#literal gunshot wedding
stardust948 · 2 years
Why Sukka wedding was never mentioned in LOK
Sokka, while fighting: Will you marry me?
Suki: I don’t think now’s the best time!
Sokka: Now may be the only time! I love you. I’ve made my choice. What’s yours?
Suki: Zuko! Marry us!
Zuko: I’m a little busy at the moment!
Sokka: Zuko, Now!
Zuko: Fine then. Dearly Beloved and New Ozai Society, we are gathered here today to join these two souls…
*Drop kicks a usurper*
Zuko: … and quell this uprising!
Sokka: Suki, Leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, do you take me to be your husband?
Suki: I do.
Sokka: Great!
[more fighting]
Suki: Sokka, Warrior of the Southern Water Tribe, do you take me to be your wife, in sickness and in health, with health being less likely?
Sokka: I do.
[more fighting]
Zuko: As Firelord, I now pronounce you…
[interrupted by fighting]
Zuko: You may kiss…
[more fighting]
Zuko: …You may kiss…
[more fighting]
Sokka and Suki: *share a passionate kiss*
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j23r23 · 4 months
Double booking
Tangerine x fem Reader - angsty? & fluff
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warning: blood, mention of dying, death, suffocation
Married for a week and already shot by your brother-in-law.
No, it's not what you think.
Blood oozed out between your fingers, staining your wedding ring.You press harder against the gunshot wound on your left glute, a hiss escaping your lips. You are leaning against the cold brick wall of an office building in the middle of the night, hearing Tangerine and Lemon arguing just a few feet away.
"You absolute muppet, Lemon! You just shot my wife!" Tangerine's voice is a mix of fury and panic, his thick accent making him sound even more exasperated.
"How was I supposed to know that it was your wife?!" Lemon snaps back, his annoyance barely hiding the guilt in his eyes. "It should just be you, me and the target in this bloody building! For fucks sake, she shouldn't even be here! Why are you even here in the first place?" Lemon turns to you now, all flabbergasted.
"Lemon, i am as confused as you are." you began, your voice steady yet tinged with a hint of exasperation. "But I'm guessing it's highly probable that there was a mix-up, due to the recent change in my records all three of us got a call for tonight. I guess, when I took on Tangerine's last name, it likely triggered a glitch in the system, resulting in this fucked up double booking."
Tangerine's voice cracked with annoyance as he spun around to face Lemon again to continue their argument. "You still shot my wife in the ass!" he exclaimed, his tone sharp.
Lemon' rolled his eyes. "I didn't mean to, it was a fucking accident!" he said irked. "All I saw was a figure in the shadows, thinking it was the twat we need to kill tonight. Not my fault the database did a double booking because you two share a last name now!"
Tangerine's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of crimson, his frustration boiling over. "Lemon, if she dies, I'm going to kill you myself," he threatened, his voice low and seething with barely contained anger.
You snicker at Tangerine "I'm not dying, love... just, severely inconvenienced." You manage a weak chuckle, wincing at the pain and trying to calm your husband, who was not amused with the situation. "You know darling, I always said changing my last name to yours would come back and bite me in the ass. Just didn't think it would be quite so literal." You glare at Lemon.
Tangerine kneels beside you bringing his hand to your cheeck, his anger momentarily replaced by concern. "Sweetheart, we need to get you patched up."
"Not yet" You grit out, trying to focus on the mission. "We need to take out the target first. Can't have him spilling company secrets from our employer while I'm busy bleeding all over the floor."
Lemon glances around, clearly frustrated. "This is ridiculous! You are clearly not in any condition to continue. You should get that bullet out asap."
"And she's also a professional," You cut in sharply, mustering as much authority as you can. "Which means she knows the job comes first. Now quit arguing and get moving. I've got enough adrenaline to keep me going for a bit."
Tangerine looks torn, his jaw clenched pressing his forehead to yours for a moment. "You sure about this, love?"
"Yes" You whispered, managing a weak smile. "Now go. I'll be fine. Just... hurry back."
He hesitated, looking at Lemon he stands up. "Lemon, you stay with her. I'll handle the whistleblower."
"Like hell I will!" Lemon protested. "You stay, I'll go. Shes your wife, not mine!"
"Both of you go!" You snapped, mustering as much authority as you could. "Like i said, I can handle myself for a few minutes. Besides," You add with a wry smile, "I'm not going anywhere until I get a proper honeymoon. Now, finish the job so we can go home and you can patch me up, alright?"
Lemon rolls his eyes, pulling out his gun and checking the clip. "Fine, but if you die becaues it got infected, I'm blaming you for it."
You roll your eyes. "And ill haunt your ass. Now, go be the charming psychotic duo I love, and kill that son of a bitch."
They exchanged a look, then nodded reluctantly. Tangerine kissed Your forehead quickly. "Be right back, love."
As they headed further into the building, their bickering voices fading, you leaned back against the wall, closing your eyes.
But a sudden commotion snapped you out of your brief reverie. You pressed yourself into the shadows under a desk, listening intently. Someone else was on the same floor. You could hear panting and a string of whispered profanities. The sounds drew closer. It wasn't Tangerine or Lemon for sure—so it had to be the target.
You shifted around to get a better view of your surroundings, muscles tensed and ready. The moment the target sprinted past, you extended your leg, tripping them. They went sprawling across the floor. Without wasting a second, you pounced, locking them into a chokehold. Their arms and legs flailing as you tightened your grip around the neck.
Just then, Tangerine and Lemon came rushing back, their footsteps pounding against the floor. They skidded to a stop when they saw you.
Tangerine smirked. "Need a hand, love?"
You tightened your grip. "One moment, please," you said calmly, watching as the target's struggles weakened, his face turning purple and snapping for air.
Lemon chuckled. "And here I thought I actually have to do some work."
As the target's body stopped moving, you release your hold and pushed him off of you "All done." you say, brushing some strands of hair out of your face and trying to ignore the throbbing pain in your butt.
"Nice work." Lemon comments, holstering his weapon.
"Thas my wife." Tangerine adds proudly, a grin spreading across his face. "Now come on, poppet. We can't have you bleeding all over the place longer."
You roll your eyes, a faint smile tugging at your lips. "Good idea, love."
Tangerine scoops you up gently, careful not to jostle your wound. "Let's get you patched up, and then we'll be on our Honeymoon, yeah?"
Lemon leads the way out, keeping a lookout for any more trouble. "I'll tell you what," he says over his shoulder, "next time, I'm double-checking the mission report. No more mix-ups. Can't stand your lovey dovey shit."
You chuckle, resting your head against Tangerine's shoulder. "You do that Lem. And maybe try not to shot me the next time?"
And thus, another day in the life of a newlywed assassin comes to an end.
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existential-queeer · 6 months
"How did their wedding outfits get so dirty and messy? And why is Eddie's shirt gone?!"
yeah they did the devils tango in a bush no what do you mean they didnt they literally did alright? ryan himself told me bro come on they literally fucked nasty in the-- *gunshots*
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distant-screaming · 4 months
your top 5 nlmg moments <3
what the HELL archer............. worst sleepover ever I'm being made to choose? from nlmg????? >:( I had 22 scenes shortlisted, and I with great pain cut it down to 5 + 3 bonus ones. also this took me really long to answer because I can't shut up. anyway. I will try to keep this as short as possible and not go into full explanations because then we'd be here forever 🎀
so, my favorite nlmg scenes, in no particular order:
palm gets shot
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is this surprising? at all? no I didn't think so. palmnueng are so insane about each other and this entire scene is such a good demonstration of that - palm, actively bleeding out from a gunshot wound, tells nueng not to sign anything over, and nueng does so anyway. and then palm gets shot and just - the acting is so wonderful from everyone in that scene and it's such a good demonstration of their characters! I also especially ADORE the next bit, where nueng is outside the operation room and he's just so grief stricken it makes my stomach hurt. and I just love this whole section a lot okay!! (fun fact: my first time watching the show, I wasn't able to watch the scene fully - I had to skim it and go ahead to the part where palm was Alive. once I realized he was, I went back to watch it properly djfkfj)
waltz scene(s)
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I'm cheating a little but it's fine - all three of palmnueng's waltz scenes live in my head rent FREE. the first one (the dream sequence) is just so very 'I have a crush on this guy' core and it's so soft and sweet and yearn-y <3 I don't remember where I talked about this, but in the dream sequence nueng keeps track of the rhythm by tapping his finger on palm's shoulder - the same thing he did in real life. this means palm was so focused on him during the irl dance that he even noticed that. and that just. it makes me sick okay. second dance sequence is in the motel room after mam dies, and this one is so different from the first because it's much more centered in comfort and relief rather than romance. the whole scene is an absolute masterpiece - the way it's shot with the blurred backgrounds and close ups and the colors - and man I just. I love it so much. it's so intimate. and finally the waltz at the restaurant before nueng gets snatched by kit... literally no one does it like them they're so!! it's a very scary scene to watch because you can tell something's about to go really wrong really fast, but my GOD is it good. me and who literally........the tenderness, the trust, the way they look at each other with absolute stars in their eyes (and the way that the camera focuses on nueng more this time, and how in love he is because we've seen palm but nueng is just as insane). insane. deranged.
first kiss on the island
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rooftop hug
while watching this, I had to pause the episode and physically stand up to do laps around the room. it's sooo good and pondphuwin are amazing at intimacy and it's just like, they really do kiss like they're desperate for each other which is exactly what palmnueng are. also the significance of it being after david + wu's wedding is a whole different rant I will spare you from but ajfkskfkdjfkdjfkfjfjfjv!!!! absolutely amazing first kiss, especially contrasted with their first kiss on the rooftop. no notes.
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speaking of rooftops! man. the whole ben + coming out part really hurts me every time I watch it and this scene is no exception. nueng is so desperate and heartbroken and he keeps lashing out but palm just holds him close and doesn't say anything and eventually nueng hugs him back and just cries in his arms and he just. he just wanted a friend. he just wanted to be loved. that's all. GOD.
peng(2) you(3)
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world's most insane guys flirt, leave me dead. like. this is episode 2. nueng still has some like vague pretend animosity towards palm. and yet. 'oh yeah let me just - here touch my neck and I'll gaze into your eyes and say peng you (friend)' HELLO?? I mean. sure why not. palm's clearly enjoying it (read: having a gay induced mental breakdown). generally I love scenes that have flirting with pining oblivious guys and this is the perfect fit. also, the fact that palm is slightly higher than nueng here the CONNOTATIONS guys the THEMES. the [I am shot and dragged away]
nueng barging into palm's room
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sir...... just. all of this. no words. he's such a bratty teenager. I love him
palm opening shot
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this one is on here solely because this is the exact moment I feel utterly and deeply in love with pond. hello there gorgeous standing there all by yourself??? why is he so <3
every time palm is annoyed by ben existing
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I ADORE this dynamic. they're this 👌 close to killing each other in every frame they're together. the fingers are touching btw. hashtag gay on gay hostility. I love it.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 10
I'm not sure how much I buy this version of events by Phee. It seems...too easy. But maybe it's because that would mean there is/are no other person/people involved (i.e. Non and/or Keng and/or White) and that would be disappointing. Nah, I'm holding out hope that this isn't the actual true events.
Yes, that IS the head of another person there with Tan and Top!
So Phee really did tell Jin everything...and then Jin admitted to posting the video...and they're ok with each other. They've found some 'comfort' in both being as bad as the other I guess.
I hate (LOVE) that I can't tell what is real/truth and what is part of the revenge plan 👀
So Fluke is finally including himself in saying 'we' hurt Non. *insert growth!gif*
How can they always act so cool about being in the middle of nowhere in the woods. You can literally die by being lost and walking in circles.
Again, I still don't know why Jin needs help to walk when it's his shoulder that's hurt 😂 It's like these actors and acting coaches have never been injured in their lives to know what it's like.
Haha yes! Someone else IS there and making other marks in the trees to fuck with Jin (and Phee?) 👏🏼
Top could get his arms out of those ropes easily, that's either a really sloppy filming error or these boys need to learn how to restrain someone better.
Oh White has the gun now does he? 👀
And how did Jin just fall over nothing? Oh I get it, the axe needs to be left there for someone to pick up later, right?
I don't think I've mentioned this yet but I can't stop thinking about how the end of their film is Jin running alone out of the house, implying he' a lone survivor, so I wonder if we'll get some kind of subverted parallel of that at the end of this nightmare for them all (which I don't think will be the ending of the series but I might be wrong - I don't watch horror so I don't know what 'beats the show needs to hit').
So everyone knows who's who and what's been happening (sort of)...and of course Fluke goes for the gun, which I guess needed to happen to take focus away from the Tan/New revelation.
Yes! Make Tee talk! Let's get new info!! And I want to know what Fluke did!!!
Of course Top can just stand up 🤦🏽‍♀️ Aaaaaand he's dead? Just from one shot to the stomach? (The severity of gunshot wounds vary greatly in bl -> we had Chart survive two shots to the back yesterday and Vegas survived multiple shots to his torso a few years ago but Top just keels over and is dead just like that? Oh! unless the gun has no live bullets but the drugs are making people think the gun/bullets are real???).
So Khun Keng IS dead. I wonder how they got the photo of him and Non then...maybe photoshop?
Damn, I wish I hadn't caught up. Now I have to wait a week and I have a VERY busy wed-mon coming up with work 🤦🏽‍♀️😭
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fandomwe1rd0 · 6 months
Honestly while Rick has the emotional maturity of a 5 year old who cries because his best friend won't play with him at recess, I feel like that's not the only reason why he's so harsh to Morty and is unable to let Morty know how much he cares for him. While that's certainly part of it, I think it also has something to do with Morty himself.
He finds his attachment to this Morty in particular irrational, just Morty, not the rest of the family, but Morty in particular. He only gets jealous and possessive over Morty. He's only willing to go to extreme lengths to make sure this Morty in particular stays with him. He's only willing to sacrifice himself to Morty, he's only shown to be extremely protective of this Morty, willing to put himself in the line of gunshots as long as it means shielding Morty. He doesn't care about other Mortys. Just this Morty. This Morty in particular. His Morty. Morty literally means everything Rick, but Rick is always so harsh to Morty, to the point where Morty internalized it and doesn't believe that his grandpa loves him or even care about him at all when the truth is he does an agonizing amount. But everyone knows that already.
My question is why Morty? He insults Summer significantly less than Morty, he uses affectionate names and never insults Beth, he's kind to Birdperson and Mr. Pooopybutthole. So it's not just because he's emotionally immature since that doesn't stop him from being kind (As far as being kind goes for Rick) to other people.
It's pretty obvious to see the reason why he would never admit how much he cares about Morty. Because he doesn't want to. He doesn't want to admit to Morty, and to himself that he loves his worst enemy's grandson more than he loves anything else, including himself (Which isn't saying a lot considering he hates himself, but yk what I mean)
He's also terrified that if he shows it, Morty will leave or get hurt, seeing as that has happened with people in his past when he opened up, with Diane and Birdperson. Birdperson distances himself from Rick for a while after Rick confesses his love for Birdperson, and gets shot at his wedding despite Rick being able to bring Birdperson back, I doubt that he's able to get the image of Birdperson being shot right after he opened up to him out of his mind, he even says in season 6 episode 10 to Morty "I've become dogshit to you! This is what happens when you let people in and they stop respecting you, they touch your shit, they kill your fucking family!"
Morty leaving is one of the last things Rick wants, so that's why he keeps insulting him, thinking if he keeps Morty's confidence low enough, he'll stick around, it is incredibly unhealthy, but Rick is willing to do whatever it takes as long as it means Morty is by his side, even if it's tricking Morty into giving up his dream, whatever it takes. I also think it's due to as I mentioned before, Morty being Rick Prime's grandson, while it's not Morty's fault, I think he holds a certain amount of resentment towards Morty for being the grandson of the guy who killed his wife and child. That resentment gets mixed up with genuine care, so he just lashes out. Now while this is no excuse for anything Rick does to Morty, I think it's interesting to look at the reasons behind it, this was a long post but I hoped you enjoyed it!
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coquelicoq · 2 months
okay well it only took me [looks at clock] oh my god three hours to read my nine pages of french today but in my defense. how can i be expected to read sentences when there are Words. and they're all so fun to say and to think about. not my fault. anyway i was reading about nineteenth-century wedding traditions in berry (region of france) and someone please tell me that "coup de pistolet" has some meaning other than "gunshot" because i was very stressed out. i mean get a load of this:
J’étais assis sous le vaste manteau d’une antique cheminée de cuisine, lorsque des coups de pistolet, des hurlements de chiens et les sons aigus de la cornemuse m’annoncèrent l’approche des fiancés. (La Mare au Diable, Appendice)
this actually didn't alarm me that much. they're outside, it's like a twenty-one gun salute but with fewer guns presumably. i assumed it would be, you know, adults shooting these guns. little did i know what was in store.
Des coups de pistolet, tirés par les jeunes gens et les enfants, annoncèrent le commencement de la noce. On se réunit peu à peu, et l’on dansa sur la pelouse devant la maison pour se mettre en train.
okay so now we have children shooting the guns. WHILE people are dancing nearby?? is that wise though.
Les assiégeants, de leur côté, faisaient rage ; ils déchargeaient leurs pistolets dans les portes, faisaient gronder les chiens, frappaient de grands coups sur les murs, secouaient les volets, poussaient des cris effroyables ; enfin c’était un vacarme à ne pas s’entendre, une poussière et une fumée à ne se point voir.
this is about a tradition wherein the groom's party goes to the bride's house and they stage basically a siege where the groom and his buddies are trying to get in but the bride et al. have barricaded all the openings. i was like oh cute until i got to the part where they're LITERALLY SHOOTING AT THE HOUSE? WITH PEOPLE INSIDE??? oh also i just noticed this says "déchargeaient leurs pistolets" so yeah not looking good for some magical figurative meaning of "coups de pistolet" (it was a long shot anyway) (no pun intended)
L’énorme broche de fer fut tordue comme une vis sous les vigoureux poignets qui se la disputaient. Un coup de pistolet mit le feu à une petite provision de chanvre en poupées, placée sur une claie, au plafond.
now they're shooting inside the house which has caused some bundles of hemp hanging from the ceiling to catch fire. btw.
Puis la joyeuse cavalcade se mit en route, escortée par les enfants à pied, qui couraient en tirant des coups de pistolet et faisaient bondir les chevaux.
again with the children shooting guns! and this time they're spooking the fucking horses. HOW DID ALL OF THESE PEOPLE SURVIVE.
Ces jeux sont dangereux, et les accidents ont été assez graves dans les derniers temps pour que nos paysans aient résolu de laisser tomber en désuétude la cérémonie des livrées.
"these games are dangerous, and the accidents have been so serious lately that the peasants have decided to let [the tradition of laying siege to the bride's house] fall by the wayside." oh my god YOU DON'T SAY. SHOCKER. sorry i am being so judgy but i'm not an anthropologist which means i am allowed to side-eye people from 200 years ago for terrible gun safety practices.
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emilynyaesmp · 3 months
Well since you asked and I’m curious to know. What are your nature wives headcanons?
1. THEY’RE MARRIED!! U can’t convince me otherwise.
2. Shelby sometimes has nightmares about the sculk and what is did to her, they’re scared that it might happen again. Katherine always helps her through it.
3. they snuggle 🥰
5. Shelby sleep deprives herself sometimes and Katherine will just find Shelby clinging on to consciousness with every Fiber of their being at like 3AM and is like “moonlight, when was the last time you slept?” And they just mumble incoherently that she has no idea and Katherine takes her to bed while they try to protest that they’re “not tired”
6. Katherine only figured out her feelings (and lesbianism) when Shelby got sculk-afied. Katherine thought that she had lost Shelby entirely and that she’d never see them again, so when she realised her feelings she felt so guilty that she’d rejected Shelby at the festival.
7. One of the reasons it took so long for Katherine to figure out that A) she loved Shelby romantically, and B) she liked girls, was because she was isolated from the rest of her ppl from a young age because of her curse; so she never rlly knew what loves actually felt like (also bc her parents never rlly loved her soo…) especially romantic love.
9. True love kiss broke the cur- *gunshots*
10. Parents r homophobic AF
11. Katherine LOVES cat’s
12. Katherine calls Shelby “moonlight” (and sometimes “Shelb’s” for short) and Shelby calls her “sunflower”
13. Sausage was the officiant at their wedding (literally wept bc his ship sailed)
15. Not really a nature wives headcanon, but Shelby believes in Ehor (Scott’s deer god from S1)
God, they’re so in love CHDYJUDOYDISTRUCUEJCU 💕💕
(Ty for asking 😌)
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ratyts · 1 year
(not knowing) is bliss (miguel o’hara x gn!reader)
this could be about anyone but i wrote it with miguel in mind (literally does not say miguel once in the text). don’t love the way this reads (i hate it) but i haven’t written anything in a while so forgive me
warnings: very light implied spoilers for atsv, i’m a loser and i should stick to prose
word count: 661
something was wrong with your husband. the doctors said it was not uncommon to see changes in behavior with gunshot victims, especially when your husband was lucky to have survived considering where he was shot. they said he lost a lot of blood, that he was very lucky to be alive. but it was a traumatic experience, and these experiences could change people. of course, the doctor had specified, in some medical jargon, but all you heard was that your husband was alive. breathing. he was lucky, that meant he would be okay.
since he’s returned home, you’ve been defining what the doctor meant by ‘okay’. what it meant for him to be alive, and lucky. his physical recovery was swift– something no one expected– he was running and playing with your daughter only a week and a half after he was discharged.
the first glance you saw of his bare chest after the shooting was in passing, he was rushing to get in the shower while you happened to be in the bedroom. you were doing something insignificant, folding clothes, or maybe flipping through a book, when he rushed in. your eyes flitted up to his form for only a second, but a second was enough. his skin, his body, they looked fine. there was a small pale spot on his back, where the wound was. there was no bruising, the wound only whispering traces of its existence. you had been too consumed with the miracle of his recovery to notice the way his arms looked bigger, stronger. the definition in his back you had never seen before. something was different about your husband.
he had woken up in the hospital, only moments after you arrived. it was a blur in your memories, the nurse rushing out to alert the doctor, you begging them to let you in the room, the stilling of your heart when you heard him speak from behind the curtain. “let them in,” he said, the familiar baritone of his voice nearly sending you to your knees.
three words from him were enough for you to run into the room, pushing away the curtain. his brown hair was rustled, and his gaze was dark even in the fluorescent hospital light. you stood at the foot of his bed, eyes wide. at the time, you attributed your hesitation to shock. not suspicion, it couldn’t have been. you faltered the moment he gave you a soft smile, anyway. maybe there had been something wrong with you.
he was undeniably your husband. he wore your wedding band. he called you the sweet names he always did. he liked the same food, wore the same clothes, combed his hair in the strange pattern he always did. but you were doubting him, sick to your stomach with guilt, you were still doubting him. it came in waves, at first. the first night back from the hospital, he held you tighter than he ever had before. that was expected, you clung onto him just as painfully. when you felt his hot breath on your ear, whispering how much he loved you, how lucky he was to have you, how he would never let you go, you said nothing, only holding him tighter. his voice was heavy, intensity dripping off every syllable. that was expected, you had almost lost him. he had almost lost you.
the seed of fear sprouted in your mind. when his possessive grip didn’t soften, when the darkness in his eyes only deepened, when frown lines around his lips only seemed more prominent. when he held you like it was the only thing keeping him tethered to this earth. he had always been a wonderful father and doting husband, but he was only more committed, only more loving. it should’ve been a good thing. you wanted it to be a good thing. the pit in your stomach grew. you said nothing, and if he noticed, he said nothing either.
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anecdotal-acorn · 2 years
So I saw Phantom on Broadway last night (10/21) and it was everything I dreamed it would be and more!!!  I have so many thoughts and I thought I'd just list them here:
Act I
- The overture is so much more exhilarating live than on any recording, it was so epic
- The Hannibal elephant was so impressive in person
- When the managers said Raoul would be in their box the dancers FREAKED OUT, especially Meg and Christine, they were so excited <3
- Emilie’s Think of Me cadenza was so clear and resonant–
- When Madame Giry came into the dressing room for Meg she YELLED at her and then did a complete 180 when she turned to Christine
- John is an exquisite Raoul!!! There was so much chemistry between him and Emilie during Little Lotte. He hugged her and then after he said her name pulled away for a second just to look at her…it was so sweet. Then when he left to get his hat he ran off the stage at a full sprint, which was so cute
- Laird had an awesome hat toss and cape twirl with so much flair and extra-ness, and his MOTN was like an out-of-body experience, especially when he said “close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar” and held the note straight-tone and past the music. Then when Christine pulled the mask off he flopped onto the floor like a sack of potatoes XD
- Meg was adorable in Notes, rifling through them at the managers’ desk trying to figure out what was going on.  Erica Wong was so charismatic it's hard to believe she isn't principal!
- Raquel’s comedic timing was impeccable, especially in Il Muto when she mimed pulling off the Serafimo skirt and hat
- Laird’s cackle when Buquet’s body came down is truly unparalleled (gave me chills)
- ALL I ASK OF YOU was sooooo precious!!!!!!! John and Emilie are a top-tier R/C pair!!! Their second kiss was so intense it turned into basically a full-on makeout session and I was LIVING for it; every Raoulstine shipper’s dream ❤️
- Laird was so sad on the angel!!! So much crying and whimpering, and he did this little quiet “no” when Raoul and Christine were singing AIAOY from offstage. But then he growled and it was so cool to see the switch in his mind and watch him put the walls back up and get mad…
- The chandelier drop was as jaw-dropping as expected
Act II
- Raoul and Christine’s Masquerade entrance was so cute, with the spotlight on them and everything
- Laird came down the stairs in the Red Death and Emilie was clinging to John with both arms around his waist
- On the topic of Masquerade, can we talk about how good John looks in the Hussar costume????  Wtf???  
- During Notes II when Piangi said “if you can call this gibberish art” he threw the score book halfway across the stage
- John’s “Christine, Christine, don't think that I don't care” was so soft I think it melted all my organs…he leaned so close to her and acted like it was just the two of them
- Emilie’s Wishing was a highlight of the night. Her belt when that key change hit was so strong I felt it in my bones
- Wandering Child was so cool because by that point I knew how strong the trio was and their voices blended together so well
- The gunshot was so scary! Even though I knew it was coming it still made me jump because it was so loud
- Piangi’s pipes were nuts in his last scene (his “your youngest believes I'm you” right before he went off in particular)
- Laird’s entrance was so cool because he closed the back curtains with so much gusto and then just stood there for a minute like he was being extra or extra nervous (or both). Then his “say you'll share with me one love one lifetime” was so quiet and sad but the “anywhere you go let me go too” got so loud in literally an instant
- Laird’s “Christine, why?” was so heartbreaking because it really seemed like he was so betrayed that she pulled off his mask in front of all those people. When she first pulled it off he didn't even scream, just stood there in disbelief, which he did AGAIN after the kiss. Emilie came on in the wedding dress sobbing “no, no, no” and broke my heart into a million little pieces. John’s “Christine, forgive me, please forgive me” was all levels of desperate and soooo good!!!! Final Lair in general was such a whirlwind and didn't feel like fifteen whole minutes whatsoever, and Laird knocked it out of the park with that final note…they were all the best. I'm so glad I got to see him and John too. It made the show so special since Laird’s not usually there and John’s leaving but I SAW THEM!!!! I still can't believe it.
So yeah. Hope you enjoyed my thoughts :D
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aajjks · 9 months
“OH MY GOD!!! J-JI-AE CALL FOR HELP!!!” you scream as you try to lift jungkook up but it’s no use. he’s completely unconscious due to the large amount of blood he might’ve loss. within the next 10 minutes, the ambulance arrives to take jungkook to the hospital and you, ji-ae, and a sleeping jaemin are all rushing to the hospital to make sure he’s okay.
“I-I killed them yn” and you know exactly what jungkook meant. your mind doesn’t dawn on it too long because jungkook is rushed into the hospital for emergency surgery on his shoulder that seemed to be a gunshot wound. “is he gonna be okay?” you panic and the nurses tell you to relax but how can you relax when there are surgeons rushing him away in a hurry like he’s on his last leg?
“he’ll be okay, y/n” reassures ji-ae who appears to be calm but she’s just as nervous as you are. she’s praying that the bullet didn’t cause any critical damage to jungkook because she can’t afford to lose her last and only baby boy. ji-ae knows she should be used to this since jaekuk had plenty of visits at the hospital but she never would have imagined it’d he her own son.
“he has to be okay” ji-ae prays as are you. the nurses relocate the both of you to the room he’ll be in once he’s out of surgery and once the doors close, the wait begins.
the surgery on his shoulder takes hours, more than 5 and the only reason you aren’t asleep is because jaemin woke up crying his lungs off. you pace back and forth trying to soothe him and yourself as you both await jungkook’s return and on the sixth hour, the doctors open the door and push him inside.
“oh thank God” you say “is he okay?”
“he’s fine. we were able to completely remove the bullet from his shoulder and the bullet didn’t tear through anything or damage his bone structure. he’s gonna need some physical therapy on his shoulder to get it back in complete shape and because of the blood loss, we did a blood transfusion but overall, he’s gonna be okay. nothing too severe”
“thank you so much doctor” you say before he leaves you all alone to be with jungkook who is sleeping. “wanna see daddy?” you say to jaemin as you bring him closer to his sleeping father. the infant reaches his hand out to grab on jungkook’s nose which causes him to stir in his sleep.
“ah ah, jaemin no” you whisper as you pull his hand off of jungkook but it causes him to wake up and be met with yours and jaemin’s faces.
“i’m sorry, jungkook. go back to sleep”
“Y-Yn.. jae-jae..” his vision isn’t clear and his head feels really heavy and he’s sure it will explode, his shoulder feels a little numb, but still he can tell there’s a little bit of pain.
But as soon as he recognizes your face- Jungkook breaths in relief, before you can go away, he tries to reach for your hand.
“S-Stay please.” He whines, and he’s glad that you listened, because for the next days, you don’t leave his side at all. And maybe that’s the reason he’s started to recover so quickly. Because you and his mother- are overwhelmingly caring.
And today is the sixth day since he’s been in the hospital. And he sure that he is completely fine now and even if he’s not, he can start to take private physiotherapy sessions. “Yn trust me I am fine.- PLEASE JUST LET ME OUT! TOMMOROW is literally yerins and yugyeoms wedding and I don’t wanna miss it!”
Jungkook whines, and there is just one thing that he loves and hate about you is how stubborn you really can be, it’s almost hot, but not right now.
“Yn I swear to God I will go insane if I stay here for even one moment- hospital food sucks. I WANT TO GO BACK HOME..” he’s looking at you with his puppy eyes.
“and as soon as we’re home, we can start preparing for our wedding as well!” Yeah, that makes him blush like a little girl, you glare him playfully.
He’s a different person when he’s with you, and he cannot believe that he’s the same guy who killed two people a week ago.
But does he regret it? No, because he tried to warn them.
And he doesn’t ever warn someone more than three times.
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boyakishantriage · 1 year
"Hello boys."
The human stood in the doorway. To the space station. Wearing an exo suit. And a long bag.
Aliens quickly stood up. Energy weapons trained at me across the food hall.
"Can I move now?" She asked, moving away as several grenades were thrown into the room.
Soldiers ran in, taking the pirates in the large bar as they took away weapons. Aliens barely keeping up as the humans ship literally crashed through the energy shield, slammed into the hangar and didn't explode as it forced the door open.
How do these Terrans do this?
The hallways quickly became filled with "CLEAR", gunshot filling rooms as the I ran around the building.
To be honest, I had done idea what I was doing or where I was going. Given a bag of C4, grenades, a gun and told to "stick them everywhere" after making the aliens run into the desert.
Something ran past, throwing blocks into rooms, ends of hallways, occasionally running into rooms, smacking them with a blinking block and just generally running around.
Our guard barely could keep the humans back, crack shots. Quickly communicating and figuring out the armour's few weaknesses. Hitting the joints, our best strategy was physically closing off the building. But this human had ran through gunfire, ran around faster than anyone could catch her and also being more of a nuisance than a problem.
I fucked under the large alien as it reached for me. Last block of C4 linked to this trigger in his hand and close enough it should. Blow the equipment. I wore my oxygen mask, currently turned off, as well as the lightest gear I could get. Since I didn't really train with a gun, I just ran around.
The rooms began exploding, equipment breaking as the human continued to run. With most of the force pushed to stop the humans, ships flying into the hangar and WAS THAT A BATTLESHIP?
No idea what was going on, this place was big with some doors I couldn't just walk into. Actually most. I pressed the second trigger.
The ship tilted as defences were aimed at the large human battle ship, it was covered in mirrors, explosions didn't seem to do anything and currently only the archaic torpedoes, physical bullets we'd never stocked up on and even then. The whole ship was busy trying to ram into us. What was their plan? Ram into a ship and land into the water below??
The plan was to ram the ship and land it back on earth. It was a terrible plan. But we'd had like. Two months to Jerry rig the ship, cover it in mirrors, design, prototype and build three things. A large enough engine, a massive claw hand and what I can only describe as sticking the BFG onto the ship.
The ship careened, massive mechanical hands unfolding from the base of the paint covered ship as it held the ships above the planet's surface. Landing craft were all on hold, we were the reinforcements and it appeared they'd commandeered one of our ships and. But that was impossible. There was no way short of reverse engineering the entire ship and even-
Explosives rocked the bridge, or what I hoped what the bridge. Their ship was built like a maze. Like they'd modified a cruiser for war. Which is frankly ridiculous and lazy. Wed practically reversed engineered the ship, over engineered it to become a war machine and then spray painted it red to make it hit harder and then I covered the whole thing in pink glitter because I have the humour of a five year old.
The human threw a bag of block at the ground, tossing the triggers to the blocks and juggling them.
I shouted, the probably captain staring in horror as I increased the triggers as they fell. Juggling had three parts. Throwing shit predictably, catching it, balance. Doing it while moving was part threat, part because I want to see if I can cause surrender from a party trick. And also because I lost my gun in the hallway.
Somehow. That worked. The captain had surrendered as I shouted at him constantly, the guys tying them up as I let the triggers drop to the floor. "so. I have like. Four triggers that trigger things. Do I just. Throw them into a-"
The man just snatched them off me.
"No. We're just taking them to earth."
"... That was your strategy. Run around, blow things up and don't die."
"and you didn't die."
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
HAPPY VALENTINES/ DESTIEL WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, gunshots!!! 💝💐🍿🥂 i hope you're having a nice day ✨✨✨ - 🧩 (literally sending anon-love to you rn, mwah!!!)
ahwww you are the sweetest AND the cutest!!! 🥺🥺🥺 happy destielvalentines to you too!!! ✨🎈💓💓💓
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notanorigami · 2 years
finally got to watch bride of halloween, so here's all my reactions while watching :3 (warning: VERY LONG and rambley)
"the opening scene. omg. why would they make a super realistic wedding ceremony if it's an exercise?? also, sato-san literally saw two important ppl of hers die. why would they make it so it looked like takagi-kun died as well???"
"i love how the explosion is pink."
"i like how jazzy(?) the new remix of the theme sounds"
"if i ever get married or go to a wedding, i'm just going to wear a suit. screw dresses. they're pretty, but they're a pain in the ass to wear ;-;"
"how has agasa-san not been sued yet???"
"wow, everyone's dying. i think they just want us to have a heart attack every ten minutes"
"i love how the title cards are halloween-themed. it's so cute :))"
"wait, why did they make villain-san look so much like mary-san and that bitch-san? (lmao, don't even remember her name, that's how much i hate her)"
"i love how disappointed sato-san looks"
"nah, he's not texting his girlfriend, he's texting his dead boyfriend"
"poor chiba-kun"
"jeez, that's cold kazumi-san. i know you're just doing your job, but jeez"
"takagi-kun is definitely a malewife"
"wait... is christine villain-san?"
"aww, they're so cute. i really nothing happens *COUGH COUGH*"
"AWWW, THEY'RE SO CUTEE- and of course she disappears :P"
"wait, the psb technically kidnapped a child. why are they not going: 'why the fuck do you want to speak to this child?'"
"ah yes, running to where the gunshot sounds are coming from is always a good idea"
"matsuda: smh, you ruined my bomb-defusing fun times >:("
"wait, where did date-san get that car door from????"
"zero: you won't get away. villain-san: *gets away*"
"wow these flames are pretty :O"
"so friend-san must be villain-san, right?"
"maybe christine is acting?"
"bruh, they literally doxxed themselves by putting up that website"
"oh, so it is her... wait, it's him?"
"it was her! :)"
"wait, so everyone got saved twice because hagiwara used a baseball that one time"
"AWWWW- mitsuhiko, stop"
anyways, 10/10 movie. i can't wait for the next one :)
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feuqueerfire · 2 months
Century of Love Live Blogging
The week of wait wasn't bad at all actually, I was busy with other stuff and watched Cherry Magic TH and ep 8 didn't end on a cliffhanger. Haven't really been spoiled except seeing a hug scene that's apparently sad or uncomfortable (+ the villains are dealt with?). Last two episodes, I hope it sticks the landing!
Ep 9 (Aug 7)
why did they not shoot anybody until San showed up lol
okayyy Mr. Chen has no time for the stupid fighting scenes with all the hiding, he's shooting the evil nephew, he's shooting Vee, whatever needs to be done to get the stone from San (and he needs San to hand it over out of his own free will for it to work on him)
I guess Chen and the nephew are actually dead this time? i'm glad, iwanna go back to magical angst not these one-note villains
ohhh that's why everybody was freaking out over that hug. but how did i notice Vee's bloody chest before the characters did smh
oh... the "I don't wanna fail again" as he's watching Vee bleed out from a gunshot in his arms
Vee, stop speaking like this! You're literally gonna get better, there are nearly 2 episodes left
omg, San giving up the stone to help it bring Vee back to life
umm everybody looks too happy before the ritual is done, I don't think the stone is gonna do what it's supposed to do
nvm ig it worked and the stone disintigrated fr
oh they're not telling Vee about the stone...
not San pulling the ring in handkerchief move on Vee too! Worked a century ago on Khun Wad and worked in 2024 with Vee
idk why his "Aren't we already married?" reminds me of Park Hanbin
"Oh, Phi, you really are an old man. *nose tap*" "Do you love this old man?" screammm
second marriage proposal in BL for today because I also watched Cherry Magic TH Ep 12
not the nose blood while happy after the proposal, oh man what's your plan San? Marry Vee fr within the next few days and then just perish??
San you lying old man, promising to take of Vee after his grandmother's gone but you're literally planning on dying, maybe even sooner than the grandma?!
aw, a wedding-type thing for grandma
omg grandma died just like that?
"I don't want him to blame himself for what happened" girl you think he won't do that once you die?
Exactly, Doctor Third being rational and saying San's being cowardly and Vee has the right to know and say goodbye
How nonsensical to not tell Vee about the stone being used and San's upcoming demise... y'know when Vee was dying, at least he got to tell San that he doesn't regret it and to not blame himself; shouldn't San be brave and at least say the same thing to Vee? Truly wild for everybody to hide this and proceed so that Vee finds out after San dies, not to mention San is proposing again for a real marriage this time and is promising his grandma to take care of Vee, etc. agh. c'mon wtf
Ep 10 (Aug 8)
San acting as if he's giving Vee over to Third after his death?! girl I'm gonna kill San if he ends up surviving
we could've had this San/Vee convo last episode without all this purposeful hiding. San telling Vee that he doesn't feel regret about saving Vee using the stone and Vee telling San that he wants to spend the last days with San. aghhhh
this sad but loving balcony combo about San watching from the sky afterwards ahh why didn’t they give me this earlier
and them doing everything together to make use of the last few days, they truly should’ve not had last episode and the hiding stupidity
this is so sad, man
a teeny fragment of the stone
i deeply wish they did something more with Wadfah and the reincarnation dilemma other than her finally appearing to bring the fragment and then leaving
smh they’re really saying who knows who the real reincarnation is and who cares? let’s forget the past and live in the present like no?? we spent too many episodes on this question for it to be brushed off like this i think
I missed them being cute with each other
this long ass toothpaste ad?!
hmmm that’s it?
I think this show had a Very strong first half (or rather first 70% up to episode 7) but the last two episodes were irritating and kind of forgot what the show was about in the first place.
I enjoyed the 120-something year old San and his little family that spans generations, I like San's grumpy nature contrasted with Vee's bright demeanor (despite also knowing pain and suffering), I liked the question of whether Vee is the real Wad reincarnation and theorizing what's going on with him and Wadfah, I liked their romance and the tinge of sexiness, I liked San being cold to the idea of even doing anything with Vee but progressing to fall in love and ultimately choosing Vee regardless of whether he's the reincarnation or not. Great first 7 episodes.
But then for the last 3 episodes, we spent too much time with the flat, one-note villains with ridiculous fight scenes, hiding (ridiculous!!!) the stone situation from Vee and SanVee being separated and not on the same page instead of tackling this together, and no answers to one of the main aspects of the show (is Vee the Khun Wad reincarnation?) - just lipservice of "let the past be the past" as an afterthought. The last pair of episodes had me feeling "okay enough of this" about the hiding and then "that's it?" after it was discovered. Also I wish they dealt with Vee stealing the stone with a bit more idk like consequences/remorse/something because San just believed in him all throughout.
I loved Juu! She was sooo cute and gorgeous and the acting was good, I want to see her more.
So, idk how to rate this because I don't currently have positive feelings because it's been 1.5 weeks since I watched and thoroughly enjoyed the first few episodes but I really did enjoy them.
Rating: 6.5/10
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c2x17 tick tick tick...
RC: ask me why I’m here KB: I ask myself that every day
Ryan’s jacket again looks like one Dirk Gently (or my gay uncle who lives in australia) would wear
She’s so right, it is not her, but since it was Heavily based on her she Should get a say in who plays her. My family has discussed this many times. 
This was one of the first episodes I had seen. Actually, it was the last one I’d seen before never watching castle again because we only had four episodes on our TV. Then we got the DVD set & FINALLY I got to see the second part. Yay for two-part episodes...
MR: “you are not another man, besides, I trained you!” (so true bestie) (also, another point for the “rick castle is trans” AUs)
RC: they spell something,, they spell... Kinki :}
I love music sm. I know a fiddle song called calliope house that I can play in four keys & on any string.
Second intro ^-^ I am going to keep this post I think.
Oh right the fbi. I mean cooperation & acab & gizmos & all that good stuff.
He’s like a kid. Excited. Playing with this stuff.  Girl it is BETTER to have a machine to do the work, it is faster, it doesn’t matter.  Rick, ew, you have Nikki Heat & someone called “Rook” (which will get you killed in a chess club if you call it a “castle”) & it’s literally just RPF & you make em have sex. Come on bro, you know the BS she already deals with as a female cop in the early 00s? (& IG 2010s)
Yeah bud the animation sure works like that & it’s just that easy
Agent Shaw & Castle really are a lot like beckett & castle.
She could have said “I will come with one person as backup, I cannot come alone, but I will somewhat respect your wishes” maybe?
I like shaw. We have more people than you do, our goal is to catch the killer. You need to get some rest, I’m a mom, I know that.
“Aha, one of your old wedding videos” he says, about martha rodgers the actress fighting with a guy in a monster costume
OH NO I FORGOT ABOUT THAT PART, DOES HE DROP THE BODY OUTSIDE THE DOOR? no wait I think it’s castle. She keeps her gun in a drawer? In Canada you need to have guns locked up, on the farm we would actually keep the gun but lock up the bullets. She doesn’t have it on her, she doesn’t have it locked up, she has it halfway in between?
Yeah data & gadgets are so cool & like... Granted, she does envy that he listens to shaw.
“I will have you know that I sleep with a gun” IS SHE OK? how do you even do that? Is it like bed knife from markiplier?
I like how he just made himself at home & went through her cupboards & all that. Though I’m sad she mostly orders in. It is not /so/ hard to meal prep on sundays,, at least for lunches & then you could order dinner... or maybe you make supper every night (that you are free) & take leftovers to lunch daily. It surprises me how much people don’t cook...
“there’s a body out there I need to find” comedic timing
Ryan how is that relevant??? XD XD ryan chill “what time did you & mr castle go to bed last night?”
Lanie (& literally everyone): So cute the way you do that
It’s neat seeing castle wearing normal clothing instead of his usual style
JS: Ok sweetie, Mommy has got to go arrest somebody now, I’ll be home for dinner. I love you, bye. So cute ^u^
Spoilers for the next episode: Ok but even after watching this I don’t understand. He shot the gun, where did the bullet go? The gunshot is what told the fbi to go in, & he definitely did shoot the gun, but how would it work? Ben conrad had to have been dead on the ground & set up before Scott shot. Once scott fired, he ran & hid in the hidey hole & let the pigs find the body. Where did he shoot?
two-floor apartments are so weird to me. I once stayed in a penthouse mansion in japan four times as big as the floors below, but... it was the entire floor, not double-leveled. 
Ok but this trigenerational household is so great!
No but listen. When you shoot a gun or loose an arrow, you usually use the hand that correlates to your dominant eye. I’m left-eye dominant (ish) but right-handed, I learned to shoot with my right hand, & I Really Really Suck. Ben Conrad might have been mixed handed in that way, writing with his left, shooting with his right. Except for them seeing him in the window that is.
Ooh I love a landline -u-
Sure bestie cuz that’s how it worked.
I actually just remembered, I DID see another episode after this on network TV, but it was way in the future & beckett said “I still don’t have a house” & I’m like ‘so she did survive & her home did get blown up, huh’
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