#look at what's happening in the US right now with Thomas saying case laws that codified some of our rights are Next To Go
Literally all of The Shadowhunter Chronicle romances are completely unhinged it’s not even funny (I lied, it’s very funny). Here’s just some examples:
William “Will” Herondale/James “Jem” Carstairs + Theresa “Tessa” Gray: It totally would have been a vee type polyamorous situation if it wasn’t for all the death and 1800s London society going on.
Henry Branwell + Charlotte Fairchild: How dare this misogynistic society put us together, I mean, we wanted to get together anyway, but not for those reasons. Welp, time to be as unconventional as possible.
Gabriel Lightwood + Cecily Herondale: Look, you made fun of my sister, it’s only fair that I marry your sister; that’s the rules.
Gideon Lightwood + Sophia “Sophie” Collins: Dad, I have a perfectly valid reason to betray you and go to the other side. What your doing is wrong and – nO tHiS haS nOThiNG to do wiTh tHeIR mAid wHy wOUlD yoU eVEn sAy tHat?
Jesse Blackthorn + Lucie Herondale: Your request to not be brought back to life has been denied, deal with it.
James “Jamie” Herondale + Cordelia Carstairs: He didn’t commit arson we were just having sex – why are you all looking at me like that’s worse?
Anna Lightwood + Ariadne Bridgestock: Listen, there’s a lot of society going on right now, so we’re going to have to get together in secret. Oh, you don’t want to? Okay, never mind, fuck society, let me win you back real quick.
Christopher Lightwood + Grace Cartwright: Oh good, you broke into my house, now we can talk about science.
Thomas Lightwood + Alastair Carstairs: I’d really like to hate you, but I think the biggest problem with that is that I love you. Once I get over that hurdle, I think we’ll be in the clear.
Lucian “Luke” Graymark + Jocelyn Fairchild: Good job on us for breaking away from the genocidal cult run by our best friend/husband; we should hook up, you know, as a reward.
Jonathan “Jace” Herondale + Clarissa “Clary” Fairchild: Ayo the same guy conducted experiments on our blood, that’s crazy; btw so glad we’re not actually siblings.
Alexander “Alec” Lightwood + Magnus Bane: Marrying each other is against the law? Okay, fine, I’m a law biding citizen. Oh oops, I made it legal. I am the law now, and I want a wedding on the beach.
Simon Lovelace + Isabelle Lightwood: It makes sense to have our engagement party on the day of my brother’s death, that’s when we really started bonding.
Helen “Alessa” Blackthorn + Aline Penhallow: Well, I guess we’re going to go in exile together. Yes, I said together; your exile is my exile, what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine, that’s how relationships work.
Julian Blackthorn + Emma Carstairs: Yes, it’s a technical war crime to love each other, but the law itself is not really our main concern about it.
Kieran Hunter + Mark “Miach” Blackthorn + Cristina Rosales: We’re really living that cottage core aesthetic, and all we had to do to get here was do a small war and some amnesia. Worth it.
Gwyn ap Nudd + Diana Wrayburn: I’m going to stand by just in case something happens, but it probably won’t, she knows what she’s doing – WHY IS SHE JUMPING OUT THE TENTH STORY WINDOW OH MY GOD WAIT
Tiberius “Ty” Blackthorn + Christopher “Kit” Herondale: We take cosplaying Sherlock and Watson VERY seriously, so of course we needed to go to all the most illegal places, it’s only natural.
Ash Morgenstern + Drusilla “Dru” Blackthorn: So anyway I saw them in a sort of fever dream like state this one time and they’ve still been on my mind for years.
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
the final Lady Sharpe part 2: a risky endeavor
Series Masterlist See my full list of works here!
Part of the 500 Follower Celebration Requested by: @ellooo0ooo
Summary: Thomas tells you about Lucille's intent as well as his own; you formulate a plan that could definitely get you killed if anything goes wrong
Pairing: Thomas Sharpe x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k [maybe have some tea ready…just for the love of Loki don't use firethorn berries 🫡]
Warnings: Lucille; talks about Lucille's relationship with Thomas; angst; ghosts
Things to be aware of: Reader & Thomas are married
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"Was it yours? Or your sister's?"
Thomas continued to look at you, water still running over his fingers, eyes wide and blinking repeatedly as if trying to reorient himself onto what was happening, mouth moving as if to form words, but only fragments of sound were coming out. "I'm--Uhm--Darling, I'm confused--"
"What part of the question confuses you?" You did your best to keep your simmering rage at bay. "It's a simple enough query. Who wanted to poison me? My husband, or my sister in law that seems to have an inappropriate level of affection towards my husband?"
Your throat chose that precise moment to go dry and cause you to let out a dry cough, a rather rude reminder from your body doling out the consequences of your self-preservation kicking in. The sound seemed to have snapped him out of his momentary trance, turning the tap off and tilting the glass slightly to let the excess water out before holding it out to you.
"Y/N, please drink first and then we may talk about--"
"You drink it first," you hissed, speaking in more hushed tones just in case Lucille was outside your bedroom door, ear pressed to the wood and straining to hear your conversation. "I mean if you tried with the tea, then who's to say you're not trying right now with the water?"
A strangled sound escaped him before he sighed, taking a gulp of the drink before handing it over to you. "There. Now please. Drink and let me explain." Once you'd taken the glass from his hand and began to drink, doing your best not to show the relief you felt now that the inside of your throat no longer felt like the sanding paper you had in your luggage, he turned to start the water running for the bathtub.
"No," you snapped, reaching into your pocket and wrapping your fingers around the handle of the blade you had concealed there. "If you think that after trying to kill me that I'm still going to share a bath with you, Thomas Sharpe, you have another thing--"
"Darling, I beg of you, please just let me talk," he cut you off, holding his hands up as if in surrender as he walked toward you. When he got close enough that you were within his arm's reach, you took the blade out, pointing the tip toward his throat, stopping him in his tracks, , the crease between his brows deepening. "When you were cold on the carriage ride home you told me you had no pockets."
"No, I said they served a different purpose. Now you know what that purpose is." You made a slight flourish with the blade before pointing it toward him again. "Talk. Why did you try to poison me?"
"It wasn't me!" he snapped, the muscles in his neck twitching in visible frustration over even saying the words. "It was all Lucille, I swear to you." He tried reaching for your hands, making you tighten your grip on your blade.
"Why does she want to kill me then?"
"Money," he said simply. "If you could please just put the blade away, I will answer any question you might have." He held his hand out to you, as if asking for you to take it, and once you sheathed your little sai sword back in your pocket you placed your hand in his, letting him lead you to sit at the edge of the tub.
"All you told me was 'money'," you stated, jerking your hand out of his hold when he started stroking the back of it with his thumb. "You're a baronet, you told me when you were courting me back in the city that you were slowly seeing a turn in your fortune because your machine was finally complete--Oh my God. Have you two killed other women before? Is that the play? You marry them, lure them here, poison them slowly with tiny doses of cyanide through the firethorn berries so that by the time their money's co-mingled with yours they'll be days away from death? That's why the voices--"
"Y/N, darling, please. I told you it was the East Wind."
"Last I checked, Thomas? The East Wind's name is Eurus. Not Edith." His features settled into an expression of genuine surprise, his jaw going slack and eyes slowly growing wide at the mention of the name. "And not Enola. Now try again. The truth this time, preferably. Who are these people? Did they die here? Were they your wives? Did Lucille kill them? Is their money the reason that machine is complete and running?"
"They were my wives," he sighed. "And you're right. About everything except the cyanide. There's nothing in the berries, they simply cause an upset stomach and worsen if they keep being taken over long periods of time--"
"Because of the trace amounts of cyanide in the berries. Seven hells, I was about to be killed by people who didn't even know what they were killing me with." How could you have been so unfortunate that out of all the ways you could have died in the last few years, this was the closest someone had come to succeeding and the perpetrators were so ridiculously clueless? "So why take another wife? Your machine's complete, you're about to start breaking even and start selling the liquid clay, so why not just sit back and--"
"She wants more," he spoke through gritted teeth. "More money, more machines, faster production. She wants to restore the mines and the Sharpe name to its former glory, live a more lavish life she believes she's owed."
"You don't seem too excited to get back to living the lifestyle of the rich and privileged," you commented snidely, your lip upturned to the side in poorly hidden derision. "And yet for some reason I'm still here, married to you, and she has every intention of seeing me dead. So now my next question…why the act? Why pretend you're all remorseful--"
"I'm not pretending," he cut you off, looking up again, frantic eyes meeting your own. "I chose to court you because you struck me as someone intelligent and of enough money that Lucille won't question my decision. I don't wish to do this anymore. Luring people to their deaths all in the name of what? Money? Status? Her ambitions have grown darker and darker throughout our lives. I don't believe there are lines she's unwilling to cross, and I cannot stand idly by and let her anymore."
"Big words coming from the man that lays with this woman with dark ambitions," you sneered, puzzled to find that all he did in response was exhibit more surprise. "Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me that I didn't see her holding you as if you were lovers reunited after spending months apart when we walked through those doors. Tell me that when she walked in here and she saw the state of our clothes and my hair down that her stomach didn't drop. Tell me that later tonight she won't call on you to lay with her."
"Her love was all I knew for a long time, Y/N." His words were barely audible through the sound of the running water. "And what I have done, what I have been made to do, what I have believed was the only way to love and be loved…it shames me. And one day I will burn for the atrocities that I've done. With her. For her. All I want now is for it to stop, and perhaps do what I can with the time I have left to right some of my wrongs." He reached for your hands again, letting out a long exhale as if he'd felt unburdened somehow when you didn't pull away and allowed him the simple touch. "I chose to court you because perhaps together we could think of a way to start righting these wrongs."
"Thomas…" you spoke his name slowly, trying so hard to look for any signs of the man with the practiced words from earlier. The one who tried to convince you that the ghosts in the house were simply the wind. Hell, the one back in the city that charmed you and courted you and put you through a love story so unbelievable you could have sworn they only existed in fairytales.
You couldn't find him. All you saw now was someone that had done and witnessed such horrors, quite probably in this very house, perhaps even in this very room, and all he wanted to do was begin to make amends for it.
"The only way for you to even start making things right is to help put her away. Turn her in to the police and…let the authorities decide what to do from there. And there are things we would need to make sure that wherever they'd take her she stays there. But before we even go down that route, I have to know how far you're willing to go to see this done."
"What would you need to make sure? I can guide you through the house, find whatever it is you might need and--"
"Not quite what I meant, but we can go back to that later…What I meant is that doing this could have consequences in store for you. It's your name on the marriage certificates. One look at where the money went after your ex wives passed would show that you were the one that stood to benefit the most from their deaths. A clever enough detective could even spin the story that you were the mastermind behind all this, and Lucille was simply your executioner. Setting this into motion would send her to jail, yes. But it might do the same for you. Are you ready to face that reality?"
There was an evident remorse in his eyes; you assumed he thought about the direction his life would take if he chose to go ahead with this plan as unshed tears began to shine in his eyes. "If that's what it would take so that no one else would suffer by her hand, then so be it. I would be more than deserving."
Something in you felt for him, a dull pain in your heart making its presence felt as you saw before you someone who had simply had enough of the damage he'd dealt to the people that entered his life. In him you saw the people you'd helped find closure over the last few years, finally giving them the answers to the questions that haunted him day in and day out, that preoccupied their every thought.
And it was in that vague familiarity that laid the reason behind your decision. "I'll help you," you said softly, reaching over to turn the faucet off. "Give me a few hours to think of a plan, and see if these voices that are most definitely not the wind will be willing to help me. Though I surmise that even on the chance they don't want to help their ex husband, they might just want to help in putting their murderer behind bars."
"Of course we will," the guiding voice whispered into your ear. "I know where she keeps all the documents for the marriages, the deaths, the money transfers. I can guide you through the manor at night but we have to be careful. She might hear us. There's a phonograph that I was able to hide in Thomas' workshop. The cylinders are hidden behind a portrait. I can guide you to them, too."
You gave a slight nod to acknowledge the voice, standing up and walking out of the bathroom, making your way to your luggage. "Does Lucille know what an allergic reaction looks like?" You made sure to talk in more hushed tones, just in case Lucille really was as unhinged as you imagined she was and had her ear pressed to the crack between the doors to your bedroom.
Thomas walked up behind you, crouching next to you and looking over the items in your luggage, brows furrowing once more when he saw the fine grain sanding paper you held in your slightly trembling hands. "I don't recall her ever having seen one, but I would think she has a slight idea what should be present," he answered you in an equally hushed tone. He moved to press a light kiss to the crown of your head before murmuring, "You don't need to leave this room and face her. Let me go out and get us something to eat. I will tell her you simply feel unwell and I told you to stay in bed to recover from your coughing fit; perhaps I can even tell her that I intend to make sure you're alright and stay with you through the night--"
"Don't." You nearly raised your voice in panic at his suggestion, your free hand reaching out and grasping at his arm to silently tell him how much of a terrible idea that would have been. "She'll be faster to suspect if you try to change your routine the night you come home. Even if you give her a perfectly good explanation. Thomas, this is someone who's killed multiple times before, and shows no hesitation of doing it again if it means she gets to have the life she wants and keep you in the process." You could feel how his pulse jumped at those words. "We don't know how her mind works, not even you know anymore, so it's best that we tread on the side of caution and not do anything that would risk agitating her peace. My presence here is enough to throw her off kilter, I would imagine. Let's not add to it."
The confusion was written all over his face now, tilting his head as he stared at you as if in a new light. Much like how you looked at him earlier when you realized that you hadn't quite been swept up into the romance stories you'd always dreamed about.
You were dragged into the horror stories you were all too accustomed to. Only this time you were to be the victim, and you had ghosts trying to help you stay alive.
"How do you know all this?" he blurted out, his expression seeming to teeter on the brink of what seemed like optimism. As if for the first time in a long time, he saw a glimmer of hope. "It's like I struck gold meeting you…"
"That's--really flattering, Thomas." You ducked your head, suddenly more interested in the sanding paper in your other hand. "But really…like I told Lucille, there was just so much that we weren't able to learn about each other. I'm betting you don't know what I do for a living, do you?" He only answered with a slight shake of his head. "I'm a consultant for Scotland Yard. They pay me to solve their cold cases."
An unabashedly optimistic expression overtook his face, eyes widening and glistening with the slightest sheen of tears, wide smile stretching across his face as he brought your hand up to his lips and pressed a quick kiss to your knuckles. The action had felt so out of place for you that all you managed to do was give him a small smile in return, allowing him to take the little paper out of your hand and place it back into your luggage, and guide you to sit at the edge of the bed.
"Thank you," he breathed out, leaning in to place a kiss to the top of your head before briskly walking out of the room, carrying a lightness in his step that hadn't been present in the entire time you'd known him.
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"Allergies," Lucille hissed as soon as Thomas walked down the stairs. "Of all the affluent and eligible women in the city and the one you pick ends up being allergic to the very crux of our plans. Now we have no poison lest I kill her far before her inheritance is even transferred to her. We might as well start from scratch, find someone new. You mentioned she's not in contact with any family, yes?"
He felt his stomach drop seeing his sister reach into the top shelf of the cupboard and take out her cleaver, cleaned and undoubtedly sharpened meticulously since the last time it was used. The thought of that forsaken weapon being used on you, to split your head into two like Lucille once did what felt like eons ago, made him want to retch.
"Lucille stop." She near slammed the cleaver down to the table with a resounding hard thud, the sound making him have to refrain from flinching and showing her that he feared for you. For your safety. He scrambled for a reason to give her to keep you alive, knowing that the last time he told her to stop had actually pushed her to act faster and put an end to poor Edith. "The money she stands to gain now that she's married is…sizable."
His insides turned at the way her features lit up at his words. "Elaborate, my sweet boy." That name slithering out of her mouth had him feeling the bitter taste of bile rising up his throat.
"Enough to fund an entire new machine," he offered. "And perhaps even enough to find a suitable place in the city. No more rotting walls. No more sinking house."
"No more infernal mother haunting our every move…" she trailed off, a sinister and eerily relaxed smile pulling at the corners of her mouth as she imagined a life away from Allerdale Hall. "Fine," she sighed, putting the cleaver away once more. "But once she receives her inheritance, and the documents affirming that everything that is hers will become yours on the event of her unfortunate and untimely demise are finalized, you inform me."
Once again he resisted the urge to flinch away as she walked to him, placing her hands on his shoulders and standing up on the tips of her toes to press a ghost of a kiss to his cheek.
"And then we can be on our way to a better life, my sweet love."
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"We have a problem," were the first words out of Thomas' mouth as soon as he closed the doors to your bedroom, kicking the door closed as he balanced a small tray of food in his hands.
"We're living in a house with someone that fits my definition of a serial killer, who I've just learned likes to take a lock of hair from each of her previous victims and braids them into a strange little bracelet thing, so I'm gonna go out on a limb here and also call her a touch deranged. Top that off with us living in a house haunted by the ghosts of your ex-wives? And I can't help but have to ask for a little elaboration. Which problem exactly are you referring to?"
"Lucille was about to march up here and murder you with her cleaver." It was as if you could feel the blood draining from your body, a chill that had nothing to do with the wind washing over you. "I was only able to buy you some time by telling her that we're waiting on your inheritance to come through now that you've married."
Oh, there was definitely a problem now, you thought to yourself. "Thomas…what inheritance?" You saw as his own expression took on one of panic and worry as he set the tray down on the bed, walking over to you and gently placing his hands on your shoulders. "I don't stand to inherit anything from anyone, my family didn't come from money--"
"But…your place in the city? Your clothes? I've seen how you live when we were still back in the city, Y/N…"
"All mine," you answered. "I get compensated a fair bit for every cold case I put to rest courtesy of Scotland Yard. And the rest…well, let's just say that some of the families that I'd given closure to do come from money, and quite a bit of it. And they're often quite generous in showing their gratitude." You didn't hold back your grimace as you spoke your next words as softly as you could manage. "Any money that I didn't bring with me here is held in an account under my name at the bank in the city proper."
He repeated his words from earlier. "We have a problem."
"Yes. Yes we do." You placed your hands over his, slightly baffling yourself in the bizarre comfort you now found in his touch, considering that just over an hour earlier you had your blade pointed at his throat demanding he keep his distance.
There were too many worries screaming in your mind about how this could all end in your death, but all silenced with the chilling realization that the alternative would be to sit and do nothing while Lucille took your life, and drain you of everything you'd worked so hard over the last few years for all to fund the glamorous life she believed she was due to her. The only option when presented like that truly was to fight.
"Tell her that it will take a month," you said after a few moments of stifling quiet. "That there are…property deeds being transferred to my name and it would take a month for the documents to be sent over to me for signing and notarization. Now…which parts of your machine take longest from order to delivery?"
It took him a few moments before he answered, "Coil springs. They usually take three to four weeks."
"Alright. Place an order for those and when they arrive, we will retrieve them from the post office and once we're there, I'll send out my call for assistance to Scotland Yard. That gives us three to four weeks for me to create copies of the documents she has on hand that would implicate her in the deaths of your former wives and transcribe whatever I might find on the recording cylinders for the phonograph."
"But why not just take the documents now and bring them to the post office? Send them as they are? Why make copies?"
"Because the moment we leave, who's to say she's not going to check on those exact documents? When people hide something, there's this constant niggling thought in the back of their mind that worries someone will find it. They check their hiding places, make sure everything's still in order. If she checks it as soon as we leave, we might not even be able to leave the property. We would just turn into ghosts stuck here, right next to Edith and Enola and every other spirit that roams these halls. Making a copy and hiding the copy away somewhere she wouldn't look, and keeping the originals where she counts on them to be, that would be our best chance."
"And where would you hide these copies? How would you make them in the first place?"
You walked over to a bottom cabinet that Edith had pointed out to you while Thomas was downstairs, pulling out a stack of papers and a fountain pen. "By hand for the how. It would be the quietest method instead of the cranks and chimes of the typewriter in your library. As for the where I would hide them…you mentioned you have a workshop. Perhaps I could hide the copies amongst your sketches, keep them within plain sight but ultimately…somewhere she wouldn't think of looking?"
"Of course." He held out a hand for you to take and help you stand up, placing your newfound supplies on top of the cabinet before taking a spoonful of the stew on the tray for himself and then holding the bowl out to you. "I swear. No poison."
You couldn't help the small smile that tugged at your mouth at the gesture, taking the bowl from him before sitting at the edge of the bed and the two of you ate your food in silence. There was one final part of this plan that was quickly flooding you with guilt, and you knew that once he voiced the question you would both be filled with dread at his part in this little operation.
"You will have to move about the house quite a bit," he murmured. It was nearly visible how the gears were turning in his head, a slight hitch in his breath when you only answered him with a nod. "What if she hears you?"
"That's…where you would come in," you hedged, fighting against the urge to reach for him when you saw the look on his face. The silent plea for you to not say the words he dreaded were coming next. "Remember that thing I said about not breaking routine? We'll need that to ensure that she truly suspects nothing. Only now it will serve a new purpose…keeping her distracted so we can be sure that she won't roam about and chance upon me copying the documents that would lock her away."
Any hesitance you had against reaching for him flew out the window when you saw how visibly he was shaking. Heard his shaky breaths and the waver in his voice as he said, "This will help you with your plan. I'll be helping keep you safe." It was almost as if he was not even talking directly to you, but rather like he was saying them to comfort himself. As if he needed to give himself a reason to walk back into the situation that had him abhorred with himself.
"It will," you whispered, standing to close the distance between you two and take his hands in yours. "You will."
A part of you ached when he looked up and you could see the tears welling in his eyes, an irrational thought forming already of you instead going for a less subtle approach and just asking him to point out where his murderous sister stashed her cleaver and get the jump on her now while she had no reason to have her defenses up. If only to save him from having to serve as your distraction in this endeavor.
The ache grew stronger when he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into an embrace, resting his head against your stomach and letting out a shaky exhale. "When do we start?"
"Tonight," you sighed, trying to keep your composure when you felt his arms tighten around you by the slightest. "I need to know how much progress can be done each night, how many documents can be copied with ink completely dried and ready to be sent off to the city. I'll take two candles and use that to know how much time I have left. When I have half a thumb's worth left of the second candle, I'll run to your workshop and hide what I've done so far. That way by tomorrow morning, I could perhaps think of a way to move more efficiently."
You felt more than saw him nodding his head before he turned to press a kiss to your stomach, the implied intimacy behind the action making your heart jump. "Stay safe, wife," he mumbled against the fabric of your dress, arms still fastened around you as if he had no intentions of letting you go until the dreadful hours after dark -- and this potentially perilous operation -- began.
The distrust you had for him chipped away a fraction with the sentiment, moving you to finally return his embrace, lightly stroking his hair before you leaned down to press a kiss to the top of his head. "You, too, husband."
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A/N: Whew whelp I'm nervous for their plan ngl 🥴🫡 Hope y'all like the second part of this series and where the story's headed! Next part covers the start of their little operation and some softness…and maybe something extra too because I'm thinking about it now and part of me's screaming that it just has to be done (no it's not smut…yet. that's not 'til part [redacted]) 😮‍💨
everything taglist: @sailorholly @loopsisloops @unlucky-number-13 @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @sarahscribbles @kats72 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @dangertoozmanykids101 @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina
the final Lady Sharpe taglist: @lady-rose-moon @sassanoe @smolvenger @annoyingsweetsstranger @bombcitymiss22 @ladyloki3 @cakesandtom
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Same anon that's something the supreme Court question. Why do you say it like they are defending it when I have seen multiple people say they don't care about the Constitution either? Like aren't they the ones that overturning roe v wade and there's a possibility they will make same-sex marriages illegal again with all this project 2025 stuff that's going up?
speaking about that, is Biden actually accomplishing those goals? And please make this very clear with facts. This may require you to write up a longer post about this but I think I really want to understand if that is a fear monitoring thing or if this is another "Dems are bad, gop good" shit
First of all, Roe v Wade was always bad law. The idea that the right to privacy means a right to legal abortions never made sense, morally or constitutionally, and it never should have been in place at all, let alone for as long as it was. The Supreme Court overturning unconstitutional laws and reversing unconstitutional decisions is literally why it exists. The Constitution empowers the court for that very reason. If you want other examples of the court protecting the constitution, just look at the Heller decision, or any of the other decisions rolling back unconstitutional gun laws in the past few years. Look also at Matal v Tam, in which the court unanimously ruled that the government can't ban speech just because it's offensive. Which means that there can be no laws against so-called hate speech in the US, and the Orwellian tyranny you see all over Europe under the guise of combating "hate speech" can never legally happen here. Which is a massive win for free speech and the entire reason the 1st Amendment was written.
As for gay marriage getting overturned, it's incredibly unlikely, since there are zero court cases about gay marriage going on right now and the Supreme Court can't just make rulings out of nothing (much to the frustration of more than a few people, I'm sure) it's basically a non-issue. If you're referring to what Clarence Thomas said about gay marriage in his majority opinion overturning Roe, he specifically said that this ruling shouldn't be used as justification to overturn the Obergefell v. Hodges decision on its own, though he did say that those decisions deserve another look. And he's right. Obergefell is another case of an activist court inventing rights out of thin air. There is no such thing as the right to marriage, for gay or straight people. It should be overturned, and the issue of defining legal marriage should be left up to individual states, as the Constitution intended (see the 10th Amendment).
I've been asked about Project 2025 before, and I'll tell you what I told the last anon, as far as I can tell, it's a pile of nothing. It's a group of policy proposals made by a bunch of conservative political commenters I've never heard of, who, as far as I know, have no connection to any Republican political campaign or the RNC. No one on the right is talking about the project. No politicians have come out in support of it. No campaigns have said they're going to implement those policies. Project 2025 is a left-wing boogeyman, and not even one that's getting a lot of traction in left wing circles since the only time I've ever seen anyone talking about it has been in my ask box and a few fringe far left conspiracy sites that came up when I originally tried to figure out what it was. It's the left attempt to have their own Agenda 2030 to be scared and angry about, except there aren't any international organizations trying to get the governments of the world to adopt their policies.
speaking about that, is Biden actually accomplishing those goals?
So, I really don't know what you mean by this. What goals?
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Tommy Shelby- Didn’t Have To Learn To Love Pt1
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I've been watching way to much Call the Midwife and one of the episodes inspired this imagine.
Marriage. A union between two families. Usually because of love. Not for me though. I married because I got pregnant
"How are you feeling love?" Polly asks walking into the room
"Fine. Would be better if Tommy could even look at me. For fuck sake I wasn't the only one to get us in this position. He didn't have to marry me"
"You know he did. Now..." before Polly continues there's a knock on the door "I'll get it. You put your feet up" Polly walks over to the front of the house "hello? can I help you?"
"Hello. I'm Alice I'm YNs midwife" hearing this makes me get up knowing that Polly will push the midwife away
"Midwife? no you must have the wrong YN and address. I will be..."
"Polly let the poor woman in would you. She'll catch herself a cold stood out in this rain"
"You can't be serious YN, your having a midwife to come. You've got me and Esme to help"
"Polly I love you and Esme. I really do. But I want a midwife to deliver the baby, just in case anything goes wrong"
"Please your daughter needs to rest and stay calm"
"She's actually my husband's aunt" I chuckle waddling over to the sofa
"Polly would you make us all a cup of tea?" I ask. Polly scowls but makes her way to the kitchen "sorry about her. Most ladies have a overbearing mother in-law, me? It's a crazy aunt in-law" I laugh but feel a twinge
"You ok?" Alice asks
"Yeah just a little pain"
"Have you been having these a lot?"
"They started yesterday, but Polly said that it's my body getting ready for the birth"
"And she's right, but how about we check what baby is up to?" I lay down on the sofa letting the midwife check me over as Polly comes in with a Pot of tea and some cups.
She checks my blood pressure, the heartbeat and where the baby is positioned "everything's in order Mrs Shelby and dare I say baby will be here in a day or two"
"I guess I will be staying over then" Polly smiles
"Yay" the door opens again and closed
"Pol? YN?"
"In here Tom" I call out. Tommy walks into the living room wearing a suit, looking so good might I add "Alice, this is my husband Thomas. Tommy. Tom this is my midwife Alice"
"It's nice to meet you Tommy"
"Yeah. I'm going to my office" I give him a weak smile, but Alice seems to notice
"Polly could I trouble you for some biscuits?" Alice asks and again Polly walks out, this time muttering something to herself "Mrs Shelby, is everything ok with you and Mr Shelby?"
"Oh yeah don't worry"
"Are you sure? because baby needs a steady safe environment"
"Of course. Tommy and I didn't fall in love, get married then have a baby. When we met I wasn't like I am now, the war messed us up and we found comfort in one another. We were friends, then an accident happened between us and here we are. No love, but we make do" Polly walks back into the room and places a plate of biscuits in front of me "thank you Polly"
"Ok I just need to check the home if that's ok. To make sure it's ready for a home birth"
"That's fine. Mary?" I call out and immediately Mary pops her head through the door "would you take Alice around the house for her checks"
"Of course Mrs Shelby"
"Are you coming back to bed or are you doing to pace a hole in the floor" Tommy asks not even looking at me as I walk back and forth
"Sorry, can't sleep. I've had this pain all day and it's just getting worse"
"Come back to bed and..." I then feel wet down my legs
"Tommy phone the midwife" I tell him while pain shoots all throughout my stomach. Tommy quickly leaves the bedroom and downstairs to his office where the phone is. He also wakes Polly up in the process who comes into the bedroom
"Ok lets get you on the bed YN and I'll check..."
"Sorry Polly but I want to wait for the midwife"
"Midwife" she scoffs "never used to have such things"
"I know but please Polly, it's not that new of a concept. They've been around for near 30 years now. They're trained they know stuff you might not"
"Midwife will be here in 10 minutes. What can I do Polly?"
"You can leave the room and wait got the midwife to arrive downstairs" Polly pushes Tommy out of the room
20 minutes later I have my knees up and I'm pushing
"I can't do this" I cry feeling tired and weak
"You can YN, because once you have the baby in your arms this will all be worth it" Polly takes my hand in hers and gives it a squeeze
"Ok YN I can see the head. Your next contraction your going to push as hard as you can ok?"
"You can do this YN" I nod my head pushing when the pain hits me
"That is heads out. Now just one more little push then your done" I push once more then the cries of my newborn fill the room
"Congratulations Mrs Shelby, you have a healthy baby boy"
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liskantope · 24 days
Very lightly skimming (and mostly skipping over the lengthy quoted excerpts of) Strom Thurmond's over-24-hour filibuster opposing the (already incredibly weakened) 1957 Civil Rights Law is quite entertaining, albeit in a rather grim way. One interesting and bemusing aspect of glancing through official records of Senate proceedings like this is observing the carefully formatted language used in the Senate chamber, for instance the avoidance of directly addressing each other but instead addressing whomever was presiding over the Senate (in this case, during large parts of the 24-hour period, probably Vice President Richard Nixon, who is nevertheless addressed as "Mr. President" meaning "President of the Senate"). It wasn't a 24-hour monologue because a number of times other senators, after requesting permission in the required stilted language, engaged in back-and-forths with Thurmond which most often took the form of questions sympathetically worded so as to hand Thurmond further ammunition.
Here is an excerpt from some nine hours in illustrating the third-person-centered style of dialogue:
Mr. Knowland: I did listen to the earlier part of the Senator's address. I was in the Chamber at the time. I must confess that for several hours I did get some sleep and was able to freshen up and change my clothes, and I am now back in the Chamber. Mr. Thurmond: I notice the Senator looks very fresh at about 6:15 in the morning. Mr. Knowland: Yes. I am glad to be here with the Senator.
Many hours later, by which time Thurmond's voice must have become much hoarser, another exchange between the same two men that takes passive-aggressiveness to a whole new level:
Mr. Knowland: Mr. President, I do not want the Senator to strain his voice but I do have some responsibilities as minority leader. I do not think the Senator is making any motion, but I should at least like to know what is going on in the Senate Chamber. Mr. Thurmond: Mr. President, I yield for a question if the Senator has a question. Mr. Knowland: My question is, would the Senator speak up? I do not want him to strain his voice, but I should like him to speak a little louder so I should be sure no motions are being made or anything of that sort. I do have some responsibility here. Mr. Thurmond: I suggest the Senator move closer to me. Mr. Knowland: Under the rules of the Senate, which are now being strictly enforced, both Senators being in their respective seats, and this happening to be my seat as the minority leader, I urge my request of the Senator. Mr. Thurmond: We might get unanimous consent to allow the Senator to come closer to me if he wishes. I do not think my colleagues will raise any point. There is an excellent seat here, I may say to the Senator. Mr. Knowland: I am very well satisfied with the seat to which I am assigned. Mr. Thurmond: Mr. President, I continue to read...
Just a bit earlier than this last excerpt, some of the dynamic between Thurmond and Long, a Louisiana senator who was clearly making it his job to throw softball "questions" at Thurmond while Thurmond took extra care to enforce that they were actually "questions".
Mr. Long: Is it not, therefore, true that insofar as the right of a citizen to be tried by jury for a crime is concerned, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson would have agreed 100 percent that the freedoms guaranteed Americans under their form of government included the right to be tried by a jury of their own neighbors, in the area where the crime was committed, in the event they were accused of committing a crime? Mr. Thurmond: I can yield only for a question. I shall be glad to express myself after the Senator has concluded. Let the Senator ask any question he wishes. I yield for a question. Mr. Long: Is it not correct to state that...
And shortly later in the same exchange, where Long's "questions" become more bemusingly a vehicle for him to make his own points:
Mr. Long: Mr. President, will the Senator from South Carolina yield for a further question? Mr. Thurmond: I yield for a further question. Mr. Long: Is the Senator aware of the fact that Senator Borah's statue is just outside the main entrance of the Senate chamber, immediately outside the door? Mr. Thurmond: That is correct. I see it every time I go through the door.
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queeniecook · 1 year
May 11
I asked Rahmi to accompany me to Brindleton Bay today. I didn’t want to be alone on a car trip that is more than an hour. I may not be near my due date yet but things can happen. I don’t want to risk it. Plus, it was nice to get to hang out with her again.
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“This is a really pretty town, I love the ocean!” Rahmi told me excitedly. It’s the most happy I’ve seen her in a while. She doesn’t say much about it but I know she’s having a rough time right now with her divorce and Thomas trying to take the farm from her.
“I do miss this place sometimes.” I admitted. Henford-on-Bagley is my home now but Brindleton Bay will always hold a special place in my heart. Just like Windenburg did for Mom.
Rahmi decided to explore the town while I went to talk to Dakota.
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He was on the phone with Lilith when I arrived. I guess she wants a spell done to keep out Count Vladislaus Straud from the Vatore Mansion. I feel like there’s a story there but I’m not going to pry.
“I’ll see what I can find in my spell book and get back to you.” Dakota told her before hanging up.
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He surprised me and maybe even himself by grabbing me, gently, and giving me a huge hug. We haven’t seen each other in a while.
“You look beautiful as always, pregnancy agrees with you.” Dakota told me before releasing me. Then he said something that went straight to my heart. “I have lunch in the kitchen, want to eat?”
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“Sorry I didn’t call first.” I said between stuffing my face with chicken sliders. 
“Don’t worry about it, Vera.” Dakota assured me. There was no sign of Jillian or Joey, they were both at work. Which was good because I kind of wanted to just talk to Dakota. I had a mission, not that I don’t miss talking to him, but I had a specific reason for seeking him out.
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After lunch, we went into the living room.
“Next month is my due date.” I started, looking over at him. “I’m worried about things possibly going wrong.”
Dakota nodded his head and waited for me to continue.
“We hired Annalise back as my doctor. Just in case any supernatural things occur during delivery concerning the baby.” I explained. I saw him react briefly by knitting his eyebrows together but he remained silent, letting me speak. I appreciated it. “But, there’s still James…Lilith will be there, which will be good. Not only she is the baby’s Aunt but she can provide protection.” I added, blowing out a breath. “I was wondering and I know it’s a lot to ask…”
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Dakota spoke, picking up my trailing off as his cue to say something. “Of course I’ll help.”
I blinked in surprise, for some reason I didn’t think him agreeing would be that easy but I forgot. I’m dealing with Dakota. I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes and I blinked more to stop them. I felt a huge relief at the idea of having Dakota around to combat James.
“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to actually be in the room…watching you give birth to another man’s baby.” Dakota told me point blank. I nodded. “But I will be there, outside the room, standing guard. I’ll figure out a protection spell and do some research on anything else that may help.”
“Thank you.” I told him softly. 
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“I’m always going to have love for you, Vera. Even though I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love with Jillian and the idea of having a future with her makes me happy and hopeful.” Dakota said honestly. 
I smiled at him “You’ll always have a special place in my heart too.” It’s true, I love Caleb and I don’t regret choosing him at all. I know he’s the one I’m meant to be with but I do believe sometimes, that a heart can love so much that it can love more than one. “I really am happy for you and Jillian. She’s a great girl and you make each other happy, so consider me one of the Jakota cheerleaders.”
Dakota chuckled at my words and stood up, I looked up at him “I need help.” I told him. I’m used to my couch at home, the couch at the Laws/Gates residence sits lower.
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Dakota briefly smirked and I gave him a small glare before he heled out his hands. I grabbed them and for a moment. A brief moment, I thought maybe my life would have been more simple if I had chosen Dakota instead. I would have been happy with him too. I blinked my eyes and the moment passed.
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The weird thing is, I think Dakota had that moment of thought too.
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
Republicans blocked a move in the Senate this week to guarantee the right to birth control in the US. This should tell you something about what a second Trump term would be like for reproductive freedom.
A reminder that Republican nominees to the US Supreme Court lied about upholding Roe v. Wade.
At their Senate confirmation hearings, Supreme Court Justices John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil Gorsuch all said that Roe v. Wade was a legitimate precedent. Except, whoops, it turns out all these people were lying, at least when testifying to Congress about the common-law principle of stare decisis. Under our system, justices aren’t supposed to throw out precedent without a good reason, but as soon as they had the votes, they threw Roe in the garbage without a second thought. Only Clarence Thomas (who’d refused in his confirmation hearing to answer whether he thought Roe was valid precedent) was even slightly honest about his intentions. This matters because it’s an example of how Republicans smuggle their horrendously unpopular policies past the public. While activists wave gruesome pictures at rallies, harass people at abortion clinics, and occasionally murder doctors, the public faces of the Grand Old Party blithely admonish everyone to “Calm down. Roe v. Wade isn’t going anywhere.” Then, when the courts are sufficiently stacked with partisan hacks, they spring the trap.
Now Republicans are saying contraception is not in danger. Of course that's what they want you to think.
Today, the same thing is happening with contraception. Unhinged conservative fanatics are building up momentum to ban the most common types of contraception, principally by lying that they actually induce abortions somehow, and they are finding success at the state and local level. As Lauren Weber reports at The Washington Post, Republicans in both Missouri and Louisiana recently blocked pro-contraception bills by lying that they cause abortions. A right-wing Idaho think tank is urging the state to ban the morning-after pill and IUDs by claiming, falsely, that they are “abortifacients.” Iowa’s Republican government has already ended subsidies for emergency contraception for victims of sexual assault. And among the victories of the so-called Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)—the most important right-wing legal group, which has won 15 Supreme Court cases since 2011—is Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, which ended the requirement for employer-based insurance to cover contraception.
Republicans are already looking at a 151 year old zombie law called the Comstock Act as an instrument to end reproductive freedom throughout the US.
The Comstock Act, the long-dead law Trump could use to ban abortion, explained
This is not at all far-fetched. A few months ago the GOP Arizona Supreme Court used an 1864 law to ban almost all abortions in the state.
A vote for Trump or his lickspittles in the GOP is a vote against reproductive freedom – including contraception. The only way to keep Republicans out of office is to vote Democratic.
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
“A story about gay/bi people can ONLY be good, respectful, and well-written if NONE of the characters EVER suffer from homophobia.”
Please shut up.
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marvelsmostwanted · 3 years
Hey American voters! 🇺🇸
Guess what?!!
🚨 It’s time to start worrying about the 2022 and 2024 elections. 🚨
(Yeah. We really gotta do this. It's... not looking great.)
Long story short:
Republicans have been working hard since the 2020 election to enact voter suppression laws, overturn election results, and set themselves up to steal the 2024 presidential election if necessary.
You’ve probably heard about the Georgia voter suppression law. But did you know that “Stop the Steal” conspiracy theorist Republicans are running to be election officials like Secretary of State in several swing states, setting themselves up to overturn future elections? They are dismantling democracy before our eyes.
So what’s the worst case scenario?
...Well, let’s start with the realistic scenario.
Republicans are likely to take back the House in 2022. They are possibly capable of doing it through gerrymandering alone. Is it possible for Democrats to keep the House? Yes, but it will take a huge effort.
Republicans could also win back the Senate since it's currently 50-50 and Democrats only have a narrow majority because we won the presidency.
Even if Republicans only win back the House, the Biden administration would legislatively accomplish very little from 2022-2024. Republicans would have the power to impeach Biden for no reason and cause another constitutional crisis, enable gerrymandering and voter suppression laws, and block any Democratic priorities from becoming law (gun control, climate change, and healthcare are just a few things that would be off the table entirely).
Then comes 2024.
Donald Trump is the most likely Republican candidate to run and win in 2024. In a recent poll (May 2021), 66% of Republicans indicated that they would vote for Trump again.
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Yes, Trump can run even if he’s indicted on criminal charges. He can run even if he’s in prison!
Remember, although Biden won by 7 million votes, it was really a difference of about 44,000 votes in three swing states that prevented Trump from winning the Electoral College and becoming president again. That is a frighteningly small margin.
Even if the candidate isn’t Trump, this is still going to be a close election. 85% of Republicans say they would vote for a Trump-aligned candidate (same poll as above).
If Republicans win back or maintain control of Congress in 2024, this could set up an even more dangerous scenario:
The House has the power to choose the president if Congress does not award 270 electoral votes to either candidate.
How could that happen? Well, those "Stop the Steal" Republican election officials in swing states could refuse to certify the election, claiming fraud, and a close election could end up with neither candidate getting enough electoral votes. House Republicans could literally choose the next president without any input from voters and effectively end American democracy as we know it.
Because you know that Republicans will never let go of that power once they have it.
This is not far-fetched.
This is a realistic, highly likely scenario that will happen if we don’t do something to prevent it. Journalists and election experts are trying to sound the alarm, and we should listen:
New York Times - How Republicans Could Steal the 2024 Election
Washington Post - American democracy is in even worse shape than you think
Pod Save America - Stop the 2024 Steal (Discussion at 29:00)
LA Times - Trump’s allies are prepping to steal 2024 election
The only way to prevent this from becoming reality is to fight like hell against it. And I know we just did that in 2018 and 2020. But this fight isn't over until we restore and protect our democracy.
This isn’t about how much you like Biden & Harris, or even if you’re a Democrat in general. It’s about saving democracy in America.
What can we do about it?
Unfortunately, it’s going to be an uphill battle. But if we all engage in this fight, then we can make a difference.
TLDR, we need to raise awareness about the threat to democracy, encourage Democrats to end the filibuster and pass H.R.1 immediately, and organize, organize, organize to get voters back out there in 2022 and 2024.
Specific ways to help & additional resources below the cut.
How to help:
National Level:
*High priority: Call your Democratic Senator(s) right now and tell them to pass H.R.1, the For the People Act, with urgency.
*High priority: Call your Democratic Senator(s) right now and tell them that you are strongly in favor of ending the filibuster (Especially if your Senator is Manchin or Sinema.)
Call your Democratic Senator(s) and tell them to vote for the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
Call your Republican Senator(s) and tell them you are in favor of all of the above, especially if you live in a swing state.
State Level:
*High priority: Find out who is running for state legislature and other positions that have control over elections, such as Secretary of State. Donate or volunteer for their campaigns. Spread the word amongst your family and friends and make sure they know who to vote for and the date of the election.
If no one is running against the Republican, consider running! I’m not joking. Or if you know someone who is qualified and/or interested in running, encourage them to do so.
Local Level:
*High priority: Same as on the state level: Find out who is running and support the person who is supporting democracy. Local election officials can have a huge impact, especially in swing states and counties. Spread the word about this candidate, the election date, registering to vote, where to vote, etc.
Again, if no one is running, consider running! Incumbents often stay in power because they are unchallenged. And a local position is a great way to get involved in politics and help your community.
Additional ways to help:
Make sure you are registered to vote.
Check in with 3 friends/family members and help them register to vote if they are not already.
Send reminders to friends/family to vote on Election Day - not just in November, but for special elections, local elections, etc.
Volunteer with a group specifically working to help progressives win elections: SwingLeft, EMILY’s List, etc.
Donate to the candidates you support early and often! One of the reasons Democratic House candidates struggled in 2020 was that a lot of money came in at the last minute. Donating early and/or on a monthly basis ensures that they have the funds to run a long, successful campaign.
More Info & Resources:
Read: Washington Post - American democracy is in even worse shape than you think
Excerpt/TLDR: "The radicalization of the Republican Party has outpaced what even most critical observers imagined,” Georgetown University historian Thomas Zimmer told me. “We need to grapple with what that should mean for our expectations going forward and start thinking about real worst-case scenarios." - Perry Bacon Jr.
Read: New York Times - How Republicans Could Steal the 2024 Election
“It occurred to me,” [Erica Newland, counsel for Protect Democracy] told her colleagues then, “as I dug into the rules and watched what happened, that if the current Republican Party controls both Houses of Congress on Jan. 6, 2025, there’s no way if a Democrat is legitimately elected they will get certified as the president-elect.”
Listen: Pod Save America - Stop the 2024 Steal (29:00-36:27 covers the bulk of it, and they go on for about another 10 minutes after that)
Excerpt: "If you just watch what's happening... it is a very clear indication of a minority party that knows it has no path to majority status rigging elections at every level to set the stage for minority rule in this country. (...) People are not alarmed enough about [this]. The great asymmetry in American politics is that Republicans view power as an end in itself, and Democrats view power as a means to an end. Republicans are using the power they have to put in place laws that allow them to hold onto political power. (...) We need to raise the alarm. There are disturbing signs of complacency in our party." - Dan Pfeiffer
Register or check voter registration: Vote.org
Support H.R.1: VoteSaveAmerica.com/ForThePeople
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writingbywatson · 3 years
Genshin Boys With A Dense Crush (Part 2)
Here is part 2~ so, the reason why I didn't include Bennett and Razor is the fact that I can never write for them, like IDK why but its just very hard for me. So yeah, sorry about that. Part 1 (Albedo, Childe and Diluc)
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Dense + Dense = more dense
It was painfully obvious that Chongyun likes you but for some reason, he can’t quite figure that out for himself
But everyone around them knows
Xingqiu is actually on the road to writing a book about the two of you
Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei are betting on how long until Chongyun realizes his feelings
Chongyun doesn’t know why he likes to see you every day, wants to have meals with you, and why he gets uncomfortable when he sees you with another person and smiling at them
Maybe it was the work of g-
“Oh I like them” -Chongyun one day when he woke up
He consulted his best friend Xingqiu about this and Xingqiu just placed his books down and said “dear archons finally, it was getting very painful to watch”
So the two started planning a cute little confession scenario
Somewhere Xinyan and Yan Fei are crying because they lost the best but Yan Fei is arguing that betting was illegal and has no ground in the law… Yan Fei, you betted with your conscience please stop
The pair of best friends decided to go with a simple type of confession because less is more in Xingqiu’s books
It was going so well, a cute dinner and all of that
“I like you Y/N, can we be more than that?”
Oh is that Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei spying on both of you from the bushes? Why, yes indeed.
“You want to be best friends Chongyun? But don’t you have Xingqiu as your best friend already?” - you with your ever so innocent voice and expression
Chongyun is frozen in place
Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao and Yan Fei are betting again this time how many times will Chongyun get a friendzone
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Someone revive him
He can’t take your dense nature anymore
This is Kaeya after all everything he does allude to something so WHY WON'T YOU GET IT STILL
“Oh, Kaeya? You like someone!? Can you introduce me to them?” - you asking excitedly upon hearing his and Rosaria’s conversation
Kaeya was pretty sure he was describing you
Rosaria is holding back her laugh, she can't breathe… SOMEONE SAVE HER
“I love them but this dense attitude is too much!” - Kaeya as he slams his fist on top of Diluc’s bar
“Have you tried wooing them?” - Diluc as his wiping a glass down, he's so nonchalant about this situation LMAO
“HAVE I TRIED?” - Kaeya sounding very offended
“How about getting a white bed sheet and painting “will you marry me Y/N” on it?” - Rosaria
“Yeah, they leave me no ch-”
“Sit down, don’t embarrass yourself like a child” - Diluc pushing his brother down to sit
“Just confess, normally… like… a normal person” - Diluc
Kaeya decided that in two days time he was going to confess to you, two days because he needed to make sure it was perfect
But the moment he saw you laughing with some random guy all the planning was thrown out the window
“Meet me in front of the church when the sun rises” - Kaeya to you when he passes by you at the corridor of the headquarters
When you arrived, he made you stand at the flight of stairs in front of the church while he went down
He kneeled with his right knee touching the ground and he pulled a very neatly folded white sheet from his pocket
He unraveled it and wrote, “WILL YOU MARRY ME Y/N?”
But even before you can react a thunderous shouting can be heard and a chuckle
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I’m going to try but still little info on this new pyro husband
Thoma is a very understanding boy
He likes you so much that he's willing to wait
But damn has he been waiting long
He decided he was going to confess to you today as well!
“Y/N! I like you!” - Thoma
“I like you too! You are like my best friend!” - you
Every time this happens Thoma stress eats.
Ayaka is giggling because he has never seen her friend like this
He's trying his best for you to like him, he cooks for you, takes care of you, guards you, protects you…
“You know the festival is ongoing” -Ayato as he watches his sister’s friend mop around like a puppy who has been kicked. “Why don’t you try confessing properly and straight-forwardly there?”
That gave him an idea
He dragged to the talisman-wishing thing and told you that you two should make one
When the both of you were done, you should each other what you made and to your surprise, Thoma made a drawing of the both of you holding hands
“It’s not us being best friends forever” - he clarified
“It’s me hoping to spend many more years beside you as your lover.”
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Barbatos aka Venti the Bard has been singing a lot of love songs lately
Especially when you were in the audience watching
He always likes your smile especially when you were watching him
So when the two of you were strolling around near the church of Monstad
He decided that he was going to confess today
Years of being alone and he finally get what Vanessa told him about meeting the right person
“Y/N, I love you-”
“Aww, Venti, I love you too!”
“Really?!” - Venti very excitedly
“Yeah! I love you as a friend! We’re like besties!”
Dvalin felt that
Andrius felt that
Hell even Vanessa felt that from Celestia
“Oh I got to go, bestie, I have something to do! See you tomorrow!”
Lately, the winds of Monstad have been depressing?
“I don’t understand! I thought they liked me back!” Venti his chugging his alcohol while Diluc looked at him in irritation
Diluc wants to kick him out but Venti is Monstad’s archon so he decided against it
“Venti! There you are!” - you
Venti hears your voice and because his drunk his happy instead of upset
He throws himself at you in an attempt of a sloppy hug
“Y/N! I love you~”
“I love you too, we are fr-”
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When Xiao first had these feelings he was confused
He lived a long life and this was the first time in his life where when he sees someone his chest becomes constricted and warm
“Xiao! Do you like traveler!?” - you excitedly
Xiao felt a tightening in his chest not that good type but am i being stab right now type of tightening
His answer would usually be along the lines of no and he can’t have relationships with mortals
He usually has a lot more patience with you compared to others but hearing you say that he looks good with someone else just made something in him snap
He didn’t mean to shout at you nor did he mean it when he said you should leave him alone
That’s why he's waiting for you at Wangshun Inn, his loneliness grew into worry when after 2 days you weren’t back yet
Upon eavesdropping around he also found out that no one has seen you and your last known location was Mt. Hulao and he immediately began to worry because that place was prohibited to humans
“Are you looking for someone?” - Mountain Sharper appeared behind Xiao as he reached the top of Mt. Hulao. “Are you looking for a mortal perhaps?”
“How did-”
“-That mortal is pretty noisy, they don’t stop talking and they know you.”
Oh, the warm feeling in his chest is back because they were talking about him which means that they weren’t angry at him!
“Where are they!?” Xiao would realize and I swear to you his ready to break every amber rock around Mt.Hulao
“Calm down, they are currently collecting Qingxin flowers”
Right on cue, “XIAO!? IS THAT YOU!?” he heard your voice from behind him, when he saw you, he immediately rushes to you and hugs you
“What are you doing here!?” Xiao would ask, his voice was raised only because of relief
“Oh, I got lost! And Moon Sharper here saw me, we ended up chatting and I guess I forgot the time, he shared so many stories about y- WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT ARE YOU HURT!?”
“I’m alright… I just… I m-miss…”
Moon Sharper is just looking at this scene and he knows he's about to spill the hottest tea next time the adeptus (idk plural form okay) have a dinner party
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At first glance, it might look like that he isn’t affected at all
But internal his boiling
“You’ll make a great husband someday Xingqiu, I know it! Your future wife would be so happy!”
“I want you to be my wife though”
“What was that?”
He knows he needs to move so he can win your heart but how can he when you were dodging every advance he makes
What is more frustrating is that YOU ARE NOT EVEN DOING IT ON PURPOSE
As an author he wants to experience romance first hand, so he tries to be romantic about it but this was frustrating
He decided to pull his last technique from his sleeves
He lent you a very romantic book and between one of the pages he inserted a paper that read “I wish for you to be my muse.”
If that doesn’t work Xingqiu is going to ask you to fight him
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Zhongli, Rex Lapis aka Morax has lived thousands of years
Yet this is the first time he encountered someone so dense at first he taught you were just kidding and pretending but when he described what he likes in someone which was pertaining to you
You simply said “WOW THEY SOUND WONDERFUL AND YOU MUST REALLY LIKE THEM BECAUSE YOU SOUND SO IN LOVE” at his face with genuine awe, there was no sign of you being flustered and whatnot
Hu Tao was there to witness this and the younger female had a good laugh when she witnessed this
Zhongli is now praying to Guizhong for help and patience
He first wondered if the reason for such behavior was because you dislike him but it wasn’t the case because you would always smile when you see him
Which makes his knees very weak
In heaven, all the dead gods are laughing at him
He has lived for so many years and yet he doesn’t know what to do because he wants to spend years with you
But a part of him says this isn’t right because his an immortal and you were a mortal, someday him being a former god would drive an enigma in the future
That’s why he was also hesitating on his part
“Zhongli, look-look! A merchant from Monstad gave me a Cecilia!” - you snapping him from his thought, he's a tall man so you had to tip-toe to put the flower in his hair
“There you look even prettier now!” - you smiling up to him
As you were withdrawing your hand, Zhongli grabs it and places it in front of his lips
“I love you Y/N”
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ghostdrew22 · 4 years
More || Draco Malfoy
Requested: No Pairing: post-war Draco Malfoy x fem!reader Warnings: Pregnancy, miscarriage, some swearing, a bit of angst and so much flufffff
WORDS : 2786
Song - More by Halsey
“A couple years of waiting rooms“
“They told me it's useless, there's no hope in store But somehow I just want you more“
“I sit and I stare at your clothes in the drawer I cry and my knuckles get sore 'Cause I still believe it won't be like before“
“And nothing could stop me from giving a try I've loved you for all of my life“
“I’m sorry to tell you this but, you’ve lost the baby.” Dean Thomas- Head Healer in the pediatric and maternal division of St Mungo’s- says to Y/N and Draco Malfoy as they both sit in silence in his office.
“Do you know why this keeps happening?” You ask- barely able to blurt the words out without sobbing.
“I’m afraid not- Y/N, you just might not be able to have children.”
Draco tenses and draws in a breath- “That’s outrageous, isn’t there something you can do?”
You notice his frustration and place your hand on his thigh to calm him down- even though a sea of rage and grief is currently flowing through you as well. You’d always thought that you’d be a mother by now- your own having easily given birth to three children by age 32- and yet here you are, eight tries and four miscarriages later.
“We’ve tried everything…” Healer Thomas sighs and offers you both a solemn look. “It’s beyond our control.”
“So now what?” You rasp- tears tugging at your throat with every word.
“Honestly? Just keep trying.”
“You said that to us a year and a half ago.” Draco grits out.
“That was when I thought I could help- it seems that I overestimated my own abilities.”
“That’s unprofessional.”
“I know, I apologise.” Healer Thomas sits up in his chair, “Cases like this are so rare- I didn’t think it was this serious.”
“That was your fault then.”
“It was, I know… Look, adoption is always an option if Y/N can’t-“
“There’s nothing wrong with my wife, so don’t phrase that sentence like there is.”

“I’m not, I’m jus-“
“You don’t think she’s having a hard enough time without your two cents?”
“Draco, it’s oka-“ You start- wanting to calm him down but he’s already fuming and there’s nothing you can say that will help.
“No Y/N, it isn’t- he can’t condemn you for something that you can’t help, especially when it’s his job to find a way to make this easier for you.” Draco gets out of his chair and pulls you out of yours as well before turning to Healer Thomas once more. “You’re a right knob, you know that?”
You send Healer Thomas an apologetic eye as your husband turns on his heels and walks you both out of the office. Once you’re back in the busy hospital hallway you turn to face him with a huff- ready to have a go at him for being so rude- but before you know it he’s pulled you into his chest and you’re sighing into his arms.
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Draco…” You whisper into his chest and start to pull away slowly, “But-“
“Don’t ask me to apologise, I won’t do it.” He says adamantly as he crosses his arms like an angry toddler. “He was being an arsehole and he let us down- after months and hundreds of galleons.”
“So you’re angry about the money?” You raise your eyebrows at your husband who rolls his eyes and lowers his arms so that he can grasp your hands in his own.
“You know that I don’t give a shit about the money- I only care about you and you’ve been crying yourself to sleep over this crap for months, I’m sick and tired of having to watch you blame and hate yourself for something that isn’t your fault. I understand what he was saying but he should’ve picked his words better, there’s nothing wrong with you and I don’t want you to continuously feel like there is.”
“But then why-“
“I don’t know why Y/N. I’d do anything to find an answer for you- I’d do anything for us to start our family right now and you know that. But we clearly have a mountain ahead of us and I need you to believe in yourself if we’re going to climb it, yeah?”
“…” You look up at your husband in silence for a second- observing the look of hope consuming his features- “Yeah.”
“Good. Now we’re going to go home-“
“We have dinner at Harry’s-“
“We’re going to go home.” He repeats- indicating that it isn’t up for discussion and you nod slowly in agreement. “I’ll run you a bath and while you enjoy it, I’ll cook your favourite. Then after dinner we cuddle on the couch and eat ice cream.”
“And Harry’s?”
“I’ll owl him and let him know that we can’t make it this week cause we’re sick.”
You sigh and nod. Draco grabs your hand in his and pulls out his wand to apparate you back home. He fulfills his promises and cancels dinner with the Potter’s- deciding that it would be too difficult to sit through dinner while mini Harry and Ginny’s crawl around the floor. You snuggle into the couch instead to watch Disney movies in silence- trying not to think about how empty your house on the cul-de-sac is without the sound of tiny feet scraping against the floor.
“Well?” You raise your eyes to your husband as he eyes the muggle pregnancy test in his hands.
He sighs and shakes his head- turning behind him to drop the contraption into the bin and wash his hands.
“I’m broken.” You mumble and drop your head into your hands as you sit on the closed toilet- cursing yourself for thinking that it would be different this time.
“You’re not broken Y/N.” Draco chuckles and makes his way onto his knees so that he can look up at you. “It’s hard getting pregnant.”
“Not for everyone else.” You say exasperatedly and bring your head up to look him in the eyes as he kneels below you. “Ginny and Hermione and Luna are popping out children like it’s a bloody competition.”
“You’re not any of them.” He cups your face in his hands, “And the Weasley’s have genes like rabbits- don’t compare yourself to them.”
“I’d like to have genes like that.” You mumble and pout at him which makes him roll his eyes.
“You want to have genes like that? Then what- you produce the next era of the Weasley clan?”
You giggle and shake your head at him.
“Exactly love.” He plops a kiss on your forehead and releases your face to stand up.
“You know what sucks?” He hums in response as an indication for you to continue, “I keep thinking that it’ll be different next time. We order new clothes, we make plans for the nursery, we start to plan our lives around this baby that we’re so sure that we’re going to have and then every time it doesn’t work out. And every time, I love this baby that we don’t have, even more.”
“I know, it’s like the yearning just makes your heart bigger to hold more love for them.”
“Yes, exactly!” You exclaim with a sigh, “What are we going to do?”
“I was thinking…” Draco starts nervously- fiddling with his fingers- “Maybe we should expand our horizons beyond St Mungo’s.”
You look up as he towers above you and raise your eyebrows at him in questioning, “Expand them to what?”
“Muggles- gynecologists.”
You draw in a breath and observe the look on his face- taking note of how serious and thoughtful he appears to be. “I don’t kn-“
“Look, I’ve already found a few that are willing to meet with us.” He puts his hand out for you to grab, “Let’s just have a sit down with them, hear what they have to say and decide whether or not it’s worth a try afterwards. Yeah?” He asks you with his eyebrows raised.
You process his words and nod slowly- agreeing with reluctance- as you clasps his hand in your own and hoist yourself up off the toilet. “We can hear them out.”
“Thank you love.” He whispers and brings you into him for a kiss.
“We’ve met with some muggle doctors that say they can help us.” Draco replies to parents as he takes your hand and smiles nervously- worried about how his parents will take the news.
“But we’re probably not going to do it.” You whisper in addition quickly and look down at your plate of food- much to Draco’s dismay as he sends you a disappointed look.
“Why not?” Narcissa furrows her eyebrows in confusion, “Don’t you want children?”
“Yes…” You mumble and look up to glance at your in-laws, “But I don’t know if muggle medicine is the best option.”
“No one said it was the best option,” Narcissa starts as she offers you a smile, “But it’s an option.”
“Which is better than nothing, Y/N.” Lucius finishes for his wife and gives you a soft look of encouragement.
“That’s what I’ve been saying.” Draco responds quietly- squeezing your hand in an effort to comfort your nerves.
“But what’s the likelihood of muggle doctors fixing the problem when our own best and brightest, can’t?” You choke out- tears starting to claw their way up your throat.
Lucius begins with a sigh, “A muggles perspective might grant some clarity.”
“Look, how about you give it a try, and if it doesn’t work then you keep looking?” Narcissa beams and you feel a wave of relief wash over you at the overwhelming support of your husband and his parents.
If this had been your own parents they would’ve ridiculed you for being unable to naturally produce a child and completely shunned the idea of using medical assistance- let alone muggle medicine- to get pregnant.
“Okay.” You sigh and smile- your hand squeezing Draco’s back and dragging a smile from him. “We’ll try it.”
“Well?” You asks Draco as you sit on the closed toilet. It’s been three months since that night at the Malfoy Manor when you agreed to use muggle medicine- the very next morning you went back to meet doctor Kiran who got you started on a treatment plan immediately- and this is the first test you’ve taken since.
“I’d like to point out that these are a bit dehumanising- is there no better way than to piss on a stick?” Draco mumbles as he pulls the test out of the container he’d dropped it into after you’d taken it.
“Hmm?” He looks back at you.
“Oh! Yeah.” He chuckles nervously and brings up the test so that he can read the results. “Y/N…” He starts solemnly and you look down at the ground and sigh immediately in disappointment.
“This is bullshit.”

“It really is.” Draco breathes out as a smile creeps out onto his face, “I don’t think seven months is nearly enough time to come up with the perfect dad joke.”
“What?” You look up at him suddenly- hope glistening in your eyes- and see that he’s got the brightest smile on his face.
“You’re two months along Y/N.”
“Don’t fuck with me.” You respond with a smile- unable to contain the excitement you’re feeling.
“On my life- both tests are positive.” He says as he hands them both to you so that you can see the ‘+’ and ‘2’ written in bright red on the sticks. “We’re going to have a baby.” He breathes out.
“We’re going to have a baby!” You exclaim as you jump off the seat and into your husband’s arms.
“I’m delighted to introduce you to your daughter.” Dean Thomas exclaims in excitement as he brings the new addition to the Malfoy family in to the room after she’s been cleaned up. “You did really well Y/N, a true champ.” He pats your shoulders as the nurses hand you your daughter.
“That’s my wife.” Draco watches you endearingly as you hold your newborn.
“I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be more help before.”
“Don’t worry about it- we figured it out.” Draco says with a smile on his face.
“I’m really happy for you both- you deserve this.” Dean utters as he pats Draco on the back.
“Thank you… for everything.” Dean nods at Draco.
“I’ll leave you to it then.” Dean says as he makes his way out of the hospital room so that you can be alone.
“Come look at her, Dray.” You rasp out- your voice still raw from all the yelling you were doing only hours before during the delivery- and Draco swiftly makes his way to your side so that he can pick up his daughter.
“Ew, we’re crying.” You say in mock disgust as you note that tears are falling from both you and your husband’s faces.
“This is disgustingly cheesy.” Draco chuckles as he lifts one hand from underneath the baby to wipe the tears off of your face.
Weeks of long nights spent in muggle hospital rooms and copious amounts of medication finally paid off- you have your beautiful daughter, to hold and to love, right in front of you. It almost feels too good to be true.
“Can we please meet our grandchild now?” Narcissa asks excitedly as her and Lucius walk in beaming. Draco nods at them with a laugh and brings his daughter toward his parents for them to hold her.
“Here’s your granddaughter.”
“She’s perfect.” Lucius chokes out as he stares down at the bundle of blankets in his arms- feeling a wave of happiness wash over him that is similar to the one he felt at his own son’s birth. “She has Y/N’s eyes.”
“And Draco’s face.” Narcissa whispers with adoration- love washing over her features completely. “Congratulations my love.” She utters as she moves away from the baby and goes to catch her son in a hug- who still has a few tears running down his face.
“Thank you mother.” He whispers into her shoulder.
“And Y/N.” Narcissa walks toward you with a smile so bright it could blind the heavens, “I’m so happy for you darling.”
“Thank you Narcissa- for everything.” You breathe out with a smile as you melt into the warmth and affection of Narcissa’s arms. “We wouldn’t have been able to go through with it if it wasn’t for your support.”
“What is family for?” Lucius perks up from his spot next to Draco with a chuckle- handing the baby back to his son so that he can also hug you. “You did good.”
“I tried.” You chuckle back into his embrace.
“You succeeded, exceptionally.”
“Will there be any more?” Narcissa asks with a smile as she cooes at her granddaughter that she’s holding in her arms- already imaging all of the ways in which she can spoil the child rotten and clasp her love as the favourite grandparent.
You and Draco catch each other’s eyes and smile- already knowing the answer.
“You’ll never catch me alive!” A small voice says before a body jumps onto the bed and lands above the blankets beside you- startling you awake suddenly.
You shuffle about in the bed- feeling that something above the covers is weighing them down and making it difficult for you to shift them around- and finally peer your head out of the blankets in defeat.
“Oh look, it’s my little chocolate frog.” You exclaim once the fog of sleep wears off and you can see your daughter peering down at you with a bright smile.
“Hi mum.” She giggles out as she moves to climb beneath the covers with you.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m running away from dad.”
“I thought we agreed that we’re letting mum sleep, peanut?” Draco cuts you off as he stands in the doorway and questions his daughter with furrowed eyebrows- his toddler son trailing on all fours behind him.
“That deal was cancelled.”
“You know what you did.” She mumbles menacingly as she glares softly at her father.
“What did you do, Draco?” You asks from the bed with a laugh.
“I tried to give her a bath.” He deadpans in amusement and you laugh back.
“I’m beyond cleanliness!” Your daughter exclaims in response, “Besides, I thought mum could use some cuddles.”
“I do love cuddles, Dray.” You replies very seriously- even though there’s a huge smile plastered on your lips.
“Well, might as well give her what she wants.” Draco chuckles as he reaches down to carry your 14 month old son off the ground and walks toward the bed to join his two favourite girls. “Happy mother’s day, Y/N.”
Draco settles into the bed- putting his son in first so that both children are sandwiched inbetween you two- and leans over the kids to place a kiss on your lips. Your little display of affection earns a disgusted groan from your daughter and you both pull away with amused expressions.
“Mommy!” Your son exclaims in excitement as he climbs over his sister and lands on your lap.
“Hi bubba.” You giggle and place a kiss on his forehead. He smiles cheekily and tries to recite the words he’d been rehearsing with Draco only minutes before.
“Happy mommy day.”
“Thank you, bubba.”
“I hope you love us because we’re the reason it’s your day.” Your daughter adds in a matter-of-fact tone that has both you and Draco laughing.
“Oh angel,” You finally breathe out with a smile, “I’ve loved you for all of my life.”
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Remember Us - part 2
Double feature this week. Here we go with part 2. Rowan takes another step on the path of recovering his life.
Also, we get to meet the kids <3
When Aelin got home that night after her shift at the hospital, she was tired and not just from the long hours spent in OR. She was tired in her soul. Aelin had managed to keep her thoughts at bay while operating, but as soon as she was out they came back. It had been hard to fight the urge to go and see him again. He wanted space. That was clear so she just went home instead.
Once she crossed the threshold, laughter welcomed her. Her kids sounded happy.
She shed her coat and removed her shoes and followed the happy sounds.
Walking into the kitchen she found her mother cooking and Thomas helping her setting the table and little Freyja banging her plastic cutlery on her high chair. She was a shy girl but would become alive and loud when she was hungry. Just like her mum.
“Mama!” Shouted her daughter as she spotted her.
“Mum,” Thomas echoed his sister and ran to her, hugging Aelin at her knees “hi my darling, how are you?” She kneeled at his height and ruffled his blonde hair.
“Helping grandma cook.”
“Food.” Shouted Freyja who got agitated trying to get the attention of her mother. Aelin went to her daughter and lifted the wee girl in her arms “hi my love,”  and she snuggled her head against her mother’s chest.
“Hi mum,” said Aelin to Evalin. The woman stirred something in the pan and turned to her daughter “welcome back, darling.” She said and her gaze turned worried at her daughter’s tired expression.
Aelin shook her head, knowing what her mother was about to say “later,” she added. She did not want to talk about Rowan in front of the kids.
“Come on Tom, sit at the table. Dinner is ready.” On his grandma’s orders the boy climbed on his chair and started eating his meal.
Aelin joined them a moment later, all changed in house clothes and sat at her daughter’s side.
Thomas was three and had just started learning how to use a fork properly. They would cut the food for him and he would try to use the utensil. Rowan had been teaching him. A pang of sadness hit her and pushed back the tears, now it was not the time. She would feed Freyja who was only eighteen months old.
“Did you help grandma cook?”
The boy nodded while taking a bite from his fork and gave her a big smile. His green eyes lighting up with joy. Eyes just like his father’s.
“Aelin, let me feed Freyja. You have your dinner. You haven’t touched it yet.”
Aelin shook her head “I am fine. It can wait.”
Truth was… she felt nauseous and that feeling had nothing to do with being pregnant. It was fear. Terror of losing Rowan. Terror that he would never recover his memories and her kids would be left without a father and her without her soulmate. She almost lost him once. She would never forget the day she got the call from the hospital. Those horrible moments were forever etched in her memory.
Later on that night, once the kids were in bed Evalin joined her daughter on the sofa and brought her a chamomile tea.
“The kids are asleep. What’s troubling you?”
Aelin sighed and her hand went to her stomach “Rowan woke up.”
She nodded in confirmation and leaned her head on her mother’s shoulder “I had just left the OR when I got a page from his doctor. I went to his room and he was awake,” a loud sob broke from her lips “he does not remember me or the kids.”
Evalin pulled her daughter closer and hugged her knowing the pain she had been feeling for the past month “Yrene had told you it might happen.”
Aelin nodded slightly “I didn’t think it could hurt that much. He had no idea who I was. He doesn’t remember our kids.” Her sobs turned into proper crying “I am so scared, mum. So, so scared.”
“I know, darling.” Evalin kissed her daughter’s head “you will have to be strong a bit longer. Does the doctor think he will regain his memory?”
Aelin gave her a small nod “but it might take time and what if he realises that he doesn’t want us in his life anymore?”
“Rowan loves you and the kids madly. The road ahead might be bumpy but he will come back.” A ragged breath escaped from Aelin. She hoped her mother was right, because if she was not she doubted she would survive loosing him a second time.
Rowan woke up the next morning with an horrendous headache. He had a fitful sleep and his thoughts had been stuck all night on her. Aelin. His wife. At her side two small shadows representing their kids. In his mind he had this picture of him holding someone, the smell of lemon and verbena strong around him. But he was sure it was more a feeling than an actual memory. He had woken up all of a sudden and hadn’t been able to fall asleep properly since. His body recognised the other one. 
A nurse brought breakfast and of one thing he was sure. He hated hospital food. Which led to another series of questions. What did he eat for breakfast? Was he a good cook? What was his favourite food?
Reluctantly he finished the food on his tray and decided to kill the boredom by watching tv. According to the news it was January and the meteorologist were warning all the citizens of Terrasen of a snowstorm warning.
He was so bored watching the news that he felt glad when Aelin knocked on the doorframe “Mind if I come in?”
He shook his head “is tv always this boring?”
Aelin chuckled and for a second she saw a glimpse of him. He always hated tv. The only reason they had one in the house was because she had pestered him about it “yeah. You find reading more interesting.”
He switched off the television and faced her “I am…”  he sighed “yesterday… I was overwhelmed. It was… it still is too much.”
“I know,”said Aelin trying to suppress the instinct to touch him. Not until he was okay with it.
“Tell me something about me, about my life. Us… anything.” He started, eager to know more. He needed it “do I like breakfast?”
Aelin laughed “you do, and you are a great cook. On Saturdays you always make us pancakes and let Thomas help you flip them.” She smiled at the image. Thomas on his knees on a chair beside his dad.
“You are a healthy eater so you tend to scoff enormous quantities of fruit and veggies while complaining about my crazy dietary habits.”
She was dying to show him pictures of the kids but decided against it. One step at a time. Let him become familiar with the idea of being married first.
“You are a lawyer. A kickass one at that.” His green eyes were trained on her “you and Lorcan opened your own practice. After graduation you two got a job in a fancy company but eventually got tired of dealing with rich bastards and opened a firm that deals mostly with family law but also offers legal support to us common human beings.” She had been so proud of him. The big job had left him miserable and with very little time to live. He had been stressed and after two years he had realised that the huge salary was not worth it. Lorcan had followed him and together they had started their new adventure. They had started small snd simple, but slowly as they took in more cases they had to start hiring more people and the firm had gotten bigger and successful.
“You love hiking, nature in general and winter. We are both in love with theatre and on our first date you took me to a play.”
Rowan looked at her and that tug in his chest came back for a visit.
“We have been married for seven years and you proposed at my best friend’s wedding. We were dancing and you asked me what if we were the next ones to do that? Then you went on one knee and asked me to marry you.”
He kept listening, adding some more pieces of info to what he had gathered so far. And the more Aelin spoke the more that connection he had felt the day before grew stronger.
“What type of doctor are you?”
“I am the chief of paediatric neurosurgery and I work two floors above this.”
Rowan took a deep breath and asked a question that had been burning in him since she has appeared “do you have any photos of us, of the kids?”
Aelin felt like crying and extracted her mobile phone and scrolled through her huge quantity of photos “This is Thomas. He is three.”
Rowan looked at the boy and saw a blond mop of hair just as golden as his mother’s and two striking green eyes just like his. In the photo the boy was laughing while he held him in his arms.
Aelin swiped and the image of a little girl appeared and he gasped. There was no doubt that she was his daughter. Her hair was silver as his and even her eyes were the exact copy.
“She is so much like you.” He noticed the smile appearing on Aelin’s face. While she talked about their life her face had lit up and in front of him he had the most stunning woman he had ever seen. Probably. He wasn’t sure but Aelin took his breath away.
“Are we happy? As a family?”
Aelin nodded without even thinking about it. They were, she had no doubts about it “Yes. We wanted a family, kids. It was our choice.”
Rowan nodded and wanted to believe her, needed to believe the passion and the love in her voice.
“I need time.” He said quietly, averting his gaze from hers for just a brief moment “This is a lot that I need to process. I will need time but I want to hear more.”
Aelin sobbed and grabbed her backpack and extracted another mobile phone “this is yours. It survived the crash because you used a military grade protecting cover. I just charged it. The password is 0305.” She gave him the mobile “it has photos, texts. Everything is still there, maybe it will help.”
Aelin looked at her watch and stood “I have to go, I have a surgery in two hours.”
Rowan nodded.
“You can text me if you want. My contact is under Fireheart.”
He looked at the phone and then at her “will you come back?”
Aelin took a step toward him and kissed his silver hair as she did the previous day and then nodded.
She waved at him and disappeared through the door.
He moved his attention to the phone and tried to figure out how to switch it on. Once he did it asked him a pin code and he entered the digits she had told him.
Once the phone was unlocked he was welcomed by a picture of him, Aelin and the kids on a beach. He had Freyja on his shoulders and was laughing as she patted his head. Aelin was holding Thomas potato sack style and the boy was grinning. With his fingers he traced her face and then went looking for the photo album. Before opening he hesitated. His life, his memories were there and he was scared.
There were picture of his wife. Plenty of them and she always had an amazing smile. Of one thing he was sure:Aelin took his breath away. Photos of their kids and he spotted one of what he suspected was a newborn Freyja. He held the little bundle in his arms while Thomas was at his side staring at his sister. He saw happiness, he saw joy, but most of all he saw love. Deep love that bound the four of them. Aelin had not lied. They seemed happy. He found photos of what he assumed were friends but he could not tell who they were, he hadn’t covered that part yet. Accepting the idea of a wife and kids was hard enough. He was not ready yet to add more people. The mere idea made him feel dizzy.
He was getting tired again even if it was only morning, but he pushed through and found the app with the text messages and went to look at the ones from Aelin and he read the last one she sent him go and win your case and then tonight I will show you how proud I am of my sexy lawyer.
He scrolled back through the thread and read random texts between them until he went back a few months and saw a text with a picture attached.
You are away for work and I miss you. I went for my first proper check-up and I am proud to share with you the picture of the new member of our family. The image was greyish and grainy but the message was clear: Aelin was pregnant again.
He placed the phone on his lap and closed his eyes calming the sense of panic overwhelm him.
And with his eyes closed he tried to remember.
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Country College (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister Imagine; Part of AU-gust)
A/N: Thank you for reading! Remember to like/reblog and comment! I'm also donating all the proceeds that from my buy me a coffee account to Save The Children to help the children of Afghanistan. Buy me a coffee link here.
Also, here's the playlist of songs I listened to while writing this and some of these songs are actually mentioned in the imagine in case you guys wanted to listen while reading: Country College AU playlist.
I went on vacation and I swear, this entire imagine was based on stuff I did in Tennessee and country songs I listened to while there.
Anyway, enjoy!
"You got everything?" Jay asked you at six in the morning.
"For the last damn time, Jay, yes, I have everything," you answered as you jumped in the passenger seat of his truck and put your backpack at your feet and your tumbler of coffee in a cup holder.
"Jesus. I was just asking because I will not be turning this truck around," he said as he moved around the basket of snacks in the backseat so that the two of you could reach them easier. "Someone's cranky."
"Yes. When I finally got to sleep at 12:30 last night and had to wake up at 4:30, I'm gonna be cranky. Please tell me we're stopping for coffee."
"You already have coffee," Will said as he walked up to the truck. "Why do you need more?"
"Shut up. I know for a fact you drink way more coffee than I do, Mr. Med Student."
"Jesus, Jay. You sure you're gonna be able to put up with her for eight and a half hours?" Will asked.
"I dunno, man. Maybe I'll make her ride with you," he joked.
"Yeah, no way in hell that's happening," Will said.
"In all seriousness," Jay started, "stop for coffee in about an hour and a half?"
"Sounds good to me," you agreed.
"Same here. I only have to ditch you guys when we get like eight hours in," Will said.
"Gonna be weird not having you on the drive down, man," Jay mused.
"Yeah, but at least we can meet up at the rest stops and we'll  be in the same state."
"Are we gonna go?" you asked. "If you two were just gonna talk, I could've slept for an extra ten minutes."
"Holy shit," Jay muttered. He turned to Will. "Guess we should get going then."
"Yeah, see you in an hour and a half. Don't piss off the driver too much, Y/N."
You rolled your eyes. "Goodbye, Will."
Will got in his car and Jay got in the driver's side of his truck.
"Eight and a half hour drive plus traffic," Jay started as you both pulled out of the driveway, "so how do want to split it up?"
"I'm tired and I wanna sleep and I don't want to drive through Knoxville because I have no idea where to go," you answered as you pulled your headphones out of your backpack.
"Okay, Miss Sassy Pants. You can drive in the middle, through Kentucky. Might hit traffic, but we'll hit traffic in Tennessee, too, so we'll both have to drive through it. Just please, do not crash my truck."
"Relax. I know how to drive. Just make sure Will stays on your ass the entire time so we don't lose each other."
"And, we're officially in Kentucky!" Jay announced. "Time to change the music. At the next rest stop, we'll pull over and go to the bathroom and grab some lunch."
"Jay! You can't be on your phone while you're driving!" you yelled as he reached for his phone in the cup holder, which was also acting as the GPS...even though Jay claimed he could get there without it.
"Y/N, I'm fine. I've done this for three years now. I think I know what I'm doing."
"If you say so."
He turned on a song you didn't know.
"Got a truck, get it lifted," Jay started to sing.
"The hell is this?" you asked.
"Country music. Gets changed from pop to country the second we cross the border into Kentucky. Now, shh. This is a good song. You'll like it. It's upbeat."
Jay drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and sang quietly to Redneck Be Like by Thomas Rhett as he drove while you listened. He was right. It was a pretty good song.
"All day in the sun, always havin' fun, always gettin' stuck in that muddy river. Always got a buzz, always double cup..."
"You'll know the next one," Jay promised.
"And you know this how?" you asked.
"Because it's on Tiktok. When we get there, Adam and Hailey are gonna have to teach you some southern culture."
"So, I'm gonna need a definition of southern culture."
"You'll see when you get there. Now listen. I know you know this part."
Yeah we fancy like Applebee's...
Jay was right: you did know this song. It was Fancy Like by Walker Hayes.
"On a date night," you sang along. "Got that Bourbon street steak..." Jay joined in. "With the Oreo shake. Get some whipped cream on the top, too. Two straws, one check, girl I got you. Yeah we Bougie like Natty in the styrofoam..."
Five minutes later, you pulled off to a rest stop with a McDonald's nearby. Jay and Will filled up their vehicles while you ran inside to go to the bathroom. Once you were inside McDonald's and at a table eating, you asked Will if it was true that he and Jay always changed it to country music when they crossed the border into Kentucky. Will said yes, so you knew you were in for a long car ride. Then, you and Jay switched so that you were now the one driving and you were off again.
Hours later, Will took a different exit to get to Nashville and gave you and Jay a salute to tell you goodbye when he changed lanes and then took the exit.
"Not long now," Jay told you. "You excited?"
"Yeah, but a little nervous," you replied.
"Oh, don't be nervous. They're all really nice. And you've already met Hailey, so that helps."
"Yeah, she was nice. She had a cute little southern accent, too."
"One of the many reasons I fell in love with her in the first place."
Before Jay left for a weekend last summer to meet Hailey halfway and then stay in a hotel for a weekend to spend time with her, he finally told you the story of how he and Hailey met.
"Hey, we're goin' to the marketplace," Adam said on the first weekend of their junior year. "You and Will up for it?"
"Uh, Will's studying like normal. I'm up for it. Kim coming, too?" Jay asked.
"I promised her ice cream, so yeah, she's comin'. Baby, you ready?" he yelled down the hall.
"I'm coming, Adam!" Kim yelled back and then walked out of the bathroom.
"Let's go and make some bad decisions," Adam stated, causing Jay and Kim to laugh.
"We can't even buy alcohol yet, you dummy," Kim said.
"I may be a dummy, but you love me." Then, Adam gave Kim a kiss on the cheek.
"Please stop before I puke," Jay said and made a gagging face.
Adam rolled his eyes. "Let's get outta here."
Kim was laughing at a horrible joke Adam made while he had his arm slung around him. He had taken off his signature cowboy hat and had let Kim wear it because she forgot her sunglasses. Adam said he felt naked without it on.
They were walking towards Kilwin's when Jay spotted it: a homeless guy next to a blonde who couldn't be more than college age.
"Man, look," Jay pointed.
The three walked faster.
"No, this is for my friend back at the dorm," the girl explained.
"Lady, I'm hungry. Can I please just have your leftovers?" the guy asked.
"I'm sorry you're hungry, but this is for my friend."
The guy reached for the food.
"Hey, that girl sits behind me in my women and the law class," Kim stated.
Jay, Adam, and Kim took off on a run.
"Hey, baby," Jay said and slung an arm around the girl. He leaned in close to her. "Just go with it," he whispered in her ear. "You got Anna's food?"
"Yeah," the girl said hesitantly. But then, she realized that this guy was trying to help her out. And, he was pretty sure that the girl with him sat in front of her in her women and the law class. "Yeah, I've got her food."
Jay raised an eyebrow at the guy and then looked at Adam as if asking the man to try the two of them.
"Alright, well y'all have a good night now," he said and then turned around and walked away.
Once the man was a few shops down, Jay took his arm off of her. "Sorry about that. Just thought you might need some help," he said.
"Was greatly appreciated, thank you, uh..."
"Jay, well I'm Hailey. Nice to meet you."
He didn't miss her cute little southern accent and he loved it.
"You getting ice cream?" he asked.
"No, I uh was just textin' my roommate to tell her I'd be back soon."
"Well, I-- we'd feel much better if you came into Kilwin's with us. Just so that creeper doesn't come back."
Hailey smiled and agreed.
Kim and Hailey started talking about their class while Adam and Jay ordered their ice cream. Then Kim ordered.
"You want anything, Hailey?" Jay asked.
"Oh no, I'm fine, thank you, though."
Jay nodded, but then turned to the worker. "And can I also get a single scoop of chocolate in a waffle cone, please?"
"Sure thing." As she scooped it out, Hailey looked at Jay and he just shrugged.
When they got to the cashier, Hailey pulled out some money and tried to hand it to Jay.
"I've got it," he said.
"Hailey, it's fine. I can pay for a little ice cream."
She loved the way her name rolled off his tongue.
"Okay." She took her ice cream cone.
"Hey, Hailey," Kim began when they walked out of Kilwin's. "Do you have friends you need to meet up with?"
"No, I was just gonna head back to my dorm," she replied.
"Oh, did you drive?"
"No, I walked. It's only like a twenty-minute walk from the sophomore dorms."
"Well, after all that, I'm pretty sure we'd all feel more comfortable if you rode home with us."
"I don't know..." Hailey trailed off.
"Those dorms are only like five minutes away from the house we stay at. And, it's on our way there anyway. Please, just come with us."
Hailey sighed. It would be a lot faster than walking. "Okay."
Then, they finished their walk to Adam's truck and the two girls got in the backseat and the two boys got in the front.
And that is how Jay Halstead met the sweet Georgia peach that is Hailey Anne Upton.
Jay, Adam, Will, Kim, and Hailey were all at a sports bar one Saturday night in October. It was loud, it was rowdy, everyone was going crazy over the football game on tv, and Hailey was totally over it. And Jay noticed.
"Hey," Jay whispered from his seat next to her. "You wanna get outta here?"
She turned and raised an eyebrow at him. "You'd wanna leave and not finish the game?"
In the past two months, Hailey had been spending a lot of time with Kim, and by default, she had been spending a lot of time with Adam, Jay, and Will. She will admit going over to their three-bedroom house they all rented together was a lot better than being stuck in her small dorm with her roommate. So, she went over there quite a bit to study with Kim. And, turns out she and Jay were both law studies majors, so they had a lot of the same classes, but they were in different sections, so they did a lot of studying together, too. And, she knew like most college boys, Jay loved his football. Not as much as Adam, but he watched it whenever one of his teams were playing. Which, was Chicago or Tennessee.
"Yeah," Jay started, "it's kinda loud in here anyway. And, it's just Tennessee playing. I'd be more likely to stay if the Bears were playing."
"Okay, let's get outta here. I know a great little diner we can go to for milkshakes. Pretty sure they're open until 11 and it's only 10, so we should be able to make it."
"Adam," Jay said over the game. Adam turned to face Jay. "Me and Hailey are gonna get out of here. I'll see you back at home."
"See you," Adam said and then turned back to his game.
"Guess we know where his loyalties lie," Hailey laughed.
The two of them stood up from their chairs at the table.
"You better get my friend home safe, Halstead!" Kim yelled.
"Yes ma'am," he said, borrowing a line from Adam. "You've got nothing to worry about."
Then, the two of them made their way out of the local sports bar and to Jay's truck.
"You've gotta be kiddin' me," Hailey said as the two of them walked up to the diner. "They're closed. Closed at 10 and not at 11. I'm really sorry, Jay."
"That's okay. Got anywhere else you wanna go? Or I can just take you back to your dorm if you want?" Jay suggested.
She sighed. "Just take me back I guess."
The two of them walked back to Jay's truck and got in. Hailey gasped at the song that was on the radio.
"What?" Jay asked, quickly turning to look at Hailey.
"This is my favorite song!"
Lights go down, wheels go around. I'm taking you home. Hoping for a slow song to come on the radio now.
Slow Dance in a Parking Lot by Jordan Davis continued to play through the speakers of Jay's truck.
"What's it about?" Jay asked.
"Slow dancing in a parking lot."
Jay listened to a few more lines and then decided to turn up the radio and jump out of the car.
"Jay, what are you--"
But he was already at her side of the car and pulled her door open.
"Dance with me?" he asked, sticking his hand out for her to take.
"What?" she laughed as a huge smile grew on her face.
"You said the song's about slow dancing in a parking lot and we're in an empty parking lot, so, why not recreate the song?"
Hailey laughed once more and shook her head and then grabbed Jay's hand. He helped her out of his truck and then she wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist and they swayed to the music.
"Slow dance with you. Spinning you round by the Walmart sign and moving our feet over the painted white lines. Getting close to you. Making the most of whatever we got, even if it's just slow dance in a parking lot," Hailey sang quietly.
"Spin," Jay said as he held his hand up.
"Spinning you round just like the song says."
Hailey laughed and reached for his hand and did a spin.
"Beautiful," Jay complimented.
"Yeah, right. That's was probably the messiest spin known to man."
"Well, um, it was beautiful. You're beautiful, Hailey."
She was glad it was dark so that Jay couldn't see the heat that rose to her cheeks.
"You're somethin' else, but thank you." She rested her head on his chest as they swayed to the rhythm of the rest of the song.
The song ended and the broadcaster started talking.
"Can I kiss you?" Jay asked.
"What?" she pulled away from his chest.
"I asked if I could kiss you. Was that too much? You know what, just forget--"
"Yes, Jay, kiss me," Hailey smiled and then she and Jay both leaned in.
It was just a peck, but it was their first kiss and despite it being in a dark parking lot late at night, it was still magical.
"You know," Jay began once the quick kiss was over, "there's a Walmart across the street. What do you say we go grab pints of ice cream from there and then you can show me your favorite country songs?"
"I'd like that. Adam didn't show you enough?" she asked.
"I've only got like thirty I like. I need to expand my horizons."
"Okay, let's go."
They held hands in Walmart and then picked out their respective pints of ice cream. Then, they went back to the parking lot of the closed diner and Jay plugged in the aux, allowing Hailey to show him her favorite country songs while they ate their ice cream from the pint and even shared with each other.
Hailey knew nobody would have a first kiss story like that.
Then, at the beginning of the winter semester, Hailey's roommate decided not to live in the dorms anymore. Hailey couldn't afford to pay for a dorm all by herself, so Kim offered to let her stay with her, Jay, Adam, and Will. So, that's how she ended up living with her boyfriend and sharing a room with her best friend, Kim Burgess.
"We're here," Jay announced. "Well, actually, we're a few streets away, but that's one of the lecture halls on your right."
You looked out the window to see a big red and brown brick building with white pillars on the steps. There was also a white sign telling you what building this was.
"Wow," you said in awe. "It's like those old-fashioned colleges. I love it."
"Well, we'll give you a tour and help you find your classes sometime this weekend before classes start on Tuesday. That way, you aren't getting lost on the first day. But, we'll head to the house for now and get all unpacked."
"Sounds good to me."
Five minutes and a few back roads later, you pulled up to a simple two-story brick house.
"Alright, let's get our stuff out and get inside," Jay said.
You stepped out of the truck and started grabbing some stuff out of the back seat.
"I'll jump in the truck and hand you the suitcases. Think you can grab them when I hand them to you?"
You nodded.
"Halstead!" you heard someone shout and you and Jay both whipped your heads around to see Hailey and Adam walking out of the garage and toward the two of you. Adam, well who you assumed was Adam, was carrying two cowboy hats and he and Hailey each had one on themselves.
"Catch!" Adam said and threw one to Jay where he was standing in the box of the truck. Jay easily caught it and placed it on his head.
Adam walked over to you.  "And one for you, darlin'," he said as he placed the hat on your head.
"Thank you," you said. "But I thought Kim was darlin'," you said. It'd make sense because if this guy was in fact Adam, then he and Kim were dating.
"You didn't tell her?" Hailey asked Jay.
"Didn't think there'd be a need to." Jay shrugged.
"Tell me what?" you asked.
"Well, Adam calls every girl darlin'," Jay explained. "It's just normal for him. And, down here, you're gonna get a lot of huns, sweeties, and sweethearts. A lot of waiters and waitresses do that here."
"And what do they call you two?" you asked, motioning to Jay and Adam.
"Sir," they said in unison.
"Oh, and you'll occasionally get a ma'am," Hailey added. "But, that one's rare because we don't look old enough to be called ma'am."
"Okay. And, uh, not to be rude, but what's with the cowboy hats?" you asked.
"It's a tradition we just started last year," Adam explained. "We unpack, wear cowboy hats, and drink moonshine. Oh, I'm Adam by the way, darlin'."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N."
Jay handed you a suitcase and you set it on the ground. Then, you did the same thing with two more suitcases.
You grabbed your backpack from the front seat, your duffle bag from the back, and your two suitcases.
"Here, I can take those two for you," Adam said.
"Oh, okay," you said and then allowed him to take the two suitcases from you. So this is what Jay meant by southern hospitality since Adam was from Tennessee and all.
"Jay, lemme take your suitcase," Hailey said.
"Baby, I've got it," Jay argued as he jumped out of the box of his truck and closed the tailgate.
"The hell you do," she argued. "I see all your other stuff in the backseat and that basket of snacks you gotta carry in, too. Just lemme take your one suitcase."
"Let 'er take the suitcase, Halstead. Best to listen to your lady," Adam said.
"I like Adam already," you laughed.
He let go of one of the suitcases and tipped his hat. "Thank you, darlin'."
This caused all four of you to laugh and then you all went inside carrying both yours and Jay's stuff in one trip between the four of you.
"Shine in the fridge?" Jay asked after you and he had brought all your stuff to your room.
"Shine, Jay? How southern do you get when you're here?" you asked.
"Oh, he gets pretty southern, hun," Hailey said.
"See?" Jay asked as he pointed to Hailey. "Told you you'd get called hun."
"So, Adam's thing is darlin' and Hailey's is hun?" Hailey nodded. "And it's because you're from Georgia and he's from Tennessee?"
"That's right, darlin'," Adam confirmed and then turned back to Jay. "Yeah, shine's in the fridge. And Kim just texted and said she's on the way back with pizza."
"You got apple pie flavored shine?" Jay asked.
"Hang on. I'm just gonna grab 'em."
The three of you sat down on the bar stools at the counter and waited for Adam to pull them out.
"Alright," Adam started after he put the bottles of moonshine with sip lids on the counter. "We have peach for Miss Georgia Peach." He passed the peach bottle of moonshine to Hailey. "We've got apple pie shine for me and Jay. We've got strawberries and creme for Kim because that's her favorite." He turned to you. "And for you, I got you blackberry because it's not that high of a proof, so it's not that strong." He slid the jar to you.
"Nuh uh," Jay said quickly and grabbed the bottle.
"What the hell, Jay? Give it back! Adam said it's for me, not you!" you argued.
"Last I checked, you're only eighteen."
"Last I checked, Dad's not here. And I know for a fact you drank before you were 21, so pass me the blackberry shine, please."
"I'll take the first sip and then you can have it." He made sure the straw part was open and then he took a sip. "Adam, that shit's like a chaser compared to the apple pie one."
"I know. That's why I got 'er that one," Adam said.
You heard a door shut.
"Pizza's here!" Kim announced.
She walked into the kitchen with three boxes of pizza.
"I got us three pies," she said as she set them down on the counter. "We got one pepperoni and green olive, one supreme, and one meat lovers." She turned to you. "And you must be Y/N. I'm Kim. I see Adam already got you started on that Tennessee moonshine."
"Nice to meet you," you said. "You're from New York, right?"
"Yup, not New York City, though. More upstate."
"Of course she's from New York, Y/N!" Jay exclaimed. "Who else would call pizza a pie except for a true New Yorker?"
"I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks, Jay."
Jay raised his bottle of apple pie moonshine in a fake cheers and then took a sip.
"Now that's the strong shit I need to start off this semester right," he announced and then set the bottle down.
"Oh, and if your brother didn't tell you yet, he turns into a borderline alcoholic when he's at school," Kim told you.
You laughed. "He didn't tell me that, no."
"Better than being a caffeine addict like Kim and Hailey here," Jay argued.
"Shut up," Hailey said. "You know you're a caffeine addict during finals week just the rest of us."
"I was a caffeine addict in high school, so we'll see what happens," you shrugged.
Kim grabbed a stack of paper plates and set them on one of the pizza boxes. "Dig in. Oh, Y/N, did Adam get you the blackberry flavored moonshine?"
"He did. Haven't tried it yet because Jay has yet to give it back to me."
Kim quickly reached down and grabbed the jar of moonshine.
"Hey, Kim! She's only 18!" Jay protested.
"So? I know you drank an insane amount during your freshman year. So shut it." Kim popped open the sipping lid. "Taste."
You took a sip. It did taste like blackberry, but it was also sort of strong, but it didn't burn your throat that bad like you had read in books that alcohol did.
"This is actually pretty good."
"I know, right? And, me and Hailey will let you try ours when we help you unpack," Kim said. "But, do not try the kind the boys have because it's nasty."
"Baby, I don't know what you have against apple pie moonshine, but it's good," Adam said and then took a sip of his moonshine. Kim rolled her eyes. Adam leaned across the counter. "The New York in her is coming out, darlin'."
"Oh, shut up," Kim said and reached over to steal Adam's cowboy hat off his head.
"Baby, now I feel naked without it," Adam argued and tried to reach for the hat.
"Sucks for you. Now eat your pizza before it gets cold."
"Morning," Jay said when you walked into the kitchen the next morning. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good. it's nice not having to share a room with anyone like you and Adam, and then Hailey and Kim have to. It was fun having them help me unpack last night, though," you said.
Last night, Kim and Hailey had helped you unpack and when you mentioned that you didn't really know any country music, Hailey pulled up all of her favorite country songs to play for you. You especially liked Girl in a Country Song by Maddie and Tae. They showed you the music video for that song and it was about how, in most country music videos, girls had to dress up in little skimpy outfits and have the boys just stare at them all day. So, in their music video, they changed the roles, and the guys had to dress in skimpy clothing in the music video. It was pretty funny and the song was catchy.
"Let me guess," Jay began, "Hailey showed you some good country music?"
"Yup. The songs she showed me were pretty good, pretty upbeat. Didn't sound like a cat being put in a blender like old-fashioned country, so I guess that's good."
"What do you have against old-fashioned country, darlin'?" Adam asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"I dunno." You shrugged. "Too slow for me and I just don't like the voices I guess."
"You know what we ought to do, Jay?" Adam asked and Jay raised his eyebrows, silently telling adam to continue. "We should show her all the songs that are mentioned in What's Your Country Song."
"Wait, wait. I think I know that one. I think Hailey played it for me last night. Is it the one that mentions Chatta- Chatta..."
"Chattahoochee?" Adam asked.
"Yeah, that funny word. What even is that anyway?"
"It's a river that runs through Georgia," Jay answered. "Pretty sure Hailey used to go tubing down it like we're gonna do today."
You furrowed your eyebrows. "We're going tubing? Like behind a boat?"
Adam laughed. "Christ, Jay! Do you tell her anything?"
"He doesn't," you answered. "So, explain, one of you."
"Alright, I'll do it," Jay said as he poured milk on top of a bowl of Raisin Bran. You looked at him intently. "What we do is, the first Saturday that we're all together before school starts, we go on tubes and float down the Tennessee River. We bring a cooler full of snacks, sandwiches, booze, and water, and a waterproof speaker and we just have a fun time. Oh, and this year, you're the DD."
"Me?" you asked as you pointed to yourself. Jay nodded. "But I don't know where to go! I haven't even been in Tennessee for a full 24 hours yet!"
"Kim's like the mom of the group," Adam supplied. "So she'll still be pretty lucid and could probably drive if she needs to. But, she'll at least be able to give you directions on how to get back here."
You sighed. "Good. That makes me feel a lot better."
"Where are the other two girls anyway?" Adam asked. "They're usually up a lot earlier than we are when we go on the river."
"I think they were a little buzzed last night," you said. "Might still be sleeping."
While you were unpacking, you took a few sips of your jar of blackberry moonshine, but not a lot. You'd never really drank before, much less drank moonshine and you didn't really feel like puking from being drunk or having a killer headache from a hangover...at least, that's what you thought happened from what you had read in books and seen in movies and tv shows. But, Kim and Hailey had each finished like a quarter of their jar, so they had been buzzed last night. They weren't drunk because they could still walk in a straight line and knew what they were talking about, but they did have little dopey smiles on their faces while they helped you unpack.
"She's right," Kim said as she and Hailey walked into the kitchen. Hailey's hair was wrapped in a towel, alerting you that she had just taken a shower. "Adam, can you grab me an Advil?" She took a seat on a stool and put her head in her hands. "My head is fucking killing me. I didn't even think I drank that much."
Adam laughed. "You do this every semester, baby. First shine of the year and you always drink a little too much." He handed her the pills and a cup of water and Kim quickly washed the pills down.
"I just need some coffee," Hailey announced.
"We know, you don't get hangover headaches," Kim groaned.
"Yeah, but I feel exhausted all day. Everyone goin' for coffee? I'll make a bigger pot if that's the case."
Everyone said yes and Hailey started on the coffee.
"Okay, we got the tubes, the speaker, swimsuits are on, we have the towels, cooler," Jay rattled off as the five of you sat in his truck. "Anyone double-check the cooler?"
"I did," Hailey said. "We got water, the same shine from last night, some white claws, the sandwiches me and Kim made for everyone, chips, and a few other snacks."
"And I threw in a little first aid kit with bandaids, alcohol swabs, Neosporin, and other stuff. And I've got the sunscreen, too," Kim said.
"See, what'd I tell you, darlin'?" Adam asked as he turned around from his spot in the passenger seat. "Kim's the mom of the group."
"I'll take that as a compliment," Kim said. "It means I'm responsible and prepared."
"Those two would get so damn sunburned and dehydrated if it weren't for Kim," Hailey said as she pointed to Jay and Adam in the two front seats.
"Thanks, Hails," Jay replied sarcastically. "Real nice."
"You're welcome," she said with a smile.
You leaned your head against the window. You were supposed to get stuck in the middle, but seeing as you got car sick easily, Kim said she'd switch spots with you.
"You okay?" Kim asked.
"Yeah, just, Jay really needs to turn on the AC before I throw up from motion sickness and how damn hot it is in here."
"Least you got that cowboy hat to puke in if you need to," Jay laughed as he reached for the AC. "You better not puke in my tuck or you will be walking home."
Adam smacked him upside the head.
"Ow!" Jay exclaimed and took one hand off the wheel and rubbed the back of his head. "The hell was that for?"
"Dude, be nice! Look at her!" Adam exclaimed.
Jay looked in the rearview mirror and saw you leaning your head against the window with your eyes closed and pinching your nose. You groaned.
"Here," Jay said and tossed you a blue bottle of Gatorade from his cup holder. "Drink this. Get you some hydration and electrolytes."
You took a few sips and then handed the bottle back to him. "Thanks."
Kim moved the vents so that the AC was blowing on you more. "That help?"
"Little bit, thanks."
"Think you'll be good to go down the river?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, because then I won't be trapped in a hot box going sixty down the road!"
"She's right about that," Adam agreed. "You'll be lucky if you go five miles per hour, darlin'."
"Alright, so the motion sickness should stop. Thank God."
"Just rest your head against the window and listen to some country music," Jay said. "Speaking of that, who's controlling the music on the river?"
"I got it," Adam volunteered. "Everyone give me a song and I'll get the queue started."
You had been going down the river for about half an hour now and had finished a bottle of water and eaten a banana, too. You felt fine now. Adam was right, you were going slow enough that you didn't get sick, and you also weren't in the backseat of a truck.
"Hey, Kim," you started, "can you pass me my moonshine?"
"Mhm," she said. You guys had tied a cooler to a tube, which was then tied to Kim's tube. Because, the boys figured that between the five of you, she was the most responsible. They toyed with tying it to your tube because you probably wouldn't get shitfaced (like the boys most likely would) since you were underage, but you had never gone tubing down the Tennessee River before, so they decided on Kim. "Here, Hailey, hold my white claw."
She passed Hailey her drink and then maneuvered the cooler towards her, opened it, and handed you your moonshine.
"Thank you," you said and popped open the sip lid and took a sip. "Ahhh."
"Hey, drink it slow," Adam warned, turning towards you and practically yelling over the music. He and Jay were in front of the three of you girls so they could tell you if there were a ton of rocks coming or if it was super shallow coming up. "Heat makes getting drunk a lot easier because you keep drinking it because you're so thirsty."
"I don't think that's how it works, man, but whatever you say," Jay laughed.
Another song started.
"Hey!" you yelled. "I know this song!"
"Yeah, because it's old as hell," Jay laughed.
"Shut up! I like it!"
Baby you a song you make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise. Down a back road, blowin' stop signs through the middle every little farm town with you.
"And this brand new Chevy with a lift kit, would look a hell of a lot better with you up in it. Baby you a song, you make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise," the five of you sang Cruise by Florida Georgia Line while holding your drinks in pure happiness.
Because of this, you didn't notice Jay drifting off to the side toward the trees.
Jay let out a sinister laugh as he got closer. "C'mere, buddy, c'mere." The black snake stuck his tongue out and hissed. "Yeah, I know, you wanna scare Y/N, too." Jay held his hand out toward the snake. "I'm nice, I promise." The snake slithered and went up on Jay's hand and started up his arm. He turned once most of the snake was on him. He started using his other hand to paddle himself back toward the group. "Y/N!"
You turned and looked at him. You saw the snake on his arm and tears pricked your eyes. "No! No!" you shouted.
Snakes were your biggest fear and knowing that they were in the river that you were in right now was absolutely terrifying to you. And, with each paddle, Jay and the snake were coming closer and closer to you.
"Jay, please, please!"
Adam turned and looked at Jay and then back to you. "She scared of snakes?" You quickly nodded as tears ran down your face. "Jay! Stop! She's terrified!"
Jay laughed. "No!"
He was coming closer and closer to you.
Adam quickly paddled over to you and went in front of you. "I won't let it go near you, darlin', don't you worry."
"Uh huh," you said and grabbed onto Adam's arm in complete and utter terror.
Unknown to Jay, Hailey was making her way to him. But, she was behind him, so Jay couldn't see his girlfriend coming up behind him with her empty bottle of white claw raised high in the air.
He felt it before he heard her.
"Don't." Smack on the head with the empty can. "You." Another smack on the head with the empty can. "Do." Another smack on the head with the empty can. "That." Last smack on the head with the empty can.
"Ow!" Jay yelled. "Hails, stop!"
"Put the fuckin' snake back and stop scarin' the daylights outta your little sister or I will keep smackin' you, Jay!" Hailey told him.
"Fine, I'll put it back," he groaned.
"Hailey, keep that can raised above his head. If he tries to come back here, hit 'im again!" Adam yelled.
"You got it!" Hailey said. "Hear that baby? Your head is gonna come in contact with this 'ere empty white claw can again if you don't get a move on."
"I'm going, I'm going," Jay grumbled.
"Good, then you won't get smacked again."
"Just for all that," Adam started, "you wanna pick the next song, darlin'?"
"Can you play Better Dig Two by The Band Perry?" you asked. "That counts as country right?"
"Sure does, darlin'." He started messing with his phone. "Comin' right up."
"I told you on the day we wed, I was gonna love you 'til I's dead," you started to sing. "Made you wait 'til our weddin' night, that's the first and the last time I wear white."
"Snake's gone! Made sure he put it down and I even watched it slither away!" Hailey announced. "Put me in the ground, put me six foot down," Hailey joined in after she had finished yelling over part of the first verse.
"And, as for you, Jay," Adam started over the music and all of you singing. "You don't get to pick a song for the next hour."
"Son of a bitch," Jay muttered.
"Hey, you brought this one on yourself, buddy. So just sit back, relax, listen to our music choices, and enjoy your shine."
One week later
"And we're here!" Adam announced as the five of you pulled onto a long dirt driveway. "You ready to ride some horses, Y/N?"
"I dunno," you said. "I've never ridden a horse before."
"Oh, Adam'll make sure you're super safe," Kim reassured you.
"Okay, so whatever horse I ride won't buck me off?"
"Oh no," Adam said quickly, "we'll put Jay on Buck."
"Like hell you will!" Jay argued from the backseat.
Despite the studying the five of you had to do, you were at Adam's childhood home. Adam's parents had rented a cabin in North Carolina for the weekend since it was Labor Day weekend and needed someone to watch the five horses they owned.
His parents used to own a riding place with multiple horses, but since their kids got older, they stopped doing it because they were getting older and couldn't give the tours anymore. So, they sold most of their horses, left five so that their kids could ride them with their friends, but still kept the house and the land. Whenever Adam's parents went out of town, either he or his sister would come and stay over at their childhood home and take care of the horses. Seeing as his sister was married and just gave birth to a daughter, this left Adam. And, luckily for him, his parents were fine with some friends coming over to help Adam out.
"Relax, man," Adam began, "I'll ride Buck."
"Wait, is he called Buck because he bucks people off?" you asked.
"You would be completely right, darlin'. Which, would be the reason I'm riding him and neither of you four will be doing that."
Adam put the truck in park and you got out of the passenger seat. Yes, you had ridden in the front because Adam said you could because of your motion sickness. Jay wasn't too happy, but it was Adam's car, so therefore it was Adam's rules.
You got inside the house and it had two extra bedrooms, one of which was Adam's childhood room and had an extra twin bed in it for when his friends wanted to sleepover (Because, in Adam's words, it was only girls who shared beds at sleepovers and he said guys didn't do that, so that's why there was the extra bed). In his older sister's childhood room, there was a full-sized bed, so Hailey and Kim would share the bed and the boys said they'd move a couch into that same room for you to sleep on.
Adam opened the fridge once all of you had put your stuff in the rooms that would be yours for the weekend. "Ooooh, y'all, my mama left us some food!"
"Oh, he southern southern now," Kim laughed and walked over to the fridge. "What'd she make?"
"Let's see. We got fried chicken, mashed potatoes, cornbread, gravy, biscuits, grits, tater salad, peaches that she canned herself, and apple pie. She must really miss me if she cooked this much!" Adam laughed after he rattled off the food his mom made for all of you.
"Mama's cookin', paper plate, and tater tater salad," you said, quoting a song Jay had played on the way down here that you had taken a liking to and had added it to a playlist and been listening to it a lot the past week.
"Did you just..." Adam trailed off.
"She did!" Jay exclaimed.
"Is it that hard to believe that I know more than two country songs, y'all?" you asked.
All four of them gasped.
"She's southern! She's southern, y'all!" Hailey yelled.
"What?" you asked as you looked around at your brother, his girlfriend, and his two friends in confusion.
"That was yer first y'all, hun!" Hailey told you and pulled you into a hug. "Yer a regular southern belle now."
"Next thing you know, girl's gonna be fallin' for cowboys," Adam said.
"Aw, hell nah," Jay said. "Ain't no way she's datin' a cowboy. No way."
"Shit, Jay just went southern southern, too," Adam laughed.
"What can I say, when my girl goes hella Georgia, I go hella Tennessee," Jay said.
"That made zero sense, baby, but okay," Hailey said. She turned to Adam. "When we ridin'?"
"We can go right now if you want. Everyone good with that?"
You all nodded and then Adam told all of you to put on your cowboy hats.
"This 'ere's Maddy," Adam said before he helped you onto the horse. You put your feet in the stirrups. "They feel good? You can reach 'em well?" he asked.
"Yeah," you told him. "Thanks."
"You're welcome, darlin'." He turned to Jay, Hailey, and Kim. "You three remember how to get on the horses since we rode so much last year?"
"We're good," Jay said.
"Hey, baby?" Hailey asked and turned to Jay. He turned to look at her. "You think you can help me on 'im? Pretty sure Diablo's gotten a lot bigger since I rode 'im last."
"Yeah, sweetheart, I got that."
"Did he just..." you trailed off and looked at Kim.
"He did," she confirmed. "She turns into sweetheart around this time every year. Jay gets really southern after only being here a week. Might also have something to do with Adam calling me sweetheart sometimes and he just picks up on it."
Jay helped Hailey onto the huge horse named Diablo and then got on his horse. You were riding Maddy, Adam was riding Buck, Jay was riding Sinbad, Hailey was riding Diablo, and Kim was riding Atta'Boy.
"All y'all need to watch me now," Adam announced from the front. All four of you gave Adam all your attention. "Well, mostly Y/N because she's never ridden before." He paused. "To make your horse stop, just give the reins a little tug. To turn, hold the reins on your right side, and pull towards your right hip, like this." He demonstrated and pulled the reins like he told you and Buck's head turned to the right. "And turn left, do the same thing on the left side. To make them go, just flick the reins a little bit, but they're pretty well-trained, so you shouldn't need to do that. But, if they still won't go, give 'em a little kick. I promise you won't hurt 'em. But, most of all, keep at least one hand on the reins at all times. Oh, and they will try to eat on the trails, but they ain't supposed to, so try and get them to stop by pulling up on the reins if you can.
"Any questions? Everyone sure their stirrups and saddles are good?" Adam finished.
Everyone answered with a chorus of "yeses" and then the five of you were off...that was until Maddy decided she was hungry about a quarter-mile (400 meters) in.
And, to make matters worse, you were in the mountains (because everyone is in the mountains here) and Maddy was bringing you closer and closer to a small ravine.
You did not want to have the experience of trying to control your horse and deciding whether or not to jump off or not and possibly being rushed to the hospital.
"Maddy!" you yelled and tugged up on the reins. Nothing. "Maddy!"
"Pull hard!" Jay yelled from behind you.
"I am pulling, Jay!" you yelled back. "Come on, Maddy!"
Shit, she was still moving towards the edge and trying to eat more.
"Pull to the left!" Jay yelled. You pulled. Nothing. "All the way around! To your left hip!"
You did so and she moved. Finally.
"Now straighten out the reins," Jay told you. You did. "And give her a kick to move."
You did and she continued walking...this time with a huge branch and leaves hanging out of her mouth because she had gotten herself a nice little snack.
"What's with all the yellin'?" Adam asked as he turned his head around and had Buck slow down a little bit. Then, he saw Maddy. "Maddy stop to eat? She acts likes she's starvin', but I promise you she's not."
You kept going and then you started going down a hill.
"Lean forward when going down a hill," Adam yelled back to all of you, "and lean back when going up a hill."
You started going down the hill and kept trying to maneuver yourself so you were in the middle of the saddle. You felt like you were leaning too much to the right, so you kept trying to fix it, but with Maddy still walking, it was kind of hard.
You clenched your stomach muscles to try and pull yourself back to center, but it wasn't working. You tried to push up with your left foot because you were leaning to the right, but that wouldn't work either.
"Just hold on tight, Y/N," Jay told you. "Adam!" Jay yelled as you kept leaning to the right and pulled the reins a little harder to make sure that Maddy would stop.
"What?" Adam yelled back.
"We need a little help back here!"
Adam turned Buck around and he got halfway to you and stopped next to Hailey and Diablo.
"She's fallin' off, you big dummy! You gotta go!" Adam yelled. He flicked his reins. "C'mon, go!"
It was like Buck knew what was going on because the minute he lifted his head up and saw you trying to stay in the saddle, he started coming towards you.
"Buck, stay," Adam said sternly and jumped off him. He walked to your right side. "Now, I'm gonna push your saddle to the left and I need you to lean the same way, okay?"
"Lean to the left?" you asked.
"Yup," he confirmed. "One...two...three."
He pushed up and you leaned to the left, which allowed the saddle and you to be re-centered.
"Can you reach the stirrups okay, darlin'?" he asked. "Or do you need 'em a bit higher?"
"I think I need them a bit higher," you answered. "I thought they were fine, but I guess not."
"That's okay. That's what I'm here for. Take your right foot out."
You did as he said and then he adjusted the stirrups and helped you get your foot back in. Then, he did the same for the left foot.
While Adam was adjusting your left stirrup, Maddy was curious about what was in his first aid bag that was attached to Buck's saddle.
"I ain't got no treats in there, you fatty." He put his hand on Maddy's head. "There's nothin' in there for you. Get out." She started chewing on a drawstring that was on the bag. "Okay, I guess you can chew on that."
"So, to get her to turn, do I just pull like this?" you asked and showed Adam.
"Yes, but put your hand further down the reins when you do that. Works better like that."
"Okay, thanks."
"And, if she keeps tryin' to eat, pull up hard--but not too hard and far that you make her walk backward--and if that doesn't work, give her a quick kick. I promise you won't hurt this little fatty right here."
"Okay, awesome."
"You good?"
"I'm good," you confirmed.
"Okay, so if you ever need to adjust yourself, just grab this 'ere saddle horn." He put his hand on the stub on the front of the saddle. "And put two hands on it...unlike me, and then just push down with your foot on which side you want the saddle to go. Pretty simple."
"Okay, got it," you said.
Then, Adam jumped back on Buck and you were off again.
You and Kim were sitting up on the bed in Adam's older sister's childhood room that you were staying in and watching a dumb comedy when Adam poked his head into the room.
"Both you up?" he asked.
"Yeah," Kim answered. "Why?"
"Well, I want to go to the rope swing, and Jay and Hailey both fell asleep spooning while watching some shitty movie in the living room, so do you two wanna go? I'm bringing alcohol."
"Adam, it's like 11 o'clock at night!" Kim laughed. "We won't even be able to see the water!"
"Honey," Adam laughed. "I'll leave the headlights of my truck on! I'm not that stupid to have us jump in blind!" He paused. "You two in?"
"Sure," Kim agreed and then turned to you. "Y/N?"
"Why the hell not? I'm in college, let's go!"
"Alright, I'll let you two get changed and I'll grab the towels and the booze," Adam said.
"Adam, if you're the one driving, you cannot drink a ton!" Kim told him.
"I know! I'll just take like two shots and use moonshine as a chaser."
"You got more moonshine?" you asked.
"Holy hell, Adam," Kim agreed.
"Where do you two think I was the past hour? I went into town and grabbed a few flavors. and, I got both your flavors, too. So, y'all can't yell at me. Now, get changed so we can go before Jay and Hailey wake up and decide they want in on this, too."
"You good to sit in the back, Miss Car Sick?" Adam asked you.
"Yeah, you said it's only like a five minute drive, so I'll be fine. Thanks for asking, though," you answered.
"No problem, darlin'."
Then, the three of you were off to this rope swing to jump into a river in the middle of the night.
Five minutes later, Adam threw his car in park and left the radio and headlights on. The three of you got out and Adam grabbed the booze and shot glasses and then you followed him around to the back of his truck. He handed the stuff off to you and Kim to hold while he flipped his tailgate down. Then, he used the flashlight app of his phone to see as he poured each of you a shot of gummy bear flavored vodka.
"Cheers to late night decisions and possibly bad decisions!" Adam toasted.
The three of you clinked your shot glasses together and then took the shots.
"Shit. That was strong," you coughed.
"Chaser, chaser," Adam said as he flipped open the sip cap on the blackberry moonshine.
He handed it to you and you took a few sips.
"Compared to that shot, this moonshine tastes like nothin'," you said.
"See? Told you it had a low proof!" Adam exclaimed. "Now, do you two want me to go first so I can show you how it's done?"
"That might be a good idea, yeah," Kim agreed. "You've only brought me here during the day and it's been over a year, so yeah, you go first, cowboy."
"Oh, that reminds me." He took his signature cowboy hat off. "Hold this for me, will you, sweetheart?" He held the hat out to Kim and she took it from him. "Thank you. Now, watch and learn, ladies, watch and learn."
Kim laughed. "Whatever you say, babe, whatever you say."
Adam walked up to the edge of the river and waded in the water to grab the rope. You and Kim stood on the edge of the river and watched as Adam dragged the rope with him as he stood on a rock, which was right below the tree that the rope was tied to. Then, he cinched the rope between his feet and jumped up and swung forward.
"Yeehaw!" Adam yelled.
Then, after a few seconds, he let go of the rope and fell into the river.
The rope dangled back and forth until Adam grabbed it and dragged it in with him.
"Who's next?" he asked as he held the rope out.
"You wanna go, Kim?" you asked.
"You sure you don't wanna go before me?" she asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Go ahead," you said.
"You nervous, darlin'?" Adam asked you as he took his hat back from Kim and placed it on his head.
"A bit." You looked down at your feet. "Are there snakes in there?" you practically mumbled.
"Oh, darlin'," Adam said with a wave of his hand. "I can promise you that there's no snakes in there. You've never seen a snake in there have you, baby?" he asked Kim.
"Nope, no snakes. I promise. Now, I'll go, and then you gotta go because it's so much fun!"
Kim grabbed the rope and then made her way up onto the rock. She did the same thing that Adam did and soon it was your turn.
"I'm stealing your aux, babe," Kim said as she walked toward Adam's truck.
Adam raised an eyebrow. "I don't know why you can't just listen to the radio like we've been doing, but go ahead, baby."
Kim walked over to the truck and changed the input to aux and then quickly pulled up Spotify. From there, she pulled up the song Like A Lady by Lady A, formerly known as Lady Antebellum. She turned the volume all the way up on her phone, plugged it into the aux, and hit play.
"Lady!" came out of the speakers as well as the opening chords.
You gasped as Kim came running back to you and Adam.
"How'd you know this one of my favorite songs?" you asked.
Ever since Hailey had played it for you on your first night in Tennessee when you were unpacking and sippin' on moonshine, you loved this song. It was all about feeling like a lady while wearing jeans and drinking and being comfortable with yourself and not needing a man.
"Y/N, I follow you on Spotify. I can see what you listen to. Now, go get to it, lady!" Kim cheered.
You smiled and turned around. You walked to the rock and climbed up on it just before the chorus. You grabbed onto the rope.
"'Cause I feel like a lady," you sang loudly to the music. "Sippin' on tequila with my Levis on."
You clamped your feet around the rope and jumped.
You felt weightless for just about one second and then you let go of the rope and fell into the water with a splash.
The water wasn't freezing, it was a little cold, but it was still decently comfortable. You started swimming back to the shore and grabbed the rope when it swung back toward you.
"Hell yeah!" Adam yelled as he ran up to you and took the rope so you could pull yourself up onto the river bank. "You did awesome! Did you like it?"
"I loved it! Let's do it again!" you yelled.
"See?" Kim said. "I told you that you'd love it!"
"I propose a celebratory shot for Y/N's first time jumping off the rope swing!" Adam said and the three of you headed back to his truck to have more booze.
And that is how you learned that you didn't get hangover headaches like Kim, but got hella tired the next day just like Hailey. But, a little hangover (despite not being old enough to legally drink) was all worth it because of how much fun you, Kim, and Adam had.
Months later
"Welcome to Chocolate Moose, everybody!" Adam announced and fumbled with the lockbox to get the key.
Since it was exam season, there was a tradition that started during the winter semester of their sophomore year that was where they'd all go up to a cabin (each cabin had a name and yours was Chocolate Moose) in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, which was an hour away from school, to go study without the temptation of parties and the libraries that were packed as hell and barely had any seats open because everyone and their mama had decided to study there.
He unlocked the door and opened it.
You walked in and were in awe. When you walked in, you saw a small kitchen complete with a stove, oven, microwave, and pots, pans, plates, bowls, cups, mugs, and silverware stored in cabinets and drawers. There was also a small pantry to your right the minute you walked inside.
Off of the small kitchen were the living room and the dining area. There was a circular wooden table with six chairs and there was a tv and a couch that folded out into a bed. Right next to that was a bedroom with a bathroom, which also had its own tv in it.
And, if you walked to the end of the living room, there was a door that led to the first-floor deck that overlooked the Smoky Mountains. On the deck was a wooden table that matched the wood of the deck and six stools, so it would be a nice place to study or eat breakfast or sip coffee in the morning.
The stairs to go to the second floor were above the table (so the table was tucked beneath the second set of stairs). When you got up there, there was a pool table, a bubble hockey table, another couch that folded out into a bed, and a coffee table in front of said couch.
To the right of the couch and coffee table was a California king-sized bed with a trunk in front of it which held the bedding for the pull-out couches. Then, there was a dresser with a mirror to the side of the bed and a closet. There was also a full bathroom with a washer and dryer and a dressing table (so tons of counter space and two mirrors) upstairs as well.
And, there was another deck on the second floor. This one didn't have a full-sized table, but it did have two chairs with a small table between, and a small couch complete with a bunch of throw pillows on one end of the deck. This deck too overlooked the beauty that was the Smoky Mountains.
"Who's that?" you asked fifteen minutes later after you had finished touring the cabin and figuring out sleeping arrangements.
It had been decided that Adam and Kim would take the first-floor bedroom and that you'd take the pull-out couch on their floor. Hailey and Jay would sleep upstairs and you wondered why you couldn't take the upstairs couch like you wanted to because Jay was quick to tell you no.
You knew they weren't gonna try to do the nasty up there since there was no door shutting the upstairs off from the downstairs, so you had no idea why he wouldn't let you sleep on the pull-out couch upstairs.
"Who's that?" you asked again while looking out the kitchen window.
Then, you saw a head of red hair in the driver's seat and rushed out the door to where the person parked their car.
"Will!" you shouted as he got out of the car. "I missed you!" You wrinkled your nose at what he was wearing: a pair of blue scrubs.
"I drove here right after I got off a twelve-hour ED rotation," Will told you. "Hence the scrubs."
"I would give you a hug, but who knows what kinda bodily fluids have been on those."
"Good choice. We'll postpone the hug until after I take a quick shower and change."
Adam, Kim, and Jay came outside and said their hellos to Will, and Jay took Will's backpack, making a joke saying that it felt like he stuffed a ton of rocks in there.
So, now you knew why you couldn't sleep on the pull-out couch upstairs: Will was sleeping there.
"Fuck!" you yelled as you felt a bee sting you on the upper part of your left inner thigh.
"What?" Adam asked.
You, Adam, and Kim were outside at the table on the first-floor deck studying while Will was upstairs studying and Jay and Hailey were studying one of their law studies classes at the kitchen table together.
"The fuckin' bee stung me!"
"Well, you were swattin' at him, darlin'," Adam said, which earned him a smack to the arm from Kim.
"Because he was between my legs!" you argued. "What was I supposed to do? Let him fly up my shorts and sting me there? Oh hell no!"
You got up and walked inside.
"Will!" you shouted the minute you closed the door to the deck.
"Y/N! Keep it down!" Jay scolded. "We're trying to study!"
You had made it up the first set of stairs and leaned over the railing. "Well, I just strung by fuckin' bee, so I think I can yell a bit, Jay! Will!"
"What?" he said and ripped out his headphones when you got all the way upstairs. "Med school's no joke, you know!"
"Well, what do I put on a bee sting?" you huffed.
Will sighed. "Hold on. They asked me to be the one who brought the first aid kit and I'm glad I did."
He got up and then came back with a bottle of lotion.
"Put this on it. Should cool down the stinging. Tell me if it gets worse or starts itching."
"Okay, thanks."
You put it on and hoped it would be better soon.
Okay, so this bee sting wasn't getting better. It was actually getting worse.
It had been itchy all day and you were currently shaving your legs in your shower. You felt the place where the bee had stung you and it was swollen as if someone had shoved a disk the size of an Oreo in your leg at the place the bee had stung you.
You got out of the shower, got changed, and walked out of the bathroom where country music was blasting and Jay and Adam were playing a friendly (okay, so maybe not so friendly) game of pool.
"Hailey, is my bee sting supposed to be super itchy?" you asked as you sat down on the couch next to her.
She and everyone else was drinking one of their two allotted white claws. Yes, during finals week you had all decided there needed to be a daily cut-off for alcohol so that you could all get your shit done. And, it helped keep everyone accountable since everyone in the cabin was only having two per day...and you weren't spending a ton of money this weekend on alcohol.
"Um, none of mine have ever been," she said. "Will!" He turned to look at her from where he was sitting and intently watching the pool game...mostly to make sure neither Adam nor Jay cheated. "Her bee sting supposed to itch?"
"Not unless she's allergic to bees...and she's not." He stood up. "Go lay on the bed and let me take a look."
"Oh, fuck no! I am not letting my brother look there!"
"Y/N, I'm a med student. I've seen a helluva lot more than a bee sting on your inner thigh. You can even go put on some short spandex if that would make you more comfortable."
You currently had on loose-fitting shorts that you knew would fall back to expose what underwear you were wearing if you let Will take a look. "Actually, I think I'll go do that," you said.
You quickly grabbed a pair of spandex from your suitcase and went back into the bathroom and changed into them.
"Y'all check for a stinger?" Adam asked.
Will must've filled him in when you were changing your shorts.
"Shit," Will cursed. "I knew there was something I forgot to do."
"What kinda fuckin' doctor are you if you forget to check something like that?" you asked Will rhetorically. "Hailey, I'm gonna need that empty white claw bottle to smack Will over the head with like you did to Jay on the river."
"Sorry, hun," Hailey apologized. "I ain't finished with this 'ere can yet."
"I'll hit him!" Jay yelled, putting down his pool stick and grabbing his empty can.
He hit Will on the arm with the empty white claw can as hard as he possibly could.
"The fuck?" Will yelled. "Why'd you do that?"
"I dunno." Jay turned to Adam. "Why were we hitting Will, again?"
"Holy shit," Adam muttered to himself. "Because he forgot to check Y/N's bee sting to see if the stinger was still there."
"Oh, okay. That was stupid, Will."
You laid on the bed and let Will look at the spot the bee stung you. Then, he put on a pair of gloves and pulled out a pair of tweezers.
"Hailey?" he called. She looked up expectantly. "Can you come over here and hold up a flashlight? I think I found the stinger."
Hailey got up and turned on the flashlight on her phone and crouched down next to Will.
"That good?" she asked as she finished positioning the phone so the phone's flashlight was pointing directly at your bee sting.
"Yup." He looked up at you. "Now, I'm gonna put one of my hands above the bee sting, that way you won't be able to see the tweezers go in. Sound good?"
"Mhm. At least this is better than when Jay tried to attack me with a snake!"
Will laughed. "I bet."
Five minutes later, the stinger was out and Will told you to put Neosporin and a bandaid over it just so you didn't keep itching it because he told you the itchiness wouldn't go away immediately.
"I need a drink," you said after you were all done.
Hailey handed you a raspberry white claw from the mini-fridge next to the couch and you popped it open.
"Thanks," you said.
"You're welcome."
"Everyone shut up!" Adam yelled. "This is Jay and Hailey's song...well, they didn't exactly meet at a bar and Hailey wasn't drinking a white claw, but it was a Saturday and those two did ditch us. So, dance you two!"
They tried to object, but Adam dragged Jay over to Hailey and Kim pushed Hailey up off the couch and towards Jay.
"Sittin' over there in the corner, baby, I saw pretty red lips workin' on a white claw," you all sang along to Single Saturday Night by Cole Swindell. And, you'd be lying if you said that this song didn't remind you of the story that Jay had told you about the first time he took Hailey out when she was bored one Saturday night in a sports bar. "Shakin' to a little Shook Me All Night Long. And I thought, man, what a beautiful sight."
You smiled. Four months ago, there'd be no way you'd know this song. But, thanks to your brother's friends and his girlfriend, you knew so many more country songs. But, most of all, if your first semester of freshman year was any indication, you were going to have the time of your life going to college here in Tennessee.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! Again, please remember to like/reblog and comment because I love reading all your comments and seeing that you voted because that means you enjoyed reading the imagine! As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you! Again, I am donating all my proceeds on buy me a coffee until the end of AU-gust to Save The Children to help the children in Afghanistan. Buy me a coffee here.
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crime-she-wrote · 4 years
What is Criminal Profiling and how Jack The Ripper‘s case contributed to it
Hello and welcome back to Crime, She Wrote! In this post we’ll talk about two things that fascinate me: criminal profiling and the first criminal profile ever recorded. So buckle up, get your favourite beverage and join me in this little trip around criminology!
What is criminal profiling?
Criminal profiling is something that probably most people have heard of thanks to the rising in popularity of crime TV shows, movies and books. It’s safe to say that if you’re reading this, you’ve heard of Criminal Minds, The Silence of the Lambs or Mindhunter. But among all the fiction, what’s the truth? What’s the reality that everything has been based of?
Offender profiling, or criminal profiling, is an investigative technique used by law enforcement agents and psychologists to assist in determining whether offenses were committed by the same perpetrator and to help narrowing down the list of possible suspects by using available information about the crime and crime scene to create a psychological portrait of the perpetrator. As of now, there are several typologies of criminal profiling, such as crime scene analysis, investigative psychology, geographic profiling, diagnostic evaluation and linkage analysis.
What do those words mean?
Crime scene analysis is probably what most people associate offender profiling with: the analysis of a crime scene and inference of the offender’s characteristics from it. Although this is the most popular method of offender profiling and the one used by the FBI, there’s no clear scientific evidence that crime scene actions and offender characteristics can be directly linked without the interfefence of a third factor.
Investigative psychology is a field of applied psychology that attempts to describe and understand the behaviour of the offender, their thought process and psychological characteristics. This is an investigative technique that strays from traditional criminal investigation.
Geographic profiling is, as the name says, the profiling of the area on which the offender commits their crimes. The goal of this investigative tool is to find patterns on the geographical areas in which crimes were committed, narrow down areas where the offender could strike next and find areas of personal significance for the offender. Despite what fictional media might make you believe, this doesn’t necessarily mean the geographic profile tells us where the offender lives (although that’s not impossible), but it tries to link criminal activity to other activities not related to the crimes (such as home or work place, or recreational areas frequently visited by the offender). Geographic profiling works on the principle that 1) crimes are likely to occur near the offender’s home, 2) the offender and the victim must intersect for the crime to occur, 3) the offender tends to divert attentions from their own home although not travelling further away than necessary and 4) crime sites are not random. Although very helpful, geographic profiling is only an accurate tool when investigators have more than three crimes than can be connected to the same offender with no doubt.
Linkage analysis is the process of determining whether several crimes were committed by the same offender. Idealy, this is determined by the presence of DNA, fingerprints or fabric in the crime scenes. But when neither of these are present, investigators must use other ways to determined the facts. One way of doing this is by behaviour linkage analysis where the investigators attempt to link crimes based on the behaviours of the offender. They try to find patterns of behavioral stability and behavioral distinctiveness, aka, the offender must behave a similar way when commiting the crimes and those behaviours must be different form those exhibited by other offenders committing the same crimes. This is also known as the offender’s modus operandi.
Diagnostic evaluation is the attempt to relate psychiatry and psychology knowledge to criminology, thus explaining crime and criminal behaviour via a mental health and psichiatric diagnostic vision.
What does Jack The Ripper have to do with this?
Between April 1888 and February 1891 there were a series of murders around the Whitechapel district of London. The victims were women, typically prostitutes, in impoverished areas, who had their throats cut and their abdomens mutilated, including the removal of the uterus and other organs in most cases. All crimes were committed during the night. Although a total of 11 murders were investigated as being the Ripper’s, only 5 were and are widely accepted as being committed by the Ripper. These are known as the canonical five and consist of Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly. The details of each murder are lengthy and well known so I won’t go over them much, but if you want to read more about them the wikipedia page on Jack the Ripper has it all available.
The investigation around the Whitechapel murders happened very much the same way modern investigations do: from interviewing of the community, to collecting of forensic material, and identification, investigation and even arrest of suspects. The investigation was conducted initially by Detective Inspectors Edmund Reid and Robert Anderson from the Metropolitan Police of Whitechapel Criminal Investigation Department, who later were joined by Detective Inspectors Frederick Abberline, Henry Moore, and Walter Andrews of the Scotland Yard.
It was in October 1888 that Robert Anderson asked police surgeon Thomas Bond his opinion regarding the murderer’s skill and anatomy knowledge. Bond’s response is the first criminal profile recorded in history.
Quoting Bond’s letter to Anderson,
 “1. All five murders were no doubt committed by the same hand. In the first four the throats appear to have been cut from left to right. In the last case owing to the extensive mutilation it is impossible to say in what direction the fatal cut was made, but arterial blood was found on the wall in splashes close to where the woman's head must have been lying.
2. All the circumstances surrounding the murders lead me to form the opinion that the women must have been lying down when murdered and in every case the throat was first cut.
3. In the four murders of which I have seen the notes only, I cannot form a very definite opinion as to the time that had elapsed between the murder and the discovering of the body.
4. In all the cases there appears to be no evidence of struggling and the attacks were probably so sudden and made in such a position that the women could neither resist nor cry out. In the Dorset Street case the corner of the sheet to the right of the woman's head was much cut and saturated with blood, indicating that the face may have been covered with the sheet at the time of the attack.
5. In the four first cases the murderer must have attacked from the right side of the victim. In the Dorset Street case, he must have attacked from in front or from the left, as there would be no room for him between the wall and the part of the bed on which the woman was lying. Again, the blood had flowed down on the right side of the woman and spurted on to the wall.
6. The murderer would not necessarily be splashed or deluged with blood, but his hands' and arms must have been covered and parts of his clothing must certainly have been smeared with blood.
7. The mutilations in each case excepting the Berner's Street one were all of the same character and shewed clearly that in all the murders, the object was mutilation.
8. In each case the mutilation was inflicted by a person who had no scientific nor anatomical knowledge. In my opinion he does not even possess the technical knowledge of a butcher or horse slaughterer or any person accustomed to cut up dead animals.
9. The instrument must have been a strong knife at least six inches long, very sharp, pointed at the top and about an inch in width. It may have been a clasp knife, a butcher's knife or a surgeon's knife. I think it was no doubt a straight knife.
10. The murderer must have been a man of physical strength and of great coolness and daring. There is no evidence that he had an accomplice. He must in my opinion be a man subject to periodical attacks of Homicidal and erotic mania. The character of the mutilations indicate that the man may be in a condition sexually, that may be called satyriasis. It is of course possible that the Homicidal impulse may have developed from a revengeful or brooding condition of the mind, or that Religious Mania may have been the original disease, but I do not think either hypothesis is likely. The murderer in external appearance is quite likely to be a quiet inoffensive looking man probably middleaged and neatly and respectably dressed. I think he must be in the habit of wearing a cloak or overcoat or he could hardly have escaped notice in the streets if the blood on his hands or clothes were visible.
11. Assuming the murderer to be such a person as I have just described he would probably be solitary and eccentric in his habits, also he is most likely to be a man without regular occupation, but with some small income or pension. He is possibly living among respectable persons who have some knowledge of his character and habits and who may have grounds for suspicion that he is not quite right in his mind at times. Such persons would probably be unwilling to communicate suspicions to the Police for fear of trouble or notoriety, whereas if there were a prospect of reward it might overcome their scruples.”
In summary, Bond mentioned the sexual nature of the murders and gives an analysis of the Ripper’s personality by analysing the available information and reconstucting the murders.
This analysis contains elements previously mentioned of offender profiling: we have the crime scene analysis, where Bond infers the position and behaviour of both victim and offender; investigative psychology, where he attempts to infer psychological traits to explain and understand the Ripper’s behaviour; linkage analysis where he uses the available information to determine whether the crimes were committed by the same offender or not; and diagnostic evaluation, where Bond attempts to explain the behaviour of the Ripper through various psychiatric diagnostics.
Although offender profiling is indeed a scientific field within criminology and psychology, many theories are yet to be proven correct. Offender profiling depends on two things: behavioral consistency and homology. This means that for all typologies of offender profiling to be 100% accurate, an offender’s behaviour must be the same throughout different environments and occasions and throughout time (behaviour consistency) and similar crimes must always be committed by the same type of offenders (homology). Although this has been proved correct in the cases of sexual crimes, other types of crimes are yet to obtain the same results in research. This means that offender profiling is, indeed, useful and helpful to police investigations but it should be treated with caution as it cannot be used as a single one tool to solve a case or find a perpetrator.
Thank you!
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tiesthatbind-tf · 3 years
Question for Optimus and Megatron! Do you ever see yourselves reconciling in the future? At this point do you even want to?
The jagged edges of badly-healed scars and lines of age on the man’s face were thrown into clear relief by the soft blue glow of tablet in his hands as he studied the question proposed to him carefully. Unblinkingly.
It was two in the morning on a sleepless night amid a quiet week, and after a short prayer session and paperwork, an odd sense of melancholy had begun to creep in.
The rare moments of peace brought with them clarity to his thoughts that weren’t focused on missions, briefings and strategic discussions, and that clarity was, at times, a double-edged sword.
“Back when we used to meet each other at Maccadam’s every weekend, he would bring along this notebook filled with poetry and paragraphs of his thoughts about the state of the world. It wasn’t something he openly shared—miners wrote books yes, but mostly concerning their line of work,” Optimus finally spoke up after almost ten minutes of deliberating what he was going to say, and whether he should say it.
“On the day he left the Newham police station after being arrested for suspicion of inciting a riot, after he was brutalized by a rogue guard I had hired a few months ago... I found it.”
He had left the oak desk that was groaning under a stack of files, folders and documents that only increased as the days passed, long strides taking him to the bookshelf at the end of the room where the works of Thomas Aquinas were nestled carefully next to Imam Al-Bukhari’s. One book, much smaller than the rest, seemed out of place there however, and this was the one he pulled out.
“On the sidewalk.”
It was a woebegone-looking notebook, weathered by time with the edges of some pages crimped up by water damage, though it was clear that care had been taken to preserve it: The covers were wrapped in plastic, and not a single silverfish was to be seen scuttling away as Optimus opened it only to show the initials ‘M.T’ scribbled at the lower right corner of the first page.
“I thought he had dropped it and wanted to give it back to him. And with it, I wanted to apologize for everything—for not being there when it happened, for it happening in my station under my jurisdiction, for failing the promise I made to him twenty-eight years ago that I wanted to join law enforcement to protect everyone, not just those the system decided deserved protection—-but by the time I arrived at the mining community he worked at… they told me he’d been sent to Messatine.”
He closed the book before any demand for more of its contents could arise. They weren’t his to divulge.
“So I held on to this notebook for the better part of a decade. I memorized the words——some of them, I recited in front of the Senate the day I decided I was done being a part of their system. I hoped he would come home one day so I could return it to him in person. And he did!”
There was the ghost of a smile that crossed his features, which quickly shifted to a perplexed frown.
“But when I tried to give him back what was his, he told me to keep it or burn it—-he didn’t care for it any more. No point dwelling in the past, especially one he had grown beyond, was what he said. I took his words at face value back then… but when I think about it now? I wonder if it wasn’t him trying to bury what remained of the person he was before the Pits, before Messatine, before the night at my station. Before everything.”
The guilt was heavy in his tone as he sank down to the floor and leaned against the bookshelf; broad shoulders sagging under the weight of an invisible mantle and eyes glazed over in a thousand-yard stare for a moment.
“Do I want to reconcile our differences? Yes. More than anything. Because the boy I traded books with, the friend I shared a table with, and the man who wrote these words that opened my eyes ? I believe that man is still alive and that man is worth saving.”
He closed his own eyes for a moment and when they opened once more, the focus in his gaze seemed to have returned.
“Do I think it will happen? InsyaAllah, perhaps, but I would not stake the world on that reconciliation.”
The temperature in the empty war room felt like it had dropped several degrees as the Decepticon leader glared at the seeming-innocuous question as though it had come for his neck personally. Adam’s apple bobbing in a rare show of uncertainty and trepidation, he closed his eyes, steepled his fingers and exhaled harshly.
“I don’t… hate the man, if that is where the trajectory of your question is heading. He was my best friend, one of the few I would have trusted with my life. More heart than sense, foolish and naive and stubborn, but kind. To a fault,” Megatron uttered after a few minutes, his lips a thin and terse line as he thought about the matter a little deeper.
Another spell of silence fell upon the hall as he stood up and muttered an annoyed ‘tch’ at the part of him that saw it fit to indulge the inquiry at all before picking out a book from the glass-cased shelf in the back of the room.
“That is not to say the urge doesn’t arise from time to time. But every time that voice whispers venom and spite whenever I hear his name? I remember this.”
It landed on his paperwork with a dull thump; a hard-cover edition of ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab: His life and times’ which was, from first glance, well-kept save some light tatters on the book jacket.
A closer look at the book jacket however would reveal several brown specks which resembled dried blood.
“Thirty-two years ago, the sheltered child of a professor and a journalist threw this book over the fence dividing redlined districts to a nobody who simply voiced a fascination for what he was reading. Without prompt. ‘It’s a gift’ he said. A gift for someone he had spoken to for all of ten minutes. A gift for a new friend.”
The warlord who was greying earlier than most sank back into his seat with his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling overhead. 
“The nobody cherished it for approximately two days before the census team came by for an unannounced inspection, and lo behold they did find it, and the nobody was beaten within an inch of his life for the crime of possessing a book which wasn’t ‘approved’ for his class, and therefore could not belong to him.”
The scoffing disdain in his voice as he spoke of the abuse was replaced with a fierceness that would have made anyone listening take a step back, more so that his glare felt like it could burn right through the screen as he returned his attention to the person on the other end.
“But it did. Because it was a gift from a friend. And when that nobody became a rebel, and eventually a warlord who tore down the doors to the government’s archives for ‘Persons Of Interest’? He bled everybody in that basement like the stuck pigs  they were until he found that little box with his name written on it, found this inside it, and then burned everything else to the ground.”
That would explain the drying blood on the cover of the book that he was now holding up, at the very least.
“This, and the books that were to come which that kind and foolish boy would toss over the fence, was when I realized how broken the system truly was, that I had to rely on this subterfuge for want of a better education. This was when I realized I wanted more than to live and die in the mines as my barcode dictated.”
The mounting anger in his tone seemed to suddenly cut off he opened his mouth only to close it swiftly, and when his tongue could finally form words again, they were noticeably softer than before.
“This was also when I realized that perhaps, I wasn’t alone in my outrage, in my boyhood fantasies for a better world. No one told that meddling idiot to make my fight his as well, but at eight-years-old, he decided he was going to do something about it to help me because he wanted to. And it’s hard to hate that earnestness.”
He closed his eyes for a moment before standing up with his hands clasped behind him, features obscured as he faced the wall with shoulders squared.
“Reconciliations are not out of the question. Truth be told, I do desire it. Whatever my past as a gladiator might have impressed upon you, believe me, I don’t enjoy the prospects of senselessy killing Autobots I have fought alongside for many years, back when we worked side by side against our common enemy. Terrible waste of genuinely good if not exceedingly foolish people, I would think.”
A curt professionalism had crept in now as he turned around and stroked his beard thoughtfully at the notion.
“However the matter should only be discussed after our movement’s primary objective has been achieved, and not a moment before. And if he and his merry men keep being an obstacle in my path?”
He smirked coldly.
“I can’t promise that the consequences won’t be dire.”
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by-nina · 3 years
A Cordial Invitation
AO3 | FFN Royai Week 2021 | Day 4 – Communiqué Rating: K+ (light drinking) Genre: Comedy/Fluff Word Count: 2,840
A/N: This fic takes place when Roy and Hughes are both still stationed in East City, before Hughes is transferred to Central—or in an AU where that happens, if that wasn't the case in canon. Brain empty, no thoughts but Royai. Screw canon. What's important is that Hughes is here. 😂
There is the briefest pause as Hughes leaps back, startled by the outburst, then he laughs again upon seeing the look on Roy's face. Roy can only shake his head in horror—what the hell does the man find so funny? Well, he might have laughed at this little comedy of errors himself if the situation weren't so ridiculously flustering for him. Instead, he is left to imagine it in sheer panic. R. Mustang. Riza Mustang.
His face is burning red.
MAES HUGHES, son of Thomas and Evangeline Hughes,
GRACIA EVANS, daughter of Rupert and Georgina Evans,
are delighted to announce their blessed and loving union come Saturday, the 25th of June 1910. The ceremony shall take place at Charlotte Hill, attended by their immediate family and beloved friends. Comprising their entourage are Mr. A. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. H. Elliott, Miss S. Garber, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marshall, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Mustang.
Five different people have congratulated Roy—two of them expressing mild surprise at his previously unknown marriage—by the time he comes across the root of his very confusing Friday morning. He reads the announcement in the paper thrice, flipping the page back and forth as if doing so might correct the error. When it doesn't, he picks up the receiver of his office phone, then replaces it and instead decides to see the man himself.
He passes by Breda and Havoc on the way out, but he isn't quite sure if they’re watching him because they know what's going on, or if they're just as puzzled as he is.
Two floors down, Roy raps away at the door of the Intelligence Division office. "Hughes," he calls out. "Hughes, I need to talk to you about—"
He cuts himself off, rubbing his temple as he realizes the pointlessness of his visit. It's at this moment too that Maes Hughes opens the door with that old, damning grin, the one Roy has known from Hughes' courtship with Gracia and all through their engagement. It's the grin that precedes the talk, as Hughes has annoyingly come to call it. Roy is ready with any of several retorts, such as—
"I don't have time for this, Hughes," or;
"Go bother someone else," or;
"Stop telling me to get married, I'm not looking for a girlfriend, leave me alone—"
But to Roy’s surprise, he doesn't find reason to say any of these today.
"What brings you here, old pal?" Hughes chirps in a tone that hardly suggests he has Roy's romantic prospects on his mind at the moment. Of course he doesn't—his wedding is just around the corner, and it's not like he's marrying Roy.
Roy opens his mouth, closes it, and sighs as he enters the office. He heads straight to Hughes' desk, where he drops his copy of the East City Times, folded open to show the incriminating page.
"Oh, you've seen the announcement!" Hughes is beaming. "I would've taken out an ad every single day after the proposal, but here we are! Can you believe I'm getting married tomorrow?"
"Thanks to your constant reminders over the past three months, yes, Hughes, I can," Roy says dryly. "But how come your announcement is printed like that?"
It's only then that Hughes realizes that an error, not excitement, brought his best man to his office. Roy manages to remain patient as Hughes leans over the paper, a finger trailing the announcement word for word until he reaches the end. Hughes then grabs the paper right up to his eyes and blinks incredulously, and his expression quickly changes. It’s somewhere between incredulity, hilarity, and exasperation—as much as a cheery man like Hughes is capable of, anyway. Hughes breaks into laughter and shakes his head.
"It's not funny, Hughes,” Roy snaps, but not quite. He isn’t so upset as to be eager to start an argument. “I've spent the entire morning wondering what the hell people were congratulating me for!"
"Oh my goodness, Roy, I am so sorry that this happened. I truly am." Hughes rubs at the side of his head, tutting in good-natured disbelief. "I can’t believe it, and on the day before my wedding, too! Ah, but I think I know what happened."
"I went to the newspaper office yesterday over lunch, right? It was a last-minute thing because my beautiful bride-to-be doesn't really want too much of a fuss over our wedding. So, at their office, I fill out a form—"
"—and these announcements are usually short, so there wasn't much space on the form. I write down the date, the location, and then I start to run out of space towards the end as I'm listing the guests."
"So, the names are squeezed into the little space I've got left, there's the Marshalls, the Elliotts... and I suppose they assumed that you were a couple with Lieutenant Hawkeye."
There is the briefest pause as Hughes leaps back, startled by the outburst, then he laughs again upon seeing the look on Roy's face. Roy can only shake his head in horror—what the hell does the man find so funny? Well, he might have laughed at this little comedy of errors himself if the situation weren't so ridiculously flustering for him. Instead, he is left to imagine it in sheer panic. R. Mustang. Riza Mustang.
His face is burning red.
"No, no, no," Roy sputters, "this—this is serious, Hughes! Hawkeye is my adjutant, and if anyone from the top brass hears this and thinks—"
"Okay, slow down, Roy. Deep breath," Hughes says, gripping Roy's shoulders. "Let's be real. They're not actually gonna think that you would just carelessly break military laws. Ambitious youngster rising up the ranks after becoming the Hero of Ishval, who would suspect you? You know what else, they also think you're some kind of heartbreaker going on dates all over East City, up to Central—and her name isn't actually on the paper next to yours, is it?"
"But what—but—so why was it written like that anyway?"
"You’re right. Lieutenant Hawkeye is an important guest. I owe her an apology.” Hughes pauses in thought. “But while we’re on the topic, maybe you two should go together, considering how much she’s actually helped with your best man duties. You know what I mean? It shouldn’t be a big deal. Take her along as a companion, save yourselves the trouble of finding dates—don't play cool, I know you haven't invited anyone—it'll be more convenient for the two of you!"
Roy runs a hand over his face, now nearly out of things to argue about short of something more personal, something more selfish, more... honest. "I don't know what you're talking about, Hughes," he sighs sharply, interrupting his own thoughts. "All right, the announcement—it’s not your fault, we can let that go. And I’ll extend your apology to Lieutenant Hawkeye—”
“And take her as your date?”
“No, because she’s already invited anyway, so there's no reason for me to do that—and if I do, then I'd have to explain to people that I'm not actually married, and she—"
"Come on, it'll be no trouble. No one’s gonna think much of it!”
"I’m thinking much of it! It’s just not a good look.” Roy begins his way back to his own office, stopping at the door just to finish saying, “And I’m not dragging Lieutenant Hawkeye into your crazy ideas!”
“Lieutenant Hawkeye, would you like to go to Hughes’ wedding together?”
There is a brief pause when, all at once, Roy bristles with panic for the impulsive utterance, and mild surprise breaks through Lieutenant Hawkeye’s typically impassive face, and Lieutenant Hawkeye regains her composure as Roy watches and wonders what she actually thinks of the invitation, hoping that it’s welcome.
“I don’t think I could, Sir,” she says, deadpan, “Mrs. Mustang would be devastated.”
“What the—Hawkeye, you know I don’t have a wife—”
“Damn it!”
Breda bursts into laughter behind them, drowning out Havoc’s frustrated groan as the latter reaches into the pocket of his trousers, then drops a few coins onto the table where they have been working. Roy scowls at them, partly perplexed and partly exasperated by having to deal with the ridicule twice over. When Breda recovers somewhat, he explains, “We had a bet. Havoc was so sure you really were secretly married.”
“I was counting on it, okay?” Havoc grumbles. “I haven’t had a proper girlfriend since I started working with Mustang, no one will even look twice at me—”
“There you go,” the Lieutenant says as Havoc and Breda banter on. She continues sorting the reports on Roy’s desk into dated envelopes, having been momentarily distracted by his surprise invitation. “Any of Havoc’s girlfriends would be happy to be your date to the wedding.”
“Well, I just thought—I mean, Hughes suggested that maybe it would be more convenient for you and me—for the two of us to attend together.” Roy clears his throat when he realizes that his voice is quivering slightly. What is he so nervous about? He affects a smile to regain a casual confidence. “As colleagues, of course. Friendly companions in the entourage. That’s how all of this happened, there was a mistake with our names when they printed Hughes’ wedding announcement.”
The Lieutenant remains quiet, focused on her work. A moment later, Roy asks over the sudden, quiet thumping in his chest, “Are you… already bringing someone with you?
“No,” she promptly replies, eyes remaining on the reports before her. “I was just wondering what brought this on. You don’t owe me a favor for helping out with your preparations.”
The nervous thumping subsides, only to be quickly replaced by dull dismay. Never mind the idea of being each other’s date to a special occasion, or the imaginary scenario of being a couple. He and Riza—he and the Lieutenant have been working together for over a year now. He would like to think that in that time, they would have broken down enough walls between them for her not to think that everything they do or say to each other can only be strictly pragmatic. Roy certainly sees her in a warm, friendly light, not unlike the way he did as a boy. Surely she could at least not hold him at arm’s length after a year.
Roy finds it easy to be honest when he says, “It’s not that at all. And it’s not just because of what Hughes said.” A careful pause. “I think I genuinely would enjoy your company.”
He watches Riza carefully. No expectations, he reminds himself—and then he childishly proceeds to imagine all the ways that she could react to the whole situation. Roy lingers a little too long on the scenario where she might have imagined him with some mysterious Mrs. Mustang, then felt the relief of disproven jealousy when he explained what actually happened. No—it’s far too complicated an expectation for the time being.
She looks up at last.
“All right then, Sir.”
The Hugheses’ wedding is the happiest, most beautiful thing that Roy remembers witnessing in a long time. The ceremony proper and the reception beginning at sunset both take place in a pavilion overlooking a lake, awash in shades of gold from the table draperies to the twinkling lights and the flowers swaying in the breeze. There isn’t anyone in his opinion who deserves a day like this more than his best friend, which is why when Roy prepares to give his best man's toast that evening, he finds himself easily turning sentimental. He drains his glass of wine, then pours himself another just before beginning his speech.
Towards the end of the toast, he says, “Gracia, I have no words for how grateful I am that Maes met you, and that you’ve loved him through some of the most difficult times of his life. You showed him that it’s possible to be truly happy even when it might appear to be difficult or impossible.”
He draws a quick, sharp breath as emotion wells up in him. Laughing to conceal it, he quickly adds, “I’m sure he tells you that enough, of course, but I’m saying this now because you’ve also made the rest of us believe it. We all see it in him. And the two of you give us hope that it can happen for anyone, with anyone who can break down our walls.” Roy raises his glass towards the newlywed couple. “Maes, Gracia, may you be a home for each other for the rest of your lives.”
The modest crowd erupts in applause, accompanied by the clinking of glasses all around the pavilion and sweet, light music for the Hugheses’ first dance. Between the spirits he consumed during his speech and the infectious joy that fills the venue, Roy soon starts to feel lightheaded. He steers clear of the dance floor as the guests pair off and weave around one another, and it’s easy to spot Riza in the crowd from where he stands.
Riza sits at the far side of a table occupied by some of Gracia’s friends, chatting away good-naturedly with a drink in hand. She’s laughing, and what a sight she is on this night away from work, so relaxed and carefree, wearing a honey brown dress that brings out the color of her eyes. She should be dancing, Roy thinks; she should be enjoying this night, not just sitting back to watch it go by as if she had come here alone.
Well, some date he is.
It’s even more outrageous now, the idea of being Riza’s date to this wedding. Not that he knew what he was thinking even when he asked her to go together, but he never actually planned as far ahead as dancing or dining or anything they can do together now that he has completed his duties as the best man. Above all, this isn’t how he had pictured Riza to look tonight, so warm and friendly and beautiful—no, different from the one he invited to be his date yesterday. This is closer to a Riza he hasn’t seen in a long time, not since he left for Ishval, anyway. How does he even strike up a conversation with an old friend from a lifetime ago? What is he supposed to do?
Roy knows one thing—he will mind seeing her dance with someone else right now.
Gracia’s friends rise from the table after a while, leaving Riza by herself. By this time, Roy has helped himself to one, now another glass of brandy, and he isn’t sure whether he’s still on his feet despite the drink or drunk enough to be bold. He takes the long way around the venue to Riza. She turns her head when she hears him approaching.
“That was a very beautiful speech, Sir,” says Riza as Roy sits at the table, leaving one empty seat between them. “It’s a shame Mrs. Mustang isn’t around to hear it.”
Roy laughs, only now realizing that no one has brought up that gaffe since yesterday. “Well, shame it isn’t my wedding. But thank you. I’m glad you think so.” He breathes a deep, thoughtful sigh. “If I’m being honest, this is perhaps the happiest I remember being in a long time.”
Riza nods slowly. “I see.”
Without directly looking at her, Roy can tell that Riza is watching him, deep in thought. She takes a sip of her wine. After a long silence, she admits, “I haven’t been to a wedding in a while, myself. I’d forgotten it was possible for people to be this… happy. It hasn’t been easy to find things that make everything we’re doing worthwhile.”
The look on her face now is different from her usual quiet expression. There she is again, Roy thinks—perhaps she suddenly looks so much like her younger self because her thoughts have wandered to a much simpler time, before all the pain they went through together. Or could she perhaps have carried those thoughts in the back of her mind all along, never allowing herself to pay attention to them, but hoping she might find a place for them in the complicated circumstances they have found themselves in?
And in this moment, Roy realizes that more than remembering the Riza from his past, what he wants is to care for the Riza he knows in the present. To be a companion to her, and for her to return the favor; goodness knows how much they have needed each other all this time, and how much more they will need each other moving forward. Above all, she is someone he knows well enough to want to know better.
So, after a while, he quietly asks, “What are you thinking now?”
Riza smiles. “That what you said in your speech is true.”
Roy raises his glass, and she clinks hers against it. This is the first time in a long time that he has seen her smile like this, that Riza has smiled at him. It feels now as if he has been newly welcomed into her life, that at last—once again—she could trust him as much as he does her.
He rises to his feet.
“I’d hate for you to have just come to watch a speech, Hawkeye. Would you like to dance?”
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