#luks for days
oncanvas · 6 months
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Armistice Night, George Luks, 1918
Oil on canvas 37 x 68 ⅜ in. (94 x 173.7 cm) Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City, NY, USA
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cryptid-quest · 1 year
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Cryptid of the Day: Nuk-Luk
Description: The vast unexplored regions of Canada’s Northwest Territories hold many secrets. Could a Sasquatch that the locals call the Nuk-Luk be one of them? The creature was blamed for the disappearances of miners and trappers during the 1920s.
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shatteredsnail · 1 year
funniest part of doing projects is stealing parts of my wips and passing them off as the assignment
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younes-ben-amara · 2 years
5 نصائح لتكتب يوميًا دون أن تُستنزف طاقتك مُقدَّمة ممن كتب يوميًا لأكثر من عامين و11 شهرًا
5 نصائح لتكتب يوميًا دون أن تُستنزف طاقتك مُقدَّمة ممن كتب يوميًا لأكثر من عامين و11 شهرًا
مساء الكتابة، عساكم بخير وعافية يا أصحاب. أرجو لكم من المولى مالًا وفيرًا يأتيكم بأفضل طريقة وعلى أنسب وجه ودون إضرار ولا ضرر تنفقونه في وجوه الخير، وأرجو لكم صحة وعافية في البدن بكل جوارحه، وحبًا من الناس ووفاقًا بين أهاليكم وصحبكم وحياة طيبةً هانئة في أمن ورخاء وسعادة وثراء، وأسأل الودودَ أن يلهمكم الشكر والحمد على أفضاله في دورة حميدة من عطاء ربّاني لكم وشكر مستحقٍ منكم حتى لا تخرجون من دائرة…
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ma1dita · 3 months
to catch a thief
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a 'partners in crime' installment - luke castellan x dionysus!reader
words: 3.7k
summary: (post-TLT, sea of monsters compliant/spoilers) The one where duty calls at Camp Half-Blood. Again. Your reunion with Luke is nothing you both could have ever expected. (Luke Castellan x fem!Dionysus!reader)
a/n: we’re so back trouble!verse ;) sorry for the post birthday hiatus on this, hope you like it! crack banter but err... she got a lil angsty
(posted 3/22/24, semi-edited)
When you wake up to the gentle rolling of the sea, it feels like a comforting embrace in a distant dream. Tangled within pristine white sheets, you could smell the salt through the small opening in the bay window–though this was a far cry from a fairytale conjured by your mind. This was your reality. 
You wouldn’t call it a nightmare per se, but the circumstances were definitely less than preferred. 
This is not the CSS Birmingham. No, that went up in flames. Retracing your steps to what led you to this—cushy cruise line of a prison, you reckon it’s been a few days now since you’ve become a stowaway, or a hostage. You haven’t quite decided yet. 
Gods, this is what you get for passing up on that summer research internship. 
Dropping off Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson at camp was supposed to be a fun walk down memory lane—until meeting with your dad, finding out Thalia’s tree had been poisoned, watching Chiron get fired, and essentially getting kicked out by the troll of a man who originally got sent to the Fields of Punishment for marketing the taste of human flesh made you remember that nothing at camp is the way it used to be.
Not like before, when you and Luke used to run it.
Your dad told you to go home and wait till you were needed. Home. Driving away from it this time around was harder than you thought it would be. You’d never been the patient type, and to drop everything just because a god told you to? Hilarious, really.
But almost a week later, after rejoining your friends on an undead ship that you let the kids commandeer, your vital mistake was thinking that Clarisse’s quest would be a breeze. Rookie move, since the last one you were on left you as scarred as Luke was. Even thinking of him now, you run your thumb over the rough patch of skin on your palm. 
At the very least you hoped Tyson was okay. The last memory you have of the young Cyclops was watching him from your place on the ladder as he stopped the engines from overheating. Maybe it was the ex-head counselor in you, or your increased threshold to pain, but there was no way in hell you were leaving that kid behind.
The sound of voices from outside your door gets louder now, your throat feeling like you’ve been swallowing wads of cotton and a persistent ringing in your ear that hurts just as bad as when you watch Chris Rodriguez walk in with a plate of food. The last one he slid through the door bumps against his boot, still uneaten and he sighs. 
“So what, you’re on a hunger strike now? I forgot how difficult you could be.”
You bark out a laugh. Thankfully it’s loud enough that it almost conceals the rumble of your stomach. Gritting your teeth, you mumble, “Wish it could be an idiot strike. I forgot how much of a bitch you are when it comes to your brother, Rodriguez. How long are you going to keep me here? It’s been days.”
Your former friend rolls his eyes at your dramatics like he doesn’t hold the key to your freedom.
“Three since you woke up, actually. Come on, you’ve gotta eat, or I’ll get my ass kicked,” he grumbles. You raise an eyebrow at that, walking towards the window to dodge the uncomfortable tension that fills the room. He plucks an apple slice off your plate.
“He couldn’t splurge on a balcony view? Monsters aside, it’s not like you’ve reached full occupancy.”
“There are more mortals here than you think. To be honest, he was worried you would find a way to overthrow us,” the tanned boy admits, placing the tray on the dresser. It was always a wonder to him how you and Luke were more alike than you think, even now—even when Luke hasn’t come to see you. Talking to you reminded him that you’re both pains in his ass, and Chris was still unsure of who to be more wary of, but he’s been in charge of watching you for the most part.
“Well tell your stupid captain he has no right to be worried about me. I’d much rather try to jump if given the opportunity.”
There’s no response, so you turn to face Chris who’s eating a croissant with a bashful grin.
“Seriously dude?”
“Listen, I’m hoping if I think of the right words to say, he’ll come in and deal with you himself. Opposite sides of a war and you’re still both giving me a headache. Just like old times,” he chuckles, flakes of pastry dotting across his chest plate. Your mouth quirks into a bitter smile. Old times, when Luke would shove you if he couldn’t think of a reply fast enough. When you’d punch him to get your point across if he wasn’t listening. How a kiss could end any waging war between the both of you.
You swallow, turning slowly to watch your reflection in the glass of the windowpane.
Why hasn't he come to see you? The first day, you remember spending out on the sea—treading water with no land in sight, calling out to your friends until your voice went hoarse, but you didn’t cry. You know better than to show weakness now, even when no one’s around. Chris tells you over a gulp of orange juice that you washed up next to the Princess Andromeda on the second day like it was fate. Though fate was never truly that kind to anyone; it felt like it was laughing in your face. Knocked out cold for two days after, and ignoring all of Chris’s attempts to keep you alive in the days that followed, you’ve been in this room ever since. You barely notice Chris’s departure. 
Entering the ensuite bathroom, you splash your face and sip on water from the tap before stopping at the doorway. A shadow flits at the seam near your feet, someone standing just out of sight when you peer through the peephole.
But you know Luke’s there. Sons of Hermes have almost undetectable footsteps, however, Luke walking in and out of your life for as long as he has—there’s no inconceivable way to not know him. Perhaps you couldn’t hear the sound of his feet, but there’s a way the wind shifts your hair, your heart slowing in ease at his presence, and the scent of him reminiscent of skin kissed with the peel of an orange. The skin you used to kiss and greet and know like your own.
The shadow fades just as your hand reaches out towards it, leaving like he always does. Always out of reach.
Even as the Princess Andromeda continues to set sail upon the calm waters of the Atlantic Coast, you look out to the unending horizon and still feel like you’re drowning.
“Status report, soldier?”
Chris rolls his eyes, popping the last piece of apple into his mouth as he strolls into the command deck. The both of you had a flair for the dramatic—it serves as his reminder of why you two worked so well. Luke is sitting in his captain’s seat, watching the waves crash against the hull as the sun begins to set on the skyline.
“She’s angry. Anyone would be if they were locked up like that.”
“Well, yeah, but tell me something I don’t know. Something useful, Rodriguez,” Luke says, flicking his pocket knife closed. It’s still sticky with the juice of the fruit, catching onto his finger. He hisses, but then the sound of loud footsteps boom down the corridor, along with the sound of maniacal laughter as the door slams open. The two sons of Hermes look at each other curiously, knowing it all too well.
“You know, the next time you send a 9-year-old to stand guard, remember to not make it the one we used to throw into the lake,” you drawl, sauntering into the bridge and looking around until your eyes land on your ex, “and also remember that you taught me how to pick locks.”
Ethan Nakamura heaves behind you, hands on his knees before he stands to attention and salutes his captain.
“Sir, I was just following orders… and I’m not 9 anymore!” he snaps, glaring at you. Laughing at the absurdity of the situation makes it easier to get through. You thought being surrounded by the undead on the CSS Birmingham was scary enough, but standing in a room with ghosts from your past was somehow worse. Honestly, you learned a lot more by being in that room than if you were to jump ship like you wanted to.
“I taught you how to tie your shoes, Ethan. You’re always gonna be a little kid to me,” you scoff, brushing him aside and walking towards Luke, “your new digs are fancy, by the way. I could tell by all the teenage soldiers chasing me through the tourists.”
He stands up and meets you head to head, as the both of you inspect each other closely. 
It’s been a long year without you.
You look thinner. You’ve lost the softness in your cheeks and your eyes are tired. He wonders what you chose to major in, who your roommates are, if you still think of him with a smile on your face. You’re still beautiful.
“You know me, I like to travel in style,” Luke says offhandedly, a half smile on his face. For someone leading a war against the gods, he’s calm in your presence.
“Back when I knew you, we traveled in a tin can that we also called a car.”
His clothes are nicer than anything you’ve ever seen him in. He looks really fucking good, for someone on the run. It’s almost frustrating to see how brawny he’s gotten, muscles rippling as he crosses his arms. You suppose he has nothing to do now but practice and spar (that or he’s definitely flexing for you). Pulling at the drawstring of the joggers you wear, you realize his initials are embroidered on the pocket. Pretentious fuck. Did he change you once you got on board?
Chris and Ethan suddenly get the feeling that they’re interrupting something—a reunion in a blockbuster romantic movie they’ve seen the mortals play out on the ship deck’s projector on Friday nights. The two of you stand there arguing like a married couple despite the fact you are no longer lovers and the bickering continues even when more of Kronos’ army files in. You laugh again at the sight of children walking in—some strangers, others you’ve sung to sleep in cabin 11, all still children, even back from the time before when laughter didn’t have to have a reason, light and airy in the summer sun.
“You’re sick, you know that? Did you just plan to let me rot in that room until it was all over? You didn’t even talk to m—”
“Classic, you’re more mad that I didn’t talk to you over the fact that you’re a prisoner,” he seethes, but you don’t stand down—not now or ever.
“Prisoner? I walked out and none of your Boy Scouts could do anything about it!”
His face is turning red now, jaw tightening at the angst but deep down he misses this—the banter, the thin line between hate and love you both tread on. You may be a damsel. But you were not in distress. To further prove your point, you swing an arm toward one of the boys in black (their uniforms were annoyingly corny), and they all take a step back toward the wall. Your eyebrows furrow, “What type of prison has guards terrified of the prisoner?”
He shrugs, “It was only time before you came and found me. I even gave you a bay window.”
That was not the right thing to say.
“I’ll fucking kill yo—”
“Sir? So do we try and detain her, or….” one of the demigods you don’t know interjects, and Chris Rodriguez sucks at his teeth before he responds. 
“Alright. We’ve seen enough of the show. Everyone file out and let Castellan reunite with his girlfriend.”
The both of you look at each other, one in anger, the other in sheepishness now that you’re alone. It's even funnier that neither of you deny it.
“You left me there in that room, and by the sight of things around here you prefer being in the company of monsters than being with me, so by the gods, what do you want, Castellan?”
You fall into the captain’s chair exasperatedly, watching him watch you.
“I’m giving you a choice,” he says simply. “You can stay here with me, or you can go.”
“A choice? You captured me to tell me I have a choice,” you spit, as if that was the stupidest thing he could say. “You didn’t give me a choice when you left me.”
“It was a matter of the circumstances. And I didn't capture you—are you mad that I betrayed everyone or not, because I can’t really read you right now, trouble…”
Your eye twitches and your hands are in fists across your lap. Another wrong thing to say.
“Keeping me here until I get the nerve to talk to you is not a choice, asshole. Do you think you could just hide me away until the bad part’s over? To save me until everything's good enough for you?” Your eyes catch onto the droplets of blood that fall onto the hardwood flooring near your feet. His hand is bleeding, and like it’s nothing of the sort you reach out for it.
Luke thinks that if he lets you your hand will still perfectly fit in his, so after a moment, he pulls his hand away out of your reach. Pulling a handkerchief out of your pocket (also embroidered with his initials—note to self, never let a son of Hermes have money), you stand to wrap it around his hand to stop the bleeding. You pretend not to notice his heartbeat increase through the throbbing of the cloth.
“Don’t let my actions make you believe that what we had wasn’t good, trouble.”
“Stop calling me that. Why are they all scared of me? Why won’t you let me touch you?” you whisper, putting pressure on his finger until the blood clots. It doesn’t even hurt, to tell you the truth. Not touching you when you’re right here in front of him is a pain he can’t find the words to describe. But what he’ll never understand is that he’s right. You two were good together. You’d have him through the bad too, if only he let you.
“Because you might think you can fix me.” Or worse, you might change his mind. You don't have to say you love him for him to know it. A part of him wishes he didn’t have to do all of this to prove to you he feels the same. 
“Would you have left with me?” he mutters. A wistful look cuts through your anger and he knows he’s finally said something right. His pocket knife is on the control board and your hands drop to your side again when you realize that he may have forgotten to tell his battalion of who you are to him, but he still remembers how you like your apples cut. The silence is loud, even with the twinge that comes with the pain in your eardrum as you sway a little on your feet. Your body still knows it can relax with him, knees buckling with a false sense of security despite your willpower.
“I would've made it so that there was no other option for you but to want to stay.”
A soldier bursts through the door and apologizes for the intrusion, but the both of you have found out all you need to know. The moment is over and Percy Jackson has been captured by the army in his efforts of trying to save the day. There’s a look shared between the two of you that wonders if this will become a trend.
Licking your lips as your…Luke guides you out onto the main deck with your hands behind your back, you can taste the salt in your air. It’s almost as evident as the surprise in your friends’ faces when they see you alive. This time, they don’t question your allegiance but in the chaos that ensues, for a moment, you do.
For a moment, you wonder what would change if you decided to stay with him. Would the sky fall under your feet? Would the gods kneel like Luke said they would? Looking at him in your periphery, you realize it’s not what the both of you want, even if it’s the easier way out—to be together despite it all.
The two of you against the world instead of the world against the both of you.
But he won't even touch you—he’s holding you over the sleeves of your shirt, too scared of what you’ve become in his absence. You suppose you’re scared of what he’s become too. 
The realization hits that you could defect from your friends, family, and home. You could undo everything that you and your friends have worked towards. But nothing he can say will change the fact that he didn’t choose you.
Luke was right, then.
You did have a choice, one that he still forces you to make as you nod at Percy to flip his last drachma into the open water, opening a direct line of communication to your father to catch the thief—of both lightning and the beat of your heart, in the act.
You realize that if the gods were the least bit grateful that you’ve kept their kids alive for the past half-decade, perhaps fate would be on your side and Luke would still be yours. But life has a funny way of working itself out when Luke admits to the open air of another crime to tack onto his list.
“Kronos was right. I should’ve killed you, Percy.”
The son of Poseidon goads Luke into another duel and you survey your surroundings for a way out. Annabeth burns holes into the side of your head and it gets you thinking, moving faster than you have in days as you walk towards her and Grover. At the raise of your hand, the demigods holding onto the pair drop to the deck, incapacitated with illusions of madness they will never comprehend. The more of them that surround you drop like flies as Luke’s eyes flicker between you and the boy he has at swordpoint.
You’ve gotten stronger in his absence—you never needed to touch him to use your powers after all. Just waiting for the right moment to strike, attacking when Luke finally let his guard down for you. He cracks his neck, knowing you’ve made your choice, so he makes his. 
“Get them.” 
The monster scrambles across the deck but it approaches you first, clawing at the wood and barely missing your feet as you scream for help, defenseless without a sword and you hear Luke yell your name in alarm before a punching glove-tipped arrow sends it hurtling overboard.
Your eyes lock with his again as you disembark with the Party Ponies, you with your crew as he corrals the mess you made of his. It has to be the salt air that makes your eyes seem a little misty.
Your fates have always been tied. 
You protect your home, and he does what he can to protect you. Luke looks over your form like he’s checking if you’re okay, even from a distance— and it makes you wonder if this is how it's supposed to be. Someone leaving, and the both of you apart. 
It’s weird to be the one leaving this time, but it isn't as easy as Luke makes it seem each time he does it. You avert your eyes once you see him put his hand in his pocket, him finding what you snuck in on the way to the deck. Luke pulls out a leather bracelet with a black camp bead, the one he missed in the year he’s been gone. He rolls the bead between his fingers, the thing you last touched before leaving him, an emblem of his archnemesis and the summer that changed everything—the consequences of his actions ripping you away from him. When he slides it on his wrist, it lightly clinks against the hilt of his sword, the lone clay bead a force of its own against Backbiter's reverberating power. He feels nostalgia for what could have been crawling through him—though Luke supposes he’s always been too vulnerable when it comes to you.
Is this what you’ve been feeling every time he walks away? 
It starts to rain after you leave. Luke watches his crew take cover from the downpour, running in all different directions to hide away from the storm that ravages the Princess Andromeda. 
But he stands still, looking up at the sky and hating it for how openly it’s able to cry. Luke is far away from home again—from you and it makes him wonder how much longer he’ll have to be away from you when being with you is what he truly wants.
The mission continues and the ship keeps pushing forward even as the rain washes over him, soaking through his armor and straight to the bone. Raindrops pelt through every crevice, though this onslaught is much kinder, more gentle, even when it’s angry. He closes his eyes and lets it touch his skin. 
For a moment, it feels like you. 
A hand penetrates the tide searching for yours, gripping onto your unconscious one. He’s spent hours ripping holes through time to try to find you, an advantage given to him in a dream by the Titan. The agreement, what keeps him from not running back to you is that you live—and as Luke pulls you out of the ocean waterlogged and turning blue, he wonders if it’s all a farce. 
Losing you isn’t worth the wrath of the gods if you’re lifeless in his arms like this. 
He shouts your name, pumping your chest with his fists and breathing life back into your lips until you cough out saltwater, head lolling against his knee. Luke’s fingers stroke your hair, touching you for the first time in a year. As life slowly brings the color back into your cheeks he silently thanks Hestia for keeping your flame alight. His soldiers call out to him from the deck, and he steels his resolve as he rows the lifeboat back to the ship. Still, Luke has to uphold his side of the agreement. 
He wonders if you’d stay. Even if he knows the answer, Luke wonders if you would ever change it for him.
And they tell me you are evil and I answer: Yes, I know. –Patricia Smith
 ½ luke taglist: @kissingyourgrl @dorcas4meadowes @lorarri @andrewgarfldsgf @noodlesketchbook @10ava01 @poppysrin @ashisabitgay @timhalamet @liv1104 @leeknows-wife @mxtokko @bugcuti3 @luvvfromme @midmourn @2hiigh2cry @yuminako @niktwazny303  @lukecastellandefender @intergalactic-padawan @iliketopgun @annybah @dangelnleif @thegrinningghost @alyssajunelle @obxstiles @m00ng4z3r @visndcaitswhore @b0ok-lover @elegant-face-tree @this-barbie-is-having-breakdowns @amortencjja @idonevenknow1359 @maliaaaa @targaryenluvs @sakyira @dhdjdjjdhsjdiri
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lynnbanks · 5 days
(we know that Luke doesn't drink coffee but imagine he is dating a girl who drinks a little bit more than she should. i didn't know how to end it and it is kinda short I just wanted to put something out for yall.i am still healing after reading "before we were strangers" i hope you guys like it. <3 <3)
it was an average day in the life of a hockey player in the off-season; Luke was up with the sun to get ready for a day of training and decided to make his sleeping girlfriend a coffee to start her day with before he left for the morning; placing her coffee on the nightstand and waking her up by planting kisses all over her face "Good morning beautiful I made you coffee." her eyes were still closed, but she was smiling "Thank you lukey it is indeed a good morning. She opened her eyes to see his face and took a sip of her coffee "mmhh perfect I love you." dramatically flopping back onto the bed to put on a show for how good the coffee tastes making Luke giggle.
"I have to go, but I will see you later maybe we up meet for lunch if you are up for it." Y/n sits up to say goodbye." That works for me; love you see you later yeah?" Luke leans down to meet her lips " See you later baby I love you" leaving her to get ready for the day he texts her that he will call when he is on the way to the restaurant they go to all the time. When he shows up she is sitting in a booth and a straw in her mouth sipping on an iced coffee when she sees him she smiles and he leans down to kiss her forehead and then her lips before sitting across from her. "Hello handsome" she smiled at him "Hi baby you look beautiful today. I like that dress." looking down at her cream-colored dress with little red roses that he got for her as a gift for a date night last summer.
"thank you, my boyfriend, got it for me." she joked "Did he? he must have known how good you look in dresses." he flirted back with her making her blush at his compliment. Taking her in he noticed her shakey hands as she put her now empty coffee down why does she do this to herself he thought as he grabbed her shaking hands " I thought we talked about cutting back your coffee intake" he said kinda sternly this being the second time this month they are having this conversation. y/n looked at her empty glass before speaking " I know we have I just wanted a pick-me-up I will slow down lukey don't fret."
And as much as he would like to not "fret" she makes it hard when most days she will have two cups of coffee before she has had a meal and walks around dizzy from too much caffeine. " did you even eat breakfast?" her silence tells him all he needs to know "Y/n are you kidding me you have to stop doing that it is not healthy." y/n sighed " I know I will stop I promise"
The next day before Luke leaves He brings her tea instead of coffee "Luke." she says staring up at him but he doesn't back down "Y/n" she deflates against the headboard " Luke I hate tea." he pushes the hair that has fallen in her face behind her ear and hands her the mug " just try it you won't know until you actually give it a chance." she rolls her eyes and took a tiny sip her face contorted in disgust " Luke it so bad." he rolled his eyes at dramatic reaction " baby you can't keep drinking coffee like its water you will run yourself to an early grave; will you give it a chance it might make you feel better instead of making you crash after every cup."
Y/n had cut down to one small cup in the morning and tea when she needed a pick-me-up and both Y/n and Luke had noticed a difference; she slept better at night and surprisingly she had more energy throughout the day and Luk didn't have to worry about her dizzy spells anymore.
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
Soo I wanted to imput my own culture on this one!
COD Men + König Dating a Jamaican Women
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• You and König had been together for quite a while. Spending most of your guys relationship in Europe and in his home country.
• But when you make to offer of having him meet your family he is more then happy to accept!
• He didn't expect to take a plane to the tropicals however- Ending up in such a touristy area at first. Till you lead him off the beaten bath to a much more rural area to introduce him to your family.
• They are a but surprised at first, seeing such a large man. However accept him with open arms- Your Mummy especially.
• You handed your mother her drink, watching her as she looked at the new member of the family who was seated playing cards with your cousin- The shorts She'd bought clearly being a size too small to fit him comforbly.
• It was like she got the son she wanted the most- Immediately having him change into more comforble clothes. Fed him, and forced you to walk him around the prettiest parts of town.
• "Why does it feel like my Mum likes you more then me!?"
• Konig could only laugh at this and shyly disagree.
• However after your Mum took him shopping since she felt like he didn't have the proper clothes he couldn't disagree further.
• He absolutely adores the beaches of your home and spends so much time swimming he gets a golden tan in a short amount of time.
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• "Gonna need to order some better shorts" You mumbled- not wanting him to have a wardrobe malfunction while around your family. Your mother laughing at this and patting your hip- "Wen yuh climb tall trees yuh get langggg branches-"
• "MUMMY!"
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• You decided that it was time for Gaz to meet your family, wanting to take that extra step together.
• They are so excited to meet him they start chattering away immediately- However Gaz figures out very quickly...
• He is more then thrilled. Having wanted to take that next step with you for quite a while- So when the plan arrived at your home he was so happy to see your family there to meet you and him there.
• He doesn't know what the fuck they are saying-
• They had accidently assumed he knew Patwah and were corrected by you quickly. Since they assumed he was Jamaican like you-
• "Wait it's not just an accent?" Gaz asks softly to you, Which leads to you explaining that it's a Creole language called Patwah.
• Your Aunty however seemed to take the liking to Kyle the most. Seeing him as great husband potential for you- As well as dropping 'hints' about a wedding. Which was amusing since she had the thickest of accents out of your entire family.
• "Kyle lov, Wi wud waan (Y/N) married yah inna di yard. A nuh eh ah luk gud place tuh marry an av babies?" (Kyle Love, we would want married here at home. Isn't it a pretty place to marry and have babies? )
• Gaz didn't know what she said per say- But he did year the word Married and Babies.
• He does have a blast however, going out dancing with you, drinking with your family and having a grand time- But most was being fed near constantly.
• "Nyam up Maaga bwoy" (eat up skinny boy)
• Gaz was satted there in the kitchen of your family home, Staring as your Aunty adds another massive scoop of Rice and Peas to his growing plate. Filled delicious foods he could only dream of back home.
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• It seemed like there was no escape from this pleasurable hell- and he couldn't be happier
• Gaz nodded obediently as he took up more rice on his fork and continued to eat. You trying to tell your aunty to not force feed your boyfriend.
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• You bring up wanting Johnny to meet your family after officially meeting his- Seeing how it would be fair and should be a fun experience.
• Seems he found his people-
• Of course he is more then willing! Seeing it as a fun get away as well-
• When he arrives his naturally cheery personality wins over your family quickly. Ends up having a blast with them the first day and eats so much he almost gets suck.
• There is a mild language barrier- However it was overcome rather quickly.
• Your cousin seemed to absolutely ADORE Johnny. Taking the two of you out to clubs and different bars around the area.
• "We should buy a place out here- for times like this" He said, Leaning against you as the two of you walk back to your families house.
• Finds out quickly that it's relatively cheap in parts and having his nice military paychecks went a lloonnggg way here.
• Adsolutely loves the drinks. The Ginger beer, the Red Strike, Sorrel.
• Adores them honestly!
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• This man has met other half it seems as bottles seem to rain around him.
• "Yu Drunk?" Your cousin calls out to Johnny who is dancing against you with a bright smile on his face.
• "A'm Blootert!" He shouts. His accent so strong its funny-
• Johnny ends up so drunk, he's locked arms with your cousin, seated under the romada singing some imaginary song they had made up together.
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• You take the opportunity to get your hair braided as well- seeing how for once you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for it.
• It takes a lot of convincing on your part to get Simon to come meet your family. You'd been dating more then long enough and he finally agrees one day-
• However he still wears some form of mask- in his case a skull face mask that is still breathable while keeping him covered.
• Your family was a bit apprehensive of Simon of first- surprised by such a brooding figure you'd dragged with you.
• That was till your father stepped forward and welcomed Simon with open arms. Which lead to the rest of the family also being warm and welcoming-
• Simon accepts this and goes along with the kind greetings from everyone.
• Simon tags along, which surprises you. Ends up asking the hair dresser questions constantly.
• "Wah mek yu deh ask suh much?" Your hairdresser staps a bit-
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• "I want to learn how- do I can help her do her hair or our future children's" He says bluntly and truthfully.
• Wins over the whole Salon just like that.
• He has never met a group so God damn stubborn then your family- He can refuse all he wants but ends up being given or dragged some place.
• Getting a step by step on how to do different braids by the nice women at the Salon who baby him- even buying him lunch too.
• The soilder taking the day with your father. The two just enjoying the day together- Simon even smoking with him a little which made him relax more then he expected (You weren't there to tell him-)
• Didn't want a drink- Now has 4 he has finished. Refused an addional plate of food?- He had 3 more and some fruit.
• The only person who wasn't pushy was your father. Who was as stoic and laid back as Simon.
• Simon enjoyed the relaxing time with your Father- The two sitting on the front patio with their drinks sipping away as they occasionally chatted.
• This day being the same, When Simon got up prepared to be dragged to a other fun active place. But instead your father waving him over to sit with him.
• Looking to you as you just nod for him to go do as he pleased-
• By the time you came back, Both men were actually chuckling at some sort of joke together. That night you looking to Simon who laid in bed with you shocked-
• "My Dad actually likes you-" You say in disbelief. Simon only nodding and smiling at your words.
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• By the next morning he is as red as a Tomato and sunburned to high hell.
• John is willing to meet your family. Finding it would he a nice holiday and fun overall since he hadn't been to the Caribbeans since he was first in the military.
• When arriving he did notice some stares, since he was so clearly military and learned the distrust was real.
• But your family was open to him in extending that olive branch to him.
• Your uncle however- took some convincing. Which ended up getting John hazed of sorts.
• "Mek wi si wah yu gat Brit-" Your uncle Said with a grin. John of course accepting a challenge. From drinking, Dancing and more. Which ended up with the two shit talking each other-
• By the end of the night John and your Uncle were as thick as thieves.
• John even proud of the hand rolled cigarettes your uncle had given him.
• "Don't take his cigarettes-" You say calmly. Taking the homemade rolled cigarette from your boyfriend and handing him a packed one instead.
• While you were with some of your cousins catching up John sat out on a chair with your Uncles and cousins. The group smoking cigars and cigarettes and chatting away.
• Seemed time was lost on the both of you as John sat out in the sun far too long. Ignoring the reddening of his skin-
• Your poor Boyfriend tho-
• "Fuck-k" John mutters, wincing as he sits down with his arms held out. Your uncle laughing at him-
• You spend the evening rubbing Aloe in his skin and fanning his skin to help ease the burn.
• "Burned noice an criss Hm?" Your uncle said with a laugh making John give a fake glare at the old man.
• "Ah fuck ya you old geezer-" John winced out making the men around him laugh hard at his suffering.
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scorchieart · 8 months
Sariel: The time has come, Belle. You have seen and learned much in this past month, and Beauty's Time is now moments away from shedding its last petal. Are you ready?
Belle: I am.
Sariel: Very well. Who does you pure and impartial heart select to be the next king of Rhodolite?
Belle: I choose Luke.
Sariel: ...
Sariel: Forgive me. The anticipation has left me momentarily stunned. Did you say 'Leon'?
Belle: No, I said Luk—
Sariel: *suddenly claps his hands*
Sariel: Apologies. There was an incessant fly buzzing about. You were going to say 'Licht', correct?
Belle: LLLLLLuke. Luke Randolph.
Sariel: I see. Not to worry, Belle, we can remedy this. I shall quickly fetch some adhesive from my office and temporarily reattach the final petal. That should give you ample time to once more meet with the princes and reevaluate your decision.
Belle: Here, you can use this.
Sariel: Why do you have honey jars in your pockets?
Belle: Luke says all you need to tackle the day is a smile on your face and honey in your pocket. He's very wise, but that's only part of why I'm choosing him as king. Did you know he discovered an entirely new branch of medicine for treating nightmares using only honey?
Sariel: ...
Sariel: *calmly pinches his cheek*
Sariel: *wakes up in his bed in a cold sweat*
Sariel: That is the last time I'm having honey before bed.
Luke: *sitting next to the bed with a notebook* Hmm, we're gonna hafta increase the dosage for next time.
Luke: *tips a jar of honey over Sariel's head*
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theywantedplayer · 1 year
can we get luke hughes hooking up with jack's gf
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Ive started writting smut for luke hughes now
You tried to make it seem like a good thing but really you knew sleeping around with your boyfriend's younger brother was a bad decision. You’ve been dating Jack for almost 8 months now and everything was simple but when you met Luke you got that feeling that you felt when you first met Jack. The butterflies in your stomach and the innocent looks you were giving to each other but when you looked away you could feel his eyes linger longer than they should have.
The “innocent” touch’s he did. Hands on the waist when he needs to get by, the hand on your lower back to help you get through crowds. You couldn't handle it anymore, the one day you went to Luke’s room to tell him you were going to go pick up Jack. When he opened the door his hand was on the side of the door most of the weight on his side. 
You noticed his hair was messy, his blonde curls falling over his face, you noticed his tack of a shirt, you also noticed  you were staring for too long at the low waist sweatpants that hugged his Figure. You Swallowed trying to bring the Focus back to the matter at hand.
“I-um im going to go pick up Jack, so you'll have the apartment to yourself for awhile” you tried to say
You could feel Luke’s eyes on you. You only spoke a couple words and was planning on leaving, but the next thing you knew Luke and You were taking off your clothes as you couldn't keep your lips off eachother.
“Lu-Luke we” you tried to speak up you couldn't stop him “we shouldn't be d-doing this” 
Luke and you were standing by the bed just in your bra, you felt him kiss your jaw softly making you whine. He trailed down your neck getting rougher as he countied.
“Lu-” You whined as you felt his hand grab the clasp off your bra but pausing to say.
“Tell me to stop” he told looking down at you
You had no response, the only thing you could do was stare. You wanted it, you wanted it so bad but you couldn't help but think about Jack but you couldn't ignore the Ache between your legs.
“What do you want” he asked
You could feel him slowly start to unclasp your bra
“God Luke fuck I want you” You told
With that Luke took off your bra, You shivered lightly as the cold touched your tit’s. You moaned when you felt Luke pull you back into a kiss by the back of your head. Everything happened too fast. First you kissed then you were both naked and laying on the bed.
“You ready?” he asked as he hovered over you
You nodded in response, your nails dug into his biceps at the burning feeling but it quickly turned into Pleasure .
This feeling was Familiar you felt it when you first had sex with Jack, that new feeling about a Relationship for this one also had a  hint of secrecy since it was his brother instead. 
“Fuck” Luke drew out as he berried his head into the crook of your neck, you could feel him leave soft kisses on your shoulder
You knew it was wrong what you were doing, sleeping with your boyfriend's brother. He was probably waiting for you at the rink calling and texting you while his younger brother was kissing and making you moan loud enough that the Neighbors may hear.
“Lu-fuck im close” you whined at the snap of his hips
The only sounds in the room were your moans and the slapping of skin. You could hear Luke moaning and whining quietly into your shoulder. You ran your nails down his back as you felt yourself about to cum.
“Fuck Lu im cumming,im cumming” You whined, You lightly hit his back as he came. All you could hear was Luke saying “Cummin” into your shoulder as his stroke’s became slower and harder. Luke layed on top of you as you both caught your breath.
“Luk-” you were about to say but your phone buzzing in your pants pocket made you stop.
“Shit,shit,shit” you Cursed out as you shoved Luke off of you and leaned off the side off the bed and Rifled through your pants to grab your phone your heart dropped when you saw the caller ID.
 you took a deep breath before you answered.
“What's going o-” you heard Luke try and ask but you quickly covered his mouth with your hand.Before you could even say anything Jack's voice went through the phone 
“Y/n were the hell are ya, my interview ended almost a Half an hour ago” you could tell that he was trying not to yell but he was also very frustrated because usually you were on time to pick him up. I wonder why you were late. 
“Oh my god, i'm so sorry I lost track off time”You made up the excuse as you quickly tried to get dressed as you held your phone to your ear with your shoulder “ I'll be there in 10 minutes” you two exchanged goodbyes and hung up
“ You made me late!”  you explain to Luke as you grabbed his sweatpants and threw it at him. You tried not to laugh at the smile on his face “I gonna go” you said getting dressed
You left Luke's room and grabbed your car keys and were about to walk out the door till you felt Luke grab your hand
“Wait wait wait” he called
“Luke what i'm gonna be even more late” you told
Luke took a deep breath and ran his hand threw his hair before he spoke
“Y/n…I really like you” he Confessed 
You were a little taken back at his words, sure you were interested but you just could leave Jack that would be unfair and you loved him. At least you thought he did.
“Luke Im with Jack” was all you could say
You watched his eyebrows ruffle at what you said, part off you felt a little bad that you were lying to him.
“So you don't like me at all, so this was nothing” he asked “No luke this wasn't nothing I-....I don't know what this is”
“Y/n I know your lying to me” He challenged 
“Luke I can't do this right now” You told him as you shook him off and walked out the door. You hated that you had feelings for him but you just couldn't do it to Jack, But you knew this wasn't the last time you and Luke were gonna meet like this. You loved and hated it 
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itzmakaxx · 4 months
homies tryna flirt(he dosnt kno any pikup lines)
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bg is crap but ths needed 2 b postd lik 2 days ago bro. im so fukin slo w/ drawin (,:
also ik he dosnt luk rite im so srry but im tired nd ddnt think 2 resketch it @ 1st yall
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yeonflmz · 7 months
I made this the other day
Tiny smit design by @luk-413
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Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, Part 2 of omegan Dragonkeeper Lucerys)
First part:
It hatched. The egg hatched. His dragon was beautiful. He was pearlescent white with a yellow flame, with golden eyes and a golden chest. He knew, from the moment he heard the egg shells cracking, the moment he saw his tiny head popping out, that he would love him and treasured him with all his heart and being. Finally, a dragon of his own. A living proof of what he is. A Targaryen with his dragon.
His mother was less than enthused. He didn't understand it at first, but it gradually dawned on him that she didn't see them as anything more than large, dangerous beasts. Her views on them are so unlike his own. He, who sees them as the majestic, powerful, beautiful creatures that they are. She didn't like it when Aegon visited Sunfyre, and showed relief when both his and Helaena's dragon didn't hatch. He knew she secretly wished they'd never bond with a dragon, that they'd stay on the ground rather than on a fire-breathing beast up in the sky, and there was a time in his life where Aemond secretly thinks his mother's inner wishes were granted by the Faith, blessing her while cursing them, cursing him to such a fate. It was a hard truth to swallow, the fact that his mother, the one person he felt truly loved him, would never understand his near desperation to have a dragon. With a dragon, he was no longer, in a sense, incomplete. He couldn't tell her that though.
Aegon congratulated him in his drunken haze, and Aemond smirked as Aegon yelped, the dragon nearly biting off his fingers when he tried to touch him. Helaena just smiled, saying things about a black thread, and Aemond just nodded along to appease her. Even his Sire seemed glad for him, congratulating him, calling his dragon beautiful. It was unexpected, seeing as he only ever talked about his eldest half-sister (the one that never visits, despite his father's numerous attempts to call her back), and that was when he had his fill with his medicine, the milk of the poppy. Still, a small part of him was happy his sire showed any interest in him at all (an even smaller part wondered if he would have shown any interest in him if he never had a dragon. He pushes that part deep, deep down).
It took a few days of him parading around before he remembered his promise to a certain little dragonkeeper. He decided that it was time to present the dragon to Luke. After all, he chose him for Aemond, it's only fair he gets to see him hatched.
When he reached the Dragonpit, he started walking through the tunnels, until he finally saw a familiar small, curly haired boy. Luke was with another young dragon keeper, and it took a moment for Aemond to recognize him as the one who brought the pig. Aemond felt a wave of anger, hurt and betrayal, before shaking it off. Of course he was with another dragon keeper. They looked so much alike, they could be brothers, for all he knew. Why would he feel betrayed?
Aemond called out for him, and Luke turned to see him, bade a hasty goodbye to the other dragonkeeper, and ran straight to Aemond like an obedient puppy to his master. When he saw him with the dragon on his shoulder, his eyes said everything. He was in awe. Aemond felt pride. Yes, his dragon should inspire awe. He was going to be the most powerful dragon, the most beautiful, even more than Aegon's Sunfyre.
"He's so pretty, My Prince. His scales are like the moon's." Luke said, still looking at the dragon. Said baby dragon seemed to preen with the praise. Said owner also preened with the praise.
"Do you have a name for him yet, My Prince?"
Of course Aemond had a name chosen, ever since he learned about dragons, ever since his first egg didn't hatch. Looking at the hatchling, Aemond knows knows it fits him.
"Arrax, the Ruler of the Old Gods."
"Hello Arrax." Luke greeted his dragon in High Valyrian, and Arrax made crooning noises as a response.
Aemond decided that Luke would be a good dragonkeeper for Arrax, at least, once he's old enough.
Aemond visited him almost every day. Luke was a bit shy at first, though eager to please. Once they've gotten close enough, and Luke felt comfortable with him, he began sharing a lot of stories about the dragons, though most of what he shared were from the older dragon keepers.
Aemond liked that. He liked learning about dragons from the very people who trained them. Luke does tend to babble a lot, taking detours in his stories, but all he needed to do was clear his throat for Luke to stop with his side stories, blush perfusedly, and continue on with the main ones.
He also has the habit of blushing brightly when he realizes he said too much, glancing at Aemond to see if he was angry, then continue on when he sees no trace of annoyance.
Aemond liking of little Luke slowly grew. He likes how knowledgeable he was about dragons, likes learning some secrets that dragon keepers learned through generations, and he was beginning to like whenever Luke speaks in High Valyrian when he doesn't know the word in common tongue.
It helps him learn more about the language. It was rather embarrassing for him to admit it, even to himself. A Targaryen prince not knowing how to speak High Valyrian. His mother didn't really see the point of him learning a language few people use in Westeros, the fact he didn't have a dragon until recently only strengthened her resolve to give him a different subject to focus on. So, while his older brother got to learn High Valyrian (not that Aegon cared to actually learn the language), he was stuck learning about the Faith of the Seven. He eventually taught himself the language through the use of old books, so he could understand it to an extent, but without someone actively teaching him, guiding him, correcting his pronunciation, he fears he doesn't know as much as he should. He refrains from actually using said language, afraid he would butcher it somehow. Luke's jumble of both common and High Valyrian has proven to be quite helpful, as he notes the particular way every word was said, commiting it to memory so he may practice once he was alone.
Aemond also learned about bits and pieces of Luke's life. He was apparently the second youngest bastard being watched over by the dragon keepers, the other two being his brothers, the youngest being a toddler, and the eldest being the one who brought out the pig. Aemond greatly disliked that one. Luke, however, loved him very much. And liked talking about him. A lot.
"Jace watches over Prince Aegon's Sunfyre, My Prince. He's also the one who gives me lessons on how to properly train a dragon when the other dragonkeepers are busy. Oh! He also sometimes play with Prince Aegon in the pit - Elder Byron wouldn't allow us out of the pit until dusk - though they won't let me join sometimes. But that's ok, because he makes it up to me by teaching me more secret tricks, and-"
Aemond sighs, before clearing his throat. While it was good to know that his brother wasn't always sneaking out to the Streets of Silk, or at Fleabottom, he didn't really want to learn about their brothers' little "adventures".
"Oh! I'm sorry, My Prince. It's just that I never had anyone to tell these things to. Um, where was I again? Oh, right! So Syrax continues to refuse to eat, and Elder Byron was worried she was sick. She wasn't though! She just didn't like the meat. The others said she was the most spoiled dragon they ever had to watch over, and-"
Luke was used to having Prince Aemond as company. He usually arrived after the dragons were fed, with Arrax on his shoulder, demanding stories that Luke was eager to regale, while he simply listen, an eager audience. He never had people close to his age (besides Joffrey, but he's too small, he can't even talk yet) and he greatly enjoyed his time with the Prince.
So when he didn't arrive at his usual time, he began to worry. When Arrax was sent to him to care for, he really got scared.
Did he somehow manage to offend the only other person he could talk to besides his brothers? No, that couldn't be it. If it was, then Arrax would have been given to one of the older dragonkeepers to care for. Then did Prince Aemond somehow got hurt?
He knows of tales of assassinations, the royal life isn't always easy, especially for the women and children. They were the easiest targets, after all.
But that wouldn't be the case, because he saw Prince Aegon running around with Jace a few hours ago. He knew the queen, well, knew of the queen, through talks and rumors, and she wouldn't have allowed Aegon out of her sight if anything like that would have happened.(A small part of him wonders if Prince Aemond was bored of him already. That part grew larger with every thought that enters his head).
Did I bore him? Were my stories too confusing? Did I say too much? Did I annoy him in some way?
Thankfully, he remembered that there was someone who might know what was going on with him. He went to Jace, who looked at him with a look of amusement.
"Nothing happened to him, Luke. The prince just presented. He entered his first rut yesterday."
Luke felt the weight on his chest lessen greatly. So that was it. He was just having a special kind of sickness, like Jace recently had. Everything was fine.
He guesses he would need to start watching over Arrax now while Prince Aemond was gone. What sort of tricks should he teach him? He ponders over that while Arrax stay perched on his shoulder, contently crooning over him.
So, this is fun, and I'd like to make more parts soon.
If anyone wants to write a full length fic with this concept, please tell me!
Thoughts? Violent reactions?
Update: I'll be using the hashtag (#omegan dragonkeeper lucerys) so it would be easier to read all the different parts.
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
so here’s my back-translation of dream and hob’s first conversation in 1389 into Middle English! first i have their actual lines from the show, then indented is my translation, and beneath a literal translation of what i back-translated! dream’s lines are bolded, because ~*~that voice~*~
the main thing i took away from this is that hob’s speech patterns are much more casual and informal than dream’s, and i had to do a lot of rewriting, more so translating his meaning than the literal words, and bringing that back to the turns of phrase of ME. dream’s speech is (predictably) more formal and more antiquated, and required much less finagling, less actual translation or restructuring. i’m not sure if this was intentional for dream, given that dream speaks in iambic pentameter with shakespeare in 1589, but either way it’s an interesting difference! anyway, i hope folks think this is as cool as i did :D 
if any linguists or Eng scholars hanging out in sandman fandom happen to pop up and want to critique me i’m totally open to that since i haven’t touched ME or any of the resources i used to use in literally almost a decade haha 
HOB: “I’ve seen death. I lost half my village to the Black Death. I fought under Buckingham in Burgundy! It's not like I don’t know what death is. Death is... stupid. Nobody has to die. The only reason people die is ‘cause everyone does it; you all just go along with it. Not me. I’ve made up my mind. I’m not going to die. ... I might get lucky! ... There’s so much to do, so many things to see. Women to swive. Ale to drink. ...” 
Deth I haue biheld wiþ ful face; Mani on frendes wel-biloved I haue sene los of dethe and plage. At Burgoyne wiþ Buccinghamm I faght, honde wiþ honde; I knawe Dethe bi the visage, and Sche is foolyssche. Al livinge men ʒelden up þeir liues to Dethe—nat I.  To liue undiinge is mi choyisse: on þis my mynde is sette.  Per-happes þe godes of fortune haþ me bistowed luk, For mucche is þer ʒet to se on erthe, I telle yow;  Richesse, glorie, wommen to swyue, ale to drinche! Aventures and merveilles schal I seke wiþ mine endeles daies. 
I have seen [faced/stood before] Death; Many beloved friends I have seen lost to death and plague. At Burgundy with Buckingham I fought [now i can’t find where i found this phrase, but it’s like “in close quarters”] I know Death by sight, and She is foolish.
All living men relinquish their lives to Death—not I. To live undying is my choice: on this my mind is set. Perhaps the goddess of fortune has bestowed luck on me,  For much is there yet to see on earth, I tell you. Riches, glory, women to swive, ale to drink! I shall seek adventures and marvels with my endless days.
[i couldn’t find how “Buckingham” was spelled in 1389, but it comes from the following: Olde English pre 7th Century 'hamm' meaning 'a water meadow' or 'piece of low lying enclosed land', plus 'ing', 'people of' and the personal name Bucca, hence, 'the hamm of Bucca's people'. i figured to ‘update’ it to ME i got rid of the “a” and made it “Buccinghamm,” but no idea if that’s right or not.]
DREAM: “Did I hear you say you have no intention of ever dying?”
Herd I þe riʒtly?  Intendestow to liue for euer, neuer to deye? 
Heard I thee rightly? Thou intendest to live for ever, never to die? [if i recall this rule correctly and followed my sources right, today we think of “thee/thou” as super formal but “thee/thou” was, at the time, actually used to address those perceived to be inferior to oneself, whereas “you” was more deferential. so i used “thee” and “thou” here, because at their first meeting, dream clearly doesn’t care one whit about hob (yet!)
HOB: “Yeah. Yeah, that’s right.” 
Ye, ʒow herde me riʒtly.
“Yes, you heard me rightly.”  [I had Hob use a more deferential version of “you”... at least assuming I parsed the dictionary correctly!]
DREAM: “Then you must tell me what it’s like. Let us meet, here, again, Robert Gadling, in this tavern of the White Horse, in one hundred years.”
þenne yow mot nede itellen me your tale. Lette us mete here, Robert Gadling, in þis inne of the Whyte Hors, ones mor in a hundred yeres.
Then you must needs tell me your tale. Let us meet here, Robert Gadling, in this inn of the White Horse, once more in a hundred years. [it looks a bit weird to me, but Robert was in use spelled just like that in ME! i think “Hob” at the time could have been spelled Hobb as well. “Gadling” could also have been spelled 3 other ways (gadeling, ged(e)ling, galdinge and it actually has some additional rather insulting meanings: a) A companion in arms; man, fellow; b) a person of low birth; a base fellow, rascal, scoundrel; a bastard; c) as adj.: base, lowborn i like to think it reflects dream’s evolving opinion of hob over the centuries, and that dream surely must think of hob as a “companion in arms” by about 1789, not least because that’s the year hob so gallantly dispatches dream’s attacker before even defending himself ;) ]
HOB: “A hundred years’ time, on this day? I will see you in the year of our Lord 1489, then.”
A hundred yeres’ time, on þis dai? þan I schal se ʒow in the yere of oure Lorde 1489. [Basically word for word of the modern English, actually!]
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Todays luk for my first day with my pink hair! 🥰🩷 how do yall lik it.?
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flaylore · 17 days
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"Hey- HOLOSTARS English Guild TEMPUS' -genius?- Pilot- Machina X Flayon here! If it's a vehicle, I can pilot it, or, drive it, or riiidee- yeah! My dream is to become the ultimate Jack-of-all-Trades; acting, singing, cooking, playing games- I want to do it all! You only live once, so you have to live without regrets. You can always hangout with me when you're feeling down! I would be so happy if you wanna become a machiroon. See you around!"
Machina X Flayon + Debut Stream marks Flayon's first appearance as a HOLOSTARS TEMPUS's member, under the group name, Vanguard, alongside 3 other members; Gavis Bettel, Banzoin Hakka and Josuiji Shinri. It was streamed on January 8th 2023, right after Gavis Bettel's first debut appearance. It is mostly a light-hearted stream introducing himself, alongside a peak into his life as the pilot of guild TEMPUS.
Flayon is considered “a genius who can pilot any vehicle in an instant”
It should be noted that, his eyes during the introduction video is red and changes to green-red instead. It never returned to the original color until the end of the stream
Carries items with him when using/piloting R-TRUS
R-TRUS control panels (act like shields from what the debut mentions)
His tail serves as an “antenna” or an “ignition key” in order to pilot R-TRUS
Is “sensitive” according to Flayon
“His piloting is unmatched” “There’s nothing he can’t pilot!”
There’s nothing spherical in the R-TRUS according to Flayon
Can’t explain much about R-TRUS or he’ll get in trouble, according to Flayon
R-TRUS responds kinda late to Flayon even though he was already in it to begin with, though he pays no mind to it
Bettel in particular has been bullying him forever, according to Flayon
“I don’t know why! I didn’t do anything to him!”
His guild card:
HP – around 50%, a blue bar filling the other half MP – around 20-30% STR – again, around 50%, a blue bar filling the other half DEX – around 50% INT – 100%, the bar fully yellow LUK – around 20-30%
They found R-TRUS after Bettel shot Hakka with a tranquilizer dart
R-TRUS assumed to have gone haywire, causing Shinri to save everyone and return to Tempus/Guild Hall
At this point, he’s 18,432 years old
“Or what I like to call, hm… eternally 18?” [laughter]
In his way of doing things he’s actually really young, according to Flayon
His role in the Guild is customer support
“I’m pretty good at it, I don't know. Just.. with technology, I might end up breaking it…”
R-TRUS is very big. Flayon isn’t allowed to disclose the exact size but we’re left to assume it’s colossal
Before Flayon shows Elysium in the R-TRUS, he says:
“Should have enough energy in it this time.”
His mood switches really quickly when finding Magni
Goes from wanting to hurt/get revenge on him to saying “don’t walk away from me…”
R-TRUS finds Hakka, but the screen quickly flashes to the tree and back to where he was standing, Hakka now gone
Flayon notices him at first but once Hakka disappears he says: “Huh… okay…”
Mentions the tail very briefly
“Like I said: don’t touch it.”
Explains the control panels a little more; calls them shields, but explains that they’re how he operates everything
The R-TRUS needs energy to pilot, but specifically from Flayon’s body
“It’s always been there. I’m not sure—nobody really knows about it.” “The more charged up and healthy I am, the more I can run!”
Elaborates on his guild card a bit more; the blue half of the bar counts R-TRUS
Can be REALLY strong when piloting/full of energy and healthy
Leaves his luck stat VERY vague and up to interpretation
“Think about it VERY carefully, and I think you’ll understand.”
Can’t show us his room “yet, but maybe one day”
His Hobbies:
Has always been drawing, stopped briefly(?) at age 8,000 according to him Got back into it when he struggled to pilot R-TRUS
2. Acting/Voice Over
Struggled with expressing himself when he was younger Saw people in Corpse Party dying and wanted to do that
“I don’t know, it’s fun just making those sounds.”
Demonstrates him screaming, then says: “yeah, it’s kind of like when Hakka stabbed me with his spear.”
3. People Watching
Glosses over it, doesn't even acknowledge it
4. Reading
Favorite books are “The Four(?) Ravens” and something else
5. Troubleshooting
6. Singing
Was also pretty shy, still is, but going to Tempus really helped according to him
Says it’s been easier, and everyone’s been checking on him at Tempus
Was all self taught when it came to acting
His Dislikes:
Leafy Veggies Tomatoes Poor Hygiene Headaches Sensory Overloads Insects (except pillbugs)
One time he was mowing and mowed over a wasp hive in the ground
His Likes:
“PPL Better Than Me” Visual Novels (Tsukihime, House of Fata Morgana, and one more he can’t mention “for reasons”) RPGs/RPG Maker Sweets and Candy Fighting Games Cute People Plot Heavy VNs
Before he can elaborate on the last two, R-TRUS targets Flayon with a text box reading “Stop Talking :)”
Flayon nervously reminds us that there’s certain things he can’t talk about
He runs away after this to Bettel’s room, where R-TRUS follows him inside the Guild Hall (somehow)
Begs Bettel to open the door for him
When he gets back, R-TRUS’ marker is still on Flayon
Flayon tries to calm it down by singing(?)
Starts crying? Sounds desperate and scared
Eventually, R-TRUS goes away
Explains that he’s trying to give as honest answers as he can, then says: “I think I’m hiding something.”
Loves Re:Zero and HunterxHunter for the story/writing and for how pathetic their protagonists are
“I’m not insecure whatsoever, no… I can be insecure about a lot of things, but not this.” (referring to his favorite anime and games)
Chose machiroons because of “rune knight classifications in games” according to Flayon
His Oshi Mark is a low battery 🪫 because he’s always low on energy
“It’s like a fighting game: your life won’t end until you hit zero.”
His Goals:
500k subs Jack of All Trades He “likes doing everything” An Original Song Song Covers Compose Music To be in a fighter or an RPG game
His Content Ideas:
Gaming Streams Zatsudan Adventuring Streams Drawing Streams Song Covers Karaoke Voice Help Tips
Flayon shows off his model
The earpiece he has is what he uses to communicate with everyone when he’s inside the R-TRUS
Has his pilot symbol on the collar of his coat/armor
“I can’t pilot without it.” “The code is “Tempus-made” “So I belong to the guild.. that’s nice. I don’t feel.. alone.”
Brings up the control pads when showing off the model
Explains that they’re not actually controllable, but he tries his best
R-TRUS suddenly flashes a message saying [Unknown Emergency Signature].
Flayon sighs and checks out the mech
Says the R-TRUS settings look normal + all valves are up
Suddenly, the R-TRUS flashes another message: [TARGET: BANZOIN HAKKA]
“He’s really powerful, and he’s really scary. You’ll see what I mean by that.”
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necromatador · 2 months
Below is some basic info and a drawing of each!
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Chesslin Ken'ana; Drow Witch. Originally 4th edition D&D. Was originally searching for her lost half-brother to help free him from inherited slavery, showed up later in a different campaign a few years older and now working on her thesis on genius loci for mage college. Has a white-eyed crow familiar named Valdyn who she dresses in tiny sweatervests.
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Luk; City Goblin Cleric. Originally Pathfinder 2e playtest. A goblin from an urban underground nest that was taken over by more violent outsider goblins. Luk ran away and tried to find a group that would help him free his home. He's a cleric of Desna, under her aspects of Luck (haha) and Freedom.
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Theodosia "Todd" Sylvaine; Shifter Artificer. Originally 4th edition D&D; actually most notably used in FATE's Wild Blue setting. Became an outcast in her hometown after a jaunt into some fey-cursed woods ended up either revealing her werewolf nature or getting her cursed with it. Joined up with the Blue Wardens originally in an attempt to cure herself, but eventually became a top agent. Also known as Warden Mooneyes, and The Bookworm Werewolf.
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Salakesh Marivaldi; Half-Orc Bard. Originally 4e D&D. The "adopted" son of the well-to-do Marivaldi merchant family, he's actually the unfavorite bastard son of Lady Marivaldi and her orc stable-hand. To save face, the family lied about fertility issues and nobly adopting an abandoned half-orc. When their first full son was born, Sal was dumped quickly and painted as a troublemaker. When he grew up he volunteered frequently to go on extended travel as a representative of the family so he could escape his home life. He has a passion for cooking, drinking songs, epic poetry, and zweihanders.
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Skree; Aarakocra Monk. Originally 5e D&D. Skree was a famous actor in an equally famous theatre troupe until he made the mistake of angering a nobleman who had him blacklisted. In an effort to save his troupe from financial ruin, he negotiated their names clear as long as he left the city and never came back. He is attempting to make a living as an adventurer. It's harder than it looks.
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The Scarred One; Vesk Mystic. Originally Starfinder. As a young Vesk, Scar was trapped in a cave during an avalanche on her snowy homeworld of Vesk-7. While stuck there, suffering from hypothermia and severe frostbite, she swears she saw the secret at the center of the universe: a massive field of black devouring the stars and planets alike with a hunger unmatched and eternally unsated. After her rescue, she developed psychic abilities that she trained to use to her benefit.
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Pike Deepfisher; Kalo Operative/Mystic. Originally Starfinder. Born to a pair of famous Kalo fashion designers, Pike spent most of his childhood travelling and sickly until it was discovered that he was dangerously allergic in a chemical used in all rebreather technology on the market. Forced to stay at home under the care of nannies, and especially hurt when his younger sister was born and didn't have the same condition, he developed a bit of an attention-seeking drive that led to a life of crime. Eventually he was caught and hired by the head of a mega-corp called Zenith. By day he's a representative of their new line of rebreathers that he can use! By night he does corporate espionage for them. Also he starts dating the adopted son of the head of the company, a Lashunta named Ace.
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T'k Threadborne; Thri-Kreen Monk. Originally 4e D&D. A travelling tailor by trade, T'k is terrified of only two things: being eaten and women. While he's not a powerful fighter, he can hold his own. While he someday wants to settle down and start his own family, he has...reservations at the moment.
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Shochraos; Dragonborn Barbarian. Originally 4e D&D. Shochraos, or "Raos" as he prefers to go by, used to be a courier until one day he was attacked in the wilderness between towns by some monstrosity. Left scarred both mentally and physically, Raos struggles now with a berserk fury that rears its head whenever he finds himself in trouble.
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Harlan; Hengeyokai Assassin. Originally 4e D&D. An Unseelie assassin, Harlan hates all things Seelie. He was captured on a mission outside the Feywild and experimented on by a crazed mage, who succeeded in turning him into a living Dragonlance. When he killed a dragon that was attacking not long after, it merged with him and became a part of him.
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Zeruah; Hengeyokai Witch. Originally 4e D&D. The fortune-teller of a travelling circus of hengeyokai, Zeruah was found and rescued by the troupe's owner: Malachi the ferret hengeyokai. Little does he know that this strange fox escaped from a Fomorian who had enslaved and transplanted a cursed eye into them. They fear ever being caught again, and wear intricate eyepatches to both hide the eye and obscure their location from the Formorian.
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Shaward P. Sinsinger; Tiefling Paladin. Originally 4e D&D. An orphaned young tiefling in a largely human town, he is a member of the town guard and a devout follower of the goddess of music and fairness. He can't abide lawlessness, but hasn't really had a chance to get out of his sheltered tiny town and experience the world.
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