#madd tips
sawyer-is-eepy · 5 months
MaDD and plurality
okay so we're MaDD, right?? and we're also plural??
NOBODY talks about how freaking hard that makes communicating omg.
constantly i'll be trying to talk to someone and then i drift off and suddenly they are completely drowned out OR they're ALSO daydreaming!! it's so frustrating, because it means that to even semi-effectively communicate, i have to talk out loud. if i have to communicate something important and we're in a public place i just have to focus REALLY hard on internal communication and it sometimes STILL doesnt work.
on top of that, we have ADHD so it's even harder, and talking out loud still doesn't work that well because without another person physically here to snap me back to reality whenever i'm daydreaming, if i start daydreaming, i'm just stuck until i realize, which can be anywhere from within a minute to literally 20+ minutes. usually they're able to get my attention by that time, but it's hard because our communication is not easy for anyone but the host(me, who is ALWAYS fronting) to initiate, so unless i actively open myself to communicate with them, it's hard for them to get my attention. sometimes my daydreams even last hours, but that usually doesn't happen when i'm not actively deciding to daydream. so yeah, it's really difficult because i've already got issues focusing, and adding basically irresistable urges to daydream at random that get triggered way too easily on top of that, inner communication is SO HARD.
anyways, this makes making a tulpa really fucking difficult because forcing is really hard.
but here are my tips, for other MaDD, especially anyone making a headmate/alter/tulpa/parogen/whatever themself -
incorporate your daydreaming into the communicating/forcing. like daydream you and that alter hanging out and then communicate via that. this does not ensure that you won't start daydreaming about anything else, but it lessens the chances. if you try to force yourself to not daydream at ALL the urges are gonna be much harder to ignore, at least for me. if you're ALREADY daydreaming, and it gets interesting enough, minor distractions are gonna catch your attention less and less because you WANNA focus on this one daydream. it becomes much more enjoyable.
this kind of like the last one, but this is more specific to tulpa/parogen forcing. don't really view it as a chore, which i've accidentally been doing more and more. not a chore i dislike, but i've been viewing it like something i have to do every single day for x amount of time other wise it wont work and it'll fail horribly and everything will be ruined, when it shouldn't need to be that. it shouldn't be on a to-do list, unless that really works for you(which if that's the case that's freaking awesome and you should probably ignore this tip). idk about everyone else, but it's much easier for me to daydream if i'm treating something like something i need to do because it's so much more tempting to just go live somewhere else for a minute while i do things i need to do. i often daydream doing chores because it's not interesting enough to keep me grounded. so, to make sure it gets done, i drift off while i'm doing it, so i am doing it in the real world but to me i'm in another world or in one of my stories. but for forcing, to be able to do it, you HAVE to be constantly aware and present. if you view it like you're just having a fun little conversation with them, it becomes like whenever you're bored or lonely just like you would reach out to a friend, but instead you're getting some talking to your head friend in. even if it's not traditional forcing, it works and develops them more, even if it's just a bit here and there. idk about everyone else, but i think partially because of my ADHD and partially because of my MaDD, whenever i have a chore i need to do i kind of put it off if i'm already doing something. i don't really *want* to put it off, but i just can't get my body to move. especially when I'm daydreaming. because, why would i get up and do the boring thing when i can watch my story in my head ? it's so much easier to sit and do nothing. but as we all know, that ADHD paralysis is so so SO stress inducing, the best option is to always get up and try to force yourself to. idk if non-ADHD MaDD will relate at all though, because that paralysis is mostly exclusive to those with ADHD afaik, but for me, my MaDD makes it much worse. anyways, that probably didn't make much sense sorry
write down what everyone is saying. this makes it much easier to keep track of what they are saying and stay present, but it also documents the conversation as well. so even if you weren't that present during the conversation, or you're worried you'll forget something important, you'll have a record to read back on later if you need! and also with created alters/headmates, keeping track of their progress is always incredibly important!!
don't listen to music! this one might be a bit of a given but unless it's like instrumental music that you genuinely won't pay that much attention to but still helps you focus, DON'T listen to it. songs are an easy gateway into a daydream. ESPECIALLY songs with lyrics, even ones that you can't understand because they're in another language, which by the way for literally any other thing you need to focus on, that's a great tip, listening to music in other languages, because you can still focus with interesting music in the background but the lyrics arent grabbing you at all. anyways back to plural-related MaDD tips, yeah, don't listen to music. even if that song usually doesn't catch your attention. for me, if i'm talking, internally or externally, and there's music with lyrics playing, i reallyyy cannot focus on what i'm(or others, again, internally or externally) are saying. idk, might just be some sort of auditory processing issue related to my ADHD but i cannot focus on it, and because it's hard, i just need to pick one, and sometimes my brain picks the song and i just. stop talking. and start daydreaming.
idk what to do if you're not fronting and trying to communicate with whoever is fronting, because i've not switched(like i mentioned before, the host, who is me, has never not been the one fronting), but if anyone has any other tips either related to that or the ones i already have here, please feel free to let me know because i'd love to hear them and i'm sure others do too!! anyways, i hope i helped, idk this might be too specific to me.
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MADD Issue
I recently moved into a room with my friend a few weeks ago and I knew from the start this was going to be an issue. My daydreaming has been constant lately as things have been getting worse mentally. I'm trying hard to fix it, but she keeps joking about my longer than usual showers, time spent in the bathroom, or walks outside. I feel bad for making her concerned, but also part of me wishes she would drop it. I have something that keeps me occupied during the day from morning until night, so I have zero time alone except for the train ride there and back. Sometimes I just want to lock myself in the bathroom for an hour or two and just sit on the floor and process my day and I can't anymore.
I realized that I wouldn't want to have a roommate because of this, but it makes me wonder about the future. This used to be a coping strategy for living in a house that was unsafe, but now I am safe, and I don't need/want to retreat back to my mind when things get hard. But I can't help but crave it under the least amount of stress and it's beginning to get tense with my roommate.
I don't need to dissociate for half of my day anymore, but it's hard to let go of a universe I've built up for so long. Jumping from world to world in my head whenever I want to get away from life is something I'm going to miss, but I also need to act normal in front of others.
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negans-lucille-tblr · 11 months
How do you usually get your ideas to write a fic and what do you do when there is a writer's block?
I have maladaptive daydreaming, so usually something little (Lyric, gif, quote etc usually) will trigger an entire "movie" in my head, and sometimes I get around to writing them into fics lol
My way of coping with writer's block isn't healthy. I overthink it until I drive myself crazy, usually shout my thoughts at someone, and then just force myself to write LOL
The healthy solution that I often tell people (that I do not do myself because I'm my own worst enemy) is to force yourself to write something – anything. Even if it's "Once upon a time, Dean walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table." Just write it no matter how shit it is. You can edit bad writing, you can't edit a blank page.
Usually, forcing yourself to write will unstick you, or you'll realise you don't like it and think of something better etc, but at least it gets something flowing.
"Once upon a time, Dean walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table." might then turn into, "Dean walked into the kitchen, before taking a seat at the table." Which then after a little more thought might turn into, "Dean sighed heavily as he stepped into the kitchen, heading over to the table to sit down and bury his head in his hands."
If you're TOTALLY stuck, try writing something completely different and revisit it another day :)
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doylldonmagar · 2 years
I don't know if this will help anyone, but I was recently talking to my therapist about maladaptive daydreaming, and she recommended writing stuff down. Mine is like a world with a timeline and all, so maybe it's not helpful for anyone else, but, so far so good for me.
I haven't done it much, but I've got a partial timeline done, and that has made me a little more relaxed about it and I don't feel such a strong urge to zone out, which is huge for me because I usually zone out consistently throughout the entire day, and it makes work and school really hard, and I have a hard time relating to reality, and it makes me more anxious irl because its not like my mind. I might reblog with updates later.
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viscerasteel · 2 years
Advice soup: Characters
I’ve realized in a lot of modern media, creators try to make heroes “quirky” and “Relateable” falls flat on the account that they aren’t likeable not because of these (though often the case) its because they usually have one and only one defining good trait and one defining “bad” trait. 
They fall short on the account they do not have a proper characterization, moral compass or even a proper backstory and some cases, meanwhile villians are laid out in such a fasion more villians are relatable than heroes.
Let heroes lose. Not lose to return things to normal in the next episode.
I’m talking irreperaple issues that are gonna provide growth to your character as a learning opportunity and to grow as a person. Grief can lead to growth.
seeing characters as just characters has hurt a lot of writing in ways, so if you happen to be a writer try seeing them as people. better yet STUDY PEOPLE.
We are so often misportrayed in media, usually making these things our defining traits or it simply being mentioned once and never again brought up.
You can have a complex, meaningful character even if they have autisim, adhd depression, etc. 
You don’t have to directly say it either you can just as easily show it.
As someone of these groups, a couple things people with adhd do is:
Forget to drink water/eat
in a middle of a task start another (not ooh a butterfly, im talking randomly washing dishes in the middle of mopping type task)
have really odd branching conversations (one minute your discussing pizza and then you are discussing china’s relationship with danish merchants)
and thats just basic things that can cause no harm to plot.
its best to do research online on RELIABLE MEDICAL SITES. please do not contact a facebook mom group or I will personally burn you alive. 
That’s my 1am psa. 
Have a swell day/night and if you are looking for advice asks are open!
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selcandy · 22 days
Ya size bir şey diyeceğim, kendimi tutamıyorum.
Hoşlanmadığınız bir insanın arkasından, arkadaşlarınızla çay kahve içerken “ya o da çok geri zekalı bir tip” diyebilirsiniz. Gidip de o insanın yüzüne “sen çok geri zekalısın” derseniz, TCK’nın 125. maddesi o kişiye size hakaret davası açma hakkı doğurur. Yargıtay “geri zekalı” kelimesini hakaret suçlarına dahil ediyor. Bu madde, birisine hakaretten ötürü ceza vermek için en az üç kişinin ihtilatını şart koşuyor, yani üç kişinin “evet öyle söyledi, biz duyduk” demesi gerekiyor. Eğer sen verdiğin sokak röportajında “hepiniz beyni emcüklenmiş geri zekalılarsınaaz” diyorsan ve bunu üç kişiden fazlasının izleyeceğini biliyorsan, devamında ne olmasını bekliyorsun ki? Ne bekliyordun ablacım yani tam olarak?
Yine “hukuksuzluk” kelimesini yersiz nedensiz cümle içinde kullanarak yeterince boş yaptığımızı düşünüyorum. Halk kahramanımız Dilruba, isnatı ispatlayan bütün şartları karşılıyor sağ olsun. Bugün olaya Atatürk falan da dahil olmuş, belki biraz da o tetikledi beni. İnanın bana muhtaç olduğumuz kudreti içinde muhafaza eden asil kan bu kan değil, “geri zekaalalaaaaar” değil yani.
Bir düşünceyi ifade etmenin binbir türlü yolu var, Türkçe bu bağlamda dünyanın en avantajlı dillerinden biri. Düşünce ve hakaret arasındaki farkı idrak etmeden düşünce suçu ve hakaret suçunu da ayırt edemezsiniz. “Ülkemizde şunlar, şunlar yaşanıyor fakat birileri hala bunları yaşatan tarafı destekleyebiliyor ve ben bunu anlamsız buluyorum” demek olayı bambaşka bir boyuta taşıyor, siz de hissettiniz mi? Laf böyle gelişmiş olsaydı sonunun böyle olacağını hiç zannetmiyorum, ha öyle denseydi ve sonu yine böyle olsaydı günlerdir kuyruğuna basılmış gibi cırlayanlardan biri de ben olabilirdim, bilemiyorum.
Daha çok şey söyleyebilirim de etraf yalnızca işine gelen şeyler dile getirildiğinde ağzına geleni söylemenin hak ve özgürlük olduğuna inanan insanlarla dolu, belirli bir noktadan sonra narin bedenim onca aduketi kaldıramayabilir.
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clockmax · 1 year
how bout,, making miguel so madd or jealous that he puts you into a full nelson and fucks you til ur stupid ,,,,
mdni, nsfw below, requests open
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Miguel O'hara who was so pent up with your behavior today. taunting yourself in that skimpy little outfit all around HQ, purposely making him jealous.
How when you both got home, he already was moving you to the bed, removing your clothes. No he wasn't taking them off, he was practically slicing them off.
Miguel O'hara who would put you in full nelson, making you watch as his thick cock pounded into your swollen folds. His cock would stretch you out, drawing a mixing line between pain and pleasure.
How he would have you blabbering apology after apology as he dicked you down, body shaking from overstimulation as he hit all those sweet spots in you. How his tip would poke your cervix.
Miguel O'hara who would overstimulate you until the only thing you can moan out is his name, hands squeezing his forearms as you try to stabilize yourself, overstimulation starting to overwhelm every part of you.
Miguel O'hara who would spill himself in you, cock stuffing you full as you come undone around him. Thinking your done just before he starts pounding into you again. He'd have you going for multiple rounds just to get all that frustration out, proving his rule to you
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libraryofloveletters · 11 months
insta file: spanish sunshine
summary: a glimpse into y/n’s summer trip in spain, wonder who will be featured in the photo dump. 
author’s note: this one is fun, there's a fun little piece of lando causing some trouble for reader and carlos
all photos are from instagram and/or pinterest :) 
call my name masterlist // add yourself to the call my name taglist!
youruser added an instagram story. 
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, mickschumacher and 102,549 others 
youruser: españa te amo 🇪🇸🫶🏽
location: spain // tagged: yourbestie, yourbestie2, yourbestie3
view 832 comments
yourbestie: so we’re defo doing this again next year!! 
↪️youruser: duh 🥰
chalres_leclerc: tu me manques belle ❤️ (I miss you beautiful) 
↪️youruser: 🇪🇸 🛫 🇲🇨 rn!!!
↪️charles_leclerc: on my way to pick you up
user16: you guys are so in love, it makes me sick (WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN!!!!) 
lewishamilton: who put you onto those shoes?? 
↪️youruser: just some guy named sir lew lew
comment liked by lewishamilton
cl16: ^so we’re getting fashion tips from lewis?? I’ve never wanted to be a wag so badly in my life!!!!!!!
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liked by charles_leclerc, youruser, pierregasly and 1,324,394 others 
carlossainz55: home — 📸:👸
location: madrid, spain
view 3,902 comments 
landonorris: handsome guy 
↪️ youruser: people usually flirt in private 
↪️ landonorris: you’d know about that huh 
comment had now been deleted. 
comments have been limited on this post. 
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liked by yourbestie, lando.jpg, yoursister and 93 others.  
y/n.jpg: nights in madrid
comments have been disabled on this post. 
blue is lando, grey is carlos.
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taglist: @lieswithoutfairytales  @topguncultleader @darleneslane @barnestatic @elisaa-shelby @piggyinthesea @cmleitora @kmc1989 @madds-2298  @omgsuperstarg @gaypoetsblog @jaehyunluvcult @racingheartsworld @therealcap @raevyng @buckybarnessweetheart @blupblupfish @belennasif @jenniferrvsesi @cutelittlefakejourneys @roseseraj @chrlsleclerc @mangodreamsicle @ru-kru @trifoliumviridi @lovingonshawn @madeon-the-night @hobiismyhopeu @alisporchee @pedrohoe04 @starksztony @binushak53 @leespparker @alytdr @lumi-nescentt
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ollie-supports · 6 months
Can I have some transmadd tips :3 one of our alters is questioning if that’s them and he wants help
- ❗️potentially triggering content under more❗️
- do you have other tips you think could help? a reply with them would be appreciated! if you would rather your tips stay anonymous, you can message me with them and i'll reply with it myself!
- did i accidentally say something triggering/disrespectful? please tell me so i can fix it! i am not perfect so i will make mistakes, but i am trying my best!
hello there, of course!! just do one thing for me, alright? make sure the antis dont get to ya! theyre very uninformed, its no good to stress over them!
first off, most madd daydreams are complex and even follow a sort of storyline! your daydreams do not have to be in chronological order, but they do tend to be in the same sort of "universe." i have about 5 different universes! you can have much more, of course. i usually use the same "cast" of characters in them too, such as my father figure in all of them and my other friends being in some universes and some not! so, i would suggest taking some time to plan out your universes! give yourself some time to think of the main scenario, and for me whatever happens next just happens! if you have trouble with that, though, take some time to think of a plot as well!
secondly, my daydreams will just begin out of nowhere, immediately sucking me into those universes. if you have trouble with this, i would suggest an interval timer with long intervals between it! or maybe setting alarms at random-ish times? whatever works for you!
third of all, an important thing to mention is that maladaptive daydreams can last hours. this is not every time, my shortest is about 10 minutes and it usually ends before the hours up! if you can't maintain a daydream that long yet, then i would suggest slowly building up to longer daydreams! increase it by 1-10 minute/s every time, using whatever works best for you to do so! once youve built up your sort of "endurance," vary the time of your daydream! if you have trouble with this, i would use a random number generator and a timer!
most importantly, stay safe!!! without proper care, these universes can become stressful to leave. make sure to find happiness in this universe and make sure you accept that your daydream universes are coping mechanisms!
best of luck to you and your alter!! it may take some time to get it how you want, but i believe in you!! much love! (/p, plantonic!) 🌸
also, madd is usually (not always, so this isnt required!) a trauma response. in order to cope with how horrific the real world can be, beings with madd will hide in their fantasy worlds! if you have traumas you believe could be comforted via any scenario, then that would be a great universe idea! (for example, i was a victim of child neglect my whole life, so in one of my universes my father figure adopted me from my current irl household when i was 3 years old! the daydreams consist of him raising me!)
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doseofarabic · 2 months
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Dose # 2 - Harakāt and mudūd; and the tanwīn
It’s very important before we start discussing the alphabets to start by introducing the vowel and diacritics in Arabic.
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Short vowels (ḥarakat, singular is ḥaraka)
There are three short vowels are written either on top of the letter or below it. It shows you how the letter is supposed to be pronounced. There are three short vowels (harakaat)
فَتْحَة (fatḥa)
A small diagonal line written on top of the letter, it has a short [ah] sound. The word fatha means to open, your mouth will be slightly open when you pronounce it. I made a simple drawing to show you how it's supposed to look like.
Here is the haraka, and this is how it looks like on top of a letter
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ضَمَّة (ḍamma)
A small letter و written on top of the letter, it a short [oo] sound. The word ḍamma comes from the word ضمَّ which means hug or bring closer. Your lips will come closer in the shape of a small o when you pronounce it.
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كَسْرَة (kasra)
A small diagonal line written below the letter, it has a short [i] sound.
There are three ḥarakat and a forth one that is called sukoon سُكون which is a small circle written on top of a letter indicating the absence of a vowel. Sukoon can never be at the start of a word, and no two sukoons can come one after the other.
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Vowels mudood  (sing. Madd)
The long vowels are three letters : ا-و-ي . An important thing to note in the long vowels is that each one of these letters is a vowel and a consonant at the same time, therefore we can consider them as a semi-vowel.
I. Examples : the three letters are vowels
1- ا here it is compared to a fatḥa 
2- و here it is compared to a ḍamma
ي here it is compared to kasra
The vowels are twice as long as the harakat.
Usually, we say that the long vowels have a corresponding haraka / short vowel. It’s not difficult to associate.
ا’s short vowel is fatḥa
و’s short vowel is ḍamma
ي’s short vowel is kasra
Pro tip ~ "short vowel" is one second long, and a "long vowel" is two seconds long, if you're not sure, you count one second or two on your fingers to make sure you get the time right. Some people use claps too. One clap = short vowel, two claps = long vowel ~
How can you tell if the semi-vowel is a vowel or a consonant? 
If you see a new word and you don’t know if one of the semi-vowels ا/و/ي is a vowel or consonant, look at the semi-vowel and look at the letter that comes before it.
The semi-consonant needs to have sukoon AND it needs to be preceded with a letter that has a short vowel that matches it (both conditions need to be there) in order for the semi-vowel to be a vowel. 
مَوْ      vs  مُوْ 
For example the word in purple, the و  is a semi-consonant since the letter that came before it does not have a corresponding haraka, while the word in green is a vowel since the haraka on the letter corresponds with the vowel. Here is an audio to demonstrate the difference.
Important note : the letter ا as a vowel has another form, which is a dotless ي and it looks like this ى . It's pronounced as ا [ah]
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Other diactrics (tanween)
The definition of Noonation (or tanween) is : “an additional  ن  (noon) that is pronounced and not written to mark the indefinite noun.”
The word Noonation and Tanween are derived from the letter  ن  (noon).  But  it was written that way to differentiate it from the “real” noon.
Because the Tanween is the mark of the indefinite noun and it is written at the end of the word, it will never come with a noun that is preceded with “al” or any other definite noun. It will never accompany a verb either.
There are three types of noonation (Tanween) :
Tanween fatḥ (تنوين فتح)  and it’s marked with two fatḥas (فتحتان) and an additional alif ا at the end of the word. It’s pronounced as “an”
 Tanween ḍamm (تنوين ضم)  it’s marked with two ḍammas at the end of the word. It’s pronounced as “un”
Tanween Kasr (تنوين كسر)  it’s marked with two kasras written under the last letter of the word. It’s pronounced as “in”
Keep in mind that tanwen fatḥ is written on the last letter, not on the alif.
Example :
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When one stops at the word that has tanween, the tanween is not pronounced. For example, if the word that has tanween is followed by a comma (,) or full stop (.) the tanween is not read.
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Complete this simple exercice
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Next lesson we will start with our first batch of letters!
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madd-information · 3 days
I'm not sure if this is the right place to rant about madd, if not you can ignore this! I just feel so stuck and I wish madd could be recognized as a serious mental illness instead of being brushed off, over generalized, or laughed at. even mental health professionals laugh it off.
I'm 18 years old and have lost my teen years up till now to maladaptive day dreaming. it's ruined my school life, and will continue to ruin my adult life. it's all i do and i can't really control it. I'll do it without thinking. nothing in real life feels real, but everything in my day dreams feels more real.
I avoid hanging out with people. i've closed myself off from hanging out with friends. I make up excuses as to why I can't hangout, i cancel last minute. it's gotten to the point where I'm just straight up lying to them. I need at least 5 hours alone at night to day dream and listen to music. I have a chronic illness that is irritated from pacing so much, but i just can't seem to stop. it's even the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning, it's the last thing I do before bed. I've seen so many people ask why people with madd would want to get rid of it, but it's destroying my life.
i want it gone, but I also don't know who I would be or what I would do without it? my best friends are in my head. I created them, i have 4 amazing friends and since I made them up, they have every quality i need in a friend, and I can be "myself" (or who i wish I was) in my head with them. I love them so much it hurts. I've bawled my eyes out thinking about how I'll never feel their touch, hear their voice, smell their scent, all while neglecting my own friends. it's ruining my life, and I want it gone, but I need it to survive. I will also never be as pretty, talented, smart, and funny as I am in my day dreams.
If i got rid of my paras, I'm getting rid of a major part of myself. getting rid of them would cause the same pain as a real person leaving me or dying, I know it sounds dramatic but I feel like anyone who has it this bad can relate. I would grieve them the rest of my life. I can't imagine living the rest of my life either having madd, or grieving the loss of my best friends (that. aren't. even. real.). i don't really know the point of this rant, you don't have to post it or respond at all, I just needed a place to scream. even while typing this I took breaks just to fucking day dream. I barely graduated high school and I don't know how I'm going to function in society if i'm constantly dissociated and day dreaming. if you have any tips or resources or could point me in the right direction, that would be amazing but once again don't feel pressured to respond. I'm sorry if this wasn't the right place to rant!!
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redacted-coiner · 8 months
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[PT: ArissoMaDD]
ArissoMaDD, an arissocogni(link) subterm connected to thinking one has MaDD (Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder) and makes the person, whether it be because of delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter that has MaDD but the body doesn't, psychosis, etc., feel disconnected from their external mental health issues/mental illnesses. This is not for "fun" or voluntary "I wanna be this ✨️/I wanna have this ✨️",", this also doesn't override the external mental health issues/mental illnesses the person has. This term is not for "transitioning" of any kind either and is not radqueer or transid friendly and not comparable to transgender.
This identity is NOT transid or radqueer friendly and are NOT in support for "transitioning" tips/subliminals/advice/etc. As well they don't support the fetishization, romanticization, misinformation, etc. of mental illnesses, disabilities, trauma, or experiences. (Because these terms also understand you can't change these things or changing these things would be harmful)
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tag] @arissodic-archive
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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protectingtulpas · 4 months
We have a few questions for you!
First, is it possible/normal for tuplas to start responding verbally almost immediately? My tuplas Jax & Jasmine were accidentally created when I was 12, and from what I can tell they started talking almost immediately, but were pretty undefined as people.
Second: Do you have any tips for learning to co-front and how we can learn to switch who's fronting? We have a final goal of functioning multiplicity with mutually beneficial fronting to help with daily life, but aren't sure how to start.
All three of us are interested or curious about learning to co-front/switch fronts & I, the host am mainly the one curious about our first question.
-💜🔗 (we'll probably be back so here's our signoff)
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Yo! I'm gonna combine these two asks into a singular one since it's way easier. I'm gonna answer things bottom-up since the second one gives more context 👍
So there's a lotta crossover between paragenic systems and tulpas, which makes a lotta sense because it's really similar in the how you're starting with a non-autonomous concept of a person that then gains autonomy & awareness for themselves. Especially with unintentional tulpas, there's really a thin line between em. From what we know, most paragenic systems call their members paratives: "a member of a system that was originally a para. The development of a para into a parative is unique to neuronarrative plurals, immersive daydreaming plurals, or systems that have Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder." Which means that it's kinda up to you what you feel like; if it seems like your system members used to be paras and then turned into full system members, then you might like paragenic more; but if ya feel like tulpamancy terms and concepts fit wirh you better, then go ahead and use that one! Labels are just things ya use to describe yourselves, is all.
And here's the secret part: you can still use tulpamancy techniques if you're of another origin! A lot of it is writtwn for previously-singlets that don't have any dissociation problems, so you gotta know yourself best when you go into looking into this stuff with a dissociative disorder, but it's still super useful for a lot of people. Fronting/switching/possession guides are the reason I'm able to front at all, plus maybe our non-tulpas too 👍 What helped me a ton when I was first starting was trying partial possession first- the first part of the body I ever controlled was the voice, actually!
For your last question, it's not super unusual for different tulpas to hit different points of development/awareness/personhood at different times. For some people the awareness comes first and then the emotions and then the mindvoice communication, but for others it can be in a buncha different arrangements. My guess with amateur-knowledge on MaDD is: the fact that you daydreamed with your proto-headmates primed them to be able to respond with their mindvoice way easier, while they were still developing a sense of self behind it.
Lots of fronting/possession guides to use:
- Possession Explained
- Possession via Dissociation
- DJFlix on Possession (this one is based in visualization and colors; good for ppl with vivid imaginations)
- Possession: By a Tulpa for Tulpas (hell yeah tulpa made resources)
- Parallel Processing and Switching
- Malfael's guide to switching (in-depth, awesome)
- So you wanna switch? Do you, really? Might be able to help with that. (Written by a DID system)
- Controlled switching (a few short intentional switching methods)
- Sophieinwonderland's ghost switching method (short)
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doylldonmagar · 6 months
Heyyyy i saw your post about writing your daydream to cope with maladaptive daydreaming. Do you have antimite tips that your therapist gave u ? ( cause therapy is kinda expensive for me right now)
Thanks <3
Hey, thank you for reaching out, I'm genuinely really glad you did. I'm afraid I'm not a great resource for this, honestly. Soon after that post I quit the job that provided therapy, so I don't have much more to offer. But I'll give you all of the things that I remember from therapy in case it can serve you!
(Assuming you're trying to stop disassociating,) look out for triggers. What makes you switch from being present to daydreaming?
When you initially notice you've switched to daydreaming, try to stop. This sounds obvious, but I've had to really keep it in mind, and there's usually a reason you switched to daydreaming (for me its usually anxiety or a lack of stimulation) and going back to reality isn't what your mind wants, so try to have something you are switching to. For instance, when I try to become present again, I usually start describing an object I see, and sometimes I shift to describe everything I'm experiencing, so all of the senses, things I'm seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling. And then once you're in the moment, then you can more easily switch to being actually in the moment as in conversations, etc, not just aware of reality but also a part of it. (Describing objects also helps with anxiety and spiraling, if you struggle with that)
Keeping a record of your daydreams can help if you are replaying a lot or if you have a story you are interested in building.
Setting aside time to daydream can help. It sounds counter intuitive, but if you stop yourself from daydreaming other times and say no I'm gonna daydream at 3 till 3:30, then when that time comes you daydream and then you stop yourself. This can build up self control and can break the urge to daydream whenever.
Trying to keep your mind occupied can help. If you daydream while you fold laundry, then maybe try playing music or a podcast or an audiobook and try to stay focused on it.
Doing yoga, or journaling, or something aimed at practicing awareness (physical, emotional, etc) can really help. Even stuff like spending 5 minutes describing everything I see and hear and feel can really help. A big part of getting away from MADD is just training your mind to be able to focus on the present.
Ultimately, what I've found is that maladaptive daydreaming is really just an addiction. And it's a coping mechanism. If you can find what you're coping with and can find a healthy way to deal with it, or find a way to cut it from your life, both are good options, but neither will necessarily stop the disassociation. If an addiction is narrowing activities you enjoy down to the one thing, then the way to break it is to find more outlets, more things you enjoy. If you have hobbies you don't do anymore, or things you used to be interested in, pursuing those can be good. Finding other things you enjoy doing can be super helpful.
On writing: (I didn't get this from therapy, just personal experience) it might help to write down everything from past daydreams that you remember (I personally would get really caught up in trying to remember all of the things. I had been daydreaming for about 5 years when I started writing, so I was trying to remember a lot. And I did forget a lot.) if you have a timeline, feel free to type it up. I write it down almost every time it comes up. I'll have clips of dialogue running in my head and I'll pull out my phone and type it up. Same goes for if I have a plot idea. I write it down to explore it later during the time I set aside for it. If I'm scared I'll forget it, then it runs over and over in my mind and it takes up time, and I don't want that. If I want to explore it, finish the scene, then I'm committing more time, and I don't want that. So it really helps me to cut it short by writing it down.
I'll add more to this list if I think of anything. Hopefully this helps in some way, feel free to reach out again! I tried to highlight my main ideas, sorry if it's distracting but I thought with so much text, it might be easier to skim.
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acircusfullofdemons · 4 months
Hello, I hope this is okay to ask. Do you have any resources for people who want to start daydreaming, but have trouble staying in the daydream and/or becoming immersed in it?
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Most things I've seen have been geared towards helping people stop daydreaming, simply be MaDD is ... terrible lmao. I'm assuming you're looking to become an immersive daydreamer, though? In that case, I might have a few tips.
My daydream doc has a "daydream inspiration" section, thats meant to help you develop your paras & paracosms. There's various resources on organizing, naming, visualization, etc.
If you are into any media/fandom, then thinking of an AU for it might help you keep more interest in it.
Music helps a ton! Unfortunately I don't have any specific recs as taste can vary so greatly, but try making a playlist for a para or paracosm and daydreaming to those songs.
Set aside some time for daydreaming. Ideally, a time when all or most of your responsibilities have already been taken care of. This can be a day, an hour, just whenever you have free time and can daydream in peace.
Remember to take breaks! Daydreaming on this level can be mentally taxing, especially depending on the scene/context/storyline, so while I know it sounds counterproductive, taking a break every now and then is good for you.
Try not to force anything. If you're not vibing with a daydream, then it's okay to scrap it and try a different one. You don't even need a consistent paracosm or recurring paras! I know thats very common in the community to have at least one consistent paracosm and a few paras that stick around, but starting a new daydream every time is just as valid if that's how your brain works.
I hope this helps, anon! Feel free to ask any more questions if you need too <3
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siiinfully · 11 months
"I'm being weird again, aren't I?" from Madds to your choice (this is just such a Madds line that I couldn’t help myself) from @ofdarkestdesires
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"Even if you are, you're still my kind of weird," she said, standing up from the beach lounge chair she'd been sunbathing on to nuzzle the tip of his nose with hers. "So...why were you doing it? Is it something I need to be worried about?"
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