#made with love and zaza
smoke-that-zaza-dude · 8 months
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i havent posted art in a while so SHILO AND GREFGOR BY MEMORY I DREW DURING CLASS!!!
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thequeenofcupps · 3 months
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A/N: @desire4575 requested this and I hope you enjoy!
CW: mention of zaza, getting 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 and that’s all!
♫ we all know this mf smokes a lil zaza so sometimes you like to come over and get high with him and watch movies and pig out on snacks
♫ when you go over to his apartment his mom’s literally the sweetest woman alive she’s asking if you’ve eaten anything yet, how school was and asks if you wanna stay over for dinner. Larry’s a lil embarrassed ngl but he’s glad that his gf and his mom get along well
♫ he usually lets you sleep over (sometimes yall get a lil 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 when Henry and Lisa are out on a date or something ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
♫sal likes you a lot not like crushing on you but thinks of you as an older sister/sibling so Larry usually lets Sal hang out with both of you
♫ he introduces you to some metal or more sanity falls songs and you introduce him to your type of music and y’all just make a mix tape made of genres you both like and play that on date nights
♫you guys also paint each other’s nails but you have to put a protective layer on cuz he picks at his nails
♫you guys sometimes do spa days like face masks, skincare, nail painting and such but it’s rare cuz he’s a lil lazy to do skincare so you usually force him to enjoy it
♫you and the gang go to the lake sometimes and sometimes you sit on your towel and read but Larry being Larry decides to lay on you… wet
I hope that wasn’t your favorite book cuz it’s ruined now
♫you have play fights like pillow fights, arm wrestling fights, and just playful wrestling but that fucker hit you so hard with his FUCKING PILLOW THAT HE BLOWS ZAZA SMOKE INTO and you passed out for like 5 minutes. Yeah maybe no more pillow fights for a while… but don’t worry you made him pay! 😚
♫he genuinely loves you so much he’d blow up if something happened to you :c
♫ also he steals your bras and wears them if ur taking a shower
(Also make his ass wash that stank ass pillow cuz that’s nasty asf)
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A/N: I’m really sorry if this is short I haven’t played the game all the way yet but I hope you enjoy 😭
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megamuscle885-blog · 2 months
Skitter Flow
We're so s-small in the end man.
She wanted pussy but I gave her trauma. Haha.
Opp was talkin crazy. Shot him in both timelines.
We're out here smokin the shit that'll send you to the birdcage.
I have no loyalty for anyone. Never did, never will.
My money longer than Pale. My money longer than a Grey Boy loop.
Popped a xanny and wiped out every op within the state.
Fed him spiders. Made his ass a statistical outlier.
The worms are back.
I'm on twelve vicodins smokin that shardspace bisexual warrior monk cultivated sidepiece myrrdin deluxe cauldron reserve hashish. Shit will send you into a trigger vision, it'll have you witness Crystal God Whales.
Shorty told me no tongue so I made her gag on it.
The opps cut up shorty's face so I took two thirds of his gang in the divorce. Sent his ass into a two year coma. Froze him solid in a whole other dimension. Turned that motherfucker into a footnote at his own execution.
I don't give a fuck if I go blind, I don't need to see the price tag anyway. [The Undersiders laughing in the background. Scapegoat expresses his disbelief.]
I'm wearin that darwin bark spider gucci. Haters in shambles, dressed in their mom's pantyhose. Everyone can see your gross dick son. Should get that checked out.
I love drugs. I love drugs.
This miasma got me making out with them butch puppygirls. Changed the trajectory of her life.
The bugs are back. [Long pause followed by howling laughter from the Undersiders.]
This fight was over the moment I stepped into the room, cunt.
These cops are interrogatin me about this S-Class gamer girl as if I hadn't left their new boss buried under a freshly poured concrete foundation not two hundred feet away.
I'm out here huffin those bakuda bomb brain blasters. Shit will give you a concussion. I'm numb to all forms of pain.
Ventilated that three year old nazi with the gold plated glock to spare her ass the torment nexus.
This zaza will turn your skin translucent and make your skeleton visible. This zaza will turn you into a teenage mutant ninja salamander with LSD spit. This zaza will turn you into solid carbide titanium.
I only handed back the free world cuz I was bored.
I'm eatin that premium challenger pussy juice marinated Fugly Burger meal. The Endbringers are all I think about.
All I need is a pack of newports and the touch of a woman, and I'll fight God.
AAAAH! The worms!
You keep talkin mad shit for someone who still has eyeballs. I don't fuck with warning shots, jit.
There are bugs under your skin.
Made her choke on it so hard they had to weekend at bernie's her ass.
Surrounded by pussy but I chose war. These lesbians screamin their hearts out. I'm sorry babe.
Fuck it, cut ties.
They forgot I'm her.
This shit's so small in the end man.
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shakespeareanwannabe · 5 months
As You Wish, Chapter 10
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister (but biological relation is never discussed), reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, angst, panic attack, drinking, sadness, reference to divorce, kids doing sneaky things, swearing, character falling in the pool
A/N: No flashback for this one because I wanted to jump right into the chapter you've all been waiting for!
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Hotel Zaza, Now
Charlie kept her eyes peeled as she scanned the lobby for her mother, her father, and her potential future stepmother. She couldn’t believe that Uncle Bob had lost her mother. It was literally his only job in this whole operation.
Beside her, Natasha grumbled under her breath, echoing her thoughts. “…great WSO, terrible wingman,” she had just finished grumbling, leaning against a large white column as her one good eye surveyed the people coming and going. “Heads up, there’s your mom,” Nat jerked her head as Buttercup rushed from the elevator, clad in her yoga pants and tank top from earlier.
Charlie groaned as she saw her father and a blond young woman emerge from the crowd, the woman looking around as though looking for someone before heading to the front desk. “Oh crap, they’re gonna end up right next to each other!”
“Would it be so bad if they did? Takes the pressure off you and Abby to be the ones to reintroduce them,” Nat shrugged.
“I don’t know! Javy and Roo always made it seem like the world would end if my parents ended up in the same room together,” Charlie moaned, watching anxiously as her mother and the blond that she guessed was Savannah came closer and closer to each other, Jake trailing behind with his eyes on his phone.
Beside her, Nat rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, Javy always had a knack for the dramatic.”
“I thought you liked my dramatics, Phoenix?” a deep voice sounded from behind them, and they both turned.
Javy stood smiling at them; his thick arms crossed against his chest.
“Uncle Javy!” Charlie launched herself at him and found herself caught in his strong tattooed arms.
“Hey there, girlie!” Javy hugged her close for a moment before placing her back on her feet. “No warm welcome from you, Phoenix?” He held his arms open playfully, an earnestness twinkling in his eyes that Charlie wasn’t sure she’d ever seen before, but Natasha just scoffed.
“How about you do something useful and go stop your best friend from blowing this whole operation before it starts?”
Javy blinked at her, hurt flashing momentarily in his eyes before he crossed his arms. “Is that anyway to talk to your friend?”
Natasha rolled her eyes, turning her head slightly so that half her face was against the pillar. “We haven’t been friends in a long time, Machado.”
Javy’s shoulders bowed forward. “I know, but I never wanted it to be that way.”
“Then what did you want?” Natasha snapped.
Charlie huffed and turned away from them. The concierge desk had four people working at it, and, luckily, her mother was in line for the first person, and her dad was in line at the third. The odds of them seeing each other weren’t high, but Charlie didn’t want to take any chances.
With a gulp, she ran over to where her dad was in line, Savannah hanging all over him.
“Dad?” she hid her trembling hands. She had missed him so incredibly much, despite being so angry with him for hiding her mother and sister from her. He was still her dad and she hadn’t seen him in over a month, so while she really wanted to give him a hug and never let him go, she instead hid her hands behind her back and waited for him to respond.
Jake disentangled himself from Savannah, turning to her with a bright smile on his face. “Hey sweetheart, did you and Rooster find the pool?”
“Yeah, but…they don’t have any change rooms!” she blurted out the first excuse that came to her mind. “Could you show me where our room is so I can get changed?”
Savannah pouted before Jake could even open his mouth. “Sugar, we’ve got to meet the wedding planner.”
Jake fixed her with a look that had her pouting bottom lip sucking back in. “And we’ll have plenty of time to do that. But I’m not allowing my daughter to wander around the hotel alone. C’mon, Charlie. I’ll take you up to the room.”
Charlie felt a smile creep onto her lips. “Thanks dad.”
Savannah sighed, a dramatic, long-suffering thing, before she nodded. “Fine. Let’s go back to the room. But then we have to meet Phillipe.”
Charlie glanced at her father’s face quick enough to catch the tail end of him rolling his eyes. “Yes, dear.”
Charlie stifled a giggle as they weaved through the crowded lobby and hustled into the glass elevator. Savannah pouted and leaned her back against the glass as Jake punched their floor number before taking the two steps towards her and wrapping his arms around her waist.
“It’ll take five minutes, tops,” he murmured, pressing a placating kiss to her hair as the car started to move, rising them up above the lobby.
Jake glanced down, always having loved heights, even if he was only going a few stories high, and his heart stopped.
There, standing below them, waiting for the next elevator car, was…
But it couldn’t be. She wouldn’t be in Texas. There was no way. She had practically sworn off the States after the papers had been approved, even going so far as to take her brother and her closest friend with her when she had basically fled.
Jake blinked, but the phantom from his past didn’t disappear. Instead, she raised a timid hand and waved at him, a small smile tugging on her lips.
Jake felt his knees begin to buckle, and it had nothing to do with the elevator car coming to a halt or his girlfriend—no, fiancée—kissing his neck.
She was here. His Buttercup…she was here. In the same hotel as him. In the same hotel as him and Charlie. Did that mean Abby was with her?
Jake’s heart began to race. She was here. She was here.
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The second her dad and Savannah wandered off to meet Phillipe, Charlie scurried back to the elevator, rode it two floors down, and practically sprinted to her mom’s room, where she knocked rapidly.
Her own familiar face opened the door and she smiled brightly. “Abby!”
Abby returned her hug with fierce strength. “Charlie!”
They stood standing, smiling at each other for a moment before a deep voice interrupted them. “You two are gonna blow our cover if you keep standing out there for the world to see you.”
Charlie grinned and sprinted at her uncle. “Uncle Roo!”
He scooped her up with his usual begrudging smile. “Hey kid. Good to see ya. Now get your butts inside before someone spots you.”
Both girls rushed into the room, both smiling at Bob where he lounged on the bed.
“Crisis averted?” he teased.
Abby glared playfully. “There wouldn’t have been a crisis if you hadn’t lost our mother.”
“I had to take a phone call,” he defended, a small smile playing on his lips. “Where is your mom?”
“I’m right here.”
Abby turned and spotted her mother, standing in the doorway that connected the two rooms.
“Mum!” she launched herself across the room and was caught by those soft, strong arms that wrapped around her fiercely.
“Oh my girl…” Buttercup whispered into her hair. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Abby whispered into her mother’s neck, feeling the tears stinging her eyes. As much as she had loved being with her dad and uncles, she had missed her mother just as much. Her warmth, her strength, her slight floral smell, the way she laughed. All of it. “I’m sorry I went to Texas without telling you.”
Buttercup sniffled and straightened. “I understand why you did, baby. However, what I don’t understand…” she placed her hands on her hips. “Is why your father just looked at me like he had no idea I was on the same planet as he is, let alone the same continent.:
Abby stepped back, falling into line with Charlie, and they both gulped. “What do you mean?”
“Your father spotted me when he was riding the elevator up, and, from the look on his face, he had no idea I was going to be here.” She looked between them sternly. “You did tell him that I was going to be here, yes?” As the two sisters stared at each other guiltily, she groaned. “You didn’t tell him?”
“Well, mum…” Abby started. “You see, we…that is to say, Charlie and I…”
Rooster and Bob started to edge around the room towards the front door, but Buttercup held a finger up at them.
“Freeze, you two!” she barked. “You allowed my daughters to—to—bamboozle us this way?”
Bob tensed while Rooster purposefully dropped his shoulders. “Bamboozle you how?” he asked, a forced calmness in his voice.
Buttercup huffed. “What is this? Is this about you still not believing that a divorce was the best course of action for us, Bradley? Or about how you always thought we should have tried harder with the custody arrangement, Bob?”
Charlie stepped up. “It’s not their fault, mom. We…we wanted you and dad to be happy.”
Buttercup couldn’t help the incredulous laugh that escaped her. “And how is cornering your father on the tour of his wedding venue going to make him happy?”
Charlie felt herself flush and she opened her mouth, but it was Abby who spoke first. “We don’t want to have to live with this custody arrangement anymore, mum. We were hoping that, if you and dad saw each other again, you’d be able to figure out another way, so we can share the two of you instead of having to live separate lives.”
Buttercup folded in on herself, arms crossing in front of her, not defensively, but protectively. “I…I know the custody arrangement wasn’t fair to the two of you. I…you’ll never know how sorry I am for that. But forcing your father and I into this…” she shook her head. “Why didn’t you just talk to me? Talk to us? Especially once you met at camp.”
“Mum…” Abby bit her lip. “I wanted to. I really did. But you always seemed so hurt whenever I brought up dad, and…and I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“I wanted to talk to you too, but…” Charlie gulped. “But I was so scared that you wouldn’t love me if I pushed you to talk to dad. And I was terrified that you were going to say no.”
Buttercup drew in a deep breath and her shaky exhale drew the attention of Rooster and Bob, still edging towards the door. They paused in their quest for freedom, and Bob looked tempted to approach his sister, but Rooster’s hand on his shoulder stilled him.
“I…I’m so sorry, girls,” Buttercup whispered. “I wish I could do it all different. I wish that things had turned out differently for all of us. I wish that your father and I—”
The door that stood mere feet from Rooster and Bob burst open, letting in a bickering Natasha and Javy. Buttercup jumped as their voices raised.
“—I never said that!”
“Oh, but you implied it! How else was I supposed to take that?”
“You can take it and shove it up your—”
“Enough!” Buttercup shouted, bringing the room to a standstill, quiet as a pin-drop. Her hands covered her face, and it was only the keenest of eyes that could pick up the slight trembling of her limbs. “The four of you—” she shot a pointed look at the four retired aviators in the room. “Owe me a massive explanation for why you thought it was okay to manipulate J-Jake and I. I trusted you. Natasha, you and Bob know how I felt about this meeting and you still decided to blindside me. And I’m sure Jake will feel similarly once he finds out that his two closest friends are pulling the rug out from under him while he’s planning the happiest day of his life. And girls? There are so many reasons why what you did is not okay. First, switching places at camp and now forcing your father and I into close proximity. I’m trying to be understanding but…” she sighed heavily, her hands sagging back to her sides. “I need a drink,” she murmured, backing towards the door. “You four can watch my daughters,” she added with a glare at the four adults quietly sulking around the edge of the room.
Looking down at the guilt-ridden faces of her daughters, Buttercup sighed and stooped to hug them both into her arms. “I love you both,” she whispered, sniffling slightly. “I’m not mad, I’m just…I need some fresh air. Stay here. Please.”
With another small sniffle, she turned and fled the room, leaving six guilty parties staring after her.
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Jake found himself boring holes into the ugly paisley wallpaper of the hotel hallway, listening to Phillipe yammer on about some special flooring package. Or was it a floral package? Either way, Savannah seemed thrilled and was too busy chatting with her new bridal BFF to notice that her future husband hadn’t said a word since the elevator.
Buttercup was here. In Texas. He hadn’t seen her since…
His stomach roiled at the thought of their last meeting, the tears they had both shed as they left their wedding rings on the table and said goodbye to one of their daughters. Her tear-stained face and the gauntness of her cheeks, the bags under her eyes. His memory was in sharp contrast to the woman he had seen in the lobby, all full cheeks and glossy hair, all smiles as she had waved at him.
He shuffled his feet as a funny feeling exploded in his stomach at the thought of her. It was Abby. It had to be because of Abby. Jake hadn’t held his daughter in over ten years, and if she had come to Texas with her mother…
Jake’s hand dove into his pocket before he could second guess himself. He wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to see his daughter. And if his chest tightened at the idea of seeing his ex-wife? That was just the nerves talking, of course.
“Hey, sweetheart?” Jake called, his eyes widening theatrically. “I just got a call from Sarah. Our vet on staff? Apparently something came up on one of the horses tests and she wants to talk to me about our options. She says it’s urgent, otherwise I wouldn’t be asking. But why don’t you and Phillipe make some decisions and you can tell me all about them later?”
Savannah pouted and Jake was honestly a little surprised that she didn’t stomp her foot for emphasis. “But Jakey!”
“I know, sweetheart,” he crooned, his feet already shuffling him away towards the door. “But I trust you. You can make whatever choices your heart desires. I just want you to be happy with this wedding.”
Apparently, he had said the magic words because Savannah turned back to Phillipe without another word to Jake and said, “In that case, what about the premium lighting package? Can we add more chandeliers?”
Jake ignored her as he took off towards the elevator, wondering where he should even start looking. The hotel was huge, but he would knock on every door he could if it meant finding his Buttercup. Jake shook his head at himself. No. He wouldn’t allow himself to go down that path. He was searching for Abby. His daughter. Not his ex-wife. However…his daughter was likely to be wherever his ex-wife was, so he supposed he would have to search them both out. But where the hell to start?
Jake exited the elevator onto the main floor and scanned the lobby. His Buttercup wasn’t much of a gym fiend, more into home yoga and cardio than anything, so the gym was out. She was an author, he knew, but it didn’t seem likely that she would be in a conference room.
Jake paused and leaned against a white marble pillar. He had to think. Think like Buttercup. She liked the water, he remembered. They had had way too many fun memories on the beaches of Coronado for him to pick just one favourite, but the way she had smiled at him while surrounded by the sun and sand and surf was enough to warm his soul even ten years later.
The mere thought of it had him turning and racing down the hall towards the indoor pool. He quickly palmed his keycard against the magnetic lock and stepped into the room, almost taking a step back when the overwhelming smell of chlorine caught his nose, but he persisted, doing a quick lap of the pool and surrounding deck chairs to try to spot Buttercup or Abby.
“Sir, can I help you?” a lifeguard regarded him suspiciously, and Jake took a second to realize how it must have looked, a fully dressed man scanning every woman and child in the pool room.
“Sorry,” he felt himself redden. “I just thought…my wife said she was heading to the pool with our daughter, but I don’t see her.” He didn’t see Charlie either, but he had enough questions on his mind to wonder where she might have gotten to.
“She might’ve meant the rooftop pool,” the lifeguard offered helpfully. “There’s a cabana bar and a waterslide that the kids really seem to love.”
“Thanks, man,” Jake replied, already turning on his heel to head back to the elevator. Of course, she would head to the rooftop pool instead of the indoor pool. She hated the smell of chlorine and she always said the water felt better when you could feel the breeze in your hair. She was up there. Jake could feel it in his bones.
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Buttercup placed the glass back on the bar with a little more force than necessary before meeting the bartender’s gaze and saying, “Another one, please.”
He frowned a little disapprovingly but poured her another rum and Diet Coke, her second since sitting down at the cabana bar next to the pool five minutes ago.
I love my daughters. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my daughters. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my daughters…she chanted to herself as she sipped the second drink slowly. What they had done, tricking her here on some half-cocked dream of getting her and her ex-husband back, was so far over the line that she was fairly certain they didn’t even know where the line was anymore, but she loved them. Her daughters especially had their hearts in the right place, and she couldn’t fault them for wanting a normal dynamic between their parents. It’s what she herself had always wanted for her family. But things didn’t always turn out the way you dreamed. That was made especially clear to her when she spotted the bottle blond wrapped around her ex-husband, at least ten years her junior and basically painted into her blue jeans. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was her daughters. She would face Jake. She had to. She wouldn’t live a life without Charlie, not anymore. She wouldn’t fight him for full custody, but she would do everything in her power to make 50/50 possible for her girls. She could do that much for them…after she had another drink.
She threw back her second drink and asked the bartender for another one. He rolled his eyes but poured the drink and handed it to her before moving off to clear up some of the glasses that had been left on the poolside tables. Her eyes followed him as she nursed her third drink, tracking his movements as he collected glass after glass before her eyes caught on a figure rapidly approaching from the roof’s door.
Her stomach roiled, and she decided that three drinks in less than ten minutes was a bad idea. “Oh god,” she whispered, turning away from him and stumbling to her feet. She couldn’t do this. She wouldn’t do this while drunk. She needed to be stone cold sober to be able to face him, otherwise she’d make a fool of herself. And she had promised herself that she would never make a fool of herself in front of Jake Seresin ever again.
Buttercup quickly straightened and walked away from him. If someone accused her of running away from him, she would have no defence but that didn’t matter to her. She wouldn’t face him until she was confident in herself, and she couldn’t be less confident after three drinks.
Buttercup passed the bartender as she heard Jake’s footsteps pounding behind her. “Buttercup, wait!”
“Don’t call me that,” she whispered, feeling her heart pound at his nearness.
“Buttercup, I—”
A loud crash sounded behind her, and Buttercup spun on her heel to see what was happening, but she didn’t see anything before her flip flop caught on the tile of the pool and she stumbled unsteadily, falling backwards right into the pool.
The chill of the water immediately sobered her as she flailed in the deep end, trying to figure out which way was up before a strong arm wrapped around her waist and tugged her to the surface.
She gasped as the fresh air kissed her face, that arm not leaving her as it towed her towards the edge of the pool.
“Th-thank you,” she panted, frantically pushing her wet hair from her eyes.
“Don’t mention it…” an achingly familiar voice replied, deep and playful with a beautiful Texan twang.
Buttercup clutched the edge of the pool as she blinked, her vision clearing enough to see Jake Seresin a mere foot away from her, his dark blond hair plastered to his forehead and his white button-down shirt almost see-through.
He grinned, that cocky grin that she had always hated because it meant his shields were up. “You weren’t trying to run away from me, were you?”
“No!” she shivered and started pulling herself along the pool’s edge towards the stairs. “Don’t be so full of yourself. Not everything is about you.”
Jake chuckled as he did the butterfly stroke beside her, easily keeping pace as she clumsily looked for an escape. “But it’s so much fun to think that everything is about me,” he grinned a Cheshire cat smile at her that would’ve had her defences melting a decade ago.
Buttercup reached the pool’s ladder and didn’t have it in her to swat away Jake’s hands on her waist to help steady her as she climbed out of the pool, a staff member greeting her with a fluffy white towel as she stood in her dripping clothes. Jake smoothly exited the pool next to her and wrapped the towel around his shoulders.
“So, are you saying you’re not in Texas to see me?” Jake asked, his green eyes glinting in her direction.
Buttercup swallowed. “As a matter of fact…” She had to tell him. She had to just come out and say it. It wasn’t fair to the girls to make them do it, and it wasn’t fair to him to keep him waiting. “I am here for you. And I thought you were here for me.”
Jake’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What?”
Both jolted away from each other, not realizing how much they had moved into each other’s space as they talked.
Abby and Charlie stood before them, mouths gaping.
“What on Earth did you do?”
“Why did you go swimming in your clothes?”
Buttercup pulled the towel tighter around her shoulders as Jake turned and gaped at the two almost-12-year-olds standing in front of him.
“Did I hit my head when I jumped into the pool after you?” Jake murmured, not taking his eyes off the two girls.
Buttercup shook her head. “No…they’re both here. It’s…kind of a long story.”
One of the twins gulped. “Please don’t be mad.”
“It’s not Mum’s fault.”
“We met at camp—”
“—and we figured out that we’re twins, and—”
“—and we decided to switch places—”
“—because we wanted to meet you and—”
Jake crouched in front of them as they rambled and slowly, carefully, placed a hand on each of their shoulders before pulling them into a tight hug.
“I don’t care,” he whispered tightly, cradling them both against his strong body as years of pent-up longing and grief threatened to spill out over his cheeks. “I don’t care how it happened. I’ve waited years to hold you both in my arms again. So that’s what I’m going to do.”
He pulled them even tighter against his chest and his heart fractured as he felt them—both of them—wrap their arms around him. And if a few tears fell, then who could blame him?
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Tags List: @mamachasesmayhem-deactivated202 @mamamaystbr @jessicab1991 @waltermis @buckysteveloki-me @allepaula @yuckosworld @bradshawssugarbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @kim-stark @high-speed-r @starsrfun @tomanyfandomstrash @averyhotchner @the-blueatlas @dashes-dizzydisaster @a-girl-who-loves-disney @boiolay @djs8891 @tgmreader @kmc1989 @landpiranha-blog @sydthekid1518 @lynnevanss @mackenzieblair @minejungwoo @starset21 @tgmavericklover @dempy @starkleila @magical-spit @whatislovevavy @simplyreading96 @vivalas-vega @itsdesiree86 @inky-sun @books-are-escapes @abaker74 @mrs-perfectly-fine @inthestars-underthesun @boisewaffles
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ishhbowl · 2 years
🌃 helpmylawyersabug follow
People are always like "id love to fuck a monster 😍" but the second I pull out my mandibles they start looking for the bug spray. Whats up with thst
👩 veryrealhumangirl-notahivemind1056 follow
hey Boy sexy... you like human babes? Clickclickclick click here
🌃 helpmylawyersabug follow
Whys there a bot on my post. No ones falling for you get better
🎸 kianstoneswtd follow
🎸 kianstoneswtd follow
clickclick click
edit: wow this post popped off!! stream smoke with the devil 😊
🌃 helpmylawyersabug follow
This post has 6 notes
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🎸 kianstoneswtd follow
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this is just like my friend rand.. Lol! 😆
🌿 rand-om-dm-420 follow
🎸 kianstoneswtd follow
would you rather i call you my boy toy
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🐀 reggiedarat follow
day 8 no zaza. i can feel the remnants of my flesh dripping slowly down the wall
🌃 helpmylawyersabug follow
I thought you died
🐀 reggiedarat follow
they got 5g up here
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🌿rand-om-dm-420 follow
god made me to be the cutest transsexual in louisiana and to slonk that shit nasty but now i gotta experience the mfin horrors dawgg i hate this town
🎸kianstoneswtd follow
wow this post popped off!! stream smoke with the devil 😊
🌿rand-om-dm-420 follow
PLEASE stop reblogging all my posts with this
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Whats ace attorney
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sunny-ssunset · 26 days
Honest south park dating headcanons🔥💯
Im writing so much bc i literally have nothing else to do so enjoy 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯
Anyways honest headcanons about how i think the main 4 would act in a relationship with you (all aged up) mostly gender neutral but there is like mentions of boobies :)
TW Mentions of s*x, dr*gs and v*mit
•Honestly you wouldnt have to put much effort in to get with him
•Mother fuckers desprate for love
•Hes actually a bit of a wreck once you date him
•Crying because he is scared you'll leave him
•You are defo a rebound
•To be fair he'd start to fall for you though
•And because of that he'd throw up all over you
•He'd break up with you if wendy said she missed him
•In his eyes theres always someone better
•And im sorry but he moves on fast
•If wendy breaks up with him again though
•Expect a drunk call at 3 am saying how much he misses you and how he fucked up and if you can get back together
•Its your choice if you get back with him though lmao
•He is extremely awkward
•Kyle has high ass standards so when he sees someone that meets those standards he'll fall hard
•This man cannot talk to people he likes
•If he doesnt like you he is the rizziest rizzler ever
•And 0 rizz if he does lmao
•He'd start SWEATING
•He would be stumpted for words
•Then when you leave he'd blame someone else for 'fucking up his chance'
•If however you did start dating him (god knows how)
•He'll probably dump you over the smallest thing
•If you vape or smoke though its a big no no
•And like you would argue over the smallest thing
•He'd rant and rant and rant and rant about something cartman did that day
•Probably would put work or school before you
•He forgets your his s/o sometimes
•He'll treat you like a therapist
•However he is really fucking good in bed 😩😏
•This man would always be looking out for no. 1
•Genuinely would not give a fuck about you until you show any value to him
•Always trying to prove he is better than everyone else (especially kyle)
•He listens to alpha male podcasts
•Andrew tate supporter
•To be honest despite him also being plus sized
•He wont date someone who is also plus sized
•Its because andrew tate said he can do better
•He is delusional and doesnt believe you when you say he is fat
•Its apparently just baby fat
•He would let you in on his schemes and let you tag along but would also throw you under the bus and say it was all your idea if he gets caught
•Manipulative as fuck
•Would get pissy if you said no to anything he asks you
•He'd leave you because "He can do better"
•He fucking stinks
•Its either he'll stink of zaza or just plain stinkyness
•He like never showers even when he had the opportunity to
•He'll have a huge crush on you and you'll find out through other kids
•Cartman probably spread it around
•He'll always be staring at your boobs or ass
•Says word like "GYATT DAMN" "WHAT THE SIGMA"
•He doesnt have tiktok only youtube shorts
•Has a shitty cracked iphone 6 in rose gold with no case
•He'll be very loyal like he would never get with someone else
•However always staring at someone elses boobs or ass if not yours
•Will compare you to 'attractive celebrities'
•Hes done many many dr*gs
•Him and his mates probably made a list of all the hottest people in the school (god knows where you are on it)
•He has no rizz at all because hes extremely shy
•Probably only got with you bc of how big your gyatt was
•Hes always really h*rny
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latanyalove · 10 months
When He's Sick
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Sanji woke up with a pounding headache and blurry vision. He struggled to open his eyes, but he managed to sit up. Despite the discomfort, he knew that he had to make breakfast for his crewmates. Stumbling out of bed, Sanji made his way to the door, grasping for the handle.
Just as he was about to open it, he heard a startled yelp from the other side. Zaza jumped at the door the moment it opened.
"Oh Zaza love, what are you doing here?" Sanji said as happy as possible, even though he felt sick.
"I'm here to check on you! You didn't look too good when I saw you last night, so I wanted to make sure you were okay today," Zaza said, a hint of concern in her voice.
Startled, Sanji reflexively lied, saying, "Yeah, I'm okay. I have to go make breakfast-" However, Zaza was having none of it.
"No, Sanji. I already made breakfast."
Sanji's eyes widened in surprise.
Sanji felt a warmth spreading in his chest - a feeling of happiness, relief, and something he never felt for anyone else - love.
He had never felt such a strong emotion for Nami or Robin, two of his closest crewmates. Even though he was always protective of them, this feeling he felt for Zaza was different.
It was a feeling that he had never felt before.
"Now it's off to bed for you," Zaza said, pushing him inside the room and the door closed behind them.
Sanji was exhausted but he couldn't help but smile. He had never felt such a strong connection with anyone before.
As he sat on the edge of his bed, Zara was about to leave when Sanji grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer.
Sanji's heart raced as he felt Zaza's body collapse onto his lap. He felt a sudden thrill, along with the fear of what Zaza would think of this sudden gesture.
He felt a strange mix of emotions, but the one thing he knew for sure was that he wanted to stay with her in that moment.
She gasped as she sat on his lap, her heart racing as she felt his strong arms naturally wrap around her. She had never felt this way before, and it both scared and excited her. She looked up at Sanji, her eyes wide with surprise and uncertainty.
She could feel her heart racing as she looked into his deep blue eyes, and for a moment she felt like she was lost in his gaze. She was about to say something, but the words caught in her throat.
She could feel her cheeks flush as she looked away, embarrassed and confused. "I'm sorry, I must have tripped," She said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Sanji didn't respond to her, but his eyes spoke volumes, filled with a desire that was unlike anything he had ever felt for anyone else. His gaze seemed to be asking her a question - a question that she couldn't answer, but one that she wanted to say yes to.
She felt drawn to him in a way she had never experienced before, and she felt herself leaning in closer to him.
Sanji then effortlessly slid his hands to cup her cheeks, gently caressing them as she looked up at him. His touch was gentle and warm, sending a thrill through her body.
She felt her body instinctively drawn to him, wanting to stay in his embrace forever. She savored the warmth of his embrace, feeling safe and secure in the moment.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt her body yearning to stay in his embrace. She felt like she was in a dream, and she never wanted it to end.
Sanji looked down at her, his eyes searching hers for an answer. He slowly brought his face closer to hers, and whispered, "Can I kiss you?"
Please say yes, he repeated in his head.
He wanted nothing more than to feel her lips against his, to experience the kind of passion and love that seemed to come so easily to other couples.
He wanted to know what it felt like to be truly in love.
Zaza felt her heart pounding in her chest as she looked into Sanji's eyes. She felt like she was in a trance, and his touch made her feel alive in ways she had never experienced before. She couldn't deny the feelings that were bubbling up inside her, and as she looked into his eyes, she knew that there was no other answer she could give except, "Yes."
As soon as that word left her lips, Sanji didn't hesitate any longer. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, feeling a wave of emotions that he had never felt before. He could feel her warmth and softness, and the kiss felt as if it was going to last forever.
Zaza felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest as Sanji's lips met hers. She had never felt this kind of passion before, and it felt like nothing else mattered in that moment.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, and Sanji felt his heart skip a beat from her touch. He responded by wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. She felt his warmth and strength envelop her, and as their lips moved in perfect harmony, she felt herself getting lost in the moment.
Sanji felt her body mold against his and he felt a wave of emotions pass through him. This was the kind of love he had been yearning for, and he never wanted it to end.
When they finally parted, they were both left breathless, their heartbeats pounding in their chests. They stared into each other's eyes, both of them filled with a sense of wonder and amazement. They had just experienced something that was truly beautiful and life-changing, and they both knew that this moment was something they would never forget.
Sanji muttered, pressing his forehead against hers. "You won't regret this, I promise."
"I don't think I could ever regret us being together." Zaza replied.
A dreamy smile spread across Sanji's face. "I'm so glad to hear that. You make my heart skip a beat."
Zaza said to him. "You make mine too, my love."
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 
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madeinparadis · 6 months
pairing: eren jaeger × reader
cw: fluff and (mostly) angst, fear of loss/death, spoilers for the ending of the manga & anime ofc.
word count: 1.1k
masterlist: all characters
a/n: i was on the zaza (sleep deprived) while writing this, so the brief representation here of the paths is probably not the most accurate, especially given how the cabin scene in the anime & manga left some people confused. either way, hope you enjoy!
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The birds chirped gleefully, flying over the roof of your cabin, their sound carrying the message that it was already morning– yet another day beginning and taking away your counted time with your lover, who lay serenely asleep beside you. You observed how the warm sunshine illuminated his face, casting a golden halo around his body that made him look angelic– it distracted you from the plans he would act out in the near future that were, in fact, the opposite of angelic. But pretending didn't hurt, and as long as you were here, you were safe.
You didn't understand the entire complexity and operation of the paths, but they were a very welcome escape for you. After all, if you were to live in reality on earth, Eren would be away from you, tormented and left alone to his own devices– instead, he built you both a home in the paths, which allowed you to run away from everything and just breathe, even if only momentarily.
As the sunlight passed between the curtains and hit his face directly, Eren slowly blinked his eyes open, looking at you.
“You should've slept some more. You seemed peaceful,” you asked, keeping a quiet tone.
“I was,” he replied, his gaze still melting into yours. “And if I got live like this by your side until my death, I'd live in peace.”
“Then don't go.”
“I don't want to go.”
“So stay.”
“You know I can't do that," he muttered. “I have to finish my plan.”
Your expression saddened as you listened to his words. You too knew he would have to leave you for his war, and you also knew you would be alone– all your comrades would go on with their lives, and you would be thinking back to the days when you lived in fear, but in love. It was a cruel reality, the one you lived in, and it was the price you paid for loving a man whose rage and determination made him a slave to freedom. You were, logically, more than aware of the fact that no matter how much Eren Jaeger loved you, he would never put a stop to his plan.
But you could always dream. Dream about a life where the titans never invaded your childhood home, or one where they didn't exist in the first place. In your dreamscape, you could both run off and get married, and Eren would build you a home even better than the one you had at the moment. You would live far away from the bustle in your hometown, somewhere in the countryside, where your days would be serene and quiet. Outside, you would gather the dry laundry with a big basket, watching your husband walk back home with a load of freshly chopped wood in his arms. Perhaps, inside your little cottage, you could find room for children of your own– a boy and a girl, much like Eren and Mikasa– they would each have different features from their parents, both in appearance and character. What would they be like? Would they be stubborn like their father, or curious like you? The possibilities were endless, and you cherished the thought of all of them. You could be a good mother, and you wanted nothing more than to be his wife someday. Maybe in another lifetime. In this one, all you could do was daydream as you mindlessly stared at the man lying next to you in bed.
You focused your eyes on Eren's hair, strands messy from the friction against your pillowcases. He looked serious today, and you moved your dominant hand up to softly card your fingers through his hair, continuing your observation of his features.
“I wish I could stop you from doing it,” you spoke up again.
“I know.” His gaze dropped down to your collarbones.
“It's unfair, you know. I should hate you for leaving me before we even got to live...” you stopped for a second, feeling a knot form in your throat. “But even if all of our friends are going to marry and build their own families while I visit your grave, I still can't hate you.”
“I'm sorry.”
“I know,” you mutter. “I just wish things had worked out differently for us.”
“I do too. You know, when we were younger, I used to think that I would kill every titan, and then we would run away together afterwards.”
Eren's eyes met your own again, and you could sense an odd feeling of nostalgia linger in the air.
“We were so naïve back then.” You smiled, remembering your past days.
“At least now I can save all of you guys.”
You stayed in silence for a moment.
“But no one can save you.” Your hand slid down from his scalp to caress his cheek.
“You've already saved me,” he contested, placing his hand on top of yours, over his face.
“Not from death.” You felt tears well up in your eyes, threatening to fall.
“You can't stop me from dying.” He squeezed your hand slightly. “But you have stopped me from feeling like a dead man many times before.”
You reached your limit of stoicism, and what was a threat became a reality– Your eyes turned glossy and red as tears spilled out of them and fell on Eren's thumb, which brushed under your eyes and gathered your waterworks tenderly.
“What am I going to do without you?”
“Live your life freely.”
“I don't want freedom, I want you,” you choked out between sobs.
“You'll have me for as long as we're here.”
You curled up against him, letting him run his hands through your hair while your tears dried up. Despite it all, you were still with Eren, and he wasn't going to leave you just yet– so you enjoyed his presence while it lasted, listening to his heartbeat and engraving its sound and rhythm into your brain, in hopes that you would never forget it.
The two of you basked in the morning sunlight, and lay in bed curled up together until seconds turned into minutes, and you ended up losing track of time. Not very long after your tears dried, however, you tugged at Eren's shirt, gently guiding his face until his lips collided with yours, crashing like waves in a low tide– slow but impactful. Backing out to breathe, you let your fingertips ghost over his cheekbones, drinking in the sight before you like a relic, praying that all the memories you stored would stay with you for eternity.
Eren was right. You couldn't save him, and he could not stay with you forever. But as long as you were here, in your little cabin, he would be yours, and the two of you could be happy– away from the real world and the harsh truths that awaited you. It didn't hurt to play pretend. For now, you were safe.
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 11 months
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Astarion x Y/N - isekai drabble - 716 WC
Warnings: drug use (the zaza), depressed Astarion, slightly steamy (like a rolling boil), astronomy, flufffff, comfort
Astarion laid on the ground with a distant look in his eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” you said kicking him in the side lightly before sitting down with him.
He didn’t look at you, “Wallowing in self pity.” he said in a monotone voice. 
You hummed in response, poking his face. He had no reaction. You sighed before getting up and sauntering away. Astarion assumed you left him and his sour mood, alas you reappeared with a small box.
“I haven’t shared this with anybody, but it always makes me feel better.” you said opening the box and placing a joint on his chest.
He finally looked at you before grabbing the joint and sitting up on his elbows. “What is it?” he asked, sounding unimpressed. 
“Where I’m from it is technically a drug but it comes from a plant so it isn’t the worst thing ever to ingest.” you said taking the joint from his hand. You produced a small blue flame from your palm, lighting the bud. You took a long drag before holding it in a moment, You coughed a bit as you exhaled. 
“Is this what I smell from your tent every other night, darling it’s ghastly.” he said, turning his head away.
“Stop being a bitch and try it.” you rolled your eyes at him before passing the spliff. 
He brought it to his lips, copying what you did. You both went back and forth like this until the joint was finished. Both your eyes were hazy and bloodshot. You wore a goofy smile, rocking yourself a little bit. You and Astarion watched the sunset in peaceful silence.
“You’re really pretty.” Astarion said randomly, you could hear the intoxication in his voice.
You laughed when you looked at him, all doped up. 
“You’re pretty too.” you said simply. 
Astarion moved so his back was laying on your chest, you instinctively wrapped your arms around him in a loose hug. You rested your chin on his shoulder as you watched the sun disappear and the stars begin to shine. 
“What do you think is out there?” he said, jutting his chin out towards the sky.
“Space? Lots of stuff out there… stars, moons, planets, galaxies… On my world, we have managed to send machines and people into space. The machines send us back portraits of what is out there… I don’t understand it all but it is no less beautiful.” you sighed happily. 
“Humans in space? I don’t believe you.” he said, crossing his arms like a grumpy child.
You laughed at him before kissing his shoulder, “There is a planet in my solar system called Neptune, it rains diamonds there. There’s another planet named Saturn, it has rings around it. One day on the planet Venus is a year on my world…” you prattled on all the astronomy science you could recall. “Oh! My favorite fact - were all made of stardust!” 
Astarion looked at you with a sarcastic raise of his eyebrow but a playful smirk on his lips. “Are we now?”
“Yes,” you nuzzled into his neck, kissing his jaw softly. “Nearly all the elements in our bodies are only forged in the hearts of stars.” 
“You amaze me.” he turned his head, kissing your cheek. He leaned his forehead against yours, eyes meeting. You felt euphoric in this moment, the drug elevating your senses. Astarion played with your fingers for a moment before kissing your fingertips. “I’m sorry I was… unpleasant earlier. I just… I worry about the future.”
“What about the future?” you ask.
“Where you see yourself in it…” his eyes were big and gentle, “Selfless as I am, I don’t want to let you go… but I understand if you do.” 
You shifted so you could face Astarion, “I will be with you as long as you’ll have me my love.” you pecked the corners of his lips before kissing him softly. 
He held the back of your head, deepening the kiss. When you finally came up for air you rested your forehead against his, eyes closed trying to regulate your uneven breathing. “To the stars?” he said holding your hand. 
“To the stars and beyond.” you squeezed his hand reassuring him. He sighed a sigh of relief before pulling you into a kiss, laying you down slowly.
Two posts in one day???? I'm on fire babesssss. Hoping to write more over the weekend. Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs, and requests. <3 :D
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davekat 4/20
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late edition
i swear i made this on 4/20 believe me anyhow they smoke zaza love wins
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lil-spider · 1 year
So Damn Pretty
Chapter 3
Part 2 : Part 4 :
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter X Female Reader
Summary: Johnny is sex starved and you’re very attractive, so attractive that he doesn’t want to kill you. Instead he finds ways to keep you around longer.
Note: Ive made Sissy a traditional woman who helps cooks and clean, but I also like to think she’s a modern woman that likes to smoke the zaza in her downtime while listening to groovy music. Im trying to make this a pwp. I’m not sure how many chapters but I want it to be a slight slow burn with some angst mixed in with other things. Johnny also wants the wants the reader to join the family and become one of them but he knows reader won’t be willing, so he has a plot in mind for her. That will all come later on heheh.
Warning: This is 18+ and please do not read if your sensitive to heavy descriptions of non/con and violence. Including bondage, blood, gore, assault, objectification and unsafe sex. For those who don’t mind, I hope you enjoy.
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I dream of what might have been if the minivan had never broken down or I hadn't accepted Johnny's offer. In my dream, I would be out in nature with my closest friends, unwinding by a campfire, and toasting marshmallows. They give me a radiant, loving smile. I want to tell them how much I miss them, but when I'm abruptly roused by strong sensations, they disappear from view.
My clit is throbbing, my nipples are aching, and I feel a fullness down below. “Nnnnngh.’’ I groan out, my eyes trying to adjust and widening as I witness Johnny hovering over me, sucking on each of my nipples. I let out a loud gasp, realising his thick, hard cock was inside me, fucking me. “Mornin’.” Is all he says as he sits up, grabbing my legs and pulling them over his shoulders to pound into me. “Wait!’’ I yelled, but he kept going, thrusting even harder at my pleas. How long has he been fucking me?
“Fuck, I can’t get enough of your pussy.”He groans, keeping up his relentless pace. “Waking up to your wet cunt grindin’ on me.” He drops my legs and wraps them around his waist, going into the missionary position. “It was a clear invitation for my cocky darlin'.”
Placing his arms on the sides of the pillow, caging my head. He gets closer to my face while holding himself up. He watches my pretty face contort from sleepiness to pleasure.
I moan like a whore as his cock reaches places other men I’ve fucked could never get to. I’m starting to get addicted to the sex we keep having, never wanting to stop. “You’re just so fuckin’ pretty.” He groans, admiring me. Then diving into a heated kiss. My throbbing clit twinges at his compliment. What is this man doing to me? He leans back up away from my face and grips my hips, focusing his thrusts on a hard, steady rhythm, getting closer to cummming. I move my hand down to rub my clit, getting closer to that feeling. But he grabs my hand.
“Have you learned nothin’?” He’s now angrily pounding into me, losing that perfect rhythm. I whimper at the change. “If you want to fuckin’ cum rubbing your clit, you've got to ask permission.” He states. Pinching my nipples harshly. I thrust my hips back into him, groaning. “Have I been fuckin’ ya' too much? You’ve gone stupid now?” He pants out. His cock twitching at my needy moans. I nod my head at his words desperate to cum. He lets out a deep chuckle at my agreement. “Okay, then, baby, this is the last time.” Johnny whispers to me softly. Proceeding to get me off, he rubbed his left thumb on my achy clit, circling it. I throw my head back into the pillow, my hands grasping the bed frame.
He’s adjusted his hips and body lower so he can hit deeper. I squirm around as he goes back to sucking each of my nipples and biting them. He groans as I clench around his cock, each time he bites a nipple. He rubs my clit faster, feeling me tighten up, about to finish. “Johnnnnny.’’ I whine as I cum on his hard cock. Shutting my eyes, as he grips my hips, slamming into me, chasing his own release. He tucks his head into my neck, biting it hard, drawing blood as hot ropes of cum pump into me. I shiver from both sensations. He licks up the blood leaking out of the bite wound. “My favourite girl.” He speaks softly in my ear, making butterflies fill my stomach. He slides his dick out and cleans himself up with a grey t-shirt he grabbed from his old tallboy. He gives me the shirt so I can wipe up his cum. “Get dressed; I’m bringing you down to the kitchen to help Sissy make breakfast.” He tells me, while throwing me my discarded white dress.
Thinking about what Johnny did to me while I was asleep, I'm behaving a little hesitant as I get dressed. In an effort to seem presentable as I wait for Johnny, I run my fingers through my matted hair. He puts on his blue tank top and denim trousers, takes his belt and knife from his desk, wraps it through his jeans, and places the knife behind him. He looks really good and the way he walks so confidently leaves me a little flustered. While slicking his hair back on his way out the door, he grabs his lighter and carton of cigarettes.
“Come on,” I re-arrange my white dress and follow him downstairs. If not for the numerous bone decorations, the house would be magnificent. I bite the inside of my cheek and look around following after Johnny. He stops as he approaches the kitchen and chuckles at my uncomfortable expression as I unintentionally bump into him. As she chops some strawberries, Sissy laughs at my awkwardness. “Aww, sugar!” She laughs once again when she sees my red face. “Oh, Johnny, she's so adorable.” Both of them smile at me as he nods to her. Both of them smile at me as he nods to her. “She will help you out today while I finish up in the yard with Nubbins; Bubba is downstairs if you need him; and the old man is returning today.” I pick up on the slight annoyance in his voice when mentioning this old man.
Now it's just me and Sissy when he leaves with a “see ya.” I twiddled my fingers apprehensively, unsure of what to say or do. Sissy, however, snatches my hands and beams at me, saying, “I knew this dress would look great on your pretty frame.” She speaks adoringly as she examines me from head to toe. When she notices the bite mark on my neck, she hums and pulls me away from the kitchen backup stairs leading to her room. Her room is more colourful, with a bunch of posters and plants; it is far more attractive than Johnny's. She takes out a tin containing crème. She applies it to the bite mark, which gives me some relief. “There, sugar, this will help it heal; you don't want it infected now.” She seems to be really good with medicine and poisons, thinking back to the white powder blown in my face.
She walks over to a vintage white makeup vanity and pulls out a chain inventing me to sit. I look into the vanities mirror as sissy starts brushing my hair removing the tangles, I’ve got dark circles from lack of sleep and dehydration. “As long as you behave pumpkin I’ll keep ya refreshed.’’ She lightly warns me putting my hair in a double Dutch braid tying my hair halfway so it’s in pigtails. It’s really pretty. “It beautiful.’’ I tell her and she smiles brightly at me. How can someone her smiles so lovely be a murderer. “Sissy?’’ I ask her. “Yes pumpkin?” She responds putting some oil in my ends. “Do you eat people?’’ She’s pauses looking me still with a smile. “Times have been rough sugar, it’s just the way we are and if you want to stay alive you must follow our ways.’’ She advises me.
“Johnny likes you, and I do too, but my pa’ is coming back today. And he's the one in charge." She continues. “We’ve never left one of the victims alive, so you're pretty special, but ya’ need to prove yourself. Can ya’ do that for me, sugar?” She steps away, waiting for my reaction. I nod my head, looking at her. She grins warmly, “For now, we get to the chores. Our first job of the day is breakfast. We’re making pancakes, and then we'll tend to the greenhouse. We’ve got plenty of strawberries to pick as they're in season.”
We returned to the kitchen, and thanks to Sissy, I felt much better. In contrast to Johnny, who is quite intense. Her relaxing demeanour eases my anxiety. She asks me to set up the table, wash and cut up the strawberries, and put them in a bowl while she flips the pancakes. This family seems to function normally despite the horrendous things that happened to my friends. Sissy breaks those thoughts ringing a loud bell as she placed the cooked pancakes on the plates, suggesting it was time to eat.
I placed the bowl of strawberries in the centre of the table. I also set down glasses while gets the water jug from the fridge. She motions for me to take a seat at the end, next to her. She departs, claiming that she has to feed Grandpa. How big is this family? The others appear as I sit waiting. First to arrive is Johnny, who is shirtless and carrying his top over his shoulders. The Texas heat has left sweat dripping over his muscles. I squeezed my thighs at the sight of him. He takes a seat at the end, facing me.
After him another man and Bubba arrive sitting down. The new man notices me arose the table. He’s is a lanky man with a scar or birthmark? Running down his face, much larger then Johnny’s. “Whose this?’’ He questions with a slight a speech impediment. “This is Y/N she’s our new house maid’’ Johnny answers him amused. “Maid? We can’t afford a maid.” He argues with Johnny, who just rolls his eyes. “Don’t worry bout’ it Nubbins; she’s just gonna help with chores, less work for us.’’ Nubbin’s perks up at the thought of doing less chores, he looks me up and down squinting. “You like pictures?’’ He asks me giving me a broad smile; a little creeped out I just nod my head. “Enough chatter; let’s dig in before breakfast gets cold.’’ Sissy says walking back in taking a seat next to me. Breakfast was actually really good, I gotta give props to Sissy, she can cook.
I helped Sissy clean up after everyone was finished. As the men went back to their activities. I decided to ask Sissy some questions. “How big is your family?” I ask. She washed the dishes as I dried. “Not too big but perfect, there is Grandpa; he taught us everything there is to know about killin’. Johnny is the youngest and my cousin; his mother', Nancy, is my aunt; and the other boys are my uncles. Pa is currently out of town for a chilli festival, but he should be back tonight.’’ She speaks with such pride and love for her family. It’s honestly really touching, even if they are all crazy. “Okay, yeah, now I understand.” I tell her. She’s smiles. “Do you have any family?” I shake my head. “Not much; I've got no siblings or cousins; my parents are out of state. So it's just been me for a long time.” She hugs me, feeling sympathy for me even though I don't mind having less family. “Don’t worry, sugar, I have a feeling you're going to fit right in with my family.” I feel conflicted at her words. 
In the kitchen, we wrapped things up. “The greenhouse is our next task.” Sissy leads me to the backyard greenhouse. It has tomatoes strawberries, onions, and carrots. She shows me how to care for each plant, grabbing the vegetables and placing them in a basket. She even shows me her special herbs in the back that she is cultivating and drying. She has one I easily recognise, marijuana. She covers her mouth with a finger as I gawk at her in disbelief. It seems nobody has any idea what it is. “I learnt how to grow it when I was in California.” She clarifies for me.
‘’The boys have all their own little enjoyments, but this is mine; I'll let you try some later.” She tells me with a wink. “That sounds amazing.” I told her, grinning. We chat more as we work. After learning about each other, it seems she’s really happy to have a girl her age to talk to. She mentions her beautiful ‘sisters’ from her California family and how much she misses them. She said I reminded her of them. She also talks about her old sweetheart, Charlie, and how she would do anything to see him again. I'm a little gobsmacked to find that she was part of the Manson cult. I recall reading about his arrest after the murder of that actress. I don’t think she took a part of that, but she ran back here after he got arrested. “I felt bad when I came home. Johnny’s mother’ still isn’t happy with me. She thinks I’m ungrateful, but I love this family—probably more than her. I just wanted to get away, to find myself, ya’ know?’’ She rants at me. “I understand, Sissy, you wanted an escape, an adventure.” She has a sweet smile while clipping away at the plants. “Yeah, an adventure.” She agrees. 
“I must admit that I was surprised when Johnny decided to keep you alive; he's never kept anyone alive for this long. And if he does, he keeps them in the basement and never upstairs.” She comes to a halt and looks me in the eyes. “I now understand why,” She grabs my hand and her basket of vegetables and hurries me back to the kitchen before I can answer. “We need to start fixing lunch and dinner right away.”
I'm left in the kitchen while Sissy goes down to the basement to get more 'ingredients,' as she tried to put it kindly, since I now know the source. But as I start to peel the carrots, Johnny wanders in, still shirtless. He stops and examines me, now noticing my new hairstyle. “To my room.” That's all he says to me as he walks away. Geez, he makes me feel anxious. I set the carrot and peeler down and headed to Johnny's room, not sure what to expect.
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smoke-that-zaza-dude · 6 months
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RUMI! drawn for my other acc @ripells
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0prettygirl-jay0 · 1 year
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•~Context: you and sero get stuck in a closet with some ✨special zaza ✨~•
•warnings: penetration, mdom, fsub, praise, weed.•
hispanic sero 😍
U.A dorms was the best place for parties and having fun. there was achohol, music, food, and best of all weed. so here i was, in a burgundy dress, that momo bought me for my birthday…rich people i swear. mina invited me to this months party to look for some dick, after these past few weeks with testing and all, fuck do i need some relief.
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i closed the door to my room and see denki run past me screaming for help with bakugo running behind him, and kirishima trying to stop bakugo from killing denki in return, as per usual. making my way to the stairs into the common room i see a sea of people, just dancing on eachother, drinking and singing, with rack city by tyga in the background. good song choice jiro.
“hey Y/n! you finally made it, took you long enough…damn you look good, girl.” mina said to me happily as she grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen.
“thanks girly, you always look good as well.” i said softly. when we got to the kitchen, there was sero, my fucking crush. god did he look so fuckable right now. wait no stop, but the basketball shorts and black tank top with the chain, lord please help me. sero looked up from his phone and then gave me a up and down look with a smile.
“hey nugget..! you look delicious- i mean beautiful..” denki laughed as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, from behind me and mina. i turned my head to look at the blonde with a laugh to his response, then kirishima slapped the back of denki’s head.
“not manly dude, atleast take her to dinner first. you do look beautiful tho Y/n.” kirishima said with his shark tooth smile and his usual pose as he dapped me and mina up.
“yeah what he said, pretty girl…” sero said calmly as he gave me a wink and then he took a sip of his water, with that godly side profile, and the adjustment to how he sat on the counter. fuck.
“hurry up extras..! fucking denki decided to lose our weed some place.” bakugo said angrily as he went to dap me and mina up, then he left to go look for this bag of weed.
“you guys are gonna smoke again! i thought we said no smoking this time, c’mon guys…” mina slumped down sadly and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at the three boys and me with those cute little doe eyes of hers.
“aww c’mon mina, whats a little partying without being high, we’ll be back quick, promise cutie.” denki said as he dapped me and mina up, then left the kitchen to go look with bakugo.
“dont worry pinkie, ill party with you..! c’mon.” kirishima smiled at mina as he dapped me up and left with the now happy girl to go party. i mean who decides to hide weed, and not remember where they put it. stupid ass mother fuckers. like why not just hid it in your room? common sense denki. i walked out the kitchen and back into the sea of people, to this hallway before the stairs, to go upstairs, there was a closet. why not look in here. looking around in the closet, it looked like a pantry.
“hey princesa..” sero said from behind me, while i heard the door closing behind him.
“fuck sero, you scared the shit out of me..! i found where that idiot put the weed, lets go.” i said with a annoyed tone. god, do i love hispanic men, he looks so fine. to be honest though, sero’s been weird around me lately, ever since the first time we smoked together. i cant say i haven’t been feeling tension around him lately too, but were we feeling the same thing or what.
“fuck..i think the knobs jammed.” sero exclaimed softly to me, knocking me out of my thoughts as i saw him trying to pull the door harder. great now im stuck in a closet with the my crush and the sexiest man known to man. great night if you ask me. i pulled my phone from the black little purse i had witht me and called mina a bunch of times, as well as texting her. shit.
“we’ll just have to wait and see if mina answers any of my texts or calls…fuck.” i said to sero as i tried not to look at his fine ass. the closet was hot as shit, or was it just me? i sat myself on the floor since these heels have been killing me.
His heart skipped a beat when she did so. He felt himself getting lost in those beautiful eyes again., whenever she looked at him. The warmth coming off of her body made him feel comfortable, safe even. so he sat next to her.
“shit…might as well smoke a joint then, huh pretty girl?” sero laughed, as he grabbed the bag from my hands, brushing against mine lightly. putting a pre rolled joint in my mouth as he lit the shit for me. i swear i might be in heaven not gonna lie. “my bad i didnt dap you up earlier, no disrespect to you of course.” i coughed a bit as i inhaled and exhaled the joint, then i shook my head at the man. i knew he meant no harm, we all were busy talking and all that shit. damn its been a while since ive smoked. one big pull already hitting.
“your all good, spidey..” i said with a light laugh at the end. sero chuckled at the nickname as i gave him the joint. my thighs clenched up as i heard his chuckle. now that he was sitting so close to me on the ground, i swear she’s meowing. wtf is in this weed bruh. unbeknowing to me, the thigh clench didn’t go unnoticed by sero. 25 minutes later, drag after drag and eating and drinking things in the pantry.
“Sé, que lo sientes princesa, deja de jugar conmigo. i know you feel this tension whenever were together, how it feels when we touch.” sero said in a husky voice, then he drank his water and adjusted. while turning his head to look at me in the eyes, his eyes glanced between my lips to my eyes and then my cleavage.
“thats the weed talking sero, you dont mean it…” i said back to him slowly, even though deep inside of me i was hoping it wasnt the weed talking. this weeds making me horny asf. i held my head in my hands. then sero moved to kneel infront of me as he took my chin in his big hands to make me look uo at him, kissing me deeply and letting his tongue explore my mouth. separating from the kiss, breathless and both wanting more he began sucking on my neck. His hands explored my body, one hand on my hip kneeding the flesh in his hands to pull me closer to him, the other in between my thighs touching my clit through my panties.
“c’mere Y/n, look at what you do to me..you see that its not just the weed, my love, its you, my feelings for you…” sero put both hands on my hips to pick me up and hold me against the pantry. bunching the dress above my hips so i could wrap my legs around him, i felt his hard dick grind against me.
“yeah…you like that hard dick grinding against you, hm pretty girl?” his voice was low and husky, he leaned down until his lips were against mines. oh fucking shit. everything was happening way to fucking fast. being high and horny, some people would say not a good mix, but being high and horny with your crush. its a yes for me.
“sero…you sure about this, hm?” i said with a groan as all sero could do was leave hickies on my neck and grind into me. his hardened cock throbbed in his shorts as he listened to me. Without sayiing anything, sero kneeled on the ground, putting my legs on his shoulders. moving my lacy red panties to the side and giving me one long lick in between my wet folds. eliciting a small gasp from me as he continued to eat me out. sero groaned loudly as he felt my walls tighten around his middle finger. i have no idea when he did that but fuck does it feel good, pushing another finger deep inside me. when i looked down at sero who was eating me out i could see the juices dripping onto his face as he licked my clit faster, and fingered me. wanting nothing more than to make me cum all over his face.
"you like that, huh?" sero was kneeled on the floor with my thighs on his shoulders, eating me out and fingering me, while holding me up at the same time. fuck what else could this man do. never in my thoughts could i have pictured him this way. funny, high all the time, goofy sero? no. making me cum all over his face, hot and sexy sero? yes.
“ohhh- fuck….sero fuck..” my hands gripped at his black hair while my thighs clenched around his face.
“fuck princessa, think that pretty little pussy could handle what you did to me, hm?” sero carefully allowed my feet to touch the floor as he harshly removed the dress from my sweaty body, as he stood up and made me look at his aching cock, that he was grabbing out of his shorts.
“please, sero…i know you want this as bad as i do…i want your cock filling me up…” that was the sluttest thing i could possibly say, but fuck it. i thought while looking up at his smirking face. was it a little embarrassing? yes, am i getting what i want? double yes. He smirked even more as he thought to himself and then he picked me up again, but this time allowing his thick purple ish tip to enter me. feeling me heat enveloping his member, he was groaning in awe. "Te quiero mucho, mi amor." he whispered before he slammed into me again and again, each time getting rougher than before. my nails digging into his shoulders as i screamed in ecstasy, begging him to never stop.
"eres tan jodidamente caliente cuando ruegas así…” thrusting into me with all his might, letting out a loud groan. He growled, biting my shoulder lightly as he began pounding into me, using one hand to grab my waist tightly while keeping the other on my tit. "Oh, mi amor...si te gusta esto..." he grunted, giving her another rough kiss as he fucked her harder. fuck this man makes me so horny. the only thing i could do was nod at the man, i could barely fucking speak, let alone think. while all this was happening i gave sero a necklace of hickies while also adding nail marks to his back. the only thought on my mind was only about the pleasure he was giving me. sero smirked widely as he saw me nod, It made him even hornier knowing how much i enjoyed being taken roughly by him, let alone that the pleasure he was giving her couldn’t make her speak. He grabbed my legs and lifted them higher around his stomach, allowing him full access to my sweet spot.
“there…there- fuck..yes..!” As soon as i said those words, Sero could no longer hold back. His grip tightened on my thighs, leaving marks in their wake as he pounded away at my pussy relentlessly. i moaned sero’s name loudly as i came hard, flooding his cock with my wetness and cum. He didn't slow down though, continuing to pound away. my moans sent shivers through sero’s spine as he continued pounding away at my pussy, while i was still sensitive. Hearing me call him by his first name only turned him on further, making him lose control completely. sero was moaning loudly, whimpering almost, He couldn't help but let go as well, filling my womb with his seed finally. His eyes closed as he gasped for breath, his chest heaving with each breath he took. He looked at me, his chest covered in sweat, and scratches.
“me haces sentir tan caliente, te necesito tanto. no solo sexualmente, sino mentalmente. Joder, no sabes lo mucho que siento por ti...” sero said to me calmly as he brushed the hair out my sweaty face. i wasn’t done with him yet, still needed to let him know he’s mine. all i did was plant a heavy sloppy kiss on the mans lips as sero took his dick out of my pussy with such wet noises, and held me up.
“can….i suck you off?” fuck that was harder to say then i thought, i said to myself as i kept looking up at the man. sero’s eyes widened slightly but then he smirked mischievously.
"you wanna do that?" he asked teasingly, looking deep into your eyes. "do you really think im gonna say no?" sero smirked as he gave me another kiss before i went down to kneel on the floor. As soon as she took him in her mouth, his entire body tensed up once more. He had never experienced anything quite like this, feeling her warm lips wrapped around his cock while he stared down at her. Her tongue flickered out, teasing him as she took him deeper. He gripped her hair tightly, not able to control himself. His breathing became heavier as he nodded slowly, enjoying every second of it. His hips began moving involuntarily, thrusting his cock deeper into her throat each time. He loved how much power he had over her now. He loved how submissive she seemed when she sucked his cock. It made him feel powerful yet helpless at the same time. tears formed up in my eyes from his thrusts into my throat.
“Mhm... yeah... mmhmmm~"
“Oh god... oh my god..."
seros head tilted back and his eyes rolled back as he moaned and groaned. His breath hitched, feeling like every nerve ending in his body had been turned on at once. As you continued to tease him, he could feel himself getting closer and closer to orgasm.
"ohh... fuckkkk.... yesssss..." sero moaned, while gripping tightly onto my hair as he approached his peak.
"fuck! fuuuuck!!!" he cried out, wave after wave of intense pleasure coursed through his veins. "mmmhmmhhmmmm!!" while biting on his hand to keep quiet.
“Y/n..?! you in here? i couldve sworn she asked me to come here.” mina said as she continued knocking on the door. sero smiled down at me as he tried to gain his breath and with a pop off of the tip of sero’s cock and his cum running down my chin. i gave him a smile back.
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Why are some shippers trying to out them? They must have their reasons for not telling the truth ...can't they just be left alone ?
Dear Have Their Reasons Anon,
And a very good morning to you, too. Or, you know, as Truman Burbank would say, 'good afternoon, good evening and good night', heh.
I'll be as brief and (hopefully) clear as I can, as far as my own position is concerned:
I am not very sure anyone is trying to 'out' anyone, here. At any rate, it's this house's policy not to comment on other shippers' beliefs, choices and behavior, unless absolutely necessary to do so. And by 'absolutely necessary', I mean showing solidarity when people get viciously and/or unfairly attacked. This, I will always do, because this is who I am, Anon - and there is no difference between the real life me and the netizen me, unlike perhaps many people in here. However, the least thing I would like to do is to sound self righteous and/or act just like another Fandom Militiawoman. Nope. This is not going to happen here, Anon. Tempted as I might be - and often feeling so, to be honest.
And even if those fans did want to 'out' them, dear Anon, just think about it for one second: how would they do it? Hire a PI? Oh, please, spare me that spurious (but oh, so convenient) thought.
By the way, thanks for confirming there is something to be outed, after all, in the process. 😏
Last, but not least, here is a simple something I can offer: not food for thought, actually, barely a cucumber sandwich, if you will. If they really (really, really) wanted to be left alone, why all the intricate shenanigans and double entendre games, Anon? On and on and on, over and over again, for ten years? Stories, slips, interview blurbs, Twitter bantering, BTS and not BTS at all pics, and blah blah blah, to oblivion?
If I were Them (which I am obviously not), I'd think some publicity is better than no publicity at all. Being left alone is probably the least thing they want, but I think they are still doing an awful job when it comes to finding balance and/or managing that very fickle red boundary line.
Thank you for dropping by: it made for decent brain calisthenics, as I was savoring my morning porridge, Anon. And, fun fact: I love cucumber sandwiches (and so did Wilde, heh). The best I ever had was at The Strand's High Tea, in Rangoon.
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That was my room at The Strand, in August 2010. It came with a personal butler (the formidable U Zaza) and you could even direct dial the hotel's own fortune teller (and probably a Bureau of Special Investigations' mole, as well). I never did, but regretted it. It would have been epically funny.
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verdemoun · 4 months
there will be a detailed post about dutch van der linde in timewarp in the next 24 hours watch this space but before then The Ex's of Dutch Van Der Linde is an absolute posse
the main trio is annabelle, susan grimshaw and molly o'shea. molly catches up with the girlies more than any other members of VDLs. side tangent i know in my soul grimshaw and molly made up like grimshaw thought she was protecting the gang. molly would be hurt grimshaw actually believed she talked. she was just saying it to get a rise out of dutch. grimshaw would recognize the effect dutch has on the people that love him and be very apologetic for being blinded by the idea of molly talking and putting the gang at risk, and not doing more to help her as she mentally declined in 1899. they made up they're friends shut up let me dream
the first time molly went over for a formal exes of dutch meeting kieran was also there and the sheer panic poor molly felt please please do not tell me dutch slept with the o'driscoll!! he cheated on me with the o'driscoll!!!?! (she doesn't love dutch but she damn well will have another reason to hate him if she's adding cheating to the list)
he didn't!! he was hanging out with annabelle before the meeting. 1. she lowkey forgot he was there because he's so quiet 2. she's holding him hostage in an effort to get hosea to come. they all damned well know 3. it's a surprise tool that'll help us later
it starts off as just a nice wine dinner talking about girlie things bitching about work, modern era life but by the second bottle of wine someone has to break the ice 'remember how fucking annoying it was when dutch put on the gramophone' 'jesus christ yes i still fucking twitch hearing opera' and then it is all out war they are holding the roast of dutch van der linde
it is very stereotypical like they're making fun of how he preens like the pits of fashion they're saying he was bad in bed and things he did that gave them universal ick they're making fun of mangy tobacco pipe breath when he kissed them and all the red flags in hindsight like the gaslighting and the whole time they are still pouring more wine and smoking and getting more and more animated
finally, with the biggest shit-eating grin on her face, annabelle goes up to kieran who's just been sitting there playing on his tablet having a few drinks and zaza and casually asks 'hey kipper what do you think of dutch'
and fellas let me tell you when he's drunk enough to be chatty kieran duffy has Opinions. he will talk so much shit and the girls are just sprawled on the couch drinking wine listening to kieran duffy pace around calling out shit like 'why is dutch such a creep around women has he ever dated a woman older than 25 also what the Hell is his deal with pretending he's a moral superiority 'dutch is a teacher uwu' fucking horseshit half the gang was only so devoted to him because they didn't know anything else and he deliberately picks out people he can mold people to follow his ideals at least colm had the decency not to pretend he cared about people i wanna punch his god damn face so BAD and his moustache is stupid'
the girls are just sitting there snapping their fingers go off kieran he was there for entertainment value the whole time. annabelle just adores him if she could steal one of bessie's boys it would be kieran they have such a special bond as fellow victims of o'driscoll torture. she is his timewarp mom
they put on REAL music out of spite and by real music i mean they are drunk dancing and shout-singing along to 'vampire'. by the time hosea gets there the energy is just so contagious he does join in the 'fuck our ex dutch van der linde' party while bessie is stealing the leftovers. kieran has somehow managed to fall asleep on the couch and bessie quietly sits beside him and has herself a sneaky glass of whisky while the girls + her husband have moved from alternative pop 'i hate my ex' to country 'i'm going to fucking murder my ex'
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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The pilot was Jim Sullivan age 37 and the RSO was Noel Widdifield age 33
The trip between New York and London took only one hour and 55 minutes to cover 3,479.41 miles. To achieve the new record, the SR-71 flew more than three times the speed of sound.
On Sept. 13, 1974, the SR-71 departed RAF Mildenhall for a record-setting flight to Los Angeles, California. The trip took three hours and forty-seven minutes and covered 5,446.86 miles. The pilot was Buck Adams in the second seat was reconnaissance systems officer, Bill MACHOREK they set a speed record by going 5447 statute miles in three hours and 47 minutes and 39 seconds. They reached their destination they threw out quite a few sonic booms personally this is music to my ears, but to Zaza Gabor, a movie star at that time was an annoyance as the windows in her home were shattered. Bill and Buck did arrive at Zaza‘s home to apologize. They brought their wives, but Zaza was known for only loving men, and not caring about women and insisted that the wives had to stay in the car!
Within five years, both the SR-71 and the U-2 operated from RAF Mildenhall.
June 30, 1978, the headquarters of the 306th SW relocated from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, to RAF Mildenhall to support the SAC rotational forces at RAF Mildenhall and manage the ETTF.
April 1, 1978, the SR-71 returned to RAF Mildenhall, in order to operate from the base. This was the result of the 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, Detachment 4, which moved to RAF Mildenhall to oversee temporary duty deployments of U-2 and SR-71 aircraft. While this was a return appearance for the SR 71, it was the first appearance for the U-2. However, U-2 operations moved to RAF Alconbury in February 1983.
April 5, 1982, almost a year before the U-2s left RAF Mildenhall, the British Government permitted two SR-71s to be permanently based at RAF Mildenhall. Until the departure of the SR-71 on Jan. 18, 1990, it came to symbolize RAF Mildenhall in the public's eye.
I wish to extend America’s gratitude to Great Britain for allowing and welcoming the SR 71s and the Habu family.
Americans made quite a few good friends in Great Britain one that comes to mind is SR 71 author Paul Crickmore.
~Linda Sheffield
Source Mildenhall website
Description of the photograph
Once both the J58 engines had completed trim checks on the runway, wheel chocks were removed and a green light from the control tower indicated that the ‘Habu’ was cleared for take-off. Here SR-71 979, callsign ‘Oil 54’, awaits an early-morning departure from RAF Mildenhall in October 1984. Paul F. Crickmore
@Habubrats71 via X
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