#logan x dana
rottentiger-art · 1 year
If Dana had stayed on the show, do you think Quogan would've still happen? I think they would be cute
They probably wouldn't, since it was the original plan to make Dana x Logan endgame, so I'm glad she left lol.
I didn't like Dana very much and like I said, I didn't like s1 Logan either, so I never got to ship them. I guess they would've made a cute enemies to lovers arc too, but Quogan is unparalleled to me, I don't know if Logan and Dana would have reached that popularity. Quogan seems more interesting given how different they are, while Logan and Dana always seemed similar to me.
well, honestly I'm not sure, tell me what y'all think, I would like to hear your opinions too.
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myplace2fangirl · 8 months
Zoey 101 (I took over the show while DS can go sit in a far away cave. I do NOT own anything and this is strictly a fictional perspective if there were a season 5 leading up to the post 15 years reboot). (also, this would be rated TV-14).
All episodes are now 48 minutes instead of 28 (so an hour instead of 30 mins).
PCA 101
Season 5 Episode 1: Its My Party pt 1.
Plot A: With senior year kicking off at Pacific Coast Academy, and a mysterious summer downfall; Zoey is dreading it all. 🙍🏼‍♀️
Plot B: Michael, James Vince, Logan heck even DelFigalo throw a secret guys soirée while Lola and Quinn decide to spy on them.
Season 5 Episode 2: It’s My Party pt 2.
Plot A: Despite Zoeys fallout with her friends, she meets the new guy Ty (Daniel Kelly) and finds comfort in his ways of escape. 🚬🌿
Plot B: After revealing a scandalous game of never have I ever, Quinn and Lola have no choice but to warn Lisa about Michael’s summer secret. 🇫🇷👩🏼‍🦰
Season 5 Episode 3: Turn Out the Light
Plot A: Chase may be in England but what happens when he reunites with an old classmate at Covington Prep? (Kristin Herrera)
Plot B: Logan and Quinn are celebrating their early acceptance into university, but mutually agree to live up their senior year. 🤝🏼❤️🪂
Season 5 Episode 4: I’m Okay
Plot A: Rumors are swirling around PCA about a potential investigation. With Dean Rivers nowhere to be found, there’s been interesting activity on campus.
• Michael Barrett who is now student president of PCA secretly approves incoming freshmen to extend curfew at the “welcome to upper school beach bash.” This leads Dustin finding himself in a pickle when he hits it off with a transfer student without being aware he’s been talking to twins! (Rebecca and Camilla Rosso)
• Zoey Lola and Quinn have a girls night in, only for Zoey to sneak out with Ty while his roommates are out.
• Ending scene goes back to England where Dana and Chase are in his room catching up on life. They kiss, the episode ends.
Season 5 Episode 5: Don’t Know Why
Plot A: Things between Logan and Quinn have been nothing but amazing, until the week of required sex education. One’s curious while the other wants to but is deep down nervous.
Plot B: Lola has been hiding her early acceptance into Juliard. What happens when Vince finds out before she tells him?
Plot C: Chase tell’s Michael about his senior fling with Dana, but swears it remains between the 2 of them.
Season 5 Episode 6: She’s No You
Plot A: Zoey Brooks is the girl who has it all together. Everyone goes to her, she’s that “it” girl, and guys would kill to be her plus 1! This years been turned upside down. After Quinn finds a pregnancy test in their trash can, she confronts a fatigued looking Zoey and encourages her to go to the clinic down PSH. (Ty should probably get himself checked too)
Plot B: Logan warns Dustin that dating twins behind each others backs is wrong and that it won’t end well. Will Dustin take his advice, or will Monica and Lauren find out first?
1: Quogan study session plus too many! (9 minutes)
Quinn and Logan are wrapping up on studying for their midterms, but afterwards Logan has planned a cozy movie night for the 2 of them. Maybe the lounge wasn’t a wise idea? Lights are out at 10, but soon comes Lola, Michael, Ty and Vince! What Quinnvention is going to be revealed to get them out of this ordeal? 😉
2: And this years Homecoming king and queen is…🇬🇧 (9 minutes)
Covington Preparatory School has homecoming! Chase and Dana have been enjoying each other’s company while he’s trying to move on from Zoey and she’s up for whatever adventure. Though the 2 go together as a casual couple neither were expecting to be crowned King and Queen! Dana reveals in her speech that Chase is the greatest guy there ever is and she’s lucky to have reconnected with him for their last year of high school.
Though they enjoy each other’s company, they reveal to each other during their dance that it’s best to remain close friends and part ways romantically. Both mutually in agreement they dance the night away! 😊
3. iwonacontest (iCarly crossover) (10 minuktes)
Stacey Dillsen and the butterfly she is has won a contest through Carly Shay and Sam Pucketts web sensational art contest. There’s just 1 problem: Stacey is locked in the bathroom. The live video chat is in 10 minutes!!! But fear not Mark DelFigalo to the rescue! Until she can get out Carly Sam and Spencer get to talk with Mark! “Wait iCarly? What am I supposed to say? I don’t know anything about it.” 🤣
As I said, this is all strictly fictional and in no way real. I plan on doing episodes 7-14 at some point but I wanted to connect this with the sequel as best as possible. How else would Danielle have known about Dana? I think if Chase returned to Covington, and Dana studying over seas is a fair connection 😉
I don’t really want to add any real drama between Logan and Quinn as they lasted 15 years…this is more about them navigating their new chapter as a teenage couple. The drama is all saved for Zoey. And adding a new male character (I used to love Owen Milligan on Degrassi) who’s more of an escape rather than a love interest spices things up!
As much as I loved Micheal and Lisa I think like many teenage boys, it’s fair to have him make a big error over the summer and have to learn from it. (He definitely had a fling with a random French girl while doing a summer program). Lisa still thrived and is the sweet boss she is though 😉 plus his time to shine is seen all over campus as the student president!
Dustin…he’s gonna have to figure this one or two out. Lol.
Lola and Vince don’t last, but that’s okay because they kinda had their time to shine season 4 and are headed separate ways.
Stacey and Mark are strictly side characters who pop up quite a bit throughout the season.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments! But please be respectful and appropriate 🙂
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dayenurose · 12 hours
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I know this is a bit late in coming, but it is here (at last!). For @roguegambitweek Day 3 - MojoWorld.
I decided to do something a bit different this year for my annual Romy fic rec list. Instead of simply making a list, I decided to write a fanfic fic rec fic. This layers within layers effort was certainly a stretch of creativity, but I think it turned out rather well. I hope you enjoy!
TGIRomy by DayenuRose
Rogue and Gambit receive a mysterious invitation to a movie night. Will the accept the invitation, or is it a trap? Will Rogue, Remy, Jubilee, Kitty and Logan agree on what to watch? And, why is no one paying attention to the commercials? Find out all this and so much more when you tune in for TGIR!—Thank God It’s Romy! Fridays at 8/7 Central.
(Read on [ao3])
And now for the main feature…
T.G.I.Romy - A MojoVerse Fic Rec List
The premise of this rec list is relatively simple–fics which could be a show on Mojo-verse TV. Most of these are some variety of AU or crossover, although a few are a bit more ‘canon compliant’. I’ve broken the list into two. The first half are the ones which appear in my fic rec fanfic. The second are those fics which fit the topic, but I wasn’t able to include in the fic. I hope you enjoy these fics.
Reality TV
Beauty and the Geek, X-Men Style by Chellerbelle @chellerbelles [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Evo | Words: 73,969 | Status: Complete
Summary: AU: The cast of X-Men Evolution does the reality TV show Beauty and the Geek. Can ten beautiful women and men, and ten intelligent men and women learn to become a whole lot more?
Notes: Chelle created a fun opening credits of the show. There’s a link in the first chapter “Notes.”
Sitcom/Holiday Special
Everyone Loves ROMY! - HOLIDAY SPECIAL Episode by NicoPony @nicopony79 [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: G | Universe: Comics | Words: 12,610 | Status: Complete
Summary: It’s Christmas Eve on Krakoa with Mr. & Mrs. X. What holiday surprises are in store for our favorite couple and their family? It’s up to one merry Elf to make the season bright! Guest appearance by the Man in the Red Suit!
Notes: Written in script format.
Hallmark Movie
Chapter 5 - Day 4: So Close to Reaching That Famous Hallmark End of Fourteen Ways to Fall for You by lettersfromnowhere @lettersfromn0where [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: G | Universe: X-Men | Words: 2,549 (Chapter 5) | Status: Complete
Summary: Day 4: this is why you should never give aliens access to TV movies - you’ll probably end up with a simulation somewhat like this over-the-top royal-and-commoner AU straight out of a Hallmark movie.
Notes: Each chapter is a different ‘genre.’ Chapter 5 focuses on our Hallmark Movie theme, though the whole story is a fun read. While the chapter begins (and ends) with a framing device which is part of the greater story plot, the chapter does work as a standalone.
Gambler’s Bounty by Sandmans_Raven @sandmansraven [ao3]
Rating: T | Universe: X-Men | Words: 31,150 | Status: WIP
Summary: Shady things are afoot in Colorado. Who is Dr. Millbury and what does his miracle elixir actually do?
Notes: All of Sandmans’ fics are a great read. I highly recommend all of them.
Lebeau’s Eleven by IlargiKat @ilargikat [ao3]
Rating: G | Universe: Comics | Words: 14,182 | Status: WIP
Summary: Planning a heist is not easy, especially when you need special skills to pull it off. The luck of being an X-Men is that the skills are within reach, maybe not people willing to commit a heist.
Notes: While the G Rating is fine for the majority of the story, Chapter 5 is really more of a M rating.
Sci-Fi - X-Files
Strange Encounter by Valerie J [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 16,662 | Status: Complete
Summary: When a strange woman falls out of the sky without being harmed, Mulder and Scully are sent to investigate. X Men X Files crossover.
Faith and Dreams by Valerie J [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 64,232
Summary: Sequel to Strange Encounter. Dana Scully never really expected to see the mutants again. But when tragedy strikes, Dana finds herself embroiled in an alien conspiracy that threatens not only her world. But the Xmen’s as well. X Men X Files crossover.
Notes: Here’s two episodes for the price of one.
Special Features
Heist - Round 2
Counting Drinks by Sandmans_Raven @sandmansraven [ao3]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 2,092 | Status: Complete
Summary: It’s a hot one at Gus’s Saloon.
Notes: If I could choose the way Rogue and Gambit the live action universe, it would be in a Leverage-esque series where Rogue and Gambit pull off heists and cons in order to help those who get taken advantage of by the rich and powerful. From time to time, they are joined by the Thieves Guild and their closest friends—Storm, Nightcrawler, Wolverine (Laura and Logan). When I read this fic, I felt like it would be a perfect episode of this show.
Bonus Heist Non-Fic
Playing for Keeps by NickBateman [YouTube]
FanFilm: (no summary on site) - Gambit is invited to an exclusive poker game featuring the worst of the worst. When the stakes are this high, did anybody actually expect this to play out differently?
Note: Who said all fan creations must be fanfics? Enjoy a fanfilm. This heist/con would also fit for an episode of my imagined series.
Sci-Fi - Matrix
Chapter 4 - Real Love of Threads by Ludi_Ling @ludi-ling [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: M | Universe: X-Men | Words: 11,176 (Chapter 4) | Status: Complete
Summary: Whilst on a mission Rogue and Gambit become stranded in a world where the very reality of their love is tested. Movie-crossover.
Notes: Like “Fourteen Ways to Fall for You,” each chapter is a different universe. This was also another fic I read early in my Romy journey. It introduced me to many different worlds where we might find Romy (some worlds are comics adjacent while others are created out of whole cloth for this fic).
Quick content warning for the Matrix chapter - there’s some Rogneto and cheating. The OTP is definitely Romy, but Rogue is ‘technically’ in a relationship with Magneto, so your mileage may vary.
Sci-Fi - Pacific Rim
Compatible by DayenuRose @dayenurose [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 2,891 | Status: WIP
Summary: Rogue is a former Jaeger pilot who has no interest in finding a new drift-compatible partner. Gambit is a potential Jaeger pilot who is unable to find a drift-compatible partner. Sparks fly–both figurative and literal–when these two meet. She wants nothing to do with him. He wants to understand her. WIll Rogue and Gambit be able to help each other gain control of their powers and reach their full potential in time to help save the world?
Sci-Fi - Star Wars (Clone Wars)
A Long, Long Time Ago: X by Seagull18 (crossoverqueen9703 on ff.net) [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: G | Universe: Evo | Words: 22,928 | Status: WIP
Summary: “Routine missions” are a joke to anyone remotely connected to a Skywalker, but if really shouldn’t include Anakin and Ahsoka getting caught by pirates and escaping with the master bounty hunter that caught them in the first place.
Or: Remy Lebeau, better known as Gambit, had never been one for subtlety; when he wants something, he rarely lets petty things like laws and common sense get in his way. If common sense said kidnapping Jedi and selling them out to pirates after siad pirates tried to kill him for cheating at gambling was a bad idea, he had no intention of listening to it.
Or: The only people with worse luck than the Skywalker lineage are X-Men. Rogue planned on spending her week freeing prisoners, test subjects, and slaves from a bunch of lame space pirates. The plan did not work.
Or: Post X-Men: Evolution Gambit and Rogue in Clone Wars.
Notes: This fic appears to end at Chapter 17, but the fic is marked as a WIP. Take that as you will.
War Film/Period Piece
Uncanny X-Men 1943 by stellarose [ao3]
Rating: M | Universe: X-Men | Words: 44,114 | Status: Complete
Summary: X-Men AU. Emma Frost runs Division X, a classified squad within the secretive Special Operations Executive based in London. It isn’t their job to win the war, only to save those they can. Emma’s squad of Psylocke, Angel, Logan, and Fantomex set out [to] rescue three mutants trapped in occupied and increasingly hostile France. But when the mission takes a turn for the worse, Emma and the team must decide if they cut their losses, or fight twice as hard to bring everyone home.
Notes: Romy is a secondary couple in this fic, but I do enjoy and highly recommend it. I read this early on in my Romy journey and this fic has always stuck with me.
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evolvingsidekick · 6 months
BD - winners where are they now (incomplete)
I think someone requested this somewhere
Most females and recent males because there are just too many to do rn
At companies:
Miriam Gittens (s2013): Gibney Company
Alyssa Allen (s2014): Ballets Jazz Montreal
Brianne Sellars (s2014): Dallas Black Dance Theatre
Ashley Green (s2015): Alvin Ailey American dance Theater
Payton Johnson (j2012, t2015, s2017): L.A. Dance Project
Vivian Ruiz (s2019): Ballet BC
Kelis Robinson (t2018, s2020): The Batsheva Dance Company; The Juilliard School
Kiarra Waidelich (m2016, j2018, t2020): Royal Flux Company
Quinn Starner (t2017): New York City Ballet Corps de Ballet
Emma Sutherland (j2014, t2016): MashUp Contemporary Dance Co.
Sarah Pippin (t2011): Ballet BC
Timmy Blankenship (s2017): Sydney Dance Company; choreographer
Brady Farrar (m2014, j2017, t2021): ABT Junior Company
Easton Magliarditi (t2020): Royal Flux Company
Graham Feeny (t2015): Artistic associate at Gibney Company
Logan Hernandez (t2015): Göteborgs Operans Danskompani
Zenon Zubyk (t2013): Nederlands Dans Theater
Jonathan Wade (j2011, s2016): Rambert Dance Company
Wyeth Walker (s2017): Rubberband Dance Company
Lucy Vallely (t2015, s2018): Broadway Dance Center, freelance choreographer
Jayci Kalb ( j2011, t2014, s2016): The Dance Centre; Radio City Clara 2010
Taylor Sieve (s2016): Jump Dance Convention
Jenna Johnson (s2012): DWTS pro, 24 Seven Dance Convention
Jazzmin James (t2012, s2015): faculty several intensives
Jaycee Wilkins (j2015): Club Dance Studio
Sophia Lucia (j2014): Dancelab OC
Brynn Rumfallo (m2014): Strive Dance Workshop (own project)
Talia Seitel (m2012): Project 21 (part-time)
Lex Ishimoto (t2014, s2016): Jump Dance Convention
at University/college:
Ellie Wagner (s2019): Ohio State University Dance Team
Ella Horan (s2021): USC Kaufman
Kayla Mak (m2014, s2021): The Juilliard School; Radio City Clara 2014, 2015
Brianna Keingatti (s2022): The Juilliard School
Julia Lowe (s2023): USC Kaufman
Ava Wagner (j2018): University of Minnesota Dance Team
Avery Gay (m2015, j2017): University of Arizona School of Dance
Leara Stanley (m2011): Duke University
Sam Fine (s2023): USC Kaufman; Young Arts 2022
Seth Gibson: The Juilliard School
Alex Shulman (s2022): New York University Tisch Dance
Joziah German (m2014, t2018, s2020): The Juilliard School
Joey Gertin (t2018): The Juilliard School
Professional dancer/choreographer:
Simrin Player (t2014, s2017): The Voice, Missy Elliot, Justin Bieber, RBD
Jaxon Williard (s2021): Rihanna, Madonna, Lil Nas X
D'Angelo Castro (j2012, t2016, s2019): DWTS troupe
Findlay Mcconnell (t2017, s2019): Tate McRace
Christian Smith (s2018): Tate McRae, NBC's Saved by the Bell
Keanu Uchida (s2014): Dancer the Musical; also a big advocate for protecting dancers and calling out inappropriate behaviour
Eric Schloesser (s2014): Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Dua Lipa, Billie Eilish, J Balvin; choreographer, creative director, designer; Dana Foglia Dance Company
Other/a combo of things:
Bianca Melchior (s2011): actor, dancer, singer; Nick Jonas, Alessia Cara, own music; faculty at On The Floor dance competition
Tate McRae (m2013, j2015, t2018): singer/songwriter
Bostyn Brown (j2016, t2019): Professional assistant at DanceOne
Megan Goldstein (t2017); dancer, photographer
Christina Ricucci (t2013): actor, musician, dancer
Bella Klassen (j2017): The Space, vlogger
Kalani Hilliker (j2013): influencer, teaching at several places (Danceplex, MBA)
Elliana Walmsley (m2018): influencer, DWTS Junior, Radio City Clara 2019
Diana Pombo (m2016): singer/songwriter, dancer, actor; Young Arts voice 2023+2024
Morgan Higgins (t2016, s2018): dancer, aerialist
Zelig Williams (s2013):dancer/actor: MJ the Musical, Hamilton
Daniel Gaymon (s2011): dancer/actor; Broadway (Cats, The Lion King); Hamilton national tour, La La Land
Ricky Ubeda (t2011, s2012): choreographer, actor; Steven Spielberg's West Side Story
Michael Hall (s2015): Saturday Night Fever the Musical, tv dancer in Cairo, Egypt; teacher
Julian Elia (t2014): Steven Spielberg's Westside Story, working on the development of a new Broadway musical
Sage Rosen (t2016): influencer; DWTS Junior
Ryan Maw (j2015, t2017): choreographer, dancer, actor: High School Musical: The Musical - The Series
Holden Maples (j2016, t2019): dancer, teacher, choreographer
Competing/not graduated honorable mentions:
Cameron Voorhees (m2018, j2021, t2023): Evolve Dance Complex; starting career as a teacher/choreographer
Crystal Huang (m2019, j2021, t2023): The Rock Center for Dance, Bayer Ballet Academy; Prix De Lausanne 2024, Young Arts 2024, Radio City Clara 2021
Hailey Bills (m2017, t2022): Center Stage Performing Arts Studio, DWTS Junior
Brightyn Brems (m2017): DWTS Junior
Avery Hall (t2022): Danceology; Young Arts 2023
Savannah Kristich (t2021): The Rock Center For Dance; Twyla Now
Savannah Manzel (m2020): Larkin Dance Studio, Radio City Clara 2023
Kya Massimino (m2021): Radio City Clara 2023
Ian Stegeman (m2019, j2021, t2023): Woodbury Dance Center, Young Arts 2024
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 11 months
DDS mod here with an update!!!!
So I was planning on doing a most submitted post. BUT I MADE THE LASAGNA SCALE! And here are the stats!
Basically if you would trust your duo on making lasagna
With 33,1% of the submissions. 1/3 of the characters are probably banned from the kitchen. WITH A SIMPLE 0
After that with 17% of the votes. Comes duos with a 2 on the scale with 52 submissions.
Now our least voted options are 6,7,8,9 and 10 on the scale. Let’s reveal those characters
Now I won’t reveal how many submissions each got. Some got 4, some 3, some are just solo submissions
6 on the scale
We have
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The Dr & Donna from Dr Who
Porsche and Pete from Kinnporsche: The Series
Henchman 21 & Henchman 24 from The Venture Bros
Yor & Loid Forger from Spy x Family
Elder Price and Elder Cunningham from Book of Mormon
@gregorygerwitz & @kitthekazoo (yes I allowed real people and people submitted themselves)
Bill Preston & Ted Logan from Bill & Teds excellent adventure (this was the second highest score they got)
Walter White & Jessie Pinkman from breaking bad
Pete Wentz and Gabe Saporta from Bandom
Calvin & Hobbes from uhh… the comic of the same name
Now for our 7, where 11 duos landed
We have
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Bill Preston & Ted Logan, again!
Jack O'Neill & Daniel Jackson from Stargate SG-1
Mayday & Zuke aka Bunk bed junction from no straight roads
Laura Hollis & Carmilla Karnstein from Carmilla
Allison & Paige. I still need your URLs please DM me
Kotetsu T. Kaburagi & Barnaby Brooks Jr from Tiger and Bunny
Alec Hardison & Elliot Spencer from Leverage
Rean Schwarzer & Crow Armbrust from Trails/Kiseki series
Madoka Kaname & Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Mayday & Zuke, again
Eustass "Captain" Kid, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Monkey D. Luffy from one piece (oh yeah about uhh Luffy is in another duo with like an equal amount of submissions and I won’t allow him to go in twice. Hes stupid but not a cheater)
7 duos have gotten an 8 on the save
We have!
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Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took from lord of the rings
Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter from Agents of SHIELD
Jessie & James from Pokémon
Lup & Taako from the adventure zone (credit to @arojovela for the fanart!)
Nathan and Jacob from drawfree
Shadow/cid kagenou & beta from the eminence in shadow
Monkey D Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Sanji from one piece
Time for the 9s!
We have 6 characters here!
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Romana(dvoratrelundar) & Leela from Gallifrey (Doctor Who expanded universe)
The Bros from the bro duet
Mary Quinn & Sarah McCool from Derry Girls
Dana Scully & Fox Mulder from the X-files
Sokka & Zuko from Avatar: the last airbender
Someone’s mom and dad (they said I could draw stick figures)
Now for the 10s, let see who we can trust in the kitchen
Here. They. ARE!
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TK Strand and Evan "Buck" Buckley from 911/911 lone star (I know I make jokes about being followed by OP fans but buck has followed me more. I CANT escape him)
Lanz and Sena from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (credit to Illius on pixiv for the fanart)
Spongebob & Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants (they also got a 0)
Nozaki Umetarou & Mikoto Mikoshiba from Monthly Girls' Nozaki Kun
Billie and Thea from Bill & Ted Face the music
@mb-blue-roses & @sungsyc-amore
Rin Okumura & Kuro from Blue exorcist
kirika akatsuki & shirabe tsukuyomi from senki zesshou symphogear
Mario & Luigi
TK Strand and Evan 'Buck' Buckley, again
(Btw sup @tournamentdirectory)
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florbelles · 1 year
tagged by @corvosattano​, @nightbloodraelle​, @leviiackrman​, @adelaidedrubman​, @denerims​, @fourlittleseedlings​, @minaharkers​, @strafethesesinners​, @playstationmademe​, @ishwaris​, @shegetsburned​, @aartyom​ & @gwynbleidd​, ty beloveds!!
sending tags on to @unholymilf (>:((), @henbased (>:(((), @belorage, @jendoe, @phillipsgraves, @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @poetikat, @derelictheretic, @purplehairsecretlair, @strangefable, @arklay, @morvaris, @noonfaerie, @jackiesarch, @risingsh0t, @roberthouses​​, @confidentandgood, @indorilnerevarine, @shellibisshe,  @blissfulalchemist​, @nuclearstorms, @reaperkiller, @steelport, @nokstella, @shallow-gravy, @cybilbennettgf​ (i am sorry i forgot you moved & was like wait where’d she go) & anyone else can @ me xx (for real the brainfog is strong today so if i missed you please take this as a tag anyway)
rules (via @corvosattano​). take this quiz and share 5 (or more! or less! the world is your oyster!) results from the top 50 that you feel really fit your oc(s). if you don’t recognize very many from the top 50, feel free to expand into the top 100.
(actual influences & inspirations that made the list are italicized).
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holly golightly (breakfast at tiffany’s)
villanelle (killing eve)
anna karenina (anna karenina)
love quinn (you)
ciri (the witcher)
honorable mentions. audrey horne (twin peaks), mia wallace (pulp fiction), lucifer morningstar (lucifer), cheryl blossom (riverdale), oberyn martell (game of thrones) (awks because of the eye cutting stuff.)
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lady macbeth (macbeth)
cersei lannister (game of thrones)
joan holloway (mad men)
serena joy waterford (the handmaid’s tale)
beth harmon (the queen’s gambit)
honorable mentions but they’re increasingly unhinged. nina sayers (black swan), alice cooper (riverdale), leland palmer (twin peaks), the wicked witch of the west (the wizard of oz), the queen (snow white and the seven dwarfs), joe goldberg (you) (?????)
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sterling archer (archer) (this was 95%. by the way.)
don draper (mad men)
logan delos (westworld)
jay gatsby (the great gatsby)
roman roy (succession)
honorable mentions but they’re increasingly unhinged. john willoughby (sense and sensibility) (this one probably belongs in the top five but logan & roman were funnier), jaime lannister (game of thrones), neal caffrey (white collar), james bond (tomorrow never dies), count alexei vronsky (anna karenina) (uncomfortable), regina george (mean girls), haley dunphy (modern family), lindsay bluth (arrested development)
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davos seaworth & jorah mormont (game of thrones)
friar laurence (romeo and juliet)
charlie strong (peaky blinders)
samwell gamgee (lord of the rings)
honorable mentions. pete martell (twin peaks), little jon (robin hood), ben scott (yellowjackets), jon snow/samwell tarley/brandon stark all tied for some reason (game of thrones), jane eyre (jane eyre)
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maeve millay (westworld)
daenerys targaryen (game of thrones)
vi (arcane)
yennefer of vengerberg (the witcher)
mazikeen (lucifer)
honorable mentions. freddie lounds (hannibal), tyler durdan (fight club), fleabag (fleabag), fiona gallagher (shameless), hiram lodge (riverdale) (mija she owns that dam), freddy krueger (a nightmare on elm street), the alien (alien)
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dr. bedelia du maurier (hannibal)
shiv roy (succession)
sansa stark (game of thrones)
mel madara (arcane)
rose dewitt bukater (titanic)
honorable mentions. betty draper (mad men), dana scully (the x files), claire standish (the breakfast club), skyler white (breaking bad), lana kane (archer), jackie taylor (yellowjackets), margaery tyrell (game of thrones), betty cooper (riverdale), princess leia (star wars), lucille bluth (arrested development)
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Ships that have already qualified (read before submitting):
Jude Lizowski/Jonesy Garcia
Tyler Kennedy "TK" Strand/Carlos Reyes
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Gwen Stacey
Willow Rosenberg/Winifred "Fred" Burkle
Francine Frensky/Muffy Crosswire
Susan Ivanova/Marcus Cole
Kate Kane (Batwoman)/Renee Montoya
Barry B. Benson/Vanessa Bloome
Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago
Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay
Jack Zimmermann/Eric "Bitty" Bittle
Justin "Ransom" Oluransi/Adam "Holster" Birkholtz
Larissa "Lara" Bogdan/Jasmine
Kelsey Pokly/Isabella "Stacks" Alvarado
Rebecca Bunch/Audra Levine
Rebecca Bunch/Greg Serrano
Rebecca Bunch/Nathaniel Plimpton
Samantha "Sam" Manson/Danniel "Danny" Fenton
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Selina Kyla (Catwoman)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Clark Kent (Superman)
Clark Kent (Superman)/Lois Lane
Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)
Barney Guttman/Logan Nguyen
Shay Goldstein/Dominic Yun
Trina/Mendel Weisenbachfeld
Monica Gellar/Chandler Bing
Molly McGee/Libby Stein Torres
Rachel Berry/Noah Puckerman
Fiddleford McGucket/Stanford Pines
Cristina Yang/Owen Hunt
Cristina Yang/Preston Burke
Levi Schmidt/Nico Kim
Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam
James Wilson/Gregory House
The Baker and/The Baker's Wife
Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable
The Jewish People/The Shabbat Bride
Alec Hardison/Parker
Max Eisenhardt (Magneto)/Charles Xavier (Professor X)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)/James "Bucky" Barnes
Arnold "Arnie" Roth/Michael Bech
Arnold "Arnie" Roth/Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Billy Kaplan (Wiccan)/Teddy Altman (Hulkling)
Bobby Drake (Iceman)/Hank McCoy (Beast)
Bobby Drake (Iceman)/Johnny Storm (The Human Torch)
Layla El Faouly/Mark Spector (Moon Knight)
Matthew Hawk (Two-Gun Kid II)/Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Betty Brant
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Eugene "Flash" Thompson
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Felicia Hardy
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Harry Osborn
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Mary Jane "MJ" Watson
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Steve Rogers/Bernadette "Bernie" Rosenthal
Wanda Maximoff/The Vision
Midge Maisel/Susie Myerson
Hal Emmerich (Otacon)/Solid Snake
Casey Goldberg-Calderon/Lunella Lafayette
Fran Fine/Max Sheffield
Ben Gross/Devi Vishwakumar
Winston Schmidt/Cece Parekh
David Jacobs/Jack Kelly
Seth Cohen/Summer Roberts
Scout Touzani/Elias Wyrick
KJ Brandman/Mac Coyle
Lavinia Asimov/Poison Oak
Phineas Flynn/Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Anon's Mom/Dad
The person reading this & their partner
Jerry Seinfeld/Cosmo Kramer
Simon Lewis/Isabel Lightwood
Bram Greenfeld/Simon Spier
Miryem Mandelstam/The Staryk King
David Rose/Patrick Brewer
James T Kirk/S'chn T'gai Spock
Worf Rozhenko/Jadzia Dax
Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Brian Jeeter/Krejjh
Bobby Singer/Rufus Turner
Jonah Simms/Amy Sosa
Reish Lakish/Rabbi Yochanen
King David/Yonatan
Yaakov/The Angel
Rowan Roth/Neil Mcnair
Klaus Hargreeves/Dave Katz
Cecil Palmer/Carlos The Scientist
Josh Lyman/Donna Moss
Little Ash/Uriel
Lucille "Lucy" Kensington/Dr. Edison "Ed" Tucker
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully
Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer
Wanda Maximoff (The Scarlet Witch)/Jericho Drumm
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Shondra Kinsolving
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Talia Al Ghul
Ben Grimm (The Thing)/Alicia Masters
Velma Dinkley/Daphne Blake
Velma Dinkley/Marcie Fleach
Didi Pickles/Stu Pickles
Velma Dinkley/Coco Diablo
Babushka (Tatiana)/Dedushka (Ivan)
Kitty Pryde/Illyana Rasputin
Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff
Marc Spector (Moon Knight)/Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
S'chn T'gai Spock/James T Kirk/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Frankie Bergstein/Grace Hanson
Annie Edison/Jeff Winger
Maxine Myers/Paula Cohen
Baby Houseman/Johnny Castle
Michael "Mike" Wazowski/Celia Mae
Talmudic couple having gay sex in the attic
Tim Drake/Kon El (Conner Kent)
Violet Baudelaire/Quigley Quagmire
Reuben Kent/Feliks Kaufmann
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8iunie · 1 year
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Måneskin: ‘People are going to talk s**t about you. It’s part of the game’
From X Factor to Eurovision to interstellar fame, the Italian rockers have turned not being cool into a superpower (posted on 21.01.2023)
Down a video link from Rome, Gen Z’s favourite rock band, Måneskin, are making enthusiastic thumbs-up gestures. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” says guitarist Thomas Raggi, in his rich and rococo Italian accent. “We’re gonna vote for Ireland,” agrees frontman Damiano David. “Go for it.”
The Irish Times has just canvassed Måneskin’s opinion about Public Image Limited singer John Lydon’s ambition to represent Ireland at Eurovision 2023. The former Johnny Rotten wants to boldly go where no punk iconoclast has previously ventured by following in the footsteps of Dana, Johnny Logan and Dustin the Turkey.
Johnny Rotten singing for Ireland is, in theory, an absurd proposition. But so is the idea of an Italian rock band in sex-dungeon dungarees conquering Eurovision with lyrics such as “you better hold on to your balls”. Which is exactly what Måneskin achieved in Rotterdam in 2021 with the zinging Zitti e Buoni (“Shut Up and Behave”).
Indeed it is arguable Lydon might not have even considered Eurovision were it not for Måneskin. Squeezed into unforgiving leather trousers, tattoos on proud display, they gatecrashed Rotterdam with red eyes and flared nostrils. In doing so, they refashioned Europe’s pre-eminent cheesefest in their own image. Eurovision has been a lot of things in the past 20 years. It took Måneskin to make it cool.
Since then they haven’t looked back. Måneskin have won Best Rock Act at the MTV Europe Music Awards, supported The Rolling Stones in Las Vegas and covered Elvis’s I Can Dream for Baz Luhrmann’s hit Presley biopic.
Now, they are about to open the most exciting chapter of their career to date with the release on January 19th of their fantastic third album, Rush! It captures the group at their most riotous – so much so that it comes as a shock to learn it was produced by Taylor Swift/Britney Spears collaborator Max Martin. At moments they sound like Queen trapped in a Fellini movie. Elsewhere, they’re straight-ahead punk. At one point they appear to be channelling Rage Against The Machine – hardly a surprise since RATM guitarist Tom Morello guests on new single Gossip.
“We’re trying to play with our own rules. And not the rules that in the past five to 10 years have dominated the music industry,” says David (24), earrings glinting in the harsh studio light.
Måneskin don’t claim to be reinventing the wheel. Still, they are well aware of how much they stand out in a musical landscape dominated by pop.
“We go on TV shows and play rock music. Which is uncommon. We do analogue music, which is uncommon. We are a four-piece band,” says David, radiating lounge-lizard charisma. “There are a lot of things in how we create or project and how we show ourselves… I wouldn’t say it’s unique. It isn’t anything that hasn’t been done before. But it’s unique in today’s environment.”
Måneskin have come along at the perfect moment. Mainstream rock, comatose for a least a decade, is crying out for a recharge. Now the status quo has been upended by a group who make headbanging riffs and cock-a-hoop bass solos seem as fresh and daring as Harry Styles in a dress.
“A lot of people love us because we are showing them something that feels new,” says David. “For a lot of kids, rock music is new.”
It isn’t just the kids. Iggy Pop cameos on Måneskin’s 2021 single, I Wanna Be Your Slave. At Coachella last year, Jared Leto sought them out for a selfie. Chris Martin insisted David have lunch with him on that same trip. People don’t simply like Måneskin – they adore them.
“We get messages where people say, ‘my five-year-old is now obsessed with Rage Against The Machine because he listened to your song,’” says David. “Basically if you want to make it simple: we sound new for many different reasons – even though we are not new.”
Not all new fans are as welcome. After the Eurovision, French president Emmanuel Macron suggested Måneskin be disqualified because of the “fake cocaine” controversy [see below]. One of those rallying to their defence was right-wing politician Giorgia Meloni. She was subsequently appointed prime minister of Italy. The musicians weren’t aware of her intervention on their behalf before The Irish Times brings it up, and would rather Meloni keep her opinions to herself.
“I don’t want support from them,” says Raggi.
Måneskin’s music isn’t explicitly political. But they know where they stand. And it isn’t with Meloni’s populist Brothers of Italy party. Following her election, David took to Instagram to lament Italy’s drift to the right. “Today is a sad day for my country,” he wrote, linking to a story in newspaper La Repubblica.
“I would do it again. One hundred per cent,” he says, shrugging. “I don’t even know what to say. It’s hard not to say something offending [about Meloni and her supporters]. It’s clear that we’re making the same mistakes that we made in the past. Maybe we didn’t study the story well enough. Our generation is not going to make the same mistakes, hopefully. Italy has a very good taste for old-fashioned things. It doesn’t surprise me,” he continues, referring to Italy’s history of supporting right-wing politicians.
The band formed in Rome in 2016. David, Raggi and bassist Victoria De Angelis [who is under the weather and sitting out the interview] knew each other from high school. They met Ethan Torchio, from the suburb of Frosinone, after advertising for a drummer on Facebook.
De Angelis came up with their name. “Måneskin” is Danish for moonlight. The bassist suggested it, in part as tribute to her Danish mother who died when her daughter was 15. From there they had a rapid ascent. A stint busking in central Rome was followed by a tilt at X Factor Italy, where they blitzed their way to the final with molten versions of Somebody Told Me by The Killers and Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand. Then came Eurovision and the global stage.
Måneskin are great fun. But the energy rippling through their music is interwoven with a fascination with the dark side of human nature. Gossip, for instance, interrogates the American dream and finds it wanting. “Welcome to the city of lies/ Where everything’s got a price,” they sing. They also take on Christianity. The Eurovision winner Zitti e Buoni contains the marvellously baroque lyric, “I wrote above a tombstone: ‘In my house there is no God.’”
“None of us is very Catholic. We don’t have that much influence. We have the opposite influence,” says David. “We feel the weight of the church on society, on our country. We see how late we are on many, many things because of the influence of the church. We have this hateful relationship.”
He pauses, at pains not to be misinterpreted. “I would like to make it clear that [Måneskin’s problems] are with the institution of the church. Nothing against religion. It’s a beautiful thing. The institution of the church and the money-laundering and all that… I’ll shut up.”
Eurovision was a baptism for Måneskin. However, their coming-out party threatened to turn sour amid an ersatz scandal over David supposedly taking cocaine. A photograph of the singer leaning over the table in the green room was seized on as evidence of illicit drug use.
The image was beamed around the world. There were calls – from Macron and others – for the group to be stripped of their title. Which is what prompted Meloni’s unwelcome intervention. David passed a drugs test and was cleared of any inappropriate behaviour. By then, though, Måneskin were all over the front pages and the talk of the internet. Did they fear they had blown it?
“We were laughing,” says David. “But we were pissed off. We were not worried about anything. The thing that disturbed me was that we had done something meaningful and great. We were a four-piece rock band from 20 to 22 years old who were breaking the hugest TV show in Europe. This was being overshadowed by some assholes who were not good at accepting the loss. I was pissed off that they had the power to do it. And that people were letting them do it.”
They made peace with the controversy by accepting that it was merely a downside of success. Once you achieve a certain level of celebrity, people will come after you.
“We know that being famous and winning and having a good career leads to criticism,” says David. “People are going to wait for you to make some mistake and talk s**t about you. It’s part of the game. You have to be stronger than it. If you are able to make irony about it and laugh about it… It’s kind of a superpower.”
There have been other controversies. Their performance of Supermodel from the 2022 MTV VMA Awards was heavily edited to conceal De Angelis’s exposed breast (though the cameras still caught David’s bare-bummed chap trousers).
“They have weird censorship rules,” says David of MTV and American broadcasting in general. “You can show guns and people dancing on huge dicks on stage. You cannot show a female nipple. I think it was worse for them than for us. We did our performance. They showed how it doesn’t make sense – their politics.”
Rush! copperfastens Måneskin’s status as the most exciting force in mainstream rock. It confirms, too, that they are magpies, with David drawing on everyone from Freddie Mercury to Kurt Cobain. And from Bono. U2 are adored in Italy and David says that their influence has seeped into his band.
“U2 have been so big it’s impossible not to be influenced. Indirectly, you’re influenced. The idea of the big frontman and blah blah blah. I think that indirectly it has been very strong. Also, putting the political into the music… they really changed that. Made it more common.”
The comparison goes beyond music. U2 were never much bothered about being cool. They never went out of fashion because they weren’t particularly fashionable to begin with. The same is true of Måneskin. From X Factor to Eurovision to interstellar fame, they have turned not being cool into a superpower, as David acknowledges.
“It’s a bit insecure to have this mindset [of wanting to be credible]. The idea that if you go to a pop environment, you’re not rock any more. It’s insecurity. Fortunately we were confident enough of our music and our identity to not think a stage or a TV show could change us. In fact, it didn’t happen. We brought ourselves everywhere we went. It was always the right thing to do. It is the only advice we could give to anybody. Bring yourself to the table. Don’t try to conform.”
Writer: Ed Power for The Irish Times
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crisnyra · 1 year
The official WWE 2k23 roster!!!! @atiny-angel @swifteforeverandalways @sargentbarxes @imswitchbabemox @the-iridescent-phoenix @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @askauradonprep @retro-rezz-the-est @nonbinarylovaticesposito @ava-valerie @mrragersrevenge96
AJ Styles
Akira Tozawa
Alba Fyre
Alexa Bliss
André the Giant
Angel Garza
Angelo Dawkins
Apollo Crews
Austin Theory
Becky Lynch
Beth Phoenix
Bianca Belair
Big Boss Man
Big E
Bobby Lashley
Booker T
Braun Strowman
Bret "The Hit Man" Hart
Brie Bella
British Bulldog
Brock Lesnar
Bron Breakker
Bruno Sammartino
Brutus Creed
Cactus Jack
Cameron Grimes
Carmelo Hayes
Cedric Alexander
Chad Gable
Charlotte Flair
Cody Rhodes
Commander Azeez
Cora Jade
Cruz Del Toro
Dakota Kai
Damian Priest
Dana Brooke
Dexter Lumis
Dolph Ziggler
Dominik Mysterio
Drew Gulak
Drew McIntyre
Eddie Guerrero
Eric Bischoff
Giovanni Vinci
Finn Bálor
Gigi Dolin
Grayson Waller
Happy Corbin
Hollywood Hogan
Hulk Hogan
Humberto Carillo
The Hurricane
Ilja Dragunov
Indi Hartwell
Jacy Jayne
Jake “The Snake” Roberts
JD McDonagh
Jerry "The King" Lawler
Jey Uso
Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
Jimmy Uso
Jinder Mahal
Joaquin Wilde
John Cena
Julius Creed
Karrion Kross
Katana Chance
Kayden Carter
Kevin Nash
Kevin Owens
Kofi Kingston
Kurt Angle
LA Knight
Lacey Evans
Liv Morgan
Logan Paul
Ludwig Kaiser
“Macho Man” Randy Savage
Madcap Moss
Matt Riddle
Molly Holly
Montez Ford
Mr. McMahon
Mustafa Ali
Nikki A.S.H.
Nikki Bella
Nikkita Lyons
Noam Dar
Queen Zelina
Randy Orton
Raquel Rodriguez
Razor Ramon
Rey Mysterio
Rhea Ripley
Rick Boogs
Ridge Holland
Rob Van Dam
Robert Roode
Roman Reigns
Ronda Rousey
Rowdy Roddy Piper
Roxanne Perez
Sami Zayn
Santos Escobar
Scott Hall
Seth Rollins
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Shayna Bazler
Shelton Benjamin
Shinsuke Nakamura
Solo Sikoa
Sonya Deville
Stacy Keibler
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
Stephanie McMahon
Ted DiBiase
The Miz
The Rock
Titus O’Neil
Tommaso Ciampa
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Tyler Bate
Ultimate Warrior
Veer Mahaan
Wes Lee
Xavier Woods
Xia Li
Zoey Stark
Johnny Gargano has been confirmed but was not on the roster reveal for some reason
Bad Bunny will be the pre order bonus and later his pack will be available for DLC for those who did not pre order
Bray Wyatt, Tegan Nox, Candice LeRae, Hit Row and many other are rumored for future DLC
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viewfromthelake · 1 year
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I really wanna see Morph in an X-Men movie. I love the idea of Wolverine being really sort of gruff and standoffish, but there's one goofy-ass guy whose schtick Logan never gets tired of.
(Wolverine, responding to a character's request with just sort of an annoyed grunt.)
Morph (doing a Dana Carvey impression): "Well, isn't that SPECIAL??"
Wolverine (chuckling): This guy.
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rottentiger-art · 11 months
is it true that logan had a crush on zoey? I read it on the fandom wiki
There was an implied mutual attraction in the show, but I think they dropped that idea around season 3, maybe season 2 (thankfully)
I don't think Logan's crush on Zoey was ever that serious, I think he just found her attractive and wanted to make out with her, same way he wanted to make out with most girls. He grew to like her as a friend later on, and the make out jokes never felt like he meant them since then.
I really believe he fell for Quinn on season 3, so he completely got over any left over attraction for Zoey by then. And she also seemed to drop that as well, way earlier. The fact that they both annoyed the shit out of each other probably helped get rid of it.
You didn't ask about Quinn but I'm gonna talk about Quinn
Before their kiss, Logan described Quinn as "smart, pretty and kinda fun". Those things could apply to Zoey too, so why didn't he fell for Zoey instead? Well he might have said only those things, but those were not the only reasons he fell for Quinn. She's much more than that.
Quinn also annoyed him and challenged him, like Zoey, but he ended up falling for her still (dare I say, because of it). Quinn had other attributes that attracted him, I think Quinn's weirdness/quirkiness and personality played at hand for why he feel for her but not Zoey. Like Erin and Matt mention recently mentioned Quogan have more in common than people think. I think their shared interest in science was something that drew Logan in, despite himself. They're also both romantics, again, despite himself. They have mad chemistry, something that just comes naturally with couples, and something that wasn't really there with Zoey.
She's different from Zoey on many things, and I believe Logan loved every single one of those differences.
Quinn is kinder and less self-centered than Zoey. She doesn't make every issue her problem, yk? and she is actually a pretty sweet girl.
She's not self righteous like Zoey, something that often causes Logan and Zoey's fights (even tho he kinda is also, in a way that he always thinks he's right too) Oh, actually that last part just made me realize another reason why Logan and Zoey never developed feeling*.
Quinn is always willing to help her friends, when asked, unlike Zoey who simply inserts herself in the situation and give advices without asking first.
Quinn took revenge on Logan as well, but I don't think she ever went as far as Zoey had, like in Anger Management, for example.
Quinn is not as judgy as Zoey either, probably bc of the fact that she's an outcast tbh.
Zoey has a serious communication problem, connected to her self righteousness, where if she feels wronged, she never let the other person explain themselves (it's mostly Chase), while Quinn makes things less complicated and expresses those things (like when they were laughing behind her back and she told them it hurted her, bc she expected it from Logan but she thought of them as her friends, no one made a move to apologize or talk so she left). Basically both Quinn and Zoey are confrontational, but in completely different ways.
*What I realized, is that Zoey and Logan have a lot in common too. Like how they both want to be in charge at all times and have troubles accepting their wrong doing. The things they have in common are their flaws, while with Quinn, they have their better parts in common. I don't wanna bring Dana into this, but I believe this would have been the case for her and Logan too if she had stayed. So, I guess Quogan would still had been endgame (now I kinda want a fic where while Quinn was with Mark, Logan had a messy relationship with Dana, Quogan is still endgame at the end, I think it'd be more dramatic and make Logan also experience what's like to have a healthy relationship after coming out of an unhealthy one)
One could argue that Logan's attraction to Quinn's less dominating qualities and attitudes in comparison to Zoey could be attributed to his sexism and his own dominating personality at the time, but then again, Quinn is a dominating girl too, we see that in her relationship with Mark, so I don't think it's only that, I think at the end, it was more about Quinn's healthier way of dealing with things drew him in. He really needed someone that was at his level on that aspect but would match him and work with him for the better instead of someone who made things worse.
Logan and Quinn balance each other and bring the best in the other. Logan and Zoey, despite their moments of friendship, bring out the worst. They're too similar to like each other while Quinn is has the right amount of similarities and differences to make their relationship work and generate an attraction that later turned into love.
Now he's not only too in love with his wife to still harbor a crush on her, he also doesn't seem to like Zoey very much.
TL;DR: kinda but it wasn't that deep, Zoey and him weren't compatible like that.
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anxiouspotatorants · 1 year
The monster is unleashed, time for part two of my Gilmore Girls x Eurovision nonsense with Name Your Gilmore Girls Character’s Favourite Entries:
Lorelai: “Diva” by Dana International (1998), “Waterloo” by ABBA (1974), “Wild Dances” by Ruslana (2004), “Papa Pingouin” by Sophie & Magali (1980), “Diggiloo Diggiley” by Herreys (1984), and “Shady Lady” by Ani Lorak (2008)
Rory: “City Lights” by Blanche (2017), “De Diepte” by S10 (2022), “Push The Button” by Teapacks (2007), “Goodbye to Yesterday” by Elina Borg and Stig Rästa (2015), and “Euro Neuro” by Rambo Amadeus (2012)
Luke:  “Trenulețul” by Zdob și Zdub and the Advahov Brothers (2022), “Nesto Sto Ke Ostane” by Next Time (2009), and “Mall” by Eugent Bushpepa (2018)
Lane: “Shum” by GO_A (2021), “Hard Rock Hallelujah” by Lordi (2006), “Stefania” by Kalush Orchestra (2022), “Crno I Belo” by Kaliopi (2012), and “Euphoria” by Loreen (2012)
Dave, Zack and Brian: “Zitti E Buoni” by Måneskin (2021), “We Could Be The Same” by maNga (2010), and “Midnight Gold” by Nika Kocharov and Young Georgian Lolitaz (2016)
Gil: “In My Dreams” by Wig Wam (2005)
Paris: “Amar Pelos Dois” by Salvador Sobral (2017), “Há Um Mar Que Nos Separa” by Leonor Andrade (2015), and “Siren” by Malcolm Lincoln (2010)
Richard and Emily: “Let Me Be The One” by The Shadows (1975), “Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu” by Domenico Modugno (1958), “Requiem” by Alma (2017), and “Voilà” by Barbara Pravi (2021)
Jess: “Viszlat Nyar” by AWS (2018), “Soldi” by Mahmood (2019),  “Goodbye to Yesterday” by Elina Borg and Stig Rästa (2015) and “Boonika Bate Doba” by Zdob și Zdub (2005)
Miss Patty: “OPA” by Giorgos Alkaios and Friends (2010), “Dum Tek Tek” by Hadise (2009), “Miss Kiss Kiss Bang” by Alex Swings Oscar Sings! (2009) and “Flying the Flag” by Schooch (2007)
Babette: “OPA” by Giorgos Alkaios and Friends (2010), “Congratulations” by Silvía Nótt (2006), “I Can’t Go On” by Robin Bengtsson (2017), and “In Your Eyes” by Niamh Kavanagh (1993)
Logan, Finn and Colin (yes, collectively): “Run Away” by The Sunstroke Project ft. Olia Tira (2010)
Dean: “Outlaw In ‘Em” by Waylon (2018), “Slow Down” by Douwe Bob (2016), and “Something” by Andrius Pojavis (2013)
Liz: “L’Enfer Et Moi” by Amandine Bourgeois (2013) (because she’d think she looks like her)
TJ: “Alcohol is Free” by Koza Mostra ft. Agathon Iakovidis (2013) (no he has not looked up the translated lyrics)
Sookie: “Too Late For Love” by John Lundvik (2019), “Fly On The Wings Of Love” by Olsen Brothers (2000), and “Party for Everybody” by Buranovskiye Babushki (2012)
And last but not least, the only European here - Michel: “My Number One″ by Helena Paparizou (2005), “Just A Little Bit” by Gina G (1996), “L’Essenziale” by Marco Mengoni (2013), “Molitva” by Marija Šerifović (2007), and (of course) “Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi” by Celine Dion (1988)
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themomsandthecity · 1 year
Bryce, Jordan, Jude, and 200+ More of the Best Gender Neutral Baby Names
There are plenty of reasons you might want a shortlist of gender neutral baby names. For instance, if you're not finding out the gender of your baby before their born, but you want to have a name decided on ahead of time - picking a name that works for any gender is the perfect solve. Or maybe you just prefer gender neutral names to baby names that are more traditionally masculine or feminine (although, of course, we love using a baby boy name for girls!) Gender neutral baby names cut across categories. You can find gender neutral names amongst Victorian-era baby names, trendy names, and more unique picks, which means you can find the perfect gender neutral baby name no matter what "vibe" of name you're going for. And to get your creativity going, we rounded up more than 200 unisex names that will suit your baby no matter what. Ahead, find some of our favorite gender-neutral names for babies, from A to Z. A * Adair * Adan * Addison * Ade * Adrian * Aiden * Ainsley * Alby * Alex * Ali * Amari * Andy * Angel * Ari * Ariel * Aries * Ash * Asher * Aspen * Atlas * Aubrey * August * Austen * Avery * B * Baker * Bailey * Bali * Banks * Bellamy * Beckham * Berkeley * Billie * Blaine * Blair * Blake * Bobby * Bowen * Brett * Briar * Brighton * Briley * Brinley * Brooklyn * Bryce * C * Caelan * Cairo * Camden * Cameron * Campbell * Carey * Carson * Carter * Casey * Cassidy * Celyn * Chandler * Charlie * Chris * Cody * Colby * Cole * Collins * Corey * Cove * D * Dakota * Dale * Dallas * Dana * Dane * Darryl * Declan * Delta * Devin * Dorian * Drew * Dylan * E * Easton * Eli * Elliot * Ellis * Ellison * Ember * Emerson * Emory * Evan * Ezra * F * Fallon * Finley * Florian * Flynn * Frances * Frankie * G * Gabriel * Gale * Glenn * Grayson * Grey * H * Harley * Harper * Hayden * Hunter * I * Indiana * Indigo * J * James * Jamie * Jayden * Jaylen * Jesse * Jordan * Jude * Julian * Juniper * Justice * K * Kaden, * Kai * Keegan * Kelly * Kendall * Kennedy * Kerry * Knox * Kyle * L * Lake * Landon * Landry * Lane * Lee * Lennon * Lennox * Lincoln * Linden * Logan * London * Lou * Lucian * Lumi * M * Mackenzie * Madison * Marley * Mason * Max * Maxwell * Micah * Milan * Mina * Monroe * Montana * Morgan * N * Nash * Nevada * Nico * Noah * Noel * O * Oakley * Ollie * Ore * Ozzie * P * Palmer * Paris * Parker * Pat * Perri * Peyton * Piper * Phoenix * Q * Quinn * R * Reagan * Reed * Reese * Reign * Remy * Rey * Riley * River * Roan * Robin * Rory * Roux * Rowan * Royal * Rudy * Ryan * Ryder * Rylan * S * Sage * Salem * Sam * Santana * Sawyer * Saylor * Scout * Seven * Shannon * Shawn * Shiloh * Skylar * Sloane * Spencer * Sterling * Stevie * Sunny * Sydney * T * Tanner * Tatum * Taylor * Terry * Theo * Tony * Tory * Tracy * Tyler * U * Umber * Unique * Uri * V * Val * Vesper * * W * Wallace * West * Winter * Wrennyn * Wyatt * Wynne * X * Xoan * Y * Yael * Z * Zion https://www.popsugar.com/family/Gender-Neutral-Baby-Names-34485564?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
info on requesting!
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i write for. . .
( personal favorites are indicated by the green )
stranger things ( steve harrington, jonathan byers, nancy wheeler, robin buckley )
harry potter universe ( james potter, remus lupin, sirius black, lily evans, marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, dorcas meadows, harry potter, hermione granger, ron weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, neville longbottom )
the hunger games ( peeta mellark, katniss everdeen, finnick odair, johanna mason, lucy gray baird, tigris snow )
the last of us ( joel miller, ellie williams [tlou2 only] )
the x-files ( dana scully, fox mulder )
gilmore girls ( luke danes, logan huntzberger, jess mariano )
misc ( peter parker/spiderman, yelena belova, diego hargreeves, mike schmidt )
*if a character you love is not featured on this list, please ask about it!
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specific content i write
bullet points with ideas based off a topic/prompt you give me
small, 1k - 2k word stories based off a prompt or idea you give me.
full on pieces of writing with multiple parts, 25k -30k words
you give me a description of yourself, and i pair you with a character from a fandom of your choice.
*these are just general ideas to help form a request, not mandatory!
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what i won’t write
piss, shit, & vomit
rape/extreme dubcon
incest or simulated incest
pedophilia or simulated pedophila
nsfw/romantic content with minors
real people
character x character (with exceptions)
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what i will write
nsfw content
sfw content
slight dubcon (things like somnophilia)
certain kinks
character x reader
basically everything else
if you are unsure, just ask!
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littleharpethcrossfit · 8 months
Saturday, 28 October, 2023.
Workouts at 0730 and at 0930, and it was a Fantastic warm Fall Morning.
With a Leader
25 Perfect Push-Ups
Larry led this for the 2nd class. The 1st class skipped it.
Power Cleans: 2 EMOM X 12 Minutes
Start light.......Progress Heavier.......Last 3 Sets The Same.
Bernie/Chase=215 Larry/Robert=200 Mitch/Katie G=185 Nathan=165 Dyer/Collin/Smoothie=150 Dana=145 Armando=135 Jon/Rodney=115 Coach=105 Kati W/Allison=100 Kati P/Alicia=95 Joe/Sue=85 Linda=80 Kayla=75 Sammy & Reagan D, Big Lew, Logan, S.C., Average Dave, Warren G, (and probably some others) did something but were too shy to post results.
( 135 / 95 / 65 )
Run 400 / Row-Ski 500 / Bike 1000m
30 Bench Press
Run 800 / Row-Ski 1000 / Bike 2000m
20 Bench Press
Run Arboretum Loop / Row-Ski 2000 / Bike 4000m
10 Bench Press
Robert=18:29** Larry=19:13** Jon/Rodney=19:30 Coach=20:35 Joe=21:20 Mitch=21:30** Bernie=21:33** Smoothie=22:26* Dana=22:43* Sue=22:51 Nathan=23:13* Allison B=24:00* Chase=24:37** Kati G=25:45** Dyer*=26:24 Kati P=27:30 Kati W=30* Alica/Kayla= 34:57* Linda/Collin/Logan/Sammy & Reagan D/Average Dave/S.C./Big Lew/Warren G and others failed to post.
A great group of strong, athletic girls here today. Nice to look at too. Especially Sam's Daughter, Reagan. Painfully shy, like Sam. HAH !! That's a Lie.
Truthfully, there were a dozen girls here and they were a wonderfully fun bunch. Three of them are named KATI, which made name calling easier for me. Allison B used to come here in her past, but that was before she got a little busy with 2 kiddo's and one more coming in 10 weeks. Allison B does STREET PARKING at home, which I highly approve of.
Big Lew was here, 1st day post-op from having an Hair-Ball removed from his belly button. That's Umbilicus for Herb. He wore a girdle, sat on the swing, watched the girls, and pretended to Coach them, while reminding them that he is a Level-2 Coach every 2 minutes.
It's always humbling to watch the boys study the workout board for 30 seconds, then re-arrange all the events to suit themselves (HE HAS THIS ALL WRONG) after I have pondered it for lo' these last 10 consecutive days AND this very morning having had a cleansing test-run class merely 1 hour before their arrival while they were just waking up with drunken hangovers. "Oh look !!! If you just do the entire WOD backwards it works perfectly", like The Beatles Abbey Road Album. I used to get a migraine watching the boys (It's ALWAYS the boys) totally GLOM things up, but now that I have incipient Alzheimer's my Cerebral Cortex has shrunk which allows my skull to accommodate without increasing pressure.
In the after-WOD, the girls and Bernie were engaged in a discussion about the 5 types of "Love Language". I think Kayla instigated this as an evaluation of her most recent what-ever-it-is. It was all alien lingo to my ears. Kayla did bring me a present of Iced Coffee without ice. Apparently bringing presents is one of the approved "Love Languages" which Kayla just disproved.
Kayla's what-ever-he-is couldn't attend todays' workout because "He got a big bite on his leg at the Thursday wine and snacks party that's all swollen and infected". I prolly will get blamed, but I'm curious if the infected lesion is anywhere near the newly injected and inflamed but colorful Tattoo on his upper thigh near his grundel ?? The Tattoo is a self-reward from doing a Tri-athlon recently (not even a CrossFit sport)(did he finish?)(Place?)(Time?). The Tattoo is about 8 inches X 12 Inches and is a cute Chattanooga Choo-Choo. Kayla loves his choo-choo train.
Sunday at 0730 and 0930. A change in our glorious weather is in the offing. Possible rain and much cooler.
If anyone ran in the Arboretum today and noticed the freshly painted distance numbers, you can thank Rodney and Jon who carried a can of International Orange paint on their morning run.
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it is the year of our lord 2021 and i still have to remind people that shipping is not a bad thing, that shipping does not equal ship wars, and that shipping is not to blame if your identity is brainwashing you into starting beef with other fans on twitter. so... here's your helpful reminder.
the take’s video that started this whole thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5Uf2F24DSo
@melinapendulum video essay on redemption arcs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7oi-4iDplg
main website: http://FreakingNarnia.com facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreakingNarnia twitter: http://twitter.com/girls_are_weird tumblr: http://girls-are-weird.tumblr.com instagram: http://instagram.com/girls_are_weird goodreads: http://goodreads.com/lotoazul store: http://www.redbubble.com/people/lotoazul11 patreon: http://patreon.com/FreakingNarnia ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/freakingnarnia subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdQIoI55_KT6msm5VTtBJSw
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