#loyalty to the cause — I would lay my life down for the cause kind of thing
miscomm · 1 year
the possibilities that hufflepuff’s traits have to be twisted and turned to make a ‘villain’ character are insane
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zsupika · 4 months
Would you mind sharing your thoughts For Love and Deepspace Boys, specifically what they need in their girls, their type? Thank you.
Love and deepspace boys' types
> my (oddly specific) thoughts on what the lnd boys' types would be
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A/N: i really like this idea, so thank you for your request! Please, whoever reads this, don't take offense if my opinion doesn't suit you to your favorite, these are all just for fun <3 also these are longer than I expected lol so take these types lightly and let me know your thoughts in the comments and/or request more stuff like that! (also I didn't proofread so excuse any additional mistakes lol it's late and right now I can't bring myself to ×~×)
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Xavier would like someone who cares about him a lot
For example if he were to come home from a long mission, seeing you jump up from excitement from seeing him again, would make him melt
And when he gets hurt and you immediately come to him with a worried face, he'd adore you so much
I feel like he'd appreciate someone who's kinda quieter like he is
He likes moments were you just lay on the sofa and cuddle with each other without saying anything
It helps him relax and makes you two feel much closer
Words can't really convey how he feels about you so he prefers to show you by his actions, kinds similar to Zayne but I do think he'd make more of an effort to say it to you directly than Zayne
He'd like someone who's good with animals
Seeing how you care about them makes him feel soft inside
I also think he's a lot more bold in intimate moments than people might think so he'd like some who knows what they want in that regard
He likes when you tell him directly what you want
He also likes someone who's playfully and gets him flustered
He feels like he can let go and enjoy himself with you in that way
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He'd like a talker
Someone who talks a lot about how their day was and who asks him questions, making it easier to verbally communicate his feelings
He'd like having someone who understand how he feels without having to say it aloud
Having a partner that accepts that his job as a doctor is hard and his priority would be important for him aswell
He wouldnt neglect your relationship ofc but as a doctor saving people is your priority
So he'd want someone who doesn't take offense in that and understands him in that regard
He wouldn't want someone who's jealous really quickly
Someone who's confident in the relationship and who values trust and loyalty would be right for him
A bonus would be if you give good massages
He just sometimes needs them to relax
He'd appreciate you so much if you do that for him
He would like someone who's independent and takes good care of themself
I think he'd like someone who smells like/uses lavender parfum
Or any floras scent really but lavender helps him relax as well
I don't think he'd have any strong physical preference but I do think he'd appreciate if you take good care of your hands and nails
He would LOVE to look at your nails if you went to a nailsalon or if you painted them yourself
Bonus points if you painted little snowflakes or similar
He'd melt
He would like someone who gets hot easily in the summer so he can cool you down with his evol
It makes him feel strong and kinda protective like he can take care of you in that regard
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Rafayel would like someone who's not very sensitive
He likes to make jokes that poke slight fun at you (in a playful way ofc) so he'd appreciate if you don't take them to seriously
Generally he'd love to have someone he can joke with
He'd someone he can playfight with cause its a lot of fun to him and makes him feel closer to you
To him it's really intimate to let someone that close to himself so he loves it if he can do that with you
He'd want someone who can appreciate the small things in life
And someone who appreciates art
Whether it might be looking at street art or going to museums, his heart would melt if you would start to talk about theories about the paintings and their meanings
He loves to see your face when you look at the drawings/paintings or whatever and would point out details that stand out to you
Bonus points if you're an artist yourself
He'd love to spend quiet time with you sketching or observing what you're doing
Physically, he'd like someone with interesting features
Whenever it may be your face, body, style or whatever, he'd like to see someone who stands out
He would want someone who talk with him when he's in the mood to and someone who he can spend quiet time with, without it getting awkward
He would love someone that teases him slightly
He'd pretend he doesn't like it but he actually does
For example if he were to (playfully) ignore you or something, he'd want you go try and talk to him until he gives in and talks again
He wouldnt like it if you just ignored him aswell.. It would bore him and make it seem like you don't care about him
Back to the physical features, I feel like one of his favorite things would be if you had an interesting mole or something like two eyecolors
He'd also like someone who doesn't complain too much
His clothes are pretty much always somehow covered in paint, aswell as his hands and sometimes face
If you were to always complain about that, he wouldn't like that
He'd need someone who laughs about it and helps him clean it up instead of throwing a fit
I think he'd also like someone who'd like to take baths with him
Not necessarily in a sexual way but just in a normal way
Basically you two washing each other, it makes him feel closer to you
He'd like someone who's comfortable with that
I think he'd also like someone who comes behind him to hug him or surprisingly showers him in kisses
It makes him feel appreciated if you'd make the first move
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elysiansparadise · 8 months
heyyy i love ur posts and i wanna ask what u think about 11h moon<3
btw i love the way u set up ur whole aesthetic and how u lay everything out on ur account its amazing and was sooo helpful when i was trying to learn the basics of astrology
Hello, thanks for loving my posts. I appreciate your comment, delighted to know that this helped you somehow. 😊
Moon in the 11th house
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Altruistic, gentle and very empathetic with other people. People, even if they just meet them, tend to quickly feel confident with these natives, even going so far as to tell them private things shortly after meeting them. With this placement of the Moon, the native has the ability to be popular, to win the affection of people and to attract friends who give him unconditional support. Now that I mention the word friendship, these natives are great people to have by your side, because the loyalty, affection and reassurance they are able to give are unique. They are genuinely happy for the achievements and happiness of their friends and it is very important to them that they feel comfortable emotionally and to show themselves as they are. People with a sublime and understandable soul, who, regardless of the differences they may have with others, are attentive and kind. These natives may feel somewhat different from their family or people their age, it is possible that they deal with the feeling of not having fit in with a group at some point in their life, the sense of belonging is something very important for them, even if it is difficult for them to verbalize it. 
The Moon being in an air house, makes them very rational people as far as their emotions are concerned, but that does not mean they are insensitive, quite the opposite, by removing the idea that they have the absolute truth, they are able to understand the motives and people's emotional worlds, which gives them great emotional intelligence. In some cases they may deal with the idea of ​​wanting to take care of their friends or the group they feel they belong with out of an internal need to be cared for in the same way. They very much apply the idea of ​​being the support they felt they didn't have when they were younger. They do not tolerate injustice, and can feel a lot of emotional pain when faced with it, so they will always be willing to support the causes they consider. They are typical people who help strangers and give them an encouraging and genuine smile. They can easily improve people's moods and make them feel that everything will be better. It is very likely that they feel some distance from some members of their family, more than they would like, but throughout their lives they can make friends that feel like family.
As I mentioned before, popularity is something quite common with this placement, these people can be very appreciated and recognized especially on the internet, it is quite common to see celebrities with this placement. They have the desire to contribute something to society, whether it be changes, help, knowledge, etc. They may want to do something significant or big. In financial terms, they may have some ups and downs in their income, but they have the ability to handle it. They are likely to make money as teachers, chefs, content creators, entrepreneurs or psychologists. Even if they seem to be very people-oriented people, these natives need to feel autonomous and enjoy their time alone. In fact, it is likely that when faced with a difficult event, they prefer to isolate themselves to process everything at the beginning, since feeling their support back is something crucial for them. The relationship with the mother can be somewhat complex, and the native is likely to feel that they are very different in terms of ideals. In the best of cases, the native feels motivated by their mother to follow their dreams, in the most tense case there may be a lot of emotional distance with her.
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sansaorgana · 2 years
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PAIRING — Duke Leto Atreides x fem!Reader
SUMMARY — Your relationship with Leto and his son is getting better, especially after the happy news. However, your father’s visit to Caladan ruins all the effort and causes a misunderstanding.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — I am very grateful for all the kind comments, likes and reblogs under the previous part. Many people asked for the second chapter, so here we go. 💗 I am also planning to write a fic with a modern Duke Leto soon but my Uni is taking most of my time recently... 🙃
WARNINGS — age gap relationship, mentions of death after childbirth, douchebag father
WORD COUNT — 4,740
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That time of the year, the winds and rain were starting to become so heavy and frequent that it was advised not to leave the palace. Under any other circumstances, it would feel like you were in a trap but because your relationship with your husband and his son was finally developing, it actually gave you an opportunity to spend more time together.
Sometimes, though, you would get caught on a sofa by the window; staring outside at the awful weather with a warm cup of tea between your fingers. Your gaze was longing and your fingernails were tapping on the porcelain impatiently. It was obvious that your mind was somewhere else.
“What’s troubling you?” Leto entered the library where you had been sitting. You two had dropped all the official titles recently but it still felt weird to talk so casually to each other even if you started to regularly lay together. You knew couples – like your parents – who kept calling each other my Lord and my Lady for their whole life.
You turned around with a soft smile to let him know that you were happy to see him.
“Nothing, I just…” you looked down and put the cup down on the table.
“You’re missing home,” he pointed out and sat next to you. You moved slightly to make space. “I know your planet, it’s always warm and sunny.”
“But never too hot,” you chuckled. “I wish we could visit,” you added, sadly.
“You’re welcome to go,” Leto put his hand on your shoulder and caressed it softly. “I’m not keeping you here.”
“Aren’t you scared I’m going to tell my father bad things about you?” you teased and he rolled his eyes. “But, my dear, it’s not about that. I would simply find no pleasure in going there alone.”
“You can take Paul with you. I’m sure he would love to go,” Leto hummed.
“Oh, yes, of course… But, still, I would miss a certain someone,” you turned your head around to look into his deep brown eyes. They sparkled a bit as he smiled.
“I have my duties here. Dukes don’t go on holidays unless we are invited to official meetings.”
“I know. And I won’t leave you here alone when the weather is so awful. It would make you sad!” you promised.
“I am used to it at this point.”
“No, I’m staying,” you turned your whole body around to nuzzle into him and he put his arms around you to keep you close. You pressed your cheek to his chest and took a deep breath in. “Right now it would be a bad time to travel anyway.”
“Why, dear? The weather is not scary to our ships,” Leto caressed your hair carefully.
“I’m not talking about the weather nor our ships, dear husband,” you could feel your face burning out of nervousness and excitement as your lips curled into a big grin.
“What can you possibly mean then?” he furrowed his brow.
“Am I supposed to believe that the medics truly kept a secret from the Duke?” you looked up into his confused eyes. “Oh, dear, I did not expect such loyalty from them.”
“Do you want me to beg for clarification? Now I’m worried when you have mentioned the medics…” Leto cleared his throat.
“I am with child,” you whispered quietly, your lips trembling as you said that and your eyes searched for his reaction.
First, he furrowed his brow, then the muscles of his face twitched and his lips curved into a wide smile. His touch around you changed, it was somehow gentler now and softer, like he was holding a glass.
“R-really?” he asked.
“Oh, I am certain,” you giggled softly, “I can feel my body changing already,” you bit on your lower lip. “Are you happy?”
Leto didn’t answer but he nodded before placing a kiss on your forehead. You could see that his eyes filled with the overwhelming worry that overshadowed the happiness in him.
You didn’t comment on that and decided to give him time.
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Leto insisted you should start sharing the same chambers from now on and he instructed maids and guards that you should never be left alone. He was overprotective, which felt nice but also exhausting at times. You cherished your alone time and now you had none of it.
Whenever he was around you, and that would happen more often these days, he was keeping his hand on your growing belly. His big, warm hand spread widely on the bump, making sure his child would be secure. You would play with the ring on his finger and feel at peace with the whole universe. Everything was the way it should be.
One of those times you noticed Paul’s concerned and angry eyes focused on his father’s hand on your belly. In fact, you hadn’t had a conversation with Paul about your pregnancy. You were still helping him with homework and going on walks together but you could sense Paul distancing himself from you and Leto recently.
“He’s a man now. He doesn’t need to be talked to like he’s a child,” Leto said to you the other day.
“He’s a teenager,” you sighed. “I was one, too, not so long ago. I will speak to him.”
Before Leto could protest, you left the chambers and hurried to the end of the corridor and to the staircase to reach the floor where Paul had his quarters. Of course two guards followed you like obedient dogs and at times like this, you wanted nothing else but to yell at them to go away.
You couldn’t, though. You knew that being the Duchess carried lots of responsibilities and duties. Treating guards and maids awfully was a sign of a bad ruler, even if pregnancy would be an excuse. You didn’t want to disappoint your husband, your servants, yourself and the whole Caladan.
Your father was one of those; yelling at the servants. He thought he could because he was close to the Emperor. And your whole life in your father’s house, you had never felt as safe as now in Caladan because you had never had servants and guards so loyal out of duty, respect and love instead of fear.
Once upon a time you had been thinking that every noble man was like your father. Duke Leto had changed that.
You knocked upon Paul’s door and he muttered a “come in” after a long moment of silence.
You entered his chambers and spotted him sitting on the floor while watching a historical holo and making notes. It was for one of his classes.
When he raised his eyes and saw you, he looked down immediately after.
“Am I bothering you?” you asked with a soft smile and put one of your hands on your belly to caress it gently. It was done out of instinct, you hadn’t even thought of that. But Paul noticed the gesture and gave it a very unpleasant look. “What is troubling you, my Prince?” you tried to ask more officially now.
“Is it the boy you’re carrying?” he asked and turned the holo off before throwing his notes away. “My father’s son?”
“It is too early for the medics to say,” you answered and dared to sit on the edge of his bed. He didn’t react to that and only looked up to still have his eyes on you; squinted and calculating.
“Why are you asking me, dear? Is it a little brother you would want the most?” you asked, naively.
“What does he want? My father? Does he want a boy?” Paul swallowed thickly and you furrowed your brow at the sight of his eyes filling with tears.
“We haven’t had this conversation. I don’t think he cares,” you answered.
“Every man wants a son, so I’ve heard,” Paul sniffled.
“Most men want sons only because they need heirs but your father already has one,” you smiled carefully.
“I want it to be a boy,” he announced and you froze for a second. You couldn’t understand that at all because you had thought that he was actually afraid of being replaced.
“I want you to give him the heir I could never be so he can stop expecting all of this of me. I don’t want to be the Duke,” Paul whispered and looked down to hide his tears from you. “But I know it means I’m going to lose his love. I’m going to lose it anyway when the child comes so let’s hope it’s a boy at least… So I am no longer with a burden of power.”
You took a deep breath in and sighed. Damn you, Leto, you thought. He had been the one saying that Paul didn’t need to be talked to…
“Your father loves you,” you reached out your hand to caress his shoulder. “In fact, I am going to reveal something to you since you’ve been so honest with me. He loves you so much that sometimes I am afraid he would never love that child in me as much as he loves you,” you confessed to him and he looked up again; his cheeks all wet and his beautiful eyes reddened.
“Why wouldn’t he?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged your arms in response. “It’s that little voice in my head telling me that but I can see you can hear it, too,” you let out a chuckle and fixed his ruffled hair. “He loves you and nothing will change that love, no matter if you want to be the Duke or not. I am sure you would be a wonderful one and so is your father but I don’t think he would ever force you to do anything. If it’s a son in me, it won’t mean you will no longer be an heir, my dear. Maybe your brother won’t want the title either…?”
“Imagine having two sons and neither of them wanting to be the Duke,” Paul snorted and so did you. “My father would be very unlucky then.”
“I don’t think he would consider himself unlucky. Having two sons is already a great happiness for every parent,” you caressed Paul’s cheek. “And what if it’s a girl? I think it would be wonderful to have a little girl in the palace. Will you love her?”
“I will,” Paul nodded and smiled, nuzzling his face into your hand. “I’ve had this conversation once already, with my real mother,” he revealed.
You froze for a while, realizing what he had just said. Real mother, so you were the substitute mother, which meant that in some way he was seeing a mother in you. He wasn’t much younger than you although you knew you had been presenting yourself more mature – women had to grow up faster than boys in the world like this. It still felt odd that in some way he was treating you like a mother and that he wanted you to caress his cheeks and ruffle his hair but then again, he had lost his real mother as a young child and never again had a woman taking care of him.
“Please, don’t die like her,” Paul nearly begged. “My father won’t survive this again,” he whispered but you both knew that he had meant himself, too.
“I won’t die,” you cracked a smile. “I promise.”
“There you are,” a familiar voice interrupted you and you both looked at the door where Leto had been standing. “Is everything alright?” he furrowed his brow at the sight of your hand caressing his son’s wet cheeks.
“Yes, it is,” you nodded your hand. “What is it, darling?”
“I’ve just received the news that I think might be happy for you,” Leto smiled. “Your father wants to pay us a visit.”
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You felt like a little girl again, shuffling your feet impatiently between the folds of your dress as your slightly trembling hands clasped around Leto’s arm. Your smile was wide, your hair and makeup done so pretty that you had spent an hour admiring your own self in the mirror. You wanted your parents to see you were happy here and that your life was good. You wanted them to be proud.
When you heard voices behind the door, your heart skipped a beat but when the door opened and you only saw your father and one of his servants walking inside, your smile dropped.
“Father!” you left Leto’s side and ran up to him, breaking all the rules of the protocole.
However, your father only gave you a scolding look and walked past you to greet your husband.
“Duke Atreides,” he shook his hand firmly as you turned around, hurt and confused.
“Lord (Y/L/N),” Leto greeted him without a smile and then he gave you a sympathetic look.
“Duchess,” your father finally extended his hand towards you in the most official manner.
“Father,” you insisted on not calling him by his surname and you shook his hand back. “I thought mother would come with you…”
“It’s a business trip, my Lady,” he gave you a fake smile and turned around to speak to your husband, abandoning you completely.
You felt like a fool in that dress and hair, the makeup. Was that all he would give you…? Not a single compliment, not a single hug?
“...I’ve heard the Duchess is expecting, that makes the Emperor happy…” you heard a part of their conversation and his eyes finally looked at you again. “Is it a boy or a girl?”
“I will find out tomorrow,” you told him.
“Excellent. We really hope for a boy. That’s what every man wants, is it not?”
We. Like him and the Emperor were the one. What a fool he was, thinking that he meant anything to him… What a naive idiot.
You left the room and decided to go back to your chambers for the rest of the evening.
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However, around midnight you were getting bored and quite irritated with the fact your father had been spending all that time in your husband’s office, discussing business and politics. You decided to interrupt them and remind Leto of the late hour. You were sure your father would find it outrageous but Leto would be grateful because he had never been a fan of your father’s company.
You put the robe on your nightgown and tip-toed out of your bedroom. The guard wasn’t there, probably left to stand by the window at the end of the corridor for a while. You took advantage of it and sneaked out to reach Leto’s office.
You stood by the door and you were about to knock upon them but then you heard the conversation taking place.
“Why is the Emperor against the alliance I have made?” Leto asked, irritated. “What is wrong with the alliance?”
“It was made without his permission,” your father reminded him.
“Do I need his permission every time I make an alliance? It doesn’t make sense, the more alliances we have, the more powerful the whole Empire is…”
“Making alliances of your own, my Duke… One might think you’re getting them not for the Emperor but for your own self,” your father sneered.
“Why would I need them?” Leto sighed.
“You know perfectly well why.”
“I am not planning a rebellion against the Emperor. I am loyal to him,” Leto gritted his teeth.
“I know, for now you are. I know everything that is going on here,” you could hear your father’s smirk through the walls and the door. And then, a long silence.
“How?” your husband eventually let out a laugh.
“My dear daughter writes to me regularly. You are being watched, let me remind you,” the vicious words of your father made you gasp and cover your mouth with your hand. It was not true. Why had he said that?
“I am aware,” Leto’s voice changed. It was cold now, so cold like you didn’t even remember now that it could be. You knew he was just playing along so he wouldn’t look like a fool but he was angry.
“Are you really? It seemed to me earlier that day you hold real feelings for my daughter. You didn’t scold her for breaking the protocol and she acted like a schoolgirl instead of the Duchess. It seems to me that you have fallen for her attempts to make you like and trust her. She’s a good actress, always has been. She even tricked you into a child and you know perfectly well that the only person wanting it is the Emperor. He wants someone to replace your son because Prince Paul Atreides is already rotten by your rebellious influence.”
Your heart stopped beating in your chest for a while. One moment earlier you wanted to storm in and scream “It is not true!” but now you felt powerless. You felt like too much damage had been done by your father’s words to just storm inside and yell that those were fake accusations. That he was a cruel man, that you loved your husband, loved his son and loved his child inside you. That you wanted this child and couldn’t give a damn about the Emperor. That those days when you had feared the Emperor were gone now because you had Leto by your side.
No, it was too late now and you were too hurt. You just went back to your chambers, feeling nauseous and trembling out of fear. What would Leto’s reaction be to your father’s lies?
“My Lady?!” a surprised guard widened his eyes at the sight of you approaching him. “When did you leave the bedroom? I haven’t seen you!”
“You should have stayed by the door then, instead of going away on your watch!” you screamed at him and went inside the bedroom, not sparing him a second glance.
You took a deep breath in and opened the door again. He looked at you, scared.
“I’m sorry. I needed a walk, I’m a bit anxious… it’s because of the hormones,” you lied. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you. Please, forgive me.”
A Duchess asking her servant for forgiveness. Your father would be really disappointed in you now.
“I have already forgotten, my Lady,” the guard smiled at you sincerely and you sighed out of relief. “Good night, Duchess.”
“Good night, darling,” you closed the door but you didn’t go to sleep. You couldn’t.
You waited for Leto to come back. You were nervous and scared so when you finally heard his footsteps, you almost jumped out of the bed.
“Is the Duchess asleep already?” he asked the guard.
“Yes, my Lord.”
“I will not disturb her then. I’ll go to my own chambers,” he said and just like that he walked away.
Your heart wouldn’t find peace on that night apparently.
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He wasn’t present during breakfast either and right after you were supposed to see the medic to find out the gender of your baby. You thought Leto would be there with you but he wasn’t waiting for you with the medics either so you went through the process without anyone. It was quick and painless but it still felt empty and meaningless if you were there completely alone.
With the results in a golden envelope, you walked the halls of the palace slowly, contemplating what to do now.
“My Lady, your father is about to leave Caladan. Do you wish to say goodbye to him?” one of the maids approached you.
“No, thank you,” you faked a smile at her and her eyes widened but she didn’t comment. She only nodded her head and walked away.
You took a deep breath in and decided to go to Leto’s office. When he didn’t answer your knocking, you pushed the door open but then you noticed the room was empty.
You hurried to his chambers and that was when you spotted his maid making up the bed. She informed you that he went out to fly.
“The Duke wanted to clear out his head,” she said. “He should be back soon.”
You nodded your head and thanked her. Your next destination was the hangar. You knew that flying was Leto’s passion and that was something he had wanted to do instead of being the Duke when he was young. However, he didn’t have much time for that now and you had never witnessed him actually doing that.
It was your first time seeing him jumping out of the plane in a flying suit and you had to admit it looked good on him. It made you smile to see him like this and you ran up to him, still squeezing the envelope in your hand.
“My love!” you greeted him and he froze at the sound of your voice. Eventually, he sighed and turned around.
He couldn’t hear how fast your heart was beating and even if he could, he probably blamed it on your run instead of your stomach-twisting nerves. You were terrified of him at that moment and while you knew he would never hurt you physically, you were scared of the damage he would do to your heart now. His eyes were cold and distant but also full of pain.
“I wasn’t asleep last night, I was waiting for your return and then I overheard what you said to the guard,” you swallowed thickly. “Then I couldn’t see you at breakfast and I think you forgot that I had my appointment with the medics later… But it’s alright!” your high-pitched voice sounded desperate and you hated yourself for it. “It’s alright, my dear, it’s not a big deal. I asked them not to tell me so we still could experience it together,” you handed him the envelope. “Oh, please, will you open it? I want to know so badly!” you pleaded like an impatient child.
Leto didn’t say anything. The look he gave you was a mix of resentment and pity. Despite that, he tore the envelope open and read the words on the piece of paper that had been inserted inside by the medic earlier that day.
“It’s a boy,” he said without any emotion and handed you the paper and the envelope back. You saw the news with your own eyes and your eyes glistened with tears.
“Oh! I am so happy! Paul will be happy, too!” you sniffled your happy tears back.
“Why would he be happy to be replaced?” Leto asked coldly and left your side to approach the door of the hangar. You furrowed your brow and rushed after him.
“That is what he wants, don’t you know? He doesn’t want to become the Duke, that’s what he told me,” you tried to grab Leto’s sleeve but he was pulling away every time.
“We never do when we are young but we grow up and change our minds,” Leto said without looking at you.
“I know, I’ve told him he would be a wonderful Duke and there is no guarantee that the new boy would even want to be one either. Anyway, it will feel nice to Paul to know that maybe he is going to have a choice. That if he decides that governing is not for him at all, he won’t leave the Caladan without a ruler. But it’s useless to talk about now, my love, it won’t be something to worry about in a long time now and we should just focus on what’s now and that’s so wonderful to have a little boy, don’t you think?” you sounded so desperate and pathetic that you were even surprised that you could do that.
“He was right,” Leto stopped suddenly in the middle of the way from the hangar to the palace and you stopped right after him, “you’re really a good actress. And I was a fool.”
“No, he was not right!” You sniffled and took a step back, hurt by his words.
“How do you know what I’m talking about?” Let furrowed his brow. “You were spying on me?”
“I am not spying on you! I went to your office around midnight to remind you of the late hour and I overheard the conversation. I wanted to storm inside and stop it but some things my father said were too hurtful for me, so I just turned around and left. I spent the whole night tossing and turning, terrified of your reaction because I could hear in your voice that you had believed his vicious lies. He is disappointed in me because I am not spying on you so he decided to pretend in front of you that I do, so you still feel invigilated and watch yourself. Such behavior is not below him but…” your voice cracked before you took a deep breath in, “...but I am disappointed, dear husband, that you believed those lies. That you still don’t trust me, that you still don’t love me enough to know better,” you raised your head high despite your trembling chin and you walked past him to go back to the palace, leaving him alone in the middle of the way.
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You were in your chambers with a book you couldn’t focus on at all. You felt relieved now when you already had told your husband that you knew about his conversation with your father but at the same time you couldn’t quite tell what would be his next step because obviously the next one was his to make.
So you were mostly just staring at the wall in front of you while resting on the pillows on your side of the bed and the book was just an accessory in your hand.
When the doors opened without knocking, you knew it had to be Leto because no one else would dare to enter the Duchess’ bedroom like that.
However, you decided not to look at him and treat him as coldly as he used to treat you in the morning. To give him a taste of his own medicine.
You pretended to read the book and with the corner of your eye you were following his movements. He was now dressed usually and he sat on the edge of your bed carefully before daring to place his hand on your wrist and making you lower the book down. You laid your eyes on him, irritated.
“Will you ever forgive me?” he whispered.
He sounded so broken and sincere that your heart almost felt pity for him.
“Will it always look like this?” you asked him with a sigh. “You doing something awful to me and then asking for my forgiveness, acting like a beaten dog by my bed?”
“I know it’s the second time. Two too many to happen and one too many to forgive,” Leto cleared his throat as his voice was starting to get raspy.
“Why did you believe him?” your eyes filled with tears again. “Why? What have I done those past few months that made me unworthy of your trust?”
“Nothing, my love you’ve done nothing wrong,” he raised your hand and placed a kiss upon it. “He was convincing and he is your father. I could see the way he was treating you but still, as a parent myself, I couldn’t imagine a father lying like that about his own daughter. It seemed to me to be too cruel, so I assumed he had to be telling the truth. I was wrong, I know, and it cost you a sleepless night and a lot of worry, which is very unrecommended in your state and I will never forgive myself for that but I hope for your forgiveness at least… I know it’s greedy to ask for,” Leto lowered his forehead to press it to your hand.
“If my father’s doing is too cruel for you to comprehend, then I am glad you are the father of my child,” you wiped your tears with your free hand and you giggled. He looked up, surprised. “I forgive you, old fool, how can I not? Don’t be too harsh on yourself either; after all, nothing terrible has happened. Just a little misunderstanding,” you caressed his cheek and hair.
“Your father should understand one thing,” Leto moved closer with a smile and cupped your face in his hands. “How could I not be loyal to our Emperor when he was the one to send you to me?”
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charlessmiths-wife · 3 months
I’ve realised that my accounts display is highly RDR2 centric, specifically Charles - yet I haven’t made any posts in any way pertaining to either of them! And they’re my greatest loves!
So without ANY FURTHER ADO I present a few of my nearest and dearest headcanons for the gang (most of them are probably incredibly basic… also so biased to my big three of Arthur/charles/sadie)
CW!!!!!! mentions of violence
Under the cut if you’re interested!
-> Arthur has a small barely noticeable scar on his neck, just below where his beard finishes. He tells everyone he simply got it one day when he accidentally nicked himself whilst shaving - only John and Hosea know the truth. He got it when a member of an enemy gang held a knife to his neck too hard once, threatening him. It didn’t go on long enough to cause any lasting damage. Suffice to say Hosea took care of things before it reached that point.
-> Throughout his whole life, Arthur struggled to differentiate the kinds of love he felt. He loved Mary and Eliza, I truly believe it was romantically, in Mary’s case and he was aware of this, though there’s less to go off of with Eliza - but in terms of his relationship with members of the gang, that’s slightly more difficult. He knows he loves John like a brother, Dutch and Hosea like a father, and Sadie like a sister. His love for Charles is… different to all those, very much so less familial. But he died before ever figuring out what it was.
-> Charles and Sadie visit his grave every year. John also does, but not with them, he prefers to go alone.
-> After Arthur dies, Abigail tries so hard to get John to open up. He never really does. The closest he gets to doing so is when he kills Micah.
-> Sadie never EVER forgets Jake, as much as I would love to be a sadigail truther (and I truly believe there’s certainly a lil fruit in Sadie’s punch if you get me) Sadie never finds the connection she had with him anywhere else.
-> I’ve already touched on Charthur, whilst I certainly think the possibility of feelings developing was right there, I don’t think it could ever have materialised within the time frame of RDR2
-> in some hypothetical and beautiful universe in which Arthur lived, it takes years for Arthur to realise his feelings - even more so to actually act on them.
-> that is, if he chose to act on them. Something tells me Arthur would stay silent, and opt to let Charles make the first move if he wished.
-> When Arthur got sick, Sadie actually silently believed he would get better. Somewhere deep down she knew that was likely impossible - but she wanted to believe it wouldn’t happen again, she wanted to believe someone she cared for wouldn’t be taken from her for another time. It was easier for her to believe than accept reality at times.
-> John also believed silently he would get better, the gang had always pulled through, no matter what - it was hard for him to comprehend Arthur might not be around anymore.
-> out of the three of them, Charles was the only one who I believe truly accepted Arthur’s fate before it happened.
-> I think Dutch did care for John and Arthur, and the whole gang at a point. But Dutch, in my opinion, has an innate desire (more than anything) to feel in control and protect himself and his leadership. A combination of the death of Hosea and the manipulation of Micah (as well as Dutch’s own personal desires and characteristics) are what I believe led to his care for the gang dissolving into care for only himself.
-> not rlly a headcannon, more of an opinion - but Javier gets too much hate. He chose to stand against John and Arthur, but in my opinion, this seems understandable if you look at it from his perspective? His loyalty lay with Dutch because Dutch, in his mind, SAVED him. He gave him family, support, food, and, well - life, for want of another word.
-> I firmly believe that, if Shaun was still alive, he would’ve done the exact same thing as Javi.
-> (coming from the most DIEHARD FAN so please recognise this is no hate) but sometimes I think Arthur gets well.. watered down too much as being presented as a good man who was living in unfortunate circumstances. And whilst I’d say this is largely true, at least on a good honour play through - I’d also say it’s largely true for many of the other members of the gang? Sadie, John, Abigail, Javier, Charles, Lenny… I’d say they’re just some of the examples of characters who would also fit such characterisation and deserve the same sympathy as Arthur
-> John was the BEST at playing cards back in camp, Arthur never knew how. It infuriated him.
-> “Goddamn bastard… fool at damn near everything else… but a goddamn wizard at poker…”
That’s all! Feel free to add any you have yourself in the comments :)
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foolish-sparrow · 11 months
A/N: Guess who got into Aespa in the space of 2 days 
Warnings: Violence, blood, deaths, threats, injury and cursing
Word Count: 2.1k 
Her eyes pierce through your defenses, everything that you are laid bare for her to view for her own pleasure and amusement. 
The demon sits upon her throne, and somehow you find yourself at her side. 
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Frigid air forces white puffs to exit passed your lips, their existence lasting but a few seconds before they evade your vision.
The scar on your arm itches.
The cathedral was empty upon your arrival - the stone walls doing very little to contain any heat from the carefully placed candles. All in rows of three.
This was by no means new to you, because while the building was used for its intended purpose, it was all a farce. A cover-up.
Sin and debauchery lay just below the surface, away from watchful eyes and curious ears.
The first time you had timidly stepped through the threshold, you had almost expected God himself to smite you down, and force you to repent for any and all sins that you have committed in the short amount of time you had been on this world.
You wore sin like a silk scarf, greeted it like the long-time friend it has always been.
After all, it was the reason you had forced tensed limbs passed the sturdy wooden doors that belonged to this particular place of worship, arms clutching a package with some very questionable words written upon its surface.
You had entered with nothing but a goal and a name.
Kim Winter.
Back then she had been a means to an end; you needed something she could provide, and in turn you would place your life and loyalty in her hands.
A desperate cry, perhaps, but in a city such as this one each sunrise you got to witness was nothing but pure luck.
Gangs ravaged each corner, deals of all kinds conducted with hushed whispers and stacks of green.
Never in your wildest dreams would you have expected things to turn out the way they did.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -  
Your grip on the package tightens once you enter the main space, eyes taking in the rows of pews.
It was cold, uncomfortably so.
A shuffle has your wired muscles bouncing; fight and flight response activated as you turn to whatever made the noise.
Jihyo raises an amused eyebrow at your response, the corner of her lips twitching for the briefest moment before she continues her approach.
“So, you took my advice?”
A strained breath causes a dull ache to shoot up your sides, shoulders very much still tense. “I can’t afford to take my time.”
She nods her head once in understanding, “Winter is in her office. To the left,” she points at a single wooden door hidden away. Your heart seems to pick up with the knowledge.
Jihyo turns back to you, then, and you can feel any blood exit your face at the expression she dominates you with. “If, at any point, you become a threat to her, your death will be slow and torturous. You will be begging me to end you, do you understand?”
Threatened promises cause your tongue to fall limp where it lies in your mouth; a nod is all you can give.
Your relationship with Jihyo had been nothing but friendly banter till now, but even you know that means little if you make one wrong move.
Once at the door, you juggle the package into one hand, shaky fingers raising until timid knuckles can tap against the frame.
With one last breath, you take hold of the handle and twist, wincing with the slight creek once you begin to push.
Before you even have the chance to see the inside of the office, the temperature makes a sudden and heavy drop. Bumps immediately erupt along your arms and invoke a full-body shiver.
You say nothing as you slip your way in, the natural habit of not wanting to get in the way making you appear small as you all but cower once inside.
Your gaze is slow to pull itself from the floor, but once you manage the difficult feat you are left stranded alone and enraptured.
Sitting hunched on a large leather seat, Winter regards you for a tense moment, hands neatly folded for her chin to be placed upon.
Her eyes meet your own, daring you to make a move before they drop for the briefest of moments. So quickly, in fact, that you are pretty certain that it was all in your head, especially as she takes a stand.
Her expression gives away nothing as she makes her way closer, each step calm and calculated. This was her domain, her territory, and she was making that very clear during this moment.
You fail to hold in the stuttered breath when her eyebrow twitches in what you can only assume to be amusement, her eyes continuing to force their way passed your already diminished defenses and look deep into your soul.
“It would seem you need something from me,” she says, nonchalance dripping from her fangs.
“You better not be wasting my time.”
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -  
It was safe to say your first impression of Winter Kim was as memorable as it was terrifying. Something she holds over you even to this day.
She loves holding the power, thrives from it. Authority practically drips from each syllable whenever she speaks.
You had gotten used to it after joining her operation, to the point where you sometimes find it difficult to reach the same level of terror you held after the first day.
Winter was as enigmatic as she was contradictive, and it makes you wonder why you find yourself paying such rapt attention to every little thing she does.
There was a need, deep and primal, to prove your worth for her eyes to feast on. To have you be someone she could rely on for tasks she wouldn’t be able to entrust with just anyone.  
Ryujin says you’re like a lost puppy.
You purposely ignore her.
It doesn’t help that you have already made mistakes, stupid little things that could have very easily been avoided if you had just thought about it.
And then there are those moments, little cracks in time and space where her smile is genuine in nature, her words holding just a tinge of softness.
They leave you weak and obsessed, always craving for more.
She’s become an expert on giving you just enough to catch your attention, to gain your interest before the mask of indifference is placed firmly back on and she’s telling you to get back to work.
You fail to notice Jihyo’s Chesire grin whenever you stumble out of Winter's office, confusion clear on your face, before you straighten out your blazer and head back to your post.
It continues like that, weeks coming and going, before an attack on the cathedral changes everything.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -  
Business has been running slow all day, the yawns forcing open your jaw becoming more and more frequent with each hour that passes.
You would have loved nothing more than to track down Jihyo or Ryujin, to tease and banter, anything to pass the time. But both of them had jobs outside of the cathedral for the night, which meant you were left to suffer the prospect of boredom all alone.
There is a small tug within your chest, working together alongside the scar on your arm, reminding you that Winter was in her office.
You lift up the white sleeve of your dress shirt to look at the discolored skin.
A sign of your loyalty.
Everyone that works for her had one, brought forth due to a burn.
Unconventional perhaps, after all the other gangs had tattoos and the like to discern them from others, but there’s a part of you that prefers this.
Growing up without a home, the scar made you feel like you belonged in some dark, twisted way.
Pushing your sleeve back down, you were just about to go and find something to hold your attention when an explosion rocks the stone walls, some of the stained windows smashing in the process.
Confusion forces your brain to close up shop, but your capacity to work in sync with your instinct means you’ve already begun to move.
Bullets come raining through the doors as you begin passing the rows of pews, and tight muscles propel you behind one before sharp metal can imbed itself into soft flesh.
Reaching into your blazer, you automatically reach for the set of knives, your preferred weapon, before taking out the pistol instead.
You sigh, listening, waiting for a break before you’re once again on the move.
A bullet from you strikes true into one of the assailants, leaving no time for yourself to gloat as you’ve crossed the walkway to the pews on the other side, crouching for cover as you go.
The need for your own life and safety is non-existent during that moment, everything, every desire coursing through your body urges you to get to her, to Winter, and make sure no harm comes her way.
The hinges of the door almost snap with the force you use to open it, the darkened end of your demise greeting you once you turn.
Winter’s hardened eyes widen when she realizes it’s you, and she quickly lowers the gun she had pointed to your face.
“Hello to you too,” you grin, quickly regretting your choice of words when it looks like she’s going to raise the gun again. “Sorry! I can’t help it. Stress brings out my inner comedian.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” she huffs. “But how about we leave that for when we get out.”
You salute despite yourself, “Aye, aye boss.”
Even when staring death in the face, you could never take things seriously.
With a tighter grip on your own weapon, you instinctively reach out with your free hand, fingers greeted with Winter’s unnaturally cold touch as you bring her hand into your own.
A deep breath in, and on the count of 3, you charge.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -  
“Fuc- ow!”
You flinch away more due to the unimpressed glare Winter shoots you rather than the stinging pain in your abdomen.
Situated in her home, on her couch, you were stripped of your blazer and shirt so she could tend to the only would you had managed to obtain from your escape.
“Shut up before I give you something to whine over,” she threatens, but her words are empty, even you and your lack of social skills could tell.
However, when she leans in once again, you pull back, heat coursing through your veins. This was doing little to calm your already overworked heart.
With the slightest hint of a growl she reaches out, forcing you close with one arm as the other continues to tend to your injury.
While still embarrassed from the proximity, you comply with her orders, watching intently as her furrowed brow seems to deepen as she works. The way the hardened line of her lips seems to be fighting off a… pout?
Perhaps you hit your head without even knowing?
Too enraptured, you don’t even process when she moves, bringing both hands up to your face and daring your gaze to pull away from the fire raging deep within her own.
“You’re an idiot.”
Lips meet your own, and you’re left floundering for even a shred of sanity you know you don’t have.
She pulls back, hands still on your cheeks, “What am I supposed to do if you die?”
You blink once, twice, eyes fluttering in confusion when you see the hint of tears laying just against her eyes.
“I’m… sorry?”
Your mind is a whirlwind, so many things raging havoc at once that you don’t even know where to begin.
She pulls you in again, and this time your body reacts before your mind short circuits once more. Your heart at odds with so many different emotions trying to take control of the strained muscle.
She places her forehead against your own, and with one puff of cold air from her lips, you feel yourself take control for the first time that night.
“You were never subtle about things, you know,” she whispers, and you can feel your face flush with the knowledge that she had been aware of your feelings for the entire time.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
A smirk is slow to spread against her lips, and you attempt to push down the shiver it evokes. “Because I wanted to see if you actually ask me.”
“Well,” you clear your throat when your words come out strained, “would it be weird if I asked now?”
She pulls back, and you watch as the demon before you teases and beckons, “I don’t know.” She says, looking away in an attempt to appear as if she was pondering. Her eyes alight like wildfire when she turns back to you.
“There is only one way to find out.”
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the-crimson · 4 months
Q!BBH and Generational Trauma
For a long time this has been something I’ve noticed in the halo family that I’ve strongly related to. Idk if it’s an intentional theme bbh and Dapmin (and pommin but im mainly gonna focus on Dapper) put into their characters but it’s definitely there. So heres my perspective on bbh’s character arc so far observed through a lens of generational trauma.
(Quick side note. Writing this post was a journey tm and my initial view of bbh and god’s relationship and what the afterlife scene meant shifts dramatically half way through XD)
Even if a parent does everything right, they will still hurt their children. It’s part of the job. It’s part of life. Even if we choose to be better than our parents, the scars they left will bleed onto our children. I think every family has an element of generational trauma - I certainly do but im not gonna trauma dump on yall - but the severity of it is a spectrum.
Q!bbh was cast from his home due to the conditional love of God/the Father and this has left a clear impact on him. His self worth is in the gutter and he lacked a sense of purpose. According to everything we know of bbh’s life before the island, he didnt really care for much of anything other than finding the next source of entertainment - i mean, he remembers the salem witch trials fondly because of the drama of it all regardless of the fact that hundreds of innocent women were murdered.
Was God being intentionally cruel or abusive? Probably not. From His perspective, he may see casting his angels from heaven as a temporary punishment - like spanking a child for throwing a tantrum - without really understanding the damage such treatment is actually doing. He isnt teaching his children the lesson he thought he was just as spanking a child doesnt teach them to behave, only to fear. Bbh redeemed himself in the eyes of the Father and thus was granted the choice to return home. The Father was doing his child a kindness, he was welcoming his lost angel back home because what fallen angel would ever choose anything other than Elysium? And thats the point of conflict. The Father thinks he is doing right by his child but hes only causing bbh more pain. Bbh has to choose between his own children and eternal salvation (that he knows can be taken away on a whim). His heart has been severed in two.
Bbh’s wounds from his disownment run so deep he doesnt even notice them and thus, doesnt notice how they impact his children. Dapper has taken after so many of bbh’s characteristics and a complete lack of self worth is one of them. Selflessness to the point of self annihilation. The fear of being a burden. The need to feel useful otherwise why am i even alive? Dapper was borderline suicidal because they felt useless and nearly killed themself trying to be useful by farming soul hearts and they learned all of this behavior from Bad. Bbh showed Dapper unconditional love but it wasnt enough. Bbh couldnt save Dapper from his own trauma.
Breaking cycles of generational trauma takes more than just realizing how you were raised didnt work and trying something else. Bbh never healed from the wounds left by the Father and thus they were passed down to his own son.
When i started writing this analysis, i thought that this was the tragedy between bbh and the Father. God was too stuck in his ways to understand what His child needs, what would truly make bbh happy. I thought that the Father had not changed. His love remained conditional. Bbh could only come home if he chose god/heaven. The door might be closed next time. This is his only chance of coming home. But now after laying it all out like this… it made me wonder why the Father decided now of all times was when bbh redeemed himself. My initial cynical reading was that the Father was putting bbh through a test of loyalty. He only truly earned his redemption if he would abandon his children in favor of god/heaven but now… i can see a more hopeful reading.
God watched bbh become a father. He watched bbh become a better person through fatherhood. He also watched as the trauma He caused was passed onto bbh’s child. If the Father wanted bbh to come home because he’d redeemed himself, then the Father could have snapped bbh away at any time. Perhaps thats what He would have done 14,000 years ago when bbh first fell. What if the Father recognized his mistake? What if this was His attempt to fix things after seeing just how much damage He’d done? What if he did finally understand what bbh truly needed?
Bbh was stuck in his trauma because he lacked agency in his current state. The Father still had all the power between them by holding heaven hostage. The only way bbh could ever start to heal from this damage was if he was given back the choice that was made for him. Bbh needed to choose one way or another in order for him to take the first step towards healing even if it causes him anguish in the moment. He needed the choice. He needed the freedom to refuse.
But giving freedom to your children can be scary. What if they make the wrong choice? What if they screw up and ruin everything? For a god who expects perfection from his children, freedom must be terrifying. Giving His children freedom means giving them the option to turn away from him. But that is part of being a parent.
What if unlocking the gates was an apology? Im sorry i hurt you. Im sorry i made this choice for you. I see you. I wont take this choice from you again. Its too late to change the past but you can change the future. Dont make my same mistakes.
What if it was a gift? God relinquished his leverage over bbh and gave him the option to come home. An opportunity for bbh to break the cycle. A chance for bbh to make a choice for himself for once. To free him of the shackles that tied him to God. To heal and stop his own son from continuing the cycle of generational trauma.
After all, the greatest gift a god can give is the freedom to choose one’s own destiny.
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24hourtickets · 8 months
Here are my thoughts on each contestant so far (spoilers up to ep. 9). These are just my impressions of their roles in the limited context of the show, not as actual people.
- Lee Si-Won: The mad scientist! My favorite, though not necessarily my favorite to win. Sharp, strong-willed but loyal, and most of all, persistent. She and Seok-jin have incredible synergy. If the competition comes down to the two of them, though, I feel like she wouldn't have the heart to beat him...
- Ha Seok-jin: ...while he would have no such qualms. Crafty, independent, and observant, a real genius when it comes to scheming to an almost scary extent. He's definitely most at home in a "villain" role where he doesn't have to protect anyone. He and Si-Won give me the vibes of a natural talent and a hard worker teaming up instead of fighting over their differences.
- Seungkwan: Actually pretty interesting. Whether he intended to or not, he's the only one who has managed to strike a balance between being a threatening contestant and an exploitable one. He leans more towards the latter, but not to the extent that people are targeting him. In fact, everyone likes him a lot. That's an idol for you.
- Guillaume: Just smart in general. It was especially sly of him to play dumb throughout the first game. Seemed like an all-rounder. It wasn't his or really anyone's fault he got eliminated. His team just had to decide on a strategy early on that they weren't able to change later.
- Kim Dong-Jae: Very similar to Seok-jin. Schemers, the two of them. The main difference is that while Seok-jin is fine with keeping a tight circle or even flying solo, Dong-jae wanted to build trust with others. His fatal mistake during Secret Number was not committing to either closing ranks or cutting off contact with Seok-jin and Si-Woo. I'm very interested in what the writing test for this show was like, for him to be one of the two to get a perfect score.
- Lee Hye-sung: She didn't get to do much. I like that she trusted Dong-jae, but she was too trusting. I think she should've stood her ground and compared numbers with Yu-min first, then leveraged that information to ensure Dong-jae's loyalty. That might have helped Yu-min feel secure enough to not betray them later.
- Seo Yu-min: Way too dependent on others, though she seems to have taken the results of Secret Number to heart. She has the right idea about taking advantage of other people's sympathy for her, but the helpless act only works in the long term if it's just an act and not, you know, real. Also, Seungkwan has already filled the niche she wants. She should make more use of her greatest asset: Joon-bin, who clearly still feels guilty about Secret Number.
- Park Kyeong-rim: She's so sweet. If I had to choose, she's the one I'd want to meet in real life the most. But in the show, she's way too much of an open book and bleeding heart. I like that she's more cautious of Yu-min after Laying Grass, though that just means she'll divert more of her attention to helping Seungkwan.
- Kwak Joon-bin: He's funny because he talks a big game about wanting to turn traitor and cause chaos, but he's a huge softie who refuses to exploit weaker contestants. I don't think he's crafty enough to take down stronger opponents either. He's proven himself as an active participant in the games, which is really all it takes to not be marked as exploitable even if your most of his ideas go unused. But people don't trust him because of his big ol' mouth.
- Seo Dong-joo: Also smart in general, bold. The Si-won to Orbit's Seok-jin, kind of. She's more of Orbit's second-in-command than his partner, though that's only because Orbit is that much of a force of nature while she's content to play a supporting role. She's pretty loyal to Orbit, but she doesn't care that much about the others and only helps them because he does. Even then, she's been having doubts about him since Zoo. I think she could go head to head with Orbit if it comes down to the two of them.
- Orbit: Love him or hate him (looking at you, Si-won), he's incredibly influential. He's so much of a leader that it's kind of stifling. Extremely smart in a technical way, the best at coming up with group strategies based on actual game theory. This complements his "protect the weak" ideology, though that has been breaking down. He can't save everyone, even at the expense of the other team. I think he first realized that after Zoo and then truly accepted it during Laying Grass.
- Cho Yeon-woo: She was too passive, exploitable. But while Seungkwan is loveable and Yu-min is pitiable, she never found an approach that would make someone hesitate about targeting her. I wish she got the chance to show her strengths, but Seok-jin's robbery was frankly a brilliant move so I'm not that mad. I think she should've cozied up to Si-won more, especially by telling her about the safe. Seok-jin would've disapproved but Si-won would've stood up for her.
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As the world caves in
Phobos x gn!reader
Fluff/romance with future angst.
The day was winding down, the sun slowly dipping down to create a perfect evening glow, the breeze lightly rolling pleasantly over skin causing goose flesh to rise. A tall shadow figure was pulling the windows closed, ready to lock up for the night.
He spared a glance at you, his golden eyes and glasses still giving you an unsettling feeling in your stomach. Or perhaps that's the feeling everyone gets when close to an Employer. You spared him a nod in greeting and he returned the favour, the knot of dread slowly unravelling.
Continuing on, you noticed each room as you passed, each dark and empty, devoid of life until the next morning. The only companion you had now was the quiet and ever present hum of the dull lights overhead. At the end of the hallway was your goal, the elevator that would take you to the peak of the Nexus science tower.
The doors opened as you approached, the guard in the elevator eyed you up as usual, there were a couple guards, and this one was the less friendly of them. The other would spare you a smile, or make polite little conversation, but this one was a brick wall of a man. He simply hit the button for the top floor. The silence was thick and overbearing.
You came out as the door opened, Phobos staring out of his window as the sun started to set on Nexus City. "Hello Director." You greeted him, stepping up to his office. His head turned, single eye piercing you S-3LF. He grunted in reply, taking a cursory glance around the empty room, before he softened and placed his oversized hand on your cheek, his nail lightly grazing your cheek.
"My favourite mortal, how kind of you to come and see your God, unpaid and after hours. Such loyalty should be expected." His arms wrapped around you, pulling your smaller body up onto his lap as he sat down, nuzzling into your hair with his chin. "My beloved."
Phobos was arrogant to high hell, a bit of a sadist and sometimes downright cruel without mercy. But something drew you into him, a twinge of gentleness, a hidden tenderness buried deep inside his mind.
"It's near impossible to keep myself from indulging you each moment of the day, you are far above these pathetic mortals. You and I... Are something beyond them."
"Phobos.... Will you dance with me?"
My feet are aching, and your back is pretty tired.
Phobos' body was incredibly warm, pressed against yours as you two slow danced together. Intimacy with him was rare, both of you working hard to further your mutual goals. Both of you loved and cared for each other, that much was obvious when you were alone together.
And we've drunk a couple bottles babe, and set our grief aside.
"I love you," The words slipped from your mouth, and Phobos smiled under his bandages. "I love you too, my darling, and it's time I showed it to all. You will be promoted, serve under me and be worshipped by those under us. You will marry me." It wasn't a question, it was an expectation. A command from the God Emperor himself.
"I will." You replied, blindly loyal and madly in love.
The papers say it's doomsday, the button has been pressed. We're gonna nuke each other up boys, till old Satan stands impressed.
You moved in step as the pair of you slow waltzed around his office, two souls bound together deep enough that you knew each movement. "You will have the largest diamond I can find, sparking envy of those below us. Only the best for my love."
And here it is, our final night alive.
"Anything you gift would be fill them with envy, because your loyalty lays with me and not them. They would kill to be worshipped in the same way you worship me." Your hands tugged his bandages away, embracing his face as passion overtook you, lips locking together in a deep kiss.
And as the earth burns to the ground...
Oh girl, it's you that I lie with, as the atom bomb locks in.
Yes it's you I welcome death with, as the world caves in.
Tomorrow, things would change forever.
Tonight you danced and kissed.
Tomorrow Nexus will fall under the power of a one man rebellion.
Tonight you and Phobos embraced in his bed chambers, safe in his arms.
Tomorrow, both of you will die.
As the world caves in.
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
hope you're doing well! may i request rio and lover for the hypmic word challenge please?
Writer's corner: Hey, sure! I've decided to write a simple "The type of boyfriend". Hope you're fine with it and that you enjoy it! If you do not like it, please, let me know so I can write another one for you. Enjoy~
Warnings: cuteness, just Rio being Rio
⋆𝓡𝓲𝓸 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓑𝓾𝓼𝓾𝓳𝓲𝓶𝓪⋆ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝔂𝓹𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭
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⋆Rio would be the type of boyfriend who’d surely be kind and gentle to his s/o.
⋆He’d treat them kindly and he’d also be so generous!
⋆Like, if he found something cute, for example a pillow or other things, which remind him of his dear s/o, then he’d buy them without thinking more!
⋆Rio would definitely try to cook something good to his s/o and also try to learn how to bake their favourite dishes properly.
⋆We know he lives like if he still was a soldier, so I imagine him trying to put aside his motto “survival cooking” only to learn how to bake or cook something his s/o would love!
⋆”Uhm.. What is your favourite meal again...?”
⋆He’d also be so sweet to cuddle!
⋆If his s/o is having a bad day, Rio wouldn’t mind to lay down next to them and hug them tightly, putting their head on his chest and caressing their hair, while whispering lovely words to them.
⋆”I know, babe... Come on, this day’s finished. Now you can get some rest here with me. You deserve it. You always stress yourself a lot. You shouldn’t, babe..”
⋆On the other hand if he’s the one to feel horrible, I think his s/o would realize it because I headcanon Rio putting his head on their chest (like how children usually hug their mothers, you know?) and hugging them tightly, closing his eyes and saying no words.
⋆I think he’d be like a giant teddy bear~
⋆But he would also be the one to protect his s/o!
⋆Remember that he’s an ex-soldier, so he quite knows how to fight against criminals and creeps!
⋆In short, Rio would be a great boyfriend in my opinion!
⋆He’s also respectful towards people and stans dignity in others.
⋆Among his values we can find also loyalty and determination.
⋆That’s why I think Rio would never be able to betray his dear s/o and, if he’s feeling like something isn’t going well in the relationship, he’d talk about it with them and try hard to find a solution together.
⋆If he and his s/o had an argument, I totally think he’d be the one to say sorry first. He couldn’t really ignore his s/o crying or their sad face, so he’d probably say sorry hugging them tightly.
⋆Rio would also be pretty supportive!
⋆If his s/o isn’t feeling well and think that they aren’t doing enough or that they will never manage to reach their objectives, Rio would be there and act like a cheerleader to them.
⋆”I don’t allow you to keep saying these bad things to yourself, sweetheart! You can do everything you want to in your life! You’re strong enough to face every obstacle existing! I trust you!”
⋆After that he’d surely be there hugging them tightly and say:
⋆”You’re not alone, love. I’m here and I’ll do even the impossible things to help you!”
⋆His kisses would be gentle, sweet but also passionate. Through them Rio would try to make his s/o understand that they are what really matter in his life; that no matter how far they both would be, their souls would be near enough to warm up.
⋆Also, I don’t know why, but I think he’d buy them a pet, whatever pet they want! A fish? A dog? A cat? A snake????.. Whatever! Because he lives in a forest so he’s always surrounded by mother nature and I cannot stop headcanon him loving animals (even if he also cooks them- poor frogs.....)
⋆Lastly he’d sleep hugging his s/o. I’m sure about it, ‘cause he’s a big teddy bear!~
⋆He’d lie on his tent’s bed with his s/o and they both would look at the stars at nights.
⋆”Oh, look! That’s the North Star, sweetheart! .... And there there’s a shooting star! Make a wish, dear!......... What is mine? Well... I shouldn’t tell you, but 𝓲𝓽 𝓲𝓼… 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝔂𝓸𝓾.”
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donutsupremacy · 2 years
Your clue is in my heart
Evidence #2 : The walking fire hazards
<Character information>
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Shikanoin Heizou
2nd year criminology major.
Has a promising future as a detective.
Met [Name] in one of their mutual courses and he stole their spotlight every time the professor asked a question by giving the most out-of-the-box, yet, accurate awnsers. That sly wink everytime he got it correct was just the beginning of their 'one-sided' rivalry. And it was only the first day in college too.
A champion when it comes to martial arts, his punches hit like a train.
Sometimes baits [Name] into sparring sessions and subtly trains them.
Quite a plethora of students come to him for any missing items or loyalty tests on their partners, he's the best detective, after all. But only accepts them when he's bored. Little cases like these are child's play.
Genuinely wanted to befriend [Name] because he thinks they're quite kind and cute when they're not being a little brat, but their little pride was dented from the amount of times Heizou flaunted his talents. A rivalry with them would be enough for now, he muses.
Although normally laid-back, he can cause quite a stir when his friends decide to include him in the fun.
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Kaedehara Kazuha
2nd year literature major.
Considers being an author in the future, but he mainly has his priorities in writing poetry because that's his hobby.
Surprisingly skilled with a flute.
He ate a leaf once. He got sick.
Usually cool, calm and composed, but insults people a lot. (In a more joking manner)
Heizou's childhood friend and the both of them are pratically attached to the hip, even though they argue a lot, no one's gonna seperate these two and their bromance. (Lowkey ships [Name]Zou)
Annoys Yoimiya by correcting her typings.
Tried to teach Heizou with a sword once. Never again. R.I.P his shredded book of poems.
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2nd year tourism major.
Wishes to be travel agents with his twin sister.
Although not close, he considers [Name] a good friend.
Both him and Lumine have helped a lot of students with errands, homework, preparations, etc.
As much as he and Lumine love to fight eachother, he's your typical everyday overprotective brother who would punch anyone that dares lay a finger on her.
Would be that one friend that just rolls with anything. Like, if his friends asked him to join them in a bank robbery, he'll do it, no questions asked.
He met Heizou when the detective needed a sidekick while Kazuha was busy. Safe to say, Aether did most of the work because Heizou thought it was funny.
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Hu Tao
2nd year funeral service major.
Wants to manage a funeral parlor for her grandpa.
"Live life to the fullest" Is her motto, followed by a wink.
Never turns down a challenge and usually ends up regretting her behaviour.
Makes up scary stories whenever she's hanging out with her friends at night.
The true mastermind behind any trouble they caused, but usually takes the fall if their plan backfires.
Pulls off a few prank sometimes, they're all minor and never harmed anyone.
Met Heizou through Aether... by Aether I meant the both of them walked into a classic water bucket trap.
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3rd year fire protection major (this is a thing??)
Definitely wants to take over the firework factory her dad owns someday.
Completely trained when it comes to fireworks and knows how to handle any safety issues.
But that doesn't stop her from stealing some from her dad's factory and sneaking out with her friends to make the sky light up.
Cannot spell at all.
Met Heizou when he was hired to investigate the missing firework stash by her dad, he decided not to snitch on her then watched the fireworks with her and her friends.
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3rd year veterinary science major
Hopes for the world to become a better place and for all the stray animals to find themselves a loving owner.
Periodically tries to combine his two friend groups together in a hangout, but [Name] would almost always refuse to go when Heizou is coming.
He's not giving up, though.
Is the peacekeeper in both groups.
One time he brought everyone to a zoo. Once he looked away for a second, everyone but Aether was gone from his sight.
Met Heizou when he asked if his dog's nose can sniff out anything. Taroumaru helped solved a missing item case that day.
Is being a poet an actual job? Probably is but i'm running low on energy to google it.
Also, the 'walking fire hazard' came from a random co-op domain I entered. It had Kazuha, Anemo traveller, Yoimiya and I was using Thoma (I was trying him out). Lets just say there was a firey whirlwind everywhere lol
Masterlist | [Name]'s evidence
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thatswastelandbaby · 2 years
Aranya had few expectations of people. She kept her hood up to hide her ears, her keen gaze hidden by way of laughter and rabble-rousing with those who had significantly less dangerous pursuits in mind. She dared to live her own life, free from the restraints of elven society, especially given that they were not so fond of her to begin with. For starters, she was half-human, which sat poorly with those who blamed all of humanity for their persecution. On top of that, she was tempestuous, and any hint from her to anyone of where the elders now resided could cause chaos and irreparable harm should an attack occur. Their numbers were already so few.
But she didn’t care. She wanted to be independent and unfettered, to fight those who would hunt her down, to make her own future within the green canopies that called to her like the sea called to a sailor, like the grass called to a grazer. She was quicker to heal than an average person, too, so the scuffles ( or so she called them despite the dozens who had died by her hand in them ) on the outskirts of the forest did not usually take a toll on her.
That was not true today.
The people who had come after her today were armed not only with swords, but spears and arrows. There had been nine of them against her singular self, and she’d had to fight like a whirlwind to avoid death. Even then, she had not been able to escape injury altogether. Worse, the wounds had begun bleeding a sickly purplish-gray, skin mottling around it. The tips of their weapons must have been poisoned, maybe even cursed. Aranya had hissed under her breath when she realized it.
The woman in town who ran the magical shop might have a remedy. She’d probably realize immediately that her client was not all human and Aranya dearly hoped that it wouldn’t result in an altercation, but if left this untreated, the wound could be fatal. It was worth the risk.
By the time she’d made it there, her head was starting to ache and the bleeding from her chest had become sluggish from an increasing lack of resource to do so. She sat heavily and wordlessly in the offered chair and watched the woman work. The witch was gorgeous, and her features blurred in and out of focus as the toxin coursed through Aranya’s body
 “I... sorry... I might pass out?”
“My, my, you are in trouble now, aren’t you?” It was not that Yennefer was glad to find a bleeding, suffering woman stumbling into her shop--but it was a far more interesting start to her day than life normally was in these parts. Things had become so mundane as of late, a tedious cycle of the same potions, one after the other, which she could now whip up in her sleep. Little magic was even necessary--most ills the townsfolk came to her with could be cured with natural herbs, making Yennefer feel like no more than a common greenwitch. Useful, certainly, but not fulfilling her purpose, not living up to her skills. Yennefer was sure her life should have amounted to more than wasting away as some village healer, biding her time and helping old men get their cocks up. 
As the woman stumbled into the seat, there was a part of her, naturally, that felt sympathy for the poor thing. Yennefer was not a cruel woman: she wished no harm upon anyone who had not harmed her first, and Yennefer’s loyalties fell first with other women, particularly those hard on their luck, those who had grown up in squalor and abuse as she had, those who had been kicked aside, who had had to fight for every second, ever scrap of food. And then, of course, her heart lay with magic. She may have separated from the Lodge, might not see eye to eye with many of her kind, but in a land that hated and despised magic, that forbid something that came as natural to her as breathing, Yennefer would do what she could to help those like her, those running from the law, those who could not help their nature and who were persecuted simply for existing. 
And yet the other part of her thought, as she carefully removed the stripped bits of clothing covering the wounds and dabbed on her purple paste: finally, something interesting. It was clear at once that the injury was no mere scrape. There was infection, poison, and, it became clear soon enough, magic coursing through this wound. “With the state of these, I’m surprised you haven’t already, Darling,” she said lightly. One hand softly pressed the paste to the woman’s chest while the other reached for a rag and dipped it into a bowl of water that, with one whisper of spell, became instantly warm and clean. She pressed the rag to the woman’s forehead. As she did, she slipped off the hood the woman wore and saw, without a doubt, the sharp tip of her ears that gave her away as an elf. 
Yennefer glanced at the door, then, putting the rag back into the bowl to warm up again, hurried across the room to lock it. She did not care that the stranger was an elf--she, too, despite the roundness of her own ears, had elf blood coursing through her veins--but Yennefer knew first hand the consequences of having been born from a species despised. She might have had the magic hunters off her back for the time being, but her patron did not know she was an elf, nor did she think he would appreciate to know she’d nursed another back to health. “Rest, Dear,” she whispered. “You’ll be alright soon, I promise.” 
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ouraniatm · 1 year
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*dusts off the blog* hi, hello. it's me, your favorite planet or disney dog or whatever you want me to be. i FINALLY managed to beat the goddamn ice titan (suck it ya goddamn bitch) AND beat through idia's OB boss battle. i'm now finished with book 6, so i figured i should lay down cora's whereabouts and involvement before it gets lost into the void. not that i want to make some MAJOR changes in the story or whatever, but if anything, it makes things more intense... least in my opinion. if you wanna read it - or don't because heavy spoilers to book 6 - it's under read more! *cracks knuckles* alright, let's go.
to begin with, a quick tl;dr on cora's situation - her family, the ouranias, serve as the second hand to shrouds. it's a chained dynamic which lasted for generations, when the first ourania pledged absolute loyalty to the first shroud after failing to fulfill their part of the deal. they're kind of the underdogs of STYX whose only purpose is to do what their designated owner, a shroud, says. this family has the "strength and preservation over anything" mindset, so they've conditioned themselves to be as robotic and emotionless as possible, even in dangerous situations, meaning cutting off your emotions wholly because that means weakness and unworthiness. this is to ensure a shroud's wellbeing and their continued work for STYX, but most importantly, to reduce any chance of overblotting. if there is no negative emotion to begin with, you're less likely to bring harm onto your owner...such is the mentality the ouranias have maintained for centuries, and such methods of preparing the new generations of underdogs has partaken for this long now.
to add on, an ourania is also conditioned to look after the charons and even the chariots. basically, your life is bound to a shroud's from the moment you're born into an ourania family. it's a little different from jamil's family, who offered themselves to serve kalim's family as they are longtime friends. no, in this case, this is a FULL ownership of another person. no right to live, laugh, love, anything - ourania is shroud's shadow. see how twisted this power dynamic is, because i sure do.
alright, now onto present times: after the events in book 5 and shortly before book 6 events begun, cora (who, unbeknownst to everyone besides idia and ortho, was to inherit the position of second hand from her father before an eventual resignation for disrupting the dynamic by attempting to "befriend" her designated owner in much younger years) actually received a call from styx to inform her of charons' eventual arrival and to immediately let idia know. of course, now that she's trying to leave that part behind her in any means necessary - as well as becoming very bitter and jaded in general - didn't even bother to say anything, assuming he'd be informed...which he wasn't. you can probably imagine how pissed off he was when the charons did arrive. 🙃
following this, idia orders cora to look after ignihyde and keep everyone from leaving night raven college. once again throwing all his responsibilities on her but whatever, she doesn't have the care to argue back. she's the one to explain everything to the panicking students and warn them not to go after the subjects and that they'd be back soon.
does rook listen? absolutely not. if anything, he goes straight to her and relentlessly keeps asking her to come along and help him get to island of woe, her homeland. initially, she refused and kept trying to shoo him off, knowing her arrival would cause and uproar amongst the ouranias, but ofc, rook being rook, he is able to see right through her and hit where it hurts, the most - she wants to put an end to this vicious punishment. she wants to tell idia off and finally be rid of these shackles, to have her own identity...to start over, completely. wouldn't you know, it hits cora (mostly bc he wouldn't leave her the fuck alone) and she agrees...but not to help him, no, she couldn't care less why's rook so insistent to go - but to tell idia off and finally cut ties, like she always wanted.
cora is part of the "rescue" team! very reluctant member, but still a part! hooray! she guides them to island of woe, knowing this is the biggest disobedience she caused and would have very, very big consequences. still, she can't say it's the first time she disobeyed idia, so she tucks that problem aside...at least this would lead her to eventual banishment, which is what she truly wants.
when they arrive, much to cora's expectations, she was NOT welcome - hell, members of styx instantly recognized her and were outraged...not that she paid them any mind, since she was focusing only on idia, with his boss mode on...who was CLEARLY furious. sure, she expected to get him yapping on and on as usual, but this was different...this was GENUINE anger. the subjects must've tired the hell outta him, but still, cora didn't expect to be yanked off the group while ortho stayed behind with the rest.
following the departure from the group comes what is probably their worst argument to date - it begins with usual bickering but is quickly escalated towards jabs at each other's lives, their failures and even what has other done to another - accusations and screams flew, much of which cora never expected. sure, she saw idia peeved off from her actions back at school, their disdain was very clear among other students, but she never saw him fueled with rage to the point his hair turns full blown orange. he says it's her fault for everything, she says it's the other way around...until the argument stops with ortho's intervention. cora is quickly escorted out of the room by charons, but not before uttering to idia: "you're fucking dead to me...erase my memories after this, i don't care, but you better remember this until the day you finally die." with those words echoing the now desolate room, she leaves...feeling much emptier than before.
she finally did it , right? she told idia off, just like she wanted, and fully cut ties...just like she wanted...right? if that's the case...why is she second guessing herself? this never happened before...it's odd, but she tries not to think too much of it, not when her father will definitely be coming in to handle the matter at hand - which likely means she'll be banished. well...that was the case until the entire system went into shutdown and freed her from her room.
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immortalbumblebee · 2 years
Hello! I've always loved your work, and would like to put in a request; could we get Vander's thoughts on asking the reader to marry him and possibly actually going for it? ❤
Bro! You have no idea how happy I was to see your name in my ask box <3 You already know I love your work, so you bet your ass I was happy to write this one.
Vander is best husband, just like he's best dad, and nobody will ever be able to convince me otherwise.
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Marry Me?
It had been a busy day at the bar, all things considered. Not unbearably so, but by the end of the night your feet were throbbing and aching from running back and forth between the bar and tables. So, when you finally cleared your last table, you had no qualms about collapsing onto one of the barstools and letting your body fall onto the wooden counter.
"You look exhausted." Vander chuckled lightly as he watched you, he himself sitting down on a stool that he kept under the bar. Your head lazily flopped over to its side and looked up at your partner of several years, the bags under your eyes speaking for themselves. Despite your obvious exhaustion, the barkeep couldn't help but smile in endearment.
"My feet are killing me." You groaned, straining your voice as if you were about to cry. "I think if I had to wait on one more table tonight, I'd just launch myself into the pit."
Again, Vander chuckled at you with a sympathetic look. Instead of responding right away, he reached down and grabbed a bottle on one of the shelves. "I'm sorry, Love. Don't suppose I could make it up to you with a nightcap, could I? Then maybe a hot soak, just the two of us, before bed?"
Your tired eyes looked over the bottle, and your heart lifted at the familiar label of your favourite spirits. He always knew what you needed. "I love you so much."
Vander gently kissed your temple before pouring the two of you your glasses. But as he did so, his eyes remained on your form. He loved how your hair lay messy as you were slumped over, the sound of your heavy breathing, the way your lips pulled into a tired smile as you watched the alcohol pour. He loved all your smiles, but there was something so effortlessly beautiful about this one while you were too tired to worry about how crooked the expression was. Something so inherently genuine.
As he handed you your drink, his mind flooded with memories of your time together. How it felt like you were the only person who was always there for him, for whom he didn't feel responsible. How you so casually became a huge part of his life, in a way where he struggled to think about what life was like before you came into it. How the kids absolutely loved you, having you as a sort of co-parent made life so much more tolerable. How every morning, he loved the fact that he got to wake up next to you. Someone who he loved and trusted to have his back, no matter what. That kind of love and loyalty wasn't always easy to come by in the Lanes, and yet here you were, giving him more than he could ever ask for.
He was a lucky man, and he knew that he would do everything in his power to keep it that way.
"Van?" Your voice ripped him out of his thoughts, startling him as he readjusted his eyes to look at you. Your eyebrows were knitted together, concern painted all over your face. He hadn't even noticed that you'd placed your hand over his to try and get his attention. "You okay? You seemed really deep in thought."
"I'm fine, Love." He smiled, properly taking your hand in his and lifting it up to gently kiss your knuckles. This caused you to blush slightly, but the concern didn't leave your features. "Just thinking about how good you are to me, and how much I adore you."
"Aww..." You pouted, squeezing his hand. "I adore you too, Van. Where's this all coming from?"
"I just..." He exhaled deeply. Words didn't always come easily to him, but he needed to do this right. "I want you to know how much I appreciate you and everything you do, how much I care about you. I can't...even think what I would do without you in my life."
Now you were laughing slightly, confused. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say this sounded like a marriage proposal."
You honestly didn't expect for him to reach into his pocket and pull out a small, silver ring band.
"I was hoping to find a more romantic moment for this but...I want you to be my wife, and I think this moment is as good as any."
"Is this actually happening right now?" Head lifting off of the counter, all memory of your previous exhaustion disappeared.
"It is." He nodded. "And you don't have to say yes, I don't want you to feel pressured. But-" "Yes."
You didn't even need to think about it, a grin painted on your face as you gazed up at Vander with watery eyes. "Yes, of course I'll marry you, Vander."
A matching grin broke onto Vander's expression, and as he seemed to almost glow with joy, you suddenly found yourself being picked up and lifted up over the bar. Although the two of you had fallen into a fit of laughter, his much more deep and chesty than your own, you still had to awkwardly maneuver over the bar to fully fall into the tight bear hug. Vander assisted with this of course, using his large hands to wrap your legs around his waist before swooping in and capturing your lips in his own.
The kiss was deep, the two of you pressing years of love and care into each other as one of his hands came up to cup the side of your face. His lips were slightly chapped, but still soft in contrast to the wirey scratching of his beard that itched at your skin. You loved that feeling, the way the different textures would melt into you and, along with being surrounded by his scent, could make you drunk off of love. You moaned softly as your arms wrapped around the back of his neck, and Vander pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours as he stared deep into your eyes.
"Gods, I love ya." He whispered, the warm air brushing against your lips.
"I love you too." You kissed him again, this time just a gentle peck, kissing your words into him like a promise. "You know, the kids have been asleep for hours now, they're probably out cold."
He lifted one of his eyebrows and, with it, the corner of his lip pulled into a smirk. "I like the way you think, Love."
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lotrthobbit · 2 years
                        Fragile Creature
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Thorin Oakenshield x Human GN! Reader
Warning: Angst
Reader is called a queen but still everything else should be Gender Neutral
I do not own any of the gifs
[y/n pov]
I lived in a small and crowded town, Lake Town. The town itself felt completely isolated and cold. Everyone was always in a sour mood, the clouds always loomed over the sun causing the hazy darkness to be a norm. It certainly did not look homey, but it was home.
What a provincial life, no escapades, no dashing handsome knights or kings, all but a greedy mayor and his goon who did nothing but enjoy the most finest of silks and delicious pastries and luxurious treatment off the backs of his people.
We were constantly taxed high prices only to be eating the same boring meals everyday, living amongst the cold town fighting for some warmth.
Until he came....
A group of dwarves and a hobbit had stumbled into our town, apparently one of the townsfolk, Bard, who was a kind man, a born leader, yet many looked down on him. He had snuck him into the town, yet the town itself seemed to be overjoyed to be in the presence of loyalty. King under the mountain, son of Thrain, son of Thror. He promised us riches when he reclaimed his stolen home, yet my body filled with fear because legends say that a strong dragon lay asleep in the mountain, Smaug the defiler.
Despite my fear, what could I do, such a charming smile laid on his face as he introduced himself.
I was a simple merchant selling small trinkets I made by hand using the bones from fish and clay, I made small figurines to sell in order to help my [mother/father/guardian] with the necessities.
"These are beautiful." I heard a voice and looked up to see the king himself. Despite his small stature, He carried himself well and strong.
When I looked into his eyes, I felt warmth spread across my cheeks," Thank you, my lord." He offered me some money, far more than what they were worth and placed a kiss upon my hand.
That is how my daily interactions began. At first he seemed to buy many, but then he had joined me whenever I would get on a small boat and go to the land to pick some herbs.
He stated it was for 'safety measures' despite knowing his time was limited here, I found myself falling in love with the handsome dwarf.
He longed to reclaim his home, often times whispering sweet nothings into my ear about how we could live in Erebor alongside one another, it did not matter if I was human, despite many seeing us as fragile 'creatures' we were no different than a dwarf, an elf, a hobbit, etc. We all breathe and fight to survive every single day.
Then came the departure... My hear hurt once they sailed off into the distance nothing but a chaste kiss placed upon my lips and a beautiful ring on my fingertips. Despite our short moments, we found ourselves madly in love.
The days grew dark and grim once again. We were back to the same old routines , no excitement and no warmth. Yet the people were hoping to see the reign of Thorin Oakenshield, the gates of Erebor to open itself and gift its people the riches they once thrived in.
Yet. something far worse happened. The once dark skies became red with fire and smoke. The once groaning and whining of the people were covered with screams of far and agony. The once horribly built structures were set ablaze by no other than Smaug. We were all rushed onto boats as Bard once retook the same role of the great bowman. he struck Smaug down and we all made it safely onto land. But we stared at the small town we once called home, completely parish into nothing.
I held the small ring in my hand, staring off into the mountains, despite my home becoming ashes, the only thing that was in my mind was whether or not my beloved was safe.
We found ourselves settling in the deserted City of Dale, hiding once we heard horns blare, the men going off to fight, women following behind. Us Laketown Folk fought alongside the elves against the orcs, but one thing that scared me the most was that before this, Thorin had completely disregarded us, he disregarded ME.
My heart lay in shambles, but nothing I could do or that he could do to stop me from loving him. I tried making my way towards the mountain hoping to reason with him, but as I got closer, the more Orcs seemed to be in my way. I thought I was going to die, my [short/long/bald] was covered In sweat and blood of my enemies. I stared up making eye contact with Thorin as his eyes widened.
In that moment I felt something puncture me,I fell to my knees still holding my gaze on the dwarf I came to love. Everything became silent to me, I could no longer hear anything but I could see Thorin was yelling. I felt my vision cloud with darkness until I could no longer see.
Momentarily it felt as if finally I could be at peace, despite knowing he was infected with the dragon sickness, I still felt better knowing he was safe and alive.
" [y/n]"
that voice ?
" [y/n} "
no, no he can not be here, it Is not his time.
I was in darkness, I was dead, I knew that much, yet why could I hear his voice ?
I turned around once I heard my name again and there he stood, there he stood with his hands spread wide, my heart hurt knowing we ended in the sam predicament but I could not hold myself back from running into his arms.
I felt other arms hug me and I realized Kili and Fili were here as well. Despite the darkness, it didn't feel so lonely.
" I promised to be with you forever." He whispered as he kissed me again
" forever." I repeated back.
[ Narrator pov]
As they all gathered looking at the tombs of Fili, Kili and Thorin Oakenshield, and beside him lay his lover. For all eternity this kingdom will flourish because of their sacrifices.
the horns began to blare as they all mourned, Bilbo Baggins felt melancholy, his friends died but part of him was happy that they could all be reunited in the afterlife.
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besanii · 3 years
MA'AM PLEASE that wangxian/xixian ficlet absolutely RUINED me. if you are so inclined, i would love to see wei wuxian's perspective on the whole thing. thank you for your hard work <3 have a lovely day!
[ part one (LWJ) | two (LXC) ]
Wei Wuxian has always tried to live his life without regrets. Everything he does, he puts all of himself into and does not look back, even when circumstances take a turn for the worse. It has caused him some strife in the past, but he's always found a way to come out the other end relatively unscathed.
He's not sure there's a way out this time.
Lan Xichen is kind to him, kinder than he'd had any right to expect from the man to whom he owes his life. The brother of the man who holds Wei Wuxian's heart, the man now laying alone in a watery grave far from home; by all rights, Lan Xichen should have handed him to Wen Ruohan as retribution for injuring Wen Chao. Instead, he had chosen to save him at the cost of Qishan's loyalty.
He looks around at the bedchamber, the sheer silk drapes around the bed offering only minimal privacy to its occupants, and at the curtains made of strings of seed pearls leading to the chambers beyond. He's always pictured his wedding night to be bathed in red and gold, for there to be celebrations and drinking and laughter. And Lan Wangji.
What he gets is a quiet chamber within the Emperor's private quarters away from prying eyes, sparsely but tastefully furnished in the pale blues of the Imperial family. There is no music, no ceremony, no laughter, no wine.
No Lan Wangji.
Let me help you.
Wei Wuxian has not had many dealings with the Emperor before, but he has always thought him to be a fair, impartial figure, involving himself very little in the squabbles between clans unless it has implications on state matters. So why now? Why has he stepped in now to save Wei Wuxian?
For Wangji, if nothing else. He would want you to be safe.
Was it really that simple? Was it really enough to put the throne at odds with one of the most powerful clans in the country? It seems almost absurd to risk a potential uprising for the sake of one man, however much he means to the Emperor's brother. If Qishan did revolt and the country was thrown into civil war, would that not cement Wei Wuxian in history as the culprit who brings strife to the nation?
He contemplates escaping, slipping out into the night and disappearing, and is halfway to his feet when he remembers. If he leaves now, he will be branded a coward and a traitor, an enemy of the state—the Jiang clan, as his benefactors, and Yunmeng as his home will be held responsible. He cannot be selfish.
So he sits back down on the bed, hands curled into fists on his lap, and waits.
Lan Xichen is good to him.
He's good and kind and gentle, a soothing balm on Wei Wuxian's bruised and battered heart. From the moment he walks through the door that night, leaving his servants in the outer chambers so allow them some semblance of privacy, he treats Wei Wuxian with nothing but kindness and respect.
"You do not need to do this," he tells Wei Wuxian when he reaches for the fastenings of Lan Xichen's robes to help him undress. "I can prepare for bed on my own."
"Huangshang, it is your concubine's duty to serve you," Wei Wuxian replies, and slips the heavy belt from around Lan Xichen's waist.
Let me do this for you, he doesn't say. But Lan Xichen must see it on his face because he acquiesces.
"Very well."
So Wei Wuxian sets about removing each item of clothing and accessory with methodical precision, draping the outer robes over the rack beside the bed and placing the golden guan and jade waist pendant carefully on the vanity table. The servants will have to put them away later, when they have both retired--
His fingers falter over the laces of the inner robe.
"Wei Wuxian?" Lan Xichen asks. When Wei Wuxian looks up, his eyes are soft, concerned. "It's alright. Leave the rest to me."
His heart plummets to his stomach. His hesitation must have disappointed Lan Xichen—no, the Emperor. He's displeased him.
"No, no, Huangshang, please allow me," he says hurriedly. "Your concubine was merely distracted by--by the embroidery work on your robes. They are so very fine, you see, much finer than what we see in Yunmeng—"
His fingers are trembling too much to get a firm hold on the laces. If he cannot perform so simple a task, how can he keep the Emperor happy? How can he keep Yunmeng safe? He needs to do this—needs to do this properly—
A large hand wrap around both his, stilling their movements with gentle pressure against the broad chest in front of him. He inhales sharply.
"Wei Wuxian," Lan Xichen says again. "Stop."
He should apologise and beg for forgiveness. That's what people do when they have displeased the Emperor right? He should be—
"Wei Wuxian." A sigh. "You are afraid of me."
"I-I'm not!" Wei Wuxian says quickly, his head flying up to glare at Lan Xichen before he catches himself and lowers both his head and voice again. "Begging your pardon, Huangshang, your concubine spoke out of turn."
Lan Xichen’s other hand slides under his chin, tilting his face upward again to meet his gaze—warmer and darker than his brother’s, more akin to honey than to gold—and the pounding of Wei Wuxian’s heartbeat fades to silence in his ears.
“You do not need to fear me,” Lan Xichen tells him, voice so gentle it sends a tingle down his spine. “And they cannot touch you here. You are safe here.”
The soft, incredulous snort escapes before Wei Wuxian even realises he’s made it. He ducks his head again, breaking free of the hand on his chin.
“Forgive my impertinence, Huangshang,” he says. “But if someone has put their mind their mind to hurting another, there is nothing they would not do—or find a way to do. No place they would not go.”
Lan Xichen raises an eyebrow.
“You would doubt the Son of Heaven?” he asks, voice tinged with amusement as Wei Wuxian moves immediately to fall to his knees. He catches him by the elbows before he can. “I am only jesting. There is no need to kneel.”
He reaches up to brush a stray lock of hair from Wei Wuxian’s temple. The intimacy of the gesture—the touch of warm skin against his sends warmth flooding his cheeks and neck, burning behind his ears. 
“I really am very grateful to you, Huangshang,” he says. “If not for your intervention, I would already be dead, or worse. I have nothing to offer you in return except my life—cheap and unworthy as it is—and I will spend the remainder of it repaying this debt to you.”
The corners of those honey-coloured eyes soften and the hand at his temple slides down to his shoulder as Lan Xichen sighs.
“It is what he would have wanted,” he says. 
Everything changes with the sunrise filtering through the window the next morning.
The servants who come in to serve them keep their heads bowed and gazes lowered, shuffling about them on tenterhooks. They address him as Wei-xuanyi and help him into fine robes of Gusu blue silk, brushing his hair until it is smooth and gleaming, and rubs creams into his calloused hands to soften them. He follows their careful directions without protest, his mind too numb to comprehend anything beyond the comfort of their practised movements.
He is startled out of his lull when warm hands come to rest on his shoulders and he looks up to see Lan Xichen smiling at him in the mirror. 
“Huangshang,” he exclaims. “Forgive me, I was lost in thought.”
“Wuxian,” Lan Xichen says, his smile widening. “I have a gift for you.”
A tray is presented to them by a eunuch standing in the corner of the room. On it sits a long, thin box lined with light blue silk. And nestled within the bed of silk—
“It is too expensive,” Wei Wuxian protests immediately. “Huangshang, I cannot accept such a valuable gift. It should be for the Empress—”
“The Empress has her own,” Lan Xichen tells him, lifting the fazhan from the box and turning back around to face the mirror. The smile has not left his lips, nor has it dimmed in any way. “Now, let me put it on for you.”
Wei Wuxian watches his movements through the mirror with bated breath, all-too aware of the keen eyes watching them from the shadows of the room. Lan Xichen does not seem bothered by their attention, running his fingers leisurely over the length of Wei Wuxian’s hair, as if Wei Wuxian were a creature to be calmed and soothed.
He slides the fazhan into the base of the half-knot in his hair with careful precision and stands back to admire the way the jewels catch the morning sun as Wei Wuxian turns his head to get a better look. The shape and design of it is simple, understated, taking nothing away from the deep blue sapphire on the end, cut into shape of flowing clouds.
“It suits you very well,” Lan Xichen tells him. There is an odd lilt to his voice Wei Wuxian cannot quite place, but it is gone when he next speaks. “It is almost as if it were meant for you.”
It is much too expensive, much too precious. He swallows through the lump that has suddenly appeared in his throat, his eyes hot.
“Your concubine thanks Huangshang for his affections,” he murmurs.
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