#love you writers 💕
maggstar · 1 year
Finished playing Plague Tale Requiem and sobbing tears rn. I love games with amazing stories, but these ones always hit home. 😭
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willow-lark · 11 months
lark's recently-read byler fic recs
thought people could use some uplifting 💕🫶 please remember to hype up your favorite fics and art and other creative work & remember there's always something new to enjoy!! browse the tag or ao3 page & give someone's work a some love!! xoxo
If Time Runs Out by @rainypebble07 (T, ongoing, 14k+) - BYLER PIRATE AU!!! 🏴‍☠️ i literally just discovered this one today and i'm actually obsessed. i have never seen any other pirate aus (🤨) n i just wanna say u guys are missing out on the concept and on this fic bc i'm so invested. i'm so excited to see where this fic goes. royal mike x pirate mike is SO GOOD.
how to get your crush to believe you love him: a guide by mike wheeler by @newlesbianprideflag (T, 3/4, 11k+) - mike goes across the country to visit will at college in an attempt to confess his feelings to him. will, who has a boyfriend already and would like to think himself very over mike, thank you, is not impressed. this one deconstructs a lot of popular/fanon tropes and is really great so far!!
california show your teeth by @fireflywitch (T, 8/19, 63k+) - ok this one mayyybe only has background byler but i'm reccing it anyway bc it's one of my FAVORITE regularly updating fics maybe EVER. in early 1985, chief hopper and his average, normal family move from lenora hills, california to hawkins, indiana--the latter of which has had multiple tragedies over the past few years, to which the new chief's family may or may not be linked. LIKE WHATTTT 👀 go read it RN. masterpiece
All Good Dogs by @hellfiremike (T, 1/1, 3.8k) - this one actually made me cry. featuring: an EXCELLENT character study of will byers, a heartfelt examination of canon and what comes after, and chester the dog getting the attention he deserves and never got in canon 😭
kiss me (try to fix it) by birthofv3nus (T, 1/1, 4k) - will has kissed every member of the party except for mike, who is, understandably, taking this news *SO* well and is not jealous about it at *ALL.* but maybe his situation is not quite as dire as he believes it to be....ugh this one was such a fun read, and you know i loveee party dynamics!!
drank my poison all alone by silverluminoqity (T, 1/1, 4k) - mike is going through it, and, though vecna seems to have been vanquished, maybe he's not so completely gone as everyone thinks.... this is an excellent exploration of both mike's guilt as well as his evolution as a character, and how he views himself. super in-character and super good!!
high tide came and brought you in (and i could go on and on) by silverluminoqity (T, 1/1, 8k) - MOTEL FIC MOTEL FIC MOTEL FIC 🥳 or, mike and will have yet another heart to heart, and some things are revealed. this fic is just so completely heartfelt and UGH i was MELTING the ENTIRE TIME, holy SHIT. probably in my top 3 motel fics EVER tbh.
Chasing Heartlines by @cherryisgone (T, 1/2, 6k+) - i was so excited to read the first chapter of the sequel to maybe one of the best byler fantasy aus ever!! knight mike pining after prince will is something that can actually be so personal to me. i love a good mike-won't-shut-up-about-will fic. the attention to detail in this fic is actually INSANE.
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thyhauntedmansion · 6 months
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Comedy and tragedy, at its finest.
Just some appreciation for our favorite star✨
I adored Cassandra before but now? NOW?!Knowing now that Cassandra’s future has been prioritized since the ripe age of SIX YEARS OLD is insane. Every new thing I learn about her makes me love her even more.
She was robbed of a normal childhood. Which, is acceptable in some regards, like being more worldly and cultured rather than getting a regular education. However, I know damn WELL Alcina (wether intentional or not❤️) put too much pressure on Cassandra for the sake of “reaching her full potential” to the point where growing up she internalized her image as quite literally the only thing that mattered.
Her going hysterical and downright INSANE by the end of her bad route is literally so perfect.
This is her destiny. She would stop at nothing to see it become a reality. She’s worked too hard. This won’t go to waste. SHE won’t be a waste.
Also her traveling around as a child really makes you think about how much Cass must actually appreciate Elena’s friendship. Someone who has remained in her life despite any amount of flirting and shenanigans. Whereas Cass probably has a hard time maintaining any friendship since she could never stay in one place for long :((( Children need stability in order to learn how to make lasting relationships and I don’t think Cass ever really got that beyond being with her sisters.
She’s just a special lil star🥺🌟
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i hate being the one that always loves more
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thedeadthree · 3 months
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🌞 CYTHIA -`. the witcher • ♟️KAROLINA -`. btaj
🕯️ NYNEVE -`. vtm • 🐦‍⬛ IRINA (pre embrace) -`. vtm
🪩 ANAIS -`. vtm: night road • 🪞ILEANA -`. vtmb
🧚 ALKYONE -`. coral island • 🌪️ VAERMINA -`. bg3
TAGGED BY @crownrots, @corvosattano, @risingsh0t, @cloudofbutterflies92, @kyber-infinitygems, and @carlosoliveiraa to make a few of the dearies using this dollmaker !!!!! tyty!!
TAGGING: @seluneite, @jendoe, @sunites, @rosenfey, @lavampira, @leviiackrman, @unholymilf, @gwynbleidd, @queennymeria, @aezyrraeshh, @marazhaiaezyrraesh, @full---ofstarlight, @nightbloodbix, @jackiesarch, @florbelles, @marivenah, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @yharnams, @shadowglens, @anoras, @celticwoman, @pinkfey, @shellibisshe, @faerune, @alltoowelltv, @adelaidedrubman, @grapecaseschoices, @sussoro, @griffin-wood, @bloodofvalyria, @dickytwister, @loriane-elmuerto, @timdownie, @theviridianbunny, @riikugan, @vvanessaives, @raphaelsboudoir, @ryomenscurse, and you!!
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daffi-990 · 8 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday 📝
More from the Buddie Slow Dance Fic. This fic is gonna be soft and sappy 🥰💖. The first song these boys danced to (before this lil snippet starts) is Paper Rings by Taylor Swift cos it’s such a fun song and Buck is a Swiftie and would totally drag Eddie to dance to one of her songs.
“Where’d you learn to dance like that?” Buck is finally able to ask as the song begins to come to a close. He’s been told a few times by Karen and even Eddie himself that the man could dance, but he didn’t think he’d be that good.
“My Abuelo and Abuela loved to dance. Swing, samba, waltz, they just loved dance and taught all of us kids. Every Sunday after church we’d go back to their house and have lunch as a family and then dance. After Abuelo died, Sophia and Adrianna stopped dancing, but I kept it up so I could dance with Abuela.” Eddie begins swaying them gently as a new song begins to play. “Dancing always made her so happy, and even though he was gone, I wanted her to have something of him still. Keep the memory of him alive, you know?”
Buck didn’t think it was possible to fall even more in love with someone, but here he is, sinking deeper into the sea of love he has for one Eddie Diaz.
No pressure tagging: @exhuastedpigeon @lover-of-mine @forthewolves @fortheloveofbuddie @callmenewbie @thewolvesof1998 @wikiangela @hippolotamus @wildlife4life @eddiebabygirldiaz @eddiediaztho @rainbow-nerdss @try-set-me-on-fire @spotsandsocks @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @jesuisici33 @loserdiaz @callaplums @captain-hen @monsterrae1 @messyhairdiaz and whoever else wants to share something 😊.
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ricky-olson · 3 months
idk what kind of water twt is drinking saying ao3 needs a dislike button to ‘humble’ writers like NO I love you writers i say i should be allowed to spam kudos
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aboveweirdest · 2 months
Types of Fic Writers Based on Where You Write Your Shit:
Google Docs/Word/any word processor: lawful good vibes. You may not be organized per say, but you have a way of doing things and you're pretty set in it. I love you. All Hail Fic Writers
On your phone, specifically any Notes app: chaotic neutral vibes. You do what you want when you want it. No matter how feral the idea, you will write it down, consequences be dammed. I am scared of you. I respect you. How tf do you do that? Stay away from me, but give me your secrets
Directly into the AO3 editor: lawful evil. Yes that's technically what it's for but, god, the horror. How could you? What are you? Do you twist all rules to your benefit or can you simply not be bothered with convention? I fear the day you are unleashed upon the world. Yet we continue to send you offerings (kudos) in return for your blessings (fics)
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0omandapandao0 · 6 months
I know this is entirely different from what I would normally post.
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in February and it has been a tough journey for her and our family. She has started a gofundme for help with the medical bills that are adding up.
If you can find it in your heart to donate, any bit helps. I understand if you can’t, so if you would please share the link it would be much appreciated.
Thank you 🩷💕
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merryandrewsart · 1 year
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Fan art for lovely Notchka88 (on AO3) for 'Miles To Go' story💗
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signedmio · 4 months
i see all these writers on this platform who have their lil anon or asker who’s really just their buddy and who will submit in their ask box to ask like the silliest questions and they have this cute little bond, and i can’t wait for when/if i get to that point, i want my anons to be comfy w/ me like a buddy 🥺🥺 i love you guys like your my children, please don’t be scared to spam my ask box w/ silly, non-request related questions, i will happily answer them my loves!!
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arklayraven · 7 months
Literally teared up when I saw the option...pfffft
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pfhwrittes · 28 days
Yeah of course! Anything I can do to help!
My tumblr is messing up the links lately so forgive me for not including one, but it was a Soap smut related to underwear, and it was at the very end of it where you described the reader as being red-faced/flushed.
Thank you for being understanding and receptive! Sending love! 🩵
i know the one, i've changed the sentence from "red faced and desperate" to "hot-cheeked and desperate".
and of course! thank you for pointing out areas i can improve on, i really appreciate you anon 💜
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biromantic-nerd · 1 year
I think representation in characters is so funny bc some people are like "I'm [rep] and that is the WORST rep I've ever seen" and some people are like "I'm [rep] and this rep is so important to me this is exactly my experience"
and by funny I mean no character is going to match every single person's experience simultaneously. Someone might criticize a character for being a stereotype and someone else might recognize themselves in that portrayal. And vice versa, etc, and so on and on forth.
#literally i hate what the show Monk does to Monk - sets the audience up to laugh at him#but i LOVE Monk#first character with OCD i've ever seen and he made my life easier just by existing#i love him#absolutely hate watching the later seasons of the show though bc they don't even pretend anymore#that the show isn't about shoving him into situations that distress him#and it's not framed as upsetting. it's framed as comical. look at how ~weird~ his OCD is. our main autistic character with OCD.#like bruh you MADE that character.#anyways i did not vote for Monk in a poll#and i thought it was interesting bc i saw a tag about not liking him#(hi myth 💕)#but i DO like him#don't like his writers though :( they deliberately try to make him ~cringey~ for neurotypical people and it's like okay thanks#i still like him.#he is not exactly my experience#no i WISH i had a helper my life would be sooo much better off i really do need a helper#watching it and finding one solution for an issue i had was like - i don't even care how ableist this show is. this show helped me.#a real life person.#like you can say what you want about bad rep not being better than no rep but i thought it was good rep since it HELPED me.#HE was good rep. the show was bad at framing it bc they wanted you to laugh at him. hope that makes sense.#anyways.#Monk ily. sorry i never kept watching bc i couldn't bear to see anymore of the situations they were putting you in.#i could not reblog the poll with my Monk tags without letting this go. I know I voted for Dirk but I do love Monk but I hate his writers
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gingerbreadmonsters · 3 months
my liege, I bringeth forth three questions╰(*´︶`*)╯ 🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
may you stay in good health!! >:0
rainy is talking about this ask game (still open!)
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
if you need to move files (like photos, videos, pdfs, etc) between devices but they're too big/take ages to send, put the file as an attachment to an email and then save it as a draft! then just open up your email on the device you want to send the file to, and you can pick it up from your drafts there 🥳✌
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
due to my chronic basicness i would eat my own head for a proper, no-holds-barred gavin and freelancer soulmarks au, and would i trust nobody on earth to write it better than the incredible and gorgeous @andypantsx3 - who as far as i know has no interest in rasmr, but who writes the most hilarious and affectionate prose i have ever had the pleasure of reading in my life, oh miss andie how i adore you 😍
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
answered here, so i will provide a randomly-selected alternative q+a below instead <3
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
i mean i think you all already know that if i had to pick just one, it would be the doctor who revival - i go back to the ninth, tenth, and eleventh doctors especially because those are the ones that were airing when i was properly watching it 🥰 a lot of those episodes inspire me a lot, both thematically and artistically, so i always have a lot of fun thinking about them <3
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sixpennydame · 5 months
Hi Sailor! I'm wishing you a delightful and happy new year filled with love and good things! For the New Year's Asks, how bout 🪩 and 🛏 ?
Warm wishes <3
Hi there! I am wishing the exact same for you, Urban. 2024 is gonna be a good one!
Ask me my writing goals for the new year!
🪩 Do you have any "good" writing habits you want to cultivate?
Yes, and it's to continue doing 'Morning Pages' every morning. I got this from the book The Artist's Way: every morning, write three pages in a notebook. Don't overthink it - just write whatever flows out - it really can be anything. For me, it becomes a kind of emotional dump most times, but other times, it helps me flesh out ideas or scenarios I have in my head. It's a great way to get the creative juices flowing!
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
I've already answered this one a lot, haha. So I'll ask you: got any tropes suggestions I should try out? :-)
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