#love at almost first sight
lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 4 - Airport/Travel AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 4, word count 997
He was running late. He ran through the airport, hoping to get to the gate before they shut it. It was all the guy with the curly black hair’s fault. 
First, he stole the black cab Remus had been about to get into, making Remus wait for another one. Then he didn’t hold the lift for him because, apparently, they were both going to the airport, so Remus had to stand furiously pressing the button for the next lift. 
The man spent so long chatting to the woman at the check-in desk that by the time it was Remus’s turn, he had to wait for her to swap with a colleague as it was time for her break. 
Then he held him up at the metal detectors as every time the man went through it, it went off, and he charmed the agent so well they didn’t make him do a strip search. 
Remus was so beside himself by that point he forgot to take his shoes off and got a dressing down by the previously cheerful agent. 
His gate was on the other side of the terminal, so he set off running, his carry-on bag swinging wildly in his hand. 
He arrived sweating and gasping for air at the same time as one of those airport buggies showed up, escorting the man and his backpack. He heard the man thank the driver and head over to the desk. 
“You’re just in time, Sir, another minute, and I would have had to shut the door.” The woman told Remus, making him feel like a naughty schoolboy and not in a sexy way. 
Finally tired, sweaty and feeling particularly rumpled, Remus got onto the plane and found his seat.
He sat down, not looking at his row mate, and leaned back, closing his eyes, trying to calm himself enough to relax while the plane taxied down the runway and took off into the skies.
He sat, ignoring everything for a while. He could feel himself falling asleep.  
The ding calling the air steward went off above him. 
“Hello, Sir, how can I help?” A sweet voice spoke next to him. 
“Could I trouble you for a blanket?” A man’s voice asked. 
“Of course, Sir. I’ll be right back.” She walked back down the aisle. 
Remus realised how chilly the plane was and decided to ask for his own blanket when she came back. 
“Here you are, Sir,” She smiled at the man beside him. 
“Oh, excuse me,” Remus said politely. “Sorry, could I get one as well, please?” 
“I’m so sorry, Sir. That was the last one.” He turned his head then and saw that the person beside him was the same man from earlier, sitting all snuggly under the last blanket. “There was an issue with the supplier,” She continued. “And we unfortunately don’t have enough to go around.” She looked worried he might kick-off. Clearly, she’d had to deal with many disgruntled passengers, and Remus refused to be one of them. 
“No matter. It’s hardly your fault.” His voice had come out clipped, which he hadn’t meant to happen. 
“Again, I’m very sorry.” She smiled apologetically at him. “Is there anything else I can help you with?” He shook his head, and she left to deal with another passenger. 
Remus silently fumed. There was an entire plane, and he had to end up next to this prick!
“Excuse me, I don’t mind sharing if you don’t.” The man who had been annoying him all morning offered. Remus turned to glare at him as though he was rubbing salt into Remus’s wounds. But he found himself slightly stunned. The man was smiling at him. The skin around his eyes was slightly crinkled as he held out the scratchy blanket. 
“Oh—er, thank you.” Remus gave him a quick half-smile. The man shuffled as close as his seat’s armrest would allow him and threw the blanket over them. Remus didn’t know what the man was wearing, but he smelled amazing. 
“So, where are you headed?” The man asked. Remus had to shake his head to clear his mind enough to answer. 
“Home,” he answered quietly. “What about you?”
“Oh, same. My best friend’s parents are renewing their vows. They asked me to give a speech and everything. I’m so nervous that I’m going to muck it up. Effie and Monty are so important to me. They basically raised me when my parents kicked me out, and I’m giving my life story to a complete stranger. I’m so sorry. I tend to babble when I’m nervous, and you are incredibly good-looking and agreed to share a blanket with me, and I’m doing it again.” He’d blushed bright red and chewed his lip to keep himself from talking. 
Remus blinked a few times, taking in the onslaught of information the man had just spouted. 
“Hi, I’m Remus,” He said, grinning, no longer irked by the man beside him, he found him oddly endearing. 
“Sirius,” The man shuffled under the blanket and grabbed Remus. He froze. “Oh my god! That is not your hand! I am so sorry!” His eyes were wide with horror. Remus noticed they were a beautiful stormy grey and that he still hadn’t let go. Remus cleared his throat and carefully removed Sirius’s hand from his crotch. He kept hold of Sirius’s hand, hoping to calm him down. 
“Breathe, Sirius, it was an accident. Just breathe.” Sirius did as he was told and took a deep, shuddery breath, keeping his eyes locked on Remus’s. 
Remus felt a wave of bravery hit him and moved the armrest back into the seat between them. “You’re single, right?” He asked, eyeing Sirius up. Sirius nodded and shuffled closer to Remus. 
Normally, Remus would never do anything like this, but something about Sirius felt right, as though they’d known each other in another life. 
“Are you free on the 19th? I need a date for this wedding?” Sirius beamed at him.    
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glass-bottomed-ego · 1 year
18 years ago (on May 26th 2005), Alex and Miles met for the first time!
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Happy 18th anniversary Milex!!!! 🩷🩷🩷
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brekitten · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake/Danny Fenton Characters: Tim Drake, Danny Fenton Additional Tags: Fentonic 2024 (Danny Phantom), Love at First Sight, Scarves, mild stalking, Fluff, Attempted mugging, but then red robin swooped in and saved the day, so its fine, Stalking is Tim Drake's love language, mild gun violence, As in danny was threatened by a gun, but its all cool nothing happened Series: Part 23 of Cat Soulmates Fentonic 2024 Spoilers Summary:
Tim runs across a civilian on a rooftop. Said civilian gives him a scarf to keep him warm during the cold weather. Tim may have a crush.
Love At First Sight | Scarves
I wrote Day 23 before the event even started! So yay, didn't have to do it today. @catnek-writing-things was my beta, give her compliments!
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peliginspeaks · 5 months
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Reference for Hallowrove's scars!
First death: Lost the Feducci duel, got impaled with his lance. Would have healed more messily if Oversol hadn't been there to take it out and help afterwards.
Shapeling Arts first aid: stabbed in a dock brawl, patched up creatively by Haarsink
Vake: first encounter with it in BaL, the text mentioned it raking its claws down the player's legs while holding their shoulders and the image just stuck with me
Upper River Beast: sometimes there's a Big Fuckoff Flesh Creature. Lingering scar from an out-of-game roleplay incident.
Others: no consistent canonical placement for the assorted small scars, except for none around the eyes. Definitely most of them are from monster hunting or clambering around over walls and other types of Hallowroveish Activities they get into out of curiosity, but a couple lighter and older ones are from absentmindedness when they used to do metalwork and mechanical stuff on the Surface.
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windsweptinred · 1 year
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(Circa late 14th century, artist and publication unknown. Entitled: Big brother stakes his claim on human boy toy. An accurate and true depiction of meet cute events as described by my big sister. Desire)
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ridethehammett · 7 months
fun fact: this is the EXACT video that sent me down a rabbit hole i’ve yet to come out of. i knew who metallica was, but i wasn’t fully into them and didn’t know who they were. this popped up on my fyp one day and i was like bro i have to have him. 😭
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kame56u · 8 months
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happy birthday izou!
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fallout-fucker · 11 months
Crows Of The Commonwealth
I was on CrowTok and it made me come up with an idea.
So, obviously a lot of the crows in the Commonwealth are made by the Institute, though I personally like to believe that there are still a lot of crows that are regular ones, too.
Crows are an incredibly smart species of bird, which makes sense as to why they're the ones the Institute use. To my memory, I don't think there are any other birds in the game. Again, I'd like to headcanon that they're not the only ones left but if only a few species of birds managed to survive the bombs and the aftermath, I wouldn't put it past crows to be one of those species due to that intelligence.
Crows are known for recognising people, which also works in favour of the Institute as to why they'd choose them specifically. If you are able to tell the difference between individual crows, you'll be less likely to question if a specific one if following you if you are aware they likely recognise you.
However, they're also known to bring gifts and trinkets if treated right, or actually attack people who don't. And they remember faces. I don't get the impression that the Institute treats them too kindly if they don't even consider Gen 3 Synths as people, who are literally created with technology and human biology/DNA.
If we imagine that the Institute Crows work like Synths do, then that means that they are also able to become independent like Synths can. We know they have the level of intelligence, more so than another species of bird, to perhaps reach that level of independence. That's exactly why the Institute picked them. Wouldn't it be ironic if that became part of the Institute's downfall.
So imagine a Sole Survivor, fresh out of the Vault, scared and cold on their first few nights. Hungry, tired, likely sick, grieving. Alone. They have Dogmeat. They have themselves. A few strangers they saved. Nothing else.
They're trying their best one night to settle. They've only been unfrozen for a few days by now, but have yet to leave Sanctuary. They chose to stay for a couple days to prepare for their long journey ahead, and rebuild their home so they had somewhere to go back to. Preston has taught them basics self defence and survival, Sturges has helped them temporarily fix the holes in their walls. They're not close to these strangers yet, but there's a small comfort in knowing there's still people, and people nearby to run to if anything not friendly comes knocking on their door.
They're picking at a 200 year old box of stale cereal, not able to stomach the taste just yet. In the end, they end up leaving it in a bowl for Dogmeat to have, preferring to sleep, hunger be damned. They sleep on the floor that used to hold the dinning table, not ready to sleep in the now-too-empty bedrooms.
By morning, their sleep is interrupted. Not by the cold October air that their thin, makeshift blanket- That doubles as their coat during the day- barley keeps away. Not by the sunlight that seeps in by the broken shards of class where the window used to be. Not by drops of rain that fall through the cracks in the ceiling. Not even by Dogmeat licking then awake, like he did yesterday morning. This time it's the sound of pecking and squawking that has Sole prying their eyes open.
A small group of grows picking at the bowl of cereal. They must've gotten in through what once was the window, or literally any of the holes of missing metal panels scattered throughout the building. Sole barely has it in them to care. They know they shouldn't waste food that could've gone to them or their new furry friend, but they truly cannot bring it in them to mind. They wonder if the birds have a hard time finding food, too, and decide it might not be a waste at all.
They sit up. A few of the crows fly up onto the windowsill at their movements, one stays enjoying their breakfast, unfazed. Sole waits, sitting still until the birds realise they have no intention of harming them. They glide back down onto the floor, going back to eating.
After a few moments, the crow that stayed perks his head up, neck twitching into an angle that lets him look at Sole. He hops over, stopping just before he reaches their lap. Sole raises their hand, thumb and index finger moving slowly until they land on its neck. His feathers bristle under Sole's pets, his feet dancing happily beneath him. The other crows finish their breakfast. Salem, Sole decides to call him, joins his friends who hop back onto the windowsill. They fly off. He turns his head to the side, a beady eye looking at Sole again. He squawks at them before flying off to join the others.
Sole spends the rest of their day taking metal panels from some of the completely collapsed houses to fix the holes in their walls. They're able to find paint at the old Red Rocket down the road when looking for more equipped tools. Repainting isn't exactly their priority right now, just making sure the house will be fit to stand against the weather, and for when it gets colder in the next few months. The paint will be useful when they get to the stage of being able to consider making it look presentable, however. Unfortunately, the only paintbrush they find is snapped in half. They toss it in frustration. Less so because of the brush itself, and more so because Sole has a lot of anger built up from the events of the last few days that they have no other outlet for.
They end up going home when the sun starts to set, having avoided the empty tomb of memories for as long as possible. It wasn't safe to be out so close to dark.
When they set down their tolls by the door, something on the kitchen counter catches their eye.
Upon inspection, they realise it's an intact paintbrush.
Their confusion lasts barely five seconds, as they hear a familiar squawk. Hoping on the windowsill is Salem. His eyes study Sole. He's waiting. Sole smiles, pulling open the duffle bag they'd taken on their supply run. They pull out two wild mutfruits, which they'd harvested from bushes near the station. Sole cuts them into smaller pieces, before tossing them gently into the grass of their back garden from the car porch. Salem glides to the pieces, now satisfied in knowing that Sole approved of and appreciated his gift. Sole looks up to the trees that border their garden where other crows have started to also descend from to join in on the food offering. Apparently, there's a lot more in this group than what Sole had assumed from the smaller one earlier. About twenty feathered creatures dance about on branches decorated by orange and brown leaves or nibble at the mutfruit in the grass.
Salem flies over once he's had his fill, taking a seat on Sole's shoulder. His friends also begin hopping over gradually, and Sole ends up sitting down to welcome them and pet their small heads. Dogmeat also seems to love the attention, or perhaps just the warmth that radiates from Sole's body as he curls up next to them. Every so often, one of them drops a trinket into Sole's lap as they snuggle into them. A random screw, some gears, even some bottlecaps. Bits and bobs that a few days ago, Sole would've considered mostly junk, even if they'd still been appreciative, but everything now is useful. They even drop a few things by Dogmeat's snout, who sniffs them, tail wagging. Sole doesn't think Salem appreciates the happy licks Dogmeat gives him, though.
Regardless, Sole breathes out slowly, deeply, as they take in the sunset and birdsong before them. It's the first time they've honestly felt any peace since leaving that godforsaken Vault.
Sole makes a mental note to redesign the kitchen window when they get around to fixing it so that it'll be able to open widely. They also begin thinking about designs for birdhouses, feeders, and small fountains.
It's safe to say Sole feels slightly better than they did when they went to bed last night.
They feel less alone.
For some reason, as Salem nestles into their lap, against their stomach, a small pressure builds in their gut. They can't quite shake the instinct, the thought that comes with it. The feeling that Salem feels less alone now, too.
#Aka a story where Sole unintentionally befriends the Institute crows and teaches them actual love#To the point where they start to also rebel against their creators. Sole starts finding crows that have clawed out their own eyes#Or that have scratched chunks (Chips and cameras) out of their necks and turns Sanctuary into. Well. A Crow Sanctuary#Sole accidentally trains a crow army to be loyal to them#They start getting to the point where crows start being able to send messages like pigeons for the Minutemen and Railroad#Deacon hated the idea at first and when he found out Sole was basically housing Institute spies almost had a heart attack#Then he got on board when he realised the crows were also starting to runaway from the Institute#Salem likes to prank Deacon#They even steal Institute tech so their human friends can study it :)#Who needs to train Deathclaws when you have an army of birds that are already trained in spy work#And who you can use to find Synth agents because they recognise their faces and WILL attack them on sight#Who needs the Mysterious Stranger when every bird in the 'Wealth will swoop in to peck and claw at a raider's face when you're outnumbered#Sole being the King/Queen/Master of crows goes hard ngl#Their animal friend perk is maxed out. They DO also raise a baby Deathclaw just because they can#I might make a fic that includes this idea tbh because I love it#And I have been wanting to make a realistic fic about what it would be like for Sole. Especially in the early days.#Sole Survivor#Salem The Crow#Dogmeat#Deacon#Fallout#Fallout 4
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Roy, Love at First Sight (1977), Part 3/?
"Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"I... I used to..."
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calciferstims · 2 years
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fuecoco stimboard
lovingly dedicated to my new starter baby <33 his name is coco cola and I would commit murder for him without a moment’s hesitation
sources: 🔥🌶️🔥 | ❤️‍🔥☀️❤️‍🔥 | 🔥🌶️🔥
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ennaih · 5 months
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Not Every Film I Watch In 2024
14. Fire Down Below (1957)
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the fact that bansai is able to make shinsuke smile like This means a lot to me
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starfiretruther · 1 year
I wanted to talk about the Dick and Kory kiss and what my modern interpretation of it would be like… like I love the idea when something is kind of presented instead of building up to — in that the kiss wasn’t something that they had to build towards but the emotions later were. Like for me it’s Kory seeing Dick look at her a certain puzzled way and Kory seeing Dick and knowing very few people and choosing him at that moment to part lips with. I don’t like the later on change that she didn’t have to kiss him to learn his language and just felt like it, like I like the idea that through mouths you gave something to me and that was language and the way you speak as well. Like cinematically I’m thinking of like their first kiss being that contact but it being like a quiet thing where Dick sees this woman above him and he is a little at awe and there is a long pause that then leads to like Kory slanting her lips over his while he leans into it and then pulls away and ends up staying with that lingering kind of pull towards her that is more wanting to know her and what emotions she is bringing out of him. Which is all there to read!!! But idk this is just my silly little interpretation of something.
omg anon you’re like planning out the staging lighting visual motifs and themes and everything why aren’t YOU in the writers room?
But yes I absolutely get what you mean about framing that moment in a more cinematic vibe. Considering what the two gain from the relationship (kory’s first connection to a new home, dick’s first instance of letting his strict control over his emotions go) i think what you’ve described is a very beautiful take on that kiss. Most modern interpretations are very surface level readings of what’s happening. I also feel like your reading can work on a visual level with their other romantic trysts. The most iconic imagery of them in ntt is of Kory carrying Dick up to the sky to kiss him. Like that is magical and fantastical. They quite literally ascend because of their passion. Kory is the one pushing for Dick to fly with her, and he trusts her completely and just lets go cuz (again i’m mentioning this quote) “it feels right”. Also that kiss is probably the only time where kory gains something from dick (language) rather than the usual (dick literally changing for the better cuz of kory while she’s treated v poorly by him at times).
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gorbo-longstocking · 1 month
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names are hard
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leatherbookmark · 9 months
i love how passionate and emotional fic seongjoong is when irl they're like... an arranged marriage... lol
#not to say that they don't like each other or anything but. atz in particular seem quite aware (and not hiding it) of the practice of#ships -- not as in 'fans produce fanworks of you' but rather 'fans like your dynamics! play it up a little'#and the leader + the second 'highest' member are almost always shipped together as the 'mom' and 'dad'#which kind of doesn't make sense because a marriage usually precedes having children but in kpop is like. well here's a group and you're#two eldest members so you automatically get the mom/dad positions. sometimes it works -- whether automatically or because the#aforementioned members feel the need to take care of other members as they're the eldest -- but sometimes the dynamic is clearly#just there for the fans. and i can't help but notice that a whole bunch of 'moments' in 'seongjoong compilations' are like... not authentic#moments of them enjoying their time together but them being awkward/having awkward banter/doing fanservice during fanmeetings#and that's Different from the organic air ie woosan have#this is not to make fun of seongjoong fans because I PERSONALLY put very dramatic seongjoong in my hashtag Fic Verse#but then my fic verse was kickstarted because of that hwalazia magic and a single line in atz diary from fever 1. so it is. shall we say.#not particularly canon-inspired.#but i WOULD kill and die for every single fanfiction in which seongjoong aren't romantic sweethearts at the first sight but rather Struggle#i feel like Struggling is this... sort of a facet of their Brand... and so is mutually taking care of each other lol#they're like. this arranged marriage couple who grew to care about each other. not like 'oh shit two months in i realized i'm incredibly in#love with my spouse!' but 'yeah yknow what i like you here. stay'#good afternoon everyone enjoy this meandering and probably incorrect analysis of a relationship between two kpop lads#shrimp thoughts
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