#mY sIbLiNg In PrImUs
goodkiitty · 5 months
echoing off a shared sentiment on the dashboard among my fellow kings, if you interact with @/dontpetmeibite in any capacity, i kindly ask you hardblock me so we don't have to interact ever! if you think that mun is okay, kindly bite the pavement!
(this goes for my other blog @righthandshuttle as well)
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Bot Buddy being Rodimus's older sister and having a crush on Swerve
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Hinted Romance, Cybertronain reader
Buddy is a near carbon copy of Rodimus.
Key word ‘almost’.
Instead of sporting the red and oranges being her main color on her frame, Buddy has more blue tones with some yellow around.
That is where all similarities end.
Buddy being related to Ultra Magnus makes more sense than her being related to Rodimus.
“Hey Buddy! Watch this!”--Rodimus
Rodimus on the top of a tall shelf.
“Rodimus No!”—Buddy and Magnus
Buddy and Magnus look at each other in surprise.
“… I hate when you two do that.”--Rodimus
“Don’t care, get down here before you break something or hurt yourself.”--Buddy
She was in fact close to him though.
Being a part of the Elite Guard for most of the war can do that.
The other part was stationed around communications and message relay for the Guard or the Wreckers.
That was where she first met Swerve.
It was purely by accident.
Swerve had been given the wrong number and connected her instead.
“Hello? How may I help you?”--Buddy
“You’re not Blurr. Who are you?”--Swerve
“You have the help line for the Wrecker’s and Elite Guard, do you require any assistance?”--Buddy
“Oh, no not really. I thought I had Blurr’s number. You know Blurr?”--Swerve
“Yes, I am familiar with the racer.”--Buddy
“Isn’t he the best! We were going to hatch a plan to build and run a bar when the war ended.”--Swerve
“Really? Blurr agreed to that?”--Buddy
“Absolutely! He even gave me his number, but I must have punched in the wrong digits and contacted you instead. Not that you haven’t been nice and all!”--Swerve
Buddy laughing a little bit.
“Its all right… umm… what is your designation?”--Buddy
“The names Swerve! And who might I be speaking with if you don’t mind?”--Swerve
“I’m Buddy—”--Buddy
“You’re THE Buddy!? Wow! This is just my day! I’ve heard so much about you and your work with the Elite Guard, The Wrecker’s…”--Swerve
Buddy gets a bit more comfortable on her end ready to continue this pleasant conversation with Swerve.
It was a slow day anyways… it felt nice.
That started a slow friendship between the two.
The chats had to happen on scheduled days since Swerve had a habit of talking too much and Buddy didn’t like to stop him.
Buddy refused to talk to Hot Rod about this.
Swerve was her friend.
Finally, someone that hadn’t been friends with Hot Rod before knowing her.
She was going to protect her friend’s identity as long as she could.
But of course, Hot Rod had a feeling his sister was hiding something from him and was going to get to the bottom of it.
Hot Rod dramatically draping his frame on Buddy’s berth.
“Why won’t you tell me!”—Hot Rod
Buddy rolling her optics.
“I’m not telling you squat Roddy.”--Buddy
Hot Rod suddenly sitting up.
“What if its… someone?”—Hot Rod
Buddy frame stiffens a bit.
“It is someone!”—Hot Rod
Hot Rod flopping on her back and starts popping her side annoyingly.
“Who’s the lucky bot who’s got my stuck up of a sister like this?”—Hot Rod
Buddy grabs his digit and slightly bends it backwards.
“Hey! OWW!”-Hot Rod
“Keep it up and I’ll bend more than your digit Hot Rod. Got that?”--Buddy
Buddy lets go of his digit and crosses her arms glaring at him.
“Fine, fine, I wont start talking about your secret—”—Hot Rod
Buddy judo flips her brother to the floor.
Hot Rod was over the moon hearing that there might be someone out there for his stuck-up sis.
Maybe it would help loosen her up.
Primus knows she needs to stop stressing so much.
Buddy just wishes that Hot Rod would drop the subject… but is secretly pleased to hear that he is happy that she found someone she likes.
…then came Rodimus Prime.
Buddy felt their sibling bond significantly weakened thanks to the matrix bonding.
Rodimus didn’t seem to notice but Buddy did.
But she refused to acknowledge it to him.
He was a Prime now, he had other things to worry about than her.
Just pushing through trying to get her work done.
Timeskip to the Lost Light…
Buddy was not aware that Swerve was on the ship until she got wind of the bar.
She walked in and zeroed in on the minibot.
Buddy walking over to the bar where Swerve had his back to her.
“Welcome to Swerve’s you see anything you like?”--Swerve
Buddy smiles a bit.
“Hmm… I don’t know you recommend anything Swerve?”--Buddy
Swerve stops cleaning the glass in his servo and turns around, wide eyed.
Buddy smiles a bit more seeing Swerve’s own face light up.
Swerve reaches over the bar to hug his friend.
Several bots at the bar stop seeing the small bartender hugging one of the most strict bots on bourd.
“… 20 shanix that Buddy tells Swerve off.”--Skids
“Wrong. 50 and she throws him out.”--Whirl
“She wouldn’t do that… right?”--Tailgate
Buddy hugs Swerve back while silent chaos ensues behind them.
So many bots thought that Swerve was going to die that day.
Rodimus had so many com pings within that hour.
He brushes the pings off like a rumor.
Especially when he hears about something potentially happening between Buddy and Swerve.
… That changes when Rodimus starts to notice Buddy hanging out more and more at Swerve’s.
This was the first flag to be raised.
Buddy doesn’t ‘do’ crowded bars.
But he brushes it off as Buddy finally letting loose.
Rodimus is talking with Drift when he notices Buddy at the bar.
“Isn’t it nice seeing Buddy happy?”--Drift
“Hmm? Yeah… but it’s a bit weird seeing her out here.”--Rodimus
Drift raises an optic.
“She doesn’t like big, crowded places, it’s ‘Too loud and too much engex being spilled all over’.”--Rodimus
Drift looking at Buddy happily talking with Swerve at the counter.
“Maybe she’s here for someone?”--Drift
Rodimus downing the rest of his drink laughing at the end.
“Ha! That’ll be the day.”--Rodimus
One time a rather rude bot had come to the bar and demanded to know why he was cut off from the drinks.
All while he was slowly tipping to the side.
Buddy tried to de-escalate the situation.
“Listen, we are all civilized bots here. Lets just get you back to your habsuite or the med bay if—”--Buddy
The bot looks at Buddy and spits in their face.
“Can it! Your nothing more of a has been-washout-guards-bot who is only good for a pretty paperweight!”—Random Bot
Buddy wipes the spit infused engex from her optics, glares at the bot harshly, about to unleash the Pits when she gets interrupted.
Swerve stands on the bar counter gaining some height, his servos shaking at his sides.
“Don’t you EVER talk to her like that! Now. Get. Out. Of. MY! BAR!”—Swerve
Buddy feels her spark skip a pulse looking at the mini bartender.
The bot tries to take a swing at him, but Buddy grabs the fist in her’s.
Buddy’s optics blazing in fury.
“You heard the minibot.”--Buddy
Buddy kicks the bot in the back of the knee and throws the frame across her shoulder.
Marching outside and kicking the bot several feet away from the entrance.
“Get. Out.”—Buddy
“… She gonna be my Amica.”--Whirl
“Whirl, not the time.”--Cyclonus
“Well, I can’t be her Conjunx. Swerve has that covered; this is the next best thing.”--Whirl
“Swerve does not—”--Tailgate
Whirl points at Swerve still standing on the counter with a lovesick smile on his face.
“…Maybe your right.”--Tailgate
“Tailgate, Whirl no.”--Cyclonus
“Hold on Cyclonus, they might have a point.”--Rewind
Cylcnous puts a servo on Chromedome’s shoulder shaking his helm.
Chromedome sighs giving in as Whirl, Tailgate, and Rewind scheming in silence.
Buddy managed to cuff the bot and send him to Magnus.
The bot never came back to Swerve’s.
Swerve has heart shaped optics behind his visor.
You’d have to be blind not to see his clear ‘admiration’ for the former member of the Elite Guard.
But he is convinced that all of this will pass.
It’s not like Buddy would actually have feelings for him.
Meanwhile Buddy has started creating Swerve/Love playlists in secret.
A secret that she is taking with her until she goes offline.
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
How about the kids reacting to a lost Sparkling the team had found and adopted (or more than 1). I'm pretty sure that the Sparkling would wound up confused with the weird baby noises (most likely Miko) would make. Imagine how a Hide and Seek game would go (horribly).
I'm pretty sure the kids would be introduced to and creeped out by the practice of chipping Sparklings like one would chip a pet.
I have done this general concept before, so I will just tie this into my personal passion au. Baby Primes time yall (ノ*ФωФ)ノ
Base AU here.
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Fifteen sparklings is already a handful, but with the humans kids around as well? It's a whole other animal. The sparklings do not understand the children, and the children in turn do not understand them. The children want to be helpful, and by Primus do they make attempts. However, sparklings are simply too different to be properly tended to by humans.
Jack made valiant efforts to play hide and seek with the sparklings, but the game got out of hand quickly. Fifteen sparklings were soon lost to the ether the moment they comprehended the game. They didn't understand when they were supposed to come out of hiding, and this in turn led to Optimus having to be woken from one of his rare and blessed naps to come collect his spawn.
Miko tried to teach the sparklings a lullaby once. That ended up going terribly almost immediately. Fifteen small monsters, none of which had vocalizers fully adapted to speech, attempted to sing her song. This was cute for the first ten minutes... and then it stopped being cute VERY quickly afterwards when they wouldn't stop. Like nails on a chalkboard, the little ones tried in vain to sing her song for actual days. Miko was forbidden to teach them songs afterwards.
Rafael taught a few of the sparklings basic sign language so that they could get attention without screaming. He was very successful with most of them. But Liege saw a middle finger thrown ONE time, and since then the team has known no peace. Whenever agitated, he throws a middle finger at everyone except his Sire and the Fallen. His siblings picked up on his habit, and now there is a middle finger jar in base where the sparklings must deposit a sweet of theirs if caught in the act of flipping someone off.
The kids stopped trying to be helpful after the sparklings began mimicking their voices one day. It was unsettling in the extreme to have fifteen sets of optics all pinned on them, watching and waiting to copy more words. This habit faded once the kids left for a few days, but they have since opted out of trying to parent the alien babies.
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myanimals-blog · 1 year
Conversations that team prime have probably said (+ rescuebots)(part 2)
Every optimus ever: why is my exe here and why are they committing war crimes?
Tfp arcee: there are not enough fucks for me to give out.
Tfp bumblebee: not that you ever had any left to begin with.
Tfp arcee: True
Tfp wheeljack: Don't worry! We all need therapy!
Rb Blades: Is that supposed to calm me?
Rb Hightide: Hatchet.
Tfp ratchet: Scrap eater.
Tfp Optimus: *regretting his choices* Enough.
Tfp Knockout: THAT'S A THREAT!
Tfp Wheeljack: NO IT'S NOT! it's a promise!
Rb Quickshadow: You seem the most sane.
Tfp arcee: Barely.
Rb Heatwave: Why did I want to be leader again?
Rb blurr: Optimus saw you and thought " You're leader shaped."
Rb Heatwave:*snort* Leader shaped?
Rb blurr: *shrug* Idk, he did the same thing to Bee.
Knockout, arcee and bee are on patrol:
Tfp knockout: So, you and Blades?
Tfp Bumblebee: We're just FRIENDS.
Tfp arcee: keep telling yourself that.
Rb Boulder: I think bots forget I was a scientist.
Tfp Wheeljack: they forget I was too. Where do they think I got the grenades?
Rb Boulder: probably thought you stole them off a decepticon.
Tfp Bulkhead: that does sound like something you would do. Pits, I think you have.
Rb Heatwave: I...have never wanted to hit a bot more.
Rb Chase: it is a wonder how you've never been imprisoned for anything.
Rba wedge: Scrap it's crowded.
Tfp Ultra magnus: there's a room in the back that Optimus uses. It's completely silent
Rba wedge: thanks, how do you know that?
Tfp wheeljack: Magnus is good at finding hiding spots. he is so introverted that he would rather not be able to get out of somewhere, than talk to a bot.
Tfp Ratchet: Medix is a lot nicer than me, I'm not sure where he got it from.
Tfp knockout: thank primus.
Rb Hightide: Hatchet! Who's your sibling?
Tfp Ratchet: None.of.your.business!
Rba Medix: You REALLY don't want to know. I wish I didn't.
Tfp knockout:*snorts* Primus, you're definitely Ratchet's.
Tfp Ratchet: you picked good leaders.
Tfp Optimus: Heatwave just told me he wanted to ship Hightide to a lab to see where he got his audacity from, Wedge made a 'timeout box' specifically for Hotshot, and Bumblebee is in denial about being in a relationship with Blades.
Okay, part three might be out soon (idk). I'm going to get a coffee and pretend I'm not going to college in a couple weeks.
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planetformer-central · 6 months
so-- so prima doesn't like ANY of his siblings?? not a single one he even TOLERATES?!
is it gonna go away with age?!
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No it will not. Prima will forever dislike his siblings on a spiritual level.
He won't hurt them. Not while Optimus cares for them. But my Primus, he will contemplate a million and one ways to get rid of a body when they bother him more than usual.
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crying-fantasies · 1 year
When siblings fight
Sunset is Rodimus' only kid, thank Primus.
More times than not, some bots think that they are spark brothers (Sunset looks a lot like Rodimus when he was Hot Rod) before they realize that Sunset is a Terraformer and say something about it (occasionally they just say "ah, it's one of those" and Rodimus takes it as an insult even if it wasn't)
He is also usually way more calm and just tries to go on with his life, ignoring what others say about him.
Rodimus is another story.
"Dad, let's just go-"
"Ah no, I have a few things to say, hey, you frag face!"
Is usually Sunset who stops Rodimus, in the worse case escenario he will call Ultra Magnus (who is an enforcer), he won't call Megatron because it could get terrible worse (Rodimus, sometimes, gets the old bot on his side, no one knows HOW) and get from a little commentary to bloody hell.
If someone says something about you, then both are on fire (literally) and ready to start a physical fight.
Codexia is an only child and she is an angel, she never gets in any fights, in fact, she tries to stop them with tender words and then hearing both parts involved to give a solution.
No one knows how she puts everything in order, but she does, something that she really needs when she takes the title of Prime even when there is no war.
"How did you get them to an agreement?"
"Natural talent?"
If someone says something about you, Codexia tries to be hard, but fails miserably because she cringes everytime someone says a bad word.
Optimus is the one that appears menacingly behind both you in a protective manner, no one can even utter a sound, because that's Optimus fragging Prime.
When she was only Codexia she tried to be as natural and neutral as she could, when she was called Eminence that was even harder since the Autobots badge was put on her, keeps trying to go on with her responsibilities without relaying on Optimus.
Chainbreaker is an only child, but he isn't a saint, well, not entirely.
Your kid haven't done nothing wrong in your eyes, he is very disciplined and prefers to talk above starting a fight, even when it doesn't involve him, such a nice kid, that's how every adult bot see him.
In the other hand, Prowl is more than sure that CB has started way too many fights and even made some mild ones worse, but he never has complete evidence of it.
Prowl doesn't know if he must feel worried by this behavior or be pleased (maybe proud) about Chainbreaker's ability to keep a clean track.
"Well played, kid"
"I don't know of what you're talking about, father"
CB really doesn't know, he does try to help calm the riot but he only gets it worse.
Truth is that he has Prowl's resting bitch face, something that he and some Praxians have to live with (Smokescreen tends to pat the young bot's shoulder armor in support and understanding).
Whirl knows that Tik Tok is a sentient group of scraplets that can murder a cybertronian by eating it from inside out in mere seconds.
Does that make him stop the fights between his two girls? Absolutely no, he is in reality placing bets.
"That was my energon cube!"
"You don't even have a necessity for it, just drink water or whatever!"
"But that was my sweet flavored energon cube!"
They get physical more times than not.
Cyclonus is the one that stops the fight, or you, or he helps you because Tik Tok and Whirl Jr. can get so mad to one another that more than once you were way to close to being stomped on.
Tailgate is crying in a corner saying that he couldn't live with himself if something ever happened to any of them, almost bawling when they are cat fighting in the floor, he is going to buy more energon snacks, so stop this madness!
Whirl called you all boring, but he is the first one to stop any fight if it really does get out of control.
When some parents have two hormone drive teenagers with a short temperament and around the same age, it's normal an even healthy to let them fight and get to a mutual understanding by themselves.
That's a liberty that Blurr and you can't have.
Not when your first child is wild and way too ready to throw a punch or your youngest that can boil someone alive if he really is on the edge.
"Pressurized hot tea pot valve"
"Dry hay hair pussy"
"Cry baby virgin"
"Poor excuse of a mammal"
"You call my tits little one more time and I'm cutting your wires while you recharge!"
Blurr has tried to stop them more than once, but Ripley and Typhoon know that he doesn't exactly mean it when he takes an authority aura, they know that he is way too soft when it comes to them.
When Blurr's long time friends come to the bar and see that kind of display they would laugh while saying how it melts their spark that Ripley acts just like her mentor when he was young, Blurr can only damn his younger self internally.
You need to be there to stop any fight from going too far (your husband simping for you in the corner, quietly).
Blurr has lost way too many loved photos in every one of his kids fighting moments, you tell him that those are still saved in data, he says it's not the same.
Rosalinde was already a young adult when Blood Horn was forged so they never had a real collision with one another.
It's difficult to be angry with the little femme when she is just so little, and the bright pink of her armor is way too eye catching, making BH quite (a lot) more adorable.
And a lot more easy as a target.
Yet again, Rosalinde has grown worried about Bumblebee, her adoptive father, for as long as she can remember.
And Blood Horn is even worse than Bee when getting in trouble.
"What were you thinking?! That femme was thrice your size!"
"It's fine, she felt my punch in her face plate!"
"But then she stomped all over you! You are covered in dents and your own energon..."
Rosalinde ends up crying more times than not for her little sister.
Bumblebee tries to tell her not to worry, he is going to see what he can do and also talk to BH, but he can only do so much with you already in tears, everyone using your baby as a ragdoll and she going around like it was normal!
Bee can only believe that there is something wrong with the pink color, some kind of bad vibes or something, Arcee likes BH color and tells her so everytime they cross paths.
Having three kids is a wild road, one that Jazz takes while singing "Life is a hallway"
He let's them vent anything they want to say because he believes in the growth by experiences.
Pauline is quite the smart cookie, getting away with many discussions as the winner, he is also the oldest, Amber Dust is your little boy, even when he is as tall as a house, so he tends to go for you in hopes of get your help.
Mariah, since she is the family's bebe, tends to be a little shit.
"Why do you have my music in your room?"
"I just found it there, okay bro?"
"Don't lie, Mariah! You don't even need it!"
"Please stop fighting or I'll tell creator about it!"
"Don't get in this, Amber!"
Amber Dust tends to be ignored even when he tries to keep peace, typical middle child crisis.
They never go to far with their words, so Jazz watches and hears from a distance, content smile on his face plate when the three get to a mutual understanding.
And intervening if things go too wild to his or your liking, it never happens, really, but is better be safe than sorry.
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miimo96 · 3 months
Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman S2 episode 6
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God where Do I even begin, Ok 1st off Kara is Really talking like a whole Damn Supervillain here, the way the camera just Zooms in on her as She says that her and Clark are going to bring back the kryptonian Empire is really sending me Chills down my spine, like they really Want you to establish that Kara is a Villain in this series, even tho I Still think she's being controlled by Brainiac/Primus somehow, Secondly correct if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that Superman is supposed to be able to breathe in Space, like I Never understood that concept of Why he would Need a Space suit like even in the animated series they did that, I mean sure it looks cool but the Dude's an Alien for a reason He should be able to breathe in space No problem, unless has it something to do with him being So used to our Earth's atmosphere than that's a Different story, but in my opinion, it just feels unnecessary
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Judging from this Scene You can Really tell how much Kara really is just stuck in the past, the way She refers to the citizens here as "Citizen 1 and 2" and "Food citizen" Really shows how little she remembers or even Knows about krypton, almost like if She's just been replaying this simulation for so long and has this little memory to go off of what Krypton SHOULD be, Like This Really is all she has about her people and The Planet, and the fact she even acknowledges these people are Gone still Refuses to accept that She's lonely, Really shows how in denial she truly is
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I Really love the take on the Kent's of this Series, they Really feel like good parents, and I love how they teach Clark to use his powers while also making it feel like he is Experiencing a Normal life, you can really tell how much love and effort the writers put into this series, especially with their side characters, like this Scene really just shows how much the Kent's clearly loved and accepted Clark as their Son, despite him having these powers, rather than just treating him differently they Instead Whole heartily Accepte him for who he was, Instead of for What is, rather than teaching him how to hide complety, they instead made him feel love and reassured that No matter where he comes from, He will always be their Son ^^
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Man I love Seeing the Sibling dynamic relationship between these 2 , they really do Act more like siblings rather than cousins, and I really love how he just teases her once he realizes She did have a crush on Jimmy, it really shows how much she cared about him in the end, also the way she just blushes in this Scene is so cute, I really want to see these 2 get together so bad >_<
Shout out to the Man Jimmy for really succeeding in pulling a Super alien Baddie, Also this scene really shines light on how oblivious Kara Really is to what she's doing, like she clearly believes that she is helping other Planets by bringing them apart of the kryptonian Empire, unaware that she is most like just a Conquer Who is committing mass Genocide to tons of people in the end
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Ok 1st Kara is full on straight Evil for doing this to her cousin, making him think that she wasn't able to breathe in Space as a way of just punking him was seriously messed up, like she was seriously fine with giving him mental trauma as long as She gets to see his reaction, I Bet you that was a way of revenge for him teasing her about Jimmy earlier, also Thank god they know that Superman can actually breathe in space instead of just leaving him in that stupid helmet, Also I'm really Glad to see they actually went with the whole sibling route for these characters, Seeing them just get to act like kids and just having their equivalent of a Snow ball fight is really sweet, especially with the way Kara feels about being lonely, I hope that she really isn't Evil and thats all because of freaking Brainiac, please don't let anything bad happens between these 2 🥺
Also it's really awesome to see we actually get some insight regarding kryptonians and their powers, it seems that other than clark, kryptonians don't really seem to be able to have access the abilities that he has, aside for having the usual Heat vision and super strength, maybe it must have something to do with Clark being on Earth for too long, like in the Man of Steel
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Well well well, looks like I was on to something about Kara being mind controlled, that fact that she wasn't even able to remember when she was last on this planet really just Shows how much Brainiac is controlling her and has been using her as a weapon, like it really feels like she Really didn't know what she was doing to millions of people, and was just thinking she was Aiding them for the New the kryptonian Empire
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We finally get introduced to Brainiac and Omg he really feels like the Brainiac I grew up with, like they really understood what they were doing when it came down to handling this character, I mean aside from the really weird space Robot design they really knew how to capture the essence of Brainiac, especially with the way he's portrayed, like it really feels like he's a Corrupt machine who is Focused on bringing krypton back in a way that would involve War and destruction, kinda reminds me of how ZOD was in Man of Steel, in the same way he wanted to achieve that, Almost like they mixed both characters together to create this New version of "Brainiac"
Man Michael Emerson Did a really good job at bringing him to life, and im really glad they kept/brought back the 1st thing I love about this character, his iconic voice, like I really missed when used to sound like this and I'm really glad I get to hear it again thank you MAWS ^^
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Parademons, Hawk people and Green lanterns Omg This was episode was fantastic, They're really Adding in more DC characters for this series and I'm all for it, like in my opinion THIS is what DC should've did when it came to the DCEU, instead of just bringing in multiple characters immediately they should've just teased them Slowly in the beginning and then Introduce them Over time, kinda like how in Zach snyder's justice league with them teasing green lanterns in the opening scene, Also the design for the Thanagrs in the series is Hands down 1 of the Best designs I've Seen so far like Omg, Definitely Top 3
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God I Love the blue lighting in the series, it's such an interesting take on his character and the way his insignia Glows when activated is just Complete PERFECTION, also I'm really glad they incorporated the blue lighting in the 1st place, correct me if I'm wrong but I could've Sworn he actually had a Power like this in the comics, I can't remember which comic it was, but I know it was during the New 52 run, I could be wrong but either way I'm So excited they brought it back, and I'm glad they're treating it more like a Super boost rather than just keeping him in it entirely; Also damn he got Smacked so hard they kicked him out of that State entirely lol
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Bruh Brainiac is Such a manipulating bastard I Hate him so much, like between this and the fact he preserved the consciousness of all those pepoele who rebelled against the empire in order to Use them as training dummies to perfect his Ultimate weapon AKA Kara Really shows how completely evil he is, like there's No redeeming this character whatsoever
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Ok wow a few thing's, 1 ah So This was the planet she was blowing up when we were 1st introduced to her last Season, 2 Jimmy being the reason she was able to immediately break free of the mind control is so freaking cute, Damn it Now I really want to see these 2 end together so badly now, 3 Kara calling out to her cousin as Clark rather than Kal really hurts my heart, like it really feels like she doesn't know what to do anymore 😢, 4 MALLAH AND BRAIN HAVE RETURNED OMG, 5 Jimmy is Real one Because you KNOW funding for a whole wormhole space mission in just a short of amount of time, Really cost him a fortune and probably his Whole bank account, and finally why do I have the Feeling that next few episodes are gonna include maybe an Evil Superman and an argument between lois and kara for how Lois has been skeptical about kryptonians this Season, and by kryptonians I mainly mean Zero day and Now Kara, either way I'm all here for it and this episode was incredibly PEAK bruh can't wait for the Next one (God this took so long for me to write 😅)
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(Spoilers for TFE if you haven't seen the newest episode!!!) Could you do a bot! reader x bumblebee, where instead of him she got sent out to find grimlock and ended up getting her energon stolen, instead of his? Thank you!!
I've seen them and I definitely like this idea! I did a little one shot after the fact, I hope you like it anon!
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For those who don't know; if you like my writing style you can always commission me!
The last thing you remembered was trying to transform when a wave of exhaustion had taken you offline, the impact of fighting for days without rest finally taking its toll and forcing your battered frame into an emergency stasis after you'd been sure the kids were safe. Recalling the young Terrans and their human siblings brought a flash of alarm to your processor, forcing it to boot up completely as protective programming took control. Only the considerable pain lingering in your battered mesh kept you from flying off the berth you found yourself on, rooting you to the spot with a groan as you settled for cracking open your optics.
A servo was laid over your own as soon as you caught a blurry yellow figure overhead and at your side, but you didn't need the visual to clear before a familiar voice allowed you to identify them.
"Thank Primus you're awake!" Bumblebee said with emphatic relief, his other servo dipping beneath yours to tightly grasp it. Even as the fog of your injuries and long overdue nap kept you from fully catching up to the moment, your worried grimace softened to a smile at his touch, much of your fear evaporating at his presence. The Scout began fretting over you as soon as his wide blue optics met your own. "Does anything hurt? How are your energon levels? We've got you on a drip, but I can top you off."
"I'm fine…" you promised, despite not having the energy to stand. Flinching at the pain of speaking, you brought a spare servo to your throbbing helm, closing your optics before a quick glance around the room increased your confusion. The small medical bay was not Philadelphia, and more resembled one of the many secret safehouses the Autobots had scattered across the globe. "How did I get here?"
"The kids had to tell their parents about their little field trip. Lieutenant Malto called Optimus, and he arranged for you to be brought here. Ratchet just left, he said you'll be fine after a few days." Bumblebee explained thoroughly, going down your list of concerns as only a bot who knew you as well as he did could. The news helped you relax, but the lingering sting of the energon draining needles that had pierced your mesh made you need a touch more clarification. 
"So the kids are okay?" you asked. When he nodded in confirmation, you returned his hold on your servo with a sigh of relief, thankful that the young ones had gotten out unscathed. Things had been dire in the city's depths, and even after they'd beaten Mandroid you'd been too exhausted to ensure they were safe, a fact that ate at your spark. The pain of not being able to protect your young charges was worse than anything you'd endured in the ring.
"Yeah. I got the summary from Twitch." Bumblebee said with a nod, dropping his gaze and revealing you weren't the only one suffering from regrets. His grip on your servo tightened, thumb sliding across the back of your palm as shame filled his voice. "I knew I should have been the one on that mission…"
You could have predicted he'd blame himself for your injuries. Considering what had happened with Breakdown only a few weeks prior, you weren't surprised the mech was still reeling with guilt, especially as you hadn't had a chance to speak with him in person. "Bee-"
"I'm the one who got caught!" he interrupted, confirming your suspicion as he directly referenced the fateful race that had exposed him to GHOST. Tears filled the corners of his optics as he continued before you could summon the strength to stop him. "I'm the reason we have to work apart for now. If I'd been there, maybe-"
"Maybe you would have been drained, and then we'd be in the same boat, if you could even guarantee we'd be that lucky." you interrupted as forcefully as your aching frame allowed, briefly sitting upright to make your point despite the pain and exhaustion dragging you down. Bumblebee was shocked into silence by your words, though his expression shifted to one of concern when you flopped back on the berth with a hiss of discomfort. Keeping one servo under his, you lifted the other to cup his cheek, calming him and yourself with the long missed contact. "I'm just happy to see you again. Let me have this…"
"I can do that." he sighed softly, returning your hint of a smile as he leaned into your touch. The weeks the two of you had been apart felt like eons, and the Scout took his time savoring your presence, angling his helm to place a small kiss in your palm before he whispered in thankful relief. "Primus, I missed you so much…"
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annabelle-creart · 2 months
The 13 Primes
Now dedicated to @am-addicted-to-wf-help
Sideswipe is stupid, everyone knew it, but to say he is Vector Prime itself with an ankward smile after a good knock on the head is definitely the most stupid shit Strongarm has ever heard from this asshole hothead since she met him
Strongarm: are you sure you're okay?
Bumblebee: I think we should get you to Ratchet's
Grimlock: I can carry you the way
Strongarm: I'm the one who pulls you on the road, I will not recieve more than I can get
Sideswipe: Guys, I'm serious!
Bumblebee: we know that you're being serious, but we don't believe you're right, that hit was hard
Sideswipe: you don't believe, ok, then, I will show me myself!
And with those words still on his voice box, Sideswipe sat on the dirty floor, crossed his legs like meditating, same with his hands and took a big hard breath, Bee was about to took his shoulder to put him on his pedes when a big energy shield surronded the red bot, for a moment, the team saw his teammate float from the floor and his eyes were glowing, same with some marks that looked like roots on all his body, the energy was so out of comprehension the team thought they were hearing a big clock on the background, and in what they believed was a eternity, Sideswipe stopped glowing, falling on his back due to the floating, he yelled because of the hit, and got on his pedes inmediatly
Sideswipe: now you believe me?
Sideswipe: searching for my siblings! Duh! Now, come on, I have to search for them before I got an existencial crisis again... oh, fuck
The bot put his servos on his head and sat for a moment again
Sideswipe: I'm having an existencial crisis again- OH, COME ON! I DON'T NEED ANOTHER AGAIN, I JUST WANTED TO HAVE SOME FUN, FATHER PRIMUS, WHY????????
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clean-casual-analysis · 8 months
How I’d Ruin it: Transformers
Inspired by Tyrantisterror and his “how I’d ruin it” series, I’m doing one for Transformers. I’m gonna take this one step at a time, because I’m crazy about transformers and I got a lot of thoughts on what I would do if I had three phases of a comic book.
Part One: Lore
For the general lore of this hypothetical series, I’d lean into the Primus vs Unicron storyline. Ironically appropriate for my How I’d Ruin It, because I know a good number of TF fans who prefer the quintesson origin and want to return to it. Sorry fellas, I just think the thirteen primes are neat. We also take a look into the (possible) future of the cybertronian race at the start of phase two of the hypothetical comic. I’ll be dividing this lore into ages for simplicity's sake.
Prehistory: At the very beginning of the universe, there was an omnipotent being made of light with no name. This being, referred to by cybertronian historians as The One, had cosmic powers beyond space and time. With this power, it saw into multiple timelines and dimensions out of young curiosity. There were so many different lifeforms, all with their own cultures and beliefs. There was peace and war, creation and destruction. As its knowledge grew, so did its internal conflict. Why were these unique beings fighting over seemingly pointless things? Was it individual philosophy that sparked greed and violence, or was it differing beliefs that each species held? If they were to all unite under one banner, would they lose that which made them unique. Was it morally correct for such a perfected and powerful being as The One to judge and interfere with mortals? The One had become so confused and anxious from this internal battle, that its mind and body split into two separate beings. Primus, the great creator, adored and even envied mortals. Where The One was flawless and blank, these miniscule lifeforms were varied and colorful. These beings could change and grow. Even the smallest could evolve and transform into something beautiful. Then there was his brother, a being who hated these ununiformed and petty insects. He vowed to destroy and reshape these species into a singular kingdom of rigid order. No longer would there be conflict, for he would punish and unite all as their one God. He would be Unicron, the chaos killer. These cosmically powered twins became natural enemies the moment they were created, the following battle lasting for billions of years. The battle ended in a draw, Primus and Unicron were so exhausted that both entered a deep sleep. In this coma like state, meteors and other space debris formed around them to become seemingly dormant planets.
Age of Primes: Sensing that Unicron was regaining strength and reformatting his planet into a colossal body, Primus began to plan his defense. Not wanting a repeat of their last battle, Primus decides on a different approach. He creates the thirteen primes, incredibly powerful, autonomous robots with unique abilities. Together, these thirteen would prepare for the return of Unicron and become a sort of family through their training. After the deed is done and the chaos killer is defeated from the inside of his vast body, the thirteen are left to their own devices on the metal world of Primus. As his final act, the great creator formed the well of all sparks. It was here that new robots were created and the planet would be known as Cybertron. Thirteen tribes were created, each led by a different prime, which led to the foundation of cybertronian culture. Much like previous TF stories, the thirteen primes had a falling out due to the manipulations of one manipulative and ambitious prime. The primes nearly went to war with one another, until the near death of one of their most beloved siblings shook them out of their anger. Realizing that they were not the infallible gods that they thought they were, nearly all the primes either left Cybertron or merged with the planet’s inner core. Only one prime remained to overlook the planet’s development, Alpha Trion, who gave one of the mythical artifacts of primes (the matrix) to one worthy of leadership.
Age of Function: After receiving what would later be known as the matrix of leadership, the prideful but valiant Nova Prime unified the thirteen tribes into one civilization. What follows is the planet wide construction of cities and government. Because the masses were still freshly made and unsure of their purpose in this new world, Nova decided to create functionism. Each cybertronian’s alt-mode would determine their role in creating Cybertron. At first, when the species was still relatively small in number, this system served well in accelerating Cybertron’s society. But when the contruction was near its end their optics looked towards the stars, the inherent flaws of functionism reared its ugly head. The rigid caste system quickly led to class envy and great inequality among the masses. Despite Alpha Trion’s insistence in changing this system, Nova Prime ego wouldn’t allow him to admit his prejudice. As space travel was fully realized and Nova set out to discover new worlds to colonize, his pride at his species’ accomplishments leading him down the road of becoming a cybertronian supremacist, a terrible discovery was made. During the first great battle between Primus and Unicron, their blood splashed across the galaxy. Not only were energon crystals (formed from Primus’ blood) found on foreign worlds, but the blood of Unicron was discovered as well. Before he realized what it was, dark energon infected Nova Prime and a number of his crew. They became more aggressive, burned through their energon at an alarming rate, and began to hear whispers of a dark god thought to be dead. Despite his smugness and stubbornness, Nova knew what terrible things could happen if he became Unicron’s herald. The corrupted prime gave up the matrix to the unaffected cybertronians in his crew, took those who were infected and went into deep space in self-exile. • The Golden Age: The next cybertronian to own the Matrix was Nominus Prime. Although he was overly invested in his personal appearance/hygiene and was somewhat of an elitist snob, he also possessed a good moral framework and a kind spark. His first major act as prime was the elimination of functionism, making him both beloved and hated by many. Not long after, the cybertronian race began to colonize worlds with the strict policy of not claiming worlds with significant life on them. Seemingly every new colony world produced new subcultures and different kinds of cybertronian. Although Nominus arguably just piggybacked off of other leaders and inventors, this was an age of artistry and prosperity.
Age of Rust: Seemingly out of nowhere, a slow acting but fast spreading disease began to appear across the farthest colony worlds named cosmic rust. Metal skyscrapers began to crumble, citizens were falling apart in medical beds, space bridges were forced to shut down to stop the rust from spreading. This was the first major disaster that Nominus Prime had to face and he was utterly mortified. Then, when all hope of saving the colonie and their species was lost, a strange race of techno-organics appeared. These beings were the quintessons, five faced octopus like people who claimed to be the creation of one of the thirteen prime to aid cybertronians in understanding the organic side of the galaxy. They offered a cure to cosmic rust and asked to use the space bridges to help spread the cure. Desperate to end this nightmare, Nominus gave them access to the space bridges without question. Almost immediately, he would regret this decision. These were not benevolent geniuses, but black hearted and capitalistic entrepreneurs. Not only were they the ones who invented cosmic rust, but they had created a great number of gadgets, combat drones and weapons specifically designed to annihilate cybertronians. In the blink of an eye, the whole of the cybertronian race was conquered and enslaved. Nominus was publicly executed, the matrix was taken, and the cybertronians were sold as commercial goods or military hardware to all other species in the galaxy. This would go on for thousands of years, until a hardened soldier named Zeta began to lead a rebellion with the aid of Alpha Trion and a brilliant engineer named Termagax. The cybertronian uprising was slow and bloody, but through cleverness and determination the quintessons were defeated. The matrix was found, Zeta had become Sentinel Prime, and the cybertronian race was free.
Age of Restraint: When the dust settled and the quintessons were driven away from the colony worlds, Sentinel Prime and Termagax went to work on rebuilding their civilization. Sentinel, having seen their kind’s technological power used against lesser beings firsthand, initiated the Nominus Edict. Unless there was unanimous agreement of every senator of Cybertron’s cities and other colony worlds, no new colonies would be made, and no technology was to be shared with other alien races. While he had the wellbeing of both his race and all other alien species in mind, his time as both slave soldier of the quintessons and uprising leader left him scarred and paranoid. Through the cybertronian government, he enforced the law to a borderline imperious degree. Termagax grew to resent Sentinal Prime, believing that the cybertronian race could thrive in the galaxy if they weren’t so restricted. She formed the Ascenticon movement, a growing group of bots who not only wanted to explore the cosmos but cooperate with the organic races that they’ve distanced themselves from. This philosophical debate between security and isolation vs freedom and alien collaboration went on for dacades, neither side quite gaining significant ground over the other. Eventually, the exhausted and embittered Termagax stepped down as Ascenticon leader and gave the reigns to her protégé. That protégé was a quintesson mining slave turned gladiatorial champion named Megatron, who had big plans of his own.
Age of Civil War: Not long after becoming leader of the Ascenticons, Megatron began to fully preach his personal doctrine. He believed that the cybertronian race deceived themselves into believing that they shouldn’t be proud of their power. The gladiator fear mongered that another species like the quintessons would conquer them if they didn’t show their dominance. True galactic peace can only be achieved through tyranny. Many cybertronians, in the ascenticon movement and beyond, were radicalized by Megatron’s words of might making right. In short time, Megatron amassed an army and called his new empire the decepticons. The mad tyrant and his followers overthrew the government and imprisoned Sentinel Prime. But much to Megatron’s surprise, the matrix did not deem him worthy of being a prime. He angrily dismissed the matrix and the lineage of primes as outdated and weak as his empire rapidly grew. Alpha Trion, sneakily taking the matrix back, set to work on creating a counter resistance to this new militaristic regime. The elderly prime already had a perfect candidate for the next prime; a former ascenticon who disavowed Megatron’s violent means of peacekeeping despite once being friends with him. A young data clerk named Orion Pax, who believed Cybertron had a responsibility to aid to those who needed it, and that freedom was the right of all sentient beings. And so, Optimus Prime was born. This counter resistance, named the autobots, grew arguably faster than the decepticons did. Cybertronians across the galaxy could see Megatron for the warmongering tyrant that he is. The civil war, waging primarily on Cybertron, lasted for eons. It all culminated in Megatron seizing Vector Sigma, a supercomputer near the well of all sparks that gave newly formed cybertronians the basic history and knowledge of their kind. The decepticon leader planned to hack Vector Sigma to forcibly program his beliefs into every new cybertronian to be protoformed. Horrified by this assault against free will, Optimus journeyed to the core of Cybertron to do something unthinkable. Through communication with Primus, the great creator poured his life-giving power into a device known as the all spark. Optimus threw the all spark into a space bridge with randomized coordinance, and it was lost to the stars. Their home planet torn apart and essentially dead, the Great War began to spread across the galaxy like wildfire. Earth, rich with crystallized energon beneath the surface, is the latest battleground.
Age of Beast Machines (possible future): Manipulating Megatron through dark energon, Unicron is revived. The very first planet destroyed is Cybertron with his new herald Galvatron and an army of terracons. The chaos killer goes on a galactic rampage, consuming stars/planets and creating heralds to spread his influence. Scrambling to save the galaxy, the remaining autobots and decepticons join forces in an effort to slay Unicron. Against all odds, they defeat the chaos killer once and for all. But their victory is bittersweet. The galaxy’s remaining stars and worlds are few and far between. The night skies feel unnaturally blackened. Their war now made pointless, the remaining cybertronians join together in rebuilding on the planet earth and the one surviving colony world known as biosfera. With virtually no energon left, the first order of business was to create a new type of fuel. The scientists of biosera, a jungle world primarily made up of beast mode cybertronians, came up with an unorthodox solution. They would alter their biology and transform into a techno-organic race, flesh and metal fused at the cellular level. Through this technology, they’d be able to live off of solar energy, need minimal energon, and even be able to consume meat and plants for substance. While a good number were hesitant to make such a radical change, they had little choice. Slowly, the cybertronian race flourished once again. Once new generations were protoformed, two sections of one government began to spread across the stars. One group was the Maximals, scientists and explorers that aided young civilizations and researched the new galaxy. The other group were the predacons, the core military that fought off space pirates and crushed growing dictatorships. Although the two groups bickered amongst themselves over their clashing ideologies and methods, they still cooperated and respected each other. But rumors are circulating that a small handful of Unicron’s heralds are still alive. If they are, their willing to bend space and time itself to assure their fallen master’s ultimate victory.
Notes: This lore is a combination of Aligned, both IDW continuities, Beast Wars/Machines and a dash of Last Autobot Standing. One major difference is that Solus Prime survives in this continuity, but we’ll get to that in the next part.
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
hi again!
I wanted to know if you could do the single parent buddy again but in the Tfp universe? One with the autobots ( Optimus, Ratchet, bumblebee and Ultra magnus) and another with the decepticons ( Starscream, knockout, Breakdown and Megatron)
Thanks! And please let me know if I'm requesting to much, I don't want to be a nuisance.
Okay so I will be treating this as two requests. This one will have the Autobots portion. The next part will have the Cons.
The max character per request is 5. If you want other characters done, you will have to do another request. You can look on the GUIDELINES for an clarification.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the single parent with Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Bumblebee, and Ultra Magnus
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Optimus Prime
One of the best sparkling soothers on the team.
If the little sparkling is ever fussy or in need of a nap, Optimus is one of the best candidates to put them to sleep.
The Prime has deep respect for Buddy.
Not only do they do field work and help out wherever the team needs it. But they are also raising a sparkling.
Optimus does try and keep most of Buddy’s duties on the base, keeping them and their sparkling together.
If he sees Buddy having a slow day, looking particularly tired and exhausted, he’ll offer to watch the sparkling while they take a nap.
“Optimus, sir. This isn’t necessary. I can take care of them.”--Buddy
Optimus takes the sparkling from their hold and gently places a servo on their shoulder.
“You are doing an admirable job in caring for them Buddy. But you must also take care of yourself. Your sparkling will be safe with the team. Please, go and rest.”--Optimus
While Buddy is taking their nap, Optimus will most likely put the little one to sleep and gently rock them.
If they are awake, he will tell them stories and let them sit on his lap while he does work on the main computer.
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Ratchet is one of Buddy’s biggest supporters in staying at the base.
He knew too many sparkling’s go on to become orphans in the face of war, he refuses to have history repeat itself again.
Buddy and the sparklings health are one of his main priorities.
Primus help Buddy if he finds them sneaking their rations back.
If he sees Buddy having a slow day, he will make sure they get some rest.
“Ratchet, give me back my sparkling.”--Buddy
Until you get your necessary hours of recharge then.”--Ratchet
“Are you using my sparkling to try and get me to get more sleep?”--Buddy
“Yes. Now shoo!”--Ratchet
Ratchet is a big softy for the sparkling and another one of the best babysitters on the team.
He’ll bring out the sparkling sling so he can work better and keep an optic out for them.
The sparkling usually sleeps when they are with Ratchet, it’s rare to see them awake with him while Buddy is asleep.
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Honestly, Bumblebee probably sees Buddy as another parental figure and the sparkling as his sibling.
He is extra cautious one field work when Buddy is with him. They have a sparkling to look after, there is no way he is letting them get in the crossfire.
He likes to tire out the sparkling before it’s time for them to recharge, it benefits everyone in the end.
If he sees Buddy having a slow day, he’ll gently coax Buddy into their habsuite and promising to take care of the sparkling.
“Are you sure about this? You know they can be a bit of a handful.”--Buddy
“Beep boop bep bep bop bep (Buddy, right now you need sleep. They’ll be fine you have my word.)”--Bumblebee
“All right Bee, see you in a couple of minutes.”--Buddy
“Beep boop (A couple of hours you mean.)”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee usually gets the kids in on helping keep the sparkling entertained the entire time Buddy is napping.
Whenever the sparkling decides to recharge a bit, Bee has a playlist of soothing lullabies at the ready to speed up the process.
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Ultra Magnus
To everyone’s surprise, Ultra Magnus is the best bot to getting the sparkling to sleep. Even outdoing Prime on how efficient he is.
Magnus doesn’t know why.
Magnus knows Buddy has a lot on their plate as everyone does, but he is a bit more lenient with them.
Afterall he couldn’t imagine raising a sparkling amid an ongoing war and still have time to help around the base.
If he sees Buddy having a slow day, he makes sure his goal is met with sufficient speed.
Magnus walks by Buddy trying to rock the sparkling in their arms.
He plucks the sparkling from their arms and continues his way.
“Get some rest soldier.”--Magnus
Buddy is still trying to comprehend what just happened.
“That’s an order.”--Magnus
Buddy shrugs, too tired to care, and walks back to their habsuite to take a nap.
Now because the sparkling falls asleep fast with him, Magnus already has a sparkling sling ready.
In the rare chances that the sparkling is still awake, he might go over some of his favorite protocols and the Autobot code.
Wheeljack has tried to stop Magnus from having the sparkling listen to it.
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lets-try-some-writing · 4 months
i remember the younger primes being outcasted/mistreated by the older primes after the battle w/ unicron in the covenant of primus, though i don't remember if thirteen was also mistreated since i haven't read it in a long time
so i was thinking maybe a short story about thirteen being mistreated? but like, marginally more since he's thr absolute last of the thirteen
I got you pal.
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━━━━━━━
Giftless, powerless, without purpose. That was what they said about him nonstop. They did not mean to be cruel, Thirteen could see it in their optics. They were merely stating what they saw as a fact. That didn't stop it from hurting. That didn't keep him from wandering aimlessly in order to escape their backhanded words.
Most of his siblings ignored him or otherwise regarded him distantly. He was a decoration at the best of times and a roadblock on days when the patience of his kin was limited. Prima threw him out of the way once, and Quintus threatened to drop him in a vat of acid just to see if an energy being could melt. If he wasn't a waste of space, he was a training dummy. There really wasn't much of a choice on his end. he didn't feel pain, so of course it was only logical that he assist in things that had him performing as an object rather than a person. Thirteen was not their equal, not in the optics of his fellow Primes.
The only one who treated him well was the most unlikely of the Primes. The only other partial outcast.
"Thirteen, my little Prime, what have they done to you this time." Solus ran her digits along his armor, the armor she made for him when she saw how damaged his original shell had become. It was a gift forged with love after she finally witnessed how carelessly he was being treated.
Where before she had largely ignored him, now she coddled him. Perhaps it was the fact that Thirteen was being damaged, or maybe it was simply because she had been mostly unaware of his presence. It could have even been because she saw another outcast in him. Whatever the case, she tended to him.
"Another scorch mark..." She sighed as she pulled him into a hug. It was a new thing for him, but Thirteen melted into her embrace all the same. She was the only one who understood. She was the only one who cared.
"I'm sorry they cannot see your light as I do." She shook as she caressed his helm so lovingly forged for his use. He could feel her tears trickling onto his armor. He wanted more than anything to wipe them away, but there was little use. She was the only one of their number who did not match the mold set by the others, and Thirteen was the broken Prime lacking in power and frame. They were outcasts, and neither of them were going to cease being scorned for their oddities any time soon.
"I promise you, I will change things for us. We will be seen, and when I can convince the others, I will personally make you a seat at our table." Solus cupped his face, her violet optics burning bright with passion. She would do as she promised, regardless of the cost. Thirteen wished he had a voice to deny her wishes with. He was fine being discarded so long as he had her. He needed no seat at the table of the Primes. He needed no respect or honor despite how much he longed for it.
He just needed Solus, and he needed her to be safe. Standing up for him would only make her a target. Her oddities already had her position hanging by a mere thread. If she were to act out on his behalf...
"Don't, please don't. they will hurt you as they do me."
His words meant nothing. She could not hear his pleading thoughts as she comfortingly began the process of touching every new scar upon his frame. It did not hurt. He was incapable of feeling pain. But by Primus, did every mark feel like a scorch on his spark.
"I will speak with Megatronus. If all goes well, we may gain him as our ally and fix things. Don't you worry Thirteen, this too shall pass." She pressed a kiss to the crest of his helm, a motherly gesture that Thirteen cherished. He prayed that she would endure, that her passionate spark would last forever.
And yet, he had a feeling it was not to be.
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rosdevw2 · 5 months
hehe I'm writing cybertronian mythology for my au and is so fun, writing Primus and Unicron as god siblings and while part of me wants to write the "pure good and pure evil" trope, another part of me wants the "they are space gods they don't follow morality like we do, they are not purely evil and not completely good, they are big fucking titans they are gonna do some messed up stuff, but they are both forces necessary for the balance", idk which is more fun
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Guess what I watched?!
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This was sooooooooo amazing! A beautiful story and a wonderful cinematic experience honestly! Not to sound like a movie reviewer 😅 I just want to gush.
I was totally not interested the first few times the trailer popped up on my ad feed on youtube but the first time I sat down to actually look at the trailer I was hit with the colors and the designs and suddenly I was six-years-old sitting with my dad while he showed me and my four-year-old brother our first piece of transformers media. It was an old cartoon with the bots on cybertron and I never really got something like that again with the other movies or shows that came out aside from the ones one find after digging.
So I instantly decided that even just for nostalgia's sake I would go see it and I was dragging my siblings with me. Even if the movie was a horrible cash grab that turned the characters into unrecognizable slapstick jokesters I would watch it because I wanted to be six-years-old again.
LO AND BEHOLD this was incredible! Right from the start when they showed and talked about Primus being the planet I felt hope rising in my chest (MY EXPECTATIONS WERE ON THE FLOOR OKAY) And it just KEPT GETTING BETTER!
Ik from the trailers it seems so silly and stupid but it's NOT! This movie (imo) knows exactly when to be funny and when to be serious. It is for kids - don't expect anything super grown-up - but don't expect something that's aimed for a three-year-old.
Orion Pax (Optimus) and D-16 (Megatron) were the beating heart of this film in my opinion. I was gut wretched watching their friendship deteriorate and seeing Megatron slowly be born. I told my brother as we sat in that theater (which was 98% empty btw😭) that I really thought that the creative team really seemed to love Megatron because there was so much care put into his character and his change wasn't mocked or incomprehensible - I understood him the whole time even as I hated watching the downfall.
And ORION! He was amazing! I loved watching him go from a cocky selfish little guy to this inspiring leader. Even before the main conflict pushes him into the forefront as a leader you can see these hints of that quick-thinking and desire to protect those around him. The aspects of a leader are there - they just needed the right circumstances to pull them out.
There were so many of my babies in it too! It was nice to hear Bumblebee talk!!!! And he was precious! Elita was nice even tho I will admit that I'm not super deep into Transformers so I wasn't truly familiar with her. But I just about jumped out of my seat seeing Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwave on screen talking and just being soooooo cool! They could just stand there and I would have been in heaven (not really that would have been a disservice to them but besides the point!)
ARCEE WAS THERE!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!! Me and my brothers were scouring for Ironhide and Rachet and we were grinning like idiots when we saw Jazz oh my gosh! I'm pretty sure that we saw Cliffjumper too!
And Ariachnid was sooooooo scary my gosh I was so happy!
This just felt like a film that truly cared and loved and RESPECTED the source material!
Anyways I'm writing this because I think people need to watch it. It's good even if you don't know a thing about transformers too! My little sister came with and loved the movie even though she's probably seen 1/4 of a transformers movie. I know I'm no bigshot posters so it's not gonna reach a lot of people but if any little bit counts then ...
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
You know what? I'm angry. Pissed, actually.
The only reasons why I would say I use Twitter are for keeping up with news for my current interests, especially Transformers. It is an excellent way to keep up to date for things like recent toys, TF One tidbits and the occasional beautiful piece of artwork that I stumble upon..
There are.. so many people on that platform that are rather brash about Megatron and Optimus Prime having a close relationship with each other. Not only do they constantly berate those who like the ship, but they always use the reasoning of "incest".
...Do they know what 'brothers in arms' means? Have they even looked at the designs??
They often do this take for the live action Bay movies, but you see an example of actual siblings in them... and they look similar. Not completely different like those versions of Optimus and Megatron. I dare say they're the most different looking versions compared to others and their differences.
I'll be honest, it's kind of... Cybertronian-phobic. If it was said in world where we did exist physically as actual alien beings, we'd take offense to it. Oh, and it's obviously tainted with homophobia as well, especially considering that they mostly bring up Elita as being the better partner for Optimus, which I'll definitely touch on.
This leans more into personal territory, but I really never saw Megatron as a brother, not even a brother in arms. Sure, he mentored me, but that was for friendship that later blossomed into love before wilting away. He always saw me as a close partner, until he couldn't. I did as well. We loved each other dearly, and even after all our conflict, I think we still did deep in our sparks.
But all they say is that it can't be possible. That these two rivals, enemies can't have any close relationship because it goes against the story and has less emotion than if they were friends.
How DARE they.
Yes, I did feel very terrible about losing someone I could consider one of my closest friends.. but most of my despair was about the fact that we could have done so much together as lovers. For Primus' sake, I wanted him as my Conjunx! If we were merely friends or brothers in arms, I would not have been so merciful, fond and kind to him as his enemy.
And then they say that Optimus should be paired with Elita instead.
Well, guess what?
Primus, I can't stand some of these people. Maybe I should start blocking them..
- Optimus Prime, Transformers Prime, #🃏💜💗🤡
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murahel · 1 year
Fanfics Masterpost
Transformers Cyberverse Fanfics Ideas:
Soundwave survives the end of the show (even if only to not leave Shadow Striker alone to command Decepticons, come on we've got Hot Rod, Bumblebee and Windblade at the very least to replace Optimus but Shadow Striker has to deal with everything alone? Nah.): Hand Over The Relationship, Offish Decepticon! I'm this close to finishing the last chapter. There's an update on the 1st every month meanwhile to give me time to close that last chapter.
"Wherever Bumblebee goes on Cybertron, Cheetor, be with him." If Cyberverse doesn't give me Cheetor remembrance, then I will.
Bumblebee & Windblade friendship post-war (with sprinkles of Windblade's cityspeaker ability and her time in the Matrix of Leadership of the Other One). Maybe even Cheetor communicating with them from Primus' AllSpark.
Optimus' nightmare after using the Matrix against Starscream is a bit more than just a nightmare. Set with the idea of Optimus being (a reincarnation of) the Thirteenth, therefor a sibling of the Thirteen First Primes: Standing Among The Blue
Transformers EarthSpark Fanfics Ideas:
Brave Educational Experience: or when the Terrans shatter Bumblebee's worldview through a single question.
Shockwave & Wheeljack relationship, but still with their dynamic from in Cyberverse (dancing robots, Shockwave's invention liking Wheeljack (s2 ep10, Secret Science)). Also Wheeljack calls Shockwave out on his racism towards the Terrans/Twitch his daughter.
The ones I probably won't write:
Decepticons meeting up with Autobots at the border after defeating the Quintessons (too vague).
AU fix-it in which Starscream gets better (I just don't know his character enough).
The ones I said I wouldn't write but did in a way or another:
I've read a fic headcanoning Soundwave as a cityspeaker too, which I find interesting but don't think I'll write about it <- Hand Over The Relationship Offish Decepticon! (chapter 5 especially)
Other stuff I've written unrelated to Transformers medias: ⬇️
And The Sun Snuffed Itself Out So Icare Could Keep Flying: "In this world, Hawks doesn't lose his wings." MHA, canon-compliant up to the moment Hawks loses his alter to AFO. I've always felt like Endeavor/the Todoroki family owned him one after what Dabi does to him (also why the hell are people shipping Dabi and Hawks together wtf) and that with Endeavor's whole "redemption" thing he would at least try to protect Hawks more?? Maybe it's just me. Might get a sequel or follow up if I can work my mind around some plot.
Triangle Is The Strongest Shape: Monastario/Zorro/Lolita trouple. I know, I've got you, you'll have at least one fic with the three of them (it's silly tho). I honestly don't know how Monastorio's name is canonically spelled.
Oh Little Angel's Family: the one I keep forgetting. Supernatural, it's about family feels among the angels (especially the archangels and Castiel) and isn't canon-compliant in the slightest. I think it diverges from canon at s4, but honestly I don't care about that one enough to search back my notes about it. It has an attempt to plot in it, it has. Anyway it's written in french and Michael is called Michel in it.
Not home: an Outer Worlds game character-study(ish) fic about the Captain being an outsider. Do not be fooled by the english title, it's written in french.
Star Wars. I've written many a fic of Star Wars stuff starring the Codywan ship, some in french that haven't been translated since I switched to full english. I've still got unfinished drafts of more fics including them which will probably never be finished because I can't be bothered, and I don't post unfinished drafts (there's one exception to this and I won't elaborate on it).
Ideas of fics that haven't been written (yet):
A Baroness fic. From The Cat Returns Ghibli movie. In which she either gets reunited with Baron or has Toto and other birds travel letters between them.
A Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas time-travel fix-it fic centering on Shion, in which Zeus is actually responsible for the Holy War and the Aries cloth has time powers because of Chronos. Featuring being hunted as a traitor by his fellow Golds, soul wound, and Lady Persephone.
A Kuraerti fic (you know. the one yall keep calling Clerifa like it's a fucking Pokémon.) post-canon, a timeline what timeline, everyobody lives, setting: Gold Saucer. Featuring an Oblivious!Cloud, background Reno/Rude, Zack being around, Rufus and his dog learning to be a Good PersonTM under mentorship from Dio, the most adults members of the group acting like parents and a frustrated Barret.
A Brooklyn Nine-Nine fic in which Kevin's family is actually from the mafia. His parents don't talk to him anymore because he married a cop and the whole Seamus situation gets worse because that's a mafia family kidnapping somedoby from another mafia family. It is unclear if Holt is aware or not.
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