#lotr trotk
amnesiamilk · 10 months
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Sam gamgee
drawn in FlipaClip . Excuse the poor quality
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la-pheacienne · 5 months
Yes Sam is the hero of the story but don't forget my boy Frodo. He breaks my heart. Frodo Baggins knowing he's walking straight to his death crushed by fear and despair and still taking on this mission and refusing to give up? What got Sam through it all was his strong faith and hope and unwavering love for his master, which makes me cry every time, but, there is something equally heartbreaking in Frodo's clarity about the certainty of his doom, there is something especially heartbreaking in his total absence of hope. He does not have any faith that he will survive this and he is not even certain if he will be able to achieve his purpose before dying, he senses that this is much bigger than him, and the wound will never heal. He knows, yet he goes on. Death is inevitable, "all men must die" but as long as we live we have to keep trying. "We must do without hope" as Aragorn says. I think the character of Frodo is the very manifestation of the "inevitability of death", which is the "key spring of the Lord of the Rings" according to Tolkien. Also Sam's particular brand of heroism deserves a whole separate analysis but it is interesting to juxtapose these two because they are both heroic in different ways and it is heartbreaking how much they love and complete each other. Because Sam KNOWS this about Frodo and this is precisely why he admires Frodo so deeply. When Sam wonders about how much food they will need for the return journey and Frodo tells him that he can't even imagine surviving this , Sam starts crying, because he knows very well that Frodo doesn't have hope or faith, he knows the depth of his struggle and agony and that makes him love and cherish Frodo even more fiercely because if Frodo doesn't have hope, Sam has to have enough for both of them and "‘Come, Mr. Frodo!’ he cried. I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you and it as well. So up you get! Come on, Mr. Frodo dear! Sam will give you a ride. Just tell him where to go, and he’ll go" and I just, I'm in PAIN -
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Lazy Mornings with Haldir
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Request:  Lazy mornings with Haldir?
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- When it comes to having a lazy morning with Haldir you are going to find that they are far and few between when you can actually have them, being a Marchwarden comes with a lot of responsibility. 
- Usually that responsibility is all tied into waking up early or being gone for long periods of time. 
- When he is home and waking up in the morning, it is hard to pin down Haldir for a lazy cuddly morning as he is ready to go out to the training or maybe even hunting with his brothers and he’s one for routine.
- So having a lazy morning is a little lost on Haldir and the idea won’t at all come to him, it will take you having to initiate for you to get your lazy morning. 
- As long as serious things aren’t having to take place, like readying to leave Lothlorien for his duties, you will find that he will be more receptive to a lazy morning with you. 
- Well it will take you asking a few times before he relents. 
- Haldir is a sucker for you, so don’t be fooled into thinking he doesn’t want to spend time with you. 
- He’ll feign halfheartedly about how he needs to go, while hesitating to dress and get ready to leave for the day and off to his routine but at another asking of him to stay, he does. 
- When you pat the bed, Haldir is quick to climb back into it next to you before you cuddle up to him and he wraps an arm around your shoulder and his desire to continue his routine is stamped out. 
- Haldir holds you close, but is wide awake but will happily hold you while you drift off back to sleep, resting his eyes while you two lay there together. 
- If you don’t drift back off to sleep, Haldir will enjoy the groggy chatter that you indulge him in, giving you his thoughts in return. 
- In your lazy morning that you spend together, Haldir will eventually drag you out of bed, far to restless to continue laying there for so long, bringing you out to the kitchens.
- There he will begin to cook breakfast, and you re welcome to join him in cooking or you can be there just to keep him company, either way, Haldir will be happy to have your company alongside him. 
- When breakfast is made, he serves it to you with you both lounging on the couch so you can enjoy your breakfast together. 
- He takes the time to talk about the happenings of the world, especially if you are so secluded from them. 
- Haldir loves the way your face lights up, the way you ask him questions full of curiousity about what it is he has heard through out the realms. 
- He also takes the time to ask you about the things he might be missing out on when he isn’t there with you- things about your day, things you’ve heard throughout Lothlorien, the things you’ve done. 
- Haldir tries to be as involved as possible while you two lounge together and eat breakfast, even when your plates are empty he only brings you over to cuddle him while he listens to you talk about everything under the sun. 
- When the day finally starts where he can get up for the day, Haldir is hesitant to leave your side and ready for his day. 
- But greatly has he enjoyed the time that you two shared together and you will be finding yourself having lazy mornings far more often shared between the two of you. 
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Tags: @saviorsong​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @celebrimbor-telperinquar​ @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdysimpy​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @spidergirla5​ @eunoiaastralwings​ @eternalabysss​ @noldorinpainter​
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TB Watches Middle Earth
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Extended Edition
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Out of doubt, out of dark to the day's rising
I came singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
To hope's end I rode and to heart's breaking:
Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red nightfall!
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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toyboy-molloy · 5 months
the two towers poll
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Sam's plain hobbit-face grew stern, almost grim, as the will hardened in him, and he felt through all his limbs a thrill, as if he was turning into some creature of stone and steel that neither despair nor weariness nor endless barren miles could subdue.
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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oh-dear-so-queer · 1 year
'(...) But these evils can be amended, so strong and gay a spirit is in him. His grief he will not forget; but it will not darken his heart, it will teach him wisdom.'
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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spideogbeag · 1 year
The old orc married couple are fightinggggg
I just finished the two towers and my god those last two orcs are such an old married couple lmfao
One of them was talking about them going somewhere different when the wars over where they can live in peace basically
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ihearttseliot · 2 years
I'm watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and it still amazes me that I genuinely believed actors were doing their own stunts. As a teenager.
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corrodedbisexual · 2 years
for the ask game:
3, 36, 58, 98
Hehe hi :D
3. what color are your eyes?
Proud owner of chocolate button eyes which are my mom's, too. 😁
36. favorite movie? 
I don't have one. I mean, depends on what I'm in a mood to rewatch? Going purely by rewatch frequency, probably LotR: tRotK or the 1st Chronicles of Narnia bc that's my comfort movie.
58. do you have freckles? 
Nope. Lots of moles, though. xD
98. favorite month? 
Probably May, it's when it finally gets warm over here. (March is still pretty much winter and April = everything's melting and dirt everywhere)
unusual asks
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bennydemarco · 4 years
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theelvenhaven · 2 years
Archery Lessons
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Requests: can you base something on Haldir teaching you how to use a bow but his brothers are keep on teasing him because Haldir is very much in love with you :) Please? Thank you - 🌙
A/N: I hope you enjoy this anon! <3 
Haldir x Reader
2.5k words
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You stood there in silence, trying your hardest to ignore the audience that you had surrounding you. Even though it was just Rumil and Orophin that was here with you, you couldn’t help but be nervous. You had never picked up a weapon, especially a bow. Something that required such incredible skill compared to hacking and slashing more wildly with a sword- which you understood still took skill too. 
Though you didn’t doubt the ellon who was going to teach you. Haldir had exceptional skills as an archer and had been more than generous in offering to teach you how to use a bow. Something he said you could do together, part of you hoped it would have just been the two of you. Yet you weren’t surprised that his brothers had decided to tag along.
“Now we will start simple, and we will work on just hitting any part of that target there.” Haldir began from in front of you and you watched the ellon pulling arrows from the target. Having demonstrated what to do. From beside you, you could hear Rumil and Orophin snorting out in response to his words. 
Your eyes firmly fixated on the well made target before you, it was some distance from you but not too far. Giving you some confidence that you would actually be able to hit it, rather than miss despite your nerves. Haldir having moved out of the way and coming to stand behind you.
“That is about the only thing simple between the two of them…” You heard Rumil sniff in a teasing tone, though he tried to say it in a low voice to Orophin. You turned to look at the Haldir, who took a heavy breath, the ellon bringing his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose at his brother's words. You couldn’t help but feel the heat burning on your face, pondering Rumil’s words. Orophin was snickering at what Rumil had said. , 
“Ignore them, Y/N.” Haldir said to you gently as he shot them a warning look from just behind you. You couldn’t help but smile faintly over the fact that he had called you by your name. Somehow you had managed to convince him to drop any formality he tried to refer to you as before your name. You supposed it helped that the setting was so casual, had it been anyone else around you other than Orophin and Rumil you knew Haldir wouldn’t have relented. 
“Oh yes don’t mind us, you’ll hardly notice we are here.” Orophin grinned, folding his arms over his chest, and you only hoped that was the case. Haldir took a steadying breath before he moved to hand you an arrow.
“Nock your arrow and draw, all will be well if your stance isn’t perfect. I can help you adjust as necessary.” Haldir assured you in his instructions, you looked at him over your shoulder with the concern visible on your face. Haldir merely gave you a faint smile, motioning for you to begin. 
You took a steadying breath, knocking your arrow, and drawing with your gloved hand as he instructed. Trying not to obsess over the fact that you didn’t have an inkling as to what you were doing and that you could possibly be messing this up. You were simply mimicking the things you had seen from Haldir when you had watched him practice. Haldir’s brothers were silent, not judging you, simply whispering between one another and you could feel Haldir’s eyes trained on you.
“Good, now can you see the target out of that eye the best?” Haldir asked you, and quietly you looked down at the target. Focusing for a moment as you tested to see if you could, before finally you slowly nodded. Relaxing your draw seeing as you weren’t going to be firing immediately, and didn’t tire yourself out before you even had a chance to shoot. 
“I think so.” You responded in a soft tone, with some uncertainty. Haldir hummed at your words, and then gently you felt his hands reach around you. Beginning to adjust your stance, and you felt heat rise to your face. Haldir fought against the heat that found him, breathing in your scent, feeling your arms beneath his fingers and your back against his chest. Bringing his heart to pound and his stomach to flutter. 
There was a temptation to bring you to release your bow and arrow, to pull you back into him and press his lips to yours that he so longed to do. But those annoying and pestering brothers that he loved, were watching his every move. Making mocking noises over what he was doing, 
“He sure is lingering…” You could hear Orophin playfully criticizing, only serving to make Haldir blush further. He was grateful your back was too him and you couldn’t see just how flustered he was over this ordeal. Haldir knew he was going to hate what came next, not because his hands were going to touch you, but because of what his brothers might say. 
“A little too long isn’t he?” Rumil whispered in return to Orophin, and you muttered something soft in rebuttal under your breath that was incoherent. You weren’t complaining that he was lingering so long in fact you welcomed it fully, you just wished there was privacy between you both. 
“Now…” Haldir began in a softer voice than he intended, hesitating for a moment but bringing his hands down to your waist. Hands cupping around them, getting a resounding oooooooh from his brothers as they watched you two like nosy hawks. 
“Shift your weight to the front of your feet, not on your toes. I will keep you from falling forward.” You could feel his breath against the shell of your ear and you repressed the shiver that you felt wanting to run through you over the feel of it. Damn his brothers for still being here. The tension between the two of you was becoming taut and they were just dampening the mood.
“Ooooh how romantic.” Rumil shot out in a teasing sing-song voice, making Orophin snicker at his words. 
“Who knew Haldir had it in him?” Orophin bounced out to Rumil without any hesitation, Haldir huffed heavily, turning his head to glare at his brothers. You felt a reflexive squeeze of his hands on your waist as he angrily looked at them. A silent threat that they’d regret it if they continued to tease and press the situation, yet his threat had no effect on either of the brothers. 
Both smiling widely at Haldir, trying to put on a more innocent expression to all their teasing while you just tried to focus on leaning on the balls of your feet. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at them, knowing they’d see right through you and how you were enjoying Haldir’s touches and hand placements and the closeness in which he was indulging with you. 
Even if it was just a teaching setting, you certainly wished for it to continue and progress into something beyond him being your teacher. Once you were comfortable on the balls of for your feet, without worry that you would tip forward it was then his hands reluctantly left your waist. Haldir hoped that you didn’t notice his hesitance fighting back the heat that wanted to scorch his face… Curse his brothers.
“Now-” Haldir began, you could feel the warmth of his chest pressing against your back as he leaned forward to bring his hands to lift your arms up. Your face was scorching with heat, savoring the feel of him being so close. Smelling the cool scent of fir on his skin and clothes filling your nose, you fought the urge to turn your head to look at him. 
Seeing his profile just out of your peripheral. If you turned your head… your nose would brush against his cheek… Yet if he turned his head too… Well then your lips would certainly meet his. You simply tried to get control of your breathing, though Haldir hadn’t missed the hitch in your breath, the way you seemed to tense a little as he touched you. Yet you didn’t thwart him, oh how he wished to yell for his brothers to leave. But it would only be dirt on him for them to use against him.
“I want you to hold your arms here, and draw… You will pull this arm back, and hold this one steady.” Haldir’s voice came to you in a soft breath, his lips almost brushing against your ear and you felt goosebumps rise on your skin. You repressed the shiver at the feeling of his breath fanning against your face, and with a shakier hand you began to draw the string of the bow back. 
Haldir’s fingers gently brushing against the underside of your arm as he went with the motions. Before the sound of Orophin and Rumil oohing over the ordeal broke out, only bringing the tension to wind tighter. 
“Ignore them.” He grumbled out bitterly, you could hear the glare that he wore on his face at his brothers pestering. Were it not for your quiet feelings of attraction for Haldir, you would’ve found amusement in all their jesting and joking. Yet you felt like they could see right through you and how you felt for their eldest brother. It only felt like they were making fun of you too rather than them just trying to get under their brother’s skin. 
You barely nodded in return at Haldir’s words, just following his instructions as you drew your bow. Haldir’s fingers coming to your fingers, encouraging you to draw further,
“Hold it.” He breathed out, leaning his head into yours, his breath tickling your ear. By Eru… 
“Now can you see the target down your sights?” Haldir asked, and you honestly weren’t sure. You could see the target, so you supposed that was the right answer. So you nodded your head at his words, 
“Good… Now when you are ready, let go.” For a moment you kept your gaze fixated on the target, the air was thick and heavy with tension, and the brothers were surprisingly quiet and without any jabs and jeers directed at their brother. Or you for that matter, finally you decided to chance it, unsure of when you’d ever be ready to release the arrow. 
So you did so, feeling the string snap forward, launching the arrow forward bringing it to sail through the air. You held your breath as you watched before the arrow hit the target with a heavy thud, your heart pounding suddenly with excitement! You hit the target! 
It wasn’t a bullseye, and it was just at the bottom edge of the target! But you did it!
Haldir smiled with satisfaction, for a first try with assistance it wasn’t bad, and he felt pride that you had done so well. It was as you both went to say something, your heads turned at the same time. 
You turning your head to look up at him, and he down at you. Your noses softly brushing against one another, and his soft blue eyes looked back at yours before you watched them trail down your face. 
For a moment all was still, and you were absolutely positive your heart stopped beating. There was a heavy fluttering in your stomach as butterflies filled you, Haldir once more heard the hitch in your breath as you went to hold it. His eyes focused on your lips that were slightly parted as you stopped before you could speak. 
Haldir was amid a short battle between the urge to lean forward to kiss you, and without the distraction of his brothers to stop him… Haldir couldn’t resist. Closing the few inches in that distance, pressing his lips to yours firmly and with confidence. 
You released a shuddering breath, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek as you melded your lips against his slowly. Time stood still, you felt his arms move to wrap around your waist, drawing you in closer to his body. It was hard and strong against yours, yet so gentle and careful with how Haldir treated you. 
Though the moment didn’t last as long as you’d like and gently did Haldir break the kiss. Those soft blue eyes looking back down at you, tracing over your features. Committing them all to memory, admiring your beauty unable to resist staring now that finally he had kissed you. Something he landed to do for so long. Haldir went to open his mouth to speak, with you waiting on baited breath to only hear-
“It’s about TIME!” Orophin practically shouted, as he clapped his hands together. Rumil was nothing short of guilty as he too began to clap, the sarcasm palpable from the two brothers. Leaving you to smile as you curled your lips in, growing bashful as you kept close to Haldir.
“So much for archery lessons though, I think it was just an excuse to kiss.”
“Well at least he finally did it. We’ve only been waiting for a millennia.” Rumil exaggerated out, and you watched as Haldir snapped his head towards his brothers. While he in no way regretted kissing you, or spending this time with you, he certainly regretted his brothers being here. 
Mood killers is what they were.
Gently Haldir pulled from you, and you watched as a look of horror found both brothers face as Haldir swiftly began to approach.
“Now we’ve done it. Run. Run!” Orophin said, scrambling to walk backwards and pulling Rumil with him. You couldn’t help but laugh watching the way the two of them were scrambling to run away. With Haldir hot on their heels.
“Just wait until I get my hands on you both!” Haldir barked out in a threat only pausing in his chase when he was sure his brothers were good and running away. Not wishing to leave you behind even despite the revenge he was going to enact against his brothers. He’d make sure that they’d regret the words they spoke here. 
With a huff he turned to you, satisfied that they were smart enough to run and hide from him. Moving to approach you again, back with more confidence and less threatening as you smiled at him. Bringing his heart to stutter in his chest at the sight of it. If he had known that would be how he could get rid of his brothers, he would’ve done it much sooner. 
“Let us continue.” Haldir said, but he could hear his brothers voices in the back of his mind poking fun at how it could insinuate with kissing. Only bringing him to blush deeply, “With archery. If that is what you wish.” 
Haldir quickly clarified, closing his eyes as he stopped just before you. You grinned out at his words, unable to stop smiling, as you couldn’t wait to spend more time with him. 
“I would like that very much, Haldir.” You responded, bringing him to relax before he took his place right behind you. Readying to enjoy archery lessons with you and without his annoying brothers.
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Tags: @saviorsong​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @icarus-fell-in-spring​ @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdysimpy​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @spidergirla5​ @eunoiaastralwings​ @eternalabysss​ ​​
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ketchuplaser · 3 years
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Day 3 for 3.
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Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden!
Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!
spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered,
a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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toyboy-molloy · 5 months
one of my favourite scenes from return of the king is when gimli nudges legolas and tells him to shoot saruman and he just reaches for an arrow without question
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