#lots to chew on and i love chewy shows
clonehub · 2 years
it helps that andor is clearly writing towards a specific goal. having a distinct end really helps any creator know what they need to get accomplished and/by when.
the lack of a strict moral purity from cassian himself contributes to this. ends justify the means. he makes snap decisions, he panics or swallows his panic, he's in a whole lotta debt and he's a known flirt. since andor isn't trying to appeal to or be ideal for children the writers can add the depth they need to make him feel like an actual person with desires and fears. lots of disney and other star wars protags have a very firm moral compass that they struggle with in only a really shallow sense, if that makes sense. like yeah they sit there and weigh the options of helping or not helping but you know that in exactly 37 seconds theyre going to turn around and help (if they didn't jump in right from the start, that is).
and everything im saying ive already said before, but i also feel as though there's something that andor has that lots of other star wars media lacks. because imho opinion this is the best of star wars by far. but i can't quite name that "it" factor, as cliche as it is. the jenny saint quan. the panache ganache. the glam-wow thing that makes me excited for andor the way I haven't really been excited for any other part of star wars.
it definitely helps that it's a series that so far hasn't found a massive way to let me down. i have my gripes like any normal audience member, but this is the first recent star wars media ive seen that doesn't have an egregious and jarring flaw that totally detracts from what ever positives (if there are any) exist in the show.
(i could get into the whole Disney-morality-marketability scale i have in my head that affects everything D-wars has released so far, running the gamut from writing to plot to even setting and saturation. and fucking environmental cleanliness. but this is long enough)
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starsurface · 3 months
Pt 3/3 of the Babyspace Regressor Hcs!! :D
Some might be a bit out of character, but I don't like imagining Bi-Han as this mean, spiteful lover. Don't get me wrong, he isn't perfect and definitely needs to work through some issues, but he'd probably, eventually, realize that screaming at you for little things doesn't work in a relationship.
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Bi-Han w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
❄️ He does adore you, even if he doesn't always tell you
❄️ Actually really likes baby regressors because he thinks they're less matiedence
❄️ Like, don't get him wrong, he'll love you no matter what headspace you regress to
❄️ But he doesn't have to chase a big kid around the house, or have to pick up after craft activities (which he'll still do because he loves you)
❄️ But he does prefer to just lay back and cuddle, maybe watch some cartoons if you want
❄️ . . . Unless you're an active regressor like Tomas, he's gotta keep on his toes!!
❄️ You were just sitting beside him, how on earth did you crawl all the way to the kitchen and start chewing on a fork in the minute he looked away??
❄️ You just giggle and show him your new fork friend, which he'll take away because he's a big meanie >:( (and he doesn't want metal in your mouth)
❄️ Is much more willing to buy you regression items than to buy himself stuff
❄️ Your his baby, of course he's going to spoil you
❄️ If you mention you like something, or look at it too long, expect it on your bed with a little note
❄️ No ifs or buts, he likes spoiling you and he's gonna do it >:(
❄️ Doesn't NOT like leaving you with others
❄ ️You're his baby!! He doesn't trust others to babysit you!!
❄️ Will also act like your the one dependent on him (no one believes him, he's just as clingy as you some days)
❄️ Although he gets really busy sometimes, so unfortunately you do need a babysitter (being the Grandmaster takes up a lot of his time unfortunately)
❄️ Tomas and Kuai Liang are his go to babysitters
❄️ ^ And surprisingly Raiden? He's very good with regressors, especially babyspace regressors
❄️ Favorite CG nicknames are Dada and Bi
❄️ Got super confused the first time you babbled in front of him and wondered if you were trying to tell him something important
❄️ ^ Don't worry, he got better over time
❄️ Babble encourager, but also gets so lost sometimes
❄️ Completely panicked the first time you needed something and all you could do was babble
❄️ Favorite nicknames for you are Snowflake, Sweetheart, Honey, and Little One
❄️ Doesn't really like going outside while your small
❄️ Not because he's embarrassed or ashamed of you (and he'll freeze anyone who dare thinks otherwise) but because it's easier to regress inside the comforts of your own rooms
❄️ Although if you wanna have a snow day . .
He won't say no
❄️ He'll take you outside, probably making you wear an outfit that you can barely move in, and will help you make a small snowman and snow angels
❄️ Usually he doesn't do PDA (massive cuddle bug behind closed doors though) but if your clingy out in public, he won't belittle you, that wouldn't be nice
❄️ You better believe you aren't leaving his side when your small
❄️ No Sir, he has a constant watch over you!!
❄️ What if you got hurt? Or crawled and touched something you shouldn't have? He can't chance it!!
❄️ Because of this, most times he'll carry you around on his hip or have you snuggle up to him
❄️ If you're super clingy, that's great!!
❄️ If you want a tiny bit more independence, just tell him and he'll change according to your preference
❄️ His favorite activity is cuddle time, where he can swaddle you and hold you for hours
❄️ But if you like playing a bit more, he can do tummy time
❄️ Would prefer you laying on him, but he guesses he can buy you a playmat 😒 (he'll look for the best one with little to no hesitation)
❄️ Finds it funny if you try to eat his nose, but will redirect you to a paci or chewie
❄️ If you ever regresser because of his anger issues or such, he'd feel so terrible
❄️ Tries his hardest to make it up too, he never meant to hurt you like that
❄️ Doesn't yell at you while you're small, but there have been a few close calls
❄️ Luckily, he's learnt a bit how to control his anger, and will instead give you the most nastiest ‘Knock it off’ glare if your being naughty on purpose
❄️ Although honestly, your so small and tiny, you rarely ever get the glare
❄️ How could he punish a baby for their crimes? You never meant to knock over your plate of food, he understands it was an accident
❄️ If you use diapers, he'll always make sure to have an extra box in his closet just in case
❄️ Another CG that's very sweet and comforting when it comes to diapers
❄️ Although warning, his fingers are really cold >:(
❄️ Actually, he's really cold in general
❄️ If you wanna cuddle him, you'll have to wear a few layers (a fuzzy onesie should be fine)
❄️ He'll also wrap you up in a few blankets before cuddling with you, just in case
❄️ While he does keep most of his intimidating persona (it's hard to drop, even around you) he does try to be more gentler because of how tiny you are
❄️ If you call him out for It, he'll pour and deny it, calling you silly
❄️ If someone else points it out, they're frozen on spot (Johnny almost missed his photo shoot because of it)
❄️ He'd use his powers to make you little snowflakes!!!
❄️ Like Rain, doesn't like using his powers for reasons he deems ‘silly’
❄️ But is also very prideful in his abilities, and adores showing them off
❄️ I just feel like he'd really like tapping your nose when you do something funky
❄️ Doesn't give much verbal praise, more kisses your temple and gives you a treat
❄️ If you want verbal praise though? Just tell him and he'll try his hardest
❄️ Man is usually a very tough and strict guy, but you melt his icy heart <3 (hehe)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I actually really like Bi-Han. Some people make him super mean (and I'm not saying he's not) but it gets intense sometimes. :(
Hope you enjoyed!! :D
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yanderecrazysie · 3 months
Ache part 2 please?👀
My writing is finally starting to come back. 👀
Part 1: here
Title: Ache Part 2
Pairings: Tendou Satori x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, spoiler for timeskip, chubby reader, drugging
Summary: Tendou feels an ache for you that won’t go away.
feel an intense desire for:
The factory was even bigger than you could have ever imagined. Your entire house could fit in the front entrance. The outside was stone gray and square, leading up to large smokestacks, but the inside was much more appealing.
There was a red carpet with golden trim laid out upon the floor, and you had a feeling it was specifically there for your visit. The walls were lined with paintings of desserts. They looked so realistic that you couldn’t help but stare.
“Touch your finger to one of them and put it in your mouth,” Tendou advised you, “They’re tasteable paintings.”
“There’s no way,” you scoffed. Despite your disbelief, you swiped your finger across a particularly delicious-looking blueberry cheesecake painting. Then, you popped your finger into your mouth. The flavor exploded on your tongue, making you let out an “mmm” of delight.
Tendou watched you do so, eyes dark with want. But he could wait. He could be patient. 
“Now, you promised you would taste-test some chocolate for me!” Tendou reminded you with a lazy grin, his eyes lidded.
“Of course,” you said with a fist pump, “I’m excited for it!”
Tendou watched as your tummy and breasts jiggled a little with the motion and he realized that he too was hungry, just for something very different than you were.
The two of you walked through the factory together, so close together that your arms occasionally brushed against each other. He showed you all of the machines and explained what they did. Like a good girl, you nodded and showed as much enthusiasm as possible.
Then, finally, they got to the part of the tour where you would be testing out chocolates. Tendou opened up a box and pulled the first one out- a square of chocolate.
“This one has caramel inside,” Tendou explained. 
You tried to take it from him but he pulled it out of your reach, “No, no, say ‘ahh’!”
You giggled and opened your mouth, making an exaggerated ‘ahh’ sound. Tendou popped the chocolate inside and you began to chew, “Ooh, it’s so sweet and chewy!” 
It took you a while to finish the chocolate with how chewy it was. Tendou was ready with a new one as soon as you were done chewing.
“This one is a cherry cordial- do you like those? A lot of people don’t,” Tendou asked.
“I love every kind of chocolate,” you said with a grin. He popped it into your mouth and you bit down. The chocolate was hollow with cherry filling. You closed your eyes for a moment, overwhelmed by the wonderful taste.
He pulled out a chocolate with bumps along the top, “This is a nut cluster. You’re not allergic to nuts, right?”
“Right!” you said, opening your mouth again to take in the next treat. This time, Tendou tossed it in from a distance, giggling when you had to move your head to snap it up into your mouth.
“Mmm… very crunchy! I like it!” you said.
“If I actually made a bad chocolate, would you even tell me?” Tendou asked with a smile.
You returned his smile, “Of course I would, but you’re amazing at making chocolates, so I’ll never need to!”
“Well,” Tendou said, reaching back into the box with a racing heart, “This is my secret invention- a chocolate that’s pretty bitter. I want you to answer honestly whether you like it or not.”
You nodded and let him drop the dark chocolate ball into your mouth. The dark chocolate outside was delicious, but the center was filled with a very bitter liquid. Your face twisted in disgust as you swallowed, “Yuck! Sorry, Tendou, but that one was not good.”
“I guess you’ll have to be the only one that has to suffer through it then,” Tendou said with a breathless chuckle, heart rate spiking as your blinks became slower and heavier.
“Woah,” you said, “I suddenly feel kind of… weird.”
“Like how?”
“Tendou, something’s seriously wrong with your chocolate,” you slurred, starting to sway on your feet. He helped you into a sitting position on the ground and watched as you started to lose consciousness, “What did you do… to me?”
He cradled you close as you fell asleep in his arms. Then, he picked you up bridal style and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“You may not have liked that chocolate, but I think that one’s my favorite.”
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asiandra-dash · 2 months
Hii 🫡 can I request a emu otori headcanons to eat jom nom
Yes!!!! I actually never really thought about any headcanons for Emu, so this got me thinking :0
Also there is no organization I just wrote down anything that came to mind I'm sorry about the mess
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The symbols in Emu's dialogue when she talks are used in the same way when she texts, but they confuse Tsukasa. Will he say anything about it? No.
She also uses emoticons at the end of her texts a lot °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Whenever WxS has a rehearsal, she always brings snacks to share.
Emu loves watching children's shows! Her favorite characters are Pinkie Pie and Bluey.
She plays Roblox obbys and tycoons a lot.
She is practically immune to sickness. You could count the number of times she's been sick on one hand.
Somehow, Emu will always have a stash of candy on her. If you ask her for something to eat she will magically produce a piece of candy out of nowhere.
She eats chewy candy a lot because if she doesn't she will find something else to chew on.
Sometimes Emu cuts her bangs. It went really badly at first but she eventually managed to get it. She still doesn't cut all her hair herself though, she doesn't trust herself to not mess up the back of her hair (Unrelated to PJSK but it'll probably look as bad as Xingqiu's hair I'm so sorry-)
Emu loves children's coloring books and uses crayons!!
She also draws with crayons sometimes, though she usually uses a colored pen.
SPEAKING OF COLORED PENS!!! If she's not zoning out in class and actually takes notes they're SUPER colorful and has doodles all over them! Kind of similar to sketch notes or two page spreads (I literally do not know the difference but according to my English teacher there is)
She has those glow in the dark stars on the ceiling of her room and a few on her walls.
She used to have braces.
She sometimes pulls her shirt over her knees when sitting on the floor. Anyone around her has to watch her closely when she does that in case she suddenly jumps up and loses her balance because of it.
I can't decide if Emu has a high or low spice tolerance
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Aahhhhhhh I would write more but I'm tired, it's midnight, and I have 26 vocabulary words to go over before school I'm gonna finish my dumb homework and head to bed but anyways thanks for asking!! I had a lot of fun coming up with headcanons for a character I didn't have much for!!! ^^
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absolutebl · 7 months
Hey Abl, trust you are well. So I took a month off bl to deal with life stuff and upon my return there's a lot of new shows and I'm feeling overwhelmed and need to prioritize. What should I start with that started airing in late October/November? Spanx!
BL Quick Picks - End of 2023 Releases
That finished its run? Sorry I don't keep that close track of things ending but stuff I loved that ended relatively recently as follows. (I'm giving you a range of styles to suit your mood.)
Felling light and fluffy?
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Jun & Jun
(Korea Viki)
A delightful office romance about an ex-idol who joins cubical life only to find his new boss is his first love. Others boys are sniffing around too. Operative word being "sniffing" as much of this romance involves smell. With a snappy (sometimes even raunchy) script, enjoyable sides, a pretty as peaches cast, and descent chemistry this show made up for in style what it lacked in substance. I like fluff. I loved this. I smiled every moment I was watching. With tons of rewatch potential (especially the last few eps), my only caution is this is for fans of the BL genre only, I don’t think it’ll work for anyone else. 9/10
Feeling complex and drama llama?
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I Feel You Linger in the Air
(Thailand grey, YT for some)
I truly loved this time travel romance. IFYLITA is an exquisite BL, from filming techniques to narrative framework (much like Until We Meet Again). Steeped in history and family drama it edges into lakorn (but no as much as To Sir With Love and with way less scenery chewing). This is an elegant and classy BL… from Thailand which normally doesn't even try for classy. The main couple (both as a pair and individuals) were excellent, particularly Bright (Yai) whose eye-work acting style is a personal favorite of mine. Pity about the ending. Oh it wasn’t that sad but it wasn’t good either. This show should easily have earned a 10 from me except that it fumbled the… erm… balls. Argh. Whatever. 9/10
Feeling odd and chaotic?
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Why R U?
(Korea iQIYI)
Korea decided to remake, of all possible Thai BLs, Why RU? And that is exactly what we got: a short form, clean & pretty, slightly confusing, uneven chemistry, all the same tropes KBL that kind of cliff-noted the original but with none of the heat or complex relationship dynamics. I just … what world is this? Because it is BOTH bizarro land, and EXACTLY what I expected. How do I rate it? In the end I have to go back to simple questions: did I like it, would I rewatch it, and would I recommend it? Yes. Probably. And probably not. What the actual hell? 8/10
Feeling dark and complex?
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Tokyo in April is AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa
(Japan Viki)
Two young men with a shared tragic past reunite and fall in love all over again, but the past will not stop hunting them. Based on a manga, this office set reunion romance is GREAT… damn it. It’s Japan in full on soft focus which means it gets emo, abusive, and chewy. These two characters are giving parts of their souls away in a desperate attempt to shape themselves to the expectations they have of each other. Japan gave us the Bed Friends that Thailand could never even imagine. But here’s the thing: I don’t enjoy my BL this heavy and cutting. I know that for The 8th Sense crowd this is peak BL and I can’t argue with the fact that the romantic devotion, domesticity, script, and acting IS all on point. It’s just not my personal preference for that point to be so damn sharp. I appreciate that this being 2023 I have the luxury of consistent quality (especially from Japan) and thus the ability to say… I acknowledge that this SHOULD get a 9/10 but I can’t emotionally go higher than 8/10
Feeling sappy and in need of comfort?
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Stay By My Side
(Taiwan Viki)
This show was an interesting take on the "ghost boyfriend" trope. About a boy who is tormented by hearing the dead, except when he is around one other boy - desperation+proximity = love. Unfortunately, the story was erratic and waffled about. While the leads turned in solid performances and the sappy domesticity was off the charts, it never really had the strength of the narrative convictions such a strong concept should have supplied. Highly rewatchable and enjoyable for that sappy domesticity but not a whole lot more. Still I always give extra credit for the diabetes-inducing sugar content and rewatch capacity. 8/10 
Feeling sexy?
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My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho
(Japan Gaga)
I liked it a lot and it's classic yaoi of the kind that really only works from Japan. Basically: boys who fell in love in college end up living together but both are so repressed they actually don't realize they're in love. It's higher heat from Japan and well done, but it leaned into the "why don't they just talk for fuck's sake?" trope which is only exacerbated into undiluted frustration by the fact that they're already fucking. It's good, but watching requires more patience than usual, even from Japan. 8/10
Feeling sweet and earnest?
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Sing My Crush
(Korea iQIYI)
This a cute coming of age drama around music and 2 kinds of self acceptance and actualization journeys. This was basically Korea’s version of About Youth, and was perhaps a bit too soft and ungrounded by comparison, like a marshmallow sculpture. Sweet but somewhat lacking in discernible flavor. 8/10
If you want to know what I'm enjoying that's airing right now, I'm mot yet caught up this week but I have time today so the weekly ranking will drop in a few hours. But I can tell you with confidence that very little is likely to unseat...
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thailand iQiyi)
from my affections right now. I love it unconditionally and it's airing on iQIYI.
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varibean · 10 months
hand over some varian headcanons to me and the rest of tumblr dot com
OK SO, gonna be a mix of canon and modern au
disclaimer i have so many varian Thoughts but they're all so mixed up so pardon the disjointedness of it all
varian has a big sweet tooth. he's got a weakness for little treats and when he goes off on his adventure he's trying so hard to be a Responsible Adult and eat well balanced meals but sometimes there's a lil voice in his head going "...cupcakes could be dinner."
hugo knows of this weakness and exploits it, constantly. He'll piss varian off just a bit too much and then later that day he's like "oh? what's this? rock candy i made myself with my own alchemy equipment? dyed it blue too, wow, imagine that."
varian hates this bc he KNOWS what hugo is trying to do, he's aware that it's a bribe, and part of him is going 'candy is NOT an apology' meanwhile the other part of him is going 'but he made it himself. with his own stuff. and he made it blue, he wouldn't put that much work into something unless he was actually a little bit sorry deep down, right?'
just becomes a thing that they do later in their relationship where hugo will still make him a lil sweet if he makes him mad or annoyed
his favourite sweet though is candied rose petals
varian doesn't like the crusts on sandwiches. especially sour dough, too tough and chewy.
doesn't want to admit that though so he'll usually eat them anyways. or give them to ruddiger bc he hates wasting food
bites his hands a lot. chews on his knuckles, he's given himself a few scars like that. the gloves are there to protect his hands from himself as much as they are to protect him from fire hazards
modern varian doesn't really dress that different from canon tbh. he likes the way vest make his chest flatter, sometimes he doesn't even have to wear a binder
he gets bullied for this during his younger teen years but then when he goes off to college no one gives a shit, ppl either think it's kind of cool or they mind their business. everyone is showing up to class in their pajamas anyways, no one cares about the one dude with custom cufflinks and arm bands.
god speaking of binders and shit i have so many thoughts about varian's relationship with gender (modern and canon) and especially with him going on t so if anyone wants to hear that mess lmk but the quick version is that he's nervous about it bc even if he has some dysphoria he's also Ok with how he looks and he's scared about it being such a big step for him
never gets top surgery (i do like drawing him with top surgery scars sometimes so awijf I Contradict Myself Constantly)
he's really good at bowling. just, for no reason. he's a fantastic bowler, if he were to actually try he could get perfect games every time.
He Hates Bowling.
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pup-pee · 7 months
*presents u my dick grayson hcs like ur @ my garage sale* (dick hcs #1?)
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♡ this
♡ hes a passenger princess(no this is cannon whoopsie)
♡ dick is like the first girl 2 b killed in a slaughter movie, but just as a 27-ish yr old adult man
♡ draws on a beauty mark in a different spot everytime & gaslights any1 who asks about it -"hey wasnt ur beauty mark under ur other eye?" -"idk i cant see my own face"
♡ hes always losing his hairties bc he keeps shooting them @ ppl -& rubberbands 4 that matter
♡ we dont talk about the skin grip example -it involves a lot of falling & a lot of crashing -if ykyk
♡ dick usually has a twix in his pocket, but in order 2 get it u have 2 guess if its a left or right twix -he also respectfully keeps the left twin in his left pocket & the right twix in the right pocket
♡ he never believed in santa claus but is terrified that watermelon will grow inside him if he swallows the seeds
♡ not rlly a hc but hes vry mcdonals girl toy coded
♡ says "fuck it we ball" b4 jumping in2 a drug ring
♡ the hardest hes laughed in a while was @ a bucket falling over
♡ "masculine but in a peacock way" quotes,,,,,
♡ makes hot chocolate in a pot -refuses 2 make it in a mug it HAS 2 b done on the stove or its not the same
♡ knows how to do his make-up but doesnt know the name of the product he uses -foundation? no thats just my face paint
♡ if u ask him 2 draw, hell say "i cant even draw a straight line!"
♡ dick; *pulls out sticker sheet* *puts mlp sticker some1s face*
♡ swallowed grapes/blue berries whole as a kid bc he didnt know better -didnt chew them*
♡ dicks fav turtle is leo
♡ fixates on tinkering w/his bits & bots
♡ wears crocs -"y do u wear crocs?" -dick; kicks in their direction so the croc hits theyre face
♡ eyeballs measurements(like cooking) -until it comes 2 clothes, then its ultra mega super duper whopper popper deluxe edition focus
♡ h8s grippy socks -the textures weird + attracts halys hair(as if all socks wouldnt but-) -prolly h8s socks in gen
♡ had 2 have snorted pixie stick as a kid -i am such a believer that every kid has done this so he will 2 -as a dare @ LEAST
♡ when hes angry he plops 1 of those sweet cough drops in his mouth 2 chew on just so that he doesnt go off -any hard candy works 2 -he needs 1 of those chewie chewables
♡ biting/chewing hcs bc it needs a separate category @ this point -keeps chewing on earbuds -h8s biting his nails actually -no pen or pencil or eraser is safe -loves biting but h8s when his food is 2 chewy/has 2 bite harder than usual -has more than 1nce caught himself about 2 chew on electrical wire -bites ppl he loves 2 show appreciation/love nom -(i will defend this goddamn hc till the day i die)
♡ pizza bagels -if ur confused, come see me after class
♡ titans have basically banned horror movies from movie nights bc dick would complain about the gore/physics/traps/mo/literally anything 'inaccurate' -"dick its just a movie" "U DONT UNDERSTAND."
♡ has the most social media followers out of batfam but only posts 1nce a month(sometimes not) -its just a picture of his half eaten cereal captioned "beautiful day today"
♡ titians walked in on him doing a backbend & thought some1 murdered him(not 4 vry long though cause oviously he was alive i just like the thought of some1 like roy when he 1st joined the team walking in & doing the most dramatic gasp ever)
♡ listen, i like contortionist dick -its fun & silly
♡ takes 'cringe' as a compliment
♡ "ur mature 4 ur age!" dick; "let me fix that real quick"
♡ hair grows vry quickly
♡ h8s functioning labels(i mean we all should but yk)
♡ skilled in bingo
♡ over buys treats 4 haly -& toys
♡ insane internal clock -kinda ties in; tells ppl specific times -"meet me @ 2;37 pm" as an example
♡ comic sans enjoyer(literally stole from ttg but shhhhhh)
♡ more invested in presidential gay love affairs than WW1 or 2
♡ hes about yay high
♡ hyperfixates on languages istg
i literally could go on 4ever bc my brain is that highway in germany but i wont i regret nothing
pt 2 <- if i make 1 lol
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
Autistic LU chain headcannons!
Including some gender and sexuality bc for me those are very tied to my autism. Most of this is rooted in their personalities, but some of this just appeared in my mind and didn't go away XD. Infodump incoming!!! :D
Time uses they/them pronouns bc they literally have no idea what gender is
Has a lot of verbal shutdown episodes. They're able to communicate with sign language most of the time
Almost completely nonverbal as a child (Mask era)
When they do speak it's very monotone
More shutdowns than meltdowns
Time does really prolonged eye contact (to the point of awkward for allistics) bc it's all or nothing for them
Favorite stims: humming, playing ocarina, tapping their chest/collarbone
Lots of verbal stims, so nonverbal episodes and shutdowns can be hard to recover from since they can't do their favorite stims
If given the opportunity, they will only drink milk. No other sustenance.
Must be reminded to eat, can't interpret their bodies' internal cues very well
Very confrontational - will absolutely throw hands at ableists
So incredibly loyal. Once they think you're family, they will never, ever, ever let you go or let anything happen to you
Special interests: cows, masks (as a child, not as prominent anymore), and Time has memorized every single "dad joke" they've ever heard and LOVE telling jokes to break tension or cheer the others up
Asexual, biromantic, sex-positive
Highest masking because of his time as a soldier
Hard for allistics to identify as autistic bc he's so good at masking
He has a lot of anxiety surrounding unmasking and showing his autistic traits, so he simply does not
That obviously doesn't work, so during the war he was constantly stressed and had meltdowns or shutdowns very frequently
Zelda and Impa tried to help, but there was so much going on that they couldn't do much
Mask and Wind helped a LOT during the war. Warriors wanted to make sure they were taken care of and could show their autistic traits, so he became a lot more comfortable with his own and created a more accepting environment
SO good at people reading, because he just memorized everything and watched everyone's every move
That gets quite overwhelming and causes shutdowns a lot
Doesn't have verbal shutdown episodes super often, but when he did in the war Proxi would copy his voice and speak for him. He's able to communicate with sign
Scarf is comfort item
The most ritualistic of the whole chain. Wars has very specific routines for most things that he does, and breaking routine is the biggest reason he has meltdowns
His meltdowns are very internalized, and he just likes to be left alone
He is now very confrontational about ableism
Also very very very loyal
He also has a lot of black and white thinking, and a strong sense of justice
Favorite stims: swaying while standing, shifting weight from foot to foot, spinning
When he's really happy he'll bring his arms up and like shake them back and forth in front of himself? Like his hands are flapping/shaking back and forth, but in fists, and his elbows are bent to his hands are almost in front of his face (I can see it in my mind but I'm having trouble explaining it)
Special interests: battle strategizing (could tell you very specific facts about any battle from any point in time that he's studied), loves to sew
Asexual, aromantic, sex-neutral
He has never once sat still in his entire life
Has never finished anything in a timely manner, ever
Always asks a lot of clarification questions, and he gets confused when allistic people get offended by his questions
Also has ADHD
Little to no voice volume control
That becomes an issue with the Links that are more sound sensitive, so it's something they're all trying to work on finding a compromise for
Favorite stims: rocking, chewing
He has a chewy stim toy that he wears around his neck. Grandma made it for him so he would stop putting things in his mouth
Loves the sensory aspects of being underwater
Always walking on his toes. As a child he was always toe walking, but his Grandma didn't know to correct that, so now Wind physically can't stand flat footed for long periods of time
He has a lot of trouble with routine. The autistic part of him wants the routine, but the ADHD wants spontaneity and usually wins
Has a lot of trouble keeping his things tidy and with personal hygiene (Wars helps with hygiene bc he is excellent at it due to his routines)
He doesn't really have shutdowns, just meltdowns
They involve a lot of loud screaming and self-injurious behavior
Biggest sensory issues: FOOD (bc he wasn't introduced to a lot of different foods and textures on Outset Island), under-stimulation
Special interests: sailing, pirates, also characters from a storybook his Grandma used to read to him and Ayrll every single night (at Wind's insistence)
Most likely to infodump
Asexual, aromantic, sex-repulsed
No gender. What's gender. Genderfluid, changes pronouns based on mood, and usually sticks with one set for long periods of time
Lost the ability to mask when they lost their memories
So they're the easiest for allistics to identify as autistic
Most people in their world don't care, but they have experienced some ableism since they can't mask
Entirely nonverbal. They use the sheikah slate as an AAC device
Cloak is comfort item
Favorite stims: hand flapping and bouncing on their toes
They walk almost exclusively on their toes and always have the dinosaur hands
Even mix of meltdowns and shutdowns
SO so so bad at understanding body language, sarcasm, etc.
They have a lot of trouble existing in a group. Like they'll wander off or do something dangerous and then not really understand why what they did was wrong (BUT they still love the chain of course)
Biggest sensory issues: crowds, lots of voices talking at once
LOVE deep pressure
Special interest: cooking, horses, cataloguing plants in the sheikah slate
Pre-calamity one of their special interests was sheikah tech, so they secretly LOVED going around with Flora researching sheikah tech
Asexual, panromantic, sex-repulsed
(Despite these being my autistic wild headcannons, I use almost none of these in Authenticity lol. Wild's autistic traits in that fic are primarily based on my own)
Gender?? Who's she?? Genderfluid, similar to Wild, but pronouns change more frequently
Not very good at accommodating themself
They often push themself WAY past their limits and then have long burnout periods
But they've gotta save the world, so it's fine, right? (Answer is no. It is very bad)
Must be reminded to sleep, and they have a lot of issues with sleeping
They often come across as rude to allistics, but that is generally not their intention, they're just bad at (allistic) communication
When they intend to be rude you'll KNOW
They have a really hard time communicating feelings and emotions, which frustrates them a lot and is hard for people trying to help them
This is especially an issue for the chain bc most of the time none of them can "read between the lines" and figure out what Legend is trying to say
Has never once gotten rid of anything because what if they need it? And also it is a part of their stuff and it has it's very specific place, so if it was gone then that place would be empty and then what would they do??????
Everything has a Place and they HATE when people touch or move their stuff
Biggest sensory issues: clothing, textures
Pants are a battle. People have given up.
Pants make Legend's legs THROB and feel like thousands of tiny knives are stabbing their skin. So they simply do not wear pants
Favorite stims: twirling their rings and other jewelry, rubbing good textures, humming (Marin's song)
Harmful stims: hitting things or themself (usually hitting their thighs)
Special interests: magical items, jewelry (jewelry with magical properties are the COOLEST SHIT)
Pansexual, polyamorous
There is no gender here. Gender makes no sense. They/them
They also have ADHD
Love asking questions because they want to understand every single detail of all these new exciting eras
Absolutely can't tell what tone they speak in
Really bad at paying attention to their surroundings
Attention span is practically nonexistent
They often wander off without even meaning to and don't realize until they're completely lost
Sometimes need to be reminded to do self care tasks
Have frequent verbal shutdown episodes that last for a long time. They can communicate with sign, and they also sometimes stick close to Wild and use Wild's AAC slate function
Favorite stim: running their hands through their hair (their hair is almost always dirty bc of this), shaking/twisting their hands
Harmful stim: skin picking
The skin picking is an ISSUE because it sometimes causes blood, and the blood curse is a thing
Biggest sensory issues: crowds and voices and also bright lights
Tendency to freeze and shut down when overwhelmed (this was an issue a lot during their adventures, but not so much now that the chain has their back)
Special interests: biology/anatomy, and there's a series of books they once found in an abandoned town that they LOVE. Books are hard to come by in their era so those are their absolute most prized possession
Asexual, aromantic, sex-repulsed
Bi-gender, he/she
Comfort items: sailcloth, Loftwing plush toy from Zelda, Master Sword
He carries around the loftwing plush absolutely everywhere he goes. She has a special protected pocket in his bag for when it isn't safe to carry her in his hands. Her name is Brenda (because my favorite stuffed animal friend is named Brenda and I'm in charge XD)
Favorite stims: jumping/bouncing in place, flapping his arms like a loftwing, humming, moving his fingers in the motions of playing his harp
Harmful stims: pulling her hair, hitting his ears when overstimulated
Eye contact???? Absolutely not. She will look everywhere except the person speaking to her
His biggest sensory sensitivity is sound
There was never much going on in Skyloft (other than things he was used to) and it's pretty small, so he got VERY easily overwhelmed on the Surface when he first started his adventure. Fi often had to guide her to a safe spot where he could get through a meltdown or shutdown
She still gets really easily overwhelmed and usually is nonverbal for the first bit of time after a portal shift while he adjusts to his surroundings
He's not great at communicating at all during his verbal shutdown episodes
When she gets overwhelmed she freezes and shuts down. He's more likely to have a meltdown once he's in a safe place
Since he gets overwhelmed so easily, Sky needs a LOT of sleep. More so than the other Links. Sky is banned from taking middle watch
She loves doing tasks that require intricate detail, like woodcarving and embroidery
Special interests: loftwings of course
As a child Sky related much more to her loftwing than he did any people, so his relationship with his loftwing is one of the most important things in her life
Bisexual, polyamorous
Got SO confused when people say he isn't supposed to have more than one partner
Like why??? He likes them both??? The more the merrier???? Makes no sense, does not comprehend
Very good at routines. He loves routines. They're so great
Also, similarly, patterns. Twilight can pick out patterns in anything
He gets really irritated when something breaks pattern or is slightly uneven
He loves being on a farm and doing morning routines of feeding the animals
He's always always always related more to animals than people
Animals make sense, people don't
He's still not very good at allistic "social standards," so he's among the easiest for allistics to identify as autistic
But he doesn’t always know how to help. Wolfie is great for this
He has trouble with the sensory changes that come with shifting to/from his wolf form. Wolves and Hylians have very different sensory experiences, so adjusting between the two takes him a while. Once he's adjusted it's fine, it's just the adjusting itself that's hard
Has verbal shutdown episodes after meltdowns. They don't last super long, and he can usually talk again after a good night's sleep. He can communicate with sign during the episodes
Wolf pelt is comfort item
Favorite stims: touching good textures, rocking, humming
Harmful stims: biting his knuckles
Absolute favorite stim is rubbing his soft wolf pelt on his face, specifically over his mouth and on his upper lip
Special interests: goats, wolves. He knows every. Single. Fact.
Second most likely to infodump
Asexual, biromantic, sex-positive
Too much gender to pick just one. They/them
Comfort item: a little wooden action figure toy thing their grandpa made for them. Four's had it their whole life and never ever goes anywhere without it. It's usually in a special pocket on the inside of their tunic
Most black and white thinker of the group
Four can't grasp or comprehend any nuance or sarcasm or anything in the abstract
They ask SO MANY questions, bc that is their way of understanding the world
They don't really understand most of Time's dad jokes, but they like it when the others laugh
Must be reminded to eat and drink water
Does not like touching other people or being touched by other people
Has more meltdowns than shutdowns
Their little body can't contain all the big feelings and the feelings have to come out somehow
Like Legend they also have a lot of trouble communicating feelings and needs
Biggest sensory issue: sensory symmetry. Everything must be even!!! Also big feelings ^
Favorite stims: they really like the smell of metal, bouncing on toes, spinning, love stim toys
Four never really stops stimming, but they've learned to do it discreetly (bc masking)
They love tinkering, and they love stim toys, so they've made themself a LOT of stim toys. They also love making stim toys for the rest of the chain. (They made a perfectly silent and very discreet one for Wars bc he has the most trouble unmasking)
Harmful stims: head banging
Special interest: tools. Four wants collect every tool in existence, and wants to know exactly what it does. Especially blacksmithing tools, bc Four also really likes blacksmithing
Demisexual, biromantic
Disclaimer: every autistic person has a different way of experiencing the world. I am only one person, so my experience is largely limited to myself. I tried to have links be very diverse in their experiences :)
Feel free to add some of your own autistic or otherwise neurodivergent headcannons!!!!!
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smol-dragons · 1 year
Please read before interacting!
This is a sfw blog so please DNI if affiliated with ddlg/variants, kink, MAPs/pedos, abdl, ageplay/petplay, nsfw/+18 content, pro-ed/sh/gore, trauma and vent blogs, proshippers, terfs/radfems, blank blogs, anti-420 or anything else that isn't kid safe or mental health positive, as well as basic DNI. I reserve the right to block people who make me uncomfortable. I will not hesitate to block you if I feel you have overstepped any DNI criteria or make me uncomfortable. This is a safe space for my followers and me. If your main is not sfw agere please notify me so I don't accidentally block you. This is my safe spot and I have the right to protect it.
About me: I am a dragon! My pronouns are Dragons!
You can call me Ray nicknames are cool as long as you ask first! Rawr!
My pronouns are She/They/He/They.
My big age is 25, my little age is 3-6, my middle age is 10-14
This is my side blog, my main blog is a blankish little blog called justasmoldragon.
I also have a tiktok under justasmoldragon
I am a nonsexual age regressor, please help me keep this space child friendly!
I regress as a coping mechanism. I have bipolar, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Autism, DIDand ADHD. I have struggled with mental illness my whole life and found that age regression can really help me if I do it right. So far, Bluey helps. I luv bluey!!
I can be nonverbal when I am small but it depends. Sometimes I'll talk to my stuffies because they always listen to me and are sweet to me. I like to chew (nom nom!) on something when I’m smol, bottles are fun but sippy cups are the best regardless of age. Binkies and chewies are nice too. I can switch between my ages pretty rapidly . I'm new to this so I don't know everything I need or like when I'm regressing. I Love my stuffies, I like Bluey, I like DuckTales sometimes when I'm a bit bigger, and um my stuffies! I have a lot! I do know that when I'm small I need to be reminded to eat slow, I will make myself sick by eating too fast (Nom nom nom!!). I also need lots of stimulation since that AdHD seems worse when I'm little. TV and drawing with crayons or colored pencils is one such activity. Sometimes tho I like to come on here and be smol. I want to interact with the momma's and daddy's more and I want little friends but I get so scared sometimes. I've discovered I experience what is being called Yin(?) Or Impure(?) Regression.
My special interest rn are Dragons because dragons are amazing and strong and brave! Rawr!! Space because I come from the stars! The Ocean because it's so pretty and big big also scary and mysterious and blue!!!, Cryptids/Fae stuff, I like the pretty wings and the dresses. I want to be a small fairy in a tulip. A dragon fairy!! As well as various cartoons and my stuffies! I was mean to them and I apologized and they forgave me and I love them so much.
I like purple and blue, and pink but only soft pinks and yellow! Dragons, Space and Oceans seem to be a common theme of interest all the time anytime. My ADHD means I need child-appropriate stimulation, so fun shows and games to watch/play when I'm small are welcomed please give me recommendations! More stuff with Dragons please, please please!!!! I like to make art when small as well, so I'd like to take moodboard requests, but no pressure! Rawr!
I got a caregiver!
I made a thingy!
I think that's it, plz let me know if I forgot anything and feel free to chat with me!!
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starsurface · 3 months
These were apart of the other request for the Baby Regressor <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kitana w/ Baby Regressor Hcs
💙 Oh my goodness she loves you
💙 Is really good with a lot of regression ages, but does specialize with baby and toddler regressors
💙 Your just so cute!! How could she not adore you? 🥺
💙 She is a princess, making you her little prince/princess/royalty
💙 Is really good with clingy regressors too
💙 My- I mean, our women here is strong, and she'll totally show off her strength 💪
💙 She'll princess carry you to bed when you're getting sleepy
💙 She also just likes to carry you around on her hip just because <3
💙 Do NOT ever worry about being too big or heavy, you're as light as a feather to her >:(
💙 Enjoys playing dress up with you, but mostly dresses you in soft onesies and such
💙 You get the softest onesies in all the Realms, fr
💙 Would be overjoyed if you want to dress like her, but will make sure to get you a safer onesie version of her outfit
💙 If you like to mess with her fans, she'll get one without the blades so you can play with them
💙 Your babysitters are probably Tanya, Mileena, Syzoth, and Tomas (Did you know that he helps Mileena train and Kitana helps Syzoth train?)
💙 Maybe also Liu Kang (she only trusts a handful of people with you)
💙 But if you really want someone like Johnny to babysit you? She won't mind . . . But him? 😒 (they're friends, she's just joking)
💙 Absolutely hates leaving you with others when your small though
💙 She just gets really busy sometimes with big kid princess and General work, but she'll make sure to make time for you!!
💙 Would love to set up little playdates with either Mileena or Syzoth
💙 But if your too little or shy for playdates, that's okay, you can just stay with Momma for the time being <3
💙 Sometimes she'll carry you around on her hip if she has to do work really quickly
💙 ^ Of course only if your comfy being outside her room while small
💙 Plus . . . no one can make fun of you, just like with Kotal Kahn, you have the entire Riyal House on your back
💙 If your also comfy with it, she'd love to take you out to the royal gardens!!
💙 You can sit on her lap and watch the butterflies fly by
💙 Or go over and see the pretty flowers
💙 You can even have a picnic!! :D. (She'll have the royal chef make only pastries and yummy snacks, per your request)
💙 . . . She'll also make sure you eat more healthier options though 😒
💙 She's so up for making you different kinds of bottles of milk!! (Like Honey Milk, or those other little milk things I've seen online)
💙 Favorite CG nicknames are Mama, Momma, Mommy, Sissy, and ‘Tana
💙 Any type of grabby hands and babbles is so accepted though, she'll scoop you up in a heartbeat!!
💙 Favorite little nicknames for you are Sweetie, Princess/Prince/Little Royalty, Sweetheart, Little Warrior, Honey
💙 Will redirect you to your paci if you chew on her fingers, that's not sanitary, sweetheart <3
💙 Or a chewie!! She'd love to get you one of those baby chew rings in your favorite color
💙 Likes to lay beside you during tummy time
💙 Your so cute, babbling and showing her your stuffies or playboys
💙 I'm not saying she's rich (she is, she's literally a princess) . . . I am saying that if you asked, she'd dedicate an entire section of her bedroom as your designated baby area
💙 A little playmat with toys and such, just for you 🥺
💙 If your a bratty baby, she'll find every act you do adorable (and put her foot down)
💙 She scold you if you push your sippy or bottle off somewhere, but will coe if it was entirely an accident
💙 Accidents happen sometimes, although she knows if you're doing it on purpose, it's like a sixth sense of hers!!
💙 She's a stickler for the rules 😒
💙 You get lucky because your smaller, she doesn't really send you to time out or lectures you
💙 It's mostly gentle scolding, you're probably too little to understand what you did wrong
💙 Will not scold you if she knows you've had a bad day or are feeling icky though
💙 She'll gently rock you, suggest you take a bathe and change into something comfy, and make you a bottle or get you applesauce
💙 She'd get you one of those little baby mobiles if you have any adult sized crib (she'd buy it for you if she notices you even just longing for it)
💙 She loves cuddle time, and will gently pet your hair and kiss your forehead
💙 She's very soft when it comes to nap or bedtime
💙 She's also insistent that you get a nap, babies like you shouldn't be up for so long, sweetheart!!
💙 She'll make you yummy warm milk, or just water in a baby bottle, and will bottle feed you and rock you to sleep
💙 She doesn't allow hair pulling, but one time she tried to remove your bottle from your mouth and the grip was so tight, she learnt her lesson
💙 Also doesn't really allow hitting, but if you giggle and whack something soft, like a pillow, she'll laugh and copy you, making it a little game between you two
💙 Knows a lot of different kinds of hair styles from helping Mileena and Tanya with their hairs, and loves to put your hair into something pretty
💙 She'd probably get a lot of your regression items in a baby blue to match her aesthetic, but if you want a different color just tell her
💙 Plays with stuffies like a champ!!
💙 They all get their own voices and she knows all their names (she didn't spend hours memorizing them, your being silly, sweetheart)
💙 Adores babbling of any kind, and treats it like a full blown conversation
💙 Is also really good at knowing what you want (it took a few times, but she got in the hang out it)
💙 Very sweet and comforting if you need a nappies of any sort, and never makes you feel ashamed or silly for them (not that there's any reason to feel silly, darling, your regression is your regression)
💙 She'd make a sticker chart to make sure your on task for eating and such, and will treat you to ice cream or a new stuffie at the end of the week
💙 And don't worry too much if you miss a few times!! Things like these take time to adapt to, she'll still give you your special little treat <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Bi-Han with Baby Regressor will be next!! :D
And JFJSBDBAKWK, I love Kitana. 🥺
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bibaybe · 8 months
random bay facts since i've been thinking about them for the last 48 hours
chews on their camp necklace when they first get it until leo makes a chewy bracelet for them
they get put in poseidon's cabin since there isn't a cabin for triton yet. bay likes it bc they know it's actually the right place for them, but no one else realizes that.
also invites evan to move into the cabin - mainly bc they feel guilty knowing that they're the reason evan still hasn't been claimed, but they just tell everyone that water powers need to stick together. they have to argue with chiron about it for hours before he gives in tho
bites to show love and to get attention. doesn't show it until way into their relationship with leo bc they've never seen anyone else do and thinks it's not normal, but does it without thinking once to get leo's attention when he's working on something and is practically dead(heh) to the world. he thinks its adorable. they refuse to do it in front of other people for a long time tho
fights with a trident, which the stoll brothers enjoy pointing out is a little on the nose for a child of triton. bay stops that by showing them exactly how good with a trident they are
is vv clingy and jealous, to a point that if leo didn't live for the attention, would border on unhealthy
first begins bonding with leo bc they find putting things together to be interesting, so they help leo with building the argo 2 a lot of the time
doesn't like cotton sheets/clothes, so piper and bay go shopping for clothes that won't make them itchy and new sheets for the poseidon cabin
even tho evan and them share the poseidon cabin, half the time bay ends up sleeping on the roof bc they like falling asleep under the stars. jason mentions it to leo once after catching them out there and he builds a little sleeping area for them on the argo 2 that allows them to be outside and not freeze to death
leo falls first, bay falls harder
leo being a simp from the lost hero on but bay doesn't realize they like him until the mark of athena and doesn't realize how deeply they feel for him until his 'death'
finds makeup fascinating - they like fucking around with lacy and especially likes subtle makeup that makes their eyes pop
doesn't like dresses tho - they prefer feeling more secure with their clothing
their pupils are bigger than normal peoples because of all the time they spent under the ocean - not a lot, but enough that its kind of unnerving when you notice
likes dancing a lot - not like normal dancing, but kind of swaying around and doing their own thing
related: lacy and katie tried to teach her an actual dance and they bumbled it so bad they fell and scraped their jaw
leo's mom used to teach him about constellations, so leo when leo realizes that part of the reason bay sleeps outside is to watch the stars he starts showing her the constellations, even if he doesn't know a ton about the myths behind them
bay loves the anime one piece bc triton is obsessed with it and one of the few times they bonded was when they watched it together. also i find it hilarious that leo's fc plays luffy in the one piece live action. daydreaming about bay's reaction to seeing him dressed as luffy is so fucking funny to me
loves taylor swift so much. also loves scene queen, who yes, technically wouldn't have been making music when all this goes down, but i don't care
once tried a hamburger and vowed never to touch it again - turns out to just hate beef with a passion. loves veal tho
anyway that's it for now i just love them an unhealthy amount :)
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Chapter 12
Sorry for the delay! Just started vacation and now I have free time to spare!
Aside from this fic, I am still updating Rugged Hearts and Prepare Yourself. I also have an Attack on Tutan fic Three or Nothing which will be updating soon.
A reader approached me about writing a DRAMAtical Murder fic, I am very much interested but first I will be finishing up my other fics. If anyone had any requests or if you want to appear in one of my stories then let me know!
Anywhoooooo, I hope you enjoy this chapter, lots of sexiness and plenty of nonsense from our favorite pirate duo!
Love to all!
Chapter Text
“Oi! Finny! I've come to take my place!” Mey called up to the bleary eyed youth who had been nodding off for the last half hour during his turn on the crow’s nest. As per usual, the young woman had her trusted piece at her side and a dark brown glass bottle of water mixed with rum in her hand. The moon was illuminating the entire deck with a silvery shower and the sky was star filled and clear. It was favorable conditions for manning that post and Mey was eager to begin her night shift. Socializing during dinner was all well and good, but nothing placed her at ease more than the solitude and silence of the midnight watchtower position.
“Coming Miss Mey!” Finny called down, scurrying over the side of the barrel and descending the rope ladder. He was beyond tired and wanting dinner badly.”Do ye have my supper?” He asked over his shoulder as he clumsily climbed down.
Mey shook her head, held up her bottle and waved it from side to side,”Sorry, darling, just have my drink.” She replied apologetically.
Finny sighed, hopping from the ladder and landing squarely on two feet like a green eyed cat,”Aw, pity!” He whined, rubbing his belly,”I'm so hungry!”
“Relax monkey, I've got yer meal.” Bard stepped out of the shadows holding up a steaming plate of food. He chewed at his unlit cigarette and pointed towards the crow's nest with his chin,”Get yerself up thar, Mey, no use being the falcon if yer idling on deck.” He grunted.
“Blow it out your arse.” She snapped, making her ascension towards the nest,”I'm on my way!”
Finny stared, owl eyed and hopeful, at the plate of delicious smelling fare,”I-Is that for me?!” He timidly asked.
Bard felt his cheeks warm up at the cute response from his crewman, but hurriedly looked away, shoving the plate into the younger man's face,”Aye, it is.” He mumbled. Although he was pleased by Finny’s smile, he wasn't going to show it.”I've a couple o’ curry buns for ye!”
Finny inhaled the delicious aroma of spiced meat and seasoned oil, “Oh! I love it when Agni makes them curry buns!” He chirped happily, reaching for the dish.
“I figured ye’d like a few of these.” Bard held the plate away from Finny's grasping hands, unwilling to allow the petite strong arm to reduce the contents into pieces of broken glass and ruined food, ”But first sit with me by the quarterdeck so we can eat together and take in the night breeze.”
Finny nodded his head emphatically and followed Bard like a duckling to the quarterdeck where several crates had been nailed down to the deck to serve as makeshift chairs. Bard sat down heavily, brushing his pants down and motioning to Finny to situate himself on the crate next to him. Finny readily complied, folding his hands on his lap like an obedient schoolboy patiently awaiting his next directive.
Wrapping one of the golden buns in a piece of torn off linen, Bard handed it over to the hungry boy, “Careful there, the center’s piping hot.” He warned.
Taking small bites, Finny chewed slowly, savoring every morsel with great gusto. “Thanks kindly, Bard!” He smacked his lips and took another bite of the delicacy,”Mmmm! They're so crispy and chewy!” He raved.
Bard allowed himself to smile openly, figuring that Finny was far too engrossed in devouring the buns rather than notice his expressions, “Enjoy ‘em, lad. No telling when we’ll have more fresh meat for this dish again.” He pointed out.
Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, Finny looked up at Bard, “Ain't we off to Spain in a month's time?” He asked.
Bard gave him a side glance and swiped a crumb from the corner of Finny's mouth with his thumb, “Aye, but no tellin’ if the crew will be staying long enough to fetch provisions.”
Finny blushed and hurriedly shoved the rest of the bun in his mouth, chomping noisily at the meat and crust, “Barth-” he began.
“Don't speak with yer gob full o’ grub, idiot!”
Finny ducked his head and quickly finished eating. Finally swallowing the last bits of food, he lifted his head and stared intently Bard.
“Is Spain nice, Bard?” He ventured in a mouse like voice.
Bard would not meet his gaze, instead he stared out at the endless indigo waters and felt a warmth blooming within his chest, “Yes, yes it is.” He whispered, “One of the loveliest places I've ever laid my eyes upon.”
Finny clapped his hands with delight,“Are there castles? Real castles, Bard?” He asked excitedly, “Like the ones in them storybooks!”
Tearing his gaze away from the dark waters, Bard’s eyes alighted with memory and a past he had kept mostly to himself. The pain and rage over the betrayal handed to him by his own country could not bury the images of every beautiful area of the world he had been lucky enough to witness, “Castles like ye’ve never seen!” He gushed, spreading his hands out into the air to emphasize the enormity of their structures,”Big sprawling stone castles, elegant and ancient! Sitting on hill cliffs overlooking the ocean, it's a splendid sight, lad!”
Finny Looked at him with awe, “I've never seen a castle, I've never seen Spain!” He cried, clutching Bard’s sleeve and pulling at him, “Yer been everywhere, haven't ye? Oh Bard! It must be so nice to see the world!”
A sadness seemed to cloud over Bard's face and he gently placed his hands over Finny’s.“I would be one to answer you, ‘cept everywhere I went, there was war and trifling matters. Everything I saw was colored blood red, everything I touched, died.” He admitted gloomily.
Finny released his hold on Bard’s sleeve, cautiously unraveling his fingers from the material and realizing, to his horror, that he had punctured several holes into the fabric with his fingers. Frantically retracting his hands away from Bard, he tucked them underneath his arms and twisted his body away from his friend, “I-I know that feeling.” his voice cracked, tears instantly welling up in his eyes,”Mine own are no good, I'm sorry!”
Bard looked down at his arm and sent a quick prayer of thanks that Finny had torn the sleeve, and not his skin, but his heart ached over the pitiable state Finny had been reduced to. What was it about the fragile looking man that caused Bard insurmountable sympathy and an urge to protect? It was a mystery, a complete unraveling of the basic nature Bard exhibited in his daily life. Gruff, manly, confident, brave, unmoving, and unwilling to follow anyone except for their captain, Bard would never had thought himself to take on charity. But Finny was different.
He was special.
“I am assured these hands can be gentle, jus’ like yer eyes,” His tone had turned gentler and softer as he addressed Finny, resting his palm against the swell of the boy's cheek, “Nice and gentle.” He whispered, swiping away a trickling tear with his thumb,”in time yer hands will arch your heart, I promise, jus’ listen to me, and trust in me.”
Flushed faced and shy, Finny shook his head out of Bard’s touch, “I-I'm not gentle at all-”
The sounds of footsteps caught the pair by surprise, and even more so when their owner appeared before them.
“G’evenin’ Ali.” Bard snarled, placing the plate of food on the floor next to his crate. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the obviously irritated man standing before them,”Kicked out of the Cap’s quarters again, eh?” He snickered.
Alois clenched his jaw and threw Bard a menacing look, but he withheld his voice, instead catching Finny’s sight.
“What are you looking at, brute?” He snapped.
Finny recoiled backwards, nearly toppling off his crate, “N-nothing!” He cried.
“Belay your saucy remarks, Alois.” Bard rose abruptly and stepped forwards, looming like a fuming giant over the petite man,”I'm in no mood to toss your scrawny arse into the waters.”
Alois gritted his teeth, “You wouldn't dare!” He hissed.
“Care to give me a try?”
Finny scrambled to his feet and forced himself to carefully place his hands against Bard’s arm, mindful of how much pressure he was placing, “Bard! Let's go to the kitchen and help Agni put away the dishes!” He suggested.
Cocking an eyebrow, Bard gave his partner an amused look, “Ye want a lesson tonight?”
Nodding his head, Finny felt relief from Bard’s calm response, “Yes! I-I think I can put away dishes and cups even!” He grinned.
Bard narrowed his eyes at Alois, sending him a silent warning to keep his mouth shut, and gestured to Finny to lead the way, “Leg it, monkey.” He ordered lightly, aware that Finny’s touch had been featherlight and barely noticeable. Perhaps their practices were actually working and one day the lad would learn to control his monstrous strength.
What Bard felt the most, however, was the throbbing of his heart when Finny laid his touch upon him. It nearly arrested his senses.
As the duo left, Alois watched with a discerning eye and made mental notes about keeping a close eye on them. The relationships built within a pirate crew all had to center around the well-being of their captain and the acquisition of supplies and treasure. There could be no subgroups, nor any loyalties stronger that their loyalty to their Captain lest munities evolved.
But the loneliness of not belonging to anyone was quite debilitating for someone like Alois who never felt love nor understood why anyone would go to the ends of the earth for it. He looked up at the diamondesque sky and wondered if the stars too were lonely, for however plenty they seemed and however close they were, not one star was connected to another.
So close, so many, so far apart.
“Damned trickster!” Ciel angrily curled his lip and scowled, “What nonsense do you speak of?!” He barked, “Take a bath here? With you in the same room?!”
Sebastian grinned, “Would you rather I enter the bath with you?” He offered with a sly wink.
Ciel stomped his foot against the planked floor, “Have you lost your bloody head?!” He shouted.
Shrugging his shoulders, Sebastian sauntered over to the fuming boy and placed the tip of his finger underneath Ciel's chin, slowly lifting the boys face upwards, “If I were Abberline, would you be so vexed?” Sebastian challenged.
Ciel whipped his head to the side, his cheeks burning with rage, he could not allow Sebastian to know the extent of his relationship with Abberline! “Turn away whilst I undress.” He demanded.
“Why must you insist upon this unseemly behavior?” Ciel raged, shaking his fist at the stony faced man, “Why are you so blatantly intent upon my humiliation?!”
“You are mine and mine alone.” Sebastian stated firmly, “I have fought and conquered the right to observe the landscape of your body. I may not have taken purchase of your pleasures, but I most assuredly have won any opportunity to gander at your charms.”
With nothing else to say, and quite astounded by his enemy’s cockiness, Ciel swallowed hard and decided that if he were to be placed in such a degrading position, he may as well cease in exhibiting his discomfort. Unwilling to entertain the pirate’s sadistic nature, pride took control over Ciel’s shame and allowed him to step back and immodestly remove his shirt, unbutton his pants and allow them, and the cotton underwear Nina had so graciously knitted for him, to fall in a heap at his feet.
Naked and shivering from the coolness of the room, Ciel locked eyes with Sebastian and boldly refused to cover his private area.
“So be it! Well? Speak!” He commanded haughtily. His hands rested against his aide and he dig his fingertips into his bare skin. “What ridiculous statement are you conjuring up in that thick head of yours?!” He snarled.
Sebastian simply stared, studying the form of one who had been obviously nurtured and doted upon with loving care. A body caught on the precipice of adulthood, teetering between the lanky limbs of an older child and the trim mildly muscular cut of a burgeoning man. Delicate and stable, hairless but for a tuft of coarse navy blue pubic hair crowning his crotch, Ciel was a developing work of human art.
“Beautiful.” Sebastian breathed, unable to move for he was frozen by the ethereal sight before him,” You are a splendid and most exquisite young man.” He complimented.
Ciel blushed to the roots of his hair. “I-I am going in.” He stammered, turning away and awkwardly lifting his leg over the side of the tub. The moment his skin came into contact with the heated water, he hissed and tensed his entire body. Slowly, the young man eased himself into the bath and felt a rush of pleasure from the soothing mixture and aromatic scents of infused lavender and herbs.
It was certainly a luxurious bath, one he was very much accustomed to in his past lifestyle. It had been weeks since his last indulgence and his sore muscles seemed to melt into the medicated liquid. Settling his body against the back of the giant tub, Ciel sighed with contentment.
Opening his eye, he prepared to launch into a volley of complaints over the unfairness of his imprisonment when he immediately felt anger erupt upon the sight of Sebastian disrobing before him.
“Wh-What in Lord’s name are you doing?!” He yelled, quickly sitting up in the bath.
Tossing his shirt onto his bed, Sebastian gave the boy a quizzical look, “”Are you the only one allowed to be clean?” He queried, unfastening his pants belt and unceremoniously dropping his clothing at his feet.
Ciel nearly passed out from the rush of blood to his head.
Spending most of his waking days on the beaches of Port Royal, Ciel had grown accustomed to the bronze and deep chocolate nude bodies of his peers frolicking on the sands and swimming carefree in the turquoise waters. It never bothered him to see another fellow or lady naked, the constrictive norms of the English hierarchy could not thankfully reach him on the uninhibited shores of Jamaica. When attending Sunday mass, local festivals, the marketplace, and other such public occurrences, Ciel witnessed people dressed in their appropriate attire, but the ocean lent itself to a certain unrestricted freedom.
For the first time in his short life, Ciel felt a heated knot unravel in his groin at the sight of Sebastian’s body. Never had he ever seen a porcelain structure cut so elegantly and perfectly, Chiseled chest punctuated by round coin shaped deep pink nipples; long and toned arms and legs. it reminded him of the pictures from his mother’s art book collections from Ancient Greece. Bodies of sinewy supremacy and otherworldly beauty and strength. Sebastian’s height and manliness contributed further to his dominating appearance.
And it was all Ciel could do but not stare at the hanging massive cock between Sebastian's thighs. Mildly firm and with a coloring of soft blush and flesh, it was unlike any other private member Ciel could recall.
Noticing the path of Ciel’s gaze, Sebastian delivered a crooked smile, “Like what you see, Earl?” He taunted, “Perchance you would appreciate a closer study?”
Ciel snapped out of his daze and felt immediate shame, “Pervert! Scheming lowly pervert!” He fumed..
Walking slowly towards the bath, Sebastian took his time in unraveling his long braid, “Calm yourself, little Earl. On my honor I shall not force myself into you.” He promised, forking his fingers through the lengthy strands of his ebon hair.
“As if you wouldst be so honorable, knavish cad!” Ciel countered, drawing his knees up to his chin and encircling his arms protectively around his legs. He watched cautiously at Sebastian’s movements while the captain brushed the black waterfall of hair over his shoulder. It was quite lovely, he admitted to himself, the impossibly shiny mass of thick hair Sebastian sported.
“How do you find the temperature?” Sebastian asked, dipping his fingers into the water and swirling them around several bubbles,”It shalt not scald you.”
Turning his head to the side, Ciel refused to meet Sebastian's gaze,“I-It’s hot, very hot.” He muttered.
Stepping into the bath, Sebastian settled into the other end and took care to stretch his legs out just enough so to not rest his feet against Ciel’s body. It was a large claw foot tub made of cast iron and imported from his home in Spain, a luxury item afforded only to the very wealthy. Dipping his head back, Sebastian fully immersed his hair. Ciel chanced a side glance and caught a glimpse of Sebastian’s hair slithering through the water like inky tendrils.
“Does it pain you?” He asked worriedly, ruby eyes studying the flushed face of the young man.”This heat, can you stand it?”
A tad surprised by the concern in his demeanor, Ciel shook his head, still looking away, “it suffices, I do prefer heat over cold any given time.” He mumbled into his knees.
Reaching out his hand towards Ciel, Sebastian smirked, “As do I.” He whispered, brushing his fingers against the front of Ciel’s leg.
Waters splashed over the side as Ciel flinched from the uninvited touch, “Please, do not touch me in this way!” He implored.
“Why ever not?”
Ciel viciously glowered at the snickering man,“Is it not obvious? I am a man!” He snapped, “To be touched so by another man is-”
“Did Abberline touch you?” Sebastian interrupted, sliding his fingertips down to the top of Ciel’s foot. He watched his reaction closely, noting how the boy’s eye widened at the mention of Abberline. Nodding his head, Sebastian withdrew his hand and fixed Ciel with a steely look, “I see, and here I thought him as a gentleman.” He surmised.
“No! He-he never touched me!” Ciel cried.
Wagging his finger at Ciel’s direction, Sebastian certainly knew better, “From what your face reveals to me, he most assuredly handled you in some way.” He remarked.
“He did not!”
“He did so!”
Clacking his teeth in disgust, Ciel pouted and again looked away, “Why do you care?” He complained miserably, “It is none of your business what I may or may not have done with Abberline!”
Sebastian suddenly grabbed one of Ciel's arms and yanked him forward until the boy was perched between his legs. Ciel ended up on his knees, nearly diving face first into the water and he tried to pull back but the pirate had a vice like grip on him. With every pull, their faces were drew closer to one another. “You belong to me, Ciel.” Sebastian snarled, his deep voice sending a shiver throughout Ciel’s body,”The moment I took purchase of you, everything you may or may not have done became my business.”
Ciel was appalled by the declaration, “Purchase?” He echoed angrily, “Do not speak of me as if I were an item marketed off to you!”
Sebastian cocked his head and an amused smirk spread across his face, “Then what are you, Ciel? What will you eventually decide to be if you wish not to be a purchased ware?”
“I will never be your whore, Captain Michaelis,” He responded fiercely,”I can promise you that.”
A deep rumbling of laughter tumbled from Sebastian as he released Ciel and leaned back against the end of the tub,“You may find this unbelievable, but I do not fancy whores as my bed mates.” He chortled.
Repositioning himself at the other end of the bath, Ciel crossed his arms and sulked, “My apologies, but I cannot envision women of finery seeking out your pleasures.” He scoffed.
Ceasing his laughter, Sebastian leaned his arm atop the side of the tub and rested his head against his hand,“A virgin lamb such as yourself has no idea what a man of my caliber and experience has feasted upon.” He crowed with a self satisfied air,”Well regarded and elegant ladies, foppish gentleman of the court, young lads barely free from home and tight lasses willing to stain their bedsheets with their blood of innocence.”
Ciel blushed heavily from the intricate details of Sebastian's conquests and the older man thoroughly enjoyed the horrified expression on his prisoner’s face. Leaning closer towards Ciel, Sebastian slipped his hand into the side of the boy’s face and cupped the back of his head, squeezing his fingers into the damp crown as to make sure Ciel could not turn his head. Their gazes met, thunderous ocean into fiery Hell and neither one allowed the other to any hint of defeat.
“Dear boy,” he spoke in a husky voice laden with raw honesty,”I know only of the finest of partners who hungrily seek out my company.”
Ciel was unimpressed, “Your arrogance is unsettling.” He retorted.
“Some say the truth is unsettling as well.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Ciel waved off the arrogant Captain, pushing Sebastian’s hand away from his head,“The truth is, I do not want you.” He announced proudly.
Sebastian chuckled, “Not yet. But see here, I do want you, now.” He took purchase of Ciel's hand and, in one fluid motion, forced it down to meet with his hardened member. Ciel squeaked, shocked at the sudden action and was then arrested with shock, aghast at what he was being made to do. Thin fingers, against their will, wrapped around the sizable girth, the heat from his skin nearly burning Ciel's palms. Trembling from a deadly mix of rage, shame, and fear, Ciel closed his eye and willed himself not to pay mind to the pulsing veins throbbing against his skin, the silken texture of another man's want snugly clasped within his hands. Sebastian felt exhilarated, his desires piqued by the sight of the gossamer being currently clenching him in such a deliciously sinful way. The older man began moving Ciel's hands up and down the shaft, breathing heavily from the pleasurable friction. The water splashed lightly over the sides with every languid stroke.
Ciel’s face was dewy with sweat and soapy water, his cheeks round and rose bitten. The luminosity of his fair skin was highlighted by the soaked strands of his slate colored hair and it wa all an orchestra of perfection. His cotton patch had begun to drop down the side of his face, weighted down by water, and Sebastian wanted so badly to tear it off. He freed up one of his hands and slid it up the side of Ciel's arm, tracing his slender collarbone, and resting finally against the young man's delicate jawline. Sebastians thumb ghosted over the underneath of Ciel's bottom lip and he reveled in the velvet smoothness of the boy's skin. It was unlike anything he had ever touched before, tragic in its marring, but inexplicably haunting in its beauty.
“If you so dare to violate me,” Ciel whispered, fluttering his eye open and delivering a deadly glare at Sebastian while his hand continued its forced ministrations.”I will send myself straight to mine own death.” He threatened.
“I believe you would.” Sebastian released Ciel’s hand and watched as the boy recoiled from him, scuttling as far against the other side of the tub as he could, “Am I so vile? Am I so hideous?” Sebastian grunted, resting each arm atop the sides of the bath,”Am I truly a repugnance?”
Ciel's eyes widened, “No! Not at all!” He gasped and then immediately slapped his wet hands over his mouth, mortified over his impassioned reply.
A wide grin spread wickedly across Sebastian's face “How amusing!” He laughed heartedly, “You denied so enthusiastically!”
With his open palm, Ciel sent a wave of soapy water splashing onto Sebastian’s unprotected face, “I-I despise you!” He raged, delivering another round of water at the now sputtering man.
“Cheeky brat!” With his black soggy bangs hanging over his face, Sebastian caught Ciel's wrists and pulled him towards his chest, slamming their bodies together with Ciel pressed on top of him. Ciel fought to escape the iron grip but all he could do was keep his face from planting into the water.
“Cease this struggling!” Sebastian hissed, wrapping his legs around Ciel’s tiny frame, “Lest you harm yourself in the process!”
“Release me!” Ciel barked, digging his elbows into Sebastian's chest,”Lest I harm you!” Suddenly, he felt an instant heat explode in his lower half and he realized that his own cock was rubbing against Sebastian’s!
“You creature!” He snarled, balling his fists and kicking his feet out in an attempt to stand up,”Grotesque! You are nothing but a grotesque demon!”
Nearly half the contents of the bathtub emptied out from their frenzied scufflin and the image of Tanaka having to clean up after their mess had Sebastian quickly panicking, “Calm this temperament of yours!” He roared, jutting his hips up to keep Ciel from being able to stand on his own.
Realizing that Ciel was unwilling to give up his futile defense, Sebastian abruptly stood up, splattering water over the sides of the tub, and hoisted the now flailing prisoner princess style into his arms. He took great caution in stepping out of the bath and onto the soaked and slippery floor with Ciel kicking and screaming in his arms. In one swoop, he caught ahold of a cloth towel, tossed the boy onto his bed and began rapidly wiping his gleaming wet body dry.
“What in bloody hell are you doing?!” Ciel screeched, slapping Sebastian's hands away from his body and clawing at the sheets to cover up his naked body,”Wretched bastard! How dare you-ack!” Before he could finish his sentence, Ciel was completely smothered by Sebastian's body; his entirety had been shadowed by the dark crow and he could not see past the ebon curtain of hair surrounding his head. With one hand, Sebastian grabbed the duvet and cocooned both he and Ciel within its warmth and darkness, securing his prize and allowing him no means of escape. His other arm had snaked its way underneath Ciel’s back and hooked itself so that he could thrust the small body up against his own much larger build. They panted heavily into each other's faces, catching their breaths and gulping down air as the excitement of the risqué situation escalated.
Nuzzling his face into the crook of Ciel's neck, Sebastian inhaled the ripe smell of youth and he became heady with its sweetly musky scent,“You feign disgust of my advances, boy. I read you as a map, all wants and desires clearly checked against you exquisite face.” He whispered hotly, shivering at the tautness of Ciel’s bare skin against his own,”Place a mark upon my words, the time will come when you wish not to live without me, you will love no one but me, you will be mine in body and eternal spirit, and when that does occur, I will hold you and when I do, I will make you weep.”
Ciel kept his arms tightly crossed over his chest; squeezing his thighs together in a vain attempt to keep his arousal less prominent, but it was no use, his body was betraying him in the most humiliating of ways. The captain was handsome, alluring and all things sinful, even the savory aroma of sweat mingled with lavender was hypnotic. Ciel willed himself not to fall victim beneath Sebastian's spell for he could not be won over so easily.
“I may weep, Captain Michaelis, but there shall be no love upon my part.” His lips brushed upon the shell of Sebastian’s ear and his voice shook with emotion, “You will be left only with my cold corpse and a gaping bloody hole betwixt your legs and I promise you, oh great demon of the sea, I promise you will never forget my name!”
Sebastian shuddered at the coolly delivered threat, lifting his head and staring straight into the eye of the most cantankerous human being he had ever had the glorious pleasure to meet, “You are a killjoy.” He replied flatly.
Ciel bristled at the sour look on Sebastian's face, “If you find me so vexing, why don't you go and fetch your golden haired Whore with the twisted tongue?” He snapped.
Confused by his statement, Sebastian frowned,, “Alois? Why would I want him?!”
Emitting a bitter laugh, Ciel placed his palms against the pirate’s chest and began pushing him away, “Tired of him already? Is that a hobby of yours? To make young boys your playthings and then toss them aside when done?” He accused, resorting to pounding his diminutive fists against the rock hard chest.
Swatting the feeble attack, Sebastian rolled off of Ciel, curled up next to the fuming boy and supported himself up on his elbow while giving Ciel a quizzical look, “My playthings?” He wondered aloud, “Surely you do not mean Alois?!”
“Well of course I do, you stupid slag!”
Sebastian grimaced, “Were you accustomed to speak in such an uncouth manner before your mother?” He criticized, catching Ciel's jaw between his thumb and fingers and squeezing until his jaw dropped open,”The filth and insults spewing from such a delicate child is quite unbecoming!”
““Never, only you bring out the worst in me.” Ciel jerked his face away from Sebastian’s hand,”Quite laughable to be told this by someone of your low character!” He snapped.
“Your worst is far more enjoyable, is it not?” Sebastian brushed the back of his knuckles featherlight against Ciel’s cheek before resting it on the bed,”Low characters such as myself are quite entertained by people of your high stature.” He teased.
Ciel rolled his eyes, “You claim this to be enjoyable?!” He grumbled.
“I hate you.”
Sitting upright, Sebastian stretched his arms up above his head a yawned, “Untruth, you speak only from your bothersome state.” He looked down at Ciel “Perhaps you speak entirely from over exertion and in dire need of a nap, or a bottle of milk.” He chuckled.
“I am no child!” Ciel scrambled upright and pulled the sheets around his shoulder, covering his entire body while he tucked his feet underneath his legs. His skin was like ice without the warmth from Sebastian's body but there would be no conceivable way he would admit that to his tormentor,”I speak from being nearly raped by a criminal!”
The oddest part of their conversation was not how the two men were sitting nude and nearly soaked in the middle of a large bed hurling insults and threats to one another. No, that did not seem to bother the captain at all.
To hear Ciel accuse him of rape pierced his heart.
“I would never rape you.” Sebastian smoothed down the sheets between them and patted them gently, averting Ciel's eye as he spoke,”Never, in all my years, have I have thrown violence into my sex. It galls me to the core for it is an unforgivable and loathsome action.”
Ciel fell silent, watching Sebastian's pained expression and fretful body language. From the gnawing at his inner cheek to the nervous drumming of his fingers against the mattress, Ciel could tell that he had hit the nerve of something very dark and tormenting within the pirate.
“My deepest apologies, Captain Michaelis.” Ciel bowed his head, folding his hands neatly upon his lap,”I mistook your actions for something far less favorable and in turn, I have insulted your honor.”
Sebastian cocked an eyebrow at the sudden change in Ciel’s manners, to witness such a timid and humble person emerge from the hellcat he had just moments earlier wrestled with was worth every damnation Ciel had thrown at him.
He is inexplicably cute, he thought.
“Sleep here.” He offered,”It is far more comfortable than the cot you were previously provided with, is it not?”
“What? Sleep here with you?” Ciel scuttled towards the edge of the bed,”I would rather sleep amongst sharks and piranha!” He thundered.
He's not cute, Sebastian thought sourly, not one bit.
“Prideful brat! I fancy a bed partner, you will have to do!” He grabbed the sheets Ciel had wrapped himself in and yanked them back, sending Ciel flying backwards onto the bed. Landing with a thud, Ciel struggled to unwrap himself from the blankets.
“i will not sleep with you!” He protested.
Sebastian rolled over and pinned him down again with his body, “Behave and obey!” He ordered.
“No!” Ciel frantically whipped his head from side to side,”I don't want to-!”
“Please, I beg of you!” Sebastian dropped his head and pressed the side of his face against Ciel's chest. He listened to the fierce beating of the boy's heart and felt an immediate ease permeate throughout his body. “I do not sleep well, provide me with this comfort and I will cease manhandling you.” He swore.
Surprised by the pleading and admission, Ciel looked down at the crown of inky hair,“And why shouldst I take your word?” He asked quietly.
“Have I not told you?” Sebastian lifted his head and rested his chin upon Ciel's shoulder, “There are no entanglements in my speech, I cannot lie.”
“I see,” Exhausted and warm once again from the sultriness of Sebastian's body, Ciel gave himself in to temporary defeat, “Fine then,” He acquiesced,”I shall sleep here, and only sleep, nothing more but that!.”
“Most excellent!” Sebastian smiled and reached over to a small table next to the bed. Snatching a red ribbon, he dangled it in front of Ciel’s face.”Now, braid my hair.”he demanded.
“Are you daft?!” Ciel smacked the ribbon out of Sebastian’s hand,”Braid your own damned hair!” He miffed.
Sebastian pouted, “Tanaka usually braids it and I do not like the way it falls when I do it, so go on, braid it.” He insisted, once again dangling the ribbon in front of Ciel’s eye.
Sighing deeply, Ciel motioned for Sebastian to sit up and face away from him so he could untangle and separate the incredibly thick blanket of silken hair. His mother had often fed him a piece of coconut candy or licorice as a barter for a few minutes of brushing her hair. He had loved passing the finely bristled brush through her long hair and doing so for Sebastian left many conflicted feelings within the young lad.
Was it possible, in any way shape or form, to not want to leave this man’s side? He thought, separating the hair into three parts. How could this egotistical man possibly fathom Ciel falling in love with him?
Ciel shook his head, pulling each section and intertwining them evenly. There would be no chance of him preferring the life of a pirate's lover over freedom. The very idea was ridiculous!
“You are a child,” Ciel scolded gently, much to the amusement of Sebastian who only snorted his reply,”An overgrown, useless child.”
Chapter 13
Thanks to all for the wonderful feedback! I've been blessed with having such caring and wonderful readers and I promise to respond to everyone as soon as I can!
A little shout out to a guest character, Jovana! Please welcome our newest pirate with open arms and legs! Woot woot!
If you'd like to appear in the next chapter as a character, or in any of my other fics, then let's see who leaves a comment PLUS the symbolism behind a flower mentioned in this chaoter.
Good luck my loveys !
Oh and you know AnimeCujo, right? My right hand girl, the love of my life and the light in my dark soul. She just updated The Ninth Life!!!!!! Read it and puuuurrrrrr!
Chapter Text
The twittering of birds….
A long lost echo of the past.
Sebastian stood in the middle of a large circular room, it's perimeter lined with floor to ceiling French door styled windows dressed with sheer ivory curtains. The ornate decor spoke of finery with its Muslim plasterwork painted in muted colors of soft blue and gold leaf trim, arcades of semicircular arches, and triangular pediment tops. Colorful dishes painted in the style of istoriato, majolica (enamelled pottery), and medium sized bronze figures fashioned after mythological creatures, aligned exquisite carved wood cabinets made of cypress and ebony which were inlaid with curving designs of ivory and shimmering mother of pearl.
A large oval oriental rug of deep blue and green hues set in a background of beige and light rose shone brilliantly against the depthless brown of mahogany floor planks. In the far corner near the double entry doors stood a statue of San Isidro, the patron Saint of the Laboring Man, and in the other far corner were two large wrought iron bird cages.
One was painted in gold and it housed at least ten chirping and vibrant lemon yellow canaries. The other was of its natural black casing and it boasted an equal amount of bustling and noisy bluebirds.
Sebastian walked hesitantly towards the cages, glancing sideways to the castle gardens outside one of the windows. The sun burned brilliantly and the gardens were breath-takingly beautiful, filled with elaborately clipped hedges, trickling water, and fragrant, colorful flowers. He breathed slowly, inhaling the clean scent of red carnations, and felt a longing stir deep within his heart. Fitted in his pirate attire, he felt out of place and criminal, knowing that his presence was an eyesore for his royal blooded family.
“Sebastian, why do you fancy the bluebirds?”
The childlike voice came from behind him and he turned quickly to discover a small boy with jet black shoulder length hair and amber eyes hidden behind a pair of silver rimmed spectacles. He was slight in form; dressed in a braided black doublet, black velvet breeches, white cuffed shirt, and leather slip ons. A miniature version of their father, Claude was every inch the aristocratic noble, even at the tender age of seven.
Being only three years older than Claude, Sebastian found his situation strangely amusing and quirked a smile. “It is their color,” He responded gently, kneeling down in order to speak upon his brother’s level.“It reminds me of the ocean.”
The boy scowled, tugging at his fingers. “They are not very nice, brother,” he grumbled as he held out his slender fingers for inspection. Sebastian noticed a cloth tied around the pointer finger and he shook his head in amusement.
“If you keep sticking your finger in their cage, they will nip you,” He chuckled, taking purchase of the diminutive hand and examining the expertly bandaged digit.”Sharp beaks are capable of cutting to the bone.”
“Your birds are mean, brother!” Claude pouted, his cute face crumpling up like a piece of paper.”I wanted to say hello and they were very mean to me!”
The Captain sighed, pulling carefully at the hand and silently beckoning the crank child to come closer. ““Did you know that bluebirds bring happiness?” He drew Claude into his arms and held him closely to his chest, feeling adoration emanating throughout his body as his brother rested his head against his shoulder.
“But my birds make me happy too!” The boy stubbornly countered.
“Yes, they sing much prettier than mine.”
“B-But your birds are very strong, right?” Claude drew back and stared at his older brother with wide eyed wonderment.”I have seen them chase other larger birds away from the gardens!”
“Yes, yes they are, little brother,” Sebastian laughed, lovingly ruffling the ebon nest of hair.”They will protect what they love with every bit of their might!”
“Just like you, brother!” Claude grinned, hopping up and down excitedly.”Just like you protect me!”
His heart clenched painfully at the innocent remark.“Claude, your birds look like the sun and mine look like the ocean,” Sebastian remarked. “Do you realize what that means?”
The child shook his head “no”.
“It means whilst the ocean keeps its movement, the sun will never leave it alone”--Sebastian pointed towards the window, where a soft breeze had begun to sift through the billowing curtains--“Even if the night comith, even if the clouds and storms cover the light, the sun will eventually brighten the ocean.”
Claude smiled broadly and clapped his hands. “Oh! That does sound lovely!” He squealed happily.
“And just like you, Claude”--Sebastian looped his arm around his sibling’s neck and enclosed the tiny figure within his larger self, holding him tightly--“You bring light to my dark waters.” He affirmed.
“I do?” Claude whispered, digging his small fingers into his brother’s shirt.
“Yes you do, negrito.” Sebastian choked out, feeling the ice cold trickle of tears against his cheeks as he began to weep for.a time he could no longer retrieve. “Yes you do.”
The flapping of wings and musical trills of the birds filled Sebastian's ears as he closed his eyes and succumbed to the familiar comfort of his beloved brother.
“Get your bloody arm off of mine throat you behemoth oaf!”
Drowsy scarlet eyes popped open at the shrill voice thundering in his ear and the sounds of birds dissipated like smoke. Sebastian lifted his head up from his pillow to discover a purple faced Ciel desperately clawing at his arm. Without realizing, Sebastian had fallen asleep on his stomach with his arm hooked over his prisoner's neck.
The room, the birds, even Claude, were all gone; except for the empty cage.
“Your morning disposition leaves much to be desired.” He muttered, rolling over to his back and releasing his hold on a now gasping Ciel.
“I was requiring air!” The young noble coughed, glaring murderously at his captor.”however, I shall cease to be so selfish the next time you decide to strangle me!” He hissed as he gulped for air.
“It would have served better if you had moved over into my arms and lay still within my embrace.” Sebastian smirked, tucking his hands behind his head.”Such ill mannered bed mates are of no thrill to me.”
“Oh, do pardon my ill manners!” Ciel sarcastically spat. “You could have just granted my freedom and allowed me mine own bed.”
Sebastian frowned. “How boring.” He yawned.
Ciel sat up, pulling the sheets around him to cover his naked form. “It is common courtesy to allow a guest their own sleeping arrangements!” He miffed.
Turning his head to the side, Sebastian held up one finger in Ciel's flushed face. “Do not mistake this, you are no guest, you are my prisoner.” He reminded the flustered man. “Aside from that, I allowed you a proper sleeping arrangement.”
“This is far from proper!” Ciel cried, his open hands frantically gesturing at his clothless chest.”I am bare and without appropriate arrangement!”
Shrugging his shoulder, Sebastian grinned. “I, for one, slept exceptionally well.” He drawled with an air of self satisfaction.
Ciel regarded the man with dubious contempt.”Balderdash!” He exclaimed.”You tossed about like a fish out of water! Tossing and thrashing about, nearly sending me to meet my end to the floor!”
“I did not.” Sebastian snorted, “You merely exaggerate.”
“Yes you did!” Ciel insisted. “As if your movements were not enough to rob me of my sleep, you kept murmuring nonsense about birds!”
Sebastian froze, his body tense with dread. “Birds?” He feigned ignorance, keeping his eyes fixed upon the wall in front of the bed.”I know not what you speak of.” He lied.
“Yes….birds.” Ciel's voice went small for he had immediately noticed the change in Sebastian. Somehow, he had entered a dark territory in which he was most unwelcome to and he thought it better to retreat as quickly as possible lest he trigger some other outlandish behavior from the rogue man.
“But, it matters not.” He muttered, looking away.”As long as you slept well, it is all that matters.”
Surprised by the sudden shift in Ciel’s demeanor, Sebastian wondered if his prisoner was actually aware of the concern he had just displayed. Studying the sleek figure of the noble, it was obvious that he had become a bit more comfortable in his presence. Ciel was naked but was not trying to scramble away from his side, instead he had simply gathered the sheets at his waist.
“Nina had befitted you with clothing, yes?” Sebastian questioned the now visibly trembling boy.”If you remain in this state, surely you shall catch your death soon enough.”
“I wish to be clothed.” Ciel shivered, rubbing his arms with his hands as goosebumps littered the pale surface.”I am chilled.”
Without a word, Sebastian whipped off the sheets, revealing his own nakedness, and padded over the tall dresser at the foot of the bed. Ciel blushed heatedly at the incredible sight of the captain. He was unable to fully comprehend the exact magnificence of an adult male body intricacy sculpted in sinewy muscle and long graceful limbs wrapped in alabaster skin. Sebastian's dark braid swung like a black cat's tail behind him and Ciel found himself surprisingly pleased that his handiwork had kept its shape throughout the night.
It would have done me well if he had wrung himself dead with that braid, he thought sourly.
“I shall fetch you your clothes.” Sebastian announced, pulling out several articles of clothes and a pair of cloth underwear.”And have your provisions secured in my quarters.”
“Pardon?” Ciel was taken aback by the statement so quickly offered.”Why would you have my provisions brought here?”
“You shall board here with me.” The Captain turned around and brazenly revealed his full frontal glory to the now furiously blushing Ciel. His chest was smooth and none too broad and it led into a muscular flat abdomen. The V cut slant of his groin area held a healthy and deliciously fleshy pink cock crowned with only a small nest of coarse black hair. Even flaccid, Sebastian member was far larger and of a sizable girth compared with Ciel’s own young sapling still developing and finding its own shape.
“Have you not a bit of shame?” Ciel hissed.
“You say that yet you continue to stare at my dick.” Sebastian bluntly pointed out.
“Lecher!” Ciel shouted before diving under the covers and curling up into a ball.
Amazed by the childish, and unbearably cute, response, Sebastian held off from anymore teasing remarks and instead began to dress himself. “Remain here, do not move from these quarters lest you be punished.” He warned, hurriedly buttoning up his shirt.”Tanaka shall bring you your morning meal.”
“Shall I not eat with the crew?” Ciel’s muffled voice was barely audible from under the covers.
Red eyes narrowed.”Why ever would you wish to share a meal again with them?” Sebastian belted his pants and gave the bundle a suspicious once over.”Be there someone you fancy already?” He snarled .
A lone dark blue eye peeped out from between the sheets and it immediately clouded over.”Are you daft?” He angrily shot back, balling his fists into the mattress.”All I would be fancying at this moment is a clean pair of britches and freedom from the likes of you!”
Oddly pleased with Ciel's answer, Sebastian nodded and bent over to snatch up a pair of leather boots from the floor.”Mind yourself here on my ship.” He cautioned lowly.”Behave and obey is all that I ask.”
“You request far more than that!” Ciel sniffed indignantly, allowing his face to pop out from the covers so that he could fix the man with a contemptuous glare.”You think yourself so highly, with that baudy affect of yours, making outrageous demands of me. It defies all sensibility!”
“It would behoove you to adhere to my demands, Ciel.” Sebastian sauntered over to the side of the bed and sat down besides Ciel. The bed creaked and for an instance, The smell of crushed lavender wafted into the salt kissed air.
“I wish not to punish you.” He smirked, slowly leaning over the young man.”Pleasure is far more enjoyable than pain, is it not?”
Ciel looked up, holding the captain’s leering eyes with his own steely blue and offered not a hint of fear nor an intimidated air.”I do not fear mine own death.” He remarked coolly, shifting his weight to his arms and propping himself up so that he could be at equal height as Sebastian.”If you wish for acquiescence from me, barter my freedom with me. Offer an end to this misery either by a quick expiration or my eventual release. I am not your slave, your crewman, nor your lover so refrain from expecting such blind obedience from my person for you shall be sorely disappointed.”
A slow and sensually sly smile crept wickedly along the path of Sebastian's face.
“You are no disappointment, my esteemed noble Ciel Phantomhive.” He soothed, tracing a lone finger along Ciel’s sleek jawbone until it rested underneath his chin.”More and more you delight me with your senseless courage and upstart manners.”
Ciel dismissively waved away the backhanded compliments, “How odd, because more and more you disgust me with your lascivious behavior and devilish over confidence!” He scoffed.
“Such untruths pouring from such a pretty mouth.” Sebastian leaned in, tilting his head slightly to the side.”shall I silence it for a bit?” He breathed.
Ciel's eyes widened and he drew his face away from Sebastian's,”I will not allow that.” He whispered.
“Why ever not?”
“It is an action….for lovers.” Ciel could feel heat rising from the base of his neck to the tips of his ears. Surely he must have appeared like a human tomato, blushing like a young silly girl. The very thought made him suddenly shy and it was so bothersome to think that the pretense of a kiss could send him into such a state after he had bathed with the molesting pirate Captain.
“Have you ever kissed?” Sebastian inquired, his fingers now seductively ghosting over Ciel's collarbone from one end to the other.
Shivering from the delicious ministrations, Ciel squeezed his eye shut and felt his stomach flip over. His hands fisted the sheets around his ain't and he could feel his skin quivering with pleasure. A want so achingly painful coiled in his groin and he thanked God that the sheets were able to cover up his shame.
“I say, have you ever kissed?” Sebastian repeated, stealthily flicking one of Ciel’s pert pink nipples.
Releasing a mouselike squeak, Ciel felt himself stumbling towards haziness,“Y-Yes.” He admitted in a tiny voice.
Pleased with his expert handling, Sebastian lightly scraped his nails along the rounded swell of Ciel's shoulder and made circles against the soft skin.
“Was it Abberline?”
“Ye- No!” Ciel's eye shot open and his body jolted back from Sebastian's touch. He had been so immersed by the feather light touches that he had been lulled into allowing his guard down. Slapping his hands over his mouth, he suddenly realized the tremendous mistake he had just committed.
Sebastian slid his hand up Ciel’s neck and encircled his fingers around the swan like shape. Before the young noble could react, he felt a pressure nearly crushing his airways while Sebastian's eyes glowed like hellish rubies.
“I knew it.” He growled.
“Oi! Jovana! Did Miss Hopkins finish stitching up me pants?!” Dagger scrambled up the stairs towards the main deck with Jumbo, Doll, Snake and the twins right behind him. The morning had called for the small group to swab the deck before breakfast in order to clear the dirty water puddles and dirt collected during the night. Upon daybreak, Dagger had realized he was down to his last pair and had sought out Jovana the Stitch, one of Nina Hopkins’ prized apprentices. After a bit of a search, he finally found her straddling a lower beam while mending one of the sails.
Putting the last few threads through the tear, Jovana bit the thread and expertly knotted the end.“She is almost done with the mending,” She called out from above. The ocean breeze whipped her bright red hair about her angled face as she cocked a questioning eyebrow at her crewman. “Curious,” she pursed her lips at the shamefaced man,”how did you manage a hole in your crotch?”
A chorus of poorly muffled snickers from behind made Dagger turn beet red “Beast caught me sneakin’ a peek while she was bathing,” He answered sheepishly.
Jovana smiled widely.“Oh?!” She exclaimed, rolling up her ball of thread and poking it with a needle. “And you lived to tell the tale?!”
“More like it lived to tell the tale.” Peter snickered.
Scratching the back of his head, Dagger offered no excuses. “Well, she said if I do it again, she’ll finish the job and cut off my dick!”
Unable to withhold their sputtering breaths, the crew finally burst out laughing, guffawing loudly and slapping their knees at the expense of Dagger’s pride. Wendy attempted some form of courtesy by covering her face and giggling into her palms but her brother Peter nearly tumbled to the ground as he bent forward and held his stomach while wildly horse laughing. Snake snickered in a lisp sort of whisper--his snakes hissed their own amusement--and Jumbo emitted booming chortles as his giant body shook with hilarity.
“That’ll do it!”
“His dick?! How can ya cut off a nub?!”
“She'll ask Mey ta look fer it”
“Dagger has a nub? asks Milton.”
Whirling around with teeth bared, Dagger furiously shook his fist at the raucous display,“Blow it out yer arse!” He yelled back at his group who were now near hysteria and rolling against each other while gasping for air. Irritated by the immense humiliation, the young pirate angrily kicked his boot against the side of the stairs and cursed his poor luck.
“What's with all the row?” Mey shouted, scurrying down the rope ladder of her crow’s nest. Bleary eyed and wanting for her bed, she glanced at Dagger’s face and scowled,”What did you do now, little brother?” She tiredly demanded.
“Nothin’ that ain't been taken care of,” He mumbled, casting his eyes down at his feet.”They've a right to make fun of me.” Jerking his head in the direction of the still sniggering lot.
The falcon eyed lady despised bullying of any sort. “That may be so, but enough is enough!” Mey barked at the cackling crew--quickly quieting them down--”If you got time to heckle the lad, then you got time to wash out the chamber pots!”
Jovana dusted her hands against her pants and swung one leg over the beam,.”I'll go get your pants, Dagger,” She hopped down from the beam and made her way past the group. Doll, who had been holding on to Jumbo’s massive arm, stepped forward and smiled up at the pretty faced woman.
“Did ya do the stitching on Jumbo’s arm?” She inquired with wide eyes, pointing to a long and neat scar which traced from the man's wrist all the way up past his elbow.
Jovana nodded,“I did. Miss Hopkins taught me how.” She proudly affirmed.
Dagger coughed into his hand. “Miss Hopkins’ musta really taken a liking to your fingers, seems like she be teaching you lots o’ things, eh?” He sneered, delivering a mischievous wink at the unamused pirate.
A slew of new chuckling rose from Peter and Jumbo but Mey only rolled her eyes.”Oh for the love of Mary!” She bristled.”Shut your gob before you lose your teeth!”
With the dull sound of her thick heeled boots pressing against the creaking planks, Jovana calmly sashayed past Dagger, her shapely hips swaying in rhythmic step, “Miss. Hopkins only has eyes for Mey.” She informed him, sending Mey a seductive side glance.”but if there is anyone on this ship worth putting my shoes under their bed, it would be The Captain.” She purred.
“Stand in line, missy, ya ain't the only one.” Dagger snorted.
Stopping in her tracks, Jovana turned around and placed her hands upon her hips.“You're looking to be shagged by him as well?” she quipped.
Dagger's jaw dropped. “Wait, what?! No! That's not what I be meaning-!” He cried.
Peter was just about to add on his own insult to the conversation but something else caught his attention. With Wendy at his side he had barely noticed Doll leaving her place behind Jumbo and taking a seat atop a water barrel. His lip curled in disgust as he watched the fair skinned girl settle herself into a comfortable sitting position.
“Close yer blasted legs, Doll!” He spat, “I can see yer feckin’ bloomers!”
Doll had dressed herself in a simple white linen dress complete with lace ruffles at the hem and puffed sleeves with delicate blue rosebuds sewn into the cuffs. It was certainly not attire suitable for swabbing the deck, but being she was the youngest of the crew, they indulged her whims.
Peter would have chewed her ears off if he had noticed her leaving the sleeping quarters dressed in the pretty garb. He indulged no one, unless it was Wendy.
“Quit looking!” She shot back, pulling the front of the dress down between her legs.”I walked with ya and now ya notice, ya blind blaggard?!”
“You ain't anything I should be noticing!” He snarled venomously.
“Peter, please!” Wendy begged plaintively, tugging her brother's sleeve.
Ignoring Peter’s acidic remarks, Mey stood aside Doll and fingered the intricately stitched lace pattern. “Doll, why’re you wearing a dress?” She asked sweetly, mindful not to upset the girl. “Didn't Nina make that special for when we go ashore?”
Nervously looking away, Doll began to fidget with her fingers upon her lap.“I-I wanted to show Ciel my pretty dress!” She replied in a small voice.
“Doll’s got a sweetness for his royal highness!” Dagger teased.
Doll wrinkled up her nose at the mocking man, “Shut up Dagger!” She yelled.
“Speaking of your highness,” Jumbo’s deep voice interrupted and he gestured with his chin for everyone to look towards the lower deck, “here comes Alois.”
All pairs of eyes trained themselves on the spritely figure of the infamous Tongue Twister. His buttery yellow hair shone brightly and it was tousled in such a way that his eyes were partially hidden from view. Dressed in black breeches, a white Henley and bright purple vest, he carried himself with such a cavalier attitude that seldom did a pirate dare to approach him for friendly conversation.
Trotting up the stairs which connected the lower deck to the main deck, Alois halted his ascent and observed the group of pirates before him. A whisper of wind kicked up amongst the sails and his bangs were swept briefly to the side, revealing eyes the color of the gentle morning sky. An azure shade so uncommon and breathtaking, that no one could speak.
Well, almost no one.
“Oi! Oi! Par Ley Voo Frenchie!” Dagger crowed, delivering an exaggerated bow as if he were humbling himself before an emperor.
Alois clacked his teeth with disgust.“I am not French, you stupid troll,” He snapped.
Jumbo placed his enormous hand protectively on Dagger’s head. “He's just teasing you, Ali,” he counseled gently. “Keep it in good jest.”
“Where do ya come from, Ali?” Doll cut in, swinging her legs excitedly from side to side.”Ya never want to tell us but ya know where we all come from!”
Stomping up the stairs, Alois gave the girl a contemptuous glare.“It matters not where I am from.” He responded curtly
“Snake won't tell us either!” Wendy complained.”And Beast won't spill where's she from as well!”
Jumbo shook his head. “A ship full of secrets is a doomed ship.” He grunted.
Doll stopped swinging her legs and gaped at the hulking man with fear in her eye. “Really?” She squeaked.
“Come on, Jumbo, don't go spooking the little lass.” Mey tsked.
“But Jumbo makes a good point.” Jovana nodded.
“Instead of standing here, sniggling like school children and wasting time, you all should be following the morning schedule!” Alois roared, pointing at the collection of buckets and mops lying untouched on the upper deck.”Idle banter, nonsensical prying into the business of others! Have you all gone mad and stupid all at once?!”
“That will suffice, Alois.”
Tanaka’s stern voice caused everyone, even Alois, to jump in their place. The elderly man had been waiting to pass out orders on the upper deck the entire time.
“Mary and Christ!” Dagger clutched his chest and gawked bug eyed at the steward.”Ya nearly gave me the end!”
“My deepest apologies.” Tanaka smiled tightly.”But as you see, your time of levity had expired. Do resume your rounds of responsibility before our dear Captain walks upon a filthy deck and decides to dole out punishment for disobedience.”
Before the end of his sentence, they had all scrambled to their post and taken upon their chores with ferocious devotion.
Astounded by the efficiency of Tanaka’s austere command, Alois wordlessly observed the Pirates frantic need to accomplish their duties. Yet, even with being awestruck, the fact that the steward had to step in infuriated him. “I had it under control.” Alois seethed, turning to face Tanaka with anger filled eyes,”Yet once again you wish to undermine me!”
“You undermine yourself with your lack of respect for your crew.” Tanaka firmly chided.”Emulate your Captain’s approach towards his people, is that not your purpose here on this ship?”
“My purpose is to do whatever my Captain wishes for me to do!” Alois barked, his body shaking with rage.”Orokana no rōjin!”
“Muchina gaki,” Tanaka smoothly countered, descending the stairs and staring down at the pint sized first mate.”Your accent is quite rough, however the pronunciation is spot-on.” He complimented.
Unable to respond, Alois huffed and walked away, his clomping boots signaling his sour mood. Tanaka watched, dismayed by their encounter, and wondered if Sebastian truly understood what he had gotten himself into when he had picked up the young man.
It was so long ago, well within the first first few years of Sebastian's foray into the world of the buccaneer, when they had come across a scrawny boy not quite free from the arms of youth. They had purchased provisions from several black market merchants on Saint Mary’s Island on the Northeast coast of Madagascar and were preparing to spend several nights relaxing and keeping low after several highly successful lootings of trading vessels when they came across a slave trader.
A roly poly and seedy looking man by the name of Trancy.
“I've a lovely jewel for you gentlemen.” He leered at Sebastian, ogling the handsome man with glassy eyes filled with lecherous want.”A rare find which only comes once in a lifetime!”
They had been approached by the sweat soaked man at a local inn during their evening meal. The lanterns burned a golden glow which set off long dark shadows, allowing the “questionable” clientele to eat in peace and in anonymity.
“Absurd.” Tanaka had disdainfully turned up his nose at the man whose clothes fit him so tightly, he was assured they were stolen off a dead man's body.”We do not tangle ourselves with slave traders!”
“What type of rare jewel?” Sebastian asked, placing his fork down and and taking a sip of his frothy beer..
“Lapis Lazuli,” He tittered, crooking a finger and beckoning them to follow him,”and Citrine.”
Tanaka exchanged side glances with his ward and saw that the curious nature of the boy he raised was going to send them, yet again, into another adventure. They both rose at once, tossing several coins upon the table, and silently took their leave.
What they discovered, upon following the slave trader to an inconspicuously hidden shanty house several doors down from the inn, left them nearly breathless.
Chapter 14
Things are getting hotter and hotter! The tea is boiling!!!! Do you hear me?!?! THE TEA IS BOILING!!!!!
Hope you loveys enjoy this latest update, I adore your feedback and your support❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
And please do follow me on Tumblr as I will start posting links to some great fanfics I've come to really enjoy!
Love and kisses!
Chapter Text
Sebastian stared keenly at a covered lump on the straw floor and caught a whiff of something ripe and pungent in the stale air. A small fireplace crackled with meager flames in the corner of the one room shanty and an empty chamberpot stood on the other corner where a worn chair and distressed table were placed. His nose twitched from the remnants of fecal smell and he found himself more and more repulsed by Trancy as seconds rolled by.
“There it is.” Trancy crowed proudly, gesturing with his dirt riddled hand at the formless pile in the middle of the cramped room.”It's sleeping but I'll wake it up for you right quick!”
“Is this a child?” Sebastian asked quietly.
Tanaka glanced at his master “Captain, what are you thinking?” He spoke in a hushed voice as they watched Trancy lumber over to the still lump and gave it a swift kick to its side. A waifish boy, shrouded in a filthy brown burlap blanket, emerged dazed and looked up at the trio with a groggy face. Unconcerned with the boy’s condition, the pig faced man yanked the soiled blanket away from the his shivering naked body to reveal a frail boned and pale faced youngster of around 13 years. His matted hair reached the top of his shoulders and one could see beneath the dirt that. It was blonde. His wrists and ankles were rubbed raw, indicating that he had been shackled at one point, and the sides of his arms shone bruised imprints of abuse.
But what caught Sebastian's attention were the youngster's eyes.
A pair of wide and elegantly shaped eyes of crystal sky blue. They spoke of a strange beauty coupled with great suffering and vacant thoughts. He was lost, so very lost, and his unmoving lips seemed to appeal to the pirate for they quivered slightly as if silently begging to speak out loud.
“It be fair of face and fine in form.” Trancy cackled, brushing his stubby hand up and down the boy’s bony back.”After a good scrubbing, the lad gives off a nice flavor, trust me, I know.” He sniggered, reaching down and squeezing his prisoner’s bare rump.”I fetched it when it was pure, but youth allows for them to keep their shape, if you catch my meaning.” He winked.
“His name.”
Both Tanaka and Trancy were startled by Sebastian's austere tone. His deep voice cut through Trancy’s jovial mood and gave Tanaka an idea of what he was about to do. From the very start, he could sense Sebastian's distaste for the Trancy. His lips were pressed into tight white lines and his face was set in a stony expression which revealed nothing. But Tanaka knew better than that for his young master was more of a badger lurking beneath the cool shades of still flowers and brush. Once his ire had been provoked, the peace would be broken and the punishments would be generously doled out.
“Its name, sir?” Trancy appeared confused, rising to his feet and stepping towards the taller man.”I found it on the street begging for food on the island of Malta, what care for I of its name?”
Before Tanaka could stop him, Sebastian drew his sword from his side, retracted his arm and delivered a savage thrust straight into Trancy’s heart. The rotund slave dealer could only stand in his place, impaled by the long sword, and cough out a spray of blood before finally crumpling to the floor in a messy heap. Placing his boot against the now convulsing man’s chest, Sebastian kicked him free of his blade and swiftly wiped his weapon clean against his victim’s shirt.
“What shall we name him, Tanaka?” Sebastian piped cheerfully at his stern-faced steward while sheathing his sword.”I prefer something elegant.”
“Of course, young master.”
“A refined name, don't you think?”
“Refined would suffice, young master.”
“Isidro is proper, so is Catilan.”
“Well thought of, young master.”
“By our Lady! I despise that cowardly name!”
“Yes, master. That is most elegant.”
“I-I have….a name.” The men turned slowly and looked down where the mouse-like voice had emerged from. The boy did not seemed the least bothered by the murder of Trancy, yet his face still wore the same blank expression. He had pulled the blanket back onto his lap, something which proved to Tanaka that a sense of pride still existed in this shell of a child.
“Speak then, what is your name?” Sebastian kneeled before the boy and peered into his eyes, observing the angled features and porcelain colored skin peeking through crusts of dirt.
The boy stared back.”Alois.” He whispered hoarsely.
Tanaka removed his long black overcoat and placed it gently over Alois’ shoulders.”This should be sufficient until we reach the ship.” He motioned for Sebastian to fetch another cleaner looking blanket from the single bed in the room.”My captain, what is your plan with this boy?” He asked seriously, taking the blanket and tying it around the boy's painfully narrow waist.
Scarlet eyes studied the woeful state the boy was in.”He is indeed a jewel which must be polished.” Sebastian mused, resting his chin atop a balled up first. “A shame that only his looks may make him special.” He smirked.
“His looks?” Tanaka sighed.”Bocchan, the child is weathered and worn. Do not make light of his pitiable state.”
It may have been the haughtiness in Sebastian's tone or the sympathizing looks from Tanaka, but something irked Alois to his deepest core and in response he raised his head, eyes blazing furiously, and bared his teeth like a hissing cat.
“Fotti tua madre!” He spat.
Astounded by the sudden surge of strength behind the boy’s voice, Sebastian's jaw dropped,”Did he just curse me?” He gaped, pointing at Alois while staring owlishly at his servant.”Did this miscreant actually curse me?” .
“Yes he did.” Tanaka grimaced.”In Italian, to be exact.”
Tanaka shrugged. “Though he does not appear so, he must hail from Italy.” He surmised.
“How amusing!” The pirate snickered, wagging his finger at Alois.”Behave yourself, little Italian, else I shall send you to work in a brothel!” He warned.
“Blödes Arschloch!” Alois snapped, lifting his chin in defiance.”Fick dich!”
“Alas, he is now cursing you in German.” Tanaka noted.
“Va bouffer ta merde!”
“French, how impressive.”
Tanaka nearly doubled over in laughter.”Ho! Ho! Ho! That would be Spanish!” He chortled gleefully. “The lad has accused you of shortcomings!”
“I know precisely what he just called me!” Sebastian shouted angrily, his face contorted in rage. He abruptly stood and began hurriedly untying his belt. ”I shall show this cheeky brat my so called little di-!”
“Bocchan!” Tanaka raised his eyebrows and delivered a scolding look at the fuming pirate.”I beg you, do not lower yourself to such despicable behavior!”
Hesitating for but a second, Sebastian buckled his belt.“Understood!” He huffed, eyes narrowing into menacing slits as he glowered over Alois. ”As for you, moldy lout, reign in that churlish tone and take heed of your new master! It would behoove you to watch your filthy mouth!”
Alois merely rolled his eyes and snorted with contempt. “rövhål!” He chirped.
Sebastian’s face went white,”What in damnation was that tongue?!” He cried.”Is it gibberish?!”
Tanaka frowned.”It may be Nordic of some sort? The lad has accumulated curses in various languages, how tasteless.” He tsked.
Whipping his head around to catch Tanaka's attention, Alois glared murderously at him.”Watashi o bujoku shinaide kudasai!!” He snarled.
The intricate and melodic echoes of his homeland came tumbling effortlessly from the boys small lips and it arrested Tanaka in his place. His dark eyes searched Alois’ face for signs of his own ancestry, but he found none. “Anata wa Nihon no hanasu koto ga dekimasu ka?” He asked quietly.
Visibly annoyed, Alois blew a wisp of hair away from his face and nonchalantly met Tanaka’s intense gaze. “Baka yaro! Watashi wa, nin'i no gengo o hanasu koto ga dekimasu” He responded casually..
And that was how the two gentleman realized that the scraggly young man coated in a year’s worth of muck, was indeed more special than they had originally thought.
Grabbing the boy around his neck with one hand, Sebastian hoisted him up onto his stick thin legs and gave him a few sturdy shakes until Alois had ceased flailing his arms. “I am now your master, Captain Sebastian Michaelis, El Demonio Del Mar!” He hissed, hovering over the young man like a towering sentinel.”You behave and obey, in turn, I shall clean away every bit of grime and feculence which had been forced upon you. I shall erase your tarnished past, raise you from the dregs, and give you a new life. Aboard my ship, you shall prosper as you shall do as you are told!”
Alois shook his head frantically, finally breaking down in tears as the act of being brave wore him to the bone. “No! I will not! You will do to me what that beast did!” He wept, his hands clawing at Sebastian’s arm as he struggled to free himself.”You will harm me as he did!”
“I shalt not.”
“I do not lie.” Sebastian released Alois and motioned for Tanaka to help hold the weakened boy up. “You will learn of me, of what I do and do not do. Be mindful and follow me, for this world beyond the walls of this foul place shall be yours to witness if you obey me.”
Tanaka could feel the fragility of the boy’s limbs and worried inwardly whether or not he would survive even a few days on the ship. He smelled of rotting flesh, rashes littered his limp body and it was very likely that he had never eaten well. Such a tremendous responsibility to take upon a charge so malnourished and sickly that the elderly man wondered if his ward had indeed thought this through.
“Master, I believe there is a convent of Our Lady of Lourdes several leagues from this island.” Tanaka eased Alois’ arms into the sleeves of his coat.”Perhaps it would be best if-”
“No.” Came the curt reply.
Buttoning the front of the coat, Tanaka disapprovingly shook his head.”This child is not a pet.” He pointed out.”The sisters will care for him, educate and feed him well.”
“I shalt not abandon him.” Sebastian announced firmly, crossing his arms over his chest as if to punctuate his decree.”That is my final word upon this matter.”
Tanaka bowed his head.”Yes, young master.” He murmured.
Alois stared dumbly at the black haired man, his legs trembling terribly and his stomach aching from nerves and hunger. Why would such a stately man care to save him? He wondered as they stepped over the cooling corpse of his previous owner and led him carefully outside of the shanty house.
“Y-You will not….hurt me?” Alois twisted his diminutive hands into the front of the coat.”Y-You promise, yes?” He asked hopefully, unable to meet Sebastian's eyes.
The captain placed his hand on top of the boy’s grimy crown and patted him lightly.”I have far better plans for you.” He grinned.
The night air was damp and humid with the sounds of loud raucous laughter and clinking glasses echoing in the musty air. Golden lantern strung up by fisherman’s wire were connected by long poles lit the way down several pebbled trails. The scent of roasting meat and stale beer intermingled with the dank earth and heavily perfumed flowers of the jungles surrounding them. It was a pirate's paradise, safely hidden away from both manmade and religious law, but it was Hell for those without money nor power. Slaves were often brought here to the small island, traded for various wares and used as momentary pleasures to drown in and then toss to the side. No one rebuked those who sold or bought slaves, it was as natural as purchasing a vat of oil or a barrel of spices.
Tanaka loathed this particular practice of the so called “modern society”.
In silence they headed towards the shore where El Cuervo Negro was docked. Under the silver light of a yellowed crescent moon, the trio slinked onto the sleeping boat.
At the time, only A few crew members had been employed and Alois was informed that as soon as his health improved, he would be trained to become a first mate.
The moment Sebastian had declared that he would not abandon him, Alois had decided that his entire life was to be given up to the service of the one person who saved him. No one would ever come before Captain Michaelis and if anyone so dared to raise a violent hand against the pirate Captain, Alois would be right there to protect and defend until he met his own end.
The years became filled with adventure and purpose. Having acquired a crew member with the uncanny ability to decipher any language, Sebastian made countless highly lucrative transactions and trades with merchants and fellow pirates. No one could pull a sly one since Alois could understand any language being spoken in secret amongst the traders. He helped in opening the doors to numerous business opportunities and aided in Sebastian becoming well fitted with loot.
And thus, The Tongue Twister came to be.
Tanaka stared at the tea pot he had been brewing in the kitchen while recalling the memory of their acquisition of Alois. It was quite amusing how the young terror seemed to mirror the newest terror on the ship. Ciel and Alois were far more similar in nature than they both would probably care to admit. Fiery tempers, proud dispositions, haughty natures, and courageous in the face of daunting situations. Indeed, they were only two years apart and bore exquisite features uncommon among most men. What connected them most, however, were their past experiences which were steeped in suffering and torture. It was no wonder whenever they were in each other's company that they would end up clashing.
For years Tanaka watched Sebastian mold the Alois into an excellent sailor and loyal dog, but he also took notice of the boy’s fervent behavior towards his ward. Whenever a crewman grew close to the Captain, Alois was there to effectively stifle any further development. If Sebastian were to somehow find favor in his company with Ciel, what would Alois think of it?
At some point it was going to end, he thought tiredly, at some point Alois would have to let go of his obsession with the dark haired captain because, just as he had promised, Sebastian had “better plans” for him.
“No more thoughts.” He sighed loudly, dropping spoonfuls of honey into the tea cups he had prepared.”I do hope my Bocchan is taking proper care of the Earl.”
One could only hope…..
“Kiss me!”
“Kiss me!”
“I said No!”
“I command you to kiss me!”
Sebastian released his grip on Ciel’s throat and wrung his hands in utter frustration. “You gave entrance to that jelly boned thumb sucking gobshyte and yet you have the gall to refuse me?!” He roared, lunging after Ciel who swiftly rolled over to the other side of the bed and nearly crashed through the French paned window.
“I wouldst kiss a goat’s arse before I allowed your filthy mouth to touch mine own!” He spat, kicking his feet out in front of him in an effort to connect with Sebastian’s jaw.”Heel! You dog! Heel!”
“Dog, you say?!” Sebastian caught both ankles and squeezed them tightly until Ciel let out a pained yelp.”What else did you do with that syphilitic bastitch?” He hissed,
“Ow! Release me, you goblin!”
“What else did you do?!?”
“Release me!!!”
Sebastian shook him until Ciel’s teeth rattled. “Did he embrace you?” he thundered angrily. “Answer me! Did Abberline take you and make you his own?”
“How dare you treat me in such a way!!” Ciel protested vehemently, trying to kick himself free.”I am The Earl Ciel Phantomhive!”
“Answer me!”
“I will never lower myself to reply to such disgusting and loathsome interrogations!”
“You think of me as lowly?” Sebastian sneered..”Yet you tangled with that white washed liverless rapscallion!”
“It is of-Ow!-no concern to you what I did!” Ciel braced himself and placed all of his efforts into swinging his fists up at Sebastian. Somehow he was able to reach and scratched the seething man across his cheek.
Letting go of one of the ankles, Sebastian wiped his cheek with the back of his hand and noticed a paper thin line of blood on his skin.
Ciel immediately stopped kicking and stared up at the pirate.”I-I did not mean to do that!” He squeaked.
“You black spotted nattering wrench!” Sebastian swore, raising Ciel’s high leg up until the young man's bottom had been lifted clear off the bed “Did you mean to give that scurvy baboon your body as well?!” He viciously ripped the sheets off of Ciel and dangled him like a gasping fish on a hook.
“Monstrous swine!” Ciel screeched, his head bobbing in the air while slamming his fists against Sebastian's thighs.”Put me down this instance!”
“Answer me!”
“I did no such thing!”
“I have done nothing! Nothing!”
Dropping the hapless prisoner on his back like a sack upon the bed, Sebastian grabbed the boy's shoulders and pinned him down with his body. Ciel gasped for air, feeling his chest constrict with fury and fear all at once. Desperate tears collected in his eyes, but he refused to weep.
“What did he do to you?” Sebastian's voice went low and husky, as if he were trying to lull Ciel into telling the truth, but for Ciel this was already a lessened learned. He glared at Sebastian with his one good eye; disgust was painted all over his face.
“Unlike you, you perverted cad, I am untouched.” He hissed. Crimson spread from his neck up all the way to his ears as he felt his immense shame.”Abberline kissed me, he was gentle and kind and I was afraid and alone and yes! That man kissed me- but nothing more! I adored his advances, I adored him and if he continues to grace this earth alive, then I adore him even more! He protected me and mine honor and wouldst not further do me any harm.” Ciel's chest heaved with emotion and he swallowed hard after his rant for it had stolen his breath.
“Adore him?” Sebastian gritted his teeth as a fresh helping of rage washed over him.”In my presence you dare to spew such heartfelt sentiments?” He growled.
“You are truly unkind.” Ciel’s face crinkled into despair and he willed himself to not fall apart lest be seen as a child. “For it is plain sight that I have been butchered both in body and spirit and yet you handle me in such mindless and brutish ways, is it no wonder I felt at peace with Abberline who never laid harm upon me?”
Sebastian studied that one haunted sapphire eye and drew up his hand to Ciel's face, caressing the side where the dead orb lay hidden under a sewn socket. That large hand framing Ciel’s pixie face did indeed look monstrous. He recalled his vicious assault against Ciel when they first met on the Collingwood, how he had kept him locked up in a bare bones room and threatened his life initially. If he so chose to, he could force himself on the lad, break his spirit and mind, turn him inside out until there was nothing left but a husk and a pulse.
But he couldn't; he would not. No stranger to violence and mayhem, Sebastian's blood burned with grand ferocity and powerful inclinations. He feared no one and yet he wanted desperately for Ciel to willingly unwrap himself before him, to become undone out of want and not out of fear. To think that Abberline had been able to do this further ignited his desires.
“Kissed you, is that all?” He whispered, fingering the few lashed still attached to the marred skin.”Nothing else? He merely--kissed you?”
Flinching at the tender ministrations, Ciel took a shuddering breath. “Yes, that is all. I have neither been with man nor lady.” He admitted in a small voice.”Neither have I done such things…..to myself.” He averted his eye, mortified over his spoken admission.
“I see.” Sebastian cupped the boy's face and rubbed his cheek with his thumb, it was velvety soft and even with the disfigured portion of his face, Ciel was still an ethereal beauty. But the devilish temper and inability to acquiesce to even the simplest of his demands, made Ciel all the more desirable.
Add to that, the noble was also a pristine virgin.
“Kiss me.” Sebastian demanded.”For it is clear that I am a far better man than Abberline.”
“Clear?!” Ciel scowled.”Acquire yourself a better argument than that!”
Dropping his head onto Ciel's chest, Sebastian took a deep breath. And decided that he was not going to win over the Earl in this manner. Raising his head up, the pirate eased his weight off of Ciel and laid on his side, still resting his hand against the boy's face.
“Please, kiss me.” He entreated softly. “I beg of you, allow me this honor, my most esteemed Earl Ciel Phantomhive.”
“I beseech you, offer me a kiss, please?”
It may have been the childlike yearning in his scarlet eyes, or the handsome face framed in a waterfall of black silken hair, or perhaps the solid and manly shape of his body, whatever it was, Sebastian was making it difficult for Ciel to look away. The baritone voice, like liquid honey poured warm and sweet into his ear, trickled over Ciel’s skin and he felt himself give in just a bit.
Sebastian watched as pink lips slightly parted, like a budding tulip, and Ciel's head tilted slowly upwards, coyly granting wordless permission. His heart quickened at the supple swell of the muted mouth and its silent promises. Should he latch on and feast? Should he devour and conquer? What way would allow him to endear himself to this young man? Sebastian felt his own conscience gnawing at his senses, chewing away at the animalistic urges and thus commanding restraint. A gentleman’s kiss, he inwardly decided as he brushed his fingers down the narrow bridge of Ciel’s nose and pressed a lone fingertip against his cupid’s bow.
A look of confusion swept across Ciel’s face but he spoke not, instead he kept his eye trained solely on Sebastian's heated gaze. Licking his bottom lip, the pirate traced the outline of Ciel’s lips and was about to continue down to his chin when the unthinkable happened. Without thought, without reason, Ciel’s tongue peeked out from between his lips and flicked the tip of Sebastian's finger. They stared at each other in utter shock.
“Good morning, young master! Did you sleep well?”
The high pitched creak of the door opening and Tanaka’s cheerful voice entering the room instantly murdered all beautiful and bright things for Sebastian. He twisted his body around towards the direction of the door and for the first time in his 25 years walking upon this earth, he cursed the existence of Japan.
“I did, Tanaka.” He snarled, glaring at his steward with unfiltered sarcasm.”Thank you ever so much.”
Tanaka met the hateful look with an unaffected one of his own.“I was addressing the Earl, Sebastian.” He stated matter of factly.”Do allow our guest to sit up, he must have his tea.” He held up a tray of steaming tea cups complete with a small platter of strawberry scones and a small cloth sack hung by strings on his arm.
Ciel slapped away Sebastian's hands and gathered up the sheets around his waist as he attempted to comport himself. “I slept as well as one could under such dire circumstances.” He grumbled loudly.. Sitting up, he scooted a few inches away from the sulking man.”I am accustomed to far more reasonable bedding conditions.”
Tanaka smiled. “Well said, Bocchan.”
“Do not refer to him as that, Tanaka!” Sebastian barked, sitting at the edge of the bed and watching as Tanaka served Ciel a cup of tea with a fruited scone on the saucer. “He is my prisoner! And why in bloody Hell is he served first?!”
Ciel rolled his eyes.“Overgrown brat.” He snipped.
Handing Ciel a linen napkin, Tanaka turned to glower over his ward.“Mind your tone with me, it has already been a tedious morning for a man of my advanced age. Whilst you frolic here in the comfort of your room. I have been regulating the early day chores and crew with Alois.” He chided.
Aware of the man's aging health and the fact that he still had not met with his crewman, Sebastian grabbed Tanaka’s hand and rubbed it between his two. “Shall you require a respite?” He asked worriedly.
Tanaka shook his head.”That will not be needed, Master.”
“Perhaps we should dock at the nearest port and allow you days of rest?” Sebastian offered.
Smiling genially, Tanaka patted Sebastian's head and waved away the suggestion. “Heavens no! And veer off from your course? No, my dearest boy, we shalt do no such thing.”
Kissing the back of Tanaka's hand, Sebastian felt immense guilt over his servant’s current state. “My apologies, Tanaka.” He spoke with reverence. “I wish not to bring you troubles.”
“Dressed as you are, the crew awaits to see their captain inspecting the deck.” Tanaka slipped his hand free and retrieved a cup of tea for Sebastian to take. “I will feed the young boy, educate him in the ways of our ship, and dress him in appropriate attire. Do allow me the responsibility.”
Sebastian gladly sipped his tea and nodded. “That will do fine, arigatou sensei.” He bowed his head.
Again waving his hand dismissively, Tanaka wiped the corner of Sebastian's mouth with his pocket kerchief. “Ie, ie, now run along, Sebastian.” He smiled.”Alois awaits your orders.”
Downing the rest of his tea, and complaining once again about the copious and unnecessary amount of honey in his beverage, Sebastian grabbed his long black cloak and hurriedly left the cabin. Ciel was quite surprised in witnessing the interactions between Tanaka and the all mighty pirate captain. It was obvious that their relationship was exceptionally close, but Tanaka appeared to have little to almost no boundaries with Sebastian. In turn, the Captain had no problems with expressing his affection and care for his servant.
Nibbling on the last crumb of his scone, Ciel wiped his hands clean with the napkin and addressed Tanaka. “How are you able to reign in that wild beast?!” He asked.
Tanaka took Ciel's empty cup and gave the boy a discerning look.“I raised that wild beast, do mind your tongue, Ciel.” He responded gravely.”Aside from the occasional nonsense he exhibits, Captain Michaelis is an intelligent and exceptional man.”
Ducking his head, Ciel felt instant regret over his unintended insult. “Yes, sir.” He mumbled.
Tanaka cleared the cups and placed them on a silver tray.“Though he is not of my blood, he is most dear and precious to me.” He admitted, taking out several articles of clothing from the small sack he came in with. “I will allow no harm to befall him, nor ill-will nor cursed word to be spoken towards him. That is my lot, Bocchan, to serve that man until my mortal coil is disposed of.”
Ciel shivered as he watched Tanaka place a shirt, underwear and pants on the bed besides him.“It it most admirable of you, such noble intentions.” He said, reaching out to snatch up a long sleeved white cotton shirt.
Tanaka offered a wry smile.“I am a man of high esteem.” He motioned for Ciel to get dressed.”Today I shall allow you knowledge of the ship, be mindful and pay attention to my instructions.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Do you fear the dark waters?”
Ciel knitted his brows at the strange question. “No, not at all. I was partially raised on an island.” He replied.”I was often called to venture out into the ocean on small boats for fishing excursions with my friends.”
The elderly man nodded. “I see. Be mindful of walking about the ship.” He warned. “One rogue wave will send you stumbling overboard to your death.”
“I can swim.” Ciel retorted while pulling up his pants which stopped short of his calves. “If need be, I know how to remain afloat.”
“Do not test these waters, Bocchan.” Tanaka observed the delicately sculpted arms of the boy as he slipped into his shirt.”To survive the freezing void of the open sea is an arduous challenge.”
“Yes, sir.” Ciel relented, pulling his cord belt tightly around his waist.”I shall be most careful.” He assured him.
The tingling sensation of what he had almost done with Sebastian still resonated throughout his skin. Ciel felt some form of mortification over having nearly succumbed to Sebastian's pleas for a kiss and yet he knew that if Tanaka had not interrupted them, he would have most assuredly kissed the pirate.
And why in heaven’s name did he lick that beast’s finger?!
Unlike Abberline, Sebastian ignited a rhythmic pulsing through Ciel’s veins and straight into his lower region. The heated throbbing he experienced in his groin while pinned like a bug beneath Sebastian's sizable frame left him nearly breathless. As much as his pride fought tirelessly to thwart the captain’s advances, something primal unfolded within Ciel and it beget a natural bodily reaction he did not want to accept.
Sebastian Michaelis aroused him.
“Dear lord.” Ciel coughed into his hand as his cheeks flushed bright red. Tanaka raised an amused eyebrow and made a mental note to add more iron to the boy’s diet.
“You shall certainly be in dire need of it.” He chuckled under his breath as the pair headed out the door.
Chapter 15
Hope you loveys have been well!
More adventures to post, more stories to write and yeah it's been awhile but things are slowly getting back into order for me. Writing is the healing remedy for all of my ailments so I'm just thankful that I have an outlet for the pain and misery of reality. It's a beautiful world, but there's so much ugly in it.
Let's enjoy a time of delicious sexually charged pirates hungry for companionship and booty!!!!! This chapter is a bit more on the emotional side but I hope you all enjoy it! Thanks for the constant support and love! ❤️
Chapter Text
The afternoon sun burnt bright and vivid as the ship rolled through the deep blue waves. Seagulls screeched high pitched greetings, hungrily scanning the ship for morsels and scraps, while the crewman squinted at the skies and went about their chores. A steady hum resonated amongst the crew, gruff banter and laughter circulating betwixt the deckhands. From younger pirates swabbing fish scales and dirty water oft the planked floor to the carpenters mending distressed points between the mast and bulkheads, all hands were occupied with their tiresome work. Doubtless it was back breaking most times, with muscles sore and aching by the day’s end, but everyone understood their place and welcomed the security of having notched their bodies into the Pirate's life. Food was aplenty and a warm bed awaited them at the end of their shifts and all eyes watched each one’s back.
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technologiestonki · 2 years
Joe cocker lend me your ears
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Joe cocker lend me your ears how to#
Joe cocker lend me your ears code#
Note: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles (CSS). 1 Album Lyrics1.With a Little Help From My Friends (Live Woodstock Version With Additional Stage Dialogue, Rainstorm, Crowd Sounds, Stage Announcements, & General Hysteria)2.With a Little Help From My Friends (Live Woodstock Version)Joe Cocker Lyrics provided by
Joe cocker lend me your ears code#
Get the embed code Joe Cocker - Woodstock: Music From the Original Soundtrack and More, Vol. I get on high, I'm wanna make time oh Lord Howlin for Judy 2008 The Enja Heritage Collection: Outlaws 1977 Flute Fever 1963 Encuentro en New York (feat. Said I'm gonna get by with my friend, I tell ya I can't tell ya, but it sure feels like magicĭon't you know I'm gonna make it with my friends? (What do you see when you turn out the light?) (Would you believe in a love at first sight?) Said I'm gonna make it with my friends, I will Ears are also helpful in figuring out the extremely complicated, counter-intuitive concepts that my humans are beginning to insist on such as OFF and STAY.Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
Joe cocker lend me your ears how to#
With my ears, I am now learning how to SIT. Apparently, ears are also things for listening. Now, as far as I’m concerned, ears are principally there for chewing, but they also have another function, on which the humans around here seem pretty keen. and can even be persuaded to chase me about. At first BOB regarded me with complete indifference, but now, as long as BALL is not around, he is quite happy to play with me. BOB is a a few years older than me, and his all-time favourite things are not EARS but BALLS and BANANAS. I’m told that BOB is my brother, but we are actually quite different. Yet, despite his complete failure to lend me his ears, Great Uncle Bruce is always very kind and very gentle. His ears are so wonderfully chewy, and, believe me, I have tried to enlighten him on this matter, but to no avail. Would you stand up and walk out on me Lend me your ears and Ill sing you a song I will try not to sing out of key, yeah Oh, baby I get by with a little help from my friends By with a little help from my friends. Great Uncle Bruce is OLD and SMART, yet I am surprised that despite his wisdom and venerable age, he has not yet figured out that YOU CHEW MY EARS AND I CHEW YOURS is the very best game there is. Second only to SKYE’S ears on my FANTASTIC CHEWIES list come those of this guy. All of these are lots of fun, but our favourite game is, of course, YOU CHEW MY EARS AND I CHEW YOURS. I'm gonna tell them all about it, I'm gonna tell. Oh, I'm gonna get on by, yes I'm gonna get on by, my Lord. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him The evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones, So let it be with. Oh, I'm never gonna stop there, oh (Ah, with a little help from my friends) I'm gonna keep on trying, yeah yeah (Ah, with a little help from my friends) I'm getting high, I'm gonna make time, oh Lord (Ooh) Gonna get by with my friends. Skye likes my ears and she likes playing in the garden just as much as I do! With Skye I enjoy games such as CHASE ME ROUND THE QUINCE BUSH CAN YOU DESTROY WELLINGTON BOOT and CROUCH, BARGE AND LEAP. Weve searched our database for all the quotes and captions related to Lend Me Your Ears. Skye is a mischievous and jolly caramel-coloured cocker spaniel who is a couple of weeks older than me. Human ears make pretty good CHEWIES but the best ears for chewing are those of my good friend, Skye. Personally, I would never bite an ear, but I do like to show those of whom I am fond – whether human or canine – that I like them by chewing at their CHEWY ears. Biting ears is very bad, and, in my book, eating ears verboten. Now, when I say say that ears are CHEWY I do not mean that they are meant for eating, or for biting either. EARS are easily accessible to an intrepid, eager puppy and the best thing about EARS is that they are CHEWY! lend me your ears. As my cats Hoshi and Ami tucked into their breakfast, I. Barely a month into my legal separation from The Ex, and finally on my own for the first time ever, I woke up rested and stress-free in my new apartment. November 25th 1991, a Monday, started like any other weekday. These are the two things that flop about off the side of your head (if you are a dog) or that sit below your glasses (if you are a human). LEND ME YOUR EARS: INSIDE MY HEART IS BREAKING.
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0 notes
Monsters mcs are the best in my opnion! So i'm really happy to have found out your blog! Could i request relationship headcanons for Azul,Riddle and other two of your chossing with a androgynous-looking Male!Fairy!Reader? Maybe capable of switching between a more "humam" form and a "pixie" form (Pixie form would problably be similar to the fairies in the Fairy gala event) in SFW and NSFW (Or just SFW if you feel incomfortable).
Pixie Drabbles
I made little drabbles for Riddle and Azul since I couldn't really think of anyone else. Male reader Implied. Pixie Reader
"And done!" Riddle's eyes go wide for a moment at the feeling of a weight on his head, posture stiffening up before whipping his head around to see you. Your wings flutter behind you as you practically twirl around him, taking your seat on the stump across the mushroom table from him.
His hands instinctively went to touch the weight on his head, lifting it off to examine it. White, red, floribunda, and cherry parfait were all weaved together in a gradient pattern to make a ring. Sticks and other plants were intertwined within the ring to make it truly look like a crown. You reached over to the crown and took it into your hands, placing it back onto Riddle's head.
An antique hand mirror rested in your hands, twirling about before you faced the reflective side to him. Upon seeing his reflection of the crown he wore in the mirror mixed with your serene expression he couldn't help but blush slightly. "My apologies, I wasn't aware I should have brought a proper crown." "It's a pixie custom of ours to dress our guests, you don't have to bring anything." 
"I insist-" "No Riddle, I insist. You have nothing to prove to me, you know?" "Is that so…" Riddles sounded dazed, unused to such statements. He was always expected to perform at his best at all times his whole life, no cracks, no breaks, just pure perfection. 
Yet here you were, patient as always, never tearing him down for any mistake he makes, but rather encouraging them. He was thankful to have found such a lovely partner as you. Somewhere in his mind, he wonders how his mother would react to him bringing home a man. You snap him out of his thoughts.
"Now, allow me to officially show you how we pixies do tea parties around here!" You say, floating over a pixie dust-covered teapot made of leaves. Riddle relaxed a little and smiled, giving a firm, yet gentle nod.
"And this is?" "If I tell you won't try it." "Well, I don't think I was going to try it to begin with …" 
You made a mock gasp in response. "Oh how you wound me Azul, here I was inviting you over to teach you some proper pixie cuisine and this is how you respond?" You playfully nudge the greedy octopus who wears a small teasing smile on his lips. You were showing the mer some delicacies and desserts that pixies enjoy for the lounge. "Alright, I guess I'll try it…"
You grab Azul's face, hand under his chin and fingers squishing his cheekss. He blushed at the movment, now forced to look at your handsome face. "Open wide~" You snicker, bringing the fork closer to his mouth to feed him. Azul pulled away from the fork after, out of your hands. His eyes were closed in focus as he chewed on the mysterious substance you fed him.
"Meaty, crispy, yet chewy… surprisingly sweet… a bit floral too. A hint of honey… This is… very good. Did you add some flowers to the herbs you used?" You were always amazed by Azul's taste buds, refined after years of running restaurants and testing dishes. "Right as always, Azzy." You snicker at the small look he gives you.
"Still, I'm completely unsure of what I just ate" "Coconut worms!" Azul's eyes widened. "Coconut worms? Wait, did I just eat-" "Bugs? Yup. We pixies eat a lot of bugs amongst the foliage we can find. Sprites too occasionally. But our main source of protein are bugs! Honey and sugar are also used a lot in our recipes too, beekeeping is a common practice among us." ඞ
"I… ate…" "But it was good though, right?" Azul regained his composure and nodded. "I- yes it was, very good. I've just never eaten insects before, I always assumed they were disgusting, to say the least."
"Welp, now you know!" You smiled at your lover. "So what do you think? Is it menu approved?" You snickered at Azul's nervous expression, before calming. "The honeycomb cake you made before. The coconut worms…" Azul paused a bit thinking of what to say next. "I don't think the lounge is ready for it.
474 notes · View notes
lovely-keii · 3 years
Taking Care of Baby Haikyuu
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A/N: This is probably so dumb but I got this idea when a tiktok of babies came up on my fyp. So here! Istg I think I’m getting baby fever.
Characters: Sugawara Koushi, Oikawa Tooru & Iwaizumi Hajime, Bokuto Koutarou, Miya Atsumu & Miya Osamu, Terushima Yuuji
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Sugawara Koushi
this is who i believe is the best baby in the world
he’s honestly a really great kid, like he listens to you and doesn’t throw much tantrums
a pretty decent kid in terms of behavior but when it comes to habits
he’s always eating something so his parents are really stressed
so when you arrive, they hand you a bunch of chewy things for babies and you’re lowkey wondering if you’re babysitting a dog
“never let him close to your hand when he’s crying without a chew toy”
and his mom is really persistent on that so you’re like ok but is he gonna chew my arm off??
but when you go inside, he’s sitting on the sofa, nicely waiting for you to come inside
when you get inside baby gets up and greets you with a kiss to the hand
so you immediately love him because he’s just so precious omg
bedtime? he’s probably the one that tells you
“i have my bedtime in 15 minutes”
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Oikawa & Iwaizumi
they keep bothering each other
oikawa is always showing you and iwaizumi random things
and you aren’t allowed to take your eyes off of him or he’ll throw stuff and actually have a tantrum
iwaizumi is always hitting him and always calls him stupid
at first you’re like “don’t fight”
and they’ll be like “we’re not fighting”
so you just think that maybe they don’t like each other
then they decide to draw each other and you see iwaizumi pull out something from his little bag
and it’s a picture of the two of them grinning really widely
and you feel like you’re gonna get a heart attack because that’s just so cute 
and when it’s bed time, oikawa tries to sneak in iwaizumi’s bed and eventually, iwaizumi just lets him
they’re so annoying but also so cute
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Bokuto Koutarou
speaks in yay’s and oh no’s
honestly, he’s so cute but also he’s really messy
when he sees you he just runs up to you and gives you such a big hug and he’s grinning like an idiot
the definition of “do not feed sugar after midnight at all”
he gets a little whiny at times but he ends up listening to you anyway
“y/n, i don’t wanna take a bath, thoughhhh”
and he’s flopped on the floor and doesn’t want to get up either
so you have to give him the puppy eyes
“kou, pleaseeee?”
“oh, alright.”
also he’s pretty confident in himself and so  he’s always trying to “protect” you
bedtime with him is honestly really nice
he’ll refuse for a short while then he gets sleepy too so he agrees
then he’ll run to his room, holding your hand
and when he gets to his bed, he’ll wait for you to tuck him in
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Miya Twins
fml 2
oh my god they’re always attacking each other
they barely ever listen to you so you have to come up with something to get them to 
bribe them offer them food and toys
they’re constantly arguing over who’s the better twin and keeps bringing up the tiniest things
atsumu keeps bragging but osamu always interrupts him which eventually leads to another fight
they also hate sharing with each other so expect a lot of snatching and crying
never let the share the same pack of crayola because they’re going to try to kill each other
no joke, they will
but bedtime is surprisingly really nice
they share the room but they have seperate beds
so when you tuck them in they whisper things to you but they’re pretty loud so they hear each other 
“y/n, tell ‘samu i love him but don’t say i said it.”
so when you go over to osamu’s bed he’s all like
“y/n, tell ‘tsumu i love him too but don’t say it was me.”
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Terushima Yuuji
he’ll try to impress you a lot so please compliment him
“okay, baby, that’s great!”
he does a little fist pump which is actually so cute
he’s actually a really polite kid so when he’s eating food
you could be feeding him his snacks and he’ll just take the spoon or snack bag from you, gently of course
then he’ll take a scoop/piece and ask if you want some
if you say yes, he’ll grin and feed you some of his food really nicely
if you say no, he’ll give you pats on the forehead and tells you that if you’re hungry, he’ll give you his food
he’s so nice like i love him so much
and he’ll tell you so much random things that he learns from school
expect to know all the gossip about his classmates
apparently, preschoolers can be pretty problematic too
literally, someone tell kara to stop trying to steal terushima’s food
bedtime is also really nice
he listens to you when you say bedtime but he’s always like
“aw, man. but you’re gonna babysit me again, right?”
“if you’re a good boy, then yeah, i will!”
so then he runs to his bed but before he falls asleep he asks you for a small forehead kiss
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sunaswife · 3 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
🔪: Y’all my heart 🥺 ngl I kinda cried as I wrote this
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Twelve
“Hi hi are you our grandma?” Rini said with wide eyes, you, Rin and Kauru were outside grabbing the last of the groceries and talking. It was like his mother was frozen in time, they looked exactly like her son when he was a kid, when she was still learning how to raise a tiny human.
She finally realized she was a grandmother because the looks were uncanny. “Yes I’m your grandma.” She replied and she kids ran and hugged her legs. “It’s nice to meet you, we’ve never had a grandma before but we promise to be good grandkids for you.” Rini said and Akira nodded. “What do you mean you never had a grandma before?” She asked the twins, they didn’t see the glint in her eyes. She needs all the information she can get to show her son that she’s not a good mother and he can fight for custody.
“Momma doesn’t talk to her parents. They’re mean and think she’s a dispointment.” Akira chimed in. Obviously the kid met disappointment which made sense. If Rin was a girl she’d probably do the same thing.
“Hey guys guess what grandma got!” Rin walked in, his hands full of groceries. He placed them down and pulled out the pack of the frozen Chuupets. The kids eyes widened and they ran to their dad to hand them a chuupet. “You are only getting one because you haven’t eaten dinner yet.” He said and the kids nodded. After he handed them the chuupet, they ran off. “How’s everything mom.” He looks down to see the shorter woman. “Could be better without your dog and your ex.” She answered and Suna frowned.
“At least try to get along with her? Please. She’s the mother of your grandkids and hopefully we can be together again.” He said hopefully and her eyes widened. “You wanna get back together with her.” She said almost disgusted and Rin sighed. “Yeah mom.” He replied. “You’re gonna regret it.” She hummed and Rin rolled his eyes.
“Excuse me..um...Mrs.Suna..?” You peered from behind the wall you somewhat heard their conversation but that’s a talk for another time, “What.” She raised a brow and Rin facepalmed. “When was the last time you checked the oil of your car? And your brakes?” You asked. “I don’t know. Usually we take it to a mechanic, but we’ve been busy raising someone else’s dog.” She said and eyed her son. “Mechanic? Rin nor Kauru don’t know how to do that?” You asked. “I have a sports car, no way in hell I’m fucking it up.” Rin replied.
“Is it okay for me to change the oil and the brakes? I would hate for you to get into an accident.” You asked. “Accident? You’d probably tinker with my car so I’d crash the next time I use it.” She crossed her arms over her chest. You were beyond confused, “Mom, stop.” Rin scolded and she rolled her eyes.
You left the car as is but made a mental note to ask Kauru for permission to add more oil and fix her brakes.
Other than that conversation you haven’t spoken to her the rest of the day. What bothered you was that she didn’t try to get close to the kids. You sat on the small picnic table in the backyard while Rin was throwing a chew toy across the backyard while his dog, Chewy chased it eagarly. When Rin came to the back yard he whistled causing the dog to turn its head, it stayed frozen as if not believing his owner was truly there. But eventually Rin called him and his ears perked up and he began running and whining at the same time. He tackled Rin and he fell back. Chewy licked his face and Rin was giggling with a big stupid smile on his face, you smiled lightly at the scene and Akira tugged onto your leggings to tell you that Rin was crying.
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion and turned again to see Rin and then you saw it. The way he held on to his dog and a small tear streamed down. “Who’s a good boy? Are you a good boy?” He talked and Chewy’s tail wagged. “Alright bud, sit.” He commanded and he sat obediently. You could hear a tapping noise but it was because Chewy was so excited to see his owner. “Chewy meet your brother and sister.” Rin introduced and you started laughing. “What do you mean he’s our brother? He’s a dog.” Rini pointed out, “Same difference.” Rin shrugged and you covered your mouth to stop yourself from snorting.
“Okay get close and tell him to shake. Then shake his hand.” He instructed, Rini was first and gasped when Chewy obeyed. Earlier they got around to playing but they didn’t know their dads dog—I mean brother was trained. Akira did the same thing and she giggled. “Alrighty, Chewy. Meet your new mom.” He introduced you and you stepped back. “Nope, not my son.” You waved off, “Are you really gonna leave him motherless.” Rin pressed, “Yeah mama, he’s our brother you can’t be like that.” Akira whined.
“I just never really liked dogs.” You admitted, “Me neither but he’s my best friend.” Rin said softly. You looked down at the brown dog with curly hair. His tail wagged as his tongue sticker out so adorably. Now you understood why Rin named him Chewy, he looks like Chewbacca. “Nice to meet you, Chewy.” You reached your hand out to pet his head but he jump and rested his paws on your stomach, causing you to lose you balance and fall back. Before you could fall and die from embarrassment, No one other than Rin was there to catch you. “I’m sorry he doesn’t really do that. He’s just too excited.” He said from behind and helped you up. “No it’s fine.” You said and you both stayed quiet.
“So are you gonna continue holding on to my waist or..?”
“Fuck..sorry.” He apologized with flushed cheeks and let go. The kids began scolding their dad’s potty mouth and you hated that feeling in your stomach from when he pulled away.
Rin’s mom looked from the kitchen window and gritted her teeth while scrubbing the pan a little too hard. “Good job, Chewy.” Rini and Akira quietly praised and continued to play with their new brother.
“Finally we can talk.” Rin’s mom said and sat at the head of the table, you and Rin both gulped and Kauru sighed. He just wanted to nap. “Okay I can tell without a doubt that those children are Rintarou’s. And it’s nice that they don’t look like you.” Rin’s mom spoke up and you gasped. “If you’re here just to fight then don’t even open your mouth.” Kauru told his wife and she gave a glare. “Okay first of all. Why didn’t you tell my son you were pregnant.” She crossed her arms over your chest and you cuddled with your fingers. “Well Mrs.Suna...like I said over the phone. We had just broken up and I was hurt and afraid. I wasn’t sure if he would support me in keeping them—“ “Well how could you know if you didn’t speak up?” She interrupted but you ignored the jabs she threw. “I also wanted him to continue on with his career, stress free. I guess at the time I still loved him a lot that I didn’t want him to suffer with me. Or else I could have easily filed for child support.” You said and Rin frowned slightly.
“That’s not a good excuse. Rintarou has missed out on so much because you were selfish. You just wanted Rin to go pro for the money.” She accused with a pointed finger. “Mom—stop!” Rin immediately said and Kauru raised his finger to stop his son. “Karin do you know that for sure?” He asked his wife. “Yeah. All she does is party and drink. I think the kids are unsafe under her care. All of her money is wasted on her fake breasts.”
“Ma’am I can assure you that these are real. Ask your son.” You waved off and she gasped before she could open her mouth to utter more stupid shit you said. “With all due respect Mrs. Suna, you don’t know me. You don’t know how I raise my children, you don’t know what I do for a living and you don’t know what I’ve been through. Please before judging me, see how I treat my kids and how I treat your son. I have been nothing but respectful and the least you could do is treat me like a proper guest.” You argued back but she just ignored you and went through her iPad.
Why does she have an iPad? She flips the device over so you and the two Suna men could see and Rin almost spit out his drink. Karin told Kauru to look away and your mouth hung open as she swiped photo after photo of you in revealing lingerie. In some photos you’re wearing a gag and in others you’re chained up but it’s all modeling for Jamie and her line. You looked at your stomach and thighs and you could see those stretch marks.
Even though the world has seen these pictures, you can’t help but feel nervous when Rintarou is looking at them. You weren’t the same athletic girl from highschool, you gained weight, developed stretch marks, and you hate working out. You know you’re beautiful, that’s why you asked Jamie to not edit the photos of you she posted on the web. Your stretch marks and tummy were there for the world to see. But their comments or praise didn’t matter. The only person’s opinion that matters is Rintarou’s. Which is ridiculous to say but, some part of you still wants his approval and to be with him.
“Is this a good example to show your daughter? You want her modeling and showing off her body like a filthy wh—“ “Enough!” Rin smacked the table and stood up. You flinched as well as she did and you began to cry. “You make it seem like I should be ashamed of myself...”
“You should be.”
“Have you told them why we broke up?” You turned to Rin and he saw the tears streaming down. He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and say that it’s okay. “No..” he shook his head and you sighed. “You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason. Now if you’d excuse me, I need to go, it’s time for their history lesson.” You wiped your eyes and left the table. Quickly you grabbed your bag with all their supplies and you met them outside. “Come on, time for school!” You called with a fake smile and red eyes. The kids understood to not argue and to just obey.
You sat on the picnic table with your two kids across from you and Chewy was laying on the bench right next to you, with his head on your thighs. “Mama...” Rini interrupted your thoughts, “Yes baby?” You asked and looked up from their lesson plan, “I love you, and you’re the best mom in the world.” He said with a small smile. “I love you more than Rini and you’re the bestest momma in the universe!” Akira chimes in and you chuckled. “I love you guys to infinity and beyond, forever and ever! It’s called unconditional love.” You said and their eyes widened. “Unconditional love...” akira hummed and you nodded.
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“Hi Kuroo-san is everything okay?” You asked as you made your way to the patio outside. It was already time for the kids bedtime. “Y/N I’m sorry for informing you last minute but one of the commentators for tomorrow’s game is in the hospital so we were wondering if you could fill in.” He spoke calmly. “I—oh gosh I’m all the way in Hyogo..when does the game start?” You asked.
After going back in forth for tomorrow’s game you hung up after respectfully telling him you weren’t interested in going out on a date. You rubbed your face and looked at the time. The trains have already closed for the day, so you’d have to take your car.
“You good?” Rin asked as soon as you walked back inside. “I need to go in to work tomorrow. Another commentator is in the hospital. Nobody else can fill in.” You said and his eyes widened since it’s a very long drive. “Oh how fantastic, leaving your young children overnight to go work—“
“I’m taking them.” You interrupted the witch and her eyes widened. “What do you mean you’re taking them.” She asked. “They’re my children and I don’t want to leave them with you. I’d rather take them and ask Jamie to watch over them and I’ll come back the day after tomorrow.”
“Y/N...” Suna snapped you out of your rambling and you turned your head to see him. “I’m here now, remember? You don’t have to do this alone anymore. I can take care of them and watch them. I’ve done it before.” He assured. “I’m sorry but I really don’t want them near your mom.” You explained your reasoning. “Tomorrow we’ll be at Kita’s farm all day. They’ll be fine.” He said and patted your head. Without even realizing, you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around Suna’s torso, his face flushed and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. “Thank you. It means a lot.” You mumbled in his chest.
“It’s my job, partner.” He chuckled and you pulled away. “Fist bump?” He asked and presented his closer fist, you giggled and nodded. “Fist bump.” You did the same and your knuckles met. Rin’s mother scoffed and rolled her eyes, walking away to her room.
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You took a deep breath as you crossed lanes on the freeway going back home. You wanted nothing more than to stay with your kids or take them with you, but you can’t control everything yourself anymore. You gonna trust Rin.
You made it home by five am since the drive was eight hours but you made it in seven by speeding and automatically fell asleep in Rin’s bed. You decided to take the pull out bed in your office when Rin moved in and he slept in your old master bedroom. But you were too tired to pull it out so you slept in your old bed. You couldn’t help but notice how the pillows smelled like Rin.
His scent definitely changed, he doesn’t use the old spice fragrance from highschool. He now uses something more expensive and more subtle yet manly at the same time. You definitely needed to know what the scent was so you could buy more for him on a birthday or something.
You woke up at around 13:30 to get ready and leave by 15:00. You showered, did your hair and wore the white button up with the green dress pants and a green blazer on top. You slipped on some hot pink heels and some subtle jewelry and made your way. You called your kids and they said they were having a blast, they really missed you and wished you and their grandma were there and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
While Rin’s mom stayed home, her husband worked and Rin took the kids out, she began thinking about the day before.
“You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason.”
Rin’s mom was obviously confused and still annoyed at you. But then Rin sat her down after breakfast, the kids were outside and Kauru was already gone. He explained what he did with his friends and Karin couldn’t help but feel disgusted. If she would have been more involved in his teenage life then she could have prevented this. Prevented minors drinking, prevented her son getting sexually involved with you, and preventing an innocent girl getting hurt.
In reality you should have thrown a full can of coffee at Rin instead of an empty one. You should have cursed him and made him pay child support. That’s what she would do straight up. But you’re not her, and you explained why you did what you did. And she began to understand. “You have a lot of work to do in order to get back in her good grace.” She told her son. “I know I know..” he said softly. “That’s why we’re starting as friends. And eventually I wanna be with her romanticly and marry her. I want to be the man she can rely on and trust again.” He said and her mom smiled.
“I understand, I’ll make sure to apologize when she returns. And I’m rooting for you.” She said and Rin smiled. “Thanks mom.” She stood up and grabbed her bag, “I’m not in the mood to cook. How do burgers sound?” She asked Rin and he nodded. “There’s a place down the street that’s pretty good. I’ll be back in a few.”
Rin’s mother wanted to repent for her actions and she tried thinking of a proper way to apologize. She went into the restaurant to order and everywhere she saw, it explained that the food was made with peanut oil. But that’s what gave it the flavor. That’s why it’s so delicious. She happily payed for the food completely oblivious that her grandson was severely allergic to peanuts.
She arrived home and rounded up the kids. She gave them a kiss on the head and smiled as they showed her their drawings that she could keep. Rin’s mom passed around the burgers so Rin couldn’t see the bag that promoted the peanut oil being a main ingredient and the kids munched.
When Rini took the bite his eyes widened at the deliciousness. Bite after bite and his throat began to feel weird, as well as his stomach. He took a sip of the lemonade and he couldn’t swallow it properly. He began to cough and Rin patted his back confused and he face turned red.
“Rini are you choking?!” Akira asked scared and Rini shook her head. “My stomach hurts—“ he coughed and Rin’s eyes widened. “Oh shit.” He quickly ran upstairs to his old bedroom and looked through the bag with Rini’s inhaler and other vitamins. He saw the epipen and ran back out quickly unscrewing it. Rini’s face was turning purple and he continued to cough. Akira was crying and Karin didn’t know what to do. Rin fell to his knees and slammed the pen on his sons thigh. “Are you okay bud. Stay with me please.” Tears prickled his eyes. He seriously fucked up.
Rini’s chest heaved up in down as he tried to catch his breath. Rintarou instructed his mom to call 119 and an ambulance soon came and took Rini away with Rin in the ambulance. Akira was stuck with her grandma driving to the hospital.
Karin was so confused at the situation. And she was worried for her grandson. She tried her best calming the little girl who held the green pig plush and the fox plush in her arms. “Is Rini gonna die?” Akira pouted with watery eyes. “Of course not. Everything is gonna be alright.” She assured.
While all this was going down, you were talking and laughing as you talked about Sendai frogs and their intimating demeanor. You felt a weird feeling in your chest and felt like something was wrong. Your purse and phone was stuck in the lounge locker so you didn’t see the 20+ phone calls and messages you received from Rin.
He was afraid and didn’t know what to do. He really wished you were here by his side. He couldn’t do this alone and realized this is what it’s like being a single parent.
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🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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