#lonny crane x reader
I am literally binge reading all of your DD works and I just have to thank you for your absolutely incredible writing! 😭🙌
There are very few fics of Lonny out there, so is there anyway we could see how he’d react to seeing the person he’s had a crush on (reader) having witnessed what he did to Bud? Like I just want to hug him and tell him it’s okay and that it was an accident. Little baby didn’t mean to! 🥺
Forced Limitations - Lonny Crane/Reader
Warnings: No use of Y/N, gender-neutral reader, canon rewrite (the first half hour for now), lots of panic, canon violence, character death (Buddy 🥺), co-workers to friends to ride or dies, angst, hurt/comfort, mutual crushes, this one is heavy but if you've seen the movie you'll expect it.
Wordcount: 9486
Summary: Today was supposed to be such a normal day. You were even going to maybe talk to your crush this time if he didn't say anything first. So why were you now hiding in the basement of your work while you crush stared you down with a bloodied wrench in his shaking hand and fear in his eyes?
Notes: My first Lonny! Thank you so much for reading first of all 💗💗💗 it's because of you guys and your wonderful support for my writing that I'm enjoying these as much as I am! As requested this is an au of the movie down to the dialogue (forever grateful to mediarips with subs included hehe), get that lady outta here I hate her, but because I left this open-ended I might just have to write a part 2 if I can figure out a way for them to both escape 😏 For now I hope you like this, he really didn't mean to and this has been weighing on me since I saw the movie /)o(\
Today was just supposed to be another normal, boring day at work. 
You didn't have much going on, nothing penciled into your calendar on your apartment wall, no reminders in your phone, in fact it was probably the most normal your day could get. You left on time, grabbed yourself a coffee and a box of donuts to share with everyone you worked next to, and of course didn't forget the separate Boston Creme just for the cute handyman who smiled at you whenever you caught him staring. You blushed already thinking about him, neither of you had really talked, but you knew he was a sweet guy just based on your minimal interactions with him outside of your donut drop off. 
He wasn't very social, he stuck to his partner's side like glue for the most part, and Bud was also a good guy, extremely knowledgeable and able to solve any problem you guys brought to him before any of you could even figure out what was actually wrong, but sometimes you wished you could just have a conversation with Alonso by himself, get to know him a little better. You'd been trying for days now that you knew he preferred the Boston Creme, a popular donut in your group that tended to get snatched up fast from the random assortment you were always gifted. 
You’d been getting the baker's dozen with his as the 13th was your attempted way to start something, but so far he'd just noticed that his donut was there and unsnatched, sent Bud over to grab it before anyone else did, and then wandered off to eat it somewhere he wouldn't make a mess for anyone to step on, like the cafeteria on the ground floor. 
You wouldn't let that happen today you decided as you pulled into the line to get into work, security giving everyone a random check today for some reason to make sure they all worked there. That was odd, but you'd heard whispers that they were thinking of upping security around here anyway, something about attempted break-ins, so you just got your ID ready, popped the trunk when they asked, and kept on driving until you found a place to park. You gave a wave to Bud when you saw him head for the door, Alonso not with him as usual; he always came early before the rush, you could only guess the swarm of people made him uncomfortable, and you had to admit he had the right idea as everyone shuffled towards the door.
‘Weird about those men, isn’t it?’ you asked him as you flashed your IDs again to get inside, one card after the other to allow you entrance. ‘I mean, I get the extra security, but they looked like they were searching for something.’
‘Poor Lonny must’ve had a hard time with them, he’s always here as soon as the lights come on,’ Bud figured, the two of you walking through the lobby until he started to veer away towards the elevators. His place was in the basement, their own special break room down there while they monitored everything whenever something didn’t need to be looked at, and you pursed your lips with a glance down at the box in your arms before chasing after him.
‘Hey! Hey, uh, I was wondering if maybe you could… escourt me down to the break room today, maybe leave this for Alonso if he’s running late?’ you suggested nervously, no one other than those two usually going down there, but the other man just looked you over a moment but chuckling to himself like he’d just realized something.
‘Ha, imagine that; c’mon, gotta get you to your desk before Bossman notices you’re down there,’ he told you before leading the way, and as payment for his tour he grabbed his own donut first on the way down. ‘Never come down here without either of us, this place is a real maze with a ton of hazards, and also be sure to watch your head, you never know what’s gunna hit you until it’s too late,’ he warned as the elevator came to a stop, and you closed the lid of your coffee a little tighter before following him out. 
‘You know I’ve never been down here before, not even when I started,’ you told him as you walked, your eyes taking in everything and nearly allowing you to bump your head just as he knew you would, his hand coming out to protect your forehead before you knocked it off a low-hanging series of pipes.
‘Don’t think many of the people upstairs have, it’s mostly just me and Lonny and the occasional fill-in whenever we call out, that’s not often though, Lonny’s a very hard worker, y’know.’ You were too busy ducking to notice the glance he gave you when he was done speaking, the place indeed a maze as he led you right to the middle where their solitary room to themselves was hidden; inside was a small kitchen against the left wall, a table with two chairs against the right wall, the others folded up nearby since they were unneeded, and four lockers tucked against the far right corner. 
Only two of them had names, the company had only needed them once it became clear that they made a great team and rendered more help unnecessary, and Alonso was indeed in as he sat at the table and ate a bowl of cereal. He looked up when he heard Bud arrive, and he was in the middle of a hello and a wave when you walked into his view; instantly his eyes went wide and his cheeks flushed, and you watched as he turned away from you and tried to swallow the mouthful of cereal he was now choking on a little. You’d surprised him, that much was obvious, but it was blush that had you freezing as your own heated your face right up despite the chill of the room.
‘Well, now that I’m clocked in I’d better check out that problem from yesterday, y’know the one, way up on the 6th floor, you can handle things down here for a bit, right?’ Bud told Alonso as he quickly grabbed his orange uniform and started pulling it on, the other man fumbling his words and dropping his spoon when he received an encouraging rub to the back of his head that messed up his long hair. 
‘Bud!’ he yelped as his desperate cry to not be left alone, and then it was just the two of you, very much alone while his cereal turned to mush. ‘Uh… hi,’ he said after a while, his hands hurriedly straightening his hair back down so he wouldn’t look a mess, and you could only murmur the same before you realized the burning in your palm was actually because of your coffee.
‘Shit, ow, can I set this down?’ you asked him quickly as you rushed for the table, and he nodded as he cleared a space for you, the rest of the table covered in old newspapers and magazines to read so they could pass the time on slow days. ‘Thanks, I uh, I wanted to make sure you got this, you know how the others are,’ you stuttered nervously, his chosen donut thankfully avoiding being crushed by your worried hands only because it was set safely on top of the large box.
‘Oh, thank you,’ he stuttered right back, this was the most he’d ever said to you since you’d started working there, Bud usually doing all the talking for him while he just listened. His eyes lit up when he saw that you’d gotten his favourite and it made your smile grow wide, your hands shaking a little less as he carefully peeled back the paper from the bag in order to save the chocolate on top. ‘I love these ones, growing up it was always the first picked by my siblings, so… I’m glad you keep bringing them to work, I always get here before that place opens,’ he shared with you before taking a bite, and you felt your heart skip a beat at the simple joy of tasting something delicious spread across his face.
‘I didn’t know you had siblings,’ you said as you took the remaining seat, your coffee reopened and your own donut chosen while you took a sip, and he looked at the door before sitting with you, your chairs so close together that your knees touched before he moved away. This was now the closest you’d ever been as well, and you realized you’d much rather risk being late in order to hear more than head upstairs and start working.
‘Four of them, I’m the youngest,’ he told you between bites, his cereal forgotten as he licked cream and chocolate off of his fingers a moment before going to the sink and washing his hands with a bit of embarrassment. ‘You- you’d think growing up in a family that big I’d be able to talk to people better, right?’
You took a bite of your own donut before shaking your head, and he seemed surprised by your answer as he sat back down again. ‘Family is different, sometimes it’s easier to talk to strangers than your own flesh and blood,’ you thought aloud, and he listened intently in genuine interest. ‘But, you don’t have to be afraid of talking to me, I don’t bite…’ Your face lit up and you distracted yourself with more coffee at your choice of words, but he didn’t have the same problem as you as he tucked his hair behind his ear and really thought it over.
‘I- I’ve been trying to, actually,’ he muttered almost to himself, and you set your cup down to listen this time, ‘but every time I see you you’re always surrounded by people.’
You thought to yourself a moment before opening the box again and offering him a second donut, and Alonso looked between them and you before picking another and starting on it. ‘Well, guess I’ll have to stop by here every morning then, so we can talk,’ you offered, and he seemed genuinely happy about it as he flashed you a nervous but hopeful smile. You were smiling back when your phone went off, one of your cubiclemates was asking about her donuts, and you swore to yourself when you saw the time. ‘I’m late, I gotta run back up, but it was really nice talking to you, Alonso.’
‘Lonny,’ he said as he stood, and he towered over you as he handed you the box, ‘you can call me Lonny, everyone else does.’
‘Alright, then it was nice to officially meet you, Lonny.’ His smile was so infectious and wide that it made you wonder why it’d taken you so long to do this, and by the time you reached your floor you were practically twitterpated to no one’s surprise.
‘Finally talked to Tall, Cute, and Silent?’ your friend asked with a knowing smirk, and you made a face back at her as you presented everyone with the treats that were left. They devoured them like animals until only the crumbs were left as usual, and as you tossed out the box you found yourself already planning on maybe inviting him out for lunch today if he was interested. As such, you didn’t pay much attention to your work, just tapping out slowly over the keys while you took in no information, and when the speakers you didn’t even know were above you suddenly crackled to life it actually made you jump you were so distracted.
‘All employees, no matter what you’re doing, please stop and lend me your full attention,’ the announcement began, everyone around you having the same reaction of, ‘What’s going on?’ ‘There are currently 80 of you in the building. In eight hours, most of you will be dead.’
Your blood ran cold, this had to be some kind of joke, but when you looked around you saw that no one was laughing.
‘Your chance of survival increases by following my orders, and excelling at the tasks I place before you,’ the speaker continued, his voice surprisingly calm and almost a bit excited at what he was saying, and you started to feel sick at the thought that this was real, he was completely serious, and that was why security had been so tight when you’d arrived. ‘Your first task is simply this: Murder any two of your fellow employees within the next half hour.’
You spilled your coffee, the dark liquid spreading over your desk and onto the floor, but no one cared between those who were listening and those who’d already decided that this really had to be a joke.
‘How they are killed, or how they are chosen to be killed, is of no consequence. But if there are not two dead bodies in the building within 30 minutes, you will face repercussions.’
‘This isn’t real, right?’ you asked your friend, her face calm but you could see it in her eyes, that doubt that was taking hold of you. ‘I mean, they aren’t really asking us to kill each other, are they?’
‘It’s all bullshit, probably some test to weed out the bad employees, you know there’s a few on the 5th floor who could stand a good kick in the pants,’ she said dismissively, but when she waved her hand you didn’t miss the way it shook.
‘Still, I don’t like this, I’m gunna- I’m just gunna take a walk, see what the others are saying.’ You stood when the voice never returned, stepping through your coffee and leaving tracks of it after you as you headed for the elevator, the basement button staring at you as the urge to press it and see what Bud had to say about all this hit you like a truck; he was a smart guy, and Al- Lonny would be there too, if he wasn't afraid and didn’t believe it then that would be enough for you. You hit the lobby button instead and tried to breathe when the entire building shook, a series of rumbles making the cables shake just enough to scare you. Your hands splayed over the walls to brace yourself until it was over, and when you reached your destination you found not only a gathering already there, but also the cause of the quake.
The front doors as well as the windows were now covered up with what looked like a blast shield, something that was supposed to be for protection now trapping you all inside. Your panic rose even higher, the familiar faces of your co-workers now warped into confusion and worry, a few of them even attempting to break the walls down to get free but to no avail. You started to shake when the elevator beside you dinged, and the relief that washed over you when you saw Bud and then Lonny exit was so strong that it nearly knocked out your legs from under you.
You followed after them as they spoke with someone from one of the floors higher than yours, Mike; he was a nice guy, there was nothing bad you could say about him, but he was serious now as everyone gathered around to whisper, your hand hovering just over Lonny’s back as he concentrated and didn’t even notice you. ‘What d’you think, Mikey? What’s this all about?’ Bud asked him while they stared what was supposed to be the front doors down.
‘I don’t know. You think you got a way to get through it?’ Mike wondered, tensions rising as your superiors tried to take charge and calm everything down in the distance.
‘Blowtorch could do the job, but I don’t know how thick it is,’ Bud offered up, already calculating what needed to be done based on all his years on the job. ‘It could take a while.’
‘What if we try cutting through one of the walls first?’ Mike suggested, his eyes moving to the normal concrete instead. ‘Wouldn’t it be easier to try and get through cement than get through whatever that is?’
Bud shook his head, repeating just the word no to himself with such certainty that it made you finally latch on, and Lonny jumped and turned to see you behind him. You looked up at him, unable to force a comforting smile when you saw his eyes, so he made one for you, his hand over your shoulders and rubbing your arm before he turned back to Bud, he’d have a plan. ‘This metal surrounds the entire building,’ he told them, the other man with you speaking up next.
‘So the whole building’s covered?’ he asked only for Bud to unfortunately confirm it, there was no knocking down a wall and escaping without getting through that metal first.
‘It’s worth a shot, though, right? The blowtorch?’ Mike confirmed before they could lose hope, Lonny glancing down at you and holding you a little tighter.
‘It’s worth a try,’ he agreed with a nod, and you weren’t sure if he was talking to Mike or to you when he said it. Bud then also noticed you were there when he went to pat Lonny on the back and smacked you instead, and he apologized before the two were walking away, your shoulders already hunching up without him there; you’d only just spoke that morning, which felt so long ago now, but you felt safe around him, if this was really happening then you could protect each other, and you went to follow when Bud noticed and held you back.
‘Easy now, just stay with the group, we’ll be back in a minute,’ he told you reassuringly, and you glanced over to Lonny before nodding and going to find your friends. Everyone had run to the lobby with the raising of the shield, and there was now no doubt between you all as you gathered in the corner and watched the others talk amongst themselves.
‘They’re gunna try and burn a hole through the door, see if we can get out that way,’ you whispered, not wanting to spread the plan in case it didn’t work, ‘they just went down to get the blowtorch, they’ll be right back.’
‘You gunna stick to your boytoy when he does?’ your friend joked so suddenly that you felt the need to reprimand her to for saying that first of all, but the second you looked at her you saw that she was just making jokes to hide the fact that she was fucking terrified. So you let it slide, your hand rubbing her shoulder just as Lonny had done to you.
‘I dunno, do you guys have any ideas?’ you asked them, each one shaking their heads.
‘I heard a few people went to the roof, we could try that,’ another suggested, but you didn’t like heights all that much to begin with, mixing that with the current situation might actually make you faint.
‘You can go, I’m gunna stay here, see how the door goes,’ you decided, and your small group split up just as your boss walked into the room along with the two men just below him; one of them was a real asshole, you didn’t bother with him, your focus on Mr. Norris as he spoke.
‘Hey, listen up, everybody, okay?’ he called out over the room, his voice echoing even louder thanks to the shield. ‘I’m Barry Norris, the COO here, for people who don’t know. Listen, I’m very aware that this is a very… hell, to say the least, a very strange situation here. But I don’t believe there’s any cause for panic, all right? We’re still trying to figure out exactly what the situation is, but I’m certain there’s a rational explanation. This is a government building. We think maybe somebody put precautions in place in case of a military event. Obviously these walls. Now, someone has clearly discovered this feature, and they’re having a little fun at our expense, okay? Whoever’s doing this, the object is to get all of you upset. So let’s not play into that, okay? Let’s just remain calm, chill out, and take a few minutes to figure out exactly what’s happening, okay? So, thank you. I’m gunna go work on that. And I'll circle back to you as soon as I can. Thanks, everybody.’
It made sense, it was a long speech but it did make sense, but there was a part of you that couldn’t forget the checkpoint this morning, how everyone had been searched so carefully… no, this felt planned, and when the elevator pinged you grabbed your friend and hurried right on over. There was no time to stop and chat, the men before you were on a mission, and you gave them space to work as they put on their protective gear and fired up the blowtorch.
You’d never seen one in real life, why would you ever need to before this? And the blue flame drew you in as Bud held it against the metal until an entire minute had passed. The two of you leaned in at the same time when they sat back and lifted their goggles to see what the damage was, Lonny using a cloth to wipe away the dark burns. You couldn’t hear what they were saying from there, but you knew it wasn't good when Lonny then touched it with his bare hand despite the heat of the flame. You held your friend a little tighter as Bud then did the same, this wasn't good, if not even a blowtorch could break through this stuff then what hope did you have of getting out even if this was just a cruel joke?
You let go of each other when you realized you were sweating, your comfy work shirt turning into something stifling at your closeness, and when you looked around and saw that everyone else was in a similar state you knew that this wasn't just nerves. ‘It’s too hot, they’re gunna suffocate us in here,’ your friend mumbled as she wiped off her forehead, the sweat starting to bead again the moment her hand moved away. ‘This is bullshit, why hasn’t anyone come for us yet? Screw this, I’m heading to the roof for some air, you coming?’
‘No, no you know I can’t go up that high,’ you said quickly before starting to head for Lonny, you needed to know what was happening before your anxiety started to take over again. She stopped you in your tracks, tried to pull you right back while they kept trying, her grip on you way too tight in this heat.
‘I think you need to get over that shit before you pass out down here, look around, look at everyone right now; it’s sweltering in here, I just saw Willy burn through three bottles of water by himself, so why don’t we grab a few, take the elevator, and get some fresh a-’
She never got to finish her sentence, the back of her neck exploding out and making her fall limp into your arms, the too tight grip she had on you now nonexistent as you stared down and screamed. Everyone turned towards you before it happened again, another person falling before someone shouted, ‘Somebody’s shooting!’ Everyone took cover from your attacker, your body frozen in fear until you felt more hands on you; Lonny grabbed you and pulled you over to the chairs where Bud was already ducking down, your friend falling from your arms and to the floor as you were forced to let go.
Pandemonium erupted all around you as you hit the floor hard, your back pressed to his chest and both him and Bud protecting you when you were still too numb to protect yourself. There were so many screams, no one knowing when they’d be shot next, but even when more people went down all you could do was stare at the lifeless eyes of the person you’d been working next to for the past 3 years. You felt cold despite the heat, Lonny’s panicked breathing right in your ear while you didn’t hold him back, and only when Mr. Norris, or Barry, now, there was no more chain of command after this, walked over to one of the bodies did everyone stop panicking long enough to feel confusion over his bravery at still standing.
‘What the hell?’ you heard Bud whisper above you when Mike ran over to join him, Barry’s voice loud enough for everyone to hear over the ringing silence.
‘That’s not a bullet wound.’
More of them gathered but the three of you stayed where you were, waiting to hear what was going on, but their voices were lower now, they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Bud leaned away from you a little to listen, but the moment he did Lonny started to panic, and you felt a bit of life come back to you as you weakly held his arm to let him know you were still there. Instantly he looked down and held you tighter, you were his lifeline now that the bullets had stopped flying, and when you looked back up at him you saw the way everyone was touching the backs of their necks out of the corner of your eye.
All at once you felt your hand raise to your own, your knuckles brushing against his shirt as you felt the scar under your fingertips, and the fear replaced everything numb inside you until it was all you knew.
Mike realized something and ran, Bud watching him go before getting up and silently asking the two of you to follow; you did, your fear only spreading to Lonny as you held each other, but Bud remained calm as he opened up his toolbox and reached inside. He pulled out a hammer and large wrench, and the former was heavy when he handed it to you and tried to get Lonny to look at him. He said his name and made him only hold you harder, it was starting to hurt, but you’d rather feel that than the cold wood and steel under your palms.
‘Hey, stop. Don’t cry, okay?’ Bud told the man behind you, and you looked up to see that he was so afraid he was actually crying, his hands trembling as they bunched up your shirt. ‘Take this, and say goodbye, alright?’ He pressed the wrench into Lonny’s hand the moment he was able to get him to let go of you, and it looked even heavier than your hammer as he held it before you. ‘Let them go, and follow me, we’re gunna fix this and I need you to watch my back.’
‘But…’ He didn’t want to leave you, and you honestly didn’t want to leave either of them after losing your friend, and Bud leaned in closer and lowered his voice even more as he met your eyes.
‘Find a place to hide, we’ll find you within the hour, don’t come out before then, you hear me?’ he told you sternly yet carefully, they’d be sitting ducks in the basement if people started actually killing each other as commanded despite the maze, and your safety needed to come first while they worked without worry. So you nodded, Lonny nuzzling into the side of your head with a whimper that any other day would’ve made your heart flutter, but now it could only break as Bud helped him let go. You stepped aside and watched as Bud wrapped his hands behind Lonny’s neck, kept eye contact until he was calming again, and when he asked for something called a duke Lonny just nodded before pressing his forehead to his friend’s.
That’s what made them such a good team, you knew Lonny to be a good worker but it was thanks to Bud being there to keep him level that he was able to shine here, and you hated Belko for ever hiring the both of them along with yourself now now that you knew what they were doing to them. Not everyone who worked there was great, even you weren’t a saint, but Lonny was pure, and you regretted every single morning where you’d only looked but never approached when he met your eye and turned away.
Bud went to lead the way back to the elevator, and you knew as soon as the doors closed that you couldn’t stay up here, not alone with this uncertainty. You watched your co-workers, all of them strangers to you now, run after Mike when shouts came down the hall, but you didn’t follow after them; you needed to hide, just like Bud said, and even if they might be sitting ducks that didn’t mean you had to be in that maze. You hit the button and took the elevator down, making sure to take the long way around to the break room and go from there. You knew something like hiding under the table or cramming yourself into one of the empty lockers wasn't really feasible, but there were a ton of other hiding places nearby it, maybe if you even hid well enough you’d be able to hear them from a safe distance away and get their attention if anything happened.
You kept your head on a swivel as you walked, made sure you wouldn’t bump into them and make them send you elsewhere where anyone could find you, and you were just about to loop around when you noticed a door that brought you even further in. You opened it, a long hallway ahead of you, and you decided on it as you jogged down and found a closed off spot to duck between. It was tight, but you were successfully hidden from view, and it gave you a good vantage point of anyone who might come across you as you curled up and held your hammer close to your chest. 
You’d gotten all of two seconds to strap in for the long haul when you heard the door open again, and you held your breath until you heard Lonny’s voice echo down the hallway: ‘They’re trying to freak us out by shutting down the air-co, man,’ he was telling Bud, and your moment of relief only slipped back into worry when it hit you that if anyone was bound to find you in here it’d be them if they stopped to look. ‘That’s their plan, right, Bud?’ A pause, Bud was silent as they walked, and that was only making him nervous again, you could hear it in his voice when he asked him for confirmation again. ‘Do you think it is, Bud? Do you think that’s their plan?’
‘I don’t know, Lonny,’ Bud said exasperatedly, he was letting his own panic show when he couldn’t give him a solid answer, and a pit landed hard in your stomach when they turned and stopped not 10 feet away from you. They started checking out the machine against the wall, which you soon realized was the air conditioning aka the thing that was currently not working and making everyone overheat in their own skins, of course you’d stop at the one place they needed to be, but it was fine. They were so distracted by it that you could continue hiding and then they wouldn’t have to worry about sending you out there again, so you remained silent and just listened while they tried to figure it out. 
Bud turned on a light and confirmed that it wasn't working right at the source, every breath you took sounding like thunder in your ears when you realized that if he turned then he’d be able to see you, your focus too much on the barrels to your side to protect yourself from that angle. ‘How can you tell?’ Lonny asked as he stood by, Bud crouching down to take a closer look.
‘I can hear it, man,’ he said with a grunt of effort as he sat. ‘The pilot’s off. Everything.’
Lonny looked around to make sure no one else was down there with you, like they’d only just done it and were waiting to make sure they couldn’t turn it back on again. ‘Did they do it?’ he nearly stuttered as he turned back to him, Bud still focused entirely on the large machine in front of him.
‘I don’t know if they did it or not,’ he admitted as he started to flip switches and peek inside with his flashlight, nothing happening as a result, ‘but, we’re gunna fix it.’ 
‘They’re trying to break us down so that we start killing each other, Bud.’ Lonny’s voice was low but you still heard his words, he had the same train of thought as you, and you nearly stood up so you could at least stay with them a while until Bud spoke again.
‘You just need to relax, all right?’ he told him comfortingly, he wouldn’t let him worry about that just as much as you wouldn’t have if you’d stood up right now and went to him, and you decided you’d do just that when the speakers whined to life again.
‘I hope by now we’ve demonstrated that we aren’t blindly bluffing,’ the man on the other end told everyone, and you felt your legs lock up to the point of it being painful just at the sound of his voice. ‘This game’s a real one. Each of you are deep inside it. You can choose to follow our directives, or not. Either way, you’ll be giving us the results we’re looking for.’ You shut your eyes and shook your head, your hammer not nearly as comforting to you as Lonny’s arms had been earlier, you needed to stand, you needed to go to him-  ‘You are mostly free to do as you please. However, you must not dismantle any more cameras. And you must not remove the tag from your body. Next time we will not provide a countdown as we did Mr. Milch.’
You started to pant at the thought of Mike being dead somewhere upstairs because he’d caught on to what was hiding beneath your scars, that must’ve been the cause of the yelling, you needed to get up-
‘If you break either of these rules, your life will abruptly end.’ You felt like stone as you helplessly watched Lonny start to cry, the threat of himself being next strong enough to make Bud stand and try to calm him again, but there was little he could do at this point. ‘There are currently 76 of you left in the building. The time is now 12:47PM. By 2:47PM, in two hours, we want 30 of you dead, through whatever means necessary.’ He started to panic harder, you could help, if you could just open your mouth and tell them you were there you could help- ‘If 30 of you are not dead, we will end 60 of your lives through our own methods. Begin.’
He was inconsolable, his hand on his head as he started to pace over the stranger’s words, and the only reason you weren’t currently doing the same was because as long as you knew the two before you were safe then you couldn’t give a fuck about the people upstairs killing each other anymore. You tried to move but your legs refused to listen, this was your moment to show him how you felt for him and help keep him safe, but every single part of you was buzzing, your head spinning as you repeated those words to yourself over and over instead; you couldn’t get out, you were all trapped inside while tensions rose, and if 30 people didn’t die in two hours then double that would be murdered instead, which made your chances of survival even slimmer. 
If you didn’t help him and then find a way to keep him safe, while also finding it in yourself to kill to protect him, then you would both die, that was a certainty. He was a nobody compared to everyone upstairs, and even then their lives were all weighed the same, what chance did he have going up against someone who fought tooth and nail to get to where they were when he couldn’t even approach you for a donut?
‘L-Lonny…’ you gasped out, your voice lost under his sobs while Bud tried to console him again.
‘Hey, hey, Lonny, it’s gunna be okay…’ he was saying, but the moment he tried to hold him again he lashed out, the wrench given to him to cover Bud now wielded as a weapon to keep himself safe.
‘Get back off me!’ he screamed in his panic, Bud giving him his space as the desperation in his voice made your foot start to tingle as the numbness faded away. ‘Don’t look at me like that, man,’ he pleaded, Bud silent all the while, he wasn't about to upset him while he was panicking this hard. You wiggled your toes until you could move your ankle, your whole foot rolling and kickstarting the rest of you back into action, just a little longer now- 
You let out a shriek when the fire alarm then went off, the sound startling you so hard that the numbness completely faded away from the pure shock to your system. This was good, you were moving again, but the sound was too much for Lonny, your smile of relief falling when you saw the way he was holding his ears. His panic attacks were so much more severe than yours, his anxiety loud and jumpy and raw while yours made you quiet and frozen, but you wouldn’t be still this time when he yelled out loud enough to block out the ringing.
‘What is that?’ he demanded as his pacing worsened, your legs slowly shifted underneath you while you started to rise.
‘Lonny, calm down, man! It’s just a fire alarm!’ Bud tried to tell him but it was of no use, his yelling over the noise was only aiding his own frustration, and your knees shook as you pushed yourself onto them, you were almost standing.
‘No, it’s not! They’re trying to make us kill each other,’ he sobbed desperately, the wrench waved around when he motioned towards Bud and himself.
‘Easy, cowboy,’ Bud kept trying, his eyes following Lonny as his pacing got even worse, and you moved yourself onto your feet at long last. ‘Chill out, man! Hey, come here-’
‘Get back!’
He swung on instinct, a defensive maneuver in his uncontrollable panic, and you felt yourself go numb again right as you got ready to stand; the sound of the impact was louder than the alarm, a sickening crack that made your stomach churn, and Bud crashed into the fence separating them from you as he reached for his head. He groaned as he tried to stand up straight, Lonny staring at him in a deathly calm fear as he silently mouthed his friend’s name.
‘Wait a second,’ Bud mumbled, his shoulder slumped and your mouth going dry when you couldn’t confirm where he was hit with his back to you like this. ‘What just happened? Hold on, uh… wait, wait. Something is happening.’ His voice started to grow soft as he slid down the fence, and when he fell you figured out you were crying when you blinked and felt a cascade of tears roll down your cheeks.
How did this happen? This morning everything was so normal, it was almost boring to you in its simplicity; you’d bought your crush a donut and actually spoke to him, you were planning on inviting him out to lunch even because you’d finally hit it off, how did that turn into this so fast? You couldn’t understand it at all, your attempts to console Lonny now too late as he fell to his knees and weakly crawled over to his friend to apologize. It fell on deaf ears though, even you could tell from behind when Bud stopped moving, the kind man who’d given you your hammer and helped make sure you were safe now gone as Lonny sobbed over him.
The alarm finally quieted as you both kneeled there, neither knowing what to do until he finally looked at Bud’s face, his eyes so sorrowful until you saw the way they looked to the right; he was staring directly at you, your hiding really hadn’t been good enough, and his sorrow turned back into terror when he saw the look on your face. Instantly he was on his feet and that forced you to move as well, he was panicking again because he knew you, you were his friend and you’d seen what he’d done, and now it was your words that went unheard as you held your hammer a little tighter and hurried out of your hiding place.
‘Stop!’ he ordered you, your shoulders hunching and more tears falling at the tone of his voice, so unlike the way he’d spoken to you about his family with smudges of chocolate decorating the corners of his mouth. ‘Bud, he fell down and he hit his head,’ he explained miserably, but you’d seen it all, you couldn’t pretend you didn’t.
‘It wasn't your fault, Lonny,’ you tried to say but he ignored you, moving like a caged animal on the other side of the fence as he stared you down, he needed you to believe him, you were his friend and he needed you to believe all of it.
‘He tried to grab me,’ he moaned next, the two of you inching closer and closer to the opening until he was reaching for you, assuming you were only there to run. You held up your arms and stayed where you were, his own hand pulling back the moment he touched you like he’d been burned but he didn’t retreat, the wrench still in his other hand as he waited for you to do something. 
‘Lonny, Lonny, it’s okay, look, I know,’ you said quickly as you purposely let go of the hammer, his eyes watching it before you kicked it as hard as you could towards him as a sign of understanding. He glanced back at you before scrambling to pick it up, he had two weapons now, a hit from either one would be enough to make you reach the same fate as Bud, and when you finally got a glimpse of him you let out a gasp of misery. His head had been caved in, that’s what had happened, and Lonny waited for you to run again now that you’d seen what he’d done. You didn’t though, you wouldn’t, not when he needed you.
You made a show of getting back on your knees to tell him you wouldn’t run, your hands planted firmly on the cold cement to tell him you wouldn’t grab him, and he looked down at the hammer in his other hand before tossing it behind the machine to his left so it was completely out of reach. You nodded, agreeing with his decision, and he looked at his wrench next, his only weapon but still the thing he’d used to kill his friend, and he looked like he didn’t know what to do next.
‘It was an accident, it’s not your fault, I’m not afraid of you,’ you whispered to him, and he sniffed loudly before tossing the wrench to the ground. He fell to his knees and covered his face as he sobbed heavily, his cries echoing throughout the room along with his apologies to Bud for what he’d done. You waited until you couldn’t any longer, your numbness gone as you crawled over to him, and this time he didn’t bat you away when he peeked through his fingers and saw you coming. ‘I’ve been trying to talk to you for months,’ you told him, more tears spilling over the gaps and down his hands, ‘that’s why I keep bringing donuts to work, I’ve been waiting for you to come over so I could say hi to you; I wanted to do it sooner, but I’m a coward, that’s why I couldn’t be there for you earlier, I didn’t mean to watch I’m just a coward-’
He lowered his hands and wiped his nose with his sleeve, the tears still falling as he inched his way towards you. You were the one loudly crying now, if you’d just called out to him then this wouldn’t have happened, maybe you could’ve helped him, maybe if you’d just invited him to breakfast and skipped work entirely then you’d both be out there right now, and you didn’t realize you were saying it all out loud until he wrapped his arms around you. ‘He just grabbed me, I thought he was gunna hurt me,’ he whispered into your hair, and you finally held him back and sparked his desperation; he pulled you nearly onto his lap with a shuddering gasp, his hands clinging to you as you clung right back, the body of another dead friend staring up at you as all you could do was hold each other. ‘It was an accident, I’m not a bad person I’m not I’m not-’
‘I know, I know you’re not,’ you told him over and over until he was burying his face into your shoulder. You knew it must be hell up there but you couldn’t be bothered to care, all that mattered now was that you both got out of there together, you weren’t going to just sit by like a statue the next time his panic overtook him. ‘C’mere, let’s get out of here.’ You stood and took his hand so he’d do the same, and you cautiously headed back down the hallway with the wrench in hand again, neither of you stopping until he led you back to the break room and locked the door.
You were now technically locked into a room with a murderer, but you couldn’t see him like that, not him, not Lonny as he walked over to the sink and turned on the tap. He let it pool into his cupped hands before splashing it onto his face, he was covered with tears and sweat just like you were, and when he turned back to you all of the water ran down his chest and darkened his uniform. His bangs were soaked and dripping down his face, his eyes just barely showing through them, and you walked over to him and silently asked for permission to touch him.
He flinched at first, but eventually shut his eyes and let you while the wrench lay just within reach, and you were careful as you reached up and brushed his bangs to the side. You tucked them behind his ears and grabbed one of the towels for their dishes before wiping his face off next, just barely brushing the fabric against him so you wouldn’t upset him. It seemed to calm him even more, his shoulders relaxing and his body untensing just a little more with each gentle touch. When you were done you took his hand and got him to sit, it was still too warm in there, and you noticed the old fan tucked into the corner for those extra hot summer days. You made sure it still worked before turning it on, and he let out a sigh as the coolness hit him and allowed him a bit of a reprieve.
‘Here, your shirt’s all wet, it’ll help,’ you began as you reached for his uniform’s zipper, but his hand on your wrist got you to stop fast. ‘It’s okay, look, I’ll do the same, see?’ One-handed you undid your own buttons, your face flushing as you stripped off your very sweaty shirt and laid it over the back of your chair, your body instantly accepting the cold air and making you shiver in such a simple delight that it could’ve made you cry again. He looked you over quickly before doing the same, his blue shirt underneath hanging over his own chair while his coveralls bunched around his hips, his undershirt stained and damp from all the layers and the lack of AC. ‘We can rest here a moment, I don’t think any of them will come down here, so we can talk about what to do in the meantime.’
‘You think they’ll come for me?’ he asked nervously, already panicking over getting caught, but you shushed him softly and kept your hand hovering over his arm resting on the table between you just in case.
‘I don’t doubt everyone is in a similar state upstairs, no one will blame you for that, yours was an accident,’ you said truthfully, but he still looked nervously at the door all the same. ‘I need to find out what’s happening, we only have two hours, less now, and I don’t care if I… if I have to kill someone to do it, but I’ll make sure we get out of this, okay? And we can’t do that if we stay down here in the dark, leaving it up to them and chance might just seal our fate.’
‘If you go out there you’ll risk getting killed yourself, you know that, right?’ he said seriously as he leaned in, and his hand closed over yours and pushed it down onto his arm. ‘We can hide down here, I know all the tunnels, every twist and turn, I even know how to get into the vents; going back up there means that someone else’ll get hurt, that’s what they want.’
‘I know, that’s exactly what they want, and I doubt they’ll stop at 30,’ you muttered right on the edge of hopelessness, but his hand on yours made you suck in a deep breath and sit up straight. ‘But I didn’t spend the past 7 months of my life wanting to ask you out to get killed now, no fucking way.’
‘You… you wanted to ask me out?’ he questioned softly, his voice just barely above a whisper, almost like he was unsure he’d heard you correctly, and you nodded for just a second before he was leaning over the corner of the table and kissing you. Your eyes went wide as his hand held yours in place, the kiss chaste and a bit desperate but enough to make your heart pound all the same, and when he backed away his hair fell free and into his eyes again when his head dipped down to stare at you. ‘I’ve been… trying to get Bud to tell you for me since I first saw you, but he never would, he just kept saying I should do it myself.’ He looked away then, something sad after being so soft. ‘And now he can never…’
‘But you just did,’ you reminded him, your free hand reaching up to push aside his hair again, ‘and I can never forgive them for doing this to us.’
He nodded, his head was a bit clearer now even though he was still upset, the fan and the silence were certainly helping along with your words. ‘I’m still afraid, though…’ he whispered, and you shifted your chair closer to him so that you could pull him back into a hug. His skin was still warm as your chests pressed together, your hug instantly becoming something more intimate when you remembered that you were attempting to cool, but it only bonded you more when you felt his hand leave yours in order to place itself over your back.
‘I am, too, but if they want us to play a game together then I’ll fucking play until I can pay them back for our friends.’ You placed your forehead against his, your hand on his neck and feeling for his scar, and you shut your eyes tight when you felt the line stretching across his scalp, just as your own did. ‘I don’t know how yet, but we’re going to get out of here, and if this ends and I lose you…’
‘Then you’ll keep going, yeah? You said it yourself, we only just officially met this morning, I k- I hurt Bud, you shouldn’t have to give up just because of me,’ he whimpered lowly, another tremble making you open your eyes again, and you hushed him once more before wiping away the first tear that fell.
‘That’s why we need to both get out of here, so I can invite you to lunch and you can tell me everything we never talked about, don’t we?’ you insisted, and he nodded against you and placed his own hand on the back of your neck, the covered spaces starting to heat up again without the fan. ‘We can do this, you’re strong, and smart, and I’m a coward but I’ll help you in any way that I can, we don’t even need to join any of them, we just need to let them tear each other apart and up the count for us while we figure a way to get out, and… and if need be we can protect each other, I won’t let them get to you like that again.’
‘But what if they do? What if I get so upset that I hurt you this time?’ He didn’t want to even think about it, his breathing starting to quicken as he pictured you in Bud’s place, and you kissed him soft and slow until you were all he could feel.
‘Then I’ll know it’ll just be an accident, because you’re not a bad person, and, if I’m being honest, I think you might actually be better than most of the guys in this place,’ you said with a small laugh, and he thought about it a moment before laughing along with you, a small shred of relieved happiness in these hours of pain. ‘Come on, we need to see what they’re doing, do you think you could get us up to the security room so we could check the cameras?’
‘I think so, there’s a maintenance elevator that only Bud and I can use, it’s away from the others so they might think to use it last, they need a key to get it to run,’ he told you, said key stuck to the ring and line attached to his belt, and you nodded and kissed him again real quick.
‘That’s perfect, we can leave in a minute, you stay here and check for anything we can use to protect ourselves, I’m going to get my hammer back,’ you told him as you stood, but he didn’t let you leave at the thought of you seeing Bud again, or never coming back at all. ‘It’s okay, I won’t let anyone take you away from me,’ you promised him, and then he was letting you go and watching you hurry out. You didn’t get lost on the way back, the halls silent and telling you that no one else was around as you ended up at your destination without trouble. 
There was Bud, still slumped where he’d fallen, and you closed your eyes for a moment of silence before kneeling down and closing his for him. You were just about to stand when you saw his own set of keys, and you unclipped them and attached them to your own belt loop before you heard a sound. You stilled, your eyes looking every which way for a sign of movement, but you saw nothing stand out in the maze. You narrowed your eyes and went back to getting your hammer, he’d really thrown it far to the point where you had to lay down and reach under the machine for it, and when you pulled back your hand it was covered in years worth of dust and webs.
You shivered and brushed it all off without a fuss, there were worse things to be afraid of down here now, and you hurried all the way back to Lonny with your own weapon in hand and a fire in your heart; you were going to get out of here, if you had to fight your way through this entire building to make sure no one hurt him again, then by god were you going to rain down hell on all who stood in your way, and when you returned to him and saw him standing there with his coveralls tied around his waist and his wrench in his hand you knew that he was ready to do the same for you.
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swanluvrr · 1 month
How it feels to check the Lonny crane x reader tag:
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capondi · 2 years
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I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about Lonny and mornings for me ☺️ my laptop is going through some stuff right now, so I had to write this on paper like a Neanderthal and transcribe it on my phone.
Lonny Crane x gn!reader for @lonnson
You slipped his bracelet on in an impulsive urge to be a little brat. He brought that out in you, even when you rose way earlier than your internal clock wanted to, just to make him breakfast.
So you stole the simple circlet of beads from his bedside table, only able to tear your eyes away from the way his dark hair fanned out against the pillow because you had a more important mission than kissing him awake.
Eggs, bacon, toast. An array of fruits (or whatever you had available) to make it passably healthy. And colorful.
The sun was just casting an orange slant of light across the kitchen as you stirred the eggs. You liked the way his bracelet rolled over your skin. Too big, but it caught on the breadth of your palm, and it was a part of him and you loved it in ways you couldn’t describe.
The bacon was popping in the oven and the air smelled like butter, so you really couldn’t be surprised that he woke up. His awkward, half-dead shuffling alerted you to him long before he emerged from the hall, rubbing his eyes.
“Rise and shine, gorgeous,” you say, switching off the stove and spooning the eggs onto a plate.
Lonny was not a morning person. However, after years of working jobs that required it, his body put himself through the agonies of waking early anyway. Food helped. Hence the breakfast.
A quick check to make sure the bacon wasn’t burning, and then you were on to him, wanting your morning kisses, bad breath and all. But he stilled in a way that was unnatural to him, his eyes not on your face, but down… You followed his gaze to your wrist, to where the bracelet hung. Suddenly, you didn’t know what to say. Something in the way he looked threw all the fantasies of the morning to the wind and you didn’t know why, until—
“Bud made that for me.”
And if it was like a punch to the gut for you, than what must he feel? You knew about the Belko experiment. What had happened to Bud had taken longer for Lonny to explain. You would never forget how he had crumpled, how he had sagged in your arms, when he accepted that you didn’t think he was a murderer— a monster. It wasn’t your place to offer forgiveness, but damn did you try, and you promised yourself that you would be there to soothe away every tear, every drop of self-hate and guilt.
He hardly talked about Bud, and you, sensitive to his feelings, never brought him up. But you had donned the gift of a dead man, and now you thought of how Lonny wore it always, how his fingers trailed to it in bad moments, and you never thought to ask—
You’re startled by how quickly he moves, his hand finding your wrist before you even realize you were reaching to take it off. Your fingers and Lonny’s entangle over the beads, his own cinching the jewelry around your skin. He pulls you in, his other arm wrapping around your back. When you blink you feel tears spill over that you never knew were there.
Lonny presses his mouth to the crown of your head in what you think is a kiss, before mumbling, soft and warm:
“He would have loved you.”
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Good day, Pati. Can I request any rogues reacting on their S/O being killed, only to resurrect and act like nothing happened? And when rogues ask how they did it, S/O says: "Simply. I kicked devil in the balls and ran away".
Gets depressed after they die
Thinks that maybe it was his fault
When he sees them again just walking into his hideout he is having heart attack
Thinks he got hit with a toxin or something
Can't believe it until he touches them and just goes for the hug, asking how
Doesn't like the anserw
"Don't joke around, I was scared!"
Would never believe it but doesn't matter, they're here
Harley Quinn
Had a breakdown after their death
Joker had a migraine because of how much she just moaned about it so when he saw S/O just walking down the street he grabbed them and just throw them to her side
She immediately jumped at them, kissing and hugging
When she learned how they came back she just went "That's my honey!"
Thanks, Joker for bringing them back
Was annoyed when they died and take out frustration on his henchman
Then they just showed and he was very pleased
Did not expected their anserw
"It that easy?! Then I am never going to die!"
Loves telling this story
He had a hard time but didn't let it show
Just spends most of the time in lab but no one notices
When they come back he is stunned
Goes touching their cheek to make sure they're here, asking how
Aaannd now the moment is gone, he just lowers his head with a sigh
He gets used to it with them
What's important is that they're here
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littleoddwriter · 11 months
Rules, Guidelines, etc.:
[Used to be: ronaldrx]
I'm a hobby writer and mostly write (x Reader) FanFictions and Headcanons. But I am also working on my original story whenever I can, so that I’ll hopefully publish it as an actual book someday. My Ao3.
Here’s a link to my Ko-Fi, in case you want to support me financially. It would mean a lot to me! (Obviously no obligation whatsoever! You never have to pay for anything on my blog, it’s merely an option for donations.)
Also, here are my sideblogs if you’re interested:
Dead Poets Society
Raúl Esparza
The Simpsons
Only ask for the characters I’ve got listed, please. I’ve written down all of the ones I actually write for, and the list is being updated regularly, as I often find new (actors, whose) characters I write for! (And yes, I always write for every character, so don’t ever worry if you wanna ask for one I haven’t written for in a long time, or ever, it’s fine!) Please always be patient with me. If I haven’t outright declined your request, it’s definitely in the works; even if it has been weeks or months since you’ve sent it in! And only send your requests via ASKs. No DMs or comments, please.
If you have a request, send an Ask to my inbox.
NO sexual NSFW requests, please (more details further down).
Requests = CLOSED (Max. Limit: 10)
Current number of requests: 10
Last updated: October 29, 2023
Masterlists are linked with fandoms/actors/characters below. I WRITE FOR:
ALFRED MOLINA characters:
Doctor Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man
Bob Taylor
James Lewis
Kurt Goreshter
Lonny Crane
Philippe/Abra Kadabra
Simon Lynch
Thomas Schiff
ETHAN HAWKE characters:
Arthur Harrow
Ellison Oswalt
Goodnight Robicheaux
James Sandin
EWAN MCGREGOR characters:
Alex Law
Catcher Block
Christopher Robin
Curt Wild
Dan Torrance
John Bishop
Mark Renton
Obi-Wan Kenobi 
Roman Sionis/Black Mask* (Birds of Prey - Masc!Reader only) [Any other version of Roman Sionis/Black Mask can be with a Gender Neutral/Female!Reader.]
HUGH DANCY characters:
Adam Raki
Cal Roberts
Luke Brandon
Executive ADA Nolan Price
Will Graham
KARL URBAN characters:
Billy Butcher
Black Hat
John Kennex
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Markiplier EGOS:
Wilford Warfstache
PAUL DANO characters:
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Edward Nashton/The Riddler
Eli Sunday
Jay (Okja)
Joby Taylor
PEDRO PASCAL characters:
Agent Whiskey
Dave York
Dio Morrissey
Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Marcus Moreno
Marcus Pike
Max Phillips
Maxwell Lord
Oberyn Martell
Ricky Hauk
RAÚL ESPARZA characters:
Dr. Frederick Chilton*
Jackson Neill
Jonas Nightingale
Rafael Barba
Characters from 9-1-1 (Lone Star):
Carlos Reyes*
Eddie Diaz
Evan “Buck” Buckley
Howard “Chimney” Han
Josh Russo*
Mateo Chavez
Paul Strickland
Bobby Nash
Tim Rosewater
TK Strand*
Characters from Law and Order(: Special Victims Unit):
Detective/ADA Dominick “Sonny” Carisi, Jr.
Sergeant Mike Dodds
Detective Nick Amaro
Executive ADA Nolan Price
ADA Peter Stone
ADA Rafael Barba
Deputy Chief William Dodds
Little Miss Sunshine:
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Our Flag Means Death:
Edward Teach/Blackbeard*
Izzy Hands
Stede Bonnet*
Prisoners (2013):
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Bob Taylor
Detective David Loki
Renfield (2023):
Count Dracula
Robert Montague Renfield
Tedward “Teddy” Lobo
SLASHERS/Horror Film Characters:
Asa Emory/The Collector
Ash J. Williams [I will usually default to Ash from the TV show, unless requested otherwise!]
Billy Lenz (1974)
Billy Loomis
Bo Sinclair
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface (TCM 1974 and TCM 2)
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
Chop Top Sawyer
Corey Cunningham
Dewey Riley
Drayton Sawyer
Herbert West*
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
Lawrence Gordon
Lester Sinclair
Luigi Largo
Mark Hoffman  
Nubbins Sawyer
Pavi Largo
Stu Macher  
Vincent Sinclair
William Easton
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn
The Girl Next Door:
Characters from The Simpsons:
Cecil Terwilliger*
Fat Tony
Frankie the Squealer
Jack Lassen
Johnny Tightlips
Moe Szyslak
Ned Flanders
Otto Mann
Seymour Skinner
Sideshow Bob
Sideshow Mel
Snake Jailbird
Timothy Lovejoy
Waylon Smithers*
What We Do in the Shadows:
Anton (Movie)
Guillermo de la Cruz*
Laszlo Cravensworth
Nandor the Relentless
* Please note that an asterisk (*) means that these characters are Male/Masc/GenderNeutral!Reader only (including non-binary, of course). Platonic relationships with Female!Reader are possible, but no romantic ones.
If it’s a character that is open to all Readers, and you do not specify in your request what you want, I’ll usually opt for a Gender Neutral Reader by default.
SHIPS, such as:
BlackBonnet (OFMD)
SteddyHands (OFMD)
Black Pete x Lucius Spriggs (OFMD)
Buck x Josh Russo (9-1-1)
Dracfield (Renfield 2023)
Buddie (9-1-1)
Eli x Klitz (The Girl Next Door)
Nandermo (WWDITS)
Herbert West x Dan Cain (Re-Animator)
McKirk (Star Trek: AOS)
Oluwande x Jim Jimenez (OFMD)
Barisi (Law & Order SVU) 
Renfield x Teddy Lobo (Renfield 2023)
Sickrent (Trainspotting/T2)
Stobotnik (Sonic Movie)
Tarlos (9-1-1: Lone Star)
AnderPerry (Dead Poets Society)
ZsaszMask (Birds of Prey)
Lastly, I would like to add things I will NOT write (about):
Sexual NSFW fics/headcanons (I used to write those as you can see in my Masterlists, but I have my reasons for not writing them anymore. Any hints at sexual topics are fine).
Anything related to death as the main subject (this includes deadly diseases, anything fatal, really, etc.).
Anything that romanticizes Mental Illness (my Vent Fics about my own disorders obviously do not romanticize any of it and I do not stand for that).
(Recreational) Drug Use
Extreme Possessive Behaviour and/or Jealousy
If you have something you would like me to write for, but you do not see it listed anywhere, please ask me before requesting it, so we can talk about it. I hope you enjoy yourself on my blog and have a good time!
My Asks and DMs are always open for any questions or simply to talk!
- Jesse
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softsliders29 · 3 years
Car Troubles (Lonny Crane x gn!reader)
Summary: Car mechanic!Lonny au. Your car has some troubles. Lonny helps fix it.
Rating: T
Warnings: language
A/N: Wrote this in like an hour or two. Sorry if it’s horrible. But either way my requests are open. Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated. Thank you for reading!
The first signs of trouble were the weird sounds your car was making. Screeching and relative not good noises. You knew there was something wrong, but you needed to get to work so you kept going anyway. Hopefully you could make it there without anything else acting up.
But luck was not on your side. Before you knew it you had to pull over on the shoulder and call a tow-truck. But first you had to find a number for a tow-truck. You picked up your phone and looked up the nearest place. Not too bad. Only a few miles. So you called, telling them the situation and they said they could make it in about twenty-five minutes.
You decided to just sit in your car. What else were you going to do? Well, besides calling your work and telling them you’d be late. If you even were able to come in at all. Luckily they understood.
The tow-truck was right on time. Twenty-five minutes like they said. When they arrived, they agreed to drive you and your car to the nearest auto repair center. That wasn’t too far either.
The place was small. Not a huge chain. But you didn’t mind. Might even cost less this way.
You got out of the tow truck and they handled pulling your car where it needed to go. You just watched it all happen, hoping they could take care of it quickly.
While you were watching, a man walked up to you. He was tall, a bit lanky, and had a shit ton of grease on his hands. Must be one of the mechanics.
“There’s places to sit. If you want.” You were very interested in this prospect.
“Thanks.” You said, following him.
“So, your car gave out?” He asked. You nodded.
“Yeah. It was making some weird noises and then it puttered out.”
“What kind of noises?” He questioned.
“Some screeching. And then some rattling.” You described. He nodded, seeming satisfied, and went to work.
You were left to your own devices. You figured you’d be there for a while. Maybe you could get some work done from here.
You tried answering some emails, but it was useless. The internet sucked and you really couldn’t pay much attention to them. Instead, you watched the man working on your car. He seemed to know his way around a car. Of course he did. That was his job. But still, you could notice how competent he seemed. Especially how good he was with his hands.
No, you didn’t need to notice that. He was just fixing your car. But he was really good looking. You couldn’t help but watch a little. Still, you looked away before he noticed, instead acting like you were hard at work with your phone.
Him on the other hand… he looked up from your car at you. He didn’t know how he was able to talk to you. He thought you were pretty. He kept glancing at you every once in a while. Of course, he was giving your car proper attention, but still. He couldn’t help it. Still, he looked away before you noticed, instead actually working on your car.
A while later he approached you. You looked up from a mobile game you had ended up playing.
“Your brake pads needed replacing. The battery and alternator were having some problems as well. But it’s fixed now.” You nodded, though you had no clue what that meant.
“So, it’s all ready to go?” You questioned. He nodded.
“You’re all set.”
“Thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver.” You said, beaming at him. It nearly made his heart stop.
With his heart beating a bit faster, he led you to the reception area of the shop. He did his calculations on everything and while he did it he had what he thought was a great idea.
“What would usually be 600 dollars will be 100 for you.” He said and you nearly couldn’t believe it. What did that even mean?
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I figured you were having a shit day, might as well make it less shitty.” He said with a shrug, pointedly not making eye contact. You were nearly too shocked to speak.
“Are you sure that’s okay?” You questioned.
“Yeah. I’m the co-owner of this place. Only the other owner would care.” He was sure that if he explained it, Bud wouldn’t care.
“Well, thank you. So much. That really helps.” You pulled out your wallet, actually confident that you could pay for this now.
As he handed the receipt for you to sign, a new idea was popping up in your head.
As you signed your name, you added your number. Just in case he wanted to ever use it. He was good looking and really fucking nice for that. You might as well try. You might be devastated if he never called, but at least you’d have tried.
You double-checked the number before handing the receipt over. He took it but didn’t seem to notice the number, much to your disappointment. He handed over your copy of the receipt and exchanged goodbyes.
He was trying not to freak out at the number on the receipt. He was very excited to use it, but he didn’t want to seem weird. He was ignorant to the fact that it looked like he had no reaction at all. It was only him trying to stay calm. Though it translated horribly to his facial features. Still, he was definitely going to use it. And hope that Bud understood the discount.
You got into your car, trying not to think of the mortifying thing you just did. At least to you it felt mortifying. But now you could just focus on driving to work, which you’re still able to go to. The whole car fixing hadn’t taken too long.
While you were walking into work your phone dinged. You held your breath, looking to see what it was.
Unknown Number: Hey, this is Lonny. The guy that fixed your car.
You were surprised to see that it was actually him, but so happy. You added his contact to your phone.
YN: Hey! Glad you used my number.
Lonny: I was honestly surprised you left it.
YN: Hope it was a good surprise.
Lonny: Yeah! It was. I was glad you left it.
YN: Great! That’s a relief.
Lonny: Would you wanna go out sometime?
YN: Yes, I’d love to.
Lonny: Awesome!
Bud watched over his shoulder.
"Good for you." He said. Lonny swatted him away. "I'm serious. Must've been a special one since you gave them such a huge discount."
"I thought you said it was okay?" Lonny questioned, voice sounding worried.
"I'm just messing with you. I'm actually happy for you."
Lonny was relived. And very excited about the date you'd said yes to.
Maybe your car issues weren't all bad.
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fxckin-polkadots · 3 years
What do you think the boys' love languages are?
abner: cool rocks he found, baked goods and playing with your hair
kurt: very physically affectionate so, touch mostly, but sometimes he likes to add ur name into codes he’s making
murdoc: offers to kill people for you teases you a lot
lonny: writes you letters that are tear stained
thomas: strokes your hair, allows himself to emotionally vulnerable
bob: makes you puzzles, allows you to sit under the table with him (i head canon he likes to sit under tables because it makes him feel hidden)
piter: talks to you about making poisons, might even show you how to make them, kissing your palm/ knuckles
johnson: small touches like, a hand on your shoulder, stroking your cheek etc, kisses your forehead a lot too
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chloelucia13 · 5 years
Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Pairing: None for the moment (currently Jonathan Byers x platonic!Henderson! reader)
Prompt: (First part of the reader insert rewrite, set during the first episode) You always thought Hawkins was the most boring town of all, stuck in a vacuum void of excitement and entertainment. Well, it seems that way until the world decided to flip upside down, literally.
Chapter Summary: After a simple day all of a sudden turns dark, you begin to realize that something might be wrong in your small town and in the lives of the people you love.
Chapter Warnings: angst, fluff, language, typical Stranger Things Stuff
Word Count: 2274
A/N: Here’s the first part! I’m planning on making this a Jonathan x reader story as we go along, but it won’t be established for a little bit. Also, this part is kinda short, but the other parts will definitely be much longer. Hope you guys all enjoy! The tag list for this story is open!
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The sounds of mingling teenagers was nearly deafening, mind-numbing, as you jammed your key into the lock.
You let out a gasp and clutched your hand to your chest, turning around to see the group of pre-teens gathered around you. “Can you guys, like, not give me a heart attack next time?” you sighed, leaning back against your car. “Where’s Will?”
“We were just gonna ask you that,” Mike spoke up. “He wasn’t at school today. Do you know if Jonathan saw him? Or where Jonathan even is?”
“So you guys don’t know where Will is?”
“Sorry!” You shook your head and huffed. “I-I haven’t seen either of them today. John might be in the dark room? Or at his house? Or at work? It’s not like I know where he is every second of the day.”
“You usually do,” Dustin added, smirking teasingly.
“Oh my god, shut up. I’ll call him when I get home. You guys can swing by the Byers’ house. Sound good?” The boys nodded and you turned back around to unlock your car door. “Don’t be stupid, okay?” you warned them before driving off.
Stomach in knots, shaking hands, stinging eyes.
The air felt suffocating as you rapped your knuckles against the door before jamming your hands into your pockets.
“Hey.” The door swung open, revealing a worried mother and son. “My, uh, my mom wanted me to bring you guys some dessert. Said that it always makes people feel better.”
Jonathan forced a smile and took the covered dish from your hands while Joyce brought you inside. “Thank you, sweetie,” she muttered, voice hoarse.
You nodded and took her hands in yours. “Will’s a smart kid. He’s going to be okay. I promise.”
Her lower lip quivered and she pulled you into a tight hug, a few small sobs shaking her frame. A few moments later, she pulled away and wiped at her cheeks as Jonathan stepped back into the room. “Are you hungry, Y/N? We-we have some dinner left over,” she offered, forcing a smile.
“I’m okay, thank you though. I should probably get going-”
“Y/N?” Jonathan spoke up. “Can... Can I talk to you for a minute?”
You pursed your lips slightly before pressing them into a thin smile, nodding at him. As you followed him back into his room, you gave Joyce’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
“What do you need to talk to me abou-” You began when he closed the door, only to be cut off by his arms wrapping around your waist, tugging you close to him and into a tight hug.
“I’m so scared, Y/N. I-I can’t lose him,” he whispered, resting his forehead against your clothed shoulder.
You hugged him back just as tightly, smoothing your fingers through his hair. “You won’t lose him. Everything’s gonna be okay.” You propped your chin up on his shoulder, leaving one hand in his hair while your other ran up and down his back. “It’ll be okay.”
He nodded slightly, fingers curling around the fabric of your jacket and gripping tightly. “C-Can you stay the night tonight?”
A soft smile rested on your lips. “Of course. I’ll just call my mom and let her know.”
He let out what seemed to be a sigh of relief, his grip on you slowly beginning to weaken. “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me. I’m here for you, always.”
The two of you stood there in silence for a while, nothing else left to say as you both basked in each other’s comfort.
“I-I’m really sorry I basically dragged you in here. I just need to act strong for mom, and everything felt like it came crashing down and I just needed to hide from her, not let her see-”
“Jonathan.” You pulled away, both hands lifting to cup his face as you locked eyes with him. “You don’t need to apologize. I’m happy that you asked me to come in here with you. I... I don’t want you to go through this alone. If you need me, just ask me and I’ll be there for you. Always.”
His smile seemed real this time, genuine. “Thank you.”
You and Jonathan shared a look of confusion and worry before hurrying into the kitchen.
“Lonnie?” Joyce yelled, clutching the phone to her ear.
“Dad?” Jonathan said, eyebrows wrinkling in confusion as he looked back at you.
“Hopper? Who is this?” She paused for a moment. “Will?!”
“Will?” you and Jonathan voiced simultaneously, hurrying closer to Joyce and the phone.
“Who is this! What have you done to my boy!”
“What?” Your eyes were wide with fear, clutching on to Jonathan’s shirt.
“Give me back my son!” Another pause. 
She let out a shout, a gasp falling from your lips when you saw the plastic burnt and fried.
Jonathan took the phone from her hand, beginning to shout. “Hello? Hello! Who is this? Who is this!” We paused for only a moment before slamming the phone down against the receiver a few times. “Mom, who was it?”
“I-It was him!”
“Hey, hey, Joyce, look at me,” you commanded, taking her hand and searching her eyes. “Was it Will?”
“What did he say?” Jonathan broke in.
“He just breathed-” She shook her head and gripped your hands tighter. “He just breathed.”
“And was someone else there?”
“Mom, who was there? Who was it?”
“It was him. I know it was his breathing!” She let out a sob, collapsing back into Jonathan’s arms. “I know it was his breathing.”
You shared a look with Jonathan before gently hugging both of them, all three of you trembling.
The house was silent, despite the buzzing adrenaline that pumped through everyone’s veins. You sat on the floor, sleeping bag bunched around your waist and your back propped up against Jonathan’s bed.
You couldn’t sleep. How could you sleep after that phone call? You didn’t even hear it, but by how visibly shaken Joyce was from it, you knew it was serious.
A small huff and a groan sounded from the bed, and you craned your neck slightly to check and make sure that Jonathan was still asleep. He needed the rest, much more than you did.
The soft rapping of knuckles on Jonathan’s window nearly made you jump out of your skin, immediately launching to your feet and inching towards the window.
You let out a silent sigh of relief, however, when you realized that it was just the boys. You lifted the window before holding your finger to your lips, signaling for them to be quiet.
“God, I told you guys to stop giving me heart attacks.” You eyes their worried states. “What’s going on?” you whispered, noting their soaked clothing. “How long have you guys been out?”
“We have a... Problem,” Dustin said, bouncing from foot to foot.
“What type of problem, exactly? Can it wait til morning? I don’t want to wake up-”
“No, it’s a big problem.”
You sighed and nodded your head towards the front door before closing the window. Checking one last time to make sure Jonathan was asleep, you hurried out of the room and over to the front door.
The moment you yanked the front door open, you noticed a new face. “So, I’m guessing this is the problem?”
Mike nodded and stepped aside, revealing the figure he was hiding. “We found her in the woods when we were looking for Will.”
You scrubbed a hand over your face, panic coursing through your veins. “What do you need me to do?”
“We need to find somewhere for her to stay. We were thinking she could stay at your house?”
“No way, there’s literally no room.” You thought for a moment, tapping your foot against the floor. “What about your basement? It’s not like anyone else goes down there except for you guys.”
The three boys exchanged a look, silently conversing, before turning back to you. “That might work. Can you drive us over? I don’t think the rain is gonna stop for a while.”
“Great,” you huffed before reluctantly nodding. “Alright, let’s go.”
You grabbed your keys from off the kitchen counter before gently closing the front door and hurrying to your car. You unlocked the door for everyone and waited until everyone was buckled in before speeding to the Wheeler’s home.
“How long have you guys been out? You’re all soaked.”
“A few hours. Maybe longer,” Mike said.
“God, your parents must be freaking out.”
“I don’t even think they noticed that we’re gone.”
You hummed slightly and gripped the steering wheel tightly, eyes stuck on the road. “I guess. Just....” You let out a huff. “You guys need to tell someone before you just go off like that. Especially now. Who knows what would’ve happened. Can you even imagine what would happen if all of you went missing?”
“It was just a couple hours-”
“And Will got lost in a couple minutes. Minutes, guys!” You ran a hand through your hair, gritting your teeth. “Guys, I’m fine with you all going out and looking for him. I just want you to tell me, just in case anything happens. I won’t tell your parents if you sneak out, you know I won’t. I just want to know where you are if you need me. Please. Promise me you’ll keep me updated on everything you guys do and where you go?”
“Promise,” the three boys voiced.
“Thank you.” You turned onto Dustin’s street first, pulling up to the house. “I don’t mean to scare you guys. I just want to keep you safe. I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I lost you guys too.”
“We’ll be okay, promise,” Dustin told you before getting out of the car.
“Tell mom I’ll be home late tomorrow. And I’ll pick you guys up tomorrow and take you over to the Byers’ so you can grab your bikes,” you slightly shouted to Dustin as he headed towards the front door.
He nodded and gave you a thumbs-up. “Thanks, Y/N.”
“Be safe!”
Once you made sure Dustin was inside, you pulled out and began driving to Lucas’ house.
“So sweetie, where are your parents?” you asked the girl who sat in the backseat, who had not spoken a word yet.
She just stared at you through your rearview mirror, stoic while also filled with fear. “She doesn’t talk. At least she hasn’t yet,” Lucas explained.
“Okay. She’s probably scared, give her some time.” You turned around slightly, flashing her a small smile. “We’re not gonna hurt you, promise. We just wanna make sure you’re safe.”
With a small sigh, you turned back fully so you were facing forward. “One kid goes missing, another one shows up,” you muttered to yourself.
*** The sun just began to peek over the horizon as you pulled back up to the Byers’ home. Your hands nervously shook, a million worries running through your mind as you nearly-sprinted out of your car and up to the front door. 
As you stepped up onto the porch, the door swung open, revealing an extremely panicked Jonathan. “You’re okay,” he breathed out, stepping forward and pulling you into a hug.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, hugging him back. “The boys came to the door an hour or so ago. They couldn’t bike home in the rain. I gave them a ride home.” 
He gave a gentle nod, loosening his grip on you. “I’m sorry, I-I shouldn’t have freaked out like that-”
“Jonathan, it’s okay. I should’ve left a note or told you before I left. I just...” You let out a sigh. “You needed your sleep. I didn’t want to wake you and then have you sitting up the rest of the night.”
A small silence fell over the air. A moment later, Jonathan pulled away from the hug and looked back at the door, making sure Joyce wasn’t there. 
“How about we make breakfast and come up with a strategy?” You said, squeezing his shoulder once. “The last thing we want to do is run into this thing blind.”
He nodded and led you into the house, closing the door behind you before you two headed into the kitchen. “Are the boys okay?” Jonathan said as he searched through the fridge. 
“Well, they’re fine physically, but I can tell that they’re terrified.” You let out a sigh and hopped up on the counter, crossing your arms over your chest. “We all are.”
He stayed silent, staring off into space. “Do you really think he’s okay?”
You nodded. “Of course. I’m scared for him, but I know that he’s okay. He’s smart, Jonathan. He’ll be okay.” You offered him a small smile, one that he returned immediately. “I have the last period of the day off, so I’m gonna swing by and bring the boys their bikes and then help you put up the flyers. Sound good?”
“Yeah, sounds good.” He started on making some scrambled eggs, lost in his thoughts. “You know, you don’t have to help. I-I don’t want you to think that this is something you need to fix.”
“But I want to, Johnny. Will’s like my little brother, too. A-And I know I haven’t lived in Hawkins as long as you have, but I know that I can help. And I know that it’s better to have more than just you and your mom working on this.” You reached out and touched his shoulder. “I’m not letting you guys struggle through this alone.”
“Thank you, Y/N.”
“Hey, what are best friends for?”
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swanluvrr · 23 days
Lonny crane if he never joined the Belko company :
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embodyingchaos · 1 year
(ㅅ´ ˘ `) david dastmalchian masterlist
last updated: 22nd july, 2023 newest: latest heart to heart update
rules for requesting: ✮ disclaimer: i do not do smut, i can do dark themes such as stalking, etc. requests are open.
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abner krill/polka-dot man(the suicide squad 2) dating abner genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff, light angst warnings: mentions of abuse, panic attacks, ptsd, a bit suggestive at the end HEHEH abner with a s/o that has a symbiote genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons warnings: mentions of intercourse, very short bc i am pooped out of ideas for this one
yandere abner genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons warnings: yandere behaviour, suggested intercourse, stalking, mentions of murder, abner being a creep, abner being DELUSIONAL heart to heart genre: abner krill x fem!oc, best friends to lovers warnings: mention of experimentation, murder, abuse, manipulation, ABNER'S MOTHER synopsis: after escaping an illegal lab where she was experimented on constantly, number 037 found a new life for her in gotham city, in a quaint little cafe. everything seemed to look up, she even met someone dearly special to her. who knew it would all go bad so fast? kurt goreshter(ant-man) - none yet. johnson(reprisal) dating johnson genre: johnson x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff warnings: drinking, light implications of intercourse lester billings(the boogeyman) - none yet. alonso "lonny" crane(the belko experiment) lift, laugh, love genre: lonny crane x named!fem!reader, fluff, friends to lovers, coworkers to lovers warnings: reader is emotionless-type character, reader’s name is quinn, panic attacks, reader used to smoke, sorta emotional, making out sorta cause i can mUAHAHAHA synopsis: you and lonny get stuck in a lift and a few confessions happen.
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capondi · 3 years
@lonnson I can't actually bake you cookies but I CAN write a Lonny Crane reader-insert blurb if that tickles your fancy.
You woke to the first sharp glint of sunrise as it unfortunately found you, like most mornings, through the gap in the curtains. You groaned out your displeasure but soon were aware that it hadn’t been the light that woke you. There was a clinging heat to your back and a pair of strong arms around your middle.
Lonny was a very physical person, you’ve come to understand. While seeming outwardly reserved or even reticent, you learned that the smallest touches meant a lot to him: a stroke on the shoulder, a peck on the cheek, even a hug in the morning for no reason at all. You could feel the relief in him when your relationship had grown so that you two could express yourselves in that way.
This was not like those times. You could feel the bridge of his nose burying between your shoulder blades as small whimpers escaped him. His grip around you grew uncomfortably tight. Shit. Lonny was prone to fits of anxiety, sometimes with no clear cause, but it hurt your heart most when he had them in his sleep- like even dreams couldn’t reprieve him of misery.
It had only gotten worse since goddamn Belko and the shit he had witnessed.
You squirmed in his arms until you could turn to face him. His hair was damp like he had been sweating all night, most likely plagued with nightmares the entire time. His lips trembled over words you couldn’t make out. You brought your hands up to either side of his face and stroked your thumbs over his cheekbones.
“Lonny baby, it’s okay, it’s okay…”
You whispered him back into wakefulness, but he still started when he fully woke up. He gasped, eyes darting around the room until you could get him to focus on you. He was breathing like he’d run a mile.
“Just me Lonny, just me.”
“I… Y/N?”
You really shouldn’t love the way he looks, all doe-eyed and frightened, but you’re thinking about how he held onto you, even while unconscious, like you were his one and only lifeline. You place a kiss on his brow, feeling him relax in your hands.
“It’s alright, sweetheart,” you say as you pull his head down against your chest. He’s still incredibly warm but you don’t really mind.
“Wanna talk about it?” you ask, and he shakes his head. Okay then. He readjusts his hold around you to pull you closer and you agreeably resign to be his teddy bear.
A stomach grumbles and you’re not sure if it’s yours or his. He emerges to look up at you sheepishly, so it was probably his. You brush the hair out of his face and ask, “Pancakes?”
No one man has the right to be so adorable, you think as he breaks out in a grin.
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
Update on Characters I write for:
Recently, I’ve gotten attached to even more characters, so I updated the lists on my Pinned Post. Nonetheless, I wanted to make this separate post to make y’all more aware of it. Please also note that I’m currently rather slow at fulfilling requests, due to health issues. So, please be patient with me when you request something, or have been waiting for the past month already, now. I assure you that as long as you don’t see me outright declining your request after a week (max.) of receiving it, I’m writing and uploading it within the next couple of weeks or months, depending on my health and such.
David Dastmalchian characters:
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man* (The Suicide Squad)
Abra Kadabra (The Flash)
Bob Taylor (Prisoners)
Kurt Goreshter (Ant-Man)
Lonny Crane (The Belko Experiment)
Murdoc (MacGyver)
Thomas Schiff (The Dark Knight)
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit characters:
Detective/ADA Dominick “Sonny” Carisi, Jr.
Sergeant Michael “Mike” Dodds
Detective Nicholas “Nick” Amaro
ADA Peter Stone
Deputy Chief William Dodds
Herbert West*
Herbert West x Daniel “Dan” Cain
* The characters with an asterisk are ONLY available for (Trans) Male Reader.
At the moment, I’d be more inclined to fulfil requests for Headcanon Posts faster than fully fledged Fanfictions, since HC’s take up less energy for me.
Still, as always, I’m doing my very best to write everything as soon as possible!
AND PLEASE, be sure to read my PINNED POST (linked at the top) BEFORE you request anything at all, thank you!
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fxckin-polkadots · 3 years
I love just poking and pinching at my boyfriend's face, idk y he's just so cute and touchable
how would them boyz react to that?
Abner: “i,,i like this uhm,” he’s so touch starved that just you touching his face makes him extremely happy, it definitely helps that his face is very soft and warm <3
Kurt: “what…what are you doing” he’s not annoyed just confused, he starts doing the same to you, it ends up just being a little thing you do as a form of affection to each other
Murdoc: “ah, tiny hands my only weakness” he finds it cute, actually, at first it annoyed him but he eventually got used to it, though he wouldn’t admit that he finds comfort in your touch after a long day
Lonny: he’s like a puppy dog, he just kinda looks up at you with his big eyes as you squish his face
Thomas: “what are you doing?? Why do you keep touching me? is this affection??” he won’t admit it to your face but he likes it, he feels honoured you’d want to give him any form of affection
Bob: starts crying because he’s overwhelmed with positive emotions
Piter: “don’t touch me” he’s like a cat, he hates you when you try to touch his face but then will aggressively demand affection after
Johnson: just let’s it happen, he doesn’t mind it nor does he actively enjoy it, he just thinks it’s sweet that you show your love in such a way
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fxckin-polkadots · 3 years
how would the guys feel having a s/o who is hella strong? like STRONG STRONG, and can carry them bridle style or throwing them over their shoulder with no problem at all
Abner: if you ever threw him over your shoulder he might cry, but he feels safe around you, like he’s protected when you’re around
Kurt: challenges his s/o to an arm wrestling match all the time, always looses, he’s actually mildly impressed you’re stronger than him (well…more than mildly, he finds it very attractive) probably asks you for your work out routine (unless it’s your power to be extremely strong aha)
Murdoc: Thinks it’s hot, he makes you carry him like the princess he is. he’s watched you one hit some people and every time you do he falls more in love with you
Lonny: scared of your strength at first, but slowly starts to find comfort in it, whenever you pick him up he gets all flustered and fidgety, probably wishes he could be like that sometimes
Thomas: isn’t….. sure how to feel, but he is impressed, although intimidated, by your strength. definitely doesn’t like being picked up though
Bob: after warming up to you he feels like you’d protect him from anything (and you do), he likes it when you pick him up/hold him because you make him feel secure and safe, like no one can hurt him because you’re the strongest person he knows. In a maybe kid like way your the strongest person in the world to him.
Piter: he won’t admit that he likes it, but he does like it when you show of your strength, the more barbaric the better, though he does make you carry him bridal style if he’s tired
Johnson: arm wrestles you, sparring matches etc, he basically just wants to one day be as strong as you, he won’t admit it but admires you, you can take down rival gang members/people who pick fights so easily without breaking a sweat which is kinda hot to him
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fxckin-polkadots · 3 years
Hello! Could you do the Dast boys on how different theirs kiss would be. Thanks!
Abner: clunky,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he just always manages to kiss you when your moving ur face, he’s kissed you on the ear more than once, but it’s cute watching him try
Kurt: kisses you on the nose, forehead, lips etc,,,,,the type of kisses that are just a quick peck on the face
Murdoc: passionate……….yeah
Lonny: once again, kinda clumsy, usually always slightly missing your lips, so he usually kisses you on the cheek (though he misses that sometimes too)
Thomas: doesn’t kiss you but if he did, probably wouldn’t be a good at it, or would cry before even doing it
Bob: kisses you on the palm/forehead and he kisses quickly, like you sometimes don’t realise that he’s actually kissed you until he’s asked if you if that’s okay
Piter: if he’s going to kiss you, he usually holds you still while he does so, his lips r soft !!! But if he just wants to quickly give you affection he just kisses your palm/knuckles
Johnson: kisses you on the jaw/neck and gets internally embarrassed
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fxckin-polkadots · 3 years
how would our sweet boys react if they were caught under the mistletoe uwu
Abner: “oh- imsorry” embarrassed about it, he stammers aggressively trying to tell you that you don’t have to kiss him if you don’t want to, you have to shake him to get him to calm down, reassuring him that you would like to kiss him, he sheepishly nods and finally, you share a kiss “see it wasnt so ba-“ “i’m in love with you” “oh-?” yeah, you two have a lot to talk about- maybe later, though
Kurt: he’s probably vaguely drunk so he’s not as embarrassed as you thought he’d be, though he’s stumbling over his words and has a rosy tint to his cheeks - either from being flustered or drunk is really the latter - “so, we- we kiss now yeah?” you chuckle, nodding at him, he’s a surprisingly good kisser
Murdoc: is the one who put the mistletoe up, he already has you in his arms before you can register the fact it’s there, he looks up to the mistletoe and winks at you, y’all get a teeny bit carried away with the kissing (no i won’t elaborate)
Lonny: he’s so red in the face you’d think he was about to explode, he’s just standing there silently looking back to you to the mistletoe, he makes a weird squeaking noise at you, before kissing you on the forehead
Thomas: “are you sure you’d wanna do that…” he’s not embarrassed, more like nervous that you’ll hate him if you kissed him (which isn’t true thomas SHUT-) he doesn’t pull away though, part of him really hopes you’d kiss him. You do, breaking the awkward tension. when you pull away he’s looking at you star struck, his mouth slightly agape “wow…” is the only thing he can say
Bob: awkwardly smiles at you but doesn’t maintain eye contact for very long “i think- someone put mistletoe here by mistake uhm” he can’t really bring himself to make a move, he’s just standing there, silently, looking back up at you every so often. you delicately place a finger under his chin and lift his head up, softly placing a kiss on his lips, “see? no mistake here” caught off guard he just remains still, his face going a pretty shade of pink, he definitely thought about this all night 👀
Piter: “mistletoe? the fuck is mistletoe?? sounds like a disease” you explain to him what it is and what it means, he looks at you blankly for a second before going “alright fine, only because it’s so important to you i suppose” it’s only a quick peck on the lips but it’s good enough, he just turns around and walks away, but he is most definitely trying to conceal the fact he’s blushing right now (probably internally screaming)
Johnson: “…you wanna kiss or something?” his bluntness definitely catches you off guard for a moment, he just stares at you waiting for an answer as you flusteredly try and say yes. when you nod at him he just shrugs and goes “alright” it was quick but he’d never felt more comfortable to kiss someone before (if that makes any sense jesus)
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