#look forward to the next post in 2 mins this one is for you
mmmairon · 2 years
I am here to humbly deliver to you the concept of not just any maid diluc, but cottagecore milkmaid diluc tending to the cows in full milkmaid gear (prolly bc he lost a bet with kaeya LOL)
you have done something so irreversible to my brain i have turned into a puddle
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berryhobii · 1 year
Reconnect (myg x reader)
Pairing: Idol!Min Yoongi x black!wedding designer!female! Reader
Word Count: 6K+
Warnings: fluff, established relationship, mentions of secret relationship, mentions of a wedding(but not Yoongi and the reader’s), reader and Yoongi are engaged, Smut(18+ but I don’t control what you consume), unprotected sex(please speak to your partners before engaging in this), vaginal sex, squirting, creampies, riding, doggy style, mating press/missionary, oral(f receiving), soft dom Yoongi(he’s super soft and vocal but also goes kind of rough😊), rough sex, multiple orgasms(f and m receiving), brief aftercare and mentions of amazing aftercare, reader has goddess locs(color and length not specified), reader also has that Wendy’s Strawberry Lemonade kitty, reader also also has nipple piercings, reader got a fat ass because who doesn’t appreciate a nice booty?
A/N: Hi! This is my second time uploading something. I’ve had this story in my drafts for a while. I had been writing it using she/her pronouns so I’ve been spending the past few days to change those to you/yours. If I missed any, I’m sorry but please let me know so I can make the story more cohesive. Reader is black but their skin color isn’t really described but I believe I referred to their nipples being dark so that’s it. My next post with either be a GreekMythology!Jimin or a Gamer!Jungkook. The Jimin story is actually really long so I think I’ll turn it into a small series but I’ll post the 1st chapter sometime next week. Thanks again for reading! Criticism is greatly accepted and I hope my black and melanated girlies feel good reading this! Have a good day.
“I’m sorry, baby. I know I said we’d have dinner but we have to do some last minute recording.”
You tried not to sound disappointed when you replied. “That’s okay. I understand.” And you truly did. You knew how important his job was and that it would be a priority of his.
You just wished that it didn’t take so much of his time. You understood that his music was his life and that it was his dream career. All of his hard work had led up to being able to do what he does now; to make music and inspire the millions of fans that listened. You were so proud of him. Seeing him live his dream filled you with a different kind of pride and emotion. He was happy and that’s all you ever wanted for him.
Still, you missed him. You two had barely spent any time together the past month while he’s been preparing for their new album. He’d come home long after you’d fallen asleep and he’d sleep into the afternoon, just to rise and immediately get ready to go again. You couldn’t even have breakfast together like you used to. You could barely even start a conversation before he was cutting you off with a kiss and rushing out of the door.
While you had your own career of designing wedding dresses, you still had so much free time on your hands. You had already designed your newest collection and it was currently in production to be created. You’ve even made multiple visits to a few stores and they were running amazingly. There was only so long you could bury yourself in work before your heart began yearning for Yoongi’s companionship.
“I promise when this is finished, we’ll go on a trip. Just you and me.”
That made you smile. You and Yoongi have traveled a lot together over the years; Bora Bora, Italy, The Maldives—and each experience had been just as memorable and romantic as the last. He proposed to you in Italy at the Orange Gardens. It was such a magical moment. Just thinking about it made you want to cry. The entire trip was just absolutely perfect; from taking a gondola ride on the gorgeous waters to the 5 Star hotel they stayed in for 3 days and 2 nights, all the way to the candlelit dinner where he got down on one knee. You remember it fondly.
While the promise of a trip together didn’t fix your loneliness now, it gave you something to look forward to.
You couldn’t fight the smile in your voice. “Okay.” Your eyes went over to the stove where dinner was cooking. You had just finished searing some steaks that were finishing up in the oven. There was no point of putting them away for him to eat later. They wouldn’t be as flavorful or tender.
“Hey, is it okay if I bring you some dinner? I know you haven’t eaten yet.” Your tone shifted to one of slight teasing but you knew you were right. His pause of silence was proof enough.
“You don’t have to do that, baby.”
“I want to though. I made steak and I’ll feel better knowing you’ve eaten. I won’t stay long or distract you.” Just knowing he had a home cooked meal would make you happy. You would nag him constantly about drinking too much coffee and eating take out. It came from a place of love, however and Yoongi never minded. He loved having someone so attentive to his health when he’d blatantly ignore it. It showed you cared. Also, he secretly loved being babied by you. He’d never admit it out loud or to his friends but you knew. There was nothing better than coming home, a bath prepared for him to soothe his sore muscles, a meal on the table, and cuddling into your soft breasts while your rubbed his back—always being careful with his shoulder.
Your already nurturing nature and tendency to baby Yoongi increased tenfold once he got surgery. You barely let him leave the bed, even following him to the bathroom to make sure he didn’t hurt himself. A little bit stifling but he was so grateful to you. You always took care of him.
“Then that sounds great. I’ll leave my door open for you. I love you, baby.”
“I love you too. See you soon.”
With a giddy pep in your step, you finished cooking dinner, packaging it nicely in cute Tupperware before putting it in a bag. You had already showered and your clothes were fine but you wondered if you should put on something different. While Yoongi thought you looked good in anything, you still liked to look pretty for him; wearing dresses and heels whenever you went out, keeping your nails and toes done, and making appointments to get waxed every month. Self care was important to you. It not only made you feel good about yourself but it was also something you just liked to do for your husband.
Deciding to change your clothes, you slipped on a t shirt maxi dress that hugged and showed off all of your curves, along with some short open toed shoes to show off your freshly painted white toes. It was simple but still dressy and feminine, just your style.
Checking your hair once more in the mirror and smearing on some lip gloss, you grabbed the bag of food and your keys before exiting your home.
HYBE Studios was a pretty moderate drive from your apartment. The reason for that is to keep crazy fans from ever finding it. Once the company realized other idols were having their homes broken into, there was a decision to move all of the boys about 30 minutes from the company in a luxury gated neighborhood. You had to admit, you missed your old apartment you shared with Yoongi since that was their first place together but you also couldn’t complain about the walk in closet and the jacuzzi bathtub.
You greeted the security guard in front of the car garage, him lifting the block to the garage. After parking close to the company cars that were often used to transport the boys during RunBTS, you exited your car and made your way through the side door to the lobby.
You nodded at the secretary, everyone already knowing who you were and letting you pass with no issue.
Yoongi’s studio was on the 8th floor at the end of the hall. Namjoon’s was just a short distance away as well.
Once you reached his door, you entered the pin code on the keypad. Besides a few staff members and the boys, you were one of the few with the password to his studio. He just preferred silence and no disruptions so the code was only used during emergencies or whenever you or the boys came to visit. There was also a group chat for everyone with his code, adorably named ‘The Plastics’, courtesy of Taehyung. If they ever needed to come to his studio, they’d send a text beforehand so he’d know to expect them.
The beep sounded and you opened the door, smiling at the sight of your husband who was cutely leaned over on his right palm as his eyes scanned the production screen for his music. You didn’t get most of it but you always found it adorable when he’d try to explain. He’d get so invested in telling you how reverb and delay could either make or break a song that he’d never see how endearingly you’d stare at him. And he’d always get surprised when you’d lunge to bite his cheek.
“You are just too adorable! I have to bite you!”
His headphones were around his neck so he turned at the sound of his door opened, a smile immediately rising to his face at the sight of you. He removed his headphones, standing to greet you.
You could barely put the food down before his hands were around you waist, pulling you in for a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck, cuddling into his body as you inhaled his cologne and the gentle scent of his favorite body wash.
He pulled away a little to press a few pecks to your forehead. “Hi baby.” His deep, slightly tired voice sent shivers down you spine. It was almost like his regular voice was just his morning voice constantly and out of all of the little things you loved about him, his voice was towards the top of your list—right after his newly grown out hair, his hands, and that little habit of him slurping whenever he’d explain things.
You inhaled a deep breath, basking in the affection. “Hi.”
You two just held each other for a moment, locked in an embrace and not wanting to let go. This was your special kind of intimacy, just not speaking or moving, simply holding one another.
Yoongi considered himself a pretty private person. A little ironic considering he was a world famous idol who’s whole job was being put in the spotlight. However, when it came to his personal relationships, he did his best to keep that as private as possible. Just imagine the uproar when people found out he was engaged. You had been hidden from the public eye for 3 straight years before you got engaged. How? One part extreme luck, the other part moving quietly. Your relationship started off with you meeting for the first time at a staff member’s wedding. You had designed her dress and she was so amazed and in love with how you created her dream dress that she insisted you come to her wedding. Always happy to see people overjoyed with your work and excited to see your design in action, of course you agreed. Coincidentally, you were sat pretty close to the table the boys were at. When you recognized them, you softly smiled and introduced yourself, expressing how you were a fan and how many women said they were using BTS songs as their wedding songs. Yoongi was drawn in instantly, your gentle voice and sparkling eyes as you talked about your clients drew him in. He could tell you were passionate about your career, just like he was.
After exchanging numbers while the bride and groom were cutting the cake, you two mainly texted and called each other in your free time. It took about 4 months for you to go on their first date since Yoongi had to go to America for promotions. He thought you’d lose interest since he traveled and couldn’t take you on a proper date but you never minded. You liked talking to Yoongi and found yourself developing feelings for him. He was trying and effort was one of your biggest green flags for a partner. A little distance wasn’t that big of a deal to you. Of course, you wanted to be able to be close to him and hold his hand and maybe even kiss but you knew what you were signing up for when you started talking.
Once Yoongi went on break, he started dedicating a lot of time to you; dates, inviting you to his place for dinner and wine, and learning more about you. He didn’t think you would get along so well. Talking on the phone was vastly different than being in each other’s physical presence but you had melded together like the pieces of a puzzle. You were so gentle and compassionate, always looking after him and giving him affection he hasn’t gotten in years. You were perfect for him and vice versa.
Your eyes slowly blinked up at him, just taking in his handsome features. You could spot the bags under his eyes, feeling a little sad that he was running himself ragged.
“You look tired. Have you slept since his morning?”
He hummed. “I took a little nap around lunch. The new couch came in.” You turned a little to look at the new addition to his studio. Before, he just had a small leather couch, moreso for decoration than comfort. Once he got a bigger studio, he upgraded his furniture but kept that couch. After some prodding from you, he ordered a new and more comfortable couch—one that could become a pull out bed for those overnights at the studio.
“It looks great.” It was a dark grey color, wide and stretched enough to fully support 2 people if you wanted to spoon on it.
“Yeah. I just didn’t think it would take that long to get it in the door. Namjoon almost knocked over my synthesizer.” He said that with a shake of his head. You giggled, imagining the tall and clumsy man scrambling to pick up the keyboard.
“I can only imagine. I brought food. You should eat it before it gets cold. I should go.” You tried pulling away from him only for him to tighten his grip on your waist. You let out an “oof” as your face met the hard planes of his chest. All that physical therapy and time in the gym had really bulked him up. While you loved his body regardless, you definitely weren’t complaining about the extra muscle. He was filling out this black shirt just fine.
He nuzzled his nose in your neck, inhaling your favorite perfume that you’ve worn since he met your. It was one of his favorite scents. His hands rubbed up and down your back, feeling all over the material of your dress.
“No, stay. Eat with me.”
Yoongi could be very affectionate and straightforward when he wanted to be, normally when you were alone. He’d never show this side in public. Not because he was ashamed of his love for your, far from that. He just preferred to keep their intimate moments private. Maybe a little kiss here and there and some hand holding but moments like this were for you only.
Your manicured fingers went to his nape, scratching at the hair there. “I don’t want to distract you.”
“You’re not.” He pulled back to look you in eyes. “I want you to eat with me. I feel bad we couldn’t have dinner at home.” And he did. He knew his job demanded a lot of his time and attention and even if you understood that, it didn’t stop him from feeling guilty about leaving you alone all the time. He knew you could entertain yourself and had your own life outside of him but he still felt bad not being able to spend as much time with you as he wanted. He missed you just as much. While he loved his job, nothing beat coming home to your warmth and affection. To be honest, he was getting a little touch starved.
He led you over to the couch, waiting for your to sit before going to the mini fridge in his studio.
“Do you want juice?” He asked as he pulled out a couple of drinks. He always kept some of your favorites in his mini fridge just in case. You didn’t drink caffeine or really any alcohol, water and juices were your favorites.
You nodded your head, beginning to take out the Tupperware containers. They were still nice and hot. He placed a juice down on the table, along with an energy drink. You frowned at that, leaning forward to pick it up.
“You need to drink water. Don’t think I haven’t noticed those coffee cups on your desk.”
He rolled his eyes and sighed but couldn’t hide his smile. You were too good to him. Sometimes he felt like he didn’t deserve you. Taking the energy drink from you, he went back to the fridge to grab a water instead.
Ignoring the smug smile on your face, he sat next to you, waiting for you to open all of the containers. The smell was delicious, making his stomach growl.
Your handed him some chopsticks and a few napkins before sliding the steak over to him. “Here. Try it.”
You ate in silence, him using his chopsticks to place some pieces of steak and vegetables in your bowl. You smiled, the cute ways Yoongi showed he cared always making your heart warm. Fans knew he was more subtle in showing he cared and that wasn’t any different than him in private. You had to learn that his love language was acts of service but in a more quiet way.
After you finished eating, he helped clean up the containers, giving you some wipes to clean your hands and the table.
He let out of a groan as he sat back down on the couch, belly full and fully ready for a nap. But he knew he had to get back to work and that meant you had to leave.
“Thanks, baby. It was delicious.” His hand came to rest on your thigh, rubbing the soft skin. You hummed, placing your hand on top of his.
“Of course. I’m happy you liked it.” You both rested for a moment before you began moving. “I should go. You have work to do.”
You barely made it to your feet before he was tugging you back down on his lap. A surprised yelp came from your lips at the sudden movement, ass meeting his thighs when you landed. He situated you so that you straddled his hips, his hands immediately going to your ass.
“Baby….” You pouted, feeling a little shy all of a sudden. You were normally the one who initiated physical affection so for Yoongi to do it so roughly surprised you. You weren’t complaining, however. The way his eyes were hooded over and how he looked up at you with that dark endearment made your belly tingle. You knew where this was going.
“Stay.” His left hand pressed your body down so your chest squished against his. “You come here in this dress and my favorite shoes…”
You adjusted yourself to wrap your arms around his neck. “I hardly wear these.”
He shrugged. “I love anything you wear. You look so sexy.” His hand traveled up your dress, moving it up your ass so he could grope full handfuls of the fat. While Yoongi appreciated all parts of your body, your ass was his favorite. Genetics, exercise and a little bit of happy weight had all accumulated into jiggly ass he loved to squeeze and slap. When you met, you were pretty thin but in shape nonetheless. Fans speculated that you gained ‘happy relationship weight’ since Yoongi treats you right. Whatever the reason, he thanks the higher power every day for it.
You could feel the heat beginning to spark between you, along with Yoongi’s growing boner pressing against your panties. Now that you thought about it, it’s been a little while since you’ve been intimate. You and Yoongi have barely had any time for quickies, let alone a full session of sex. And you two could go for hours if you wanted. On the day of your engagement, you barely left the hotel room because you couldn’t keep your hands off him. How could you? He was your fiancé. Mmm, that word just got you hot and bothered.
Your hands ran up his neck and into his hair, scratching at his scalp. The low hum of contentment that came from him spurred you on. You brought your faces closer together, lips hovering before you trapped him in a kiss. He hummed again, lifting his head to kiss you deeper, hands still squeezing at your ass.
Your kiss grew more heady, both of your hands massaging each other and trying to stroke any piece of skin you could. Yoongi began pushing against you to make your roll your hips against him. His cock could probably cut glass from how hard he was. You always got him excited with barely doing anything. To be honest, he started getting hard the moment you entered the room. Just your presence got him feeling almost immediately horny.
And it was the same for you. Your cunt had began getting wet the moment Yoongi turned around in his chair. He just looked so comfortable and effortlessly sexy and the way his muscles strained against that shirt made your imagination run wild.
You pulled away to inhale a deep breath. “Yoongi….please…”
His lazy smirk sent a rush straight to your already wet pussy. “What do you need, baby? Tell me.”
God he was such a tease but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t absolutely love it.
“I need you.”
That was all he needed before he moved to flip you onto your back. You bounced against the soft couch cushions, barely getting your bearings before he was back on you, pressing his lips to yours.
His large hands traveled up your dress, lifting it over your belly and breasts. He leaned back to get a look, letting out a groan at the absolute beauty under him.
Your chest was heaving from just a little kissing, your goddess locks spread out under you, glossed lips plump and ready for more. You were so gorgeous and he made sure to let you know.
You squirmed under the compliment, feeling giddy and a bit bashful. You always received compliments and the occasional catcall and while you accepted the respectful ones gracefully, none of those ever mattered to you. Yoongi’s praise and compliments put you on cloud 9 and you really believed him.
His hands traveled up your body to your breasts, eyes catching something under your bra. He pulled the annoying piece of fabric down and if he could get any harder, he probably would.
“Fuck. You’re wearing your piercings? Did you come here to try and kill me?” The little diamonds sparkled under the light. He remembers buying the jewelry for your birthday last year. He also remembers sucking the sensitive nipples until you were crying just an hour later.
You giggled, biting your lip. “Of course not.”
His smirk widened. “You little sneak.” His hands went to grope at the soft flesh, a sigh falling from your lips. His thumbs ran lightly over the stiff peaks, pulling more sighs and little squeaks from your lips. Your nipples had gotten so much more sensitive after piercings. Yoongi couldn’t be too rough on them when you first got them, being careful of your healing process. He could barely touch them without you gasping in the slight pain from healing. Of course, he never complained, understanding your pain so he just stopped touching them. He just didn’t think it would test his control so much; seeing you walk around without a shirt sometimes, the already silky and delectable breasts looking more appetizing from the little barbells. Months had passed along with many maintenance appointments before you announced that they could be touched without pain. With the pain gone, your sensitivity skyrocketed and with Yoongi’s skilled tongue beginning their assault, your pleasure had been taken to a new level.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer and his mouth open to lick over your nipple. You let out a moan as his tongue swirled all around your piercing. He switched to the next one, giving it the same treatment.
The heat between your legs was becoming too much, your panties beginning to feel uncomfortable from how they were sticking to you.
“Yoongi….” You whined. His eyes lifted to lock on your flustered face, lips parted as puffs of air came through them, your eyes desperate and pleading for anything. Everything.
Reluctantly pulling away from your nipples, he helped you pull the dress from your body, tossing it somewhere in the room. Neither of you cared.
He kissed from your breasts to your tummy until he reached the apex of your thick thighs. You immediately dropped them open, revealing yourself to him. He groaned at your desperation but also at the sight of your soaked underwear. The thong barely covered anything, the baby blue fabric now dark from your arousal. It was practically leaking from you, the bottom of your ass shining. Kissing over the stretch marks that streaked down the inside of your thighs, he whispered words of praise to you.
“Fuck baby. You’re so fucking wet.” He couldn’t help himself, surging forward to suck on your clit through your panties. A shiver racked your body, your hands coming down to bury in his hair. The friction wasn’t as good with your panties still keeping his tongue from making direct contact with your clit but it was something. And it felt so good.
Your hips jerked against his face, trying to get more. His hands dug into the meat of your thighs, holding them open as his tongue licked at your clit.
More moans fell from your lips, pleasure causing your vision to go blurry. You felt so close already and he’s barely done anything. Blame it on you not having a proper orgasm for weeks. Your hands just didn’t feel the same and Yoongi had thrown out all of your vibrators once you two started having sex.
“You won’t need these anymore. All your orgasms should come from me.”
Now you were remembering why he threw them out in the first place. Only he could rip pleasure and orgasms from your body in seconds, playing your body like a piano.
Your hand came down your body, tapping against his forehead. He pulled away slightly, eyes searching your face for any sign of discomfort. You really only stopped him when you were shaking in overstimulation and he knew you hadn’t even cum yet so why were you stopping him?
When he pulled back, you grabbed onto your panties, pulling them aside to reveal your fat and dripping pussy to him.
How the hell did he get so lucky? Did he save orphans in his past life or something? Not only had he managed to put a ring on a kind, generous, and absolutely amazing person who treated him like a King and opened up the deepest parts of him, he also managed to snag a submissive, slutty, and needy woman who could ride his cock for hours and bend in ways he’s only dreamed of.
There was no way.
Eyes darkening in lust, he dove back in to capture your clit, licking at it more furiously than before. The heat from his mouth made that pressure build in your lower belly, your toes curling from their position in the air. Your loud moans only pushed him further, shoving 2 fingers in your tight heat. Your slick walls gripped his fingers so tightly that he could barely move them.
“Y-Yoongi! I’m gonna-“
He curled his fingers up, pulling away from your clit to lean up close to your face, his breath hitting your cheeks. “You gonna cum? You’re such a good girl.” He pressed some kisses to your open mouth, fingers thrusting in and out of your in a superhuman pace, veins and muscles in his arms shifting and bulging from the exertion.
When your orgasm crashed, you swore all of your senses except touch disappeared. You couldn’t hear and your vision blurred from the tears that had welled in your eyes. But Yoongi didn’t stop.
Your hand flew down to grab at his wrist, back arching as he continued his assault, helping you ride the huge wave.
He pulled his lip between his teeth. You were so sexy.
Once you came down, he slowly pulled his fingers from your, the digits glistening in your release. He sucked them into his mouth, moaning at the taste. He just couldn’t get enough.
Now he wanted more. Standing from the couch, he pulled off his own shirt and pants, taking his briefs with them. His hard cock slapped against his stomach, red at the tip and practically pulsing.
You bit your lip, thighs squeezing together as your pussy throbbed. Fuck you were so wet.
He flopped back on the couch, patting his lap. “Come ride this cock, baby.”
Not needing to be told twice, you crawled over into his lap, taking your bra and ruined panties off on the way.
His hands gripped your ass once you were straddled on his hips. You could feel the heavy weight of his cock pressing on your ass and it filled you with excitement.
Reaching your hand back, you gripped his cock, pumping it a few times. He groaned, head falling back against the couch at your touch.
Delivering a sharp slap to your ass, he growled, “stop teasing.”
His deep and demanding voice sent shivers down your spine. Never one to disobey, you lifted your hips, lining up his cock with your entrance. You rubbed the tip over your opening to gather some of your wetness before you slowly began sinking down on him.
A moan came from both of you as his thick cock began splitting you open. Your walls were squeezing him so tight that he felt like he could cum right there but he refrained. He wasn’t even all the way inside yet.
Your mouth was dropped open as his cock stretched you open, head tossed back and eyes closed as you basked in the feeling. Each ridge and vein was pressing against you in the most delicious way, the slight curve pressing against that spot deep inside of you. You felt like you could cum again just like this.
Once your ass met his thighs, you both let out sighs. Not only from pleasure but from being able to be close like this. This is what you needed; this closeness, this union, this intimacy. Sex was so much more to you than just getting off. It bonded you and brought you closer than ever, love spilling over and intertwining your hearts and souls.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in for a sweeter and more sensual kiss.
“I love you…” you whispered against his lips.
“I love you too.”
Your hips began rolling against him, slowly at first to get accumulated to the stretch. He assisted you with one hand on your ass and one on your hip.
Before long, you began raising your hips, falling back down on his lap. The low clapping sounds spurring you on.
Yoongi groaned against your lips. “That’s it, baby. Faster.” With another sharp slap to your ass that made you moan, you bounced faster. Your ass jiggled each time it connected with his thighs and a part of him wished he could see it but the blissed out look on your face was too good to pass up.
Unwrapping your arms from his neck, you leaned back to get that perfect angle, your hands landing on his knees. A squeak fell from you as his tip began bullying your soft spot. Your head fell back, mouth dropped open as that delicious feeling began building in the pit of your stomach.
“Ah! Yoongi! Your cock feels s-so good!” You felt drunk, mind hazy and awareness faded. All you could focus on was the feel of him under you and the way his perfect cock slipped in and out. Your entire body felt like it was on fire, electricity spreading all the way to your fingertips and making your toes curl.
Yoongi couldn’t take his eyes off you. He didn’t even know where to look; your breasts, face, where you were connected? He could see how your arousal was dripping down to wet his pubic hair, a ring of your wetness coating the base of his cock. You were truly was a sight to behold.
That pressure was building faster than you thought. Sliding your hand down your body, your fingers connected with your clit, rubbing the nub in fast circles.
He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. Your walls clenched and constricted around him, almost suffocating him. His hands rubbed at your nipples, flicking at the piercings. You were seeing stars, the stimulation was too much. His hands roaming you, your own fingers on your clit, and his cock inside of you was all too much.
That pressure…..
“I’m cumming!”
Your hips lifted from his cock, it falling out to slap against his stomach. Your fingers rubbed at your clit until some drips of liquid came out. The motion of your fingers caused the droplets to fly everywhere, some landing on the cushions as well.
Once you were done riding it out, he was flipping you back on the couch, head pressed into the cushions and ass up in the air. He delivered a few slaps to your ass, pulling some moans from your at the sting. Your head was swimming, the sudden movement making you a little dizzy but that dizziness quickly left when Yoongi entered you again.
His cock entered you in one swift motion, hips immediately working to push and pull against you. Your ass clapped back on his hips, the fat jiggling and rippling with every move. His own orgasm was just over the horizon.
“You are so fucking sexy.” Each word was punctuated by a thrust. “You come in here looking this good and then you bounce on my cock until you squirt? Why the fuck have I been spending all my time here when you’re at home?” He was really talking to himself. Only a true idiot would leave a hot piece of ass like this at home all day. And he must really be a true idiot, probably the dumbest man alive. But not anymore.
Your moans were rising in pitch. With this position, you could every inch, every curve, absolutely everything. You could barely breathe, your brain only being able to form utterances of his name and begs of faster and harder.
That feeling in Yoongi began cresting, balls drawing up as his orgasm washed over him. His hands gripped your hips and ass hard enough to bruise but you could care less. He could bruise you up all he wanted.
His orgasm spread from the top of his head to the tips of his toes, shuddering his whole body. “F-fuck….” He breathed out. That was probably the hardest orgasm he’s ever had in his life.
Your own breath began to even out. You thought that was the end but you were suddenly flipped around back on your back. Both of your legs were hiked up over his right shoulder, thighs pressing into your chest in Yoongi’s absolute favorite position.
“You think I’m done with you?” His smirk was teasing and it caused more arousal to drip from you. He reached his hand down to line himself up before pushing into your heat. A gasp came from your throat at the intrusion, your hands coming to grip at the back of his neck.
His hips set a brutal pace, balls wetly slapping against your ass.
“Oh my god! Y-Yoongi!”
It felt like he was in your throat, every thrust hitting you in all the right spots. Your nails scratched at his neck, the slight sting only pushing him harder. He could feel your walls tightening, a tell tale sign of your orgasm. Your breasts bounced with every push, dark nipples looking incredibly enticing.
“Cum, baby. That’s it.”
Your body seized up as your second orgasm full body absorbed you. Your vision spotted white and your ears were ringing.
But not even your orgasm made him stop or slow down. He pushed faster and harder, the squelching noises getting louder as more and more wetness spilled from you.
It was like your orgasm wouldn’t stop. Wave after wave came over you. Every nerve was lit on fire, your mouth dropped but no sound came out. He had taken every word from you.
When he felt you squirt on his cock again, he shoved his full cock inside. Your toes curled so hard that you could feel them crack, legs shaking but he held them tightly. Your hands smacked against his shoulders as the stimulation became too much. You were so full.
“Take it. Take all that cock, baby.”
You had no choice but you didn’t care. You’d give up every choice if it meant he’d fuck you like this.
He rolled his hips against yours a few more times before his own orgasm washed over him. He groaned into your throat, a full body shudder racking his body.
Lifting his head, he connected your lips in a soft kiss, a complete turn from what just went down. You hummed against his lips, hands roaming his soft skin.
He moved your legs from his shoulders, massaging your slightly sore muscles as you kissed. You both let out small moans as he pulled out of your heat, his cum flowing out of you.
Yoongi helped you clean yourself up, giving you a large elastic to tie up your hair. The sweat would definitely make your roots curl back up but that was a problem for another day. You put your dress back on as Yoongi pulled his shirt and pants back on. Your underwear found themselves tucked into his back pocket. A little silly considering he had endless access to you pussy but you guessed it was some man thing.
When Yoongi went back to his computer, leaning over the chair to click at some things, you visibly deflated, mood dampening. Was he really going back to work? You guessed you did just come to drop off food, the sex was a bonus and you did say you would leave afterwards. You just couldn’t help but feel a little sad and used. Yoongi was the king of aftercare, always running you a bath or giving you cuddles as you two calmed down from lovemaking. It’s not like this one moment would make you think Yoongi didn’t care but you did feel a little defeated.
Gathering your things, you were about to approach the door but Yoongi’s voice stopped you.
“Where are you going?”
You didn’t turn to face him, feeling a little embarrassed. “Home. Aren’t you going back to work?”
A snort came from him. “Of course not.”
You gasped when his body pressed against your back, also the feeling of his boner was right on your ass.
“You really think I’m about to work and let you go home so you can wash my cum out of you? I’m fucking you until you can’t walk.”
Maybe you should come to the studio more often.
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omo-queer · 8 months
hi! tysm for your answer 🥺 i looked up "rapid desperation" online and based on my own understanding, this is how it works:
1. drink the same specific amount of water every 15 mins within an hour (you can pee within that 1 hour).
2. after that first hour, you should continue doing it but this time, the hold starts. bathrooms are not allowed.
after this, what shall i do next? do i just keep drinking until i can't hold it anymore? or should i set a goal (for example, wait for 2 hours until i can finally pee)?
thank you so much for helping a beginner out! 💗 also looking forward to more of your blogs
- 🩰
the rapid desperation approach i've seen and used a variant on myself is:
drink at least a glass (350ml/12oz or about that) every hour. this works best if you start this at least an hour or two before the hold, and pee as normal. this part basically gives your kidneys the heads-up that they're gonna be moving water fast bc you keep drinking it.
then do what you're implying—drink a glass every 15 minutes for a hour during which you can pee regularly
after that, you're holding. continue drinking at 15 minute intervals, and keep going until you lose control—the idea behind rapid desperation is that it makes this part go quickly because you've told your body to make pee faster, essentially.
this takes more planning than just like. not peeing for a long time. but it can get some interesting results. i would honestly recommend you try a couple regular holds before you go for rapid desperation, making sure not to go past the point of pain (discomfort is fine but pain you have to be careful about), because rapid desperation is one of the easier ways to have to worry about electrolyte balance (salt/potassium stuff) if you do it way too hard or way too fast. that said, i mentioned it because you were asking for specific challenges and it's a very fun one, just as long as you listen to your body.
remember, your safety comes before anything else—holding is good fun but it's important to learn what your body can and can't do, and to listen when it gives you signs to stop. you're very unlikely to hold so long you seriously hurt yourself, because the body usually gives up trying to hold it in before that's likely. but in rare cases you can experience water toxicity or overwork the muscles around your bladder if you go way too hard right out of the gate and don't listen to your body. try not to hold two days in a row when you're first starting out, and give yourself longer breaks of at least a few days between intense holds (where you actually lose control or get really close) to give your bladder and your muscles time to recover.
ok. that's the safety lecture over. it's not really that risky a kink, i just really wanted to stress how important listening to your body is when holding.
if you haven't done any holds yet, my first recommendation would be to drink liquids as normal, maybe slightly more than normal, and wait until they catch up to your bladder—eventually, if you keep drinking normally, you won't be able to hold any longer and will begin leaking or even wet yourself. even getting close to this is really thrilling. coffee/tea and other diuretics help get you more desperate, too. i typically wait until i'm right on the edge of wetting and then either go to the bathroom or (if i have the situation to) keep holding until i lose control. setting a timer that's a little overambitious usually also works for me because i tend to have a bit more bladder strength than i assume... but i've also been recreationally holding it for a pretty long time, all things considered.
thank you for reaching out! i hope my answers are helpful. i'm glad you enjoy my posts—might do a hold tomorrow or the next day or something, and it seems folks have been submitting anons for bladder control (which i love!!) so there will no doubt be more posts on the way.
i'll be asleep for a while once i post this, but feel free to send in any other questions you have via ask or dm! and of course, i always welcome talking about holds/experiences in my inbox!
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alica-tech · 1 year
a guide on behavioral interviews💼
ok i've got a behavioral interview coming up so decided to make this quick guide on how i prepare for these if it helps anyone else trying to land internships or full-time jobs in the tech industry!
the process
1. ⭐ Introduction (10-15 min)
The interviewer wants to know more about you, your career goals, skills, and how you align w/ the company's mission.
Like a compelling essay, you want a strong hook or opening statement. The first question asked is often "Tell me about yourself" and this should be a brief elevator pitch (30 seconds) that highlights your current status (student, major, study area), your relevant experience, why you're interested in the company/why you're a good fit for the company, and what you're looking for (in a job). Practice this in front of a mirror if you have to!
Doing company research is really important for the whole interview! You want to look informed and interested. You can use sites such as:
Twitter Linkedin Glassdoor company website (blogs/news/about/careers page) any press releases/news articles to find info about what the company is focused on or what they care about most.
Find things that are genuinely interesting to *you* and write it down on a separate notepad to remember it
Review the job posting you applied to and review where you meet their expectations (your strengths) and be aware of your weaknesses (be ready to answer like "I'm working on improving my..." or "I hope this company can give me more experience in..")
Top questions: Tell me about yourself, why do you want to work for us, what are your strengths? Why should we hire you?
2. ⭐ Situational Questions (15-30 min)
This is where you use the STAR method to craft your responses to questions about your communication, work ethic, and collaboration style
STAR: Situation, Task, Action, Result
Here's a guide + sample questions that you can encounter in any type of interview!
Also, prepare 5-6 solid situations that you can use to anchor your STAR responses. These can come from your resume, where each project can be something you can tie back to another soft/technical skill the company is looking for.
For example, for my hackathon experiences, i can relate it to any collaboration / communication / time crunch / meeting deadlines question. for my research experience, i can relate it to analytical skills / experimental / problem-solving questions.
For me, I put all my projects/experiences on a google doc, and then I write additional bullet points on things I did, problems I solved, challenges, skills I gained, etc. It's kind of like a super expanded resume. It's a great reference at a glance! Reflecting on your experiences/projects is very important as well, whether large or small.
3. ⭐ Closing (5 - 10 min)
This is your opportunity to end on a strong note, re-iterating what makes you a good fit for the company and asking questions that show you've done your research on the role/company!
What are good questions? Questions that aren't easily answerable on the company site, questions that will help YOU make a decision if you want to work for them
Here's some good ones: What is your current work from home / hybrid / in-person policies? What are the most exciting challenges facing your company in the next 6 months? What's the next step in the interview process / when can I expect follow-up? Is there support for junior / entry-level developers (such as mentorship)? How does the company support work-life balance? Can you share any recent projects / initiatives the company has taken on that you're excited about?
Here's some to AVOID: Avoid asking about salary / benefits unless you absolutely need this information before moving forward, Avoid asking questions you can google easily or know by reading the job description, avoid questions that are clearly outside of your interviewers area of expertise
phew, maybe i shouldve broken this into multiple posts, for now this is a quick overview, hope this helps!
additional (free) resources:
interviewbit - variety of questions listed for behaviorals
tech interview handbook - more details on preparing for STAR and example responses
handshake blog post - list of questions you can ask at the end of any interview
exponent's blog post - FAANG interviewing, focusing on company values, finding peer-to-peer mock interviews
pramp.com - practice mock interviews with peers
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yohangaontdj · 10 months
The Devil Judge Rewatch Ep 9 ( Part 2)
Continuation of Part 1, which can be found here.
We left off in Part 1 with clueless Gaon looking forward to Ms Ji's cooking.
And here we have him being so happy at the spread Ms Ji had prepared. And I guess maybe it had been a long while since he had someone cooking a proper meal for him. Maybe since his parents' deaths cause Soohyun and Professor Min didn't seem like the sort to be able to whip up such a thing. And neither could Elijah or Yohan as well.
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And then we see his expression going from this...
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To this.
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And hoping that it was just the soup that sucks. He had went on to try the ginseng kimichi.
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Only to realise that the tastiest thing that could be eaten - it was the rice.
With this, we have another misunderstanding getting cleared up.
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That Yohan had banned Ms Ji from cooking, and Elijah saying she disliked Korean cuisine. They were all due to something else and not what Ms Ji had thought. That Yohan was afraid she would poison him or that Elijah was being unappreciative.
In fact, it was Ms Ji using every healthy ingredient she could get her hands on that made it hard to stomach her cooking. And it goes to show how much she do care for Yohan and Elijah, despite how they weren't the most friendliest towards each other.
Suspecting each other in the wrongest way possible, most of the time. Yet that hadn't stopped their care and concern. And that is so much more heartwarming than to keep saying 'I love you' when your heart isn't in it.
Next, we have Gaon confronting Elijah. And I just love how cute the two are.
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To me, this is where I think Gaon had fallen further in love with this new found family of his.
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And maybe that is why he is so motivated to get the entire family to eat together. So much so that he had held the cutlery hostage and made Elijah call Yohan.
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To be continued in Part 3 as the next bit, I want to put the pics all together in one post.
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academiawho · 2 months
im kinda anxious because my mock test scores are stuck in 550s-580s. what do u suggest i stick to in these last 15 days so that i can get in the 600 range? im mostly just revising ncert again and again right now.
(off topic but i love your blog and you motivate me so much! i always look forward to your posts🥰 mwah)
Hey boo! I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this ask out, I was practically either in my car, in my bed or at my table these past few days.
I'm sure your mentors/coaching teachers have given you some advice, and here's some tips I can think of:
Pick a past year paper every morning, solve it. If you feel like the paper would decide the mood for your day and might spoil said mood, pick another opportune time. One paper per day -> doubts solving -> mistake book -> revision
NCERT revision. If you feel like it's difficult, keeping in mind that NCERT is written to be studied, not quizzed upon, try mindmaps based on NCERT or summaries at the back of the chapter.
Time yourself when you're writing tests. And I don't mean completing a test in the given 3:20. I mean, how much time are you taking per subject. Try reducing it to the 45-50-50 timeline. 45 mins for bio, 50 for phy, 50 for chem. Phy and chem can be adjusted anyhow in the remaining time but make sure you're acing bio as far as you can and as fast as you can.
Didn't get the logic/formula of a question? Don't dwell on it, move onto the next ones. You can come back to them later.
If you make OMR mistakes in a hurry, or because you do it in the last 30 mins left -> take 45 mins for OMR if need be, but don't make bubbling errors. What you bubble in the end matters just as much or maybe even more than what you solve on the Q paper.
Error Analysis is must after every test. Whether it be a past paper or a mock test. Spend 1-2 hours on that depending on whether your mistakes are silly or conceptual.
Thank you so much for your love and patience, I'm so happy my blog motivates you. Have a nice few days so that we can give our best in NEET!💛
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spiri-a · 7 months
[Podfic] The Selkie and his Boy
A Carry On podfic by @hushed-chorus for the @caught-on-tape-fest
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Every year the Grimms spend a week vacationing by the seaside. One solstice morning, a 14-year-old Baz meets a strange but gorgeous boy called Simon. By the end of the day, he's hopelessly besotted. But Simon doesn't come back the next day. Or the day after. Or the day after that. Baz is left pining and dealing with a local seal that suddenly won't leave him alone. Now, exactly seven years later, Simon reappears and the two reconnect. And Baz learns that he's not the only one keeping secrets when Simon's sealskin goes missing.
Rated T / 2 hr 7 mins or 127 mins / 21,864 words
My 3rd and final (and very close to the wire) podfic for the Caught On Tape Carry On Podfest! This is The Selkie and his Boy by hushed_chorus! This one's once more for Teen and Up Audiences, with each chapter around 20 mins long! Highly recommend if you want a beautifully sweet and heart-wrenchingly romantic beachside story!
My first time reading this fic was looking through the podfest catalog, and I just absolutely fell in love. I knew I had to do this one. The writing is just so good, and hushed_chorus does amazing things with their beachside setting, charming characters, and heartfelt storyline! All the sfx, including the various beach and cafe and underwater ambiances, were laborious but very much worth it!
Half proud of the cover! I was hoping to do something with both the boys in there, but in the end the seal underneath the starscape was much more within my abilities! I loved the little thing Simon has with stars, even though it's not very present in the story, so I tried to write the title in a constellation-style font! Not sure how well that turned out though!
Anyways okay okay that means I am officially done with the Caught On Tape Carry On Podfest! But despite that, I will never forget it. This podfest was the first time I've EVER posted Carry On related content, despite being in the fandom for over 2 years. I'm not big on writing (despite my best efforts) and I'm only kind of an artist, so I never felt I had anything to post. This podfest proved me wrong! It introduced me to the wonderful world of podficcing, which although I can't say for sure, I predict will be a frequent hobby of mine moving forward! Interacting with fellow Carry On fans in this fest, supporting them and (to my shock) being supported by them, has been a dream come true, and something lurker me would have fainted at! (I still need a second to recover from shock every single time I get an Ao3 notif) Anyways oops this has gone on WAY too long (I’m getting too sentimental since this is my last podfic 😭) basically the point is THANK YOU SO MUCH MODS DRE, KATI, AND JESS! This was such a wonderful ride and you guys are literally the most amazing people ever! Now without further ado please enjoy The Selkie and his Boy by hushed_chorus!
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Ok, so as I said in my post about that article where Kurtzman basically said that filler episodes should be avoided in Star Trek, I started talking about Farscape in the tags, but it started getting too long, so I want to make a separate post.
I was thinking about "filler" episodes in Farscape, and as I was looking through Farscape episodes, I realized that a lot of Farscape episodes can be considered "filler". I've recently started calling them "stand alone" eps, though. It sounds more accurate. I noticed that most of the time in Farscape, the major plot advances are in the multiple-episode arcs a couple times per season. Like, most of season 1 was what you would call standalone eps. Did it further the plot of "the peacekeepers are after us and John has wormhole knowledge that Scorpius will do anything to get?" mostly no. We see it in Nerve/Hidden Memory, and then at the end of the season in Family Ties. Then in Mind the baby (2x01) they're still inside of the main story arc of dealing with the peacekeepers who are after them and putting Talyn in danger also. Episode 5 is important for a lot of backstory (but also character driven). And then we don't get into any more major movement of the plot until the Look At the Princess trilogy (s2 eps 11-13).
And then the next time the plot gets moved forward is in the Liars, Guns, and Money trilogy (s2 eps 19-21), and then in Die Me, Dichotomy and Season of Death (s2 ep 22 and s3 ep 1).
And then Self-Inflicted Wounds parts 1 and 2 (s3 eps 3-4). Then ep 6 (Eat Me) is critical to the storyline of the rest of the season.
Actually, I'm looking at the season 3 eps, and season 3 is a pretty equal balance between plot advancement and character/relationship development. But especially with the multi-part episodes like the Infinite Possibilities 2-parter, and the Into the Lion's Den 2-parter there's plot advancement.
The season 4 eps 2-3 are major plot episodes. And then no more plot-heavy eps until Unrealized Reality, Kansas, and Terra Firma (eps 11-13). and I guess the rest of the season is actually pretty plot heavy except for ep 14. It doesn't sacrifice the character interaction and development, but the plot is moved forward or is key to the overall arc for the rest of the series after that.
So really, only less than a 3rd of Farscape episodes further the overall story along. Most other episodes are important for character development and world building. Some of them are true stand alones in that there isn't really a lot of character development, either, just kind of like a fun ep (Like Through the Looking Glass or John Quixote).
So idk, it's kind of like there are 3 types of episodes in a lot of shows. I'm thinking of Farscape, Firefly, Fringe, and Star Trek here (like TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9). There are plot heavy episodes that contribute to the overall plot or main story arc, episodes that develop characters either in relation to the plot or just backstories, and then eps that nothing really happens except a fun adventure. With Firefly I actually don't really know if they developed a min storyline yet, except for the whole thing with River. I guess that was supposed to be the main arc? But most episodes were kind of standalone eps. Like adventure of the week kinds of things which allowed for character development and character interactions/relationship development. Fringe had a bunch of "monster of the week" episodes. Some of them gave character backstories or expanded what we know about the characters, but didn't really push the arc forward (or at least you didn't realize it at the time, but like 10 episodes later it turned out to be something significant lol).
But shows like Gilmore Girls... I guess shows like that are character driven most of the time. Most of the story arcs had to do with relationships. And there were arcs like Lorelai and Sookie opening their own inn, and there were a couple episodes that almost fully revolved around that. But it doesn't really have one main storyline or arc. Even sitcoms are like this. the story arcs are usually relationship related and each ep is kind of stand alone.
I'm thinking this main storyline and filler episode thing is unique to scifi shows, actually??? Specifically the "old" ones before they started making shows that only have 6-13 episode seasons.
New Star Trek series like Picard and Discovery are 98% plot and 2% character or relationship stuff. Same with a show I watched recently called Emergence. Character relationships were developed, but every episode contributed to the one storyline. Also currently watching Containment and it's the same way. Both of those shows had 13 episodes.
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ihugzminseo · 4 months
stray kids scenarios; 2/8. leeknow.
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pairing : fwb!minho x gn!reader
synopsis : you and minho were next door neighbors. you'd spoken once or twice, which led to a friendship, and you'd started catching feelings. fast. so, that friendship turned into a friendship with benefits, and minho was more than happy to show you just how beneficial he really was.
warning : friends to friends with benefits, college au
word count : 1.1k in total, 0.7k in this part (got carried away..)
a/n : would you believe me if i said this was so long i have to post it in 2 parts.. lol.. yeah i definitely got carried away with this one.
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you'd moved into your apartment complex straight out of college, it wasn't really the best living situation but it was better than nothing.
your old dorm mate, yunjin, had offered for you to stay with her for a bit after graduation but the two of you lived on the opposite sides of your hometown, as you learned, and you wanted to be close to your parents.
living by yourself wasn't ideal, but you were single and majority of your friends were off doing their own thing, so it was just you. that is, until you met minho.
he'd lived in the apartment next to yours, but that was all you knew. you'd see each other in passing, and he'd visit the café you worked at on occasion but you didn't know each other past that.
flash forward to now, it was halloween, and you didn't really feel like going out. you planned to stay home and watch scary movies, as boring as that sounded. after the millionth movie, you were just about ready to pass out for the night, until you heard a knock at your door.
it was minho, and dear god, he looked adorable. his brown hair was fluffy and he had some kind of baking ingredient you assumed was flour smeared all over his cheeks. the sleeves of his sweater were damp and he was holding a bottle of oil in one hand, his keys in the other.
"hey, im sorry to bother you, im min-" he started, but you already knew who he was from hearing your coworkers shouting his name over the music and chatter of your café. "minho, i know. is there a reason you're covered in flour and.. holding a bottle of oil you could've left on the counter?" you chuckled. you hadn't really known him, but he was cute to say the least.
"oh, whoops. im baking, and i was wondering if you'd had any flour," he was shy, but you didn't mind. you reached out and swiped a bit of flour from his cheek, which made him jump back a bit. "flour? like the uhh.. the flour i just wiped off your face?" it was hard not to laugh at him, he was a flustered stuttering mess but you didn't wanna be mean.
"i know it's all over me, but i only had a little bit left and i used it all in my failed attempts at making batter." he was so sweet, you almost pitied him. "well im not a baker myself.. or a chef, or anything relating to food preparation, but one thing i am is financially decent. so, i don't have any flour to give you, but we can run to the supermarket and buy some?" you had no idea why you'd suggested going out with him, but it didn't seem too bad. and minho agreed. so, you'd both went in your apartments to get cleaned up and throw on sweats and slippers to go get flour.
and from then on, you two were basically best friends. you'd exchanged socials, visited each others apartments and gone on countless friendly outings together. until you started catching feelings. you obviously didn't want him to know, but he'd found out.
you were coming home from work and you were on the phone with rei, an old friend from college, ranting about how much you'd liked him. "rei, it's not funny! he's cute and he's smart and he's just- he's so effortlessly charming, and he's cute and- rei, i really like this guy! i could see myself with minho, im serious." you'd had your headphones on, so you hadn't realised just how loud you were until minho put his hand on your shoulder and flashed a smile at you.
"im charming? that's new, ive heard cute and smart before but charming is new, and very sweet of you," minho had a certain tone to his voice, sultry but sweet. and your cheeks and ears had a certain hue to them, bright red.
"oh rei!" he gasps, clutching his chest. "i can see myself with minho! i really can!" he was teasing you, you could tell that much. he's got a lot going on with you now - you're cornered at your door, with flushed cheeks and a coil in your stomach that needs to snap.
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 10 months
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ok episode 13 time folks
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my little gay heart can't take this with lauda being ranked at having better odds than sabina
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this little twink
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spiderman pointing meme
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i feel like the first 2 suits in this battle royale duel are the only cool looking ones lolz
i also can't believe how we got trolled by that 2nd cour trailer and everyone thought everything in it was at least a few episodes worth of footage and instead it was just this fuckin duel suletta blew through in like 5 mins lmao
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i don't want to waste too much of the post image limit on the OP but can i just say how much i love these two shots? like when i saw the episode i couldnt stop thinking how cool the grassley girls look in this frame lmao
also will admit i wasn't like super into slash for like the first 2 eps and now i can't decide if i like it better than shukufuku
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handsome suletta has entered the building
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i will never forgive them for including this shot in the OP... after the OP silhouette of eri changed to actually show eri, i was so fucking convinced at some point the OP would update to pan up and actually show notrette to us
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it's kinda nuts that earth house were the ones to step up after the 2nd school shooting later on when right before the school festival and in the aftermath of the plant quetta attack theyre all so traumatized over everything that happened
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remember when everyone thought this was gonna be a pantsuit and all the fanart that got drawn of miorine being handsome... yea we got a fake out but she wears a pantsuit later on and timeskip miorine is handsome as hell
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ha ha sure glad we don't live in a world where corporations can have say in military matters......................................
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these lesbians
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no mask prospera spotted and shes sitting down
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sorry prospera haters, but it's true
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this little goober trying to comfort nika-nee is the sweetest thing ever lol
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just dropping this here to go along with miorine's line to prospera that suletta couldn't stop shaking from how scared she was to ride calibarn
the next line in this scene is also suletta p much saying she was able to gather strength to go save miorine because of her mom. i don't think it'd be wrong to say she was able to do the same piloting calibarn although it wasnt just for her mom but her whole family, including miorine
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lmao i know dara materials is just one of the front companies shaddiq made up but i'd love to know whatever backstory he made up for them
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and honestly how bad is asticassia's vetting process? i totally forgot nika's backing company isn't real either. which in retrospect, yeah duh, makes sense
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the entire sophie montage is really amazing and on rewatch feels so depressing tbh
initially, i found sophie a little annoying if i'm being honest but thats because i don't like characters who get reduced down to HAHA I LOVE DOING EVIL THINGS... which is not at all what sophie is about once we get to the next episode. she's a victim of capitalism doing it's thing
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regardless of went down from this point forward, nika was always gonna play the martyr, which i still think is silly, but honestly out of all the things i have a gripe with in the 2nd cour this like one of the lowest things lmao
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i wonder if this was just meant to be a throwaway line or not cuz like yeah... you're not gonna talk your oppressors into being nicer to you lol
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suletta doesn't even know how cool she can be sometimes huh?
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this line still cracks me up... suletta, sweetie....
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norea up in the pharact like sophie cmonnnn
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ending the episode on cool suletta again
also mannnnnn remembering watching this ep the day it came out and this scene with red birthmark starting up was so amazing lmao i was kinda iffy on the song at first because it felt kinda whiny? idk what other word to use because i'm not really a music person... i definitely don't feel that way now and if i had to describe it to someone right now i'd say it's a very emotionally-charged song. it's honestly one of my favorite anime endings both the song itself and the actual ending animation
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legit one of my favorite frames from the whole ending sequence and i'm so happy to know that this is confirmed to be made to look like calibarn and not aerial in this shot lol
like this literally is one of the most gorgeous anime endings i've ever seen lmao i don't think i'll ever stop gushing about it
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cmon look at them
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literally cannot believe to this day there are miorine haters or people who think miorine didn't care about suletta enough. miorine's possessions were literally taken away as we see later on when lauda gives everything back to her... but here she is, holding on to cool-san and just longingly staring at this stupid ugly little keychain
i didn't fully mind the sulemio separation arc... but god, i hated that for the first like 3-4 eps all we get of mio are these post-credits minute or two long scenes
all i'm gonna be able to think about while watching this whole cour is what could have been if bandai weren't stupid lol
ok might do episode 14 in a bit, but now i wanna go listen to red birthmark lmao
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lyraoftheevergreens · 2 years
In The Morning
Chapter 4
Professor!Snape x Female Student Reader
Summary: What happens when Snape falls in love with a 7th year student at hogwarts just 8 years after the death of his first love. What will happen when she discovers the darkest sides of him and brings up trauma from her own past. Will she stay with him despite what she learns? Reader is of age.
Warnings: she/her pronouns. Mentions of eating. Mentions of abuse and torture. NSFW.
Word count: 2,400
Tag list: Open 🖤
Authors Story Note: In The Deathly Hallows Narcissa Malfoy mentions that Draco is home for spring break when the the golden trio are taken to Malfoy Manor. So they do have a spring break in Harry Potter, the duration I’m unaware of, so I’ve given them a week.
authors note: I AM SO SORRY!! I apologize for the fact that it has taken me 2 months to post the next chapter of In The Morning. I’m sorry and i hope you guys enjoy this chapter. There are some parts that make me cringe a little and I wish I could have come up with something better for you all.
Spring break.
Y/n woke up that morning with frustration and dread flooding her mind. One week. Just her and Severus. This man she knew nothing about consumed her every thought. The man she touches herself to as she lays in bed late at night craving his touch. What did she know about him? He was a professor here at Hogwarts. She trusted him. He makes her feel comfortable around him. For two months she opened up the most private parts of herself to this man. The only man to have touched and worshiped her body in ways she had only dreamed of. She fooled herself into believing she knew everything about him. Those late-night dinners where she talked about herself endlessly like a blabbering fool. Your not that interesting, she thought to herself. To consumed by her downward spiral of self-deprecating thoughts she forgot she was supposed to meet him that morning for their first breakfast together of the spring break. She looked at the delicate silver watch on her wrist, one hour late. She quickly dressed in dark blue jeans. A black sweatshirt and of course her necklace. Her hair was thrown messily in a bun and she ran out quickly to his living quarters. Already late she entered without knocking and found Severus sat alone shoulders shrugged forward at the table and chairs set for two. He appeared as though he’d been crying.
“I’m so sorry Sev.” She said walking quickly to the table and taking her seat in front of him.
“It's okay.” He said still looking down. Y/n reached over and took his hand in her two.
“What’s wrong?” She asked rubbing her thumbs over the top of his hand.
“It seems I’ve fallen victim to my thoughts.”
“I as well this morning. Please. Tell me yours?” She pleads with such need in her eyes.
“You're usually so punctual that when you were 10 min late I had assumed you overslept given it was the first day of the break. 30 minutes went by and I could hear students in the corridor I had hoped you would come through that door any minute. But when the voices disappeared and you were nowhere to be seen I assumed the worst. But now here you are.”
“What did you truly think.”
“That’s enough of this. Let’s eat, I’ll heat the food.”
“No Severus. Please, this is the most you’ve opened up to me, I’ve only ever received pieces of you.”
“I was scared. I was scared you left. I was scared you changed your mind. I was scared you were done with me. You graduate in June and I wouldn’t blame you if you left your old professor behind as well.”
“Severus, you are not just my professor.”
“Oh yes, I’m the man who makes you cum a few nights a week.”
“You will not talk to me like that. I have asked you time and time again to open up to me and you shut me down. I want to know you! I want to love you and you won't let me! You don’t let me in!”
“What do you want to know Y/n!”
“Why not!”
“This was a mistake.”
“Come off your high horse and tell me the fucking truth.” They’re both stood up at this point having a yelling match at each other.
“God! I don’t know what to fucking believe from you. Either you are scared to lose me or you don’t want me. Make up your damn mind.” She yelled at him again.
“Fuck!” He shouted walking away. He turned his back to her and stood there staring at his desk stacked with parchment. Y/n walked to him and rubbed his lower back he turned. His scared face and glossy eyes met hers as streamed down her face. She managed to choke out,” opening up to me won't cause you to lose me. Shutting me out will, do you want to lose this before it has even begun? Because I don’t.”
“What do you want to know first.” He said with pain in his voice.
“Yes.” Y/n grabbed his hand and lead him over to the edge of the bed where they sat facing one another.
“It’s gonna sound childish.” She said looking at the ground.
“It's okay, ask me.”
“Why can’t I see you naked when you see me naked nearly every night.”
“I can’t tell you that.”
“Why not,” Y/n asked her voice breaking tears threading to spill.
“I’ve already lost someone I loved deeply because of it and I can’t lose you too.”
“Severus.” She paused and got off the bed to sit on his lap. Her fingers ran threw his black soft hair, she could tell he washed it that morning by how soft it was, she gently wiped his tears with her fingers and put her head on his chest, and whispered,” how many times do I have to tell you, you won't lose me.” His arms wrapped around her tight as he sobbed into her shoulder terrified of the possibilities that flooded his mind. His sobs were those of someone grieving. Preparing himself for the fact is she might leave after he shows her this, he cried mourning the loss of a relationship that had just begun. Something that could have been great. Once he settled down he unbuttoned the cuff of his sleeve on his left arm and rolled up his sleeve. When Severus finished rolling up his sleeve y/n was met with what she feared.
“ I was 17. I was troubled as a boy and got heavily into the dark arts. I joined the wrong group of people. I just wanted friends. And then after Hogwarts.”
“What sort of people did you hang around with?”
“Lucius Malfoy.”
“Do you know my father?”
“You’ve been to y/l/n Manor.”
“Y/n please.”
“Tell me the truth.”
“Yes.” By then she was off of his lap and sat back on the bed.
“Were you there when they tortured Elouise.”
“Oh-.” She choked on her cry as she sobbed into her hands.
“Did you help them?” She asked once she managed to control her sobs.
“No. I didn’t. I’ve only ever tortured one person, it was a man in his 30s. I had to prove myself to the dark lord.”
“The dark lord. Do you actually believe in blood supremacy?”
“No, I don’t.” He said with urgency and worry in his voice.
“You were there. At Christmas time when I was 7 weren’t you. You were the boy that was wandering the halls and conjured a stuffed lamb for me.”
“How do you remember that.”
“You were there with Lucius Malfoy. The Christmas Eve death eater meeting. For years they were at y/l/n manor. Until Voldemort fell.” By now Y/n was passing the room thinking back to her days at y/l/n Manor. The death eater meetings when her mother would keep y/n and her older sister in their shared bedroom. When Eloise used to read to her.
“Don’t say his name!” He pleaded with her.
“Why shouldn't I. He’s gone is he not?”
“He could come back.”
“And would you return?”
“If I do it's to keep you safe. When you came to Hogwarts it was my second year teaching, I became a teacher here to feed information on the dark lord to Dumbledore.”
“Do you fear him?”
“I care for you more than I fear him.”
“My father used to talk of you. The dark lords' teenage companion. My father tried for the position of the dark arts at Hogwarts before you became a professor and was denied. Then you became the potions master and my father was enraged. He still doesn’t like you. Before when I used to return home he would say such awful things about the school, and all the professors truly. But every sentence finished the same. I’m glad you are in Slytherin, when the dark lord returns he will be proud. At least one of my daughters turned out alright.”
“Did you recognize me when I arrived here?” She asks him
“Yes, you looked the same as you were then.” He wanted so much to tell her that she was safe here when she arrived and saw the fear in her eyes. The same fear in his when he was a child.
“Why me Severus.”
“You were so timid when you arrived but I knew how bright you were from seeing you as a child at your parents' house. When you got upset with me constantly singling you out, I thought good. Maybe you would finally come out of your shell. I remember how sad you were your first year here I grew accustomed to keeping an eye on you. Then eventually I would watch you laugh with your friend at the table and then I found myself enchanted by the sound of your laugh, your smile, and the way your eyes squint. The tears that come out the sides of your eyes from laughing so hard. Usually at your own jokes.” Y/n found herself smiling at the man who hypnotized her with his words.
“Why were you a spy for Dumbledore?” She asked now standing in front of him.
“To keep Lilly safe.”
“Lilly Potter?”
“Yes. She was my only friend when I went to Hogwarts. I ruined it though. When I heard the dark lord was after her family I went to Dumbledore asking him to keep her safe and he wanted a favor in return. I fed him information in return for her and her family's safety. It didn’t work though, in the end, their secret keeper gave away their location.”
“You said you loved her deeply.”
“As a friend.” He said caressing her cheek.
“I hated those death eater meetings.”
“I hate them too.”
“Thank you.”
“For what my dear?”
“Opening up to me.”
“I know my past brings up some things for you as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if you left and never came back to me.”
“Severus Snape.” She began as she made her way back on top of his lap. Both hands in his hair, behind his head.”Your past and my issues are just that, in the past. I’m here, and I’m staying. I’m not going anywhere. It’s gonna take a lot more than a dark mark to get rid of me.” With his arms wrapped around her body, he kissed her so softly yet with such passion and need. Y/n deepened the kiss as her tongue pushed past his lips. Their tongues danced as Severus laid back with Y/n on top of him. She moved from a sitting position on his lap to laying on top of him. Her hands worked to undo the front buttons of his shirt. Once he felt the brisk air on his abdomen he grabbed her wrist abruptly.
“No Y/n.” He said sternly.
“Sev.” She said pouting at him with pleading eyes.
“Once you graduate. I promise you, darling.”
“Okay.” She said resuming their passionate make-out. Severus sat up and removed his shirt. Still in his lap y/n ran her hands up his torso starting at his abdomen, moving to his chest, over both his shoulders and down his arms stopping at the dark mark.
“Can I touch it?” She asked.
“Yes.” With that, she used a single finger and traced the snake's body, and resumed her adoration of Snape’s body. Pushing his shoulders back gently so he would lay back down. She kissed from his mouth down his neck to his abdomen and stopped at the bulge in his pants. She gently left a single kiss on his clothed bulge. With his right hand, he cupped her cheek. She understood what he needed bringing her face back to his, and their lips reconnected. Severus wrapped his arms around her waist and flipped them both over so he was now on top. He removed her sweatshirt with ease revealing nothing underneath.
“Looks like someone suspected they would be undressed the remainder of the day.”
“I know of no such thing.” She said with a slight giggle as Severus went on to remove her pants.
Nothing ensued the rest of the day. They lay in bed together enjoying the feel of one another. When they both fell asleep peacefully in each other’s arms. It was Severus who was startled awake from the peaceful nap by the wet feeling he felt on his chest and Y/n’s trembling body on top of his.
“Darling wake up.” He said lowly rubbing her back and trying to wake her up.
“Y/n please wake up.” He said getting louder. Finally, he sat up pulling her into his lap and gently shaking her by the shoulders.
“Y/n wake up!” His final attempt woke her up. She began gasping for air. And then began to cry into Severus's chest.
“What happened?” He asked her in a gentle soothing voice.
“I-I-I was-was back at home.” She struggled to catch her breath and explain what happened in the nightmare. “I was 7 again. Eloise was screaming. I was in a dark room. I couldn’t get out. He was there. Vol- and Lucius Malfoy.” Now able to breathe she began again.” for years until I began here my father would have me perform a series of tasks to “strengthen my abilities” is what he would say. Lock me in a dark room and see if I could get out. As I got older the space got smaller. The month before I started at Hogwarts he locked me in the chest. Eloise used to beg and scream for them not to do this to me. They used the cruciatus curse on her countless times for years. For years all I knew were the dark curses my father used on others.”
“I’m sorry you had to experience that.”
“That’s why I can’t go back, Severus. If I go back I have to marry Amon Delahaye. He used the killing curse on his first wife and it was covered up when you know who infiltrated the ministry.”
“Yes, I know him. I will do everything I can to make sure you don’t have to marry him.” He said pulling Y/n closer to him and leaving a kiss on her forehead. A million thoughts raced through his head. First, he needs to tell Dumbledore.
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bizarrequazar · 2 years
GJ and ZZH Updates — November 6-12
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
11-06 → Gong Jun’s studio posted a photo of him with a video camera in front of a lake from the same day as the OK! magazine photoshoot released on 04-29. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Dear passengers, the #Gong Jun's very wonderful November# time train has now arrived at the 6th station 「The fairies in the lake sprinkled a handful of golden beans in the evening, and the train conductor @ Gong Jun Simon recorded a driving log as usual. Quietly put gold into your lens」, all passengers, please sit tight and hold on, the station ahead is _______.”
→ LockNLock released a samoyed themed product line in partnership with Gong Jun.
→ The Roving Inspection Team Weibo, which was unmuted after six months on 10-30, reposted a post by Peng Lihu eight minutes after he posted it himself, unfortunately confirming suspicions that he is the one behind it.
11-07 → Fox Spirit Matchmaker’s official Weibo posted two group wrap photos. They posted solo photos as well shortly after, later followed by a celebration video. 
→ #Fox Spirit Matchmaker Yue Hong group photo# got on Weibo hotsearch.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted the same Fox Spirit Matchmaker celebration video. Caption: “My brave, just, defiant Yuechu, goodbye for now, see you again at Tushan. May your bravery and blood ambition keep the people in peace, and may you always have iced candied haw to eat.” This was reposted by MUJOSH.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted four behind the scenes photos from Fox Spirit Matchmaker. Caption: “Enter the world with a bloody ambition and treat the world with a sincere heart. Looking forward to seeing you again!”
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→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a behind the scenes photo of his silhouette from Fox Spirit Matchmaker. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Dear passengers, the #Gong Jun’s wonderful November# time train has now arrived at the 7th station 「The train conductor @ Gong Jun Simon waved his hand and said ‘goodbye, see you soon’」, all passengers, please sit tight and hold on, the station ahead is _______.”
→ Gong Jun posted the silhouette photo to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “Farewell  See you Tushan!” and his Instagram, caption: “See you next time Yuechu!”
→ Gong Jun attended an offline event for Hogan. [interview (no subs)]  Videos: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Photos: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Fan Observation: Near the end, he did a bow without prompting that was very similar to one Zhang Zhehan did in a douyin in October 2020.
→ #GongJun trended on Twitter.
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted twelve photos from a photoshoot from that day. Caption: “Ice blue leaves blanks, splashes of ink for tie-dyeing. Boss @ Gong Jun Simon's winter temperature is slowly loading 🔛” This was reposted by MUJOSH.
→ MUJOSH posted three of the same photos to promote their glasses Gong Jun was wearing.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a douyin from the photoshoot. Caption: “Today’s theme song: Cowboy On 😎” [lyrics] BGM (despite the caption) is Boomerang by Skinny Williams.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted four photos of him from the Hogan event. Caption: “Happy beginning of winter ♥” This was reposted by Hogan. Fan Observation: The three studio posts were posted with intervals of 1hr 11 mins, then 1hr 5 mins, 511 kadian.
→ 361° announced that from 11-10 to 11-25 they will be donating ¥3.61 for every item sold of their samoyed line to the China Small Animal Protection Association.
11-08 → #GongJun continued to trend on Twitter.
→ LockNLock posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted four photos from the Tiffany & Co. Qixi ad campaign. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Dear passengers, the #Gong Jun's wonderful November# time train has now arrived at the 8th station 「The train that is moving smoothly has entered the driverless mode, the conductor @ Gong Jun Simon is holding his cheek with one hand, enjoying a short rest」, all passengers, please sit tight and hold on, the station ahead is _______.”
→ Charlotte Tilbury posted three photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Hogan posted a video of the previous day’s offline event. (1129 kadian)
→ The Instagram posted a video of “Zhang Zhehan” and “Zhang Mama” for her birthday.
→ Colgate posted two photo ads [here] and [here] featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun and a reminder about the livestream on 11-10.
→ Hogan posted ten more photos from the offline event.
11-09 → #GongJun continued to trend on Twitter.
→ Gong Jun posted eight photos of himself to his Xiao Hong Shu. Caption: “I grabbed [these]! Of course, you have to grab a good picture and send it yourself first!” He also posted them to his Instagram twenty minutes later, caption: “Inventory at the bottom of the press box...” 
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted two photos from the same day as the vlog he posted on 08-27. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Dear passengers, the #Gong Jun’s very wonderful November# time train has arrived at the 9th station 「The train conductor @ Gong Jun Simon is also a traveler who is always on the road, the road is long, say ‘9′ to go」, all passengers, please sit tight and hold on, the station ahead is _______.” Fan Observation: The second photo is... quite something. It is of Gong Jun, though. I compared the ears.
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→ 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ LockNLock posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Colgate posted two photo ads [here] and [here] featuring Gong Jun.
→ China Fire and Safety posted a PSA spoken by Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted a commercial spoken by Gong Jun and with photos of him from the ad campaign. The caption includes, “May you and I, who have been rushing to the track of love, be as wild as you want!”
→ 361° posted the full catalogue of their samoyed collection featuring photos modelled by Gong Jun. 
11-10 → LockNLock posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun. This was reposted by Gong Jun’s studio.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted four photos of him from a photoshoot for the China Online Film Week. previously posted on 2021-12-29. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Dear passengers, the #Gong Jun's very wonderful November# time train has now arrived at the 10th station 「The train conductor @ Gong Jun Simon and the small studio took a photo of their passports together」, all passengers, please sit tight and hold on, the station ahead is _______.”
→ L’Oreal posted a commercial featuring Gong Jun.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Colgate posted two photo ads [here] and [here] featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted ten photos of him from that day. Caption: “Simple modeling with multiple interpretations, boss @ Gong Jun Simon wanders freely in the softness of clouds~” This was reposted by 361°.
→ Gong Jun appeared on a livestream for 361°. [full recording] [written summary] [clips with written translation]
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted eight photos of him from the livestream. “@ Gong Jun’s sports department matching points get! The weather is getting colder, everyone remember to add clothes~” This was reposted by 361°.
→ Charlotte Tilbury posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted three more photos of “Zhang Zhehan” with white hair.
11-11 → Mengniu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ A billboard erected by fans in a Taipei metro station for Gong Jun’s birthday, primarily featuring him but with a smaller image of Zhang Zhehan included, was reportedly taken down after complaints were recieved from “Zhang Zhehan’s agency in Taiwan” claiming that he had not given permission for his image to be used. [news story reporting on this (no translation)] Zhang Zhehan never extended his career beyond mainland China and there is no evidence of this agency actually existing. There are suspicions that Xie Yihua is involved, especially as her family are heavily involved in the entertainment industry there, but no evidence has been publicly found yet. 
→ L’Oreal posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a photo of him from when he was announced as brand ambassador for Tiffany & Co. on 2021-11-29. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Dear passengers, the #Gong Jun’s very wonderful November# time train has now arrived at the 11th station 「The bird is holding a hard-won gem and gently falls on the chest of the conductor @ Gong Jun Simon. The little bird treasures gems, train conductor treasures luck」, all passengers, please sit tight and hold on, the station ahead is _______.”
→ 361° posted a clip from the previous day’s livestream.
→ The host from the livestream posted two photos from it of himself and Gong Jun.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ QuelleVous posted two previously unseen photos of Zhang Zhehan from the filming of Zhao Ge. 😭
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a short clip compilation from the previous week’s livestream. 
→ Tangle Teezer posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun to their Instagram.
→ LockNLock posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted a compliation of clips from the livestream. (19:29, possible 51129 kadian if you reach (19 = 7 = 5+1+1))
11-12 → QuelleVous posted a short previously unseen clip of Zhang Zhehan from the filming of Zhao Ge.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted two photos of him from an ad campaign for Warrior released 2021-08-21. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Dear passengers, the #Gong Jun's very wonderful November# time train has now arrived at the 12th station 「The train conductor @ Gong Jun Simon chose a comfortable posture and immersed himself in the space alone」, all passengers, please sit tight and hold on, the station ahead is _______.” Fan Observation: 08-21 was the day Word of Honor was taken down.
→ Gong Jun posted four photos of himself. (11:49, 511 kadian) Caption: “Inventory dispatch  Happy weekend” He also posted them to his Xiao Hong Shu. Caption: “Casual  Pat pat” Fan Observations:   -  Gong Jun usually uses punctuation in his Weibo posts. A certain someone did not.  -  Possible hexagon ring sighting.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted five gifs of Gong Jun from the previous week’s livestream.
Additional Reading: → Sheena has organized a charity drive for Gong Jun’s birthday towards the Chengdu Bear Rescue Centre in his hometown. The drive will be open until the end of the month and will be donated in his name. There’s several giveaways available for anyone who donates! [further info about the organization]
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 7 months
SEAWOLF - Part 1 - Chapter 2
Tuesday - May 18th
Words: 2,771
Estimated Read Time: 12-15 min.
TW: Brief mentions of blood and brief allusion to panic caused by a traumatic experience.
It ends up taking five hours for him to reach Maverick’s hangar. For miles down the gravel back road he follows the wide swaths cut by large tire tracks earlier that night. The hangar door is closed. When he pulls up next to the hangar, his SUV is the only car. Walking through the dust to the side door, he notices a lime green post-it note, which reads:
Ring the doorbell then come in. Unlocked.
There’s a ring doorbell mounted next to the door. He presses the button, it’s lit by a blue circle for a moment, then it dings out a little song and he enters. As soon as he opens the door, he’s hit with the overwhelming stench of industrial cleaners and the harsh hangar lights.
Inside is almost immaculately clean. Maverick was never one to be messy, but he also didn’t have any specific method to his “madness” He kept his magazines, books, NATOPs and anything made of paper and bound stowed within the coffee table set up in his “living room”; and he kept his tools all over the hangar without any rhyme or reason. Roosters Ford Bronco - the same one Goose had back in the day - is parked against the hangar door.
The smell begins to dissipate as he gets closer to the fans set up in a triangle between the Mustang, the camper, and the line of tarp draped bikes. The trailer door is wide open, and a brunette in a black t-shirt and ripped up jeans steps out. There’s a paper towel roll tucked under her arm, a mop in one hand and its bucket in the other. 
She puts the pedal to the metal, booking it towards a mass of towels he notices on her approach. “You Theresa?” He calls. 
She nods, panting. The bucket hits the ground with a plunk and the mop clatters down with it. She stands, rubbing her back as he approaches. “And you’re Ice…man?”
He nods, sliding his aviators into the crook created by his unbuttoned top button. “Tom Kazansky. Callsign, Iceman. Everyone calls me Ice.”
Her hand shake is firm, but when their hands come together, hers are shaking. Maybe from the adrenaline, but when he tries to look her in the eyes she maintains contact for only a couple seconds before she drops it and motions to the bucket. “I was, uh, just cleaning up. They gave me to okay to clean up.” 
“The cops?” Ice asks, surveying the hangar. 
“Yeah,” Theresa picks up the mop and nudges the towels out of the way with her boot. 
Ice smiles gently. “Are those Mav’s old boots?” 
Theresa shrugs. “Probably.” He steps closer, but she refuses to look up. The mop swipes away at the floor, taking with it the remnants of red from under the towels. He glances at them himself. The bottom ones seem to be completely blood soaked. 
“Where are Maverick and your father?” 
Theresa rolls her shoulders, then shudders. She kicks the towels a little further, mopping that up. She starts humming something he vaguely recognizes from the radio. He steps with her, then suddenly she turns, grabbing the bucket and mop and marching towards the Mustang. There’s a similar, though smaller, mound of towels there as well. The path over is lined with muted bloody stains.
Ice stops a couple yards back and repeats his question. “Where’s your dad at, kid?”
Again, Theresa shrugs. But she speaks “Uh… I dunno. They disappeared before the cops showed up and they couldn’t find ‘em.” 
She dunks the mop in the bucket again. It slaps and some slips over the side, onto the floor. It makes a wet squelch against the concrete when she sets it down and the fibers scratch a bit as they glide over the floor. “Are they looking for them?”
“Oh, uh… the cops?” she chuckles uneasily, replying with a shrug “nah. They’ll keep an eye out for ‘em but they aren’t too worried unless they don’t turn up by tomorrow.” 
Ice steps forward. Theresa glances at him then takes a step back, mopping up where there definitely wasn’t blood before. He broaches the next question with a little more delicacy “Do you know where your dad and Maverick are?”
“The Hard Deck?” She suggests with a shrug and uneasy chuckle. Realization dawns immediately. The boots Theresa’s co-opted squeak as she walks.
Ice slides his hands into his pockets and clears his throat. “What, ah, what do the cops think happened here?”
“Rabid animal attack.” Theresa’s response is to fast. Too perfect. 
“You said it was a wolf, right?”
She pauses, glancing at him. She cocks an eyebrow, not unlike Mav when asked a stupid question. Then she turns back to her mopping. “Yeah. Big black one.” 
“What else did you see?”
“Not much,” again, too quick. Too rehearsed. “It got Mav, then it go Brad.” 
“And they both disappeared after they got bit?” 
Theresa stops, taking a deep breath as she rights herself. She nods curtly, “Yeah,” she drops the mop in the bucket and hoists it up, headed towards the trailer. 
“So what’d you tell the cops?” Ice calls. There’s a coolness in his voice that irks Theresa.
But she plays along. “That Mav and Brad got attacked by a big black wolf and that I hid in the plane.” 
“And that they disappeared after they were attacked?” 
She nods, setting the bucket at the trailer steps. Ice stops a couple yards away again. His khaki’s are crisp, his shirt is ironed. He looks well rested, despite the hour. Theresa is running on a RedBull and and looks like it. She imagines that she looks cooler than she does, staring Ice down, but she can feel the grease slicking her hair back and it does not feel pretty. 
He sighs, taking one step closer and asking quietly “What color where they?”
Theresa blinks, trying to wake herself up. “What color where… who?” 
She takes a sudden breath. Ice sighs, pressing “What color where the wolves?”
“The… black one?” Theresa slides back a step. Her back is practically against the trailer now. Ice shakes his head and crosses his arms. 
“What color fur did your father and Mav have after they shifted?”
Theresa balks like she’s about to throw up. The mop clatters against the wooden steps, then it hits the floor. It echoes through the hangar. Ice’s ears ring a bit. It fades within a moment, giving Theresa enough time for realization. 
“Can you drive Mav’s Jeep?”
Theresa doesn’t respond at first. One hand slowly drifts to her chest, where it feels her heart racing. The other reaches back for the trailer, and once it makes contact she leans back against it. Ice takes another step forward, repeating himself tersely. “Can you drive Mav’s Jeep?” 
She swallows hard, but she nods. Ice nods, stepping back. “Good. Go ahead and grab the keys kid, then follow me. Slider’ll get in soon and we need to have Mav and your dad wrangled by then.” He starts towards the door, but he only hears his footfalls. He turns back after a few steps, and Theresa simply stands there, unmoving. Her mouth slightly agape. 
“Come on kid,” he puts on a small smile and tries to sound cheerful. “Grab the keys. It’ll be fun.” 
She seems to snap out of it, shaking her head a bit violently. She steps up into the trailer. Ice listens to her search around for Mav’s keys. The search is by no means silent, but she doesn’t say a word otherwise. The shock should wear off soon. She’ll be fine then. 
“Oh!” He calls back. “Make sure to grab them each a change of clothes!”
They don’t have to go far. Approximately a mile from Maverick’s hangar and equidistant from the runway is a large collection of rocks. Hiding amongst those rocks are two wolves: one black, one hazel. 
Ice approaches cautiously, dimming his lights once he spots them. Theresa’s eyes aren’t nearly as well adjusted. Luckily, she’s far enough back that her lights don’t startle them. 
They were resting when they arrived. Both still shifted. For a second, a pang of… anxiety strikes him. What if they attack Theresa? She’s in an open Jeep after all. 
No. They won’t. They’ve had nearly five hours to come to terms now. Besides, he’s in front. They won’t attack him. He’s familiar. Wolf and friend.
Theresa shuts off the Jeep. The dying headlights catch the hazel, almost dirty blonde wolf’s attention. He’s huge. Easily ten feet from snout to tail. He probably weighs about what he did before, and Rooster was a pretty big guy by all metrics. 
“Easy. Easy.” the hazel one - Rooster - growls. Theresa, halfway between the SUV and the Jeep, stops dead. She looks like she’s just seen a ghost. The black one turns his attention to her. “Whoa Mav,” Ice glances back. He reaches one hand out in front of him, and gently calls back to Theresa “get in my car.” 
She doesn’t move. She can barely breath. All she can see is an eruption of black and hazel fur as bodies contort and someone screams. Mav. She thinks its Mav’s scream she hears. The desert wind whips up and the sand swipes her arms and face. 
Tears start to fall. The stinging only makes them worse. Ice turns back to the wolves. Now he was gonna have to get both wolves into the SUV without any help. 
Well, maybe… “She’s alright,” he assures them, turning to Maverick first. “You didn’t hurt her. She’s just… tired.” He just told them she was fine. He can’t admit that she’s scared. Not now. 
Bradley takes a step forward. Ice pivots right at him. “Whoa, Rooster. No. No. She’s fine,” he glances at Mav “you’re both fine, but you’ve got to come with me. We’ve gotta get you shifted back.” 
The black one - Maverick - takes several cautious steps towards Ice’s hand. Once he’s within a few feet, he takes a wiff. Ice smiles. “Yeah, that’s it Mav. Easy.” 
Maverick seems to smile, and with a little yip he closes the distance between himself and Ice. He pops a squat right in front of him, slinking the last few inches. Mav nudges his outstretched hand, begging for pets. 
Ice’s smile only gets bigger, and he obliges, running his hand over Mav’s head a few times, following his stroke behind the right ear and giving a nice scritch. It almost looks like Mav smiles as he snuggles up against Ice’s legs. He’s absolutely beaming. “There ya’ go, Mav. Thats better, isn’t it? Figured you didn’t wanna be stuck out here all night, huh?” He crouches down, scratching behind both of Mav’s ears “Yeah. You don’ wanna be stuck out here, do ya? Do ya?” 
Maverick yips. Suddenly, Bradley barks, once, then whines. Ice chuckles, shaking his head. “Yes, you too, Rooster, I have two hands.” 
Rooster starts walking, but not towards Ice. Both Mav and Ice watch him start towards Theresa. She sees him, and slowly starts to back up. But every step she takes is matched by the wolf. He’s huge. He’s getting bigger. Getting closer. 
She’s gotta hide. Something inside is screaming at her. The screams echoing in her head don’t help anything. She’s able to shake them off. For a second, her head is clear.  She turns and bolts for the Jeep. 
Okay, not that clear. 
“No! Bradley!” 
Maverick’s off in a flash. He intercepts Rooster as Theresa makes it to the Jeep. Rooster growls, looking past him at the Jeep. Maverick glances back and matches his growl. They’re locked in this stand off until Ice closes the distance. He sprints the whole way. Theresa’s in the Jeep, thank god, and she’s got it on. But she’s still got open windows. Rooster or Maverick could easily get in that way. 
“Easy, easy guys.” He goads. He crouches again, trying to get on their level. It’s awkward, since they stand so high off the ground. “Come on. Let’s go.” He motions to the SUV. “Slider’ll be here any minute, and we’re gonna get this all figured out, alright?” 
Rooster seems calmer. The growling stops. Theresa’s sobs replace them. Ice glances at her. She’s got her knees pulled against her chest and her forehead resting on them. Great. She’s of no help right now. 
With a sigh he starts towards the SUV, but backwards, to keep his eye on Maverick and Rooster. Once he reaches it, he pops the middle door. “Come on guys. We’re gonna go back to the hangar and get this all figured out.” 
They hesitate for a couple seconds. Rooster glances back at Theresa. Ice nods, “She’ll follow us back.” 
Maverick sneezes, but without further protest pads over to the SUV. He climbs in easily, but he looks tired. He lays down on the seat, taking up nearly the whole back bench. Ice turns back to Rooster. He’s moved a bit closer, but he’s still got a lock on Theresa.
Ice meets him where he’s at, crouching down and petting him a few times. “Yeah, I know Roo. She’s a little upset right now,” Not scared. Not now “but she’ll be alright. We’ll get this all sorted out once we get to the hangar, alright?” Rooster sighs. “Hey. Hey. Everything’s gonna be fine. It’ll all get figured out once we get back to the hangar, okay? Come ‘on.” he stands, starting towards the SUV. 
Rooster glances back at Theresa once more, and after a moment he - almost reluctantly - follows Iceman back to the SUV. Once he’s in, Ice shuts the door and gets in, pulling up next to Theresa. 
She’s been having a moment. Her eyes are red, and there’s wet spots on her shirt collar from where tears escaped her hands. She sniffles on their approach, trying to seem more put together. 
Ice still practically scowls at her, and everything he says sounds like an order. “Head back to the hangar. Slider should meet us there.” 
She nods, pursing her lips. Ice sighs and rolls his window up, rolling back towards the dirt road they took out. Theresa… Theresa hesitates for a bit. It’s not like she’ll get lost, she can see the hangar from the pile of rocks. She… she just needs a minute. 
What the fuck happened? She tries to wrap her head around it. First, some big black wolf appeared and got Mav. Then Mav… Mav turned into a big black wolf and attacked Bradley. Then… then Bradley must’ve turned into a wolf and they both must’ve run off when the EMT’s showed up. 
Were… were they werewolves now? That… that… I should’ve had that on my 2021 Bingo Card. She doesn’t know what she feels, but it’s not pleasant. It’s a whirl wind of fear, yes, and anxiety. She’s gotten a major… spine tingle, for lack of a better word, as her mind replays Maverick’s… shift? Is that what he called it? She’s not sure, but it sounds right. 
The fact that Tom Kazansky - who she knows is Commander of the US Pacific Fleet the same way she knows that the sky is blue and Taylor Swift sings about her exes - is one of these… werewolves. He’s a werewolf. Since when did they exist?
She combs her memory for the handful of times they’d even been in the same room with him. She did meet him briefly at some ball thing she had to attend for Roosters squad. He’d seemed normal. And… the Slider guy he mentioned. She thinks she’s met him. Something to do with an unofficial “class reunion” for Maverick sometime that summer. He might’ve been out at the hangar at one point. He’d seemed completely normal too. 
How many werewolves where there? How dangerous where they? Part of her wanted to geek out but a larger part was scared and betrayed. She felt paranoid, and she hated it but… I’m not wrong. She told herself.. If… if werewolves existed… what else was out there? Vampires? Witches? Ghosts? Demons? Fuck, it was Supernatural, but real. Was that a true story then? No… their werewolves worked differently. Unless… unless that was what they wanted you to think!
She’s lost in her own fears long enough for her tears to dry and a small plane to pass overhead and land at the hangar. The dust it kicks up stings her face and drags her back to the hellscape she’s woken up in tonight. She begins to cry again, and with a sniffle, tucks her knees to her chest and watches the hangar.
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Ch9!! It was sweet to read about babey and rhae! They're little reunion was cute and so real. I have 2 older sisters and it's the same way with us. We'll be screaming 1 min and bff's the next so I loved it! And when Daemon heard the tea? (Literally lol) I was like uh-oh! But I'm happy that babey was able to talk to him after and reason with him. And the bath is now my all time fav scene ever!!! The milk is ALLL his, forget the babies they can have peasant milk 😂😂 - 🔥
Additional ask: But yes while I loved the sex, I genuinely adore the love that Daemon and Babey have for one another and I can't wait for the twins to make their debuts! So cute. I can't wait for Daemon to have those babies in his arms awwwww!! So excited! Thanks Em and can't wait for the next 💖! Good luck and get some good rest💖 - 🔥
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Hey, 🔥! I'm thrilled you enjoyed this chapter. I was a little uncertain about it at first, because Daemon didn't blow up quite as spectacularly as I thought he would when I actually started writing the thing. Turns out he can be a complex boi - the reasoning sorta sprang up unbidden in my head, in that he's tired of feeling like the entire world is his enemy and he's tired of the paranoia and he's desperate to protect his Babey - even if from himself and his own wrath - and he's just really, really quite devastated by this latest blow. I'm hoping to at least make reference to this in the next chapter (no doubt it'll be an annoyingly long one) to tie things in a bit more! Sometimes I forget what I've headcanoned in an extra post and what I've actually put in the damn story, lol.
Yeah, I didn't want to make the fight between Rhae and Babey some big protracted thing with the whole "I don't trust you, you betrayed me" etc. etc. because they're siblings; like, I'm positive I've said absolutely disgusting things to my brother completely unprompted, let alone carrying the shit Rhaenyra has been. Siblings fight, but in the wake of this very real threat in Larys Strong, that just isn't as important. Perspective, you know? And Babey's getting a little tired of all the histrionics, Daemon's included. She just decided to wait him out lol, she knows him too well.
I'm so happy you liked the bath scene! I wanted to do a dirty lil thing and bring in everyone's anticipated kink, hehe, so I can only hope it satisfied. Daemon and Babey have come a surprisingly long way, and I am beyond excited (and a little terrified) to finally bring these babies into the 'world', haha! Praying it goes well.
Thank you so so much for your kind words as always, 🔥! Looking forward to giving you the next update!
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amplifyme · 1 year
I'm on the "keep the miracle pregnancy" side-- but C'MON CC. You had all of S7 to lead up to his finale, admitted the whole crew/actors knew it was leading up to Requiem's twist, had Amor Fati spaceship (and possibly En Ami chip), so much time and build up you could have done aaaaaand no. You literally threw up your hands, gave us a post-humous IVF timeline that can't fit in S7, gave no explanation for Scully's pregnancy and had everyone dancing around it. 1/2
The best moments of S8 were Doggett and Skinner friend bits and MSR (of course)-- and the MSR was only as good as it got because DD had his micro-expressions and most of Empedocles was add-libbed (even in the scripts it said something along the lines of "they'll know what to do here" or "they do something in this scene.") I HATE Essence/Existence. If I feel all soft and snuggly, I'll cue up Essence's monologue, some of Mulder/Doggett, the babyshower, and SKIP to the last 5 min of Existence. 2/2
The polite person in me wants to say "sorry for the rant" but the petty side of me says "direct all annoyance at CC, he started this." And that's another thing! CC has every right to torpedo his own series; and I'm pretty hands off and will just say "that's not canon", dust my hands off, and move on. But to then turn and point the finger at fans, who were invested (and continue to be in part) in his work and blame them? Wild. ANyWaY, thanks for letting me rant~.  ;DDD 3/2
Hey, I’m always up for a good rant myself! 🤣
I’ll support your support for a miracle pregnancy, even though just the thought of it makes me break out out in hives. I’m a believer in live and let live, and the idea that there is no right or wrong way to be a fan. Having said all that...
To put it bluntly, Chris Carter shit the bed when it came to pretty much anything post-Je Souhaite. There are certain moments in what came after that I enjoy, but I can only do that if I’m able to view them as AU, something completely separate from the series I came to know and love. And it’s not just that I object to the mangled storylines and characterizations, or the blatant retconning he had to do to untangle the mess he himself created. It’s that’s so much (IMHO) of what I loved about the series and these remarkable characters wasn’t there anymore. Everything was dumbed down and simplified and painfully pedestrian. I didn’t recognize anyone anymore. Frankly, I didn’t care to.
You’re correct that CC had every right to torpedo his own series. But here’s the thing: you’ll never convince me that he will ever consider the notion that he’s the one responsible for its steep decline. I think he still believes that everything he touches is golden and he makes no mistakes. Now most of us, if we’re self-aware enough, learn from our mistakes and alter our behavior going forward to integrate those lessons learned and at least try to do better the next time. Instead of doing that, CC gave us IWTB and the My Struggle episodes in the revival. Not just one or two, but four of them, each more badly written and nonsensical than the last. And he still thinks they’re masterpieces of film making and writing. But I guess if you’ve been fed a steady diet of ego-stroking and consume only positive press over a few decades, it becomes difficult to pull your head out of your ass and take a good look around.
As an aside, I took on the challenge, this new year, to finally watch S9, none of which I’ve seen - with the exception of The Truth. I made it as far as Mulder taking a shower in his black boxers and Scully’s, “He’s gone. He’s just gone,” explanation before I bowed out. I can’t do it. I just can’t. More power to everyone out there who enjoys what came after S7. I wish I could see what y’all do, but I can’t. Neither my eyes or my heart are up for the task. 
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skykashi · 2 years
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I'm about 30 hours late in saying this, but I can't tell you just how perfect this was 🧡. Over the weekend, I was actually trying to wrangle about eight or nine different plot ideas/oneshots for assorted fic I've been wanting to write for months now. I had thought I might try to use some for Kakashi Week, except none of what I had written really fit the prompts to my liking, and I was just feeling overwhelmed by too many choices (not to mention wanting to finish my current projects, too!).
When I read your comment, the BIGGEST lightbulb went off in my head for how to use team min + time travel to connect all the ideas in a fun and logical way. It was such a rush that I just sat down and typed and edited and drafted for a while, and I forgot to come back to tumblr to tell you THANK YOU!! Not just for pointing out how funny and cute and entertaining this whole thing would be, but also for reading and laughing at my dumb tags and everything! I love seeing your reactions, I'm glad we seem to have a similar sense of humor, and I always look forward to checking your blog and reading your posts. (1/2)
I'm gonna make a blog update about this a little later on, but I just thought I'd give you a bit of a headsup that I'm going to be taking a bit of a break from tumblr/ pulling back from updates and reblogs for a while. I have a short queue lined up, but over the last few days, I realized that tumblr has been absorbing a lot of my energy, and I want to reserve some of that time and energy for creating other stuff. (Writing more is definitely one of the other things). So if I'm not checking in as frequently, don't worry; I'm not losing interest in writing posts or finishing fic or anything. Just doing a bit of rebalancing.
Also, fyi, I spent the first half of yesterday re-reading the first arc of "Abandon." I kind of fell back in love with it after feeling a lot of hesitation and distance from it all summer. So that is where all my writing energy will go next, is to continuing part three, and then finishing part four + five afterwards. After that, probably continuing "Up Against The Wall," and after that, the new one with the Team Minato time travel in it. That's the plan, but I have no idea how long it will take or if I will stick with that order (hopefully not too long). Anyway, thank you for reading, and cheering me on when I'm tired of writing, and going with me and my Team Minato on their sad rollercoaster of emotions. I really appreciate it so much!! 🧡🧡🧡
Shzbvsbjsks I'm so glad you found my silly idea inspiring 🥰 it always strikes me how much Kakashi's personality changed from his kid version to his adult version so I always wondered how team Minato including kid Kakashi would react when they see adult Kakashi shenanigans 😂
It's always sad when one of my favorites blogs isn't as active as usual but it's also very understandable and it's a good thing too that you will get to focus more on writing so hopefully this will mean more new chapters will be coming 👀❤️❤️
And I can't even tell you how much I've missed "Abandon" so reading that you are falling back in love with it is such a great news to me, I can't wait to read everything you have for us, I know all of them are worth the wait 😍❤️
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