#lookin at you lizzy
daryl-dixon-daydreams · 9 months
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Words: 4,776 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria, pre-Negan Warnings: language, gore, violence, descriptions of flashbacks and implied PTSD, fear and anxiety Summary: After seeing Y/N freeze outside the walls a few days earlier during an encounter with walkers, Carol suggest that she needs to learn how to fight. Shortly after, she goes missing.
“Hey. Have ya seen Y/N?” Daryl drawled. “I can’t find her anywhere. I’ve been lookin’ for over an hour. We were s’posed to meet up today but she didn’t show.” Even as he said it, his stomach twisted. That wasn’t like you to miss an agreed on meeting.
Glenn shook his head and shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since this morning. Maggie?” Maggie shook her head, at a loss.
Carol shifted uncomfortably and Daryl picked up on it immediately, his eyes narrowing and becoming sharp. “Carol?” he prodded her.
She straightened up and met his discerning gaze. “I need some air,” Carol said. “Come on out and—and we’ll talk.” She didn’t give Daryl an option and quickly moved through the kitchen, down the hall, and out onto the porch.
Daryl burst out after her, tense and unsettled. “S’goin’ on?” he growled.
Carol spun and leaned back against the railing, crossing her arms over herself as if it would shield her from the reaction she seemed to know was coming. “I saw her earlier. We… talked.” Daryl’s eyes narrowed even further.
“Ya talked. And now she’s nowhere to be found? What the hell did ya say?”
Carol shifted anxiously again. “I just—I told her that it would be a good idea if she got some lessons on how to fight… I told her she could ask you or Rosita or—”
“Ya what?” he growled, stepping up to her. His face seemed to flare up crimson. “Why the hell didya say anythin’ to her like that?”
Carol gave him dubious look. “Daryl. She’s useless when it comes to—”
He was immediately pointing angrily in her face. “Ya dunno what the hell yer talkin’ about! Ya shouldn’ta said anythin’!” He stalked angrily back and forth across the porch.
Carol was a little taken aback by how angry he was. “Well, am I wrong? She hardly leaves the walls and when we were out last week and those walkers came in, she just froze!”
Daryl paced a tight circle in front of her. “Ya dunno what yer talkin’ about,” he growled again. “And it ain’t none of yer damn business. Why’d ya have to say anythin’ to her? Huh? Can’t ya just worry ‘bout yer damn self?”
Now Carol did scoff. “It’s my business if I want to help her stay alive!” She watched the scowl on Daryl’s face incredulously. “Or are you making that your job now?” she asked him pointedly.
He froze in his pacing, his shoulders thrown back. “Ya, maybe I am.”
Carol shook her head. “You’re gonna take on that responsibility? Do you have any idea what that—” Past feelings of guilt and grief for Sophia, for Mika and Lizzie welled up inside her. “You have no idea how it feels to shoulder that and fail.”
“Oh, really? I don’t? What ‘bout Beth, huh?”
Carol immediately went silent, her mouth hanging slightly open. She closed her eyes and sighed. “I—I’m sorry. I—”
“Ya forgot?” he growled. “Yeah, tha’s a luxury I ain’t got.”
“No, of course I didn’t forget. I just didn’t—Look, I’m sorry if you feel that I was out of line with Y/N. But I was doing it from a place of good intentions.”
“Yeah. The road to hell is paved with ‘em. Ain’t that what they say?” He shot her another sharp look and shook his head dismissively. “Forget it. I gotta find her. Ya ain’t got no idea what ya—” He broke off, shaking his head, and hurried toward his place to collect his gear.
Glenn and Maggie came out, announced by the creak of the screen door. Carol was staring at Daryl’s figure shrinking down the road. “You okay?” Glenn asked, stopping beside her. “Sounded… bad,” he mused.
“I’m fine,” Carol said. “You know how he can be,” she added with a forced smile. “Mostly bark.”
Maggie came and stood at the railing, looking after Daryl’s retreating figure too. “You have any idea what’s goin’ on? About Y/N, I mean.”
Carol shook her head. “No. Obviously there’s something we don’t know about her. All I said to her was that she should get some lesson to learn to fight. Daryl was furious. I don’t know why…”
“Well,” Maggie sighed, “hopefully he finds her and nothing else comes of it. I’m sure it’ll be alright,” she reassured Carol.
Daryl was soon at the gate and called up to Tobin who was on watch. “Hey. Ya been on watch long?”
He leaned over the railing to look down at Daryl and nodded. “Yeah. Since after the midday meal.”
“Ya know Y/N?” Daryl asked.
Tobin nodded. “Sure. She went out a few hours ago with her pack. Hasn’t come back in yet. I was a bit surprised to be honest. She hasn’t left the walls very often since Aaron brought her in.”
Daryl nodded. “Ya see which way she was headin’?”
“Straight down the road ‘til I couldn’t see her anymore,” Tobin said, straightening up. “Should we be worried?” he asked, his brow furrowing.
Daryl shrugged. “I dunno. Tha’s why ‘m headin’ out. I’ll find her. Thanks,” he called up. Tobin waved him out and another Alexandrian rolled the gate back so he could exit. It clanged shut behind him with a noise that felt strangely ominous. Daryl set off straight down the road, just as Tobin said you had, and he scrutinized it for any sign of you. After several minutes of walking he found a small boot print in the dirt that definitely could have belonged to you. A shot of anxiety ran through him like a white-hot lightning bolt. What the hell was Carol thinking? Telling you to learn to fight… Shit. Another voice in his head answered, She didn’t, couldn’t know. He rubbed a hand over his mouth and chin as he straightened up and continued walking. His blue eyes were narrowed as he scanned the tree line on either side of the road and the grassy ditch beside him. You had to be alright. You had to be.
He walked for about another twenty minutes, painstakingly scrutinizing the side of the road to make sure he didn’t miss a path you’d veered off on, when he suddenly saw some dark bundle up ahead in the ditch. His heart plummeted into his stomach and his feet faltered. It was still too far ahead and partially obscured in the long grass and weeds. He couldn’t tell what it was. He took off toward it at a quickened pace before breaking into a full out run. After the first couple steps into the grass, he stopped dead. It wasn’t you. Thank God, it wasn’t you. He took a moment and bent forward with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Sweat dripped down his face from his hairline and he took out his bandana to mop at it, his mouth still open, chest heaving. He straightened up and looked down at the ragged corpse.
There was an obvious knife wound in the side of the head. A trickle of gore had run out of it and dripped down the sunken face and into the grass. It had been killed recently. He lifted his eyes to the trees ahead and squinted into the shadows beneath them. This had to have been you.
His steadiness regained, he searched back toward the road and found another boot print in some soft soil that matched the one he had seen on the road. He returned to the body and easily spotted a narrow, trampled path that led into the woods. He swung his crossbow down off his shoulder, his nerves buzzing.
He’d barely made it under the coolness of the leafy canopy when he came on another walker. This one too had been stabbed in the head with a clean knife wound. There were a few scuffs in the dirt near the body where the confrontation had clearly taken place. He struggled to find your path forward at first. The ground was carpeted in old leaf litter and scattered with patches of herbaceous plants that could easily obscure any marks left by you. But when he finally raised his eyes to look ahead into the distance, he saw more bodies… a string of walkers, unmoving heaps on the ground. He headed straight for them.
What the hell were you doing? You’d come out here after Carol’s obtuse comment to, what? Kill walkers?
Sure enough, these three walkers had also been stabbed in the head, though one must have put up more of a struggle because it had a wound to its abdomen that was spilling a putrid mix of shit and gore onto the ground. Daryl stood and continued deeper into the woods, following your trail on a mere depression here and a broken twig there. The afternoon was wearing away into evening now and he was getting worried. He needed to find you before it got dark. Tracking on this ground by the beam of his light would be far too difficult and he didn’t like the thought of you out here in the dark, alone somewhere. What if you’d gotten hurt and couldn’t get back? What if you couldn’t find a safe place? What if you’d run into trouble you didn’t expect? No. He had to find you.
After a while, Daryl didn’t need to search for the scarce marks you’d left behind anymore. He simply had to follow the trail of bodies. They were becoming more and more frequent and the clusters were varying now from single walkers to six at a time and everything in between, all stabbed. His heart was starting to race with adrenaline. He’d lost count of how many corpses you’d put down and there was still no clear sign of you. Dusk wasn’t far off. He urged himself to move faster.
Suddenly, he came on a walker that hadn’t been completely put down. It was still clawing at the earth, digging its skeletal fingers into the ground as it tried crawl toward him. This was prevented, however, but the upper body being completely separated from the lower. It looked crushed, or perhaps it had just decayed that way and fallen apart.
Daryl stabbed his knife into its skull with a swift and skillful motion and the low growls ceased. He squinted around into the trees. “Y/N?” he called out as loudly as he dared. It seemed to echo in his ears but die only a few feet away from him, stopped as if by some invisible force that swallowed the sound. The air felt suddenly thick and tense.
More growls sounded up ahead and Daryl rushed forward to meet a tall thin walker ambling his way. There was a deep slash to one side of its neck, deep enough that the head was bent at an odd angle in the opposite direction. It staggered and let out a loud snarl as it reached for him but he raised his bow and fired a bolt straight into its forehead. It fell with a thud and laid still among two other bodies.
He didn’t like this. All these bodies and then suddenly two that were left alive? His stomach twisted. “Y/N?” he called again, a little louder this time. He heard nothing in the crushing silence of the woods except for the occasional rustle of leaves overhead or in the understory.
He tried his hardest to swallow the constriction in his throat, but it didn’t seem to do much. Moving forward again, the trees began to open up slightly and the ground became grassier. In the waning daylight he first saw a looming shape that then materialized into a rundown trailer house. He quickened his pace but was soon stopped by the sheer number of scattered walkers in the overgrown yard. There was a tremendous amount, some even piled on top of one another. He felt a rush of panic. “Y/N?!” he called out, making for the house, stepping over one corpse after another. He burst in through the partially open door, which rebounded with a sharp bang.
There was a rising snarl and clattering sound and a couple still upright walkers lunged toward him from one of the rooms, but he put them down with a skillful shot from his crossbow and thrust with his knife. Please don’t let her be in here. Please. The inside of the house was putrid with the telltale signs of a long occupation by the undead. Daryl searched each room, his apprehension somehow growing with every door he opened, but he found no sign of you inside. You weren’t in here. You weren’t.
At least relieved that you weren’t in that nightmarish house, though still on edge, Daryl returned to the yard. “Y/N?!” he called again. He paused to set another bolt in the flight groove of his crossbow. When he looked up again, his eyes landed on something ahead that was entirely out of place among the bodies.
He paced over to it slowly, afraid of what he might find. He felt suddenly shaky and his hands gripped his crossbow too tight.
There on the ground at his feet was your pack.
He knelt beside it and turned it over. It was intact, but splattered with walker blood and gore. At least there was no sign of your blood—no bright, shocking crimson stains.
There was a depression in the grass beside it, just a small one, and he touched it thoughtfully before raising his eyes and scanning the ground ahead. There. A glint of silver. His breath caught between his lungs.
Your knife.
Daryl rushed over to where it was lying in the grass. It was covered with blood, and some of it on the blade seemed too red to be from the walkers. “Shit,” he said out loud, gripping the handle and turning it over in his hands. He shot up to his feet and nearly whirled around frantically. “Y/N!” Where could you be? You’d lost your gear and your knife. It was almost night. And you might be injured.
He didn’t understand this riddle… the fresh, living blood on your knife. He pressed forward, his eyes darting from one corpse to the next. He wasn’t sure he was even breathing. He was so afraid that one of the figures would be you. “Y/N!” he yelled again, the loudest yet. “Y/N, if ya can hear me—” He stopped short as he rounded the back corner of the house. There was a small garden shed in the corner of the yard. The door was shut tightly. He gulped.
Pushing down the nauseous feeling in his stomach and ignoring the tightness in his chest, he paced toward it. When he reached the door, he stared at it for a long moment. Half of him was telling him not to open that shed—that whatever he was about to find in there wasn’t something he should see. But the other half was screaming all the louder that you were going to be fine and you were in that fucking shed and he was going to get to you and fix whatever the hell this was…
He reached for the handle and popped the latch which resounded with a heavy metallic clunk. The bottom of the door scraped and groaned on the plywood floor but it finally bounced open wide enough for him to peer inside.
His breath caught in his throat and his heart jumped upward, rising, and then sinking again as he fully absorbed what he was seeing.
There you were, sitting in a tight ball on the floor among the dirty, dusty, spider-web draped pots and rusty garden tools. Your arms were wrapped tightly around your legs and your chin almost rested on your knees. Your eyes looked up at him from behind layers and smears of walker blood and dirt, wide and fearful.
Swallowing nervously, he pushed the door open wide to let more of the dimming light in. “Hey…” he said softly, as gently as he could. “Hey, Y/N. I’ve been lookin’ for ya.”
You hardly reacted. Your eyes simply dropped back toward the floor.
Daryl moved slowly and deliberately, immensely worried about the fragile state you seemed to be in. He leaned his crossbow up against the open door and swung his pack down. He crouched low so he was on your level. “Are—are ya hurt?”
You didn’t move, didn’t even acknowledge the question.
He chewed anxiously on his bottom lip for a long moment. “Y/N? Can ya look at me?” He edged closer to you, kneeling in front of you. “Jus’ look at me. Please?”
Slowly, your eyes lifted to his face and he saw that they were brimming with tears.
“Hey—s’okay. S’alright. ‘M righ’ here. Yer okay,” he said, nodding. He felt like a bubble had formed in his chest. “Are ya hurt? They didn’t—the walkers—tell me they didn’t—”
You shook your head, blinking to try and clear your eyes. It was then that he noticed a scrap of your shirt was tied around one of your hands.
“Can I see?” he asked, gesturing toward your hand.
You bit your bottom lip thoughtfully a moment before you nodded and held it out to him. Daryl carefully unwrapped the makeshift bandage and turned your hand over to see a gash across your lower palm, extending almost to the bottom of your thumb. It was a clean cut, and suddenly the blood on your knife made sense. Perhaps in some struggle, slick with walker blood, your hand had slipped onto the blade and you’d cut yourself. Maybe that was why you’d dropped the knife. The cut started to bleed again as Daryl looked at it, holding your hand flat on his.
“I’ve got some stuff in my bag. I’ll take care’a this.” He reached behind him and tugged his pack forward before digging out the small first aid kit he’d packed. He grabbed his canteen from the side pocket and poured water onto your hand, dabbing at the cut with a clean bit of gauze and flushing it thoroughly. Then he dried it as best he could and applied some ointment before wrapping the whole thing with a fresh gauze pad and bandage. You were still as stone as he tended to you. “Anythin’ else?” he drawled softly when he was satisfied.
You shook your head, looking suddenly exhausted. “No. My shins are pretty banged up but—I’m okay. It’s just that.”
Daryl was relieved to hear you say anything, even if your voice was a little quiet and shaky. He nodded again. His eyes flitted over your figure, still hunched in front of him in a way that made you look smaller than you were. “Can—can ya tell me what happened? I mean, I followed the bodies here but—”
Your eyes dropped again and you pulled your bottom lip in between your teeth again.
Daryl hesitated a moment and then steadily moved to sit beside you in that small space. He didn’t know what to say, turning words over and over in his head, trying to figure out which were the right ones. Finally, he broke the silence. “‘M sorry… ‘bout what Carol said to ya. She doesn’t know what—what happened to ya before, what ya went through outside, ya know?”
You shook your head. “It’s not her fault.”
Daryl glanced at you beside him and hated the filth coating your skin. He shifted and grabbed his canteen again, pulling his bandana from his pocket next and waiting until you met his eyes. “Can I clean ya up a bit?” he asked hesitantly.
You met his eyes for a long moment and for some reason his tension eased. Maybe it was because yours were looking less wild now, less desperate and fearful. You nodded in response to his question and he poured some water onto his bandana and began to mop gently at the splatter on your cheek and forehead. Your eyes closed at the touch of the fabric and a long, quiet exhale escaped from between your lips. His touch was grounding, rooting you back in the present in a way you hadn’t been since—
“Can ya tell me what happened?” he asked again. “ S’alrigh’ if ya can’t.” He poured more clean water onto his bandana and dabbed at a splotch near your jaw.
“Carol said that to me and I thought—she’s right. I just needed to do it. I thought I’d just prove to myself that I could still be—still be out here.”
“Mmm,” Daryl hummed, pausing to study your expression.
“I started killing walkers. And then there were more and more and I just followed the trail. And at first I was just so angry,” you said, ducking Daryl’s gaze and running a hand over the bandage on your palm thoughtfully. “I just wanted to put them all down, you know? I wanted to kill every fucking walker in the whole world. I was just so angry.” Your voice broke slightly and you shook your head, your eyes filling with tears again that stung and blurred your vision. “Then there were more and more and I—stupidly, I just kept following them. Then there were so many.” You looked up at him with wide eyes. “I didn’t know that house was full. And they broke out through the door. And it was like a—a flood of them all closing in around me.” You paused to try and gain control of your breathing again, it had grown rapid and shallow with the swelling anxiety as you remembered.
Daryl’s brow was heavily furrowed over his bright blue eyes, but they were soft. He found a clean area of his bandana and poured a little more water on it, lifting his hand again to smooth away a smear on your chin.
You stared at him during this tender moment and felt some dam break in you, some last wall came crumbling down. He’d come after you. He’d noticed you missing and he’d followed. He’d tracked you all the way here from Alexandria. Your heart swelled for him.
“I was killing as many as I could and then—I—the flashbacks hit me—I think,” you paused and drew in a staggered breath, “I don’t know if it was the blood or the smell or the sounds—but I was seeing it all over again, like it was really happening. I was seeing them ripping apart my family after the outbreak and then—they weren’t walkers anymore all of a sudden, they were those men that—that—”
“S’okay,” Daryl interrupted you. “Ya dun gotta say anymore. I know…”
You leaned your head back and shut your eyes, waiting for your heart and breathing to slow again. Daryl watched you carefully and waited until your eyes opened again and you looked at him. He gulped. “‘M sorry. ‘M sorry that happened to ya, all of it. And ‘m sorry Carol said what she said. She was outta line.”
You shook your head, your posture finally uncurling from that tense, protective ball. “No. She couldn’t know. She doesn’t. It’s not her fault. It was stupid of me to leave the walls alone. I knew this could happen, the flashbacks, you know. But what she said—it triggered something in me…”
Daryl nodded and returned to his canteen and the bandana and his gentle ministrations to clean the blood and dirt from your skin.
“I just don’t want people to think—” you broke off again, biting your bottom lip.
“Think what?” he asked, mopping gently at a smear of walker blood on the side of your neck.
“That I’m… useless. Helpless,” you said, ducking your head. “I don’t want to be a burden.”
Daryl pulled back with the cloth and looked at you for a long moment before he sighed. “It don’t matter what people think, alrigh’? Most of the damn time they’re gonna think what they wanna anyway, with or without proof. But ya aren’t useless and ya sure as shit ain’t helpless. I dunno how many of those walkers ya killed today but it was a lot. Ya know how to fight. But none of that matters, even if ya didn’t. If ya never leave the walls again, it don’t matter. If ya freeze up,” he shrugged, “it don’t matter. Ya got people back there now who will—will protect ya. S’okay.”
You met his eyes as they searched your face and you felt a jolt of electricity run up your back.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Gabriel called down to Eric at the gate. “It’s Daryl and Y/N! Open up!”
The sun was nearly gone and darkness was falling in the deep shadows beneath the trees, but you’d made it back, walking side by side, to Alexandria. Your pack was on your back again and your knife was in its sheath. Besides being filthy, no one would know what had happened outside the walls.
Carol was suddenly there, having climbed down the ladder and waited for the two of you to step through the gate. She was wringing her hands a little nervously. “Y/N—I’m so glad you’re okay. I’m sorry for what I—”
You gave her a small smile and interrupted. “It’s okay,” you said. “But—you should know that I do know how to fight.”
“She dun need lessons,” Daryl said. “Just ‘cause somebody don’t, doesn’t mean they can’t.”
Carol nodded, a little perplexed, and eyed the blood all over your clothes and noticed the clean bandage on your hand. “Are you alright?”
“Just need a few stitches and a shower,” you said with a nod. “I’m fine.”
“C’mon,” Daryl said, nudging his head in the direction of the clinic. The two of you started off again but Carol stopped Daryl again.
“Are we… okay?” she asked nervously. “I’m sorry that I assumed—”
He put a friendly hand on her shoulder and nodded, giving her that signature little Daryl smile. “We’re good. Forget it.”
Carol breathed a sigh of relief and her eyes flickered back to you waiting for him a short distance away. “What happened?”
Daryl shrugged. “Nothin’. She was just… killin’ walkers. See ya later.”
“Well, I‘m glad you found her. It’s almost dark,” Carol said. Daryl nodded. Carol returned his goodbye and watched the two of you fade down the street. All’s well that ends well, she thought. But she knew now there was much more to this story.
Daryl stayed with you while Denise stitched up your hand and made sure there would be no lasting damage, except maybe a bit of lost sensation on that area of your palm. You were ready to be home when she was finished and Daryl walked with you down the dark sidewalks and stopped alongside you at your front door. You turned and gave him a somewhat abashed, small smile. “Thank you. For coming after me today. I might still be in that shed if you hadn’t.”
He nodded. “‘Course. ‘M just glad that yer okay. I was—worried,” he drawled. That would didn’t even begin to encapsulate his feelings. He shifted his weight nervously from one foot to the other, trying hard to ignore the fluttering sensation in his stomach.
Your top teeth dimpled into the softness of your full bottom lip and you considered him for a moment. “Did you, umm, want to come in? I need to grab a shower but then I suspect sleep may be hard to come by tonight.”
Did he want to come in? Fuck yes, he wanted to come in. He managed a nod and followed you inside, the sturdy door shutting out the night behind him.
Could something good really come out of so much fear and anxiety? It seemed, perhaps, that it could.
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pearlescent-poppies · 5 months
Soooo… I came up with an idea for a parody yesterday and now that I’ve finished writing it, I wanted to share! This has been written about Iskall concerning whatever the hell is going on with him and Joel. Now, could I have chosen Lizzie for this? Absolutely! But I find this way funnier! (This was cross posted to Reddit btw) you can find more parodies at: @mcyt-parodies
So get ready for…
Etho’s Boy (A Jessie’s Girl Parody)
Etho is a friend
Yeah, I know, He’s Been A Good Friend Of Mine
But lately something’s changed that ain’t hard to define
Etho’s got himself a boy, and I wanna make him mine
And he’s watching him with those eyes
And he’s got his lips on his neck
I just know it
And Etho’s holding Joel in his arms late, late at night
You know I wish that I had Etho’s Boy
I wish that I had Etho’s boy
Where can I find an ogre like that?
I’ll play along with all the pranks
A restraining order won’t stop me now
You know I feel so dirty when they start talking cute
I wanna tell Joel that I love him but he’ll put me on mute
And he’s watching him with those eyes
And he’s got his lips on his neck
I just know it
And Etho’s holding Joel in his arms late, late at night
You know I wish that I had Etho’s Boy
I wish that I had Etho’s boy
Where can I find an ogre like that?
Like Etho’s boy
I wish that I had Etho’s boy
Where can I find an ogre-
Where can I find an ogre like that
And I’m lookin’ in the mirror all the time
Wonderin’ what he don’t see in me
I’ve been funny; I’ve been cool with poetry
Ain’t that the way love’s supposed to be?
Tell me where can I find an ogre like that?
You know I wish that I had Etho’s Boy
I wish that I had Etho’s boy
I want Etho’s Boy
Where can I find an ogre like that?
Like Etho’s boy
I wish that I had Etho’s boy
I want, I want Etho’s boy
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close to home | chapter seventeen
close to home | chapter seventeen
plot: the reader is on the run with Tyreese, Mika, Lizzie, and Judith. Meanwhile, Beth tries to get Daryl to talk about his grief and not give up hope
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,112 Warnings: violence, blood, loss, grief A/N: thanks for reading!
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“We can’t be the only survivors,” Beth said, looking at the burning fire. The night air was hot, and the fire didn’t help. But they needed something to cook their dinner on. When she looked up at Daryl, he, too, was staring at the fire. She could see the sweat on his face, the dirt that coated it. The exhaustion and sorrow that were written across his face were enough to make her own heartache.
“We can’t be,” Beth said again, louder. In the distance, an owl hooted, and she looked over toward the sound for a moment, but it didn’t sound again. “Maggie, Glenn… (Y/N).” 
At the sound of your name, Daryl looked up. “She was in the quarantine cell block. It took a hit from the damn tank. She’s…” But he couldn’t finish his sentence. You were gone. Dead. And his heart was so heavy and so broken that it sat on his lungs, making each breath more difficult than the last. 
“You don’t know that. You don’t know anything,” Beth said. “I bet you that they’re all alive. And they’re lookin’ for us too.” 
Daryl didn’t respond and looked at the fire again. He didn’t need to argue with her. He knew the truth. You were gone. The prison was gone. Everyone and everything he loved was gone. He had nothing else to live for.
A mile south, you and Tyreese led the girls through the woods. You weren’t sure where you were going. You weren’t even sure where you were. You just knew that you had to keep moving. You had to find somewhere safe. Somewhere you could pull yourself together and continue on. No matter how hard it would be. 
“Look, grapes!” Mika suddenly yelled, running over to a huge bush. Tyreese stopped walking and turned back. You and Lizzie paused as well. “Can we eat them?”
You walked over to the plant and inspected the bush before nodding. “Yes, go ahead.”
Judith started fussing, and Tyreese bent down to change her while you kept watching around the group. The girls devoured as many grapes as possible and started to pull a bunch out and collect them. They offered some to Tora, but she deemed them unacceptable. 
Rustling in the bush caused Mika to scream, and she took off. 
“Shit,” You cursed, grabbing your machete and running after the young girl. 
Tyreese and Lizzie were soon on your trail, and you started panicking when Mika came out from behind a tree. You breathed a sigh of relief as Tyreese spoke to her in his gentle tone and looked around the area again. 
“Tyreese!” You yelled when you heard someone screaming, and the man ran over to you. 
“I’m going to go check it out,” He said, handing you Judith. 
“It could be people from the prison, and you need to stay with the girls,” He said. Before you could say anything else, he took off. You sighed loudly, handed the baby to Lizzie, and then whistled for Tora. She was given to Mika, and you grabbed Lizzie’s gun, standing on guard. 
“(Y/N)!” Mika yelled when something rustled behind the bush. You cocked the gun and aimed, ready to fire. 
“Don’t shoot (Y/N). It’s me.”
You dropped the gun and sighed with relief when you saw it was Carol, and you took a few steps to hug her tightly. “Thank God. I didn’t know who got out. I couldn’t see anyone,” You said, giving her another squeeze before you let go. 
Both the girls gave Carol the best hug they could with their arms full, and both started asking her questions in overexcitement. But you spoke above them both. 
“Did anyone else make it?”
Looking sadly at you, Carol said, “I don’t know.” 
You nodded and blinked back a few tears. “We heard someone in trouble. We should go see if Tyreese needs help.” 
“What do you think?”
“I’m not sure….”
“Our people could see these signs,” You said, your finger anxiously playing with the string of your bow. “Daryl and Maggie and Beth and Uncle Hershel. Anyone could have.”
The three of you exchanged a look and then looked at the girls. They were all so young; Judith was only a baby. You knew the three of you could keep the safe, but for how long? There’s a reason there weren’t too many kids at the prison. 
You swallowed thickly and looked back at Tyreese and Carol. “We need to go. For them.”
Daryl wasn’t sure how long it had been since the prison fell. Two, maybe three? His days consisted of running and finding food. Beth was growing tired and only cared about having a drink. Every time he looked at her he could only think about you. The two of you shared blood, and your smiles were similar. He was thankful he was able to save your cousin, even if he couldn’t save you. 
The taste of moonshine was like ash in his mouth, but it made him feel better, and he kept drinking, even if the voice in his head told him no. 
“We should try and find a map of the area, like at a gas station or something,” Beth said, wiping her mouth with a dirty wrist. “We can x out areas we’ve been to.”
“What for?”
“To look. I want to look for Maggie and (Y/N).”
Daryl shook his head and took a drink. “They dead.”
“No, they ain’t and stop saying that. You don’t know it.” She said, watching the sorrow on his face. “What was even goin’ on between you and (Y/N) anyway. Everyone saw it.”
“Saw what?”
Beth shrugged, “The way you two look at each other, I guess.”
The alcohol in his system made it harder to picture your face, and anger and frustration flooded his veins. “It don’ matter. We’re never seein’ her again.”
Just past dawn, Daryl collapsed to his knees with Beth’s name unspoken on his lips. He had no idea how the night had turned so shitty and how he had lost her. He didn’t know which direction the car had taken her, and he didn’t know where to begin trying to find her. 
The asphalt bit at his knees as he slammed a fist to the ground, crying in desperation. He was utterly and pathetically alone. He’d failed to keep the prison safe and you safe and alive after promising to do just that, and now he lost your cousin. He had failed, and now he had nothing. 
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lxrd-ren · 3 months
Life Series Team-Ups I Really Wanna See:
- Tango + Joel
I could see them egging each other on if say they have beef with someone else (probably Scott knowing Joel), like two mad dogs without their leashes except they take turns being the mad dog, until they're both red that is :) They probably wouldn't make it until the end but it would still be fun watching their shenanigans. Plus, with the building skills from both, they could probably make a pretty sick base. Not to mention they cover each others blind spots what with Tango's redstone skills and Joel's pvp being quite good.
- Etho + Scar
The pair of them are wildcards so them teaming up would be the ultimate chaos combo. They also balance each other out sort of with Ethos chaos being more controlled and Scars chaos being more erratic and varying degrees of severity. Scar would get Etho to cause chaos more frequently and Etho would get Scar to A) Think it out properly and not just burn everything on a whim and B) Take precautions to not lead it back to them. Although there is a possibility they will betray each other, aslong as they don't base in or near a tree that is Ethos they should be a-ok for the most part 👍. I feel like this team-up is more unlikely than some of the others on this list but I'd still love to see it happen.
- Cleo + Jimmy
Girlboss meets wet cat, the ultimate combo. Although to be fair Jimmy was causing proper damage left and right in Secret Life so together they could probably be quite the duo. Although they will just make a lot of enemies very quickly so they gotta make allies and get geared up sharpish if they don't wanna be eliminated first; lookin at you canary >_> I don't see pvp being their strong suit so their best bet would be to rely on defence like armour and traps. Also a duo that talks a lotta shit; thing is, only one of them can get away with it. Jimmy would probably also be too scared to betray Cleo so fingers crossed there's no repeat of Last Life.
- Skizz + Scott + Grian
The get-shit-done trio. I could definitely see this trio lasting until the end with all their tendencies to make and uphold alliance's. Grian would likely be the planner, Scott provide the resources, and Skizz as #1 hype man. Also have a feeling that Scar would be at the top of their kill list. And again with two builders they could get a really cool base going. Not sure what their team name could be but Scott would likely be the one to come up with it. Aslong as they have loyalty to each other, which I've no doubt they will have, they could be a great team.
- Bdubs + Martyn
What with their willingness to go along with crazy plans and bits, this duo could get up to some shenanigans and a half lemme tell ya. I could also see them lasting a while. Bdubs would likely be a base-dweller with building the actual base and defences whilst Martyn gets the needed resources to get ahead of the other teams. Also quick to establish alliances and enemies. I feel like they'd settle on a mountain. Also a Martyn betrayal would go crazy against the ever loyal Bdubs.
- Impulse + Pearl
This duo is mainly because of how Scott's teammates usually go on to win either the current season or the next season and neither Gem nor Impulse has won it yet, paired with how Pearl has tried and sadly failed the past two seasons to get her teammates to win, she could very well break her curse if she pairs up with the most-likely to win in terms of Scott statistics. If they put their heads together they could make a really defence-able base, like Pearl's tower in Double Life, so they don't need to worry about head-to-head combat. Not to mention they're both great with a bow. I imagine Pearl could snipe some kills from up high whilst Impulse triggers redstone traps and the like. Their team name could be Pulse. This duo would definitely get far but I don't see both of them being in the final three; with any luck Impulse is the one in the final three again.
- Scar + Lizzie
I feel like they would talk a lotta shit but then that would lead to them being underestimated so it's all that more unexpected when they show they can wack a lotta shit too. Likely won't last until the end though. Plus it would be quite fitting what with them two being the loners of secret life to join up in the next season. I know this pairing is more unlikely given how Lizzie has only been in two seasons but still. Also I could totally see their base being a castle of sorts with Lizzie as the queen and Scar as her advisor. They'd also both get into and out of situations by swindling and sweet-talking. Speaking of, them first teaming up would likely be Scar trying to swindle Lizzie and then teaming up with her perhaps as a sorry and then it just kinda sticks; think Mean Gills kinda start.
- Ren + Gem
First off, their names rythme so instantly they're a great duo. Admittedly since Gem has only been in one season I can't really predict what her dynamic would be with, well, the majority of the members but I'm thinking tamed dog + rabid deer kinda thing. Their base would likely involve nature and they're probably gonna be either allied or enemies with Scott, no in-between.
- Etho + Mumbo
Ah yes, the duo that collectively knows niche and important things about the game, majority of it being about redstone and mob farms, but have no clue when it comes to basic things; like crafting fishing rods (cough cough Etho). I don't think they'd make it until the end but they'd get quite far I imagine. Probably would be allied with Grian in some way or another. I think they'd also both agree to keep an eye on Cleo but only because they're both intimidated of her. Like in Last Life I think Mumbo would be the stay-at-home husband whilst Etho socialises and gets resources. Plus I could see them getting stuff like end crystals and other things. I feel like Etho would come up with plans and Mumbo would go along with it no questions asked. But considering their curses, Mumbo probably will succumb to a lava or fire death. They may also get a teammate I'm not sure who though if Grian is already in an alliance. Perhaps Bdubs; I mean that's basically what happened in both Limited and Secret Life. Again like Lizzie, this duo is less likely given how Mumbo has also only been in two seasons but we can pray🙏.
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zvmz · 11 months
A few Maddie Hatter HCs <3
she wears a different hat to school EVERY DAY
one time the school had a crazy hat day and that was the only time maddie showed up hatless because "not wearing a hat sounds crazy enough to me"
theres a storage room in the tea shop thats literally filled to the brim JUST with hats
madeline hatter only gets sad on three occasions
when shes missing wonderland
when one of her friends is sad
and when a customer doesnt like the tea she served them
ONCE a customer yelled at her and she was just on the brink of tears all day looking like a kicked puppy
imagine this its the first time maddie came into ravens room
she sees ravens guitar and yells "hey i have one too!"
and pulls a banjo out of her hat
and raven is like this girl is insane im going to make a found family outta this
she frequently handstand walks to class
she has a huge pillow fort on her side of the dorm
maddie, lizzie, and kitty have one day a week set aside where they have tea, play croquet and card games in lizzies grove
they only speak riddlish during those times
maddie can do seemingly impossible yo-yo tricks
not even kitty knows how she does it
she always smells like fresh biscuits and jam
her baking skills could rival gingers
her phone is just a flip phone, which has been lost in her hat somewhere since last semester
raven once gifted her a wacky lookin purse, which she doesnt need since everything goes in her hat
she carries the empty purse with her everywhere she goes
almost empty
sometimes her mouse rides in it
uses the weirdest possible exclamations
"yee haw"
I’m open to requests so if you have a character you want me to post about, just ask!
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hopeinthebox · 2 months
how do u curate your playlists? they're so good (listening to the glen powell one rn lol)
dearest anon, please know you've made my entire summer with this ask <3333 (here's the playlist in question)
now while i recognise you probably weren't looking for a legitimate breakdown of the process here, you've inspired me to take a deep dive, and i'm prone to getting carried away (and yes, i read high fidelity recently and rewatched the film and the series. but i'm sure that has nothing to do with it). so here goes, under the cut:
Lizzy's Guide to the Delicate Art of Making a Playlist
#1 - What's the Point?
There has to be a theme or mood or connecting thread for the playlist. That being said, as long as it makes sense to you, you've pretty much got this covered.
What's the story? Is it based on a mood, an event, a time in your life, a person, a character, a genre, an era, etc. etc. There's plenty to choose from, so there's plenty of playlists to be made. Go crazy, get weird with it.
(In this example, the overarching theme is: Glen Powell Hot (Twisters Edn.) with a sub-theme, if you will: Country Music for Beginners.)
#2 - Song Selection
Once the theme is set, I gather a few tracks that spring to mind immediately. In this instance:
• Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That - Dolly Parton
• Cowboy Take Me Away - The Chicks
• Country's Cool Again - Lainey Wilson
All of these are fairly self-explanatory if you have been caught up in the Twisters press tour at all recently. No further comment.
From here I flesh out the ~general vibelist~ with more tracks, some classics and some deep cuts. I'm cross-referencing my own musical knowledge, previous playlists, spotify mixes (god forgive me, the occasional algorithm picks), and other user's Powell playlists (topgun-heavy, but you certainly can't blame them).
#3 - Order Matters
There's got to be some sort of flow to the playlist front to back, unless your theme is audio whiplash, for example.
Now here I am a devout follower of the High Fidelity rules, which are as follows:
Track 1 - Open with a killer - sets the tone, gets people invested
(Here, Lady Gaga's You And I ~ it's a banger, and it's country enough to get away with. Can't bring out the banjo prematurely, we'll lose people)
Track 2 - Bring it up a notch - let them know we're just getting started
(Alannah Myles, Black Velvet ~ country-ing it up a notch but staying firmly in the mainstream, because again, we don't want to scare anyone)
Track 3 - Cool it down - now we're settling in
(Chris Stapleton ft. Dua Lipa - I Think I'm In Love With You ~ Dua keeps us firmly rooted in the crowd pleasers, and we can sneak in some Stapleton)
N.B. There is a rule here that I don't abide by, the "only one track per artist" - there's three dolly tracks in this lineup alone and i stand by all of them. Provided you're not adding an entire album or two, I think you can get away with it.
Anyway, this three-track run fires us into a classic (Islands In The Stream) which melts into Tyler Childers and suddenly we're knee deep in Kentucky and you didn't even know it.
The trick is to not overthink it, which is always easier said than done. Ordering only has to make sense to you from start to finish. This journey's gotta go somewhere - throw in a few peaks and troughs, and the songs are just connecting the dots along the way.
#4 - As Does Shuffle-ability
Now, having said all that, I feel like this is a safe space to admit I am a chronic shuffler, so a degree of shuffle-ability is required.
All this means is that your underlying theme is evident throughout. Any wildcards are going to make sense wherever they pop up.
With this one, the thread of country through all of these tracks is what ties the theme together (saving a horse). There are some classics (Faith Hill, Willie Nelson), soul-heavy tracks (Secret Sisters, Leon Bridges), and and few more pop-adjacent (Haim, Ashe) but they've all got that twang - so it's shuffle proof.
#5 - Points for Presentation
A good cover, title and description can offset a multitude of sins. Don't underestimate the power of presentation.
Duration comes into play here also, where anything shorter than half an hour feels like it has nowhere to go, but over three hours feels insurmountable. Unless you're going for a compilation, year in your life playlist, or some background low-fi stuff, keep it tight.
And there you have it folks, my (lengthy) guide to playlist curation. Final note, don't love it and leave it. If you come across something new, jostle things around to get it in. Similarly, if something doesn't fit anymore, toss it. The beauty of the modern mixtape is you can edit it as little or as often as you like.
If you made it this far, I'm personally sending you a little kiss on the forehead. And to the anon who inspired this article of a response, I can only apologise. MWAH
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lemoncrushh · 5 months
The Entertainer - Track 06 - No Concern of Yours
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Summary: Set in the 70s, Sky Jones, a young woman from L.A., meets Harry Styles, an up-and-coming musician and frontman for the band Wildfire. Told in first person from Sky’s point of view, she shares her journey and what it’s like to fall for a rockstar.
Track 06 Word Count: 2.8k
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The week of studio time for Harry and his band turned into two weeks, and then three. I didn’t get to see him as often as I’d hoped. He came over a couple times after a long session, but never stayed the night. As the end of the third week neared, I felt myself starting to get restless. I would lie awake at night wondering what it was I was feeling. Despite the fact that we’d slept together, Harry and I hadn’t declared what we were. We weren’t really a couple, I didn’t think. And the more I pondered over it, the more I started feeling like it was exactly what Halo said she and Mitch were. Just sex.
One evening, when both Harry and Mitch had announced they were finally finished with recording, and their debut album was now in the mixing stage, the entire band came over for a night of beer drinking and cards. I don’t even remember what game we were playing. Neither my heart nor mind were in it, and for some reason I started accusing Harry of cheating. He thought it was funny though, like I was just teasing him. He laughed and came up behind me to tickle my sides, but I quickly pushed him away with my elbows.
“Stop it. Leave me alone.”
“What’s with you?” he asked, his brows furrowed.
“Nothing!” I spat.
I heard him curse under his breath as he walked past me to the kitchen for another beer.
“Hell yeah, turn that up!” exclaimed Lee as Thin Lizzy started to play through the little radio I kept on the counter.
“Tonight there’s gonna be a jailbreak…”
Walking by, Harry turned the knob, nodding his head to the beat, his lips puckered. Then he began to mime the guitar chords as Mitch did the same. I watched him for most of the song, my stomach doing a little flip until I quickly looked away and rose from my chair to get myself a beer. Popping off the cap, I took a few swigs, leaning against the fridge. Harry’s eyes met mine and he gave me a smile.
“Searchlight on my trail Tonight’s the night all systems fail Hey you good lookin’ female Come 'ere!”
Harry beckoned me with his finger and his eyebrows raised, but I didn’t budge. Instead, I took another long drink from my beer and returned to my seat next to Halo.
“Something going on I should know about?” she whispered in my ear.
“Nope. Nothing at all.”
Harry continued to stare at me, an easy smirk on his lips. When Deacon announced he was dealing for the next game, Harry took his chair to my right, straddled it and crossed his arms.
“So when’s the tour?” inquired Halo when all the cards were dealt.
“You guys are going on tour?” I widened my eyes.
“Damn right we are,” said Lee as he high-fived Deacon.
“We’re supposed to go on the road in a few weeks,” added Mitch. “Starting in San Francisco.”
“Ooh, can I come?” Halo ran her hand up Mitch’s chest, her face close to his, practically sitting in his lap. I caught Mitch’s grin just before Lee piped up again.
“No way.”
“What?” Halo looked offended.
“No girls on the road.”
“Who says?”
“We say.”
“Oh, you do?” Halo raised a brow at Lee, then looked back at Mitch for reassurance. He looked just as perplexed.
“Tell ‘em, Harry,” said Lee.
I sat back, folding my arms across my chest. I had to hear this.
“Why can’t we come, Harry?” asked Halo. “We love you guys. We know you guys. We’re your biggest supporters.”
Harry nodded, but said nothing. I had to hand it to Halo for saying “we.”
“Don’t you want me to come?” she pouted to Mitch.
“Yeah,” he grinned, pushing a strand of hair from her face.
“No,” Lee repeated. “Absolutely not!”
“C’mon, mate,” Harry finally spoke. “They’re not gonna get in the way. Let ‘em come.”
Not gonna get in the way? What was I, a toddler?
“Harry,” Deacon shook his head. “Remember the agreement?”
“There’s an agreement?” I asked.
“Yeah man, did you forget about Pippa?” added Lee.
“Pippa? Who’s Pippa?” My question was addressed to Harry, but no one seemed to hear me.
“I don’t think this is the same thing.” Harry shook his head.
“Isn’t it?” Lee looked from Harry to me, then back at him.
“You don’t know what you’re fucking talking about!”
“Yeah? You think we made the no girls on the road rule for the hell of it?”
“Look mate,” said Deacon. “I’m not saying these girls are like Pippa. It’s just…we decided on the agreement for a reason. That includes all girls.”
“Who the fuck is Pippa?!” I exclaimed.
Silence fell over the entire table, and everyone stared at me like I’d just walked into the room in the middle of a secret-telling. Lee and Deacon both blinked and turned to Harry who barely looked at me.
“Nobody,” he said softly. “It’s…it’s no concern of yours.”
“Gee, thanks.”
I took a long swig of my beer as Halo continued to argue that she was going on tour (or at least to as many shows as she could), and no one was going to stop her. Lee finally gave up, I suspected because he didn’t feel like listening to Halo anymore, and declared that we should finish the card game.
I felt Harry’s eyes on me a few times, but I didn’t dare look at him. I’d already felt some sort of frustration when the evening had started. Now I was full-on perturbed.
When the game was over (I think Deacon won), I got up to go to the bathroom. I spent a long time in there, not feeling like participating in the party in the living room. I could hear them all laughing, the prior conversation completely forgotten…to all but me.
Finally deciding to call it a day, I opened the door to find Harry standing next to it.
“Hey,” he said with a grin, his hands immediately grabbing my waist and pulling me to him. “You okay?”
I blinked, lowering my gaze to his chest where I pressed my own hands. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Don’t worry ‘bout what Lee and Deacon said. You can come if you want.”
“I can?” I doubted Harry detected the sarcasm in my tone.
“Yeah, you should.”
“I should?”
“Yeah. If you want to.”
I lifted my head, trying my best to read his face while also hoping to God he could read mine.
“Oi, mate, we’re headed out!” shouted Deacon from across the room. “You coming with?”
His arms still around me, Harry acknowledged his bandmate, then looked back at me.
“Am I coming with?”
I shrugged.
“Are you coming with?”
I shrugged again.
Sighing through his nose, Harry turned to Deacon. “Staying here, mate.”
“Right. So long.”
I watched Deacon and Lee leave, Mitch of course staying with Halo, the two of them remaining at the table in their own private lovers’ chat. When the door shut, I felt Harry’s hands run up and down my back as he lowered his head to my neck. I allowed him a moment as his lips touched my skin before I pulled back.
“Sky, you want some of this?” I heard Halo ask. I looked over to see her rolling a fresh joint.
“No, you guys go ahead. I’m gonna sit this one out.”
Loosening myself from Harry’s arms, I walked to the linen closet where I retrieved a set of clean sheets and a blanket and returned to the living room.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m about to go to bed,” I replied, not looking at him. “So I’m going ahead and getting the couch ready for you.”
I tucked the sheet into the cushions with determination, then I grabbed the pillow case, snapping it in the air to make sure there were no wrinkles (as though wrinkles on a pillow case even mattered), then slid it over the pillow.
“There you go,” I said, patting the pillow on one end of the sofa and pointing at the other. “Blanket’s right there.”
When I finally lifted my head, I saw Harry standing behind the couch, a look on his face that spoke volumes. He was confused, hurt and bewildered.
“Oh…um…thanks,” he muttered.
“Welcome. Goodnight,” I nodded, then walked to my bedroom and shut the door.
I could hear light chatter and music while I changed into my pajamas. I laid down on my bed and stared into the darkness as Nazareth serenaded me.
“Love is like a flame It burns you when it’s hot…”
Oh, shut up! I thought as I threw the covers over my head.
I tossed and turned for over an hour after the music had stopped. I knew Harry was in the other room wondering what the hell had happened. No doubt he’d intended on sleeping with me. That is, if I hadn’t been such a bitch to him.
I wasn’t sure what I was so upset about. Maybe I was hurt that Harry hadn’t defended Halo and me harder. Or maybe I was hurt that he wouldn’t tell me who Pippa was, and told me it was no concern of mine. Or maybe I was just upset that I hadn’t seen him hardly at all in three weeks and I’d missed him and it got the better of me.
I kicked the covers off and sat up, turning on my lamp and making my way slowly to my bedroom door before opening it. I stood just outside, stepping closer to the couch which Harry slept on, until finally stopping next to his feet. I could tell he was awake, just looking out the sliding glass door that led to the patio. He seemed to be in deep thought until I let out a long sigh which made him turn his head.
I took another deep breath and let it out.
“Come to bed.”
I couldn’t quite make out his expression since it was dark, but I assumed it was a positive one since he sat up and dropped the blanket on the floor. Then he walked up to me and grazed his hand across my cheek.
“You sure?”
I nodded slowly, raising my hand to touch his wrist.
“Tell me what I did, love,” he said softly.
“You didn’t do anything. It’s all me.”
“I don’t understand.”
I rolled my eyes, though I was sure he couldn’t really tell in the dark.
“It’s stupid. Let’s just forget it, okay?”
“I’m sorry I acted the way I did tonight.”
“You’re forgiven.”
I took his hand then and turned for the bedroom. As I shut the door, Harry started to unbutton his shirt, then stopped.
“Um…do you mind?”
I shook my head and gave a gentle smile. “Not at all.”
Harry stripped down to his underwear as I climbed under the covers. Joining me, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him.
“Hi,” he grinned, his hairy thigh thrown across my smooth, freshly shaved one.
“I missed you.”
I paused, licking my lips. “Really?”
Harry cocked a brow. “Did you miss me?”
“I saw you a few days ago.”
“That was almost a week ago, Sky. Six days to be exact, and for maybe twenty minutes.”
“Oh, so you’re counting?”
Harry rolled his eyes. “Why are you being like this?”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re trying your best to be angry with me, but you don’t really know why.”
I sighed. “I’m sorry. You’re right.”
“I know.”
I scoffed, mostly to myself. I let my fingers travel up his arm to his shoulder, then down his chest.
“I missed you like crazy,” I whispered.
“What was that?”
“You heard me.”
Harry touched my cheek, making me lift my head. His eyes danced in the warm glow of the lamp light. He kissed me softly then and I melted.
“So how’s the album?” I asked when our lips separated. “You never told me.”
“Amazing. I’m in love with it.”
I beamed. “I can’t wait to hear it.”
“I can’t wait for you to hear it, either. I think you’ll like it. Actually, I know you will.”
“So exciting!”
Harry smiled at me, his eyes seeming to study my face.
“And I want you to come with me on the tour.”
“You do?”
Harry nodded. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”
I shifted my gaze to his necklace. “Only if you meant it,” I muttered.
“I mean it.”
“Okay,” I grinned hesitantly.
Harry’s lips met my forehead and he kissed me reassuringly.
“Oh!” he exclaimed suddenly, making me jump. “I meant to tell you…we’re signing with new management.”
“Really? What happened with Leon?”
“It’s funny, actually. We had a sit down with him because we were thinking of cutting the ties. But he surprised us by announcing he’s moving back to London with his family. So he gave us some recommendations that he’d been in touch with.”
“Well, that worked out. Who are you signing with?”
“A bloke named Irving Azoff. He-“
“Irving Azoff! He manages the Eagles!”
Harry gave me a glorious smile and a squeeze. “I love that you know that.”
“Are you kidding me? That’s…this is huge! You’ll be so…” I covered my mouth to stop myself from saying the last word. “Sorry.”
“’s okay. I’m excited, too.”
“I’m so happy for you.”
“Um…Harry?” I asked after he kissed me again.
“Who is Pippa?”
I saw his neck tighten as he swallowed hard.
“She um…she was…my best friend’s girlfriend.”
“Oh.” I figured he meant Simon, but I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to know about him. “Mitch’s?”
“No,” he shook his head. “When…when I first joined the band, my best mate Simon was lead guitarist.”
“He…he died last year.”
Even though Halo had already told me, it hit me harder hearing it from Harry. I touched his chest with my hand, just above his heart.
“I’m so sorry.”
Harry nodded, looking at me, but not really looking at me. His jaw was clenched and I could tell he was uncomfortable.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” I whispered.
Harry blinked slowly, focusing on my face. Then he sighed and licked his lips.
“Thanks. Maybe…some other time, yeah?”
“Of course.”
I was still curious what Pippa had to do with their no girls rule, but I was most certainly willing to let it go for the evening. I gave him a peck on the nose which made him smile.
“I have a question for you now,” he said.
“Oh God.”
“It’s a good one, don’t worry. I was thinking of it a couple days ago when I fell asleep with the radio on. I started wondering what songs you like to sleep to, or that make you relaxed.”
I smiled gently, happy that he’d thought of me, not only while he was away, but while he was listening to music.
“Well…” I began, “I don’t usually like to sleep with music on. I can’t. It’s too much of a distraction for me. I want to sing along, so I’d never get to sleep.”
“I can relate,” Harry chuckled.
“But I do have some songs I relax to.”
“Which are?”
Sucking in my lips, I pushed back the sheet and rolled off my side of the bed. Then I walked over to my turntable, turned it on, and sifted through my records. When I found what I was looking for, I put it on and let the needle fall.
“I’m being followed by a moonshadow Moonshadow, moonshadow”
“Mmmm,” I heard Harry sigh.
“Good one, huh?”
“And if I ever lose my mouth All my teeth, north and south Yes if I ever lose my mouth Oh if… I won’t have to talk…”
“That line always gets to me,” Harry commented.
“Me too.”
“Did it take long to find me I ask the faithful light Did it take long to find me And are you gonna stay the night…”
I sang the bridge and final chorus along with Cat Stevens, and when the record was over, I shut off my stereo and walked back around the bed.
“I like hearing you sing,” said Harry as he rolled over.
“You do?”
“Yeah, not only is it a pretty voice coming out of a pretty person…I like the joy it brings you. And that makes me happy.”
I grinned, looking into his beautiful eyes. “That’s a lovely thing to say.”
I kissed him that time, letting my tongue fill his mouth. He moaned against me, tangling his fingers in my hair. I rolled him over onto his back, but quickly separated the kiss. I heard him protest with a tiny pout as I reached over to turn off the lamp.
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Songs mentioned:
Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak
Nazareth - Love Hurts
Cat Stevens - Moonshadow
Though just a single-scene chapter, this kicks off the rest of the story as well as raises some questions. Who the fuck is Pippa?! lol
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bratshaws · 10 months
through the hourglass 298.brb x oc
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a/n: do yall like when i write action scenes or stuff like that? i m trying my best i swear.(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
They were finally going to leave the base after grueling days after dealing with the breach and making sure it was safe to. He was still suspicious, but he had to hold it in as he made his way to the jet. “McAllister.” he nods to the younger pilot, pointing to the large aircraft “How’s she lookin’?”
McAllister, standing by the jet, immediately saluted Rooster, trying to hide how startled he was. "Sir, she's prepped and ready to go. All systems are green, and the maintenance checks have been thorough. We've double-checked everything after the breach incident. Should be smooth sailing."
Rooster studied the jet, a mixture of trust and wariness in his eyes. The recent security breach had heightened his vigilance, and he wasn't about to take any chances, especially when it came to the safety of his team.
"Good work, McAllister," Rooster acknowledged, clapping a hand on the younger pilot's shoulder. "I appreciate it. Let's get everyone on board and take off as soon as possible. Anything else I should know before we take off?"
"Just the standard pre-flight briefings, sir. Weather conditions are optimal for the route. All necessary supplies are loaded, and the communication systems are in top shape. We've also received the latest intel updates, and everything seems clear."
Rooster acknowledged the information with a curt nod. "Keep an eye on the communication channels. I want to be informed of any anomalies or irregularities immediately. And McAllister, if anything feels off, even the slightest bit, you let me know, understand?"
McAllister’s blue eyes widened "U-Understood, sir. I'll keep you informed of any changes," McAllister affirmed, his gaze focused and determined…and one quick salute thrown his way,one that Rooster nodded off.
As Rooster turned to make his way towards the jet, he felt a presence approaching from behind. Phoenix walked up with a confident stride, helmet tucked against her waist. "Rooster, everything set for departure?"
Rooster met Phoenix's gaze,"Yeah, we're ready to go Nat. Keep an eye on the navigation systems and stay vigilant. I want everyone on high alert until we're clear of any potential risks."
Phoenix nodded, a serious expression settling on her features. "Got it. Me and Bob are ready…" she pauses, “Brad.”
First name basis.
Serious talk.
She lowers her voice, “...should we…” she flicks her gaze to the side once they were left alone, “Be aware of something else? On the way up?”
Rooster glanced around, ensuring that their conversation wouldn't be overheard. The wind whistled softly, carrying the distant sounds of the base and the hum of the jet's engines.
"You mean aside from the usual protocols and the security breach?" Rooster raised an eyebrow, signaling for Phoenix to proceed.
Phoenix hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixed on the jet. "Yeah, I mean, it's just... something doesn't sit right with me. After the breach, after the rumors, I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this mission than what we've been told."
Rooster sighed, his shoulders tense and high. "I've been feeling the same way, Nat. The breach, the rumors, it's all adding up to something I can't quite put my finger on. But we need to be cautious and discreet about how we handle this. We can't let paranoia compromise the mission." he looks back to the others, “Are the others–”
“They are fully aware too.”
“Good.” he looks back at McAllister who will be his co-pilot once again, “Let’s get ready, comms open,got it?”
The atmosphere inside the jet was of an anticipated readiness, like they were all ready to do this. Rooster took his seat in the cockpit, adjusting the controls with practiced precision. Beside him, McAllister focused on his tasks, running through the pre-flight checklist.
"Bob, Phoenix, make sure you've got a clear view of the navigation systems. We need to stay on course, and I want real-time updates on any changes," Rooster instructed over the intercom, his voice calm and authoritative.
"Copy that, Rooster," Bob's voice crackled through the communication system. 
He nods, even if they couldn’t hear, turning his head towards McAllister “All good?”
McAllister nodded, his hands steady on the controls. "All systems are green, sir. Ready for takeoff on your command."
Rooster acknowledged with a firm nod. "Good.You keep an eye on the sensors. I want to know if anything comes up, no matter how small. Guys, stay vigilant on communications. We need to know if there are any unusual activities."
The jet's engines roared to life, the sound echoing across the airstrip. Rooster guided the aircraft smoothly down the runway, the anticipation building with each passing second. The night sky stretched above them, a canvas of stars and darkness.
As they ascended into the sky, the tension inside the cockpit mirrored the uncertainty that hung over the mission. Rooster's mind raced with thoughts of the breach, the rumors circulating among the team, and the unshakable feeling that something was amiss.
Phoenix's voice broke through the cockpit's intercom. "Rooster, sensors are clear for now. No anomalies detected."
"Good. Maintain alertness," Rooster replied, his eyes scanning the instrument panel. The hum of the jet and the distant whir of the engines formed a rhythmic backdrop calmed him down immensely “Hangman?”
“All good here too.” Jake replies “Nothing weird going on.”
The jet sliced through the night sky, its powerful engines propelling it forward into the darkness. Rooster maintained a focused demeanor, his hands steady on the controls. 
Phoenix's voice echoed through the intercom. "Rooster, all systems are stable. We're on course, and sensors are still clear."
Rooster acknowledged with a terse nod, his gaze shifting between the instrument panel and the expanse of stars outside. 
As the minutes ticked by, the tension within the cockpit intensified. The team remained vigilant, each member fulfilling their assigned roles with precision. Rooster, acutely aware that one pilot hasn’t talked to him yet.
“Mark?” he asks “How are things on your end?” he tries to forget how Mark acted earlier, thinking it’d only be stress…nothing more
There was a brief pause, a moment where the only sound in the cockpit was the steady hum of the jet's engines. Rooster's gaze lingered on the communication panel, awaiting Mark's response.
"Mark, do you copy?"
Finally, Mark's voice crackled through the intercom, its tone guarded. "Yeah, I'm here, Rooster. Everything's fine on my end. Just focusing on the mission."
He glared down at the intercom,then inhaled. Something in his tone was…off. The air inside the cockpit seemed to thicken, an unspoken tension hanging in the space between them.
"Good to hear. Stay sharp, everyone," Rooster instructed, his voice firm. The jet soared through the night, a silent arrow cutting through the darkness. He looks outside for a brief second and all he could see was the ocean. “McAllister?”
“Hit me with the updates,what have you got?”
"Sir, we're approaching the designated coordinates. No signs of any unusual activity or potential threats so far. All systems are functioning within normal parameters."
Rooster nodded, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the navigation display. "Good work, McAllister. Keep a close eye on the sensors. We need to make sure we're not walking into anything unexpected."
"Understood, sir. Monitoring sensors closely," McAllister affirmed.
As the jet continued its steady course over the vast expanse of the ocean, Rooster couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that lingered. The tension within the cockpit, especially with Mark's guarded response, was palpable. Rooster's mind raced, considering the implications of the breach and the possibility of internal threats.
He decided to address the elephant in the room. "Listen up, everyone. We've had a breach, and I need to be certain that everyone on this team is committed to the success of this mission. If there's anything anyone needs to share or any concerns, now is the time to speak up. Our safety and the success of the mission depends on it."
The cockpit fell into a tense silence. Rooster could almost feel the weight of unspoken words, the hesitation that hung in the air. 
More silence.
“Good.” he sighs,rolling his neck, “Remember, it’s mainly scouting right now, keep an eye out everyone.”
The jet continued its journey through the night, slicing through the air with a purpose that belied the tension within. The team, each member locked into their roles, navigated the dark expanse with a heightened sense of awareness.
Rooster's mind, however, remained fixated on the unspoken dynamics within the cockpit. The breach had cast a shadow over the mission, and the palpable unease among the team members only deepened his concerns.
“McAllister, talk to me.”
McAllister adjusted his headset, the blue glow from the control panel casting an otherworldly tint on his face. "All systems are running smoothly, sir. Sensors are clear, no anomalies detected so far. It's like a ghost town out here."
Rooster nodded, his eyes scanning the navigation display. The ocean stretched endlessly beneath them, the moon casting a silvery glow on the rippling waves. 
As the jet soared through the night sky, Rooster's mind remained alert, every sense attuned to the surroundings. "Keep an eye on the horizon, McAllister. We're entering the target area," Rooster instructed, his voice firm.
The tension within the cockpit heightened as they approached the designated scouting zone. The darkness below seemed impenetrable, a void that concealed both potential threats and vital information. 
Suddenly, McAllister's voice cut through the stillness. "Sir, picking up a faint signal on the radar. It's irregular, doesn't match any known patterns."
Rooster leaned forward, his eyes narrowing at the data on the screen. "Can you identify the source?"
McAllister furrowed his brow, fingers dancing across the console. "It's intermittent, sir. I can't pinpoint the origin. Could be interference or something else."
Rooster's instincts kicked in, his lips pursed. "Maintain course but be on high alert. We don't want any surprises. Let me know if anything changes."
The jet continued its path through the designated area, the tension within the cockpit rose. The intermittent signal added an extra layer of uncertainty to an already delicate situation. Rooster's mind calculated various scenarios, each one requiring a different response.
The minutes ticked by, the team on edge, their eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of movement or activity. The ocean below seemed vast and unyielding, the moonlight creating shifting patterns on the water's surface.
Suddenly, McAllister's voice broke the silence again. "Sir, I'm detecting an anomaly in the water. It's registering a disturbance, like a turbulence pattern, but there's no storm reported in this area."
Rooster's gaze snapped to the sensor readings. "Give me more details."
McAllister's fingers flew over the controls. "It's a localized disturbance, approximately two clicks ahead. The water temperature in that area is fluctuating rapidly. I can't explain it, sir."
Rooster's mind raced as he processed the information. A disturbance in the water, anomalies on the radar—something wasn't adding up. The team, now fully aware of the potential threat, intensified their focus.
"Prepare for a low pass, McAllister. We need visual confirmation," Rooster ordered, his voice cutting through the tension.
The jet descended, flying just above the water's surface. The moonlit ocean unfolded beneath them, revealing the mysterious disturbance. As they approached, the team strained their eyes to make sense of the anomaly.
"Sir, visual contact confirmed," McAllister reported. "There's something in the water. It looks like... wreckage."
Rooster's brow furrowed. Wreckage in the middle of the ocean raised more questions than answers. He instructed McAllister to zoom in on the visual feed, attempting to discern any identifiable markings or signs of recent activity. “What kind?”
"Looks like a ship," McAllister remarked, his voice quiet. "But there's no distress signal, and no lifeboats. It's as if it just... fell apart."
Rooster studied the wreckage intently, his mind calculating possibilities. "Check for any markings or identification. We need to figure out who this belongs to and what happened."
As McAllister manipulated the controls to enhance the visual feed, the jet circled the area, providing different angles of the scene. The team noted the absence of any discernible logos or flags on the wreckage, making it difficult to determine its origin.
"Sir, I can't find any identifying markers," McAllister reported, frustration evident in his tone. "It's like this ship came out of nowhere."
Rooster's gaze remained fixed on the debris below and before speaking, he paused, his mind snapping to one thing and one thing only.
The jet continued to circle the wreckage, the team analyzing every detail they could discern from the visuals. Rooster's mind churned with possibilities. A sunken ship, devoid of markings, raised concerns. A lot of them.
"McAllister, check for any signs of recent activity," Rooster instructed, his gaze unwavering. "We need to know if this is recent or if it's been here for a while."
McAllister nodded, manipulating the controls to enhance the visuals even further. The jet's advanced sensors picked up traces of fuel residue and disrupted marine life around the wreckage, indicating that whatever happened had occurred relatively recently.
"Sir, it looks like this wasn't too long ago. There's still some residual heat and disrupted marine activity." McAllister reported.
Rooster contemplated the information, a frown creasing his forehead. The absence of distress signals meant either a catastrophic failure that prevented any communication or a deliberate effort to keep the incident under wraps. 
Both scenarios added layers of complexity to the situation.
"Keep scanning the area for any signs of life, survivors, or hostile presence," Rooster ordered, his tone decisive. "We need to gather as much intel as possible before making a decision."
As the jet continued its surveillance, the team remained vigilant, their eyes scanning the water for any signs of movement or unexpected activity. The moonlight played on the ripples of the ocean, casting an eerie glow on the scene below.
"Sir…no life forms.," McAllister announced, his fingers swiftly navigating the controls. “There’s…there’s no one down there."
The enhanced sensors revealed no signs of electronic interference or abnormal energy readings in the vicinity. The wreckage seemed to be a result of a conventional maritime incident, yet the absence of distress signals and life forms continued to puzzle the team.
"Sir, there's nothing unusual in the readings," McAllister reported, a hint of frustration in his voice. "It's a straightforward wreckage, but the lack of survivors or any communication is... unsettling."
Rooster nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Alright." he sighs, eyebrow twitching in anger, he knew something was off about this, “Everyone…return to base.”
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hiii im bored so im assigning some mutuals song lyrics!
sundown and im feeling lifted / downtown cherry lipstick / watch her silk dress dancing in the wind / watch it brush against her skin / makes me wanna try her on - silk chiffon by phoebe bridgers and muna
cause my girl's made of peaches and soft grass in the moonlight / every touch reminds me it's alright - strawberry blonde by chloe moriondo
theyre selling sunflowers cheap / im reading novels, im dating, but just just dating for sport / im getting coffees for free / i hang all my art and i dance with the coven / as the rain falls hard on the street - there it goes by maisie peters
we didnt know that the sun was collapsing / til the seas rose and the buildings came crashing / we cried oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh / everywhere everything / i wanna love you til we're food for the worms to eat / til our fingers decompose / keep my hand in yours - everywhere, everything by noah kahan
leonard cohen once said / there's a crack in everything that's how the light gets in / and i am not an old man having an existential crisis / at a buddhist monastery, writing horny poetry / but i agree/ i never thought you'd happen to me - leonard cohen by boygenius
you got a slurpee for free / i caught you lookin at me / in the 7-eleven / under fluorescent lights / we walked in comfy silence / footsteps down familiar sidewalk - all my gosts by lizzy mcalpine
it was magic, babe, pure and strong / it was the last man standing for the eagles song / it was a far-flung wish when we were young / now we're living the dream and i hope we never wake up - the band and i by maisie peters
i remember you stayed up all night / to make sure i was alright / believe me when i say / i wouldve done the same / i hate the way my brain is wired / can't trust my mind it's such a liar - rue by girl in red
you were my partner in crime / it was a welcome waste of time / eating cherries on the bridge, feet dangling / throw out the pits and stems into the racing current below / i get vertigo looking down and looking in - partner in crime by lucy dacus
drag-racing through the canyon / singing 'boys dont cry' / do you see us getting scraped up off the pavement? / i dont know why i am / the way i am / not strong enough to be your man / i lied, i am - not strong enough by boygenius
so we spent what was left of our serotonin / to chew on our cheeks and stare at the moon / said she knows she lived through it to get to this moment / ate a sleeve of saltines on my floor, and I knew then - graceland too by phoebe bridgers
keep your feet on the ground / when your head's in the clouds / well, go get your shovel / and we'll dig a deep hole / to bury the castle - brick by boring brick by paramore
you can't open your eyes for a while / you just breathe / i believed you were crazy / you believe that you love me / you and me, we're a day drink / so lose your faith in me - the gold by phoebe bridgers
we're never done with killing time / can i kill it with you? / till the veins run red and blue / got a lot to not do / let me kill it with you - 400 lux by lorde
sedentary secrets like peach pits in your gut / locked away like jam jars in the cellar of your heart / waiting to be tasted and ultimately wasted/ you were gonna win me over from the start - VBS by lucy dacus
okay im tired now but i'll probably do a pt 2 with irls and maybe a part 3!
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earlgreyandco · 1 year
i have screamed and begged and cried and prayed for this arc to be animated for so long like we all have and it looks amazinghdhfkfkckf
do you have any expectations from the new studio? in regards to manga accuracy, portrayal, etc?? i hate to be pessimistic but I just don’t want to get my hopes up :D i think the arcs that the previous studio did from the circus arc and beyond were pretty good though so hopefully they model their storytelling
my opinion on kuro anime in general is that i like it! however, i always thought that animation wise and design wise it was lacking! compared to fight scenes in other animes i thought it was p plain, like i was so excited for bota lizzys fight scene but i ended up disappointed. i feel like im in the minority when i say this but i really dont like sebs design s3 onwards bc they removed his cunt!!!!!!! hes too yaoi lookin!!!!!!!!! anyway i knew in the future kuro would get another anime adaptation and i always said 'man i wish a different studio would do it but thats not gunna happen' :( i didnt kno about the studio changed till i watched the trailed and when i saw this shot??????? its so beautiful HELLO??????????????? WE R SO BACK
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yanas style has proved to be impossible to fully replicate but i think theyve done such a great job, i rlly think ciel is spot on. and obviously i adore sebs new design i think its so so sex and if ur on the fence about it that was just one shot! we have no idea what they look like when there fighting or what expressions they pull! AND I CANT WAIT TO SEE!!!!!!!!
every anime after s2 has been completely faithful to the manga and i think they know thats what people want so im not worried about them messing it up! im so excited to see soma and lizzy again and 2024 IS THE RETURN OF SEBAGNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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milosirlgf · 1 year
assigning redacted characters lizzy mcalpine songs!
me and @teaseat are literally insane and crazy and exactly the same people and spent all day yesterday doing this because we are fools, and love to cry. so here's every lizzy mcalpine song as a character, with the most important lyric next to it :3
if you dont know these songs, please, im begging u, listen to them. and youll see how genius we are :3
nothing/sad n stuff - GEORDI/CUTIE, "i don't wanna leave, so tell me why i'm going?"// "i'm not sorry, that i loved you till i couldn't breathe." // "it was good, but it's time for me to leave."
doomsday - VINCENT/LOVELY, "pull the plug in september, i don't wanna die in june." // "pull the plug, make it painless." // "i don't get a choice in the matter, why would i? it's only the death of me."
all my ghosts - GAVIN/FREELANCER, "you got a slurpee for free, i caught you lookin' at me, at a 7/11, under fluorescent lights." // "all my ghosts are with me, i know you feel them too."
same boat - ELLIOT/SUNSHINE, "you are on my mind"... "i don't know why every time that i think of home, i can picture you standing in the cold." // "if you asked out of the blue, how i really, truely feel about you."
reckless driving - SAM/ALEXIS, "i didn't mean to kiss you, i mean, i did, but i didn't think it'd go this far." //"i don't love you like that, i'm a careful driver." "but you love me like that, you're a reckless driver."
called you again - CUTIE, "i called you again, i don't know why i keep on thinking that we're friends."//"we don't really talk anymore, and i'm sorry for that."//"we don't really talk anymore, and it's good for us both."//"all i do is hurt you, all i do is hurt you, all i do is cause you pain."
orange show speedway - FREELANCER (DAMN CREW), "my bestfriends are with me, and i feel okay!” // "everything changes, what a shame"
erase me - CUTIE, "don't answer me, i'm calling just to hear you scream." // “oh, who will erase me?"
pancakes for dinner - GUY/HONEY, "don't wanna be forward, don't wanna cross a line." //"don't wanna say too much, intrude on your space" // "i wanna go out on the weekends, i wanna dress up just to get undressed."//"don't wanna say something wrong, don't wanna be weird."//"well, maybe i wont ever say what's in my head, no, i won't have to say anything. youll say it instead."
what a shame - IMP!LASKO/GAVIN'FREELANCER. "but you're not allowed, s(he)'s got you under lock and chain, too late to let her(him) down."// "what a shame it would be if you left her(him) now."
to the mountains - GEORDI/CUTIE, "don't you try to reach me, cause i won't pick up for you. i've got some things i need to do."//"i'm trying to let go, i think it could help being alone.
little bit of everything - DAVID, "phone call's made, police cars show up quickly."//"it's the angels above me, it's the song they don't sing."//"whatever helps me to forget about the things that brought me to my knees."
angelina - AARON, "i think i'm done trying to hold on to you."
means something - BLAKE, "i felt the way that you hugged me when i was broken inside, and that has to mean something"//"i felt the way you kissed me, when we got too drunk that night and that had to mean something."// "for some reason, you're not here, and i refuse to believe that means something."
over the ocean call - FLYBOI IVAN, "i thought i could make it short, but my brains all out of sorts." // "and i thought that i wouldn't cry, but breaking your heart breaks mine." //"and you hate the things i do, and sometimes you hate me."
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hippolotamus · 1 year
wip Friday
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
Tagged by @spotsandsocks @alyxmastershipper @swiftiediaz @911onabc Thank you loves 💖
with my heart in my lap (Twylexis)
Bridgerton AU (Buddie)
The Letters (Buddie)
Can't stop lookin' (Buddie)
Cat!Buck The Darkest Fairytale (Buddie)
Snippet from Bridgerton AU:
Buck whips around at the sound of Eddie’s voice, nearly dropping the book in his hand. 
“Uh, Eddie. Hi.”
Eddie’s body relaxes and his lips twist into a sort of amused smirk. “Hey.” He tips his chin toward the book. “Couldn’t sleep either?”
“No. The storms were keeping me awake.” Buck steps carefully down the ladder, walking over to join Eddie by the tall window. Heavy rain continues to beat against the glass and lightning occasionally streaks across the sky. “When we were little, Maddie used to read to me or tell stories. Supposedly it was the only thing that calmed me.”
No pressure tagging @this-is-bwr @stereopticons @apothecarose @vanillahigh00 @rmd-writes @elvensorceress @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @fatedbuddie @buddierights @shortsighted-owl @monsterrae1 @jesuisici33 loml @lizzie-bennetdarcy @chaosandwolves
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princehrry-writings · 2 years
Let Light Be Light
i've been on a lizzy kick and also experiencing college for the first time so this is what came of that.
warnings: BRIEF mentions of a serial k*ller, slight angst, fluff!!!!! mentions of family trauma
wordcount: 1894
But my therapist says To just let light be light So I'm letting him stay around
I’m alone almost every night and I don't know if I’m processing right.
The days grew shorter and the nights colder. Y/n spent most of her time studying, trying to stay on top of her school work. Fall semester was in full swing and while she was sad to be away from home, she was happy to be allowed to think her own thoughts and feel her own feelings instead of everyone else’s. It was a breath of fresh air she didn’t know she needed until she took it. 
Another late night at the library, nailing down her answers for her music theory midterm. She found that she loved the smell of old books and dust. Something about it made her feel so studious. She thinks it must be some kind of placebo effect or something because anytime she studies in the library, she feels like the information sticks better. 
Her friends had invited her to a study session but she's never been able to focus in group settings like that. She had to figure shit out on her own growing up and that's been a running theme with everything she does in her young adult life. She does shit by herself. She’s never had anyone to lean on before so why would she start now? 
That’s not to say Y/n doesn’t appreciate her friends because she does, but if something isn’t broken, no need to take it apart and put it back together. 
It’s nearing closing time at the library, meaning it’s closer to midnight then she realized it was. It’s dark out and she forgot her pepper spray in her room, but her dorm isn’t too far away from the library. A 10 minute walk when she’s really moving, so she packs up and gets ready to head out when a voice stops her. 
“Wait, you’re not gonna walk alone are you?” She turns around to see this boy, who she recognized from a few classes and he worked here, standing at the counter, lookin at her like she's about to jump off a cliff. He seems cute enough, more than she would ever admit to herself, really. He’s tall, long legs and arms, built muscles. His hair falls right above his ears and is curly, but not too curly. It’s very flowy from what she assumes is him running his fingers through it all day to keep it out of his face, and it looks really soft.
“Yeah…?” She says, wondering why he’s so concerned for her. She’ll be ok, it’s not a bad walk. 
“It’s not safe… haven’t you seen the news? There’s a suspect for a murder case running loose on this side of town. His targets are college age girls. Let me walk you home?” His accent makes her a lot less annoyed than she normally would be by somebody telling her she can’t take care of herself. 
“How do I know you're not him?” She quips, hoping he’ll give up so she can just go home. Well, as home as a dorm room can be. 
He raises an eyebrow, making him more attractive than she thought a random boy in the library could ever be, chuckling a little bit and picking up his bag. She notices that everyone else is already gone and it’s just the two of them, and wishes just for a second that she didn’t listen to true crime podcasts because she’s a little scared he could actually be the murderer he just warned her about. But when he comes over and she gets a good look at him, she just can’t see him being a murderer. She couldn’t really see him hurting a fly if she had to be honest. 
He grabs his bag and a ring of keys off the desk and pads over to where she stands. 
“M’ Harry, by the way. Figure you should know my name before I kill you behind the library.” He smirks. Oh, so he’s funny too. Now Y/n really has to put up a wall. Funny guys are dangerous. 
“I’m Y/n. Figure you should know the name of your latest victim.” She smirks back, matching energy but mentally she detaches herself because she can’t let herself form any sort of attachment to him. 
“What hall are you in?” He asks, leading her to the front door and turning off the lights, locking the door behind them. 
“It’s only like a 10 minute walk from here. I live in Greeley.” She answers quickly, shoving her hands deep into her pockets. Fall nights can be brutal but there's something that endears her to them. Something about the promise of the seasons changing, new beginnings, a fresh start. A cycle you can always count on. If nothing else, you always know that summer will turn to fall, and fall to winter, and so on. 
They walk quickly, making small talk and learning little things about each other. Like Harry is in three out of 7 of her classes. He talks to her like they’ve been friends forever and she can’t figure out why he’s being so nice to her. Can’t figure out what he wants, not that she really has much to give in the first place. 
 Too soon do they arrive at the front door of her dorm building. He says goodbye with a charming smile that she has to consciously not blush at and she makes her way upstairs. 
The butterflies win anyway, flooding her with a warmth she swore she would never feel again. She just met him today. What is she doing with herself? 
Is this what it’s supposed to feel like?
Suddenly, Y/n sees Harry everywhere. She knows it's crazy to think he’s following her, but that’s what her brain tells her because why would she be seeing him everywhere all of the sudden. She definitely doesn’t think it’s because he’s all she's been able to think about since he walked her home from the library. 
The nights had continued getting colder, and finally the first snow of the season had fallen upon them. And as cynical as people think she is, Y/n absolutely loves all things winter. The cozy nights with a lit candle (that she hides from her RA), ice skating, christmas lights. All of it, she loves. So as the snow falls, Y/n sits out on a bench wrapped in her heavy coat, a hot drink in her hand and wanderlust written across her features. 
She doesn’t even realize there's someone sitting next to her until Harry scoots a little closer, waving his hand in front of her face. 
“Aren’t you freezing?” She startles out of her daze, seeing the boy sitting next to her. Something between a goofy smile and a concerned stare paints his face and it's almost enough to make her laugh, but she stops herself. 
“Not one bit…” She lightly smiles, thinking about how much she loves the weather right now. He can’t seem to wrap his head around this girl, why she seems so… distant from him. 
He thought maybe it was him specifically, but he hadn’t done anything rude. At least not that he knew of. Maybe sometime ago he had accident;y been a prick and she still remembers and holds it against him.
She doesn’t say anything else so he just sits there with her, quietly people watching and trying not to freeze his bits off. He wanted to figure her out. 
“I don't know why he’s so persistent… I see him everywhere now, after the library thing. And last week he sat next to me on a bench outside for like an hour. Just quietly sat next to me, didn’t try to talk to me or anything. I don’t understand him at all.” 
“Have you ever thought that maybe he wants to get to know you?” Y/n’s therapist wonders out loud. 
“Why would he want to know me? What even is there to know? My family trauma, my anxiety, that I’m jaded because of what happened with my last relationship? I’m not exactly a ball of sunshine…” She rants back, wondering what this boy could possibly be interested in when it comes to her. 
“I think you should just let light be light. Let him be a good thing in your life. Don’t try and mess it up before it even starts because you’re scared to let someone in.” 
Y/n pauses, suddenly realizing why she was pushing him away so hard. 
The boy turns around quickly, zeroing in on who called his name. He does a double take, not believing who was trying to get his attention. 
“Hey Y/n…” He’s confused but elated. She’s never really shown interest in trying to talk to him unless he comes up to her first so seeing her calling his name is a bit jarring. He feels a little thrown off his game. 
“Hey, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab lunch with me, if you’re not busy?” She asks. Y/n feels like she might pass out or throw up… or both. But she’s trying to take her therapist's advice and let good things happen to her and she figured she would take matters into her own hands. Again, she always had to do shit by herself so this isn’t really any different. She didn’t feel like waiting around hoping he might make a move. So here she is… 
Harry’s face lights up in that stupidly cute little smile that he has and she can feel the warmth it radiates flow through her body. Maybe her therapist is on to something… 
“Are you asking me on a date?” He quips, the smile morphing into a smirk. Her cheeks glow bright red and something tells him it's not from the cold weather. 
“It’s about time, jeez. I’ve only been flirting with you since, oh I don’t know, I offered to walk you home that night!” He lets an exasperated sigh leave his lips and he takes a few steps closer to her, giggling at how this situation had turned in his favor so quickly. He’d actually been working up the nerve to ask her that exact question. She just happened to beat him to the punch line. 
“So that’s a yes?” He softens, seeing the look in her eyes. The genuine vulnerability. She was scared, putting herself out on the line with no defenses. He knew she didn;t do this often, if at all. 
“S’ a yes pet, where would you like to go to lunch?” He reaches out for her hand, pulling her into him. She slowly wraps her arms around his, burrowing into his chest like she had belonged there this whole time. He wraps her up tight, one arm around her waist, the other cradling her head. She fit perfectly against him, like his body was built just for her. He would like to believe it was but he doesn’t want to get too ahead of himself. 
“I dunno, m’fine with anywhere.” She mumbled, her cheeks squished against him. She feels weird, like she never had before. But a good weird.
She felt at home. 
I think that he’s good for me, this boy that I’ve found.
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indigoraysoflight · 2 years
2 or 25 for caryl
2. “This keeps getting worse.” - Caryl / Prison Era / More of a short story than a drabble
(Also, hopefully, a bit of caryl positivity to get us through the maelstrom starting this week.)
That look
Daryl walked back in to grab some more rations for the road – or at least that's what he told the group and himself. When really, he didn’t wanna leave without seein’ her. 
After he found her in the tombs, it had become somewhat of a tradition for him. Something about makin’ sure she was the last face he saw before going for a run gave him strength on the road. And a reason to come back home, the tiny voice in his head nagged him, and he pushed it away.
He opened the door and saw her leaning back against a wall. Her head turned to the right, starin’ into the screen door to cell block A, where Lizzie and the rest of the sick were staying. Her worry for the girls kept growing each time he saw her. Especially now with Lizzie feelin’ sick. Makes sense after what happened to her little girl, he thought. 
That’s ‘cause you failed to save her and if you don’t get them meds, you’ll fail to save these girls too, Merle’s voice rang loudly in his head.
What happened to Karen and David had made her worse. He had a hunch she knew more about that than she let on by the way she avoided looking into his eyes. But he didn’t get a chance to ask her.
They couldn’t change what happened. What mattered now was gettin’ the meds before they lost more people. Before they lost another one of her li’l girls. 
He chewed on his lip and slowly walked up to her. 
“You okay?” His voice sounded oddly soft to his own ears. As it always was when he spoke to her. 
“This keeps getting worse.” 
She turned to face down but didn’t meet his eyes. He leaned back against the wall next to her, turning his head to keep lookin' at her. His hand inches away from hers. So close, he could swear he felt a slight tremble in her fingers.
“We’re gonna find the meds.”
“50 miles is a long way away….” Carol’s voice sounded hollow. It twisted his gut uncomfortably. He wished she’d go back to teasing him, joking with him.
Anything that brings that look on her face that flips my heart. He pushed away that tiny voice again. 
“The girls’ll be okay. They got you,” he reassured. She huffed a sad laugh and nodded halfheartedly, still not looking at him.
“Something tells me it’ll get worse before it gets better.” Carol’s voice cracked, tugging sharply at his heart.
“That’s why we gotta go now. Give ourselves a fighting chance.” He echoed her words from a while ago, inching his hand forward and holding her hand – the way she held his after Merle. She clutched his hand tightly but still didn’t look at him.
He tried to push down his disappointment at not being able to see her – really see her before he left. He wasn’t sure what to say or do next. Feeling defeated, he started to turn away and go when she spoke softly and stopped him in his tracks.
“Be safe.”
“Nine lives.” 
The words tumbled outta his mouth before he could stop ‘em. He was about to kick himself for saying the wrong thing when she finally turned to look at him and smiled.
It wasn’t a crinkly-eyed, dimple-faced smile he was used to seein’. But a soft one where her eyes still sparkled in the low light, the furrow in her brow softened, and she still gave him that look. The one that made his heart flip. 
He finally got his moment to really take her in. To see her and memorize every little freckle. Just in case I don’t make it. He knew his eyes lingered on her lips longer than they should.
He looked back into her eyes one last time and quirked his lips up for a quick second. Prying his eyes away, he started walking towards the door – only letting go of her hand when he was too far to hold on. 
As he walked away from Carol, that tiny voice blared loudly in his head. And Daryl realized how far he would go and what he would do to keep her safe. To see her again, to see that look again – he could do anything.
This time ‘round, Daryl didn’t push that voice away. He held on to it.
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ALSO while I’m here
If I’m lookin at the special 10/20 SL cutscene right
Michael was the guard in 3 as well
In SL he came looking for either Baby or Elizabeth, but either way he must’ve known what happened, and then he went looking for his dad. Which means he must’ve known who was inside Springtrap
And they both. Kept trying to kill him
And Springtrap was very persistent
I see the stuff you RB about William being an awful dad but still. Can you imagine
That thing sneaking around? Crawling in the vent? It’s your father. And he wants to kill you.
Fucking hell, and did he know Ennard was going to scoop him??? Did he know the animatronics, led by Baby—his sister—was going to try to kill him?
He seemed to accept it in that cutscene but Jesus Christ
fuck and then they both came back in PS and they keep crawling back through the vents….back towards him. Trying to kill him. Elizabeth doesn’t even seem to recognize him. Did she recognize him the first time?? His dad doesn’t either; or if he does, he doesn’t care. Sure, he’s changed; he looks like a goddamn corpse, but he’s still…he’s still him.
Little terrified Evan is the only one who hasn’t come back as a robotic monstrosity and tried to kill him.
AND. the fact that he's also being hunted by an amalgamation of the children his father has killed (and maybe even Evan, depending on your opinions of things) AND Charlie (who i choose to believe he was relatively close to??). he's lost everything because he was either a stupid kid or his father was a horrible person.
and i feel like Lizzie didn't recognize Michael as Michael, but instead, as William.
imagine knowing your sister confused you for her father who caused so much misery. that would sting.
and. you can also factor in Henry burning the place to the ground. it's very unclear if he had Michael's consent before going through with it, and. y'know while i feel he might've? there's some folks who don't and that adds an extra layer of fucked-uppidness because MAN. mike lost everything and everyone and he's just. hes just a wet cat i think.
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 207. brb x oc
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a/n: MORE FLUFF but not a huge fan of the ending so I might edit it >- >(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: mentions of preemies ;0;
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
She had no idea why she was nervous, she was going to see her babies, she shouldn’t be nervous. But she was, chewing her lower lip as she waits for Rooster to walk close to her with Nicole on his arm as he shuts the door, smiling back at her, “Looking good.”
“You,’ he points to her with the car keys, “You are lookin’ good.”
Beatrice blinks, dropping her gaze on her outfit: loose pants with comfortable sneakers and a soft and worn shirt with a smiling cat on it, her hair on a loose braid and she had a jacket on her shoulders, “...really?”
“Um.yeah.” he snorts as if she’s asking him how much is 2+2, “Gorgeous, you always look beautiful to me.” he smiles, leaning down to peck her forehead before placing his hand on her lower back, guiding her towards the hospital’s doors with Nicole clinging to his neck, “...how are you feeling?”
Beatrice blushed at Rooster's compliment, feeling a mix of surprise and warmth at his words. It was moments like these that made her heart flutter, his genuine affection and appreciation for her shining through. She looked down at her simple attire and couldn't help but smile back at him.
"Thank you," she said softly, her nerves easing slightly as she walked beside him. The gentle touch of his hand on her lower back was comforting, grounding her in the present moment.
As they approached the hospital's doors, Beatrice's nerves started to creep back in. She glanced down at Nicole, who was looking around with curious eyes, and took a deep breath. "I'm okay," she replied to Rooster's question, her voice shaking with uncertainty. "Just... a bit nervous, I guess. I want to see them so badly."
Rooster nodded understandingly, his grip on her back almost like a warm reminder of his very presence and how it enveloped her. "I get it, baby. It's natural to feel that way. But you know they're in good hands, and they're making progress every day."
Beatrice nodded, her lips curling into a small smile. "Yea.” she whispers, wringing her hands together, “I know it’s been only a few days but,” she stops talking when she sees a couple walking out of the hospital with their own baby,cooing the tiny bundle before disappearing from her view.
She clenched her eyes and she was sure Rooster was staring back at her, ‘But…” a shaky inhale, “I just miss them so much…you know?” she sees the nurses walking by as they approach the front desk, with Nicole happily babbling on Rooster’s shoulder.
Rooster's gaze remained steady on Beatrice, he could feel the weight of her emotions because it appeared to be weighing her shoulders down. His hand on her back provided a comforting anchor, a silent reassurance that he was there for her.
"Yeah, I know," he said softly, his voice a gentle murmur. "It's completely understandable. We've been through a lot, and it's only natural to want them by our side."
Beatrice nodded, her eyes still fixed on the spot where the couple had walked out with their baby. Her heart ached, and she couldn’t help the disappointed sigh that left her mouth "I just can't wait to see them again," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "To hold them, to touch them... to know that they're okay."
“I know baby. I know.” 
As they approached the front desk, one of the nurses looked up and smiled warmly at them. "Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw, welcome back. How are you two? How are you,Mrs.Bradshaw?”
“Oh,I'm okay.” she says quietly, “It’s not hurting that much, the c-section scar I mean…is that normal?” or was something else going on. The paranoia in her brain was going wild.
"It's not uncommon for c-section incisions to cause some discomfort, especially in the days following the surgery," the nurse explained calmly. "But if you're concerned or if the pain becomes more intense, it's always a good idea to let your doctor know. They can provide you with guidance and ensure everything is healing properly."
Beatrice nodded, her worry slightly eased by the nurse's response. "Thank you," she replied softly.
"You're welcome," the nurse said with a reassuring smile. "Now, I'll get your badges ready so you can head to the neonatal unit. Give me a few minutes, yes?”
The nurse turned her back to them as she prepared their badges so Rooster took that chance to reach over and give Beatrice's hand a reassuring squeeze. "See, everything's going to be fine," he whispered, gently shaking her hand with a grin, “You worry too much.”.
Beatrice managed a small smile “I do,I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” he says back, “I love you either way.” and he kisses the top of her head while adjusting Nicole on his opposite arm,which meant letting go of Beatrice’s hand. He huffs a laugh when their oldest daughter just climbed on his shoulder, much like she did with Maverick, flopping on his trapezius like a fancy lady fur.
“Do you want me to hold her?”
“No,gorgeous,it’s okay,” he says, pointing to Nicole’s little legs moving up and down while he holds her back with his other hand, “She’s going to stay like this for a bit. Nothing to worry about.”
When the nurse turned back around with their badges ready, she handed them over with a kind smile. "Here you go. Just keep these visible while you're in the unit. Head down the hallway, and you'll see the neonatal unit on your left. Take your time, and enjoy your visit with the babies."
"Thank you," Rooster said, looking down at Beatrice as she attached the badges to their clothes,smoothing the fabric of his shirt with her palms before grinning up at him. "Ready, gorgeous?"
Beatrice nodded, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She took a deep breath and gave Rooster a determined smile followed by a quick nod. "Ready." she couldn’t help but wriggle her fingers to him, she knew he’d hold her hand but it still felt right to do so.
He immediately interlaced their fingers, bringing the back of her hand to his lips and kissing it. He does keep her close by and pulls her to him if the hallway gets too crowded, and she appreciated it. Honestly, she felt…a bit drained that morning, even if their chat last night helped.
She keeps her cheek on his bicep while his thumb rubs the outer side of hers, Nicole was on his opposite shoulder, still flopped over and giggling as she bounced with each step from her father. Beatrice’s body relaxed at that giggle, closing her eyes with a small smile on her face, “She’s got your laugh.”
“Nikki got your laugh.” she whispers, propping her chin on his arm to look up at him, “You noticed it?”
Bradley gives his wife a confused smile with his brow arched, “My laugh? Gorgeous,I don’t think it’s that obvious yet.” he says,pulling Nikki down so she sits on the crook of his elbow, he almost felt like the hallway was too long? More than before, “I mean, she has an adorable laugh.” Nikki interrupted by going ‘sheep!’ at the picture of a dancing sheep on the wall, “But I can’t see how it resembled mine?”
“It does.”
“Well she has your smile.” he cuts her off gently, “And sometimes she scrunches her nose in her sleep,just like you do. And it’s adorable,like you.” he whispers the last part, pecking her lips quickly and straightening himself before anyone could notice their PDA session at the hospital.
The door to the Neonatal unit was just ahead, and as they approached it, Rooster gave Beatrice's hand a reassuring squeeze. "You ready to see them?" he asked with a warm smile, watching how she inhaled shakily,mentally preparing herself.
Beatrice nodded, her heart racing with a blend of emotions. She took another deep breath, steeling herself "Yes, let's go," she replied, her voice determined but quiet
Rooster pushed open the door to the neonatal unit, and they stepped inside. The atmosphere was different here – a mixture of hushed conversations, the soft beeping of machines, and the sight of tiny babies in incubators. It was both overwhelming and heartwarming.
A young nurse looks up at them once they step in, “Hello! Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw. Welcome back to the neonatal unit. I'm Nurse Lindsay," she greeted with a friendly smile. "It's so wonderful to see you both here."
Beatrice returned the smile, her nerves still evident, but the nurse's warm welcome helped put her at ease. "Thank you," she replied softly, “It’s good to be back.” she winced a bit when she said it, because it brought back the question: does she think I want my babies to be here? No. No,right?
Rooster nodded in acknowledgment, his grip on Beatrice's hand reassuring as they stood there, breaking the turmoil of thoughts inside of her. "Hi,there. We're really looking forward to spending some time with our babies. How are they?"
The nurse’s smile widened. "Of course. Your twins are doing well, and we're excited for you to see their progress." She motioned for them to follow her. "Right this way."
As they followed Nurse Lindsay, Beatrice's heart raced with a mix of emotions. She couldn't help but steal glances at the incubators they passed, each one containing a tiny life fighting its own battle. She held onto Rooster's hand tightly, his presence giving her strength and he squeezed right back.
Finally, they arrived at the area where their twins were being cared for. Beatrice's breath caught in her throat as she looked down at her precious babies. They were even smaller than she had remembered, yet big at the same time.
Rooster stood by her side, his eyes fixed on their little ones with a mixture of awe and tenderness. He placed a comforting hand on Beatrice's back, while Nicole turned her head to check what everyone was looking at.
"They're doing really well," Nurse Lindsay said with a smile. "They are very active,” and in that exact moment Aurora moved a bit while her brother just turned his head away, as if ignoring her, “And they are healthy. Of course we’ll have to watch the coming months, but I believe they’ll be home in no time.”
“Nothing out of the ordinary,then?” Beatrice asks quietly, her hand touching the incubator as she leans closer.
“No,they are doing everything well.” the young nurse checks on her notes and continues, "Their weight gain is progressing nicely, and they're responding well to the care and treatment. We're keeping a close eye on their development, but so far, everything looks positive."
Beatrice felt a mixture of relief and joy wash over her at Nurse Lindsay's words. She couldn't help but smile as she watched her baby girl, Aurora, move in the incubator. "That's wonderful to hear," she said softly, her voice filled with gratitude. And it’s only been a few days!!!
Rooster's eyes were locked on their son, Gavin, who seemed to be in a contented slumber. "Yeah, it really is," he chimed in, his voice filled with pride and affection. "Baby,” he whispers to Beatrice, “Do you want some alone time with the babies? Me and Nikki can wait outside.”
Beatrice's heart swelled at Rooster's suggestion, his thoughtfulness touching her deeply. She glanced at him with a soft smile, the idea of spending some quiet moments alone with their babies was incredibly appealing, a chance to connect with them without any distractions.
Her gaze shifted to Rooster, her eyebrows lowering a bit. "Is…that alright with you? You can stay if you want as well…”
Rooster's smile remained warm he met Beatrice's gaze. He knew that being with their babies in this intimate moment was important to her, and he wanted to support her in whatever way she needed.
"Of course it's alright," he replied softly, leaning down to kiss her head. "I want you to have this time with them. You know I'm right outside if you need me, though."
Beatrice's smile grew as she felt his reassurance. "Thank you," she whispered, leaning in to press a tender kiss to his cheek. "I appreciate it,Roos.."
"Always, gorgeous," Rooster murmured, his voice filled with affection. He glanced down at their daughter, Nicole, who was now peering curiously at a nearby display. "Alright, Nikki, we're going to let Mama have some special time with your siblings, okay?"
Nikki turned her attention to her parents, her light green eyes wide and inquisitive. "Buh-bye?" she replied in her sweet toddler voice, her hand waving in a little goodbye.
Rooster chuckled softly, ‘Just for a little bit,” he turns back to Beatrice, placing a hand on her shoulder, “We’ll be outside,okay? If you need me.”
"I know.” she whispers, squeezing his hand on her shoulder, “Thank you.” and after that he stepped away, leaving her alone with the twins. Well,not completely alone,Nurse Lindsay was close by in case she needed anything. In fact she brought a chair for her to sit in front of the incubator and not keep standing up.
Beatrice thanks the young woman, then adjusts herself on the seat, placing her hands on her lap before licking her lips as she looks at her babies. They were less red than before, there were a few splotches on their bodies but it wasn’t that bad. She barely remembers touching their hands before they were taken away and she passed out…she should enjoy this moment right now, before she starts crying.
Meanwhile Rooster sat on the bench with Nicole in his arms, cherishing these quiet moments together. He found himself getting lost in the innocent curiosity of his daughter, watching as she pointed and questioned the world around her. Her sweet "hm?" sounds only added to his amusement.
He chuckled softly at her reaction. "That's a doctor, Nikki," he explained, his voice gentle. He shifted his gaze from Nicole to the door, making sure he was still aware of Beatrice's activities inside. Holding his daughter close to his chest, he continued, "Doctors are special people who help make sure everyone is healthy and happy."
Nikki blinked up at him, her wide eyes filled with wonder as she sucked on her pacifier. While he wasn't entirely sure how much of his explanation she grasped, he knew that these interactions and conversations were all part of her growing and learning.
Rooster's thoughts briefly turned to Beatrice and the emotional moments she must be having inside with their twins. He couldn't help but smile, proud of the mother she was and the strength she showed every day.
As they sat there, he gently rocked Nikki in his arms, his lips pressed to her soft hair. The soft sounds of the hospital, the distant hum of machines, and the occasional footsteps created a backdrop to their quiet bonding time. 
He had plans for that day, he didn’t tell Bea about it since she had so much already on her mind, so he just wanted to be slow while telling her everything. Also, he was mentally preparing to go back to work and instructing the new pilots.
“That’s a nurse.” he smiles when she points at the lady who just walked by, inhaling her scent before looking back at the door. He blinked when he saw Beatrice peeking outside, trying her best to wipe her face as she looked at him, smiling sweetly, “...hi.”
“Hi,” she whispers back, clearing her throat, “...that was nice.”
“You okay?”
“Mhm,yeah,I’m okay.” she replies, “Do you…want to come in?”
He nodded at her question, his expression softening. "Yeah, of course," he replied, carefully shifting Nicole in his arms as he stood up from the bench. He approached the door and pushed it open, entering the neonatal unit once again.
Beatrice met him halfway, and he enveloped her in a tender embrace, mindful of her recent surgery. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her close as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "How are you feeling?" he murmured against her skin.
She leaned into his embrace, her head resting on his chest as she let out a small sigh. "Better," she admitted, her voice soft. "Seeing them, talking to the nurses... it all helped. And you," she added, looking up at him with a grateful smile, "you always make me feel better."
Rooster's heart swelled at her words, and he brushed his thumb over her cheek affectionately. "I do my best," he replied, “And the twins?”
Beatrice looked back to where the twins still lay in the incubator, “They are fine, but I might need to pump more milk for them. But…overall it’s been fine.” she shrugs sweetly, playing with her fingers, “...Do you want to see them better?”
Rooster nodded, his gaze shifting back to the incubators where their tiny twins were being cared for. "I'd love to," he replied, his voice a soft mixture of eagerness and tenderness. He gently moved aside, allowing Beatrice to lead the way.
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