#lilith is dead au
hazbin-alastor · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel AU where Lilith was Alastor's contract holder, but she's actually dead now. And while normally a sinner's death would render a contract null and void, the fact that she had a daughter meant that in the wake of her death Alastor's contract was automatically transferred over to Charlie — completely unbeknownst to her.
The real reason Alastor approached Charlie is because Lilith had died and he was looking for an opportunity to somehow get Charlie to release him from the contract — without her finding out about it.
Sure, he could just tell her about it and ask her upfront to release him and maybe she'd say yes, but...
Alas, Alastor is a paranoid sonuvabitch and there's no way in hell (ha) that he'd ever willingly admit to it, not without some sort of security net in place.
So, no. He's gotta find some way to get Charlie to unknowingly free him. And that's where that little incredibly vague favor comes in—!
Wouldn't you say it was weird how quickly Alastor agreed to Charlie's do-no-harm terms? He didn't hesitate, not even for a second, didn't even take a moment to think about it. Why? Because he already knew what "favor" he was going to ask of her and, knowing that it didn't involve harming anyone in the slightest, he was able to immediately agree.
He didn't hesitate to consider it because he didn't have to, not when he already knew what he was going to ask of her.
And what favor is he going to ask for? For her to free him, of course! And why hasn't he already? Well, that's a bit harder to explain...
Perhaps the prideful Mister "I'm going to hide away in my Radio Tower like a dying cat after nearly being slaughtered instead of doing the rational, sensible thing and seeking medical help, preferably from my friends and allies" would rather avoid anyone finding out he'd ever signed his soul away at all, even if it meant that it would take longer for him to be freed.
Perhaps he'd rather first figure out how to get Charlie to free him without her realizing what she was doing.
Or perhaps he wasn't even sure yet how she would be able to go about freeing him, especially considering that this is Charlie we're talking about here, not Lilith, the original contract holder, so the circumstances to do so might be different...
Or, no, wait—!
Perhaps he needs access to the actual contract in order to be freed. And, Charlie? She has no idea where it is. And as for Alastor, he is either clueless as well or he does know where it is, he just doesn't know how to access it — yet.
Perhaps he's saving up for two favors — one to have Charlie obtain the contract for him, and one to have her break it.
Either way, the only way he's getting out of this situation is with Charlie's help — hence his sudden reappearance and highly suspicious interest in her and her budding "Happy Hotel."
TL;DR: Lilith died and passed her contract with Alastor onto her daughter — who still has no idea this happened — and now Alastor has to somehow trick Charlie into freeing him without her finding out about it. Luckily, she just opened up this pathetic little hotel and is likely desperate for help... It's the perfect in.
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childlikegoblinqueen · 3 months
She's got an arm off!
Link ^^^
My self indulgent monster of the week (sort of ) in pre-SCOM universe continues.
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blitzbuckz · 2 months
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Osborne && Tilla - AU
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crimeronan · 2 months
amity and vee as a dynamic FASCINATES me. because i think they would ALMOST, ALMOSTTT pull a hunter and willow about amity but with hunter. but they cant.
because for amity hating hunter is a choice, a game more than anything. she could walk up to luz one day and say "i literally want to never see his face again. change my schedule." and it would be done by the next evening. even if she would lose luz hunter would be gone from her life for good.
but vee is trapped. vee was literally trapped at first, locked in a cell. and now shes still trapped, because the fucking golden guard -- one of the worst people still alive to her - is tied to her a new sister and therefore her mom by the hip. this isnt funny to her. its fucking fresh hell.
ALSO. yknow. vague motions at lilith.
GOD YOU'RE SO RIGHT. i hadn't thought much about their dynamic but there's SO MUCH HERE.
i was wondering how the two of them could even get on the subject & then i was like..... god what if amity tried to use, like. eclipse lake style empathy/niceness on vee. to be like hey i know what it's like to be mad at & afraid of him but he really doesn't mean you any harm!!
and vee just losing her Shit. give her a "you have it good and you still did all this" rant a la yesterday's lie. "the only thing stopping me from meeting YOU in the dungeons just like him was TIME."
and amity.... can't..... really dispute that.
which makes it all feel worse.
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kendrene · 10 months
22 Beatrice/Lilith 😘
22. You don’t have to be alone (dead space au)
The Ishimura groans and creaks around them. It tilts, then settles. 
“Not good, not good, not good.” Cam mutters nearby, fingers flying across the terminal’s keyboard. “Bea? I’m not sure but I think the centrifuge is shot. Can you come take a look?” 
“Give me a moment.” Bea spares a distracted glance for the nearest screen, where the ship’s diagnostics are displayed - a solid wall of red, all systems failing - before her eyes return to Lilith’s wound. “I just need to stabilize her.” 
Lilith’s hand, blood-slicked, covers her own. “If you don’t stabilize the ship we’re all fucked.” Weakened by blood loss, but still with enough strength to push Beatrice’s hands away. Black ichor drips from the gaping hole in her abdomen, and Beatrice has the impression that something’s wriggling, hatching within. Lilith presses down with both hands, hissing, and nods towards Camila. “Go. Help her. I’ll be fine.” She’s never been good at lying.
It is the centrifuge, as it turns out. And it’s worse than Beatrice imagined. 
“It needs a manual restart.” Lines of code appear on the screen. She tries a different bypass. Nothing. “There’s something… blocking it, I think? I can’t tell. The sensors are picking up a foreign mass, but without cameras…” She trails off and raises a questioning eyebrow at Camila, who just shakes her head. 
“No cameras. That entire level may as well be a black hole. If everything wasn’t going to shit around us, I’d say it was intentional, but-”
“Bodies.” Lilith calls. voice down to a strained whisper. “The mass the diagnostics are picking up. It could be bodies.”
“No personnel is allowed into the centrifuge when it’s engaged. G-force would suck you into the machinery.”
“But if it were sabotage.” Lilith plants a heel against the wall and leverages until she’s not slumping anymore. “If someone shut the centrifuge off, they could have shoved bodies into it. It’d mess up the hydraulics, wouldn’t it?” 
“You’d need a lot of bodies.” Beatrice counters. A frisson of fear electrifies her spine as the scale of what Lilith is implying fully sinks in. “We’re talking mass murder.”
“Or mass suicide.” Lilith doesn’t have to remind them there was actual crew members attacking them among the monsters. You’ve got to-” 
The vent closest to them explodes outwards, scattering bits of metal all around. Beatrice has the time to register something twisted buzzing past her face before Camila barrels into her, flattening her to the ground.
What must have once been personnel lands on all four in front of them. Tattered fabric clings to its misshapen shoulders and its spine is fully exposed, an ivory coast emerging from a frothing sea of white-red muscle.
Any second now it’ll see her. Unless she and Cam do something, Lilith is dead.
An elongated shape skids across the plasteel floor plating. Lilith’s rifle. Beatrice’s hand closes around it. She feels numb.
“I said: run!”
She does, haltingly at first, and Cam has to push-pull her.
She does, faster after, Lilith’s weapon dragging in her hands, and never in her life has she felt so lonely.
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asherisawkward · 1 year
Update to the Relapse AU
In this AU, Caleb drags Philip to a lake for them to relax and have some fun, but they end up falling into the Boiling Isles and meeting Evelyn. Initially, both of the brothers are suspicious and on guard around her, but Caleb starts opening up to Evelyn, and they become friends.
They don’t know quite where there portal back is, so they live together for a little while. Philip is begrudging tolerates Evelyn while they search for a way home. As they spend time together, Caleb and Evelyn start to bond and develop crushes, but the former refuses to move further until Philip is okay with witches to prevent any feelings of betrayal. It takes a lot of effort, but they figure out foods that humans can eat and keep those in stock.
Philip is being the slowest pot to ever boil, but he’s warming up one micro-degree at a time. Then he gets the common mold. I headcanon Philip as the type of child to get the flu every year and almost die each time he gets it. And when Philip gets something his body isn’t used to handling, it goes really badly. Evelyn tends to him while he’s sick due to her resistance to the illness, and Caleb finally locates the portal home. After consultation, the three of them decide that they will wait until Philip is better to go home so nobody gets sick in Gravesfield.
Caleb packs and prepares obsessively, fine tuning a story of how they got lost in the woods and came across a cottage belonging to a woman who rescued them. Evelyn sees that Philip isn’t better and, without talking to Caleb, administers the medicine given to witches and demons that get the Common Mold. In this AU, Hemlock is commonly used in healing potions. Philip gets drastically worse, and Evelyn calls Caleb in.
After a lot of probing about the ingredients, Evelyn tells Caleb everything in the potion, and Caleb sees red. He believes that after all the time they’ve spent in the demon realm and the difficulties they’ve had with finding things they can eat, Evelyn should have NEVER presumed to give anything to Philip without checking with him first. As such, he mischaracterizes her negligence as intentional harm.
This perceived attack on his baby brother has him going back into full witch hunter mode, and he carries Philip to the natural portal and runs back to Gravesfield to get a doctor. He doesn’t realize that he’s carrying a corpse by the time he arrives until the doctor says there’s nothing he can do. With that, Caleb explains the whole story, buries his brother, and sets off to the Boiling Isles to get revenge.
Due to his view that Philip was a victim of witchcraft, he harbors no ill intentions for the situation and refuses to defile his baby brother’s body with witchcraft. Caleb has no such reservations about his own humanity. It’s a quest for vengeance, and he isn’t hiding from that fact.
Over time, he starts manipulating the people he comes across and behaving as he did with Evelyn. This prevents a trail of bodies being led back to him. Caleb has no interest in going back to Gravesfield, instead focusing solely on finding the Collector for access to magic.
He mutilates his body with Wild Magic by replacing parts of his body with various elements of magic—including ingesting Titan’s Blood and surgically implanting a Galderstone inside of himself. This results in a curse of his own, but there are no sentient voices, as he never consumes Palismen. Caleb amasses power and creates a cult by claiming he’s essentially Titan Jesus. The glyphs and Titan’s Blood in his veins are proof, and it gives him a way to explain his unusually long lifespan to the populace.
Meanwhile, he’s fond of the Collector, who reminds him of Philip as a child, and spends a lot more time interacting with him as a form of projection onto them and regression to ease his grief.
Collector (affectionately nicknamed ‘Collie’) begins noticing this and creates an empty shell of Philip’s childhood self, represented as Mindscape Belos. There’s no intelligence behind it, and it’s not even truly sentient, but Caleb latches onto it obsessively, though he doesn’t reveal him to the public.
By this point, Luz is arriving to the Boiling Isles, and Caleb becomes focused on getting her away from witches and demons so she won’t be hurt. As such, he makes a proclamation that all humans found are to be brought to him, and adds another excuse to criminalize Eda (also using Sigils like Belos). This means that Luz and Eda would have to play it very carefully.
There is, of course, lingering resentment towards the Clawthorne sisters do to their relation to Evelyn. He never caught her, so Caleb frequently stresses or torments Lilith as displaced vengeance and makes Eda almost unable to go out in public.
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Rated: M
ava x lilith x beatrice 
they meet in a corridor, in a hospital, on a ward. they fall in love slowly, together. you can’t fix everything but you can sometimes survive.
the wardmates au
Ava has grown accustomed, over the months, to the dead crow imprint of Lilith’s hair over her pillow. How she would gather it up in her hands, sleepily, after 5am rounds brought them all back to consciousness. Glaring as Ava pointed her nerf gun at her from across the hall.
Try it, twerp
You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid
Beatrice brushed it for her after the first round of chemo. With the deftness she brought to everything, she took it in sections until it shone.
But after a week the brush brought down a rainfall of stray hairs.
Departed from the scalp, deep and black and beautiful and dead.
She tried braiding it, but with each overlapping motion new strands came away in her fingers. Beatrice - who is so ghoulish Ava sometimes thinks she’s half a ghost already - went around gathering up the fallen hair, the way seagulls strut down the street sometimes picking up damp twigs and rooting weeds out of the concrete.
Building a nest? Ava asked her, wheeling deliberately almost over Beatrice’s fingers as she reached down to take up another sick black strand.
Her eyes, great hooded things, purplish-red and oozy with drugs, only looked at Ava. On the verge of hitting her, no doubt, with her stupid dangly fingers, her needle-sore wrists.
I’m just- she made that frustrated little sound that emerged sometimes instead of words. Beatrice could go days and days without words, until Ava started putting nerf bullets into the back of her head, saying nothing but mercy kill when Bea’s baleful eyes skipped over her shoulder.
What? Planning to use it as kindling? You’re not her sad wife yet, Bea, so no need to throw yourself on the pyre.
They bickered for days in the way that only those who are desperately in love can.
Then, one morning, the sound of a razor, and Mary decanting from Lilith’s room with a bucket in one hand, dustpan in the other. Uncharacteristically serious while the edge of a sob drifted through the gap in the door.
It is still strange to see the bones of her skull bared to the air.
At least her eyes are dark.
cont. on ao3
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e-icreator23 · 11 months
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Doodles for today
Acid belongs to au-mashup-party
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Lucifer, if Lilith came back and wanted a second chance, would you give it to her? Or would you choose Husk and Angel over her
Lucifer: Oh I would never take her back. But I don’t have to worry about that. She’s dead. *looks remorseful* Yeah…that whole thing with Alastor…she wanted a baby for Heaven…and she was killed. I…I didn’t think that could happen.
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foulbearobservation · 2 years
witcher au teaser
cw: violence
The ghost that haunts Beatrice’s dreams—and on more than one occasion, her waking hours—stalks out of the cottage. Lilith is mostly devoid of the Witcher armor that Beatrice had last seen her in, now opting to dress in a black cloak covering most of her face. She’s bloodstained and humming an old Redanian funeral dirge, but she’s still somehow the most beautiful sight Beatrice has seen in decades.
Lilith drags behind her the body of another Witch Hunter, right arm fully cut off at the joint while his left hand dangles uselessly at his side. He’s moaning softly in pain, whimpering as she roughly drags him across the threshold of the door and onto the front landing.
Lilith nods to Beatrice. “Hello.” She grabs a bundle of rope from the side of the porch, beginning to tie something around the nearly dead man’s throat.
Beatrice is stunned into silence as she watches Lilith tie a noose, fitting it around his throat as she hums. Lilith looks up to the rafters, attempts to throw the other end of the rope through, but her aim is a little off. In the light still faintly flickering from the fire, Beatrice can see that there’s a nasty gash on her right arm that’s hindering her throwing.
Without thinking Beatrice steps forward, grabbing the rope from Lilith and tossing it up through the rafters. Lilith yanks the Witch Hunter up with a sickening crunch, nodding to Beatrice in thanks.
“Lilith?” Beatrice reaches a hand out, to do what? She’s not sure.
Lilith stops her movements, still underneath the gentle sway of the body hanging above them. They stand there, silent for a while, save the crackling of the flames. “I… knew the Sorceress who lived here.” Lilith says, softly. She bends down to pick something up off the ground, Beatrice doesn’t see what it is, but Lilith shoves it deep into the pocket of her cloak quickly, hiding the tear that threatens to fall. “The Witch Hunters have a small outpost in Toderas, to the south. That’s where they would take her. That’s where I’m heading.”
It’s as much an offer to join her as Beatrice needs. “Let me look at your arm.” She offers, stepping closer.
Lilith yanks it back, “there’s not much time. I’ll be fine.”
“Lilith.” Beatrice doesn’t know why she’s pressing this issue, not when Lilith has been a flight risk at the best of times.
“I’ll wrap it on the way. The Witch Hunters killed my horse, we’ll have to take yours to make it by sunset.” Lilith says with finality.
Beatrice sighs, clicking twice to make Horse approach them. Horse seems to remember Lilith, or at least isn’t terribly put off by the blood dripping from her.
The ride to Toderas is short but insufferably long. Lilith holding to the back of Beatrice’s chest plate like it’s the only thing holding her together.
Beatrice isn’t sure which one of them finds more comfort in the touch.
“What’s her name?” Beatrice asks, just to make conversation. Lilith doesn’t get attached to people, not in a good way anyway, so she wants to hear more about the Sorceress that has stolen her heart.
“Camila.” Lilith mumbles, attention more on the piss poor job she’s doing of wrapping her arm up. “She found me half dead at the bottom of a ravine and nursed me back to health. Told me that the world needed more Witchers,” she scoffs, “said it needed more good guys.”
“Well we are a dying breed.” Beatrice says.
“Witchers? Or good men?” Lilith asks.
Beatrice thinks of the way she didn’t hesitate to grab the rope. “Both, I think.”
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julianobungus · 1 year
I find it very sweet that Gus and Lilith are raising their Pipwalkers (Phillip grimwalkers) as their children. But are they like single parents? Is Gus raising his son alone or with someone? Same question about Lilith
Gus is raising his alone, while Lilith is raising hers with her boyfriend Darius. They've always wanted kids, those three, and Hunter's grimwalker experiment is the perfect opportunity. They love their Pips very much and don't subject them to the same 'treatment' others get.
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unicornlovers10 · 2 years
OK so I published the first chapter of Diary of a Raven Empress on Wattpad for beta readers. Trigger warnings for grief and mentions of death (of a 15 year old BTW).
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malkaviian · 2 years
i was going to draw sayaka and byakuya on the vamp au but realized that i also have to design their clothes and thats a lot of work for a shitpost related to a ship i dont even like
#as i said though; theres hilarity in the concept of byakuya having an unrequited crush on makoto; both on canon and this au#and while he doesnt have a crush still has weird feelings whenever makoto calls him 'my beloved prince' bc its just so genuine#makoto will never lie to him or want to have more power by pleasing him. he does that bc he does appreciate and respects byakuya#and hes not used to that at all. even his marriage with sayaka was an arranged one so theres not much love on there#(i mean; theyre both alright with the marriage and are physically attracted to one another. but you know; they didnt got a choice)#(and also byaku is still in love with kyoko and wants her and her only; but being a human prince of course he had to marry a human princess#(and kyoko doesnt love him back anyway; shes still in love with her wife celestia even after her death so lol)#but going back to the point; makoto is genuine with him. and he finds that weird and confusing.#which leads to him appreciating and enjoying when hes around; even if he would rather being dead or kill him before admitting that lel#however that makes him being sure hes also very very in love with his wife mukuro. and he cannot kill her even if he wanted to#(he doesnt; but sometimes gets a little jealous when makoto focuses too much on her when hes around)#bc mukuro is the best vampire hunter and thats not convenient for his princedom#anyway i think i will have to spend more time designing sayaka bc im going to a similar vibe to his canon outfit for this au.#it is already very prince-like. i will have to design them eventually anyway so yeah#here we go#au talk#bc i ended up rambling a bit about that au dsjfndjnfdsj#lilith whispers
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penny-anna · 6 months
how different Owl House characters might fare in a time travel AU (let's say back from 5 years post canon, dropped into their own body, classic scenario):
Luz: pretty good I think? i feel like she'd be able to convince Eda & King that she's telling the truth pretty easily. other characters would be tougher. post-canon Luz gives off the impression of being pretty smart and savvy plus she'd have the benefit of Glyph Mastery. most likely danger is that she'd end up over-planning and everything would just fall apart. Also the question of whether she'd manage to re-win Amity's heart.
Eda: my gut feeling was 'nothing would change' but that's not fair. would have no issue getting Luz to believe her bcos like Luz just wandered into a fantasy world someone there being like 'hi I'm your friend from the future' would be like aight let's chat. would probably hook up w Raine & their rebellion very early and get a lot of shit done.
Amity: would have a tough time getting anyone to believe her i think. also a much tougher time winning over Luz & her other friends as I don't think she'd be great at handling that situation. I could see her trying to just go it alone.
Willow: hmm i feel like she'd handle this pretty well? i think she'd do a good job of getting other people on side. similar to Luz might over plan it and end up completely losing her mind. would probably be there like 'okay now everyone's together, step one, we go rescue the Golden Guard'.
Gus: I feel like Gus & Willow mutually would trust each other unreservedly in this situation so he'd defo have at least 1 ally. significantly hampered by being 12 years old again. honestly i could see him leaping immediately to 'let's just kill Belos right now'.
Hunter: worst & yet also best option. no natural allies. extremely aware that if Belos suspects anything he is gonna be super dead. saving flapjack would be a very high priority. if we're sending him back to the beginning of s1 tho good chance of him just showing up at the Owl House and successfully winning Luz over for reasons of s1 Luz is down for anything; if we're sending him back to early s2 he's having a much rougher time.
Lilith: oh she would go insane I think
King: nobody would take King seriously
Hooty: nothing would change & i am not convinced he would even tell anyone
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
charlie stealing the wings off adam's corpse for herself and vaggie thinks that's hot AU, blame @a-cold-day-in-pentagram-city for this not me
the cannibals eat the rest of the first dude but dont wanna deal with plucking out feathers so charlie and vaggie scoop up all the wings left over from the dead angels in their front yard, shoving them in a side room of the new hotel
after a bit charlie's like "Should we.... send his wings BACK up there? For burial or something???" and vaggie's like "We could I guess." and charlie's already stroking the wings "Kinda pretty aren't they? When he's not wearing them anyway." which makes vaggie actually look at the wings charlie's petting and go "You know. They ARE kinda the same gold color as your hair...." and they both stare at the wings, and at each other,
and then charlie's in front of a full length mirror checking herself out as Vaggie holds the wings up behind her and they're giggling a little bc really this is so SO morbidly disrespectfully silly but DAMN does charlie look gooooooood with her mom's ex's fancy wings- in fact she looks so good and feels so smug about it that her and vaggie get a little distracted and
charlie drags her dad aside the next morning "Dad I need wings it's important don't ask why but can you please help please" and shapeshifer luicfer's delighted like "OH YOU ENJOY CHANGING YOUR LIVING FLESH VESSEL TOO?? GOSH GOLLY THIS IS ANOTHER PERFECT FATHER DAUGHTER BONDING MOMENT!!!" charlie stops him right there "Dad no I don't want to grow the wings myself there's already a specific pair I want" which has lucifer doing the supportive but confused "??? Okay char-char? What... what wings did you had in m-" charlie holds up the limp wings of her mom's ex / her girlfriend's shitty ex employer "These ones. Don't ask." - "Wh.. why those ones-" - "DAD PLEASE I SAID DON'T ASK."
he doesn't ask. he tries not to think about it either. after all it's a fun chaotic creation request from his daughter and tbh the idea of her having rubber ducky colored wings is very cuuuute to him so it's pretty easy not to think any further past it than that
until he sees a thrilled charlie on her way, leaping and almost crashing out the nearest window before her angel gf swoops in to catch her. seeing chaggie together reminds lucifer of him and lilith, like always, and he sighs in wistful happiness, like always- until he freezes in a cold terror, shaken to the core by the sudden knowledge that he might someday have to explain to his estrange wife why their daughter is flying around on the wings of the dead guy his wife rejected once and who sent murder angels down to kill their people every year for funsies
... on second thought, lilith might be the MOST excited about that of anyone. Or, almost anyone, if the emotionally scaring sounds of chaggie fliting mid air are anything to go by
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decentsoupperson · 3 months
Okay hear me out.
Corpse Bride Au
Lucifer as Victor
Adam as Emily
Eve as Victoria
Lilith as The other guy I can't remember his name LMAO
Lillith would be Barkis Bittern.
Yes! Imagine Adam in his white groom suit with a bouquet of dead roses and a veil waiting for Lucifer to come and propose to him.
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