#lockwood is black white and grey
Not me psycho analyzing all of the characters colors in lockwood and co again
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vryfmi · 1 year
book!l&co character lineup
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finally finished extended version of my L&Co designs, based on their book descriptions! it took months, but im happy with the results
ID of designs + thumbnail-sketch under the cut
[image ID: two digital drawings of characters from Lockwood and Co books, done in semi-realistic style, black lineart and plain colour against grey background.
image 1: from left to right there are full body drawings of George Cubbins, Anthony Lockwood and Lucy Carlyle. George is standing facing left, slouching, he's looking at the viewer with indifferent expression. he's fat, light-skinned and has medium length fair hair. George's wearing round glasses, red t-shirt, baggy jeans, unzipped grey hoodie and sneakers. he has a grey sport bag in right hand and a black messenger bag across left shoulder. next to him there's Lockwood, he's standing half turned to right, he's facing the viewer with a gentle smile. Lockwood is paler than George, almost a head taller and slim with short, slightly wavy, black hair. he's wearing a grey three piece suit with white shirt underneath, as well as smart black shoes and a purple tie. on top of it is a black greatcoat. Lockwood stands with one hand in pocket and another resting on rapier's grip. the sword is in its scabbard attached to Lockwood's belt. furthest on the right is Lucy, she's standing half turned to right, head facing left with a curious look directed at the viewer. her skin is light and her hair is warm brown, slightly uneven and spiky with middle parting. she has a wide frame and is the same height as George. Lucy's wearing a baggy orange sweater, plaid grey skirt, black leggings and tall dark-brown work boots with iron patches. she's holding onto a strap of her rucksack that is on her right shoulder. there's also a belt on top of the sweater which holds her rapier.
image 2: from left to right there are full body drawings of Flo Bones, human version of the skull, Quill Kipps and Holly Munro. Flo is standing half turned to left, facing towards the viewer with a smirk. she's light-skinned with long dirty-blonde hair, and her face has smudges of mud all over. compared to previous pictures, she's almost as tall as Lockwood, but not quite. Flo is wearing long blue puffer jacket on top of her darker clothes that resemble one of fisherman's with mudded thigh-high rainboots. she stands with one hand in jacket pocket, one raising a brim of straw hat with a knife. said hat has a fishing hook stuck on its brim and two lavender stems attached to hat band. next to her is the skull in his human form. he stands half turned to right, slouching, hands in pockets, with head thrown back with a wide smirk across his face. skull is very thin and not really tall, he is tanned and freckled with spiky dark hair. skull is wearing ill-fitting clothes: a white old-timey shirt that is slightly too big and grey trousers that are too small and short. he stands barefoot. third from the left is Quill Kipps, he stand half turned to right, crossing his arms, head facing left with a look of annoyance. Kipps is short and slim, he has ruddy and freckled skin and short ginger hair. Kipps is wearing a grey leather jacket with Fittes logo on it as well as two medals, tight black jeans and chelsea boots. his rapier scabbard has a baldric type of belt. rapier itself has green gems on a hilt. finally, there's Holly Munro, she's standing half turned to left, head facing right with a gentle smile. she's pretty tall and slim with deep rich black skin tone and black shoulder length curls. Holly's wearing a white short lantern sleeve shirt with a blue dress with a cloth belt wrapped around and tied into a bow at the back, as well as low heel shoes. she has a light-blue scarf wrapped around her head. Holly also has white small earrings and beige nail paint. all of the characters have artist’s watermark at the lower right side of them./end ID]
bonus sketch
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duchezss · 7 months
I recently finished reading all the Lockwood & Co books, and my god they were good, but it got me thinking. If the show continued, like it deserved too, would Holly and Kipps have gotten a signature color the same way the trio did? If so what would they be? Well I was looking at twitter and I saw that most people agree that Holly's color would be yellow, and Kipps' would be white, and I'll be honest I disagree so badly I'm about to write an essay. It's funny because I distinctly remember finishing the books and thinking, "ah watch everyone put their colors as yellow and white cause it's easy". LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER. Y'all just don't get color theory OR the characters the way I do so listen up.
Holly is many things. She's positive, and compassionate, and kind, but she is so much more than that. She's not just a "yellow", yes maybe she is the sunshine of the group, but honestly? Not really, and that's ok. She's fierce and sometimes she has a short temper, she pretends to let everything slide off her shoulder, when really she's just keeping it inside. That's why her and Lucy are constantly budding heads in the beginning of their friendship, they are so similar. I think her color should be red. She's constantly described as wearing it, and I think it really fits her. Red represents passion, energy, confidence, and excitement to name a few. Holly is always described as having a presence, and her energy and enthusiasm comes off her in waves. Red is usually described as the color of love, and I still think that fits. She has such love for the entire crew, and it's so clear she would go to the ends of the earth for them. I also think this would blend in with the others very well. Despite it not actually being blue's real opposite, blue and red are often seen as polar opposites, which really fits for Lucy and Holly's dynamic. It also works because red and orange are both warm colors and George and Holly have always gotten along. They are similar in their methodical and sometimes odd ways of life. I also think it's fun cause Skully's color is green, and green are red are direct color wheel opposites. I'm pretty sure he hates her the most, but Kipps is also competing hard for that title. And lastly black is kinda the color in between, now more on that in a second.
I see what twitter was going for, Lucy and George are blue and orange, direct color wheel opposites, because they are quite literally direct opposites. So it makes sense for Kipps to be white since he's the direct opposite of Lockwood? LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER AGAIN. Tell me y'all didn't understand their dynamic without telling me. Lockwood and Kipps didn't get along cause they were so different, they butted heads so hard because of how similar they are. It's exactly what happened with Lucy and Holly. Plus white represents a lot of things that are definitely not Kipps. My proposed color for him is purple, I know that's a little odd, but walk with me. Although it's never explicitly stated, one can assume that Kipps was an absolute prodigy when he had his talents. I only bring this up, because purple often represents royalty and luxury, and he practically became a fallen king when he lost the only thing he was ever good at it. But purple is much more than that, it also represents bravery, uniqueness. ambition, and justice. I think Kipps' original color is grey, and not just because of the uniform. Grey represents seriousness, sadness, and boredom. That's how Kipps was before, but when he remeets the crew during book 3 and 4, we begin to see the shift. The group helps him gain his ambition back, and with all of their love and support we even begin to see how brave he really is. He has a unique way of going through life, and even when all the odds are stacked against them, he still seeks justice. Purple fits with the general color scheme as well. It's very close to black, which represents how similar him and Lockwood are, and it's also a cooler color like blue. Kipps and Lucy certainly got along the easiest out of the crew.
Overall it just makes sense. George and Holly are the warmer colors, Lucy and Kipps the cooler, and Lockwood as the mediator between them. I feel like red might be a little hard to incorporate without being overpowering, and I know that purple isn't a super masculine color, but hell if those costume designer made full orange outfits look good they can literally do anything. Anyways I know this isn't that important, but ugh I love color theory so much, and I love how much thought the costume designers put in the first time. I feel like having Holly and Kipps color being yellow and white is just a cheap easy shot, and doesn't take into account the characters and their growth enough. I rest my case.
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justafandomgvrl · 2 years
Lockwood & Co. headcanons for Valentine's Day
short and sweet 💖
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- you wake up, wrapped up tight in his arms. starting the day just being close to each other, legs entwined, him gently pressing kisses over your shoulders and upper back.
- he'd try to make you breakfast but on the 3rd attempt he'd just give up and take you out to a diner instead. obviously you would not be allowed to pay for any of it but you sneak a tip in for the waitress.
- you'd spend the day walking around London together, just enjoying each other's company. he wouldn't be wearing his suit for once, not feeling the need to wear his armour when he's out with you. just a grey hoodie, a white t shirt, and black jeans.
- you know that you must be truly special to him because he doesn't bring up work or finding a job even once. even though neither of you says anything about what day it is, you both know how much love you have for each other and that's what matters. you don't need to say it.
- when it starts to get dark you'd get a cab back to portland row. you'd then watch VHS tapes of old shows together until George shouts for everyone.
- it'd be a huge dinner cooked for everyone, spending the evening meal together like a family. you and Lockwood hold hands under the table. Lucy and George smile at each other, but say nothing.
- you'd wake up to a cup of tea and a note on the bedside table. 'drink this and come to the basement x'.
- the basement would be empty except for another note and a small box of chocolates. 'find me in the library x'.
- on the desk you see a book that you'd been searching for, for months. Lucy steps into the library behind you. "I knew you were looking for it, so I got it for you. Happy Valentine's Day." She'd whisper, wrapping her arms around you.
- you'd spend the day eating the box of chocolates she got for you, sharing them with her and cuddling in bed. just taking an easy day, being in each others company.
- until George shouts for everyone to have dinner together. you sit across from each other and have conversations with your eyes and your feet that nobody else understands but that's okay. no one else needs to.
- you wake up next to each other in bed. George struggles with touching anybody without necessity but his arm is slung lazily over you as he snores.
- you slip out of his grasp and head down to the library, making sure everything is ready. you'd spent most of the night bringing things down to the library to make a good day for him.
- you could hear him calling through the house for you and the soft thuds of his feet heading toward the library. he stands there in just his shirt and boxers and has to take his glasses off to rub his eyes to make sure he isn't dreaming.
- "happy Valentine's Day." you tell him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. content, you both lose track of time reading until George realises he needs to cook dinner and that maybe, just this once, you can help him and he can teach you something.
- you all sit down for a family dinner and just laugh and talk about anything except the Problem.
- George smiles at you from across the table and you know you have never been happier than you are now.
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amphibimations · 9 months
Some thoughts about how I’ve been using color in my WH drawings
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So I’ve actually been using color pretty intentionally when I design the outfits for the characters, I’d like to talk about my thought process behind some of it!! A note that these are ideas that i’ve been building on as i’ve read the book, so I haven’t always used them consistently and i’m still building on them as i keep reading more of the book.
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1) Cathy and Heathcliff always wear blue
In my first comic, I happened to choose blue for Heathcliff’s outfit. Not for any reason, I just thought it looked nice. Once I started drawing cathy, I decided to put her in blue too because having 2 characters in the same color works as a visual metaphor connecting them. After reading the ‘we share the same soul’ part I realized them wearing the same color constantly works even better, and started making a conscious decision that no other character I draw for WH will ever wear blue, to emphasize that the color represents their connection specifically. I also think this color works really well for them because of the color’s association with weather, sadness, nighttime, and ghosts.
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2) Edgar and Isabella wearing green and red
This is a thing that doesn’t have that deep of a meaning behind it but i think its really funny. I chose those colors because i had drawn cathy and heathcliff throwing a red and green book that they hate and so i was like ‘haha. They also hate Isabella and edgar. i should do those colors.’ Also i think it worked out because i will sometimes give cathy more of a cyan-blue which is closer to edgar’s green, and heathcliff more of a indigo-blue which is closer to isabella’s red. I do think the colors I decided to use also speaks to how well the characterization of the siblings was written in their introduction, because just based on their first scene I decided red for isabella because she seemed more passionate and intense, and green for edgar because he seemed more meek.
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3) Saturation of colors
This one i havent been consistent on, but i’d like to be more so in the future. And its less of a metaphor and more just because of how dyeing clothes works, but I tend to use more saturated colors for connoting wealth. Which is why, when cathy gets back with her new outfit from the lintons, it is such a deep blue, and why i added more brown to heathcliffs outfit and made the blue a bit faded once hindley started making him work. I mean im using pretty saturated colors for all of the characters right now because this is a cartoony style, but if I do make that graphic novel some day I think i’ll be more consistent with this idea.
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4) A Mistake
When i was reading the first few chapters I knew going in that there was a ghost in the book, so when Cathy 2 showed up I thought she might have been the ghost at first. So in my head i pictured her wearing white even after i realized she wasnt the ghost. Even though the book SAYS she’s wearing BLACK…. Cathy 2 im so so sorry i robbed you of your goth girl colors i wont do it again. (i know her dress is probably black because she’s in ‘Official 1800s Husband Mourning’ over linton but come on u cant tell me she wouldn’t be goth if she was living in the modern day.)
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5) other colors
I don’t really have a reason for the colors of lockwood, nelly, hindley, or hareton. I just thought they looked nice. Joseph wears blacks and greys because hes boring and mean. Idk i do think blue and orange being opposite colors sort of could work to highlight the difference between Heathcliff and Hareton (being put in a similar situation but having different endings). Like i said im still updating these ideas, haha.
edit: another thought i just had is that it would be so so funny to make the color of edgar’s clothes scheele’s green specifically. Get arsenic poisoned, idiot.
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bella-rose29 · 8 months
ok so I was gonna make some Lockwood and Co (basing it mostly on the show for lockwood, Lucy, George and kipps) themed friendship bracelets bc I'm bored and want to take a break from my screens for a bit, and while nobody seems to be contesting that Lucy is blue and skull is green, there have been a lot of options for the others (which I love!!)
so I've taken the answers from this post and made a list here of all the colours people suggested
pink red gold green black and white
orange light green
purple pastel light blue yellow pink red
light blue red orange (but in a different way to George) grey/silver
I can do 1, 2, or 3 colours for each one (so George is sorted), but for lockwood, holly, and kipps idk which ones to do 😭
(also I love that all three of them got voted red)
basically I'm really indecisive and need someone to decide for me :D
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anewkindofme · 11 months
Here are a current list of fandoms I make content for and how I’ve classified characters thus far! If I haven’t included one, just ask and I’ll classify them for you. :) I’ll also include my OTPs that I may put together to be caregivers as well as NOTPs that I will not write for.
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Caregivers: Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Charlie Swan & Rosalie Hale.
Flips: Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen & Jacob Black
Littles: Bella Swan, Emmett Cullen & Jasper Hale
Nuetrals: N/A
OTPs: Carlisle/Esme, Jasper/Alice & Rosalie/Emmett (as caregivers only)
NOTPs: Edward/Bella & Jacob/Bella
The Vampire Diaries Universe:
Caregivers: Damon Salvatore, Klaus Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes, Elijah Mikaelson, Matt Donovan, Enzo St. John, Keelin Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett, Freya Mikaelson, Cami O’Donnell, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson
Flips: None
Neutrals: Alaric Saltzman, Mikael Mikaelson, Esther Mikaelson, John Gilbert & Miranda Gilbert
Littles: Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Tyler Lockwood, Kol Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce, Marcel Gerard, Josie Saltzman, Lizzie Saltzman, Jenna Sommers & Davina Claire
OTPs: Damon/Enzo, Damon/Bonnie, Hayley/Elijah, Klaus/Caroline, Rebekah/Matt, Keelin/Freya, Damon/Bonnie/Enzo & Klaus/Cami
NOTPs: Damon/Elena, Damon/Katherine & Stefan/Katherine
I do ship Stefan/Elena, Kol/Davina, Hope/Josie & Jeremy/Bonnie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
One Tree Hill:
Caregivers: Karen Roe, Keith Scott, Haley James Scott, Mouth McFadden, Quinn James, Chase Adams, Chris Keller & Clay Evans
Flips: Lucas Scott & Peyton Saywer
Neutrals: Dan Scott
Littles: Nathan Scott, Millie Huxtible, Brooke Davis & Alex Dupre
OTPs: Karen/Keith, Quinn/Clay, Peyton/Lucas (as caregivers) & Chris/Chase
NOTPs: Brooke/Lucas & Dan/Karen
I do ship Haley/Nathan, Brooke/Peyton & Mouth/Millie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Caregivers: Dean Winchester & Castiel
Flips: N/A
Neutrals: John Winchester & Mary Winchester
Littles: Sam Winchester & Jack Kline
OTPs: Dean/Castiel
Teen Wolf:
Caregivers: Derek Hale, Noah Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Chris Argent & Peter Hale
Flips: Scott McCall & Lydia Martin
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: Malia Tate, Stiles Stilinksi, Alison Argent & Liam Dunbar
OTPs: Noah/Melissa
I do ship Stiles/Derek, Stiles/Malia, Stiles/Lydia & Scott/Alison, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Grey’s Anatomy/Private Practice:
Caregivers: Owen Hunt, Meredith Grey, Mark Sloan, Derek Shepherd, Addison Montgomery, Charlotte King, Arizona Robbins, Callie Torres, Atticus Lincoln & Sheldon Wallace
Flips: Amelia Shepherd
Neutrals: Cristina Yang & Izzie Stevens
Littles: Alex Karev, Jackson Avery, April Kepner, Jo Wilson, Andrew DeLuca, Lexi Grey & Dell Parker
OTPs: Meredith/Derek, Addison/Mark, Callie/Arizona & Charlotte/Amelia (as caregivers)
NOTPs: Owen Hunt/Anyone, Addison/Derek & Charlotte/Cooper
I do ship Mark/Lexi, April/Jackson, Alex/Jo & Andrew/Meredith, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Once Upon A Time:
Caregivers: Snow White, Rumpelstiltskin, Belle French, Maleficent, Princess Anna, Prince Kristoff, Killian Jones (all versions), Henry Mills (S7 only), Ella Mills, Robin Hood, Queen Tiana, Ursula & Robin Hood-Mills/Margot
Flips: David Charming & Ruby Lucas
Nuetrals: Mother Gothel, Zelena Mills & Cora Mills
Littles: Emma Swan, Regina Mills, Alice Jones, Will Scarlet, Drizella Tremaine, Queen Elsa, Lily Page & Neal Cassidy/Baelfire
OTPs: Tiana/Killian, Snow/David (as caregivers), Belle/Rumpelstiltskin, Belle/Killian, Maleficent/Ursula, Henry/Ella, Snow/Ruby/David (as caregivers), Ruby/Belle (as caregivers) & Kristoff/Anna
NOTPs: Killian/Emma, Henry/Drizella, Killian/Gothel & Zelena/Anyone
I do ship Emma/Neal, Emma/Elsa, Emma/Lily, Belle/Will, Snow/Regina & Alice/Margot, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Pretty Little Liars:
Caregivers: Emily Fields, Toby Cavanaugh, Caleb Rivers, Wayne Fields, Pam Fields, Mary Drake, Jason Dilaurentis & Maya St. Germain
Flips: Mona Vanderwaal, Alison Dilaurentis & Cece Drake
Neutrals: Veronica Hastings, Byron Montgomery, Peter Hastings, Ezra Fitz & Ella Montgomery.
Littles: Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Mike Montgomery, Alex Drake & Hanna Marin
OTPs: Wayne/Pam, Maya/Emily, Alison/Emily (as caregivers) & Caleb/Toby
NOTPs: Ezra/Aria
I do ship Spencer/Toby, Hanna/Caleb, Mona/Mike, Aria/Spencer & Aria/Jason, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
9-1-1 & 9-1-1 Lone Star:
Caregivers: Owen Strand, Bobby Nash, Athena Grant, Henrietta “Hen” Wilson, Howie Han, Tommy Vega, Judson “Judd” Ryder, Eddie Dias & Paul Strickland
Flips: Carlos Reyes
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: TK Strand, Marjan Marwani, Evan “Buck” Buckley & Maddie Buckley
OTPs: Bobby/Athena & Hen/Tracie
I do also ship TK/Carlos, Howie/Maddie & Buck/Eddie, but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
Criminal Minds:
Caregivers: Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Jason Gideon, Will LaMontagne & Emily Prentiss
Flips: Derek Morgan & Jennifer “JJ” Jereau
Neutrals: N/A
Littles: Spencer Reid & Penelope Garcia
OTPs: JJ/Hotch (as caregivers), Emily/Hotch and Will/JJ (as caregivers)
NOTPs: Penelope/Luke
I do ship Penelope/Derek but as I don’t write about romantic dynamics between Littles and Caregivers, they won’t be featured romantically.
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teaandransacking · 2 years
a million little times
Lucy Carlyle x Anthony Lockwood.
Words: 1,300 ~ Content: kissing, I guess a tiny bit smutty if you squint, hurt/angst.
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Lucy wakes from an afternoon nap - ghost-hunting is not a career for anyone who likes a natural circadian rhythm - groggy, and pads downstairs for a cup of tea. The house is quiet. George is away overnight at some East London pop-up that marketed itself as a cleaning product/ academia crossover (actual Heaven for George), and Lockwood is in the basement sorting out supplies.
Or, she thought he was. As the kettle boils, Lucy gazes absently out of the window, eyes trailing the pink fingers of dusk walking themselves across the sky, and it’s then she sees it, on top of the loaf of bread - a note with her name in Lockwood’s scrawl.
Went on a recce for a new client. 
Back soon
She sighs, half worried, half pissed off. His shoulder isn’t fully recovered, and she’d asked him not to go anywhere without her or George, but this is Anthony bloody Lockwood here; he always does whatever he pleases. Perhaps less so since the Bone Glass, but, she reasons, it must be hard to change the habit of a lifetime.
She makes tea and drinks it, reads, watches telly.
The hour grows late, and she finds herself pacing the living room waiting, and that pisses her off.
By the time the door opens, she’s all but worn a path through the hallway floor, and she’s spitting chips. When Lockwood closes the door behind him, all swishing coat and nonchalant expression, she’s in his face in a heartbeat.
“Hey, Luce-”
“Oh, no you don’t. Do not “hey Luce” me. What did you think you were doing, gallivanting off like that, without so much as a word-”
Surprise flashes across his face. “I left a note-”
“While I was asleep!” She snaps back. 
He’s irritatingly calm, sliding his hands into the pockets of that black coat that looks too good on him, like it was tailored especially for his lean figure and long stride. “I wasn’t aware I had to ask your permission.”
“For fuck’s sake, don’t be like that. It hasn’t been that long since you were literally shot, and-” the memory of it, seeing him slumped over, the bloom of red on his usually pristine white shirt, cracks her wide open inside and she presses her hands to her face, tears burning hot as they rush down her cheeks.
And just like that, his cocksure, let-no-one-in facade drops and his hands shoot out to steady her, holding her up, his hands cupping her elbows gently, like she might break.
“I’m sorry, Luce. I’m sorry. I’m such a bastard.”
She hiccups and manages, “At least you’re not a dead bastard. That’s all I want. For you not to be dead.”
She peeks at him through her fingers and his eyes are dark and tired but soft. He always looks at her like she’s the most precious thing he’s ever seen; will ever see.
“I’m trying my best,” he whispers, and she thinks that maybe he actually is, and her fear isn’t that he won’t try, but that perhaps his card is marked and his time is running out, their time is running out, like sand through an hourglass, and the thought that she has limited time with him makes her bold; makes her do the thing she’s thought of a million little times. 
She lowers her hands so he can see her face, and steps forward, crowding him until he has to fall back against the door, caged in.
Lockwood’s cocoa-brown gaze searches her face, but now, there’s something dark and hot in there that she’s seen at least a dozen times a day - in longing stares across the breakfast table, in glances in the middle of rapier fights, when he says goodnight over a cup of tea.
“Please,” he says, so softly she almost doesn’t hear, and that little plea, that tiny spark of daylight in the coat of darkness he wears like a second skin, is enough. She leans up on her toes and presses her mouth to his, and just before her eyes shut, she sees his flutter closed.
He tastes of cold night air, earl grey tea, and a gasp of mint, and as his lips part under hers, she never ever wants to go back to not kissing him ever again.
His hands slide around to her back, pulling her closer, so their bodies line up, and they fit perfectly. Being this close to him, something settles inside her, a feeling of belonging, of what they’ve both missed their entire lives. It’s all she’s wanted, to belong to someone, to be theirs as much as they are hers.
Lockwood murmurs her name and she cups his cheek, feels the soft scrape of a day’s growth of stubble, too faint to see, a secret only she’ll know, and she wants more of that, more things about him only she’ll know, things she can hug close to her when she’s alone and missing him.
“Can I-” she mumbles against his lips, her fingers working at the lapels of his coat.
“Yeah. Yes. Yes,” he mumbles back, and she pushes it off his shoulders and it pools on the floor at his feet in a whisper of fabric, and she spreads her hands over his chest, warm under the pliable cloth of his shirt, and his heart is beating so fast, matching the ragged tattoo of hers under her blue jumper.
He’s lean but solid, a legacy of years of training with his rapier, of leaping through graveyards and free-running over rooftops, and she lets her hands wander, cupping her fingers around his upper arms as she presses into him, and she hears a needy little moan and realises that it’s come from her own lips.
“Luce,” Lockwood groans, and his voice is strangled. “Can’t tell you how often I’ve thought about this.”
About as often as I’ve thought about it, Lucy almost says, but instead she tries to commit those words in his voice to her memory, so she can bring them out and enjoy them later, over and over.
“How come you didn’t make a move?” she asks softly, stroking her thumb over the slight bulge of his bicep under the formal dress shirt.
His throat bobs as he swallows, his eyes lowered, gaze riveted on her face. Whatever Lockwood does, it has his full attention. The laser focus is heady, addictive. His hands are warm on her back, steadying. At her question, he huffs softly. “I’m a mess, Luce. A black hole of repression. I’m the last thing you need-”
She can’t stand him talking himself down; she hates it even more than she hates being told what to do, and how to feel, she shuts him up by kissing him again, and this time it’s fierce. Tongues and teeth and murmured endearments - she never wants Lockwood to call her anything except “darling” in that James Bond smooth accent - and when Lockwood takes her hands and leads them to his lazily knotted tie, she catches the meaning. It’s easy to undo it, lay it on his shoulders. Easier still to free the first button of his shirt from his eyelet, and then another, and another. And each little sliver of his bare skin is like another secret, binding him to her. His breath hitches as Lucy spreads her palm over his heart, and she looks up at him in the soft glow from the hallway lamp, and she asks him to take her up to bed.
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solticeenery · 6 months
"Lockwood!" Lucy screams when a big grey, black and white ball of fur rolls down the stairs, kind of squeaks and rushes between her feet somewhere under the couch.
"What's wrong, Luce?" Anthony asks leaving his sister's room and closing the door behind him.
"What. Is. This?" she hisses pointing in direction of living room.
"What exactly?" Lockwood smiles cautiously not knowing what to expect. They are officially dating for a year now, but he's still confused and a bit scared, when Lucy is so angry. He slowly approaches her, keeping the distance between them. Just in case Lucy decides to throw something like she sometimes does when she's pissed. And she definitely looks like that right now. "If you... Specify the problem, we can come up with some kind of solution."
Lucy sighs heavily, trying to calm down, and reminds herself, that Lockwood isn't always the one and only reason of every single disaster happening here. George can be responsible for it not less than Anthony himself. Sometimes it's just Kipps with his concerning but harmless sense of humour. Maybe there's apocalypse coming, because Holly suddenly decided to make fun of them. There are variations of what exactly happened. That's why Lucy takes a deep breath and starts again.
"Anthony, my dear, why is there a raccoon in our house?" she definitely doesn't have any strength left to control the way she addresses Lockwood, when everyone is in the kitchen and can hear every single word. Excluding Holly, she's probably in the office sorting some papers.
"A what..?" Lockwood is obviously startled. "Luce, I'm not sure if I heard you loud and clear, could you please repeat?"
"Sure!" nervous laughter escapes her lungs. "There is a raccoon in our house and I'd like to know, why is it there. To be more specific, under the couch in living room."
"Nope, I heard everything right on first try, a raccoon, ha-ha, okay, whatever, w h a t. T h e. F u c k ?! I beg your pardon but I don't have other words right now?"
"Don't worry, hon, me too" Lucy smiles, relieved, that Lockwood has nothing to do with this incident, and comes to him just to snug in his arms for a second as an apology for shouting at the most precious person in her entire life. He holds her gently, buries his face against her neck and takes a slow deep breath, presumably processing the existence of raccoon on Portland Row 35. Not an easy type of acceptance, but they don't have a choice. First and foremost because Lucy can already guess, whose brilliant idea it was. Flo (please burn in hell) Bones.
No, she does like Flo when she is helpful, but otherwise Lucy prefers to avoid her as much as possible. Mostly because she doesn't like relic-men whoever they are and however useful they can be. She already learned that it's easier when relic-girl stays out of her sight and doesn't bother her with some stupid jokes and meaningful gazes. Lucy has had enough. The Skull overdid all possible norms in first months of her and Lockwood dating.
"So... Who are we interrogating now? George? Quill? Holly?" Lucy tilts her head and rests it on Lockwood's shoulder, admiring their perfect height difference.
"Uh... Whatever you wanna ask, I don't know anything?" sound of Holly's voice makes her shiver a bit and turn around. And see that their assistant just came to work. "Sorry, I know, I'm late, I..."
"It's alright, Holly," Lockwood says softly and calmingly squeezes Lucy's shoulder. "Just don't enter the living room until I allow it, okay?"
"Okay?" Holly is obviously confused and looks at the room uncertainly. "May I ask why?"
"There is a raccoon under the couch," Lucy answers and an expression of pure shock and disbelief on Holly's face is just adorable and worth every inch of this ball of fur.
"A what now? Raccoon?! How?!!"
"If only we knew. But I have an idea," Lockwood giggles and raises his voice. "George! Could you please come for a second."
The chatter in the kitchen suddenly stops and not long after George appears in the hallway with a mug of tea. Lucy can spot Kipps behind him, sipping his morning coffee and definitely eavesdropping.
"Morning," George yawns. "What has already happened?"
"A raccoon happened!" Holly answers instead of Lockwood. "Who left the backdoor opened? You? Or Quill?" Kipps freezes. They all once saw, how angry Holly can be and how dangerous for everyone else it is. Enough to say, that noone wanted to be the target of Holly's anger. It was scarier than all types of ghosts together in one room.
George blinks couple times. Looks at the couch. Frowns, when he hears some suspicious noises underneath it. And suddenly bursts into laughter.
"Oh, you mean Charcoal!" the noises stop, and a small black nose shows up between two blankets, sniffing. "Come here, boy, it's okay." The raccoon rushes into George's open arms, hides its fluffy head under his chin and silently cries. "Yeah, yeah, I know, she can be rude, don't blame her."
"I bet you won't survive the night," Quill shakes his head. "Either Holly or Lucy are gonna kill you."
"Nah, c'mon, Charcoal is too cute, who's gonna look after him, if I'm gone?"
"Flo," Kipps shrugs. "She brought this fur ball here 'till tomorrow morning, and I'm looking forward to her taking this monster away."
"So relic-girl it is," Holly sighs, rolls her eyes and goes to the kitchen to make some tea for them. And Lucy can already guess on that annoyed-angry look on Holly's face that neither Kipps nor George get their mugs refilled. Not as if it bothers them. Not as if Lucy or Lockwood want to disagree with their assistant.
"So... Are we done for now?" George asks burying his face in raccoon's fur.
"Ew, how can you do that?" Lucy grimaces. "He probably was digging in the trash lately. I wouldn't be surprised I mean, it's Flo we're talking about."
"I bathed him this morning! He's clean!"
"You know what, Lockwood," Holly says coming back to the doorway, "I'm cleaning your bathroom with bleach and vinegar today. Or better. George, you are making it, I don't want to know where this fluffy devil was and what could it bring on him."
"Agreed," Lockwood chuckles and turns to Lucy. "We have to meet the client today, don't you mind if I use your bathroom? I don't want to risk my pretty face getting peeled off after Charcoal's presence."
"Oh, sure," Lucy smiles. "I don't want you to risk it either."
She expects George to say something to it, something sarcastic and funny, but the silence is so loud and Lockwood's grin is so sly that it takes some time untill she understands what did her friends hear in these words.
"Yeah, take your time I suppose," George waves his hand. Lucy can see Kipps biting his lips in desperate attempt not to die from laughter. And Holly just sighs heavily.
"I expect both of you to get down to the front door at the noon. Maybe earlier if you manage it, but not later."
Lucy narrows her eyes ready to answer something sarcastic but Lockwood just pulls her upstairs, winking to the others. As soon as they close the door to her room, Lockwood throws his arms around her waist and gently pushes his forehead against hers.
"You can't kill them, Luce."
"Yeah, yeah, as if you would ever allow it."
"Or injure them in any way."
"Not even nudge someone?"
Lockwood frowns, thinking. "George. For the raccoon. He deserves it. But noone else."
Lucy wants to remind him, that he also doesn't like whenever their friends are joking about their relationship. But his soft warm lips meet hers, and in an instant the world stops existing. They won't be ready at the noon, of course Holly understood it.
The last thought Lucy can catch before loosing herself in Lockwood's arms is that maybe — just maybe — she should thank Flo for bringing Charcoal at their place. Because she definitely heard the most awaited words whispered against her lips.
"I think my last name suits you better."
And Lucy can deny it.
It surely does.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 8 months
The Broken Veil: Chapter 1 - Let Me In
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Photo by Vladimir Fedotov on Unsplash
If you're coming over from the preview of this chapter, new content starts at "Out of the plane and into the high-class underbelly of Rome."
TW: grief, crying, nightmare, brief mention of suicidal ideation
Summary: John Wick has just agreed to kill Gianna D'Antonio, repaying the marker that gave him a life with Helen. However, Helen is trying to contact John from the afterlife, to show him that it is possible to stop the cycle of violence – not by forfeiting his own life, but by creating a fundamental shift in international systems and perhaps even the balance of good and evil in this world. But he doesn’t have to do it alone. She’s coming back.
“He got on to the bed, and wrenched open the lattice, bursting, as he pulled at it, into an uncontrollable passion of tears. “Come in! come in!” he sobbed. “Cathy, do come. Oh, do—once more! Oh! my heart’s darling! hear me this time, Catherine, at last!” The spectre showed a spectre’s ordinary caprice: it gave no sign of being; but the snow and wind whirled wildly through, even reaching my station, and blowing out the light.” - Mr. Lockwood, speaking of Heathcliff, Wuthering Heights
Autumn evening in New York reels between gold and grey. A pale white sky bruises over with grey smog. Even the sky is beaten in New York, and yet even the sky sparkles. Golden streetlamps and distant red flashes hang as earthly stars between the glassy black voids of skyscraper walls. Airport whiskey sparkles amber in John Wick’s grasp, and his inward body buzzes faintly against its motionless exterior. Not drunk, not tipsy, not that it would matter. He knows himself drunk, drugged, tired, bleeding, the way the machine of his body handles in every state.
On the street below, a child in a woolen pea coat grabs onto his mother’s hand as they step up into the queue to check luggage. From the bar, John can’t see their faces, only the knit caps crowning both their heads. The boy has a backpack as his carry-on, and it’s too large for him. He shifts uncomfortably. At his movement, the mother fusses and leans down to adjust it. John’s eyes are fixed on her. They begin walking again and the child, excited by something on the far side of the taxi line, dashes towards oncoming traffic.  She pulls the little boy back from the street as a car swings recklessly close to the curb. John flinches away from the scene. It was hardly a close call – the kid had a long way to go before reaching the road, and even then, no doubt the car could have swerved at that speed. But it’s the sentiment of the thing, her tenderness…another swig of whiskey so he can’t finish the thought, and he turns from the window.
Drifting, playing the businessman without effort, scanning the crowd, uneasy with this moment of peace between wars. Stay in the moment anyway. Black wingtips clicking too crisply on grimy tile.  A glimpse of his reflection in the storefront of a candy shop, an impeccable mask. First class is boarding at JFK Gate 11, direct to Rome. No threats among the passengers – not that he expected any, but an enclosed box in the sky is a bad place to run into an enemy. It’s an opportunity he’s exploited himself in the past. A cordial smile to the flight attendant.
Now there is no more moment to stay in. Only the trans-Atlantic stretch of night, brutally alone.
He doesn’t want to be here. He knows how the machine of his body handles in every state, and right now he handles it by tricking it into doing what it’s ordered to do. Don’t think about doing anything, don’t think about killing. Just sit still, stare straight ahead, and don’t talk yourself out of this job. The job right now is to stare at the blinking light on the wing of the plane and not move, that’s all.  He remembers Gianna in their youth. She didn’t want to be a part of all this. She never had much in common with Santino. His ruthlessness, sure, but it was in service of something other than a desperate grasp for authority. She lived her life her way, pursued pleasure quietly between business, on her own terms. Don’t think about it. He thinks about how to do it instead. It’ll be right to give her a moment to face her death. Worth the risk. He owes her that much. Or is that the body rebelling again? Don’t think about it at all. Go to sleep.
He leans back and shuts himself down.
He’s making coffee for Helen. The bag crinkles as he scoops rich grounds into the machine. This feels so vivid, he can even smell it. He freezes. Feels vivid…this isn’t real. Lucid dream. They are always so fragile, they don’t have much time. Where is she?  Movement, out of the corner of his eye. Between the kitchen curtains, he can see her outside in the garden, her back to him. The way her hair falls above the cotton of a simple sundress, the way it just touches her shoulders…she is before him, he is ready to do anything to get to her. “Helen!”
She turns towards him and her face flares with a mirror of his own desperation. She points to the front door and disappears to the left, and he runs to meet her. There is a strange vastness to the entryway, he can’t reach the far end, but the door is already open. Only the screen is locked, and she’s trying the latch, silhouetted in light. He can feel his racing pulse all the way through his wrists now. She’s looking at him with so much urgency, his heart rattles almost sickeningly with each test of the latch and she’s saying over and over, “Rome, John, Rome! The moment is coming. Let me in.”
When he gasps awake, his lungs are already heavy with tears. There’s something darkly gorgeous about the disoriented longing still raging through him like an adrenaline shot and he lets it linger. Hope.
It takes him several minutes to even become irritated with that final twist. A play on words, a stupid, too-obvious, unoriginal trick of the unconscious, lacking the elegance she deserves. “Home, John, home. The moment is coming. Let me in.” If I ever can, I always will. Believe me. But I can’t. He crushes a sob against his ribcage with a deep inhale, swallows, and buries his face in his hands for a moment. Don’t even go there, don’t even imagine the impossible. Then he watches the sun make sheens of silver over the jagged European coastline, still basking in the memory of how she fought to reach him.
From the edge of the finite, a form withdraws, regathering strength but burning with the lingering sight of him.
Out of the plane and into the high-class underbelly of Rome: this…this he can work with. Preparations are in order. Efficiency. Right answers. It doesn’t hurt that these preparations involve only the finest toys of every kind. Fresh suits, fresh intel, fresh guns… There he stands, one beautiful machine encountering another. Half deliberately and half by accident, he lets the rush take the place of guilt and misery as he cocks a Benelli M4 with all the force of his shoulders, gripping it just as hard as he would if he were fighting for his life. It responds deftly despite its size. What a weapon.
The routine of preparations solidifies his resolve on a physical, Pavlovian level. A wave of calm descends slowly, a winding back, the first twinges of adrenaline pregaming his muscles. Excitement. Regrettable as it may be, grim as its flavor might taste, that's what this efficient hyperfocus really is.
But it doesn’t last.
There’s several hours left until nightfall. What to do? Sit in the Continental, stewing? No. He begins to wander ancient streets. New York reels between gold and grey, but Rome is just gold. It is all archways and domes, stability, unity, an unrelenting sense of holiness. The dream is still coloring his thoughts with terrible hope. “Let me in,” she said.
Why not.
He buys a single rose from a sweet young shopkeeper and carries it by the stem back out in into the crisp late afternoon. Fortunately, she was too intimidated by his appearance to ask who it’s for. It’s a dark orange rose, and a fine specimen despite one petal blemished with a yellow tip. It’s almost the same color as Gianna’s hair, from what he remembers.
In a little courtyard by a cathedral, he takes a seat on a bench. There’s no one around. Even the sun is hidden by the shadow of the belfry. The courtyard is trimmed with hedges that shelter it from the street in a pocket of quietude. He sets the rose beside him, pulls out a lighter, and holds the flame against its head. He doesn’t speak. But he prays.
Helen…I don’t think you can hear me. But maybe I’m wrong.
I have to do this. I know it isn’t ideal. But to defy the marker means death, and I can’t die. It’s not that I don’t want to. But your memory lives in me. As long as I live, my love for you lives, and if I die, it’s cut short, and no one knows what happens to me, to my soul, to my love for you. So I give glory to you in every moment, for as long as I can. It’s the only thing I care about. I won’t stop. I won’t give up. I’m honoring the oath that gave me five years with you, and I’m living. That part…that is what you would want. This is my offering to you. I love you, Helen.
There’s a small pile of ashes next to him on the bench. Fuck. He’s crying again.
She’s too frantic for that serene equilibrium to express her existence. A pulse in the deep matches his breathing. In, and the pulse draws back. Out, and it rushes forward again, stronger this time. She slams herself at the barrier, and it’s almost (almost!) as if her body strikes a wall.
He wipes his face and exhales, relieved, more peaceful. Resolve solidifies its hold over him. He’s doing the right thing, or at least doing the wrong thing for her. He walks back to the Continental, his eyes flat with certainty. Gianna will be dead in a few hours and he will be a free man. Survive. Execute. He’ll take a shower, prepare for the arrival of the new suit. He’ll enjoy this party. The door of his suite clicks open and he’s almost smiling as he steps inside.
There’s a rose on the bed.
A dark orange rose.
A knock at the door.
“Delivery for you, Mr. Wick.”
He steps aside, watching in a daze as the concierge places packages onto the table. His custom suit, finished as a rush job, and his selection of weaponry. “Did anyone else enter this room while I was away?”
“Certainly not, sir. We offer only the highest security.” The man pauses. “Did you find anything to be amiss?”
“N-no.” Better not to explain.
The concierge’s phone rings as he picks up the last package. “Excuse me, my apologies Mr. Wick.” He steps into the hall for a moment. He’s talking discretely about another guest, some impropriety in their manner of conducting business. Some attempt to make amends with the Continental. “Well then you tell him, offer not accepted. The offer is not accepted. It has been returned to him because the offer is not accepted.” Three times, he said it.
The man reenters with the final package. “Are you well, sir?”
There’s a beat before John can manage to speak. “Yes. Thank you.” He shuts the door without looking away from the rose.
He approaches slowly, staring at it like a bomb.
He touches the thorns, lifts it, turns it over in his hands. It’s real. Is someone trying to psych him out of the job?
It has a yellow blemish on the tip of one petal.
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Prompt Character List......
 Denny Duquette
 Clark Kent
 Lincoln [The 100]
 Nyko [The 100]
 Marcus Kane [The 100]
 Kelly Severide
 Matt Casey
 {Ethan} Hawkins {I think that's his name}
 Jimmy Borelli
 Frank Castle
 Max [The Resident]
 Klaus Mikaelson
 Wade Wilson
 Kol Mikaelson
 Bill Cadogan [The 100]
 Elijah Mikaelson
 Russell Lightbourn [7th] [The 100]
 Finn Mikaelson
 Damon Salvatore
 Matt Murdoch
 Shane Walsh
 Rick Grimes
 Paul {Jesus}
 Lex Luthor
 Negan Smith
 Aegon II {House of The Dragon}
 Robb Stark {Game of Thrones}
 Jon Snow {Game of Thrones}
 Aemond “One Eye” {House of The Dragon}
 Thoros of Myr {GOT
 Steve Rogers
 Bucky Barnes
 Thor Odinson
 Loki Laufeyson
 Pietro Maximoff
 Tony Stark
 Bruce Banner
 Winn Schott
 Jack Reacher
 Andy Barber
 Henry Delarue
 Henry 8th [Other Boleyn Girl-Tudors]
 Charles Brandon [Tudors] [Henry Cavil]
 Richard of Shrewsbury [The White Princess]
 Richard 3rd [The White Queen]
 Cesare Borgia [Borgias-2007]
 Henry [7th] [The White Princess]
 Philip Blake [The Governor]
 Reuben Palchuk
 Glenn Morrison
 Mason Lockwood
 Scott Lang
 Hope Van Dyne
 Joker [Suicide Squad]
 Harley Quinn [Suicide Squad]
 Miles Quaritch [Avatar]
 Nathanial Taylor [Terranova]
 Lucas Taylor [Terranova]
 Eddie Brock
 Eddie Brock with Venom
 Spiderman [Peter Parker] {Tom Holland]
 Hannibal Lecter [Hannibal]
 Frederick Chilton [Hannibal]
 Raoul De Chagny [Phantom of the Opera]
 Mathias Vogel [Tomb Raider 2018]
 Johann Struensee [Royal Affair]
 Ido Dyson [Alita Battle Angel]
 Geralt of Rivia {Henry Cavil} [The Witcher]
 Dusan [Downsized] {Christoph Waltz}
 Multiple Characters [From the Same Show]
 Qaletaqa Walker [Fear the Walking Dead]
 Travis [Fear the Walking Dead]
 Daryl Dixon
 Meryl Dixon
 Alexander Grayson [Dracula] {Jonathan Rhys-Meyers]
 Vlad Dracula [Dracula Untold] {Luke Evans}
 Deckard Shaw
 Owen Shaw
 Dominic Toretto
 Luke Hobbs
 Tormund Giantsbane
 Normand Nordstrom
 Dante Reyes
 Connor Slaughter
 Stephen Strange
 Erik Lehnsherr {Magneto}
 Gambit [Remy LeBeau] {Taylor Kitsch}
Kraven {Aaron Taylor-Johnson]
 Chon [Savages]
 Ben [savages]
 Ben and Chon [Savages]
 Miguel “Lado’ Arroyo [Savages]
 Thorin Oakenshield
 Miguel O'Hara
 Troy Otto
 Hector [Troy]
 Black Adam/Teth Adam
 Superman [Henry Cavil]
 August Walker [Mission Impossible? -6]
 The Collector [Guardians of The Galaxy]
 Yondu [Guardians of The Galaxy]
 Ronan [Guardians of The Galaxy]
 Carol Danvers [Marvels]
 Grant Ward [S.H.I.E.L.D.]
 Jim Shannon [Terra Nova]
 Director Mace [S.H.I.E.L.D.]
 Barry Allen [Flash TV]
 Arthur Curry
 Peter Quill {Star Lord}
 Owen Grady [Jurassic World]
 Ajax {Francis Freeman} [Deadpool]
 Zapan [Alita Battle Angel]
 Martouf [SG-1]
 Martouf/Lantash [SG-1]
 Ra [Stargate Movie]
 Zipacna [SG-1]
 Ba'al [Stargate-Multi Appearances]
 Carson Beckett [SG-A]
 Varro [SG-U]
 Wade Wilson {Alternate Universe}
 Judge Turpin [Sweeney Todd Demon Barber]
 Severus Snape
 Lucius Malfoy
 Sirius Black
 Xerxes [300]
 Aaron Hotchner [BAU]
 Spencer Reid [BAU]
 Derek Morgan [BAU]
 Luke Alvarez [BAU]
 Emily Prentiss [BAU]
 Jake Riley [Containment]
 Ichabod Crane [Sleepy Hollow] {TV}
 Jack Daniels | Whiskey [Kingsman Golden Circle]
 Sam Winchester [Supernatural]
 Dean Winchester [Supernatural]
 Crowley [Supernatural]
 John Wick [John Wick]
 Joel Miller [Last of Us]
 Ned [Pushing Daisy's]
 Cleon {Empire-All Clones} [Foundation]
 Ethan Sawyer [Those Who Wish Me Dead]
 Rafael Barba [Law and Order SVU]
 Master Chief John-118 [Halo TV 2022]
 Christian Grey [50 Shades of Grey Movie Series]
 Tequila [Kingsman Golden Circle]
 Tom Chandler [Last Ship]
 Mike Slattery [Last Ship]
 Mills [65]
 Guy [Free Guy]
 Erik Green
 Phil Constantino
 Bill Kohler
 Lucifer [Helluva Boss]
 Lucifer [Lucifer]
 Adam [Hazbin Hotel]
 The Ghoul [Fallout]
 Richard B. Riddick [Riddick]
 Kaulder [The Last Witch Hunter]
 Beauregard ‘Bo’ [House of Wax]
 Vincent ‘Vince’ [House of Wax]
 Sebastian Monroe [Revolution]
 Garret [Twilight]
 Emmett [Twilight]
 Carlisle [Twilight]
 Jasper [Twilight]
 Aro [Twilight]
 Caius [Twilight]
 Marcus [Twilight]
 Paul Lahote [Twilight]
 Jared Cameron [Twilight]
 Sam Uley [Twilight]
 Billy Black [Twilight]
 Charlie Swan [Twilight]
 Dimitri Belikov [Vampire Academy]
 Lucien [Underworld]
 Vasiliy Fet [The Strain]
 Gabriel Bolivar [The Strain]
 Cyrus Grissom [Con-Air]
 Sabas [Underworld]
 Braxton [The accountant]
 Griff [Baby Driver]
 Brad Bodnick [Wolf of Wall Street]
 Matt Rayburn [Wind River]
 Kandomere [Bright]
 Ransom Drysdale [Knives Out]
 John Proudstar [Gifted | X- Men] {Thunderbird}
 Warpath {John Proudstar's Brother}
 Kilgrave [Jessica Jones] [David Tenant]
 Johnny Storm [Fantastic 4] [Chris Evans]
 Miami Man [Bad Batch]
0 notes
duchezss · 1 year
I just noticed that in the first scene we ever see George in he’s wearing pink. Pink shirt, and a pinkish-redish flannel, but he’s wearing orange pants. In every scene after that he’s always wearing orange, it’s his color, but tbh I think it’s more than that. To me orange represents his shield, he had like a half a shield with Lockwood, but once Lucy came in it dialed all the way up. Now keeping in mind all of this, the only time we see him with zero orange is the very last scene in the kitchen. He’s wearing a pink shirt, salmon flannel, and blue jeans. I think this signifies how he trusts both of them completely, that and he now truthfully believes he belongs. 
When Lucy goes to portland row she is wearing all blue with her signature blue jacket. Throughout the entire series she’s always in blue. Blue to me represents her hesitation to change. She left everything to come to London, and she is holding onto the one thing she still has. Now once again comes the final scene. Here she’s wearing a blue, orange, and black cardigan. It’s the first time she really wore Lockwood or George’s colors, and to me it signifies growth. She knows she still might be out of her element, that everyday could bring new impossible changes, but that now she has her friends, her family to stand by her side and have her back. 
Lockwood is a little different. He’s the only one to basically wear one outfit the entire time. He’s always wearing black pants, a white button down, a tie, and a long coat. To me this feels like his desire for consistency and routine shining through. I also can’t help but feel he dresses this way in an attempt to show maturity and command respect. His color is black, and I think it represents all the pain he still carries with him. It’s nagging and always with him. Now cut to the last scene once more. He’s wearing a grey shirt and jeans, but black isn’t absent. He’s arm is in a black sling. I think this shows that his pain will always be there, threatening him with darkness, but now Lucy and George will be there to guide him back to the light. 
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🖊 — any tattoos? 😍 — celebrity crush(es)?🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most?
🖊 — any tattoos?
Nope! Getting a tattoo is one of those things that I've thought about, don't get me wrong! I just...I have sensory issues related to being touched, especially with sharp objects like needles, and that combined with my low pain tolerance would make the whole 'getting a tattoo' experience like a real form of hell for me, ya know? Besides that, I wouldn't even know what I would want to have tattooed on me, or even where I would put a tattoo.
😍 — celebrity crush(es)?
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☝🏻🫣Do...Do I have to continue on with this answer? I mean LOOK AT THIS MAN??? B.reckin M.eyer was my first and only celebrity crush, even before I knew I was a lesbian. Now that I am a proud lesbian, I can say that he is my ONLY male exception, like he could do just about anything with or to me and I would enthusiastically agree and thank him. I'm also talking any era B.reckin M.eyer, idc if it's Greg Randazzo, Jon Arbuckle, Travis Birkenstock, or even my boy Ted Lockwood, I will smash and date every single time. It's also a funny coincidence that on the first of this month, I revealed publicly on this account that I had a crush on B.reckin, and now you essentially just asked me to self-report again lmaoooo thank you Ed. (also finding that GIF was a happy accident, but I'm also not complaining 🫣🫣🫣)
🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most?
Ah the genres/themes I struggle with the most... this should be fun. Now, I know that this is going to seem quite unbelievable, given that a lot of my writing has been revolving around these two genres lately, but for me writing erotica and romance is a struggle. I think it's because those two genres encapsulate RL experiences that I have yet to have, and it really makes me cringe when that lack of experience shows in my writing. For reference, it's one of the reasons I had to stop doing K.inktober after like, the sixth day. ((This also may or may not be an explanation as to why all those NSFW gif memes sitting in my askbox are gonna take a while to be responded to, ty for patience and I'm sorry 💀)) In terms of themes that I struggle with, I tend to struggle with themes revolving around coming-of-age, as I didn't really get to experience such a thing. My childhood and teenage years kind of just..passed me by with little to no fanfare? I didn't experience anything that Hollywood tricked me into believing I would. I mean, I also grew up poor yo-yoing between a major city's nicer section to it's ghettos so 💀💀💀 Another theme I tend to struggle with are ones based around morality. Now, I have a concrete thought process, and I tend to see most situations in black and white. I'm sure that, just by that description of how my mind tends to operate alone, you can see why morality as a theme tends to be a struggle for me. Morality isn't always black and white, sometimes there's patches of grey nuance. Sometimes people do objectively bad things for good reasons, sometimes the reverse of that is true. My brain struggling to see those little specks of grey in all the black and white makes writing those kind of scenarios a struggle and a half.
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casxmorgan · 4 years
Books Books Books
100 Years of Solitude
120 Days of Sodom
A Brief History of Time
A Canticle for Leibowitz
A Child Called It
A Clockwork Orange
A Confederacy of Dunces
A History of the World in Ten and a Half Chapters
A Land Fit for Heroes Trilogy
A Little Life
A Naked Singularity
A People's History of the United States
A Scanner Darkly
A Series of Unfortunate Events
A Short History of Nearly Everything
A Song of Ice and Fire
A Storm of Swords
A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments
A Thousand Splendid Suns
A Walk in the Woods
A World Lit Only by Fire
Accursed Kings
Alice in Wonderland
All Quiet on the Western Front
All the Light We Cannot See
All the Pretty Horses
America, the Book
American Gods
American Psycho
And then There Were None
Angela’s Ashes
Animal Farm
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
Anna Karenina
Anything Terry Pratchett, But, Mort is My Favorite
Anything Written by Robin Hobb
Apt Pupil
Artemis Fowl
Asimov's Guide to the Bible
Atlas Shrugged
Batman: the Long Halloween
Battle Royale
Beat the Turtle Drum
Behind the Beautiful Forevers
Belgariad Series
Black Company
Blind Faith
Blood Meridian
Blood and Guts: a History of Surgery
Bluest Eye
Brandon Sanderson
Brave New World
Breakfast of Champions
Bridge to Terabithia
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: an Indian History of the American West
Calvin and Hobbs
Cat's Cradle
Catch 22
Cats Cradle
Child of God
Chuck Palahniuk
City of Ember
City of Thieves
Come Closer
Confessions of a Mask
Conversation in the Cathedral
Crime and Punishment
Dan Brown
Dead Birds Singing
Dead Mountain: the Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident
Delta Venus
Die Räuber (the Robbers)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Don Quixote
Dying of the Light
East of Eden
Empire of Sin: a Story of Sex, Jazz, Murder, and the Battle for Modern New Orleans
Enders Game
Enders Shadow
Escape from Camp 14
Ever Since Darwin
Every Man Dies Alone
Everybody Poops
Everything is Illuminated
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Fahrenheit 451
Far from the Madding Crowd
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson
Feet of Clay
Fight Club
First Law
Flowers for Algernon
Flowers in the Attic
Foundation Series
Foundation Trilogy
Fun Home
Geek Love
Gerald’s Game
Ghost Story
Go Ask Alice
Go Dog Go
Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid
Gone Girl
Gone with the Wind
Good Omens
Grapes of Wrath
Great Expectations
Greg Egan
Guards! Guards!
Guns Germs and Steel
Guts (short Story)
Half a World
Ham on Rye
Hannibal Rising
Hard Boiled Wonderland
Heart Shaped Box
Heart of Darkness
Hellbound Heart
Hell’s Angels
Helter Skelter
His Dark Materials
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Holocaust by Bullets
House of Leaves
How to Cook for Fourty Humans
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Huckleberry Finn
I Am America, and So Can You
I Am the Messenger
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
I Was Dr. Mengele’s Assistant
In Cold Blood
In Search of Our Mother's Gardens
Independent People
Infinite Jest
Into Thin Air
Into the Wild
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Invisible Monsters
Jacques Le Fataliste
Jane Eyre
Job: a Comedy of Justice
John Dies at the End
John Grisham
Johnathan Livingston Seagull
Johnny Got His Gun
Jon Ronson
Journal of a Novel
Jurassic Park
L'histoire D'o
Last Exit to Brooklyn
Les Miserables
Lies My Teacher Told Me
Life of Pi
Limits and Renewals
Little House in the Big Woods
Lockwood & Co.
Looking for Trouble
Lord Foul’s Bane
Lord of the Flies
Malazan Book of the Fallen
Manufacturing Consent: the Political Economy of the Mass Media
Man’s Search for Meaning
Mark Twain’s Autobiography
Megamorphs (series)
Mein Kampf
Memnooch the Devil
Metro 2033
Michael Crichton
Moby Dick
Mrs. Dalloway
My Side of the Mountain
My Sweet Audrina
Nacht über Der Prärie (night over the Prairie)
Naked Lunch
Name of the Wind
Never Let Me Go
New York
Night Shift
Norwegian Wood
Notes from Underground
Nothing to Envy: Real Lives in North Korea
Of Mice and Men
Of Nightingales That Weep
Old Mans War
Old Mother West Wind
On Heroes and Tombs
On Laughter and Forgetting
On the Road
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
One Hundred Years of Solitude
One of Us
Painted Bird
Patrick Rothfuss
Perfume: the Story of a Murderer
Pet Sematary
Peter Pan
Pillars of the Earth
Poisonwood Bible
Pride and Predjudice
Ready Player One
Red Mars
Red Night (series)
Red Shirts
Red Storm Rising
Requiem for a Dream
Riftwar Saga
Roald Dahl
Rolls of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Round Ireland with a Fridge
Running with Scissors
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
Sapiens, a Brief History of Humankind
Scary Stories to Read in the Dark
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Schindler’s List
Sein Und Zeit
Shades of Grey
Sharp Objects
Shattered Dreams
Sherlock Holmes
Skin and Other Stories
Slaughterhouse Five
Smoke & Mirrors
Snow Crash
Soldier Son
Sometimes a Great Notion
Starship Troopers
Stiff, the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
Storied Life of A.j. Fikry
Stormlight Archives
Story of the Eye
Stranger in a Strange Land
Surely, You're Joking
Survivor Type (short Story)
Swan Song
Tale of Two Cities
Tales of the South Pacific
The Alchemist
The Altered Carbon Trilogy
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
The Art of Deception
The Art of Fielding
The Art of War
The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation
The Autobiography of Henry Viii
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
The Beach
The Bell Jar
The Bible
The Bloody Chamber
The Book Thief
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
The Brothers Karamazov
The Call of Cthulu and Other Weird Stories
The Cask of Amontillado (short Story)
The Catcher in the Rye
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Clown
The Color out of Space
The Communist Manifesto
The Complete Fiction of H.p. Lovecraft
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night Time
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
The Dagger and the Coin
The Damage Done
The Dark Tower
The Declaration of Independence, the Us Constitution, and the Bill of Rights
The Devil in the White City
The Dharma Bums
The Diamond Age
The Dice Man
The Discworld Series
The Dresden Files
The Elegant Universe
The First Law Trilogy
The Forever War
The Foundation Trilogy
The Gentleman Bastard Sequence
The Geography of Nowhere
The Girl Next Door
The Girl on the Milk Carton
The Giver
The Giving Tree
The God of Small Things
The Grapes of Wrath
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gilly Hopkins
The Hagakure
The Half a World Trilogy
The Handmaid’s Tale
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
The Hiding Place
The History of Love
The Hobbit
The Hot Zone
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Hyperion Cantos
The Jaunt
The Jungle
The Key to Midnight
The Killing Star
The Kingkiller Chronicles
The Kite Runner
The Last Question (short Story)
The Lies of Lock Lamora
The Little Prince
The Long Walk
The Lord of the Rings
The Lottery (short Story)
The Lovely Bones
The Magicians
The Magus
The Martian
The Master and Margarita
The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect
The Monster at the End of This Book
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The Music of Eric Zahn (short Story)
The Name of the Wind & the Wise Man's Fear
The Necronomicon
The New Age of Adventure: Ten Years of Great Writing
The Night Circus
The Nightmare Box
The Odyssey
The Omnivore's Dilemma
The Orphan Master’s Son
The Outsiders
The Painted Bird
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Phantom Tollbooth
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Plague
The Prince
The Prince of Tides
The Princess Bride
The Prophet
The Queen’s Gambit
The Rape of Nanking
The Red Dwarf
The Republic
The Rifter Saga
The Road
The Satanic Verses
The Screwtape Letters
The Secret History
The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
The Selfish Gene
The Shining
The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer
The Silmarillion
The Sirens of Titan
The Six Wives of Henry the 8th
The Solitude of Prime Numbers
The Speaker of the Dead
The Stars My Destination
The Stormlight Archive
The Story of My Tits
The Stranger
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
The Suspicions of Mr. Witcher
The Tao of Pooh
The Things They Carried
The Time Machine
The Time Traveller’s Wife
The Tin Drum
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green
The Wasp Factory
The Wind Up Bird Chronicle
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
The World According to Garp
The Yellow Wallpaper
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Things Fall Apart
This Blinding Absence of Light
Time Enough for Love
To Kill a Mockingbird
To Say Nothing of the Dog
Toni Morrison
Too Many Magicians
Tuesdays with Morrie
Tuf Voyaging
Under Plum Lake
Universe in a Nutshell
Village Life in Late Tsarist Russia
War & Peace
War and Peace
Warriors: Bluestar’s Prophecy
Water for Elephants
Watership Down
We Have Always Lived in the Castle
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Wheel of Time
When Rabbit Howls
Where the Red Fern Grows
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Why I Am Not a Christian
Why People Believe Weird Things
Wizards First Rule
World War Z
Wuthering Heights
You Can Choose to Be Happy
Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
157 notes · View notes
Master Lists
*An updated master list to make it more streamline* 
Sorry for all the  long list and all the loopholes but hoping the other lists fill up soon so they’re not so empty
Let me know if any of the shows/movies i’d write for interest you
OG Master (No longer updated)
Secret Santa Master Lists
The 100 
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The Vampire Diaries 
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Series: Caught In Between (Tag: TVDCIB) || Niklaus Mikaelson x OC
Will write for:
- Damon Salvatore
Movie Nights (Request)
- Stefan Salvatore - Elena Gilbert - Jeremy Gilbert - Tyler Lockwood - Matt Donovan - Kai Parker - Katerina/Katherine Petrova
The Originals
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Series: Under A New Moon (Tag: TOUNM) || Niklaus Mikaelson x OC || Sequel to Caught In Between
- Niklaus Mikaelson - Elijah Mikaelson - Rebekah Mikaelson - Kol Mikaelson - Freya Mikaelson - Marcel Gerard - Davina Claire -Haley Marshall -Mikaelson Family
Trouble in Paradise (The Originals x MCU crossover) (Request)
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*Have not read books, all fics will be based off of movie*
(Mini) Series: The Distance Between Us  || Eric Coulter x OC
-Beatice/Tris Prior -Tobias Eaton/Four
Unspoken Love (Request)
-Eric Coulter
Comfort Songs (Request)
Shadow and Bone
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*In the process of reading first book...Unsure if I will write, but open to any requests* *I did watch the show*
- Alina Starkov -Malyen Oretsev -Kaz Brekker -Inej Ghafa -Jesper Fahey -Six of Crows Gang -General Kirigan/Darkling -Nina Zenik -Genya Safin
Those Grey Eyes (Request)
Just an Assistant  (Request)
Outer Banks
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- JJ Maybank
Untitled  JJ piece 
- John B. Routledge - Pope Heyward -Kiara Carrera -Sarah Cameron
Julie and the Phantoms
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-Luke Patterson
Big Break (Request) 
-Julie Molina -Alex Mercer -Reggie Peters -The Gang
Sleepover! (Request)
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- Oliver Queen/Green Arrow - Thea Queen/Speedy - Roy Harper/Arsenal - Felicity Smoak/Overwatch - Laurel Lance/Black Canary - Team Arrow
The Flash
- Barry Allen/The Flash - Iris West-Allen - Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost - Wally West/Kid Flash - Team Flash
- Kara Danvers/Supergirl - Alex Danvers
Love Above All (Request)
- Lena Luthor - Mon-El
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
- Sara Lance/White Canary (Arrow) - Ray Palmer/The Atom (Arrow) - Zari Tomaz - John Constantine - Rip Hunter - Nora Dahrk - Team Legends
Agents of Shield
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Will write for:
- Phil Coulson - Melinda May
More than One Savior (Request)
- Daisy “Skye” Johnson/Quake
Out of Control Sway (Request)
- Jemma Simmons - Leo Fitz - Grant Ward
Marvel Cinematic Universe
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*not my edit*
Please ask who i’d write for; there are too many characters to list
-Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Trouble in Paradise (The Originals x MCU crossover) (Request)
The Magicians
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Will write for:
- Julia Wicker - Eliot Waugh - Margo Hanson - Alice Quinn - Quentin Coldwater - Fen - Todd
134 notes · View notes
insertdeeplyrics · 4 years
The new guy
Hello! Well, here you have it, my first Destiel fanfic! I plan to write more, but I wanted this share this one first, as it has been sitting on my computer for around two years. Sorry if it sucks!  Also, any type of feedback is appreciated, as I want to improve my writing skills (which are quite rusty hehehe). Finally, if there are any grammatical mistakes or expressions that are a bit off, I apologize, English is not my first language. I hope you like it! :)
It was Dean’s first day at the force after spending six months away undercover to take out a drug ring. He had been dreaming about this day for ages, not being able to have any contact with his family or friends was difficult enough on its own, but to spend the best part of his time stuck with criminals was just plain torture. Besides, he was not big on changes, he liked stability and routines, that’s the main reason why he avoided going undercover unless there was no other option left. He spent all morning carefully choosing his outfit, trying to feel more like himself than he had been these past few months. As he opened the closet, he quickly spotted his favorite shirt: the light blue one that his mother gave him for his birthday three years ago and that made his green eyes pop. He remembered he used to wear a dark blue tie with it, alongside some grey dress pants, so he went ahead and put the outfit together. He took the badge from his bedside table, wearing it like a necklace. After he left the house, he took a quick glance at himself in the mirror as a small smile crept upon his lips: he might still feel like Jason Damien on the inside, but he sure as hell nailed the Dean Winchester look. Perhaps if he cut that ridiculously long sandy blonde mane he was forced to grow out, he would retrieve a little part of himself.
The drive to the precinct was a rather intense one, as all of Dean’s anxiety started to kick in. What if his partners didn’t recognize him? Or what if any of them had had an accident while on duty and they were gone? What if the precinct was different? What if he was different? Dean rushed through the busy streets of New York, almost running a couple of the red lights. After fifteen minutes of car horns, some blasphemies and taking a wrong turn, he arrived at the 99th precinct. He barely even made it to the elevator, which was closing its doors when Dean arrived. Luckily, one of the men inside noticed the panic in his face and held it open for a few seconds. Dean sent him a grateful look and a quick smile and then proceeded to stress over how he was going to react when he finally saw his friends after some long, hard six months. As soon as the doors of the elevator opened, revealing the second floor of the 99th precinct, he was instantly filled with a sense of relief: everything still looked the same. People were going back and forth all over the office, a phone always ringing on the background, some officers taking statements or locking up some crook. In the middle of the office were his colleagues standing in a circle with their backs turned from him. Not quite the welcome he was expecting. He walked towards them, his heart pounding. Once he was close enough, he noticed a man amongst the group, around whom the circle was created. By the quick glance he took, he saw that the unknown man had raven black hair and a tall and well-built frame.
“Hey, guys! Look who’s back!”, shouted Charlie as soon as she saw the sandy blond man. Everyone turned their attention to Dean, who was instantly tackled with hugs and words of relief and happiness. He didn’t even have time to properly process the situation.
“Oh, how stupid of us!” said Charlie while he was still caught in a whirlwind of people. “Let me introduce you to C. J. Novak —He has been transferred from the 96.” Dean was still a bit disoriented due to the overwhelming welcome, but something changed in him when he was met with the blue-eyed man who was leaning on Detective Rogers’ desk, observing the scene with his hands in his pockets. Now that he was closer to him, Dean noticed he had piercing blue eyes, rather chapped lips, a squared jaw and a five o’clock shadow. He was wearing a white buttoned up shirt that hinted at his worked-out body, as well as some black suit pants.
Dean stretched his arm and put his hand out for C. J. to shake. “Dean Winchester”
“So I’ve heard. Pleasure to meet you.” He had a deep voice, which took Dean by surprise. They didn’t break eye contact once while they were shaking hands. He didn’t feel quite right about the new guy, there was something about him that made him uneasy. For the few seconds —that felt like ages— that the handshake lasted, Dean forgot that there were people around them. He was too distracted by the man’s eyes and trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with him. Tension started to build up between the two detectives, the atmosphere notably shifting to a dense and heavy one.
“Winchester, good to have you back!” the tall and broad frame of his boss, Captain Singer, appeared in front of him, forcing him to remove his green eyes from the new guy. The tension evaporated, and Dean found himself releasing the breath he didn’t know he was holding. “If you don’t mind, I would like to see you in my office.”
“See you guys later” Dean took a last glance to the new guy before he followed the older man to his office.
On the way there, he ran into some co-workers who quickly greeted him and congratulated him for the success of his mission. Once they reached their destination, just a few steps away from the elevator, the Captain closed the door and motioned him to sit down on the chair in front of his desk.
“Winchester, it’s a pleasure to have you back on the team. I know how hard it can be to go undercover, but it really pays off: The Lockwood family has been finally sent to jail thanks to your inside information. You are one of our best detectives.”
“Thank you, sir. All I want to do is go back to my regular job and move on.”
“About that” Captain Singer paused, avoiding eye contact. Dean had been working with the older man long enough to know what it meant. “There had been some changes around here while you were gone.”
There it was. Ever since he saw the new guy, he knew that something was off and that he wouldn’t be the only thing new around here.
“A few of your colleagues have been forced to leave the force due to getting hurt while on duty, Detectives Rogers and Joseph. I know you had worked with them on numerous cases, so I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I am also sad to inform you that Detective Masters passed away a few weeks after you left. She was trying to stop a mugging and, while she was chasing the criminal, she suffered a heart attack from which she never recovered. I’m only telling you this because I know how close you two were. Sorry, Dean”.
The news hit him hard. The only thing he could do was just to remain silent, his eyes fixed on the carpeted floor of Captain Singer’s office, trying to process all the information. Hearing about Detective Rogers and Joseph was a bitter pill to swallow, but he comforted himself thinking that at least they were alive, but Detective Masters was a different story. She was the first partner he ever had, the one with whom he worked his first case. It was she who showed him the ropes, who taught him how to be a competent detective. Before leaving, Dean had the hardest time saying goodbye to her.
“I’m sorry” said the Captain. “I understand it’s a lot to digest.” Dean nodded his head, attempting to swallow the lump on his throat. He stayed in silence for a few more seconds, trying to compose himself a little bit.
“Thank you for telling me, Captain.” Singer’s features softened.
“Anyway, I won’t hold you any longer, you can go back to work. And Winchester, once again, good job.” He dedicated him a small smile before burying his head in a never-ending-pile of files.
Once Dean got back to his desk, he retrieved that sense of familiarity that got lost during his conversation with the Captain. Everything was exactly how he left it, his pencil holder sitting at the far left corner of his desk, filled mostly with blue pens and a few pencils that were halfway down their size, some paper clips and rubber bands scattered next to it, the picture of him and his brother Sam on their very first trip to New York on the opposite corner and the all-too-familiar folder full of cases neatly stacked at the side.  Dean smiled to himself: things were still the same. His smile was quickly turned into a furrow when he saw the blue-eyed man from before plop down on the desk right in front of him.
“You’re not Charlie” Dean thought at loud when he saw his partner, taken aback by the sudden intrusion.
“And you’re not Brad Pitt, but I guess we’ll have to make do” the comment took him by surprise. Now he was a hundred percent convinced he didn’t like the guy. “They promoted Detective Bradbury a few months ago, so they moved her to the third floor.”
“She got promoted? That’s good to hear!”
“Yes, it was big news around here. The celebration party was insane.”
“You threw a party?” Dean asked quietly, a pang of jealousy spreading through his chest. He knew it wasn’t fair to feel upset by that, after all, he was undercover, and he couldn’t reach out to anyone.
“Of course! She has been working hard for years to become a Sargent!” C. J. Novak huffed.
“Exactly how long have you been working here?” Dean asked, unable to keep his anger from showing.
 Weeks passed and Dean was now more convinced than ever that the chances of the new guy —he refused to acknowledge that he had been around for more than a few weeks— and him becoming friends were zero to none. Ever since the first day, Dean felt suspicious of him, which lead to becoming surly whenever C. J. was around, which was all the time given that they sat in front of each other. Perhaps some of his negative energy rubbed onto his partner, because, soon enough, Novak started being standoffish. The atmosphere surrounding their desks was almost too heavy for anyone to handle, so they steered away from the negative environment the two men managed to create. That they were practically at daggers dawn took Dean’s friends by surprise, since they knew them both and thought they would have gotten on like a house on fire by now. And every time they asked the sandy blond why he disliked the blue-eyed detective so much, he was at a loss of words. He didn’t know why C. J. got on his nerves so much, all he knew is that he did and that was a good enough reason to not give him the time of the day.
But it all changed once they worked their first case together. Up until that point, they had managed to avoid doing anything together, Dean making the most efforts to dodge the situation. But this time, there was no way out: Captain Singer was tired of the excuses he kept coming out with and gave him the order to work with Detective Novak.
“So, there was no way to talk Captain Singer out of this.” Dean walked to C. J. and threw the file on his desk. He received a long sigh from his partner.
“So, what do we do?”
“I guess we go check the crime scene” replied the green-eyed man with resignation.
Rather hesitantly, they got into a police car and hit the road. C. J. read through the file, since his partner barely gave him time to even see what the case was about at the precinct. The atmosphere in the car was tense, Dean had his jaw clenched and he focused on the road, trying his best to forget that another person was in the car with him.
“So, stabbed through the heart at a dentist office.” C. J. tried to make the air lighter, aiming for small talk. At his partner’s silent response, he went on talking. “No murder weapon and only just one witness, it sure looks interesting. What do you think?”
“I think you should stop talking. Look, I don’t think neither of us is happy with this situation, so let’s get this over with as soon as possible. No small talk, no trying to socialize with each other. I hope this is just a one-time thing, so let’s just stick strictly to business, okay?” C. J. looked at him, frustration clear in his eyes and resumed to sit in silence while gazing out the window.
Ten minutes later, they arrived at the dentist office where the crime was committed. Surprisingly enough, the office floor was completely clean, and if it weren’t for the dead body in the middle of the room, it would be impossible to know that someone had been a murdered. The corpse was lying on his back, a stab wound on his chest. Some other officers were already there, taking pictures and examining the crime scene. The witness, a middle-aged woman with short black hair was waiting outside the office, fidgeting with her hands and her gaze fixed on the entrance door.
“Detectives Winchester and Novak, NYPD. Are you Ruby Campbell?”
“Yes, I am.” C. J. took a notepad and a pen out of his jacket to take her testimony, which earned him a dirty look from Dean.
“So, what can you tell us about last night? When did you find the body?” asked the dark-haired detective with his deep voice, which made Dean’s blood boil for whatever reason.
“I’m the receptionist here. I usually help Doctor Jason close, but I had to leave early because it was my daughter’s school play. When I came to work this morning, I saw that his car was still parked, which caught my attention since he was supposed to leave today to visit his family in Detroit. I went to his office and found him dead on the floor.” The woman told her story with tears in her eyes, and her voice broke a couple of times while she was narrating the events.
C. J. wrote everything down on his notepad and comforted the witness, showing tremendous care and tenderness, which became too much for Dean, who excused himself and went to check the body while his partner made further questions.
“What are your thoughts on the crime scene, Detective Winchester?” asked Detective Novak in a serious tone, trying to engage in a professional conversation.
Dean, who tried to ignore the chills he got when he heard his partner’s deep voice address him as ‘Detective Winchester’, angered at the fact that the other man was still willing to have a conversation with him. He gripped the steering wheel even harder, his knuckles turning white.
“The witness can be ruled out, her alibi checks out, I looked at the security cameras.” The blue-eyed man read through his notes, resolved in carrying on with the conversation even if his partner was giving him the cold shoulder. “What we have to do when we arrive at the precinct is to call the victim’s family, they probably are still waiting for him to show up in Detroit.”
“Just shut up!” roared Dean, unable to take the sound of his voice anymore. “This is hard enough; you don’t have to fill the silence with whatever comes to your mind. I don’t give a rat’s ass about your stupid thoughts and theories on the case. I know we have to work this thing together, but I swear to God, if I have to hear another word come out of your mouth, I’m leaving this car.” He took a quick glance at his partner, who had a furrowed brow and his hands turned into fists.
“Stop the car” Detective Novak said quietly.
“What?” asked Dean in disbelief.
“STOP THE DAMN CAR.” Intimidated by his partner reaction, the green-eyed detective pulled up at the side of the road. “We’ve been working this case for less than three hours and you have been nothing but hell on wheels!” yelled C. J., looking directly into his green eyes. “Look, I don’t care if you have been nothing but a dick to me, even if I had been nothing but nice to you ever since you came back; I’m fine with you bossing me around as if I were your fucking assistant, but what I won’t tolerate is you putting my professional integrity on the line. Whether you like it or not, we are working this case together, so swallow your damn pride, because we are talking murder here, Dean, there’s too much at stake. So, stop behaving like a damn child and start acting like the great detective everyone claims you are.”
Dean was speechless. Once he composed himself from the original shock, he got angrier than before. He knew damn well that he was being more than unfair to C. J., and he hated to admit that the other detective was right. So, he shot him a dirty look, which gained him an exasperated sigh from the blue-eyed detective and drove back to the precinct.
Once they arrived at the office, their tension and bad temper spread through the whole room, like a dark cloud blocking the sun rays, letting everyone know that a storm was coming. The always busy and noisy precinct turned silent, as if afraid to set one of them off. Everyone steered clear of the two detectives, who went their separate ways as quickly as possible, sick of the other’s company. Dean went straight to the coffee room, in desperate need of caffeine to get through the rest of the day, while C. J. went to his desk to start with the paperwork. After twenty minutes, Dean had calmed down enough to go back to work. However, as he was about to leave, a furious Charlie approached him, forcing him to stay in the coffee room.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Winchester?!” she yelled, poking his chest with her finger, while Dean was left with his arms up in the air in defense. “I’ve just talked to C. J. and he has told me about how much of an asshole you have been to him. At first, I thought you were being salty about this whole new partner thing, but this has gone way too far. Pull your head out of your ass, apologize to C. J., and work the damn case.” As she spoke, she got up in Dean’s personal space, until he was backed into a wall, her finger never leaving his chest. Charlie could be intimidating when she put her mind to it. She sent him one last threating look and stormed out the room.
As soon as he processed Charlie’s threat, he straightened himself up and returned to his desk. It bothered him to admit that they were both right, he was well aware of being unreasonable and unfair, but he just couldn’t do anything about how he felt about the guy, he still had this weird feeling about him. However, for everyone’s sake, he decided to put his feelings aside and work the damn case. The sooner he ripped the band-aid off, the better.
He set a cup of coffee on Detective Novak’s desk, who looked up from his computer screen and eyed the beverage confused.
“Consider it a peace offering”, said Dean flatly, as he himself started his computer up, hiding behind its screen while peering from the corner of his eye his partner’s reaction. The other detective looked intermittently at him and the cup, still suspicious of the whole affair, until he finally caved in and took a sip of the coffee.
At first, they exchanged short and to-the-point sentences, a lot of formality still surrounding them. But as the case progressed and they were forced to stay late at night, they evolved from being at arm’s length, to getting along, some would even say they even became friendly. It was during those nights that the two of them bonded, which left Dean wondering why he had been so rude towards the other man for such a long time. By the end of the case, they were both as thick as thieves.
 “Heya, Angel” Dean greeted the dark-haired man as he set a cup of coffee on his desk, a custom he had adopted since they had buried the hatchet.
“How long are you going to keep calling me that?”
“What, you don’t like it? Would you rather I called you Castiel, the angel of Thursday?” replied amused, a playful grin on his face.
“I knew it was a bad idea to tell you my name” said C. J., obviously fed up with the nickname his colleague had decided to give him. Dean just laughed.
“Anyway, I was just dropping by to bring you your coffee. Charlie found a lead on a case she has been working on for weeks and she asked me to be her back-up, so we’re leaving in a few minutes. Any advice?” asked the sandy blond man while leaning against C. J.’s desk, with no intention at all to leave.
“A few: don’t piss Charlie off, follow her every order and listen to her. Oh, and don’t get shot again, I would hate to lose my drink slave. I forgot how life is like when you have to get coffee for yourself.”
“First of all, I technically didn’t get shot last time, a bullet grazed my arm. But don’t worry, you’re not getting rid of me so easily.” Dean winked at his partner, who started blushing. “Though, getting shot doesn’t sound that bad, I might do it again.” He moved closer to the dark-haired man, a hint of amusement in his voice. “I mean, it was really cute seeing how worried you were and how much you took care of me. Also, I heard scars make you more attractive. Perhaps you should get one yourself, that way you could get laid.”
“You know what, Winchester, blow me” C. J. rolled his eyes, trying to remember why he was still friends with such an idiot.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Blushing, the detective punched him playfully in the arm while Dean just laughed.
“Hey, Winchester! What the hell, man? I’ve been waiting ten minutes for you in the car! Stop flirting with Novak and let’s go!” yelled Charlie from the elevator, anger spilling from her voice.
“Gotta go, duty calls” Dean got up from his partner’s desk, putting a hand on his chest, while looking up, trying to add dramatism to the situation, which gained him a snort from his co-worker.
“I meant what I said earlier, Dean! Be careful!” shouted C. J. as his partner was approaching the elevator and meeting with the redheaded detective. He turned around and blew him a kiss. C. J. just rolled his eyes and went back to his work.
“Asshole” muttered under his breath, while a small smile made its way onto his lips.
 “What was all that about, Dean?” asked Charlie once they were on their way to a drugstore, the last place Charlie’s suspect had been seen.
“What do you mean?”
“Do I really need to explain it?” her tone full of exasperation. She was met with the dumbfounded expression of her colleague, forcing her to go on. “The non-stop flirting? The long-lasting eye sex? The heart-eyes you give each other when the other is not looking?”
“Oh, that” Dean suddenly felt shy and awkward. “It’s nothing. You know that I like flirting and C. J.'s so easy to mess with… Besides, I don’t swing that way.” The last comment got a snort from the redhead.
“Yeah, you’re as straight a circle, honey” she muttered under her breath.
“No, I heard you mumbling. What do you have to say?” Dean pressed on.
Charlie remained silent for a few seconds, debating whether she should speak or not.
“Well, this is probably not my place to say and this is something you’re supposed to figure out on your own, but it seems like you need a nudge in the right direction.” She paused, choosing her words carefully in order not to sound rude or patronizing.
“I’m not following” said Dean, confused. His whole body suddenly became tense. He could hear his heart beating in his head.
“Do you remember Lisa?”
“Of course, we dated for three years. But I don’t know what she has to do with any of this.”
“Remember his brother, the one you had a major crush on? Don’t even try to deny it”, she stopped him, seeing Dean was already opening his mouth in defense, “you might have played it off as admiring him for being a firefighter, but man, you couldn’t stop staring at him when he was around, completely ignoring your then girlfriend. You were drooling after him! She even stopped including him in our plans when you were around.”
Dean chewed his bottom lip as he remembered how the aforementioned girlfriend broke up with him, her words engraved in his mind: ‘You have some stuff to figure out, until then, I don’t think you can fully love me.’ He thought she meant something completely different, given that during the last years of their relationship, he was in a dark place and all she wanted was for him to get his shit together.
“And last year’s Christmas party? You probably won’t remember this because you were pretty wasted, but you spent all night flirting with the male bartender, with whom you ended up making out by closing time.”
“I don’t remember that” said the green-eyed detective, his voice small.
“Of course you don’t! You practically drank yourself senseless!” scoffed the redhead. “And now C. J. and your initial so-called hatred for the poor guy. I mean, I spent endless coffee breaks hearing you ramble on and on about him and how much he got into your nerves for doing the littlest of things that no one even noticed. And then you guys declared a truce and began flirting like crazy, getting to a point where everyone tries to avoid you two, because you guys are so chummy, that anyone who is with you two instantly feels like they are third-wheeling.” Dean felt his cheeks burn, as he bowed his head down, looking at his hands, ashamed.
“What are trying to say? That I am gay?” he quietly asked, trying to make sense of what Charlie was throwing his way.
“Well, that’s something you need to figure out,” she said in a much softer tone, “And you know that whatever happens, we’ll always have your back, right?” he just nodded, still trying to process everything, his gaze still fixed on his hands.
 After the heart to heart with Charlie, Dean felt more self-conscious around C. J. He toned down his flirting, which got the other man confused, who had already gotten used to his partner’s overly confident, snarky, and teasing remarks. Dean was also more distracted at work, usually messing up various forms and spacing out during coffee breaks or at lunch, not really listening to his partners’ stories of whatever arrest they had made that day. Those subtle changes didn’t go over C. J.’s head, who started worrying if something of a greater scale had happened to his desk partner.
 “Hey, Dean-o” greeted C. J., who bumped into him on the coffee room.
“Hey.” Replied the other man softly, not really looking up from his cup of coffee, deep in thought.
“So, how are you?” the dark-haired detective sat down on the chair next to him.
“Fine, I guess.” Dean started playing with the plastic stick, stirring his coffee.
“Is there something bothering you, Dean?” C. J. placed his hand on the other man’s forearm, making him look up from his coffee and directing his green eyes on Novak’s hand placement. “You seem off these days.”
“It’s just that I have recently found something and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.”
“Well, if there’s anything I can do to help…”
“You have done more than you think.” Dean finally looked him in the eyes and offered him a genuine smile, which gained him another from his partner, easing his worries.
In that moment, Dean realized how hopelessly in love he was with C. J. Novak. He had spent these past few months not only trying to embrace his new-found bisexuality, but also figuring out how he felt about the deep-voiced detective. He initially thought he had a crush and that it would eventually go away, but seeing that he failed to stay away from his partner long enough to get over his stupid infatuation, he realized that it was probably bigger than he had deemed it at first. Still, he was new to all this consciously-flirting-with-guys thing, so he didn’t really know how to express his feelings to him. Besides, there was also the chance that C. J. wasn’t into dudes, so Dean decided that it was better to not act on his feelings and be content with giving him longing looks from behind the computer when the other detective wasn’t looking. It took some more weeks and a lot of soul-searching and awkward family conversations for Dean to finally build up enough courage to go back to their original aggressive flirting, which C. J. received with a smile and a ‘that’s the Winchester I know’. It wasn’t until he eavesdropped on one of C. J.’s phone calls to his sister and he made a passing comment about his previous boyfriend that Dean decided to ask the guy out, as Charlie was so adamant about every time the subject was brought up.
“Morning, sunshine!” like every morning, Dean set the coffee on his partner’s desk while he leaned against it. “Wow, you look like crap.” C. J. had dark circles around his eyes, droopy eyelids, and black strands of hair were sticking out in every direction.
“Gee, thanks Dean, you look stunning as always.” The sandy blond detective was sure that C. J. would’ve rolled his eyes if it weren’t because he was so tired. Instead, he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Rough night?”
“Yeah” the blue-eyed detective sighed. “My neighbors recently had a baby, and she spent all night crying her lungs out. I barely got any sleep” as in cue, a yawn made its appearance.
“If you want to hit the sack on the break room, I won’t tell anyone. Maybe I’ll even join you, I’ve been told I make a great big spoon” said Dean proudly, moving closer to his colleague.
“Oh, Winchester, ever the tease. Tell me, do you actually plan on following through with all the propositions you have been making me all these months?” C. J. blurted out, leaving Dean speechless.
This isn’t exactly how he had expected to ask the man out, he was waiting for the perfect moment, like going to a shootout and after almost losing his life, he would return to the precinct and C. J. would run to his arms and probably then Dean would have enough courage to ask him on a date. But then again, in his head they were already married with two children, a dog, and a house in the suburbs. So, this was as good a moment as any.
“I am. In fact, how do you feel about dinner tonight at my place? Not to brag, but Charlie has remarked several times that my cooking skills are out of this world.” He tried to sound nonchalant and suave, but a sudden tremble on his voice and the constant fidgeting with his hands gave him away.
“Wait, are you serious? Are you asking me on a date?” C. J. shot his head up and looked at the sandy blonde man, who quickly glanced at him before returning his gaze to the floor, his head bowed down.
“I mean, if that’s what you want.” A smile appeared on C. J.’s face; any trace of tiredness erased from his features.
“Fucking finally” muttered the blue-eyed man. He took Dean’s red tie in his hand and pulled it, forcing the other man to bend forward, planting a kiss on his lips.
Everything leading up to it happened in slow motion for Dean. A million thoughts were rushing through his mind, when he suddenly felt a strong grip on his tie, and then before he knew it, detective Novak’s lips were on his own. It took him a few seconds to take in what was happening, but when he did, he gave into the kiss. When they pulled away, Dean was left dumbfounded, still not a hundred percent sure that if what just happened was real.
“So, tonight at 7.30?” was all that the green-eyed detective managed to stammer out. The other detective laughed, looking him with tender eyes.
“Yeah, I think I can make it.” They smiled at each other. “What took you so long?”
“I don’t know” replied Dean genuinely, going in for another kiss.
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