#long post sorry mobile users
s-fellows-art · 4 months
Im alive and I fished my uni degree. Tired but will be back soon. TvT
I hope you all are doing well. Ive been up to a lot lately.... (⬇️)
I now have a major in classical studies (classics degree without 4 langue requirment so modofied history degree) and a minor in buisness (was supose to be a marketing specification but they decided to no longer cont one of the classes i took for it and im not giving them more money. So my bachlour of arts is all done woo.
after this week ill be posting stuff for the asks i got cause I finally have time to work again.Though not sure how much art ill be posying till i can figure out how the heck glaze works. Been really upset about the AI stuff to the point i dont really wanna draw atm honestly. Gonna be removing some of my old anrt and glazing and editing old post to the glazed ver once i fogure it out.
i do plan on starting drawing/writing/crafting again just may not be on this blog as often. Keeps popping up when i do job stuff and I kinda want to start doing the V tuber related kinds stuff as simply a hobby so im thinking of hitting the reset button semi woth regards to my less fan baced content here (will edit woth link when set up) and only post the rare fan art thing or update thing here once in a while. Either way ill still be using this blog. Not sure what im gonna do yet honestly. But i got ideas now and a bit of motovation back.
Been really burnt out and my Fms (Fybro) and allergies/OAS have been really bad for the past while so my health isnt great atm and i lost my family doctor for the 4th time now (this province sucks) and a lot of acdemic related issues due to shitty uni running around woth there regestars office and departments not communicating with each other but im done finally. Now looking for a good frame to hang my degree ^-^. Im exsausted.
Anyway ill get to my ask box soon and look forward to uploading in the future. Just thought id prove im still kickin.
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358-2-genders · 1 month
Ok, take two, but I'm not panic deleting this one out of hopelessness if something gets in the way of my plans this time!
I'm an autistic and chronically ill adult stuck still living with my abusive family. I am unsafe here and have very few essential resources to put it lightly! I would like to NOT be stuck here! So I'm trying to leave but don't have much of anything that's mine.
So please help or share this around? Anything would be greatly appreciated and will either go to helping me get out, managing any necessities while I'm still here, or helping me once I'm actually out.
Thank you for reading, I hope you have a nice day!!!
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gearbit · 1 year
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Catch the Wave by Kz (livetune) - 16th Anniversary Fan Film
Art/Animation - Omutatsu Movie - Eneki Remix - Guiano Vocaloid Edit - Bibi
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ningsolo · 1 year
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STAYC for THE STAR 더스타 May 2023
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finnthewitch · 2 years
hi new tumblr users from twitter
oh god ant infestation
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suiteki · 2 months
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‎ ‎⛆My Dark Disquiet⛆
‎‎‎‎ ‎ Making waves and diving under
‎ ‎ ‎ Lightning to the sound of thunder
‎ My dark disquiet singing such haunting melodies
Supernatural AU | Makoto Yuki | Persona 3
Rules/About | (Supra)Natural Disaster <- The AU fanfic
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monty-glasses-roxy · 5 months
Just scrolling through your blog (loving all the AU's by the way) and I gotta say, I'm not sure I understand the full on hatred Freddy and Gregory are getting (although I feel like I should mention that the GGY story does heavily imply that Freddy is specifically more involved in protecting "Dr. Rabbit" than the other animatronics are, even though his code is found in them as well.) I haven't gotten the full details of what your version of sb and ruin is (you've written a lot and it's all great) but if it's anything like how the games played out? Then their biggest crime is not going back to repair the other glamrocks once the pizzaplex shut down.
Gregory had to face each animatronic on his own, a little kid against a giant robot wanting to kill him. The excessive force makes sense. Especially since they ARE robots and can be repaired. Sure it would still effect them given how sentient they are but the damage he did to them was a lot less permanent than what they could have done to him. Yeah he owes them an apology but he has more reason to be wary of them than they have of him. And Freddy? Yeah he probably could have done more but at the end of the day his one goal was keep Gregory safe and get him out of there. All he did was let himself be upgraded.
As for Cassie? Personally, I'm of the view that the moment Gregory gets cut off by the mimic in the elevator he is booking it to the pizzaplex, mimic be damned. He's waking Vanessa, unplugging Freddy from the charging port and dragging them there. Sure it's Roxy who opens the lift doors to check on her, she's already down there, but I'm certain it's Gregory and the others who find a way to get them out, all while Gregory is begging for her to be okay because this is EXACTLY what he wanted to avoid. He's probably having a breakdown, the moment he sees Cassie is okay he'd probably collapse and hug her and Cassie would be understandably suspicious but his reaction is not what she'd expect which would catch her off guard.
Because, here's the thing I think people overlook or maybe just don't see fit to mention, Gregory had no reason to wait for Cassie to get into the lift before dropping it. If he wanted to trap the mimic down there he could have disabled it beforehand. If he wanted to tempt the mimic into the shaft and then drop the elevator on top of it? He could have waited until Cassie got out at the top and then done it, the increased height would have definitely done more damage to it. Though considering how it tosses a forklift so hard it imbeds itself into the cave wall? When Roxy had a hard time lifting one off her? This thing is much stronger than a regular animatronic and could probably survive that easily.
The mimic on the other hand? Needs Cassie dead, has been mimicking Gregory all night and has access to the systems through the network once Cassie disabled MXES for good. It didn't need the concrete wall destroyed, it could have left through the other side of the room and went for the elevator shaft the moment Cassie turned off the computer. But it didn't. Because with Cassie as a witness it loses its chance to disappear without people knowing about it. If Cassie escapes she can cut it off, she's the only one in the Plex capable of accessing both the V.A.N.N.I network and tampering with the security nodes. If she gets out she can turn them back on. If she's dead then the mimic can be long gone before anyone else with that ability arrives.
(sorry for the ramble, once I got started I couldn't stop.)
You're good on the rambling lmao I'm gonna go through this paragraph by paragraph to make sure I get everything for you
I completely understand why you'd think I hate Freddy and Gregory given what me and @/jellycreambloodlust (affectionate) have talked about a lot lately. I don't actually hate either of them and I don't think I'd ever take a story in the direction of killing either of them, but ya know, it's all in good fun. I'd kill off my favourites if it was fun too lmao I absolutely don't hate either of them at all I promise. I've also not read GGY and since it's written by Andrea Cradenza-Tubehell Waggener, there's a very slim chance I ever will. I've read the wiki summary of the story though so I kind of know what goes on in it, I just don't know the details and stuff, ya know?
Interesting to know Freddy is implied to be protecting Doctor Rabbit though! I was thinking about this a little bit ago and that was my guess on how Freddy would have been on Gregory's side during he events of SB if you considered GGY to be canon. That's cool, I'm glad I got that one right! Anyway!
In terms of Gregory, I don't see much fault with his actions to be fair. You're absolutely right, this is a kid in a giant pizzaplex full of animatronics that want to kill him. It's a fairly reasonable response, and tells us a bit about how he thinks when he has to handle big problems. If you look at it from the lense of him being recently freed from Glitchtrap, it makes even more sense for him to do that, as he knows what each one of them is capable of and the less weapons Glitchtrap and Vanny have at their disposal, the better. It also explains why he chose to save Vanessa and how he knew what to do, and we already know Freddy is his favourite so of course he'd choose him to protect him.
From the other side though, you can kinda understand why they'd all be upset. It's not their fault they're being controlled, and before Ruin came out, I said they would probably not blame Gregory for it at all once things calmed down again. Having damaged body parts is completely different to an animatronic than it is to a human, yeah, but you also have to consider how these parts were taken. Roxy is a racer, so she was hit with a go-kart. Chica loves food, so she was crushed in the kitchens with all the food waste. Monty is said to stand by the Lucky Bucket a lot, so he falls from the Lucky Bucket. The things that mean the most to them, are the things that got them destroyed. Then some kid comes along and takes their strongest parts away to stick them on Freddy. They're not saved like Freddy is, they're seen as weapons, tools and opportunities, which would really fucking suck.
They have a right to be upset about it I think. Gregory isn't entirely in the wrong for doing it either. It's a complicated situation, especially if you remember that Roxy is a security node, who most likely was keeping the Raceway and Salon shut on purpose, and was potentially using those eyes to keep track of Mimic through the floor. We can't be sure that was the purpose of the eye upgrade, but the provided reason for it doesn't add up and the logs surrounding Roxy are worded as if they're just grasping at straws to explain her behaviour. With a threat like Mimic in play, taking Roxy's eyes is probably not a great plan! Can't really blame Roxy for being pissed off about that one!
Neither side here is really at fault given the circumstances, and I think if the animatronics were to be freed, they'd have come to that conclusion on their own too. I'm with you on Gregory's actions being understandable, I agree with you there. I definitely don't hate or blame him for it. I'll get to Freddy in a minute though.
Yeah I don't think Gregory dropped Cassie either. It would be an interesting story regardless whether he did or not, but you're right. It absolutely doesn't make sense for him to have done it. The way he talks even changes part way through that ending dialogue, I don't think it was him. Especially now that I know there's a staffbot encounter that Gregory sometimes talks through in an attempt to reach Cassie. It just doesn't make a lot of sense
When we've been talking about it lately, it's been almost entirely from Cassie's perspective. Unless Cassie figures it out, she's probably going to believe that Gregory is the one that dropped her right at the end. That's the scenario most of the recent talking has been about. Cassie believing it was Gregory and trying to get justice for that. Like I said, it's all in good fun, ya know?
I feel Cassie is pretty smart, and the question of why would stay on her mind for a very long while. I think with some help, she would be able to come to the conclusion that it probably wasn't Gregory, but in a situation like that, I don't think anyone could be one hundred percent sure. I mean, there's always going to be some doubts, right? She was betrayed twice in like... ten minutes by the same voice after all, I think that's fair enough.
And to consider it from Gregory's side? That's a hell of a situation to be in, I'm not sure how you'd come back from that. I mostly mess around with scenarios where Gregory has no idea Cassie is down there at all, possibly even getting an alert weeks later as if it's just happened, so Cassie not trusting him is completely out of nowhere for him. It's an interesting scenerio to have Gregory, Vanessa and Freddy show up to help too and there's so many ways that one can go, but I feel like with Roxy being a security node, they maybe can't actually get down there now. The MXES isn't completely offline now, right? That door won't open until it's offline. So now they'd have to scramble to try and see what's going on and try and get in contact to help from up top which is probably hell on earth
I mean, knowing what she does, would Roxy even let them connect to her? Probably not! Which also probably doesn't help! It probably feels like they've gotten no closer to actually helping than when they were back home trying to get in contact with Cassie! Awful! Hell of a situation! I feel like Gregory's first thought would be to bust the door down though which probably ends with another forklift stuck in a wall or nearly flattening Roxy as she gets out with Cassie, but he's trying his best! He's got to do something, right? It's better than feeling helpless!
Now uh... well then there's Freddy. I want to start by saying once again, I don't hate him, and I haven't read GGY.
With that said, if you look at what he does in the game, including all of the aspects of him that are clearly just there for game design purposes... He's to blame for almost everything. Unless he is still acting on whatever GGY programming he has, he's to blame for a good chunk of the game. And honestly? I find him more interesting in this light.
To briefly explain, he just does basically nothing. This is a game design thing, I'm aware, but as this is usually framed as a choice on his part, I choose to treat it as such. He leaves Gregory alone for the vast majority of the night unless specifically called on to help. He is fully aware that the others aren't acting as they usually do. There's no way he doesn't know what happened to them as he's actively helping Gregory do this stuff. He chooses when it's okay to make exceptions to the rules, and when not to, for example, he takes Gregory to the staff tunnels where he shouldn't be, but won't open the VIP door for him to leave unless he has a VIP pass, same with the loading docks etc etc. In this situation, he is the only responsible adult available, with the task of keeping this child safe and getting him out of the pizzaplex, and he consistently chooses not to do anything unless Gregory specifically asks for help.
What I'm saying is that the game would have been over in five minutes if he'd actually been trying to help.
Which is interesting to think about! Why is he making these decisions? Does he not feel as if the others are a big enough threat to him? Is it habitual as he often doesn't follow kids around during the day given there's way too many to do that for? Is he doing something else that we don't know about? How does he feel about the others if he's prepared to leave the Pizzaplex at a moments notice like that? He clearly loved Bonnie, so is it all to do with a sense of grief? That it doesn't really matter anymore now that Bonnie isn't there or something? And fuck, how does everyone else feel, knowing that Freddy didn't even once stop Gregory from destroying them and didn't once try to help them? How do they feel knowing that he left them when they needed help?
Even factoring in GGY's coding being a potential reason for this stuff, if the actual, untampered with Freddy is in there, knowing what's going on, is he trying desperately to stop it? Is he trying to help? Or is he just sort of nodding along like "yeah that makes sense"? Or has he just given up completely? Who's to say?
So I definitely don't hate him. I won't say he's my favourite or anything because he absolutely isn't, but I don't hate him. He's interesting to me, just not in a way the majority of the SB fandom seems to like, which is fair enough. We all like what we like and we all have our own interpretations and stuff, there's no wrong way to have fun, right?
I hope this clears some stuff up and I'm also sorry for rambling lmao
I don't hate Gregory at all, don't blame him for his actions in SB and don't think he dropped Cassie in Ruin. I blame Freddy instead.
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omnificent-orion · 2 years
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Thanks everyone :D
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tsunael · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
Hopping on the bandwagon.
1. 279 notes - Sep 18 2023
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2. 108 notes - Dec 21 2023
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3. 105 notes - Nov 27 2023
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4. 87 notes - Jul 29 2023
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5. 77 notes - Jul 29 2023
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6. 68 notes - Jul 27 2023
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7. 62 notes - Nov 28 2023
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8. 59 notes - Sep 10 2023
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9. 53 notes - Dec 12 2023
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10. 52 notes - Dec 2 2023
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
Phantom Knight Afterlife Club: Part Two
Part One
Akane Gushiken, aka Phantom Blood.
Akane has a tall, muscular build with no excess fat and a gaunt face. Her tanned skin bears a multitude of scars, some of which are hidden, but that apart from the stab wound that caused her death she doesn’t mind being seen. Her thick black hair is back-length, unwashed and matted, in a scruffy ponytail to keep it out of her face. She has light brown eyes with blood red scelera. Her weariness makes her look older than she is.
She wears a black leather jacket with the silver zip on the right side, silver studs on the lapels and a red heart symbol over her heart with red major blood vessel lines branching out from it across the jacket; a dark crimson top; a thick, study bright red belt with a silver buckle; asymmetrically ripped black trousers with red hearts on each hip and knee; and black leather boots with more silver studs on the toes. Her living magical girl costume was similar, but had orange instead of red. Eight black steel pint canisters with vertical glass windows are securely attached to her belt, four on each side, containing a metaphysical facsimile of her lost blood. The belt also has a loop for her knife. Her shackles are around her wrists with short broken chains from over the inside, where she would be able to feel her pulse if she still had one (symbolic of her active, pugnacious, hands-on nature).
Power and Weakness
She can manipulate human blood and any other liquid containing so much as a drop of it (though more blood content means greater ease and finesse). She can freeze it into any shape and make it a vapour. Losing all her blood would make her cease to exist.
A machete with a black hilt.
Akane was born into a low-income family in an impoverished inner city district with low education and high crime rates. Her parents were loving and did their best, but her mother was a career thief to provide for her family and went to prison when Akane was seven, pushing her father Hikaru to work so much to keep them alive that he could hardly spend time with his daughter. Feeling invisible and unheard even if she was loved in theory, she spent lots of time playing on the streets and looked to children her age and older for belonging. Making lasting friendships was easier said than done. She ended up entangled in the area’s gang politics and her bonds with her peers were strained by their frequent separation for months at a time to go to court, correctional facilities or hospital. She’s been carrying a knife to defend herself since she was twelve. Sometimes people she’d called friends actively abandoned and betrayed her, sometimes they lost touch, but either way friends soon felt like more trouble and heartache than they were worth. She also almost consistently struggled at her poorly funded and run school, except one year where she had a considerate and nurturing teacher she made real progress under. Then that teacher had to move and Akane dismissed her progress as a fluke. She dropped out when she was fifteen to have more time to take care of Hikaru, who had developed prostate cancer, and make money for them.
It was at this low point that a fire spirit, Farei, offered her the chance to be a magical girl warrior with fire powers. She jumped to take it. Magic seemed the perfect escape from her miserable civilian life. It gave her a sense of purpose and slaughtering demons was a highly cathartic outlet for her previously aimless anger and disaffection. For the first time in her life, she felt like she was good at something. Like she was good enough to make a difference. A magical girl duo in a neighbouring territory were impressed by her skill and invited her to join them several times. She rudely declined, believing she could handle anything herself and unable to trust them.
Two years ago, Hikaru passed away. His cancer had worsened and he hadn’t been able to get a diagnosis until it had progressed to stage three, limiting the effectiveness of treatment. They’d grown a lot closer since she was little and he was the only person in her life she cared about, Farei more of a colleague. She was absolutely devastated. She got more and more reckless and self-destructive, chain-smoking, drinking more and picking fights she knew she couldn’t win, and these patterns of behaviour persisted up to her death, after she’d begun to come to terms with losing her dad.
Her insistence on going solo backfired when following her takedown of almost fifty demons consecutively one night, the last demon standing stabbed her in the back. Too exhausted and in shock to call an ambulance, she bled to death alone. This was coincidentally and the same night the Tenebrous Emperor was killed.
Akane is pretty disillusioned with humanity, caring little for the good of the many at first and quick to assume the worst of people. In physical combat and social interaction, she believes the best defence is a good offence - and she’s used to needing to perpetually defend herself. She’s easily irritated and belligerent. Anger is the emotion she’s most comfortable expressing. She possesses a sharp tongue, habit of being verbally aggressive and grim, sarcastic, irreverent sense of humour. She relishes the thrill of a good fight, to the point of drawing battles out and provoking strong opponents on purpose when she’s desperately bored or or desiring distraction. Or feeling she deserves to be punished, as she did in the initial throes of her grief. Even if she’s in a good mood and getting along with someone, she likes to playfully tease them. A sign that she’s extraordinarily upset is her not having the energy or engagement to mock or insult anyone, and responding to things that aggravate her with resignation or overt hurt, not snapping.
The other side to this relentless passion and drive is a valiant heroic spirit. Her courage and resilience is unshakable and she will never back down from a challenge, even knowing she’ll lose, if she believes it’s right. Once she sets her mind on something, she will not let it go. And by the same token, she won’t give up on her friends either. She may not have had it as a primary motivation until her teammates roped her into it, but she finds she does earnestly enjoy helping others. It’s so much more satisfying to have a significant positive impact on the world than a significant destructive one. That was a forgotten aspect of the rush of her early days of service. It’s just she believes hurting is what she’s best at and will probably end up doing anyway by her nature, so it’s less wasted effort not to try to do anything else. Harming the already downtrodden or mistreated really infuriates her, most of all children being hurt, manipulated or exploited the way the adults running her old gang exploited her.
She actually loves being a ghost and prefers it to being alive. She can still fight demons, the only thing she lived for; she has cool new powers; she doesn’t need to worry about survival besides the blood thing (it does annoy her that she can die of the exact same thing she already died of); and no human can hurt her ever again. Dying a war hero was honestly the best future she had hoped for in the last two years of her life. It beat going to prison. What does she have to mourn? Lost opportunities for a better life? What happiness and good relationships she did have? She was mourning those already. Being a magical girl was all she had and now it’s all she is. Telling herself she had nothing left to lose anyway and enjoying the perks of her new existence is how she deflects from processing her grief for a) her cruel death young, alone and unloved, b) the true injustice of the hand she was dealt in life and c) her parents, especially her dad. Her personal desire is to find Hikaru’s ghost, or if he isn’t a ghost, figure out how to get to this higher plane he’s on. She struggles the most out of the four to turn visible and tangible, because of her refusal to let herself feel emotional connection to the living world.
Akane is fiercely independent and afraid of vulnerability. She’s deeply averse to self-reflection because of her self-hatred and instead externalizes her turmoil through lashing out. She deliberately pretends to be stereotypically stupid and simplistic muscle so she can trick enemies into underestimating her, but more negatively to consciously stay or try to stay in ignorance of difficult, distressing insights and not have to unpack her feelings. Besides, school always made her feel stupid; she probably is, right? The truth is she’s sharper and more cunning that even she gives herself credit for and often wins using pragmatic tactics. If she would realize her mental strengths and apply herself to improving them, she could achieve much more. She lacks the social skills to be a good manipulator, however.
Over time she comes to care profoundly for her teammates and defend them loyally. People beyond her family showing her kindness like she’s worthy of it is a novelty, but even if she can’t comprehend what value they see in her they’re the best friends she’s ever had and she tries to show that she appreciates it in her own indirect manner. She develops particular protectiveness and affection toward Tomoko and Miu because the obvious pain and injustice in their lives before their deaths resonates with her. She used to disrespect Miu, but her new goal is teaching her to challenge people and express anger. Meanwhile, she thinks Shiko is a spoiled snob and has a rivalry with her. Shiko likes clever plans and leads most of the time; Akane usually thinks brute force would get the job done more easily and sometimes takes the lead in combat since she has the most experience killing demons.
Phantom Pain Form
Spilt Blood. She gets glowing, solid red eyes. Her canisters open and her blood engulfs her in a roiling orb, then freezes into a shell and cracks apart. She emerges with tracks of blood streaming down her cheeks like tears. Her hair bursts out of its ponytail and grows to reach her ankles with crimson streaks. Her clothes’ red and black are inverted with her heart symbols broken in two, the rips her old costume had when she died manifesting in them. The studs are now spikes. Her chains extend and join together, but are pretty loose and she can deftly wield the giant, two-handed sword her machete becomes.
She has Akane’s anger issues and love of violence taken to the extreme and all her inhibitions removed, manically revelling in brutality and willing to hurt anyone, even her friends, who gets between her and instant gratification. She’s essentially feral. She isn’t evil, but amoral and savage, consumed by primal instincts just as Akane has been in survival mode for most of her life. Not thinking critically and engaging her higher thought processes in favour of following her surface emotions is Akane’s main unhealthy coping mechanism, so her Phantom Pain form takes that and runs with it.
Shiko Doi.
Shiko is a fair-skinned girl with a curvaceous figure and long legs, fit beneath her plumpness because her level of dancing is strenuous exercise and she’s been doing it regularly for years. Her wavy, glossy dark brown hair hangs loose to her shoulders, neatly brushed and coiffed with pink streaks (that interestingly have returned from her old magical form despite her dying as a civilian). She has brown eyes with white sclera. She wears soft, feminine pink lipstick and eyeshadow and her fingernails are painted the same shade.
She wears an elegant white and pink minidress with crack patterns on the white sections; high white heeled boots with crack patterns; and a flashy gold necklace, earrings and twin bracelets with rhombus-shaped rose quartz gemstones. She has shackles around her upper thighs with chains hanging down to her knees (symbolic of her dynamic, strong and proud nature, always standing tall and striding forward).
Power and Weakness
Geokinesis, based on the mineral component of bones. She can also more intuitively control bone itself. She will die if her spinal cord is disconnected.
A poleaxe with an indestructible ghost-bone head that she can reshape and add to at will, e.g. giving it an additional curved spike at the back for grappling, two blades or a flat bludgeoning side. It has a rose quartz rhombus on each side of the bladed end of the handle. When not in battle, she enjoys casually experimenting with new decorative designs once she gets over her squeamishness about it being bone.
The sole child of a wealthy family, Shiko grew up pampered. She was popular at school too. She always loved music and became an incredible singer, as well as a talented dancer and actor. She became a magical girl three years ago at fifteen, gifted the power to cleanse locations, objects and people’s souls of runaway dark magic’s spiritual corruption that was rampant in her town’s area, and heal any damage it wrought. She found it easiest to channel through song, when she was totally in tune with her positive emotions.
In a matter of weeks an idol company scout latched onto her. Seeing singing on a larger scale and going on tour as a means of widening her magic application to do more good, she accepted the job and took the stage name Sakura. She had a flower theme with pink as her primary colour (drawing parallels to the Greek goddess Persephone with her theme changing to the inorganic earth when she is suddenly ripped away from life to become a being of the afterlife, and in tandem her trading a cute childlike look for a more mature, regal one). While Sakura was an admired, beloved rising star, over time the stresses of idol life got to Shiko. Her manager was strict and dictatorial. Between training, performing and cultivating and maintaining her image she was so busy she eventually could hardly fit in the magical girl duties not sublimated into her performances. She had little to no quality time with her family and friends. Keeping up with the pressures of sudden fame slowly switched to being her top priority.
She died a week before Akane by accidentally running in front of a fast truck without checking the road for oncoming traffic at night. This was panic, not plain foolishness; she was in a hurry to get to the privacy of her home because she was being stalked by paparazzi. The collision gave her many injuries, but a broken spine was what killed her. Forming the team was her idea.
Shiko is a professional in everything, realist and generally levelheaded. She likes discipline and structure, one reason she always thrived in school and could hone her artistic talents so well. She doesn’t like to dwell on negatives and wallow in feeling bad, but does account for present and potential problems in order to fix them. She has a strategic, analytical type of intelligence, willing to sacrifice and take the long path to satisfaction, and trying to use every available advantage. Her fighting style is calculated, deliberate and a balance of graceful and forceful. Because of her more grounded nature, she finds making herself visible and tangible intuitive and has fun blending in with the living, grateful that her eyes look normal if the green blood vessels go unnoticed. She deeply resents dying when she had her whole life ahead of her and knows she could have had such great success in adulthood.
She’s very socially skilled: confident, charismatic, a reassuring listener and persuasive speaker. She can intuitively recognize people’s individual strengths, flaws and insecurities and put them to good use, making her as highly effective a leader as she is uplifting and dependable a friend. She’s also prepared to challenge and call out her friends when they’re behaving irrationally. Being respected is more important to her than being liked. She still makes an effort to be liked, of course, but not trusting her, listening to her or valuing her skills will offend her much more seriously. To her ranking them the other way around would be frivolous and petty. For example, if she had to choose between the greater good and a friend’s feelings, she would sacrifice the friend’s feelings, telling herself the friend would understand why she was right and thus no longer be upset when they talked it out. That requires her to be very adept at the art of talking things out. She befriended multiple rivals during her idol career.
Although her motivation is genuinely wanting to help people, it is partly rooted in a subconscious sense of superiority - she doesn’t need help, she’s the one who helps others! Shiko has a lot to be justly proud of but goes too far into vanity. She can be attention-seeking and demanding. The trend of her serving as the voice of reason means she’s quite self-righteous and haughty, and so is awkward, shaken, defensive or downright in denial if it’s pointed out that she’s being irrational or in the wrong, and she can’t receive criticism and correction with nearly the amount of grace with which she expects others to accept hers. As a living magical girl and idol, she was constantly playing to a crafted persona and that mindset is initially her default. She’s inexperienced dropping her perfect walls and allowing people to understand and connect with her true self, and vice versa. The result is her sometimes lacking empathy. Without it her kindness becomes condescension and her inspirational confidence sheer arrogance.
She’s afraid of vulnerability in that she wants to seem like she always has the situation, or at least herself, under control and wants to be treated like an adult when she just isn’t yet, and infallible when she can’t be. She likes to remind her teammates that she was only a couple of months away from her eighteenth birthday. She was looking forward to it, hoping legal adulthood would grant her more autonomy in her career. Her excessive need for control is overcompensation for the lack of it she had as an idol. She’s ashamed of her death, because she threw her life away by not taking the care to look both ways before crossing the street; and because to explain why she wasn’t careful would mean admitting that she didn’t enjoy and control every aspect of her idol life. She’s also more generally ashamed of having been so burdened by consequences of the career she chose and strove to be successful in.
The liberty from life’s concerns and her new friends’ influence are encouraging her to live in the moment and let her guard down more. Shiko is increasingly comfortable acting like a normal teenager. For all her and Akane’s differences, she does begrudgingly recognize her insights as valuable and wishes she would use her brain more, and respects her and the others’ greater knowledge of demons. She encourages Miu to be more confident and tries to accommodate for her voice and ideals in her plans, and be a reliable rock for her to lean on. She has a sisterly bond with Tomoko. She’s actually mildly flustered by the depth of Tomoko’s admiration for her, wanting to live up to it and having never been this personally close to a fan before.
Phantom Pain Form
Shattered Bone. Her eyes glow solid white. In her transformation sequence we see her as in an X-ray, showing the damage the truck’s collision did to her skeleton. Her poleaxe gets new spikes and the blade fractures and becomes serrated due to the smooth edge breaking off in shards. Her chains extend into the earth to restrain her legs. Her limbs split apart along the complete breaks, the pieces floating near each other (by default) with pink light shining out of their severed ends. Small bone fragments and rocks float loose in midair around her. She can use them as projectiles. Her outfit turns whiter with the pink relegated to the inside of the wider, longer and more numerous cracks. Her hair turns fully pink and styled in low, thin, waist-length pigtails, each mostly contained in a white tube with two rounded puffs of hair at the end, resembling cartoonish long bones. Her default expression is of shock, terror and horror, the exact one she wore in the second between realizing the truck was about to hit her and being hit. She mostly manipulates her poleaxe telekinetically like a fifth limb.
Shiko tries so hard to keep her composure; Shattered Bone is what happens when that composure is obliterated. She runs on pure emotion. The upside is, she can recognize her friends and is very protective of them. The downside is, she’s volatile and unpredictable, normally in a blind, frenzied state of rage and anguish that she takes out on her enemies or at worst whoever else available in hopes of some measure of catharsis. Shattered Bone has none of Shiko’s technique in how she uses her power and is messy and imprecise.
Miu, aka Phantom Breath. She doesn’t have a family name.
Miu is a slender, lean, average height girl with dark skin. She has thick, kinked black hair tied by yellow bows in high, intricately braided pigtails that imitate wings at the side of her head, the rest in wavy cornrows. Her warm brown eyes have sunshine yellow sclera.
She wears a canary yellow knee-length A-line dress with fluffy matching feather trim on the short puffy sleeves and skirt, a black belt and bows on the skirt. She also has forest green tights and black patent leather Mary Janes with gold buckles. She wears a shackle around her neck with the chain section hanging from the front (symbolic of how her voice and spirit were stifled long before she died, and reflecting her strangulation).
Power and Weakness
Aerokinesis, including the ability to sense the chemical composition of air she touches. Unlike other ghosts, she needs to breathe, though the content of the air is irrelevant - she just needs to have some kind of gas to inhale or she’ll suffocate.
A fine, light indestructible golden net of shimmering metal wire that can shrink or expand as much as she wills it to.
A little over three years ago, when the Demon Empire first recognized the original magical girl team as a serious threat, the Emperor decided to fight fire with fire and had a healthy human girl kidnapped without a trace. Surely it would throw these pesky vigilantes off to have to face an enemy so similar to them. Her biological family eventually presumed her dead. Her memories were erased and for the next year she knew nothing but her new guardian’s indoctrination (he told her he’d saved her life because he saw potential in her) and abuse until she was deemed ready to fight on the frontlines. She had no magic of her own, but was trained in espionage, combat and the use of magical tools. As a dark magical girl, her canary motif was linked to the idea of a canary in a coal mine via specializing in weaponizing gases - knockout, poisonous and enchanted varieties, the latter having a range of effects, from filling people with irrational rage to standard mind control to affecting the environment with mystical corruption (she wore a grey titanium gas mask over her mouth and nose, stiff and pointed like a beak). She also wielded feathers throwing blades. The yellow and black in her dress were inverted and the green was more prominent and murkier, conveying toxicity. For stealth and intimidation, and to avoid saying anything wrong, she tended not to talk. She didn’t talk much at ‘home’ either, her ‘father’ making it clear her input and opinion wasn’t wanted and didn’t matter.
The first people to take interest in her personality and treat her like a sapient being were the heroes she was pitted against. They realized she wasn’t happy or loved, so they reached out to her in friendship. Though obviously she didn’t instantly trust them, but when they repeatedly proved their cared more about her than the Emperor and vice versa, it led to her questioning her indoctrination, the justness of the war and whether she could have an identity outside of a soldier in it. Her investigation found plenty of evidence she was on the wrong side, but directly disobeying her abuser seemed impossible. A year ago the team leader was captured. Miu was her only chance of salvation. In this critical moment she chose what was right rather than what was safe. The new friends escaped together and Miu officially joined the heroes.
Despite all her growth like learning to trust people and understanding that the abuse she experienced wasn’t her fault, she never forgave herself for her crimes or fully internalized that she was innately worthy of love. But she pretended she was further along her recovery than she was for her friends’ benefit. This barrier strained her side of those friendships to a degree and she would secretly wonder how secure her place on the team truly was. After all, they’d been a perfectly balanced well-oiled machine before and she worried she’d disrupted that. This doubt was never resolved.
The climax of her redemption arc came when she confronted the Emperor alone in a heroic sacrifice to protect her friends. She rejected his manipulation and denounced him to his face, and damaged his armour, which would later enable the rest of the team to defeat him; but he fatally strangled her. They swore to avenge her and validate her sacrifice. After watching over them for the month until they killed the Emperor, beating herself up for not living to help them, she made new friends and saw she was unhealthily torturing herself. She agreed to join their team and travel to make the most of her afterlife.
Miu is selfless and empathetic to a fault. She’s caring, patient, polite, respectful and intensely loyal, recalling how invaluable her living friends’ persistence in supporting her was. On the surface, you could believe her to be everything you’d want in a friend. That’s what she aims to be: exactly what she was missing. She’ll always put your wants and needs ahead of her own… always. Her sincere kindness is conflated with a pathological fear of conflict and compulsive people pleasing. She has the habits of swallowing or downplaying her opinions to avoid clashing with anyone and evaluating every question, even casual ones, to figure out the desired and ‘right’ answer. It’s taken her a while to internalize that every disagreement or fight won’t rip the group’s friendships to shreds. She’s still uncomfortable and anxious during arguments. She does her best to keep the peace in the group, but may ignore or be complicit in relationship problems to avoid addressing them, preferring to change the subject if a solution or compromise can’t be efficiently found. Being so agreeable and passive is her main social survival mechanism.
The severe trauma of the Emperor’s parenting style has fundamentally shaped her character. She has low self-esteem, does not think that she deserves unconditional love and struggles to grasp that concept itself, and is excessively humble and self-deprecating. She apologizes reflexively and inordinately, used to being declared to be in the wrong anytime without warning. Feeling completely safe is very difficult for her and managed the easiest with her friends all around her, in a secure shelter with good visibility - but depending on how close to okay she is internally at that time, may still be impossible. She’s hypervigilant, timid and jumpy. She needs to believe so ardently in her higher ideals and causes because her belief in herself is so frail. She used to be terrified of how her friends would react to her dark past. Even now that she’s told them a vaguer, abridged version of her life and they didn’t love her any less afterward, she can never quite shake the concern that they might leave her. Because really, how worthwhile could she be? Stuttering and losing her speech are telltale signs that she’s afraid, upset and specifically triggered. On the worst days she’ll barely say a word.
Her driving motivation is to atone for her crimes and put enough good into the world to outweigh them. Having clawed her way to morality out of hell, her code of ethics the one thing besides her love of her friends she’s unwilling to compromise on. She tries to see the best in everyone and believes firmly in redemption; she’ll even attempt to reason with the more humanlike demons, and with every ghost and human antagonist they meet. She isn’t naive. She knows all too well about irredeemable evil. But she knows you can’t change unless you know that it’s possible and have the opportunity first. Her discomfort with violence, still associating it with her abuser, means she seeks diplomatic solutions and has a merciful, indirect fighting style focused on restraining the foe, tiring them out and other nonlethal methods. Her net comes in handy for this. She’s also very generous with second chances and will put her personal grudges aside to uphold her ideal of forgiveness to a surrendered or reformed enemy. These pacifistic policies are impractical sometimes, yes, but they’re Miu’s way of keeping herself inside the lines of her redefined identity and preventing backsliding.
Miu isn’t traditionally intelligent and in her memory hasn’t had much of a formal education, but she’s good at working with what she has. She’s highly resourceful and adaptable, and more perceptive than you might presume. Hypervigilant, remember? While she doesn’t have a good head for plans, a far better follower than leader, she possesses strong lateral thinking skills and can solve problems and win battles creatively and unpredictably. It helps to offset the practical cost of her strict moral code. After all, demon society was rigid and oppressive and she escaped it by broadening her mind to think outside its boxes. Let’s put it this way: she’s talented enough in this way to admit that she has some talent.
She may not trust herself much, but she does trust her friends. She and Akane had the rockiest relationship at first - Akane dismissed her as a wimp and Miu was on edge around her and disgusted by her combativeness. Since learning the basics of her past and getting to know her better, Akane has connected with her over their shared experience of being in survival mode in dangerous, precarious, traumatic situations for years on end and greatly respects the inner strength it took to betray the Emperor. Shiko in contrast is almost unfailingly nice to her, but doesn’t understand what she’s gone through at all and can inadvertently be insensitive to her C-PTSD. Miu is avoiding this issue and the first to bow to Shiko’s assertions of authority. She has the clearest view of Tomoko’s own low self-worth and relates to it. Her sensitivity and caution ground Tomoko and in return the younger girl teaches her most prominently how to have fun and live in the moment.
Phantom Pain Form
Last Breath. A miniature tornado whips up around her and when it clears, she’s wearing her old villainous outfit, the tip of the gas mask broken off. Her eyes glow solid yellow. Bruises are visible on her neck where they extend above and below her shackle. The chain extends to join a new loop on her bodice positioned at the bottom of her trachea. Large black bird wings that are lung-shaped when folded grow from a curved green ridge imitating a trachea going down her spine and have visible green bones in imitation of air passages. Her hair lengthens, gains yellow streaks and the braids of her pigtails, though not the pigtails themselves, come loose to better flow and lash in her wind. They’re always being blown around, even if there isn’t any wind that anyone else can feel at the moment. Her net turns black.
Representing Miu’s fear that she’ll never overcome her dark past, she makes people very appreciative of her peaceful nature in her right mind. In fact Miu’s behaviour as an agent of evil was dispassionate and efficient, but her anxiety and trauma has exaggerated her own evil in her self-perception. The result? Last Breath is nothing short of sadistic. She will pull enough air out of your lungs to make you experience nearly dying before she puts it back, repeatedly, for fun. She likes using her net to strangle her enemies and restrain them in painful and/or humiliating positions. She can be bargained with and directed, but only if your proposal or plan still involves someone suffering, preferably at her hands. That she maintains Miu’s sweet, pleasant mannerisms and attitude adds to her creepiness.
Tomoko Fujisaka, aka Phantom Nerve.
Tomoko is thin with youthfully round cheeks, and small by the standards of her age. She has pale skin, a shock of white hair in a pixie cut constantly spiky with static in an exaggeration of her messy living hairstyle, and pink eyes with light blue scelera.
Her clothing is a form-fitting purple speed skating outfit with light blue interconnected neuron motifs on the trunk, and darker blue knee pads and rollerblade boots with three pink wheels each. She wears a pink safety helmet, which resembles a brain with light blue hemisphere outlines, wrinkle and fissure lines, her chain on the back connecting the ‘hemispheres’ (symbolic of her intellect and obsession with knowledge). It can be taken off, but if she tries to leave it behind it’ll teleport back onto her person. She also wears purple glasses with bright blue lightning bolts arcing along their arms.
Power and Weakness
Electrokinesis. She can generate electricity (coloured faintly bluish white) through her body and rollerblades, the wheels of which crackle and spark when spinning, letting her skate on a stream of her own lightning. Later she discovers the ability to change her body itself into a bolt of lightning briefly. Even when she isn’t literal lightning, she can move about as fast. However, she is vulnerable to strong magnetic fields like electricity, the more so the more she uses her power. Unlike the others, magnetism won’t kill her unless it’s extremely intense, but before reaching that level it can disrupt and temporarily deactivate her electrokinesis.
Her weapon is a purple handheld catapult that fires ball lightning.
Tomoko was born to a loving middle-class family in a big city. She was bookworm and excelled in school, said to be a pleasure to have in class, and an athlete, especially loving roller skating and then rollerblading. Her sister Rai, six years older, was her hero and they were very close.
Rai and her four friends were one of the earliest magical girl teams to spring up. Her parents remained oblivious, but Tomoko soon found out and begged them to let her help and accompany them. After impressing them with her courageous assistance defeating a powerful demon - mostly through diverting his attention - her wish was granted and she was made a part-time member, with a view to being a full-time one when she got older. Life was amazing.
The problems began a year into this merry status quo. Being albino, her vision was naturally poor, so her parents thought little of it when she needed stronger glasses. But then her motor skills started to regress and she grew uncharacteristically forgetful and confused, forcing her to reluctantly, bitterly resign from skating and being a magical girl. She and her family realized something was badly wrong. Tomoko was diagnosed with childhood dementia, the symptoms of a rare neurodegenerative disease she’d had the horrible luck to inherit. Her health rapidly deteriorated. She began to have seizures and they just got more frequent. Wearing a helmet went from being a necessary precaution skating to one in everyday life, to mitigate the damage of her falling on her head. She forgot how to write, read, speak and walk in an agonizing decline, until five months prior to the Emperor’s passing she died abruptly during a seizure.
Her death rent the Fujisaka family apart. Her parents’ relationship has grown dysfunctional; her sister fell into depression and quit being a magical girl, breaking the item she transformed with to seal it; and without their leader or ray of sunshine, the team disbanded, their morale crushed. In their absence the city has become a burgeoning dark magic hotspot. Tomoko doesn’t know any of this. She darted out of her old neighbourhood immediately to explore Japan and isn’t ready to see her living loved ones again.
Tomoko never does anything by half. She’s overflowing with energy and intense, bubbly cheer, slow to lose hope but quick to grow restless if unstimulated. She can find fun, or at least engagement, in almost any situation. Her hyperactivity, impulsivity and impatience have only increased since getting super speed; she’s using her powers more often than not, and activates them for the sake of it by far the most of the team. Being so optimistic, she typically expects the best of endeavours. She also has solid confidence in herself. But that makes her cocky, foolhardy and stubborn, hesitant to admit to her miscalculations, as often as nobly bold.
She is very precocious and intelligent in terms of vertical thinking. She has an insatiable appetite for knowledge and understanding, apparent through her habit of questioning everything and knowing stories and concepts notably above her age level (let alone the one she was in when she stopped attending school; and a knack for breaking complex things down to their most important parts. If Shiko devises a clever plan, Miu does something creative or Akane employs a cunning tactic in a fight, Tomoko will rapidly recognize what they’re going for and be able to explain it well. She’s talkative and surprisingly sophisticated in speech, having a reader’s accent (mispronouncing words she’s read but not heard). Her memory is sharp and specific. She consistently learns from her mistakes in the sense that she won’t make the same practical one - e.g. taking on an enemy too powerful for her or attempting a mission with elements that aren’t her strong suit solo - twice. However, her naivety impedes her reckoning much with the underlying flaws that lead to her those decisions.
Tomoko wants to be capable and useful more than anything. This stems from the combination of wanting to make the people she loves proud of her (even more than in life, thanks to believing she let down her parents, sister and old team), and loathing and fearing the feeling of lacking skills and knowledge that she should have, especially compared to the precedents she sets. That’s all she felt when she was slowly dying. Feeling it again triggers her traumatic memories of that period. (She hates hospitals.) Her worst fear is being a failure, useless and worthless and helpless. This obsessive craving for competence is the root of a lot of her behaviour, like her tendencies to overachieve, leap into danger, bite off more than she can chew and go against her protective teammates’ wishes to try to prove herself.
Her insecurities are part of why she values knowledge so much: it’s simultaneously ammunition to prove her worth and a distraction. Information can be understood objectively, clarified, organized and articulated in ways emotions can’t. The fear beneath her bravado also explains why she’s, if she can help it, always either thinking about something external, doing something, or finding something to do or think about. As long as she never slows down, she never has to process her trauma. That and it feels so incredibly, addictively wonderful to have not only normal levels of ability, but actual superpowers after the level of motor skills she was reduced to. Yes, they and superhero antics are more distractions.
She is determined to be, if not necessarily a great hero, at least her teammates’ equal - and the more they bond, the deeper the worry that one day she’ll let them down irreparably burrows. Shiko is the most similar to Rai and soon takes the place of a second big sister in her heart. Seemingly incongruously, her authoritative presence either has the best results in making Tomoko stay out of trouble because Tomoko can’t stand to disappoint her, or incites the most rebellion and shows of independence from her. This is due to Tomoko’s subconscious guilt that she’s dishonouring and replacing her sister by loving someone else the same way. It urges her to throw in fits of conflict and distance between them to try to prevent them getting that close. Where Shiko and Miu’s measured approaches balance her out, Akane is similarly action-oriented and reckless, if more pragmatic and brutal, and they get up to a lot of chaos together.
Phantom Pain Form
Raw Nerve. Her whole eyes glow blue and so do the nerves nearest to her skin. Lightning surges through her from her heart outward, disintegrating her glasses, helmet except the chain, and clothes and replacing them with the grey T-shirt, blue shorts and purple socks she was wearing when she passed away in her hospital bed. The chain extends and stiffens slightly to be a whole loop encircling her head. Her hair spikes grow into long locks branching in all directions that resemble the dendrites of a neuron and link to the inside of a cerebral cortex-shaped construct of crackling electricity surrounding and above Tomoko’s head, her body representing its brainstem. The wheels from her destroyed boots float horizontally around her waist and channel and direct lightning bolts.
In stark contrast to Tomoko, Raw Nerve is joyless, quiet, blunt and coldly, ruthlessly logical and she usually hovers in place or moves so fast she practically appears to teleport. She attacks purely remotely with lighting strikes and blasts (no longer needing her catapult) rather than also incorporating hit-and-run tactics like Tomoko. She’s so emotionally overwhelmed inside that she externally shuts down. Part of the personality shift is also wanting to be mature, since Raw Nerve is the embodiment of her unhealthy response to her fear of being weak and useless. When she does express emotion, she quickly gets distraught and risks zapping everything and everyone in the vicinity, friends included.
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camtankerous · 2 years
Man i dont care how important a post is or how much it means to you if you reblog it thirty times in a row without tagging it spam or something i WILL unfollow you
8 notes · View notes
jinkicake · 2 years
Any plans for a genshin masterlist? I noticed you have quite a few genshin fics and I wanted to read them all but I went to your masterlist and there was no link 😔
oh im sorry!!! i do have plans to make one but ive been too indecisive about how I wanted to organize it.... I literally have all the works together but I just haven't made the individual masterlists yet...
I can post all the works under here though, let me know if you have a problem with any of the links! I hope they all work!
((for mobile users: the links open in web which IDK how to fix but as long as you click 'open in app' then it will take it back to the app!!!)
★ = SMUT
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Scientifically Proven
Diluc R.
Ignoring Him After A Fight
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Jealousy Points
Gentle Love
Test of Courage
Beautiful Feeling ★
Stuck in the Middle ★
Washing His Hair
Clean-Up (Aftercare) ★
Arranged Marriage Trope
After A Long Night.. He Returns Home To You
Dear Lover
Kaeya A.
Ignoring Him After A Fight
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Homemade Stress Relief ★
Jealousy Points
Kaeya’s Birthday Surprise ★
Gentle Love
Test of Courage
Beautiful Feeling ★
Stuck in the Middle ★
Washing His Hair
Clean-Up (Aftercare) ★
Completely ‘Accidental’ ★
After A Long Night.. He Returns Home To You
Dear Lover
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Hu Tao
Fiery Fingertips ★
Ignoring Him After A Fight
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Homemade Stress Relief ★
Sharing is Caring ★
Gentle Love
Test of Courage
Stuck in the Middle ★
Washing His Hair
Completely ‘Accidental’ ★
After A Long Night.. He Returns Home To You
Dear Lover
Hate That I Love You
Someday, We’ll Meet Again
Sharing is Caring ★
Clean-Up (Aftercare) ★
Arranged Marriage Trope
Arranged Marriage Trope (pt 2) ★
Hate That I Love You
A. Itto
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Jealousy Points
Sharing is Caring ★
Test of Courage
Beautiful Feeling ★
K. Ayato
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Test of Courage
Arranged Marriage Trope
After A Long Night.. He Returns Home To You
Stuck in the Middle ★
K. Sara
Sharing is Caring ★
S. Heizou
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Completely ‘Accidental’ ★
Washing His Hair
Stuck in the Middle ★
Love To Hate Me ★
Yae Miko
Homemade Stress Relief ★
Arranged Marriage Trope
Washing His Hair
Arranged Marriage Trope
Inappropriate Affairs ★
You unintentionally rile him up. ★
Washing His Hair
Completely ‘Accidental’ ★
Stuck in the Middle ★
Love To Hate Me ★
Dear Lover
Wanderer “Scaramouche” 
Jealousy Points
Scaramouche has to process betrayal all over again. ★
Gentle Love
Beautiful Feeling ★
Arranged Marriage Trope 
Hate That I Love You
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Arranged Marriage Trope
Stuck in the Middle ★
Love To Hate Me ★
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Random Office Smut ★
Sharing is Caring ★
Clean-Up (Aftercare) ★
Arranged Marriage Trope 
Arranged Marriage Trope (pt2) ★
Sharing is Caring ★
534 notes · View notes
mercurysgem0 · 2 months
Tanjiro Headcanons! (General, Platonic, Romantic)
my first writing in a while, might be terrible. also the formatting MAYYYY be off i rarely use tumblr let alone post on here.. gulps. ENJOY THO!!! shoutout to @thecardiganzlovrx3 for some ideas and support love u a lot buddy! <3
-despite what everyone thinks, he is KINDA ASS at cooking 
-he doesn’t burn things (often) and knows how to sorta use spices and seasonings, but he is no 5 star chef 
-(probably isnt even 3 star)
-sometimes neglects his own hygiene, just isn’t that important to him with all of the things he has to do
-definitely reminds others to take care of themselves, though
-not disgusting by any means but perchance a little smelly here and there
-gets really embarrassed when he realizes how long its been since he’s gotten clean
-if this were the modern era he would for sure use 3-n-1 (sorry guys… its more efficient hes a busy man..)
-pine or a woodsy scent :)
-ROUUGGHHH hands i dont even think this is a hc this is CANON
-could sand wood with them thangs 
-cried when he got his ears pierced, he doesnt know why it just gave him the urge to cry :(
-loves animals, he listens very closely whenever Mitsuri is gushing about her cats
-cleanest desktop ever. so organized
-dont even get me started on his files
-he might not know a lot about technology but he knows how to keep it clean
-doesn’t download anything, just pictures of his family and friends
-lock screen would be a landscape, maybe a river or mountains
-main screen is for sure a picture of at least him and nezuko if not the whole squad
-doesn’t know how to download things on mobile 😭just took a screenshot of something he liked and set his wallpaper to it (credit to my wife kell for this one love u bby)
-definitely an android user, probably a samsung galaxy
-none of his contacts have pictures, he doesn’t know how to set them
-dry texter do i even need to say this
-isnt much of a music guy
-he wouldnt even know where to look to find music
-not that he doesnt like it, he just rarely listens on his own
Platonic: (like best friends)
-finds little things on his outings that reminds him of you
-sometimes he loses them and doesn’t realize until he’s back, and gets really sad
-always gives them to you when he doesn’t! it makes him really happy to see how much you like whatever it is he gave you
-he loves you like family and will treat you as such
-sometimes overbearing with his care but he means well
-crazy protective like how he is with all of his family (and friends for that matter)
-wouldn’t be the same if you died, for any reason
-there would definitely be a mental scar forever if he lost you
-always surprises him when you reciprocate any kind of love or care towards him, he just isnt used to it
-appreciates it a LOT though
-if you have longer hair he would definitely try and style it for you (disguises it as practice for nezuko’s hair but really he just thinks your current style is atrocious)
-if you have shorter hair, hes clueless. completely clueless
-no idea what to do so just brushes it and maybe puts in a cute little hair clip (GIGGLING TO MYSELF RN ANYWAYSSS)
-someone give me more ideas for this im OPEN TO ANYTHING i will do a part two if needed
-an old fashioned man (its literally the 1920s cmon)
-in addition to the things he finds to give you, he also buys you a lot of things
-doesnt care if you protest, he loves you so you have to accept it!
-very shy with affection at first, almost uncharacteristically 
-slow progression, doesn’t even kiss you until around 4 months in
-sometimes this makes you feel unloved, if you bring it up he’ll immediately apologize and try to reassure you, and explains hes not used to loving someone physically
-after this talk he does start doing little touches
-grabbing your shoulder, your hand, brushing your hair behind your ear, cute stuff like that!
-simple pet names nothing over the top
-honey, dear, baby, and maybe a cute personalized one :) (like something about your personality or an inside joke)
-uses your crow to find out what kind of dates you would like the best, and what to wear to said dates
-picture a cheesy 2000s movie getting ready scene like with the changing room and the peoples reactions but its tanjiro and your crow (ALSO CREDIT TO KELL FOR THIS MY LITTLE HELPER)
-goes over the top on holidays, especially because he probably doesnt get to actually enjoy very many holidays
-valentines day god. 
-gets really giddy when he sees you interacting with nezuko, something inside of him warms up (he definitely gets more cuddly after this)
-once he’s fully used to loving you, BE PREPARED.
-every love language ever
-mainly gift giving, words of affection, and physical touch
-not too big on pda but hes not completely against it
-he prefers to have private moments, your love is between him and you <3
-hand holding, hugging, kissing, he’ll do that stuff almost anywhere, but in small amounts
-behind closed doors.. hes a beast. 
-cuddling EVERY NIGHT HE CAN. loves being close to you and knowing you’re safe with him to protect you (he knows you’re strong and can fight anything off, it just gives him peace of mind)
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Hi, sorry if this is too vague but I have a character that's an ambulatory mobile aid user. Wheelchair, crutches, cane etc etc but primarily wheelchair based.
What disability would make sense for this character to have? Ik it's weird but the character design came before any real lore or depth lmao, thus I want my oc to be more realistic but I don't know genuinely anything abt these topics or what would be 'appropriate'. Thank you in advance! for everything, this blog is a godsend for writers
Hi, this question has been answered multiple times, like this post that we linked to yesterday. Please check the relevant tags (#ambulatory wheelchair use and/or #disabled character ideas) that we have in our pinned post or on the blog, it's faster than sending an ask for an already answered question because we have over 500 of them.
With this amount of information it's impossible to give an answer that's helpful, please refer to this post if you're having issues researching. I made a very long post on this blog on writing cane and crutch users like two days ago that you can check out too.
If you don't know anything about writing disabled characters please check out our pinned post and the resources in it, it's there for exactly that. Writing a disabled character is more complicated than just giving them a mobility aid and diagnosis.
mod Sasza
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lacefuneral · 1 year
hi reddit. here are some tips.
i will be putting these below a "readmore" - which is the first lesson. on desktop there is a button for this. on mobile you type :readmore: followed by a linebreak. it is considered common ettique to shorten your long posts in this way.
by the way, are you reblogging a long post that isn't under a readmore? tag that as #long post so users can blacklist it and not have to scroll for five years.
(weird gaps in bullet points due to character limits lmao)
Title. Icon. Banner. blog description. (look around if you need an idea for what to put in your blog description.) Blogs without this information (ESPECIALLY the no icon + no title combo) gets you blocked immediately. This is because tumblr has always had a severe bot problem. Just grab a meme from your camera roll or a picture of a character you like from google.
also, because most users have their pronouns in their bio, it is expected that you will look there to check before addressing them, out of courtesy. don't just default to "they" - only do that if a person's pronoun's are unclear or if the pronouns listed ARE "they."
Disable public likes. the like button is for personal bookmarking. very often, people will like posts they have not read yet, so that they can read them later. a person's likes is not always reflective of their stances, and if your likes are public, people may use them against you in an argument. think of your likes as your browser history. tumblr users value privacy in this instance.
unrelated to the above point: likes are also used to show compassion for a user going through a tough time, or to say "hey, i thought this joke you made was funny." this use of likes is more for friend-to-friend communication.
Disable anything in your settings that is algorithmic including seeing posts based on other people's likes (one, because algorithms exist to make you mad and two, as part of respecting privacy)
set "following" to appear before "for you" (and overall avoid "for you")
Snooze Tumblr Live (sorry. you have to do this once a week bc tumblr sucks.)
Open your askbox so people can communicate with you. Decide if you want to allow anonymous asks and/or public DMs.
Enable the desktop version of your blog. This makes it so that when you use a computer and go to [yourusername].tumblr.com you can have a website with HTML and CSS. tumblr has tried very hard to kill blog personalization but you can find many helpful users posting in the tags, as well as pre-made themes you can install. tumblr users are the ones making the bulk of neocities websites, and in general tend to be friendly in redirecting you to resources.
enabling your desktop blog also allows you to insert links and do very basic editing (like inserting line breaks) in your blog description (we call "bio") which translates to the mobile version of your theme. you have to do this in the editor for the desktop on a computer. also, editing your theme on mobile (like changing color, font) will undo your HTML. your best bet is to edit your mobile theme first and THEN do the HTML/link stuff on a computer. i know it sounds a bit convoluted but you'll figure it out. (this website is made of duct tape)
also while you are on desktop: download xkit rewritten. it won't work on mobile but it gives you a lot of helpful features. also consider installing ublock origin if you haven't already, because tumblr will sometimes add annoying widgets to their website and that tool will allow you to block them. i also use "palettes for tumblr" to customize my dashboard color. tumblr DOES have built-in dashboard themes but i do not like them personally.
pinned posts. you can pin any post you make or reblog. some people use this to pin a funny meme, and other people use the pinned post as an extended bio (or otherwise an alternative to it). a tumblr post made on desktop can hold up to 30 images (the limit is 10 on mobile.) you can also embed links, a video, and even audio. you can change text color, have bullet points, and increase font size. as such, you can express yourself much more in a pinned post than in your mobile blog description. a typical pinned post may include information about the user, a link to an external website (like a carrd, neocities, or linktree), and sometimes an image or two. tumblr allows you to disable reblogs for a post, so most pinned posts are set this way so it just stays on a user's blog.
DNIs (also called "BYF"). not everyone uses them, and they can be divisive. it stands for "Do Not Interact" - and is a boundary set to keep people away. this may include age (example: "minors DNI"), political opinions (example: "prolifers DNI"), and sometimes deeply niche online discourse. DNIs are also sometimes a joke (example: "DNI if you like tuna salad"). there is actually a meme where someone will write a post with a very long, unreasonable DNI and users will count how many apply to them.
If you would upvote a post on reddit, you would reblog it here. If you see something and you think it is cool, you think it is funny, or you think it is helpful, reblog it. Some users have sideblogs (you can have infinite sideblogs attached to your main account) to organize all of the posts they reblog. Others simply use a tagging system for organizational purposes (and so users can blacklist ("filter") those tags in their settings if they don't want to see the post). For example, if I followed a user for Star Trek, but they also posted a lot of Star Wars, I might add "#star wars" to my list of filters. This way, I am only seeing the Star Trek posts. Tumblr's default way of handling this is to display a box that says "this post contains #Star Wars" and you can choose whether or not to open it. on desktop with xkit rewritten, you can have it hide those boxes entirely. please use filters. your sanity will thank you.
In a reblog, Organizational Tags are for /you./ I see a lot of confusion about this from new users. If you reblog someone else's post and add 500 tags..... it's not going to get picked up in tumblr search. You're not going to get any sort of exposure. Because it is not your post. Those tags are only for /you/ - if you want to find the post again.
tags are also used for commentary. most tumblr users do /not/ talk in post replies or in the comments of a reblog. most of them talk in tags. tags have a character limit so these messages are broken up in fragments. tumblr uses a comma (,) to make a new tag, so users often use either no punctuation or a period (.) or a hyphen (-) to break up thoughts. two apostrophes ('') are used instead of quotation marks (because they dont work in tags). this is also where "tumblr writing style" comes from. we all began to write in lowercase and use punctuation in. a weird way. like. for emphasis. there is also the Tumblr Comma, a special unicode character that resembles a comma and works in tags when copy+pasted or put there with a keyboard shortcut. but this is often not used. here it is: ‚
also here's an example of tags. you will notice that commentary goes before organizational: #GOD DHSHSKDDJDL #i cannot BELIEVE i forgot about this. what the fuck #star trek #spock
when leaving tags, most users talk to themselves. but please remember that tags can be seen by anyone, including the original poster. in general, it is discouraged to traumadump or be rude.
"prev tags" (which tumblr staff is trying their damnest to erase sadly) is when a user reblogs a post from another user and tags it simply ''prev'' or ''prev tags" (meaning "i agree with the previous user's tags"). sometimes it's because a thoughtful observation was made, but usually it's a way of saying "hey! that was a funny joke!" without putting the user on blast by screenshotting the tags. it's most common between friends and mutuals (users following each other). i would say it is equivalent to users whispering to each other and giggling rather than getting up on a table and shouting. "prev tag chain" is when users reblog "prev tags" "prev prev tags" - and so on. however, sadly, tumblr has removed the feature of moving backwards in a reblog chain on desktop. i have not updated my app and refuse to, so i so not know if it is gone on mobile as well, but it probably is. EDIT: the browser extension Xkit Rewritten has an option now, in "tweaks" called "restore links to individual posts in post header." it should be the first option. prev tags, on desktop at least, is saved!
screenshotting someone elses tags and adding the image in a reblog is known as "passing peer review." it is, however, considered to be Greatly Annoying to accompany those tags with unnecessary commentary (ex: "these tags pass peer review!" "WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE THIS IN THE TAGS" "LMAAOO THIS IS SO FUNNYYY"). the tags can stand on their own. the only instance in which this is different is during a serious discussion, when you want to build off of another user's perspective. in which case, you address them as normal. some people credit taggers, some people don't. crediting tends to occur in discussions.
when making an original post, do not use irrelevant tags for Exposure. this is Greatly Hated by the userbase and is also against the TOS. you will get blocked at best, reported or yelled at at worst. only add relevant tags, and do not go overboard.
reposting other people's artwork is highly discouraged and is considered the Highest Offense. if you do any sort of reposting, you should credit and link to a creator directly. however, tumblr loves reposted videos, especially ones from tiktok. there are entire accounts dedicated to posting those.
sideblogs! it is possible to have multiple blogs under one email address. tumblr treats these blogs as proxies of your main blog. this means that sending someone an ask/commenting in the replies of a post will always appear with the name of your main blog, your likes will appear with the name of your main blog, and that if you follow someone you will appear on their followers list as your main blog (so you may be mutuals with someone and not even know it because their sideblog interacts with you, but isn't on your follower's list... because their main blog is listed there instead.) however, DMs DO appear as the sideblog name. you cannot swap your main blog with your sideblog. and right now, there is a bug where deleting a sideblog will delete your entire tumblr account so. don't do that lol. anyway, the amount of sideblogs you can make is literally infinite and i think there's just a Daily Limit of creating 10 of them or something. some users make a sideblog for each interest they have. others have no sideblogs and reblog everything to main. and then you have people like me that do both. somehow. some users will make sideblogs to hoard URLs. also sorry i'm just introducing this now, but that is what our usernames are called. because when tumblr was more desktop-oriented, every blog was literally a Personal Website. so ya. we call them "URLs." anyway, if someone wants to hang onto a URL for later, they might save it on an empty blog. this usually pisses people off. a "canon URL" is when someone has a URL that is like One Word or a Company Name or a Fictional character. hypothetical examples: "ketchup" "burgerking" "lukeskywalker." these are highly rare, coveted, and you look cool as hell if you have one.
tumblr's /\/SFW policy (/\/ is an N. i've censored it.) is best described as ???. posts that are safe for work get marked as /\/SFW and hardcore p0rn somehow persists. in general, be very wary of posting even artistic nvdity (even though it is supposedly permitted.) never deliberately mark your own posts as Mature. this is essentially like walking directly into a bear trap and waving a big sign at tumblr staff saying "hey! make it so people can't find my blog and i'm far more likely to get banned!" also do not tag posts with "/\/SFW." too many of those will get your entire blog marked as mature (which makes your posts pretty much invisible to other users.) tumblr users used /\/SFT (/\/ot safe for tumblr) for a long time, but staff caught on. there is now no consensus and people use their own personal tags for it. just pick something and people will catch on and blacklist it if need be. (btw you CAN type whatever you want on this website. i am only censoring in the hopes that this will allow my post to appear in the tags. this isn't tiktok lol)
while it is possible to disable reblogs on a post, this is a very RECENT addition and most users forget it exists. as such, please use common sense. if someone has written a post about, say, how sad they are feeling because they got in a fight with their family... that's not a good post to reblog. a like would be better here, like a pat on the back.
we LOVE polls. we love them. they are like sports to us. most of them are popularity polls - who is the better character? but people also use polls for, say, making bug emojis "race" each other. or "lets build a cake." other people use polls to write poetry, or learn about regional differences, or even to draw a pen!s. if you tag a poll as "poll" it will most likely be seen and voted in, because users look in the tag to find buttons to click.
there is unfortunately a T3RF (this one censored specifically to protect my notifs lmao. 3 is E) presence here. report, block, ignore, move on. common courtesy for users to inform each other if one is accidentally reblogged from. it also helps to blacklist tags related to them to avoid them. use shinigam! eyes browser extension on desktop.
there is NO equivalent to reddit awards on this website. as the userbase hates the staff, it is considered blasphemous to spend your money on checkmarks, etc. - buying them as a gift for another user is seen as a hostile act. it's like receiving a "kick-me" sign. once owned, badges cannot be deleted. thankfully, tumblr now allows you to disable checkmarks and other badges from appearing publically. that said, some users also give checkmarks unironically to show appreciation??? and others buy checks for themselves???? so yeah. tumblr doesnt actually have a verification system - these exist to mock twitter and to make a quick buck.
tumblr blaze. essentially, tumblr has a system in place to showcase user posts instead of advertisements sometimes. this is done by the user paying money. the higher the amount, the more impressions. tumblr users can now also blaze OTHER PEOPLE'S POSTS. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BLAZE DISABLED!!! blazing another person's post (without asking first) is seen as a hostile act. why? because most blazed posts result in rude comments from strangers who are annoyed to see the post on their dashboard. unless it's like, a cute picture of a cat. or something genuinely helpful. boosting your soundcloud or a selfie or a rant about fandom does not typically garner positive responses. you can blaze just like. watch out. and also always ask the OP if you want to blaze someone else's post. (there is a reason this feature is called "blaze pvp")
tumblr merch is also frowned upon, as tumblr staff steals ideas from the userbase and profits off of them without financially compensating or crediting the users. there was a meme on here, "vanilla extract", that tumblr turned into water bottles while the person who made the meme was having to fundraise to survive :(
umm i think thats it for now. but like if you have questions feel free to launch them into The Void with some tags and users are pretty quick to help out! hopefully i covered some stuff that other ppl haven't
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eschergirls · 5 months
Tumblr media
Hi everybody!  
It's May (my birth month!) so it's time for another site update and to thank all our wonderful Patreon supporters!
First, we're still updating the site layout to be more user friendly.  Mobile users should have noticed that the site is a lot easier to navigate and no longer has the floating widget that blocks most of the image.  The desktop web browser layout is next to get an overhaul which I hope will make the front page more engaging.  We'll also be adding a tag cloud and a glossary and index of tags so it'll be easier for people to look through the archives. The glossary should explain what some of the terms like "boobsocks" (clothing that encases each breast separately like socks), "boob flounder" (both breasts on one side of the body), etc... mean.
If anybody has any other suggestions to improve the site's usability and readability, please let me know.  I'm very interested in feedback. 
A reminder, for those who want to follow us without using Tumblr, we have an RSS feed. (For newbies, RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is basically a feed you can read using an RSS reader. Simply copy and paste https://eschergirls.com/rss.xml into an RSS reader and it will keep you up to date on Escher Girls!)
Second, as usual, I've been working through restoring all the broken/poorly formatted/un-alt-texted posts from the past.  That's like 10 years of posts, so it takes a while.  This month my major restorations are these 3 "Legacy of the Phoenix" Marvel Max covers which has that infamous "peeling thong" image, this Magic Knight Armageddon card of a sexy elven Spartan, and the entire "Chronicles of the Dragon Knights"/"La Geste de Chevaliers Dragons" tag which includes 2 posts that have lengthy discussions from commenters about the work and what they think of it which may or may not be interesting to people. There's also a submission and redraw of a Tetris girl by Junodog.
I'm still working my way through the Tumblr inbox backlog, so if you submitted a post a long time ago, you might see it pop up in the near future.  I'm really sorry how long it takes for me to get to older submissions, Tumblr's inbox works in reverse chronological order so things get buried really easily.  I'm also still appealing the many incorrectly flagged posts on Tumblr, but the responses are automated and arbitrary (the algorithm seems to have a hard time knowing what actual nudity is because they constantly flag single coloured full bodysuits as nudity xD ).
Anyway, now I want to thank all of the wonderful Patreon supporters.  I really appreciate the support on Patreon and Ko-Fi because it helps me keep the site independently run from having to rely just on Tumblr or any other platform, and allows us to make site upgrades and make the site more accessible to people with disabilities.  Your support helps me pay for the domain, hosting, and other upgrades. <3
So I want to give a huge sincere thank you to everybody who supported Escher Girls on Patreon in April!
Thank you so very much to:
Anne Adler Cat Mara CheerfulOptimistic  Chris McKenzie Em Bardon First Time Trek Greg Sepelak Ian Cameron Ken Trosaurus Kevin Carson Kim Wincen Leak  Manuel Dalton Mary Kuhner Max Schwarz Michael Mazur Miriam Pody Morgan McEvoy randomisedmongoose Rebecca Breu Ringoko  Ryan Gerber Sam Mikes Sean Sea SpecialRandomCast  Thomas 
And of course, thank you so much to everybody in general for reading the site, engaging with it and leaving comments, and submitting stuff to do the site.  Reading your comments often makes me laugh quite a bit, and makes running the site very worth it. :)
Thanks so much to everybody again!
If you have any issues with the site or suggestions to improve it, please do not hesitate to contact me and let me know!
If you wish to support Escher Girls, you can subscribe to our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/ami_angelwings or donate through Ko-Fi at: https://ko-fi.com/amiangelwings.
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