unofficial-author · 2 months
Once again pissed off bc my man is still fictional
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thomasisaslut · 9 months
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Vivi’s #kinktober2023
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Oct. 1 — Breeding || Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader
Oct. 2 — Tit-fucking || Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader
Oct. 3 — Anal || Severus Snape x M!Reader
Oct. 4 — Double-Penetration || Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader
Oct. 5 — Sex Toys || Remus Lupin x F!Reader
Oct. 6 — DDLG || Lucius Malfoy x F!Reader
Oct. 7 — Bondage || Azriel Shadowsinger x F!Reader
Oct. 8 — Knife Play || Judd Birch x F!Reader
Oct. 9 — F/M Oral || Severus Snape x F!Reader
Oct. 10 — Wax-Play || Eris Vanserra x F!Reader
Oct. 11 — Hate-Fucking || Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger
Oct. 12 — Shower/Bath Sex || Eris Vanserra x F!Reader
Oct. 13 — Nipple Clamps || Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger
Oct. 14 — Exhibitionism || Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger
Oct. 15 — Mutual Masturbation || Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger
Oct. 16 — Hair Pulling || Eris Vanserra x F!Reader
Oct. 17 — Flogging/Spanking || Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger
Oct. 18 — Anal Plug/Cum locking || Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger
Oct. 19 — Delayed Gratification || Severus Snape x F!Reader
Oct. 20 — Lactation || Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader
Oct. 21 — Edging || Lucien Vanserra x Tamlin
Oct. 22 — Cock (Stomach) Bulge || Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger
Oct. 23 — Somnophilia || Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader
Oct. 24 — Orgy/Threesome || Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape x F!Reader
Oct. 25 — Sex Pollen || Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader
Oct. 26 — Praise || Lucius Malfoy x F!Reader
Oct. 27 — Food Play || Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger
Oct. 28 — Cockwarming || Lucien Vanserra x Tamlin
Oct. 29 — Mirror Sex || Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger
Oct. 30 — Dacryphilia || Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger
Oct. 31 — Body Worship || Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader
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Note: Kinks may change depending on the day/my mood!
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revwatts · 3 months
I was thinking about a marvel and Harry Potter crossover. I mean not exactly but yes. That. Like where the characters are from Marvel but the whole universe is the wizarding world from HP books. I like the thought of that. Idk why?
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strangesthirdeye · 28 days
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Me: *open my account door hall gently with a sweet smile on my face* ok, kiddos.. I have good news to share.
Doctor: ohh, good news. I love hearing good news. *glances at Donna excitedly*
Donna: you always love everything, Doctor.
Crowley: *sprawling on my massage chair in the corner of the hall* nguhh- damn.. this massage chair is something. *fiddling with the remote control for the massage chair*
Aziraphale; *snatches remote control from Crowley's hand* Crowley! It's not good to play someone's stuff, like that. What if it's broken?
Crowley: *shrugs* just want to increase the speed.
Aziraphale: *sighs before helping Crowley increase the speed on the massage chair* So.. what is the good news you want to share?
Stephen: *crossed his arms against his chest while leaning against the wall* Don't tell me that you have new ideas for other fanfics while you haven't finished the old ones yet.
Wong: Is it the continuation of Snape's fanfics that you promised him a few months ago? because as far as I know you have made two fanfics for him. That's why he seems in a good mood lately.
Severus: I've been in my own mood for a long time... what makes you sense that I've been in a good mood lately?
Wong: *shrugs* maybe because you don't always make a few snarky remarks the moment Dhani enters this noble hall.
Severus: who says if I don't make a few snarky remarks to Dhani I'm in a good mood? Tell me, Mister Wong.
Me: guys, settle down ler.. just chill out.. we don't need history to repeat itself..
Sherlock: With what you say first, old things will be repeated without having to be told because your mouth is the type that likes to talk without thinking about the consequences.
John: *massage his nose* Sherlock.. just.. let Dhani tell what the good news is so that this meeting will not be long.
Me: John's right.. if you don't want this meeting to be long, you need to let me do the talking. While y'all.. Listen to me.
Them: *grumbled before agreeing with what I said*
Me: *nods* good.. now *press the button to open the projector* This is the good news I want to share.
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Doctor and Donna: *raise their eyebrows to show they are impressed*
Sherlock: *narrows his eyes*
John: *mouth agape*
Severus: *keeps his stoic face*
Crowley: *opens his black tinted glasses slightly to see clearly*
Aziraphale: *stunned*
Loki: *blew his lips* that's growing fast.
Stephen and Wong: *disbelieving*
Stephen: that's very fast because a few months ago it was only 200.. now it has increased to 300
Me: 322 actually.
Donna: Well, if 22 unfollows you, it will be 300 exactly.
Doctor: no no.. don't do that
Me: woi! don't jinx it!
Aziraphale: but- but you don't post any fanfics these days.. how come it can be so many?
Me: i did posted something a few days ago, okay.. two incorrect memes and Chapter 13 Unspoken Love..
Stephen: of course it's about their fandom *nods his head at Aziraphale and Crowley*
Crowley: Did I sense jealousy, Doctor? *smirks*
Stephen: *glares at Crowley* I don't need those kind of incorrect to make me jealous.. At least I have a full chapter
Crowley: *rolls his eyes, annoyed with Stephen*
Sherlock: plus about the two of them too *gesture towards Doctor and Donna* something about Y/n making dad jokes.
Donna: don't remind me of that please *groans*
Doctor: it's funny.
Donna: for you, yes.. but me? no.
John: Well at least she doesn't make dark jokes right?
Doctor and Donna: ...
John: right?
Me: *write notes* that's a good idea, Johnny boy.. Might make dark jokes for incorrect Sherlock too *grins*
John: for God's sake!
Sherlock: I don't have any comments to make.
Stephen: whatever.. as long as my lists will be full of fanfics only.
Me: who says your lists will be full of fanfics only? Your Unspoken Love series alone has taken time to complete and you want your list to be full of fanfics only? Huh! in a dream.
Stephen: you-
Severus: did i get new fics?
Me: let me check.. *open my notes app* hmm.. Supreme Strange imagine.. Little Star miniseries, Sherlock's.. Ahh not yet
Severus: pardon?
Me: *glance at Severus* not yet lah.. sorry.. but don't worry, Sevvy, I will do it.
Severus: she always says the same thing but won't do it.
Me: oh! don't let me not do it
Loki: Am I getting new fics too?
Me: same goes to you.. i still have a few paragraphs for Too Many Secret part 2 which is not ready yet. It's a long fic. So it will take time to prepare.
Loki: not ready yet? I thought it was ready?! it's been what? a few months!.
Me: oh! you have to remember that I use my phone to write all these fanfics okay! that's why it takes time!
Loki: i sense deception! she has a new laptop which she didn't use for writing instead she uses it to read fanfics!
Me: I'm still not used to writing using a laptop because I'm so used to using the phone to write, you snake!
Loki: This is ridiculous. *cross his arms*
Donna: seriously, what is our purpose for gathering at this meeting? to roast each other? I thought it was to celebrate 300+ followers.
Aziraphale: I must say that, although Dhani is the type who is slow to update or post something but in the end her work will finish in no time.
Severus: she has really bad writer's block.. that's why she's a bit slow to write fanfics.
Me: is that judging or a compliment? because I'm gonna take it as a compliment even though it's a bit harsh.
Severus: none of the above
Me: okay, compliment then.
Doctor: Well, at least she writes, right?
Egon: that's right, but judging by some of the abandoned fanfics in her notes apps says something.
Them: *turned their heads to look at the source of the voice*
Stephen: who are you?
Sherlock: new character crush i suppose.
Doctor: She added character crush again?
Egon: I don't know how I can be here actually. All this started a few months ago where Dhani got bored and decided to watch Ghostbusters. My name is Egon Spengler
Donna and Wong: *look at each other*
John: *raises eyebrows* she sure has a taste for men who are introverted and high functioning and intelligent and cold..
Me: it's not my fault that they are all fine.
Aziraphale: so you're going to start making fanfics for him?
Me: I'm still thinking about that, actually.
Crowley: great! more abandoned fanfics *clapping his hands*
Me: why are you all being so cruel this day? you all should raise my spirit to write so that I will write diligently..
Aziraphale: oh, Dhani.. don't be sad.. Just.. you don't need to rush for time to write.. You have plenty of time to write and do other things.. Just take your time and relax.
Donna: yes, just sit and relax.. having tea and sleep..
Sherlock: gosh that's kinda boring
John: *smack Sherlock on the back of the head* shut up
Egon: I don't mind if I don't have fanfics about me.. I mean.. I'm still new so only 'seniors' have fanfics, right?
Me: oh, don't worry! I will try to do it.
Loki: well let's just don't rush. I mean you have a lot of time to write.. so there's no need to rush.
Donna: yeah, Loki's right.. I mean.. we are just Characters.. so we can only entertain you.. all our dialogue and actions are in your hands.
Stephen: and you kind of use us to motivate you to write or do other things.
Wong: that's right.
Crowley: Ngh- don't stress too much.. Everything will be okay in the blink of an eye.
Me: *tears up* oh guys... thank you!
Them: no problem
Wong: so.. is there anything else you want to talk about?
Me: nahh.. I think this is enough.. you can go.
Stephen: *stands up* right.. if you say that *open portals* in you go, gentleman and lady.
Crowley: *points his index finger at me* remember what I said. *enter portal*
Aziraphale: it was nice to see you all again.. thank goodness we don't have to argue before going home.
Severus: at least we all got what we wanted.
John: yeah.
Aziraphale: i think i should go, see you guys later! *enter the portal and the portal directly vanish*
Sherlock: *nods in farewell before entering the portal*
John: see you guys later *enter portal*
Severus: i must go before all those dunderheads do inappropriate things.. Farewell *enters the portal*
Egon: it was nice to meet you all.. I hope we can get to know each other more.. goodbye *enter portal*
Loki: I think this is the time for me to withdraw.. until next time. *disappears*
Wong: I should go then *enter the portal*
Stephen: *look at me who is watching they all go in front of me* Dhani. ..
Me: hmm?
Stephen: *walks closer to me and stands in front of me* as a first fictional character that you like, I must say that.. you grow up fast.. mentally.. physically you look like a 12 year old girl although your age is more than 18 years old.. so it's a bit different from the others because you can remember all the plots and stories even though they've been left for a long time. Consider you have short term memory but you can still remember all the stories and plots for your stories that you abandoned.. That's why you are always slow to update because you always follow the mood to write.. not because you have no ideas...
Me: so you mean that I'm lazy to write? Even though I have an idea to write.
Stephen: more or less like that..
Me: wha- what the hell! i thought you wanted to give me advice instead you just want to tell me that i'm lazy.. sheshh...
Stephen: it's not my fault.. I'm just telling you in a way that's not straight forward.
Me: wouldn't it be nice if you just told me straight forward.. haiyaa
Stephen: well I don't want you to be offended.
Me: of course I will be offended if you said like that.. but I just accept it because it's true. Heh..
Stephen: *nods and pat my head* good.. well, i shall go back to my realms.
Me: right, bye bye! *closes my account hall door loudly*
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miss--soapy · 3 months
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Ashton for president LOL
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mr-bigdaddy · 3 months
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Question in the ask about the patronus.
I honestly didn't want a snake patronus for Loki because it's kind of cliché, so I went and took the test on behalf of the character.... I dare not question the result.
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Hey babes, I'm recovering from am awful breakup. Please share your most vile xReader smut of the following fandoms/characters:
Baldurs Gate
• Astarion
• Gale
• Halsin
• Rolan
• Damon
• Raphael
• Minthara
Hogwarts Legacy/ Wizarding World
• Aesop Sharp
• Sirius Black
• Mirabel Garlic
Skyrim/ The Elder Scrolls Series
• Brynnolf
• Ralof
• Ulfric (he's got a nice voice)
• Martin Septium
Star Wars
• Kylo Ren
• Obi wan Kenobi (Prequels)
• Luke Skywalker (OG trilogy)
• Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel
• Loki (pre avengers. Like as a young man on Asgard)
• The phantom of The Opera (2005)
• Rosalie (Twilight Saga)
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slytherins-heir · 2 months
Having opened my requests again, I thought a list of fandoms I'm writing for right now, just because I'm hyper-fixated on them right now 😂 If there's any fics wanted that aren't on the list, still send in an ask and there's a chance I might do something with it<3 (Not limited to just fics, I'm down for one-shots, headcanons, anything really so honestly just spam the fuck outta my asks, ily guys<3)
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── · · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · · 𐙚⋆⋅─ Outer Banks 𐙚⋆⋅─ Harry Potter / Hogwarts Legacy 𐙚⋆⋅─ Dune 𐙚⋆⋅─ Marvel 𐙚⋆⋅─ TASM // Spider-Man (Sam Raimi) 𐙚⋆⋅─ American Horror Story 𐙚⋆⋅─ 13 Reasons Why 𐙚⋆⋅─ Star Wars (inc. Cal Kestis) 𐙚⋆⋅─ TVD / The Originals 𐙚⋆⋅─ Teen Wolf 𐙚⋆⋅─ Supernatural
I'm considering possibly bringing back the Alice In Borderland fics, so they are a possibility<3 · · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · · ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
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shambelle97 · 1 year
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Art by: 
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autisticarachnid · 29 days
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Loki Colosa performing the drums at a Three Headed Snakes concert, circa late 1999.
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mostboringcrossover · 1 month
A list of fandoms I'm in so I can get more interaction with silly creatures on this app.
Harry potter (Golden Trio Era)
Hogwarts Legacy (1800s Era)
MARVEL (More movies and shows than comics)
Stardew Valley
Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix
Delicious In Dungeon
Vocaloid (if that's a fandom)
BBC Merlin
They Both Die At The End book series
the LOKI series on Disney+
EPIC: The Musical
SMG4 YouTube series
Good Omens
Umbrella Academy
Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them
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thomasisaslut · 11 months
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Harry Potter:
Shower/Morning — Thor Odinson x F!Reader
Daddy/Video Taping — Tony Stark x F!Reader
Gallavich Fics…
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Edited Last: 10/19/23
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taw-k · 1 month
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It looks awful but DON'T TELL ME I DIDN'T COOK. Literally the epitome of each house.
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impossible3girl · 1 year
I kinda see a similarity between these two trios.
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The father who thinks he is better than everyone and is a huge brat mistreating people who are different from him and what he values. Both die at some point in the story.
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The son who looks a lot like the father and is a lot like him but only a bit of a brat. During the story he grows up and matures and is no longer a brat at all. He starts to really care about the black haired guy and understands his pain. He sometimes wears clothes with red and gold.
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The black haired with a black/ green aesthetic who has a different background/origin from the father and always got treated bad by him (only diference James was not Snapes father figure) He also got neglected by his biological father. As a result he became cold and did some very bad things including working with the big bad villain of the whole series. He cares very deeply about the wife of the father and was completely devastated when she died and helped protect the one thing she died for. In the end he gets killed by the big bad villain protecting the son.
We also have some similarities between Frigga and Lily. But I would say unlike Lily Frigga never stoped caring for and protecting the black haired guy despited all the bad things he did.
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miss--soapy · 3 months
My newest mod, "Loki & Sylvie Horns" is finally up on NexusMods! Sorry it took a while everyone but I hope you all enjoy 💚
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mr-bigdaddy · 5 months
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Long time no Loki.
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