#love me a sentimental virgo
templnut · 6 months
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starting off tumblr with one of the favourite characters of all time
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ghostlyferrettarot · 1 month
🖤🎀Venus in the signs🎀🖤
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
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🖤Venus in Aries: gives impulsive and receptive love. They fall in love quickly and value mental compatibility. They are magnetic, quick thinkers, but can be demanding and overwhelming in relationships. They enjoy social situations and give surprises to those they love.
🩷Venus in Taurus: is loving, romantic and sensual, but does not give in easily. Prefers stability and fidelity in love. Is generous with the loved one but can become possessive. Enjoys luxury, nature and the arts, and often has good material fortune.
🖤Venus in Gemini: seeks intellectual connections rather than emotional ones, being frivolous and changeable in love. They value freedom and variety in relationships, enjoying company and diversity of interests. They are attracted to intelligence and a sense of humor in a partner.
🩷Venus in Cancer: shows an emotionally deep and sentimental nature. They seek emotional security and value loyalty in relationships. They can be maternal or paternal in their approach to love, needing to feel loved and protected. Their home and family are central to their emotional well-being.
🖤Venus in Leo: stands out for its warmth, loyalty and dramatic love. They are ardent romantics who seek attention and applause. They enjoy luxury, parties and creative expressions. They seek devoted love and are generous with their affections, expecting reciprocity and admiration.
🩷Venus in Virgo: is cold and practical, hindering emotional development. They are meticulous and analytical in love, seeking perfection and security. Sometimes distant, they prefer relationships based on shared interests. They excel in professions that require precision and empathy.
🖤Venus in Libra: is refined and aesthetic, more spiritual than physical in love. They seek harmony and are talented in art and music. Sensitive to the environment, they detest vulgarity. They are romantic but less sensual, they value the soul more than the exterior. Attractive and social, they enjoy company.
🩷Venus in Scorpio: This is an intensely passionate and emotional position. Love is all-consuming and can lead to obsession. There are possessive and jealous tendencies, with a strong need for control in relationships. This intensity can be both attractive and intimidating.
🖤Venus in Sagittarius: Adventurous and sociable, seeking ideal but ephemeral love. Prefers freedom over deep commitment and can disillusion those seeking long-lasting connections. Emotionally idealistic and outgoing, values ​​honesty and a sense of humor, but can lack tact in intimate relationships.
🩷Venus in Capricorn: Shows a cold and earthy persona in love, jealous and possessive. They are reserved and require certainty before committing, seeking moral beauty over aesthetics. Slow in relationships, but loyal once committed. Proud, caring and status-seeking.
🖤Venus in Aquarius: Focuses affections on humanity and the spiritual rather than physical passion. They are selfless, popular, and seek intellectual friendships rather than long-term romances. They prefer personal freedom and are prone to friendships rather than love relationships.
🩷Venus in Pisces: Shows deep devotion and sensitivity, with a tendency to love widely but suffer for wrong choices. They are compassionate, artistic, and intuitive, but can be sensitive and prone to sacrifice themselves for others. Ideal for expressing feelings through art.
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aleiellovesyou · 1 month
Who Is Your Next Romantic Partner ?
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Pile 1 - Pile 4
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Pile 1
Pile 1, your next romantic partner is going to be someone you will just adore. They’re a romantic and sentimental person that will really take your relationship seriously. It looks like they take all of their commitments seriously. They may be in school right now or they really enjoy learning about things that will help them grow and develop in life. I feel like this person has a great balance of stability and adaptability in their life. They’re also LOYAL and very energetic. They might channel their energy into good conversations rather than being really physically active. However, I do see them taking pride in their physique and most likely lives a healthy lifestyle. They take care of themselves and they’ll love taking care of you. This person could be born in winter or you’ll meet them in winter or they could be an earth sign, specially Virgo. If you’ve already met them, winter might be when you start dating. However, for most of you I’m feeling like this is a new person. When you meet, they will feel like so grateful that the universe brought the two of you together. They are very sweet and the type to plan surprise dates, random gifts, and fun activities together.
That’s all for you Pile 1, love and blessings!💙
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Pile 2
Pile 2, your next romantic partner is giving me a lot of Fire sign energy. They are very ambitious and love experiences the joys and triumphs of life. You might find that they have really big dreams for their future and they could be a financial asset to you in some way. I feel like you’ve already met this person. There’s history here but I’m not sure what the nature of your relationship was. Something is going to happen that brings you guys together like some kind of destined event. This person could be an Aries or Leo however sagittarius energy is subtly present too. Either they were born in summer or you will be brought together in the summer time. Maybe this was someone you knew that moved away and will be coming back. That’s a message for a few of you. I see this person is very optimistic, creative, ambitious, passionate, and nostalgic in a way, like you may have had similar childhoods. Although they have a little fire they could be a little naive.
That’s all I have for you pile 2, love and blessings💛
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Pile 3
*tw: substance abuse mentioned
Pile 3 your next romantic partner is definitely a water sign, BIG scorpio energy here. This person is very deep and fights internal emotional turmoil that they are actively trying to heal. This person is very deep in their healing journey. So they are really self aware. I feel like this person is cold, stoic , and intelligent. They have soft spots tho and can actually be kind of sensitive. I feel like this person is at a point in their life when you two meet/start dating that they will be releasing negative patterns/toxic behaviors. They want to be a better version of themself. For some they might be letting go of some kind of substance abuse. I also feel like this person is spiritual and believes in energy and the importance of having self awareness, self control, and good discernment.
That’s all I have for you pile 3, love and blessings🩵
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Pile 4
Pile 4 this is a very patient, supportive, empathetic, and thoughtful person. I feel like their main love languages are quality time & physical touch. I feel like this person has a bit of a dark past which makes them a bit guarded when it comes to openly expressing emotion. They just take time to open up and reveal themselves. They seem like a a loner and they need to feel a deep sense of connection before they can open up, which is hard because how can you build a connection if someone won’t open up?? I see that it will take time to build something with this person in order for them to be more open. You might feel like they have a lot of secrets or this person just has a lot of fears about getting close to people even tho they crave closeness. I see they could be a Taurus or another earth sign. I believe you’ll be patient with them and start off as friends or maybe you’re already friends, then it will develop into more when this person feels safe.
That’s all I have for you Pile 4, love and blessings💜
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futurewriter2000 · 9 months
My astrology observations:
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Every person with Aquarius placement in their big three pisses me off for poofing away when they're sad. LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU!
Gemini placements talk a lot but nobody knows about what. They are also so funny
Capricorns stare into my soul... They also move SO slow
Leos need a compliment, either from people or themselves.
Sagittarius just don't give a fuck.
Leo women are always late.
Aries rather moves on than fights for you.
Gemini placements can't stand still. LIKE JUST STOP FOR 5 MINUTES! Goddamn, they can be walking from their room to the bathroom 15 times to do what they could have done in one trip.
Scorpios.... There's something about Scorpios that just wants me to make out with them. So hot... And sexy... Plus the eye contact they give...
Aquarius and Pisces are real toxic together. I had witnessed too much of that.
Every Pisces man I met is a coward and a real dick.
Leos could have one friend and still be the bussiest of the Zodiac signs
Scorpios and just being attracted to them
Fire moons usually "overexaggerate" and talk too much during sports games.
Every Virgo I know has stomach issues. They feel through their stomach. They are also one of the most ambitious zodiac signs I know.
Leos are actually quite sentimental. Yes, they want all expensive but bring them a flower and they will put it in their special box of all most important things. Their attitude may be eh but their heart is gold and soft af.
Libra Venus start to become the person they like and they always like somebody so they always change their personalities.
Sagittarius Sun or Risings (not all but most) are usually tall with a dirty blonde and green eyes complex... and nice hips... and ass...
Taurus are so pissed at you and then they will just love you forever and ever and ever and you are their baby.
Pisces? Are you here or did you float away into another galaxy again?
Libra Sun and Risings want to be presented as ✨perfect✨ in society.
I’m afraid of cancers because they are so nice and sweet and all the most wonderful things but I know they can be evil and mean too so I have trust issues with them.
Aquarius are so unbothered and bothered at the same time… like how do you function?
Aquarius Moons are my favourite because they are so fun and so playful and they THINK SO FCKING MUCH.
Virgos are the most stressed out of the zodiac signs because everything has to go their way and when it doesn't they die a bit inside.
Aries moon are explosive af. Like shhhh, use your quiet voice.
Sagittarious moons are so funny to me because they are actually so self-observed but it's the cute kind, you know. I just want to be with them all the time and give them an ego boost because they are so sweet.
Capricorns will never, ever, EVER tell you their next move. They keep their plans to themselves. They keep themselves to themselves. They are here and they are gone.
Gemini placements... cannot relie on them (I have a lot of Gemini placements and I agree. I am unreliable because I think I can manage everything but then I realise I can't and have to cancel 5 plans).
Scorpios are so sharp and hardworking. Nobody realises that but Scorpios will do things AS IT SHOULD BE DONE and they will run you over if they have to. Nothing comes between them and their success.
When leos are comfortable around you, they will never shut up.
Taurus are evil af. They're cute and cuddly on the outside but they have one of the meanest characters. You gotta love them though.
Pisces will not study for an exam but will go in depth to knowing one random thing.
Cancers CAN DRINK! THEY CAN DRINK LIKE NO OTHER! Like damn... how is your liver? They are also a social butterfly and busy all the time. I don't know who said they are emotional and senstitive- they can be such a bad ass.
Sagittarious people are one of the luckiest signs but one thing goes wrong in their life and they will cry for three months about it.
Capricorn women have that alpha female power. I don't care what you say, they will go from the bottom to the top with a snap of fingers and they will be the biggest boss in town.
Virgos are the only of the zodiac signs that will see the gratest potential in you or anything really and they will force you to thrive towards that but if you don't believe in it, they will stop trying.
Scoripios and Leos are the realest friends because they will tell you everything in your face and protect you behind you back. Unless, you did them wrong... then they will tell shit about your back. They're petty that way, so choose wisely.
Taurus live a simple life. They don't complicate their lives too much.
Pisces throw great parties. They are also good cuddlers.
(That's it for now. It has been in my drafts for about two years but like if you want more or not.)
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famemonsterrr · 1 year
Astrological observations part 4. 🪽
- Virgo placements judge everything and everyone around them. Even their loved ones and they will say "well I care for u that’s why I point out your flaws so you can change them and be BETTER”
- Has any taurus ever apologised?
- Leo and libra are the type of people that when u talk to them. They would look in the mirror or taking photos of themselves (as a Leo rising I do that quite a lot but I promise I listen anyway)
- fire mars are really athletic and they have a lot of energy.
- I have noticed that if u talk with mutable signs they tend to jump from one conversation to another or talk about 100 stuff at once. Especially Gemini.
- Pisces placements make someone extremely sentimental.
- if you think that cardinal signs are the unpredictable then you are so wrong that’s the mutable😁
- air and earth Mercuries give the best insults.
- the 8th house placements can make someone really strong and “rise like a Phoenix” mentality. They might have a lot of struggles but they getting stronger.
- when u argue with a Pisces there is 100% chance they pretend to care but inside they laughing their ass off with ur anger.
- mutable signs tend to listen to every single music genre exist. 🫶🏻
- I have noticed Leo are easy to be pissed off.
- can someone tell me why Gemini sun/ placements always look so youthful not matter how old they are?
- Leo,Aquarius,Taurus and Scorpio are untouchable💅🏻
- Leo and Pisces are meant to be together✨Pisces compliments and adores Leo so on the other side Leo will give them sooo much love and special treatment which Pisces will die for. Unless one of them becomes attached or toxic.
- if an Aquarius man approached u first but then stopped talking to you. Just so u know you didn’t do nothing wrong they are the problem babe. They do it to everyone that’s why the are single or they waiting for their special Leo.
- Leo and Capricorn love wealth but in different ways. Leo wants to flex but Capricorn worked hard and building an empire.
- speaking of Leo so much…LEO RISING ATTRACT JEALOUSY. I have seen a lot of people with this rising not been treated right because people don’t like them for whatever reason.
- Capricorns age like fine wine. The kind of people who didn’t peaked in high school they are still out here getting cuter. 💅🏻
- you want a parent that will support you no matter what? Get a Leo mother. They are insane but if someone say anything about you. Be ready to see ur mother beating everyones asses.
- fire signs are the most unhinged.
- earth signs are the least unhinged.
- if there was an argument with all the zodiac signs. Fire signs would be the ones who will scream and make everyone think that they started it. Water signs might participate or just zoomed out. Air signs are the ones who started it because they triggered the fire signs and earth signs they just laughing.
- want good advice? Earth signs. You want a good listener? water signs. You want confident baddie energy? Fire signs. You want a fun relaxing time? Air signs.
- Capricorn x Scorpio placements make someone who is goal oriented not matter if they dying from anxiety or difficulties. They will get what they want🤌🏻
- Aries women are BADDIES 💅🏻
That’s all 🪽
Thank u for reading so far. I’m really so greatful for that 🫶🏻🥰 stay healthy and hydrated 🥰🫶🏻
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saturns7moon · 11 months
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i find familial synastry so interesting tbh. for example, i have such a karmic relationship with practically everyone in my family.
— my younger sister is an aquarius stellium with a leo moon whilst 4/6 of my big 6 is taurus and scorpio. we square each other and have heavy 12H and 4H synastry and we argue all the time, sometimes to the point we have to be pulled apart. my mother is literally earth dominant, not sure of her rising but she’s a taurus sun, capricorn moon and virgo stellium, and i’m water dominant and while that would be good, the absolute lack of water in my mothers chart makes her so emotionally disconnected and unavailable, which is shown in my chart as neptune in aquarius sits in my 4H, making me grow up not having an emotional connection with my mother, and with her moon conjunct my chiron, it is very apparent in our relationship.
— house placement is so important because my best friends brother is a sagittarius stellium but he’s a virgo rising, his stellium mainly in his 3H and 4H, so whilst he’s quite quiet at first he’s really talkative and intellectual the better you know him. he also loves his family a lot, and can be sentimental quite unexpectedly.
— i love looking at synastry so much, not just because it tells you about you and your person’s relationship, it tells you so so much about yourself, what your like and what themes in a person that attracts you. for example, i adore capricorn and gemini placements, like omg if i have a crush on someone, that placement is somewhere. i have a 9° capricorn venus in the 3H, the house with themes of communication, mental stimulation and learning. and i also have a 22° gemini juno in the 8H. juno is the asteroid that represents marriage, the type of person you'd want to spend the rest of your life with, and who you are in your partnership. with my juno being gemini (one of the signs ruled by mercury, planet of communication – mental stimulation) in the 8H (e.g. intimate agreements, possessions, things hidden from the light) anyone that reside in my 8H somehow in some way we share a deep connection, whether good or bad that has changed my life in some way. also since one of the themes of the 8H is possessions, i have shared either physical or emotional pieces of myself with these people, shining on the darkest most intimate parts of myself with them, whether by choice or not. for example, my best friend is both a gemini sun and mercury, my mother a gemini venus, my little sister a gemini moon, and recently i found out my crush is a capricorn moon and she’s a pisces rising, and my moon is in her 3H and my sun and rising are in her 8H (i use placidius).
— something i’ve noticed is that people with mutable mixed with cardinal placements within their big 6 love heavy feeling music, like rock for example. my best friend is a gemini sun and mercury and has an aries venus and cancer mars, and she told me she finds listening to rock music comforting when she’s about to go to bed. another friend of mine loves rihanna and she’s an aries moon and capricorn venus (whilst rihanna is an aries stellium lol).
— this is just a question from me, but to the people who have moon aspecting mercury (significantly or not), how do you feel about asmr? my moon inconjuncts my mercury and i listen to asmr almost all the time, even during moments i don’t even need to sleep. i’m very sensitive to noise i realise, so asmr is very calming for me.
— i resonate so fucking heavily with my moon persona chart. my natal moon and mars are exactly conjunct, and so both my moon and mars persona charts are identical. i’m a cap rising opposed to my (conjunct) cancer moon and mars, and when i tell you the way my eyes well up when i start to get mad? no cus it’s actually a set up. it seems like as if i’m blubbering on my words, when really i’m imagining the most violent life-changing way to end your life for pissing me off, especially cus i don’t get angry often (natal 7H taurus moon and mars), and it makes my body shake. lmao it was such a cool thing to realise.
— currently as i’m writing this, mercury is in sagittarius aka my mercury return, and i’ve been getting so many likes and attention for speaking on any type of social media platform i post on and it gives me so much anxiety 😭. i have a 1H scorpio sun square my 10H leo mc (saturn and lilith are there) and i hate hate hate being in the spotlight for too long. i’d genuinely rather be appreciated privately by people i love or just be acknowledged in public for a short amount of time. i hate hate hate being perceived lol. which is ironic cus i have this astrology blog, but at least i don’t have my face on here and i usually don’t post often haha.
— my venus persona chart is a capricorn stellium with a few aquarius placements as well, i’m genuinely not surprised that i have commitment issues 😭. plus i have natal venus-saturn and my moon squares my saturn, so 🧍🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️.
— i saw someone say a while back that you resonate very deeply with artists who have placements in your 12H and personally i agree with that a lot. a lot of artists i absolutely adore have strong libra placements within their chart, like ariana grande and alina baraz for example, and i love their music so much. it hits me so deeply.
— i genuinely adore foreign languages and music. like so much? i have a 3H capricorn venus opposed to my cancer 9H, and i’ve noticed i genuinely love music from foreign places, like k-pop for example. i’ve been a fan since 2016(-ish?).
— my 2022 solar return asc was a scorpio asc, same as my natal. and last year the nodes were in my 1H-7H axis and the way i’ve learnt so so much about myself this year is crazy. very painful yet beautiful journey i’ve been on.
— also i just need validation from other fixed signs, specifically scorpios and taurus’s, did you find this year easygoing for you? i feel like it’s been quite stressful and all over the place. i’m grateful for the lessons i’ve learned this year, but i feel like whatever astrologer that said 2023 would be great for fixed signs were lying outta their asses 😭.
anyways, that’s it from me loves, thank u for reading my rambling c:
love, lola xo.
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belovedspector · 9 months
Written in the Stars
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Pairing: Steven Grant x gn!reader (implied Marc Spector x gn!reader and Jake Lockley x gn!reader)
Word Count: 800
Summary: Steven doesn’t have a birthday. He takes the task of choosing one very seriously.
Content: Fluff, one use of a pet name (love)
A/N: This follows Leap Year, but it’s not necessary to read that first. I don’t know a ton about astrology, so I’m learning as I go. Enjoy! :)
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“Here it is!” you say triumphantly, pulling a purple book off one of Steven’s lower shelves.
Steven takes the book in his hands gingerly, as if it’s something sacred. “Why do you have this, anyway?”
You shrug. “My college roommate was really into astrology and tried to get me interested, too. I just never got rid of it. It’s sentimental, I guess.”
Steven nods, already flipping through the pages as he makes his way to the couch. “So, what signs are Marc and Jake, again?” he asks, not looking up.
You join him on the couch. “Both Pisces, oddly enough,” you remark.
He hums. “Maybe I should be, too.” He quickly consults the table of contents before flipping to the page on Pisces. “‘Empathetic, imaginative, creative,’” he reads. He skims a few more pages before saying, “It’s all a bit vague, innit?”
You laugh. “I guess it is, yeah.”
“Well, you can turn on the telly or grab your own book, if you like. This will take me a bit to get through.”
You stare at him. “You’re not gonna read the whole thing, are you?”
He looks back at you, confused. “How else will I know what sign I am?”
“I don’t think it’s that serious,” you say. “Jake just picked a date he liked.”
Steven just shrugs. “I’d like to see what the book says, I think.”
“Alright,” you say with a shrug of your own. “Knock yourself out.” You scooch towards the other end of the couch, where your latest read is waiting on the end table. You turn on the lamp and settle in.
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Steven’s a fast reader. In the time it takes you to slog through a few chapters, he’s closing the astrology book with a satisfying thump. “All done,” he announces.
You close your own book after marking your place with a bookmark (a slightly crumpled receipt counts as a bookmark, right?). “And? What’d you pick?”
“Virgo,” he says.
“Yeah?” you ask, interested. “Why’s that?”
Steven finds the appropriate page and reads, “‘Intelligent, analytical, hard-working.’” He looks to you, his confidence wavering. “That…sounds like me, right?”
You offer him a kind smile. “I think so, yeah. Did you pick a date?”
He shakes his head. “Not yet.” He briefly looks down again. “Says here I can do any day from the twenty-third of August to the twenty-second of September.”
You hum.
“Wait a second…” Steven trails off, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and typing something in.
“What?” you ask.
“Aha!” he says. “Twenty-fourth August. That’s what I want my birthday to be.”
“How come?”
“Tomb Buster premiered on that day in 1990. I reckon us Steven Grants should have the same birthday,” he explains with a grin.
You can’t help but match his smile. “August twenty-fourth it is, then. I’ll add it to my calendar.”
He closes the book again and hands it back to you. “Thank you for lending that to me, love.”
“Any time,” you say, taking the book and returning it to its spot on the bookshelf. You glance at the clock. “Ready to start on dinner?”
“Sounds good to me,” Steven says, standing up and following you to the kitchen.
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After dinner has been taken care of and you’ve watched a movie, you’re in the bathroom getting ready for bed. You can hear Steven talking outside the door. You assume he’s conversing with his alters.
When you exit the bathroom, you see Steven standing at the fish tank, bottle of fish food in hand. He doesn’t seem to notice you as he continues on speaking. You realize he’s talking to the fish.
“Maybe I should’ve picked Pisces, Gus,” he muses.
Gus II and his two tank-mates, Tom and Jerry (named together by Marc and Jake, despite Steven’s protests), swim around in slow circles, seemingly waiting for Steven to feed them.
He shakes the bottle, watching the flakes drop gently into the water. “Then all three of us would be the same. And Pisces is fish, innit? It fits.”
“Steven!” you groan playfully. “You can’t just change your zodiac sign!”
“Why not?” he counters. “I just picked it today. There should be some sort of trial period, right?”
You snort. “Maybe, but I like the day you picked. It means something to you.”
“Alright, fine,” Steven says. He bids the fish good night before following you to the bed.
You settle in under the covers and say good night to one another. Your eyes are closed when you hear Steven ask into the darkness, “Do I get a cake for my birthday?”
You smile to yourself. “If you want one.”
“And presents?”
“Of course.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Then, “What about balloons?”
“Whatever you want, Steven,” you say fondly. “Whatever you want.”
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to let me know what you think. :)
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fxirysforesight · 5 months
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Guessing Riize's Rising Signs - UPDATED 4/22/24. After watching more content about them and hearing them talk about themselves more I had to change my opinion about their Ascendant Signs.
Shotaro - Cancer. At first I was willing to jump for Gemini which would make his chart ruler Scorpio Mercury in the 6th House and as sure as I am about his Scorpio placements being evident, I'm not willing to bet that his Chart Ruler is Mercury. So instead I raise you, Cancer Rising, chart ruler Scorpio Moon in 5th. Appearance-wise he has stereotypical Cancer features. Large sparkly eyes, "Moon" or wide and soft facial features, full lips. Personality wise, Shotaro seems to be very reflective and observant but also playful and kind but stern. Cancer. This would also make sense given the fact that all of the members of his group gravitate towards him as a sense of protection or comfort even though he isnt the leader. Like a mom.
Eunseok - Virgo. He's gorgeous. He has a very simple but elegant look about him. Cool eyes, chiseled face similar to Capricorn but Virgo ASC has a softer and more "feminine" look to it, which makes their chins appear smaller (Think S.Coups and San as opposed to Zac Efron and James Franco) In addition to his appearance, Eunseok's most noticeable trait is his speech and the wayward stuff he says. So Pisces Mercury Chart Ruler makes sense to me. Chart ruler Pisces Mercury in 7th? Yes.
Sungchan - Taurus. I'm 99% sure of this guys. Tall and sturdy build, wide upper body, strong nose and large nostrils, full lips. Chart ruler Leo Venus in 4th? Yes. Also if Sungchan was a Taurus Rising, that would put Taro's Moon and Mercury in his 7th House. (Which would explain why he's always all up on my man. 🙄)
Wonbin - Aquarius. I don't have an explanation I just feel it. Especially with his Mercury in his 1st house, and I've noticed that with Wonbin his face always says it before his mouth does. Remember the pictures that surfaced of him after they got mobbed at the airport? Yeah. Also His MC would be in Scorpio and we learned from Anton that Wonbin's "I'm not cute I'm cool" persona was created by the man himself.
Anton - Taurus. What could make our Aries Stellium boy so quiet yet so sassy? If his Aries Stellium was in a mutable house. I thought that maybe Anton was a Pisces Rising at first but now I see him as more of a Taurus Rising with his Aries Stellium in the 12th House. The different between Chan's Taurus ASC and Anton's Taurus ASC is that Chan's Taurus ASC is ruled by Leo which is a very confident and passionate sign, having him express his Leonine qualities outwardly. Anton's Taurus ASC is ruled by Taurus which is a very mellow, chill, and relaxed sign, which is why Anton's Taurean expression is so prominent. Slow and elegant physical movements, his love for food, and the drawn out and slow way he speaks. He is also very well spoken and poetic as his Mercury would be in the 12th House which makes sense with this placement as well. So chart ruler Venus in 1st House. Yes. ALSO! I've noticed that Pisces and 12th House placements are very sentimental. Hueningkai with his plushies and Anton with his Collectables.
Sohee - Gemini. Sohee is the only other member that I am not too confident in nor do I have a proper explanation for as I feel like he is such a wildcard of a person. He surprises me every time which is why I think he's a mutable rising. Sag Mercury Chart Ruler? Yes.
Seunghan - Aries . No explanation needed. But in all honesty, an Aries Rising would give him masculine cutting edge facial features but some oppositions from his Libra placements would soften that up giving him a nice balance of masculine and feminine features which we can see he has. It would also put his chart ruler in the 12th House and we know that Seunghan has these moments where he is very excitable and passionate and then he withdraws and sits by himself in the corner. The conflicting energies of Mars in the 12th House and his Libra placements craving balance would make sense here. He is also the member that took the longest in getting close with everyone which would also make this make sense. So chart ruler Pisces Mars in 12th. Yes.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 4 months
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Hey everyone! I have starting working with Apollo on all of my readings. Also come join my divination discord. Take what resonates and leave all that doesn't behind. Enjoy the shadow work 🩵
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Crystal: Smokey Quartz
Astrology: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Sagittarius
Vibes: 💘🌎💙🧿🩷🧠🫐🛼💎🎀♿️🏳️‍⚧️💗💦🎟️🪼🦋🌸🌷🧵💅🏽🥶🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💕🌊🛝🪬
Hello, pile one. You have a considerable rocky relationship with love. It’s pretty obvious you have been taking a major break from romance all together. Your efforts towards loving yourself have not gone unnoticed by the universe. You have slowly been building up your self confidence. Unfortunately, I also see you still long for the old relationships you used to be in. This person you are longing for has some scorpio placements. My dear when you were with them it was you who was doing all the loving. You held up a two person job by yourself. Why do you think you were so exhausted after it ended? You were doing everything for this person. It’s going to take a while for this to click in your mind just how dependant this person was on you. That’s perfectly alright. Take your time with this healing. There is no need to rush your progress. Take a deep breath and acknowledge your progress so far. You are strong and have been persevering without that person. Look at how much more peaceful it is without them. Once you have fully realized your worth I see something wonderful being your reward. I see this probably having something to do with a career you want deeply. I wish you luck on your self-love journey, friend. The universe will support you along the way.
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Crystal: Yooperlite
Astrology: Cancer, Gemini, Pisces, Aquarius
Vibes: 🤎💚⚰️🪚📻⏳🕰️📗🏈🍺🥜🥥🍐🪴🍂🪵🏔️🦇🧳🍀👩🏾‍🦳🍩🪲👒🇮🇪🥾🍈🍾🌰🧋🥝🟤
Hi, pile two. Welcome to your reading. You got an extra card which tells me your messages are a bit complex and should be read with nuance. Love is a daunting task to you. Your relationship with love has been heavily affected by your childhood. Your parents were not kind to you. I see you were often treated as a scapegoat. Which has convinced you that you are this awful monster who can never be forgiven. At some point it looks like you claimed this role that was forced upon you. Started wearing it as a badge of honor and playing the part along with it. I understand this perspective a lot myself. What confuses me is you are actually a really sweet and compassionate person underneath all that. You don’t like playing this mean role that you were taught to be. That’s not who you are. Until you were taught to embody the shadows of others you were as harmless as a kitten. I still think you are as harmless as a kitten to be honest. The cards tell me even when you put on this persona you are just showing off your bark. You would never bite. You can talk a big game but you hate doing it. I have some really good news my dear. You don’t have to play anymore. You can drop the act. You are completely capable of cutting out this persona and getting to know your true self. Once you accept this love will not seem as scary. You will feel more capable and vulnerable with your partners. I wish you luck in love, my friend. I’m rooting for you!
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Crystal: Quartz
Astrology: Virgo, Leo, Aries, Scorpio
Vibes: 🖤💛🔏🔑🌻🏁🕷️🐝😎🍯🎱🍳🌤️🌼☀️🍌🥥♟️📣🔌⚱️💣🔔🗝️⚜️♠️🎷🏆���
Hey there, pile three. I’m so sorry you have to feel this way. Your relationship with love is hard to describe so bare with me a bit. You are a wonderful lover. When you love someone you would do anything for them. I am not exaggerating when I say ‘anything’. When you find someone you deem worthy of loving, you will give everything you have just to see them truly cherished. However, when you deem someone unworthy of love you are just as excessive with your reaction. You will be outwardly mean to them out of a sense of justice and this sentiment unfortunately applies to yourself as well. You believe your judge of character is unbias and therefore makes you the best one for the job of delivering this justice but then you judge yourself unworthy so you treat yourself horrendously. You skip meals to spite yourself. You refuse to shower because you think you just arn’t worth the effort or time. You need to pump the breaks on that behavior and reflect a little bit. If you are capable of loving someone so deeply you would conquer any obstacle in the name of that love? IM PRETTY SURE THAT MAKES YOU LOVABLE DUDE. Perhaps, just maybe, your criteria for judging peoples character is a little more bias than you originally thought??????? And, just maybe, you justify your self-hatred with zero logical evidence. You are worthy of your own respect. I am not telling you to stop delivering justice just to be clear. I’m telling you to think a bit more about why you deem yourself unworthy of love but worthy of delivering justice to the people you hold to be unworthy. Isn’t that a little unfair? I’ll let you answer that yourself on your own time but either way. I wish you luck on your journey of self-acceptance. The universe deems you worthy and it would be healthy to start seeing that perspective.
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hallucie · 2 years
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Astro Observation 4
✨Moon 2H✨ Craving emotional security/reassurance to boost self esteem. Having or owning sentimental items from relatives or loved ones.
Bonus points for moon in cancer, this is needing a rhythmic reassurance. Being a mother/being pregnant or a nurturing figure heightens their self-esteem. Cancer is all about rhythm, rhythm in the tides. Cancer is related to the womb. When pregnant the baby in the womb is getting consistent circulation— rhythmic circulation. Cancer is the QUEEN of routine. Moon in 2H can also play out as a collection of children.
✨Venus Scorpio✨ an attraction to bdsm & or non-consensual. So would physically die for their partner . These people do not play around when it comes to love. Once they’ve been betrayed that person is dead to them. It’s that intense.
✨Aquarius Mercury✨ Always with the soft spoken voice😩 Often can be great singers (The Weeknd and Justin Bieber) Goooood, I love a good Aqua Mercury😌
✨3H Mercury✨ Tend to speak their mind when no one asked for it. Often sits in their own head, normally thinking about themselves. I feel these natives have a hard time putting themselves in another persons shoes.
✨3H Scorpio Mercury conjunct Saturn✨ Says really uncomfortable things that can’t be unsaid. The only way I can describe it is the feeling of when you need to poop and the poop comes out a little but gets sucked back in. I also think it’s so funny that I compared Scorpio to poop.
Which brings me to my next topic.
✨Virgo is to stomach as Scorpio is to colon✨
✨Leo Mercury 10H✨ so sorry but they talk about themselves so much. We get it, you have talent. Everyone knows them for talking about themselves.
✨Cancer risings✨ have so much musical taste. Personally I think some of the most loved people are Cancer risings.
✨Sagittarius Mercury✨ they can play dumb and get away with it.
✨9H Moon✨ the natives mothers could have been very religious especially if the moon is in pisces.
✨Aries Mars✨ can snap in any given moment (Jeffery Dahmer)
✨Capricorn Mercury✨ Raspy voices. Oddly authoritative.
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Hi! Do you mind if I request a as your late bloomer boyfriend for ATEEZ Jongho? Thanks! :)
Jongho As Your Late Bloomer Boyfriend: An Analysis
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Content Includes: This is an 18+ essay with suggestive themes.
Word Count: Circa 300
Disclaimer: This is entirely unconfirmed and theoretical, just read this for delusional purposes only.
On an astrological level I cannot confirm if Jongho is ace but I am inclined to believe (and support) that he could be which is favourable because Jongho will offer you PATIENCE as a late bloomer boyfriend.
Choi Jongho is not a highly sexual man which is great because those needs aren't a priority of him.
His Scorpio Venus and Virgo Mars means emotional intimacy is a requirement for him to be physically intimate and so he probably chooses to abstain from casual hook-ups because it doesn't satisfy him.
Hongjoong is similar in that I think he chooses to be emotionally celibate rather than participate in casual sex.
So the relationship might feel very platonic at first, even a little formal because Jongho likes a courting process.
The relationship would begin with casual dates at the coffee shop, he would open the door for you and remember your coffee order for the next time.
There might be a slight tension in the beginning because Jongho's Aries Moon means he's prone to over-thinking, he wants you to know that he's taking the time to make you feel safe and comfortable around him.
It wouldn't matter to him whether you're a late bloomer because he doesn't prioritises your experiences, he prioritises how authentic you are in the moment.
HONESTY is so important for Jongho in a relationship, he has a built-in lie detector and he can detect the smallest of lies.
'We'll take it slow okay honey? Whatever you're comfortable with, we just need to trust and be honest with each other'.
He would be a tentative lover, he would treat you with fragility (at first) and focus on the sentimentality of the moment.
'Does this feel nice?...and how about this? Good, keep talking to me, I like knowing how you feel'.
Jongho would be an attentive late bloomer boyfriend because the connection wouldn't feel rushed, it wouldn't feel like a 'landmark' moment, it would be natural and slow-burning.
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Taglist: @hipster-shiz @creativechaoticloner @cherry-0420 @scuzmunkie @marievllr-abg @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @lino-jagiyaa @mishchiefsmind @mrcarrots @junieshohoho @partywithgyu @whatsk-poppinhomies @craxy-person @hologramhoneymoon @gyuhanniescarat @staytinyinmybpack @necessiteez @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @berryberrytan @sensitiveandhungry @laylasbunbunny @bangchanbabygirlx @i-love-ateez @anyamaris @lemonhongjoong @krishastumblernow @hexheathen @michel-angelhoe @northerngalxy
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cecilebutcher · 18 days
【❈Kareem Hamdan❈】
!!Likes do nothing, Reblog instead!!
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The full length character was drawn by my amazing friend @drdepper . Thank you again for drawing them<3
Click the pics for better quality
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Zodiac sign: virgo
Father: Ahsan Hamdan
Based off: Jasmine (Aladdin)
Sexuality: Omnisexual
⊱Sᴘᴇᴀᴄɪᴀʟ Mᴀɢɪᴄ⊰
The ability to temporarily get rid of noise.
⊱Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs Oɴ Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs⊰
𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎: I’ve met roseheart maybe once or twice, but my cousin says they’re very close friends. So he’s alright in my books.
𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚢: Clover, I heard he’s amazing when it comes to baking, have to say i'd like to taste something he baked before.
𝙻𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚊: Ah, Leona Kingscholar. Not a fan. Though, he did get my cousin to live a little. And seeing him all happy with his friends was lovely. Still don’t like Leona though.
𝚁𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚎: the vice housewarden of SavannahClaw, correct? Poor thing.
𝙺𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚖:My dear cousin. We’ve been together since we were in diapers. I love him like a brother.
𝙹𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕:Viper. It’s best I hold my tongue.
𝙰𝚣𝚞𝚕: I visited his mother’s restaurant once, quite lovely.
𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎: I don’t really know much about him, so it’s better i keep quiet.
𝚅𝚒𝚕: Vil Shoenhiet is a beauty through and through. His movies are quite entertaining.
𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚔: No.
𝙸𝚍𝚒𝚊: He’s um, related to the Olympia’s, correct?
𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚞𝚜: The Draconia Heir, I have but the utmost respect for him. I’m sure he’ll make a wonderful ruler one of these days.
𝙻𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊: Vanrouge isn’t someone I’m familiar with in all honesty, though Kalim does seem to really like him.
𝙽𝚒𝚎𝚐𝚎: Ah, my dear Junior. He is quite dear to me. He’s bright, kind and sweet. And a wonderful actor in my opinion.
Positive traits: generous. Smart. Clever. Responsible. Reliable. Brave. Confident. Independent. Dedicated. Helpful. hard-Working. Ambitious. Charming. Trustworthy. Passionate. Gifted. Witty.
Negative traits: Argumentative. Bossy. Possessive. Difficult. Arrogant. Passive. Cunning. Petty. Spoilt.
Neutral traits: Sarcastic. Competitive. Sentimental. Private. Secretive. Curious. Dreamy. Reserved. Wary.
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growwithmeastrology · 3 months
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Saturday, June 29th 2024
Sun in Cancer ♋️🌊 Moon in Aries ♈️🔥
So, in case you hadn’t heard, Saturn, the planet of karma and hard lessons is going retrograde in Pisces. Today at 3:05 PM, EST he begins his six month backward dance through the mystic, the dreamer, the poet, and the spiritual savior of the zodiac. Saturn in Pisces is serving up some tough love, primarily here to teach us about these topics, our boundaries and self improvement, almost like a personal life audit. It’s not about smashing your dreams, it’s about giving them structure. In this retrograde, you’re about to review the lessons of the last six months to make sure you learned them. Sorry, you can’t sweep them under the rug. The purpose is to awaken your spirit through all things hidden or under an illusion. If you’ve over-idealized something, it’s gonna bring all of those skeletons out of the closet for you to see in the light.
Today with the moon in Aries, it’s time to get a move on, on these topics. Venus in Cancer will square the Aries Moon which increases the need for love and affection. We’re feeling friendly, romantic and sentimental. It can also make us feel sad and lonely.
Mercury and Uranus are in a sextile stimulating the mind and showing us alternate viewpoints and awakening the intuition so we can start picking up on the subtle hints that spirit is trying to show us.
The Pisces area of your life is about to get a review. If you have Saturn or major placements in the other mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius, this area is also greatly impacted. Look to those areas to see the theme of this review. If you need some help figuring it out, hit me up. I’m happy to help!
Please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
Learn more about your personal energies and how the forecast affects you! Comment below or DM me for a consultation.
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moon8th · 2 years
Thoughts on Sagittarius Risings 💭
Spreading their Truth
The Ultimate Rebel placement, there are literally too many forms of pictures/music/art in general I can’t fit on this 1 post about these expansive Jupiter natives
Sagittarius is tapped into the higher chakras, (knowing, thinking, speaking) acting as “The Teacher” archetype, some able to touch the world 🌍!! don’t get too self righteous about that saggy, stay grounded, honestly I think life naturally humbles us anyway
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~Bob Marley ~Jimi Hendrix
Rockstar Lifestyle!! Bc of there Gemini 7th house ong these natives want to learn about anything they deem will expand their minds for the best! Most Sag Risings desire to travel the world!! Explore and experience, they deeply impact there partners life by expanding their psyche and expanding their own
Aries 5th house,, these natives are most creative when they are just expressing themselves, (Aries is the self) so whatever fires them up emotionally and makes them passionate is wholeheartedly what you’ll see them lean into!
Humanitarians! Every single person I list on this post is/was for the people, Libra 11th house makes them see “the other, the partner” on a societal level. They really do care and want to help the world as much as they can
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~Jhene Aiko ~Erykah Badu
“I am Alice, I’m in Wonderland” ~Jhene Aiko Bc of their Pisces 4th house, ooof these people come from such a confusing upbringing! As they grow, they wake up from their dream-like state and feel the extreme need to bring big truth and healing to the world (Virgo 10th house)
Sag 1st house, something is always big about them lol, it most likely is their presence in general (aura) but added to that it can also be their huge smile/muscle prominence/really tall/ really short/eyes/voice/etc.
Aquarius 3rd house, our mouths are slliiiicckk lmaaoo fast and sharp🔪, maybe we should check ourselves before we speak 😭😭, but some ppl need to hear the truth 🗣️🗣️
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~Bruce Lee ~Wiz Khalifa
They are heartthrobs. please just look @ them broo 😭 too unique
But fr bc of their stubborn Taurus 6th house, they should build a healthy everyday routine, they can really benefit from doing some form of spiritual/traditional/body centering workout such as martial arts/yoga/kickboxing/swimming/weightlifting/etc.
Tattoos for us can be spiritual af, I have very sentimental ones, but look up Jhenes fr
As a Sag Rising, I always get called “spiritual” by ppl whether they mean it in a nice way or not.. which is fine when ppl are being nice🫶🏽 , but the people that are judgmental, they’re just trying to tame me, it backfires- I dare someone to try to tame a Sag Rising 😭😭✌🏽🖕🏽
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~Nelson Mandela ~Princess Diana
Wellllll I feel as though these 2 don’t need an intro lmaoo, I forgot that they even knew each other!! Big Humanitarian Energy!!
Scorpio 12th house.. tbh it’s hard for me to fully grasp this placement bc it’s mine, however I do know it can make someone very intuitive- you can literally look at Diana in old videos and tell by her eyes she was reading everyone correctly
Tropical Sagittarius in Vedic can be the nakshatras Anuradha, Jyeshta, and Mula, which one is your ascendant?
All I can say is wHAT a line up! I tried not to be too bias, but I love us fr lol 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 lmk what y’all think
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lunabeestarr1212 · 1 year
Random thoughts✨⭐️🌟
Aries men and women are like superheroes and can do anything! What I’ve learned is they respond to a challenge or a competition. If I need my Aries lover to do something for me… I word it as if they couldn’t POSSIBLY do what I need… 😘
A Leo will help you with anything you need all you have to do is ask them and he heartfelt and sincere in asking-you get the same energy from a Leo. They want their loved ones to be happy and comfortable.
Sagittarius …. As friends they are amazing and fun- they bring culture and life to otherwise empty structures. If you are in a relationship with them you are treated as a goddess, until they start getting annoyed by how boring you are and how much they just need to roam free. It happens. Every cancer I know is so sentimental when it comes to pieces of hair/string/little things that mean nothing to anyone else but then. They will save every single bit of something from someone they love… and will definitely throw it in your face when mad ! Virgo always want to organize your stuff. And by organizing, they mean throw out! I’m their neat and tidy psychopathic mind - they’re just “trying to help “ lol no one asked!
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famemonsterrr · 1 year
Astrology observations part 6. 🪽
- siblings were their signs are in the same element tend to be closer because of their same nature ( a friend of mine is a Sagittarius and her little sister is Aries and I haven’t seen these two arguing or being awful to each other EVER in fact they support and love each other sooo much)
- water placements do everything with music. Study, cleaning ect
- air placements need to watch something while they eat
- earth placements need a lot of silence.
- fire placements need a lot of excitement and adrenaline.
- speaking of music…go and see a playlist of pisces, Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius. They listen to EVERYTHING. ( my Spotify wrapped had my 5 top artist being different from each other because I can’t listen to one genre it’s sooo boring).
- again speaking of music…earth placements are the least experimental with their taste in music. They have found what works for them and they stick with it forever. (my Capricorn bestie listen to 3 genres my cancer sun bestie who has Virgo placements listens only to limited stuff and doesn’t know almost all of the iconic artists)
- Aries moon as kids they were getting angry for the most unnecessary reasons. It’s a fire moon thingy 💅🏻
- Sagittarius moon act like everything is fine and then cry behind close doors. Babes don’t be shy I promise u we will not laugh at u. 💀
Speaking of Sagittarius. They don’t open their hearts unless they know they will not be judged or make fun of. Deep down are really sensitive but they laugh it off because being honest and vulnerable is for the pussies right? (Women are more open with their emotions)
- Pisces has strong and weak memory at the same time. These bitches remember useless things or things that happened years ago but can’t remember a simple thing that was said 2 mins ago or even names that was said the very same moments.
- I have noticed cancer placements aren’t sentimental at all ( my cancer bestie throws away things and my mom who has cancer mercury doesn’t like to keep nothing unless it’s really important). On the other hand me as I Pisces love to keep everything to remember everything. ( i ain’t kidding but I have keeps every bottle of perfume I have bought or even broken stuff just because someone gave it to me. it really breaks my when I have to throw something away). Scorpio is the middle ground.
- I have seen cancers either having a lot of friends or just 2.
- Aquarius woman are always sooo likeable. I haven’t found one that i don’t like. They are just here vibing and doing their thing. Also they look younger than they are. Especially risings. (My bestie has Aquarius rising and looks underage when she is adult)
- Sagittarius placements if they reallyyyyy loooove u they care about ur opinion. Usually they don’t give a shit about opinions. (My ex boyfriend was like that he was asking me for everything. He wanted to hear my thoughts and opinions. That’s was really sweet and also was doing anything I told him would look on him.)
- I want to know what’s makes a Leo man dressing so flashy? Okay we support girly pops 💅🏻
- Capricorn men have the energy " I have big dick " metaphorically and literally but they will not flex it like a Leo or Aries would.
- Libra women tend to like men who are "uglier" than them.
- Scorpio placements know how to respect boundaries because they don’t like people crossing theirs.
- the water sign who tends to share a lot is Pisces the least of Scorpio
- the earth sign who tends to share a lot is Virgo the least is Taurus
- the fire sign who tends to share a lot is Sagittarius the least is Leo
- the air sign who tends to share a lot is libra the least is Aquarius.
- it’s very funny but as a Pisces with 8th house placements I can stay strong in very difficult situations and see the positive in bad but if someone break my mug or throws away a small thing of mine this is where I cross the line and start crying. Pliz fellow fishes tell me I ain’t the one🫣
- we need to talk about the fact when Virgo placements are in distress they will start cleaning the whole house. Like okay miss clean girly…maybe cry and let the cleaning for later. This coping mechanism is stressful. I want to hug y’all 😭
- I have noticed that Gemini writing amazing essays. They are amazing writing thoughts and feelings down on paper.
- if a Pisces placements friend or Scorpio placements friend or anyone with 8th house/12th house placements tell you they don’t like someone or they think the vibes are weird. Always TRUST THEM. they know what they are talking about.
- speaking of water signs they are stronger that what we gave them credit for. They don’t escape like a lot of people say. They are strong and keep until the end. Unless someone has 12th house placements or Pisces rising. (Sorry but y’all so self destructive).
- Capricorn x Gemini friend duo is also really underrated. They vibe sooo well even tho they have different styles and approaches to life but what they manage to do is that they have a lot of intellectuality. Maybe they would not last long but definitely they will have a beautiful friendship.
- Leo’s care for the opinion of others even if they say they don’t. You know this attitude "I’m a baddie I don’t care what people think" it’s their fake it till you make it but they never make it.
- when u see a air placements and earth placements cry u know it’s very serious for them and they need support 🫶🏻 btw they aren’t touchy so just allow them to cry without judging them.
- libra moons have u healed the fear of being alone?
- put a Pisces or Sagittarius in chart and u will see a psychologist or a person who loves the human brain and behaviour.
- Aries people are the biggest cheerleaders and women have girls girl energy.
- what’s up with mutable signs getting stimulated by a thing and then get bored of it? Like girlyyy why? Where is ur dedication? probably not in the room.
- Virgo men are sooooo messyyy…and rarely take care of their looks or their personal spaces ( I have sooo many examples)
- Pisces is disorganised in everything and it’s almost hilarious until they lose their things and then blame others.
- i will tell this 100 times if it’s needed but if u need help with ANYTHING go to a Capricorn friend. Even just an advice is really helpful. I love y’all sooo muchhh 🫶🏻
- 5th house placements showcase someone who not only is creative but will definitely have a good relationship with kids or will have amazing relationships with their own kids.
- 0 degree placements are showing that you are like the sign it is on. ( I have mars in Taurus in 0 degrees and honestly I act like a Taurus sometimes. The way I care for aesthetics,smells and I’m soooo stubborn in my opinions. it’s sooooo annoying)
- the most hilarious thing is hearing Sagittarius saying they are logical and not control by emotions. ( yeah that was my ex like girly pop u were influenced by every emotion and boredom is one of them. He cried more than me in the span of 2 years. Like okay hahaha babe keep believing ur delusions)
That’s all 🪽
Guys thank u for reading so far and giving a lot of support. I’m soo greatful every single time 🥰 stay healthy and hydrate girly pops 💅🏻
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