#little meow meow who loves ice cream
jenscx · 2 months
LUCID DREAM — ning yizhuo
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it’s been years without ning yizhuo in your life. it feels surreal; the day you walked out without an explanation. but just the thought of being able to see her again, it draws you back into the endless loop of loving her.
TAGS — angst, exes to ???, insecurity, model!ning, ambiguous ending, mentions of alcohol, making up, jmj wedding (we don’t actually get to witness it tho)
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you stare at the wedding invitation, written neatly at the top, the invitation is addressed to a ning y/n. you want to cry. the invitation clearly stating your ex’s name makes your heart clench uncomfortably. it’s a blaring reminder that your relationship ended and you’re no longer living in your childhood fantasy.
“fuck,” you swear, “fuck you, kim minjeong.” you want to murder minjeong, but who were you to ask minjeong to stop reminding you of your bitter ending? especially since it was your own impulsiveness that had ended the relationship. you could have been more understanding towards yizhuo, could have tried her best to resolve your conflict, but no. instead, you ran. ran like the coward you were.
you remember the brokenhearted look on yizhuo’s face, the devastated glimmer in her eyes before she had flipped her expression to another, like a switch. or more like a broken one, your brain offers unhelpfully. of course, the quiver of her lips had given yizhuo away almost immediately. you had known yizhuo for a third of your life, obviously you could tell when your soulmate– or in this case, ex, was about to break down.
you wish you had stayed, and simply comforted your soulmate like old times, but you couldn’t bear to watch yizhuo cry, because of you. you remember the look on your friends’ faces when you told them that you broke up with yizhuo, all the words they had yelled at her for betraying yizhuo. you remember the anger directed at you by yizhuo’s parents when you had sent them an apology letter. through the post, yizhuo had told you, letters felt more sincere than emails.
but perhaps the worst reaction wasn’t from any of them, it was simply from your own cat. meowing viciously when you had picked him up, bringing him together with you. the scratches lining your arms only serve as a constant reminder. mao, your british short haired, was desperately attached to yizhuo (and she was the one who named him too. what absolute luck.) his hostility could only be reasoned that he knew his owner had hurt yizhuo. if a silly little cat knew the extent of the breakup, what could that mean for you?
“wallowing in your grief again? that’s not good for you,” you peer up at chaewon, the only friend that somehow wasn’t connected to yizhuo. chaewon takes a quick glance at the invitation and giggles, “you’re going? i hope you survive, you haven’t paid this month’s rent yet.”
you merely sigh.
“the place’s gonna be filled with people who hate my guts, you really think i’m going? minjeong probably only sent this to piss me off.”
chaewon frowns, “you don’t seem pissed off, just sad. honey, you have to let me know if they’re bothering you, like actually. it’s not your fault, well– maybe it is, but you’re suffering too. it isn’t nice for them to do this to you.” you shrug in response. you deserve it. you deserve every stab in your heart, you deserve the tears that escape in the middle of the night.
“let’s drink tonight, okay? we’ll put on titanic or something and cry about life while eating ice cream,” chaewon offers. maybe it’s the thought of getting drunk, or titanic, or crying in your friend’s arms, but the offer is appealing and you find yourself agreeing too soon.
you can hear chaewon do a silent cheer. it makes you smile slightly and gives you enough energy to pull yourself up from the floor.
“i’ll go get the soju, just lie on the couch and relax!” you follow as your friend says and lie on the sofa you had picked out together after mao’s claws had sunk into the leather, ripping it to shreds. the cat was a brat.
doesn’t this remind you of something– or someone? the voice in your head quips. you groan, why couldn’t your head shut up sometimes? your heart drops as you recall the conversation between your parents when you had told them you broke things off with yizhuo. you remember your mother’s expression; disappointed and upset, a stark contrast to when you had told her that you finally found someone. the proud look on your father’s when you introduced yizhuo to them, god, why the fuck was yizhuo such an amazing girlfriend?
you caused this. you want to scream ‘no’. you’re the one who dumped yizhuo. who are you to be upset over thi–
“y/n? hey, stop thinking about it,” chaewon pouts, “don’t make yourself even more sad!” you blink back into reality and at the sight of chaewon puffing her cheeks out, holding two bottles of soju and a large bowl of popcorn, make you want to coo at the girl. you push the thoughts of yizhuo to the back of your head as soon as the opening to titanic appears on the screen.
you two laugh sometimes, mostly chaewon, but it’s quiet throughout the movie and you can’t tell whether you’d rather have chaewon’s comments about how cute the actors are or the silence that allows you to delve deeper into your thoughts. you take a sip whenever chaewon mentions how in love jack and rose are.
when you blink, it’s already at the part where jack allows rose to get onto the wooden door, while he stays in the freezing water. chaewon throws popcorn at the tv, apparently already drunk, screaming at rose to quote, “fucking move her ass,” for jack to get on. you take a large gulp of soju in the midst of chaewon’s sniffles.
“y/n…i can’t believe it… she just let jack die!” chaewon cries out, “the love of her life, she just let him go! how could she just let him die?!” you nod, trying to drink the already empty bottle of soju.
when you stand up, the whole room swirls and you stumble back onto the couch. “don’t let her go, y/n!” you jump at the close proximity of chaewon’s voice, “don’t let the love of your life go!”
you hum in agreement and scream, “i won’t let her go!” determined, you pick up your phone and the selfie of you and yizhuo greets her. you miss her, don’t you? of course not. you don’t miss her at all. change your homescreen then. you wouldn’t.
you roll your eyes and enter kakaotalk.
y/n [11.38pm]:
i kiss you
i miss you*
read [11.39pm]
“i did it, chaewon!” you exclaim, “i didn’t let her go!”
drunk you is apparently an idiot, since we all know, if a ‘i love you’ can’t solve a crack, obviously a ‘i miss you’ wouldn’t be able to solve an earthquake.
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i miss you too. i miss you so much it hurts. but how could you say that, when you’re the one that left me first? yizhuo doesn’t cry as much anymore. she doesn’t sob into her pillow in the middle of the night anymore. the couple posts that appear on her instagram feed doesn’t make tears well up in her eyes anymore.
it still hurts. hurts as much as it did before. and yizhuo might just have to live with that pain everyday. the misspelt word makes her heart throb, in affection and pain, because she could imagine your voice in her head. are you hurting as much as she is? it doesn’t make the stabbing pain in her chest any better to know that the one she loves is suffering.
yizhuo stares at the glaring light from her phone. i miss you. really y/n? she wants to scoff. you were probably drunk out of your mind and sent that text on a whim. or maybe it was meant for another girl. the thought makes yizhuo want to cry.
is there someone else you call ‘baby' now?
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fuck, you think, oh fuck. the read blaring on your phone, as if mocking you.
“shit,” chaewon groans, holding her head, “what happened last night? did we accidentally kill someone?” you wish you did. you take a deep breath, and scream. if the neighbours show up the next moment, it’s totally because of the night before, and not your scream at 8 in the morning.
you calm down. eventually. you calm down after chaewon grabs your shoulders and wiggles you back and forth, yelling for you to get your shit together. it only worsens the raging headache the both of you have. if rent wasn’t so high nowadays, you would have immediately fled and lived alone. kim chaewon with a hangover was not a good sight.
“whatever! you drunk texted your ex! whatever! hashtag yolo right— ah fuck, the room is spinning,” chaewon shrieks, “ugh, why did we drink so much?! but! your life isn’t over! so what if you texted her? it’s okay, we stay delusional and pretend things never happened!”
despite the wacky talk chaewon gives, it actually helps. texting yizhuo, while drunk, was a mistake. you nod hastily, “i get what you’re saying, but please let me go.”
chaewon loosens her grip, pursed lips as she huffs, “the most badass thing you can do now is go to the wedding.”
your eyes widen, “what the hell? kim chaewon, are you crazy? no, you’re insane.”
your roommate only grins lazily, “it came with a plus one invite, right? i’ll go with you. it’ll be okay! and don’t you wanna see your friends again?”
“i do, but most of them hate my guts,” you wince, recalling the angry messages left by aeri and minjeong, none from jimin, that probably speaks for itself what she thought of you, “they were yizhuo’s friends first, and mine second. when it comes to things like this, they would, rightfully so, take yizhuo’s side.”
chaewon whistles, “yeah it’s not looking too good for you right now.”
you flop onto the couch, sighing, “if i see yizhuo, i’ll freeze up and make a fool of myself.” your hands fly to rub at your eyes, groaning miserably, “i guess i’m not over her.”
chaewon slides into the space next to you, scoffing, “you think? having her number saved and pinned is crazy and the last time we talked before this, you were in love with her. what happened?”
your heart constricts painfully. you never spoke about your breakup to anyone, only asking chaewon if she still needed someone to split rent with. the moment you had uttered those words, you had left the shared apartment with yizhuo, not turning back to watch the love of your life collapse.
“i…” your throat dries up, “i was in love with her, i guess i still am. i don’t doubt that she felt the same for me, but maybe not anymore. our relationship was the best thing to ever happen to me. the happiest years of my life were when i was with yizhuo. she made me feel alive.”
tears prick at your eyes involuntarily. chaewon’s gaze is full of pity and comfort. sympathy. no one else gave you that.
“she wanted to get married, chaewon,” you whisper, “she was ready for marriage. i wasn’t.”
“i saw her looking at engagement rings one day and god, it was like, how have i never noticed before? she always shows me videos of weddings and how she would want her wedding to be like, but i never stopped to think whether i wanted marriage. i didn’t know what i would say if yizhuo just proposed. would it have hurt less for her if i said no rather than breaking up with her?”
chaewon presses a comforting hand to your shoulder, sighing, “i’m sorry, i literally see two of you right now but i’ll try to articulate this as best as i can.” her words draw out a hollow laugh from you. “you just weren’t ready yet, and yeah, you should have communicated that to her before jumping in to break up, but have you ever thought that you weren’t ready because you didn’t love her enough?”
you swallow, tears flowing down your cheeks freely, “n-no, i love her. she’s my favourite person. i love her so much, too much even. but getting married? that’s a lifelong commitment. i just didn’t know if she was sure that she really wanted to spend the rest of her life with… me. she has her whole life figured out. she’s a rich model who could have anyone else. we were childhood friends first, before girlfriends. and now she’s certain that she wants to marry me? what if there’s someone better for her out there? she’s only been chained to me because we got together so young. i just… had to let her go.”
“commitment issues,” chaewon states, “you have severe commitment issues.”
“i guess so,” you let out a watery laugh. your roommate chuckles, “you want her back?”
“yeah, i’m desperate.”
“let’s go to the wedding.”
you send a small smile to chaewon, “thanks, roomie.”
“i saw the invite by the way, and damn, are your friends rich? don’t get me wrong, i’m going as your moral support but the free buffet too—”
“i’m literally going to strangle you.”
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yizhuo twirls the pen in her hand, watching it glide across her fingers and abruptly landing on the wooden table with a thud. she couldn’t stand seeing all the wedding preparations and chose to hide in jimin’s study. the door creaks open, a figure stands by the doorway.
“hello jimin unnie, aren’t you meant to be looking over the finishing touches of your wedding?” yizhuo asks, her smile dimming as she thinks about marriage. jimin frowns, “minjeong’s doing that. she told me to come check up on you.”
“i know how you feel about weddings. we all do,” jimin says bluntly. yizhuo’s lips fall into a thin line. of course her friends were aware. they helped pick out the ring for god’s sake. the weight of a velvet box lying in her bedside table haunts her dreams.
yizhuo stands up from her desk, inching closer to jimin, a faux smile on her face, “you don’t have to worry about me. it’s your special day after all.”
“not yet, but let me worry about my friend for a while more before i get married,” jimin mutters, “minjeong sent an invite to y/n.” yizhuo’s whole body tenses up. a blurry image of you appears in her brain. she immediately shuts that down.
biting the inside of her cheek, yizhuo turns away from jimin with folded arms, “and? did she say she was coming?”
yizhuo hears jimin’s hesitance.
“just say it.”
jimin clears her throat, “she’s coming with a plus one.”
a distant thought forms. a plus one. your new girlfriend? did you find someone else? were you coming to the wedding to flaunt your new lover? yizhuo wasn’t dumb, she knew that her friends disliked you, heavily. minjeong most definitely sent out that invitation with disgust. jimin told her what minjeong had said to you. aeri had barely brushed it off, saying you weren’t worth her time scolding, despite the chain of messages she sent. she knew that you were aware they hated you. why would you come to the wedding?
“i-i’m not sure what’s their relationship, but her name is kim chaewon and oh my god, minjeong’s gonna kill me, y/n requested for a shared hotel room,” jimin utters out nervously. yizhuo’s eyes turn into slits. a shared hotel room?
“i see,” yizhuo says indifferently, contrasting the feelings bubbling inside her, “that’s good to know.”
jimin places a hand on yizhuo’s shoulder, “hey, it could all mean nothing, i don’t want you to get hurt again.”
“does it matter when i’m already like this?” yizhuo retorts back.
“i hope you don’t do anything stupid. before everything, you’re still my friend. if y/n showing up makes you uncomfortable, i’ll tell her she’s not invited,” jimin says softly, “minjeong will understand. you come first.”
“it’s your wedding, jimin. i won’t be a burden to you guys. it’s your day,” yizhuo mirrors jimin’s frown.
jimin’s shoulders slack.
“it’s not about that,” the older girl retorts, exasperated.
“what is it about then?”
“i don’t think minjeong will stay neutral and be calm when she sees y/n,” jimin groans, “she’ll probably pick a fight with her and i don’t want my wife to be stressed and angry on her wedding day.”
yizhuo can’t help teasing jimin, “wife, huh?”
jimin smirks, “yes, wife. you know last week, minjeong called me—”
“oh kay! i think you should go!” yizhuo yells, saving herself from the details of her friends’ intimate lives. jimin cackles maniacally as she leaves the study. yizhuo sighs and leans her head against the wooden door. jimin’s footsteps can be heard as she walks downstairs, along with the voices of her friends. they’re all scattered and anxious, she hears the distant shouting of minjeong and aeri. despite the noise around her, yizhuo feels somewhat at peace. for now. she doesn’t know what she’s going to do the moment you come to the wedding.
because despite what everyone else says, yizhuo cannot move on. you were literally half of her life and more. when you had uttered those words of devastation, it was like the world had ended. a terrible nightmare that tortured yizhuo every single day. was she too overbearing? sometimes— well, last time, you had mentioned that she was a very affectionate and clingy girlfriend. was that the sole reason? yizhuo frowns. no, that couldn’t be. you were equally as physically needy as her.
maybe you had found someone new? the plus one that was coming? that didn’t seem plausible either. if you were cheating, yizhuo would most definitely know and you abhorred cheaters anyway.
as she wrecked her mind for reasons, a common past time she developed after you had left, the constant rewinding of the conversation had been engraved in her brain eternally.
(yizhuo had just gotten off work, a smile on her face as she entered the house, heels clacking against the floor. the thought of you waiting at home impatiently for her only brought her smile to widen. maybe you would run up to her and embrace her warmly, complaining about how long she took. yet, neither of those happened and she’s left staring at you, hunched over, at the dining table, a suitcase packed by your side.
“what are you doing?” she had asked curiously. were you going on a trip? begrudgingly, you had gotten up, a sombre look on your face as you whispered, “yizhuo…”
that ticked yizhuo off. you never called her yizhuo. it was always baby, honey, sweetheart. but never yizhuo. it sounded so foreign and cold coming from your lips.
“what’s wrong? is everything okay?” she asked.
your face contorts into one of utter desperation and heartbreak, “i think we should break up.”
yizhuo’s mind had gone blank. she had never anticipated hearing those words from you. break up? that wasn’t in her future with you. her heart clenched uncomfortably against her ribcage and her throat constricted, to the point she couldn’t mutter a single word.
taking advantage of her silence, you run your fingers through your hair, the hair that yizhuo would so lovingly comb through every night as she whispered words of devotion into your ear, “i want to break up.”
“no.” is the only thing yizhuo can say. wide-eyed and stupefied, “no.”
you look as stunned as she is, yet the stark difference between the two of you, are the tears that threaten to tip over at every passing second in your eyes.
“yizhuo,” you pleaded, “i’m sorry. i can’t.”
“why are you doing this?” she croaked out, demanding an answer. the weight of the velvet box in her purse felt like it was dragging her down to the darkest pits of hell. she couldn’t imagine something like this ever happening. you were meant to be her happily ever after.
yizhuo couldn’t stand it anymore. “tell me why you want to break up!” she yelled, the confusion and fatigue of her body overwhelming everything.
“i… please… don’t make this harder than it already is.”
“you don’t love me anymore? you found someone else?” yizhuo accused. of course, none of these were the true reasons. you couldn’t even look at yizhuo in the eye before murmuring an apology again and grasping the suitcase in your hand.
“i love you,” you had whispered at the door, “i’m sorry.”
yizhuo doesn’t even respond. pure shock overtaking her as she watched you leave. the moment the door had closed, sobs took over yizhuo as she collapsed on the floor, heartbroken and devastated at losing the love of her life.
if you truly loved her, you wouldn’t have left so easily.)
that statement plagues yizhuo’s mind for the next few years. it replays in her head repeatedly, like a broken mantra. she knows that it’s unhealthy; to be thinking of you every night before she succumbs to a dreamless sleep. yet, sometimes, yizhuo prays that she might be dreaming, and when she wakes up, you would be right by her side. jimin thinks she should get a therapist. but yizhuo doesn’t want to get over you. she fears that you might just become a hazy memory, lost in anger and grief. she doesn’t want that to happen. because despite everything, the pain you have caused her, she still loves you.
it’s strange, the way love works. yizhuo hates you for doing this to her; ruining her for anyone else because if they even bore a similar trait to you, she would just break down. like the blind date aeri had set her up on long ago. fresh out of the breakup, and with extreme bribery and convincing, yizhuo had met shen xiaoting, one of aeri’s friends, over dinner. aeri had said that maybe yizhuo needed someone closer to her culture, and with the homesickness she felt constantly, the lack of comforting words that you provided, yizhuo agreed.
that date was the whole reason aeri stopped asking yizhuo to go on blind dates, for when xiaoting had mentioned that she liked cats, yizhuo had started bawling, the memory of you playing with your own pet cursing her mind.
it was embarrassing to say the least, and even more embarrassing to explain to xiaoting that it wasn’t her fault. the poor girl had thought yizhuo had something against cats. aeri apologised endlessly as yizhuo cried, with an awkward xiaoting patting her shoulder. at least they became friends.
maybe, with the support of her friends, yizhuo would be able to stand the sight of you at the wedding. it would be totally fine! and if she sees you with someone new, maybe, just maybe, it would give her the motivation to finally get over you.
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honestly, screw everything. you literally hate chaewon right now. thankfully, jimin and minjeong had provided a one night stay at the hotel. your apartment (and mao) was being taken care of by sakura, one of chaewon’s friends. there was apparently a party before the actual day. you assumed they would just want a shared bachelorette party. however, your self-proclaimed wingman was cozying up to one of the guests. by her straight posture and gentle expression, she was probably nakamura kazuha from high school. yizhuo was friends with her, you remember.
you couldn’t believe that all those words of encouragement had flown out the window the moment chaewon locked eyes with the ‘love of her life’. you roll your eyes, already annoyed with your friend. somehow, you still hadn’t spotted yizhuo amongst the crowd.
most of them, you didn’t recognise. some, from high school and college. the rest, probably family members. maybe some faces stood out, like shin ryujin from history class or jang wonyoung, the valedictorian. but mostly, unrecognisable. from the various mops of hair in the crowd, you spot uchinaga aeri’s infamous smirk. you wonder where the rest of the group are.
you sigh, taking a lonely sip of the champagne they provided. at least it was good.
chaewon’s obnoxious laughter fills the area. it’s loud and irritating, or maybe you’re just easily annoyed right now. kazuha just stares at her, all confused. it’s a little funny.
“y/n.” a steely voice rings out from the crowd. you whip your head, heart racing at the familiar but dreadful tone.
“oh,” you whisper, horror-stricken. you weren’t prepared to meet them now!
the older girl merely stares at you, before you bow your head hesitantly, “congratulations on your marriage.”
jimin visibly loosened up, her eyes twinkling and shining with adoration, “thank you.” perhaps out of all of yizhuo’s friends, jimin was the one who hated you the least. she didn’t bother scolding you or cursing you out, only choosing to glare at you.
“i think we should talk,” she finally says after a moment of silence. you wholeheartedly agree with her. if you were meant to see yizhuo tomorrow, you definitely needed another friend that wasn’t chaewon.
she brings you out of the function room, the starry night sky being the only company outside. jimin takes a long gulp of her champagne.
“why’d you really break up with yizhuo?”
the patiently and dedicated stitches of a sewed wound are ripped apart, directly exposing your bleeding heart and emotions. everything comes falling apart the moment she asks. you can only stare at her.
“i… i made a mistake,” you shake your head, “i wasn’t ready.”
jimin, patient as always, hums, urging you to continue.
“she wanted to get married. i didn’t,” you say, with grief and regret lacing your every word, because everything would be fine if you had just talked to yizhuo.
“we helped her pick out the ring,” jimin adds. you only feel more guilty.
“i can’t give her the life she wants, unnie,” the endearing term of intimacy slips out, a cry filled with desperation, “she deserves the world and i can’t give her that.”
“you were her world. it’s that simple. she only ever wanted you.”
hurt gnaws at your heart, it’s palpitating with raw stabs that echo of your heartbreak.
“i don’t deserve her,” you sigh, “i had to let her go. i couldn’t bear to see the look on her face if i refused her engagement.”
jimin nods, “i understand your fear. but i hate the fact that this could have been solved with an explanation.”
you groan, anger coursing through your veins. you were so upset and narrow-minded at the time. the only solution was to seemingly break up with yizhuo. it would spare her the everlasting pain from a rejection of her proposal.
“i know, i just couldn’t at that time.”
the older girl tries to smile. it’s akin to one of those encouraging ones she would give right before an exam or test. it sparks a shiver of nostalgia.
“jagiya, where are you— oh.”
jimin quickly straightens up, swiftly turning around to face minjeong with a grin, “hey, mindoong.”
you tense up, your fingers wrapping around the glass tightly.
“glad you could make it,” minjeong’s eyes flicker up and down your body, venom evident in her tone as she hisses, “y/n.”
nodding, you reply, “thank you for inviting me.”
the tension is overbearing; with minjeong’s glares, jimin’s beaming smile and your awkward shuffling, you couldn’t wait to retreat to the comfort of your hotel room.
“where’s your girlfriend?” minjeong suddenly asks. you stare at her, confused, “my what?”
jimin’s eyes widen as she hastily pulls minjeong aside, frantically whispering in her ear. but like the past, jimin has never been a good whisperer. you catch phrases like ‘she might not be her girlfriend’ and ‘what if yizhuo hears?’. a looming sensation brews in your stomach.
“kim chaewon? is that her name?” minjeong asks harshly, “didn’t take you to like korean girls, i thought you liked chinese girls instead.”
you’re visibly taken aback. what was minjeong saying? chaewon? your girlfriend? since when was chaewon your girlfriend?
“uh,” despite your fear of minjeong yelling at you, your words come out firmly, “chaewon isn't my girlfriend.”
minjeong falters slightly before scoffing, “yeah right. you don’t have to lie now. we all know that you left yizhuo for some other girl.”
your heart stops. what?
what was she saying?
leaving yizhuo for another girl?
“i— i would never… that’s—”
“minjeong unnie, that’s enough.”
you’ve thought of this moment forever. every single day after the break up. you’ve thought of running back into her arms, apologising endlessly for even thinking of breaking up with her. you’ve thought of how she would accept you graciously with murmurs of comfort, because that was just how she was. a gracious and generous girl who deserved the world. you’ve thought of her bright smile and gleaming eyes.
you’ve never thought of her staring at you, a dull and saddened look on her face.
“minjeong unnie,” she pleads, “please.”
the watery gaze must have swayed minjeong over. you would know, having fallen prey to her puppy eyes before. yizhuo slides the door open, watching intently as minjeong and jimin leave.
“good luck,” jimin whispers just before she steps away. you think you need all the luck in the world right now.
yizhuo lets out a heavy sigh once the door slides closed. she gazes at you for a second. you’re taken back to your younger days, where every day was spent just staring at yizhuo. you had proclaimed confidently that yizhuo was the most gorgeous girl on earth. you aren’t wrong. the years you spent apart from her had done her generously. it had only been two, yet, yizhuo looked more mature and sure of herself.
“did you really find someone new?” she whispers, shattering the glass of ignorance. you swallow, shaking your head, “no.”
yizhuo thinks back to the drunken message you had sent.
“was that on purpose? that text you sent,” she asks, eyes wide and afraid of your answer.
you shake your head again, “i was drunk. i’m sorry.”
“i hate you, you know that right?” yizhuo says. before, you had imagined the piercing stab of pain that came with those words. you had thought it would be the end of your life, with the girl you loved the most saying she hated you.
it’s understandable now, and inevitable.
“i know,” you whisper.
yizhuo continues to stare at you. somehow, this all feels like a fever dream, one that she’ll wake up from soon. it feels unreal to have you in front of her again.
she takes in the sight of you, memorising every detail for if you leave again.
“why’d you come then?”
there are many reasons that you can say, with varying degrees of truthfulness; to congratulate jimin and minjeong, to see your friends again, to just visit your hometown.
“i wanted to see you.” it’s the truthest thing you’ve ever said.
“you can’t,” yizhuo inhales sharply, “yo-you can’t just show up like this.”
“i know, i’m sorry.”
your head hangs lowly.
“tell me the real reason why you left.”
you had expected this.
she would want closure.
your throat constricts uncomfortably.
“i… yizhuo…”
“tell me.” it feels similar to your past.
yizhuo looks as beautiful as ever. she’s the only thing you can think of right now. her lips are moving, yet you don’t hear a single thing.
“i didn’t want marriage.”
the girl’s eyebrows furrow. her eyes turning into slits of anger as she takes in a deep breath. you know she’s about to start tearing up. maybe you should quickly explain yourself.
it’s your only chance.
“i saw you looking at engagement rings and i knew i wouldn’t be ready if you got down on one knee. you’re a model, for god’s sake. you had a prospering career, being tied down to someone like me wouldn’t bring you any benefits,” you finally say. it’s not the full reason why, but you hope yizhuo would understand even a semblance of your choice.
“i know that it’s a shitty excuse. i know that i’m a coward. but what else was i meant to do?”
yizhuo huffs.
“talked to me. you could have talked to me.”
you resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“would that stop me from breaking your heart?”
the love of your life stands before you. yet, it seems like the only words of devotion you’ll exchange is how devoted she is to hating you. yizhuo crosses her arms, frowning, “yes. i’d much rather have a minute of heartbreak than years of it. you’re such a prick.”
“no, you don’t get to do this,” she points a finger at your chest, prodding the area where your head resides ferociously, “you can’t just come back, explain yourself with an extremely stupid reason, and expect that i would be okay with it. you sent me a drunk text, saying you missed me. how come i don’t feel anything?”
“i love you, yizhuo. i just did what i thought was right in that moment—”
the only thing you can hear is your heart shattering into pieces at the sight of tears falling down her face. yizhuo sniffles, her voice becoming shrill as she adds on, “you’re an asshole. you think you’re the only one in this relationship? you didn’t even explain yourself properly. you think you’re making the right choices for us? for me?”
you continue to stare at her blankly.
the next words come out like a gunshot, “then you don’t know me at all.”
it snaps onto your skin, leaving a scathing burn and engraving ning yizhuo’s name into your body. your insides coil up painfully. hearing yizhuo’s cries as you left years ago had been torturous, but nothing beats her breaking down in front of you right this instant. you’re overcome with a striking urge to pull her into your arms and whisper words of affection into her ears, promising her to never leave. the pet name leaves your mouth quicker than you can think.
a sharp stinging sensation sears in your right cheek. you can feel the affected area heating up, scorching hot and red. yizhuo’s handprint is evident, singed in your skin.
an onslaught of tears rises, but you’re determined to not let them fall.
“okay,” you whisper, unable to say anything else to the equally stunned yizhuo, “i’ll leave. i’m sorry.”
the girl just stands outside in the cold, her eyes bloodshot and cheeks rosy from the wind. before you go, the slight shiver that runs through her body makes you hesitate. the comfort of your jacket feels like a heavy burden now.
maybe you would get slapped again. but at least yizhuo wouldn’t be cold.
gently taking it off, you encase yizhuo in your jacket, biting your cheek (which still hurts!) to resist a smile at how it covers her small figure. she gazes at you like a deer caught in headlights. you sigh and try to move your legs, but they feel like jelly. with much difficulty, you finally make it to the door, using the frame to stabilise your wobbly walking.
when you turn back, yizhuo isn’t staring at you, but she’s staring at the night sky, more specifically, the moon. you take one last look at her. the weight on your shoulders is gone now. and all that is left is a longing feeling to have yizhuo back in your arms again. but maybe, you could live with that.
sliding the door open, you go back into the function room. the crowd had dispersed, leaving just a few people chatting around. you spot jimin and minjeong talking while drinking. aeri’s at the bar, engaged in a conversation with a waitress. chaewon, god bless her, is relatively nearby, while kazuha is nowhere to be found.
“chaewon,” you breathe out, relieved. she turns to you, startled, “oh damn, what happened to your face? you look a little…”
“i know,” you laugh dryly, “i think it’s time for us to leave and go to sleep now.”
chaewon doesn’t argue and instead nods, her eyes drawn to the reddening mark across your cheek. even in the dark light, she could still notice the imprints of someone’s fingers.
“she slapped you?” she asks while you head towards the elevator.
“yeah,” you scratch the back of your neck, “we kind of… argued.”
chaewon laughs heartily at your misfortune. you’re glad at least this brings someone joy. maybe minjeong too. she would love to see you in pain.
“i think you should get some rest buddy,” she pats your back. you nod, feeling as if sleep was just an arm’s reach away.
the conversation with yizhuo had drained you significantly, both mentally and physically. and maybe you should put some ointment on the red area too. you might wake up with a bruise or something tomorrow.
the urge to flop into bed is too strong as chaewon slides the keycard into the slot. the door opens, revealing a luxurious hotel suite with a king-sized bed. you remember requesting for a shared room. it was to mainly prevent yourself from doing anything reckless when drunk. you’d have chaewon to keep you grounded.
“did you get kazuha’s number?” you ask as chaewon throws her face cleanser at you. the girl giggles, “yeah. she’s so cute.”
you subtly cringe at the lovestruck look in her eyes.
groaning, you head into the bathroom. your eyes widen as you prod at your cheek, shocked that yizhuo landed such a heavy hit. damn, has she been going to the gym lately? the yizhuo back then barely had any strength to resist your tickles. there wasn’t any surging hot anger left from yizhuo slapping you, just a dull and yearning hope for her. maybe you should calm yourself down by taking a cold shower.
after dowsing yourself with water, you padded out of the bathroom, only to discover that chaewon wasn’t hunched over her luggage anymore.
you check your phone.
chaewon [10.27pm]:
zuha texted me, staying w her for the night
there’s ointment on the bedside table
for ur stupid face
bye :p
wow. chaewon had managed to do that within a day. staying at a girl’s hotel room? you whistle lowly. maybe she was onto something. but with her departure, the hotel room feels too quiet now. only the breezing and fluttering sounds of the airconditioning accompanying your thoughts of self-loathing. collapsing onto the bed, you reach out for the ointment.
just as you unscrew the cap, the doorbell rings. you don’t recall ever ordering room service. maybe it was chaewon and she forgot something?
you turn the door knob, not bothering to check who it was.
ning yizhuo stands before you, glassy eyes and a look of desperation that you’re familiar with.
she shuffles awkwardly, gesturing at your cheek, “are—is it okay? does it hurt?”
gulping, you shake your head.
“can we talk?” she asks, in the quietest voice ever, her words coming out shaky and breathless.
you open the door wider.
yizhuo mutters a soft, “thank you,” as she enters the room. you quickly send a text to chaewon telling her not to come back.
“did you put any cream on it?” she asks.
“no, not yet. i was just about to,” you reply quietly. the tension from the heated argument from before had disapparented, only leaving a strained relationship behind.
“can you sit down?”
you follow her instructions dutifully, sitting right at the edge of the bed. yizhuo lifts the ointment up, squeezing a bit on her finger before gently rubbing it into your cheek. it hurts, but the softness of her touch heals the area.
wincing as she applies more pressure, you can only stare at the girl.
“i’m sorry,” she whispers.
“it’s okay.”
you want to pull her into your arms.
you want her to lean onto you.
you want the feeling of her skin against yours.
“i was really hurt.”
“i know.”
yizhuo sighs, her hands dropping.
“i can’t believe you left me so easily.”
your chest tightens at the devastated tone in her voice. it wasn’t easy, you want to say. but it doesn’t feel right to defend yourself now.
“i thought it was the right thing to do.”
yizhuo lifts her head up, “why didn’t you just tell me you didn’t want to get married?”
“i don’t know,” it comes out in a hushed murmur, “i didn’t want to tie you down. you had a lot more things to accomplish.”
“i’d rather have you and nothing than losing you and having everything.”
the confession goes unsaid. because you’re her everything.
“i’m sorry. you just had your whole life in front of you and i was in the back. i… i didn’t fit into your life.”
the girl takes everything in. you were just so afraid then. scared that once you said yes to her proposal, yizhuo might realise that you weren’t the one for her. you’d rather be away from her, than be with her and make her unhappy. you didn’t want to live a miserable life where you hated each other.
“you don’t get to make that choice for me.”
“i know, yizhuo.”
yizhuo’s eyes are brimming with tears. her raven hair covering her face partially, but you can feel the pain radiating off her.
“you know that i would have been happy just being with you?”
“i know.”
“god, you still left like it was the easiest decision of your life.”
no it wasn’t, you again want to protest.
“you know that even in another life, i would choose to just have you by my side, even if i lose everything else? don’t you understand the extent of my love for you?”
it’s so surreal— the way yizhuo is practically begging for you to realise that leaving her was the worst possible choice for you to make.
“i love you too much.”
“then why’d you leave?” she asks.
through tears, you shakily breathe out, “because i love you too much.”
the lack of past tense doesn’t bother you, nor does it bother yizhuo. it’s a given that you’re still madly in love with the girl, and vice versa. it only leaves the question of what will happen now. yizhuo doesn’t say much afterwards. it’s the truth. you love her too much that you couldn’t bear to see her suffer because of you.
“i was so ready to marry you, i bought a ring,” yizhuo mutters, shedding tears. her sniffles aren’t concealed by the low humming of the air conditioning. it feels too real.
“forgive me, please,” you say.
“i can’t.”
the hotel room goes quiet.
“that’s okay,” it’s hard to say. you want to protest against everything, beg yizhuo to take you back and you could live your happily ever after with her.
it doesn’t happen. you don’t fall to your knees and plead.
you only stare at yizhuo in a mix of fear and longing affection. it pains you to see her so broken, and it only drives the knife further into your heart to know you’re the reason why.
“i’m so tired, y/n.”
you nod, feeling the fatigue seep in.
“me too.”
“can i sleep here tonight?” yizhuo asks softly.
you nod. there were still things to talk about, but you think you’ve done a decent job so far. pulling the covers over your bodies as yizhuo slides into the bed, you relish in the warmth and comfort of having her beside you again.
she turns her head to look at you, uncertainty filling her voice, “let’s talk more in the morning. i’m tired now.”
you agree with her wholeheartedly, inching closer to fit against her back.
as yizhuo’s eyelids flutter shut, you caress her skin tenderly. your index finger writes against her back, strokes lining her skin.
i love you. it’s one of the many phrases you’ve picked up throughout the years of being with the girl. she only taught you silly words and swears, but yizhuo had insisted you learn how to say and write those very words.
it’s fitting, because it’s all you ever feel for her.
because of yizhuo, you’ve had the opportunity to experience having a soulmate for almost your whole life. because of yizhuo, there’s no lingering doubt of being unlovable. because of yizhuo, you get to spend your days filled with happiness.
because of yizhuo, you understand what love is.
you just hope she understands you too.
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
I knew at once, I knew he needed me
B. Barnes x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Canon-ish universe, friends to lovers, Bucky’s last trauma, flagsmashers debacle, TW: Bucks past non-con but no detail, blowjobs, fluff and smut, MAN TEARS, sexual dysfunction, Bucky Needs Orders, soft domme, Subby Bucky, Bucky is the sweetest sad meow meow who loves his girl, dry-humping, super-soldier loads amirite
Mood board under cut
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Something about Bucky shifted when he went off on the Flag Smasher’s ordeal. You’d gotten a debrief back at HQ. No, you were not super powered. Simply a secretary who once upon a time was a SHIELD agent. But you’d got to know the reclusive former Winter Soldier bits and pieces at first.
Sam shoved him in charge of the Compound while he was dealing with things as the Falcon. Therefore you had to deal with a very surly one-hundred something man who had a staring problem and vocalized all of about 10 words— variants of no. You felt for the poor guy, he’s out of time, his best friend dipped off, and now the government owns him again.
You’d be tired and grumpy too.
But eventually your clipped conversations had turned into iPhone lessons along other modern world curiosities. The recruits were, safe to say, a bunch of jackasses and Bucky would come sit with you to have some coffee and mellow out as you typed. He’d grumble and rave, metal hand whining and whirring.
Then he asked you on a date.
Date turned to more dates.
More dates turned into ‘going steady’ and being ‘his best girl’. It was cotton candy sweet how kind and gentle he was. You knew there was a fear lingering he would hurt you on accident or go haywire. That somehow those words would come back— but they were gone.
You’d remind him sweetly with a squeeze of left inorganic hand and a peck on his pouty lips. He’d walk you back to your apartment and had been in there before for dinner, but was reluctant to stay the night. Reluctant to get anything but a little handsy while making out.
That was okay, he’d been through a lot. You didn’t mind, it was fun exploring with Bucky to find his sexuality, what felt good, what made him tick. Sometimes it could be frustrating but a vibe would do the trick until further notice.
On a miserable day Buck informed you he had to go with Sam on a mission. That mission turned into an entire ordeal, you keeping your head down and doing what you did. The Avenger’s secretary, oft dealing with the wonkiest of adventures under the guidance of Pepper.
Buck had left a message now and then, missing you dearly. The video of John Walker made you sick and worried to the point that Pep had you take the day off. The fact that Zemo was cavorting around with Sam and Bucky was it’s own nightmare.
You managed to reach Bucky on an encrypted line, begging for him to be safe. The soldier had chuckled blithely and replied, “I’m trying my best. No Zemo isn’t trying to kill me. That jackass Walker is going down though. Gonna’ get this under control and get back to you, sweet pea. I-,” he paused on the line, “I love you. I miss you too. Take care of yourself, gotta go okay?”
You blubbered back an ‘I love you’ and ate a pint of ice cream that night, wearing his shirt, watching that familiar face on the news. Hopefully they would get this Karli girl arrested and end any source of new serum. Put that asshole fake Cap away too.
It did. Sam emerging as the new Captain America, you jumping and cheering alone in the apartment with Alpine. Bucky was smirking in the back. You’d get to see him soon. He left a message he had to sort out one more thing before going home.
A little disappointed, you were glad Bucky went to help Sam’s family out. But you did have a job. On the bright side you could talk to your boyfriend every day. He seemed keen to get home, rambling about things he missed, things he remembered on the worldwide adventure. When Bucky would get off in his thoughts, his voice would get so soft and breathy, making your cheeks flush.
He groaned, “Soon babydoll, soon, I think I’m going to strap you to my side and we’ll catch up on all these movies from the journal.”
“I can’t wait.”
As stated before, there was a shift in Buck. Not bad. Something occurred though. And you couldn’t complain when he had you pinned to the couch, hands roving your body, breathing down your neck, “Oh god, missed you s’much, so damn cold most of the time.”
His toned thighs held yours spread out, hot length pressed to your core, only thin pairs of underwear as a barrier. Things were getting wet down there every rut of his hips. Bucky moaned in frustration, almost trying to bury himself in your skin.
Grabbing scruffy chin you refocused hazy eyes to you. Softly you murmured, “Slow down handsome. I’m not going anywhere. You okay?” Bucky blinked a bit and blushed, sheepishly apologizing with closed eyes, “I- baby- sorry. I don’t know either, jus’ want you. Life’s too short.”
You narrowed your eyes and prodded, “Don’t rush through something you’re not ready for yet.”
Bucky’s blues peered dead into your being this time as he swore, “Been living in fear since I got brought back. I know that I want you, and god it feels Fuckin’ good.” You kissed him passionately after that, tightening your thighs around trim waist.
Bucky hiccuped and heaved when he spilled all over your clothed cunt, sweetly begging for more. You scratched softly at his scalp, ushering the needy thing along. The brunette slid against his own spend and your slick panties, breath hitching. He whined, “S’good, s’good, wet, ff-fuck!”
You ended up spasming and cumming on Buck’s fourth orgasm, so goddamn slick between the pair of you now. He shook down to his toes, holding you tight as he mewled, “Oh god, oh god, fffucking hurts, can’t stop, baby y-ya feel s’good.”
Poor baby had milked himself dry after two more loads, gasping and making the prettiest little hitched noises. You’d led the pliant super soldier to the shower and tended to him, Buck was out to the park after all that intense sensation, hell, sensuality.
He’d softly thank you over and over again between apologies, until the big teddy fell asleep in your arms, puffing softly. Buck wouldn’t have a nightmare that night. Nor many another night after wearing himself out.
No penetration yet, but fucking close. He wasn’t quite ready for that. You knew he was in some sort of phase, spurred on by whatever occurred in Madripoor. He wouldn’t elaborate but said it made him want human touch again. He’d fess up when he was ready, because then you’d let the needy baby fuck.
Walking into your apartment with a sprawled Bucky red faced and teary made you wonder if he was ready. His cock was red and obscenely engorged, leaking copious precum, balls just as heavy looking. The soldier had pushed his briefs down and looked like he’d been at it for awhile based on the redness and his sweaty chest. You swallowed back some drool. Fuck.
“Honey? Bucky? What’s going on?”
A divine whimper graced your senses. His lashes were thick and clumped from tears. Bucky whined, “Need you, my h-hands, fuck!” He bit down on his lip roughly, obviously frustrated. Blood dribbled down Buck’s stubbled chin.
Dropping your stuff and bolting over to your lover had him barely relax, hiccuping a bit. You straddled his lap, careful not to irritate or stimulate too much. Grabbing his gorgeous face with two hands you stared calmly, as one would to a child coming down from a tantrum, “Baby. Need you to take a couple breaths and tell me what’s going on.”
His chest stuttered, breath thin, you instructing some box breathing, counting for Bucky. You could feel him relax underneath you, pulse lowering, that residual twitching dying down. Your lover blinked a couple of times, lips pulled into a frown.
Now gently scratching his scalp you tried again, “Can you tell me what’s going on sweetheart? Something happened in Madripoor. I want to help, I can help if you just talk baby boy.”
His gaze held your own, a gritting of his jaw and slow exhale. Bucky’s mismatched hands slid carefully up the tops of your thighs to grip your hips. The brunette rasped, “We did a ploy. I played…him..to get information we needed. Whole set up with Zemo trying to sell me. It reminded me of my,” he gulped, “other uses.”
“Oh fuck, I’m sorry, no,” you rambled while pulling him in closer. Bucky eased back and shook his head, “You make it easier. I just…I..I have trouble doing anything without orders right now. I’ve been too- ugh fuck- embarrassed to say anything. But goddamn if I’m not horny all the time, it’s so twisted.” He tucked wet lashes against your neck, steadying his breathing.
You did some deductions in your head. Bucky had been sating any sort of carnal urges on his own. The little ploy had switched that button deep in Buck’s brain that he needed orders to cum. No wonder he’d been so needy, begging you for release, your lover had been in a mindfuck for two months.
You cooed, “Oh Buck, you can tell me anything, c’mon now. I’m not shaming you one bit. If we need to work through this we will.” Poor thing looked like he was going to cry again, nipping that swollen bottom lip. You shoved your thumb between those pretty lips and hummed, “Stop beating yourself up. I’m more than happy to order my handsome boy around.”
Bucky had instinctively opened to accept your digit, cheeks flaming harder than before. You softly pressed down on his tongue, the brunette drooling and jerking underneath you. The tension seemed to melt out of his body with this one authoritative action.
“Such a sweetheart, can’t help it, don’t worry, we’ll get you back in charge in no time. But just relax for now,” you swiped a tear away, “I’m not going to hurt a hair on your pretty head. Thank you for telling me.”
He whined around your thumb, more and more drool leaking onto a strong chest. You hummed, “I’m going to suck your cock.” It felt almost dirty but Bucky whimpering around your thumb was a relief, a gargled, “Pleaaaaseee.”
Sliding your thumb out of his puffy lips, Bucky made another pitiful noise at the loss. When your slick thumb swirled around his purpling cockhead the brunette shouted in surprise, hands gripping into the couch cushions.
“Going to suck your cock and you’re gonna love it, pretty boy,” you cooed, breathing over where he needed it most. A dollop of pre dribbled out, your tongue lapping it up gently. Buck’s thighs twitched and he moaned, throwing his head back. The cushion ripped on his left side.
You swirled your tongue around the bulbous tip, lapping on the underside just to hear him gasp your name. Popping off you rasped, “Grab my hair, you can move me to your pace.” He nodded disjointedly, flesh hand ever so carefully rerouting to your ponytail.
You began to bob down the length on him, other hand crawling up to caress and gently squeeze his hefty balls. Poor Buck, all backed up. He needed to cum bad. His voice came out as a thin whine, “Ohaaaahhh- wha- I’ve never.” You couldn’t help but smile at being his first.
Satisfaction that no one forcibly took this intimate act from him, not to mention you beat out likely someone’s great grandmother to suck the great Bucky Barnes’ dick. Licking and humming on a vein had your own throat stretching and slick, drool collecting around your obscenely stretched lips.
You fucking loved sucking cock. Especially such a big boy’s like Bucky’s. His hips jerked, forcing the blunt tip down your throat, you finally swallowing him down the best you could. Swallow swallow swallow, this was for your baby. Bucky’s built chest shuddered with his staccato breath, babbling, “So good baby s’good s’good, ohmyfuck.”
He whined again when you came up for air, drooling and heaving over that gorgeous prick. Bucky whimpered, “You look pretty, can I cum? Soon? Please?” You nodded, voice hoarse, “No more deep but I want you to fill my throat with all that cum. You have all the permission, actually, an order to cum.”
It didn’t take long of you humming and shallowly bobbing on his rapidly swelling cock for the first load to come. Bucky’s heavy balls contracted and drew tight under your palm, sending hot seed down your throat. You eagerly swallowed, sucking harder if anything. Bucky moaned and cried, squirming, legs sluttily spreading by the second climax.
You so desperately wanted to fuck around with that tender skin behind his balls but stuck to rolling and squeezing. You suckled on the crown, flicking tongue at the quickest speed, the poor thing warning with a sob, “Again!” He filled your mouth up this round, a fucking surprise, damn super soldiers. Dutifully gulping it again you slurped up excess drool and slowed the pace until Bucky was shying away, mewling.
Gently tucking him back in you wiped your mouth, laughing softly at the drool covering your blouse. God knows how wet your panties were. Bucky panted and hugged you oh-so-tight, warbling the cutest thanks. Wrapping back around Buck you curled the hair growing out around his ears and pressed little kisses to his cheeks.
“I’ve got you baby, we can do orders until you’re up to par. Feeling better?”
He rasped softly, “So much better, god, thank you.”
“No need, I love you. You know that. I’m quite satisfied I was the first to give you head.”
Pressing your lips to another stray tear he repeated it back, “Love you too, angel.” He smiled dopily, “The last too, that mouth works wonders.”
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subtly-a-selkie · 1 year
but like imagine hiro with an s/o who loves to collect random stuff or like picks up rocks and gives them to hiro and is like “here this rock reminded me of you” ODMSJSHHA
i absolutely adore this ask! it might just be because i do the same thing but i’m really excited to write it. I’m so so so sorry for the delay, i had surgery in july and have been recovering since then, plus the Anniversary was last month. (yes that's a long time but please cut me some slack I have been doing my best) anyways i hope you like it! because its been so long since i started it, i wrote it a little differently than usual. it's like a little collection of moments.
also! not only do I now have an ao3, but i also have a taglist! both are linked in my navigation.
Word count: A little over 1k :)
Warnings: Big Hero Six: The Series lore thrown in (Bessie is a meteorite bear, yes it is as weird as it sounds). We are going to pretend I payed for my own matcha ice cream and know how much it was. San Fransokyo cable cars are officially Not That Expensive because I said so. i apparently really like the word intertwine
"I'm back!" You exclaim, sitting down on Hiro's bed to look at him. He was still in the same position as when you had left, staring blankly at his computer screen, he had been trying to fix something on Baymax's suit and you could tell by his slumped posture he hadn't succeeded yet. He brightens up at your voice, and rolls his chair around to face you.
"How was your adventure into the woods?" He asks, pressing the save button on his document.
"Your phrasing makes it sound like there was a seventy percent chance that I would have dropped dead as soon as I heard a bird that isn't a pigeon."
"There's moose, mosquitos, and Bessie in those woods Y/N. I'd say eighty."
"Bessie likes me Hiro. Because I appreciate nature while you would rather wither away staring at a screen."
"Bessie doesn't like anyone. She's a bear."
"A bear that likes me." You retort, laughing at his expression. "Oh! I got you something!" You rummage in your bag and pull out a rock. "Its shaped like Mochi!" 
"So a round rock." Hiro says and you gasp, cupping your hands around Mochi's ears, who had taken up residence on your lap almost as soon as you had sat down on the bed.
"Don't listen to him Mochi you are perfectly cat shaped." You coo at the cat who meows smugly in response.
Hiro takes the rock from where it lay on the bed, you had abandoned it in favor of the real Mochi, turning it over in his hands. You're right, he admits to himself, it does look uncannily like Mochi, even having discoloration where he has his patches. He moves his gaze to you and smiles, setting rock Mochi down on his desk. 
"You know that ice cream place you've been wanting to go to? The one with matcha ice cream?" 
You lift your head from your fussing over Mochi at his voice and smile back at him. "Yeah?"
He responds by standing up and pulling a ten dollar bill out of his pant pocket, then intertwining your fingers and pulling you up off the bed. 
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
"Hi." You say intertwining your arms around Hiro's shoulders. He's sitting in his chair playing video games with Fred, and you're leaning against the back of the chair.
"Hi." He replies, as you rest your head where his neck meets his shoulder. You stay like that for a bit until his character dies and he disconnects the call, much to Freds chagrin if the whining from Hiro's speakers is anything to go by. He then spins his chair around so you are face to face.
"Hi." He repeats watching as your face brightens in remembrance.
"Oh! I have something for you." You pull a dark feather out of your pocket, smoothing it out before handing it to him. "It reminded me of you." 
"A feather reminded you of me?" He says  as he turns over in his hands.
"Yeah! It's the exact color of your hair."
"I don't think my hair is this pretty in the light though." He's twisting the feather through a sun beam, watching as the hidden iridescent colors are showcased. He turns suddenly, and places it with the Mochi rock, a patterned paper crane, and a few other items.
He turns back to you and opens his arms, you accept the offer for a hug almost immediately, resting your head back on where his neck meets his shoulder.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
Your hands rake through the smooth quartz, and you turn a couple over in your hand before moving on to a different plastic box of crystals. You stop when you've chosen one and risk a glance over at Hiro. He is looking at the things you had handed him, the things that you picked out for yourself, this particular crystal is for him though, and you have to somehow pay for it without him noticing. Curling your hand into a fist to hide it, you tug on Hiro's jacket.
"I've found everything I need." You say smiling at him, he nods and leads the way to the cashier, placing your things on the counter, and reaching for his wallet. 
"You paid for the food, I can pay for my things." He pauses.
"You sure?" 
"Yeah." You wait until he's looking at what they have set up next to the counter to add the crystal to your other things, making eye contact with the cashier and then flicking your eyes over to your boyfriend. She seems to have caught your message, and wraps the crystal in tissue paper, along with a couple of the more delicate items.
"Would you like a bag?" She asks
"Yes please." You take the bag from her and intertwine your fingers with Hiro's, leading the both of you out of the shop and onto the streets of San Fransokyo.
"Where should we go next?" He asks you, bringing you closer to him by tugging on your hand, then lifting your joined hands and pressing a kiss to the back of yours. 
"Hm." Your eyes scan the street you and Hiro are on, and your eyes light up at a banner that showcases the aquariums deep sea exhibit. You gasp, and turn to look at Hiro.
"You want to go the the aquarium?" He asks before you can say anything, and you nod enthusiastically. Luckily there's a cable car stop just up ahead, and you both sit on the bench as you wait. Hiro takes a drink of his water and you dig around in your bag to find his gift.
"I have something for you." You say. Hiro finishes zipping up his backpack and turns to look at  you. You hand him the wrapped crystal and he unwraps it, turning the smooth rock over in his palm, and reading the little card that came with it.
"Did you get this at the shop we were just at?" He asks, a slight laugh to his tone.
"Yes." You grin at him and more of a laugh makes its way into his voice.
"I love it." He slips it into one of his backpack pockets and intertwines your fingers once more, resting his head on yours.
People tagged <3
@oyasumimosura your hiro fic is on my list but here's something in the meantime
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spitefulfemme · 5 months
i love being cared for and spoiled just as much as the next lesbian, but it's so important to do the same for the other person in the relationship.
helping them out when they've had a bad day, give them a shoulder to cry on or a neck to hide their face in, reassure them that they'll be ok no matter how much the world feels like it's crashing down on just them and them alone. or if they're not that much into physical touch, just lending an ear helps. even if you can't give them great advice, just being there and letting them get their bad day off their chest says a lot, and it means even more. and some people don't like to talk about their bad days. that's ok too. sometimes it's just space that they need but sometimes they just need to be distracted from their bad day. indulge in some of their favorite hobbies with them, watch a comfort show/movie of their's, cook them their favorite meal.
remembering the little things and doing them just because. adding in small details that you've remembered they hold so dear to their heart for whatever reason. it always feels good to know you're actually being listened to.
can we pls normalize femmes paying for stuff? just a little bit???? please queens/kings????? listen guys, i'm not complaining if you want to take care of me financially, i am a broke bitch! but WHEN i do have money, (not very often😞) at least let me buy you some ice cream with it or SOMETHIN'- PLEASE! i know ice cream isn't a super big responsibility but it's always felt weird to me seeing the relationship dynamic where one person supports themselves and their partner financially, and the partner doesn't even reciprocate it occasionally???? THIS IS NOT ME DEMONIZING THIS LIL DYNAMIC OR WTV, i just personally do not vibe with it. but do whatever makes you happy, bbgs. i know there are other ways of taking care of someone other than supporting them financially but i'd love to even be able to do it just once in a while, if not all the time. (all the time is not likely bcs once again i can't save money for shit....)
i know i mentioned this for like five seconds in my first or second lil paragraph but cooking is such a reassuring thing to do. cooking someone their favourite meal or just any meal is a love language that we look past too often and i am sick of it!!!!! (this is coming from someone who tried to make homeade hamburger helper with burrito beef two nights ago btw... don't look at me.) it's such a quiet way of love admittance. but then genuineness is there and it's abundant. mostly if your partner is of culture, i bet that would be an amazing and quite heartwarming surprise for them to see. (meow:3)
i could go on and on and on about reciprocity but it's 2am and i don't feel like writing anymore...
⁻ this post was made by a minor, mdni accs dni!
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calmcoldevening · 2 years
Slashers x crying reader
Well, i think you can read it if you have bad episode or smth like that, honey)) Just know that they love you!
Tw: gender neutral reader, crying
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Bubba Sawyer
♡ Honey, what's wrong? Has someone offended you? Nabbins? Drayton? One of the victims?
♡ Seeing your tears, Bubba will be beside himself with worry. A man will immediately rush to you, wrapping his sweaty palms around your cheeks with excitement. Jerky sounds will come out of his mouth, more like meowing or babbling of a child, but you clearly see fear in this.
♡ Without waiting for your clear explanation, Bubba will pick you up in his arms and take you to the kitchen, seating you on the table. With shaking hands, he will fill a glass with water and carry it to you in the hope that this will help you connect a couple of words.
♡ Sawyer Jr. will circle around you and try in every way to calm you down. Just tell me who offended you, and he will kill that person!
♡ Just look at those copper eyes sparkling with tears, he's like a scared puppy worried about his beloved mistress!
♡ When you calm down, you will go for a walk together or, if the weather is bad, which is unlikely, you will stay at home and lie on the bed in an embrace.
♡ During Drayton's next trip to the city, Bubba will certainly ask his brother to buy you ice cream or some small sweets, marmalade, for example. After all, the Sawyer brothers like you (after all, you're their youngest's favorite, which means you're a family member), so most likely one ice cream won't hit Sawyer Senior's pocket much.
♡ Bubba is a very vulnerable boy who worries about literally everything in this world, and first of all about you and your brothers. So please don't get too upset about the little things. The boy is very sensitive and literally copies your emotions, albeit unconsciously. Cheerful you are — cheerful Bubba, which means he has more strength to produce meat for the family.
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Michael Myers
♡ When he sees you crying, he'll just stand up and stand rooted to the spot. The lifeless black eyes of his snow-white mask will look at you for a long time, studying your emotions.
♡ Michael has never understood either his emotions or the emotions of others, so don't expect some kind of violent reaction and quick consolation from him.
♡ He will find you on the bed in your own bedroom. You were sitting with your arms wrapped around your knees and your face buried in them, sobbing softly. At first, a man wouldn't understand why you're whining and shaking a little.
♡ You will not raise your head at him, trying to calm the hysteria as quickly as possible, knowing how Michael does not like extraneous noise. But after a couple of minutes, the mattress next to you will slip, and a strong heavy hand will appear on your shoulder. Michael, without waiting for your response, will turn you around and hold you to his chest.
♡ He doesn't understand your emotions, your cheekbones and tears, but he sees that you feel bad. Michael remembers that when he's not in the mood, you always read a book, put your head on your lap and slowly comb his hair until the headache subsides, or just somehow calm down and take care. Next to you, the voices in his head are unusually silent. You make his life easier, give him shelter, food and attention, so now he wants to do the same.
♡ Burrowing into his clothed shoulder, you will burst into tears even more, soaking his jumpsuit with tears. Michael will continue to patiently pat you on the back, waiting for you to feel better. He'll just be with you.
♡ After what happened, it's better not to mention Michael's tenderness. He's not used to taking care of you the same way you take care of him, it's new to him, and it's scary. Otherwise, he will leave the house for a couple of days to vent his anger.
♡ If you also want to somehow show your feelings and thank Michael — arrange a movie night, having previously bought various sweets for Myers. He will definitely like the horror movie and candy. And after that, Michael will feel a little more confident and relaxed next to you.
♡ Over time, Michael will be able to understand you better and will really be able to help with the next attack. You won't know about it, but whenever he sees couples with similar situations, he will slightly delay their hour of death to see how best to behave next to you at this moment. You'll see, this boy learns very quickly.
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Bo Sinclair
♡ If Bo sees you crying, he'll probably think it's a joke. A man can make a couple of jokes about you on this score. It is his style to apply even where it is completely inappropriate (he translates most of his problems into a joke). But when he does not see your reaction, that is, the expected laughter or the same poisonous remark, he will be wary.
♡ Your body is still shaking from crying, and the room is filled with long sobs. What kind of freak did this to you?
♡ Bo will come to you and sit next to you. A man will wrap his hands around your cheeks, wiping the tracks of tears from under your eyes with his thumbs. He will smile bitterly and put his forehead to yours, rubbing it lightly. The man will let out a light sigh, but it will calm you down. He will lightly kiss you on the lips, then on the nose, cheeks, until you burst into a relieved laugh.
♡ When you can breathe evenly, occasionally sobbing, Bo will put you on his lap and start talking about everything that comes into his head, just to distract you from sad thoughts.
♡ A few days or even weeks will pass after the incident, but Bo will still treat you with reverence and monitor you and your mood in every possible way.
♡ From time to time, Bo will leave you gifts or some nice little things to cheer you up. Just don't be surprised if it's the thing of one of Ambrose's recent victims. They don't need these items anymore, but they will make you smile.
♡ When you're sad, Bo even tries to be less of a bastard than usual. If he still feels your depression, a man can offer a relaxing massage that can bring you to your senses.
♡ But after a while everything will return to normal, and instead of a moderately caring guy, your eccentric asshole lover will return.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
do you think you can do a yandere Jason todd x male reader x Yandere Dick Grayson if you want to that is your a great writer :)
Yandere Jason Todd x male reader x Yandere Dick Grayson
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(i couldnt find a gif of just Jason and Dick, so have this one)
So, Jason and Dick are both yandere for the same person here, who’s got powers, cuz duh, I always make the reader a hero or meta. Readers related to Reverse flash, cuz hes one of my crazy meow meows.
I kinda went a little all over the place in the story with this, but I love the idea of speedster powers.
 -          You were called Mach 10, or that was your alter egos name anyways. In the beginning they had called you reverse kid flash since you were to Thawne what Wally was to Barry, except your relationship with Thawne was a lot more confusing.
-          You weren’t sure where you even started, what year you were from, or what reality for that matter, and neither was Thawne. But he saw you had his exact powers, looked like him, at least a little, so he took you under his wing and brought you with him.
-          Thawne is in no way a good person, whatsoever, but he didn’t force you to follow his path. You didn’t have a reason for what you did like Thawne, but part of you liked the feeling of your powers and how strong you were, so you also did crime, though not to the same scale as your father figure.
-          This didn’t mean you were all evil though. You saw yourself as greyer or rather a darker grey. You helped when people were in mortal danger, sometimes, and you always helped if the world was in danger or similar.
-          You could even be convinced to work alongside the flashes, though they were wary of you in the beginning, until you all actually got closer, and you became allies with the likes of Wally or Bart, though they weren’t the biggest fans of your villainy, they knew they couldn’t stop you for the most part.
-          And as long as you weren’t actually hurting people, or you only were hurting actually evil people, they could look past it in a similar way to the league looking past the outlaws and their behavior. Of course, you’d killed innocent people too, you weren’t without flaws, but they didn’t have to know that.
 -          The first time you used your powers to your full potential and jumped through and altered time, or jumped to different dimensions, Thawne was so proud and the two of you went out for ice cream to celebrate.
-          This new world was very similar to your own, and the league of this world must have felt the ripple in the speedforce or reality itself, as the ice cream shop you and Thawne were sitting in soon had a couple of heroes outside.
-          Your father figure rolled his eyes so hard you couldn’t help but giggle, and you two kept on eating your treat as this dimensions Flash cautiously made his way inside, seemingly recognizing Thawne at the very least, though you gave you some wary looks.
-          As the two men talked you ended up speeding outside to get some air, and since you grew extremely bored listening to them discuss why you were here, what you wanted, etc. etc. You flashed past the other heroes outside and decided to check out the different cities this dimension had to offer.
-          As the heroes panicked, Thawne just waved his hand and told them you were fine since you didn’t have a bloodlust like he did, and you were more like a dog hyped up on the speedforce checking out a new patch of grass.
-          Of course none of them trusted Thawne, but its not like anyone but Barry could really keep up with you, and as Thawne left saying you’d leave when you were done, they decided to keep an eye on you instead.
 -          One thing led to another, and you ended up in Gotham, sitting on the edge of a rooftop watching the gloomy city go about their life. Every now and then you’d catch some people glancing up at you, as your bright yellow suit stood out very brightly across the dark city.
-          Your suit was very similar to Thawnes, though you had added your own quirks to it, and the suit had more black mixed with some red patterns, though it was clear your inspiration was from Reverse Flash and not Flash.
-          It was when you were debating on ransacking a store for all their snacks that you noticed this dimensions Red Hood fighting a large number of enemies. He was limping and was struggling to keep up, so you could under assume he had been at this for a while.
-          Shrugging you decided to help, since Red Hood was the only bat you got along with in your universe. With a crackle of black and red lightning, you flashed on over and took out the enemies with ease.
-          You had to hold back from not killing them since you knew the bat wouldn’t be very happy about that, and you remembered Red Hood from your universe didn’t kill as much anymore.
-          Turning around you watched as Red Hood collapsed to his knee with a pained groan, blood vividly pouring down his torso and onto the rooftop.
 -          Jason had no idea who you were or where you came from, but he was too messed up from his fight to do much as you walked over and picked him up like he weighed nothing. Then you sped somewhere else, one of his safehouses that seemed to be the same as the one in your original dimension, and you patched him out.
-          He passed out from blood loss, but when he woke up again you were still there, sitting on his couch watching tv like you owned the place. Seeing as he was awake you went and checked up on him, making sure he wasn’t dying or anything.
-          That’s when Jason finally demanded to know who the hell you were, or how you knew about his safehouse. You just laugh and reach up to push you cowl off, introducing yourself as Mach 10, and saying you were just a visitor from a different dimension.
-          Jason would never admit it but the moment he saw your face the seeds of obsession were sown, and as you stuck around for the rest of the day you two started talking and found out you had a lot in common.
-          And when you didn’t judge him for his violent ways and he learned you resorted to violence and murder as well, he felt some kind of kinship with you, only deepening the already brewing obsession and love.
-          You end up figuring out the Red Hood of this world never stopped using real bullets, he just kills less than before, but still puts and end to the lives of the worse kinds of people.
 -          After that, much to Batman’s annoyance, you stuck around Gotham, though you mainly stuck around Crime Alley. You started to become Red Hoods terrifying yellow shadow. There were rumors you were some kind of opposite to Signal, but they people saw your use of speed, and it became obvious you weren’t a bat.
-          You had never been one much for boundaries, so when Jasons obsession grew over time and he started to touch you like grabbing you, holding your hand or carrying you around you just let him, knowing you could snap him in half if you needed too.
-          You weren’t the best influence as your own moral compass wasn’t the best, but Crime Alley had never been more safe for the innocent, and you started to actually gather admirers amongst the civilian population.
-          Jason never spoke of how jealous or sick it made him feel to see people cheer for you or take your hand to thank you for saving them. But people never got too far in their hero worship, as you always did something the normal population found terrifying, placing you right back in the untouchable category.
-          But seeing you use the speedforce to rip apart someones atoms or watch you vibrate at a frequency that allowed you to control people, it made people back away and only admire and fear you from a distance.
-          But for Jason it only made you more attractive, and watching you vibrate or as sparks of lightning shot off your body, it only made Jason feel hot under the collar. His obsession with you grew to the point where he would neglect his duties as the Red Hood if you weren’t going out as well, so he could spend more time with you.
 -          Before you arrived Jason had kept up some kind of contact with the batfam since he was lonely or might need support at times, but now that you were there he pretty much stopped all contact as you were all he needed.
-          This worried the bats, but not enough for most of them to do anything about it, except for Dick who decided he needed to get to the bottom of this. So he went to Crime Alley to check on Jason and you.
-          When Dick first met you he couldn’t help but notice how bright and carefree you were, like the weight of the world meant absolutely nothing to you, and looking at you and your powers that might be the truth.
-          But he also couldn’t help but notice how Jason seemed to tense up as he shook your hand, or how his younger brothers hand seemed to be twitching for his gun whenever Dick got a little too close to you.
-          Dick hadn’t ever really been the most mentally stable person, especially in this new dimension he seemed even more unstable in a sense, as he grew interested in you and seemed to ignore the obvious danger that Jason was to him.
-          In the beginning it was just a curious interest for Dick, but like Jason the moment he saw your face the first time without your cowl, his heart stuttered, and his face went red, and he felt like he had to have you.
 -          Like with Jason you did very little to disapprove of his behavior, letting Dick hug you whenever he wanted, or leaving the trackers you knew they both placed on you, knowing your lightning would break them at some point.
-          Dick went out of his way to learn all your interests, and buying you more gifts than you knew what to do with, he might even use his connection to the league to get you speedster based gear that you could use.
-          Jasons jealousy became worse as he clung to you, his eyes pretty much always a constant bright green as pit rage burned in his chest as he watched Dick try to charm you and steal you from him.
-          Up until they point Jason hadn’t made a move on you romantically, but when he saw Dick bring you a brand new herosuit, one that when you put it on hugged your body even more than the last one, he decided enough was enough.
-          It was especially the way Dick seemed to look all over your body in your new suit, or how Dicks hands wandered over your body to “check out that the suit fit” and how he knew Dick kept pictures and recordings of you.
-          Jason hoped Dicks interest would disappear when he watched you mind control someone to kill their entire family and then themselves, as multiple members of the family were innocent or children.
-          But to Jasons extreme annoyance, Dick only seemed to get more interested or feel more drawn to you. Jason was happy you didn’t pay much attention to other people, or else you might have noticed how Dick was aching for you like a cat in heat as he watched you rip out someone’s lungs using the speedforce.
 -          They both knew they couldn’t keep you locked up, they couldn’t even threaten you as you were so much more powerful than them, and you weren’t dumb enough to manipulate.
-          No matter how many plans Jason cooked up, he couldn’t figure out a way to keep you as his and his alone, until one night it just became too much.
-          A woman you had just saved from a criminal pressed up against you, hands rubbing your chest as she told you she could thank you in the best way, but before you could laugh in her face, Jason had shot her.
-          As you turned to look at him in confusion Jason crowded close to you, ripping of his helmet to grab your face and force his lips onto yours. You could easily have broken both his arms, but you didn’t find Jason annoying to be around, so you kissed him back.
-          Jason was over the moon as you kissed him back, his legs growing weak as he started moaning and whimpering against your lips, his knees completely giving out as your tongues clashed, resulting in you having to hold him up.
-          What you both didn’t realize was that Dick had been following you, and had seen the kiss which was enough to snap what little bit of sanity he had left as possessiveness burned so brightly in his chest.
-          He followed you both back to Jasons place where he confronted you two as you got inside, and you were just confused as the two bats started fighting both physically and with words. But when their fighting got a little too extreme you pulled them apart.
-          Dick ended up grabbing you and pulling you close so he could kiss you too, forcing his tongue between your lips as you could taste blood from where Jason must have busted his lip. Jason yelled in rage and tried to fling himself at Dick again, but you just grabbed him and held him against your side.
 -          Where Jason had grown weak in his knees and almost soft at the kisses, Dick seemed to grow controlling, the grip he had on you growing tight to the point it would have hurt a normal person.
-          When the kiss started to feel like you were being devoured by some animal you forced Dick to step back, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as you told him to control the slobbering.
-          Both Dick and Jason still fought a lot for you, but they also knew they’d have to kill one another to get the other to leave, but you liked them both as a person, so they put up with each other’s presence.
-          They even started sharing the pictures or videos they had, or their collection of stolen items they had taken from you, where dicks most prized possession was your last suit, and Jasons was the original clothes you had been wearing underneath the suit when you first arrived.
-          Dick grew more violent during his patrols as he became almost illusioned by his possessive obsession to you, that he couldn’t let these criminals walk around as they’d want to take you from him or would taint you. This resulted in Dick also cutting most contact with the batfam and the league, as he and Jason were too busy worshipping your very existence.
-          They were both extremely clingy, both inside and outside of suits, and they loved to buy you things or to always be touching you. And though they hated your powers at times since they could never get the upper hand, they both loved how strong you were, or how cruel you were to criminals or just anybody that got in your way.
 -          But one day came that you were growing bored of this dimension, and though you did care for Jason and Dick, you wanted to be on your way and even return to your original dimension.
-          You weren’t a good person, and since you’d never officially put a name on what you were with the two bats, you just packed up what few things you needed on a rare day neither of them were there, put on your suit, left a note, and left using the speedforce.
-          When Dick and Jason realize you left, they both in their delusional minds think there must have been some reason you left, that maybe Thawne forced you or something happened in your original universe.
-          You were the only thing keeping them a little stable, so with you gone they both pretty much lose it and hurt and kill anybody in their way to get you back, which ends up with them finding some gear or machine that uses the speedforce.
-          They somehow had something of yours that is connected to you or your presence in the speedforce that means they can zero the machine in on you, and take them to you. So with the league in shambles around them, they abandon their original Dimension and step into your original dimension, on their search for you so they can stand by you once more.
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th3archivisst · 2 years
Hob had been very annoyed with the downfall of modern sweets. The chocolate no longer had as much taste, it was just sugar. And all the best candies had been out of production for years. He mostly missed Cadbury’s Aztec bar, but that had been gone since the 70s.
He had been planning on complaining about that to his stranger during their meetup in 1989, but well. That didn’t happen.
So, he’d just gone on with daily life, no longer going out to the store everyday to get his favorite sugar bombs. The only thing that was still good was the ice cream, and every once in a while a cake or cookie. He mostly just stuck with savory foods though.
And then, his dear stranger had returned. And not only had he returned, but he had told Hob his name.
It was so fitting that Hob had laughed when he heard it first. And then, later that night, he had murmured it over and over again, cheeks hurting from the smile he hadn’t been able to get rid of since his friend came back.
He hadn’t had the chance to tell Dream everything he’d wanted to that day, but to his surprise and delight, Dream had showed up not a week later right outside his classroom door. He’d almost given the student who opened it a heart attack.
They had walked through the park together, talking amiably. Or, Hob had talked, and Dream had listened attentively, smiling from time to time and adding a thing or two here and there.
It was during this friendly conversation that Hob had remembered how awful modern day sweets were. They had just been passing a shop, and a pair of kids had walked out of it, one holding a chocolate bar and breaking a piece off for their friend.
Hob had looked at them for a second, then remembered.
“Oh yeah, and did you know just how bad all the sweet stuff has gotten?”
He’d gone on like this for around a minute before-
“I really miss Aztec though. That was some really good stuff. Too bad they discontinued it in the 70s, dammit.”
Dream had looked up at him then, brow furrowed and eyes twinkling. He’d left shortly afterwards, to Hob’s immense disappointment. Though he had promised to come back before next century.
For two weeks after that, everything was quiet. No sign of Dream, just regular old brilliant life. Although it would be a fair lot more brilliant with a certain gorgeous pale goth in it.
Now, Hob sat by the window in the New Inn, checking the assignments his students had handed back to him earlier that week. It was around 9pm, only just getting dark. (Thank god for summer, shortens the electricity bill)
Suddenly, a cat meowed just outside the window. Hob jumped a bit, then looked over.
It was beautiful black tom, with silky fur and eyes like the cosmos. Those eyes were very familiar…
With a grin and a sneaking suspicion, Hob got up and moved to the door to let the thing in. It meowed up at him and rubbed against his legs as it entered.
He went back to his spot and sat back down. The cat hopped up on the chair opposite him. For a while, Hob just continued checking the essays, not paying the cat any mind. If his suspicion was correct, that was the best way to prove it, he though.
And he thought correctly.
Twenty minutes in, a slight breeze flowed through the inn.
Another minute later, a quiet cough sounded across from Hob.
Hob grinned and liften his gaze to meet Dream’s.
“Dream! How lovely to see you.”
He teased his friend, amused at how his brow creased with slight annoyance. He knew Dream wouldn’t run off from some casual banter, so he could afford this little thing every now and then.
“What brings you here, my friend?”
Dream blinked silently. Then, he reached into a coat pocket and pulled something out.
“Close your eyes, Hob.”
Hob did.
“Give me your hand.”
And Hob did. He was confused, but interested and eager at the prospect of touching this ethereal creature.
He realized he had never done so before.
Dream’s skin was softer than any silk Hob had ever known, though it emanated no warmth.
Maybe Hob could rub some into it some day.
Hopefully that day would come soon.
A small, plastic package settled in his hand, and cold fingers closed his own around it.
When Hob opened his eyes, he was alone at the table again, holding a candy bar. He blinked a few times, perturbed.
Then, he looked down at the bar and his breath hitched.
It was an Aztec.
It was a damn Aztec.
A laugh escaped him, incredulous and delighted. He pocketed the sweet, determined to get Dream to try it with him later.
And also maybe kiss him senseless as thanks.
This post was inspired by @gabessquishytum’s post, which you can find here
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woncon · 1 year
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cat cafe date headcanons with soobin !
☕︎ soobin x gn!reader
☕︎ fluff, estabilished relationship, kissing, non-idol au, ficlet, bulleted-form
☕︎ thanks to @wonsheep for helping me fix my grammar mistakes and for giving me advice how to convert a whole story into another language precisely ❣
☕︎ txt masterlist | main masterlist
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☽ first of all, soobin is the cutest boy in the whole world (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
☽ he's very excited and, while squeezing your hand, he assures you that he's really looking forward to this new experience: he's never been to a cat cafe before, so you suggested going on a date to one of them. he agreed, thought the idea was cute, and he didn't expect that he would look so forward to it.
☽ he flashes the sweetest smile as he crosses the threshold, and looks at everything with sparkling eyes, even the doormat, on which three drawn white kittens are sitting on a lamppost. then you gently pull him towards the stairs, open the cat door, go up, and everything is so pleasant.
☽ the smell of ground coffee wafts softly in the light of the chandeliers, between the tables and couches. in the corner, two ladies are laughing and passionately petting a gray scottish cat with drooping ears. at another table, a couple is sipping iced coffee, holding hands on the table while watching a sleeping furry animal.
☽ a large, elegant, and curious orange maine coon notices you and gently rubs against you and soobin’s legs. a surprised sigh leaves soobin's mouth.
☽ he bends down and scratches the animal's ears, runs along the line of its spine. the cat blinks flatly and purrs in content. you also bend down and, based on the tag on his collar, you pet hazelnut together.
☽ when hazelnut leaves to nestle in one of the beds, you too look for a place. one of the corner tables, close to the friendly cat, seems just right.
☽ "homely" soobin murmurs as he looks around more closely. the framed pictures of cats and coffee on the cream-colored walls, embroidered cat pillows, and of course, what makes everything special: cat accessories, such as scratching posts, beds, climbing frames, toys, feeders, and the cats themselves, who wander from one guest to another with interest.
☽ it's a comfortable, peaceful place that suits you well. as an added bonus, you both love cats, but you can't have your own at home because of odi. so here you can live out your kitty aunt / kitty uncle status, although it seems that soobin is more committed than you, as he tries to call out the persian cat licking herself under one of the empty tables. he looks at the animal softly and encouragingly.
☽ if you were the cat, you would immediately go over to soobin and settle into his lap, purring.
☽ after you order, the cat makes up her mind to approach. the first page of the menu shows the animals that live here and their names, so you know that the individual with a thick, white coat is called seraphin. she has piercing blue eyes and her entire being is fascinated by soobin as she sits at his feet meowing sweetly. the boy caresses her with his skilled, loving fingers until seraphin finally ends up in his lap, lying down, comfortable and purring. (๑ ˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و 
☽ "she's purring..."
☽ that happy, proud expression on soobin's face is worth everything to you. the admiration shining in his eyes makes your heart skip a beat, and you don't think coffee could warm your chest more than the love you feel for your boyfriend.
☽ then he divides his attention between you and the cat. he remembers that you wanted to tell him something. you only talk about the little problems of your everyday life, yet soobin listens with interest and love. he doesn't interrupt, he would never do that, he carefully interprets what you have to say, while looking at you, enchanted, as if you were revealing the most exciting facts to him. as if you were a book he was unable to put down, or a song that had to be on constant playback.
☽ at the beginning of your relationship, you often blushed at the intensity of the way soobin can look at you, and the way he reacts, he is moved by what you say: he sighs in astonishment, frowns, snorts disapprovingly, etc. it's a bit embarrassing to know that someone is so focused, so shaken by your words and by you, yourself. and the awareness is also there that the boy remembers what you say, recalls it later, adds comments, and gives excellent advice.
☽ you can count on soobin: if you just pour out your soul, if you want help, he is always here for you(´・ᴗ・`♡  
☽ then your monologue is interrupted as another cat jumps up next to you, bowtie, a simple domestic cat whose back is speckled with brown spots. you caress his head, then he rubs his whole body, all the way to the end of his tail, to your palm, and without any more persuasion, he settles into your lap. the sight of his warm, fluffy body, the trust that he gives you, makes you sentimental. you stroke his soft back gratefully.
☽ "where was i?"
☽ "your boss."
☽ "oh, yeah, well..."
☽ but then you confuse yourself because soobin's smile is too distracting and he's a thousand times more interesting than your boss.
☽ "what?" your boyfriend sees that you are silent again, but this time no other cat approaches you.
☽ you kiss him briefly, sweetly, lovingly, then lean away with a satisfied grin.
☽ "nothing."
☽ soobin mumbles something under his breath, then leans close and kisses you longer, tenderly. soobin's lips are soft and just like toffee. ( ´꒳`*)  
☽ when the waitress brings your order, you two scatter away from each other. soobin blushes. he likes to kiss you anywhere and anytime, but he always gets embarrassed in public places.
☽ you drink with one hand and dig the other into cat fur. the taste of the coffee is warm, foamy, comfortable, like the place where it is served.
☽ "do we want a cat?"
☽ soobin's question surprises you. you blink and turn to him, the top of your mouth frothy.
☽ "we talked about it being risky because of odi."
☽ there are surprising animal friendships, but somehow odi doesn't seem like someone who would easily cope with a new animal companion. with you too, it took months for him to tolerate you and let you be around or hold him without being a prickly, mistrustful sphere.
☽ "i know, but i'm sure we could fix it. the sound of purring soothes me. and we would be wonderful parents of a kitten."
☽ "we could try."
☽ soobin smiles happily and kisses the whipped cream off you in commitment.
☽ "thank you for bringing me here."
☽ "i'm glad you're enjoying it."
☽ "always, when i'm with you."
☽ these words from soobin's mouth are true and they melt your heart.
☽ it's a cozy cute little date with tasty coffee, a caring boyfriend and a bunch of purring fur-balls. <3
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palisade 56 //
Great intro with leap I love to be laughing 2 minutes in
I did not remember leap’s epilogue at all LMAO just that he stayed on palisade
Hiiiiiiiii Jorie
Rye and Gallica…. Rip to her… love a sexy evil duo
I need to relisten to this but again hiiii jorie “the scalpel” is so sexy
Cori’s that’s so raven vision
Wait a minute… looking at description names… Svir…. Five…….
Resolute welkin..
they smiled at each other
Vibrant copse
I was getting vibes but I wasn’t sure but I’m sure now oh my god. Austin. Austin thank you
Branched x Delegate/Wakeful Yuri what a beautiful world
I’m like obsessed with every npc Austin has presented before us today
JACK.. Let’s go
They’re so gleefully inventing a worse peer to peer gig worker society
Cannot believe this is what they meant when arbitrage was like okay we can do not a contract :)
They haven’t said this but how I would make this shit work is everyone gets a rating and doing a shit job ostracizes you from society
God this gig economy feverdream is so nauseating. And it makes sense to me as a continuation of connadine’s on cycle shit.
Not to bring personal things into it but. I saw a movie at a film festival recently, about an Uyghur girl in 2017 who was going through family pressures to get married on top of increasing surveillance and detention of Uyghurs at that time. There was a director Q&A and when she was asked about how the situation is currently, she said the surveillance and restriction is less severe now, not because of the goodness of their hearts but like, that status quo got to them and the uyghur population are policing Themselves now. For events like weddings and stuff they proactively call a cop to join them so that rather than be questioned later, they know what’s going on already. People can’t and won’t say how they really feel freely and this is the way they have found survival . I still can’t call family and talk about things in any specifics. More and more people can visit again/leave the country after years of not being able to but their families will be too terrified to actually meet with them in case it brings trouble, and who knows when they might flip the switch on the limited freer travel
Okay that ended up being a longer tangent than I planned but all that to say, rather than arbitrage enforcing things with a contract, why not make it ubiquitous with how you have to live in society. It feels parallel to the stuff I outline above :)
You know how in stardew valley you go into the road tunnel and there’s a place where you can insert batteries for mr qi stuff that’s arbitrage to me
Connadine takes his shirt off to call arbitrage
Connadine and Arbitrage’s loving partnership is so funny to me
Cas’alear time
Routine hooked up with them huh
Svir time… Five……
10 years of solitude :(
I care him… the isolation is so real and agh
doing snaps in the air for Austin
okay I think the partizan finale is such a blur to me and I did not remember what specifically happened to autonomy itself
Svir :((((((
OMG DID HE FIND THEM…. Or did they find him…
Brnine time 😎
Agh in the wreckage of a lost war…
I just got to a harrowing point in the new ffxiv expansion and its coloring this war zone vibe
Brnineeeee you’re so depressed. My meow meow
The leaving a letter thing is so funny brnine is emotionally doing a Turkish ice cream situation on Levi
Gangs back together :) we’re soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Back
Whole episode thoughts: that was excellent. I needed this. I loved every npc in Austin’s stories and I need to listen to them all again… got a little lost in the first one oops
No word from jesset or gucci so far but I hope we get some of it at Some point but who knows
Cas…. Cas’alear has always been technically compromised but has never truly betrayed millenium break or something. You know that I don’t believe in monarchy but I love it when the chosen king gets the throne tweet, something about apostolos brings up that emotion and cas does so in particular
Levi really speedran the revolutionary leader thing I hope we get some inferiority or interpersonal stuff for him tbh… cori hugging him was cute :’) my poor girl…
In my heart I believe in Cori’s ability to find and save Elle but with the say the contracts work I’m so worried for her
I wonder if we can get more eclectic later… the second story kind of contextualized the amount of independence he may have. Also glad Austin got to portray a softer story of how wakeful kind of works
excited and nervous for the sortie now good luck everyone don’t die
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jeeseth · 5 months
cats! (rq)
Tumblr media
pairing : hokazono iroha x fem!reader
summary : during a late night walk with iroha, the two of you come across a stray cat. being the maknae duo you are, you two decided to bring it back to the dorm and raised it.
cw/tw : 6th member reader, reader is 07 (but younger than wonhee), grammatical error
The laughter of two girls may be heard from a distance. You and Iroha had just returned from the convenience store, and you couldn't help but giggle at the tmi she was sharing. It's been a while since the two of you went for a late-night walk—practice was insanely stressful, and this late-night walk was much needed.
You two were walking back to the dorm when Iroha suddenly stopped. She noticed a stray cat coming their way.
“Unnie, look at that cat!” Iroha said, pointing at the little stray. They both approached the cat and cautiously tried to pet it.
“It seems pretty friendly.” You smiled, when Iroha pet the cat.
“Yes, and very cute,” Iroha replied still petting the cat.
The cat let out a gentle meow, and the girls felt like it was asking to be taken home with them.
“Unnie can we take her home? Pretty pleaseee!!” Iroha pleaded with her puppy eyes. You thought about it for a moment before agreeing anyways.
“Of course!” You agreed without considering it further. You're worried about how the elder members would react, but you can't just leave this adorable stray here.
Iroha carefully picked up the cat and you started walking back to the dorm. The cat was pretty light and was not struggling to get out of their arms. It seems like she liked the two of you.
Soon, the two of you arrived at the dorm and opened the door. The cat walk in with them without struggling.
“Roha, I think she likes you.” You giggled as you watch the cat following Iroha wherever she goes.
“I think so too!” Iroha laughed as she started running around the living room with the cat still trailing behind. Your laughter were cut off when suddenly the other members came to see what’s going on.
“Ya! What’s with the sudden earthquake!” Yunah shouted, ruffling her hair. Looks like you two woke her up from her nap.
“What’s that? A cat?” Moka asked, looking at Iroha who is now standing still while the cat is meowing at her.
“Aigoo, where did you guys even find it, I thought you two went to buy ice cream?” Minju sighed as she plopped down on the sofa with Wonhee joining her afterwards.
“U-umm, the cat suddenly came to us when we were walking and we just couldn’t help but to bring it home.” You admitted while playing with your fingers.
“What’s her name?”
“Eh?” You and Iroha looked at each other at the same time. This was not what you two expected but you’re more than grateful that they’re not mad.
“We haven’t thought about it yet… we thought y’all would be mad.”
“Over such a cute looking tabby cat? Never!” Wonhee exclaimed, petting the cat softly.
After pondering for a while, Yunah suggested, “How about we call it Mugi?”
Moka thought about it for a second and then said, “I like the name. Mugi it is!”
“Let’s make sure this cat feels safe and comfortable here.” Minju smiled.
“Yes. From now on Mugi is illit’s cat.”
Iroha brings the cat into your shared bedroom to play with her. The cat seemed quite happy and comfortable in her presence. It was clear that it felt safe and loved here. After playing with Mugi for a while, the girls let her rest and lay down.
“Mugi seems very happy with us,” Iroha said with a happy smile on your face.
“Yes, let’s make sure we keep taking good care of Mugi.” You replied while petting Mugi softly.
a/n — rq means requested!
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andorerso · 1 year
Hi! I'm taking an opportunity you presented and I'm asking for more of your story: let the cat out of the bag. I adore it and would like more of it!
A sequel to this AU with some more adventures of Mimi the Cat! Thanks for the prompt, I hope you like this <3
Summary: Five months after they started dating, Jyn gets cold feet and tries to run from her feelings. Naturally, Mimi is not happy about this.
OR, how Mimi saves this relationship for the second time.
Jyn has prepared a little box with all of Cassian’s things she could find: a pair of socks, two shirts, a toothbrush, a razor, shaving cream, his favorite shampoo, one of his cookbooks… She didn’t realize how much stuff he’d kept at her place, growing roots in her home the same way he’d sneaked into her life. Slowly, steadily, subtly. And so thoroughly, she doesn’t know how to cut him out.
She hesitates when it comes to the blue shirt she loved to sleep in, running her fingers across the soft material like it was his skin.
A clean break would be better, right? No need to torture herself with old memories. This would be hard as it is…
Jyn puts the shirt in the box and slams the lid shut. It sits on the living room table all day, taunting her, while Mimi squats under the couch, unwilling to even look in her direction.
Fair enough. She doesn’t really want to look at herself either right now.
Cassian is stopping by soon to collect his things, and then it’ll be over.
She shouldn’t complain. She’s the one who ended things after all. Still, the finality of it squeezes her lungs so tight that she has to stop and remember to breathe. They dated only for five months; it shouldn’t feel like this. He shouldn’t be such an integral part of her that she can’t go on without him. It was meant to be just some harmless fun. But she’d underestimated how much this would hurt.
Seeing Cassian on her doorstep doesn’t help. The face that once put a smile on her lips now makes her want to curl up in a ball and cry while she eats ice cream out of a box like those women in romantic comedies during the second act fallout.
Except this is no movie. She doesn’t expect a grand reunion at the end of all this.
Jyn leads him to the living room, ignoring the memories of all the times she’s done that only to grab him by the collar and pull him down on the couch to fool around. It’s more or less how their first kiss went, right on that couch with half a dozen notebooks open in front of them and forgotten for the night as her legs wrapped around him and his hands slid under her shirt.
Then, a couple of months of unattached sex, or so they had said until Mimi had meddled in her own strange, brilliant way and made them admit their feelings for each other. And so they’d begun dating, five months of bliss Jyn had never experienced before. Not perfect, no, but imperfect in a way that was just right.
Oh, she remembers thinking one night as she played with Cassian’s hair while he slumbered peacefully next to her. So this is what people write all those poems about.
Looking back now, that realization might have been the beginning of the end. Because this is what she does, she runs. When things get too real, she cuts the cord and disappears. Leaves behind a string of broken hearts, but none of them her own.
Except this time, it feels more like she severed her own hand rather than whatever cord tied them together. Cassian left, but the cord stretched taut and continued to tug her towards him while she slowly bled out from her self-inflicted wound.
Now here they are. All those months, and they can barely stand to look at each other. Pathetic.
A scratching sound interrupts her train of thought as Mimi finally pulls herself out from under the couch. Of course she would, now that he’s here. Little traitor.
With a single, drawn-out meow, she runs to Cassian and greets him by rubbing her small body against his leg while she trots around him in circles. The twitch of his lips as he looks down at her is Jyn’s first glimpse behind the calm mask he donned.
Her heart squeezes. Damn it. He’s always loved her stupid cat to irrationality. Once, she joked that the real love story was not between her and Cassian, but between Mimi and Cassian. Cassian laughed and kissed her forehead while he continued to rub Mimi between her ears.
“It can be both,” he said.
Well, she’s effectively ended both as well.
Cassian leans down to stroke his hand against Mimi’s white fur a couple of times, a sight so familiar that Jyn has to dig her nails into her palm to keep her composure. The cord tugs harder but she digs her heels into the ground and refuses to budge. She can’t go back now.
Cassian doesn’t linger as long as he normally would. He straightens up, despite the displeased yowl Mimi lets out, and gives Jyn a look of apprehension.
She jerks her head towards the box on the table. “That’s all I could find.”
Her voice is strained with things she doesn’t want to admit. Like how much she’s missed him in just the week they’ve been separated, how she isn’t actually sure she’s making the right choice, how scared she is to never see him again…
What would he say if she told him all that?
Cassian picks up the box, ruffling through its contents. He has nothing to give back to her. They spent more time at her apartment because of Mimi, but the realization still gives her pause. Had she really been so closed off that she wouldn’t even bring over a toothbrush? Had she been holding him at arm’s length all this time without knowing it?
“Thanks.” He clears his throat as he closes the lid shut, gives her a fleeting glance. He’s unable to hold her gaze for too long. His face is smooth as marble, but the tension in his posture is obvious. “Well, I should just…” He trails off, gesturing towards the door.
Neither of them moves. They stand in awkward silence, waiting for the other to say something, fix things, be honest. But she can’t make her voice work. If that was so easy, she wouldn’t be here to begin with.
Cassian snaps out of it first. He turns away, heading for the door, and Jyn knows the window has closed. No takebacks now. She follows him with a heavy heart, watches silently as he pulls on his coat and prepares to walk out of her life. Will they go back to strangers now like they’d never known each other? Will he nod at her politely on the street or turn away with a frown? Will it still mean anything to him a year from now?
He pulls the door open, and Jyn loses her composure. “Cassian —”
Before she even finishes saying his name, he’s already stopped and turned to face her again. One hand on the doorknob, he waits, patiently, for her to speak. But with those dark eyes that miss nothing watching her, she loses her nerve again, and the words get stuck in her throat. Whatever those words even were.
Don’t go? I’m sorry? Can we talk about this?
As Jyn hesitates and Cassian waits, Mimi, who’s followed them to the foyer, slips between his legs and runs out the door.
“Shit!” Jyn takes off after her without a second thought, but the little devil is far too fast for her own good and is already sprinting down the stairs at the end of the hallway. “Mimi, stop!”
She can hear Cassian fumble with something in her apartment, but she doesn’t stop, taking stairs two at a time as she tries to catch up with Mimi.
It’s no use. By the time she reaches the ground floor, Mimi is nowhere to be seen, and the single mom from the second floor is blinking at her in surprise, holding the main door open.
“She just ran out, I didn’t see —”
Jyn doesn’t dignify that with a response, tearing out into the street and blinking helplessly at the busy neighborhood. It’s the typical picture: people rushing by on their phones, cars honking, drivers yelling, a baby crying in a stroller, a street musician on the other side playing his guitar… The noise feels oppressive.
Now what? She looks left, she looks right. Mimi could have gone in any direction. And with the amount of traffic they have in this area…
Her heart racing, Jyn takes deep breaths and tries not to panic. Too late. She’s not prepared to deal with this. Sure, she often jokes about Mimi being her heartless little devil cat, but it’s nothing but affectionate teasing. Mimi’s her baby and she can’t imagine her life without her. She’s never run away before; she isn’t an outdoor cat. If something happens… if they can’t find her…
Cassian arrives behind her, but Jyn’s still scanning the crowd, hoping to catch a flash of white fur.
“Is she gone?”
“I…” She can’t finish her words, a ball lodged in her throat.
Cassian grips her shoulders and turns her to face him, but she’s too distraught to even feel the burn of his touch.
“Hey, don’t panic. She must be nearby.” He sounds so sure, but Jyn knows he’s only trying to reassure her. Well, she’s gonna let him. Eyes locked on Cassian, she nods and tries to believe him.
Mimi couldn’t have gotten that far, right? She was just pissed at Jyn for sending Cassian away, a fact she’s already made clear in the past week. She was playing the part of an angry teenager running away from home to piss off her parents. Very dramatic. Very unnecessary. But she’d come back.
She has to.
“I locked your door,” Cassian continues, producing a key from his pocket that he hands to her. “Come on, I’ll help you look.”
“You don’t have to,” Jyn begins feebly, but nothing sounds worse than the thought of doing this on her own. Luckily, Cassian sees right through her bullshit. He sends her a look that says he isn’t willing to argue about this, and Jyn’s heart swells with appreciation.
“We’ll find her, I promise.”
The sun starts to set, casting the sky in pink and orange hues, and Mimi is still missing.
Jyn is beginning to lose hope of ever seeing her beloved cat again. More and more nefarious possibilities of what might have happened circle her like dark clouds before a storm, and she can’t push them down anymore. What if she was attacked by a dog, what if she was hit by a car, what if someone saw her, thought she was cute, and picked her up to take her home, what if what if what if
Cassian tries to keep her spirits high, but he’s fighting a losing battle.
“She’ll turn up,” he insists, always so determined, as they make their way back to her apartment building. “We can print some posters, post it on social media —” he goes on but Jyn doesn’t want to hear it.
It all begins to build in her chest; breaking up with Cassian, the shitty days at work, the sleepless nights, the endless cycle of repetition… Now this. She can’t lose Mimi too, she just can’t.
She doesn’t know how to survive without both of them.
“Stop!” Jyn bursts out just as they reach her apartment building, then buries her face in her hands. Cassian clams up, but she can feel his worried gaze boring into her. “Everything sucks!”
With that, she dramatically plops down on the front steps, removing her hands from her face to rub at her temples. Everything sucks is an understatement, but she doesn’t have the words to describe the heavy weight sitting on her chest. Tears prick at her eyes, and it takes all her energy to keep them at bay. Crying in public in front of your ex-boyfriend was not on the agenda today.
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Cassian hesitating for a second before he joins her.
“You wanna go upstairs? Rest a little?”
“Okay. How about those posters then? I can make them if you want.”
“I can make them myself!” she snaps, angrier than she should be.
“Okay. Do you want me to go then?”
“Right.” Cassian clears his throat and falls silent. For a while, neither of them speaks as they stare out at the street while the night grows darker around them. Clearly, she’s sending mixed signals here. She should say something. Tell him that he can go, that he’s already done enough. She can handle it from here. But she isn’t sure she can. Selfishly, she doesn’t want to let him go yet — because then, she’ll be truly alone.
No cat, no boyfriend. Just Jyn in her all too empty apartment with nothing but her own thoughts to keep her company.
“Hey…” It’s Cassian’s gentle voice that pulls her back to the present and makes her realize those damn tears leaked from her eyes anyway. And now she can’t stop. She wipes at her face furiously, sniffing, but they keep falling, and when Cassian reaches for her hand and pulls her into his arms, she doesn’t fight it.
She buries her face in his shoulder and lets herself weep for a few seconds. Cassian’s arm circles around her waist, one hand rhythmically stroking her hair. He doesn’t say anything, but she’s glad, preferring his silent but solid presence over meaningless words of reassurance. It doesn’t erase the ache in her chest but calms her down long enough to stop sobbing and pull herself together.
“I’m sorry,” she says when she pulls away, wiping at her eyes. Despite their five-month-long relationship, it’s only the second time she let herself cry around him. She doesn’t think Cassian would judge her or make fun of it, but it’s hard to override two decades worth of self-preservation instincts. Don’t show weakness, don’t show vulnerability, don’t give them ammo to hurt you; it’s always been one of her most important rules.
But it’s also why she broke up with him, isn’t it? She’s never considered that you can’t build a relationship on mistrust because she’s never had any that mattered. Now she has to figure out if she could unlearn those habits and keep Cassian, or let him go for good.
“And not just for sniveling all over you,” Jyn continues, speaking slowly as she thinks about what she wants to tell him and how to say it. “I’m sorry for chasing you away. I was just… I was…”
“You got scared,” Cassian finishes for her, getting to the heart of the matter without preamble. Jyn’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He lifts a shoulder, a quiet huff on his lips that almost sounds amused. “I know you. Better than you think. Better than you probably want me to.”
“I… That’s not true. I want you to know me.” She can understand how it might not seem that way, but it’s true. Deep in her heart, she wants nothing more than to be seen and understood by him. It’s just all that fear getting in the way, whispering cruel things in her ear and making her question herself. You’re not good enough for him. He doesn’t want you like you want him. He’s not going to stick around forever. It’s better to cut your losses now while you can. Leave him before he can leave you.
Her armor may have protected her for years, but it’s now become the number one enemy working against her.
“But if you knew,” Jyn begins, her mouth pulling into a frown, “why didn’t you say anything?”
Cassian’s gaze drops to his lap. “Jyn, I can’t force you to want to be with me. I can’t force you not to run. You have to figure that out for yourself. I thought… if you’re ready, you’ll come back.”
“And if I’m not?” she asks, a strange tremor in her voice.
“Then you’re not.” He looks up, and his dark brown eyes and long eyelashes mesmerize her for a second. He’s so close, so warm, so pretty; she has to ball her hands into fists to keep from reaching out. Touching him has become natural like breathing. She doesn’t know how to quit it, quit him.
Fuck, it’s not fair. How is she expected to think clearly when he’s watching her like that? Fantasizing about kissing him breathless is not a productive train of thought at the moment.
“I want to be with you, but it has to be your choice to come back.”
So maybe it’s hormones. Maybe it’s the way he looks at her, maybe it’s his smell, his warmth, his magnetism, maybe it’s that she doesn’t want to be stuck behind her castle walls anymore. Safe but alone.
Or maybe it’s the way she’s struggled to sleep at night, kept awake by the memory of their time together and how happy he’s made her, but she tells him, “I think I can try harder.”
“Jyn, is that Mimi?”
Jyn blinks, surprised by his response for a second. Then she remembers. She isn’t even sure Cassian heard what she said, but when she turns and finds Mimi strutting down the sidewalk towards them like nothing was amiss, all thoughts of their relationship issues escape her brain.
Gasping, Jyn shoots up and runs to snatch Mimi into her arms, hardly daring to believe it. She’s come back. She’s okay. A little dirty, and positively grumpy at being held like this, but otherwise unharmed.
Jyn’s almost lost all hope, and the relief that floods her chest now threatens to bring on another wave of tears. Biting down hard on her lip, she tightens her grip around Mimi and breathes in deeply. She’s cried enough today.
“Where have you been?” Jyn demands, but her voice is too high and shaky to sound scolding at all. “We’ve been looking all over for you, young lady!”
“Yeah.” Cassian comes to stand beside her, reaching out a hand to rub Mimi under her chin because, as Jyn knows from experience, he just can’t help it. “You scared us.”
Us, Jyn thinks, sending a small smile his way. A team.
Mimi lets out a belligerent meow and starts wiggling in Jyn’s arms. By the way she wags her tail, Jyn knows she’s getting annoyed at being held like this, but tough luck. She’s not letting go until they’re back safe and sound in her apartment. That’s what you get when you run away from home and scare your parents half to death.
Readjusting her grip on Mimi, she turns to Cassian and gives him a tiny, hopeful smile. “You wanna come up for dinner? We can talk some more.”
“That depends.” His eyes sparkle with playfulness. “Are you cooking?”
Jyn lets a bark of laughter. “I can be convinced to leave the task to you.”
“In that case, I’m right behind you.”
As he always has been.
Hiding her smile, Jyn turns and leads the way back to her apartment. She’s taken the leap, she’s chosen to fight, and she’s never been one to back down from a challenge. So screw the insidious voices whispering in her ear; she’s not going to let them win and cost her something important.
She has her cat, and she has her almost-boyfriend, and she’s ready to give this another shot.
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itzzaira · 3 months
Missing cabin mate - tmnt fandom family reunion
A short story for the tmnt fandom family reunion ^^
Note: some au's are mentioned in the beginning because Michelangelo was happy to have met them, those are not mine. They're the au's my turtles met earlier and belong to those people respectfully. (Links to the meetings below)
Meeting the kitties!
"We're superheroes now?!"
...There's Krang here?
Meeting Donnie from cabin 11
Maria! :D
2012 turtles: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello & Michelangelo
Rise turtles: Leo, Raph, Donnie & Mikey
@tmnt-fandom-family-reunion @orangepawn39
Michelangelo was having a blast.
Ever since he had ended up at this camp, he met so many people! There were versions of them that were cats! And some other version of him with superpowers! Or the versions of him that had their own cats and let Kitty play with them, oh everyone here was so nice! He hoped his brothers were having fun too.
But now, his dear cat was melting again. Even with the help from the other Leo who helped him- freeze? Make her colder? Michelangelo had been too busy being excited about meeting a real life superhero- she had been out for far too long. Ice Cream Kitty had lost her energy once more, now laying quietly in her bowl, looking around and meowing sometimes when she regonized someone who passed by. Yeah. Time to put her in her freezer. And maybe get something eat- he was hungry.
He smiled once he saw their cabin- a blue cabin with the number 10 on it- but it looked different from the last time he saw it.
Now, it was also decorated with a big, sparkly banner that reminded him of the night sky, with the name The Besties on it.
His smile widened.
Oh he loved this place!
So their cabinmates must have picked out a good name- he hadn't met their cabin mates yet!
...Wait, no, he did. Some of them anyway. The one with his future self and the kid called... Maria! Yes, Maria. Kitty had liked them a lot. But surely that couldn't be all?
He knocked on the door, and stepped inside- aaaaand Donnie was clinging to his Raph looking as if he had spotted a ghost. Wonderful.
"Is he okay?" His smile fell at once, and even Kitty meowed worriedly, stretching her paws. But she let them fall. She felt too weak.
"A heads-up for you too." Leonardo took Kitty from his hands at once, moving to the fridge to put her in the freezer. They had been gone all day, after all. "Apperantly Krang has counterparts too."
Michelangelo turned a few shades paler. "...They do?"
"She was really nice!" Donatello huffed, before sighing. "...However my counterpart, not realizing it wasn't their Krang, had a panic attack the moment he spotted her."
"...Ah, geez."
"S'mores can cheer him up? Donnie likes s'mores!" Mikey appeared out of nowhere, smiling brightly- aaaand he was falling over. Michelangelo caught him at once. Then grinned.
"Hey, mini-me."
"This version of Donnie from cabin 11 gave us a guide on how to make the perfect s'mores'!" Mikey's tail was wagging and his eyes were sparkling, despite looking a bit sickly. "He was really nice!"
Donnie quietly held onto Raph tighter. The snapper patted his back.
"...Is it just us here?" Michelangelo looked around- only now noticing how empty it was. And the amount of beds. Those... were a lot of beds.
"Ah- yeah. Haven't met anyone from our cabin yet- other than this old me!" The box turtle smiled before that smile fell. "... Apparently his friend is missing."
Old him... oh! The mystic one. Did Mikey even know that was him from the future-? Michelangelo decided not to think about it. "Missing?"
"Yeah! The little turtle- ah... Maria?"
...Oh boy. Michelangelo gently set the box turtle on the nearest bed. His counterpart thanked him, then collapsed backward. "What happened?"
"Dunno, he was panicking- Leo and Raphael went out to help. Mikey wanted to but can't get up, Raph and Donnie are stuck and I'm here to be the emotional support."
"You? The emotional support?" Michelangelo teased, poking their fearless leader's shell. Leonardo winced but pushed him off.
"Oh don't be so surprised."
"What is Don doing here then-?"
"I wanted to go." Donatello crossed his arms and huffed. "But apparently my shell phone ran out of battery. I'm waiting for it to charge so that if someone gets lost, I can track them back."
"...Well- I'm going then!"
"You've been outside all day-"
"-If someone needs help, I'm helping." Michelangelo gently pushed Leonardo down, and ran to grab a bottle of water- but only now realized... his big brother was wearing a Besties T-shirt. They got T-shirts? And didn't tell him?!
In fact... Mikey was wearing one too! Raph just had a bracelet, considering he didn't fit into the shirts. Neither Donnie's wore one though.
Seeing where he was looking, the leader in blue rolled his eyes. "Yes, you can have a T-shirt."
He smiled again. "Did Maria have one?"
"Not that we know of-"
"Then I'm taking one for her too."
"...Mikey." Leonardo's eyes fell on the other turtle's shoulders- bandaged up and hurt- but Michelangelo waved him off.
"Oh, please, we'll find her in no time!" He said as he grabbed a T-shirt handed to him, winced when the fabric brushed over his injuries, but ignored the sting as he pulled the shirt down. "Everyone here has been so nice, and there is no danger here! What could go wrong?"
The next part
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erythromanc3r · 8 months
OOOOOHHHH. So happy to see this! On the House?
YAY thank you for the ask! 🥰
On the House is my Secret Santa fic written for @kats-meow-fic! the basic rundown is that it’s a modern AU where Chrissy is a social media dating/romance guru who takes her clients/dates to this one specific restaurant where Eddie is the server. They grow closer and start to develop mutual crushes. It’s got idiots in love! Notes on the toll emotional labor in the service industry takes on you! Building meaningful connections with people in spaces where it’s nearly impossible to act like a human being!
Here’s a snippet from the third act of the fic (that I will be publishing on ao3 soon I promise I PROMISE)
“Christine! You never come in this late!”
“Yeah, it’s just gonna be me tonight,” she shrugs, sliding into her usual booth. “I’d love an affogato. And…maybe some company, if you’re not too busy?”
Eddie is quick to return with the espresso and a heap of creamy vanilla ice cream in a chilled dish. So quick, actually, that she doesn’t have time to surprise him with the gift she’d come in to give him in the first place. He’s seated across from her, and it’s casual. Like they’re just two old friends. Like they’ve been working together for months. Hell, haven’t they?
“What’s buggin’ you?” He asks, his knuckles rapping little rhythmic knocks on the wood of the table.
Chrissy pours the steaming espresso over the ice cream, watching milky trails of it melt into the bitter liquid. “I’m just so busy taking on all this…work. Between making videos, studying, the sponsorships, the coaching. I think I might’ve forgotten about myself. D’you ever get like that? Just…exhausted?”
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hpsaffics · 1 year
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🏝️ WLW Wed: Hot Girl Summer 🏝️
A biweekly HP femslash rec list made by the lovely members of the HP SAFFICS (18+) discord server. See all previous rec lists in the WLW Library.
Currently: Hot Girl Summer Previously: Bellamione (see list & list)
🍹 Long (>10k) 🍹
hard feelings of love by thelibraryofsappho [Mary/Lily, M, 23.4k]
It's the Summer of 1978. A time for getting wine-drunk, sunburnt and falling in love. Lily Evans has suceeded at doing all three, however the girl she loves doesn't love her back (or maybe she does?)
Icarus by @thistlecatfics [Parvati/Millicent/Pansy, M, 20.0k]
A year after the war, Parvati runs into Pansy and Millicent at a club in Ibiza and finds herself embedded in their debauchery. None of it’s healthy, and it works until it doesn’t.
Time After Time by @thesleepiesthufflepuff [Luna/Ginny, T, 13.1k]
A few weeks after the Battle of Hogwarts, Luna buys an ice cream truck.
👙 Medium (3-10k) 👙
Landlocked, Oceanbound by @nanneramma [Luna/Pansy, T, 7.5k]
Luna has her birds, her secret, and the sea. What else could she possibly want?
Eternal Placeholder by diplobeanz [Hermione/Pansy, E, 7.4k]
Girls just wanna have fun…and maybe a little bit more.
between burning and blooming by @evadwrites [Daphne/Pansy, T, 5.5k]
There are traces of laughter in Daphne’s smile, and she is the embodiment of summer, insisting on wearing sundresses even though all the locals are still donning jeans. Pansy catches herself staring at Daphne’s lips... there’s no coming back from what she’s about to do, yet she still does it, enchanted by the possibilities of a shared forever, of their lives changing (yet again).
A Cliff in July by Miss M (missm) [Marietta/Millicent, M, 5.0k]
A chance meeting at a remote Muggle hotel, the summer when everything changes.
Sand (in my heart) by illustrating_writer [Luna/Pansy, T, 4.6k]
Pansy and Draco spend a day at the beach. (A day at the beach more like a day at the great gay panic)
Midsummer Night's Magic by @kiertorata [Lavender/Parvati, T, 3.8k]
An ancient midsummer night's rite doesn't work, or maybe it does. Obliviousness, magic, summer and wine, and post-war vibes.
🩳 Short (<3k) 🩳
MILF by @luxuriousmalfoy [Astoria/Narcissa, E, 2.7k]
Astoria is faced with past hurt and temptation when she agrees to go on a family vacation with her best friend—and his mother.
Love Me Meow by ??? [Arabella/Minerva, E, 2.6k]
After the students leave for the summer, Headmaster McGonagall and the new Muggle Studies professor have a chance and sensuous encounter at the beach.
Pin Drop by @hazellepotter [Minerva/Dolores, T, 2.2k]
Dolores would always be the one that got away, but at least Minerva never lost herself like Dolores did and became who she was destined to be.
the press of heat by @ebp-brain [Luna/Ginny, E, 1.8k]
It's summer, it's late, it's hot, and Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood touch each other for the first time on the front porch.
Life Is Good by @siriusly-sapphic [Hermione/Narcissa, G, 1.2k]
Narcissa surprises herself with the number of times she thinks that little sentence, surprises herself with how genuinely happy she is with the way her life turned out, even if she’s no longer surprised at all by the person who gave it to her. She’s happy.
👡 Want more Hot Girl Summer fics? 👡
Tags on AO3: Summer | Beaches | Swimming | Camping
WLW Library: Tumblr | Tag | AO3
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systastic · 2 months
hello!!! can we have a level 3 of sorbet shark cookie please??
oooh, from cookie run?? meow haven’t thought of that game in furever… anyways, enjoy! id wanna be friends if he wasn’t so edible meow 3: -🍥
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name :: shark cookie, mako, guppy, gill/gillie, shark/sharkie, cleor (h2o reference), sir chomps-a-lot, fang, blahaj, and any other nicknames his sysmates give him! he can’t tell them what he prefers verbally [mako], but he doesn’t mind nicknames. they’re fun!
age :: 1 year old in cookie form, his human form is 10 to 12
pronouns :: he/him, it/its, ou/ou/ous/ous/ouself, sea/sim/seas/seas/seaself, fin/fins, gup/gups, glub/glubs, chomp/chomps
roles :: accodare — comedian (very good mime), beauheur, thailean/optimist
species :: living gingerbread cookie & gummy shark hybrid!! sometimes takes on a more humanoid form, but is still 100% sweets and candy
gender identity :: sharkgender, bitelexic, sillygender, sillysharkgender, sharkcomfic
orientation :: just a little guy. a baby. please do not the child. ace-spec && biromantic if he gets a little older.
source :: cookie run kingdom
aesthetic :: pirate, tropical, vacation dadcore (when it is not actively pretending to be a pirate)
appearance description :: sharkie is a cheerful little guy who loves to play dress up and make-believe. ou is almost always in his pirate gear with ous sword at hand ready to fend off other pirates who seek to take ous treasure. gillie has molded hair similar to a lego figure in the shape of a shark’s fin. this hair is made of gummy candy and smells sweet when standing nearby. don’t try to take a bite out of it, though: jaws will cry and scream and hit you with its wooden sword until you stop trying to eat it. it has a darker skin tone and white eyelashes, earning gill the nickname “prettyboy” among its friends when playing pirate.
personality description :: mako is an absolute goofball who hates taking things too seriously. cleor is non-verbal, so glub can’t exactly speak in anything other than ooo sounds — but this doesn’t stop glub from goofing around, having fun, and dragging everyone else into glubs games of pretend. it is relentlessly optimistic, rarely (if ever!) having a negative thought, and always down to play make-believe. sure, mako can be a little bit airheaded at times and hopelessly naive (what do you mean gummy sharks don’t come from the sea?? next you’re gonna say that gummy bears don’t live in forests!!) but that’s to be expected from a child his age. blahaj is constantly energetic and loves to play with other children his age irregardless of how old the body is. plus, he can speak when in front!! speak he does — blub either speaks in only “ouu”s or is a gosh darn motormouth when driving the bus. mako can and WILL infodump everything he knows about sharks onto the people he meets. everybody loves sharks!!
likes :: SHARKS. everything about sharks!! he loves jake and the neverland pirates, captain hook and mr. smee, sea shanties (even if he can’t really… yknow… sing the words). he also loves ice cream and gummy candies! turns out that cookies need to eat the components of what they’re made out of to keep existing and sharkie has a monster of a sweet tooth. tropical fruits are just as good. coconuts, mangos, and pineapple are way more fun to bite into. also the ocean, the beach, pool floaties, playgrounds, the song “mr blue sky”, the pirates: an adventure with scientists, pirates of the caribbean, and splashing around in the water.
dislikes :: humid weather (makes him melty), cold weather, snow days, wintertime in general, being stuck inside, having to act like an adult, having to sit still (he needs to MOVE, gosh dang it!!), adults who’ve lost their sense of wonder, people who call pirates “bad people”, people who think sharks are scary or evil creatures (they’re not!! they’re just misunderstood!!), movies that demonize sharks [jaws, the meg, the shallows, bait, open water, 47 meters down], scary movies, and overly serious pirate movies or shows
front triggers :: pirate media, sea shanties, being on a boat, open water (lake, river, sea), swimming, the ice cream truck/cart jingle
signoff :: 🦈, 🍧, 🏝️, ⚓️, or 🏴‍☠️
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atztranspm · 1 year
San PM 9 : 07/31/23
It's me!
It's me!!!!!!!
No everyone
There was this Häagen-Dazs vending machine
So I thought "it looks so delicious"
I was going to get it and eat it right?
I used my card
The card doesn't work?
To then my bodyguard bought it for me
Umaiii❤️❤️ (I think it means good/tasty in Japanese????)
These days
I fell in love with the taste
What is it
It tastes like caramel
It's not in a cup
With snacks
And its ice cream
It delicious
Sararalk it melts away?
For real
Right now I am
Getting ready
I'm hungry
I ate two meals a day
As usual
I need to eat one more
But I'm so sleepy
What do you mean then sleep
Are you a T? (MBTI)
CuTie preTTy
Jasmine T
Chamomile T
What do you mean no fun
You know what I'm talking about
I want to play lo-ah (lost ark)
It's been a long time since I played
The Mokoko pirate....!
The concept this time was pirate...!!!?
As a pirate this
I can't leave it alone?
Sometimes (I see)
From time to time
Yeosang is mine
It comes up often
He's mine
What about seonghwa hyung?
As for seonghwa hyung, he's yours
I'm just kidding❤️
Eyy these no such thing as "who is whos"
It's a person
I'm just the best yeodoongie
Everyone get behind me
I'm 1st in line
Eat are you all doing
The right answer is
Doing pop messages with me
What are you all doing
I bought a backpack recently
I dont know where it's from
It's just a leather backpack
I'll show it to you later
Where I bought it from
It's some think our head stylists found
"I want a leather backpack"
And they looked for it
I have high confidence
I've been think of it these days too
It looks like a 007 bag
An angled bag
Thinking of it
You have it but you don't use it?
Is that so
I really don't have much to carry
An eco bag is enough
Or paper bag
You all wanted to take the paper bag (the kq bag he carried)
No jung wooyoung ripped itttt
To our CEO I said
"Father, don't you have a bigger one?"
He went
He said
Ah...there's none...
I'm just going to get a new one
It's definitely comfortable
I collect all the paper bags
There are so many brands you know
I dont collect them by brand
Gather then as they come to me ㅋㅋㅋ
Your going to put me in it and take me?
It'll burst
I'm not a real cat
Nyong (meow)
I'm not a dog either
Meong (woof)
Nor a potato
No everyone.
What about a rabbit
How do I make their sound
Kkang-chong is their sound (jumping)
Jjik is a mouse
They don't make a sound
Let's say they scream silently
I'll look it up later
But in my opinion, how to make a rabbit sound
I dont think it's this or that
I'll look for it
Tyrannosaurus is
I'm going to get going now everyone
Have a good day
Have a good night ❤️
I love you 3000❤️
Close ❤️
(I panicked for a little cuz I thought I had deleted it, turns out I had wrote it out on a word document and saved in a folder instead of in my notes app.....I'm really losing my mind 😔)
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