#maddie is such a good character
mfdragon · 1 year
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The Campaign
Just a fun little in-between moment cause I wanted to write some DnD stuff.
The way I see it, they’ve continued their old college campaign but Maddie updated it to include some 5e rules. The boys however kept their old character sheets, so they’re a little outdated but they hold sentimental value to them.
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(Weirdly enough, trying to come up with names and classes for them was real difficult, cause DnD for me is very personal and I put a ALOT of care to my own characters. So giving Vlad and Jack their own characters felt like I was overstepping? Maybe it’s cause in their own world Vlad and Jack might as well be DnD character lol)
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 7 months
Supersons +1 propmt fill Part3 Tr3s
The sprinklers activated in an instant and covered the centre in a deluge of water. Whatever scientists remained scrambled to recover what remained of their creations before the water could irrevocably damage them. In a hidden corner, one Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent made knowing glances to each other, a mutual agreement reached in seconds after decades of friendship. With the help of a crowbar, the men quickly pry open one of the exit doors, making way for panicked civilians to exit the premises, 'Brucie' giving comfort to those distressed by the recent events. It wasn't long before they had to make themselves scarce. They had their sons to rescue, there was no time!
As Bruce and Clark snuck out into the empty hallway, having been quickly evacuated by a Gothamite's natural self-preservation instinct and discipline from years of attacks. They nodded, and went their seperate ways. Clark to go change into his Superman outfit, and Bruce to calm the inevitable deluge of reporters before changing into his own costume.
Cameras flashed over the front entrance to the event, blinding the last few stragglers to leave, and Bruce, standing tall against the crashing sea.
"Mr Wayne! What can you tell us about the new villain that Joker has teamed up with?"
"Mr Wayne, how does Wayne Industries intent to secure future events from attacks on this scale?"
"Where is Damian Wayne? Sir how can Wayne Industries secure the future of Gotham if you cannot protect your own children?"
"Mr Wayne is it true that you allowed Jack Fenton to attend the event despite knowing he was a quack?"
And on and on and on. Bruce never intended to give these people what they wanted. He had children to save, and investigations to conduct. Before he could excuse himself, however, a roaring boom echoed down the street like summer thunder. Reporters screamed as they trampled over each other to escape the path of a silver behemoth charging down the road. Thick metal plates lined its exterior. A large satellite dish adorned its top, and jutting out from the sides were massive guns. The van sported too many OSHA violations to be anything less than a tank on four wheels than any civilian vehicle. Batman will have to crack down on whatever corrupt whitecollar criminals allowed this monstrosity on the roads.
The van charged right up to where Bruce was standing on the pavement, before coming to a terrifyingly rapid halt, so sudden that the entire vehicle jerked forward from its momentum. It would have been cartoonish if it hadn't stopped cleanly right in front of him. The front door slammed open, and a pair of black-gloved hands grabbed Bruce by the shoulder. In public surrounded by cameras, Bruce was helpless but to comply.
Bruce scanned the interior of the van in an instant, clocking in the undignified Clark Kent clinging to his seat like a child to their parents leg, tie messed up and suit creased. His classes were crooked on his face. "He just scooped me up like I was paper mache, Bruce!" The man's voice was shaking.
"Strap in Brucie, because the Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle cares for no trivial matters like traffic laws, or even physics laws!"
What kind of branding was this? "The Fenton Family wha-" Jack slammed the gas. The GAV rocketed into max gear in an instant. The force threw the poor man off his feet. Bruce went hurtling into the backside of the GAV and crashed with a bang. The G-forces kept him glued to the wall like a black-suited starfish, at least until Clark extended an arm to peel him off.
"I'm starting to think you might be right about him being a supervillain." Clark whispered.
Bruce grimly nodded.
"Alright so now that we're all together, here's the plan folks!" Jack said, tone all too cheerful for the chaos he was creating on the road. Innocent cars swerved out of the way of the advancing war machine. Pedestrians clung to lampposts and fences as gale force winds blasted them from its wake. "Let's start with the bad news: Our kids have been spirited away by suffering spooks! The good news: The Fenton Radar works!" Jack tapped on a screen on the van's console, showing two beeping dots on a radar map.
"BUILDING!" Clark yelled. They were rocketing right into a townhouse.
Jack yanked the wheel to the left. The GAV turned 90 degrees in about half a second, turning both passengers into ragdolls thrown across the side. On the outside, a subtle Superman-shaped dent was visible. "Thanks for that, Clarkie! Now I'm sure you guys aren't as experienced as me and my lovely wife Maddie are in hunting ghosts, but don't worry! I can give you a crash course."
"Please don't say crash course." Clark quivered.
"Could you maybe slow down?!" Bruce yelled over the roaring engines.
"No can do, Brucie! Any slower and the GHOSTS will leave the Fenton Radar's range, and then we'll never get our kids back!"
"I think I'm going to be sick." So Kryptonians can get nausea from high-speed vehicles, interesting. He'll have to update his file.
"The Joker and his associates entered your portal and set it to blow, how can we even get the kids back if they're on the other side!"
Jack turned around with a smile. "That's what the Fenton PortaPortal version 2 is for! Never leave home without a spare, my grandpa Fenton always said!"
"Dr Fenton, that bridge was destroyed in a gang fight!" Bruce shouted. Construction workers were already scattering, but a thick concrete barrier stood in their way.
"No need to worry, Fenton engineering can handle a little hole here or there!"
"The entire bridge was destroyed, we're going to fall off!"
"I love your sense of humour Brucie, but even if we did it wouldn't matter!"
"I really think it does, Dr Fenton!" Clark gripped the bottom of the nearby seat hard enuogh to dent.
"Nonsense, watch this!" Jack pushed the gas even further, as if that was even possible. The GAV reduced the concrete barrior to smithereens. "Go go Fenton Famliy Ghost Assault Vehicle: Aerial Mode!" The mad scientist's shouted in glee. He pulled another lever, activating a pair of wings from the sides.
Clark would deny screaming like a girl to the end of his days.
Meanwhile, in the Zone...
Danny shifted nervously in his position, atop the swarm of Lydia's bats, and flanked by the freaking Joker of all people on one side and Freaking Freakshow on the other. What did he do to deserve this?
If It was just the Joker and Freakshow, he would just happily transform and kick the snot out of these clowns, but sadly he's not alone.
Also tied up with rope both human and ghostly were one Damian Wayne and Jon Kent, the former of which looked none too pleased about the current situation. While Damian spat vitriol upon the Joker and his "D-list half-rate assisstant," with man himself largely ignoring his words to fawn over the chaos of the Realms, Danny contemplated his options. Good news: Freakshow hadn't blown his secret yet, which was cold comfort for the moment, seeing as if he had, he'd just be able to punch these suckers and be done with it, but nooo. Maybe he could overshadow the other boys and hypnotise them into forgetting? Was that a thing that can be done? Would've been convenient, and because of that, Danny suspected it's wishful thinking. If it worked, great, if it didn't work, well Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne have ties to the Justice League, who have ties to the government, who hire the GiW, so there's a non-zero percent chance such a stunt would end up with him on a dissection table.
Which means he's left playing the waiting game, spectating the Joker jumping up and down like a fangirl over all the green, and purple, and fighting, and death. First day in Gotham, guys.
"Psst." Jon whispered to him.
Danny said nothing, but leaned a little on Jon's side.
"Don't worry, we're gonna be ok, I'm sure the J-J-Justice League will be here. Just sit t-t-tight, ok?"
Wow, that was really touching that he was trying to comfort Danny, but the ghostly part of him didn't even need to feel Jon's shaking, or hear his stutter to know the kid was absolutely terrified. Now that he thought about it, it really should be him doing the comforting.
"Eh I wouldn't hedge my bets on it." Causing the other boy to squeak in fear. Curse you, snark instinct. Why can't you be heroic and reassuring instead.
"Neither would I, boy." Freakshow said, almost like he was rubbing in just how much danger his secret was in.
"You will unhand us, or you will know the meaning of pain in every sense of the world. This I tell you. I will feed you to my chickens. I will cut up your flesh and grind it into paste and then fertilise my vegetable garden with it. You will regret crossing me."
Jon let out the faintest whisper, something Danny would've never heard if he wasn't a ghost, and a master of quiet sounds. "Really selling the normal kid act here, Damian."
"On the contrary, lovely chlidren, I believe it is you who will soon become ghosts. NEYEHEHEYEHEH" Oh god here comes the gratuitous laughter. "I can't believe such a t~~tttttTANTALISING opportunity has been out there for me this whole time! AHAHAHAHAAH. And for you, my little children, to have come to this wonderful little science expo alongside your dear old daddies only to become part of the exhibit?" The Joker cracked into laughter, slapping his knees and collapsing in fitful giggles.
Each of the free boys gulped, each of them considering how to save the apparent civilian(s) among them without exposing themselves...
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hello-im-not-a-possum · 4 months
The more I see on my dash about how much more sense it makes for Sam and Tucker to be endgame the more annoyed I am that it didn't happen.
Also My two cents on how Sam and Tucker make more sense as a couple than Sam and Danny is that the outcome (Happy couple with half-dead best friend third wheel) mirrors the college trio but would show how much Vlad and Danny differ from each other despite their similar circumstances. Where Vlad becoming a halfa ended the college trio's friendship, the everlasting trio's bond grew stronger as Sam and Tucker stuck by Danny's side and did their best to help him out, so where Jack and Maddie hooked up and Vlad resented it, Danny would probably be surprised at first but be happy for them.
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Savage by blood (dp x dc)
As Maddie stared at the letter in her right hand, she brought a slightly unsteady left hand to her mouth and pressed hard. The words were blurring even as she stared at the paper, as if Maddie could extract more information than what was on the page.
Maddie turned her head to find herself face to face with her son. Hurriedly she wiped at her eyes
“Mom, are you okay?” Her sweet boy asked again as he hurried closer.
Maddie took a fortifying breath and forced a smile she did not feel. “All good baby, just got some surprising news.”
“Mom you were crying.” Danny was still standing around gingerly, as if cautious not to upset her more.
Maddie opened her arms and her boy slotted in them for a hug. She sighed into his hair, even as she savored the embrace that was becoming rarer and rarer since he’d turned fourteen and decided he was too old for such thing. She sniffed again and did her best to blink away the moisture in her eyes. She heard the floorboard creak and when she looked up, she saw her eldest standing there, her eyes going from Danny to her. 
“You’ve been crying,” her daughter stated, her eyes watchful, and worried.
“Sweetheart-“ Maddie started but her smart girl interrupted the comforting words she was preparing.
“I’m getting dad,” Jazz said and left before Maddie could say anything.
Danny looked up, his big blue eyes just like his father’s. “What happened?”
“I’m ok, honey, it’s-“ nothing she wanted to say but stopped herself, well-aware that now that the whole family was getting in on this there would be no deflecting. Not that she would’ve tried to hide it from her family anyways. “It’s nothing bad, baby, it really only took me by surprise.”
Danny’s eyes narrowed but before he could say anything, her fool of a husband burst into the room. 
“I’ve brought tissues, my love!” He announced in a subdued version of his normal boisterous speech. “And the Fenton water-bottle to keep you hydrated!”
“Thank you, honey,” Maddie said as an irrepressible smile took over her face. Her husband had a way of making everything seem better to her just by walking in a room.
“Anything for you, Maddie,” he said as he stepped towards her and sat down next to her, with a soft kiss to her temple. He gestured to their daughter who had been standing in the doorway to come join their little dogpile and there was further readjusting as everyone wiggled into the most comfortable position.
Once they all fell still, Danny one again looked to her with narrowed eyes. “Now, what happened?”
Maddie sighed as she distractedly started to stroke her daughter’s hair. “Let me just say that this is an overreaction, I’m perfectly fine.”
“Mom,” said daughter intoned as her father gently intertwined their fingers and Maddie resigned herself.
“You remember how I’ve told you I’m adopted?” Maddie started, and she felt her son nod against her. “I received a letter.” Maddie took a deep breath. “It was from my birth mother.”
She could feel her husband gently pressing her hand.
“How did she get your contact?” Her son asked.
She pressed back before answering. “I don’t know. My file from before I was three years-old and entered the legal system is very spotty, so I would have had no way to even begin to look into my records of where I came from. I don’t think the records were sealed, for exactly that reason.”
“Ok,” Jazz started. “What did she want?”
“She-“ Maddie stuttered at that before pushing past it, “she wants to meet. Me. Or well I guess, us.”
“Us,” Jack said.
“The whole family,” Maddie confirmed. “And she wants to introduce me to her wives, if I’m ok with that.”
There was a pause as Jazz and Danny locked eyes. “Does that mean we could potentially get at least three grandmas out of this?”
Maddie couldn’t help a snort. “We’ll have to see how it goes, but yes it does.”
Danny pumped his fist in victory. “Three times the Chrismas presents!”
“Now, now, son,” Jack chided. “Let’s not think of extorting your grandmothers before we’ve even met them.”
“Yeah,” Jazz added. “Especially since I’m going to be the favorite.”
“No you won’t!” Danny jumped up to glare at her sister, who drew herself up.
“Yes I will, I’m already Aunt Alicia’s favorite!”
“Exactly, so it’s my turn!”
Jack put his hand on their interlaced hands and Maddie turned towards him.
“What’s her name?” He asked as softly as he did when he was trying to be subtle and unobtrusive.
“My biological mother’s name is Kay,” Maddie started, “and her wives names’ are Liana and Scandal Savage.”
“You bet your ass I’m going to be the favorite grandchild!” Her son exclaimed loudly.
“Danny!” Maddie reprimanded. “Language!”
“Sorry, mom,” her son muttered as he looked down.
Jazz sent him a smirk which had him sticking his tongue out in retaliation and her daughter turned towards Jack with big eyes.
“Da-ad, he’s sticking his tongue at me!”
Jack turned back towards the kids, to manage the fight that had started while Maddie grabbed the letter again, letting her eyes scan the contents again.
She would have to write back immediately.
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 months
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The myth of innocence, Louise Glück
9-1-1 characters + poetry: Maddie (Buckley) Han Edition
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Good Omens incorrect quotes:
Aziraphale: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.
Crowley, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
Aziraphale: Violence isn't the answer.
Crowley: You’re right.
Aziraphale: *sighs in relief*
Crowley: Violence is the question.
Aziraphale: What?
Crowley, bolting away: And the answer is yes.
Aziraphale, running after them: NO-
Aziraphale: Do you take constructive criticism?
Crowley: I only take cash or credit.
Aziraphale: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Crowley: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Aziraphale: *Kicks the door down looking panicked*
Crowley: What did you do?
Aziraphale: Nobody died.
Aziraphale: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Crowley: Killed without hesitation.
Aziraphale: No.
*how season 3 should start*
Aziraphale: Top 30 reasons why Aziraphale is sorry... Number 5 will surprise you!
Crowley: Top 30 anime deaths. Number One: YOUR FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW!!!
Crowley: You're right.
Aziraphale: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
Beelzebub: I’m going to take you out
Gabriel: great, it’s a date!
Beelzebub: I meant that as a threat.
Gabriel: See you at five!
Crowley: *Walking in to a room* Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*
Beelzebub: I made tea.
Crowley: I don’t want tea.
Beelzebub: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.
Crowley: Then why are you telling me?
Beelzebub: It is a conversation starter.
Crowley: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Beelzebub: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Aziraphale: This is bothering me.
Crowley: Well, you are digging up a corpse.
Aziraphale: No, not that. That's, uh, pretty par for the course, actually.
Aziraphale: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?
Gabriel, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons
Aziraphale: fsh
Crowley: God, give me patience.
Gabriel: I think you mean 'give me strength'.
Crowley: If God gave me strength, you'd be dead.
Aziraphale: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Crowley: That's why I carry two swords.
Gabriel: So what’s for dinner?
Beelzebub, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
Muriel: Why are you on the floor?
Crowley: I'm depressed.
Crowley: Also I was stabbed, can you get Aziraphale, please.
Store Worker: Would a Mr. Fell please come to the front desk?
Aziraphale, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: points to Crowley and Muriel
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Crowley and Muriel, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Aziraphale: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Muriel: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Crowley: The cow???
Muriel: What?
Aziraphale: Crowley, W H Y?
Aziraphale: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Crowley?
Crowley: … No.
Muriel: I do!
Aziraphale: I know, Muriel.
Muriel: I’m sad!
Aziraphale: I know, Muriel.
Muriel: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time?
Crowley: The car takes a screenshot.
Aziraphale: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Crowley: Aziraphale and I don’t use pet names.
Nina: I see. Hey, what are those things with the halos called again??
Crowley: Angel?
Aziraphale: Yes, dear?
Nina: Don't ever lie to my face again.
Muriel: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
Crowley: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Aziraphale isn’t
Aziraphale: We need a distraction.
Crowley: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Muriel, whispering: My time has come
Aziraphale: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me
Muriel: Okay, but in my defense, Mr. Crowley bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo.
Aziraphale: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!
Aziraphale: Crowley, keep an eye on Gabriel today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Crowley: Sure, I’d love to see Gabriel get punched.
Aziraphale: Try again.
Crowley, sighing: I will stop Gabriel from getting punched.
Maggie: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Crowley: I'm a knife.
Aziraphale, from across the room: They're the little spoon.
Aziraphale, driving Crowley and Muriel: So how was your day?
Muriel: We almost got surprise adopted!
Aziraphale: What?
Crowley: We almost got kidnapped.
Aziraphale: Oh, okay.
Aziraphale: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?
Aziraphale: You have to apologize to Gabriel
Crowley: Fine.
Crowley: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
Crowley: Hey angel,
Aziraphale: Yes?
Crowley: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Aziraphale: Where’s Gabriel?
Aziraphale: WHY. why did you give Muriel a KNIFE?!
Crowley: I’m sorry. They said they felt unsafe.
Aziraphale: Now I feel unsafe!
Crowley: I’m sorry.
Crowley: ... would you like a knife?
Muriel: Hey, Mr. Crowley? Can I get some dating advice?
Crowley: Just because I’m with Aziraphale doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Aziraphale: Crowley and I are having a baby.
Muriel: That's gre-
Aziraphale, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
Muriel: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Crowley: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Aziraphale: In that case, we're definitely lost
Muriel: What do you think Mr. Crowley will do for a distraction?
Aziraphale: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Aziraphale: ... or they could do that.
Aziraphale: I trust Crowley.
Muriel: You think they know what they're doing?
Aziraphale: I wouldn't go that far.
Aziraphale: While I’m gone, Muriel, you’re in charge.
Muriel: Yes!!!
Aziraphale, whispering: Crowley, you’re secretly in charge.
Crowley: Obviously.
Aziraphale: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Crowley: *turning to Gabriel* How tall are you?
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insane-obessions · 5 months
FaceTime Chronicles 💯
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All images sourced from their Instagrams and Pinterest.
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rotomartsblog · 2 months
The reason EAH is a children’s franchise is because only a child who Doesn’t Understand Things could possibly consider Royal being the right stance
#like the show will try to push that both rebels and royals have a point (case in point the whole ‘roybel’ thing) but it doesn’t work#because in the end it’s made clear which choice is right#like being royal is only shown to benefit the privileged with ‘good endings’ while being a rebel is for the benefit of everyone#and I’ve seen some claims that people can be royal by wanting their own destiny but letting others choose#but that specific line of thinking is present in maddie and cedar to some extant and they’re literally two of the main rebels in the series#identifying as a royal is saying ‘I think everyone has to follow their story no matter what ending they get’#and being a royal made sense when the idea of they’re being consequences for going against the stories was present#but those possible consequences are never really explored and in the end it turns out they’re isn’t any consequences actually#and then what’s the point of identifying either royal or rebel after the storybook pages get ripped out?#everyone chooses their own destiny but there isn’t really a system anymore anyways so both titles become devoid of meaning#so what’s the point of a character being a ‘rebel’? you’re not rebelling against the norm by choosing your own path#or believing others should because that’s what everyone gets now#and what’s the point of a character being a ‘royal’? the stories don’t have power anymore so what’s the point in everyone continuing#to play them out anymore other than maintaining status#the only people who have actual credibility for being royal are the fairies cause they’ll literally disappear but that only applies to othe#fairies and isn’t actually established in the show so how canon is it?#rotomtalks#ever after high#eah
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stevethehairington · 2 months
okay so it wouldn't be like a DIRECT au of it, just like a heavily inspired by, but BUDDIE TWISTER/TWISTERS AU:
so. buck is a storm chaser. he's got his team, him and a few others, and then abby, his girlfriend. they're working on trying to find a way to tame a twister — to get it to stop before it can start enough to do it's damage. they think they've finally got it, only when they go to put it into test there is a horrible accident and buck loses the whole team, except abby. the two of them are the only survivors. and it is DEVASTATING, but buck is like at least abby and i can lean on each other in our grief, we can get through this together. only abby quits. she quits stormchasing then and there and she leaves, just disappears, leaving buck alone with his grief. (if we want to be Extra Angsty, perhaps she even leaves with some sort of comment that implies she blames him for what happened).
so buck quits too — only it's not a permanent quit, of course. his sisters boyfriend, chimney, is a stormchaser, and when bucks home visiting maddie one day, chimney is there and he's talking about his teams plan (maybe his team was also after the same sort of twister tamer thing — maybe even based off of bucks teams initial research) and he's asking buck about it and buck hasn't thought about this stuff in a while (lies; he's thought about that incident every day since it happened.) but like enough time has passed that talking about it with someone else who's enthusiastic about the research rather than just interested in the tragedy of it all, starts to excite him a little too. and chimney tells him he should come with, when he and his team head out in a week. and after some Thinking and some encouragement from maddie, buck agrees and goes with chimney.
and so buck joins the 118 — consisting of chimney and hen and bobby (and maybe ravi too bc i love ravi okay). and it's good. they're a great team, brilliant, and they're all about helping people too. like, yes, their research is important to them, and they're fighting tooth and nail to achieve their goal, but they're put that on pause if there's even a chance for them to go help people evacuate or find shelter or clean up in the aftermath — and that's something buck really loves about the team. bc that's all he wants to do, help people. so buck fits right in with them and it's. it's fun, again. he did miss this.
and, of course, the 118 has a riiiiiival team — another group of stormchasers who are ALSO trying to find a way to stop the twisters before they can do their damage. they're both close, so it's kind of like a competition between them, which team will capture success first? but this team (not really sure who it'll consist of yet) but im undecided on if eddie would be the leader of the group or if he's just a team member, but. eddie dia,z with his sweeeeet texan twang, and his big cowboy hat and his flashy belt buckles and his charm, he's there. and their team is popular in the stormchasing world, and everyone's eyes are on them too.
but like it's always those two — the 118 and eddies team — at the forefront of it all, they're always chasing the same storms.
and both teams are on the cusp of a big storm, but the 118 catch wind that there's a small town in the path of this one, and they decide instead of following the twisters they're going to head to the town to help the people there. and they end up veering off the path and eddie notices and then HE finds out about the town and he tells his team they need to go help too but his team is like dude NO we gotta get to the twister, the 118 are gone so this is our chance to be the ones to test our tornado tamer solution, WE could beat them. and like eddies team has clearly lost the whole point of all of this — to save people. but HE hasn't, so he goes rogue and he heads to the town instead, where he finds the 118 and they're a bit wary of him at first bc it feels out of character for someone from his team to be here doing this rather than chasing the storm, but at this point im thinking buck and eddie have already had some conversations (MAYBE eddie has actually saved buck once already too so like that trust between them is already built) and buck just immediately starts shouting instructions and eddie falls into line with them and the two of them work flawlessly together and the rest of the 118 is like yeah okay he's good people and they welcome him in too.
and maybe eddies team runs into trouble too and eddie catches wind of it (he's still connected to their radios maybe?) and he's like fuck we gotta help them too so he and buck break off to go help that team (bc even if they're the 118's rivals and even if they're on the verge of the breakthrough the 118 has been chasing too, that doesn't matter rn. what matters is saving as many lives as possible) so the two of them break off to go help and they DO but eddies teams solution DOESNT work, but they took the 118's truck that was loaded with THEIR solution so buck and eddie let that loose and THAT DOES end up working and so buck and eddie save eddies team AND the town AND each other.
and, OF COURSE, through all of that buck and eddie fall in love, and in the end eddie ends up joining buck's team, and they chase storms together, and when they have bad days, when they have close calls, they're there for each other and they're not going anywhere, and they ALWAYS have each other's backs <3
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I need a fic where Maddie gives Tommy the “Don’t hurt him” talk but then they both have a fond but also “oh my god” reaction to Buck doing or saying something ridiculous and Maddie is instantly like “you know what? I approve”
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madelynevere · 3 months
i've said it before n i'll say it again, maddie remaining the goblin queen is not true to her character whatsoever and she deserves to be free from that. she also deserves to be using her mutant powers more than she does
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mfdragon · 9 months
Just finished your goodVlad!au and I'm in love with the way u draw expressions, especially vlad and jazmine, it's like breaking the bones of the DP style and born anew
Thank you so much! ✨ When I first started drawing more properly, people kept telling me my expressions were my strongest skill. So I guess I started to lean more into that lately with my storytelling.
I love stories that can tell so much with barely, if any, dialogue. 💕 and Vlad and Jazz are especially really fun to push their posing and expressions to their limit :3
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sussusamogus47 · 3 months
been forever since i've posted but i really need to recommend lost terminal.. such an amazing podcast like holy shit. not only is the story itself so so good, but the representation in it is too!! like oh my god it's so good please give it a listen 🙏
anyway it's (as the creator calls it) a hopepunk podcast that's about a lil AI that goes around the world making friends and learning what it means to be human... i don't wanna spoil that much more about it, but trust me if you're neurodivergent you *will* find a character that's relatable
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c0rvidfagg0try · 5 months
I believe in Chimney Han supremacy and he deserves no trauma more ever
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transmasc-rose · 2 months
Amy/Rory I Saw the TV Glow au:
Amy as Maddy/Tara, who ran away and never came home, who talks about things that can't be real (the TV show, the TARDIS, a world where they're strong, a world where they're something better).
Rory as Owen/Isabel, meek and yet loyal and yet terrified of his best friend and what she means. And what she says. And what she shows him.
Doctor Who, the TARDIS, the Doctor, all wrapped up into the role of the Pink Opaque, the TV show from their youth, and something Amy grasps onto and never let's go. Something Rory abandons for a normal life.
And yet.
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spookberry · 2 years
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I love the selfie feature in Scarlet/Violet and in game I've been taking selfies a lot with my brothers whenever we play together and that inspired me to draw my pokemon ocs taking a selfie together <3
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