#lol jensen babysits
livingfandomly · 1 year
I’m currently on SPN S9. You know what that means???? It means that I can finally start watching their interviews and conventions and comic cons and I AM. I really REALLY am. It’s insane how much of a family this fandom feels when they (J2M - hahahhahaha look at me knowing these terms and fully understanding and loving them lol I love this fandom sm sm) are just sitting on a stage and chatting with everyone. And it’s literally because of how they address the fans and it’s really unique because other shows’s cast members are rarely this invested in the characters they play.
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The best part is the realisation that Jared is literally a golden retriever ALL THE DAMN TIME and that Jensen is always just done with him 😭. His lil forehead slam into the microphone when Jared starts going off topic is the funniest thing EVER. That man is so tall and so hyperactive and so annoying on purpose and it’s amazing.
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The next best part is realising that Jensen. Can. Fucking. Sing. And not in a “acceptable” way but in a way that makes the Applebee’s jingle sound like a proper song sung by a man with a voice that makes your whole bussy quake. PLUS. He’s always essentially babysitting Jar and it’s so fucking adorable. Whenever they’re both on stage together the dynamic is literally golden retriever and a what-the-fuck-do-I-do-with-his-hyperactive-mess cat.
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Now. Misha. He is the dad that never even realised that he adopted two chaotic messes. Whenever he joins the stage he either just sits their judging the shit out of them and looking at the audience like “yes, this is what I have dealt with since the beginning… welcome to my pain”. OR. He and Jen become the super disappointed parents of JarPad as he runs around the stage destroying everything he can while being as distracting as possible.
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They’re all so fucking funny. I’m literally always, every single video, just laughing with tears in my eyes. The comedy. The puns. The dad jokes. The stories. The fan interactions. Everything is pure gold. At the same time, they’re so deep and caring of the people they talk to and the show they’re on. It’s just all very hugs-myself-because-they’re-not-around-to-hug-me.
The best part is how much they care about each other though. And obviously involved they are in each others life outside of the show. Sigh… Honestly…. I love this fandom.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s5e12 swap meat (teleplay: Julie Siege story: Julie Siege, Rebecca Dessertine, Harvey Fedor)
are they gonna make a body swap not fun?
CRYSTAL Gary, I don’t want to embarrass you, but you are just – you are just a stunning-looking man.
SAM I know, right? 
ignoble start. crystal needs to raise her fucking standards.
squirreling away more the little details about their childhood. maid babysitting (do you think john paid her?) summer before 6th grade (which would make sam ~11 years old) for two weeks.. practically a gold star parenting moment for john, getting an adult to be involved in watching them.
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DEAN You ever think that you'd want something like that? Wife, rugrats, the whole nine?
SAM No, not really my thing anymore.
(not crying, nope) and what about you, dean. we still pretending you don't? if i start thinking too much where things end up i will end up in an existential pit of despair, so. moving on!
the old computer person inside me still compulsively screenshots computer screens in stuff i'm watching, new desktop background! and also laughing because i hadn't noticed before in this episode where dean is also using a laptop (black one instead of the silver mac) it's the same desktop icons. including the Untitled 1 and 2 documents. LOL
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s5e12 / s5e5
on the whole though, they've done a good job with their computer stuff. teen wolf was comically bad.
not in any universe, especially when sam has been possessed before, do i believe that dean winchester is not going to notice sam behaving so differently. you don't get every demon, monster and psychiatrist within a 50 mile radius calling out your codependent relationship with your brother and not notice some bumbling teenager is behind the wheel of his body.
okay, writers. calling the kid a frustrated virgin because he likes star wars and has porn. eyeroll
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padalecki's neck region has been sweaty a lot lately it seems like. is he doing pushups between takes? is that how he's gotten so big
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attack of the weird makeup/lighting/color correction on jensen again yikes
this is like watching ooc fic come to life.
NORA/DEMON You mean to tell me you've got Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester's meat suit? An empty vessel just waiting to be filled. And you're handing them both over to me?
okay so at least that was a kind of clever way of working this into the bigger story, i didn't see potential vessel snatching coming.
DEAN That was a nice thing to say.
SAM I totally lied. That kid's life sucked ass. All that apple-pie, family crap? It's stressful. Trust me – we didn't miss a damn thing.
DEAN Or we don't know what we're missing.
some really weird writing choices. sam isn't all sad earnest puppies and rainbows, but he's also not often sharp and assholeish either. i don't know if that's trying to write him as being funny or what. spn's brand of humor doesn't land for me very often, though it has been a little better this season overall.
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justholdingstill · 5 years
from inside the house (cockles, 1 k-ish, M)
do you think Misha and Vicki have the world’s coolest babysitter?
IDK I was just wondering because they’re both here and do they go “yeah we have to go to another book signing don’t give them sugar after 5 thaaanks”
Now is that to a teenager or to Jensen
AKA this is all @thebloggerbloggerfun‘s fault
It’s a horror movie, Jensen says.
where the fuck did you guys get this kid?
There was a sale on at the maternity ward, Misha texts back. We traded in for the utility model
Somebody told us kids are expensive
she says she doesn’t like bacon either
what the hell, man
Okay, Dean
shut up
No you shut up 
“I’m so glad to see our children are being raised by such shining examples of maturity and wisdom,” Vicki says over his shoulder, her left eyebrow arched high over the rim of her glasses. He can’t help but lean in and kiss it.
West just started a sentence with, “when I’m old like you”
I stg, Mish
I do you a solid & drive over the border for THIS 
She laughs out loud. “So it’s going well, then.”
those had better be some pretty dynamite sexual favors, buddy
I have two words for you
fuck you, Jensen sends back.
oh, is it my turn?
And then they’re at the venue.
It’s still totally a trip, because he’s the Leo and he’s the television actor and he’s the former theater kid. He’s the one constantly pulling stupid shit in front of cameras, whether it’s for the love of poetry, or of philanthropy, or of Jensen’s obnoxiously pretty face. This is Old Hat, and this is decidedly Not Her Scene, and yet he’s the one sweating through his shirt while she’s the one grinning and glowing and soaking it all in. Misha curses under his breath as he settles himself in his seat and wonders how he ever let the Smug Bastard portion of his brain take the wheel and convince him that she was gonna need him to hold her hand through any of these signings.
Somebody asks her what her favourite word is; he says, “it’s probably ‘Misha’, right?“
And that gets a laugh, but then she responds, “no, it’s ‘kerning’.”
She’s nothing less than a nerdy fucking goddess, and god help him, he might be head over heels in love with his wife. 
The bookstore is packed wall-to-wall but the line moves quickly. It’s a blur of smiling faces and endless first pages and heartfelt pleasantries that leave his face aching by the time they get to step out back for a quick break. He’s been exhausted beyond belief for the last week, but it’s also kinda…awesome. The security detail nod in acknowledgement and step off once he gives the signal, and then there’s space enough to breathe. Space enough to slip an arm around her waist and let the light from his phone screen illuminate her delicate bone structure as she leans in to read the latest from Jensen.
so how long do i let them jump on the bed before they actually conk out?
was JJ like this? I don’t remember her being like this
is this what I’m in for?
oh my god what have I done? 
Timestamped for half an hour later: you owe me.
And three quarters of an hour after that comes third run of Moana shoot me now
hey, when you can sing the lyrics to Shiny in your sleep, then we’ll talk
oh NOW you respond
Mr & Mrs famous book writers
Sorry, we were busy signing books. Famously.
It’s all very glamorous
I know you have no idea what that’s like
hey, fuck you, Jensen says again.
Vicki snorts. “Well, you always did have a taste for the eloquent ones.” She grabs the phone from him, and before he can stop her, sends: Later.
Sends: Home in an hour. Be ready for us.
He doesn’t know how Jensen knows that the conversation has switched hands, but he feels the same sharp quiver of anticipation in his own gut when Jensen texts back, lightning quick, hell yes ma’am.
He’s always found it more than kind of weird to be interacting with fans and trying to hide the fact that he’s sporting a semi that won’t quit under the table at the same time, but it’s, you know. Not the first time. 
At least he’s not on stage.
Jensen is not ready for them when they get home.
Misha doesn’t remember the last time they made out in a backseat, but Vicki hadn’t stopped whispering in his ear about how they were going to wreck him since the engine turned over, and he’s never ever felt quite so self-satisfied with the external trappings of success as when he’d asked their driver, between gasps, to put up the privacy partition.  That was bucket-list hot, and she’d run so roughshod over the last threads of his self-control that he’d been raring to go pretty much as soon as they’d walked in the door… 
…only to get into the living room and find Jensen fast asleep on the couch with Maison tucked under one arm. West is at his feet, curled up under a blanket, his hand still in the bowl of popcorn.
“Fuck,” he says.
It’s the second most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
The emotional whiplash is shockingly intense; suddenly he’s gotta take a lap, which just means he wanders around in dazed circles for a minute while Vicki’s in the bathroom, and ends up in the kitchen, elbows on the counter and his hands fisted in his hair, trying to come to terms with how excessively, astonishingly lucky he is that somehow, all of this is his. His wife, their children, their house, his career, that ridiculously attractive man in there who has a ridiculously attractive wife of his own and a life that dreams are made of. A guy who released an album of his own, like, yesterday, and he has to work tomorrow but he’s here getting his fingernails painted and his ass kicked on the trampoline by a nine year old just…because.
Oh yeah, it’s kind of awesome.
Vicki reels him in by his belt loop, gently pulls his hands away and resettles them down around her waist. She tugs him in tight against her and then crushes the breath out of him, forehead to forehead, nose to nose, and it’s perfect.
“I love you” comes so easily. It’s an embarrassment of riches.
West is way too damn heavy for this anymore, but he barely wakes up when Misha hauls him into his arms with a groan and carries him up to bed, even though with his hips he really shouldn’t. Maison goes a little easier, though she perks up when her head hits the pillow and demands a chapter of The Golden Compass, and by the time Misha gets the lights and gets back downstairs Jensen’s awake too, soft-eyed and yawning, and he and Vicki are into that bottle of mead they brought back from the island in the summer. It tastes like liquid sunshine when it spills from Jensen’s mouth into his.
And oh yeah. 
It’s kind of awesome.
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kel-b · 2 years
On a rate of 1-10 how sure are you that Jensen got a boner on stage after Misha straggled him? I always used to think it’s a funny fan made theory. But now when I rewatch the gifs, it’s ‘hard’ to ignore the obvious. Or maybe I’m seeing things lol. But one thing’s for sure, Jensen was acting extremely weird after that whole incident and was kinda grumpy/annoyed towards Jared. Lol
Anon your killing me here! ☺️
I was already in the cockles dumpster when I started hearing about Jackles and his, um... issues downstairs whenever Misha and him are on stage. I can't say if he has that problem or not, I haven't seen any gifs to confirm this, and I've looked so now I'm curious again. Usually I'm paying attention to them, not watching to see if Misha causes his hubby to pitch a tent or not. But honestly I wouldn't be surprised, so your probably not seeing things.😊
As for the second half of your ask. What Jensen and Misha have is very rare. Well sometimes they tend to forget where they are or Jackles tends to forget. In the case of straddle-gate at jibcon, that's what happened. They had to send Jared out to pretty much babysit and keep them from doing an all out porno which is what it could have turned into. Lol. This is also not the first time Jared has been sent out either and Jackles dislikes it, even when their being good Jared will crashed in.
Yeah Jackles likes to put on the grumpy act when on stage but he's very protective of his Mish and the little time they do get together, so his weird behavior could be him being pissed at Jared for coming out and also because he had been drinking too. With a couple exceptions, jib is the only con they get to do panels together unless one of them crashes the other during creation.
I got lost with this, apologies. All and all I'm not a behavior analyst so I can't say but anything is possible.
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So yesterday I babysat AND OMG SO THE KIDS SAW MY ROOM AND, of course, MY SUPERNATURAL CUTOUTS and one of the girls asked me “is that Desty?” mind you, she’s 6 years old, so I was like ?!?!!!??! “Desti? Like- Yeah that’s Destiel how-” and she walked over to Sam and was like “Dusty! He makes things with the paper clips” and I’m thinking “wow we are on different pages I’m sorry no that isn’t Dusty” but I was just so confused I didn’t say anything and then they all were like “it’s dusty!” and standing around him jumping and smiling and I was just like “WHO THE FUCK?!”
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sammyhale · 7 years
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danneelackles512: “Thank you @fixesouthernhouse for a great night! Happy Birthday Dinner @ginograul !!!” (x)
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
Wait, wasn’t Gen on the show in 2008? Jensen started dating Danneel in 2006 right? I know it’s just rumors but that just sounds bad. If he was single, you could say that maybe she had a crush on him, which is a very normal reaction to someone as attractive as Ackles. But to be honest Jensen himself has admitted to cheating on someone with Danneel. So she probably thought he was fair game lol.
I’d pay to know when the Gen vs. Jen beef started though. I definitely know he doesn’t like her since he’s outright insulted her in an interview.(I think he called her the most expensive thing to happen to Jared?) but I’d really love to have a timeline of when the whole thing started.
I hadn’t heard that rumor until I got the anon asking about it so I don’t really have any input either way. But seeing Gen’s track record and how she acts and reacts to other women, I wouldn’t put it past her. 
I don’t know when it started either, but I know that there was an incident at a convention where fans heard Jensen, Gen and JDM yelling at each other (I’m pretty sure, I know Kal and Rainbow have mentioned the incident!) and we know JDM didn’t invite Gen to his wedding but was A-Okay with D being there. Yes, D and Hilarie are friends and D and Jensen got JDM and Hil together, but still. Jared was invited and we know Gen didn’t need to babysit because they have employees for that. 
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15X12 Commentary
Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@smol-and-grumpy​​​​ (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​​​​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Nat: welp i guess we'll start?
Giulia: Ye
Zee: I know we’re not ready but yes
Nat: count as usual?
Giulia: U r the only one ready snort
Zee: Shush I’m faking it
Nat: 3
Nat: 2
Nat: 1
Nat: go
Zee: The recap
Giulia: Already hate it
Giulia: ...kaia
Giulia: Ok but i loved dean shout there
Giulia: But i also don t give a fuck about kaia
Nat: i could make a list of people i don't give a fuck about
Giulia: Why the empty has a dick
Nat: earth 2
Giulia: Look how much-waisted air time
Nat: this better go somewhere
Zee: What is he on?
Giulia: Oh look das me every time a clerk looks too clingy
Zee: President Hillary Clinton
Giulia: Nice
Giulia: Radio shed ads look like mediaworld *winks in italian*
Zee: Can he shut up?
Giulia: Nerd
Giulia: Oh and another nerd
Nat: weird that on every earth people are still dumb as fuck
Giulia: The World
Zee: Oh no
Giulia: Yeah that looks my kinda world
Giulia: Aaah beard dean
Zee: Other toys
Nat: He can't even make a world that's gonna function
Giulia: I can get what I want from a hundred worlds
Giulia: What she said
God/ ME A DESTIEL SHIPPER ABOUT DESTIEL ENDGAME: Dean says I'm not gonna get the ending I want. And I don't know. Maybe... I...I mean, that shouldn't matter, right?  I've gotten what I want from hundred of Sams and Deans. I could get what I want from a hundred more. And I don't care.
Nat: you can see the green screen. I mean him standing before one
Giulia: Amazing
Zee: Clear the board
Giulia: Can he clean this one too. I think he’s already doing it
Nat: our world
Nat: how do you know. still, he doesn't take out the dumb
Zee: Vegan
Giulia: ...vegan lasagna *cringes in Italian*
Giulia: Because he feels for them. Between similars u no
Giulia: Aah veins
Zee: I still don’t like it
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Giulia: Ah so we are actually where we left off. I can tell u where my head is
Zee: I can tell you where I want his head to be
Giulia: Ooooh nice
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Giulia: Look at Jack hair tho
Giulia: BABE
Nat: "I HAVE SPEND TIME WITH HER" *wink wink nudge nudge*
Giulia: 50k
Giulia: Scythe kink
Nat: ouch
Giulia: Bottom Dean
Nat: on what? dildo scythe?
Giulia: Please comment and reblog
Giulia: Hey
Giulia: No OnE
Zee: Is jack chubbier?
Giulia: Don t talk to my son like this
Zee: Sam should stop doing that thing with his face
Nat: He's just older
Giulia: I can count his gray hair
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Giulia: ...
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Giulia: AAAAAAAAH beautiful
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Zee: How domestic
Giulia: Babe
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Zee: Look at that little smile
Giulia: SO CUTE
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Giulia: thank you for a small bubble of happiness. That shook my soul a bit
Zee: They seem a little happy. I’m scared. Oh there it is
Giulia: That’s a fancy-ass whiskey bottle. I want it
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Zee: Kaia came looking for the spear
Giulia: Cute where is cas
Zee: Babysitting
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Giulia: Of course she kicks their asses
Giulia: I wanna choke him too
Nat: they can't even fight one small girl. they're getting old
Zee: Can he get any deeper?
Giulia: What she said
Giulia: Oh come on HOW CONVENIENT
Giulia: they pulled a Mary Winchester
Zee: Snort
Nat: i don't know what to think about all this
Giulia: Oh looks it’s us after the coronavirus. Eating lizards
Nat: I mean
Giulia: I just watch
Nat: I would eat it 🤷🏻‍♀
Zee: Dean said not tasted kinda decent
Nat: do I have to
Zee: YES
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Giulia: SNORT
Zee: SEE? Babysitting
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Giulia: ...listen….How in the hell...War Strategist angel of the lord cas loses at force 4. Fuck off
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Giulia: Always makeup on point
Giulia: Not Kaia not helping
Nat: oh I see jody had time for lash extensions
Giulia: She must not be in quarantine
Giulia: ...La piegatrice mondiale. What a horrible translation
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Giulia: Oh dean has nice hair. I wanna pull it
Zee: This is going so well
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Giulia: Look at cas hair
Nat: He always goes like "Cas-tee-el"
Giulia: Tee-el
Zee: Are you only looking at hair?
Giulia: Cas sounds so done
Zee: But so good
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Giulia: A bit of a smokey eye on Kaia, What she used? Burned sticks? charcoal? Burned lizard’s tails?
Zee: Is it me or Jody looks older and Cas looks younger?
Nat: sorry but not Kaia can go fuck herself
Nat: so much airtime
Giulia: WASTED
Giulia: ...Shouldn’t he be strong af
Nat: I hate that the female's make up is always on point.
Zee: He’s gonna do something stupid
Giulia: Definition of a Winchester
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Giulia: What a dad tone
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Nat: I like Merl. Merl is me
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Giulia: HEEEEY
Nat: Winchester dumb
Zee: Winchester dumb
Giulia: what a mood
Nat: she's my fave character
Giulia: I love her
Nat: i want her in all the ep
Giulia: I stan her
Nat: give her more air time
Giulia: She’s the smartest in the room
Giulia: What a sassy reaper. Like my fav sassy demon
Giulia: I love how the Winchesters are there watching, being all: yup, that’s our dumb kid
Nat: Winchester stupid
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Zee: They know she’s right
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Zee: Dead angel walking
Nat: I seriously thought Cas holds out the cup he ejaculated in like in a sperm bank
Giulia: Can I unread this
Nat: No u can't, that's what happens when I’m in lockdown
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Giulia: Look at that cutie with his cute backpack
Nat: boy scout dean
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Zee: Sam’s smirk
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Giulia: Babysitting again
Giulia: BS angel chivalry
Giulia: love it
Nat: she should have said "in your own time"
Giulia: Me and you have all eternity, they don’t
Giulia: ...wasting seconds of intense glares
Giulia: Oh look the gremlins again
Giulia: The last healthy Italians vs the infected ones
Giulia: Last Toilet paper’s rolls and dumb scared people
Nat: snorts
Zee: You’re on a roll
Giulia: Dean eyelashes are fluttering in the wind. Sam needs a hair elastic
Nat: I wish something else would flutter in the wind
Giulia: my fucks
Zee: Hey kid
Zee: It’s before corona
Nat: I thought they didn't like each other that much
Giulia: Exactly. They have like 0 relationship, I don’t understand
Nat: It's weird.
Nat: if she should hug someone it should be sam. but what do I know
Zee: Have y’all understood the point of all this? Cause I haven’t
Giulia: Literally none
Nat: I’m bothered by all the other things
Giulia: She had time to do her eyelashes
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Nat: so we did literally waste an ep with getting Kaia back, like for real? I watched this?
Giulia: ...AH
Nat: you know the last season could have been so fucking good
Zee: Wtf?
Giulia: K
Nat: ah
Zee: She found out
Giulia: What a meme
Giulia: Billy: last season
The reaper: my joy
Giulia: Death is angry
Zee: I was busy In Italy
Giulia: Oh wow
Nat: Merl had one job
Giulia: The writers had one job
Nat: Billy is us because she has no patience in them wasting an ep freeing Kaia
Giulia: Then u killed me
Giulia: Smoulder time
Giulia: Aaaah a baby
Zee: What?
Nat: Meh
Giulia: Why
Nat: God's destruction is Jack
Giulia: Another meme
Giulia: Writers
Giulia: Us asking if season15 will be amazing
Nat: right
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Giulia: Go watch the promo
Nat: is that a fiat
Giulia: That’s a 500, my old car snort
Nat: Are they gay antiques, dealers
Zee: Apart from the reaper everything else was pretty lame. We waited almost two months for that?
Giulia: We went through corona for that
Nat: they look like gay antique dealers. especially being outraged when Sam has to lose the man bun
Giulia: With their cardigans and shit
Giulia: We should all live together. Yikes. They gonna die
Nat: they would scream
Giulia: High pitched
Zee: Tf did I just watch ? Loved deans bracelets tho
Giulia: They’re Jensen’s . Probably
Giulia: Oh maybe they are sam and dean that grew up as men of letters
Zee: Gay men of letters
Giulia: Can they get hot and bothered by Castiel?
Zee: Maybe not both of them
Giulia: Nah Nah both
Zee: Will the angel be gay too?
Giulia: There will be no angel probably. Also, Angels are probably sexless so who cares.
Kat: Y’all finished?
Giulia: Yup
Zee: Yes
Kat: And?
Nat: I wasted my time
Kat: Yeah. Who gives a flying fuck about Kaia. Literally no one
Giulia: guess they are tying the loose ends
Kat: No one has thought about her in 2 years, she was a dead end
Giulia: Idk what the point was
Kat: Idk to have Jack use his powers for some reason? Surely they could have found something better
Giulia: Idk man. Between this fucking virus and jib and life and this writing, I’m very much blegh. I mean I love my boys. But
Zee: Let’s just hope they give them a decent ending and not something so lame that it will ruin everything
Nat: You love them and you want the best for them. not half-assed writing
Giulia: Yeah
Nat: lol what show have you been watching the last season
Kat: Yeah. It’ll be ruined. I have no hope of anything else
Nat: I don't have much hope but also that will maybe make me feel better when it's not as bad as I think it will be
Zee: I know but I can’t let it drag me down
Giulia: Yup
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby​​ or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​​​​  @destiel-honeypie���​​​      @mariekoukie6661​​​​      @dragontamerm​​​​       @closetspngirl​​​​    @rainflowermoon​​​​     @mattiecat​​​​       @bunnybaby121115​​​​  @aliaitee2​​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​​​​     @4evamc​​​​       @dammitsammy​​​​     @legendary-destiel​​​​   @winchesterprincessbride​​​​    @destielhoneybee​​​​​    @castiellover20   @ravenhg​​​​ @evvvissticante​​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​​​ @markofdean79​​​​ @janndishsstuff​
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ao3feed-cockles · 5 years
from inside the house
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/21664228
by justholdingstill (justholdstill)
"do you think Misha and Vicki have the world’s coolest babysitter? IDK I was just wondering because they’re both here and do they go “yeah we have to go to another book signing don’t give them sugar after 5 thaaanks” Now is that to a teenager or to Jensen"
  AKA: this is all @thebloggerbloggerfun‘s fault
Words: 1159, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles, Vicki Vantoch, Maison Collins, West Collins
Relationships: Misha Collins/Vicki Vantoch, Jensen Ackles/Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles/Misha Collins/Vicki Vantoch
Additional Tags: utterly unrepentant fluff, Domestic Bliss, book tour, yay for polyamory, lol jensen babysits, sparkling hints of filth, the kids are really only peripheral, vaguely implied misha/jensen/vicki/danneel, Short & Sweet, One Shot
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/21664228
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bonecage · 5 years
jensen really loves reminding us that he's the most typical father who is literally a secondary parent to his own kids, to whose mother he's married?? a load of diapers of which i changed only a few? my wife INVITED ME TO HELP w my kids lunch? ok dude we get it you don't know how to be a parent after 3 kids, besides being the fun dad. imagine growing up and finding out ur dad was a millionaire who didnt need to work but he chose to leave to another country for 9 months a year lol. rip to jensen.
Yes i have always gotten that vibe from what little snippets he shared of patenting life. He's the "im babysitting my kids" type a dad.
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Supernatural Crack Attack Challenge Masterlist
I want to thank everyone who entered my challenge. I truly appreciate it. I’ve got a lot of first timers in writing crack and all of them did an AMAZING job! These fics had me giggling all the way to suddenly bursting out in laughter. If these fics don’t help brighten up your day, I don’t know what will. I hope you all enjoy these hilarious gems! Make sure to let the author know how amazingly talented they are, because well... they really are.
Also, PLAGIARISM is UNACCEPTABLE. These are the author’s original work and ideas, and they had put in a lot of effort to write these stories. REBLOG!! Do not copy, paste, or alter any of these stories without the authors consent!
I Am You, And You Are Me Written by @theworldiscolorful​ (@purpleskiesandcherrypies)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: You woke up one day to find yourself in Dean’s Body
Warnings: Smut (oral, a bit of dirty talk, a bit of panty kink), Crack (what is smut and crack? Smack?)
Prompt: Switching Bodies
The Hottest Garbage Man Alive Written by @evansrogerskitten
Pairings: Jensen x Reader, Jensen x Jared
Summary: In our reality, Jensen Ackles is perfect and glamorous. What if in a different life, he was something ordinary like a garbage man?
Warnings: Crack fic! Oral sex (male receiving,) implied smut, fantasizing, AU
Prompt: Awkward Moments
Flammable Angel Farts Written by @deans-jiggly-pudding
Characters: Castiel, Dean, Sam, and Jack
Summary: N/A
Warnings: canon-typical language, fart jokes, crack
Prompt: Allergic Reactions
Sam Who? Written by @winchesterprincessbride
Characters: Dean, Sam, and Reader
Summary: After an unsolved case that may or may not have been a witch, the reader wakes up with no memory of her boyfriend, and it gets old for Sam and Dean very quickly.
Warnings: Crack
Prompt: Temporary Memory Loss
Something Isn’t Right by ME!! (This fic is posted on my main masterlist)
Characters: TWF 2.0 and Reader (mostly Jack)
Summary: Jack’s clothes don’t seem to fit right and when he meets up with the others, he’s finally enlightened as to why.
Warnings: Crack!
Prompt: Wardrobe Malfunction
Freaky Friday by @bamby0304
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean, Rowena
Summary: Sam wakes up in a bed he didn’t fall asleep in… in a body that isn’t his. When he finds his own body asleep in the Bunker library he also finds you occupy the body, confusion ensues. Dean can’t stop laugh, you can’t stop freaking out, and despite everything Sam is- once again- the only person who can keep their head on… well, your head on… his head on? Jeez this is confusing.
Warnings: Explicit language. An attempt at crack. Body swap, obviously. Fluff? The slightest bit of angst? Implied smut.
Prompt: Curse
Hide and Seek by ME!! (This fic is posted on my main masterlist)
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean Winchester
Summary: Sam and reader are babysitting and things get a little heated when they share the same hiding spot.
Warnings: Crack!, Not really smut… but… slight Smut? PG-16? Dry Humping, Tight Spaces, Things touching things… lol.
Prompt: Accidents
Talk Psychology to Me by @bamby0304​
Characters: Dean x College-Student!Reader
Summary: The morning after meeting and rejecting Dean, you bump into him again. The two of you sit for coffee, and somehow the conversation turns to pick-up lines… which leads to sex.
Warnings: Explicit language, A poor attempt at crack, Bad pick-up lines, Rejection, Psychology talk, Smut, Oral (male receiving), Unprotected sex.
Prompt: Pick Up Lines
Switched by @waywardrose13
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam Winchester
Summary: Fucking Witches (that’s all you get)
Warnings: Witches/hex, language, some angst, a fight, Dean’s a dick, period talk, Sam’s a bit rude, fluff, crack!fic
Prompt: Switching Bodies
The Grass Is Always Greener by @hannahindie
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader, Dean
Summary: N/A
Warnings: Alcohol, weed, language, cracky goodness, so much smut. Just…just filth. Like a pinch of plot towards the end, but it’s like…guys, it’s just…you shouldn’t read it if you’re under 18. Hell, you maybe shouldn’t read it if you’re over 18. I mean, for me, anyway. It could be worse. But it’s all over the place, and there’s just a lot of it. So….here you go.
Prompt: Drinking/Drunk
Research by @sculptorofbeginnings
Characters: Team Free Will 2.0, Unknown Female Character
Summary: Sam is enjoying the day doing some quiet research until Jack finds a very interesting book…
Warnings: Smut (only a little though), Daddy!Kink, Embarrassed Sammy, Clueless Jack, General Crack!Hilarity, if I did my job right.
Prompt: Jack Asks Questions
Every Dean Has His Day by @bamby0304​
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Summary: After Dean drinks the potion that makes him act like a dog again, you’re stuck babysitting when it goes wrong. Days stuck with the older Winchester lead to truths being told. But is it just the dog in him talking?
Warnings: My poor attempt at crack (honestly, I tried). Scumbag in a roadhouse. Explicit language. Period talk. Fluff. A bit of angst. Smut (yep… smut). Dirty talk. Fingering. Unprotected sex.
Prompt: Potions
The French Maid by @myinconnelly1
Characters: Dean x Reader, Jack, Sam, Castiel
Summary: N/A
Warnings: Smut, 18+ , NSFW, roleplay, crack.
Prompt: Jack Asks Questions
Fallen For Me by @waywardmoeyy​
Characters: Jack Kline x Reader, TFW
Summary: N/A
Warnings: Self-doubt, Fluff, Crack.
Prompt: Clumsy
Baking With The Devil’s Son by @rubynationwins
Characters: Jack, Reader, Dean, and Sam
Summary: N/A
Warnings: Crack
Prompt: Jack Asks Questions
Animals by @winchesterwolf30
Characters: Dean x Reader
Summary: Dean wakes up one morning to find a very hairy surprise (takes place before the animal mind-spell.)
Warnings: None, except that I am TERRIBLE at writing crack, so, my apologies.
Prompt: Spells
Making a Princess by @samslittlespoon​
Characters: Sam x Reader
Summary: You and Sam are called to an emergency, only to find out it’s not the type of emergency you were expecting...
Warnings: Crack, Language
Prompt: Kids/Old People
See No Evil by @bamby0304​
Characters: Dean x Reader x Sam
Summary: A case goes awry and you end up being hit with a spell that turns you invisible. While the brothers freak you try to cheer them up. A few pranks turn to heated moments that you try to shy away from, determined to keep the brothers from getting their feelings hurt. In the end though, they tell you they see more than you might think.
Warnings: An attempt at crack. Bit of angst. Some embarrassment. Nudity. Fluff. Smut. Fingering. Dirty talk. Unprotected sex. Oral (male receiving). Admittedly… this is gonna be more smutty than funny… I couldn’t help myself.
Prompt: Spells
Jack’s Case by @rideandwritethethings
Characters: TFW 2.0 x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Jack finds a case for the Winchesters and is unable to understand why they keep laughing at the information he’s giving them.
Warnings: Warnings: crack, a whole bunch of innuendos so like PG13? they’re bad jokes though I am Not Good At Crack
Prompt: Innuendos
What Were You Thinking? by @a-winchester-fairytale
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Summary: While on a case, a witch plays a little trick on Dean, giving him the gift of too much information.
Warnings: crack
Prompt: Curses/Spells/Potions
Not Funny by @thatfanficstuff
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean
Summary: N/A
Warnings: Crack, Clowns, dude, clowns. Canon typical stuff
Prompt: Disguises, Undercover/Costumes
Once again, thank you to everyone that signed up and followed through. There were a few writer’s, due to personal issues and timing, that reached out and couldn’t make the deadline or extension deadline. Thank you for reaching out and letting me know. There were others who didn’t even bother giving me a simple ASK or message, which I am disappointed in. In the future, please let me know. A small heads up is very much appreciated and considerate to the host. 
Hope you enjoyed the challenge and masterlist!! 
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mrsacklesevansmgk · 6 years
Tag Game
Rules: Tag 10 people you would like to get to know better.
Tagged by @allaboutthebooz
Put your playlist on shuffle and name the first four songs.
Close To Me - Ellie Goulding, Diplo [I really like this song, but I have a deep-set dislike for Ellie, I don’t know why and it’s not a logical thing so I am feeling conflicted by my love of this song haha]
Love is Love - Starley
Lie To Me - 5SOS
The Final Countdown - Europe [LMAO]
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23, line 17.
I’m currently babysitting and I don’t have a book....so I will use my most ‘recent’ ebook on my kindle app...
“Silence.” - Well that’s bloody boring isn’t it?!?! Lol
I am currently reading the Fearless series by Francine Pascal, so that is book...19 ‘Twins’
Ever had a song or poem written about you?
May have had a few poems written about me back in the day.
When was the last time you played air guitar?
I cannot remember the last time
Celebrity Crushes :
Seth Rollins, Jensen Ackles, Dean Ambrose (slightly still mad at him though!), Machine Gun Kelly, Adam Driver
What is a sound you hate/love?
Hate - Hearing people eating/chewing. Repetitive irritating noises, for example, yesterday someone was sitting there flicking their phone case - it was a magnetic wallet case, so it’s the small magnetic ‘clasp’ that flicks around and ‘closes’ the wallet....yeah, they were just sitting there flicking it non stop for about 5 minutes
Love - My music
Do you drive ? And have you ever crashed?
Yes. No.
Last book you read?
Currently reading the Fearless Series by Francine Pascal - I am almost finished with the 19th book in the series called “Twins”
Do you believe in ghost?
Do you believe in aliens?
Yes and no. Not the aliens that people like to think exist (eg: little weird looking green creatures). But I find it hard to believe that we’re the only living beings in the universe and beyond.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
*Gag* No
Last movie you saw?
It’s been a while....uhm, Bird Box? Because I don’t remember what I watched after that and I know I’ve watched movies since then lol
Do you have a obsession right now?
Music, wrestling, reading, Seth Rollins, Jensen Ackles
Do you tend to hold grudges?
Yeah probably. Depends on the situation and the person too. If it’s someone super close to me, then yeah I am more likely to hold a grudge because I have a level of expectation on that person not to treat me like shit, so if they do, then I’ll remember that. If it’s a random person, I usually stew on it a bit then get over it.
Are you in a relationship right now?
Single asf! Haha!
And I’m going to tag:
@darktammy @gaaaayshepard @queenofthearchitect @kiwiikiing
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beckawinchester · 6 years
Conflict Of Interest (Daddy!Jensen x Reader) Chapter 1:
Author: @beckawinchester
Characters: Daddy!Jensen, Reader, Lillian Ackles (OC)
Words: 956
Warnings: 1 use of the word Shit lol
If you would like to be tagged in this story or any of my other stories add yourself HERE or send an ASK  Tags will be at the end of the story (It won’t let me tag some of you so Idk what the deal is. I have your names on my taglist so idk if it’s tumblr or what so I’m sorry if it doesn’t tag you!)
Shoutout to @emoryhemsworth for looking over this for me! I’m so thankful for my beta!
Things you should know: Y/F/N = Your first name
A/N: I’M SO SORRY for starting a brand new story! I get these ideas and then I get writers block but maybe starting on this story will get some more ideas for my other stories rolling idk. *Sigh* Anyway this story is inspired from my life because I do work with the little ones so maybe I can have some good ideas for this story since I have experience with this. So enjoy! FEEDBACK IS NEEDED!
You are a teacher. People think of you more as a daycare provider but you are a teacher. You teach newborns up to three year olds. Exactly how can you be a teacher if you work with the infants and toddlers? Well, it’s more than just caring for them and babysitting them as people think it is. You are teaching them every minute of every day that you work with them.
You teach them language skills by talking to them constantly throughout the day, even the babies. You teach them math skills, cognitive skills, social skills, and much more. You love working with the little ones. You’ve tried working with the older children, preschool age, but your love for the young ones was greater than your love for the older children, not that you didn’t love the older ones too.
You work with families every day. You talk to them about their child’s day and let them know how their child is improving with his or her learning. You ask the parents how their day was and listen to them to keep a connection with their families and build trust. Some of them you actually went to high school with, so you have a bit of a deeper connection with those families.
Today you were getting a new child in your classroom, so you arrived a few minutes earlier than usual to make sure everything was ready for their first day. You greet the families as they start to show up and cuddle the little ones that are still having separation issues with their mother or father, reassuring them that they will see them at the end of the day.
You didn’t expect what happened next. An unknown attractive guy walked into the room carrying a little girl in his arms. You assumed this was the new child you were supposed to be getting. You usually don’t get to meet the families or the children until their first day they arrive. The ladies in the front office deal with the paperwork before the children actually start. Even though this guy was attractive, he still looked a mess. Not sloppy mess, more like an anxious mess.
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“You must be Lillian,” you smiled, walking up to the man carrying the child with a big smile on your face.
“Yeah I’m…” You interrupted him trying your best not to be rude.
“Don’t forget to put your booties on,” you reminded him, smiling.
“Huh?” he asked confused. You pointed to the booties next to the door in the basket. They were like the ones doctors usually wear in a hospital over their shoes.
“Right,” the man chuckled turning red from blushing.
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“It’s just to keep the germs from outside out of the classroom,” you reminded him of the expectations that were given to him when he was filling out paperwork for his daughter. As the man put them on, you started to talk to him. “I’m sorry I interrupted you,” you smiled apologetically.
“It’s fine. My name’s Jensen Ackles and yes, this is Lillian Ackles, but everyone usually calls her Lilly.” Jensen smiled.
“Hello Lilly. I’m your teacher Miss Y/F/N,” you smiled at her as Lilly babbled and held her hands out towards you which caused Jensen to smile.
“She usually doesn’t take to new people.” You could see Jensen was starting to relax a bit from being so nervous.
“People say I have a way with little children,” you held out your hands towards Lilly wondering if Jensen was going to let go of her and let her come to you. He did. As you put Lilly on your hip you grinned and looked at her. “So you must be almost one?” You asked Lilly in a calm voice and Lilly answered in a babble.
“She’s already one. She’s 13 months,” Jensen smiled proudly and you nodded. “She was born prematurely, so she’s a little small for her age but the doctor said that’s normal.”
You nodded understandingly and Jensen cleared his throat after a few seconds of silence. “So I brought diapers, wipes, and her sippy cup and blanket. Pretty much anything she might need.” You chuckled and shook your head. “What?” He raised an eyebrow confused.
“We provide the diapers, wipes, sippy cups. Did they not tell you?” you giggled as he hung his head in shame and mumbled ‘shit’ under his breath.
“They did. I’m sorry...” he mumbled, clearly embarrassed.
You giggled and shook her head.
“It’s fine,” you smiled. “Does she take a pacifier?”
“Yeah. It’s in the bag too. Is that okay?” He asked worried.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” you smiled reassuringly. “Did they tell you that since she’s over 1 she will be sleeping on a cot?” He nodded.
“They did. You shouldn’t have any trouble giving her a nap. She goes down smoothly,” Jensen smiled and you nodded taking notes in your head of what you and Jensen talked about before he looked at the clock. Lilly was holding onto a stuffed bear you had given her while you were talking to Jensen and he looked at Lilly and frowned. “Okay baby girl, daddy has to go. I love you. You be good for your new teachers, okay?” Lilly babbled at Jensen who kissed her forehead. “Call me if you have any troubles?”
“I will.” You nodded and smiled reassuringly. “But I assure you she’ll be fine.” Jensen nodded and smiled before waving goodbye to Lilly and walked out the door and peeking through the window for a few seconds before leaving. You looked at Lilly and grinned. “Okay Lilly, let’s go meet your new friends!” You said walking her over to the other children who were playing in the classroom.
Jensen tags: @aubreystilinski @mayasmedberg @valerieshubin @akshi8278 @ruprecht0420 @viviandarkbloom06 @melmo-omnomnom 
Forever tags: @boredoutofmymindwriting @mogaruke @deangirl8757 @hobby27 @katymacsupernatural @i-is-for-inspiring @me-a-unicorn @jayankles @sandlee44 @iamnotsaneatall @soullessbabee @luckyfriess @emoryhemsworth @supernaturalismalife @dslocum89 @sea040561 @heyitscam99 @esoltis280 @internationalmusicteacher @riversong-sam
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maspwinj2 · 7 years
I saw a picture in which one of Jensen's child was wearing the same clothes that one of Jared's child wore (probably Odette and Arrow but I'm not sure) and when it was Christmas, Tom/Shep had the same plate that JJ. Do you think it's because they like, buy things together or because the children live all together ?
part 2: Also, isn’t it weird that we never get pictures of the padalackles children all together ? One would think the wives would push them, but nothing… it seems weird no ?
yeah it’s true that the kids are really close and see a lot of each others and even gen’s mom said she babysits all the kids in that danneel instagram live gen did (she talked about the twins i think) and there’s also that pic of jensen and jj doing a cake for thomas’ birthday 
it’s awesome j2 can have their kids be a family
gen has posted a pic of odette and arrow but yeah the beards haven’t posted that much of the kids all together, i guess it’s because as opposed to j2 who see the 6 kids as their own, the girls only have 3 so it’s j2 who post pics of all the kids
and since j2 are in a lockdown we’re not gonna see a pic of the 6 kids together anytime soon 
edit: wait i didnt actually answer lol
no i dont think the kids live together, they live with their respective moms, but they must borrow stuff and yeah j2 must buy things as a set for everyone to use
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ceaselessims · 7 years
Hey, if you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? I just saw you replying an ask by saying you see the actors as your dads, so I was curious :)
I’m 19 years old!
I’ve grown up with this show. I started watching when I was in the 8th grade, around 13-14 years old. 
The actors, especially Misha, have really influenced my outlook on life and have taught me valuable lessons that I really take to heart. I’ve only ever really known Misha as a dad-ish figure since I was dipping my toes in the fandom and came across Cooking Fast and Fresh with West. 
Lol my actual dad once asked me if I would say yes if Jensen/Jared/Misha asked me to prom and I straight up told him “Dad, I would rather babysit their kids.”
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Fanfiction Recommendation
7/17/17: So if anyone missed it, I have been buried in Hello Dolly rehearsals and babysitting a four and half month old baby all week which is why I haven’t gotten the next chapter of I’ve Been Waiting My Whole Life out. I’m going to try and get it out tomorrow and whatever else happens this week will literally just be what comes to my head. I love you guys and enjoy!
Last Week’s Recommendations
My Masterlist
Dean x Reader
Don’t Knock It ‘Till You Try It by @idjitsinplaid - Dean thinks he can change the reader’s negative feeling towards pickup lines by using his own on her. 
Bars and Exes by @acreativelydifferentlove - The Reader and Dean are having some downtime in a bar when a guy from the Reader’s past notices her.  
Sam x Reader
The Reunion by @jelly-beans-and-gstrings - You and your boyfriend Sam attend your high school reunion.
Safe Haven-Part One: Welcome to Southport by @samwinlover - Having just fled to a far away beachy town, the reader struggles to rebuild her life. She remains a mystery to the rest of the small town until Sam Winchester, a local business owner and father of two, tries bringing her out of her shell. Will he be able to do it, or will the reader remain stuck in her troubled past? And, when that past finally catches up with her, how will Sam react?
Cas x Reader
A Promise I Intend to Keep by @sweethomelebanon  - Prompt: “Well, there’s the usual things: flowers, chocolates, promises you don’t intend to keep…”
Colours by @buckyodinson - Can you please do a winchester!sister x Castiel fic where she is explaining to him about her synesthesia? It would be great as I have personality -> color and color grapheme synesthesia and there is absolutely no fics about it thanks I love your blog!
Crowley x Reader
Prince Charming by @shadowfaximpala - “I have an idea for a Crowley x Reader where Crowley has to possess the reader for some reason. It could be a cool concept and you could take it just about anywhere.”
Imagine Crowley being there when you can’t get out of bed due to your depression by @flannels-and-rocksalt
Jensen x Reader
Concuss and In Love by @wayward-marvel-sommer1196 - You are enjoying a nice relaxing morning in your home, when your husband Jensen comes home early scaring the crap out of you. This fright, however, may have been a little more dangerous than Jensen thought. 
Super Star (Mini-Series- All Parts Linked) by @luci-in-trenchcoats - “Request: Can I please request one where Jensen is a huge movie star? He’s out one night by himself and starts to get mobbed by fans/paparazzi. So he runs and hides in a shop that belongs to the reader. She doesn’t see it happen so she closes up the store with him inside. Then Jensen pops out from his hiding place and freaks her out lol. Maybe she doesn’t recognize him?”
Jared x Reader
Wax On, Wax Off by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing - No summary but this pretty much sums it up: Family sucks and waxing hurts.
Super Awkward by @sammy-moo - This is for @impalaimagining‘s Cheesy Pickup Line Challenge. My prompt will be in italics.
Misha x Reader
It’s No Secret by @paigeinastory - “This was a request I received from @mysteriouslyme81...and this is also my entry for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing New Year’s Quickie challenge! This is also based off of ‘Secret Love’ by Hunter Hayes.”
Set In Stone by @soberrnatural - It’s been five months since Misha and Reader last seen each other. With Misha being busy filming the new season for Supernatural and going to conventions and Reader being busy with writing her new book, timing was tough. After a stressful day of paperwork, reading and writing, Y/N wants nothing more than her boyfriend to come home.
Bucky x Reader
No More Nightmares by @buckywintersoldierbarnes2017 - “Request for a nightmare one shot where like Bucky and reader are dating/married and reader has a child from another relationship and Bucky has a nightmare when reader isn’t home (possibly on a mission idk) and the child comforts him or the other way round with child having nightmare when reader out with Bucky comforting them but ends with reader walking in on them being all cuddly or something like that.” 
Wrong Number by @t-holland2080 - Clint is asking for a death wish by deciding it would be fun to change all of the contact names in your phone. You call who you believe is Natasha to complain about your “issues” with Bucky, your long-time crush. You’re in for a pleasant surprise when you figure out who the call really went to.
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