#literally so fucking embarrassing that i have to keep doing this 🥲
deadghosy · 4 months
How they react to you throwing up:
(Wrote this cause I also thrown up 🥲)
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Straight up panicking as he holds your hair back or just pats your back.
If you are crying after throwing up and are weak. He literally rushes to make you soup and maybe even a customize duck blanket he made for you for Christmas.
If you tried to get out of bed, he’s pushing you back in bed gently with a stern look.
He’s not letting you lift a finger at all
He stays while you sleep having a trash can by you just in case you thrown up.
She’s freaking worried and kinda scared you have something serious until you tell her it might just be a sickness or bug.6
She pulls your hair back patting your back.
If you are too tired to get up she lifts you up with ease as you sniffle after throwing up. She lays you down getting razzle and dazzle to keep you company as she fixes you noodle soup to be better. She even gets you a water bottle.
She doesn’t like seeing you sick so she hope you get better.
She stays to make sure you need anything else before she leaves. She would check your temperature every 30 minutes just to make sure.
She’s concerned but not worried sick as this is normal. She knows what to do for you.
Stays beside you as you throw up as she goes your hair back. She has a water bottle ready in hand just incase you need it.
She thinks it’s a bug since you haven’t been feeling yourself which worried her.
She has Charlie give you crackers and soup so you can eat something if you feel better at least.
She knows what to do as she have been sick herself at times. Of course she is staying by your side while you sleep or eat your soup weakly. She can’t just leave your side without knowing you aren’t getting better.
“Are you pregnant?”
That’s what the fucker would asked to lighten the mood, but you glared at him with a sick expression not liking the joke.
He thinks maybe it’s because you drank too much, but really he doubts it since you drank hard before and never thrown up like this.
He then stopped joking as he helps clean you up while making you a bath to relax in as your body was obviously weak with shaking legs like a scared doe.
He has Charlie to help him learn how to make a soup to settle your stomach.
“Fuck is wrong with you?”
This grumpy kitty is calm as he drinks while watching you throw up. He grumbles leaving the bathroom as you finish throwing up.
Shit you thought he left you like a bitch but nah he came back with a water bottle grumbling at how could you even get yourself this sick.
He might as well throw a towel for you to clean up your face as he’s not getting too close at first.
He lets you only this time cuddle him for comfort as he purrs with a blank face. He stares at your red face from your fever as he scoffs holding you close grabbing the thermometer for you.
“Ah darling. This won’t do at all. Not at all.”
He smiles taking you to bed as he grabs the thermometer as his shadow try to fix you up and get you comfortable in bed.
You accidentally thrown up on him and you were so embarrassed by that as you covered your face expecting him to be mad as he only chuckled
“DONT worry darling! It’s only a stain.” He says taking off his jacket.
He understands you can’t control it so he helps you get better. He can’t leave a ‘dear’ friend in needing of help.
“Holy fucking shit! Are you okay [Name]??”
Pentious is worried and is extremely scared at what is happening to you.
Charlie has to calm him down saying it’s probably a stomach bug. So he calms down and listens to Charlie for how to take care of you.
He gets his egg boiz to check up on you as they surround you with a worried expression
“Boss are they dying?…please don’t die boss’s friend!” Frank yells hugging your leg as you groan by the toilet.
The sweet egg boi really wanted you to feel better as Pentious grabs the soup for you and water with a side of crackers.
He definitely gets the alphabet soup as he smiles at you happily
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louissolovely · 7 months
summary- Chris dating fem reader
warnings- none I don’t think
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✩DATES- I feel like Chris would lowkey hate going on dates. Not because of you it’s just because he doesn’t like planning them and also feels like you guys hang out together anyway just without the label of a “DATE”. But when you guys do go out he probably thinks your better than a restaurant (or he cannot sit still at a table and be quiet for the life of him) so he always takes you somewhere fun or exciting every time. He never repeats a date setting because you guys already barely go out but also because he wants explore and experiment things you like (unless you guys had A LOT of fun and agree you guys should go again).
✩COMPLIMENTS- Chris is probably the least serious person when it comes to showering and praising you with words of affirmation. He already feels like you both are aware of your serious and very well loving relationship so why not have some fun and joke around. He always makes a dirty joke that NEVER fails to have you covering your face from embarrassment. It always ends with you hitting his chest and him CONTINUING to make another dirty joke that was worse than the first one. “They sit so nicely tho..” “CHRIS STFU”.
✩LOVE LANGUAGE- I think we all know Chris is a physical touch guy.. he uses it to joke around and when he just simply misses the way his hands feel around your body. He really likes touching your face for some reason 😭 he loves grabbing it and cupping it and you are sooo fed up cause what is he doing.. “Chris bro you’re gonna make me break out STOP TOUCHING ME” then Chris would start to lick your face while you’re pushing and yelling for him to get off you. He also really likes when you’re on top of him or hovering over his face. He LOVES when you’re sitting on his lap with you back facing him. And when he’s laying on his or your bed and you move on top of him to grab something over him he just starts STARING AT YOU LIKE DAMN. But because he’s Chris and has to ruin a beautiful moment for himself he tells you to lean down so your close, and when you move he says “arch game on 100 rn” “…” there is simply not much you can do but try and suffocate him with your pillow 🤭 (he has 1000000 pictures of you just leaning over him like that with your big ass forehead in the camera)
✩KISSING- bros favorite time of the day. He can literally kiss you anywhere and his day will be made. If you’re in front of the camera he’ll give you a tiny mouth peck or cheek kiss BUT ONCE THOSE CAMERAS TURN OFF..giiiiiirrrlll you are in trouble. He already can’t keep his hands off you and now he spent the whole day without kissing you is something he can’t fathom. He loves kissing your mouth (obvi) and neck the most but when he’s being more subtle he’ll settle for a kiss on the cheek. But it’s almost like kissing you is like drugs and my boys SOO far in I think it’s fair to say he’s addicted.
✩ANNOYING THINGS HE DOES- he loves licking your fucking face for whatever reason I just don’t know..you hate it. He loves it. Why would he stop? To him your hatred for it gives him more motivation to do it and bother you🥲 he’ll probably stop when he sees your actually breaking out and it’s making you upset. “Ur not gonna break out bro chill” “FYM. LOOK AT MY FACE”
That’s all I’m tired GOODBYE LOVESSSSS🫶🏽 (request if you want I have nothing better to do)
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remcycl333 · 2 years
Void/LOA success by 💇‍♀️anon
This post is gonna be a bit lengthy , blunt and unbelievable 😭 also very sloppily written cause i’m havijh so much fun. i really have got out of my comfort zone and I’m so happy i did. No you do not have to follow every step I did! This is simply for motives and inspo.
So, yeah it's obvious i was one who struggled with void and loa blah blah blah for a LONG TIME! I was a hardcore druggie, physical and mentally abused all my life, had a very rare illness and so much more. But who gaf ab the old story. ☠️
So after a day of sending that cringe ass message to u i ended up prioritizing myself. It’s clear I was idolizing void and I’ve been doubting in LOA too like ??? So in the 3D i moved in with my one and only friend, got a job at a fastfood place (pls this is sorta embarrassing), and decided homeschool was much better for me. Also between that time I learned how to correctly manifest and shiz by you and @theandreiaeffect<3. And girlllll literally less than the next week I manifested perfect mental and physical health, my dream job, desired appearance, and 7,000,000$ with a 15,000,000$ home me and my bestie now live in. I was already so happy how it was. Yet after that crazy ass week passed by i woke up in the fucking void. I have no clue how but i did.
Now for what I manifested in void.
- ‘i heard a rumor’ power - a power of this girl from a netflix show. basically you say ‘i heard a rumor ____’ and it happens. its like a brainwash power? its simple to explain but idk. (If u watch that show my fav character is klaus whats urs?)
- Time travel(?) - so when i got in void it was prolly like september 11th 2022. i just said in the void ‘it is August 30th’ and when i woke up it was august 30th as you can tell so now I’m just relapsing my days but in a goodway.
- changed family - my bestie is like family and i changed her appearance to her desired appearance, more cousins, siblings, aunts etc. my dad being a famous nfl star.
- Revenge - basically just fucking with my abusers life the same way they fucked with mine. I have no regrets so🤷‍♀️
- Name and age revision - I always hated my full name so i changed it. I was 17 and just revised that i’m 21. yeah it was a big gap but idc it was worth it for me honestly. i also manifested i’m not gonna die till like 90 and age like wine so.
- a bf- oh let me tell u. i’ve always had a crush on ralph macchio. and now i have a boyfriend who is his twin but even more attractive. his personality and the way he showers me with love is mwah.
- Removing phobias - i’ve always been scared of animals🤦‍♀️ not anymore tho now i have 2 cute lil puppies and a parrot:)
- Vegan restaurants and shops opening up close to me - I’ve been vegan since the beginning of the year due to animal cruelty and just not enjoying meat.
- Immune from getting preggo til 25 - its self explanatory what i be doing but i’m not ready for a baby yet so🤫
- Being protected and safe 24/7 - anyone around me also is aswell its like a invisible barrier to danger
Now those are just a handful of what I manifested. I literally manifested sooooo many other priv things. Just get ur shit together. I have nothing else to tell u. Honestly idk how LOA coaches don’t get fed up with y’all constantly crying ab how u dont got ur shit when u are the reason why. U have a cheatcode to life. Not many people are spiritually awoken. Do you know how fortunate you are to have discover LOA???? Keep this in mind and maybe ya know manifest ur dream life. To Rem, I thought I’d be on tumblr way longer as your anon, but I’d rather go live my life to the fullest for a while. I hope my story leaves an imprint on the LOA community. Andreia, you have also really inspired me. I’m so fucking happy I made a whole 180 with my life. Rem and Andreia, i will NEVER forget what you have done for me. Thank you so much really. I love u guys so much🥲🥲
yesss im so proud of u!!! when u said u traveled back in time from september i got the chills! and baby go live your life and enjoy it, you deserve it!!! come back whenever u want and update us <3
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saintqueer · 7 months
I'm sorry you got harassed again just from a simple post with a (imo pretty valid) opinion. If that person is the same that answered your post by reblogging and repplying on their blog with unnecessary hate (apparently queer but a solo louie) then it's the one I just blocked. I love to currate my experience in this fandom. Anyway I just wanted to say, I used to love your posts in this fandom! I lost track of your blog and thought you'd disappeard. I'm glad to see you're still on Tumblr and enjoying other fandoms. I'm well aware of how toxic this fandom can get (between the hets, the solos often queer themselves but hating on queer larries and more, to many groups to count tbh, louis' attitude on social media ect), especially when you dare to voice an opinion, which I'm mostly don't lol. I'm staying for the art, the fics, the great memes and ofc the music and the people. You're "y'all" made me think 'I Hope she still got good times and friends out if it. I made some great friends in the larries bunch myself. Anyway sorry for the rant, I lost track of what was my point here. Just was happy to see you pop on my dash through a mutual and wanted to say so I guess?? So once again thank you for the fun times I had reading your posts back in the days; have a great time out here, enjoying your favs fandoms, you do you! Sending love xx
so i was trying to avoid posting any anons regarding prev fandom discourse but i opened this one and read it through and it was just so amazing i had to respond, not just in tags 🥹🥹
of course, it's lovely to hear that you liked my posts on fandom back in the day etc but what really got me was when you wanted to make sure i still got good times and friends out of it, that nearly made me cry
because YEAH I FUCKING DID 🥺😩🥺🥹🥲
blue ( @wastelandbabyblue ) is literally one of the coolest people i've ever known while also being one of the kindest and funniest. id literally kill to meet her one day in person. i still keep up with brenda and several others i met in her og discord, some of which are the only remaining 1d fandom blogs i still follow here - they are so kind and funny and i still talk to them occasionally in a fandom discord i stayed in because i didn't want to lose touch with them.
and 🥹🥹🥹
i met 8 of who i would consider my closest friends in the whole world through fandom. through the most insane wild and unruly fandom discord drama, i literally located my found family: wedo, nino, iza, katja, olia, hanis, chloe, and su
we talk everyday still even though we live all over the world and we talk about nearly everything except fandom nowadays and they've helped me survive living day to day through some of the worst moments of my life. i don't know what i'd do if i didn't have them in my life
last night, i had a bit of a shame spiral thinking about all the time energy money i devoted to the 1d fandom. i felt embarrassed for being so loud about something that ended in so much disappointment. it wasn't fun and i know it was probably triggered by being involved in some discussions i hadn't been in so long
so when i opened this ask, anon, it reminded me so much that whatever was lost from that time, so much more was gained. the embarrassment of remembering dancing around like a fool with a rainbow flag for someone who couldn't even say something as simple as "look at all those colors" pales in comparison to the lifelong friendship i gained with these 8 beautiful women all across the globe
nothing will ever compare to the people i met and the way they feel closer to family than any of my blood ever felt
i'm glad that you found so much goodness as well and thank you for reminding me that it was all worth it for what i got
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eco-lite · 9 months
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My unedited thoughts on volume 2!
“The Cat’s Eye of Insight”
* I really have such little patience for the obnoxious stuck-up child trope. Even if the kid is legitimately troubled. Sorry, Hajime.
* “Whenever I was near Richard, I kept finding that all the things I’d locked away deep in my heart just started spilling out” (32). Uh huh. 🥲
* “And why is my brain so much more talented at coming up with awful scenarios than good ones?” (39). Great question, I’d love to ask my brain the same thing.
* Lots of hints that we’ll be seeing more sides of Richard in this volume!
“The Fighting Garnet”
* Why is Richard turning into Sherlock Holmes right now?
* NOT Richard implying that he and Seigi are soul mates! 😭
* Really interesting exploration of how in some peoples’ eyes, the more beauty a person has, the less human they are—the less they must be treated with respect. Similar to how people feel they have more rights to celebrities’ personal lives and bodies because they are in the public eye. It seems like Richard had experienced a lot of violation in his life. In this regard, Seigi is dehumanizing Richard all the time. But I think this story finally has him realizing why his words bother Richard so much.
* “Now, maybe this was just me making assumptions here, but I can’t imagine there were a lot of women in the world, let alone in Japan, who would particularly enjoy being called warriors. I think being called ‘lady’ or ‘princess’ would probably land with more women in general” (95). Seigi, my sweet summer child. You have no idea. What is this, Ouran Highschool Host Club? I think most women today would love to be called a warrior—women fight every fucking day to exist as we are. As Richard said, to live is to fight!
“The Dance of the Emeralds”
* Richard, you are way too lenient when it comes to sweets…
* I’m starting to think that most people aren’t actually that effected by Richard’s beauty—it’s just Seigi. He keeps mentioning how beautiful Richard is even when he’s frowning or doing mundane things. I think that’s just Seigi’s attraction to him as a person.
* “She had the vibe of someone who’d just come running from a construction site” (131). Literally what??
* I really glad that Seigi genuinely appreciates who Tanimoto is as a person, with all her nuances and cute habits.
* Crazy how Seigi says the wildest romantic shit to Richard and is like “huh, what?” But when he says the same kind of thing to Tanimoto he’s gets all flustered and nervous.
* Not Tanimoto thinking Seigi has feelings for literally everyone besides her. 😭
* This story has taken such a turn omg. We’re into drug smuggling and money laundering now?! This really is turning into Sherlock Holmes.
* I don’t even know what to say about Richard eating the caramels out of Seigi’s hand. That’s just normal fodder for them by now.
* Richard fishing for compliments now?? “‘You look perfect like you always do. The most beautiful man in the whole world is standing in front of me.’ The woman behind the counter suddenly started coughing really loud. Maybe she had a cold” (180). And then Richard hurried away into the theater. Like??? You can’t act so shameless and then get embarrassed, Richard!
* Ahh, Richard, you’re too self-sacrificing. Way to end on a sad note.
“The Opal of Reunion”
* “‘The universe has a way of bringing people together when it’s meant to be’” (196). Richard, you sentimental shit. (And NOT Seigi reusing that line on Hase omg.)
* Wow, Richard was right on to suspect Seigi had a crush on his karate classmate. I mean, we were all thinking it. But Seigi! You can actually admit to yourself that you had a crush on your male classmate?! Biggest character growth! Not that he knows how to explain it to Richard, though.
* 🥹🥹🥹 Richard waiting for Seigi because he knew Seigi would be disappointed in Hase after their confrontation. 🥹🥹🥹 Richard playing Finnish death metal so Seigi can cry in peace. 🥹🥹🥹 Richard taking Seigi out for sushi at a fancy hotel. 🥹🥹🥹 Richard telling Seigi to live in the moment instead of ruminating on depressing times in the past. 🥹🥹🥹 Richard letting them split the check so Seigi doesn’t have to be reminded of his relationship with Hase. I’m so happy that both Seigi and us readers get to see this side of Richard—“comfort mode.”
* “…in the end, the only thing I have power over is what I decide to do. Otherwise, I’m just going to cause myself a lot of unnecessary pain” (215). Yeahhh I felt this hard. I struggle with this a lot.
“The Serendipity of Euclase”
* Awww Richard, don’t be ashamed of your pudding fail. Please keep blushing though, that’s fucking adorable.
* His little swaying with joy. 🥹
* SEIGI you cannot in one moment say “we’re just boss and employee,” and in the next moment say “‘we were kinda like a cute married couple, huh?’”! Stop playing with Richard’s emotions!!
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
Hey! I’m new to your page but I love it so much and your writing is literally amazing!! I don’t want to say you have talent because that under mines all the hard work you’ve put into writing but you are amazing :< My request is a one piece fluff with Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Kid, Law, Robin, Nami, Killer and and any of your favorite characters too ^ I don’t know if this is considered modern or not but basically them asking you to go grab their wallet and you see their drivers license or ID picture and it’s such an old crusty caught off guard picture like (sanji’s wanted poster bad) and they get embarrassed about it once they see you start laughing 😭. It can be modern or even within the one piece realm I just thought this would be so funny since this just happened to me 💔 Have a good day!!!
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Warnings : modern AU, cursing, lighthearted teasing from the reader, Kid always has a couple of empty threats at hand, they are all disasters, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : fluff, crack
Word count : 2.4K words (oh shit)
Additional notes : Ahhh, you’re being so unbelievably sweet! I’m so so glad you enjoy my writing. I loved this idea so much because it’s the perfect mix of playful and cute. Sadly, I’ve only ever seen Killer like twice and he’s barely said anything, and I haven’t really graspd his personality yet, so please excuse me if he’s OOC🥲 I just wanted to give you a heads up that I only write for a maximum of 6 characters per post, and in headcanon form. If fluff pieces were what you wanted, then I only take single characters per post🫣 I did them all anyways and as fluff pieces because I’m sure you didn’t know this, given that you’re new to my blog. I hope you enjoy this, nonnie! Let me know what you think💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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“Could you grab me my wallet from my bedside table, sweetheart?” Sanji called from the kitchen, “I’m a little busy at the stove right now, and the set of knives I ordered last week should be here in a few minutes. They’ll need my identification.”
“Sure thing.” Getting up from the living room couch, they went to snatch his wallet off his table. It was a little messy, filled with tiny coupons and various credit cards (yes, including the ones he froze years ago after his estranged biological father had practically forced them upon him). Struggling to pull out his ID amidst all this jumble, they said, “You really should sort out the stuff you don’t use anymore. I’m pretty sure at least half of these coupons have—“
They paused, their fingers finally picking at his ID. “Oh my fucking God,” they choked out, before a wheezing laugh escaped them, “Sanji, what on earth is this?”
“Hey!” he cried out, thumping sounds coming from the stove as he no doubt was switching the knobs off, “Stop looking at that!”
“It looks nothing like you,” they laughed, as he ran to their side. “What’s with the terrible frown? And why did they edit your face to look so… boxy? And—“
“Yes, yes, very funny dear,” he scowled even deeper than in the picture, cheeks burning red with embarrassment. He snatched it from their fingers, as they continued to shake with laughter. “Stupid shitty photographer didn’t even give me a chance to blink before he took it.”
“You do look like you had your eyes open for hours,” they chuckled behind their hand, trying to stifle the sound as he stuffed it back into the wallet, preferably for burial. Shaking their head, they sweetly kissed his cheek, enjoying his raging flush.
“Oh well, might as well keep your handsomeness for my eyes only.”
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“Zoro, did you pay our taxes?” they asked, frowning as they stared at the letter that had been sent to their mailbox.
“…No, I forgot,” their boyfriend grunted from the next room, continuing to deadlift in his little private gym, “Just use my phone and do it online.”
“Fine,” the sighed, making to get up, “Where do you keep your wallet? I’m gonna need your ID.”
“Probably on the coffee table.”
Humming in response, they followed his instructions and began to take out what looked like his ID, before they loudly cursed bloody murder.
“What’s wrong?” Zoro’s voice was worried, and he soon appeared in front of them with a concerned look on his face, drenched in sweat and a little flushed with the exertion of effort.
“This fucking jumpscare,” they managed to cry out, choking on a laugh as they thrust the ID in his direction, “You look like you’ve been convincted of twenty cases of homicide. What are you glaring so hard for?”
“Shut up. It’s only cause I couldn’t see well,” he grumbled, blushing furiously as he stomped over to reach for it.
Swooping out of his way, they snickered at him, “Was your “not seeing well” also the reason behind the tongue in your cheek and hardened jaw? Or is your face just programmed to permanently look like you want to deck someone?”
“Should’ve done these taxes myself if you were gonna be a little shit about it,” Zoro swore, his entire face blooming red down to his neck. The mortification won over, and he grabbed his ID.
“You probably should’ve, yeah,” they giggled, leaning over to kiss his jaw, much to his chagrin, “Guess you’re not photogenic. Doesn’t matter, you’re the best looking man to me.”
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When Luffy asked them to go for a trip of snack scourging at the supermarket, the implication that they would buy booze was very clearly there. His hands busy with all the bags of food they’d bought, he’d pointed out the bottles of sake and beer he’d wanted, but hadn’t been able to pull out his wallet with his hands full.
“My hands are full, can you get that for me?” Luffy begged, after having huffed and puffed for a few minutes trying to pull it out of his pocket with only his pinky finger.
Chuckling, they nodded and did as their boyfriend asked, before glancing at his ID photo and choking on their spit.
“Holy shit, babe,” they wheezed out, body trembling with their laughter as they handed it over to the cashier, “What’s with that face? Constipated much?”
“Listen, I was hungry,” he moaned pathetically, one of his busy hands pressing onto his stomach as he pouted at them, “Like right now. And the man kept stalling for no good reason. I thought I was going to pass out.”
“So you somehow ended up looking like a wilted flower?” they arched their brow at him as they carried their drinks and tugged him by the arm. “Should I worry about you dying out on me now?”
“Yes, if you don’t hurry and drive us back quickly.” Luffy looked dead-serious as he started moving so fast that it turned into him pulling them along and not the opposite. “Unless you want me to eat the snacks right now—“
“Coming, coming!”
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As per their almost-monthly usual, they got pulled over by the police in the middle of the road, and Kid could only grit his teeth and hiss out a “Fine” when asked for his driver’s license (because past experience taught him that calling an officer bringing him in for speeding a “cunt” was a sure fire way to end up in jail).
He fumbled with his pockets, before realizing that his wallet wasn’t there as it usually was. Before he could ask for it, they found it in the space between the driver’s seat and the gearstick. They quickly pulled out his driver’s license, briefly glancing at it once before their eyes blew comically wide and they slapped a hand on their face, trying to muffle their laughter.
Kid murderously glared at them, before finishing the routine up with the officer. As soon as they drove past him, they let their hand fall and howled with laughter.
“The fuck do you find so amusing?” he growled after they grew increasingly more hysterical.
“Your-your face!” they cried out, tears now falling down their face, “You never told me you had an emo phase! The black bangs, piercings, smokey eye…” they trailed off, interrupted by their loud laughter.
“I think I’m going to actually fucking kill you,” he hissed, despite the light dusting of red on his cheeks, which only fueled their amusement even further.
“Was this another one of your catchphrases in your teenage years?” they chortled, wiping away their tears and very clearly enjoying this.
“I’m parking right fucking now and kicking you out of the car.”
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“Got everything?” they asked Law at the doorstep, pulling their suitcases along behind them.
He nodded, but still went on to flit through his waistbag, checking the stuff along as he did. Their flight was still in a bit, but he didn’t want to turn around halfway through the drive to the airport. “Passport, visa, cash, credit cards, ID… wait. The driver’s license.”
Cocking their head to the side, they looked a little confused. “What do you need that for? We’re vacationing abroad.”
He gave his partner a very pointed look, and they shrugged and went to get his license nonetheless. “Weren’t you the one who insisted on visiting every single monument around the city? We’ll need a rental car for that, and I’m the one that has an international driver’s license.”
Before he could say anything else, a howl of laughter erupted from the bedroom, growing louder as they came up to him. Exasperation in his eyes, he turned to them, already knowing the reason behind their extreme amusement.
“Yes, haha, very funny, Law’s squinting at the camera,” he drawled, holding his hand out, “Now could we get this over with? We’ll run late.”
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of this,” they smirked, clutching the license close to their chest and taking another peek. “The squint’s not so bad, honestly. I can tell you just weren’t wearing your lenses. My problem’s with the god-awful hair.”
“Mullets were a thing when I was 18,” he snapped, trying to come up with an excuse—and clearly failing, if their peels of laughter were any proof. “And most teenagers don’t have much of a sense of style.” Law finally snatched the driver’s license from them, and took his suitcase rolling behind him on the way to where their Uber would pick them up.
Locking up behind him, they grinned, shaking their head. “Not much of a sense of style now either, love…”
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“Robin, darling, I love you, and I would buy you anything you ask for, but we’re going to find ourselves broke by the end of the month if you keep spending ludicrous amounts of cash on book shipments,” they sighed, hurrying over to the bedroom where their girlfriend sat perched on her armchair, book in hand, “I think you need an intervention.”
The girlfriend in question chuckled, setting her reading glasses down, “Oh dear, that must’ve been last month’s ARC package. Let me get my wallet.”
“I already paid for it, but they asked for your ID for confirmation of the delivery. Is it in your wallet?”
Robin looked thoughtful for a moment. “No, I think I left it out on the coffee table when I came back from buying wine for our date night.”
They nodded and made their way out. It was silent for a few moments, before they snorted with laughter. “Oh God,” they choked out, before muffling the sound and opening the door once again. Moments later, it shut behind them, and they exploded into a fit of laughter, bursting into their bedroom.
“What’s so funny?” Robin smiled patiently, watching them fail to catch their breath.
Patting their chest, they finally managed to speak. “Y-your-your face! Why do you look so murderous?”
The woman chuckled, closing her book and walking up to them to glance at the ID. “I think I’d been woken up pretty early that day to take this picture, so I was rather grumpy. The photographer had made an inappropriate comment, and this was the only way I could express my displeasure.”
Their laughter quieted for a moment as they mumbled, “Fucking bastard,” before they glanced at the picture again and giggled, “And what’s with the half-shaved head?”
Robin shook her head, swiftly taking the ID from their fingers and pocketing it stealthily. “Let it be a reminder to not let teenage bullies stick gum in your hair.”
“There’s a lot to unpack in that statement…”
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“I’m telling you, sir, I’m definitely old enough to be driving this.” Nami gritted her teeth, trying her best to smile sweetly at the police officer. “As a matter of fact, I’m old enough to carry out every single legal procedure in this country.”
“No driver’s license, no passage,” he firmly said, though he did hesitate for a second afterwards, probably after noticing just how stunning she was as she fluttered her eyelashes like that.
They placed a hand on her arm. “It’s alright, Nami. I’ve got your wallet in the drawer. Brought it just in case.” Pulling it out, they began to rifle through her numerous cards, before blurting out, “Holy fuck,” and bursting into laughter that they desperately tried to muffle behind their hand, their other hand giving their girlfriend her license.
With a look that could kill, she snatched it and gave it to the waiting officer, who soon sent them on their way. Revving the car back up, Nami glared at them.
“What, you didn’t expect me to comment on that picture?”
“What do you say we forget about that and turn on the radio?” Nami forced a big grin on her face, though the vein in her forehead remained prominent.
“Aw, it’s not that bad,” they cooed, before cracking up, “I mean, of course there’s the outdated perm, and the garish blue glitter eyeshadow, and the very obvious fact that these are not the eyes of anyone even remotely sober…”
“You’re paying for today’s date and next week’s one too,” Nami snapped, before exhaling loudly and slumping in her seat. “God, why’d you have to see the worst photo I’ve ever taken? I’d even had a terrible acne breakout then, so my face was in pain the entire time.”
“It’s alright, love. I still think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world,” they said as they leaned across to kiss her cheek.
Tension left her body, but she still managed to say, “You’re still paying for the next two dates.”
“Fuck, I’d been hoping you’d let that go.”
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Killer had been stopped at the entrance of the concert arena as usual. With his mask almost always on, the security guards always needed to check he was of age by asking for his ID. He didn’t say much, knowing that this was a routine procedure, but he did tense a little with annoyance at having to take time out and possibly miss out on the best seats up front.
“I’ve got both of ours’ here,” they nodded from beside him, taking out both their wallets from their pockets and pulling each of their IDs. When it came to their boyfriend’s, however, they couldn’t help the snicker that left them at the sight of his picture.
“You’re having too much fun with this,” he grumbled, before taking it and handing it over to the man, briefly lifting his mask for a second for him to confirm his identity.
As they began to walk in, they took his hand in theirs, still laughing a bit. “Not my fault you never told me you used to imitate Kid’s punk style.”
“He was the only friend I had, of course I’d want to look like him,” Killer shrugged, “No one told me that straightening hair like mine does that much heat damage though…”
“Can’t believe you had a side part, Jesus,” they chuckled, shaking their head, “Not to mention the patchy beard. And what’s with the panda makeup?”
“Again, Kid’s idea,” he sounded a little annoyed, a light dusting of pink climbing down his neck, “He was all for the kohl-rimmed eyes, but neither of us knew how to apply it—hence why it got all smudged.”
They hummed, squeezing his arm lovingly. “Love the bright red lipstick-hair combo, by the way, but I still prefer the light purple lipstick on you. It’s very… you.”
Killer cocked his head curiously in their direction, wondering what they meant by that. With one last chuckle, they said, “As… interesting as other colors look on you, purple suits you best because it goes well with your pretty blue eyes.” Before he could get flustered and grunt that they were being foolish, they began to drag him by the arm. “We gotta hurry, there’s only 2 front row seats left.”
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Taglist: @stories-that-shaped-me @wifeofkyojuro @finch-ya @livwritesfics
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heesulovebot · 1 year
i just finished eps 7 + 8 and just some quick thoughts:
i knew i was coming into pain but them gaslighting us for almost 20 mins tryna make us think jihyun had d worded............... werner du pussies i’m under ur bed 🔪
aeri willing to throw hands for her bestie is such a mood if i didn’t know she was from seoul i’d say she was from the streets of daegu yoongi was from dsfjndskfn
tbh......... the scene of taehyung getting his shit rocked by jaewon was cut tew short for my liking :// like i wanted jaewon to WAIL on a bitch i had my popcorn rdy and everything 😭😭😭
like i get why jaewon is avoiding jihyun and retreating into himself further but.... it still hurts :(( 
ok i know y’all found junpyo annoying first few eps but i always liked him and these episodes he SHONE!!!!! JUNPYO MY SWEET BABY!!!!! like his and jihyun’s friendship runs so deep they’re literally brothers the way he took care of jihyun throughout this whole thing :(((( also when he chews his lil snacks he’s so cute :(((( 
& I ADORE SAJANG-NIM when she called herself noona later i yelled they’re all so cute!! love the country bumpkin solidarity now that she’s adopted junpyo as well dkjfnk (or more like he barged in and never left loool)
ok i do have criticism for this week and: what the fUCK was the point of that class presentation scene with the kid in drag????????? like there was absolutely NO reason for it narratively, it was just—yet again—placing queer femininity as the butt of the joke. and then it got WORSE like it was already such an unfunny moment in the classroom (when i said i loved sassy gay and bitchy bi besties i didn’t mean like this 🥲) but they continued this already unfunny ‘joke’ outside and i was just cringing the entire time. not even t8s is free from harmful stereotypes, i fear 😔
anyways: jihyun coming to the school violence hearing or w.e it’s called and saving his man iktr 😌
and onto my favourite scene this week: that coming out scene?????? THE WAY I HELD MY BREATH WHEN JUNPYO WAS READING THE TEXTS AND HIS FACE DROPPED WHEN HE REALIZED WHO THEY WERE FOR... but junpyo sweetie i never doubted you I HAD TEARS IN MY EYES WHEN JUNPYO SAID IDC IF U LIKE GUYS OR GIRLS HOW COULD U KEEP THIS FROM ME but ofc he didn’t stay mad and he looked genuinely SO happy for jihyun THE WAY HE HUGGED HIM AND GIGGLED ABOUT HIS CRUSH AAAAAAAAAH also i did the math and junpyo and jihyun have been besties since they were SIX like...... that bond truly runs so deep i hope now that jihyun is coming into himself as a person he’s more open with junpyo now i love them sm :(💕
eunji.......... girl....... *nella rose voice* are you not eMBARRASSED? anyways jihyun ate her UP
that rooftop ending scene..... guess i’ll die ¯\_(ツ)_/¯      
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strawbrygashez · 23 days
Shane Carver Hcs even tho no one cares about the movie other than me 🥲
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•Very mentally ill. I feel like he has a long list of mental illnesses but the first ones that comes to mind are bpd and some kinda form of schizophrenia. (I would love to hear anyone else’s opinion on that tho) His intense alcohol & dr*g usage does not help with this in the slightest lol
He also has trauma due to his brother passing and his abusive father. He also has real bad abandonment issues. Forming the cult/black circle boys gave him this HUGE ego boost and a feeling of being wanted. It’s one of the reasons why he’s so intense about people not leaving the group (along side him just wanting to serve Satan as best as he can.. and one of his members leaving is basically saying he failed him so..)
•It’s already canon pretty much but he loves Kyle so fucking much. I think it scares Shane even with how much he loves him. Like once Kyle began to break the cults rules, Shane knew something was definitely ‘wrong’ when he didn’t feel much of anything other than disappointment. Like yeah he did keep saying if he leaves, he was gonna have to die basically but (MAJOR SPOILER): he couldn’t even bring himself to kill him in the end. He was struggling so much in his mind over his love for him, his pain of being betrayed, ‘Satan’ possibly being displeased with him, and trying to tell himself he has to make Kyle follow the ‘brotherhoods rules’ and what ever else which led to Kyle ultimately over powering him.
•Before the actual 100% believing in and worshipping Satan stuff, he genuinely just wanted to be in a cool metal band growing up. Due to his living situation however, he was never able to get a guitar until much later or was never able to take classes for it. (Rip my boy 😔 thinking he would be able to shred out of nowhere)
•He hates Kyles girlfriends(?) guts so much. He can’t bring himself to actually do much other than just to yell at her since she isn’t in the cult and he probably didn’t wanna piss Kyle off so early on.
They seemed to be on okay-ish terms until she got all seriously flirty with Kyle. It wouldn’t have surprised me if he banned her from coming to any more of their ‘parties’ 💀
•He’s always a little shit but it’s even worse when he’s able to get Kyle to leave his gf behind to hang out with him instead. This loser will literally do this emoji face: 😋 at her before he puts a hand on Kyle’s back as they walk away together. He loves seeing her get pissy over Kyle not leaving him even tho she keeps telling him to.
•HE DYES HIS HAIR BLACK EVERYONE!! 🗣️ He would never let Kyle help him dye it until they start dating tho.. it’s too embarrassing and one of his ‘dark secrets’ otherwise 0-0
•He would have only ever genuinely tried to get better if he’d gotten with Kyle. I think Kyle would have made him agree to a couple things before they start dating. Like Shane can’t be unnecessarily cruel to Rory and people who genuinely did nothing to them. (Sometimes he lets it slide if it’s Shane being mean to strangers because eh. It’s Shane and that’s just him but he’s worried about Shane’s safety and just doesn’t see the point in fucking around with innocent people)
Shane obviously wouldn’t be perfect tho.. and wouldn’t try to start seeing a therapist or get on meds until much later on. I think the only thing that would make Shane actually see the point in changing how he is, is if Kyle stayed with him thru all his fuck ups bc that means Kyle does see something in him.. a glimmer of hope. Otherwise Kyle would have gave up real early on.
•Shane has no interest in ladies at all. He only called Kyles gf a ‘babe’ early on because he just wanted to come off all cool.
•I think Shane would have gave Kyle a lot of his old clothes or just lets him borrow them. Like I’m sure Kyle had bits and pieces of those gothic outfits he wore real early on but I think once Shane saw he was dressing more alternatively, he offered him some old stuff he doesn’t wear anymore. Like probably specifically his old more masculine clothes.
•If they were dating… bro sneaks into Kyle’s room from that window above his bed almost every night. (Kyle leaves it unlocked specifically for him) Shane especially loves the nights where both of Kyle’s parents are out because he’s able to convince Kyle to turn on some extreme metal as loud as his cd player can go and do some goofy ass moshing around his bedroom with him.
When they aren’t in the mood to be goofy, and maybe Kyle just needs a place to chill or calm down, Shane will just lay next to Kyle on his bed and not talk.. he likes those peaceful moments where Kyle is spooning him or playing with his hair while he’s zoned out more than he will admit..
•If he gave a shit about people knowing he’s gay (I can’t decide if either of them would care or not) I wanna see Rory accidentally walk in on the two kissing or something and be like “Oh! People were right about you two :3 it’s okay! I support! My cousin on my moms side has two dads-” and Shane just cuts him off by telling him if he says anything about what he just saw, he’s getting kicked out of the cult 💀 He’d also be pissed if he heard ppl spreading a rumor about them being together too… BUT I do like the idea that neither of them would care. They have each other so it doesn’t matter.
•CRINGE WARNING. One of their teachers calls Shane, Froggie (I’m pretty sure at least. I had no subtitles but it makes sense if u have seen the movie 🥲) AND I LOVE THINKING ABOUT Kyle calling him that to mess with him. Shane is already mad his name isn’t some demons name.. so FROGGIE…. IT MAKES HIM PISSED AF. Not really. He likes it only from Kyle.
•If Kyle would let him, he’d definitely paint his nails for him. Shane’s heart is beating out of his chest bc he’s holding Kyles hand but he’ll act allllllllll cool like normal.
•He loves watching Kyle swim :3 he has to keep telling him to join the schools swim team tho because he knows it will piss Kyle off. It’s worth getting splashed with water & his makeup messing up to see Kyle reactions.
•I think Kyle’s mom would like Shane tbh.. if he acted how he does when it’s just him and Kyle anyways! I can see him being really polite to her. It takes everything in him not to attack Kyle’s dad tho. Like he’s heard how Kyle doesn’t like him much already but when he sees and hears how he treats him while he’s over even.. he’s gripping the knife they gave him for dinner so hard.
Oh yeah Kyle hates Shane’s dad too!!!
•K + S, in a heart shape, is carved into one of the trees at the cults meet up spot.
•While I’m not sure if I hc Shane having ocd.. he can get kinda real serious about other people not messing up his stuff & he tried to land the dates for cult meetings on specific days, at specific times for one specific reason or another.
•Shane’s ‘inspo’ for the cults symbol was that he already had that carved into his shoulder before he even started the cult. He gave it to himself with a razor during an episode. And since he has abandonment issues, he thought what better way to always be connected to someone than a matching scar in the same exact place.
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sameassitwas · 2 years
the school run
prompt: So this is kind of embarrassing but can you do something with stepdad harry doing the dirty with his step daughter😭🥲 I just find the idea of that so hot
warnings: stepdad harry/step daughter y/n. language. smut. nsfw. 18+
words: 1,671
summary: after spending too much time getting ready for school, your mother has to leave or she’ll be late for work so now your stepdad harry has to drive you. 
authors note: i had so much fun writing this, in many ways... hope you like what i have written and please don’t be afraid to send in some more prompts guys! 
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“y/n! if you’re not down here in 2 seconds, i’m leaving. i’m not being late to work again cause of you!” groaning, i continued to put mascara on. “i’ll be there in a minute!” i shouted back, pulling to see if my makeup looked decent. opening my mouth, i applied more mascara until my eyelashes looked dramatic enough. 
“that’s it, i’m leaving. you can take the bus!” mum shouted before i heard the front door slam closed. 
“fucking bitch,” i muttered under my breath. grabbing my schoolbag from the floor plus my PE bag, i stomped down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a drink and a crisps bag to eat on the bus for breakfast. 
“your mother is so patient and nice in the morning,” harry said as he walked into the kitchen and headed straight to the coffee machine. 
i rolled my eyes. “literal sunshine she is,” i muttered before biting my lip as i watched him. he still hadn’t put on a shirt, just wearing his hideous shorts. admiring his chest and arms as he stretched and let out a groan. 
“are you busy this morning? got any plans?” i asked as i walked a little closer to him. 
“no, nothing till later. why?” harry replied while watching his cup fill up with coffee slowly. 
i reached out and stroked his arm. “maybe you could drive me to school? i’ll make it worth your while,” i asked in the prettiest softest voice i could. “please daddy” i whispered as i leaned closer. 
harry took a deep breath and licked his lips. “yeah? how you going to make it up to me this time?” he asked as he put his hand on either side of me, trapping me against the kitchen counter. “you going to offer your mouth or pussy this time? both maybe? i’m guessing a slut like you is getting pounded in every which way when you can be. what makes you think i want sloppy seconds?” he whispered darkly into my ear. 
“daddy, you know there’s no one else! only you, i promise!” i let out a gasp as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head back. 
harry licked up my neck before biting down. 
letting out a little scream of pain, i quickly grabbed the counter and moaned as he continued making his lovebite. “daddy!” 
harry smirked as he moved back. “your mother is going to ground you when she sees that. hanging out with boys.” he tutted. “if only she knew” he smirked wider. “that that only makes it easier for me” 
he took a step back. “give me your phone, i need to call the school and let them know you’re going to be late,” 
praying that no one had sent any embarrassing texts, i handed over my phone. 
“knickers off,” he said while holding the phone up to his ear before he started speaking to the school receptionist. 
pulling my school skirt up, i hooked my thumbs under the waistband of the knickers and slowly pushed them down before handing them over. 
while still on the phone with the receptionist, harry turned me around and bent me over the counter. he lifted up my skirt and gave me a hard smack. 
“thank you so much for understanding, rosie. i’ll be sure to get her there as soon as i can after her dentist appointment. completely slipped our mind” harry said charmingly while giving me yet another hard smack. 
i turned to look at him and saw how he was smirking widely before raising a finger up to his lips before giving me another smack, even harder this time. 
i bit down on my blazer to keep from shouting out in pain. i wished he would stop small talking to fucking rosie and get back to me. i was positively dripping wet already. 
“of course we’ll be there for the fundraiser, we’ve been so looking forward to it,” harry lied as he rubbed his hand over my warm bum cheeks. “it’ll be lovely to see you too, rosie. alright. bye bye,” harry hung up. “god, she’s so annoying,” he muttered before giving me one more smack. “get my coffee in a travel mug, i need to get a shirt” 
“what?” i asked confused as he walked out. he wasn’t seriously leaving me like this was he? grabbing a travel mug from the cupboard, i poured his coffee over before heading out in the hallway to wait for him. 
harry returned shortly wearing a hoodie. “alright, let’s go” he said as he plucked the mug from my hand and headed over to the garage. 
following after him, i chewed on my lip. getting into the passenger seat of his range rover, i got my seat belt on before looking at him. “daddy?” i whispered before pouting. 
“what? is the slut worried that she won’t get played with?” he chuckled as he started the car. he put his hand on my thigh before moving it up, grazing his fingers over my soaking pussy. “don’t worry, pretty little thing. i’ll fill you up,” he said as he rubbed at my clit. 
letting out a breathy moan, i spread my legs a little further and pulled my skirt up. 
“you like that? showing off your pussy to everyone who drives by? letting them see how much of a slut you are?” harry asked as he kept rubbing at my clit way too slowly. 
“like them seeing im yours daddy” i told him as i looked over at him. 
“good answer” he said and smacked my pussy. “pull your skirt down, we’re almost there”
looking around, i could see we were no where near school. “where are we?” i asked as i pulled down my skirt. 
“that is a private car park for exclusive flats. i happen to be one of the renters of one of those flats” harry explained. “you wont be seeing the flat today though, maybe later if you earn it” harry smirked as he pulled up to the security booth. 
“mr.styles. been a long time” the security guard smirked as he looked in past him and at me. “some on the 3rd floor, floor 4 is empty” the guard said before buzzing us in. 
“thanks, man. we’ll take floor 4. leave us be” harry said before driving in. 
“what kind of place is this?” i asked, siting up. 
“a place for the rich to play in private” harry drove up floor by floor. “for those who like sharing” he said and pointed to a gathering of cars where business men were all stood together, a few very naked girls being spread open, pounded in every way possible. 
“fuck” i whispered and bit my lip. 
“figured you’d like that. but i don’t think we’re there yet” he said and continued up another floor. driving to the back of it, he stopped the car and looked at me. 
“daddy” i whined as i lifted my skirt up and spread my legs. “please” 
harry smirked as he leaned over and shoved two fingers into my wet pussy without any prep. 
gasping loudly, i grabbed onto the car door and the car seat. “fuck yes” moaning, i rolled my hips to match the speed of which he was fucking me with his fingers. he used his thumb to rub at my clit and i could feel my climax coming. “fuck, fuck, fuck” i gasped, arching up into his fingers. 
harry pulled his fingers out and moved his seat back. “the only way you get to cum is with my cock inside you, come here” he ordered while pulling his cock out from his shorts. 
“fuck, yes daddy” i mumbled as i scrambled up from my seat and straddled his lap. 
harry gripped my hip while he helped me sink down on his cock. 
“oh god” i moaned as he filled me up. i looked at him wide eyed as he wrapped his fingers around my throat and squeezed. 
“fuck yourself on me, show me what a greedy little slut you are” he said before pulling me in for a bruising kiss. 
moving up and down as fast as i could, i let out moan after moan. i could feel my socks sliding down, my shoes had fallen off, and i knew i’d have to go to the bathroom as soon as possible when actually getting to school to clean up my pussy and my face. 
“yeah that’s it, fuck. pussy so tight and wet for me. so much better than your mum” harry moaned as he pushed my shirt up and pulled my bra down so he could bite down on my tits. 
“daddy” i gasped out in pain and embarrassment. 
harry chuckled darkly. “i always think of you now. when she has her lips around my cock, i imagine choking you with it. when i’m buried deep in her pussy, i think of yours and the way you scream so nicely when i push all the way in” 
he was pushing up into me know, meeting my bounces. 
“please, fuck. gonna cum” i moaned as i looked into his eyes. “daddy” 
he licked his lips as he looked back at me while gripping my hip with both hands. he was breathing heavily now, his thrusts getting harder and more desperate. 
with a loud grunt and his fingers digging into my skin, harry emptied himself into my pussy. quickly reaching down, i barely had to touch my clit before i was shaking and cumming with a loud moan. 
the sound of us both panting filled the car as i rested my head on his shoulder, my fingers still gripping on tightly to his hoodie. “so what do i have to do to get inside the flat?” i asked. 
harry chuckled and squeezed my bum cheeks hard. “you just keep on being the good little slut you are and i’ll let you know. now get off, i need to get you to school”
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wonusite · 1 year
ahhh i was held hostage in your page for hours, sweat-drenched and everything omg i sriously love you for your writings and the sex talk is always so so good. if u feel up to it, pls write jihoon (orr wonwoo or whoever u like) accidentally watch a masturbating video u sent just to tease him (with loud ass moanings of his name as u come), on his livestream. no pressure, love u so so much <33.
actually sending you a forehead kiss bc wtf this was so sweet i could literally cry 🥲
you don’t know whether to laugh out of embarrassment or endearment. when you sent jihoon a video of you fucking yourself while moaning his name, you didn’t expect him to open it while he was live. but now here you are, watching his mortified expression as he tries to pretend that thousands of ppl didn’t just hear what was on his phone screen.
part of you thinks it’s brave of him to keep the live going after while the other part wishes he would just shut it off and come help you relieve the ache in your cunt.
luckily, you don’t have to wait long.
when he gets home and finds you in your shared bed wearing only your underwear, he lets out a frustrated groan. jihoon discards his clothes as he goes to join you on the bed, eyes dark with lust.
“you’re such a fucking brat.”
his tone is whiny and slightly angry, but the way he’s nuzzling your tits and softly rutting his leaking cock on the bed lets you know that his arousal is stronger than any other emotion he’s feeling. you smirk, treading your fingers through his silky locks.
“just wanted you so bad.” you sigh, other hand smoothing down his back to push him closer to you.
the fact that you’re not sorry is the reason you find your face shoved into a pillow while jihoon is pounding into you from behind. your moans are stifled, but still fill the room. his throbbing cock is hitting deep inside you while his balls slap your aching clit. his pace is relentless, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“do you know how hard you made me?” he growls, sounding like a hungry beast.
a sharp slap on your ass makes you cry out, cunt clenching around his veiny cock. you smirk into the pillow, knowing you’re in for a long night.
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chaoticabstractism · 1 year
Reading ✨The cage i call home✨ by @minjoon-love and dropping live comments here :
I’m already through first chep and they both seem in love lol but I’m guessing the angst is coming.
The smut was fabulous. Jiminie’s description is so pretty.
Lol taehyung is sucha tattle mouth.
So he has a limp, sour cunt, drunk brain and great friends! Life is good
They were FwBs before but they act like exes! People who know each others body in great detail and since they don’t talk much really all they’ve got is body language. But they care and long about each other too.
Mimi is sucha goner for yoongi! Sigh. I’m only little worried for him.
Yoongi knows taekook???????? So they’re in this secret business too????? Shit Jiminie shit
Oh okay they don’t. Then is Yoongi cooking something????
His entire body misses Yoongi :’)
The whole selling his soul to devil to monster - part 💀💀💀
Jimins headspace with praise kink and desire to be used and feeling guilty when he thinks he hasn’t deserved it, is really worrying. But really fascinating to read.
Kissing an asshole, literally and metaphorically.
The whole sequence of tracing the scar on Yoongi and silently asking for a scar back like a mating mark or something or something of yoongi to have with him when he isn’t close to the man!!!FUCK
JIMINNNNN oh god you traumatised baby
The choking scene was FUCK I MAY NEVER RECOVER especially with the undertones of their headspace shit
Alright chep 3 :
Oh would you look at that? It’s none other than Jiminie’s suga daddy !!!
Jimin is very good at making him feel needed. Well that’s kinda true for both of them. Sigh
What is yoongi Tryna do here really? See how much Jimin can take ? Break him? Push him so much that he’ll finally bite him back! ?
Hey hey hey hey hey what is happening in that bathroom I’m scared
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK WHY IS THAT SO HOT! stuffing his three holes FUCK FUCK FUCK oh god I’m ruined
Kimchi is their safe word!!! How romantic
For a couple who’s so messy in their sex life with derogatory tones and problematic kinks, they’re to domestic and lovey dovey other than sex.
And we are done with this chep too.
Let’s go chep 4 :
Taehyung fumbling and rambling describing Mimi’s hair and makeup style!!! I GET IT MAN I GET IT! I would too, he is just beautiful ✨
As soon as you admit the existence of happiness you’ve to face the reality that you could lose it - damn ! That hit way too close to the home.
OH GOD THREESOME! Get yourself a man like min yoongi who gets you another man to fill all your holes at once! Amen
Shit I can feel the humiliation seeping into my skin shit ! And I’m so turned on it’s embarrassing!! Fuxk you godddddddddd
Fuck yoongi fuck!!! THIS IS SO PERFECT feel bad for Seokjin tho! Yoongi used him as a literal boy toy to add pleasure into their dynamic.
“He tilts his head, opens his mouth and swirls the cum inside showing him” HE DID WHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT
Not Seokjin validated him like a baby showing his new cum-gurgling trick! HELPPPPP WHAT 😭😭😭😭
No disgust and no romantic feelings = best outcome in casual sex!!! Couldn’t agree anymore
The bathroom scene ???????? They’re so disgustingly in love and domestic and wild! And i love them so much
Oh my god the threesome was your block??!!!! I’m sorry I wasn’t there before or else I would have drowned you in praises because holy fuck!! That was so! I’ve thought a lot about such scene before but it’s just random dialogues and images and I’ve never been able to put it into words or paper but THIS WAS MINDFUCKING I love you for writing this
Okay chep 5 now whoooosh :
Theyre so cute in bed 😭😭😭😭
🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲whatever happened
“Hurt me” 😩😩😩
I kind of knew yoongi would be the one using safe word the way Jimins masochistic tendencies keep flowing up at the surface but it still didn’t lessen the hurt that that it left :’)
He really left huh :’) I wished he would have stayed and talked and gathered some courage , can’t he see yoongi’s all ready to give him more than he could anyway!
I haven’t read anything else by you so idk if you’re into open endings or just endings where they aren’t together like a fairy tale, or not. Which is okay by me, I just , it’s nice to have had known but there’s no turning back now shit, im so nervous
Plus he’s coming to terms with the depth of his feeling, on top of it he already sorta felt that Jimin had it too. And he was trying to heal from it , in ways he knew. But now he’s ran away again and that would be so confusing. Was it just him? Was it the yesterday nights event ? Does it still feel suffocated ? Poor baby
Oh fuck he came back OH FUCK OH FUCK shit! Okay wow this is anticlimactic because I was ready to bawl my eyes out phewwww (sorry my damaged brain thinks it deserves pain even in stories and it’s too dreamy to hope for happy endings everywhere) shit but he really came back oh my god! Thank god one of them is better at this! Very Ross and Rachel like huh tho
Bye I need to cry
Okay I’m back , they’re at the sauna and having fun waaaaa it soothes my heart, this is nice
are you really yoongi’s partner if you don’t enjoy making him a blushing mess !!!!!
Kinda want Jimin to pull the yoongi marry me act and watch him be a puddle
Okay I’m done ,i thank you so much for leaving me a crying babbling utter mess 😔😔😔 no but really, it’s been a while since I’ve read an intense story like this and I guess slice of life even with mafia tones is something I really like, even more when there’s delicious angst! But I don’t read angst without smut and oh boy oh did you deliver!!! THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS! I love it! The flow, the pain, the sex, the writing everything about it!
I’ll read more of your stuff now @minjoon-love 🫂
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nattinatalia · 1 year
The same best friend your brother warned you to stay away from, since the day you learned how to walk and talk he reminded you that you could never date his best friend. Who daddy Jack think he is?!? NOT MINE 🤨 at least not for this fic 👀🤭
“Ohh, they’re just friends from back home.” You say shrugging. She didn’t js call her brother “just a friend” 😭 I’m fuckin dead
Clay laughs at that. “I know we’re from Kentucky, but we don’t cross that line.” Tell them Clay Clay, they talkin abt the wrong white boy from Kentucky 😭
You see that Urban and Jack are standing straighter and looking behind you. You turn around and see it’s Logan and Jake Paul. Tf are these Cocaine sniffers doing here?! 🤨
“Happy birthday gorgeous.” He hands you a bag. “If you adore her, Dior her.” I just cringed sooo fuckin hard!! Like bro get tf outta here 😭
“So are we doing body shots tonight or what? You look way too hot not to do them on you.” Jake winks. They’re still going, this is so embarrassing 🫣
“So back to the question of the body shots?” Jake says. Is he already drunk or sum?? Like did u not js hear a thing Jack said?? Which wasn’t much but enough to get the point across!!
“No body shots here dude, not on my sister that is.” Clay says, joining you all. Clay, Jack & Urb 🙎🏼‍♂️🙎🏼‍♂️🙎🏼‍♂️ Jake & Logan🧍🏼🧍🏼 YN 🙎‍♀️
“Y/N, You better tell your brother to relax before I knock his little ass down.” Jake says. I- he’s a real bold IDIOT!! Clay will whoop that ass wit one arm tied behind his back. Don’t mess around & find out, other Paul brother 😐
Logan smiles, “It’s all good baby.” He winks at Clay and Urban, then walks towards you and kisses your cheek. “See you out there, Jake let’s go.” his brother follows but not without kissing your other cheek. I’m literally gaggin 🤮 *goes to google * ‘can you get an std from a kiss on the cheek from a Paul brother?’
“You moved away from home, you hardly talk to any of us. Jack and Clay are lucky if you even reply to their texts.” Damn it’s like that bbygirl 🥲
You shake your head. “He’s my brother, I love him but I hate his stupid rule.” Girl FUCK THEM RULES!!
He rolls his eyes, “Your mom knew, she knows everything.” MAMA MAGGIE FOR THE WIN 🫶🏽
You two share a few kisses and when you pull back you notice Urban is staring at someone behind you. AH SHIT! FUCK! NO! It’s a Paul brother huh?!? 😭
Lmao Jack putting all these damn rules like if he’s her daddy, Brian just be chilling letting his daughter do her thang 😭😭😭😭
LMAAAOOO, she really said “DON’T KNOW HER.” 💀💀💀 no but in upcoming fics I’ll explain why she doesn’t share that Jack is her brother.
Clay really said “You’ve been hiding us for long, it’s time the people know you have brothers”
The Dior part, I had to use it lol I’ve been hearing lot of influencers say it and I cringe so bad lmaooo.
Listen Jake and Logan are idiots, I don’t like them here or in real life 😭😭😭😭 I had to add someone we all dislike a bit and look it worked perfectly 😅
Jack said little to no words but Clay, he literally said “I don’t have to keep it classy for the public, I’m gonna speak my shit.” As he should, win brother !!!!!!
I’ll make sure to tell her to get checked for std because those Paul brothers 😬 😳 🤮
She really didn’t care about them rules once she fucked Urban that one summer!!!! But then she woke up and felt guilty and bolted 🤦🏻‍♀️ miss girl is a whole mess and needs to get it together and let her brothers know she’s grown and can date whoever she wants!!!!!!
👀 I wonder who caught them lmaoooo 🤫🤪
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drunkjaked · 2 years
Omg I'm kinda embarrassed I know you said it's not bad to reply late but this is getting out of hand... how did your presentation go? I ended up not going to the other concert because my brothers got sick and he's was my ride 😔 but I was supposed to see barns courtney he's super good live it would've been so much fun 😔 I got the necklace!! I think it's called the ballina necklace? But it's basically just the logo with a pearl in the middle it's so pretty I love it like it's my own child <3 your Spotify wrapped... miss ma'am... like that's so valid of you but damn top .005% like I can't even imagine that I just. Wow. But again so valid I love that for you <3 I don't use Spotify so I don't get all the fancy graphics and data and all that but I do get my top songs of the year and my top artist of the month which is cool but I do kinda wish I could participate 🥲 it's fine though I like the app I use! I hope you're doing well, and I hope that school isn't too bad cause lord knows it can be -_- do you have any plans for the holidays? And yeah honestly matching boba and mcdonalds I think we were meant to meet <3 I hope you have a wonder amazing day/night and that every day gets better and better <3 -💕
hey 💕💕💕don't worry about it really !!! just glad to hear from you at all <333
wow.. the presentation.. i absolutely fucked up my 7 seconds of speaking time .. humiliating, but the rest of the group did so well and im really proud of them for staying calm and getting shit done <3 im also in love with one of the boys that was in the group and we all went out for drinks after doing the presentation and i drunkenly told him that i hoped the two of us would still keep talking after finishing the pres even though we don't have to and he like .. reciprocated my hopes and told me that he thinks im cute so .. that is .. just lovely.. anyway sorry for dumping all that out in here, my bad..
sorry that you couldn't go, i hope your brother is feeling better though !!! and omds that necklace is so SO pretty.. please keep an eye on it because people (me) can just be .. downright evil these days and like.. take your things from you 🤷🤷🤷.. especially the ones that they think are really beautiful and also want to possess.. haha,,, happy for you. 🙁.
my spotify wrapped.. i was like asking other people about theirs and like .. my friend's top song was a song she listened to 64 times THE WHOLE YEAR??? like i just .. was so impressed because like every song until my top 6 has 1k plays MINIMUM like .. im so jealous of people who can consume media in appropriate quantities.. it was down from last year though, my total minutes last year were 169k .. yikes .. who was your top artist and what was you top song? if you don't mind answering, also the thing about wrapped is like it's so colourful and full of patterns that it feels a little overwhelming.. like im grateful for the stats but the package it comes in is .. too much AND ITS SO LONGWINDED LIKE IT TOOK 150K MINUTES JUST TO SEE EVERYTHING OH MY GOODNESS 👎👎👎.
i'm doing pretty good honestly.. now that my presentation is over almost all of my school related stress has gone with it, i just have two more things to hand in and i'll be able to just relax and do nothing until january when classes start up again !!!
my holiday plans are pretty tame, my siblings (2 brothers and a sister) are going to come home and we'll spend time together for like a week or something before they all leave but EXCITINGLY.. my birthday is coming up (dec 17) and i'm so excited.. my birthday is literally my favourite day of the year so im reaaaaally looking forward to it even though my plans aren't particularly special 🥳 !
how are you doing? how are your classes treating you? especially around this time of the year oh man.. any holiday plans of your own?
im happy that we did get around to meeting and i hope we can be friends for a long time !!! thank u for the well wishes, as always im hoping the same for you and that you look after yourself and have lots and lots of fun ! all my love 💕, great catching up w u as always <3
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so many people complimented my dress and told me i looked pretty which was so nice….. i got attention from so many people but it kind of hurts that i got almost nothing from the people i craved it the most 🥲 i feel bad lmao i should he grateful but yeah
i don’t have a crush crush but there’s three guys i kinda of like, so recap:
• mechanical engineer, not in my program, was in one of my classes last year (we had “dinner”together once and i lost my shit it’s in an old post)
• neuroscience, in my program, he complimented me a lot at the beginning of the semester but hasn’t really talked to me recently :(
• literally not sure right now but it used to be biochem, in my program, roommate’s friend, have never met him
for the engineer guy i like him because he’s so sweet. he was already really nice to me and it’s so great to speak to someone who is kind like that. he’s really smart and outgoing, i enjoyed his company a lot and would like to be friends with him still, hopefully i’ll see him around more and we can get together some time. i considered asking him to this dance but since we weren’t super close i figured it would be awkward, and also taking a date would mean i don’t get to speak to others 😭 so that’s all for him, since the party was for people in my program and their dates. i forgot to emphasize more earlier but he is adorable. literally golden retriever type boy 😭
as for the neuro guy, he’s the one that’s literally stunning. i cant explain but so you have an idea i told another friend in my program today when i saw him in line and she literally said “he looks cute from the back” HE DOES. his face is perfect and he’s super super handsome. he’s really smart and i fucking love it when he talks in class cause his voice is sooooo deep and soothing and nice and i get so upset when he’s sick and doesn’t go to class it’s happened like twice already and it’s so annoying help 😭 anyway he used to tell me nice things sometimes and i went the opposite direction an embarrassing amount of times so i could talk to him a bit longer while we walked 🙃 anyway i feel like we haven’t spoken in so long and i feel very…. distant. but i literally catch him staring at me in class idk if im delusional but sometimes it seems like he might like me a little but it’s weird because he’s kind of reserved but also super popular im so confused regarding him. but what felt so nice was that when he saw me today he waved and smiled soooo beautifully i almost 🫠 we were in that aforementioned line though (I HATE THAT LINE 🎤) so i don’t know if he saw my dress i hope he did so many people liked it i hope he liked it too im ??/!/?/? i wish i could have talked to him…..
as for the last guy he just kinda proved to me it’s a waste of time lmao. he is really really cute on paper seems like everything i want but naur so bye to him because I KID YOU NOT this man spoke to everyone but me and he had drunk girls hanging off him all night this girl literally fell to the floor and he had to keep lifting her and it was just weird to see idk i am not about that so if that’s what he likes to do i am not going to butt in he can have these types of friends lmao but something tells me it’s not really my scene so 😭 but yeah. it’s nice he helped his friend but it rubs me the wrong way when someone is close with hundreds of drunk women sorry not sorry ?
the best part was definitely the neuro guy smiling at me. he looked so handsome. i hope i can get closer to him. we are so different but maybe. idk. i don’t want a boyfriend but it does give my life excitement. Heheh tee hee hee
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fraldarrius · 2 years
really, really hate that i even have to make another post like this, i’ve been putting it off as long as i possibly can, but things are getting pretty dire again and i don’t really have a choice anymore so here we go again
basically, my mom and i are extremely broke and we’re barely staying afloat right now—i STILL haven’t been able to find a job despite looking literally every day and applying for everything that seems even remotely tolerable and won’t make me want to ✨unalive myself✨, so i’m still only getting what i get from unemployment. my mother nearly died in november from sepsis, she spent three weeks in the hospital, and after that was receiving multiple visits a week from extramural nurses since she was sent home with a picc line in her arm for meds. she’s well enough now that the picc line has been removed, but she can still barely walk (the infection that caused her sepsis originated in her foot—she’s severely diabetic, she’s already had a toe amputated because of this and nearly lost her whole foot this time) so working is out of the question, and she’s also relying on unemployment for income. neither of us are making anywhere near enough to completely cover our bills, though, we’ve both been forced to pay things late/put the absolute smallest amount of money possible on bills just so we can like, y’know, eat 🥴 because it’s winter, our power bill has been absolutely insane, like. as of the bill we got last month, it was nearly $1400, and i expect we’ll get a new bill sometime this week that will probably put it around $1600 at the very least (our power bills have been like $400 a month, and i’m pretty sure we only managed to put like $200 on it last time 💀). we are not the only people living in this house, which is why it’s so high, but we’re also the only people paying because the other people who live here are deadbeats, wastes of space, etc., not gonna get into that rn. our internet bill is also extremely high, high enough that i’m genuinely scared to check the exact amount, and i’m seriously shocked we haven’t been disconnected yet. on top of this, my mom and i both carry a lot of debt from loans/credit cards, so that eats up a shit ton of money every month that we just end up having to use again on groceries and other necessities literally because we can’t afford not to, so it’s a cycle that never ends 🥲
additionally, my unemployment runs out next month, so basically, if i haven’t found a job by then and have all the debt that i have right now, im ✨screwed✨ lmao. mom still has plenty of time left on her claim, thankfully, but if i don’t have any income we literally will not have any money to eat. i wish i was joking but i’m not. so i’m once again swallowing my pride to ask for help, because i don’t have any other choice—if anyone is able to help us out at all, we will be so beyond grateful. anything i receive will go toward our bills and to paying down some of the balances on my credit cards so that, if i’m unable to find a job before my unemployment runs out or soon after, i’ll at least be able to keep us fed.
i know this is tumblr and most of us are broke as hell, so please, please do not feel bad if you’re unable to donate anything—all i ask is that you reblog this to hopefully get some more eyes on it, because that’s super helpful in its own way.
i’m going to make a separate post with links to ways y’all can donate, since tumblr loves to hide posts that have links in them from search results 🙄 i’ll pin it so that no one has to go searching for it
thank you in advance, we’ll literally appreciate any help more than any of you know 🥺
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svftvluv · 2 years
hi! im really nervous because this is my first time requesting anything! (if i do anything wrong please delete this im so embarrassed 🥲) but i loved your fic ‘tutor’ and i was wondering if you could maybe write something based on the song ‘green green dress’ from tick, tick...BOOM! if not that is totally fine! (please don’t feel obligated to write anything!!) and before i forget, with andrew garfield’s spiderman :) have a great day!
Oh That Dress
Pairings: TASM!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Peter just can't seem to keep his hands off the second he sees that dress on you. So he decides to go down on you.
Warnings: smut, praise kink, oral receiving(female), fingering
Author's Note: hi! I'm having mixed feelings about this(literally me every time I post), but I did hope you all enjoy this. I do low-key want there to be a part two only because I have a somewhat decent idea, but let me know if you guys would want that:)
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The dress hugged your curves perfectly. It fell so delicately against your skin. Along with the black stockings. How could Peter not keep his eyes off of you? It was impossible. His mind was flooded with scenarios where you would be under him countless of times. All he wanted though was to be right in between your thighs. He felt his pants tighten and cursed you for the hard-on you caused him. Of course to his luck you stood right in front him, your bum facing him. He tried his best, he really did try to divert his eyes to his phone or something, but it was pointless.
"Peter...Peter...Peter!" You called out his name. "Huh? Yeah?” He blinked trying to compose himself. “You okay there, weirdo?” You chuckled. He nodded rather frantically as if he were hiding something. You spun around to face him. “Okay then. Opinions on my dress?” Fuck. Oh how he wanted the earth to swallow him alive. “It-it looks good.” He knew if he said more he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. "Just good? But I got for you." You teased him. He walked up to you, making you back up until your thighs hit your desk. “All for me huh?” He whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine. "You know we don't have to have to go out, we could just stay here and do something else." You knew very well what he was aiming towards.
His hand laid on your neck, but not squeezing it only leaving subtle caresses. “Peter.” kiss “We have to” kiss “Go” kiss. He pulled you in even more, allowing you to feel his prominent bulge. His hands traveled down your sides stopping right above your bum. Deep down you knew the right thing to do was to go out, but as of right now all you wanted was his hands all over you. He began kissing your neck until he found your sweet spot where he began sucking on. You let out a breathy moan. His hands played with the strap along with the buttons that held your dress together.
After pulling your dress up to your waist, his hands caressed your upper thighs. He left kisses all over them, but never kissed or touched you where you most needed him. "Peter..d-do something please." You were never one to have patience.  "I thought you wanted to go out? Now you’re so desperate for me." He teased before his finger touched your clit making you flinch. He laughed at your reaction before continuing his movements. His finger moved in figure eights making you squirm. You whined at the loss of contact before he laid his tongue between your thighs. His mouth wrapped around your clit adding to your stimulation. As he continued devouring you he snuck two fingers past your folds making you gasp. "Fuck Peter!" You moaned as your fingers tangled in his hair. He managed to understand her body language allowing him to find the right pace. Your thighs closed around his head pushing him in deeper.
“Peter-I’m” You could barely let out any words. The knot in your stomach began to overtake your body. He hummed at your actions and words, never letting you go, being fully devoted to making you feel amazing. His fingers hit your g-spot countless times, sending you over the edge. You squirmed from the pleasure as your orgasm ripped through you. You let your body go limp onto the mattress as you tried your best to catch your breath. Peter removed himself from in between your legs with the biggest smirk on his face. “You taste amazing, baby. Think I’m going to need more.” He said before diving back in.
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