#mainly from plotting pirate jumps
doolallymagpie · 11 months
a welcome side effect of writing this fic is i have a general idea of where lagrange points are
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bluegalaxygirl · 10 months
New Bounties (Law X Reader)
Plot: After Wano you and the heart pirates get their new bounties some are higher than others but your shocked, you've never had a wanted poster before and now suddenly you have one.
Warning: Spoilers for Wano, bad language and Fluff.
Law X reader, established relationship, Reader is Female. Thank you to @being-worthy for the idea.
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Even though you've been a member of the heart pirates for years you've never had a wanted poster but it never really bothered you, the jobs you were picked for where always behind the scenes mainly because you were good at it. Sneaking around and blending in was something that you could easily do, you need to pretend to be someone? Just give a photo, their personality and job description. You need to break into a military base? You'll be in and out within an hour depending on the size. So it wasn't hard for you to go unnoticed by the world government but Wano was a different story, you managed to blend it pretty well until the big battle started then you got found out quite quickly. Luckily your main job was over and done with so you helped Law and Kid take down big Mom, it was the hardest battle you have ever fought and you almost lost an arm to the giant woman but with your boyfriends skills your arm was almost back to normal. Parting with the straw hats was hard for everyone well except Law, the crew have grown quite close to the straw hats and now the alliance is over most of you hope you'll never see them again just so your not forced to fight them. Your strong but you know there's no way you would win against the other crew. Kids crew however, most of the crew where more than happy to get away form the hot headed captain but you became quite close with Killer who seemed more down to earth than Kid.
Some of the crew where still kinda mad at their captain after yesterday, instead of taking the route Law chose and sticking to the plan, Kid teased your Captain and Luffy to a breaking point making the three ships go down one of the worse routes and down a waterfall. You weren't the type to yell but after almost getting flung off the ship you gave Law a piece of your mind, the poor man had no idea what to do as you stood in front of him and the crew yelling at him for the first time, your face red with anger and heart pounding in your ears. The crew were kinda scared of you afterwards mainly because of Law's shocked face and head bowed in defeat after you finished yelling at him and walked away with a enraged aura. You stayed in Bepo's room last night deciding to give your boyfriend the cold shoulder for the night but now you were on the sofa drinking some hot tea with Lemon and honey for your now sore throat. All the yelling really hurt your throat but at least you could still talk normally "Y/n" Bepo calls out running into the sitting room while holding a piece of paper in his hands soon followed by most of the crew some cheering with big smiles while others sighed in defeat flopping onto the sofa next to you. The two that really caught your attention was Penguin and Shachi linking arms and dancing around with wanted posters in their hands "Oh! You guys got new bounties" With a smile you place a book mark in your book and set it on the table before standing up and being hugged by the fluffy white bear.
You pull your face out of his fur so you don't suffocate as the bear holds you tight while swaying with joy "My bounty went up" Bepo calls out letting you go, so he can hand you his wanted poster, looking it over your eyes soften at the new picture showing a fighting but very cute Bepo but you gasp slightly at the bounty seeing it went up form 500 to 2,500 berries "Wow Bepo, this is amazing" You jump a little as the bear joins you "If you like that your gonna love this, look how cool i am" Penguin runs over putting an arm around your shoulders shoving his wanted poster in your face. Handing Bepo's wanted poster back to the bear you pull Penguins poster away from your face so you can actually see it "Oh please mine is on fire" Shachi sing songs as he goes to your other side putting his arm over his friends that's still around your shoulder holding his wanted poster out to you "Please man your hat is covering your face" Penguin shoots back earning a glare for Shachi "Yea well at least my bounty is higher than yours, plus i think your picture is blurry" As the two playfully banter you take the two wanted posters and look them over, their bounties went up a lot close to going into the millions "Well done boys, i'm very proud of you" You smile at the two managing to stop their bickering as you hand the papers back to them, the two smile at you while finally letting you go "Which one do you like better?" The two yell at the same time before glaring at each other.
Deciding to tease them you pat Bepo on the head, the bear staying close to you since he doesn't really like the two men arguing with you in the middle. Bepo is very sweet, but he can get aggressive, luckily he only steps in if you try and fail to stop the two, he knows you can handle them though. "I like Bepo's" You giggle rubbing the white soft fur on the bears head making the bear smile wide "What? Not fair" The two yell behind you making some of the crew laugh at their shocked faces "I'm sorry" Bepo bows making the two yells more "What are you sorry for?" They both glare at the bear who jumps slightly but you reassure him and turn to the two boys "That's enough now" you sigh pushing them away from Bepo "I'm proud of all of you so don't fight" Your words make the two sigh and nod "yes ma'ma" Shachi sighs walking off to get a drink soon followed by Penguin. "You ok?" You ask Bepo who still has his head down, he nods though and holds his wanted poster close to his chest as you place a hand on his shoulder "You did an amazing job, go celebrate" You gesture over to some of the crew now in the kitchen having drinks and making popcorn. Bepo nods with a smile and heads off to join the crew while you turn back to the sofa seeing Ikkaku sulking. With a sad smile you place hand on her shoulder and kneel down i front of her "You did a great job even though your bounty didn't go up" You try and reassure her but her eyes don't look up from her lap "I think mine's now the lowest" She sighs, you know its hard for her being the only woman besides you on the crew.
Some times it feels like you have to prove yourself just to stay a part of it even though the crew and your captain have never made you feel that way. "Hopefully it will next time, for now i'm just glad you got a new picture" You say looking down at the dangling paper in her hand, your comment makes the girl crack a smile while bringing the paper up, so she can look it over "They got my good side at least" She laughs and you stand up and place a hand on her shoulder letting out a small laugh a long with her "Every side is your good side" You comment making her jump slightly as she looks up at you, her brows furrow trying to tell if you joking with her or not but when she realizes your being serious Ikkaku jumps up and hugs you tight "Thank you" She whispers as you hug her back with a small smile. You hold her for a while rubbing her back hoping she'll feel better soon but you break the hug when someone clears their throat behind you. Turning your head while holding Ikkaku's arms you look to see Jean Bart who has a surprisingly big smile on his face. You smile at him before turning back to Ikkaku who gives you a small smile before sitting back down now looking much happier "Thanks again Y/N" The girl relaxes into the sofa as you nod at her and walk over to the large pirate seeing him with several papers in his large hands. "Did yours go up too?" You ask stopping in front of the man but having to lift your head up in order to look at his face "Yea but i think you'll like this more" The giant man holds out two pieces of paper.
Taking them you lightly smile seeing Law's new wanted poster. You still can't get over how handsome he is but you were very surprised at the bounty, it now being 3 billion, you knew it would go up but this was insane. You shake your head trying not to get too overwhelmed by the amount of zero's as you pull out the paper form under it and gasp in surprise gripping the paper unable to believe what your seeing. Somehow Jean Bart knew exactly how you would react to this news managing to take the time you gave him while looking over Law's wanted poster to move everyone out of your direct line to the door. Some crew were confused, but they didn't argue with the the man and stayed out of the way. It took you a second but your legs moved before you could tell them to do so, running out of the room with the wanted papers in your grip you sprinted done the hall jumping over the lip of the doors connecting hallways. The crew watched you run off but Bart stopped them form following you some concerned as to why you would react like that, "Is she ok?" Bepo asks walking over to the large man but keeping his eyes on the door you ran out of but Bart smiles wide at the bear "They got their first bounty" Bepo jumped in excrement with a big smile as others laugh and cheer starting to get more drinks out to throw a party for themselves.
Running down the metal hallways of the sub you soon make it to Law's office, you didn't bother knocking just barraged in to see your captain sitting at his desk reading a book "Y/N?" Law asks about to get up when you slam the wanted posters on the desk before turning to him with a big smile. The poor captain had no idea what was going on, you've never walked into his office without knocking first, he thought maybe it was an emergency but your smile and bouncing feet told him different. "Your bounty went up, it's now 3 billion and look" You bounce on your tip toes unable to control your excitement as you grab your first ever wanted poster and show it to him "My first wanted poster" You laugh with slight tears of joy threatening to roll down your checks. You haven't spoken or even looked at Law all day, he hated the silent treatment you gave him but seeing you smile so beautifully at him and rush in to show him something made his heart melt slightly, a small smile appears on his face as he takes his eyes off you to look at your wanted poster. The picture in his opinion didn't do you justice but what really caught his eye was the bounty, his small smile drops and his eyes go wide making your heart sink. You stop bouncing and your smile fades along with your tears of joy, you didn't know what was wrong, maybe he's still upset over you being mad at him or yelling at him. "Law... I'm not mad anymore, i'm sorry" You go to put the wanted poster down but your captain grabs it staring with his breath hitched in his throat.
Law tried to form words but it was hard, he's never seen a first bounty this high before, yes you helped take down big mom but for a first bounty this was insane "I-I know, thats not it" The captain finally managed to say prying his eyes away from your poster to look at your sad face, he didn't mean to upset you but he couldn't help the reaction he had. "Then what? Don't you like it?" You hated the pit in your stomach, you didn't think to look at your bounty, you didn't care how low it was, you were just happy to have your name and face on a wanted poster. Law quickly stands and pulls you into a hug with a slight chuckle finally getting over his shock "I love it sweetheart, i'm sorry, i'm just shocked at such a high bounty" You sigh in relief at his words while hugging back, to be honestly the silent treatment you were giving him was torture for you since you love spending time with him, even if its just sitting in the same room as each other and not talking. "It can't be that high, i mean Bepo's is now at 2,500, mine can't be much higher" You laugh only to for Law's eyes to widen slightly and pull you away to see if your being serious, looking up at him in confusion it suddenly hits you that your bounty must be much higher than Bepo's "You didn't look?" The captain asks grabbing your wanted poster while keeping a hand on your hip as you shake your head. "No i ran straight here... i didn't think it would be much" You blush a little, its funny how your first thought when getting your wanted poster was to show Law.
The captain lets a small smile show while handing you the poster letting you look it over, your eyes scan the page until you get to the price on your head, as you count the amount of zero's your eyes widen in shock as your hand starts to shake. Law's quick to notice taking your hand to hold it still while rubbing your hip "1.5 billion?" you ask looking up at the man who nods getting closer to your face "How? Why?" You could hardly comprehend what was written on the piece of paper but Law snapped you out of your thoughts by placing a light kiss on your lips "You did great" He whispers against your lips making your heart flutter a little as a smile appears back on your face "I'm sorry for yelling" You whisper back placing the paper back on the desk so you can run your hands over his shoulder and to the back of his neck keeping him close to you "I deserved it, shouldn't have let that asshole get to me.... I-I'm proud of you y/n" Leaning in the captain lightly kisses your lips feeling you lean in while running a hand up and through his hair. He goes to pull away but you bring him back in for more placing light kisses on his lips before locking them fully and lightly biting his bottom lip. Law chuckles slightly wrapping his arms around your waist to press you closer to him as his mouth opens letting your tongues meet and lips move together. You can't help but moan slightly into it as the captain lifts you up and makes you sit on the desk pulling your legs, so they wrap around his waist, the two of you pull away for air both panting slightly from the heated make out.
Law looks down at the desk spotting his wanted poster and running his hand over it "Your so handsome" You whisper hugging the man close while kissing his neck, Law leans into you a bit before pulling over your wanted poster to get another look at it "you're beautiful" The captain whispers back making you pull away from his neck, so he can kiss you again, its light a first but soon gets heated again this time Law taking the lead and licking your lower lip getting you to open your mouth for him. The make out was long one or both of you having to pull away for air only to go back in for more, you swear his lips are addictive, he may not always show it but moment like this tell you how much he loves you and you want to give that same love back. "Sweetheart" Law stops the make out placing his hand on your neck to stop you form going back in for more, he knew if you did keep kissing him he would just cave in and let you, as much as he would love to continue the captain not only had work to do, but he also had to talk to the crew. "I'm only going to say it to you ok.... I'm sorry for how i acted yesterday, forgive me?" Law asks seeing you smile and nod with loving eyes "Forgiven, just don't do it again" You pull his hand away form your neck giving him a light kiss before getting off the desk "The others are probably throwing a party, you wanna join?" you ask fixing Law's hat and shirt that you've messed up while the captain runs a hand through your hair to fix the mess he made "Only for a little while."
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paintedbutton · 1 year
Writeblr Introduction
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Hi there! I’m Susanne (she/her), 30+. I work in a library and enjoy being outside, single player video games, and also putting my silly little thoughts on paper, so to speak. I’ve been writing in some form or other since I was a kid, although I’ve never shared much of my original writing online. A lot of fanfic stuff, though. You can still find it if you know where to look. I want to share my original stories as well at some point in the future. No publishing aspirations as this is all for fun.
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I’m mainly an enjoyer of fantasy and romance, with a dash of queerness on top. But I’m interested in pretty much anything. I’m one hell of a sucker for friends to lovers as well as a good heaping of building yourself a home where you least expect it. Me and YA have a ... complicated relationship.
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So, if you wanna be friends or just want a new follower, please interact with this post! I’ll be sure to check out your blog! I’m always open to asks and tag games, as well as just talking, so please don’t be shy. I’m not the best at interacting first, but I’m happy to jump in!
My blog is a bit of a mix of everything but all tagged for your blacklisting pleasure. For writing stuff, you can look out for #writing, #writing inspo, and the project tags for my own stuff.
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Find some of my writings and wips under the cut:
- Worthy of a King -
A low fantasy romance featuring a prince who is more responsible than people give him credit for, the captain of his knights, whose main job is overindulging said prince and a whole heap of yearning. Stay for jousting, discussions on the future of a kingdom, suppressed jealousy and probably too much mead.
Status: Complete
WIP Intro I Tag I Pinterest Board I Read it on Ao3
- Shanghaied in Portsmouth -
A silly little pirate comedy following the adventures of a hapless warehouse worker forcibly turned sailor, the ship cook that seduced him under false pretenses, and the lovable crew of a vaguely okay pirate ship.
Status: Planning
WIP Intro I Tag I Pinterest Board
- Project Purple -
A cozy mystery set in a fictional lakeside town hidden in strange glowing fog. There’s witches, ghosts, an immortal cat, a house with a mind of its own, and old friendships that bloom anew. Also supernatural murder. But that part’s not as important.
Status: Plotted out, probably the next thing I’ll write
Tag I Pinterest Board
- Project Runaways -
Neonlit streets, seedy bars, shadowy corporations and and learning that you can’t stop someone else from loving you, even if you don’t love yourself. This has been my baby for ... way too long. It’s also currently iced because it doesn’t work on a fundamental level. Following a thief with no moral compass, the few people he actually likes, and the voice in his head.
Status: Development hell
Tag I Pinterest Board
- Project Lighthouse -
A lighthouse stands at the edge of the world, or at least the lighthouse keeper’s world. There’s nothing but the cliffs and the sea. Loneliness is repentance. Until he finds a woman on the shore after a storm, naked and barely alive. Featuring mystical creatures, some good old Victorian aesthetics, and my deep and abiding love for the baltic sea.
Status: An inkling in my head
Tag I Pinterest Board
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Hi! Could you make a kanae x reader smut where reader rides him? I think that would be pretty interesting.
Support Class
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Kanae x GN! reader
Requested by: Anon 
Proofread: NA
Genre: Smut (PORN WITH PLOT?)
Music: Pirates of the Caribbean Ride Soundtrack 
Warnings: Dom Kanae, sub reader, fluff to smut, riding, hair pulling, Ibrahim is streaming but Kanae leaves before things get wild, asshole Kanae (mainly with dirty talk?), slight yandere Kanae? (he's just in love with you), slight yandere reader?
Summary: You try your best to support your boyfriend. Even if that support means riding him while he games. 
Author's note: Comes back from the dead to write this teasing little Kanae fic~
-Mod Kenma
Kanae is a lot of things. A sneaky bastard was quickly rising to the top of your list. He wasn't streaming but was on Ibrahim's stream, playing APEX of course. It wasn't just the two of them, Kuzuha and Abio were there as well. You never really bothered Kanae during these times, knowing it was his job and honestly preferring to give your support behind the scenes. 
So when Kanae muted and called you over, you knew something was up. "I really need your support~" He whined, turning to you and doing grabby hands. You looked up from the book you were reading and sighed. "What do you need?" You asked, putting the book down. Kanae motioned for you to go to him, so you did. He pulled you onto his lap with ease. 
With his face inches away from yours, he whispered a quiet "Wanna have you near me". Before grabbing your hips and pulling you closer. His lips pressed against yours gently before he returned to the stream. You rested your head against Kanae's shoulder. He was always clingy at the worst times and it was embarrassing. 
You listened to the voices of his friends through his headphones. You liked his friends. Kuzuha, while awkward and stilted at times, was hilarious and incredibly thoughtful. Ibrahim was fun to talk to and the conversation never seemed to die out between the two of you. And Ebio was one of the sweetest people you ever had the pleasure of meeting. 
The last thing you remember before falling asleep was Kuzuha's muffled voice whining about Ebio taking something the vampire wanted. Your eyelid drooped and your hands lazily wrapped around Kanae's neck. You pushed yourself closer to him, chest to chest. Your heartbeat became a soothing feeling to Kanae. He loved the feeling of you pressed against him. 
Feeling every breath you take felt like it was breathing life into him. The brunette would occasionally look down at you, moving hair out of your face or moving you into a more comfortable position. He felt himself jump when your sex pressed against his. Kanae wasn't expecting heat to pool at the bottom of his stomach just by slightly shifting your weight. How was he supposed to pay attention to the game when his cock was semi-hard. 
Kanae moved you yet again. This time, it woke you up. Kanae muted before you could let out a tiny whine, moving your hips. The brunette hissed and grabbed your hips, stopping you from moving. When you became aware of your surroundings, you felt Kanae's hard-on. You kept your mouth shut, not knowing if Kanae was muted or not. 
In your sleepy daze, you wanted nothing more than to sit on your lovely boyfriend's cock and lazily bounce on it. The brunette gently shushed you as you continued to move. "I know honey I know. How about waiting till the end of this round then you can sit on my dick for as long as you want, okay?" You nodded and let your head fall back onto his shoulder. 
You buried your face into his neck, drinking in his scent. It was addicting. He was addicting. It was impossibly hard not to roll your hips and beg till you got your way. The warmth of his body against yours was driving you mad. You focused on his heartbeat, slowly counting the beats, as if they were minutes passing by. 
Soon enough, Kanae said his final words before leaving the stream and exiting the game. You were still drowsy, falling in and out of sleep. What brought you back to reality was an aggressive rut against your sex. You whined in shock and grabbed Kanae's shoulder. 
Your boyfriend chuckled at this, finding your reaction adorable. YOu bit your lip. "Kanae~" You muttered. You truly needed him. If you didn't have him now, you were probably going to cry. He shushed you gently, pulling his sweatpants down, freeing his cock. He also pulled your shorts off, along with your underwear. 
"You can ride me for as long as you want, sweetheart," Kanae murmured, his hot breath tickling your ear. Your back arched as you nodded, desperately needing him. A pornographic moan left your lips as you sat down on his cock. He filled you up in a way you know nobody else could. Kanae's dick reached all the right places without him even trying. 
You lazily bounced on his cock, already drunk on how he felt. You mewed in his ear, whining about how only he can make you feel good. All Kanae did was laugh and grope your ass, helping you move up and down. He enjoyed watching you unravel on his dick, his eyes staring at how borderline pathetic your face looked. 
"Don't stop." He murmured, tugging on your hair. "I don't want you to stop till you pass out from how good you feel." You nodded, ready for whatever the rest of the night brought to you. 
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mezzy303 · 4 months
Ok laddies time for this week's theory time (do I need to make a masterpost of my theories? This is getting a little ridiculous lol)
Spoilers for One Piece chapter 1115 spoilers under the cut
The way I jumped and threwwww my kindle (onto pillows) when Vegapunk confirmed all the Atlantis theories!!!!!!! I made the mistake of reading it right before bed and I was wide awake for like another two hours talking to a friend and just thinking about it 😅
I honestly was ready to scrap my theory from ch 1113 about there being whole continents 800 years ago before a great flood happened, and I'm still reeling on how it all turned out to be true besides the natural phenomenon part (here's my theory from ch 1114). And Oda once again proves how fucking genius he is bc I never expected 200 meters?????? Omg???? That's over 650ft for my fellow US folks. Here's an image going around Twitter from a YouTube video that shows what are own world would look like if sea levels rose 200m
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These recent chapters have had me really questioning the mechanics of the One Piece world lol. Tbh I think we all just assumed that the world was just Like That and mainly functioned to drive the plot forward. But there are actual reasons behind it?? With this revelation, I started thinking about how the sinking of land could have been intentional on the Allies' part, beyond the destruction of the Great Kingdom and erasing it from history. The way the world is now, with the Red Line going all the way around and the Calm Belts running perpendicular to it, it's incredibly hard to travel between the different Seas. The islands are also fairly isolated from each other, especially on the Grand Line. It makes it hard for information to travel around, and the only way to get world news is through a heavily vetted newspaper. To me, it all seems purposeful to further subjugate the world by physically dividing the people, making them easier to control and rule over.
I also want to reiterate how easy it would've been to erase the Great Kingdom from history and collective memory when the Allies/World Government had the capabilities of mass destruction that could cause sea levels to rise hundreds of meters. Not only does it make the original land inaccessible, the amount of people that died was probably immense. And with the death of a large number of people comes the loss of knowledge. Those that survived likely wouldn't have wanted to pass down information on the Great Kingdom from both the trauma of the event and the fear of retribution by the World Govt (I assume the laws forbidding research on the Void Century was immediate). So potentially after just one generation, knowledge on the Great Kingdom and how the world used to be would've disappeared. Iirc only the Minks and the Kozuki family passed down info on the kingdom's existence, and their lands are largely isolated from the rest of the world. (Speaking of which, they both are in locations where further rising sea levels wouldn't affect them)
Looking into it further, the way the geography of the world also seems like it's trying to prevent (or at least discourage) people from getting into or leaving the Grand Line and also travel between islands. Just trying to get to that sea is dangerous because it requires a person to either sail through Reverse Mountain, where many pirates canonically have died because of the crazy currents and storms and end up crashing into the mountain, or going through the Calm Belt, which is current and wind free and infested with Sea Kings. And once you're in the Grand Line, the waters itself are extremely difficult to navigate. Now what's in the Grand Line that the Allies may have wanted to prevent people from getting to? Laugh Tale.
For a little while now, I've been playing around with the idea on how the magnetic fields on each island may have been created to specifically help a pirate/sailor get to Laugh Tale. We've already seen Kidd using his awakened devil fruit powers to change the polarity of different objects, what if it's possible to change the polarity of an entire island? With those powers, a person could have created the seven paths of the Grand Line. I'm still trying to decide if this was done outside the Allies' control, or if it was an order from the Allies and the person was secretly loyal to the Great Kingdom.
And don't think I missed that little detail Vegapunk said about the Allies using ancient weapons!!!!!!! Literally each chapter has been teasing the reveal of the Elders having Uranus!!!! 。゜(`Д´)゜。 It seems like the Lulusia attack really was just a taste of what their weapon can do. I can't imagine how big an attack (or how many attacks in succession?) it would take to cause 200m sea level change???
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ace-malarky · 4 months
intro post 2024
sup lads, it's been like two years and I figured the pinned post probably needed updating
wait it has almost exactly been two years that's hilarious
Anyway. some things haven't changed. Name's still Ace, no matter what I write on the notes I send to my old library
I'm always up for tag games and random asks!! throw 'em my way as you like :3
pronouns are in flux! predominantly they/them, sometimes it, occasionally he. It varies on the bit, but you probably can't go wrong tbh
we're - we're going to say early 30s. it's not wrong and it's better than this being outdated in a little over three weeks when it all changes once again
no I did not plan this, no I can't do a basic formal outline, I have to ramble. what did you think i wrote for.
Other Places I Can Be Found include twitter & instagram under more or less the same username
Writing Focuses!
Everything is fantasy, everything is queer. Excerpts can be found under Writing Pieces
I'm largely jumping around between vaguely connected scenes and character work right now, but there's definitely a pattern!
Soul of the Party - when a series of mysterious thefts sweep across town in the weeks before the annual tournament, Solaris is removed from the duelling tournament to avoid bringing attention to his cousin's family. Instead, he and his cousin and a band of Feral Mages investigate on their own and find a plot targetting one thief from Off-World (ft. four separate magic types, light crime, sword fights, mistaken (secret) identity, curiosity almost killing the cat)
Shapeshifter WIP - when things start getting tense between neighbouring countries, Syn volunteers to slip across the border and pass information back in an attempt to avert the looming war. They may have underestimated how hard it was going to be to go back when no one recognises them and their own best friend hates them (ft. pining, friends-to-lovers of the star crossed variety, hand wavy world building, questionable morality, questionable spying techniques, A Certain Level of Dumbassery, some Fucked Up Shapeshifting)
Dumb of Ass, Snake of Tits - a DnD story of a dragonborn monk who leaves their monastery to see the world, ends up with a Morally Dubious Courtesan for a travelling companion, gets cursed (twice), has a slight corruption arc, but somehow still comes out better than they started and with a boyfriend to boot (ft. travelling, fights, the unwillingness to wear a shirt in camp and making that everyone else's problem, other uses for bras when you don't have tits, revenge, What Sharp Teeth You Have, unquestioning kindness until it isn't kind, overthinking but eventually manage to communicate about it, slight pining, one vaguely horny dragon)
@dorksndisasters for the not-technically-dnd campaign that I run! The full first draft of the first arc is up there and I am currently editing to make it less stilted and transcriby
and, you know, the usual. Fair Folk, Superheroes, Pirates, Time Travel, WereCreatures, Winged Folk, Storytellers, Vampires, Curses, Even More DnD. All of the WIPS can be found on this page and some of them are in this definitely out of date post here
I'm always up for answering questions about any of them, even if some haven't been touched in literal years. They're still growing mould somewhere in there. Branching out in ways I didn't conceive of.
World Building
also a big ol' thing here, the main tag is world building but that isn't just my stuff in there, it's also a lot of reblogs
largely centered around the Mist Worlds which is where most of my WIPs are set. There is an Overview post, a Magic post, a bit on the Mist Itself, and also the Worlds (and a page where this is collated)
some bits are incredibly handwavy and made up on the fly, other bits I have been thinking Too Much about for Too Long
Oh boy we got 'em. Occasionally can be found via rambles on Sundays under the tag So It Ends
Syn and Maverick are competing for blorbo of the year right now and if a wip or specific characters aren't mentioned, these are probably who I'll answer ask games for
Syn - a distractable and mischievous shapeshifter who volunteers to be a spy because "pretending to be someone else is what I do" no we're not going to unpack that right now. they/them, big fan of antlers. also goes by Val or Lance
Maverick - a frost dragonborn who's a little bit naive to the ways of the world and prefers to assume the best of people if they can. Likes to help, doesn't question as much as they should. Not quite an "everything happens for a reason" mentality, but certainly thinks that they got what they deserved at points. they/them, has been known to act without thinking on a number of occasions
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cselestial · 1 year
hello all! my name's cas, and i'm looking for some fellow 21+ writers who would potentially like to form a close-knit little writing group on a private jcink site.
i'm thinking mainly of having a little sandbox style site with mini sites built in, where we would have the potential to kind do whatever we want, but there's also the possibility to create our own little universes as well. if this sounds like something you'd be interested in, take a peek below the break for some more info!
also, as a quick note i'd like to say i've already got some skins set aside that i already have purchased or some other ones i'd like to buy in order to get things set up, so we'll be able to have something to start off with!
i've been out of the main rp scene for a bit, but i've been missing that small little sense of community that can come from creating amazing worlds and plots together. more than anything i'm seeking out like-minded people who feel the same, and would have a passion for doing the same. i want to really focus on character development, and cultivating all sorts of depth and storylines amongst each other! if that sounds like you're cup of tea, then i suggest you stick around.
a little bit about me as well before we start - i'm 26, nonbinary and use they/them pronouns. some of my favorite genres lie in supernatural, fantasy and crime elements. i also love love love queer plots, and most of my characters are queer each time. i'm a huge sucker for a good family plot and love a good bit of drama in just about everything i do. i prefer rl fcs and am comfortable with most topics, and i enjoy darker tones in a lot of my plots! some of my interests are video games, kpop, art, and obsessing over whatever show i have binged recently. i'm a huge chatterbox and love to get to know my partners, so if you like talking about headcanons or just silly stuff about our characters in general, then you're in the right place!
now that that's handled, just as a note, i'm looking for about 5-10 people who are interested in this little group! i think that number is good for a good little community to really get some plots going! i have a couple ideas already rolling around for some potential verses to start out with:
high fantasy — primarily inspired by the likes of got/hotd/lotr/eragon/etc and other similar fantasy stories, i'm imaging a world with multiple kingdoms, creatures, and all sorts of lore we could build out. primarily focused on court intrigue as well as a touch of classic fantasy drama, i would love to create a cast of characters to expand and fill out this world more.
supernatural — an open lore based world, i've had this idea rolling around in my head for some time. in this world anything goes for creatures, whether inspired by other cultures or simply a creation of your own imagination. but there would be an overarching plot revolved around a magical town and other subplots for us to take part in! (in that same vein though i'd love something simple too with just like a classic wolf pack dynamic!)
sci-fi — this is also quite a bit more open, but more in the sense of space exploration. inspired by the likes of dune and the robinsons, think space exploration but with a touch of plot as well re: some revolution elements. space pirates, androids, and all sorts of things are welcome! this one has a lot open in terms of world-building as well.
all this being said, these three are by no means the only things we could jump into, but rather a jumping off point! i want to encourage a place where all of us can develop these worlds as we see fit, and make something we all truly love! if you're interested, please feel free to like this post or shoot me a message and we can chat on discord!
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inksrepublic · 5 days
Ahoy to all One piece lovers comrades, I'm looking for beta readers/writing partners/collaborators for a story inspired by One piece but especially with an ultra pirate setting, which I'm working on
Hello everyone, I'm also trying to write here in the hope of having better luck and finding someone who wants to get into this project.
Mainly I'm looking for someone to do some healthy world-building with, who can sit down with me and brainstorm intensively and discuss character arcs, plot points and so on. I'm also looking for someone who is good at building and narrating fighting scenes, as there will be quite a few in this story.
In addition, I'm looking for artists/illustrators who are interested in collaborating and making designs of characters, places and whatnot.
Some additional information:
Compared to the canonical work, this story will have somewhat darker tones, with an atmosphere that also draws heavily from by many pirate-themed media, including the Pirates of the Caribbean saga.
This is an Oc-centered fic set in a universe where the characters who appeared in the canon series never existed and some events never happened. This is why it can be regarded as a completely original story, but one that draws heavily on and mixes elements taken from One Piece and the mysticism typical of swashbuckling and adventure stories.
Since I think the system created by Oda is quite good, I decided to keep it and expand some elements. I'm referring to groups such as Yonko, Shichibukai, Revolutionary Army, etc.
I have currently written and published well eight chapters of this fanfic reaching 36k words and a ninth chapter is being written.
Summary: "We didn't understand what we were attracted to until it was before our eyes."
Beyond the Grand Line, one of the world's greatest explorers unearthed something that should never have been found and could have thrown the world into chaos if it had fallen into the wrong hands. However, it seems that he himself went back to erase every trace of his journey, including the way to get there and the location of the treasure itself. Some 20 years later, a pirate with a mysterious past known as "The Devil of the Seas" and his extravagant crew are on the trail of the man and the clues he allegedly left behind before mysteriously vanishing into thin air. What is their purpose? What role does the World Government play with all this? And why are the Celestial Dragons so afraid of it?
In a nutshell, my story is about the incredible and chaotic voyage undertaken by Captain Morgan, or as he is commonly called "The Devil of the Seas," a former rear admiral turned very dangerous pirate and outlaw, in order to find a legendary relic to completely destroy the World Government and the World Nobles system, all the while recruiting a crew of such scoundrels and turning the whole world upside down.
Links to the fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41950965
Also, my purpose is also to create with my stories a solid community that is even more passionate about this fantastic work that is One Piece. It would also be cool for multiple authors who are One Piece fans to join together, each creating their own story set in my own universe. We could create spin-offs on various characters, sequels and whatnot. The only limitation would be our imagination. I'm sure there are many out there who feel the same way and are fascinated by this world.
So, come on! Don't be shy and jump aboard!
Let's have fun together!!!!
Dm me for more information or if you are interested or comment this post.
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arabellaflynn · 2 years
Advent Calendar 19: Pointed Observations
The advent of the mouse was a revolution in computing technology. It did nothing to augment the brains of the computer, but it did a lot bridge the communcation gap between the computer's brain and the user's. Early home systems only spoke their own language, and you had to learn computerese to get anything out of them; early consoles only knew left-right-up-down and fire. Most computing histories only cover the mouse in terms of accessibility of the OS and filesystems, but the mouse was also integral to games.
After text-based interactive fiction and before full-motion video, there was the point-and-click adventure. These games built environments out of still pictures, sometimes with limited animation, and took full advantage of the mouse cursor's mobility to put interaction points anywhere on the screen. If you could see it, you could use the mouse to poke it, and if you poked it right, it might do something. IF's eternal game of "guess the verb" was simplified down to a list of clickable words -- sometimes even icons -- and inventory. Stuck players could, and often did, brute-force their way through puzzles by methodically trying every verb on every interactive point they could find until they found the proper combination to progress the plot. 
Point-and-clicks were largely, though not entirely, a product of mouse-bearing computers. They did come out for consoles, working the interface via D-pad with only four possible directions of movement was awkward at best. You certainly could play Maniac Mansion on an NES, but did you really want to? 
A closely related form, also a branch off of interactive fiction, was the visual novel. Rather than presenting a series of pictures to interact with, VN games let the player navigate through a branching plot using mainly dialogue choices. These too were more popular on computer than on console, as the large amount of text lent itself better to close-up viewing and navigation on a monitor than the typical console setup, with the player some distance from a television. While computer point-and-clicks were fairly popular in the the West, driven by classics like Return to Zork and MYST, console versions, visual novels, and games that combined elements of both were more popular in Japan. A few received North American releases, like Déjà Vu, and some others are now available in fantranslations that can be played in emulators, like Famicom Detective Club.
One of the absolute classics of the genre is The Secret of Monkey Island. The brainchild of Lucasarts' Ron Gilbert (Maniac Mansion, Zak McKraken & The Alien Mind-Benders, Day of the Tentacle) assisted by Tim Schaefer (Grim Fandango, Psychonauts, Full Throttle, Brütal Legend), The Secret of Monkey Island kicked off an entire series about the adventures of Guybrush Threepwood, who wanted to become a pirate. Clever, hilarious, charming, and packaged with some good old-fashioned feelies, the Monkey Island family of games is beloved of anyone who plays these things, and has been remade repeatedly for newer platforms. The Xbox Live Arcade version is unusual in that it allows you to swap from the new hi-res environments to the originals at will, in case your need for nostalgia overwhelms your desire to actually focus on the screen.
Post-FMV, the point-and-click died out for a while. Visual novels continued to be a genre in Japan, but few of them made the leap overseas, even projects like Radical Dreamers which were based on a property -- in that case, ChronoTrigger -- popular in North America. The market was considered so small that the huge localization project wasn't worth it. The customary console interface remained the D-pad for all major makers, and computer games had jumped to full 3D environments with direct controls, leaving little room for still vistas full of interactable pixels.
What point-and-clicks really need is an environment where you can jab the screen directly on the thing you want to investigate. And this came back with a vengeance in 2004, when Nintendo released its portable console, the Nintendo DS. Variously expanded as "Developer System" or "Dual Screen", the DS smashed even the sales records held by the Gameboy, becoming Nintendo's best selling console ever, the best selling handheld overall, and second-best selling console in history, right behind the PS2. Two screens working in tandem gave developers a place to put the gameplay separate from the interface, always a problem when working on a handheld with limited pixel space, and the bottom touchscreen made it easy to interact directly using the stylus. Increased cartridge capacity made large amounts of text no problem, and holding the console close solved any problems with readability.
Though there were a few hybrid VN/point-and-clicks released close to the DS's launch, like Hotel Dusk, the resurgence of the genre properly started with Capcom's unexpected smash hit Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Originally released as a Gameboy Advance title, Capcom opted to include an English localization with the Japanese DS re-release, for... honestly, no real reason I can find, other than English is cool in Japan and Takumi Shu is a little strange. The script is a little rough and has some typos, but because it wasn't expected to be officially released to an English-only audience, the localizers had crazy fun with it, and once they had it, well, why not give it a shot? The first game was a little difficult to find for a while, as the original North American print run was well under 100,000 copies, but Capcom got right on that once they got over the surprise, and sales for the series are well into the millions now.
Since then, the point-and-click genre has been further extended by games whose main mechanism is environmental puzzles, rather than inventory/verb. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, also by Takumi Shu, has some of the most beautiful animation I've ever seen in a DS game, and makes excellent use of the multi-touch capacity of the DS' bottom screen. 
If you want to try your hand at creating your own games, much like Inform 7 for interactive fiction, Ren'Py is a game engine for homebrew point-and-click/visual novel projects. Based on Python, it's relatively simple to start with, but can be leveraged to create just about anything you can think of, up to and including the famously terrifying Doki Doki Literature Club (WARNING: the intro is not kidding, it starts cute and end up in full-blown horror).
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
3 Ways I Think One Piece Could End
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Well, since Shonen Jump has forced a break out of One Piece, I thought I'd throw another rare theory video into the mix.
Aside from the Pan D. Aman joke post I made a while back, I haven't wanted to think about how One Piece would end, but with Wano looking to wrap up next chapter and the final saga beginning, the final chapters will soon be upon us before we know it.
So, in the times I have thought about One Piece ending, I'm throwing 3 ways I feel One Piece could end, and be satisfying doing so
Potential Spoilers up ahead, probably best to be up to date with at least the anime (ep.1028), probably as early as Ep.1000 tops
To start I'm going to point out that I firmly DON'T believe that the story will end with Luffy finding the One Piece, I think there will be a little bit after that. This is mainly because Whitebeard and Rayleigh have noted that finding the One Piece will turn the world upside down, so there will likely be a considerable fallout from finding the One Piece too.
With the likes of the Yonko and at the least Kid also gunning for the One Piece, there will likely be a convergence when the Straw Hats arrive to Laugh Tale anyway, which will potentially lead to the grandest and greatest battle of the series.
With that in mind, I will rank the 3 in which is most satisfying to me as a finale, so let's start with No.3
3 - Luffy Bets his Straw Hat on the Next Generation
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I'm sure we all expect that Luffy is 98% likely to not be able to return his hat to Shanks as he intends or that he will still manage to keep it under some circumstance, and will then pass it onto another like him to pass on his will. I see this probable within a timeskip of probably aged 40 Luffy in the good timeline hanging with his crew all still happy and well, so the recipient is unlikely to be Momo or Tama or Makino's son.
It works story-wise as a cyclic ending, much less bittersweet than the possibility of Luffy repeating Roger's antics that triggered the era in death, but I rank this the least because it'd feel too obvious, too tidy and would imply that all the things we don't see the Straw Hats achieve were simply achieved off-screen. I'd also worry for the fan peer pressure Oda may be subjected to if he left the possibility of a legacy sequel.
2 - The Straw Hat Pirates Disband
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A sad ending it may be, but I could clearly see Luffy imitating Roger's pose in this part of the manga having completing everything he set out to do. There would be a finality in the adventure ending, not just for Luffy, but for Oda and the audience.
This would very much be a 'smile because it happened, not because it's over' kind of endings, but I rank it higher than Luffy giving his hat away because of it being a proper ending, preventing the sequel threat the previous had while also maintaining the cyclic nature of imitating Roger rather than Shanks.
1 - The Adventure Doesn't End
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A cheat you say? Wishful thinking you accuse? Well I told you this was ranked on most satisfying to me, didn't I?
Finding Laugh Tale and the One Piece is a given, but do we expect Luffy to achieve his dream of Pirate King, become the freest person in the world, and do nothing with it? There's also the matter that other crewmates' dreams don't simply end by finding Laugh Tale; Nami's map of the world would be incomplete, Chopper would have diseases still to cure, there will still be more history for Robin to discover, more sea to sail for Franky on his ship, more joy to spread from music for Brook and food for Sanji, and more stories for Usopp to regale.
This is why I like this option the best, because the end of one story, one dream, one voyage, isn't the end of everything, the crew are now free to seek more; more dreams, more islands, more lies to come true
The story of 'One Piece' may be over, but an open-ended finale of the Straw Hats setting sea again, plotting a new route around the world this time, would probably be my ideal ending for them, and something more on brand for Luffy to do. While the sequel pressure is still there, in a way the open end allows the fans the freedom to make the crew's next journey(s) their own way
And on to a New Adventure.
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whattheheehaw · 4 years
Since my last post, I’ve been thinking a lot about The Necklace Plot™ of Book 1 of Avatar. Mainly because I kept staring at that one gif of Katara touching her mother’s necklace.
Like, have y’all ever stopped to consider how long The Necklace Plot™ lasts?
Katara lost her necklace at the end of episode 6 and didn’t get it back until the end of episode 15. That’s 9 episodes in which Zuko has Katara’s necklace. And this made me ask: Why did Zuko hold onto Katara’s necklace for such a long time?
I mean, he used it in episode 9 “The Waterbending Scroll” to bribe Katara for intel on Aang’s location, but she didn’t give in. Katara was willing to give up the necklace in favor of keeping Aang safe. Therefore, the necklace is no longer an effective bargaining chip. There is no point in keeping the necklace after that episode, so why does Zuko hold onto it for 6 more episodes? 
It would have been so easy for him to get rid of the necklace, too.
In “The Waterbending Scroll” we see how he reacts when he’s in possession of something that is of little use to him.
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Pirate Captain: Enough of this necklace garbage! You promised a scroll!
Zuko: I wonder how much this is worth... [The pirates gasp as he takes it out and holds it over a fire in his hand.] A lot, apparently. Now you help me find what I want, you'll get this back, and everyone goes home happy. Search the woods for the boy and meet back here!
And at the end of the episode we have this gem:
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Iroh: [Chuckles.] Prince Zuko, you're really going to get a kick out of this. That lotus tile was in my sleeve the whole time!
Zuko: [Snatches the tile and furiously throws it down the waterfall.]
So why didn’t Zuko just furiously throw away the necklace? Why didn’t he burn it? He kept it in good condition; it wasn’t damaged in any way when Katara received it later in the season. In order to answer my question, I rewatched the interrogation scene again.
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Zuko: Tell me where he is and I won't hurt you or your brother.
Katara:  [Furiously.] Go jump in the river!
Zuko: Try to understand. I need to capture him to restore something I've lost, my honor. [Katara jerks her head away from Zuko.] Perhaps in exchange I can restore something you've lost. [He holds the necklace up to her neck.]
Katara:  My mother's necklace! How did you get that?
Katara never said it was her necklace. She said it was her mother’s.
At this point, Zuko knows nothing about Katara or what happened to her mother. For all he knows, her mother could be alive.
But, Zuko knows what it’s like to not have a mom. And if he lost something of his mother’s, he’d probably be very upset. Katara was clearly upset when she found out Zuko had her necklace. It was evident that she cared about losing it, even to a person who didn’t know the importance of the necklace.
And I think this is why Zuko doesn’t damage it or lose it in that long 6 episode period. If the roles had been reversed, Zuko would hate himself for losing something so important (espcially losing it to the enemy). He recognizes that this necklace is special, significant, and personal to someone. And he’s not going to be a jerk and throw it down a waterfall. Sorry, Iroh.
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midnightmoonkiss · 3 years
now you got me THINKING:
reader picking the lock to her holding cell for the hell of it, wandering the deck at night and catching deku muttering to himself, compass in one hand, tugging at his lips with the other, to which she helps him using scraps of knowledge she picked up from her snob of a father, learning her father was the the reason for a few of his scars in past battles, tracing them gently and explaining how she hates her life and blah blah bLha my brain rot is REALL
Kidnapped By A Pirate (Cont.)
Pirate Deku X Fem! Reader
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This basically is a continuation of this short fic, only going further into the early-on relationship between Captain Midoriya and you, (Y/N).
Category: fluff I guess?
Word Count: 2.3k
Just To Clarify:
This is a continuation
“You know,” His mellifluous voice startled you, “It’s awfully rude to stare.”
The sentence sliced through the silence of the night like the sharp sword resting upon his jutting hip.
The sea was calm and the moon was full, not a cloud in the sky. Stars shimmered brightly above, milky way weaving through each dot of light.
And here you stood, on a pirate ship.
Gathering your bearings, you inhale sharply through your nose, the salty scent of the sea nearly making you gag,
“It’s awfully rude to kidnap someone and throw them into a dirty old cell with no food or water as well.”
His hearty chuckle made you gulp, the tickling of butterflies has no place in your stomach. Not now. Preferably not ever with him, but most pirates did have this.. salacious charm to them.
“Very true…” He sighed, “Forgive me.”
The fact that you were having this conversation with his back infuriated you.
He didn’t care enough about your escape from your cell in the dead of night, when all his crewmen were asleep, to even pay you full attention.
It was as if he viewed you as the least frightening and threatless thing on this vessel, a harmless, stowaway mouse.
Swallowing the lump of logical fear lodged in your parched throat, you strung together all the courage you had on you with a flimsy string and strode over to him, hands fisting the fabric of your dress.
The pirate was leaning against the railing of his ship, staring down at a dirty compass resting in the palm of his large hand, lip pulled between his thumb and index finger and he studied the spinning of the needle trapped behind cracked glass.
His features from behind became clearer with every cautious step you took, messy green curls pulled into a ponytail, few strings of loose hair framing his chiseled face. He was practically glowing in the light of the moon that shone in front of him. Beautifully dangerous, like a barracuda.
“It’s broken.” You pointed out to him, the captain who wasn’t wearing a hat, an air of finality in your tone.
If he was plotting a course by a broken compass..
You were royally fucked.
You’d be lost at sea.
Would you ever see land again?
The nauseating rocking of the ship had you almost on your knees, praying. As the days went by, your sea legs grew, but you still weren’t used to it. You didn’t want to be used to it.
“It's only broken to those who don’t understand it,” He teased, sparing you a glance before returning his gaze down to the old piece of junk.
He didn’t seem to want to bother with taking you back down to your own personal hell, yet.
That was good enough for you.
You came up here for air, after all.
It was suffocating below deck.. The stench of mildew having made you sick.
Who knew you took fresh air for granted? Even if it was salty.
At least you could see the open sea and how the moon reflected on the murky water. It was enchanting, something out of a romance novel, but you wished you saw it under better circumstances.
Something about being on a piece of wood out where land was nowhere in sight and the bottom of the ocean was so far out of reach you couldn't even imagine it unnerved you.
You never understood seamen, or pirates, even.
They did this stuff for fun.
At least seamen did it as a way to make income.
The click of his tongue brought your attention back to the freckled man, murmurs under his breath only just now reaching your ears.
Directions and landmarks, sea terminology, things you didn't understand slipped past his chapped lips.. Until something you did know was uttered.
“You’re sailing for the port of Baringham? The low-profile port? That only deals with textiles?”
“Many questions for an answer you already know,” he quipped, “I’m taking you there.”
“How are you going to take me to a place where you cannot even plot a course to?”
Huffing, he finally turned his head to you, amusement written on his face along with a charming smile that would’ve made anyone swoon,
“Alright, you’ve got me.”
Pushing himself up with his cloth covered forearms, he moved to lean with his back against the rail, crossing his arms as he gave you a sliver of respect with direct eye contact.
You briefly considered pushing him over.
“I’m a bit lost.”
“Ah, so you admit it.”
Humming, you mimicked his action, crossing your arms under your chest.
“Fortunately for you, I happen to know where it is.”
“That so?” He mused, leaning toward you ever so slightly, panicked interest cracking through his calm, forest green eyes that you couldn't help but notice twinkle, “Care to tell me?”
“Mmm. I would… but what’s in it for me?”
“What is it that you want? Isn't your guaranteed freedom at said port enough?”
“..” The captain was shocked into silence, clear amusement still written all over his face.
Combing his dirty fingers through his messy green locks, he gave you an inquisitive stare,
“Then what else?”
You thought for a moment. What else did you want?
You wanted many things, things of which he could not grant. No one could.
You’d have to settle for something else.
Something you would prefer.. suddenly, the sickness you felt when you were in that gross cell came to mind.
“Don’t put me back in that damned cell!” The shout bubbled up from nowhere, shocking even you, “And.. and water. I want water.” You mumbled out.
Silence settled into the night once more after your loud declaration.
Your face burned with pure embarrassment as he became the one to stare at you..
Until he started laughing.
The kind of boisterous and infectious laughter that forced you to look away from his regrettably handsome self.
“You have yourself a deal, princess!”
The title further made your cheeks burn, drawing your attention back to him just to meet his enchanting gaze.
It draws you in like a sailor to a mermaid.
“Now, mind telling me?”
Licking your lips, you pointed to the heavens, his eyes following, “Travel so the brightest star in the sky is behind you, and follow the little dipper. The port is due north from there.”
It was a route you didn’t mean to memorize years ago.
The loud snap of the compass being closed made you jump, composure temporarily lost yet again.
“Ahh..” His gaze flickered over the sky, no doubt seeing a plethora of routes with each familiar constellation as he mapped the one you spoke of.
“I see it now, silly me.”
Looking down at the deck, he rubbed the back of his sweaty neck, messing with the curly hair that fell loose. Would you be so bold as to think that he may be embarrassed?
He clapped a hand on your shoulder after pushing himself fully off the rail, the whisper of thanks fanning hotly across your ear as he climbed the creaking stairs to the helm, brown boots clicking on each step as he did so.
Spinning the wheel round, the ship croaked as it turned so that the north star fell behind.
“How did you know this course?”
His curiosity was natural. After all, how did you, daughter of a well-off navy general who had never stepped aboard a boat before, know the way to a port not many knew of?
The answer was simple, though it was an answer you didn't exactly wish to know. Cursed with knowledge as you would say, blessed would say the others.
“My father.” Bitterness stung your words, and Izuku whistled.
“Slimy piece of shit he is.” It was grumbled under your breath, and yet he still somehow heard you, offering a grunt of agreement, eyes focused ahead.
“I hate the bastard myself,” he seethed through his teeth, “I’d offer up all the rum and shillings I have to see his blood spill and stain my deck by my own hands.”
The fury that clung to each word he spoke sent shivers down your spine, his aura threatening as he fell to his thoughts.
“I have an obvious reason to hate him,”
“You do?”
Your childlike curiosity warmed his heart, bringing his attention back to you,
“You don’t get scars from nowhere, love.”
Your nose crinkled at the term of endearment, climbing the stairs yourself as you rolled your eyes.
“Your scars are hidden,”
“His scars mark my back.”
Blood drained from your face, bile creeping up your throat at the meaning.
You felt sick and disgusted with the blood that ran through your veins.
You hated being the daughter of a monster.
“Oh..” The whisper caught on the wind pulling at the sails.
Silence fell once more, the unbearable kind that made even his skin crawl with uncomfortableness.
Had the crew been awake, he probably would have laughed, grabbed a bottle of rum, and stumbled into his captains quarters to drink the memories away.. But his crew was asleep.
Oh, how he missed his first mate. He was the whole reason you were on his ship in the first place.
“Just your back?”
“Do you wish he gave me more?” Izuku chuckled, teasing you once again.
“No.” You huffed, furious he would even suggest such a thing.
“I have a few.. Mainly on my hand but I-”
His words died on his tongue, heart beating in his ears when he felt your much smaller and daintier hands grip his own, the only one covered in white scars.
He gulped as you traced the smooth cicatrix on his rough skin, a small blush on his cheeks, your touch soothing the pain behind each one.
Tears not his own fell onto his skin, rolling off and spattering onto the deck below, but he remained silent, allowing you to trace the scars over his forearm, not specifying which were and which were not created by your father.
He liked your touch.
“I hate him too.” Your words were raw with hatred, touch fading as you pulled away and yet he still felt the tingle of it under his skin.
He wanted more. He hadnt felt such gentleness in so long..
That doesn’t matter, though.
“Why?” He found himself asking.
Lips pressing into a frown, he watched the sea as you mindlessly walked around behind him, stories spilling past your fervent lips, stories that made silent anger bubble in his gut, stories that you had never told anyone before - that you were forced to keep inside yourself for so long that they spilled out without care.
His desire to burn that man's ship down, to watch as the bright flames engulf him and it, destined to forever be lost at the bottom of the sea, grew tenfold.
Deku, the infamous pirate, prided himself on not giving a shit half the time, but he couldn’t ignore the empathy he felt in the moment.
You both had a common enemy.
Two strangers.. Where’s the irony in that?
“I don't like you,” You started after finishing up your uncontrollable word vomit, stopping in your tracks, “But the fact that I find this kidnapping to be the most enjoyable days of my life because I’m away from him and all the power he possesses is concerning.”
Why you told this to an untrustworthy, murdering thief.. You had no idea.
Perhaps it was because you had a feeling he would understand after hearing you out.
Or maybe it was the fact that he was currently the only person you could say it to.
After kidnapping you, all he had said to you was ‘welcome aboard!’ before locking the cell you just escaped from days later.
You should hate him, you should wish him to hang like every other disgusting pirate out there, especially for snatching you from your home in the dead of night, transferring you from one cell to the next, but you don't.
You wouldn’t show that, though.
Many words weighed heavy in Izukus mind, words he was unsure if he could say, or if it’d be the right thing to say.
He wasn’t heartless like some assumed, he wasn’t this traitorous asshole stories floating around about him told, he was just a pirate with a kind heart and skilled hands.
He almost felt bad that he planned to give you back to your father.
He felt bad that for that first day you were aboard his ship, he had wicked ideas of marking and ruining you in so many ways your father would only ever look at you and see him. 
It was a cruel way to get revenge, revenge through someone else.
Actually, maybe he was an asshole.
Right then and there, he decided that that would no longer be his course of action, not if he could help it.
Hell, he wanted to keep you as far away from your father as he could. Would he abandon his first mate? No. He’d devise some other plan. Maybe get you somewhere safe, ask for your dress, and then cover a scarecrow in said dress and use that as a tool to get him back.
It could work!
Or maybe not.
Nonetheless, plan A through D were just thrown overboard,
“Well,” He smacked the wooden wheel to get your attention,
“You’re a pretty little thing, so I like you.”
You scoffed, he continued,
“Consider yourself prisoner to your fathers enemy for a long time to come, because darlin’,”
He drawled, sauntering over to you as you instinctively backed up, only to be trapped against the railing.
His muscular arms caged you in, taller frame towering over you as electrifying green eyes intoxicated your soul and sent heat flashes up your body,
“I’m not gonna let you go so easily.”
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bluegalaxygirl · 3 months
Amnesia (KidKiller X Reader) P14
Plot: After an explosion reader wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the past few years, her parents want to take her home so she can recover and get back to a normal life while the Kid pirates want her back on the ship where she belongs.
Warning: Bad language, Family issues, Mental abuse, Body issues/shaming, mentions of eating disorders, reconstructive surgery, Blood, domestic abuse and Violence.
Reader is Female, Poly Relationship, established relationship, Kid X Reader X Killer, Reader is a member of the Kid pirates and is in charge of the money, Budgeting and negotiating the best price.
< Previous part …. Next Part >
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The Victoria was oddly quiet mainly because most of the crew where either on the deck doing cleaning work and look out duty or off the ship heading into the shopping area to get the supply's they ordered days ago, Kid of course is mad about it wanting to head into those shops and demand the stuff for free or just take the stuff after such a long wait but Killer and Wire managed to calm him down a little and shove him into his workshop which is where he's currently working on odd things. His leg bounces hating having to wait a whole day to see you and not getting to beat the shit out of anyone, again it would be much easier to destroy this place and take you with them, but he knows you well enough to know that if he does that and you get your memories back you would be overly angry with him and become less trusting of him. Your no stranger to violence and killing but Kidnapping and being forced to do something against your will is something you never tolerated, he laughs at the memory of you calling yourself a hypocrite since you didn't mind doing stuff like that to your enemies. A knock on the door jolts the captain out of his thoughts, swiveling around in his chair he flicks his hand using his devil fruit to unlock the door and open it seeing Killer, Wire and Heat all at the door "What?" Kid growls as the three enter the room, Wire closes and locks the door behind him which makes the red head raise a brow "Heat has found some info for us" Killer stands walking to stand next to his captain before turning to look over at a very tired looking Heat, the bags under his eyes are a lot darker and his eyes are blood shot.
Crossing his arms over his chest Kid sighs hoping they have something good they can use and not just some useless info "Go on then, get on with it" The captain snaps, Heat jumps slightly being brought back to the real world from his slightly sleepy state, cleaning his throat the stitched man runs a hand over his tatty hair knowing he needs a good show but what he found was more than he thought and the deeper he dug the harder it was to pull away. "There's a lot to go threw, i left Mohawk and Narbe, at the library in town, they managed to get in contact with a few people who used to work for the family, its surprising how willing they are say what goes on behind closed doors. Most of the books there though are strange to say the least, all are based on the history of entertainment and old newspapers that only show big achievements and positive views" Kid groans throwing his head back in annoyance not wanting to know how they got the information "Hurry up Heat, i'm loosing patients here" With a gulp Heat nods ruffling his hair a little to get his head in gear, its common for him to ramble when tired so Wire places a hand on his friends shoulder patting it a few times in reassurance and motivation to go on. "R-right, sorry. So Y/n's farther is the 7th owner of most of the companies he owns, all of which was passed down to him from his father and his father before him and so on, but he is the first to make a deal with the world government to supply not only medical equipment but also weapons, the guns the marines use are made by his company but before that they were sold to mulish groups, how he got away with it i honestly don't know. There's only one company he owns that doesn't involve the world government or the marines but there's little to nothing on that one, i only know that its based in the north blue."
Killer nods at the information, its surprising how much your farther caters to the world government, and yet he hasn't called in the marines yet, it makes the masked man anxious. "How many companies in total does he own?" the blonde asks wanting to know how deeply involved your farther is, getting rid of him might work in their favor if you agree to it at the end of all of this. "Four in total, the third one that provides to the world government has something to do with clothes. He also has shares in other companies and places but most of them are medical, he actually owns half the hospital here." Kids taken aback by this new information but it does make sense now why they brought you all the way here and why the staff, other than the nurse, always seem to take your families side. Wire raises an eyebrow removing his hand from the stitched man's shoulder to cross his arms over his chest "I thought they had their medical license revoked, they can't own a hospital without one" The tall man comments makes Killer hum in though his mind running to try and figure out what is going on, its clear they need you for something otherwise they wouldn't be going this far, do they need you in order to get that licence back? if so this seems way to drastic for something so small. Heat shakes his head with a sigh "That is kinda true, they got their license to make medication revoked, i couldn't find much on it but there was this drug they made that ended up killing a lot of marines that were using it, so the government took their license away. They can still make medical equipment, bandages and stuff like that though"
With a loud groan Kid leans back not seeing much point in all this information, so what if your father owns all that stuff and the place your staying in, they still can't tell him what to do or stop him from doing what he wants, your not going to be their hostage, he'll make dam sure of that "Is there anything else?" The captain asks looking back at Heat who quickly looks away while rubbing his arm, the energy in the room shifts to one of nervousness and slight sickness, Wire tilts his head at his friend a pit forming in his stomach knowing its bad if Heat is reluctant to talk about it "Shit.. this about Y/n or the family?" The tall man asks hoping its nothing bad to do with you but deep down he knows it has everything to do with you, Killer stops his pondering to look at the stitched man, his anxiety rising making him feel physically sick, Kid grits his teeth both his hands gripping onto the arms of his chair threatening to crack it under his grip. "Heat… Get on with it" Kid growls in a low tone, one he rarely uses, his anger spikes the longer Heat takes to talk but when he does the three of them stop in their tracks of high emotion "Y/n… she- she used to do beauty contest and pageants from a young age-" Before he can finish Kid bursts out laughing, the anger he once held gone at how stupid it sounded, Killer next to him lets out a long sigh relaxing his shoulders and moving to lean against Kid's workbench trying to calm his beating heart down. Wire slaps Heat on the back giving him a shit eating grin while letting out a small huff of a laugh "Are you fucking kidding me man, thats it?" The tall man rolls his eyes.
Kid leans forward slapping his knee while trying to calm his laughter down "Oh! t-thats f-funny… Imagine our N/N in a fucking puffy dress… she would rather be burned alive then do that shit" Kid laughs hitting Killer on the arm lightly managing to get a laugh out of his partner but the masked man quickly stops himself as Heat growls taking a step closer to the two with bright red cheeks "No really, she's won a bunch, and… She looks good in all of them but.." Heat yells only to stop himself and look down the redness in his cheeks fading away as anger starts to overcome him, Kid raises an eyebrow at his friend wondering why there would be a 'But' in that sentence while Killer looks the stitched man over frowning under his mask. A pit forms in Heat's stomach thinking his captain and maybe even Killer will kill him for thinking your hot but it has nothing to do with that. "I'm not hitting on your girl or anything Captain, its just, I'm concerned some of them are… provocative for a young girl.. i mean the newest ones i could find was when she was 16" Heat tries to explain backing up a bit in hopes his Captain won't kill him, Killer's shoulders tense his hands turning to fists at his side, anger flows through him, not at Heat's commenting on your body, but he can see what his friend is starting to get at. "I don't think she wanted to do it, she always has this fake smile in the photos and her mother is the center of any article about her wins. All she talks about though is weight loss, beauty is pain and shit like, heck there's a part in one new's paper where she openly praises eating disorders" anger boils inside the stitched man making his body start to warm up and smoke start to leave his mouth.
Wire takes a step back not wanting to get to close to the now fire angry man his gaze flicking to the captain secretly asking if he should step in but Kid's eyes are angrily locked onto Heat who continues to rant "I mean if thats what she says when Y/n is winning then what the fuck is she saying when Y/n's losing? I found out from one of maids that used to work there that Y/n had to have reconstructive surgery on both her ears after her mother deiced to piece them with a hot needle and an ice cube, she got other pageant moms to hold her down and then forced her on stage after to prance around in a pretty dress and for what? Winning a gift card… yea thats the fucking prize, a 50 berri gift card and a plastic crown. How stupid is that? The shit that lady made Y/n go threw is ridiculous, i mean calorie control books, daily weighing, restricting or even locking away food if she weighed even a little over, pulling her out of school to be pretty and proper like some little lap dog and almost beating her because she cut her hair without permission. That Bitch is crazy and as for her farther he's just as bad he-" Heat only stops his rant when Wire grabs him pulling the stitched man into a hug, one arm around his waist and the other holding his head to the tall man's chest, thick smoke coats the air as Heat pants making the room stuffy but none of the men move to open the door. Kid's hands shake as they grip together, his body now leaning forwards and his elbows on his knee's letting his mind go run through all the strange stuff you used to do and say.
It all made sense now, why you never got your ears pierced, why you always insisted on working out even when tired or in pain, why you never wanted to wear makeup or dresses and why you hated people commenting on your body, it makes him sick to think he used to tease you over this stuff, liking getting a little rise out of you but now he just feels like a dick. Killer grabs the edge of the workbench making it squeak under the amount of strength he's using, he has his own personal image issues and you've been nothing but sportive thought it, always knowing what to say and how to comfort him, he's done the same for you but hearing this just makes him so mad. You never minded talking about food or helping out with food but you never wanted to know anything about Calorie's or fat content, its clear now why, and he's just thankful that you don't have an eating disorder now, the past might have been different, so he'll make a mental note to talk to you about it tomorrow, he needs to know how deep this goes, he doesn't want you to end up like him, hiding behind a mask and unable to look at himself in the mirror with feeling a sickness growing inside. Before he wouldn't lay a hand on your mother only for your sake but after hearing this he wants nothing more than to wrap his hand around her throat and make her bag you for forgiveness before ending her life weather you like it or not.
With the room oddly silent it gives everyone time to go through their own thoughts and feelings on the matter but Heat knows there's more, he's only talked about your mother, he hasn't even gotten onto your farther yet and there's still more stuff to go through. The beauty contests seemed to be the main problem to everyone who used to work for the family, but he knows you well enough to know that its just the tip of the iceberg, it runs deeper, and he's not sure if he wants to find out how deep. "No wonder she hates being called pretty and beautiful, imagine a bunch of old sweaty judges, family and so called friends commenting on your body for years, judging you on your looks and nothing else" Heat sighs letting the flames in his throat die down and the smoke in his mouth starting to thin out, patting his friends back Wire lets go to unlock the door and open it, letting the smoke flow out of the room, stepping out he looks both ways down the long hallway seeing a cabin boy mopping the floor with wide eyes. "There's no fire, head up top and tell everyone to stay away until further notice" Wire blankly states earning a nod from the boy who quickly grabs his bucket and mop before rushing down the hall and up to the deck, now the area is clear the tall man turns back to his friends letting out a sigh, he tried not to get too angry about it all but even he has his limits. Wire is extremely good at hiding how he's really feeling, even better than Killer which is saying something but even know he's finding it difficult to keep his straight face.
Kids leg bounces as a growl leaves his lips and his amber eyes travel from the floor to the stitched man now leaning against the wall "Her Farther… what did he do?" The captain pushes those words through gritted teeth wanting to know everything before he storms off and releases some steam, with a sigh that releases a little more smoke Heat turns his head to look at the door annoyed at himself for letting the smoke get this bad "Mohawk managed to dig up a few things but there isn't a lot, he's still an ass but at least it sounds like he didn't physically hurt N/n" Killer rolls his eyes not feeling any better about this even though he knew his friend was trying not to make himself and everyone else more angry "Mohawk found that the company in the north blue was having some money issues for almost a year, at the same time Y/n stops doing any kind of contests or pageants, once the issues was resolved though Y/n started doing them again. I think he got Y/n to do all that work just to cast her aside after she was no longer useful, what a prick." Heat slumps against the wall now looking up at the ceiling in order to try and control the fire starting to burn in his throat again, Wire sighs walking over and patting the stitched man on the shoulder, he know something like that would hit you hard. They all see the way your eyes light up when ever you get praised for your work, your also very dedicated making sure everything is in order and perfect. "She's does has siblings but only the youngest who's the first boy in the family is the air to the companies, i couldn't find much on him other than he's still very young" Heat concludes glad he got all of it out, but he wonders if this information was even useful, there is a chance they could remind you of all the shit your family did and that will make you come back but at the same time you remember all of it and still somehow chose to keep them around.
Killers hand grips the desk hard enough for it to crack a chunk off, he flinches slightly bringing his hand up to see the chunk of wood and a bit of metal still gripped tightly in his hand, the anger inside of him is still there, and he knows he needs to calm down before he breaks more of the ship. Kid growls while leaning back in his chair, his hands shaking with anger and the need to lash out, his mind races with things he wants to do and say to your parents making his mind block out the destitution between Wire and Heat "So what about the marines? Why ain't they here if their so buddy buddy?" The tall mans asks feeling like something is off about all this but Heat just shrugs "I don't know, he seems to be friends with most of the lower level marines but other than that i can't find anything too useful." Without a word Kid quickly stands his hands grabbing the arms of his chair and flinging it back into the wall before storming out of the room, his anger getting the better of him, Killer quickly follows with no intention to stop his partner while Wire and Heat rush out unsure of what their captains plan is. Slamming the door to the deck open the crew who are there jump in surprise most moving out of the raging captains way, those who didn't are shoved aside with a gruff huff or a warning growl, the captains eyes are fixed on your parents ship currently five rows over, the guards in duty stand tall one on either side of the ramp while servants run around none of them noticing the heavy aura that starts to emanate from Kid, he knows exactly what he wants to do, destroy their ship and make your parents pay.
He can't hold back any longer with anger reaching an almost overwhelming level, storming down the dock his eyes are fixed on the almost royal looking ship as his boots stomp heavily across the wood making it crack in places and splinter in others, it isn't long before his actions draw an audience of his crew, the men and women of the ship running to the railing of their ship in order to see what's going on. Killer along with Heat and Wire make their way up too knowing know what is going to happen, Heat lets a large smile form on his face as he takes a step towards the ramp leading down onto the dock wanting to join in the distraction only to be grabbed roughly by Wire "Shit, Captain wait" The tall man yells knowing its reached his captains ears since he earns a middle finger in response "Stay here" Wire growls down at the stitched man who growls back while crossing his arms over his chest, he wants to join his captain but Wire can be very scary when he gets mad so opts to do as he's told. Running off the ship the tall man quickly turns back expecting Killer to be right behind him only to see empty space, looking back onto the ship the masked man hasn't moves from his spot just watching his captain angrily make his way to the last dock. He should stop Kid, if he does the captain will listen, they might fight about it later but, no, after everything he's heard he won't stop his partner, they deserve what ever comes to them, you might hate them for it but at this point he doesn't care. A part of him wants to order Wire back to the ship but with his anger seething inside he can't get anything through his gritted teeth and clenched jaw.
With a groan of frustration Wire runs off his longs legs making it easy for him to catch up to Kid just as the captain starts gathering metal around his arm hoping to sink the ship which is now just down the long dock "Captain… Kid stop" Wire rushes in front of the red head trying to stop the man from doing anything too bad, he wants these people to pay for what they've done but there's too many things to consider, one, the marines might get involved which means another big fight and them unable to stay here for too long, two, they have no idea how your going to react when finding out, you might not come back with them which leads to them just taking you by forth which won't go down well and three, the captains rage won't just stop at the ship, it'll carry on until he's satisfied which means the whole island will be burning including the hospital your in. "I know your angry, and they deserve what ever comes to them but not now" Wire still tries to convince his captain while starting to step back seeing the red head not slowing down or stopping, he knows if he stays in the way he'll get shoved aside or worse thrown. "Get the fuck out of my way, i'm gonna tare them apart, rip them limb from bloody limb, make them beg for forgiveness then deny them the sweet relief of death until I'm satisfied" Kid growls with a sickening smirk, one that just oozes blood-lust almost making his mouth water, the captains metal arm becomes huge casting a shadow over your parents ship which is now only a few steps away.
The guards on the deck rush over with guns and swords but their weapons are pulled out of their hand adding to the still growing fist, those in the ship either cower in fear, frozen unable to move or run around calling for people to get off the ship and onto the deck "Eustass Kid, what the meaning of this?" The familiar grinding voice of your farther yells out from behind the captain getting the red head to turn his head, burning amber eyes glaring at your Stoic farther who's walking down the dock to his ship surprisingly calm for a man now in the eyesight of a raging supernova. "You bastard, What the fuck do you want from her?" Kid's voice echo's out as his metal hand grips onto the mast of the ship the once perfect glistening white and chestnut wood splintering at his light grip, he wasn't going to destroy the ship just yet, plus if your mother is on there he doesn't want it sinking yet, he wants to take her out himself. Your farther's eyes narrow as he crosses his arms over his chest "She is my daughter, i would do anything for her" The blatant lie causing another wave of anger to wash over the red head his metal hand unctuously gripping tighter until the mast cracks and splinters into pieces, the part above his hand creaking and falling into the ocean, screams and cry's call out as more servants and guards rush off the ship as it rocks from the waves. Some guards run up attempting to punch or kick Wire only for the tall man to kick them into the water and send a glare to anyone else who gets any ideas, he knows know there's nothing he can do to stop this so has no chose but to watch what ever unfolds and take out anyone who gets in his captains way. "Bullshit, if you actually cared you'd have kept her away from that bitch of a wife"
A gasp is heard from the crowd of people gathered at the end of the dock your mother pushing her way to the front with a frown clear on her face "How dare you, i gave that ungrateful child everything she could want" Kid's burning eyes slowly turn to look at the woman, its clear now she was acting back at the hospital, this is the real her "You conniving, vindictive cow" The captains voice sounds almost inhuman almost like a wolf drooling and snarling over its pray, Wire quickly moves out of the way as Kid lets go of all the metal he had been collecting letting it rain down into the ocean and onto the ship impaling wood, shattering glass windows and slicing through the rapes and sails so the captain can storm over to your mother. "Get away from her" Your farther yells but makes no move to get closer, guards moves to try and protect your mother trying to stop the man from getting any closer as the woman backs up becoming scares for her life. Killer's fists shake at his sides his anger also starting to grow at seeing your mother again, he can't hear what is being said, but he knows their certainly not apologizing for what they've done, honestly it wouldn't matter if they did or not they still deserve to pay, Heat growls his hands gripping into the wooden rail of the ship threatening to break it, his throat starts to warm up and smoke starts to leek out the corners of his stitched mouth. Neither of them can hold back any longer, in unison the two walk off the Victoria earning gulps, wide grins and looks of confusion from the crew watching on, neither of them knew what they were going to do once they made it to your parents but it wasn't going to be good.
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saltysaltdog · 3 years
As a Megatron (aligned/tfp) fan, I have to say, I'm not a big fan of fics where Megatron beats up Starscream for literally no reason.
Yes, Megatron is completely unhinged, but he's not a monster. He's a paranoid drug addict who jumps to the worst conclusions and uses that to justify violence.
(Which, admittedly, with enough imagination any situation requires violence.)
People make fun of him for shoving the Nemesis full of Dark Energon, but what was the alternative? The autobots had the spark extracter (he knew this, they stole it from him) and the Nemesis couldn't hide itself. If he didn't, everyone would die. The only alternative would be calling for everyone to evacuate, leaving however many dead with no centralized system to contact other bases, no ground bridge, no maps, with all his forces scattered, leading to more deaths from starvation or autobot intervention. So you know, only most of them die. Not a great alternative, right?
Megatron has an order to his violence.
Don't kill if you can maim.
Don't maim if you can hurt.
Don't hurt if you can threaten.
Don't threaten if you can manipulate.
And don't manipulate if you can just order it.
As Megatron is always intimidating it's hard to tell what is him threatening or just being him, but there are hints. The first stages we can mainly only see with Orion. After successful manipulation Megatron reverts to ordering him around, when manipulation fails he resorts to threats, and then those fail he resorts to physical violence.
With Starscream we see the higher end. After Starscream gets beaten for attempted murder, he continues to plot, leading Megatron to escalate to murder. With Starscream under a rock pleading for help and claiming he came to rescue Megatron it bumps with his scaling because (attempted) murder worked, now starscream is at (potential) maiming (bc of the rock), and letting him squirm is causing him pain (hurt).
Completely unintentionally Starscream has bumped himself back down into threaten territory as soon as Megatron saves him.
You can also see this with "Thirst". Megatron threatens the pair, starscream lies, Megatron escalates to hurting him.
However, I did imply Megatron has an actual reason for violence, and in this case he does. 1) Half his fighting force is dead. But not just that, because, well, war. Bad decisions getting lots of people killed happens all the time. It can't just be that. 2) the other half of it had to murder their own friends/coworkers. And that... that's a bit harder to fix. Assuming the worst case scenario: the vehicons lynch those responsible, they then go on to become more rebellious bc Starscream and Knockout are dead, leading to wasted time and the decepticons lose the war and everything sucks for them forever.
With that as our worst case, if beating the absolute hell out of someone saves them from dying Megatron will do it. So he does. Ideally the vehicons will be manipulated into thinking "slag, I couldn't beat up screamer that bad" and will return to following orders, forgetting the fact Knockout is right there and just as culpable. Knockout of course has to repair the vehicons and will regain thier goodwill that way.
In the other three occasions of death the Megatron scale of violence doesn't work so well but eh, nothing's perfect.
Dreadwing. Worst case scenario: Dreadwing knows everything. He is no longer loyal and is about to murder Starscream. He will betray the decepticons to the autobots and ruin everything forever. vs. Starscream has done something else to piss off Dreadwing and is tricking Megatron into killing him.
No contest, Dreadwing living has the worst potential outcome, he dies.
Airachnid. She's already abandoned the decepticons once before and suggested leaving him to die. Worst case scenario: Airachnid sabotaged the equipment that indicated Megatron was alive because she wants to take over herself. She's going to take all the decepticons off earth and leave Megatron to die. May or may not try to fight the autobots and just become a band of pirates. Autobots win the war, bad times forever.
Kill the spider.
Random flightless vehicon. Accidentally thought he was a flier, turns out he's a car.
Megatron apparently feels bad enough about this he starts painting the fliers silver/allowing alternate colour set ups.
Postscript: The exception is Optimus prime. I ain't touching that one.
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sophfandoms53 · 3 years
Great to see you giving Dewey some love. I feel only reason anyone would ever give him flak is cause they claim he gets way too much focus even in episodes where he shouldn't be in like Duck Knight Returns with Huey stans especially being angry how Dewey gets way more focus than Huey and the way Dewey sometimes fights with Huey.
Oh yeah, that tends to be people’s go-to argument when criticizing Dewey, but the irony of that critique is... it’s not actually criticizing Dewey, it’s criticizing the shows writing.
I can agree, though, that there are episodes where Dewey shouldn’t be there, such as Duck Knight Returns where I feel he shouldn’t have been in the episode outside of the beginning with LP and in Moonlander on Earth his whole plot-line with Timmy Jenkins wasn’t really needed. But I also understand why Dewey is in those two episodes, mainly to serve as comedic relief, and at least in Duck Knight Returns, Dewey finding out about the movie studio that Scrooge owns and immediately wanting to be a part of a film is rather in character for him, and in that episode he doesn’t get in the way of LP and Jim’s plot nor Drake’s plot.
A vast majority of the time the show knows when to use Dewey and when to not use Dewey.
Going back to how the whole “Dewey gets in the way of the focus, he’s in too many episodes” criticism is actually not a critique on his character but rather the writing, Dewey being in the amount of episodes that he is in: is not his fault.
There’s only so much control Dewey has over his actions and whether he is in an episode or not is not something he can control. That’s one of those times you gotta realize that at the end of the day, these are characters who are under the control of the writers and that’s who decides when they are in episodes and what they do in those episodes.
It’s why we have those moments where we can notice when someone is out of character or there’s a plot-hole, because that’s when the writer is struggling to maintain the story they wanna tell and their characters suffer from the classic “because the plot demands it” writing issue, but it is not something that falls on the characters.
It’s also not Dewey’s fault that Huey’s growth wasn’t done as well as his was. It wasn’t Dewey who decided to focus more on DA references and side characters over Huey’s really interesting and deserved a lot more love arc. It wasn’t Dewey who decided to shove all of Huey’s growth into the background of episodes and rush the growth of arguably Huey’s biggest character flaw within 2 minutes rather than giving that character flaw a whole episode to explore and have Huey grow from it that way,
It’s the writers.
The irony of all this is that there are legitimate things to criticize about Dewey’s character. I’ll list two of them right now:
His impulsion and need for attention.
Two really big characters flaws Dewey has, Dewey has a tendency to jump into things without really thinking and often his want to be seen can cloud his better judgement as well, and while these are things he grows to control within the shows canon, deep down these are gonna be flaws Dewey will always have and there are gonna be those moments where his impulsion and need for the spotlight will get the better of him, and they’ve been the conflict of a handful episodes for a reason.
The biggest example where these character flaws of Dewey are a problem are in Sky Pirates (which is a mess of an episode for separate reasons but regardless sjsjskskw) which shows the type of damage Dewey’s impulsion and need for attention can bring if not put in check.
Dewey’s got his issues but he’s allowed the time to work through them, not many characters have that, but it’s not his fault that they don’t.
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bloodiedbiotic · 3 years
𝟎𝟏. 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒 / 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  :  middy!
𝟎𝟐. 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘  :  september 19th
𝟎𝟑. 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂  𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍  : virgo
𝟎𝟒. 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  : 5′2″
𝟎𝟓. 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒  :  video games (rpg mainly, but i’ve gotten back into dead by daylight whoops), writing, concept sketching, reading, drawing, plotting but not doing a damn thing
𝟎𝟔. 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑  : teal!
𝟎𝟕. 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 : the lightning thief, because it opened up a whole part of my life and who i am as a person that’s just obsessed with greek mythos.
𝟎8. 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃 : honestly, i don’t even know anymore. i say pasta but then it fucks up my stomach now, so i don’t eat it much anymore....... 
𝟎𝟗. 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐌 / 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 : i don’t even remember, i hardly watch tv or netflix anymore... but with that, i’ll substitute by saying i plan on rewatching the first three pirates of the caribbean movies with my boyfriend. ♥
𝟏𝟎. 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  : blair came into existence when i got mass effect 2 for free on origin; this was back when they had the “on the house” deal. the only time i played a mass effect game was back when i was at my best friend’s house for a sleepover and he had gotten andromeda. i played a bit, got super into it, got andromeda for my ps4 and then eventually for my pc. then comes origin and now i had mass effect 2, where i jumped in with this dark haired, light-eyed vanguard whom i decided to name blair. this was my first time playing a game from the trilogy, and i was the equivalent to the gif of the guy walking into a burning room with pizza when i watched blair get fucking spaced. i was so confused!! like, my gal just after one minute of me walking her around this ship that was getting destroyed. 
i remember i didn’t get far into that playthrough, because i did the smart thing and got mass effect on steam (funny enough, i got it with my refund money after refunding cuphead) and played through it. i remember i loved some of the renegade lines and how badass shepard sounded saying them, so this is where i adopted the “renegade in personality, paragon in choices” ie saving the rachni queen and the council. but tbh, that first playthrough was... let’s say a warmup, because i bullrushed to the end on stream and missed SO MUCH. i started me2, then went back to me1 to play it right and 100%’d all the side quests in it and got to level 60 (i did a ng+ from that initial playthrough). back to me2! now i’m emotionally invested in shepard’s death!!! we did it, we come full circle! 
and then it took me twenty years to finish me2. me3 came and i was the equivalent of the screeching cat meme, taking another 20 years to finally buckle down and finish the game for the first time because! i have an issue with completing games! i don’t want it to be over!!!
i was so attached to blair at that point, her rough edges and how her character changed across the games. i remember i got into merp all because of a friend i was mutuals with back in darp; she had a kaidan blog and, after gushing about blair to her, she convinced me to start a blog for blair, and here we are today! i’m not as active as i was then, obviously thanks to being an adult, but my love for blair has only grown since then, and i’m always happy and thankful for the friends i meet along the way. ♥ 
𝟏𝟏. 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐔𝐑𝐋  honestly, it’s just one of blair’s monikers, akin to the butcher of torfan that the game labels your shepard as if you choose the ruthless background. i wanted to stick to that theme but make it my own, and i wanted to imagine that blair got that nickname after evac from torfan where she’s just covered in blood from all the close-quarters fighting — blood from her own wounds, from the batarian pirates she mercilessly gunned down, and from the many soldiers who lost their lives down underground on that moon. but tbh, i’ve been really thinking about changing it but can never find a url i like or that isn’t already taken.
tagged by: @nosastrra tagging: whoever wants to do this! except @arianashepard; i’m calling you out specifically to do this.
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