#look after YOU
megalony · 8 months
Look After You
Since I got so much lovely feedback, I've decided to do an Eddie x reader x Buck series, I hope you will all like it. Any feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz
911 Masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) has to go on restricted duty at the station when she's pregnant. But it's not as easy as it looks, especially when she starts to feel unwell.
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"Why are we even debating this?"
"Why are you ambushing me at work?" (Y/n) felt like she'd overstepped the mark as soon as she spoke, but she couldn't take the words back and she couldn't change that it was how she felt.
Her hands clenched into fists at her sides and her teeth sank down in her lower lip when she looked across the locker room at Eddie.
The way his jaw clenched made her knees tremble and her stomach tensed when his hands clamped down on his hips and his biceps tensed so tightly they looked like they were going to burst open. But it was his eyes that caught (Y/n). It was the dark look in his chocolate brown eyes that made her feel like she was falling with no way of landing. It was how he pierced those eyes on her and stared her down until the fog rolling in behind her eyes took over all of her mind and made her feel lightheaded.
"We agreed-"
"You and Evan agreed, I didn't-"
"(Y/n) don't do this."
A tremor rattled through (Y/n)'s stomach and her arms coiled towards her chest like she was trying to hug herself when Eddie growled at her. He never said her name, especially not like that. Eddie had so many petnames for her that she barely recognised her own name passing through his lips.
He only ever called her and Evan by their first names if it was serious and something was wrong. Whereas (Y/n) usually called Evan by his first name because she knew the effect it had on him and how it made his knees weak.
She could feel her head starting to swim and when Eddie looked like he had a shimmering aura glowing around him, she knew she had to sit down before she fell down.
Her hands reached out behind her and she slumped herself down onto the bench in front of the lockers. She landed with a thud and her head lolled forward as her shoulders hunched over. (Y/n) dragged her hands up and down her thighs and across her knees, trying to control the headache forming behind her eyes and stop herself from feeling so sick all of a sudden.
"Okay, what are you two arguing about?" Evan closed the locker room door behind him and stood in the doorway with his hands on his hips and a raised brow. He didn't like the tension in this room, it was suffocating and it made Evan feel like he was stuck in the middle of something. Unsure which partner he should agree with and which one he was about to upset.
"Please tell her that we have to talk to Bobby today."
Evan rolled his lips together and leaned his shoulders back into the wall. He folded his arms over his chest and let his stoic, calm expression tell (Y/n) all she needed to know.
He agreed with Eddie.
He watched the way (Y/n) slumped her head forward again and didn't bother to hide her groan of agitation. It made Evan feel bad. It made his stomach tighten and his lips formed a wince as he sank his teeth down into his lower lip out of nervous habit.
"Baby we have to,"
(Y/n) moved her hands to run across her face and a shiver bolted down her spine again.
Why were they making this so hard? Why were they so adamant about talking to Bobby today? Why not tomorrow, or next week, or next month? (Y/n) just wanted to wait a little longer, just a few more weeks, that was all.
"I can do my job just fine and I'll be alright, it won't affect me yet. Do you know how differently everyone's gonna look at me? How you'll all treat me differently when we announce this?" (Y/n) braced her hands on the bench and started to sway herself back and forth to try and ward off the sickness she could feel rising at the back of her throat.
"Baby this isn't about you being able to do your job."
When (Y/n) scoffed, Eddie tilted his head back and tangled his fingers in his hair, tugging until he was sure he would rip the roots from his scalp. Why couldn't she see this from their point of view?
"Look at me," Eddie dropped his hands and moved forward until he was crouched down in front of her with his hands on her thighs. "We're just trying to look after you, both of you. We know you can do your job, but can't you see how risky it is if you go running into a fire or we winch you down on a harness. If we go into a collapsing building and you get stuck or hurt, then we've all put the baby at risk."
Eddie smoothed his hands up and down (Y/n)'s thighs before he moved and cupped her chin to tilt her head down. He couldn't tell if she was listening to him or if his words were going in one ear and right out the other.
They weren't doing this to be cruel. It wasn't safe for (Y/n) to do all the normal duties she would do on the job, not when she was pregnant.
If (Y/n) went into a dangerous situation, it didn't matter if she could handle it or that she could perform her job as normal. It mattered that she was putting herself at an unnecessary risk and if she got hurt, they might not be able to help her or the baby.
"I… I know, but you're not the ones who are gonna feel useless and restricted. You won't have people telling you to sit down or get out the way or hang back like you're a hindrance… just, while I can, I wanna be useful. That's all I'm trying to say."
(Y/n) looked between her boys before her gaze settled on Evan. She knew he was more likely to crack than Eddie and he might see this more than Eddie because of what he had been through. Evan had the same experience when he'd had operations on his leg and went on blood thinners.
He had people telling him to sit out on a call or telling him he shouldn't be working as much and sometimes he did feel useless.
(Y/n) didn't want to feel like that.
She didn't want people thinking she was incapable of doing her job or telling her to calm down or ask if she was alright every five minutes. While she was very early into the pregnancy and not showing yet, (Y/n) wanted to do her job. She wanted to feel like things were normal before everything started to change and she had to accept the fact of doing lighter duties.
"No one's gonna talk to you like that baby, we won't let them. But we have to tell Bobby. You won't go on restricted duties straight away and you know Bobby, he won't treat you any different, he'll still let you work."
Evan knew Bobby, he might have to be strict with (Y/n) at times and tell her when to step down and wait out on a call, but he wouldn't be unfair or cruel. He would treat her just like he would anyone else and it would be Bobby's discretion whether (Y/n) went out on big calls or not. They were lucky to have him as their captain.
(Y/n) rolled her lips together when Eddie leaned up and rested his forehead against hers. She saw the way his eyes changed and softened around the edges when she wordlessly nodded.
They had to tell Bobby sooner or later. And it may as well be now so they didn't get told off for hiding it from him.
Deep down, (Y/n) knew it was the right thing to do. She knew the boys would hover around and worry if they didn't tell anyone and she knew they were right. She couldn't go on every call out now, running into a burning building or a crumbling house wasn't going to be an option. But there were other things (Y/n) could do, she could try putting out the fires from the outside with the hose, she could tend to the wounded like Hen and Eddie. They had other options than just sitting around doing nothing.
She managed a smile when Eddie kissed her temple before he stood up and held a hand out towards her. Her eyes stayed glued to the floor when the three of them left the locker room and made their way down the corridor towards Bobby's office.
Her hand curled around Evan's bicep and she leaned into his side when they reached the office. She wished they could have this conversation without her. It would be so much easier, but it wasn't possible.
"Hey cap, can we have a word?"
"Sure… what can I do for you?"
All three of them could see the weary look in Bobby's eyes when he watched them all wander into his office and stand in front of his desk. He suddenly felt nervous, as if they were going to bestow some horrid revelation on him or make some kind of accusation.
He didn't usually have them all in his office at the same time like this and they never usually looked this perplexed. And Bobby wasn't doing any annual reviews until next month so he couldn't think why they were here.
A look passed between them all before (Y/n) pressed her lips into a thin line and looked down at her feet. She didn't want to be the one to say it. She moved her hands to tangle them together in front of her lap and she anxiously started picking at the broken skin on her thumb.
"Guys, everything okay?"
"(Y/n)'s pregnant." Evan managed a smile as he spoke and leaned forward to curl his hands around the back of the chair they were all stood behind. He looked over at Eddie and shrugged, murmuring a quiet 'what?' at the look he was given.
Was he supposed to say it differently? Was he supposed to make a big show and tell and do a reveal? No one else was speaking and Evan had a constant desire to fill any silence he found himself in. They knew that. They knew staying quiet would force him to speak and they were lucky Evan hadn't started babbling yet.
"Congratulations." Bobby pushed back in his chair and clapped his hands together as he smiled. His smile instantly calmed all three of them down. "I take it you're all here to go over the rules, about going forward?"
"Am I on restricted duties?" (Y/n) hated how quiet and helpless her voice sounded but Bobby's soft smile and the chuckle he let out made her feel a little better.
"Right, this is how we're gonna do this. For now, you just check in with me about each big call we get, I'll have the final say on if you go or not. You're only restricted on the very demanding calls or the ones that will put you at immediate risk and we all know what those ones are."
They were all sensible adults, they knew which kind of calls (Y/n) would be fine to go on and which ones would pose a risk to her that she needed to sit out on. And any they were unsure of, Bobby would have the final say. It was the easiest option to keep everyone happy and safe.
When they all nodded and stayed silent but content, Bobby moved to stand and lean on the edge of his desk as he continued.
"Once you reach seven months, you'll be on maternity leave, that's not debatable. When you come back, however, is totally up to you. I have to put this on your file now, for safety precautions and I'll need monthly or bi-weekly check-ins. So I know you're okay and not feeling overwhelmed. Does that sound okay?"
"That's great, thanks Cap."
That didn't sound as bad as (Y/n) was expecting. They could all see the relief on her face and she found herself nodding without even realising.
That was fine by her. She knew she couldn't exactly do much when she would be seven or eight months along, let alone nine. And none of them had to think about maternity leave just yet or how long (Y/n) needed off, they could sort that out later.
The updates were fine by (Y/n), she knew it was protocol so Bobby knew she was coping and didn't feel like she was struggling. It kept him in the loop and kep him insured in case (Y/n) suddenly fell ill at any point.
"Does anyone else on the team know?"
"Not yet."
"Then this stays between us until you're all ready to inform the others. I'm really pleased for you all."
"Come on, I'm starved. Aren't you hungry?" Evan snook a glance over his shoulder as he headed towards the stairs. He needed a shower, he really needed to have a shower but he wanted lunch first.
They had just finished a round of random, spontaneous little calls and they had gone from scene to scene without coming back to the station all morning. A woman got stuck in an elevator, someone's balcony gave way and a young lady got trapped in the broken balcony floor. Then a bakery had a gas leak and they had to go help and evacuate.
Evan wanted to eat now before the bell sounded and they were out for the rest of the day again. He had a bad feeling that the bell wasn't going to stop ringing today. Someone had secretly jinxed them.
"I'm not hungry," (Y/n) kept her voice quiet and her eyes on her feet as she headed up the stairs after Hen and Evan. She could feel Eddie walking close behind her and she internally cringed at the look she could feel burning into her back.
Eddie knew she had skipped breakfast this morning and they had been out on call for hours. She needed to eat before they didn't get chance and she went all day without anything.
But (Y/n) wasn't hungry. She felt sick.
She felt like her stomach was balling itself up into knots, ready to block off her intestines and make her suffer. The thought of food made bile rise in the back of her throat and her hands were starting to clam up and sweat. Her skin was heating up in a hot flush, she felt like she was boiling over because they had worked all morning and she hadn't eaten since teatime yesterday. And even then, (Y/n) hadn't managed a full plate of food either.
"Mi amor, you need to eat something."
She could feel Eddie's hand hover over her lower back as he aimed for the table and (Y/n) aimed for the fridge to get a drink. She didn't even want a drink, but she knew she had to try and force herself to drink something.
(Y/n) tried to calm her breaths but she bit down on her lip when her fingers curled around a glass and she realised her hand was shaking. That wasn't a good sign. That was a sign that she was running on fumes and she needed to try and have some lunch.
It was hard when her body gave her all the signs she needed, but her stomach declined anything she tried to have.
Her lips pressed into a thin line as she poured three glasses of juice and dug her nails into the glass so harshly her fingers began to throb and ache. She couldn't risk dropping the glasses.
It was a relief when she shuffled over to the table and was able to put all three glasses down, somewhat hazardly, on the table. She let herself flop down into her seat and took a second to tilt her head back and close her eyes, relishing in the way her muscles stopped aching when she sat and relaxed.
She let herself sink down in her chair as Eddie sat on her left and moved his hand to hold her thigh beneath the table. It was soothing to feel him give her knee a squeeze and his feathers started to glide up and down her leg. She tried to melt into his touch and focus on him while Bobby started dishing up the lasagne for everyone. And her eyes locked with Evan across the table as he gave her a soft smile.
As soon as the plate was in front of her, (Y/n) felt adrenaline bubbling up in her chest and her throat physically tensed.
If she had eaten breakfast, she knew she would have thrown it back up by now.
The steam coming from her plate made her nose crinkle and her head started to swim from the heat. She already felt like she was trapped in an oven from her body panicking and going into overdrive, hot food- or any kind of food, wasn't helping right now.
She could of cried at how quiet and sweet Eddie's voice sounded when he hovered his lips over the shell of her ear and leaned in. He nudged her glass closer when he saw she wasn't looking pleased with her food. If she didn't eat, the team were going to notice and say something. And if she didn't eat, she would make herself sick.
But if she had something to drink, the boys wouldn't feel so worried about her. A drink would relieve them all.
(Y/n) curled her hand around her glass and took a tentative sip and as soon as she drank a little, it was like she couldn't stop. She suddenly realised how thirsty she was. Eddie's hand gave her thigh a tight squeeze but it was too late, she'd downed the whole glass. At least she'd had a drink.
She could see that Eddie and Evan had cleared over half their dinner before she dared to pick up her fork and try one bite.
It didn't go down well. One mouthful made her tongue tingle and felt like she'd suddenly had an anaphalactic shock. Her throat wanted to swell, she had to swallow three times to stop herself from throwing it right back up and the smell did something horrible to her stomach.
It took all (Y/n) had in her not to grimace or gag. There was nothing wrong with Bobby's food, he could make anything and she would eat it happily, but any kind of food was disagreeing with her. Even something simple like a plain biscuit felt too heavy on her stomach recently.
"Do you want something else, a bit of toast? A biscuit?" Eddie rested his arm over the back of (Y/n)'s chair and pressed his lips against the side of her temple. He tried to keep his voice quiet so no one else noticed. No one said anything when they noticed (Y/n) wasn't eating, she had already told them this morning she didn't feel well in case they noticed she was flagging.
"No thanks," (Y/n) shook her head and pushed her plate away before she picked up her glass and held it out to him when he stood up to clear their plates. If he was offering, she would take another drink.
It made him smile. A drink was something, she had finally had something and Eddie had made a mental note to try and remember to grab some complan shakes on the way home. They would give (Y/n) a boost and some protein if she wasn't eating.
"Okay?" Evan mumbled quietly as he nudged his foot against (Y/n)'s leg beneath the table. He preferred sitting opposite his partners rather than next to them, he could see them better this way without having to turn every which way. And he always sat near Bobby, it was a tradition Evan didn't want to break.
(Y/n) tried to nod but she grimaced and sighed, it made her head throb. It felt like someone was banging a drum inside her head so harshly her skull was going to rip at the seams. The thudding of her heartbeat pulsed beneath her skin and pounded through her head so badly that she couldn't even see anymore. All she could make out were the black and white sparkles blinking in front of her eyes.
When her eyes couldn't focus on anyone sat round the table, (Y/n) planted her arms down and tried to take a deep breath to steady herself and stay upright, but it didn't work.
Evan watched in horror as (Y/n)'s eyes rolled to the back of her head, but before he could say anything, her head dropped. Her shoulders slumped forward and her head smacked into the table with such a sudden bang that it felt more like a gun had been fired.
He lurched back in his seat and braced his hands on the table as his heart felt like it had jumped up into his throat.
Scraping his chair back, Evan clamoured round the table behind Bobby's chair and reached out for (Y/n). He leaned over and curled one arm behind her shoulders while he slipped his other hand beneath her temple that was flat out on the table. It was a good job Eddie had cleared her plate or she would have landed in her dinner.
Evan carefully pulled her back and leaned her back against the chair but his upper lip curled in distaste and a growl left his lips as he shuddered.
"Oh- oh God, Eddie grab the med bag." It was hard for Evan not to start shaking when he looked down at (Y/n). She'd hit the table hard enough to give herself a nosebleed. Blood was pouring down her nose, dribbling past her slightly parted lips and onto the dark oak table.
Eddie threw the tea towel down on the side when he leaned over the counter and caught sight of (Y/n). Spanish profanities slurred past his lips as he sped off to find the nearest medical bag.
"Come here baby," Evan mumbled quietly as he pulled (Y/n) to slump her into his chest.
He eased her off the chair and went down on his knees on the floor, lowering (Y/n) down with him until she flopped into his embrace. He managed a grateful smile when Hen bent down with him and carefully held (Y/n)'s ankles and straightened her legs out. They both reclined her until her back was settled on Evan's lower chest and abdomen and her head was tucked beneath his chin against his collar bone.
Evan carefully held (Y/n)'s chin and tilted her head forward so the blood ran down her face and didn't go down her throat and cause her to choke.
"Okay, let's take a look." Eddie knelt down beside (Y/n)'s thigh in front of Evan when Hen shuffled back to let him take her place.
He held her limp wrist and felt her pulse before he reached forward and pressed the back of his hand against her forehead. Her pulse was high and she was starting to burn up. He handed Evan a wad of gauze to press against her nose while he found the blood pressure cuff and slid it up her left arm.
"BP's fluctuating but it's still high." Eddie didn't like it. He didn't like how the numbers were going up and down, but they were staying consistently above the normal rate. She was wearing herself down and she clearly had a severe case of morning sickness. They needed to get fluids into her and keep her hydrated before she wore herself out.
When a quiet murmur left her lips, Eddie grabbed a flashlight and pushed forward on his knees.
"(Y/n), baby, you with me?" He brushed his thumb across her cheek while Evan pulled away the gauze that was now drenched in blood and coated his hand. They could both see her eyes fluttering from left to right and she tried her best to keep them open but she wasn't fully conscious yet.
Another quiet sound left her lips before she let her head flop back on Evan's shoulder and tried to coil her trembling arms into her chest.
"No, no head forward, you're still bleeding."
Evan held her chin and tilted her head back down, they didn't need the blood going backwards. It needed to fall from her nose until the bleeding was finally finished and tapered off. He shuffled forward a little to push (Y/n) so she was sitting upright, propped up against him since she had no energy to keep herself upright.
"S… no…"
Whatever (Y/n) was trying to say, none of them could work out. When her hand moved, Evan let go of her chin and held her hand to show him they were still there with her. And Eddie kept hold over her wrist to keep a check on her pulse. He let the blood pressure cuff stay loose around her arm ready for him to double check again in five minutes.
Bobby perched down on the edge of the table while Hen and Chimney hovered in the kitchen, just in case they were needed for anything.
(Y/n) tried to open her eyes but she couldn't manage it. All she could manage was to tug on Evan's hand and tap it against her lower chest before her chin lurched forward and she coughed.
A frown pulled on Eddie's lips and he leaned back with a grimace when (Y/n) suddenly threw up. The glass of juice she managed to drink came up with vengeance and spluttered past her lips as she coughed and heaved. Eddie let go of her wrist and held the back of her neck, keeping her head as far down as she could manage so she threw up onto her shirt and lap. They couldn't have her choking.
"Let it out, mi amor." Eddie leaned his free arm on his knees and pressed his hand against his mouth.
This wasn't good.
"Hen, can you grab us an IV bag please? If I can't get any fluids down her she's gotta go to the hospital." Eddie looked up towards the kitchen. He needed to get her hooked up on a saline bag and get as much fluids into her system as he could manage. If they couldn't, they would need to take her to the emergency room because this was not a good state for her to be in.
"Sure… there's antibiotics in the back, if it's her stomach I can find her some soluble antibiotics-"
"She's not ill… she's pregnant." Eddie looked over at Evan before he glanced back at the rest of the team scattered around the annex. It was time to tell them. They couldn't have (Y/n) getting in this state continuously and not letting the team know and (Y/n) had been close to telling them this morning when Hen kept noticing that she didn't look well.
It was safer for everyone to know so they didn't think Bobby was singling (Y/n) out if he told her to stand down from a call or make her stay at the station. And if she was going to get in this state more often and be held down with morning sickness, the team had to know so they could help her.
"I'll find her some anti-emmetics." Understanding flooded Hen's voice as she bypassed the three of them and made her way towards the stairs. To stop (Y/n) being sick again, Hen would find her some anti-sickness meds that could be put straight into an IV to get them in her system quicker.
That way, they might have a better chance of getting some proper fluids and maybe a tiny bit of food down her to perk her back up.
Pushing forward, Evan sat (Y/n) up a little more and grabbed some more tissue and gauze from the medic bag on his left. He began swiping at her nose and lips again, smearing the blood until it was a mix of dusty pink and pale rouge smeared and streaked around her face.
"Baby, do you feel okay?" Evan pressed his lips to the back of (Y/n)'s head and rubbed his hand up and down her arm when she started to murmur something again.
He let her head flop back on his shoulder since she was still sitting up and the bleeding had mostly stopped now.
"Dizzy," (Y/n) took a deep breath and tried to open her eyes but it took a few seconds for them to finally land on Eddie and manage to focus enough to see him properly.
"That's not surprising, you hit the table pretty hard, baby."
She grimaced at the taste of blood in her mouth and the smell of it stuck up her nose. Her lips rolled together and it made her cringe to feel the blood starting to dry around her lips and her chin, it felt like she had been cast in clay that was starting to chip off and break apart. And she knew by the uncomfortable feeling of her shirt sticking to her chest that she must have been sick.
She tried to move her arms but her head tilted down and she groaned when she realised she had a blood pressure cuff loosely wrapped around her left arm.
"Here, I've added the emmetics in for you."
"Thanks," Eddie managed a small smile when Hen handed over an IV line attached to a saline bag and a packaged needle and cap ready to hook up to (Y/n). "Stay still for me."
Eddie swabbed the back of (Y/n)'s hand before he got the needle ready. He kept his eyes on her hand so he didn't see the way she winced when he pushed it into her vein, but he could tell Evan had to hold her tighter to stop her from moving in discomfort. Once it was done, Eddie hooked the IV line up and opened the cap to get the fluids in. There was no need to put the line on a slow release, they needed it all in (Y/n)'s system as quick as possible.
"Shall we try and sit you down now?"
When she nodded, she watched Eddie put the IV bag on his shoulder before he held his hands out to her. Evan kept hold of her waist and they carefully eased her up between them, taking her weight when her legs trembled. They carefully manoeuvred her round and got her sat down at the table again.
(Y/n) let her hands fall to her lap and she rubbed her trembling palms up and down her knees, trying to ignore the IV taped into her hand. She tilted her head down and took deep breaths, finally feeling like the fog in her head was disappearing and being replaced with a dull, throbbing headache.
"Give it an hour for observation, then one of us will take you home." Eddie leaned over the back of the chair and moved his hands to comfortingly squeeze (Y/n)'s shoulders.
When they knew she was okay and had some fluids in her system, they would take her home. There was no way (Y/n) could remain on shift after this. She needed to go home and rest, no one on the team would let her stay and try to overdo it when she'd just collapsed.
And both men knew she had to be feeling rough for her to just nod and agree without an argument.
(Y/n) dared to lift her eyes from staring down at her feet when she felt Evan's hand move to squeeze her thigh as he took a seat in front of her. He had a small, lazy smile on his lips and he propped his chin up on his free hand while his thumb glided up and down her leg.
"What are we gonna do with you, hm?"
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honeytama · 3 months
i'm posting a plus size reader! hurt/comfort oneshot w matt tomorrow, lmk if you would like a tag <3 no smut this time but there's always other times for that :*
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poetic-echoes · 3 months
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trans-formers-n-stuff · 8 months
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fanart doodles of @whatwooshkai 's amazing fic "Look After You" … chapter 4. that's kt that's the post i really have nothing else to say. it was really good and i liked it. very much. i hope goldring dies or faces some other horrible fate…
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the-slasher-files · 25 days
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A long weekend to stave off the burn out 🤍
Remember to listen to your body, nourish yourself and fill your cup without guilt. We only have one life, don't try to fix everything around you when it's simply not your job or your fault. Off to paddleboard at a lake now and spend time with nature 🕊
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poedays · 2 months
Sugar + Liza (Pirate AU)
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“Said I’ll look after you // And I’ll look after you // If ever there was a doubt // My love, she leans into me”
“It’s always half, but never whole // As you’ve begun to feel like home”
—- —- —-
Look After You by The Fray
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nothing0fnothing · 7 months
Hey! So I have some lived experience in being poor and mentally ill I had to learn the hard way in my adulthood after growing up with abusive neglectful narcissistic parents. Maybe it will help someone else.
1. Instant pot. Crock pot. Rice cooker. You only need one, but all 3 are versatile, can use very little electricity to run, and are perfect to dump ingredients into and come back later to a healthy, cooked dinner.
You can research which is best for you by looking up "crock pot recipes" "rice cooker meals" to get a feel for what types of meals you can prepare in each and how it's purposes can best fit your cooking style.
2. Get your electronics secondhand. Phone companies make so much off of poor people bc they contract us into pay plans that mean that by the time our phones are needing replacing, we've paid for it 2 or more times over. Consider going Sim only and getting your phone secondhand.
Websites like backmarket and envirophone sell refurbished phones, tablets, laptops, smart watches, TVs, consoles, headphones, all sorts like new and for a fraction of the price point you'd usually get them at. I've not bought an electronic new since 2015 and the products I get refurbished last just as long as if I'd bought them new. Plus it's better for the environment. Even if I had money I don't think I'd go back to buying new honestly.
3. Static charger. If you're Autistic and can't sit still, like me you might be finding that the first thing to go on your electronics is your charge port. It's really annoying because it's not a cheap fix and I have had to replace phones early when they won't charge any more.
Last year my girlfriend and I got static chargers. It's an adapter that sits in your phone/tablets charger slot that magnetically connects to a universal charger. Its great for us because now everything rechargeable (phones/tablets, but also headphones, game controllers, keyboards/mouses) takes the same cable. It's really handy, but for me the best part is that the adapter doesn't move. So even if I'm fidgeting with my phone on charge it won't wear down the charger pins over time. We paid £20 for 3 and it's paid for itself because I've not had to take my phone for it's yearly fix since I got it.
4. Make a cozy space outside of bed. As a bedrotting girlie I know the allure of just saying "fuck it" and curling up in bed is so strong. I also know that when I do it for days at a time my sleep quality gets worse, my days blur together and my mental health gets so much worse. Especially if I'm working, watching TV, eating all my meals and doing my hobbies all from my bed.
One thing that helps me break up the bedrotting and at least helps me get some decent sleep so I might wake up feeling better tomorrow, is having a cozy spot that isn't in bed I can spend at least some of my day in.
For me, it's the couch in my living room. I've furnished it with pillows, blankets, and a little coffee table I can rest my stuff on so I can feel as comfy as I do in bed, but not actually be in bed most of the day. For You it could be a book nook, or a floor bed, or a desk with a chair in your bedroom.
5. Giant water bottle. This one is really simple. We need 8 glasses of water a day to be healthy and hydrated. Basically nobody depressed has the energy to fill up a glass of water 8 times a day. If you can get a water bottle that holds 2 litres (65oz) of water, now you only need to fill one drinking vessel once a day to be healthy and hydrated.
It's really simple and sill but it honestly saved my life. I buy those drink flavor packets because I drink more when it tastes nice. Is it as healthy as plain water? No. Is it healthier than no water? Yes. Easy peasy.
My bottle is from Meoky, its the 64oz stainless steel camping bottle with a flip straw I got for under £20. I like it because it keeps my water cold and I'd rather walk on hot coals than take a sip without a straw, but I've bought same size BPA free plastic bottles for like £3 and they have lasted me 2-3 years too so the budget options are absolutely worth it too.
6. Reconsider what's worth getting second hand. Generally when thinking about buying secondhand we mean clothes at the thrift, and that's great, but buying pre loved can be anything, and you can buy some high ticket items at an affordable price point that way.
If I ever want an appliance I always look second hand first. My rice cooker is secondhand and it is my favourite appliance. I've also bought a popcorn maker for a fraction of the price I'd buy it new, and I'm looking for a Kitchen Aid mixer for no more than a third the price they usually sell at. My vanity houses my shark air styler, I got it refurbished second hand and it was like new when I bought it. I use it every day and it still has so much wear in it.
Generally, the bigger and heavier something is, the closer to free you can get it, because the people getting rid of it just want it gone. If you ever need a washing machine or some furniture, look on gumtree or local no buy groups first. Type "free ___" followed by where you live into Google to get an idea whats available. If you're furnishing a space it's very likely you can get everything you need for the cost of the van you hired to collect it all.
7. Frozen vegetables. Fresh produce is getting more expensive and because we neurodivergent and mentally ill people can have a habit of letting fresh produce rot in the fridge, wasting money and making more mess to clean up, it's usually not worth it. The thing is, frozen produce is cheaper because it is picked in season, healther because it is frozen at optimum ripeness, and can be safely stored in your freezer for months, it's so worth doing.
They're usually pre-cut and can generally just be chucked into your dish frozen to defrost while cooking, making them easy and accessible. You can buy mixed vegetable packs (in the UK the most common is sweetcorn/peas/carrots and broccoli/cauliflower/) for some variety too, which I like to just dump a portion into soups or broths for some added vitamins.
8. Medication delivery. I've been medicated for mental illness for years, and a regular problem I used to have was I would neglect going to pick up my meds because I was depressed, then I'd run out and be unable to collect them because the lack of meds was making me more depressed.
Now however, I'm signed up with an online pharmacy. They processes my prescriptions exactly the same way any other pharmacy would and dispense them through the post in a box that fits through my letterbox. I never have to leave the house for meds again which is actually a lifesaver, the shipping is super cheap, like free for 3 day delivery and £2.99 for next day, and it's all processed through a super simple app that I only have to use like one a month when I request my refill.
It's so worth it and if you struggle to get out like me I absolutely recommend it. In the UK it's called Lloyd's Direct Pharmacy, but I'm sure it's a service you can find in other places of the world too.
9. Laundry separation is a lie. Which isn't a big deal for people who don't care about throwing money away on extra loads or people who have the spoons to faff around separating their clothes arbitrarily, but for poor neurodivergent people, it is.
So here's the thing, the rules of separating laundry by colour came about when clothes were made of all natural materials that would stick to each other when agitated and natural dyes that would run in water. Nowadays, clothes are made of synthetic or blended materials that can handle the friction of a modern machine and synthetic dyes that hold up to basically anything. 99% of clothes on the market, and therefore probably 99% of your wardrobe, is polycotton or some other poly-blend. So generally, everything you have can just all go in together on a warm wash.
Now, if you have woolen, linen or cashmere pieces, you should be separating them and following the care instructions on the label, but everything else, just shove it in mate, nothing bad will happen.
10. Protein powder. Protein powder is cheap, it's stored dry to it basically never goes bad, it's obviously protein so it's a really good addition to your diet, it tastes of whatever flavour you buy it in so it's a good meal substitute if you're depressed and your appetite is low, and it comes together really easily.
I usually get it in big tubs because they're cheaper per gram that way and I just add them to my coffee/hot chocolate for a boost or stir it into some Greek yogurt for a quick healthy snack. Thats actually my favourite way to get protein in because it's like 2 minutes and it covers up that sour taste yogurt has. I've also stirred it into milk for my cereal to varying success but it's good because the fat in the milk and the carbs and fortified vitamins in the cereal make it basically a meal. If I'm struggling for breakfast I usually add a scoop or two to an instant porridge pot and I have a ready to eat nutritional meal ready in the time it takes to boil the kettle.
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zippyzstuff · 9 months
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ae-cha08 · 3 months
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When we learn to be gentle with ourselves, this is truly taking care. Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or professionals if you need help. It's okay to ask for support.
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lilmcttens · 14 days
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megalony · 7 months
Look After You- Part 2
Thank you all for the lovely feedback on the first part of my Buck x reader x Eddie series, I hope you will all like this next part. Any comments are always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Part 1
Summary: (Y/n) has to go on restricted duty at the station when she's pregnant. But it's not as easy as it looks, especially when she starts to feel unwell.
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A wide grin spread across Evan's face and he dumped his bag down along with his shoes by the side of the door before he reached his hands out in front of him. He held his arms out and let Chris run into him at full speed, giggling in his ear as he clearly found something very amusing.
"Hey, how was school, did you have a good day?" He leaned back up and pulled Chris with him, holding him against his chest as he took a few steps into the hall.
"Good, look. Look!" The excitement was clear in Chris's voice and he leaned back and held out the photograph in his hand that Evan hadn't noticed a few seconds ago.
He made his way into the living room, holding Chris easily in one arm while he gently took the photo from him and held it up to see what it was. A wave of anticipation and surprise flooded Evan's veins when he realised what the black and white photograph was.
The scan photo.
(Y/n) had today off and Eddie had been on the night shift while Evan was on the early shift today. Their mix-matched shifts meant that Eddie had the time to go to (Y/n)'s scan with her today, whereas Evan had to go to work. He wasn't impressed at missing the scan. Evan wanted to be there, he wanted to see their baby appear on the screen and hear the heartbeat and see for himself and make sure everything was alright.
He didn't care what kind of looks they would get if both he and Eddie turned up at the scan and had to say that this was a poly relationship and this child was both of theirs. But Evan was hoping to go to the next appointment.
"Ah, you got the photo for me. What you reckon, baby brother or sister, hm?" Evan carefully eased Chris down to his feet and watched him slump on the sofa with a grin and turn the tv back on.
"Brother. Dad's not happy."
Unease rattled through Evan as he shrugged his coat off and did a quick glance around. He couldn't see either of his partners. He looked back down at the photo and traced his thumb across the grey image that was his baby.
"Don't know, he slammed the door." Chris brushed his hand against his nose before he reached out for the games control so he could set up the tv to play a game. He couldn't understand why two of his three parents came home unhappy, but he knew his dad wasn't pleased when he slammed the front door and then the bedroom door.
With a nod of his head, Evan ruffled Chris's hair and headed out the living room towards the kitchen. He smiled softly when he noticed another scan photo was pinned on the fridge. That meant this copy was for Evan, he could put it in his wallet later.
"Hi sweetheart," Evan reached his arm out and reeled (Y/n) into his chest when she walked down the hall. He pressed a kiss to her temple and kept her tucked up into his chest as he moved into the kitchen and tugged (Y/n) with him. He felt her arms cocoon around his chest and her face tucked into his chest making him smile against the top of her head.
He tucked the picture in his back pocket and leaned into the fridge to grab a drink while he stayed curled around (Y/n).
"Good shift, baby?"
"Hm, not too bad really. So, how'd it go? Don't keep me in suspense."
Evan leaned his hips back against the counter and placed the beer bottle down behind him before his hands grabbed at (Y/n)'s hips. He slipped his hands into the waistband of her jeans and tugged her between his legs until her hands fell on his chest and she smiled softly.
Her eyes trailed down to her stomach when Evan curved his hand round and pulled the hem of her shirt up so his fingers could dance over her stomach. She didn't quite have a bump yet, but her shape was beginning to change and (Y/n) knew both her boys were just dying to see a bump start to form.
"It was good-"
"Good? You call that appointment good?" Sarcasm dripped from Eddie's voice as he walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter across from them. He arched his back out and folded his arms over on the side as his brows rose and he looked at (Y/n) with something close to a glare.
Unease washed over Evan and his hands slipped out her jeans and moved to cup her hips again. He darted his eyes between them both, waiting impatiently for someone to tell him what that comment implied. If something bad happened at the appointment, one of them would have called Evan, even if he had been at work.
"What does that mean? Did something happen?" Evan didn't like the silence he was met with, or the way (Y/n) curved her arms around his waist and tilted her head into his chest to hide herself away. "Come on, someone tell me what happened."
Eddie pushed off the counter and cocked a hip to the side, one hand on his waist while the other arm stayed leaning on the counter.
"Do you want the bad news, or the bad news?"
"Eddie!" (Y/n) pressed her cheek into Evan's chest and glared at her partner, scowling as she hissed his name with daggers shooting his way. He couldn't say something like that and panic Evan, it wasn't fair. And she didn't want to have this conversation like this because it wasn't easy. Eddie had barely spoken to her since they came home and now he was taking this conversation into his own hands.
"Since her first appointment, she's started to lose weight instead of putting any on. And her blood pressure is going through the roof."
Adrenaline sparked in (Y/n)'s stomach and her fingers tightened into Evan's back when she felt him stiffen in front of her. His hands squeezed her hips and he leaned back until (Y/n) finally relented and looked up at him through hooded lashes.
"You've lost weight? Baby, you're supposed to do the opposite." Evan's jaw clenched and his lips pursed when (Y/n) looked back down at his chest and leaned her forehead on his sternum.
He could feel her breaths start to run away without her and pant into his shirt and it made his hands tighten around her hips. Evan didn't want her to panic or get upset but this wasn't a good situation to be in. She couldn't start to lose weight when she was supposed to be gaining weight and eating more than this. They both knew (Y/n) still wasn't eating properly because of her morning sickness, but Evan didn't think it was this bad.
"If we can't get her to eat properly within the week, she has to go into hospital for observation."
The way Evan tensed up and let go of (Y/n) made her flinch and she coiled her arms to her chest when Evan moved his hands to grip the counter behind him and he stared down at her. Was she really this ill? Was she really getting bad enough for them to think about admitting her to hospital?
"I'm not that ill-"
"Babe, if you don't manage to eat anything we won't have a choice. You could lose the baby if you keep deteriorating like this-" Eddie stopped talking the moment he saw tears begin to flush down (Y/n)'s face. He watched the way she began to tremble but it was the small, almost silent whimper passing through her wobbling lips that made Eddie flinch.
"I- I can't help it…" (Y/n) couldn't, she wasn't doing this on purpose. She couldn't help the fact that her morning sickness was starting to overtake everything else. Any food started to come back up with vengeance and anything she tried to drink didn't stay down for long.
The midwife said it was dangerous for her to start losing weight like this and with her blood pressure being consistently high and her food and fluid intake being low, she was in the danger zone. She had an appointment for next week and if her levels were still low, she would be admitted onto a ward until she could start to eat consistently and perk back up.
"Mi amor… that's not what I'm saying but we can't carry on like this. You're not telling us when you're throwing up, I didn't know you hadn't eaten for two days straight, you can't hide that from us."
"Two days? Jesus baby- fuck. Baby you have to let us look after you." Evan reached back out for (Y/n) and curled his hands around her hips when she pushed forward into Eddie's chest.
She didn't want either of them to be mad at her. Her hands shook against Eddie's chest which made him feel worse and he curled his arms around her, tightly squeezing her into his chest. His lips pressed to the top of her head but when his eyes locked with Evan, the panic was clear in them. They couldn't let her get any worse than this or she would end up in the hospital which none of them wanted.
"I don't, I don't wanna lose another baby."
"We won't let that happen, mi amor."
Neither Eddie or Evan wanted to think back to that time just over a year ago. They didn't want to remember that night when Eddie went into the bathroom at midnight and found (Y/n) collapsed on the floor. Evan couldn't forget the panicked phone call he got saying Eddie had ferried Chris to his Abuela and taken (Y/n) down to the hospital.
By the time Evan got there, (Y/n) was on a drip and a blood transfusion and he had to be told she'd suffered a miscarriage. None of them knew she had been pregnant.
(Y/n) didn't want to feel that pain again. She didn't want to stay in hospital for a week with an infection and then develop sepsis. She didn't want the pain of going home knowing she'd lost a child she had no idea about. And (Y/n) knew about this baby. She had seen a sonogram and heard the heartbeat, her heart was already attached to this baby. A piece of her and her boys.
She couldn't lose another baby, but she didn't know what to do when she tried so hard and nothing seemed to work.
She tried taking complan shakes but she threw them up. She tried eating fruit or sugary foods and tried to drink as much as she could. Every hour she forced herself to drink a glass of juice or water or pop but nothing stayed down for long.
"Is the baby okay?" Evan kept his voice quiet and directed his question over to Eddie because he could see (Y/n) was starting to shut down. His lips pressed to the back of her head while his hands slowly smoothed up and down (Y/n)'s arms and shoulders.
"Luckily. I'm gonna get a few IVs from inventory and hook her up to them tomorrow. We've been given anti-sickness tablets, vitamins, and high protein and fibre shakes. The cupboards full so we'll have to see if any of them work this week."
Eddie had come home looking like he had robbed the pharmacy. He had two boxes of anti sickness tablets that (Y/n) had to take three times a day so she could try and eat meals. She had vitamins to take every morning, folic acid tablets to have once a day. And some prescribed complan shakes that couldn't be bought over the counter. They were specially made up of fibre and protein and more supplements to try and perk (Y/n) up and make her keep her weight instead of lose any.
If they worked, (Y/n) would have them on prescription every month and she could start to get better. If they didn't, she would be in hospital.
"Come on, you need to start them now before we try and eat." Eddie kissed the top of (Y/n)'s head before he slowly untangled from her and weaved around behind Evan.
They would be eating dinner soon and (Y/n) needed her meds up to an hour before she ate so her stomach could settle and the meds could get in her system. Eddie was praying this worked. He didn't want to think of the alternative if this didn't go well.
"Jesus." Evan's eyes narrowed when he looked over at the bag Eddie got down from the cupboard.
(Y/n) leaned back into Evan's chest when he moved over and pressed his hips back against the counter near the stove. He curved his arms around her waist and held her against his chest with his chin perched on top of her head. Both of them watched Eddie scan through the boxes and try to sort them out. When it came to medicine, they let Eddie organise and sort everything out, it was much easier that way.
"Okay… two anti-sickness tablets, and you can have the vitamins now and start the acid tablets in the morning."
Adrenaline sparked in (Y/n)'s stomach and she clenched her hands down on Evan's wrists when she watched Eddie place the meds into one of Chris's small plastic medicine cups.
Tablets didn't seem to stay down at the moment; nothing (Y/n) tried to take would stay down for very long.
"Can you crush them?" She might have a better chance of keeping them down if they were crushed. Then they would get into her system faster and dissolve quicker so (Y/n) had less chance of throwing them back up and it might make it easier to eat dinner.
But her face dropped when Eddie shook his head. "They're slow release mi amor. Try take them with one of the protein shakes."
Eddie opened one of the bottles and handed it across to (Y/n) with the little cup of tablets. He leaned his hip against the sink and folded his arms over his chest as he and Evan watched her closely. The anticipation was clear on their faces and in the way they took slow, deep breaths. They were hoping this would work. They all were.
Tentatively, (Y/n) sniffed the drink but her throat tensed and her nose crinkled when the smell of strawberry flooded her nose.
It didn't smell appealing.
It tasted better than it smelled, but it didn't go down well. It felt like cooling metal sliding down her stomach and it settled heavy within the first few seconds. Some foods tasted normal to (Y/n) and she tried to eat but even if it was good or smelled appealing, she threw it up anyway because her body wasn't accepting anything and she couldn't understand why or change it around.
She downed another mouthful and had the vitamin first but her foot began tapping against the floor when her stomach rotated.
With a grimace, (Y/n) chugged down the two anti-sickness tablets and a large gulp of the protein shake before she put the bottle down and tried to hold her breath and see if it made her feel better.
"Don't they do the soluble emmetics?" Evan's lips pressed to the back of (Y/n)'s head when he could see she was struggling.
"Not over the counter," Eddie pulled at his lower lip and scratched his hand down his chin. Soluble emmetics were given at the hospital through IVs and monitored closely. They didn't serve them through the pharmacy, not even on prescription. But they were going to have to get something else if (Y/n) couldn't keep these down.
(Y/n) slammed the back of her hand forcefully against her mouth as she gagged and closed her eyes. Tilting her head back into Evan's shoulder to try and stop herself from throwing up.
She wasn't letting herself get any worse than this. She would keep the tablets down and make herself eat. Somehow. She wasn't going back to hospital.
"Hey Eds, what's up?" Evan turned the radio down and leaned his elbow against the window as he slouched back in the driver's seat. He let his eyes glance to his phone clipped next to the steering wheel where Eddie's icon popped up on the screen.
He couldn't help but smile at Eddie's rather precise timing. Evan had just finished taking Chris out for a drink before he dropped him off at a friend's house for tea.
"Hey, is (Y/n) with you?"
"With me? No. I've just dropped Chris off at Adam's house, she should have left by now." Evan had been out the house for a few hours now, doing odd jobs with Chris and dropping him off. He hadn't seen (Y/n) since he left home and she was on shift this afternoon so she should have already gone by now. She didn't tag along with Evan because she knew she would have to get ready for work.
"No, Buck she's not here, she's late and she isn't answering the phone. Do me a favour and check if she's coming in or not. I can tell Cap she needs another day off if she needs me to."
Evan ran his hand over his face before he clicked the indicator on and turned a sharp right corner. He thought the house would be empty, which was why he had been about to make his way to Maddie's house to see her. Evan didn't like being home by himself.
But he would gladly swing by home and check in on (Y/n). She had cancelled her last shift and Bobby said it was fine if she needed to cancel or swap her shifts around. But she wasn't answering the phone and Eddie didn't know if she was running late or if she had decided not to come in today.
"Alright, I'm almost home I'll ring you back and let you know."
"Thank you."
Evan said a quick goodbye before he ended the call and turned to pull up in the drive.
(Y/n)'s car was still here. She hadn't left yet. Either she was taking the day off or she was just running late, but that didn't settle well with Evan. In the four years he had known (Y/n), he had never known her to be late for work. She turned up early whether there was a raging storm outside or whether she looked like she was on death's door. Being late wasn't something she knew how to do.
He locked the jeep and headed up to the door, jingling his keys as he unlocked the door and headed inside. The tv was playing an old music channel, but when Evan walked through the hall, he couldn't see her.
"Babe? Baby, you okay?" He wandered down the hall towards the bedroom but he paused in front of the bathroom when he noticed the light was on and the door was slightly ajar. "Baby?" He rapped his knuckles on the door before he pushed it open.
His blood ran cold when he stepped inside. Goosebumps prickled on his flesh and a cold shiver ran beneath the surface of his skin when he locked his eyes on (Y/n).
She was curled up on the floor in front of the toilet, both arms slumped around the toilet bowl and her head was limp on her arm. Evan could see tears soaked into her face and as soon as her blurry eyes set on him, he watched her lower lip begin to wobble before she started to whimper.
"Baby what happened?"
Evan let his knees crash down to the tiled floor and he carefully cupped (Y/n)'s face in his hands and lifted her head up so he could look her over. His thumbs smoothed beneath her eyes and wiped away the tremendous tears that started to fall when she looked up at him.
His eyes narrowed and his thumb swiped across her lower lip which he pulled down while he leaned forward. Her lips were chapped and broken. When he moved his hand to press his palm against her forehead, Evan could feel she was burning up and her skin was flushed with sweat.
"T-three drinks, and my m-meds…" (Y/n) nudged her nose against Evan's wrist before she looked over towards the toilet until he understood.
She'd thrown up all the meds she had taken this morning and the drinks she had tried to take to bulk herself up ready for her shift. She thought if she managed to drink something, she might last on shift and be okay until she came home in the morning. But everything she had, she threw up and now she was feeling the effects.
(Y/n) hadn't managed to keep her dinner down or her tea last night. She couldn't stomach breakfast and she had thrown up the slice of toast she tried to have for lunch today.
"Oh baby, just hang in there for a minute, okay?"
Evan kissed her burning temple before he pushed up and moved to the bathroom cabinet. He found the thermometer and blood pressure cuff before he knelt back down beside her and slipped the cuff up her arm. (Y/n) didn't grumble or protest, she just let her head flop back onto her other arm while the band tightened around her bicep until spots danced in front of her eyes.
Her vision blacked out for a few seconds but she could see the colours starting to come back once Evan pressed the thermometer in her ear.
(Y/n) tried to lift herself up but as soon as she was sat up, her head started to spin and the headache behind her eyes got worse. She flopped forward, barely hearing Evan hiss her name as he reached out for her. His hands grappled with her arms and he slumped her body into his chest and tucked his chin on top of her head while he fished his phone out his pocket.
"Hey Buck, is she coming in?"
"Eddie, I'm taking her to the emergency room."
"What? Why?" The panic was evident in his voice and Evan winced at Eddie's pitch. It sounded like he was on speakerphone with how loud he was talking.
"She's dehydrated, like, thrown everything up and all her meds. And her BP's crashing, it's eighty over seventy."
Evan had been expecting a high blood pressure reading, but with everything (Y/n) had thrown up, her body was starting to go into shock. She was trembling horribly against Evan's chest and she was barely conscious. Her blood pressure was dropping fast and if they didn't level it out soon, it would take a toll on her heart.
"Shit. Go and I'll meet you down there. Try and keep her awake and get some water or something down her."
As soon as the call ended, Evan shoved his phone in his pocket and curved his arms around (Y/n) to hoist her up. "Alright baby, up we go." He didn't like the way (Y/n)'s head limply flopped against his shoulder or the shaking that started to make his arms tremble around her.
"I'm s-sorry."
"What're you talking about, baby? I don't wanna hear that, you've got nothing to be sorry about." His lips pressed to her burning forehead as he headed down the hall and made his way out towards the jeep.
There was no reason for (Y/n) to be apologising to him, she hadn't done anything wrong. This wasn't her fault. She hadn't orchestrated this or planned it or prayed for something like this to happen and Evan hated seeing her crying helplessly in his arms like this.
He tried to be careful and ease (Y/n) down into the passenger seat and when her head lolled to the side, Evan gripped her chin and pushed her head back up. He tugged on her chin until she looked over at him through squinted eyes.
"Stay awake, baby or we'll both be in big trouble with Eds, got it?"
(Y/n) hummed and tried to blink to refocus her vision. She let her head slump forward onto Evan's shoulder when he leaned around her to pull her belt across and she felt him kiss her temple before he shut the door and moved to get into the driver's seat.
She barely heard him demand 'drink' while he placed a water bottle in her hand that he had lying around in the door pocket. But two sips had (Y/n) leaning forward, spluttering the water back out. And her hand started to shake so badly water trickled down her wrist and her fingers pinched and crumpled the plastic.
She dumped the bottle down in the cup holder and curved her arms around her stomach, groaning at the pain. Her stomach was tied up in knots, aching and burning, desperate for the sensation of eating something even though her body was going against her. The back of her throat was on fire and the acid burned on her tongue from throwing up everything from water to bile.
A groan tumbled past her lips and she tilted her head forward, binding her arms tighter around her waist as horrid tremors started to tear through her and she began to gag. There was nothing left to throw up but she couldn't stop even as she coughed and gasped for air.
Evan wasn't surprised to see that Eddie had reached the hospital before him. It was closer to the station and Bobby would have sanctioned Eddie leaving his shift early once Eddie explained what was happening.
He could see his partner stood on the side of the pavement, both hands on his hips and one foot tapping madly against the floor like he was drumming a beat and getting rid of the excess energy rattling through his body. The moment Eddie's eyes clocked the familiar jeep, he jogged forward and followed as Evan pulled up in the closest space he could get to the emergency room.
He was barely out the door before Eddie reached the passenger side and flung the door open.
His hands reached in for (Y/n) and he nudged her to sit back up in the seat with his hands clamped down on her neck so he could assess her. Eddie's thumbs pulled down her eyelids so he could look around her eyes before he did the same to her lips, seeing they were pale and discoloured on the inside and her lips were cracking from dehydration.
"Eddie," (Y/n) tried her best to smile and scrunched her fingers into his shirt when she realised it was him leaning over her. She saw the way his worried lips fluttered up into a tight smile and he pecked her cheek before he looped his arms around her waist.
"Come here, mi amor. Let's take you inside," His hands firmly gripped her lower back around her hips and he leaned her weight onto his chest as he slid her down from the seat.
Her legs trembled and buckled but Eddie held her up and shuffled backwards until he was back on the pavement.
"Let me carry you-" His shoulders tensed and he winced when (Y/n) started to cry. She shook her head and he quickly realised she had noticed where they were.
She didn't want to go to hospital. She didn't want to be back here again. (Y/n) only came to the emergency room when they were dropping patients off in the ambulance. (Y/n) didn't want to be back here for herself. The last time she came here was when she had stumbled inside with Eddie wrapped around her, trying to stop her hyperventilating when she started to bleed out in the car.
She came here because she had a miscarriage and (Y/n) didn't want to do that again. She could remember the pain she felt when she came here, and now one of her boys had to stay with her every day because she started to deteriorate.
She got a horrible infection that left her delerious and drowsy and when she got sepsis, her kidneys had started to lose function. (Y/n) had been extremely lucky to recover quickly from sepsis and have her infection clear up before it got any worse.
The last time she went into the emergency room, she didn't come back out for almost two weeks.
"No, E-Eddie p…please, no-" (Y/n) tried to pull out of his arms but she soon realised Eddie was the only thing keeping her upright. And when she pulled back, her knees caved in and she crashed down to the pavement.
Her hands scraped along the gravel as she tried in vain to turn herself around and move back towards the car. She wanted to go home. She wanted someone to look after her at home, not here. Hospital was where she got the infection and lost the baby.
She wanted to stay at home with an IV. That had made her feel so much better last week when she had fluids straight into her system that way and although it wasn't an alternative or a good long term solution, (Y/n) wanted to do that. Just until she got get her morning sickness under control.
"Sorry baby girl, but we have to." Before she could stop him or had chance to shuffle away, Evan reached down and scooped her up. He lifted her up and leaned her on his shoulder with her head slumped down on his back and her knees imbedded into his lower stomach.
His arm locked around the back of her thighs like an iron bar and he swiftly followed Eddie down the path before Eddie reached his arm out towards a paramedic climbing down from an empty ambulance. He knew it looked a lot like they had suddenly kidnapped (Y/n), but they didn't have any other choice. She wasn't helping them and she needed to get seen by a doctor before something bad happened to her.
"Excuse me- we need help."
The woman glanced at them with a very perplexed, worried look until she looked Eddie up and down and realised he was wearing a fire department uniform. That seemed to count for something because she nodded to her partner and waved towards the gurney.
"Baby- no, baby please. We're trying to help you." Evan laid (Y/n) down on the gurney with great difficulty and once she was laid on her back, he grabbed her wrists. He held them as tightly as he could and pinned her arms into his chest while he leaned over the side of the gurney as (Y/n) wriggled and pulled her knees up to her stomach.
"She's fifteen weeks pregnant with severe morning sickness, she's dehydrated and BP's plummeting. She can't even keep anti-emmetics down."
"This way." The paramedics both wheeled the gurney through the ambulance entrance into the emergency room, bypassing the usual reception and waiting room since (Y/n) was now a priority case. They headed down a long corridor with Eddie on one side and Evan on the other, doubled over the gurney like he was trying to climb on top of it with (Y/n)'s arms against his chest.
"It's only immediate family through here, you can wait through there in reception."
Evan's eyes darted up from (Y/n) to Eddie when the other medic pointed at Eddie and motioned towards the corridor leading to reception. They were about to go into a restricted area for emergency consultations and treatment. Not many people were allowed down here and she clearly thought Eddie was on duty and Evan was the loved one since he was holding (Y/n) down on the gurney.
"We're her partners."
"Both of you?" The medic looked between them with an odd glance as she swiped her keycard over the door to open it.
"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" Evan's tone was as sharp as a razor and his eyes were full of anger. He would fight her if she dared try and tell him one of them had to wait out here. They weren't leaving (Y/n) alone when she needed them both and she didn't like hospitals. They were going to make sure she was okay and got looked after. No one was getting in their way.
"Right this way."
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meep-meep-richie · 19 days
❛ 𝘪 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘦, 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘺. 𝙬𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 ❜ LOOK AFTER YOU || MICHAEL & TOMMY
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killieweegie · 26 days
Look after your soul ❤️
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mrblazeflappybird · 5 months
Just a somewhat-specific reminder to whoever needs it: unless its an integral part of your recovery, you do not need to clean your physical space just yet. Your room can afford to be messy for the time being, your brain not to much
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savebylou · 3 months
Look After You (Louis and Louies edit) [credit: larrystylinson8817]
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ehmahlee26 · 2 years
Lockwood & Lucy || Look After You
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