#lucifer dragon OM
linuxealcipher · 11 months
This took me about 5 hours, and honestly? I’m pretty happy with it!
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I’m going to try and do cards like this for all the dragon brothers, but I had a vision for Lucifer.
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crowchemicals · 11 months
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living vicariously through my MC and giving myself a dragon for my bday
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om m.list ━ brothers (part 1)
[back] | [part 2]
➳ edit 7/11/23: i hit 100 links on here, so everything posted on/after this date will be found in part 2!!
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cupping their cheeks
awkward/embarrassing situations they've been in
sleeping/waking up with them (includes dateables)
dancing with them (includes dateables)
how they confess to you
"you were mean to me in my dream" (includes diavolo)
choosing the 'parent' tiktok trend (includes diavolo & barbatos)
chill mc (includes barbatos & simeon)
mc's afraid of bugs
mc doesn't celebrate their birthday (includes dateables)
rejecting them
rejecting them alt version
calling them by a pet name
when they hurt your feelings
coming out as nonbinary
mc w/ braces
seeing you in cute pjs
mc's afraid of needles
reactions to teaching diavolo wap
when you have a nightmare
wanting to cuddle you
teen delinquent!mc
holding their hands
reactions to you crying
comforting you when your dreams are insulted
hardworking mc
sharing their birthdate
sharing their birthdate alt version
calling them your whole world
using their shampoo (includes diavolo & simeon)
how they act on vacation
'losing interest' tiktok prank
defending you from a creep
coming out as ace (includes solomon)
when they're jealous
when they see snow
catching you sleeping
when you have art/writers block
"would you still love me if i were a worm"
waking them up to ask if they're asleep
at your wedding
burned-out mc
'the ick' prank
slow dancing with them
comforting a heartbroken mc
their morning routines
going on a boba date with them
seeing mc all bundled up for the cold
using kisses as leverage
picking them up from the airport
them as seasons
how they give you the ick
touching their horns/tails/etc.
slow learner mc
mc w/ glasses
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before you
falling asleep in front of them
valentine’s day with the obey me boys
explaining the dentists to them | part 2
mc on their period
mc isn’t playing therapist
"i didn't want to be here"
you're dating someone?!?!?
mc’s brothers
carving pumpkins with them
nowhere to go for the holidays
mc with type 1 diabetes
when they (try to) surprise you
when they turn into toddlers
having a hard time in the human realm
comforting you after a loss
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chaotic/feral mc texts (includes dateables)
photo not loading
adult twins are cringe
pride month?
deleting everyone cute
mc craving sweets during that time of the month
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obey me boys as funny tweets | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | pt 5 | (includes dateables)
the brothers at university
pet names they call you (includes dateables)
om characters as wikihow memes (includes dateables)
obey me bros + pinterest nails
“he wants to order”
things not to say when someone comes out (includes dateables)
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D&D(evildom) Beyond! - 6.5k, oc!mc
“Leviathan, Abel, what were you doing?” Lucifer prompts, and the two share a look.
“We were playing Dungeons and Dragons,” Leviathan begins slowly, “which, now that I’m looking–”
“–Our opening scene was awfully similar to this,” Abel finishes.
“Wait, are you saying you think we’re in your campaign?” Satan asks, eyes wide, and Leviathan nods.
“I mean, it makes total sense,” he says with budding excitement. “Like, I’m obviously supposed to be a ranger, Abel’s definitely an artificer, and Lucifer’s a total paladin. This is so cool, it’s like my dreams are being brought to life right before my eyes!”
my new neighbors are demons *not clickbait* - 1.3k
I love your writing ❤️❤️❤️
Can I request a shot with MC’s neighbor sort of just moving in and seeing the shenanigans of MC’s life that is the three realms.
Chaotic lessons from Solomon.
Accidentally catching MC using magic through a window they forgot to close.
Talking to Dia and Barbatos and Dia missing all social cues and taking everything literally.
Either be MC x Mammon or platonic with all
But also the brothers as they waltz into MC’s home whenever they are or are not in their home.
I can also see luke and mc bringing this guy extra sweets they baked
I’m sorry, I know this is a lot. I just thought your writing would match this perfectly.
come hell or high water - WIP; fem!reader
“Let’s get one thing straight,” he barks. “I don’t like you, nor do I respect you. This whole program is utterly ridiculous and I fear Prince Diavolo is a fool for suggesting such a thing. You’re just a lowly human, got that? You’ll always be nothing, especially to me, The Great Mammon.”
If he was looking for tears or offense, you were afraid that is not what he’d receive. You’d been playing the court since you were young, so these insults were nothing new to you. Actually, it was almost a relief for him to underestimate you because of your status as a human, and not a woman. Men were so dreadfully pigheaded sometimes, and you were sick and tired of having to play the good girl card, only smiling demurely instead of sharing your mind as you wished.
“Not going to say anything?” Lord Mammon snorts, and you cock your head at him.
“My apologies, Lord Mammon,” you say, “for I had not realized you were done speaking. I’m afraid I wasn’t listening all that closely.” Lord Mammon gapes at you, but you’re not finished. “Furthermore, I don’t know what the women down here are like, but I assure you, a few brash curse words and scowls thrown my way is not enough to scare me.”
(A Regency AU. Sort of)
mc on her period - 1.5k; fem!reader
“MC?” he asks, stepping closer to you. You manage a weak smile though you think it may have come across as a painful grimace. “Are you sick? Why are you huddled on the couch with like-” he pauses, eyes flicking over you, “-five blankets?”
You’re still not super used to any of them, what with you only having been in the Devildom for a few weeks, but you figure there’s no need to mince words. Demons could handle a bit of vaginal bleeding, couldn’t they?
“I’m on my period,” you say, and he winces. Maybe they couldn’t.
Sticks & Stones - 13k
“MC seemed off today, right?” Satan asked, looking at his brothers.
“For sure.” Belphie agreed, and it was quiet for a moment.
“I was going to ask why they were wearing your jacket, Mammon, but now I’m more worried about this,” Leviathan remarked, and Mammon smirked a little, but it was overshadowed by concern for his human.
“To be honest,” Asmo dabbed at his mouth daintily with a napkin. “I’ve been noticing it for a little while now, not just today.”
“As have I.” Lucifer seemed more serious than usual. “It is our duty as MC’s hosts to make sure that their time in the Devildom is satisfactory, and if they’re feeling down, it would be a good idea to know why.”
“Because we’re their hosts,” Mammon mocked. “Lucifer, we’re all worried about them, so ya can admit it too.”
* * *
You had been feeling a little low in terms of yourself, and the brothers decide to remind you if your self worth.
Are We Really Sure Crazy Equals Genius? - 2.5k; fem!reader
anon ask: can i request a obey me fic where female mc is super badass but also kinda crazy? like she has a gun or something idrk? thanks xx
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noise-vs-signal · 3 months
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Serpentine Vibrations
Sing the notes of the scale, ascending the ladder (spine) from lowest to highest.
Move on to sounding the vowel from each note. Feel how your mouth changes shape for each one, and practice different ways of singing and vibrating these.
For each vowel visualise and feel the appropriate planetary sphere at each station along your central axis (axis mundi).
The low bass of Red Mars, molten magma, iron will, will to live, life force. Om, ॐ, Aum, primeval sound, Omega, Ω, Ouroboros, world serpent, coiled 3 and a 1/2 times at the base of the spine, the base of the world tree.
The songs of Orange Mercury, the serpent undulating across the desert sands, sibilant syllables, the sacred letters and words, the world as language, Aleph, א, the Alphabet, Alpha and Omega, twin serpents twined round the caduceus, the spiral of DNA.
The music of the Yellow Sun, light and beauty, Eros, desire, energy and electricity, the serpent basking in the Sun, its warmth and heat, curled round the fire.
The release and pleasure of Green Venus, Amor, Love, Aphrodite, Viriditas, Mother Nature, Gaia, the emerald scales of the serpent, emerald stone in the crown of Lucifer, Morning Star, Venus.
The clarion call of Blue Jupiter, the bass note of Mars now at a higher level, Odin, All Father, the song of the runes, cerulean sky, Ouranos, Odysseus, πολύτροπος, shape shifter, serpent twisting and turning.
The symphony of the Indigo Moon, her different phases, from dark to light, the mirror of Artemis, the wisdom of Athena, Ariadne, Shiva's 3rd Eye, serpent shedding its skin, shedding the outer world.
The vibration and frequencies of Ultraviolet Saturn, Time encircling us, the fire in which we burn, Kali dancing on Shiva's corpse, Ecstasy, Serpent becoming the Great Dragon, the Phoenix, Exit into Eternity ...
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I like to imagine twst and obey me sharing an mc for the express purpose of having interactions between malleus and mammon, because the parallel and contrasts between their personalities are so funny to me lmao
*eyeing Mammon's dragon wings, the dragon on his yukata & all the fire symbolism surrounding him* Listen, if the two mcs were the same person, they would fucking h a t e each other. Mammon is already possessive enough and apparently Malleus is too
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Mammon doesn't fight unless he's pushed to it and, from what I've seen so far, neither does Malleus - it'd be a lot of really really weird posturing, a lot of "actually I'M their favourite"
That being said, as much as I've grown to love twst's mc they absolutely in no way compare to om's batshit mc
twst's mc actually has a self preservation instinct and doesn't actively seek out danger despite always getting in it, also doesn't seem to be a monsterfucker.
OM's mc on the otherhand has 0 self preservation, actively sticks their nose into situations they know can get them killed, is very much dtf even when they are being threatened with death (halloween event, 1st paws event, mammon's vampire card, possible more tbh), becomes a little bit prone to violence & destruction after they get powers to the point that they get called out by Mammon (ok fair enough) but also by Lucifer & Belphie of all people
So I propose: Let them be friends.
twst mc needs an adult in their life who has already gone through the whole "providing therapy to 7 traumatised overpowered idiots on the verge of a mental breakdown" process & come out stronger.
They need someone they can complain to who'll understand exactly what they're going through.
Also at the rate they're going, they need to learn how to defend themself & om mc is canonically really strong (enough to kick down levi's locked door & stop themself and simeon from being pulled into a "blackhole" that sucked in Mammon & Levi - ik mammon & levi are physically two of the weakest brothers but that's still an insane amount of strength on mc's part), can use a sword (Lucifer taught them for the tsl play and given how much of a perfectionist Lucifer is - they know how to use a sword), can use a bow & arrow (according to a HoL chat)
tldr: twst mc desperately needs an adult on their side who understands & helps them
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1-siracha · 10 months
obey me characters as the asian extended family stereotypes!! older brother edition
younger brothers / dateables / undateables
massive disclaimer: i am chinese-malaysian, and this is created solely off my own personal experiences and videos on the internet i have seen regarding this topic. these experiences and memories may not apply to you. this is also a joke, these are stereotypes and do not apply to all asian families or all ethnic families. also may be a little ooc since i havent played om! yet
lucifer: the exemplary cousin
when i think of this guy, all i see is my younger cousin
absolute genius, gets high grades, focuses on school, DOES VIOLIN AND PIANO, wears the most concealing clothing, very mature
be prepared because your parents are about to relentlessly compare you to him
"aiyoh mc, why are you not like lucifer yet?! when he was your age, he was raising all his brothers on the streets after he fell from heaven, and what are you doing loh? smoking weed? doing cigarette? studying to be artist?"
during family gatherings, he is absolutely smothered in attention by all the aunties and uncles. most of the time sits with the parents instead of the kids and talks about whatever the fuck they talk about at the parents table
every other kid there gives him the death glare because these mfs KNOW he is loving the attention and the massive ego boost it gives him.
mammon: the disgrace
ok my southeast asian homies (and maybe south as well) we all know this mf
the main antagonist of the auntie gossip
often comes in the form of a sketchy uncle
has at LEAST two tattoos and one of them is probably a dragon (i am projecting my own disgrace uncle on to him so hard)
got in a lot of trouble for either scamming another relative out of money or gambling away their families money
smokes on the balcony during gatherings (if he's even allowed to go)
actually pretty nice and funny but nobody wants to be around him because hes a lowkey faliure. most of the older kids like hanging around him, but often dont stay around him too long as their parents are worried of his influence.
also he probably took up modeling which made the aunties hate him even more
eyes flick to mammon as he seats himself at the dining table, and he responds to them with a nervous smile. "mammon," one of the adults starts lowly, in a belittling tone that made him sick to his stomach. "didn't bring anything to the gathering, not even 古老肉..." they look at him before adding another taunt. "oh.. that's right.. you never learned mandarin, did you? nothing to contribute lah. always take, take, take with you. just LIKE WHAT YOU DID TO MY HUSBAND'S MONEY!!"
ruckus erupts as everyone on the adults table simultaneously starts yelling, as though the family tension built up over the past year head finally snapped.
Leviathan: the teenager
congratulations dude, you just got the most underrated type of asian at a family gathering.
doesn't get as much attention as lucifer due to being relatively mediocre and not as talented as him, but will occasionally his parents will flex his coding skills or an award he got at school.
doesnt really talk due to not much people at the family gathering being his age group, so he mostly sits in a very solitary corner of the kids table on an uncomfortably small plastic chair and plays games to pass the time.
the moment the asian parents kick the kids off to the nintendo switch or wii u so they can freely argue about politics or whatever (im not sure im still stuck at the kids table 😭), this man completely shifts.
beats everyone MULTIPLE TIMES. makes them fucking bawl. oh my gosh its actually so funny.
the little kids hate him because he beats them so often in mario kart.
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Hello! Could you write something for the om brothers and a (half)dragon mc? ^^ have a good day 💜💜💜
half dragon gives so many different choices of various traits
Lucifer, whose immediate thought upon hearing mc is half dragon, 'please do not be the fire breathing kind I have to clean up enough of everyone else messes as is.' Imagine him finding out they do breathe fire is because they're helping Beel toast marshmallows. And when he tries to scold them, they just give him a toothy smile claiming they have great control over their fire breath and he doesn't need to worry about them burning the place down. Famous last words when a week later they sneeze and set the dining table on fire. He struggles to get too angry with them because they’ve figured out to widen their pupils on purpose and give him the look of a wounded puppy when being scolded. 
Mammon, knows the stories about dragons guarding great treasures, so of course he comes up with the theory that mc must have a priceless treasure in their possession that would make him rich. Of course when he first asks them about it, they are aloof and don't even properly answer his question about treasure. "Life's greatest treasures are often found right around us, perhaps you should simply look closer to your surroundings." Eventually mc tells him they were being metaphorical, and even later shows him their treasure stash under their bed. It's just a bunch of shiny things, but Mammon chokes up when he notices a lot of things he's given them among the pile. He has to not talk for a while so he doesn’t cry when they start talking about how everything there is priceless to them regardless of material value. 
Leviathan doesn't even realise mc is half dragon under he gets a close up view of some of their scales. And realise that theirs are incredibly shiny, shinier then his are. Which only becomes worse when they show him that their scales can stick up and are sharp enough to be used as weapons. He's jealous. To the point where it takes a while for him to get over it. However he comes around when a neuron activates after he catches them laughing and sees how sharp their fangs are. This after it's discovered their half dragon side gives them a slight superiority complex over humans, "and the poor little worm couldn't even lift up my treasure chest, what an idiot." Levi hasn't been the same since. He'll be their poor little worm, just give him a chance.
Asmodeus spots mc’s unique characteristics from miles away. Slit pupils, and sharp teeth, is that a tail? He’s pieced together what mc might be before they tell him, and upon finding out they’re part dragon he’s surprised as he didn’t expect that. He also finds it really cute when their eyes seem to settle on whatever jewelry he might be wearing that day, and the shinier the piece is the more their pupils seem to expand. He starts using their excitement to gauge whether or not something is too gaudy, “okay so the hairpin draws too much attention away from my face, got it.” Something he also loves is how grateful they are when he gives them accessories, they always talk about treasuring each gift forever and no matter how often he hears it, his heart still melts. 
Dragon traits = cat traits. At least that's Satan's opinion on mc's half dragon nature. The first time he sees their pupils dilate widely upon seeing something they like, he's been documenting their different behaviours ever since. Their pupils also change in different light settings, they enjoy napping in warm places, can be incredibly food driven at times and have a tendency to stalk small creatures, like mice. They also have a strong like for causing chaos, which is always funny to watch Lucifer pull his hair out trying to get Belphie and Satan to stop encouraging mc. They also happen to have some ancient books in their possession that he’s coaxing them to let him borrow through trade of shiny things. 
“In my opinion that meat tastes best charred.” Is the gateway sentence said by mc, that leads to rabbit hole of bizarre bonding activities between mc and Beelzebub. Which always ends with mc setting something on fire with their fire breath and Beel rating it 1-10 on whether or not it made the food better. Between the pair of them, they can smell a steak within a three mile radius, it is ridiculous. But also Beel is a form of impulse control whenever he and mc are together, because they’ll get a sudden urge to just do something incredibly destructive and Beel will just make a sad face thinking about getting punished by Lucifer. “We’ll get in trouble.” Is all he has to say to make them reconsider being destructive. 
Belphie and mc are very alike. mc enjoys napping, specifically during the day and being more active during the night. Belphie, spends most of his time asleep, which means in weird hours of the night the two run into each other a lot. And a lot of the times mc will be sneaking around looking like they’re doing something suspicious. “I am moving everything in the house an inch out of place to see if Lucifer notices.” Is what they told him one night at like 4am, nothing has been the same since. These two gremlins have made Lucifer’s life h e l l. Things will completely go missing because either Belphie moved it, or mc was like: ‘cool shiny.’ And while mc is now the obvious choice ranking above Mammon, they’ve started making new places for their hoards of things with Belphie’s help. But neither of them will say where. Belphie pretends he’s asleep. While mc just blinks at them, cocking their head as if they don’t understand what’s being asked of them. The items do go back to their owners eventually, but not before Belphie has had a good laugh about the whole thing. 
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nyxs-sins · 9 months
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Headcanons/Drabbles (Part 1)
Reacting to Fan Art (Everyone + MC)
Reacting to Barbatos x Simeon Ship
What/Who they Watch on Deviltube
Reacting to Cosplays of their Demons Forms
Would the Brothers Bail you out of Jail?
Mammon Specific Headcanons
Obey Me in a Band
If MC Took Away Their Nickname Privileges
Soft Heacanons (Brothers)
Random Dark Demon Headcanons
Brothers Playing “Pokémon: Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Darkness”
MC Jump Scares the Boys
Calling the Brothers by the Wrong Name
GN!MC is Insecure about their Small Breasts
MC Has Trouble With Self-Expression
Putting Ice Down the Brothers’ Shirts
Characters React to Shipping Wars
Mammon + Diavolo Reacting to their Ship
Dark Beelzebub
Hitting Mixed!Chubby!F!MC with a Gender Changing Spell
Godly Headcanons
Clicking (ask answered by @obeythebutler)
Purge!MC has a Pact with Thanatos
Auditory Learner!MC
MC Hugging the Brothers
Cuddling Satan
MC who Hides their Charm
Devildom Temperature
F!MC telling her younger self everything will be okay.
Brothers Playing Bitlife
Obey Me x How to Train your Dragon
Reacting to Their Game Ads (+ MC!)
MC Destroys a Demon for Attacking Luke
Brothers React to MC Having a Crush on Their VA
Reacting to MC Listening to Their Unit Songs
MC Plays with Their Horns
MC Named After Their Favorite Fictional Character
Satan Nearly Burns Down the HoL, Brothers React
IkeVamp Meets OM!
Unfuck you, or whatever!
Futakuchi-Onna F!MC
Three of Them
Lucifer makes F!MC Cry
Mammon Only Answers MC’s Call
MC, the Horseman of Death
Snipping Satan
MC’s Voice Drops an Octave when they Sing
Dyed Pages
Awkward First Kiss (Belphegor and Diavolo)
Reacting to MC Listening to their Unit Song (Barbatos + Luke)
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
-> jtta 3rd anniversary request event - masterlist (complete!)
#3rd anni event tag / ao3 link
1. lucifer / night dagger scene from om s2 during lucifer's amnesia arc
2. [dragon au] mammon / first encounter dragon mammon finds runaway human ik, recently accused of witchcraft, in the forest
3. [hsr au] dan heng, bailu / vidyadhara family bailu and ik comfort dh in the aftermath of the luofu story
4. [rpg au] solomon / past life solomon remembers who he used to be
5. asmo, beel / photos after ik departs the devildom, asmo and beel discover something she left behind
6. belphie, astaroth / stellar confession belphie contemplates his feelings about the guy he can't stop thinking about
7. mammon / rain + hug mammon tries to help a catatonic ik in the aftermath of the attack in the underground tomb
8. [infernal friends] diavolo, barbatos / bullies little ik is dealing with some unpleasant peers at school
9. [dragon au] lucifer / bonding dragon lucifer begrudgingly cares for the human mammon brought home
10. luke, raphael / chocolate luke acts oddly (and raphael acts even odder) for a day
11. [nightbringer] belphie, lucifer / deep sleep scene from nb lesson 12 - except ik can still communicate from within the coma
12. [infernal friends] asmo, simeon, luke / trick-or-treat simeon takes luke on a trip to the human world and runs into a familiar face
13. satan, lucifer / sick some time after the exchange year, lucifer brings a poorly ik back home to the house of lamentation to recover
14. mammon, belphie / nap ik needs some sleep
15. levi / games ik and levi cause some mischief in among us
16. lucifer, dad, aunt / home visits lucifer shows up in the human world and finally meets aunt lisa
17. [dragon au] twins, newspaper club / rescuers ik and the twins save some unfortunate travellers from the royal huntsmen
18. [dad in the devildom] lucifer / lost child early in the exchange year, lucifer inadvertently rescues two-year-old ik and becomes her biggest hero
19. [infernal friends] barbatos / tea party barbatos gets summoned for the first time by diavolo's new human friend
20. [spiderkid] brothers / the exchange student's a spider! the brothers (except satan, who already knew) learn about the new human's decidedly not-human powers
21. [dad in the devildom] levi, satan, beel / babysitting lucifer and zhao are out, and these three are the only ones home to take care of little ik
22. [it takes two] diavolo, mammon / on fathers ik, diavolo and mammon sort-of vent to each other about their various issues with their fathers
23. [symbiote host] mephisto / unexpected meeting mephisto meets the mysterious fourth exchange student on her first day at the rad
24. luke / outing the kids have a little afternoon tea date!
25. [symbiote host] asmo / shopping trips asmo has difficulties trying to buy ik nice things
26. brothers / paws n' claws one of solomon's secret potion has given everyone animal features! extra long and extra cute, since it's the finale!
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thegeekprompts · 1 month
Below you will find a masterlist of many fandoms and muses. To be added t this list, reblog THIS post
Last update: 18th of August 2024
BARNABY - CANON - spookyowlman
TOPAZ MCLAREN - OC - blue-jewel-muses
ALUCARD - CANON - bloodxstarved RICHTER BELMONT - CANON - hxdrostorms
BEAUREGARD LIONETT - CANON - playedbetter CALEB WIDOGAST - CANON - playedbetter FJORD - CANON - playedbetter MOLLYMAUK TEALEAF - CANON - playedbetter
CUCUMBER - CANON/AU - wizard-of-night
12th DOCTOR - CANON DIVERGENT - rpwithoutlimit 13th DOCTOR - CANON DIVERGENT - rpwithoutlimit 14th DOCTOR - CANON DIVERGENT - rpwithoutlimit CYRUS - OC - musesreunite NOMAD - OC - musesreunite NOTA - OC - dalek-nota RAWYA - OC - musesreunite THE ARCHIVIST - OC - thearchival THE MASTER - CANON - musesreunite
ANDERS - CANON DIVERGENT - playedbetter COLE - CANON - playedbetter CULLEN RUTHERFORD - CANON DIVERGENT - playedbetter DORIAN PAVUS - CANON DIVERGENT - playedbetter GARRETT HAWKE - OC - playedbetter JUSTICE - CANON DIVERGENT - playedbetter SEBASTIAN VAEL - CANON - playedbetter ZINNIA LAVELLAN - OC - playedbetter
EZRA CAGNEY - OC - ironwoodwizard HADES - CANON DIVERGENT/OC - hades-kami OLEANDER IRONWOOD - OC - ironwoodwizard
AZIRAPHALE - CANON - wayfaringstrangxr CROWLEY - CANON - wayfaringstrangxr CROWLEY - CANON - pyramultimuse
WILL GRAHAM - CANON - wayfaringstrangxr HANNIBAL LECTER - CANON - wayfaringstrangxr
HICCUP - CANON - dragonmasterhiccup
ALUNE - CANON - playedbetter APHELIOS - CANON - playedbetter APHELIOS - CANON DIVERGENT - wayfaringstrangxr BRIAR - CANON - playedbetter CAITLYN - CANON - wayfaringstrangxr DR.MUNDO - CANON - playedbetter EKKO - CANON - playedbetter JARVAN IV - CANON DIVERGENT - wayfaringstrangxr SERAPHINE - CANON DIVERGENT - playedbetter VI - CANON - playedbetter VIKTOR - CANON - playedbetter VIKTOR - CANON - pyramultimuse ZOE - CANON DIVERGENT - wayfaringstrangxr
PETER WILLIAMS - OC - blue-jewel-muses TANYA WILLIAMS - OC - blue-jewel-muses
AQUA - ORIGINAL CHARACTER - blue-jewel-muses
GYM LEADER MORTY - CANON - healbellls RIVAL BARRY - CANON - healbellls GYM LEADER JUAN - CANON - healbellls E4 MEMBER DRAKE - CANON - healbellls PROFESSOR ROWAN - CANON - healbellls TRAINER BRENDAN - CANON - healbellls MATSUBA - OC - healbellls
LUCIFER - CANON - wayfaringstrangxr MORPHEUS - CANON - wayfaringstrangxr
OBI WAN KENOBI - CANON DIVERGENT - wayfaringstrangxr JUNO - OC - blasters-and-sabers VESPER TURIN - OC - blasters-and-sabers BELLE FIOR - OC - blasters-and-sabers
EDDIE MUNSON - CANON DIVERGENT - wayfaringstrangxr HENRY CREEL - CANON DIVERGENT - wayfaringstrangxr
HOMELANDER - CANON - red-white-and-trauma FRENCHIE / SERGE - CANON DIVERGENT - freakinxfrenchie
KUZCO - CANON - boombambaby
BIOSHOCK - OC - blue-jewel-muses IRONHIDE - CANON - blue-jewel-muses METROPLEX - CANON - blue-jewel-muses OME - OC - autobot-ome OMEGA SUPREME - CANON - guardian-of-cybertron SIDEWINDER - OC - blue-jewel-muses SIGMA SUPREME - CANON - blue-jewel-muses ZETA SUPREME - CANON - blue-jewel-muses
GABRIEL VAN HELSING - CANON - pyramultimuse SELINA  - OC - blue-jewel-muses
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simpingbluecloud · 2 months
Obey me! Dragons?
Background: I got back onto dragon city and saw a dragon I named "lucifer OM" and "Belphie OM" so as an artist I decided to screenshot multiple dragons to edit into the obey me brothers.
Here is luci
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he has eyes! the scara is just a dark red. 🤣 Also please notice the pendant I like small details.
And of corse we have to have the original screenshot.
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if you play dragon city I'll take requests but here is the ideas for everyone else
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There will be recoloring and additions like I did for luci.
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
Funny story, when I was scrolling through the OM twitter my Nephew saw the result of the popularity poll
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And he said. "Why did the dragon lost to some nerds?" Not that he doesn't know anything about Lucifer so he didn't say anything about him. He was focus on Levi's icon XD
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obey-altissia · 10 months
I've made a closed species called Milkmen (pural)/Milkman (singular) and am thinking of making a side comic of where OM!/OM!N will be Milkmen! I'll be posting Milkmen on my @milky-bishies account! May my milky moo art begin! Starting off with Lucifer as a Milkman! And yes my species includes Mpreg! So there's gonna be some milky art on my DA, FA, X, and whatever site I'm mostly active on! Idk if I can post any milky art on here or not, so if ya wanna see my milky art for just in case it gets nuked or not on my DA mostly!
I'll just do my best on making comics, especially for my Dragon God of Love whose been turned into a vampire naga prince before becoming hooman and back to a vampire naga prince who doesn't know that he's actually a Dragon God of Love from Uta'a'la'mae the realm of the Dragon Gods, mc Altissia!
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snoozinpastry · 1 year
ok here’s my dragon and om brother pairing for httyd au:
Lucifer- stormcutter
Mammon- skrill
Levi- tide glider
Satan- boneknapper
Asmo- deathgripper
Beel- buffalord
Belphie- woolly howl
Some of these are still up for debate tho 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
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@bigprincessrebel hi! I just saw your ask and ummmm so it's gonna have to be part of a somewhat bigger series of posts? I already have two asks about the morality of demons that I'm going to turn into one post, I've got a post about the functioning of the Celestial Realm vs Devildom and how that affects their morality/values in my drafts -> both would relate a lot to your ask. I also have a post about religion vs the the Celestial Realm & Devildom floating around somewhere that I should find cause it's also relevant. But I'm really busy these days so all that might take some time so till then here's a summary of my thoughts
I think it's dumb to believe Diavolo's a shitty ruler because he wants peace between the realms and demons are supposed to be evil? And to believe that the other demons won't like him because of that? Because:
1. The game literally said that Diavolo's voted the most popular demon every year
2. Lots of the background demons have made friends with not only MC (a human) but also with the angels. Hell Luke has demon friends outside of the main characters. Also like pretty sure lots of demons are romantically attracted to humans? Given how there was a queue to give MC Valentine's day presents
Okay but here are the more serious points:
3. It's heavily implied and straight up shown that the Celestial Realm does not equal Heaven the same way the Devildom does not equal Hell. (I have a whole post breaking this down and going into detail that I'll add when I properly answer your ask) meaning that in the same way that OM's angels' aren't inherently good, its demons aren't inherently bad. If you actually stop and look at it, you'll notice that the angels are more prone to everyday violence than the demons eg: Diavolo's solution to stopping an angry dragon being talking to it while Simeon's was to fight it (and we see that Diavolo's solution actually worked). Michael's punishments as an angel were scarier than Lucifer's punishments as a demon. Just generally how trigger happy Raphael is vs how weirdly kind Mammon is
4. OM! may borrow characters and certain plot elements from christianity but it's not a direct parallel or reflection of it so if you try to apply the logic of the "real" stories to these characters then the characters and the world they live in stop making sense and you get a warped version of the story where the demons are pure evil and Diavolo's a shitty leader for trying to go against their nature. The best way, in my opinion, to enjoy it is to acknowledge that there are similarities but ultimately analyse it independently. Using the lens of christianity to look at stories that don't completely follow it is how you end up with things like Disney's Hercules (a fun time but not accurate to the actual source material)
5. A BIG part of obey me is about overcoming prejudice. Like it's not even subtext. It's right there. The angels are shown to see demons as pure evil and a big part of the story is showing them that actually they're also just people. We see this in the Devilgram where Lucifer & Diavolo first meet, in the flashback where Simeon and Diavolo first meet, this is literally the entirety of Luke's arc/character development and in certain things said and done by Michael, Raphael and even Mammon. This....this huge part of the story wouldn't work if the demons actually were evil and Diavolo was just an idealistic idiot...
Anyway this was the summarised version, believe it or not!
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ra-tolkein · 2 years
Araba heilige bloed Aurora Borealis.
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Met suiwer, verenigde hoofkwartier het ek jou gestuur Ro Ma' (ek het beveel Fato) Jy was geseënd, en met die sewe vroue; Fia sterre Musa oorsaak van die Nou sien ek jou kaal in hierdie rompe, pouslike geklee elke romp Geklee in pyn, vol ondeugde, mei van die Araba Aurora Rata Uit die lojale Fabrizi: Aezani Agaba la kuns van die argitek Uitmuntend, lafhartig, vyand van vrede, riet sleep kole Ajax
O het jou oneer gemaak! deel spieël, Mida Tau Aangesien dit na Mars gewys word; as die eerste liefde van die Straf in Antenora as waar; maak die luislang hartseer Dit volg nie op die veiling van die wewenaarlelie nie; Narcis-blomboog
En à que 'dat hoe meer, hoe meer jy 'n slegte indruk maak, Kafferere
Gooi die bose wortels in jou weg, tari Nie genadige kinders nie, Azania Wie het jou vuil en ydele blom gemaak; Tera' Chritus En ek wil hê die deugde moet oorwin, jammer heiliges Mate a
Madibeng a Au Ana Madi. Ja dat die Fè die bos weggesteek het Resurga, met Geregtigheid en swaard in die hand, Azanini Volg die ligte van Justinian C'onstantine ons tuin,
En jou vurige bose regverdige wette het jou die troon verdeel Met diskresie korrek; in Assisi Francesco beginner Medici Pata pazzi Die wêreld en die goddelike koninkryk loof hulle, Egiptiese land Ra ' Dan van jou rykdom vereer en versier die tau
Frieze Sphinx Dragon Lucifer Araba Wat is die waardevolste kind, TAU Tumo Om nie vir jou geliefdes te bring wat nie waardig is nie: Osiris Osidira Ja, daardie verstandigheid, en elkeen van sy susters; Amon Ra
Het jy leco, en jy het nie rubella nie; Araba heilige bloed Aurora Borealis.
Rausule Rb De Beer
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