#love minkowskis hair
scooterscoob · 7 months
if you're still taking w359 requests!! maybe a minkowski and lovelace interaction? they're so funny sometimes i just cant
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does this count?
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commsroom · 10 months
Non-serious Eiffel question for you: How would Eiffel spend a day at the beach? 🏖️🩵
in theory: chilling out, doing nothing, getting a tan. in practice: can't find a comfortable position to lie down in, gets bored, gets the worst sunburn known to man. complains about sand in unmentionable places. (whether he's the type of prequels disliker who thinks it's funny to rag on that sand line, or if he'd just resent the comparison entirely, well... up to you.) he needs an activity. set him loose with a metal detector or something.
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
Sorry for the delay, but I did warn you my schedule would be very inconsistent. Thank you everyone for your patience.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 29: Pan-Pan
Minkowski doing the intro because Doug is gone 🥺
Our boy has been gone for 100 days?!?!?
If the others knew about WHAT? Minkowski? Hera?
Ngl, the arguing and bickering subplot is getting a little old. I understand tensions are high due to the Doug situation, but where is the main plot?
Over one hundred critical failures and y’all are still fighting?
“It should be habitable” “But not comfortable”.
I love how Hera and the crew will do things to try help each other feel comfortable even though Hera can’t feel human sensations and the humans can’t feel AI sensations.
Are they gonna have to cuddle for warmth? Snuggle time! 🥰🧸
“Distress calls? Who is gonna pick up?” Why the characters I saw my mutuals posting about before I blocked the wolf359 tags, of course! I can only assume that why they’ve been so excited for me to start season 3.
No, don’t go to a corner. You guys need to snuggle and feel better.
“Why do I have to go?” Hilbert you tried to kill everyone. So yeah. It does have to be you. It should always be you.
Lovelace that’s too far, Cutter probably put some malware in her.
“Whose fault is it?” CUTTER’S WHO DO YOU THINK.
Oh my gosh this is going WAY too far.
All the bad stuff you did was out of desperation or impaired thinking due to the stress of space, which is, again, BECAUSE OF CUTTER! So stop blaming each other.
Minkowski… oh she misses Doug. 💔
…cracks? The end of operational life? We can’t fix it?
Um. No. Not this hopelessness. I need them strong enough to punch Cutter in the face.
Call command? No. Don’t do that. I don’t trust them. Bad idea. BAD IDEA. The only idea, unfortunately, but that doesn’t make it good.
Episode 30: Mayday
Um. What’s with the weird noises?
…I say as if there aren’t two seasons left with him as the main character.
Oh no that was a rewind. This is a flashback. So maybe Doug doesn’t live.
Yikes that scream. Me too Doug me too.
Minkowski’s voice in his head 🥺
Haha… mocking him about not reading the manual Cutter worships.
And she put it in there just for him. 💕
Reliant Robin? Interesting name. I like it.
“Ignorance makes death inevitable” well put our heroes sure are ignorant of a lot no thanks to Cutter & co.
It’s okay Eiffel. I like your action plans.
“That’s dead boy talk” 😂
“Find someone else” …interesting. There are others…
…I wonder what they’re like.
I’d hate being frozen like that. Yeah. This is gonna be rough Doug…
I love how he keeps renaming the ship.
Oh gosh. It’s killing him. Poor Doug. Oh dear. Oh Doug.
“USS Peace of Crap”
Oh he lost his hair? Well. At least he matches Hilbert now. Maybe they can bond over that if they ever see each other again.
“Please respond” Doug sounded so broken.
Oh but now there’s whistling 🎶🎶🎶
He doesn’t have nails?
6,000 years? “How do you know there will even be anything there?”
“Nevermind”. Oh that was dark. Doug have you been freezing yourself incorrectly?
What about Hera’s voice? Or the voices of that family he won’t talk about? 👀
You tried Doug. You tried your best. Wait, “never get to talk to who?”
USS Horrible Unending Nightmare, what a name.
DOUG THEY WANT TO HELP! Yes! Or maybe no… depends on who it is…
How does he know who he is?
“We’re here to take you home” why do I not fully trust you random man?
Episode 31: Sécurité
Urania? Who is this? 👀
“They’re there”. YES THEY ARE.
JACOBI! Before I blocked the tags, I remember seeing your name. A few other names too in fact.
Well, well, well my friends. I’ve paused the episode to announce that the moment is finally here. You see I wanted to go into this spoiler free, so I dutifully blocked the Wolf359 tags on tumblr. But before I blocked the Wolf359 tags, I saw a lot of angsty Wolf359 fan art from my mutuals heavily implying that the Hephaestus crew gets betrayed by someone they come across. Now I’m going to assume that this is true, maybe I’m off base, maybe I’m not, please don’t confirm or deny anything. But working off this assumption, incorrect or otherwise, is very exciting because I just remember the art, nothing about names or context other than what I stated previously, which means it’s time to play everyone’s favorite game show:
✨Who Is Gonna Betray Everyone? ✨
Welcome to the show ladies and gentlemen. We’ll be checking in later to review our options, but for now let’s see what we got. In one corner we got Jacobi. I recall my mutuals posting about him, but were they doing it affectionately or with anger… ooo… that detail escapes me. And as always we have the “Bods… no one is gonna betray anyone except Cutter and maybe Hilbert again. They’re the bad guys. You already know this. I don’t know what fan art you thought you saw but literally what are you talking about?” And if that is the case then… uh… just ignore this sorry guys.
Ohhhh… never mind! Option 3 has arrived: Wareen Kepler. Works for Goddard Futuristics which already puts him high on the traitor suspect list. But of course Kepler and Jacobi could be working together, come to think of it, I think I might have seen a ship tag of them before blocking the general Wolf359 tag. Is it because they’re a canon couple? Good space buddies? Or a pair of sneaky Judases united by the atrocities they’ve committed? Only time will tell.
SI-5? Okay I have FOR SURE seen that mentioned before.
Kepler knows Hilbert? Oh yeah… yeah Kepler is moving right up that suspect list. Red flags out the wazoo.
Okay Kepler. Respecting Hera’s name. That’s nice, but the red flags are still waving. What do you want to know about Hilbert’s work?
DOUG IS BACK!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳
“Maybe the fact that we brought Doug back is proof we don’t mean you any harm”
Besides, Cutter still wants to know about the aliens. He’ll keep them alive. For now. But what happens when they run out their use?
They have alcohol on board? Quite a luxury. And the rescue mission is very… nice of Cutter. Creepily and very suspiciously nice. I wouldn’t drink anything he offers you.
Another one? That sounds ominous. And I don’t like that Hera can’t see inside. If this guys are making Hilbert of all people suspicious, clearly things about to go South.
SI-5 agents? Black operations work? Top men? Kepler… the most dangerous man you’ll ever met? Don’t like that.
Don’t like you either scary lady. Oh. She was addressing Hera. I like that, but Dr. Maxwell? So far we haven’t had good luck with science people working for Cutter. And if she’s an AI specialist, she could very well be Cutter’s version of Garrison (@ my TMBS mutuals). Looks like detective Bods has sniffed out another suspect.
Well. She seems very helpful. Suspiciously helpful. And… my AirPods are out of juice.
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Thank goodness AirPods charge quickly. Now let’s see… Maxwell is an AI specialist. Oh Hera sounded a bit nervous when she realized Maxwell developed AI. Makes you wonder how AI developers treat their creations. And yeah, why would command send you?
“Who said anything about a rescue mission”?
I knew it. They aren’t leaving.
“Your boss is an insane psychopath” THANK YOU DOUG. TELL THE TRUTH.
“You’re whisky” Guess what Kepler? Guess what Jacobi? What happens when you’re whisky? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ARE EGGS THAT NEED TO BE CRACKED TO MAKE AN OMLETE?
Maxwell did that to Hera? Oh I might just hate her the most. She needs to keep her hands off of the AI. I know people like her, I recall seeing her name in posts, people have usernames with her in it, but look, right now, I really can’t stand SI-5. Cutter’s little errand boys have got to go.
I love how Hilbert is just back with them now 😂
Yeah, I don’t think knocking them out will work. Never thought I’d say this but Hilbert has a point. Wait, personal interest? I don’t want Cutter taking a personal interest in anything. And I don’t just mean anything involving the mission or space or AI, I mean literally anything. He can’t even take a personal interest in knitting or bowling or historical trivia. He doesn’t deserve hobbies.
Kepler was the one who lied about Lovelace. Well, well, well. Seems like someone has a motivate to kill. 👀
Oh no. They really got to Hera. But if you want to be subtle maybe DON’T change her language like that.
“you won’t see them coming” sure I will Hilbert I saw that fan art. I think they shoot one of you? Maybe I’m remembering it wrong. Well. At least a common enemy is bring the team together. Cheers for that at least. Mini Episode 4: Meanwhile
Mini Episode Time! 🥳
Who is talking? Why…why does that sound like female Cutter? Oh it’s Rachel. Wasn’t that the girl Cutter threatened to throw out a window? I feel less bad for her now.
Cutter please get past the BS.
“The Black Archives” well that doesn’t sound ominous at all. “Things that aren’t supposed to come back, they shouldn’t have a paper trail. They could get us into legal trouble”.
Oh I certainly hope they do Rachel. I hope you get your butts dragged to court: you, Cutter, Jacobi, Kepler, and Maxwell. I hope they throw you in cells without toothpaste and feed you nothing but the frozen mush you gave your astronauts. I hope, just like poor Doug, they force feed you enough cigarettes to get you addicted and then take them away to prevent your from dying faster, but still make you to feel the cravings Doug felt. And if you’re wondering why Hilbert isn’t on my jail list, his recent actions have struck a comical and benevolent chord in my soul. I sentence him to a lifetime of community service that involves surrendering his free will to his creation: the blessed eternal.
What does Blessie think about all this? No one has mentioned him. SI-5 either hasn’t noticed or doesn’t care. But Blessie is a very capable plant. A good ally to have in a time like this.
Omega contingency? “Last resort”. I don’t like that.
“something big is coming” Indeed it is Cutter, and I hope it involves your death. Pretty please it would make my Christmas.
Thanks for reading friends. Sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoyed!
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trinitea-fics · 5 months
baby, let your hair down
Summary: After the tragic loss of Minkowski’s last hair tie, she recruits Lovelace to enact drastic measures. Plus, the unbreakable bonds of Funzo, no takesies-backsies, secret sixth love languages and The Sweeney Todd Special. 
Read on AO3
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mongeese · 3 months
As much as I love the idea of buff short hair masc-looking Minkowski I think we all have to accept the fact that she has spent her whole life conforming to Western expectations and therefore she definitely just looks like a really normal average woman. She can still be buff though
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minloveskis · 2 years
HELLO FAMILY AU??? tell me everything about the minlace family au
hi i’d love to tell you about the family au!! (i’ve already talked about that a little here)
so here’s the kid post!
- there are two daughters; kira and delaney (15)
- delaney is bisexual and uses she/they pronouns, kira isn’t sure of her sexuality or gender identity but ofc her moms love her no matter what <3
- both girls were adopted and are about a month apart. minkowski and lovelace treat them like twins
- delaney looks similar to minkowski, chestnut brown hair with loose curls and pale skin and green-brown eyes
- kira looks more like lovelace, with brown hair and tighter curls, brown eyes and skin
*reference note when i think of minkowski and lovelace i just imagine emma sherr-ziarko and cecilia lynn jacobs*
- both girls are practically carbon copies of the mom they look like. delaney is an honors student and she’s very academically driven. they read anything they can get their hands on and is extremely intelligent. she also loves art (and musicals, but she’d never tell a soul.) kira is more sporty, she likes to play basketball with lovelace.
- delaney and kira are best friends with anne (yes doug eiffel’s daughter), the three of them are inseparable
that’s all i can think of for now but as always my ask box is always open if you want to know something i didn’t cover! :)
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chaosdoodles · 6 years
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GOsh I miss my two fav space badasses <3
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“Lovelace why are you pointing the gun at me?”
Man I loved this scene so much
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commander-minkowski · 2 years
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[id: a digital drawing of Mai and Ty Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender. They are drawn in a semi-realistic style and wear modern clothing. Mai wears a long plaid skirt, a striped turtleneck, a vest, and striped arm warmers. her hair is in the same style as in the show (gathered behind her, with two small buns on top of her head and two thin strands loose). She has her arms crossed in front of her and is looking off to the side with a neutral expression. Ty Lee is next to Mai with her arm reaching out, almost touching Mai's shoulder. She is waving to Mai with her other hand and smiling widely. She wears a tank top, sweatpants, and a heart-shaped necklace. Like Mai's, her hair is in its style from the show (a single braid with long side bangs). There are speech bubbles coming from both of them. Ty Lee's is a wall of text that starts with "Heyyy would you wanna work out w/ me later today? I know you're into throwing knives and" ... most of the rest of the text is obscured and gets smaller until it becomes illegible. Mai's speech bubble says "Fine ... I guess ...", while an arrow pointing to Mai is labeled "secretly loves it <3". the artist's signature is @commander-minkowski. end id]
heard about @maileeweek2022 and drew this in the spur of the moment ^^ I'm always a sucker for a goth/jock romance
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hephaestuscrew · 2 years
The fmk alternative, hera, minkowski, and eiffel
Number 2
fist fight, get drunk with, share a flat with
Much as I love him, I'll fist fight Eiffel, partly because its the only option where I wouldn't get completely destroyed, partly because I'm not pulling him off the wagon and I doubt I could cope living with him.
I'll get drunk with Minkowski- if the talent show incident is anything to go by, she's a fun (if very chaotic) drunk and I'd love to see her let her hair down.
And I'll share a flat with Hera- I hope we'd manage to get on fairly well and I think it'd definitely be more successful than me trying to live with either of the other two.
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whats-a-terrarium · 4 years
Minkowski Angst Fic Rec List
I did it folks!  I made a list of all my favorite Minkowski-centric angst fics!
Borrowed Time by @frith-in-thorns 
Summary: Station-wide malfunctions, bad tempers, minor electrocutions... just another bad day on the Hephaestus, no?
No. It's worse. Of course it's worse.
My Notes:  It’s a time loop fic, babey!  If anyone saw the post I made a while back about being upset over not being able to find one of my favorite fics, this is that fic.  Please read this fic.  It’s so angsty and does a very good job capturing the general tone of the show as well as highlighting Minkowski’s dynamic with the other characters.
Cigarettes and Seaweed Coffee by @donthavesexwithsam
Summary: Minkowski's trying her hardest to keep herself together after the events during which her Comms Officer disappeared, but when the station turns quiet, she finds it harder and harder to keep calm herself.
My Notes: This fic is somehow exactly what I wanted going into it but at the same time took me by surprise?  A very emotional look at Minkowski during Eiffel’s absence.
Under Control by @frith-in-thorns
Summary: On the Hephaestus, everything is completely fine.
My Notes: Did someone say restraining bolt angst?  I probably did, because I’m still eternally screaming about that episode, actually.  But frith_in_thorns said it too because they wrote some absolutely fucking bone chilling restraining bolt angst.
And Take My Pain by zinabug ( @two-am-art)
Summary: Minkowski giving herself a 2am stress haircut.
My Notes: Hi I have a lot of feelings about Minkowski’s relationship with her hair as it relates to her own sense of self preservation and I love this fic so much.
The Aftermath of Everything by @awkwardproducktions
Summary: Renee gets home and finds herself missing something. Read to find out what it is
My Notes: Some good good Mindelka hurt/comfort.  *Chefs kiss.*
Every Mistake Gets Caught On Tape by @frith-in-thorns
Summary: Minkowski is unimpressed with Hera showing interest in astronomy, since based on their track record everything in space is trying to kill them. Especially comets. She should also probably be getting more sleep, because mistakes get made otherwise.
Also featuring useful jobs, pining for regulation dress, delicate wiring, and unacceptable levels of perforation.
My Notes: Another fic by this author!!!  I love their work so much.  This fic’s got some good good Minkowski blaming herself for everything, but we’ve got some pretty decent comfort at the end.
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disgruntleddemon · 4 years
hc when Eiffel’s hair started coming back in (cause i like the idea of it growing back eventually) and was more of a buzzcut, Eiffel loved rubbing it. he really enjoyed the prickly feeling against his hands. he even considered keeping it short cause of that. then Minkowski made a comment about preferring it shorter so he decided to let it grow out again just to annoy her
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gemsofthegalaxy · 4 years
♡: Accidentally falling asleep together w/ minffel 🥺🥺🥺 be it early s2 or whenever you want, ill still die djfjd
Okay this is like Really short (like 500 words) but I lowkey love it ngl. thank you for the prompt!! 
The beeping was incessant. Commander Minkowski didn’t even know what was going wrong anymore. For all she cared at the moment, they could be falling directly into the star they were orbiting.
Well. That wasn’t quite true. She cared. Of course she cared. It was specifically her job to care.
She reminded herself that she cared, and that she had to remember what why the alarm was going off. Then, she shut her eyes again.
Seconds later, she felt the back of her head bump into something as it tilted back. Then, she became aware of the incessant beeping again.
“H-whuh,” she lifted her head again and glanced behind her. Eiffel was staring at her with similarly bleary eyes. “Hera,” she said, “status report.”
Hera ran her report and ended with some sort of quip about how it looked like their real status was that she and Eiffel were taking a leisurely nap. 
Minkowski barely registered the words, her head lulling forward this time.
“Commander,” Eiffel said, though he sounded far away. She felt her back bump into something and opened her eyes once more.
“Wha..t?” she muttered, and she noticed that, now, her face was incredibly close to Eiffel’s. Evidently, he had turned around, and her back had bumped into his chest
“I said we need to sleep, Minkowski.” She gave a weak glare when he mispronounced her name.
“No, no,” she said, “I’m fine.” She shook her head and almost hit him in the face, then reached to grab a hold and pull away from his body.
“Okay,” Doug muttered, glancing away from her again. Minkowski drew herself closer to the screens they were working on.
“Hera,” Minkowski stated, voice just a bit more confident than earlier. “Status report,” she commanded.
Hera sighed with irritation, “I just told you…” but she recounted details of the current meltdown once more. Renee nodded along, her eyes dropping just a bit as she listened.
“Got it,” Minkowski muttered. “Eiffel. Bring me that… that doo-hickey,” she said. She glanced over her shoulder and Eiffel grabbed some little tool, holding it up. She nodded. “Yeah, the thing,” she said, then she sniffed.
Eiffel grabbed the hold and pulled himself closer to her again, and she instructed him to open a panel on the wall next to them. He did, and she turned to press over his shoulder and fiddle with some stuff in the panel.
“Is this.. is this doing anything?” Eiffel asked a few moments later, after Renee dropped what she was doing, her arm floating in front of her. Then, he heard her snore from her spot on his shoulder. Eiffel sighed, and shut his eyes again, leaning into her body.
A moment after that, the beeping stopped, for about ten minutes. Hera said something that neither of them heard.  
When beeping started again (to be fair it may have been an entirely different beeping, neither of them knew) they both slowly opened their eyes and blinked at each other. Minkowski was still pressed up to Eiffel’s back, her chin on his shoulder, their faces barely an inch from each other.
Renee was too tired to even blush. She dropped her face entirely on Eiffel’s shoulder and made a pathetic little noise. Eiffel just pressed his cheek to her hair and let out a long, exhausted whine in the back of this throat that broke off into a fake sobbing noise.
About three minutes later, Commander Minkowski lifted her head and said,
“Hera. Status report.”
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castintothepod · 4 years
Doug Eiffel for the ask game, thanks @mystic-lemon (I'm always ready to talk about my boy Douggie Fresh)
Favorite thing about them: This has to be the hardest question on this list istg. Facts are these: I Love Him? Shouldn't that be enough? No, but for real, I could probably go in depth on how great a charcater he is and all that et cetera, but damn did I blank with overwhelming love. In short: he has a very, very good charcater development and it's steady and perfectly written the whole way and it takes you by the hand and yanks into a journey alongside Eiffel and his personal growth and you can't help but get a little attached. He has MANY good traits and I would die 4 him thanks
Least favorite thing about them: It took him HOW many years to pronounce Minkowski's name correctly?? Smh I'd kick his ass. He was also a jerk in a good chunk of the first like uuh 10 or so episodes
Favorite line: Tbh most things that comes out of his mouth. "The Kumbaya Approach" is a timeless classic tho. It's hard to pick one favorite line aaah
brOTP: Him and Hera...good friendship..many feelings
OTP: Eiffel × Happiness!!! Can't stress this enough!!!!!
nOTP: Fuck, like anyone ever trying to hurt him?? (Wolf ain't about romance tho so personally I don't vibe with ships, but accept they're there)
Random headcanon: Alright, so I might project this onto him, but like me he also bleaches/dyes hair right before a potential breakdown. Grabs a handful of chemicals from Hilbert's lab and rubs it into his hair, outcome...debatable. This has happened on more than one occasion. Space is hell. Let the man cope
Unpopular opinion: This man is NOT a himbo. Has more brains than given credit for, sadly not enough muscle to qualify. Could never pass the himbo test no matter how hard you want him to
Song I associate with them: Haha, is now the time I dump my entire Eiffel playlist here? Maybe some other time? Any way, Astronaut by Sir Sly because it has the melancholic vibes
Favorite picture of them: Not a fave but I think everyone should appreciate my Sims Eiffel and his amazing fit (plus he's v cute regardless)
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voidlycat · 5 years
3, 12, 29 :3c
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
uh oh gamers andy’s trying to get me to kin assign myself!
homestuck - rose lalonde!wolf 359 - hera or minkowski! she-ra - adora?su - connie!! also rose’s excitement about life and change, but not the horrible warcrimes. what other fandoms are i in :lisa: i felt like this was a stretchim gonna count hiveswap as its own thing bchiveswap - TYZIAS TYZIAS TYZIAS TYZIAS TYZIAS TYZIAS Tand also wanshi hit me so strongly bc,,,,, owocry bro you are baby and i was a baby just like you. i love you wanshi. also to a much lesser extent, stelsa and chixie! it’s funny though, because i tend to really associate with the Smart(tm) characters, but ive grown a lot beyond needing to Be the smart person, so its strange to me that all of the characters i still heavily relate to are the Smart(tm) ones (though, i suppose a lot of them have that same Thing about needing to be smart). except adora. adora has dumb jock energy but she wants to do the right thing and i connect w that. 
12. dog person or cat person?
im def a cat person, but i love dogs! we have five at the moment :3 two of them are fourth generation pups from a border collie we had when i was really little! their dad’s still alive too, he’s a Good Boy.
29. three songs that you connect with right now.
oh no it depends on whether you mean i Connect with as it i feel it describes how im feeling rn or songs that i just associate heavily w myself for the first one its probably anyone on my “uh oh!” playlist and for the second one it’s my “purple” playlist. for songs i feel in my chest, they’re literally all the songs in all my other playlists, especially any of my rp muse lists. love like you, talk me down, and maybeeee college (by stories untold) for How Im Kinda Feeling Rn Bro. also its not directly tied to my mood but the song Off She Goes by bad suns is so powerful to me i love bad suns so muchbleeding heart, cut my hair, and try to change are probably my main three Oh These I Feel Are Me songs, as well as some saint bernard. for songs i cant Not imagine an animatic to all the way through,,,, oh god theres so many. ill just pick some randomly rather than my Top Threeghosting - for an elaborate and convoluted homestuck au rp; this song particularly is about the relationship between tyz and an alternate of the dolorosa who grew close to them online before rosa went out slaughtering her way through people to get to the grand highblood (she died before he did r.i.p). her ghost haunts tyz because it’s too painful to face the rest of her clade and then she feels guilty later because her ghost is an assholeburn - stelsa and tyzias. i could just leave it there but the particular animatic i imagine to it involves the au mentioned above. in it, theres a lot of painful tension between the two because. :). we live to suffer.closer (by the tiny) - i really associate this song with one of my close irl friends. she moved away a while ago and i miss her almost everyday. in an ideal world i would be able to animate something to this song for her because she deserves it. 
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AU where Eiffel raised Anne on the Hephaestus? (That’s crazy ik sorry)
1.) Eiffel doesn’t know who pulled who’s strings to get Anne on the trip from Earth to Wolf 359 with him, Hilbert, and Minkowski but he owes them a fruit basket. Maybe a coffee cake and a gift card.
2.) He also doesn’t know who negotiated with Kate and hopes their death was both painless and quick and that Kate got more money than she knows what to do with out of it. (He tries to ignore the fact that Goddard basically bought his daughter from his ex to give him custody but it’s...hard to ignore, considering everything)
3.) Hilbert is probably supposed to also be testing the Decima on Anna, but depending on how into testing on children you are, he either goes at it with his scientific gusto or refuses and doesn’t infect her (I vote ‘no’ on the ‘does Hilbert test on Anne’ question)
4.) Hera adores Anne, and develops a light-based version of sign language to talk to her. Eiffel has a good grasp of sign language, Minkowski is passable, and Hilbert either doesn’t try or his an expert.
5.) Hera enacts a lot more safety measures bc of Anne, so when Hilbert does his Christmas Time Murder Fun she’s able to keep Anne safe even with Hilbert hampering her
6.) Jacobi and Maxwell didn’t know about her so when they get to the Hephaestus and Eiffel walks onto the station and a literal child bursts into tears and runs full tilt at him, they’re a little 1) surprised and B) displeased with the idea of having to kill everyone eventually bc Literal Child
7.) She loves Aunt Isabel and Aunt Renee and Aunt Hera SO MUCH, has kicked Hilbert at least twice, tried to make friends with the Plant Monster, bit Kepler, let Maxwell do her hair, and played hide and seek with Jacobi. And she clings to Eiffel once he gets back like a piece of velcro and he wouldn’t have it any other way
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