#look Thena has her curiosities
Fo the mermaid au!
Thena asking gil how human reproduction works. Now that she knows what "the thing" in his pants is for, she wants to know what exactly is between her legs and why it feels so funny.
Gil groaned, turning over in bed--trying to turn over.
He blinked, finding a curtain of blonde hair around him as he stared up at the light of his life. He sighed, "yes, Angelfish?"
"I need to ask you something."
Light of his life, he reminded himself; he rubbed his eyes, "can it not wait until morning?"
"No," she whispered, still perched over him like a predator waiting to pounce. She waited until he was done rubbing his eyes to ask, "how does human reproduction work?"
She winced, his sudden outburst and the volume of it hurting her much more delicate senses.
"Sorry, sorry," he rushed, holding his hands over her ears and then her cheeks. She frowned at him, "I'm sorry, Thena. I just...didn't expect that."
"Well?" she implored, looking at him with those eyes. He had never really gotten to see them like this, but they had a faint, almost gentle glow to them in the dark.
He sighed again; it wasn't as if this was out of nowhere. But had he been doing his very best to avoid it for as long as possible?--yes. "What makes you ask that, sweetheart?"
Thena didn't move off of him, but did lean back from all fours to sitting on him. "I...was thinking."
Gil's hair stood on end.
"Of," she looked down at his chest, her finger moving through his chest hair idly. "When we were on the couch."
Gil blushed, but did his best not to rush, nor discourage her. He nodded, "okay."
"I have never taken a mate," she admitted quietly. She had said so before, but a veneer of vulnerability came with this statement, as well as what followed, "but I find myself...curious."
"Right," Gil sighed, looking up at his ceiling for a second, trying to think of how to approach the delicate subject.
"I know how it works for mers," Thena pressed on, leaning closer to his face again. "I have asked, I know what happens when one takes a mate, especially for reproductive purposes. But I have to imagine it's very different for humans."
"Very different," Gil murmured, mostly as he tried to think of how to retain his dignity and also answer her question honestly.
Like Thena said, she was a grown woman, and she wasn't so naive about mating and its many forms. She knew approximately how it worked. And as embarrassed as he was, he had no desire to lie to her or tell her some bullshit birds and the bees nonsense.
He adjusted himself on the bed, wrapping his arms around her. He could tell she had been asleep in the tub because her skin was cooler to the touch than normal. Sometimes it did make him wonder how she managed to get out of water so silently, though.
"So, the, uh," Gil blushed, grateful for the dark and the angle they were in allowing him to avoid her eyes. "The part of me-"
"The penis?"
"That," he sighed. It was better than 'dick'., he supposed. "It becomes engorged with blood. That's what makes it hard."
"And this happens during arousal," Thena continued. If anything, how straightforward she was did actually help to lessen the embarrassment of things. It did quite the opposite of set the mood, currently.
"Usually," Gil added. "Sometimes it happens with a surplus of testosterone. So, like, when I wake up from sleeping, sometimes..."
Thena nodded, connecting the metaphorical dots. She looked down at him again, "does this happen after every sleep?"
"No, not every sleep." Thank the seven seas for that one. "Just sometimes. Sometimes it just gets stimulated from light touches and it reacts. It's kind of...delicate."
"I see." And she had seen--she did see.
Gil shifted under her, trying to keep his mind out of the gutter and on the task at hand. "When the act of intercourse ends and the male reaches climax, he...ejaculates."
Thena tilted her head a few times, which was actually quite familiar and comforting in the moment. "The white stuff-"
"The white stuff," Gil confirmed, unwilling to let her go further with that statement. "For procreation it's done, um, in the-"
"Birth canal."
"Yep, yeah, yes," he confirmed multiple times, pushing all other thoughts from his head but the words themselves. He looked at her again, still charmed by the faint glow of green standing out in the faint moonlight. He put his hand to her cheek, "anything else, Angelfish?"
Gil's eyes strained in the low light as colour rose in her cheeks. She looked down at his bare chest again, and then the blanket which separated his skin from hers. She was wearing his shirt, at least; that was the rule. If she was wearing her legs, a shirt was required.
"I feel," she started and paused still, shifting her weight on top of him. Her knees squeezed against his ribs faintly.
Gil's heart picked up speed.
He swallowed, trying to keep his eyes on hers, and on what she was saying, and not on the beautiful body seated on top of him. He nodded, "o-okay. What feels, uh...different?"
Thena wasn't really that shy when it came to most things. She didn't have the same sense of shame about bodies and their functions that humans did. Seeing her sheepish or embarrassed usually indicated something more personal to her.
Thena gulped as well, holding his eyes as her hips pressed into his, "h-here."
Gil held in a groan as she grinded against him through the blanket. "W-What feels different there, Angelfish?"
She looked away from him again, but her hips didn't stop. She braced herself with her hands again, nails digging into the bed on either side of him. "I don't know. But it feels...urgent."
Gil gulped. He had been thinking about this since that day on the couch. He had thought about it in passing before, of course, but always scolded himself. He had no business impressing anything onto Thena if she didn't bring it up on her own.
He didn't even know she had a...a functioning...well, clearly she did.
Gil let out a moan as Thena continued to move above him, both of them seeking friction against what separated them. He gripped her hips, "Cuddlefish, slow down."
"But," she whimpered, biting her lip but obeying. She looked down at him, "I want-"
Gil gripped her hips in his hands, under the shirt. He gulped as a certain scent reached his nose. He looked up at her, "Thena, do you want this?"
She nodded, diving down to kiss him. She pressed her hips against his again, gasping as the shape of him became more clear through the blanket. "Yes!"
Gil groaned, all but humping her through his blanket like a teenager dry rubbing for the first time. But it felt damn good for something so simple. And everything with Thena felt good.
Thena pulled his shirt off over her head, "my skin burns."
Under any other circumstance, he would be alarmed. But he knew exactly what he meant, this time. "It's okay."
Thena kissed him deeper, her tongue looking for more. Her tongue was a little more pointed and a little longer than his, actually. Now that he could feel it so acutely, that was to say.
Gil sighed as he felt her breasts press against his chest. The more their hips moved, the more ruffled it became. He groaned into her mouth as her breasts met his bare chest.
"Gil," she whimpered at the new sensation. She ran her fingers through his hair, kissing him feverishly. "What is that?"
"Here," he grunted, pulling her other hand off his neck and guiding it to her breast for her. "Touch that."
Thena whined as she did. "W-What-"
"Good?" he whispered in the dark, unable to see anything but the vague shape of her as they moved so closely entwined.
"Gil," she whined louder, moving against him more urgently. "Something--I-I want-"
Gil gripped her buttocks - surprisingly plump and also firm - in his hands, driving them together more firmly.
Gil groaned as she writhed against him, coming from the sheer friction and stimulation. He wasn't quite there but goddamn did he feel good. He gasped for breath, as did Thena. She almost sounded a little wheezy, but he was pretty sure breathing hard with only her lungs made her miss her gills. "Angelfish?"
"Hm?" she purred, her face pressed into his chest.
"You good?" he whispered, pulling her off of the blanket on top of him and rolling them over. He manoeuvred the blanket around her completely limp weight beside him until she was also tucked in. "Thena?"
"Hm," she responded again, blinking those eyes at him. It was incredible to think that he would be able to tell if she was looking at him or not, even in the darkest dark.
"Angelfish, how do you feel?" he asked softly, looking for any signs of distress, or being overwhelmed, overstimulated. This was just as important a first as any of her other firsts as a human.
Thena shimmied over to him, kissing him languidly under the blanket. She really could purr, and it reverberated through him gently as their lips met. "That was nice."
He looked at her again, "nice?"
"Nice," she conceded, shrugging one of her shoulders. Some of her scales were popping up on her shoulders, and he was delighted to think that her concentration in the midst of things had...slipped.
Her finger traced around his nipple, which she had just discovered did actually have a purpose.
"I could...continue."
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arthenaa · 3 years
ETERNALS | Thena x gender neutral reader
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SUMMARY: A hunting ceremony is set in motion as a gift of appreciation for the Eternals after saving your kingdom from the deviants. You can't help but be enthralled by a certain Goddess of War. Thena makes sure to let you know she feels the same.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: i just thought of this and i have absolutely no idea what im doing. enjoy.
CONTENT: hunting, thena being badass, gender neutral, that one thena cutting up silk scene in the trailer, just fluff basically, drukkari being cute
“Thank you for your help. We are forever in your debt.”
The King shakes Ajak’s hand as the Prime Eternal smiles at the gesture. Thena stands from afar, leaning against a pillar as she watches Ajak continue to exchange pleasantries with royals. They had moved to another community to offer their services with the purpose of Arishem in mind. This one was already a large kingdom developing. Ajak had plans on making their community thrive better. 
Gilgamesh silently makes his way beside Thena as he examines the architecture of the palace. “Seems grander and more advanced than Babylon.”
Thena nods in agreement. “Quieter people too. Wonder what made Ajak choose this place.”
The pair sits in comfortable silence as they continue to watch Ajak, Sersi, and Ikaris converse with the humans while Sprite, Kingo and Phastos talk amongst themselves on the other side of the room. Thena looks around, looking for two missing Eternals. “Where’s Druig and Makk--” 
Just as Thena mentions the pair, Makkari zooms her way inside, excitement and glee plastered against her face. Druig follows shortly after as the speedster makes her way over to Thena and Gilgamesh. The Olympian warrior tilts her head in curiosity. “What do we have here?”
Thena brings out a golden cup from the bag. Druig smiles as he watches Makkari sign at Thena. “Found it in the markets. There’s a lot of stuff down there!” 
Thena chuckles before placing it back in the bag. The warrior signs back. “Just make sure you didn’t steal those.”
Makkari rolls her eyes before running off to Kingo to flex her new found treasures. Druig settles beside the pair. “Y’know that will get her in trouble someday.” Gilgamesh says as he looks at Druig. The mind reader purses his lips before moving close to pat the Babylon hero quite harshly on the back.
“Mind your own business Gil.” Druig mumbles before catching up to Makkari. Thena lets out a soft laugh as Gilgamesh grumbles, annoyed. She pats her companion on the shoulder before stepping forward, away from the pillar.
“Where are you going?” He calls out. Thena only waves her hand as she leaves the room. Gilgamesh sighs before joining Kingo and the others. 
It’s been a few minutes since Thena had wandered off to explore. Her hands had begin to crave the familiar heaviness of her weapons. The itch to fight. Hunting deviants would be the solution but that would be quite careless considering they had just fought quite a lot awhile ago. The Olympian comes across a room filled with silks hanging on the ceiling. She steps foot inside the room, hand brushing across the soft fabric before walking to the center. 
Fighting has been the only thing Thena has ever known. It’s part of her being. Being known as one of Olympia’s strongest warriors, the art of war is something she has mastered and perfected. The use of weapons and precise movements to create powerful attacks. It was something that she excelled at. 
Cosmic energy flows through her veins as she summons a halberd within her hand. She twirls the weapon in her hands before letting out a long breath. She closes her eyes then begins to move.
Like an innate feeling, her body moves gracefully as she allows the halberd to twirl on her fingertips. Silk fabric falls gently on the floor as she continues to move with precision. Her footsteps continuous and elegant as she allows the blade to make swift cuts against the fabric. She finishes with her arm going down to her hip, forming a slashing movement, her halberd posed behind her figure. She grips it tightly within her palm before opening her eyes. The fabric gently falls around her making her more ethereal than she already was.
Sensing an intruder, she tilts her head to the left. “I know you’re there.”
A gasp can be heard then silence. After a few seconds, a human emerges behind the curtain of silks, a sheepish smile plastered on their face.
“What’s a royal like you lurking behind silk curtains?” Thena adjusts the weapon in her hands. You could only stare at her in awe, enthralled by her performance that you were so blessed to have seen.
She saved you during the attack. Strong hands grabbed your waist, pulling you to safety. You watched from the sidelines at how magnificent she slew the beast. You were already enthralled. 
“How’d you know?” You asked. Thena examines her weapon on her hands before allowing it to vanish into thin air. Thena was a warrior that had the experience of slaying beasts and was a cosmic being designed for war, her heightened senses are enough to detect if there was a presence in the room.
“That you’re a royal or that I found you without looking?” Thena replies as she steps closer to you, patting your head. Heat spreads through your cheeks. She chuckles softly at your reaction before walking past you. Thena stops just at the doorway, flashing you a beautiful smile. 
“I’ll see you around, Your Grace.”
“I declare a hunting competition be done in honor of these valiant and brave warriors!” The King declares as he raises his cup to the air. You watched your people shout in excitement and joy and couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. Your father, the Duke, smiles at your reaction. “Take this as an opportunity as well to dedicate your hunt for a lucky person. Whether it be for courtship, a gift of thanks or companionship. For now enjoy this feast I have prepared for you all!”
The rest of the room raise their cups in the air. You could feel the giddiness and excitement in the air as people begin to plan on what to capture for the hunt. Unbeknownst to you, a certain Goddess of War watches you with careful eyes, sipping on her wine. Phastos senses the intensity of Thena’s stare. “You’re gonna burn a hole on that royal’s face.”
Thena glances at Phastos before putting her cup down. “I’m going to join the hunt.”
“What?!” Kingo intercepts Phastos from replying as he leans forward on the table. Thena looks at the Eternal sitting in front of her, unamused. Phastos rolls his eyes. 
“It’s a hunt dedicated for us and you’re going to join it?” Phastos raises his eyebrow.
“That’s like gifting yourself at your own birthday party.” Kingo scoffs. Thena could only look at both of them before taking a sip of wine from her cup. “But why? I thought these human traditions bore you?”
Thena sighs, feeling herself already full. “I have my reasons.” She stands up from her spot and walks out of the banquet hall, not before making eye contact with you. 
“Thena! You haven’t finished your--” The door makes a loud bang before Kingo sighs. Phastos can only let out a chuckle before drinking more of his beverage. You could only watch with curiosity, unable to ignore the burning gaze of the warrior directed at you when the banquet had begun. You were excited for what the hunting ceremony might entail.
“Surprising enough, you’re the last one I’d expect to be joining human affairs.” Ajak chuckles as she watches Thena prepare her blades. Her halberd shifting to a sword, knife, then a shield. “You’ve always been the one most admired by humans yet you distance yourself from them.”
“Not in the mood for a lecture right now, Ajak.” Thena mumbles as she twirls her weapon within her palm. Ajak can only smile as she watches Thena adjusting herself to her battle stance.
“I hear a certain Duke’s child has been following you around recently.” Ajak nonchalantly says as she walks around Thena like a lion stalking its prey. Thena glances at her. 
Ajak shurgs “Nothing. I was just interested in hearing such a humor.”
Thena stops from twirling her blades before looking behind Ajak’s figure to sense a familiar presence. She smiles softly before looking at Ajak who only gives her a pat on the shoulder.
Ajak smiles. “Make sure to win the hunt, Thena.”
“Your Grace, your father would be very disappointed to hear about you lurking around the warrior again.” Your maid, Mary whines, desperate to keep you still.
You’ve been lurking around the training grounds for a few days now after hearing that Thena herself had agreed to join the hunt. You were excited to see how your savior had been doing to prepare for the ceremony. You pace back and forth against the stone floor, unable to keep yourself from staying still.
“Your robes, Your Grace!” Mary grabs your arms, trying her best to fix your garments. “Please the hunt will start in a few minutes and you’re already looking like a mess.”
“Oh, please! Lighten up Mary.” You roll your eyes. “I doubt they’d notice a wrinkle on my garments with you keeping it pristine every few seconds.”
“Your Grace I---”
“You.” A familiar voice fills your ears like music floating in the air. You turn around to see the goddess herself. “Again.”
“We have to stop meeting like this, my lady.” You smile. “With me lurking around and you... using your impressive tracking skills.”
“You think I’m a dog?” Thena playfully accuses before softly laughing. You wished there was something that helped you capture that moment so you could repeat it again and again. 
“I was merely joking.” You chuckle before stepping forward and leaning close to grab her hand. “Best of luck to you, my lady.”
You press a soft kiss on the back of her hand. Thena’s breath hitches, her heart skipping a beat.
The warrior can only smile as she pulls her hand softly from yours. “You can call me Thena.”
The hunting competition has now begun and some of the contestants had brought wonderful offerings. There were only a few left who hadn’t came back. Including Thena.
You wait in anticipation of what she might bring to the table. The Eternals can only wait with curiosity, interested as to what made their dear Thena suddenly invested in human traditions. 
“Where is she?” You mumble as try to look around for the certain silver haired woman. A collective gasp is heard from afar. Your eyes look for what caused such a response. Then you see it. 
Thena herself carrying an animal twice as big as any of the others have captured with ease. Druig laughs at the scene before him, Makkari, Sersi, Sprite and Ikaris with amused faces, Ajak smiling, Phastos and Kingo with their jaws dropping and Gilgamesh snorting. You however had a surprised look on your face, standing as she dropped the offering in front of you. 
“There.” Thena smiles before looking up at you. “Did I win?”
The King stands up with joy. “The warrior wins the hunt!”
You stare at Thena in awe as the contestants pat her on the back. “I’m not done yet.” Thena continues, causing the crowd to look at her with interest.
“You said I could dedicate this hunt for someone with a reason right?” Thena looks at the King who blinks in confusion before slowly nodding. The goddess walks up the steps to your seat and you could only freeze as she stops in front of you. “Courtship. For you.”
Your face heats up as you hear her intentions for joining the hunt. Your heart hammering against your chest. “Y-y-you---”
“Me?” Thena smiles cheekily. “Well? Your response?”
You were speechless, unable to think straight. You wanted to say yes but your mouth was unable to move. You only did what you had to do. You grabbed Thena’s face in your hands, pulling her in a kiss as the crowd erupts into cheers. The warrior smiles against your lips before pulling you close.
“To Thena and Y/N!” Someone had shouted. The both of you pull away, foreheads against one another, basking in one another’s love.
Hello people. I’m craving for Thena fluff and just thought of this while showering. I love her sm pls. hope you enjoyed. ALSO ty for the love on my first post. <333 ily all
- artem
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redheadspark · 2 years
you don't have anyone to go to prom with, so i volunteer, but we end up ditching early, instead driving around town, stopping for some cheap burgers and incredible sights with Druig (solo)
CUTE! I love this one, thanks @ftrmrs-barry-keoghan
Starry Night Shakes
Summary: Your Senior Prom doesn't go as planned, but that doesn't stop you and your childhood best friend from having a great night together
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Warnings: Fluff
"Come on, don't you wanna go to your prom? Your senior prom?"
"Yeah I do, but not alone,"
You were sitting across from Druig, your childhood best friend and fellow Senior. Your senior prom was around the corner, the entire school was buzzing for weeks and weeks on end on who's going with who. Sure, it would be exciting to go to the prom since it was your last year in high school, but it also meant that you were going to have to clean yourself up, get into a dress.
But most importantly, getting a date.
The friend group you were in were all paired off already. Sersi had her perfect boyfriend Ikaris, Phastos had his boyfriend Ben, Kingo asked out a cheerleader, Gilgamesh and Thena were going as friends, and Makkari was asked by one of the football players. Sprite wasn't allowed to go since she was a freshman, and Ajak was already in college, volunteering to be the Designated Driver if it was needed.
It left you and Druig without dates, which made Druig bring up the topic during your weekly coffee meet up. You two would meet on Sundays, every week right at noon, to study and vent to one another. You've had this tradition since your freshman year, and you never one missed a coffee date unless it was a dire emergency.
Now, with Prom two weeks away, Druig was making you think about it as you took a long drink from your hot coffee.
"You couldn't find a date?" Druig asked in genuine curiosity. You shrugged and shook your head.
"Nope, and there's not one decent to go with anyways. Most of the guys who are left are too.....weird,"
Druig chuckled as you raised an eyebrow at him, "What about you? No girls you wanna ask?"
"Not one girl has been worthy of my time," He hummed, you giggling as he say it playfully.
"Too bad Makkari was taken already," You teased, though Druig glared at you.
"She and I are friends, remember?" He reminded you, you chuckled and he paused. His eyes were drilling into your as you were fiddling with your napkin, not paying attention to him as he spoke again, "Wanna go together?"
Together? You and Druig?
You never thought of that one before. It was a simple suggestion, but it more than that with how you paused and looked up at him. You've known Druig since you were 6 years old, the pair of your becoming friends in Kindergarten. You two stayed tight ever since, always seeking out each other in times of need and in times of happiness. The friend group you were in grew because of the pair of you: You bringing Thena, Ajak, and Kingo to meet Druig. Druig brought Makkari and Phastos with him.
Druig was your best friend, he knew everything about you and how you ticked. He picked you up after shitty dates and bad breakups, driving you around town in his car and letting you vent until the wee hours of the morning. He came to your grandmothers funeral since he knew it was going to be hard for you. Druig was your anchor and better half.
Maybe prom with him was not a bad idea at all.
"You wanna go with me?" You asked, almost in disbelief. Druig softly smiled and nodded slowly.
"It'll be fun together. Plus, we can go and make up of the popular kids," He reasoned, you grinning as he chuckled. You did think of it being fun with Druig, he was never one to take anything like prom seriously. He too was a loner like you, preferring to reading books or listening to his rock music than going to pep rally's or football games. So to hear he wanted to go to prom, and with you, it shocked you. But then again...
"Why not?" You replied in a shrug, thinking that you saw a flicker of light go across his eyes from your accepting his offer.
"This is an amazing burger,"
Druig smirked at you as you took another big bite from your burger, almost moaning from the taste hitting your tongue and sighing in relief. You were starving, and the dress you were in was not helping either. Who knew if the others were still dancing away at the GYM and having the best night. Good for them. But for your and Druig, it was the opposite
Prom was a bust.
The entire group pooled their money together to rent a limo, meeting at Phastos's house for pictures. You played along with getting a dress, going shopping with Makkari, Sersi, Ajak and Thena the day after Druig asked you to prom. The girls gave you playful looks, but they were harmless as you explained that you were only going as friends.
Sure, Makkari signed to you, sticking her tongue at you.
You opted for a dark blue dress with silver shoes, your hair in loose curls and around your shoulders. Seris helped with your hair as Thena did your make-up the girls getting together at Seri's house to get dolled up. Once you were ready, you met at Phastos's house and with the guys. They each looked handsome, dressed in tuxes with tie colors to match their date.
Your eyes went to Druig, seeing him in a black dress shirt and pants with a thin dark blue tie and a black tuxedo jacket. His hair was combed over, styled with a hint of gel, and he looked clean shaven. You couldn't lie, he looked very handsome. And the way he looked at you, he might of thought you looked good too.
Once you piled into the limo and made it to the school GYM, the group was excited and ready for a fun night. It was only yourself and Druig that seemed somewhat amused by it, but you two played along just fine.
Yet when you went into the GYM, neither of you lasted more than 30 minutes.
Druig called Ajak and asked her to pick the pair of you up, Druig taking your hand and you two snuck out to the back to find Ajak. The others were dancing away, not bothering to see that you two were escaping the prom. Ajak gave you two a knowing look as you got into the car.
"You got bored that quick?" She asked, the pair of you giggling.
She took you back to Druig's house, dropping you off with a wave of her hand as Druig got the keys to his car. He then drove you both around town, already talking about the prom and what was ridiculous about it. You both were roaring in laughter at some of the things you saw in the GYM, at certain popular couples that looked like pornstars, and at the teachers who were chaperones.
Finally, Druig took you to In-N-Out, seeing the tall tell signs of you being hungry.
Now it was nearly 11:30 at night, the pair of your sitting on the hood of his car, with two fries, two chocolate milkshakes and double double burgers between you. Your hair was up in a loose bun, you no longer wanting to maintain it, and you switched your heels for flats. Druig dropped his tuxedo jacket, shirt and tie at his house, staying in a black shirt and pants with his boots and throwing on his infamous leather jacket.
"This is better," He hummed to you as he ate some fries, "Better than the salads they were going to serve,"
"I blame the cheerleaders and their skinny bodies," You grumbled, Druig laughing from your remark. You took another bite from your burger, feeling a gust of wind come through fast and hard. It made your shiver, still wearing your dress and not bothering to change out of it yet. Druig saw you shiver, then shrugged off his jacket.
"Here," he said, placing it over your shoulders before you could protest. You felt the warm hit your skin, the small musky scent of his cologne or maybe it aftershave, and the softness of the leather against your arms and neck.
Slowly and with a hint of shyness, you looked over at Druig, watching him in his thin shirt and his soft smile on your face.
"Thank you," You hummed to him, you voice sounding light and almost shy. Druig grinned as you placed your head on his shoulder, his arm around your waist while you finished your meal together.
You never thought your prom was going to end up with your best friend, sitting on the hood of his car and eating burgers in your dress. But you'd rather have this than be in a sweaty gym. You'd rather be here with Druig, your better half, and feeling that fluttering under your skin from wearing his jacket.
This was better, much better.
The End.
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fabled-fiction · 3 years
Blood, Sweat, and Worries
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Part 3 of the Curiosity Eternalized Series
A story about the you, the ever so curious Eternal and your life through time. Pinning, and mourning and feeling every possible human emotion one could feel during infinity.
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Descriptions of pain
A/N: This is the third part to an ongoing series that I have started! I sorta forgot I was already posting this on Tumblr as well, and consequently my AO3 post has all the chapters currently published there! If you want to get these chapters as soon as they come out, I post them there first! Enjoy.
Link to Part 2: As They Evolve, So Do You
Link to Part 4: The Hush Before The Curtain Rises
While immortality, a fickle concept that you had dealing with your whole existence, had its ups it also had its down.
Like this moment right here…
A rippling, churning pain spread through your gut as you dropped to your knees. Your hands went to hold the area that was tense and had a throbbing feeling cascading from it. A loud groan came from your throat, as your head rested on the ground. Sand stuck to the sweat on your forehead, as you felt the pain slowly start to subside…key word being slowly.
Feeling her hand grab the back of your suit, she lifted your torso up so you were kneeling in front of her. You squinted and lifted a hand up to block the sun that shined behind her. Her silhouette only did so much, and you were starting to get sick of this day all together.
"Get up, I'm actually starting to see some improvement."
Her kindly laced words were nothing but a façade, you had learned. Any time she actually spoke to you, about you improving was really just her way of getting her personal punching bag to stand up. While you were certain that there could have been some truth behind her jests as of right now you could only see the malice in them. You had been going at it for quite some time now, the sun however was still high in the sky. Had it been a full day? Maybe that was the thirst talking. Reaching to wipe your brow off, you took a shaking step into a kneeling position before falling to the ground with a huff.
"Yea that feels like a no. My body is telling me it hurts."
"Your body can take it."
Her hand reached down and gripped the breastplate of your armor, before lifting you up with ease and brushing you off. Standing there for a moment, still holding your stomach you watched as she went and collected your two daggers before handing them back to you. Your vision spun for a moment, before you shook your head and watched as Thena stood in front of you with her arms crossed and a look of complete boredom on her face. Her eyes scanned you up and down before she circled you like a vulture, a bird you had the chance to observe recently both in its physical nature and in how Thena moved.
Her hands moved to gently caress the back of your shoulder blades, both of them coming to grip your shoulders. They steadied you, while her leg went between your legs and kicked your feet into position. Walking back around you she grabbed your wrists and brought them up to near your face. Her hands gripped the back of your hands and formed them into fists before she finally reached to take a tight hold on the sides of your face, squishing your cheeks tightly.
"Obviously this head on approach isn't working. You are thinking too much. So, lets take another approach. I want you to use that brain of yours, and try to read my next move."
"Your next move?"
Before you could get an answer she swung, her arm striking your shield that she had put up. Luckily because of the stance she put you in you only slide back a little.
"You're a telepath are you not? I watch you read the human's brains everyday as if it is nothing, but let's build on your abilities. Train your ability to not only work for your snooping but also to work for your fighting. It will also strengthen your mind, making your ability stronger correct?"
You knew in your heart she was not wrong. A telepath was only as strong as their brain, and while yes you were good at looking into the minds of humans or your fellow Eternals while everyone has their guards down you had not thought about using it in a battle sense. Suddenly it made sense as to why Thena was one of the strongest warriors on Olympia. She had so much more to offer than battle tactics or taking down the Deviants.
She swung at you again before you could answer. But this time she did not stop. She kept swinging at your head, which you were barely able to block and she kept kicking and swiping her legs at yours. It kept knocking you back or down, and you only had enough time to get back up before she kept swinging and striking at you. It was all happening in such great succession that you had no idea how she expected you to get a glimpse into her mind long enough to predict her next move.
Then it happened again, she knocked you down. Your sides and your arms were yelling at you to do something, to even put a stop to this incessant beating for even a second so they could scream in more pain. You laid there with a face of pain, and watched as she bounced there with her arms ready to punch at you again.
You had about two seconds for you to activate your ability here, you thought. Your eyes would flash gold for a moment as you stood, keeping your head down as you finally faced her. She tilted her head, cracking her neck before taking another swing at you.
Each thought of her actions happened merely seconds after, she was relying on her already perfect sparing abilities. Why she thought that when you finally were able to get into that head of hers you'd be able to keep up? You had no idea. But at least now you were able to mentally prepare yourself for the hit to the area. Your side tensed up as she jabbed at you, and when her fist struck your jaw you stumbled back and held your mouth.
"C'mon (Y/N). Don't tell me you're all brains and no brawn?"
The blood that dribbled down your chin felt cold against your already temperate chin, it's irony maroon color seeped into the kicked up sand near your feet. She...she made you bleed. You never doubted for a moment that she would draw blood. She was a master at the martial arts, and you didn't know anything. So it was bound to happen.
But something in your gut churned at the sight of it. That, along with her comment made something either click or snap. You wanted to be more than brains, you knew everyone here even Sprite could hold themselves in fight. This was your first mission, you had to prove that you could be put on the same pedestal as them.
Assuming position again, you watched Thena from the gap between your arms. She smirked, before taking a running start at you. You knew you would have to be patient despite the want to lash out. No...there was a reason she and everyone else had the ability to fight. They didn't act on their impulses. They waited until the perfect moment.
'Right Jab'
'Left Jab'
That would have to be your best bet for throwing her off her rhythm. Maybe you wouldn't get too far in your moves against her but it was worth a shot.
After she swung at you, you broke your arm shield and watched as she dropped into the crouching position. Jumping, and barely missing her ankle swiping at you, when you landed you put all your weight into your strike into her back that was facing you. You watched as she stumbled forward and fell back onto her knees and you stumbled along with her.
Standing there with wide eyes, your body screaming both in victory and in pain, you watched as Thena turned with a fury in her eyes and took a running start at you. Whether you were screaming in your head or on the outside you weren't sure, but you watched as she jumped into a punch and you crouched into a protective position. Feeling her fist push you into the ground, you groaned as you laid there.
"That was good...but just because you get one good strike in doesn't mean you have won."
"It's a start."
Propping yourself on your elbows, you watch as she stares down at you. But you didn't feel pity from her, which made you feel a little better. She was thinking of ways to help you improve faster, or in ways that would work for you. You knew she wasn't trying to force this or expect you to know all this after one training session. This would be a process. One that you were sure that after a few centuries you'd be able to maybe stand on par with her, if you were determined.
But all you could think about right now was how much internal and external bleeding you could feel. Reaching a hand to wipe off your chin you whimper as you slowly pull yourself up. the adrenaline was probably wearing off now that you weren't actively getting the shit beat out of you. Your knees buckled under you and had it not been for Thena's rush to catch you, you probably would have once again face planted into the sand. At least now that the sun was slowly starting to set you could use that as a reason to wander off to your room in the Domo.
"Let's get you to Ajak."
With one leap you had landed near the Domo, and you were slowly limping next to her with your arm wrapped around her shoulders. Perhaps you should get out of her mind now, because her thoughts were now turning to gruesome new tactics on how to eviscerate Deviants. And you really didn't need that in your already woozy head.
"Oh my! Thena I said to train them not kill them!"
Slowly looking up, you gave a stained smile to Ajak as she ran up to you. The only others in the room were Phastos, Sprite and Druig. Sprite and Druig stood at your state, and Phastos ran over to heave you over on the table with ease. Slowly being sat down, you rested on your palms as you watched Ajak's palms glow and go to rest on your ribs. Maybe you both had taken it a bit too far because as a euphoric feeling of peace settled over you, you swore you heard a few cracks as your ribs moved back into place.
"I was starting them off with the basics."
"Yes, but when is (Y/N) going to have to spar a Deviant?" She scolded, merely getting a shrug from Thena before she waved to go join the others that were no doubt ridding this settlement of the rest of the Deviants. Her work was done for the day.
It felt as if a wave of warmth spread from your ribs and cascaded down to your thighs. It stung at first, no doubt that was her ability basically stitching together the sore and bruising muscle. But after the stinging feeling followed what could only be described as the want to lie down and sleep. It especially felt heavenly when she reached to hold your face, a stark contrast to when Thena basically ripped into it with her iron grip. Ajak's hands were tender, and soft. It reminded you of the mothers that would soothe their crying children after they tripped over their own feet down in the village. Her thumbs ran over your cheek bones, as she whispered under her breath. She had done this before, it felt like. It almost made you want to peek into that head of hers, but the respect she commanded and the motherly care she showed you all kept you from doing so. You didn't feel any hesitation when you picked Thena's mind, it was almost like picking a stranger's brain or when you peered into Sprite's mind every now and then when you two would take walks through the village and you watched her face turn sour as she looked at the children. For her it was just like picking a sibling's brain, but with Ajak it felt like you were violating her trust. True you never overstepped your boundaries with the others and only read their surface thoughts but you felt if you were to peek into Ajak's you'd see something you weren't supposed to.
"There...good as new. Did she actually teach you anything?" She asked as she rested her hands on your knees. 
"Yea. If I can perfect trying to use my telepathy during sparring it'll help with my fighting abilities." This seemed to only make her sigh.
"Yes that could help against people but what about fighting against Deviants? Did you even use the weapon Phastos forged for you?"
Sitting there for a moment, you swallowed. You were sure that you had made progress with Thena but maybe Ajak was right. Did you just get beat up for nothing? No...Yes? Now you were conflicted.
"I'll speak with her, why don't you just head to your room? I'm sure you're tired. You aren't required to come to the celebration if you do not want to come."
Nodding, you slid off the table and made your way down the corridor. Ajak was right...when would you need to read a Deviant's mind in order to tell what their next move was? You couldn't read the minds of non sentient beings. You had tried, especially after Sprite egged you on to try and read the mind of a horse the village had caught. While you were disappointed, it made sense. You weren't able to translate their thoughts. All you got was silence.
Finally making your way to the room, you sighed as the wall morphed around you and allowed you in. It was nothing special, you suspected every room right now wasn't all that decorated. You had a nice big window into the scenery under the Domo that you were sure looked like granite on the other side. It illuminated your room, especially as you sat on the pillowy bed that had been modeled after the Olympia rooms. Wrapping yourself in a blanket, you sighed as you laid back and slowly closed your eyes.
"Heard you got your shit handed to you."
Groaning, you look over and see Sprite walking in. She smiled at you as she sat on the edge of your bed. Her fiery orange head tilts as she watches you bury yourself under your sheets. Her small hand reaches to pull it off and see your face buried under the pillows.
"That may be true."
She slowly crawled up to sit next to you and smiled, before holding her hand out and you saw a small illusion of yourself kicking Thena down. You smile a little as you sit up and watch it rewind and go in slow motion.
"Yea, but you actually got a hit in. That counts for something. You actually knocked Thena down even if it was just for a second."
Looking over at her, you smile and nudge her with your shoulder before sinking back down in the sheets. 
"Yea but apparently today was a total waste. I can't even read the minds of Deviants."
"Did you not just hear what I said? You knocked down Thena! That takes skill. Sure you won't be able to read the Deviant's next move but the more you train with Thena the more skill you'll acquire and the more you'll be able to kick the Deviant's ass."
Looking at Sprite, she held her hands out and a laced illusion filled your room. It was you, kicking down a Deviant before sending your dagger into its head and killing it. It was the same move you used against Thena in the heat of the moment. Smiling, you looked over at Sprite. She was grinning widely at you with her eyes closed. Ruffling her hair, you slid out of your bed and sighed as you stood in front of the window and looked down at the celebration.
"I think that alone is worth celebrating. Screw what Ajak said. Let's go down there and dance and try that disgusting human drink that makes me feel funny."
Quirking a brow at her, you were about to question her before she grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the Domo. Laughing, you lifted them down safely before racing each other to the party.
When you finally made it, you jogged to a stop as you watched Sprite run up to Kingo and jump onto his back. He let out the most girlish scream as he stumbled, and you flicked your wrist in order to keep him from stumbling into a fire. This just got a symphony of laughter and giggles as he steadied himself and dropped Sprite onto her back. He glanced back at you and gave you a curt nod before continuing his story with Phastos and now with the addition of Sprite.
They all looked so happy and unbothered. To think you were about to miss out on this all because of some self doubt. While you could still feel it churning in the recesses of your mind that was another problem for another day. Sure maybe it wasn't the most healthy thing but you wanted to enjoy the last moments of this village that would surely become a fond memory that you would recall as you helped foster another.
Feeling a nudge on the back of your shoulder, you looked over and saw Druig. He looked regal, as if this party held in favor for the Eternals boosted his ego even more. He was seen as a god to them. His charcoal and ruby etched suit shined in the fire light, making him look even more godly than he already was. You all looked like you could rule, but Druig? There was an extra layer of charm that made him seem untouchable, unreadable.
You hadn't gotten to speak to him much other than the first conversation you had and the few remarks to each other. But he intrigued you. There was this aura that he held, this front that melded with his own personality that he held amongst the other Eternals. Everyone was still on such fragile terms that you all still held this front up to each other.
But something in you wanted to get to know him more. Especially since you both shared similar powers. Maybe it was because there was always this spark in his eyes that made you want to never look away.
'See, you lived'
There was some hesitation behind that statement. You couldn't exactly tell, maybe he had figured out a way to mask how his thoughts were actually thinking. You wouldn't put it past him seeing as he was also a telepath.
Smiling, you take a sip of the cup that he had handed you. And for a moment it tasted sweet before burning the back of your throat and making the hair in your nostrils feel as if they were on fire. Coughing, you spit up the drink before shoving the cup back in his hand.
Yea, those berries did not make the best liquor.
"Maybe they'll have better at the next colony." He smirked before taking a long sip and walking away.
Maybe they'd have more opportunity to figure out your fellow Eternals as well.
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maddyteller · 3 years
Double Mindedness - Part II.
Druig x fem! reader
Warning : Contains some spoilers, tw death, abandonnent, little violence. Some fluff (a bit sad though). Not very happy but it will come, I promise !
Summary : After finding the love of your life, are you ready to face your destiny ? Facing sometimes the hardest punishment, the loss of a loved one.
Note : English is not my first language and I still make any mistakes. I write on English for practice so please bear with me ! Don't hesitate to correct me and enjoy (:
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Amazon - Present day
"This is... a forest ? Druig the forest man. Little remix of Tarzan and seeing as we have Jane with us it shouldn't take too long to find him. Right Y/N ?" Sprite makes the whole group laugh, as always. Thena can't help but smile and I have to admit that I might have laughed. A little. Only a little. Stunned by the landscape before us, I don't really pay attention to where I'm stepping. "Y/N watch out you're going to-" "Fuck !" I crunch my nose under the pain that is taking over my entire right leg, the brambles are still clinging to me and I have to admit I'm holding back tears as best I can, it hurts like hell. "Remind me why I came here !"
Gilgamesh helps me out of the quagmire, my leg well scraped and I drop into his arms. "What's the idea of putting on a dress to come here Y/N ?" "I don't know but... I... I think I'm going to die... goodbye." I played my part to perfection all the way through, my eyes closed, my hand placed on my forehead dramatically. I make my friends laugh in turn, which relaxes the charged atmosphere a little more. Gilgamesh straightens me up and we try to get back on our way, being careful not to hurt me a second time. "Why put on a dress for him ? It's not like he left you behind without a word." Ikaris's words come out dry and sharp so I decide to answer him in the same way "I think you're cheeky for someone who left without giving any news." a heavy silence falls on us, nobody dares to answer anything.
"I think you're beautiful Y/N." I lay my eyes on Gilgamesh's smiling face, who definitely understood that Ikaris' remark had just hurt my feelings. "I agree." Thena and Gilgamesh look at each other with a small knowing smile. I always wonder what I would have done without them. I wouldn't know how to thank them for all they have done for me. They are my family more than my friends.
Soon we arrive in the heart of a small village, quite calm and harmonious. More or less intrigued looks are on us, as if they had not seen a stranger for a long time. While Sprite tries to get some information to find Druig, I look at a little girl, sitting, calm, watching us with curiosity. If there's one thing that can calm me down, it's children. I wave to her, say hello and smile. "You came quickly. I really didn't expect to see you here now." that voice.
My body tenses, I don't move, not wanting to be noticed. If I could go unnoticed by the way that would be great ! I hide as I can behind Kingo, in passing my eyes pass unhappily on Druig. How does he always look so beautiful and charismatic. "My beautiful girl... you always think so loudly." I feel his blue eyes staring at me, which makes me blush almost immediately, as his gaze travels over my body I feel strangely weak, his eyebrows furrowing when he sees that I've hurt myself. "Come in. I believe you have some things to tell me."
Sersi looks at Druig, trying to see how much what she has just told him may have hurt or affected him. She realises that it's not exactly easy to take in and that Ajak's death affects everyone, even Druig. "Why would I agree to help you?" "For.... to save the world? Isn't that a good reason?" he doesn't answer Sersi's question, which annoys Ikaris, who makes it known. "We're leaving. We don't need him, Sersi. We'll find another way." "Ikaris, this is not really time to be a difficult child, you know.” I can't help but speak up, which I should have avoided. The tone rises very quickly between them. No one really listens to each other anymore and Druig ends up leaving, annoyed and irritated by our presence, announcing bad news.
Kingo stands up, trying to convince Sersi to let Druig think about it, to give him some time.Tired of all the commotion I silently leave this pretty chapel. I venture into the forest while being careful, I really don't want to get hurt again, this is not the time. When I finally find him, with my back to me, facing a sumptuous lake, I feel his anger piercing me with full force, if dealing with my own emotions is a concept that escapes me, dealing with those of others is within my grasp. If I want to talk to him, I'm not going to have the choice of taking that anger away. If Arishem gave me the power to control emotions, I might as well use it once in a while.
I move closer to him and gently let my hand slide down his forearm before entwining my fingers with his. "I've always hated that you control my emotions. But if it allows me to hold your hand, I don't really have a problem with it anymore." I smile at him, trying to back away, to take my hand from his but he holds me back, never looking at me. "Do you think Sersi's idea is the best idea ever?" "You have another idea?" "No. Not really. I don't really know if I care about any of this either."
I look up to the skies, tired of his stubbornness, "I don't want to leave, I like it here. I like its landscapes, its beauty, its weaknesses. I don't want to start all over again, to forget, to no longer know how much I love you all. They need you, Dru. I need you." I look out to the horizon and admire the beautiful sunset. "Take time to think about it, just a little. I know it's not easy for you either. Even if you don't show it." I finally let go of his hand. I don't really expect an answer, so I leave to join the others.
As I arrive back in the centre of the small village, I find my friends ready to listen to one of Sprite's most beautiful stories, Thena's. Sersi beckons me to join her "I love Sprite's stories, I've missed them." I smile at my friend "Me too." Once the Sprite stuff is over I look around for Druig but can't find him, instead I come across a rather angry Ikaris. "Are you sulking? Stop sulking." "Druig can sulk and I can't?" "Druig sulks because that's all he does. Druig sucks. Come on." I hold out my hand to my friend, which he finally grasps.
"Ajak...? Ajak!" I rush towards her, sliding on the ice. Her body is cold, grey, empty of all energy. "Ajak... oh my God..." I try to look around for help, but nothing. "Help! Please!" my crying doesn't stop. I hear a noise that makes me look up. "What the..."
"Y/N? Y/N are you okay?" the voice of Ikaris brings me back to the present moment, a little confused I smile nervously quickly removing my hand from his. "Yes, yes I'm fine! I'm just a little tired, travelling and all that... I'll go and rest for a bit." I offer him a not very convincing smile, I must admit. I walk away, in incomprehension. What just happened? "Since when have you been able to access Ikaris' memories?" I gasp, letting out a small cry of fright. "What the hell is wrong with you! I was close to dying there Druig!" I hear him laugh, his laughter making me, tender. Damn it Y/N this is not the time. "It's not funny! You look like a psychopath like that, hiding in the dark...."
"I saw what just happened with Ikaris, I saw what you saw, since when can you access other people's memories?" "First of all I don't know what you're talking about and second of all who told you that you could walk around in my mind like it was yours?" "You. It's not my fault that your mind is always so tame when it comes to me Darling. If only you could be as docile as he is..." I roll my eyes. "It's not like you like me to give you a hard time. I didn't know it was a memory. I've never done this before... I just held his hand. But... it definitely doesn't make sense. Why would he have a memory like that?"
Druig stares at me, as if to make me understand something that seems so obvious to him. "No. No it can't be, don't even try to say it." "You never thought he could have-" "Shhh. No, no, no, no and no. He would never do that for the simple reason that it's not possible, that's all." "You're getting agitated." "Of course I'm getting agitated Druig you are implying that Ikaris could have killed Ajak, do you realize what you are saying? Of course I'm getting agitated." what if he's right? I feel a wave of uncontrollable anxiety sweep over me.
Everything gets mixed up in my head and I don't know how to separate the real from the absurd. "Who wants honey, must suffer from the stings of bees" these words take me back centuries. While we were Ajak and I admired the starry sky, I confided to him for the first time my love for Druig. The only person who knows it, I confide in her my fear of being hurt and therefore that I didn't want to make the first move but that I still wanted to live a beautiful love story and these are Ajak's words that night. Who wants honey, must suffer from bee stings. "It was because of Ajak that I confided in you." "I know. And it is because of you that I learned to love the outside world."
Nothing could spoil this moment, maybe it was time to confide, to talk about the past. Nothing was supposed to ruin this moment, but that was far too easy, wasn't it? Ready to give myself up once and for all, I feel a feeling of revenge come over me, I don't really understand where it comes from until I see a deviant heading straight for us. Without thinking I throw myself on Druig, creating an energy field, protecting us momentarily from the deviant. Everything happens very quickly and in an instant we are both alone. "The village..." as we arrive at the main square, it's chaotic.
My first instinct is to protect the children who are the most vulnerable. Creating an energy shield around us. I get everyone to safety, as much as I can. "Y/N!" I turn around when I hear Gilgamesh call out to me, I don't have time to realize that a deviant is coming right at me that Gilgamesh intervenes, risking his life. I run towards him trying to help him as I can but I am far from being a warrior. I find myself propelled to the ground with my face turned towards my friend, Ikaris takes the deviant farther into the forest, finally giving the village some respite.
I get up with difficulty, running towards Gilgamesh, lying on the ground. "Hey... get up, I'll help you... get up.." no response, just a small smile only. "Y/N..." "I'm here... come.... I will help you. Get up. I'll help you. Stand up. Please..." I caress his face, my tears burning my skin as he just let out his last breath. "No... no please no... please don't leave me! Don't leave me! "I scream. I scream my anger, my pain, my sadness, I scream my regrets, I scream my remorse. "Y/N... " Thena's hands rest on my shoulders.
All around the fire, no one speaks, only a villager, saying a prayer in Spanish in memory of Gilgamesh. Thena's cries reach my ears. My heart becomes a little bit heavier. I start to cry again, unable to contain it. "My love... come here." Druig wraps his arms around me and I rest my head against his chest, my eyes closed. His warmth and scent reassure me so much. His presence makes me feel good.
In the early morning, Thena deposits the ashes of our dear friend in the lake. Asleep against Druig's chest, the first rays of the sun caress my face and wake me up. "I missed you so much Dru... don't ever leave. Ever again." "My beautiful princess... I won't leave again. I promise. I will come with you. We'll find Phastos and we'll stop the emergence. For earth, for Gilgamesh. Rest a little longer, love... I've got you."
Part two is a bit longer but I loved writing it. It's a bit of a mess but I hope you'll like it anyway and I would probably do a part three if you want. 🦋
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My Home-DruigxF!Eternal
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A/N: I've been obsessed with Druig since watching Eternals (twice) so I had to get this down. This is pretty much fluff, but there will definitely be a part 2.
Warnings: Spoilers for Eternals
Prompt: Reuniting with your husband
Word count: 2.6K
Part 1 Part 2
I hummed to myself as I set down my small brush and picked up a larger one, being careful not to knock over the bust I was cleaning off. I had only been at work for a few hours, but I was already restless. As much as I loved being a curator, there were plenty of days where my job was quite boring, especially when the hours passed by so slowly.
Although I suppose as an Eternal, time had never been an issue. We, my adopted family and I, never gave much thought to the passing of time. We had been on Earth for thousands of years. Eventually, it just seemed to all run together. Life as an Eternal was…interesting. And lonely. It was hard to make friends and be involved in people’s lives when you would have to leave them in a few decades anyway. Most of the time, we kept to ourselves, going back and forth to visit each other, some more than others.
I had spent the last few years in France, easily getting a job as a curator for a private museum. It was pretty easy considering I had been there when a lot of these artifacts were created. Every once in a while I would see something that Sersi had helped the village people make, or something that Makkari had wanted to trade. Working here gave me such a sense of nostalgia, it was never a chore. Just a nice walk down memory lane. Like this bust that I was touching up, it was a tribute to Athena from when we were in Greece. The likeness to Thena wasn’t quite there, mostly because of one of Sprite’s rumors, but she still loved them anyway. Even if Thena would never tell anybody that herself.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by my co-worker, Armel, barging into the room I was working in. “Y/n, you have visitors,” He said and immediately piqued my curiosity. Who could possibly be visiting me? The last person in my family I had spoken to was Sersi, who seemed quite content in London. I don’t think she would be leaving anytime soon.
I spun around in my chair and faced Armel. “Did they say who they are?”
“The woman is named Thena, and the gentleman said his name was Gil. Would you like me to tell them they can wait?” He eyed me suspiciously. I had been working at this museum for ten years, and not once has anybody come to visit me, especially at work.
Now I’m very interested. I knew that Gilgamesh and Thena hadn’t left Australia in close to a century, probably longer. I spoke to them often enough, especially to make sure that Thena was okay. Her and I were as close as sisters, and usually didn’t keep anything from each other. And with Gil being in love with her for all of these years, he had settled himself into a brotherly role quite nicely.
I brushed myself off and stood up from my work desk. “No, please, send them in.” Armel looked as if he wanted to protest, but seeing how I was the most senior member of the museum's curator staff (in more ways than one) he only nodded his head and rushed out the door. I put away my tools and gave the bust of Athena I had been cleaning a final wipe down.
“I remember when those littered the streets of Greece.” I spun around and saw Thena and Gil standing in the door, Thena wearing an all white sundress that matched her white blonde hair, and Gil wearing a ratted shirt with black suspenders and linen pants. They truly hadn’t changed in the decade since I had last seen them.
I squealed and ran at her, wrapping her in a hug which she happily returned. “Well, it was only right that statues were made to honor the greatest warrior of their time,” I countered. Thena only smiled and playfully rolled her eyes. As I let go of her, two giant arms wrapped me in a hug. “Hello, Gil,” I huffed out as my lungs were crushed under his arms.
“Y/n, it’s been too long,” Gil told me, gently setting me down on my feet.
“I know, I’ve been meaning to visit, but I’ve been busy with work,” I told them. “But what do I owe the pleasure? Is everything okay?”
Immediately both of their faces dropped, their smiles replaced with solemn looks. Immediately I started to panic. “What happened?”
Gil stepped forward and took my hand in his. “Ajak is dead. A deviant got her.” I searched his face for any semblance of a lie, but judging by his red eyes, and the tears that Thena was holding back, this wasn’t some elaborate prank. Ajak really was dead.
I gasped and sat down on my chair, my hand covering my face as tears threatened to fall. Ajak was like a mother to me, to all of us. We had been together for seven thousand years. It felt impossible that she was gone, that I would never hear her voice again. I wiped my face and looked up at them. “Is everyone else okay?” my thoughts immediately going to a dark haired Eternal with beautiful blue eyes, and enough sarcasm to choke an elephant.
“Druig is fine,” Thena said, knowing exactly who I was thinking of. A blush creeped up my cheeks and turned my ears red. Even after all these years, just hearing his name was enough to make me blush.
“I was asking about everyone, not just him.” I muttered, but I knew that they could see right through the facade. Gil just laughed, and Thena gave me a knowing look.
“Everyone else is fine. Ikaris, Sersi, Sprite, and Kingo are making arrangements to go see Druig. We said we would get you and meet them down there.” Thena said. I nodded, and grabbed my belongings.
“Well, let's go then.” I headed towards the door, but when I didn’t hear footsteps behind me, I turned around. Thena and Gilgamesh hadn’t moved. I looked them over, and realized there was something they hadn’t told me. “What else is there?” I asked. This time Thena stepped towards me and put both hands on my shoulders.
“We’ve been lied to.” I looked at her confused before she ushered me to the chair I had previously occupied. Her and Gil took turns explaining everything to me. That Earth hadn’t been our first mission, and we were actually created over and over, our memories taken. I tried to wrap my head around why we would have to protect the planet if it was going to just get destroyed anyway.
When they finished explaining everything, we sat in a heavy silence for a few minutes. “I don’t want to believe it,” I whispered, but I knew that Thena and Gil wouldn’t lie to me. I shook my head and looked at both of them. “What happens now?”
“We stop the emergence. Protect the people on the planet, and then find a way to either move them off or move Tiamut.” Gil said. That was easier said than done, but I had never been blindly devout to Arishem, so going against the order of things didn’t bother me as much as killing this planet did. I had fallen in love with the people of Earth, I had created a life here. I didn’t want my memories wiped, and I certainly wasn’t going to let eight billion people die.
“All right then,” I said, standing up and grabbing my things. “Any other surprises?” I asked, heading towards the door. This time they both followed me out of the building.
“Only everybody’s reactions to finding out about you and Druig,” Thena slyly said. I grimaced, thinking about how we all hadn’t been together as a group in five hundred years. They had definitely missed some things.
“Yeah well, it’s not like we are the only married couple. Ikaris and Sersi are still married,” I said, walking out to the busy street. “Besides, if they couldn’t tell that we would end up together, then I can’t help them. Do we have time? I need to run to my apartment to change, and grab a couple things.”
After changing from my work dress and into something more suitable for the Amazon, we boarded a small flight and were hours away. Thankfully we were able to get seats together so we didn’t have to put up with awkward talking and eavesdropping from others.
Gil, being the size that he was, had taken the aisle seat and leaned across Thena to look at me. “So why aren’t you and Druig together? Trouble in paradise?”
I laughed and shook my head. “No, just a small vacation. We are still happily married, we just got into a small disagreement.” I said, and told them the story.
Druig and I sat on the porch of our home, watching the people that we had protected for generations going about their day. He held my hand as I read a book, the light shining just right through the canopy of leaves, and the gentle singing of birds creating the most relaxed background.
“What is wrong, my love?” Druig asked, and I looked up from my booked, puzzled. “You’ve been sighing to yourself for the last three chapters,” he explained, nodding towards the book which now layed in my lap.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t even notice,” I said, closing my book and setting it down.
“Don’t be sorry,” Druig said, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles, “Just tell me what’s bothering that beautiful mind of yours.”
I stared into his eyes, hesitating for a moment before deciding there was no point in lying to him. “I miss the outside world,” I said, reading his face for any hint of anger or betrayal. Druig only nodded, and looked back over the people of the village.
“It has been a while since we left here,” He said, keeping his voice neutral. I nodded with him, but didn’t say anything, letting us sit in silence. I knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t mad, he was merely thinking.
Druig and I have been together for six hundred years. We had finally gotten married in a small church in Scotland in the early 19th century after he had nagged me for long enough about making it official. It didn’t matter to me if we were official or not, as long as we were together but Druig, always one for theatrics, wanted a ceremony. And so we did, and it was the happiest day of my long life, standing in a small stone church with him by my side. We had been pretty inseparable since then, occasionally leaving the Amazon to visit others, or to explore, but it was exceptionally rare that we left each other.
“I don’t think I want to leave now, my love. I’m tired of the people of this planet, of seeing the terrible things they can do. I want to stay here, where there is nothing but peace, and us.”
I sighed, as this was a conversation we had had hundreds of times. “The world isn’t all bad, Dru. There are so many good things that we don’t get to see here. I don’t want to miss out on all of it,” I said. I had always been the one to have more faith in humanity, and as much as I loved the community we had built for ourselves, I loved the people out there too.
He nodded at this, and squeezed my hand in his. He got up from his chair, and kneeled in front of mine, taking both of my hands in his. He looked me over before smiling. “Well who am I to hold back my beautiful, beautiful wife. Go see the world, as long as you come home to me.”
I returned his smile and leaned down, placing a kiss on our intertwined hands. “I will always come back to you, you’re all I need,” I whispered. We stared into each other's eyes and studied each other's faces for another minute before I left to pack a small bag of clothes. Druig followed me around the house, making suggestions of things I could see and do, before I was all packed. Just as I was about to walk out the front door, he pulled me back into the house, wrapped his hands around my waist, and kissed me. I fervently kissed him back, knowing that it would be the last one for a while, before we both needed to breathe and I slowly pulled back. Even after almost seven hundred years, his kisses still left me reeling, dizzy on our love.
“If I thought you would, I would ask you to freeze us in this moment forever,” He whispered. I chuckled and shook my head. I had the ability to freeze objects, prevent them from moving, or growing old. It was useful in a fight, being able to freeze an enemy, but it took a lot of concentration, I could usually only hold something alive for a few minutes.
I quietly laughed at that, “And if I thought you would, I would ask you to make me stay,” I said, pressing my forehead against his so my head moved with the shaking of his.
“I would never control you like that. I promised you that long ago.” And he had. Back before we were a couple, when he was just my closest friend. We were laying together, on the outskirts of Babylon, staring up at the galaxy laid out above us. The night was filled with quiet conversations, deep thoughts, and murmured promises. I asked him if he would ever try and use his powers on me, and he gave me a strange look before looking definitively into my eyes. ‘I would never betray your trust.’ And he hadn’t in almost three thousand years.
He kissed me again, and walked with me to the edge of the village, and I left.
“That was shortly after World War II,” I said, leaning back in my seat. “It’s long overdue that I go home, though.”
“You haven’t spoken to your husband in almost eighty years?” Gil asked, eyes in disbelief. I’m sure it was hard for him to understand. Since we had left Tenochtitlan, I don’t think Gil and Thena had been separated, short for a week when Gil needed a vacation, and Druig and I had watched her.
“Of course not,” I said, slapping his arm lightly. “We write each other letters all the time. It’s easier to write it all out then to try and show him how e-mail works. And it’s romantic,” I said, smiling. Thena lightly rolled her eyes, but just by her smile I knew it was merely a jest. “This is merely a small vacation for us.”
We spent the rest of the flight in silence, thinking about the information we had learned in the last few days, and thinking of the fight to come. At least, that’s what I’m sure Thena and Gil were thinking about. I was just ready to go see my husband. I had missed our nights together, laying in each other's arms, knowing that no matter what happened we would always be together, always have each other. I missed the solace of his presence, how the world seemed to slow down when I looked at him. I even missed his teasing, the knowing smile and glint in his eyes when we would go back and forth with each other. I missed home, because he was my home.
“You know, Kingo is going to be so pissed he missed the wedding.” Gil interrupted my thoughts, and I laughed. Seeing my family again was going to be interesting to say the least.
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imdoingsortagay · 3 years
All the 21st century has to offer
AJAK x reader ( romantic), thena and Gilgamesh are here too for like a bit too
Summary : you see ajak as she watches you teach the eternals about video games and you decide to ask her a question.
Word count : 734
Authors note : I said I’d write the kingo one but I did this instead
If you haven’t seen eternals I would suggest not to read even tho it doesn’t contain any spoiler but still
Okay hope you guys like it 🥺🥺🥺
Since you had been dating ajak, you had been wanting to introduce her to all the wonderful things that the 21st century had to offer. She never had any interest until one day she had seen you showing Thena and Gilgamesh some of the games you had on your Nintendo switch. You looked so excited and happy to see Gilgamesh and Thena try to learn how to play Mario kart. As you were in the living room showing them the basics, you were able to catch a glimpse of your girlfriend making something to eat and could see the curiosity in her eyes.
Both of you had been taking it slow because it had been her first romantic relationship and didn’t want to go too fast for her. Or overwhelm her with new things, even if she had been on this earth longer than you had been alive. Like her, you also didn’t have too much experience in the romance department and so you made sure to take it slow too and so far it’s been going so far so good. So when you see her looking at what’s happening in the living room with curiosity, you decide to go and test the water with a thing you’ve wanted to do when you first met.
Ajak smiles at you while she makes some food for everyone to eat. You shouldn’t be too nervous to ask her but your mind was thinking otherwise.
“ Hey baby,” Ajak says as she sees you come into the kitchen and continues to keep cooking. You go over to where she’s cooking and kiss her on the cheek before going to sit at the table.
“I saw your quick glimpse of me showing them how to work the switch,” you say as she’s cooking. The look on her face seemed to indicate that she was trying what to say next and you hoped that it wouldn’t be anything bad. “ I did, I was always a bit curious of all the things that this era had to offer to humans, seeing as when we first got here all the humans at that time had were sticks and rocks,” Ajak says.
You could go 2 ways with the response that she gave you. The first option is to ask her straight up and ask if you could introduce her to 21st-century stuff. The second option is to continue the conversation and then pepper it in when you feel most confident. While you were too busy thinking about what way to go, Ajak had finished cooking and was waiting for you to say something. Maybe she senses that you may want to ask her something.
You’re taken out of your thoughts when you feel that Ajak had gotten the chair next to you and held one of your hands gently and was patiently waiting for you to get out of your thoughts. She knew when you first both met that you tended to overthink everything and she would hold your hand gently to wait for you to say something.
“ Maybe, and you’re up for it, I could teach you some things that the 21st century has to offer “, you say to her. You had thought it out and the first choice seemed like the way to go and all you had to do was hope she said yes. She could see that you were trying your best to be cool and casual about the whole thing.
Ajak is smart enough to learn about 21st-century stuff by herself but it could be a good way for both of you to spend more time together. She knows how much you love to go on your video game device and it would be fun for you to be able to play some games together as well.
“ Baby, “ she says and grabs both your hands,” you know you don’t have to hesitate about asking me right? I’d love for you to teach all that the 21st century has to offer” she finishes and smiles at you. The biggest smile was on your face as your girlfriend was talking and you were so excited to be able to spend more time with her and play some video games with her.
A win-win situation!
Your sweet moment was interrupted when you heard Gilgilmesh scream and you ran to the living room in hopes that nobody was hurt.
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magnoliabloomfield · 2 years
Garden of Heathen -17 Just Another Crisis
Gally and Aussie had a nice, normal chat for a while after that, but then the stew was ready to cook nice and slow and Aussie couldn't procrastinate anymore. She headed to the pits to talk to Thena again and Joan collected Gally for training that day.
Joan wore the smallest of smiles the whole time it took them to walk over to the training area and it was really disconcerting for Gally.
"What are you grinning about?" He broke down and asked her, his curiosity finally outweighing his apprehension.
Her grin just grew and she shook her head. "Nothing," she said as if there definitely was something.
Gally rolled his eyes. "Are you going to be weird all day then? Or can we cut to the chase?"
"Honestly?" She asked as a dark glint passed her eyes putting him on edge. "I was just thinking of all the ways I'd hurt you if you break Aussie's heart."
"If I-" Gally's brows shot up as his mouth gaped for a second.
"Oh, shut up," Joan scoffed. "She gives you the same moonstruck cow eyes she gives the damn dog, and she loves that dog more than herself."
"Well, that would be her choice, right?" He tried to remain composed and not stutter after hearing her say that.
She looked at him sharply, the good natured teasing dying instantly. "You can't sew yourself to her hip and then not expect her to get attached to you," she said as she turned to him, stopping before they could be overheard by the girls who had grouped together and were stretching and warming up. "While her soft and gooey ways make as much sense to me as a screen door on a submarine I still don't want to see her get hurt any worse than she already has been."
Gally was tempted to point out that he wasn't intentionally trying to get Aussie to like him, and that he wasn't responsible for anyone's feelings but his own, but he also understood where Joan was coming from. No matter what kind of personal relationships these girls had, they'd probably protect each other fiercely from any outside threats. And right now, being the only male there, it would be easy for them to take an "us against them" -or in this case "us against him- mentality.
"Well," he sighed with a shrug. "We're on the same page then. I don't want anyone getting hurt."
Joan eyed him for a few seconds without saying anything. What ever she scrutinized must have satisfied her.
"Alright then, let's get to work."
Gally started feeling awkward again when they approached the group of girls. One with long auburn hair in a high ponytail flashed him a smile of straight white teeth. He wanted to turn around and leave. But he forced himself to stay.
"We start with 5 laps around the garden, but you can do more or less till you figure out where you're at," Joan said before starting to stretch. "We usually do it earlier in the day too, but.."
"He's no runner," the girl who smiled at him said with a grin that bordered on flirtatious as she did a deep lunge. "That's a weight lifter right there."
Gally looked at Joan like she might offer guidance or save him herself.
"Maybe so," Joan said as she did her stretches like a military veteran. "But he booked it out the maze faster than I've ever gone, so he's got some potential." She glanced at him, noticing he wasn't doing anything. "You forget how to stretch? Oh, sorry, that's actually a possibility. My bad. You need me to-"
"Nah I got it," Gally assured her before taking a few paces away from the girls. He stretched but felt agonizingly self conscious about it, especially when that girl edged her way over to him.
"Hi, I'm Hedy," she smiled as she stretched her arms above her head before reaching down to her toes.
"Gally," he said shortly as he averted his eyes from her figure.
She giggled. "Well duh. We all know the name of the one boy here in the garden by now," she sidled closer and Gally wondered if it would look normal to just take off running right then. "It's nice that Aussie finally let you off the leash so the rest of us can get to know you."
A twinge of anger burned in his chest without his mind telling it to. He didn't say anything to that, mostly because he had no idea what to say, but he also didn't want to encourage her to talk to him. But why? Why not get to know the other girls? Maybe that would help him figure out this thing he had for Aussie.
"Hedy, control yourself," Joan scolded. "Back of the pack."
Hedy shrugged, glancing at Gally over her dainty shoulder. "The view is better from back there anyway."
"Like a cat in heat," Joan mumbled with a shake of her head as she came up beside Gally. "First lap is a warm up. Just keep pace with me if you can, and after that you can push as hard as you want."
Gally nodded, more comfortable with her company than Hedy's. She took off and Gally found his stride to stay beside her.
"Running is a great time for thinking. I don't usually talk, hope that's ok," she told him.
"Perfect," he nodded as he found his breathing rhythm.
There was a well worn path along the maze walls made by years of trampling feet. They rounded the first corner and ahead was the area that was dense with trees. The path continued as they were submerged in the cool shade for a time. They rounded that corner and after a while they spilled out of the trees and back into the sunlight. Up ahead Gally saw the bottle tree and remembered the pits were just beyond it.
He wondered if he'd see Aussie there if she was still dealing with Thena. He shook his head to try and dislodge the hope he'd get to see her. He glanced up at the bottle tree as they were passing under it and remembered what Aussie had said about it. A dead tree existed in beauty because she felt sad for it. He didn't notice the smile forming on his own lips.
When he looked down from the tree he felt a snap like a rubber-band in his chest as he saw Aussie up ahead. She was standing over the pit with her fists on her hips. Gally could hear their argument over his and Joan's panting breaths. His legs begged him to go to her and make sure she was ok, but he would probably only make things worse.
Still, his gaze lingered on Aussie for as long as it could. When he faced forward again he was a few paces behind Joan. He quickly caught up and resumed her pace, ignoring the sideways glance she gave him.
"You good?" She asked.
Aussie had been so engrossed in her argument with Thena she hadn't even noticed Gally run right by her. She was far too agitated.
"A counsel is a good idea," Aussie was saying. "One person shouldn't have all the power or burden of responsibility. You've done great so far, I'm not saying you haven't. I want you out of that pit and on that counsel! You're just gonna have to earn our trust that all that murder business is out of your head."
Thena gave her no assurances it was, rather she was convinced she could never return to any semblance of normal with the rest of them now that she'd been reduced to the pit for so long. They'd never respect her again. The ever soft Aussie had demolished her in front of everyone.
Disappointed with the results of the day Aussie found ways to keep busy, blowing out all her steam on useful chores here, there and everywhere. The only girls who didn't see her that day were the ones who worked on the chopping block where they did the slaughtering.
She was working in the kitchen, making the regular crew nervous as sin as she helped them prepare lunch. Gally came around, drenched in sweat and ruddy in the face, ready for that stew that had been making the kitchen smell delicious all day. Aussie gave it to him with a small smile that didn't reach her eyes and went back to work.
Feeling a little more than slightly dejected, Gally turned to look for a place to sit since he obviously wasn't going to get to eat with Aussie. Gertie was at one table and Joan at another so he had to pick one. He went with Gertie so he could ask her about the creepy critter she'd been dissecting.
She nodded at him as he sat across from her. "You look like crap," she said around a mouthful.
He should have expected that by now but it still took him aback for a second. "At least I have a good reason to. What's your excuse?" He shot back.
She almost looked proud behind her raised brows.
"Hey!" Hedy greeted as she plopped down on the seat next to Gally.
Gertie looked at her before her eyes slid over to Gally, silently asking what was going on. He gave her a quick look which he prayed she would understand as save me!
"He- hey Hedy, glad you're here," Gertie began. "You're good with techie kind of stuff right? You wanna take a look at that robot with me after lunch? I could use your help."
Gally shook his head and looked heavenward. "Don't come crying to me when his little robot pals come for you next," Gally said before diving into his lunch, almost keeling right over from how good it was.
Aussie had already decided to do Gally's laundry after lunch since his new clothes were all sweaty and gross now. What she wasn't prepared for was seeing Hedy sitting by him, her long shiny hair swishing as she talked with him. Gertie's eyes kept ping-ponging between the two in total confusion.
He's allowed to talk to the other girls, Aussie told herself later as she scrubbed his shirt a little aggressively. It was good for him to get along with everyone and have plenty of friends. Even really really pretty ones. She scrubbed too hard and decapitated one of the buttons on the collar. It went flying into the wash bin and Aussie dove in after it, drenching her sleeves and the front of her shirt as she tried to capture the button.
She carried the button in her pocket all day, planning to sew it back on once the shirt was dry. She ended up doing it as she sat at dinner. If she did it any later she wouldn't have enough light outside.
"I thought I said I'd wash my clothes," Gally said as he sat with her, Joan and Gertie, grateful there was no room for Hedy.
"I needed distraction," she admitted. "Thought it would be helpful."
"Did you rip the button off to have something to do then?" He asked.
She gave a small laugh but he was still glad for it, she'd seemed down all day after talking with Thena. Still, he wished she was being her bright eyed and philosophical self, the normalcy of it would have been a comfort after his day.
"How was your -" Aussie had looked up when she started to ask him about his day but a blur of motion caught her eye.
Suddenly she set down his shirt on the table and got up so fast she knocked her chair over.
"Aussie! What the-" Gertie began to say but the older girl was already bolting for the field.
That's when they noticed a dark figure running for the maze door which had started its groanings and rumblings as the doors started to slide closed. The three people she'd left in her wake shared a look before following suit, chasing after Aussie as she chased after Thena.
@frequentlychangingfandoms @quackquackbi @sweetseunghyun-poulter @crazysheeplyca @pre-google @neilox @thesuitkovian @carp3d1em @cottoncandy-dreamxd @emilyhadenbaker @a-ravenclaw-into-tardis-221b @shardsofstarlight @piscesgvancouverite @tooty-fruity
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years
Malibu Vacation
Waves crashing, salty sea air that sent a light breeze over him, his kids laughing and talking...and one of them gurgling nearby. It was a change in scenery they all desperately needed, as well as the warmer weather. Every once in a while a furry tail would brush against his leg since Athena laid next to him as he dozed on the cabana bed. Of course Tony had one on their private beach. They weren't much for sticking their toes in the sand but they did so every once in a while. More likely than not to indulge their children.
Stephen opens his eyes and looks to the side to find Valerie standing next to his bed in her one piece light blue bathing suit and her feet covered in sand. She smiles and lightly pats Athena's head who yawns and wags her tail a little faster as Stephen sits up. Before the sorcerer could wonder why Valerie was disturbing him instead of Tony (besides the obvious), he looked over and found him busy with Lucy.
Diaper change.
Better Tony than him.
"What kind of juice darling?" Stephen asks as he gets up and walks over to the ice chest.
The sorcerer digs through the ice chest as quickly as possible to fish out the box of apple juice and then closes it. The less time his hands were in ice, the better. Fortunately they didn't flare up in pain from the cold exposure and he was even able to stick the straw in the box for Valerie before giving it to her. She thanks him softly as she sits on the steps and Stephen stands next to her to look out at the other kids. Thomas and William were helping Diana build a sandcastle, and Harley and Peter were in the middle of a splash war with Cassie. She asked if she could join them when they went to Malibu and of course he and Tony said yes. Cassie even made the joke that it would give her parents time to get some of their...horniness out of their systems.
Tony laughed and told her that was impossible.
"Think it's about time to head back to the house?" Tony asks as he stands next to Stephen and wraps his free arm around his waist.
"Probably best. Peter and Thomas will be complaining that they're hungry soon." Stephen nods and closes his eyes when his husband kisses his temple. "I think I'll order pizza. It's a little too hot to cook and I'm feeling lazy."
Tony laughs. "As you wish, Duchess." He gently takes Lucy's hand when it reaches for his sunglasses. "No Lulu. I still have to order more. I have no idea what you do with them once you get a hold of them."
"Maybe she eats them." Stephen laughs and looks back at the other kids. "Time to call it a day!" He calls out.
"Up." Valerie says and holds her arms up to Stephen and he picks her up.
The rest of the kids grab their things and follow Tony and Stephen back to the mansion. The moment they get inside, Stephen carries Valerie up the stairs while Tony puts Lucy in her swing. The kids were told to shower to try and get as much sand off as possible, and Stephen got Valerie in the bath. It didn't take too long, but they still had to take turns, and by the time they were all going back downstairs, the pizza had arrived.
"Ugh. I think I still have some sand on my--"
"Harley!" William interrupts with a blush.
"You could have helped you know." Harley waggles his eyebrows and William pushes his face away.
"You're going to ruin everyone's appetites. No one wants to hear about that." Peter makes a face of disgust before shoving a slice of pizza into his mouth.
"At least leave that talk for when there aren't small ears around and your parents can't hear you." Stephen says and puts their drinks on the table.
"Don't worry honey, we'll be getting our own later." Tony winks and Cassie makes a face.
"You know I was trying to get away from that." She groans. "You know I have to cover my eyes every time I open a door?"
Tony cackles. "The laundry room too?"
"Especially the laundry room! I'm going to start banning certain activities in certain rooms!"
"What? You mean you haven't yet?" Stephen asks with a snort.
"I love my dads. Unfortunately the only time they don't act like adults is when they have 'fun'." Cassie then shrugs. "I don't really mind all that much to be honest. They deserve to destress however they can with all they do."
"So do we." Tony says.
They all nod in agreement and finish their dinner, and Harley and Thomas do the dishes while Peter and William clean up the table. Cassie takes Diana to the living room after grabbing some things from the newly minted craft room which used to be Tony's rarely used office, and Stephen walks over to the piano once Valerie's hands are wiped clean. He hardly had time to play with how busy he always was, but he tried to use the piano back in New York to help improve movement in his fingers. It was sometimes a little painful to play, but he missed it so much that he powered through any pain he may have.
Today was not one of those days. His pain was always there but it was minimal when he sat on the bench and opened the fallboard. Stephen was able to play with no problem and he enjoyed the music that filled the air. He did look over in surprise when Valerie crawled up on the bench next to him and watched intently as he played. She even gave in to her curiosity and reached out to play a few notes herself and Stephen chuckles.
"Do you want to play too?" He asks and she nods.
Stephen showed her as much as he could in a way that a two year old would understand and eventually they stopped playing and Valerie looked behind them at the indoor pond. It was a lot like the indoor waterfall Tony had in the previous floorplan years ago but he made some adjustments so they could have a koi pond at the bottom of the waterfall. Valerie loved feeding the fish whenever they came to Malibu, and of course Tony thought of the children's safety so there was a feature that Friday activated in case a baby got too close without supervision. He also built an automatic feeder for when they weren't there and someone only had to come every once in a while to refill it.
"Go find Daddy and see where he put the food." Stephen smiles as Valerie climbs down from the bench and runs off to find Tony.
While he waits, Stephen closes the fallboard and gets up to stand next to the pond where Athena joins him. She sits next to him and watches the fish with him and rumbles happily when he pets her head.
"Are you done nannying the cubs?" He jokes and she wuffs in response. "Did you clean Lucy's ears?" Another wuff. "That's not sanitary you know."
"Mama!" Valerie runs back over to him with a bag of fish food. "Fish eat?"
"Yes. Just like I showed you."
He sits on the edge of the pond and she hands him the bag of food so she can take out a handful while he holds it. Valerie turns to face the pond and tosses the handful of food into it and she giggles when the koi swim around frantically to eat it. Stephen decided she was ready to try something new and carefully poured some more food into her hand.
"Don't throw this. Here." He gently leads her hand toward the water and smiles when she whines nervously. "It's okay. They won't hurt you."
Once the fish realize that Valerie is holding the food, they all gather around her hand and eat straight out of it.
"Tickles!" She giggles again.
When the fish finish and start swimming away, Stephen closes the bag and hands it to Valerie after having her dry her hands. "Go take that back to Daddy so we can feed them tomorrow."
"Kay. 'Thena! Come!" She walks away and Athena follows dutifully much to Stephen's amusement.
"Don't worry Duchess. She'll be back to warm your feet tonight like always." Tony chuckles as he takes the bag of fish food from Valerie when she holds it up.
"I'm not worried." Stephen rolls his eyes and gets up to join Tony at the couch when he sits after putting the bag away and watches Cassie and Diana with their crafts.
More like hobbies. Diana was painting on a small canvas and Cassie was embroidering. Stephen didn't know why Diana wasn't painting in the craft room but he figured since they had put some plastic on the floor as a precaution, he wasn't going to say anything.
"You're improving." Tony compliments and throws an arm around Stephen's shoulders. "I remember when you stumbled. Now it's like your hands don't tremble."
Stephen smiles. "I think part of that has to do with the fact that I'm having a good day."
"I've heard you play on a not so good day. You're still playing great."
"It's true." Peter says as he sits on Tony's other side eating an apple.
"Are you eating again?!" Cassie asks.
"It's just an apple. Pre-dessert." Peter grins.
"He eats like a hobbit." Thomas laughs.
"So do you." William says and Thomas sticks his tongue out.
"This family alone eats like a small army." Stephen huffs.
"This family is a small army Mom." Harley points out.
He had a point.
"Maybe you boys should take a page out of the girls book and try crafting something." Tony says.
"Hey, I have my Legos." Peter says. "Speaking of, I have a new model to build." He tosses his apple core in the trash on his way to the stairs.
Harley and the twins shrug and walk into the craft room to find something to do and Stephen looks over at Lucy when she starts babbling and playing with her plastic keys. They were her favorite toy since she liked swinging things around that made noise. She even liked her little activity chair with the toys built in. If she wasn't "helping" Tony in the lab, she was in the chair. Now she was in the swing. It was a way to help her wind down and get ready for bed later.
"Telling a story there Lulu?" Tony asks and the baby looks up at him as she drools on the keys she put in her mouth.
"Bah!" She responds loudly and tosses her keys with surprising force.
They land with a splat in Diana's paint, sending splotches of it everywhere and making Tony laugh. Both Cassie and Diana were covered in reds, yellows, and greens and they sat in surprise until Diana finally sighed heavily and used her magic to clean up the mess.
"I think we found our pitcher." Tony laughs.
"Here Daddy." Diana holds out the plastic keys and he takes them as he gets up. "It's a good thing I can rewind time."
"Yeah, well, you know you have to be careful with that--" he replies but Diana sighs dramatically.
"I know. Mommy and Uncle Wong tell me all the time!"
"We do." Stephen confirms as Tony walks over and retrieves Lucy from her swing.
"We still need one more kid to make a baseball team." Cassie says as she works on her embroidery. "Unless the Barton's come over."
Tony smirks. "Just give Mom a little longer. He's already jealous that Lucy likes me more. His baby fever will kick in soon enough."
"Yeah, probably." Cassie shrugs and Stephen gapes.
"Don't agree with him! You're grounded!"
"From what exactly?"
Stephen stares at her for a few seconds and finally gets up.
"I'm getting my sling ring. I'm sending you back home to your parents."
Cassie's eyes widened. "Oh my god! Please, no! Last time I went home unannounced, I saw more of Papa than I wanted to!"
"Now you know how I feel!" Peter yells from upstairs and Tony bursts into laughter.
"I completely forgot about that."
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killerqueen-18 · 4 years
Chapter Four| Creepy Girlfriend
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THE WEEKEND WENT BY QUICKLY WITH ATHENA LOCKED IN HER ROOM WITH HER BROTHER JOINING HER WITH THE BRIBE OF PIZZA, and after the boy gave Sirius baked chicken the two let the boy join them in a Star Wars marathon. They made plans to watch Harry Potter the following weekend.
Athena and Jeremy stayed away from Elena and their Aunt Jenna the entire weekend, since the two wanted the youngest Gilberts to talk about their feelings. And the two continued ignoring them, so Athena drove to school in her green Bronco with Jeremy.
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The younger Gilberts were eating in the back of the Bronco with the trunk open. Athena parked her car at a park. They were eating in silence until the girl asked a question.
“Do you think it’ll ever get better?”
Jeremy looks at his sister with wide eyes, shocked that the girl subtly brought up their parents. He knew just like him, Athena didn’t like nor want to speak about their parents death.
The boy sees the look in Athena’s eyes. He could see the girl’s genuine curiosity, and also saw the anger in her eyes. “I think that… we’ll never get to the way we were before, but we’ll grow and become stronger people once this dark cloud passes. Once we let it pass.”
Athena hums, looking out to the empty park in front of them. “I’m tired of being angry, Jer. I just want… to be happy.”
“You will be, ‘Thena.” Jeremy says, wrapping his arms around the girl. The two hug for a moment, it being the most contact the girl has had in months, and Athena pulls away. “Ew, you know I don’t do this mushy bullshit, Jer.”
Jeremy chuckles letting his sister pull away from him. He watches the girl jump off the bed of the truck, and adjusts her skirt before turning to him. “We should get to school. Wouldn’t want to be late.”
“Can we be late?” Jeremy asks, whining. The boy complies and helps his sister clean up the bed of the truck, throwing away their garbage. “Nope. I heard you’ve missed six classes already.”
“Please, don’t lecture me.” Jermey says, scoffing. The girl climbs into the driver's seat as he gets into the passenger seat, and the girl looks at Jeremy starting up the Bronco. “I’m not. I’m just letting you know that I heard Tanner called Aunt Jenna in about you.”  
Jeremy groans, leaning his head against the headrest. “Great.”
The two didn’t speak about anything on the drive to school only sang - more like screamed - to The 1975. They almost missed their first classes. But the Gilbert girl made it to her class just as the last bell rang. She was sitting in her history class as Mister Tanner spoke to a sleeping class.
"Originally discovered nearly five centuries ago it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over a hundred and forty-five years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration."
Athena was drawing in her sketchbook - not much of a surprise since it wasn’t her favorite class. She seemed to be in her own little world. It almost seemed like she wasn’t really there.
"Are we bothering you? Mister Salvatore? Miss Gilbert." The man adds making Athena look up from her paper, only to see he was not looking at her, but her sister. Thankfully, the bell rings.
Athena jumps out of her seat and out the door wanting to get away from that classroom with the irritating man. She catches up with Caroline and Bonnie and hears the part of their conversation.
"I'm confused. Are you psychic or clairvoyant?" Caroline asks, looking at the Bennett girl. The blonde notices Athena and loops her arm with the girl. Bonnie smiles at the Gilbert girl, and answers the blonde’s question. "Technically, Grams says, I'm a witch. My ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something. Grams tried to explain it, but she was looped on the liquor. I tuned out. Crazy family, yes. Witches, I don't think so."
"Yeah, feel free to conjure up the name and number of that guy from last friday." Caroline says, smirking. "Ohh, new boy toy?" Athena says smiling, wiggling her eyebrows at the blonde playfully.
"Maybe, If Bonnie helps a girl out." Caroline says, looking at the Bennett girl. "I didn't see him. You did." Bonnie says, rolling her eyes with a smile on her face.
"Why didn't you just talk to him?" Athena asks, raising an eyebrow. She knew the girl always took the chance to speak to someone good looking. "I don't know. I was drunk." Caroline says, making the two laughs.
• • • •
"They're keeping her overnight, but she should be able to come home tomorrow." Matt says to Athena who asked about Vicki during their lunch break. The two were walking around the school.
The girl’s heels clicked on the cement as she walked. Athena hadn’t worn heels since her parents funeral, but she woke up wanting to wear heels. The girl decided on a black v-neck, light washed jeans, and animal print heels.
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"That's good." The Gilbert girl says, nodding. The blonde, blue eyed boy sighs, running his hand through his air. "Yeah."
Athena hums, and thinks about the Donovan’s absent mother. "What about crazy mama?"
"Called and left a message. She's in Virginia Beach with her boyfriend. So we'll see how long it takes her to come rushing home." Matt says, shrugging. He knew he didn’t really need the woman, in fact he thought that his sister and himself were better off without the woman. "I’m just glad she’s okay." Athena says, looking up at the boy.
"Me too… And now there's talk of some missing campers." Matt says, remember the words he heard on the news that morning. "Did she see what kind of animal attacked her?" She asks, curiously.
"She said it was a vampire." Matt says amused, yet confused. "What the hell?" Athena stops walking. The two stop, as the girl looks at the boy wanting to know more.
The blonde male nods. "Yeah, she wakes up last night, mutters, 'Vampire,' and passes out."
"That's not weird." Athena says, sarcastically. The girl couldn’t help but think, out of all the things the girl could say, attack her, and she says a vampire. A creature that isn’t even real. It just confused Athena the more she thought about it.
"Think she was drunk.” Matt says, shrugging, then he sees the new kid sitting at a bench. “So, what's up with Elena and the new guy?"
"I have no idea, but I'm going to find out." Athena said, as she smirked looking at the back of Stefan’s head. "Don't scare the guy now... I'm actually gonna go back to the hospital. I wanna be there when Vicki wakes up, get the real story about last night." Matt said, walking backwards.
"Alright, I'm going to go bury a body. I-I mean make a friend." Athena says as the boy gives her a look, before turning around with a roll of his eyes.
"I guess I'll play nice." Athena says smiling, cheekily. "Good girl!" Matt yells, chuckling.
The girl turns back to where Stefan was sitting on a bench only to see he's gone. Athena frowns trailing her eyes to see if the boy was walking around, but it was like he completely disappeared.
"So, my sister wants to date a ghost?” Athena says, raising an eyebrow, but the girl shakes her head at the thought. “God, this town keeps getting weirder and weirder as the days go on."
• • • •
The school day came to an end for the students of Mystic Falls High School. When the Gilbert girl’s got home, Athena let Sirius out and fed the dog. They were then asked by their best friends to meet them at the Mystic Grill.
It took a while, but Elena convinced her sister to let her drive them. Athena agreed hesitantly, but climbing into her sister’s car nonetheless. Thankfully, the older Gilbert didn’t talk about feelings instead they talked about Vicki and Elena letting her sister talk about the book she was reading at the moment - The Diviners.
Athena and Elena saw their best friends sitting outside the Grill with fries and tea already at the table for Athena. “Oh, food.”
“Hello, to you too.” Caroline says, glaring at the girl playfully. The girl hums with fries in her mouth. The three girl’s began folding flyers for the comet as Athena drew in her sketchbook tuning out the girl’s until Bonnie began talking about her Grandmother, that’s when she became curious.
"I was talking to Grams. She said the comet is a sign of impending doom. Last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage, it created a bed of paranormal activity." Bonnie says, explaining to the girl's her interest in the comet that was going to happen the following day.
"Mm. Yeah, and then you poured Grams another shot and she told you about the aliens." Caroline says, scoffing at her best friend. "My kind of woman." Athena said with a smirk, making the girls laugh.
"So, then what?" Care said then turned to Elena who was talking about her night with Stefan. One that Athena didn’t really want to hear about, but listen nonetheless. "So then, nothing." Elena says, shrugging.
"You and Stefan just... talked?" Athena asks, curiously. "There was no sloppy first kiss, or touchy-feely of any kind?" Caroline says, not believing the girl.
"Nope, we didn't go there." Elena says, shaking her head. "Not even a handshake? I mean, Elena, we are your friends. Okay? You are supposed to share the smut." Caroline says, almost offended.
"Okay, sister here, and gross." Athena says, disgusted. "We just talked for hours." Elena says shrugging, ignoring what her sister said.
"What is with the blockage? Just jump his bones already. Okay, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex." Caroline said, ignoring the looks she got from Bonnie and Athena. "Profound." Elena says glaring at the girl, playfully.
"Let them go on a couple dates first, I mean come on." Athena says, shaking her head. Sure the girl didn’t care if people slept together the first time they met, but if her sister really likes the guy - by the looks of it, she did - she thinks her sister should get to know Stefan before sleeping with him. "Says the seventeen year old virgin." Caroline says with a roll of her eyes.
"You know what, I'm happy being a virgin. Maybe I want to lose it someone I actually want to be with, not just someone I can't even look in the eyes the next day." Athena says, raising an eyebrow at the blonde.
"Where are you going?" Bonnie asks Elena, watching the girl stand and push in her chair. "Caroline's right. It is easy. If I sit here long enough, I'll end up talking myself out of it instead of doing what I started the day saying I was gonna do." Elena says nodding to herself, then walks away.
"So, you’re just going to ignore what I just said about being a virgin and proud?" Athena yells after her sister. "Shhh! That's not something you yell to the world." Caroline says, shushing the girl, and hits her arm.
"Oh my god. Like it affects the whole world that Athena Gilbert hasn't been deflowered." Athena says rolling her eyes, sarcastically. The girl’s eyes then wided with realization. "Oh, fuck she's my ride.” The girl runs towards her sister’s car, as the other girl’s laugh behind her. “Goddamn it, Elena!”
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
I enjoyed the thenamesh actor au pretty much! Would you write some cute fluff how Thena and Sprite are visiting Gil, spending a nice and fun evening with cooking and then watching a movie and Gil ( he has taken his medication after dinner) falls asleep on Thenas shoulder? Sprite noticing the beautiful chemistry between them?<3
"Hey," Gil smiled as a wisp of blond drifted into his view as he loaded the dishwasher (slowly).
"Thanks for dinner," Thena repeated from several times earlier already, bringing over hers and Sprite's plates from the table. "It really was incredible, Gil."
"Aw," he blushed. "It's the least I could do; you've been such a help since the whole arm thing."
Thena's eyes drifted down to his broken arm in his sling, as it did often. "I wish I could do more."
"Trust me, Thena," Gil closed up the dishwasher and patted her shoulder ever so gently, "it's plenty."
She smiled up at him. The soft lighting of the kitchen really brought out his handsomeness.
"Go sit down with Sprite," he nudged her with a grin, "make sure she doesn't pick something with me in it--I can't bear watching myself with people."
"I know the feeling," Thena laughed, drifting off into the living room as Gil reached for the painkillers he'd been prescribed.
Sprite barely looked away from her scrolling as Thena sat down on Gil's large sectional couch. "You two done flirting?"
"Sprite!" Thena hissed at her sister.
"I had to sit through you two making eyes at each other all through dinner," Sprite pointed out liberally, despite the murderous look on her sister's face. "Not bringing it up until now is a testament to my restraint."
"I mean it," Thena pointed her finger in her sister's face. "You are making him uncomfortable and he is our host, who has been nothing but very sweet with you, may I add."
"You may, but that only makes you like him more," Sprite pointed out. As much as she wasn't really into the idea of hearing about her sister's obvious crush on her co-star, part of her couldn't help its curiosity.
Unfortunately, Thena was so in denial about her feelings for him that she was underwater.
"Don't pick anything with Gil in it, says he can't stand watching himself," Thena murmured, eyes drifting down to her lap as Sprite scrolled through the options on the tv.
Sprite just nodded. Thena had the same problem, although Sprite never had any real desire to watch stuff with her in it. She really did think Thena was a great actress, but it was still just her sister--she saw her everyday.
"Okay," Gil mumbled as he sat himself on the couch with him. "What'd we find?"
"Still looking," Thena sighed, loudly enough for Sprite to know it was expressed just for her.
"Okay, okay," the teenager grumbled back, settling on a thriller. "Oh, this is Sersi's new thing!"
Thena smiled at Gil on the other side of her, "Sersi is our cousin."
"I heard about this movie," Gil nodded as the opening logos began. "Apparently there was a lot of drama onset."
"Unfortunately, although Sersi managed to escape a good deal of it," Thena sighed, unfolding her crossed legs and relaxing her stiff posture. "It doesn't surprise me, with Eros in its cast."
"Have you worked with him before?" Gil asked more quietly as the movie began.
"Once or twice," Thena whispered in reply, even shifting to angle herself more in Gil's direction. "He's...interesting."
Gil raised a brow at the diplomatic choice of words. "What am I--the press?"
Thena let out a little giggle, still trying to keep quiet for Sprite's sake of watching undisturbed.
Sprite wasn't paying attention anyway. She only really cared to watch Sersi's parts. And besides that, the little display happening on the couch right next to her was way too distracting to be ignored.
"I've read stuff about him," Gil whispered, leaning his head down closer to Thena. "He's pretty vocal about having a thing for you."
Thena rolled her eyes, missing the visible amusement - and maybe something else - on Gilgamesh's face as she did. "I think part of his image is being a bit of a stud. But he's closer to Sprite's age than ours."
Sprite rolled her eyes too. That was a bit of an exaggeration, not that she thought much of the slightly pompous actor from the once or twice she'd met him.
"I don't see how that'd stop him," Gil shrugged, his words running together slightly as his eyes drooped. "If you're beautiful, you're beautiful--and you are."
Sprite resisted the urge to call her sister out on her visible fluster.
"He's said so," Gil mumbled out, although it ran right into his yawning. "Said he wishes he could have the opportunity to work with the beautiful 'Goddess' herself."
Thena blinked as Gil leaned - slumped - even closer.
"I think even that's an understatement," Gil practically slurred. His back slid further and further down on the couch until his head collided with Thena's shoulder.
"Gil?" Thena blinked, whispering to him but not daring to turn her head to actually look at him.
Gil just adjusted his position, nuzzling even closer into her.
"Thena, please, I'm right here."
"Sprite!" Thena hissed at her again.
"Sh, Thena," Sprite laughed as she leaned back on the luxurious couch and pointed at the tv, "trying to watch."
Damned menace of a sister. Thena rolled her eyes, not moving a muscle as Gil fell into an even deeper sleep with her for a support. It was a good thing that he was also up against the back of the couch. Although his heaviness wasn't quite too much--it was almost kind of nice. He was solid, but not sharp edged, and he was bulky, but there was some softness to it that was nice too.
Thena smiled to herself as Sprite lowered the volume to barely audible, even turning on the subtitles. For all her surliness and general teenaged attitude, Sprite still had a warm heart under all of it. "Thanks, Sprite."
"Sh," Sprite smiled back at her, "watching."
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//Closed roleplay. If you don't like it i can remake it. <3 --------------------------------- Trust gets you killed. Love gets you hurt, and being real gets you hated. --------------------------------- Athena had found herself traveling to the underworld more and more frequently. At first it had been curiosity that had gotten the best of her. What was really down there? Who was there? What were they like? How strong were they? Many questions that she had asked herself while on her visits. Things that Athena had wanted to find out first hand. But as time traveled during and between each visit she found the answer to each question she had asked herself.. So that would mean her task in the underworld were completed correct? That she would no longer have any desire to visit the underworld and its fellow companions correct? Wrong. There was something else that lured her there. At first Athena couldn't pinpoint at all what it had been. She hadn't had the slightest idea. Had she grown attached to someone there? possibly in an emotional way? No... She wouldn't dare to ever do that. She had promised herself that she wouldn't do that. But what if she couldn't help the emotions that constantly pulled her back, wither it was one sided or not? What was the goddess supposed to do then? They were far too strong for her to ignore; but they were possibly weak enough for her to resist. But did she listen to her mind and what was said to be the 'right thing to do?' Did she keep her distance from the underworld? The question could be answered by Athena's actions as she took yet another trip. Her mind was troubled as she thought to herself what was down there, that was so important? Important enough to get her hated, hurt or even killed. The hell hound. Upon arrival, the simple brunette made her way to the guarded rusted iron gates that divided her from her destination. She weaved her way in, and slipped through majority of the passages unnoticed. There was just one more door that was always closely guarded. She could easily slip past unnoticed, by how many times she had done it in the past. But instead, she cleared her throat, making the slightest sound causing the beast to spark up once more. A wide grin appeared from ear to ear as she studied over the male. She walked over to the male, and then placed her small hand on his left shoulder. Her hand dangled there for a moment, before she slid it down his arm, letting her fingers trace over the many tattoos. "Hello hellpuppy. It seems as if we meet yet again. It feels as if an eternity has passed since i have last visited here." The brunette paused as she reached ever so slightly for his face. Her fingers barley grazing over his cheek as she spoke again with a soft voice. "I do hope you didn't miss me too terribly much." _________________________________ Cerberus' reply: What seemed like a short few days since Athena's last visit had actually been years, or maybe it was really only just a few short weeks since he had seen her last. Time was rather confusing when one did not get to go to the upside very often, and usually it was for something Amara had wanted. The male Hound was quite bored, usually watching the wall and trying his best to not pay attention to the plans and what Amara was saying behind the closed doors. He noticed her presents, he always did. IT did not matter if he let her sneak past or if he stopped her, he always knew when the young Minerva showed up. It was always different times of day or night, it was always something that he would notice. As soon as she stepped into the underworld he knew she was around, this time though he decided to let her sneak past if she wished, though that did not seem to be the case when she made a sound and started to walk up to him. Her touch on his shoulder made his whole body tense for a brief second before relaxing into her touch briefly. He had craved touch for a while now, but not from her. It was welcoming all the same, as he moved to look down in to her face as she spoke to him. "Hello little 'Thena" He spoke softly, his usual cold stripped from his voice as he looked into her eyes. "If I say I missed you will you tell me why you are here for today? Or do I get to continue with this guessing game?" A raise of his eyebrow as he leaned slightly into the touch on his cheek. "If Amara saw you she would be furious you know. So why do you continue? Is it an alliance you want with her? A friendship? Or was I wrong with your intentions?" ______________________________________-- Athena Minerva A warm laugh escaped from the woman as she listened to his 'kind' words. He hadn't always been this pleasant before, so for the male to show so much compassion now had taken the other by surprise. Her light touch on the other had seemed to linger much longer than intended; but deep down the young brunette hadn't wanted to let go. She listened closely to the others words. And couldn't help but smile at the nickname that he had spoken out to her. "I hadn't heard that name in quite awhile; for many seem to be feared to call me other names besides 'Athena', so i do suppose that's a pleasant surprise." She pulled away from the male as she paused for a moment. She allowed herself to be drawn and captivated by his complex appearance. The woman let out a small pouting like face as her narrow icy hues gazed into the others. "And to think, i had been enjoying myself with you. But the mention of amara slightly tampered the mood if i do say so myself. What makes you think my arrival has anything to do with her?" The woman's voice came out like a purr as she looked down upon her own feet. Slightly reaching for the males hands for a brief moment. "Missing me surly can't be as torturous as me missing you.. or your sporadic actions." "Talk about Amara isn't what brought me here today. And sadly its more business than pleasure. As i have a slight proposition that might interest you, and before you resist or decline, it will not involve or interfere with amara; nor put her in harms way in any way." ___________________________________________ Geryon Gabris Cerberus crossed his arms over his chest before Athena's hands could reach his own, his eyebrow raised slightly as he listened to the other speak. He cocked his head to the side at the mention that others were fearful of her, and he couldn't help but exhale through his nose, loudly. "Well, that is what makes me different then, doesn't it? Because I am not scared to call you as I wish, and I believe 'Thena fits you." He gave her a smug look before his facial featured turned back to indifference. "Well, I do know that you are trying to gain her trust or whatever, I know that you have been trying to talk to her as of late, so why would you not be here to see her? That is the logical reason is it not? That you are here to see the queen of the underworld, not her mutt, Im sure." Yet as she continued to speak his eyes grew darker, not in a way of want, more in the was of suspicion, distrust, he was not sure what her proposition would be. He might not even wish to know what it would be, though he doubted that she would not tell him just because he said no. "Is missing me really that bad? I would think one would be happy to leave me and hell behind. I do not understand how you could miss me." He was confused at this, it was rare if ever that the male had found someone beside Amara who cherished his companionship. So for the young Minerva to say something like that, was odd. Maybe there was a double meaning behind it, and Cerberus was not sure how he would feel about that. He took in a sigh and looked her over before deciding if he should let her tell him about her proposition or not. "Fine, tell me. That does not mean that I will accept it though. I can still turn it down after you tell me. _________________________________ Athena Minerva The young brunette watched carefully over the powerful male before him. Everything began to stiffen with the male; and the tension began to grow. Athena tried to break the uncomfortable situation by a small laugh, but it had only seemed to make it worse. His eyes had darkened, and he pulled so far away from the other, it was almost as if he weren’t even there anymore. He looked as if he were battling himself in an argument... and she wasn't quite sure which side of him was winning. It had been strange to her how fast the mood had seemed to change. How fast he could hide his emotions once more. How fast he could look right past the other. Or how fast he was to uneasy the young woman. His actions had been so much sharper than his words to the other and it was unsettling. Her head tilted slightly to the right side as she listened to his beckoning words. Had he really thought that nobody was ever capable of showing any type of compassion to him? Had he not taken note that part of her ‘display’ that she put forth for him had been true emotions that she had pulled forth? As much as the brunette would hate to admit it, she was drawn to him, but she wasn’t quite sure why. She hated the thought of her ever falling for another. She wouldn’t be a fool like her sister and allow herself to fall in love. She had seen how easy it was for love to become a weakness; and it was not going to be the thing that made her fall. Athena shook herself as she checked back into what was being said and going on around her. As she watched Cerberus finish his last words she pressed her thin lips together as she began to slowly speak. “Any decent person who gets to know the underworld would learn to miss its hidden gems that are found within.” She fixed her posture as she continued with her words. “So, my proposition seems to intrigue you. Shall we move in a less open area to speak?” The woman made an exaggerated look around to the open scenery to show that she hadn’t quite trusted the open ears that lurked in the location they were at currently. ______________________________________ Geryon Gabris Cerberus listened to what she said, really listened. He also watched her body language as it changed, and he simply could not understand what she saw in him or about him. He knew the hidden words, and he knew how to see them without them being said. Someplace less private? It must be something she did not want others to hear, and he knew of a few places he could take her if it would ease her mind and have her speak freely. Maybe he could take her to another corridor? Or his room. No he would not take her to his room, that would only cause the others to speak. He did not wish to have them speak, the underworld was terrible gossip. He thought for another moment before he finally spoke. "There are few places that give us privacy, but one of the places I can not take you. The others are still open though I am afraid." He gave a small shrug, and put his hands in his pockets. "The other corridors with less people, there are also few rooms others would go into. Like for instance the library, if you wish to speak privately that would be the best bet. No one really goes into the library and it does have comfortable chairs." __________________________________ Athena Minerva A brow kinked up. There was a place that he wouldn't take her? Why? What had made that place so important? Why couldn't she see it? What was he hiding? So many questions flooded through the woman's mind as her curiosity seemed to get the best of her. "So, what you are telling me..." Her words trailed off, creating a slight amount of tension. "Is that there is one place that we can go, it's secluded and shut out , the best place to choose if we desired to be alone." The woman took another step closer to him as she began to purr her words "But you don't want to take me there? Rather, you wish to take me to yet another open place, with possible lurking ears?" Her soft hands reached yet again for his porcelain face. So perfect, but so hallow. It had been nothing but a shell, a display if you will. Narrow hues scanned over him and her long nails began to slowly dig into his perfect complexion as her grip tightened. "I am beginning to wonder if i can trust you, Hell Puppy." Her words were sharp, slicing right through him. "What are you hiding in that place you cannot take me?" Her dialect had changed so dramatically from a few moments before. She was slightly bitter to the male. She hadn't meant to carry the tone she did, but she couldn't really help it. _________________________________________ Geryon Gabris  His eyes remained indifferent as her nails dug into his skin, he didn't show any sign what so ever to her display. He simply just grabbed her hand and pulled it gently away from his face. "The one place we can go without anyone being around, is my bedroom and if I dare take you there someone will see and they will talk. I doubt you would want them to talk little 'thena." He spat back, moving to check his face. "My room is the only place no one goes, without permission they can not enter. That being said, you would not wish for my room I am sure. That is why I offered the library, it is the second best place to go. It is still secluded, not many go there and if you are lucky no one will. I have not seen anyone enter the library in a long time." He rubbed his face lightly, checking for blood or any other marks. He gave a small sigh and turned back to look at the smaller goddess. "You do not have to trust me, 'Thena. Not many do, I kill people on orders of Haydees. You should not trust me, yet for some mysterious reason you actually do. I do not understand it, I don't know why you would trust me. _________________ Athena Minerva  Her gaze softened to the male as she stopped fighting back. Why hadn't she ever thought about that? Instead her mind had been aimed to the worst. And her small spark of anger had gotten the better of her. Oh how foolish it had been for her to think such things. Now look what had happened. She listened carefully to his words. Trying her best not to jump to any more conclusions. He had been straightforward with her, so there really wasnt any reason for her to judge him the way she had. "I'm... I'm sorry." A deep breath pulled at the young Goddess as her eyes drifted from him to the ground. Without gazing back up she spoke again. "My actions were uncalled for, and you don't frighten me. I understand what it is like to be under someone else's leash, even if it is by choice. My trust in you will never fade, and if that will be the result of my fatality so mote it be." True emotions had pulled at the young brunette as her eyes met back with his. "If you are still inclined to hear what i have to offer i would love to go with you to the library. For you would know best where to go __________________________ Geryon Gabris Cerberus was taken back, she apologized? He did not understand how or why she would even apologize. He did not see anything wrong with her actions or what she did, and as such he didn't understand why. It was a very odd feeling, to not understand something. Normally he was good at controlling his emotions and understanding why people did what they did, yet Athena always confused him in some way. "I still don't think you should trust me, I don't think anyone should trust me. I cause distruction, I cause pain. I cause emotional turmoil everywhere I go. Yet, for some reason you still trust me." He took a deep breath, and gave a soft sigh. "I don't now why you apologize but you did, so I accept your apology." He licked his lips and gave a nod. "We can go to the library, it is not that far away from where we are currently. If you will follow me, I will lead you toward the library where you can talk as you wish." He smiled softly, and turned to walk down the corridor. His food steps echoed off the walls as he walked, and he turned to look back at the younger Goddess to see if she was following him. He made a few short turns, once left, twice right, before he finally stood in front of two large wooden doors. "And here... Is the library" he said softly, holding his arms out and turned around in a swing motion to show her. A large triumphant smirk on his face ________________________________ Athena Minerva "Trust is never something that i give out lightly; why i have given it to you is beyond me Hell Puppy. I sometimes wish i was more careful.. but things are /different/ with you." The young woman responded without even looking up from her task before her. And that had been the truth. She wasn't quite sure why she had ever thought to trust Cerberus as much as she did, She really shouldn't but she couldn't help herself. Her eyes met his as she listened to his acceptance of her apology. He had clearly been confused as to why the young woman apologized, not seeing wrong in her actions for grabbing him the way she had. But if Athena were to remain loyal in that type of way to the hell hound; her actions can not be repeated. A soft nod came from the woman as her reply to his words, and then again to the rest of what he had to say. Before she had knew it they were on their way to the Library. Walking away from the open and curious eyes that seemed to follow. It was nice to be able to go somewhere to finally be alone. She never had thought that she would be able to pull the hound away from the redhead long enough to even say hello. As they reached their destination the brunette hesitated before she reached for the locks on the door. Was what she was about to do really a good thing? Would her actions jeopardize everything that she has built between the two of them so far? Was this a mistake? Her darken hues danced away her guilty mind, as it focused once more on the golden door handle. 'Just open it Thea.' She thought to herself before giving the door a hard tug. "After you." She spoke as she gestured for the male to go inside.
---------------------------------------- Geryon Gabris How could things really be all that different with him? He was still confused even as they had walked down to the library, he had been in thought, had been thinking about a lot of things and the actions of Athena. It was confusing for sure, he just was not sure what the Goddess was planning and if he should trust her. Though, he did feel like he could trust her and believe her, yet he also admitted that it could be very very dangerous if Amara ever found out. 'After you' it rang in his head for a quick second before he stepped forward into the grand Library, bookcases towering over his head so high that you could not see the top. Filled with books from top to bottom, one would wonder how they even got to the top of the bookcase. It was one of the rooms he felt calm and relaxed in, one of the others being the training room. Another being his own bedroom, and the last being in a room near Amara almost always calmed him down. He turned to look at Athena once more, hoping this would prompt her to say something. ":I do believe you had asked me here because you had something you wanted to speak to me about? I did after all lead you here, so I would hope this time is not spent wasted." He spoke softly, yet the words did seem to come out a little harsher then he had intended. "Or do you simply wish to stare at me? Because I am sure that I can arrange that. You could do all the staring that you would ever want, and I could read a book or look I could go back to the training grounds and practice. I am sure you would not mind seeing me all covered in sweat and a chance to see my muscles working and in action." _______________________________________________ Athena Minerva Athena watched Cerberus walk past her with ease. He hadn't looked too worried over anything that might happen between the two of them. And he acted almost as if he trusted the woman. How had he been so open and caring to just walk with the woman anywhere she pleased to go? Why would he take that risk? Knowing damn well what could happen if Amara would find out. Why would he risk everything for a simple conversation with Athena. It had almost seemed absurd. Her eyes had widened to his taunts. Had he really been amused during this time? A grin emerged from the woman as she inched closer to his body, now closing the gap between the two of them. Her left hand tugged at the bottom of his shirt as she whispered back to him in his ear. "I am sure there is much to you that would catch my eye Hell Puppy, but i am not here for this. Not at this specific time and moment at least." Her words almost came off as a purr. Very flirty for even herself, it wasn't normally like Athena to be this reckless. Her grip on his shirt released once more as she decided not to continue to toy with him. But with the same tone, the woman began to ramble on again. "I do hope you forgive me, my darling Cerberus. As i really didn't mean to dismay your trust in this manor. I just wasn't quite sure how i would get you alone in any other way."Her words trailed off yet again as her gaze wandered around the room. He did find quite an exquisite place to be isolated from the rest, from the voices. The room towered in books and other random objects. It was a place Athena could often find herself coming to get lost in... It was a quiet place. The perfect place. "I could spend all my time in here and still not be done." She had whispered to herself, as she continued to take in the beauty
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audreyok-blog · 7 years
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“    ACHOO    !    ”    a loud,  really loud sneeze forces the damsel to come into a sudden halt,   causing athena to subtly bump into the back of her trainer’s legs due to being distracted to the snowy sight around them.    (    athena feels there’s something near them,   but she still can’t find the source of thinking such thing    !    )                               
“    ah,  i’m so sorry for scaring you,  baby,    ”    audrey mumbles as a handkerchief is being pulled to her nose,   giving a button like nose a blow as athena looks up at her trainer for a second,   but only to look around the snowy areas in curiosity,   with a tail waving behind her elegant frame.    “    it was a mistake coming here without a jacket on,   but you can’t blame me,  right   ?   a jacket wouldn’t look good on this dress.   ”    audrey continues to speak without thinking much,   eyes lingering on the road she had to cross to eventually reach her destination,   her mouth already drooling at the thought of that coffee,   and the brownies too    !     the damsel was about to begin a new speech,   probably to ask where athena was because she didn’t feel her presence near her,    but her eyes soon enough fall on an adorable clefairy,   peeking her head out from behind a snowy rock to look at the pair which made the brunette to gasp her espeon’s name,   who also looked at the pokemon with curiosity.  athena probably was thinking   ....    ha,   i knew there was something around. “    athena,   look    !    it’s a clefairy    !    ”    audrey says as she stares at the quirky clefairy,   and the brunette is quick to fish a pokeball out of her backpack,   but she does hesitate on catching the fairy type pokemon,   and not only because she always thought more than twice when it came to catching pokemons,   but because the clefairy was basically letting her know that it was going to be hard to catch her    !    the pokemon was now standing on the rock,   but soon enough jumped to circle said rock while giving the pair some glances while humming.   the clefairy was taunting her,   and that was a big no for someone like audrey    !     “   ‘thena,   ”    the curly haired speaks,   soon enough watching her espeon striking a little pose because she already knew the female was going to command a small attack,   and she was totally going to do it.    “   yawn,   now.   ”    she whisperes,   and athena,   with a simple shake of head,   has the fairy type pokemon yawning exactly where she stands,   the small yawns even making audrey herself to yawn.    after one minute of drownsy paces and lazy hums,   the pokemon is asleep,   and audrey is quick enough to throw said pokeball at the pokemon and when three shakes were made,   the brunette beamed and rushed towards the ball,   obviously after pressing a kiss against athena’s head.    “   athena,   nanny is going to be so happy when i tell her i caught a clefairy    !    she is going to make her sylveon fight you for this baby    !    ”
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
So I just finished watching Mr. And Mrs. Smith but I tried picturing Mr. Smith as Don. Maybe you could turn it to "Mr. And Mrs. Lee" pls.
"What are you thinking?"
Thena raises a brow. He's asking this now? She's in the middle of tying up some minor wounds for him. Wounds she inflicted on him--she thought he was an intruder!
They both thought the other was an intruder. Normal people might have called out for their spouse in curiosity, but neither are trained to be normal people.
"You have to ask?"
"I didn't think I would," Gilgamesh sighs, still letting her softer hands smooth over the cuts he acquired from her apparent knife specialty. "But...I don't know anymore."
Thena sighs. That's only fair. There is a lot they're...overdue to share. Clarify, maybe. "Ask away, then."
Gil stays sitting facing away from her, letting her work in the remains of their living room. He rests his arms on his bent knees. "How did it happen--for you?"
She knows what he's asking. No matter what lies or half-truths they've built their marriage around, he is still her husband. And even with all she's kept from him, he still knows her better than any other person alive. "Imagine...imagine your father is the head of this...agency. And he's raised you to be one of those agents. Your whole life is this job--before it's even yours."
"One day, you get this mission. It's a big one, too, in service to some mysterious higher power. You get sent after an agent from somewhere within that higher power because he's suspected of not being so loyal to Mister Arishem."
"Then you get there, and you meet him," Thena sighs. Her hands are starting to shake as she winds the bandage around his torso. "And he's rather nice--sweet, actually. And he's funny, and...maybe you think he's kind of cute."
Gil smiles, attempting to get a look at her but getting his chin moved back around.
"Sorry," he chuckles, knowing what he needs to. He knows she's telling the truth because she hates being looked at when she does. She only ever makes her confessions in the dark of night, while turned around, maybe in the occasional voice memo in which he could hear that vulnerability under her taut surface.
"And then," Thena continues, determined to get out the words she has never wanted to even think aloud. "I--you don't know what happened. Suddenly you're hoping to run into him again. You start looking at apartment listings even though you've only ever stayed in quarters afforded by the agency."
"And your target - the mark - isn't...he isn't just a file." It comes out soft, almost brittle. "His name is Gilgamesh, but he likes to be called Gil. And he has a nice smile, and he holds doors open for you, and you leave your father's wing just so you can get an apartment where he can come over and eat takeout and watch stupid television and-"
Gil wants to turn and look at her. And she doesn't stop him this time.
Thena blinks, hoping to dispel some of the tears in her eyes, "and you're in love with him. So in love it's more terrifying than any mission. And you don't know how it happened, but there you are, saying yes when he asks you to marry him."
Gil gulps. He's never seen her cry real tears. He's seen them maybe in the corners of her eyes, but even at their wedding, she was all smiles. Although, now that he's thinking about it, maybe that's a much better alternative. "Do you mean it?--when you say yes?"
"Of course," Thena whispers, all but crumbling to the floor, among the scrapes in the wood and the shattered glass. But her husband pulls her into his lap, and she buries her face in his chest. "It's the truest thing you've ever said in your life."
Gil sighs, resting his chin on her hair. They've done this a few times, and he can vividly remember every time. Times when they're done making love and he gets to see that Thena is actually a soft, breakable human being instead of a walking switchblade. Times when she's trying to get something off her tongue and he tells her he doesn't need her to say it--so long as she loves him. Times when he thinks he could retire just so he never has to let go of her.
Thena shifts, wrapping her arms around him. He responds naturally, picking her up and carrying her out of the wreckage. They end up back in their bedroom. She stares up at the ceiling light, with the light bulb she'd meant to change for five weeks because Gil kept asking her to and she kept forgetting.
Gil lets out a groan as he lies down beside her. He sustained more injuries than she did--and he's glad. As soon as he discovered the assailant he thought was there to do in both him and Thena was, in fact, his wife, he stopped. He reared up and away from her like a spooked horse.
His wife has a hell of a left hook, though, even as a right-y.
"I always wondered what they were thinking with that stupid stucco ceiling texture."
Gil lets out a laugh. Thena does too. He always wondered how she became so fascinated with interior design (even when he thought she was technically a high profile lawyer). Now he realises it's because she never had a home of her own before that first apartment of hers he went to seven years ago, Chinese takeout and a bouquet of lilies in hand. "I knew you hated it."
Thena shrugs, "it takes a lot of time to redo a ceiling. Neither of us would be home enough to make sure the work was done properly."
"Make sure the house was secure enough while we were both away?"
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
02 - First Kiss
Thena rolled her eyes as she walked along Babylon's wall.
Ever since Ikaris and Sersi first gave into their temptations they had been insufferable, as far as she was concerned. They already spent all the time they could together, of course. That wasn't the problem. But now, at any opportunity, they were...kissing.
The family gave them hell for it--and liberally. But little could touch them in the high of their new relationship.
Thena watched as they separated, seemingly just to smile at each other, and then go back to kissing again. She leaned against one of the pillars, much preferring to look out over the landscape than at her sister and Ikaris making out.
What was so appealing about a person's mouth on yours, anyway?
"Hey, you."
Thena smiled as Gilgamesh strolled out leisurely from the inner temple. She looked at him over her shoulder as he came over to her. "You're early for your turn on watch."
"I'm not here for watch duty," he shrugged easily with a smile. He leaned to peek over the edge of the temple wall. "Lovebirds at it again?"
Gil laughed at her obvious and utter disgust at their public display of affection. "Hey, you glaring at them isn't gonna do anything."
"It might," she grumbled by way of argument, even as he touched a gentle and familiar hand to the small of her back. It worked, though. She unwound from her tense position and leaned against him.
"Does it bother you that much?"
"It's not that it bothers me," she started, although it really did. But it was why that was different. "Although I do not think that he's good enough for her."
Gilgamesh chuckled again. "He doesn't have to be. He has to make her happy, which I think he does."
Thena didn't argue, but that didn't mean she agreed. It just meant that she was done talking about it.
"Okay," Gil sighed as they started making out again. Thena laughed, her shoulder bouncing against where it was tucked against him.
"See?" she nudged him gently. "This is to what I have been subjected since emerging."
"Well, just because I'm happy for 'em doesn't mean I have to look at it," he argued, waving his hand at them as if they were aware of their audience.
"Precisely," Thena agreed. "Is it so irresistible?"
"That," she gestured disdainfully. "Kissing."
Thena looked at him, and maybe a little more suddenly and sharply than intended. But he just looked back at her. She shifted her stance, still letting him hold her but not leaning her weight on him. "I know you're a romantic, but I had no idea you were captive to such pleasures."
"Well," Gil began stammering his defense. "I don't know if I would put it that way. But...people kiss for a reason, right?"
"Do you remember your first kiss?"
It came so suddenly that they both seemed surprised by it. But Thena frowned, attempting to search the annals of her mind. There were no such memories to be found.
Gil paused in thought. He also couldn't think of anything like that. "I guess not."
Thena leaned against him again, with no desire to linger on the thought--or lack thereof. "I've no idea what's so appealing about it."
"Really?" Gil couldn't resist asking, giving her arm a squeeze as he did. "No idea at all?"
Thena looked at him, called by the eager curiosity in his voice. They were shoulder to shoulder--armour able to clink together. Her shoulder could push against his chest if she wanted. And when she turned her head, he was right there. Her eyes glanced down to his lips.
Gil mirrored the action. "I could see it--how it happens."
Perhaps she could, maybe. She raised a brow at him. They were hovering closer, so slowly neither was particularly aware of it.
"You know, you're there, close," Gil began narrating the hypothetical scenario. His smile was gentle and they were still huddled together. "You can feel that warmth between you. And it helps when you're so beautiful."
Thena raised a brow at him and his easy flirtation. He was so skilled at slipping in things like that. And she always discouraged him, but she was starting to think that maybe she didn't actually want him to stop.
Gilgamesh grinned at the faint flush in her cheeks. "You're trying not to look at each other's lips, but..."
Thena's eyes dashed down and back up again. "It's not working."
"No." Gil looked at her plaintively. She nodded so minutely it was almost imperceptible. But he noticed everything - no matter how small - about his Thena.
Thena closed her eyes as their lips met. It was slow, but once they touched, there was nothing and no one else. There was only her and Gilgamesh, on that roof, with the warmth of the sun and the wind around them.
Gil pulled away slowly, immediately searching her face for how she felt. Her eyes fluttered open, and in a silly way, he was glad that she had closed her eyes too. "So?"
She didn't answer. She leaned against him again, looking out to the horizon. A few minutes passed before she said, "I suppose I can see the appeal."
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