#live drama korea
365filmsbyauroranocte · 4 months
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Past Lives (Celine Song, 2023)
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khuantru · 2 months
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Official Trailer for 'Parasyte: The Grey' looks really promising.
This is smart way of not remaking / re telling the original anime but to say it's part of the same universe at a different country.
network: Netflix Korea
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peachypaddys · 10 months
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ten frames.
past lives (2023) — dir. celine song
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 8 months
I will be back to my hobby - making gifs out of stuff - this weekend! 🥳 So, if there are any scenes from our favorite shows that you would like me to gif from the month of September, just let me know 🥰
I am looking forward to the joy this hobby brought me, but I also just want to enjoy my shows without thinking I have to be one of the first who uploads this scene. This was fucking stressful and I hope I won't go back to that place. Just stay healthy and don't let the stress take away the joy you find in your hobby! Doesn't matter what this hobby might be! I personally tend to be way too competitive and this here is the wrong place for that! I learned that during this month without it. I was playing sports in the past and I loved the competition, and I somehow transmitted that to my fucking relaxing hobby. I don't know how this post turned into some kind of honest self reflection, but in the end, I don't care! I love this platform and the fact that you can express your feelings and thoughts just the way you want to. And I love being this anonymously honest about myself in front of all of you. It feels nice and I want to say thank you! Thank you so much for staying at my side as mutuals or followers or anons! I am very much grateful for this community. I know my mental health sometimes makes me lose the power to do the bare minimum in reblogging stuff I see or answer dms or asks, but believe me, I don't do this with bad intentions. I am just overwhelmed sometimes and then my system shuts down. Where is that coming from? For real now! How did it turn out like this? 😅
I appreciate you all so much! And I enjoy reading your thoughts, looking at your gifs, seeing the things that interest you or reading the things you put in the tags!
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jackie-elysium · 4 months
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Past Lives
Director : Celine Song
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gregor-samsung · 3 months
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Past Lives (Celine Song, 2023)
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clemsfilmdiary · 5 months
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Past Lives (Celine Song)
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
I was reading the novel and this time something caught my attention that I don't know why I had overlooked it before, and that is how Athy talks about her life in the orphanage. Athy says that the children in the orphanage knew things that the children should not know, that she had to fight for what she wanted and that when she left that place she felt a kind of freedom.
To me, that screams abuse.
It bothers me that the fandom so overlooked the fact that Athy was abused not only in her first life (neglect) but also in her second life and I'm sure it must have been hell. I wish the manhwa had put more emphasis on this because many fans overlook Athy's trauma when she is literally the character who suffered the most.
Yes, to me it's canon that Athy was heavily abused in her second life. Adding to what you said, I remember her mentioning having to literally fight for food (a bowl of rice), or how they got a single sad birthday celebration per month. That's also where her initial fixiations with candy, money and her genuine love for studying come from, as Athy herself admits, she never had those kinds of luxuries (she mentions having to eat expired food in a "haha funny" way, but if you think about it for two seconds, it's just tragic. Like, she died from overdosing on sleeping pills to deal with the cold). I know a thing or two about how orphanages operate from my field of work and acquaintances, and kids in those institutions suffer from abuse in all sorts of ways while being completely ignored by society. I'm not from Korea, but going by what Plutus wrote and reading about the subject, the situation seems to be similar or even worse.
If I want to get overanalytical, part of her depression while living alone could be a consequence of the treatment she received at the orphanage. It's super common for kids in those situations to end up with depression, PTSD, having issues forming emotional connections, facing prejudice, etc. It's also canon that she was verbally and physically abused at her workplace. Athy treats her death as an accident, but in my opinion it's implied that it was a suicide, perhaps not in an "active way", but her behavior was edging the line. Which is again, common for people with that background. I think this plot point is interesting, as to my knowledge suicide is a taboo subject in East Asia. Most manhwas don't have their FL reincarnate after that.
I get what you mean, that part of Athy's trauma is often overlooked, but it probably has to do with most people not reading the novel and with Athy herself not really acknowledging it. She mentions her life as Lee Jihye at the beginning of the story, and then very rarely brings it up. But if anything, that's pretty consistent with how Athy deals with her trauma and negative emotions, refusing to acknowledge they exist until their weight is too heavy for her to endure. I like this piece of characterization a lot, but it leaves us with many questions that are hard to answer when Athy herself doesn't remember or actively tries to forget the trauma from her past lives. You could draw some parallels with Lucas and Claude's respective ways of dealing with trauma, loss and trying to forget (but Athy's mindset is more healthy and not so self-destructive lol).
Also yes, to me Athy is the character that has suffered the most by far. Not like this is a competition, but *gestures at LP* and the fact that she was a working class woman in Korea while the other characters (sans Lucas and Diana, I guess) are and always have been rich aristocrats in pseudo-France says enough /hj.
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willianghostwriter · 9 months
Vidas Passadas
“In-yun é uma palavra em coreano para providência ou destino”. Nora diz isso para quem se tornaria o seu marido, Arthur. Os dois se conhecem em uma residência literária. Nora sempre sonhou em se tornar uma escritora e ganhar um prêmio Nobel, desde que era criança vivendo ainda na Coreia do Sul. Nora e Arthur dividem uma vida juntos, com os seus altos e baixos, porém se amando. Nora um pouco tempo antes de conhecer o Arthur, se reconecta com um amigo e paixão da infância, o Hae Sung, que se conhecem desde muito pequenos. Nora e Hae Sung dividem uma outra vida, uma vida passada juntos, uma infância, uma língua e sonhos de crianças. Os dois gostam de conversar um com o outro e se dão muito bem juntos. 
Eu achei o filme muito bonito, em seu tom e como as relações são desenvolvidas, tudo com muita leveza e clima de romance. A narrativa do filme é muito bem construída para passar um ar de mistério, de que tem algo acontecendo enquanto um fala com o outro ou quando um se encontra com o outro. Os personagens são fiéis com suas índoles, então apesar de se passar anos e décadas sem se verem, cada um “permanece o mesmo”. Nora com sua ambição, porém verdadeira com os seus sentimentos e pensamentos e Hae Sung, sóbrio e leal com os seus valores. Os dois ainda sentem uma conexão entre si quando se reencontram, finalmente, após 24 anos, Nora já casada e Hae Sung com uma carreira em progresso em engenharia, os dois em Nova York, onde ela mora e ele com o pretexto de ter ido de férias. A química e a dinâmica que foi construída entre os dois atores é algo que transparece quando os dois estão juntos e ainda mais quando os três estão juntos. Relacionamentos à distância poderiam funcionar quando não há previsão de se encontrarem? Será que foi este o problema entre Nora e Hae Sung? 
O filme é muito bem dirigido, na forma como a Celine Song trabalha a dinâmica entre os atores, constrói a narrativa para que você torça por um e no meio de tudo, ao mesmo tempo, torça pelo outro. A fotografia trabalha muito bem os objetos do cenário para comporem uma linguagem simbólica, da mesma forma que trabalha as sombras em algumas cenas e o movimento e disposição dos atores no enquadramento. A trilha sonora é delicada e realça a suavidade no tom do filme. 
No final de tudo, você percebe o que é o “In-yun”. Cada um pode ter o seu em cada encontro e em cada momento, oito mil vidas passadas se reconectam para cada um estar ali, valendo para dois amigos de infância que se amam profundamente, um casal que se conhecem no meio da vida e dividem ela juntos e apaixonados ou até mesmo quando o seu amigo de infância e seu marido se encontram no mesmo ambiente e dividem meia vida cada um de uma mesma pessoa.
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khunvegas · 1 year
sometimes kissing scenes are shit but they compensate with excellent storytelling, good production values, chemistry, acting skills and overall people that want to be in that series. ultimately, that's all that matters.
case in point:
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tifa-and-rinoa · 1 year
"Listen carefully. You know how to play tag, right? We hide. We run to get away from someone. And now… Now, you are it."
® All Of Us Are Dead
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khuantru · 3 months
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Parasyte: The Grey looks great!!! (Netflix platform)
makes you want to watch the anime show again from 2014 –2015. 🍿📺
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dokiyeom · 1 year
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memecatwings · 1 year
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jackie-elysium · 4 months
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Past Lives
Director : Celine Song
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army-in-the-stars · 1 year
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