#literally when i get hyper fixated on something you can not have a conversation with me
strawberrybyers · 1 year
crazy how when my mom was 22 she was married with two kids. i’m 22 and i’m at home acting like a mental ward escapee over a sci fi horror monster show because i believe at its core it’s a coming-of-age love story between two of the characters
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r0-boat · 3 months
Whb!Beel with ADHD from a person with ADHD:
Cw: ADHD drug being used in a not so ADHD way...
Beelzebub both feels like an over exaggeration of ADHD and a personal call out so I'm making this out of fun.
Whb Beelzebub not actually knowing or remembering that he has ADHD amd He's at a party where one of the devils provide Adderall to make them all go crazy...
And there he is the king of gluttony sitting politely hyperfocused and calm on the couch why the other demons enjoy their drugs in confusion on why it's not working...
Or The rare moments when he's trying to actually get work done He chugs and energy drink thinking that will work only for him to be past the fuck out on the couch.
Beelzebub randomly getting a hyper fixation on kinds of drugs and drug use and recreational drugs. Bael being forced to listen to all his random facts from human world sharks. Wondering if he could somehow channel this energy into actual paperwork.
Beel walking into a room and turning right back around.
Beel hitting his knees on everything in sight where he has bruises everywhere.
Beel turning a conversation faster than you can say 'I have ADHD'
Beel 'The Man of many talents' because over a thousand years he has dabbled in quite a lot of hyper fixations.
Beel spending his money on something completely fucking useless because it was cool.
Beel spending literally days on TikTok.
Beelzebub demon of gluttony Lord of the flies really likes cinnamon roll from hello Kitty (personal headcanon)
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camilaxmartin · 2 years
Can you make an shuri x reader fic out of the scene where her and okoye went to the collage to find riri but instead of riri it's just y/n or something
ღ the scientist
this. right. here. idk why but it just gave me so much motivation skdhsjsk soo let’s get down to business.
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navigation // request // me and find the rest!
summary: shuri and okoye went to to college to find the person who made the machine to define vibranium who happens to be you.
notes: i hope i remembered this scene correctly. tbh i don’t know why it turned out shorter than i expected😭 i may write part 2 to it one day👀 with more fluff and stuff.
part two // part three // part four
“one thousand” you said to the boy standing in front of you.
“one thousand?! yesterday it was eight hundred.” he protested, while you rolled your eyes.
“inflation darling.” you responded fluttering your eyelashes, it was his turn to roll his eyes. in the next moment you heard the sound of notification coming from your phone.
“done and thank you.” he said annoyed and turned around to walk back to his friends. you smiled to yourself and headed back to your room.
what you didn’t know was the two women standing in the parking lot watching your every step.
“she’s a literal child.” said okoye looking at shuri.
“she’s a genius.” the girl corrected her, eyes still glued to you.
“i will handle it” the woman said wanting to follow you, but shuri stopped her with one of her hands.
“let me do it. no one will suspect anything, i can blend into the students” she argued still not letting go of her.
“why? do i look bad?” general asked which took shuri by surprise. “it’s the shade isn’t it? i thought it looked good.”
“noo you look great.” shuri sayid being a little amused by the sudden direction this conversation have taken.
“you sure?” the woman asked wanting to be assured.
“yes. now, let me talk with the girl.” shuri said gesturing to the building which you disappeared in a moment ago.
“you got five minutes. then i come in.” okoye smiled with her most loveable smile, but shuri knew better than that.
you just came back from one of your lessons and started to prepare for another one, when suddenly you heard knocking. guessing it was one of your to-be clients you rolled your eyes while approaching the door.
“i don’t take requests in person. i’ve got a whole damn website for it.” you said but your mouth went dry when you saw who was the person standing before your room. it was shuri. as in princess shuri. as in shuri princess of wakanda. and as the most pretty girl you’ve seen. wait-
“you… i-i mean princess-“ you started but shuri silenced you by putting a finger on her lips and quickly slipped into your room.
“you are the genius who constructed the vibranium machine, right?” she asked even tho she knew the answer. you just nodded your head, being a bit nervous because of the way she called you a genius.
“shuri” you stated still not believing your eyes and ears. “what are you doing here? i-i mean has i done something bad? did i annoy wakanda or something?” you started rambling but shuri got into your words.
“not only us.” she stated looking around your room, being too distracted by it to be only looking at you. she noticed many posters on your walls and many pictures of your hobbies and current hyper fixations.
“then who else?” you asked getting a little anxious by this whole situation.
“for your own safety i can’t say. but i need you to pack up your things and go back with me to wakanda.” she said finally landing her eyes on you.
“but princess, when?” you asked still being unable to believe in all of this.
shuri felt her cheeks warm up a little when you again, used her title. not that it was something new to her, almost everyone in wakanda used it, but just the way you said it, have changed something in this sentence. “right now.” she explained looking into your eyes.
“what?!” you screamed not being able to control your own voice in that moment. “but i can’t! i got differentiation lesson in a few minutes! i can’t just leave like that.” you protested and shuri bit her lower lip starting to worry.
“trust me. you’re not safe here but in wakanda nothing bad will happen to you. i can promise you that.” she was trying to convince you, but you felt like you were in some kind of a dream.
“i assume that, princess.” you said noticing this time how shuri reacted to the title. she scratched the back of her neck, looking away from you for a minute, needing time to think on how to finally convince you. “but i can’t just leave.” you argued also needing to think for a bit.
“y/n listen…” she started, but you stopped her.
“no.” you said rubbing your eye with one hand. “i- i need to refresh myself.” you said going straight to the bathroom.
the moment you entered the room, shuri heard your scream. her attention instantly turned to you who were now running away from the bathroom while okoye was walking slowly behind you. you ran to your desk and grabbed the first thing you could find, which was a loudspeaker.
“one step closer, and you’ll regret it.” you said, which made the woman laugh. “i’m serious!”
“oh, sure you are.” she said looking at you like you were some kind of an idiot. “look shuri, she got a loudspeaker!” she imitated you which made your blood boil. “listen little girl, there are two options: you come with us to wakanda conscious or unconscious.” she smiled at the end what gave you another dose of anxiety.
“you must’ve been unconscious when you were putting on makeup today.” you said, the first thing that came to your mind. woman in front of you was clearly surprised, but the princess started to laugh.
“that’s funny?” she asked the girl, with murder in her eyes.
“no, no it’s not.” she answered trying to control her laugh.
“i told you i looked bad.” she said, gently hitting shuri’s arm.
“you look good.” shuri said, trying to calm down okoye a bit. she just rolled her eyes. “hey, hey, listen.” she stepped a little closer to you. “we just want to keep you safe.”
“you know what?” okoye stepped in again. “let’s leave her here and let her deal with namor himself, alone.” she smiled and your blood ran cold.
“stop it.” you whined. “i don’t know what to do.” you said mostly to yourself.
“so let us help.” shuri came even closer, now standing right in front of you. “nothing bad will happen to you while you’re with us.” she assured you, also taking one of your hands in her. you uncontrollably blushed.
“i think it won’t be that hard to convince her.” okoye stated looking amused while looking at you and then at shuri. you blushed even more at her comment at this time even shuri noticed it.
“don’t listen to her.” shuri said, while looking right into your eyes. “it’s just her thing” she smiled at you and you felt your cheeks warm up more.
“thank you princess.” you said being hypnotised by her eyes. this time, shuri gently smiled at your response.
“i see what’s going on here, princess.” okoye commented again. “but please, focus on the mission first and then you will be free to flirt as much as you two want to.” she added, waiting for your reply.
“okoye, get a grip.” shuri scoffed her, but okoye just acted hurt.
“we’re not flirting.” you protested. “i wouldn’t dare to do such a thing with the princess.” you added what made both woman laugh but shuri’s face stayed a little red.
“don’t miss your chance. i can guarantee you, the princess wouldn’t mind it.” she said, specifically marking shuri’s title.
“she’s insane.” shuri commented still looking at your face and then into your eyes when they landed on her again. “but she’s not wrong.” she whispered winking at you. if you think you were already red, i don’t know how you looked right now.
“girls, seriously.” okoye broke the tension again. “pack. up.” she said with a very strong accent.
“will you go with us?” shuri asked you, with hope in her eyes.
“i don’t have a choice apparently.” you said breathing out hard.
“you will love wakanda, i promise. and we will be able to keep you safe there.” shuri repeated herself, while letting go of your hand.
“the princess will make sure of the first part.” okoye added smiling at the both of you. shuri only rolled her eyes at this.
“fine, i will go.” you stated, which earned a smile from shuri. “but we need to go to my workshop first. i have all my projects there.” you said, making the conversation serious again.
“we got you.” shuri said smiling at you even more, when okoye shook her at the two of you.
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brainrotbabe24 · 2 months
Idk about this idea but I’ve been thinking about like- reader who’s similar quicksilver from the X-men. Like super fast, fast metabolism, ADHD to the max. Basically just the dwarves dealing with reader constant yapping and need for sweets.
Hi! Thank you for the request!
Okay, so you get a two-in-one, lol! I went a little crazy with this one and interpreted it into two scenarios.
The company reacting to the reader's ADHD craziness
How the company would react to the reader having superpowers
I also wrote a scenario yesterday about the company finding out the reader has ADHD. That felt like a prequel to this ask...it will be linked below
Thank you for such a fun idea. I hope it's okay I wrote it like this and not one scenario!💖🎉
The company reacting to reader's ADHD craziness
Balin: Just watches from afar and laughs at your shenanigans. Loves the energy you give the group, always keeping them on their toes!
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Dwalin: Loves you, but every so often he needs quiet lol
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Óin: Oin would send you on wild errands! He found out the hard way that boring adventures get you distracted…so the crazier, the better. 
“Y/N, I asked for rosemary, and you literally came back with a bag of potatoes and a bloody nose. What did you do????”
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Glóin: He just lets you do your thing. "Y/N will run out of steam at some point." Tired dad vibes…
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Bifur: Bifur would gift you fidget toys! I bet he would take the time to make them for you too! How sweet 🥺
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Bofur: Jam sessions/singing constantly! Due to your ADHD, you guys would switch up the genre quite a bit. It would be a total production, too!
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Bombur:  Would be down to go on crazy little side quests with you! You usually take him on the quests Oin gives you. Y'all would be like Merry and Pippin in LOTR
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Ori: He would try to get you interested in hobbies to help keep you focused…like knitting. It doesn’t work, but you’ll still sit with him while he knits because he can keep up with your conversations and constant changing of topics.
Side note: I could not find a GIF of this exact topic...so imagine the reader is Homer and Ori is Marge trying to keep up with the conversation. Bart and Lisa are the rest of the company, lol 😂😂
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Dori: Dori would be a helicopter mom! He would be scared you would get hurt, and worried other people in the company would influence your recklessness. You would basically be absorbed into their little family, lol!
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Nori: Nori would team up with you to do some wild shit. He is the bad influence Dori is scared about
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Thorin: Tired. Realized at this point that half the company has ADHD. Y'all ain't getting to Erebor any time soon.
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Fíli: I think he would enjoy the late-night chat session! He would make sure to sleep next to you during the adventure because at least twice a night, you would wake him up and ask him random questions.
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Kíli: He has ADHD, too. So, the fact that both of you have it makes me feel like Kili would see that as a deep connection—like soulmate material! I wouldn't put it past him to propose…
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Bilbo: Would make you a cute little journal to write down your to-do's!
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Gandalf: Gandalf would be a provoker like Nori. Imagine everyone is calming down for the night, you are all tired out, and then out of nowhere, you hear him whisper, “Psst Y/N ask Kili why he can’t grow a beard.” or “psst Y/N I heard Thorin wanted to hear about your super specific hyper fixation that takes hours to explain…(like one piece lol with all its episodes 😭).”
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How the company reacts to reader having superpowers
Balin: He can’t keep up. You are too fast, and it hurts his brain. He does appreciate the hard work you put in when there is an orc ambush. 
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Dwalin: He loves it! He thinks you are a strong, courageous badass. He is happy you are on their side. Will cheer you on in battle!
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Óin: Tries to figure out how you do it … isn't convinced fully. Is it magic? Are you eating something?
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Glóin: He blames the food or candy you were eating. He does not believe you have powers… that's all nonsense. 
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Bifur: Couldn't care! Like Dwalin, he is just thankful you are on their side. 
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Bofur: Comes up with nicknames/superhero names for you - a true fanboy, lol!
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Bombur and Ori: Would think it’s magic!
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Dori: Would make sure you got enough rest.
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Nori: Tries to convince you to use your skills for evil, like stealing or cheating at games...maybe not evil but definitely his gain lol
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Thorin: He's super excited! He wants to use your skills to help reclaim Erebor and constantly asks you to do recon.
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Fíli: He's excited like his uncle, but he would want to train with you so he can keep up, lol. 
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Kíli: Kili would want to compete! “Come on, y/n, let's see who's faster! I know I’ll beat you.” Maybe he is a little jealous that his uncle likes you and trusts you to do recon and other cool stuff.
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Bilbo: He would think you also had a “special” ring and get paranoid. He would also ask you a lot of questions to see if you know about his ring. 
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Gandalf: Suspicious! He doesn't believe you are from this universe. It leaves more questions than answers.
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Link to the ADHD one I was talking about above:
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daineic-art · 1 year
-taps mic- Is this thing on?
Okay uh
Hi everyone!
It’s been a… long time since I’ve been actually active, hasn’t it? Well- I have a few explanations if you’d like to sit down and hear them.
To make a really long story short, I fell out of love with SSO. The game was not fun for me anymore and I found no joy in it due to multiple reasons. My own general drama moments, there were multiple things the company did, different things I got into, etc.
The biggest thing (now don't laugh I know how stupid this sounds in relation to Star Stable) was trauma. Yes, trauma. When you've been groomed using a game you've loved since you were 9 years old… you kind of stop playing that game. I resented this game for literal years due to trauma and SSO didn't help themselves by making some dumb decisions. But I was also a kid with trauma I didn't know how to handle. I can't even pinpoint exactly when everything happened, but I know it was around my mid-teens, and has been years since. I have done a lot of soul-searching and development since then because, wow, people can change! Some developments include; I started going to college, didn't like it, and I dropped out. I quit my very awful retail job and got something more akin to my field of study. Then finally, probably the most important one, I got out of an abusive relationship that I got into due to desperation. I'm in a new one with someone I genuinely care about and, frankly, want to spend the rest of my life with. It's insane how one person can open up your eyes so much and help you truly heal and change.
And because of that… I want to say sorry to those I might have hurt when I was still young and hurting. I know trauma isn't always an excuse but when it's all you know and you don't know how to control those feelings you are extremely volatile. I'm sorry to the friends I pushed away, I understand why you left. I'm sorry to the friends who stuck around and had to help me but I am also thankful for you. I'm also thankful to my audience who probably has 0 clue what I'm even talking about! I'm also sorry to those who had to witness my crippling hyper-fixation on You-Know-Who. I promise I'm over that LOL (while I still might draw That Specific Man, I am no longer mentally ill about him)
But why am I talking about this? Why all this deep conversation over a game where you ride around on a horse? Because I want to set my own record straight for myself and I want to start with a clean slate. This might involve a blog name change, maybe even a blog cleanse. But it starts here, with this post. And I'm really hoping this is the start to something better. I won't be posting right away as I want to get my own lore in order but I figured putting something into the world announcing my return (or that at least I've dropped my malice for the game) would be a good start.
I hope yall stick around! Lots of love from Sam 🦌🌿💚
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Getting a submission for a matchup before this closes!!!
Let's start by talking a bit personality wise. I'm a very extroverted woman with very nerdy hobbies. While I love going out with my friends, having fun at parties and talking, dancing and laughing until I can't anymore (I have literally gotten sick out of how much I laughed many times because my throat gets sore, and my friends always express how contagious and genuine my laugh sounds) I'm also a very independent person that can get lost in all the good things one can do in complete solitude.
I'm a history buff and a literature freak, jumping from one hyper-fixation to another only when I know everything there is to know about a certain topic (love discovering all the deep lore haha!). I am also pretty independent, and many times I've caught myself having to force myself to check my phone because I could go days without talking to anybody if I get too lost in whatever I am doing. I tend to only rely on myself and almost never look for outside help to solve my problems, but I'm not work-motivated at all.
My most significant quality however, which both comes as a virtue and a flaw, is that I can read people and situations like books. I'm that person that knows the ending to most movies by the first five minutes of it, or the one that knows exactly the intentions of someone when talking with them. Because of that, I can be incredibly insightful, but also somewhat manipulative.
Other than that, I'm a short, blond girl with slightly tan skin and an obsession for warm colors, so much so that my family and friends tend to call me "little sun". I'm an ENFT. I'm also someone incredibly romantic --if I'm in a relationship, only that partner exist for me, so I'm also monogamous. I'm bisexuality, but I tend to be more attracted to masculine people, but I have also dated girls in the past (which means that if you only can/want do one match up, preferably masculine please!)
And that's it!!! Thank you so so much for taking requests 🌼
A/N: OOh boy, my Little Sun Anon, I have to tell you I read your first paragraph and immediately had someone in mind and the more I read the more perfect I thought they’d be for you lol. Thank you so much for your description, especially the way you spoke about your personality- it gave me a super clear picture. I feel like I know you now, lol. 
As for a matchup, because you said you’re bi, but tend to date more masculine people, I’ve given you two answers below, one male and one female- so you can choose who you feel is most accurate. But if I’m being honest, the first matchup, (the male one in this case) is who I think you’re most compatible with. 
For you, my Little Sun, I think you’re best paired with either Gale (Male) or Karlach (Female)!
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💜 Gale is literally the PERFECT match for you! He’s more introverted, but charismatic and a huge nerd. He loves learning, and has a history of hyper fixating on something until he gets it himself. He’s not the funniest guy in Baldur’s Gate, but he does have a decent sense of humor. And he cannot, I mean, absolutely cannot stop himself from making puns and dad jokes. Like… literally all of the time. 
Gale loves how outgoing and extroverted you are. He’s not super shy per say, but he can be a bit awkward socially, so he’s very grateful to you for coming to his rescue in conversation quite often. And he’s incredibly happy you have tons of friends. Friends and him haven't always been compatible, and since his breakup with Mystra even less so. So he’s pleased you have a larger than average group of companies to introduce him to. Plus it takes the pressure off of him in a way, knowing he’s not the only companion you have to go to for outings or advice. He does enjoy a good party, especially if there's good wine and good food, but he also likes to spend a good amount of time just being quiet indoors. So if you ever want to party, but he wants to read, he has no problems wishing you the best of times with your friends so long as you always come home to him in the end. 
He’s also very pleased to be with someone with such a rich sense of humor, and the love of laughter. Personally, he thinks he can be hysterical, and he feels a swell of pride every time you can’t help but fall into a laughing fit over one of his jokes. 
He’s even more grateful you appreciate the knowledge of a good book, or a good study session as it can be rather challenging to find extroverts who do. He’s more than willing to spend hours in study or discussion with you, happy to prattle on about all he knows on any magical subject of your choosing. He’s also relieved you don’t find it odd to spend time apart. Gods know how he can get lost in a good book, or while practicing a spell. And he’d hate for you to feel ignored or left out. He’s very soothed by your understanding. 
He does ask that you confide in him more. He knows it can be difficult opening up, he suffers from the same problem himself. But, he wants you to know you can rely on him as your partner. And he hopes you’re okay with him coming to you. He believes partners work best when they’re a team, and so long as the two of you can communicate openly and freely, there’s nothing you can’t get through together. 
He doesn’t find it manipulative that you’re adept at reading people. If anything, he feels safer knowing you can take care of yourself when he’s not there. He hasn't always been the best judge of character in the past, so he’s often put at ease with you by his side when meeting new people, knowing you can judge their true intentions within minutes of knowing them. 
Gale thinks you’re so gorgeous, especially in all of your bright warm colors. He does think of you as his own personal ray of sunshine. You’re just so warm and comforting to be around. I mean he’s also incredibly romantic. In a relationship, he believes in 100% commitment, full monogamy, no one beyond your partner should be a blip on your romantic radar. And that’s exactly how he loves it. You essentially become the center of his universe, so your nickname is quite ironic as you basically become Gale’s ‘Little Sun’. 
Gale, to me, is an ENFP, so he also has extroverted intuition and feeling. The two of you are very good at instinctively knowing each other's feelings and thoughts. You can communicate with just a look- no words necessary. And you can tell, from the look in Gale’s eyes, that he loves you more than words could ever say. 
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❤️️ Karlach would also be a fine fit for you, if you’d prefer a female partner. She’s a ball of energy, and she loves to have fun! She loves how hard you laugh. She tries to get you to laugh so hard, you’re sick, so long as she gets to laugh with you!
She’s not super into literature or deep lore, but she loves how excited you get about it. She’ll beam listening to you rant about all you’ve learned and you watch her train with the same proud interested expression. 
Karlach is also independent in that she’s been forced to rely solely on herself for years. She’s not used to having someone to turn to when things go south, but she’s really glad you’re there to remind her she doesn’t have to face anything alone. She welcomes your advice and your partnership in everything she does. The only thing she’s hesitant to share with you is any fighting skills, as she wants to keep you safe, far, faw away from any battlefield. 
She does grow occasionally weary of your ability to read people, but not because she thinks it’s manipulative, but out of fear if you do it on her, you won’t like what you find. Please reassure her, she’s wonderful. She still feels some guilt over the things she was forced to do in the past. She’s very happy you can read others though. Gods know if she could read people like that, maybe she wouldn’t have ended up working for Gortash, maybe she would've been able to see through him. 
Karlach thinks you’re absolutely fucking gorgeous! She loves your blonde hair and tan skin, and the fact that she can easily pick you up and toss you over her shoulder lol. She thinks you look incredible in all your warm colors- especially the color red. If you really want to surprise her, wear an all red outfit and just wait and see her reaction. She’ll probably burn hotter than the sun in response lol. 
Karlach is an ESFP, so the two of you have extroverted feelings in common. This makes the two of you go to people for having fun or letting loose. It’s so difficult having to carry the burden of saving the world on your shoulders. It can be full of fear and hopelessness. But then there’s you two: you and Karlach remind the party to laugh, and to live while you can. You play music and sing and Karlach dances to get the mood started. The party spends the night laughing and listening to music- extremely grateful you are among them.
Once the sun sets and the stars settle amongst the sky, you and Karlach might get plenty of offers to join the others for some more ‘fun’, but those honeyed propositions mean nothing to you. You spend the evening in each other's arms, relishing the warmth that radiates from Karlach’s red skin. As you relax in her embrace, you realize something a little ironic: you may be Karlach’s ‘Little Sun’, but she’s your ‘Big Heat’. 
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ssreeder · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about that conversation with Sokka and Katara and think it’s so interesting that Sokka can’t remember the first time he was wiped. That he can’t remember how he tried to come to his nations defense while being tortured and tried to take out Zhao when every other time in the story up to that point he was ‘weak’. And how now all he remembers is being weak. There are probably so many layers to why he forgot that memory because of the fear for his village and the loss of Shen and Ara as a comfort back then. It’s literally a throwaway line from Sokka but it packs such a punch.
And I also want to say that even though Iroh didn’t have a pov this last chapter I could still feel his minds presence in the text through Jee. And the body language that was displayed and how he talked to Zuko and How was so interesting. There was so much tension packed into those two scenes and the way Iroh commands authority. I’m so excited to see what other opinions Jee will spill about Iroh as an uncle and former general.
The nuance in the interactions between characters and how everyone spoke and inner monologues was amazing and I can’t stop thinking about it. Definitely my favorite chapter in itf and one of my favorites in the entire fic series. It was so good and I can feel my hyper fixation coming back with a vengeance especially now that exam season is over. I finally got a job too so I feel relaxed enough to draw again with out the overwhelming anxiety that I’m wasting my time. So I’m going to finish this one personal project and then return to the liab Sokka dragon idea. I have new thoughts now and might do something a bit different but either way it’ll be fun to get back into a more creative head space. Thank you for the chapter and inspiration!
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spotaus · 6 months
(hi I’m just gonna finish what I wanna say here cause the tags are getting excessive and people can only handle so many reblogs of moots gagging)
I won’t get burnt out! I’m perfectly content right now just really hyper fixated on pretender. Also he is still taller then Ozzy without heels by like half and inch. It still counts for something.
low-key wanna continue this comic but I have no idea how he’s canonically react to being kissed. Flustered yes but who isn’t? Anyway that’s it for my ramble I just finished making a quiz for a whole new fandom so. Yippieeee!
thanks spot for making Pretender and N! They’re the silliest AU’s I’ve come across. (And the most smooch able.)
Heya!! (And yeah, good call! I forgot that Asks exist lol-)
And nice! Glad ta hear you'll be good lol, I always just like to check in on folks ^^. And NICE! Tall Pretender from comic holds strong then! (Plus who knows, Pretender does shape-shift so he could totally just... change height to mess w/ ppl or tease hehe)
And Ooh!! I'd love to see where you could go with it! If ur looking for a potential reaction I might have a few? (Adding them... now: 1) Pretender kinda like, melts a lil. When he's emotional he kinda loses his shape and sinks into that purple mist, so I could totally see him just kinda getting flustered and literally deflating for a sec before popping back up with a stuttered little surprised response. 2) He's definitely Blushing, but doesn't like, react very obviously. More of a, "Well, that's a first!" Followed by a cheeky, "Usually I try to eat a human's face, not the other way around.... Not that I'm complaining!" Or something with a stupid lil grin and a wink, before he continues conversation. 3) "You sure know how to greet a new pal!" As he kinda squints at them and goes, "So, do I get a name to match the kiss?" Looking flustered for sure, but low-key smug as he jokes to cover his loss of composure. These would just depend on how competent u think he'd be in the face of a Random Wonderful Smooch hehe...) And those are just loose ideas? I'm actually not sure how he'd react to romance yet, if only because I haven't written him in that situation often enough yet hehe! U got him p spot on tho, so take any or none of these as guidance if you want! (And if not this was still a fun chance to write him some dialogue lol---)
And You're so welcome!!! Thank you for enjoying them so much!!! I pride myself on the Silly since my Serious sticks to writing, so I'm glad ya like em! (And wanna smooch em too! The rizz was built-in I suppose lol---)
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idyllic-affections · 7 months
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Hi, it is I, the person who you (now formerly) know as 🐉Anon! Was quite subtle with my anon moniker wasn't I? Eheh...
 Anyhow, Yeah, so this is me. You may have seen me among the people liking your posts! 
If you wanna, feel free to check out my blog. You… won't see much, save for some reblogs and my atrocious tagging on one of them LOL. I've got plans to post stuff there eventually, just not really sure what I wanna cook up, and the motivation for it also has its way of popping up at inconvenient times (example: I have a part-time job, and motivation tends to pop up then 💀). Okay, that first bit was kind of a lie, I know the kinds of things I wanna post about (those things being mainly OC-related stuff, as well as some fanfiction if I’m able to get myself to actually write my ideas out), I’m just having trouble figuring out where to start. I was thinking I should probably make a sorta “introduction post” before anything else, but I’m still figuring that out, among other things with this whole blog thing. I’m honestly pretty new to this sorta thing, hehe…
But that’s beginning to get off-topic! So anyway, yeah! Happy to join the moot crew, I look forwards to seeings the things you’ve got in planning, and maybe sharing!
As a sorta special something for you, the other moots, and the remaining emoji anons (if they wanna) to participate in, allow me to pose a little query for the community.
What is a fandom that you enjoy very much, but don’t really write for, or simply don’t talk much about for whatever reason?
For me, I’d have to look to my current hyper-fixation (as well as just in general being a childhood fav of mine), Transformers! Where I start with this one? It's kind of hard for me to put into words just how deeply this one in particular has touched me. I've It’s just such a truly incredible franchise with that is packed to the brim with many lovable (and extremely hateable), vibrant characters, and phenomenal stories across the numerous continuities crafted by countless very skilled writers tackling deep and often dark themes, and it honestly just has such a special place in my heart. And hey, the basis of a setting following the struggles of two faction of a race of shapeshifting alien robots and literal eon spanning war does have a certain flair to it, no?
But I’ve rambled on long enough now, haven’t I?
Until next time!
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i meant to answer this sooner BUT!!!!!! i am here now!!!! YOU. YOU WERE ONE OF THE "blorbo from my notes" PEOPLE, SOMEONE WHO WAS ALWAYS LIKING MY POSTS HAHA don't worry. you were not the only non-subtle emoji anon LMAO
that is so real and valid, motivation just does pop up at the worst of times. it's happened to me in the middle of standardized tests and other timed events before. it is both a blessing and a curse! introduction posts are a pretty good place to start, i think. but take your time fr it can be hard to figure out where and when to begin!!!
ohh for me, it might very well be voltron: legendary defender, or something of the like! i have a lot of fandoms i just Don't talk about, and there's really no reason why--i just don't. or it never comes up in conversation HAHA i also like gravity falls and good omens, things of that nature. i don't have the attention span to finish supernatural but i was into it for a while! but honestly that is so real, i have similar feelings about vld. i should rewatch it. it was a fundamental, formative experience for me in middle school. this shit is why i'm into hsr /hj........ but it is very dear to me!!!! there is a special place in my heart for the paladins <3
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It be so cool if you gave me more facts and backstory about Purrci and Henchmans relationship ngl
Ok welp. They met because once a month, Purrci goes to both Heaven and Hell, to give reports of the new souls coming into each area. Nothing exciting, Devil wasn't available so she gave the reports to Henchman and they went their separate ways with no good or bad feelings about one another. Ofc there's a lot of times Devil won't be available, especially when he's too hyper fixated on particular souls he has grudges against. (Not particularly Cuphead and Mugman, I'm sure it's happened before) That being said, Henchman and Purrci cross paths often. "I dislike silences." "Uh- hey! :)" "I dislike your filler more." Was pretty much their first non-work related conversation. It went on from there, and got better, even getting Purrci to smile once. Even so, Purrci ended it with, "If you're looking for a friend, I'm not the person. I don't have time for any kind of out of work relationships..." Mainly because she feels she doesn't and doesn't want to disappoint or have Henchman waste his time on something she doesn't think can happen. However, Henchman didn't like that answer, and though he let it go for that day with hurt, he thought of other ways for them to hang out. So, on one of his 'days off' (that the Devil totally doesn't only allow Henchman to have, right?) he asked if Devil could send him to purgatory to help. It caught Devil off, he was like "You? Helping Purrci? Why? She doesn't seem like the kind of person you'd want to be around." and Henchman's answer is pretty much "She's like a lonely cat lady- literally." So the Devil just allows it as he says "fine one day." So Henchman just poofs up there and Purrci kinda's like "wtf" and tries to give the "Only I can do this work." but doesn't wanna be alone so she's "you can watch..."
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Hi, I was wondering if I could get classpected? I really love your analysis and I’m struggling with my own.
*I most often get heart, space, and void as quiz results (I have taken most existing aspect quizzes at least twice). I usually get mage, knight, and page on quizzes.
**this is essay length I’m really sorry about that
I really like my creative hobbies. More often than not I'm sewing, sculpting, drawing, etc. I also really enjoy those really long video essays on video games and such but I also listen to more political stuff when I can handle it. When my anxiety is less obnoxious I like to take walks in the middle of the night- I can go outside and be completely alone with my thoughts (and my maladaptive daydreaming lol). I do a lot of writing about fiction and only actually write fiction sometimes. Ideas are always more complete in my head and I can’t do them justice in meatspace. I do a lot of armchair philosophy but it’s all probably just something I regurgitate forgetting somebody else said it first and better. You will literally never see me without my earbuds in regardless if anything is playing in them. On that note I can’t play an instrument or compose or anything but I want music to swallow me whole like a snake.
Me about myself:
I think I’m weird but I don’t particularly care that I’m weird. I hate that other people think I'm weird and guilt me for having genuine interests? My self esteem isn’t great but as I’m getting better at being an adult I feel less like a fish flopping around on the floor. I feel like I’m never going to have a proper self concept because something is always changing and I can’t keep up with that. The self hatred is mental subtext instead of text, ya feel? I want to say something in a way only I can say it, like perfect a message in a way only my art could portray it. It would be a cool thing to have a legacy even though it’s totally meaningless. Like, if somebody thought about me the way I think about Toby Fox I’d feel like I succeeded. Local strider kinnie. All of the striders. Every iteration. In middle school I was obsessed with Dave and now (college) I'm obsessed with Dirk. It’s The Existentialism. Spice that with a little Jake English style social awkwardness. My problematic trait is thinking empathy is a conspiracy (I’m ((probably)) just on the spectrum). I have serious self-control issues and will eat a whole cake by myself. I reread homestuck in less than a month and barely managed to get my assignments in because I hyper fixated so hard.
Others about me:
When I was younger I was the scapegoat of my friend group, like the Tavros to someone else’s Vriska. Classic page behavior. Now that I’m older I’m mostly just super reserved because I got burned so bad I can’t take positive feedback. I have one friend who tells me that I’m super talented and cool and shit and I feel so weird about it. He’s not flirting with me or anything, he's just a genuinely good dude. I feel dirty and evil existing in his presence. I’ve also been described as a cryptid in the past. “Quiet and kind of scary until you open up then you’re unhinged” “Mad scientist” “Introverted artisan” (this person then called me out on “looking for that passing validation” and he was right but I hate it lmao) (the conversation has gone on and I am now realizing he is. Talking about trans shit,,,, which is also right and I hate it) (I’m literally going to copy paste this next one it’s too good) “You’re the type of dude that gets dragged on for the ride tho… the one that’s like ‘maybe we shouldn’t be breaking into a haunted house’ in the movies” “You’re not the Lame little piss baby that they drag around , you’re the one that’s there cuz someone wants to hand the white boy a blunt and see you take a large chuff” (oh my god he’s such a gem lol) “You’re still also a dork and I’ll probably still label you as gay boy mentally tho”
How I interact with people:
I keep forgetting I can’t just rely on my imaginary friends to meet my social needs so I go bug one or two people for a few weeks before I start feeling like it’s too risky because if I go too hard I'll burn out and hate them or something. If you know someone too well it’ll break any infatuation (platonic) you have with them. The thing with characters is that they learn and grow with you in your mind, like a family member that will only hate you if you’re having an off day. Tldr I’m scared of other people because intimacy and honesty about things is Not My Style. All of my secrets keep spilling out whenever somebody gives me crumbs and then I regret it and like. Soft ghost them? I recently ditched a group of friends and while I feel guilty about it I was in a kind of codependent relationship with one of them and I needed out. I tried to force myself to be more open and loving and shit but I was totally repulsed by myself and them by the end of it. Anyway if I could just like, have a good friend and feel comfortable with them and Mean It that would be pretty sweet. Unsure if I’m aromantic or just scared of vulnerability and commitment of any kind. I want to be helpful and cool and reciprocal to the people I care about but I feel like I’m lacking in anything I could use to help them- they always need something I can’t give them. When I help it starts coming off as patronizing.
What do i value:
My inner world is what’s keeping me alive. See in there I'm not really obligated to bend to expectations (which are usually pretty reasonable I think, I just don’t like them) and I can live out the fantasy of Being Loved without needing to be vulnerable. They’re in my head of course they know me I don’t need to tell them anything. Politics are important but I mostly listen to other people talk about it. I'm really burnt out with the state of the world. I think finding some kind of reason to live and love in the meaninglessness of it all is really really important, I'm just bad at it. I just kinda wanna live in the abstract and undefinable because everything is like that, but people have to put things into categories and words to understand them. Having a body to take care of and whatnot is a curse. I honestly forget I have one because i’m so zoned into whatever it is that I'm thinking about.
Ideal self:
In an ideal world I get over all of my pseudo intellectual bs and just like. Feel my feelings. Enjoy being with people and making little trinkets. I might actually be less aware of what other people think of me and I could just say things without feeling like every bit of it was silly or pointless. I would be able to accept positive feedback instead of thinking everybody was lying to me. I’d also understand on a fundamental level that other people are real, actual, intelligent beings and we just communicate very differently. If I could be comfortable in my place in the world and not panic because it doesn’t matter I’d celebrate that instead. Nothing matters but with sunglasses this time. In theory every little thing means something, but sometimes I don’t need to know what it means, Y’know? Knowing just puts more weight on my shoulders and makes me an anxious goddamn wreck. I would be able to take action without other people nagging me to do something with myself.
Bonus stuff that I think is relevant:
I’m scared shitless of most “voidy” stuff, like the dark and just like, the concept of oblivion. My worst fear is my mind completely slipping off into nothing. Caves, oceans, etc- they all scare me. I considered space for a long time because of my creativity but I literally have sensory processing disorder and while I think a space player who lacks spatial awareness is funny I don't think that’s all that viable. I think I have a lot of knight hallmarks but really I'm way too outwardly cowardly and self serving to think I deserve that title? Idk im just spitballing now i'm so sorry for ranting.
Thanks for reading my doomer bs - 🏳️‍⚧️🎃♊️
Hello! No need to apologize for the length, the more you tell me the more accurate I'll (hopefully) be :)
Aspects: Mind, Heart, Doom
Classes: Prince, Knight, Page, Mage
Out of these I think either Prince of Mind or Knight of Heart suits you best! But Page of Doom and Mage of Mind might be ones to consider too
I hope this was helpful! And I hope you're doing well :)
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ravenpureforever · 2 years
So I know we all joke about Porchay living his best Wattpad life, myself included, but I think we all kind of ignore how Kim just never dissuaded him from that notion and how we find that genre dissonance between Porsche & Kim’s view (and often our audience view) of Chay and how he actually acts, and we’re all sleeping on the mini character arc he’s gotten over the course of the series.
Porsche and Kim don’t want Chay to get caught up in the mafia world, and they both seem to view him in the same lense: he’s innoncent, sweet, incorruptible.
But Chay has fucking balls man, and he’s a lot more resilient than people give him credit for. He also ignores red flags like he’s color blind. We don’t get to see much of him, but the glimpses we do get show there is so much more beneath the surface.
Man grew up with Porsche & a dead beat Uncle, you telling me he didn’t see some shit growing up? No matter how well Porsche protected him, Chay is the one dressing his wounds when he comes back from fighting, Chay still hears the loan sharks coming for his Uncle, he’s growing up watching his older brother as really the only source of income for his household. And he can’t do anything about it. Watching episode 1, when Chay asks Porsche to let him get a job and help out, it feels like they’ve had this conversation before, it feels resigned, it feels like a final quiet plea of “we’ve talked about this before, but please, please, please just consider it.” But Porsche says no, I’m going to take care of it and I can’t help but think of the impact that has, of watching the person he loves most get beat down again and again and not being able to do anything about it. I feel like Chay probably grew up being the peacekeeper, the one trying to keep the waters calm. Its clear he knows he’s his brother’s world, that his brother has done so much to keep him sheltered and happy, and I can think of Porsche teaching Chay manners, teaching him ideals of being kind to others and Chay just internalizing it and deciding “ah yes, so this is my role in the family, this is how I can help my brother.” Chay probably felt a lot of pressure, no matter how unintentionally and how unconditionally Porsche loves him, to be a reason why his brother is doing all of this, he’s probably hyper aware of how he’s Porsche’s motivation, that everything his brother does is for him. That does things to your self-worth, to how you view yourself. I get the feeling hasn’t had any agency over his own life before, he’s always been the princess locked in the tower, aware of the war but not allowed to participate. His happily ever has been chosen and now he just has to see it through.
Then literally overnight, he wakes up and his Uncle has vanished, and his brother has left with just a fairly suspicious note about pursuing his dream that’ll completely be able to fully support Chay. His entire way of living has transformed, and now he’s completely alone. He went from princess locked in a tower as a war rages on to a Queen of a decimated kingdom. He can not grieve, he can only have faith and move forward.
This is also how I realized Chay has practically been designed to ignore all red flags and interpret them as something else.
Enter Kim, stage right. Enter Chay’s wattpad fantasy come to life, also stage right.
When Chay meets Kim, he is someone who has literally nothing to lose throwing himself out there. My boy literally just recites an encyclopedia knowledge of “Wik, sir, you are my hyper fixation” all in the hopes of getting that T-shirt. And it works! His idol signs his T-shirt, he gets to talk to his idol, he has been rewarded for putting himself out there!
So go big or go home right? He might as well try asking for a tutor when asked if there’s anything he wants. And he’s shot down. No big deal, he moves on and has merch thats going to be the envy of the Wik fandom.
But then his idol calls him, and says he’ll tutor him. Wik remembered him, remembered his request, and then proceeded to hunt down a way to get Chay’s phone number and call him personally in order to tell him he’s decided to he’s going to help him get into the his dream department that he himself is apart of.
Its easy to view Chay from Kim’s perspective, as an excitable fanboy with a crush, but we forget how Kim looks from Chay’s perspective. So lets look on how everything seems from Chay’s perspective.
Chay put himself out there, made a decision solely for himself and what he wants and now his idol wants to tutor him. He’s been actively rewarded twice now, by the same person, for asserting what he wants and trying to get it. He’s gotten his cake and is eating it too. He has a celebrity crush like most people get, only his celebrity crush is now making the effort to genuinely get to know him. 
Wik tells Chay his name is Kim, he’s being open and vulnerable to Chay, and he’s trusting him with his identity. Kim asks about his brother, even though Chay didn’t tell him, red flag to any normal person citing he saw Chay’s screensaver and made an assumption. Kim is taking an interest in his life, he notices little details about him, and is asking to here more about the coolest person in the world, his brother and even noticed how much Chay loves Porsche that he wants Chay to write a song about it! He even trusts Chay enough to ask for his phone when Kim’s phone has died, even though that’ll mean there’s important numbers in Chay’s call history, and he trusts that Chay won’t take advantage of them!
And maybe Chay starts to fall a bit in love with Kim. Not Wik, but Kim, who’s a little bit insecure, a little bit awkward, but is making all this effort for Chay.
For Chay, it isn’t anything manipulative or suspicious, he’s becoming friends Kim, they’re sharing information about themselves, they’re bonding now, and he’s been shown that if he pushes, Kim will stay. Chay is all alone now, he has to take care of himself, but if he makes an effort and keeps putting himself out there, if he makes his wants known, Kim comes to him. Kim trusts him, and as long as Chay takes the initiative, he also makes the effort to bond with Chay.
Then Porsche comes back! Chay isn’t alone anymore, and they’re happy and safe and Porsche isn’t getting beat up! And then Porsche once again immediately leaves without a word and few days later you get the first call you’ve gotten from him since he left the first time and now he’s back at work and doesn’t know when he’ll be back again. He’s all alone, and his brother has seem to get a new life that once again Chay’s not allowed to be apart of.
But then Kim shows up at his house! And Chay immediately throws his brother under the bus in a desperate bid to keep Kim’s good opinion of him, once again, gotta admire the sheer balls and audacity of that move. Then Kim gifts him one of his guitars! Porsche do you understand how easily your brother could be taken advantage of do you? Sure he almost gets the heart attack of Kim discovering his shrine, but what teenager doesn’t have posters on the wall of his favorite singer? Maybe it’s weird that he wants Chay to go get the food for them both, but he could have an important phone call to make, he could be nervous going out in public where people could recognize him! Then when he gets back Kim asks him about his love life! Kim ruffles his hair! Kim tells him to write a love song!
Kim is checking off all the boxes of my crush likes me back.
So when Kim ghosts him a little, Chay makes the obvious conclusion. Show up at his house and sing him the love song he wrote! He’s been shown time, and time again that if he reaches out to Kim, Kim will eventually grab his hand. Kim has shown to be awkward and a little of unsure of himself around Chay, but relaxes when Chay takes the initiative. So Chay does what’s always worked. With literally no fear or anxiety whatsoever.
And with episode 13, we see how close they were getting. We see how they went out to places together, romantically or platonically, and they took pictures together! They were friends, they were close, they had a level of trust and bonding and vulnerability for Chay to take photos with Kim and leave them around his house for Kim to find!
So Chay once again has nothing left to lose, and shoots his final shot and confesses to Kim. And Kim kisses him! They hug! Kim may or may not have come home with him that night but at some point in they’re relationship post confession, they fall asleep cuddling on the couch.
And Chay and Porsche are very similar. They fall in love quickly, they become very devoted and loyal to that love, and they are honest about it. Chay and Porsche are both the first ones to say I love you, but while Porsche doesn’t ask for a reply, Chay does. Because Kim has shown time and time again that Chay needs to take the initiative. So he asks Kim: I love you, do you love me?
But he stops at that and lets Kim take his time. Because that’s the song and dance their courtship has been taking, Chay flirts, Chay pushes forward and then Kim comes to meet him the rest of the way.
Chay is living in a Wattpad fantasy: he meets his idol crush, his idol crush becomes fascinated with him, he sees the real human behind his idol crush’s persona and falls in love with the awkward, sweet person underneath, he confesses his love and the feeling is mutual! And all of this seems to be fate, like this perfect love story and the happy ending he actually wants. He’s practically gotten into his dream department with the boy of his dreams who loves him back.
He’s confirming it is all real, and letting Kim know that it’s all real on his end.
And then he gets fucking kidnapped. And then he gets indisputable proof that his brother has been lying to him this entire time, and he was kidnapped because of that secret life his brother was lying about it.
The ultimatum may seem harsh, but it makes sense when you see it from Chay’s perspective. He probably feels essentially abandoned by his brother for the past two months, and he’s understandably pissed about everything thats happened in the last 48 hours or so. His brother can be part of his life and they can go back to the way things were, but Chay can’t be a part of his life if his brother is in the mafia, and its true. Porsche has spent all this time telling Chay he wants him to get into a good school and get a good job and be surrounded by good people with a good social life. You can’t have that in the mafia, and Chay knows that. So from Chay’s perspective, his brother has basically just been a complete hypocrite to everything his brother taught him.
And while Porsche has been shown the type of person to be willing to throw away his morals and beliefs when it comes to the people he loves, Chay isn’t. His entire life has been surrounded on those ideals of being a good, kind person who lives a good life. And he’s understandably terrified of the thought of losing his brother and truly being on his own. He’s basically lost his only emotional support system for two months, and if his brother dies, he loses him for good.
So Chay says him or me, because in his mind either way he could lose his brother, but this is Chay making his own decision, this is Chay fighting back and reminding Porsche that see you hurt makes me hurt too. This ultimatum reminds Porsche that his actions have conquenses on Chay too, and it shows how Chay has grown up in his absence. Chay in episode one was willing to just bow his head and listen to what his brother, but Chay in episode 10 is willing to speak out, he’s no longer willing to be simply passive in his brother’s plans for him.
In the end, he and Porsche communicate, and we get a taste of how Chay is, like Porsche, willing to throw away his ideals because he loves someone. But now he’s been dragged into a completely unfamiliar world, he’s truly been into a different kingdom where he doesn’t have any of the power or agency he’s gotten used to having in Porsche’s absence.
And then its revealed the love of his life is part of the mafia, and he’s just gotta sit there and pretend like nothings wrong.
Side note: while it’s absolutely hilarious that absolutely nobody learned about the KimChay romance, it also makes a lot of sense. Rule number one of Wattpad romance: You NEVER tell your overprotective brother your in love or dating or got dumped. You NEVER let your big brother know about your love life. Rule number two of Wattpad romance: When dating a celebrity, you NEVER leave a hint that any fans could pick up on. You ALWAYS need to keep the relationship a secret for as long as humanly possible. Chay thinks he knows what genre he’s in, and he’s being smart about it.
So Chay goes to confront him. Like doesn’t even hesitate, just shows up like bitch you better explain yourself. Because that’s what he does, only this time he does it out of anger, not out of love.
And Kim tells him that his entire reality was a lie. When Chay breaks down crying, it’s not just because Kim dumped him, though that had to hurt, its because that means their entire friendship, all the kindness and effort Kim showed him, all the time they spent together, all the moments Chay thought were sweet, thought they were bonding and falling mutually in love was a complete and utter lie. He’s just been made a fool, and his entire life has been completely transformed and he has no control over any of it.
So he spirals and self destructs. Him ditching the interview may seem dumb and like he’s throwing everything Porsche worked for away, but think about it. Everything about this interview is going to reminder of Kim and how he betrayed Chay’s love and trust. This interview is a reminder of how his brother threw away his own life for Chay to have a future their parents would be proud of, despite his protests. This interview is an embodiment of Chay’s own lack of control in his own life, it has become a symbol of his pain.
Everything in Chay’s life has fallen apart and now he has to pick up the pieces and find his place in the new world he’s in.
So he tries to take back that lost control and ditches the interview. He does the stereotypical new haircut new me era. He goes out drinking with friends. Chay can’t talk to Porsche about any of this, he can’t be honest with friends about any of this. He doesn’t have any real support system in his life right now, and he’s falling apart. For the past two months he’s been in charge of his life for the first time, only for it to be yanked away and everything he knows to disappear. He wants to get that control back, but he has no clue how, and he has no one to help him. So he makes some dumbass decisions, but its not just because of Kim, it’s because desperately grappling for a sense of agency in a world that keeps stripping him of it.
And then Kim comes back into his life, and in Chay’s perspective, tries to take away his agency again and toy with his emotions. “You said you don’t care about me, but here you are caring about me,” and it makes him angry. So in episode 13, he tries to cut Kim off, he ignores his calls and blocks his number to assert his control of their relationship.
And then his agency and control is once again taken when Porsche wakes him up and (presumably) drops him off at Yok’s and (probably) doesn’t tell about anything that happens.
His Wattpad dream life romance has fallen apart, he’s had to leave his old life completely behind, and now he’s left in the ashes trying to figure put who he is and where he stands in this situation, trying to be his own person without anyone there to help him.
Conclusion: I think Chay is someone who strives to be kind and polite, and like Porsche wants to see the best in people, but he’s also incredibly brave and put into the position where he’s really making his own decisions for the first time in his life. He’s frustrated, he’s unsure, he’s making mistakes and fumbling around, but he’s a young adult finally trying to take control of his life after everything has been ripped out underneath him, and I think that side of him could be explored to.
I think Chay is the type of person who’s sweet and respectful, but when push comes to shove, he’s shown to be a no nonsense kind of person who isn’t afraid to backdown. He’ll listen, he’ll comprise, but Chay has a lot more of a spine and a no fear attitude than people give him credit for, but right now he’s desperately trying to assert his agency in a narrative that keeps taking it from him, and its causing him to self destruct.
I’m genuinely excited to see where his arc from passive princess in tower to living a self-insert life to currently self destructive extensional crisis ends up. We’ve only gotten a few scenes with him, but they’ve shown so much of a character arc that I feel people are sleeping on.
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woorintak · 3 years
based on their natal charts and the energy they give.
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TAEIL; when someone else gives you caring attention. don’t let him watch anyone else pamper you, worse if you enjoy it, man will literally scream a high note. someone ruffles or accommodates your hair? he loves to do that! Is the collar of your shirt wrinkled? He’ll make sure it’s not so he’ll feel sad if someone else does this when he is right there. The feeling of being special for you is in danger here so he´ll sulk and you will notice it, yes darling, he is going to voice it out. “Hey, that’s my job >:o” “Guess who is going to eat a burnt dinner tonight.” He will make it funny until you reassure him and kiss him to make it better, don’t tease him too much for it, he loves you! Don’t make him jealous on purpose, it’ll break his heart and he’ll become bittersweet and a sad potato :c
TAEYONG; when there’s too much smiles with someone else, your smile is definitely his top five favorite things in this world because it heals him and makes him feel like home. so when you laugh with someone else a lot, he´ll feel anxious and the characteristic nervous laugh he had would be his first reaction. your shoulder will have his chin glued on or maybe he’ll approach you and hold your hand while you talk without saying a word. you better not let go his hand or he’ll overthink, and when your man starts to overthink, insecurities and a lot questions overflow his mind and he’ll keep quiet but those sad eyes will search for comforting words, he´ll probably avoid talking about it but please reassure him with lots of words of affirmation and kiss his forehead, he’ll cuddle you the rest of the day.
JOHNNY; when there's a mental connection and good conversations with someone else. don’t get him wrong, he loves you being friendly and being cool with everyone but when the chat turns long and playful and he is not part of it, Johnny will raise an eyebrow. Mental connection and communication is so important and dear for him, especially when it comes to you ( his baby!!) so it punches his ego and his heart, both of them big and considering he is a big softie with you… he’ll probably change his mood, being hyper fixated in getting you out of it so you can focus on your boyfriend again >:o. it’s okay tho, talk to him about the topic you were so interested in and make him part of it! he loves gossip too so he’ll love to hear something new and soon you’ll be chatting all night long, good luck because he is going to be the little spoon that night and he´ll whine if you move.
YUTA; when someone flirts with you. yes, he is an intense scorpio boy and the sagittarius in him just boosts the blunt and the sassy in him; dude is ready to fight for you and jealousy triggers him. is it sexy? yes. is it going to be a moment of adrenaline? yup, it definitely would lead to a sexy night too. hey, your boyfriend here can sense intentions so if a random person tries to woo you, they will feel his death glare but don’t forget his tongue, he’ll be direct “she has a boyfriend and he’s right here, i don’t think you have a chance yet”. boy who tried to flirt with you better not try to be sassy or insist, yuta doesn’t have too much patience and will glue his hand on your waist taking you out of there.
DOYOUNG; when you spend a lot of time or hang around with someone else, he can roll his eyes at you, mock your words and glare at you when you talk about that person you are hanging with. he is anxious and will make sure you know he is bothered, there’s no way you’ll get a ‘fine, i’m jealous’ phrase from him. there’s no need tho, the way he turns around when you try to kiss him but whines when you let him go is going to be the key, he gets ten time clingy and you’ll have to bite your lips to not laugh at his behavior. just shut him up because his mind works a lot 
JAEHYUN; when you give your attention to someone else he thinks is cool. yes, he won't be jealous of everyone. do you know what he likes the most? your attention, you are not too invasive, clingy or detached, you are perfect. you don’t judge his quirks and listen to every idea he has and talk to him about it,but if you do it for someone else… his lips would be glued together while his dimples pop out in possessiveness because he'll try hard to say anything. But you'll notice him spacing out with furrowed eyebrows or catch him staring at you, don't point it out directly just smile and give him kisses, yes he would quickly show you he is your best option.
JUNGWOO; when someone texts you too much. hear me out on this, when this man is in in love, he expects attention and needy jungwoo is a cute one. this man can smell the moment your attention is drawn to anything else that is not him so of course he’ll glue himself by your side... talking about a lot of things and trying to peak at your phone to know what is so entertaining. “do you love me?” “yes, baby” “i love me too, how much?” “enough to endure your whole weight against me.” “ok, how about we play to turn off our phones” “what?” “or better how about we play to clap once if we find other people more interesting?” “jungwoo.” something like that, he would fail on hiding something is bothering even when he tries hard to not complain. he is a cutie, just reassure him bestie.
MARK; when you become too supportive of someone. wow wow wow, hold up. before you raise an eyebrow, let me explain what’s going on inside your canadian lover. he works hard and he loves how supportive you are of him, cherishing him always and being there at his lowest. it doesn’t matter if it’s johnny, an nct member or whoever it is. his eyes are glued to you cheering someone, seeing you display such loveable behavior would make his heart melt but his heart eyes suddenly turn into wide eyes “hold up bro, that ain’t for me.” he would turn a bit quiet not gonna lie, he is just going to hold your hand until you shut up and you’ll notice when something is wrong because he doesn’t let you go. “you know you are the only one in my heart, right?” yes, he’ll blush at that and hide his face on your neck and nod slowly.
HAECHAN; when big displays of affection are shown to you. you better be ready for what’s coming, your boyfriend is a drama king when triggered. jealousy is easier to see in hyuck than you may think because it depends on his mood and your relationship dynamic, he is whining the second someone shares with you the thing he likes to do with you. someone go protect the person who tries to hug or to caress the face of his baby, he will literally scoff and approach you two, talking about how he shouldn't touch someone else's pumpkin. "You must be really sweet." He would say sarcastically and pinching the person's cheek a bit too hard, yeah. Expect him to ask for cuddles and kisses in public and in the most embarrassing moments.
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thebibliosphere · 3 years
I had a question.
So, just an hour or two ago, I was going through some sort of “manic high”, sorta like how somebody with bipolar disorder would have (I don’t have BPD). It felt like a bullet train at max speed and completely derailing, and it was incredibly draining. It also got me wondering.
Do people with severe enough ADHD deal with ADHD episodes like this? My search attempts are often futile because all of it is just talking about how to differentiate between BPD and ADHD and BPD manic episodes, but nobody ever mentions ADHD episodes; the only time I’ve seen it mentioned ever was when somebody made a clip of crankgameplays to show what an ADHD episode looked like.
Do they even exist? I’ve got no idea, so I was just wondering if you knew.
Hey! Sorry, I saw your other ask a while ago, but I wanted to talk to my ADHD specialist before I answered because I’d never heard of the term “episode” being used to describe ADHD. I’m also going to splice both questions together here and answer them in segments in the hope it helps :)
So like I said, I’d never heard of the term “episode” with ADHD, and neither has my specialist. Part of ADHD is having a natural ebb and flow between inattention and hyperactivity, sometimes skewed toward one or the other, depending on your ADHD type. (What are the different types of ADHD?)
Your type of ADHD may also fluctuate because of other factors, such as stress, changes in medication, hormonal fluctuations, lack of sleep, overstimulation, or even under-stimulation, to name a few. Another overlooked part of ADHD is emotional dysregulation, which may cause rapid cycling emotions that may look like an “episode” to someone unfamiliar with what that actually qualifies. The way my therapist explained it and using your example of bipolar disorder, “episode” is used in diagnostic criteria to categorize manic or depressive episodes that last X amount of time, are usually severe, potentially requiring hospitalization, and are accompanied by other symptoms not found in ADHD.
Our “bursts” of energy or lack thereof typically don’t last long enough to be considered episodes. This isn’t to say they are not severe or debilitating, especially if you suffer from things like anxiety or depression that ADHD can feed into. Merely that “episode” is not used as part of the language used to discuss ADHD, which is likely why you’re not finding anything.
So, do ADHDers experience intense bursts of energy that are draining afterward? Yeah, we can do, especially if we lean more toward hyperactive than inattentive. (And again, it's normal to fluctuate and also for things to be affected or worsened by secondary factors.)
And I'm going to put the rest under the cut because this is hella long.
I’ve seen some people think that all hyperactivity has to come with fixation, but that’s not how ADHD works. It’s true if something gets us excited or gives us a dopamine boost, we might be more prone to becoming hyperfixated and burn all our energy up on that. But you don’t need something to fixate on to experience hyperactivity. Some of us are just wired to the moon sometimes, and yes, it can be very draining when it ends. Some people find medication helpful in regulating their hyperactivity/preventing it from coming in such big swings and dips.
Speaking personally, when I'm hyper and nothing is grabbing my attention, the world and people around me can feel painfully slow. It's like I'm going a mile a minute doing everything but achieving nothing. The crash that comes after can also be particularly bad, as I also have dysthymia, which can tip over into a major depressive episode depending on other factors in my life at that time. For years I was misdiagnosed as having "probably Bipolar Type II" by a doctor who didn't believe teenage girls could "get" ADHD* and convinced my parents I needed psychoactive drugs. The drugs I was on didn't help, in fact, they made me worse so I was taken off them.
It wasn't until I found an ADHD specialist as an adult a few years ago that I made any real progress. And I'll be honest, I was shocked when she diagnosed me with ADHD, I really didn't think I had it. Right up until we started doing the work and slowly but surely my mental health began to improve and my understanding of myself with it.
Sometimes there are days when I will be wired to the moon and it will derail my entire day because I can't focus on a single thing/I'll focus too much on a single thing. Other times, like when I am closer to my menstrual cycle, I'll crash into inattentiveness and depression because of how my hormones affect my various different conditions, including my ADHD. Medication would likely help with this, but due to medical reasons, that's currently not an option for me so I do the best I can.
That said, if you’re experiencing something more than hyperactivity but it's not mania, you may be experiencing a form of hypomania and you should talk to a doctor about your concerns.
Hypomania typically occurs in Bipolar Type II disorder, which is less severe than the manic episodes in Bipolar I. I’ve experienced both manic and hypomanic episodes in my life due to medication interactions, and they felt very different from ADHD hyperactivity. It's not just derailing mile-a-minute thoughts, it's something usually completely mood-altering and out of control feeling followed by devastating crashes.
If you're on any medications and are worried you are experiencing something like this, you need to talk to your doctor. You might just need a dosage tweak, or you might be better off on a different medication altogether. Also, make a thorough check of any and all medications you are taking to check for any interactions.
I'm on a cocktail of meds for my MCAS, which if I were to combine them with the SSRI one of my doctors wants me to try, would result in serotonin syndrome. The doctor didn't notice this, but the pharmacist sure as shit did!
Some people (ask me how I know) even develop mild hypomania from overusing the sunlamps used to treat SAD (link), which is why brands like Verilux now include warnings in their leaflets about not using the lamps for more than X amount of time a day. Thankfully it goes away once you stop overusing the lamps.
Which actually brings me to something you asked last time about being unable to sleep at night. Insomnia and delayed sleep phase cycles are not uncommon in ADHD. This is likely because our circadian rhythm is thought to be out of whack (link).
You also mentioned having racing thoughts at night too, which is not uncommon either with hyperactivity. I find if I get overstimulated before trying to sleep, I’ll end up lying there awake with what I like to call “radio ADHD” playing in my head. It can range from snippets of songs stuck on repeat, conversations, things I’ve watched on TV, arguments, or if something is happening the next day, fixating on not being late for it. Hence, I end up getting no sleep because you can’t accidentally sleep in if you don’t sleep. *jazz hands of despair.*
Sometimes I find Radio ADHD soothing if it’s fixating on something chill, but it can get annoying fast and even distressing if I’m tired and can’t “change the station.” (I’d say “shut it off,” but as of yet, I’ve never been able to do that. Medication helps some people with this, as can looking into “sleep hygiene” if you haven’t already.) Conversely, if I’m bored or something is too stressful, I will 100% fall asleep because my brain would literally rather just turn off than do something I don’t want to do or is a low dopamine reward task.
Brains are fun.
Anyway, I uh, I am not sure if any of this is useful to you, but I hope it helps. Mostly I'm just repeating back what my specialist said when I asked her about it lol. Good luck, and I hope you figure things out.
*NB: It's important to note that ADHD and Bipolar Disorder can be comorbid. It's not a one or the other situation. I’m just throwing it out there in case hearing that helps someone else pursue the proper diagnosis!
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flohamilton · 2 years
Hi can you do a headcanon about someone who's autistic went to Hawkins and meeting the main characters. What is their interaction
hi so disclaimer, i know autism is different for everyone and what i have written may not be accurate or relatable to everyone!! if ANY part of this seems inaccurate or offensive in any way please please please let me know so i can fix it!!
first of all i feel like the older kids (robin, nancy and steve in particular) would be so stoked to hang out with you and just chill
if you are more quite and reserved they would be happy to just have you sitting in on the group as they laugh and joke around with each other
if you're more outgoing they would be super excited to listen to whatever you are passionate about
i think especially robin, she would always be so excited to learn about whatever topic you are interested in and just seeing the joy on your face would make her light up
sometimes when you get overwhelmed or overstimulated robin and nancy will pull you off to the side to help ground you and make you feel more comfortable
i can totally see robin trying so hard to make you feel comfortable by distracting you and telling you about her day or about something funny that happened to her and steve
but in true robin fashion she starts rambling on and on to the point where you actually start feel worse than before she started talking
nancy has to kick her in the shin to make her shut up
if you don't drive, steve is always happy to give you a ride and will literally take you anywhere you want to go
steve would also be your personal body guard
if anyone was every rude or mean to you he would not hesitate to put them in their place
he has famously never won a fight in his life but the poor guy will always be willing to stick up for you when you need it, even if he ends up with a black eye or some bruised ribs
i think the younger kids would look up to you a lot
the kids have always been outcasts of sorts and have been led to believe that being different is a bad thing, but you show them that it's okay to be different
will especially likes to hang out with you, he is also pretty reserved so sometimes while the rest of the gang is being rowdy you two are just on the sofa watching tv or will is showing you his latest sketches
dustin would always be including you in the conversation if he notices you're not speaking much, he would just like to randomly check up on you to catch up/have a nice conversation, aww he's such a cool and sweet kid who loves his friends very much
i think lucas would always give you a ticket to his basketball game, but if sporting events aren't really your thing he will be so understanding and happy to know that you listened to his game on the radio
el and max love you and always try to join in on whatever you may be hyper-fixating on (i'm thinking new crafts and hobbies!! they would always be right there with you, making trips to the craft store)
mike and eddie in particular would always be inviting you to sit in on hellfire club meetings
eddie would let you plan a campaign with him and would love to hear of all of the creative things you come up with
also eddie would try his best to never smoke or do any sort of drugs around you if that makes you uncomfortable
in conclusion the gang absolutely adores you
they're so supportive of you and will always be there to help you through meltdowns or times where things get overwhelming, they are such a great group of people <3
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frogs-that-is-all · 2 years
no one asked for this but i’m doing it anyway, random kotlc headcanons! mainly keefe ones but whatever
keefe is ambidextrous. like he can write with both hands, he can draw with both hands, etc. he mainly uses his right hand though because that’s the most common, but he will use his left hand occasionally. like if he hurts himself or has a hand cramp from drawing for so long.
keefe in a human au would just zone out while driving and completely forget that he’s supposed to be going somewhere but by the time he realises he’s already a ways away and he needs gas
keefe hyper fixates on things, mostly drawing and stuff, and when he does he gets like really quiet to the point where unless you’re trying to get his attention you will probably forget he’s there and only notice him when he gets up to get something, sneezes/coughs, people start getting really loud(that is something i will share with you in another head canon), or is no longer hyper fixated on whatever he was doing
fintan and bronte have a pretty big height difference. brontes short, like 5’7, but he refuses to admit it. he always wear shoes that makes him like an inch taller at the least. meanwhile fintan is like pretty tall, like 5’11-5’10, but is always wearing heels. and i mean like always. so he’s like 6’3-6’4 on a daily. occasionally they’re platformed heels to make him even taller.
previously mentioned headcanon that i said i’d talk about later. keefe has pretty bad anxiety, right? and some things that trigger that are like loud noises and yelling, so whenever he gets like yelled at or the room suddenly gets like really loud he’ll get super anxious and have to like leave the room.
biana just randomly bursts into fitz’s room at like midnight with random insane ideas. and he’s awake because he knows she gonna do barge in there. he just knows.
biana’s the reason fitz dyed his hair pink. yes we stan pink haired fitz here. if you don’t you can leave.
keefe has a fairly high pitched voice, idc if canon says otherwise, but he has a fairly low pitched singing voice. like he’ll start singing and everyone’s shocked at how deep his singing voice is. meanwhile tam is the complete opposite: fairly deep speaking voice but fairly high singing voice.
dex cannot go one conversation without his voice cracking.
all the dizznee kids are gay. not a single one of them is straight. even if they don’t know it: they’re not straight.
sophie and keefe are insomnia buddies.
elwin is a tea addict. like he has an ungodly amount of tea. it’s rare you find him without tea.
elwin and tiergan have daily tea talks in the healing centre during lunch. they talk about literally anything. occasionally prentice joins them and they educate him on like humour and stuff
fintan is the chaotic dad to all the chaotic neverseen children and ruy is the favourite. not brant. definitely not alvar. but ruy. there’s no actual reason, he just is.
fintan will just randomly break out into song like the theatre kid he is
dex has an odd obsession with mushrooms
dex also always has at least three bandaids on his being at all times. most the time he’s covered in them.
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