#major arcana meanings
ladyhavilliard · 4 months
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mo dao zu shi tarot
wheel of fortune: good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point
the tower | jiang cheng
death | wei wuxian
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ariesmoontarot · 6 months
Tarot Card Guide🃏
0: Infinity, eternity, cycles, the void, possibilities, circle of life.
1 (Ace): Leadership, rulership, influence, authority, beginnings, manifestation, action, independence, taking initiative, will-power.
2: Duality, opposites, balance, extremes, femininity, intuition, crossroads, diplomacy, polarity, contrast, planning steps.
3: Collaboration, groups, arts, imagination, fun, gatherings, creativity, self expression, initial achievement of goals, growth, vision.
4: Stability, logic, reason, intelligence, endurance, foundation, hard work, pragmatism, material reality, problem solving, perception.
5: Change, freedom, challenge, conflict, loss, instability, risk, innovation.
6: Love, romance, sex, loyalty, relationships, harmony, communication, problem solving, cooperation, domesticity, healing, service, reciprocity, emotions.
7: Patience, determination, occult, mystic, paranormal, spirituality, contemplation, withdrawal, metaphysics, reflection, motives, assessment, intellect, solitude, control.
8: Progress, drive, ambition, enterprise, effort, focus, prosperity, abundance, movement, action, change, authority, manifestation coming, business, goals, mastery.
9: Wisdom, charity, activism, fruition, manifestation, attainment, understanding, completion, conclusions, compassion
10: Wholeness, completion, fulfillment, end of a cycle/chapter/job/relationship, end of a journey, renewal.
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Air: White (clear)- Intellect, thoughts, mental, beliefs, conflict, truth, fairness, justice, learning, observation, mental stimulation, wittiness, skills, communication, perspective, perception, awareness, strategies, experience, pain, bittersweet, abrupt, swift or abrupt pace/change, quick pace, quick witted, week(s).
Earth: Green- Material resources, possessions, physical, surface level/what you can see, wealth, environment, nature, home, attainment, relationships or connections you have with people, work, physical manifestations, career, money, school/education, stability, health, attachment, body, patience, slow and gradual pace/change, year(s).
Water: Blue- Emotions, love, empathy, spirituality, creativity, happiness, sensuality, romance, compassion, soul connections, intuition, healing, sensitivity, the subconscious, depth, beneath the surface, dreams, flow, month(s).
Fire: Red- Passion, ambition, excitement, energy, action, creativity, efforts, perseverance, will, endurance, challenges, competitors, conflict, anger, growth, maturity, logic, drive, inspiration, ideas, influence, magnetism, plans, visions, sexuality, intimacy, attraction, spirituality, fast and steady pace/change, day(s).
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Major Arcana:
0. The Fool: Upright- Free spirited, innocence, youthful, new beginnings, spontaneity, adventure, originality, freedom, idealism, new relationship, new job, new business, new business, new venture, spontaneous spending, financial opportunities. Reversed- foolishness, naive, reckless, impulsive, risky, careless, distracted, immature, childish, gullible, dull, stale, non-committal, flighty, irresponsible, overspending, oversharing, being taken advantage of, stale and boring job, seeing life through rose colored glasses, inconsideration.
1. The Magician: Upright- Manifestation, creation, will-power, determination, concentration, resourceful, skill, ability, desire, powerful, creating opportunities, being proactive, using skills to create, alchemist. Reversed- Abuse of power, manipulation, cunning, trickery, illusion, deception, wasted skills/talent, low willpower, insecurity, doubts, powerlessness.
2. The High Priestess: Upright- Intuition, mystery, alluring, sacred/hidden knowledge, unconscious, spirituality, higher power/divine, inner voice, deep passion and intimacy, calm exterior but intense emotion beneath the surface, education, instincts, not revealing too much for good reasons, remaining patient for the right time to say, reveal, or do something, a guide, mentor. Reversed- Suppressed feelings, ignoring intuition, lost inner voice, lack of awareness, uncentered, secrets, hiding true self, lack of information, feeling isolated, hidden motives, superficiality, confusion, cognitive dissonance.
3. The Empress: Upright- Mother/maternal figure, divine feminine energy, wife, queen, compassion, submissive, pregnancy/conception, birth, creation, creating a new idea, healing, sensitivity, intuition, empathy, sensuality, beauty, abundance, nature, self-expression, supportive person, committed relationship, compassionate coworkers/colleagues, creativity at work, freshening up office, generosity, sharing, material wealth/comfort. Reversed- Lacking empathy, unsupportive, insecurity, overbearing, smothering, negligence, lack of growth/progress, immaturity, jealous, clingy, lack of self-worth/confidence, feeling insecure at work or with finances, codependency, lack of self-assurance, moody, irritable, overwhelmed.
4. The Emperor: Upright- Father/paternal figure, divine masculine energy, husband, king, leadership, boss, authority, power, higher position, principles, independence, good reputation, logic, supportive, provider, committed lover, stability, passionate, initiative, structure, self-control, calm, protective, self-disciplinary, practicality, focus, creates rules/systems, knowledgeable, strategic, goal-oriented, very serious/traditional person, routine, older/wiser, isn't always emotional and uses logic and reasoning in love, careful about spending time, money, etc. Reversed- Rigid, egoic, stifling, controlling, possessive, abuse of power or authority, toxic masculinity, tyranny, lack of self-control/discipline, recklessness, temperamental, power struggles, competitiveness, overbearing partner, bad reputation, bad boss, mediocre, low concentration, bureaucracy, over-spending, coldness, unauthenticity, narcissistic, overly logical, close-minded.
5. The Hierophant: Upright- tradition, religion, social groups, marriage, conventionality, conformity, education, knowledge, beliefs, ceremonial, institutions, safe/traditional person, avoiding taboo, spiritual love, morals and ethics, sharing a set of beliefs, teamwork, mentor, teacher, success in work groups, keeping money safe. Reversed- untraditional, unconventionality, breaking taboo, breaking out of social/familial norms/expectations, new approaches, rebellion, subversiveness, values not aligned, stale relationship/job/investment, peer pressure, bureaucracy, confinement, stifling, taking risks with finances, new institutions, breaking down a traditional set of beliefs (could be religious).
6. The Lovers: Upright- Love, union, connection, marriage, a deep and spiritual relationship, partnership/friendship, teammates, duality, reverence, commitment, choices, romance, togetherness, trust, balance, harmonious, romance at work/school. Reversed- lack of harmony, deception, unfaithful, infidelity, separation, lack of trust, imbalances, non-committal, romance at work causing trouble, not responsible about finances, conflicts between colleagues/friends/family, detached partner, one-sidedness.
7. The Chariot: Upright- Success, ambition, determination, will-power, control, self-discipline, focus, moving forward, pursue a plan with a structured and ordered approach, action, taking control, motivation, direction, strength. Reversed- Lack of control, lack of direction, aggression, forceful, powerlessness, obstacles, obsession with finding love, lack of ambition, pushy, rushing, hesitant about financial decisions.
8. Strength: Upright- Confidence, strength, will-power, courage, humility, bravery, compassion, inner power, resilience, perseverance, fearlessness, strong caring relationship, self-mastery, boldness, large purchases, controlled spending, self-control, discipline, taming the ego, beauty and the beast. Reversed- Insecurity, lack of control, fear, ego, ruthlessness, weakness, inadequacy, coward, forcefulness, domination, low self-esteem, negativity about love, imposter syndrome, fear of making big moves, compulsiveness, compulsive spending, hesitancy about spending.
9. The Hermit: Upright- Solitude, self-reflection, inner voice/guidance, wisdom, old soul, lone traveler, retreat, separation, seeking truth, contemplation, introspection, search for self, withdrawal, dark night of the soul, tapping into the unconscious mind, digging deep within yourself, seeking answers, pausing love to introspect, self-understanding in love, contemplating next steps, searching for purpose, less focus on materialistic things, contemplating the role of finances in happiness. Reversed- Loneliness, isolation, lost your way, recluse, anti-social, rejection, returning to society, distance, feeling distant from partner, realigning career to internal goals, outcast at work, working alone, better understanding of material situation.
10. Wheel of Fortune: Upright- Change, direction, closing a cycle, ending a chapter/relationship, coming to an end, fate, divine timing, patience, good luck, the inevitable, favored outcome, fortune, decisive moments, changing of season, making adjustments, navigating change with partner, opportunities present, adaptable, flexibility. Reversed- No control, control issues, bad luck, unfavorable outcomes, resistance, delays, obstacles, holding onto the past, refusing to change, something completely outside of your control causing delays.
11. Justice: Upright- Fairness, balance, karma (can be good or bad), consequences, getting sentenced, legal matters, truth, law, accountability, honesty, integrity, pleading, cause and effect, compromise, give and take, equality, reciprocity, repentance. Reversed- Lack of accountability, unfairness, injustice, not facing the consequences, imbalance, dishonesty, breaking the law, corruption, retribution, treating someone unfairly, blaming the wrong person, untrustworthy financial dealings, avoiding financial accountability, unfair love/work/family life, sinning, deception.
12. The Hanged Man: Upright- Surrender, changing perspective, stagnancy, pause, sacrifice, release, martyrdom, waiting, uncertainty, lack of direction, contemplation, suspension, indecision, patience, repentance. Reversed- Stalling, needless sacrifice, fear of sacrifice, stagnation, disinterest, standstill, apathy, changes in love, new perspective, new career move not working, procrastination, failed investment, wasted sacrifice.
13. Death: Upright- Endings bring new beginnings, dark night of the soul, spiritual rebirth, ego death, could be literal, letting go, release, metamorphosis, transformation, change, transition. Reversed- Fear of change, fear of letting go, not accepting an ending, having a difficult time with a loss, staying the same, holding on, stagnation, repetitive, going in circles, unhealthy financial habits, resistance, lack of growth, inadaptability.
14. Temperance: Upright- Balance, harmony, flow, reciprocity, equilibrium, middle path, patience, divine timing, finding meaning, moderation, calm, serenity, peace, tranquility, careful consideration, steady and slow progress, diligence. Reversed- Excess, extremes, too much, imbalance, overindulgence, impatience, hastiness, rushing, recklessness, all or nothing attitude, temporary fulfilment in a situation.
15. The Devil: Upright- Fear, addiction, materialism, feeling chained or tied down in some way, escapism, lust, overindulgence, excess, oppression, control issues, sexual manipulation, powerlessness, pulling strings, codependency, limitations, hedonism, selfishness, obsession, self-sabotage, bad habits, lack of self-control, blaming/ lack of accountability, toxicity, addict, substance abuse, abuse. Reversed- Release, freedom, revelation, independence, reclaiming power, regaining control, ending co-dependency, taking accountability, empowerment, breaking out of bad habits, ending toxicity.
16. The Tower: Upright- Sudden upheaval, revelation, unexpected, shocking disaster, shocking situation, chaos, the breakdown of a faulty relationship or lifestyle, faulty foundation, the breakdown of illusions, broken pride/ego death, destruction, trauma, the breakdown of beliefs that are no longer useful, sudden loss. (the tower usually happens very quick and abruptly) Reversed- Averting disaster, trying to keep something from inevitably falling apart, resisting change, leaving a weak relationship, surviving disaster, overcoming chaos, surviving, leaving a temporary situation, avoidance, repeating financial troubles.
17. The Star: Upright- Hope, rejuvenation, healing, inspiration, fame, wish fulfillment, faith, renewal, positivity, optimism, reaching goals, accomplishment, awakening to oneself (finally seeing your potential). Reversed- Unhopeful, lack of faith, uninspired, negativity, pessimistic, despair, depression, despondent, self-criticism, lack of confidence, unmotivated, dissatisfied.
18. The Moon: Upright- Secrets, illusions, unconscious, intuition, dark night of the soul, in the dark, hidden truth, hidden emotions, the unseen, confusion, complexity, mystery, uncertainty, let your intuition guide you through the things you can't see or understand, repressed intuition. Reversed- Deception, truth revealed, clarity, what's done in the dark always comes to light, misinformation, misinterpretation, fear, confusion, trickery, sabotage, paranoia, misunderstanding, understanding, anxiety, inner realization, not facing the truth.
19. The Sun: Upright- Happiness, coming out of a dark night of the soul, joy, abundance, manifestation, inner child, creativity, clarity, healing, revitalized, vitality, creative ideas/opportunity, creativity in love, children, optimism, positivity, celebration, party, success, confidence, radiance, enthusiasm, energetic, bubbly, strong financial situation. Reversed- Negativity, depression, sadness, insecurity, secrets, hidden truth, feeling unsuccessful, creative blocks, lack of energy, unenthusiastic, inner child wounds, pessimistic, unable to see joy in love or anything, boredom, taking things for granted, unrealistic beliefs/ideas, unappreciative, hardships are only temporary the sun will shine again, overly optimistic.
20. Judgement: Upright- Self-evaluation, facing judgment, spiritual awakening, renewal, finding purpose, reckoning, reflection, gaining self-awareness. making adjustments in love, renewed love. Reversed- Lack of awareness, lack of accountability, self-doubt, self-loathing, failure to learn lessons, denial, self-denying.
21. The World: Upright- Coming to a close, wrapping things up, cycles ending, certain phase ending, relationship ending, endings bring new beginnings, moving on, completion, achievement, fulfillment, sense of belonging, wholeness, harmony, enlightenment, nirvana, connectedness, gratitude, feeling love, in alignment. Reversed- Lack of closure, emptiness, feeling incomplete, missing something, lack of achievement, taking someone or something for granted, false measures of success, close to completing a goal, unfulfilled, ungrateful.
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Court Cards:
Kings: The Leaders/Authorities- Usually a father figure or a highly evolved person who could embody masculine energy, but certainly doesn’t have to. Upright- They’re very responsible and have a high position in some way. Provides, takes initiative, has stability, their reliable, supportive, protective, strategic, charming, powerful, commanding, esteemed. Reversed- Abusive, narcissistic, controlling, possessive, egotistical, overbearing.
Knights: The Go-Getter/Pursuer- Usually a young adult or someone who’s just starting to master a certain task, skill, or ability. Upright- They learn by taking action and not being scared of the action they take. They dive into any situation. Courageous, willful, risk-taking, passionate, offering, adventurous, persuasive, charming, suave, confident. Reversed- Arrogant, irresponsible, flighty, impulsive, prideful, non-committal, player.
Queens: The Creators/Care-takers- Usually a motherly energy or someone who is more evolved and mature within their energy. They handle situations like an adult would. Upright- They’re very intuitive & led by their heart majority of the time. Creative, nurturing, receptive, generous, compassionate, alluring, independent, and patient. Reversed- Introverted, co-dependent, overwhelmed, manipulative.
Pages: The Messengers/Scholars- Usually a teen, young energy, or someone who is not yet fully matured in a specific area or in general. They observe, research, and take in almost everything. Upright- Curious, innocent, inspired, playful, optimistic, imaginative, in awe of life and their experiences. Reversed- Naive, immature, compulsive need to be right, has a lot to learn.
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Minor Arcana:
🗡️Swords: Air Element- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
King of Swords: Upright- Head over heart, disciplined, truthful, honest, intelligent (intellectual), reason, authority, integrity, morality, serious, high standards, strict, observant, keen, clear minded, spiritual understanding, open minded, diplomacy, good judgment, rational, reserved, controlled emotions, stern but righteous mentor, challenges or challenged to do yours or their best, thinking realistically, logical, boundaries, detail-oriented, picky about who is allowed close to them, makes smart decisions, cool, calm, collected, blunt, mentally stimulating, self-control, good thinker and communicator, mentally stable, knowing when to speak or listen. Reversed- Cold, inhumane, cruel, heartless, ruthless, oppressive, secretive, selfish, narcissistic, controlling, mentally abusive/disturbed, dishonest, ingenuity, dominating, judgmental, overly opinionated, overly critical, low standards, always wants to be right, uses intellect to an advantage, dark minded, pessimistic, dark humor, mentally unstable, extreme vulnerability, ferocious, doesn’t communicate, cold shoulder, ghosts or blocks people, narrow minded, over sharer.
Knight of Swords: Upright- Assertive, direct, impatient, intellectual, daring, communication, focused, perfectionist, ambitious, likes a challenge, easily bored, needs mental stimulation, fears about intimacy, messenger, decisive action, quick thinker/communicator, difficulty committing, getting things done quickly, really focuses on what they have in mind, efficiency, making big moves, focus on financial goals, taking action towards goals, defending beliefs. Reversed- No direction, disregarding consequences, unpredictability, aggressive, bully, mentally abusive/disturbed, intensely argumentative, ruthless, vicious, arrogance, ferocious, intimidation, fraud, dishonest, scams, coercion, shady, rude, tactless, ignorant, doesn’t communicate at all, ghosts and blocks people.
Queen of Swords: Upright- Honest, truth, observant, rational, keen, intelligent (intellectual), open minded, fair, calm, disciplined, reserved, self & spiritually aware, principled, perceptive, objective, constructive criticism, independent, good judgment, balances logic and emotion, looking at the facts before making a decision, detail-oriented, thinking realistically, blunt, telling it like it is, high standards, picky about who is allowed close to them, boundaries, wise guidance, teacher, mentor, respected, knowing when to speak or listen. Reversed- Pessimistic, malicious, dishonest, harsh, bitter, spiteful, cruel, deceitful, unforgiving, cold shoulder, cold hearted, ghosts or blocks people, wants to be right, narrow minded, selfish, mentally unstable, mentally abusive/disturbed, trauma, toxic person, poor communication, confusion, irrational, extremely vulnerable, overly critical, judgmental, overly opinionated, uses intellect to an advantage, overthinker, over sharer.
Page of Swords: Upright- Curious, witty, chatty, communicative, messenger of legal matters/gossip/agreements/truth, inspired, vigilant, alert, mental agility, loves to learn, passionate about debates/ heady discussions, shy, intellectual person, lack of emotional intimacy, flighty, nervous, anxious, could be in school, brainstormer, ambitious. Reversed- Gossipy, scatterbrained, cynical, sarcastic, insulting, rude, lack of planning, talks too much, anxious chatter, argumentative, loves to be right, defensive partner, failure to communicate healthily, over sharer, flighty, uncertainty, over-thinker, researching but taking no action, insensitive, deceptive, all talk no show, two-faced, stalker, instigator.
Ace of Swords: Upright- Clarity, truth, spiritual awakening, revelation, communication, new perspective, learning a lesson, mentally maturing, breakthrough, new idea, vision, force, focus, facing problems honestly, facing reality, stimulating situation or environment, think rationally, avoid making emotional based decisions, sharp mind. Reversed- Confusion, brutality, chaos, lack of clarity, not facing the truth, miscommunication, hostility, arguments, destruction, uncertainty, clashing perceptions, painful words, failure to learn, unable to express thoughts clearly, boredom, double check finances/statements/legal documents.
Two of Swords: Upright- Indecision, confusion, illusion, second-guessing oneself, trying to listen to intuition, stalemate, stuck in the middle, denial, hidden information/secrets, choosing between two directions, things, or people, choosing between love/family/work, conflicts at work, taking sides, avoiding decisions, difficult choices, being gaslighted. Reversed- Lesser of two evils, no choice is a right choice, confusion, failure to make a choice, inaction is an action, hesitancy, too much information, truth revealed, clarity, anxiety, can’t prioritize love/work/family, stressful decisions, accepting financial position.
Three of Swords: Upright- Heartbreak, sadness, grief, depression, betrayal, third party interference, breakup, pain, heart issues, sorrow, loss, trauma, tears, argument, hurt feelings, feeling hopeless, disappointment, division of assets after divorce or breakup. Reversed- Healing, forgiveness, recovery, reconciliation, repressing emotions, holding onto sadness, moving on after pain, separation, putting conflicts behind you, developing better processes, building savings, finding stability, severe grief about finances.
Four of Swords: Upright- Meditation, rest, recuperation, relaxation, finding a peace of mind, sanctuary, self-protection, rejuvenation, a choice to withdrawl, exhaustion, a need to find quietness, alone time, taking a vacation, mental health day, anxiety about finances, avoid overthinking, contemplation, restoring, getting better sleep/taking a nap. Reversed- Restlessness, burnout, stress, mentally drained, recovery, awakening, re-entering world, release from isolation/withdrawal, refreshed, rejection from pressuring lover, reigniting passions, not accepting support, overcoming stress.
Five of Swords: Upright- Combativeness, wanting to be right, bully, one undermining the other, challenging beliefs or opinions, not being heard, not listening, arguments, disputes, aggression, intimidation, conflict, hostility, stress, tension, refusing to agree with someone else, irritability, fighting, defensiveness, being taken advantage of. Reversed- Reconciliation, resolution, agreement, compromise, revenge, regret, remorse, cutting losses, walking away, breaking up, forgiveness, open dialogue, sabotage, loosening of tension, relief, resentment.
Six of Swords: Upright- Overcoming a hard time, moving into calmer waters, leaving the past in the past, moving forward, moving away, leaving home, leaving a job, leaving a relationship, departure, distance, accepting lessons, feeling sad but moving on, reconciling after a fight. Reversed- Holding onto the past, stuck in the past, haunted, can’t move on, creating conflicts, self sabotage, trapped at job/relationship/or in a situation, avoiding dealing with finances, emotional baggage, unresolved issues, resisting transition, returning to the past, returning to trouble, running away from problems.
Seven of Swords: Upright- Strategize, sneakiness, secretive, thief, lies, deception, scheming, trickery, resourcefulness, cunning, trying not to get caught, manipulative tactics, affair, sparing feelings, feeling suspicious, gossip, jealousy at work, shadiness, fraudulent, scams. Reversed- Confession, getting caught, conscious, regret, maliciousness, truth revealed, end of playing games, dropping pretension, liars exposed, consequences of actions, changing approach, consequences of dishonesty in financial dealings, still deceiving after being caught.
Eight of Swords: Upright- Self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, fearful, overthinking, analysis paralysis, mental captivity, restricted, victimized, paralyzed, helpless, powerless, imprisonment, feeling controlled, smothered, suffocated, passive in love life, dependence on person or job, can’t change careers, fear of job change, anxiety about money, can’t see financial opportunity. Reversed- Freedom, release, taking control, survivor, facing fears, empowered, surrender, clearer perspective, active role in love life, new job to reach potential, freedom from anxiety, continued struggle, intensified anxiety, paranoia, fears clouding the truth, dissociation, self-acceptance.
Nine of Swords: Upright- Anxiety, overthinking, losing sleep, restless mind, replaying events and experiences over and over again, nightmares, sleep paralysis, isolation, fear, terrified, breaking point, mental breakdown, crying, despair, trauma, needing to open up about pain and grief, not trusting, suspicious, regretful, no coping mechanisms, stress, panic, consuming worries, feeling deprived. Reversed- Seeking help, alienating stress by opening up, clarity, finding peace of mind, stresses manifesting in real life, poverty, lack of resources, learning to cope, recovery, facing life, shame, guilt, mental health issues.
Ten of Swords: Upright- Betrayal, deception, attack, ending, loss, destruction, sabotage, pain, dead end, failure, ruin, exhaustion, bitterness, victimization, collapse, tragedy, breakup, infidelity, failed investment, loss of finances/home. Reversed- Survival, improvement, healing, lessons learned, despair, relapse, putting relationship back together, changed jobs, found less stressful work, avoided financial ruin or bankruptcy, can’t get worse, only upwards, inevitable.
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🏅Pentacles: Earth Element- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
King of Pentacles: Upright- Abundance, prosperity, security, ambitious, safe, kind, patriarchal, protective, businessman, provider, sensual, reliable, supportive, patient, loyal, self-assured, trustworthy, committed, successful, prosperous, father/husband, generous, good partner, diligent, careful, practical, reserved, good reputation, good at saving and investing, referrals, encouraging, conservated, mentor, teacher, friend, family member, family/career oriented. Reversed- Greedy, materialistic, wasteful, chauvinist, poor financial decisions, gambler, exploitative, entitled, possessive, physically/financially abusive, attachment issues, co-dependent, stubborn, controlling, insecure, egotistical, bad reputation.
Knight of Pentacles: Upright- An offering of commitment or secure relationship, offering to work together, long term investment, practical, reliable, efficient, stoic, slow and steady, hard-working, committed, patient, conservative, loyal but stubborn, focused, goal-oriented, determined, frugality, efficiency, charming. Reversed- Non-committal, lazy, insecure, unreliable, overly stubborn, obsessed with money, workaholic, dull, boring, no initiative, cheapskate, irresponsible, gambler, risky investments, homebody, neglecting relationship/friends/family/self, little or too much ambition, wasting time and money.
Queen of Pentacles: Upright- Generous, caring, nurturing, homebody, good business sense, practical, comforting, welcoming, sensible, luxurious, gentle, supportive, patient, committed, mother/wife, friend, lover, teacher, mentor, stable, conservative, encouraging, good partner, trustworthy, reliable, loyal, family oriented. Reversed- Co-dependent, controlling, insecure, materialistic, selfish, unkempt, jealous, insecure, greedy, gold digger, intolerant, self-absorbed, envious, unfaithful, bad partner, money mismanagement, hoarding, smothering.
Page of Pentacles: Upright- Ambitious, diligent, goal oriented, planner, consistent, star student, studious, grounded, loyal, faithful, dependable, connectedness, quiet/shy, steady, diligent, dedication, big dreams, setting good habits. Reversed- Foolish, immature, irresponsible, lazy, underachiever, procrastinator, missed chances, poor prospects, all talk no show, non-committal, boredom, monotonous relationship, avoidant, wants easy results with no work, insecure, greediness, begger.
Ace of Pentacles: Upright- Long term opportunity, new opportunities, a long-term goal, accomplishment, committed relationship, graduation, physical manifestation, resources, abundance, family, prosperity, security, new venture, receiving the fruit of your labor, an investment, new job, privileged person/couple/family, attaining financial wealth, inheritance. Reversed- Missed opportunity, missed chance, bad investment, scarcity, deficiency, instability, stinginess, lacking financial support, self-doubt, money issues affecting relationship, job loss, bad financial decisions/habits, needing to budget your resources.
Two of Pentacles: Upright- Balancing out work/family/love, balancing self care/work, balancing out your time and energy, adaptation, balancing resources, spirituality and practicality, flexibility, multitasking, prioritizing what's most important, resources are tight/unstable finances, weighing out the best options. Reversed- Disorganized, scattered, overwhelmed, imbalance, messiness, chaos, overextending, unfocused, negligence, taking things/someone for granted, overworked, too much of something, juggling a lot all at once, too many bills, can't keep up with deadlines or payments, focusing too much on one area and neglecting another.
Three of Pentacles: Upright- Sharing ideas, shared goals, partnerships, collaboration(s), group effort/project, working with others to achieve the same goal, teamwork, apprenticeship, pooling energy, a goal or project requiring diverse skill sets and opinions to create a successful outcome, learning about finances, getting advice about a long-term goal, investment, or project. Creative hobbies. Reversed- Disagreements, not working together, refusing to take on another's ideas or opinions, lack of cohesion, apathy, poor teamwork, poor motivation, conflict, ego, competition, stress and frustration with partner or colleagues, conflicts in practical life, office politics, avoiding learning about finances or required skills/resources.
Four of Pentacles: Upright- Materialism, possessiveness, hoarding, stringiness, stability, security, insecurity, savings, wealth, frugality, boundaries, guardedness, greediness, not wanting anyone or anything to take away wealth, clingy, jealously, control issues, holding onto the past, imposter syndrome, paranoia, avoiding collaboration, stable finances, saving for future, conservation. Reversed- Greediness, stinginess, possessiveness, overcoming jealousy, letting go of the past, letting go of past or overdue relationships, generosity of with colleagues, risky work decisions, spending, donating, giving, sharing resources.
Five of Pentacles: Upright- Hardships, hard times, loss, loss of home, eviction, isolation, feeling abandoned, adversity, struggle, unemployment, alienation, disgrace, losing something valuable, depression, feeling distant, outcast, poverty, debt, bankruptcy, tight finances. Reversed- Overcoming hardships, positive changes, recovery from loss, overcoming adversity, forgiveness, feeling welcome, opening yourself up to others, friendships at work, saving, paying debts, charity, improvement.
Six of Pentacles: Upright- Generosity, charity, giving, community, material help, support, reciprocity, gratitude, supportive relationship, mentor, being valued employee, investors, donations. Reversed- Power dynamics, abuse of generosity, strings attached/offerings, inequality, extortion, taking advantage or being taken advantage of, controlling lover, hidden agendas, sucking up to bosses, being a pick me, teachers pet, lack of help, unfair loans, resentment, abuse of authority, domination.
Seven of Pentacles: Upright- Patience, harvest, rewards, results, growth, planning, perseverance, determination, hard work will pay off in time, effort, friendship turns to romance, evaluation of progress, slow and gradual progress. Reversed- Unmotivated, laziness, waste of time/energy, lack of energy, procrastination, one sided effort, unfinished work, low effort, impatience, lack of growth, lack of reward, hard work not paid off, lay-off, no results, can't rush or hurry love, stagnancy, losses, little financial compensation, distractions.
Eight of Pentacles: Upright- Skill, talent, craftmanship, quality, high standards, expertise, mastery, commitment, dedication, accomplishment, achieving goal, cultivating success, promotion, financial rewards, becoming financially independent, diligence, passion. Reversed- No motivation, uninspired, no passion, neglect, tedious job, low quality, low standards, carelessness, overspending, impatience, bad reputation, mediocracy, laziness, low skill/talent, dead end job.
Nine of Pentacles: Upright- Self-assured, confidence, independence, stability, success, achievement, rewarded efforts, leisure, material security, self-sufficiency, joy, freedom, high standards for partners, balance of love and independence, spending. Reversed- Insecurity, living beyond means, obsession with work, false success, fear of giving of independence, being guarded in love, desire for fast success/money, desire to succeed with no work, overspending, acting on impulse.
Ten of Pentacles: Upright- Inheritance, financial freedom, coming together of family, legacy, roots, ancestry, windfall, foundations, marriage, privilege, affluence, stability, long-term success, long-term manifestation, culmination, long-term relationship, milestone, family approval, stable future. Reversed- Acting on too much short-term fulfillment, family disputes, bankruptcy, debt, fleeting success, conflict over money, conflict in between love and family, outside opinions affecting love life, instability, breaking traditions, company dissolutions, unstable career.
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🍷Cups: Water Element- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
King of Cups: Upright- Wise, diplomatic, balance between head and heart, devoted, advisor, counsellor, compassion, faithful, loyal, loving, gentle, supportive, caring, intuitive, spiritual, calm, balance, control, goes with the flow, mysterious, intimate, values connection and openness. Reversed- Cold, moody, bad advice, overwhelmed, anxious, repressed, withdrawn, manipulative, selfish, secretive, deceitful, unfaithful, emotionally manipulative, controlling, victimization.
Knight of Cups: Upright- Idealist, charming, artistic, graceful, tactful, diplomatic, mediator, negotiator, romantic, a lover not a fighter, messenger, invitation, romance, attraction, flirty, hopeless romantic, player, unrealistic expectations. Reversed- Disappointment, tantrums, moodiness, turmoil, avoiding conflict, vanity, obsessive, serial dater, extreme player, passive aggressive, wishy-washy, false appearance.
Queen of Cups: Upright- Compassion, warmth, kindness, intuition, healer, counsellor, supportive, devoted, loyal, faithful, empathetic, trustworthy, attractive, deepening existing relationships, submissive, caretaker, generous, calm, comforting. Reversed- Martyrdom, obsessive, clingy, attachment issues, co-dependent, insecurity, giving too much, overly sensitive, needy, fragile, one-sided love, emotional exhaustion, overextending, victimization.
Page of Cups: Upright- Idealism, sensitivity, dreamer, naivete, innocence, inner child, head in the clouds, message of love, persistence, new perspective, imaginative, easily falls in love, happy surprise. Reversed- Emotional vulnerability, immaturity, over-expressive, being taken advantage of, easily fooled, overly sensitive, victimization, emotionally co-dependent, disappointment, very unrealistic, escapes from reality, unrealistic thinking, overindulgence in a fantasy.
Ace of Cups: Upright- Emotional awakening, new love, pregnancy, birth, spiritual awakening, new feelings, happiness, creativity, intuitive and emotionally led actions are favored during this time, release of emotion/tears, letting go of emotional baggage and stress, deeper intimacy, next level in friendship, openness. Reversed- Blocked emotion, repressed intuition, breakup, sadness, depression, emptiness, emotionally exhausted, coldness, emotional loss, blocked creativity, feeling unloved, gloominess.
Two of Cups: Upright- Trust, balance, harmony, duality, emotionally deep connection, spiritual connection, complimenting each other, healthy balance between two people, close bonds, attraction, mutual attraction/feelings, coming together, reconciliation, new relationship. Reversed- Lack of trust, imbalance, disharmony, miscommunication, distance, lack of communication, deceit, secrets, pain, infidelity, tension, separation, breakup, division, withdrawal.
Three of Cups: Upright- Friendships, parties, gatherings, celebrations, community, group events, social events, friendship leading to love, deep friendship with lover, meeting someone at a party/gathering, financial milestone. Reversed- Gossip, scandal, third party interference, isolation, short but exciting romance, one night stand/sneaky link, excess, loneliness, overindulgence, imbalanced social life, solitude.
Four of Cups: Upright- Apathetic, depression, sadness, bitterness, resentment, emotional turmoil, choosing to remain unhappy, pessimism, contemplation, feeling disconnected, melancholy, boredom, indifference, discontent, lack of excitement. Reversed- Overcoming sadness, choosing to be happy, clarity, sudden awareness, acceptance, excitement, new inspiration.
Five of Cups: Upright- Sadness, loss, grief, heartache, disappointment, crying over spilled milk, focused on the negative feelings, mourning, feeling let down, dwelling, self-pity, regret, things are still salvageable. Reversed- Acceptance, moving on, finding peace, contentment, seeing the positives, healing, relief, rebuilding.
Six of Cups: Upright- Nostalgia, reflecting on the past, learning from past experiences, bittersweet memories/feelings, childhood, reciprocity, receiving/giving love, receiving/giving gifts, comfort, familiarity, sentimentality, back when things seemed simple, healing, comfort, reliving happy memories, reconnecting with someone from the past, learning lessons, returning to comfort zone, moving back in with someone. Reversed- Stuck in the past, moving forward, leaving home, independence, clinging to past connections/lovers, hard time being present, leaving job or relationship, letting go of something that was once good.
Seven of Cups: Upright- Temporary options, illusions, fantasy, imagination, choices, searching for purpose, daydreaming, wishful thinking, indecision, now is not the time to make a long-term investment or decision based off of emotion, be cautious. Reversed- Lack of purpose, disarray, confusion, diversion, distractions, clarity, making choices, overindulgence, choosing between long-term and short-term fulfillment.
Eight of Cups: Upright- Abandoning a relationship, pulling back love and emotion to seek a more fulfilling investment, walking away, letting go, searching for truth, leaving behind something or someone, stepping outside of what's familiar, abandoment issues/fears, taking vacation, escapism, choosing happiness over financial security, disillusionment. Reversed- Refusing to walk away from something that is no longer fulfilling, avoidance, fear of change, holding on, resistance, fear of loss, fear of feeling negative emotions, stagnation, monotony, accepting less, staying in bad situation.
Nine of Cups: Upright- Contentment, self-assurance, emotional independence, wishes coming true, satisfaction, success, achievements, recognition, pleasure, appreciating love/life/family, avoid being cocky or overconfident, abundance, positivity leading to romance, enjoying the luxuries of life. Reversed- Unhappiness, ungrateful, smugness, lack of fulfilment, disappointment, underachievement, arrogance, snobbery, spoiled, unappreciative.
Ten of Cups: Upright- Happiness, homecomings, fulfillment, emotional stability, security, domestic harmony, sharing joy and abundance with others, commitment, marriage, lasting relationship, sense of belonging, fulfilling and supportive job, feeling of having enough, dreams coming true, inner happiness. Reversed- Unhappy home, separation, domestic conflict, disharmony, isolation​, shattered dreams, broken family/relationship, divorce, domestic disharmony, meddling relatives, external factors affecting love life, a short fling, adversity, arguments about money, hostile work environment, family/relationship conflicts, needing to defend oneself or relationship, face any criticism with your partner as a team.
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🪄Wands: Fire Element- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
King of Wands: Upright- Leadership, authority, mentor, provider, action, assertive, passionate, confident, mature, energetic, intimate, sensual, perseverant, determined, disciplined, self-control, will-power, courageous, vision, bigger picture, innovative, boldness, perfectionist, focused, dominate, optimism, daring decisions, taking risks, highly capable, charismatic, high position, well respected, knowledgeable, logical, stability, generous, overcomes challenges. Reversed- Reckless, temperamental, rash, angry, controlling, jealous, insecure, possessive, physically abusive, forceful, domineering, tyrant, vicious, powerless, ineffective, weak leader, overbearing, impossible expectations, egotistical, impulsive, overindulgence, lack of self control/discipline, passive aggressive, narcissistic, energetically/physically drained, toxic and enjoys it.
Knight of Wands: Upright- Assertive, initiative, passionate, takes action very quickly, acts off impulse, charming, restless, energetic, courageous, hero complex, rebellious, hot tempered, free-spirit, fearless, erratic, flight, always moving and doing something, antsy, difficult to commit, brave, sudden influx of money, using finances for travel, expanding horizons, action, adventure. Reversed- Anger issues, controlling, insecure, prideful, egotistical, overly impulsive, immature, overindulgence, arrogant, reckless, impatient, lack of self control, passive aggressive, volatile, domineering, physically abusive, energetically/physically drained, toxic and enjoys it.
Queen of Wands: Upright- Confident, independent, optimistic, bold, attractive, passionate, energetic, self-assured, determined, social, charismatic, vivacious, uplifting, protective, supportive, openness, cheerful, inspirational, strong, courageous. Reversed- Selfish, obsessive, controlling, attachment issues, overindulgence, insecure, temperamental, lack of self-control, low self-worth, lack of confidence, jealousy, demanding, vengeful, bully, overly dominate, unmotivated, overspending, energetically/physically drained, toxic and enjoys it.
Page of Wands: Upright- Adventure, excitement, fresh ideas, cheerfulness, energetic, fearless, extroverted, lively, eagerness, temptation, exploration. Reversed- Flighty, non-committal, lack of direction, insecure, drama starter, creates conflict, hasty, impatient, lacking ideas, tantrums, laziness, boring, unreliable, distracted, interferes in other people's relationships, unenthusiastic, toxic and enjoys it.
Ace of Wands: Upright- Inspiration, creative spark, new initiative, new passion, enthusiasm, energy, attraction, follow your instincts, flirtation, excitement, will-power, drive, desire, determination, creation. Reversed- Lack of energy, lack of passion, unmotivated, unenthusiastic, boredom, short-term affair, creative block, financial loss, risky decisions, delays, blockages, obstacles, conflict, chaos, hesitancy.
Two of Wands: Upright- Planning, taking steps, innovation, making decisions, leaving comfort, taking risks, progression, moving forward, setting goals, envisioning dreams, laying the foundation, leaving home. Reversed- Fear of change, playing it safe, procrastination, bad planning, not thinking ahead, not setting long term goals, unexpected obstacles, lack of control, overanalyzing, avoiding risk.
Three of Wands: Upright- Momentum, confidence, expansion, growth, foresight, looking ahead, having a vision, creating a stable foundation/relationship, next stage in relationship, new horizons, rapid growth. Reversed- Obstacles, delays, frustration, impatience, learning to compromise, feeling caged, restriction, limitations, lack of progress.
Four of Wands: Upright- Stability, deepening relationship, marriage, family, stable foundation or relationship, community, home, celebrations, reunions, parties, gatherings, belonging, holidays, engagement, relationship going public. Reversed- Instability, broken home, lack of support, home conflicts, transience, conflicts, burdens, feeling unwelcome, lack of roots, not knowing where you fit in, insecurity.
Five of Wands: Upright- Challenges, conflicts, chaos, interference, competition, obstacles, arguments, hostility, fights, aggression, rivals, egos clashing, accept the challenge as a way to improve yourself instead of feeling malice or taking things personal, playful banter, fighting over a person. Reversed- Respecting differences, avoiding conflict, resolution, trying to keep the peace, overcoming obstacles and challenges, cooperation, truce, agreement, harmony, peace, end of conflict.
Six of Wands: Upright- Triumph, victory, success, achievement, overcoming obstacles/setbacks, rewards, recognition, praise, acclaim, pride, strength. Reversed- Setbacks, obstacles, excess pride, punishment, lack of recognition, feeling unloved, feeling neglected, failed project, being overlooked, financial loss, failed investment, bad purchase.
Seven of Wands: Upright- Protectiveness, standing up for yourself, defending yourself, protecting territory, boundaries, on guard, standing on business, fighting for love, fighting for what you believe in, facing challenges, protecting finances, maintaining control, perseverance. Reversed- Giving up, admitting defeat, no confidence, overwhelmed, drained, defensiveness, denial, a breakup from external pressure, surrender, lack of self-belief.
Eight of Wands: Upright- Sudden change, progress, change in energy, movement, speed, quick decisions, excitement, positive growth, important news, surprises, traveling, cash coming in and going out, motivation, impact. Reversed- Panic, waiting, slowing down, misunderstanding, delays, hectic pace, confusion, career stagnation, lost chances, overwhelmed, lack of patience, chaos, losing momentum, hastiness, being unprepared.
Nine of Wands: Upright- Last stand, persistence, grit, resilience, perseverance, close to success, fatigue, hard-work, love isn't easy, success isn't easy, self-improvement, temporary pressure, economic duress. Reversed- Stubbornness, rigidity, defensiveness, refusing compromise, giving up, defiance, combativeness, pushing people away, one-sided effort, struggling, exhaustion, fatigue, unsure motivation.
Ten of Wands: Upright- Overwhelmed, burdens, a lot of responsibilities, keeping a lot in, physically/energetically drained, exhaustion, needing support, duty, stress, obligation, burning out, struggling daily, large unavoidable expenses, being overworked, accomplishment after much hard work. Reversed- Can't delegate, overstressed, burnout, refusing to ask for help, finding support, relief, carrying too much, collapse, breakdown, lightening the load.
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Tarot Cards as Professions
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Major Arcanas:
The Fool: Work with abroad, connections with imports, language teacher, multinationals, entrepreneur, intern, college student, art major.
The Magician: Entrepreneur, job that needs skill with the hands (acupuncture, hairdresser, artisan), actor, salesperson, influencer.
The High Priestess: Education, especially children, nutrition, psychology, cook, housewife, food engineering, toy factory, fortuneteller, spiritual advisor, librarian.
The Empress: Management, business administration, foreign trade, secretariat, translation, decoration, stay-at-home mom, model, cook, farmer.
The Emperor: Business administration, work related to areas of technological innovation, the military or sportsmen, CEO, tycoon.
The Hierophant: Philanthropic areas, ONGs, religious work, social work, diplomacy, and a degree, journalism, writer, editor, priest, spiritual guru, politician.
The Lovers: Sales area in any sector, tourism, theater, advertising, the arts in general, porn star, stripper, masseuse.
The Chariot: Activities related to transport, cars, the latest technology, chauffeur, mechanic, athlete.
Strength: Aesthetics, physical education and various body therapies, medicine, zoologist.
The Hermit: Teacher, writer, doctor, antique dealer, restorer, librarian, gardener.
Wheel of Fortune: Financial market, exchange offices, casinos, lottery houses, stock exchanges, and areas related to public relations, hospitality, game show host.
Justice: Public jobs, won through competitions, politics, police, with government positions, in the diplomatic area, law, insurance company worker.
The Hanged Man: Nurse, auditor, inspector, porter, secretariat, general assistants, yoga instructor, prison guard, philanthropist.
Death: Doctor, farmer, geologist, business administrator, gardener, accountant, assassin, death row executioner, surgeon.
Temperance: Working with liquids in general or with what is transported in liquid form such as alcoholic beverages, medicines, juices. chemist, chef, food critic, regional or even international traffic.
The Devil: Does not limit the individual to a professional wing, so he can also go to extremes for the desire he has, such as landlord, drug lord, sex trafficker.
The Tower: Social assistance, humanitarian aid, medicine, firefighter, police officer, construction worker.
The Star: Music, painting, sculpture, poetry, cinema, makeup artist, dressmaker, beautician, agent, promoter, sound artist, astronomer, harpist, dealer, meteorologist.
The Moon: Oceanographers, sailors, fishermen, owners of bars and restaurants or nightclubs, artists in general, medium, hypnotist, psychiatrist.
The Sun: Motivational speaker, entertainer, comedian, social relationships, work with the public, artist in general, member of society.
Judgment: Work done at home, connection with the law, lawyer, judge, work with disabled or people excluded from society, social assistance, board member, executive producer, director.
The World: Pharmacist, massage therapist, scientist, teacher, community leader, religious leader or priest, fashion designer, makeup artist, interior decorator.
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Creative industries such as advertising, marketing, and graphic design.
Entrepreneurship and starting your own business.
Athletics, sports coaching, or physical training.
Outdoor jobs like park ranger or tour guide.
Event planning or organizing.
Firefighters or rescue workers.
Ace of Wands: Entrepreneur, startup founder, motivational speaker, fitness coach, personal trainer.
Two of Wands: Business strategist, project manager, travel agent, international consultant, import/export specialist.
Three of Wands: Sales representative, marketing manager, e-commerce entrepreneur, market researcher, international trade coordinator.
Four of Wands: Event planner, wedding coordinator, party organizer, festival manager, hospitality industry professional.
Five of Wands: Conflict resolution specialist, mediator, lawyer, debate coach, competitive sports coach.
Six of Wands: Public relations manager, spokesperson, social media influencer, motivational speaker, winning athlete.
Seven of Wands: Defense attorney, human rights activist, political campaigner, advocate, civil liberties lawyer.
Eight of Wands: Courier, delivery driver, airline pilot, travel blogger, expedition guide.
Nine of Wands: Security guard, bodyguard, soldier, endurance athlete, self-defense instructor.
Ten of Wands: Overworked entrepreneur, project manager, event organizer, professional organizer, heavy equipment operator.
Page of Wands: Assistant in a creative field, aspiring artist, intern in a startup, social media coordinator, apprentice.
Knight of Wands: Travel journalist, adventure tour guide, professional athlete, race car driver, stunt performer.
Queen of Wands: CEO, business owner, charismatic leader, life coach, influential speaker.
King of Wands: Executive manager, entrepreneur, leadership coach, consultant, director of a creative agency.
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Counseling, therapy, or social work.
Hospitality industry, including restaurant management and bartending.
Wedding planner or event coordinator.
Artistic fields like poetry, writing, or acting.
Healing professions such as nursing or holistic therapy.
Psychologist or counselor specializing in emotions and relationships.
Ace of Cups: Therapist, counselor, social worker, holistic healer, emotional support specialist.
Two of Cups: Marriage counselor, matchmaker, relationship coach, wedding planner, love psychic.
Three of Cups: Event organizer, party planner, celebratory event coordinator, community organizer.
Four of Cups: Meditation teacher, mindfulness coach, spiritual counselor, psychologist, therapist.
Five of Cups: Grief counselor, trauma therapist, hospice worker, emotional healing practitioner, bereavement support.
Six of Cups: Child psychologist, teacher, daycare worker, children's book author, pediatric nurse.
Seven of Cups: Creative writer, fantasy novelist, imaginative artist, dream analyst, visionary.
Eight of Cups: Travel blogger, adventure seeker, spiritual pilgrim, explorer, wanderlust photographer.
Nine of Cups: Life coach, happiness consultant, gratitude coach, self-help author, wellness retreat organizer.
Ten of Cups: Family therapist, marriage and family counselor, foster care advocate, wedding planner, family mediator.
Page of Cups: Creative writer, artist in training, intuitive healer, aspiring therapist, dream interpreter.
Knight of Cups: Actor, romantic poet, musician, art therapist, love and relationship coach.
Queen of Cups: Psychic reader, intuitive healer, counselor, compassionate caregiver, therapist.
King of Cups: Therapist, counselor, intuitive mentor, emotional intelligence trainer, psychologist.
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Legal professions like lawyers, judges, or law enforcement officers.
Journalists, reporters, or investigators.
IT specialists, computer programmers, or hackers.
Teachers or professors specializing in critical thinking or philosophy.
Military or defense-related careers.
Strategic planners or analysts.
Ace of Swords: Lawyer, judge, legal consultant, investigative journalist, strategic planner.
Two of Swords: Mediator, conflict resolution specialist, negotiator, diplomat, relationship counselor.
Three of Swords: Divorce lawyer, grief counselor, trauma therapist, emotional healer, heart surgeon.
Four of Swords: Rest and relaxation specialist, meditation teacher, spiritual retreat organizer, yoga instructor.
Five of Swords: Military strategist, competitive sports coach, lawyer specializing in litigation, debate coach.
Six of Swords: Travel agent, relocation consultant, therapist specializing in transitions, boat captain.
Seven of Swords: Private investigator, spy, intelligence analyst, cybersecurity expert, undercover agent.
Eight of Swords: Social justice lawyer, human rights advocate, disability rights activist, therapist specializing in limiting beliefs.
Nine of Swords: Insomnia specialist, anxiety therapist, nightmare counselor, sleep coach, mental health counselor.
Ten of Swords: Surgeon, coroner, forensic scientist, mortician, grief counselor.
Page of Swords: Researcher, journalist, fact-checker, apprentice in a legal field, investigative reporter.
Knight of Swords: Military officer, police officer, attorney, competitive fencer, conflict resolution specialist.
Queen of Swords: Judge, lawyer, critic, journalist, literary agent.
King of Swords: Judge, attorney, CEO, strategist, military general.
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Financial advisors or investment bankers.
Real estate agents or property developers.
Agriculture, farming, or gardening.
Architects, builders, or construction workers.
Conservationists or environmentalists.
Accountants or bookkeepers.
Ace of Pentacles: Financial advisor, investment banker, wealth manager, entrepreneur, luxury goods retailer.
Two of Pentacles: Financial analyst, accountant, bookkeeper, event planner, stock trader.
Three of Pentacles: Architect, contractor, project manager, teamwork facilitator, craftsman.
Four of Pentacles: Wealth manager, investor, financial planner, asset protection specialist, treasurer.
Five of Pentacles: Social worker, philanthropist, charity organizer, financial counselor, volunteer.
Six of Pentacles: Philanthropist, humanitarian worker, non-profit manager, social worker, charitable fundraiser.
Seven of Pentacles: Gardener, farmer, agricultural consultant, sustainability expert, botanist.
Eight of Pentacles: Craftsperson, artisan, apprentice, skilled tradesperson, technical trainer.
Nine of Pentacles: Luxury brand manager, independent business owner, successful entrepreneur, vineyard owner, art collector.
Ten of Pentacles: Real estate developer, property investor, family business owner, generational wealth manager, financial advisor.
Page of Pentacles: Intern, student, apprentice in a practical field, aspiring entrepreneur, entry-level employee.
Knight of Pentacles: Accountant, financial planner, farmer, skilled tradesperson, meticulous worker.
Queen of Pentacles: CEO, business owner, property developer, hospitality industry entrepreneur, financial advisor.
King of Pentacles: CEO, business mogul, successful investor, high-level executive, financial consultant.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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tarotfairy0919 · 3 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Major Arcana - 2. High Priestess
©tarotfairy0919 - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter or repost my work.
Please REBLOG if you find this information useful! ༄˖°🪐.ೃ࿔*
🔮The ultimate symbol of balance and manifestation
Astrological sign or planet - The Moon
Element - water
Key meanings - secrets, wisdom and the spiritual world
YES card
represents the principle of the divine feminine
her gift is wisdom
2- she lives in a dual life
unseen change, tides, and seasons, going with the low, spiritual law
🔮 Qualities of the card - mystery revelation, secrets, the veil between worlds ★ Associated object and location - a curtain, a border crossing objects associated with the occult, a book, tall pillars
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❃Upright meaning
hidden knowledge
time for incubation or privacy
confidentiality - keep your plans secret
a sign to follow your intuition
home - quiet time, relations between family members may be calm but a little distant
relationships - being single for a time; if you are in a relationship you or the partner choose to keep a part of his life secret/separated
career and money - success is coming but contracts and new work takes time to nurture - you can only be patient
health - it is necessary to focus on matters such as reproductive health
❃Reversed meaning
inappropriate mentor
choosing the temporarily wrong path
you might be listening to bad advice
relationship - attraction is set to high heat, but like flying too close to the sun, this lust comes with its own complications
family - it can highlight an undercurrent of discontentment within the family home
work - If you are currently considering making a big financial commitment, make sure you have full clarity and disclosure before proceeding
health - If you have already had a medical check-up recently you should seek a second opinion
you are too cautious in your decisions
+ Queen of Swords = strength of will, following your path
+ 8 of Pentacles = study, knowledge, reward
The above dividers don't belong to me, credits to their respective owners.
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lady-0f-the-wood · 2 months
When Alicent said "and what of Justice, or Temperance, or is Strength now to be our only god?" Did anyone else think about the three tarot cards?
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neutrallyobsessed · 10 months
Clone High as Tarot Cards
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Today: JFK as The Magician & The Chariot
"A bit of a strech with the magician, "I like your words, magic man", mostly inspired by the Jojo card design... but the chariot is 👌"
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Some thoughts on Asra's route...
Replaying Asra's route after having played Muriel's really hits different...
In one of the other routes Asra and Muriel appear to start a romantic relationship, and in Asra's route it's very clear that Muriel cares very deeply for Asra and dislikes the Apprentice. He mentions in one of the paid? dream scenes that he's worried about Asra and the Apprentice fading into their own world and leaving everyone else behind (again, apparently), and that he's determined to stop this from happening. His concern for Asra and initial hostility toward the Apprentice may be rooted in jealousy, not only because his oldest (and only) friend was more or less taken from him, but perhaps with romantic connotations as well.
In Book XI: Justice, Asra and Julian stage a mock trial by combat against Muriel. Though he apparently agreed to participate and is implied to have returned to the Coliseum of his own volition, presumably out of concern for Asra, who has been accused of being Julian's accomplice... he is still more or less backed into a corner and forced to play along with Asra and Julian's plan to stage a fight.
Now, to be fair to Asra, he states after everything goes wrong that it wasn't supposed to end this way, and it appeared that he was attempting to not only exonerate himself and Julian from their charges but somehow help Muriel overcome his past (he does disintegrate Muriel's chains during the fight no matter what choices you make). There was a point during this that I thought I could guess what Asra's plan was regarding Muriel's past, but being refreshed on how it actually pans out, I can't remember it now. Something about making the people of Vesuvia realize how barbaric the Coliseum was under Lucio.
The thing that stands out to me throughout this whole ordeal is that Asra knows about Muriel's trauma. He knows he was enslaved to Lucio and forced to fight and execute people in the Coliseum. He knows that Muriel is terrified of hurting other people, especially those he cares about. In Asra's route, the only person Muriel cares about is Asra, so hurting him is triggering for him. He literally is in a stupor after the board he was using as a weapon splinters off and hits Asra in the mouth, making him bleed. This is clearly meant to make the reader worried about Asra, but Muriel reacts as well, and appears hypnotized by the blood. I remember the first time I read this I thought he was going to have some crazy berserker-Hulk sort of reaction, but having read his route, it's way more tragic.
Though Muriel did seem to return to the Coliseum of his own volition, it does seem that Asra took this as a sign that he was coming to terms with his trauma. He was willing to exploit Muriel's care for him in order to save his own skin so he can be with the Apprentice. Though I recognize Asra's other toxic traits to some degree, I also have similar ones myself so they don't really stand out to me. This, however, where he more or less disregards Muriel's feelings on the matter, is actually really crushing. In Muriel's route, his whole thing is that he DOES NOT want to fight, he DOES NOT want to even spar with the Apprentice with blunt sticks out of fear of hurting them, so why would he willingly go along with this unless he was more or less in the same position Lucio put him in? Fight in the arena, or something bad will happen to Asra.
Asra knows this, and puts him through it regardless. During the whole fight, Julian's actions are written so as to make it seem like he's the one messing things up--he takes the "finishing blow" that Muriel was going to deal to Asra and gets knocked unconscious. Asra spends most of the entire time doing flashy, dramatic magic tricks that get the crowd cheering for him. After he "wins", he and the Apprentice are carried out of the Coliseum like heroes. Though Asra will try to soothe Muriel if the Apprentice so chooses right before the end, and he does look for Muriel in the crowd, he seems otherwise unbothered or unaware of the impact this may be having on his oldest friend. Which is pretty shitty.
Of course, Asra, Julian, and Muriel are all playing characters during their fight--Asra is the flashy magician, Julian is the rogueish BDSM dagger guy, and Muriel is the Scourge. Asra obviously can't show his concern even if he wanted to because he's supposed to be fighting Muriel. But putting his bro into this situation in the first place says a lot about his character. Though Julian is the one whose route is based around self-loathing because he believes he hurts everyone around him, Asra is the only one who gets what he wants out of this ordeal, and he even says so right before the chapter ends. Muriel was forced to relive his trauma and didn't get the resolution that was intended, and Julian gets KOed by a punch that literally sent him flying across the arena (though he probably enjoyed it tbh, he's a nasty little man like that lmao).
I wonder if this dynamic between Asra and Muriel was intentionally written this way in order to further amplify his tunnel vision when it comes to the Apprentice. Is this is how he acted in the past, causing Muriel to hate the Apprentice as he does and remark that he won't allow it to happen again? Maybe (probably) I'm reading too much into it, but as a survivor of abuse and trauma it rubs me the wrong way much more than Asra's obsessive, clingy nature. Of all of the reversed ends, Asra's is the one that actually scared me and kind of haunted me, because it hits a little too close to home.
These are all just thoughts that I wanted to spill out because I thought it was interesting and I wasn't sure if anyone else has talked about it before.
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mirubida · 1 year
Take my quiz! Find out what minor arcana tarot suit you would be!
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saturnianprincess · 2 years
[Tarot Cards] as Places
I have made this list purely based on my intuition and interpretation of the cards so it might not resonate with every reader and that's okay! This list can be used as a reference or read with other cards to get a better understanding.
[Please don't plagiarize my work]
Fool - cliff, mountain, place of birth, a stopover, scenic route, place where drugs/substances are used
Magician - creative place, art studio, workshop, laboratory, maker space, arts and crafts
High Priestess- spiritual place, exotic location, caves, shrines, meditation areas, private area, secret room, therapeutic places
Empress- maternal place, fertility clinic, pregnancy center, nature luxury place, a farm
Emperor- government institution, a place with CEOs/powerful people in power, office, historical building, a palace, military
Hierophant - School, University, place of learning, institution
Lovers- wedding, romantic place, cupid symbolism, home
Chariot- public transport, someplace with cars, traveling by road, horses, race course
Strength - Lion symbolism, famous place, concert/play, zoo, gym, prevalent architecture, social gathering
Hermit- quiet room, library, prison, remote area, lighthouse, place of enlightenment
Wheel of Fortune - destined place, you will know this place intuitively, unknown/not supposed to know yet
Justice - Courtroom, a place where law and order are enforced, presence of lawyers
Hanged Man - somewhere you go as a part of your daily routine, stagnant place, boring place
Death - funeral, graveyard, where something ends, museums
Temperance - hospital, healing space, a place with a beach and hill, a rehabilitation center
Devil - intense environment, illegal place, trespassing, presence of fire, hidden place
Tower - skyscrapers, accident sites, tall buildings
Star - while dreaming, by a small lake/pond, fountain, or garden, where u can see constellations, rural area
Moon - by a large waterbody, fox symbolism, under a full moon, astronomy, space-related place, a new place you haven't visited before, at night time
Sun - warm sunny place, sunflowers symbolism, outdoor area, horse, a place where you learned a lesson, Flag symbolism, prominent brick wall motif
Judgment - angel symbolism, haunted place, social work, trumpet symbolism, courtroom
World - airports, long-distance travel, cosmopolitan city, a convention center
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monratarot · 6 months
Major arcana - 13. Death
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Astrological sign or planet – Scorpio
Element – water
Key meaning – transformation and change
MAYBE card
whatever is worth having will be saved but what is irrelevant will be taken
abandonment and loss
end of a minor cycle and beginning of a new one filled with other challenges or conditions
let go and heal even if it’s painful
♦ Qualities of the card - transformation, change, elimination ★ Associated object and location - a dead insect, a fossil, something broken made into something new
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❈Upright meaning
time of fast and deep transformation
an opportunity to let go of whatever you no longer need
a break with the past(from relationships and friends that no longer satisfy you)- the only way forward
home – you need to find a new home
relationship – a relationship ends; a period of necessary separation; in friendship – there will be an opportunity to reconnect when the time is right
career and money – career change; ending of a business partnership; new opportunity on the horizon
health - if you desire to feel well, your entire body and senses must be focused on that healing in order for that to change; end of a disease, or inapplicable circumstances
❈Reversed meaning
you might feel anxious and stressed, unable to understand what is happening rather than being accepting
relationship - you are holding onto an unhealthy relationship. ; for those who are single, this card reversed is a sign you need to learn from your past
family - firm signal that something is not right
work - stagnation and lack of satisfaction; you are likely, not happy in your career, yet you aren’t doing anything to change it
health - a signal of some medical trouble, continual struggle - a health problem that is chronic or slow-burning;
+ 10 of Swords = endings
+ 4 Aces = beginnings
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arcsin27 · 5 months
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“The emperor arcana represents leadership and material gain” wrong it means you’re autistic. maybe even gay
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servantofthefates · 2 years
The World is overrated.
This quote attributed to John Lennon comes to mind:
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”
The World is a card of achievements. Receiving a promotion… getting married… moving to a better country… paying off your mortgage… buying your dream car… things that are great to tick off the list.
But The World is not a card that makes you happy.
You could have everything society expects a successful person to have and still be depressed and empty. The World cannot fix that.
On a smaller scale, it is passing an exam… receiving closure from a former lover… getting a license renewed… having an application approved… reaching the next level in a video game or in Duolingo… things that bring relief and at most, a fleeting gladness. Not uncontained joy or a profound happiness.
For that, look to The Sun, the Nine of Cups, the Ten of Cups, the Ten of Pentacles, and depending on the context, the Two of Cups, the Six of Cups, the Nine of Pentacles and The Lovers.
Having said all that, The World is necessary. The achievements and upgrades it brings make life more comfortable and strengthen one’s self-esteem.
But if true happiness is what you want, The World cannot give you that.
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lenasai · 4 months
yeah i know i got all my writing wips and all that but i've always wanted to do a garages tarot series for so long and the amount of planning that goes into that is so much lmao
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Quick & Easy Tarot Card Meanings (Yes, All 78)
The Modern Phrasal approach is a novel method of learning tarot.
It queers older card meanings by applying them to a wider context of human life.
Each phrase is built for modern concerns, attention spans, and situations. 
I developed the Modern Phrasal Approach during my twenty-two years of tarot study.
Temperance Queer Tarot, my tarot service for queers, feminists, and leftists, has been in operation for the past twelve years. 
The Modern Phrasal Approach also comes out of my lifelong work as a poet. I hold an MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University.
SLINGSHOT, my first book of poems, won several awards. It also reminded me of the importance of the phrase to language. 
The primacy of the phrase is what poetry understands better than all other forms of writing.
The Modern Phrasal Approach combines tarot, storytelling, and poetry to paint a picture of possible futures. 
You may notice that there are no reversed card meanings.
This is because the reader is intended to read reverse as a return to the unlearned lessons of the previous card.
That is the best method of reversal reading for this system. Of course, you may elect not to read reversals at all. 
Ok, let’s go!
(P.S. I don’t know how to put in anchor links so control + F is your friend!)
Major Arcana
0: The Fool
Keywords: Risk-Taking. New Beginnings. Variability.
Love & Sex: Androgynous and/or Bisexual Lovers. Risk-Taking in Love. Asking Someone Out.
Friendship: A Scattered, yet Affable Friend. New Friendship. 
Money: Making Money Through Gambling, Speculation, and Other Risks. Money Lost and Won. 
Career/Business/Work: Self-Employment. Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow. 
 1: Magician
Keywords: Initiation. Manipulation. Communication. Technology. Alchemy. 
Love & Sex: Making the First Move. Manipulating a Lover (Especially with The Fool). 
Friendship: Forming or Forging a New Friendship. Initiating a Friendship. 
Money: Creating Money Out of the Ether. Money Drawn Through Clear Communication. 
Career/Business/Work: Technologists. Scientists. Alchemists. Clear Communication At Work. 
2: High Priestess
Keywords: Mystery. Prophesy. Intuition. Three-Faced Goddess: Maiden. 
Love & Sex: Lesbians. Sex Activating Deep Desires. Mysterious Love. Secrets in Love. 
Friendship: Covens. Clandestine (Informal) Gatherings. Psychic Friends. 
Money: Money Made From Secret or Hidden Sources. Money Made From Psychic Work. 
Career/Business/Work: Therapist. Psychics. Mediums. Religious Leaders in Feminist Traditions.  
3: Empress
Keywords: Three-Faced Goddess: Mother. Fertility. Abundance. Nurturing. Creativity. Nature.
Love & Sex: Being Worshipped By a Lover. Getting Pregnant. Creative Sex. 
Friendship: Abundant and Nurturing Friendships. 
Money: Financial Ease and Abundance.  
Career/Business/Work: Nannies. Housewives. Career Success Without Much Work.
4: Emperor
Keywords: Power. Valor. Stability. Direction. Hierarchy. Decisiveness. Masculinity. Experts.
Love & Sex: Aggressive Sex. Love With Someone Who Has Power. Older Lovers. 
Friendship: Being Friends With Your Boss. Friendships With People Who Have More Power.
Money: Making Money Through Wise Decisions or Powerful Connections. Money Moves. 
Career/Business/Work: Brokers. Military Leaders. Power. Expertise. Promotion. 
5: Hierophant
Keywords: Religion. Order. Secret Organizations. Organization. Governments. Three-Faced Goddess: Crone.
Love & Sex: Serious Relationships. Missionary Sex. Marriage. Escalator Relationships. 
Friendship: Socially Sanctioned Friendships. Mentorships.   
Money: Money From Investments, Banks, and Business. Money From Religious Work. 
Career/Business/Work: Clergy. Trustees. Security. Working Up an Established Business Ladder. 
6: Lovers
Keywords: Love. Romance. Choice. Harmony. Balance Between People and Sides of Yourself.  
Love & Sex: True Love. Deep Romance and Understanding. Loving Sex. Self Love. 
Friendship: Spiritual Friendships. Loving Friendships. Friendships That Encourage Self Love.
Money: Money Made in Harmonious, Easeful Ways. 
Career/Business/Work: Harmonious and Spiritually Aligned Jobs.  
7: Chariot
Keywords: Ambition. Success. Drive.  Self-Determination. Missions. Journeys. 
Love & Sex: Landing an Idealized Partner. Satisfying Sex. Athletic Sex. Competitive Dating. 
Friendship: Friendships That Bring Success or With Successful People. Competitive Friends. 
Money: Money Gained Through Ambition, Drive, or Brute Force. 
Career/Business/Work: Professional Success. Military Service. Sports. 
8: Strength
Keywords: Boundaries. Force. Grace. Human/Animal Dichotomy. Willpower.  
Love & Sex: Breaking Old Patterns in Love. Setting Boundaries. 
Friendship: Setting Boundaries With Friends. Helping a Friend Advance Emotionally.
Money: Applying Grace To Your Financial Life. Being Honest About a Financial Situation. 
Career/Business/Work: Strength of Will At Work. Overcoming Rivals. 
9: Hermit
Keywords: Seeing the Light. Being Alone. Leading the Way. Self-Isolation. Loneliness. 
Love & Sex: Celibacy. Needing To Put Yourself Out There. Frigidity. Too in Your Head. 
Friendship: Need To Make New Friends. Philosophical Friendship. 
Money: Money Made in Isolation. 
Career/Business/Work: Work That Requires Long Periods Alone To Complete. Scholars.
10: Wheel of Fortune
Keywords: Gambles. Wild Rides. Fate. Turning Your Present Condition Upside Down. Cycles.
Love & Sex: Relationship Ups and Downs. Fated Meetings. New Relationships. Karma. 
Friendship: Fated Friendships. Changes in Friendships. Long-Term Friendships. 
Money: Surprise Money Gain or Loss. Money Appears From an Unexpected Source. Gambling. 
Career/Business/Work: Gamblers,Poker Players, and Card Sharks. Taking a Chance At Work.
11: Justice
Keywords: Balance. Fairness. Legal Decisions. Karma. Retribution. 
Love & Sex: An Equal Romance. You Reap What You Sow in Relationships. 
Friendship: Being in Right Relationship With a Friend.  
Money: Money From Legal Settlements. A Fair Split. A Fair Wage. 
Career/Business/Work: Contracts. The End of a Business Dispute. 
12: Hanged Man
Keywords: Patience. Surrender. Sacrifice. Martyrdom. Enlightenment. 
Love & Sex: Waiting For the Right Person. Getting a New Perspective in Love. Pillow Queens. 
Friendship: Tripping With Friends. Friends Who Change Your Beliefs or Attitudes. 
Money: Money From Alternative Healing. Waiting For Money To Come. 
Career/Business/Work: Yoga Teachers. Wise People. Allowing a Boss To Show Their True Colors.  
13: Death
Keywords: Endings. Clearings. Rebirth. Transformation. 
Love & Sex: Breakups That You Could See Coming. Strong Orgasms. Relationship Transformation. 
Friendship: Ending Friendships. Life-Changing Friendships. 
Money: End To a Source of Income. Clearing the Way For New Money. 
Career/Business/Work: Losing a Job. Moving On From a Career. Working With the Dead. 
14: Temperance
Keywords: Balance. Budgeting. Human/Divine. Miracles. Healing. Spiritual Expansion. 
Love & Sex: Making Up After an Argument. Equitable Sexual Encounters. 
Friendship: Friendships That Come From or Lead To Spiritual Expansion. 
Money: Creating a Budget. Putting Money in the Correct Accounts. Expansive Financial Thinking. 
Career/Business/Work: Philosophy. Spiritual Work. Exceeding Your Estimations At Work. 
15: Devil
Keywords: Obsession. Abuse. Capitalism. Celebrity. Greed. Sexuality. Addiction. 
Love & Sex: A Volatile, Abusive, Dangerous, or Manipulative Lover. A Lover With an Addiction.
Friendship: Friends Who Bring Trouble. Charismatic, yet Abusive Friends. 
Money: Developing an Unhealthy Relationship To Money. Greed. Money Over Everything. 
Career/Business/Work: Film Industry. Jobs That Use Underhanded Tactics. Watch Your Back.  
16: Tower
Keywords: Shock. Surprise. Confinement. Revolution. Major Changes. Potential Danger. 
Love & Sex: A Surprising End or Change To a Relationship. A Quickie. 
Friendship: Shocking End To a Friendship. Major Changes in a Friendship. 
Money: Changes in Wealth, Like Sudden Home Moves and Bank Account Closures. 
Career/Business/Work: Working in Prisons or Hospitals. Job Loss or Radical Job Change. 
17: Star
Keywords: Healing. Faith. Renewal. Guidance. Prophecy. Wisdom. Altruism. Social Justice.
Love & Sex: An Altruistic Relationship. Healing in Relationships. Asking For Relationship Advice. 
Friendship: Renewal of a Friendship. Wisdom Gained From Friendship. 
Money: Money Made For the Social Good. Giving Money To Charity. 
Career/Business/Work: Social Justice Organizations. Listening To Internal Guidance At Work.
18: Moon
Keywords: Emotions. Confusion. Illusions. Psychic Ability. Repressed Emotions and Trauma. 
Love & Sex: Problems and Confusion in Relationships. Trauma Affecting Relationships. 
Friendship: Emotional Illusions in Friendship. False Friendship. Confusion Due to Friends. 
Money: Money Made Through Night Work, in Theaters, Hotels, or Nightclubs. Financial Illusions. 
Career/Business/Work: Any Work That Creates Illusions. Wait For the Truth About a Job. 
19: Sun
Keywords: Revelation. Clarity. Children. Optimism. Heat. Passion. 
Love & Sex: Clarity in a Romantic Relationship. A Partner With Whom You May Want Children.  
Friendship: Friends With Children. Clarity About Friendships. Optimism About Friendships. 
Money: Revelation of a New Way To Make Money. Summer or Seasonal Jobs. 
Career/Business/Work: Optimism About Your Career Careers in the Public Eye. 
20: Judgment
Keywords: Decisions. Accountability. Outcomes. Awakening. Recovery.
Love & Sex: Making Romantic Decisions. A Lover Holds You Accountable. Turning Points in Love. 
Friendship: The Outcome of a Conflict With a Friend. Deciding Whether or Not To Stay Friends.
Money: Successful Business Deals and Financial Endeavors. Careful Where You Put Your Money. 
Career/Business/Work: Be Decisive At Work. Becoming the Person in Charge. Responsibility. 
21: World
Keywords: Completion. Attainment. Breaking Cycles. Moving Up in the World. Fulfillment.  
Love & Sex: Major Life Events in Love Like Starting a Family or Moving in Together. 
Friendship: Events Where Friends Can Watch You Succeed Like a Graduation or Wedding. 
Money: Confidence in Financial Endeavors. Financial Success After Hard Work. Public Trading. 
Career/Business/Work: Traveling For Work. Fulfilling Jobs.
Minor Arcana: Wands
Ace of Wands 
Keywords: Beginnings. Conception. Sex. Invitations. New Jobs. Opportunity.
Love & Sex: Flings. Impatience in Love. Sex Without Love. Quickies. Meetings.
Friendship: New Friends. Sudden Return of Old Connections. 
Money: Quick Cash. Temporary Increase in Income. Gambling. 
Career/Business/Work: Move Quickly Towards a New Opportunity. Invitations.
 Two of Wands
Keywords: Working Together. Expansion. Making Decisions. Road To Success. 
Love & Sex: Wandering Eye. Grass Always Greener On the Other Side.. Practical Decisions. 
Friendship: Working With Friends. Friends Made At Work. 
Money: Money From Small or Self Owned Businesses. Helping Your Job Make More Money.  
Career/Business/Work: Interviews. Evaluating Potential Employers. Collaboration. 
Three of Wands
Keywords: Media. Communication. Travel. Evaluating Your Companions. Taking the Next Step.
Love & Sex: Decisions About Love. Traveling Together. Online Dating. Ultimatums. 
Friendship: Traveling With Friends. Online Friends. Expansion. Early Stages of Friendship.
Money: Making Money Online. Investing in Yourself. E-Commerce. 
Career/Business/Work: Remote Work. Online Donations. Advertising. Creative Business. 
Four of Wands 
Keywords: Surprises. Success. Celebrations. Luck. Rites of Passage.
Love & Sex: Good News. Weddings. Baby Showers. Wedding Showers. Housewarmings.
Friendship: Celebrations With Friends. Joyous Occasions. Graduations. Creating Memories. 
Money: Hosting Parties For Money. Enjoying Your Money. Down Payments. Abundance. 
Career/Business/Work: A Thriving Team. A New Workplace. Joyful Work. 
Five of Wands
Keywords: Conflict. Play. Team Sports. Young People. Debate. 
Love & Sex: Conflict. Arguments. Difficult Conversations. Light Kink. Group Play. 
Friendship: Banter. Conflict With Friends. Disagreement. Team Sports.  
Money: Auctions. Fighting For a Contract. A Competitive Financial Environment. 
Career/Business/Work: Friendly Rivalries At Work. Professional Competition. Business. 
Six of Wands
Keywords: Power. Drive. Moving Quickly. Success. Accomplishment. Achievement. Esteem.
Love & Sex: Attractive Companions. Coming On Too Strong. Success in Love.
Friendship: A Successful Friend. Making the First Move. Success With Friends. 
Money: Winning Grants and Awards. Promotion. Asking For a Raise. 
Career/Business/Work: New Jobs and Promotion. Success in Business Assignments.
Seven of Wands
Keywords: Battle. Drive. Uncertain Outcome. Defending Yourself. Hostility. Arguments. 
Love & Sex: Surprising Conflict. Too Much Sex. Differing Sexual or Romantic Needs. 
Friendship: Arguments With Friends. Annoying or Competitive Friends. 
Money: A Competitive Field. Feeling Like There Isn’t Enough Money. Overwork. 
Career/Business/Work: Unrealistic Demands. Rivals. Overbearing Boss. 
Eight of Wands
Keywords: Swift Movement. Letters. Information. Quick Results. Communication. 
Love & Sex: Flirtation. Love Letters. Sexting. Sneaky Links. Unexpected Connections. 
Friendship: Sexy Parties With Friends. Being a Wingwoman/Wingman. Flirting With Friends. 
Money: Quick Flow of Money. Spending Money. Money Spent To Advance Yourself. 
Career/Business/Work: A Fast Moving Project. Hearing Back From an Interview. Internships. 
Nine of Wands
Keywords: A Pause in Battle. Attractiveness. Health. Considered Action. 
Love & Sex: Being Admired. Multiple Love Interests. People Fighting For Your Attention. 
Friendship: Working Out With Friends. Friend Who Has a Crush On You. Conflict Between Friends.
Money: Negative Attitude About Money. Bank Charges. Temporary Loss of Money. 
Career/Business/Work: Negative Performance Reviews. Need To Work Harder. 
Ten of Wands
Keywords: Overwhelm. Burdens. Taking On Too Much. Demands. Final Straw.  
Love & Sex: Too Much of a Good Thing. Need To Take a Step Back. Too Much Work To Date 
Friendship: A Needy or Demanding Friend. Picking Up the Slack For Irresponsible Friends. 
Money: Low Return On Investment. Not Planning For Taxes. Money That Becomes Burdensome. 
Career/Business/Work: Too Many Jobs. Too Much Work. Suffering Under Your Own Ambition.
Page of Wands
Keywords: Young People. Active or Sporty People. Fun. Casual, Short-Term Relationships.
Love & Sex: Dating Around. Casual Sex. Short-Term Relationships. Younger Lovers. Speed Dating.
Friendship: Younger Friends. Immature Friends. Acquaintances. 
Money: Figuring Out How To Make Money. School or Learning. Gig Economies. 
Career/Business/Work: Playing Around At Your Job. Gig Work. Still Figuring Out What You Want. 
Knight of Wands
Keywords: Rushing in. Valor. Enthusiasm. Being Seen. Physical Attractiveness. 
Love & Sex: Partners Who Aren’t Taking You Seriously. Affairs. Heartthrobs. 
Friendship: Opinions About Friends’ Romantic and Sex Lives. An Attractive Friend. 
Money: Grabbing a New Opportunity. Getting the Financial Upper Hand. A New Idea About Money.  
Career/Business/Work: Changing Jobs. Becoming the Office Hero. Creative Problem Solving. 
Queen of Wands
Keywords: Popularity. Influence. Grace. Glamor. Magnetism. 
Love & Sex: Waiting For Lovers To Come To You. Having Your Pick of Lovers. Feeling Sexy. 
Friendship: Popularity. People Who Seem To Be Friends With Everyone. Powerful Women Friends.
Money: Feeling Control Over Your Financial Life. Influencing or Being Influenced About Money. 
Career/Business/Work: Businesses That Empower Women. Motivational Speaking in the Office. 
King of Wands
Keywords: Powerful. Self-Directedness. Leadership. Paramour. Businessman. 
Love & Sex: An Unavailable Man. A Sexy, yet Short-Term Relationship. Cheating. Hot Sex.
Friendship: Friendship With a Business Mentor or Superior 
Money: Making Your Own Money. Money That Comes Based On Image or Appearance.  
Career/Business/Work: Owning a Small Business. Becoming a Leader At Work or Business.
Minor Arcana: Swords
Ace of Swords
Keywords: Information. Endings. Truth. Death. Cutting Through the Bullshit.
Love & Sex: Finding Out the Truth About a Lover. A Turning Point in a Relationship.  
Friendship: A Crisis in a Friendship. A Secret Is Revealed About a Friend. 
Money: Money From Legal Decisions. Security Deposits. Making Financial Decisions. 
Career/Business/Work: Applying For New Jobs. Communicating With Your Employer. 
 Two of Swords
Keywords: Inability To Make a Decision. Fear of Moving Forward. Denial. Legal Issues. Delays.
Love & Sex: Filing For a Divorce. Applying For a Marriage License. Denial About a Lover. 
Friendship: Difficulty Making a Decision About a Problem in a Friendship.  
Money: Delayed Money From Legal Sources. Process Difficulties With Money.  
Career/Business/Work: Delays in Signing Contracts. Uncertainty About Leaving a Job. 
Three of Swords
Keywords: Heartbreak. Sudden Endings. Miscarriages. Pain. Unavoidable Ruptures. Discord. 
Love & Sex: Break-ups. Arguments. Misunderstandings. Affairs. Hurt Feelings. 
Friendship: Ending a Failing Friendship. Big Fights Between Friends. Being Abandoned By Friends. 
Money: Expected Money Fails To Come Through. Contracts May Be Dissolved. Finances Stalled.
Career/Business/Work: Job Loss. Communication Problems. Workplace Harassment. 
Four of Swords 
Keywords: Rest. Healing. Confinement. Loneliness. Isolation. 
Love & Sex: Missionary Position. Boring Love. Healing Conversation After a Fight.  
Friendship: Visiting Friends in the Hospital. Not Having Many Friends. Missing Friends.
Money: Finances On Hold. Considering the Next Financial Move. 
Career/Business/Work: Taking a Leave of Absence From Work. Considering Your Options. 
Five of Swords
Keywords: Impasse. Deception. Duplicity. Abuse. Selfishness. Abandonment. Worry. Strife.
Love & Sex: Two-Faced Lovers. Verbal Abuse. Selfishness In Bed. Sexual Abuse. Ghosting. 
Friendship: Friends Who Use You. Entitled Friends. Abandoning a Friend.
Money: Theft. Scams. Things That Appear Better Than They Are. Taking Advantage of Others. 
Career/Business/Work: Abusive Workplace. Wage Theft. Bait and Switch In Business.
Six of Swords
Keywords: Moving On. Getting Away From Abuse. Travel and Movement. Finding Safety.  
Love & Sex: Establishing a New Pattern of Healthy Relationships. Leaving Abusive Relationships.
Friendship: Staying With Friends. Moving in With Friends. 
Money: Making Money Through Travel. Finding a Clear Path To Make Money After a Hard Time.
Career/Business/Work: Traveling For Work. Finding More Harmony in The Workplace After Strife. 
Seven of Swords
Keywords: Theft. Cheating. Doing What’s Best For You. Forcing Change. Surprising Behavior.
Love & Sex: Infidelity. Leaving Suddenly. Lying. Considering Multiple Partners. 
Friendship: Lies and Deception in Friendship. Sudden Changes in Friendship. 
Money: Getting Over On Others. Stealing Money. Scams.  
Career/Business/Work: Lying To Your Boss. Going Behind Your Colleagues’ Back. Hidden Rivalry. 
Eight of Swords
Keywords: Feeling Trapped. Fear of Moving On. Being Stuck in Hostile or Painful Patterns. Incarceration. Addiction.
Love & Sex: Being Trapped in Abusive Relationships. Fear of Leaving. Limiting Beliefs About Love.  
Friendship: Friends That Hurt You. Continuing Painful Friendships. 
Money: Limiting Activities Due To Lack of Funds. Repeating Patterns That Keep You Broke. 
Career/Business/Work: Being Stuck At An Unsupportive or Bad Job. 
Nine of Swords
Keywords: Trauma. Grief. Shadow Work. Sadness. Humiliations. Betrayal. 
Love & Sex: A Relationship That Causes Pain. Fear of Relationships Because of Past Hurt. 
Friendship: A Painful Event in a Friendship. Difficulty Making Friends Due To Trauma. 
Money: Financial Stress. Poverty Trauma. Money Worries. Self-Worth Issues Related To Money. 
Career/Business/Work: Prolonged Unemployment. Stressful or Unrewarding Work. 
Ten of Swords
Keywords: Final End. Release. Destruction. Goodbyes. Relief Caused By Letting Go. 
Love & Sex: Unresolvable Issues. Emotional Catharsis. Feeling Better After a Relationship Ends. 
Friendship: Ending a Friendship For Good. Resolving Old Issues. 
Money: Failure of Some Kind in Finances. Ending a Period of Hardship By Making New Decisions. 
Career/Business/Work: End of a Job. Termination. Lay-offs. 
Page of Swords
Keywords: Gossip. Chit Chat. School Groups. Casual Conversation.
Love & Sex: All Talk. Relationship Gossip. Flirtatious Texts. Getting To Know Each Other.
Friendship: Casual Friend Groups. Gossipy or Shallow Friends. 
Money: News and Documents Related To Money. New Plans to Make Money.  
Career/Business/Work: News About a New Job or Potential Job. Applying For Jobs. 
Knight of Swords
Keywords: Breath of Fresh Air. Fools Rush in. What’s Done in the Dark Will Come To Light. 
Love & Sex: Intellectual Companions. Romantic Banter.
Friendship: Sparring Partners. School Friends. Debate Partners. Intellectual Friendship.  
Money: Surprising Information About Money. Possibly Bad News Related To Money.   
Career/Business/Work: Information About a Possible Job. Communication. Marketing. 
Queen of Swords
Keywords: Exacting. Cold. A Single Parent or Divorced Person. Could Be a Widow/er/x.  
Love & Sex: Frigid. High Standards. Wants a Partner, But Doesn’t Need One. 
Friendship: People Who Are Difficult To Get To Know. Friends Who Seem To Have It All Together. 
Money: Wise Financial Decisions. Independent Assets. Clear Financial Communication. 
Career/Business/Work: Working Independently. Nurses. Thought Leadership. Witches.
King of Swords
Keywords: Smart. Logical. Unemotional. Professional. Charming. Lacking Empathy. 
Love & Sex: A Professional. Someone Who Needs To Feel Above or Removed From Others.
Friendship: A Collegial Relationship. A Professional Friend. 
Money: Anticipating Future Needs. Wills. Trusts. Bonds. Financial Deals Go Well. 
Career/Business/Work: Law. Communication. A Charming Boss. An Intellectual Environment.
Minor Arcana: Cups
Ace of Cups
Keywords: Emotional Beginnings. Outpouring. Abundance. Fertility. 
Love & Sex: Conception (Especially With the Ace of Wands.) Orgasm. New Love. 
Friendship: New, Emotionally Fulfilling Friendship. Emotional Sharing With Friends. 
Money: Creative Money. Outpouring of Money. 
Career/Business/Work: Jobs in Creative Fields. Renewal in Business Life. 
 Two of Cups
Keywords: Partnership. Harmonious Relationships. Romance. 
Love & Sex: Romantic Love. Lovemaking. Early Stages of a Great Romantic Partnership.  
Friendship: Harmonious Friendships. Friends To Lovers. 
Money: Making Money Through Strong Business Partnerships. 
Career/Business/Work: Mixing Love With Money. Counting On a Good Team. 
Three of Cups
Keywords: Friendship. Parties. Gatherings. Revalry. Socializing. 
Love & Sex: Group Sex. Friendly Relationships. Taking a Lover To Meet Your Friends.
Friendship: Friend Groups. Parties and Events With Friends. A Sweet Time With Friends. 
Money: Money Made In Groups. Money Made From Social Events. 
Career/Business/Work: Working With Groups of People. Harmonious Group Dynamics At Work. 
Four of Cups 
Keywords: Meditation. Isolation. Shutting Out Information. Trance. Transcendence.  
Love & Sex: Ignoring Potential Suitors. Not Listening To Your Partner’s Needs. Celibacy. 
Friendship: Not Returning Texts. Feeling Like You Don’t Have Friends. Isolation. 
Money: Focus On a Particular Stream of Income. Ignoring Sound Advice About Money. 
Career/Business/Work: Overworking To Avoid Emotional Problems. Honing Your Craft.
Five of Cups
Keywords: Grief. Loss. Counting Your Blessings. Reevaluation. Taking Things For Granted. 
Love & Sex: Grief Over a Lost Relationship. Emotionally Unfulfilling Sex. 
Friendship: Losing a Friend. Mourning Lost Relationships.
Money: Losing Money. Poverty Trauma.
Career/Business/Work: Underemployment. Considering Leaving Your Job.
Six of Cups
Keywords: Reunion. Innocence. Immaturity. Sharing. Mutual Aid. Karma. Children.
Love & Sex: Getting Back With an Ex. Synchronicities With a Karmic Link. A Younger Lover.
Friendship: A Younger Friend. Reunion With Friends. An Immature Friend.  
Money: New Beginnings With Money or Potentially a New Source of Income. 
Career/Business/Work: Working With Children or Teens. Harmonious Work Environments. 
Seven of Cups
Keywords: Choices. Illusions. Social Media/Online Environments. Spiritual Journeys. 
Love & Sex: Online Dating. Choosing Between Partners. Promises That Don’t Materialize. 
Friendship: Choosing Between Friendships. New Friendships You’re Idealizing.
Money: Money From Spiritual Work. Money With Hidden Strings.
Career/Business/Work: Choosing Between Jobs. Contracts That Aren’t Exactly As They Seem. 
Eight of Cups
Keywords: Moving On. Leaving the Past Behind. Ending Abusive Dynamics.  Disappointment.
Love & Sex: Trial Separation. Going To Bed Without Resolution. Sexual Disappointment. 
Friendship: Ending a Friendship. Recognizing Unhealthy Dynamics in a Friendship. 
Money: Financial Loss. Moving Forward With a Bad Investment. 
Career/Business/Work: Leaving a Dead End Job. Drudgery At Work.
Nine of Cups
Keywords: Wishes. Manifestation. Satisfaction. Pleasure. Egotism. 
Love & Sex: Great Sex. Manifesting a Partner. A Partner Who Is Too Good To Be True. 
Friendship: Trying To Make Friends Jealous. Wishing For Friends. Manifesting With Friends. 
Money: Manifesting Money. Desired Money Arrives.
Career/Business/Work: A Seemingly Perfect Job. A Job That Gives You a Big Head.
Ten of Cups
Keywords: Creating a Family. Lasting Love and Friendship. Joy. Abundance. 
Love & Sex: Excellent, Loving Sex. Life Partnerships. 
Friendship: Friends That Are Family. Happiness in Friendship.  
Money: Money Through Those You Love. Money That Comes With Happiness. 
Career/Business/Work: Joyful Work Environments. Family Businesses. 
Page of Cups
Keywords: Becoming Emotionally Aware. Naivete. Creative Beginnings.
Love & Sex: Getting Attached To a Casual Date. Emotional Hookups. Good First Dates. 
Friendship: New Friends. Playing With Friends.  
Money: A Small Amount of Money From a Creative Source. 
Career/Business/Work: Being Creative At Work. Creative Employment. Creative Apprenticeship.
Knight of Cups
Keywords: Fools Rush in. Pitching Woo. New Suitor or Date. 
Love & Sex: One of the Best Indications of a New Lover. Short, yet Passionate Romance. 
Friendship: A New Friend Who Becomes Emotionally Invested Quickly. An Earnest Friendship. 
Money: Money or News About Money Arrives Quickly From a Creative Source. 
Career/Business/Work: Delivering a Presentation With a Creative Element. 
Queen of Cups
Keywords: Nurturing. Parenting. Psychic Power. Mysterious Emotions. Femininity.
Love & Sex: Kind and Sweet Lover Who Can Be Overgiving. Sensitive Partners. 
Friendship: Friendships That Have a Caretaking Element. Caring Friendships. 
Money: Money Made Through Intuitive Prediction. Money Made in the Care Economy. 
Career/Business/Work: Work Helping Others. Working With Mothers. 
King of Cups
Keywords: Emotional Control. Creative Power. Self-Mastery Through Emotional Understanding. 
Love & Sex: An Emotional Lover. Drama Queens. Romantic Environments.  
Friendship: Friendships With People Who Like High Drama Settings. Emotionally Mature Friends.
Money: Money Made Through Others’ Emotional Responses. 
Career/Business/Work: Theater. Artistic Professions. Working For an Emotional Boss.
Minor Arcana: Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles
Keywords: Financial Beginnings. New Homes and Businesses. Beginnings of Stability.
Love & Sex: A New Relationship That Could Go Somewhere. Sex For Conception. 
Friendship: A New Dependable Friend. Money that comes through friends. 
Money: A New Source of Income That Could Last. Investing.
Career/Business/Work: A New Job. A Promotion. A Raise.
 Two of Pentacles
Keywords: Balance. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul. Juggling Responsibilities. Financial Fluctuation.
Love & Sex: Creating Balance in Relationships. Overwork That Affects a Relationship.   
Friendship: Juggling Social and Professional Responsibilities. Sharing Responsibilities.  
Money: Money Comes and Goes Fast. Economic Change. Stock Markets. Gambling.
Career/Business/Work: Promotion or Demotion. Revolving Door Jobs. 
Three of Pentacles
Keywords: Building. Collaboration. Creation. Communication. Religious Spaces. 
Love & Sex: Co-creating a Future With a Lover. Getting Serious.  
Friendship: Working With Friends. Creating Something With a Friend Group. 
Money: Money Made Collaboratively. Sometimes Money Made From Building and Construction. 
Career/Business/Work: Real Estate. Clergy. Construction. Working Together To Meet Goals. 
Four of Pentacles 
Keywords: Stinginess. Hoarding. Control Issues. Greed. Afraid To Let Go. 
Love & Sex: Selfishness in Bed. Controlling Your Partner. Putting Pressure On  a Relationship.
Friendship: Forcing a Friendship. Controlling Your Friends. Rubbing Your Gains in Their Face. 
Money: Holding On To Your Money. Greed. Bank Accounts.  
Career/Business/Work: Working With Money. Being Selfish At Work. 
Five of Pentacles
Keywords: Poverty. Unwilling To Ask For Help. Feeling Shut Out of Care. 
Love & Sex: Relationship Problems Caused By Financial Problems. Emotionally Cold Sex. 
Friendship: Feeling Shut Out of Friend Groups and Friendships. Friends Talking Behind Your Back. 
Money: Loss of Money. Needed Money Doesn’t Come Through. 
Career/Business/Work: Job Loss, Business Failure, Economic Problems. 
Six of Pentacles
Keywords: Charity. Philanthropy. Hierarchy. Provider. Financial Harmony.
Love & Sex: Making the Relationship Officiall. Crumbing. Stone Top/Pillow Queen Dynamic. 
Friendship: Lending Money To a Friend. Feeling Secure in a Friendship Due To Established Rules.
Money: Money Comes in From an Established Source. Money Through Charity or Venture Capital.
Career/Business/Work: Charity Work. Working in Philanthropy, NGOs, or Non-Profits.
Seven of Pentacles
Keywords: Investment. Patience. Sowing So You Can Reap. Doing the Hard Work.  
Love & Sex: Quality Time. Long Sexual Sessions. Orgasm Denial. 
Friendship: Long-Term Friendships. Investing Time Into Your Friendships
Money: Investing Your Money. High-Yield Savings Accounts. 
Career/Business/Work: Working Overtime. Working At Banks, Trusts, and Financial Institutions. 
Eight of Pentacles
Keywords: Apprenticeship. Higher Education. Philosophy. Working Towards a Professional Goal. 
Love & Sex: Breakthroughs. Learning Each Other’s Sexual Desires.. Working On a Relationship. 
Friendship: Friends Made Through School or Internships. 
Money: Money From Academic Gigs. Building Wealth. Grants. Fellowships. 
Career/Business/Work: Academia. Professorships. Internships. Apprenticeships. Mentors.
Nine of Pentacles
Keywords: Beauty. Isolation. Self-esteem. Healing Alone. Reaping the Fruit of Your Labors. 
Love & Sex: Relationships With People You Already Know. Masturbation. Friends To Lovers. 
Friendship: Lovers To Friends. Dinner Parties. Garden Parties. 
Money: Easy Money. Having More Than Enough Money. Abundance. 
Career/Business/Work: Gardener. Independent Wealth. Domestics. Home Offices.
Ten of Pentacles
Keywords: Inheritance. Elderhood. Wisdom. Maturity. Family. 
Love & Sex: Sex or Relationships With Older People. Solid Relationships. Families. 
Friendship: Very Well Established Friend Groups. Sou-Sou.  
Money: Money Gained Through Family or Inheritance. 
Career/Business/Work: Estate Planning. Wills. Working For Long-Established Organizations. 
Page of Pentacles
Keywords: Financial Support. Moving Toward Stability. 
Love & Sex: A New Prospect That Represents What You Ultimately Want in Love.
Friendship: Solid New Friends That Could Become Close Over Time.
Money: Small Amounts of Money From a Raise or a Small Promotion. 
Career/Business/Work: Financial Literacy and Education. Starting a Retirement Fund. 
Knight of Pentacles
Keywords: Money is Coming. Caught in a Financial or Career Whirlwind.  
Love & Sex: A Stable Prospect Arrives. A Reliable Lover. Reliable Orgasms, Quickly. 
Friendship: A Trustworthy Friend Arrives. News About a Close Friend. 
Money: Money Arrives Shortly. News About Money. Digital Banking (Venmo, PayPal, Cash App). Transfers.
Career/Business/Work: Bank Tellers. Truckers. Security Personnel. News About Income.
Queen of Pentacles
Keywords: Pregnancy. Growing Money. Watching Over Your Money. Patience. 
Love & Sex: A Good Spouse. Love That Creates Family Relationships. Submissives.
Friendship: Mom Friends. Friendships With People in Traditional Lifestyles. 
Money: Being a Good Steward of Your Own Money. Checking On Investments. 
Career/Business/Work: Stay At Home Parents. Daycare Workers. Teachers. On the Right Path.
King of Pentacles
Keywords: Financial Stability. Mastery in Career. Patriarchs and Matriarchs. 
Love & Sex: A Predictable, yet Stable Romantic Relationship. A Partner Suitable For Marriage.   
Friendship: Mature Friendships With People Who Are Established in Their Lives. 
Money: Money Made in Traditional Ways. Having Mature Insight On How To Make Money. 
Career/Business/Work: Bankers. Patrons of the Arts. Business People. Mastery in Career. 
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tarotfairy0919 · 3 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Major Arcana - 13. Death
©tarotfairy0919 - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter or repost my work.
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Astrological sign or planet – Scorpio
Element – water
Key meaning – transformation and change
MAYBE card
whatever is worth having will be saved but what is irrelevant will be taken
abandonment and loss
end of a minor cycle and beginning of a new one filled with other challenges or conditions
let go and heal even if it’s painful
🔮 Qualities of the card - transformation, change, elimination 🔮 Associated object and location - a dead insect, a fossil, something broken made into something new
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❈Upright meaning
time of fast and deep transformation
an opportunity to let go of whatever you no longer need
a break with the past(from relationships and friends that no longer satisfy you)- the only way forward
home – you need to find a new home
relationship – a relationship ends; a period of necessary separation; in friendship – there will be an opportunity to reconnect when the time is right
career and money – career change; ending of a business partnership; new chance on the horizon
health - if you desire to feel well, your entire body and senses must be focused on that healing for that to change; end of a disease, or inapplicable circumstances
❈Reversed meaning
you might feel anxious and stressed, unable to understand what is happening rather than being accepting
relationship - you are holding onto an unhealthy relationship; for those who are single, this card reversed is a sign you need to learn from your past
family - firm signal that something is not right
work - stagnation and lack of satisfaction; you are likely, not happy in your career, yet you aren’t doing anything to change it
health - a signal of some medical trouble, continual struggle - a health problem that is chronic or slow-burning;
+ 10 of Swords = endings
+ 4 Aces = beginnings
The above dividers don't belong to me, credits to their respective owners.
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sachermorte · 4 months
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xiv temperance
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