#look being up to date with the manga is not something I planned either
nonameidentified · 7 months
Say whatever you want about gushing over magical girls, but Utena is a treasure trove of reaction images.
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animeficsworld · 11 months
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Saitama x Reader
Summary: It's a well-known fact that Saitama doesn't feel anything, but that doesn't mean he can't try. 
It was no surprise that your boyfriend was someone who wasn't really fond of romance. Being emotionless didn't really work for his favour either. 
But Saitama decided a long time ago, that he would do anything not to lose you. He tried to be romantic as much as he could. He read a lot into it as well.
So, it was no surprise to you, that when he asked you to stay over at his place, you found the whole apartment lit with candles and flowers. 
Your heart always melted whenever he did something like this. You found it incredibly cute.
"Sai?" you called out when you didn't find him in the living room. His apartment was rather small so he couldn't really hide anywhere.
Suddenly the door to the balcony opened, and there he stood. With his usually yellow shirt on.
"Oh, you are early." he said. He must have been watering his cactus.
"I might have been a tad bit too excited so I got here quickly. But I did get us some sweets from the store." you said placing the plastic bag onto his table. He didn't say anything, his usual blank expression on his face.
But he soon gathered himself as you put all your stuff out of the way and he walked over to you and kissed you. 
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you." you knew that he must have learned that from one of his manga, but you just decided to take the compliment. You kissed him back. "So, what did you plan?" you asked, knowing that there had to be one. Saitama usually had a list of what he wanted and needed to do on dates, but of course, you never told him that you knew about that list. 
"A movie, you got snacks but I have some too."
"All the cuddling." he answered and watched as your smile grew. He loved it when you smiled, that's what made him feel again. 
His futon was a bit small for two people, but he managed to pull you into his body just right, so you could fit.
Saitama had your back against his chest as a horror movie played. Saitama read it somewhere that if your partner is scared, they will cling onto you, and that's exactly what he wanted and why he picked a movie that would surely terrify you.
And so that's how you spent the rest of the evening, cuddled up into his very muscular chest while watching the movie. He occasionally squeezed you closer to himself when he felt that you were scared.
And scared you were.
The movie was absolutely terrifying. 
And once it finally ended, you were very grateful. You looked at the clock and saw that it was actually pretty late, so you decided to go, take a bath and go to sleep.
"Sai, will you join me to the bath?"
"I-I already had a bath, before you arrived."
"Oh." you didn't push it further, seeing his red flustered face was enough. Into the bathroom, you went to enjoy a warm bath. Although the movie was scary, the thought of sleeping in the arms of the Worlds strongest helped a lot with easing your mind. You wondered if he did it on purpose or was he just genuinely interested in the movie since you knew he liked these kinds of films. 
Anyways, you got out of the bath and put your pyjama on. When you got back to the futon, Saitama blew the candles out and was already half asleep. You turned the TV off and went ahead to lay down beside your boyfriend. He pulled you close as you placed your head on his chest.
Falling asleep you felt so lucky because even though Saitama is emotionless, you were very thankful for the things he did and how hard he tried. 
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mari-lair · 4 months
Let's talk about Teru and Aoi and how interesting Teru behavior with Aoi is.
Teru is on a mission to see what has changed from the original timeline to this one, he said so himself.
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But he makes a strange move and completely ignores the very big change he was presented with: His engagement with Aoi. The plan was to abandon his 'brand new fiance' and go look for other changes.
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Aoi holding his armband, asking for his attention in a very Aoi way and showing a willingness to go on a date with him shocked Teru less than the engagement news but it stuck to him in a way the engagement did not.
Just compare how Teru go 'welp it is what it is, what a strange timeline,' with a level of dismissal that makes him talk to Akane instead of Aoi about the situation.
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To how he takes this Aoi at least seriously enough to question her request for them to go out.
So the idea Aoi wants to date him is more confusing to him than being engaged. So much so he does what he does with the original Aoi and starts asking her questions, even picturing the old Aoi as he ask for her hand, adding a lot of '...' in it.
It feels like a test.
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A test Aoi failed by accepting his hand, doing something the Aoi he knew never would.
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Teru is closed up during his date with Aoi.
He goes with the flow because he needs answers to go back home, he needs to figure out why she is so different but he is tense about this date. His sword bag is a tight fist, pulling at the strap when she clings to his arm.
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During their entire date, he keeps this fake little smile on. Avoiding to touch her as much as he can, and not having much to say despite usually not only being good at acting like a flirty prince when people want him to, but having fun in the role.
So Teru isn't indifferent in his date he is tense as fuck.
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When he decides he'll send the picture to Akane and Aoi breaks character from lovey dovey fiance, Teru shows a hint of interest again, he goes "ohh? is there a problem?"
It's another test.
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She fails but her panics about hurting Akane must either remind him of the og aoi or entertain his more sadistic side, so he goes 'hmmm', which is unimpressed for sure, but still a far more positive reaction than the "unease" that popped up when aoi had held his hand.
By the end of their date i'm pretty sure Teru comes to the conclusion Aoi likes him. I believe this for two reasons.
First, he start playing along with his fiance role instead of being guarded and silent, asking her to feed him with a smile that doesn't feel fake or tense, it's his usual :D expression instead of the :) he has been wearing this whole chapter.
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The second thing of note is that this is the first time he actually touches Aoi.
During the entire manga, even in the old timeline, Teru never even poked her shoulder, but this time he lightly holds her hand to stabilize the snack.
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He seems bothered by people crowding them and he actually perks up when Aoi asks him to go to a more isolated place, his smile feels somewhat casual at the invite too, not like his tense ones from before.
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When Aoi slaps him he is surprised.
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And this part only further suggests that when he had asked Aoi to fed him, he was under the impression she genuinely likes him in this timeline.
So he doesn't have a problem doing couple things like being fed by Aoi as long as he believes Aoi enjoys it too.
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But she doesn't like him.
Just like the Aoi he knows doesn't. It feels right.
Teru is happy.
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Immediately after learning this Teru tries to find more similarities with the old Aoi, asking about her crush on akane and going back to his mission of determining why changes happened.
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Aoi mentions they are both unhappy in this arranged marriage and that they are only playing along to appease their families. Teru is surprised that he is unhappy too.
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I am not entirely sure what this means but it is noteworthy that he seems genuinely surprised the 'him' of this timeline is opposed to the marriage Aoi.
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This little Teru is a brat, but his smile and blush contrast with his word. Either he is displeased greatly by this but refuses to 'play victim' like Aoi, or he cares more than he lets on.
He was the one who found her when Aoi admitted her intention was to hide. So he went out of his way to find this "annoying victim blaming girl"
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Maybe this means his parents ordered Teru to go find her fiance, make a good first impression, and put on appearances, maybe he went to find her himself for some reason?
As of now, it's hard to say, we don't have enough info about this new timeline to guess very well, but it is food for thought.
Now back to the old timeline, with the Teru we are familiar with: Aoi asks about his family, about expectations and performance, and that isn't a topic he is very comfortable with, just look at his face.
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But he does answer her.
He is very awkward, but he doesn't lie, it feels genuine.
He even mentions his mom, which he hasn't mentioned to anyone before, not even Akane.
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skania · 1 year
It's so funny how Aqua talks big about manipulating Akane, yet she ends up being the person he is most honest with in the entire manga (alongside Gotanda) 😂
It's even funnier when you realize this trend started from the very moment he set out to lead Akane on!
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He deliberately kisses her to trap her in a fake relationship with him, but Akane sees right through him and to the fact that he isn't looking to date her because he is romantically interested in her.
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I believe this is when Aqua first begins to realize Akane is not someone who can be easily fooled, and he rewards her perceptiveness with a truth.
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To me, dating is just an extension of my work: This is part of my revenge plan
I'm highly interested in you as an actress: The way you get inside Ai's mind and understand her so perfectly is extremely useful to me
So of course, Akane reads in between the lines and realizes he wants to use her for something.
From the get-go, the one time Aqua intended to lie and manipulate Akane, he couldn't do it. She immediately shot it down.
What's more, Aqua here is telling her a truth while hiding his real motives. But Akane sees through that either way.
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Aqua intended for his relationship with Akane to be a lie, but from the very beginning the truth starts to slip in.
At first, it's only because Akane sees right through him. But this soon changes, and Aqua starts sharing his truths all on his own.
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(Spoilers for the entire manga below the cut!)
She is also the person he opens up to about his thoughts and feelings once he thinks his revenge is over. He tells her literally everything, from the DNA tests he ran and his struggles throughout all these years, to how relieved he feels now that it's all over.
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She also knows that Himekawa and the twins are related.
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But this honesty streak doesn't only apply to Aqua's revenge. She's even the first person he allows to see his old acting videos!
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The one thing Aqua can't tell Akane about is that he is Goro's reincarnation, but he still goes and shares his entire backstory with her either way.
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He later talks big about feeding Akane information so she would find the corpse for him, but sharing Goro's backstory and feelings wasn't relevant at all!
This all gets to a point that Aqua turns to Akane for answers when he is going through an existential crisis about what to do.
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What it comes down to is that Akane makes Aqua feel understood. After spending so many years hiding his truth, Aqua craves that feeling.
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That's why he can't help but to reveal more and more pieces of himself to Akane, including as much as he can of the one truth he can't say to anyone at all.
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Akane, thank you for finding me.
tl;dr It's hilarious how Aqua intended for his relationship with Akane to be a lie, only for it to practically become the relationship he's most honest in lol
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moon-lv3r · 1 year
beach date ~ 🍅💯
🦋 category: one-shot
🦋 characters: karma, asano, mentions of asano's father
🦋 summary: a small and fun beach date was suddenly flipped upside down as asano suddenly passed out for seemingly no reason
🦋 warnings: heat stroke? bad parenting from asano's dad
🦋 notes: i accidentally deleted the ask from the requester omg i am so stupid istg... but i remembered their user (i hope) @project-neo thanks for requesting !
it was a request where asano, karma and reader were out at the beach and asano suffered from a heat stroke, due to his shitty father
there's a little part inspired by the manga where asano and his dad talk about suing each other that I decided to include in here bc I thought that it would be funny. I actually don’t remember if that scene was animated or not lol
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  The blazing hot sun did you no favour. Every step felt like walking on lava. Karma was behind you, laughing at your struggles, as if his hair wasn’t dripping with sweat this very moment. Asano walked behind the both of you, maintaining a distance he always had, fearing that he would be seen one day. He seemed to be embarrassed by the sight that had welcomed his eyes.
  He was beginning to question why you had to plan a beach day. In such hot weather no less. It was psychotic of you. Asano was beginning to see that he seemed to have a type. He wondered why he even decided to go on this trip, he must have had a screw loose in his brain. 
  The sun had provided extra glare on the sea, the water surface reflecting off the light from the sun. Karma seemed to be well prepared for the day, which was obvious as he was the one who had planned it. You just joined because you had nothing else better to do. Asano joined because of your relentless talk about wanting a triple date. He could only give in to your charms. 
  The summer seemed to be the perfect time to visit the beach. The blazing sun shone the areas around the three of you as you all looked for the perfect spot to lay down beside each other, though Asano would prefer to keep his distance from the two of you, due to his fear of being caught. He had no idea as to why he was even involved with the both of you, it was something that just… happened. But he didn’t stop it either, Asano just chose to let the relationship continue. Whether it was a decision he regretted remains to be seen.
  “Karma!” You shouted, “I found a spot!” Your arms waved enthusiastically, signalling for the boys to come over. Karma looked over and smiled, seemingly satisfied with the spot you had found.
  “Not bad,” Karma replied as he placed his items before helping you to arrange yours neatly on the sandy ground.
 Asano just followed, not wanting to argue as he had a bad headache. Perhaps it was due to him not being able to get enough sleep and thus not at his best. But he still decided to follow them on this date, for some unknown reason. Asano was beginning to think that he had broken his brain at long last, after his constant studying. There was something wrong with him, wasn’t there? 
  The sun continued to bake the ground and the sand they were sitting on, the shade doing little to lower down the temperature, though it was still better than being out in the open. Karma was getting restless, it was not a part of his plan to just sit around and let the sand be blown into their eyes. He wanted fun, his type of fun.
  It was not a date with Karma if everything went smoothly without pranks.   
  “Y/n!” Karma chanted happily, with a wide grin plastered onto his face. You looked at him, confused but on high alert, one can never have their guard down around him. Even Asano had his guard up even though it was not his name that left Karma’s mouth.
  One can never be so sure of their safety.
  “What is it Karma?” You asked, ready to defend yourself. That only egged Karma on more as he inched closer, his hands hiding behind his back. You knew this could never be anything good.
  He was Akabane Karma. 
  “Karma,” Asano began softly as he rested on the sand below him. “Can we have a normal date for once?” Asano seemed to be awfully tired and had his eyes shut despite being underneath the shade you had found. You just assumed that he was tired from studying all night. 
  You nodded in agreement, “Asano is right! We need a break, you know!”
  Karma laughed in response, “Wouldn’t that be such a killjoy?”
  You looked at his arms, tilting your head so that you could see what he was hiding. “A crab! You’re holding a crab!” You decided to guess. It was a wild one with no evidence but it was also the one that had made the most sense to you.
  “Come on!” Karma continued, “We’re out here to have fun, aren’t we?”
  You did not know how to respond to that, because technically, Karma was right. You were all out here to simply have fun. Though you were not interested in Karma’s idea of fun. It seemed more like hell to you.
  “I'd rather die than enjoy the ‘fun’ you have for us,” Asano replied. It was like he had read your mind and said the exact words you wanted to come out of your own mouth.
  Unfortunately, Asano’s words seemed to have little effect on Karma. It seemed as though nothing would have him under control. He was a wild animal it seems. You often wondered just how you got into this mess to begin with…
  Karma still kept his hands out of view, which only solidified your thoughts further. It had to be a crab, there was no other explanation. What else could he take from a beach? Surely Karma would not take a jellyfish right?
  And you would be right to think that it was a crab. Karma suddenly threw it at you, catching you completely off guard. You let out a loud screech before crawling over to Asano. All Asano did was to glance between the both of you, “Do I have to remind you guys your ages?” He said before laying down. His head was hurting badly and he needed that rest. It was just a headache, it will go away, right? 
  “Asano!” You began. “You’re sweating so much even under the shade! The weather really can’t be that hot!” You laughed.
  Asano’s body seemed to be sweating a crazy amount, more than Karma even. Asano merely brushed your comments aside and ignored it, acting like all was normal with him. Though he could feel that there was something wrong. 
  Something wrong with his body
  Karma, however, frowned and sensed that something was slightly… amiss. He squinted his eyes at Asano, who glared back. Karma was examining his dearest rival and lover, only to get a glare back, how kind of Asano. “Are you sure you are alright?” Karma asked.
  Asano could only nod in frustration, “Do you guysss think… I am a small child?” He snapped, his words sounding slightly slurred and dragged on.
  “How else are we supposed to treat you?” You joked, not sensing that there seemed to be something wrong. 
  “I don’t knoww,” Asano replied, his speech still dragged on as his head was hurting him more. “I’m goingggg to get sssomething.”
  Asano tried to stand, but his legs seemed to give up on him. His hands reached for a tree as you stood up and rushed towards him, finally realising that something might just be a little bit wrong. Asano tried to tell you that he would be fine but he could not even stand properly.
  “I- amm finee,” He said. His speech was sounding even more slurred than previously. He could not even speak like a normal person. Something was definitely wrong and you should have realised it sooner,
  The gravity of the situation only fully fell upon you when Asano completely collapsed in your arms, going limp. Karma rushed towards the both of you and touched Asano. The both of you felt his bare skin. It was weirdly hot. Something seemed to be wrong.
  “Heatstroke,” Karma quickly deduced. “I’ll carry him to the male’s, you call an ambulance.”
  You nodded and handed Asano to Karma as quickly as you could. Next, you looked through your bag and took out your phone, dialling for the ambulance. You wondered if you should let Asano’s family know about it. They were a family… but they don’t know about you and Karma, for obvious reasons. You decided to play it safe and not call them. You will let Asano decide if he wants to call them when he wakes up.
  Karma went to splash cool water on Asano using the showers while you called the ambulance. It did not take long for them to arrive and take Asano with them, though only one of you could follow Asano in the ambulance as there was limited space. Karma let you follow Asano while he took public transport. The paramedics assured you that Asano was not in any critical danger and that you guys had Karma to thank for his quick thinking. 
  Karma had always been smart, of course he would realise what was happening and immediately follow up with the solution to ensure that things would go smoothly. That was one of the reasons why you were drawn to him. He was just full of the unexpected and there would never be a second of boredom spent with him around. 
  The drive to the hospital was a mere ten minutes, yet it felt like the ride was longer than you had been alive. Your gaze was stuck on the unconscious Asano, your hands held tightly to his, hoping that he would awake and tell you that this was all just a huge, elaborate prank by him and Karma, though it was unlikely. Asano would never work with Karma for a prank. That wouldn’t be Asano anymore. 
  You followed the paramedics as they rushed Asano into the hospital, into a room, until you were not allowed to follow them anymore. You texted Karma your location, hoping that he would join you soon. Karma took a while to arrive but you were glad that he did. The both of you sat in silence, your lovely beach date ending just like that. You two still had to figure out the reason behind Asano’s heatstroke as well.
  Why was he severely dehydrated? Why was he severely dehydrated? It didn’t seem to make any sense that Asano would just not drink water, there had to be something more behind it. Asano was not the kind that would just risk himself like that. Karma shared the same thoughts as you as well. The both of you decided to approach Asano about the topic in the best way the both of you could, without pushing him away.
  “We should just ask him,” Karma suggested, “Like a casual conversation. Talk about it like its some normal thing.”
  “And how do you even go about that?” You asked, “How do we even phrase it?” 
  Karma paused as he thought about it. His gaze fixed on the wall in front of him as he tried to figure out ways to your dilemma. Asano was still not a very open person despite being with the both of you. It takes a lot, trying to enter his world that he had kept closed to many around him. You were just scared that he would not be truthful. 
  “We can just say ‘why did you faint? What did the doctors say?’,” Karma suggested. 
  You nodded in agreement as the doctors exited and approached the both of you to inform you two that Asano was alright, he just had a heatstroke and that he had been transferred to a room for further observation, but he should be fine to leave in a few hours. The doctors even thanked Karma for his quick thinking, otherwise who knew what might have become of Asano Gakushuu. 
  The both of you thanked the doctors before heading off to find Asano to check up on him. There he laid on the hospital bed, looking the same as ever. His face facing out the window. His eyes glancing at the scenery. 
  “Asano,” You chanted with a huge smile on your face as you slowly approached him.
  “The doctors said I got a heat stroke right?” He asked.
  You paused as your mind scrambled about to find the right words to respond, but Karma managed to beat you to it. 
  “So straightforward!” Karma laughed, “How did it happen to you?” He asked in the most inappropriate, unserious tone you had ever heard from Karma. He had just gone against the plan! 
  Asano sighed as he turned to face the both of you, “You know… my father.”
  Karma laughed once more, you shot him an unimpressed look while Asano looked as annoyed as ever. “A man can’t just cause heat stroke, you know,” Karma replied.
  Asano rolled his eyes, “My father did not allow me to drink anything if I could not pass the papers he made me to! I can’t drink a single glass if I don’t meet his expectations.”
  You did not know how to respond to that. It was not what you were expecting to hear. You knew Asano had problems with his father but you never knew it would be this bad. That man should not be a father.
  “Sounds like a good lawsuit, child negligence. Don’t you think so?” Karma responded, saying the last thing you expected to hear in a situation like the one you were in right now.
  You stared at him with the most judgmental face you could show while Asano actually seemed amused by what Karma had said. 
  “Now that,” Asano replied. “Is a good idea, I wonder how much I can make from this.”
  You frowned at the both of them, absolutely bewildered at what had just happened, at what you had just heard. It was more than crazy. Have they gone insane?
  “Y/n,” said Asano, “You seem scared.”
  “Yeah,” You replied, “At how crazy the both of you are.”
  Asano and Karma laughed like it was just a silly joke. You just kept your judgemental face and looked at them. Why were you even involved with them was anyone’s guess.
  The hours ticked by and soon, Asano was allowed to return to his home. He was already getting tired of the hospital bed and the food was not suitable to his taste, he had asked you to grab some food for him. He was lucky that he only stayed a few hours, you had thought about making him and Karma stay longer due to how crazy they have been.
  You and Karma had to ensure that Asano made it home safely, not that you were complaining. It was the funniest and weirdest date you have ever been on with those two. After telling Asano to drink more water, and Karma telling him to drink from the toilet if he had to, the both of you made your way home.
  Things with the both of them can just be so crazy sometimes.
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riddlerosehearts · 7 months
vil/idia valentine's day headcanons 💜💙
(as usual this post ended up more detailed and lengthy than i originally planned it to be, but i hope someone will enjoy it because i love this silly little ship of mine.)
idia has never liked valentine's day. it always seemed so pointless and frivolous, and there's so many people out talking and holding hands and kissing. probably all judging him for being alone. the only reason he cares at all about it is because many of the games he plays have limited-time valentine's events, so he usually just stays in his room all day playing through them.
and sure, idia loves a good romance anime, and he has more than a few favorite ships he thinks should totally be canon, but that's all just fiction. it's an escape from a reality where true love doesn't exist.
or so he used to believe. he never thought he'd find someone he really wanted to be with, or that they'd want him in return. not until, somehow, vil became that person. all the dating sims in the world couldn't have prepared him for this.
he knows he can't just hide out in his room on valentine's day when he has someone so important to spend it with now. but how can he give vil the happiness he deserves?
he could build a high-end custom laptop from scratch for him, or buy him a bouquet of his favorite flowers and take him to the fanciest restaurant in all of twisted wonderland, even though the latter idea utterly terrifies him. he could use his tech skills and his family's money to give vil the world, but if he knows his boyfriend at all, he knows that he probably doesn't want anything that extravagant.
(and besides, if the vil schoenheit tried to go out in public with his partner on valentine's day they would just get swarmed by paparazzi and idia is sure he'd roll a 1 and fail the stealth check required to avoid them. yeah, that's a quest path he will not be choosing anytime soon.)
idia knows it would be best to get vil something simple, but still thoughtful enough to make him feel special. and in the shoujo manga he likes, people always give handmade chocolate as a gift. but his cooking skill is stuck at level 1, and even if he could grind it up to 100, vil wouldn't want a box of chocolates loaded with sugar and calories. it can't just be some normie thing either--it has to stand out from the flowers and candies and love letters he gets swamped with by his fans.
remembering how vil has praised his gear designs for ortho before, he decides to buy some purple and gold beads and string them together to make a necklace. in the middle he places a small heart-shaped bead, adding an LED light inside that makes it pop with a subtle glow.
he also makes a handmade card that with a design that lights up at the press of a button. i imagine he'd put a pixel heart inside of it similarly to this zelda themed pop-out card i found:
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they're both very simple projects for idia, but he feels certain that vil will love them.
and as for vil, he thinks valentine's day is a lovely holiday. it's an opportunity for people to celebrate the beauty of love, and to relax and take better care of themselves. even if you're single, you can still pamper yourself and celebrate with a friend. vil always tries to take the day off from any obligations if he can, though sometimes there are things he just can't slack off on.
this year, though, he absolutely will not be doing any photoshoots or interviews. this year he has a boyfriend, and yes he knows that idia hates the holiday but in his mind that's even more of a reason why he needs to be there for him. he won't allow idia to spend even one more second feeling lonely and unloved on valentine's day.
he initially has no idea what he should get idia, and ends up getting laughed at by cater who catches him googling "valentine's gifts for gamers" on his phone. look, just because he's acted in a few romance films and is considered a teen heartthrob by countless people who don't even know him, doesn't mean he automatically knows everything about dating.
cater and idia are friends, though, and cater knows enough about what he likes to be able to help vil pick a couple things out.
the first thing vil settles on is a lego building set that depicts a bouquet of roses. it would be fun for the two of them to build them together, and he wouldn't have to worry about idia inevitably forgetting to water them.
he also gets a card that's even dorkier than the one idia made for him--i'm specifically picturing this:
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he tucks a note inside of it, with a short list of just a few of idia's best qualities. he hopes it can remind idia of why he likes him and wants to be with him and not someone else.
and lastly, he purchases a pack of bath bombs made to look like colorful D20 dice--relaxing, good for the skin, and aesthetically in line with idia's interests.
when valentine's day comes, they exchange gifts in vil's dorm room at pomefiore, where they've planned to spend the day. vil thinks the things idia has made for him are beautiful and he tells him as much.
but when idia recieves his gifts, he starts mumbling something about how a weirdo shut-in otaku like him doesn't deserve to be seen as a viable love interest and how vil must have had a confusion status debuff on him this whole time.
vil: "excuse me? you're not insulting my SSR boyfriend, are you? you don't think that i would try to max out the affection points for your route if i wasn't sure you were the perfect option for me?"
idia, who just knows the tips of his hair are turning pink: "s-sorry... i ran into a glitch that triggered the wrong dialogue. what i meant to say was, of course you picked a genius like me to be your player 2 instead of some lame normie who you'd have zero percent compatibility with! how could anyone but me match up to your top-tier stats?"
vil just smiles and rolls his eyes.
idia then reveals that he actually did get vil something sweet, but originally felt too nervous to give it to him.
it's a pack of candy flavored lip glosses. vil laughs and insists that they'll have to kiss enough times to taste test each flavor. idia's whole head of hair turns pink.
they spend the whole day together, doing things like watching an old romcom that vil adores or playing a co-op game that idia picked for them, and of course putting the lego rose bouquet together.
they also eat a nice meal together in a private place that vil set up for them in pomefiore--and all the other students know they'll incur their dorm leader's wrath if they dare to bother him on his date.
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Once Upon a Time
A.N: I gotta finish 3rd arc of Sumeru Archon Quest but Alhaitham gives me brainrot so….Alhaitham x reader 
Genshin Impact MasterList  
In a back alley of stacks in the House of Daena, both you and Alhaitham were sequestered away. As usual, the Acting Grand Sage had a thick book open while you were bent over your own work. 
Well, usually, you would be. 
But today, your head had risen up from the pages of drawings before you, and you were looking at Alhaitham. 
As such, Alhaitham felt your stare, but did not acknowledge it for a long while. You would frequently turn to look at him during random intervals, but this one was lasting longer than usual. 
He had learned to ignore your stares, not that was a problem for him, when he realized you had a tendency, to pick a spot and zoink out. Your eyes would be looking through him, obviously not seeing him, your gaze turned inward, although it looked like you were staring at him. 
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However, this time, when his eyes darted from the pages to you, your eyes weren’t looking through him then. 
You were looking directly at him, a small smile on your face. 
Alhaitham lifted his head and returned your stare. 
Many students around, failed to understand the relationship between the two. 
Were they dating, or weren’t they? 
Spoiler alert: You were… 
But the two of you had much in common in the way of personality, as you were both introverted. You were an Outlander much like the Traveler was, but you were not a fighter, nor a vision bearer. You had simply come from another world. 
Perhaps that is what started Althaitham’s interest. 
His interest in your old world, how it worked, what the people were like. You were a wealth of new knowledge he could indulge in. But then, slowly, he found himself interested in you personally. 
How strange. 
He didn’t like people. 
He still didn’t. 
You didn’t like people, either. 
You still didn’t. 
Your world had been loud and chaotic. You found Teyvat to be quaint and much quieter. You relished in this.  It was as if Teyvat had been the answer to what you had been searching for your entire life. 
You had planned to live quietly, hopefully not having to be bothered with people, but you with your unassuming nature, you had developed a number of friends: Colliei, Tighnari, even Cyno. Cyno didn’t really scare you, but you had a healthy dose of respect of him to not get on his bad side. 
You had a talent for drawing. Especially since it was a little different from those in Teyvat, you quickly became a hot commodity. As such, your acquaintances expanded: Albedo from Mondstadt, Yae Miko from Inazuma and Xinqiu from Liyue. 
Your newest project was creating a manga. You liked the library of the House of Daena for the books that you could use to research your subject for drawing. 
Alhaitham had never known that research could be used for frivolous means. He saw books as a source of knowledge, while you saw the book as a window to another world. 
Neither of you blinked as the stare down continued. 
Finally, Alhaitham shut the book, with a raised eyebrow, “Is there something specific on your mind? Or have I been reduced to a research subject at the moment?” 
Irony being that as an artist, you frequently watched people, the very beings you did not like much. As such, sometimes Althaitham became the object of your watching. At first, he wasn’t sure if he liked it, being scrutinized so closely (was this what other people felt with his own calculating eyes?) but he found, that he didn’t mind so much, with you. 
Maybe because you rarely offered your opinion on your findings. 
But then that had an opposite unintended effect where Alhaitham found he actually wanted to know what your findings were. 
How strange. He never cared much for what other people said until you came along. Now he frequently found himself wanting to know what thoughts ran through your head. 
“Has anyone told you, you have a nice voice?” 
Althaitham blinked once, his mouth twisting up slightly. 
You gave a small laugh. ‘Was that the sum total of this exchange?’ you echoed in your head in your best Althaitham impression based on his face. 
You were correct, as the man gave a pointed stare before turning his book back open. 
“Hey, I’m being serious. There is a point I’m driving to, too.” 
The book shut, “Which is?” 
You slid a book out of from under the pile, “Could you read the first chapter of this to me?” 
Althaitham’s eyebrow rose a bit higher as he exchanged his book for yours. Upon seeing the title, he gave a sigh, “Y/N, I read books for information and knowledge, not for frivolous purposes.” 
You locked your hands under your chin to rest as you gazed at him, “Think of this as helping with my research, then.” 
“I fail to see how reading a Sumeru fairy tale book to you is helping with your research.” 
“The same way I fail to understand how reading…ah let me get this correct….” you leaned forward to look the title of his book, “...Logical Concepts in the Runic Language is a help in yours. I don’t even know what that means.” 
Alhaitham sighed, “It’s so elementary, it’s putting me to sleep, actually….” 
“And yet, you kept flipping the page.” 
“Why exactly do you want me to read this to you? You can read it yourself.” the scribe asked. 
“Yes, but I’m in the middle of testing a hypothesis.” 
At this, Althaitham looked a bit curious, “Which is?” 
You tapped the book twice, “I’m wondering if you read this to me, in the beautiful voice you have, would I retain the information better than if I read it myself? Quite an interesting prospect, no?” 
Althaitham thumbed behind him, “Audio books are that way.” 
You laughed, “Yes, but if the voice reading the book doesn’t strike your fancy, you would get less out of it, wouldn’t you say? Surely, you’ve had to listen to an audio you didn’t like because of the voice on it.” 
How many times? 
Alhaitham hated being read to, in all honesty. It was just faster to read it himself.
He cocked an eyebrow, “And you think my voice would be more your speed?” 
“Isn’t it always?” 
Althaitham let out a little chuckle at this, his eyes becoming hooded as he tilted his chin up to look down at it, “Is it now?” 
He was pleased when he saw a faint vibration pass through you. One that would have been missed, but Althaitham was nothing if not observant. 
You cleared your throat. How did Alhaitham managed to turn everything into his favor? Your eyes darted away from his as you sat up, snatching your pencil and giving it a twirl before bending back over your work. 
It was wiser to know when to retreat. 
You ignored the chuckle, as you sketched away. 
Alhaitham gazed at you a long moment before reaching over and pulling the book on Sumeru fairy tales towards him. He picked it up, cracking open the book. 
Perhaps, he felt indulgent at this moment. 
Something only you seem to arise out of him. 
“Once upon a time…” 
And you gave a small smile as his soft voice floated between the two of you as you continued sketching. 
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itjazzbicch · 1 year
Keeps Me Breathing
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Pairing: Magna Swing x Reader 
Also a continuation of New Motivations:
Magna's and the reader's plans are jammed up due to their current enemy arising, the reader sacrifices themselves for everyone, unable to hang on, thinking it's the end, but Magna keeps them breathing...
Warnings:  Mentions of blood, near-death experience
Word Count: 1.3k 
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Well, it looked like this was it for me.
Taking on Damnatio while already roughed up was a challenge, but I had to. So, Asta could get to who was behind all of this, Lucius.
Forming my mana zone, I pushed past my limits. Creating the heaviest form of gravity to keep down and that came with a great cost.
His body was next to mine, probably knocked out, maybe even dead, as he was as stiff as a tree.
I wasn’t in great shape either. Using what little magic I had left to keep the rocks above us hovering, so I wouldn’t get crushed.
The gravity that I used to take him down was so heavy that I practically buried us alive. Gravely injured, blood all over me, and horrible couldn’t even describe the pain I was feeling.
Every second that passed, it got harder to breathe. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of my bones were broken and my organs were crushed.
Looking up, I could hear voices, the rocks making it hard to tell who it was.
Pebbles started falling, some light peeking out through the top.
Captain Yami? Magna?
I tried to speak and blood came out, coughing and it made the pain so much worse.
“Oh my god,” Magna came sliding down the rocks with Captain Yami, limp when Captain Yami picked me up.
“Just hang on tight, kid,” Captain Yami hauled me out, sitting me against a big rock, looking to see the rest of our squad running over, even if they were beaten up, Magna panicking but trying to help:
“Yeah, Mimosa is on her way, so she can-“
“That’s okay,” I whispered ghostly, she was too far away, and so, I accepted my fate, “Not ‘ough t-time.”
“Don’t you talk like that!” Magna instantly started crying at my words, “It won’t be much longer, I promise!”
I wanted to tell him that I was sorry, but I could feel what little oxygen I had being clogged, the tiniest amount keeping me conscious.
Everyone stopped around us, seeing Vanessa fall to her knees, tears in all their eyes, even Captain Yami’s.
They were the best part of my life, and I loved them. From barbecues, training, and all the crazy things we’ve done and accomplished. I wouldn’t want to live a life without them.
“Y/N-“ Vanessa was crying as they all came closer, seeing how my eyes were starting to drift off.
I managed to lock them on Magna as he took my hand, barely able to hold back his sobs as he kept trying to encourage me:
“You can’t die here! We still have our date! There’s so much we still have to do together.”
Everyone else kept trying too, mentioning our goals of becoming captains together, any little detail that came to their minds.
Starting to lose feeling, I did feel the tears streaming down my face, but smiling as much as I could, eyes still locked into Magna’s.
“L-Love you,” The last bit of air I had, I used to let them know how happy they made me, trying to squeeze Magna’s hand, “S-So ‘uch.”
Not fighting the sobs anymore, all their hearts were breaking together, Magna being the one to cry back to me:
“I love you too.”
Hearing that made me smile more, heartbroken that this was my last moment, but grateful that I had them and that I wasn’t alone.
My eyes started drifting off again, looking to the sky, cold and able to hear the last faint beats my heart had left.
Suddenly, I felt something warm. Realizing that Magna was hugging me, everything started going black, the last thing I heard was his cries, his sobbing plea echoing off into my mind:
“You can’t die on me! Please! Y/NNN!”
Was I dead?
Everything was still dark but I could hear some birds chirping.
Gradually, some figures were visible but it was still dark. Trying to look around, my vision was blurry, but I saw a window?
The moon. A full moon that was glowing.
The realization smacked me hard that I must’ve been awake, trying to sit up and I slammed back down, crying out in pain.
That pain was enough to know that I was alive, sobbing at how everything hurt, screaming when I suddenly heard:
Looking to my side, it was Magna, who scared me. Falling out of his chair to his knees next to me.
His eyes were so red, dark circles under them like he hadn’t slept in days, crying more:
“You’re awake. Thank goodness, you’re awake.”
Reliving the end of judgment day, all I could think about was him hugging me. Sobbing and fighting the pain, I took his arm, crying with him, but cooing:
“Come here.”
I could only hug him with one arm, but I hugged him as much as I could, finally getting to say:
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I scared you like I did. I just-; I had to defeat Damnatio somehow.”
“It’s okay,” He swallowed down, picking his head up to look into my eyes, smiling through tears, “I’m just so happy you’re still here.”
I was too. Smiling back and asking:
“Were you here with me all this time? How long have I been out for?”
“A week,” He mumbled, explaining to me, “You broke some bones and some of your organs got crushed and because of your gravity, it made it hard to heal. I’ve been here, ever since they’ve been trying to heal you.”
Just as I expected, my magic was unique and since I change gravity in ways only I know how, it can make it difficult for others to adapt to the changes it makes.
Either way, I was just happy that I was alive. I was touched by how he’s stayed with me.
“But don’t worry,” Trying to stay optimistic, he also informed me, “You only have two big injuries right now and they’re working to get it healed as quickly as they can.”
“That’s good,” I breathed out, closing my eyes and admitting, “Because I feel like shit.”
“I bet,” He sighed, fighting some tears again, “I’m just so relieved.”
Pushing some of his hair behind his ear, wiping his tears away, and promising:
“I am too. And the second I’m out of here, we’re going on our date.”
“I can’t wait,” He smiled, kissing my forehead and making quickly, “You try to relax. I’m gonna go tell Owen that you’re awake.”
When he came back with Owen, we learned that they were close to getting me patched up. It was just a challenging task with the kingdom still recovering.
I wasn’t in any rush really, but not even a week later, they had me fixed like new. The squad came to visit in between and kept me occupied. Unfortunately, Magna and the squad weren’t there the day I was released, but that gave me a good chance to surprise them.
Celebrating with everyone, and getting some of Charmy’s food to fuel up, I rushed because Magna still wasn’t back yet, so I got changed into one of my cutest outfits.
The look on his face was priceless when he came into his room, seeing me sitting on the bed, kicking my feet:
“Bout time you showed up!”
“Holy crap, you’re back?!” He rushed over, tackling me on the bed with a hug, making me squeal and giggle, but playfully scolding:
“Hey! I got all dolled up for our date! Don’t mess up my outfit!”
His head shot up so quickly, blinking for the reconfirmation that I gave him:
“I told you as soon as I was back we’d go on our date! Let’s go!”
Giggling at him stuck in place, I was shut up with a kiss, the both of us getting lost, but tapping him before it turned into a full-blown make-out session:
“Ah, ah. You’ll get kisses later. I wanna go have some fun.”
“I just needed that,” He pulled back smiling, running off to get ready, “Be back in a flash!”
“You better!” I giggled, making sure he knew, “You and I are gonna have a lot of fun today!” 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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hello there! i would like to request a matchup! ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
fandom: obey me!
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: pansexual
zodiac sign: gemini
appearance: i'm around 5'10/around 175 cm, my hair is currently black (i dye it a lot), i have green eyes and round face; people usually think i'm younger than i actually am. i have 6 ear piercings and a sun tattoo which i love sm, i like to experiment with different makeup styles
personality: i'm an introvert, not too social. shy but only at first. either 100% or 0% energy, nothing in between. quite sarcastic, i can get emotional really fast though. i'm loyal and honest, i tend to get stressed very easily. i often find it hard to go out of my comfort zone
likes: animals (i have two cats and a dog!), books/mangas, baking, music, rain
dislikes: heights, darkness, crowds, snakes
extra fun fact: i collect plushies~
that's all, i hope it's okay!<3
(My matchups are still closed, but I am doing this for a kind friend doing a match-up for me! I will post as soon as I am mentally ready to reopen my Match Ups again! Thank you all!)
Obey Me!
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Satan enjoys your innocent looks the most. He associates your innocence with his beloved cats, who are so cute and innocent.
Satan asks for many reading dates with you and loves it when you two can swap books and discuss what you like and dislike about the stories. He even has taken hand a time or two at Manga. Maybe you can convince him to read more.
Satan is also an all-or-nothing person, especially when it comes to his Sin. He only reserves 100% of his energy for you once you start dating. He will be his usual self-present but has yet to fully invest any other time, primarily if it involves Lucifer's plans.
Satan will assist you in any task out of your comfort zone for the price of a few private cuddles. He will ensure you are content and happy before he worries about himself. Please don't tell his brothers that.
Let him pick out your jewelry. He thinks it is a personal way for him to show ownership over you if he gets to choose all the jewelry adorning you.
He loves your animals. Even though he isn't much of a dog person, he will make an exception for you. Your cats, though, are treated like gods in his presence.
Satan enjoys a rainy day spent sitting indoors with you, playing soft ambient music, and reading a new book together.
He will steal your cat plushies only to make you a warm nook in his room for you to curl up in.
It was a cool day in hell. Rain softly pittered on the roof of the place you call home. With it being a weekend, the House of Lamentation was packed, especially since Lord Diavolo and Barbatos came over accompanied by Simeon, Luke, and Solomon. The house was lively as everyone played games, ate food, and, of course, argued over nothing at all. For you, however, this was indeed hell.
Now you loved the brothers, the angels, the lord, and even Solomon. What you hated is how this giant house suddenly felt too small with its many people. You were not enjoying being crowded by everyone, so slowly, you went to the back of the room for some fresh air. Little did you know your demon was overseeing you to ensure you were alright. Once safely away from the others enough to finally breathe, Satan swooped in and took your hand. He guided you to the library where you two could hide; lucky for you two, Mammon had just said something foolish, so all eyes were on him.
Once safely nestled in the library, Satan was wrapping you up in a blanket, turning on the record player, and pulling out the new book you had got him. Gently, he rested you against his chest, allowing you to get comfortable. After a few protests and worries that the others will notice, he calmed you and began to read to you. Hours had to have passed when the brothers finally realized their numbers had dwindled, and they searched for you. Imagine the horror on Mammon's face when he finds you and Satan cuddling, fast asleep.
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Request Statuses
Okay, said I’d do this yesterday, so here it is. I’m not naming who made what specific request here, whether anonymous or not. Just dropping them here so everyone can check on the status of their request.
If you don’t see your request here for whatever reason, please let me know!! I haven’t deleted any since I joined Tumblr, so there is always a chance that it didn’t go through.
I will update this regularly as statuses change; and when I update it, I will update the date next to the link in my Masterpost.
Created 30 Oct 2023
Updated 2 Dec 2023
Tongue Ring (Sanji x Reader)
Status: Accepted, actively in-progress
Only One Bed (Mihawk x Reader)
Status: Accepted, outlining, definitely NSFW and it’s also going to be hilarious
Marine!Reader x whomever of your favorite pirates would be more likely to seduce her to the dark-side.
Status: Accepted, brainstorming, definitely going to be Shanks because he absolutely would a thousand times over.
Sanji x picky eater!reader x (possibly) Zoro
Status: Accepted, brainstorming may be more than one part but probably no more than three, definitely going the love triange route and including Zoro.
“Tell them you’re pregnant” story with Ace and/or Sabo
Status: Accepted, but delayed until I get further in the manga, bear with me on that. I will definitely be writing Ace once I re-familiarize with him. This is the first time I’ve reread the manga in probably ten years. I barely scratched the surface with Sabo last time I read, mostly only flashbacks, so I’m not yet familiar with him at ALL.
Headcanons: How the Straw Hats (East Blue crew in particular help each individual member cope/recover when something triggers them.
Status: Accepted, brainstorming, may be a few
Sanji x secretly-a-princess!Reader
Status: Accepted, outlining, in development, will be multi-chapter, and there’s going to be a puppy for some reason.
Sanji x curvy!Reader headcanon
Status: Accepted, not yet in development
Too small, oneshot fic(s), Shanks x Reader and possibly others, NSFW
Status: Accepted, in development for Shanks, may or may not do Mihawk as well
Sanji x Reader with eating disorder
Status: Accepted, brainstorming, also researching because it's a subject that deserves to be depicted realistically
OPLA character x S/O!Reader who looks cute and bubbly but is actually quite strong.
Status: Accepted, brainstorming, leaning strongly toward Zoro because I love the idea of him with a bubbly lil s/o
Headcanons (inspo from Because I Got High) where reader either gets too messed up from smoke/alcohol or side effects from something like anxiety meds, and character has to comfort/calm them down
Status: Accepted, planning to do Sanji, Zoro, Shanks, Mihawk, and Buggy, got a little of it drafted out for Zoro, Shanks, and Mihawk
OPLA!Sanji and/or Zoro x Reader; drabble on a reader who is older than them (mid 30s), who thinks she is “too old”
Status: Accepted, brainstorming, I’m in my early 30s so heavy relate
Mihawk x Reader; he meets a singer at Baratie and falls for her (likely being in denial over it)
Status: Accepted, not yet in development. Probably going to be a two parter at least, and also shamelessly throwing my own flair in because I sing/play guitar, so reader’s probably going to be a guitarist as well, as long as that’s cool.
General Mishanks request:
Status: Tentatively accepted, probably going to aim toward younger Mishanks (early 20s). I’ve only done one Mishanks headcanon re:how they first met/became rivals, so this is a little out of my ballpark, but I’m willing to give it a try. If I feel I can’t write it in a way that I’m satisfied with, I will let you know.
Comedic NSFW, Mihawk x Reader
Status: Accepted, brainstorming, already cackling like a witch standing over a cauldron over this one
IMihawk x Reader request, fluffy, Mihawk needing a bit of reassurance because he's a bit insecure of how tight Reader's friendship with shanks is becoming
Status: Accepted, brainstorming, will probably start outlining soon. Actually going have something akin to this a bit in my Mihawk x OC fic, Hearing Problems, but it's still going to be a couple chapters down the road before I get there, so this would be a good way to explore the idea.
Headcanons request for Shanks, Zoro, Sanji, Mihawk and Buggy taking Reader to a masquerade ball
Status: Accepted, going to have to study the fundamentals of masquerade balls a lil and decide how I want to go about this exactly. If it's okay a couple of the scenarios may be them meeting Reader AT the ball. Because I feel like Shanks would probably just gatecrash for the hell of it (he heard there was an open bar and just went for it); and the thought of Zoro getting lost and accidentally stumbling into a masquerade ball with no idea what's going on has got me 🤭
Shanks x Reader x Buggy, age gap, Shanks and Buggy get isekai'd into our world, Halloween vibes, further details here
Status: Accepted, early brainstorming stages, this just seems like it would be so much fun thank you 🙏
Mihawk x Reader, proposal
Status: Accepted, will be treated as a sequel to YSAM and Ten Years, details here
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Ello there :D could I request going on a first date with Kohaku and Natsume both of them being separate pls :>
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First Date Headcanons!
w/ Kohaku Oukawa & Natsume Sakasaki x GN! Reader
i actually tried so hard to make sure these were dates this time around
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Warnings: Kohaku has a very small panic attack on his, but it gets resolved in like seconds. Otherwise it's all clear!
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Kohaku Oukawa
✩ You'd probably be the one to ask Kohaku out. Not that he's shy or anything (okay, maybe a little) but because he doesn't really know much about dates and romance.
✩ Now, where would you take someone like that? Someplace where he can experience and try tons of new things? Why, the natural answer would be the amusement park of course!
✩ Whether it be rides, attractions, games, food, there's no shortage of new things to show him. He spent quite a lot of his life indoors or "working" after all.
✩ It also wouldn't hurt to let him experience crowded places, considering the friends he had growing up were either his Bon, or people online.
✩ Before the date, Kohaku had the brilliant idea to ask Aira for advice. Aira looked like he would be experienced in this field after all, with his constant talking of love and such.
✩ Obviously, Aira, having no experience himself; had no idea what to tell him, conjuring up all the knowledge he gathered from manga and fanfics to try and answer Kohaku properly.
✩ Just the standard stuff like offering to hold his hand if ever you were to get scared, or riding swan boats and other love themed rides.
✩ When the day finally came, Kohaku couldn't get a wink of sleep. He would never admit it, but he was quite excited. He spent a while trying to pick out clothes, wondering if something more casual and sporty would fit better than something more cool and romantic.
✩ Then he remembers he has no personal fashion sense at all, seeing as all his clothes were just stuff he got from looking up popular and trendy clothes. Well, at least they all looked good, especially on him.
✩ He'd arrive a good 2 hours or so earlier than you. Just standing around the entrance like a lost puppy. His eyes practically sparkling when he saw you walking towards him.
"Ah, you're already here! Sorry, did I make you wait long?" Kohaku shook his head like crazy, before reciting a line that he practiced with Aira beforehand.
"Nah, I just got here." Kohaku smirked internally, knowing that this should alleviate your nerves if you thought he had waited long.
The two of you got your tickets and a complementary map, before snapping a photo together near the entrance.
"Where do ya' wanna go first, (Y/N)?" He'd ask even though he already planned a whole itinerary beforehand. He values your opinion after all.
When you tell him that it's up to him, he would gladly take you by the hand and drag you towards the more popular rides. It's still early, so now's the best chance to get on them before lots of people show up.
✩ The very first ride he brought you to seemed like a very, very extreme roller coaster. His face visibly darkened when he saw all the loops and turns, but he decided to tough it out for you.
✩ When the two of you got on, his heart was already about to leap out of his chest. Sure he's a man used to these kinds of "life-threatening" scenarios, but it's different when you're beside him.
✩ Just as the roller coaster would start it's slow ascent, Kohaku would definitely start regretting his decision. His hands would start shaking and he'd find it harder to breathe.
✩ Right before the big drop though, he'd feel your hands on top of his, his eyes wandering to your face. You were looking him right in the eyes, as if you were trying to telepathically tell him:
Don't worry. I'll protect you.
✩ He'd feel about 30 times lighter after that. The feeling of being protected or cared for isn't something he was very used to, what with the life and job that he had.
✩ But before he knew it, the roller coaster dropped and he wasn't scared at all. Sure, he was screaming, but it was because he just felt so safe beside you that he could truly let himself relax and be vulnerable.
✩ He couldn't even care that he didn't get to act all cool like Aira instructed him to. He was just too goshdarn happy seeing you care for him this much.
✩ When you two got off the ride, he couldn't help but wrap you in a hug, only stopping when he realized you two were holding up a line.
✩ Still though, even after your hug was broken up, he had a firm grip on your hand. What you did back then was so simple, but it meant a lot to him, it really did.
✩ It was then he saw those game booths handing out cute plushies or toys, pointing at the stands before pulling you towards them.
Kohaku watches your eyes fixate on a prize. It seemed like a pretty big plushie of an animal you liked. With that, a fire was lit inside him, he was going to get that for you even if he had to use all his money for it.
"Ya' want that one, dontcha?" Kohaku couldn't help but smile too when you beamed at him while nodding like crazy. "Alright. Guess it's time for me to show ya' my cool side, yeah?" He feels a bit embarrassed saying it, but he did mean it.
✩ Cue a good 20 minutes of Kohaku getting absolutely wrecked at that shooting game. He'd think his skills would come in handy in a situation like this, but it seems even he's not strong enough for rigged amusement park games.
✩ His face was as pink as his hair at this point, losing confidence with each failed attempt, only to want to try again harder when he saw your expectant face.
"One more! I'll get it for sure next time!" Kohaku shouted out, before fishing his wallet for more money, only to have the grim realization that it was completely empty.
He'd turn to look at you, afraid that you'd be disappointed at him for failing this badly. He really messed up big time here did he? Not only did he not get you the plushie, now he's out of money that he could've spent for food or other stuff.
His eyes would get a bit misty before he feels your hand on top of his head, gently caressing it so that it wouldn't mess with the hair he spent an hour styling.
"You did great! It's a shame you couldn't get it, but you looked super cool holding that toy rifle!" Kohaku felt faint, he couldn't keep taking these critical hits to the heart. "Come on, cheer up! I saw some cute looking sweets over there, I'll go buy you some, so give me a smile!"
Kohaku couldn't even reply before you were the one dragging him somewhere. You really are so cool in his eyes. He's done nothing but blunders this entire date, couldn't there be something he can do to make your heart race for a change?
He sifted through the things he discussed with Aira before coming up blank. All the intricate plans they made, he'd probably mess up at this rate. How could he possibly make you as happy as you made him?
"Kohaku, you okay? You've got quite the face!" The man in question had a very puzzled face after all, thinking real hard on what he could possibly do. Oops, he should probably answer you.
"Ah, yeah. I was jus' thinking about how much I love ya'." He did not notice the big goofy grin on your face as it became tinted red, and maybe that was for the best.
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Natsume Sakasaki
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✩ Natsume would be the one to ask you out. For what you say? Well he called it a surprise, so you don't get to know.
✩ He just told you to get ready, and he'll come pick you up at your place. Not even telling you what kind of clothes to wear so that it'll truly be a surprise.
✩ That was already the first spell he cast on you, when a human doesn't know what's about to come, their mind starts exploring and creating answers for them. Natsume wanted you to feel so excited for this date that you'd fantasize about what it could be.
✩ Of course, he'd have to make sure things on his end were going great as well. If he disappointed you of all people he really would have no right calling himself a magician.
✩ When the time for the date came, you heard some soft knocks on your door. Opening it to see Natsume wearing a nice button up and pants with a matching tie. Hm, so it was a formal kind of date then.
✩ You wanted to go back and change to match with Natsume, but he'd just pull you in by the arm, a soft thud resounding as you bumped into his chest.
"You already look perfect, kitTEN." Natsume whispered into your ear before planting a kiss on your forehead. You couldn't help but get caught off guard, he sure plays hard and fast doesn't he? "Now then, shall we gO?"
He would lead you into a fancy looking car, opening the door for you and waiting for you to go in before he does. When the two of you are seated, the person behind the wheel that looked kind of like Tsumugi started to drive at a leisurely pace.
Time passes before you know it and the sun has already sunk when the two of you get dropped off at a nice looking park. Natsume takes you by the hand to an already set up picnic, with food and drinks that would cater to any cravings.
He signals for you to sit down before doing so himself, sitting opposite to you in the aptly sized blanket.
While the date was certainly romantic so far, it was quite simple in execution. It was Natsume that planned this whole thing, so you were kind of expecting it to be a bit more, how do you say this; out there?
As if he read your mind, Natsume tucked a hair behind your ear before speaking. "Worry not, kitTEN. The night has only just beGUN." He threw in a wink too, crafty bastard.
✩ Though he said that, the date seemed to progress as naturally as a picnic date would. The two of you eating and chatting about nothing important.
✩ Sure Natsume would throw in a cheeky remark or try to feed you something every now and then, but it was still just a sort of normal date?
✩ Of course this too, was simply a part of his spell. He had planned a very grand declaration of love after all, but he needs you to be just slightly disheartened before he puts his plan into action.
✩ Soon enough, it was fully night time and the stars had come with the moon to say their greetings to you two.
Seemingly out of thin air, Natsume pulled out a telescope. Motioning for you to peer into it. "Do you see iT?" The telescope was already positioned, showing you a constellation of three stars connected like a triangle.
It was a very pretty constellation, and the view of the night sky was honestly breathtaking enough to warrant this entire date.
"This constellation is called the summer triANGLE. It represents two lovers, Vega and Altair, that were seperated by the milky waY." That story made you a bit sad, being a romantic yourself. "Luckily, the other star, Deneb serves as the bridge for them to meeT."
You pulled away from the telescope after feeling a tap on your shoulder. Natsume put his hand behind your ear again, but this time procuring a cute pendant with a star on it. "My Vega, even if the universe intends on tearing us aPART. I will always, always find my way back to yoU."
He pulls out a similar looking pendant that he was hiding under his clothes, before putting the one in his hand around your neck. Natsume then closes the distance between you two, your faces inches away from each other.
He guides your hand to his pendant, before bringing yours closer to it, showing that the two of them connect when brought together. "This, I promise. With the thousand stars in the sky as my witness."
It seemed Natsume dropped his usual way of speaking, but you could probably let it slide this one time. How could you say no to him when his face looks so red as he recites these cheesy yet incredibly romantic lines?
"I love you, (Y/N)." Natsume smiled at you softly, before closing the distance between your lips.
AAAA done! hope these were to your liking anon ^^
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ashxketchum · 2 months
I want to share some updates for those who are not chronically online on japanese beytwt about Beyblade Bar, since some shit went down this weekend.
On Friday around 6PM JST, a link went up showcasing the menu and goods for the collaboration cafe...and it was lackluster to say the least. The link was very quickly taken down, with some doubt casted over whether it was a mistake of the info being released too early or the images were not the finalised ideas but something early on from planning stage. I myself wasn't online at the time this happened, so I didn't see the exact info but I got to know through artists I follow that the menu was very overpriced for basic stuff like croissant was priced at 1500 yen and roll cakes at 1000 yen.
Most Japanese fans felt that compared to the Bar that took place in 2019, there was no creativity used for the menu plus the difference in price was astounding. I did not myself see the goods images uploaded but from what I have gathered, it had used the basic profile art of the characters we've seen for years (S1 design for Takao and Kai that too) which isn't anything to be happy about either because if you see the other collabs organised by andGallery on their twitter page, you can tell that they do know how to put in proper effort.
After people started posting about getting cancellations, 'cuz even if they do want that Black Dranzer X, it seems wasteful to join the collab cafe for just that prize, the link was then taken down, but I'm assuming that some Japanese fans did go ahead with cancelling their reservations.
Which is what most likely prompted this apology posted by the organiser a full day later. They've said that the info shared on the link was incorrect and based on prototype ideas. They've prepared a Beyblade experience area, an exhibition of all Beyblades from each gen, a display featuring artwork/original autographs by all manga artists from Beybalde franchises and they'll reveal all the official information by 2nd August. After this tweet, Adachi sensei (Metal Fight mangaka) also tweeted saying that he's worked hard on the new art for Beyblade Bar and he's looking forward for fans to experience it.
Adachi sensei's words at least add some weight to andGallery's claim, but fans are not happy yet. The event starts on 10th August, revealing the info just a week-10 days before of the event is inconvenient to the people who are planning trips from afar for this experience, if the quality is still not worth it, their plans would sort of go to waste. Especially when the norm is to post goods picture at least a month prior to the event start date.
Considering that this is the 25th Anniversary event for the franchise and the only collaboration cafe planned for the year so far, the handling is just extremely shoddy and honestly disappointing for many fans. andGallery also celebrated Digimon's 25th Anniversary earlier in the year but things were smooth sailing with that event. So either the fault lies with Takara Tomy/Beyblade team coordinating with andGallery or the cafe itself.
Either way, this has turned out to be a disheartening affair for most fans, and I hope andGallery + Beyblade staff pull it together to organise a collaboration worthy of the 25th Anniversary tag.
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lavenderjewels · 9 months
JJK chapter 246 thoughts below
Because the official chapter’s translations last week were disappointing in a couple of ways, I read the fan translation. Keeping all my thoughts here until the official one drops!
I loved this chapter a lot! :’)
I have been SO confident that yuuji is trying to save megumi since he was taken over that I am unbelievably satisfied, especially after seeing way too many posts that megumi is 100% dead or has no chance. I’ve been slightly bitter at seeing so many theories about Gojo coming back that don’t make sense when it would be a crime if he came back but not Megumi (or Nobara). The only question is whether or not Yuuji will actually be able to save Megumi or if either will die in the process—for my own sake, I’m believing in the power of friendship. Also, I wish there were date/time stamps for the flashbacks, since it’s hard to remember when in the time skip it is.
And LOVE that Yuuji was the one that came up with that plan. Nothing will ever be easy and there’s no way this plan can go right without more death, but that little sliver of hope is fantastic. I can always rely on Yuuji being the “humanity” of the team. Thinking back to when Hana and him off-handedly wondered if Gojo forgot about Megumi during the fight. It’s nice having two people who are invested in saving Megumi when the situation is dire.
Did Choso getting punched x2 straight through the chest and stomach worry me? Yes, but he’s not dead and Yuuji didn’t look devastated, so I’m taking this as a positive that he’s out of the fight for now. If he wasn’t a half curse and it wasn’t so casual, I’d be concerned. Sukuna does NOT like either of the siblings since he’s met both. Very sweet that Yuuji caught him the second Sukuna threw him aside.
The color page (which looks incredible) is fueling my belief that Maki is with Yuuta as help with Kenjaku. That, or the current team is the first round of fighters and they’ll need her soul sword for something last-minute sukuna related, but I just wouldn’t be surprised if the jujutsu high second years stuck together.
Higuuuuuuuurumaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3
I love him. “Sukuna found himself completely enthralled—“ same
No really, I’ve adored his character since chapter 159 released and I’m so happy that one of my favorite characters is getting all this. I already have other posts lined up for when the official chapter drops, but I love him.
His conversation with Yuuji was dark, but I love these quiet moments of insight. Such a good chapter for all these tiny character moments with interesting implications.
Despite my disappointment at the trial ending so soon, I like this fight and I think Sukuna does too (for Higuruma). The end pages about Higuruma’s quick learning and adaption to sorcery is exactly what I wanted to see!
(Continuing) Higuruma is essentially a tired lawyer new to sorcery and is not nearly as overpoweringly strong as Gojo, yet the manga states he rivals Gojo in raw talent and adaptability. Realistically, he doesn’t and can’t have that overpowered strength to the degree of Gojo, but I love how that doesn’t diminish the skills he does have and shows how valuable these characters can be (and it’s not JUST talent, but how their mindset around life and sorcery too). They don’t have to be overpowered to have a profound impact and be smart in their fighting.
(Continuing) I remember seeing comments after Gojo died that there was no use because there can’t be a way for the protagonists to defeat Sukuna without a deus ex machina, plot armor, etc. But I hoped the story would lean into the characters’ strengths and have them work together to find a smart way with combined effort to take down Sukuna, rather than Gojo be the magical solution to killing Sukuna and Kenjaku. So this chapter worked in a lot of ways for me.
(Continuing) It’s the same reason why Yuuji turning his role put on him (by others and himself) as a cage/tool into something significant in this fight is very compelling. At a surface level, these characters are much weaker than Sukuna, but I think they genuinely have a chance. Plus, it’s more entertaining to have a team fight in jjk and, despite still heavily incorporating the power system, I find this fight to already be more emotional and investing than the Gojo Sukuna one. Not to be overly negative on that last fight (there’s good moments in it and the fighting itself is fun), but this is what I wanted from JJK!
More people will die at some point. Better not be Choso (Yuki died for him so that had better not go to waste immediately), but could honestly be anyone. I do think there’s going to be a moment where things do end up going right for the protagonist team, but that could be a long time from now. Kusakabe being surprised at himself for his willingness to die to protect Higuruma was??? Adorable??? A duo I never considered, but I need them to survive (unlikely) and interact more now that I’m thinking of how well they’d get along.
Another long review of a jjk chapter, but had a great time with this one! At this point, I mention it weekly, but Sukuna in his original form is beautiful every time I see him and im very happy to have him in that form for this fight.
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askaceattorney · 3 months
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Dear Kevin James,
Chief Mod Edgeworth:
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I could see that in a fan comic, though there already are mangas of Ace Attorney that aren't canon. I suppose it wouldn't be impossible. I would read it regardless of if it were a fan comic or an official manga.
Co-Mod: I'm a lot more familiar with anime than manga, so I don't know how good or bad that would look (though I guess that would mostly depend on the skill and talent of the writer), but I'm open to the idea. That being said, it reminds me a little too much of a certain despairful video game/anime series, so to answer your second question...probably not.
Mod Zieks: I love the idea. Love it so much. Tbh I'm more of an anime person than manga, but if it was manga exclusively, I'd be all over that.
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Dear Minnesotamermaid71,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: You can try doing it on another device or web browser. Otherwise, I don't know what the issue is. You should be able to click on it and it will take you to the Youtube link.
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Dear Robottiye,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I don't know. I doubt there's going to be much difference outside of maybe higher graphics and stuff.
Mod Zieks: Yes, I do have some plans to use it! (For evil.)
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: The recent ones seem like they're asked because they're funny? Otherwise I have no idea.
Mod Zieks: It's the internet, where people can be as anonymous as they want. It's to be expected (unfortunately.)
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Askrikkaiandhyotei,
Chief Mod Edgeworth:
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I know. This was made two years ago and the answers were pointed out in the comments right here.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Eway4,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: This also shows the possibility that Franziska has an older brother too. She may have an older sister and brother. Manfred von Karma is... what? 65 according to Ace Attorney wiki? He'd have been 48 when Franziska was born, which already leaves over two decades and a half for Manfred von Karma to have two, three, even five other kids. That would depend on when he was married, but I think you get the point and no I don't think he has five other kids.
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Personally, I think it could go either way. I have created OC's as part of the von Karma family that includes Franziska, an older brother and an older sister. Both have kids and while one owns a dog named Phoenix, it is shared by the two siblings since he considers it a family pet.
I did find this interesting. I suppose it shouldn't be any surprise that the grandchild didn't originally have a gender. Now, I'm curious what the original translation of the credit card pin number comment was.
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Dear Charicla,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Ace Attorney mostly, but I also have Tetris, Project Makeover, Wordscape, Gardenscape, Lilly's Garden, Happy Match Cafe, Solitaire, Island Hoppers, Love Paradise, Winked and Traffic Escape.
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Basically, puzzle games, classics, makeover and a dating sim.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Spiders? You're talking to someone who used to pick up Daddy Longlegs from the corner of the basement window and drop them in a well.
Co-Mod: I answered that letter, so it doesn't scare me a whole lot, but...that was still a jerk move. 😒
Mod Zieks: Love spiders. They go great with sprite, and maybe crickets as well.
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: It kinda is? I don't know what you're referring to or if it's to any letters. If so, you need to link the letters you're talking about or I'm going to be so confused.
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I will say that we only know their ages in each game, being it is revealed in their profile. Outside of that or any official canon B-Days that are revealed in the game or something such as Rayfa's birthday, we can only speculate when it may be. If anyone wants to wish a character a Happy Birthday during any random day, they may and we will recognize it as such.
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: We do insert headcanons as a way to fill in the blank so to speak, since some questions to the characters are not explained or answered in the game. As such, we will use headcanons that will add but not change canon.
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As for the previous letters, those were from former mods that no longer work here. Just like Kristoph being a part of the Gavinners was a headcanon to add but not break canon, so was theirs. The game never showed Kristoph claiming he wasn't fond of the genre or only tolerated Klavier's music. That was likely based off of Apollo's and Ema's feelings for Klavier's music of not being fond. Mine of Kristoph being a part of the Gavinners was mostly to answer a question if he was, but I also think it makes sense being that Klavier looks up to his brother and I find it would be something interesting for Kristoph.
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Dear A Concerned Asker,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I don't? Hell, I've answered asks to Klavier and Jake hinting that they swing both ways and I've had Edgeworth once come out as Asexual. Not to mention we recognize Aura Blackquill x Metis Cykes as a canon one-sided ship. Whether Metis returned the feelings is up for interpretation. Outside of that, the only "straight" ships that are canon we recognize is Godot x Mia and maybe Phoenix x Iris. We do not count Apollo's date with Maya, because that was a one time Valentines Day shtick and the other ships we do not count as canon, straight or not. You might get a character or two finding someone attractive (you might be lucky enough to have Klavier admit to finding Apollo attractive) or having one character asking another on a date that is convincing enough, but that's it.
If you're talking about past letters from four or five years ago, maybe more, that’s likely from Co-Mod and maybe Modot. Can’t say. I know Modot did say he hated certain slash ships because of the fandom at the time and Co-Mod felt awkward in answering yaoi/yuri letters, so he avoided them altogether. However, I will gladly answer slash/yaoi/yuri letters and I recognize when LGBTQ+ is canon. I do ship Wrightworth, AsoRyuu and BaroAso, so I do endorse yaoi.
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That being said, I do understand where Co-Mod and Modot are coming from. It isn’t that they believe all characters are straight, but that it wouldn’t be IC for say Phoenix to fall in love with Edgeworth when he had been into Iris from the start. From Modot’s perspective, Phoenix and Maya made better sense before DD and SOJ came about. The AA trilogy did seem to have NaruMayo as the canon endgame in mind and Modot seems like a canon shipper. I was a canon shipper for the longest time back when I was in High School full of gay and bisexual students, so I can tell you that preferring straight over gay ships has nothing to do with it.
As for Co-Mod, he had never met someone that was gay outside of his uncle, so it was more that he didn’t know or was inexperienced with how to answer slash letters. It’s changed since I became mod and especially after taking over as the head mod. He's even started answering some slash letters recently.
I know you’re not trying to accuse anyone of anything, but it does feel a little accusatory. Not only are there multiple mods, as you’ve stated, but there have been changing of the Heads over the years. Modot was the first, then Modthorne, Co-Mod and now me. That’s why you need to look at which mod is answering letters. If it’s “The Mod,” he’s no longer here and doesn’t apply to the current mods. If it’s Co-Mod, he’s retired and no longer runs the place. As far as I can recall, many of us do endorse certain noncanon ships, most of them yaoi, and we recognize if characters are canonly gay or at least into the same sex.
Co-Mod: Yeah, I'd say that about sums it up. I was raised to believe that men are made for women and women are made for men (and while my mind could be changed, I haven't seen much evidence disproving that idea), but even if that weren't the case, I hadn't seen very many same-sex relationships, real or fictional, so I wouldn't have been able to portray them accurately, which is why I avoided them. Call it whatever you want, but I was just playing it safe. In any case, we now have several Mods who are more willing to address the topic, so it looks like we've found what appears to be a workable solution.
-The Mods
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idesireelysian · 2 years
you, me, and the ghost in between us
shinichiro’s died a few months ago. both you and wakasa are still in love with him.
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charachters: wakasa x reader, shinichiro x reader (past, one-sided?), shinichiro x wakasa (past, one-sided?)
type/genre: fanfiction/one-shot/drabble, angst, hurt/comfort
wordcount: 0.7k
cw/tw: gn!reader, you’re both in your early to mid 20s, death, grieving, unhealthy coping mechanisms (not the ones you expect but they’re still not healthy), kissing
notes: no clue what inspired me to write this, but here it is. i might make a part two if i can think of something. feel like it’d make a nice series. fun fact: the image below is actually shinichiro’s grave, i edited it out from a manga panel <3
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once again, you’re strolling towards the graveyard, a small, hand-picked bouqet of flowers in your hand. it’s mostly made of daisies, but a few random other flowers put the whole thing together. you’re deep in thought. without having to concentrate, you walk towards where shinichiro’s grave is. you’ve already memorised the way precisely. you don’t know if you should laugh about it or start to cry.
as you’re walking around a tall headstone to get closer to your destination, you notice wakasa sitting in front of the exact same grave you’re planning to visit. he whips his head around when he hears your footsteps coming closer.
,,y- i’ll go, you can stay here. i wanted to leave anyway’’, he hastily says, scrambling up from his position.
you push him back down by his shoulder, sink to the floor beside him. ,,stay. it’s clear that you’re not finished with whatever business you’re here for.’’
reluctantly, he nods, relaxes again. his eyes dart over the flowers you’re laying down in front of the stone.
,,hand-picked?’’, he asks, trying to muster up some sort of conversation.
,,yeah. they’re growing on a meadow not far from where i live.’’
he doesn’t reply. it’s awkwardly silent between the two of you, so you decide to say something else.
,,you really loved him, huh?’’
his head turns towards you a little too fast, eyes not quite able to meet yours a little too obviously. ,,do you- is it that obvious?’’ his voice is quiet.
you shake your head, try to crack a sad smile. ,,no, i don’t think so. i just... i see myself in you, you know? the way you looked at him when you thought that nobody would see you. the way you talked about him. with this... passion. how you treated him, and how hurt you looked every time he complained about getting reject by some girl again. sometimes i thought i was looking at a mirror.’’
,,oh’’, he says. nothing else, for a bit. then he asks you a question. ,,why did you never ask him out?’’
,,i don’t really know. i guess’’, you pause to think for a bit, staring into the distance, ,,i guess, maybe i was waiting for something to happen. probably. i mean, he’d never been shy about asking someone out.’’
wakasa ponders for a bit. eventually, he says: ,,yeah, that makes sense. you know, we were childhood best friends. then i fell in love with him. and then we kept on being childhood best friends.’’ he, too, stares into the distance, looking at the skyscrapers that are so far away.
,,i didn’t want to lose him. i figured i’d rather be his best friend than not in his life at all. sometimes i wonder if he would’ve said yes’’, he explains, ,,i wonder if he would’ve said yes to you.’’
a pained giggle escapes you. ,,maybe he would’ve said yes to both of us.’’
he forces himself to laugh, shakes his head. ,,maybe. do you think i’m worth saying yes to?’’
this time, you’re the one to look at wakasa, but you turn your head a lot slower and more sure of yourself. ,,he probably would’ve said yes to anyone, no?’’
,,that’s not what i asked, y/n. i already know that’’, he explains, still not looking at you.
,,will it hurt less if i say yes? i can’t replace him, wakasa’’, you answer honestly. you can’t deny that you’ve thought about trying to move on by dating someone else.
,,i can’t replace him either, y/n. but here we are, wondering if he would’ve ever loved us back. the answer is ‘probably not’. so, does it even matter?’’
you move one of your hands, slowly wrapping your fingers around his. finally, he turns his head around, looks at you. you can see tears in his eyes.
,,probably not?’’, you repeat his words, ask, not expecting an answer.
the corners of wakasa’s mouth turn upwards ever so slightly. he raises his other hand, gently placing it on your cheek, brushing his thumb over your skin. you lean forward, staring at his lips until they finally meet yours in a kiss.
maybe, you two can at least pretend to see a ghost in each other.
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notes pt2: i chose to use daisies in this bc they represent (among a ton of other things) new beginnings, attachment, & true love which i thought fitting for this piece and because i’m too obsessed with flower meanings anyway
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uozlulu · 1 year
50 questions for fic writers
@darkangel1791 asked that fic writing mutual answer these questions, and so here we go~
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) I’d start with a oneshot. The one that’s been the most well-received is a SPN/Teen Wolf (MTV) crossover about Stiles having an unreciprocated crush on Dean called Crush. The oneshot I think represents my style as a writer the most would be my BnHA/MHA fic called …save…. about Shirakumo overcoming Kurogiri’s programing enough to ask Aizawa to help save Shigaraki. The oneshot I think I did my best work on to date would be my IwtV (AMC) fic May You Get What You Desire Is a Curse upon the Dead, that explores desire via Devil’s Minion. I think this is my best oneshot, if not overall fic, because I alternated between two POVs, one in the past and one in the present, and I don’t cringe when I reread it.
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits? Mine are 1) Originally posted to Fanfiction.net, 2) I Blame Tumblr, 3) Crossover, 4) Additional Warnings in Author’s Note, and 5) Other: See More Story Notes. I think that it does represent me as a writer because sometimes I wrote very long warnings lists and author’s notes because I always have something to say.
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics? I write a lot of stuff where someone’s not!straight because I myself am not straight. I also write quite a bit of romance because it does fascinate me, but I’m also drawn to platonic pairs with strong bonds too.
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of? I spent a lot of time researching stuff about Japan to make my Banana Fish manga AU where Ash joins Eiji on the plane to Japan called Best Laid Plans work. I looked up school schedules, cultural notes, train ride durations, flight durations, food, culture, 80’s history, Google street views, etc…etc… The ending ended up being a bit of a you love it or hate it ending unfortunately, but I am proud of the work I put in to make the fic happen.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now! I don’t think I have any specific questions off the top of my head, but if anyone has some fic-specific questions, my inbox is always open for them
6. What’s one fact about the universe of [insert fic] that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself? I should have been more clear that in my Black Clover soulmate AU Names and Promises that Asta and Yuno are platonic soulmates and said their first words to each other.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? I’m really proud of my work on my BnHA/MHA soulmate AU Our Soulmate Academia because I fleshed so much out and had so much fun with things like quirk swapping and what life for an underground hero might entail, etc…It was also fun trying to guess what Horikoshi might do in the canon and try to avoid doing something too similar.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)? I want to do my Vampire Chronicles (AMC) inspired playlist as a fic series, but I do not have that kind of free time unfortunately.
9. How do you find new fic to read? Most of the time it’s whatever shows up via my subs in my inbox. But sometimes I just pick a fandom I want to read from and see what new fics are around
10. How do you decide what to write? Sometimes it’s based on a Tumblr post I read like my IwtV (AMC) crack fic We Have Thieves based on some Night Island (AMC) posts I’ve seen. Sometimes I’m filling in some blanks from canon like my Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits fic Promises and Oaths where I hypothesized some things before the anime finished. Sometimes I watch something unrelated and it inspires a fic like the time I watched that Monuments Men movie and then wrote my Captain America Steve never becomes a super soldier AU called If No One Else Will. Sometimes I get inspired by other fics I’ve been reading like my Sherlock Holmes fic The Mystery in the Fog.
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? I’m a perseverative person by nature. Sometimes I blink and have like a handful of Devil’s Minion fics because it gives me brain worms or when I was in high school I always had an Inuyasha fic in my fic rotation because I loved that series so much. There was also a time I wrote too many Thick of It fics because I kept using the characters as a way to take a break from the novel I was working on at the time and several Tumblr users were giving me attention for those fics.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? I started out pretty homophobic when I first started writing fanfic because I was very sheltered. Now I’m just very not straight and the characters I gravitate towards aren’t either. I also wasn’t into reading lemons but now I don’t mind them as long as there’s some sort of plot with it outside of the sexy times.
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore? I’m not sure. I’ve never really been big on searching out specific tropes, though sometimes I will go looking for stuff like those fics where someone swaps places with their younger self and the younger self gets to be in shock at their potential future.
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer? If the AO3 author I trust the most wrote something like omegaverse I don’t think I would follow because that might be a step too squick for me.
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written? I really like my Black Clover/Boruto crossover The Land Across the Sea where Boruto washes up on Clover’s beach, runs into the Black Bulls and Golden Dawn, and then some of both squads take him back to the Land of Fire, which is coincidentally the same country Yami came from. It was a speculation of what post-Spade Arc could be like written before the current Black Clover manga arc. (I wrote this because I think Yami and Naruto would have been friends growing up and they’re roughly about the same age if you take their ages at the start of their mangas in relation to publication year into account).
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)? I think we need more Claudia lived fics in the IwtV (AMC) fandom. I also want to see Present Mic be more students’ mentor in fics.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it? I want to write a BnHA/MHA AU where Class A has to travel back in time to save Yagi kind of inspired by Tenchi in Love. I’ve written a chunk of it but I hit a wall and I can’t seem to move forward with it.
18. If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it involve? I’m not sure. No one’s made any sequel requests in years.
19. If you wrote a spin-off of [insert fic], what would it involve? I want to take my IwtV (AMC) fic Dream a Memory of Me and remix it now that I have more memory and knowledge of what I should be doing with the characters. Louis also deserves to be utilized in a less haphazard way for the ending. Unfortunately I don’t have the time to do this so it’ll just have to be a testament to how much I was raring and ready to write Iwtv (AMC) fic that I didn’t take the time to refresh my memory properly before embarking on it.
20. If you wrote a prequel to [insert fic], what would it involve? I’m not sure but the novel I’m currently working on 100% could have a prequel but I think that might be too much for me because I’d have to delve deep into my time in middle and high school more so than I’m already doing for that novel.
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in [insert fic], what would it be? Usually if a scene gets send to my dump file, there’s a good reason it’s not in the fic.
22. Who is your favorite character in [insert fic] and why? If it’s a Black Clover fic I’ve written, my favorite character is always Asta. He’s just so loud and friend shaped. I can’t help it. Like a little anime nephew.
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to? I’ve written so many. I think counting the fics lost to time and space, I’ve written probably close to or just over 300 fics since 2001. I think a lot of the ones I want to do I’ve already done maybe even twice over.
24. Are there any Easter eggs in [insert fic], and if so, what are they? Occasionally I make small references but frequently they small enough I can’t think of them off the top of my head.
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write? I usually just use Word, Excel, and Google to find things.
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue? No dialogue. Only dialogue can get confusing without being able to use said.
27. How long did it take to write [insert fic]? Describe the process. It took me a year and two months to get Our Soulmate Academia ready for posting. I wrote it as a giant first draft, edited it while breaking it into chapters, and then spot checked it before posting it. That’s the general way I do all my fics in the last few years. Makes it easy to finish chaptered fics.
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who? I used a beta way back in the 2000’s, who proceeded to steal my fic and post it as their own so I’m the only person who reads them before I post them with the exception of Kitty who has severed as my Britpicker many times.
29. What songs would be (or are) on a playlist for [insert fic]? Explain your choices if you want! We Have Thieves has its own little mini mix technically. The songs I reference in the fic are: “Every Breath You Take” by The Police, “Holy Diver” by Dio, “Little Red Corvette” by Prince, “Psycho Killer” by Talking Heads, and “Beat It” by Michael Jackson.
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter? I wrote some smut for Best Laid Plans since part of the plot was unpacking Ash’s sexual trauma and sexuality. I kept it kind of simple and tried not to make it a spectacle. I’ve written other smut in some orphaned fics. Recently I had the opportunity to write smut in a couple of my IwtV AMC fics but I chose to fade out of the scenes instead because I don’t want to write smut in a manner that feels exploitative (which is why I orphaned the fics I did. I thought they were kind of exploitative and that’s just not how I want to be remembered).
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write? I’m not sure. I ordered my fics by word count and found that the 1,000 word mark occurs roughly half way down the list, so I think I just write whatever word count suits what the fic ends up being unless it’s a drabble that’s to a specific word count.
32. What’s your ideal fic length to read? Usually I try to keep it to under 10,000 unless I’m feeling ambitious or the fic summary is too good to pass up.
33. If you write chaptered fics, what’s your ideal chapter length to write? Is it different from your ideal chapter length to read? When I was in high school and university I would cap my chapters around 5,000 words especially because I was writing drafts without editing them and then just posting them like a weirdo. Now I like to write the whole thing out and if it’s over about 15,000/20,000 or so words I break it into multiple chapters of usually 5,000 – 10,000 words in length.
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life? I 100% used my own mom as inspiration for how to flesh Bakugou’s mom out in Our Soulmate Academia.
35. What aspects of your writing are completely unlike your real life? I have never been kissed. I can’t drink and I can’t drive. So, naturally I’m drawn to having a bit of romance in a good chunk of my fics because it fascinates me in the way that space or dinosaurs, etc… fascinate me.
36. Do you visualize what you read/write? If I can’t see a little movie playing in my head then I’m not going to be able to write it. This is also why I get compliments on my action sequences. I can easily visually keep track of everyone involved at all times.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it? I wrote a My Life in Film and BBC Sherlock crossover called Distortion that I think worked out fairly well. I think the fact My Life in Film is an obscure TV show didn’t help it in the popularity department. I chose the crossover because Andrew Scott is in both shows.
38. Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful? Only two of my fics have made it into people’s collections. They’re both Black Clover fics. The first one is Rest Young Soldiers which speculated on how the Spade Arc might end, and All Fortune Plays End where I speculated about how Asta’s devil powers might take over his body. I think I did a good job writing both fics.
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who? It is not. I just do what works for my brain.
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person? I do reread them. I like to reread my own as they come up on people’s bookmarks of my fics. I also have a trash memory so sometimes I reread fics when out looking for new ones and become that one Gandalf meme when I try to leave kudos.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.” I have 28 recs out of 138 bookmarks and I feel this way about all of my recs.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason? I got some flames back in my SPN days that graphically described how I should burn in hell for the fic I wrote. I also still think about the nice reviewer who complemented me on my Daniel characterization on my first IwtV AMC fic since that fic is pretty weak compared to my other ones in that fandom.
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written? I’m not sure because I can’t remember which fics are prompt fics. But I always love writing them.
44. If you take/write prompts: do you prefer dialogue or scenario/narrative prompts? I don’t really have a preference. Though sometimes I’ll accidentally take it in a strange direction because that’s where inspiration took me.
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic? Editing hands down. I’ve gone from only running the spell check and immediately posting the first and only draft to doing a two round editing process.
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write? On my computer is preferred. Typing on my phone is obnoxious no matter what I’m doing.
47. If [insert fic] was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes. If my SPN fic Burn Mark were shoes, they’d have the mark of Michael branded into the toes and the soles would be made from metal like a cage. The leather would be well worn, possibly almost worn out and the shoe laces a little dirty.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it? The last fic I read was the latest chapter of Only Human by bandedbulbussnarfblat. If human AUs for IwtV (AMC) aren’t your thing, then I highly recommend The Human Perspective by the same author.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it! I am currently working on my novel so no sharing.
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about! I’m not really sure. I’ve been posting fic online since July of 2001. I have a lot of thoughts about it but not sure which to choose from. If people want to know more you all can always send me asks or messages about whatever questions you might have.
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