#lmao I chose violence today
firecrackerhh · 1 year
If the writing in HB is such a disappoint for you I suggest you quit while you’re ahead and just not bother watching Hazbin Hotel at all, obviously your standards are way too fucking high. I suggest finding something you actually like and blogging about that instead.
Also the way some “fans” talk about Vivziepop is frankly really disrespectful. It’s irrelevant that she’s a creator online and thus should expect pushback on everything she says or does, some of you go way too fucking far with it. She is still a human being who deserves respect, if you can’t give the CREATOR of a show you actively choose to watch any respect because of insignificant bullshit reasons like “they made something that personally disappointed/offended me” or because of accusations made against said creator with flimsy evidence at best, then those same people who claim the fandom is full of immature children are the most hypocritical jackasses I’ve ever seen in my life.
You want to criticize? Fine, but do not act like you’re morally above any of us who like the show when you actively choose to treat not only the creator like shit, but the fans as well. Hell I’ll be honest, if you don’t like Viv, I can’t say it bothers me that much, these idiots just shout into the void more often than not and their bitching amounts to nothing in the end anyway. But to treat the fans of HH and HB like we’re fucking idiots all because we have committed the horrible sin that is…liking something and not wanting to be bombarded with ever constant negative bullshit about it? That isn’t any more mature. That’s toddler behavior, crybully behavior even, and I don’t respect that shit whatsoever. “Waaaah these people don’t agree with my opinion on a cartoon so they’re all retarded and delusional and mentally ill I’m totally not projecting you guys waaaah!”
I do not deny that some fans go overboard with defending their favorite show, but notice how it’s all defensive, not offensive. We don’t start this shit, they bully us first, and then have the nerve to cry when we rightfully tell them how full of shit they are? What are you, a fucking baby? If you can’t handle other peoples opinions about a cartoon maybe you should fucking touch grass my dudes.
How’s that shoe feeling on the other foot? Not so nice when those criticisms are laid at your feet huh?
If you think you can do better, fucking do it then. Use your ever constant burning contempt for something useful and productive instead of sounding like a fucking whiny loser online, cuz that’s what you people sound like.
Speaking of disrespecting others…
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I never want to hear any of you motherfuckers bitch about ableism ever fucking again. Retard is the nicest word I could use to refer to you fucking troglodytes. You deserve to get called that shit and worse.
Also for the love of god that’s not what gaslight fucking means you mentally challenged amoeba. Pick up a fucking dictionary.
🔥🧨~Firecracker out~🔥🧨
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introvertgoat · 1 month
my hand at neil being a menace on twt:
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aaron escapes to who knows where, but most likely far far away from neil josten !
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starcunin · 12 days
@mysticrosed sent: “i’m ten times funnier and sexier than you.” from quil!
A silver brow arches, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips as he leans casually against a tree, arms crossed. His crimson eyes flicker with amusement, tracing Quil with the kind of lazy, predatory interest one might reserve for a curious insect. ❛ Is that so? ❜ His voice is smooth, silken, the kind of drawl that suggests he's already several steps ahead in this conversation, thoroughly enjoying it. ❛ Well, darling, I must applaud your confidence. It’s always endearing when someone reaches for the stars, even when they clearly belong in the gutter. ❜
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He pushes off the tree with feline grace, sauntering closer, his gaze never leaving Quil’s. ❛ You see, confidence is one thing, but I find that true charm——real allure——is something you can't quite measure. Not by numbers, certainly. ❜ He pauses, tapping a finger against his lips, feigning deep thought. Astarion steps back, hands raised in a gesture of mock surrender, that wicked glint in his eyes never fading. ❛ But please, don’t let my existence get in the way of your delusions. After all, someone needs to be second best. ❜
His smirk broadens, the hint of fangs visible. ❛ And I do so enjoy watching people try. ❜
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nyxronomicon · 9 months
Haha is anyone in the mood to be emotionally devastated
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tcustodisart · 2 years
My failed attempt at turning my boy into a figurine
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featuring my super awesome chicken shaped saltshaker
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I am going to apologize ahead of time XD
Sorry, but I am going to be trying to manifest my Oscar win this weekend XD Let him have it. it's for his rookie buddy Logan and it's his home race!
(Sorry Charles, you can definitely have second though!)
I am posting this one simply for the audacity to come to Charles Leclerc Official and say these words.
But I am not worried as Charles did make Australia the holy territory of his Grand Slam. Oscar may be the hometown hero but Charles is the one making history there.
Oscar is allowed to share a podium with Charles though, so long as it's P2 or lower.
🕯️ Charles P1 🕯️
Forza Ferrari
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sapphire-weapon · 8 months
Seeing all the nonsense you get both for Eagleone and Aeon makes me genuinely miss the concept of a crackship. The good ole days. Back when you could just like two characters and think it would be fun if they hooked up.
Now everything has to be canon, and ‘non-toxic’.
Back in my day I shipped two borderlands characters who never even met because one was dead before the other even joined the series.
Bring back crackships 2024
the only thing pure about mainstream eagleone fandom is the state of ashley's virginity as they write their rapebait fics and then wonder why the rest of the fandom brings up concerns about the way ashley is treated in the age gap and they leave me having to defend their fucking bullshit because they're too much of cowards to stick up for their own ship so
i mean
i never really had any crackships. i think i lack the imagination for crackships LMAO
me: but why would you ship them you don't even know how they'd interact someone who's more capable of having fun than me: that's the point me: I DON'T UNDERSTAND
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proudcyanide · 1 year
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“Most loved”
fuck you Netflix
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mechahero · 1 year
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“I think I’m gonna eat the next person that’s slightly rude to me.”
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firecrackerhh · 1 year
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For fucks sake. If you say you’re gonna “leave the fandom” something you’ve been saying for a while, then just fucking leave already. No reblogs, no comments, nothing.
I’m under the impression no one actually fucking likes you anyway so I don’t see why you feel the need to announce it like anyone outside of your equally as brain dead followers actually give a shit.
I do not understand why people like this feel the need to lie to themselves. If you keep talking shit about the fandom and the creator and the show and you just…bitch about it all the fucking time then I don’t think you like the show at all and I think you’re just a fucking attention whore. Probably to make up for the fact your parents clearly don’t fucking love you.
This bitch has a fucking problem and I think it should be called out.
I’m allergic to bullshit and this bitch gives me fucking hives.
“Leaving the fandom was the best decision I-“ BITCH YOU HAVEN’T FUCKING LEFT. If you did, your shitty “critical” blog would be abandoned and taking up valuable space on this site’s hard drive. If you left, you would deactivate your fucking blog.
Hazbin isn’t out yet due to the strikes going on, for one who claims to be “socially aware” and whatnot, I would think you would know that. Since you just love stalking Viv and probably anyone else Spindlehorse related cuz you’re a fucking obsessive weirdo who probably hasn’t gone outside in months.
Christ this bitch makes me look like a well adjusted human being who actually contributes to society in comparison Lmao.
I would tell you to touch grass but if you ever did it would probably die in your grasp.
“Remember to do what you enjoy in life and make good decisions.” Something you have never and will never do, seeing as you’re still here actively engaging in content that pisses you off for reasons that are beyond me. Like yeah you say you’ll leave, but you won’t. A good decision would be deleting your entire blog and moving the fuck on with your life. A decision I frankly believe you to be incapable of making. And if you enjoy being a miserably toxic pile of dogshit to innocent people you might be a bad person.
I don’t know how you can be excited for Hazbin given how much it’s obvious you fucking hate everything else Viv has ever done. I bet the second it comes out you’ll cry like a bitch about how awful you think it is.
I cannot imagine being hyperfixated on something I hate. What a fucking miserable existence you must live.
It’s simple really, if you’re gonna leave, then leave and never come back cuz Jesus knows none of us will miss you. Jesus knows I won’t.
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🔥🧨~Firecracker out~🔥🧨
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fandomwarehouse · 2 years
Nilfgaard: We bring peace to the North!
The North:
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bloomingbluebell · 4 months
protagonists of highly anticipated indie video game sequels who are the more serious sibling to the first game's more chaotic protagonists who also seem to form undeniably queer rivals to lovers relationships with just hit different idk
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yandere-kokeshi · 9 months
Hi! I hope you're having a nice day
I'm just wondering if you can make a yandere ghost or price with a s/o who has a other boyfriend fic?
(if you don't have time for this, it's okay)
— Such Waste
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Warnings: Yandere behavior, stalking, suggested age gap, swearing, talks about reader who grew up in an abusive family; current-bf is abusive/has an unhealthy relationship; reader is slightly naive, violence, and detailed blood..
A/N: this one was pretty hard for me to finish so sorry if it's dull or simply not well; I'm not very happy with it lmao. Enjoy! :]
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Inserting the key into the door with a small click!, and opening it to your usually, scattered apartment, you sighed — heavily. 
Today was grueling. Not only was your work office incredibly demanding, but it was possibly draining what was left of your very soul. Your bones and stiff muscles were hurting. Begging for you to get more sleep than having 2 – 4 hours of naps every day.
You took off your shoes by the front door and put your belongings on the table; re-footing your steps backwards, to put your keys on the bookshelf for remembrance. Though, you were rudely interrupted as your phone buzzed multiple times, and you let out yet another sigh. 
In your bones, you had a feeling — an immediate feeling of who it was.
Grabbing your phone in the back pocket, you whisked it out and typed in your passcode before seeing multiple, if not, tons of missed calls and text messages from your current boyfriend.  
Liam: Are you srsly ignoring me? It was a joke. — sent at 8:23 pm
Liam: baby, come on. You passed your break. Just answer me. — sent at 8:57 pm
Liam: answer the fucking phone! Are you dumb? Pick up the phone!!!! — sent at 9:21 pm
Liam: if you don’t answer, it's over. — sent at 11:48
You rolled your eyes, feeling anger rise in you again. You chose to send a small message. Who would’ve thought the blue-eyed, blond hair and a tooth gap combo of a man would be the best fit? Not you, apparently. 
You: Got caught up with work. Sorry, we can talk more about this tomorrow. I’m gonna head to bed. Night.  — sent at 12:19 pm
While Liam was a nice guy, he was slightly controlling and immature. Always wanted to know who or where you were, why you were hanging out with people he didn’t know, and if you loved getting unwanted attention. Sometimes, fights got so bad that your elderly neighbors had to call the police to separate the two of you for a few nights. 
Poor Lucy. Wonder how she still deals with you being next door.
Groaning, you put your phone back into your back pocket, before your hands rubbing over your face in exhaustion. 
Not only was your boss extremely cranky and rude today, but everyone was on edge due to his behavior. You couldn’t even talk to your coworkers without them using the excuse of ‘I have to leave’ whenever he steps foot into the room. Plus, the stress of bills, your current boyfriend, and the harassment was getting to your breaking point. 
God, you hated this job. But it paid your bills. That’s all you cared about, right?
You scoffed, feeling your back prick and pop in places that sounded like it shouldn’t. Looking at the fridge in your kitchen, you slumped over and walked over to it, talking to yourself as you opened it, reaching down for the leftover pizza box that you didn’t get to finish last night.
Barely eating a few pieces, you were already heading down the hallway to your bedroom, peeling off your sweaty work clothes. However, something stopped you in the tracks that made your heart jump right out of your chest and into your mouth. 
Roses. Roses were on your bed. Sure, it was beautiful. The lilac, reddening color shining in your room was gorgeous. 
But who put them there?
You stared at them. Who the hell was in your apartment? Was it maintenance? Maybe a surprise gift they gave out for people living here in the poor-run down apartments?
No. It couldn’t be. Rarely do they ever give you things — especially flowers. What and who the fuck?
“Do you not like them?” 
You jumped at the sudden rough voice, dropping your pizza on the floor and whipping around, seeing a giant man sitting in your favorite chair in the corner of your bedroom; wearing a thick, menacing skull balaclava, piercing your skin like a knife. 
“Who… the fuck are you!” you shouted. Your feet stepped back, watching him as he repositioned himself — his elbows now resting on the armrests of the chair, and leaning forward into the obvious comfy chair. You couldn’t help but judge the guy. Who wears a skull mask other than on Halloween? Was he a killer? Going to slice you—!
“I would think you’d know that with the stuff I gave you.” 
A chill ran down your spine. So was this — no, this was the guy. 
The man who left your favorite chocolate on your window seal each morning, the sweet notes of compliments, sometimes bearing suggestions on things you should wear that day. And the huge bouquet on the front door, which was soon transported to your dinner-table, that was left every Friday.
Oh, my g-d.
“Holy shit,” you gasped, finally looking at his outfit, seeing the Britain flag sewed on his Khaki pants. It’s military. What the fuck did you do? “Did I break the law?” you hushed out, terrified at the man.
However, the man in front of you snickered. “Doubt you’d have the guts to break the law, sweetheart.” 
“I– what?” you looked at him dumbfounded. Who the fuck was this guy? 
“Ya’ heard me, only have a speeding ticket,” he remarked, making you dart your eyes toward behind you to the hallway, seeing the front door before back at him. “Pretty impressive for your age, if ya’ ask me.”
Your brain short-circuited. “How… do you know that?” you posed, feeling your breathing quicken. “I have so many questions,” you added. But yet, the man stared at you with his darkening eyes. Didn’t help that your room was dimmed. You really should’ve fixed that light. 
He stared at you before speaking up. “Bet ya’ do. I’m all answering them as long as you get rid of that cunt of a boyfriend.” 
“E… ‘cuse me?” you stammered, taking another step back. But, your anger got ahead of you; your eyebrows knitted against each other. “I can assure you that he treats me well.”
Though, the man just scoffed and stood up as your throat closed at the sight of the man. Why the fuck was he so tall? “Sure. Keep imagining that sick fantasy image of yours, and you’ll wake up in the hospital with a broken nose.”
You wanted to defend yourself. But he was right. Breaking your index finger hurts like a bitch. The frequent fights were exhausting. The last time you tried talking with Liam about visiting a close friend an hour away ended up with his hand reaching out towards your wrist, twisting it with a large sprain and a large hospital bill. 
The yelling. The self-blame. The hours of constant harassment with texts and calls. The horrible smell of booze. You really fucked up your love life, didn’t you? 
“But,” he started, a thick accent voicing in as he stepped closer into your direction. “I can treat you better, love. Someone who won’t hurt ya. Treat you like the doll you are.”
You narrow your eyes at him, nervously biting at the inside of your cheeks as you wait for him to continue. 
“I’ll make sure to treat you well. Something you haven’t been lucky to feel. Your parents were mean towards you, no?” he asked questionably, and it made your heart drop to your stomach. “But, I can take care of you; better than anyone has.” 
So many questions raced through your mind as your eyes darted at the floor then back toward the man. Like a rabbit, you stiffened. Confused. Body shaking as the predator approached. 
“I don’t… even know who you are,” you replied, tightening your hand into a fist. Your heart was speeding, hands and legs shaking with fear. Your throat stiffened. He could clearly see it — and yet somehow, his eyes got softer; those brown pupils having a sad and apologetic look. Almost like a dog trying to comfort you. 
You don’t know you’re crying until you feel a gloved thumb wipe them away, causing you to flinch. Realizing that the man was now in front of you, you tried to step back, but your ankle hit the bedroom wall, securing you in a close habitat. 
But, with everything going on, you didn’t have the energy to push him away nor look up at him. Continuing to look at the floor as your mind circled around on whom the fuck was this man? 
“Look at me, will ya’?”
You hesitated. Didn’t reply. But as he said your name, a shiver traveled down your spine, and you looked at him – his predominant features coming in. Even with your anxiety and fear swirling in your stomach, you looked at the creases in his eyebrows, the clashing scars near his temple, eyes, and brows. His jarring eyes surrounded by black eyeshadow, seemingly gentler, almost like they were trying to welcome you into a trap. 
You stare up at him with half-lidded eyes. And with a gasp, you felt his hand take your chin, his palm almost eclipsing the lower half of your face, and turn your head right into the direction he wanted you to: staring at him in the eyes.
“I promise. I’m not going to hurt you,” he reassures, though, it doesn’t help as more tears drowned down on your behalf. 
And yet, you couldn’t fathom his words. 
“I don’t–” you started, taking a deep and sharp inhale, “–trust you, I don’t even know your name. How can I know you’re… not some, serial killer?” your question was weak. And stupid. But it was the only thing you could think of out of the bluster. 
His eyes narrowed at your reply before answering at your ‘plea’. 
“I suppose that’s a start,” he huffs.
You looked at his eyes, before narrowing down at the mask. And clearly, by your eyes and non-answer, he nodded at your invisible ask. 
Stepping back, the man’s hands traveled to lift the mask upwards. He revealed the point of his chin, the skin equally rough, like his demeanor. 
He didn’t stop from continuing, exposing more of his lower lip. The skin there was rugged and scarred, little creases in the flesh. Scars that made your heart thud awkwardly. At his cupid’s bow, where you saw a huge scar, it made you gasp quietly out of wincing. The thick mark going upward on his left lip, so callused and rough. It looks like it still hurts.
Finally, he pulled the mask fully off, revealing his natural-resting face, thick eyebrows, and the two large scars right above his filled brows. It helped a bit that he revealed himself, but you were still unsure how to… understand the situation.
He said your name, and it made you look at him. “Rest your worries when you’re by me, yeah?”
Those words fell into your stomach and twisted like a towel being squeezed. Though, somehow, in a way, you felt safer. A hesitant silence settles between you both, before you decide to speak up.
“Y–ou won’t hurt me?”  
Those stunning brown eyes take a moment to gaze into yours, searching something deeper in your meaning. Instead, all you could muster was eye contact that kept flickering to the floor and trying to calm your quickened breathing.
“What kind of man would I be if I did that, hm?” his voice is airy, tone-flimsy when asking his question. 
You swallowed thickly, “I want to know your name.”
“You do know my name, sweetheart,’” he coldly corrected you, “—use that smart brain of yours.”
Seconds blurred by you, trying to think – imagine what could or would be his name. But nothing came up. Nothing came to your brain, which, the man in front of you, hummed in acknowledgment at the state of your confused state. 
“Shame you don’t remember,” he started, a smirk curling on his face. “It’s Simon.”
Memories you didn’t know at the time came forward. 
Many things are given by that name — your favorite fast food being delivered to your home after a bad day, bouquets in expensive vases being delivered every week; cards given with clothes and money. And somehow, your insurance was now covering things they didn’t. 
Oh, and let’s not forget about the lingerie being sent. A note of: I hope to see you wear this tonight. Signed with initials: SR. 
At first, you thought it was Liam – but he was a cheapskate. Never liked spending money, especially on you. 
Your eyes widened, a bubble trapping itself in your throat — it was him. Police didn’t help, saying something along the lines of, ‘until they hurt you, we can’t do anything’. But when did they ever help? 
“So… what do you want, then?” you whisper, suddenly breathless with this proximity. You can see the gold-brown of his eyes clearly, the halo of honey flecks that cover the circumference of his pupil. His eyelashes flutter when he blinks, so pretty and… oddly feminine. 
And just as he rasped that word, the banging on your front door started. The familiar yelling of Liam drowned out your thoughts, and his screaming made the two of you snap your head in the direction of the front door. 
He yelled out your name, and you flinched. Already feeling the bruising grabs, the constant screaming where your ears ring for hours. Oh god, what the hell did you do? 
“You– need to leave,” you ushered out, hands and legs shaking for the splinting images that shot through your head. 
He was banging on the door, jamming his fists; the handle being shaken so hard that it rattled stuck. It was all too much. 
Simon said your name, but you shook your head. Denying his existence. Danger was near, nobody would help save you. He needs to leave, he needs to leave, heneedstoleave—!
He grunted your name louder, and you looked at him with teary eyes; the small rivers turning into full tsunami’s. You couldn’t think. Breathe. He was here. Going to hurt you. He was going to die. So were you.
The door broke, the familiar thundering footsteps shook from across the house. And before you could react, Simon pushed you behind him — shielding you away from your abuser.  
“You—!” Liam screamed into the bedroom, a bottle of beer in one hand and his other clenched into a fist; his blue eyes burning into your stomach. You choked out a sob as he stepped further, but stopped at the sight of Simon. For once, Liam looked retched at his own thoughts. 
“Who the fuck are you?” he yelled, and the man only narrowed his eyes at Liam; challenging him with his height and quiet demeanor. 
“Get the fuck out.” his rough and dark voice sent shivers down your neck, making every hair stand up.
Liam scoffed, a plethora of curses voiced out, before he shut up. Your eyes narrowed, and as you looked at his shocked face, you saw a gun in view next — Simon’s finger gripping the trigger, aiming it at Liam’s head. 
Your heart leapt out. Fight or flight mode flicking on.
“Come on, man– we, we’re playing. Right—?” he chuckled out, and Simon grunted. 
In the dimmed room, you can see his high cheekbones and the absolute rage that is evident on his face, even hiding behind his mask. His hands are clenched around the gun tightly, finger curling even tighter around the trigger. 
“I’m not going to ask again; leave the fucking apartment.” 
Liam falsely chuckled, “O-or what? You’ll shoot me? Doubt you have the balls, my… guy.”
Within seconds, the gun went off — making you scream, closing your eyes, and covering your ears. Your fingernails scraped at your ears, making them ring. It hurt, not a single thought. Oh god, what the fuck happened? 
“—uck!” was all you could muster before you knelt to the ground, wrapping arms around yourself; teeth clenching down your lips as you felt— tasted blood. 
After a few minutes – or seconds – you open them up and find Liam, leaning on the wall for support, bleeding through his arm. There was so much– on the floor, on his hands. His eyes were widened, looking at the man in front of you; anger yet fear rising. 
He started hiccuping — more blood dripping down to the floor as he clenched his nearly wound. 
“Don’t ever let me see you again.”
Simon’s rough voice of threatening sent shivers down your body. Your breath hitched. Your body starts to shake as your eyes widen. Simon’s threat was enough for Liam to nod instantly, giving you one look before running out; not giving you a second look as it may not leave tonight with his face intact. 
You were about to say something, but the man cleared his throat and looked down at your shaking form. “Ya’ okay?”
You looked up at him, slowly nodding. In return, he said nothing, making you feel his eyes take in every detail of you. To your face and pupils, to your shaking legs and ragged breath. Yet, having never meeting you before, he gladly handed over his hand down to you. 
Looking up at his scarred hand, you hesitantly looked at it — large fingers, nails scratched and clear hangnails. You didn’t know what to do, other than grab it and strand up with his help. 
“Get your things.”
Your eyes narrowed, breath heaving. “Why?”
 He looked at you, brown pupils dilated. They were so feminine– pretty. His breath hitched, and a large hand grasped your shoulder. 
“Cause’ you’re gona’ be coming with me, forever.” 
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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serene-faerie · 3 months
Doriath Dashboard Simulator
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🍃 leafyboi Follow
Oh to meet a Maia in Nan Elmoth and just get lost in her eyes for 200 years
#i want whatever thingol has with his wife
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🌳 daily-doriath-pics Following
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Neldoreth under the Stars
#doriath photos #sindar #neldoreth #beleriand #middle earth #my pics #night skies
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🌺 queen-melyanna Follow
Baby girl is growing up quite well.
She's a very curious child, and she has a tendency to glow when she's playing with her toys.
I suppose having a child who is half-Elven and half-Maia can yield some interesting results.
#adventures in parenting
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🌌 princess-tinuviel Following
Dark hair and rugged beards have got me acting rather.... unwise
#shut up tinuviel #do not rb
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🌲 beech-girl Mutuals
ngl I did not have "Princess Lúthien falls in love with hairy mortal man in the forest" on my 465 bingo card lmao
#honestly??? good for her #go get that mortal dick!
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🦌 king-elu Follow
Call-out for the Noldor
I cannot believe I am doing this. But it is my duty to inform the people of the deceivers we have been harboring in Doriath.
And yes, this is about Alqualondë and the kinslaying that has been wrought upon Olwë's people.
TW: Violence against Elves, kinslaying, theft and destruction of property, lying, deceit
Read More
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🏹 strongestbow Following
Fellas is it gay to hold hands with your human best friend when hunting in the woods together???
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🍁 maidenofneldoreth Mutuals
Just curious:
⭐️ feanors-second-wife Follow
Excuse me???? How are we "treacherous" when the Teleri literally wouldn't give us their ships when we asked???
If they didn't want to be slaughtered, they should've just given us their swanships when we told them to. Besides, the Teleri aren't even Thingol's people! And it's not like your king was there to watch us kill the Teleri! He was literally hiding behind his wife's skirt!
🦋 flutterby-of-nivrim Follow
Wow, what an entitled piece of work you are.
First of all, way to victim-blame the Teleri of Alqualondë. They had every right not to surrender their swanships to a bunch of entitled jerks like you. You guys just stormed their lands, slaughtered them for saying no, then took the ships anyways.
Second of all, I don't understand your logic. So because Thingol wasn't there to see the kinslaying, he shouldn't be angry about it??? Girl, we Sindar are literally descended from the Teleri! Some of us had relatives who were killed in Alqualondë! And King Olwë was Thingol's kinsman! Of course Thingol has every right to be upset about the kinslaying!
Thirdly, Thingol was not "hiding behind his wife's skirt". We were literally fighting Morgoth before you guys even left Aman. We're more familiar with the evils of Morgoth than you Noldorin Elves. The whole reason why the Girdle was put up was because we lost a good chunk of our army.
Lastly, why are you even on the Sindarin side of Tumblr? Shouldn't you be kissing up to the Fëanorian princes on your own blog???
🌼 bloomingblossoms Following
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🦋 flutterby-of-nivrim Follow
Lmao they blocked me
Guess I scared 'em good
#typical noldor #they can dish it out but they can't take it #finrod doesn't count tho #he's a sweetie and we all love him
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🕊️ dior-of-doriath Following
Reblog if you think the Fëanorians are gutless, craven cowards
🌿 lord-0roph3r Follow
Damn you just woke up and chose violence today huh?
🕊️ dior-of-doriath Following
Damn right I did
There's two more Silmarils in Morgoth's crown
They can go and steal those for all I care
#no way am i giving up the one that my parents risked their own lives to get #you want em so badly #go on and fight morgoth for the other two you cowards
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🌸 flowermaidenofmenegroth Follow
Did anyone else have "Thingol gets killed by Dwarves" and "Melian's girdle fails" on their bingo card this year???
#got a bad feeling about doriath's future
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It's been a long journey, but at last, we made it to the Havens of Sirion.
Unfortunately, our king and queen fell in battle, and Menegroth is in ruins. Even worse, we couldn't find the twin boys in the forest. Though I pray that they are alive, deep down, I know that the worst has come to pass.
Luckily, we managed to escort Elwing to safety, but my heart aches for her. She's still so young, and in only one day, she's lost her parents and brothers.
But though her family is gone, I will do my best to help in raising her. I feel that she will grow into a strong young lady one day.
For now, it's time for us to rest. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
From tomorrow, we must start healing.
#personal #ruin of doriath
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trickstarbrave · 7 months
back at it again--
continuing this idea i have for @wellthebardsdead's au fool's prayer.
i was gonna write. the altercation outside the temple room. but yknow i'll get to it later i have to sleep and i wanna post what i wrote :))) (no proofread tho im sorry)
kinks for this i guess are body worship and breeding kink. lmao
Nerevar dressed as always, though he chose to forgo most of the elaborate, ceremonial armor he typically wore. Usually he would never dream of going without it on the day of a council meeting, but well…
He had no intention of attending a meeting today. It didn’t matter that Sen Dres had finally recovered enough to attend meetings once more. Even if he did bother attending, its not like anything would come of it. 
Morrowind was about to experience a very, very big change, after all. One most of the councilmen would no doubt be furious with him over--much more than they’d be angry with him for simply canceling a meeting. Right before, if Nerevar could guess correctly, Voryn would have their heads roll. 
Again, this was a chance for him to back out. He could look for a method of stopping Voryn, simply postponing his promised meeting with him. Nerevar could only buy him so much time before Voryn saw through his ruse, and perhaps it would have been an option if he thought they were any closer to stopping Voryn. But they weren’t--not in the slightest. The idea of actually stopping Voryn seemed further and further away by the day as the enormity of their foe grew. Nerevar knew it was a battle he wouldn’t win; it was best to use alternate methods. If there was a foe you truly couldn’t stop, it was better to appeal to them and manipulate them. Nerevar had attempted as much with the councilors, but was too outnumbered. He might have been the famed chimer king chosen by Azura, but that only worked for around the first century or so. What he actually needed was more political backing to achieve his goals, especially as Red Mountain refused to calm in the wake of its eruption and people were still displaced from Vvardenfell. 
Voryn however… He was a better option. He couldn’t guarantee Voryn could even feel ‘love’ anymore, but he did know Voryn had a weakness to Nerevar. The hortator was his lover at one point, and Voryn made it a point to recruit Nerevar now that he was back. For one reason or another Voryn wanted or needed Nerevar at his side, either to secure his power long term, because of the nature of the heart, or out of sheer selfish desire. And Nerevar could use that to his advantage. Temper his wrath and violence like a skilled smith at a forge. Gently persuade him down avenues that benefited both himself and Nerevar, along with securing Vivec’s safety. 
He walked down the halls with a purpose. Several temple staff stopped him to tell him the councilors were ready for the meeting, taking in the sight of Nerevar underdressed for the occasion, but Nerevar simply waved them off. 
“No meeting today.” Nerevar announced. “I need to commune immediately.” 
“Commune?” One of the priests asked, apprehensive.
“Yes,” Nerevar replied, still making his way to the temple room set aside for such a matter. A private room, grandly decorated to the Good Three. Voryn had instructed Nerevar in the precise way to summon him--much like one would summon a daedric prince. He was, after all, not much different than the other princes now with how much raw power he possessed. “It concerns Red Mountain.” 
The volcano, able to be seen even from Mournhold, had been behaving strangely after all. The Good Three either could not or would not stop it before, but Voryn had a stronger connection to the heart, and thus, Red Mountain. Already for the past few days it seemed… Restless, as though it was eager to blow again, terrifying the citizens of Morrowind. 
The priest looked relieved hearing that, still following him. “Oh thank the Three…” He audibly sighed. “If they can stop it from erupting once more the people will be more than thankful.” 
“Where do you think you’re going, Hortator?” Sen Dres was scowling, now also tailing him. Nerevar didn’t stop his stride in the slightest. “It is time for a council meeting--an overdue one while I have been in recovery!”
“There will be no meeting today.” Nerevar replied back coolly, entirely undeterred. 
“No meeting?” Sen Dres balked at him. “You do not get to unilaterally decide when there will be a council meeting or not!” He shouted, but Nerevar continued on his path. 
“Something of higher importance came up.”
“Ha!” Sen scoffed. “What could be more important than this meeting? We’ve already had to delay it for weeks. There’s several things on the agenda that have been postponed long enough.”
Finally, Nerevar stopped in front of the door to the shrine room, hand reaching for the handle. Seeing this, Sen Dres sneered.
“You’re postponing the council meeting to beg before the Good Three?” Nerevar gave him a harsh glare in return.
“This isn’t something that can be postponed another day.” Nerevar said definitively, baring his teeth. “The meeting can wait.”
“I hope you intend to take responsibility for your blatant disrespect of the great houses Hortator!” Sen Dres shouted, but Nerevar gave him no reply. He opened the heavy doors, and then shut them behind him.
Sen Dres scowled as he walked away, but the moment he was out of view of the priest a cruel smile broke out across his face.
Oh, he had no intention of letting this meeting be canceled. They would simply instead use this opportunity to their advantage. He merely hadn't expected the hortator to give him such an opening so soon.
Sen Dres was more than happy to say the hortator would be simply abstaining from the meeting, throw out the small handful of councilors supporting him, and begin his coup in earnest. The king usually spent hours conversing with the Good Three in ‘important matters’ but rarely with any material reward. It would give them plenty of time to rally armed guards, tie up the priests, and storm into the room to kill the chimer mid-prayer. And even more exciting—Vivec was still powerless, and according to the spies Sen planted, he was with child. Even if their attack was thwarted, Sen could use Vivec as a hostage. Certainly the hortator would do anything and everything in his power to protect the little temple whore and his own unborn child. 
It was too easy. The king lined him up in a perfect checkmate without him even realizing. All that was left to do was make his move.
Morrowind no longer needed Nerevar. He was a relic of a bygone era—an old folk hero reborn as an outlander. The only reason he rose to power again was in the wake of the Red Year, but he has no real political backing. House Indoril controlled the temple, but they were a mere shell without Almalexia; she wanted it that way on purpose, after all. 
Nerevar had nothing he could bring Morrowind. All he had were naive ideas that charity alone could get them out of this mess, or restricted the Great Houses in an effort to control them. 
Today would mark the day he finally did away with him and unshackled Morrowind.
Inside, Nerevar mixed incense as he so often did before summoning one of the Good Three. Only this time he made a completely different mixture than he often did, sifting the powders together before tamping down white ash as a bed for it, and then setting it in the proper design. No doubt when Voryn returned he’d have this incense blend standardized and a mold made in his preferred shape, but right now Nerevar would have to make due.
He lit it, inhaling the familiar scent of House Dagoth, hit with melancholy for the past. In his first lifetime he could smell this blend often in the halls of any House Dagoth stronghold, or even clinging onto Voryn’s skin like perfume. 
It smelled of home. A long, forgotten home. His mouth quivered and his eyes watered, but he forced the tears down. 
The past was in the past. Nothing he could do could change it--a lesson he learned over and over. Even now, Voryn wasn’t the same, but Nerevar intended to use him as needed. 
For his own safety as well as Vivec’s. And hopefully in the long term, for the good of Morrowind entirely. 
He then said prayers, kneeling on the plush pile of pillows he prepared as well, apprehensive. 
When the prayers were finished, he waited. Seconds ticked by, each one filling him with more concern. Had he done it incorrectly? Had Voryn changed his mind? No--no that couldn’t be it. He did everything to the letter as Voryn instructed, and Voryn wouldn’t have given up on Nerevar so easily. Or was it… Voryn had played him entirely? Did Voryn intend to use this as his opening into the world and ran off to cause chaos? 
Just as his worries started to get the better of him though he felt two cool hands cover his eyes, a dark chuckle behind him. He jumped at first, before relief washed over him.
“Apologies,” Voryn whispered, “I was simply admiring you kneeling like that.”
“Voryn,” Nerevar began, before Voryn continued, his voice slow and seductive. 
“You’re the first person to pray to me in earnest, after all.” Voryn nibbled playfully on his ear, coaxing a few moans from Nerevar’s throat. “Though you won’t be the last.” He chuckled again, before blowing softly, watching Nerevar’s ear twitch and listening to the stranger groan that followed. “But you will always be my first and most devout worshiper, won’t you?” 
“Yes,” Nerevar gasped softly, leaning against Voryn. “Yes, I will be…”
“You’ll even carry the child of a god, my perfect heir…” He rubbed Nerevar’s stomach almost tenderly, before continuing to nibble and kiss along his neck. “Oh how I’ve longed to have you in my arms once more…”
“Voryn~” Nerevar keened, before Voryn wrangled him onto the pile of plush pillows. 
“Look at you…” Voryn was smirking with delight, cupping Nerevar’s flushed cheek. “You look like the perfect offering to me.” Nerevar shuddered at the cold touch, before instantly, Voryn’s hand felt warm and alive again once more.
“How should I make love to you, Neht?” Voryn asked, his voice soft and tender, before his skin changed to chimer gold once more. “Like this?” He leaned in close, his voice soft and tender. “Do you miss this form, my Moon and Star?”
“So long as it’s you, I don’t care.” Nerevar whispered back. “Though I’d… Prefer if your skin is warm.” Voryn chuckled at that, his skin fading to grey once again. 
“I’m perfectly happy with that.” Voryn purred. “I want to make sure it feels as good as possible for you, after all.” He was already pulling Nerevar’s shirt up and over his head. “Perhaps another time we can relive the past like before.” Voryn’s hands then slide up and then back down Nerevar’s torso in long, gliding strokes, making Nerevar’s eyes flutter shut. “I can lay you on my bed… Dress you in the finest silks…” Nerevar could already picture it, “And be the one to worship you.”
“Mm, would you…?” Nerevar cracked his eyes open, looking up at Voryn. He didn’t think Voryn would; not after becoming a god, anyways. Perhaps he was just trying to appeal to Nerevar, making empty promises. Nerevar was nervous about expecting too much from him.
“Of course,” Voryn smiled warmly now, as he caressed Nerevar’s cheek again. “You’ll be my consort… The holiest of saints in my temple…” Voryn leaned in closer, “My beloved…” 
Voryn’s lips met his in a surprisingly tender kiss. He’d expected Voryn to be ravenous when he was summoned, throwing Nerevar to the floor to debauch him properly. But like this he was slow, sensual, lips moving in sync with Nerevar’s as his tongue tangled with the hortator’s in a slow dance. Nerevar had to hold his shoulders to ground himself, but every movement has him wanting more and more. Now he was starting to feel like the impatient one as Voryn took his time exploring Nerevar’s mouth and tasting him thoroughly, Nerevar’s breathing growing more and more labored.
“In fact,” Voryn whispered as he pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting their mouths, “I think I will worship you today, Neht.” Voryn smiled slyly as he began to slide down Nerevar’s body, pressing warm, wet kisses across his skin. “You’ve finally come to me, after all, and it’s time I reward you properly…” 
His lips closed around a nipple, sucking soft and gentle at first as he coaxed soft whimpers and moans out of Nerevar’s throat. It was almost teasing how thorough he was being in working Nerevar up, swirling his tongue around the bud before giving it a soft nibble.
“Should I have these pierced?” Voryn asked, looking up at him before giving another swirl of his tongue as his hand played with the other. Nerevar keened again, arching up against his mouth. “It’s typically relegated to concubines but…” Voryn nipped a bit harder this time, listening to the sharp whine that followed. “I think they’d look perfect on you… Make these so much more sensitive…” Nerevar was panting now, knowing full well he was soaking wet already. “I wonder if I could make you cum just from touching you like this with how sensitive your chest would be…” Voryn flicked both of them now, before giving a soft pinch.
“Ah~!” Nerevar’s cunt was aching in need now as his hips shifted to grind against the larger mer. “Voryn~” He whined again, all the while Voryn continued to touch and tease him mercilessly.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Voryn asked with a smirk, before kissing his way to the other bud, giving it a soft lick, before closing his lips around to suck, flicking it with his tongue the whole while.
“Yes,” Nerevar gasped in between moans, “Yes, I want it, I want it Voryn~” 
Voryn’s lips finally let go, both of his nipples flushed and standing erect. His hips were still shifting under Voryn though as Voryn began kissing his way down Nerevar’s chest, down his ribs, and trailing towards his trousers.
“I can’t wait to taste you again,” Voryn whispered, his tone almost dangerous as he undid the lacing on them, before tugging the fabric down and off Nerevar’s legs. Nerevar helped by kicking them off, moaning from the teasing strokes at his thighs. Voryn then slid his underwear down, pulling it off him in full, before spreading Nerevar’s thighs and settling himself between them. 
“Voryn…” Nerevar groaned, his hands in Voryn’s hair, trembling from his desire.
“So wet…” Voryn remarked, delighted as he admired Nerevar so closely. It honestly made his face burn in embarrassment, even his ears turning red. “You look just as perfect as you did back then…” Voryn whispered, before leaning in to give a soft kiss to his lips, before moving up to press a kiss to his cock. Every touch of his lips has Nerevar’s body jerking, cries spilling uncontrollably from his mouth. It wasn’t enough—it wasn’t nearly enough for him.
“Stop,” Nerevar pleaded. “Stop teasing me—“
“Teasing you?” Voryn asked, pulling away enough to look up at him and cock an eyebrow. “I’m not teasing you at all.” Voryn smirked now, his fingers just pressing against Nerevar’s entrance, but not slipping inside. “I’m memorizing you again, as I promised.”
“Voryn~!” He needed more; Nerevar needed more. He couldn’t handle this level of teasing—not after so long apart.
“I’m worshiping your body, just like you deserve…” Voryn purred, his fingers finally slipping inside. “This perfect, gorgeous body that is finally… All… Mine…” His lips then closed around Nerevar’s cock, suckling softly, listening to Nerevar howl in pure pleasure.
“Yes!” Nerevar’s eyes rolled back as he tried to tug Voryn closer and closer. “Fuck yes, fuck yes!!” Voryn’s tongue flicked against it too, before he removed the pressure and instead pressed another wet kiss. Nerevar groaned in displeasure at the loss, before gasping and moaning again as Voryn gave it playful licks and twirls of his tongue, following it up with another kiss.
“So hard for me, aren’t you…” He purred again, giving another long lick, letting his tongue flatten out. Nerevar’s legs were trembling as Voryn’s fingers stroked slowly against his sweet spot, the pleasure overwhelming his senses. When it felt like this, Nerevar couldn’t believe he hadn’t given in sooner. It felt mind numbing how wonderful it all was, unable to think of a single problem and instead focusing solely on the ecstasy he was hurtling towards. 
“Yes,” Nerevar moaned, “So hard for you, my cock is so hard for you…” Nerevar’s hips were bucking towards the warm, wet heat of Voryn’s mouth. “Please, suck me off again, I want to feel your mouth…” Voryn obliged him, his lips closing around it once more, suckling and flicking his tongue back and forth just like he knew Nerevar liked it. “Oh gods, yes!” Nerevar moaned freely, feeling his orgasm building, getting that much closer to the edge. 
“I’m close—I’m close—“ Nerevar clung to Voryn with one hand, cradling his head close, the other gripping one of the pillows under him so tight his knuckles were going white. “Please make me cum,” Nerevar pleaded, “Please, I wanna cum for you~” He had no shame anymore, focused solely on pleasure. “Please, I’m yours, I’m all yours!” He was fully sobbing in pleasure now, so very, very close…
With one last suck and flick of Voryn’s tongue, Nerevar was finally falling, chanting Voryn’s name the whole while. It was red hot, a burning intensity that came in waves as Voryn forced him to ride it out, his whole body trembling. It was absolute bliss as his mind went fully blank, every other coherent thought fizzling out.
He laid there panting for some time, basking in the afterglow of such a satisfying orgasm. It was even better than the one he had in his dream, a warm, fuzzy feeling settling throughout his body. 
“Good boy.” Voryn praised him, before leaning in close to kiss his cheek after moving back up his body after leaving a few love bites across his thighs. Nerevar hummed in satisfaction now, turning to give him a soft kiss in return.
“Your turn…?” Nerevar asked, and Voryn chuckled. 
“Almost,” He replied, slowly stripping himself as well. “There is one more thing to do.”
Nerevar raised a brow, before Voryn pulled out a small dagger. It was part of the temple room, used to give offerings, but Nerevar’s heart began pounding in fear seeing it.
“Hush,” Voryn soothed him instantly. “This isn’t to harm you, my Moon and Star…” he then brought the knife to his own wrist, slitting across it just enough for it to bleed. It wasn’t crimson red though, but instead bled a pure black—liquid ebony.
“Why…?” Voryn smiled warmly once again, offering his wrist.
“I’ve lost you once before,” Voryn replied, “I watched you be killed, powerless to stop it,” He almost sounded… Genuine like this. Vulnerable. 
Like it was his Voryn again. The man he loved in the flesh once more.
“I refuse to lose you again.” Voryn swore, his eyes shining. “I want to tie you to me, in body and spirit.” He then offered Nerevar his wrist. “You will be my greatest weakness after this, the person they’ll target first.” Voryn was almost pleading with him now. “Please, drink it.”
His reasoning was sound. It was true that when the people of Morrowind found out Voryn couldn’t be killed, they’d target Nerevar next. And even if it was a lie… What did it matter? Nerevar had already given in. Even if this would kill him and turn him into a mindless ash ghoul immediately, Nerevar was in too deep to run now. At least his final moments would have been spent receiving an absolutely mind numbing orgasm.
Nerevar leaned forward and took his wrist, licking the trail of the metallic liquid that spilled, before closing his mouth around it and drinking.
“Good boy…” Voryn whispered, stroking his hair. At first it was just unpleasant from how metallic it was, before Nerevar felt warmth blooming in him. Voryn then held his head firmly, keeping him there. Quickly, Nerevar realized why he had done so, as quickly the warmth turned to burning.
He struggled first, crying out in pain. It had been a lie—that sweet face had been a lie. It hurt so much Nerevar was convinced he was dying, burning from the inside out, but Voryn merely restrained him and forced him to drink.
“I’m sorry my love,” Voryn whispered. “It will hurt at first, becoming one with me…” Voryn also winced. “… It hurts me too…. But we… Need to endure it….”
Nerevar cursed him mentally, still trying to push him off, before his body went rigid, and then finally limp, now robotically drinking. 
Fuck, it wasn’t poison. Instead Voryn intended to use it to control his body. Luckily the pain was fading now, still a simmering warmth in him, but he was no longer sobbing in agony. Now it was a localized pain in his upper stomach, a dull ache.
“That’s it…” Voryn praised him. “I’m sorry my love for controlling your body like that,” Voryn apologized now, cooing softly and stroking Nerevar’s hair. “But it’s just for your safety.” 
Nerevar scowled inwardly, only the slightest furrow in his brow showing how actually angry he was as he was forced to obediently drink. “Don’t be angry with me Neht…” Voryn whispered, “… I’ll make it feel good too, in exchange.” 
The slow, simmering warmth then began to burn anew but this kind a much more delightful kind of fire. Pleasure licked every nerve in his body as he twitched and trembled, eyes rolling back.
“There, much better isn’t it?” Nerevar was climaxing untouched helplessly, unable to respond even if he wanted to. It was another long and overwhelming orgasm too, just as he had before, his thoughts turning off once more.
Finally, Voryn let the pleasure subside, before finally pulling his wrist away and freeing Nerevar’s body. Not like it mattered; he felt completely boneless from the intensity of it all.
“Here…” Voryn smiled warm once more, almost lovingly like he did back then. “Finally… You’re all mine entirely…”
“… Not yet,” Nerevar whispered back against Voryn’s lips, and Voryn stopped the impending kiss to look at him quizzatively. Nerevar decided to show him by wrapping a leg around Voryn’s hips, pressing their bodies closer together. “You still haven’t gotten inside me yet.”
Voryn smirked wide and dark at that, a sort of devilish smirk that made Nerevar excited so many times in the past. 
“You’re correct,” Voryn replied, his breath hot against Nerevar’s lips. “Let me correct that.”
This kiss was much more impassioned and desperate, the hunger Nerevar having expected previously. He was pinned down swiftly, Voryn pressing the head of his cock to Nerevar’s entrance.
“So wet…” Voryn muttered into Nerevar’s neck. “Oh, Neht…”
“You made me cum twice,” It was Nerevar’s turn to pure back, shifting them slightly so he could nibble on Voryn’s ear, “Now it’s your turn.”
“Yes,” Voryn hissed, finally rocking his hips forward, before moaning long and deep. “Oh Nerevar, Neht,” Voryn moaned, before tugging him into a short, messy kiss, “No matter how long we’ve been apart, being inside you makes me weak…”
“Even as a god~?” Nerevar moaned back as Voryn rocked in and out, trying to work himself deeper into Nerevar.
“Yes!” Voryn moaned louder, giving a form thrust down. “Even as a god—!” Voryn was thrusting wildly now, his last bit of self control snapping. It seemed calling him a god excited him more than Nerevar had expected. 
The thrusting was once again, mind numbingly blissful in how good it felt. He was so slick the glide was easy, but he saw stars every time Voryn thrust. 
“Your body will be mine completely,” Voryn moaned inbetween hot, passionate kisses. “All mine,” Nerevar was trembling, eyes rolling back as he moaned freely into the kiss as well, “In a way no one will ever get to have you!”
“Yes!” Nerevar was clinging to Voryn, trying to claw himself closer. “All yours, I’m all yours!”
“You’re going to have my heir.” Voryn demanded, his thrusts finally settling on a hard and fast pace. The sentence sent Nerevar that much closer toward the edge all over again. “You’re going to have only my children,” Nerevar knew Voryn would make sure of it, killing anyone who even thought about it, if their seed would even take. He already had corprus and now he’d drank Voryn’s blood. He wouldn’t put it past his lover to make sure Nerevar could only conceive with Voryn. “As many children as you want Neht—” Voryn kissed him passionately again and again, his breathing labored. 
“Cum inside me!” Nerevar pleaded, “Cum inside me—knock me up—!” Voryn moaned louder, his pace beginning to falter. 
“Neht—!” Voryn held him tighter and tighter, and Nerevar almost felt like the ground under him was trembling. “Get pregnant, get pregnant!” Voryn demanded, before finally his rapid thrusting stopped with a jerk of his hips, heat erupting in Nerevar. “Fuck…” Voryn swore, giving a few more shallow thrusts as he shot rope after rope inside Nerevar’s waiting body.
Nerevar had been furiously rubbing his own cock, but finally feeling Voryn spill his seed was enough to drive Nerevar over the edge. His lover was cumming inside him—making Nerevar’s body his. Voryn’s seed would take and Nerevar would finally be pregnant with his heir, a child with the man he loved like he’d always wanted.
He trembled as he came, mouth open and eyes completely glazed over in pleasure. His cunt spawned around Voryn’s cock, making Voryn groan.
“Milking me for every drop…” He panted, simply laying there and embracing Nerevar. 
Nerevar didn’t know how long they laid there. He simply was basking in the bliss that always followed their most intense lovemaking sessions. But, reluctantly, Voryn finally pulled out of him, rolling off him.
“Let me clean you up.” Nerevar whined in displeasure as Voryn stood up, walking over to a nearby water basin, disappointed from the loss of contact.
“Can’t we just lay here a while longer…?” Nerevar asked, and Voryn smiled. 
“As much as I’d love to,” Voryn brought over a wet rag, gently cleaning him up. He’d likely need a proper bath, but it was enough to let him redress. “It seems we have company.”
“Hm?” Nerevar asked, before glancing around suspiciously. The air was hazy from incense, but it was possible Voryn could still see them. “Outside, it seems like some people are trying very hard to get in, banging on the door and demanding you…” Nerevar scowled at that, the bliss fading and replaced by annoyance. “It’s probably some councilmen demanding I come out for a meeting…”
“Well then,” Voryn smirked, “Let’s go give them a meeting.” 
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jays-bookmarks · 2 years
Falling Leaves (Kazuha x gn!reader)
I woke up today and chose violence >:3c
This was inspired by some hcs I saw that said Kazuha would be too passive and conflict-averse to ever sit down and address the problems in your relationship so the tension would just build until it all falls apart and boy I was thinking about that all night,, so I had to write something about it lol
I might write a part 2 where you guys make up if people want to see it bc goodness knows I can't handle pure angst like this lmao
Summary: You love maple leaves, yet so many goodbyes seem to happen when they turn red. They say if you love someone, set them free... but why does it hurt so much? Words: 927 Warnings: angst w no comfort, Kazuha has attachment issues :(
Autumn was always your favorite season in Inazuma. With it came a break from summer's constant balmy air that always stuck your clothes to your skin, and the farmers' harvest that meant a huge variety of dishes for you to sample. Yet the most important change in autumn was the leaves of the maple trees that dotted the Inazuman landscape. There was something about this last burst of color before the trees shed their leaves for the winter that always left you in awe, and on more than one occasion you had to quickly apologize to someone you bumped into because you were too busy watching the trees.
In recent times, though, the autumn leaves reminded you of something else. Someone else, to be specific.
That someone was sitting next to you, his back leaning against the trunk of the maple tree the two of you were relaxing under. Every once in a while, a breeze rustled through the branches, blowing a few crimson leaves to the ground.
The two of you had spent many afternoons like this, simply enjoying each other's presence. Yet today, as with many days previously, you felt something had changed.
You shot a glance at your beloved. He was silent, a contemplative frown on his face. You had caught him wearing a similar expression on many occasions when he thought you weren't looking, and, after weeks of gentle prodding that got you nowhere, you were determined to get an answer out of him today.
You sighed, prompting Kazuha to look at you with a questioning hum.
"Kazuha, are you… okay?" You asked.
Kazuha smiled, leaning over to press a kiss to your forehead. "Of course. I'm with you, aren't I?"
You bit your lip. This was the same evasive answer he'd been giving you every other time you brought this up to him.
"That's sweet, Kazuha, but…" you paused. "You've been sort of… distant… lately, even when we're together."
"…I'm sorry, my love. It seems I've neglected you yet again."
"No, this isn't about— this is about you. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, love."
You sighed as silence fell over you both. You knew he was avoiding the question, but you decided that the issue had gone on unresolved for long enough, so you kept pressing.
"Is it because I asked you to spend more time with me?"
You hated considering the possibility, but you had to be sure either way. Kazuha stiffened beside you. Though it was only a brief pause before he spoke, it told you everything. After all, he wasn't very good at lying, especially not to you.
"Of course not, love. The time I spend with you is the most precious of them all."
Your chest tightened as you took a shaky breath. It's not like this was unexpected. You had felt the distance between you two growing by the day, but you deluded yourself into thinking that you could still bridge the gap. Maybe if you had said something earlier… reached a little harder… but... no, he was too far gone. You should've known better than to cling so tightly to such a free spirit. You were someone who craved stability and reliability, and this was something Kazuha simply couldn't grant you.
With that realization, you asked your final question.
"Am I… tying you down?"
Another pause. Kazuha let out a long sigh. "In truth…"
You drew in a breath, your hands clenching at the fabric of your shirt as you prepared to receive the blow of his words.
You looked up in shock, the tension deflating from your body as you met Kazuha's gentle gaze. He smiled, but the twinkle in his eyes you had grown to love was nowhere to be found.
You shook your head, pinching your eyes shut so you didn't have to see the pity in his gaze.
"Don't lie to make me feel better, Kazuha," you said. "If I'm really holding you back from being happy, then—"
You cut yourself off, unable to voice the thought that had surfaced in your mind. Tears began to roll down your cheeks, but no hand came to wipe them away.
"Then… is this goodbye?" Kazuha said, his voice soft but steady, just like it always was, betraying no hint of emotion.
"…it doesn't have to be."
You wanted to grab him by the hand and beg him to stay; you wanted to pull him into an embrace and hold him until he promised to be by your side forever; but most of all, you wanted him to smile again, properly, without that distant look in his eyes. So you kept your arms wrapped tight around yourself. They say if you love someone, set them free… but why did it hurt so much?
Kazuha pushed himself from the ground, the soft swish of fabric the only other sound besides your trembling breaths. Even the breeze had died down, as if the world itself was holding its breath to see what would happen next. Kazuha stood before you for a moment. You wished you could see what expression he wore, but you couldn't bring yourself to look up at him.
"I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy," he said. "Goodbye."
He turned and started down the path back to Ritou, his footsteps fading with your final shred of hope. You buried your head in the cocoon of your body and sobbed. So this was it. All the time you spent together, over with a single word.
Goodbye, Kazuha. I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy.
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