#mad that their tactics have been used I'd guess
beardedmrbean · 2 years
Italian voters go to the polls on Sunday with a right-wing coalition dominated by the Brothers of Italy party, which can trace its origins to a post-World War II neofascist movement, widely expected to win.
Following the 2022 success of the Swedish Democrats (SDs) and Marine Le Pen's National Rally, this is sparking fears that parties with neofascist origins, even if they now reject the label, are becoming embedded within European politics.
The Brothers of Italy are led by 45-year-old Giorgia Meloni, who is on track to become both Italy's first female prime minister and its most right-wing since World War II.
Its origins can be traced to the Italian Social Movement (ISM), which was founded by a group of Benito Mussolini's supporters in December 1946.
The ISM merged with a more mainstream right-wing party in 1995, repudiating overt fascism to form the National Alliance. This was rolled into Silvio Berlusconi's The People of Freedom party in 2009, before a 2012 breakaway including Meloni formed the Brothers of Italy.
Meloni has pledged to defend "God, country and family," calling for a "naval blockade" to prevent illegal migrants reaching Italy. As a youth she called Mussolini a "good politician, the best in the last 50 years," though she has since disowned this stance.
The Brothers of Italy strongly denies that it is fascist, though it maintains the ISM's tricolor flame as its logo and had to suspend a candidate who compared Meloni favorably to Hitler.
Over the past four years, the Brothers of Italy party has seen an explosion in popularity, going from just 4 percent of the vote in 2018 to polling at 24 percent early in September.
The party has been assisted greatly by the collapse in support for two other radical parties, the anti-establishment Five Star Movement and Matteo Salvini's hard-right Lega, following spells in government.
Meloni has gained support by pledging to tackle migrant crossings of the Mediterranean, which saw nearly 60,000 arrive in Italy between January and November 2021.
Meloni is also benefiting from Italy's worsening economic situation, with growth forecast to shrink sharply in 2023 after Putin's invasion of Ukraine caused energy prices to soar.
Notably, however, the Brothers of Italy do not support leaving the Euro or EU, back NATO and are in favor of arming Ukraine to fight Russian aggression. These more mainstream policies have helped detoxify the party for traditional conservatives.
Speaking to the U.K. newspaper The Guardian, Petros Fassoulas, secretary-general of European Movement International, said the party had learned from Brexit: "Meloni, just like other far-right populist leaders, has learned from the example of the U.K. and the chaos that leaving the EU has caused.
"Their intention isn't so much to attack the EU; their intention is to take over from within and transform it into something closer to their ideas – a nightmare for all of us here in Brussels."
Earlier in September, the hard-right SDs came second in Sweden's parliamentary elections, taking 20.5 percent to the Social Democrats 30 percent. As the overall right-wing bloc was bigger, this could see the SDs enter government, if they can agree a deal with the Moderate Party and other factions.
The SDs were founded in 1988, with a number of its early lead figures coming directly from the far-right. Gustaf Ekström, the party's first auditor, was a Waffen-SS member during World War II, while Anders Klarström, the SDs' first chairman, had been a member of the neo-Nazi Nordic Realm Party.
However, like the Brothers of Italy, the SDs worked to rehabilitate their image, while benefiting from growing public concern about immigration, Islamist fundamentalism and surging fuel prices after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The party has also benefited from a surge in violent gang crime, which it links to immigration and failed integration efforts. In 2022, up to the election, Sweden recorded 273 shootings that killed 47 and injured another 74, some of whom were random bystanders.
The country has also been hit by a wave of crime related explosions, many caused by hand grenades, with 100 attacks reported in 2019 alone.
Speaking to London's Financial Times newspaper, Mattias Karlsson, the SDs ex-leader and chief ideologue, said: "We have accepted more immigrants than we could integrate and in its place, an American-inspired gangster culture has taken root."
After the election results were announced, SD leader Jimmie Åkesson wrote: "We have had enough of failed social-democratic policies that for eight years, have continued to lead the country in the wrong direction. It is time to start rebuilding security, welfare and cohesion. It is time to put Sweden first."
In June, Marine Le Pen's hard-right National Rally saw an explosion in support during French parliamentary elections, from 7 seats to 89 in the National Assembly.
The party, then called the Front National, had been run by Marine's father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who was convicted of Holocaust denial after calling the gas chambers a "detail" of World War II.
Marine Le Pen sought to moderate the party after taking over in 2011, expelling her father in 2015. She also toned down her party's Euroscepticism after Britain's 2016 Brexit vote, ending a plan to take France out of the euro.
In April, Le Pen secured her party's best-ever result, losing the presidential election to Emmanuel Macron by 58 percent to 42 percent.
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I have a Adam x lute x Reader idea
What if they played a card game (like uno) or just a game in general but whenever someone loses they have to take off a piece of their clothes but then lute and Adam team up to make the reader lose almost every round then they play with the prize 🤭🫣
I thought the idea was really cool and had to write it straight away. Hope you like it
Warnings: Language and Smut a lot of it , MDNI
Dating Adam and Lute
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‘Snacks?’ ‘Yes’ ‘Pillows?’ ‘Yes’ ‘Drinks?’ ‘Yes’ ‘Games?’ ‘Yes’ ‘Adam?’ ‘Should be here in a minute’ Lute nodded in satisfaction and turned to Y/N. She had coerced the arms into helping her set up the game night. Y/N didn't complain though, at least she got to spend more time with her friend. At last Adam and she had more than just a few hours a day to spend with her. Sera was always hogging her and forcing her to do chores. Sometimes she felt really neglected.
The door of the three's flat was flung open and Adam stomped in with a pizza box in his hand. ‘I've got the goods ladies,’ he said and winked at Y/N. She giggled slightly and held out her hands. ‘Nah, you'll eat it by yourself later’ he said and kicked his shoes into a corner. He took the pizza and put it on the table where everything was already ready. ‘So can we get started?’ ‘Yes we can, we were just waiting for you Adam’ Lute said and sat down opposite him. Y/N grabbed one of the cushions and sat down at the table too. ‘What do we start with?’ ‘Strippoker’ Adam said and Lute rolled her eyes. ‘No’ ‘Mano then something else with cards. I want to play cards!’ They discussed for a short while and then decided on a game. They played a few rounds, ate, drank and talked about their day. Y/N couldn't imagine anything better at that moment. Quiet moments like this were far too rare with the two of them
‘The game's getting boring, let's make it a bit more interesting,’ said Adam, stuffing a few crisps into his mouth. ‘Let me guess, you want to do your usual stupid things again?’ asked Lute, grinning slightly. She too found such moments with her lovers relaxing. ‘Fine,’ said Y/N. After all, it was always fun when the situation got spicy.
Lute lost the first round. She took her socks off and Adam just rolled his eyes. Adam lost the next two rounds and was sitting in front of them in just socks and boxers. Y/N soon followed his example and was also only wearing underwear. ‘Damn Lute how do you always do that?’ ‘Well, I'd say it's easy to do’ She brushed her hair back slightly and scrutinised Y/N intently. That could only mean something good, Y/N thought, and she sat up straight to show off her bust. Maybe she could make Lute lose today.
Y/N stared at her cards in disbelief - she had lost again. She only had one piece of clothing left. Her tactics had not worked. She sighed and stood up. Slowly, she pulled down her panties and bared herself to her two lovers. ‘I don't want to play anymore,’ she said and pulled a pout. ‘Tough luck but me,’ Adam said and stood up as well. ‘Still, I must say the prize looks pretty hot, doesn't it Dangertits?’ Lute nodded. ‘We really deserve it’ ‘WE?! Have you been playing together again?’ Lute smiled innocently at her. ‘Yes, at least it's fun to have you whimpering among us’
The two of them had tricked her again. She rolled her eyes and Adam put a hand to her cheek. ‘Kitten you have to be able to lose’ before Y/N could say anything back, he put his lips on hers and massaged her mouth. That idiot, why is he so good at it? How could she be mad at him? He put a hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him. She didn't even hear Lute walk away to get something. Adam's hand wandered down to her bum and massaged it lightly while their tongues engaged in a battle she was only too willing to lose.
Adam only broke away from her when they both heard a low growl. Lute apparently wanted to have fun too. She immediately took Adam's place and kissed Y/N. She held her close to her and stroked her spine. Goosebumps spread across Y/N's skin and a familiar heat spread through her belly. If Adam kissed her like a man, then Lute kissed her like a god. She could go on like this for hours.
While she was busy with Lute, she felt Adam spreading a little lubricant on her. At least they weren't going to hurt her today. That was good, because she was still a little sore from the last time. Adam pushed a finger inside her and she moaned into Lute's mouth. She pushed against his fingers and the heat in her belly continued to spread and seemed to take over her. He slipped another finger inside her and stretched her a little. Y/N reached for Lute's trousers. She needed more physical contact and the light-haired girl still had far too much on.
She briefly detached herself from her and got rid of her clothes before Y/N would tear them. Adam pulled his fingers out of her and slowly began to push his dick into her. She hissed slightly. The stretch he created inside her was heavenly. Lute pulled her back against him and Adam took this as an opportunity to push himself deeper into her. She was trapped between her lovers and yet felt freer than ever. She let her hand wander to Lute's breasts and began to play with them while Adam thrust himself into her. ‘Fuck,’ he grunted, digging his fingers into her hips. ‘Do you always have to be this tight?’ She nodded and kissed Lute's neck. Lute kept stroking her head and mumbling something about ‘good girl’ Y/N let her other hand wander between Lute's legs and began to play with her. She was so wet for her. She always seemed so hard on the outside but she could be different. She slipped a finger inside Lute and gasped as Adam increased his pace. ‘More’ Lute demanded and Y/N had difficulty obeying her command. However, she slipped another finger inside her and matched Adam's pace. Soon the three of them were a ball of body parts and moans. Y/n climaxed a few times, clawing at one of them in the process. How did they manage to get her to give herself to them every time? A few hours later, Y/n slumped down and pressed herself against Adam's chest, who laughed lightly.
‘Fuck that was good’ Adam said and Lute nodded. ‘Another round of cards’ ‘Yeah’ This was going to be a long night.
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camelliagwerm · 5 months
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I said I'd do one, and I needed to give this one some time to rework as my original idea didn't exactly mesh with me. Beware of some spoilers for act 3.
Born Leto van Mynaard, the only son of a Navis Imperialis family. His father, Emmerich, is an admiral from a Fortress World. His mother, Augusta, is a noble from an Imperial World, and is distantly related to Theodora von Valancius.
Officer / Grand Strategist archetypes, best suited from being behind cover, with a trusty sidearm and Naval sword to defend himself. Dogmatic / Iconoclast mix, with more points in Dogmatic.
Leto, however, is Voidborn - his mother had the misfortune to go into premature labour with him while she was on her way to visit his father on shore leave. This is a surprise tool that will help us later.
I don't think it's much of a surprise to say that Leto grew up either on void ships, space stations and very occasionally, the Fortress world the van Mynaards hail from. He and his mother moved based on his father's postings.
Enlisted in the Navis Imperialis as soon as he was deemed old enough.
He is likely only in his mid twenties as of Rogue Trader, with his previous position - the Lord-Captain of the Drusus' Blessing in the Furibundus system - being a nepo-promotion because his father is in the admiralty. Go figure.
Nepotism aside, Leto proves to have a mind for traversing the Expanse, commerce, tactics and a charismatic enough officer that it makes him an attractive candidate to be Theodora's heir. He wasn't her first choice to inherit the dynasty, instead intending to train him up under Abelard Werserian so he'd eventually take over the old Seneschal's post.
He is fluent in both High and Low Gothic; generally speaking, he prefers Low Gothic and particularly enjoys the chatter among the lower decks, but he will often speak High Gothic with fellow officers, nobility, the Navis Nobilite and even merchants (he does this with Vladaym just to spite him)
speaking of the Navis Nobilite - the van Mynaards have always held a deep respect for the Navigator houses; they're as much a part of the ship as anything or anyone else, and their power and influence is to be respected and admired - from a distance. When Leto tells Cassia that she -- and her servants -- will be under his protection, he is sincere in that gesture, understanding the importance of establishing a good relationship with the potential new Lady Navigator.
So: Leto being Voidborn has manifested in a few different ways -- some of his skin is twisted and warp-tainted, something he often hides through the use of gloves and face plate; his hair is dry and brittle, so he often wears a wig. And he has a strange talent for being able to predict where a blow might land - but he always called it luck.
This eventually manifests into something else. Following being kidnapped and taken to Commorragh, the exposure to the Webway and then getting blasted by Cassia's third eye while he went to calm her after rescuing her from the Anatomical Opera, he finds himself in a situation he prayed he'd never be in: he's a psyker. An unsanctioned divination psyker. What he thought was luck or simply being able to read an enemy well enough to make educated guesses was just what has been years of being around the Warp, being born in the Warp has been changing him, giving him the powers of prescience.
For now, he can conceal it - and his status as Rogue Trader protects him for the time being - but he saw Idira go mad from her diviner powers. He fears the same for himself, and he doubles down on his devotion to the God-Emperor as a result.
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mr-ribbit · 5 months
Really hit a sore spot calling your long posts long I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️. Txttletale is the bigot. She's admitted to saying racist stuff before, there's screenshots. That's partially why I don't like the bitch, she's an asshole, I don't care if she's trans. Then when someone says anything remotely negative about her it's all "SHE'S TRANS! DON'T SAY A SINGLE BAD THING ABOUT HER BECAUSE SHE'S TRANS!" and then block your ears when it's pointed out how irrelevant that is for several reasons. So I guess I'm now forced to assume everyone still following/interacting with her after this turn a blind eye to racism when it's against certains groups or when it's coming from a popular person they like. No matter how lightly or harshly someone criticizes her (or someone in her circle), the fucking mob comes out screeching about transmisogyny. Get a new shield.
That's all I can be bothered to say. I'm tired. Maybe you don't routinely die on the sword for her whenever someone brings up her shittiness, but a lot of people do.
again, it's not a sore spot just because I responded to the thing you said. like yeah my posts tend to be long, maybe because I had a lot to say maybe because I ramble. im not mad about it, I just thought it was worth pointing out, particularly when you were telling me to fuck off and mocking me for "caring about people's feelings". did you want me to just like... ignore your ask? do you imagine everything I'm saying is being screamed through tears or something? for context on the following post: I am chilling typing it on my phone and making a stir fry.
you say you don't care that she's trans, but it's literally half of your message. you might not care that she's trans but it's being brought up because of how it feels to be on the receiving end of this type of pattern when transmisogyny is so prevalent and uses the same tactics. it's not being used as a shield, it's being brought up because it is something she is experiencing. if you personally don't think your vitriol towards her (and me, another person you do not know but feel comfortable being kind of mean to) is related to gender, then great. but it's still mean and other people who *do* behave this way because they know she's trans have been saying the same things. so it is possible that her, my, or others' responses are not actually about your extremely specific grievances, but the large amount of grievances being received from multiple places
the reason she's admitted to saying racist stuff before is because she has acknowledged that it was racist and apologized for it, admitted she disagrees with the sentiment now, and illustrated why her post was wrong so that others who had agreed with it would understand. im not gonna speak much on this part because it's not my place to decide what racist stuff is ok to forgive and what isnt and I don't think anyone wants to hear that for me, but I do think that if you think she is a bigot, you should block her account and ignore her posts. i don't really see why you would only bring it up here to shame me, an unrelated person, for defending someone against bullying. it doesn't seem very respectful to the actual people hurt by that post.
also again I'd like to point out that parts of your message here intentionally paint me, her, and more importantly all other people that care about transmisogyny as "a screeching mob". this is the kind of stuff that makes it look like you do actually disrespect trans women / allies. it's the same thing a lot of bigots do when they want to depict someone as irrational, crazy, or otherwise not worth hearing out. even if you disagree with me, her, or others on this, I'd much prefer if you just talked about it rather than tell me I'm screeching and rambling and shielding and doing all of these things that make me out to be less of a person than you. this isn't an accusation, I'm just trying to explain how you're coming off so you can understand why people might still think you're being mean to trans women.
again going back to my post, my main point is the same as yours here: maybe some people here *aren't* attacking certain people just because they're trans. but they're still being really mean and targeting single individuals in a way that is upsetting to me, and feels unfair and immature. and what trans women ARE trying to say is that, intentional or not, it sucks how often it happens to them as a group, and they'd like to be given a chance to explain how that feels more often without being told they're whining, screeching, aggressive "bitches"
also like i am not "dying on a sword" for her, she is my friend who I know is not a horrible person, and so i thought it might be okay to speak up on the matter because I think people are being mean to my friend. sometimes people can talk about things without it being a sword death
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crystallinestars · 2 months
Thanks for the clarification and don't worry about your replies getting long, it's very interesting to read :)
Yeaah everything you described is the number 1 reason I avoid any outside sources (especially on social media) for any game, book, etc. like the plague, because more often than not it's just fanservice 101, and I do not believe that everything a creator says or posts should be taken as the Word Of God, especially if they like to play the ambiguity game. Mihoyo is particularly guilty of this, what with their tendency to rinse and repeat the "write characters as pairs of sorts" tactic, for lack of a better way to define it. I feel like it's not as bad in HSR than in Genshin though (especially in Sumeru), or at least I was really glad to see that the characters interact with a lot of different people without having their discussions circle back to their designated foil / pair. But I guess it's also true that the louder voices in fandoms may have made my perception slightly biased concerning this whole topic 😅
Anyway, thank you for entertaining my rants, it gave me a lot to think about! I'd like to say that I truly enjoy how articulate you are in the way you write, and also thank you for how kind you've been 😌
The articulate one here is you, Anon! When I saw how thorough and eloquent you were, I was like "Damn, I better step up my game" haha.
Avoiding outside sources for your favorite piece of media is a very smart thing to do, and I hope I can also be like you one day. The urge to delete all my social media accounts keeps growing, and perhaps one day I'll finally abandon everything and have some peace of mind.
The writing characters as pairs thing Mihoyo does is definitely a leading cause for the ship wars. It wasn't as blatant in Fontaine, but Sumeru was the absolute worst culprit of this 💀 (I will forever be salty about how they introduced Kaveh to the player and Traveler). Certain pairs are so glued to each other, that past the AQ, you won't find a single event or character cameo where one isn't seen with the other or doesn't talk about the other in some way.
HSR doesn't have character foils to the same extent Genshin does, but they're also very guilty of blatantly pairing certain characters together, and sometimes not even in a wholesome way. In Penacony, the Trailblazer uses the Dreampeek phone to spy on Bronya's dream, and the writers really thought it was a good idea to have the Trailblazer go "Oh yeah, Bronya and Seele are getting it on 🤤" and then get mad when they realize the girls aren't. Like, seriously? We're really going down this path?
That's not even getting into other pairings they do that are stuck in this limbo of ambiguity all for the sake of fanservice to appeal to certain subgroups of people, yet wanting to keep it vague enough to keep those not into the ships still interested in the characters. It's a scummy tactic that I despise heavily, though I can understand they do it because it makes money.
For all the amazing games Mihoyo puts out, I have lost respect for them as a company because their blatant pandering makes me feel alienated as a player. I may write for Genshin and HSR, but that's just a way for me to cope with this alienation. I impatiently await the day when I can say goodbye to both games without feeling like I'll miss the open world exploration and pretty characters.
Anyway, sorry for ranting again. My followers are probably sick of me discussing this topic, but I want to use the opportunity to get some things off my chest. Thank you for indulging me, Anon, you've been very pleasant to talk to, as well 😊
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boyfridged · 1 year
Thank you for your response! I guess I should have been more clear. I don’t mind making Jason a softer and kinder character, when I say abuse apologism i’m referring to those fics where they have Jason outright torture Tim or something and then say that the pit made him do said torturing (the enemy to caretaker stuff you said you hated). The way some writer use the pit feel like a metaphor for abuse and abuse apologism sometimes, even though I don’t think they are intentionally doing so. Saying Jason can’t control his anger or that he isn’t himself when he’s doing those things is very common tactics that abusers say to their victims, I know from firsthand experience. I agree that Jason should have some of his more reprehensible actions erased, but I’d rather the fic writers just exclude them from the story than say it wasn’t his fault he did it.
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okay yes the typo makes the sense, i must admit i was wondering if that was the case! i also replied that way because pit madness has been briefly associated with psychosis symptoms in canon; i talked about it more here and here (+ my opinion on lazarus pit here)
i repeated a lot of what i said there in my answer to you, but i am more clear on ableist elements there – there's for example a moment where dick indicates that jason is going through a psychotic break. and also, in canon he is called "psychotic," "deranged" and "delusional" quite a lot in that period.
obviously, as you said-- the way fanon portrays it is deeply problematic and it does echo abuse apologia, which is also why i never interact with this content. in early red hood canon, where jason is often identified as "crazy," the narrative and other characters are much less sympathetic to him and jason doesn't ever indicate that he thinks he is out of control; rather, i'd say he is obsessed with framing himself as someone acting out of his violation.
either way! i guess we are all clear and agree with each other on it, then. thanks for chatting for me (and sorry it took me so long to answer!!)
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X-Files Season 1, Episode 14: Genderbender
Futurama crossover?
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Just past halfway on season one. It's easier to watch series like t his vs binging.
This episode opens up with a weird club, some HR Geiger art makes an appearance. All 90's movies/TV shows portrayals of clubs seemed super weird. I don't know if they were like that in real life. Probably not, right? Like how high school parties weren't like how they were in movies like Can't Hardly Wait.
Homegirl does the dude she picked up at the weird 90's club aaaaaand he's dead, and she's a he now. Not going to be surprised if this is going to be mad problematic. 90's baybeeeeee!
The victims might have been killed by a crazy amount of Tactical Soap?
Sometimes I wonder how I'd be if I was born into a strict sect of a religion instead of being raised by mad lazy Catholics and becoming a staunch godless heathen.
The way these Amish or whatever swarmed out of nowhere was pretty boss.
What are they doing to this man, rubbing all that goop on him.
Ever see Tenemos la Carne? The Amish cave is reminding me of that wild movie.
Does this club have any other songs, goddamn.
The way the "monster of the week" clubbed Scully on top of the dome was funny to me. I'm easy to entertain, I guess.
I forgot which Marvel character it is that uses pheromones as their super power...but I think there was some controversy behind it...anyway, X-Files.
And the shit just ends...I hope they come back. Not as problematic as it could have been, I guess. Alright episode. Solid first season so far.
Next episode is Lazarus. I wonder if I can crowbar a Good Bye Horses joke in somewhere.
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jplupine · 10 months
Feral Possession: Chapter 29
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Pairing: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~3k WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Exophilia, Demon!Grimmjow, Feral Behavior, Grimmjow being a Terror
Summary: Wynter's combat skills have grown stronger, but they're barely any closer to figuring out what really happened to Uncle Jordan.
You can also read it on AO3!
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Masterlist | Chapter 29:
  Panting as I held my katana in both hands, I felt a drop of sweat streak down my temple to my chin. It was a warm day with an occasional cool breeze, and I kept my blade steady. Grimmjow was a few yards away and stalking closer as his own sword glinted in the sunlight.
  He had a sadistic grin, and his paws moved silently across the ground. His tail swayed, and my grip on the katana tightened.
  I had been sparring with another exorcist not too long ago, but his spell blew up in his face and knocked him out. Orihime was healing him, but that left me without a sparring partner.... Until Grimmjow stepped up.
  The demon was more than happy to make me struggle to show off just how powerful he was. At some point, the other groups had stopped to watch, and Sajin was too distracted to get them back on task. Unlike Grimmjow, I didn't like having so many eyes watching.
  I didn't like this kind of attention. I felt put on the spot.
  Grimmjow kicked up dust when he leapt at me. The clang of our swords colliding echoed through the trees, and I dug my heels into the earth. He swung again, going low to make me jump to avoid his katana.
  However, as his blade swept over the grass and I was in mid-air, he fluidly moved to twist around and kick me. I was sent flying until I managed to use a spell to cushion the landing while the tree behind me was broken.
  He was holding back less this time around and making me have no choice but to use magick. Grimmjow didn't even give me the chance to get up before he attacked again.
  Quickly forming a circle, I summoned the golden chains as they shot between the trees to block his sword. Scrambling to my feet, I moved into an attack as the chains vanished. Swinging my sword down, Grimmjow was fast enough to raise his own weapon to block.
  He grabbed my wrist and yanked me closer while moving to drive his end cap into my gut. I twisted while grabbing his wrist in turn. With my back to his, I pulled his arm around his own throat.
  Grimmjow flipped over my shoulder and landed with such grace. However, he landed right in another circle I'd created. The runes began to glow before roots broke through the soil to coil around his limbs. I used the few seconds the binding spell gave to regain my composure.
  When the demon ripped through the magick roots, he pounced as his katana disappeared. He was switching tactics, and his claws sparked against my sword. I was on the defensive yet again with him attacking over and over to not give me a single opening.
  Baring my teeth, I shot spiritual energy through my katana while swinging in an upward motion as one of Grimmjow's hands was coming down.
  He roared with flashing fangs as he recoiled. I panted as the demon looked at his own hand, and I saw blood dripping from his palm. Grimmjow's eyes widened in shock, then his features twisted into a mad grin.
  "Who were you saying was a bad teacher, you little fucker?" Grimmjow showed me his hand to let me see the bleeding cut going across his palm. I was so exhausted, but he still seemed so full of energy.
  "I need a break." I didn't dare lower my sword in case he attacked again. Grimmjow licked his wound while looking at me, and I was hoping he'd let me finally rest.
  "I guess you've earned it."
  "Oh, fucking finally." Placing my hands on my knees, I saw the sweat dripping from my chin.
  "Aww, you look so tired." Grimmjow had a patronizing tone.
  "Fuck off."
  "I told you using magick could be tiring."
  "Yeah. Got that." Swallowing, I then looked up at Grimmjow. "Are you already healed?"
  "Sorry, Little Rabbit. You still have a lot of growing room." He showed me his hand again to let me see how the wound was entirely gone without a trace.
  "Oh, that's so fucking unfair." I let my head hang from my shoulders, and the demon laughed. He was proud his teachings had gotten me to the point of injuring him, however, he of course still had his superior attitude.
  Even if this was the first time I'd managed to make him bleed, it wasn't all that shocking after fighting Lagarto. I'd done more damage then compared to now, but I'd also been in survival mode.
  It was quiet while I was trying to catch my breath, and I could feel people still watching me. Looking up, I saw the other exorcists staring. Grimmjow grinned while holding his hand out with his palm facing the sky.
  "Would any of you little shits like to have a go?" He asked, and they looked terrified. Seeing Grimmjow's power in person had shaken them, especially after only seeing him tailing after me these past few days and not doing much of anything. And the demon was enjoying every moment.
  The exorcists averted their eyes like children in a classroom hoping they wouldn't get selected.
  "I think we should all take a break." Sajin spoke up to cut through the tension growing in the air. "It's time for lunch." Grimmjow clicked his tongue while looking displeased.
  I was honestly glad no one had stepped forward to accept Grimmjow's challenge. Knowing that demon, he would have used sparring as an excuse to 'accidentally' kill an exorcist.
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  Faceplanting into the bunkbed, I groaned from how exhausted I was. My entire body ached from all of the sparring and how much magick training I'd been going through. I was used to Grimmjow beating on me until I learned to fight back, but doing that while also trying to think of spells and counters took its toll.
  "I feel like I'm somehow both the best fighter and the worst out of this lot." I said into my pillow, but Grimmjow understood my muffled words.
  "Because you are." He didn't even hesitate to reply while digging around in the kitchen. "They've had years of training and time to build their stamina. You've had only about a year." I then heard crunching from the demon snacking on something. "So you're stronger, but you don't have the same kind of stamina when magick is involved."
  "How do I work on that?" I asked while turning my face to the side.
  "Practice magick more." Grimmjow strolled into view with a bag of chips in his hand.
  "Figured." I heavily sighed. Looking at him for a moment, I then slid my hands under the pillow. "So....are you really not bothered by me cutting you?"
  "Why would I be? It means you're getting stronger."
  "Exactly. Me getting stronger means I can hurt you or even seal you." I stated, and Grimmjow looked at me with a serious expression. He came closer while looking down at me, and he brushed his knuckles across my cheek.
  "I know you wouldn't do that."
  "How?" I asked, and his fingers went through my hair as he crouched.
  "Because you're mine."
  "You owning my soul wouldn't-"
  "I'm not just talking about your soul." Grimmjow's thumb brushed over my lips as his piercing eyes looked at me. "Everything of you belongs to me. From every breath to every drop of blood, it's mine. You can deny it, but I know. Even the way your little heart races tells me the truth. You crave me, Wynter. You wouldn't get rid of me so easily."
  I could feel the heat in my cheeks, and he smirked when he saw me blushing. This fucking demon was so close to getting it, and yet he was still just shy of the truth. What would happen if he truly figured it out?
  Would he still be so cocky then?
  "You think that's enough to make me not hurt you?"
  "You said it yourself how you sleep better with me there. You also sought my comfort after fighting Lagarto." He then gave a small smirk. "And just the other night, you not only kissed me in my Resurrección form, but you also fucked me."
  "So?" I felt my cheeks getting warmer after he mentioned the other night.
  "So if you hated me enough to try and seal me away, none of that would've happened. You're mine, and I know it." I wanted to tell him he was wrong, but I couldn't bring myself to. He may not own me in the way he thought, but he certainly did make me waver.
  I sat up on the edge of the bed, and Grimmjow didn't move an inch. We were rather close, and I looked into his eyes.
  "Then, by your own standards, I own you."
  "That's not how this works, Little Rabbit."
  "Isn't it, though?" I slightly tilted my head while raising my eyebrows. "You seek my approval and my attention. You can barely keep your hands to yourself," I gently touched his cheek while brushing my thumb over his skin, and I watched as his ears turned back and his face leaned into my palm with his eyes half-closed. "and melt into my touch. Pantera, you've let me do things to you that you've never let anyone else do in the many centuries you've been alive."
  Grimmjow suddenly dropped the bag of chips to grab my wrist as he pulled his face away from my hand. His eyes were wide with his ears perked up and his mouth was in a flat line. I couldn't tell was he was thinking as he looked at me.
  "You know it's true. You crave me just as I crave you, even if you have a deeper hunger for my soul." I leaned in closer to have my face only inches from his. "You think I can't see how concerned you get? How afraid you are any time I go to the Soul Society?"
  "I'm not afraid." Grimmjow's features twisted into a snarl as his ears turned back.
  "Yes, you are. Remember that feeling you had when you told me not to leave you? When you said I wasn't safe going to the Soul Society without you? That was fear, Pantera." I grabbed his jaw and tilted his face up. He didn't pull away while looking at me still. "You're mine." I would've kissed him had we been somewhere else, but given we were still in this cabin, I refrained from doing so. I wasn't entirely positive we weren't being watched here.
  Grimmjow also looked to have the same thought as his gaze dropped to my lips. When he looked me in the eye again, he rose to his feet while keeping his face only centimeters away from mine. His tail swayed, and I let go of his jaw.
  "You're choosing a dangerous game, Little Rabbit."
  "You say that as if we haven't been playing it for a while now." I replied, and Grimmjow smirked while licking his lips.
  "I guess we have, haven't we?"
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  "So, what's it like being trained by the Soul Society?" I asked Caleb as he was carving a piece of wood. After convincing Grimmjow to give me some space, I was able to talk to another exorcist to get information on the Soul Society.
  "Uh, it's like going to a private school with military training." Caleb scoffed before brushing off wood shavings from his carving. "I can guarantee there's more structure to their education than whatever Pantera has you going through."
  "He has me going through what you saw the other day."
  "So he really just fights you until you figure it out?"
  "He sometimes gives me advice, but yeah, it's usually just that. It's so tiresome." I sighed.
  "Why don't you just join the Soul Society then?"
  "You want the truth?"
  "I still don't trust the Soul Society."
  "Why not?" Caleb laughed.
  "I guess you can call me a skeptic. Being lied to about important things also doesn't help."
  "I'm sure they had their reasons, Wynter."
  "Do you even know what I'm talking about?"
  "No, but the Soul Society always has a reason for what they do."
  "I was told my uncle died trying to use a chainsaw, but his obituary had it as a mauling. Tell me what possible reason there is for me to get a different story." I asked, and Caleb paused.
  "Maybe they didn't want to risk you getting caught in a mess you couldn't get yourself out of." His response only confirmed the Soul Society was in fact well aware Uncle Jordan had been killed by a demon. He also hadn't even asked who my uncle was and yet seemed to know exactly who I was talking about.
  "I didn't know demons existed then. I wouldn't have even thought to suspect murder."
  "Well, you could always ask one of the higher-ups. I wouldn't know something like that at my rank."
  "Who would be the one to ask?"
  "Mm. Probably someone like Mr. Sajin." Caleb paused his carving to look at me. "I'll be honest, I don't understand why you question what happened to your uncle when the cause of his death follows you around everywhere."
  "Because Pantera didn't do it. I thought he did, too, but he couldn't have." I stated while looking in Grimmjow's direction to see him lying in the grass under a shady tree.
  "....So those rumors are true?"
  "What rumors?" I looked back at Caleb, and he rested his elbow on his knee before gesturing at Grimmjow with his knife.
  "That your uncle actually had Pantera sealed."
  "Yeah, that's true." I nodded, and now I knew why he hadn't questioned who my uncle was.
  "So how'd he get out?"
  "The seal wasn't strong enough. While sealed, he built up the energy to create a projection."
  "If Pantera didn't do it, what demon could have?"
  "That's what I'm trying to figure out. If you hear anything about it at the Soul Society, could you tell me?"
  "Sure." Caleb nodded. "But everyone's pretty certain Pantera was the one to do it, so I don't know who'd say otherwise. There's also lots of demons out there, Wynter."
  "I know."
  "....Do you know why your uncle didn't tell the Soul Society about Pantera?" Caleb asked while now looking at Grimmjow.
  "Not a clue. Maybe he didn't get the chance to."
  "Maybe." He twirled his knife between his fingers. "And what does he say about it all?" Caleb gestured at Grimmjow with his head.
  "That he doesn't know anything either and wishes he'd been the one to kill Jordan."
  "Wait, he really said that to you?" Caleb looked at me with furrowed brows.
  "Pantera doesn't have much of a filter." I shrugged. "He's threatened to kill me I don't know how many times, too."
  "How do you deal with that?"
  "Well, I know he can't." I shrugged again while chuckling.
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  "What'd you find out?" Grimmjow asked as we were walking through the woods.
  "Not much. Well, not as much as I'd hoped." I glanced at the paper in my hand to look at the list of plants I'd been tasked to find. "Caleb doesn't have the rank to even know the answers to my questions. However, I did find out people are talking about our situation more so than I thought."
  "What do you mean?" The demon was walking beside me as I looked around for the plants on my list.
  "Even the lower ranks know about how you were sealed, how Jordan's death is demon related, and the fact that he was my uncle. Caleb said everyone thinks you killed him, too."
  "I wish." Grimmjow muttered under his breath while glaring, and I hit his shoulder with the back of my hand. "What?"
  "He was still my uncle, you shit." I replied before crouching down next to a patch of wood sorrel. "I've also confirmed a few of my suspicions about the Soul Society, but that doesn't do me much good in the long run. They clearly have way more secrets they keep to a need-to-know basis."
  "So this trip has been mostly a waste of time."
  "No. I'm still training regardless. Fighting with these official exorcists is also helping me learn, Pantera." I replied while plucking some of the wood sorrels. "Seeing these other fighting styles is beneficial."
  "You really like learning this shit, huh?"
  "Yes, I do." I looked up at the demon and gestured with the plants in my hand. "This shit is absolutely fascinating to me. All of this is supposed to be fantastical bullshit that shouldn't exist, and yet it does. And not only does it exist, but I get a front-row seat to it." Looking back at my list while standing, I tucked the wood sorrel away into my bag. "It can be scary at times, but that doesn't take away my interest and curiosity. I don't know why you keep asking me about it."
  "I dunno. Figured you'd lose interest by now."
  "Do you know who you're talking to?" I chuckled and looked around for the next plant. "You should know better by now how much I like this stuff."
  "....I see you're feeling better."
  "It's been a little while since you smiled like that." Grimmjow stated while gently taking some of my hair into his hand. How he looked at me made my heart beat faster, and I panicked.
  "Aww. You cared enough to notice? How sweet- Ow!" I cringed when he pulled my hair in retaliation for my teasing.
  "Fucking brat!"
  "I was just messing with you!" Grimmjow was already walking away as his tail was twitching with agitation, and I couldn't help but smile while watching him.
  And then he raised his hand over his shoulder to flip me off.
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0 notes
screamsviakeyboard · 2 years
I feel like at this point we probably need studies to be done on the efficacy of shouting at apathetic, young, left-leaning non-voters. I'd be fine with it if it works, but it seems like one of those things that people wind up just doing because it feels right. Like, you imagine this person exists and then of course you want to yell at them because they make you angry, but do you know how large this group actually is, are you yelling in places that will reach them, and will this yelling result in a meaningful number of them changing their behavior?
IDK, I'm probably hoping for too much. The most likely explanation for the popularity of this "tactic" is just that it farms engagement via outrage, with clicks and comments from Dems mad at the purity obsessed left and leftists (both voting and non-voting) mad at the people who are mad at them. The fact that it's a palatable topic to write about for anyone outside of the specific group it targets is also likely contributing to its popularity, if you're on the right then you want to encourage radical leftists to vote for more centrists candidates and if you're a democrat then you're probably just as mad at these leftists for staying home. The fact that the articles and posts do well just further incentivizes you to make things that already feel good to make.
So I suppose I understand the reason for their popularity, but until I see evidence that they're Useful, I guess I'd just like them to stop. I already vote, but I'd like to see more positive campaigning from the Dems. The Infrastructure package, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the student loan debt forgiveness are all pretty big deals that I'd hope would be something worth campaigning on. Honestly though, they've pretty much faded from existence the moment they were passed. I've been trying to look up some examples of their positive impacts, but the Infrastructure thing is still trying to divvy out funding and is more of a decade long project for national infrastructure improvement than something quick and easy, and the Inflation Reduction Act has barely had time to even get going.
I found some stuff about the dams and lock systems in the Ohio river, a relatively small portion of the bill, which are apparently in an absolutely atrocious state. Like, they have nets to catch the pieces of concrete which break off from pedestrians, and parts of them are 100+ years old. When one of the two locks needs two month long maintenance there are nine day long delays for barges traveling through only the other. There's a 77 million dollar investment into repairing just one section of them that's gotten some coverage, but it's still too early to see the results. Here are some links I found.
Paywall on the last but it doesn't really say anything new. At any rate, I'm personally much more motivated to vote by stuff like. Hearing about real problems that have gone unattended for far too long and are actively being fixed by the administration makes me feel like I have a real government. That makes me want to vote for them! This is just a drop in the bucket for the larger bill too, there are so many things like this. We're surrounded by old and crumbling infrastructure and the administration, for all of its faults, is in the process of fixing that! Unless you have evidence that it works, stop telling the most apathetic yet still political group you can imagine to vote for the lesser of two evils, and start telling everyone to vote for something that's actually good!
0 notes
unofficial-estonia · 2 years
You misunderstood my point. I'm not mad about Estonia joining NATO before Finland. Personally I'd still rather not have to join, but I guess it may be a necessary sacrifice. Estonia has been and is doing what is best for it to survive. So did and does Finland. Survival is nasty business against someone like Russia. Our histories are different. Finland doesn't get to tell Estonia what was the best tactic for them, and it's not Estonia's place to tell Finland what was best for us to survive.
As I said before - it is not Estonia’s nor Estonians problem that Finland thinks its better than us.
Finland can do whatever it wants, Estonia can’t force y’all to join NATO. We have just said it’s our opinion that Finland should join NATO (again, not telling Finland to join as that is just our opinion) and that we would approve of the application immediately.
Finland is free to choose its own path and that also means you’re free to continue the same line as Finland has always held. I just hope this time Finland will let Estonians escape into further West rather than gift our people to Russia again in that case.
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viatagrinner · 3 years
Our new beginning. Kagemaru
Key: thoughts, narration, speech
The heroine and Oboro bought dango and return to hideout the Senkitai.
Oboro grinning at MC mischievously:
"But are you sure I'm the one you should've asked to go with you?"
МC: What do you mean?
Oboro: Wouldn't you preferred, say... Kagemaru? He is kind of your boyfriend.
(Is that how the rest of the Senkitai see us?)
МС: Mmm, how should I put it?
If I'm completely honest, my relationship with Kagemaru is still a bit of a mystery to me.
(Somehow we've kissed, but we've never outright admitted how we feel about each other. I just can't tell what that guy is thinking.)
MC: See, he's not exactly my boyfriend…
Oboro: Huh? But Kagemaru himself said you guys are dating.
МС: That was just a tactic to ensure I'd be able to come and go around here without any questions being asked. I mean, there are still Ayakashi who can't stand human coming and going as they please.
Oboro: You sure about that? You really sure?
Oboro pouts, looking dissatisfied.
Oboro: I think you really caught Kagemaru's eye, MC.
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MC: What?
Oboro: He's the kind of guy who knows what he wants. If he didn't actually like you, he wouldn't call you 'his girl' even for the sake of a lie.
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(You think?)
A feeling of warmth blossoms within my chest.
Oboro: You're a great catch, Airi. You should be more confident in yourself.
Oboro declares, his gaze moving toward my hair: Oh yeah, that ribbon you're wearing is different from the one you usually wear.
MC: Oh, uh. Yeah, I bought it a little while ago.
Oboro: It's really pretty. Now Kagemaru's bound to fall in love with you all over again, huh?
MC: Th-That's not why I bought it!
Half-amused, half-frustrated by Oboro's comments, the two of us arrive at the Senkitai's hideout. We head underground and Oboro begins to lead me toward his room. Along the way, we run into a familiar face.
Oboro: Oh, Kagemaru.
Kagemaru: ......
My eyes meet his and for a second he looks startled.
Kagemaru: "Back again, are ya?"
(Same old, same old. )
Oboro: Huh? Kagemaru! What kind of way to speak to your girlfriend is that? Look, she came all the way over here just to see you---
Mc: A-And that's enough outta you, Oboro! Shall we be on our way?
Hiding my disappointment, I urge Oboro along.
Kagemaru: Oi.
To my shock, Kagemaru grabs my shoulder and pulls me closer to him.
MC: Um?
Kagemaru: .......
We're mere inches apart, his hand reaching toward my cheeks.
(What's going on? In the middle of a hallway? Really?)
His hand brushes past my cheeks and continues to reach for my ribbon, undoing it with a rustle.
Kagemaru: What're ya wearin' somethin' as scruffy as this for?
MC: Come again?
Kagemaru: Yer supposed to be the boss' girl 'round these parts. If yer comin' to see me, ya can at least dress the part.
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(What's wrong with my ribbon? Meanie ).
Embarrassed at mistaking his gesture for even a second, I blush red.
Kagemaru: Guess ya don't give me much of a choice. I'll go get---
MC: .......
Filled with a rage I can't quite understand, I push him away as hard as I can.
Kagemaru: !
MC: Sorry, Oboro. I'm going home.
Oboro: W-Wait!
I ignore Oboro's pleas for me to stay and head straight back outside again, leaving them both behind me.
Several days later.
(Oh, that hairpin is beautiful!)
During a shopping trip in Asakusa, a hairpin on display in front of a store catches my eye.
(It's really stunning. There's something special about it.)
I instinctively draw closer for a better look, the display having caught my full attention.
(They're so pretty and sophisticated. No way anyone would ever call them scruffy.)
Kagemaru: Yer supposed to be the boss' girl 'round these parts. If yer comin' to see me, ya can at least dress the part.
•••••End Flashback•••••
(Looks like what he said about me is still on my mind.)
A mixture of frustration and anger welling up inside of me, I bite my lip.
Man: ......
I sense someone approaching my side - out of the corner of my eye it appears to be a man wearing a cap.
Man: ......
He snatches one of the hairpins and quickly scarpers.
(A thief?!)
Mc: W-Wait!
Bewildered by what I just witnessed, I go to chase after him.
Man: Hey, you're in my way!
Man: !?
A woman adorned in a kimono grabs him by the arm, twisting it.
Man: That hurts!
Yuzuru: My, what a gorgeous hairpin.
Catching a glimpse of the hairpin the man is clinging onto, Yuzuru beams.
Yuzuru: And yet it seems so wasted on a scruffy old pickpocket like you.
Passersby take note of the scene and come to a halt, raising their protests.
Onlooker 1: Hey!
Onlooker 2: You get'em, Ma'am!
(She's so cool!)
Not long afterward, the thief is taken in by the police and dragged away.
Hairpin Shopkeeper: Thanks a million, Yuzuru. That guy's a thief who's been stealing what he can from around here lately. I don't know how many times he's targeted my shop.
Yuzuru: As if I could stand the thought of such a gorgeous hairpin in the hands of a slimy creep like that.
Yuzuru goes to hand back the hairpin, but the shopkeeper shakes her head: No, I want you to have it. Consider it my thanks.
Yuzuru: My! You sure about that?
Hairpin Shopkeeper: It's the least I can offer! Considering what you just did for me.
Yuzuru: …Very well. Don't mind if I do.
Yuzuru thanks the shopkeeper, then turns toward me with a smile on her face.
Yuzuru: .....
Several moments later, I'm leaving the shop with Yuzuru - or rather, Kagemaru dressed as his alter ego.
MC:  Um, are you heading to work?
Yuzuru: Oh, not today. I'm in town to pick up a little rouge for my lips.
(She's a million miles away from Kagemaru!)
(Also, I didn't realize she was still entertaining people as a geisha.)
I'm so shocked by the transformation that I'm practically lost for words.
Bar Goer 1: Hey, you two pretty ladies over there!
Two men call out to us from a nearby stall, raising their drinks at us.
MC: Um. Yuzuru…
Bar Goer 1: Whoa, you two really are something.
Bar Goer 2: What do you say we buy you a drink?
With that, Yuzuru suddenly grabs my arm.
Yuzuru: Read the room, boys.
She pulls me up against her, making sure the two men get a bird's eye view of the situation.
Bar Goer 2: Wait! What?
Yuzuru: Can't you tell? We're having plenty of fun just the two of us. And we don't need any men around to interfere.
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Bar Goer 1: ...Huh?
Yuzuru: Shall we?
Yuzuru and I pass by the bewildered men, still arm in arm.
(When I first laid eyes on Yuzuru, I was struck by how beautiful she was.)
I can feel my heart start to thump as we walk along together, still pressed right up against one another.
(Yuzuru's the perfect definition of a girl crush. She's so cool and gorgeous you can't help but fall for her!)
(I mean, I know she's really Kagemaru on the inside, but still!)
(I can't even tell if it's Yuzuru or Kagemaru making my heart flutter this much anymore.)
(But I like it.)
(I hope we can stay like this for a bit longer.)
Yuzuru: Sorry about that, Miss.
When the two men are no longer in sight, Yuzuru finally goes to let go of me.
MC: Wait, um!
I keep my arm wrapped around hers and squeeze, not letting her do so.
MС: There's somewhere I'd like to go with you!
I job a finger toward the same Japanese sweets parlor that Oboro and I visited the other day.
Yuzuru: Hah?
Yuzuru: Why'd ya want me to---
For a second, Kagemaru slips back into his usual self, but, conscious of passersby, quickly clams up.
MC: You don't have work today, right? So you can spend some time with me!
I take Yuzuru's hand and start to lead her into the sweets parlor.
We take a seat and I excitedly pour over the menu.
Yuzuru: .....
Yuzuru: …Someone looks like they're having a good time.
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(Ah. She might be mad.)
MC: Well, it's not every day a chance like this comes along...
Yuzuru: …I suppose.
At first, there's a slight hint of irritation in Kagemaru's eyes.
Shopkeeper: Here you go!
Yuzuru: Thanks, doll.
Yuzuru aims a dazzling smile at the shopkeeper as they deliver our sweets.
(Yuzuru really is stunning.)
(Boy, girl, it doesn't even matter. That kind of beauty is ethereal.)
I spend an afternoon captivated by Yuzuru's beauty while enjoying the delicious sweets.
By the time we leave the shop, it's already evening.
MC: I had a really great time today. Thanks for humoring me.
Yuzuru: Oi.
I say my thanks, about to leave when Yuzuru grabs me by the arm.
MC: Huh?
Yuzuru: Ya made me go along with that act for long enough. Ya think I'm jus' gonna let ya wander off home by yerself?
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Yuzuru starts pulling me along surprisingly in the direction of my own house.
(Is she walking me home? Is that it?)
I look up at her from my side and she stops in her tracks. I feel a rustle as she fixes my hairstyle.
MC: What is it?
Yuzuru: Turn around.
I do as I'm told, my back toward her, when I feel her undoing my hair ribbon and running her fingers through my hair.
I feel a rustle as she fixes my hairstyle. She finishes off by adorning my new look with the hairpin she received earlier as thanks.
MC: Oh wow! Thank you so much!
Yuzuru: So ya don't complain when it's Yuzuru, do ya?
I hear the faint click of a tongue and something soft brush my neck. In my shock I turn around.
MC: Um?!
Yuzuru: Ah well. Might work out for the best.
(Was that a kiss just now? And that smile…)
Yuzuru: Yer beloved Yuzuru will have ya trained in no time.
Yuzuru: She'll make ya into exactly the kinda woman fit for the head of the Senkitai.
MC: Train me?
Without giving me a chance to refuse, Yuzuru's face comes closer, her lips against my ear.
Yuzuru: I'll show you how to make the most of your feminine charm.
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MC: !
Her voice is so alluring and seductive that I'm already shivering in anticipation.
(I can't let my guard down around Yuzuru anymore than I can Kagemaru…)
I tell myself as heat gathers in my cheeks from how intimately close she's standing…
1. The heroine's pansexuality is proven.
I want to note that MС used the pronoun "she" in relation to Yuzuru, although she knows that this is Kagemaru's alter ego. It's great that a girl accepts her partner as he/she is.
2. It's great that we decided to show Yuzuru. Now I am interested in the attitude of the heroine's father to Yuzuru/Kagemaru.
3. Oboro is the best family psychologist. When a 12-year-old child is better versed in relationships than adults. I think it's time for this boy to start a psychological practice.
4. A little criticism.
The relationship between the heroine and Kagemaru at the very beginning of the story was a little annoying.
I understand that the heroine is 15 years old, that in these years the girl wants romance and showing feelings.
Therefore, there were such phrases and such thoughts:
"(Is that how the rest of the Senkitai see us?) Mc: See, he's not exactly my boyfriend… That was just a tactic to ensure I'd be able to come and go around here without any questions being asked".
The girl doesn't understand that not everyone can or wants to flaunt their feelings.
It is clear that Kagemaru wanted to help, but it looked so toxic. In the role of Yuzuru, Kagemaru is more affectionate and understanding. He could learn from his alter ego how to communicate with young girl. 😄
Yuzuru showed herself better as a partner than Kage.
I hope that in the next sonnet/event, the couple will understand how to communicate with each other.
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vinnival · 3 years
If you're still doing these, I'd love a Madness Combat Match up? (If not please ignore thiS your writing is just too good 😭💞)
So I'm fairly short I guess, 5'3 I think?? I have ADHD (diagnosed) and I don't really do much but play games and mess with my phone. I'm Pansexual and I have short (ish) brown hair and brown eyes! I might use technology a lot but honestly I know absolutely nothing about technology outside of like, phones or something. You need me to code something?? Girl HOW. I also tend to be pretty loud around people I'm comfortable with, but if I'm not I'm pretty quiet and reserved. However, if you have a similar interest to me, I'll be all over that and use it as an outlet to get close to you. Also I'm a fairly picky eater, I have a hard time eating fruits or vegetables, although I've been trying to eat healthier despite thaT. I try to be nice to everyone and I have a hard time handling when people are upset, though the most I can do is say "it's going to be okay" because people tend to forget that things do in fact get better. I hope that this was ok aaAA
OH HONEY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I ADORE YOU OMGOMG I will give you this brownie and you will accept my love deal? TOO LATE YOURE DOING IT
I love when people compliment my work I hhrbehehrhddhrje💞💞💞 enjoy it love!
You got a match! You're matched with...
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You're definitely the "childhood friend" scenario
When you found out your friend from like 2nd grade up to 10th was now the leader of what's basically a mafia in post-apocalyptic Nevada...?
You HAD to go visit him
And WOW when you got there you were scared out of your wits
Grunts everywhere with their guns trained on you
Ten mins later a familiar void-black figure stepped into your periphreals
He had to do a double take once he recognized you
"May I ask... What are you doing here?"
"Well... I heard noise that you apparently started a mafia, and wanted to come check on you," you were talking really quietly, but Audi was used to most of your talking habits already :,]
He brought you inside ofc to catch up
"You haven't grown a bit since I last saw you"
"At least I'm not a forever void-like being"
You explained everything thats happened to you, how the hellhole in Nevada affected you and your family
You know, just regular tuesday talk
You were pleased to know he still secretly enjoyed video games
You two then passionately talked about every game you both have played since you two split
The grunts and agency members love you ngl
You always help out around the facility, talking with the MAGs or the regulars
You're very respectful and they all appreciate you for that
Everyone sees the chemistry between you and Auditor too
They even began calling you "special boss" or "miss boss" or even "side boss"
Auditor deifnitely makes you eat healthy
He just wants you to be as nutritionally set as possible
He also knows you took an interest in robotics in HS and managed to gather some books in case you ever felt just a tad curious about it
You were very grateful for that
If you ever have an ADHD overload Audi immediately picks up on it, and ushers you to a safe room to calm down, maybe relax for a bit
He's very punctual and organized, so he almost never forgets anything
So he's basically become your "reminders" app
He was 100% willing to
No matter how much you felt weird about it
Of course he asked you to stay at the facility with him
"Nevada is very dangerous nowadays, especially with Wimbleton running amok. Stay here."
That was not a request, more of a demand
You simply accepted
You guys were chatting lightly while playing Tekken one day
You managed to knock Audi out, and he approved of how you did so with smart, new tactics you came up with in the spot
He set his controller aside, and stood up, looking serious
You noticed it right away, "You okay?"
He nodded silently, and left the room, only to return a couple minutes later
"Around 8 years. We've known each other for 8 years, and before we parted ways I wanted to ask this of you, but I was never able to."
You got a sneaky suspicion of what he was getting at, and your cheeks grew warmer every passing second, and then you noticed his arm was behind his back
"Ever since then, I've been filled with regret. I eventually pushed you to the back of my mind. But, now that you're here, I couldn't wait any longer..."
He pulled his arm from behind his back, and a beautiful bouquet of black Hawaiian Hibiscus waited in his hand
"I... I really like you. I love you. Would you do me the honor of dating me?"
you turned into a puddle
obviously you said yes
the grunts call you "royal highness"
wonder who told them to do that... 🤔
Heoeheei i hope you liked this <33 you gave me auditor stan kind of vibes and he would really appreciate your respectful, quiet air
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anomalytale · 3 years
Part 3 - Waterfall (pacifist)
[This is honestly the part I fleshed out the least when I was working on it. Unfortunately I do not have any designs or plans for the random battles, however there's a bunch of new and interesting stuff in the area which i hope is interesting enough to make up for that].
[Just imagine what Tem would do with a human soul. Probably get a PHD idk.]
[if I were to add new things now, I'd make some sentry gun enemies to prepare you for the metta-tank boss fight (encountered later on, only in genocide route), using the same 'safe zone' mechanic. As well as spider enemies.]
Anyways, the first half of waterfall would be shorter than UT, without the Undyne chase, with the major changes happening once you get to the village area. The village area with Undyne's house is now connected to a new cave, with the old dark area blocked off by thick walls of cobwebs.
(pacifist route)
In the meantime, Mad Dummy has been able to deal with their anger issues and moved in at Mettaton's old place. Neither him nor Napstablook are home. Monster kid and Firedrake are waiting patiently for the Demon Squad to arrive because they're coming for a recon mission. Spoder is also there and claims the spider kingdom is close and finally they'll be able to reunite with their own kind.
Following a series of tunnels infested by spiders, you arrive at the Spider Kingdom, an old dungeon reclaimed by Muffet, who now goes by "Spider Queen". She sits on a throne, adorned by the legendary artifact. She announces she has closed the old way to Hotland and offers a quick elevator ride to the Capital for a fee. However, you don't have enough money [it's always your gold+1], after which she'll force you to work to pay for the toll [insert minigame here].
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After you're done, you can walk around cells and interact with people who have been enslaved because they didn't have enough money to pay the toll. The annoying dog has also been caught for illegal possession of artifacts. The food and comfort provided by Muffet are enough so he won't escape (For now) (he cannot be contained).
After returning to the Queen, she tells you you can now use the elevator to the capital. She shows you the way. Unfortunately, it's so old it breaks into pieces. She hides her embarrassment with her signature laugh. "Guess you'll have to use the long way around anyways". Once you return to the throne, you find your old pal Spoder. Sitting on the throne. With the artifact. "Who is that?! What are you doing with my precious orb?" The queen screams.
Spoder smiles and a flash of light covers the room. "You. Idiot."
Their legs grow in size, joined by two new pair of limbs, one of which is topped with a sharp scythe-like appendage. "Do you trust anyone with a cute face around here?"
A massive pair of bug wings sprout from Spoder's now fuzzy back, followed by a spiky abdomen full of stingers. "Well, look at me, you two. Look at my true self."
Spoder's head is split vertically by a single, knife-like horn. "This is what a true demon looks like!"
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The gargantuan bug monster looms over you and the Queen.
Being a true demon, they are much stronger than any boss you've encountered so far. In fact, they'd be as strong as the game's final bosses if it weren't for the help you receive from Muffet. It is also the first "full-screen" fight you face, in which the arena covers the entire screen, allowing for the massive boss to chase your soul and attack based on AI rather than randomly picking attacks.
With ACTs, you can perform team tactics with the Spider Queen, allowing you to distract BEELZEBUB while she sets traps around the room.
They attack using: stomping attacks, spit attacks that spread in various directions, charging at you with their horn, swiping with their scythe appendages, spawning miniature spoders that follow you dealing contact damage, as well as creating spiderwebs around the arena that slow you down. Later during the fight, they gain additional attack in spinning around with the sharp horn out and a massive acid laser spit, as well as powering up their previous attacks: stomp gains several shockwaves, spit has slight homing, scythe has no endlag, charge can be chained and causes shockwaves when it hits a wall, spoders are larger and explode into smaller spoders.
BEELZEBUB’s turns are very long, but the fight only lasts around 5 of them. The Queen has set down a large spider web trap in the throne room which incapacitates BEELZEBUB. You can then grab the artifact right out of their mouth. The demon reverts back to their spoder self and screams "My soul! I wasn't finished! May you be cursed for the rest of eternity, half-demon!"
Spoder tries scurrying away, but they're grabbed by a massive hand made of thousands of spiders. "Let me be! I AM THE DEMON PRINCE. I AM YOUR RIGHTFUL RULER. I-Hey! Stop tickling me!"
The Queen faces you and lets out a sigh of relief. "Who the hell was that?" She only then realizes the amount of damage the creature caused to her 'palace' "M-MY CASTLE!" She falls to her knees. "I didn't think being a ruler would be this hard. My kingdom...in ruins in just a week. Maybe I wasn't cut for it." Her spider underlings comfort her, forming a circle around her. "You're right. As long as I have you sweeties, everything will be alright. Thank you."
She smiles before ordering them to throw what remains of the Demon Prince in a secure vault. "Please keep this artifact with you and bring it as far away as you can from here. You will make better use of it than me." The artifact turns into a memento item. Muffet walks you to the old path to hotlands announcing she'll open it again and, even if it pains her, lower the price of the toll to pass through.
However once you get there you notice the webs blocking the entrance to the dark/mushroom area have already been removed. You hear a big commotion coming from the village area so you both decide to check it out. Undyne has arrived to Waterfall to carry out a mission, much to Firedrake and Monster Kid's. She announces she was supposed to look for a human child, but later her mission changed due to an extraordinary DETERMINATION reading which, according to Alphys, indicates the return of a DEMON. She checks her determination detector and is surprised to see that the source of determination has seemingly disappeared. Her attention is caught by a new source that seems compatible with the primary target of the mission.
She heads toward you. “So you are who I was looking for. I’m sure you’ve been the one to defeat the DEMON. Well, I can’t ACT without Alphys’s approval, so for the time being I’ll be keeping my eyes on you.”
Undyne heads out towards Hotland, with the Amalgamate following closely behind, stopping for a moment to look back towards Firedrake.
Muffet breaks the silence: “So uncouth…They didn’t even pay the toll. They could have helped with the castle’s repairs. Alas…”
She turns towards you “It hurts for me to ask you after you’ve helped me deal with that thing, but I would appreciate it if you spared some money for a struggling Queen” [it is optional, however donating money will grant you some healing items in return].
Regardless of choice, she will let you through the old exit to Hotland.
The Amalgamate returns in random encounters until the end of the area, using stronger versions of previous attacks [not as strong as those used in the genocide route].
At the end of the area, on top of her cliff, Undyne awaits you. “Bad news, little fella. I have received...orders.” She jumps off, starting the fight.
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-BOSS: UNDYNE (pacifist)-
She uses stronger versions of her green heart attacks from UT but will never turn you SOUL red so as to not let you escape. To compensate, her white bullet patterns allow your green soul’s shield to rotate 360 degrees, meaning you’ll have to be precise with how you rotate the shield.
In addition to the returning attacks, she would feature new attacks in: a barrage of homing spears coming from various directions, a spear spiral [similar to Jevil’s spade attack], bombs that cover the entire screen [you have to shield the blast].
After surviving for about 8 turns, she’ll use her final attack: a combination of all of the above, followed by a long homing spear barrage coming from random directions. Surviving it will frustrate her, causing her to pull out a flask containing a dark fluid. “Alphys said I should only drink this if you retaliated, but...I’M SICK! SICK OF FOLLOWING ORDERS! I OVERTHREW THE GODDAMN KING TO FREE US FROM THIS PRISON! AND FOR WHAT? TO BE SECOND IN COMMAND, AGAIN AND BE TOLD TO SPARE ONE OF THEM?”
She unscrews the container, but out of nowhere…! A small white dog barges in and steals the flask right out Undyne’s hand!
You can then access Hotland from the tunnel in the cliff. Right at the entrance you can encounter a demoralized Undyne. “That was embarrassing. Bested by a child and then by a dog. Maybe I do deserve to be second in command. I was just supposed to test you...fine. You can proceed. But don’t expect me to treat you with respect.”
[next: waterfall - genocide route]
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cryptikfox97 · 3 years
Talks about drugs, drug abuse, addiction, etc
So, one of the only things that makes it hard for me to quit smoking meth is the increase in my artistic ability. Dont get me wrong, I can match my skills sober* with when I'm spun out, but it takes much longer and I'm way quicker to rage quit when theres not an influx of amphetamines forcing me to hyperfocus till it turns into a hyperfixation. When Im sober, I can sit down, and complete an absoluely sublime peice, I used to paint canvases for my friends and family for gift giving functions. But when I get gek-ga-geek-geek-geetered** not only can I complete the same nine hour project in a quarter of the time, I can focus in on small details that would usually dishearten and infuriate me, and of course there's the dopamine dump that comes with smoking meth and results in my unbridled enthusiasm and pride in said peice.
On top of Adult Stage ASL & ADHD, Im also diagnosed with depression, anxiety, PTSD, BPD and Schitzophrenia -among other things- (I know, I know, with that in mind I should have never even picked up a bubble). So, whenever I go into a depression, I lose all motivation, my patience with mistakes, and wordy of all: my Muse.
I lost my Muse originally about a year before I started using Meth. My first apartment was plastered with my art, but I hadnt been able to add anything new for a long time. Then about six months afterI stated using Meth, one of my friends (also an artist) started to bring his art supplies when he'd cone to get high with me. And so my "Tweaker Thing"*** became my art. I began to have inspiration again, I'd get excited for a fresh bubble not just cause i was gonna get high, but because I'd become inspired, and motivated to make something beautiful.
Its hard to find the motivation to create art anymore, and Art is my passion. So, I guess in the end my point is: Its really difficult to permanently stop doing this drug, not only because it madness me feel good physically, but because for over two years I've used it to fule my passion, to motivate me to do what i love, and I haven't figured out how to replace Meth with a healthier motivational tactic.
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Here are two pieces that I've done. I was spun for one, sober for the other.
Left: I was high on meth. It took me ~6 hours to complete, to this day one of my favorite.
Right: I was sober for this one. Its a few years older than the left one, it took me probably over 12 hours to complete.
*To clarify, I will never be "sober" as I Medicate with marijuana and psilocybin mushrooms, but my goal is to make them exclusionary
**Humorous Slang for being high on meth and related drugs
***Most "Tweakers" have a thing. For my ex-feonce it was computers. Programming, hacking, building, etc. For me, it was creating art and playing Skyrim.
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corpsebrigadier · 3 years
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice), Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why, S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon, V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Here goes:
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
While these all apply to my main fandom (FFT), they also apply to pretty much every other (tiny) fandom I've been in.
I'd love it if more people who could draw showed up to draw my faves. I'm trying to learn how to draw myself, but it's slow going, and I always look at my art two months later and shudder.
I'd love it if more people joined fandom and created content for minor characters who I didn't quite have a take on. I'm forever in love with people fleshing out everyone who's not in the spotlight of a canon.
I'd love it if more types of fanwork beyond straightforward fic or art ended up getting made. I always would love more mixes, vids, moodboards, recipes, knitting patterns, interactive fiction pieces, etc... I'm a perpetual dabbler in every sort of creative project, and I'd dig more people dabbling with me.
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
As I think I've said elsewhere, I really wasn't invested in ships prior to deciding that I very much wanted Ramza's jerkbag zombie brother to hook up with a revolutionary sheepman who would doubtlessly hate him; I've tended to focus my fannishness on specific characters. I'm generally pretty cool with any of my faves ending up with just about anyone.
I suppose, if you want to go way way way back, I've thoroughly discarded my youthful enthusiasm for Valenwind (Cid Highwind/Vincent Valentine). It seems like it was based primarily on them... having complimentary color schemes I guess? Sharing a room at a hotel once? Looking back, it doesn't really make sense, and I now find it pretty hard to generate enthusiasm for either character.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
My headcanons basically always go like this (cw: pregnancy/miscarriage/death in childbirth) :
1. I take almost meaningless details from canon and form a questions around them. (Why is there a nine year age gap between Dycedarg and Zalbag? Isn't this supposed to be a super important noble family that should definitely be producing more than one heir a decade?)
2. I concoct an answer to those questions that is as angsty as possible while still being vaguely in the bounds of realism. (There *were* more Beoulves in that nine year gap, but they are not alive for various reasons relating to the high infant/maternal mortality rate I've imagined for JRPG medieval times.)
3. From there, I see if I can draw lines that tie into established points and major themes of the narrative about which I'm obsessing. (Dycedarg's hang-ups about his mother's horrible time producing live heirs left him with a drive to advance his family through means not involving marriage and primed him for eventually living out the second half of an Oedipus Complex. His childhood familiarity with [unsuccessful] midwifery gave him an interest in noxious plants and an inborn sense that the natural world exults in cruelty. He regards Zalbag with intermixed attachment and resentment as the living memento of the mother he killed.)
The stupider and more inconsequential the question (Who the hell would name a kid "Rad"?) the happier I generally am with the results.
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Final Fantasy Tactics - Wiegraf/Zalbag is a bad idea that I'm glad I came up with.
Ultima - Shamino/Beatrix was such a completely weird thing to come out of left field ("Hey everybody, fun fact: I used to be king here until my father in law tortured everyone to death!"), but I love doomed love stories, horror, and bittersweet endings come far too late.
Victorian Literary Crossovers (this is a fandom... okay) - Henry Jekyll and Griffin the Invisible Man are perfectly matched mad scientists who want to exist apart from human law, replicate the Ring of Gyges via their experimentations, and then die after clubbing an old man to death. They also both have sketchy apartments in Soho where they hang out while buying their mad science chemicals and doing crimes. As such, there are tons of opportunities for them to slip ever so slightly out of their respective novellas, meet, and have a hate-fueled affair that brings to light all their differences in class, social standing, and regard for their fellow men. (Before anybody says anything--no--I have not read League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but--yes--I am aware of that scene. Suffice it to say that I'm thoroughly of the impression that Moore's read on the characters is very different from my own.)
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a-crimson-lion · 5 years
Further Discussion On Katsuki Bakugo
[Original Post Here]
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...I seem to have stumbled upon a rabbit hole which my hubris continues to lure me towards.
Because I genuinely want to have a discussion over your points (and I don't want to bog down my original post with too many reblogs), I'll move the discussions here.
[This isn't necessarily to flaunt my nonexistent superiority. I honestly think that you have a good argument going for Katsuki. I'm just seeing how my own analysis stacks on top of that. I'm no expert, but I'll give it my best shot. Also, spoilers for anyone else reading.]
Let's start with "I don't think Bakugo overestimates himself." This is an interesting point, which I believe does hold water. When I think about it, I realize that Katsuki actually suffers from a different problem, which I'll get back to later. As for "He's never shown to overestimate himself," that's... not entirely correct. As of late, I can think of at least TWO examples in the series where Katsuki could legitimately be overestimating himself. But first, let's address the basic issue.
9 times out of 10, Katsuki will UNDERESTIMATE his opponents.
This isn't without reason. Katsuki's strong, and he knows it. He's been strong since even before his quirk manifested, at least mentally. When his quirk kicked in, his strengths shifted to primarily physical, though he's still an intelligent person. However, even if he can gauge his own strength, he does an admittably horrible job of gauging others' strengths. Since he's been praised for nigh over a decade for having such a strong quirk, Katsuki's got the idea that he's among the best of the best. He might not be #1 yet, but he knows he's gonna get there eventually. The problem starts when he decides that everyone else is beneath him by default.
Don't tell me he doesn't underestimate others either when he tends to call everyone "extras" or just a crappy nickname (at least until he acknowledges them).
One instance where Katsuki distinctly underestimates his opponent is during the Battle Trial with Izuku. Granted, this is more of a hubris case than anything, considering Katsuki's absolute hatred for Izuku (that later does mellow out into begruding respect). The thing is, Katsuki knows Izuku has a quirk now. He knows his quirk is super strong (it beat his ball throw by 0.1 meters, after all) but there's still a part of Katsuki that believes Izuku is still a bug. He's still a worthless Deku, and to top it all off, Katsuki is convinced that Izuku hid his quirk from him since the start.
While his absurd self-centered persona is not the main focus, one must admit that Katsuki's hubris is a certain level of concerning.
So Izuku and Katsuki have a big showdown, and to Katsuki's surprise, Izuku pulls something else entirely. He manages to wreck the building above them, taking the explosion and allowing his team to pass. Katsuki thinks Izuku is looking down on him, but Izuku simply states that he wouldn't have used his quirk if he could have thought of someone else. And as Izuku collapses and the trial comes to a close, Katsuki is shaken by the fact that Izuku beat him. Worthless Deku beat Katsuki Bakugo, and he wonders if Izuku could beat him in other ways. Katsuki underestimated Izuku.
I've talked about Katsuki's obsession with strength previously, but the same idea applies here. If Katsuki wasn't so gun-ho on taking out the enemy (specifically Izuku) for the hell of it and actually tried to win the exercise, he might have been able to beat Izuku. But he's so caught up in his definitions of strength and victory that he ultimately falls flat, underestimating his opponent's capabilities to win, even indirectly. This dame idea comes back to bite Katsuki when Neito Monoma briefly takes possesion of Katsuki's headbands (granted, he does get them back later) because Katsuki didn't even bother paying attention to him, once again underestimating him.
Now, as I've stated before, Katsuki has overestimated himself at least twice. The first time was with All Might during the Final Exams. When All Might brings up his handicap weights, Katsuki has the gall to say that All Might's handicapping is "insulting." Katsuki knows that All Might is strong, he knows that All Might is the NUMBER ONE HERO, and suddenly handicapping himself is insulting? Granted, that's the same attitude he had against Shoto at the end of the Sports Festival, but just to put this scenario into perspective:
Katsuki is a 15 year old hero in training with a powerful quirk, a few months of experience, and versatile experience with his quirk among other strengths (including Battle Tactics).
All Might is an adult (age unknown) Pro Hero with a powerful quirk, years of experience, and, as a Young Katsuki once said: "No matter how bad things look, he always wins in the end!"
To put it simply, Katsuki is a Level 15 going against All Might, a Level 200 (whose handicap probably brings him down to Level 100).
Combined with Izuku (a Level 10 on his own), they might be a Level 30 (50 if I'm being generous) but All Might is still twice their skill combined, and Izuku and Katsuki's troublesome dynamic make it even more of a hinderance to fight against him. Katsuki even tries attacking All Might multiple times, even though he fails consistently each time, doing virtually nothing to change his strategy. It gets to the point where Katsuki gets straight up KO'd because he can't acknowledge that All Might truly is leagues ahead of him. Objectively, Katsuki knows that All Might is on another level, but subjectively? Shouldn't be too hard to beat him.
How would he have passed without Izuku again?
The second time Katsuki overestimates himself is actually fairly recent. Before Izuku and Katsuki head off to intern under Endeavor, they have a meeting with All Might. During that meeting, Katsuki remarks that he's be able to use all of One for All's quirks right then and there, whereas Izuku has only learned to *bloop* with his first new quirk.
Again, Katsuki is only focusing in the physical aspect of things, in this case OFA. We don't know exactly what All Might and Izuku told him about it, but I'd like to think they'd at least cover the basics of OFA's sentience. That, and the fact that since Katsuki is in on the All Might Tea Parties now, wouldn't he at least hear about Izuku's vision when he was undergoing the Black Whip episode? It's already been established that Katsuki has a strong quirk and is physically strong to an extent, but we've seen time and time again that his emotional strength needs some growing time. Plus, it has also been established that OFA gets a boost when it's motivated to save people. Katsuki has no such motives unless it benefits him. He's giving himself too much credit claiming he'd master OFA at that point.
Phew, that was long.
Otherwise, the rest of your argument is fair, homez18. Katsuki does fight to prove himself. He fights (and succeeds) to prove himself during the Entrance Exam. He fights to prove himself during the Quirk Apprehension Test (getting 3rd place and "losing" to Izuku in the ball toss, which pisses him off). He fights to prove himself in the Battle Trial (which is why he's so torn when Izuku wins). He fights to prove himself during all the events after that, like the Sports Festival or the Villain Attack at Camp. He does all that to prove himself.
The problem arises when he shuts out virtually everything else.
Yes, he should be mad at Shoto for not going all out at Katsuki during the Sports Festival, but he heard Shoto's backstory. He KNOWS Shoto hated his fire side, and saw how adamantly he refused to use it. He might not have heard what Izuku said to him in their fight, but Katsuki is so stubborn that he refuses to realize that people have issues beyond Katsuki. Not going all out against him is a personal slight. Being too weak is a personal slight. No one wins.
During the Villain Attack at Camp, Katsuki has every right to defend himself. But he's not defending himself. He's seeking out conflict because to him, fighting is the best part of being a hero. If he was truly defending himself, he'd have headed back to camp with Shoto, even begrudgingly so. Instead, he ignores Mandalay's warnings just because she brought up something about Izuku, and then narrowly avoids getting cut immediately afterwards, foreshadowing his poor choices.
TL;DR Katsuki tends to underestimate others more than he overestimates himself, and while he does fight with a warped sense of honor, it doesn't make his actions any more "noble."
Thanks for reading, homez18. I hope you enjoyed, and if you didn't? Well, that's on me I guess...
-Crimson Lion (24 September 2019)
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