#long part for you beloved! also <33333
stabbyfoxandrew · 7 months
good morning and happy wipwednesday <3
I'm so happy to see you're excited to write this week and I'll humbly request arsonist!neil
also happy valentines day (if that's what people say we don't really have that in my country) <3
WIP Wednesday (2/14) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 95)
As usual, Andrew is the first to board the Fire Bus. He taps his foot against the floorboard and waits for a couple minutes before the rest of his motley crew finally get their ducks in a row. Boyd is the next to show, dropping into the driver’s seat like a block of lead. He turns the engine over and starts tapping an address into the GPS monitor. Andrew doesn’t give it a second thought, until Renee climbs up. 
She glances up into the front and gasps, “Matt, are we going to St. Agnes’?”
Ah, that’s why it was familiar.
“Uh, yeah.” Boyd says, half turning in his seat.
Renee’s eyes widen and her hand comes to cover her mouth. “Oh no. Did they say how bad?”
“No, but it’s gonna be fine. Best in the business on our way,” Boyd smiles. “As soon as my wife gets in here.”
The passenger door opens and Wilds hops in as if on cue. “I’m ready, let’s roll.”
“It’ll be alright, Renee.” Andrew says softly. Renee nods, then says something under her breath that must be a prayer.
There is not a fire at St. Anges’. There is nothing at all going on at St. Agnes’, well except for Mass. Andrew isn’t exactly sure what that means, but when the truck rolls up an old guy wearing robes comes out.
“There isn’t any fire. I don’t know who could’ve called that in.” He says, looking confused. “Service is just about to start, if you’d like—”
At that, Andrew turns on his heel and returns to his beloved backseat. He’d rather lick the trucks’ tires— all six of them— than listen to that. He sighs and pulls off his coat to drop it on the bench beside him. False alarms are better than having to stand in an inferno for hours, Andrew thinks. If his evening is going to be free, he can spend it talking to a certain idiot instead.
It only takes a couple more minutes for the rest of the team to return. And once they’re inside, Boyd starts up the truck— again— and turns them back towards the station. Renee gives Andrew a look before shaking her head.
“You know what. That was really rude. Father Paul is very nice.”
“He’s not my Father,” Andrew says, crossing his arms. “And I don’t see why he felt the need to invite us in. We aren’t vampires. Or are we?”
“Andrew,” Renee rolls her eyes, then laughs. 
“Perhaps St. Agnes put out the fire for us,” Andrew says, contemplatively. “Can’t saints do that kind of thing?”
“Actually… Maybe. But St. Florian is the saint of firefighters,” Renee says.
“And Agnes is what? The saint of golfers?”
“Nope. Rape survivors."
“Oh." Andrew sits there with his foot in his mouth for a second. "Well, good for her.”
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mercuriians · 1 month
I feel like a fic about Atsumu, Oikawa, and Bokuto finding their s/o reading fanfic about them would be hilarious
(You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to <3)
Have a lovely day and thank you if you end up doing this request <33333
a fantasy world
content info — gender neutral! reader, fluffy hq!! drabbles with some crack & hurt/comfort (sounds weird but bear w it, all separate). a teeny tiny bit suggestive in atsumu's part cuz he's a little shit.
word count — 1.9k words.
author’s note — holy HELL this is so late 😭 anon i hope ur still here, i made this pretty long so that's my way of apologizing. im also praying that atsumu is in character because this is only the second time ive written him. anyway, tysm for requesting!! hope u all like this <3
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your eyes are obstinately glued to your phone, wholly transfixed by the words that were typed across the screen. not a single soul knew about your little hobby and quite frankly, it was likely better that they remained oblivious. you wouldn’t know how to react if anyone found out, but really, there was one particular person who absolutely had to stay unaware.
as it turns out, they were also the very subject of the story you’re currently reading—of course, none other than your sweet, beloved boyfriend, atsumu. not that the term ‘sweet’ was an especially fitting term for him. ooh, that was a sick burn.
now, obviously you loved the boy. atsumu was bold, intelligent, thoughtful, hardworking, and affectionate to the point where osamu and the rest of his team often complained about how shameless he was in front of them. his spirit burned bright with fiery ambition, glimmering red and orange and yellow, and he introduced a kind of light into your life that you had never quite experienced before. at first you were a little wary at first, a little blinded by how much he shone, but because you were just as stubborn as he was, you soon grew used to it.
if anything, you came to learn that atsumu was undoubtedly one of the most inspirational people out there. motivating his peers was like second-nature to him, and even if he didn’t consciously put in the effort to inspire them, he still ended up doing so anyway. his love for volleyball was blatant in its authenticity, in its obsession. so when coupled with his charisma, and, yes, his boyishly good looks, atsumu developed a serious kind of gravitational pull. it was no wonder so many people were drawn in—yourself included.
but, inevitably, something had to be sacrificed. your boyfriend’s devotion to the game often meant that you two didn’t get to spend much time together. if atsumu wasn’t practicing at the gym, then he was either thinking about doing it, on his way to doing it, or—this happens only under the direst of circumstances—recovering from doing it. he was, in every sense of the word, a workaholic.
you were fine with it for the most part, mostly because you had a busy schedule to deal with yourself. if you weren’t doing homework or studying for an upcoming exam for the sake of staying on top of your classes, then you were either fulfilling your duties as a student council member, playing your respective sport, or taking care of things at home.
regardless, there were still times when you wished atsumu was with you. it didn’t matter if he was spewing volleyball jargon, or forcing you to pepper with him, or anything like that. you just wanted to spend time with him, to actually see him and his stupid face and his stupid smile that you want to kiss so badly.
maybe that’s why you’re so zeroed in on the fanfiction you’re reading—to try and make up for what you’ve been deprived of for days on end. a very palpable twinge of sadness tugs at your heart. you push the unwanted sentiment to the depths of your mind, trying to focus on reading the story again.
god, what sentence were you even on? and why was the door suddenly opening—
“hey baby, did ya miss me?”
your soul leaves your body.
before you even have time to think, a shrill scream rips from your throat as you scramble to hide your phone underneath the covers. atsumu's jaw drops, completely and utterly befuddled by your behavior. after a moment he raises his hands in mock surrender. "jeez, darlin', it's just me. your boyfriend, remember?" atsumu says, brow raised. there's a mixture of emotions written across his face—slight concern, palpable amusement, even some suspicion. "what are ya hidin' there on your phone, anyway?"
finally, you seem to find your voice. "n-nothing important," you mumble, clearly and very intentionally avoiding the intensity of atsumu's hawk-like gaze. "i didn't even know you'd be visiting today.. thought you would be busy with practice again."
maybe it's because your boyfriend knows you so well by now, but he catches the hint of bitterness in your tone. his face softens, and he takes one, two, three steps toward you until he's taking up the space on your left. "coach called in sick, so mister perfect decided to just cancel practice for today," atsumu shrugs. you're still somewhat upset, but you can't help but smile at the setter's nickname for his captain—kita shinsuke, the closest embodiment of perfection that anyone's ever seen.
"i'm pretty sure i texted ya that i would be dropping by," your boyfriend adds, glancing over at you. cautiously, you pull out your phone again and open up the messages app. lo and behold, he did in fact text you, but you were too busy with your fanfiction to notice.
your face burns with the weight of your embarrassment.
a small chuckle escapes from atsumu's mouth. "wow, i haven't even done anything and you're already blushin' for me," he teases. you hit his chest halfheartedly, muttering about how mean he's being. you fail to notice the calculating glint in his eyes. you also fail to notice his hand wandering.
a second later, atsumu grins smugly, your phone held securely in his grip.
"what the hell, 'sumu?!" you screech, trying to retrieve the object in vain. "how did you even—"
"i'm good with my hands," he winks, and you don't even have time to scold him for the clear innuendo because he's typing in the password to your phone. all you can do is accept your fate as atsumu discovers the story you were reading.
as expected, he laughs. loudly. it's almost like the laugh he lets out whenever he wins a bet against osamu. you turn away, shame and humiliation gnawing at your chest. there's nothing more you want than to be swallowed by the floor beneath you.
however, when atsumu's laughter dies down a few moments later, you feel him wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "baby," he begins, voice still a little breathless from all his cackling, "why are ya reading this when ya got the real thing right here?"
you look up at him, a confusing mess of emotions swirling within your stomach. "because we don't seem to spend much time together anymore," you admit, lowering your eyes to the ground. "laugh all you want, but these stories are there for me whenever i need them. you probably think it's stupid, or pathetic, or whatever, but.. i miss you, 'sumu."
you close your eyes, preparing to hear another round of thunderous laughter. it never comes.
"open yer eyes for me, babe," atsumu's voice is unexpectedly soft, tender. hesitantly, you do, and your gaze meets his. your boyfriend reaches out, resting a calloused hand against your cheek. his touch is so familiar, so comforting, that you can't do anything else but lean in and welcome it. "i didn't know that ya were feelin' this way, and i'll admit that it's my fault for not noticing. but hey, you wanna know somethin'?"
"what is it?" you whisper.
"i miss ya too," your boyfriend confesses. he leans in, placing a soft kiss against your lips. "and tomorrow, i'm taking ya out on a date."
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"oh my god, this is so cute," you sigh dreamily, swinging your feet in satisfaction as you indulge yourself. it was fanfiction, for crying out loud—can you really be blamed? this particular story practically reeked of fluff. you had just received flowers from the male lead, with you two having confessed just a few days ago. now you were on the first date, entering the doorway to a beautiful relationship that made every reader jealous.
the fact that the male lead—the infamous setter of aoba johsai, fanboy of iwaizumi hajime, hater of ushijima wakatoshi—also happened to be your boyfriend was just a minor detail.
you continued reading, the outside world completely irrelevant as you immersed yourself in the story. soon another squeal leaves your lips as oikawa, the male lead, bends down to kiss your hand. he says something swoonworthy, causing you to giggle like a madman. "that's it, i'm marrying you," you say, as if he can hear you through the story.
"marrying who?"
you let out a defeated sigh as your boyfriend pops his head into your room. there's a pout on oikawa's face, his mocha eyes filled with mock betrayal. still there's a part of you that knows he actually is a little bit jealous; he just doesn't know that technically, he's jealous of himself. "who are you marrying, babe?" he asks you somewhat accusingly. "i think it's a bit too early for—"
"shut up please," you groan, a bit sad that your reading session got interrupted. "i'm reading this fanfiction of you, and in the story, you're actually nice to me."
you immediately hear an indignant gasp from your boyfriend. he puts a hand to his chest, his pout now even more prominent. "excuse me, i am nice to you," oikawa scoffs as he walks over, squinting at the story you're reading. "i'm way better than him!"
"you are him," you deadpan.
"exactly! why are you reading that when i'm right here? i'm hurt," oikawa says in disapproval, shaking his head at you. "now move over."
you blink—once, twice. "wait, what?"
"i wanna read too," oikawa says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, "so i can list all the things they got wrong about me."
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maybe reading fanfiction about your boyfriend wasn't the best idea. it's not that the story wasn't great because it really was—the characterization was on-point, the writing style was smooth and elegant, and the plot was creative. it's more about your boyfriend himself. particularly the way that he reacted when he found out.
"am i not good enough?" bokuto asked you quietly as he stared up at you. his golden eyes were absolutely despondent, his shoulders were slouched, and even his owlish hair looked like it was deflated. you didn't need akaashi to understand that those were all signs of an emo bokuto.
and it was all because of you.
man, the guilt was unbearable.
"koutarou," you say softly, reaching out to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. "baby, you are more than enough for me. you're amazing, okay? you're my anchor, and you make me smile when no one else can. compared to you, this fanfiction means nothing." you pause, placing a tender kiss against his warm cheek. "seeing you sad makes me sad, you know?"
"i'm sorry," bokuto mumbles, burying his face in the crook of your shoulder. "i thought i'd let you down or something, like i wasn't being a good boyfriend. it scared me."
his words make your heart hurt even more. you pull away from the hug, letting your earnest gaze meet his. "from now on, you don't have to be scared," you tell him seriously. "i'll stop reading fanfiction, and every day, i'll remind you of how much you mean to me. is that fair, kou?"
bokuto nods, and it's at that moment that you start to see the gloomy aura around him disappear. "i love you," he says, and you can tell that he means it. he always does.
you pull him closer, your fingers combing through his hair soothingly. he hums quietly, enjoying the feeling. "i love you too, koutarou," you smile. "and no story will ever change that."
you let a few moments pass by, simply listening to the comforting sound of his heartbeat. slowly, you let your eyes close, your boyfriend's strong embrace lulling you to a light rest. after a few moments, though, bokuto's voice breaks through the silence. "can i ask you a question, babe?"
you open your eyes. "anything."
he pulls away, his expression completely serious as he looks at you. "can we get something to eat?"
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snickerdoodlles · 7 months
finally posting some background notes for red line fic under the cut !! i meant to do this [checks wrist] an embarrassingly long time ago, except i get shy talking about my writing hjgfjhfj. so!! reading thru red line here and dumping out some thoughts as we go!! for @the-cookie-of-doom <333
red line started with this post. (me, every time i say i'm not going to write something: *grabs clown nose*) i wanted a fic where Chay watched Kim fight because 1) Chay deserves this, ep14 bar fight my BELOVED, but also 2) Kim's put a lot of effort into sectioning parts of his life off from each other, so it's SUPER FUN from a writing perspective to throw them all together and watch him flounder.
planning out red line, it was either going to be Kim pov if it was pre-mafia reveal, or Chay pov post-reveal. both of which are really fun!! but i wound up going for a pre-reveal scenario mostly because this was supposed to be sHORT and a Chay pov didn't feel right without a reconciliation or a lot of setup otherwise. so Kim pov it was! then it was a little bit of rolling ideas around for why goons would be present period. i landed on Arthee's fuck-ups causing problems before Chay's first kidnapping mostly because i didn't want too many guns involved (there was just. no way Kim could've easily protected Chay in that without sending him away for real, which defeats the purpose) but i wound up really loving that premise and committing for a few other reasons:
Kim never brought any of the mafia into Chay's life in canon. all of the mafia bullshit Chay gets dragged thru is related to his own family being involved in the mafia (none of which Chay knows about!), which is very crunchy to me.
loan sharks breaking down Chay's door was his normal. like. i feel like this goes largely ignored by a lot of fandom, but Chay's normal is gang thugs destroying his stuff and him needing to patch up his loved ones. the fucking things that does to a kid.
i just really like Arthee as a plot device. he kinda got left off to the side by canon (which!! fair!! they were juggling a lot of balls there and i'm glad they dropped him in favor of other characters/plots), but you can also see how much i loved the "Chay gets kidnapped because of Arthee's debts" kimchay premises from the early fic days in here XD
writing Kim and Chay in a Tutoring Session, No Really, It Looks Like A Date But This Is Tutoring Honest date was ridiculously fun. i love putting boys in situations. but i also just??? really like them being friends??? well, flirty friends here, but it's so important to me how much Kim and Chay just like spending time together. they're two very lonely boys and i'm very happy they found each other <333
also, Kim telling himself he's not flirting while flirting and encouraging Chay to flirt with him. disaster boy <33333
i spent probably a silly amount of time thinking about what weapons to give Kim (originally, i wasn't going to give him any). i didn't want it to be knives because while that's very hot of him, knife fights are…very, very rough. far more like that one mission impossible movie than elliot from leverage or literally any other movie knife fight, and while patching up knife fight wounds is excellent, i already have that for a different WIP. i also just don't see Kim carrying outright weapons in with his university gear? maybe his first year, but not at the end of it, too much risk for things to go badly. hence, mace and brass knuckles-- the mace is one of those little keychain mace things you can buy in a pack (Kim's was a gift from a friend nearly a year prior, he was very startled and very confused by the offering lol). he got brass knuckles because i think Kim is all for something that helps minimize how hard/often he has to punch someone, but mainly because when i was looking at the keychain mace, i remembered those stupid 3D-printed keychain brass knuckles things also existed and amused myself thinking about how much they'd offend Kim. thanks to that thought train, Kim got a proper set to better break a dude's nose <3
Chay and Kim trying to shove the other behind them as the loan shark's thugs break down Chay's door still makes me laugh. i'm easy to please like that, i love that meme y'all.
Kim's running commentary on how stupid Gold Jim is was SO MUCH FUN to write. i like that Kim's irritation making Gold Jim comical didn't take away from how threatening the situation was either? like, obviously, it was less intense, that was the point, but i'm still really happy with how serious Kim feels through all of this because there is danger in the fact the idiots are looking for a fight, even if they haven't realized how outclassed they are yet.
also, i just really like the level of Kim's violence in his head. i like that it's just a stream of conscious he's not putting a lot of thought into. i just don't see Kim's relationship with violence as being a dramatic thing-- it's just that Kim's first thought any time he sees someone is how to break them, just incase.
Kim naming the thugs One thru Five was 100% for my writing convenience, i am SO delighted people loved that for him XD
Chay hitting a thug with the frying pan for interrupting his date was the first thing i knew would happen in this fic. Chay deserved to hit at least one(1) person with a frying pan in canon, so he got to do it twice here. Kim is DESPERATELY trying not to swoon, he's going to be so horny about this after the shock of everything wears off.
man, i cried a lot thru writing the action for this scene, but i'm really satisfied with how it came out actually!! WORTH IT
i am still ridiculously tickled by this particular "Oh" / Oh moment. KimChay making hearteyes at each other while the goons feel superfluous my beloved <333
Kim making a hot grunt sound while manhandling a guy twice his size into position for Chay to whack with his pan is going to fuel conservatively 83% of Chay's spank bank fantasies from here on btws.
writing Kim tell Gold Jim who he is was so much fun.
in that line of thought, if Kinn ever learned Kim threatened some thug with his name, he'd beam like a puppy. doubly-so if he realized the specific wording Kim used. his metaphorical tail would be wagging up a hurricane if he ever realized how much Kim associates him with safety and protection.
also very fun to me was Kim accidentally calling Chay his boyfriend and immediately swallowing his tongue about it. i didn't plan that, it just fell out of my brain like it did Kim's mouth and i went "okay!! we'll roll with this!!!"
"is the safety on" was Chay holding himself back by the barest skin of his teeth. he is going to get his mouth on Kim asap but he is NOT going to let some stupid emergency room trip ruin their first kiss. meanwhile, Kim's about to enter an angst spiral, lmao. (in my head, there's a dent in the floorboards from where Chay threw his frying pan away. it's amazing it didn't shock them out of their kiss, but Chay is not to be deterred dammit!!)
u all know me and how much i love my kiss fic, but ending this one with Chay having an adrenaline crash was delightful to write, i'm gonna need to do this more often XD Chay's 100% of the mindset he's either going to be horny or cry, and he'd much prefer to be kissed, tyvm!! unfortunately for him, i prefer tears. also, Kim keeps trying to use his mouth for pesky things like words, it is very unproductive towards Chay's current goal >:T
speaking of Chay's wild emotions-- i very much do not see Chay liking violence for violence's sake. he's had enough of people throwing their weight around him for a lifetime. he does, however, have the biggest thing for a hot boy coming to protect him, esp if the boy is Wik shaped. don't tell me Wik was part of Chay's gay revelation and tell me he DIDN'T have so many fantasies of Wik protecting him from the shitty loan sharks.
that said tho! reality =/= fantasy. Chay was terrified Kim was going to get hurt because of him, half his adrenaline crash was just worry for Kim :(
i'm not sure what to say about this next bit transitioning to the ending of this fic except that it was definitely the trickiest and the longest to write. Chay's drilling Kim for answers because Porsche has been absent for months, but Chay's not upset with Kim. (Kim's the one here with him! he's the one answering Chay's questions!) i wrote myself into a corner a few times with dialogue that was too accusatory for what i wanted. but also, this was the part when i was like "oh!! i know what the summary should be!!" because six thugs have nothing on the intimidation factor of Chay Has Questions XD
Kim saying he can go and Chay going "why tho????" made me laugh out loud writing this. i love Chay's terrible priorities so much. you will never be able to convince me that Chay wasn't 100% ready to accept Kim as part of the mafia so long as Kim cared about him, this boy is so ride-or-die for his whole two(2) important people. Kim trying to convince mr. obstinate he doesn't want him is even more futile than Kim trying to deny himself what he wants. esp as Chay calls Kim out for all his flirting <3
on a more serious note tho, i really like how Chay comes across during this part of the story. it's kinda like Kim's violence thing-- i see the core of Chay being very, very lonely. he really only has his brother in the world, who's not able to be home too much due to circumstance, and now isn't home at all. and then here comes Kim, reaching out to Chay and asking all about him and just plain being a friend to him-- of course Chay latched on. of course he's going to cling if he thinks Kim likes him back. he's too lonely not to.
Kim's little whispered "stay" was my driving force every time i got stuck on this fic, i love when Kim tries to tell himself all the reasons he's not allowed to want something and then ask for it anyways. that's what we in the business call character growth XD
to wrap up this very messy fic ramble, some lines i really, really love in this fic:
Kim's never wished for a gun before. Kim doesn’t like guns. They’re too fast. Too clean.
Gold Jim chuckles menacingly. It’s like he’s following a theatre script. Kim’s going to break every bone in his body before he sets him on fire and applauds.
i'm not sure if anyone noticed??? but the specific items of torture are based on theatre/performance idioms-- "break a leg" and "you're on fire"-- hence Kim applauding at the end.
Kim reminding himself not to scare Chay by killing the idiots, light maiming ONLY
cleaning up blood is so annoying, anyone with a period can concur 😭
Chay stands over Three, wielding a frying pan with two hands and looking just as surprised with himself as the rest of them.
i'm just. so, so fond for the image of Chay staring with complete surprise between his frying pan and a guy he just gave a concussion. he just did that! he just did that???
“How’s that going for you?” Chay asks, warm and soft where he’s still pressed up against Kim, “Felt a lot like tutoring to me.”
listen. LISTEN. Kim's investiagation excuses to hang out with a cute boy he likes are so cute. Chay agrees with me. we are both so correct for this. Chay's going to tease Kim so much about this but also encourage it past this point, he loves Kim being obsessed with him too <3
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onismdaydream · 3 months
HI PERCE HIIII!!! 1, 12, 28 FOR PEROMI AAAAND 6, 9, 13 FOR PERCADORI<33333 - @teddybeartoji
MICKEY MY BELOVED THANK YOUUUUU kissing you so hard rn !! <333
1. what was your first time with your f/o like?
hiromi was so set on taking our relationship slow n stuff, like not wanting to rush things because he wasn't interested in short term relationships! and i was fine with it and so we did at first, but after one of our dinner dates, he took me home and it kinda got out of hand lmaooo we just wanted each other so it was very passionate and sensual like lots of eye contact and that's when we said our first "i love you"s :((( i was scared he might regret it in the morning but he was so sweet and kinda shy about it and we both realized how down bad we are <3
12. your favourite body part of your f/o? their favourite part of yours?
ooooh i LOVE hiromi's shoulders and collarbone and chest... his muscles aren't as obvious as some other people but they're so firm and i love rubbing his shoulders for him after a long day!!!! i leave a lot of kisses on his pecs and i love to leave hickeys there because theyre not on display but theyre still there!!! hiromi is definitely a big fan of my thighs and tummy if his kisses are anything to go by !! he LOVESSSS pressing the sweetest kisses down my body before he eats me out.. and his fingers are always digging into the fat of my tummy and my thighs, wherever he can get them!! loves resting his head on my thighs when we're relaxing together too :3
28. how wrecked/spent does your f/o look by the time the two of you are done? do they have a dazed look on their face? completely disheveled hair? chest heaving for breath?
higu's hair is always a mess after we fuck lmaooo its all over the place and there's always sweat and my hands are always tugging on his strands so you can imagine how disheveled it gets. he also flushes such a pretty pink, it goes down to his chest too!! my handsome husband <3333
6. what was the most embarrassing thing to happen between you and your f/o before, during, and/or after sex?
we try our best to not take sex too seriously because it's supposed to be fun but there's been embarrassing moments still. umm leaving the door slightly open because we got too distracted with each other and so much noise filters out 🫣 we scarred our neighbors for sure with that LMAO there was also the time that i had his cock shoved down my throat but time got away from me and my friend came over to pick me up...... yuji wanted to finish so bad but i had to try to put myself together and make it look like i wasn't crying from choking on him and we did not do a good job of being not obvious akdhaksjs yuji was so pouty for the rest of the day until we were alone again
9. any kinks and/or fetishes?
PRAISE KINK!!!! we both have it which is very nice because we also both love praising each other so it evens out hehe i also really love when he chokes me omg he's so strong and if he puts me in a headlock, its OVERRRRRR like im sorry im cumming instantly lmaoooo yuji also really likes being restricted a bit/dommed. like just something around his wrists or told not to move ! it's not an all the time thing but when he's in the mood to be subby, he really goes for that.
13. who’s usually the one taking the lead?
i feel like we're actually kinda even?? mmmaybe yuji inches out ahead, but we are pretty much always on the same page! (plus side of being friends for so long beforehand :3) i will say for initiating things, that's probably me but i can't help it that my boyfriend is super hot and sexy !!
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🤩/😔/😍/🎁!! (The one about a specific character is for Moocho, of course)
Love you lots, friend!!! I hope today is going well for you :)
Thank you for the ask!!!
🤩 - a WIP snippet about or with dialogue from Moocho! My beloved <333
A small woman, with Moocho’s dark hair and eyes stepped out. “Hi, Mom,” Moocho said quietly and suddenly they were hugging, his mom’s grip was fierce for all that she lacked her son’s stature. Moocho squeezed back, trying to pour every ounce of ache for missing her into it. And then, as quickly as the hug had begun, it stopped, Moocho’s mother stepping back with an easy grin. “It’s been too long,” she said, and Moocho hadn’t realized how much he missed her voice. “I know. I’m sorry."
AHHHHHHHHHHH. Moocho's mom my beloved <333333
😔 - published lines or a section of a fic that was super sad, angsty, or difficult to write?
This is from This head is a hospital, someone please tend to it.
Eventually, she heard the front door open. That would be Milligan. She was glad he was home, but she was also not sure she wanted to talk to him right now. No doubt one of the other adults was going to tell him what had happened at dinner any minute now, and he would want to see her. Kate really didn’t want him to worry about her, to know just how much she was hurting. She also felt a little ashamed, if she was being honest with herself. Kate wasn’t supposed to be the emotional one, Kate didn’t break down crying to the point of having to miss meals, that wasn’t her. With a sigh, Kate buried her face into her pillow and waited for the inevitable.
Waiting for the inevitable "being told on" (not really but that's how it feels) is. not fun dkjfjasdflk (guy who managed to get upset in class pretty much always the week of parent-teacher conferences and was always just. waiting afterwords to see if it had been mentioned). This entire fic was also very sad and angsty to write. It was surprisingly not too difficult to write I just needed to get it out of my brain <3
😍 - published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
So I loved writing the entirety of Return Address. But in the interest of not just posting the entire fic again, I will say this bit:
But years passed, and Moocho darned tents and costumes, learned embroidery stitches, baked pies for the rest of the circus. He met a little girl, so full of life, and found himself looking after her, in quiet ways (she was too independent to accept anything else, and Moocho’s heart broke for her every time she insisted on doing something herself, all of seven years old). He comforted her after a fall left her arms and legs scraped up and bleeding, holding her hand while the circus medic patched her up and thought “maybe someday, maybe this,” and then shook the thought away as Kate jumped up and ran off, seemingly back to her regular cheerful mood.
Moocho <3333 "Maybe someday, maybe this" absolutely destroyed me when I wrote it. Also the part when Moocho's letter to his mom has a return address because they're safe now.
🎁- name a published gift fic someone has given you that you love and can't recommend enough (be sure to tag the author. Or if you don't have an AO3 or haven't been gifted a fic, what kind of fic would you like to be gifted?)
I haven't been gifted a fic, I think I would cry (/positive) if someone did dklfajdlksa. As for what kind of fic, I don't think I would have preferences really. Like, angst and fluff are both so good ahhhhhh. <33333
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smilesrobotlover · 3 months
Hiiii I’m bored cause I can’t focus on reading rn (spongebob is on the tv now 😭) and so have come to bother you about the Odyssey
Your notes about the ending just GOT ME. I agree that it was abrupt and kinda weird (i know he had to go do what the prophet told him to but whyyy couldn’t it have ended with him and Pen snuggling and telling each other about their time apart?? 😭). But also I’m having SO MANY FEELS about how not only did Ody not listen when Athena first calls for the bloodshed to stop but when she tells him a second time (and Zeus sends some lightning for good measure alsjdkdbdm) and he actually pays attention…he’s HAPPY to do so. He’s seen and caused so much bloodshed by now that it’s like he doesn’t really know how to step out of the warrior roll and allow himself to just…be. But he wants to, he wants it all to stop so he can spend the rest of his days with his beloved wife and son, at long last gaining some semblance of peace. And there’s something wonderfully symbolic about the gods FINALLY allowing him that
Sorry about the ramble. Like I said I’ve got a lot of feels and no one to share them with XD
Yeah the ending wasn’t a vibe, but like you said, there was stuff to be done. But I would’ve loved to see more Pen and Ody together cuz they’re sooooo cute. Plus Pen and Ody and Telemachus too! They haven’t been able to be a family and I wanna see it!!!
But yeah that part got to me. He doesn’t know how to stop, but he wants to. He wants to live in peace, he wants to be with his family, he wants the bloodshed to stop but he can’t. He’s been fighting for 20 years now and he doesn’t know how to rest. So now when the gods finally allow him to rest ough. It’s so good. And it’s so needed. I never thought about the gods symbolically allowing him the rest that’s a neat thing to point out! But yeah, Ody can finally rest with his son and wife <33333 I love them sm
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moviekid826 · 3 years
sns fic rec II 🤍✨
hiii again!! sharing a few of my fav sns fics again just for fun 😌
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(in no particular order) ((pls remember to check out a fic's tags before reading it))
simmer by moonwatcher
Naruto scrubs at his cheek with the palm of his hand, feeling his face flush with the remnants of anger from the day. “He’s not easy to please. Always has to have the last word. Tries to one up me in the subtlest ways, the bastard.” “Oh?” his mother sounds more curious now and Naruto starts to pout. “What are you thinking?” "Just that he sounds a little familiar is all.”
recently read this and it instantly became one of my fav sns fics ever. everything about it was just perfect. slow burn usually makes me impatient, but it was done so lovely in this fic. i could really feel the way they fell in love with each other 🥺 the writing is also absolutely flawless and moonwatcher's Sasuke was so freaking spot on (i'm usually really picky with Sasuke in fics so!!!)
In Any Lifetime by MadeNew
When Sasuke's thirteen, he wakes up crying for a life lived long ago and a boy he's never met. When he's sixteen, he remembers the boy's name. When he's nineteen, he decides it's time to find him.
reincarnation AU my beloved <3 this was sosososo beautiful. "He’ll always choose Naruto, every time. And Naruto has always chosen him, even when it was beyond stupid to do so." ugh, my heart
The Twenty-Third of July by moonlitmantras
Naruto brings Sasuke a gift on his 18th birthday and the Uchiha clan is there to embarrass the shit out of him.
the Uchihas alive and well, do u need another reason to read this fic????
Last Ones Out by hereforwords
Sasuke just stood there, wondering what expression he was making, numb all over with a distant ringing in his ears. It was only when they were pulling away from each other and Hinata turned and met his eye that Sasuke finally remembered himself and looked down, forcing himself to stop standing so stiffly. (Naruto and Hinata start dating. Naruto and Sasuke try and fail to be okay with it.)
this fic 🤧 sasuke's pain was so raw and real, i teared up multiple times. i'm also a sucker for soft!sasuke and he's so soft in this fic <3 it also gave me multiple cavities lmao, such a good read!!
Tea for Two by Unknown_de_Mordor
Sasuke was pronounced a violin prodigy when he was seven, a genius virtuoso when he was twenty. As far as he was concerned, a jazz violinist shouldn’t hold a candle to him, should he? Then why couldn't he stop being obsessed with Uzumaki Naruto?
i love pining <33333 also i tend to prefer canon fics, but sometimes adult sns in a modern universe hits the spot
Armistice by surveycorpsjean
Sasuke is still here. Or maybe; love hasn't passed them yet.
i don't usually read any sns fics set in the Boruto universe, but this one gets a free pass. there's just something about it... i've probably read it like 10 times. it's really so amazing, and there were so many parts that had me legit screaming such as:
"Sasuke’s sharingan spins threateningly, and Naruto thinks of the Uchiha curse. They are burdened to love so intensely, so completely that the loss of it drives them into madness and power. They’re feared for the strength of their obsessions, scoffed at for their clinginess. Naruto must be wrong in the head, because the mere thought of it turns butterflies in his stomach."
spring days by sanguinedawns
Naruto rolls his eyes, knocking his shoulder into Sasuke’s sternum, “You manage fine on days without me.” Sasuke purposely says next, “You hardly know my woes.” “What now?”
i don't think i'll ever be able to make an sns fic rec post without including sanguinedawns, they're my fav sns author for a reason <3 this fic has everything: soft boys, idiots in love, team taka, STUDIO GHIBLI. such a gem!!!!
for more fic recs, u can always message me if you're looking for a specific fic or feel free to check out my sns fic spreadsheet!! it's just a silly spreadsheet compiled of almost every single sns fic i've ever read. i hope u enjoy!!! happy reading 🧚‍♀️
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Headcanons for a hung Male himbo!R getting into a relationship with Nancy Downs, not realizing she's got ulterior motives for him. Plus, she might be catching some feelings~
nancy downs my beloved <33333 the more nsfw parts are under the cut!!
WARNINGS: nsfw, masc!amab!reader, nsfw below the cut, nancy being a sub hehe, dirty talk from reader's pov, unhealthy relationship, nancy doesn't know how to relationship </3
Oh Nancy is on you like a dog to a bone I’m serious
Something about a strong, hung, stupid guy just gets her going
She definitely gets into the relationship purely to use you, not because there’s a genuine connection
Maybe sexually, sure, but in the beginning she does not have any emotional feelings
But I think Nancy gets attached pretty easily, so the more time spent together the more she is going to fall for you.
It pisses her off when she realizes it because like,,,,, she is NOT supposed to like you >:(
And the fact that you’re just so god damn oblivious about both the reasoning behind her getting into a relationship with you, as well as her developing feelings, pisses her off more
She will start out being super lovey dovey, constantly touching you and kissing you, just kind of laying her claim. She’s not letting there be any room for you, or anyone else, to think that there's even the smallest possibility of her not liking you
But when she realizes that she ACTUALLY likes you???? Cold shoulder time babe <3
Obviously you don’t understand why; as far as you knew, things were great! She had started opening up to you, there were a handful of times where the two of you hung out and didn’t sleep together and still had a great time. Hell, you had told her that you loved her just last week and you don’t think someone could fake the smile she gave you.
It’ll take you bugging her a lot, and maybe even a week long break, before she just accepts it and tries to push through it
She doesn’t apologize for being cold to you even if she knows your feelings are hurt; it just isn’t something she’s willing to do
After she comes to accept her feelings for you, she’s going to become insanely possessive over you
Unhealthy possessiveness
But in turn she gets more giving in bed. Before this, she was really a ‘get me off and I'm going to bed’ type of girl, and there were plenty of times where you didn’t get to cum once during that night. Now she’s gonna pull at least two from you before she’s ready to stop
I also think this is where she’ll let you take the reins a bit more, y’know? In the beginning she’s super dominant during sex and very rarely wants you to do anything unless she tells you
But after she realizes that ugh, she loves you, she’s going to tell you that you have one chance to prove that you can handle that role so don’t fuck it up
She might cry; she’s just not used to being so vulnerable in front of someone especially when it comes to sex
Let’s all just imagine her laying in bed on her back, her legs spread and she just looks so fucking shy and nervous
And she tries to keep up that shit-talk she’s known for but when you finally touch her she shuts up and her face turns bright red
She doesn’t want to enjoy it as much as she does because she should be the one making the decisions but when you’re fucking her the way you are, when you’re bossing her around and looking at her the way you are??? It’s kind of hard not to love it
I swear it would be the hottest sight to see because not only is she giving you herself sexually in a way she never has, she’s also giving you a part of herself emotionally that no one has ever seen before
Expect lots of praise too, she’s gonna tell you how big you are, how you fuck her so well, how she loves you so fucking much
Yes this is the first time she says that she loves you hehe
Fuck her good!!!! This won't happen very often because, again, it’s emotionally draining for her but for you?? She’d be willing to do it again hehe
She will go down on you for hours if that’s what you want from her tbh
If you boss her around, tell her to get on her knees and suck your cock like a good slut, she’s going to get so fucking hot
She loves when you talk down to her like that. Like, loves it. And if you tell her she’s not allowed to touch herself until you tell her so? That she needs to milk your cock for all it’s worth first and then you’ll think about letting her touch herself??
Could get her to cum from just the dirty talk itself, maybe if you pull at her nipples a bit. Don’t even have to touch that needy pussy of hers
She’s perfect and I’m in love with her
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fencesandfrogs · 2 years
Ough the finale made me so happy at so many points!! It was weirdly paced but that feels more like a marvel the company stepping in and being weird thing than a writing thing, but like ahhggg!!??? Marc going back for Steven and giving him his heart??? Layla becoming Taweret’s avatar???? God kaiju battle??? Marc n Steven complementing Layla??? MARC N STEVEN WAKING UP W THEIR OWN LIFE COMFORTABLE W EACH OTHER??? I was smiling like an idiot for so much of it….. also Jake…. Oh he’s so fun already… I know these aren’t specific thoughts or questions but just :-))cccc What were some of your favorite bits?
Yeah I kinda tuned out for the battle bc long fight scenes struggle to maintain my attention so the fact that I caught things like “Egyptian superhero” is impressive
(Yes this does significantly impact my consumption of superhero content. Usually I need a viewing partner to keep me caught up on the plot — the only reason I could follow along w moon knight is bc it was so limited in fight scenes lol)
The scene w Marc and Steven made me cry. Like. I.
“I survived because I knew I wasn’t alone.”
*looks at my guys*
Yeah. That hit.
& THE AVATAR. I was live-blogging to a friend and was obsessed. Couldn’t type properly. I’m too lazy to screenshot so you just have to trust me on this, but I was incoherent.
I did appreciate the parallels of the god battle, even if I wasn’t really focusing lol
Okay I went in an arc with this because at first I was like OW that’s a lot of switching but THEN I REALIZED the barrier is down!!! They’re integrating!!! Beloveds!!!! I’m so happy for them!!!
When they woke up I was so happy. I. That was my favorite part. Everything else was just a long way to get there. I wrote a little post about how I wanted to imagine that, and THAT is what I want to hold close to my chest. I love them. I. Yeah. <33333
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baeshijima · 2 years
Hello dear! I was wondering if you can suggest any games to play? Definitely no hyv tho, as my phone is running on life support 👹
aaa hello hello nonnie !! as for games there's a lot outside of hyv that i can recommend (pls i just wanna play w/o having my phone or laptop burning ;w;), but it all depends on the console/platforms u use !! there's a wide variety so some might not be what ur looking for, but u can just ignore those KHFLS
these are the games i play on mobile :
lord of heroes (personally one of my favourites !! the characters, voicing and story line ;-;;; and it's not gacha focused since u use in-game currency that u earn over time to just buy them + a "contract" where u obtain a character for logging in for a consecutive amount of days !!),
bang dream! (a rhythm game that i find quite fun !!),
fe heroes (part of the fire emblem series that mixes all the characters together !!),
epic seven, (an rpg game that's also really fun with nice animatics !! well, as long as u don't mind the cleavage and skin showing on primarily the female charas then i recommend this too aha,,,),
onmyoji (pls i love this game sm ;-;; it's a jrpg that's just ??? so ???? beautiful ???? i'm still surprised not a lot of ppl know abt it bc if u just look on yt for their cinematics then hHHHH AND THE CHARA DESIGNS <33333)
cookierun: kingdom (honest to god it's just a really cute and wholesome game where u collect cookies and battle with them HKJD a really fun and easy game to not focus as much with !!)
ayakashi: romance reborn (an card-based otome game that has supernatural elements and is just super immersive and interesting !! the cg and chara designs <3333 shizuki and koga my beloveds ;w;)
obey me! (another card-based otome game which i'm pretty sure is quite mainstream ?? i mean if not, then it's just u having demons, angels and a human in love with u HJKJH)
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
< MERMAN BAKUGO 3 i’m so so in love with the way you write him!!!!!! you’re so right about katsuki being the type to do things on his own terms, even when it comes to forming relationships. also these are my favourite types of slow burn, i’m super impressed with the detail & the research that went into this!! the one part that sticks out in my mind is the part when katsuki doing his sketches in the journal ( which in and of itself is a mind numbindly adorable concept, big merman bakugou hunger over this little sketch book like a little kid is so cute, i loved that imagery ) but the part that made me take a second to just be like, woah, was the bit when you went out of the way to mention how the pressure of his pencil markings changed the more comfortable he got with using it. it’s a bit strange now that i’m writing it out, especially since everything else about this was SO good and heartwarming <33 but it made me take a moment to rly appreciate all the finer details, even something as small as that contributes to how it comes together & i just think it was a brilliant touch. you definitely have katsuki pinned down, everything from the way he speaks to his mannerisms just seems so natural for his character & i love this interpretation of him! the way you describe him too is just !!!!!! just big & powerful but ethereally pretty with a handsome grin, got my heart racing man <33 other little details like the genus and species of coral were really interesting! i looked up each one which was nice to have that added visual aspect which made it all the more immersive. merman bakugou is one of my favourite aus ever and you did just such a brilliant job, hands down one of my favourite bakugou fics now! can’t wait to read more of this of its a series because i cannot get enough of the way you write him my heart is in a FRENZY <33333
AWEEE THANK U FOR SENDING THIS IN <33 i’m glad you like it so much!! merman bkg my BELOVED i always want more fics for him but i’ve only seen like. 2 rly long ones out in the fanficverse. we need MORE!! the people are starving!!
admittedly it was lowkey rough thinking abt how he’d react to certain things. there were actions i wanted reader to take and ways i wanted bkg to react but i couldnt add them in bc it was just too early in their relationship yk? like. for instance, i wanted to add in a part where reader would towel off his hair for him so tht the water from it wouldnt drip onto the sketchbook but bkg would NEVER allow that and it seemed to early to let that happen. thats okay tho there will be other opportunities in the future✨✨
i am SUCH a sucker for small details so it makes me happy that you noticed them!! i wrote in that pencil bit after i did the doodle of the sketchbook at the end of the chapter so i was like ah yes, rough harsh lines and angles. it suits him anyways.
i did a lot of research for this fic in general LOL i wanted it to seem as legit as possible. admittedly some of the scuba diving details will probably not be all too accurate but the reefs and the experiment stuff should! i love the ocean and i did take a few classes that helped out with some of the more sciencey details!
i’d been writing bkg fic since 2018 so id hope that his characterization would be spot on LOL sometimes i go back to my older works and im like… ew i wrote that? but i definitely feel like i have a more solid grasp of him now LMAO merbaku with his pretty face and scarred arms 😌✨ i lov he
but yes thank you for sending this in!! im rly rly happy you enjoyed the first chapter so much!!! it only gets better from here!! 💞💞
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minghaocouture · 4 years
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Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x Gender Neutral Reader Genre: Fake Dating AU, Fluff, the tiniest of angst Warning: N/A WC: 3k+
A/N @babiemingoo​ THIS IS FOR YOU SWEETIE! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND I WUB UUUUUU! <33333 I hope this is okay lol. I have NEVER written a fake dating au before so it might be trash T^T but i hope you like it anyway!
Weddings, most everyone loves them. They’re a time of love and happiness. So when your brother called to tell you that he was finally getting married to his high school sweetheart, you were overjoyed!
“So do I need to mark down a plus one for you? Or are you still single?” You knew in your heart that he was just being an older brother and teasing you, but that didn’t mean it stung any less. So before you could stop yourself you lied.
“Hey, don’t jump to conclusions. I’ve got a...boyfriend.”
“You hesitated. I honestly don’t believe it.” He retorted, chuckling a bit.
“Dude, I said I have a boyfriend so you better put down that I have a plus one.” You ordered, crossing your free arm over your chest as you continued to hold your phone with the opposite one.
That conversation was a week ago, and you had yet to find anyone willing to pretend to be your boyfriend. You’d even asked your lab partner Chan! The boy looked so apologetic when you asked, telling you that his girlfriend would have his head if she found out. 
Now here you were, standing outside of your roommate’s door. Hand hesitantly lifted in preparation to knock on the hard word, but you were unable to follow through with the action. You had avoided asking your roommate, Wonwoo, to be your date. After all, it might be awkward and make him uncomfortable and then you might have to find another roommate. You honestly didn’t want that, but at this point he was your only hope. 
So swallowing your fear and what little pride you had left, you quickly knocked on his door. It was silent for a moment before you heard his deep voice calling out, giving you permission to enter. 
Pushing open the door you leaned against the door frame, eyes glancing over the relatively clean room until they landed on the brunette as he sat at his computer desk. Dressed in a simple pair of sweatpants and a tank top that hung loose on his rather slender frame, his thick brown hair was pushed up out of his face and it definitely looked like he hadn’t brushed it today, while his thick rimmed glasses sat snugly on his nose.
“What’s up?” He questioned, eyeing you in confusion. Usually you did your best to not bother him when he’s in his room, knowing that he was usually either studying or gaming in some form and that if you needed him you should just message him unless it’s an emergency. You weren’t sure if it counted as an emergency but it sure felt like it.
“Hey sorry, but I have a huge favor to ask.”
“No.” The words left his lips before you could even utter your request. Without any care he turned his chair back around to face the computer in front of him, leaving you to stare open mouthed and wide eyed at the black leather of his computer chair. 
“I didn’t even get to ask yet!” You exclaimed, taking a few steps into the room and ending up right behind his chair. “You at least have to hear me out!” 
“I mean I don’t.” his deep voice muttered as his fingers clacked away on the keyboard, showing that he was fully intent on ignoring you. 
“Nunu please! I’ll pay for your half of groceries of a month!”
The clacking stopped and slowly he turned in his chair to fix his gaze upon you. 
“Make it two month and I’ll hear you out.”
Two months of groceries just for him to listen to the request, that didn’t even mean he would go through with it. You felt your bank account weep as you let out a deep sigh.
“Fine, two months. So will you listen to me?” His gaze didn’t leave you as he nodded, urging you to continue. “Okay so you know my brother right? Mingyu? Well...he’s getting married in like a week or so and he wants me to go and I-”
“If i have to be your fake boyfriend you better be prepared to do my house chores for at least a month, on top of the groceries.” You knew this wouldn’t be easy but at this point you were desperate. 
“Fine! Two months of groceries, a month of your chores. Just please please be my fake boyfriend for my brother’s wedding!”
“If we’re late it’s going to be your fault!” You heard Wonwoo call from your shared living room. You were putting the finishing touches on your outfit for the wedding, having gotten out the best outfit for the event. You wanted to make sure you looked fantastic for this. You were also admittedly a bit anxious that either you or Wonwoo would slip up. 
Sure you guys had gone through your ‘love story’, about how the two of you moved in together when your mutual friend Seungcheol had suggested it, since he knew you both needed roommates, and how the two of you ended up slowly falling in love over the course of the year. It was basically a fool proof story, basically. 
“If you take any longer I’ll just go on my own and enjoy the free food.” 
With a groan you made your final adjustments to your attire before rushing out of the room. You weren’t sure that Wonwoo would actually leave you but you weren’t going to take the chance that he would. 
Though the sight that met you in the living room was not one you had expected. 
Normally when you thought of Wonwoo, you imagined your frumy roommate probably in some kind of oversized sweater, his hair a bit messy and his glasses firmly on display. He wasn’t ugly or anything, but you had never been put into a situation where his attractiveness was fully on display.
Today though, his hair was actually brushed and styled to where the dark brown locks covered just a bit of his forehead. His suit jacket and matching trousers were a rich brown that reminded you of the color of dark chocolate, just a few shades darker than his hair. His pure white shirt was buttoned all the way to his neck and a cross-over tie fit perfectly the finish off his outfit. To your surprised, his glasses were nowhere to be seen and you were fairly sure that this was the first time you had ever seen him with contacts in. Needless to say, you were a bit stunned. This also gave Wonwoo a bit of time to examine you.
“You clean up nice.” He muttered turning away from you so that he could grab your keys out of the bowl next to the door where they were kept. Turning back to you, he tossed them and by some miracle you did in fact catch them. 
“Uh...yeah, you do too.” You said, finally catching yourself starting. Quickly you tried to stop the rapid throbbing of your heart but it definitely didn’t want to listen to you. Probably the nerves. “I’m surprised you actually brushed your hair.”
Your words brought a deep chuckle from the man as he followed you out the door, making sure to lock it behind him. 
“Well, I’m meeting my significant other’s family for the first time. Gotta make a good impression.” 
His words caused a series of butterflies to erupt into your stomach. This was going to be a long day.
The ceremony went about as good as expected, your mother basically sobbing out of happiness during the entire ceremony. To keep up appearances, Wonwoo kept your hand laced with his own and to your surprise that was all you could think about. His skin on yours, it was ridiculous how fixated you seemed to be on it.
As the reception began and your brother and his new wife started making the rounds, receiving congratulations and large hugs. As he saw your table, he made a beeline straight for you, pulling you into a tight hug and lifting your feet off of the ground in the process. Either you were hearing things or that for some reason caused Wonwoo to laugh ever so slightly.
“Okay okay you got your hug Gyu, put me down.” Your elder brother cackled before planting your feet firmly back onto the floor. As soon as he let go, his eyes were on your ‘boyfriend’. He gave Wonwoo a good once over, obviously sizing him up. 
“You know, when they told me they had a boyfriend I thought they had made you up.” He declared with a hearty laugh before extending his hand and introducing himself. “I’m Mingyu, it’s nice to meet you. Wish that one had mentioned you sooner.” 
Wonwoo took his hand and firmly shook it, a soft smile on his face. 
“Well, they told me all about you. I’m Wonwoo, by the way.” This part was surprisingly truthful. You had given him a run down of your family so that he wouldn’t be caught off guard by anyone coming up to meet him. It was better than letting him go in blind. 
“Well, you better take care of them or I’ll be on your ass. I’m the only one that gets to mess with my sibling? Got that?” 
“Mingyu, are you seriously giving him the shovel talk...at your own wedding?”
Mingyu looked over at you, almost appalled that you would think any less of him.
“Of course! I’m still your big brother, I’m not on vacation just because I’m at my wedding. Besides, my darling will understand.” The mention of his beloved wife seemed to change his whole demeanor. You of course knew his wife, they had been dating for quite a few years and she had been to so many family gatherings it was almost like they had been married before this.
With a laugh, you gave him a quick shove. 
“Well you better hurry back, or she’ll get bored without you.” Rushing him away was mostly so that he would lay off his whole big brother routine. Glancing over at Wonwoo though, he didn’t seem to mind. In fact you could almost describe the smile on his face as a fond one. It was...nice.
As your brother left, you caught Wonwoo’s gaze flickering towards the dance floor. He didn’t say anything though and a silence fell over the two of you. It was strange, back at home you never had any problems talking to him. Yet here it seemed like your throat had completely closed up, no words able to leave it. 
“He seemed nice.”
“Oh, Mingyu? He’s an ass, but he’s honestly the best brother I could ask for. Honestly, you two would probably get along pretty well.” You explained, thinking about how their personalities would probably compliment each other pretty well. This led to...other thoughts, thoughts of Wonwoo coming to family gatherings as if he were actually  your boyfriend. It wasn’t a bad thought in the slightest, but...it was a thought you were hoping to avoid. 
He hummed softly in agreement, his eyes once again gazing back over at the dance floor. This time, swallowing your anxiety and uncertainty you spoke up again.
“Did you...want to dance?” Instantly his eyes were on you and you quickly covered for yourself, voice quieting down to a whisper so that the only one who would hear you would be him. “I mean...it would probably be good at making this more believable. I also think I see my mom coming over.” You muttered. Meeting your mother wouldn’t be a bad thing, but it was definitely something you wanted to put off. 
Not answering your invitation, Wonwoo stood and extended his hand out to you. His dark brown eyes bore into yours. Glancing over at your advancing mother, you quickly took his hand and he led you out onto the dance floor. The slow melody playing through the speakers surprisingly had your heart racing, or was that caused by the hand that now gently gripped your waist? For your sanity and the sake of your home situation, you decided to say it was the music. 
The music seemed to flow through the two of you as your bodies slowly grew closer and closer until you were chest to chest. It felt like time had all but stopped around the two of you, all you could see was Jeon Wonwoo, your nerdy roommate and the man who was somehow sweeping you off your feet (metaphorically, of course). It was right there, in his arms, that you realized what a bad idea this was. Yet that realization didn’t stop you from resting your head against Wonwoo’s shoulder, eyes drifting closed as the two of you swayed to the melody.
“Can I kiss you?”
All at once things seemed to snap back into place as you heard his voice. It was a simple question, but it still had your heart racing. You lifted your head so that you were able to stare into his eyes, questioning his intentions. 
“Your mom has been staring at us, I think she’s expecting it.” He muttered, his voice low so that you were the only one who could hear him. It was for the lie...he didn’t actually want to kiss you, you were foolish for getting your hope up. You couldn’t find you voice to respond so you simply nodded your head. 
Taking this affirmation, he removed one of his hands from your waist and hesitantly cupped your cheek. You felt heat rush to your face as he inched forwards, almost as if someone had put him into slow motion. Then all at once his slightly chapped lips were on yours and it felt like your heart had stopped. For a second you even forgot to kiss back, but it only lasted a moment. Your arms wrapping tighter around his neck to pull him a bit closer, deepening the kiss. 
Then all too quickly, he pulled back and you didn’t stop him. After all, this was just for show it wasn’t like he was kissing you because he wanted to. The thought caused your heart to clench inside your chest.
“I’ll be right back.” Without giving him a chance to respond, you slipped from his arms and power walked out of the reception hall to the bathroom. Maybe there you could get a clear head and remember your place.
You weren’t sure how long you were in the bathroom, but by the time you returned to the reception hall Wonwoo had returned to your previous seats. This time though, he was accompanied by your mother, and they seemed to be laughing and having a chat. As you approached you heard your mother speaking.
“Now Wonwoo dear, I’m surprised that my child hasn’t mentioned you before! The two of you seem so in love that I’m just shocked!” She exclaimed, obviously amping the drama. She was your mother after all. Wonwoo let out a small chuckle, his deep voice filling your ears despite it being soft. 
“I asked them not to. I wasn’t sure that you would approve of me, so we decided to take things slowly. I realize that’s probably a pretty crappy excuse but, I really love them. So I just wanted to make sure I did things right.” 
That...was not the reasoning you guys had decided upon. He was supposed to say that you were nervous or something like that, put the blame on you. You felt conflicted hearing his answer, but you weren’t really given time to think about it when your mother noticed you closing in.
“Oh darling! I’m so glad you decided to bring Wonwoo tonight. He is such a doll, and you better be bringing him to our family Christmas!” She declared, standing to pull you into a tight hug before turning her attention back to Wonwoo. “And you don’t have to worry about missing out with your family. We celebrate on the 24th so people can visit other families on Christmas day.” 
“I’ll be sure to be there ma’am.”
“Well I’ll leave you two love birds alone. No helicopter moming for me tonight.” With a quick kiss on your cheek and a small “love you” your mother was gone. 
Taking a seat back down at your table, you stared at the decor. A small candle inside of a little glass orb with a circular opening on the top. The way the light flickered kept your mind focused. 
“How much did you hear?” He questioned, you couldn’t bring yourself to look over at him, your heart was pounding far too quickly and you were almost certain he could hear it.
“Uhh, the whole part where you ‘wanted to do things right’.” 
You heard a small sigh escaping from him and your eyes left the candle, watching as he ran a hand through his hair before looking back over at you.
“I guess this is a pretty lousy way to tell you that I do actually have feelings for you. Isn’t it?”
“I mean, kind of? But it’s cool, I did a pretty bad job of expressing my feelings too.” with a small laugh, you reached over and took his hand and laced his fingers with yours. Your eyes met and you saw the sweetest smile erupt onto his face.
“Can I kiss you again?” His words came out soft, barely audible over the music in the room.
“Only if I get to call you my boyfriend for real.”
“I think I can make that deal.”
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markedbyindecision · 3 years
Psych 15th Anniversary Celebration
Day 5: favorite episode(s)
sorry in advance this got way too long
S1E11: “He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me, Oops He’s Dead!”
When Shawn said “The question is, what kind of loser thinks getting a tan is going to help him score a woman?” and on cue, Henry walked out of a booth at the tanning salon
the entire part when they all went undercover speed-dating was comedy gold
Lassiter and Juliet being utterly not attracted to each other and the lady trying to get Lassie to compliment Jules lmao
the way Juliet looked at Shawn when they were on their date and how Shawn was upset when their time had run out <333333
jealous Shawn at the bowling alley telling Jules’ date that he was going to face rejection soon
also the song, Steady As She Goes, was so good it’s been stuck in my head ever since
Gus having to pretend Henry’s house was his PLEASE that scene was so funny and then Henry walking in because his pot roast was burning was hilarious
Shawn saying he copied Jules’ questionnaire... It could be that he wanted to do what Juliet wanted, to not make things awkward, so he lied, or maybe he just figured she didn’t feel the same way about him
Either way, many thoughts head full i love this ep so much
S3E7: “Talk Derby to Me”
Juliet going undercover <33333
that one scene where Gus is wearing the same outfit as the mannequin
i need to talk about the couples skate scene because that was insane,,,
Gus being the announcer we love a wingman
the look that Jules gives him when she realizes what he’s planning oh my god
“no touching” *proceeds to keep their hands as close as physically possible without touching*
S3E8: “Gus Walks Into a Bank”
When Shawn has to be held back from going into the bank for Gus— that’s love right there
again: jealous Shawn (and him arguing with Juliet over the earpieces ahdkfjfhdhjd)
Shawn saving Phil from the sniper only to find everyone else in the bank glaring at him
Shawn making Luntz go in the sewers????? Bye
Juliet showing up at the Psych office after-hours and Shawn showing her the hot dog contraption and then them going to eat together <33333
S4E6: “Bollywood Homicide”
Abigail my beloved
idk i just really liked the whole plot with curses and family betrayal and stuff
“She’s not just anyone” I’m going to jump out of the window /positive
S4E9: “Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark”
Shawn being really smart and resourceful this whole episode even while he’s in a ton of pain >>>>>>
like remembering to kick out the taillight and how to lose his attackers while running in the woods
and then being able to hide hints about where he is in his phone call
seeing Henry be worried about Shawn was nice since he’s usually a negative force and we got to see that he really does care
Lassiter too, like with him referring to Shawn as “Shawn” instead of “Spencer”
phone call. i am going feral.
the confusion on Jules’ face after hearing “Goodbye, Abigail”. absolutely devastating i will never recover
Shawn arguing with everyone about whose car to jump on
S4E13: “Death is in the Air”
the virus plot was very interesting and different from the usual murder stuff
Shawn being absolutely desperate for the cure when Juliet gets it >>>>>>>>
Lassiter interrupting right as Shawn was about to confess,,,,,, the writers were so cruel for that
But also Lassie being really happy that Juliet was ok was super cute
S4E16: “Mr Yin Presents…”
the whole Yin/Yang trilogy was especially good tbh
i really liked the higher stakes and tension in this one
Yin making Shawn choose between Abigail and Juliet…he’d make a great villain
Henry working together with Shawn was nice to see and him talking casually to Abigail as if she wasn’t about to drown was really sweet
just…Abigail. i loved her as a character and i think Psych pulled off the love triangle really well
All the emotional moments (Mary dying, Juliet being traumatized, Abigail breaking up with Shawn) were just really well-executed
S5E16: “Yang 3 in 2D”
absolutely loved Allison, she’s one of my favorite side characters
Gus being worried about if the needle was hygienic even as he was about to die, and him and Shawn arguing about who should die first was a nice touch of humor during that scene
again: high-stakes stuff
Gus’ speech to Shawn <33333 i’m soft
Juliet and Yang as reluctant allies
also Yang in general because i love her too
Yang teasing Juliet about Shawn
Juliet fighting Allison >>>>>>>>>>>
Lassie seeing Shawn and Juliet kiss
S6E9: “Neil Simon’s Lover’s Retreat”
idk i just really liked the plot and Barbie and Clive
Shawn being bad at normal relationship stuff and being uninterested in spending time with other adults is such a mood
love love love the Gus & Henry & Lassiter interaction since it’s one that hasn’t been explored before
Henry being the first one to get a date and his date turning out to be…a bit much was hilarious
S7E2: “Juliet Takes a Luvvah”
Shawn almost blowing the operation and Lassiter and him having to pretend to make out LOL
jealous Shawn
Juliet being clever and tricking Mike and also being able to take him down before everyone else arrives,,,, we love a girl who doesn’t need to be saved
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deripmaver · 3 years
4 5 6 for ALL OF THE CaPri FANFICS
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue? 5: What part was hardest to write? 6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
Ink On Paper (tongue fic) 4. lmfaoooooooo there isn't a whole lot of dialogue in this one oop-
Laurent nodded. The wax softened as he pressed his hand into it, erasing his previous message. Soft, warm, melting under his touch. He wrote again, I need someone who is not afraid to read out the insults I make towards the idiots at court. You have been fired, Damianos.
i guess it technically counts lmfao. i just wanted to show laurent post-trauma still able to make jokes and snipe at his husband so it wasnt all doom and gloom 5. i'm not sure exactly what "hardest to write" here means because like... a lot of these fic have serious gore or otherwise upsetting content, but both emotionally and actually writing wise i find that kind of thing actually pretty easy to write hahahaha. i think i got stuck with the chronology and the decision to make it non-linear made it flow a lot better. for the record writing laurent getting raped and then having his tongue cut out was actually very easy to write, i think i got it out in basically one go. #cancelme the more fucked up and intense the easier i find to nyoom through it 6. my first ever fic in the capri fandom!!!! hehehehhehehe <333333 Level Of Concern (plan B fic) 4.
Before Nicaise could say anything, Laurent spat, “Does he know you had your first heat?”
SURPRISE nic was the one who was pregnant the whole time!!!!!!! 5. this one i banged out REALLY quickly so i cant think of anything here 6. capri omegaverse!!!!!!! i wish there was more of this 🥺🥺🥺 Like Me (what if Auguste was also abused fic) 4. ******CW INCEST MENTION CW ABUSE MENTION******
“Your brother’s stuck his dick in every single member of your family,” Auguste spat out, laughing, crying, and so miserable he thought his heart would stop. His voice rose again, and he felt something burst from him as he screamed for the whole world to hear, “Did you know that? Did you, huh papa? Did he fuck you too?”
dude this line is so fucked up lmfao but i enjoyed writing it so much. actually this entire scene where auguste is having his breakdown was really intense to write and im really pleased with how it came out OR
Auguste grabbed him suddenly, looking up into his grief-stricken face desperately. “Please, Laurent,” he pleaded, voice breaking. “Please. Don’t let him end up like me.”
i felt entirely too clever with this line lmfao. i was like ~ooooohhhhh title drop~ im so dumb 5. i just remember this one like. dragged on for some time. i couldnt figure out what to do with it, how to get everything to coalesce around the final reveal about auguste 6. plot twist!!!!!!! plus auguste angst. i really enjoyed this one, i wrote it after watching the movie Spotlight which is one of my all time faves Softly, Gently 4.
“My King has been overexerting himself again, I presume?” Paschal sighed, shaking his head with a fond smile. “When have I ever done that?” Laurent cocked his head to the side, a wry smile on his face.
hehehehe sassy laurent my beloved <33333 5. honestly im just going to skip this one from now on lskjghmvlksjhglkvsjhdl i just get "stuck" sometimes without rhyme or reason and its usually on boring stuff, but then i cant remember later. the hardest part for me is when my dumb fucking adhd brain wont let me focus on writing but once i overcome that its usually pretty smooth sailing 6. horny omegaverse.................... my beloved............... giving men vaginas for horny reasons my beloved......................... Water of Life (birth fic)
“Do you want to hold him?” Erasmus breathed, eyes glassy. The baby cried, Erasmus bouncing him tenderly in those sunkissed arms. He looked apologetic. “Only for a moment, it’s not quite over yet.” A playful smile danced on Erasmus’ lips, and he brushed away a slick, damp curl from the wailing baby’s head. “A head this big, he certainly takes after Exalted.”
a cute, fun lil line in the sea of horrible angst lmfao ORRRRRR
Erasmus knelt before Damen, before Laurent. He said, “Exalted… Can you command his Highness to push?” Damen froze. “Do you mean…?” Erasmus nodded. “Alpha command.” Damen’s expression crumpled. He said, in a voice that shattered Erasmus’ heart, “I can’t. I can’t do that to him.” Erasmus licked his lips. “Exalted, in this state, he can’t push. His contractions are weaker. He’ll-” “I can’t,” Damen cried, clinging to Laurent’s limp body like a lifeline. “He’d… He’d never forgive me.”
damen is so sweet........ he loves laurent so much...... ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
He stopped at the doorframe, turning to face Laurent with tears in his eyes, and whispered, “How long does it take, your Highness?” Laurent, shocked enough to respond, hissed, “What?” “I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking of it,” Erasmus said, voice thick in his throat, tears burning at his eyes. “How long until it’s over?”
real sad hours if u up click like. i love erasmus and laurent bonding over their shared trauma <33333333333333333333 laurent and erasmus friendship propaganda 24-fucking-7 bay bee!!!!! 6. unironically this is one of my fav fic ive ever written skdljmfhgvlksjdhflmgkvjshldkjfghvmls call the midwife is one of my favorite shows and writing this made me look at birth as something visceral and possibly horrible and traumatic. i wanna write more fucked up birth scenes, SO MANY MORE. ridley scott knew what he was doing Sandalwood (erasmus/kallias my sweet boys i love u so much) 4.
“I do,” Erasmus breathes, ducking his head, flushed as though embarrassed. “In the gardens, the perfume from the orange trees all around us on those summer nights.” Kallias smiles behind him – Erasmus knows his body so intimately he can feel it in how Kallias’ posture changes, though he can’t see the soft turn of his lips. “The scent was so cloying I thought it would drive me mad. It made me want to kiss you senseless.” Erasmus laughs, breathlessly, imagining the warm heat of Kallias’ mouth against his. “Don’t blame that on the orange trees, dear one.”
beloved..................... im weeping.......... 6. these two make me fuckign CRY ON THE REG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH MY SWEET BOYS YOU DESERVE THE WORLD- Wisps of Smoke******************* (lauguste fic) 4. ***CW EXPLICIT INCEST*** (i mean....... obviously lmfao)
“Call me what I like,” Auguste growled against his ear. “You know what I like.” He did. Laurent did. He knew everything Auguste liked – the slow flick of Laurent’s tongue on the underside of his cock, that tender spot behind his earlobe, the way Laurent’s thighs looked straddled atop him like his horse – and this. “Brother,” Laurent gasped, desperate, “Brother, please, harder. Harder.”
i wanted the incest to be explicitly part of the kink here lmfaoooooo 6. hehehehehehehhehehehhehe lauguste................... i need to write more of u But I Love It (laurent is allergic to latex fic) 4.
“Laurent,” Auguste said, voice high in warning. Laurent braced himself, stiffening visibly. With what seemed to be monumental effort, Auguste continued, “You know, Laurent. I’m proud of you.”
IM A SOFT BITCH OK???????????????? auguste is PROUD of his baby bro for overcoming his sexual trauma and getting that fat dick 6. SLJHVDLMKJDHGVLK PEOPLE FUCKING LOVED THIS FIC i tried to be funny and i think it worked. plus some softe bits thrown in. i also kind of see lots of humor fic where its a no abuse au, but i wanted to write something comedic where the regent still. existed u kno????? anyways hahahahha i dont think i can write anything like this again but im glad y'all liked it Is It Cold In The Water (slice of life fic) 4.
Laurent opens his mouth to say something cheeky, but instead, what comes out is: “Do you think Aimeric had the right idea?” Damen is quiet for so long, gaze serious and framed with his long, dark lashes, that Laurent wonders if he’d spoken aloud at all – and when he’s sure he had, he realizes Damen had remembered Aimeric after all. When he speaks again, the sleep is gone from his voice. “Laurent,” Damen says carefully, as though approaching a spooked horse, “Is something wrong?”
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 soft,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6. ruby likes this fic lskjdvhmflgksfjdhmvglkjsdhflkvgmjhlekjfhdvlgskjfhv im a SIMP- The Devil's Got Nothing On Me (AIMERIC FIC LEGGOOOO) 4. there are lots of lil nuggets in here!!!!
Aimeric blinks, and all he can think is, you knew? He says, "I – I just." "I am a patient man," Guion breathes, "I support everyone in my household. Everyone. But Aimeric, you are truly testing my patience. Your mother came to me in tears, begging me to find you. Look at what you did to her! There was nothing I could say until we found you!" "I'm sorry," Aimeric whispers, looking at Loyse, "I'm-" "Look at me," Guion roars.
this conversation was inspired by a very miserable encounter with my boss lmfao. fuck that guy and fuck guion
The regent, blue eyes sparkling - and Aimeric has never thought eyes could look just like a summer sky until now - says to Guion but really to Aimeric, "I was thinking I could take little Aimeric riding tomorrow. Just the two of us." Loyse says, before Guion can speak, voice trembling with relief, "I think that's a wonderful idea, your Highness."
~dramatic irony~ lmfaoooooooooo. WE know of course that this is a bad thing, but it's always fun to have characters make bad choices that they have no idea are bad. i also did this briefly in "Like Me" with auguste's ex wife taking nicaise to church because she was so overwhelmed at home and he offered to help. of course, the regent is always happy to help out. evil evil evil
"-was worried it might be difficult for him." A soft, lilting laugh. The guards had said the regent was in the library, and then there is Guion, right there with him. Aimeric is suddenly angry, not sure why his father is with the regent, who is his and no one else's. The regent responds, "I daresay it's been perfectly easy. It seems you've done most of the work already."
i wanted to highlight the fact that it was aimeric's neglect that lead him to the regent in the first place. hence "youve done most of the work already" - guion by ignoring and neglecting aimeric created the perfect environment for the regent to sweep in and take advantage. like leaving food out btwn 40-140 F is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria LOL. the books touch on that but i wanted to make it explicit
He is so, so ashamed. It's unbearable, the thought of her kind eyes, the way she cried for him, the way he pushed her away. Before he'd left to join the prince's guard, she had taken his hand, kissed it, and said in a voice fragile as glass, "It's been such a long time since I've seen you smile like that," but in that moment he could think only of the regent's letter warm in his pocket.
6. honestly i know ive sounded super conceited this whole time but i kind of tear up whenever i read through the end of the fic lmfao. aimeric is just so fucking depressing as a character and i love that i really got to explore that in this fic. he really didnt have anyone, did he????? he's like a tragic greek character where you just watch him stumbling towards his inevitable end and it hurts the whole time. its even worse on the reread ANYWAYYYYYYY thats it. thanks so much for the ask anon!!!!!!! feel free to send me more!!!
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atsumiye · 3 years
riya your tags on my hcs made me squeal a lil i'm glad you found it comforting !!! no more bad days bc mr. hajime said so >:( also working on a part 2 w our beloved tsumie he's so <33333
ahhhhh i’m so glad bc those hcs made ME squeal!!! as long as mr.hajime is there to make me feel better i shall never have a bad day again :D SOB if you write about tsum tsum i think i will collapse
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radioromantic-moved · 3 years
it's the final livebloooog (doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo) this baby's extra long, because the episode is twice the average length. also big time spoilers. you know.
-"no place in the universe can compare with our past. our burned, ashy past." a statement about david's place and also about the earth which i'm pretty sure died from global warming in the stellarverse. not scary at all.
-"do you know what this means???" "that‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎trexel‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎has no taste." "that we're all getting slushies."
-hartro's‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎little excited snuffles that sound like she's about to have a breakdown but, like, the good kind are basically exactly how i feel right now too.
-"what have i always told you??" "shut up! shut up! shut up!"
-long time viewers of the Blog may remember that one of cyril's special books is‏‏‎ ‎frankenstein.‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎trexel‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎knows what‏‏‎ ‎frankenstein's monster is (kind of). you know what that means. at least one cute little reading time.
-i was going to make a joke about 'three neurodivergents argue about social rules' but that's kind of the entire podcast. with the number of neurodivergents differing by episode.
-THE TWO OF THEM BOWING TO DAVID...hartro‏‏‎ ‎genuinely getting into it and sounding like she's about to cry and‏‏‎ ‎trexel‏‏‎ ‎sounding so deadpan
-oh i Hate this conversation! i hate the conversation they're having about killing off everyone who's ever met a board member!
-hartro‏‏‎ ‎and‏‏‎ ‎trexel‏‏‎ ‎as david's pa's <3
-"the...secret loss?" "yeah, you idiot, the secret loss where the board all died, have you been living under a rock??"
-yesssss go OFF imogen!!
-"hello, and welcome to 'so you've discovered that the board is dead,' with me,‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎sigmund‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‎shankeray.'"‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎trexel--"ugh, this guy again?"
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-ughhhhh tasty tasty worldbuilding!!!! the board all dying in an incident....security was destroyed in a coup.....standards wants to replace imogen with new board.....
-angry beyond belief that something that‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎trexel‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎could figure out confused me badly enough that i had to relisten to the same part twice and reread the transcript to figure out why the plan wouldn't work.
-in case of a deadlock....
-ugh you big big dummy...even your big moment is just reduced to who can take you to the better bar. but he does call david his favorite clone. and he DOES vote with them.
-oh my god. david's smug little laugh is my new favorite noise in the ENTIRE WORLD.
-number 48's maniacal laugh is Very fun. but don't shoot david please.
-"trust me! i'm a‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎geistman."
-obsessed with the group's enraged "TREXELLLLLLLL!" as they get launched out of the airlock in the pod. that's absolutely cartoon levels of sillydumb and i love it.
-"can we....get them? we can't just leave them out there. it's inhumane." "they wouldn't do the same for you." "i don't know, i think...i think that maybe he would have."
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-okay so they're alive but in any number of thousands of habitable locations across the galaxy. that's not so bad! i can write fix-it for that easy! these motherfuckers are gonna be friends forever whether they like it or not! the worst found family may be free of the everpresent fear of death but they will never be free from the status quo.‏‏‎ ‎trexel‏‏‎ ‎finds out the planet they land on doesn't have a bar and he figures out a way to access a communications system from scratch so he can call david in tears.
-the little trumpet when david gets voted in....HELL YEAH, HAIL DAVID!!!!!
-"well, you do have the power to destroy‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎stellar‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎firma‏‏‎ ‎now. i'd never allow another ai to take over, but i'd quite happily...burn this all to the ground."
-imogen sounds so hurt when david starts asking alex to make copies to run functions...."explain away! i can both listen and plot my revenge at the same time."
-"...but that was before the population crash, so the escape shuttles should be able to contain everyone!" "and the clones!" "oh, right, the clones! recalculating and the clones too! wouldn't forget them! :)"
-oh i have too many thoughts about this conversation i'm just gonna post it and let it sit
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-after credits‏‏‎ ‎enola‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎scene!!! my beloved!!!!
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-okay okay okay okay okay okay okay. hoooooooooooh boy.
-THAT WAS!!! REALLY GOOD!!!!! AND EVERYONE MORE OR LESS TURNED OUT OKAY....WE GOT OUR ANTICAPITALIST MESSAGE....the only thing we didn't get was the main four's theater troupe and i think i'll forever be a littttttle bitter about that but nobody's stopping me from writing about (or just imagining)‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎hartro‏‏‏‏‎ ‎‎and‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎trexel‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎eventually tracking down a working communications system and finding david and imogen so they can all yell at each other forevermore. i'm gonna miss these stupid little dorks so much but i'm so glad i got to be here for the ride. now to figure out whether cyril went with david and imogen or‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎trexel‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎and‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎hartro‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎and how it changes their fake little storyline.
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