#little to not even place at the event and I’m big fear
persephonaae · 6 months
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Screenshot of my discord messages to my partner lol but just a snapshot of the anxiety I’ve been getting over my costume whwhhhehshhshwhwhwwwwwww so far skills I’ve applied are material research/historical thinking, pattern development, sewing, puppet practical effect engineering and crafting, wig work, practical effects with LED lights, millinery, fiber arts (wet felting with resist and crochet), metal work, weathering, a little bit of shoemaking, and special effects makeup. And I’m still feeling like there is so much more I should be doing.
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cassie48 · 7 months
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• 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘺 ∙
Dark!Paul atreides x fem pregnant reader
Pt 3
The day after Paul had made his motivational speech to the Fremen about turning Arrakis into dune again, you two were in your shared room at night.
You sat at your little vanity, brushing through your hair, preparing yourself for bed. You saw Paul go over his plans at his desk, standing above it all.
You couldn’t stop worrying about what would happen tomorrow. What if Paul got hurt? What if something bad happened and you were left all alone? It’s all suddenly became too much for you, as you began to cry, dropping the brush in your hand.
Paul’s head shot up, very shocked at your sudden crying. He quickly left his desk. “My love?” He asked as he walked over to you.
You held your hands out to him, hiccuping and crying as you did. God, you have been so emotional these last few months.
He finally reached you, he picked you up, and sat you on his lap, trying his best to calm you down.
“I’m sorry paul. I’m just so worried about what’s gonna happen tomorrow. What happens if something bad happened to you, and I’d be left all alone!” You said suddenly crying even heavier.
Paul wiped away your falling tears, hugging you close to him. “Sweetheart, nothing will happen. I’d never dream on leaving you. Your seven months pregnant with my child. I’d 𝗡𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 leave you alone” he snarled, hating the image of it.
You nodded into his chest, slightly calming down. He toyed with your hair, running his hands through it. “Your just tired, you’ll feel better in the morning” he told you, placing his hand on your big bump, which was covered by a night dress.
“Ok” you whispered, your eyes becoming heavy as you drifted off to sleep in his lap. He smirked at you. The pregnancy had really taken a toll on your body. You were constantly crying, extremely needy and most of all, falling asleep almost anywhere. But 𝗚𝗼𝗱 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱. He loved how you had to rely on him. This child will definitely have siblings.
He carefully picked you up, bring you over to your shared bed, placing you under the covers delicately. Smiling down at you and giving you one last kiss to the forehead, before going to check his palms once more.
The following day was eventful to day the least. You had went with Paul as he checked with Chani and Stilgar to make sure they were ready. As soon as the battles were to begin, he brought you into a hidden room, with five Fremen warriors.
“Are you alright?” He asked cupping your cheek gently.
You nodded “promise you’ll come back to me?” With a pout.
“Promise” is all he said before pulling you into a passionate kiss, eventually pulling away when he remembered he had to fight a battle.
He turned to the Fremen who were to protect you “if any of you let any harm come her way, I will slit all of your throats” he said giving them a look of rage and disgust.
You shared one last smile with him before he left. You hadn’t heard anything till ten minutes later, you heard Paul yell “long live the fighters” in the Fremen language.
After that many bombs and guns were firing, you were hoping none were at Paul. Your heart was racing as you sat there for over an hour 𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆.
Eventually, after what felt like centuries, you heard running in the hall outside your room. You prayed it wasn’t a harkonnen, god only knows what they’d do to you.
“Y/N!” You heard Paul yell from outside.
You quickly jumped up and walked as fast as you could to meet him. When you did he pulled you into a tight hug, before kissing you passionately, kissing all down your neck and face. The Fremen behind you looked away in fear.
“We’ve done it! We’ve won, but I need to challenge the emperor for the throne” he said kissing your cheek.
You nodded as he guided you to a meeting room where all the Fremen had been since the battle. You cling onto Paul, as people whizzed past you left right and centre.
Chani had came up to hug you, telling you she was glad you were alright. You hugged her back, telling her the same.
Paul took you back into his arms, you two resting your heads on each others, savouring the moment.
“You know I’ll always love you, for as long as I live and even in death. I need to challenge the emperors throne, but I need you at my side to rule, can you do that?” He asked both hands on your waist.
“Of course Paul. Wherever you are, I will be” you told him, pecking him on the lips slightly, making him smile.
After a moment Paul turned to the Fremen, yelling “bring my prisoners”.
Only a moment later, you saw feud-rautha, the emperor and his daughter, and the Reverend mother who had taught lady Jessica come in.
Paul explained that he wanted to claim the throne as his. All of them seemed shocked at his decision. The reverend mother was not happy with him at all.
“Consider what your about to do Paul atreides”she began
“Silence!” Paul yelled using the voice on her.
Feyd ruatha and Paul had to battle, in order for him to claim the throne. Paul walked over to you grabbing the knife from beside you and quickly kissing your cheek, telling you it would be ok.
He stood in front of Feyd ruatha, putting the knife against his heart and head saying “may thy knife chip and shatter.
Feyd Ruatha only smiled in response before repeating “ may 𝗧𝗵𝘆 knife chip and shatter” before launching at Paul.
The two battles for what felt like hours, you heart going 200 bpm. After a minute Paul had been stabbed just under the top of his arm. He began breathing heavy, but he remained to be ok. This triggered your silent crying.
Feyd Ruatha noticed this before saying
“Is this your little wife? Perhaps I’ll take her as mine when I kill you, and I’ll kill that child inside her.” He said with disgust.
This set off Paul as he lunged forward stabbing him in the heart. Your breathed a sigh of relief.
“No one, talks about her that way.” he said before yanking the knife out of his now dead body.
A moment later Paul walked up to the emperor and his daughter.
The emperor smiled nervously “take my daughters hand you two can rule the empire” with a sly look towards you.
Your heart caught in your throat, but Paul quickly made your worries vanish with his quick reply.
“How dare you disrespect her like that. Only the woman bearing my son, will sit my side” he said before telling the Fremen to lock the away again, and that he’d kill them later.
The room erupted in cheers, Paul had done it. He was actually now emperor.
He walked up to you, blood smeared on his face as he took your face in his hands, kissing you deeply. You moaned into the kiss, hugging his body against yours.
“I was scared you’d accept the offer” you teased with a pout.
“I will only ever love you” he said laying his hand on your pregnant belly, kissing you once more.
𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹.
I think this will be the end of this little series and I hope you all enjoyed!!
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xzaddyzanakinx · 6 months
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Four: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker × femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, one-sided relationship, sexual content, pervy behavior, male masturbation, panty kink, sex daydreams [eventual warning for smut; be sure to pay attention to future warnings in the series]
Info: Anakin is doing his very best, he just loves you and wants you to be comfy around him. Just let him worm his way into your heart babe [diary entries from Ani] extremely not proofread. I’m illiterate so apologies in advance MDNI 18+
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Diary Entry: July 8th
Mr. Nelson’s funeral was today, it really was a beautiful ceremony as I look back on it. Even more so when my inner self smears the background enough to bring you to the front of the mental image.
You’d spoken to the man a handful of times, but I didn’t expect you to come. When I saw you accept the invite to the event on Facebook I thought surely it was a mistake. That was until you messaged Luke and asked him to accompany you, funerals make you nervous, but feeling obligated to do something and avoiding it makes you more nervous.
So your moral support was happy to attend and fight off dear old Alan’s corpse should he rise from the casket and set his sights on you.
And I though I had irrational fears, geez babydoll, how old were you when you watched Night of The Living Dead for the first time? If I had to guess it was too young. It’s alright though I get it, you know what movie traumatized me? The Mummy. Heebied my fucking Jeebies so bad I avoided the beach on family vacations.
You’re telling me there’s not a sarcophagus under all that sand? There’s at least one under there and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Solid ground for me only, please and thank you.
I had a thought that I initially considered to be a sweet reminder of my dear friend Alan. His obituary was in the newspaper and I happened to swipe one from the guest book table at the viewing as well. Have you ever scrapbooked before? I bet you’ve at least tried it.
Well I thought it would be nice to make him a page in my journal. A little celebration of life for the man who gave me an opportunity to grow and nurture my love for you.
Then I realized mid-glue stick on the newspaper clipping that the idea was something that a clinically insane person would do.
I’m not that guy. That guy’s not me.
But the glue was already on there and it felt wrong to toss Alan’s wrinkly old face into the trash so I pasted him into my journal anyway.
Crazy people don’t know that they’re crazy. I’m well aware that little idea was less than tasteful, just felt like I should mention that.
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July 28th
Anakin Skywalker hadn’t been this happy since… ever. The previous record being his discovery of you, was now toppled into second place and overshadowed by ‘Move In Day’.
He could hardly contain himself. It was a dopamine high that he would ride out until he’d drained every last drop.
The movers lugged in box after box, furniture and books, until finally they dropped off the last load and thanked Anakin for the business. He eagerly shook their hand and shoved them out. He had preparations to make.
He set up his Tv, screen mirroring the live feed of the apartment building entrance to the big screen so that he could easily keep an eye out for you while he unpacked his kitchen.
He’d planned your ‘meet-cute’ meticulously, looking to your bookshelf and streaming services to gather intel on your ideal scenario. You were an odd bird, but he liked that about you. It’s part of your charm, it’s part of the challenge. You’re not as predictable in your tastes and interests as others can be.
Anakin formulated the interaction step by step, frame by frame in the storyboard of his imagination until he had the perfect scene. His box office hit that he’d replay over and over again until the next time he stood face to face with you.
It took quite some time and a load of practice. Discarded dialogue, awkward movements that made him feel stiff and less than human when he practiced them in the mirror. Endless options of clothes, shoes, and hair.
Should he get a new piercing? He wanted to. So he did, he knew you’d like it.
It’d match the one he already had on the opposite nostril. It made him feel more complete to add something so permanent to his body, he wished he could do something similar with you. He wanted you to be permanent, so maybe it’s his subconscious’s way of telling him that this was going in the right direction.
He was on the right path. His journey of life alone was coming to a close and a new trail would reveal itself. No more rocky, unsteady tread. No more sharp turns and blind spots, no more impossible inclines.
Scraped knees and bloodied hands would be distant memories. Maybe even distant enough that he could toss them into The Pit.
He would have no need for anger or sorrow anymore.
How could he feel anything but the warm embrace of love as he strolled down the flowered path ahead with you?
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Who knew that you could position one box in 83 different ways and hate every single one of them? Anakin was so thankful there weren’t any actual surveillance cameras in the apartment building. It’d be really difficult to explain why he was in the hallway for an hour with his hands on his hips, scooting a box of books a centimeter or two at a time. Turning it sideways and then making sure the book on top was perfectly positioned and would effectively fall to the ground to catch your attention.
He checked his watch nonstop, stared at his Tv screen, willing you to just hurry the fuck up before he vomited from anxiety. He’d waited months for this. If he fucked it up now he’d… well he’d probably keel over on the spot.
Which would promptly traumatize you and not even his ghost would be able to peacefully haunt you. It’s hard to peacefully haunt someone if they watched you die, or at least Anakin assumed it would be difficult. He wasn’t willing to test that theory though.
So, he puffed up his chest and walked back into his apartment and rehearsed the upcoming conversation a few more times. He needed, desperately needed to ensure his facial expressions conveyed what he wanted.
Soft, trustworthy, dependable, safe, caring.
He practiced softening his eyes, knowing sometimes he stared alittle too hard. He worked on his facial fidget; chewing on the inside of his cheek was a quick tell of his nervousness. He didn’t want to be perceived as nervous, he wanted to be confident and sure of himself so that you would be confident in your soon to blossom affection for him.
His eyebrows, that’s a hard one, but he’d meticulously watched bar goers trying to flirt. The successful ones he learned, sometimes use their eyebrows in place of questions or words. A difficult concept, but one he studied until he mastered it.
Now, the other facial expressions and mannerisms… he gathered that information from your watch lists on your streaming services. For the visible examples at least, but your books were just as helpful in describing how he should approach you, speak to you, and simply exist near you.
He hadn’t realized these things were this important until now. Standing and posture was surprisingly very, very important to women. As well as hand movements and subtle glances and minuscule changes of expression.
You were worth the time and effort it took to learn all of it. He’d read and research and practice until he couldn’t stand to look at himself in the mirror any longer. He was determined to make sure you were happy with the results.
He was startled by a loud ping, someone had entered to building and holy shit it was you.
Anakin shook out his hands frantically, remembering the breathing techniques he’d learned as a child, he grounded himself quickly.
It’s okay.
‘She’s gonna love you. She’ll warm up to you quickly, you know everything you need to know about her to make her comfortable and loved.’
‘There’s no way she won’t fall head over heels.’
He smoothed out his band-tee and ran his hands through his hair quickly and headed to his door that was propped open slightly. A few boxes sat in the hall, including the most important one, the one instrumental to his plan.
The apartment hallway was ridiculously tiny, which worked in his favor in this situation.
He heard you come up the stairs, counted your steps until he knew you were almost at the door, 17 and a half steps. Then he swung open the door and bent down to grab one of the boxes.
As expected, he startled you and you dropped your keys. You always wore your backpack on one shoulder, one strap. So when you quickly went to scoop up your keys, your bag swung out of place and toppled a few books from one of the boxes.
Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Anakin could gloat to himself about his magnificent setup later, right now he needed to woo you with his sweet words.
“Oh, sweetheart I’m sorry.” He said softly, coming over to offer you a hand up.
“It’s okay, my bad.” You laughed, taking his hand.
He managed to keep calm and collected despite his insides boiling him alive at the willing skin contact.
“No, not at all. It’s my fault for startling you like that.” He chuckled, squeezing your upper arm and using his hand already in yours to give you a small handshake. Smooth.
“I’m Anakin.” He said with a bashful smile, dropping your hand and reveling in the lingering warmth your palm left on his.
You introduced yourself in return, gesturing to his apartment door.
“So I take it that you’re my new neighbor huh?” You said, making small talk as you crouched down to pick up the books you’d knocked over.
“No I’m just a one man moving crew.” He grinned.
“Very funny.” You laughed, standing up as you looked through the titles. “Hmm, you’ve got good taste.”
“You think so?” He asked, remembering to make his eyebrows swoop up toward the middle of his forehead to give a quizzical look.
“Oh yeah, this is one of my favorites.” You said, showing him the cover of The Silmarillion by Tolkien.
“Not many people actually read that one, I’m impressed.” He smiled.
“Impressed? Yeah well I’m jealous.” You laughed.
“What?” He chuckled, holding his hands out to take the other books from you.
“This is a really nice edition, it’s similar to mine. I recently lost it.” You sighed. “I think I must’ve left it the park or maybe it fell out of my bag or something.”
“Ah, that sucks… well, I mean I’ve read that one a few times now. It’s been well loved.” He said tipping the books in his arms toward the one you were holding. “Why don’t you keep it?”
He shrugged, acting nonchalant as though this didn’t mean the entire world to him and if you said no he’d sob about it later.
“You’re serious?” You asked in surprise, he was offering you a 50$ special edition book and you’d barely known him for a minute.
“Yeah, ‘course sweetheart.” He said with a cute, crooked smile. “Think of it as a… reverse house warming gift.” He chuckled.
“Thank you, I- this means a lot to me.” You said, grinning widely. “That’s real sweet of you Anakin. I owe you one.”
“No worries.” He chuckled, “I’m sure we’ll find a way to make it even sweetheart.” His gaze flickered quickly from your eyes to your lips, and he turned to go back into his apartment after giving you an almost-missed wink.
You stepped inside your home, and went straight to the bookshelf to put your new-to-you book where it belonged. After the fact you stood there and buffered, just staring at it.
‘There’s no way, this guy has to be too good to be true.’
But he seemed… so genuine. He didn’t ogle you, he didn’t make you feel weird or like he just felt obligated to speak to you.
He seemed to actually, really be a good guy.
Rare. Few and far of those exist in this day and age. It’s uncommon to meet someone who would do something, even as simple as giving you a used book, without expecting anything in return.
But he didn’t seem to expect anything. He didn’t seem to even expect a thank you, it was like he’d already decided he would give it to you before he even offered.
What are the odds that a hot, tattooed and pierced man moves in next door and gifts you an expensive book that just so happens to be an even better replacement for the one that you just lost? That couldn’t happen twice even if you tried to make it happen again.
What kind of second dimension did you step into? The land of dreamy men?
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Diary Entry: July 28th
It’s late. But I have to write to you, it can’t wait til tomorrow.
Everything went more perfectly than I could’ve imagined. Thank you so much for being you sweet girl. It made my job of curating the scenery so much easier, you clumsy little thing. I am sorry for having to spook you though, but it worked didn’t it?
Research pays off. Always.
And of course there’s the issue of your book, I hated to see your frustration and your mad scowl when you realized it was missing from your backpack. I really did.
But I’d do it every goddamn day if I knew I’d get the same reaction out of you from giving you that new copy.
Oh god you’re… you’re beautiful. You’re so beautiful. You look angelic when you sleep but you look like competition for Aphrodite when you smile at me.
You smiled, grinned. You smiled all the way up to the corners of your bright and beautiful eyes. For me.
You even laughed for me.
It was so sweet I could taste it. The honey of your voice, I could fucking bathe in it. Just the sound of you speaking, knowing you were speaking to me. Really speaking to me.
In the flesh.
It’s intoxicating. It’s emboldening, it’s dangerous. I’ve never been more worked up in my life. I’m torn all to pieces from at two minute and 6 second conversation.
I think I’ll have to fucking recover from this like a damn hangover.
But what has me so drunk you might ask? Was it your laugh at my stupid jokes? Was it your perfect smile, your radiant glow, your soulful eyes? The softness of your skin or you willingness to let me touch you?
No baby. It’s how you said my name.
I wish I could’ve stayed longer, I wish I could’ve spoken to you more. But it’s so hard to concentrate when my dick is leaking precum down my leg at a rate that should probably be concerning.
The minute you closed that door I shoved those boxes into my apartment and locked the door. Took my elated ass straight to the couch and watched you in your living room, admiring your gift from me while I fucked my fist with a pair of your dirty panties in my mouth.
I couldn’t have your honeyed lips soothing my angry red cock just yet, but I sure as hell could imagine licking your gorgeous little cunt while I tasted you.
I tugged my balls and pumped my cock for over half an hour until I was a fucking mess for you in my new living room’s floor. The cool hardwood letting the heat from my flushed skin seep away from me as I came back down to earth.
I made myself dizzy. Didn’t give myself a break, didn’t slow down, just stroked my cock like the desperate little manwhore that I am for you. The only thing missing was you being there to watch me fall apart.
I think you’d like that wouldn’t you? Watching a man like me get on his knees and beg for you?
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Diary Entry: July 29th
I’ve replayed that moment in my head for hours on end. The beginning always stays the same, but the ending… that’s been subject to many changes. It started off simple, we’d chat alittle longer, I’d ask you how your day was; you’d tell me it was ‘fine, thank you’.
Or you’d ask me why I decided to move in, why I chose this side of town, this side of town, this apartment building, across from you. That one always ended questionably and I’d rather not explore that one on paper.
My favorites however were the ones where you’d laugh at a stupid pick-up line and somehow we’d end up in your bed. The bed I’ve sat and watched you sleep in. Those were the best additions.
Now, I’ve been fortunate enough that you’ve been loyal, faithful and devoted to only me since the very beginning. So I don’t really have a clue what you’d actually be like in bed.
But god it’s so fun to imagine it.
You’ve got such pretty, soft skin. You let me mar it up with my teeth and soothe it with my tongue. You let me grip the pillowy flesh of your thighs to spread you open for me. You let me pinch and roll and pull your nipples until they were raw and begging for a break. You let me caress the sensitive slick covered folds between those beautiful pussy lips, plunge my fingers in as far as they’d go.
I took you from behind, watching your perky little ass bounce off my cock while I plowed into you. Your face smushed against the couch cushions and your body folded over the arm rest for me to fuck you like the good little girl that you are.
Against the wall with your arms around my neck while I’ve got my hands holding you spread open and in place by the crook of your knees. You promised you stay real still so that I could drill up into you like you deserved.
God damn. Do you know how good you look like that? Back arched against the wall, tits jiggling in my face with every thrust. Your legs pushed up and back to the sides of your torso, to pin you in place?
It was like a pretty pink flower had bloomed and spread its buttery smooth petals just for me.
Don’t even get me started on how good you suck cock. Have you ever been told you could be mistaken for a warm, wet Hoover? No? Didn’t think so cause that would be rude as hell, but I bet someone’s thought it before.
(Me. It’s me, I thought that.)
Fuck those soft lips. Fuck that smooth snake of a tongue. Fuck that tight, hot throat that just loves to take a beating from my dick.
Can’t wait to prove my imagination right.
Speaking of, my dick has been beat. Like actually. If one didn’t know any better they’d assume it’s on life support, but I’m a freak of nature. Cumming upwards of 16 times in the span of 40ish hours would probably put a weaker man in a hospital bed. Or maybe a psych ward.
But I am not a weak man even if my dick feels raw. I’d still fuck you if you asked.
I’d be curious to know if I’d be able to stave off cumming longer from all the abuse or if I’d be so fucking sensitive that I wouldn’t make it in half an inch.
Probably the latter.
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Diary Entry: August 2nd
Being so close to you is killing me. Truly it is.
You’ve sunken your claws so deeply into my very soul and you don’t even realize it. It’s torture. To you, I’m just the new guy, nice dude who gave you a book. But to me? You’re my entire world.
I’ve been told I have the personality of a guard dog. Soft and squishy on the inside, dangerous and fierce on the outside. Which I suppose could be true, but really I think it’s for a different reason. For a human, a dog is one small but very impactful blip in your life. But for the dog? You are it’s life.
Am I comparing myself to a dog right now? Yes I am.
I’ll beg for you to throw me the scraps of your affections until you finally toss me a bone.
I’ve been trying my best to give you space. To plan accordingly and in advance. I have our next two interactions simmering on the back burner.
I know that if I go too hard, too fast, you’ll be overwhelmed. That’s the last thing I want. I never want to be the thing that causes you stress, I want to siphon it from you. So, in one week I will set out to help you with a few of your errands and plant a few seeds.
But until then, we have late night snacks and couch chats with Boogie.
I’ve also been doing- you guessed it- more research to do with helpful vitamins and medicines. You’ve responded so well to your SleepyTime tea and since I’ve started making sure your birth control packet is plainly visible in the countertop basket directly beneath that cabinet, you’ve been taking it so well.
I’m so proud of you sweetheart, that’s my girl, look at you taking care of yourself. You’ve done so well in fact, that it’s in my personal opinion that you have earned a very special reward.
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Anakin sat on his couch, the live feed of your living room screen mirrored to his Tv. He was watching you cook dinner, he knew you’d be making a stir fry. He’d seen it in your planner, so he’d taken the liberty of ordering himself the same, it’d be here any minute. As would your good friend Sam.
Anakin had originally burned red hot with jealousy at the thought of you inviting a man over to your apartment, that he hadn’t vetted via social media and a quick drop-in. But he was relieved to discover that Sam was just a girl from your book club.
This wasn’t one of his well thought out plans, this was decided upon this morning after you’d returned from book club. So, he was anxious to see if his hunches served him well. Sam seemed like a punctual gal, at least from what he’d seen on social media and the text messages between the two of you from weeks/months before.
Anakin had the wonderful idea to log into your cell service providers website to pull your deleted messages from their data bank. You really should have better passwords.
The thing he was most worried about was his door dasher arriving on time. It was rare that one was too far off on arrival time, but it would be his shit luck and lack of planning that could ruin this little glimpse of you.
The minutes ticked by and he was alerted to the new motion sensors he’d placed near the LED pathway lights on the paved entrance to the apartment building. He quickly switched over to the hallway feed at the front door, seeing that it was his door dasher.
Damn you Trevor. How dare you get there before Sam.
Not to worry, he’d call for the door code and Anakin wouldn’t answer the first time. It wasn’t much but it would buy him a few seconds.
Though it seemed to be that luck was on his side as it often was when it came to you. Sam was so kind, kind enough to let the delivery guy into the building. Which is technically a security concern but Trevor didn’t seem like the type of guy who’d be able to remember a 6 digit door code.
He was too busy staring at your friends ass to pay attention to the numbers she entered anyway.
The footsteps approached your door and his, Anakin waited until he heard Sam knock on your door before he opened his. Trevor stood patiently as Anakin slowly counted out his tip in cash and thankfully you were quick to let your friend inside. After the exchange was complete Anakin gave you a smile and wave.
He could’ve had a heart attack at the response you gave him.
A flirty little finger waggle and smile.
He had to remind himself to breathe and keep his expression a happy-neutral. He’d hate for you to see his blushing cheeks this early on.
“Have a good night girls.” He said as he closed his door and to his surprise you actually answered.
“You too!”
If he weren’t confident that you were a sweet and loving soul, he’d think you were trying to kill him with the siren song of your voice.
Stir fry had never tasted so fucking good.
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Diary Entry: July 8th
Grocery day baby, here I come.
I love that you’re so predictable. I love that you’re so fucking cute and always try to strong arm your groceries in one trip. I love that it takes at least two good whacks to the trunk of your shitty old Nissan to properly close it.
It’s cute to watch you struggle with it, the annoyed huffs and angry scowl.
I thought you’d combust on the spot once when your paper grocery bag of flour and sugar ripped open and sent a plume of flour up on your black jeans. The parking lot was very empty and I was very glad because I’d hate for someone to have seen the cursing contest you had with yourself as you picked up your spilled items. Very unladylike you know. But it’s you so I don’t mind, I just like to hear you talk.
It’s almost time. I’ve been sitting in my car for about 10 minutes. Gotta account for the traffic on highway 76. Do you really have to shop all the way out there just because of the Whole Foods? C’mon baby they have the same shit at Kroger.
I’ve been watching your little blue dot on my phone and you’re rounding the corner so I’ll write you later doll.
I love you.
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You pulled into the parking lot and sat in your car for a moment. Giving yourself the much need quiet to decompress from your work day and the grocery trip. After you’d checked your messages and scrolled for a moment you decided it was time to head inside before your frozen foods got… not so frozen.
You popped the trunk and fumbled with the faulty latch, your fingers feeling blindly under the metal lip until it finally detached and you were able to open the trunk.
You took a deep breath and scolded yourself for buying the extra few things that could’ve waited till next time. Second trips are for wimps and you weren’t one. So you loaded up your left arm bag by bag until you heard a humored puff of air and the beep of a car locking behind you.
“Need a hand sweetheart?” Anakin grinned, shoving his keys into his front pocket.
He waltzed over and took a few bags off your hands without waiting for a response. It took you aback, not because he hadn’t waited for permission, but because of the way he exuded an odd charm that made you falter.
“Anakin, really it’s alright I can get it.” You said, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion by his kind gesture.
“Mmm no, this seems like a two man mission sweet girl.” He smiled, gathering up a few the last few bags from the trunk and shutting it with one solid push.
“You really don’t have to-“
“I know I don’t have to.” He said tilting his head toward the apartment building to encourage you to walk with him. “I want to.”
“Thank you, that’s… thanks.” You smiled, a light blush creeping across your cheeks.
“Atta girl.” He chuckled, tapping in the door code and holding it open for you despite holding many more bags than you.
Something about the low tone of voice or maybe just the way he looked at you with his icey blue eyes… just sent a chill down your spine. A quick one that was gone in an instant, replaced by a warm glow in the center of your chest.
“Guess chivalry’s not dead.” You joked.
“I’m no knight.” He laughed, “but you’re sure as hell a princess.”
‘Oh that was smooth.’ You thought, trying to ignore the heat at the bottom of your stomach.
What is happening? How on earth can one man be so… everything? Kind, caring, chivalrous and gorgeous to boot.
You felt a wave of embarrassment at the squeaky giggle you let out. He had you tore up from one little comment.
True to the gentleman he seemed to be, he chose not to push it and tease you about your beet red cheeks. He just waited patiently for you as you unlocked your door.
“Do you want me to bring these in for you?” He asked, watching your movements closely.
“Oh that would be great.” You said in relief, leading him into your kitchen.
“Cute little place.” He said, looking around the kitchenette and over to the living room.
He sat down your bags on the counter and started unloading them neatly into rows.
“Oh, you-“
“Mmm mmm.” He shook his head with a smirk, “Just let me help, it’s no big deal.”
You let out a puff of air in an amused sort of amazement and pulled out your little step stool to open up the cabinets. Anakin snickered from behind you as you stepped up and started putting things away.
You shot him a glare over your shoulder and almost said something snarky until you realized he was folding your paper grocery bags in the same way that you always do.
“Huh.” You laughed. “I thought I was the only one who did that.”
“Did what?” He asked, his head cocked to the side.
“Fold the bags.” You said, turning back around to continue placing your things where they belonged.
“Oh,” he chuckled, “I dunno it’s just a habit I guess. Fits better in that stupid slot on the recycling bin this way.”
“Yeah I never really understood why they made them that way? I guess so people don’t just shove other trash in there.” You mused.
“Mmhm probably.” He agreed, stacking them neatly and gathering it in his hands. “Do you want me to take these out back for you?”
“I can do-“ You stopped yourself when Anakin raised his eyebrow and cocked his head to the side with a crooked smirk.
You sighed and gave him a downturned smile. “Yes, I would love for you to take them out back for me.”
“Good girl.” He nodded, clicking his tongue and heading for the door. “See ya princess.”
After he shut the door you let yourself breathe alittle easier, blowing out the air in a short puff through your nose. Maybe even letting a little smile cross your lips before you finished up your task.
You’d be thinking about that low rumble of his voice later. Good girl? Shit.
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ficmenrhot · 9 months
Finnick’s trauma and comforting him:( /angst/
TW: mentions of forced prostitution and description of some gore and violence, a little bit of self hatred, talking about traumatic events
A/N: to all those survivors and victims of traumatic events, I’m proud of you…and this is a reminder that your loved ones are always willing to listen. Also, this is quite long so buckle up!
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I think it is pretty much common knowledge that Finnick Odair has some deep trauma from his time in the games and past. Although most victors of the Hunger Games suffered the same fate, Finnick was caught in Snow’s grasp too young..too vulnerable. He was forced to participate in the 65th Hunger Games at only 14-to kill others for survival- and when he won, thinking that all the suffering would be over then, he was threatened to become a prostitute at 16, otherwise his loved ones would be slaughtered- in which they did.
Finnick tries so hard to put on a facade in front of the Capitol- when he attends shows and interviews- and he does an amazing job at that. He tries so, so hard to remain strong for you too…to try and convince you that he really is alright by lying that his past no longer haunts him. He wants to assure you that he is stable because he is afraid of becoming a burden to you, afraid to be pushed away or feared by you because of his ‘problems’. The last thing he needs is to have the last person he loves vanish from his life.
However, at times, the stresses and memories just come flooding back to him and he finds himself breaking down.
Sometimes at night, you’ll be awoken by the soft sobs of Finnick crying, and seeing him in that state just absolutely destroys you…as if a thousand knives to your heart.
His back is facing you to avoid having you see his teary face, quietly sniffing into a pillow in his arm. He looks so vulnerable…almost like he’s fourteen all over again, and your heart throbs at the sight of your love- usually so big and strong- breaking down into pieces.
“…F-Finnick, my love?” You whisper ever so softly, sitting up against the headboard as you place a your much smaller hand on his shoulder.
Finnick turns at you, his eyes red and tears welling up at his waterline, long lashes wet and cheeks a little flushed from crying. He blinks, wiping away his tears, voice raspy as he says apologetically,
“Honey….I’m so sorry I woke you up.”
This man. He’s breaking down and he is so selfless that he apologises to you for experiencing valid emotions?!
“Oh Finnick, why are you apologising? It’s not your fault..you know it never is. Was it the nightmares again?” you ask gently with sympathetic eyes.
You have no idea what Finnick had to go through in the Hunger Games or any idea of what it is like to have your body sold but whatever it feels like, you know it must be terrible…so painful and terrible for somebody as strong as Finnick to be shattered. And you wouldn’t even have to think for a second to do anything at all -to kill or to sacrifice your own safety- just to share half of Finnick’s pain….to lift the weighs off his shoulders.
“My love, would you like me to hold you?” It is the least you can offer.
Finnick sniffs quietly and nod, moving closer to you to lay on your chest. Your fingers delve into his golden curls, playing with his hair as it is one of your favourite ways to calm him down. The two of you find peace in the silence before you ask softly:
“Would you like to share what happened, Finnick? Or we can talk about it when you feel better and just cuddle back to sleep…whatever you’re comfortable with, my love.”
Finnick is quiet for a few moments before he blinks and rubs at his wet lashes, “..it was…it was another nightmare. I had to kill the last tribute…a young girl from district 11. She was only a few years older than me…forced into the Games too…and I had to k-kill her to win…” His voice cracks as a tear rolls down his cheeks, and you wipe it away with your thumb, nodding as you listen attentively.
“It was terrible…the look on her face when I stabbed her with my trident…I can still remember her shrill screams, the look of betrayal on her face…the way her body thudded to the ground with blood soaking up her wetsuit.” Finnick begins to sob once more.
“Shhh..shhh” you coo, stroking Finnick’s cheeks as you attempt to comfort him.
Finnick shakes his head, breath hitched and uneven as he sobs in your hands, and the heartache of seeing him like this nearly eats you alive.
“I…I’m disgusting…I feel impure….and with what Snow did to me…”
“…the things he made me do…I feel disgusting....”
Prostitution is something you know of Finnick’s past, but it is a topic he has never really opened up on until this moment. You never forced him or questioned him about it because you know it is an event of great trauma to him.
You can only stroke Finnick’s hair to sooth him and hold him tightly in support as he continues, feeling both sympathy and proudness that he is able to open up about this topic.
“No matter how much I try to wash myself, to scrub my skin and submerge myself in soap, I can still smell the sickening scent of Capitol perfumes. Sometimes…I feel sorry that I can’t be a better partner for you sweetheart……and I’m so afraid that you’ll leave me or regret me or feel shameful of me.”
You cup Finnick’s face for him to look at you and there are a thousand emotions visible in your eyes as you speak.
“Are you kidding, Finnick? Look me in the eye when I tell you that I will never regret loving you or feel ashamed of you. I’m so proud to have you as my partner, as my lover, so proud of how strong you are…how strong you remain after the terrible things you had to go through.”
“In fact, my love, I look up to you. You’re my role model Finnick, and if I were in your shoes, I would not be able to handle things half as well as you do. You are kind, amazing, beautiful and definitely not disgusting. Trust me when I say that that is the last thing you’ll ever be. Besides, it wasn’t your choice to kill that tribute, anyone would’ve done the same.”
And with that, his sea green eyes softens, and that smile you’re familiar with finally appears on his face. Dimples when he smiles. You press a soft kiss on his forehead and stroke his hair as the two of you hold each other sleepily, slowly dozing off to a deep slumber. The last words you mutter being:
“I love you, my love.”
“I love you more, honey. And thank you….really.”
A/N: AHHHH! tell me why I almost cried writing this?! This is my first angst and I think the lost piece I’ve written by far (on this new account). Please like or reblog if you enjoyed this, and follows are most definitely appreciated ;)
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beuxwhoyouare · 18 days
Rodeo Buckin’
Every year, my cousins and I take a fun and much needed trip to the rodeo. You might think it’s a little country, but it’s a real melting pot of cultures, the good food, the music, the performances, and ugh the food.
This year my cousin Jane brought her fiance and the whole family was left swooning.
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Mario was such a mans man or at least the manliest man my cousins been with in her life. He was a gentleman to all of us offering to buy our food, hold our place in lines, or even giving our smallest cousins a boost to see all the action during the nights big events.
I was so tired from working overtime this week at work and almost fell into a ditch when Mario caught me. Wooo I don’t think a man has ever securely held me like that in my life. He wasn’t obscenely tall but he was well built and always clean cut. I think my cousin said he was a nurse or medical assistant of some kind so he also made good money.
We all split up to enjoy all the rodeo fun. After a few hours I headed to some of the petting zoo stuff just to relax after a long evening out in the heat. I turned the corner and found Mario near the restrooms making out with some other woman. I couldn’t help myself and loudly gasped at the sight. We all thought he was a gentleman but more than anything it proved he was just another whore. He turned to see me and began to hurriedly approach me and that’s when I ran to find my cousin and let her know the truth.
He was way more athletic than I was so I was at a disadvantage but to my aid came a security guard who saw the built man chasing me. But I was wrong, it was definitely not a security guard for the rodeo. I slid around a corner out of Mario’s sight when the stoic guard yanked me to the side. Mario ran by searching around for me but I was hidden behind the guard.
“Thank you sir, but why did you protect me?” I asked somewhat intimidated.
The stoic man stood above me and simply nodded. He guided me to an inconspicuous looking tent. He nudged me to walk inside and I obliged. I didn’t understand what I was looking at in the dim room. A weakly glowing orb in the middle of the room had what sounded like a crying creature inside of it. I began hearing a voice as I approached it cautiously despite not seeing any mouths moving on the small orange lizard looking creature inside the orb.
“I need a hostttttt.” the voice inseminated into my head.
“A host? I can’t really take in a pet or a roommate right now?” I said without trying to be too sarcastic.
“I sense you’re running from a predator….bring it here so I can live.”
“A predator? Oh do you mean Mario? What are you going to do to him?”
“He will be my host so I can continue living to conquer this planet.”
“I don’t really know how you’re going to do all that with Mario but I mean I can do my best.”
I left the tent and saw him still angrily searching for me nearby. I yelled his name before looking around as if I hadn’t. When he saw me he gunned it straight to me and I slowly walked back into the dark tent.
That’s when the stoic man grabbed Mario and restrained his arms behind his back. He then escorted my cousins fiance in front of the lizard like creature. The voice started making sounds that I couldn’t really make out as Mario yelled expletives at me to tell the man to let him go and when he got free he would mess me up.
The walls in the tent started thrashing around as if there was a hurricane outside and as I ran towards the door to see what was going on. A strong gust of wind pushed me back so hard I fell on the ground and hit my head before passing out.
When I came to I saw a figure checking itself out in a bright room mirror. My eyes came back into focus to realize that I was on the floor of the restroom at home and that figure was Mario. I recoiled out of fear that he was about to hit me. Mario continued buttoning up his shirt and turned around to me.
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“Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you. You saved me and I owe you my life.” Mario said as I curled up anticipating a strike.
“Oh! It’s you? You’re inside of Mario? So where is he?” I asked inquisitively.
“He’s gone…once we choose new hosts they’re no longer in existence anymore.”
“That’s kind of sad. But then again he was a freaking cheater.”
“Cheater? How did this Mario cheat? Was there a competition ongoing between you and him?”
“Well no, he was dating my cousin. He was making out with someone else.”
“Mating hmm? How do you humans make out? What’s the goal of the game?”
“Dating actually, but oh well I can show you maybe?”
The creatures naivety was my gain as I tried to hide devilish grin. Let’s be real, no matter who was piloting that body “Mario” is hot as hell.
“How did we get home anyways? Where is everyone?”
“Your group found us and I carried you to the car. They said you drank too much? They left back to the event and they asked if I would stay to take care of you, whatever that entails.”
“Great. I’m going to show you how you can take care of me.”
I lunged at the beefy man and put my hands on his neck. I used one hand to take off his hat and the other to caress the back of his neck as I went in to begin making out. I know he’s engaged to my cousin but screw that right now I needed to know for myself what made Mario so fine to so many people.
I ripped his shirt off and was greeted by a proud torso. Standing up straight and wide, strong arms, plump pecs, and shoulder that could throw me around into any position…and I wanted to put it to work. He stood there unsure what to do next and I moved down to yank his pants and boots off leaving me to view Mario in all his raw glory.
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Oh my god that’s why so many people want him.
“How does that fit?” I stupidly asked as if Mario would have an answer.
“I don’t understand. Fit where?”
“Never mind. I just need you to keep thinking about what makes you excited and happy so you can help me out.”
The new Mario likely thought about conquering the world and not me like I wanted but nonetheless the objective was met. Mario's body knew what to do and while he was a shower, maybe he was also partially a grower. It was already thick but it’s getting thicker?
I eagerly greeted the scarily wide tool into my mouth and the new Mario finally had a human reaction. Moaning louder than I’ve ever heard Mario even make sounds. Insatiable is the only way I could describe how I felt. I kept wanting more and the creature kept cooing at the pleasure I was giving it. I could keep taking what it wanted while it got what it wanted. I guided his muscular hands to my the back of my head as he began bobbing my head up and down.
He started picking up the pace and I got an idea. Well I missed the rodeo so this was my change to ride the horse myself.
I got up and he looked at me with yearning eyes. He wanted to finish so badly but I remained in control. I turned myself around and bent over. I told him to put his hands on my waist and begin to buck it hard and fast. And did he ever. Using the muscles alien to his usage I could feel all the efforts Mario put in at the gym going in and out of me. Pleasure mixed with pain in the best ways.
I could tell he was nearing the big moment because he left me breathless. It was an unbelievable pounding. I didn’t actually think I’d be able to take him all but I was determined to feel it all myself.
“Unhh ohhhhnnnnn. What is thisssss?”
I could feel the warmth envelop my insides. Woah that was hands down the best I’ve ever had. I kinda wanted to go again. I bit my lip and told him that he would need to go take a shower while I collected myself.
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I saw him take a few selfies as I got up to collect myself.
“On second thought I think I need to come with you to show you how to clean off Mario.” the devilish grin returned to my face
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
Could you write a smutty damian priest x fem!reader where he LOVES to leave hickeies on her? He loves to show her off! He leaves a big one her after another superstar(I'm thinking la knight) flirts with her and he wants to really make his territory:)
damian priest x reader
‼️smut baby, smut + reader has no shame at all (that could never be me)
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
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mine, all mine
“what did you said? uh? i didn’t hear you” damian teased you while two of his fingers were pumping in and out of you.
“oh fuck…” you moaned, not able to answer him properly “i said…don’t leave any marks on me, please”
“and why not?” he smirked, curling his fingers inside of you.
“my costume…it will reveal too much…” you weren’t able to focus anymore on anything he was saying.
he smiled before attacking his lips to your neck “good…”
in all honesty, you didn’t care about marks and hickeys showing, in fact, you loved when damian marked you. you just didn’t want to have marks where in less than 24 hours you had a live event to attend, the one where families would be there with their kids and you, being a lovely babyface, had to behave like one.
meaning you had to stop and greet all the kids present at the event. you loved it, of course, you just didn’t want marks to show on that day, especially with kids being involved.
“damian please…i’m serious, no marks tonight…”
damian knew that tone and he knew you were serious.
“what if i mark you where people can’t see it?” he proposed.
“then what’s the fun part of showing the world who i belong to?” you teased him back.
“love, you are not helping tho…” he chuckled “but…not the whole world has to see this, just one person i have in mind…”
“who?” you asked.
“you know who…”
“damian” you laughed a little but stopped when you saw he was being serious “you know he doesn’t think of me like that, do you?”
“then why does he keep flirting with you? i don’t understand, i absolutely despise la knight for even thinking he could get with my woman…so please, let me show him who do you belong to” he teased you with his thumb over your clit “he will never see you like this, naked and panting for me, all for me…”
damian wasn’t stupid. he knew la knight had a crush for you. he couldn’t deny he enjoyed it seeing him so desperate to have his way with you but at the same time he couldn’t handle the possibility of seeing you with another man. he loved you and he knew you loved him too, but he had insecurities too and his biggest fear was to lose you.
so he had to mask all of those insecurities behind the bad boy mask.
“i’m yours damian…but please, no marks, please baby” you were serious. damian knew better to piss you off. he knew you took your job seriously and he didn’t want to upset you.
“i’ll see what i can do…” he smiled before moving his lips around your nipples. he teased them, giving them equal attention. he took his time with you, his fingers slowed down a little, his thumb circling your clit while his teeth were biting into the skin of your breast.
“oh shit…damian please…” you didn’t know what you were begging for.
“you like that uh? my little brat likes being treated like that” his teeth around your nipple, making you jump a little.
you knew hickeys were going to show up all over your boobs but honestly you didn’t mind. as you told damian before - places nobody would be able to see.
his lips moved over your thighs, your most sensitive part. he gently kissed your skin, moving from thigh to thigh, giving them the same amount of love.
“patience my love…” he saw you squirming under his touch. the sight of you naked was almost enough to make him cum right on the spot “let me taste that sweet pussy please” he said, leaving kisses over your clit, teasing you and making you even wetter.
you couldn’t handle his teasing no more “please damian, i need it” a single tear fell from your eye.
damian loved to tease and play with you but not tonight. he knew about the hard week you had and the fact that you had to leave wednesday for a live event while he had to stay at home was making the little time you had together even more special.
he took one minute to just admire you.
to admire the work of art over your breast.
your nipples red and the skin around them turning into a light purple colour. he was proud of himself but he knew the job wasn’t finished yet.
“tell me if it gets to much okay? i want you to enjoy it…”
“okay papi” you teased making him chuckle.
“oh shut up” he laughed before attaching his lips to your clit. your hips buckled into his mouth from the stimulation and he had to circle your chest with his muscular arm to make you stop moving.
“oh shit damian…right there please” you moaned when you felt his fingers moving again inside of you.
“you taste so fucking sweet mi amor” he whispered into your pussy, making you vibrate and shake under his body “you’re so beautiful princesa, naked and crying for me, i want to show the world how pretty you are” he said curling his fingers to that sweet spot you love.
“oh fuck do it again…”
“yeah?” he curled his fingers again “like that?” he looked at you like you were his prey. you nodded, non trusting your words enough but damian was satisfied with your answer.
you felt his hand moving from your hips to your thighs, his palm resting on your left one before he gently lifted your leg over his shoulder. the new position made you feel things you never felt before.
“oh fuck fuck - shit” you moaned, more tears streaming down your face.
“is it okay mi amor?”
“yes fuck - more than okay…” he smiled.
“i’ll give you something else to scream for…” you whined at the lack of attention when he removed his fingers from you. his tip slowly teased your entrance, collecting your juices and gently pushing in “you were made for me mi amor…”
“right there please damian…fuck” you were heaven for him. your eyes closed, mouth open, tears streaming down your face, your hands and nails leaving marks into his back while he was slowly pounding into you, teasing you and making you feel all of his glory.
his hand went back to your thigh, holding it like his life depended on it. he loved every minute of that action “i can feel you’re close mi amor, come for me…”
“i need you to go faster please…” you gently asked him like he told you to and he happily obliged, hitting that spot faster and harder “damian fuck…” his movements were enough to make you cum on the spot.
he couldn’t keep it any longer and he spilled himself into you. what a sight seeing his cum coming out of you.
“fuck…you’re so beautiful, let me take a picture…” and he took a few pictures. the first one was you with open legs and his cum dripping from your pussy, the second one were your tits covered in a big purple bruise, your nipples still hard from the stimulation and the third one was you, your face, eyes closed and tears on your cheeks “these are my new favourite pictures” he said making you laugh.
when you came down from your high, you slightly move to sit on the bed and in that moment you saw red marks and hickeys everywhere. you didn’t mind your tits that much but the one on your thigh was huge “damian…”
“what? i didn’t leave any visible marks” he smiled looking at the pictures.
“this one…”
“no one has to see your thighs” he smirked.
“shit it’s huge…i will have to wear long pants”
“it’s a family show anyway, kids won’t be looking at your ass, dads will but i’m pretty sure it’s clear who you belong to…” he smirked at you, you joked punching his arm.
“what are you gonna do with the pictures?” you asked him. it wasn’t nothing new for you to take pictures of yourselves after or in the middle of sex, but you saw damian opening the chat with a specific person “damian?”
“he has to see who do you belong to” he smirked.
you honestly didn’t mind, in fact, it made you proud seeing damian so proud of it. so you agreed with him to send the pictures to la knight.
“he can watch but he can’t have you…” he said before pressing send.
mine, all mine he wrote before sending the pictures do la knight.
so, while la knight was shocked and terrified by damian at the same time, you were happily asleep in his big arms.
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fleuraimer · 6 days
i NEED to hear your thoughts on reader's arguments with boxer!carmy. what's their first argument about? who usually caves first?
you, anon, are a hero and a scholar and are about to receive the greatest blurb in the history of the the tumblr industry (pls someone understand this reference 😭😭)
BUT IT ALL SERIOUSNESS, this is fucking gold; i love you for sending this.
tw!! ooooohh they get into it yall. carmen being a man (ik, i’m sorry). some suggestive content. happy ending.
bf boxer!carmy and reader fighting!!
concept 1. concept 2. bf boxer!carmy hcs.
ok, so, me thinks bf boxer!carmy and his pretty broad actually argue a lot. so often it teeters just on the edge of being unhealthy. but, they also know each other and realize they’re two petty asf ppl (😭😭). so, even though they argue often, it’s usually over stupid shit, or their little fears (like who was supposed to wash the dishes that night, or how carmy’s profession holds a great deal of power over his life, enough to take it away—
she tries hard not to think about it too much; that argument is a losing game).
if carmy’s being frank, it’s half the reason he’s so fucking obsessed in love with her. she’s feisty—she’s trouble, and carmy’s never been good at staying out of it, even before he was the one starting the fights.
when they fight—oh boy! do they fight.
i’d like to think bf boxer!carmy has a hugeeeee jealousy problem (lil insecure loser ☹️🫶🏽), and so that’s usually how their more heated fights begin.
i think their very first BIG fight has to do with a mix of his jealousy issue and the nature of how their relationship came to be.
allow me to set the scene:
so carmy wins the fight against timmy boy (surprise??) and starts talking to his pretty broad, finds out her and timmy aren’t exclusive, just messing around, and takes the green light.
a few weeks go by and everything is going smoothly—you know, the usual, extravagant dates and expensive gifts, lots of pampering and affection from both ends; the rose-hued, honeymoon stage—and carmy invites her as his plus one to some big party/event for his job.
he knocks on the front door of her apartment at 7:15 pm on the dot with a stunning bouquet—baby’s breath and lilies and anemones—of flowers in his right hand. he’s dressed to the nines; a fitted black tux—double breasted, with peak lapels, and slightly high-waisted trousers—and a brown dress-shirt, first thee to four buttons undone (whore 🥸) with a black chiffon, nearly iridescent slip over it that makes that same brown look an earthy, rich green at a swift glance. one gold bracelet, one gold ring for each hand (middle and pinky fingers), his unnecessarily attractive little gold hoop earrings, and a simple gold crucifix hangin’ ‘round his neck.
he raps his busted knuckles against the door with his left hand, and then patiently leans against the frame and awaits the telltale sign of her heels against the hardwood floors.
he counts to seventeen before her front door is swinging open.
the first thing he notices is that smile (that smile, the one she only ever gives to him—not eddie (god forbid), or nacho, or benny, or fucking timmy—just him). pearly whites, with bow and cherry gems (i loveeee teeth gems if my pfp didn’t make that clear), on display, framed by those plump, painted lips—brown liner, blackberry pink lipstick, and a nice, shiny gloss—that never seem to leave his head; burned into his memory, melded to his mind.
his eyes drop to the baby pink toes he’s become far too fond of, the white strap and silver chain of her dior heels placed prettily over top. flits his appraising gaze up to her ankles, the left one wrapped in the anklet he gifted her on their fourth date, a (boxing) glove charm hanging from the gold link. up—up, up, up—they go, trailing the soft ruffles and tedious buttons lining her long sleeve knit dress, hem hitting just at her shin, tight fitting—cinched to her figure—with a swoop neckline that shows off just the right amount of cleavage.
he stops when his eyes find hers again, brown sugar and saccharine.
he pushes off the door frame and steps through, ‘til they’re standing toe to toe and her head is awkwardly bent backward so she can keep eye contact.
“hi, bear,” she chirps, soft and taunting. grins at him while her jewel adorned hands slide up the smooth lapels of his tux.
the left corner of his mouth kicks up into a smirk as he snakes his left arm around her waist, dragging her closer.
his head spins with the scent of cinnamon and evergreen, and he wants to nuzzle in her neck because of it.
“hey, cub,” he rumbles back, and neither of them acknowledge the way she practically melts into her, she just curls her fingers into his lapels, and he tightens his hold on her waist.
she looks at the flowers in his right hand, “those for me?”
carmy turns his head to look at the flowers, lifts his hand with a noisy crinkle to present ‘em to her.
still, he shakes his head, puts on his best poker face and huffs, “nah, i’m taking that real pretty broad down the hall on a date tonight. just dropping in to say ‘hi’.”
her grin drops, face flat, eyes narrowed.
she unfurls her fists from his jacket, starts pushing him away, out from where he came.
“well, since we’ve finished swapping pleasantries—”
this time when he huffs, he’s huffing out a laugh, “i’m kidding. hey, baby, i’m kidding. swear.” he drops the flowers (unimportant; he can get more if she really wants them) to the ground at the side of their feet and wraps his other arm around her waist, crowding her space, barely giving her room to breathe, let alone slip from his grasp.
she wriggles in his hold, still shoving uselessly at his firm chest. “carmen, let go—”
and, well he’s definitely in trouble, but there’s not much to be done about that now, is there?
he takes both her tiny, pounding fists and locks them behind her back in one fell swoop “never. now look at me.”
she looks into the hallway, just over his shoulder, to piss him off.
his eye threatens to twitch.
“look at me, cub. don’t make me say it again.”
she rolls her brown sugar eyes, but does thereafter shift her gaze to look at him. raises an impatient brow.
“i’m sorry for saying that. it was a shitty joke—”
“it wasn’t fucking funny, carm.”
he grunts, “all right. wasn’t funny, i’m sorry, baby.”
she continues to glare at him for another 30 to 45 seconds, but then her shoulders are slumping and her face is scrunching in that cute little pout and she’s whining like a sweet little baby.
“wasn’t funny, bear,” she grumbles, and carmy snickers.
“y’already said that; gimme a kiss.”
she shakes her head, fussy, and now it’s carmy’s turn to raise an impatient brow.
“what was that? speak up, baby.”
“no,” she groans, stomping her foot, trying to free her hands from behind her back, but there’s no way she’s getting out now, not if she wants to act like a brat.
“try again.”
he yanks her into his chest, “try the fuck again.”
but when has she ever just willingly rolled over?
“let me go, carmen.”
“give me a fucking kiss, cub.”
they show up to carmy’s work gathering an hour and a half late, but who’s fucking fault is that (this, too, is a losing game)?
when they step into the venue together, all eyes immediately fall on them. how could they not?
carmen ‘carmy’ berzatto, the bear, and his new girl.
timothy ‘timmy’ grayson’s ex girl.
they don’t let it phase them, the side eye and poorly disguised whispering, just find their way to their way to the open bar and mingle with their inner circle.
the night quickly descends from business to casual, but that could just be because they were so late. as the older patrons slip out, the inconsequential jazz humming in the background is shut off, and then the ceiling is shaking with the bass of keep it g by asap rocky.
somehow, carmy’s on his second glass of bourbon and his girl just finished her third glass of wine and they’re…tipsy.
it’s not even like the song playing is inherently sexual, at all, really, but carmy’s lips are trailing over the back of her neck, uncoordinated—messy—and his fingers are digging into her hips because the way she’s fucking grinding on him should not be legal.
“god, cub,” he grunts in her ear, rolling his hips back into her.
“mhmm,” she moans in the back of her throat, subdued, swallowed down, and places her hands over his that grip at her like a lifeline. she lets her head fall back, settle in the crook of his neck so she can nose at the hinge of his jaw and suck a pretty hickey there, too.
he fully thrusts into her, the bass of the speakers muffling the too audible slap of their bodies connecting.
she squirms and squeaks, “bear!”
he growls, “what?”
she giggles in the shell of his ear. “down, boy. i gotta hit the restroom.”
carmy, very reluctantly, lets her slip from his grasp and venture to find the woman’s room. he nurses on another drink—whiskey, this time—but paces himself as he waits for his girl’s return.
that is, until he sees his girl in question talking with timothy fucking grayson. then, he downs the rest of his drink like water and calmly—calmly—walks up to them.
now, if (and this is a very big fucking if) carmen wasn’t being a complete a***** ******* ****** ***** *****, then maybe he would’ve noticed the rather unkempt state of his pretty broad, her soured expression and guarded body language.
he was being a complete redacted though, so he just steps behind her with his chest puffed and his jaw set, just itching for timmy to say something fucking stupid.
and that stupid fucking smirk on his stupid fucking face might scratch that itch just enough to satiate him.
“what’re y’doin’ with my girl, timmy?”
he doesn’t register the way she bristles against him at the term.
my girl.
“just makin’ friendly conversation,” he shrugs, still smirking, and carmy has never wanted his knuckles to split so fucking bad.
“friendly conversation?” he nearly coos back, the condescending, possessive prick. “why don’t y’find someone else to go make friendly conversation with, yeah? fuck off.”
he walks away before timmy boy gets the chance to respond, dragging his girl behind him.
when they make it back to the bar, he finally has the decency to assess his pretty broad. or, hound her, more like.
"what was he sayin' to you? and what the hell were you doin' with him in the fuckin' first place? if he bothers you again you come straight to me, understood?"
he's met with silence.
he frowns, looks down at his girl to find the same expression on her face, and goes to repeat himself. "i said, underst—"
"take me home, carmen."
his frown deepens. he bends in the knee to try and catch her eyes, but she turns her head away as soon as he glimpses her brown sugar irises.
"take me home, carmen. now."
and they've fought, all right? small tiffs here and there, "pick your fucking shoes up, carmen!", "stop fucking touching shit, carm!", "god, carmen, just leave me alone!" but this is different. deeper.
he's still frowning as he nods, mutters "okay," softly, as to not upset her any further, and places his hand on the small of her back to guide out of the venue doors and out to the valet.
usually, after a date, carmen will pull in to a parking space and get out first to open the passenger door for his girl and walk her up to her apartment, before either getting sent off with a goodnight kiss or getting tugged through her front door to continue where they'd left off.
this time, though, she out the door before the cars even full parked.
carmen rushes to keep up with her takes the stairs to her apartment two at a time.
"cub, wait up!"
she does no such thing.
in fact, she only seems to move faster in lieu of his request (brat).
he nearly misses his window to at least say goodnight to her, with the way she quickly keys into her home and tries to slam the door in his face, but a foot in the frame easily rectifies that.
"hey!" he barks at her, shoving the door open and slamming it shut after him.
"don't slam my damn door, carmen!"
"don't try to slam your damn door in my damn face, then!"
she frustratedly groans, arms flailing in exclamation. he watches her cautiously as she looks frantically for something—something, anything—before she's bending down to take off her dior heels.
clearly, something has pent up—boiled, festered—within her, because she chucks a shoe at his head (and for someone so unassuming, she has a damn good arm).
he ducks just before it can hit him, instead banging into the wall.
"what the fu— ow!"
she doesn't miss the second time.
"fuck you, carmen!" she screams at him.
"fuck you! you just threw your fucking shoe at my head! twice!"
"and you fucking deserved it," she cries, taking a step closer to him, pointing an accusatory finger. "you dick!"
"what the fuck did i do?" he shouts back, taking a step forward himself, brows furrowed in frustrated confusion.
"you— y-you—"
he takes another step toward her, "huh? i what? spit it the fuck out, baby."
not for the first time, she pouts like a kicked puppy, and her hands brace on his sturdy shoulders, and she pushes at him, angry. but, certainly for the first, carmy actually loses his balance. nearly trips over his feet with the way he stumbles backward.
"ugh, asshole! you made a bet!"
he frowns, bewildered. "what?"
"don't fucking lie to me, carm—"
"baby, what the fuck are you talking about?"
"stop fucking calling me that!" she screams, "with timothy! you made a bet with him before the fight, a bet on me!"
carmy's mouth hangs open, forming to phantom explanations that all fall too short or get too intimate—personal; she doesn't need to know the backstory, the why in his road to success. she can't, not yet. not so soon.
she shoves him again at his lack of response, and, for the second time, carmy stumbles back.
"fuck you, carmy!" she screams, eyes brimming and— fuck, she was not supposed to find out this way (well, ever, really, but surely not in this way). he racks his brain for sufficient a justification.
"fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! is that how you fucking see me? i'm just another belt you meatheads pass around and compete for? fucking kill yourselves over?"
"that's not true, baby—"
"i'm not your fucking baby!" she goes to shove him again, but he's ready this time, steeled. she throws her weight into each nudge and push and shove she gives to him, grunts and grumbles through the exertion of it, but he's stock-still like a statue now, and immovable force to be reckoned with.
"you done?" he mutters when she's huffin' and puffin' too hard to keep going.
her eyes snap from his chest to his baby blues, glaring. "fuck—!"
"—me? yeah, you've already said that, several times actually. now are you gonna let me explain, or do you wanna keep screamin'?"
her eyes, somehow, narrow further, teeth barred.
carmy prepares himself.
"do i wanna keep screamin'? well, since you fucking offered," she gripes, pounding her fists into his chest again. and he lets her. "you don't fucking think, do you? just puff your chest and fucking take it if you want it, right? god, carmen, i'm not some fucking toy—"
"i never implied that you were—"
"so you didn't bet you could fuck me better than timothy at the weigh-in?"
he snaps his mouth shut.
she scoffs, shakes her head. "un-fucking-believable," she mutters under her breath.
she sighs, and the (arguably) worst is over. but it's not like he necessarily welcomes the tears, either.
she sniffles, red-rimmed eyes sparkling in a pool of saltwater, and weakly shoves at his chest again.
"f-fuck you, bear," she weeps softly, voice cracking, head hanging, and carmy's never wanted to fix something so badly in his whole goddamn life. more than mikey. "i thought you fucking liked me—
"i do—!"
"stop lying—!"
and suddenly, carmen's had enough.
"be quiet," he barks.
the room falls silent.
he sighs, grips hers arms to keep her close and up right. drops his head to rest on hers, eye-to-eye, and she's too tuckered out to fight it.
his adams apple bobs, "i'm sorry, y/n," he whispers, and she doesn't think she's ever heard him so earnest before, so sad. "i'm sorry i made a bet on you, and hurt your feelings because of it. you're not a toy, or a belt, or any other prize, boxing or not; you're a human fucking being. and i'm sorry."
she sniffles again, and he takes her lack of shoving and yelling as clearance to continue.
"i'm not fucking sorry it worked, though." he can feel her tense, so he hurries on before she gets the wrong idea. "i'm not fucking sorry i saw you in that damn pink dress, in your damn pink heels, with you fucking pink toes. i'm not sorry that i talked to you after the match, and made good on my promise to timmy."
he squeezes the sides of her shoulders, "i'm not sorry 'cause i do like you, cub, so fucking much."
she lifts her head, teary eyes blearily finding his, and she frowns up at him, like she doesn't believe him.
"why're lying?" she whimpers, all watery and sad sounding, and carmy just wants to swaddle her in a blanket and kiss her tears away.
he smiles gently at her, "m'not lyin', baby. do you think i'd still be here if all i wanted was a fuck and duck? that's what the ring girls are for, cub."
she makes a face at him, "ew! g-ross, carmy, don't—!"
he bites back a smirk. "you drive me insane," cuts her off, sliding his hands from her arms to her shea butter smooth palms. "you drive me up the fuckin' wall, actually. but i love that about you. i love that you don't take anyone's shit, including mine. love that you put me in my place, and tell me off when i step out of line." his tongue peaks out to lick his chapped bottom lip before he continues. "i love the way you curl up in a ball every night before bed because you can't sleep any other way, and i love the way you bitch and moan about your bones feelin' too stiff in the morning because of it." he regards her fondly, eyes flitting over every feature. “i love your teeth gems, and your long ass nails. i love it when you’re bare-faced and bushy-tailed, or when you’ve got a— what is it?”
she chokes on a snotty laugh, “a full beat?”
“a full beat!” he repeats, enthusiastic and beaming. they both take a moment to giggle, carmy’s hands finding purchase on her hips to draw her in, chest to chest. “i am sorry i hurt your feelings, cub, so fucking sorry. but i would make that bet ten fuckin’ thousand times over if it meant i’d end up anywhere with you.”
and now she’s crying for a whole different, much sweeter reason.
she pouts at him cutely, “bearrr!”
and it’s like nothing even happened.
“whaaat?” he groans, feigning annoyance. “snotty girl, look at those tears,” he tuts, “such a crybaby.”
“that’s not fair—!”
“hush,” he muses, walking them back toward her bedroom, deft fingers working to unfasten the many buttons of her dress. “you talk too much, anyone ever told you that? whatever, you should let me fuck you.”
“you should let me fuck you.”
“you literally ate me out for an hour before we left, that’s why we were so fucking late. and who says you fuckin’ deserve it?”
carmy smirks, that’s his girl.
fuckin’ trouble.
he quirks a brow at her, fingers pausing their decent.
“you gonna let me earn it?”
a/n: hope u like it babies bc getting this done made me SICK (im serious i can’t fucking breathe right or swallow properly anymore 🙂‍↔️🫶🏽)
not proofread!!
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wtfwriter · 7 months
I Promise - Clarisse La Rue x F!Reader
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Reader Age: 16-17
Reader Godly Parent: Poseidon
Synopsis: Reader has just returned from the Labyrinth onto a battlefield. In an adaptation of the Battle of the Labyrinth, the Reader is faced with their own internal battle and wonders if keeping their relationship with Clarisse a secret is truly worth it, as well as facing the realities of war and its implications for their little brother.
Word Count: 3197 (I had thoughts and suddenly there were words on a google document. I had nothing to do with this.)
Some of the lines and dialogue are written directly or slightly changed lines from Rick Riordian’s novel “Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Battle of the Labyrinth.” Not all of this story is originally from me. Majority of these events happen in the order that they occur in the book with some minor tweaks
Also don’t ask me how the prophecy works here okay. I just think Percy deserves a big sister idk
I'm not 100% sure what age Clarisse is in this book, but google says she's about 16-17, so keep that in mind
Even if pegasi are like neutral territory between Zeus and Poseidon, I never would fully relax while flying on the back of one. I held on tightly to my pegasus the entire time, muttering apologies for my grip to her the whole time. It’s alright, boss, she told me. If you could just let up on my skin, that would be great. 
Once we landed in Camp Half-Blood, I dismounted, petting my pegasus’ snout and apologizing again until she turned with the rest of her friends back towards the stables. Once I turned towards everyone else, Percy seemed to have already shared our story with Chiron and Silenus was arguing with Grover about Pan.
I didn’t pay much attention to this. Not because I didn’t care, but because the lines of half-bloods around Zeus’ fist caught my eye first. I watched as every single half-blood seemed to fall into place, with the Hephaestus cabin maintaining their traps, Apollo and Hermes’ cabins ready with bows in the trees, and Aphrodite kids running around combing people’s hair and straightening their armor.
What I was truly looking for, however, was the Ares cabin, which I found exactly where I knew they would be: the front lines. I surveyed for the girl I had been aching to see since I had left camp, a time that seemed much longer than it probably was. My eyes eventually found her, barking orders at her siblings.
I watched Clarisse move across the lines, prepared for battle and preparing those that stood with her. My eyes moved wherever she moved, never letting up, as if they were people who had finally gotten their first sip of water after years in a desert. I was so focused on her movements, I barely noticed when she finally looked at me.
I wondered if anyone else was following her line of sight, or mine. I wondered if we held the same expressions on our faces. I wondered if anyone could figure out what we were saying.
I love you. I’m sorry we can’t talk right now. Not with what’s happening. Not with this many people around. I will find you after all of this is over.
I promise.
We nodded at each other, faces determined, before we both turned back to our respective duties. I watched as each of my friends dispersed to do what they had to: Annabeth with her siblings, Tyson with the Hephaestus kids, and Grover went over to Juniper.
“Both of you, stay with me,” Chiron spoke. “I want you to wait so we know what we are dealing with. You must go where we need reinforcements.”
Percy and I nodded at him. “I saw Kronos,” Percy suddenly said. “It was Luke.. but he wasn’t…”
“He had golden eyes, yes? To merge with a mortal body would be… arduous. I’m not sure how he could have merged with Luke’s form without it burning into ash,” Chiron wondered aloud.
I chimed in, “Kronos said he had prepared the body.”
“I fear what that can mean. Perhaps it will limit his power, being in a mortal form.”
“Chiron,” Percy’s voice was laced with worry. “What if Kronos is leading this attack?”
“He is not,” Chiron replied, incredibly sure. “I would sense if he was drawing near. I believe you have… inconvenienced him when you two pulled his throne room on top of him.” He paused. “You two and your friend Nico, son of Hades.”
Percy looked down at the ground as I spoke. “We know we should’ve told you. It’s just—”
“I understand why you did not tell me. You felt responsible. You sought to protect him. However, if we are to survive this, we must be able to trust each other. We must —”
Chiron was cut off by the sudden wavering of the Earth. I heard Clarisse yell, “Lock shields!”
Then the Titan Army was upon us.
At first, all I saw was the Laistrygonians. Beckendorf yelled orders to fire the catapults, one of which fired a boulder that took one of them down. Arrows flew through the air. Campers gathered to bring down the remaining giants. I watched as Clarisse yelled even more orders.
Just when it seemed we were winning, another wave came out of the Labyrinth, this time of dracaenae. They were completely covered with battle armor, carrying nets and spears. I watched as some fell into traps while others were battling with campers. I looked for Clarisse again, finding her in a locked fight with one of the reptilian women.
I thought about how unfair this all was. How we were all just kids. How we were forced into this war. How all of this hate and pain was caused by hunger for power. 
I thought about how badly I wanted to take Percy away from all of this. How every day I wanted to get him away from his prophecy. How I wanted more than anything for him to be a little kid again.
I thought about how much I wanted to do with Clarisse. How beautiful she was. How she never failed to be the person I could always return to. How she promised me the world and I promised her the universe and it was still less than the both of us deserved.
I thought about how different my life could be if we were brave enough to change it. Maybe being a half-blood wasn’t something we wanted or something we could change. But, we didn’t need to be hiding anymore. It all seemed so stupid now, in the face of life and death,
Suddenly, a hellhound burst out of the opening and Chiron was yelling. “GO!”
Percy and I ran towards the hellhound. All I could see was horrifically clear images in the midst of a blur. Past friends and siblings fighting on opposing sides. Monsters disintegrating whilst others yelled triumphantly. I watched as Nico summoned a dozen undead warriors in various army attire before crumbling to the floor.
“Nico!” I yelled.
“Go! I’ll get the hellhound. You make sure he’s okay!” Percy yelled, running off as I slowed down. I pivoted to Nico, getting on my knees beside him.
“You okay?” I yelled over the commotion of battle.
“Yeah…” he panted. “Go, there’s more of them. You need to help.”
I looked up and got my first full look at everything that was happening. At the gruesome sights of battle. I watched as campers defended their home, the one place they were meant to be safe. I nodded to Nico before getting up.
I almost started to run back where Percy had gone when I heard Grover. He and Juniper were desperately trying to stop a fire that was getting dangerously close to Juniper’s tree. I rushed over, seeing Percy do the same.
I wasn’t sure what to do and by the look on his face, Percy didn’t either. The closest water source was nearly half a mile away, and we didn’t have petrified seashells here. All we could do was concentrate, praying to Poseidon, until I felt a pull in my gut. Suddenly, a wall of water appeared through the trees, dousing the fire. I sighed in relief, glad at least one crisis was averted.
Suddenly, a screech filled the air, followed by the sound of loud flapping wings. Kampê shot into the sky from the labyrinth entrance. Her right hand carried Ariadne’s string until her belt of animal heads rotated to the lion. She stuck the string into the lion’s maw. Safe keeping, I suppose.
Kampê drew her twin swords, which seemed to be dripping with poison. Chiron sent an arrow through the sky towards her, which she sensed as she moved at the last moment. Campers started to run away in fear.
“No! Stay and fight!” Tyson yelled, before being promptly slammed to the ground by a hellhound. They went rolling away.
Kampê landed on the Athena tent and Percy and I ran after her. Annabeth appeared on Percy’s side.
“This might be it,” she said.
“Could be,” Percy replied.
“Okay… morbid,” I muttered under my breath, but neither of them seemed to hear me, or acted like they didn’t.
“Nice fighting with you, seaweed brain.”
We all rushed towards Kampê, who lashed at us with her swords. My eyes burned from the poison lacing the blades. My lungs couldn’t seem to fully fill with air.
“We need help!” I yelled.
But there was no one to help. Either each half-blood was locked in their own fight or was too afraid to move towards us.
“Now!” Annabeth yelled, and all three of us rushed in at different angles. But it wasn’t enough. Kampê’s belt of animals snapped at me and I went back trying to not get bitten. 
Suddenly, I was on my back, ears ringing and head spinning. I couldn’t breathe due to a heavy weight. I opened my eyes to see Kampê’s leg on my chest, Percy pinned under the other, and Annabeth thrown off to the side, dazed and not getting up. Kampê raised her sword and I realized this was it. I prayed that Percy would get a fair judgement from the council in the Underworld, that they hadn’t all been bought out by Kronos.
Suddenly, a whirl of black pounced onto Kampê, throwing her off of us and I gasped for air.
“Good girl!” Daedalus called after her. I turned my head and watched as he slashed down monsters, followed closely behind by a friendly face… and many hands.
“Briares!” Tyson called excitedly.
“Hail, little brother!” Briares bellowed back. “Stand firm!”
Briares took up a boulder in nearly each hand, throwing them at Kampê, piling them around her. She was encased within her own makeshift monument taller than Zeus’ fist. By the time he was done, the only evidence that there was an ancient monster inside was from the twin swords still poking out between the stones.
The rocks shifted slightly, slotting into place.
Before I could celebrate that victory, I heard commotion over to the side. I turned just in time to watch Chiron get knocked down from his hind legs, laying on his side. I tried my best to get up, ignoring the ache in my chest from Kampê’s attack. 
As suddenly as I had gotten up to start running towards Chiron, I was back on my knees, covering my ears. The shrill sound seemed to come out of nowhere until I looked over at Grover. His mouth open wide, he seemed to have infinite lung capacity as the sound continued.
The enemies seemed to think better than to stick around after that. I watched dracaenae put down their weapons and sprint towards the labyrinth entrance. I watch laestrygonians rush towards the entrance right after them. More and more of the armies retreated until eventually they all seemed to have gone back underground.
Once the screeching had stopped, the sudden stillness in the air was agonizing. All I could hear was my own breathing as I heaved, still trying to recover from the previous heaviness crushing my lungs. I eventually pushed myself up and grabbed one of Annabeth’s arms with Percy.
I ran with the other two over to Chiron and kneeled in front of him.
“Are you alright? What can I do?”
“Nothing. This is embarrassing,” Chiron chuckled. “Thankfully, we don’t shoot centaurs with broken legs. I’ll be alright eventually.”
“Let me get someone from the medic tent,” Annabeth rushed, already standing up before Chiron stopped her.
“No need, Annabeth. There are far more severe injuries.”
“Guys!” I whipped my head to look for the source of the voice. “Come quick! It’s Nico.”
I shot up, running over to the black heap on the floor. I’d forgotten about him after the intense battle. Dammit.
I got down next to him, looking at his sweaty face. I grabbed his ice cold hands for a pulse.
“He needs nectar! Quickly!” Percy yelled. One of the Ares campers quickly came over with the bottle as I propped Nico up as best as I could onto my knee. Percy dribbled some of the liquid into his mouth. I let out a sigh of relief as he stirred.
“Gods, Nico. I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
The boy coughed slightly before nodding. “Never tried to summon so many at once before. I’ll be okay.” He turned his head to look beside me. “Daedalus.”
I looked over at the man as Mrs. O’Leary loomed behind him, licking his wounds that were leaking oil. Freaky.
Percy and Daedalus spoke as I tried to convince Nico to rest for a moment. Of course, he refused. I shook my head at him. “One day, you'll have to stop being so stubborn,” I told him.
He rolled his eyes, but smiled slightly. “Bianca would say the same thing. I’ll stop when it doesn’t work for me anymore.”
“But Daedalus,” Percy said. “Even without the string, Kronos’ army still has a way into camp.”
“You’re right,” Daedalus sighed. “As long as the Labyrinth is here, your enemies can use it. And so, the labyrinth can no longer continue.”
Annabeth stepped forward. “But, you said the Labyrinth was connected to you. If the labyrinth’s gone –”
“Yes, Annabeth. I too will be gone. And so, I have a present for you.”
Daedalus removed his satchel from his back and pulled out his laptop, engraved with a greek delta, and handed it to Annabeth. “That holds several designs of mine. Some unfinished, some I think you’ll find interesting, others I felt could never be in the mortal world. I'm positive you will find some things useful there.”
Annabeth was speechless. “This… This is priceless. And you’re just giving this to me?”
“It is less than you deserve. Less than I should do to atone for my mistakes.”
As Daedalus spoke of his time coming to an end and accepting whatever punishment he will be given from his judgment in the Underworld, I came to realize just how small we all are. Just how little we are meant to live. How many regrets we still have over such little time.
I looked around at all of the half-bloods scattered around. I saw some over at the medical tent, others scattered just hugging their friends and siblings, some sitting by the ones we lost who had been covered by thin fabrics.
I questioned my own mortality, and Percy’s. We weren’t meant to live forever. We were never going to. But with the little amount of time we both had, how many regrets would we hold with us?
I thought of Clarisse. I thought of how I hadn’t gone up to her before the battle. How I’d always regret that. I thought of how we both decided to keep our relationship a secret. How that was something I didn’t want to do anymore if it meant having to live with regrets. I thought about how I hadn’t seen her since I had joined the battle.
I looked back at the scene before me as Nico pulled out his sword and stepped before Daedalus. After being zoned out for a second, it freaked me out, until I realized Nico wasn’t raising it.
“Your time has long since come. Be released and rest.”
The relief in Daedalus’ eyes was freeing for us all. Knowing that he was truly ready brought us all some consolation. We watched as his body turned to dust.
I took Percy’s hand in mine and gave him a small smile. “I know there’s a lot to do, but there's something I have to do first.”
Percy nodded. “I know,” he said, and for some odd reason, I knew that he fully did, even though he didn’t say it. I looked down as he continued to speak. “You really didn’t have to hide it from me, you know? I was a bit upset about it at first but I think I was more… sad that you felt you couldn’t tell me.”
I looked back into his eyes and breathed out through my nose, smiling softly. “I just didn’t want you to hate me for this. More than just the ‘Clarisse’ part.”
“Oh, well, that part I might hold a bit of a grudge about,” he smiled at me in a way that told me he was joking. “But otherwise, all I care about is that you’re happy.”
We smiled at each other before Percy suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist. It felt like he was just a little kid again, like he was just my little brother, nothing more. It felt like we suddenly weren’t in the middle of a battlefield and there was an ancient monster buried in rubble just a few feet over. It felt like I was back home. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
“I will kill her if she makes you cry.”
We laughed harder than we should have.
He pulls away first, telling me to “get my girl.” I don’t even think twice before turning and starting to run through the battlefield.
I frantically looked around for Clarisse, hoping and praying to every single god that she was okay. I was so frantic that I nearly missed her over by the Ares station, seeming to be ignoring something her brother was saying in favor of looking out at all of the other half-bloods.
I didn’t even think before my feet were moving. Clarisse started to walk around, looking for something. It wasn’t until we made eye contact that I realized it was me she was looking for, when her eyes softened in the way they always seemed to whenever she looked at me, like she was letting go of the anger embedded within her skin and cooling off just a bit.
It didn’t matter to me that we were surrounded by people, and Clarisse made no complaints when my left hand cupped her cheek and my lips met hers. Her arms held my waist as my right arm circled around to hold the back of her neck. I could feel the sweat that was dripping down from the battle and the adrenaline that was just beginning to crash.
I didn’t realize she was crying until I tasted the saltiness. I withdrew slightly before pecking her lips once more. The thumb of my left hand moved to her cheek and under her eye to wipe the tears.
I didn’t realize I was crying until Clarisse’s left hand left my waist to wipe the tears on the right side of my face. We both laughed slightly, bringing our foreheads together and closing our eyes. I angled my head to kiss her one more time before hugging her properly. She buried her face into my neck and I laughed at how it tickled.
“Gods, we both smell horrible.”
“I know.”
We didn’t speak for a while, soaking up each other, but it still didn't feel like enough.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” she whispered.
“I’m glad you’re okay, too.”
It didn’t matter that everyone at camp could see us and Clarisse didn’t seem to mind it either. There were more important things than reputation right now.
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
girl, i’m in dire need of some jack angst!! (i know, i’m crazy for wanting my heart to be ripped out by your beautiful writing in the saddest way possible😂)
maybe he and the reader have been dating for a few months and have their first big fight, maybe he’s been a little too close to a girl the reader has been having weird gut feelings about. they break up after some harsh words were said, and a few weeks later the reader sees that he’s dating the girl he told her not to worry about 👀
a few months pass, and jack and the girl break up bc he can’t get over the reader, and he tries to win her back, but soon realises he lost her for good when he sees her ar an event or something with someone else, and it’s clear that they’re more than friends.
(i kinda envision this as actress!reader x jack. and the event could be the oscars + the reader’s new bf could also be an A list celeb)
lyrics that could inspire you:
“'Cause there we are again when I loved you so, Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known” - All Too Well (Taylor’s Version)
“I'm sitting eyes wide open and I got one thing stuck in my mind, Wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life” - I Don’t Wanna Live Forever
thank you so much and i’m sorry if this req is all over the place 😂😂❣️
hii! this might be one of the saddest things i’ve written yet. hope you like it<3
break me like a promise — jack champion
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word count: 2,949
pairing: jack champion x actress!fem!reader, louis partridge x fem!reader (brief).
summary: jack breaks y/n’s heart, and after ten months he is determined to win her back, he sees her being happy with someone else.
author’s note: when i read “readers new bf could be a celeb” i knew i had to include the other love of my life aka louis partridge aka london boy.
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Y/N AND JACK HAD MET THROUGH JENNA ORTEGA. The latter and Y/N both worked for Netflix, so they bumped into each other in lots of events and eventually became super close. And, knowing how big of a Scream fan Y/N was, Jenna invited her over to set and that’s where she met Jack.
No one could deny that sparks flew instantly between them, not even the two people involved. And that scared Y/N a bit, because her last relationship had left her with insecurities and trust issues, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to dive into another relationship.
Jack had been very understanding about it, and told her that they should start as friends. He assured her that he would wait as long as she needed to, that she was worth it. And after months and months of therapy, Y/N finally felt ready to try things with Jack.
They were in a lavender haze for months. Her relationship with Jack was unlike anything Y/N had experienced before. The love she felt for him was so strong that there was no way to put it into words. Jack was her best friend—he had held her hand as she healed, and drew stars around the scars that the previous relationship had left on her. And she never would have thought he was going to be the one who made the wounds bleed again.
Jealousy is often seen as a toxic feeling, and after talking with her shrink about it, Y/N came to a conclusion—the toxicity depends on the way you handle that feeling. So Y/N decided to put her fears on the table, instead of jumping into conclusions. That’s what she thought would be the most healthy thing to do. Jack would be honest with her, and the thoughts that had been eating her alive would disappear.
But as soon as she said the words and saw Jack’s expression of irritation, Y/N knew she should’ve kept her mouth shut.
“Seriously? I can’t have female friend now” Jack spat furiously.
“What?! Of course you can. That’s not what I’m saying” Y/N said calmly. “I just… she clearly has feelings for you. And I’m not saying you should stop hanging out with her, I just need to know if she’s just a friend to you… or if there is room for more.”
“I can’t fucking believe you’re telling me this.” he shook his head in disbelief.
“Jack, I’m not accusing you of cheating or anything, really. You’ve been spending so much time with her…” more than with me, she wanted to add. But that would make things worse. “and I just have this weird feeling. I need to know how you really feel, that’s it. If you tell me you don’t like her, I’ll believe you. But please be honest with me.”
“What I really feel is that you’re suffocating me with your shitty problems.” his demeanour was so calm, but his words were sharp as knives, and they cut right through her heart. She had trouble believing the words had actually left his mouth. “I’ve waited for you for months, I helped you through all of it. And now you’re making this shit up? Grow up.”
Y/N felt like throwing up. She felt like she was about to spit her heart. “You don’t mean that.” her voice broke. “In all of these months, when have I ever brought up one of your female friends? Not once. Because I know they are only friends. But with her, Jack, I just feel like there is something more. And yes, maybe I’m overthinking, but that’s why I’m asking. That’s it. I’m just asking, Jack.”
“Stop being so fucking paranoid. I get that your ex cheated on you, but stop seeing ghosts everywhere.”
“Why are you being so mean? Why are you avoiding the question? It’s simple, Jack. Do you have feelings for her?” Y/N asked, the knot in her throat grew in size when she noticed he couldn’t look her in the eyes. “Jack?”
“We’re just friends, jesus!” he said annoyed. Y/N wanted so bad to play dumb, to pretend she couldn’t see he was lying.
“You know I can read you like a book, right?” she asked softly, sad. “When you lie, you can’t look me in the eyes, you play with your hands and bite the inside of your cheeks.”
“Y/N… fucking drop it. I’m tired of this”
“We are over, Jack” she tried to walk towards the door, but he grabbed her and pulled her against his chest, trapping her in his arms.
He saw the tears steaming down her face and cursed himself. “Shit. No, please. Let’s talk. I’m sorry” he sound like he was about to cry, and Y/N knew she needed to leave. Because even though he had hurt her, the soft spot in her heart was still reserved for him.
“No, let’s just leave it like this because if you keep talking, I’m afraid I might end up resenting you, and I don’t want that.”
“I love you, Y/N” Jack hugged her tightly. “Please let’s fix this. I promise you nothing happened with her, and nothing will.”
“I love you too, but I don’t believe you. I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore” and so she stepped away for the arms she loved the most in the world and left without glancing back. If she did, she knew she wouldn’t be able to leave.
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EVER SINCE SHE WALKED OUT OF JACK’S HOUSE TWO WEEKS AGO, Y/N HAD BEEN OVERWORKING HERSELF TO AVOID HER THOUGHTS OF JACK CREEPING INTO HER MIND. She had stayed out of social media, and had deleted Jack’s number from her phone to avoid temptations. Her friends kept their eyes on her all the time, worried about the inevitable breakdown. You can only hold back for so long before it becomes too much.
Louis, her co-star, had been by her side as much as he could. And, like every morning, he was waiting for her on her trailer with a caramel macchiato and a shiny grin on his handsome face.
“And a chocolate chip muffin?” Y/N asked, seeing the mouth-watering treat next to her Starbucks drink. “What’s the special occasion?”
Louis stared at her, frowning. Not any indications of having had a break down, not even puffy eyes, which meant one thing—she hadn’t seen the pictures yet. “Nothing” he blurted, showing his charming smile. “Just saw it and had to buy it.”
“You really need to stop buying me these breakfasts, Lou. I’m going to get cavities” Y/N said taking a sip of her overly sweet drink.
“But look at how happy it makes you. Cavities will be worth it, don’t you think?”
“You may have a point. Scoot over” she told him, nudging his leg with her foot. Louis moved his body so that she could sit next to him on the small couch. It was not made for two people, so they were basically pressed against the other, yet they found it comfortable. Especially Louis, whose insides melted because of the closeness between them—his not so tiny crush on her was painfully obvious.
“What are you doing?” Louis asked, trying to keep his voice calm as she unlocked her phone.
“I forgot to check which surprise songs Taylor sang last night” she answered as she opened twitter. “Oh god”
“What?!” Louis squealed.
“She sang Cornelia Street and You’re on your own kid! And I wasn’t there, Lou!” she dramatically dropped her head on his chest. He couldn’t help but sigh in relief. “What is going on with you?” she laughed.
“Nothing. Why?” he laughed awkwardly.
“I don’t know, you’re extra jumpy and panicky today.”
“I’m always jumpy and panicky around you.” he said, trying to brush it off.
“No, you’re not” Y/N furrowed her eyes, locking her phone. Louis eyed the action and his chest relaxed. The girl noticed that, so she unlocked it again and started scrolling through Twitter. On her periphery, she saw the boy’s body tensing again. So it had to do with social media, she guessed. “Louis, I’m not dumb. Tell me what is going on.”
“Nothing” he repeated. “Let’s rehearse our lines.”
“Lou, I love you but you’re getting on my nerves right now. I hate being lied to, you know that.”
Y/N’s vulnerable eyes were his weakness, so he sighed and took her hand in his. “This weekend, some fans caught Jack walking around the city with a girl… and they… um, saw them kissing and holding hands.”
Y/N felt her heart drop, and her eyes started to sting. No. She wasn’t going to cry. She hadn’t let herself cry for two weeks and she was not going to start now. “Oh.”
“Give me your phone” Louis said softly. She was too lost in her own mind to question it, so she just obeyed. “I deleted Tik Tok and Instagram. And silenced any Jack related stuff on Twitter. You don’t need to see those pictures.”
“Louis… the girl… is it her?” Y/N asked, trying to keep her voice in control.
“Stop” his voice was firm.
“I want to move on, Lou. And for that, I need to know I was right first.” she pleaded. “Is it her?” her friend nodded slowly as he brought her to his chest. Y/N did a little nod too, and tried to stand up. “Let’s rehearse our lines.”
“Y/N…” he grabbed her elbow to push her back.
“Lou, please. I don’t want to cry, I don’t want to think about it.” he noticed she was two seconds away to burst into tears. And as much as he knew he would hate the sight of her weeping, it was necessary.
“I know you don’t, Y/N/N, but you have to if you want to move on. You’re never getting over this if you keep ignoring your need to cry.”
“I’m just afraid that if I do, I won’t be able to stop.” she confessed, tears starting to blur her vision.
“It feels like that now, but I promise you it’ll be good for you. You have been holding it back for weeks, and once you let it all out, you’ll start to heal” he said as he played with her hair.
“Two weeks… it took him two weeks to go off and date her. And it’s not only some girl… it’s her. He told me I was paranoid, and now he proved me right.”
Jack had promised nothing would happen between him and that girl, and now he broke his promise just like he had broken her heart two weeks ago.
After the realisation, it was like something snapped inside of Y/N, and one sob turned into desperate crying. Her fragile body shook under Louis’ arms, and he wished he could stop her pain. But he couldn’t, so he just stayed there with her holding her as she let it all out.
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AS MUCH AS SHE HOPED THE CRYING WOULD EASE THE PAIN, IT DIDN’T. It had been months of being in a rollercoaster of feelings, sometimes she was okay, sometimes she was great and sometimes she was so low not even Louis’ hugs could lift her up.
The days where she didn’t have to shoot were the worst, because she spent hours in bed and her brain betrayed her by bringing the memories of Jack back. She missed him so much, it was completely agonizing. Why?, she asked herself when the room was dark and she couldn’t sleep. Why did he get to move on while she had to spend her days like that? She has been trying to pick up her heart while Jack was all lovey-dovey with the girl he swore was just his friend.
Jack continued her life without her, while Y/N woke up everyday with his memory over her. She longed for the picture of Jack’s dazzling smile to be gone from her mind. She prayed to forget the sound of his voice as he whispered the sweetest of things on her ear. She wished she could stop hearing his angelic laugh everywhere. She wanted to stop feeling the ghost of his touch against her skin. To forget that his lips were soft and that every time they were pressed against hers she could feel goosebumps all over her body. Y/N just wanted to stop being haunted by the memories of Jack.
Louis had slowly helped her through the process of moving on. He was there to offer his warmth when the wrenching thoughts triggered the waves of tears, and he was also there to make her break a smile once the sobbing stopped.
After eight months, the flood of her tears successfully carried away the thoughts of Jack, and Y/N knew she was finally clean. Not that she didn’t miss him, because Jack was her first love after all, and a small part of her would always love him.
It took her a few more months to be sure if she was ready to risk it again, but Louis’ sweet disposition, how he saw the best in her even in her worst times, showed her that he was worth it. And so she she watched it began again with him.
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JACK AND THE GIRL LASTED FOR TWO MONTHS. He never intended to have something with her, but she was interested and he was lonely and sad, so he said yes. But reality crept in soon—he loved Y/N with all his heart and no matter who he was with, his thoughts would always go back to her.
He had been texting her for months, but she had blocked his number. He knew he could easily drive to her house, but he didn’t want to add salt to the multiple wounds he had inflicted on her, it would be selfish. So when Jack saw that Avatar 4 and Y/N’s drama film were both nominated for the Oscars, he knew it was his chance to make things right. To bring back the only real thing he had ever known.
But he didn’t plan on seeing her with someone else. And he knew they weren’t there together just as co-stars, they were each other’s date. The spark in Y/N’s eyes when she looked at Louis was familiar to Jack—it was the way they used to shine just for him. Jack had been the one to extinguish the spark on her eyes, and Louis had managed to light them up again.
And he wasn’t even mad or jealous. He actually felt happy and sad. Jack didn’t understand how it was possible for two opposite feelings to co-exist in his body at the same time. He realized it was a lost battle, yet he needed to do talk to her. For the sake of their once marvellous relationship.
Y/N got out of the bathroom and into the crowded room, but the thousands of people in it became blurry once she recognized the silhouette of a handsome tall boy leaning against the entrance. “Jack?” his name left her lips in a mix of anguish and surprise.
“Hey” he said softly. You look beautiful, he wanted to add, but restrained himself. “I wanted to talk to you.” Jack saw her grimace and continued before she could stop him. “I know. I know it’s the last thing you want, I just need to get this off my chest. You’re not paranoid or insecure. You never overwhelmed me with your problems. You were right, and I was a shitty boyfriend, friend and person, and you have been so amazing and patient… and I’m so sorry, Y/N. I never deserved your love.”
“You did… up until that night.” she said in all honesty. “I loved you so much, and then you said all of those things. I can’t forget about it, because I never expected those words to come out of your mouth.”
“I know, and I really don’t expect you to forgive me. It’s okay and understandable if you don’t, but I needed you to know that those things I said weren’t true at all.” Jack said, pressing his lips in a thin line. “To be honest, I came here with the mind set of trying to win you back” he confessed, and let out a little laugh, as if the idea was now ridiculous. “But I saw you with him and I know that I’ve lost you for good. Are you happy with him?”
Y/N saw his deep brown eyes starting to get glossy and her insides melted. She didn’t see him with romantic eyes anymore, but it didn’t mean the love was gone. She still cared for him with every bone in her body. “I am. He’s amazing.”
Jack smiled. Genuinely smiled, so widely that it made a few tears drop, and before she knew it, Y/N’s cheeks were wet too. “That’s great, Y/N/N. Really great. I’m happy for you.”
And that was the moment Y/N knew Jack honestly regretted the words he had said before their breakup. “I forgive you.”
The tall boy’s eyes widened “What?”
“I forgive you.” she repeated. “And you deserve to be happy too, okay?”
“Thank you” Jack said breathlessly, wiping away the tears.
“I need to go. But it was nice to see you, thank you for coming to talk to me. For real. I really needed that, I think we both needed that.”
And so they both smiled to each other one last time before parting ways. There was nothing left to say, staying friends had never been an option with them. They loved each other too much for that. When it came to Y/N and Jack, it was everything or nothing at all.
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gojo-mochi · 6 months
My Babysitter turned into a Dog?!
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 You were supposed to babysit Yuuji today but instead you found a stranger in Choso's house...Dilf!Kenjaku 
CW: Dubcon/Noncon (Usage of Hypnosis), Manipulation, P/V, Creampie, Oral (M & F-Receiving), Fingering, Overstimulation, Light Choking. Dom Kenjaku. Puppy Play. Nonconsensual Recording. Breeding kink. Belt Collar. Bit of blood play.
A/N: Manga Spoilers! I wanted to do this back in Dec… but events happened…. But hey Alexa plays “Daddy’s Home” by Usher . Papa is back with the milk, choban^i oat milk to be exact (it really good you should try the creamer). Blah Blah Blah not gonna dump my feelings here just go on and read the smut you wild animals. 
PS: I don't know what happened to the smut part, another part of me took over and went wild so it might be different from my other pieces, be warned
Part of this event!
Word Count: 11k 
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You carefully stomped your way over to Choso’s place, pulling up your scarf over your nose as another blast of winter frost came your way. You promised Yuuji that you would make snowmen with him today, but it doesn’t seem like the weather is going to die down anytime soon. You hummed to yourself as you made your usual trek to the quiet and grand house where Choso and Yuuji lived. You first met Yuuji when he got lost and ended up wandering around in front of your apartment. He was the sweetest little boy you ever met, albeit a bit hyper at times. 
His round and chubby cheeks were stained with tears, calling out for “Big bro Choso!” You crouched down near him and soothed him enough to get some information; he instantly took a liking to you, clutching onto your hand as you walked him back to his house. Halfway through, he started babbling about everything and anything—his friends at school, his big brother, his family, the cereal he likes. All sense of panic and fear quickly vanished with you by his side. As you stepped onto the driveway of Yuuji’s house, a disheveled-looking man with twin hair buns came running out of the house, diving straight for Yuuji. Holding him in a tight bear hug for a quick minute, then letting go so he could check over for any injuries as words spilled out from his lips. 
He didn’t even notice you were there until Yuuji wiggled out of his grasp and went back to hug your leg. You looked down at this “Big bro” as his mouth dropped in shock seeing his sweet little brother leave him for someone else. You took this chance to study his face a bit, noticing dark eyes covered in heavy purple shadow, multiple piercings, and a sad-kicked puppy looking pout adorning his lips as he called for Yuuji again. You had to stifle a laugh as Yuuji shuffled behind your leg even more. Yuuji’s older brother finally got back on his feet and introduced himself to you as ‘Choso’.
He told you that he was playing ‘hide and seek’ with Yuuji and was almost about to call the police when you rolled up. “I was tearing up the house looking for him.” Choso sighs out, looking at Yuuji, who now has a pout on his face as well, clutching at his shirt as his cheeks start to redden up again. He stepped out from behind you and ran to Choso, who quickly scooped him up in his arms. Holding him close as Yuuji gives out muffled apologies in between his sobs. Choso’s smooth baritone voice lulls both Yuuji and you somehow, as Yuuji’s sobs quiet down soon after.
Choso gently rubs Yuuji’s back and plants a soft forehead kiss as he brushes away his tears. “It’s alright; I’m not mad at you. I was just worried, that’s all. Next time we play hide and seek, just don’t leave the house, alright?” Yuuji burbled out more “Sowwies” and wiped his snot and tears on Choso’s shirt. Choso chuckles at the action, seemingly used to his little brother’s antics at this point. He shifts Yuuji on his arm and turns to look at you. “Thank you for taking care of my brother; I wouldn’t know what to do if something happened to him..” He shakes his head, shaking off any thoughts or visions of Yuuji being harmed.
“Let me pay you for bringing him back.” He steadies Yuuji on one arm as he reaches into his pocket with his other. You quickly wave your hands in front of you, “No, no! Really, it's fine! I’m just glad the little guy’s alright.” Yuuji pops up his head and looks your way as well, his chubby little hand reaching out for yours. You reach back out and let him wrap his entire hand around your thumb. Cooing softly, Choso watches on with a small blush on his face. Clearing his throat, he addresses you again. “Ah, I haven’t introduced myself, have I? I’m Choso, and you already seem to be acquainted with Yuuji here.” Said boy giggled happily, waving your hand up and down.
“Ah, right! The name’s Y/N; it’s really nice to meet you and Yuuji. I live in the apartment blocks just a couple of streets down.” Choso raised an eyebrow at that. “The student’s apartment? Are you going to Jujutsu Tech as well?” Yuuji released your thumb, giving you a chance to poke at his cheek, causing more giggles to spill out. “I do, actually! I’m studying hospitality currently; I’m guessing you go there too?” Choso nods, “Yeah, but I’m in criminal psychology. That must be why I haven’t noticed you on campus before.” Choso murmurs out the last part under his breath, hiding his blush with another cough. 
Your phone rings, reminding you that you have only two hours left before your test closes online. You silently cursed to yourself, forgetting all about it. You wave goodbye to Yuuji and Choso, “Sorry, I forgot I had a test to do online tonight! I’ll see you around campus though, later!” You start sprinting back to your apartment, leaving behind a bewildered Choso and a waving Yuuji. Yuuji tugs at Choso’s shirt, “Can we see the nice lady again, Cho-Cho?” Choso runs a hand through his hair and sighs, “I hope so, I sure hope so…”
As luck would have it, you did end up seeing them again; you don’t know how you didn’t recognize Choso before on campus. His style and fashion choices are super unique, so you were able to easily spot him. The two of you got more acquainted with each other by taking lunch breaks when you both had a free hour from classes and studying together in the library. Choso mentioned Yuuji and how he wanted to see you again and asked you, “My classes sometimes run from evening to night, and I usually leave Yuuji with a babysitter, but I think he prefers you more. Would it be alright if I asked you to babysit him sometime?” 
You readily agreed; you were also missing the little pink-haired toddler, so you didn’t mind. Choso offered to pay you the same rate as the babysitter, but you talked him down to only paying you half. Mentioning that it was no problem at all for you to babysit Yuuji. That was only a couple of months ago, and you got along so well with the two of them. Yuuji is a sweetheart and Choso, and while his outer appearance seems a bit dark and edgy, he was a huge dork and softball underneath all those layers of eyeshadow.
You finally reached the front porch of Choso’s grand house, shivering from the cold, you quickly brought out the keys that Choso gave you a while back. Turning the lock and stepping inside, “Yuuji! Choso! I’m here!” You called out, just in case they were already home. You checked your phone to see if any other text messages were sent from Choso. 
Cho-Cho: “Hey, I’m going to the Preschool soon to pick up Yuuji but I got called into work today. :c Would you mind looking after Yuuji for me when I go back home to drop him off?
You: “Course not! Tell the little guy that I’ll be waiting for him at home!”
Cho-Cho: “Alright, Thanks! ^-^”
You sent a quick message to him, stating that you had arrived at the house. Taking off your snow boots and shrugging off your jacket, you stepped further into the house. Humming to yourself as you make your way into the kitchen and pull out two mugs, some hot cocoa mix, and mini marshmallows. The mugs clink together as you start preparing your sweet treat for you and Yuuji when he gets home. You were so caught up in your little song and dance that you didn’t notice a new presence coming into the kitchen as well. “Oh my, what’s this now?” It was a deep and smooth voice, but not like Choso's, and unless Yuuji got an incredible growth spurt, you were sure that the voice belonged to someone you did not know. 
You turned around quickly and found a tall, dark-haired man leaning on the kitchen counter. His eyes close to almost slit as he tilts his head and stares down at you. He loosens his tie as he observes you. “May I get the pleasure of knowing the name of the cute little intruder in my home?” He purrs out, and you fight hard to stop a blush from creeping up. “Your home? Last time I checked, this house belonged to Choso and Yuuji.” You backed up until you hit the counter, your hands quietly moving behind you to pull out a knife. The man tilts his head the other way, sort of akin to a cat watching over his prey; he stalks forward. “Choso and Yuuji? You mean my sons?”
Your hands start to tremble a bit under his gaze. He was close enough now to trap you between his body and the counter. “You’re their dad?” You questioned warily.
 Your eyes narrow at him, and a hiss almost escapes your lips as you take in his appearance. He was wearing a sleek dark suit, with the jacket taken off and the sleeves of his white button up rolled up the way to his elbows. The hair color might be similar to Choso, and the overall dark and edgy vibes kind of fit with Choso too, but this stranger looks nothing like Yuuji. Well, to be fair, Choso doesn’t look like Yuuji either. Your eyes travel up to his face, his snake-like eyes carefully watching over your next move, his pretty jawline and cheekbones, and his bangs that softly draped over one side of his face. 
 And… stitches? Stitches that form a line going across his forehead. You stared a bit too long at it as the stranger let out a chuckle. Brushing his hair away from his forehead, “What is it, hmm? Like what you see?” You reply with a garbled noise, the hand that was on the knife jumping up in shock and making a racket in the drawer behind you. The stranger lets out a bigger laugh this time, easily moving closer in, chest to chest, as his long arms reach behind you to take the knife from your hand and put it back in the drawer, closing it. “Little girls like you shouldn’t be playing around with knives, you know; didn’t your parents ever teach you any better?”
Normally, you would have been mad at this statement and the fact that he so casually came up close to you and touched you without permission. But there was something off about him—something that made your knees weak and your mind spin. Was it the type of cologne he uses? It was dark, cool, and intoxicating. Mint, berries, and whiskey—almost an odd combination, but it works wonders for him. Maybe it was how his voice sounded—the way he spoke near your ear, sending tremors down your spine. Velvety with an odd accent you couldn’t place a finger on, almost unhuman-like, like he was an alien trying to mimic human speech or a siren trying to lure you into his trap. 
The stranger took note of the look on your face and your body language, smirking as he didn’t move away from you, getting even closer in fact. Grabbing a hold of your chin and tilting it up so you could look directly into his eyes. “What’s wrong, pup? Cat got your tongue?” He purrs out heavenly, his hand colder than you expect; maybe he just got in from the winter front outside too. You shudder out a sigh when you see him lean in, your eyes closing down as you wait for the next action to take place. Then nothing; the coldness leaves you feeling nothing but a bit of shame and heat pooling in your stomach. 
The stranger walks away with a wide, toothy grin, wagging a finger at you. “Now, what did you think I was going to do to you, hmm, pup?” Your face flushed badly, and you stood up straight, feeling your mind get out of the fog now that he was away from you. “Don’t call me that, and you’re the weird one here! Didn’t your parents ever tell you to respect people’s personal space?” You cross your arms and huff out your cheeks, walking past him and taking out your phone to text Choso. The stranger, or, you should say, Choso’s dad, watches you stomp off, his eyes never leaving your form. 
You: Hey!! Where are you?
Cho-Cho: Sorry, the storm got really bad here, so we’re hunkering down. We’re staying with the teachers now. -n-
Cho-Cho: You don’t have to come over anymore. 
You: Are Yuuji and the other kids ok? And also, I’m already here with your…. Dad :/ Hes kinda annoying tbh 
Cho-Cho: Oh right, dad's supposed to come home today. Yuuji and the kids are fine, they think it’s a sleepover. Yuuji keeps asking for you though :c
Cho-Cho: Don’t worry about dad too much, he's kinda weird but he means no harm. 
Cho-Cho: Oh, Yuuji calling for me, I gotta go help look after the kids. Call me if you need anything \o/
You frown at the last message, a part of you hoping for Choso to say that this guy wasn’t his dad so you could call the cops on him or something. You glance his way again, noticing his eyes closed in a fox-like smile. He is... oddly beautiful; you’ll give him that at least. You roll your shoulders back and make your way to the door. “Since Yuuji or Choso aren’t going to be here, I’ll just take my leave then.” You mumbled, your cheeks feeling a bit heated from being around this strange man so much. He calls after you, “I don’t think you should open that door, pup.” You roll your eyes, not wanting to fall for any more of his tricks. “And why’s that?” You sarcastically retort back as your hand twists the knob open. 
You barely opened it outward when the harsh winter wind blew the door wide open, almost throwing you to the ground as well. Snow and frost assaulted your vision. Your hands quickly tried to close the door again, to no avail, your boots slipping on the ice below you. Your eyes forced shut from the onslaught, you suddenly felt a tug on your hoodie, and you were pulled back into the house, and the door was slammed shut a few moments later. You kneeled on the ground, heaving out heavily as your body tried to regulate itself back to normal. 
A hand is placed softly on your hair, petting you, and a soothing tone comes out to try to calm you down. Another hand is placed on your cheek, the large flat of the palm covering your entire cheek as it lifts your face up.
 “There, there, you’re safe now. Hmm~, maybe next time you should listen to me?” You felt the warm breath of someone washing over your face as well, and your body reacted by leaning in closer to the source of the warmth. Sagging your head down until it reaches a comfortable place. Right in the crook of Choso’s dad's neck, his scent was comforting you, making you squish your face in closer.
His hand on top of your head continued petting you while his other traveled to your back. Rubbing up and down on your spine in a gentle manner, with enough pressure on his fingertips to make himself known there, The sound of a phone brings you out of your stupor; you lift your head sluggishly and blink at the face in front of you. The man gives you another toothy grin, pinching your cheek in a teasing manner. You scrambled back with a yelp, glaring furiously at him. He raised his hands in mock surrender. “You were the one coming on to me, pup.” He gets up and checks his phone, answering a call and giving you one last glance before walking off. 
You stood up after a while of pretending what happened just didn’t happen. Shuffling your way in the living room and flopping down on the couch, grabbing a pillow and clutching it to your chest like some sort of protection charm. You switched on the TV and tried to focus on the random Hallmark movie playing on screen. Choso’s dad soon comes to the living room and flops down right next to you. Knocking his long legs right into yours, you scrunch up your nose and scoot your legs a bit away from the man. “Come now, Y/N~ Let’s get along with each other~”
He coos at you with that sickening sweet tone of his, and you hiss at him, “I don’t recall ever telling you my name.” He raised an eyebrow back at you. “Choso and Yuuji often talk about a cute little girl with that name, and I just assumed it belonged to you, pup. And while we’re on the topic, you can call me Kenjaku or Daddy too if you prefer~” 
You almost threw your pillow at him for that last statement: “If you don’t like me calling you by your name, I’ll just stick to calling you pup then, or puppy perhaps?” He continues on, pretending not to notice how agitated you were getting. Sticking out his tongue at you childishly when you flipped him off. “Choso told me a lot about you; you know, he talks more about you than Yuuji does.” Kenjaku stares down at you with an indiscernible glint in his eyes. “I think it is only fair that I tell you a little about me, hmm?”
 He angles his legs towards you as he places an elbow on the back of the couch and leans on his hand. The realization comes over you once again of just how imposing this guy was; a simple action like that made it seem like he was still towering over you.
He taps a finger on his chin, eyes closed in thought, “Let’s see… What should I tell you about myself? Hmm, I like grilled fish and simmered vegetables, I’m a single parent to Choso and Yuuji, and…” He opens his eyes as his hand brushes away his bangs, fingers tracing along his stitches as he watches your face. Your eyes glued to the odd stitching lace on Kenjaku’s forehead. “Heh.. and I work as a hypnotherapist!” He claps his hands together loudly, making you jump back in shock. Your eyes flicker back to the stitches on his forehead. You wanted to ask him about it but that would be rude. So you just ask him the next question on your mind. 
“A hypnotherapist….?”You ask, unsure what exactly that means, Kenjaku nods, leaning in closer to you. “Just like a regular therapist, my dear. Expect I use some different techniques to get my clients to feel…. Better.” You don’t know why, but the way he said that sent a shiver down your spine. “Uh huh… so you just wave your hand around or make people look at a swinging pocket watch until they get better or something like that?” You lean back onto the couch, clutching the pillow tighter to your chest. Kenjaku smirks, “Not exactly, would you like to see my work in action?”
You raise an eyebrow at that, and Kenjaku gets up and stands in front of you. “I can see that you've been stressed lately, haven’t you? Exams, family issues, seasonal depression? Either way, I can help fix all that and make all your worries wash away~” You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. “I’m not sure about th-” Kenjaku cuts you off by placing a finger on his lips in a shushing motion. “Just one try, and I promise I’ll leave you alone after. How does that sound, pup?” You pouted and thought about it for a moment. Your gut was telling you this was a bad idea, but something else inside you was curious to see how this would play out. 
“It would sound better if you stopped calling me ‘pup’, but fine, I'll try this hypnotherapy or whatever.” You cross your arms over the pillow and look up at Kenjaku, who has an extremely wide and delightful smile on his face. “Good, good. Now just sit back and relax. Close your eyes and just listen to my voice. Don’t think of anything but my voice now…” You did as you were told, sinking back into the couch and finding a comfortable position. Letting your eyes shut close and sighing out as you listen to Kenjaku’s voice guiding you.
“Breath in slowly, feel the air slowly fill your lungs…and expand in…..and….out”
You took in a couple of deep and slow breaths, feeling your chest expand with air, the rise and fall of it lulling you into a sense of calm. Kenjaku did a couple counts of breathing with you, making you hold each breath a second longer than the last. Your shoulders lowered a bit after this small exercise, but you were still wary. Your face scrunched a bit as you listened more to Kenjaku’s instructions. 
“Hold your hands out for me, palms facing upwards, please.”
You hesitated for a bit but held out your hands, facing downwards, just to spite him a little. Kenjaku said nothing about it as his larger hands placed themselves over yours and flipped your hand around so your palms were facing up like he wanted them to be. Running his thumbs up and down your wrist and circling them softly on your pulse point. His other fingers slowly trailing behind, and his nails gently scraping the inside of your palm. In a methodical, rhythmic pattern, he continued to dance his fingertips on your palm, as he spoke again.
A pleasurable shiver was coursing through your body at the feeling of his fingertips dancing along your skin. “You’re a strong girl, aren’t cha? Hmm, I can tell, shouldering so many burdens lately. You poor thing…” He sighs out, thumb-tapping on your pulse point, almost matching the way your heartbeat was thumping against your chest. “Poor little girl… suffering so quietly so you wouldn’t burden the people around you. When’s the last time you did something for yourself, hmm? When’s the last time someone did something for you..” Your mind raced to think of something to answer his question with, you barely felt it when his hand crept its way up your arm. 
His nails lightly dragging down the length of your arm in a soothing manner, “You don’t need to answer me verbally, pup. I know… I know how strong you’ve been and how much you've been holding back. You're such a strong girl, doing so good. So good… You deserve a reward, don’t you think so?” It was weird, you could hear Kenjaku perfectly fine, but after some of his sentences, it felt like a second Kenjaku was whispering right behind your ear. It was weird but also oddly comforting? You agreed with everything he was saying so far; you did deserve a reward for working so hard lately.
“I can take care of that. I can take care of you… trust me… Trust me, won’t you?” His hands circle around your wrist, and you feel his presence get closer to you. Your eyes twitch, but you keep them closed. “I know you’ll trust me, smart girl, like you understand that I would never hurt you, right? I would never…” His minty breath sweeps over you. When did he get so close…? You start to lean in unconsciously, almost bumping your head with Kenjaku’s. A chuckle slips from his lips, and he rests his forehead on yours, interlacing his fingers with yours. “Good girl… You can find comfort in me; I am here for you… I can make you feel so good…trust me…” 
It wouldn’t be too bad of an idea to trust him, right? I mean, what the worst that could happen, you deserve something good to happen to you. One of his hands leaves your arm to delicately caress your cheek, his fingers playing with the soft flesh. His thumb softly running over your bottom lips, “Trust me? You can trust me… Let me show you how good I can treat you, puppy.” You nodded dumbly, trying to lean even more forward, accidentally pushing his thumb pass inside your mouth. Kenjaku’s laugh a bit loudly at this, slipping his thumb out and licking away at the small speck of salvia that came out.
“Impatient aren’t we, pup?” 
He leans down, pressing his lips onto yours, firmly gripping on to the back of your neck. He gives you small smooches on your lips, pressing each one longer than the last. You tug on his shirt, feeling a pit of warmth start to bubble inside you. A small whine comes from you. You’re a good girl; shouldn’t you deserve more than just small kisses? Your eyes flutter open to finally take a look at him. Was he always this handsome and ravishing? The background seems a little blurry to you; the only thing that you could see clearly was Kenjaku. You kept tugging on his shirt to pull him in closer. 
“Hmm? What’s wrong, pup? Can’t use your words? Silly puppy… of course you can’t, puppies can’t speak after all. All you need to do is bark when I say so, and whine when you need something, alright?”
His fingers start to trail down your spine; “Very simple thing, I know that a smart puppy like you would have no problem following these simple rules, right?” Before you could answer, he pressed his lips on you again, holding his lips against yours almost suffocatingly. Still, there was no tongue in this kiss, and you were getting impatient. You paw at his shirt, unbuttoning the top two buttons sloppily. Kenjaku stops your hands and holds your chin up, a disappointed look is painted on his face. “Patient, pup. No need to act so unruly now.” Something in your chest got twisted, and you felt the air get punched out of you. You didn’t want to disappoint Kenjaku. For some reason, seeing him with that face made you instantly back down.
Kenjaku holds you in place though, a smile reappearing on his face, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip. “Good puppy, I know you didn’t mean to be bad… my puppy… Sweet girl, you’re still ready for more, right?” You start nodding but stop halfway as a part of your brain starts to wake up a bit, the fog clears a bit. Your mouth opens to speak but Kenjaku shushes you with his tongue this time, slipping it inside and brushing against your own tongue. The fog comes slamming back full force into you once again. Your hands clutch on to Kenjaku’s shirt once more as he leans you back onto the couch, pressing his body directly on top of you.
Kenjaku holds you in place though, a smile reappearing on his face, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip. “Good puppy, I know you didn’t mean to be bad… my puppy… Sweet girl, you’re still ready for more, right?” You start nodding but stop halfway as a part of your brain starts to wake up a bit, and the fog clears a bit. Your mouth opens to speak, but Kenjaku shushes you with his tongue this time, slipping it inside and brushing against your own tongue. The fog comes slamming back full force into you once again. Your hands clutch on to Kenjaku’s shirt once more as he leans you back onto the couch, pressing his body directly on top of you.
He kissed with precision and a carnal greed, his tongue overlapping over yours, coating it out and sucking on the wet muscle, making you groan with need. He grinds his hips on you, giving you that much-needed, delicious friction right on your core. He takes your hands and places them right above your head. 
“Keep 'em here, pup.” He growls out, lifting up the hem of your hoodie and pulling it up and over, doing the same to your shirt underneath until you were left bare with only a bra covering your chest. Your arms try to move down to cover yourself from his heated gaze, but Kenjaku snaps his fingers at you, “Ah, ah. I didn’t say you could move yet.” Your arms snapped back up in haste, and an embarrassed blush dusted your cheeks. Kenjaku coos at you, patting your cheek softly with the palm of his hand, “Good girl~ Keep being good for me… Now, let me start my second phase of treatment, hmm?” He trails his hand down from your cheek down onto your shoulder, playing with the strap of your bra. 
 Hooking a finger underneath it, sliding it slowly off your shoulder, and doing the same on the other side. Pushing down your bra just enough so your perky nipples could pop over the top. He lets out a content sigh upon seeing them, leaning in so his breath could tickle over your pretty little nubs. You shivered at the contact, and your arms shook a little too, starting to feel a bit tired from holding them up for so long. But you didn’t want to disappoint Kenjaku again, what if he stopped his treatment? Still,  you were getting a little impatient with how slow he was going. You wiggle a bit, and a small pout adorns your lips.
Kenjaku glances up at you, chuckling softly. “My, my. Such a needy pup, aren’t you? But I suppose that’s my fault. I did tell you that I would take care of you, didn’t I?” He guides your arms down to your side; “Keep them there, and don’t touch me until I tell you to, alright? It's for your good.” Your answer was cut short by a moan as Kenjaku’s tongue flicked out to ravish your nipple. Swirling around the swollen bud with the tip of his tongue, his hand comes up to play with the other side, groping and pinching your breast in all the right places. Your hands dig into the couch, trying to steady yourself from the onslaught. Your head tilts back as he finally puts his mouth on you.
Capturing your pretty little nub in his mouth and sucking harshly, teeth scraping over your sensitive flesh. He used his free hand to sneak down and unbutton your pants, just enough so he could fit his hand under and tease the outline of your pussy over your panties. Kenjaku was skilled at toeing the line between pain and pleasure, pinching and biting so often but not enough to make it truly hurt, always pushing you to the edge and then bringing you back down softly. Running his tongue over the bite marks, soothing the pain away, his hand on your chest gently rubbing on any red marks he left, while the other one distracts you by thumbing over the swell of your clit through your panties. 
 A delicate dance that he was the lead in, forcing you to play along to his whims. You could barely hear your own pathetic moans or feel how wet you were getting; the fog in your brain was overcome by the increasing pleasure. At some point, he pulled your pants to the side and started to rub the pad of his thumb directly on your clit, tracing nonsensical words or patterns on it to keep you on the edge. He leans up and away from your marked chest, to whisper in your ear, his husky voice giving back-handed praises that you couldn’t wrap your head around, it only made you all the wetter. 
 Your hips bucked up to get more friction for your much-needed release, if only Kenjaku wasn’t pushing you back down by the hips each time you tried. “Ken-Kenjaku, please! I deserve it, right?” You blubbered out, tears falling down your cheeks, which Kenjaku happily wiped away with his tongue. “I’m a good girl….” You whined, bucking your hips even more as Kenjaku increased the pace of his thumb. 
He only hummed in response, licking a stripe up your cheek and placing a small kiss on the corner of your eye. “I didn’t know that my sweet puppy was such a slut. Poor thing, did all of those college boys fail to give this pussy what she needs?”
He slowed his pace down but slipped a finger in your sopping wet entrance, still finding some resistance and tightness even with all the buildup. Your body moves to try to adjust to Kenjaku’s long finger, but he quickly shushes you, planting more kisses on your tear-stained face. “You do deserve it; you’re right. You are my good puppy after all… All mine now... Say that you’re my good puppy, and I’ll let you cum, hmm?” He slipped in another finger to add to the stretch as your mouth parts opened to give him his answer. A choked moan escaped your lips, and you struggled to form the words he was looking for.
“I-I’m your good puppy.”
“Again.” He starts to scissor his finger, the stretch starts to become a little painful.
“I’m your good puppy..”
“Louder.” His thumb stops its assault on your clit but his fingers keep plunging deep into your cunt.
“I’m your good puppy!” 
Your scream was mixed with the lewd, squelching sound of your wet cunt as he returned his thumb and your hips jerk up in rhythm with his fingers. Your hands left the couch to find purchase on Kenjaku’s shoulders, digging in as your body arced off the couch, an intense orgasm ripping its way through your body. Kenjaku pulls out his fingers until only one remains in your cunt, curled in a bit to still tease your g-spot. His thumb smears your slick on the area above your clit, occasionally grazing it and laughing at how your body twitches each time it does.
Pulling out his finger as whimpers formed on your lips, “Good puppy~ Since you did so well, I’ll overlook you speaking without turn this time.”  
He lifts up his soaked hand and smears his fingers on your lips, parting them open and slipping them on your awaiting tongue. Coating your wet muscle with your own sweet slick, his long fingers descend further down your mouth, almost reaching your gagging point. 
“You’re still hungry for more, aren’t you? I know that something as simple as that wouldn’t be enough to satisfy my greedy pup.. My good puppy… Just keep listening to me, and I'll treat you right.” He holds your chin in his other hand and shakes it up and down to make it seem like you were nodding. You try to gurgle out an answer with his fingers still shoved down your throat, but he laughs and kisses the bridge of your nose with a twinkle in his eye.
“No, puppy. It’s alright, no more words; just let me do all the talking until I tell you to.”   
Once his fingers left your mouth, a string of salvia connected along with it. You swallowed down the building drool in your throat and looked up at him expectantly. “Hips up now, come on.” He pats your ass, hooks his fingers in your waistband, and swiftly pulls them off of you. Your cute, soaked panties were now on display as he palmed the front a bit, making you shiver and buck up to ride the palm of his hand. He sighs mirthfully at your eager display, lifting your ass up again so he could pull these off as well, stuffing the garment in his pocket. 
He pats your cheek with a smile for listening so well and shuffles downward on his knees, lifting your own knees up and placing the flats of your foot on the couch as he settles down between them. A sudden wave of embarrassment befell you as you looked down and felt your drenched cunt start to stain the fabric of the couch. A whine emits from your throat, and you were about to speak, but a cursory glance upward from Kenjaku made you shut your mouth entirely.  
He didn’t say anything at that moment, but your mind spoke for him. “Good puppies don’t speak unless told.”  
You settled for another whine, hoping he would get your discomfort, but if he did, he didn’t do anything about it. Instead, he starts his next phase of treatment by trailing open-mouth kisses on the side of your thighs, down to your hip line, and right next to the place you want his tongue to be on the most. He left little nips and marks here and there, making you squirm and wiggle on the couch, his hands firmly grasping on the thick part of your thighs, pushing you backwards on the couch. He kissed right about your needy little clit, tongue darting out to spell his name right above it.
As he finishes tracing the outline of the "U” he leans back, admiring his handiwork so far and the way your pussy keeps clenching around nothing. Using his thumb to spread your lips even further, he descends at an agonizingly slow pace, keeping his dark hazel eyes on your face the whole way down. It felt like forever until his lips finally touched your sweet, swollen clit, sucking on the nub softly. Tongue flicking out like a devilish snake, licking up and down your cunt, mapping out the spots in his head of where you’re most sensitive. 
Your nails claw into the couch as mewls and whines pass your lips as Kenjaku works his tongue on your cunt. Nose often bumping into your clit, giving you that nice jolt of pleasure as he maneuvers your thighs over his shoulder, making you cross your legs over his neck as he pushes you back deeper on the couch. Moving forward along with you, sticking out his tongue and bobbing his head up and down as he tongue-fucked your tight little hole.
 You couldn’t buck up your hips or try to move away; his arms were coiled around your thighs, and he put all of his weight and power into it. Leaving you a helpless victim to his divine and torturous assault, your thighs squeeze around your head, but that didn’t deter Kenjaku in any way; in fact, it might even be fueling him to go in even deeper into your willing cunt. 
You vaguely wonder if he could even breathe from his position; that fleeting thought was quickly replaced by the coil in your stomach burning red hot and snapping instantly as Kenjaku moves his lips back up to suck on your clit. You lock your ankles together behind his back as your body shakes and jolts on the couch, and you feel odd vibrations as Kenjaku’s groans deeply when inhaling your sweet cream. Leaning his head back a bit to give small kitten-like licks on your trembling pussy as you ride out your orgasm. 
You pants out small burst of air, glad to have some relief, but that only lasts for a moment as Kenjaku moves one of his hands from gripping on to your thigh to gently pull up on your pussy, lifting the small hood up and showing off more of your clit. His mouth is back on you, sucking quite harshly this time. Playing with your swollen clit on his tongue, the hand on your thigh gripping dig in your soft flesh. The tension inside your belly rapidly tightens and snaps into another blinding orgasm. Your vision goes white for a bit as you scream and thrash around on the couch.
Your chest heaves up and down as you catch air back in your lungs, tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as you calm down. All the while, Kenjaku calmly holds your face in his hands, thumb wiping away at any fallen tears, his voice lulling out soft praises to you. 
“Good Puppy…”
“You did so well for me, you liked it, right?”
“I know you did, it was quite clear to see.” 
He leans down to press a kiss right above your forehead, patting your head and murmuring more things that flow directly in your head. 
“We’re not done yet, pet.” 
“We have so much more to do… you can handle it, can’t you?” 
“My big girl.. My precious puppy is so strong.. She can handle another session, can’t she?” 
His fingers tilted up your chin so you were trapped in his vision once more, his eyes darken as he asked you directly this time. 
“You won’t disappoint me, now, will you?” 
His tone shifted, and your senses immediately picked up on that fact. Your body stiffened up, and you nodded frantically. Shoulder straightening back, eyes wide, and your hands came put together on your lap. Kenjaku smiles at your instant obedience, giving you plenty of kisses on your face to show how much he enjoys this reaction from you. Hands squishing your cheeks together and shaking you a little, much like how someone would do the same to a cute dog. 
He takes a deep sigh and smiles wide, showing off some of his teeth. Were his teeth always this sharp…? He gives your cheeks one last pinch and stands up in front of you, his hands coming down to unbuckle his belt. Pulling the leather strap out of the loops with practiced ease, he holds the black accessory in his hands and looks down at you with an eerie grin on his face. You fidget a bit and twiddle with your thumbs, awaiting his next move. 
“Though it’s not exactly a collar… and it is not as pretty as I would like it to be. This would work for now.” He muses to himself as he grabs your face forward, and moves the belt around your neck. Your breath hitched in your throat as the cool metal of the buckles slid around your soft skin. He loops the belt in and gives it a test tug at the end to see how it fits on you. It was a loose fit, but it still felt constricting by the way Kenjaku had the hold on the end of the belt, pulling it up so you were forced to look up as well. 
“Come now, pet. We shall move this little therapy session elsewhere.”
He ushers you off the couch and as you were about to stand up fully, he stopped you; “Aht Aht, puppies don’t walk like humans, get on all fours like a good girl.” You completely froze up at this point; your brain slowly started to unravel from the spell Kenjaku put on you, and your face scrunched up in confusion. Kenjaku quickly realizes this and is quick to snuff out any flames that were lighting back up inside of you. He pats your head softly with a practiced smile on his face. 
 “Ah, sorry puppy. I forgot this was only your first day. No worries, we can work on that part next time. For now…” He bends down to scoop you up in his arms. “I’ll carry you as an apology, so don’t be too mad at me, alright?”
 He taps your nose with his pointer finger and rests his forehead against yours, whispering as he looks at you directly, eye to eye. His hazel eyes seem to get darker the more you stare into them; his words echo in your mind, lulling you back down to that pliant state.
“You’ll forgive me, right? I am so so sorry, after all…” 
His fangs stood out more at this angle, poking out when he smiled at you, one hand holding you up while the other caressed your face. You nuzzle right into the palm of his hand, forgetting all about what happened before, even though the belt was still looped around your neck. He placated you further by smothering your face in soft kisses. You giggled at the sensation, not realizing that he was already walking away from the living room with you in his arms. 
The bedroom door clicks behind you two as Kenjaku sets you down on your feet. Hand brushing against the belt on your neck. Placing one last kiss on your lips this time, letting the feeling linger, his hands gently hold on to your waist as he pushes his body against yours. Grinding his hard bulge right against your body, his hands lower down to cup at your naked ass, sneaking a hand in between and swiping at your still-slick folds, teasing you a little.
“Oh, puppy, do you feel that? Feel how hard I am for you, right now.” He grunts lowly in your ear, pressing his body onto you once more. 
“Can you help me with that, pet? You’ll be such a good puppy for me if you do…and I know how much you want to be good for me..”
He was right, he was unusually right about you most of the time, you did want to be good for him, to earn more of his sweet praise. So when he placed a hand on your shoulder and lowered you to your knees, you obeyed. 
Kneeling down in front of Kenjaku, his pants easily taken off with his belt already gone. Your mind buzzes with odd excitement upon seeing him put out his leaking and throbbing cock, like you were made for this moment. To always be kneeling in front of this man, to serve him like a dutiful servant, an obedient puppy. Kenjaku tugs upward on the end of the belt collar, cupping your chin in your hand as he angles your face towards his cock. 
“You know what to do, right, pup?”
You did; your body knew exactly what to do and how to please him, your tongue lolled out as your mouth opened up. Kenjaku keeps a hand on the belt but lets go of your chin as he slides his cock into your awaiting mouth. Letting out a low hiss at the feeling of your warm mouth greeting him, your cheeks automatically suck in as his length starts to slowly rub against the back of your mouth. You taste his precum that was leaking out—slightly salty but not overpowering. He fucks your mouth softly and sweetly, getting you accustomed to the feeling at first. His hand gently pulls on the belt around your neck, pushing and pulling you forward and backward on his cock.  
A gentle rhythm, gradually letting your mouth and throat get used to the shape of Kenjaku’s cock. After a while, his cock starts hitting deeper parts of your throat, and you gag a little when it goes a little too far. Kenjaku soothes you by petting your hair and tucking your hair behind your ear as he guides you this time. A hand weaves in your hair now, grabbing onto your locks as he slides his cock back deeper in, nail-scraping the back of your head as he shows you how to put all of him inside your mouth. Your nose is buried in the tuft of hair at the base of his thick cock. 
 “Look up at me, puppy.” You barely realized now that your eyes were closed this entire time. Blinking away some tears, you look up at Kenjaku. Only to find your reflection in the camera lens of his phone, staring right back down at you. He tugs your hair back a bit, cooing at your expression. 
He slides his cock out, and drool comes out with it—a sticky string of saliva connected from the bulbous head to the tip of your tongue. Dripping down to your chin as Kenjaku slaps the tip of his cock on your tongue, “Come on now, pup… stick your tongue out for me.” He uses his free hand to push away any strands of hair in the way.
“Good girl, fuck…. Look at you, so naughty, hmm?”
He takes a few pictures of your tongue out with his cock sliding in and out of your mouth, some with his cock pushed all the way inside your cheek, making it bulge out the side, and his other hand on your head, petting you anytime you start to get angsty. Giving you praise and soothing your worries away with his baritone and smooth voice. Pushing your mind deeper and deeper into the abyss, reinforcing how much of a good puppy you are for him and how much you wanted to please him too.
“Let's see if we can make a good video, shall we?”
He takes out his cock again, all covered in your spit. Preparing his phone in the right position as he hits the record button this time. “Alright now, puppy… Let’s show the camera your pretty face.” He pats your cheek and plants a thumb inside your mouth, lolling your tongue out along with it. He lets out a content sigh, looking at your almost fucked-out expression, his cock twitches at the sight as well. 
“I want you to speak now, puppy. Speak for me, tell me just how much you love this cock that’s right in front of you.” 
He removes his thumb from your tongue and grabs his cock, shaking it in front of you mockingly, like it was a special treat. You gulp down to clear your throat of leftover cum and saliva, your eyes glance from the length in front up to the phone in Kenjaku’s hand.
“Say; ‘Please Master… give me your cock, I need you so badly’ just like a good girl would.”
‘Master..? Was Kenjaku your master now? Master… Master… Master Kenjaku? Somehow the words roll off just right when you echo it back in your mind. 
You kept looking up, the phone directly in your line of vision, when you were really just trying to look at Kenjaku’s face. Your voice came out more soft-spoken than before.
"Please, Master Kenjaku, please reward me with your cock for being a good girl.” Your hands clutch on to the ends of his shirt as you keep on pitifully begging for a treat from your master. 
Kenjaku’s face slips, and he lets out a feral grin at your words, “Going off script? Hah….. I love it. Go on, keep begging me, my slutty puppy.” 
He taps his cock on your cheek and you instantly start rubbing on it, not caring about getting your face even messier by doing so. “Please, please, pleaseee! Master, I listened to you so well. I need your cock so bad. It feels so good when you touch me and let me have it. I need, need, need it!” 
You sneak in a couple of kisses and licks as you were rubbing on his cock, whining pathetically all in front of the camera. Your mind was not even comprehending the lewd and embarrassing words you were spewing out right now or the actions your body was doing, that small rational part of your brain was pushed all the way back. Locked away by Kenjaku’s voice telling you that this was the real you now, what you really craved, what you always wanted. 
To serve someone, to have someone praise you for being a good puppy, a naughty slut… 
It feels good to have Kenjaku pet your hair as he slips his cock back into your awaiting mouth, shoving it all the way in this time. Making you choke on the sheer girth of it at first before the length of it hits you in the back of your throat. Your cheeks were already feeling a little sore from how hard he was pushing, and you gagged a little when he tried to put your head down even more. He pulls your hair back away from his cock. You choke out a little bit of spit, coughing and sputtering. 
Kenjaku wipes away the spit from your chin as he looks back down at you, sighing disappointingly, “I suppose you just aren’t ready for my cock yet.” He shakes his head, but he still keeps his phone lens on your face. “Guess we just have to move on…” He moves his other hand away from your head, and your stomach drops. You clutch on to his shirt, shouting out, “Wait!” Kenjaku hides his reaction from seeing your outburst, maintaining a neutral face.
“Yes? What is it puppy?”
You whimpered and tugged at his shirt; your lips quivered as you began to beg once more. “I-I can do it! I can take it all, please let me try again!” 
Kenjaku’s lips twitch at your display, placing his hand back on your head, weaving his fingers in your locks, and tugging it back. “You sure, puppy? Are you sure you want this?” You nod your head instantly. "Speak, puppy, tell me that you want it again.” 
“I want your cock, please! I can be good this time! I-I won’t choke, I promise!” You were desperate to please Kenjaku, who just shook his head at you, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and lovingly squeezing your cheeks together so your lips puckered in an ‘O’ shape. “It’s alright, my sweet girl. Choking and gagging are part of the process; I’ll just go slower this time. Let you get used to the shape of my cock, hmm?”
He pokes the head of his cock back on your puckered lips, squeezing your cheeks together one last time and placing his hand back behind your head as he pushes you down once again. Your jaw is still sore, but it helps, as you were getting numb to the feeling. You flatten down your tongue as his cock slides over. This time, Kenjaku holds your head in place, rolling his hips forward as he face-fucks you sluggishly, drool accumulating in your cheeks with each slow thrust. The lewd noises it was making were loud enough for the phone to capture. Kenjaku lets you choke on about half of his length for a while before trying to force it all the way in. 
“Now close your eyes and breathe in through your nose for me…good girl…”
You did as he commanded, still gagging when he shoves your face all the way down to the base of his cock, his pubes tickling your nose, and just before you start choking on it for real, he pulls you back. Letting you breathe for air, taking a small break before he pokes his cock head back against your lips, and you open up for it once more. Going back all the way down, staying there for a bit longer this time, and then he lets you go. Repeating this process over and over again, his cock sliding in and out of your pretty mouth.
Repeatedly hitting the back of your throat with each thrust, he had you stay down there for longer and longer until he was fully face-fucking you now. Kenjaku was letting his walls down a bit at this point as well, letting out deep groans and moans, cursing under his breath once he started to feel his balls tighten up. 
“Fuck… that’s it, puppy. Take it, take my fucking cock like the good cock-slut you are.” 
The hand holding the phone shakes a bit as he shoves his cock deep down your throat, way past your gagging point, but at this point, it doesn’t matter anymore. Not when his cock is practically about to burst, and you shouldn’t care about anything else but servicing his cock. You should be happy that Kenjaku was so willing to give you all his creamy cum directly down your gullet. With his hand gripping your hair tightly and one last groan, Kenjaku spills his cum in your slutty mouth, forcing you to drink as much of it as possible from the position you were in. 
He slid his cock out of your mouth, your messy face covered in drool and cum. The recording light on the phone went off, and Kenjaku pocketed his phone with a happy sigh. Tugging upward on your leash as he brings you back to your feet, only then did you realize how much your knees were hurting from kneeling down for so long. 
He wipes away the sticky mess on your cheeks with swipes of his fingers, praising you in a tender tone as you lean into his embrace. One arm around your waist to keep you from falling over as he finished gathering up any remaining cream.
“Say ‘Ah’, my sweet puppy.”
He smears the sticky mess on your tongue, making sure you clean up every single last bit of it from his fingers. Cooing at your obedience, once he was satisfied with your work, he rewarded you with a long and loving kiss on the lips. Tasting himself on your sweet tongue, you fully accepted it, arms thrown around his shoulders, letting your body sink into his. He chuckles at your actions, grabbing you by the waist, easily lifting you off the ground, and spinning you around. His lips never leave yours as he plops you down on the bed with him on top. 
He tugs on your leash and pulls away, looking down at you, the back of his hand caressing your cheek in a fond manner. 
“You know… It would be quite ironic if I were to fuck you in doggy style while you’re in this state...” He whispers, not talking to you, just voicing his thoughts out loud as you snuggle against his hand. Your eyes just glazed over at his words, barely listening, as you could tell this wasn't a command. His hand lowers down to grasp at your neck, barely applying enough pressure to his fingertips, so you know he has it there. 
“I think, though, since it's our first night together, one of many… I’d rather fuck you while you could look at me and remember this moment forever.” He rips open his shirt’s buttons, leaving you with a full view of his toned abs. His other hand wanders down as he positions himself in between your legs. His thighs pushing yours apart, giving him access to your still wet pussy. He snaps his fingers in front of your face and gets your attention. 
“Puppy, I want you to do something for me now. If you want your Master’s cock to fuck you..." He emphasized the word “Cock” and slapped his hard length right on your pretty clit. Making jolt up and yelp a little at the contact. “I want you to take your cute little hands and spread open your pussy for me. Can you do that for me, puppy?” He rubs the tip of his length into small circles on your clit, making you mewl and buck your hips for more friction, but he holds your hips down with his hands and makes a disapproving noise.
It quickly stops your movement, and you whimper out an apologetic noise, your hands slowly coming down your body to not accidentally anger your master once again. Stopping right on either side of your pussy. Kenjaku nods at this, “Good… Good… Now, take your thumbs and spread it out for me and watch. Watch as I fuck you and take you as mine.” Your hands shake a bit as Kenjaku starts to slide his veiny cock down from on top of your clit, sliding right down the middle of your pussy, making you feel his throbbing veins as he pokes the thick head at your entrance. Your thumbs stretch out to the edges of your drooling cunt, doing as your Master commanded and spreading it out for him.
Kenjaku rolls his hips forward, his fat cock slipping past your entrance with each roll of his hips, rutting against your clit. Making you even more riled up than before, whining for him to fuck you already. His hands dig into the plush flesh of your waist to stop you from squirming at the sensation. Only when you felt like actually using words to beg him to do something else did he stop and fully slammed his length all the way. 
You yelped and cried out at the sudden intrusion, scrambling backwards to get away from the abrupt burst of pain, only to be pulled right back in by your hips. Kenjaku’s fingers digging into the soft flesh of your ass. Smacking you on his cock, your slick and drool cover his cock, making it quite easy for him to keep ramming into you. The squelching noises got louder and louder with each harsh slap against your hips. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to focus on anything but the pain and solely on the pleasure, but your head and body kept bouncing off the bed, making you a bit dizzy. 
Your hands search around for something to grab hold of, to steady yourself on, but even trying to clutch on the bed sheet proved futile with how hard Kenjaku was fucking you. Your legs forcefully spread around his waist, his hands cupping your ass up in the air as he rutted inside you, bucking his cock up at the same time he was holding you down. Just nonstop bouncing on his length, your poor pussy had no choice but to stretch and fit to his size. Still,  it felt like with each roll of his hips, he was reaching deeper and deeper inside your cervix.
Finally, Kenjaku seemed to take notice of your dilemma, or he just noticed how you were keeping your eyes closed and biting your lips. He let go of your ass and grabbed your wrists with one hand. Slamming them down beside your head, he kept up his rhythm, abusing your tight, needy cunt as he leaned down to face you. 
His minty breath washes over you, his lips ghosting and his tongue softly licking at your chin and cheek. Wiping away your fallen tears, “Puppy.. Puppy… Open your eyes, I want you to look at me when I fucking claim you. When I mark this pussy as mine, do you understand? I want you to be present for every single moment your Master’s cock slides into your desperate cunt.” 
He interlaced your fingers together with his tongue, lapping up the small dribble of blood leaking from the wound on your bottom lips. You were biting so hard that you didn’t even notice your wound until now. Kenjaku sucks on your bottom lips when you don’t answer fast enough for his liking, running his warm tongue over and over again on your bleeding gash. Your eyes blink away some tears before fully opening to find Kenjaku staring at you. His eyes open half-lidded, but his attention is fully focused on your cute face, your expressions, and the lost and hazy swirl of confusion in your eyes.
“Is my puppy ready to be taken? Are you gonna be my good girl and let me mark your insides?” He bit down on your lips and pulled back, making the gash even bigger, with more blood dribbling out. You whine and start to close your eyes again, but Kenjaku removes one of his hands to grab at your throat. Squeezing it enough to cause you to choke on a moan as he starts to move his hips again. Dragging his length up and down inside your walls, his hand squeezing harder each time he reaches your cervix. 
“Eyes open, puppy.”
His voice drops an octave deeper, forcing your head to tilt back, a whimper stuck in your throat. You had to obey; this was a real command, one that promised severe punishment if you did not follow. You open up your eyes as best as you can when tears are still pouring out of them, and you manage at best to force a grimace on your face. Still, seeing you try and listen to his order made Kenjaku happier, with his hand leaving your neck, roaming down your plush body, and hiking up your knees to your chest. 
Throwing your legs over his shoulders as he fully presses his weight on you, one hand pressing down lightly on the bulge in your stomach. At this angle, he was hitting your cervix even deeper than before. His thumb extended down to play with your clit as he kept pushing down on your stomach. Thrusting in and out of your wet and sensitive cunt, he lets loose freely, grunting and moaning at the feeling of your pussy sucking him in. 
Your puffy clit suffered so much abuse that, with the addition of his thumb rubbing tight little circles on it, it made you clench down tight on his hard cock. Your eyes started to roll backwards as Kenjaku sped up his pace. Your body bouncing up and down on the mattress, your tits jiggling with each pounding you take.
“That’s it, puppy. My dumb fucking puppy, don’t think anymore…fuck… don’t think, just let Master’s cock do all the work for you.” 
“You’re gonna let Master breed this tight little pussy, won’t you? Oh-hahh, I’d bet you look good with my seed spilling out of you.” 
He used his free hand to shake your head up and down, forcing you to nod. Drool seeped out the side of your open mouth, coating his fingers, but he didn’t care. 
You felt your stomach get tighter and tighter as his thumb kept on rubbing away at your clit, his cock slamming into your cervix, and your legs dangling uselessly over his shoulders. Your body just being used as a fucktoy for your master now, and you love it. 
You tried to mumble out something to let your master know you were close, but it all just came out in jumbles, whines, and whimpers. Luckily, your master knows exactly what you were trying to say, and he could feel your cunt start to clench more and more around him. 
“Yeah, puppy? Hmm? You want to cum? You want me to cum in you?” You rely with a long whine at Kenjaku’s mocking tone. 
“Yeah? Does my sweet dumb puppy want her master to cum inside her?” His hand shakes your head up and down again, whimpers, and drool coats your lips. Remembering his previous command, you struggled but managed to open your eyes back up, and that was the tipping point for Kenjaku. Seeing the fucked-out and dazed look on your pretty face made his ball tighten up and his cock twitch heavily inside you. He made sure to bury his cock deep inside your womb first before giving you the sweet treat you've been craving.
Spilling all his sticky seed inside of you, his thumb and forefinger pinched at your clit. Pushing over that edge once more, your cunt and legs are both spasming around him. With a high-pitched whine along with Kenjaku’s guttural groan, you both finished, your scent and juices mixing in with each other, becoming one. Kenjaku’s hands slither up to your face as he leans down to plant a gentle smooch on both your cheeks, letting your eyes close down softly. 
“You’re mine now… sweet puppy…”
His words echo in your ears as the last of your energy is spent barely holding on. He sets your legs down and shuffles down next to you, petting your hair and resting your head on his chest, still whispering near your ear.
“Don’t worry though, I’ll keep you around, but I won’t break you… too hard.. I know how much Yuuji and Choso like you, heh.” 
“Next time, I’ll introduce you to them as the new..family..pet ♡”
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dollscircus · 1 month
Swing first, ask later. Chapter 2
(In my defence , I was trying to help a dog)
Chapter 1
Arkham Knight Jason Todd x vet!Reader
Words: 2.6k
Tags: Violence. Violence against reader. but they're fiiiiine.
Synopsis: You have little impulse control so when you slip through a fence to chase a stray dog, you get a lot more then you bargained for.
Maybe I should’ve thought more about those nights’ events going through the next few weeks but I kinda- pushed it to the back of my mind. Listen- being a vet can be stressful when half of the patients want to bite me in the face and sometimes even their bitchy owners want to do the same. It’s a struggle so yeah, I kinda forgot about it. Forgot isn’t the right word- pushed back? Sure. That works.
But back on topic, I was walking down the street during a usual rainy night in Gotham. I had gotten a call from a local that they had stopped a large stray dog wondering around near an old warehouse. They didn’t tell me much, but apparently the dog had been limping so I wanted to get there as soon as possible. The warehouse was old, so I didn’t pay it much mind which searching around for the dog.
Eventually I noticed a little white head poking from behind a dumpster, his fur was messy and dirty. He watched me curiously, I paused for a moment while looking at the dog.
“Oh hey handsome.” I smiled, kneeling down where I stood while pulling a small tub of wet dog food out of my bag. “I’ve got some food for you.”
I popped open the tub and set it on the ground slowly pushing it forward, the dog ever so slowly crept out from behind the dumpster. I couldn’t tell what breed the dog was, clearly a mix of many breeds. He sniffed the air while creeping closer, he was limping on his back left leg. I stayed as still as I could as the dog creeped closer, looking at me with big fearful sad eyes.
“It’s ok buddy, I’m not going to hurt you.” I said softly to him as he reached the tub, sniffing at the food for a few moments before he started to eat very quickly. I chuckled softly while watching him eat, a part of me wanted to reach out and pet him but decided against it.
I smiled softly while watching the dog, but a sudden sound caused both the dog and I to jump. The sound was probably as cat running around in the darkness. The dog scattered away from me with a little yelp, I cursed while watching the dog slip under a gap in the fence that surrounded the warehouse. This gave me a quick but decent look at his back leg. There was a wire tightly wrapped around his leg. The skin looked raw and infected.
“Fuck.” I cursed while gathering up the food tub and shoving it back into my bag. Logically, I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that crawling through a fence to a sketchy warehouse is a really terrible idea. Stupid. Reckless but hey, I grew up on the streets of Gotham. I’ve been in worst places.
The torn fence scratched at me a little while I crawled under the fence on my hands and knees, my hips got caught for a moment before I used all of my weight to pull myself forward. I huffed while standing up to look at my dirty hands, grumbling under my breath while wiping my hands on my pants.
Scanning around, I tried to spot the dog luckily I spotted the pup pretty quickly and he was standing by another dumpster watching me.
“Hey puppy.” I smiled while slowly walking over to the dog who was watching me with big curious eyes, I knelt down and offered my hand out with some dog treats. He sniffed my hand, clearly thinking for a moment before he started to eat. I chuckled softly when seeing his tail start to wag.
“Yeah, that’s the stuff. That’s our fancy treats.” I smiled while my other hand reached for the slip on leash I carried in my bag, I made sure to move very slowly while slipping it over his head. He didn’t seem to mind, licking my hand as his tail wagging weakly.
“See? I’m not so scary.” I chuckled softly before another sound startled me, one of the metal doors of the warehouse slamming open. Oh fuck. I snapped my head to look over my shoulder, only to come face to face with a heavily armoured guy, he had a cigarette between his teeth about to light it before he slowly turned his head over to me. I tensed up.
God fucking dammit. The one time my body picked freeze. Thanks.
The next few moments were filled with cursing, barking and snarling. It was mostly all a blur, I think- I bit him? I tasted blood between my teeth, and felt blood dripping down my head when he slammed my head into the dumpster then the scream he let out when the dog sunk his teeth into his arm and wrenched it side to side ripping flesh.
The next clear memory I had was scrambling up to my feet, the leash still in hand (woah 10 outta 10 priorities there) and trying to run away with the dogs whose muzzle was still dripping with blood. My head was spinning with pain as I tried to run away but a sudden white hot pain shot through my calf sending my tumbling to the ground. I looked back at my leg, it seeped with blood. Looking further back I saw the man I just struggled with still holding the gun he shot my leg with.
He shot me. He fucked shot me!? Oh- that mother fucker-
I let go of the leash so the dog wasn’t tied to me and the dog ran away whimpering. I winced in pain while looking at my leg then flickering my eye up to the man while he spoke into a radio attached to his chest. Soon he stood over me, the swirling head pain stopped me from making out what he was really saying. I could see the blood splatter across his face- ooo I bit off some of his ear.
He said something but my head was killing me. All sounds seemed so distant and my head felt heavy. Don’t pass out, don’t pass out. Don’t pass out. Please. I begged myself while looking up at the figure. Fear and anger swirled in my chest while I tried to keep myself awake but I was quickly fading.
As everything seemed so distant and painful, another figure was approaching quickly. It was vaguely familiar but I couldn’t make out much. My vision was hazy when the figure swung for the first man, fist slamming into his temple.
Huh. That reminded me of someone?
I don’t know what I expected to wake up to when I passed out, I remembered the sound of bones cracking from the figure striking the man who attacked me. I woke up to warmth, warmth surrounding me as I woke up. My body was sore, aching with a dull pain while my heavy eyes tried to open. I didn’t know where I was, blinking in the dull light while I started to sit up in the cot bed I was laying in. I blinked a few times when seeing the dog, I was trying to catch curled up at the bottom of the bed. Back leg wrapped in a bandage.
Confusion clouded a lot of my judgment while looking around, welded metal walls. A desk in the corner of the room covered in papers. I couldn’t make out what else was written on the papers from this distance. I tried to move when pain shot through my leg, I hissed in pain before looking down at my bandaged leg. Where was I?
I glanced over the room again but jumped when seeing him on a chair in the corner of the room, sitting on a chair with his arms crossed over his check. The Arkham Knight. I stared at him, thinking back to the last thing I remembered before passing out. The figure. It was him and that punch. He swung with his whole body. I remembered Jason swinging his punches like that.
“You shouldn’t try to move to much yet.” He said after a moment of staring at each other. That almost made me laugh. I frowned a little at him.
“You patched me up.” I said, looking down at the bandage. The criss cross pattern caught my attention. Huh. Memories from my childhood flashed through my mind. Kneeling behind a dumpster while Jason wrapped up my arm after a stray cat I was trapping clawed up my arm painfully.
“I’m not as skilled with my hands as you.” He said, arms still crossed over his chest.
“Why?” I asked, eyes flicking down when the dog raised his head and yawned. Wagging his tail at me. The knight tilted his head to the side ever so slightly.
“Repaying the favour.” He said, like it was a very simple fact but I didn’t believe that completely. I moved to swing my legs off the bed, he tensed a little at my movement but I barely noticed it.
“There’s gotta be more to it. You could’ve just dumped me as the hospital or something.” I said, looking down to the dog who started to shuffle down the bed to sniff at my arm. I smiled softly at the dog while reaching down to pet the top of his head. The knight huffed, the sound coming out distorted by the helmet.
“That would be rude to the person you didn’t call the cops of me, when they really should’ve.” He said, voice a mix with amusement and irritation. I suddenly remembered comparing him to a stray dog, embarrassment crept up my neck.
“Then what about the dog? You didn’t owe him anything.” I raised an eyebrow at him. He didn’t respond staring at me, I couldn’t read him behind the helmet. Another question lingered in the back of my mind that I pushed away.
“What happened to the guy that shot me?” I asked another question furrowing my brow a little, he didn’t respond at first. I thought he wouldn't answer me at all until he did so.
“He’s dead.” He said, a few moments passed between us. “Does that scare you?”
I thought for a moment, did it? Maybe it was a little morbid. The guy shot me but I didn’t like someone dying.
“Scare me? No, I don’t- like it.” I said, fingers brushing through the fur of the dog. “If you were going to hurt me, you’d have done it already.”
He seemed to bristle a little, adjusting his position on the uncomfortable chair he was perched on. I looked back on my leg before I started to try and pull myself up. “I appreciate the help but I need to go-”
Pain seared through my leg as I started to fall forward, losing balance due to the sudden shock of pain. I cursed feeling myself about to fall but I felt arms bracing against my shoulders. I flicked my eyes up to the knight as he was suddenly leaning over my body as his hands kept me steady.
He said my name, “You can't be moving around on that leg yet.” He warned. I didn't realise how much bigger than me, he was until he was leaning over me and looking down at me. I can't pin point why the way he said my name really clued me in. I can’t describe it. It had a softness to it that Jason even as rough as he could be sometimes always said my name with.
“Well, I’ve never really been the careful type. You remember that, don’t you?” I said, looking up at his helmet. I could see his whole body tense a little. A long moment of silence stretched on. He knew what I was implying.
I know who you are.
“You’re right, you weren’t ever the careful type.” Jason said, his body language tense. Like a spring about to snap. A small smile crossed my face, tilting my head to the side. A few feelings rushed through me. How the hell did Jason become- this? I mean- the whole get up is kinda hot. Woah woah. Let’s not go that direction.
Didn’t know masks did something for me. Let’s not unpack that.
“Jason.” I said, voice slightly hushed while he set me back in the cot. Winced slightly at my leg. He leaned back, not moving away from the cot and just standing over me. “It’s been a long time.”
“It has been. Not how I thought this would go.” He said, taking a little step back after a moment. Jason tilted his head to the side a little, he still seemed tense.
“You thought about this?” I asked, a little smile crossing my face. Jason huffed indignantly, crossing his arms over his chest. I could exactly what expression he was making in that moment, the memory of a slightly more baby faced Jason making that exact sound.
“Don’t get all cheeky with me.” Jason scoffed, but he had zero heat behind it. “Even now you’re a trouble maker.”
I huffed, reaching over pet the dog beside me. “That guy attacked me first, I was happy to just walk away.”
He huffed behind that helmet, body language tightening. He turned his face away while he foot tapped the ground in irritation, “You know better to creep around warehouses like that.”
He was right, I sighed while rolling my shoulder uncomfortably. “I know, I was just worried about the dog.”
“You should worry about yourself more.” Jason said. I shrugged while rubbing my arm and scratching at my jaw. I flicked my eyes down to the dog who was now resting his muzzle on my thigh, I looked over the bandages around his back leg.
“Says the man who bandaged up the dog.” I raised a brow at him.
“You’d have been angry if I let the dog run away before anyone could help him.” He huffed, irritation in his voice but it didn't have much real anger behind it.
I let out a very light amused chuckle, looking up at the helment and trying to imagine what his face could look like now. “What happened?” I asked before I could stop myself, wincing at little at my own words. Jason turned his head back to me, even with the helmet I could feel the weight of his gaze on me.
“Nothing you should be involved with.” He said, that lightness in his voice replaced by some coldness that wounded my heart. I frowned, a look I knew made me look all sad and pathetic. But I knew it would always work on Jason.
“Don’t give me that look.” He said after a moment, I let out a indugnet sound while flicking my eyes away. Jason let out a little sigh before he started to talk again, “Rest your leg, I’ll take you home later?”
I looked up at him as he started to turn on his heal to walk away, I blinked a few times before I hoped my mouth to speak but the words died in my throat. It had been so long since we saw each other, god knows has driven Jason to that point. Nothing good. I watched him leave the little room I was in.
I sighed while sitting in the quiet for a few moments, the dog whined a little to get my attention. Looking down at the scruffy dog, I smiled weakly. “Yeah. He’s always been like that.”
I laid back on the cot. God my body fucking hurt.
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It wasn’t even midnight yet and the villain already wanted to bang their head against something until it cracked. Preferably the wall but at this point they didn’t mind if it was their own skull.
The hero was clever, they had to admit. Although the villain had hoped — foolishly so — that the hero had tried everything in their power to sit next to them, they knew that it wasn’t the hero’s real goal.
“I’ve heard you’re quite a dangerous person,” the hero murmured, smiling sweetly.
“Only a little,” the supervillain answered.
And the villain was boiling.
It was true, the hero had snuck onto the convention, had managed to get a seat at the villain’s table. But only because the supervillain was sitting here too.
The villain had never felt this sick, had never tried to get drunk this bad. They knew it wasn’t possible. Thanks to their superpowers and their metabolism they were basically immune to the effects of alcohol. And still, they couldn’t watch these two flirting. It made their insides turn and turn until the villain feared they would vomit all over the place.
“Oh, well, I guess everyone here is dangerous,” the villain managed to say but the supervillain gave them a hard stare.
“It must get very tiring, no? To be perceived as the big bad wolf?” the hero asked and god, their voice was as sweet as honey. The villain didn’t know what they had done wrong to deserve this. The supervillain’s attention jumped back to the hero and they smiled, leaned forward. Both were closer than before.
“It’s not that bad. If you know the right people…if you spend enough time with each other.” The hero laughed softly as response and the villain considered ruining this entire night. Jumping on the table, throwing stuff — anything.
They were sure this wasn’t a mature response but the villain could barely take it. When they had seen the hero enter the room this evening, their jaw had dropped. They looked stunning, looked perfect.
“Oh, I totally agree. There’s us. And then there are other people,” the hero said. They drew little shapes into the table, a little habit they practised whenever they were nervous.
“I like the way you think.” The supervillain tilted their head and looked at the hero as if they were gonna propose any second.
The villain swallowed. Took in a deep breath. By now they were sweating.
“I like you,” the hero answered. “Maybe we should meet up sometime.”
Suddenly, the supervillain’s hand was on the hero’s and the villain was about to jump and beat the living shit out of them.
However, before they could fully rise to their height, they had already pushed over their own glass full of champagne. The alcohol spattered all over the table and lots of it found the hero’s lap.
The hero squeaked and the supervillain looked pissed. But the villain couldn’t even explain what had come over them. They still wanted to skin the supervillain alive but they weren’t sure why.
The hero was their enemy. They were their nemesis.
“God, I’m so sorry,” the villain said because, honestly, they were really sorry. The hero looked stunning and now…they still did but their outfit was ruined. “Please, I’ll show you to the bathroom.”
“Oh, I—” The hero looked at the brooding supervillain.
“Get cleaned up, darling. I’ll wait for you.” Darling. The hero nodded.
As if on autopilot, the villain led the hero towards the bathroom. Darling.
“Did you really have to do that?” the hero hissed as soon as they locked the door behind them. Darling darling darling darling darling darling. They pushed the villain against the wall but the villain couldn’t feel anything. “What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry…” Darling. “I didn’t know you were interested in them.”
“Of course I’m interested in them, they’re the biggest threat to peace.”
“Oh.” The villain felt their heart sink. “I’m sorry.”
For a moment, the hero stared at them.
“Wait. Do you…? Did you— You think I like them?”
“Huh?” The villain stared back. The bathroom was small for an event with hundreds of people attending. They felt closer to the hero than at that table. “You’ve been flirting with them for an hour now.”
“Yeah, because I want their plans, not them, you idiot,” the hero said. They shook their head but then smiled gently. “You’ve been jealous.”
“What?! No. No, not at all. Who on earth would want to date you anyway?” But it felt like the world was lifted off the villain’s shoulders. For the first time in a long time, they felt as if they could breathe again.
“Just tell me next time, seriously.” Suddenly, the hero’s arms were around the villain’s neck. They pulled them down, gently, until they were close enough and kissed the villain hard. “Let’s meet after the event at my place, hm?”
It was a little easier to watch them flirt with the supervillain after that.
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shkudss · 1 year
Ma Txe’lan
Summary: you have an argument with Aonung after putting you life in danger
Warnings: mention of death, curse words, pregnancy
A/N: I’m not sure if I have to tag people from my previous work, but I did it🥺 If you don’t or do want to be in a permanent taglist, please let me know! I hope you like this one💕
Txe’lan - heart
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Since you and Aonung officially got mated you didn’t have a lot of arguments. And if you had ones they weren’t really serious. Mostly they happened because you liked going out somewhere without letting him know about it and Aonung got really worried when he couldn’t find you. That was always the most serious case. You thought that it couldn’t get more serious, both of you are so understanding and hearing that you don’t have reasons for a huge argument. You were so wrong.
Today was the normal day. You were going to hang out with Tsireya and Sullys as usual. You all have fun, swim and collect pretty shells. Aonung was supposed to be with all of you, but his dad asked him and Neteyam to help other warriors to hunt. They couldn’t say no, moreover, it was an honor for them to be invited by the Olo’eyktan. You were used to it, so you let him go leaving a little kiss on his lips.
“Don’t get in trouble while I’m gone. Stay safe, okay?” In fact, Aonung was the one who is always worried about you. He knew you won’t do anything that puts your life in danger for fun. But he also knew that sometimes you don’t really think about potential consequences and that’s what gets you in trouble. “And what’s more important, don’t listen to Loak” you laughed at this. His expression was extremely serious when he said this. For you it wasn’t a big deal. What might happen? “I’m serious, y/n.”
Aonung looked straight into your eyes and you sighed understandable. You know that he worries about both of you.
“Please, take care of you too.” He gently places his big warm hand on your belly. It became his habit since you found out about your future baby.
“I will.” You put your hand over his and squeeze it a little.
He leaves a soft kiss and goes to his parents’ marui to join other warriors. For you this event was normal and you didn’t worry about it, but for Aonung, whose protectiveness increased twice since that evening when you found out about your pregnancy, it was a big deal. He didn’t want to leave you alone for long.
When he finally left your marui, you remembered that you wanted to see Ronal and ask her about the baby. Since it’s your first time being a mother you had a lot of questions and she was the only one who could answer them since nobody but her knew about this. You wanted to keep it as a secret for as long as possible.
“Hey, we want to go to see Payakan. Loak wants us to meet him.” Tuk came out of the blue as usual. “Come with us!”
You weren’t sure if it’s a good idea for you since Aonung asked you to stay safe. Going out of the reef, even though you’re Metkayina, can be dangerous for pregnant woman.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea…”
“C’mon! We’ve done this so many times, everything will be fine. And today is a special day, Payakan really wants to meet you all. Neteyam and Aonung will join us next time.” Loak was really excited about it, his eyes were almost shining, so you couldn’t say no.
“Okay, tulkun boy” you rolled your eyes sarcastically.
The closer you got to the tulkun, the more clearly you could see this red pierced thing. You didn’t understand what’s going on, but Loak found out quickly.
“Sky people did this! They’re coming, we need to take it out of him!” He was panicking, because of the fear for his spirit brother.
You immediately jumped on him and tried to help Loak to take it out, but nothing helped. Kiri and Tsireya joined you. Tuk started screaming and you got really scared.
“They’re here! Hurry up!”
Your heartbeat increased twice. You were afraid that it might be your last day, skypeople can do anything with all of you.
“Dad, they’re here! They shot Payakan and want to kill him. We’re trying to save him.” Loak used his neck microphone to call Jake.
“What?! Who’s there?” He was with other warriors and you knew Aonung hears everything.
“Me, y/n, Tsireya, Kiri and… Tuk.”
“Get out of there, now!” Jake immediately replied with worried tone in his voice.
“We’re will get out this thing and immediately go back yo the village.”
You tried to pull another time, but it didn’t help. Then you saw ilus and finally had the right idea. Guys tied the rope to your ilu and you tried to pull it all together. In less than a minute you managed to get it out. This GPS arrow was in your hands and you knew that they can detect you. And that’s why you tried to swim as far as possible from you village so that everyone will stay safe, especially Tuk. You just hope that other guys will go back to the village and you will manage to get out of this situation.
You don’t know how, yet.
“Oh Eywa, please help me!” You mumbled while trying to avoid corrals and plants. You also knew that right behind you there’s this huge machine chasing you and you don’t have right for mistake. The last minute your Ilu got so scared that it just left you the moment you lost your bond.
You have to survive for Aonung and the baby that you carry right under your heart.
You had no choice but to hide in the huge plant that had some air inside. You’d been swimming for too long to get them far from village. Before finding this plant, you threw that red GPS, hoping that they won’t keep chasing you after this.
Aonung’s pov:
“RDA are hunting for Tulkuns. Payakan is shot, they’re trying to save him.” Jake explained situation quickly while all men went back to the village.
Only question that Aonung had was about you and he didn’t want to know the answer. But he has to.
“Who’s there?”
“Loak, Kiri, Tuk, Tsireya and…” Jake looked cautiously at him before saying the last name. “Y/n”
“Fuck. I have to go there now.” Aonung raised his speed and changed direction straight to the reefs.
“What are you doing? Y/n is with them, they can handle it by the time we will come. She’s strong.” Tonowari tried to calm down his furious and anxious son.
“She’s pregnant.”
That’s all he said before leaving everyone in shock. When he got closer to the end of the reefs, he met Loak and the rest of the group except for you.
“Where’s she?” He was furious. In fact, he was scared deep inside. “I asked where is y/n!” He raised his voice like his father does and it shocked everyone. Nobody knew he can be that serious.
“She was distracting RDA. She’s supposed to come soon.” Loak said this like nothing serious happened, but Aonung’s face said that he fucked up.
“If something happens to her, I’ll kill you.” He pointed to his chest angrily and left without saying any other word.
You tried to calm down and make no noises so that RDA won’t find you. You’ve been staying here for too long and it seems that you won’t get out of here soon. Tears start to come, panic slowly takes over you.
“Aonung, I miss you.” You whispered starting crying. The thought that in the morning it was your last kiss with Aonung and you didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to him. You were supposed to have a baby and live a happy life, but it’s going to end today.
With the side vision you notice something moving towards you and you moved to the side, trying to save yourself. You wiped your tears and tried to pull yourself together as much as possible before RDA soldier will come for you. But before you could do or say anything, the familiar head appeared right in front of you.
“Aonung?” You were surprised to see him. He sighed in relief that you’re okay and right after it he got really serious.
“What the hell are you doing?!” He knew you must be stressed out, but couldn’t help it. “It’s been only a couple of hours and you already in trouble. Loak is supposed to protect everyone, not you!”
“I’m the eldest in our group, I had to take responsibility.” You didn’t want to have this conversation now, but there was no choice.
“Take responsibility for you own life first! How can you be a mother if you don’t know how to take care of yourself?” You didn’t expect him saying this and it hurt you. You lowered your head, not willing to continue this argument.
“I want to go home, Aonung.”
“Wheres your ilu?” He was still angry and you didn’t try to calm him down as usual. You also needed support. More than him.
“It got scared and left.” Your voice was really quiet.
“Okay, let’s go back home.”
Luckily, RDA left you and your way home was quick and safe. However, the tension between you two was almost visible. You hated it. It was the first time such thing happening in your relationship and you didn’t know what to do.
“My child, are you okay?” Ronal was the first one who noticed your arrival and came straight to you. She hold your hands, examining all your body for any wounds you luckily didn’t have. Everyone in the village looked at you with worry. Now they know about your baby.
“I’m fine, just got stressed a little. Thank you.” You slightly squeezed her hands and gave a tired smile.
“Okay, go rest then. If you need anything, just let me know.”
You nodded and Aonung took you to your Marui. All that time he didn’t say anything and that stressed you out even more than sky people.
“Aonung?” You asked tentatively, trying to catch his gaze.
“What?” His voice was sharp and it really made you upset. He never talked to you this way.
“Please, say something.” You tried to touch his shoulder, but he didn’t let you do this. You bit your lip, to stop yourself from crying, and sit on the floor. Otherwise, it might be hard for you to stand during the tornado that’s about to happen.
You needed his hug and love now. All you want now is to feel the warmth of you husband’s heart and body. He’s the one you could be vulnerable with, but now it’s not working.
“You want me to say something? I have a lot of things to say.” He looked at you seriously towering over you. “What did I ask you when before leaving?”
“Don’t get in trouble…” you felt like a little child who gets scolded by their parents.
“Don’t get in trouble. Which word in this sentence you didn’t understand? Do you even know how I felt when Jake said you’re chased by sky people or when I met Loak and others without you? You’re having our baby and you’re still acting like a 15 year old you. I thought we overcame this problem, but turned out we didn’t.” You were about to loose your last piece of calmness. Aonung is the most important person in your life, that’s why he’s the one who can either hurt and heal you easily.
“I thought I can loose you and you didn’t even think about it. You didn’t think about how I would feel myself if I see you dying or wounded. I could loose not only you, but our baby.” And this was your last straw. You broke in tears, letting out all emotions you suppressed until this moment.
You were crying, sobbing and shaking. Re-living that situation and remembering Aonung’s words again and again.
How can you be a mother if you don’t know how to take care of yourself?
I thought we overcame this problem, but turned out we didn’t.
I could loose not only you, but our baby
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want this.” Aonung immediately sat down right in front of you, trying to calm you down. “I was scared that Tuk and other would get hurt. I didn’t want them to be captured by sky people.” Your eyes were full of sorry. This broke Aonung’s heart. “I know I don’t think think about the consequences in the moment, but I don’t do these things for nothing. I have reasons to act certain way and I’m sorry that I make you worry, but I also got really scared. I also thought that today might be the last day I kissed and touched you. I was scared to loose you too. But I don’t regret doing this and I would do it again if I have to. I better safe four lives for mine, than save my life for four others.” You tried to explain everything, sobbing and crying, while Aonung hugged and tapped your head softly. He knew he shouldn’t have to scold you. The first thing that he must did was to comfort you after that stress you’d gone through.
“I’m sorry, ma txe’lan, I’m sorry.” He whispered same words, while hearing you crying. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there and help you. I’m sorry I didn’t think about your feelings and pressured you.”
You didn’t want to say anything, focusing on his soothing voice. With all tears your stress and tension in the body and mind were relieved. You two were still in each other’s hands, listening to your breathes, enjoying each others warm bodies. You’re alive. You’re still together. You’re still going to have a family.
“You’re my txe’lan, y/n. You own my life. If they take you from me, then they take my heart. Please, don’t let anybody do this to us.” Aonung was sitting and hugging for from behind, placing his head in you neck crook. It was your favorite pose, as you both could feel each other completely. “Can I…?”
You knew what he wanted to do. Some Navis think that young couples mostly love to feel each other sexually, but it’s not your and Aonung’s case. You enjoy your sexual journey with him, but the most precious moments are when you feel each other. Sitting in such pose in your marui or at the beach at night, looking at the sky and having tsaheylu. You don’t have to use it only during the adult time. You can use it just to feel your partner. And that’s what you do now.
You both need this, you need to make sure that you’re alright. Aonung takes your and his braids and makes a bond. Shivers go through your body. You feel his heartbeat, his breath, you don’t need words anymore.
You’re the one
You live in each other
You will be the one even the afterlife
“I see you”
I couldn’t tag those who are in red :(
Taglist: @elegantkidfansoul l @ijwsbdinp @universal-s1ut @myh3artt @lynbubble @jjkclub @kenzi-woycehoski @marvellover4 @ssc7514 @stvrligghtt @johfaam @simplecole18 @flavaliz @chrisbelle @bajadotcom @jak3suiiyscvmslvt @a--1--1--3 @roxannedaybreakermidnight @aonungmyaddiction @neteyamsmate4life @boilingpots @fanboyluvr @zilena9 @maxie8life @makiis2mk @damscore @yeosxxx @imnyira @neytirisblog @adaiasafira @lovedbychoi @oceanstar19
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lizzy019 · 2 months
𝐼𝓃 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝓁𝓊𝒷, 𝐼𝓃 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝒽𝑒𝑒𝓉𝓈, & 𝐼𝓃 𝑀𝓎 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉.
Dom!Johnny Cade x Soc!Fem!Reader
cw -> mentions of his parents fighting, some angst, degradation 0.0, smutty but sweet
Word Count -> 1.5K
Brooo this request has me digging deep in thought, I love it!
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A drink in hand and a soft sway of your hips as you chat lightly with an acquaintance of yours.
The party was dedicated to a friend who was celebrating some big event in their life, you weren’t informed and frankly, you were only there for free drinks.
“Did you hear? Apparently they invited some of the Greasers to the party, isn’t that swell? Maybe there’ll be a fight.” Your friend murmured to you, sipping their alcoholic beverage while whooshing over to another friend of theirs.
Your heart sank.
The Greasers? Maybe Johnny wouldn’t be there, hopefully he wouldn’t be. You prayed he wouldn’t be-
Three knocks hit on the door, and everything ruined your vain attempt at believing your ex and his buddies wouldn’t arrive.
Someone scurried off to open the door, and instantly a wave of fear and reticence hits you. He was right there, with some of his gang buddies all high and confident.
But he wasn’t.
He never was.
But he looked.. more sad in a way. You couldn't help but pity him.
Refilling your drink and paying the little bill for all the drinks you’ve bought previously, you prepared yourself to head out and escape your ex as soon as possible.
Except.. you accidentally bumped into him and got a bit of your drink on his shirt. But his sad face just got sadder and your heart couldn’t help but wish to help.
“Hey, I’m sorry. Do you want me to drive you back to your place so you can change? I didn’t mean to spill my drink on you.” You apologized instantly, looking up at Johnny with a frown.
He was still as pretty as he was the day you left.
With a reluctant expression, Johnny nodded and followed you out. The cold of your drink seeping through his clothes had him shivering in the cold night air.
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“My stop’s here.” He muttered out, watching you park just a bit further from his house. A small thing you did when you two were together to keep him out of trouble with his family.
“You wanna maybe.. come inside with me?” He asked shyly.
How bold and peculiar!
Was the shy Johnny really asking you to join him at his house after everything? You were nervous, but took the keys from your car and nodded as you exited the vehicle. His house looked the same, all small but so cozy. Except for what laid inside.
Johnny walked in, ignoring all the arguing of his parents. They were yelling, hitting each other, glass shards on the floor, it was horrible.
You pitied him, and gently offered to take his jean jacket to wash.
“I’m.. sorry once again for ruining your clothes. I can pay you the money for new ones if it’ll help you at all.” You murmured.
Johnny didn’t quite care, his eyes locating a new shirt to wear while he threw out the purple stained one.
“Forget it. I can’t believe you.” He started, finding a new dark gray tee to wear instead.
His words had you shocked, but truly you knew you deserved it. You broke up with him, you left because you thought he embarrassed you rather than really caring about him. But you prioritize your reputation, as you do with everything.
“Johnny, it’s not that I don’t like you anymore. Really, I do! You’re a sweet guy with a kind heart, the softest brown eyes and the most beautiful smile. It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s just.. I have an image to uphold.” You sighed, fiddling with your fingers.
“That doesn’t give you no damn right to use me! I did everything I could to make you happy, I was the one who really made you feel special, didn’t I?” He fought back.
This had you pause, you’d never seen Johnny yell or fight back, advocate for himself or even use harsh words to voice his true feelings.
He did though. He made your heart sing every time he’d smile at you, or every time he’d say “I love you” or “Sugar.”
“Well, what was I supposed to do? I have a picture to uphold, I have a reputation to keep on streak, I can’t be seen with you whether I damn want it or not! Johnny, I’ve loved you for so long that my heart burns for you, but I dunno how this is gonna affect me in the long run!” You exclaimed, hand coming to grip your hair in pure frustration for his lack of understanding.
This made Johnny freeze up, he was truly stumped for a minute before his memory rejogged and he retorted with what was nagging at his mind since the breakup.
“Well, why does it matter what everyone else thinks, huh? If you’re really bein’ honest and you like me for who I am, why does your reputation come first and not true happiness? True joy and satisfaction in life?” He vociferated, crying out in anguish and disbelief.
Your whole body froze, watching with rapt attention before your body acted quicker than your mind could stop it.
Hands seizing his waist and lips mashing against his, the kiss you two engendered was congenial and heavenly, true emotions showing as tongues invaded separate mouths.
All that could be heard were soft, dulcet kisses along with the occasional gasp or whine. Your hands furiously trying to get him out of his shirt and pants, desperate to have what you craved and longed for for so long.
Without hesitation, Johnny shoved your body to his bed, a soft creak emitting from the weight before he stripped himself bare, watching you do so too.
“You know how long I’ve been jackin’ off to the thought of ya? I’ve seen you in my dreams, sugar.. seen you so many times I thought my heart was about to jump out and run to find you.” He whined, giving your aching core two fingers for prep while he stroked his own floppy length to prep it for what was to come.
The words that had flown out of Johnny’s mouth so casually had you blushing like a goof. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t experiencing the same thing almost every night.
“Baby, ‘m sorry, gotta have you now.” He apologized before spreading apart your folds to thrust his now semi erect length into your core.
Moans were flying out of your mouths, creating symphonies only conducted by the two of you in the solace of each other’s company. What a heavenly feeling it was, to finally be connected with someone you strived for yet couldn’t quite reach.
“Johnny! Yeah baby, come on, go deeper. Fuck!” You cried out, having to stuff your face into his pillows so his parents wouldn’t accidentally hear.
Johnny was relentless and merciless in his movements, watching the way your ass bounced every time his pelvic bone hit the fat of your cheeks. It was satisfying in a way.
He was dominating your body in such a fierce way, it made you feel powerless and to feel powerless because of Johnny was insanely erotic and hot.
“Shut the hell up, you whiny ass. You’re gonna get us caught.” He almost growled it out, hand pushing your head into the pillow while his other slapped your rear in light degradation.
You simply whimpered into the fabric, giving into such pleasure. Your walls beginning to spasm as your knees start to buckle.
“Close! Close!” You tried to alert him, but your voice was too muffled by the sound. It was worrying, but you were too engulfed in pleasure to care.
And like you’d suspected, a sharp searing pleasure dissipated any worry you had as you let your body talk for you. Mass amounts of congenial ecstasy took your body up to cloud nine, and you felt a moist sensation begin to cool between your legs.
Had he cum? Maybe.
Nope, it was you. Long ropes of your own translucent release of pleasure were spewed out from your core to his legs, your legs, and the fabrics beneath you.
But Johnny kept going, mercilessly and maliciously pounding into you with no regard for your overstimulation.
This had you squirming and writhing, enduring such pained pleasure that you didn’t quite know how to handle it. Yet in just a few more seconds and a few more hard thrusts, he came undone as well.
A soft moan was heard when he released all the tension and built up feelings he had been stuck with for so long.
“Ohh baby, yeah..” He whimpered, slowly pulling out and flopping on his side to rest beside you.
The moments that passed by were simply spent in each other’s arms, limbs tangled as you both muttered apologies to each other. This was what two heartbroken people needed, the right love and care.
Yet just as you were about to fall asleep, a knock was heard from behind the door before it swung open and you were met with an angry Johnny’s mom.
“What the hell were you two doing in here?!”
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jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year
Love Playlist #3: Make It Right (Lee Know)
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"It hurts to love you."
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Pairing: Lee Know x Fem!reader Genre: college au, angst, exes to lovers Warnings: swearing, messy break-up, mc has a fear of the dark, mild haunted house/Halloween descriptions Word Count: 18.3k
*Written for @skzwritingcafe's July/August event: Summertime Confessions ☀️
Special thanks to @baekhyyun & @simpforyongbokk for beta-reading!! 💘
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“I love you.”
You roll your eyes and shove Minho away, trying to suppress the giggles that threaten to spill out. “Stop that. We need to concentrate, or we’ll never find an apartment.”
“I’m definitely concentrating.” Minho grins mischievously. “On you.”
Laughing at his antics, you shake your head, shutting your computer for a brief intermission to tend to Minho’s insatiable appetite for your attention. Your boyfriend never fails to make you smile, no matter what. 
“I love you too, you menace.”
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Minho wakes up with a start. He groggily glances over at the clock hanging on the wall in front of him. Nearly 3 a.m. Slinging his legs over the side of the couch, Minho just sits in that position for a good twenty minutes, marinating in the pitiful mixture of his sweat and tears.
The night before, he’d attempted to drown away his sorrows at some bar he stumbled upon while aimlessly wandering the city streets. It hadn’t worked, obviously, because his wallet wasn’t bottomless, and the pain was too great. But in true character, Minho had tried anyway, until his savior found him slumped over the counter and led him back to a safe place to sober up.
“Stay here as long as you need to,” Chan had said, tucking Minho’s drowsy form into a bundle of blankets on the couch, like he was a little kid.
Minho had tried to resist, mumbling complaints towards his friend’s retreating back, but fell into a troubled slumber before Chan even reached his own bedroom. Now he’s wide awake and unwilling to be so, praying he can just fall back asleep and forget about everything that had transpired in the previous twenty-four hours. But even sleep can’t save him from the memories of what you both once were: happy.
It’s not like he didn’t notice the rift growing between you two in the past few weeks. You didn’t have as much time for each other anymore, reducing your interactions to quick dinners and text messages. But you both have been together for nearly three years, and Minho had assumed that it was just the stress of senior year taking a toll on you both, nothing more. You both had been browsing apartments together just one month ago, finally planning to take the next big step in your relationship. He loves you more than anything in the world, and he so believed that you felt the same about him.
So when you sat him down yesterday at your favorite café, Morningstar Coffee House, and told him that you had doubts about your future together, he was shocked. Too fearful of what you were going to say next, Minho decided to take an abrupt exit out of the conversation, rushing out of the door by using class as an excuse. And now, he will be forced to confront a brutal reality, wishing he could have just gotten this over with yesterday.
A small chime alerts Minho to a new text message, and before he even reaches over to the coffee table to pick up his phone, he knows it’s you. 
bobaluvrr: we need to finish talking catservant98: do we really need to? bobaluvrr: morningstar at 8. i have class, pls don’t be late.
With an exasperated groan, Minho stands up, tossing his phone onto the couch. At the very least, he could use the coffee.
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“Don’t you think you’re being a little extreme?” Soyeon scrapes the bottom of the pint of ice cream in her hands, frowning when her spoon doesn’t recover as much as she’d like.
“Maybe,” Sunoo answers for you from where he’s sprawled out on the floor, lying on his stomach while scrolling through his cellphone. Soyeon chucks a pillow at him, making him yelp and lift his hands up in defeat.
“This is for the best, Soyeon,” you reply firmly, stabbing your spoon into your own pint of rocky road and digging out a generous chunk. As you lick the spoon, you note that you barely notice the creamy goodness that always succeeds in cheering you up. Not today.
Sunoo sits up and sets his phone aside. “Literally last month, you said you wanted to marry Minho as soon as you graduated.”
You swallow harshly, remembering the exact moment Sunoo is referencing. It’s true that you wanted to marry your boyfriend— no, you still want to marry him, even now. But you meant what you said; breaking up with Minho is necessary to prevent any more heartache. You’ve been feeling this indescribable longing seeping into your heart for weeks now, silently pressing through all of your warning bells. It was a whisper in the wind beneath your lofty wings, telling you that one day, Minho was going to leave you. The last few days had been the final straw, forcing you to grasp your courage and do what had to be done.
“I know.” You hold your tears back. “But the situation has obviously changed.”
Soyeon takes your hand in her own, softly rubbing your palm with her thumb to comfort you, while Sunoo just rolls his eyes. “I still blame that bitch Minju. It’s her fault you’re feeling like this, if anyone’s.”
At the mention of Minju, your expression hardens. After all, you don’t exactly have warm regards for a backstabber like her, especially when she had pretended to be your friend just to get close to Minho. When you found out about her ulterior motive, it made the betrayal hurt ten times worse.
You had befriended Minju nearing the end of the previous year, after she sat next to you at lunch when you were alone in the dining hall. All along your short-lived friendship, you had noticed that she would only ask you questions about Minho or your relationship with him, but you brushed it off as an attempt to just get along with your boyfriend. You had no idea that she wanted to do more than that. 
At the beginning of the next semester, Minho mentioned that he had one class with Minju. Ever the optimist, you were pleasantly surprised, thinking that Minju could become friends with Minho as well. After all, it always took Minho forever to really bond with new people, and this would make everything easier. But the little things you kept overlooking built upon each other, forming a whole dam of distrust. 
First, there were all of the times you hung out with both Minju and Minho. While Minho always engaged in conversation with the both of you, if not more with you, Minju would actively ignore you just to talk to Minho. Once, you three visited an arcade together, and there was a game that involved picking teams. Minju immediately declared that she would partner up with Minho, so you had no option but to team with a stranger. But maybe she just wanted to get to know him.
And then you ran into Heeseung, one of Minju’s old classmates. Heeseung had no malicious intentions; he used to have photography class with Minju before she switched out, and needed Minju’s number to ask her for the pen he had lent her. It looked like Minju had changed her course schedule to share a class with Minho. But maybe that was just a coincidence.
The final piece that made you put together Minju’s puzzle was when Minho was dropping you after a date one night. He had kissed you goodbye, and you went inside, wondering if you should invite Minju over to watch some movies. You called Minju and asked her if she wanted to come over, but she claimed that she was very sick and couldn’t even leave her house, down with a high fever in her bed. Feeling sorry for your friend, you decided to whip up a quick batch of soup for Minju and walk over to her loft. However, you saw two people standing right outside the building. Upon closer look, you realized it was Minju and Minho, talking about something you couldn’t hear. But the sight itself was enough— Minju looked perfectly healthy and fresh. You could give the benefit of doubt to your boyfriend, but Minju had obviously lied to you. You ran away before either of them spotted you.
You shake your head, knowing in your heart that even someone like Minju couldn’t really end one of the most important relationships in your life. “It’s not just her. I’m tired of watching every other couple on campus, wishing Minho and I were like that. Everyone calls us perfect, but really, we’re not. I’m tired of pretending. I’m tired of feeling like I’m the only one who cares. I’m just tired of everything, Sunoo.”
And it’s true. You’ve had enough of wondering about whether you love him too much, if you were being naive about everything. You have always been a very bubbly, social person, wearing your heart on your sleeve. You know that Minho is more of an introvert, and that it’s hard for him to express himself to others. However, you believed that with time, he would open up, at least to you. You found it as easy to confide your fears within Minho as it was to laugh when he tickled you. But communicating with Minho about his own feelings remained a difficulty. He still seems like such a mystery to you, and even if he wasn’t entertaining Minju’s whole plot, you feel like he isn’t as interested in you as you are in him. You hadn’t even bothered telling Minho the truth about Minju, because in the end, you doubt Minju would have troubled you so much if your relationship really was so unbreakable. 
Sunoo’s face softens, as he gets up to envelope you in one of his hugs. “I’m sorry if I came off too strong. I just want the best for you.”
Soyeon joins your little huddle, wrapping her arms around the both of you. “You are our best friend, after all. We can’t have our favorite girl being sad.”
A tiny flicker of hope ignites in your stomach. Whatever happens, you know you’ll have Soyeon and Sunoo by your side. You tell yourself over and over again that you don’t need anyone else but them, until you start to believe it.
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It hurts Minho’s heart to see that you look more beautiful than ever as you step into Morningstar, even with your downturned lips and the reddened sheen of your sleepless eyes. He busies himself with the menu as you approach the table he’s sitting at, as if he wasn’t just watching you a moment earlier.
“Thank you for seeing me.” Your words feel oddly formal, especially taking into account your usual greeting for Minho was an excited hug and an avalanche of kisses.
Minho shrugs, trying to seem nonchalant and not as scared as he really is. “Yeah, of course.”
You scoot your chair closer to the table, clearing your throat. “Did you sleep okay last night?”
Unable to help himself, Minho rolls his eyes. “How do you think I slept, Y/N?”
You immediately flush, realizing how obvious the answer must be. “I was just—”
“Checking on me,” Minho interrupts you, sounding more wounded than angry. “Right after you tell me that you think maybe we shouldn’t move-in together and that you aren’t feeling the same about us.”
You reach across the table to take Minho’s hands in yours. He can’t bring himself to wrench them free from your hold. “I’m sorry if I hurt you.”
“You did.”
“That wasn’t my intention. I just…” You trail off, gazing out the window. The campus is alive with the buzz of students waking up and going on about their days. It’s a gorgeous day for October, with bright sunshine and a cloudless sky— Minho hates it.
He looks away, not wanting to showcase how truly vulnerable he feels right now. “Why? Why this all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong?”
You start. “No!”
“Are you still upset about yesterday? I know everything is stressful right now, but I promise—”
You take a deep breath. “I can no longer trust you. I don't know if I’ll always be the only one. But it’s not you, it’s me.”
“Of course you’re my only one, what are you talking about?” Minho shakes his head, the desperation creeping in. “No. I promise I’ll try. I’ll be better. Whatever it is, we’ll get through this together.”
You slam your palms down on the table, making it shake. It shocks both you and Minho into a moment of charged silence. “We’ll only grow to hate each other at this rate. I need to end things with you now.”
“Y/N, please. I- I don’t want to break-up.”
You flash Minho a broken smile. “I don’t want it either. But I need to do this, for both our sakes.”
You stand up from your chair, and Minho finally breaks. Minho, who didn’t cry even when he fell into a ravine while hiking and broke his arm. Minho, who didn’t cry even when he was cut from the line-up for his dream internship in New York City. Minho, who never cries, sits in front of you now, the tears streaming down his cheeks and dripping onto his sweatshirt.
“Don’t go, please.” He makes one last attempt at getting you to stay, grabbing onto the arm of your jacket. 
You gently shake him free, taking your purse. You’re crying now too. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be, Min.”
Minho lets his arm fall limply to his side as he hopelessly watches you leave as quickly as you came. He always hated saying goodbye after every time you went out, but the thought of being able to see you the next day helped a little bit. Now, there wasn’t even that.
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“One… two… three.” 
Minho grunts in effort, sweat slowly dripping down his neck at the arduous pace of each repetition.
“Keep going, Minho. You’re almost there,” Changbin says, leaning over Minho and supporting him on the bench press.
Minho barely hears him, flexing his biceps up and down, exhausted, yet determined to finish a set. He’s done nothing at all for the past few days, strangled with the inevitable grief of being broken up with. Minho sullenly welcomed trudging back and forth to classes. He went to bed early and slept in for as long as possible, and barely ate anything during the meals Chan forced him to have.
However, Chan finally became fed up with Minho’s mopiness, employing Changbin to drag him out to the gym and make him work out his feelings. And so, as he struggles under the backbreaking weight of the barbell, he yearns to feel a sense of accomplishment about something— anything.
“Ten! You’re done.” Changbin gently places a hand on Minho’s arm, willing him to stop, but Minho keeps going without toning down his pace.
Minho feels the excruciating ache burning in his muscles, the slow agony of pain rippling through him. Is this how you feel? Is this how much it hurts to love him? If so, he wants to live it over and over again, atoning for the reason you left him. He blames himself for letting you go, of course, but mostly for making you feel like you had to leave in the first place. He should have been a better man for you. 
“Minho, stop!” Changbin lifts up the weight in his own hands, racking it and staring down accusingly at his charge. “Are you crazy? You could have hurt yourself.”
“You lift more than that, and you’re fine. Give me that.” Minho reaches for the barbell once more, but Changbin places it on an even higher hook, forcing Minho to get off the bench.
“I’ve been doing this for years. You started after your girlfriend dumped you, four days ago.”
Minho rolls his eyes, picking up his towel and dabbing at his dampened skin. “Thanks for the reminder.”
“You were already thinking about her anyway.” Changbin pats Minho’s shoulder, grabbing his bottle of green juice and walking over to the rowing machine to start his own workout.
Without further protest, Minho retreats to the locker rooms, wondering if he’s being that obvious. Minho gazes into the clouded mirror, inspecting himself for any signs of sadness, but all he receives is an eyeful of his general look, a guarded expression that reserves smiles only for those who deserve it. Weird. Maybe Changbin is just telepathic.
Minho shoves his belongings into his gym bag and heads out of the gym, back to nowhere else but Chan’s apartment, his temporary home until he finds a better place to stay. After all, he thought you both would be moving in together, but plans change. 
As Minho makes his way down the sidewalk that leads to the university off-campus housing complex, someone throws a soccer ball into his path. Great.
“Hey, can you pass that over here?” 
Clenching his jaw in annoyance, Minho kicks at the ball as hard as he can, not caring about where it lands. He ignores the person’s confused shouts and keeps walking until he reaches his destination, not acknowledging any of the strangers he passed by. What does it matter, anyway?
“Gym go well?” Chan looks up from the cutting board, setting down his knife and wiping his hands on a dishrag.
Minho sighs, neatly fixing his bag next to his current post, the sofa. “It was fine. I’ll go clean up and be right back.”
“Hurry! Dinner’s almost ready,” Chan calls as Minho heads inside the bathroom, locking the door and cranking on the shower. 
Minho feels his body relax as he steps under the steady stream of water, but his mind remains tense. He’d gone to the gym with Changbin today because he thought he’d be able to get some peace of mind and forget about everything, but evidently, that hadn’t worked. All he can think about is you, you, you. He’ll deny it to his friends for as long as he can, but he isn’t sure how long he can keep lying to himself.
As he finishes, Minho steps out of the steamy bathroom and into the bedroom, drying off and quickly changing into his clothes. He walks into the dining area, where Chan has set up two bowls and is ladling pasta into each of them. When he was younger, Minho’s mother used to tell them that a good meal could ease a troubled heart. For her sake and Chan’s, he decides to eat well today, just for living.
Enveloped in a comfortable silence, Minho and Chan dig in, enjoying the spicy, cheesy penne that serves as an instant comfort food. 
“Thanks, Chan,” Minho says, looking up from his bowl.
Chan swallows his bite and pauses, placing down his fork. “For what?”
Minho shrugs awkwardly, trying to find the right words. By now, he knows he’s no good at speaking his heart. “For being there for me. For feeding me. Everything, I guess.”
“And for making Changbin haul your ass to the gym.” Chan grins at Minho, nothing but warmth in his kind eyes. “What are friends for, brother?”
Even though he feels kind of crappy, Minho smiles. “Yeah, man.”
Chan reaches over and smacks Minho’s back, laughing the sentiment off. But deep inside, Minho knows that Chan understands him. Whatever happens, his brother will be by his side. He tells that to himself over and over again, through dinner and the TV show that Chan turns on, until he starts to believe it. 
The next morning, Minho wakes up after finally getting a good night’s sleep. The much needed rest spurs him on to message you, something he’s been putting off for a while now.
catservant98: did you wake up? catservant98: how are you doing? catservant98: ??
You don’t reply to any of his texts. Minho knows that you’re not much of a morning person, but you would never miss class, so you have to be up. Every Thursday and Friday, both of you have Writing Seminar together, a course that is mandatory for every senior student at the university you both attend. When he first received his schedule, he had been elated that he shared a class with his girlfriend. Well now you are his ex-girlfriend, and he doesn’t know that being in the same room and unable to speak with you is a great option.
Nevertheless, Minho tucks his phone into his pocket, opening the door to the lecture hall. The moment he enters, his eyes find yours. You’re sitting in your favorite spot in the middle of the fifth row, but the seat next to you that Minho usually takes is already occupied by some other girl who’s busy reading a book. You didn’t bother saving him a seat, for the very first time.
You tear your eyes away from Minho’s piercing gaze, looking at the grassy lawn beyond the window behind you, leaving Minho to find a new seat. He sets his backpack down in the very back row, where no one else is, and sits alone, a sad new reality setting in. Thankfully, the professor enters and starts talking about some upcoming project, leaving Minho ample leeway to observe you. 
Your head is tilted down and you're focused on the open notebook in front of you. Although he can’t see your hand properly, he knows it’s moving as you sketch a little doodle onto the paper. It’s a habit that he always found enormously endearing, and as you tuck your hair behind your ear, Minho feels another pang in his chest. He will never be able to brush back your hair for you, ever again.
The moment class is over, Minho quits pretending he’s actually paying attention and hurries over to you before you can leave. You’re midway through stuffing your books bag in your bag when you notice Minho hovering over you. With a resigned sigh, you look up at him expectantly.
“I- I just wanted to check on you,” Minho says quietly, looking down at his hands like he’s a kid again, guilty of stealing a candy instead of impinging on your time. “And see how you’re doing.”
“I’ve been better.” You look away and stand up, gesturing towards the door. “I should go. Soyeon’s probably waiting.”
“Okay then.” Minho steps aside, letting you pass. You both had a lot of mutual friends; surely every interaction between you both will not be this awkward, right? 
Before you leave, however, you turn and look at him. “Let’s try to be civil and move on, okay? We’ll still be seeing each other a lot, so.”
Minho just stares at you, for a moment, before remembering himself. “Yeah, okay. Let’s try.”
You curtly nod and walk out the door. Minho isn’t so sure that moving on is what he wants. Of course he wants to get along with you, because having you in his life and not being romantically involved is better than not being involved with you at all. But he wishes the world— time, you, and even himself— would understand that moving on meant this loss in his life. Shaking his head, Minho heads out of the classroom and towards a hopefully better day.
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“Are you sure this isn’t a bad idea?” You worriedly scan the increasing mass of partygoers. Usually, you love a good party; spending time with friends and making new ones is one of your favorite things to do. Tonight, however, you can’t help the bad feeling building inside of you.
Sunoo loops your arm through yours, leading the way for you through the swanky flat, searching for a place to sit. “No, it isn’t. You deserve to have some fun.”
“What if I see Minho?” You ask him, but you already know the answer. Of course Minho is coming to Jihyo’s birthday party; unfortunately, both of you were in the same large friend group, an aspect of your relationship that you used to cherish. Now, not so much.
He looks over at you, a challenge in his eyes. “And so what if you do? You told him you wanted to be civil. So be civil.”
You both find a place by the food tables, where boxes of pizza have already been opened to entice guests and bottles of beer chill in the cooler. After congratulating Jihyo and helping yourself to a few slices, you sit down on the couch next to Sunoo, trying to enjoy your dinner. After boba, pizza is your most favorite food on the whole planet, but even that can’t seem to soothe your nerves. You wish Soyeon were here too, but she’s stuck studying for an exam.
Noticing your restlessness, Sunoo whistles to a few people mingling nearby. “Hey, who wants to play Truth or Dare!”
Although outdated, Truth or Dare is a certified party hit for stressed college students like you all, especially if there’s alcohol involved. You’re just thankful for the distraction. Everyone quickly huddles around, buzzing in anticipation of either a comedy show or secrets being revealed.
“I’ll go first.” Chan says, stepping forward. If he’s here, so must be Minho. “Truth.”
Sunoo rubs his hands together in thought before piping up. “What’s your beef with your Student Council co-president?”
Chan immediately tenses, his cheeks turning red. “Shit. I’ll drink on that.”
Everyone whoops with laughter and cheers as Chan downs his beer, setting the cup down with a sour expression on his face due to the bitterness of the drink. He must really hate his co-president. The game continues, before you’re the only person playing who hasn’t gone yet. Unfortunately, your questioner is Mark Lee, a junior that’s notorious for his nosiness. You brace yourself for whatever invasive question he’ll come up with, but you aren’t as quite prepared as you think.
“Why did you and Y/N break up?” 
“Huh?” You follow Mark’s gaze to see him looking at Minho, who joined the game without you realizing. The question was meant for him, not you.
Minho says nothing, giving Mark the opportunity to keep talking. “I mean, weren’t you guys the golden couple of campus or something?”
Everyone quiets down, zeroing in on you and Minho for all of the wrong reasons. Minho’s eyes dart over to where you sit, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. You feel your skin prickle and your body heat up, the stress clouding your senses once more.
“This is stupid. Game’s over,” Minho declares while getting up, and everyone disperses, not willing to argue with him.
You stare down at your lap as Sunoo places an arm over your shoulders, pulling you close to him. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I had no idea Mark would ask that. What an asshole.”
“I’m fine.” You stand up, brushing off your skirt. “I’m going to go get a drink.”
“I’ll come with you,” Sunoo offers.
You shake your head. “No, it’s okay. I’ll come back.”
After getting some water, you wind through the impromptu dance floor that has now taken over the living space, everyone jamming to the raging music that thumps through the loud bass speakers that Jihyo had installed into her flat. You dodge a couple grinding up against each other and a pair of best friends swinging to the beat. Before you head back to Sunoo, you’re about to find temporary reprieve out on the balcony, but like a cruel universal joke, you see exactly what you fear most.
Minho leans against the railing, the evening breeze ruffling the chestnut hair that frames his handsome face. And next to him stands Minju, twirling her hair around her fingers while listening to what Minho is murmuring to her. Yours and Minju’s eyes meet, and she gives you the faintest hint of a satisfied smirk. Your heart drops and your feet want to give out right then and there, but you would rather die than fall apart in front of both of them. You turn on your heel and blindly march to wherever will rid you of the sight of the person you love the most speaking to the person you hate the most. 
That destination turns out to be the kitchen, as you march in and huff out loud as your body hits the kitchen island. There’s no one else there except for one other person with his upper body hidden by the refrigerator, obviously raiding it. At the sound of someone else entering, he shuts the fridge door and looks over at you. Taking in his faded pink hair and beat-up converse sneakers, you vaguely recognize him from somewhere.
“I was just looking for some carrot juice, that’s all.” The guy shoots you a sheepish smile. “I don’t do booze past 9 p.m.”
“Carrot juice? Don’t tell me you’re a fitness freak.”
He raises his hands in faux surrender. “Guilty. But outside of the gym, I’m Kang Taehyun. Or Terry, if we’re acquainted, and hopefully you and I will be by the end of the night. So call me Terry.”
You’re intrigued by this carrot-loving stranger. “I’m—”
“Y/N, I know. We have Writing Seminar together.” Terry smiles as the recognition hits you.
You slap your palm against your forehead, wondering how you could have missed him. “I’m so sorry. I guess I was always too distracted in that class.”
He waves your apology off with a twist of his wrist. “No worries. Besides, you’re a lot more memorable than me.”
You feel your cheeks heat up. “Thank you.”
In the brief silence that follows, you gaze up at the pattern of the tiling on the countertops, toying with the hem of your skirt. Once again, your thoughts flit over to Minho, wondering if he’s still talking to Minju. Terry notices you spacing out and speaks up. “Hey, are you okay?”
You look up at him like a deer caught in headlights. Suddenly, everything feels like too much, and you’re overwhelmed with your own emotions. You feel yourself tear up, and you’re immediately mortified for breaking down in front of someone you just met. 
Unfazed, Terry crosses over to you in three quick strides and gently touches your arm, concerned. “Hey, you don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. I didn’t mean to intrude.”
You swipe at your eyes, trying to collect yourself. “No, it’s not you. I broke up with my boyfriend recently. And it’s been… bad. God, this is embarrassing.”
Terry dips his head in understanding. “I noticed you weren’t sitting next to him as usual in class earlier today. Minho— that's him, right?”
You let out a mirthless chuckle. “Yeah.”
“Well…” Terry trails off, and you fear you’ve ruined the mood with your depressive recollection, but he smiles at you. “I’ll tell you something embarrassing about me. I have a fear of mint chocolate chip ice cream.”
A giggle escapes your mouth at the absurdity of his confession. “What?”
Terry nods solemnly. “Yes. Technically, I have a fear of visiting the dentist, but mint choco is close enough to the taste of toothpaste to give me the chills.”
You grin at Terry, the down atmosphere slowly fading away. “What do you like, then?”
“Water slides. Pleasure reading. And caramel popcorn with extra caramel.” Terry flexes his bicep. “Even a fitness freak needs his sugar fix.”
You roll your eyes in good humor. “You’re really something, aren’t you, Kang Taehyun?”
“I’m hoping that’s a compliment.” Terry runs his hand through his bubblegum hair, carelessly mussing it up. You find the messiness of his bangs absolutely adorable.
“It is.” You tap your nails against your cup, trying to think of something to say next. Generally, you have no difficulty in keeping a conversation going, but Terry seems to be content with that role in this one.
“Are you an Apple or Android kind of person?” Terry inquires.
You take a sip of your water, raising your eyebrow at him. “Where did that come from?”
“I was trying to think of a good way to ask you for your number.” Terry shrugs, that playful smile that you’ve now become familiar with coming back.
You return it. “You just did.”
Both of you exchange cell phones and type in each other’s contact information. When finished, Terry slides your phone back into your palm, and you don’t miss the light touch of his fingers against your own.
“I have to go find my friend now, Terry. But I’m glad I met you. Don’t forget to spam me with more weird facts about yourself.”
Terry laughs. “I won’t. Like I said, Y/N, you’re not easily forgettable.”
You hide your smile and leave the kitchen, lost in your own world, even as you run straight into Sunoo, who asks you what took you so long. When you finally get back to the warmth of your own room after the party, you sit down to get some homework done before bed. You notice your favorite keychain, a little cat charm, hanging off your ID card lanyard that’s strewn across your desk. Minho gifted it to you last year, stating that you needed something to remind you of him when he wasn’t there. After a moment’s hesitation, you unclip the charm from the lanyard and tuck it away inside your desk. You don’t need the reminder right now.
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terrypotter: hey, good morning!! this is terry from yday btw bobaluvrr: hii!  bobaluvrr: omg ur user <3 i love harry potter too!  terrypotter: this friendship was meant to be.
You throw off your covers, hopping out of bed. Last night was proof that things could start out horrible and end well. You meant what you said to Terry; you’re happy you were able to meet someone like him. Even though you both only hung out for a few minutes, talking to him felt relaxing and uncomplicated, less of a puzzle and more like a game, unlike how it felt with Minho. You were tired of always guessing Minho’s thoughts, and so Terry’s habit of speaking his mind feels incredibly refreshing.
terrypotter: here’s a thought- coffee @ morningstar?  terrypotter: they make a mean breakfast bagel too, if ur up for it
You frown down at your phone, the lighthearted feeling fading into uncertainty. You are glad that Terry named this new acquaintance as a friendship, but still, he’s a boy— and a good looking one at that, too. You aren’t sure if getting coffee entails something potentially romantic down the lane, and if it does, it feels wrong, especially so soon after Minho. You definitely haven’t moved on, yet. After all, you once believed that Minho would be the man you would marry one day, and a tiny part of you still dreams of what could be.
bobaluvrr: i can’t :( promised my roommates breakfast terrypotter: aw that’s too bad
After a moment of thought, however, you text him again. 
bobaluvrr: but i’ll save you a seat in class today! terrypotter: see u then :) 
Strangely buzzed, you make your bed and get ready for the day, trying not to think of the fact that Minho is also in Writing Seminar with you and Terry. You don’t want him to give him the wrong idea, but then again, you both weren’t together anymore, so what does it matter? 
After showering and getting dressed, you stand in the kitchen so that the excuse you gave Terry won’t be a lie, scrambling a few eggs in the frying pan that Minho bought you last year. As the designated chef in your relationship, Minho used to cook for you all the time, whenever you came over to the apartment he shared with Chan and Jisung. Whenever he visited you, however, he complained that there weren’t enough proper cooking supplies for him to create a “proper culinary experience” for you, so he insisted on buying you some. 
When you nearly fainted, looking at the receipts for everything he bought you, he promised that you could make it up to him by bringing everything with you when you moved in with him. That’s how he very smoothly asked you to move in with him, and you accepted by attacking him with kisses. You both planned to find an apartment as soon as possible, since Jisung wanted to move-in with his best friend, and Chan was looking for his own place. The reminiscing smile on your face fades away when you remember that everyone’s plans came to fruition except for yours and Minho’s.
You don’t know if it’s the universe looping Minho into your life again and again, or if your treacherous heart just misses him so much that you can’t help but subconsciously cling to every last remnant you have of him. The sensible side of you knows it’s the latter scenario. 
“I smell food.” Sunoo ambles out of his room, looking like a lovable yet scruffy teddy bear. 
He tries to sneak a piece of fried egg from the pan, but you quickly push his hands away, wrinkling your nose. “Go brush your teeth first. I’m going to throw up.”
Sunoo rolls his eyes sleepily, but obeys, before Soyeon also comes out of her bedroom. Unlike Sunoo, however, she’s all dressed and ready for business, clad in her uniform of baggy jeans and a badass leather jacket that you adore. Soyeon pulls out three glasses and starts juicing a couple oranges to complete your meal, as you start plating the food.
“Thank you, my angel,” Soyeon blows you a kiss as you set the eggs and some slices of buttered toast on the table. You wink back at her as you both take your seats and Sunoo comes out to join you, still wearing his pajamas.
“And you, lazy ass? Wake up earlier so you can help out more. You never do anything.” Soyeon smacks Sunoo’s arm, hard, eliciting a cry out of him.
“Hey! I take on the emotional support role in this house,” Sunoo replies, aggressively biting into his toast.
“This is an apartment.”
Your two roommates trade their usual insults back and forth as you tune them out, picking at your own plate. Maybe it had been a bad idea, asking Terry to sit next to you. And it wasn’t even about how you could already envision your ex-boyfriend’s beautiful eyes full of betrayal, but more of how you’re coming off to Terry. What if he got the wrong idea, that you both were heading into something more than a friendship?
When you’ve escaped Sunoo and Soyeon’s bickering, you plug in your earbuds and walk to the lecture hall. The sound of your morning mix fills your ears as you enter your own world. While you cherish the people in your life more than anything, you treasure the times when you can slow down and just appreciate the fact that you’re alive and healthy. Gratitude isn’t something you feel a lot, especially taking into account recent happenings, but maybe you’ll start now. A new friend is always something to be thankful for—
You hear someone calling out and immediately pull out your headphones to see Terry next to you. 
“Hey, Y/N!” Terry falls into a synchronized step with you. “Did I interrupt any deep contemplation? The look on your face was pretty intense.”
You shake your head, accepting the coffee that Terry hands to you. “Thank you. And no, you didn’t. It’s nice to see you again, Terry.”
Terry smiles, sipping from his own cup. “Likewise. Ready for class?”
You’re about to naturally give him an affirmative answer, before you halt, remembering yet another moment with Minho.
“Who the hell is he?” Minho glowers threateningly at the guy next to you, pulling the sleeves of his button-down up to his elbows. The man quickly rushes out of the bar and into the rain, without even bothering to open the umbrella in his hands. 
You sigh loudly while Minho sits down on the stool the man was just perched on. “Was that necessary, Min? Poor guy just wanted to ask me about the book I’m reading.”
“That’s the pretense that all guys put up when they’re trying to hit on a girl.” Minho slides his arm around your shoulders, and despite your mild annoyance, you melt into his touch. He smells like a mix of cologne, rain, and fresh cotton sheets.
You look up at Minho through your eyelashes. “Is that what you did when you asked me out?”
Minho smiles lovingly at you. “I didn’t have to. You were down bad for me already.”
You shove him away in mock offense. “You were the down bad one! I remember your whole cheesy speech.”
“I don’t recall anything like that.” The smirk on Minho’s face fades in favor of a deep blush.
Laughing, you press a kiss to your boyfriend’s lips, and he quickly reciprocates. The truth is, you both were impossibly down bad for each other. And to be even more honest, you enjoyed it when Minho got like this; the feeling of being Lee Minho’s girl will never not excite you, especially when he was the one keen on enforcing it.
You sigh to yourself. While that was a pleasant memory without the context, you aren’t so sure it’ll be cute this time, when Minho reacts to you and Terry.
Terry holds the door open to the lecture hall, letting you go in first before shutting the door behind him. Most of the class is already assembled there, setting up their desks before the professor starts. You see that Minho’s also sitting, perched in the back again, but he seems busy rifling through his bag, looking for something. As you take your own seat, you don’t know if you feel relief at Minho not saying anything, or disappointment that he didn’t notice you at all.
Throughout the duration of class, you and Terry giggle together over the professor’s infamous random rants, but your mind keeps flitting over to Minho. You can feel his gaze on you and Terry, but when you turn, you see him immersed in his notes like he wasn’t looking at you in the first place, and you end up feeling stupid. Fearful of what Minho— or really, you— might do, as soon as class ends, you grab Terry’s wrist and practically pull him out of the door, ready to get out of there. Terry doesn’t question it, understanding the rationale for your actions. You appreciate that about him.
To make it up to Terry, you take him out to lunch, choosing a restaurant downtown. You love the views of the riverfront there, as well as their renowned spicy food. You block out the memory of all of the times you and Minho walked over here, hand in hand. You are entitled to lunch at your favorite restaurant, you remind yourself. Once you’re seated, the waiter comes over to your table.
“Chef’s special soup, please. Level-three spice,” you tell the waiter.
The waiter writes down your orders and walks away, leaving Terry to look at you with an amused expression. “Level-three? The food here is already spicy.”
You cross your arms. “I have a very high spice tolerance.”
In no time at all, your waiter is back, setting down the food in front of you both. Terry immediately digs in, shoveling liberal spoonfuls of his mild fried rice into his mouth, leaving you to stare at your soup. You can practically smell the red pepper in the steam rising out of the bowl.
“Here’s my last warning before destruction,” Terry says, squeezing a lemon onto his rice. “Try some rice.”
You sit up, trying to look self-assured. “Nonsense. I can do this.”
Of course, you wish you hadn’t bragged so much, barely a few seconds after your first sip of the spicy broth. Your eyes start to tear up involuntarily, and Terry fills a glass of water from the iced pitcher and hands it over to you. You accept it, clumsily tipping the cool water into your mouth, as Terry gives you a knowing smile.
“Aren’t you overdoing it?”
The spoon in your hands nearly falls onto the floor in your shock at Terry’s words. “What did you just say?”
Terry gives you an odd look. “Um, I said, ‘aren’t you overdoing it?’”
You take a deep breath, the tears now flowing down your cheeks. But you know that they’re not completely due to the soup. “Wow.”
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Terry hands you a napkin, worry written on his face. He signals for the waiter to refill the water pitcher.
You smile ruefully. “Yeah, I will be.”
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“I can handle it, Minho.” You give him a glare, placing the napkin on your lap and scooting closer to the table. It’s your first date with Minho, and you want to impress him so bad.
Minho nudges your leg with his own, and you try not to look flustered. “It’s okay if you want to order something else.”
You stubbornly dig your spoon into the bowl, gathering a large helping of broth and noodles onto it. “You like the soup here. So I want to eat it too.”
He just laughs, watching intently as the clear signs of regret manifest on your face. “Told you so.”
"What are you talking about?” You narrow your eyes, unwilling to admit defeat, even though you really, really want to. You drink the soup in careful spoonfuls, pretending it’s too hot, but you struggle to speak even in between tiny sips. “This… is.. so… delicious.”
Minho is now hysterical, losing his mind laughing at the look on your face when you bite straight into a whole jalapeno. “Aren’t you overdoing it?”
“Minho, you’re so mean!” You can’t bear it any longer, the tears gushing down your cheeks while you also laugh in both pain and genuine happiness at being here with Minho, at making him laugh. 
“Alright, alright.” Minho quickly goes and gets a large glass of chilled apple juice from the bar, handing it to you. 
When you’re finally calmed down, you wipe your mouth with your napkin and set the spoon down, metaphorically waving a white flag. You skip straight to dessert, opting to soothe your taste buds with cold ice cream, all while watching Minho in awe as he easily finishes his own bowl of soup. After paying for dinner, Minho takes you to a secluded section of the rocky beach bordering the river that runs straight through the city. You both walk in a comfortable silence, still at that point where your hands slightly touch as you walk, unsure of just holding each other like you so want them to. 
You look over at Minho, suddenly self-conscious. At this point, you see no point in faking anything; he’s seen you literally sob over a bowl of soup. “About the soup… I promise I’m not a braggy show-off. Honestly, I just wanted to impress you. Guess I did the opposite, though.”
“What are you talking about?” Minho shakes his head, all laughter from before gone. “I’ve never met someone who ate a bowl of soup here just because I like it. Not even Chan would try it, and he’s my best friend.”
You blush, illuminated by the combination of the moonlight and the glittering city surrounding. “Thank you.”
Minho stops walking, turning around to face you. “I know I told you this when I asked you to go out with me, but I suck at using my words, so I’m sorry.”
You copy his movement so you’re looking him directly in the eye. “I understand you, words or not.”
Minho looks down at the rocky ground, secretly fighting his own insecurities. “I’m trying, but I… I admit I’m not great at this.”
You try not to show how utterly charmed you are by his bashfulness. “To be honest, neither am I. You’re actually the first person I’ve ever gone out with. Nobody’s really been into me before.”
“Seriously?” Minho looks shocked. 
You now wonder if divulging that information in him was wise. Definitely not. “Yeah.”
Minho kicks a pebble into the river, watching it sink into the water. “Idiots.”
You blink. “Sorry?”
He scoffs, looking back at you. “I don’t know what kind of idiots you were hanging around before. How could no one be into you?”
You shrug, embarrassed. Your heart feels heavy, thinking of the things people used to say to you, thinking they were being funny but not realizing how much mere words were hurting you. “I’m kind of undateable, I guess. People tend to gravitate towards Soyeon. They say I’m more of the comedic relief. I don’t blame them, though. She’s perfect.”
Minho gives you an unreadable expression. “You have no idea.”
“Of what?”
He crosses that miniscule space between you both, answering you in a different way than you expect. His lips are full and sweet, and he tastes like your coffee ice cream that he stole a few bites from. The surprise you harbor quickly melts away when you shut your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck as he circles his around your waist. If it took this long to find the right person, then so be it. And you don’t know if you can say that this— your first kiss ever— is like the movies; it feels even better. 
“I may not be good with words, but I can say this: you are perfect.”
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“You look kind of stupid,” Hyunjin says, cackling at Minho’s struggle to look over the top of the box in his hands while coordinating his movements. 
Minho gives Hyunjin a sharp look in response. “And you look ready to go into the air fryer.”
Hyunjin immediately tosses his phone aside and scurries over to where Minho is, taking the box out of his hands and transporting it into Minho’s designated bedroom with ease, looking over his shoulder fearfully as he goes. Minho smiles to himself, satisfied. 
He follows Hyunjin into the room, finding the latter boy dramatically smoothing out the bedsheets and straightening the pillows. Hyunjin side-eyes Minho’s entrance, earning him a smack on the backside and a great reason to get out of the room, leaving Minho in peace.
Minho quickly unpacks, neatly folding his clothes and stacking them in the closet, before organizing the rest of his belongings around the room. When he finishes, he falls back onto his new bed, staring up at the ceiling fan and observing it whir. Out of everything that’s happened, he knows he should be thankful; although Hyunjin is the designated comedian of their friend group— along with Jisung, of course— he values his privacy incredibly. So when Hyunjin offered to rent out a room in his apartment to Minho, he couldn’t believe his luck. Then again, he wishes he wasn’t in this position to begin with.
Earlier today, Chan insisted on going out to catch the football game that their university hosted. Minho had agreed, with nothing better to do— besides, he noticed that Chan was also having a rough start to his day, after being locked in the campus library all night with his co-president that he always conflicted with. Chan had stayed quiet for the entire time, staring out the window on the ride to the home game, but at least he had a happy ending. By the end of the game, things had changed for Chan, and for the better: he’d amended things with his co-president, and of everything that could have happened, they even emerged from the stadium as a couple. For Minho, however, things had been quite different.
Namely, there’s a new replacement for Minho. He saw you walk into class with Kang Taehyun yesterday, and he’d been so anxious to not let you see his reaction that he immediately busied himself with his backpack. The entire time, however, he was watching you both whisper to each other during class. He darkly observed Taehyun scribble something onto the corner of your notebook, and it had made you laugh. That was what Minho used to do all the time. By the end of class, Minho considered confronting you right then and there, without caring about anyone else, but you ran out of class with Taehyun before he could even move.
And to make things even worse, he saw you and Taehyun together at the game. Minho had to resist the urge to march down to your section and slap the flirtatious smile off of Taehyun’s face. But more than anything, he wanted to ask you if it was true. Did you really already start to move on with a new man? Is Minho really that replaceable to you?
“Hey, what are you up to?” Hyunjin cautiously sticks his head into the room, snapping Minho out of his reverie.
“Nothing much. What’s up?”
Hyunjin steps into the room, his silky shirt and pressed trousers a stark contrast to Minho’s soft blue t-shirt and gym shorts. “Wanna go to the convenience store with me? I ran out of snacks.”
“You and your snacks,” Minho teases, chasing after Hyunjin when he sticks his tongue in retaliation.
A few minutes later, Hyunjin successfully drags Minho into the convenience store, disappearing into the junk food aisles to get his fix and leaving Minho to wander around the store. Following the twisting row of frozen foodstuffs, Minho turns and crashes straight into you.
“Minho?” Your eyes widen.
Minho clears your throat, trying not to gaze at you like you’re a returned long-lost love. You are indeed lost to him, but he had class with you merely the day before. He needs to get a grip on himself. “You dropped this.”
He kneels down, picking up the tub of ice cream, and hands it to you after inspecting the flavor label. “Strawberry? You hate strawberry.”
You take it back hastily. “Yeah. You always loved it, though.”
That doesn’t satisfy Minho’s rampant irritation. “You wouldn’t even touch strawberry ice cream with a ten-foot pole before. What changed?”
“I just wanted to try something new,” you say, with what Minho observes as guilt.
Before Minho can respond, the person he wants to see the least rounds the corner and interrupts you both. 
“I promise, the strawberry ice cream here is amazing and— oh.” Taehyun walks up to where you are, standing slightly between you and Minho, before he looks down at you, ignoring Minho. “Am I interrupting something? I can go away.”
You shake your head, flaring the rage in Minho. “It’s fine. You can stay.”
“So you’ll eat strawberry ice cream with him, but not me.” Minho rolls his eyes, the humiliation inside him swelling like a balloon.
“Hey man, it’s nothing like that. I know she doesn’t like strawberry ice cream that much, but I practically threatened her to try it. J'adore strawberries,” Taehyun says in a joking tone, but Minho doesn’t miss the protective glint in his eye.
Minho has never been a violent person, but he balls his fists. The nerve. “Who the fuck even are you? You don’t know anything about—”
“What is your problem, Minho?” You cut in angrily. “If you’re mad at me, then be mad at me. Don’t take your frustrations out on Terry.”
What you said is perfectly sensible, Minho knows that. He doesn’t have anything against Taehyun at all; he doesn’t even know the guy. But all logic is thrown out of the window when it comes to you.
“Terry?” Minho scoffs at the nickname. “You know what, I am mad at you. Because seriously? Kang Taehyun? He isn’t even your type.”
Before Taehyun can say anything else, you respond to Minho’s jab, sarcasm dripping from your voice. “Right, because you were so perfect for me.”
The words hit him like a sledgehammer, and Minho starts in surprise— you’ve never talked to him like that before, ever. And neither has he. The regret is evident on your face as you shake your head, frustrated, like that came out wrong.
“I got the snacks!” Hyunjin announces suddenly, waltzing into the aisle, before he notices you standing there with Taehyun. “What’s going on here?”
You and Taehyun stay quiet, adding onto Minho’s misery. He wants you to say something, anything. He doesn’t even want an apology; he knows he absolutely deserved that insult. Still, Minho can’t help that horrible feeling rising inside of him.
“Let’s just go.” Minho turns on his heel and walks out of the store, before waiting to finish the conversation, Hyunjin following closely behind. He doesn’t bother looking back.
Hyunjin doesn’t say anything to Minho, falling silent in the rapidly approaching night. At times like this, Minho prefers to be left alone. But he isn’t, really. Not with the truth leaning over his shoulder, like an angelic superego. He tries not to think of it, however, or the fact that his heart is falling apart so violently in his chest. Although you and Minho are not together anymore, you’ve both now fulfilled a milestone: hurt each other beyond repair.
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The convenience store encounter with Minho left you feeling guiltier than ever, even more than when you actually broke up with him. You should have been more understanding towards Minho; after suddenly ending things, you appear out with Terry. Even though you don’t see Terry like that, you are well aware of how it can look to Minho. After all, you’d react similarly if you found out that Minho and Minju are dating. But you hadn’t, because you know that Minho would never do that to you. 
You sigh, shutting the door to your room and collapsing onto your bed. After the whole incident, the air between you and Terry had been pretty awkward. While you still don’t know much about Terry, including his intentions, the topic of a romance had never been broached until Minho did it for you. He’d walked you back to your apartment, before wishing you a goodnight. 
Your phone sounds with a text, and you pick it up, curling into your pillow. It’s Terry.
terrypotter: just checking up on you terrypotter: how are you doing? bobaluvrr: better, thanks for asking terrypotter: glad to hear  terrypotter: and i also want to say that i’m sorry for any role i might have played in what happened today bobaluvrr: you’re good, terry. it wasn’t about you. i’m sorry for bringing you in
There is truth to this. No matter how much it feels like third parties have an avenue in furthering the split between you and Minho, the problem has always been internal. It’s truly between you both, hence, you’re not a couple anymore.
bobaluvrr: let’s change the subject? terrypotter: ofc terrypotter: wanna play would you rather?
You laugh in spite of yourself. It feels good to laugh, to distract yourself, but Minho stays like a stubborn mirage in your mind. Nevertheless—
bobaluvrr: game on. terrypotter: beaches or mountains? bobaluvrr: beaches terrypotter: sweet or salty? bobaluvrr: are u kidding? my username? boba?? terrypotter: LOL sweet then bobaluvrr: yes. terrypotter: spring or autumn? bobaluvrr: spring, duh terrypotter: and lastly, dogs or cats? bobaluvrr: DOGS terrypotter: u are 100% correct terrypotter: all of our answers are the exact same LMFAO
You think back to your first date with Minho. Before the whole soup fiasco, the atmosphere had been so awkward while waiting for the soup to arrive. This was months of tension and pining between you both, and now that the apex had arrived, neither of you were sure of what to say. Without thinking, Minho broke the silence by randomly asking you if you liked dogs or cats better. You were automatically enchanted by the bashful look on his face. From there on, for every single question he asked you, both of you had the exact opposite answers. For the longest time, your differences had felt charming, before they weren’t. 
Terry, on the other hand, shares so many similarities with you, beyond the strawberry ice cream betrayal. Both of you are outgoing, have a similar sense of humor, and like to be unabashedly yourselves. If a romance did ever blossom between you and Terry, if your friendship lasts your current heartbreak, you could be happy with him, maybe. You would never be insecure, worrying about what’s going on in his mind, because he would talk to you directly. You appreciate that so much about him. But whenever you look into his eyes, or whenever your hand accidentally brushes his, you don’t feel that electricity that had always coursed through you when you were with Minho. You’ve been searching for it everywhere since, but that spark just isn’t there; Taehyun’s just not Minho. Your heart calls out to Minho, no matter how much you wish it wouldn’t, and you can’t deny it any longer.
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If there’s one thing that Minho has learned in the duration of his college years, it’s that work has no tolerance for those special ailments of the heart. His professors don’t give a crap about the fact that his girlfriend dumped him, or that his girlfriend has now apparently moved on with some pink-haired stud. No matter how much he wants to slam his laptop screen down and fall asleep to the rhythm of his shattered heart, he knows he can’t. His term paper will not write itself, and it matters, especially since he’ll be graduating this year.
“What will you do when we graduate?” You set down your iPad, flexing your fingers.
“A job at a good company. And then one day, my own business.” That familiar, dreamy look mists Minho’s eyes. 
You smile at him. “My handsome CEO.”
Minho tapped your nose with his finger, following it with a soft kiss there. “You are so cute.”
“I know.” You peek down at his notebook that’s full of graphs and lengthy strings of numbers. “This looks complicated.”
“Welcome to the life of a business and economics double major,” Minho laughs. “But you’re literally a pre-med student. I’m not going to complain when you have to memorize human anatomy and random proteins.”
“Don’t remind me.” You dramatically shudder, giggling at Minho. “But I don’t care, as long as one day, you’re CEO Lee, and I’m Dr. Lee.”
Your words shock both you and Minho, invoking a moment of charged silence. You both have never talked about getting married before. But before you can backtrack, a slow smile spreads across Minho’s face. “Dr. Lee… has a ring to it, don’t you think?”
You turn a bright red, but lean into Minho, kissing him sweetly on the lips. “Definitely.”
Minho clears his throat and shakes yet another memory of you away, trying to concentrate on the email open in front of him. Just minutes ago, he’d received notice that he’d been chosen for a position at Google, following graduation. Fucking Google. Every business major would kill for a job at Google. And not only that, but his employer noted in the message that they usually don’t even extend offers this early in the year, but made an exception for him because they wanted him so much. 
For a moment, he forgot all about the angst of the previous day, giddily jumping off his bed in a rare display of emotion, even if nobody else was around. And then he reached for his phone, opening up your contact and preparing to type in a text to you; for months, you knew Minho was anxious about his application to Google. But then he remembers himself; he’s now someone in your past.
Minho swallows roughly, staring at the blank space where his response accepting the offer should be. A moment later, he decides he’ll respond to the email later. But he doesn’t even have any time to chide himself before he notices someone standing in front of him. 
She looks down at him, either oblivious to his confusion or choosing to ignore it. “Hey. Am I interrupting something?”
Minho nods, waiting for Minju to sit down and get settled into her chair, trying not to let his bewilderment show.
At Jihyo’s party, he had needed some air after that stupid game of Truth or Dare, and even worse, your reaction to the question asked of him. Minho had escaped to the balcony, hoping for a moment alone, when Minju approached him. When she launched into a conversation with him about school, Minho realized that you probably never told Minju about the break-up. So he excused himself as politely as he could, explaining that you and him both broke up. He never really considered Minju as his own friend, and did not expect Minju to pursue a relationship with him any further.
“I’ll get straight to the point, Minho.” Minju exhales, looking him directly in the eye. “I like you.”
Minho sits up immediately, shocked. “What did you just say?”
Minju purses her lips. “I like you, and I always have. Go out with me.”
Minho shakes his head in disbelief, the confusion fading into anger. “You’re Y/N’s friend. How could you do this to her? How can you even look at yourself?”
“You’re not together anymore, it doesn’t matter,” Minju says, her voice wavering.
He scoffs, packing up his belongings and shoving them carelessly into his bag. “Don’t talk to me again.”
Minju grabs the sleeve of Minho’s jacket as he turns to leave, desperation in her eyes. “Be with me instead. I’ll make you forget her.”
Minho shakes her free, giving her a look of both pity and disgust. “I still love her, and I always will.”
And with that, Minho leaves without looking back, walking slowly and deliberately in thought. Was this what you meant when you told him that you weren’t sure if you were the only one? Was Minju the reason for the love of his life leaving him? A strange mix of both fury and hope washes over Minho as he exits the library and breaks into a run, barely eight out of his eight-thousand word essay written.
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After you broke up with Minho, you forgot one very crucial detail: you didn’t unlink him from your Google calendar. One of the few things you both share in common is your organization, and when you were together, you both loved to plan things together and very ceremoniously add them to your shared online calendar. It became a game, trying to guess where the other was at random times, judging by their schedule. More often than not, the calendar proved to be a very useful tool in pinpointing each other’s locations. It’s why the brief surprise of seeing Minho standing outside your apartment door in the middle of the day on a weekday fades away quickly. You don’t have any classes scheduled today.
“Y/N,” he pants, leaning against the doorframe. 
“Minho. What are you doing here?” You cross your arms, resisting the urge to rush forward and hug him in all of his puffer coat glory. You used to make fun of him for that coat, all the time.
“I needed to see you. Minju told me,” Minho lowers his eyes, as if he’s nervous. “I need you to know that there was nothing going on with her. You have always been my only one. I promise. No one else. I miss you.”
Your heart wrenches in desire and nostalgia at the sincerity of his eyes. Of course you knew that he never cheated on you; this is Minho. But that’s not the reason why you have to remind yourself, once more, that you aren’t right for each other. Not in the long run. “I miss you too. And I know you didn’t cheat on me.”
Minho’s eyes fill with what you recognize as a mix of despair and tears, because after all, you’ve felt it in you too, before. “Then why? Why end it?”
“I feel like you don’t love me as much as I love you.”
The wheels turning inside of Minho’s mind and searching for possible reasons, immediately crash to a stop. “What?”
You shrug, drawing back your hands to tuck them into your lap, a habit that Minho has observed whenever you are nervous. “Remember when we were at that picnic with all of your friends? And Jisung and his girlfriend were also there? We were playing a question game.”
Minho nods slowly, still confused. “I do.”
“Felix had asked all the guys to think of why they love their girlfriends.” You look down at your hands, embarrassed. “Changbin had a whole list of reasons. But when it was your turn to speak, you had no answer.”
The recollection comes back to Minho like a tsunami. He hadn’t really ever thought much of that day; he always had trouble talking about personal things in front of other people, and he thought you already knew why he loved you. He didn’t know his inability to share something like that could hurt you so much, especially when he can write a whole book of reasons for why he loves you. Your smile. Your endless generosity. Your never ending patience for Minho’s antics. The way you always see the best in people, and how you light up the whole room when you walk in.
“Baby,” Minho starts, before realizing that he doesn’t have the right to call you that anymore. Reluctantly, he continues, using your name instead. “Y/N, I have trouble talking in front of other people. I love you so much, and if you know that, it’s all that really matters. A stupid game doesn’t change that.”
You laugh, but there’s no humor in it. “But see, Minho, I don’t know. I don’t know how you’re feeling half the time. Felix’s question was just the icing on the cake. I’m exhausted from wondering. Wondering if you love me. Wondering if I really know you. Just wondering all the time. I shouldn’t feel that way.”
I’ll try harder to be more open. I’ll work on myself. I just— please believe me.”
“I do believe that you’ll try, Min. It’s who you are. But I can’t force you to be someone you’re not, and you can’t force me to want different things. We’ll only end up hurting each other more.” Your eyes fill with tears. “It hurts to love you.”
Minho flinches at your words, and he sees the sorrow in your eyes, but you say nothing to soothe the burn. Nevertheless, he keeps trying, as if he didn’t notice the determination written in your gaze as well. “I know I was senseless. But please— I’m begging you. Don’t do this. Don’t leave, not again.”
You look away from him, a single tear sliding down your cheek, as Minho tries to hold back his own. The whole scene feels disturbingly like a few days ago, when you broke up with him in Morningstar. He had hoped it wouldn’t come to this. 
“I tried to understand you. I did. But don’t you think that being senseless about everything that was going on also means that you were that indifferent towards me?” You scrub at your face to keep from crying even more.
Minho cringes, hearing the truth in your words. Once upon a time, he cherished the silence you both could share comfortably, working independently in the happy company of each other. Now the quiet hangs in the air like smog, a heavy uneasiness that he never imagined around you. “I really thought I could change. I swear.”
You nod, a brisk movement that doesn’t match the tears glistening on your face. “You should go now. Please.”
And you turn your head, as if you can’t bear to watch him any longer. Minho turns, his head hanging down like he’s a sinner. A small, ugly voice in Minho whispers that he truly is one, for hurting you and letting you go. It implores him to fall at your feet and stay, insisting, breaking at you until you crumble into his arms, taking him back. But the part of him that carries the resolve is stronger by a thread, the one that fuels his despondent retreat from your heart.
Later, holed away in the place he would now have to call his home, Minho is left alone in the bed that he’d once believed to belong to you as much as it did to him. The nights cuddled together and the mornings after, when you woke up to each other in a halo of sunlight, all fade away into the prickling solitude that now constitutes his new reality. There is nothing left for him to do now, except looking out at the sky through his tiny bedroom window, wondering if you were both gazing at the same moon in the separate worlds you both now are in. He’d left you one last message before promising himself that he’d never text you again, and thankfully, you never responded. He didn’t think you would.
catservant98: I’ll always love you.
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“The festival will end by the time we get there.” Jeongin lets out an exaggerated sigh, making a show of checking the watch on his wrist.
“Shut up. I need to lock this place up properly or my parents will kill me,” Seungmin mutters grumpily, as he carefully turns the key in the lock to Morningstar, taking his time. “It’s not my fault that I’m the owner’s son.”
Jeongin, donned in a Harley Quinn outfit, bounces on his toes in uncontained anticipation. “Hurry up!”
Seungmin tugs at the lock for good measure, before turning and swatting at Jeongin, who yelps and jumps out of the way. His detective hat, which he wore as a part of his Sherlock Holmes costume, falls off, and Jeongin grabs it. Usually, Minho would have laughed at the way Seungmin has started to chase Jeongin around, but he just glumly stares down at his sneakers, having no energy to join in. 
“You okay?” Chan notices Minho’s downcast gaze, slinging his arm around his shoulders. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
Minho shrugs with one shoulder, out of options. “I’m fine. I have nothing else to do anyway.”
Today is Halloween, your favorite holiday of the entire year. It seems especially cruel to him, to have to confront this day without you by his side. It was never much of his scene, and he’d always been reluctant to dress up, but one look from your pleading eyes and he’d fold, decking himself in a cheesy costume and feeding you all the candy you desired. The night would always end in you both binging horror movies together because you were too scared to watch alone. The memory of Minho getting distracted, just watching you hide behind your hands the entire time, used to bring a fond smile to his face. Today, it makes him want to smash something into bits.
“Let me know if you want to leave the festival early, though. Changbin can drive you home later.” Chan juts his chin out at Jeongin and Seungmin, who are now smacking at each other, while Changbin responsibly tries to pull them apart. “I have to make sure those two idiots don’t get in trouble.”
“Thanks. But you don’t have to worry about me.” Minho gives Chan a half-hearted smile. Chan looks hesitant, like he wants to keep talking with him, but he nods, focusing on the moonlit path in front of them. 
The roar of the annual Halloween festival that the university throws resonates throughout campus, drawing stressed students ready to throw aside their homework and party. But Minho is in anything but a celebratory mood; the last few weeks have been absolute agony. Ever since things fell apart. He just wants to go home and curl up into a ball under his covers, ready for this stupid night to be over. He didn’t even bother with a costume, choosing to stuff himself into his hoodie and make himself seem as small as possible. But he’s too tired to tell anyone, so he opts to stay quiet and gloomy on his own.
The gravel of the walkway crunches under their little group’s shoes, barely heard over the deafening sound of “Thriller” blasting on the DJ’s stereo. The entire main lawn of campus has been converted into a party space, crammed with different tents full of attractions, games, and souvenirs for students to indulge themselves in. There’s even a converted frat house that’s now a haunted house, as well as tables of snacks and lightsticks for people to wave around. Jeongin, Seungmin, and Changbin immediately zero in on the haunted house, running off to get tickets for it, leaving Minho and Chan alone. Two boys swaying together at the edge of the dance floor catch Minho’s eyes. He looks closer and notices that they both are dressed in an obvious couples costume, and it makes him think of you again— last year, he was Chucky and you were Tiffany Valentine, and you both won “Best Look” together, at the festival’s costume contest. Minho feels sick to his stomach.
“Oh my god, she’s stunning.” Chan’s eyes are wide, and Minho follows his gaze to a very pretty girl dressed in a white gown that seemed to float above her knees, two trailing pieces of fabric sticking out daintily from the back of her dress. An angel. 
She approaches him with a shy smile on her face, as she not-so-subtly checks out Chan’s own dracula costume. “You look good.”
“I— you’re pretty,” Chan stutters, and they both blush. 
“Thanks, Chris.”
Chan smiles lovingly at her. “You don’t have to call me Chris, you know. My friends call me Chan.”
“Chan,” the girl tests with a beam, before quirking her brow at him. “So I’m just a friend now? Not your girlfriend?”
“You drive me crazy, you know that?” 
And then they both start kissing right then and there, which doesn’t seem to faze anyone else around them, considering the fact that they are surrounded by other couples. Minho, however, has to look away, his stomach turning. Is this how everyone else felt when he used to kiss you, whenever and wherever he wanted? 
“Hey guys, I’m going to go find a place to sit,” Minho calls out to Chan, who barely notices in the midst of his make-out session. “You know what? Never mind.”
Cringing to himself, Minho makes his way over to the food tables, dodging at least five witches, seven ghouls, and six zombies on his way. He collapses onto the bench of an empty table with a groan, letting his head rest on the table before lifting it up like he’s been stung; the thump of the DJ’s bass seems to vibrate through the wooden tabletop, worsening his already horrible headache. What was he thinking, coming here?
“You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
Minho looks up, ready to lash out at the intruder, before he notices it’s Hyunjin. He is so out of it that he hadn’t even recognized his voice. “I thought you were staying home and painting tonight?”
“Thought about it, but I kept getting distracted by all of the noise outside, and thought I’d take a snack break.” Hyunjin plops down on the seat across from him, setting a plate loaded with brownies, potato chips, and cookies cut into pumpkin shapes. He’s dressed in plaid pajama pants and a baggy sweatshirt to fight the October chill, the only one besides Minho who hasn’t dressed up. “Want some?”
Minho shakes his head, watching Hyunjin dig in. “Can I ask you a question?”
Hyunjin nods, his cheeks stuffed with food. “Sure.”
“Don’t you ever get lonely?” Minho fiddles with the strings of his hoodie, feeling his face heat up. He was never one for sentiments like this, but even though he and Hyunjin have more of a seemingly lighthearted relationship, they’re more alike than they think in how deeply they care about each other. “I mean, you’ve never even had a serious relationship before, but you’re like the most hopeless romantic I’ve ever met. How does that even work?”
Hyunjin looks surprised, at first, but quickly smooths it away in understanding. “I do get lonely sometimes. But I just occupy myself with the things I love. Painting, reading. Just because I’m a hopeless romantic doesn’t mean I can’t be realistic. And I have been in a serious relationship before, remember?”
Minho frowns. “Oh. Right. What happened?”
He notices Hyunjin’s eyes flicker with something— grief, maybe. But the emotion is quickly replaced with indifference. Hyunjin shrugs. “Let’s just say it didn’t work out. I love a good romance novel, but is it real life? No. I don’t do relationships. Not anymore.”
Minho stays quiet, unknowing of what to say. He never thought of himself as a huge relationship person either, but then again, that was before he met you. You changed his perspective on a lot of things, and most of the time, he thought it was for the better. Now, he feels empty, alone. He wants to match costumes with someone, and go bobbing for apples together. And he wants that someone to be you, only you.
Hyunjin must have noticed Minho’s melancholic contemplation, because he gives him a sympathetic look. “Is this about Y/N?”
Minho’s chest tightens at the mention of your name. “I don’t know, honestly. I just want to go home.”
“Same. I just came for the free food.” Hyunjin chews on a brownie, before swallowing. “Let’s go after I finish eating.”
Minho hums in response, pulling his hood over his head, as the rest of their group comes to join the table. Chan and his girlfriend, unsurprisingly, are discussing plans about some upcoming event for the Student Council. Jeongin and Seungmin, on the other hand, are immersed in a gleeful recollection about the haunted house with Changbin, who is dressed up as Woody from Toy Story. Everyone seems to have a role except him.
“That was actually wild,” Jeongin says. “If Jisung was with us, he would have fainted when he saw the chainsaw guy!”
Seungmin shudders, while Changbin glances around their table. “Hey, where is Jisung, anyway? And Felix?”
Chan breaks away from his own conversation as his girlfriend pauses to eat her slice of cake. “He’s handing out candy to kids at home. Meanwhile, Felix is Trick-or-Treating.”
Jeongin snickers. “Trick-or-Treating? What is he, ten?”
Seungmin grins evilly at Changbin. “At least he doesn’t have the height of a ten year old.”
Changbin rolls his eyes, but chooses to ignore Seungmin and Jeongin’s high-five at his expense, instead turning to Hyunjin. “Can I have a cookie? There are no more left.”
Hyunjin gives him a judgemental glare, but passes a cookie over anyway. “Where’s your girlfriend, by the way?”
Changbin stuffs half of the entire cookie into his mouth, licking the frosting on his lip. “She has work. But we’re going to meet up later tonight and watch movies. Wanna come?”
Hyunjin shakes his head. “I’m good. Minho and I are headed home soon anyway. Right, Minho?”
But Minho isn’t paying attention. His gaze is locked on none other than you and Taehyun, dressed in Hogwarts robes— you in Gryffindor, and Taehyun in Slytherin. He’s seen multiple people tonight sporting similar getups, and so both of you wearing Hogwarts robes doesn’t exactly entail a couples costume, but it makes his heart clench either way. Both of you are standing near the apple bobbing station, laughing and talking animatedly together. It hurts to see you enjoying yourself, while Minho has to struggle to keep himself together, to keep from breaking down on the spot. It hurts that he’s not the one matching with you right now, the one to be making you laugh, holding you on one of your favorite days of the year.
He watches as you and Taehyun walk closer to the haunted house. Your smile has now faded into an unsure expression, skeptical and tinged with fear. Taehyun puts his arm around your shoulders, evidently trying to assure you, before he leads you inside the house. Minho immediately springs up from the bench, fists balled up at his sides. You love everything about Halloween, except for one thing. You hate being in the dark, and so you had always avoided the haunted houses at every Halloween festival or any other event that you and Minho went to. Obviously, Taehyun doesn’t have a clue about your boundaries, and as always, you’re too kind to point them out.
Ignoring Hyunjin’s confused protests, Minho stalks after you and Taehyun, even though he knows that he should sit right back down. He told himself that he’d stay away from you if you didn’t want him, but if he even gets the slight sense that you are afraid, he’ll throw all reason out the window. He won’t let you go inside, not without him.
“Excuse me— you can’t go in right now. The haunted house is at full capacity.” The ticket collector stops Minho even though he shows her the ticket that Jeongin had passed out to everyone before. “Just wait for a few minutes for someone to come out.”
But he can’t. Not if you’re already inside. Minho steps back for a moment, and the collector glances back down at her phone. Before the collector can react, he rushes past her, running inside. She calls after him angrily, but he barely hears her. All he can register is the racing beat of his heart, and the faint screams deeper inside, wondering if one of them could be you. 
He whips past the ax-wielding maniacs and the corpse brides in tattered dresses, pushing past their horrible acting and all of the other props in his way to you. Minho feels his hoodie snagged against a cloud of fake cobwebs, and the fake blood on the walls is enough to make him gag, but he goes on. A desperate search in nearly every nook and corner yields nothing, and Minho curses the haphazard quality of the setup, nearly tripping over a loose wire. As he passes through a room decorated like a murderous hospital room, he hears a small whimper from behind the fake operating table. 
His senses perk up and there you are, sitting down with your knees drawn to your chest. With how his eyes have now adjusted to the dark, he can faintly make out your crouched body and the shine of your flowing tears. Immediately, he gets onto his knees, and envelopes you with his arms, firmly pulling you against his chest.
“Y/N, it’s me,” he murmurs, the scent of your coconut shampoo blocking out the stench of ammonia.
“Terry and I got chased by one of the ghosts and then got separated,” you mumble as you cry, shivering in his arms as he begins to rock you slowly. “I’m so scared, Minho.”
Minho looks at the tears still leaking down the sides of your face, and has to restrain himself from the instinct to kiss them away. Instead, he puts a steady hand to your skin, gently wiping them away. In this moment, you aren’t broken up. He isn’t your ex-boyfriend, and you aren’t his ex-girlfriend. You are the girl he loves, and him the very soul that has so vehemently devoted himself to even at such a ripe age, an inspiration and a shame to the vengeful spirits that govern your favorite holiday.
“I’m here now. I’m not going to leave you.” Minho gazes down at you. “Are you still frightened?”
You shake your head no, wide eyes clinging to his comforting presence. Minho gives you a small smile, rubbing your jaw softly with his thumb, a movement that doesn’t feel as inherently romantic as it generally would be. “See? You’re not afraid of the dark. You’re just scared of being alone in it. And that goes away when you realize something. You’re never really alone.” 
Both of you just gaze at each other in the dark for a few minutes, saying both nothing and yet everything to each other. He carefully rests his palm against your heart, gaging the beat until it slows down to its usual calm. Wordlessly, he helps you onto your feet, his arms still wrapped around you as you both navigate the maze of the haunted house. You don’t encounter any other of the actors, but at one point, you jump in Minho’s hold, spooked by the amplified horror sound when passing by a speaker. Steadily, you both make your way out together.
The first thing Minho sees as he steps out of the exit is the array of blinding lights that shine on his face, in addition to the glow of the raging bonfire that has now been set up for students to roast marshmallows. Then he catches that shock of pink hair in the small crowd gathered outside of the haunted house; Taehyun, distress written all over his features as he speaks to the security guards.
You and Minho, however, stay frozen on the spot, just staring at each other with a fresh uncertainty. Realizing himself, Minho lets go of you. Contrary to how you felt, Minho could always read you like a book. He practically memorized all of your expressions, able to tell how you were feeling in an instant. But the indecipherable look you give him is baffling, but before you can open your mouth and say something, Taehyun notices your arrival.
“Y/N!” Taehyun immediately rushes over, his breathing labored from sprinting the distance to you. “I’m so, so sorry; I lost you and tried to come back inside to find you, but they wouldn’t let me!”
Minho steps to the side awkwardly as Taehyun hugs you tightly, squeezing his eyes shut. Your tears are long gone, and you pat his back softly, giving him the comfort of your safety. “I’m alright, Terry. It’s all good.”
Taehyun pulls back to look at you, before turning to Minho, surprise and confusion on his features as if just registering Minho’s presence. You clear your throat, placing a hand on Taehyun’s arm. “Hey, could you give us a minute?”
“Sure. Of course,” Terry says, the stress on his face softening as he looks down at you. Minho recognizes it— it’s how he always imagined himself to look whenever he saw you.
You turn back to Minho as Terry walks away to a food stand, presumably to get you a warm drink. “Minho, I—”
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Minho interrupts, unable to bear any more. He chokes back a sob, his eyes trained on your pained expression. “I need to go.”
“Minho, wait!” You grab his arm, and it places you both in the uncomfortable déjà vu of when everything ended. 
He looks back at you, swallowing his dread and pushing away the angsty alert of his brain, the command to let everything go and just take you back, then and there. But he wouldn’t be the man you had always loved, then. Not if he takes advantage of you when you’re like this, vulnerable and exhausted. Not when there’s a perfectly good man standing at a distance, hesitantly holding a cup of hot chocolate for you. Not when he knows that he’s lost his chance of ever getting you back from the moment he gave up on you both. Minho realizes that he doesn’t have the right to call you his anymore, when you’ve finally found a man who prioritizes you over his pride and his insecurities— a man who will treat you right, and will never make you wonder if you’re his only one. All he’s ever wanted is for you to be happy. That has to be enough for him. It will be.
Minho leans down before you can protest, kissing you on your forehead softly. You stay silent, looking up at him with those wide, inquisitive eyes, the very ones he fell in love with. “Stay smiling, always.”
And with that, Minho finally walks away, willing himself not to cry as he tries not to think of his heart breaking.
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You watch Minho, dazed, as he walks away for the second and last time. It feels worse, somehow, than when he left your apartment, weeks ago. Minho had spoken to you so gently, inside the haunted house, calming you down in spite of the fact that you had so cruelly broken up with him, and then he proceeded to wish you his best, before leaving. You didn’t miss that note of finality in his voice, the one that told you that he wasn’t going to go back on his word. He had let you go.
You barely notice Terry approaching you, placing a warm hand on your shoulder. “Is everything okay?”
He hands you a cup of hot chocolate, as you stare at Minho’s retreating back before it finally disappears within the crowd of partygoers. “Everything’s fine. Thanks for this, Terry.”
Terry blinks at you, slightly unfocused. “Yeah of course. But… can I ask you something?”
You nod, sipping the hot chocolate. It’s so warm and sweet, and it feels wrong to be drinking it. It feels like you don’t deserve it. 
He hesitates for a moment, before speaking up. “What happened in there? In the haunted house?”
You bite your lip, still distracted by the thought of Minho; Terry’s question doesn’t pull at you as much as it probably should. “He just found me and helped me back. That’s all.”
Terry looks like he wants to say something else, but he doesn’t, and you don’t question it. The rest of the night is clouded by an awkward rut that has originated from nowhere at all, one that you never guessed you’d experience with Terry. He walks you back to your apartment early, and waits next to you as you fumble with your keys. 
“Good night, Y/N,” he says softly, as you finally wrestle your door open. 
“Thanks,” you whisper back, too drained of energy to make one of the usual jokes traded when you both say goodbye. He tips his head at you like he always does, albeit in a less jaunty way, and steps into the apartment elevator at the end of the hall, flashing you one last little wave before the doors close. 
You turn back to your apartment, walking inside and locking the door behind you once again. This time, you don’t go straight to your bedroom and drop onto your bed, like you always do after a horrible day. Instead, you stalk over to the kitchen, which is illuminated by a single, flickering lightbulb. You tug open the freezer, fishing out a box from your emergency stash of ice cream, the one thing bound to be on stock at all times. When you went grocery shopping some time ago, you didn’t think that a crisis would hit so soon. 
Cracking open the lid of the chocolate ice cream, you take your scooper and place a bowl on the counter. After a second thought, you take out your blender as well, and scrape the ice cream into there instead, throwing in some milk and peanut butter as well. Tonight is a milkshake kind of night, you think, the kind that necessitates butterscotch chips and whipped cream as well, you note, opening the cupboard to get said ingredients. When you finish blending, you pour your icy salvation into a large tumbler and collapse onto the living room couch. You turn on the television, blankly staring at the screen while barely registering the dialogue playing. 
“That’s not a milkshake— that’s diabetes in a glass.” 
“Don’t knock it ‘till you’ve tried it.” You shoot Minho a pointed look as you chug down your shake, savoring the sound of Minho’s laughter even more than a hefty peanut butter and chocolate combo. 
It isn’t until you taste saltiness instead of the sweet milkshake that you realize you’re crying. 
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callmeterry: can we meet? bobaluvrr: yes. see u @ morningstar
You stare into the bathroom mirror, checking your face one last time, inspecting it for bloodshot eyes and dry skin, the telltale signs of the tears that have now become a habit over the past few days. Ever since Halloween, things haven’t been the same since you and Terry. Although a fairly new friendship, you both spent a significant amount of time together after meeting at Jihyo’s birthday party. However, you haven’t seen each other at all outside of Writing Seminar nowadays— probably because during class, you’re too busy staring at Minho, who won’t even spare you a single glance. You’re determined to at least save your friendship with Terry, which is why you are so quick to agree to meet him.
“Catch you two later,” you call out to Sunoo and Soyeon, who both are slumped on the couch, watching One Piece over boxes of takeout butter chicken. 
The journey to Morningstar doesn’t take long, especially since the vastly approaching night has gotten you nearly jogging, regardless of how safe your college campus is. Although it’s been nearly a month and a half, you still can’t get used to not having the security and comfort of your boyfriend. Serves you right, you think.
You enter through the glass doorway of Morningstar, the door chime ringing and announcing your entrance to Terry. He stands up from the table he’s sitting at, walking over to you with the  genuine smile that you were fearful of not being able to see again. Terry looks heartbreakingly handsome, dressed in a long brown coat and wool scarf, an ode to the plaid shirt days and hot chocolate nights that you know you could have with him.
“Hi,” he says, pausing his gait when he’s a few feet away from you. Tentative, but still Terry. The bouquet of assorted flowers in his hands, however, isn’t. 
You can literally feel your face fall, as you stare at the certainly expensive arranged red roses and lilies. “I—”
“Don’t.” Terry’s smile doesn’t fade, but the slight sheen of moisture to his eyes is new. “ I know. I’d rather not hear you say it. Please.”
You’re speechless as he hands you the flowers, the refreshingly floral scent wafting up and screaming at you to wake up. You had a feeling, you knew how Terry felt about you. But you didn’t think he’d act on those feelings so soon.
“You know, I’ve been in love with you since August. You walked into the very first day of class late, wearing this gorgeous pink dress— and God, I was so whipped. I even dyed my hair the same color.” Terry laughs lightly, but you can see the heaviness in his eyes, the same thing that you feel in your chest. “I didn’t approach you, though, because I saw the way you were looking at Minho.”
You shake your head, still in disbelief. “Terry…”
“And then you walked into the kitchen at that party; it felt like a sign. But that can’t have been true, because the way you looked at him didn’t change. It never will.” He stops for a moment, taking in a shaky breath. “When you both broke up, I ignored my heart telling me not to dig myself deeper into this, to leave you alone. But I couldn’t, Y/N, because I thought that the risk would be worth it. And it was, you know. You are worth it.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, at a loss for words. You don’t know what else to say, whether it’s a reaction to how your friend is pouring out his heart to you, or the fact that he’s always known that you’d never be his.
The smile on Terry’s face is now a sharp contrast to the strings of tears that mar it. “Don’t be. It’s Minho. It’s always been Minho for you.” 
He turns, but you rush forward and block him. You can’t lose someone else. Not again. “Terry, wait! Can’t we be friends?” 
“Of course we can be. I’d rather have you as a friend than not in my life at all. I’ll move on, eventually. But you have to go fix things with him now.” He flashes you another one of his signature beams. It doesn’t have the same joyful effect on you as it usually does, now that it’s tainted with sadness. “I’ll see you next class. Hold onto him, okay?”
Terry leaves, and you stare after him at the door, dumbfounded, haunting the entryway of the coffee shop nearing closing hours. You never saw this confrontation coming, not today. And you didn’t want it to happen any time soon, not like this. But no matter how much you want to deny Terry’s words, you know they are the truth. You know what you have to do. Because love works in strange ways, you realize, and now yours needs to be made right.
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“We shouldn’t be here.” You say, shaking your head. “It’s dangerous.”
Minho just stares at you, his eyebrow skeptically quirked in a way that shouldn’t be as attractive as it is. “It’s literally just a bridge.”
You glare at him, before looking out at the arched walkway that connects the wooded expanse of the university library to the rest of campus. According to university lore, any pair of lovers that walks over Forsaken Bridge together is doomed to suffer an untimely separation; hence, its ominous name. And you would rather look stupid for believing in superstition rather than risk losing Minho. 
“It can’t be.” You cross your arms stubbornly. “I know so many couples that came here, and they ended up breaking up.”
Minho says nothing for a moment, just pondering your words, and you think he’s about to step back, allowing you to cross the bridge first, before following on his own. But then he grabs your hand, pulling you towards the bridge.
Your immediate reaction is to let out a small scream that cuts through the quiet night, and it’s quickly muffled by Minho’s hand gently closing over your mouth. “Trust me on this. Nothing bad will happen.”
You really want to remind Minho of what happened to Hyunjin and his girlfriend— well, ex-girlfriend— but you let him lead you towards your dreaded destination. Because you do trust him, more than anything. 
The balmy summer night sticks to your skin, a feeling that will soon give away to the crisp bite of autumn. You’ve already moved back onto campus to get a headstart on the teaching assistant position for your biology professor, but for the first time ever, you don’t feel sad or apprehensive at the thought of going back to college again. This was the gap in time that you once despised because it signaled the unfortunate trudge of school life: textbooks, homework, and stress. But nowadays, you think it to be a reminder of something better: Minho, Minho, and Minho.
Your boyfriend takes an easy step onto the bridge, his hand tightly clasped in yours. You trail after him more cautiously, hiding behind his broad frame like the bridge will come alive and attack you. “You better not ever break up with me, Lee Minho.”
He turns back to look at you as you both near the center of the supposedly cursed bridge, his lips pressed together in a way that suggests concealed laughter; knowing him, it probably is. “Never. Now close your eyes.”
With a grumpy sigh, you oblige him, shutting your eyes. “For what, Minho?”
“I need to tell you something.” His voice is soft, almost vulnerable. It’s a new color to him, compared to how assured and confident he always seems to be.
You crack open one eye, looking at him curiously. “What is it?”
He frowns, letting go of your hand. “No peeking!”
Minho takes a deep breath, right before he turns your world upside down. “I love you.”
Your eyes fly open, and Minho doesn’t complain this time, only gazing at you nervously, clutching his right arm with his left hand like he’s a little kid again. “What did you just say?”
Regardless of his uncertain body language, he looks you directly in the eye. “I love you, Y/N. And I know it’s too soon to say it, but it’s true. I love you, and you don’t have to tell me back, but—”
“I love you too,” you blurt out, and you both just stare at each other for a moment, in mutual shyness and surprise. You can’t believe how good it feels to finally say the words that were hanging off the tip of your tongue for the past few months since you started dating.
Minho’s beautiful face breaks out into a dazzling smile as he steps closer to you. “Then let’s make our own story for this bridge. Two people crossing the bridge together will be lifelong friends. And if they kiss, lifelong lovers.”
Your poor, racing heart can’t take anymore of this; what a man that you have found. “Kiss me, then.” 
Minho gives you a tender look, and in that moment, you wish you had a camera to capture it. You can’t seem to remember your initial fear of coming onto this bridge, not when you have a beautiful boy who gazes at you with nothing short of absolute adoration. You’ll follow him anywhere, if it means you’ll stay together. Always and forever.
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From when you were a little girl, your parents painted fairy tales for you in your childhood bedroom, of handsome princes mounted on midnight stallions and towering castles set against sunsets. For the longest time, you thought them to be true, because by the time you might have grown up, you found your own handsome prince, who rode a secondhand bike instead of a horse, and his castle was the sweatshirt-strewn dorm room he shared with two other boys. Nevertheless, you so strongly believed you would get your own happily-ever-after, that it took you a long time to accept the thorns in the rosy brush that constituted your outlook on life. You had a hard time understanding your prince, sometimes, and ended up spinning your own stories to fill in the gaps you thought he created. It never once occurred to you that life would never be perfect, and that your prince could not be exactly who you dreamed him to be.
It’s why you stroll the length of Forsaken Bridge alone, materializing its dreary name with your head bent and hands tucked in your pockets. But you’re not surprised either, when you see your prince, standing on the very place where he made you a promise that you broke yourself. His crown is misplaced and his armor has lost its luster, but he’s your beautiful prince, still beautiful while heartbroken over you.
“I didn’t think you’d come,” you say softly. 
“I shouldn’t have.” Minho stares at the deteriorating timber planks beneath your feet. “But I can’t say no when it comes to you.”
You shake your head, sniffling lightly. You both hate and love him for being so understanding, so kind, even now. You hate yourself for it, too. “I broke your heart.”
Minho blinks, clasping his hands in front of himself. “There are so many things that I’m sorry and thankful to you for, but you know I’m not good at expressing myself.”
“That’s my line, Min.” You scoff through your tears. “I tried to force you to be someone you're not. And you respond by taking care of me, like you always have. And you listened to me instead of fighting. You walked away.”
“I wanted you to be happy. That’s all I have ever wanted. With or without me in the picture.” Minho shoots you a watery smile. “I love you, you know. I always will.”
You inhale shakily. “And I love you too. I was scared of being hurt because I love you so much. I shouldn’t have been so afraid of what I didn’t know. I should have tried to ask you instead of coming to assumptions on my own.”
“We’re in this together, okay?” Minho steps forward towards you, reaching up to hold your face in his hands. “Remember what I said? You never have to be alone. I’m right here, always.”
Minho rubs his thumbs over your tears, nothing but devotion in his eyes. You touch his arms, pulling him into a hug. “I know I ruined everything, but please come back to me? I’m so, so sorry.”
“Me too. And you ruined nothing.” He squeezes you. “We still have our whole lives ahead of us.”
You draw back from the embrace, smiling through your tears— for once, they’re the good kind. “I love you, Lee Minho. Let’s start over?”
“I love you too, Y/N.” Minho whispers, a grin slowly spreading on his face. “And I don’t want to ruin the moment, but can we begin by finding an apartment, please? If I accidentally drink Hyunjin’s paint water one more time I think I will literally die.”
You laugh, raising your eyebrows at him teasingly. “Only because you want to escape Hyunjin? Not because you love me?”
He rolls his eyes playfully, a light blush tinting his pale skin. “You know what I mean.”
“You should show me what you mean.”
“I should.”
Minho obeys your command, leaning down to meet your lips in a chaste kiss, before you grasp his waist, pulling him closer and deepening the movement. God, you missed this so much. You missed him, so much. Minho’s hands reach up to cup your neck as you trace endless love letters on each other’s lips, campus curses and bad faith banished from your lovestruck young minds.
“See? Looks like our story came true.” he whispers as you come up for air, nudging your nose sweetly with his own. “Lifelong lovers, we’ll be.”
“I promise.” Minho kisses you once more and pulls back, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “This means forever.”
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Check out the rest of boys' stories on Love Playlist!
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It feels so good to get back to Love Playlist <3 This whole series itself was inspired by the cute, college au vibes of the K-drama Love Playlist and its spinoff, Dear M. (starring NCT's Jaehyun, a must-see), but this story especially was heavily based on Dear M.'s second leads. Brownie points if you've noticed which hit superhero TV series I took a piece of dialogue from! I just adore that quote so much. Anyway, I'm a sucker for Minho and this story has a special place in my heart. Can you guess who is next?! And thank you for supporting me, always! -Dreamy
P.S. ♡ If you like my work, please consider giving me feedback in the form of reblogs, comments, and asks! ♡
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TAGLIST @chansburgah @hamburgers101@ajxreads @hash2013 @pixigreen @ana-marais98@ohish@chizumiyoshi@lilydaisyyy@jetblackbelle @143hyunes @yeahhspider
Network: @kflixnet
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©jisungsdaydreamer 2023 | All rights reserved. I do not condone translations or transfers of my work onto other platforms such as Wattpad, AO3, etc. Tumblr is my only platform. Acts of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
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damiansgoodgirll · 3 months
I never really do this so I was wondering if you can do a one shot with Damian and an autistic reader like what would her do if the reader is overwhelmed and he is trying his best to calm her down. Fluff with a lots of cuddles. If you can’t do it I understand it if you are uncomfortable I’m sorry I thought I get out side my comfort zone and ask 💗💕💕
hi love! i tried my best! hope you like it ❤️
damian priest x reader
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damian knew that big crowds weren’t your places. everytime you were together he tried to avoid them. parties were a big no for you and he understood and respected that but there was a big wwe event coming up and he didn’t want to miss it.
at first you told him to go alone as you didn’t want to be surrounded by tons of people but then you felt a little guilty leaving him alone when all of his colleagues would be accompanied by their partners.
he never forced you to with him, knowing that you would feel a little uncomfortable with so many people so he was surprised when you told him that you would go with him.
“are you sure? you don’t have to and you know that mi amor” he asked you one night before going to bed.
“i’m sure…i wanna be there for you��� you said laying your head over his chest.
“if anything happens you gotta tell me tho…”
you smiled at him “i promise you”
so the night of the even became and you were kinda nervous.
you had a pretty long blue dress, hair and make up done and damian wearing a matching blue outfit by your side.
once at the even you were kinda glad you knew almost everyone there. rhea, finn and dom never failed to make you feel welcomed. rhea always treated you like you were sisters and you loved her for that. shauna greeted you, zoey did too. you were happy to see all of those familiar faces that you started to get loose a little. with damian always by your side, you started conversations with most of the people but it was when journalists came around asking damian useless questions that you started to feel a little overwhelmed.
you wouldn’t mind it if they respected your private and personal space but they didn’t.
damian’s hand was holding yours while he was faking smiling answering all of the questions.
“what is her problem? why won’t she leave him alone?” you heard one of the journalist ask to a friend.
damian didn’t hear that but you did.
you tried to shake that feeling away but the fear of having someone’s eyes on you, constantly judging you wasn’t go away.
“are you okay mariposa?” damian asked you, feeling you were getting lost in your head.
“yes i’m fine…” you smiled at him but he wasn’t convinced at all “why don’t we go drink something with rhea and the rest of the group?”
he nodded, being satisfied with your answer.
so a few hours passed, the journalists left but the fear of someone’s eyes on you was still there. you couldn’t explain why but the overwhelming feeling you were experiencing was eating you alive.
“dam…i think i’m going out for a bit, i’ll be right back…” you said leaving the room, not looking back, not even when damian asked you if you were okay.
of course, he followed you outside and his heart broke when he saw tears filling your eyes “baby…what’s going on? are you okay?”
“i don’t know, i just got overwhelmed…” you said. his arms opened up and you immediately found safety in his embrace. he let you cry, not judging you. his hands tracing your back, slowly and gently.
after a few minutes your tears slowed down, making it easier for you to breathe again.
“did something happened?” he asked cautiously. he didn’t want you to overwhelm you with question, he just wanted be sure you were doing okay.
“i don’t know…there was a journalist who said something…but then she got away and in my mind she stayed there…i don’t know i just felt overwhelmed and…”
“hey hey love, take it easy…you’re okay…you’re okay my love…i promise you you’re safe…” he tried to calm you down when he realised you were panicking again “i promise you i’m here…everything’s okay and no one is judging you baby…is it okay if i hug you again?”
“yes please…”
damian smiled when you hugged him back, knowing that most of the times you just wanted to remain alone “it’s okay love…” he reminded you, making you feel loved and safe.
“i’m sorry i ruined your party…i shouldn’t have come, i know you would have better fun without me being here…”
“that’s nonsense love…this party is boring and you being here makes it even better, i love you so much y/n and having you here with me means the world to me. i’m so proud of you for trying to come out of your comfort zone but i promise you that you don’t have to do that, not for me especially…do what makes you happy and safe…” he kissed the top of your head, making you feel loved and appreciated.
“thank you for being here damian…i love you so much…” you smiled into his arms.
“why don’t we stop by the market you like and we buy that delicious ice cream and then we watch a movie and cuddle on the couch together?” he suggested, almost like reading your mind.
“that’s a perfect idea…” you smiled again.
feeling thankful and grateful for having someone as supportive as damian in your life, that was the best feeling ever.
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