#lmao i should make an anthology or something
hackedmotionsensors · 2 months
i didn't reblog the post but I do agree that the terminology for zines has gotten completely twisted.
ON THE OTHER HAND I don't think that selling them for say 20$ (which is what i sell my sketchbooks for) is unreasonable or unfair to still call a zine. I need to cover my costs of printing and the time I put into putting them together. yeah I can TECHNICALLY get a printer and print them myself but with the cost of printer ink and the lack of space its easier for me to just pay for someone to do it professionally but I'm also NOT making them at like....the HIGHEST QUALITY, LIBRARY BOUND, HARD COVER, IT COMES WITH A THOUSAND DOO DADS AND GIFTS. its just sketchbooks ofpreviously existing doodles and a few new sketches or sketches that I had before and colored in. Its essentially like selling a full print but in carryable size with some notes from me.
Its a zine but I call it a sketchbook because the idea of zines has changed for a lot of consumers. Thats not their fault bc those zines or anthologies DID start out in the "lets make a big ol book together because we are all horny for Reigen" kind of thing. A lot of times they're projects made from passion. I HAVE noticed that there's been a turn in the whole process of making them that both stresses out artists, requires kickstarters, and all sorts of shit that should be considered Artbooks. ARTBOOKS have always been on the higher end of things. There's nothing wrong with considering an anthology thats proper bound, and for a certain amount on a kickstarter you get extra things like stickers, charms, whatever.
But zines SHOULD go back to being simple little things. The cost to buy them shouldn't be lost UNLESS the artist wants it to be. If you print at home or using a schools printer and just print a bunch of cute little zines yourself then that should also exist and you can set your price point for whatever you want.
Its all semantics and personal preference at the end of the day but I do think that...yknow it wouldn't hurt if we could start calling the big project 50$ range books that often get run into the ground from bad leadership (or fun stuff like the organizer of the thing runs off with the money to play genshin) ...something other than zine. Like Artbook or Anthology. Or even Collection lol
Zine should be a small thing that you collect for fun and doesn't require a committee, a new discord channel, and a contract to make sure your organizer doesn't run off to play gacha (I'm sorry it still makes me laugh)
ALSO another thing about zines is that often times they were originally made to be alternatives to really closed minded book sellers. Like...its where a lot of the OG star trek fanfic/porn came from. Its a place to have your ideas put down. To explore narratives. Essentially Doujinshi can also be considered A TYPE of zine in that it literally means self published (not NECCESSARILY that its...yknow...bl or waifu porn lol Sometimes its just manga that artists put out before they can get published)
But lately there are a lot of zine projects (again...more actually like anthologies or art collections) that are REALLY REALLY closed minded even when the subject is SHIPPING.
So even the nature of CREATING the zines has changed a lot.
So yeah I agree with that post that I forgot to reblog. My only REAL gripe is that it doesn't mean that you should undercharge your work because you didn't print your zine at home or hand craft it like a youtube diy video. I did enough of that at art school I am not gonna bind a book or try to cut pages ever again if i don't have to lmao. CSP even has a zine preview so I can see the pages in 3d as if they were bound before printing lol
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mintmoth · 2 years
I rounded up some of the asks I've been sent so I can just make one post answering a few things!
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Oh absolutley they did, Azul mentions that they had to take classes about integrating with humans and how to adjust and behave to society on land PLUS
Spoilers for the first birthday even for the tweels
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Floyd does mention that he struggled at first, so all three of them definitely did lmao
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I've actually been thinking about this more lately! Since I've been wanting to give characters little embellishments and such, I definitely feel like Kalim probably has some little scars here and there, while Jamil probably has bigger ones that just show up as fainter, like little lighter lines on his hands and arms
The tweels DEFINITELY have scars with how the two of them are, plus I'm really fond of the idea of them having what looks like scarring where their fins and gills usually are so it's like.. a hint at their lack of being human- same extends to Azul but you know he takes great care in his appearance and probably learned about creams and things that reduce scarring and immediately tried out half a dozen (tho I think he also has faint stretch marks on his stomach, thighs, and sides)
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You're so right and you should say it louder LMAO also shout out to the fact that while the MC is written as gender ambiguous Ace is one of the few characters who has directly flirted with the MC and I know it's just because he's obnoxious but I'm pointing aggressively lmao
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More ship talk! I think Malleus and Leona is incredibly funny and fun, but that's also because I love bantering and the concept of someone becoming soft for their rival, evolving from "you're the only one who I could even consider competition" to "someone tried to hurt you? Tell me who. No one is allowed to hurt you"
Also Floyd and Riddle can be lots of fun, like the one chapter in the anthology I know people went WILD about lmao I love teasing and playful rudeness
Riddle and Trey is also a ship I think is quite fun! But I'm also weak for childhood friends with blooming romance, even outside of romantic content I enjoy seeing them being friends a lot and seeing people making comics about them growing up together since it's always very cute
Also Rook and Vil are married- both of them look at the other and go "that's my beautiful wife look at him go"
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I wanted to tap on this specifically because first of all I LOVE eeldritich I will be adding that to my vocabulary
Also I love this dynamic but specifically the idea of the sea trio being like "haha yes living with humans this will be a fun romp" and then jokes on them they fall for a weak and vulnerable human with no claws or teeth who they could easily tear apart with their hands but no they're ENAMOURED they're intrigued and infatuated, the human they're head over heels for becomes something they want to keep safe? Sentimentality? Ew? Them? WHAT?? Yes their loved one is impressive and talented and strong in their own way but for some reason the idea of seeing the object of their affections hands bloodied is?? Upsetting?? WHATS HAPPENING TO THEM
Internal conflict at becoming soft around the edges in finding someone they long to keep close ✨👏
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wannab-urs · 11 months
The Spreadsheet Digest - Fic Recs | Vol. 10
Hi babies!!
Can't believe this is the TENTH week of TSD. I really love sharing what I read with y'all (even if it's lowkey embarrassing to admit how much smut I read in seven days). This week I branched out to a Pedro Boy I don't usually read AND I read a couple different series that like... changed my life.
Fic recs below the Pedro ;)
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The last great american dynasty - a Joel one shot by @proxima-writes (part of the Folklore Anthology)
I love love love old homes and I also did a research project in college that involved reading historical letters so this was all just a really cool premise for me. Add in the snarky reader and grumpy joel and it's just heaven on earth for me.
Muddy Waters - a Joel / Ezra series by @bonezone44
This is like... weird. It gives me an eerie feeling. And that is such a fucking compliment btw. I am obsessed. The way you've written Ezra is so fucking interesting (and creepy). Love me a murder boy <3 And reader is really fascinating too ugh. This is so cool. (thanks toxic for pointing me to this w your rec ahhhh).
Bunny - a Javi P two shot by @whatsnewalycat
Obsessed with the premise here. Phone sex operator to get through school?? sign me up. The little Dale Gribble moment was delightful and then it's followed up by incredible phone sex with Javier. And then!!! Part TWO we get professor Javi, which is unfairly hot and the recognition from the voice and just.... oh my god it is everything. I mean this is just the perfect set up for dirty talk and boy does Javi have a mouth on him.
LJ's Bangathon - a Pedro Boys... bangathon? by @prolix-yuy
Every single one of these is incredible. I'm especially partial to the Oberyn x Sit on the Throne one because like... murder + dub con vibes and neither in the way you'd expect. I also adored Jack and Marcus Pike. Their dynamic was so good UGH. Anyway they're all amazing and you should read them.
Learning to Live - a Javi P series by @wheresarizona
This fucking fic is ruining my life. I've been completely consumed with it all week. I can see how a casual viewer of Narcos would say it's OoC for Javi, but I actually think it's kind of genius. Throughout the show you get all these slight glimpses into Javi's true nature: soft, sweet, caring, passionate, gentle... but he's so wrapped up in and beat down by everything in Colombia that he has to be an asshole or he won't fucking survive. The post-show Javi who is ready to start letting all that go is so fucking wonderful to see and I love that Cielito gets to help bring that out of him. The little moments of reconnecting with his family and remembering his mom bring me to tears. The long speeches in Spanish are just so lovely. If you need something to make you weak in the knees and a little teary eyed this is it. Passionate, adoring, filthy, gorgeous smut sandwiched between beautiful little moments of fluff and just the right amount of angst. Me encanta esta historia <3
With or Without You - a Javi P/Frankie series by @jksprincess10
Frankie is so adorable and sweet in this. He just wants to make reader feel good and he also wants to please Javi ugh. And reader is so mischievous getting Javi to do what she wants ahhhhh. And of course our dominant little Javi P is wonderful in this. Fucking top tier smut, Nad. We all know I love a MMF threesome fic lmao.
this is me trying - a Joel one shot by @swiftispunk
This is such a sweet platonic Joel and Ellie fic ugh. I really love fics that explore their relationship post season 1 and like... Joel coming to terms with everything. I loved the set up (similar to his panic attack in episode 6 when he sees the girl by the tree) and I love how Ellie comforts him in her own quintessentially Ellie way. You can see the bond they have where she just kind of knows what to do and say instinctively and it makes me so happy. I see a lot of fics where Joel is trying to comfort Ellie or get her to stop hating him for what he did and it's just really nice to see a fic where Ellie comforts him instead.
take what you need darling - a Joel one shot by @iamasaddie
big thick dick daddy joel what more do you need?
punch the clock - a Javi P one shot by @deathwife
Listen this is exactly what would happen if I worked anywhere near Javier Peña. I would find a way to get him to come with me and I would also be a sassy lil bitch to him constantly. Not like it would be difficult to get Javi to come with pretty much anything with legs and wearing a skirt, but still.
I Can Feel Your Heartbeat - a Jack (Whiskey) series by @psychedelic-ink
Cowboy Jack Daniels is a character who begs to be written as a stripper and this fic delivered. He's hot and sweet and I love it. Part two is sexy as all hell and features clumsy as fuck reader (which is so me). And then it drops the ANGST on you. God I love this. I cannot wait for part three.
The Secret - a Marcus M series by @frannyzooey
This collection of drabbles about a much older Marcus Moreno sneaking into your dorm at night is so fucking hot, y'all. I don't read a whole lot of Marcus Moreno unless he's being sweetly seduced by my favorite piece of shit human, Dieter Bravo. So I clicked on this bc it's by one of my favorite writers and was rec'd by another of my favorite writers and... alright. I'm on the Marcus Moreno train. I get it. And the drabbles left me desperately wanting a full story... wishful thinking?
----------oldies but goodies-----------
Soft - a Dieter one shot by @mishasminion360
Home for the weekend - a Joel one shot by @loquaciousferret
Genesis - an Ezra series by @max--phillips (I'll kiss you if you write more)
Perfectly Intoxicating - a Javi P series by @gracieispunk
Es Tarde y Te Necesito - a Javi P one shot by @gar6agef1r3
Say My Name - a Javi P one shot by @palioom
I Only See Daylight - a Din series by @millersdjarin
A Fresh Start - a Din series by @theidiotwhowritesthings
----------my shit------------
Nothing new! I'm planning a little Javi P thing maybe? Based on my username... MAYBE! Do not get excited.
And maybe a lil Dieter thing based on Dial Drunk by Noah Kahan but again don't hold me to it I am useless most of the time.
Happy Reading <3
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rizaposting · 2 months
this is a bit negative so I'm going to throw it under a read more, but idk what to do so... writing woes be upon me
royai big bang deadline for anthology pieces is end of april and I'm just... not sure what to do with my piece. It's at 14k words and still feels like it needs SO much more. I'm not sure if I should brute force it, or try to refocus the scope, or just... know when a lost cause is a lost cause lmao
I have an interview for a job on Tuesday and it has been taking up a significant portion of my brain power this past week. That'd leave me about a week of Pure, Unfettered ADHD Panic Mode Focus IF I can get my brain to cooperate with me.
I oscillate wildly back and forth between "this is unsalvageable and I should just admit defeat early" and "I HAVE to do this I NEED to do this". I am currently in a "I can do this if I try" phase but I'm sure that my opinion will change in a few hours, and then it will change again in the morning. I know, logically, no one is going to get mad if I don't make the deadline, but I really, really wanted to prove to myself that I could do this so it makes sense to at least TRY to make it work.
I guess I'm wondering, if you've been in a similar situation before, what did you do? How do you reframe something when it's already got so much stuff in it? Not in a sunk cost fallacy kind of way, more like a sheer This Is Big And I Have No Time. Any sort of technical advice would be appreciated
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I’m going to make you share Ianto audio opinions now :D Sorry I know there’s like 9 million of those
Dhhdhdhd you’re all good, everyone needs to know my hot takes on their favorite blorbo that is just A Guy
Fall to Earth: Very good! The beginning of a long saga of Ianto having audios with women who are cooler than him, also he’s a dumbass and Myfanwy has insurance now
Broken: honestly, this one is overhyped in my opinion. It’s still very good, but people scream so much about it and I’m like “…poodle goo”. That said, it is a classic, content warnings for depression and suicide attempt, but it’s really doing its best to establish the janto dynamic behind s1
The Office of Never Was: this one features a darker side of Ianto which is very interesting, but also I barely remember any of the details due to me listening ages ago, but like yeah I think it’s good
The Last Beacon: PEAK GO LISTEN IMMEDIATELY, beloved romp and Ianto-Owen character dynamics
Serenity: definitely my preferred Janto audio, dumbasses in the suburbs, violence and swinging attempts and Ianto just slowly losing his mind (affectionate)
Expectant: okay so this isn’t good. I wouldn’t even necessarily say it’s fun. There’s not even that much Ianto in it. But goddamn there’s something about it, so many things that are mentioned and not explored and there are slippers and whale songs okay (also gross birth noises so be warned)
Dinner and a Show: yes very good! just a good fun romp at the opera with aliens and cheap knock-off Welsh Prosecco
Ex Machina: genuinely such an interesting concept, unreality warning heavy, but I really enjoyed it
Rhys and Ianto’s Execllent Barbecue: oh my god this is literally a masterpiece on grief and masculinity and also there’s a cool time bubble and a guinea pig, mandatory listening
Coffee: fun and painful and just like, a lot of it is kinda basic but when it hits it HITS
The Great Sontaran War: okay genuinely a pretty solid one, goss needs to stop trying to write marginalized people, but there’s a sontaran in a trailer park with a cat named Group Marshal Cat and Ianto is just trying his best, so
The Grey Mare: okay it’s not bad, but it is a pretty basic spooky tale, I heard someone describe it once as a plot that it didn’t have to be Ianto, and that’s pretty fair
Restricted Items Archive Entries 031-049: this is my personal favorite honestly, both for the almost anthology type vibe of all the entries, and because this author Gets Ianto and it’s just so fun and also a bit ouchy as it should be
SUV and The Lincolnshire Poacher: okay, haven’t heard these, but based on vibes poached from my friends, SUV is good, and Lincolnshire Poacher is slowburn Ianto whump and I mean slowburn because he doesn’t show up for a while, so don’t expect him right away, but I’m not gonna write it off
The Torchwood Archive: very good, domestic janto in the most weirdest and in character way honestly, lmao
Outbreak: YES SO GOOD, be warned for a virus plot and scratching noises, but like worth it for all of the vibes, who doesn’t want to have your boyfriend try to murder you because he loves you and your best friend mock you for your shit tie, so good
Believe: okay so his plot is probably the most interesting/best one, but overall it’s really just not that good, not really worth it
Torchwood One: god fuck you Alyssa I forgot about these, okay okay
Before the Fall: technically individual stories, but it’s really more like one big one, Rachel be girlbossing
Machines: Blind Summit is the one for Iantotent, man sorta gets supersoldiered and everyone forgets about it, I personally really like 9 to 5, the premise Bangs. Also the law machines is here, it’s okay I guess
Latter Days: Retirement Plan lets Ianto James Bond it up, Locker 15 is solid, the Rockery isn’t a Ianto story but it is my favorite from the set so 😤
Nightmares: honestly, the best set, both My Guest Tonight (not a Ianto story), and Lola are very solid, LESS MAJESTY IS FARCE AND FUCKING HILARIOUS
TLDR: honestly he doesn’t really have a Bad one, but some are better than others :3
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 months
also went on a paddle boat with sister, it was fun I haven’t done it in like 7 years. we stopped by a book store, and
1) there’s a physical copy of A Hero in the Demon King’s Castle which was surprising to me because syohei(/inutoki)’s got really off-beat style so I’ve figured they’d be too niche to be licensed, plus it had a dust jacket WITH author/artist bio AND the extra comics on the actual cover… I didn’t get it because I’m not quite ride or die for it, but I am reconsidering because syohei’s art is just really fun. plus it’s just a well-printed book, how often do you see manga printed in eng with dust jackets? I’ll probably reread it and see if I Really Do Want It. if anyone wants a bit of a wacky read with interesting art, give it a look. I actually… really like inutoki & syohei’s other anthology more because I really like the love interest of the main oneshot but it also has one oneshot that’s pretty vicious to the point I’m not sure I’d actually get a physical copy lol
2) speaking of pretty vicious, a physical copy of one of asada nemui’s works was there which I think is pretty cool, her art is sooo interesting to look at. it’s not as crazy as syohei’s, but it just feels… direct? impactful? just an appealing style. I wouldn’t buy a physical copy of that one, but I’d get one of sleeping dead… I’d consider getting the anthology but she really paired two of my favorite oneshots while having the main story have My Hardline Exclusion Criteria 😞 I’d get the other anthology tho, no hard no’s in that one. where was I going with this? well, if you like strange morose rancid toxic romances, definitely look up asada nemui and also a list of content warnings
3) on that note, it made sense to list manga alphabetically by title back when it’d take up a single shelf max, but I think book stores really need to rethink manga shelving, especially since more bl with smut/het with smut/yuri with smut is getting licensed and distributed
3a) by the way there were quite a few yuri titles, which is a cool change! I already had the one I liked
3b) buy ‘5 seconds before a witch falls in love’ it’s so good. I LOVE the main story. I am lukewarm on the other oneshot. the main story is SOOOO fun, zeniko sumiya has kind of a more shounen-esque art style and she usually draws bl so you need to treasure her fun & dumb witch/witch hunter shenanigans
3c) I mistyped shenanigans as shenanigals lmao that kinda fits still
3a) and the other ~15 I’ve read and dropped because I wasn’t interested in them (I showed sister the cover of SHWD—like, I also want muscular women but I cannot get over some of the anatomy, those are beach balls attached to her chest? like it’s not the aesthetic of Anime Titty Jiggle Physics but I really cannot get over it) but I’m glad there’s more yuri. mostly. I hate that the gamer one is there, the art and writing is so weirdly uncomfortably… H for something that is a SFW slice of life, and I didn’t like a few of the other series that sister pointed out because they were really. too long with not enough sense of direction/momentum to have satisfying character/relationship progression. BUT IT’S GOOD THAT MORE YURI IS BEING LICENSED.
3) anyway I was thinking that there should probably be more a delineation between either genres or age of audience, but at the same time, that’s tricky—having an 18+ section could make it uncomfortable for folks who enjoy being able to browse without a glaring neon sign that indicates they’re looking at smut, dividing by genre can make it tough for folks who want to take a look at gay romances/lgbtq autobio more surreptitiously,
3d) well, I would imagine it’s less of a huge deal now than it was ~15 years ago, but homophobia still is a thing
3) so in the end I have no defined conclusion to my thoughts on manga shelving in english-speaking countries
4) I saw several copies of nagisa furuya’s works! I might go back for number call, that was the first one of hers I’ve read and it’s really cute. I was telling sister, this might sound bad but I like how… standard her art & writing is, it’s very clean and pleasant, her low(ish)-stakes slice of life fluff is really good. also nice to have sfw options for introducing folks to bl
5) this is completely unrelated to this bookstore trip but a couple of weeks ago I saw an m/f romance and was like. do I know this artist from bl??? but I looked up the artist and didn’t see anything I would recognize, it’s just… the way older men is drawn is so…
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5) like I know I’m stupid biased because I read an inadvisable amount of bl but he looks like a guy straight out of my miserable office worker bls. I feel like I should know him from bl. I guess I just forget that m/f fans also like older men because all the josei romances I’m involuntarily exposed to are very (…) Like That
5a) mangaplanet REALLY needs to reorganize its genre divisions. hardcore josei smut shouldn’t be lumped with shoujo. hentai should not be lumped with shounen. guys what is going on there
5) but I’ve been thinking of reading it because even by style alone it looks like it’ll at least be unique m/f (though, if I’m gonna read m/f, my preference would be for a miserable older office lady and kinda punk-ish younger guy, but oh well…) it’s just, the cognitive dissonance of squinting at this guy and being like. you belong in a bl.
6) I need to get back out of the habit of reading bls to pass out at 2am 😔 for a while I finally dragged myself back to sleeping at 1am with my baby leash (screen lock) but I’m back in my bad habits. I could at least look at the unhinged horror m/f racher’s been begging me to read just to diversify what I’m pouring into my brain. oh, also sister gave me night is short walk on girl to read and the writer really did deserve all his awards, his character voice is extremely arresting
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
Oops I almost forgot to request but idm waiting!! could you make an oj haywood x black/fem reader who's a model (and pretty bold lmao) and they meet cus they needed his horses for a photo shoot? idk if that's too specific I don't wanna step on ur toes or anything snfnskfn 😭😭
covergirl | OJ Haywood x black! Reader | October prompts !
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A/N: Thank you for your patience! I didn’t forget about this! Now that we’re in my favorite season of the year I decided to add something else to the mix and include this in my October prompts for 2022! It’s a short one but hopefully a good one.
+ Prompt: 6. “Is it just me or did it just get really cold in here?”
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attention was never something you turned away from. You loved it. It was always all eyes on you, you know, like Tupac’s fine ass once said. Ask any of your siblings and cousins growing up, you were the main one who oozed star quality. Sorry. So you took that to your advantage, gaining tumblr fame quite quickly in your tumblr teen girl era and that later brought you to high-end modeling.
The only time your photo shoots were early was if you were overseas and it always ended up eventful. You weren’t much of a morning person but you adjusted once you were fully up. Plus you didn’t enjoy wasting anyone’s time; especially your own. Now that you were back in California, your agents knew to only schedule you for early afternoon shoots. Not to mention that you’ve grown to have insomnia once your career began to take off and a hint of sleep apnea when your body allowed you to disconnect for a few hours.
So sure sleep was a huge question mark when it not only came to modeling but you loved having “me time,” when you weren’t out with your friends.
Letting out a small yawn that you covered with a few of your fingertips, you glanced up at the ceiling for a moment longer as the makeup artist patted the setting powder underneath your eyes then gave you your space.
“Here you go!” A voice chirped shortly afterwards, “looks like I’m right on time too.”
Continuing staring upwards as you lounged on a faux fur multi-colored stool, you spotted a curly haired girl in baggy clothing as she held out a iced tan tea to you. “Heard you enjoy that London fog tea shit, it’s giving clay but to each their own I guess!”
Taking it from the familiar face you smiled around the straw before you sipped your beverage, “Emerald Haywood. Thanks for this, I didn’t know you worked behind the scenes?”
“Oh please, with a face like this? And charisma like mine?! You already know I’m in front of the camera just like your pretty self.” The brown skinned girl winked while you smirked.
“My apologies sis, I should have known.” You stretched, putting a arch in your back while Emerald shamelessly checked you out in your outfit, “what are you doing here?”
“I’m wherever the money is. Just ask your cousin,” Em raised one arm in the air, leaning over slightly as her hips rotated before she continued, “OJ and I had to keep the business running when daddy passed. After our asses got fired from a failure of a previous shoot, I did some research and found out somebody else needed horses. And you so happened to be here.”
“Riiight,” you pointed, “and here I was thinking you gained some sense and became obsessed with me instead of messing around with my cousin.”
Em quirked up a brow, “don’t tempt me with a good time…either way I talked to my therapist and we both agreed that it’s time for me to focus on myself.”
You hummed at that, not saying what you thought on it. You knew Em for a couple of months now, ever since your cousin, who happened to work at a strip club, began bringing em around. They were casual in the beginning—it seemed since your cousin had a issue when it came to dating; either the girls or non-binaries she dated got jealous over her profession/no longer felt comfortable with her line of work, turned out abusive, or decided to start sleeping with their therapist right after putting their relationship on a break.
Nonetheless you kept your mouth shut since your cousin said she would figure it out. So you respected it and you actually liked hanging out with Emerald Haywood. Your energies meshed well together and you hung around the same group of people. She was cool in your eyes minus the whole sleeping with your therapist two days after she called it quits with your cousin…but hey it was none of your business.
“Okay everyone, let’s clean up and get the horse in for the final shots of the day! I want to leave and get fucked up like the rest of you!” The photographer announced.
Pushing off the stool, you continued downing your tea as the assistants on the set removed the stool and large potted flowers out of the way. “That’s great, em. I’m sure it’ll all be worth it in the end.”
“You see the vision.” Em snapped her fingers, “I had no doubt you’d get it.”
“Of course,” you shrugged as another assistant came over to you, suddenly picking at your roots gently before placing a metallic cow-girl hat over your head, “self-love is the best love and whoever you decide to share that with and they understand? It’s even better.”
One of the assistants, Stella, you believed her name was, held out her hand to take the leftover drink before you lightly turned to see a dark skinned man catering to a white horse.
“I think I just found that someone.” You whispered, beginning to strut over to the man and your supposed prop for hopefully the next thirty minutes.
Em titled her head to the side in confusion as she watched you make your way over to her brother. It only took her a second to realize what was going on as you gently began stroking ghost’s fur who swayed his tail in response.
“Who’s the lucky guy?” You asked.
OJ peeked up and over from his side next to the horse and moved to stand in front of; to continue caressing it’s nose. He barely glanced at you as he responded, “this is ghost.”
“I’m not talking about the ghost, handsome.” Your voice was as sultry and light as you patted the horse, arm going up to rest along it’s spine comfortably.
OJ blinked, “oh. I’m just the guy with the horses.”
“No. There’s always more than what meets the eye,” you smiled, “I’m Odette and you are?”
“I’m aware,” OJ had his attention back on the white horse continuing to provide comfort, “your manager told us you go by Detty, that you’re gonna be on your Beyoncé shit and gave us a whole run down of what not to do in your presence. Which I understand boundaries…I just want to let you know that these horses—
“Deserve the same amount of respect as any decent human being,” you said, “I get it. I know a thing or two about horses and bulls. It was my grandfather’s thing. Sure he loved his bulls more than horses but trust me, I won’t hurt him. I’m capable of being gentle.”
That’s when OJ looked at you to see you slightly biting on the corner of your lip. He didn’t know much about you coming into this gig but his sister did. All OJ needed to know was the time, to provide reassurance for whichever horse he thought would be best for this, and the price. He wanted to bring lucky but this photoshoot requires a white horse for whatever reason and Ghost could be a bit finicky at anything lately. He was the last one Otis Sr. Was on when he was attacked so OJ knew that Ghost was going through a bit of PTSD at the moment.
“OJ! Get out the way and let the girl do her thang! Ghost also knows what to do!” Em called out to OJ, who cautiously stepped back as the assistants came over with another stool to help you onto ghost.
However OJ still found himself lingering close by while Em chatted away with others on set. OJ watched you as you carried on so elegantly, in your flowy attire as you seemed to be chatting with the horse here and there every time you shifted to a set poses. It did not take the photographer long to get multiple shots and finally the winning one.
“I think we got it!”
Claps started to surround until you asked; now sitting up from ghost, “you think or do you know? I still think outside for this scene would be better.”
“It’s not the look the magazine was looking for babe. We got the floral backdrop and your gorgeous face, that’s all we need.” The photographer answered, “that’s a wrap everybody!”
OJ watched as you rolled your eyes then shrugged. He moved over back to ghost as the stool was placed down again for you. Carefully you climbed down and moved to stand by ghost’s head. You caressed him once more, “thanks for your time, buddy.”
Everyone slowly began to clear out as you flicked your eyes over to OJ who was actually staring at you this time, “and thank you for lending us ghost…OJ, was it?”
“Mhm,” he dipped his head, “you’re welcome.”
Quickly learning that he wasn’t a man of much words you breathed out a small laugh. Normally most guys that couldn’t hold a conversation you lost interest. However there was something about OJ that made you have a little bit of time.
“What’s the O stand for in your name?”
“Odette and Otis.” You let it roll off your tongue, “Look at us sounding like somebodies grandparents. Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it?”
“I think we could do something big with that.”
“Yeah? Like be somebodies grandparents?” He snorted, picking up that you were flirting with him.
“That and much more.” Your voice lowered as you held OJ’s stare.
The stare down was broken off once the lights suddenly shut off on you two. It only took seconds for a blur of white to fly by your sight followed with the clunking of Ghost’s hooves.
“Aye! Ghost!” OJ watched as the ghost ran around in circles in distress, the brimmed man trying his best to click his tongue to get the horses’ attention.
A side door suddenly opened, giving Ghost the opportunity to rush through it.
“Whoa! What’s wrong with ‘im?” Em asked, shades lowered as she glanced away from her phone.
OJ huffed as he began jogging over to the door which clicked behind the horse. Sighing you began peeling off the boots, wiggling your feet as you let out a yawn again.
“Did he get your number yet? ‘Cause we need to go and get some real food. What y’all had here ain’t enough to feed a damn fish.” Em muttered to you as you made your way over to her.
Before you could respond you listened to the rattling of the door handle that OJ pressed on.
It didn’t appear to be budging.
“The doors stuck.” OJ bluntly stated.
“You mean to tell me you don’t know how to open doors? You just push it!”
“I’m doin’ that!” OJ yelled back, “i’m guessing this is one of those doors that locks behind you.”
Em grimaced after attempting to get it open herself, “ohhh.”
Carrying the boots in one hand and lightly rubbing on your arms with the other, you began looking around the building. It felt much smaller with the lights out and not as comforting.
“Is it just me or did it just get really cold in here?” You asked, eyes wide as your eyes darted around the room.
Footsteps moved to stand beside you. Em tested your realization blowing into the air and found a puff of cloud went towards the air. It was on the tip of her tongue to just brush it off, assuming that the air temperatures increased when no one was around.
However…something felt like it was.
The three of you were quiet, picking up on the sound of something almost spluttering from above. Instantly you were holding your breath and you weren’t sure why as all three pairs of eyes shot up to the ceiling above their heads.
“What the hell—
“I think we should move. Now.” OJ ordered, not liking how that sounded and given what he previously witnessed with shit falling out of the sky with his own father, he knew this didn’t feel or sound right either.
Briefly he touched your elbow, guiding you and Em away from the center of the room to the bathroom door. All three of you crouched down in the doorway, peering out and wondering what that noise was. It sounded as if something was leaning, almost like a electrical tower about to give way to the ground. Not long after, objects came crashing through the ceiling but the most noticeable one…happened to be a traffic light pole along with a camera attached.
The object appeared to be damp from what you could tell in the dark surrounded by other miscellaneous items. Cautiously the three of you made your way by the fallen item with Em kicking at it and OJ peering up at the newfound hole in the ceiling.
“That’s strange.” You spoke, not knowing what to make of this.
Em nodded, “uh huh! Shit’s just falling out the sky for fun lately? This is honestly giving me the heebie jeebies.”
“Ghost.” OJ muttered, “he had to have known…he wouldn’t of just ran off like that if he hadn’t.”
“OJ…let’s not go there.”
“What?” You asked watching as the two shared words with their eyes, “hey, I’m here too! Whatever you’re thinking you can just say it.”
“…it’s nothing,” OJ decided, his eyes meeting yours. He could tell you didn’t believe that and something inside of him wanted to tell you about his dad but he wasn’t fully sure himself. It was a feeling that told him to get everyone out of dodge, “we should find a way out of here—
That’s when that same jammed door slowly creaked open, automatically making you take a step back, hand latching out to yank OJ back by his shirt.
Em already had her taser out, pulled from her crochet cross-body bag. The three of you waited for someone to peek in at you but after at least a minute, no one did.
“Yeah, I don’t know about y’all. But I’m gettin’ the fuck up outta here before these rich condescending folks think we did this mess so!” em chucked up the deuces before she jogged over to the door, crouching down as she had her taser ready.
Once she disappeared behind the door she yelled out to you two, “we’re good! I’ll be in the car, OJ!”
Puffing out a breath, you quickly let go of OJ’s bunched up shirt and returned your hand back to rub at the goosebumps on your forearm.
“I’ll count this as my weirdest day on set and I’ve had a lot of those.” You commented.
OJ hummed as he slowly turned to face you.
“I think it’s about to get weirder around here.” OJ mumbled glancing at the traffic light that fell through the sky, “no I won’t elaborate but I think we should all be careful.”
“Are you saying we just walked into the twilight zone?” You tried to joke but it also fell flat to you.
“I don’t think that was just some miracle.”
“What—never mind you don’t seem like you want to completely share your thoughts with me right now. Which I guess is fine, maybe it aligns with the whole introverted horse-loving tall dark and handsome thing you got going for yourself.” You ranted, “but this isn’t how I imagined the end of the shoot going either so we should head out. I feel like we’re being watched.”
“Okay, covergirl.” OJ nudged his head towards the door, waiting for you to fall into step beside him.
Both of you cautiously stepped outside to California’s humid air, sunny and as if nothing just occurred. Up ahead you could see Em waiting in the passenger side as you and OJ stood in the parking lot.
“On the bright side…I told you so.”
“Told me what, Odette?”
Keeping your arms folded you smiled, “that we’ll be apart of something much bigger together.”
Spinning you began walking backwards digging into your boot to grab your car keys, “you’re not getting rid of your future wife just yet. You and I both sense that by now don’t we? I’ll see you soon won’t I, Otis?”
OJ wasn’t sure how to answer this as he slowly trailed after you. He just shared a experience that was a bit strange with you and here you were trying to turn this into some possible dating adventure? He didn’t know how to take you so he just tipped the brim of his hat which made you scoff out a laugh, fully turning to your expensive car.
He moved to get into his own truck after he took his eyes off the sway of your hips, beside his sister and started the engine, just as the camera on the fallen traffic light flashed in the dark room.
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Continue along with my anthology fall prompts here
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i cant explain it but this album feels like an amalgamation of folklore and midnights, with the same 'tragic victorian' vibes as evermore... idk im just saying words but do u get it??? like i cant explain it but the fortnight mv has ivy energy to me... i think because ivy ive always associated with this movie, 'the world to come' (would highly recommend), which is mid-late victorian era and then the mv is obliously very heavilly inspired by the 1870s/80s, both in terms of aesthetics and the general theme of female hysteria and its 'treatments'...
it also has massive chloe beale vibes to me... she strikes me as such an annoying swiftie (i say this lovingly) and just the overall sound is something i think she would absolutely EAT UP... my babys such a hopeless romantic, what can i say...
honestly the general themes are kinda giving emily nelson... FLORIDA??? GUILTY AS SIN??? this woman needs her ass ATE
i should say that im making all these deductions having listened to only 1/4 of the songs so far... i also really hope that i havent overstepped the mark and that you care about this as much as i apparently do lmao...
It is stunning, I've so many people be like "I don't like it 😭" and it's like??? Are we even listening to the same album??? This is a masterpiece what are you talking about??? It is solidly in my top 3, I think my album order is probably something like this now (Ana don't look):
The Tortured Poets Department
Speak Now TV
Red TV
1989 TV
Fearless TV
As for favourite songs, is all of them an answer??? 😂😂 No but seriously, it is headed for being my 2nd no skip album of TSwifts collection, but top contenders for favourite include:
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
Florida!!! (ft. Florence + The Machine)
Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me?
thanK you aIMee
The Manuscript
But Daddy I Love Him
I have been saying the same thing!!!! It's giving folklore and Midnights with a touch of Reputation and I am LIVING for it 😍😍😍 no but you're so right, honestly the imagrey of this album has me in a chokehold, Cassandra has scratched my mythology hyperfixation itch so good, I feel like I could spend hours just analysing every song. It is giving Victorian vibes, that gothic traditionilist style of writing and metaphors for feeling 'other' displayed through monsters and magic, the elements of tragedy and fatalism UGH I'm so in love with it 😭😭😭
Chloe Beale is absolutely the annoying swiftie (affectionate) archetype, and I love that for her 😂😍 she would be forcing Beca to listen to each and every single one and watching her the whole time to make sure she was appreciating it (Beca likes to deny she's a swiftie but has been known to absolutely drool over the production of some of the albums in secret)
YES!!! Biggggg Emily Nelson vibes, Whose Afraid Of Little Old Me is very Emily coded to me dfklgjdlkg
There is no need to apologise, I am fully obsessed with TTPD and I will happily ramble about it on main with no shame 😭😭 YOU GOTTA HMU WHEN YOU'VE LISTENED TO THE WHOLE THING, ALL 31 SONGS
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not-poignant · 11 months
10, 12, 16!
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Yes. A piece of writing has haunted me. Usually non-fiction books about the state of the environment re: climate change, they often stay with me for a long time.
Some fiction books infect me like a virus for a while, and I become really obsessed with them. They're not always the stories I write fanfiction for. I don't know if that's the same as being 'haunted' by something. To be haunted by something implies something that causes mental anguish or torment.
OH. Yes, actually, there was one m/m series that got published that was so much gratuitous torture porn and I kept hanging out for the comfort part of the increasingly insane levels of hurt, because hurt/comfort was one of its tags. It had like 20 installments (it's a published series) and it had no comfort, and a thrown together hasty ending that felt like slapping a bandaid on a person that had been exploded into pieces.
The process of reading that and getting NO good ending really, causes me some anguish to think about to this day. In that sense, I would say yes, I'm haunted by it. I'm not going to name the series if anyone asks, it was such a clear case of 'I'm being triggered and should have pulled out much earlier.' Though I am really mad that anyone dared to call that a hurt/comfort story lmao.
My own writing doesn't haunt me, thank god.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
Hmmm, three writing wishes. Hmmmmmm.
I wish for my writing to find more of the readers who will love it and enjoy it, and that some of those readers will continue to have the kind of income that allows them to support a writer once a month via Patreon, so that I can hopefully keep symbiotically giving them the kind of writing they want
2. I wish I could do editing just by blinking at a story.
3. I wish I had the energy / ability to help other people publish their own stories for niche audiences in ways that they enjoy. One of the things I actually find kind of frustrating is that this job forces me to live on the absolute edges of my energy levels and that I've always wanted to be able to help others out with writing and I'm very limited in how I could do that. If I wasn't, I would've 100% published like a Fae Tales short story anthology by now, and art books, with royalties going to the authors and artists, for example. And like, when I die - which will come probably sooner than I want it to with all my illnesses - this is something I'd really like for other folks to be able to do. Is that weird? I wish that would be easy, I wish I could somehow use that as a launchpad into helping more authors beyond the ways I do it now (which is mostly just writing advice sometimes).
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Probably a used tissue. x.x
From the Weird Writing Asks meme!
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possumteeths · 1 year
2022 Writing Wrap Up
Tagged by: @screwyouflightlieutenant (thanks for thinking of me! 💖)
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Total words published: 308,920 (christ???)
Additional words written:
Im gonna ballpark and say maybe 150 k other words with additional projects that arent fanfic lol (as well as fanfic wip)
Grand Total of Words: 458k ish?
Various horror movies, Dragon age, Fallout, Mass effect, RDR, the boys
Highest Everything (raw kudos, hits, comments):
Unsurprisingly, its my the Boy chaptered fic Love Me Cancerously, This blew tf up and I really didn't expect it to. It is SO cool that other people like this not great movie and are so down for this rollercoaster i've been writing.
Highest Kudos to Hits Ratio:
It's still my Brahms fic, and the runner up is ANOTHER Brahms fic but that one's a oneshot.
New Things I Tried:
x readers! I never really liked reading or writing x readers ever until recently. I really like second person as a device and I just refuse to acknowledge things that use like blanks or the Y/N device lol. Realizing this totally changed the way I like to write. I think second person is excellent for storytelling. Leaving the reader insert extremely vague and writing from the perspective of the character is SO fun.
Fic I Spent The Most Time On:
Love Me Cancerously AGAIN lol. Usually I just kinda write things in one go, but for this fic I put it through multiple stages of editing.
Favorite Thing I Wrote:
This completely nonsensical fallout raider gangbang. I rarely enjoy reading or writing OC x OC works, but I really unlocked something in my brain with this fic. I am so in love with the characters, they still live in my head. I wanted it to be SILLY DUMB and it was just so much fun to write. This is the most "me" I think of anything I've ever written, and I fully just went balls to the wall ridiculously porny and it was so much fun.
Favorite Thing I Read:
dude ANYTHING by my buddy @ventiswampwater (here's her ao3) every single one of her fics make me INSANE. We have such similar ideas of characterization for this DUMB movie that for some reason we're obsessed with. I love cerebral poetic weirdo porn I just consume everything she's done over and over again. Seriously some of the best x readers i've ever come across.
@some27-url 's Deacon X SS series, I cant get ENOUGH of this fucked up dynamic. I gush on and on about this and I dont want to be annoying but I cannot shut up about how much I love this series
OH! This Yautja harem x OC work I found, literally I've never had the patience for LONG LONG fics before but I honestly wish there was MORE of this. I loved!! the characters and everyone involved, the story was so smutty and good. You dont need to know shit about predator lore this fic may as well be its own story. This fanfic is better than any smutty xenophilia/monsterfuckery romance book that i've ever read.
@brimbrimbrimbrim 's Vigilante x reader fic was so much fun, characterized SO well. It was silly fun and I loved it hahaha like I love this author but this fic really stuck out to me hahaha.
Writing goals for 2023:
I'd like to just bite the bullet and submit to publications as well as random magazine challenges or whatever else. I often debate whether I should or shouldnt for so long that I then miss the deadline for the actual challenge lmao! I submitted to a few horror magazines as well as some poems to indie publications asking for submissions this year but I'd like to just submit as much as I possibly can because fuck it y'know. This year, I got ONE poem selected to be in a book and then it was actually removed from the eventual publication coming out in 2023 so like... lmao?
New Works:
I've actually been editing my short story horror anthology off and on, cleaning it up and formatting it and all the boring shit. I'm looking to trad pub or at least submit certain stories to challenges. I'm also hoping to saddle up and adapt my raider gangbang fanfic into a more developed story that I'll eventually KDP publish. As for fanfics, I've got SO many fkn horror baddies x readers in the works rn, and like 21u314398240 90% done fanfics that I just need to edit and publish to ao3 lol.
tagging: @some27-url @gaeadene (girl I gotta know how many words u uploaded this year LOL) @ventiswampwater @korblez @wolfbirbisme @flaggermuser @butterbabyflapjack
Happy new year yall! Lets go full nuts and write WHATEVER ur silly lil heart desires. I declare this year the year of balls to the wall FUCK IT on ao3 lmfao
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gh0str3c0rd3r · 5 months
IM GONNA KEEP YOU BUSY AS HELL. 10, 16, 18, 19, 26, 27, 45, 48, 73, 77, 86, 96 for the danganronpa ask meme!
BY JOVE‼️12 QUESTIONS😨😨 putting this one under a read more lmao
10. What Would Be Your Ultimate Title?
i Do Not Know.. maybe Ultimate Collector or something like that because i am Very Good at finding random shit and keeping it for years lmao
16. Your Absolute BROTP?
Himiko, Shuichi and Korekiyo should all be buddies forever i think.. the autism trio forever also Chihiro, Sonia and Gundam
18. Favourite Rare Ship?
i am Not sure what counts as rare but i am an Amatojo fan for sure also Celeschi which does have a bit more content than Amatojo i think but most of it doesnt have them as lesbians so i have to explode everytime i scroll the tag
19. Who Do You Think Is An Underrated Character?
bet you cant guess who my number one is.. anyways yeah Himiko but also Nekomaru there is barely any fics with him as a prominent character for no reason also i am constantly deprived of Leon fics my silly guy needs more love‼️
26. Favourite Execution?
hrrrnrgbh.. probably Gundams because that is the only one that made me cry a bit watching it for the first time which is saying something because when i was first going through the series i wasnt really Attached to any of the characters that much because it started off as just wanting to check out some of the scenes and now 4 and 1/2 years later here we are..
27. Least Favourite Execution?
proobablyy Alter Egos???? i dont really know to be honest theyr all pretty good in my opionion so i dont really have a least fav
45. Unpopular Opinion?
i dont really know what would be counted as unpopular but i dont get people who say Teruteru and Miu are the same character becasue they just Arent???? like yeah they both make a lot of sexual comments but that is about it.. also the protags are not all boring with no personality why do some people say this wadda hail
48. Favourite OST?
im guesing this is talking about the OSTs for each game they are all SO GOOD and out of all of them i am a sucker for the THH soundtrack
73. Character Who You Think Deserved Better?
All Of Them but specificaly Korekiyo, Chihiro and Sakura and also Sayaka
77. What Do You Think Of The Fandom?
ouuurbgh i havent interacted with the larger fandom in a while but i think its a bit better now than it was in 2020 especially on TikTok becasue jesus christ that was something
86. Favourite Anthology Chapter?
probably either Hair-Raising Panic because that was the first one i ever saw or What Are You Looking For? becasue auuugh thesillies
96. Who’s An Overrated Character You Dislike?
i dont really dislike any of the characters to be honest but if i had to say one then maybe Kokichi sometimes???? or at least the Kokichi that most of the fandom seem to like i think hes silly and i do like him but i know that a lot of the fandom seem to be enjoying an Entirely Different Character instead lmao
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alesseia · 10 months
make me write: poll!!
jumping on the poll bandwagon because I have not touched Scrivener in FOREVER (read: two weeks)
unfortunately, I do not have multiple stories like most people on Writeblr since I keep fixating on the same story and its characters, lmao, so IDK if I can do the same thing everyone else is doing
HOWEVER, I will be taking my thesis in BFA Creative Writing this year and I am going to do doing something based on my main story! I was planning on finishing Book 1 (which I already have 4 chapters for), but my thesis adviser is heavily discouraging I do a full novel (minimum requirement for word count is only 15k and we're supposed to finish writing that with revisions by early December) so I've got a bunch of backup plans just in case I can't convince her!!
so here's a poll + bonus read more for further description of thesis ideas!!
Book 1 (Excerpt)
This is actually the option my adviser recommended the most. I have already written the first four chapters, even doing major revisions, and that already hit the 15k minimum word count, so she said that just revising these chapters would be the easiest option.
My biggest gripe with this is that I don't want to end it after Chapter 4. It ends on a mediocre cliffhanger, and we don't meet the other two main characters until later on. Not to mention, the BFA CW majors in my university get to (independently) publish and sell copies of their thesis at the end of the year, so it would be much more satisfying if I do the full Book 1.
Anthology: Thematic
I was thinking I could do instead a thematic short story collection linking the common traits of the main characters (Axel, Avery, Leandro, and Nathan). Each of the short stories would focus on a different MC's backstory. The central theme would be their loneliness.
The stories are (without giving away certain plot twists in Book 1):
AXEL: a story about a group of friends playing together, which turns out to be a product of Axel’s imagination
AVERY: the story behind the fallout with her ex-friends
LEANDRO: Leandro talking to his family about getting friends while figuring out he's a trans guy
NATHAN: Nathan talking to other children working under his drug pimp spirit stain dealer
Anthology: Characterization
This one was inspired by fanfiction, specifically the concept of the same characters in alternate universes. How can you tell the character is still the same character when they have a completely different backstory and setting? Up to where do you draw the lines?
The various settings are:
Historical — Pride and Prejudice but set in the late Spanish colonial period and from the POV of Elizabeth’s (Avery) best friend (Axel)
Sci-fi time travel — From 2099 CE, Axel is asked to travel to 2013 Metro Manila to chase after a time-traveling criminal (Raven)
Urban fantasy (Aswangs) — Axel the friendly manananggal helping their friend Leandro, who recently discovered they’re a manananggal
Modern real-life — Axel signing up their friend Nathan on a blind date auction during high school fair season
Alesseia (Original) — Axel discussing how to beat Rex with all of their friends
Anthology: Timeline
A short story collection featuring the same character, likely Axel, at different points in the series. The series is divided into three arcs, so it would likely be:
Before Arc 1
Between Arcs 1 and 2
Between Arcs 2 and 3
After Arc 3
The Actual Book 1
The actual book 1 of Alesseia. Tentatively titled the Dragon's Deed. I really, really, REALLY want this, but like. it's gonna be what, 50k words 😭 so unless I pull a NaNoWriMo again, I can't blame Ma'am
Anyway if you read all that, thank you SO much!!! I really appreciate your support 😄 wishing you the best of luck with writing as well!!
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anouri · 1 year
hiii, could you tell us something about the bible of blood & spit?
wip ask game
ummm so @cornishpixiez and i are unwell and have decided to make our very own bible 😌 it is based on the real bible but better bc it is marauders and blasphemous. we have a whole universe in our mind, it’s beautiful as it is insane. perhaps it’s a new religion, even. (we have so much lore i think we genuinely could create a new religion if we wanted to. maybe we should. for tax purposes lmao) right now we’re thinking we’re going the anthology route, essentially manipulating the stories so they can all be jegulus and wolfstar and amazing 😌😌 and you’re probably wondering what blood and spit have anything to do with it—you should simply know that they are core values that should be treated as sacrosanct & holy, and thus sit as the cornerstone of our bible. the rest will be revealed with time
i won’t post a real piece of our outlines or anything (partially bc i haven’t asked zig before sharing this oops sorryyy ily ziggy 🤭) so i will simply share this, since it encapsulates the vibe & birth of the fic:
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…also this…
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actionsurges · 2 years
its so fucking refreshing to see your takes on c-rs combat and overall episode lengths. dms do so much work so i dont wanna be hateful about other ppls faves but matt is not nearly as interesting as brennan and aabria are in terms of setting up encounters and running combat. also hundreds of 3-4 hour episodes is extremely hard to get into so dimension 20s stuff is a lot more digestible and easier to follow along with. i think the exandria campaign that brennan dmed was the most interesting c-r thing ive been able to sit through too.
i am infinitely more interested in the way d20 has presented their content. why i'm saying content is that Actual Play IS content. It's an improvisational d&d session but it's also content and d20 is not only a) a little bit more transparent about that with their editing and set design and behind the scenes but b) they do it infinitely better than critical role who is still saying 'we're just friends streaming d&d'... no you're a company who makes hundreds of hours of content.
i like that dimension 20 is an anthology for the most part, i like what they're doing with rotating dms and players, it's not only more 'realistic' to what playing d&d is like wrt playing with different people and different dms, but it gives great creators in the ttrpg community a platform. i LOVE watching sephie valentine's streams and i would've never discovered her without d20.
to me i think dimension 20 really understands how to split the difference between this is Content we are producing for our audience and should be consumable (themes & lengths & pacing) as well as this is an improv game where we can have fun (literally everything about the table dynamic at f&f and the 'main' cast [tho i'd argue they're not the main cast when there's been just as many seasons without them lmao]) and it's far more refreshing to watch an actual play that understands it's a form of entertainment and formats itself as such.
wrt to things like character death or fan opinions on what a game is doing, i fully agree with the sentiment of like. as an audience member you gotta let the table do what the table is doing if they're all on the same page, which they SHOULD be, and it's not the creator's fault if that is something their audience doesn't like (re; what happened when m*lly died). at that point it's fair to set the boundary of This Is Our Game, sorry that sucked, but we're all okay with it. However, I think CR hides behind that to avoid taking any criticism.
tldr; cr may have been the 'first' (to my knowledge) breakthrough actual play but in no way are they doing anything innovative with that genre of content and i think unless they start to change the way they produce their content (which they sort of have with exu i guess) they're going to become obsolete and more and more people realize there are better ways to spend their time.
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oiwxa · 11 months
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous they are. Let people send you an ask with any titles most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.
TAGGED BY: @hsgwrld thank you so much, meg !! i wanted to answer this at my enha blog but realized that if i wanted to move here then i should start doing most, if not all of my activities here !!
I'll be dividing them into several categories:
YUPPIE: Yeonjun Parasite!Succession AU (mostly inspired by succession; this is in the making and I reckon it'll be out by August)
UNTITLED: 1q84!Hyuka (loosely using 1q84 for the parallel world narrative)
COLD FIRE: Master and the Margarita meets Chinatown Beomgyu
UNCOMFORTABLY NUMB: Aftersun!Soobin (single father au)
UNTITLED #2: EEAAO!Taehyun (convenience store owner in Canada au; if Kim's Convenience had the flashiness and action-packed absurdist realism of EEAAO)
UNTITLED #3: Winverse spinoff of capoeira/bjj!hyuka
NERVOUS YOUNG INHUMANS: My Year of Rest and Relaxation inspired Yeonjun
LA MER: Lost city of Atlantis/Parallel World Underwater/Jules Verne-esque adventure type of fic with Taehyun as the protag
UNTITLED #4: Bladerunner!Beomjun (two separate fics methinks)
I have WAY too many rotting in the drafts ngl
DEATHCONSCIOUSNESS: ANTHOLOGY SERIES (only putting the titles because I think they're very intriguing on their own LMAO)
HUNTER: Beomgyu
One last Sunoo longfic inspired by The Alchemist
One last Heeseung longfic inspired by all of Lamp's discography as a parting gift to my journey as an Enhablr writer
BENEATH THE MOON SHADOW: In the Mood for Love!Yunho
MODAL SHANGHAI: Chinatown!cop!Mingi
UNTITLED #5: MK Ultra!Parallel Universe!Yeosang
DEATH VALLEY: Cowboy Bebop meets Spaghetti Western!Hongjoong
SATURDAYS AT YOUR PLACE: non-idol coming of age fic Winter just reading tarot cards with fem!mc
UNTITLED #6: Peking Opera!Ningning
UNTITLED #7: Lust, Caution!Ningning
TAGGING: @writingmochi @petrichor-han and whoever else wants to do this !! I don't really have too many mutuals on here oop-
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
today is the day guys. when i finished posting my first fic ever.
i was suposed to do this on its anniversary but i thought that the end date was the start and kinda missed my own anniversary of starting to post shit online but oh well
i've been writing but as you can imagine, drawing takes priotity and sometimes is hard yknow? im taking this opportunity to tell ya bout the things i've been writing n what to expect and such:
a mtmtk+gen one-shot nice and short. it has invstigating of a case and that's difficult
a post-soj au bout Edgeworth (1/9 finished). what was silly jokes and references has turned into a something with a court scene and that's difficult
smut. a nrmy one-shot i thought of because of the song i named it after, it's not a big deal but has a gimmick that i found funny ok?
AND a smut anthology. this ones the good one. pretty proud of what i've written so far~ (2/5 finished)
the zip.lore comic of course! the thing is that i was so concentrated in drawing and putting things on the right place that i kinda forgot to write the dialogue lol. que cosas, no? but dont worry, im on it. i just, i just want to know how many pages will it have, but whatev
something that was going to be a one-shot is now two chapters that i'm writting simultansly becaUSE I FEEL LIKE IT, but this collection has self-contained stories so it only gets updated when i have an idea that fits. in any case its thief kay and kayworth propaganda
a kristahlia fic i haven't started lol, i'll see what i can do bout it
i also have a pre-relationship kayworth i did on a physical notebook, i should finish it ngl~~
AND MY MAGNUS OPUS. A Narumayo/Mitsumiku Royal AU fic. i dont know how many chapters or how the hell imma write it cause, what do i do? a fic? a script? a comic? an sometimes illustrated book? ALL OF THEM? idk, im definitely eating more than i can chew with this one but i'll work it out. i know how everything goes, but i feel like i should write the end first and every piece will fall to its place. as always~~
so yeap! busy girl i am! so many things done and so much left to do... kinda feel bad for ""abandoning"" my ao3 account but some ppl have abandonded for much longer or are less organized with their fic writing so i don't feel as bad ^^. it's not a big deal tho, im happy for all what i've donde so far
and now i wanna take a moment to talk about all the people who complained to hell and back about kayworth existing before i started making content. because bitches talk like shit was EVERYWHERE AND COMPLETELY UNAVOIDABLE and like.......... that's not the case? like yeah i can find kayworth when i look for it but it's not shoved in my face ejem other ships...... not to mention that i've scrapped the end of the barrel that is kw content, translating jp fics with google and, you can imagine how well that goes lmao
in any case, now ppl are complaining about me, specifically! that's so cool and epic!!jskajskskdjskd cheers to your love, your hate and more years to come~~!
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