then? What if he was kissing you? 
His stomach in knots, Eddie had to know, either way.
He experienced relief to find that you were, indeed, alone, but something else was wrong.  
Your hands were covering your face and your shoulders bobbed.  Your hands fell to your lap long enough for Eddie to see through the windshield that your mascara was running down your cheeks and your skin was wet with tears.
You fumbled with the single, pathetic, balled up tissue in your hands, as you sobbed.  The sobbing subsided for a few sniffles before there was another hitch in your chest and a whimper made you bury your face in your palms again.
But then a knuckle tap on your window made you jump.
Bent forward, with his face level to yours, Eddie was at the passenger side door, holding his hand up in greeting, lips folded in over his teeth into a pensive line.  As an answer to his silent ask, you moved your purse off the seat so that he could get in.  
You inhaled the warm, familiar scent of his Old Spice, nicotine, and leather.  There was an extra note of cologne on him that evening, as if he’d just sprayed something on before he came out.  
He saw you struggling to wipe your nose with that threadbare Kleenex and handed over the handkerchief from his back pocket.  
You held it out in front of you with pause, as if you were considering something.
“You can blow your nose on it, I don’t mind,” he said.  “In fact, it would be an honor.”
That elicited a snort-chuckle from you, and you did not blow your nose with it, but you did wipe snot off your lips and chin with a sad snarf.  
The inside of the car was dark, but for the yellow glow from the radio as Hold Me Now by the Thompson Twins played.  Eddie saw the familiar end of a cassette tape sticking out of the stereo as if it had just been ejected.  
“So, the mixtape I made for you was that bad, huh? Too many ballads?” As if to suggest  that his horrible taste was what made you bawl your eyes out.  
You let your head fall back against the seat.  “No, I love it,” you said, dry throat making your voice crack.  “It’s the only thing I’ve been listening to all week.”
“Really?” He said it too fast, he was too excited. When he gave it to you, he said it was “no big deal” and he’d been making them for all of his friends, but that was a big fat lie.  He’d spent weeks planning out which songs to add to it, and in what order they should go in, so that it all flowed and told a story.  
A story about a next door neighbor with a serious crush.  
You pushed the tape all the way in until it clicked and Send Me an Angel by Scorpions softly lit up the speakers.
One of Eddie’s favorite things about you was that you were normally just as chatty and weird as he was.  A couple times a week, he’d come up on your porch for a beer, or go inside to share a joint, and the two of you would talk passionately for hours about some real oddball shit.  You were excitable and goofy, just like him, and you’d recently confessed that you hadn’t felt this comfortable with someone in a very long time.  
He overheard you telling one of your friends the other day that he was “like a brother” to you, and nothing could’ve smashed his heart or his hopes harder.  Being referred to as a family member is sweet, but also suggests that you’ve entered strictly friendzone territory.  
“Doooo you want to talk about it?” He stammered, fiddling with the zipper on his jacket.  He’d be happy to just sit there and listen to music so you wouldn’t feel alone, if that is what you needed.  
“Not really,” you said in a small voice.  “I’m just never going on another date for the rest of my life, that’s all.”  
Eddie sat up and turned his whole body towards you, leather jacket squeaking on the seat, and made a fist on his knee.  “He didn’t…hurt you or anything, did he? If that Don guy said or did anything to make you upset I swear to god I will—”
“No, no, nothing like that,” you met Eddie’s gaze and were a bit taken aback at the intensity you found there.  “He was just so…boring, and we had nothing in common, and I felt so alone.”
Eddie sat back and swallowed.  A part of him wanted to kick up his heels and do a jig when you called Don boring, but the other part of him hurt to see you so sad.  
You sniffed and wiped under your eyes with his handkerchief.  “I’m the only one of my friends who’s still single, and I think I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that I’m going to waste away in this trailer park and die alone.”
Eddie cocked his head, adding the touch of a smirk to his lips. “We can waste away together, here in Margaritaville.”
“You did not just quote Jimmy Buffet.”
“Oh, yes.  Yes, I did,” he bit his lip to hold back a smile. “Have you seen my lost shaker of salt, by chance?”
You stared down at your lap, indulging in a laugh or two before your expression turned somber again, forehead creasing.  “Why does everything have to be so hard? I thought finding true love was supposed to be easy, or at least easier than this nightmare of a reality I’m living in.”
“This is easy. We make sense,” is what Eddie wanted to say, but he choked and adjusted his feet on the floorboard instead.
You groaned and put your head back again, closing your eyes.  “I’ve been feeling so lonely lately, Eddie, like maybe I am the problem and I’m just unlovable.”
“Now that is crazy,” Eddie shifted closer, taking hold of your forearm to give it a squeeze.  He searched your profile, eyes landing on your parted lips.  “You’re so easy to love. I love—-”
My god, he really almost said it, out loud.
You turned  your head and opened  your eyes, waiting for him to finish.  
“...this song,” he recovered, turning the volume up a single notch. “I love this song.”  
It was Tangerine by Led Zeppelin.  
You closed your eyes again, feeling another tear building at the rim of your lashes.  
“But really,” he continued, shifting the volume down again.  “I mean, I get it, “he huffed air out of his nose and moved his hands around as he talked.  “Even when I’m with a bunch of people I still feel alone sometimes.  Like I’m the only person in the world who feels the way I do.”
“Yeah,” you gave a big sigh.  “Something like that.”
Another problem was that suddenly, almost overnight, you had developed feelings for your young, metalhead neighbor.  You pushed them down as much as you could and forced yourself to go on this date with Don to try and distract yourself from having sexual thoughts about a guy that was ten years your junior.  What would your friends think? A few of your friends were snobs, anyway, and expected you to marry a doctor, or at least an accountant; some stable man who could give you the picket fence dream.
But that was their dream, not yours.  
Besides that, Eddie had plenty of love interests.  You hadn’t seen him bring a date back to his trailer in months, but you’d been to one of his Corroded Coffin shows, and you saw the way the extremely cute college and high school girls looked at him.  
Eddie wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans.  “I know I don’t have to tell you how beautiful and smart and amazing you are.  I mean, I’m sure you already know that.”
“Do I?” You asked, earnestly.  “Do I already know it?”
“Well,” his eyes shifted, not sure where to land.  “You should, I mean, none of the women in this town could ever hold a candle to you.”
Speaking of candles, was he blowing it?  The way things were going, it was only a matter of seconds before he admitted to jerking off to thoughts of you every time he got in the shower.  
You were both facing each other with your temples on the headrests.  “It means a lot to me,” you couldn’t meet his eyes, so you stared at his adam’s apple.  “That  you think I’m beautiful and amazing.”
“I should tell you more often, then,” Eddie said softly, his heart racing.  “Because I mean it.”
You looked down at your lap and the way you were absently picking at the ends of his handkerchief.  “I wish I’d met someone like you when I was your age.”
The statement confused him a bit and he squinted. “Someone…like me?”
“Oh, you know,” you cleared your throat. “Someone I have a lot in common with, someone who makes me laugh,” you trailed off.  “Someone I’m really attracted to.”
Eddie froze.
No one moved or said anything for a full minute.
“You’re attracted to me?” His voice trembled.  
“Isn’t it obvious?” You gave a sharp, self-deprecating laugh. “Sometimes I’m sure the entire trailer park knows, and they're all judging me.”
The revelation made a little squeaky sound escape his throat.  “But you said I was like a brother to you?”
You gave a confused smile for a split second, wondering where he might’ve heard such a thing, and then recognition dawned.  “Oh, well I told my friend Judy that because I talk about you so much, I didn’t want her to think that…that you and I were…or that I was…”
“That you and I were what?”  Eddie’s ears were ringing, all kinds of hope bubbling in his chest.
You got quiet again, wondering how far you wanted to take this conversation.  
“Listen,” Eddie shifted to look at you with flushed cheeks.  “I might be reading all of these signals wrong, but I want to kiss you so bad right now, it’s fucking killing me–”
And then you dove for each other and had a meeting of mouths that was all teeth and wrestling tongues.  Your seatbelt jerked you back, and you pulled away from him only to unbuckle it and throw it from your lap with a metal thump.  
You’d never experienced this before; it was less like being kissed and more like being devoured, all feverish sucks and nibbles and eager moans.  He held your face in his hands as you began to climb up and over to him.  “If this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up,” he hushed against your lips.
The seats in your ‘68 Buick were spacious, and once your knees were straddled on either side of him, you cupped your hands around his throat and said, “touch me Eddie.”
Eddie’s hands stopped in the air, unsure of where to go, but then intuition had him put them on the bare skin of your thighs under your skirt and move them up your panty line.  He brought a thumb down and passed it over the material, “you want me to touch you, like this?” As he said it, he found the top of your slit through your underwear and began pressing small circles there.
“Yesyesyes,” you pulled off of him just enough to meet his eyes.  His cock twitched at the way you bucked your hips in his lap, eager for his touch.  
“I love it when you look at me like that,” he breathed.
“Like what?” You slotted the side of your nose against his and brushed your lips together.
“Like I make you happy,” he punctuated it by dragging his thumb up and down in that concentrated area.  
You threw your head back, exposing your throat for him to lick a stripe up, sucking some skin in softly to nibble.
You were fully grinding on him as you found his mouth again with yours.  “I want…to make…you…happy…too,” you said between hot kisses.
His thumb smoothed down low enough to feel how much of your arousal had soaked through. “Honestly, sweetheart? I could die right now and be the happiest man alive.”
You could feel his cock grow thick and stiff in his denim as you rode him, and one of your hands went down there to fumble at the button and zipper on his jeans.
“I want to touch you,” your pussy actually rippled like a jellyfish climbing in the sea at the idea of having him inside of you. Once your thumb met with his leaky tip, you circled the head and Eddie groaned.
“Sit back for me,” he whispered.  With his thumb still working your clit, you let your back rest on the glovebox and watched him pull his impressive length out.  He kept his eyes on you, giving it a few short jerks while flicking his tongue out to wet his lips.
From that vantage, with your skirt up around your waist, he could see how damp the light purple of your panties were, and more milky liquid appeared at his tip.  You pulled down the straps of your dress and released your breasts from the cups of your bra.
“Oh my godddd,” Eddie’s thumb worked faster on you, trying not to stroke his cock the way he wanted to because he was about to cum.  “You’re so sexy, holy shit.”
You pushed off the dash and came closer, needing to be close to him.  With your arms around his neck, Eddie’s fingers bypassed the cotton barrier and sank into your slick honey pot with a hiss and a curse.  First one finger, and then two, and you reached down between the two of you to stroke him, making you both exchange moans of pleasure.
“Wait wait,” Eddie halted, continuing to thumb your spot. “I’m gonna cum like, right now.”
“That’s okay,” your hand stilled, but you bobbed up and down so that his fingers were fucking you.
“I can’t,” he gulped, breathlessly resting his forehead on yours. “Not before you.”
The thing about Eddie was that he could get hard again really fast for a second and third time, at least that’s how it was when he masturbated, but he wasn’t sure how to tell you that.  
You shifted back against the glove box again, pulling your underwear to the side so that he could watch his fingers go in and out of you.  You guided his hand out and brought his dripping fingers to your mouth to suck on them, loving the way his callouses felt on your tongue.
Eddie's eyes were locked on the action, muttering, “ohmygodohfuck.”
“Let’s do it together,” you breathed, biting your lip.  You brought your own fingers to your slit and began the same circles Eddie had done, speeding them up.  Eddie dipped his fingers inside of you again, scissoring them, picking up as much of your gift as he could before bringing them out in a mess to wet his cock with it. Your mouth fell open, watching his length glisten as he stroked it, never breaking eye contact with you.  
His gaze dipped to your breasts briefly to watch you twist your hard nipple between thumb and forefinger, whimpering as your other hand moved faster.  “Eddie..Eddie! See what you do to me?”
“Ahhhh,” Eddie held his thumb on his tip, right on the verge, and buried two fingers from his other hand inside you again.  Your tight walls fluttered, clenching him, and the look on your face as you got close was too much for him to handle.
“This is—-oh fuck I’m cumming,” he gasped.
“Cum on me, cum all over me,” you begged, just in time for him  to aim the joystick in your general direction, pumping hot white ropes onto your hand and cunt.
You watched him milking it as he twitched, and you rubbed his spend down your folds.  You held his wrist to keep his fingers inside of you, and then your eyes were rolling back as your release exploded.  
In the aftermath, the two of you took a minute to catch your breath.  There was cum and saliva everywhere and neither one of you seemed bothered.
“This is the best part,” Eddie mumbled, taking his fingers out to suck the result of your orgasm off of them.  
“Shit,” you lifted your head and looked around with a giggle.  “We fogged all the windows up.”
“Good,” he clutched  your waist to shift you and pull you closer.  “That way no one can see us.”
Your car was blocked between the two trailers, but being seen by someone out walking their dog at night was always a risk.  A risk that did not seem to have an ounce of importance at the moment.  
You put your forehead to his and smoothed your thumbs over his cheeks, rocking so that the drips from your cookie box landed on his exposed length.  “What I meant to say earlier is that I have this big, stupid crush on you, Eddie Munson.”
Eddie adjusted your skirt so that you were properly covered, and pulled you flush to him so that no one could get a cheap look at his girl's gorgeous tits.  
His girl.
He wasn’t sure if you knew it yet, but you had his heart, and you could do whatever you wanted with it.  
You ducked your head down to rest it on his shoulder and his hand cupped the back of your neck.  “I’ve been wanting to ask if I could maybe take you on a date sometime?”
He was serious, but the timing made you laugh.
Eddie always made you laugh.
“I’m never going on another date ever again, remember?” The side of your mouth pressed into his shoulder and you wiggled closer to him. A part of you wondered if you were squishing him, like maybe his legs were asleep, but his hold on you was unrelenting.  
“Oh damn, that’s right,” his other hand rubbed up and down your back. “I missed my window of opportunity thanks to Don.”
“I guess we’re stuck with more of whatever this was,” you murmured.
“Poor us,” Eddie smirked.  “We might have to do more of this again in a few minutes.”
“If we have to.”
“Hey,” he nudged you so that you lifted up to meet his dark, searching eyes. “Kiss me if you’re mine.”
You were both smiling as your lips met, and it wasn’t long before you led him by his hand into your trailer while he hummed the chorus to Margaritaville.  
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king-crawler · 2 months
Have you seen the Disney speed storm king candy model yet. Like don’t get me wrong I’m happy to see my lil dude bro get more attention but also he looks like a bald chipmunk
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(He also kinda reminds me of silver in sonic x shadow generations?????)
☹️ Who is this clash royale creature devoid of all character. Where are his clever little candy & royalty motifs. Even his bow tie. GONE . Nowhere to be seen. DISNEY‼️ GET YOUR GRUBBY PAWS OFF OF HIM. YOU DISOWNED HIM. REMEMBER⁉️ HES OURS NOW.
👈 OUT ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Playing with johnathans hair pre collider plsplspls kissing it maybe his knuckles, calling him pretty kissing his Beauty marks plsplspls pls
Showering Jonathan Ohnn in affection!
Rubs my hands
God I love prompts like this, especially with characters like jon/spot
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Even when he was still Jonathan, he still didnt have the best self image
He didnt think of himself as horribly as he does in present day, but hes... hooboy
He doesn't think he's ugly by any means, but no way does he think he's the prettiest person
He doesnt like his... everything, really
His birthmarks, his body, the way his hands are built, his nose, and so on
And then you came along
You weren't his first partner, I like to think he's managed to get some bitches(/j) in like
Now were those relationships anything meaningful? Did they last?
Did that leave a dent on him?
Maaaaybe just a little
So he was both ecstatic and nervous of being in a relationship again
But oh,
You melted his walls down right away, letting him know exactly how you felt about him and actually. Listened to him
Jonathan, being an overworked socially awkward scientist, doesn't get much physical touch; so he's starving
It's small at first; but even small touches can have him unraveling
Locking pinkies while you walk together, standing a lil close to one another, and so on
And dont get him started on verbal compliments
So imagine the day you decide to go a lil deeper and just
Pull his hands to your mouth, the same hands that are covered in nicks and cuts from years of work, and gently kissing his knuckles
The hands that he thinks are spindly and weird; being kissed
You may as well just marry him right then and there
But it keeps on going as time progresses
You kiss the small scars littered on his hands
Imagine seeing him scowling at the mirror while glaring at the feature of his face he doesnt like and just
You walk over to him and cup his face and just
Cover him with kisses
Specifically placed kisses, exactly where he was just glaring at
A lot of the times when you're sleeping together hes the big spoon since hes tall, but on the off chance hes little spoon? Hooboy
Absolutely refuses to get up, scoots himself closer to you, and hes almost falling asleep until
You start playing with his hair; that snaps him awake. Whether or not you have concept art Jonathan in mind or movie accurate; hes got the same reaction. He stiffens and kinda just. Freezes. Like a deer in headlights. Does he pretend to be asleep? Does he thank you? Does?? Bro short circuits
Off topic but I like to think that concept art of Jonathan going around is just. Canon movie Jonathan, but before he got a haircut. Like imagine he JUST got a haircut before the collider thing and now hes bald 😭
OOO OOOO imagine you're wearing lipstick and leave marks all over him
He will refuse to wash it off, for as long as possible
Dumbest most goofiest smile plastered on his face while you spoil him
Now I've gone on and on about you pampering him, but dont think he wouldnt try to return the favor!
He leaves quick and sloppy kisses on your cheek
Like just.. he wraps his long arms around you and lazily drapes himself over you during cuddles and. Goes to town on your face
You're both a giggly mess by the end of it
Makes you forget about the outside world; it's just you and Jonathan
Loves getting you loads of gifts; store bought and homemade! You'll probably have to tell him to slow down since you're losing space in your house <\3
As I mentioned in a previous Jonathan post (the coworker one) he drops the most foul, most cheesiest, most cliche, horrible pick up lines
Dude probably looks at wikihow stuff on like "how to impress my crush" or something like that
He absolutely LIGHTS UP whenever you indulge in his antics
Overall you two are just so sweet to each other SOBS
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lazyneonrabbitt · 2 months
Forest guardian
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Daryl Dixon x reader
You plan a week long vacation to a luxury cabin. Luxury is nowhere near what you find.
Yet another AU, mentions of canibalism, also Merle is gross.
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The bald man behind the counter of the shoddy store was probably the grossest dude you had ever seen, cleaning what looked like blood off his hands while he kept so openly staring at your tits in the low cut top and following you around with his intense gaze as you picked up some items from the racks. "Dontcha worry, doll. Had ta quit skinnin' rabbit when I heard ya come in. S'legal in these 'ere parts." He reassures you, and after you paid you sadly needed to interact with him even more, seeing you weren't familiar with the roads and needed help finding your destination.
"Oh, tha' cabin's over 'ere on tha' road. Can't miss it, sugar." He doodled a little house on the map for you. "Gotta park righ' 'ere." 'here' was marked with a small X. "Road ends, rests'a sand path, too narrow fer cars." With a filthy grin he pointed at the map and marked the location of the place you rented to spend a week in nature to heal. You needed to be away from society for a bit and booked this crazy cheap place in the middle of the woods close to a gorgeous lake. It surprised you there weren't any more cabins like that around, the area was so nice it would make a perfect luxurious vacation spot. Still, that gross man's voice rung in the back of your mind. "Now dontcha go swimmin' in tha' lake, missy. Pretty lil' thang like yerself'd gon' get snatched up ne'er ta be seen 'gain."
On the way to the cabin, following the route you were suggested you passed the lake and watched the sun cast a beautiful gleam over its surface.
'This really is too gorgeous to go swim in.' You mind wondered to the cabin as you closed in on its location, turning the last corner before the road cut off and your small path through the tree line became visible. Not wanting to walk the path twice you stacked everything you took onto your body and started to lug your stuff forward, seeing you had to round the cabin to make to the front door.
The cabin that looked nothing like the photos on the website.. "Oh of course I got catfished by a fucking cabi--"
Stopping dead in your tracks you dropped your bags and sent yourself forward, up the wooden porch and down on your knees.
A man laid passed out in the door opening of the cabin, his breaths shallow. Every item he wore was covered in dried mud and stained to hell and back. A dead rabbit laid beside him, probably dropped from his grasp when he went down. Kneeling closer you looked him over for and wounds and found a deep gash on his side when you turned him over, and saw what looked like a stab wound on his upper arm.
Underneath long, greasy hair there was a large gash on his face, long healed over and leaving an angry scar over an empty eye socket and one side of his mouth was torn open.
You wanted to stare but needed to help this man first, going to find your first aid kit and cleaning the wounds after dragging him onto the cot in the corner of the ratty cabin.
"I'm sorry." You murmured at the man who didn't even hear you as he was out cold. Applying the disinfectant to his wound had you wince along with the soft twitch of his body and a wave of panic washed over you.
What if he woke up, with you hovering over him? You had spotted the throwing axe strapped to his waist, along with two large hunting knives and suddenly prayed you wouldn't end up on the wrong end of those.
When he didn't wake you continued to clean and bandage his arm, and thanked yourself for throwing a pack of butterfly stitches in your bag and carefully stuck them over the cut over his side with one hand as the other held it closed between your fingers.
Wrapping his arm was easy, but having to unroll the bandage around his waist was proving to be a challenge, having to shove your arm underneath his body to pass the bandage to your other hand multiple times.
The invasive movements had moved the man's body and it surprised you he hadn't woken up by the time you tied off the end.
With his wounds patched you could only sit around and wait. You got scammed by a too good to be true offer on a cabin and the first thing you had to do after getting creeped out in the shop was patch up a stranger's wounds yourself because the area had no service.
Curiosity got the best of you after a moment and you went to snoop around the place, passing time by going through cabinets and drawers.
At the third drawer you opened you felt like you stumbled on a goldmine. A black wallet and chain, and a passport laid pushed towards the back.
"Daryl Dixon, huh." Both the ID and the passport belonged to the man, and other cards in the wallet held the same name. It had to be him.
You gave the pictures a long inspection, turning to go compare to the passed out man behind you.
Instead, before you got the chance to turn a hand came and snatched the items from yours. "S'mine, thank you very much."
With a shriek you turned to face the voice and were met with the iciest blue eye you had ever seen.
The open drawer dug into your back as you tried to move away from him.
With the stabbing feeling your gaze turned back to the drawer, hoping to close it but something familiar caught your eye. So instead you dug your hand to grab at a flyer, and with it pulling out a stash of attached papers that scattered over the floor and made Daryl take a step back.
The paper in your hands was filled with the same photos as the cabin rental showed. "The hell?" It was a sales flyer, it told about the building plan for a large amount of cabins surrounding the lake. You looked past the flyer to the floor, bending down to look at the various news articles about the area.
"JUST ANNOUNCED: NEW LUXURY VACATION HOMES." That one spread information about the upcoming tourist attraction.
A smaller piece announced a delay due to "disagreements from locals." You thought if Daryl and the shop guy were those locals.
Then a large, gruesome front page spread.
The title did the article no justice, the first sentence warning people to stop reading if they were easily nauseated, and continued on to go into detail of the events where a whole building crew was murdered mere hours after their scheduled arrival at the site. The murders deemed "too gruesome to share in more detail.".
More articles of missing campers and words of the mysterious serial killer in this area were scattered around and that sudden panic from earlier arose again.
You were dead. It was a fact at the time you first thought of it and it was still a fact now that you saw all this. With shaking breaths you slowly looked up at the man still standing before you.
His hand rested on the handle of his hunting knife, fingers not yet curled around it. His one eye staring, clearly deep in thought.
"That's you, right? The killer?" Your fingers rested on a smaller article, looking further up at his face.
A quiet acknowledging grunt left him as he turned around and ignored your further words.
Daryl's mind raced with opinions, facts and other voices that all called out different things.
He killed trespassers. Humans were bad for these woods, they shouldn't exist here. Except for him and his brother. But this one healed him, patched up his wounds and made sure he didn't die. You weren’t here to harm..
His wandering mind had led him outside, lighting a cigarette and deciding to return the favor and rummage through the bags you brought, fishing out a tub of cookies from your backpack.
From just outside the doorway you heard the familiar click of the tub clasps opening, followed by a loud crunching.
“Huh. HEY!” Getting up from the floor you made your way over to the man and snatched the box from his hands. “Those are mine, thank you.” Your tone mocked his from before and Daryl grunted in protest.
“Why’re ya ‘ere anyways?” You huffed in response, a hand on your hip and pointing the one with the box at where he still sat in front of your pile of bags. “Obviously I came here on vacation, but I guess I’ll be driving home again since I got scammed…”
You had moved to start packing up your first aid kit and moved over to stuff it back into your backpack but pausing, and handing the kit to Daryl. “Why?” He spoke around lungfuls of smoke before blowing it out away from you. “Got ‘nough a’those layin’ ‘round.”
‘Why’re ya tellin’ her tha? She saw yer a killer. Why aint she dead yet?’ The voice in his head blended with his brother’s, scolding him like he was so used to, but still not believing you were harmful enough to kill.
Besides, you knew how to tend to wounds which was useful.
Hell, even going out to find his brother to bring him an outdoor oven and ingredients to make those cookies and keep you around just fir those was enough to dispel the voices.
You were standing in front of the storage space at the back of he cabin and you were worried. Why were you following this killer and not just leaving your stuff behind and running to your car? You’d never speak of this and find some excuse on the way home. But still you kept standing there next to him as he opened the door and showed the huge collection of useful stuff. All taken from trespassers.
“You’re killing me aren’t you?” The words weren’t supposed to leave your mouth and a hand clamped over it immediately after, eyes on him in fear as tears threatened to spill due to the panic you were causing yourself. But then again, would it really be that bad if he killed you? No more shitty jobs and cheating boyfriends. No more crying yourself to sleep over bills and food.
“Yer dif’rent.” You barely caught his words when he disappeared into his stash and throwing a soft fuzzy blanket at you. “Feel tha’ one. Ya like tha’?” You hadn’t throwing the item until it hit you in the face, grabbing to catch it before it hit the ground and being taken off guard even more by how soft it was. It calmed you, rubbing it against your cheek. At the sight of the tab on it you gasped, taking a closer look at it and staring back at Daryl, your previous worries entirely overridden by the shock. “Why do you have a hundred dollar blanket in your shed?”
He only shrugged. “Sum whiny whore had it. Guess ‘er boyfriend thought campin’ at a pretty lake was gon’ get ‘em laid or sum’n.”
“Bitch was fuckin’ disgustin’.” A shudder ran along his spine at the memory of cutting her open. “All ‘er curves fake, no meat left on ‘er bones tha’ was edible. Damn fillers leakin’ out of ‘er flesh over the fire.” He just rambled about it like it meant nothing to him at all while you stared. He ate them? You were getting hungry just now but that feeling faded just as quick upon hearing him talk.
He saw the disgust on your face and decided he needed to shut up. “Ah, sorry. Ain’t normal people talk.”
His apology really came out of left field and had you swallow a giggle, but failing and sputtering out a laugh. “Why even are you telling me all this?” Despite your laughs it was a serious question. “I mean, what if ai leave and call the cops on you?” Not that you were going to, but you got curious and had already decided you were fine with however this day was going to end. If this guy as gonna roast you over a fire then so be it, you weren’t scared anymore.
“Who says yer leavin’? M’keepin’ ya ‘ere with me. Yer dif’rent.”
Different. There it was again, he’s called you that more than once now. “Who says I want that?”
“Y’aint runnin’ yet.” He put his pointer fingers together in a counting gesture. “Ya patched me up. An’ yer not scared a’me ‘n ma face.”
It’s true. When you first saw his face it shocked you a bit, but mostly you were curious how someone could survive a wound like that. You nodded thoughtfully, not entirely aware you did so and earned a smile. “I aint plannin’ on eatin’ ya. But ya gotta respect ma rules or I’ll change ma mind ‘bout it.”
“If you’re talking about eating people you better end me now, there’s no way I’m doing that, ever.” You held your hands up in defeat with the blanket tossed over one shoulder. “Go ahead.”
This time it was Daryl’s turn to laugh. A deep, rumbling laugh that had you squint at him. He laughed?
Your calm around the offer for him to kill you right where you stood surprised him. You really didn’t care if he took you out. He respected that, so as long as you were fine with his ways he had no reason to get rid of you. “Dontcha worry yer pretty lil’ head ‘bout tha’. Aint gon’ make ya eat ‘em. ‘Nough small game ‘round ‘ere fer ya. I’ll keep ya fed.”
Oh. That wasn’t so bad. Yeah, rabbits and squirrels weren’t part of your menu now but as long as he wasn’t feeding you humans.
Talking about eating made the grumble in your stomach make another appearance, this time accompanied my the unmistaken noise of hunger. A huffed laugh and a nod towards the front door had you both back inside where Daryl still had his rabbit he had started skinning at his makeshift kitchenette across the room rom where you sat on the bed eating your leftover sandwich.
You observed him from a distance. How he skillfully took apart the animal and separated the meats while keeping an eye on his fireplace in the meantime.
“Hey, c’mere.” Without looking up from his work he waved one hand above his head to get your attention. He made sure you got the pieces you wanted, and prepared them to your liking. The way he was roasting them over the fireplace was almost like an inside barbecue.
“Smells nice.” You had moved to sit next to him beside the fire that roasted your dinner.
You ate together and spent the time after in quiet togetherness. Daryl cleaned up the rabbit’s leftovers and spent some time doing god knows what outside while you stayed in. You sat on the bed fidgeting with your clothing and the soft fuzz on the blanket he gave you. For a short moment you wondered what you were still doing here, why you hadn’t gotten up and started walking away, but now your mind was blank, staring mindlessly at the floor. You didn’t even notice Daryl come back in. He just suddenly appeared in your view, dropping a stack of bedrolls and sleeping bags at your feet and beginning to roll them out. When you realized his implications you let yourself fall. Ack with a sigh. You really had been here since early in the afternoon and still hadn’t made an effort to leave and were about to spend the night in a killer’s cabin in the woods..
You wondered if all these setbacks in life had officially driven you mad.
After you offered to take over from Daryl to “make your own bed” he only scoffed and tapped your ankle to make space. “Makin’ ma own bed ‘ere. Ya keep the cot, s’fine.” You went back and forth a bunch of times but he kept insisting you kept the bed. Why was he so kind?
You tossed him his pillows and got a quizzical look that followed you as you went to retrieve the ones you brought from your duffle bag at the door. With an understanding grunt he moved on, unzipping a sleeping bag and laying it over the bedding and left through the curtain beside the kitchenette.
You were about to lay down and zone out when he walked back through the curtain, ducking b something out of one drawer lower than you got before when you got there and move back, keeping what was in his hand hidden from your line of sight, but you caught something in his mouth for a second. “Wait. Hold up.” Oh fuck. His mind told him he fucked up by grabbing that magazine. You were gonna ask what he grabbed and there was no way you needed to know what he was planning to do behind that wall. You sat up and watched as he peeked his head from behind the curtain to look at you with a raised brow, faking his best annoyed look. “Hmm?” With a toothbrush between the scarred end of his lips he waited for you to speak.
“You brush your teeth?” You were seriously confused now. “You, a serial killer living in the middle of nowhere, brushes his teeth.” You pointed at him, hand palm up in disbelief. He rolled his one eye at your wording and took the thing from his mouth and pointed it back at you in an almost threatening way. “Yeah, so?” He spoke around a mouthful of foam. “Ya will keep up too when ya gotta yank out a rotten tooth ‘n can’t eat nut’n but soup fer weeks.” He scoffed at your assumption of his hygiene just because he killed people. “Gotta keep clean ta eat. Can’t eat, can’t hunt. Can’t hunt, can’t keep them woods ‘ere safe.” His tone was serious, he meant every word and made it clear these woods meant much to him. Enough to kill for. After he was done he turned away again and the room fell silent once more, taking it as your cue to crawl under the soft blanket Daryl gave you and sleep for the night.
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scav-gifs-daily · 3 months
funky Lil orange dude I found while in safari I sadly don't have the ID mod :(( but he looked so cool and and just O R A N G E
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ID : 2526
i think its this guy? its hard to say when they're looking up because they get balded </3
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bomber-grl · 6 months
Hiro Hamada + tall reader ❤︎
Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!Reader (no pronouns)
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Ok ok ok
So if you’re taller than him best believe he’s gonna always be casually offending you 😭
He’ll be laughing his little ass off whenever you’re near and tell you his stupid jokes
He’ll always compare you to a giraffe or ask “how’s the weather up there?”
Then proceeds to get upset once you start ignoring him 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
Because this dude is like 5’0 then he’ll definitely use ask you to help him get stuff he can’t reach
It gets unbearable once he asks you and there’s a stool right next to the shelf
Besides using you as a servant for getting stuff for him he’s constantly asking you to give him piggy back rides 😭
At least only ever when he isn’t getting stiff from the physical contact
Like who does he think he is? 🤨
Doesn’t stop u from still doing it tho
Besides those “offensive” weird lil jokes he makes he thinks its pretty cool how tall you are
At some point he gets curious and asks how he looks from your perspective just to find out how deformed he looks 😭😭
Especially if you’ve been secretly taking those fish eye perspective pictures of hiro
He’s absolutely floored and it’s a blow to his big ass ego 😭
If you ever mention how short he is, well he’ll threaten you by saying he’ll eat your hair at night
(Sorry if you’re bald)
He’d always pretend you make his neck hurt from how much he has to crane his neck and feign annoyance by making you bend down
Honestly hiro isn’t really insecure about his height despite wondering when he’ll hit a growth spurt
So he’ll probably just forget about the whole ordeal tbh
Plus all his threats are honestly just empty and are easily forgotten 😭
Because of this the jokes eventually die down however you’ll still hear an annoying voice at the back of your head asking how the weather is up there
Aka hiro
Ik all I’ve been talking about how much hiro would center his jokes about his heights but that doesn’t make him safe 😭
This honestly gives you so much room to tease him about his height by calling him a “short king” to not only get him riled up but also cringe him out
Just turn the tables when he forces you to look at him at his level cuz his neck “hurts” and exaggerate how much you bend down to eye level w him 😭😭
He’ll absolutely be stunned and will be in denial
But he can’t even say anything cuz then he’d a hypocrite
Would probably give u the side eye anytime he saw you after you decided it’d be a bright idea to rest your arm on his head
It’d be even worst if it was done on accident and subconsciously too 😭
Your guys banter is honestly never ending but y’all know when not to cross the line.
Hiro would probs use your height to intimidate people who try to pick fights w him unprovoked (Yama)
Which is (all jokes aside) the reason he actually does like your height
He feels nice having someone around that he feels he can rely on, especially since you’re the same age
Idk but it just makes him feel like he can rely on someone closer to him.
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☆☆𝓘𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓮 𝓟𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓉2☆☆
Warnings: Violence! (Rafe/Ward)(Rafe/JJ) Angst!
Pairing: Rafe x Black reader
This is Rafe's POVs
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
I cant believe I'm sitting here looking at this man's bald ass head again. Granted I am too but still we both look older than we are. I guess that helps with dealing to older customers. Selling this shit to kooks isn't as easy as selling to pogues. I know I shouldn't be but who the hell is gonna help me when things get hard besides her.
Sofia is eh..ya know somebody, she's help, very caring and optimistic but she still doesn't compare to her.
She however helps me figure shit out, calms me down, she's smart and understands the shit I go through. Plus, besides Barry she doesn't judge the shit I do.
Grabbing the kilo off of the small brown table in front of me. I start packaging it up for the next party we're about to throw at Topper's. He's paying too, especially after we almost got busted last time from some punk who was mad about paying for all the coke he was doing that night.
Turns out his dad is a cop,
That i've already sold to twice.
But of course I had to make an example so I beat his ass.
" Yo, the rest is in the trunk let's just sell this shit and bounce when it's over. I got shit to do, plus I have to get your girl from work." Barry says as he peeks behind the screen door.
Standing up and glaring towards him as I grab my keys, " Not my girl bro just someone I keep around."
" Ya okay country club whatever you say, I don't even treat my best piece like that."
This mf, I swear. Sofia is nothing but a smart lil girl I keep around for a good time. Honestly, it was easy. I mean she's still new to the island and she hasn't been out much. I'm just practicing being a nice person.
I bump past him and head toward the car, tossing the last kilo I had in his arms.
"Shut up and come on".
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
I'm sitting here staring at the last message I sent SIX HOURS AGO. Why the hell hasn't she texted me back. This lil girl got me messed up. I know she seen when I asked why Maybank's ass isn't blocked. Realizing I'm shaking I send her another message before I'm interrupted but a high pitch voice.
Soulmate: Stop ignoring me mama and block him. I wanna see the screen recording too.
"Why aren't you paying attention to me Rafey?" Sofia whined to me grabbing my arm and resting her cheek on my bicep.
Sofia. Sofia. Sofia.
So cute, but so very annoying and very fucking clingy. She's not the one I want to cling to me. The one I want is ignoring me on an island where she probably has a boyfriend waiting for her. Just thinking about it is pissing me the fuck off.
" I'm too busy selling Sofia, I got you when I get done. Meanwhile, you wanna line or are you just drinking tonight?"
She starts batting her little eyelashes up at me , "Just drinking but I will have a little line if you don't mine doing it for me."
I sat my phone on the white couch underneath me and grab my black card to start the line for her. I only do Y/N's lines and that's only when she's drinking. Two for one night and only on occasions cuz I'll be damned if my baby end up like how I was. I love her way too much to sit and let that shit happen but her puppy eyes are so cute and we ended up coming up to an agreement.
Two lines every three months, not every party and not every time she gets drunk. I'll know if she gets it from somewhere else but she knows better than to try that shit.
" Here Sofia, it's ready let me know when you want some more." I handed her a rolled up bill and getting up the go talk to Barry.
I already sold my portion and the rest was for the three of us to share when he gets done with his. Topper is talking to Kelce and some red haired chick I've seen around in a corner.
Making my way downstairs and into the living room I spot Barry talking to someone on Facetime while handing a baggie to some dude in a red polo setting his money in the pile on the table.
" It's all good baby, you'll be home soon right? You want me to let him know or you want to just stay with me?"
" I'll come over yours first and we can just go back to his together." The other voice on the phone sounding familiar.
Who the hell is he talking to? I know he doesn't have a girlfriend so the hell??
"Yo who's that? Are you done selling or what?" I sat on the couch next to him and start counting the money in my pocket
"It's ya bestie boo or whatever the hell girly shit she be saying." he said chuckling and handing me the phone.
" Hi baby, I miss you. Even tho you kinda trippin at the moment." Y/n says. Fuck she's so damn cute, I miss her too but why hell didn't she text me back. And why the hell did she call Barry and not me.
" Hey mama, I miss you too but why you ain't texting me back." I ask her.
"I did text you back baby and I sent your toxic ass evidence." She said rolling her eyes at me.
I'm acting shocked knowing damn well.
" I'm not toxic mama just protective and I didn't see the message yet. When you coming home?" I asked her setting the phone on the table to lean against the wad of cash.
" I'm coming back tomorrow love, have my room ready please? Or yours it really doesn't matter. Barry is staying with us by the way, we'll let you know the details later yeah?"
I sit back crossing my arms across my chest and look at Barry. " So when were you gonna tell me about this plan?" I asked him
He shrugged back and took a sip of his drink. " She wanted me to wait until she got back bro my bad."
Before I could respond I feel someone putting their face on my neck. Looking back I see Sofia. Fuck. I haven't told either of them about each other.
" Who's that Rafey your cousin or something?" She said, looking over my shoulder.
I shrug her off and before I even respond, I see Y/n's face turned up and frowning.
" Cousin, oh lord baby. Of course you got a new one while I was away. Just make sure my room is ready and I don't have to teach another one her place please baby and thank you." She said as she put her suitcase down in front of the bed.
" I gotchu mama don't worry see you tomorrow. Say bye to Barry baby." I turn the phone towards him as he waves.
She waved back and smiles hanging up the phone. Rubbing my hands down my face and handing him his phone back.
He smirks and giggles at me clearly being entertained with the situation.
" She's gonna fuck you up country club." Laughing as he threw his head back laughing.
" I'm already knowing."
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
<3 <3 <3
A/N: YAAAAAA second part kinda nervous yall lol.
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horangslay · 5 months
I'm watching Nana Tour with my brother (basic knowledge of bts/boys planet/now svt) & his girlfriend (my kpop partner in crime) & he is like a gold mine of genuine reactions.
some of my favorites include:
"he's so faded, it looks like he doesn't want anyone to know he's drunk" ab Joshua, he also kept trying to make the same faces Shua was making
"I love Na PD"
"Bruh is GOOFY!" ab Wonwoo after flinging the potato at Jun
"DK is definitely my 2nd favorite, he seems kinda dumb"
"what's his name? Mingyu? That's Jungkook's best friend!"
"who's *friend who isn't watching with us name*'s favorite? The8? Okay I'll remember that forever." & so far he has
"mans name is JOSH? He seems conniving for sure."
"the bucket hat just isn't working for me" ab Jun 😂 he's got beef with him or something, he wouldn't stop teasing him!
"not a one of them knows what's going on" at the winery team while that lady was info dumping in Italian
"you're so right when you say Hoshi is squishy, but he's (S.Coups) squishy too but in a different way. Like vertical vs horizontal." (this killed me)
"love that he always has the exact same expression" ab Woozi
"you two will never understand the simple pleasure of throw ball in pool" apparently it's a boy thing LOL
"there are so many of them, I can't believe how many of them there are"
"genuinely forgot he was here" ab Jeonghan during the sappy compilation of him being a good back up leader 😂
"what if he was just here for the rest of the show? Like in the background of every shot" ab some blurred out bald man who was climbing with tower of pisa with the boys, like dude idk WHAT IF??
"man has got 2007 swag" ab Vernon as he was taking pictures
"he's running from the killer" ab Seungkwan on his lil run
not a quote but he calls Jun "Junnie" because that's exclusively what I've been calling him lol
I'll add more as I remember them/he says them. yes he's ALWAYS like this lol y'all should have seen him watch Boys Planet
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