#lucy wilde icons
editfandom · 4 months
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Despicable Me 4, 2024
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neil-gaiman · 5 months
Step into the unsettling world of Oscar Wilde's Salomé as Lucy Eaton sits down with acclaimed author and visionary storyteller, Neil Gaiman (write of The Sandman, Good Omens and Coraline). Gaiman shares his insights and reflections on this iconic piece of literature, as he dissects the influence of Wilde's lesser known work. He offers a unique perspective on the enduring significance of this raw and impactful piece by delving into the play’s history and his own personal relationship with it, reading it for the first time age 13. As well as discussing the play, Neil breaks down the joys of seeing his own stories adapted into stage and screen and why theatre has a special place in his heart. Hear Me Out is hosted by Lucy Eaton, a theatre producer and West End / screen actress best known for her role as Lucy in hit BBC comedy ‘Staged’. Other episodes of Hear Me Out include Adrian Lester, Mark Gatiss, Patsy Ferran and Toby Stephens.
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ikeasupremacy · 1 year
im seeing quite a few posts here and on reddit about how anthony lockwood is like an old soul in the body of a teenager and like i kinda get it??
i mean he doesnt own a single pair of jeans what kind of 16 y/o is he. he drinks his tea without any sugar in it, he butters his wife's lucy's toast for her and he refuses to wear anything but a suit out on a job. he gave lucy his deceased mother's necklace "just to match her dress for the fittes party" and he lives in a fully mortgaged house and pays bills and even acts like a fully functioning adult under pressure, as seen in lucys description of him on like, every job ever
but the more stuff like this i read, the more im convinced these things are lockwood making himself seem more mature to l&co clients or to market himself to adults; he's a boy who grew up too fast, his entire family was dead by the time he was 14. he had to adapt really quickly to even just keep a roof over his head (hence why he acts so much older than he is)
i think thats where we get the iconic lockwood smile from, the one that just reassures you and makes u feel like whatever lockwood is saying is gospel. lockwood had to perfect it to induce that effect to earn adults trust, how else do u think hes running that agency without adult supervision.
lockwoods probably practised these mannerisms specifically to make himself seem more mature because hes had to be an adult in order to survive. i find the idea that hes just an old soul so cute but its more of like a deeply rooted coping mechanism to survive than a character quirk
but we dont really see that behaviour in lucy and george which i feel like is really exhibited by how george still likes comic books despite being so under pressure with all the research he does and how lucy connects so strongly with ghosts, her natural empathy levels are just wild when it feels like lockwood's empathy skills are more artificially made and/or pieced together to adapt
lockwoods inner child is probably crying 24/7. oh his poor mental health
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╰┈ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭 ┈➤
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : liam could’ve sworn this was the first time you’d met, so why does he feel like you know him better then he knew himself?
𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : reincarnation modern!au, billy isn’t billy but rather liam, and he’s an actor, this part is pretty long
𝐚/𝐧 : inspired by my friends shenanigans and talks of reincarnation! hope you enjoy!!
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
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William loved Billy the Kid.
Your very own kid brother, WIlliam, had declared his own nickname to be Billy because of just how much he loved the famous western legend. Ever since you had told him of the old famed outlaw, he’s been obsessed. He changed his nickname, his clothing style, he even tried speaking in a drawled western accent like they did the old black and white cowboy shows, which Billy also loved.
He printed and weathered his very own copies of the Kid’s wanted posters, decorating our small ranch house with homemade wanted posters of me, himself, and our Pa. He printed vintage movie posters and the famous old photo of Billy the Kid to show off to anyone who'd visit your little gem in the middle of nowhere in Southern California. He even begged you and your father to teach him how to shoot just so he can connect with his hero. 
Billy had also coerced you into sewing him trousers and a blouse just like the Kid wore in his iconic wanted poster. He would steal your fathers hats and boots as well as your wine red cardigan, walk outside, toothpick in mouth, playing pretend.
Billy’d pretend that he was in the famed Lincoln County War, surrounded by Jesse Evans and his gang of misfits employed under Murphy and the House. He’d use his pretend gun and shoot all the bad guys down just as Billy the Kid had at the burning McSween house.
Of course, as Billy grew up, so did you. You had left your father’s ranch, your home, and moved to Los Angeles to finish high school and attend university. 
In university, you ended up studying history and visual communication. You loved history, tales of old, myths and legends, all of it. You were the one who taught your kid brother about the famed Billy the Kid on a road trip through the American South-West once after all.
It was your senior year of high school when you had finally found your calling. During that school year, you had found yourself signed up for a theater class. However, you were terrible at acting. You couldn’t memorize lines and your singing voice was locked up in your shower, the key thrown away and never to be found. 
Of course, your best friend, Lucy, had gotten the lead role of the play. She was born and raised in Hollywood, the land of movie magic. She was a natural, her improv and memorization skills making her one of the top people in that theater class. Her voice was akin to a sweet angel which is why the musical theater club always cast her as the lead, even in musicals such as Shrek where she played the big, burly green ogre to perfection. 
However, Lucy was very particular about her costumes. She loved you for that exact reason. You, ever since you were a child, had been talented at sewing and costume making. And on top of that, you loved historical processes and authenticity. So, of course in an attempt to include you in their play, Lucy sang praises about your skill as a designer and a historian to your teacher who had awarded you with the title “Art Director”, whatever that meant.
What did matter was that you had the time of your life. Being an expert on history, especially the Wild West which was where the play was set in, you were considered the saving grace of the play. You had led the costume department, aka you and one other classmate, in creating historical-ish costumes for each and every one of the 21 different characters. You had also led the stage crew in creating the backdrops and settings with props which all were weathered by you to look as if you had plucked them straight out of Gunsmoke or even Bonanza. 
You had discovered your love for design and history there, carrying that love with you as you went on to enhance your studies in college. As time passed on, you started to post your creations online, oftentimes getting commissioned to create costumes and even design pro global pieces based on time periods or films. Most of these posts of course were of Lucy in her costumes she asked you to make for her for her plays and musicals as she went on to professionally act and perform in live performances and movies. 
Naturally, as your account and following grew, so did your opportunities. Soon, you found yourself being contacted by actors and actresses alike, asking you to design their premiere looks. Even movie studios contracted you as a consultant to help with their movies. Of course, you accepted the position. Even your papa and Billy had been ecstatic to hear about your new passion, especially so when you told them about your new consultant gig.
After accepting the job as a historical design consultant for movie studios, you often found yourself working with costume departments, helping make sure the costumes seemed plausible for their time period. You were consulted with on set designs, making sure furniture and other items on set actually existed during that time period. Everyday, you were working on something new, using history and your knowledge to bring cinematic artworks to life, transporting actors and viewers to a time or place.
Needless to say, you loved your job.
Even more so, the perks of said job.
You were paid a handsome check every month for just doing what you loved. You were invited to gala’s and dinners alike to celebrate the movies and shows you worked on. And not only that, because you were a consultant, you worked primarily from home only and for the most part, on your own time. 
You were provided with the lush fabrics and delicate threads to create costumes and pieces. You were able to use a plethora of old sewing machines from one of the very first manual spinning ones to one of the most rare, a model from 1938 of which only 43 remain.
Your ‘office’ had to be your favorite perk of working in the movie industry though. It was located on the movie studios backlot in a building called ‘Creator’s Heaven’ because it was one of the largest creative spaces in all of Hollywood. It was an upscale warehouse with shelves towering with different fabrics, lace, and threads. It had rooms called “Makers Space” dedicated to sewing with TV’s and speakers fit for a movie theater to help with boredom when sewing by hand (although it does nothing for concentration especially when one’s favorite actor is on screen). 
You also were given permission to create your own private projects in the Maker Spaces, even if you had to lug all your own materials to the rooms yourself. You loved putting on your favorite movie or show while you created costumes as a private designer or even for yourself. Of course, that’s how you found yourself in one of the rooms one warm night in late July. 
You had promised your brother that you would make him a new costume for the Old Lincoln Days festival in New Mexico you went to every year. It was always one of the highlights of your lonely summers in LA. Your papa and lil Billy still lived on your darling little ranch which always made you homesick when your Pa would video call you and show you how much the cattle had grown or how full the fields were.
But every summer, you drove down south, picking up Billy, costumes in hand. You would then endure the incredibly dull landscape of the South-West for three days, stopping along other towns every now and then to rest, eat, and even stay the night. 
You spent the drive singing to the songs on the radio in your little SUV, AC on full blast, the cool air would sting your noses but keep you from roasting alive in the heat of the sun. You would talk with Billy about his schooling, how life was going for you too. But by far, your favorite part had to be about how Billy’s eyes lit up at every mention of the movies you helped make. Truth was, while Billy still loved Billy the Kid, he also has fallen in love with many many other movies. 
Sometimes, when your father would drive all the way to LA with Billy to visit you, you would also take Billy with you to work as an assistant of some sorts. Billy always was so energetic and buzzed with happiness whenever you did bring him along. 
You always enjoyed seeing your Papa and Billy, even if it was only ever on a video call. You loved getting to see your baby brother grow up into middle school then to high school. He had decided to stay with your Pa, helping out on the ranch and attending school in town. He had grown so much too. He nearly towered over you at the tender age of 15. His legs may have grown longer but his smile still stayed as boyish as it always was.
Which is why you loved your road trips to New Mexico. Even if it was only for a little under a week, you loved getting time to spend with your kid brother. Billy and you also loved getting to dress up like they did in the Wild Wild West too. You always made sure to update Billy’s costume because of how much he grew in a year. But you? You always always wore the same get up. Dark chestnut trousers that met your hips, straps pulled over your shoulders which lay on top of your deep red blouse. Even a gun belt, the leather hanging a little loose on your waist.
You never knew why you always wore the same old clothes but it always felt right to wear when you visited New Mexico. 
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Liam loathed driving to New Mexico. 
He didn’t understand why but it always felt wrong. And yet here he was, Garett and Evan in tow, his best friends in the entire world. 
Growing up, Billy didn’t have much. His family moved from the big city to New Mexico in fact. His Ma worked night and day as part of the local Inn’s housekeeper. His Pa worked out on the ranches and farms, helping whoever would pay him while Liam stayed home in their small two bedroom cabin with his baby brother Jo. 
Naturally, as both Jo and Liam got older, they too started to work. Liam helped his Ma and Pa however he could. He learned to ride a horse to help herd the cattle, harvest wheat and grain, how to herd cattle, how to sew, clean, and cook. He worked hard at night, helping his Ma at the Inn while going to school in the morning with Jo.
And that’s exactly how Liam’s life went on for the next ten years. Slaving the day away at school, trying to get an education while working at night to try and help pay the bills. 
Yet it was in New Mexico that Liam had found his passion.
It was Liam’s 17th summer alive when his Pa had surprised him with a trip to Lincoln. The occasion? It had been a celebration of the official end of the Lincoln County war. The festival had been held for many years now, many tourists coming to visit the famous Old Lincoln Days festival where they celebrated Billy the Kid and his famous legend. 
Little did all those tourists know, drive a little more North and you’d find that the Lincoln days weren’t too far gone.
Of course, Liam’s Pa didn’t do anything without good reason. It had taken Liam a little over five years to convince his father that they needed a car, the reason his Pa finally cracked? Liam told him that it had an A/C. 
Turns out, the real reason that Liam’s Pa had taken him to Lincoln that fateful summer was all because he had signed up Liam for the lead role in the famous shooting reenactment. Every year, the first weekend of August, the festival would kick off with it’s old timey cantina’s and saloons. They even had elaborate Wild West costumes and ‘cowboys’ that would ride their steeds up and down the street, talking in drawled accents and jumbled up lingo that had to have been made up. They would take swigs from flasks and chew on long stems of wheat that rested in between their teeth.
Liam hated it. It sends shivers down his spine every time he even feels a whisper of a memory of that first time he played the Kid in the festival his father had volunteered him for.
Liam had only had three days to practice the scene, yet it was almost like muscle memory for him. They were reenacting the scene where Sheriff Pat Garrett shoots and kills the Kid. 
It truthfully felt as if he had been in that exact same position. Why or when? Liam could never figure it out, no matter how much he wracked around his jumble of memories.
It was as if he had actually been walking down the streets of Lincoln, after dinner presumably. It was as if he felt the malicious eyes of Garett staring him down as he asked 
“¿Quién es? ¿Quién es?“. 
It almost felt right to fall to the Sheriff’s gun, almost as if he truly was William H Bonney who had lost everyone he’s ever loved to death who also begged for the sweet relief that he would find in the afterlife.
It always irked Liam. Nevertheless, he was just grateful that he got paid. 
As the years passed, Liam started to fall in love with the role, volunteering every year up until he moved away for college. He wasn’t Billy every year, once he was actually Sheriff Garrett, but he always got to work with his best friends Evan and Garett, who he actually met at 17 while volunteering. In fact the three were so close that they all moved together to sunny California from arid New Mexico. 
And they have been together ever since. They all fell in love with theater and acting, especially during the re-enactments they all did in the festival back home. The trio attended community college together, renting a small two bedroom apartment together. They all worked their asses off to make rent each month while studying Trigonometry and American History.
As for how they survived in a two bedroom apartment? Well, thanks to their very special schedules with work and school, only two of them would ever be sleeping at one time. Evan couldn’t properly function until at least 2 PM which meant that he slept through the morning and was out late at night. Garrett also had a very unique schedule, rather than sleeping ten hours at once, he split it up. He’d wake up bright and early at 4 AM, leaving for his morning job down at the police station where he helped sort paperwork and whatever, come back to the apartment to nap from a little after lunch till 6 PM where he and Evan would usually go out for drinks before attending class together.
Liam never really understood how those two functioned drunk on beer, learning in the middle of the night, and working odd hours. Liam had prided himself on being the most responsible of course. He’d wake up early as well, attending classes in the morning until lunch rolled around where he’d go to his job at an old family-owned diner. 
He loved working at that little diner, it never failed to remind him of his Ma who also ran a diner and bakery back in New Mexico. She’d even open up a little pop up shop in Lincoln in time for the festival where she attracted tourists and locals alike with her delightful baked goods and savory dishes she spent hours on preparing.
It was moments like those that Liam thought of on the hard days. As the trio worked through community college, they also all started auditioning for other roles and jobs. Of course, being young and new to the whole acting scene, rarely did anyone choose the kids from the middle of nowhere New Mexico.
That is, until they held auditions for a rendition of the famous Billy the Kid story. Garett had been talking to an agent who had managed many many famous actors who were looking for new blood. It was through that agent that he had found the audition which he told the boys. Of course, Liam was ecstatic. At 20, Liam had been faced with countless empty email inboxes when it came to roles he auditioned for. Even Evan and Garett had consistently pulled Ad and modeling gigs. So, as one does when one is down on their luck, Liam remarked,
“Fuck it, what do I gotta lose?”
Liam regards that moment of uncertainty when he closed his eyes and clicked ‘Sign Up For Audition’ as the best thing he’s ever done. 
He had driven to the theater where they were holding auditions all by himself since neither of the other two were gonna audition for any of the roles since they had booked another Ad campaign the week before. 
In honesty, Liam was so nervous waiting in that line that slithered through the hallways filled with other boys and men around his age, height, and build. He could still feel the way that his hands nervously shook as he reread the script over and over and over again. He was usually good at memorizing things like math formulas and other lines of plays and musicals yet he just felt so jittery. Perhaps it was because he was playin’ Billy the Kid, a character he’s played before. Perhaps it was because he was from New Mexico and he had a hankering to do one of his states heroes good.
Regardless, Liam still walked straight ahead onto the stage, performing the lines as best as he could without choking on the words. Of course, Lady Luck refused to grace Liam at that moment where he had forgotten the line. He panicked and scrambled to recall all those years of playing Billy, speedily racking his brain for any form of assistance it could relay him with. 
Of course, his brain ran on empty, nothing came out of his mouth. Or well, nothing came out of his mouth but his hands moved on instinct. Liam had quickly raised his gun from the belt they had given him to use as a prop. He channeled each of those years of learning how to actually shoot a gun as well as how to quickly draw it to move his arm at lightning speed. 
And it must’ve worked because the casting directors yelled cut on the tape, urging Liam to come close to the table they sat at. They then truly surprised Liam by asking where he had learned to draw that fast. Liam explained that he had grown up in a small town just a bit away from Lincoln where he had learned almost everything he knew from his loving Pa.
He told them about his family, the farm he grew up on, and his experience on stage as Billy. They applauded him and snag praises of his ability as well as his knowledge on the outlaw. In truth, Liam was relieved that the casting directors had been impressed with his quick draw.
The pride Liam felt as the casting directors sent everyone else in line away as they started sharing the timeline and filming details. He felt his chest swell with happiness and giddiness as they began discussing the script and how the hours were gonna look while filming. 
That day has truly been one for the books, seeing as Liam did journal. 
He loved recounting and writing about his days and feelings. He always felt it was right from when he was younger till today, it just felt right. Yet, it was the one thing he couldn’t explain, it felt as if he had done it before. 
But when?
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The streets of Lincoln were alive with the buzz of laughter, happiness, and the allure of the Wild Wild West. The streets were filled with people who had arrived early to celebrate the Old Lincoln Days. 
Of course, that group of people also included you and your brother.
You two would consistently try to get to the event early to enjoy all the festivities that were available. You would take your eager brother to the shooting range where you could shoot pellet shotguns at cans as they did in the old days to practice their aim. You would drag your poor brother to each of the shops to look at the lovely pieces of jewelry that artisans made.
Walking around the small town, you truly felt transported into the Old Lincoln days with people dressed up in all sorts of get ups from modern day cowboys, to old American debutantes. You loved the aura the town held as they celebrated their past. No matter how dark it was.
“Hey sis?” Billy's meek voice pulled your attention from the third jewelry store of the night. You loved looking at the dazzling gold and silver, you especially were fascinated by the deep dark blue sapphires that were lined up on the display.
“Yea Billy,” you turn to him, looking into his eyes that mirrored your fathers own. “Something wrong?”
“Nothing, just wonderin’ why you never buy anything from these jewelry stores that you visit every year.” You chuckled. Billy asked that every single year and every single year your answer was the same,
“Cause Billy, I got my trusty necklace. What else would I need? You know I just like browsing.” You smiled, slowly walking away from the stall. Your fingers instinctively found their way to your neck where lo and behold, your necklace was still hung loose from your neck.
Truth was you never could remember how you came into possession of the lovely chain. All you knew is that ever since you were young you remembered wearing the chain with a charm of a worn bullet swinging from the end of it. Even your father couldn’t recall when you had started wearing the necklace, it was as if it had been with you since the beginning of time.
“Well, can we start un-browsing and get some food at that one pub inside that old hotel?” He looked at you in his dapper new get up consisting of a simple dark striped blouse and trousers. However, the new gun belt around his waist was very much not simple. It had nearly taken you three hours alone to prep the tough leather you had used to create it. You could still feel the rough texture of the leather underneath your fingertips, the feeling of having to push and pull the thick needle up and down through the strong material. It had been a pain to make but seeing how happy your brother had looked when he wore it for the first time was worth it. 
“Sure, why don’t we even grab some of those pastries you love so much while we’re at it?” You sling an arm around Billy’s tall frame, walking towards the small pop-up bakery your brother adored.
“Yes!” He laughed, sprinting to the shop in three seconds flat thanks to his inherently long legs. He quickly picked up his favorite pastry, turning to you once he got to the young boy at the cash register who couldn’t have been more than three years older than your own brother.
You smiled as they started talking, looking at the other wonderfully tasty looking breads that were on display.
“See anything you like dear?” You looked up at the woman behind the counter, her dark hair and warm eyes inviting you into conversation.
“Well, everything looks very delicious ma’am. I’m guessing you’re the mastermind behind these amazing pastries?” You smiled warmly at the woman.
“Why yes I am, my lovely son Jo is manning the register this year too. He's grown up so well, just like his brother.” 
You turned to look at the two boys again, Billy showing Jo something on his phone.
“My own brother, Billy over there, absolutely loves your baked goods. Every year when we’re here, he has to come here to buy something at least once a day.” 
“What loyal customers you two are! Your brother there reminds me of my ow-”
“MA!” Jo’s voice carried from the register, “can I go with Billy here to the pub? Liam texted and told me to meet him there and Billy here said he and his sis are already gunna go.”
Jo’s Ma sighed and chuckled at her son, her head shaking as she smiled, “Yes of course you can go meet up with your brother at the pub.” She quickly folded a box up, filling it to the brim with pastries. Nimbly, she folded the lid before walking to her son, taking his un-tied apron from him. 
“Here, since you two have been coming here for years, why don’t you take this box of pastries, on the house.” Billy lit up, singing thanks ecstatically. He and Jo rushed out of the small shop, running towards the pub. You quietly thanked the lady for the pastries as you followed the two trouble makers out and back into the hustle and bustle of Lincoln.
You quickly catch up to the boys who have already pushed open the doors of the small but packed pub. There were tables crowded with people dressed as cowboys and sheriffs all toasting to the Regulators, people dressed as debutantes munching on tamales made by locals, and even people just in plain tees knocking down shots of tequila. 
It was a very familiar scene and most definitely a welcome sight.
Billy and Jo sat down at one of the tables, further away from the bar of course, eagerly discussing their clothes which Jo was wearing a very similar version of. You sat down next to Billy, looking around as they happily chatted their head off in the already loud space.
They placed their order, continuing to chatter off about Billy the Kid and the reenactment happening tomorrow. You looked around, observing the costumes people wore.
“Hey Jo, who’re these folks?”
Your head snapped up at the sound of a rich, deep voice. You raised your head to look at the man who had just strolled on over to your table.
Liam had walked into the pub expecting his younger brother to be seated at their usual booth. What Liam hadn't expected was for his lil’ brother to be accompanied by another boy around his age and a woman. Where had a boy as young as Jo even found a girl to pick up already? 
Liam walked on over only to be met with a view like no other. You were no girl, you were an angel. And when you looked up at Liam with those bright round eyes, Liam could have died a happy man. Everything caught his attention, your wavy hair in an updo, your soft lips which were begging to be kissed, and your necklace, a bullet hanging in between the valley of your chest. 
“Liam!” Jo jumped, startling you out of your trance. You had been shocked by Jo’s older brother, Liam. His hair was the loveliest chestnut waves that begged for fingers to run through. He wore a dark blue blouse and deep burgundy trousers. His eyes were what captivated you the most. His deep blue eyes reminded you of the beautifulest sapphires that even the color of the ocean and night sky couldn’t even hope to beat.
Jo stood up, sending his chair back as he hugged his brother’s torso. Liam chuckled, sending shivers down your spine, committing the sound to memory. You smiled at the interaction which reminded you so much of yourself and Billy. 
All four of you sat down again as the food arrived. You all shared the food, Jo and Billy continuing to chatter leaving you and Liam to your devices as you sat across from each other. You two averted your eyes from one another, heat rising to both your cheeks nervous to talk to the other. 
Liam tried not to stare, really, but you were mesmerizing. You shined brighter than any star could, and your smile? Liam only caught a glimpse of it and yet he knew that the warm feeling he felt in his chest was not heat exhaustion.
“Sooo,” you started, trying to get the man across from you talking again,” I’m Billy here’s older sister, by the way. I don’t know if you need to or even want to know but my name’s,” you drawled, your voice getting quieter and quieter until you uttered your name.
Liam perked up at that, meeting your eyes once more. Where had he heard that name before?
He whispered your name and you could have sworn that the room had gotten 100 degrees hotter from the way his deep voice drawled the syllables of your name. “ As in the famous Billy the Kid’s lover?”
You shook your head chuckling. In all the years you have been alive, there has never been a moment where the first connection someone made with your name was the ill fated lover of William H Bonney. 
“Yes, exactly that. How do you know that?”
“Well it ain’t that hard to connect darlin’, your kid brother’s the outlaw ‘n your his girl. Your parents must’ve loved the Kid.”
“Well actually, it was me who sparked Billy’s nickname, his real name’s William though so I guess he is the Kid. isn’t he?”
Liam laughed at that, small world isn’t it?
“Hey! What’s so funny over there mister?” You sternly gazed at the man. From afar, one could argue that Liam looked young and spry but once you take a closer look, he isn’t a boy at all. He's pure man, all six feet of him. Taut muscle toned his body which was broad and clean. 
“Nothin’ darlin’, just, it’sa small world ain’t it? My name’s William too.” He smiled and your heart skipped a beat. You felt your lips turn upwards at the man in front of you.
“Well then, Mr. William, what do you do for a living?”
You smile as Liam happily responds, continuing the conversation late into the night. Even Billy and Jo had left to go roam around the festival. You and Liam continued your happy chatter, a small tug pulling at your heartstrings.
You’ve met before right? That's impossible, you two clearly have never seen each other. Yet why was it like Liam knew you better than anyone? Why did it feel as if you had already shared these smiles and laughs?
Was this even the night you two had first met?
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sorry that its so long and it TOOK FOREVER to post, just been real busy anyways, i hope you enjoyed!
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ninadove · 2 days
Nina reads Dracula 🦇
September 18th
Today’s entry looks pretty long! Let’s do this!
Oh oh.
but I waits till they've 'ad their sherry and kawffee, so to speak, afore I tries on with the ear-scratchin'.
Wolf Care 101
"Without offence did I tell yer to go to 'ell?"
"You did."
There wasn't much people about that day, and close at hand was only one man, a tall, thin chap, with a 'ook nose and a pointed beard, with a few white hairs runnin' through it. He had a 'ard, cold look and red eyes, and I took a sort of mislike to him, for it seemed as if it was 'im as they was hirritated at. He 'ad white kid gloves on 'is 'ands, and he pointed out the animiles to me and says: 'Keeper, these wolves seem upset at something.'
"'Maybe it's you,' says I, for I did not like the airs as he give 'isself. He didn't git angry, as I 'oped he would, but he smiled a kind of insolent smile, with a mouth full of white, sharp teeth. 'Oh no, they wouldn't like me,' 'e says.
"'Ow yes, they would,' says I, a-imitatin' of him. 'They always likes a bone or two to clean their teeth on about tea-time, which you 'as a bagful.'
"God bless me!" he said. "If there ain't old Bersicker come back by 'isself!"
He went to the door and opened it; a most unnecessary proceeding it seemed to me. I have always thought that a wild animal never looks so well as when some obstacle of pronounced durability is between us; a personal experience has intensified rather than diminished that idea.
Anyways back to the murder scene —
Without a word the Professor bent over the bed, his head almost touching poor Lucy's breast; then he gave a quick turn of his head, as of one who listens, and leaping to his feet, he cried out to me:—
"It is not yet too late! Quick! quick! Bring the brandy!"
"What are we to do now? Where are we to turn for help? We must have another transfusion of blood, and that soon, or that poor girl's life won't be worth an hour's purchase. You are exhausted already; I am exhausted too. I fear to trust those women, even if they would have courage to submit. What are we to do for some one who will open his veins for her?"
"What's the matter with me, anyhow?"
The voice came from the sofa across the room, and its tones brought relief and joy to my heart, for they were those of Quincey Morris.
It’s always darkest before the dawn
"A brave man's blood is the best thing on this earth when a woman is in trouble. You're a man and no mistake. Well, the devil may work against us for all he's worth, but God sends us men when we want them."
"It dropped from Lucy's breast when we carried her to the bath."
When I had read it, I stood looking at the Professor, and after a pause asked him: "In God's name, what does it all mean? Was she, or is she, mad; or what sort of horrible danger is it?" I was so bewildered that I did not know what to say more. Van Helsing put out his hand and took the paper, saying:—
"Do not trouble about it now. Forget it for the present. You shall know and understand it all in good time; but it will be later."
I think now’s a pretty good time
"Jack Seward, I don't want to shove myself in anywhere where I've no right to be; but this is no ordinary case. You know I loved that girl and wanted to marry her; but, although that's all past and gone, I can't help feeling anxious about her all the same. What is it that's wrong with her? The Dutchman—and a fine old fellow he is; I can see that—said, that time you two came into the room, that you must have another transfusion of blood, and that both you and he were exhausted. Now I know well that you medical men speak in camera, and that a man must not expect to know what they consult about in private. But this is no common matter, and, whatever it is, I have done my part. Is not that so?"
"That's so," I said, and he went on:—
"I take it that both you and Van Helsing had done already what I did to-day. Is not that so?"
"That's so."
"And I guess Art was in it too. When I saw him four days ago down at his own place he looked queer.
HE IS SO SMART TOO look at my handsome cowboy. So so so so smart.
I have not seen anything pulled down so quick since I was on the Pampas and had a mare that I was fond of go to grass all in a night. One of those big bats that they call vampires —
One of those big bats that they call vampires had got at her in the night, and what with his gorge and the vein left open, there wasn't enough blood in her to let her stand up, and I had to put a bullet through her as she lay.
"And how long has this been going on?"
"About ten days."
That felt like a lot longer with all the dread…
"There has been a series of little circumstances which have thrown out all our calculations as to Lucy being properly watched. But these shall not occur again. Here we stay until all be well—or ill." Quincey held out his hand. "Count me in," he said. "You and the Dutchman will tell me what to do, and I'll do it."
I love you
Quinceyyy 🎶
I ain’t never gonna stop loving you
Towards dusk she fell into a doze. Here a very odd thing occurred. Whilst still asleep she took the paper from her breast and tore it in two. Van Helsing stepped over and took the pieces from her. All the same, however, she went on with the action of tearing, as though the material were still in her hands; finally she lifted her hands and opened them as though scattering the fragments. Van Helsing seemed surprised, and his brows gathered as if in thought, but he said nothing.
Now back to the happy couple —
Such a sad blow has befallen us. Mr. Hawkins has died very suddenly.
Oh come ooon
Forgive me, dear, if I worry you with my troubles in the midst of your own happiness; but, Lucy dear, I must tell some one, for the strain of keeping up a brave and cheerful appearance to Jonathan tries me, and I have no one here that I can confide in.
Oh come ON
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Round 2 poll 1: Anne Shirley vs Lucy Pevensie
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Entrant propaganda:
Anne Shirley:
The poster child for female-presenting ADHD before the diagnosis even existed for stereotypical hyperactive boys, she's a mess who always seems to stumble into trouble and generally seems like just too MUCH for more than one character, yet her general enthusiasm, creativity, and determination just compells people to love her sometimes against their will. And if you tell her she's in this competition, she will NOT STOP until she comes out on top.
because she's the most delightful little girl in the world & anne of green gables has held on as a classic for over a century
wild and wacky Troublesome girl representation!! also her deep love for diana!
Smart, imaginative, loyal orphan from a classic book series
The original kid lit Queen!
Anne has a big imagination and a big heart! She is full of passion and always tries to do best by the people she loves. She turns Green Gables upside down when she arrives and opens up everyone's heart right up. This competition wouldn't be complete without her!!!
A classic weird girl icon. I love her so much.
As someone who was always taught to be the 'good little girl' - Anne whacking Gilbert on the head for pulling on her hair made her an absolute legend in my mind. She loves nature, has a temper, and finally gets to enjoy the simple joys of childhood with her new family the Cuthberts.
she is so dear to my heart. she never stops talking and is always finding beauty in the world around her. she grows up through the series and reading it at different ages through the years meant I sort of got to grow up with her, which was really special to me. she has this wonderful story about finding family where she doesn't expect it and winning people over through being herself and being kind to them. also, canadian content <3
Lucy Pevensie
Discoverer of the Wardrobe, Queen of Narnia, The Just, beloved friend of all creatures from fauns, dwarves, mice, and kings to holy mutiversal lions
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Fallout Season One: Starts Off With an Explosive Bang.
In a future, post-apocalyptic Los Angeles brought about by nuclear decimation, citizens must live in underground bunkers to protect themselves from radiation, mutants, and bandits.
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“Flash, bam, alakazam. Out of an orange colored sky” are the opening words to Nat King Cole's song “Orange Colored Sky”, which describes his feeling of falling in love. But Prime Video’s adaptation of the beloved game franchise, Fallout, it takes a much more sinister and literal meaning as that Orange Colored Sky marks the beginning of the thermonuclear apocalypse and the ends of the world.
I have not played the Fallout games, but I am familiar with the franchise as I have watched some gameplay and lore videos regarding Fallout. The games don’t really have a story structure as they are an open-world RPG, where the player can do whatever they want in a nuclear wasteland. It is filled with unique worldbuilding as the aesthetics are a mix of what the 1950s thought the future would be and a thermonuclear apocalypse. Furthermore, the series' iconic dark humor and brutal violence add to the fun nature of the games. So adapting this franchise into a television series was going to be very interesting as Amazon’s history with adaptations have either been massive hits like The Boys and Invincible, or massive clusterfucks like The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power and The Wheel of Time. Thankfully, Fallout is a masterful adaptation of the video game franchise that sticks true to the games while also being accessible and fun to those unfamiliar with the franchise. 
Fallout flawlessly captures the essence and look of the franchise right down to the last bottlecap. The costume and production design swiftly transports viewers into a world of stark contrasts. From the pristine, utopian 1950s aesthetics of the vaults to the radioactive Wild West of the surface is meticulously rendered. Furthermore, it nails the game's twisted and dark humor as well as the horrors of thermonuclear warfare. Now some lore changes will make some purists unhappy, but Fallout is a faithful adaptation of the game. 
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The series' narrative simplicity proves to be both its strength and its weakness. Centered around three characters vying for a MacGuffin, with two intertwining subplots—one set in the vaults and the other as a prelude to the nuclear devastation—the storyline is straightforward yet interconnected. Each subplot offers vital insights into the others, weaving a compelling narrative without resorting to misleading twists. However, despite its apparent simplicity, the storyline occasionally feels contrived and lacks consistent internal logic. It's unexpected for such a straightforward plot to stumble over basic storytelling elements. However, this flaw can be readily forgiven given the impeccably crafted characters. 
Our trio of main characters is exquisitely portrayed, with performances worthy of acclaim, possibly even Emmy-worthy. Ella Purnell's portrayal of Lucy is particularly remarkable; she brings depth to a character archetype that might have easily fallen flat in less capable hands. As the moral compass of the show, Lucy is portrayed with a blend of bubbly naivety and genuine kindness that never veers into caricature thanks to Purnell's natural charisma. Witnessing her gradual transformation into a hardened survivor as he learns from her mistakes and takes advice from others without compromising her core values is both riveting and emotionally resonant.
Aaron Clifton Moten, a veteran of the industry for nearly two decades, delivers a breakthrough performance in Fallout as he embodies every gamer's fantasy by donning the Armor of The Brotherhood of Steel. His portrayal of a sheltered man-child who is trying to do the right thing when he realizes the religious military cult he grew up in views him as expendable. To see him try to break away from the cult while also battling his inner designer for power is a fascinating character development. As he navigates his character's journey alongside Lucy, offering guidance on the harsh realities of the wasteland, Moten's performance is both poignant and subtly humorous, showcasing his impeccable comedic timing.
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However, the biggest standout performance of the series is Walton Goggins as Copper Howard and The Ghoul. These two characters are on opposite sides of the moral spectrum. When he is Cooper in the past, he is a morally righteous character who slowly realizes that he might have sold his soul to the devil by promoting Vault-tec. To watch his slow realization of the evils of not only the company he has associated with, but the woman he has married is a powerful moral reckoning. Then his transformation into the hardened, badass, Ghoul with no moral code has a tragic undertone. To see a man become the very thing he hates is tragic. Yet watching him slowly regain his moral code while interacting with Lucy is powerful. This is a layered performance from Goggins that is centered entirely on moral conflict. If he does not receive an Emmy, I am going to riot. 
To watch these three characters learn and grow from one another is a testament to the power of writing excellent characters with fully realized arcs. I can’t wait to see where these characters go into their future seasons. Will they keep to their ways or will they realize they have a common enemy? 
In conclusion, Fallout emerges as a compelling adaptation of the successful game franchise. It understands and respects not only the source material but also the fanbase as the series is clearly made for them. I can’t wait to see what lies in the next season, but I know that I am excited to see New Vegas. 
My Rating: B+
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pixelgrotto · 5 months
Dogmatic Dungeon Master
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The last four weeks of my gaming time were consumed by Dragon's Dogma 2, an extravagana that's something like experiencing a wild D&D campaign that keeps going off the rails over and over again. (I'm pretty sure Capcom would be pleased with this comparison, seeing that they released promo art heavily based on AD&D's classic Red Box.)
DD2 has been a delight to devote 100+ hours to, and I find myself wishing I'd bought its predecessor ages ago, especially during those Steam sales where it sold for ridiculous prices like three or four dollars. I never did because I thought it looked sort of generic. Joke's on me! To be fair, this second one could also be described as looking generic upon first glance (though Capcom's RE Engine is certainly proving that it's got legs since Resident Evil 7), but I feel like that was an intentional decision. The goal here was clearly to create something with the trappings of the iconic Western fantasy setting (plus the inclusion of cat people, AKA Beastren) to draw players in and get 'em comfortable before presenting them with one of the most wacky open worlds in recent memory.
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How's it wacky? Well, DD2 has a billion different systems under the hood, all colliding with each other. There are the systems that dictate the schedules of NPCs, who you can find wandering roads and getting into fights with enemies. Said enemies have their own systems, and on more than one occasion when I was fighting one of the game's huge bosses (drakes, golems, minotaurs, ogres and the like), that fight spilled over into the territory of another boss, who proceeded to attack both me and the first boss. A kaiju rumble ensued as the systems of both bosses collided with each other, and sometimes this rumble veered too close to the borders of a settlement, attracting the attention of pawns, which are basically the sidekicks assisting the game's main character, the Arisen.
If you're playing online, pawns created by other players can randomly appear in your game, and there were many special moments when I ran into a bizarrely off-proportion thief with the incredible name "Frog Nasty" and a half-naked mage dubbed "Lucy Liu." On one such occasion, Frog and Lucy joined my ever-evolving kaiju battle, and the incredible chaos continued until a griffin just happened to swoop down from the sky to snatch me up in its arms. As I went in the sky, I proceeded to climb atop that griffin’s head and smacked it silly with my mace until it dropped me into the ocean where I was devoured by Brine, AKA DD2’s in-world explanation for why you can’t just swim everywhere.
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My description of this incident is no exaggeration. Unscripted mischief of this ilk happens every five minutes in this game, and it's the result of all those systems smashing into each other with delicious gusto. That said, not all of the systems work as well as they should, and some are half-baked. For instance, there's a romance/affinity system that's a carryover from the first Dragon's Dogma. The affinity levels of characters are never truly explained, and you can unexpectedly cause random people to fall in love with you by giving them the right gifts again and again, or completing their sidequests at the expense of others. This means that the Vernworth tavern keeper, who plays no important role at all, can suddenly show up in the final cutscene as your true heart's desire, in the clutches of your mortal enemy. I guess even when DD2's systems are half-baked, they still yield entertaining results.
As someone who runs a lot of tabletop RPGs (but often doesn't get the chance to act as a player), Dragon's Dogma 2 truly reminds me of a dedicated Game Master who doesn't mind when players test limits. This is a GM who clearly loves madcap battles full of unexpected twists that can take up an entire gaming session, as well as expansive side quests with more flavor than anything else in the campaign. The main story is not said Game Master's preference, which serves as a handy explanation on why you can find many Reddit threads decrying DD2's plot as kinda blah.
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I get these complaints. The game's main missions are not terribly long - 40 or so hours, probably - and the clear meat of DD2 is in the exploration and combat. This isn't to say that the story's total rubbish, as it does have poignant moments in its cyclical, meta take on an Arisen who rises up every couple of years to complete a destiny of fighting the titular dragon. There's a secret endgame that also delves even farther into the tabletop RPG comparisons, giving you the chance to "defy the Dungeon Master," if you will, sending the campaign even further off the rails as you potentially see what happens when the GM just has no shits left to give and decides to turn the world into an apocalypse.
All of this makes DD2 probably one of my favorite open world games. I've been thinking a lot about what sort of open worlds attract me, since I'm a firm believer that more often than not, video games don't need to go all massive. (Give me a small-scale, well-developed area over a massive map filled with junky quest markers.) That said, I've noticed that I like open worlds that buck the Ubisoft-style trend of having busywork for really good writing (The Witcher 3 comes to mind) or simply invest in their mechanics to the point that everything fills up like a wonderful sandbox, with lots of bits and bobs to play with (that would be The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild).
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Dragon's Dogma 2 is definitely more on the kooky sandbox side of things, with its oversized monsters at every turn and wonderous pawn shenanigans. The true appeal of this game, however, lies in the little stories that you create with your main pawn and other pawns along the trail. There's something special in the relationship you forge with these AI allies, who aren't real in the slightest, but bring forth that feeling of being a Game Master yourself as you corral them into taking down a drake. I was downright emotional when I said farewell to my main pawn at the end of the game (okay, the fact that I designed her to look like my wife probably helped, but still).
So here's to Dragon's Dogma 2, a wild piece of entertainment commandeered by a Game Master who clearly loves the journey more than the destination. Here's to those moments when you and your loyal pawns are facing down an ogre in its lair, or just barely survive a golem's laser beam after a series of hobgoblins stunlocked you into low health over and over again. Here's to sitting by a campfire, enjoying an unpredictable open world, and realizing the grand truth that comes with all tabletop RPGs - that the unscripted moments truly are the best part of the adventure.
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pinkacademic · 1 year
Themes, Context and Problems of Studying Literature
We’re dealing with old books written by old people who had old views, so pretty frequently, we’re going to come across attitudes and language that… well, I hope none of you agree with it… but that’s not a bad thing. We should challenge our worldview, we should learn how to debate it eloquently, learn the context of why people thought the way they did, and learn how to discern between good intentions with bad choices of language, and bad intentions even with good choices of language.
I’m going to be coming back to Dracula a lot as my go-to example text because we all have ease-of-access to it through Dracula Daily, even if we aren’t participating, and I think its fair to focus on one we could all be reading for free.
Common Themes
Themes that come up a lot in any analysis of literature are always the major political issues of the world at the time the text was written, and that still widely apply eg racism and xenophobia, feminism/sex and gender, religion, environmentalism, class… Then, on top of that, there will be motifs that are specific to the book in question. For example, Wuthering Heights, as the name suggests, has a constant refrain that takes it back to pathetic fallacy- which means weather-based metaphor. And actually, the storms which can often in literature be forboding, to Cathy and Heathcliff represent thw call of the wild drawing them home to the moors.
It begs the question that many of you have probably encountered in that cringe Facebook meme about the curtains being blue.
Sometimes the character likes blue and has blue curtains and that’s it- and it is worth knowing that that can be true- but sometimes the curtains are blue because everything is blue and has been since the character’s mother designed the house, and blue is the oppressive colour of an old attitude but the main character wants to live in a modern world of yellow. Maybe, as soon as the mother dies, the main character is going to redesign the house that felt like a trap for so many years and the curtains will be yellow.
More on symbolism, metaphors, and other methods next week!
So, what are you supposed to do with this information? Well, pick an angle and defend it with your entire being. Here comes the Dracula because firstly, do you feel like Jonathan is a sexist because he expects Mina to be in the kitchen cooking paprika hendl for him? Or is he a true romantic who is thinking of her always on his trip to Transylvania?
This is the importance of opinion. Answering essay questions has, in my experience, always meant picking a side and gunning for it to the death. You have the evidence for your case. Look at this asshole Van Helsing being so condesceding to Mina, he’s so sexist! Alternatively, look at this feminist icon Van Helsing treating Mina as the only one with the brain cell.
It’s up to you, and that to me is the value of studying literature because it forces you to think for yourself. And the thing is, you can’t be wrong if you back it up.
I think it’s important to understand where the author was in their lifewhen they wrote their book when we’re analysing its contents. I think the content should be the dominant force in your interpretations, but understanding some of the context matters.
Taking our faithful companion Dracula, it is important to know that this story where the beautiful Lucy is viciously attacked by a creature of the night was written in 1897, and that the murders of prostitutes committed by Jack the Ripper were less than a decade prior. It is also worth noting that the predominantly English cast of characters were written from the point-of-view of Irishman Bram Stoker who supported Home Rule for Ireland.
It can be useful to familiarise yourself with the language of the time, particularly when referring to issues such as sexuality, class, and race, when looking at broad questions such as, for example “is Dracula racist?” Not really, it mostly just uses period-typical language, but Jonathan himself can be pretty xenophobic because he represents the typical Englishman of the day.
That is also one hypothetical interpretation- it’s not even necessarily what I think- so, always keep these things in mind too.
My point is, understanding the time period can help you understand the work in question.
Why it is Important?
Ok, girls, I’m about to start PREACHING! As I mentioned, I think the value of a literature degree is how much it forces you to engage with challenging material, understand the nuances of creativity, and messages versus enjoying art for art’s sake. I think the reason creative subjects and humanities are underfunded because (tinfoil hat voice) THEY WANT US STUPID!! But in all seriousness, take every opportunity to expand your media literacy, your worldview, and your understanding of what counts as art, a classic, literature, and something worth thinking about.
Ok, girlies, I’m leaving it here for this week. This is my absolute PASSION, so I could talk about it FOREVER, but I’ll stop now to focus energy on the actual study section for next week!
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killingsboys · 2 years
read in 2023!
i did a reading thread last year and really enjoyed it so i am doing another one this year!! as always, you can find me on goodreads and my askbox is always open!
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book by J.R.R. Tolkien (★★★★☆)
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo* (★★★★★)
Beowulf by Unknown, translated by Seamus Heaney (★★★★☆)
The Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Lee (★★★★☆)
Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo (★★★★★)
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories by Carmen Maria Machado (★★★★☆)
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (★★★★★)
The Shadow of Kyoshi by F.C. Lee (★★★★☆)
The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta (★★★★★)
Nine Liars by Maureen Johnson (★★☆☆☆)
Sharks in the Rivers by Ada Limón (★★★☆☆)
Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators’ Revolution by R.F. Kuang (★★★★★)
Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley (★★★★★)
Paper Girls, Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
There Are Trans People Here by H. Melt (★★★★★)
Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson (★★★★☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 3 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 4 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (★★★★☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 5 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
The Guest List by Lucy Foley (★★☆☆☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 6 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
The Princess Bride by William Goldman (★★★★☆)
Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (★★★★★)
Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid* (★★★★★)
Goldie Vance, Volume 1 by Hope Larson, Brittney Williams
Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White (★★★★☆)
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (★★★★☆)
The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (★★★☆☆)
Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Y. Davis (★★★★★)
The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (★★★☆☆)
Who Goes There? by John W. Campbell Jr. (★★☆☆☆)
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin (★★★★★)
Going Dark by Melissa de la Cruz (★★★☆☆)
Working 9 to 5: A Women's Movement, a Labor Union, and the Iconic Movie by Ellen Cassedy (★★★★☆)
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Waste Land and Other Poems by T.S. Eliot
The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise by Colleen Oakley (★★★★☆)
Hollow by Shannon Watters, Branden Boyer-White, and Berenice Nelle (★★★★☆)
Heavy Vinyl, Volume 1: Riot on the Radio by Nina Vakueva and Carly Usdin (★★★★☆)
Burn Down, Rise Up by Vincent Tirado (★★★☆☆)
Heavy Vinyl, Volume 2: Y2K-O! by Nina Vakueva and Carly Usdin (★★★★☆)
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli (★★★★☆)
Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid (★★★★★)
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo (★★★★★)
The Backstagers, Vol 1: Rebels Without Applause by James Tynion IV, Rian Sygh, and Walter Baiamonte (★★★☆☆)
The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson (★★★★☆)
The Backstagers, Vol 2: The Show Must Go On by James Tynion IV, Rian Sygh, and Walter Baiamonte (★★★☆☆)
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare (★★★★☆)
Happy Place by Emily Henry (★★★★★)
After Dark with Roxie Clark by Brooke Lauren Davis (★★★☆☆)
Night of the Mannequins by Stephen Graham Jones (★★★☆☆)
Lord of the Flies by William Golding (★★★★☆)
A Little Bit Country by Brian D. Kennedy (★★★★☆)
Built From the Fire: The Epic Story of Tulsa’s Greenwood District, America’s Black Wall Street by Victor Luckerson (★★★★★)
Cheer Up!: Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier, Oscar O. Jupiter, and Val Wise (★★★★★)
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages by assorted authors, edited by Saundra Mitchell (★★★★☆)
Gwen and Art Are Not in Love by Lex Croucher** (★★★★☆)
St. Juniper's Folly by Alex Crespo** (★★★★★)
The Last Girls Standing by Jennifer Dugan** (★★☆☆☆)
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann (★★★★★)
Where Echoes Die by Courtney Gould** (★★★★☆)
Your Lonely Nights Are Over by Adam Sass** (★★★★★)
Princess Princess Ever After by Kay O’Neill (★★★☆☆)
Thieves' Gambit by Kayvion Lewis** (★★★☆☆)
The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight by Kalynn Bayron (★★★☆☆)
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield (★★★★☆)
Devotions by Mary Oliver (★★★★★)
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan* (★★★★☆)
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan* (★★★★☆)
The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan* (★★★★★)
The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan (★★★★★)
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan (★★★★★)
Suddenly a Murder by Lauren Muñoz** (★★★★☆)
The Demigod Files by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty (★★★★★)
All That’s Left to Say by Emery Lord (★★★★★)
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee (★★★☆☆)
The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Joseph Andrew White (★★★★★)
Hallowe’en Party by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
M Is for Monster by Talia Dutton (★★★★☆)
The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan (★★★★★)
Our Shadows Have Claws: 15 Latin American Monster Stories by assorted authors, edited by Yamile Saied Méndez and Amparo Ortiz (★★★★☆)
These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall (★★★★☆)
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (★★★★★)
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston (★★★★☆)
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
The October Country by Ray Bradbury (★★★★☆)
Hamlet by William Shakespeare (★★★★☆)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving (★★★★☆)
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
The Appeal by Janice Hallett (★★★★☆)
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin (★★★★☆)
The Carrying: Poems by Ada Limón (★★★★★)
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler-Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi (★★★★★)
Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen (★★★★★)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
Know My Name by Chanel Miller (★★★★★)
Rifqa by Mohammed El-Kurd (★★★★★)
Bloodchild and Other Stories by Octavia E. Butler (★★★★☆)
The Witch Haven by Sasha Peyton Smith* (★★★★★)
The Moving Finger by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Essential Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson (★★★★★)
A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On by Franny Choi (★★★★★)
The Witch Hunt by Sasha Peyton Smith (★★★★☆)
That’s Not My Name by Megan Lally** (★★★★☆)
The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher (★★★★☆)
The House of Hades by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Dark Tales by Shirley Jackson (★★★★☆)
Pageboy by Elliot Page (★★★★★)
All This and Snoopy, Too by Charles M. Schultz (★★★★☆)
The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Murder in the Family by Cara Hunter (★★★★☆)
The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill** (★★☆☆☆)
Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M. Valente (★★★★☆)
The Deep Sky by Yume Kitasei (★★★★☆)
Spell on Wheels Vol. 1 by Kate Leth, Megan Levens, and Marissa Louise (★★★★☆)
Spell on Wheels Vol. 2: Just to Get to You by Kate Leth, Megan Levens, and Marissa Louise (★★★★☆)
Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Y. Davis (★★★★☆)
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler (★★★★☆)
The Christmas Appeal by Janice Hallett (★★★★☆)
So Far So Good: Final Poems: 2014 - 2018 by Ursula K. Le Guin (★★★★☆)
Murder on the Christmas Express by Alexandra Benedict (★☆☆☆☆)
Midwinter Murder: Fireside Tales from the Queen of Mystery by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Mother-Daughter Murder Night by Nina Simon (★★★★☆)
Hercule Poirot’s Christmas by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (★★★★★)
The Twelve Days of Murder by Andreina Cordani (★★★★☆)
The Christmas Guest by Peter Swanson (★★★★☆)
The Sittaford Mystery by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Twenty-Ninth Year by Hala Alyan (★★★☆☆)
Christmas Presents by Lisa Unger (★★★☆☆)
Letters From Father Christmas by J.R.R. Tolkien
Bellweather Rhapsody by Kate Racculia (★★★★☆)
An asterisk (*) indicates a reread. A double asterisk (**) indicates an ARC.
110 notes · View notes
a-moth-to-the-light · 2 months
Most-Listened of June 2024
[last month]
June was a ridiculously exciting month of releases--I'd been so looking forward to the new Sunmi single, plus albums from Charli XCX, Megan Thee Stallion, Kehlani, Raveena, and Red Velvet. And then I got surprised by comebacks from The Japanese House, Bol4, Nayeon, and Epik High! And apparently the Suho album is pretty good? And the cupcakKe one is, too? Naturally, though, I was overwhelmed by the excitement and didn't spend much time with those new releases, so this list consists of... none of the aforementioned comebacks. I'm still quite proud of my top 15, though, especially because I had a chance to catch up with some exciting releases from last month (which will be making an appearance here)!
I also got to see Lucy, an absolutely wonderful k-band I've been following since debut, in concert, and it left me with a post-concert high for like a week. (It made me super sensitive to sensory input for a week, too. Like, I couldn't listen to Repion for that whole week, because their harmonies were too powerful, they made my skin feel like it was exploding. I could also FEEL the collars of my t-shirts like ants on my neck oh my god I've never been like that before it was wild.) So what I'm saying was, it was a fantastic concert & left me with a lot of appreciation for how interesting music can be! (Which is probably why the list of five-star songs is so long this month...)
It doesn't make an appearance here, but if you're curious: my pride anthem this month was George Michael's "Freedom! '90". (This is my pride anthem every year, actually, but it just never gets old to me.) Honorable mention to Hayley Kiyoko + Kehlani's "What I Need", and I hope you had a great pride month!
1. 5D (Fifth Dimension) -- The Byrds
You know that U2 lyric that talks about "a song that made some sense out of the world"? Well, here's a song that made some sense out of my world. Like, is it super exciting? Not really. But it shifted something in my soul. It's a song about having enough, and it feels like having enough--that warm guitar, those high harmonies at the end... And the lyrics make me cry. It's a simple song, but it has the feeling of a warm shower on a snowy day stored somewhere inside it. "5D" is magical, and I don't regret a single one of the many times I replayed it this month. (Also, this completes another item on my music bucket list for 2024, which was to like a new Byrds song!)
2. S.O.S -- Taichu, Lali
Since "Top" and "Noche de Sateo" last year, I've been keeping an eye out for Taichu. They have so much charisma--if there's an 'it' factor to being a star, Taichu has it to the max. All this to say, I don't think I could stay away from "S.O.S" if I tried. I don't love it as much as "Noche de Sateo", but it's still fantastic--the beat is super aespacore, and Taichu's raspy "SOS / save your souls" is one of the most iconic lines of the year. (Spotify says they're saying save our souls, but I like my headcanon better, so...) I've been singing the chorus all month, too. I would 100% recommend checking this one out, if just for the spectacle of Taichu's first verse--they're such a skilled performer.
3. +82 -- Badvillain
I'm so happy to announce that I've finally connected with a fifth-gen group! Though I definitely enjoy "Super Shy" and "Melting Point" and a few other fifth-gen hits, I've been feeling a little like I'm missing out, since I just haven't gotten into any of the new groups everyone's been so excited about. But Badvillain? They're exactly my kind of group. They're a perfect amount of obnoxious, reminiscent of CLC, but with the sleek rapping of XG (another group I've been REALLY getting into lately) added on. I love the weirdness of this debut, the drama of it. (Purplekiss got my attention with "Ponzona", a similarly melodramatic dark-concept debut, and I stan them now, so...) I definitely don't think this debut will be for everyone, but I call it a victory for obnoxious girlpop. CLC may be gone, but Badvillain proves that their spirit is still with us!! "+82", a short b-side attached to Badvillain's debut single, was released with a performance video, and it's such a gem. And yes, it's super short--like, less than 2 minutes long--but it's so packed with explosive brass (think: Demi Lovato's "Confident" or "Tell Me You Love Me") and thundering bass that it feels much fuller than its runtime suggests. It's an instant shot of energy, like all the best girlpop is. Here's to hoping that I'll like their future comebacks, and maybe Badvillain will be the first fifth-gen group I stan!
4. Popper! -- Akrilla, Taichu
Yep, it's Taichu again! "S.O.S" was a little weird, a little industrial, but it definitely felt like a song; in contrast, I can't promise that "Popper!" is actually a song--it's more like ambient noise (ambient, if you live in a sci-fi dystopia) with a chorus that pops up occasionally. People say Itzy & Stray Kids make construction zone music, so I guess "Popper!" is kind of like POV: you're a brick in a building that is currently being destroyed with a wrecking ball. And to be clear, I love it--the layers of sound are absolutely captivating. I can appreciate that even though "Popper!" sounds like the sonic equivalent of throwing paint at the wall, it takes work to get production this pristine. I imagine that every detail had to be sooo carefully placed, all these strange, creative sounds carefully sculpted into a landscape with the appearance of chaos. The more I listen to this one, the more addicted I become--it's surprisingly listenable! (I think we can thank the ever-charismatic Taichu for that, but maybe that's just my bias talking.)
5. Cosmic Love -- Faux Paz
Here we have the sulking song of the month! I've loved this song for forever--it's actually one of the songs that got me into Faux Paz--but I was reminded of it when I heard the name of the new Red Velvet album. When I revisited "Cosmic Love", it kickstarted a craving that lasted well into July. This arrangement is Faux Paz at their strongest--the whole arrangement is dense and cushion-y, and the final chorus, in particular, makes use of the choir's wall of voices just so excellently. The soloist's voice is heart-wrenching, too. I have no idea where Faux Paz finds so many people who can belt the way their soloists do--or is it all one person? I have no idea, but they're fantastic. While we're talking about Faux Paz, I've also been obsessed with their cover of "Chandelier" this month!
6. New Me -- Flo Milli, Anycia
I wish I loved the new Flo Milli album more than I do--as someone who lives for her campy mean-girl aesthetic, I want to love all her music!! But as of now, I haven't really found much to latch onto from Fine Ho, Stay. (It's not bad at all, just nothing I've been obsessing over!) That being said, I have to give "New Me" some credit, because it has a lot going for it: a great beat, a great feature (WOMEN WITH DEEP VOICES APPRECIATION POST), and some great ad-libs (which are exactly as obnoxious as I expect from a Flo Milli song, of course). I can totally see someone else falling head-over-heels for this track, but I think I'll be going back to leaving "Not Friendly" and "Big Steppa" on repeat, instead. I'm definitely inspired to check out Anycia's new album, though--
7. Más Lejos -- Atalhos
The summer heat is really hitting now, so, as per my tradition, I'm bringing out the wistful indie rock. "Más Lejos" was one of my favorite releases last summer, and it's still just as infinitely listenable as it was last year. I was inspired to check out more stuff from Atalhos this month, too, and I'm really impressed! I'm SO hyped to listen to their album Em Busca Do Tempo Perdido, since I'm pretty sure it's a Proust reference?? That's so cool, I was not expecting Proust to show up on my Spotify.
8. you should see me in a crown -- Billie Eilish
My brother and I were talking about albums that we think would be on Best Albums of All Time lists fifty years from now, and I'm confident that a Billie Eilish album will be on there--whether it'll be When We All Fall Asleep or Happier Than Ever, I'm not sure, but definitely one of those! So anyway, that conversation inspired me to revisit When We All Fall Asleep, since I had only paid attention to its ballads before. And oh my GOD, "you should see me in a crown" is fantastic. I remember it being popular, but I don't think I ever gave it a proper listen back in 2019--I was missing out. That bass in the chorus, with those shuddering effects, feels like tectonic plates moving. This song has so much grandeur, and Billie Eilish's performance here makes me believe she's the earth itself, a natural disaster waiting to happen. This is even more impressive than I was expecting.
9. Virtual Angel -- ARTMS
This actually isn't my favorite song from the album, but I'm not surprised it's my most-listened. "Virtual Angel" has all the magic I expect from a Loona(ish) comeback--that fluttering instrumental, for one, doesn't feel like something a human could produce, so I'm quite convinced it's a gift from the angels.
10. Hide & Seek -- Pixy
After watching a video from Planet Minjae on YouTube, I was inspired to revisit some of my favorite fourth-gen discographies, and Pixy is one of those. These ladies have some fantastic b-sides, and the group as a whole is way too underrated. I love the Chosen Karma mini ("Falling" & "Whisper" oh my god oh my god oh my god), but I'd never fully appreciated "Hide & Seek" before this month. Pixy don't have the production budget to make this song as much of a masterpiece as it could be, but I can see the vision here--the tongue-in-cheek intro, the commitment to brass in the instrumental (chorus and verses?!!!?!?!!!), and that fantastic rap section. Everything about this song is ambitious, and it really should be a hit.
11. Ah Yeah -- EXID
I have a whole ramble in my journal about how this is the best girl crush song ever. (Yes, it's like technically the tail end of the sexy concept or whatever, but this is literally EXID doing Blackpink before Blackpink, so I'm calling it one of the mothers of girl crush. And it outdid them ALL. Just saying.) EXID has Mamamoo-level vocals + a 4minute attitude (I love you, LE); they're pure power, and "Ah Yeah" lets them give their all. And the way they control the song--those little moments of commanding the beat to a halt--is such a nice little touch that really elevates the girl power concept. This song isn't new to me, but I fell in love all over again this month!
12. The Killa -- TXT
When this album first came out, I listened to the first minute of "The Killa", was like oh look it's tinnitus again, and then I went and listened to "Tinnitus" instead. But I really underestimated this song! "The Killa" is hazy and distorted in a way that "Tinnitus" isn't--I find those weird, robot-y harmonies in the chorus so captivating. I love how the production here is so layered and creative, and I think this song will continue to age quite well.
13. Te Encontrei em SP -- Atalhos, Delfina Campos
Re: my Atalhos binge! This one isn't my favorite--it's so wispy and laid-back that it becomes kind of monotone--but that saxophone is wonderful. They really give the saxophone room to breathe in the instrumental, instead of relegating it to one short solo, and the fuzzed-out production is really interesting!
14. Armageddon -- Aespa
This chorus has been everywhere all month, and I'm more than happy to get caught up in the hype. Like, I can't stop craving the "imma get it dunnnnnnn" bit, and whenever I can finally get it out of my head, I hear a snippet of it on YouTube Shorts--and there, the craving is back. That crunchy production is exactly what I want in an Aespa song, too! I don't know if the Aespa ladies really do this song justice--their voices are gorgeous, don't get me wrong, I just think I would enjoy "Armageddon" more if their performances leaned more into its moodiness. So it's not my favorite Aespa song, but I'm happy to succumb to its popularity and spend a summer leaving it on repeat!
15. Boom -- Nmixx
Yeah fine I get it now. It's fantastic, whatever. Nmixx's album this year was super exciting and wonderful, whatever. (Look, Nmixx songs have a history of giving me headaches, headaches which I'm still a little bit bitter about. But I'll get over it eventually... the bitterness is hard to maintain, especially after "Passionfruit"...) "Boom" places a lot of pressure on its hooks--it's more like a highlight medley than a song--but that "tick tick tick tick boom boom" hook is surprisingly sturdy. The whole thing ends up feeling coherent in a way that is deeply confusing to me: how does it do that? What a masterpiece. Also, that glossy house section at the end is to die for!!
Five-Star Songs This Month
Butterfly Effect -- ARTMS
And here we have my favorite song from Dall. I've spent the month with the album, and this is the one that really sticks with me. That sonar-sounding vocal hook is just two notes, but it's ridiculously gorgeous.
Chokehold Cherry Python -- Ashnikko
Ashnikko has met her match with the aggressive guitar in this song. The combination of the two? It's like being struck by lightning. Also, their song "Deal With It" (with Kelis) probably isn't a five-star song, but it's SUCH a summer hit!! I've been listening to that one a bunch, too.
De Zombis -- Repion
Check out more of Repion's back catalog, they said. It'll be fun, they said. This song, the first track on Repion's first album, is such a way to debut. Like, it's painful how overwhelmingly beautiful it is. The vocals here are piercing--the front-and-center harmonies I love so much about Repion aren't something they grew into; apparently, this duo's vocals have been sending electric shocks through their music as long as they've been around. The roughness of this song's production brings a completely unique kind of intensity, too, something so different from their recent releases but in the same spirit--Repion knows how to make rock anthems that come straight for my heart.
Drug Free America -- Bleachers
A joke song with surprising longevity. Like, I appreciated the absurdity of this one right from the start, but I didn't expect to actually enjoy it as music. Here we are, though! The snappy comedy of the lyrics balances out the sonic soup of the vocal effects, and "Drug Free America" is full of fun lines that stay fun on repeat listens. Look, I've been obsessed with Bleachers for forever, now--I'm willing to indulge pretty much anything they put out, so this gets five stars and there's nothing you can do about it.
Mine -- Aespa
I think I tend to like Aespa most when they're ice-cold ("Illusion" is my favorite aespa song for a reason), and this song is right up my alley. I defer to @pocima's write-up on this one though, because she does "Mine" more justice than I could! [link]
Popper! -- Akriila, Taichu
S.O.S -- Taichu, Lali
Starburned and Unkissed -- Caroline Polachek
The I Saw the TV Glow soundtrack strikes again! After falling in love with yeule's "Anthems For A Seventeen Year-Old Girl" last month, I listened through the whole soundtrack album and zeroed in on this fascinating song. It's a hazy, ghostly scream, it's a ballad left out in the cold too long, iced over and sleeping in the snow and dreaming desperately of a home it may never see again. I don't know, it just hits. Both yeule & Caroline Polachek's contributions to this soundtrack are beautifully warped--I love how these songs find so much soul and emotion and life energy in decidedly unnatural sonic worlds.
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Welcome to 69 Otters in a Trenchcoat.. better known as the Constellation Collective
Alter Intros
Ash (they/them):🌿
Amber (she/they): 🔥
Kyle (he/him): 💜
Lillia (she/her):🪻
Kaden (he/they): 🐚
Wild (they/he/she):🗡️
Our system is studying to become a psychologist. We're formally diagnosed with ADHD, ASD, PSTD and DID, along with endometriosis (very likely adenomyosis) chronic pain, chronic fatigue, hEDS and POTS
What to expect
A lot of dissociative experiences posting; fun things and not, trigger warnings will be used where applicable
Writing and musings
Bookish things (including fan fiction), fandoms below
Half polished thoughts (and sometimes not even that)
Psychology content
Enneagram & MBTI
A unhinged amount of s3x jokes, dunno, depends on who's posting. **nsfw content will be tagged mature.
Disney & cartoons
If that sounds like a piece of you, feel free to hang around <3
Notes (DNI)
"Endogenic systems" aren't supported here, however we are open to questioning systems :) Psychologically, systems cannot be formed without trauma. If you are experiencing amnesia, identity confusion etc, it is best to speak with a psychologist or another mental health professional.
Systems under 15, unless diagnosed, please don't interact... Look, this is an odd one, but your personality doesn't finish developing until you're in your mid 20s. I don't want to be the reason some preteen gets dragged into labelling what's perfectly normal development as DID/OSDD.
Homophobia, transphobia, hate speech etc, on our blog will be cause for an instant block.
"Transautistics" (autistic trans people are welcome, I am referring to the b-llshit that is transitioning from allistic to autistic; I am not wasting my breath explaining why that is impossible).
For our piece of mind: under 16s, please do not follow.
'Fandom' is being used as a very loose term, some of these don't have active fan bases.
Shows and Movies (including some book adaptations)
Anne with an E
Arcane: League of Legends
Blues Clues
Disney & Pixar
Inside Out
Monsters Inc
Percy Jackson
The Hunger Games
The Owl House
Books (an incredibly small selection of our favs)
Alice Oseman: Heartstopper series & surrounding universe
Ana Huang: Twisted series
CS Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia Series
Erin Hunter: Warrior Cats Series
Francesca Zappia: Eliza and her Monsters
George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four
Jacqueline Wilson: Baby Love & Love Frankie
Jasper Fforde: Shades of Grey series (Shades of Grey & Red Side Story)
Laura Greenwood: Apprentice of Anubis series
Lucy Maud Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables series
Michael Morpurgo: Kaspar the Prince of Cats/Kaspar the Titanic Cat
Rick Riordan: Kane Chronicles Series & Percy Jackson
Roald Dahl: everything he has ever written
She-who-must-not-be-named: Harry Potter (we do not support J. K. Rowling's views on transgender rights)
Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games series
Veronica Roth: Divergent Series
Yasmin Rahman: All The Things We Never Said
Video Games
The Legend of Zelda (botw & totk mostly)
Cattails & Cattails; Wildwood Story
Disney Dreamlight Valley
MCTY: HermitCraft
Beth Crowley
Icon for Hire
Nathan Wagner
Taylor Swift
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facesbehindglass · 10 months
Casual doll collector. I barely know what I'm doing.
I want to collect at least 1 of each fashion doll brand. Especially early 2000's ones. There's plenty so I don't count knockoffs (unless they're really interesting....)
If you ever look for info like
-do X doll clothes fit Y doll
-doll id (try google lens first tho!)
-size comparisons
then feel free to poke me after checking the list below (cause you'll know what dolls I got)
If there are any dolls you find interesting and aren't on the list, share, I wanna see :3
(Also, personal posts are tagged as #rustyspots)
✓ Owned
🔜Will arrive soon
👁️‍🗨️ Have my eyes on them
Arabian Friends
Art Squad
✓ Barbie (My First, Extra Mini, Extra Mini Mini)
Barbie Dream Besties
✓ The Beatrix Girls
👁️‍🗨️Beauty Cuties
✓ BeKind Dolls
Be Fashion Academy
✓ Boxy Girls
✓ BFF Crybabies
✓ Bratz (but the tall ones lol)
✓ Bratzillaz
👁️‍🗨️Bratz Kidz
👁️‍🗨️ Bright Fairy Friends
👁️‍🗨️ Candyloks
Catwalk Kitties
✓ Cave Club
Coleção Camilinhas
✓ Creatable World
Crush: Urban Energy
✓ Cutie Pops
✓ Cyborg Rocks
👁️‍🗨️DC Super Hero Girls
✓ Decora Girlz
Defa Lucy
✓ Disney Descendants (Hasbro)
Disney Descendants (Mattel)
🔜Disney ily 4EVER
✓ Diva Starz
✓ Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini
✓ Dream Seekers
✓ Enchantimals
👁️‍🗨️Ever After High
✓ FailFix
Fairy Tale High
✓ Famosa Club Hello Kitty
✓ Fidgie Friends
✓ Flavas
✓ Freckles & Friends
✓ The Fresh Dolls
✓ Fulla
👁️‍🗨️ Glossy Bossy
👁️‍🗨️ Glo-Up girls
✓ Gorjuss
Gorgeous Creatures
Groovy Catz
✓ Hairdorables
✓ Hairdorables Hairmazing
👁️‍🗨️ Hello Kitty and Friends
✓ Hi Glamm
iBesties (?)
Juku Couture
Just Grrls
👁️‍🗨️Kawaii Crush
👁️‍🗨️ Kindi Kids
👁️‍🗨️ Kurhn
👁️‍🗨️ Kuu Kuu Harajuku
✓ Lalaloopsy
✓ Lammily
✓ La Dee Da
✓ Licca
👁️‍🗨️Little Bebops
✓ Locksies
Lollipop Girls
✓ LOL OMG Fierce
✓ LOL Tweens
✓ Lottie
👁️‍🗨️LPS Blythe
✓ Magic Mixies Pixlings
✓ Mermaid High
✓ Mermaze Mermaidz
👁️‍🗨️Mia by Hello Kitty
Miss Scouby
✓ Monster High Frightfully Tall
✓ Monster High G1
✓ Monster High G2
✓ Monster High G3
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Girls
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Teenz
👁️‍🗨️Myscene (any...)
✓ Myscene Fab Faces
✓ My Little Pony Equestria Girls
✓ Na! Na! Na! Surprise
Na! Na! Na! Surprise Teens
Naija Princess
✓ Nebulous Stars
✓ Novi Stars
✓ Once Upon A Zombie
Passport Friends
Peppermint Rose
✓ Pinkie Cooper
✓ Piny Doll (PinyPon)
Pixie Doodles
✓ Power Puff Girls Z
Precure Bandai (?)
👁️‍🗨️Prettie Girls Tween Scene
✓ Project Mc²
✓ Queens of Africa
Rainbow Brite
✓ Rainbow High
✓ Rainbow High Junior
✓ Rainbow High My Runway Friend
✓ Regal Academy
Rose Petal Place
Secret Jouju
✓ Shadow High
✓ Shibajuku Girls
👁️‍🗨️Shopkins Shoppies
✓ Sindy (Hasbro)
👁️‍🗨️Sindy (Pedigree)
✓ Snapstars
✓ Star Darlings
✓ Steffi Love
👁️‍🗨️Strawberry Shortcake
Style Bae
Sunny Day (?)
✓ Sweetyz
✓ Tattoo Divas
Twilight Teens
🔜Unicorn Academy
👁️‍🗨️Unique Eyes
Vibe Girls
✓ VIP Hair Academy
Vi and Va
✓ We Teens
✓ What's Her Face
Wild Childz (?)
✓ Wild Hearts Crew
✓ WWE Superstars Wrestling
Yue Sai Wa Wa
Zeenie Dollz
Zodiac Girlz
👁️‍🗨️Zombie Girls
Side quest- Mini dolls? Chibi or kid-shaped
👁️‍🗨️Best Furry Friends
👁️‍🗨️Lady Lovely Locks
✓ Sparkle Girlz Little Sparkles
Dolls (or their remains) that are pretty much impossible to get but one can hope ;w;
-Country Kuttiez
-Trashion Alley
"Duplicates" I want anyway cause they're my grails:
-target exclusive Pinkie Pie EG
-failfix, the blondie one cuz shes smoler than the rest
-Novi Stars Doe A Deer
-Monster High Isi Dawndancer
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vryfmi · 2 years
i've found a hunger games simulator. that's all context that you need
artworks on icons are by @/pompomoo, @/bart-mush (yudai), @/mellowkotto and me
1st round
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the most canon interaction
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lw: *begins to cry*
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now that's a twist
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lucy won with the most kills. she really didn't get a nice night sleep
2nd round
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r e v e n g e
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once again, canon
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lockwood i think your sister is on fire
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this is so funny i can't
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what a wild night
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this whole sequence is so funny to me
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before lockwood won albert had an existential crisis while looking at the stars. then you can guess what happened
3rd round
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twixitativi · 9 months
reading splinters finally made me listen to youre a good man Charlie Brown and omg?? this musical!! im so obsessed and so happy that you might do a spin-off about the rehearsals. I know Nikolai is Snoopy plus a few others that you've mentioned in the fic, but are you able to confirm the rest of the cast?
EEEEEEEEEEE im glad you listened to it! :D listen yagmcb is so silly and i could talk about it for HOURS because like. there's so much to take in. (also im beyond curious about whether you listened to the original or if you listened to the revival; both are fantastic, though the revival has a few changes and additions!)
regarding the cast for yagmcb in the fic, the show actually has a very small cast! i based it both off my research and also when i did the show myself. the named characters are actually very small in the show-- there's only a few, plus the ensemble! depending on the production/director, they might add in named characters/scenes (i know my director did). also, originally, sally wasn't a character-- her role was instead peppermint patty's. they changed it later on (and ofc then kristen chenowith the legend played her which was iconic af), but--
sorry. got sidetracked LMAO
ANYWHO! Here's the castlist!
Charlie Brown - Ace
Lucy Van Pelt - Lucy Montgomery
Linus Van Pelt - Karma
Patty - Tanizaki Naomi
Schroeder - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Snoopy - Nikolai Gogol
the director for the production at yokohama high elected not to have an ensemble considering the wild cast above. it was probably the best decision he could make, plus not abnormal. (iirc i made bram stoker the director but dont fact check me on that. in fact there is no way to fact check that SHDFKGHSDKJGHDS)
the crew includes Poe, who is a student director, Margaret Mitchell, Lovecraft(? i wrote that a while ago) and more though i cant rm who rn
again, glad you listened to the musical! :D its literally so fun and so silly and charlie brown literally is just a pathetic little guy the whole time
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'With a face carved by the hands of Michelangelo himself, Cillian Murphy’s film presence seldom goes unneeded. The Irish actor isn’t Hollywood’s most recognizable leading man. He’s spent most of his career traversing from underrated role to underrated role, giving him an incredibly diverse filmography.
Now, as his titular role in Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer” garners critical acclaim, I wanted to take a look at some of his previous projects.
Red Eye (2005)
Starting off strong with this airplane-set thriller, “Red Eye” follows two strangers, Lisa Reisert, played by Rachel McAdams, and Jackson Rippner, played by Murphy, on a flight to Miami. Jackson’s charm entices Lisa at first, but things take an unexpected turn for the worst when his true intentions are revealed.
Murphy deserved an Academy Award solely for his sassy line delivery in one particular scene — if you know, you know. The fact that he served face doing it makes it so much better.
Watching the Detectives (2007)
This rom-com follows a film nerd and video rental store owner whose life is turned upside down when a manic pixie dream girl type, played by the incomparable Lucy Liu, shows him life can be just as exciting and unpredictable as the films he obsesses over.
Violet, Liu’s character, thrusts Neil, Murphy’s character, from crazy scenario to crazy scenario. For example, after the duo vandalize another local video store under Violet’s suggestion, she pranks Neil by getting two “detectives” to scare him into thinking he’s been caught.
Throughout the film, Violet tells Neil stories in which fact and fiction are hard to discern. One in particular includes a big, bald musician she once dated who stalks her. She ends up pulling another ruse on the now paranoid Neil, faking an abduction by this bald ex that leads to a violent resolution.
I hope this movie inspires film bros to go outside and experience the world beyond the screen — though, hopefully not to the same extent as Neil did.
Breakfast on Pluto (2005)
In this drama, our blue-eyed beauty plays a transgender woman named Patrick “Kitten” Braden. After her mother abandoned her on the steps of a priest’s home, she leaves her small town in Ireland for London in search of her mother and a freer place to fully live her trans identity.
Her journey through London finds her falling in love with the lead singer of a glam rock band and singing and dancing as a member of the children’s entertainment group, The Wombles. She becomes a magician’s assistant and is ultimately forced into prostitution where she narrowly escapes a violent attack by iconically spraying her assailant in the eyes with Chanel No. 5.
Murphy’s performance is striking and campy throughout as he buoys the hardships of the trans experience with Kitten’s whimsy and aversion to taking anything seriously.
The costuming is also absolutely scrumptious. From a certain leather ensemble to the myriad of furs, this is certainly Murphy’s most glamorous role to date.
In Time (2011)
This dystopian quasi-thriller takes place in a society where time is currency. Citizens are genetically-engineered to not age past 25, and when they do reach that age, they are given one more year to live. Time is exchanged from person to person and is stored in capsules; citizens can gain time by working, bartering, stealing or fighting for it.
Though the concept is interesting, the execution leaves much to be desired. Even though the cast is full of familiar faces: Amanda Seyfried, Olivia Wilde, Johnny Galecki and Justin Timberlake — yes, it’s from that weird era where they tried to make Timberlake a movie star, it seems like everyone here forgot how to act.
With the exception of Murphy, of course. Here, he plays a so-called “Timekeeper,” a select group of individuals tasked with keeping the peace and investigating “time crimes.” Murphy portrays his character, Raymond Leon, with a cold suaveness and a certain sassiness that’s innate to Murphy. The leather jacket and dark, slicked back hair is just a cherry on top.'
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