#love it when they're this straightforward
matrixbearer2024 · 15 hours
I just realized that two of the three triplets use Latin phrases as a sign-off like daddy dearest except for one who just doesn't even bother LOL
Like, Aeschylus carries a journal around with him to jot down notes about his day to day. More like a diary than something for research but it's spliced in there, he signs off with "Vincit qui patitur" which directly translates to: "He who suffers, conquers" which is just another way to say: "He who perseveres is victorious". Literally copied his old man with another flavor of: "Through hardships to the stars" LMFAO
Athena always signs off her prose or writing with her alias, but when she writes academic papers or letters, she signs it with: "Audaces fortuna juvat" otherwise known as "Fortune favors the bold/brave". She's a risk taker unlike Aeschylus so it makes sense that she uses this phrase. It's still funny to me that she even signs off with a Latin phrase to begin with but we ball LOL
Meanwhile Alex doesn't even use sign-offs thinking it's too old fashioned or geeky. He just uses the ordinary letter sign-offs compared to the fancy things his siblings pull.
Of a similar vein, imagine somebody asking you and Ford who your favorite kid is. The answer should be really straightforward right? That they're all your favorites?
Yeah, and that is true for you since you love the triplets all the same. Ford's system for it however is so convoluted it's actually hilarious how saying that all of them are his favorite is true by sheer technicality.
If Aeschylus doesn't randomly bring home some random thing or creature he found in the forest- automatic favorite.
If Alex doesn't come back tracking mud in the cabin after a long day of play- now he's the favorite.
If Athena doesn't burn down the kitchen trying to create something edible- then she's the favorite.
If Aeschylus doesn't return home with any injuries whatsoever, he's once again the favorite-
Then if Alex returns without any random thing or treat he swiped since he has sticky fingers- he's the favorite again!
Pile on Athena not trying to take apart any of her toys? Back to her!
And it switches and switches and switches so often that they all really are his favorites.
You couldn't help but sit down and laugh when he explained everything to you in such great detail one night that you legitimately wondered how long he thought it over for. Stanford couldn't help but pout when you just kept giggling after he explained, he just wanted to make sure the triplets were loved equally and for who they were.
It wasn't a privilege he was granted as a kid after all, as much as he hates that fact.
You both spent that night watching movies and talking about the triplets, thankfully those three were already asleep in their beds at this point and time too.
Now... to figure out how to put your husband in the same restful state as them. Sometimes you don't know which is more difficult between them all to enforce bedtime, Stanford or the kids.
Ford simply rolled his eyes at you when he noticed you giggling again, what could you possibly have found funny now???
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jq37 · 7 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 7
Fast Times at Aguefort High
Welcome back to Fantasy High where the Bad Kids are, as the episode’s title suggests, being stress tested in a major way! Before we hop into that though, we have a few short scenes at school to get through, starting with a surprise assembly called by Principal Grix. 
There’s two main orders of business. The first is to introduce Agent Clark who is going to be investigating because of Fig’s shenanigans over the past 2 seasons. Fig Disguises herself as Kristen causing a scene that forces Adaine to burn a portent roll to cancel a Nat 20 and Agent Clark to go off on a very intense rant about the improper use of Disguises, which we mostly don’t hear because the Bad Kids are busy doing bits. 
After that’s done, Grix subjects all of the students to a mandatory drug test and starts literally throwing bolo nets at the students who fail—including Max Durden of course. VP Jace is alarmed and chases after him as he chases after students. Riz was already hella suspicious of Max pushing gorgenfern on them iat the party and now interrogates him about his motives as he cuts him out of the net. Max insists that his only motive was that smoking fantasy weed is awesome and that he’s never gotten in trouble like this before. Riz asks if any of the Rat Grinders were down in the basement with him and he says that they weren’t but Ivy was supposed to be down there. She was the one who hooked him up with the fern. Everyone notes that with suspicion. 
The conversation pivots to the fact that KP has a fleet of food trucks outside offering free food as part of her campaign. Riz is on guard but everyone else kinda wants to chow down–for recon reasons of course. After a quick aside where the idea of Adaine solving her money problems by dealing drugs is discussed and quickly rebuffed–they check out the food trucks and find that the food, unfortunately, slaps. Adaine ritual casts Detect Magic to see if the food is charmed in any way and she finds that it’s not but that the paper the food is in has some vote for KP subliminal messages implanted. Which is, como se dice, INTENSE for a school election even though they brush it off.
They discuss going over to KP (who is campaigning with a bullhorn while Mary Ann hands out flyers) and intimidating her but Kristen decides to take the high road. Of course, her version of the high road involves going over in a cowboy hat full of salsa and offering to let KP dip chips into it because this is still Kristen we’re talking about. 
Kristen and KP have a very smiley but catty conversation. Kristen implies KP was at the shrimp party but KP denies and says she was busy. Kristen shoots back that she thought she was done with all her classes because the rogue teacher found her (info she got from Riz via Jawbone you’ll remember). KP gives a tight smile at that and Kristen later on a 14 Insight sees that not only is she not rattled or insulted, she’s actually the kind of person who loves breaking the spirit of the law and getting a technical success over a traditional one. Hate that! KP says that it’s nice to be able to focus and asks how things are going with Kristen’s goddess. Kristen, for reasons I can’t fathom, says that her goddess passed and then immediately backpedals and changes it to “passed the test to give me more spells” and tries to “Spiderman away”.
Luckily she has the best friends in the world and they all team up with various spells to help her make a flashy, magical escape that’s so bombastic a bunch of the food trucks drive off in terror. 
As this happens, KP says into the bullhorn, “Your goddess passed? How can you cast spells?” So it looks like that is now public knowledge. 
Also, as an aside, Riz brings this subliminal message to Max since he’s a conspiracy head and, by their estimation, a pretty cool guy. Max says he’s on the case.  
OK, Now let’s jump into downtime! The way this works is that for the clump of time time that each bit of downtime runs for (this one is from the start of the school year to the beginning of November) each Bad Kid can make a series of rolls in the following categories: Academics, Popularity, Money, Job/Money, Extracurriculars, Relationships, and Mystery. Each roll they make, the DC goes up by 5 and failing some tracks have higher consequences than others.
Having a signed MCAT means you get to roll advantage on all Academic tracks after your first. Succeeding wildly means you get extra fun stuff. 
Fig and Kristen are in danger of expulsion and if they fail their Academics by more than 5, they’ll be expelled. And Brennan says Kristen’s Academics rolls will be hard without a god
Adaine is rolling her Academic track with disadvantage until she can get enough money to get to “well off”--diamonds aren’t cheap! (Girl, take Oisin’s diamonds, I’m begging you).
And, if at any point they want to reroll, they can by taking a stress token. They can only take 2 for each roll. The players can’t see this but whenever they take one there is a countdown to 5 and it’s parked by increasingly bigger and gnarlier red crystals which, considering the theme of this season is Concerning. 
Fabian gives Bardics to everyone but Riz and Riz takes one of Fig’s corrupted Bardics. Even though this is a long period of time, they’re each only allowed one Bardic (not sure if that’s per person–like they could get one from Fig and from Fabe–or period). Likewise, Adaine can only get help from Boggy once. 
OK, that’s all the nitty gritty. Let’s jump into everyone's rolls!
Riz predictably knocks out Academics with his DC 5 roll. He gets a 24. Boom, A+ in Rogue class and he’s not breaking a sweat. 
Adaine rolls for a job and rolls an 11 which passes but she needs a 25 to get to well off. Her passing roll is enough to get her a job as Basrar’s with Aelwyn as her one reference. 
Fabian rolls Popularity and gets a 20 which is a high enough success to get a perk: He’ll now get advantage on charisma whenever he meets someone new at school AND he’ll get advantage rolling on another track because some other student will just help him. 
Gorgug rolls all four of his Academic tracks at once–3 Artificers and 1 Barbarian. He doesn’t have an MCAT so it’s way harder than it should be. 
His first roll is a 21. A+ no Sweat. His second roll is a 13 which is a C. He takes a Stress token. Nat 1. He takes another stress token. Nat 20! Another A+. He rolls his third Artificer track with advantage because of the last roll.. NAT 20 AGAIN!!! Ayda would be so proud! AND Brennan said that if he crit he’d get something super secret and special (some kind of academic resource). Excited to find out what it is so soon! His Barbarian roll is a 23 which is high but just a C since the DC keeps going up. He decides he’s cool with that. 
Kristen, before she rolls, goes to her cleric teacher Yolanda and fills her in on everything re: Cassandra. Yolanda says that if she wants to stay on the cleric track she’s going to need to do extra papers and academic stuff to make up for the lack of magic. She’ll need to get her spells back by the end of fall semester or else she’ll fail just as a matter of course And she needs to perform a miracle. You know, casual stuff. Although this is Kristen so maybe it is kind of casual. 
Yolanda does a divination spell on the Cassandra shards and we don’t learn what, if any, info she gleans from that but she does tell Kristen that as long as she still believes in Cass, she shouldn’t be fully gone. Cass can’t work through her right now so she’ll have to step up and work through Cass. 
After confirming that the Shrimp Jump doesn’t count as a miracle, she meditates on Cass and doubt and how it’s helped her in her life. When she thinks about doubt as the first step of escaping a bad situation, all the doors and windows in the room she’s in unlock–a minor bit of magic which means that she’s not totally cut off from Cass. The feeling she gets is that the cable is still there, there’s just not any juice running through it. This–tending to her religion–counts as her Extracurricular roll btw and she got a 22 on a DC 5. 
She hosts a little ceremony as almost an apology and tribute to Cass and Craig shows up! Good old Craig. 
Moving on to Fig, she suddenly has the idea that I’ve been wondering about all season: why not become a paladin to Cassandra? She needs followers. And Rebellion and Doubt go hand in hand. She seems wary cause it’s such a rash decision but Kristen encourages her to go with it.
She goes to Warlock classes where Zara once again offers her a signed MCAT before they take a field trip to the Bottomless Pit–Fig’s domain taken from Gorthalax. It’s backed up with work she’s ignoring and she tells everyone to just build a giant recording studio. Sure. 
Fig tells Zara that she’s kind of her own source of warlock power which Zara says is dangerous because it’s super easy to break a promise you made to yourself. She advises Fig to find a promise that she can make to herself that she won’t break. 
Fig then sees the Pride Armor behind her which says, “Ruin you have brought here.” Fig tells Baby to check in on who owns that armor and what its deal is. (Which is good because this is definitely the kind of thing that will SERIOUSLY bite you in the butt if you don’t stay on top of it). 
Then she rolls for her Warlock classes: 24! Fig’s an A+ student! 
DCs are higher now and we’re gonna start with Gorgug this time. 
He rolls for the Owlbears and is now at a DC 25. He fails and is told then if he fails this track 2 more times, he’ll be kicked off the team. He takes a stress but still fails, playing a truly trash game against the Hudol Hellions. 
Fabian rolls for Academics next and tries to get help from Mazey. Brennan makes him roll for the boldness of getting help from her after blowing her off but with a 22, he’s successful and has a flirty conversation with him. He also rolls a 22 on the DC 10 Bard Academic track. 
Then, he does his Fighter roll (DC 15 but with Advantage cause he has a signed MCAT) and gets a THIRTY TWO. 
His DC 20 Owlbears check? TWENTY THREE.
Fabian is the most popular kid in school, maximum party legend, lofi study nights at his house every weekday, captain of the Owlbears, and straight A student. You truly hate to see it gang.
Adaine rolls Academics next and takes the Help action from Boggy so she can roll flat. That’s a 22 on her DC 10 check. Party nerd, keeping it together even without diamonds (and eggs). 
Then, she decides she wants to put her jacket to use and become the school dealer, not of drugs but of things like extra pencils and erasers. Brennan lets her make another Job track check and with a 22 (DC 15) makes 2d10 gold. 
She does another roll (DC 20) to try and get the AV club’s help checking the Seacaster Manor security footage for info on the suspicious Mephits but even with a stress token, she can’t find anything. She does know that if they WERE her mephits then they must have been compelled because they wouldn’t have acted like that naturally. 
Also, she absolutely isn’t doing her oracle gig even though elves keep showing up at her job. Adaine, just charge them! They’re rich!  Take money from the Falinel 1%! It’s easy and ethical! 
Finally, Brennan makes her roll to keep her panic in check with all the stress and she succeeds. 
Riz rolls for his Extracurriculars next at a DC 10. Brennan allows him to do all of them at once if he takes Disadvantage. He does so and rolls a Nat 1 but with Reliable Talent, that becomes a 10+9=19. He’s doing every club he can and he’s acing it! 
October is apparently Riz and Gorgug’s Birthday (which I thought was supposed to be at the folk fairy but either I misunderstood or Brennan misspoke–either way just chalk it up to the time quangle, gang) and they have a joint Ice Cream party at Basrar’s. Gorgug gets an artificing gift card from his bio-parents who are coming down to see him at the Frosty Folk Fair which is coming up. 
Fig tells her bard teacher that she wants to do an independent study, causing her to float away in tears (though she absolutely allows it, apologizes for her behavior via email, and says she’s welcome back any time). 
Gorgug is having a harder time with his teachers (or at least with Porter because Henry loves him). He asks Fig what to do and she tries to trick Porter into signing Gorgug’s MCAT. He sees right through her and, to Gorgug’s dismay, signs Fig’s MCAT instead, saying that she’s been such a good student just from auditing. In contrast, he tells Gorgug that he needs to get an A+ or he’ll be kicked out. “Must be nice,” Gorgug laments to a baffled Fig who truly was just trying to help her friend. The signed MCAT confers the same benefits to her even though she’s not officially going for Barb levels. She is officially on the books as a Barb/Warlock multiclass. 
She does check out Paladin classes however. The poncy knight Halo St. Croix (love these names Brennan) isn’t really her speed so she checks in with one of the multiclass teachers at Brennan’s suggestion. Guess who the paladin/barb specialist is? Lmao, it’s Porter and Zac is so over it. Like, not Gorgug I felt that annoyance coming from Zac Oyama the real life person. Porter tells her that Rage and an Oath are two sides of the same coin because you’re raging to keep the oath to protect the people you care about. He does a very cool Divine Smite to demonstrate his abilities and Fig is on board for private lessons, calling him “sir” and rolling a 22 on this track (I think a DC 10 right now). A+ in Paladin. Insane. 
Kristen rolls for Popularity. It’s a DC 10 and she rolls a 12. Riz asks to take stress for her and Brennan says yes but he’s the only one who can do that for other people. I wonder if that’s an in the moment judgment to keep the whole table from taking bullets for each other or a true Riz special but, either way, it totally checks out. She rolls worse and Riz takes another stress which puts her roll at a 21. She gets the same Charisma perk as Fabian. 
Next Kristen has to do her homework which she does with advantage because of her newly gained perk. It’s a DC 15 and she gets an 18 to pass (with a C) and then an 11 on her actual research which is on Osmir, the god of magic and secrets. While doing this research, she learns that there is a lot of value in faith that’s not evangelistic and evergrowing (something common in Helioism and the Moon religion) and it can be just as powerful to have one follower who prays every day or monasteries that do their own thing and don’t do converts (which seems kind of like what Osmir’s vibe is).
Fig rolls Mystery (DC 15) to find out what Ruben’s type is so she can continue her infiltration mission. She takes a stress to reroll to get a 19 and learns he isn’t picky and actually has a big crush on Wanda Childa and hopes she’ll be at the Frosty Fair that he’s headlining. She’s delighted and magically inserts herself into his dreams to keep that fire burning. 
Fabian does a DC 25 relationship roll on Ivy and fails. He takes 2 stress tokens but fails twice more, leaving her unimpressed with him and his friendship with Mazey. She sneers and says that if it gets cold he can “wear her like a sweater”. Fabian is absolutely taken aback by the cruelty and Emily’s disgusted, “Oh my God,” at the table really sums up my feelings. I knew I never liked that bitch. Before Fabian can make a hasty retreat with an excuse about getting a phone call, Ivy gets close to Fabian’s ear and says, “You missed your shot playboy.” 
He also gets 10k gold for being a trust fund baby. Yay for Fabian. 
Riz does a DC 15 Mystery Roll for the crystal stuff and gets a 23 (2 away from a bigger clue). He learns that Ragh was in middle school when the crystal was put into Lydia so there’s no danger of him being an avatar of any kind of bad magic. 
He does another roll to research Lucy (DC 20) and a Nat 1 becomes a 21. Rogues are so good you guys. 
He learns that they never found a body but scrying magic confirmed her dead. However, it was low level scrying so all it really confirmed was that she wasn’t alive on the material plane. That still leaves a lot of options that are not quite dead. 
More info: She went missing near Lake Shimmerstone which is near the woods the Ratgrinders grind rats at. And, most notably, in that two week period where grades didn’t count anymore, she submitted paperwork to change her god but then submitted paperwork to cancel the first set of paperwork. Riz doesn’t see who she wanted to change her god to though. There’s nothing written there. 
Adaine does a Mystery roll to see what’s up with Grix. It’s a DC 25 and even with a stress she doesn’t make it. She’s not grasping anything but the uptick in bureaucracy is very weird and worrying. 
Finally, Kristen rolls Mystery to try and find out more about Lucy. It’s a DC 20 and she gets a 19 after taking a stress token. With Fig’s sketchy bardic that takes it up to a 27. 
She goes to talk to her teacher again and asks about Lucy and whatever happened to her. Yolanda gets somber and says Lucy was a wonderful student, sad but very kind. She worshiped a goddess named Ruvina who was an ancestral goddess of giants and giant-kin. Her domain is winter and sorrow. 
Kristen asks if she was thinking about switching and Yolanda is confused and alarmed. Lucy never would have switched to another god. She was extremely devoted. Kristen mentions the request form and Yolanda says she never got it and didn’t give approval–she wouldn’t have been at school when the form was sent. She thanks Kristen for bringing this to her attention and when Kristen rolls insight, a 27 tells her that her teacher is sincerely upset and frightened at what this info might mean. 
Yolanda says she’s going to talk to Grix but Kristen points out that the guy who throws nets at kids probably isn’t the best person to confide in. Yolanda agrees and plans to talk to VP Jace instead. Before she leaves, she gives Kristen a token that says “When the only thing you can believe in is believing.”
Listening to this conversation gives Riz a brain blast. What if the name on the god change form wasn’t blank or redacted. What if it was invisible, like the name of a god you can’t say? He uses some of his dad’s celestial spy gear and, sure enough, there’s something there that can’t be read by mortal eyes. 
This is where we exit downtime and everyone has taken some level of stress. Fig has one. Riz and Adaine have two. Kristen, Gorgug, and Fabian have three. They’re all fried and coping in ways that range from being hermits (Adaine) to not slowing down lest the wheels fall off (Riz). There’s a way to reduce stress but Ally says it's hard and Brennan says they can’t try till next time. Based on their stress, they’ll have to pick certain things to have disadvantage on (which isn't great considering there’s def gonna be a fight next episode and we don’t know how long until the next downtime period). 
We finish off the day of the Frosty Folk Fair which will be held at Gorgug’s house. Riz realizes he forgot to look into the fraud case his mom is defending but it’s too late now. 
At Mordred, Lydia is making a killer breakfast and she also has all the stuff the party asked her to get about her Bakur quest. Since he’s a fiend, they all expected it to be written in Infernal but no. The texts are written in the language of the Giants. 
Honor Roll
Gorgug for Acing His Artificing Classes
It’s honestly absurd how proud I am of Gorgug for this. Like I fully recognize that this is a fictional character and these were just random rolls but guys, he’s doing it! 
Ivy for Minitaur Racism and Extreme Bitchiness 
Ok look. I love characters who are bitches. Aelwyn is my favorite FH NPC. That’s well known information. But this is a nuanced thing. I’m not out here for any character who just shows up and is mean. You need style. You need flair. You need a decade of family trauma and suppressed affection you don’t know how to express. 
Ivy just showing up to be full on racist to Mazey? Jail. 
It was like Brennan looked Lou right in the eyes and was like, “If you pursue this character after this point I absolve myself from any responsibility.”
Fabian, my guy, you are under absolutely no obligation to date Mazey if you don’t see her that way but for the love of whoever Kristen is praying to right now, don’t pursue Ivy! 
Random Thoughts
Kristen’s range is such that in one breath she can be telling Max that “if we all do drugs he can’t net everyone” isn’t a union and then in the next breath she’s encouraging Adaine to sell drugs.
A little surprised Fig didn’t run into Bucky when she crashed Paladin classes. 
Curious if when KP said, “Your god passed, how are you casting spells?” in the bullhorn if that was purely to spill her secrets or if she was also genuinely baffled by that. 
I didn’t mention this before but Fig is purposefully tanking her Popularity track to focus on other things/be more stealthy. It’s good she’s not prioritizing it because it seems like she’s doing literally everything else she can! It’s interesting how right as Gorgug is digging more into techy things and magic, she’s dipping more into martial classes. I am so curious to know what her character sheet looks like by the end of the season. If she doesn’t want to take full levels, she can always take the Magic Initiate feat for some paladin spells. 
In a clutch bit of detective work from Riz, we learn that the god’s name on Lucy’s sheet can’t be read by mortal eyes. I know Kristen would be loath to do this, but I bet she could get Helio on the phone pretty easily and get him to read it for her, maybe for a price. Maybe he’d even do it pro bono if he’s not mad at her–Kristen thought he sucked but from what I remember he was pretty chill. 
The timeline of Lucy’s supposed death is throwing me off. If she’d died Freshmen year the Rat Grinders would make sense to me–why leave the woods if your cleric died the first week of school? But this seems like it was their M.O. even before whatever happened to Lucy. So what’s the deal? 
I also can’t get a read on whether the Rat Grinders (by which I mean KP and Ivy–the ones I trust the least) are pro or anti Lucy. Like, is whatever they’re going now a ploy to bring back Lucy (if she’s even dead at all which seems doubtful) or is it a second attempt at whatever did her in, now with Buddy as the sacrifice? I’ve seen people speculate that the Rat Grinders are mad that Kristen and Gorgug were resurrected by Aguefort while their cleric was not and that’s why they hate the system but that theory hinges on whether they cared about Lucy or not. So curious to know what their group dynamics are when they’re alone. 
If Lucy’s got is a god of sorrow I wonder if this nameless god was a god of rage.  Also wondering if there is any connection between the frost giant thing and the frosty folk fair thing.
I sincerely love this downtime system and I think it’s great that we’re getting more of the high school experience this season. I wonder how many times we’ll get to do this. 
I was expecting to have to ask Brennan in a Q&A what Gorgug’s nat 20 would mean, not that it would happen twice back to back on his first set of rolls! I can’t wait to see what he unlocked! 
On another note, Porter really needs to let Gorgug get his MCAT. Yes, his grades are slipping like Porter said they would but that’s kind of a self fulfilling prophecy from forcing him into this position.
Yolanda Badgood is weirdly comfortable talking to a student about others students' private business but maybe it's an adventuring school so it would be weird if students weren't breaking into school records from time to time. They literally teach students to be rogues after all.  
EDIT: Coming back a day later to make this edit because I can't believe I forgot to mention my new favorite corruption of KP's name: Littledoggy Girlcollar. Chef's kiss. No notes. They are really dragging Brennan's ass for this name--the name of one of his ACTUAL PCs. Lmao, brutal.
The main additions to the Conspiracy Board from this ep:
Not from the ep but we learned from the just released map that KP’s family owns a real estate company (thanks to the anon who gave me the heads up). I wonder if that’s why they keep grinding in that one specific plot of land. Maybe she knows something about the land that others don’t because of intel from her parents. 
Lucy seems like she was a good person and switching her god is so out of character that it was deeply worrying for her teacher. We have to wonder if she even sent the form or if one or both of them were forgeries, perhaps by a rogue. And if she did send the form, was she coerced and then quickly changed her mind? 
The dead god Bakur was trying to raise seems related to giants and Lucy worshiped an ancestral giant god. We need more to go on but that’s an obvious connection. Did KP learn about this nameless god via Lucy and decide to use it to her advantage?
No idea if this is at all relevant but Lucy's people are said to be from the Mountain's of Chaos in this episode. That's also where Tiberia Runestaff--Adaine's divination teacher who kinda sucks--is from. Doesn't necessarily mean she's implicated but it does mean she might know some information.
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tomurakii · 11 months
Dude I know I'm deep into my Gale obsession when seeing people's dumbshit takes actually makes me angry. Someone on instagram called him easy and a gold digger??? How do you live with yourself.
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blametheeditor · 2 months
Do you have descriptions for all the FNAF bois? Very curious. Love your work. :) - 🧡
I have completely neglected to give true descriptions for them.
The audacity I have! I am unworthy of any love for any writing! We shall right this wrong!
Presenting: the FNAF bois
Scott Cawthon (A.K.A. Phone Guy, PG for short and Boss unironically)
Physical characteristics, he's 5' 9" with sandy hair and looks perpetually exhausted. You will never catch this man standing farther than 5 feet from a coffee mug if there's not one in hand, nor will he be caught dead in any kind of uniform or professional wear. It is strictly shorts and graphic t-shirts of his favorite bands.
As a wise person once said, his personality is overworked and praying that retirement is right around the corner it's never gonna happen. His life revolves around Fazbear's, every waking moment is either spent doing paperwork for the company, or physically at one of the locations to complete tasks like inspections or covering for a manager after they 'mysteriously' went missing. There's still a little bit of his dad side left, and it does come out from time to time, especially when certain employees act like disobedient children despite being full grown adults.
Disclaimer: he has absolutely no ties to the creator of FNAF Scott Cawthon. Not in personality, appearance, or otherwise. He just so happens to have the same name as the aforementioned creator, and has no one to blame for his life decisions but himself.
Vincent Wright (A.K.A. Purple Guy, Mutated Grape for those who are brave enough)
This one's literally purple, specifically hex# 5C00AC, from head to toe including his long hair he always has in a ponytail. Coincidentally, he perfectly matches the standard Fazbear night guard uniform that got discontinued after '87, never seen wearing anything but the short sleeve collared button down and slacks, though he refuses to hear a tie. This does not help the allegations he is a genetically engineered grape made to look and act like a human. And neither does never confirming nor denying if he is, in fact, human. Though he is happy to confirm his height is 5' 11". Did anyone ask? They didn't, but he confirmed!
Much like Scott, his sole purpose is to work for Fazbear's, tending to things happening behind closed doors. He's never really seen outside of the main offices of Fazbear Corporation, but when he is it's when he's following Scott, though if someone who's not supposed to know he exists spots him...And he doesn't follow to help oh no, he just likes to argue about the order in which inspections should be done, and really, Scotty, Foxy's the best animatronic? Foxy, when Bonnie's right there?
David Harrison (A.K.A. Douche Bag, prefers Mr. Harrison but stuck with just Harrison)
Picture this: the living embodiment of CEO. Never seen in anything except a perfectly tailored suit, so egotistical it is impossible to comprehend just how highly he thinks of himself, acts like it is an absolute pleasure to simply be in his very presence despite the fact he will guarantee talk down to you and yell the moment something isn't done to his near impossible standards. It doesn't help his 6' height and broad shoulders gives him quite the advantage considering he literally has to look down at you. Don't call him out for spiking his black hair in the attempt to give him another inch for bonus intimidation.
And he's been hired by the William Afton himself. Given his track record of helping hundreds of businesses rise from being on the boarder of going bankrupt to a thriving name of their respective industry, surely he can bring Fazbear out from the hole it dug itself and erase all the rumors if missing night guards and children disappearing from the restaurants. How hard can it really be?
Technically, it's not actually that hard. What is hard is keeping up with the literally bullshit he's constantly being handed. Such as Scott constantly bitching and demanding progress reports, a mutated grape, certain assholes just appearing in his restaurant and distracting him when he has better things to do than babysit. But does William listen when he has genuine complaints? No, the man just bushes him off like some low level employee. The moment his one year contract is up he's gone.
James Stiller (A.K.A. Snitches 'N Stitches, no, Stitch Snitch...Snitch Got Stich fuck)
He is 5' 9", with brown hair and brown eyes, and is someone who looks completely unassuming. Someone you can meet, exchange words with, and completely forget he ever existed even if the interaction had been him saving your life.
He's a doctor who works, well had worked, in the pediatrics wing of a hospital before Scott offered him a job to be on call across all Fazbear locations. He hadn't hesitated because a well known doctor who is trained for the ER, has a masters in psychology, and has written a few scholarly journals is clearly above a below minimum wage job running around children restaurants that should've been shut down a long time ago. He was only concerned about certain rumors about employees disappearing without a trace and didn't like Scott's insistence on having a lawyer on standby to read over the contract before signing it.
Eventually, he found a good middle ground with a contract after several meetings with William. Signed it. Almost immediately got berated by Scott because he broke the uniform code by wearing tennis shoes, to which he fired back it's either the shoes or the professional collared button up t-shirt turning into graphic shirts a certain supervisor clearly has nothing against. The shoes stayed, and he invited Scott to run with him sometime. The invitation has yet to be accepted.
Eggs Benedict (A.K.A. Been A Dick, pronounced been-uh-dick)
The literal embodiment of chaos. A gremlin, if you will. Fuzzy from Mario trapped inside a human body complete with blond hair, blue eyes, a thin 5' 10" frame, and a knack for getting on anyone's nerves within 5 seconds flat. Plainly said, the oldest sibling with younger sibling energy.
This thing also happens to be a genius mechanic. Will he ever tell anyone that? Psh, no, what's the fun in telling people he's competent when he can jump out like a jack-in-the-box and go gotcha bitch after getting praised by William for doing a flawless repair on the Funtimes! The answer is it wouldn't be fun, and neither would be telling someone what his favorite color is and instead taking it to the grave while joyfully announcing what he did in order to get suspended for a week while in college.
The best part is he wasn't even hired as a mechanic. Started off as a glorified janitor for Afton Robotics, the dream job in all honesty. All the glory in saying he works for Fazbear's without needing to actually do anything except chill with murderous animatronics and teach them how to properly play Uno. But then he possibly misjudged how close Funtime Foxy was to the door. Baby threatened to destroy his precious collection of mothballs if he didn't repair her. And now he's promoted so hey, win win!
Mike Schmidt (Michael when he's in trouble)
The reason for everyone's nicknames, and there's no way to get out of them because that's the only way he remembers you. Most people think he never calls anyone by their actual name because he's an asshole, and even though that's true it's because his memory isn't very reliable. Nor is his impulsivity. Side effects from an accident that left him with scars covering his entire head, ones rarely seen considering he always wears the night watch ballcap issued with every Fazbear uniform. The one's peeking out on his forehead are usually missed, because once you're that close, people tend to focus on the unnatural ashen completion and piercing blue eyes promising a fist if they don't back away.
There's good and bad that comes with those scars. It's hard to hold down a job when he curses tend to slip out, at least until he applied to become a Fazbear night guard. Then it kept him alive every night for several months. On one hand, the impulse to hunt down the animatronics one night when a certain rabbit started shit talking a little too much almost ended with him getting fired since a metal pipe left noticeable dents on the shells and needed to be repaired. On the other, he didn't get fired and even earned a bit of respect where even Bonnie admired his bravery and stupidity.
But he isn't anything if not loyal. Will be by your side no matter what happens, including facing off murderous animatronics with nothing but his fists. May not get social ques, but one word and he's happy to back off. Respect him, and you've earned a companion for life. Don't comment on his only outfit being the standard long sleeve uniform for Fazbear's or when he curses, and your teeth won't get knocked out. And if you ever try to disrespect those who've earned his loyalty, you're lucky if you get to live another day.
Jeremy Fitzgerald (A.K.A. The Jerber, Skitzgerald when Mike isn't around to hear)
When you look at him, the word 'stilt walker' comes to mind. He just looks a bit too tall for his own good. 5' 10" is an average height, nothing really special, but he makes it seem like he's 6' off the ground while looking shorter at the same time. It doesn't help he constantly looks nervous, like something is going to come after him at any second. Grey eyes always wide open with his head tilted down in the hopes his brown curls will hide his face.
In his defense, he has every right to be nervous when he was hired as bait for murderous animatronics! All he needed was a job in order to survive considering he is living all on his own after just graduating high school, and no one else was hiring other than Fazbear's. He couldn't afford to be picky even though it's below minimum wage, not that he's ungrateful or anything! But if he's going to get killed then why can't they pay him enough to at least afford rent and food!
Honestly, it's a miracle he managed to survive as long as he has. Scott had been kind enough to schedule someone to train him, but one week was not enough to prepare him for doing this day after day, week after week, with nothing but his imminent death in his foreseeable future. At least Mike was nice, and if he's ever close to losing the game, the man said to just call and backup will arrive. He, uh, might be slightly worried what exactly 'backup' is supposed to mean...though the Toys are nice too when they're not trying to kill him.
Fritz Smith (A.K.A. Irish Jig)
The worst part about being a teenager is looking like a teenager, and his 5' 4" height isn't doing him any favors, nor does his big green eyes and freckled face lend any sort credibility. And to top it all off, he specifically looks like a rowdy one, because try as he might his red hair never cooperates and always looks like he just ran a mile. But rowdy teenagers who can get out of trouble with a single look are bad for hiring. Because how can a business trust he won't cause any issues while working, or even quit the same day he starts once he realizes it's all work and no play?
That's not something he would ever do, and he genuinely wants to work! But there's nothing he can do to prove himself until he gets hired, but he won't get hired until he proves it, and it's a never ending cycle he can only escape from by growing older. That is, until he stumbled upon Fazbear's, who didn't blink twice when he stepped through the doors to ask about the waiting staff opening. Essentially got hired on the spot and almost immediately had a pizza shoved at him with the demand to deliver it.
Within a few months he became employee of the month, even became the animatronics favorite after mastering the art of entertaining children who wanted his attention while making sure he never missed an order. He worked so hard and got so good at his job that even Scott himself took notice. Pulled him to the side one day to say he was getting transferred to another location with better pay and animatronics that moved during the day. The only thing he asked was if he could still stop by to say hi to Mike and the gang on the weekends. He’s a little ashamed to admit it, but he might’ve used puppy eyes to get a yes. Completely on accident, though!
Caleb White (A.K.A. Hell Spawn, and sometimes Crying Child)
There's two things people immediately notice, that being the fact tears constantly stream down his face, and there's a small golden plush bear being hugged protectively. The more they look, the more they notice his uncombed brown hair, pleading brown eyes, the dull color to the plush that says it should be tossed into the washer. And if they look for too long, the bear's black eyes with white pinpricks will stare directly into their soul.
At least, that's what Fredbear tells him. And he trusts Fredbear, more than anything, which means he needs to start combing his hair better but he'll never put the bear in the washer. Not when he's only 8, and 8 year olds aren't allowed to know the right buttons to press, so his brother says he'll make sure Fredbear gets clean. But he'll put Fredbear in the washer without knowing how to use it long before he ever gives his brother his only friend. Because if he does, he'll never see Fredbear again. And then who will help him keep the Nightmares away?
William Afton (A.K.A. Mr. Asshole, Afton disrespectfully)
The color maroon is an interesting one. Not quite brown, not quite red, and there is a delicate balance that needs to be struck so neither color overpowers the other. To create a harmonious blend is a near impossible task. It can be accomplished, however, if someone is skillful enough. And contrary to what some may believe, he is aware of where his strength and weakness lie.
Such a regal color. Especially on a well-tailored suit made to accentuate someone's height. Certainly compliments black hair and blue eyes quite nicely, wouldn't you agree?
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beaft · 8 months
There were some fantastic episodes of Magnus Archives s5! It also felt like it dragged so so much it could've done with like, half the number of EPs it had.
(also I find Martin just so boring, but I get that that's a me thing)
oh yeah there were definitely some high points, and some images/lines that will stick with me for a long time (i especially loved "strung out"). the sound design was great too. it just didn't compel me like the previous seasons did.
wrt your second comment: i do find it really interesting that a lot of people jumped ship on the jonmartin front after it became canon. i assume that's because their dynamic was brought front and centre, instead of being kind of in the background, and it wasn't everything the fans hoped it would be. (i also saw a lot of people pivot from liking martin to disliking him, which makes sense given his elevation from having almost no lines in season 1 to being virtually a deuteragonist in season 5.)
and yeah, solid agree on the season being too long! felt like nothing happened for a while and then everything happened very quickly, and by the time the everything had started happening, a bunch of people had already gotten bored and dropped off.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
hiii im in the middle of watching voy for the first time (i just finished watching 6x6 riddles actually) and ive always recognized you as That person who Loves tuvok and i wanted to know your thoughts on neelix and tuvok's relationship? its my favorite aspect of voy personally but im interested in hearing how a massive tuvok fan like you feels about them
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Tuvok & Neelix Thoughts (Fractured): Man who grows flowers for food loves a man who grows them purely for beauty, Annoying4Annoying, Comedy routines, Intricate rituals and the playing up of roles, Aliens amongst humans - to assimilate or remain stubborn?, Bringer of water/Bringer of life, Seeing an angel through the mist, Two people who have difficulty communicating and come off as off-putting to those around them, Unrequited love, Love is stored in the food + kitchen, Family men left without any family, People from impossible moons, Jokes that go too far, Horrific loneliness being masked by something else, I won't leave you alone (pos&neg), Cracks in the facade, People pretending and pretending and pretending, Leolaroot I Can't Help It I'm A Moth To The Flame Required Viewing, I can only admit I like you when no one else is around - when the situation's as bleak as can be - when we're seconds from death - only then will I admit that it's been fun. Apologies in the form of sliced apples instead of words vs Apologies in the form of long and tearful contrition. LET ME IN!!! LET ME IN!!!! Locked door you keep bruising your hand banging against. People who love too much so they: keep knocking, keep their ear against the door.
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My thoughts are that Neelix is a silly goofy little tragic clown of a man and Tuvok thinks he's so much better than him but in actuality whatever they're up to makes them both look stupid <3 /affectionate Neelix having a crush on Tuvok is canon to me - what Tuvok's response to or level of knowledge of that is changes by the day.
#I was halfway through typing all those fractured thoughts when it hit me 'perhaps this user did not mean in a romantic sense'#but I already typed half of that and made that picture thing SOOO#In regards to pure friendship I still love them and think they're very funny together <3#I think Tuvok's feelings towards Neelix are complicated and alien#and Neelix's are more straightforward internally but complicated in that Tuvok usually is making fun of him v_v#I headcanon them both as being poor at communicating honestly with others but they cover this up and proceed in different ways#Neelix is overly friendly and attentive and ignores ppl's comments about him (but he KNOWS)#meanwhile Tuvok is reclusive and doesn't often let comments pass without a comment of his own to counter it#Neelix worries about that bc it means Tuvok won't be as well liked meanwhile Tuvok finds Neelix's persistent friendliness to be exhausting#Neelix is a guy who uses friendliness in some ways as a means of survival and I also headcanon he feels somewhat protective of Tuvok#and indeed everyone on Voyager in a strange way...like 'oh these guys are such idiots...they don't know shit about survival they've lived#such cozy little lives!!' <- eventually said with much more affection than shock/scorn#Tuvok & Neelix: (about one another) You are SO annoying and stupid...godbless.....#Q&A#I h ope this answers your question#waspstar#Tuvok/Neelix#Tuvok#Neelix#I 'm IMMEASURABLY pleased to be The Tuvok Loving Guy HEHEHE <3#star trek relationship aesthetic
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tinta--branca--art · 3 months
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I took my sweet time playing through @diasporatheblog these past few months and finally brought myself to finish it yesterday (so sad it's over sobs)
#diaspora game#diaspora#cog#if#interactive fiction#sangarinus#sangarinus nabor#tintabrancaart#tintabrancaocs#tintabrancaocfalgaraile#if you saw me post this twice u didnt. tumblr loves to hate me sigh sigh#anyway !!#this game waow#ancient rome is a huge fication for me so castulia was a treat to explore and visualise#esp bc the game doesnt take place in the capital (rather in a port city which. yesssss)#okok so my fool falgaraile (falga to their friends).. they/it legend#they're a bit more on the serious side wrt personality#partly bc of the stress of their responsibilities but also bc they're fairly straightforward in their manner#it's exhausted by the wars and conflicts around clan maghnus which def contribute to the stress#refreshed and looking forward to the possibility of peace. looks at balthasar#falga's eye got eviscerated in a raid when it was a teenager so now they have a prettified prosthetic in its place#some scars on their legs too but yea#it turns out you cant big brain your way out of every fight !! and it learned the hard way lmao#but yeye gosh i used a mixture of diaspora's worldbuilding and celtiberian material culture as refs for their design#because that is where my heart lies :'D#oh and sang !! i didnt go too hard on his design because it's a little more set in stone already#i love him he's such a lil (big) guy.. my buddy my pal. mwah#i have a very strong mental image of his face so i had to give it a few tries to really nail down#im glad w how it came out !!#ahh okok i need to rest but yes i love diaspora i love the setting and characters :'D i will be replaying it while i still can
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cursezoroark · 7 months
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i adore this scene dearly they are so doomed
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queen-mabs-revenge · 1 year
#found out last night in a family video chat that one of my younger cousins is planning on going into the police academy in florida#and i've been sick about it all day#apparently my uncle who is a retired nypd sergeant doesn't even want him to do it#but my cousin thinks its the only straightforward path to stability?#i remember talking to my aunt a while back when i was getting my adhd diagnosis and she mentioned that she thought my cousin fit the profil#and had been struggling a lot with school and just motivation#he decided not to go to college bc he just felt like he couldn't go through it which is fine but now i think he's struggling from that#bc apparently he was doing volunteer work with kids and loved it and wanted to look into becoming a preschool or kindergarten teacher#but the amount of schooling was too daunting for him both process and costwise#and they're gagging for cops down there and it's 20yrs and a guaranteed pension after that#and i'm just sick to my stomach about it bc this is a kid who wants to be a ***preschool teacher*** he's such a sweet kid#he's really sensitive and gentle and i'm just sick over the fact that he feels like the constructive field of becoming an educator#is inaccessible to him on all levels -- and the pigs are there with open arms#just thinking of him being broken by the police academy into that mold is sickening#*especially* in florida where considering the laws he's gonna be having to enforce.....#like kid you're gonna have to be bashing in the heads of queer protestors. antifascist protestors. climate activists. striking laborers.#what kind of brutality are they gonna do to make him agree to that#beyond the brutality of inaccessibility that's brought him to this point so far???#my sisters and i decided we're gonna talk to him about it -- i'm gonna def hear what he's thinking when i'm home#i'm just...like i said i'm just sick about it
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musical-chick-13 · 10 months
Me: What a nice day, I'm going to be calm and normal for a few hours.
My brain: hey. :) do you. remember. :) The Ship :) :) :)
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
The fact I can never tell if the woy fandom has improved its media literacy when it comes to Lord Dominator or nah is so terrible jtncvcjsbsbmn
#i mean ykw i blame a lot on the fact that woy is OLD and like.. who even rewatches it a TON ton#let alone that closely#but like. the way it feels like ppl watched her every scene with their eyes closed (or fixated on nothing but her body) is insane 😭 yeurgh#she is literally so straightforward#some of the takes ppl have on her remind me of those#''UGH wander is so STUPID i wouldnt be surprised if his pacifism were literally selfish & malicious he's so shitty!!!!!!!!''#takes you'll see in like.. youtube comment sections or on the occasional tumblr post euurhghghghhh#like bruh these characters are VERY SINCERE but at least with wander u have the fact that his naivety is a total ruse#like i understand stuff like that tripping people up on stuff in some ways bc he's really really complex despite how simple his motives are#but dom is like.. she has really interesting complexities but not in a way where they're important to delve into to get the character#but naw people will actually be out here thinking that she lives to be sexualized 🤢 and likes men or is angsty or redeemable or hrGDHBVbfG#LIKE WHAT!!!!!!! WHAT!!! WHAT THE FUCK??! granted some of those are way less insane/bad than the others#*beats the lesbiphobes with a brick beats the lesbiphobes with a brick beats the lesbiphobes with a brick*#but BROOO euwiahshdhqnshshajahds#her character is literally just.. ok take wander. replace his love for helping ppl w/ love for hurting ppl. delete he angst. THERE DONE.#THAT'S HER TYHAT IS LITERALLY HER AT HER CORE HER VERY CORE AHSHANABXSN. THEN JUST ADD HER PERSONAL QUIRKS/LIKES/SKILLS IN & THERE U GO#bully personality on steroids and crack and ten THOUSAND energy drinks. just the most maniacally fucked up guy imaginable#funny opinion: i thjink maybe the only woy fans who r good & sane when it comes to her..#r the ones who LOVE her for being Fucked Up & the ones who haate hate HATE her for beign Fucked Up.......... evry1 else is so scary /hj#ok that's silly.. but also fr everyone who 'loves' her for [insert gross shit here] or hates her for [insert blatantly false shit here] 😨#SCARY!!! but anyway ok that's enough negativity dhdjndn in writing all this i really feel assured that things actually ARE better now#like whether or not people actually get the character or not is whatever :o#(at worst it's just like.. a bummer bc u miss out on sm fascinating stuff irt the mains & the world's logic & character development & aAA)#we're finally free of the constant influx of stupid horrible sexist opinion pieces about Dominator !!!!!!!!!!#and of all the folks who marched up to frank & craig all ''YOUR SHOW SUCKS & IS BAD BC SHE CLEARLY ONLY EXISTS TO BE A LOVE INTEREST!!''#maybe i have enough insane ppl blocked to never see stuff like that but JSBFBDHSS nobody's wrong about her in a shit idiot way anymore 🙏🙏#now it's only ever like.. wrong in a way that is bad and kinda sucks but like whatever :O#btw this is all me speaking very very generally (sans the specific examples) & any tumblrs this could pertain to r inactive or long blocked#(& this wasnt even written w anything frm tumblr in mind 2 begin with; i've been reading somE TAKES on LD & Wander lately and mMmvj..)#(hence that v specific example of yt commentary on wander i gave earlier.... bad LD takes are wAy more common but MY GOD 💥 in 2023!?!😭)
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multishipper-baby · 1 year
Thinking about soulmate AUs for my OCs because I'm in a romantic mood rn
#myocs#derek's soulmate is obviously seba so things are pretty straightforward there#I think their relationship would probably progress the same? they don't rush into things just because they're soulmates#they just enjoy their time together and form a sweet bond and fall in love <3#eze doesn't have a soulmate. he wonders for a while if that's because he's artificially created or because he's aro#then he mets gabri who's also aro and has two soulmates (one platonic and another queerplatonic)#so that answers his question somewhat. it stings a little that he doesn't have something most people have#but he tries not to let it get into his head#also yeah the twins are platonic soulmates. I headcanon most twins are like that because of twin bond and stuff#tristán unlike his sister doesn't have another soulmate of any type- and he's pretty bitter about that fact#it's something he shares with his mother! which makes it hurt even worse. rip tristán he can never get a w#the triplets meanwhile aren't soulmates actually. piper has always been bothered by that but luca and zach don't care#they're all very close anyway. they don't need some stuff destiny bullshit to make their bond special#I presume piper and luca have soulmates although for now I don't ship them with anyone. zach has at least three romantic soulmates#zachary has a lot of love in his little body and he's not afraid of sharing it lmao#ray meanwhile... it would depend on when he finds out about the soulmate bond due to the age gap#as long as he finds out once he's an adult there wouldn't be any problems though- at least not on his part#springtrap might worry about it however. might feel like it's coercive to date him when there's this destiny thing over their heads#so it takes a while for him to accept the idea of entering a relationship together and raymond accepts that#they are friends for a while. get to know each other well. figure out if this is really what they both want#eventually it does become romantic though <3 ray charms his way right into his heart like the little devil he is
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imastoryteller · 3 months
20 Compelling Positive-Negative Trait Pairs
Here are 20 positive and negative trait pairs that can create compelling character dynamics in storytelling:
1. Bravery - Recklessness: A character is courageous in the face of danger but often takes unnecessary risks.
2. Intelligence - Arrogance: A character is exceptionally smart but looks down on others.
3. Compassion - Naivety: A character is deeply caring but easily deceived due to their trusting nature.
4. Determination - Stubbornness: A character is persistent in their goals but unwilling to adapt or compromise.
5. Charisma - Manipulativeness: A character is charming and persuasive but often uses these traits to exploit others.
6. Resourcefulness - Opportunism: A character is adept at finding solutions but is also quick to exploit situations for personal gain.
7. Loyalty - Blind Obedience: A character is fiercely loyal but follows orders without question, even when they're wrong.
8. Optimism - Denial: A character remains hopeful in difficult times but often ignores harsh realities.
9. Humor - Inappropriateness: A character lightens the mood with jokes but often crosses the line with their humor.
10. Generosity - Lack of Boundaries: A character is giving and selfless but often neglects their own needs and well-being.
11. Patience - Passivity: A character is calm and tolerant but sometimes fails to take action when needed.
12. Wisdom - Cynicism: A character has deep understanding and insight but is often pessimistic about the world.
13. Confidence - Overconfidence: A character believes in their abilities but sometimes underestimates challenges.
14. Honesty - Bluntness: A character is truthful and straightforward but often insensitive in their delivery.
15. Self-discipline - Rigidity: A character maintains strong control over their actions but is inflexible and resistant to change.
16. Adventurousness - Impulsiveness: A character loves exploring and trying new things but often acts without thinking.
17. Empathy - Overwhelm: A character deeply understands and feels others' emotions but can become overwhelmed by them.
18. Ambition - Ruthlessness: A character is driven to achieve great things but willing to do anything, even unethical, to succeed.
19. Resilience - Emotional Detachment: A character can endure hardships without breaking but often seems emotionally distant.
20. Strategic - Calculative: A character excels at planning and foresight but can be cold and overly pragmatic in their decisions.
These pairs create complex, multi-dimensional characters that can drive rich, dynamic storytelling.
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allegorism · 4 months
archon quest so good, it makes you cry, and sob, and scream, and
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dirkxcaliborn · 1 year
The real reason my manga search is going so badly is because much like the asshole who strung a guy along for 10 years, I'm still not over my last love...
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disgustingtwitches · 2 months
Working at a restaurant with 141! (Part 1)
Let's get this out of the way, the restaurant fucking sucks. Don't even know how it's still open. The food is terrible. The owner is an incompetent drunk who's never there. You got referred to the job from a friend of a friend. You did an interview with the head chef/manager, John. He hired you because you were hot.
"The fuckin ass on that one, huh?"
Just like any man that works in a restaurant, they're all horny fucks who love to tease you. You'd run back to the kitchen and ask to tweak an order. Price would wink and say:
"Next time it's gonna cost ya."
When it gets slow (which was all the time), you'd sit in the back and chat about how they met and what they did with their lives. They all get paid under the table for various reasons. Johnny takes smoke breaks with you, sometimes Price joins. Gaz pours shots for everyone after "busy" nights (busy meaning there was an hour where there were two tables to serve instead of one). Ghost... well he's strictly work. Sometimes he engages in banter with the guys, but he only acknowledges you when needed.
Your first month flies by, you basically get paid to sit around and talk with the most charming men on the planet, and Simon.
"He'll warm up eventually. Just gotta loosen 'em up, just like any tight ass."
Soap smirked as he leaned against a counter while everyone was wrapping up for the night.
"Don't you have dishes to put away?"
Ghost snapped while wiping down his station. At least he was nice to look at.
You and Gaz would roll up the forks and knives talking about bullshit, knees touching. Soap and you would light each others smokes by touching one lit end to the unlit one, all while still holding the cigarettes in your mouths (he called it a cigarette kiss). Price would constantly make food for you:
"Gotta plump you up 'fore it starts getting cold, yeah?"
He'd look you up and down while sliding you a basket of fries. And Simon? Cold as ever. Even when he started driving you to and from work because your car broke down. He drove like a madman, but it was totally silent. You made the mistake of reaching for the radio once, he gave a admonitory grunt and you snatched your hand away.
As time went on, you got comfortable with everyone and they got comfortable with you. It started with suggestive jokes.
"Simon's just straightforward, doesn't beat around the bush."
Price said one day while prepping vegetables with Ghost.
"What are you talking about? He beats around the bush all the time Price, you know that."
Soap walked by with a shit eating grin while he was carrying a bucket of dishes to the back. Uproar from the guys. Ghost storms off following Johnny, knife in hand. You want to stop him, but Gaz places a hand on your shoulder.
"Best not to do that, just let 'em settle that amongst themselves."
Johnny comes back disheveled, wearing a different shirt. Simon is stone faced as usual as he goes back to prep. It only got worse after that.
You'd watch as the boys messed with each other more; pats on the back, that turns to squeezes on the shoulders, that turned to slaps on the ass.
"They're just handsy," you think to yourself.
Eye contact that lingers for a second too long.
"They're just close friends," you think to yourself.
Compliments that boarder on harassment.
"They're just joking around," you think to yourself.
Then you entered the walk-in freezer, only to make direct eye contact with Johnny as he has Kyle's dick down his throat.
"Oh, uh-huh..." you think to yourself.
You didn't look at their faces for a week, they acted as if nothing happened. Then, the flirting only got worse.
Price would yell while grinding up against Simon's ass when passing behind him.
"Yes, Chef."
He'd respond while he continued cooking, unfazed. They seemingly shared clothes: the younger guys preferred to don John and Simon's apparel all the time. You stopped going into the walk-in for a while, you figured you'd give Gaz and Soap some privacy (although they didn't seem to mind an audience). Christ, was everyone fucking everyone here?
You were taking a smoke break with Price when he leaned back on the railing and adjusted himself, it wasn't really adjusting himself as it was more him gripping his thick dick and looking directly into your eyes. You nearly choked as he smiled.
Ghost threw you a hoodie when he dropped you off one night. It started raining before you got home and you were complaining about just getting your hair done. You tried to give it back but he refused to take it.
"Keep it. I don't care about that one anyways."
He shrugged. You'd wear the oversized hoodie to bed, the smell was comforting. Smoky, dusty, boozy, like Javanese vetiver. It smelled like a grown man. Delicious. Accidentally wore it to work one day when you were in a rush getting ready. That started a trend for the rest of them to get you to wear their clothes. It less of a trend and more of a competition honestly. They'd "accidentally" spill drinks or food on you.
"No worries, I've got an extra shirt in my car!"
They'd have a wide, cheeky smile plastered on their faces while giving you their shirt. Of course, they wouldn't take them back either; so you had a growing collection of huge shirts that you'd wear around your apartment. Eventually, you had to go back to the walk-in. Thankfully, there were no exhibitionists present. You were reaching to grab some ketchup when the door opened. You and Johnny stared at each other for a long moment.
"Need help getting that, bonnie?"
Before you could respond he was reaching over you, pressing his chest on your back. He handed you the bottle while his dick grew hard on your ass. He was breathing hard in your ear, waiting for your reaction. You pushed back on him and that's all he needed, he gripped your hips and grinded into you. Even through your jeans you could feel his dick twitch when you moaned. It was a hot minute of panting while he pulled you back onto him desperately, like he was trying to fuck you right through the denim. The door handle clicked. You both froze, staring at the entryway.
Gaz's head popped in. Your face got hot while he stared back and forth at the two of you. One thing led to another, and your pants are around your ankles while Johnny is face first in your wet folds. Kyle is standing behind you, fucking your thighs and leaving sloppy kisses on your neck.
"Pretty doll, how long have ye bin waiting fur this, huh?"
Soap looked up at you with so much adoration, like he was servicing a goddess.
"Gonna cum Johnn-"
Gaz whimpered and bit your shoulder to muffle his groans as he came right between your thighs and cunt. Soap cleaned up the mess greedily, savouring the taste of both your juices. He didn't stop eating you out until you finished. Gaz held you up while your knees buckled when you came undone. Gentlemen they are, pulled up your pants for you and wiped the smeared lipgloss from your face. You stumbled out of the freezer, walking past the kitchen. Price's eyes crinkled as he saw you head out onto the floor.
"You shouldn't do that in there. It's unsanitary. And a health code violation."
Simon looked straight ahead as he weaved between cars. You opened your mouth, but no words came to mind, so you just nodded. Your leg bounced nervously. He grabbed your thigh, stopping the movement. His hand stayed there until you were in front of your place. You stared at him, his brown eyes boring into you.
He pulled his hand away, placing both of them on the steering wheel. You walked into your apartment, dizzy with confusion. "What the fuck is going on?"
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