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catearella · 1 year
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You're a sunflower
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freebooter4ever · 6 months
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life may be shit for me right now but there's still steve on a snowboard
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writers-potion · 6 days
Writing Character Accents in Fiction
Hey there, thanks for the question! I speak English as a second language; most English speakers I encounter aren’t native (yes, including fictional people); thus, this is a concern I’ve explored personally when I write. 
I think the core principle regarding accent writing is this: it shouldn’t be distracting. 
For the same reasons why Stephen King prescribes the basic dialogue tag “said” rather than fancier alternatives like “whispered”, “shouted” or “screeched”, dialogue must be first and foremost easy to read. It must flow like a real conversation – the pace and tone are a lot more important than how specific words are being pronounced by the character. 
Focus on what effect the accent has:
Using adjectives to describe their voice in general. Different types of English (American, British, Australian, etc.) will give off a different vibe, also partly dependent on how your character speaks in general:
Lilting: Having a smooth rise and falling quality; sing-song like. Welsh accent is often described as singing. 
Posh: from a high social class. This is the term generally used to describe the upper-class British accent.
Nasal: this happens when the sound goes through somebody’s nose when they’re speaking. North American accents are more nasal than, say, British pronunciations. 
Brash: harsh, loud, indicative of sounding a little rude. 
Slur: speaking indistinctly; words merging into one another.
Using metaphors.
Her voice was cotton and fluffy clouds. 
When he spoke, the ‘r’s scratched the insides of his throat. 
Mentioning their accent with a brief example(s). 
“Would you like to drink some wine?” she said, though her Indian accent gave extra vibration to her ‘w’s and ‘r’s, making the words sound more like ‘vould you like to drrrink some vine’.
“I want some chocolate.” His syllables were choppy and ‘l’s rather flat, saying ‘cho-ko-lit’. 
Some Tips:
Don’t phonically spell out everything. Perhaps give a few examples in the beginning, but stick to standard English spellings. 
Pay attention to word choice, slang, and colloquialisms. 
An Australian person would say “tram”, not “trolley; “runners” instead of “sneakers”
A Canadian may refer to a “fire hall” – what Americans call a firehouse or fire station
If your character comes from a non-Enligsh background:
Use vocabulary from other languages. 
“What time was the exam, ah? Two o’clock? Jiayou!” → putting “ah” or “la” at the end of sentences + Jiayou means “break a leg” in Singlish. 
“I can’t believe that 4-year-olds have their own SNS accounts now.” → “SNS” is short for “social networking service”, a term used to refer to social media in Korea. This would a subtle difference – even though it isn’t technically Korean at all!
Transpose grammar from different languages. 
For example, in French, plural nouns take plural adjectives (whereas in English, you would speak of ‘white cars’, not ‘whites cars’).
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! Also, join my Tumblr writing community for some more fun.
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
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landossnorriss · 2 months
i see you - pt.2 | ln x she.
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Pairing: lando x she. Summary: lando and his lady make it through media day in spa. series links. Word Count: 1.4ishk Warning: some angst, some hurt, some healing, just the love and support i hope lando is getting tbh.
there were very few times that she was free to attend back to back races with lando. it was more often than not she tried to line up her time off so they could spend his breaks together but following hungary a few well placed phone calls had switched things around. anything that needed to be done critically was done so over zoom and the rest was simply put on pause.
she knew that lando felt bad about it, but the sure sign that he needed her was the way he had simply accepted her moving everything around without much of a fight. she had tried it before, after austria and a few other races and insisted that he would be fine on his own. when it had come down to it this week though and he tried to find the words to send her on her way and actually let her go and do her own thing the words he knew he should stay had stuck in his throat and instead he had found himself infinitely grateful to have her in his life.
things had been okay, bearable at least, whilst they had been in france with p and max. with his love around he hadn't needed to be on his phone too much and the noise had been easy to block out but when it had come to wednesday night and he had finally braved the storm his stomach had been left rolling.
the team orders that he had managed to silence were suddenly back and in full swing, the calls with andrea ever since the face had been loud and clear in his mind. he had been in calls for hours at this point, as they covered what he would and wouldn't say and in each of them lando had found himself wishing zak was around, someone in his corner but the message had been understood - you race for mclaren or you don't race at all.
lando had looked at her then, and that was when she had known she made the right call as he ended his meeting and she wrapped herself around him as tightly as she could. would she be able to kiss away the self doubt she could see creeping into the back of his mind? did they really think he had such a little shot at winning the wdc that they wouldn't give him that extra push to help him get there?
the real guilt had hit lando when he'd checked the news around oscars win and the headlines had painted him a villan. that much she knew he could have stomached on a normal day had it not been a dark cloud of sweet oscars first win. she'd reassured him as they laid in their bed trying to sleep before press day that it was going to be okay, that oscar understood but each time he managed to pull apart the differences in their wins. the atmosphere, the celebrations, the team spirit, each pieces he managed to pick at another blow to the carefully crafted shell he wore for the rest of the world.
as media day rolled around and the boarded their flight she stuck close to him, her fingers linked with his constantly as she questioned just how well he was going to wear that persona today. how much damage would each story he was forced to tell today do to him?
lando for the most part did what he needed to do, he wore the team name with a smile she knew didn't reach his eyes but the rest of the world would find beautiful anyway. "how are you holding up?" the question was loaded as she wrapped herself around him in a tight embrace, offering a beaming smile at the kiss he pressed to her nose, the driver determined to do everything he could to recharge in the small break he got for the day.
lando knew they were all waiting to tare him apart, he could see the doubt in each reporter's face when he had given his well rehearsed answers. but the guilt of clouding oscars win was genuine and he would do everything he could to back pedal that part at least. the team... well he didn't know how he felt about the team right now. "i'm tired, but eternally grateful that you're here you know?" he sighed as he lent on her with more of his body weight than he likely should be everything else was just so heavy he needed a minute to just, lean on her.
"want me to go into the next round of interviews? give me that cap and let me at em?"
lando could only raise a brow at her offer because he had been swiping her phone off her for the past two days to stop her from reaching out to post any of her thoughts and feelings on the weekend that had just gone. "no love, i think we're safer if you stick to being the best girl a guy could ask for." would he have been able to get through this weekend? he really wasn't sure. "is it mad i almost wish i could just say i didn't want to race this weekend?" he asked quietly, his thoughts just for her as his hands moved up and down her back a little.
she couldn't help the way her frown formed at the thought, she wasn't sure she had never known lando not want to race. ever. "don't let them win lando." not stella, not the media, not anyone that was doubting him at this point could undo what they were doing to him. how could they not see that? "you're p2 lan, you did that, not your team no one gifted you a damn fucking thing, you'd be much closer to p1 if you had a team that worked with you and this weekend was shitty but it doesn't define who you are as a racer ok?" that much she would not budge on.
letting his face soften lando nodded as he buried his head in her neck for a moment, taking in everything about her that kept him grounded. he truly didn't know what he would do without her here this weekend, press day was bad enough without the thought of having to do it all alone and the results this weekend. god if he won it was going to cause more harm for the team, more shit for osc, if he lost it was only going to validate everything that people had been saying to him about miami. "you're right i just...tell me you see me?" so much of this week already felt so perfectly crafted he needed to know, there was one person that still saw everything.
she felt her heart break all over again at the request and whilst it had been a long standing mission to make this man feel so loved, the desire to do so only increased as her eyes locked onto his ocean green ones. "lando norris, i see you, i adore every single part of you and i will protect you with every part of me do you understand, not a single thing that happens this weekend defines anything about you if it's outside of your control. do you see you too my love?" pressing to her toes she let her lips capture his softly, her nose scrunching at him slightly with a face that usually set him off into giggles.
today the slight chuckle he could muster for her was enough. "i'm working on it." seeing himself the way she did, was the hardest part of it all. "just a few more bits and we're out of here love." all he wanted was more time to sleep and wrap himself in her.
"i'm going to head to the hotel, get us pizza, get notting hill set up, text me when you're ten minutes away and i'll meet you in the shower?" she offered lightly as he reluctantly pulled away from her. "i'm going to kiss every single inch of you i love." and she'd do it on repeat all night till he believed her too.
giving a low groan lando nodded, the description of their evening his very definition of perfection when he was feeling like this. "i still do know what i did to deserve you, i shouldn't be too much longer and we'll all be being driven back." he nodded as he straightened himself out, making sure his hat was back in place as he looked out to where people were milling. "wish me luck baby?" he hesitated, fingers drumming on the door as he lingered to keep sight of her.
"you don't need luck baby, you're lando fucking norris."
*pics from landoupdates <3
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cher-rei · 3 months
sparks— jamal musiala [ J.M ]
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how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist [saturn– sleeping at last]
pairing: jamal musiala x fem!reader
summary: it's the knockout stage for germany for the 2024 euro, and as usual you're there to support your boyfriend, accompanied by some bad weather and a bet to spice up the evening.
genre(s): fluff (as usual)
[w.c: 3.3k] masterlist
notes: I had such a fun time writing this shut upppp shsjssj. this one is for my musiala girlies xx
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"this weather is going to be the death of me," you said and took your seat beside your friends sophia and aaliyah who were huddled together in attempt to defeat the crisp yet strong german wind.
you tucked your chin into your scarf, but even then it didn't help. the three of you actually remembered to dress warm for today's match, unlike the last few games where you whole heartedly believed that the rain was just an episode.
before leaving the house sophia had to remind both you and aaliyah to bring scarfs because she had a bad feeling. so here you were, at the stadium in dortmund dressed in a pair of jeans, a cream knitted jumper, and a wool jacket that unfortunately hid your football jersey with your boyfriend's name decorated at the back.
the stadium was bustling and you couldn't believe that supporters still came out to watch football under these conditions, but it was an important match and you were filled with just as much anxiety and anticipation as them.
jamal was all the more excited the evening before when he facetimed you from his hotel room. there was a twinkle in his eyes as he spoke to you about training and how his day had been and it just reminded you of how much you missed him.
sophia and aaliyah agreed with you in that department, understanding just how difficult it was to be separated from their partners this long. but the three of you managed (barely) and showed up to every match together to show your support.
needless to say, the media were having a ball with the amount of content and pictures that were published of the three of you every week. there wasn't any issue with it however and jamal quite liked the fact that he got to show you off, saying that the world deserved to know just how smitten he was with you.
it was about twenty minutes into the first half when you felt a drop of rain hit your hand, having nothing much to do besides groan and deal with it. so far, little progress was made on the pitch despite the three shots on target that germany had.
"good on denmark for putting up a fight, but I'd really appreciate it if they gave up so that we can go home," aaliyah joked and you fought back a smile, while sophia was sat in her seat with a torn expression.
there was a small pout on her lips and by that look you knew that she was worried about kai. her gaze was glued to his figure running on the pitch, mentally cheering him on. "I think the rain is messing with him."
you hummed and lifted your head to look at the darkened sky, your face scrunching at the sight of the heavier clouds blowing over the stadium. the wind had started to pick up now which made the experience even more uncomfortable but you had to endure it.
a smile tugged at your lips as you watched your boyfriend make his tackles. there was just something about watching him play that made you appreciate the sport more, it was enticing. "pure class," you said out loud with a boastful smile.
sophia jokingly scoffed at your comment which caught the attention of aaliyah who felt the need to tease her. "what are you scoffing for?" she asked with a smug smile. "kai missed two goals already."
your lips parted in shock, but you remained silent and proceeded to listen to them go at each other from each side of you.
"yeah, well at least he had the chance. remind me where flo is again?" sophia countered and you let a laugh slip out at the attack on florian who was on the bench.
the teasing didn't stop though, and it got to the point where you had to physically back away because they were both leaning over you to take a jab at the other. the roaring of the fans was soon interrupted by an even louder roar which you recognised to be thunder.
seconds after, the rain got heavier and it was pouring. you heard the whistle blow from the pitch and apparently the match officials were taking an intermission to check if the lightning would be an issue any further.
you felt sophia's hand slip into yours, the chill sending a shiver down your spine. the three of you were nearly drenched and if it was one privilege that you loved then it was the option to sit in the booth at times like these.
it was announced that the match would be suspended until further notice due to the weather ten minutes before half time and your head instinctively turned to look for your boyfriend, to check if he was okay before you got up from your seat.
"and this is our cue to leave," aaliyah said and led you and sophia through the rampaging crowd to the top of the stands where you'd be covered.
the supporters however were doing the exact opposite and rejoicing in the downpour— dancing and waving their flags in the air while some used it as a form of shelter. the sight was anything but ordinary and you couldn't help but bask in the atmosphere.
another boom of thunder sounded through the air causing sophia to jump up beside you, her grip tightening on your hand. the three of you looked up at the sky, awing in unison at the strikes of lightning flashing between the clouds.
there was only one thing on your mind, and it was the need to take a picture. you took out your phone and waited for the perfect moment, practicically spamming the button until it hit the perfect shot.
aaliyah awed at the picture from behind you. "you have to send that to me, that looks unreal."
after a few more minutes and pictures being taken you finally made it upstairs to dry off. both teams were in their dressing rooms as well, probably more scared than ever because of the match interruption. uncertainty hung in the air at times like this, where all they could do was wait.
the door to the family booth that the three of you were sat in just closed when someone opened it again. to no one's surprise entered kai and florian sporting two completely different looks.
sophia's eyes softened at her boyfriend's state, his hair damp and kit looking like it just took a swim. she hesitated for a moment to pull him into a hug for some comfort seeing as he wasn't having the best time on the pitch.
aaliyah on the other hand ruffled her boyfriend's hair and laughed, gaining sophia's attention. "see what being on the bench does? he's as dry as the sahara right now while kai looks like he just drowned."
from beside aaliyah, florian's jaw dropped in offence, at the mention of him being benched which quickly broke out banter between the two while sophia was still comforting kai and giving him some words of encouragement.
watching them interact made your heart swell, making you miss jamal even more. and as if you summoned him, your smiling but breathless boyfriend made his entrance and without time to spare he pulled you into a tight hug.
despite the chill in the air and his body, you were filled with a warmth that you've missed so much the past few weeks. so much that you could almost excuse his audacity to hug you when he was dripping from head to toe.
you pulled away with a smile. "j, did you see the lightning? I can't believe that it's summer right now."
jamal looked at you puzzled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "I came here to say that I missed you to the point of an enotional brekdown and you ask me about the lightning?"
your lips pursed at his counter but before you could defend yourself he pressed a quick but much needed kiss to your cheek. "we'll talk later, I just really needed to see you."
he looked up at his teammates who were leisurely enjoying their time with their partners, a look of disapproval on his face. "am I the only one who cares that we're playing an international knockout stage right now?"
"flo doesn't care, he's on the bench," aaliyah said and shot her boyfriend a teasing smile. "isn't that right babe?"
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the german supporters in the stands all screamed in victory at the penalty that was given, and to no one's surprise kai was the one who was ready to take it and potentially put them in the lead.
aaliyah leant forward and looked at both you and sophia with a determined smile. "I think it's time for a bet."
a hum of intrigue left your lips at the idea but sophia shook her head. "he's going to get this in... I hope." she looked at her boyfriend who stood uneasily in front of the penalty area.
but a few words were exchanged between the three of you and an agreement was made.
"there's still 40 minutes left," she began and gestured to the pitch. "they're capable I'm sure, but whoever's boyfriend doesn't score has to pay for lunch tomorrow."
your eyebrows raised when she said "lunch". you knew very well that it wasn't just a meal. it consisted of breakfast, a trip to the museum or any activity really, lunch and supper. the loser would have to pay for the entire day, and it was no joke that you three were expensive.
aaliyah was more than confident in florian being subbed on and scoring, sophia was more uneasy than kai at the moment but had hope in her boyfriend, and you didn't really mind paying but you could never back down from a challenge.
the three of you shook on it and watched as kai got ready to take the penalty, everyone holding their breath in unison. it happened in a blink of an eye but the goal had sophia jumping up from her seat and clapping as loud as she could.
"guess I'm eating for free tomorrow," she teased and sat back down to which you rolled your eyes. aaliyah on the other hand shot you a competitive glare, causing you to laugh.
you eased back into your seat and shoved your hands into your coat pocket. "if jamal scores then I'll stand in the rain without my coat on, and if flo scores--"
"miraculously," sophia interjected which earned her a playful slap on the arm from aaliyah who quickly turned her attention back to you.
"then I'll have to? on the pitch?" she asked with her eyebrows raised and you nodded. she ran her tongue over her teeth and shook your hand, loving that you were upping the stakes and adding some more to the bet.
a good 10 minutes of no action went by and you were watching with immense focus, your gaze not trailing from jamal who looked breathtaking drenched in water, and without even saying anything sophia read your mind.
"they look ten times better with water dripping from them on the pitch, it adds something extra," she said bashfully and took her phone out to take a few pictures of kai since he wasn't too far away.
she then looked to aaliyah with a smug smirk. "obviously you wouldn't understand because flo is dryer than the sahara."
you covered your mouth at the retort about what aaliyah said earlier on. it seemed that the two of them never ended their playful banter, and you were always in the middle without complaining because it was genuinely so entertaining.
while they continued to talk, the universe gifted you with this perfect opportunity because you caught a certain someone's attention. he wasn't doing much on the pitch and you took advantage of the moment and gestured to the goalpost.
of course, jamal was confused but he was more than certain that you were asking him to score. he jogged on but kept his attention on you for a moment, and you gestured to the goalpost again, flashed him a loving smile and made a heart with your hands.
from beside you aaliyah let out a gasp. "that's literally cheating! you can't tell him to score."
you raised your hands in defence seeing as jamal had run off and continued to play. "I'm not doing this for me liya, I don't mind paying. and even if he does then I have to strip in this weather."
aaliyah shook her head at you, disagreeing with you wholeheartedly even though you tried to defend yourself. there wasn't much to say since you were being honest. "I told him to score because it gives him extra motivation."
now both sophia and aaliyah hummed unconvinced, to which you sighed.
"he just does better if I ask him to, okay? and he really wants that third goal, so if I ask him to do it then he'll do anything he can to get it."
it was practically scientifically proven (to you at least). jamal was always the type of person to do anything you asked him to, even before you guys started dating. all it took was a smile and he'd make sure that what you wanted was handed to you on a silver platter.
the devotion that he had towards you was unmatched, especially when it came to scoring or performing well on the pitch. no matter how he played, you always sat in the stands with a proud smile on your face and the appreciation that he was yours.
so even if he could barely see you from the stands, a simple gesture to the goalpost was enough of a tell tale that you wanted a goal. and if you wanted something, then he'd get it for you.
"and it's in from musiala!!!"
the german supporters jolted in their sears at the unexpected goal, rejoicing in the 2-0 lead and celebrating the clear advantage they had in heading to the quarter finals. you were the first one out of your seat the second the ball hit the back of your net, not minding the light drizzle hitting your face as you watched your boyfriend celebrate.
of course, he didn't forget about you and made sure to send a heart your way, one that you were more than happy to return. the adrenaline rushed to your cheeks in the form of a blush and looked at your friends with a smug smile.
they both sat in disbelief, their lips parted as you clapped. "I need that type of devotion in my life," sophia said and nudged your arm.
it wasn't too long that florian was subbed on for jamal, which was hilariously funny considering the context. aaliyah clapped with her lips pouted. "come on let's make it three for three, bench boy!"
both you and sophia burst out into a fit of laughter at her comment, and you swore that you saw flo turn to look at her with an expression that screamed "what the actual fuck??".
it was heading into the last few minutes of the match and despite flo having a few good opportunities, he took none of them. aaliyah grew frustrated from beside you, complaining about the incompetence of the players even though they did nothing wrong.
it was obvious that she was the one with the temper in the group, and that only showed even more when florian had a good run with the ball and she was practically sitting on the edge of her seat, screaming for him to kick it to which he did.
"yes that's what I'm talking about!" she screamed and hit her chest in victory. "three for three girls."
her moment of bliss didn't last long however because the referee blew the whistle for offside. she wasn't happy about that at all either and fought back a mouthful of curses. "what the fuck? how was the offside??"
the whistle blew for full time after a very eventful knockout stage, you and sophia adorning smiles while aaliyah was still complaining about the linesman not raising the flag sooner. the supporters started exiting the stadium slowly as the players went out onto the pitch.
the three of you weren't in any rush however, and made your way down leisurely. "at least you don't have to strip in the rain," sophia laughed and you rolled your eyes.
the rain did in fact start to pick up, and the light drizzle was lightly pouring now instead. you head out onto the pitch with them and started by removing your scarf and handed it to aaliyah who was more than happy to take it.
they watched with smiles as you took off your jacket, followed by your jumper to reveal the thin football jersey underneath. when they were happy with you, they headed off to their respective partners.
"you had one job! now I have to pay for lunch tomorrow!" aaliyah yelled as she approached flo who could've have been more confused. he threw his hands into the air at his girlfriend's outburst.
"thanks for the support I guess," he said and the two walked off to complain to kai and sophia.
for the nth time this evening you raised your head to look at the dark clouds hanging over the stadium, enjoying the feeling of the rain hitting your skin.
the moment of silence was interrupted by the feeling of someone tickling your side, and you turned to see your boyfriend who looked happier than ever.
"well done out there starboy," you said and loosely wrapped your arms around his neck while his hands took refuge on your waist.
he leant in to pepper your face with kisses, and you relished in the warmth you missed more than life itself. "when my girlfriend asks for something, she gets it."
your stomach did at least three flips at his answer and to anyone watching it seemed like this scene was straight out of a movie. seriously, you were standing in the middle of a football pitch in the rain. insane.
jamal pulled away to dry your face despite his sleeve being just as wet. "now can you please tell me why you aren't wearing a jacket right now, baby?"
your shoulders shrugged at his question. "I won the bet."
"huh?" he laughed at the absurdity and tried to make sense of what yoh had just told him, because in no way did it seem that being vulnerable in weather like this could be a reward. "and what did you win?"
you couldn't suppress the smile on your face, losing yourself in his eyes that felt all too close to home. "I won a very happy boyfriend."
the warmth of his hand cupping your cheek wasn't even registered until you felt his lips meet yours. the rain cascaded, each drop of rain that hit your skin being a reminder of just how real this moment was. how real he was.
his hands gently gripped your waist, and he pulled you closer for some extra warmth. the coolness of the rain heightened every sensation in your body— the warmth of his lips and his touch and the pounding of you heart against his chest.
and when the two of you finally pulled away, breathless but more in love than ever you were reminded to be thankful for moments like this. the rain continued to fall, but it no longer felt cold because all that mattered was the warmth of jamal as he looked at you with a softened gaze.
"we should kiss in the rain more often."
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sinsandtemptation · 3 months
You know I'm always your good girl, professor!
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professor!Toji x collegestudent!fem!Reader
WC: 2.1k
TW: teacher x student, SMUT, pwp, oral (f receiving), fingering, p in v, oc is on the pill, sir kink, petnames (sweetheart, sweet girl, good girl), degradation (whore), Toji cums inside, desk sex, rough sex, semi-public sex, loud sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation (a bit), squirting, subtle mentions of masturbation (f), slight male masturbation, steamy kiss scene, grinding, clit play (sucking, rubbing), slight breast fondling, mentions of previous sexual interactions, (ALL CHARACTERS ARE OF AGE) (let me know if I missed anything!)
A/N: First time writing smut! Enjoy horny people. Also, Minors, go away. I am not your mother but this content is not for you, be mindful of your own media consumption.
~Banner made by me :)
~Divider by: @saradika-graphics
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You knocked on Professor Fushiguro's classroom door before you entered, your teeth biting your lower lip and your eyes wide with feign innocence.
"You wanted to see me, sir?"
Toji looked up from his desk, his eyes drinking in your sweet appearance. With that tight blouse of yours and a short skirt that made his cock harden at the sole sight of your curves.
You walked up to his desk, your hands behind your back as you blinked at him.
"Have I done something wrong, professor?"
He nearly groaned at the sound of your voice and your eyes looking at him with so much sweetness but under that cute exterior of yours, he knew the dirty secret you liked to keep to yourself and him. A secret that was too powerful to stop now.
"I don't know, (y/n). Have you?"
You gulped and he stood up, rounding the desk until he towered over you just as your back was facing the wooden desk where he had previously been working.
"Have you been good, sweetheart?"
You nodded, pouting softly up at him. You gasped as his hands gripped your waist before he lifted you up onto the desk. Not minding at all as your plump ass sat on his grading assignments and important papers.
He stood between your thighs, the tension palpable. You could feel your breathing hitch up at the sudden proximity and intimacy of the position you both found yourselves in. Your heart raced at the myriad of emotions that swam in his eyes.
His hand cradled your cheek, fingers rough against your soft skin.
"Are you still my good girl?"
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Groans and moans could be heard in the empty classroom. Two bodies danced together the symphony of passion as you were sitting on top of the desk, papers scattered around you as your professor was kneeling on the floor, his face between your legs.
You moaned softly as his tongue kept circling around your rose but never hit that little pearl of pleasure you loved to rub during lonely nights and that gave you so much ecstasy you felt as if you went to heaven and back.
Toji chuckled, the vibrations sent shivers up your spine, causing a high-pitched whine to escape your throat.
"Impatient, aren't we?"
The tip of his tongue touched your clit and your back arched on the desk, already so sensitive from all the teasing of his devilish tongue.
"Tell me what you want, sweetheart. Come on, use your words. Be a good girl."
You gasped, his words going straight to your cunt as you sat up on your elbows, your eyes met his and you could see the lust swirling in his green pools for he looked at you as if you were his prey. In a way, you were.
"Please!... I want your t-tongue, lick me, eat me out. Sir, please!"
How could he deny you when you begged so sweetly? His lips wrapped around your clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves, hard and your mouth dropped open at the sudden pleasure that crawled up your spine. You lied back down on the desk, gasping, moaning and whining at the intense sensations that took hold of your mind and body.
His tongue delved into your pussy and you gasped, your hands tangled in his dark locks. The intrusion sent fire through your veins and white clouded your gaze as your eyes closed, your eyebrows scrunched over and your noises escaped through your parted lips.
"Yes, yes, yes, pleaseeeee!!!..... ah! ah! I- ah! oh, yes, yes, oh my god!!!!"
Your noises only spurred him on. Toji felt his dick straining in his tight slacks but he knew he had to make you cum at least once before you were ready to take his girthy cock in that tight pussy of yours.
His lips returned to your clit, sucking harshly on it only for his tongue to draw patterns on your pearl of pleasure before sucking again. He inserted a finger in you and your back arched once more, gasping for air as your moans began rising in volume. After a couple of pumps, he gave you another finger only for then to curl them upward, finding your sweet spot instantly.
"Ah! S-sir... I ah! I'm c-close. Ah! please, please, need it s'bad nghhh!"
His fingers pumped in and out and in and out and in and out once more, his tongue was relentless on your clit as you squirmed underneath him. His other hand was already under his pants, pumping his cock at the sound of your pleasure.
You let out high-pitched moans as you gasped for air, the coil in your stomach tightened and tightened and you felt it was going to burst at any moment if he kept going at this pace.
"C-close! gonna mmmmh, g-gonna cum! ah! ah! oh! yes! YES!"
The knot in your lower abdomen snapped and you gushed, clear liquid spurted into his tongue and he lapped it all up, his fingers continued to tease your g-spot through your euphoria, prolonging your orgasm as you slumped against the desk.
"Thaaat's it, good girl. Such a good girl you are, sweetheart."
Toji stood up, licking his lips that were coated in the honey of your pleasure. You looked up at him, panting and trying to catch your breath. It was only with your professor that you managed to have such powerful orgasms that left you trembling and wanting more, more, more!
His big hands parted your legs as he bent down over you, his hands next to your head as a smirk painted his lips, his tongue going over his scar before he spoke to you in that husky voice you loved so much.
"Ready, sweet girl?"
You nodded, still catching your breath as your hands circled his neck before you were pulling him down and your lips crashed with his. The contact made him groan and you pulled on his hair, sending tingles down his spine and landing right on his hard dick that begged for attention.
You could taste yourself on his lips and you deepened the kiss, opening your legs more as you began grinding your bare cunt on his clothed bulge. The action made him smile through the kiss as you rubbed yourself on him in such a slutty way. Toji ended the kiss, a string of saliva connecting your lips as you panted into his mouth.
"I want you, please... please fuck me, sir."
You started whining, the tingles didn't ease on your rose even after the powerful orgasm he gave you.
Toji stood back up, his hands fumbling with his pants, taking his cock out while you unbuttoned your shirt, he groaned at the sight of your tits clad in that lacy bra; he had to be inside you now. A sharp gasp escaped your lips as he coated himself between your pussy lips, getting your essence in his shaft before he lined himself up with your tight entrance.
The tip touched your clit and you let out a soft moan, eager as ever, you wrapped your legs around his slim waist, silently begging him to put it in already.
No matter how many times you found yourself in similar situations, the stretch of Toji's cock always made your insides churn and your heart to skip a beat.
A silent scream passed through your lips at the feeling of him stretching you out. Now, his fingers were thick but nothing compared to his heavenly dick. It curved perfectly and it hit your g-spot before nestling against your cervix, sending a spark of pain through your pleasure-induced mind.
Toji groaned at your warm enveloping him, you were always so tight and warm, so perfect. He was now addicted to your pussy, to you.
"Fuck, s'tight."
You squealed as he began moving, pulling nearly all the way out before slamming back in. Your tits jiggled, your toes curled and your hands gripped the edges of the desk as he thrust into you. In and out, in and out, in and out, in and out until you were moaning uncontrollably.
"Ah! ah! oh! OH MY GOD! Yes! Oh!- S-sir! ah! ah! aaaah!......!
He loved seeing your fucked out face, your eyes half-lidded before closing completely, your tongue lolling out of your agape mouth as you kept moaning and whining and squealing every time he thrust back into your greedy pussy.
"That's it, take it, take it, sweet girl, fuck - ah - yes. So fucking tight, girl."
His groans and subtle moans spurred you on and you began bucking your hips, meeting his thrusts halfway and the pleasure was enough to make your eyes roll back. Your body rocked back and forth, back and forth on the desk with each thrust.
"F-faster! ah! Ah! f-f-fasterrr... please AH!"
His hands grabbed your waist, holding you in your place before he picked up the pace and began slamming himself into you, over and over and over. The sound of skin on skin filled your ears as well as his low grunts and your high-pitched moans. The overstimulation was driving you inside you knew you weren't going to last much longer. The papers on his desk began falling onto the ground, the legs scraped against the floor but you couldn't care, not when he was making you feel this heaven!
"S'good! Oh, please! so, so so go-ooh-od. Yes, yes, yes- nghh! ahh!
"Yeah... you liked it when I -oh fuck- treat you like the whore you are?"
"YES! Oh, yes! nghhh! Please, sir, please! ah! ah!"
A coil began forming in your lower stomach as one of his hands left your waist and went down, down, down until his thumb pressed on your bundle of nerves and began rubbing it harshly. Tears of pleasure hung in your lashes, your mouth opened but no sound came from between your lips as it tightened and tightened.
"F-feels weird. Ah! Oh, fuck! AH! AH! AH! AH!......."
Toji began fondling with your breasts, massaging them to bring you even more pleasure. Tears leaked down your cheeks at the burning knot in your lower stomach.
"I-I'm gonna c-cum! Ah, yes! Gonna cum-ngh! Please!"
He felt his balls tighten as they slapped against your inner thighs with every sharp thrust against your wet cunt. He was close as well but he needed to see your fucked out face first. He needed to make you gush around his girth first.
The circles on your clit became harsher, rushed, desperate even that the coil in your stomach tightened so much it snapped and it send you over the edge. Your eyes rolled back and your mouth opened wide as you screamed out your ecstasy. You squirted against him, drenching his shaft even more as well as his lower stomach.
The splash of your liquid pleasure against the floor made him come undone. Toji grunted, his balls tightening, gripping your waist with more force than needed so that you'll find marks there tomorrow.
White spurts of his cum painted your walls until it began sliding down from your hole. A mix of your come and his seed dripped onto the floor. He pulled out with a sigh, panting softly at the intensity of his orgasm.
You lay panting on top of his desk, your hair was a mess, mascara ran down your cheeks and you could feel his cum warm up your insides. You felt so full of his seed if you weren't on the pill you knew you'd be pregnant by now.
Toji opened one of his drawers, pulling out a pair of your panties he had kept to himself from previous interactions before he returned to stand in front of you. He pulled your pink panties back up, securing his cum in you.
"Now you'll be walking around campus with my seed in you. You better keep it in, sweet girl."
You smiled, almost drunkenly up at him before you sat up and hopped off his desk. Your legs felt like jelly but you managed to stand on your own after he steadied you by the waist.
"You can always inspect it later, professor. You know I'm always your good girl."
He smirked, smacking your ass as you began to walk away to your next class. He had a lot to clean but he gripped onto your promise of a next time. Already addicted to you.
"Go now before you are late, (y/n)."
And with that, you left his classroom, closing the door behind you before you walked down the hallways in a normal and innocent way, not leaving away the dirty secret that just happened in that room. 
~ Masterlist
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hybridirl · 8 months
for me?
18+ only, please!
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ellie x f!reader
a/n: hey chat!!!! im star. i finished tlou2 and… i M gonna cry. i need more. i need more BADLY. i need more of this right now………… tlou3 when……….. whenever i hyperfixate it tends to be the Only. thing. i think about. my mind is ONLY that thing and when i’m distracted i feel like i’m trapped and i MUST think about that thing. this is how i am with tlou right now i need more media to consume and i am NOT watching the show.
brief summary: jackson!ellie wants some alone time, but silly you (the roommate) just can’t/won’t give her any! thank god for dina for distracting you while she takes this moment of grace. little does ellie know, no one can distract you for that long.
tw / solo masturbation, mutual masturbation, y/n usage, spanking as punishment, porn no plot, switch?ellie
intentional lowercase. not proofread, probably won’t ever be proofread.
it had been a long day, and some relaxation was all ellie had needed. being with you was a hassle, constantly having to correct you, tell you off, or to make you stay put. truth be told, you were a brat. you hardly listened and all on purpose. it’s why she took up so many openings for patrols and missions; being with you was annoying.
luckily for her, you were off with dina somewhere. ellie had confided in her daily, talking about how much of an “annoying bitch” you were. maybe you were, but there was method to your madness. see, you had liked being such a brat. ellie was so quick to anger and you simply loved it. she could tell, of course, that mischievous glint in your eye always giving it away. it only served to piss her off even more, which in turn made you more excited, and her more angry until she stormed off with a string of curses and f-you’s leaving her mouth.
but, for now, she can enjoy some peace and quiet in the confines of your shared home.
“fuck,” she sighed out to herself, plopping onto her full-sized bed. she relished in this newfound silence for a moment, something impossible to do with you around. she spoke, quiet and briefly to the air around her, “thanks, dina.”
she released another breath of air and glanced at the front door. she should be fine. her fingers inched close to the button of her jeans and she thought for a moment. she was pent up, having not been able to do anything with anyone for months and months and even more months. on the other hand, is this really how she wanted to spend her alone time which she rarely got? yes.
ellie didn’t do this too much, just when you were asleep every other night. okay, maybe she did it a lot, but, can you blame her? she’s a horny girl, and you can’t really rely on other people to do this sort of thing with; they’re all busy and exhausted! it’s the apocalypse for god’s sake.
ellie’s fingers finally concluded that yes, she wants it. they fumbled with the button - just for a moment - until it eventually popped free. with her right hand, the zipper came down; her thumbs hooked around both the hem of the jeans and her underwear and she tugged them down, revealing her trimmed curls on her pubic mound. her eyes flickered around once more, just out of habit, before her middle finger met with the hood of her clit. she teased it with gentle circles, waking it up for arousal.
“shit,” she whispered out loud, feeling her her pussy begin to drool. her eyes fluttered when her fingers picked up pace, rubbing tightly and yet gently on her sensitive bud. her brows raised and she tucked her bottom lip between her teeth while she hid a moan. her free hand slithered up her shirt, grabbing at her hardened nipple and rolling it between her index finger and thumb. “oh, fuck…”
it was all going fine and dandy, just perfect for her. one hand fingering at her clit, the other massaging her breasts, and the thought of you clouding her mind. hold on - catching herself, her eyes shot open. she just caught herself masturbating to you. you and your bratty attitude, that same bratty attitude that deserved so much punishment which you’ve been lacking. she put her lips in a thin line, shutting her eyes, and let her mind drift once more back to you. she imagined your vulva, exposed and dripping for her, tormented with a lack of touch. she imagined her hands meeting your ass in a violent confrontation, spanking you and bruising your poor skin as punishment for your stupidity, your purposeful brattiness and ignorance. her fingers became faster.
“such a stupid girl,” she mumbled in a moan, two of her fingers meeting her g-spot, “…f-fuck… bet you like- like gettin’ spanked… oh, y/n…” she moaned out, not caring as your name slipped from her pink lips. “…y/n, please… i need you…” she fell further and further into her arousal, your name escaping her lips in a hurried frenzy; a string of pleads and curses left her throat willingly.
and yes, here it came, the peak of her pleasure. she quickly brought her other hand, which was massaging her breasts, down to her clit, furiously rubbing it whilst the other pumped into of her.
“y/n, please,” she begged this imaginary version of you. “please, let me cum, y/n, oh god, please, please…” she imagined your moans, all too real as they begged alongside her.
“ellie,” you would moan so silkily and beautifully as you touched yourself the same way she was. “ellie, i’m so close…” you’d make such intoxicating noises as you fucked yourself with your fingers. she was practically drunk on just her imagination.
“oh, god, i’m cumming, y/n, i’m cumming,” she dragged out, her body shaking as her clit throbbed and pussy clenched around her fingers.
“ellie,” you said hesitantly and watched her eyes shoot open. a gasp left her throat and her legs shut. she yelped your name and you shut the door behind you. “i- uh, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to- i- uh- i didn’t know you felt that way… about… uh… me. ellie…” you stuttered, slowly, so slowly making your way closer to the frozen girl. “…ellie, i’m…” you inched a little closer, your hand finding one of her knees.
this isn’t happening, ellie thought. you weren’t spreading her legs right now, your fingers weren’t trailing down her inner thighs, and they definitely weren’t grazing her wet folds.
“ellie,” you whispered, “ellie, let me touch you.” she found herself nodding, her hips rolling into your touch. “you’re so pretty.” your fingers slipped easily into her cunt, curling and massaging her g-spot. “i’ve always thought about you,” you admitted in a whisper, deep into her ear. the heel of your palm scraped against her clit whilst your fingers thrusted in and out her slick pussy.
“f—uck,” she groaned, her own hands gliding down your body, feeling for you. her hand came down on your ass hard, making you jolt.
“ellie!” you yelped as she pushed you away. you landed on her stomach, whimpering as you felt your jeans get pulled off your body, exposing your flesh to ellie’s needy gaze.
“you’re such a-“ she gave you a harsh spank, “such a goddamn brat. always botherin’ me… fuck, look at this pretty ass,” she moaned and her hand collided once again with the supple flesh of your bottom. she kissed the nape of your neck and your sounds filled her ears, soft whimpers and purrs intoxicating her. her fingers met with your wetness, so easily finding their way inside you. “god, you’re so wet.” her fingers were only there for a moment before flipping you onto your stomach.
both your hands explored each other, needing and wanting. her fingers once again found your heat, as did yours on hers. both of your rhythms matched each other, hurried and furious.
“ellie, give it to me,” you whimpered, eyes doe-like and pleading. she couldn’t resist your perfect gaze, her fingers curling and pumping into you. “yes, god, yes,” with your voice filling her ears and your fingers continuing to thrust her, she came again. hard. she leaned forward, falling against your body even as her fingers idly worked inside you. her walls clenched around your fingers and her lips kissed at your neck.
“y/n,” she purred, the squelching noises of your cunt echoing throughout the room as you grew wetter and wetter. “y’got a tight lil pussy,” she said with her jaw slightly slack, “all wet. just for me? huh? for me?”
“yes,” you whined, “yesyesyesyes, ellie! ellie!” she giggled lazily as she watched you cum so desperately on her fingers. your arms wrapped around her body, pulling her toward you.
“that’s it, th—ere ya go,” ellie encouraged, slowing her fingers’ movements as your orgasm subsided. you panted hard, holding ellie close.
“oh, ellie…” your voice carried. her hands grazed up and down your sides as you relished in the afterglow. so pretty and perfect.
“one more time. for me?”
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eds6ngel · 2 months
a cute eddie blurb based on a story i found on social media ♡
warnings: gn!reader. modern!eddie. first kiss. swearing. fluff!! [0.6k].
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Walking out of Benny’s hand in hand, Eddie sighed before facing you, seemingly nervous in his post-date manner.
“I, um… I had fun.”
You beamed, “So did I, Eddie! This was so nice! I’d love to go out with you again if that’s okay?”
He stutters on his words, “Sure! Yes… I mean, yes.”
You giggle at his manly attempt at remaining calm, cool and collected, but you much preferred this anxious side of him. It was too endearing not to be smitten by him.
You didn’t want to push any boundaries, but Eddie seemed to be contemplating something himself. He was toying with your fingers, his eyes becoming more and more fixated on your soft, plush lips.
“Eddie?” you questioned, large eyes staring delicately into his chocolate-brown orbs. His skin is glistening from the sweat, bangs slightly sticking to his forehead, mouth agape as he stumbles over his speech, “Y-Yeah?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Was he dreaming? You, the most perfect person in Hawkins, wanted to kiss him? Of all people in this town? He thought he had fucked up the date already, considering the nervy state he had been in the entire time. He couldn’t even manage to get his food order right, eating the copious amounts of salad squashed into his juicy bacon cheeseburger that he never wanted, and asking you what your necklace stood for, meaning you had to share the devastating news of your grandmother passing away.
He felt like an idiot, that’s for sure. He was 99.9% certain that he would be hit with the classic, ‘I just don’t think we make a good fit,’ but now having not to drift off into a different realm, ground himself in the reality that you wanted to kiss him.
“U-Um, yeah! Sure!”
You smiled, placing each hand on either side of his cheeks. You could feel the warmth behind them, the physical sensation matching the rosy pink colour that had adorned them ever since you laced your fingers in between his after paying for your meals. You stood up on your tip-toes, closing your eyes as you leaned in.
As your lips touched, Eddie felt his head float amongst the clouds. Somehow, his hands managed to grip the sides of your waist, his fingertips squeezing into your tender skin. He moved his lips against yours slowly, appreciating the taste of you as his right hand came up to tangle its fingers amongst your locks.
However, the loud sound of beeping quickly makes you release from him, the annoying, high-pitched noise hurting your ears as Eddie looks at the watch in confusion, “What the fuck?”
He holds his watch up, you leaning close to him as you read the message. He had sworn he had silenced all notifications before he came out with you.
A red warning had appeared on his watch, stating ABNORMAL HEART RATE DETECTED. You look up at the wild boy with a wide smile, eyes sparkling with affection and adoration, “Is that because of me?”
He chuckles nervously, “Yeah… I mean, you’re just… you. You’re beautiful and amazing and so goddamn pretty—” He was going to continue, but quickly stopped himself. Wayne said not to become overwhelming with the praise, so he stopped in fear that it would scare you off.
But, with the feeling of your arms being thrown around his neck and your face nuzzling in his shoulder, maybe it would have quite the opposite effect.
You lean back to hold his head in your hands again, “That’s so precious, Eddie! Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I make you feel like that! I love it!”
And with your cheesy smile and your soft palms resting on his face, he knew that you were the only one for him. You were definitely a keeper.
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taglist: @cosmorant @ye0nvibezzn @tlclick73 @superlegend216 @agxxb @babybatlover
eddie masterlist.
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starkeyvhs · 2 months
cw: soft!rafe, scholar reader / wc: 488 / masterlist / prompt taken from this list
Reader is stressed for finals so Rafe keeps sticky notes with words of encouragement on them in her textbook.
It’s that time of the year again. 
You are surrounded by an endless number of books, printouts of assignments and flashcards at the library, your mind not thinking a single thing beyond the millions of words scribbled over your study material.
It’s like your mind is becoming a huge boggling mess, forgetting what’s up and what’s down, and it doesn’t help when you keep on forgetting the things you swear you understand because you’ve done them nothing short of a million times. 
The frustration builds up in you like a dark, windy storm, frustration clouding every sense of yours. With a loud groan you scratch over the incorrectly solved numerical for the fourth time, almost tearing the page in the process. What is wrong with this? You flip through the pages which cover all your previous attempts at the goddamned numerical and every single word and number just looks like utter bullshit to you. 
You throw your pen to the side, the pen rolling off an opened notebook on the side and dropping to the floor. You rest your elbows on the table unceremoniously, crushing the papers you were just writing and aggressively scratching on, and bury your face in your hands. 
Your mind plays all the words, formulas and numbers from what you’ve been working on for – you don’t even know how long it’s been since you started studying, but you know it’s enough to turn your brain into a mush – and it only seems to mess up your mind even more. 
You shut the notebook close and slide it aside, bringing your theory textbook closer to you instead. Maybe some easy peasy theory instead of the mind mushing numericals will make you feel better. 
But the moment you open the book, the tiny font, the lack of any kind of media or color makes your head spin. You’re about to shut it close too and give up for the night but the corner of a yellow colored page sticking out a page in the middle of the book attracts your attention. 
You flip open to that page and see a square post-it sticking on the page. 
hey babe, you’re doing great! Don’t stress, you’ll do just fine :)
your rafe
A huge smile pulls your lips, lighting up your otherwise tired face. You glance over at the edge of your book again to see more corners of post-it notes sticking out, which makes you smile even wider. 
You open your book to all those pages and read them all one by one, every word like a soothing balm to your tired, jumbled mind. Once you finish reading them all, you carefully close your textbook, your smile still lighting up your face as you think over the sweet notes. 
God, you really do have the most adorable boyfriend ever.
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sebscore · 1 year
if you feel comfortable doing so, how do you think the grid would react if gzd was going through a rough patch and she’s being like really quiet and in her head?
i’m kinda slipping back into this era and i just need the grids comfort
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pairing: lando norris x driver!reader / daniel ricciardo x driver!reader / sebastian vettel x driver!reader / lewis hamilton x sebastian vettel
warnings: reader feels defeated and is ready to give up. swearing. mention of sexism.
author’s note: the comfort fic is finally hear, lmao :) sorry that it took me this long, got caught up with gentle hit, but it’s here now !!
• • • • • • •
''That's the car of Y/L that goes into the gravel- another DNF for the young driver.'' Crofty commented as he watched her retire from the fight for the third consecutive race. 
Meanwhile in the car, Y/N's radio was bombarded by her engineer. ''We're so sorry, Y/N. A podium was possible, but we'll keep pushing harder for next time. We'll debrief.'' Marco apologised, frustration and guilt audible in his voice. 
''Understood.'' The indifferent tone came as a surprise to the team and viewers, but it was understandable as the driver hadn't been able to finish a race in over a month. 
The ride back to the paddock was humiliating to say the least. The pitiful looks from fans, the judging eyes of critics and the loud whispers didn't do much to brighten the dark cloud that was her mind. 
Her post-race interviews also weren't a great help to her already declining confidence. 
''It's the third consecutive DNF for you- how are you managing to stay positive and to not lose hope in the car?'' Nathalie asked her, sounding compassionate. 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders. ''Nothing is positive at all,'' she sarcastically chuckled, ''I think I'm doing everything right and then it all goes wrong for some reason.'' 
''I'm working hard with the team, but it doesn't seem like it's paying off at the moment. I'm just very disappointed and I- yeah, well, I hate the car.'' 
The reporter in front of her wasn't used to the visible pessimism of the female driver. Y/N was known for her cheerful and up-beat character, always open for a chat and ready to take on any challenge. That figure seemed to be missing at the moment. 
''I hope it gets better for you, Y/N. You're an amazing driver and I wish you good luck for the next race weekend, thank you so much for talking to us.'' Nathalie rounds up the interview before signalling to her cameraman to stop the filming. 
Y/N was about to leave, but a gentle grab of her wrist stopped her. ''Hey, darling- don't let this get you down, alright? There are many people rooting for you here, me included, and we all want to see you do well. You have incredible talent and we know these lasts results aren't a reflection of that.'' 
The Sky Sports presenter had a soft spot for the young woman ever since her arrival to the paddock. Nathalie has always been amazed by Y/N's ability to shrug off all the sexist remarks and to prove the people that doubt her wrong. 
''Thanks, I appreciate it.'' The soft smile on Y/N's face was a fake one, even a child could spot that. However, her words and gratefulness were genuine and that's all that mattered to Nathalie. 
The driver moved quickly between the different journalists, not in the mood for the long and lovely chats that would have happened had she crossed the chequered flag. ''If one more person reminds me of all the DNF's, I'm going to knock myself out with one of these microphones.'' She mumbled to her team's press officer, making the woman laugh but also look at Y/N with a bit of concern. 
Luckily for her, all the media responsible people must have listened to her prayers and went easy on her- maybe sensing her agitation and worsened mood. She and her press officer moved back to the team's hospitality, where a dreaded team briefing would take place. 
''Obviously these aren't the results that we want. We want wins, podiums and points.'' Her team principal started off the meeting, standing at the head of the table. ''It is clear that changes need to be made, whether that be the car, the strategy or the driver even.'' The eyes of the team shifted from their leader to the young woman staring daggers at him. 
''It's not my fault that the fucking engine blows up or that another drivers decides he wants to play bumper cars.'' Y/N defended herself, not seeing why she should be replaced. 
He shook his head. ''I didn't say it was your fault, but we have to look at all the options and that includes you, Y/N.'' The man clarified, taking a deep breath. 
The woman rolled her eyes, causing Marco to send her a stern look that said ''Please, don't make this harder on yourself.'' She got his sign and sat up straight in her chair, figuring her slumping didn't give off a great impression. 
The briefing continued for another hour, going over all the alternatives they had and all the work they had to do while waiting for the next race weekend. ''Alright- thank you, everyone! Have a great break.'' The team principal dismissed the team. 
Y/N was the first one to get up and leave, debating if she would slam the door, but she didn't want a Kevin x Guenther moment with her boss. 
By the time she was on her way to her hotel, most fans had gone home themselves and the paddock was occupied by crew members cleaning the place up. Y/N had a slow pace while walking, not in any hurry to leave the circuit. 
''You're going back to the hotel?'' A voice behind her spoke up, making the female driver yelp as she didn't expect someone to walk up on her. 
Y/N turned around, Lando looking at her with a grin. ''Did I scare you?'' He laughed, finding amusement in making his friend flinch. 
''You could have been a serial killer for all I know, you idiot.'' She slapped his arm, the tension leaving her body as it was only Lando and not some creep. 
''Only on track.'' He winked. 
The young woman frowned at his action. ''Please, never do that again.'' Her feigned disgust with his wink resulted in a light push from her friend. 
''So… you're going to the hotel now?'' Lando asked her again, not having received an answer yet. 
Y/N nodded. ''Yeah, I could use some sleep before the flight tomorrow.'' 
''You, uh, wanna take a car together to the hotel? You know- that way we're not wasting gas, I guess.'' He nervously asked, mumbling the question almost under his breath. 
''Sure,'' Y/N chuckled, ''Seb will be proud of us.'' 
They decided to take his car as she wasn't in the mood to drive anymore and Lando didn't seem to mind. She was grateful for Lando's company, at least her bad day would end on a good note. 
''Sorry about the race today, I know you could have done more.'' Despite being competitors, they were also great friends and it's not fun seeing your friends have bad results. 
Y/N sighed. ''My team- they're, uh, thinking about replacing me.'' She wanted to get her worries off of her chest and Lando bringing up the race seemed like the perfect oppurtunity for it. 
''What?'' He exclaimed, not anticipating that sentence to come out of her mouth. 
''They say they just have to think about all the changes they could make to get better results, but they've been talking an awful lot about the junior drivers so I'm just preparing myself for it.'' She clarified for him, resting her head against the window. 
Lando let her words sink in. ''They- they can't possibly do that, you're one of the best drivers on the grid.'' It came out louder than he intended, but the thought of one of his best friends not being with him on track anymore upsets him. 
''They can do that,'' she sarcastically chuckled, ''I'm impressed I lasted this long- I just know the FIA will be throwing a party now that they don't have to be feminists anymore.'' 
''What do you mean 'lasted'? You're not going anywhere, we have enough races left where you can show your true skills.'' Lando took his eyes off the road to look her in the eye, perhaps wanting her to see how serious he was. 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders, not wanting to talk about it any further. 
The car stopped in front of a red light. ''Hey,'' Lando put his hand on top of hers, ''I'm being serious. We've been racing against each other for over 10 years now- you're a good driver. You'll probably be a World Champion one day.'' 
''You really mean that?'' Her usual confident demeanour had been traded in for an insecure one, her voice coming out smaller than normal. 
He chuckled, nodding his head. ''Of course, I wouldn't lie to you.'' The gentle way he was looking at her assured her that he was in fact being serious and meant everything he said. 
''Thank you,'' Y/N turned her hand and squeezed Lando's, ''now, shut up and drive me to the hotel!'' She pushed his hand away. ''Enough of this emo shit.'' 
''This is the one time I am being nice to you and you just reject my love.'' 
''Stop being so emotional, Norris.'' 
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''There she is!'' Daniel loudly announced as Y/N stepped onto the plane, his hands up in the air. 
She tiredly waved at everyone, exhausted from the lack of sleep she had gotten. The young woman groggily sat down next to her Australian colleague, Michael sitting in front of them. 
Daniel snickered at her disoriented state. ''Good morning to you, mate.'' He greeted her, his infamous bright smile on his face. 
''It's fucking early, what are you so happy about?'' She mumbled, while trying to find a good sleeping position. 
''I'm grateful that I get to live another beautiful day, Y/N! We don't appreciate our existence enough, we need to-''
''I'll be grateful for my life when you shut up and let me sleep.'' She interrupted him, closing her eyes and pulling her hat slightly over her face. 
The McLaren driver opted for another teasing comment, but he could see the obvious exhaustion she had going on and let her be, a light pat on the shoulder working as his way to say ''have a good nap''. 
About an hour later the turbulence of the plane woke her up from her much needed sleep. Y/N took her hat off and noticed Daniel still awake, scrolling on his phone while listening to music through his headphones. 
A soft push against his arm brought his attention from his device to the woman next to him, immediately smiling upon seeing that she's awake. ''Sleepyhead.'' 
The beam on his face slowly changed into a nervous frown, worrying his friend. ''What is it? The reality of life finally settled in?'' Y/N awkwardly said, trying to cheer him up. 
''No, uh, it's just that uhm interview you did with Nathalie yesterday- I watched it.'' He answered, sympathy written all over his face. 
''Oh,'' she sat up straight in her seat, ''well, you know it was just after the race so obviously I was very frustrated. You know how it is.'' The driver tried to come off as nonchalant, failing horribly. 
''Lando told me, Y/N.'' Daniel revealed, wanting her to drop the 'it's not a big deal'-act. 
She sighed. ''Oh, that little snake.'' She muttered under her breath. 
''No, I'm glad that he told me. He said he's never seen you so defeated and the way you were talking to Nathalie- you haven't given up, have you?'' Daniel had seen how her recent race results had affected her, but he wasn't aware how deep her frustrations and insecurities had settled in. 
Her silence to his question was an answer in itself. 
''You've been working your ass off since you were like what? 5-6? You're not gonna throw all of that away just because of 3 bad races, right? That's nothing like you.'' The Australian ranted, baffled over her ruined confidence. 
Y/N glanced outside her window, seeing they were high above the clouds. ''I'm not throwing anything away, it's just… my teams seems to have already made up their mind and are just waiting on the right time to tell me that someone else is taking my place.'' The young woman clarified, her words not helping Daniel's growing worries. 
''They would be fucking idiots to replace you, you know that.'' He sneered, rolling his eyes at the thought of another person driving in her seat. 
She weakly chuckled at his response, not finding much humour in the insult to her bosses. 
Daniel's shoulder gently pushed against hers. ''Hey, maybe you need to talk to Seb or Lewis, they're better at this pep-talk shit than I am.'' He suggested, figuring the two older men might have more of an influence on her. 
Y/N let his words process for a few seconds, considering seeking a listening ear in either of the world champions. ''I- I don't know, Dan. They probably have better things to do.'' 
''Like what?'' 
''I don't fucking know- planting trees, feeding Roscoe, whatever.'' She blurted out, making both of them laugh at the random activities they could be doing. 
''Just think about it, I think you'd feel a lot better after talking to one of them.'' Daniel didn't want to push her, knowing it would have the opposite effect on what he wanted for her. 
A tired smile made its way onto her face. ''I will, thank you.'' 
''Good,'' his face mirrored hers, ''and if they do replace you, they're just like Netflix.'' 
''Like Netflix?'' 
''A bunch of cunts.'' 
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''I've never seen her that quiet.'' Sebastian mumbled to the Brit next to him, observing the young woman who sat slumped over in her chair. 
Lewis looked over at her, being as equally bewildered as his German colleague. ''I don't blame her, all the stuff they've been saying about her is awful.'' He whispered back. 
''What do you mean?'' Sebastian frowned. 
The Mercedes driver uncomfortably shifted in his head, leaning more towards his friend. ''People have been saying a lot of shit on social media and those fucking annoying journalists certainly don't help. Also, that interview their team principal did.'' 
Sebastian rolled his eyes at the mention. ''Hanna showed me, that was so out of line. He knows people have been wanting her out since the day she got in- shame on him for making all of that so public.'' 
Her team principal had given a quite lengthy interview over the break between the race weekends, publicising the team's problems and their possible solutions, which included a hint to a potential driver change-up. 
''None of the DNF's were even her fault, it's absolutely ridiculous.'' The slander on her name greatly upset Lewis, aware of the talent she possessed and it made him angry that there was even a chance that she might not be on the grid with them the next year. 
''I know and it has taken such a toll on her, Daniel said he talked to her, but I'm a little worried.'' The Aston Martin driver told Lewis, his puzzled look turning into one of sadness. 
The Brit scratched his voice. ''Maybe you can give her some confidence? You've known her for a long time, I'm sure she'll appreciate it.'' 
Sebastian slowly nodded his head, figuring the World Champion might be right. ''Yeah, I'll talk to her later.'' He confirmed, still watching the obvious daydreaming woman from across the room. 
The driver's briefing went on for about half an hour more, the director seeing the visible boredom on every person's face and calling it a day for everyone. 
Y/N couldn't have been more relieved that the meeting was finally over, wanting nothing more than going back to her own hospitality and figuring out ways to make the car work, and actually finish this time around. 
She was one of the last people to leave the briefing room, only George, Lewis and Sebastian walking behind her. The latter tapping her shoulder. ''Hey, haven't talked to you today.'' 
''Yeah, lots of briefings with the team, you know.'' The younger one responded, giving him a quick glance. 
''How's that going?'' 
The woman remained silent for a few moments, considering how much she should tell her mentor about the current state of her place in the team. ''Uhm, well, it's going… decent, I guess.'' Y/N muttered, trailing off. 
''Decent?'' Sebastian repeated, as if asking ''are you serious?'' 
''There are like a bunch of reporters around us, what do you want me to say?'' She replied, a defensive tone to her voice. 
The German patted her back, sensing her agitation. ''It's okay, let's discuss somewhere private.'' He calmed her down, suggesting a different place to have a conversation. 
They opted for her personal driver's home, that being the closest space where they could talk with just the two of them. Some of her team's staff had given the Aston Martin driver some weird looks while they walked through the hospitality, but he brushed them off. 
The pair sat down on her small couch once they arrived, not much space between them. 
Y/N felt some nerves settling in her stomach as she waited for Seb to start speaking, not knowing what he was going to tell her. 
''I'm just gonna be straightforward,'' he started off, ''you can't continue with this attitude, cause you're only setting yourself up. You are a great driver, Y/N. We all have our off weeks, we're not perfect.'' 
''I understand that this isn't a nice situation to be in. Trust me, this green vegetable that I'm driving isn't doing much better at the moment,'' he chuckled, making her crack a smile, ''but if there's one person that can completely turn their season around, it's you.'' 
Y/N avoided eye-contact with him, not sure how to respond to his kind and encouraging words. ''I appreciate that, Seb. I'm not giving up, it's just… very difficult and people are constantly bringing it up, and making articles and shit- that doesn't help me at all. I'm still gonna do my best, but… yeah- it's just difficult.'' 
''I know it's hard and I've heard the media has been hard on you. That's what they do and they see you as an easier target for clicks and whatnot,'' Sebastian rolled his eyes at his own mention of the media, ''But you're better than believing their words.'' 
''You are a talented driver, you have so much potential. Do you think I would have spent all these years with you if I thought you shouldn't be in F1?'' He asked her, a look on his face that told her he wanted an answer. 
The young woman timidly shook her head. ''No, you wouldn't have done that.'' 
Sebastian smiled at her response. ''See?'' He put his arm around her, pulling her closer into him. ''Whether you believe it or not, you're leading this new generation. You're a decent car away from being a World Champion, you know that right?'' 
''Did you talk to Lando? He also said that.'' Y/N nervously grinned. 
''Just accept the truth!'' The German squeezed her shoulders. ''You've proven that you can do anything. You don't want to let down all those young girls that started karting because of you, right? What message would it send to all of them that their role model quit, because she got bumped off the road or her car simply decided to turn itself off.'' 
''You're right,'' she sighed, admitting to herself she needed to drop the pessimistic attitude, ''I don't just owe it to myself, but also to them.'' 
Sebastian nodded along to her words, letting out a deep breath. ''I'm relieved you're seeing it, I don't like seeing you like this. It's weird not seeing you smile or making fun of the drivers.'' He smirked, patting her shoulder. 
''I guess everyone deserved an off-day, tomorrow I'll start again.'' Y/N grinned, laughing at Sebastian's reminder of her fondness to poke fun at their colleagues. 
The senior driver gave her one last squeeze and stood up from the couch, adjusting his pants. ''No more frowns, alright? You're gonna do great this weekend and you're gonna show everyone why you deserve your seat.'' 
Y/N nodded, more confident than when she first walked back into her driver's room. ''Yes, I'm gonna do my best, Seb.'' 
They bumped their fists as if to solidify it was going to be a great race weekend for them both. 
''And go easy on me tomorrow with the teasing.'' 
''I'd rather be run off the track again then let that happen.''
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Show don't tell
Pairing: Gamigin × Afab!Mc × Lucifer
Lucifer decides to take a more active approach in teaching Gamigin about intercourse.
Afab!reader but they only use they/them pronouns.
It's been a month since Lucifer won the Phenomenon photo contest, but Gamigin has been thinking about what he saw since the day it happened. He would stay in the comunal shower staring at his erection and pondering wether or not he should masturbate to the image of his king pressed on Solomon's child. The angered screams of his brothers wanting to use the bathroom would be the only thing that would snap him from his confused trance.
Lucifer, keen as ever, knew Gamigin's head was in other places not his work or any particular conversation they were having. He had a few ideas as to what might be clouding the dragon's thoughts, but when he found him sneaking into Marbas' room to try and grab some Abaddon magazines, he knew what he was dealing with.
"Bring Adam's child here." Lucifer ordered to Gamigin who instantly blushed and ran to the gates. The dragon was so excited to see them again, maybe his king will mate again with the human and he'll be allowed to watch once more. All the scenarios that used to be reserved for his dreams were now flouding his mind as he made his way to the gate.
You were sitting peacefully in your room in Gehenna, doomscrolling on some random social media, your mind elsewhere. A familiar glowing light illuminated the other side of the door before Gamigin burst into it with an excited smile. "Get in loser, we're going to Paradise Lost!" His loud voice accompanied by the even louder jiggling bells of his staff filled the previously dead room. "That was an actually good use of a pop culture reference."
"Thanks, I practiced." And with that Gamigin grabbed your arm and brought you to the calm botanical gardens in Paradise Lost. "We have to go to Lucifer's private office which is... on the other side of the country. Sorry, since Bathin left we can only teleport patients here."
The walk was uneventful, you and Gamigin starting and stopping conversation on a whim. Before long you reach Lucifer private office. A huge room inside the hospital with two queen sized hospital beds. Lucifer was sipping some tea while discussing with Buer. When Gamigin opened the door, Buer bowed and left without a word. It was strange how well coordenated the people of Paradise Lost were, especially when it was about their beloved king.
"[Strip]" Lucifer commanded to no one in particular, but you could tell it was ment for you. You took off your clothes and Lucifer picked you up and set you on the bed with your legs spread out. Your pussy was on full display for the two demons in the room. The king walked to his desk and took some medical gloves from one of the drawers. Lucifer turned to Gamigin and signed for him to get closer.
"This is the outer labia" Lucifer messaged the flesh before using two fingers to spread your lips. "This is the inner labia. They're the primary reasons why I got a real exemple for this leason on the body. In all the text books you'll see the same pictogram, one that rarely matches anything actually fleshy." Gamigin nodded, taking mental notes of your vagina.
"Lucifer, did you really call me ov-" "[Silence]" You couldn't even finish your sarcastic remark before you lost your voice to Lucifer's divine power.
"Under the clitoris hood you can find the clitoris or clit as it is more commonly known. Some people can ejeculate only by stimulation to this bundle of nerves, and, fortunatly, this one is part of this category. Pay close attention to the vagina, see how it convulses when I rub the clitoris." Lucifer begins to demonstrate to the gawking eyes of the young dragon. You wanted to moan but your voice had other plans, only letting out small gasps and whimpers.
Lucifer picked up a bit of your wetness on his gloved finger and brought it to Gamigin's mouth. "Lick." He didn't need to use one of his usual orders, he knew Gamigin would obey him blindly even without magic. The long tongue of the dragon greedily lapped up all your juices from the lead doctor's hand.
"Good. Now grab a set of gloves and come here." Gamigin sprinted and swiftly put on the plastic. The older demon was rubbing slow circles around your clit, enough to keep you excited but not enough to cum. When Gamigin arrived, Lucifer pointed to your opening. "Slowly insert one finger inside. They have a lot of experience, but the muscles around return to a tight state after a while. We don't want to hurt the patient, so be careful with the first finger."
Red in the face, yet still curious as ever, Gamigin slowly wiggled a finger inside your hole. A chocked moan escaped your lips as you spread your legs widder, your body already trained to recieve pleasure. The foreign feeling of the gloves rubbing against your walls and the circling of your clit was making your head spin. Slowly, Gamigin started to thrust his finger inside you at the guidance of Lucifer.
You can feel your orgasm approaching, but before you could release, Lucifer and Gamigin moved away from you. You saw the dragon sucking the finger he used to pleasure you while he looked up at the fallen angel. They were talking about something, but you didn't care what it was, you just wanted to cum.
You try to move but can't. Damn it, Lucifer must have thought in advanced about your little escape attempt and ordered your body to stay. When you look back in front of you, you notice that only Gamigin was there. Before you could question where Lucifer was, you felt him grab your body and setting you on his lap. He was naked, his cockhead touching above your belly button.
"As you can observe, most demons and angels are quite bigger than humans could normally handle. Yet, it can be observed that this particular human can take more than usual." Lucifer slowly picked you up so your hole was hovering over his penis and he began to decend your body on his.
You claw at the bed sheets and try desprately to at least moan. Gamigin was staring wide eyed at the copulation of the two of you, sight that only made you more emberassed than you already were. Lucifer bottomed out inside you after the most agonising 30 seconds of your life. You felt so full and stiff, like a sock puppet being worn by its master. One of his hands was wrapped around your throat and the other was set on your chest to try and prevent you from laying on the bed for support. He needed Gamigin to see it, that's why you were here in the first place.
"Do you see the bulge? That's how deep I went inside of them. Come touch it." Gamigin took a step closer and nervously felt the slight bulge from within. His eyes shifted rapidly from the bulge to Lucifer to you as if he was trying to imprint this moment in his memory. The dragon's three horns were already getting damp as he tried to massage lower before Lucifer glared at him to back off.
"It's not your turn to touch them yet. You still lack experience. Now, come closer." Lucifer started to thrust. Nothing too powerful, but enough to make you orgasm every time his dick was fully in. The hand that was on your chest moved to your hair as Lucifer began to move your head towards one of Gamigin's horns.
"[Suck]" He ordered and you obeyed, too weak from overstimulation to even think about going against the first light. You took one of the horns between your lips and started to suckle on it. The sweet devil energy washing down your mute throat.
Lucifer was quiet and you were forbidden from making a sound, but Gamigin was making up for the silence. His loud moans, whimpers and whines filled the room, so loud that everyone in the country must know what was going on. The dragon started to futely thrust against the air, his knees weak as his knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the bed.
The mind-numbing pleasure Lucifer was delivering straight to your very core was starting to get overwhelming when the former angel began to pick up the pace of his thrusts. A hot stream of tears imitating the leaking of your slobbering cunt began to fall from your eyes. When Lucifer noticed you began to cry he manhandled you off him and Gamigin and he layed you directly on the table.
"They're prepared enough now. Shed yourself of your garments and try to mate with the human yourself."
Gamigin noded and fumbled with his pants, quickly taking off his pants and boxers in one fell swoop. He got on top of you, his hands on either side of your sholders and his knees just under yours. He set there confused as he looked up at Lucifer who moved closer to Gamigin to help him every step of the way.
"Good... now move in, slowly, dear, slowly." He cooed to Gamigin. Even though you were the overstimulated one, Gamigin acted like teen in heat. He was much smaller than Lucifer, but he was way less experienced. His whimpers were beautifully pathetic as he entered your loose pussy. Lucifer was petting his head the whole way through.
"Good boy. How does it feel?" Lucifer voice was so sweet and friendly, it almost sounded like he was another person.
Between sniffles and whines, Gamigin managed to speak up with a hoarse voice "B-better than I could even i-imagine. Th-thank you, L-Lucifer."
Lucifer nodded in acknowledgement and grabbed Gamigin's waist, one hand on his lower stomach and the other on his tail bown. He started to thrust Gamigin inside your puffy pussy. It didn't take long before the dragon got used to the rythm set by his king and he got lost in the feeling of your wet cavarns.
Lucifer took a step back and watched the two of you have a go at it. The scene was lewd, sure, but to Lucifer it was the sweet deflowerment of his little brother. He was temped to take a picture to add to his album.
The rythm set only a few minutes ago was getting sloppier and faster as he was trying to reach his first orgasm inside someone. Gamigin hugged your limp body as he rutted inside, his head pressed to the matress. He practicly screamed as he came inside you. He colapsed on your body as he tried to even out his breaths.
With his strong arms, Lucifer picked you two up and walked to the other bed and layed you there. His touch was the gentlest you've ever recieved from the former angel, but Gamigin seemed used to the affection. Gamigin opened his mouth to speak but Lucifer covered it. "Sleep you two. You need rest after such an intense session."
You didn't need to be told twice, though calling it sleep would be an understatement. You both practicly collapsed into your own personal dream world, silently snoozing in Lucifer's office.
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Winter's King 6
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: i slept so gosh dang heavy.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You haul up the cask, one of the smaller but still heavy for your arms. The stairs are treacherous to the upper floors of the castle and you waddle down the corridors hugging the vessel with heavy steps. As you near the ivory room, you slow and face the wooden barrier. Should you knock? 
You look down. You can’t balance the cask with one arm. You lean and tap with your foot as best you can. You wait and hear only the draughts flowing in from the windows. Then at once, the hinges groan and the door swings inward, the king already in retreat. 
You enter, trying not to show your struggle, and carry it to the round table. You set it down with a loud clunk and your shoulders ache. You feel around your apron pockets for the spout. You sense the king’s mood clouding in the chamber. 
“If you knew it was to be heavy, you could have said so,” he grits as he sits across the table from you. 
“Your highness, it is not very much,” you lie. Your arms feel weak as you put the spout in place. You did not bring a stein. “I will fetch a cup--” 
“I don’t care about the ale,” he rests one hand against the handle. “If you are thirsty, there is a cup in my bedroll.” 
You back away, confused. You don’t protest or question him. Did you mishear him? He did request ale. 
“So I am wed,” he mulls and toys with a loose lace hanging from the open collar of his shirt. It is untucked from his breeches as his hair is tangled around his shoulders. 
“Good tidings for that, your highness,” you offer the expected courtesy. 
He looks at you and you wince, putting your head down as you back away.  
“Apologies, I speak out of turn,” you touch your chin. 
He huffs, “weddings are supposed to be happy, are they not?” 
You bow your head lower, “I believe so, your highness.” 
He hums and tabs his fingers on the armrest, “I am not very happy.” 
You stay as you are. He makes it hard to serve, he is cryptic to the point you can’t guess what he wants. You dare to peek up quickly but promptly retract your gaze as you meet his eyes. 
“Speak your thoughts, I see them written upon your brow,” he commands. 
You sway slightly and bend your arms behind you, “your highness--” 
“Look at me,” he demands. You obey. 
“Your highness,” you start cautiously, “you’ve been at war, perhaps you are sick for your home.” 
He scoffs and rubs the coarse stubble on his jaw, “my home? You would not think that if you knew it.” 
You slant your mouth. He raises his hand, gesturing with two fingers, “speak freely.” 
“You are correct, your highness, I would not know. I’ve never been further than a day’s ride from this castle. I only hear that the north is cold but anyone might guess that.” 
He snorts, “yes, it is cold. And dark. But the mountains, they are beautiful and when the snows fall, they glisten over the ground. So long as you have a fire to warm you, or a body near, it is not so bad.” He closes his eyes and leans his chin on his knuckles, “there are large elk with trees for antlers and the white wolves who blend into the snow but for their eyes, and the bears who sleep in the caves until the ground thaws in the springs.” He opens his eyes again and stares at you, “we have no summer there. The butterflies and flowers do not fare for long.” 
You imagine the place he describes. Or attempt to. It sounds frightening. No summer? 
“I’ve never seen snow,” you say at last. 
He sits up and his expression eases, “then you will to come see it.” 
You blink. Is he serious? Is that an order? 
“I serve the castle--” 
“You serve...” he swallows, “my wife and by rights I am her master. As she is yours, thus you serve me. She will need a familiar face once we are on to the Hinterlands. They are harrowing and she is weak. You will be her companion to see her through.” 
You don’t argue. You never do. He is right. All that is Lady Jazlene’s is now his. 
“Are you excited to come?” He asks. 
You think. You will do as you’re told thought it is an unexpected, almost undreamt of, opportunity. 
“I think I am, your highness. It is a far way and I’ve never been very far.” 
“Mm,” he puts his elbow on the table, almost amused as he watches you, “are you afraid?” 
“Why, yes, certainly,” you answer honestly. “You speak of bears and wolves. I’ve never seen those either, though I have seen deer.” 
“Do not fear, even the bears and the wolves bow to King Geralt,” he lets himself laugh, a bawdy rumbling like thunder. It surprises you, “but first we must ride south to tidy up the summer countries. I must meet my people, make sure they are not left to ruin.” 
You tilt your head but quickly fix it. He drones again, “speak.” 
“That is kind of you. No, as you said before, prudent. To make certain the people are not unhappy. War leaves scars.” 
“It leaves gaping wounds if one does stitch them up,” he counters, “a wise observation for a maid.” 
Your cheeks twitch. You think it’s a compliment. You lower your chin. 
“Ah,” he intones, “don’t. You don’t have to hide from me, little maid.” 
His last words drag over his tongue. His timbre is like smoke. You feel how it traps the air in your chest. You linger, uncertain, across from him. 
“Will you sit with me?” He asks and leans forward to pull out the chair nearest to him, “I rarely have pleasant company.” 
You hesitate. What about Jazlene? He has her. She is his wife now. You don’t dare ask that question. You move carefully around the chair and sit. He stays forward in his chair, his arm on the table. 
“I have told you of the Hinterlands, but what of you? I’ve seen some of your home but I expect this castle isn’t your real home,” he says. 
“It is the only home I remember,” you murmur, “I’ve been here since I was a girl.” 
His gold eyes flick down and he nods, “I didn’t...” he looks up again and leans back, a stitch in his brow, “would it make you unhappy to be away from home?” 
You purse your lips. You’ve never thought of leaving. You don’t feel any sort of way about the prospect, nothing more than ignorant. You don’t know what awaits you outside those walls. 
“I will go where I am bid,” you say evenly, “not many get to go so far from home. It would be nice to see more of the world.” 
He hums as he watches you, brushing his fingers through his white hair. You watch how his index catches in a wave and he tugs it free with agitation. He pauses, holding out his hand before dropping it to his lap. He inclines his head as if to say, ‘what are you looking at?’ 
“Are there many people like you there?” You ask, voice shaky. 
“Like me? There is only one king. I’ve made certain of that.” 
“No, I... never mind,” you curl one hand around the other, “your highness.” 
“Only me,” he affirms, “and what of you? I’ve yet to meet any like you.” 
You furrow your nose, “there are lots of maids, your highness.” 
He doesn’t respond and his shoulders drop. He once more runs his hand around his square jaw. He inhales and lets it out slowly. 
“You should leave now,” he utters softly, “before...” he pauses and his eyes wander to the window, “before the dawn.” 
You stand and bend your neck, “yes, your highness. I wish you a good sleep and a good marriage.” 
He returns only another thick grunt. You leave him without looking back. As you’re shut out in the dark corridor, a clatter comes from the other side. You turn back but do not go through. You smell something stringent and feel something wet seeping into the stitches of your shoes. You kneel and put your fingers in the liquid leaking under the door. It’s the ale. 
You stand and lean back on your heel. You never meant to anger the king. You will do well to stay out of the way. You don’t think you’ll be going to the Hinterlands after all. Merinda is much more fit for a royal court anyhow. 
You sleep hardly an hour before you are on your feet again. The castle is in a flurry to get the horses and luggage on the road. You and Merinda help Lady Jazlene dress as her head threatens to droop this way and that. She’s tired and her yawns tickle your throat as you hold back a similar act. 
Lady Rezlyn enters, already dressed, her dark blue gown slashed with yellow in the sleeves. You and Merinda retreat to busy yourself with miniscule worries. The lady’s riding gloves and boots. A queen’s gloves and boots. 
“Oh, my daughter,” Rezlyn sweeps over to put her hands to Jazlene’s cheek, admiring her daughter as she ever does, “I see your wedding night has left you fatigued. I expected no less of a man like the king.” 
The lewd snicker from the duchess’ mouth makes your stomach churn. Jazlene trickles out a small chuckle and wriggles free of her mother’s grasp. She turns and sits to let you lace on her boots. 
“What is it, then?” Rezlyn challenges, folding her arms. “Did it hurt very much? I told you, daughter, it wouldn’t be very pleasant if you stay dry as parchment.” 
“Mother, please,” Jazlene begs, “I wasn’t...” she shakes her head and sniffs, “it was wonderful.” Her lie is told by the tremour in her void. She raises her head, “He is a true king and I am his queen now. These are matters between man and wife.” 
Rezlyn scowls and sneers, “very well then. How quickly your head swells.” 
“You will not mind so much when you see the advantage a queen’s mother reaps,” Jazlene’s bold tone returns. You see the same lady you’ve ever known. Haughty and stubborn. “I am off to meet my people, to ride through the kingdom. I will introduce my husband to my people and they will see they were wrong about me. Lady Theodora will choke on her stupid sapphire collar.” 
“Precious, I know they will,” Rezlyn smirks, “they will all see how wrong they were about our family. The will recall at last your father’s title and the history behind it.” 
Jazlene raises her chin and her nostrils flair, “is that why, mother? Is that why we’ve done this? To reclaim our glory?” 
“To find new glory. In a new kingdom. Darling, don’t you see, you will watch over a realm larger than any before. You and the greatest king the world has known.” 
You stand as Merinda hides her dry flutter of lashes. She is always much more amused by the flowery conversations between the duchess and her daughter. You can only think of the ale leaking under the door and the king’s declaration; ‘I am not very happy’. 
When Jazlene rises, you tie a cape around her shoulders, the shimmering silver with the blue and violet flowers sewn into it. She is sparkling in her new role. A queen with even a circlet of silver in her curls, though it was formerly a necklace.  
She emerges with her spine straight and her eyes set. She has readied all her life to be a wife though she just as easily acts a queen. Her shoulders are high and strong as she descends into the chaos of the castle. 
You and Merinda follow behind the two ladies. Lord Dustan blusters towards them, the toggle buttons of his riding jacket unaligned with the loops. He looks between his daughter and wife. 
“The horse will be ready shortly, are you ready to ride?” He sneers at Jazlene. 
“Father, I am the queen. You do not tell me--” 
“You are a queen and queen’s cannot be tardy. We must way to the capital to consolidate the kingdom. This is not a pageant,” he hisses. 
“Is the carriage ready?” Jazlene asks. 
“Carriage? You will ride abreast. All haste is required.” 
“Father,” Jazlene shifts on her feet with discomfort, “I’d be better on a cushion than a saddle--” 
“Argue it with the king then. His orders.” 
Dustan storms past without further discussion and disappears through the outer doors into the courtyard. Jazlene pouts into a grimace and looks at her mother. Rezlyn gives a wry shrug. 
“Well, your highness...” Rezlyn taunts. 
“Motherrrrr,” Jazlene growls before she spins and breezes away in her father’s stead. 
You trail the duchess into the dim hues of dawn. The yard is even more hectic than within. The king’s soldiers move like ants on a hill as their horses stand in patient rows, ready to be mounted. It is the Debray party that is in disarray. 
As Jazlene weaves through the crowd, several of the castle hands back away and show their deference for their new queen. The black and grey soldiers of the Hinter carry on in checking their saddle bags and weapons. The king is near the gate, head down as a steely haired soldier speaks to him. 
The duchess’ daughter, newly married, awoken a queen, approaches her husband without hesitation. 
“I am told I am not to have a carriage? I cannot sit a horse. It is unseemly--” 
King Geralt signals to his man with irritation. The soldier with eyes as grey as his hair quiets and backs away. You can tell by the pin on his mail that he must be important. 
“You will,” the king says evenly. “We must be quick. I cannot have a broken axle. We ride as if to battle. In itself, this is exactly what we face.” 
“But you have won--” 
“I won in blood, but there are other victories to be claimed,” the king interjects, “still your tongue and obey your husband and king. The world does not exist as your cloistered life in this castle.” 
“I am the queen and I want a carriage!” Jazlene squeals shrilly. Several heads turn as you keep your chin low. You know it isn’t the right response but Jazlene does not take orders easily. 
“You have not yet been coronated,” the king snarls, “do not forget so quickly on who’s back you rose.” 
Jazlene huffs and puts her hands to her hips. She steps closer to the king and he glares down at her. You peek up to find his eyes blazing. 
“I am your wife, not your servant,” she snaps, “and you will not speak to me as one.” 
He blinks and you retract your stare. You look over at Merinda as her face strains with horror. The tension of the confrontation quiets the courtyard. 
“If I need to have you strapped to the horse like a bedroll, then so be it,” King Geralt hisses. “I have done my duty to you so you will do yours or you should void our contract. Obey.” 
Jazlene stands defiantly close to the king. They stare at one another, the air thrumming between them. Lady Rezlyn reaches to touch her daughter’s sleeve. 
“You will look so pretty aback a horse, daughter. Imagine what the people will think when they see you resplendent as you ride into the capital, eh? You shouldn’t hide in a carriage, you will want to meet your people.” 
The daughter puffs out and steps back at her mother’s tugging. She retreats slowly as the king does not budge, his face twisted with anger. The duchess has tendered a fragile truce. 
“Come, I haven’t ridden in some time,” Rezlyn coaxes the younger woman. 
“And you will not,” King Geralt speaks at last, “my wife will ride. I see no need of her mother. She is no naive maiden.” 
Rezlyn flinches, “your highness?” 
The king raises his hand and gestures with his fingers. Two soldiers come forth in his colours, “I will leave some of my men to watch over your walls. The word will spread how Debray did assist in my victory. I have yet to assuage that animosity so you would be best to stay and hide behind your walls.” He drops his arm, gripping his pommel, “your husband has not yet given all he promised.” 
Rezlyn grips her daughter’s arm and staggers as if she’s been struck. What the king has said is clear. They are traitors, not only in the eyes of their fellow summer lords, but in his. He has not trust and the duchess will be kept in her castle as little more than a hostage. 
“Your highness,” Lady Rezlyn rasps, “I shall do as you bid. I will only say farewell to my daughter.” 
“Make it fast,” the king sneers. 
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leeknowlover99 · 9 months
Skz as love tropes
found it in my drafts ;)
warnings: fluff, suggestive content
Bang Chan - coworkers to lovers
you and Chan spent way too much time in a studio. working late nights, eating takeaway pizza, testing new ideas, leaving in the mornings when sun was already high up in the sky. you spent countless nights falling asleep on couch in small studio room. ever since you started working together something between you clicked, you understood and inspired each other. two lost souls trying to find peace in music, stressed overachievers trying to create something perfect. it should not come as a surprise that one day when nothing was working as it should in a heat of the moment you shared the most hungry passionate kiss you could imagine, changing your dynamic forever.
Lee Know/ Minho - neighbors to lovers
your relationship grew slowly. from passing each other on the corridor to saying shy hellos in the elevator to meeting in the coffee shop near by to taking care of his cat when he was on a business trip to going on long walks and talking about life together. Minho with tough and unreadable exterior turned into the softest person you knew. his kindness amazed you with each day. in a span of months from the total stranger he became your comfort person. the change in your relationship seemed so natural. you didn’t even realize when it turned from shy glances to getting railed in his sheets.
Changbin - exes to lovers
you tried to stay away from each other, you really did. it was not working out between you, work forced you to be separated more time than you would like. character differences caused loud arguments. but without each other you were even more doomed. stress piling up in your bodies, minds clouded with too many thoughts, sleepless nights when you missed each other way too much. so when one day you bumped into Changbin in a party next thing you knew you were pressed against him in someones bedroom, hungrily trying to make up for all the lost time. him whispering “i’m not gonna let you go ever again” against your lips.
Hyunjin - soulmates
nobody could replace Hyunjin. nobody could come even close. you have never met someone as passionate, gentle and unreal as him. the way you completed each other could only be described by word soulmates. you understood each other without any words, always knew what the other one needed, could sense emotions like you lived inside each others heads. one look at you two and everybody could see that. your eyes beamed with love when you were together, face glowed. lips curled into most gorgeous smiles. you just had that effect on each other.
Felix - fake dating
it started as an innocent lie but became so much more. the arrangement worked for both of you so you kept going with it. as time passed it was becoming more and more challenging to create that narrative. but neither of you wanted to end it. so you started going on dates, hanging out with your families, posting each other on social media, sleeping in the same bed. the line between the lie and reality was becoming blurry until one day of just vanished. you were no longer pretending, you were no longer keeping the act only when people were around. you were kissing in the loneliness of Felix’s room and although none of you said it you both knew that it became something more.
Han/ Jisung - fwb to lovers
Jisung was never the best when it came to any kind of relationships. one drunk night out with his pretty best friend and all he could think about is your perfect body and those plump lips. he needed you. you seemed to have the same idea. you also seemed to have the same problem with relationships. so after that one night neither of you talked about this. you just silently communicated when you needed each other. expressed your desires and feeling through gentle touches and passionate kisses. way too intimate for only friends. it took a long time for both of you to understand and admit that. but when you did you were two happiest people on this planet.
Seungmin - rivals to lovers
it was always the competition between you two. Y/N vs Kim Seungmin. you were both good, way better than everyone else. but neither of you liked sharing the spotlight. so you constantly tried to either beat the other one or mess with them. after all only one person could get the dreamt internship. this week has been particularly intense, electricity basically sparkling in the air when you were both in the same room. you needed to relax during weekend, that’s how you ended up at Chan’s party already drunk. what you did not expect was to find Seungmin here as well. the look he send your way when he saw you in the flimsy black dress made you weak. from that look only you knew the only competition you will be having tonight is who cums first.
Jeongin - childhood best friends to lovers
stolen glances, shy smiles, late night talks. you and your childhood best friend Jeongin were always more. but you were both too timid and unsure to act on it, so you loved each other in silence. spending all your precious days together, enjoying small moments, but deep down longing for more. and more did come. Jeongin gathered all his courage. “will you go to prom with me?” one day he appeared at your front door with a bouquet of tulips. “as friends?” you asked hoping for a negative answer. “as boyfriend and girlfriend” he responded quietly, cheeks blushed. you provided your response by connecting your lips in a shy kiss which quickly became more passionate when all your suppressed feelings could be finally released.
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freak-accident419 · 6 months
You Can’t Spell ‘FWB’ without ‘Friend’
Derek Danforth x GN!Reader
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Summary: Ever since the night before, you and Derek had become best friends with benefits. Bored at a fancy rich person party, you two decide to hook up again. However, when you’re inexplicably taken out of the mood, you two decide to do something else for the night: hang out like the best friends you were.
Word Count: 2.9k
Content: 18+ content, MDNI, (graphic descriptions of) sex (awkward), cursing, mentions of drugs, (best) friends with benefits, platonic (but you can interpret it as potentially romantic), short read, reader and Derek are just best pals that fuck, slightly ooc Derek, reader is rich/famous like Derek, attempt to hook up in the bathroom at a party (end up hanging out instead), smoking, drinking, Star Wars references, very chaotic
(A/n: Dedicating this to my wifey @xcherryerim 🫶 your post awaiting this fic meant a lot to me :3)
Holy fuck, you wanted to gouge your eyes out.
You had a glass of wine in your hand, staring at the crowd of old, wealthy hags, sipping the drink briefly out of boredom.
You were at yet another fancy party in some rich person’s mansion, accompanied by your best friend Derek, the son of President Jessica Danforth and CEO of Danforth Enterprises. You had been good friends with him for a very long time, the two of you always stirring up trouble whenever together.
You stare down at the deep scarlet of your drink, intensely zoning out as you thought about the night before. A pair of hands caressing the skin on your thighs, legs tightening around hips, wrists held above your head, and loud, sultry moans and sounds filling the room.
And then you snapped out of it as you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked up to see exactly him—Derek.
“This party is ass,” you grumble to him, taking a sip from your drink.
“I know,” he replies, sipping his. “Any luck with finding investors?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I have people doing that for me,” you scoff.
“Right,” he nods.
“Any luck with convincing some poor girl to invest in crypto?” You ask, looking at him as you raise an eyebrow.
“Nope,” he answers with a sigh, but a smile was plastered on his face.
You chuckled at his reply. “Hah. I’m not surprised. Crypto is fucking ridiculous.”
“Hey, fuck you.”
“Hm, you already did. What, once isn’t enough for you?” you retort quickly, sneering.
Derek’s eyes widened in response, frantically looking around to see if anyone heard you, then whispered, “Would—Would you be quiet?” He stressed under his breath. “Don’t say that fucking shit out loud, what if somebody heard?”
Last night didn’t really mean to happen. Like the close friends you were, you hung out with Derek at his mansion as you regularly do. However, one thing led to another because of a bottle of pinot noir and the unfortunate appearance of a sex scene in a movie you two watched together. Accordingly, you woke up sore the next morning. You two had established that it was just hooking up, no strings attached—but nobody could know about your arrangement. Not your friends, not your co-workers, and especially not Derek’s mother. While he was known for being promiscuous, the press couldn’t find out that Derek had hooked up with you, not only a good friend of Derek, but someone who was well known in the media due to their wealth.
You roll your eyes carelessly as flashes from last night began to cloud your mind. His fast breaths, his body, his skilled hands. Yet you shook it off easily. “Oh, come on, Derek, these old, ancient fucks can’t hear shit.” An old woman looked at you in disapproval after hearing you swear, walking away from you. “Okay, well, she heard that, but nobody’s gonna know! Don’t get your fuckin’ Louis Vuitton boxers in a twist.”
“They’re not—” he huffs in annoyance. You weren’t taking this seriously, which ultimately frustrated him; your carelessness reminded him too much of himself. “Y/n, who knows what’ll happen if anyone finds out? Like, you know I have to keep my fucking reputation up, and you do too. I don’t think there’s anything Wallace could do if the press found out we hooked up.”
You pause briefly until a smirk creeps up onto your lips in realization. “You regret it, don’t you?”
“No, of course I don’t regret it,” he answers immediately. Not regretting it was clearly an understatement. He really enjoyed last night, every second, every feeling. So he was slightly confused as to why you even doubted him. “Why do you ask?”
“It’s just—” you stutter out, “I woke up and you were gone, you know.” You mutter as you took out a cigarette, placing it into your mouth and lighting it.
His mouth went dry and he pursed his lips promptly. “I had to be at Danforth Enterprises,” he says, watching you exhale the smoke from your cigarette.
“Yeah, well, you could’ve sent me a text or written a note,” you shrug. “Like, it’s your house, dude. I was supposed to be the one leaving the morning after, not you.”
“Right, sorry,” he says simply. “Force of habit.” —It was true; he had an infamous history of one-night stands.
“Plus, I’m your best friend,” you reason. “I don’t want this to, like, ruin everything we had. Like, you’re still my buddy to me.”
He looked at you with a slightly amused grin. “Hey, nothing’s gonna change between us, alright? As you said, you’re my best friend, and it’s always gonna stay that way.” You chuckled, offering him a smile as you heard his response. He could be sentimental whenever he wanted. “Look, the day our friendship will ever change is the day I’ll shut down UDG and Nine Star. Which is basically, like, fucking never. Don’t worry about it.” Even as he said the last sentence, this could be interpreted in two different ways. The first one is that he’d never be in some sort of greater relationship with you, likewise his reluctance to stop scamming. The second one, however, implies that if he ever got into something serious with you, a moral obligation will arise, forcing him to shut down his unethical phishing companies just for you. Right. That sounded ridiculous. It was definitely not the latter.
The two of you both took a sip of your drink in unison.
“But, like,” he began, swirling his glass of wine in his hand engagingly, “Is this gonna be, like, a regular thing?”
You raise an eyebrow curiously after taking a sip of your own. “Like, hooking up?” He nods. “I mean… Whatever happens, happens.”
“Uhh, how do you mean?”
“Like, if it was a one-time thing, so be it. But if it’s gonna become regular, then also so be it,” you took a drag of your cigarette. “Doesn’t really matter. We can just, like, do whatever we want. Nothing has to be all predetermined. If we feel like fucking, then we’ll fuck. If not, then great, another day of walking normally.”
“Right,” he says.
You were bored.
So fucking bored.
You dressed all fancy for nothing, you feel. You were obligated to go the same reason Derek had: your wealthy, famous status. But it was so underwhelming and useless, even. As long as you made an appearance, then that should’ve been enough for everybody.
You put out your cigarette and finish your wine, nearly chugging it.
“Hey,” you tap on Derek’s shoulder, making him turn around to look at you after he had been gazing at a potential crypto girl. “Wanna do a quickie in this rich loser’s bathroom?”
He raises an eyebrow in interest.
You were held up against the wall of the bathroom, legs wrapped around Derek’s hips as his hands held you by your thighs, pounding his cock in and out of you at a fairly quick pace. Your hands held onto his arms and your chin rested on his shoulder tiredly as the occasional skin slapping against skin sound echoed in the room, hearing Derek grunt with almost every thrust.
You felt slightly uncomfortable and awkward. Like, you weren’t really aroused. It felt… dry? You didn’t know what you meant by that, but the friction was just… unsatisfying. He was grazing your walls in a way that just made it feel like burning, increasing your discomfort. But at least he looked like he was enjoying this. Good for him, you guessed.
This never happened before, so it was sort of… really weird to you, to say the least.
To be honest, you were kind of bored. Like, really bored. How the hell were you still bored? You temporarily escaped an old rich people party to have rigorous sex in their bathroom with your best friend, but you were still bored.
“Shit…” you mutter, disgruntled, as he moved consistently inside you, the burning sensation catching up with you. “What the fuck? Why does—ow—Why the fuck is this hurting?”
Derek pulls his head away from your shoulder and looks at you in concern, his dick still inside of you. “Are you okay? Should I go slower?” He offers, raising an eyebrow as he searched for hesitance in your eyes, then looking you up and down.
“Yeah, sure, okay,” you nodded. “It’s whatever, just—just keep going,” you dismiss in a low murmur. As he starts again at a slower pace, you still had an uncomfortable expression on your face. He was moving his hips but all you felt was mere irritation.
“Okay, what—what the hell?” You groan as you still felt shitty, resulting in Derek stopping his thrusts.
“What’s the issue? Am I still going fast? Should I slow down more?”
“Yeah, uh, probably, yeah,” you say as your head goes back on his shoulder. He proceeds with his movements, his cock sliding in at an even slower pace, stretching your walls more intricately.
“Is this—is this better?” He asks as he moves patiently, steadily moving in and out of your body.
And it wasn’t even a minute in before you would interrupt again.
“Umm… Actually I,” you begin, sighing, “I’m just—I don’t know, I’m not feeling it.”
Derek slides out, still holding you up against the wall by your thighs and raises an eyebrow, looking into your eyes. “Seriously?”
You nod simply.
“Okay, what’s wrong?” He asks, unsure if it was something on his part.
“I don’t know, I’m just not really feeling it,” you reply awkwardly.
“Weren’t you the one who brought it up—”
“I’m not feeling it anymore, dude, I’m sorry!” you exclaim, throwing your hands up in surrender.
He puts you down as you put your clothing back on. As you slip your underwear back on, you look at him standing by the same spot by the wall. “Are you still hard?” You ask, raising an eyebrow insightfully.
“Yup,” he shrugs shamelessly.
You sort of felt bad, since you were the one who had the idea of fucking in the bathroom in the first place, making him all riled up.
You sigh softly and you two look at each other in silence. You let out a quiet huff.
“Want me to jerk you off?”
Soon after his release, he put his boxers and pants on leisurely. You were in front of the mirror, trying to fix your hair and clothing, ensuring that you didn’t just come back from a sexual experience in the bathroom.
“Dude, look at how much expensive perfume these jagoffs own,” you chuckle amusedly, looking down at the bathroom sink counter. On the surface were several perfumes of Armani, Burberry, Dolce & Gabbana, as well as a few lotions.
“Hey, don’t—don’t touch those, Y/n.” Too late. You sprayed him with one.
You two grimaced at the scent.
“Well shit, I didn’t even know what I expected,” you cough severely, waving your hand around your nose as you despised the shitty perfume’s smell.
“I told you not to touch them, idiot,” he huffs, buckling his belt as he scowled at the odor.
“Don’t be a dickwad, you totally would’ve been curious enough to try them too,” you scoff, looking through the cabinets of the bathroom mirror and sinks. “Hey, look,” you smirk, throwing a small object at him that you had found.
He caught it involuntarily with his hands and inspected the item: it was a bottle of Viagra. He raised an eyebrow, looking at you and laughed softly. “I am not surprised that these old fucks can’t get it on,” he threw it back at you and you shelved it back in its original place.
You watch him take a hit from his vape and you sigh from boredom. You didn’t want to be in this bathroom any longer, but you definitely didn’t want to be out in the party either.
“Dude, I’m bored,” you whine as he handed you his vape pen.
“‘Sup Bored, I am Derek,” he muttered sarcastically, under his breath. You rolled your eyes and handed him back his vape once you were done with it.
“Can you—can you not?” you mumble exasperatedly in response as he just raised an eyebrow in amusement.
“Okay, let’s go,” he says, making his way towards the door, “We’re getting out of here, you can ride with me.”
“Hold on,” you interject quickly. “We should—I mean—I should probably wait a few minutes after you leave the bathroom to get out. You know, so no one will suspect us if we were to, like, walk out of the bathroom together.”
“Right. Yeah. Yeah, you have a point,” he nods.
You had to be careful from now on, realizing that just through the mere plan of leaving the bathroom alternately. This meant you had to be more delicate and thoughtful with every action and word that came from you—and Derek’s—to keep this messy secret.
You were laid on the bed beside Derek, one hand tangled in his hair and the other holding an ice cream cone as the bright colors of the TV in front of you nearly blinded your eyes. Your arm was propped up behind Derek’s head in order to play with his hair, feeling the soft curls brushing your palm and fingertips. The two of you looked intensely at the screen as you ate your ice cream in one hand, which was graciously prepared by Derek’s personal chef.
“Dude, Jar Jar Binks was definitely a Sith Lord,” you blurt in a low mutter. Derek turns his head and looks at you in befuddlement.
“What? No. Y/n, no, no, no, do not get started on this again—”
“I’m just saying, dude, that whole ‘goofy idiot’ appearance was hiding the fact that he was a powerful Sith Lord!” You exclaim passionately. “Have you seen his fighting style?”
“Yes, I’ve seen his fighting style, and it looks as if he’s chugged twenty fuckin’ martinis, then atrociously became crossfaded through several, reckless bong rips,” he replied straightforwardly.
You pause briefly as you realized. “Derek, I swear, if that was a reference to that one hangover I had back in December, I swear fucking to god—”
He met you with silence.
You nearly whisper, “Was it?”
The smirk that rose onto his lips told you everything, and you playfully smacked the top of his head since your hand was already there before, tangled in his hair. “Ow,” he muttered, yet his smirk never ceasing. “Look, all I’m saying is that I respect you for that. You are, like, the craziest person I know in the best fucking way possible.”
“Uh, thanks, I guess,” you mumble, fighting the inevitable curl of your lips that formed a flattered, soft grin. “Okay, anyways, all I’m saying, is that not only was it a tactic to trick his opponents, but he could’ve also been using the force! And how many times has he avoided death?”
“Okay, Y/n, that’s enough, lay off the grass,” he jokes, letting out a low snicker. “How is Jar Jar even relevant? We—we aren’t even watching the prequels, isn’t this The Empire Strikes Back?”
“No, I’m pretty sure we’re watching Return of the Jedi,” you say confidently.
“No, this is—this is definitely Empire Strikes Back,” he refutes, then pauses. “Did we seriously forget?”
“Well, there’s a billion of movies in this franchise, so we’re bound to mix up its titles. Hm, well, it can’t be The Empire Strikes Back, because Return of the Jedi is the one with that sexy Leia outfit,” you reason, shrugging. Derek raises an eyebrow. “Okay, okay, you know what, this isn’t even the point, the point is, that Jar Jar is relevant because it’s fuckin’ Star Wars!”
“Whatever,” Derek rolls his eyes with an amused grin that swiftly transitioned into a mischievous smirk. “You look like Jar Jar,” he mumbles.
You let out a playful, offended gasp. “Oh yeah? You look like Jabba the Hut.”
His head turned directly towards you and let out a exaggerated gasp as well. “Fuck you, you look like Yoda!”
“And you look like that fucking gremlin-looking piece of shit that’s Jabba’s pet!”
“Yeah, well, you look like—”
This continued a little longer until the both of you got too tired, unable to think of any more ugly Star Wars characters to compare each other to—which then resulted in a peaceful truce.
Your fingers proceeded to play with Derek’s curls as you took a bite of your ice cream, then letting your head rest on his shoulder. With this action, however, you suddenly thought about the night before and how things had led up to that event.
“Hey, are there any sex scenes in this?” You ask quietly, feeling his short strands of hair tangle loosely around your fingers.
He scoffs with a slight grin. “It’s a fucking Star Wars movie.”
You two burst out laughing. “Right, right, that’s—you have a point,” you giggle, catching your breath. “Oh, thank god, then.”
“Why? Are you that against having a repeat of last night?” He accuses, attempting to sound more playful, rather than the genuine concern that he felt.
“No, it’s just—” You struggled to think about how you wanted to word it. “I really like this. You know? I’m too tired, I’m very comfy, I…” You nuzzled further into his neck as your head rested on his shoulder. “This is nice. I like this.”
He smiles warmly to himself. “I like this too.”
The rest of the night was quite tame. You finished your ice cream before you finished the movie. Except, you didn’t really finish the movie entirely, because you two fell asleep in each other’s arms in the middle of it. Yet seen through your easy laughter and smiles, you were reassured indubitably: nothing was ever going to change between the two of you.
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shadowystan · 11 months
YANDERE! celebrity x f!reader – he's so pretty, so popular (you really don't wanna be his sweetheart)
No but YANDERE!celebrity with a toxic fanbase.
It's not him you should be scared of. Not his bodyguards or his influential family; not his obsessive ex or crushing best friend.
The fanbase.
Jealous fans would cloud your life. If you have social media, you'd be hacked a few thousand times a week. If you block them, turn off your comments and go private, you'd get doxxed. Plain and simple.
It's upsetting. It's suffocating. And it's downright terrifying whenever you're out in public. Death threats at your face, stalkers outside your door. No peace of mind, none whatsoever.
But of course if you're pretty enough...
YANDERE!fans who want nothing but the best for their idol. Only someone as dazzling as you could deserve him.
(It's set in stone. You have no choice.)
YANDERE!fans who're the epitome of degeneracy. Writing dirty, smutty fanfiction on the side while making ship edits with you and their celebrity. It doesn't matter how many times you've streamed live, asking them to quit it because the both of you weren't official or how much it makes you uncomfortable.
YANDERE!fans who instead of agreeing and respecting your wishes, go as far as to send you everything. Gone are the rules of RPF. They're spiteful, they're overbearing and most of all, they want you to know you have no power.
YANDERE!fans who litter whoever you try to date with messages of "kill yourself <3" or "jump off a roof. respectfully." on their social media comments or DMs.
YANDERE!fans who spread elaborate rumors about you when you do something that remotely doesn't meet their standards.
The air was soothing. The atmosphere lively. You heard the chatter of the birds, the laughs of the couples, the giggles of the teen girls-
"-Let's say she assaulted someone!"
Leaning slightly to the left, you nonchalantly readjusted the dark spectacles framing your eyes. Hoodie pulled over your face and a lone piece of lettuce peeking out of your lips, the thought that someone might recognize you left your mind for the briefest of times.
And you focused on the task at hand. Eavesdropping on the conversation happening two tables to your side.
They were being rather loud. And concerning. Quite concerning.
"-That's too much, Sana." A puff of air left your mouth, a reassured smile curling in it's stead. At least Sana had wise friends-
"I mean how bad would it look for Iseul's reputation? He can't be dating an assaulter!"
You froze.
Iseul. Iseul. Iseul. Iseul Iseul Iseul Iseul-
That damned name.
A bunch of collective "oohs" and "aahs" splattered. The teenagers nodded in agreement, being particularly vocal.
"Let's say she bullied one of us!"
"Or that she has been to prison!"
"We caught her shoplifting?"
A fry was thrown at whoever said the last word. Useless bickering followed by rolls of their eyes, the girls easily overcame the little hindrance and got back to brainstorming.
You sucked in a breath, spoon limply hanging off your fingers.
They were definitely talking about you.
Whatever. Whatever. Whatever. It's not a big deal. This is normal-
"We should break into her house or something. The address is leaked anyway."
The table screeched, you stood up.
Legs having a brain of their own, you paced out of the restaurant, the memories of the girls fibbing and bickering and planning like no tomorrow kept echoing through your mind. Like a broken record. Since when had your life turned to such shambles?
God. Why were things like this for you?
Releasing a shaky breath, you gulped, burying the insecurity deep inside of you. Whipping the lopsided glasses away, you stop caring for a moment.
You don't care. For sure. But then your hands are moving and they're looking through your pockets, seeking for something and my goodness, since when did your phone start feeling so heavy?
Unfamiliar and hesitant, you went through your contact list, heart beating so fast that you felt like it'll rip right out of your chest. Your lips quivered, flushed skin feeling hotter and hotter by the second. A fever? Or was this anger?
You shivered, ignoring the tears and the salt and the aching, aching feel of your soul. You fiddled for a moment – just a moment – but then you're harshly pressing the call button and wiping snot off your nose before placing the phone to your ear and waiting like a madwoman. Impatient and uncalm and-
"My love! You called!"
Him. Him. Him. Him.
How you hate him.
"I'll-I'll do it,-" You spluttered, very much on the verge of choking on your own spit and mumbling strings of curses at him and them and every single person who's so, SO mean to you- "I-i'll make it official. We.. we will! Just..- just please.."
You've perished. You've perished until this second, this moment and you'll continue perishing but-
"J-just.. make them stop."
Don't you deserve a break too? With everything he puts you through?
A tsk from his side was heard. Iseul sounded amused, almost cross with you. Almost pouty. Almost smiling.
"Really now? This easy? Things were only just getting fun."
You wanted to gut YANDERE!celebrity. Brutally.
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elryuse · 6 months
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The city lights blurred past the taxi window, a kaleidoscope of neon mirroring the turmoil within me. Each raindrop hitting the pavement echoed the hammering in my chest. Wonyoung was gone, not physically – she still shared our apartment, a ghost haunting its familiar walls – but emotionally, her heart stolen by a cruel mirage.
Sunghoon. The name felt like a curse word on my tongue. He was everything I wasn't – loud, flashy, the center of attention. Wonyoung, my sunshine, my Wonyoung, had been lured by his supernova glow, leaving me in the cold, desolate space he left behind.
We were the perfect couple, or so everyone thought. Public appearances, stolen kisses on award shows, our social media a testament to a love people envied. But behind the curated feed, cracks had begun to show. Her lingering glances at Sunghoon, the whispered conversations during interviews I couldn't decipher.
I buried my head in the sand, clinging to the illusion of our happiness. Until the day I saw the message. A careless text left open on her phone, a single sentence that shattered our carefully constructed world.
"Meet me tonight, baby. Can't wait to see you again."
The phone slipped from my grasp, crashing onto the coffee table like a gunshot. The once-sweet scent of her perfume in the air turned suffocating.
Days bled into weeks, a hollow space where Wonyoung used to be. Calls went unanswered, texts ignored. The guilt gnawed at her, I knew, her apologies echoing in a phone call that replayed on a loop in my mind. But the words, laced with a desperation I no longer recognized, rang hollow.
My saving grace, my lighthouse in this storm, was Gaeul. Wonyoung's best friend, always a presence on the periphery of our relationship. Now, she was the constant by my side, a silent pillar of support.
Nights were the worst. Sitting in the living room, the echo of our laughter bouncing off the walls like a cruel ghost. Gaeul would sit beside me, a warm presence against the chill that enveloped me. Her hand, a grounding force.
One night, as sobs wracked my body, a flicker of something new sparked in her eyes. Not pity, but a hesitant understanding. A silent confession we both acknowledged but couldn't yet voice.
Wonyoung returned, a broken bird with tear-streaked cheeks. Her apologies were a torrent of words, a desperate attempt to rewind time. But the pieces of our love were scattered, impossible to reassemble.
My heart, once overflowing with love for the girl with sunshine hair, was now a barren landscape. The thrill she craved had left her empty, the excitement a fleeting mirage.
Gaeul was different. Her love was a quiet flame, a steady warmth in the storm. Her eyes held a depth I hadn't noticed before, a quiet strength that complemented my own.
As Wonyoung packed her things, a ghost leaving the life she'd built, a flicker of hope ignited within me. It wasn't the same fierce love I once held for Wonyoung, but it was a spark nonetheless.
Looking at Gaeul, her hand resting on mine, I finally found the words that had been lost, choked by sorrow.
"Gaeul," I whispered, my voice hoarse. "I think… I think I might be falling for you."
The rain outside had stopped, replaced by a sliver of moonlight peeking through the clouds. A new beginning, fragile but hopeful, stretched before me. The love I once had for Wonyoung, a vibrant flower, might have wilted, but from its ashes, a different kind of love bloomed. A quiet love, a steady flame, waiting to be nurtured.
The scent of jasmine, once a sweet reminder of Gaeul's calming presence, now made my stomach churn. It clung to the air like a ghost, a stark contrast to the cloying perfume that filled the apartment when Wonyoung reappeared.
"Y/n," she breathed, her voice trembling like a teardrop. She stood in the doorway, my name a soft plea on her lips. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. The Wonyoung I knew, the vibrant sunshine girl, was gone, replaced by a fragile wisp of a woman desperate for redemption.
"Wonyoung," I mumbled, unsure of what to say. Gaeul was away for the weekend, visiting her family. A selfish part of me, a flicker of the love that still flickered like a dying ember, welcomed this unexpected visit.
"Can I come in?" she pleaded, her voice a mere whisper. I hesitated, the image of Gaeul, her hand intertwined with mine, flashing in my mind. But Wonyoung's watery eyes were too much to bear.
"Just for a bit," I muttered, stepping aside.
She moved like a wisp, collapsing onto the couch I used to share with Gaeul. The scent of jasmine mingled with the heavy perfume, creating a suffocating mix.
"I miss you, Y/n," she confessed, her voice barely audible. "I miss us."
My heart clenched. The memories flooded back – stolen kisses in backstage corridors, whispered secrets under a blanket of stars. But that time had passed, replaced by Gaeul's quiet strength, her unwavering support.
"Gaeul..." I started, but she cut me off.
"Gaeul is kind," she said, her voice laced with something bitter. "But she doesn't understand you like I do."
She took a step closer, her hand brushing against mine. The touch sent a jolt through me, a betrayal of the fragile peace I'd found with Gaeul.
"We could try again, Y/n," she whispered, her voice husky. "Forget Sunghoon, forget everything. We can be like we were before."
Her words were a siren song, a desperate attempt to rewind time. The Wonyoung I once loved stood before me, but the ghost of Gaeul's hurt loomed large.
"Wonyoung..." I began, searching for the right words.
Suddenly, the door creaked open. Gaeul stood there, framed by the entrance, a dark cloud behind the veil of her hair. Her face, usually radiating warmth, was set in a mask of cold fury.
"Gaeul," I stammered, the air thickening with tension.
Wonyoung, sensing the shift in atmosphere, whipped around, her eyes widening in surprise.
"What's going on here?" Gaeul asked, her voice devoid of its usual gentleness. It was a voice I'd never heard before, a low growl that sent shivers down my spine.
Wonyoung, flustered, stammered an explanation. But Gaeul cut her off, her gaze fixed on me.
"Y/n," she said, her voice a chilling whisper. "Is everything alright?"
The question hung in the air, an accusation disguised as concern. The possessiveness in her voice, the way she clung to the words "everything alright" like a lifeline, was unsettling.
"Yes," I lied, my voice thin. "We were just… catching up."
Gaeul's gaze never left me. It was an intense scrutiny that made me feel like a bug pinned under a microscope. The jasmine scent, which once offered solace, now felt like a suffocating prison.
Wonyoung, sensing the hostility, opted for a graceful retreat. Mumbling a quick goodbye, she practically flew out of the apartment, leaving an unsettling quiet behind.
Gaeul turned to me, her eyes filled with a storm of emotions. The love, the possessiveness, the anger – it all swirled together in a terrifying cocktail.
"Don't let her manipulate you again, Y/n," she hissed, her voice tight with barely concealed rage.
I opened my mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come. The Gaeul I knew, the comforting presence, seemed to have vanished. In her place stood a woman I didn't recognize, a woman consumed by a love that had turned possessive.
The night that followed was a blur of accusations and justifications. My apartment, once a haven of peace, became a battleground. The love triangle that had started with Wonyoung's infidelity had now morphed into a suffocating web of possessiveness, with Gaeul as the spider at its center.
As the sun peeked through the blinds, casting harsh light on the wreckage of the night, I knew things couldn't go on like this. My once cozy apartment, filled with shared laughter and the scent of Gaeul's jasmine tea, now reeked of tension and the cloying perfume Wonyoung had worn.
Gaeul sat on the couch, her back ramrod straight, arms crossed tightly across her chest. Gone was the gentle touch that used to comfort me, replaced by a cold, unyielding demeanor.
"Gaeul," I started, my voice hoarse. "We need to talk about this."
She finally looked at me, but not in the way I craved. Her eyes, usually sparkling with warmth, were hard and calculating.
"What is there to talk about, Y/n?" she spat. "Wonyoung just waltzes back in after breaking your heart, and you're ready to fall for her all over again?"
"No," I said, trying to defend myself. "I just... I don't know what happened last night. It was wrong, and I'm sorry."
Her lips turned into a thin line. "Sorry doesn't fix things, Y/n. You need to make a choice. Me or her."
The ultimatum hung heavy in the air. The Gaeul I knew wouldn't have issued such an order. This possessive stranger felt like someone I barely recognized.
"Gaeul," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "We haven't even…"
"Haven't even what?" she snapped. "Haven't confessed our feelings? We've been there for each other through everything, Y/n. Isn't that enough?"
Her voice cracked on the last word, a flicker of vulnerability breaking through the facade. But the possessiveness remained, a dark cloud clouding her love.
The truth was, it was enough. Gaeul's unwavering support had been a lifeline during the storm of Wonyoung's betrayal. Yet, the way she was acting now felt suffocating. Did I love Gaeul? In the aftermath of Wonyoung's heartbreak, maybe it was a form of gratitude, a comfort zone I'd settled into.
"Gaeul," I tried again, "I need time."
Her eyes narrowed. "Time for what, Y/n? To run back to Wonyoung's arms the moment she bats her eyelashes at you?"
"No," I said, more firmly this time. "Time to figure out what this is, between us. This possessiveness… it scares me."
The anger in her eyes flickered momentarily, replaced by a flicker of sadness. "Is that all I am to you, Y/n? Just a possession to be claimed or discarded?"
My heart ached. The Gaeul I knew wouldn't have spoken like this. The love that bound us, now twisted by her possessiveness, threatened to unravel completely.
"Gaeul, you're not just a possession," I said, trying to reach her. "You're my friend, my support system. But… but this isn't healthy. We both need space."
She stood up abruptly, her movements jerky and tense. "Fine," she spat, the word laced with hurt and anger. "Have your space, Y/n. Just don't come crawling back to me when you realize you threw away the good thing you had right here."
With that, she stormed out of the apartment, leaving me alone with the ghosts of the night and the deafening silence in its wake.
The following days were a blur. Neither Gaeul nor Wonyoung contacted me. The space I'd craved felt more like a desolate wasteland. The apartment, once a haven, felt empty without the comforting scent of jasmine tea or the familiar warmth of Gaeul's presence.
As the days turned into weeks, a strange realization dawned on me. My feelings for Wonyoung, once a passionate inferno, had dwindled to embers. The betrayal had left an indelible mark, a permanent scar on our relationship.
What about Gaeul? The possessiveness that had initially scared me, now felt like a twisted reflection of the love she held for me. A love that, however distorted, was genuine.
One evening, I decided to take a chance. Armed with a bouquet of jasmine flowers, I stood outside Gaeul's apartment, my heart pounding a nervous rhythm against my ribs.
After a long wait, the door creaked open. Gaeul stood there, her eyes puffy and red-rimmed.
"Y/n?" she said, her voice thick with surprise.
I held out the bouquet, the jasmine flowers radiating a comforting scent. Gaeul's gaze softened, a flicker of recognition replacing the initial shock.
"Gaeul," I began, my voice rough with emotion. "I messed up. Big time."
She didn't say anything, but her eyes held a silent invitation to continue.
"I was scared," I confessed, taking a deep breath. "Scared of losing you, scared of letting go of the comfort you offered. But my fear twisted your love, turned it into something unhealthy."
The vulnerability in my voice seemed to resonate with her. A single tear escaped her eye, tracing a glistening path down her cheek.
"I don't want Wonyoung," I continued, my gaze meeting hers with newfound clarity. "The woman I miss is the one who brought me jasmine tea in the mornings, the one who held me through the night when my heart ached. The woman I love is you, Gaeul."
A hesitant smile bloomed on her face, as beautiful as the first flower peeking through winter's frost. She stepped closer, the scent of jasmine mingling with the warmth of her body.
"Gaeul," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. "Can I… can I kiss you?"
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Her eyes fluttered shut, a silent permission. As our lips met, a spark ignited, a gentle flame rekindled by honesty and second chances. The kiss wasn't fiery or passionate, but filled with a quiet understanding, a promise of a future built on trust and love.
The weeks that followed were a whirlwind of apologies, forgiveness, and cautious exploration of this newfound love. We talked for hours, peeling away the layers of fear and misunderstanding.
One evening, as the city lights twinkled outside our window, casting a warm glow on the apartment once filled with tension, I knelt before Gaeul, holding a small velvet box.
"Gaeul," I said, my voice thick with emotion, "You were my friend, my rock, and now you're the love of my life. Will you marry me?"
Tears welled up in her eyes, a radiant smile breaking through the dam. "Yes," she whispered, her voice choked with happy tears.
The following year, surrounded by friends and family, we exchanged vows. The jasmine scent filled the air, a symbol of love, comfort, and a second chance. As I looked into Gaeul's eyes, brimming with love and joy, I knew I had found not just a wife, but a partner who understood the complexities of love and was willing to work through them.
The love triangle that had threatened to tear my life apart had ultimately led me to the one person who truly mattered. And with each passing year, the love we shared, nurtured by honesty and trust, only grew stronger.
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