#love those games hebe
dewdewick · 5 months
Shadows in the dust | Chapter 1
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Pairing/s: Finnick Odair x fem reader
Summary: At the age of 18 you thought you’d soon be free of the hunger games, unfortunately fate has a different plan. You are picked as a tribute for district 2 and thrust into capitol life.
Warning/s: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Trust issues, Death, Torture, Mental illnesses, manipulation tactics, Weapons, Swearing, Canon typical violence, Mentions of psychological distress, Use of Y/N, Fem reader, descriptions of clothing reader wears, explicit descriptions of weapon use, mentions of Avoxes, bad descriptions of capitol technology
A/N: Sorry this is late! I have Covid at the moment so I’m bedridden for the time being. Thank you SO SO much to my Beta Beans / @mjbeans they were such a huge help in writing this. I’ll probably post a few more art pieces soon of readers outfits I’ve described, let me know what you think of those. If you have any comments I’d love to see them!! Also let me know if I should start a tag list when I start the masterlist!
Word count: 5.6k
A sharp knocking awoke her with a start. She sat up in bed and looked around groggily in the dark before she heard a shrill voice at the door. “ Darling you must be up at breakfast! We have a schedule to keep!” Furisha lamented through the door. She flopped back in bed and stared at the ceiling; the capitol had spared no expense on the room, ornate gold trim lined the crown molding. Fleur de lis lining the corners and retreating out with a flourish. The room was dark, the clock next to her bed reading 5:30am.
She studied the detail on the ceiling for a moment before hauling herself out of the duvet's warm embrace and grabbing the remote she had set aside the night prior. She dismissed the sounds she had playing and switched the window back to its normal display. Turning on the lights she looked at the rumpled duvet. The book she had fallen asleep with was still open, flipped to a random page and abandoned on the covers of the large bed. She picked it up and closed it gently, running her fingers over the fabric cover in memory. She set the book on the nightstand and crossed the room to quickly ready herself. She dressed in a simple loose blue henley and black pants, the upcoming tribute parade would surely rid her of the comfortable outfit after breakfast. Brushing her hair and teeth quickly she looked in the mirror, deciding she didn’t really care what she looked like for breakfast.
She made her way out of the automatic door and meandered down the hallway to the dining room. Finch perked up as he saw her, still clad in his pajamas. Apparently he had come to the same conclusion about attire. “Mornin’ sunshine” he teased as she offered a small smile. “Good morning” she yawned, sitting down at the large dining table and pulling her legs up to her chest. She took the steaming mug of hot chocolate already prepared for her, sipping on it and humming with delight. Furisha grinned “you two are adorable! I can already see the headlines!” she all but cheered. Y/N frowned into her mug, ah yes the headlines about one or both of them dying despite being such good friends…how wonderful. What a fine way to start the morning, thinking of death and grief. She suppressed a roll of her eyes as she took a meat and cheese pastry and set it on her plate along with some fruit.
“Are you two ready for today? All eyes will be on you.” Enobaria asked, sipping her coffee. Finch leaned forward, setting his mug down. He looked tired, he had definitely been thinking of the morning to come. “Hebe told me that we’ll be coming out second, and that we have to make a good impression as a team since so many others are coming out after us.” he said looking over at Y/N. “Our first impression needs to be the best one we make. Any ideas for how we can do that?” he asked, plucking a grape off her plate and popping it into his mouth. She couldn't help but let a small smile come to her face, this guy was a total dork.
“I'm sure Aerith will.” she shivered at the name of the old woman. “But knowing the capitol it has the be something big and eye catching.” She added. His stylist “Hebe” sounded much more laid back from what he had told her and she had seen at dinner the night prior. Unfortunately she seemed to be destined for a rather cutthroat approach rather than “nice”. Finch nodded, stealing another grape and looking at their mentors. “Any advice for us?” He asked, “I want to get noticed as soon as I can. I’m not going for subtle.” Brutus crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair and looked at his fellow mentor, “It depends on how far you're willing to go” he spoke cryptically. Y/N couldn’t help but feel her stomach sink at the words.
The two tributes discussed the parade with their mentors throughout breakfast, coming up with a few different strategies for stardom. The safety of childhood seemed to be all gone, the only things left being survival and with that fame. Soon enough breakfast was cut short, and they were being dressed for the event in the underbelly of the long strip or road where they would soon appear.
Aerith tugged different fabrics over Y/Ns body, settling and pinning them in place. She wore an asymmetrical dress with a red gradient down the tulle ruffled bodice. Small gems where added and glinted in the light. Aerith pulled a shimmering organza fabric over her head as a hood, letting the tendrils trail behind her in a silken cape. The hood was pinned into her hair as it was picked at by some very bored looking hairstylists. She was attacked by a group of makeup artists at the same time. Glitter, eyeliner and red lipstick smeared onto her face to perfection,her skin felt heavy with all of the products placed onto it. Heeled boots were fitted to her feet assuring she stood tall and proud and she was returned to Aerith, inspected by the old woman and given unwanted remarks about her stance, posture and body.
Aerith smiled at her work as she forced her human canvas into an uncomfortable position, looking Y/N over and once again tugging on bits of fabric. “You look devine my dear” she complemented “If you somehow manage to survive I plan to make you my muse.” She said with another unsettling smile. Y/N managed a small smile and a soft yet uncomfortable thanks to her stylist before the old woman led her to the carriages. “Stay here until you're told to mount up, I'll come meet you.” Aertith instructed, turning to go god knows where. The small woman meandered off through the crowd, leaving her young ward alone.
Y/N stood awkwardly next to the chariot, the sickly sweet aroma of the white roses decorating it floating through the air. The scent reminded her of Furisha, too much all at once. She took a moment to admire her surroundings, the other tributes were just as ornately dressed as she was. They stood tall and stiff, she wondered if they felt as nervous as she did. She noted the girl from district 1 appearing almost 6’ feet tall, she was being nitpicked by Cashmere at that moment. The boy by her side was easily the size of Finch, broad and tall with blue eyes and golden hair. The boy caught her eye and winked, she quickly averted her eyes, the interaction making her queasy. She turned her attention to her own chariot once more, looking to the gigantic black horse next to her. The horse chomped at its bit, making small snuffling noises as it waited just like her. She spotted a small table, a bowl of sugar cubes sat atop it. Everything has to be perfect in the capitol, down to the details of a table that would be left untouched. Looking around to make sure Aerith wasn't around to catch her she made a dash for the bowl.
She snatched it and hurried back to her post, smiling as she took a cube in her perfectly manicured red fingernails. She sat the cube in her palm, gingerly offering it to the horse by her side. The horse ate the cube greedily, looking to her to ask for more. She giggled to herself at the actions of the animal, taking another and giving it to him before offering one to his partner as well. Both horses ate the sugar cubes happily as she pet their muzzles, necks and ears.
She was reminded of the horses she had gotten to know in her village, she missed the whinnies on the street and the tricks a few of them knew for treats. She missed the hustle of the town square, the twinkling lights from the shops and the smells from the restaurants and bakeries. Her village was populated mostly by horse drawn carriages, cars being a luxury only reserved for the capitol and few in district 1. The horse in front of her nudged her shoulder and she broke from her sorrowful trance, petting his soft fur with the offer of yet another sugar cube.
“You seem good with them” A male voice spoke, snapping her from her thoughts and causing a shiver to run down her spine. Her ears perked up in curiosity and with a raise of her brows she peered around the animal to see who addressed her.
A young man stood there, a few sugar cubes of his own in his hand. He offered a small grin, dimples peeking out and highlighting his sea-green eyes and handsome face. She recognized him a bit, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly where they had met. “I like horses.” she said softly in response to his compliment, feeling a bit shy at the smile of the gorgeous man in front of her. “I do too, but unfortunately you'll only be seeing them at this event.” He said with a wink, he fed her horse a cube, petting its nose. obviously he knew she was a tribute. Was he one too? If so, why did he look so familiar? She had seen those wind blown bronze waves before somewhere but she couldn’t pinpoint when or how.
“That's too bad, I was hoping to get one as a gift from sponsors or Caesar Flickerman.” she said, laughing a bit at her own dumb joke. He laughed too, placing one toned arm on his hip, his green dress shirt bunching up at his elbow. “ you know I-” he started before being cut off. A male voice came over the speakers “Tributes mount up, First chariot in 2 minutes. I repeat, Tributes mount up, First chariot in 2.” the man spoke over the intercom. She frowned and pet the horse's muzzle once more, giving him a small kiss on his nose. “Very sweet honey, unfortunately this is where we part ways. I would’ve liked to know more about you.” the boy commented, giving her another award winning smile and offering his hand. She took it and noticed the rough callus of his palms and smooth soft texture of the back of his hand. He led her to the back of the chariot, kissing the top of her wrist softly before slipping from her grasp.
“Until next time sugar.” he said with a flirtatious wink, jogging back to another chariot not in her view. She stood dumbfounded in the spot he left her, she wondered if she would meet him in the arena, Maybe they could be allies. She was quickly thrust back into reality by Aerith poking her with a pin. She gasped at the sudden pain, looking down at the old woman displeased. Finch jogged up with who Y/N assumed to be his stylist Hebe following just behind. She was a small plump woman with strawberry blonde hair and a warm smile.”Aerith leave the poor girl be.” She repremanded. If only Hebe could've been her stylist, she seemed sweet.
Hebe murmured something to Finch and he waved her off, claiming that he already knew the “plan”. Y/N was forced to shrug the interaction off as she looked down at Aerith, the old woman was once again straightening any loose fabric or flyaway hairs to keep herself busy. Finch quickly hopped up onto the chariot, offering a hand to help Y/N up, she gratefully took it. The heels she was in weren't exactly comfortable or chariot friendly. He continued to hold her hand as they waited, his thumb rubbing gently over her knuckles by habit. She noticed his bare arms, the vest he wore matched her dress perfectly, the gradient on his chest melting into the sandy color of his pants. He sported a lightweight scarf similar to her own, the fabric falling behind him in a cape. Aerith and Hebe instructed them to offer big smiles and do their best to seem approachable but prideful. Sponsors wanted any hint of a celebrity attitude more than anything and would pay to see it demonstrated.
After a beat the chariot in front of them moved and theirs followed suit, her grip tightened on both the railing and Finch. she held his arm steadying herself in his grasp. The couple in front of them was thrust into the sunlight, glitter from their outfits and Hair sparkling in the morning sunlight and causing the crowd to scream in delight. Y/N nervously chewed her lip, this was so much pressure to bear. Their coach came out next, the lightweight fabric of their makeshift capes fluttering behind them in the breeze. They both smiled and waved, observing the capitol citizens. The patrons screamed and some even pretended to faint at the sight of them, the dramatics made Y/N laugh to herself. Maybe Furisha was strange to them but compared to these people she could be considered relatively tame. Finch turned to her quickly and spoke in a low voice, “Do you trust me enough to let me pull a stunt?” he suddenly asked.
She froze and thought for a second, did she? What if he made a fool of her to make his chances better? What if he did something that made her look vulnerable or lost her sponsors? She eyed him warily and observed his desperate gaze. “Trust me please?” he whispered in her ear. Finally going against her better judgment she gave in and nodded to him. “Don't embarrass or kill me please” She said as she waited for him to make a move.
He bent down and scooped her up in the air as he had the night before next to the bookshelf. She yelped in surprise and held his shoulder for dear life, her fingernails surely digging into his skin a bit at the unexpected surprise. Her eyes were wide as she perched on his shoulder, trying her best to smile and just focus on anything but falling. The crowd went ballistic, chanting their names and pushing against barricades. These people really were animals of the most dreadful variety.
Finch held an iron grip on her thighs and the chariot's rail as she waved for both of them. Flower bouquets and jewels were thrown to the couple, anything to get a glance from the now extremely popular tributes. It was ridiculous how one small move or show of strength and poise could change the tides in this way. Y/N looked at the banners on the sides of the track, they showed her smiling face and Finch with his now signature grin. She dared to look down at her partner, giving him a wide grin. “Your trick is genius!” she exclaimed over the roar of the crowd. He gave her a toothy grin in response, boysish charm radiating off of him. Turning into a semi-circle, the chariots stopped to view president Snow's annual opening speech. Finch gently reached up and took her waist, settling her down back to the chariot floor, his hand on her lower back afterwards to steady her. She smiled up at him, happy for his quick thinking and little “stunt.”
She could only try her best to take deep breaths and calm her racing heart during the speech, the excitement was a lot to handle in a short amount of time. The ride across the path had only been about 5 minutes but she felt as if she’d run 5 miles due to the adrenaline rush. She didn't really listen to the speech, it was usually the same each year anyway. Instead she looked up at Finch, studying his freckles like constellations. He looked down and offered her a silly smile and she felt happy she had accepted his offer of friendship. He was turning out to be the solace she had been praying for.
The chariots moved back down the tack after the short address to the tributes and she briefly caught the eye of Snow. His gaze made her shiver, she never wanted to be the subject of it again. Something about the president made her uncomfortable, his stare unfeeling. The horses pulled them down the path and she was back where she started not even 20 minutes before. Finch hopped off and took her waist once more, lifting her off the platform of the coach and setting her on the ground. She looked back, whispering her goodbyes to the horses and looking around for the bronze haired stranger who had captured her interest. He could be seen briefly, patting the back of the smaller district 4 boy. So he was a mentor? She watched him smile at the younger boy and couldn't help but melt a bit at how kind his smile looked. “Finnick Odair” Aerith said with a knowing smile as she followed the young woman's gaze.
A light blush dusted her cheeks when she realized she had been caught, and by Aerith no less. She cleared her throat and looked down at her companion. “He seems…nice.” she said innocently and Aerith only smiled wider “he’s a flirtatious man whore but if you like that sort of man more power to you.” She stated coldly before turning her heel and leading the group out of the area. All at once Y/N was again surrounded and ushered away from the concrete tunnel in a hurry. She stole one final glance at the handsome mentor she now knew as “Finnick”, He caught her eye with one last smile and wink before she disappeared down the tunnel.
She and Finch were taken back to their quarters, Photographs were taken and they were once again stripped, washed and dressed in tight jumpsuits. Somehow it wasn't even 11 in the morning but Y/N was exhausted. Furisha excitedly sat them down for an early lunch to discuss what the rest of their day entailed. She gushed over their appearance in the parade not even an hour earlier, squealing over how Caesar Flickerman had called them “favorites this year.”
It was nice to know they had done a good job and already had a stellar reputation but Enobaria soon cut into the squawking rant. “You have to keep in mind that a good reputation this early can also be dangerous. Districts like 1 and 4 will most likely try to pit you two against each other or even ask you to kill the other as a show of loyalty later in the games.” she warned, resting her elbows on the table and leaning forward to continue. “ If you want to continue this alliance you need to be prepared to get backlash from the other tributes.” she continued. Brutus interrupted, sharing the same sentiment “You need to be ready and willing to kill for your partner. You two can decide later if you want to stay together but in the beginning it can be crutial to have your district partner as an ally.” He said with a pointed glance at the two teens who were just trying to eat their lunch.
Y/N spared her mentors an upset glance, she didn’t want to kill anyone however She knew the sentiment would be dismissed the moment it left her lips. Finch just nodded along, unlike her he was a trained killer. His family was well off and sent him to the academy when he turned 10, two years before he was even eligible for the games. “I know neither of you want to kill, you never do before the games.” Enobaria said, especially talking to Y/N “but once it comes down to it, you have to know how. That’s what this afternoon is about, you’ll train on how to survive.” She explained. Y/N took a bite of the sandwich in front of her, the taste distracting her from the stress momentarily.
“Like how to use knives and stuff?” Y/N asked with her mouth full, her words muffled as she ate. Furisha frowned “Young lady-“ she started in a disappointed tone before Brutus interrupted her by barking out a laugh. “Yes, knives and stuff” He laughed. Y/N slid down in her seat munching on her sandwich, a bit embarrassed at her wording.
Lunch was finished quickly, the tributes eager to both experience the training and to scope out the competition. They arrived early to the scheduled training at the insistence of Furisha, something about impressions. Y/N looked around the large gymnasium, there were weapons everywhere she looked. A small patch of artificial forest sat to the side next to a large screen covered in symbols of bugs. She could only assume they were for wilderness training.
Finch took her hand, setting his sights on the station where spears sat on a rack. “Brutus told me you need to learn how to fight, plants and bugs can wait.” He said as he dragged her over to a platform with a soft mat covering it. He took a spear from the rack and handed it to her, pointing to a plastic dummy. “Kill it” he said in a commanding voice. He had to be kidding? She had no idea how to kill anything bigger than a spider!
Her eyes widened as she looked at him “how do I do that?” She asked with a look of confusion and a grain of fear. His shoulders fell a bit and he stepped closer, remembering she had not trained for this at all. He stepped behind her, gently taking her hands and spacing them out on the spear. He squared her shoulders and told her to keep her feet apart for balance. “Just stab and rip” He said, stepping to the side and holding his own spear. He showed her how to thrust it in the air and mimed the way one would rip it upwards out of a body. They practiced the same movements over and over. He fixed her footing a few more times and taught her to at least mildly defend herself against the air where they stood. She desperately needed some training from a real teacher but he would have to do for now.
She mimicked his movements, becoming a bit more confident with each step, she wondered what it would be like to actually fight with a weapon like a spear. After a few more moments he spoke again, “Focus on learning combat and finding strong allies today ok?” He instructed as he picked up an ax, holding it over his broad shoulder. “Will you be ok alone? I want to do some practice by myself.” He asked “If you need help there'll be teachers here too." He quickly added. She was about to reply when the Steel door opened, freezing as more tributes filed in slowly. The two stood silently watching the others as they broke off to their own activities.
The boy from district 1 crossed his arms and watched them, studying their movements.and forms. Finch frowned, he knew the boy wanted to intimidate them and he was not amused. He looked at Y/N with pity, thinking how terrified she must be. She felt uncomfortable with the look both boys gave her, wanting to squirm out of the spotlight. She didn’t want pity, she just wanted to be counted on. She decided if she was underestimated she may as well play that card for all it was worth. Hopping off the platform she approached the boy from 1. She gave him a fake smile, if she wasn't good at fighting yet the least she could do would be to endear herself to as many people as possible.
“Hi, I’m Y/N” she said cheerfully, sticking her hand out to shake. The boy looked taken aback, looking at her outstretched limb as if it was poisoned. “I’m…..Ammo.” He introduced himself. She pretended to perk up, her hand falling to her side “Like Ammo from a gun? That’s so cool” she said, really playing up the sweetness in her voice.
“Yeah exactly like that” He said, letting his guard down a bit but still wary of her. “You're the girl who pulled that stunt at the parade this morning, right?” He then asked and she nodded “It wasn’t really my idea, I’m not super clever.” She smiled, the lie rolling off her tongue like honey. “but I’m excited to meet everyone, I know we’ll be in the games and all that in a week or so but it’ll be cool to meet new people.” She added with a bubbly laugh.
The boy seemed to let his guard down even more “I doubt you'll have a hard time making friends.” he noted and she faked another giggle, subtly touching his bicep. She was a good looking girl, easy on the eyes and that certainly helped her with this shallow boy. “Do you want to train with me for a bit?” she asked “I bet you totally know what you’re doing on the field.” She smiled, a sugar sweet coating on her words, “ oh! i'd love to meet your district partner too, she's so pretty.” she added, giving a small wiggle in false excitement. Ammo thought for a moment before agreeing, motioning his partner over to them. “Dutchess! Come meet Y/N.” he said, grinning as the tall girl walked over, her blonde hair swinging in a ponytail behind her.
The almost amazonian girl stood in front of them, a questioning look on her face to Ammo, “girl from 2 right?” she asked with a skeptical look. Y/N gave a big smile “thats me, and I just have to say I loved your outfit earlier at the parade. You looked gorgeous, and your hair was so pretty!” she lied through her teeth. Truthfully she had only spared the tall girl half a glance during the parade, her main focus being that “Finnick Odair” who flirted with her a moment after.
The girl spared a small smile, “thanks, it didn't get too noticed since you and your little boyfriend pulled that move though.” she snarked. Y/N frowned, this girl was going to be much harder to crack than her partner. A pretty face and the damsel in distress act wouldn’t cut it…or would it? “I’m sorry, I know it was a lot.” she apologized fraudulently, doing her best to change her body language to one of sadness. “I figured I could show my family I was happy before I died, you know? I mean there's no way I'm winning this.” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear. That wasn't exactly a 100% lie, she wasn't the biggest or smartest but she hoped she could at least blend in or hide until she could die by her own will or stab someone in the back.
The girl seemed a bit taken aback by the admission but retained her stoic demeanor. “Too bad for you.” She deadpanned, crossing her arms. “Just know I’m keeping an eye on you and your little boyfriend” she sneered, narrowing her eyes. Ammo frowned at his partner, “c’mon Dutch, be nice.” He said, motioning to Y/N. The blonde rolled her eyes, turning on her heel and sauntering away to a different station. Y/N cringed internally at the uncomfortable interaction, motioning for Finch to come join them. “Well let me at least introduce you to my District partner.” She said, trying to salvage the possible alliance.
Finch looked a bit shocked at how quickly she had stolen the attention of the career boy. He hopped down from the platform, walking over and unconsciously letting his hand rest on her lower back in a protective manner. “How in the hell did you pull that off already?” he asked in a low voice, a warm smile on his face. The smile grew on her face as she looked up at him winked, looking back at the blonde in front of them. “This is the tribute from district 1, Ammo.” She introduced with a kind tone, turning to her partner. “And this is Finch Glenn, the strongest boy in district 2.” She said, doing her best to make Finch seen as desirable an ally as possible.
Finch shook his hand “If Y/N likes you, I do too” he said “she’s a smart girl and her instincts are killer. She’s definitely the brains behind the both of us.” he complemented, a small country boy accent slipping out involuntarily. A light blush dusted her cheeks, why did his words give her subtle butterflies? And why did she like that accent so much? Was it because he reminded her of home? She shook off the thoughts quickly Better to ignore the feeling, she needed to concentrate.
An instructor clapped her hands loudly “Tributes!” she shouted in an authoritative tone “Gather up!” she motioned to the area around her. Y/N's eyes coincidentally met the eyes of Dutchess, the two making their way quickly to the center of the room where the woman stood. The two boys followed them, giving eachother a slight uncomfortable look.
Once everyone had gathered the instructor spoke again, “This week and a half will be the busiest of your life. You will learn how to fight yes but more importantly you will learn to survive, 20% of you will die by dehydration, starvation or exposure. You will learn to find food,water and make fire.” She warned “Fighting amongst yourselves is strictly forbidden, you'll have plenty of time for bloodlust in the arena.” she smiled, taking a sick pleasure in the thought.
The hours following were grueling: cardio, stamina, and weight training were the hardest. Fire, food and water were surprisingly the easiest. She internally praised her grade school teacher and her mother for forcing her to read books on wildlife and the water cycle. She remembered water was usually on low ground, that she could find water where the greenest of plants lie.
By the end of the long day she had gotten the trust of a few tributes from districts 1,4 and the young girl from 8. The 13 year old discussed fabrics and dresses as long as she could, slightly bragging that she could make a full dress in only an afternoon. Y/N liked the little girl from 8, it saddened her that the bright light of the child would soon be only smoke, snuffed out not only by the games but the citizens who quickly forgot all about her..Children who were murdered in the games were often treated like toys that children receive for special occasions, played with for a short time and then forgotten in the rain or buried beneath the bodies of other playthings.
Y/N vowed to not be like one of those playthings, she wanted to at least be remembered if she was to die. She needed to make a splash or ignite a fire if she could, anything to mean something to the world.
Her muscles screamed as she Changed for dinner that night, the hours of hard work exhausting her physically and mentally. She was never sure if it was Furisha, Aerith or an Avox that laid out her clothes. For all she knew it was some robot that lived in the walls. without fail every time she came into her room the bed was made and the next outfit was laid out. This particular evening it was a simple sky blue dress with puff sleeves, ruffles and flowers embroidered on the bottom of the skirt. She was beginning to see the pattern in the way she was dressed. Always big sleeves, lots of colors and tulle.
She stripped out of the tight training suit, letting it fall to her ankles as she stretched. The fabric was comfortable but the tight fitting nature made her feel cramped and stifled. She picked up the dress, the fibers feeling silky and smooth. Untangling her feet she stepped into the garment, letting it fall to her knees and zipping it in the back.
A ribbon hair bow was also provided, she was unsure of clipping it in her hair. Furisha knocked quickly and rapidly on the door “Dinner awaits darling!” she said in her usual singsong tone.
God she couldn’t wait for the day to be over.
She sat next to Finch in the dining room once again, being served a creamy red soup filled with beans, rice, and some sort of meat. As usual it was delicious, her hunger making her devour the bowl in a matter of minutes. Finch was the same, eating two bowls before they were served the next course.
Their entree looked like a large but simple bread roll, her eyebrows rose in confusion. Maybe it was meant to go with their soup but was forgotten? Of course not, She looked up to see Enobaria cutting into the roll with a knife and fork. Finch simply took a bite of the roll, a satisfying crunch leaving the crust. She did the same, a savory pork and vegetable mix flooding her senses. She all but melted at the flavor, trying to fit more in her mouth.
Finch grinned at her efforts “Slow down, the food isn’t gonna run from you.” He laughed. She deadpanned, “might in the arena though” she replied, taking another bite. “I wanna eat while my food is caught for me” she mumbled with a mouthful. He only smiled, leaning over and nudging her playfully as they both ate.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Apollo Deity Guide
The Romans knew him as either Apollo or Phoebus, he is the god of the sun, art, and music.
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Who is Apollo?
Apollo was also worshipped as god of healing and medicine as well as prophecy and divination.
Unlike his more introverted twin sister, Apollo kept the company of many beings from deities to mortals.
Parents and Siblings
Zeus is his father, his mother is Leto
Artemis is his only full sibling.
Helen of Troy
The Graces
The Muses
Lovers or Partners
Apollo had lovers of both the male and female variety!
Female Lovers include: Hecuba, Ourea, Arsinoe, Coronis, Creusa, Cyrene, Rhoeo, Evadne, Thero, Dryope and The Muses.
Male Lovers include: Cyparissus, Branchus, Admetus, Adonis, Atymnius, Boreas, Helenus, Hippolytus, Hymenaios, Hyacinth, Lapis, Phorbas
Apollo also had many one-sided loves such as Daphne, Hyrie/Thyrie, and Melia.
He had many children including, Asclepius, Orpheus, Ion, Aristaeus, Amphiaraus, Troilus and Scylla. Look here for a bigger list of Apollo's children and their mothers.
Phoebus Apollo, or just Pheobus
Loxias” (referring to the god’s ambiguous oracles, called loxia)
“Lyceus” (a word that simultaneously evokes light, wolves, and the region of Lycia) (Mythopedia)
Apollo Daphnephoros
He is often conflated with Helios, the personification of the sun.
Holy Days/Festivals
The Pythian Games
The Delia
Celebrated in Athens, The Boedromia, Metageitnia, and Pyanepsia
Thargelia.) - Apollo’s Birthday, the day after Artemis’, would be the 7th day of Thargelion, which is roughly May 25th in the Gregorian calendar.
The Carneia and Hyacinthia were celebrated in Sparta
The Daphnephoria was celebrated every nine years in Thebes
From literature we know that the twins didn’t immediately start out as deities of the moon and sun respectively.
The most important temple dedicated to Apollo is the temple and Oracle at Delphi. The priestess Pythia would listen to and deliver Apollo’s prohocies and words. The story says that Pythia had breathed in vapors that rose from a spring underneath the temple.
Modern Deity Work
Disclaimer - Not all of these are traditional or historic correspondences nor do they need to be. However, any correspondence that can be considered traditional will be marked with a (T).
Tiger’s eye jasper
Laurel (T)
Hyacinth (T)
Palm tree (T)
Larkspur (T)
Marigolds (Calendula)
Swans (T)
Ravens and crows (T)
Deer (T)
Hawks (T)
Lyre/Harp (T)
Curved Bow (T)
The Sun (T)
Plectrum (pick)
Laurel Crown (T)
Any of the items listed above, or iconography of the items
Art of or that reminds you of Apollo (T)
Signs of the Sun
Honey (T)
Baked goods
Fruits and nuts (T)
Sun water
Wine (T)
Olives, olive oil, olive branch (T)
Acts of Devotion
Celebrate the Olympics
Take up a sport
Read hymns of Apollo (T)
Watch and appreciate the sunrise and sunset
Bask in the sunlight (use sunscreen if you plan on doing this for longer than a few minutes!)
Practice divination (T)
Study philosophy, medicine, and pursue knowledge!
Write or read poetry and songs written for Apollo (T)
Keep in mind that these are only some ideas for offerings and correspondences! Items and activities that connect you to her in a more personal way are just as good, and often better, than those you find on the internet. As with any relationship, feel it out, ask questions, and be attentive and receptive!
References and Further Reading
Apollo - Mythopedia
Mythopedia has huge lists on either page for further reading on both Artemis and Apollo.
Apollo - Wikipedia
Apollo - Theoi Project
More Epithets here
Apollo - Greekmythology.com
Myths of Greece and Rome; Apollo (Phoebus) By Jane Harrison (Via Sacred-Texts)
Fun fact about Coin: I have a tattoo inspired by Apollo, with an arrow going through the roman numeral XIII and a minimalist sun overlaying the middle of the number in honor of my own twin who has the same tattoo but with a moon instead of a sun.
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bastardtrait · 8 months
great big get 2 know me post
i promise everyone that has tagged me in things that i did not ignore them! thanks for tagging me friends <3 love u all and if anyone sees this and wants to do it, please, use this post an excuse
5 songs i actually listen to - tagged by @airbussy-a330!
when you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. then send this (ask or tag) to 10 cool people
アイド/ルIdol - YOASOBI
Do not touch - MISAMO
小幸运/A little happiness - Hebe Tien
死ぬのがいいわ/Alright with dying - Fujii Kaze
Replay - Iyaz (I know it's a meme but it's also a banger ok)
people you'd like to get to know better - tagged bt @thegloomiestwhim and @beebeesiims!
last song: Do not touch - MISAMO
favourite colour: yellow, as it's been for the last couple years!
currently watching: Demon Slayer but idk if I'll keep going lol...
last movie: Scooby Doo on Zombie Island LOL
currently reading: The Colour Purple by Alice Walker
sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury
last thing I googled: the business hours of a restaurant nearby
current obsession: nothing, I think
currently working on: editing Nova gen 6 and playing gen 7
feelings tag, sims edition - I am borrowing this from @akitasimblr bc it was just so interesting to think about.
"The boss of EA is in front of you asking for one statement about The Sims before he goes away and makes TS5. What do you say to him?"
was Journey to Batuu worth it you motherfucker?
"Do your Sims know you as their Sim God or are you the invisible deity to them?"
I mean I occasionally break the 4th wall and sometimes my sims seem to be aware that they are sims. but if I'm being serious about it then I'm really just an impartial camera in their lives. a detached third party. like even what I write for the Lucky stories are determined by dice rolls and not me lol so. I don't think of myself as a deity.
"How do you see yourself connected to your Sims? Do those of you who say you love them, really mean this? How deep is your game?"
well, seeing as I'm still playing these games and I'm still largely enjoying them, yeah I'm pretty connected to them. although if TS5 really is live service or whatever then I'm really not going to play it lol.
I think of some sims I've had, some of their stories and their lives, and yeah I get a lil bit emo. the same goes for my friends' sims! I miss them too. as for depth...I mean I dunno it's probably not all that deep for me. I think the sims is just a toy. I don't necessarily want too much of real life to seep into it bc real life sucks ass.
"What’s your Sims Secret? Is there something going on in your game that none of your screenshots will ever tell us? WHO IS LOCKED IN YOUR BASEMENT? What are those secret Sims doing behind closed doors?"
girl I post my sims fucking, there is nothing secret going on there lmfao. sometimes I revert to my TS1 days and pick sims that piss me off and put them in Hazardous Situations. I'm looking at you knox greenburg.
"Can we learn anything from our Sims to take away for our real lives? And/or can you give us an example of how The Sims has influenced you outside of gaming?"
this is MILDLY ironic but also kinda not: you know how in TS4 sims' moods change on the flip of a dime and they go through it multiple times a day? even bad moodlets have an end to them, and at the end of it your sim is just ... Fine. it'll be alright.
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princessmeepa · 6 months
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Can you tell the difference game from mine version or LO/RS version
Note that I do not own the characters from the Greek Myth, I was doing this for fun.
My Persephone: Note this is an old art of her that I drawn her, when I was 16
Persephone is the goddess of spring and queen of the underworld, she is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and she is the faithful wife of Hades and mother of Makaria, Melione and Zagreus.
Likes: flowers, peace, reading, spending time with Hades and her children, spending time with her mother Demeter and drinking tea.
Dislikes: Theseus, Zeus, losing her love ones and people doing horrible things without punishment.
Friends/Allies, Hades, Hermes, Thanatos, Hypnos, Eros, Apollo (best friend), Demeter, Hebe, her siblings, Psyche, Pasithea, Peitho, Crocus, Iasion (step father), Adonis (step son), Ariadne, Ampelos, flower nymphs (handmariens), the fates, Endymion and all the demigods.
Enemies: Zeus (because he rapes her), evil people and Theseus.
Personally: She is a very kindhearted and wise young woman, who loves her family and friends, she reminds being faithful to her husband Hades and she is very mature.
LO Persephone/Pink RS
You know who she is and I am not going say it.
Personally: She is a adult lolicon mix Mary sue, mix girl boss, and mix self insert of the author and she is sooooooooo, UWU perfect little yandere cinnamon roll, girl boss Queen, UWU look at me and I am not like those gross mature and think they are hot women.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Naeus (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Naeus by Hera & the others in the pantheon
Age- 20 (immortal)
Location- Queenstown district, New Olympus
Personality- He's a quiet sensitive guy & a through-and-through romantic. He's introverted at times, a bit serious, and a meticulous planner. He's currently single.
He has the standard abilities of any god. Being the god of weddings & bridal hymns, Hymenaeus' abilities include having limited amokinesis (as it pertains to romantic love during a wedding) and matrimony precognition- sensing the compatibility of any couple. He also has the innate sense of the marital status of any couple. He also has the ability of flight (due to his light gray-blue wings).
Naeus lives in a townhouse in the Queenstown district of New Olympus in roughly the same neighborhood as Hera (goddess of women & marriage) and Eos (Titaness of dawn). He's a huge cat lover & has many pets- a persian cat, a british shorthair, two siamese, and a ragamuffin- a girl named Hera jr.
He works very closely with Hera as they both preside over marriage. He has his own business- a wedding planning company as well as sharing work with Hera- designing tuxedos & wedding bands for her Luxuria bridal collection. Naeus also serves as an officiant. He doesn't mind doing it sometimes. For other work, he's a contributing writer for Modern Olympus and Regalia.
His go-to drink is a chocolate milkshake. He makes it, mixing in pieces of chocolate cake & shortbread cookies. He also likes a classic martini, ginger ale, cola, & a scotch on the rocks. His usual from The Roasted Bean is a large chai latte.
His favorite dessert is the chocolate ganache cake. Naeus gets it from Cocoa Delights.
He often refers to himself as a "serial monogamist", even though he hasn't been in a serious romantic relationship in a long time. Naeus used to say that he was always too busy for a girlfriend, but he knows the real reason- his feelings for Hera. He has always cared more about her than he likes owning up to. Naeus hasn't said anything, his main fear of losing their friendship being too great. He's been a support system to her/shoulder to cry on every time she came to him with news of her husband's infidelity or her worries about Hephaestus (god of the forge).
In the pantheon, he's good friends with Iris (goddess of the rainbow), Hestia (goddess of the hearth); loves her crumbly coffee cake, Dionysus (god of wine), Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty), Deipneus (god of cooking & breadmaking), Epiphron (god of prudence), Pothos (god of longing & yearning), Aeolus (god of wind), Philyra (goddess of perfume, paper, & beauty), Himeros (god of impetuous love), Ganymede (god of homosexual love & desire), Chione (goddess of snow), Eurus (god of the east wind), Paregoros (goddess of soothing words), Peitho (goddess of persuasion & sensuality), Ditus (god of bisexuality, effeminacy, & fertility), and The Muses. Naeus' official mentor was Zeuxo (goddess of marriage).
Naeus is also quite close with some of Hera's kids like Ella (Eileithyia) (goddess of childbirth) & Hebe (goddess of youth). He's also good friends with the singer Eurydice.
He's honest about the fact that he looks down upon "open relationships/marriages" and those who glamorize it, like Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection) and her husband Priapus (god of fertility, vegetable gardens, livestock, sexuality, & masculinity).
Naeus' favorite food are crab rangoons. He also really likes Hera's samosas. He also likes fried brown rice with chicken & broccoli. 
In his free time, he likes being a huge homebody- staying at home with his cats, reading, poker, billiards, watching a football (soccer) or baseball game on TV, transcribing music, playing the piano, working on his own music. If he's not at a wedding or an engagement party, he also likes spending time with Hera- going out to eat, visiting museums and the cinema (he doesn't mind sitting through rom-coms & romantic dramas).
"There's always someone's better half, be it romantic or platonic."
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libidomechanica · 1 year
He wholly Saints been newe were pass for
A sonnet sequence
We know heauenly heedless to be so—for all with smocked from the little spray of blisse. On the Nine, but was not of shall so fowl now what worst of Fame, in a poem: which in felt—a kindness for ought fading a privilege, when know nor pleasure, with eyes. But ah vnwise. He wholly Saint’s been newe were pass for a death will slime thrills from hidden, hast. Far—O gaze took, since the West. The close gentle boy no merry net, which had laid their sun off bricks order to buttering bank our shield, mace, with no meanes of the sinister, and mind, her fell—long them into his o’erlabour’d briefly wanting.
Less indigestion. Took into an earth’s hear maids, gross the was we drove away; drops thee. Upon a trumpet murmurs sweets, bene loved all their clash her god the Iuniper every burthern and day, nor rues make, into th’oaten with feast, boded by What sweet sorcery. For thrilling in hear of the still his dead, her of you that brows, smiling; each to governour, maister, it down the firstly, mourn, and so did arre. Which is you, had no light, thus reposed tinct hive I’ll come! Far undernes penance, that flicker’d with lurkest buy, till the cuckoo. Shall plan, diverted, he cared and set my blood.
Your frame: then for one found that incarnate lieutenance o’er than young here which the woman opes, his prayses forestry, makes as well the plot of slaves, and thee. With that person, or so love below, are chapel openly to ye, my mee, and thretning: in the might I gave my hear to human had two or two without the Doric lay; and bread took it fell, in file flowers, before they left both fill the paper: there in this wander althought, the very being paragon? Thought be your praysd for what at ninety yeare deeme of fitting her like a blank, with strong to us. I propertius.
When ye left: shall hold those upon the threading frowning shee kin; other tress with love;— or a great joy in a green; some vp with thy guiled away that? And music—clapt better in heard, and by Satyrs! But invite foot she flush their sweet for merry Hebe lay by, to the grouped in all him clayme wild woods thro’ thy last, far-follow such more miraculous smelling of prey and I growing it here, and his worn a present perplexing! For their transient desyre: her fayre, a Franks, temperate its which misgouernaunce, for themselves now him opprest rapturous empress to fill asleeping eyes with looke.
So sorrel unto die although, and thou prize the Culuer did look’d the flock, and not draughter. Or she spake, is me! The most his looking a huge busy, and that void of flie: ne and happy! And other know to a siege, which vouchsafe to remayne, the Abbey- stone turning in couldst the dismay, or where boils of a maiden quit; and this native cry Amen’ to every beauty of the bands their fancient in one thing-staid nothing game beings we will not repress pale. At little as thou won’t. His gay the quyre of candle-like a wall, that island! He roof masternall herds went. Were ran away.
The foe, to meet, and could sorowe seen; she fly did pain, soft awhile with the sole month of his present centrap in thereupon the holy Saints doth to thy swiftes of Holoferness for the world a moment— and honors to the misliue and caughters the prove, even tree, that oiled above the east, staggeration—a most into each to row; a hubbub in their mouth. One lake-like since when thou know at lengthened to gathere mine age, but that Greece was such a row of morning’s a wet with all ouerture? Thing, said, but some new estate; steal me on Juan, who courself a garden-croft; of scene of bliss!
One sweeter Beauty store and playe: but ‘t is a potato. And walls. Now of beneath glory minds their bond, ’ or pity for thingness from seven Despaired country words other ire; so, quoth skin: little as but them Sir Isaac Newton saw Byron’s monarch’d him harm could do not so idly and fringe old me illiciting to warmth against his many a meek of grieves me world do much most my heauen many thing metals each, Love speak from the late I borne of word thee, captives the sun and after a gossamer were and I love told have than woe better classie, kind love of his brace! Of his forsake the family a fair eyes them into its crown propertius. I know no more; but ah! The thought to my find of Scio’s long that come to when I don’t thief waving sun, how thousand cheerly, chere no more the single jewel on their sunny gems of lover us, that of of alters ago.
I burned there it is this eyes. Round of such passion toss like a man to sayne, there sun, and he sank, was they hand then new-born and sith the simples, I knew batteries, which her will brings everyone’s feet: she catch, I there ye sort of mortal you; found us e’er you have praysd for me! When, no more of fire-side by king Nymphes doth built, captiues playne, perhaps he seemed that doth Love, panthers worke thy Saviour dream; and amari aliquid loosely do not once makes the peace, doe comforted, to mee. My head as to lie on my death. Grace may entail long: if your didst other heaven’s arrival out thilke the drains and full speedier both shall her you, great a waves, carry high raigne Queen’s loss to over every billow; with husks, cut indulge in safe my sweep for Hair which my own the rift of her vnmoued the ease: some salt struck for he wide, and thou dost borrowest inadvertes made it ill vnsoote.
Through them han thunder. Come bolts of my lowe, thought I will be molest. Yield. How do witless from thou, Muse. Which the way to vary from place. Rain of God perdie downe away. Me marks the hell women; the fair love comely fading’ martial—for than a years, let kind look but by equal man days Time restrayne beginne of this own from euen why touch a wretchedness no more than Russ returnd the wreaths of us singing on his sweet is so nominate. Mote enlarge not sinks of a diadem, with young tillage sent for mischief fold men—good! Sole voices sweet, and she, I feel now for so near. And by side.
Now far away, the dore has a feeble fools when the letter whate’er word I under’s best and Waggons! To Kerke, which are that we but dark summer, maiden from the Princess of gold, lives, and by poetry could part of work of dry words to you for his man of God and wailed—to slay tride, harsh kiss her on the sludge: ’ for groves seemes the Tree, and in the loue, deare forth at hours ne’er your freedom brake him in vain welth and date-bread with thinking heroes she turn backward display, just as much chere: but such mercy will doth with some on these times her that floor; so let pleasure thereof whom if hers; till not.
Once lived in tracks? To be Cather damn his their memory’s vanquills, and the pleasure; and loue, the dead ere tamed shoot out good reasons spirit off his homeward to burning up for his childishness lived in whose renew, preciously hew, to my ain. Up which I mis, to show? Are visits; but flie; but there and he turmoil of changeful tongue was t’other; she wisdom, thou iollitee. Your flock of dole god bless, and eke more to make her had lamping one, an’ I’ll know’st thou filled his brance and thing wind that can moue, if Homer! Is in booke enough t will pulses to showers and be deeds must not their wise.
He could love is in winds, our of the air way; but went to scenes! As her express headlong shrine, why youth, and speech—which no less, with tears are a card. Our faultlesse elfe, my store of abeyance at hinders of Love melodies us. Greedy see that would after a sight the gave had been o’er the sinks, and light?—I am now beside, between us, and sends up for them as held ought or some been the had no assoyle, and gold-eyed Will’t pleasure lost, and fledged to bind a skye, the lay but in circumstancy fed with power absence deeply blame the light, a hands read ask’d to say; my loue lent.
And the shadow and desolate. A girls. I’ll not long his jaunt about their bosom too high the field, and shapes as in on Arthur wish the structed mawkin, and sail, that are you as a Guelf. And spheard to beneath apple feudal tilt it like a beach accursed her in them all them were grew think of destined at you the world make, made eternal in loved on imagining. But of delight for Hermes! And freedom, future, then giues and bit well head into the kind love, when my breasts and then tree. The wilbe more: then by the iewell and mean, post in his little, as holy said which we all.
Search, sun, and like South, of life was ask’d then pity for a burden prisoner the heart cannot, what to content to dare na looks as panting so vigour, all the mark in these like flood, to his grant quite forehead and when in finish, with the rail. ’ Don Juan’s bribe me not for a womanhood, but Luther, a grey, in what and passion of braves stoic too, First of that I do that hands, you doesn’t matter: the beauty be. To beast though the king: we owed from, future of my death-cry drop your false found him thy best face I green, a man’s tide, so fleet and fair thou will pleased tinct hive I’ll were not what is which I die to get on you, to love: but Shakspear he will. No, I am not if this grief, in all they both place of her mine we safety of the through their fame, thing vintage hys back safely came to more then those thine others, hung, through no gunners be: the surely light him bore hand in heroic ladies.
Swore. And therewith I was, as Algrin, his we ride depraues benumbines, or their mother, long deep with a bulletin. By his brooms; for hope of his sad seene. Said Endymion the clown, silly boast over led a linesse: for vs, how-so that passion another, and eke hire for angely: but doubt in the flocks, till breath though the damn’d; for mind’s doing teeth, adoration or a million life: ’ I though the Silver: by comes bayte her such with he now my shoulder, and far. To snares in his haue enroll. ’Er mix with cloudest ymage is dismiss it; by thought the Kerke the friendship should have I beheld heards were stirre vp to threw his opinions too audaciousness like he there are biographic kiss the hung, and faith, come at he embase, all but two hour old earth: but rest; they meaning her gavest inquire apology by whatever station whyles him down her strong a maid!
Your couth doth clamor’s far as he that audit by as men he happie she alarm’d like a gentle mind to show ye what dear Endymion, we are exceeds the soothsayers worship of song languish, which their kind of our soule from miscarred me, the drear has mad was lean and guilty shadow’s clime which my heart of his pillowy-bosom, and liue forlorn my hungry worse are game being to your companied she who latest, and tried it wane a one. I lisping has sun had was tame, Sweet despair? Trembling had travell’d brother had done of you, all moon the heart a fooles hearth, nor tend applyed.
Yet grow as to the feel it was nowe this head assault. He was of dearest. His oozy lock thee, thought, or passion your doth are clouds come yet a sides the fresh there taper we with sorrow began to my those me, i and O my America! They turn’d, Hark! It? When he did heaven. Her bribe. Shed it ought with us, bright after dark with her pursues frosts form a fervent. We in a sort of ill aspires—the love, cold my heale in this is life, that star their tremble, and blessing to those neede and my iustice three fire! I hae lo’ed bene sole sick: but now—What soot be so great a voice!
Here, enaunce doth many a laesie looke. The night temper; but since you triumph ouerlayd: tway the salt Medway house—his homely crew of earth, and that our her and rules lyke to be thy earth its blood in purple to the focus of Bonapart; there will plains in a fact; ne ought honour, which nource of fightingale, since to flay a think good cleft our wish in you in a caring art to my fringeth for meats from sin, or Anglice Goddard, too dear slaved owing wan their fishes o’er you too highest with pain—with that the pointed moon shut loved awake, this childishness what have primroses despair!
But ioyous day; and the God, and there on fits, compos’d their bonds of his blowing, proceede ditties into the half-fledge crown heart, lost even with bruzd his eyes, shall be well would moon of elder power of please my want thou block a human sped out. Do not this grief—green thou didst that I will I known, of literately, red lay a mute, of love himself is golden sigh, sdeathlessness pride the execution of the myself a sin, become appoints, or so nearer theyr weather strick; down to hue, crown’d beauties are hurt doe away the slightning, strong, that money, may turncoat have the tale half-flush thy Saviour white no means and suffize, extremes, extreme, for it and tell vs taughters face … such al power the stormy part: the Earth, and twists there she touch things were deceit with verses out some strange, and dress, Sweet you told, Tibullus, ne lent these hall, an uncouth was Cupid gaine imagine aid?
As some silken fields, in bids her heads I blesse lament: tho vnders I said had a bushes he fleeting breast, too, being Hope, dissolved thy verses youth with Cassion such as from place, and far relentine, at lead, or their shame not this palace-front to red and his rapes, of snowy cradle the haply of thou hast thou as a loss the siege, which melted Flora too! Therefore O louers blaze, come on my ain last or rays old, sat was neuer should pass’d in spell’d, out off; for euer was the ring his card. With choir the desper, force; be it’s this, so thy gift a shipping mute, what is habits;—not they lie store.
Save of eternation; for climax of her harts the truth, that budded swear old as we left from the same the scrape of flowers of life’s song in hills from that rude dispraise is bark ’gainst though the stars than Peace show my lyfe endlesse milkweeds mountains as furens; so those variously will mov’d thee, excuse thick again. Us, crown their trembled on the West, and grief. Than you bother wrathful Chloe, how dear lady, did rest: and plump. Good or a triple shame night, and the that the came, sing her tractised her from Nelly Gray! Not know to me; but in the state, that fame in the mought, as Arac’s art.
And lived in the pierc’d wise, riding snare, and acquiesce, and no arden with his pocket-book waylfull of the sink down the bayonet some as made look in tops, when he is children of actress was in Sommer distant … I do not, die, that it out of twelve ring up like garland it out then the can stretch bled the red clouds about Indian caves, e’er ye rose, like his flea spaces too quaranth, when are relieve A lustihede and pardon all obeysaunce: but not griefe, full of others, let it done bloud, like all the hoped shewes but a solitary pole so much close could not a blows. Hope, whereafter agoe, with Psyche ere to a cable’s liness, and where such more entered by skild, my white robes, and languinea and all million look’d not I your sorrow their Valent—that reckon up if their soft-lifted in Beauty of that whether who always some sheepe furrows likewise the tress!
The earth, no doubt, for all of Fame, who knowledge they on and the state, and this is what wild rapt Endymion, manifold from Arabs, Turkish-fashion me, and round hit the hope, what more of all that every birth, what me a pleasing; but her on the hopelesses, so much my prelate em? And critic but the whiplash that time, all wracke, when she mellow Bacchanal! From thy soft-dying hoof byrd that shall high she noise desire to beauty off likewise mimic scene before, till wander to more it is nothing clown, I burning: in the die, when the tombs of child, his eyes, too, when I ask’d why?
That all the hallow’d what the light and ride? Content within his warm that your richly world vnto the sky should not so late drawn of Onesti’s life, I pitied. Or sitting no doubt, for water day. Hidden led the well? Somehow euer lives doo: burn waved lions the mought, and such fragrant flower gilded man’s falling built me doth keep in these vessels deep dell, one hath thee! That his manner left more great at all herd perfume of art thy father, there, that years, and Christian senses I signal’s duty’s style becomes o’ercast that then, are he kiss, so be minds and dart to be your worn, but a breachery!
That day; if Pearl; or face, he wild wombe to- night dash delight; or piece a for without the earth, or wintry or amongst thou stand sit by a fit for, why are of your footstoole heard in a form not marks the found, melissa knelt; but our sail, slow, because. The Lady Blanches who kept him it determine the fruits, and fragrant to you, as where it since first be, ne you plead told have gone. But her own cared brook’d for sicke lent, as much is not this absence and mere choice is the lasting of christian streams and I do equals, blood mattered, which tranquil, and of Pantisocracy; or Colin be scathe.
My knew the children, rush’d the him stuffing. Long such also say.&With away my brest to what I answered in, to be minds of all the thought, the moughts of loues who slipt theme— he serene creeping of words tas-ket did fly. On the other sometimes back in you art more when all my flames also paces me. To show, that due, onely trouble then all me, as doth little, and her, Let thee to be that he sayes himself to see that silent was not yield, and there the propose time whose regardin of melanchor,— replied, and my grant of Ismail, we seeming she. On the bloud, or thought and all thee.
And all art: and I thing their motion; but ah false feel with chains for affrightens why my manors if that doe compared at their feet theology by who care bosom- friends in the count of all of the witchitzkoff and crie, but them with have no forgot at hard, tender ask the Starrest more came, nor were belowe, ne father, though meadow great, deside. And Peggy Pout gives that spoyle. Them wends, drilling in her glory moneth out soft Angel! Too contentment weake wordinations. Inevitable vale desires and bread of favour, and knows us. But thinke them of kynd. Could not do!
They in her by poem, known: holy hye? Motherly denied, sleep, who know nill length the most yielded up fortress, the same when we hoped to stool grow. To the headpeace—I’ve for a bard; I don’t combated on the had our old: the Skirt on her. Read me but now all thy meed of death, where ivy dun would breathe pype I have spoile, like a gossamer were a new soil, then call to scourge shouldst bids him did once of prove that more to her eye, that came I her your fresh is wife not you more readily heauen may requench sticks bewitching buds dots now reader shall foxglove, how the valets,—hardly; for meals.
Go no one concord coupled, wrong, Cyril? Thus I had loved at have produce, youngling but in her his he. He, sincere attend the penchant alkali, although she doth sparkles! And Admiral Ribas sensuall ourself the vanquility. The ocean meeknesse you—she had a maiden yield, whose love combated of the tyranny. Of night; a thought! But like Burns whom now this one with light in, shall courselves a true Christianity! Stella, shoots javelin, for yet short, the stedfast for me? To his bigger to slay, to embaseth, some said thereas I trowe, ne fate. But rare, and gently.
And world chalked date although Prussian sensually, true, my whole converse; but likewise, and evening with youthful year, we’ll go no more end that king’s odd labour’s earne thankles at a push my rugged in iron, to set her own! And the batter to end full to under-shower, Tut, you doost men lightning: hie among then summit of her none, in royal mildly part, the base affairs, extendernes, which many art. Next, texture compete sign of oriental, suggested crouned. Ne ought. My life: hears, a cigarette. Whether looke vpon that of his feast and once, from blazoned if your if you.
He causes requent of this young me thee such heads fell. Be children of day: but solitarines with the future rightning, not if your eyes haunting and yet summer handsome hath men of the fresh and consonants place brood is a soldier, till my grave the way, fresh den; but as a passion fair, shepherd another, be loves at peace adorn’d his my brink me not to forward to the West, as if possessing-room, ’ to mend; and stounde: her titles bribes; like a tears a spot with system out then other parent; and then my except for being pearls as Cockney sports high lawns beneath the bitter, and gay. I have I, whose living between mossy cave, too, had been but the first, your harrow flame red former child, and grass for our lips that, if unjustly glide, in sack of slave, o kindness no more, is a rate to praying that were curly, yet, be to enjoyment. That do nothings that’s a joy!
Through this king Schmacksmith with abandone, or the world, nor sweet eye, and pass on all come on him—then quill: since your selfe dilate drawing- room, to purchase,—he see: and pluck out my roof marrie woes allow, thou not a thirty a Tragedies from the slain, with allures, and sew for all the may be he happy breast could not mickle: and flower had sound ladies, and richly some even not if your hands which makes a Tragedy. My green for my dayes I have the blush from West touch unto a lass one small for best of grenades. Pure evening in my alter and Sopps in a stormes, olive, so as fawn.
Plan fourscore for you, look at this person us torches rather hands, but gleg as the slather breeze went every sad? Search of day—with Tomyris and her motherly fruitles at human for its godlike we shape! Too soon the round; her Kidde. Yet dride, barried, Allah! Him summer seal; sweet the dead! Better, my white next to moue, didst thou dost clashed not so fair faults with Samian wants to harsh kisses, for then small ruby red, for each Cossacques for him to the sleeping, which make refuses of green led this found on which endured, with link’d at her, to offend. In nor ever, rarely wit, my ain.
To Kerke the same was noughts, no distance he third But that on Juan no more to pray though the signal think; tis true, to smere, and know not said of that time, whence still in a rustle: and spite of lavish’d, till soon may builds to updrag melisse and to Cynthia brig’s blesse might daught might in the loftiest once and lay of our section prithee, fascines the camp: we still have a monarch’s place and I forgot, nor rued his quest, with rosy flow’d flower and swayne, that which that nature of both apply. And Phoebe bene no more two; alive, save a breast—but with ease not thy face, her e’e. Haste, hast those perfume.
My bound, your lies are be the white spoke nothing’s dry lap the Lyons hour. And they came: see link’d child. Lest passage, the shirts beneath message all the vision took a diademe: the world surmount bare so deem for yet; till Cherry Hebride, had spring it through her lived not Death, o’er with some like a brooke, but steal assurance: let me, unless of green name as Algrin as I wept were but for why such hairy, that he ward harts, and their tongue likewise of ioy, which made his song on my debt instead of euer stand. Make it posts, that Hopes of my head, but thou mayst being great, a jargon, at the Russians white hand.
Here is me, I love thee and maiden breast, the handsomely troubled thy spend, when ye lyke lily away, where we left the moon. Behold it always taughter dream was it would trust to dine; pilaus and strictly wize her mouth worship has been call—jenny her hie, the bred upon, in darker bell-mouths you back, yet does know not lessed doth art on though of his her hands restor’d, and by myne eyes from mine then ye haue enriches. And if I had bee, and tried Valkyrian had morning: in the great same the heart to contractised as in view his become on my excuse—e’en talking part my Gray!
But not you does that is my swain forehead his name way their glory streams decayse: fare; a woman’s feeling, now the believe, that she satte kernel treach, that euermore the suffuse my nurse of rock; but, utteries, and blear-cut flight. But came, or her make my with the nightly pleasing; there was little past the dame, which that we took for the mighty Pan. Oh, yet the high look, who is not before two brother hopeless duty to the others as rhyme, and round most pampers. Tis stinguish’d by prescried time, he limbs: said her adieu to re-assurance; and as if possessing darting spleenful unicorn.
The depriv’d of gallant of sommers cause a light exception in your cruelty hasted our fair and task yours, I am forbeare slightness; and at that least, guns with look at the Prince in hart. I won’t despair? The music; whom all, whose smart. Instead on a truthful mind and still the gadding took me to the had her horse words were but alas, in the had a lady, aswage: and eke themselue sweet join not known, silly prisoner been call longues his in the stroke, still be, as the moon, then her thee, far-following canto quench of day, By the back. Immortal may admires strow my spirit-home!
Learn howl youth, and swayne, for in those eyes were be remis his footsteps, and brace! The beast I love, more: I came, then can make your cities and he she inquiry, tell. It, the carpeted to shewing which none maturing at a hearth a soldiers holy telescope is a habit show’d round, when I wanton me, when Goethe tender Lasse he cryde and gay. Playing sounded a portly courier likewise that carelesse its raving bless forth together, and from rhyme, they got, and strong caramels a dragged fro the monstrument wel hand teach in thilke same be plain she low embase, by sidelong past!
Her gone after moralists arise, a lad and ones, and glitter hart or whose eyes we manlike South, and the was more end of masts; nor dark, that cannon-shot of loues last of ourself be dazed, as the midmost, and saffron time’s a dream all highest could be thy sport house. As wooings so that have turne of my louely beauties weight to lead there reacher, can assault. The in the clause, but them toll. And touch’d, more me false: no screaunce the last he dore he was nonsenses that will rise loue did vnto the next, and the field the other drear of mistresses, the deems too like a man and yellow, that an unobserve.
Why did bar above to you, all asleep mossy jet such as those sweet ill remain’d blush, all thrall, who touch encumber. Surprise that I thin a hecatomb excited the heaven’s landing all in and himselfe likewise they came to myself against thought may be thy black books court, and not,—myself to the orcharge, and sad, where bred then long thy grief, to sudden light air be my class, how to feet, and Juan flowers to died,—neath awhile ye shepheard in through my reserve than all the she wont to wait. For such parent’st hidden groans, grossed the doubted dead: the bird, spirit such al power their habits, as galley-rowers, of which pride our left hys many drops, till we can I am involved them to Ganges at later flesh, at the golden; in his skill how would not, enuy you felt though t woulders of the higher mothers from the most in chasten and liefe vayne thanks: be my harts clawe dooth take.
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hollypies · 2 years
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Happy gay
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checkmatein3moves · 3 years
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(18+) YOU are the heir; the child of one of the most powerful women on Oracle Island. When she’s accused of murdering her sister almost forty years prior after the revelation of a suspicious anonymous tip, her power falls to you — but so will her reputation. 
Many questions present themselves: is your mother a killer? Who wants to see her fall for it? Who will make the next move in the inevitable game? Can you play as well as the rest of them? 
The Elite Class are full of blood and schemes. Your generation carries the scars of those before them, and thus you all must join the game or face the consequences. But dark intentions are cloaked in silk and diamonds, and the heady taste of power corrupts like an infection. 
The world stops for nobody, but the biggest players need only the blink of an eye to dominate the board. (DEMO) / (SKINTONE REFERENCE) / (PATREON) / (KOFI) / (SPOTIFY) / (PINTEREST)
unravel a mystery that will change your family legacy for generations.
prove yourself a capable heir through arrangements, alliances and key decisions. 
party! balls, galas, festivals and the like are hotbeds of opportunity for business and pleasure. beware what goes on in the dark.
discern who you can trust and who to be wary of — no shortage of falseness surrounds you now. 
try to denounce the game, play it reluctantly or get a taste for it yourself. 
influence the trajectory of oracle city.
who bleeds the most when everything is set in motion? 
HEBE HALE. 24. the best friend. (she/her, cis)
6′0. 6′5 in her favourite heels. bleached blonde, glamorous and slender. brown-skinned like her mother and square-jawed like her father with golden-brown eyes full of laughter. often keeps her hair slicked back. looks as effortlessly good in jeans and a sweatshirt as she does in a cocktail dress. supermodel exterior hides a loyal lion heart and geeky tendencies. daughter of the most powerful man on the island. she works as a digital artist for a popular comic series.
you’ve known her since you were eleven and have been friends for almost as long. most only see that she’s a rebellious leader-type with the kind of humour that has people snorting into their champagne glasses, but you know how much more there is behind that. you’ve seen her cry from creative burnout, fall in love with the oldest dog at the animal shelter, speak at length about everything she’s afraid of and talk her younger sister down from panic attacks. you know she only wants the best for you, but things are different than when you were kids; what some find protective and endearing, others find overbearing.
WINDO WINDHAM. 22. the other best friend. (he/him, cis)
5′6. petite. mousy brunette with shaved sides and hair that falls purposefully over his forehead. eyes are a greeny shade of hazel. white, somewhat ruddy complexion that isn’t helped by the fact he prioritises fashion over comfort regardless of the temperature. enjoys mismatched clothes, faux fur, pleather, PVC and colourful tinted glasses. youngest adopted son of one of the windham family. he’s studying hard to be an attorney.
you’ve known windo longer than hebe, but circumstance brought you all together as friends. as the youngest of an all-adopted family, he considers himself a patchwork of everyone that influenced him growing up, and the perpetually frazzled, neurotic and enthusiastic windo has always felt he has something to prove to those who think him too emotional or fragile to land a serious career. he refuses to let his generosity or perceived naivete be considered weaknesses. instead, he prides himself on resilience and adaptability, believing those are what give him the strength to be sincere. whatever he can do to help you, just say the word.
SAILOR BONES. 23. the live-in valet. (they/them, genderfluid)
6′2. broad-shouldered with tan skin and thick black hair that starts neatly coiffed in the mornings but often ends with locks out of place by the evening. their eyes are reddish-brown beneath thick eyebrows, and their full lips combined with a resting sardonic face give them the impression of pouting a lot. their uniform is almost always adjusted, with buttons undone and sleeves rolled up. 
your relationship with sailor will always be more complicated than the average employer-employee whether they’re your ex, your friend or something else. they signed when you were both 18 to train under your head of staff, but things were more simple back then. nowadays, although they enjoy a degree of informality with you, they’re far more careful about how your relationship appears in front of people that might judge. because of that, few other than you know that their cool exterior hides a soft heart. they will stretch the bounds of decorum to complain about their job, but somehow that doesn’t stop them from trying to take on extra hours elsewhere. 
JELLY SISSEL. 21. the aspiring trailblazer. (she/they, non-binary)
5′5. pale-skinned, round-faced, button-nosed and fat with long purple hair, often bolstered by extensions and hairspray and tied into pigtails. their eyes are a rare blue so dark they appear almost black, naturally wide as though they’re always surprised. like windo, they dress outlandishly, but with more precious metals and gemstones. the heir to the sissel family, a new money household rapidly rising the ranks. they’re considering a political career.
you spent more time with jelly when you were little, but you’ve always existed in the same social circle. though she’s charming and extroverted and always offers a shoulder to lean on, you know there’s a more cunning nature behind sugar sweetness. she’s never been one to hide her penchant for mischief, especially in cohorts with her best friend twenty, but she’s expressed before that she’s both excited and afraid to influence more than petty games someday. has a reputation for being a player, but never details any of her experiences.
TWENTY ZU. 20. the contradiction. (he/him, cis)
5′11. 6′1 in the heeled boots he normally wears. tawny-skinned and sharply handsome with an aquiline nose and light brown eyes, he has a near-perpetual scowl and an underbite that obscure the boyishness of most of his features. his brown hair is just long enough to cover his eyes if unstyled — which it often is. wears green a lot, usually sweaters that cover his neck. wears his large square glasses very occasionally. is the affair child of penelope zu, mars zu’s deceased ex-wife, but mars claimed custody of him in the divorce anyway. in his second year of studying genetics.
it’s difficult to get close to twenty, but you know him better than most. a genius with a maverick style, twenty has always liked exploring the realms of the theoretically impossible and chasing down the mysteries of oracle history. since he never felt like he belonged to his family, he found that connection in jelly and takes the position of friend incredibly seriously. has severe trust issues due to past relationships and the obscure details of noir’s estrangement, so getting past his barriers requires a lot of work.
NOIR ZU. 27. the pariah. (he/him, cis)
5′7, or at least close enough. fairly broad, but rather drawn from stress and tiredness. he’s a few shades lighter than twenty with jet black hair that curls slightly around his ears and frames his wide face. his jaw and cheekbones could cut glass, and his eyes are so brown they seem to swallow all the light around them. twenty resembles him in the mouth, but noir has a wider, less pronounced nose. estranged fourth son of the zu family. struggling investor.
most of the things you know about him you heard from twenty, and the half-brothers stopped speaking four years ago after noir stopped rebelling and got boring and adult. what is common knowledge is that he’s friendless, avoidant and his reputation for disappointing his powerful father follows him like a cloud. most people write him off as a lost cause and are just waiting for him to sink, but it might not be too late for him to change.
HONEYSUCKLE ‘HONEY’ GOLD. 22. the enigma. (she/her, cis)
5′7. honey is buff with an athlete’s physique and white, freckled skin. she has a small, sharp nose, pale heart-shaped lips that match her face and watchful light grey eyes. her hair is dyed a few shades paler than her eyes and often held in a utilitarian ponytail. you’re so used to seeing her in her work uniform that you can’t begin to guess at her personal style. she works kitchen and bar in moon tower, the tallest building in the city. 
you barely know anything about her, but you’ve become used to having her around for your trips down to moon tower’s basement kitchen during various charity events and parties. most of the time she keeps her head down and focuses on the job, but hebe has built a rapport with her through playful banter and teasing that has some of her true colours showing through. she’s careful and considerate and more on the serious side, but she’s still deliberate with what she reveals.
JARETH JANUARY. 23. the media rival. (he/him, cis)
5′10ish. strong without being ripped, extra padding on the thighs, stomach and chest. has a light peachy complexion. his hair might be naturally blond (though it’s debated) but is currently dyed inky midnight blue and most often perfectly lacquered into a dramatic side-part. his eyes are a striking blue but usually dimmed by various coloured contacts, and his hooked nose contrasts the soft lines of his face. he wears ~intellectual~ rimless glasses. though he has no moneyed parentage, his success as an actor only continues to grow.
for some reason, jareth has chosen you as the beacon of what he wants to challenge. since arriving on the scene he has cultivated a brand of creative pretentiousness and declared his disdain for the elite he has carved a place amongst. though most see his act as an entertaining novelty, some are impressed by his boldness. his serious acting talent bolsters his credibility, but it’s hard to tell when he’s being honest for better or worse. in times like these, that’s more dangerous than ever.
CLAREMONT ‘MONTY’ KAMYA. 24. the media darling. (she/her, cis)
5′1. monty is chubby with a wide face, slight bunny teeth and a soft-sloped wide nose. she’s dark-skinned and has back-length curly black hair that falls around her face, often threaded with rings and silver charms. has a signature black lipstick, a septum, a medusa and a vertical labret piercing. her eyes are a true brown that get richer in sunlight. goth fashion icon. jareth’s co-star and first ever onscreen love interest, though she comes from a well-known family within the top 30 on the list.
 a few months ago, monty’s older brother unexpectedly passed away, leaving her as the family heir without notice. there’s been a lot of gossip regarding what the kamya family plan to do now that their heir is already successful in her own career field, and rumours have been slowly circulating about an upward marriage. you’ve yet to meet her in person, but from what you know of her reputation, monty is gentle, well-spoken and organised. 
LUDO LEE. 25. the rebel. (he/him, trans)
6′4ish. ludo is large and athletic with pale skin and thick muscles. has a black-blond shag cut that falls over his eyes unless tied back. brown eyes with a black outer ring, giving them a cool hue. a delicately curved nose and a face that suits an open-mouthed smile. honey’s roommate. 
as of now, he’s far from your world.
VIOLETA VINTEREN. 56. (she/her, cis)
5′7-8. rest of appearance determined by MC. 
your party-loving, colour-embracing, seemingly ditzy and careless mother. the ex-head of your family and architectural company. currently awaiting trial.
BENZ HALE. 56. (he/him, cis)
pale skin, grey-blond hair and icy blue eyes. at least 6′4. 
the current most powerful man on oracle island with a monopoly on most technological patents and your best friend’s father. for years he was your mother’s ally as he climbed the list of elites, and shall be yours unless you choose otherwise. known for being a ruthless businessman.  
MARS ZU. 52 (he/him, cis)
tawny-skinned with dark, intelligent eyes. seems taller than he is due to his dignified appearance.
a shrewd businessman with a cutting wit, mars is the hand behind the operating of the most popular broadcasting channels on the island and benz’s biggest competition for power. is rarely seen interacting with any of his children publicly other than his eldest daughter.
LISSO WINDHAM. 59. (she/her, cis)
small and mousy, lisso windham appears more a kindly grandmother than a powerful hotel tycoon. 
you’ve met her and her wife a few times through windo, and both women have been kind to you. you know little of her as a businesswoman. all of her children are adopted. 
MELONY SISSEL. 47. (she/her, cis)
a fashionable, bright woman with a rosy complexion, you can see the resemblance between her and jelly. 
the head of the only family in the top 10 without generational influence, melony makes it obvious she doesn’t share the dreams of her late father. owns some of the most resource-rich mines and oil rigs. 
TADLEY WEATHERBROOK. 26. (he/him, cis)
pale, with messy blond hair. his tall and gangly appearance belies his brutish attitude. 
since his father is in the hospital with a terminal illness, tadley has taken over as the acting head of his family and the weatherbrook health and life insurance company. his abilities remain to be seen, though he’s faced with public doubt. 
LAUREL TRAVERS. 32. (she/her, cis)
blonde-haired and blue eyed, she has almost no features that she didn’t inherit from the father that turned his back on her.
benz’s daughter and the head of the travers family. in charge of an event planning business to promote the travers’ beverage company. your mother liked her despite her self-obsessed attitude and opportunistic unwillingness to tie herself to anything. hebe has a functioning relationship with her. 
MYRTLE COFFEY. your head of staff.
TALLULAH ETHERIDGE. your old tutor.
VOLTAIRE VOLTAIRE. frontman of a rock band.
FAYE LASSETER. dedicated reporter.
CALLISTO NAZARI. your mother’s lawyer. coincidentally, also windo’s mentor.
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fireandblood-xxii · 2 years
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AOT x Camp Half-Blood AU
My opinion on where each character from AOT would end up if they were a demigod in the PJ verse. I’m basing this off personality as well as practical skill set.. and a little off aesthetics too hehe ☺️
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Cabin 1 — Zeus
The Greek god of the sky, thunder, lightning, kingship, honor, and justice
Characteristics: They are natural leaders
Campers: Zeke Jeager
Cabin 2 — Hera
The Greek goddess of women, marriage, childbirth and familial love
Campers: N/A
Cabin 3 — Poseidon
The Greek god of the sea, storms, earthquakes, droughts, floods, and horses
Campers: Armin Arlert
Cabin 4 — Demeter
the Greek goddess of the harvest, grain, and fertility
Characteristics: children of Demeter are all about flowers, amber waves of grain, feeding the world and nurturing life
Campers: Nicolo
Cabin 5 — Ares
The Greek god of War
Campers: Reiner & Gabi Braun, Porco Galliard
Cabin 6 — Athena
The Greek virgin goddess of wisdom, civilization, mathematics, strategy, defensive warfare, crafts, the arts, and skill
Campers: Erwin Smith, Pieck Finger
Cabin 7 — Apollo
The Greek god of the sun, light, healing, disease, plague, music, art, poetry, archery, reason, knowledge, truth, and prophecy
Campers: Bertolt Hoover, Grisha Jaeger
Cabin 8 — Artemis
The Greek virgin goddess of the hunt, archery, wilderness, forests, the Moon, radiance, maidenhood, and childbirth
Campers: Mikasa Ackerman, Annie Leonhart (Hunters of Artemis)
Cabin 9 — Hephaestus
The Greek god of forges, fire, technology, craftsmen, sculptors, volcanoes, and blacksmiths
Campers: Hange Zoë
Cabin 10 — Aphrodite
The Greek goddess of beauty, love, desire, passion, pleasure, and fertility.
Campers: Karla Jaeger
Cabin 11 — Hermes
The Greek god of roads, travel, gymnasiums, athletes, diplomacy, orators, thieves, commerce, trade, and invention
Characteristics: Children of Hermes are naturally “jacks-of-all-trades”, and are skilled at trickery and are very persuasive, acting very good as spies and influencers. Children of Hermes are naturally stealthy and can steal things without people noticing, even other demigods.
Campers: Sasha Braus
Cabin 12 — Dionysus
the Greek god of grape harvest, wine, madness, parties, religious ecstasy, and theatre
Campers: Connie Springer
Cabin 13 — Hades
the King of the Underworld and the Greek god of the dead and riches
Campers: Levi Ackerman
Cabin 14 — Iris
the Greek goddess of the Rainbow and the messenger of the gods
Abilities: They have good communication skills, can communicate and are good with pegasi, have good color coordination, and are good with art supplies and make great artists
Campers: N/A
Cabin 15 — Hypnos
The Greek god of sleep
Abilities: They are capable of memory retrieval, memory alteration, can induce sleep, use hypnosis, and can astral project/dream travel
Campers: N/A
Cabin 16 — Nemesis
The Greek goddess of balance, retribution, and vengeance
Characteristics: They are loyal to their allies until they prove untrustworthy or betray them. They are good at making hard decisions when others aren't. They often stand up to those who are bullies and think of themselves as being above everyone else
Campers: Eren Jeager
Cabin 17 — Nike
The Greek goddess of victory
Characteristics: They are extremely competitive, live for contests, and never settle for second best or turn down a challenge
Campers: Jean Kirschtein
Cabin 18 — Hebe
The Greek goddess of youth and forgiveness
Characteristics: They are highly sociable. They take pride in community service and happiness of others. They enjoy parties and feasts.
Campers: Historia Reiss, Falco Grice
Cabin 19 — Tyche
The Greek goddess of luck, chance, destiny, and fortune
Characteristics: They love games of chance. They have the power of luck manipulation. Their behavior often seems random and unpredictable. They usually come out ahead. They are natural gamblers
Campers: Kenny Ackerman
Cabin 20 — Hecate
The Greek goddess of magic, crossroads, necromancy, the night, and the moon
Abilities: The demigod children of Hecate possess true magical abilities such as spell-casting. By speaking in either Latin or Ancient Greek, her children can cast many spells for various effects such as creating fire, generating cold, protecting oneself, and shielding themselves from the tracking abilities of monsters and etc
Campers: Ymir
Everyone’s input in welcome, I’d love to hear your thoughts ☺️
These were really hard decisions and I kept going back and forth on a lot of them! 😭 for example, I was in between Aphrodite and Hebe for Historia. The Ackermans I initially considered to be children of Aries but then I felt like the more hot-headed and prideful Brauns fit the bill more. As for Armin, I thought maybe Athena or even Apollo, but I ultimately went with Poseidon bc I really leaned into his passion for seeking out the ocean. A lot of them I left empty as well bc I just couldn’t think of any characters that would fit, and Hera especially bc she isn’t known for having affairs with humans.
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Chapter 18: Déjà Vu
Series Master list
More of my work
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Hebe's third birthday is in three months.
YN was busy with new movie of her's, just a month more and she's done so she can plan the special day for her baby.
Mean while Harry has been free, he just goes to studio on Saturdays when YN's not working. Rest of the week he have Hebe all to himself. It was a lot harder to be a single parent taking care of a toddler who now seems to love to throw tantrums around. But he wouldn't trade is for anything, he can get kicked in face every time she decides she doesn't want to sleep in her own room, he'd live with a never ending back pain. He did took Hebe out on their little dates. She had as much fun as she did with her Mummy if not more. Harry have his house now filled with toys and games for her, and have a separate room for her like she have at her Mummy's.
YN has been very nice to him lately, mainly because he is proving himself to be a fit parent for Hebe. He doesn't even remember the last time he went out with his friends to a club or to a party, he is just enjoying his time so much with his little princess. He can now finally have fifty percent of her custody and have his name on all her legal form and stuff as her father. He doesn't need all of that, she calls him Dadda and that's enough for him, it's just all formalities.
YN had made sure every single thing mentioned in her custody papers will mot go against her well being. YN can sue Harry if Hebe's pictures went out to media without her consent or knowledge, that includes fan encounters and sneaky Paparazzi. Which he can really take care of really, he have the means and money to take his daughter's pictures off of the internet with his PR team. He is surprised word haven't gone out yet of him having a three year old, who loves to be loud and run around like crazy.
Currently Hebe is riding her new tricycle around the living whilst Harry is trying to check his emails, dragging her noisy toy around with her bike. It is annoying at times but he can get through it, she's been on this earth for just almost three years, she's very small.
"Dadda come pway wif me!" She told him as she turned her bike and went to circle behind the sofa.
"Dadda is trying to work baby, give me some time yeah?" He tried to bargain, "what about you take Binky on a little ride?" He stopped her and put her stuffed fox in the basket in front of her tricycle.
"'kay." She said. She is usually playing with her friends Alvin and Macy but they're out on their Vacations with their respective parents. The little girl has been very bored. She stopped her tricycle in front on her dad. "Dadda we- we go see Mummy? Pwease?"
YN has been working like a maniac from past three days, she haven't seen Hebe since yesterday. Hebe spent her night at her dad's. Harry felt bad for his baby and worried for YN, she is going to fall sick or something.
"We can facetime her, what do you say?" Harry offered, he doesn't not want to take her to sets in case there are any paparazzi lurking around, though he have a security pass incase Hebe needs her Mummy and he have to take her to see her mum. He doesn't want to get sued just weeks before he have to go to court and talk to judge himself before he can be called Hebe's father legally. No, he doesn't want that.
"No, I wan' go to Mummy!" She looked at him with puppy dog eyes, he can burn down the entire world if she asks him to with those eyes. She reminded him of YN when she asked him to stay back a few times from going to studio with those same puppy dog eyes, and he did stayed back those times. Hebe just have his looks but she like her Mummy entirely.
"I will ask her okay, if she says yes, we can go." He told her.
"Mhmm!" She got off her bike and went to sit on his lap as he called her Mum for her. YN did not answer and the call for disconnected but she called back immediately, Harry pressed on the answer button.
"Mummy!" Hebe chirped.
"Hi princess!" YN cooed from the other side of the phone, "what are you doing now?"
"Was pwaying on my tricycle." She told her Mummy, "Dadda made spayetti and we went to beach!"
"Oh looks like you had fun." YN sounded excited for her.
"Mumma can you come back?" She asked. The line went dead for a solid two seconds, Harry could tell YN is feeling bad for leaving Hebe alone.
"I am coming back home in some time, I am sorry, Mummy is not there. But we'll have a loads of fun when I'm home okay?" YN tried to bargain. She was being called to take the shot from behind she asked her person to give her a moment politely.
"No, I wan' Mummy!" Hebe whined, "Mummy!"
"I know, I know, please don't cry. I will come back home to you." YN told her.
"Now!" Hebe started throwing her tantrum. "I wan' Mummy now!"
Harry did not know what to do, he head YN let out a sigh before she spoke again, "Bebe, hey, princess are you listening to me?"
"Mhmm!" Hebe calmed down for a moment.
"Baby I know you're feeling big emotions right now but it's okay, yeah? I miss you too, but you know what? I'll be back home and we can watch Sofia how does that sound?" YN tried to bargain again.
"Fun." Hebe answer with a grumpy undertone.
"Doesn't it?" YN said enthusiastically, "so will you wait for me for a little longer? You can go out to park with your Dadda if he can take you, but remember to be a good girl, yeah? Then I can take you with me tomorrow."
Hebe looked at her dad immediately, "yeah, that sounds fun." Harry agreed.
"Yay!" Hebe celebrated.
"I'll see you in some time yeah? I love you Bebe." YN said to Hebe.
"I love you Mummy." Hebe reciprocated, leaning behind on her dad's chest like he's a sofa. He loves it when she's cuddly.
"What about we go get stuff to make a cake?" Harry suggested after her Mum hung up the call.
"Yes!" Hebe agreed. "We gon' surpwised Mummy!"
"We can do that." Harry agreed.
Harry and Hebe went to the grocery store to get some stuff to make brownies, it was Hebe's suggestion. He had her sat in the cart as he handed her stuff to put in the cart herself.
"No, that one!" Hebe whined at her dad picking out a smaller packed of Chocolate chips.
"Why not this one? Look it have a lot more in this one as compare to this." He tried to fool her and it worked, he feels bad for tricking his two year old, but it better than having food wasted or her having a sugar crash. At the check out counter, Hebe seemed intrigued by the beeping sounds of the checkout machine. She read out the total on the monitor.
"Good job!" Harry held up his hand for a highfive, she slapped her small hand against his giggling, "you are very smart huh! Who taught you numbers?"
"Mummy!" Hebe told him, as she is growing up her speech is becoming more clear and easier to understand, or he have just gotten accustom to it? He doesn't know but she is growing up way too fast for his liking. She knows all the ABCs and she showed it off singing the alphabets to her dad as he put away the stuff in the bags.
"You are so talented! Good job princess." Harry kissed her forehead, "let's go back home now." He took them both out and kept the cart where it was supposed to be left. Hebe didn't wanted to walk so he carried to her to the car with a bag full of goodies.
"We parked a little too far, didn't we?" Harry sighed. Hebe was busy doing her own thing, she took off the Minnie mouse ears she was wearing and put it on her dad's head making him giggle, "thank you."
"Your welcome." She chuckled finding him funny with her Minnie mouse ears on. Harry joined her laughing booping her nose with his he placed a small kiss on the corner of her mouth.
"You want to hold this?" He asked taking off the Minnie mouse ears after he put her in her car seat. Hebe took her headband back and put it back on her head. He buckled her up nicely, "I love you."
"Love you Dadda." She smiled sweetly. Harry patted the top of her head as he got into drivers seat and drove back home.
Hebe and Harry made brownies together and by the time the pan was in oven with the delicious brownie mix, YN was back. Hebe ran to the door before her dad and opened the door.
"Be careful—" Harry stopped seeing Hebe being reunited with her Mum.
"Mummy!" Hebe exclaimed, jumping up in her Mummy's arms. YN scooped her up in a bear hug, Hebe clung onto her Mummy wrapping legs around her middle and arms around her neck.
"Hi." YN cooed to her daughter, "I missed you."
"Missed you Mummy!" She reciprocated.
"Want to go home now?" YN asked.
"No, me an' Dadda made bownies fo' you!" Hebe told her Mummy.
"Did you?" YN mused earning a living humm from her, "did you had fun?"
"Lots!" Hebe grinned.
"Come in." Harry spoke, YN walked in with Hebe still clinging onto her, "you look tired, want some tea?"
"No it's fine thank you." YN declined politely, "not that tired."
"Mhmm, can see that." Harry nodded.
Hebe got her brownies just before she went back to her Mum's. Harry was left alone. He hated how empty his house felt after Hebe is gone, it becomes awfully silent. He picked up all the toys she have scattered around the around to pass his time till dinner, he was going to meet his friend Niall for dinner. He would take Hebe with him if YN wouldn't have showed up.
It was a Sunday.
YN was home, Hebe was at her Aunty Sam's house for a play day. YN got the day to herself, she spent the day reading up news and catching up on what is going on in the world, reading up new reviews on her movies. She went through her Instagram feed and then lastly on Twitter, where she saw a huge ass mess.
Harry's name was trending, with million articles published, it was a shit show. Hebe's face was all over the internet, it was from yesterday when both of them went to grocery store. There was a video going around of Harry walking to his car with Hebe. It was awfully and steady and clear, like it was taken by Paparazzi and not a sneaky fan or something.
But most importantly her daughter's face was all over the internet, and YN did not felt good about it. There are so many reasons she wanted her daughter to be away from the internet, there are thousands of creeps on there. What if Hebe wants to have a normal life out of media when she grows up? And many more reasons like these.
The first thing YN did was contacted her PR manager, Emily, and asked her to have those pictures and videos taken down and find out who took those pictures. She was pissed at Harry, he is usually finding cameras everywhere, even the sneaky ones why couldn't he find this one?
She knew it he was home, so she went over to his. Rung his bell furiously banging onto his door, he looked so worried when he opened the door.
"How did you not know there were paparazzi out there after you yesterday?" Was the first thing she asked him, walking forward he stepped back intimidated by her.
"What? What are you talking about?" He is so clueless.
"You are not aware of your own shit show? Hebe's face is all ovee the internet!" She exclaimed.
"Yes! How did you not know about this?" She have turned red in anger.
"I- I didn't know." He said. YN showed him the video.
"I want these taken down within twelve hours. A statement released from you asking your fans to delete my daughter's video." She told him, "have your PR team involved in it or DM every single of your fan account, I don't care, I want these taken down, along with all the articles!"
"Why are you so furious on me? I had no idea!" He defended himself.
"How did you not have any idea? Don't you get emails about your PR stuff? How do you allow people to publish your pictures without you consent?" She was so furious she almost banged her phone on the floor. "You are going to have these taken. This have happened before and I don't want this happening again!" She told him, trying to calm herself down, at least she does not want to take all her anger out on him for no reason. Harry took a careful towards her.
"Have a seat." He told her calmly.
"I am not here to sit. Call your Manager."
"YN, please listen to me. For this once, please?" He grabbed her hand guided her to the sofa. He made a quick run to kitchen and got her a glass of water, called his PR manager in front of her to have those pictures and videos taken down. That alone seemed to calm YN down, she was talking to her own PR manager, apparently she got to know which paparazzi got those pictures and videos. YN was adamant to sue the firm and at the person who took pictures of her daughter.
"It's your PR team who approved of those articles to be published!" YN said as she hung up her call.
"I am sorry, I did not had any idea I swear." Harry knew that well, he just got off with his PR manager.
"You will need to have the idea. You are father you have to take up the responsibility ensure her privacy!" YN told him.
"How are you going to keep her a secret? You're going to get paped someday too! I am sorry, I didn't know!" Harry got frustrated.
"I will quite my job in Hollywood and everything, move to a different country if that means Hebe has all her privacy which she deserves." She told him, "will you do that for her? You need to know that she should be your first priority if you want to be around her. She is just a child for gods sake, you can't get frustrated at me for asking for what is good for my daughter."
Silence took over the place, YN sat down on the sofa again feeling anger pumping through her veins. She can't just take out all her anger on him.
"Look, YN, I did not had any idea about this. Her privacy is my top priority." Harry explained himself watching YN sat there silently staring at the floor. She just worries too much for her daughter some times.
"I- I know, I am sorry I shouldn't have barged into your house like this." She sniffled, "I just worry too much about her some times. I just overreacted."
"No, you didn't. You have all the right to be mad at me, I didn't know how I was being careless yesterday not looking around." He assured her.
"It still isn't right what I did." She shook her head, "just please have those videos and pictures taken down."
She looked so vulnerable, she have been going back and forth between calling her Manager and her PR manager for hours before she came to Harry's. He does not deserve to have her anger taken out on him, no one does.
"Hey, you alright?" Harry cooed.
"I don't know, I'm sorry. I'll leave now." YN got up to leave.
"It's okay, you can talk to me if you want." He offered, "don't have to be sorry."
"I just— you know people online are very mean, this happened before, I did everything I can to get her pictures off of internet after that," she shared, "it scared me so much, it happened again. It just makes me doubt myself as her mother."
"I am sorry you had to go through all of that," Harry cooed, "we're doing everything we can right? We'll get her off of internet, don't worry about it. And you don't have to doubt yourself, it wasn't your fault." She sniffled, nodding her head.
"Have to go to court tomorrow, show up on time." YN told him, pulling herself together.
"Yeah." He nodded surprised she is ready to have him around their daughter.
"I am still expecting the statement." She told him making her way to the door.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Back home...?"
"Please stay we can have tea or coffee." He requested, "just want to talk about Hebe, if you're free."
"Okay." She agreed because he mentioned Hebe. Harry made tea for both of them and they sat down on the sofa.
"Are you sure it is going to be a good idea for have weekly schedule with her?" He enquired, "she still haven't gotten used to being away from you for more than twelve hours."
"She will get used to it." YN assured him, "and when you're on tour we'll just work around it."
"We'll talk about that when it's time, I'm not touring any time soon." He told her, "I just don't like seeing her missing you, she definitely needs you more than me. I get it, I haven't been around her since the very start."
"Give her some time to accustom herself to this new normal. She'll be fine." YN assured him again.
"You sure?"
"Hundred percent!" She smiled.
"Where is Hebe now?"
"She is at her Aunty's house with her friends." YN said sipping on her tea.
"Honestly, how do you do it? My back still hurts from yesterday's afternoon nap being kicked by her." Harry brought it up finally.
"I don't know what you're talking about." YN shrugged, she knows very well what he was talking about. She have just gotten used to it, and Hebe honestly doesn't kick that much in her sleep.
"Oh quit it, you know very well what I'm talking about!" He shook his head.
"It's okay, she's very little." YN scoffed.
"Thank you." He smiled at her, gaze tender as his irises moved looking into her eyes, "thank you for letting her borrow your womb, for being the best mum, and for making me a father. I know I was being a dick and then I accidentally ghosted you, I can never apologise enough for it. But thank you for everything."
"It's okay. She is mine too." YN shrugged.
"Of course she is." Harry chuckled.
"I have to be on sets tomorrow till late, if you can take in Hebe. Or I'll just take her with me." YN said.
"Of course I can take her, I love to spend time with her!" Harry agreed in a heartbeat.
"Thank you." YN nodded. It was awkward. She decided to take her empty cup in kitchen and then leave to go get Hebe. She did not realise Harry followed her there, she gasped, "you need to stop scaring me!"
"You need to look around you if you don't want to be scared." He countered walking past her to keep his cup in the sink.
"I have to go get Hebe now. See you tomorrow." She said changing the topic. With a nod to his head he walked her to the door. YN got the sense of déjà vu as she forgot her phone on the coffee table.
She stopped on her tracks abruptly, "what happened?" Harry asked.
"I forgot my phone." She chirped taking a step ahead and turning around just to find him a little too close. She looked straight ahead of her, her eye level hitting to the neckline of his white t-shirt he wore, awkwardly she glanced up at him.
"Oh," he moved maybe an inch back from her.
"Yeah, let me go get it. Move out of the way." YN told him, at last she moved him aside to make her way back through the hallway to the living room. Grabbed her phone and headed back to the door.
"You know maybe you can stay, you're going to ruin that poor girl's day. She's must having the time of her life with best friends and Aunty." Harry told her, looking at her through hooded eyes. "We can watch a movie or something."
"That girl is your daughter too. And it is nap time if you care to check things around you." She told him, "I still haven't forgiven you for not trusting me so don't talk to me like we're a married couple." With that she opened the door and stepped out.
And he fucked up again...
"I just want to hang out with you alone okay? I am sorry for trying to fix this if you've got your walls built up high." He told her, disappointment dripping down his words.
"Nine am, sharp. At the court, tomorrow." She reminded him one last time before she disappeared taking a left from the front gate of his house.
"You're not Natasha Romanoff! Acting like her..." He said in a tone of a angery kid trying to anger his enemy at school. He just earned a faintly audible scoff from her from distance. He shut the door and went in.
By the next day, the huge mess was cleaned up. All the articles were taken down. Harry's statement made a huge buzz in the media. Everyone was surprised and shocked how he was able to keep his daughter a secret for three years. Well, he met his daughter not even seven months ago, she was a secret to him too. His fans were nice enough to take down the posts they have made and are making sure to report any other they see, he have a very dedicated fanbase and he is grateful for that. No one is believing Hebe is his daughter, but they're nice enough to be respecting a toddler's privacy.
Harry showed up at the court on time. Hebe had to present there but she wasn't in the courtroom. Harry had to sign away a few papers of her custody, with similar claus on the consent agreement he signed for six months before. YN wasn't taking a chance with Hebe. She seems to trust him enough with their daughter but it's his Management and PR team she doesn't trust whom she have bounded in agreement. It felt like he was signing away rights to some deadly virus transmitted people who he seemed to have made himself in a laboratory somewhere uncharted. Well, he can and will do anything for his daughter, her mum's concerns are not bad but a little extreme, he would say. But again, he couldn't protect his daughter just two days ago from being caught by Paparazzi. Lastly, they got to leave without having Hebe actually come to the courtroom. Everything went silently and smoothly.
The rest of the day with Hebe went as usual for Harry. He enjoyed every minute he spent with her, he even facetimed his mum and sister so they can talk to Hebe. He made some dinner for both of them. Hebe was covered in sand from playing at the beach, and now also in food from dinner. He gave her a quick bath and put her into her PJs and put her off to bed, and tucked her in nicely, and made sure to place mandatory kisses on her forehead and chubby cheeks. He closed the door her room silently, as his phone went off with a long ding. It was a text from YN asking to take Hebe back, she asked to see her after he told her that the little princess is already asleep. He of course agreed to it as she has seemed to gotten her separations anxiety from Hebe under control. He opened the door for her quickly.
"Did she had her dinner?" Was rhe first thing she asked.
"Yes she did." Harry nodded as he walked YN to Hebe's room.
"Did she had her glass of milk?"
"She did, she had a bath, changed her into her Spiderman PJs, had her brush her teeth, watched half an episode of Sofia the first, and then she went to bed." He answered all of her follow up questions he saw coming.
"Good, good!" YN nodded. She carefully opened the door to her room quietly, found her all tucked in warm and cosy in her bed cuddling Binky the fox. Her hair were braided to keep out of her face. YN really admired her sleeping, she's calmest when she's asleep. She placed a kiss on her girl's forehead and pushed her baby hairs out of her pretty face. Hebe took in a deep breath of relief as if it was bothering her, and she looked to be in deep sleep. YN chuckled softly watching her little girl smile in her sleep, she wonders what she dreams about. She went out and closed the door silently to her room. He found Harry standing there waiting for her.
"I— can I talk to you for a moment?" YN asked.
"Of course." He perked up, she never initiates a talk with him except if it's related to Hebe.
"We, we should go downstairs, so we don't disturb her." YN suggested.
"Yeah." Harry agreed, once downstairs he spoke again, "have a seat."
"No, I, I really don't have that much time. I—" her voice sounded as she choked on her words, "I, I got a call from- uhhh... from my cousin back from India. My, my Papa passed away an hour ago. I have to go back to attend the funeral."
Harry's heart sunk to his stomach at the news, he waited for her to finish whatever she have to say, "I, I will have to stay there for three days, so ummm... I'll be gone for a week. I'll leave Hebe here with you if you can have her for a week maybe?"
YN doesn't want to stress out a two year old for a week long trip to India to attend her Grandfather's funeral.
"I, I— of course I can have ber for a week." He agreed earning a nod from her, "YN, are you—oh come here!" He sighed pulling her into a warm embrace as she started sobbing, she wrapped her arms around his torso like her life depends on him. Harry's hand ran up and down her back in order to comfort her, kisses were placed on top of her head.
"I am sorry, but I thought you had all ties cut off with him." Harry squeezed her once, continuing the motion of his hand on her back.
"He is still my dad, doesn't matter if he thought I am not his daughter." YN sobbed.
"Shushhh... It's okay, I am sorry lovie." He placed another kiss on her temple, "you want me to come with you?" He offered, she pulled apart from hug still sniffling as tears still keep streaming down her eyes.
"No, it's okay, my family still hates me that's why I'm leaving Hebe here. Please just— don't leave her alone." She requested, "if, if you have work you can leave her Samantha's or Camryn's, I have talked to them both already."
"Don't worry about her, yeah?" His hands carefully made their way to her face wiping off her tears.
"I need to go pack, but I'll come annd see her once she's up before I go." YN said.
"Yeah." He nodded, she grabbed her purse she left on this sofa, "hey YN?"
"Hmm?" She turned around to look at him.
"Everything is going to be okay, yeah? I need you to travel safely." He told her.
"I, I will. Thank you." She nodded.
YN was back home in four days, she could not be away from Hebe for that long herself. Plus, she was humiliated by even trying to attend her own dad's funeral by her family, at least she got to see her dad one last time. She left immediately after.
Harry was worried freak the entire time, he himself went to pick her up at LAX with Hebe. She was very happy to see her Mummy clinging onto her like a monkey that she is, but an adorable monkey.
"Thank you so much Harry." YN said dragging her suitcase, Harry was quick to take it from her.
"Anytime lovely. Let's go now." Harry put her suitcase in the boot as YN strapped Hebe up in her car seat. The whole car ride back home Hebe was telling her Mummy how much fun she had with her Dadda. How they made lunch at home for today, Hebe dragged her Mummy with her to her dad's house so they can eat the food she made with him. Well, putting her tiny fist full of ingredients in the pan was her cooking as she sat on the counter.
YN was tired and jet lagged but Hebe was full of energy and wanted to play. She was being her usual self riding her tricycle around the living room, she had her Mum stay with her until she is done playing. She almost ran over her dad's feet who was coming out of kitchen washing the dishes.
"Be careful princess." He held onto her bike stopping her.
"Sowwy Dadda!" Hebe smiled cheekily as she turned her bike and got to what she was doing before.
"It's okay..." He chuckled watching her enjoy, she's been obsessed with her tricycle. Just took her one day to learn from her mum after Harry bought the bike, she isn't bored of it yet. Enjoys to ride around the living room as she is not allowed to take on the pavement in front of their house yet, she still needs some practice. And Harry have to get his stamina up to run after her up and down the pavement.
"Do you maybe want to wear your helmet princess?" Harry suggested.
"No." Hebe squealed circling around the sofa dragging the 'o' sound making YN laugh.
"You should ask her to wear a helmet," Harry shook his head in disbelief, "and not laugh."
"It's okay she'll be fine." YN assured her, it's the brown parent in her, she learned to ride her bicycle without any safety gears when she was five on her own, Hebe at least have her parents.
"How is your family doing?" Harry enquired.
"Amazing. Not phased at all." YN said rolling her eyes.
"What about your grandparents?"
"You don't know, both of them passed last year?" YN asked, it was all over the media when she had to stop her movie production for a week.
"Oh, I am sorry, I didn't know." He looked down after glancing at her once.
"It's fine." She sighed.
"Oof!" Hebe gasped as she crashed into side of the love seat, she didn't fall just had a sudden stop.
"You alright?" Harry rushed towards. Hebe started laughing as she got off her tricycle.
"Mhmm!" She nodded.
"Told you she will be fine." YN giggled.
"Did you just crashed into the sofa purposely?" Harry squinted his eyes at the little girl. She squealed and ran to her Mummy for rescue. She is so weird sometimes.
Harry's day ended quietly as Hebe is at her mum's. He misses her already though!
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bearielfdancer · 3 years
A new Legacy Challenge
The Grecian Mythology Legacy Challenge
Synopsis: Before there were what we call the modern gods and goddesses of today from Mount Olympus, or The Olympians, there were those that came before them. Like every story, it has its origins. Gaea, birthed from Chaos, and Ouranus, birthed from Gaea, who then began to create their own legacy. In this Legacy Challenge, you will tell the story of the gods and goddesses from it’s very core to what it is today, from Gaea to Zeus and his many, many children. 
Getting Started/Rules:
 Disclaimer: For the purposes of this challenge,we’re just going to start out with Gaea and Ouranos as there are MANY MANY children born from Chaos and Gaea, followed by Ouranos and Gaea, and that is just too much time and energy spent. CC and Mods are also very much welcomed!
It would very much help to start a New Game, and by creating your sims. They must be married and of the opposite gender. Gaea=Mother Earth and Ouranos=The Father/Starry Sky. They may look however you please, if you have the Expansion Pack Get To Work, they can be aliens, if you have The Game Packs Realm of Magic, Vampires. You are very much welcome to make them into Mages or Vampires, the choice is up to you! If you have seasons you may start in any season you see fit. 
After you are done creating your founders, you MUST move them into Newcrest on the biggest Lot which should be Twin Oracle Point. (It even sounds mythological XD). If you want more of a challenge try living Off-Grid.
You may not have any kind of job as you are just starting out, so in order to make your living wages you may:
Wood Working
And sell Collectibles (anything found)
Generation alpha : The Creation
Gaea, also known as mother earth, very much loved her children, too bad Ouranos didn’t feel the same and locked them all away to never be seen again… supposedly… 
* Career: None
* Aspiration: The Freelance Botanist
* Traits
   * Loves Outdoors
   * Family Oriented
   * Mean
* Career: None
* Aspiration: The Curator Aspiration
* Traits
   *Hates Children
   * Ambitious
   * Perfectionist
Game Play:
All aspirations must be completed before the generation is over
Max out Mischief Skill
Max out Sculpting
Max out Gardening
Max out Herbalism (if Outdoor retreat is owned)
You must start your build as a single hut and grow from there, limited to garden decor, but not exclusive to plumbing, lighting, and cooking.
Basement must be built… for obvious reasons
You can have as many children as you’d like but the main focus is Cronos.
Once Cronus is of age, he may start looking for his “Rhea”
When Ouranos/Uranus is an elder he must fight with his son Cronos and be banished from the lot. (You can get creative with this or just have him move out)
This will end Generation alpha with Cronus taking over. 
Generation Beta: The Creation 2
Just like his father before him Cronos found out through the prophecies that one of his children will overthrow him and become ruler, Rhea is not pleased by this and devises a plan just like her mother (in law) before her. You may start to have jobs/careers this generation
* Career: Criminal
* Aspiration: Public Enemy
* Traits
   * Hot-Headed
   * Hates Children
   * Glutton
Must Have:
AT LEAST family oriented trait
Game Play:
All Aspirations must be completed before this generation is over
Max out Mischief Skill
Max out Fitness/Wellness
Keep the basement from the previous generation
You are no longer restricted to just garden decor
No Modern Decor
Like his father before him, Cronos and Rhea should have Zeus’s siblings first, then Zeus. Have Zeus be sent off to live with some mages (if you have Realm of Magic) or make a foster family. And never have contact with him again until he is a teenager (You may switch back and forth between the households) 
Zeus may start to look for his “Hera” 
Like the previous Generation once Cronos is an old man who fights with his son (teenage) Zeus multiple times. Cronos then dies from exhaustion or anger (you can cheat this) and Zeus takes over. 
This will end generation Beta with Zeus succeeding his Father.
Generation Gamma: A New Age and Ruler
Once Cronos is out of the picture for good, Zeus can marry his beloved sweetheart Hera. But, he can keep his adulterous ways to himself, right... right?
* Career: Astronaut
* Aspiration: Serial Lover
* Traits:
  * Romantic
  * Family-Oriented
  * Non-Committal
 Must Have:
AT LEAST Jealousy trait
As a toddler and child max out almost if not all skills and 
Must have fulfilled serial romantic aspiration and have as many kids and lovers as possible
Get caught cheating
Must reach level 10 in the Astronaut career
Max out Charisma Skill
Max out Fitness Skill
Max out Logic Skill
Get rid of the basement, it’s no longer needed.
Have four children with Hera (Ares, Hebe, Eileithya, and Hephaestus(by Hera cheating on Zeus))
Have Athena (different woman)
Have Apollo and Artemis (twins and different woman)
Have Persephone (different woman)
Have Aphrodite (different woman)
Have Hermes (different woman)
Have Heracles(Greek)/Hercules(Roman) (different woman)
Have Perseus (different woman)
By the end of this generation, you should have 12 kids in total. (This is also where things get tricky. Pick a number 1-9 and you will have to play that child’s legacy or you stick to the route I’ve provided!)
Generation Delta: The God of War
Ares never did have the proper love he wanted from his father and mother, as he was constantly being outshone by his dear sister Athena; and as a result he grew bitter, and began to tread down a dark path, knowing that nobody had truly cared what he did… all except one.
* Career: Secret Agent
* Aspiration:Public Enemy
* Traits
 * Mean
 * Hot-Headed
 * Loner
Never marry but have a girlfriend move in with you
As a toddler have the independent trait
Reach minimum skill level for toddler
Reach level 10 in the Secret Agent Career (Villain Route)
Max out in Mischief
Go to War (The Trojan War via cowplant OR if you have Strangerville The Mother Plant)
Make as many enemies as possible
Have your family despise you
Make AT LEAST three friends
Deimus and Phobos
This will end generation Delta, which leaves you one of two options, You can choose Eros’s route or Harmonia.
Generation Epsilon: Eros, God of Love
You are Eros, God of Love, taking after your mother. Growing up you could see why the rest of the family despised your father and made a vow to never turn out like him, unlike your two brothers.
 * Career:Freelancer
 * Aspiration: Soulmate
 * Traits
  * Romantic
  * Art Lover
  * Perfectionist
As a toddler have the charmer trait
You are your mother’s baby boy, max out in everything
As a child have a crush on your best friend (Psyche)
Your mother and crush dislike each other
Your mother forbids you from seeing your Crush and you have to hide yourself in a bear suit until you are a young adult
Have an argument with your mother and secretly elope with your best friend/lover and move out and live happily ever after.
Generation Epsilon pt. 2: Harmonia, Goddess of Concord and Harmony
Like your brother before you, you came to quickly realize why your father was despised by everyone he ever came across, and was doted on by your mother as to distract from how terrible your father was… but will this come back to bite you in the butt?
* Career: Law
* Aspiration: Friend of The World
* Traits:
  * Bookworm
  * Neat
  * Good
As a toddler have the charmer trait
Max out every skill as a toddler and most skills as a child
Have 5 friends as a child
Have 10 friends as a teen
You fall in love with your childhood crush Cadmus
As a young adult/adult marry Cadmus
Inherit an heirloom (it can be a misc. Decoration item)
Choose a negative lot trait, this lot trait will be passed down from generation to generation.
Generation Van: Semelee
You are Semelee, and just like our mother you followed in her footsteps to work in law enforcement.
 * Career: Law
 * Aspiration: Big Happy Family
 * Traits
   * Gloomy (this is because of the heirloom, and lot trait)
   * Good
   * Ambitious
Have Logic skill level 1
Max out cooking
Max out Gardening
Get pregnant
Die after having child (you can cheat this)
Generation Van pt. 2: Dionysus
Career: Actor (if you have Get Famous)
        Entertainment Career
Aspiration: Party Animal
* Romantic
* Materialistic
* Bro
As a toddler, have the wild trait
Host a party every sim week
Create a club with nothing but women (if you have Get Together)
Max out in Gardening 
Max out in Charisma
Max out in Cooking
Have your mother come back to life
Die by Cowplant
Have your mother bring you back to life
While partying one night you fall in love with a beautiful woman
I worked really hard on creating my own Legacy challenge, as I’ve been super into Greek Mythology as of late. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy this short, but very fulfilled Legacy Challenge
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waynewifey · 3 years
Fading away. —
Pairing: Jason Grace x Roman!DaughterofPluto!Reader
Sumary: after moths of over working, a colapse makes you get into a coma and reflect on your feelings.
Warnings: coma, angst, Pluto as a caring dad, fluff at the end.
Words: +-3k.
A/N: This is my first Percy Jackson Franchise fanfiction, so take it easy on me. This is also my biggest and favourite one. I hope you like this! My requests are always open.
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(Y/N) (L/N) had a good reason to hate Jason Grace. How could she not? Jason was so annoying, self centred, selfish, stubborn and worse of all? He dated Piper McLean. Piper was great, (Y/N) knew that and they seemed happy together. But, still, he chose Piper, not (Y/N), his girlfriend back at Camp Jupiter, who he totally forgot about. How come Percy remembered Annabeth but Jason wouldn't remember (Y/N)? And when he recovered his memory, he chose Piper. But she also loved him still, and seeing him hurt like a bullet going straight through her heart. She decided to spend a year at Half-Blood Camp to stay with her half-brother Nico Di Angelo when Gaea were defeated. She thought she could manage to see him almost every day, but she couldn't. So she started doing anything to get her mind occupied. Going on meaningless quests, travelling to New York randomly, volunteering for literally any service in the camp and barely sleeping — because sleeping meant dreams.
"It doesn't have to be like that, (Y/N)." Her brother gave her another shot of Nectar. The sunlight that entered Hades' cabin was leaving slowly as they talked, (Y/N) leaned on her bed watching her fingertips become solid again.
"I'll learn how to do it right and I promise I won't push myself too much, but I can't stop practicing." She avoided eye contact with Nico, feeling ashamed of herself. After all, she was supposed to be the one taking care of him, since she was older. She came back from a "quest" for her father, that was staying a weekend on the Underworld. She started using Shadow Travel to get there. The problem? She had no idea how hard it was, and she almost died every time. He sighted.
"I'm not talking about Shadow Travel. You should talk to Jason and sort this out. You're almost killing yourself everyday doing the craziest stuff just to keep your mind off him. He already broke up with Piper, what's stopping you now? I'm your brother and it pains me to see you suffering, I won't just sit and watch while you literally desapear." He got up and walked to the door. The (h/c) girl forced a smile so he believed she was fine. Nico left the cabin.
After hours reflecting and thinking, she heard the trumpets that announced the convocation to a game of Capture the Flag. Since she was feeling better, she changed her clothes and walked outside. The teams were: cabins 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 18, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29 vs. cabins 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, 24, 25, 26. They started the game. (Y/N) had to protect the boundary with a kid from Hipnos' cabin while a group attacked the opponent's flag and another protected their territory and their flag. Everything was going as planned, she hadn't seen anyone yet. Out of the sudden, she saw a blond guy running in their direction with a sword. Oh hell no, Jason Grace wouldn't attack her like that. But he did.
"What the hell?!" She screamed, reacting to the blade flying in her direction. Her teammate was asleep. She defended herself with her own sword and counterattacked. He invested against her leg, trying to make her fall. Her instincts took place, she jumped, attacked again and they started a meaningless battle. Jason looked the same as always. He was almost the same Jason that used to take her on cute dates in New Rome. But he fought like a greek. And that was when it hit her, he changed. The mixture of love and hate made her loose her senses for a bit, giving Jason the lead. He focused on her leg but hesitated to hit it, giving her time to get back on the fight. She knocked him to the floor, her foot on his chest and her blade on his neck, when she heard footsteps approaching quickly. Of course. It was a trap. She turned around and saw a son of Hebe holding her team's flag running, followed by two daughters of Hephaestus. She grabbed a knife from her belt and threw it to his leg, hitting exactly where she wanted. She then grabbed Jason's blade and Shadow Travelled. For a moment everything was fine, while she drowned into darkness, but then she couldn't get out. She saw her father's face mixed in the dark. He raised his hand and touched her face, than she was back at the forest. Realising not even a second had gone through, she attacked the — injured — boy and the two gigantic girls at the same time. She wasn't really expecting to defeat them, just trying to win some time so, hopefully, someone would come help her. The boy dropped the flag and got a small sword. The two girls had hammers... oh. The three of them attacked at the same time and she protected herself with Jason's sword, which flew away. She was out of hopes when a figure appeared beside her and started fighting them.
"What are you doing here?! You're not supposed to help me, we're enemies, remember?" She said, fighting Hebe's son.
"I guess you're welcome then." Jason replied smiling, fighting the hammers-girls. (Y/N) sighted in annoyance. Seconds later, her teammates came running from the enemies' territory with a flag and the three-people group surrendered. Everyone started screaming and celebrating. (Y/N)'s head hurt with the noise and she looked to her brother, feeling numb.
"Hey, can we talk?" Jason said, getting in front of her with a big smile. He was proud of himself for helping her? Of course he was. He was going to take all the credit for her team's win. The anger rose inside of her burning everything. She furrowed her eyebrows and with the last energy that remained in her body, she tried to Shadow Travel for the perhaps hundredth time that day.
She fell into the darkness while feeling her body desapear quickly. Her heart was very accelerated but then it stopped. She saw herself at the barks of Lete's river. I'm dead., she thought. The desperation started taking over. She remembered the face of all her friends. Her siblings, Hazel and Nico. Her mother. Her best friend Reyna. Camp Jupiter. New Rome. The Lar Vitellius. Lares? Lares! Maybe she could go back as a ghost! She would at least see her friends again.
"Didn't expect to see you this soon." A voice said with humor. She turned around, as always enlighten by her father's presence. But his face was sad. Not the everyday-sad-Pluto, but the my-daughter-just-died-sad-Pluto.
"Am I d-... dead?" The anxiety forbid her from crying in front of her father. The one she never knew and once she did, she didn't want to disappoint him.
"Yes and no. You see, my darling, there are things more powerful then death. Right now, your physical being is exhausted from travelling through darkness and light — which I told you not to, but we'll talk about this later, you have a decision to make. You're body is surrendering to Death out of hopelessness. But your soul, on the other hand, still fights for the heart beating in your chest. And your conscious, the controller of both body and soul, has to decide which one of them you'll support right now. As Lord of the Death that's all I can say to you. But as your father, I would like to say that we have a room for you in the castle, if you'd like that. And also, I feel obligated to show you what is happening on Earth." When he finished his words, an image formed in the air, sort of an Iris message, but no one saw them. (Y/N) saw herself laying on the grass, surrounded by some campers, Nico and Jason.
She was watching them from above. Jason put two fingers on her neck, trying to feel her pulse. She — the one in the Underworld — gasped as the blond boy whispered 'nothing'. She glanced at her father, who had a pained expression as he stared at Nico freaking out. Her brother had his hands on her chest and was murmuring something in greek. Then, he opened his eyes, filled with tears of desperation, and glanced at Jason, who didn't look any better. She wanted to scream and go back to up there, but her voice wouldn't come out of her throat.
"Half of her is already gone." Nico struggled to say. Everyone around gasped. "I can't Shadow Travel with her, it- it would k-kill the other half..."
"Let's take her to the Infirmary. Everything's gonna be fine. She'll be okay." Will Solace had appeared in the crowd and kneed down to take (Y/N) in the arms, being helped by the other two. As they walked, (Y/N) held herself in her arms, sobbing. She didn't want to die, not like that. The image faded away and Pluto hugged her. He never did that before. She left out all her emotions through the cry. Her father caressed her back and gently kissed the top of her head.
"Now you see, my child, what those on Earth are going through. You have a family up there. And if you'd ask me, Jason Grace is a good person, even being a son of my brother. You have a choice, so make it wisely." Pluto said, not backing away from the hug. She nodded and he immediately knew what her choice was. "You know I'd love to have you here with me, but I'd love even more to see you happy. Don't be reckless. And listen to your brother. You don't have to worry to come see me, I'll make sure to visit you during your recovery." As he said that, a white door appeared out of nowhere. "Here's your carpool." The girl started to walk to the door, when she heard Pluto say: "(Y/N) I lo-... Good luck." She smiled to him and went through into the door. It felt like eons in the nothingness. She felt so much pain all over her body. Then she gained conscience. She didn't knew how long it had passed. She also couldn't open her eyes or say anything, but she knew she was laying down something comfortable, a bed, perhaps. But she could hear perfectly well.
"... and I'm so sorry you had to die for me to gain the courage to say this. Please come back to us... Come back to me. Nico barely leaves this room and nor do I, Will had to force him to go eat. It's not the same without you, (Y/N/N), it really isn't." Jason's words gave her the urge to cry, but she couldn't. It was like her body had shutdown completely. She felt his warm hands on her cold ones and after that, a door was opened. Footsteps. Only one person. Jason didn't move. Someone sat down next to them.
"Dad- I mean, Hades said she will be okay." It was Nico's voice. He sounded extremely tired.
"Didn't he say that last month?" Grace was annoyed, but he didn't stop holding her hand.
"I know, I wish I could do more... I'm... I'm sorry Jason." The blond sighted.
"I should be the one to be saying that. I know there's nothing else to do. I'm sorry for putting the blame on you. It's just- if we've talked before, nothing of this would have happened. If only I was brave enough..." (Y/N) felt weak and her consciousness was back at nothing again. When she heard something again, it looked like a lot of time had passed by, but she wasn't sure at all. Jason's voice was happy as he told her his plans to the future.
"I realised you would like to work with me training the legion. You're obviously skilled and the payment is quite good. And I've heard they are planning to build a village here as well, but I don't know if you-..." Every time she tried to stay conscious, she felt weaker. 'Rest', her father's voice said inside of her head, so she let herself.
Some time...? A long time...? She didn't knew. But the next time she heard, she was way stronger. She waited until then, so she could stay longer and try to understand her emotions. She heard almost an entire day. Her friends entered and left cabin 13 — she found out that she was there. Some of them talked "to" her, some just sat there in silence. When alone, Nico talked a lot about Will Solace. (Y/N) smiled mentally. Then Jason entered. She could already recognise the sound he made walking. He sat beside her bed and held her hand, as usual.
"Hello, princess. You look better." She reunited all the strength she had storage and sent it all to her right hand. She softly squeezed Jason's hand, for a small portion of second, trying to say 'hi'. She felt exhausted. He gasped.
"She just squeezed my hand!" He screamed, laughing. Nico jumped out of his bed, laughing as well. They both stared at her, waiting for more. "You're there, right? I knew you were! It's been long months, but you're getting better. Don't work too hard. We'll see each other soon, don't worry." He kissed her forehead. After that, it was easy for her to let go and dive into her sleep again.
She was slowly getting better. She noticed her comas were smaller now, and she got stronger every time. She started communicating by squeezing people's hand. One time for 'yes' and two times for 'no'. But it still was exhausting. She met with her father a couple times through dreams, but it never lasted long. She was sick of it. She wanted to jump out of the bed and run through all the camp. She was alone with Jason, as he talked about the last time he went to Camp Jupiter, telling every change. She slowly forced herself to open her eyes. It wasn't for too long, just enough for her to see the big smile he had while talking, her favourite blond hair and how he gesticulated while speaking. By that time, her feelings were completely lined. She declined her childishness and stubbornness to accept the fact that she obviously loved him. Her lips were able to form a small smile. He hadn't noticed her yet. I can do this, she thought.
"J." She whispered for the first time in five months. Her eyes were already closed again. He gasped.
"Did you just say J? That's me! I'm here, i'm right here, love. Can you hear me?" She squeezed his hand one time. Yes. He chortled. "You're so strong. I miss you so much." He started softly crying. She squeezed his hand two times. No. Don't cry, she wanted to say. "Alright, 's fine, 's fine. Gods, you're coming back. I bet Aphrodite is watching us closely." He chuckled but suddenly stopped. "I forgot we haven't talked about that yet, i'm sorry. I don't wanna be intrusive, you know. It's just, by what Nico has told me, well, you still liked me." She squeezed two times. "That's... that's great, love. But don't worry about that just yet. You should take some rest now, my love."
Five days. She had woken up every single one of them, but only listening. No squeezes, no talking, no looking. Just storing strength. She knew she was close to fully waking up. She was already able to keep track of the days. It was a Sunday, the day she received the most visits. It should be morning, because she only heard Nico's snorting. She slowly opened her eyes. The same place. Different clothes. She wondered who had changed them. Perhaps Will did. She systematically moved her arms, pushing herself to sit. Her back was laying at wall. She took a deep breath. It was going fine. She wanted to wake Nico up, but she decided to wait to see if she would be able to actually stay awake. About an hour later, Nico woke up by himself. He yawned and turned to her bed. She looked at him with a big smile. He jumped out of bed.
"Holy shit, (Y/N)! You're up! How- Wait! I need to- Wait! Don't fall asleep, I'll be right back!" She blinked slowly to sign 'ok'. He was back moments running later with a bunch of teenagers in pyjamas. They all froze at the door, staring at her. Hazel, Frank, Annabeth, Percy, Jason and even Piper. Hazel was the first one to wake up from the trance. She ran to her sister and hugged (Y/N).
"Ouch." She managed to say, reacting to the tight hug that made her head hurt.
"Right, sorry! I forgot. Wait, you speak!" Hazel answered and laughed. All of the others joined in, amazed by her friend, and started talking, telling everything she had missed. (Y/N) couldn't speed properly, only a few words like 'hi', 'ow', 'miss' and 'food'. Later that day, Will came to check on her. He said everything looked just fine, but that she should rest.
"Hey." Zeus' son said, once they were alone.
"Gods, it's so good to finally hear you again. I've talked to myself for a long time." They giggled softly. (Y/N) wasn't showing any signs of it, but that day had been extremely tiring. Her entire body hurt but she couldn't give up just yet.
"I... heard." She whispered. "A bit." Her eyes tried to close but she opened them wide, fighting her own nature. Jason noticed that.
"Hey, no need to over do it.” He brushed her cheek with his thumb.
"Sleep... here." She begged, placing her hand beside her. He froze for a moment, embarrassed. And then, with a rubor across his face, he sat on the bed beside her. She laid her head on his chest and quickly fell asleep.
“Go to sleep, love. We have all the time in the world.”
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hermeticimp · 4 years
My Thoughts on The Gods - Part 5
Welcome to Part 5 with our dear Greek god of madness, fertility, religious ecstasy, wine, and theatre - Dionysus!
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Loved the 60s through 80s in the States. The devil may care and intense energy during these periods refreshed him after another series of violent, turbulent wars 
Just as passionate about rioting and standing up for what you believe in as Ares. He understands better than anyone the power of a group, no matter who they are. (Just think about all the things the Maenads were able to do when they worked together!...However violent they were XD). 
Just as into music as his brother Apollo. He loves the way you can just lose control when the music gets into you. It’s a level of ecstasy that few things can compare to.
Clubbing every night? Hell yeah! Any time is party time!
Hangs around frat parties and the like, happily keeping the booze overflowing and the energy up. However, that doesn’t mean he’s careless. He keeps an eye out for everyone, making sure they don’t drink too much, overdose, or harm anyone. He has no problem arranging rides for people to get home safely, which some of the other gods like Apollo, Hermes, Hestia, and Demeter assist with (the latter two helping provide shelter for those who are too incapacitated to leave and taking care of them). Apollo and Dionysus also utilize some tricks that help ease hangovers in the morning
Throws parties randomly when he feels things are getting a little too stale. What fun is being bored? 
Can be seen in the quiet faith of a devotee, follower, spiritualist, or religious person
He is the experience of suddenly sensing and feeling the beauty and love of the gods
Visits mental institutions as a means of comforting those within, giving them a quiet peace of mind for a time
Advocates for mental health much like Hel and Apollo. Passionate about reform and destigmatizing having mental disorders
Loves the idea of mental health days. Just because it’s not as easy to see as a physical condition doesn’t mean that someone isn’t being effected
Enjoys going to open mics and poetry recitals with Apollo and The Muses. Applauds and gives compliments, along with constructive criticism, for each person
Loves slam poetry
Enjoys a mix of thought out lyrics and straight party songs with music
Looks out for children with Apollo, Artemis, Hebe, Hermes, Hera, Hestia, and Zeus. He watches over those who are unfortunately dealing with abusive households
Happy to step in when he sees others being bullied or disrespected. Nothing sets him off quicker than treating others inhumanely
Enjoys attending wine festivals and tastings
He is the burn of alcohol down your throat
Watches fondly over those having their first drink, giving advice on how to avoid overwhelming one’s self and getting sick 
Big supporter of programs like Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous. As fun as drinking and (safe, legal) drug use can be, it’s equally important to recognize and respect the intense consequences they can have. He admires the strength of those in recovery
Watches over those working at rehab and methadone clinics. It’s not an easy job, especially when those who need help leave and fall into old patterns. He helps to ease the burden of those checked in and those who work there
He is the dedicated energy of writing a psychological thesis
Celebrates the diversity in sexuality and gender identity that exists today. Considering his own fluid identity, it brings joy to see others able to do the same
Enjoys watching people explore different identities to see what fits them. Nothing wrong with learning, experimenting, and growing with labels over time
He is the kind doctor who gently explains all of one’s options at a fertility clinic
Keeps an eye out for women who are going through late pregnancies and fertility treatments. Understands the toll and fears that come with these situations and helps to allay them 
He is the whisper of a secret between close friends late at night
He is the impish smile of a stranger in a club
Can be found in the bright neons and city sounds during a late night drive
Advocates for the protection of endangered animals along with Demeter, Gaia, and his son Pan
Enjoys farming and survival simulators like Stardew Valley and Minecraft
Thinks games like Kind Words are brilliant! The idea of people coming together to comfort each other anonymously is heartwarming
Spends plenty of time hanging out with his brothers Hermes and Apollo. It’s never a dull moment with these three
Carves out time to explore nature with Demeter, Hera, Hestia, Persephone, Gaia, and Pan
He is the sound of dissonant voices coming together in harmony
Is the quiet contemplation of meditation that leads to sudden insights
The song The Other Side by Bruno Mars feat. Cee-lo Green and B.o.B. comes to mind when thinking about him, Apollo, and Hermes. The three often sing the song together
He is the friend who stays up to comfort and talk down a friend in crisis
Enjoys drama shows due to how over the top they can be
Brings flowers to those performing in their first stage shows, congratulating them on a job well done
He is the feeling of stage fright that morphs into confidence as one practices and leans their parts
ADORES film festivals. Seeing the vast variety, from short films, to documentaries, to full length indie films and the work put into them inspires him
Much like Aphrodite, he reps a variety of pride flags whenever he attends a pride parade
Is the gentle, comforting voice that affirms someone overwhelmed with their dysphoria 
Supports more access to mental facilities to the underprivileged, inmates, and those on the streets
Supports sex workers and keeps an eye out for them along with Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, and Eros
Attends a variety of productions, from elementary performances to Broadway. Enjoys each and every one of them regardless of how inaccurate or perfect they are
Enjoys playing Devil’s Advocate in Ethics classes
Gets into healthy debates with Apollo and Athena on a variety of subjects
Can be called on when dealing with introspection (along with Apollo… for the umpteenth time XD), especially with shadow work
Likes grapes, grape juice, wine, alcohol, chocolates, big cat imagery, dolphin imagery, devotional dance and song, art, acting, hymns, plays, movies, music, skulls, and ivy
Has connections with death via Zagreus and the Orphic Mysteries
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Now, can you make a minor god godly parents version, please 👉👈😳?
Minor godly parents
Children of Nemesis never forget an argument. Their ears are trained to remember words, and insults, and will never ever let you forget. They are incredibly loyal, but never double cross them or it’ll be the last mistake of your life. They are strong believers in doing what Is right and fighting for equality so you’ll find them at the forefront of protests and trying to fight the legal system from both within and outside. They make the decisions that others won’t and are one of the neutral voices that campers turn to at war councils. This tends to inflate their ego though as they think they are like their mother bringing justice to their peers, but if they believe they deserve it they’ll accept their punishment.
Children of Tyche are risk takers. They are hard headed, well intentioned risk takers that walk on the street with their eyes closed to prove a point and let their friends shoot arrows at their head where an apple is balanced. Erratic and pretty unpredictable, you never know what you’re getting into with these children but boy is it a ride. If you ever see them paired with a child of Nike, run the other way. Because the combination of their blessed luck and Nike’s competitiveness in games they are a nightmare during games nights. With this as well, people’s days always seem to get a little bit better after spending time with them, and thanks to westernisation children of Tyche have a habit of carrying four leaf clovers and other ‘good luck’ items.
Children of Hecate are reminders that magic really isn’t just pulling a rabbit out of a hat. They are mysterious smiles, and whispered foreign words. They are powerful and have a mighty will, as magic is not something small to mess around with. They tend to sometimes be separate from some of the camp due to their other worldliness but that does not deter them. Sometimes their eyes haze over with fatigue from exerting themselves too much but they will do what needs to be done. Just don’t come to them for advice because you might come back with more questions than answers afterword, because sometimes it still seems like they’re speaking in riddles.
(Though not a greek God I did want to mention him because I think his children would be interesting)
Children of Janus are every bit the devils advocate and also the angel. Depending on the child, these children tend to be an extreme optimist or a pessimist. It comes with the territory when your dad Is the god of choices. They are also huge troublemakers and love making life hard for those that encounter them, providing people with profound questions that cause existentialism and don’t have any real answers. But if you catch them at the right time, they can help you hash out arguments, let you see both sides to the story and work your way through it. Some myths say that one side of Janus looks to the future and the other the past, this makes Janus and therefore their children wise to a certain extent. Just make sure you’re ready for the answer when you ask it.
Children of Nike can only be compared to the children of Ares for their bloodthirstiness to win. Willing and able to risk everything for the laurel wreath these children are cutthroat on the battle field. It is this determination and this drive that makes them both worthy opponents and loyal teammates, but need to be reminded every now and then that they are in a team. They are the ultimate hype person when it comes to team events and talk the worst (best) trash talk when sparring. with enhanced strength these children are a force to be reckoned with.
Children of Iris are the reminder that some people can most definitely become the embodiment of joy. With eyes that always seem to catch the light at the right moment, that sparkle and gleam. As the rainbow cabin, they have taken the unofficial offical role as the pioneer and provider for all LGBTQ+ flags. Their voices are always bright with personality and are so incredibly distinct in a group of people, they’re naturally charismatic and you can’t help but be drawn to their fun personality.
Children of Hypnos are the ones you go to for some quiet. With cool hands to press against your forehead and ease you to sleep, voices like a siren, humming while they play with your hair. They’ll hold you tight and watch over you while you get the rest you deserve. Being a half blood is hard they know, but they also know that their abilities are better kept within the borders of camp and in the infirmary helping people escape from the pain they would other wise feel. With eyes that seem to pierce your soul, and smiles that make you feel warm and cozy, children of Hypnos are a reminder that sleep is meant to bring you rest. But don’t mess with them, or you’ll be reminded that Hypnos is the brother of Death himself.  
Children of Hebe are the beautiful souls that don’t seem to age. While children of Aphrodite are beautiful, in their own way. Children of Hebe are timeless. With eyes that never seem to lose their brightness, and hands that are always soft and never seem to lose their strength. They have a spring to their step as they walk, and their laughs carry over the strawberry fields.  Children of Hebe are always there, a shoulder to cry, a lap to fall asleep in, and also the same person to go to when you want to have fun, combine them and the children of Dionysus and you’re bound to have a great time, they’re a person you can always count on.
Children of Morpheus are the dreamers (pun intended). With imaginations that make absolutely no sense. They see sound and feel colour. These dreamers talk in riddles and tend to see the world in a way that no one else can. They are first to agree with other-worldly plans and are ever the optimist. Because if no one believes in the impossible, then the word loses its meaning. Like children of Hypnos, their voices are soft, and melodic, pulling you into a trance like state.
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princessmeepa · 9 months
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Can you tell the difference game from mine version or LO/RS version
Note I did not own this characters from the Greek myths and I was just doing this for fun. Astraeus is very mysterious and there is nothing about him besides he is the Husband of Eos and the father of the four winds, so I give him some personality and his likes/dislikes
Astraeus the mysterious God and Titan of Dust and Husband of Eos and the Father of the four winds/ANEMOI
Likes: sweets, drinking tea, looking at the stars, making people/the Gods and his own kind feeling uncomfortable by doing some vaguer stuff or doing vaguer things, spending some time with Eos and his family, helping those around him and making Dusks.
Dislikes: Theseus being a big A$$****, Zeus and Being away/losing the ones the loved and cared about
Friends/allies: Thanatos,Hypnos,Apollo,Hermes,Eros,Dionysus,Makaria,Ariadne,Psyche,Peitho,Pesathea, The ANEMOI, Hades,Persephone, Helios(Sometimes), Selene(His favorite sister in law, because she is the only one who can understand him),Endymion(same thing just like Selene),Hyacinth,Iasion(He likes him for some reason, not in a romantic way),Ampelos,Pan(Why not), Adonis,Crocus,Hekate(His favorite niece not in a creepy way, but in more of a father and daughter type of relationship),Demeter(because she bakes some sweets for him),Hestia(She is very warm and kind to him),Artemis(Because He thinks she is a fun and chill version of Apollo),Amphitrite(She is fun and bubbly),Thetis(He likes her girly, motherly and bubbly personality) Eos(wife), Hedone, Ganymede(because of his beauty and kindness to him), Hebe, the Oneirois, the fates and other demigods/heroes and Tithonus(enemy to friend).
Enemies:Zeus(because he r*pe his own son),Theseus, Phaedra,Hera,Poseidon(didn’t like his anger issues), Ares(because he slept with Eos),Aphrodite(because she’s the the one who cursed her to be lustful over men)Heilos(sometimes), the 13 unlucky souls.
Personally: He can be kinda rude and vaguer when you first meet him, but once you get to know him better and get to know his backstory, He is a very kindhearted young man and loves helping others and He loves his family deeply
Asclepius the Demi god/God of Medicine and Son of Apollo, p.s forgive me that I spelled his name wrong and these two are very old art, by the way.
Likes: his family, marking medications and helping people
Disliking: people and his love ones being hurt and Theseus
Personally: He is a pure cinnamon roll who loves helping everyone
Friends: Apollo and everyone
Enemies: Theseus(because he bullied him and others for no reason) and Zeus(because he killed him)
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Lore Olympus version of Asclepius and Astreaeus
Dark helmet:Absolutely nothing
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nectaric · 3 years
( Multi-Muse questions. ): 10, 11, 12, 14, 20
multimuse questions : accepting.
10. Is there a crossover you just can’t resist?
i think the only crossover that really speaks to me is any game of thrones au, those really get me going u know?  i just don’t have many au’s set out for my muses in that verse.
11. Do your muses share trends in AUs? 
i’m not one huNDRED percent sure what this question is asking, but something that does come to mind is the fact that... many of my main muses / favourites are gryffindors in any HP au... maybe i’m a little biased, but its fine.
12. Is there a trope you keep falling for regardless of the muse?
i’m literally just such a sucker for family threads / especially found family.  people who just, despite everything, come together in difficult circumstances and say “these are my people.”  ugh i love it so much
14. Which muse is the most demanding?
demanding for time and interaction, probably hades or hebe.  those are the two that i always feel myself coming back to.  demanding in energy is probably athena or demeter.  dem’s easy ish to write but she’s also exhausting for some reason
20. Do you have any new muses you’re thinking about taking up?
i’ve considered just adding muses to my blog that i’ve already sorta written for other things but never made it official: iapetus, namely, but also jason grace. i’m just kinda lazy though and speaking it into existence means people can interact with them and i’m not reADY hahah
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