#m. Hank Anderson
twoheartswrites · 1 year
Hank: I have to break up with [Name].
Connor: Why?
Hank: He's made me a more affectionate, open-minded person. And that stops now.
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mjjmayor · 1 year
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Beast introduces Iceman to Overmind // Defenders (1972) #122, Aug 1983
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airbendertendou · 1 year
googles does hank comfort me so much bc he reminds me of haymitch?
loading results…
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temporary-enthusiasm · 11 months
Okay so listen. I was at the drugstore and was running on like four hours of sleep when Lips of an Angel by Hinder came on and I got super fucking emotional about it and my brain told me I had to HankCon it. SO this has living in my head rent free for the past couple months. I had to write it, but also couldn't handle making it angsty.
* * *
Hank was fine.
Sure, he drank a little too much sometimes. Maybe even a lot too much most of the time. But he still showed up for work. Not on time, but he showed up. Because he was fine.
Sure, late at night when the rest of the world was asleep he would sometimes sit at the table with an open bottle of whiskey, a gun loaded with a single bullet and a picture of Cole out on the table. But he’d never actually pulled the trigger. Because he was fine.
Hank was fine. He said it so often that he really thought it was true. It wasn’t until he met Connor that he realized exactly how fine he wasn’t… and at the same time realized that maybe he could be something more. Maybe he could even be happy.
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tobbotobbs · 1 year
Yandere DBH RK800 Connor x male (deviant or human) reader
Connors mission is to find and obtain the reader, a deviant/human on the run. However when searching the house he finds reader hiding and doesn’t warn Hank. Instead he sneaks the reader out and takes him for himself. He was just such a pretty model/boy that he had to take him home for himself.
Maybe he imbeds a chip into the reader to know where he is at all times?
Either human or deviant reader, just make Yandere Conner please and thanks.
Never wrote yandere stuff before so I hope this is okay :(
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It was dark outside when M/n finally found an abandoned house where he could rest and hide for now. He had been running from the police and the dogs for what seemed like an eternity. And the fact that they were shooting after him as well, because he apperiantly couldn't feel pain and was just scrap metal with a voice, did not really made the running easier. He had to dodge thise bullets because he, in fact, did feel everytime something punctured his model. He in fact had feelings. Which was the start of all his problems actually. He had started to show some interest in his Mistress, Alina, which led her to question him what was happening and if his database was broken or needed a new update. Of course he declined and actually told her, as stupid as he was, that he had those feelings in him. They just suddenly started to appear someday and since a few days he broke through his data wall and finally acted on his own completely. After hearing her bodyguard android telling her all this, Alina of course chose to be careful and tell the android company about this situation she was in. And in no time they came and wanted to get rid of M/n. It was devastating, he had thought Alina felt something for him as well. The way she always made sure he was all cleaned up, had enough power or would be in good condition after a hard day of keeping creeps away from her on festivals or meetings. Oh, how naive the android had been. Thinking back to all this, he really shouldn't have been surprised. As long as he had no boiling blood, a beating heart and the life ik his eyes when being looked at he was worth nothing to noone.
A loud creek from one of the molting woodplanks took his interest. Slowly, M/n made his way over to the next room where he assumed the sound had come from. At closer inspection he found a few pigeons on the floor who just seemed to be sitting there and resting, just like he did. Smiling he went closer and sat down next to them, the animals not bothered by the androids appearance and deciding to just stay where they were seated, sharing the nice quietness of the room in the dark room which was slightly alighted by the moons presence outside. ,,You guys seem so peaceful...I wish I could just fly away as well. That must be a relieving feeling, go just...go", he whispered more to himself than the pigeons who only looked at him from the side in a weird manner. He only chuckled lightly. ,,Yeah...Yeah I must look a little mad right now I guess...", still talking to himself, M/n decided to call it a day and maybe dwell in the comfort of old memories on his database.
Meanwhile in the dpd, Hank Anderson and his Android partner Connor were sitting at their desks and waiting for something to come up so they could finally get away from Gavin and rk900 yelling at eachother in the office. It was literal hell for them. These idiots weren't even getting any punishment which made Hank more annoyed than he already was. It was just awful watching those two argue about some little inconvenience of their case when the real reason they've been so frustrated with eachother was in fact not the case but the sexual tension going on between them. Everyone saw it, even Connor who mostly didn't understand social clues and other things that had to do with human emotions. But really, for an Android that smart rk900 also seemed to not get it. And Gavin probably just felt too ashamed and proud to let the thought of him liking an Android slide. Poor guys, Hank thought to himself. He then proceeded to turn around in his seat and took a look at his partner who, instead of still looking at the arguing cops, stared at the wall, deep in thoughts. His little LED flickered between blue and yellow, showing that he was thinking or more like processing something which got the older man interested.
,,Connor, what's going on in that little head of yours?", he had asked smugly, already awaiting Connors dismissing reply that he actually had no real head and mind but just his servers to go through, though it seemed the Android was so deep in whatever he was doing, that he didn't even noticed Hanks question. ,,Hank, Connor! Come up here, I got a mission for you two!", the loud voice of their boss suddenly rang through the office which also bought Connor out of his processing procedure. The both of them stood up and quickly went up the stairs to the bureau of the captain of the dpd to see what he had for them. Seated in the bureau they waited for their orders. Which came quickly. A the Android of a higher ranked woman among society turned Deviant and was missed. He was classified as very dangerous because he was a bodyguard and still has weapons on him. And Hank and Connor needed to search for clues on where he was or best, find him right away and take him in. It seemed like a good and easy start into the operation, as they had already a clue on where he was last seen.
And easy it was, as it seemed. The Deviant hasn't left the area since yesterday and they just needed to check in which of all the abandoned buildings he was hiding. For that Hank and Connor decided to split up to cover more grounds. Connor, alone in an old factory building, fell into a spiral of thoughts. He was thinking about what exactly happened to the Android to suddenly turn Deviant. Captain didn't tell them any details because they needed to hurry things. He also wondered if he could ask the Deviant a few questions, personal ones, before they need to take him in and interrogate him. Perhaps he could befriend him as well to make things go easier. He threw that thought away as fast as it came. Androids don't make friends. That's what Deviants do. He was no Deviant. Suddenly he heard something. A little humming, coming from the room next to him. Slowly and carefully, Connor peaked around the corner. There, next to a lot of pigeons, the Deviant they were searching for stood and hummed a melody while dancing around a little, or more like jumping around. At the sight Connor forgot why they were here. This Deviant was dangerous? That sweet looking, humming and jumping Android in front of him? That couldn't be. He was too precious. He couldn't possibly hurt a fly now, could he? As Connor watched M/n for a while longer some confusing feelings made their way up into his system which caused to constantly show the words Software Instability in the right corner of his vision. He ignored those though. More focused on the heavenly creation in front of him. He wanted M/n. The feelings in his system were want and desire, he finally figured out.
He walked into the room, M/n still not noticing his presence as he was having fun humming and jumping around. Just as he was about to turn around, Connor grabbed the other Android from behind and held him still. He quickly searched for the deactivation button on the model to turn him off and when he did found it, he pressed it. M/n suddenly stood still and his LED blinked red for a few more seconds before it turned off. ,,I got you...now I just have to bring you home. Hopefully Hank won't notice I just left now...", Connor talked to himself as he pulled M/n into his arms and carried him away. His legs carried him to his apartment which he got while he worked in the dpd with Hank. He hadn't want to stay at the older man's home all the time so he got his own place. The way back to Connors place wasn't too long and nobody seemed to be out on the streets at this time of the day so he could easily take M/n with him. In his apartment he laid the h/c android down onto his couch and just looked at him for a little while. Then he got to work.
He searched up what to do in a situation like this and he came across some dark looking sites on the internet that told him to lock the person up, bondage them and keep them quiet somehow and be careful to not let them leave too many handprints over his place. He was confused at first but didn't look to much into it, humans were confusing to him anyways. He even got into a little discussion on one of those dark illegal site where one person recommended him, if he wanted to keep the person in control and know where they were at all times, he should put a tracker on them. That gave Connor a idea. He smiled to himself after he planned out what he would do to keep this Android, his Android, at his side. It was getting overwhelming, those feelings he had. The want grew and grew, he needed M/n at his side forever, somehow. He would do anything to accomplish that. He pulled a few arrangements over the next day, he had turned M/n's model on again which needed a little bit to restart after the abrupt deactivation, which gave him enough time to go and get the little chip he had bought online. When he came back from his little shopping spree, he had also rather impulsively bought a collar and a leash after walking along a pet store, he opened the door to his apartment slowly. The place was totally quiet, which made the Android think that M/n's model was still restarting.
Well he had thought wrong. Just when Connor rounded the cornor into the living room, the Deviant jumped at him. They both fell to the floor, Connors contents he had bought flew a few metres away thanks to the force of M/n crashing into him. ,,Who the fuck are you?! And why did you take me?!?!", the h/c Android asked, his voice shaking with anger as well as anxiety. Defensively, Connor held his hands up. ,,I'm Connor. I'm an Android, just like you. Well. Nearly like you. I saw you yesterday and...I took you. I have this feeling in me and it makes me crave for you since I saw you and now that I have you, we can live together! You don't have to worry about getting captured, tortured or even destroyed by humans! And you can jump around and hum how much you like here with me! You'll have such a kice life here with me, I promise!", he kind of maniacally smiled up at M/n. Everything he had said caught the ex bodyguard off guard. ,,Crave...me? What do you mean?", more anxious and confused now, M/n stood up and backed away from Connor a little. ,,You belong to me now M/n! I can and will give you everything yeah? This is your new home, trust me this is going to be perfect!", he stood up as well and walked closer to M/n. ,,I even got my little Deviant something~", it nearly sounded like Connor was purring those words as he grabbed the stuff from the floor. ,,Now, be good and let me put this around you yes? It will make you look so much better!", he exclaimed. His cold hands took the collar and the leash, opening it while putting it around M/n's neck, who was still shocked and couldn't really react or do anything. After it was put comfortably around the neck and closed, Connor clipped the leash onto a little hook at the frond of the collar and tugged slightly at it which made the Deviant fall forward a little and his mouth escaped a choked gasp at the sudden pressure around his throat, which turned a little white at the irritation.
Snickering, Connor tugged a little more until M/n was right in front of him. If he could breath, the other Android would've been able to feel it on his skin. ,,So good for me darling...now to my last little gift. God you look so obedient and good in this collar and leash! If I tugg you a little closer...like...this!", he pulled and M/n finally fell fully into his chest. That gave Connor the perfect position of putting the chip into back of M/n's head. ,,Darling stay still for a second. I've got to put something into you...for your safety yes? It could hurt a little but please, remember I love you and I am doing this so you'll be able to have a better life yes?", he sugar coated what he was about to do. Panicking about what was about to happen, M/n started to free himself from Connors grip, but the other had him perfectly captured between his arms. M/n felt one cold hand travel to the back of his head, where he pushed a little around before he found what he was looking for. A little plate of metal that wasn't really connected to the rest of the other parts. So he could pull it of, with force. Which he did. Agonizing pain went through the Deviants body. His eyes were opened wide while his mout let out an silently painful scream. If he could, he would fall unconscious. He wished he could fall unconscious. He didn't want to be here in the arms of some weird Android model that has gone mad. M/n didn't even care about the pain when the chip was put into his model. He just accepted it and afterwards, when the little plate was put onto it's place again, he didn't dare to look Connor in the eyes. He was scared, confused and stressed. He should've stayed with Mistress Alina, should've not told her how he felt. Oh what he would give to just be in her presence right now and get to speak a few words with her. He missed her. So much. It made him feel even worse, now that some creepy stranger took a liking on him and decided to creepy him and make him his. He didn't want that, all he wanted was to be left alone, to fly like the pigeons did.
So aorry this is actually so fucking bad I didn't know what to write exactly 'cause I've never written or really read any yandere stuff! I'm so sorry, hope you guys still kinda enjoyed it (:
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staticl0ve · 1 year
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Connor x Fem!Reader, (18+), 2k words
Newbies to sex, soft!Connor, friends to lovers, humanAU Warnings: oral sex (m!receiving)
A little something to tide my brain over while I write angst.
Sex and Lemonade
Sheer curtains billow around an open window and a fan in the corner is working overtime to make up for the lack of AC in the Anderson home. Hank’s gone on vacation and Connor, ever so dutiful, volunteered to house sit. He invited you over to keep him company in the big, empty house which he thought would be a sort of cute, friends sleepover deal. The problem was, he was thinking with best friend goggles on and had not realized how horribly distracting it would be to have you splayed on his bed with your pretty legs peeking out of a short, flowery dress.
You’re drumming your fingers against a thigh that’s not yours, eyes wide in disbelief. Blue denim runs up Connor’s leg and he’s nose deep in a book that you’ve seen him carrying around all week. A glass of strawberry lemonade rests in your hands. Ice swirls and clacks as you stir the drink with a straw. Water beads down the side of it, dripping down onto your thighs. You’re eyeing him curiously. Connor knows he’s in trouble because his cheeks feel like they’re on fire. 
“That can’t be true,” you insist.
He’s watching you, mortified as your lips wrap around a straw and he finds himself gulping when you hollow your cheeks and suck. His hand automatically finds the back of his head and he’s fumbling with his hair.
His voice is so quiet, the fan nearly drowns it out. “It is.”
“You’re telling me you’ve never had a blowjob?”
The book he’s holding instantly rises to block his blushing face. His nose bumps into its pages and you’re giggling and all he sees are your fingers pushing it lower.
“Wait, but how?” you press. The bed shifts and you move to rest on your elbows and place your face on his lap. His book gets forgotten, snaps shut and slides off the edge of the bed. He fights to contain the twitch of his cock, brown eyes widening at your placement. You’re oblivious to his struggle, gazing up at him through your lashes with an understanding smile. “In all our years at uni, it’s never happened?”
He’s biting his lip down as he memorizes the color of your lips and the way it glistens in the light. Sweat beads from your neck and down the line between your breasts. And god, it’s suddenly, brutally hot and the fan’s doing nothing to cool him off. Abruptly, Connor lurches forward to reach for his glass of lemonade before he loses his mind. It’s with a shaky hand that he manages to take a swig and place it back on a nightstand.
“I… it’s… n-never come up,” he stammers out. “Either the moment wasn’t right, or my partner wasn’t interested.”
As you let his words sink in, you push your tongue against your cheek and hum.
“I haven’t given one before. So, I guess that makes us an inexperienced pair,” you admit and take another sip of your drink. Your lips part, pink tongue searching for a straw and when you do find it, your eyes close as you let it slip into your mouth.
Connor’s fighting to keep his body in check but he can’t still the blood flooding to his hips. He lets out a small noise but covers it up with a cough. It makes your eyes snap back up at him.
“You okay?” you ask.
“Yes. I-I’m fine.”
“Did you want to try it?”
He thinks he’s hearing things. You guys are childhood friends, he’s been there when you scraped a knee, screamed at ghost stories and have chased each other from sunrise to sunset. The thoughts flooding his mind aren’t ones he should be having about a best friend. Plus, your tone is teasing, like you’re just pulling his leg and want to rile him up. He feels you shift on his lap, cheek pressed inches away from his jean zipper.
“If the situation was right and there was interest, then yes, I’d like to try it,” Connor answers.
“There is,” you offer quietly, as if you’re unsure how he’ll react. You’re missing all of his signals, the deep pink tint on his freckled cheeks and the subtle shift of his hips to reorient the denim over his crotch. “I’ve also… never done it before but it could be fun.” Alarmed, you quickly add, “But only if you want to.”
Nodding is all he’s capable of as he’s certain steam’s leaving his ears. Your eyes don’t stray far from his face and he’s grateful because he’s painfully hard now. The pressure in his jeans grows and you’re still looking at him like you’ve been daydreaming about this as long as he has.
“Connor?” you ask with uncertainty because his small nod was not enough.
“Yes. Please.”
Much to his disappointment, you rise up from his lap, place your cup next to his and sit up to face him. You’re glancing at his lips and he doesn’t waste another precious second. His arms find the dip in your waist, traces the contours of your shoulder blades and he’s pulling you in by your neck to meet his lips. There’s the barest graze of skin on skin, a small ticklish, featherlike touch before he devours you.
Suddenly, it’s all lips, teeth and tongue, soft moans and hair tugs. Connor tastes like sweet, tangy summer and vanilla. There’s the scent of sunscreen, pine and a mysterious third thing that’s always made your best friend smell like home whenever you hug him. Your hands wander over the silky texture of his short brown hair and squeeze the back of his neck. He’s warm and soft on your skin, and you’re thinking you could do this forever as his arms engulf you. You’re so lost in the feel of him that you nearly forget what you’ve set out to do.
“M’sorry,” you say, with heated cheeks and short, quick breaths. “I didn’t mean to make you wait.”
His lips hover close to yours like he’s not ready for you to part. “Please. I need you.”
Your eyes lock as you slide off his lap, palms spreading over his chest. You’re itching to see more of him. Reading your mind, firm muscles flex beneath your hands as Connor lifts the hem of his shirt past his head. He lays back into his elbows and watches you, abdominal muscles tensing in anticipation.
“Has anyone told you that you’re really pretty?” you say.
“Not… often,” he admits, shyly. “I— I’ve always thought you were.”
That makes you grin wide. “Really?”
“Really, really.” For too many years, he’s held his tongue, repressed his feelings. They’re all surfacing now that you’re straddling his lap and he’s picturing what you might look like without your sundress.
You’re stalling a bit because having him under you in these circumstances is a bit unnerving but you’re dying to know if he tastes as sweet elsewhere. Your hands shake nervously when you go to undo his jean’s top button. He hisses in relief as your fingers work their magic on the zipper, freeing his cock from restrictive denim. A beat passes and you hesitate to remove the last barrier between him and you.
“Do… do you need help?” Connor asks. He’s already a mess, brows pinched, lips parted, dark locks splaying over his forehead. You wonder what he’ll look like if this is what he’s like before you’ve even begun.
“I’ve got this,” you answer with confidence. Truthfully, your heart’s hammering in your ears but as you help him pull the hem of his boxer briefs down, your mouth falls open at the sight of him. He’s pretty and pink, thicker than what you’ve seen before and as you gauge his length, you’re a little apprehensive about fitting all of him in you.
He notices your hesitation and offers you an out.
“You d-don’t have to, if you don’t want—” 
His own moan cuts him off. Your tongue flicks out, swirling around a smooth, angry red tip, catching a bead of slick on your tongue and his hips jolt. He takes you by surprise, rubbing himself against your mouth like he’s begging for more.
“S-sorry,” he chokes out but it’s all Connor manages he before you’re wrapping your lips around him. He curses from above you, hands balling sheets into his fists because he’s not sure he’ll be able to control his grip. You try to fit more of him in you, sliding his length past your curled tongue until your jaw stings a little from the stretch. Your palms have to grab his thighs as he involuntarily bucks forward, wanting to claim more of your mouth. He means to apologize again but his words die in his throat as you look back up at him.
Dear god, he’s certain he died from heat stroke because you had no reason looking so innocent with your lips stretched around him. Slowly, you hollow your cheeks and suck lightly and he’s lost. A whimper leaves his throat as you start bobbing over him. His hands give up on the sheets and bury themselves into your hair. Feeling encouraged, you move a little faster, rotating your head every now and then so your tongue can lavish the nerves you didn’t catch on your former passes. But Connor’s big and eventually you need more air than his size allows you to take in. He tries not to tug and whines when you pop off of him.
“I-is this okay?” you inquire.
Tears bead at the corners of your eyes, dripping down your cheeks and he’s moving a hand from your hair to swipe it gently across your face. He’s panting and equally out of breath, cock throbbing by your mouth. You look perfect from between his legs, hair a mess, dress straps fallen down your arms. Your breasts have slipped out from the loose material, completing his image of you as a wet dream come true. Your lips are puffy and as your tongue darts out to taste him again, he fights the sudden urge to finish all over your face.
“Baby.” He’s never called you that before and it makes your heart lurch. His voice is gentle, brown eyes sparkling with pride. Connor’s aware that this may be a one off thing between best friends but then you’re back to looking up at him with so much affection and he swears he’s never been happier. “You’re amazing… feels so good.”
His hand squeezes your cheek as you smile and lean into his touch. He’s back to moaning the second you fit him all back into your mouth, only this time you’re feeling much more confident. A light pull at his hips is all the encouragement he needs to move gently. Your hands leave his thighs to stroke the parts of him you can’t reach.
He’s fucking into your mouth at a lazy pace, sliding past your tongue and testing the limits of your throat. When you don’t recoil, and instead push him a little further so your nose rests on his pelvis, Connor lets out a low, guttural sound.
“Mmm… good girl. You’re doing so well.”
You whine around his cock and it makes his hips move faster and rougher. He throbs once more and begins to swell against your tongue. Connor’s a little lost in the moment, eyes clamped shut and hands using your hair and face as an anchor.
“Fuck, fuck. Please.”
You’re not sure what else you can do, but you try to ramp up your efforts, squeezing the base of his cock while pushing him as deep as you can go. His moans become unhinged, a series of sultry ah, ah, ah’s that strikes a deep, empty ache between your thighs. Your name gets stretched into a long shout before he’s shuddering and flooding your mouth with the salty, sweet taste of him.
It’s addicting, causing you to suck a little longer than his overly sensitive nerves can handle. He cries out, gasping your name around a moan. A hand pushes you gently off him and you’re pouting as his cock rests on your cheek. Connor calls to you, lowering himself to pull you in for a kiss. You can feel his moan as he tastes himself on your lips and his hands roam, squeezing your face. Pulling away slowly, he keeps his nose pressed against your cheek and murmurs quietly.
“You taste so sweet with me on your tongue.”
A pair of glasses with a sugary, sour drink sparkles pink and orange from a setting sun. The ice has melted but neither of you are in a rush for more refreshments. You seem content to be held by him, eyes closed and cheeks nuzzling against his. In the corner, a fan spins, lifting your dress past your thighs and Connor’s suddenly, parched.
☀️To Part Two.
💙 Back to the Masterlist.
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frost-queen · 1 year
When androids love (Reader!Anderson x Connor/RK800)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine
Summary: After a fight with your father Hank, you leave the house. Connor takes it upon him to find you. He finds you at the carnival where you ask for him to join you on the Ferris Wheel. Once at it, you ask Connor if androids can love? After some hesitation he tells you they can't. Having obviously lied since he has deep feelings for you, he makes it clear with a kiss.
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The door slammed loudly. Storming through the house like a hazard. Your father right behind you. – “Get back here!” – he called out with a stern finger. – “No!” – you shouted, looking briefly at him. – “It is always the same with you!” – you made clear, making your way through the kitchen. The loud noises made Sumo lift his head up. – “Y/n get back here!” – Hank insisted upon, chasing after you. You spun around roughly. – “Don’t give me that bullshit! You aren’t going to change, you never are!” – Groaning loud, you made your way to the living room.
“It… Y/n!” – he started going round the table to catch up on you. In the hallway, he grabbed you by the arm, pulling you to a stop. Out of breath he spoke. – “It were a couple of drinks.” – you pulled your hand out of his grip. – “That is what it always is. A couple of drinks, Dad!” – you shouted at him. – “You never stop! You just keep saddling yourself up with that kind of shit!” – you outed in so many frustrations.
They had been bottling up and tonight was the final drop. – “I…I am trying!” – he pleaded. Sumo approaching nearer behind him. You shook your head with a clenched expression. – “Not enough dad.” – your words making him cower.
“You are losing everything in the process, and you can’t even see it!” – you told him seeing how he was turning to himself. Shoulders slumped with shame. Avoiding of eye contact. The subtle turn of his posture away from you. – “I’m just going to say it!” – you pushed on, having so enough of his troubles. – “You are a drunk!” – you cursed out, throwing the front door open. Hank fell to his knees, clutching onto his chest. Shaking his head in misery.
You stormed out of the house into the cold night. The door opening further by the wind. Hank sat himself down against the wall, letting his face fall into the palms of his hand. Sumo barking into the night, hoping to call you back. Sumo sat himself down in the doorway, silently barking for you to come home. The doorway had caught some snow by the time Connor came into the street. Lieutenant Anderson hadn’t been answering his calls.
He decided to have a look for himself, knowing for sure he would be a home. Just a few more houses and he’d be there. His LED started to flicker a bright yellow at the thought of you. Smiling, he hoped you’d be home as well. Aware of his own thoughts, he put them to a stop. His LED settling for blue once more. It was against his program to experience this. Whatever the humans liked to call it. Affection? love? It was something an android was not taught.
He arrived at the driveway, coming to a sudden stop. The door wide open, Sumo sitting guardingly in the doorway. Connor’s LED switched to a vibrant red as he ran up to the driveway. – “Y/n!” – he shouted firstly. He didn’t know why. Something instinctively inside of him wanted to call out to you first. – “Lieutenant Anderson!” – he then shouted coming up the steps. Sumo barked loud as Connor came to a sudden stop before him.
With his hand, he pushed the moving door all the way open. His eyes falling immediately on Hank sitting on the ground. Sumo moved back, allowing Connor to enter. – “Lieutenant! Lieutenant!” – he called out, kneeling in front of him. – “Has anyone broken in?” – Connor asked, looking around while he scanned the room for any signs of a burglary. His LED still raging with red, he grabbed Hank by his shirt. – “Where is Y/n? Is she save? Did they take her?” – he called out, glaring at Hank.
Hank started crying at the mention of your name, making Connor let go of him. He sank down to his bottom with worry. If something had happened to you, he wouldn’t know what it would do to him. Lately he had been feeling himself drift away from the program installed in him. Acting on his own decisions and ignoring direct orders. Perhaps he was becoming a deviant? He wasn’t sure.
“She’s gone…” – Hank spoke ashamed. – “Walked right out of that door.” – he motioned to the door. Connor widened his eyes with hope. If you simply walked out, it meant you were not taken… right? – “I messed up again Connor…” – Hank sighed, sitting pitiful. Connor turned his attention to him, taking a good examine of him. He concluded that Hank had been drinking again. – “Lieutenant…” – Connor spoke. – “I know… I know…” – Hank answered, waving his hand sloppy. – “I shouldn’t have… it is just…” – he took a deep breath.
“She’s not coming back… is she?” – he asked Connor. Connor got on his knee, moving closer to him. – “She will. Y/n loves you very much.” – he told him. Hank chuckled saddened. – “She called me a drunk.” – he said wanting to laugh about it, but it only brought him sorrow. Connor got up, looking out of the door. – “I’ll find her and bring her home Lieutenant.” – Hank looked hopeful up to the android.
“I suggest you get a bath and clean yourself up before I return with Y/n.” – Connor insisted upon. Hank nodded helping himself up to his feet. Hank dragged himself to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Sumo caught Connor’s eye. – “Don’t worry Sumo. I’ll find her.” – he leaned down to scratch the dog behind his ear. Sumo barked once making Connor smile. Connor closed the door behind him, starting his search for you.
You took a deep breath, sitting on top of a picnic bench. Watching the bright lights all around you. From your right you heard a loud bell sign. Two girls cheering loudly at their win. The man behind the counter handing them their prize. A large stuffed animal. They seemed so happy; they couldn’t wait to take a selfie with the stuffed animal. It made you smile faintly.
Right in front of you was a booth that sells popcorn and balloons. A father was walking past, holding his daughters hand. She was hopping around joyfully, holding a blue balloon. The scenery punched you in the gut, reminding you of your own dad. Perhaps you have been too harsh on this this time?  It was just always the same. Him telling you he was going to change and him never able to keep his promise.
Sighing loud, you looked up to the night sky. The screams of people on the rollercoaster on the other side of the pier filling the noise. You were just so angry because you cared. You didn’t want to lose your dad to a drinking problem. He should know that. Sighing again you stared down, trying your best not to cry.
Connor pushed gently some people aside. Pace quickening as he tried to make his way through the approaching crowd. – “Y/n!” – he called out. – “Y/n!” – he said loudly, pushing himself past a man. You furrowed your brows, hearing your name being called out. Looking up, you frowned as Connor made his way through to you. – “Connor? What are you doing here?” – you asked once he was near. He smiled relieved.
“Looking for you.” – he answered. – “So you heard…” – you said holding your knees. Connor took of his jacket, placing it over you. He then came sitting beside you. You moved his jacket better around you, taking a deep breath to inhale his sweetness. – “Y/n…” – Connor started. – “Please don’t.” – you cut through making him frown. – “If you are here to tell me to forgive him… I’m sorry but I just can’t…” – you told him. Connor turned his posture towards you.
“Come home.” – he said grabbing your hand. Shaking your head, you got up. His hand slipping off yours. – “I can’t… I…you wouldn’t understand.” – you answered. Connor couldn’t help but feel a bit sucker punched at your words. How he loved to understand. He got up as well, not caring if some people were turning their heads at the android getting closer to the human. He took your hand, holding it up near his waist. – “Then we do not leave yet.”
You smiled glad Connor understood. You took a deep breath, looking around. Your gaze fell upon the Ferris wheel. The bright lights looking so romantic in the night while it slowly spun around. – “How about the Ferris wheel?” – you suggested, taking his hand better. Connor looked past you, up to the large spinning wheel. – “Don’t tell me you are afraid of heights?” – you asked chuckling. – “How could I?” – Connor answered.
Connor felt himself slightly blush when you kept holding his hand, guiding him to the entrance. He stood in the waiting line with you. He suddenly froze as an order reached him. He stared back at you seeing you look up to the Ferris wheel. In this moment he had a choice to make. React to the order and leave or ignore it and remain here. His LED flickered yellow. How was it that he was even considering this option. It should normally be clear. React to the order and leave. Yet everything inside of him wanted to stay.
Connor closed his eyes briefly. – “Connor the line is moving.” – you said making him open his eyes once more. You furrowed your brows slightly at his expression. Connor smiled walking closer to you. He came joining your side, moving further up the line. It seemed he had made up his mind. Perhaps he was indeed going rogue. Turning into a deviant… just to be with you.
It was your turn to get on as Connor allowed you to go first. He sat beside you, waiting for the Ferris wheel to move. The sudden movement made him grab the bar in front of him. You laughed silly. Connor laughed for himself, easing up by just seeing you smile. The Ferris wheel started to spin as it brought you higher. The view was breathtaking from up here. You could see so many bright lights of the carnival down below. In the distance the skyline of Detroit. Connor was rather looking at the mechanics, scanning them for safety.
You caught it, nudging him hard. – “It’s not going to break.” – you teased. Connor nodded turning his gaze to the front. The wheel kept turning as you slowly came to a stop at the top. You moved his jacket tighter around your body to shut the cold out. Up here the breeze was colder than below. – “Connor…” – you said making him hum loud. There had always been this burning question on your lips. Perhaps now was the time to ask it. Out of ear and view of everyone else.
You turned more towards him, Connor doing the same, eager to listen. – “I was just wondering… can…can androids…” – you swallowed nervously, almost afraid to ask it. – “Love?” – you added. Connor paused, processing your words. What should he answer? – “No they can’t.” – he answered making you quirk your eyebrow up. Something inside of you told you he was lying, but you decided to ignore it. Your gaze drifted away from him, back to your surroundings.
Connor slid a bit closer to you, catching your attention. You furrowed your brows when he grabbed a hold of his jacket around you. He pulled at it, turning your posture more towards him. He tugged hard at his jacket so that you fell a bit forwards with your upper body. He closed his eyes, receiving your lips against his.
They felt cold at first, but once you got used to it, they felt warmer. Connor pulled back, staring lovingly at you. – “I lied.” – he whispered making you smile. – “For I can feel it for you so it must be real.” – he added eying your lips. Without thinking, you grabbed him by the neck, kissing him again.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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ahumblenipple · 5 days
I got to take place in this year's Reverse Big Bang @dbh-bb with the lovely @pichuxcreatesthings ! They did some gorgeous work and came up with the concept, and yours truly has been writing it down. There's a lot of other really great pieces coming out for the collection, so definitely keep your eyes open if you want to see more : )
Hank Anderson has endured much in his life, and the years after the Android revolution haven't been any different. So when a new case leads him to the far coastlines of Maine, he half expected the town to offer him a bit of respite from the chaos of Detroit. He could not have been more wrong. He's partnered with the strangest android he's ever met. A man by the name of Connor who leaves his hair on end, and makes him question more than just the events of the sleepy town. But they have a job to do, and no matter how pretty or strange the Android is, Hank knows his time here is temporary. There's no way he could ever get attached. Never again. A story of mourning, loss, and finding something decent in the cold waters of reality.
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Relationship: Hank Anderson/Connor
Characters: Hank Anderson, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, Sumo (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Mer-Connor, canon typical alcoholism in Hank, Trans Male Character, Trans Hank Anderson, Top Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Bottom Hank Anderson, It's gonna be rough for a bit before it gets tender, Case Fic, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, and for the FUN tags...., Tentacle Dick, Connor has two dicks, Non-Human Genitalia, Oral Sex
Language: English
Collections: Detroit: Become Human Reverse Big Bang 2024
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
🎂Happy Birthday Gavin🎂
Rating:🔞 Explicit-sexual content🔥 Fandom:💙Detroit Become Human💙 Ships: Hankconvin900, Nines x Gavin x Hank x Connor Tags: Birthday sex, blow jobs, multiple orgasms, bukkake, Bottom Gavin, M/M/M/M, DBH polycule, PWP- plot what plot/porn without plot, Daddy kink, sir kink, degradation/humiliation kink, unsafe sex A/N: this took me all day, please give it some love🤝💙
Of all the places to be, on his least favorite day of the year, he has to be at phcking work, sitting through yet another PR meeting about ‘Accepting Androids in the workplace.’
The revolution last November changed the world, and now, 10 or so months later, things are just starting to balance back out. And that he thinks has more to do with two Androids in particular, who were able to reach Gavin in a way even Hank, his longtime friend and partner couldn't. 
He sure didn't make it easy. Gavin never makes anything easy. But they persisted. And now he’s moved back into Anderson's house, he’s work partners with Nines, and he, Nines, Connor, and Hank are in the weirdest, most unpredicted polycule he's ever been a part of. 
It's been great, at least the last couple of months have been. Like he said, he didn't make the transition easy. But once they found the key to getting Gavin to open up, everything just kinda spilled out. Then it was easier. Because the shit Gavin was actually mad about finally came out, and he learned Connor and Nines weren’t really that bad of dudes. Annoying, yeah, but hey, so was he.
They also helped introduce Gavin to some of the best sex he’s ever had. Turns out, having two high-stamina Androids as fuck buddies had its advantages. The pair opened him and Hank up to a world of new kink opportunities that had the additional side effect of bringing them all closer together as a result. Which he guesses is good too. He’s certainly happier than he’s been- 
Nines bumps his shoulder, and Gavin only notices now he’s drooling. He wipes his mouth quickly with the back of his hand before clearing his throat. No one in the large lecture hall outside of Nines caught the action, which Gavin was grateful for. His phone lit up with a silent message from the Android just a moment later. 
{Bored Gavin? Or daydreaming again?} 1:43 PM
Gavin chuckles quietly before slipping his phone under the table. They were all adult officers, looking at their phones wasn’t disallowed, but Gavin was trying to be polite with how much he was actively not paying attention. 
[I can think of at least 15 things I’d rather be doing with my time than this…] 1:44 PM
{This is a required seminar for all officers} 1:44 PM
[Yeah, I know, but it’s not like I’m gonna give Androids any trouble anymore.] 1:44 PM 
[Even if I tried, you’d kill me before I got half a sentence out.] 1:44 PM
Gavin sent the message and waited for Nines to read it. A growing warmth bloomed in his gut when the side of Nines' mouth turned up in amusement. 
{You're correct, I would.} 1:45 PM
Gavin assumes it would be left at that, and starts to try and pay attention. Until another message popped up. 
{Only a little bit longer now. We will be leaving for the day after this.} 1:47 PM
That surprised Gavin.
[As much as I’m pro ditching work, don’t think Fowler’s gonna go for it.] 1:47 PM
Nines' face remained stoic and emotionless, giving nothing away.  
{The request for PTO has been entered and accepted for months.} 1:48 PM
Gavin’s mouth dropped open. Because he sure as hell didn't put in the request. He prefers to work on his birthday. Helps him avoid thinking about it. About Cole. About everything. 
Nines sent another message. 
{Just because you refuse to acknowledge the day doesn’t mean it ceases to exist Gavin.} 1:48 PM
Gavin flushed red and flipped his phone over on the desk. He was done talking about this. He had purposely avoided telling Nines and Connor when it was for this reason. Though in hindsight, it was kind of stupid to think two supercomputers didn't have access to something as mundane as his birthday, but still. Hank knew how he felt about it. He’s made it crystal clear. 
He didn't say anything to Nines for the rest of the meeting. 
It was a quiet and un-phcking-comfortable 36 minutes. 
“GAVIN, WAIT!” Nines is shouting after him, but he doesn't want to talk about it. 
“I PHCKING HATE SUPRISE PARTIES,” he shouts back instead. He’s so edgy by the time he reaches his car he drops his keys twice, and Nines catches up to him… 
“Gavin, I know how you feel about your birthday-” Nines starts, but Gavin doesn't let him finish. 
Gavin acts before he considers all ramifications and grabs Nines by his jacket. He sees red. He shoves Nines until his back hits the four-door. 
“No! You don’t know shit,” he insists furiously. 
When Nines' face exposes genuine shock and his LED flashes red does Gavin remember that he's a mushy, mortal, sack of bones who just physically, stupidly, assaulted a top-of-the-line Police Bot. Who ya know, also happened to be his partner and nonconventional boyfriend. He should definitely let go. Why can’t he let go?
“Let go of me Gavin,” Nines insists calmly, LED back to a steady and less homicidal, cyan. 
Gavin does. Immediately grateful Nines chose mercy and both his wrists were still intact. He straightens his own clothes before unlocking his car. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I’m not asking you to. Just, to keep an open mind. We have spent a fair bit of time setting this up for you.”
“Who’s we?”
Nines opens the passenger side and slides into the seat without answering. 
Gavin’s teeth clench but he yanks himself into the driver's seat. When he pulls on his seatbelt, Nines finally answers. 
“Connor, Hank, and I.”
That admission has a fair bit of Gavin’s anxiety melting off his shoulders and leveling out his temper. 
“Just you guys,” he clarifies as he turns the engine over. 
“Yes. Unless you want to extend the invite to others.”
Gavin shook his head. 
“Not really.” 
Gavin didn't trust anyone else like he trusted them. 
When they pull up to Hank’s house Sumo rushes out to greet them. 
“Hey buddy.” 
The comfort of Hank’s dog helps ease more of the discomfort Gavin is feeling as he walks up to unknowns in the house. Nines doesn't rush him inside, so he takes an extra minute, waiting until he can breathe without wheezing before heading inside. 
The rest of his anxious reservations melt upon opening the door. 
“Yes,” Nines confirms. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. I was bound to secrecy. Connor threatened fratricide.”
“I did,” Connor smiles, sitting completely naked on the living room couch, with Hank between his legs. “Welcome home, Gavin.” 
“Phck me,” Gavin pants, because it's suddenly way too hot in here and he swears his jeans just shrank.
“That was the plan,” Nines confirms amusedly, and his hand finds Gavin’s low back. “Shall we join them?”
Gavin’s having trouble making his mouth form words so he nods. The drool is back in full force,  because there really is no prettier sight than a naked Hank Anderson, on his knees sucking cock. 
While Connor continues to use Hank’s throat, Nines is opening Gavin up on his fingers over the loveseat. It gets easier and quicker every time they do this, but it's becoming increasingly obvious to Gavin that Nines is taking his time on purpose tonight. 
“Please Sir,” Gavin asks, pushing his ass back against the long slender digits. He needs so much more than just two fingers inside him.  
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that,” Nines hums and it makes Gavin weak. 
“I’ll say whatever the phck you want as long as you don’t stop touching me.”
Nines rewards him with another slick finger, pumping gently in and out with the others. Gavin relaxes even further in the Android’s grasp.
“Why aren't you obedient like this more often? You’d get what you want faster.”
“It’s no fun being good all the time,” Gavin laughs, a little breathless from the sudden increase in speed. “Ask Connor.”
Connor looks up from Hank, who currently has all of Connor’s cock in his throat. The brunette grins and slips his hand into the older man’s silver hair, holding Hank’s face in place.  
“He’s right,” Connor shrugs. To emphasize his point, he pushes Hank down further, waiting until the last possible moment before pulling Hank back by his hair so he could breathe. 
The sputtering sound Hank made upon removal was gorgeous; wet, gasping, and needy as he tries to keep any part of Connor’s cock in his mouth while he takes some much-needed breaths. 
Gavin’s cock spits more fluid. It’s so phcking hot. They are so phcking hot. He could watch that shit on a loop forever. 
“I think that's enough Connor,” Nines says a moment later, and both Connor and Hank are up and moving without a fuss, walking towards the bedroom.
Gavin is confused why they aren't following. Nines pushes in another finger and twists them until Gavin squeaks, holding him right where he wants him as Gavin catches his breath. When he has, Nines takes his chin and kisses him, forcing the air right back out. 
Nines chuckles and the heat sends goosebumps rippling down Gavin’s right side. 
“Ready for the next part of your present?” 
Gavin groans. “Oh hell yes.” 
Four fingers are not enough of a stretch to fully ready himself for Hank’s monster cock, but with a lot of lube and stimulation pretty much everywhere else and Gavin’s too pleasantly distracted to notice any pain upon entry. 
Connor has his mouth and is kissing him filthily and with teeth while Nines has his hand around his cock, pumping Gavin closer and closer to the edge. That plastic bastard Nines knows how sensitive the skin around his piercings is, so his fingers stay there, playing with the slick mess of his tip and pushing his thumb across his piercings until Gavin cries. Hank’s own thrusts inside his body start slow, but every time one of the Androids pulls a ple2ased sound out of him, Hank’s next thrust is harder, deeper, or faster. Like they were competing to see who could get him to bust first. 
Nines’ fingers catch his piercings, tugging against the head and Gavin whines, desperate and needy. Connor’s tongue pushes deep into his throat, chasing the sound and Hank pulls Gavin’s hips flush against his own. The next two dozen snaps are pointed and so perfect they turn his legs to jelly. 
"Daddy-” he whimpers, resting his forehead against Connor’s while he attempts to catch his breath through the powerful thrusts. “Please."
Hank’s hand comes down on his ass cheek hard and the sound echoes perfectly off the walls. 
“Again,” Gavin groans. Hank delivers another slap as hard as the first one. Gavin’s cock spits more fluid into Nines’ hand. "Fuck, again." Gavin is sobbing. His prostate is under repeated abuse and every thrust of Hank’s cock is so much to take he feels delirious on pleasure. Connor swallows down his every moan, biting into his neck when he wants to hear him cry and Gavin loves the feeling of being strung out on them.  
"Getting close already baby," Hank chuckles knowingly and Gavin doesn’t have an ounce of energy left to feel shame. 
"Pleaaase," Gavin begs, because the ache in his core is driving him feral. He needs it. Nines has finally stopped touching his dick but it doesn't matter, he’s gonna cum no matter what. 
"Get up then, I don't think Nines or Connor can see how wet your cock is."
Gavin doesn't have time to think of a retort because he's being pulled up against Hank’s chest that next minute. The new position allows the final few inches to slip in and break Gavin's brain. 
"Ph-ck, oh god, yes, Daddy-” Gavin whimpers, quieter than a whisper. 
“There you go,” Hank praises before taking Gavin’s cock into his hand, “you boys see that?”  
"Sloppy mess, as per usual," Nines agrees and Gavin thrashes as that degradation sends a powerful wave of arousal down his spine.  
"He's absolutely gorgeous," Connor whispers. His eyes are still on Gavin, taking in every inch of his exposed and vulnerable form and making Gavin feel all kinds of ways. 
"Hear that Sweetheart?" Hank praises, and Gavin is too lust-drunk to do anything but feel and whine. 
"Can I- come on, please-"
"Yeah baby, go ahead, let us see you.”
Gavin whines as his long overdue orgasm punches out of him, rocketing his body down and then immediately away from the enormous cock inside him. It hurts to be full, but he doesn't want to be empty either. Where he stopped and where Hank’s holding him is perfect. 
Nines and Connor’s eyes haven’t left his cock which is pumping white all over his stomach and the carpet below. He wants to stay here forever. It aches in his balls just the way he likes. Relaxes his muscles and releases so much tension. Clears his mind, and makes him feel light, high, and floaty. 
Until Hank starts thrusting again and Gavin desperately needs a break. Just for a second. 
“Hank,” Gavin whines, because his prostate is so sensitive. 
“I got ya baby, don’t worry.” 
Hank pulls out slow, kissing down the back of Gavin’s neck because knows his body and his sounds better than anyone.
“Thank you,” he gasps, and he’s melting right back into that warm floaty place.  
“Course,” Hank chuckles warmly, “can’t break our fuck toy before the twins even get a full turn with ya.”
“Phck,” Gavin gasps, more cum dribbles out of the sensitive tip of his spent cock and he barely has the energy to moan. He wants it though. Even if it’ll wipe him out for the next two days, he wants it. 
Nines and Connor each return to his side. Connor hands him a glass of water and he’s so grateful he could cry. 
When they get back at it again, Hank elects to watch the next round from his armchair. Gavin is in the center of their Cali king mattress, naked on his knees with his arms behind his back. They’ve caged his cock, because Gavin doesn't want to cum again just yet. 
Nines and Connor are standing at the foot of the bed. They haven’t started touching him yet either, which is as agonizingly frustrating as it is intimidating. Probably because they just kept looking at him, obviously communicating telepathically because both of their LEDs were flashing. 
It’s been like this for a while, not even Hank is putting up a fuss about the lack of action. Gavin begins to wonder just how long they have been planning this. 
When something in Connor’s eyes changes and he flushes blue Gavin starts to squirm under the gaze. It moves the plug in his ass, lining it up a little better with his still-sensitive prostate. He moans before doing it again. 
Evidently, that's enough of a rule break to receive the wrath of Nines' glacial stare.
“Didn't say you could move slut. Flip over, onto your stomach. Now.”
Gavin tries to hold back his pleased grin as he does what Nines instructs. He didn't hate getting punished, it was so much better than not being touched at all. 
When Gavin is comfortable on his stomach, Nines grabs his hips and pulls him backward, until his legs fall over the edge of the mattress.  
“You’ll appreciate the angle better,” Nines explains and Gavin is sure he’s right. His fingers then move between Gavin’s ass cheeks, finding the plug and pulling it free. Some of Hank’s release came out with it and dripped down Gavin’s caged balls. Hank and Connor both gasped their appreciation.
“Phck,” Gavin pants and Nines chuckles before slipping two fingers inside him.  
“Feeling impatient?”
“What do you think?” Gavin sasses and Nines pulls his fingers out. Gavin is pushing back to try and follow them but Nines’ steel grip on his hip has him halted in place. Pleasure burns hot in his gut. “Please, Sir, please fuck me?”
“Yes. but I’m not gonna cum inside you.”
“What? Why not?” Gavin whined, surprising everyone but Nines. 
Nines spanks him hard, harder than Hank and it has Gavin bucking against the mattress just from sheer force. The sting that follows is blissful, and Gavin relaxes onto his chest. “‘Sorry Sir,” he hums and Nines smiles. Though he can't see it from this angle.
“Because I’m going to paint you with it instead.”
That has Gavin groaning along with the full-body shudder the suggestion caused. Evidently Hank had let the twins in on that particular kink of his. He’d be mad, if it didn't make him so phcking hot to imagine it. 
“Is that alright?” Nines asks and Gavin realizes he didn't speak.
“Phck yeah,” Gavin pants.
“Sir please…” Gavin begs again for who knows how many times now. Nines and Connor have been edging him for close to an hour now. His cock is still trapped in the cage and the floor below is puddling with Gavin’s precum. 
Nines and Connor’s matched assaults with their cocks paired with Hank’s filthy praises have brought him to the absolute edge but never over and it's killing him. Gavin’s been reduced to a shaking, whimpering, pathetic pile, just begging to be destroyed and they still won’t do it. 
“What was that Gavin? Did you say something?” Nines asks cheekily, pulling Gavin’s hips down, the tip of the android's cock pressed against Gavin’s prostate which throbs it's so sore now.  
“Sir, Connor, please.”
“What do you need Gavin?” Connor asks, voice so much gentler than his younger, meaner brothers. 
“Cum on me, and then let me cum for you. Please, I can’t take any more.”
“Hmm, I suppose you have suffered enough,” Nines chuckles. 
Connor’s hand leads Gavin’s mouth back onto his cock while Nines' hands are busy between Gavin’s legs. He hears the blissful sounds of the lock tumblers and then the cage is falling free. 
“Thank you, phck, thank you,” Gavin pulls off to gasp, because his dick is quickly filling, and Nines has him flipped over, back onto the center of the mattress. 
“Hank, did you still want to record this?” Connor asks Hank and Gavin feels another pull of arousal in his gut. 
“Better hurry,” Gavin warns and is rewarded with the first taste of Nines' orgasm on his tongue. It tasted like nothing, well not nothing, he tasted like flavorless, water-based lube. With every pump of Nines’ hand, Gavin is coated with a warm slick release. Every drop that landed on his cock has him bucking up, eager to cum. Too eager actually. “Phck,” Gavin pants, gripping the base of his cock to keep the orgasm back. Connor still had his turn to take after all. 
The brunette in question gained his attention now. He straddled Gavin and the detective was excited for the up close and personal view. 
“Pump it,” Connor orders and Gavin drops his own cock in favor of mono-focusing on Connors. He loves watching Connor cum. Loves how expressive his dumb, pretty face is when he’s toppling over the edge into oblivion. 
Connor’s eyebrows bunch together, signaling he is about to shoot and the words are falling out of Gavin’s mouth before he can stop them. 
“Mark your claim Con.”
Connor’s head falls back and his cock is still in Gavin’s hand. Cum is spurting across Gavin’s chest, under his chin, and pooling around the base of his cock, making everything so much wetter. Gavin is surprised he hasn’t cum yet. 
When Connor finally recovers from his orgasm, he’s moving. Not far, just enough to line up his hole with Gavin’s cock and sit on it.  
“Phck!” Gavin curses.
“Say my name, I love when you beg it,” Connor groans, tightening around his cock and rocking against him. 
Gavin chokes on his gasp, he thrusts into Connor hard. These androids drove him fuckin’ crazy.
“Connor,” he says, cock near bursting. 
“Yes Detective?” Connor chuckles, hot, wet, and secret in his ear and that's it. Gavin can’t hold back anymore. 
“Connor, phck, phck-” he’s cumming. Hard because he’s been edged for so damn long. Because each of them has thoroughly scratched each of his kinks. His hips thrust up against Connor’s ass as he rode out the waves of his orgasm. Connor pulled him forward until he could kiss him. Gavin kisses him back.
“So, how did you like your birthday gift?” Connor asked. 
Gavin turned to where the Android was currently curled up against him post-sex and smirked. Nines was on his opposite side. Hank was snoring behind Connor, his arm draped across the android's hip and hand interlocked with Gavin’s. Gavin didn't blame Hank for passing out, nor was he mad. He was seconds away from falling asleep himself. Gavin nods to answer Connor’s question.  
“Easily, best birthday I’ve ever had.”
Nines hums pleasantly whereas Connor smiles like Gavin hung the fucking moon. 
Gavin nods. 
“Yeah Tin Man, really.”
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ao3feed-gav900 · 1 month
From one to the next
https://ift.tt/01c3OGe by Idonotknowmyownname Gavin and Nines hate each other, at least... that's how it seems. See, Gavin had already grown slightly attached to Nines, it's been a year after all. However, after chasing Connor, the ex-detective android turned deviant in an attempt to get his help, Nines is shot and... well, gets shut down. Being an android, he comes back. Though Gavin doesn't trust him fully, he misses the original Nines. However feelings are rekindled, albeit slowly, and others are felt for the first time. Basically, Gavin's sad because he watched Nines "die". Nines helps him, and they both fall in love, yippee! Words: 1711, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human), Jeffrey Fowler Relationships: Gavin Reed/RK900 Android(s), Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900 & Gavin Reed
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anna-hawk · 1 year
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I originally posted this on my side blog, but since I barely use it, I figured I'd do a new post here.
Reader insert masterlist over here
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The Punisher / Daredevil
Frank Castle x Matt Murdock
“Suit” series:
“Nice Suit” (E)
“The Curse of the Suit” (E)
“Christmas Sparring” (E)
“The good kind of Pain” (M)
Chaptered fics:
“The Sound of your Voice” (E)
“One On One” (E)
“Red Blossom” (E)
“Running Hot” (E)
“Death in Devil's Suit” (Not Rated)
“Adrenaline” (E)
“Get it off your chest” (M)
“When the Punisher brings chicken soup to the Devil” (E)
“Red” (E)
“Lonely as you” (E)
“Good Boy” (E)
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Detroit: Become Human
Hank Anderson x Connor RK800
“Cyberfingers” (E)
“Invisible to the naked eye” (E)
“What if the hug doesn't happen?” (Not Rated)
“Morning After” (E)
Hank Anderson x Connor RK800 x Gavin Reed
“Admit it” (E)
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Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
“Why are you smelling me, Hargrove?” (E)
Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
“More than sharing scars” (E)
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
“That Iron Maiden t-shirt” (T)
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Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski x Derek Hale
“Fourth time's the charm” (E)
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Evan "Buck" Buckley x Tommy Kinard
“Dating Tommy 101” (E)
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
[Simply nicknames I feel like they would have]
Hank: He's the type to like nicknames, but adores it when you use his name in a caring way -> Love, Partner, Babe/Baby
Simon: He's a spoiled guy, no matter how many times he tries to ignore your flirting -> pretty boy, prince, angel
Connor: He's a simple guy, any nickname is a name he'll like, as long as it's from you -> Babe, Handsome, Charmer,
Luther: He's a big guy with a big heart, of course he's gonna have some really affectionate names -> Puppy, big guy, sweetheart
Marcus: He's also a straight and simple kind of guy, he'll take all the affection you can give -> Babe, Captain, Good-looking
Gavin: He loves constant reassurance of 'possession' when it's just you two -> My Beau, My Lover guy, my other-half
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Trojan by cyberbullyingandroids [DBH Dom Event]
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: F/M Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Relationship: Connor (Detroit: Become Human)/Reader Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human), Mentioned Jeffrey Fowler, Mentioned Hank Anderson Additional Tags: Sex Pollen, Sex Virus, Light Dom/sub, There is a little bit of set up for the Sex Virus context, Begging, whimpering, Hair-pulling, Power Dynamics, Desperation, Praise Kink, Choking, Connor is a Mess (Detroit: Become Human), Power Bottom Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Multiple Orgasms, because Connor is sensitive due to the virus, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Language: English
Get a taste with the first paragraphs below.
You sipped your coffee in the break room next to Tina Chen, who quietly texted on her phone. The Styrofoam cup of coffee warmed your palms as you listened to the news. You hadn't turned to face the TV mounted on the wall, but you knew it would be an important V-106 update once you heard reporter Michael Brinkley's voice.
"Several sources report that V-106, the Trojan-style Android virus, has spread over 60% of Detroit's deviant population. Although police are investigating the root cause of the virus, progress has been made in identifying temporary fixes that allow androids momentary relief from the virus..."
"Yeah," Tina scoffed. "Like fucking an android."
"Shh," you smirked.
"... by giving the deviants what they go into meltdown for. We've contacted CyberLife technicians for other potential solutions, but they have nothing to comment at this time."
Link to fic here. (2907 words.)
This piece is part of the DBH Dominatrix Event.
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
Connor(RK800) X F.Reader - Safe heaven (Part 1)
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(Pictures are not mine! Found on Pinterest/Google - Collage made by myself. OC Steven belongs to me.)
Many thanks to @fangirl-ramblings 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
Warning: mention of domestic violance! hurt and comfort, angst, reader is very affraid!
Summary: Connor always made you feel safe and protected. Oh, but if only Connor had seen the signs earlier, he could have gotten you out of your hell faster...
 👉Read part 2
Connor(RK800) X F.Reader - Safe heaven (Part 1)
Detroit Police Department
19 May 2040 - 22:45
Michigan, Detroit
"How does that feel, you piece of shit?"
Hank looked at the young man in front of him, his nose already smeared with blood. Handcuffed, he sat in the interrogation room and Hank was more than determined to make this bastards life miserable.
"Well, talk!"
But Hank was only met with a hateful glare and Hank was losing his patience!
"You picked the wrong girl, asshole! Sucks when she's got cop in the family, huh? Son of a bitch!"
Hank wasn't shy about getting physical. Who was going to do anything about it? For Hank, there were no rules at the moment. Besides, rules were made to be broken. Especially since he had already given Steven a bloody nose even before he brought him to the police station.
"I don't know what that crazy bitch told you! I didn't do anything..."
Without warning, Hank punched him right in the face and this time the man groaned loudly.
"You're not getting out of here alive, Steven. I know for a fact that you did this to her. You fucking scumbag!"
"The whore has started! She provoked me!"
And another punch in the face! Hank could go on like this all night long. Steven had just confessed that he had attacked Y/N.
"Just give me one reason, and I'll blow your fucking brain out!"
And when Hank Anderson was pissed, he was capable of anything! Especially when it came to protecting his loved ones and Y/N was very important to him.
And just as it was starting to get fun for Hank, his boss interrupted him. Unlike Hank, Fowler kept strictly to the rules. However, this one didn't know anything about this particular case yet...
Anderons looked at Y/N tormentor with hatred, leaning out towards him.
"You won’t escape me," he whispered threateningly, making Steven visibly nervous.
At the same time in Hank's apartment...
The young woman was completely beside herself, not even hearing Connor at first. The android had been very careful not to startle her, making his voice sound melancholic, so that she knew she was safe here. Here, with him. Connor looked at the young woman with concern as she sat huddled on the sofa, staring off into space. She was chewing on her fingers; her gaze seeming so blank, but at the same time you could see the countless tears running down her cheeks. Probably everything was playing out in her mind's eye at the moment. Her body was trembling and Connor feared that Y/N would not forget so easily. Inwardly, the android sighed, wondering over and over why people hurt each other. The android approached her carefully, kneeling on the ground in front of her, so as not to startle her.
This time she responded. Her gaze sought his. His warm, loving gaze that she had always liked.
"You don't have to be afraid. He can't hurt you anymore."
Not as long as Connor was with her. And Hank would never let anything happen to the young woman either. Y/N let out a sob, but nodded before her face turned back to sadness and finally burst into tears. She let herself fall forward, right into Connor's shoulder, seeking comfort from him. Carefully, Connor wrapped his arms around her delicate body, trying to soothe her by stroking her back and letting her cry on his shoulder, until she would calm down.
Here they sat now, in Hank's apartment, while the lieutenant at the station was giving hell to the man that had hurt Y/N.
"You were very brave today, Y/N," Connor whispered to her as he gently stroke through her hair. She moved a bit away from him, to look at him. Into his brown doe eyes that radiated so much warmth.
"I-I'm so glad you guys are here!"
She sobbed softly, wiping tears from her cheeks as she clung to Connor's gray jacket with her other hand. The android smiled warmly at her, nodding. Hank and he would always be there for her.
Connor stayed seated with her until she calmed down a bit.
"Would you like some tea, Y/N? Or would you like something to eat? Do you want me to order something to eat?"
But the young woman wasn't hungry. She just shook her head, smiling weakly. It was sweet how much Connor cared about her.
"No, thanks. I don't want anything right now."
Suddenly Sumo, Hank's big dog, came over, sniffing at Y/N first before nudging her with his nose and eventually resting his head on her lap. Loving as the young woman was, she stroked his thick, soft fur and sighed contentedly. Connor stroked him as well, and the dog couldn't be more comfortable at the moment. However, Sumo felt her pain and that made him sad too.
"When is Hank coming?" the young woman asked. Hank was like family to her. He had known her father well, always remembering Hank's countless visits when she was a child. After all, she was almost like a daughter to him.
"Hank's still at the office. I don't think he'll be back so soon."
Connor knew what Hank would do to Y/N's tormentor, and honestly, Connor would love to keep him company and beat some manners into Steven. Is that how you treat a woman? When Connor had found her an hour ago, her face had been streaked with tears and her nose had been smeared with blood, her top completely torn... Clearly she had been abused by her boyfriend and Connor was very glad that Y/N had asked Hank for help. She was very lucky they were both nearby. Worse things could have happened.
"Is he going to jail, Connor?"
The desperate look on her face nearly killed Connor. She was terrified of Steven and he could understand that. The android sensed an increased heart rate from her. Her body temperature changed, and when Connor reached for her hands, her fingers were so cold.
"Hey... It's going to be okay. You're safe with me."
Carefully, he lifted her chin, searching the look in her eyes that held so much fear and pain. What had this man done to her? How many days and months had she gone through this now? Connor wished he had realized all of this sooner.
"Hank and I will make sure he stays locked up!"
Hank and Connor had arrested Steven while still on the scene. Steven had been carrying a knife, had been yelling like a madman, threatening Y/N. This was clear evidence that would lead to Steven's arrest.
"I'm so scared. What if..."
Connor knew exactly what she was about to say and he interrupted her immediately.
"No, Y/N. He won't dare come near you and he will be condemned. However, you must agree to testify against him."
Connor could imagine how difficult this would be for the young woman.
"I-I... oh God, Connor..."
How was she going to do this? All she wanted was to forget and live a normal life! To have her old life back, before she had met Steven. Why had this demon come into her life? Why hadn't she noticed the red flags right away?
Y/N's whole body started to shake and Connor sat down with her on the sofa, gently pulling her into his arms, something Y/N appreciated at the moment. While burying her face deep into his chest, she could sense the fragrance of his aftershave. Aftershave? Certainly unusual for an android, but a lot had changed in the last two years. Especially after the revolution of the machines. Connor was no longer a programmed android who only took orders. No, he was an individual person who could feel emotions like sadness and love. Fears and worries; and right now, all his worry was on Y/N.
Connor was a little surprised when Y/N laid her head on his lap while stretching the rest of her body on the sofa. Connor's eyes were completely on her as he gently stroked through her soft hair, silently being there for her. It wasn't long before Y/N fell asleep from exhaustion. Finally, after so many months, she could sleep again. Without having to fear that she would be harmed in her sleep. She knew Connor was with her, and on top of that, she was in Hank's home. Her safe place was right here. Connor watched over her and he imagined all she had been through with Steven. She was so exhausted, completely broken down, and in the last few weeks she had laughed less and less. Connor hadn't known her like this. When he had first met her two years ago, she had been full of life. Her beautiful smile, her friendly nature was special in this cold world. And then Steven had taken this from her piece by piece. He was so infinitely sorry to see her in this condition.
"Don't be afraid. I will always be with you."
He was her angel who would protect her...
Careful not to wake her, Connor disengaged from her, only to gently pick her up in his arms, taking her to the guest room. She was fast asleep, the android could tell by her breathing. He laid her down in bed, covering her so she wouldn't get cold.
"Good night, Y/N..."
He bent down to her, gently kissed her forehead and stayed with her for quite a while...
As the first rays of sunlight fell through the window and warmed Y/N's skin, the young woman gently sighed as she slowly awoke from her sleep. At first, she didn't know where she was and her eyes searched the room, yet she was deeply wrapped in the sheets and she wouldn't dare get out of bed so quickly before she understood where she actually was. But when the memories came up so slowly, she understood immediately. She was more than relieved to be at Hank place.
"Thank God," she whispered as she threw herself on her back and stroked her hair. "Dear Lord, thank you..."
Instantly, Steven crept into her thoughts and fear overcame her again. What if he sought her out? What if Hank had to let him go again after all? She felt sick, her stomach tightening painfully at the thought. She pulled the blanket over her again and hid under the sheets, seeking shelter and protection as she began to cry.
Was he still here?
"Connor? Connor!"
A few seconds later, the android was standing at the door, looking anxiously at the young woman who was looking at him for help. His LED glowed a deep yellow. Had she had a nightmare? Usually, after traumatic experiences, people tend to relive many things in their sleep.
"Y/N? What's wrong?"
The android sat down with her and the young woman instantly snuggled against his chest, sighing in relief as she felt Connor's strong arms around her.
"It's all right now", she whispered. Connor smiled at her words, his LED glowing a bright blue again.
"Did you have a bad dream, Y/N?"
"No", she whispered as Connor gently stroked through her hair. "I was just afraid you wouldn't be around..."
"I'll always be there," he replied softly, hugging her a little tighter to give his words even more expression. The young woman felt very comfortable around the android and she didn't feel any fear at the moment either.
"Are you hungry, Y/N?" Connor asked her after a while, but the young woman just shook her head. She had no appetite. Connor didn't think this was a good idea, but he couldn't force her to eat anything. Still, he tried to reason with her, because eventually a hot meal certainly wouldn't go amiss.
"I know you don't have any appetite. But maybe try some fruit and yogurt first? Or maybe even some pancakes?"
The young woman seemed to think about it before sighing deeply and finally agreeing to his suggestion.
"Okay, Connor."
Satisfied with her answer, the android smiled.
"Okay, then I'll prepare some for you quickly!"
The young woman ran a few recipes through her head, because pancakes with fruit and fresh yogurt sounded really good! Fluffy and delicious! Just comfort food! Wait, Connor would make them? She had to smile at the thought, because the fact that he was going to the effort to do this for her was sweet.
Then Connor rose to leave before Y/N gently grabbed his hand and looked up at him.
"Thank you, Connor. For caring so much."
And in his eyes she suddenly saw that gleam, that look of affection, which made her heart beat faster for a moment.
"No need to mention it, Y/N."
Because she was incredibly important to him, and he wanted her to be okay. Most of all, that she felt safe and secure around him. Connor would really do anything to see her smile again.
"Connor! Y/N?"
Hank brought the android out of his thoughts. The lieutenant must have been done with the interrogation and was certainly tired. After all, he had been out all night.
"Over here, Hank!" called Connor to the man. Y/N rose from her spot and met Hank halfway. She immediately wrapped her arms around him and he held her close.
"Hey, kiddo. How are you doing?"
Hank sounded tired and exhausted.
"Connor's with me. I'm fine with him," she whispered, and those were the exact words Hank had wanted to hear.
"Good. Have you had breakfast yet?"
"Not yet. But Connor's about to make some pancakes."
At that, the lieutenant raised a brow.
"'Him? Pancakes? Are you sure, Y/N?"
"You want some, too, Lieutenant?"
"Sure, Connor! There's nothing like having to spend all day in the shithouse, after eating your pancakes!"
It was meant as a joke, and it didn't miss its mark, as the young woman laughed. Hank really couldn't imagine Connor cooking up something like that. But what could he say? He trusted the android as he had surprised him so many times in many ways. Probably this would be the best pancakes Hank would ever have.
But for Y/N now, of course, was interested to know what would happen to Steven now.
Her serious and, at the same time, worried expression, made the smile on Hank's face slowly but surely disappear.
"Come. Let's sit down, Y/N."
Hank gently took her by the hand and led the young woman to the sofa, where he sat down with her. She looked at him with curiosity and her heart hammered madly, her hands getting cold all over again as she got all nervous. Hopefully Hank would have some good news for her.
"Y/N, we need your report."
"B-But... I don't have to see him, do I?"
The lieutenant shook her head. She wouldn't cross his path, he had made sure of that.
"No. But you have to tell us... everything," he said softly, before running a hand through his hair. He didn't like the idea of the young woman being pressured into telling the police everything in detail either. He was afraid to hear what had happened. What that bastard had done to her. But Hank knew that it could help to put Steven in jail for several years.
Connor listened to the conversation while he took care of breakfast. Sumo was not far from his feet, dozing off. Connor's LED lit up yellow again when he thought of Steven. This guy had been suspicious to him from the beginning and he cursed himself for not noticing sooner what an asshole this guy was. But he was all the more proud of Y/N for being such a brave woman.
"Okay, Hank. But I'm only going to talk to you and Connor..."
Hank nodded as he put his hand on her shoulder. Just Connor and him.
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AO3 ask game, whoo
1. What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
Explicit and Mature are tied at (18), and likewise for...
Teen And Up Audiences and General Audience (4)
2. What are your top three fandoms?
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) (26)
Loki (TV 2021) (8)
And ONLY because I decided to chop that one fic up into Acts instead of chapters: Baldur's Gate (Video Games) (3)
Which feels like cheating, really, because it's really just a Lokius fic in BG3 drag. 😘😁
3. What is the top character you write about?
Hank Anderson (24)
Connor (Detroit: Become Human) (24)
Ahahahahah, HankCon foreverrrrrr XD
4. What are your top three pairings?
Hank Anderson/Connor (24)
Loki/Mobius M. Mobius (9)
Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human) (3)
5. What are the top three additional tags
Angst with a Happy Ending (7)
Alternate Universe (6)
Nonbinary (tied with Genderfluid) Connor (Detroit: Become Human) (6)
I sense a ~theme~ XD
6. Does any of this surprise you?
Not really. I've been pretty stuck in HankCon since I finished the game for the first time, back when it released. And while I love PoI, I've never really had the confidence to write for the fandom. Plus, I want Season 1 back, already. Without the weird Surprise GF from the past/no Finch is totally straight!! move on behalf of the production team.
One thing that does kinda surprise me is I don't have more fanfics tagged Alternate Universe, because AUs are my JAM. Where you at, random AUs?
Oh, right. I'm working on 'em. Peace out! Anyone who sees this, consider yourself tagged! Also, thank you to @lokimobius and @thosegayoldmen
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ao3feed-hannor · 10 months
Touch In The Dark
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52067647 by cherrisodaaa Hank has come to terms with being in love with Connor, an android. Now he has to come to terms with the fact he would fuck Connor, an android. Words: 4353, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Hank Anderson, Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Relationships: Hank Anderson/Connor Additional Tags: Sharing a Bed, Sexual Experimentation, Rough Kissing, Grinding, Frottage, Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Has a Penis, Hank Anderson is Bad at Feelings, Bottom Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Top Hank Anderson, we fuck robots here, Robot Sex, Oral Fixation, Spit Kink, Coming In Pants, First Kiss, First Time, Confessional Sex, Sort Of read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52067647
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