#makkari x black reader
c-nstantine · 12 days
All of My Character Playlists
Jason Todd x Black!Reader
Roy x Black!Batsis
Benedict x Princess!reader
Tim Drake
Hunter x Willow
Clark Kent
Druig x Makkari
Shawn x Angela
Cass Cain
Damian Wayne
Miles Morales
Flame Princess
Finn the Human
MJ x Peter
Yelena Belova
Damian x Raven
Princess Bubblegum
Wonder Woman
Barbara Gordon
Edwina Sharma
Eloise Bridgerton
Kate x Anthony
Talia al Ghul
Lexi x Fezco
Bruce Wayne but if he dated a black woman
Poison Ivy
Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Beast Boy x Raven
Harley Quinn
Matt Murdock
Jason Todd
Roy Harper
Selina Kyle
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multi-fandom-simp · 11 months
Request Masterlist
Hello! I would love to start accepting requests to get my creativity rolling again. Below will be list of characters that I am willing to write for and how you may submit a request. Also, if you are looking for a certain character that isn't on my list, then feel free to ask if I would write for them. I ask that you be patient with me as well as I am one person who is currently in college. I will do my best to get the requests out in a timely manner! Below are my personal pros and cons:
Pros(What I will write):
-Angst and fluff
-Some mature content ( with mature content please ask if I would be comfortable with writing it before assuming I'd write it.)
-Alternate Realities of canon universes
-character deaths
Cons(What I will NOT write)
-Non-con elements(Such as R*pe, Necrophilia, etc.)
-Incest(There will be an exception for House of The Dragon and Game of Thrones and that is it.)
How to Request:
-Submit a message through an ask or through my inbox, whichever you are comfortable with.
-Include what character you would like it to be for, and a brief description of the fic. I will do my best to write exactly what you're asking for, but please remember not everyone has the exact same brain waves.
-Also include if you would like it to include angst, fluff, mature, etc.
-If you would like the reader to be from a specific family or house, please include that.
Characters I will write for
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- Rhaenyra Targaryen
- Daemon Targaryen
- Aemond Targaryen
- Helaena Targaryen
- Rhaenys II Targaryen
- Jacaerys Velaryon
- Laenor Velaryon (x Male!Reader)
- Laena Velaryon
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- Daenerys Targaryen
- Robb Stark
- Sansa Stark
- Bran Stark
- Jojeen Reed
- Theon Greyjoy
- Yara Greyjoy
- Oberyn Martell
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The Sandman:
- Morpheus
- Desire
- Death
- The Corinthian
- Calliope
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- James Potter
- Sirius Black
- Remus Lupin
- Lily Evans
- Marlene Mckinnon
- Regulus Black
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Harry Potter:
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Bill Weasley
- Cedric Diggory
- Draco Malfoy
- Adrian Pucey
-Blaise Zabini
- Pansy Parkinson
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The Hobbit/The Lord Of The Rings:
- Legolas
- Aragorn
- Thranduil
- Kili
- Fili
- Tauriel
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- Azriel
- Cassian
- Rhysand
- Nesta
- Lucien
- Amren
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- Andrew Garfield's Spider-man
- Tobey Maguire's Spider-man
- Tom Holland's Spider-man
- Tasm! Gwen Stacy
- Harry Osborne
- Cindy Moon
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- Loki Laufeyson
- Bucky Barnes
- Sam Wilson
- Yelena
- Shuri
- Doctor Strange
- ( quite a few more, feel free to ask)
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-Carlisle Cullen
-Jasper Hale
-Rosalie Hale
-Alice Cullen
-Paul Lahote
-Jared Cameron
-Garrett(Lee Pace)
Teen Wolf:
-Isaac Lahey
-Derek Hale
-Young Peter Hale
-Stiles Stilinski
The Last Kingdom:
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson
-Damian Wayne( Platonic only)
-Smallville! Clark Kent
-Smallville! Lex Luthor
Stranger Things:
-Steve Harrington
-Robin Buckley
- I would be willing to write platonic/found family fics including the gang, such as Max, Lucas, etc. Nothing other than that as they are children.
Bill Skarsgård Characters:
-Roman Godfrey(Hemlock Grove)
- Marquis Vincent de Gramont(John Wick)
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intothemultifandom · 2 years
– 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐑 || 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐠
SUMMARY: The gift of foresight had served you well, until it doesn't. Rescuing you from an unpleasant vision, your love knows exactly what to do to bring you back to the present.  PAIRINGS: Druig x Eternals!Female!Reader TAGS/WARNINGS: romance; angst
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Since you could remember, you existed for one reason and one reason only:
It had been one of your earliest thoughts when you first woke in The Domo, second only to the name Arishem–celestial supreme–had bestowed unto you:
"I am [Y/N]," you tested aloud, awed by the smooth tone of your voice.
Across from you, a large figure entered your line of sight and as you raised your head to consider the new-comer, you were taken aback once you saw who it was.
Out of all the males you’d awoken with, the stranger was perhaps the youngest of them all.
He was tall, nearly a head taller than you, and while your uniform was dappered in metallic [favourite colour] with [complimentary colour] accents, his uniform consisted of blacks and reds. 
The colours he wore were a stark contrast to his skin, pale as though kissed my moonlight and complimentary all the same against the sharp lines and contours of his face. 
"[Y/N], is it?" An equally low voice greeted in turn, a mischievous glint taking root in piercing blue eyes.
The young man had drawn close the moment he started speaking, your tongue growing laden as he paused in front of you. "Beautiful name for an equally beautiful girl."
If you were genetically engineered not to get sick, it certainly did not feel like it.
In his presence, it felt as though your breath had got caught in your chest and in spite of the regulated air pressure circulating through the ship, you couldn’t help but feel the air around you both had become almost electric. Dizzying in an almost familiar sort of way. 
"–My name is Druig," the young man said, grasping your hand in his.
Smoothly, he pressed his mouth against your pulse, lips curled into a small, disarmingly warm, smile as he lifted his head.
"It's so lovely to meet you."
––The third and most encompassing thought you had on The Domo the day, was of him.
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In addition to celestial energy and your natural athleticism, the gift of precognition was perhaps your greatest asset in battle, one that often put you on par with Makkari.
Where she could outmanoeuvre herself out of any situation with her speed, your foresight gave the team the upper-hand to strike Deviant nests before the creatures would even decide to attack first.
Ironically, it seemed that for all you could see the future, seIdom could you recall the past. 
You could not remember whether or not you had kin waiting for you back at Olympia, or if there was a special someone waiting for your return.
Instead, where you imagined the comforting embrace of a mother you had come to picture Ajak, with her kind eyes, soft touch and motherly affection. She had guided you many times, had offered you redolent views and insights so you could learn to understand the world around you. 
When you thought of the proud smiles of the great Gilgamesh and mighty Thena after an intense training session, you thought of how mortals considered the kin before them and found yourself honored you had your very own Uncle and Aunt to learn from. 
And when you thought of the rest–of Sersi and Ikaris, side-by-side and in their own little world; of Sprite and Kingo, often causing mischief amongst the mortals; and Phastos and Makkari, always sating their burning curiosity–you thought of how too few mortals could say they had this many siblings, and how colorless your mission would've been without them. 
Of course, at the centre of what was slowly becoming your universe, was Druig.
From the very first time you had met, there was something about the brooding-Eternal that endeared him to you, and supposedly, you to him.
After your initial introduction he had become a constant presence in your life, always seeking you out in the quiet corners of The Domo, to moments of reprieve between battle and chaos. Teasing. Touching. Always falling back into orbit as though you were twin stars, destined to gravitate towards the other. 
Beneath changing skies and through the rise and fall of multiple civilisations, falling in love with him felt like the most natural thing in the world. 
In fact at times, it almost felt as though in some past life, you’d already loved him befor–
The sky was red, your skin feverish. Still, you tugged at him him, mapping each crevice and plane you’d explored many times before as he did the same. 
Desperation made your touch ardent, made his lips linger on the crown of your head even when the contact burned. 
“I’ll find you again, [Y/N]” he’d said fiercely, teeth red as blood dribbled down to his chin.
“I’ll find you,” he said more quietly, almost to himself as he settled around you. Your final refuge. 
The ground shook again. The dirt splintered with a boom. 
Distantly, you thought of Makkari–of how she’d always been quiet–and hoped that she’d manage to outrun it all before you peered up. 
Sprite had stopped screaming; Sersi had only started.
The end of the world grew too loud, the chaos turned to white noise but oddly enough you could still hear him. 
Maybe it was because he was right in front of you, or maybe it’s because you’d always been attuned to his frequency, but as you zeroed in on his laboured breathing, you couldn’t help but rasp: 
"And I, yo–
–Beautiful, beautiful, [Y/N], you’re missing the festivities,” his ochre voice said, breaking you out of your reverie as a maelstrom of emotions flooded you.
Maybe I’m ill, you thought, reeling.
Druig had come up behind you, wrapping broad arms around your frame as he nuzzled his face into the curve of your neck.
You could practically feel his sly smile against your skin. 
His touch burned. 
“Do we bore you that much that you’d rather return to your paints than me, oh great [pseudonym]?"
Shaking yourself from your daze, you lifted your gaze to meet his, swallowing the unease that had lodged itself at the base of your throat with a small smile. 
“You could never bore me,” you said immediately, forcefully rolling your eyes as to quell whatever thundered in your chest. 
What you had seen, it couldn’t have been the future. 
Half-heartedly, you placed the paint brush you’d been holding back with the rest, turning fully to fold yourself properly into his embrace. 
Druig, ever attentive, must’ve felt the tension in your frame and sensed the trouble plaguing your mind because gently, he pressed his lips to your head.
It was his way of grounding you, you knew, his way of comforting you when words failed him.
“I know,” he hummed after a moment, brushing his fingers along the curve of your back. 
His touch, this time, tingled pleasantly. 
“Let’s get back to the others then, shall we?” he continued, unwinding his arms as to hold out a hand.
You knew he wanted to ask what had happened, knew he wanted you to lay your burdens bare before him.
But Druig was Druig, and while he was often snarky, he was not unkind.
This was not the first time you had seen something unpleasant, something horrifying.
You would talk, later, when the festivities had ended and you could confess what you’d seen between fine sheets and in the comfort of your room.
But for now, all you wanted to do was forget what you’d seen. And because Druig loved you, he’d make it happen. 
“Kingo’s promised a woman you’ll sculpt a statue in her like,” he baited, almost slyly. It was a no-doubt way to do exactly as you wanted. 
Fondness swelled in your chest at his meddling and at him, and laughing, you slotted your hand within his. 
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On papyrus paper the size of a crate of wine, you had painted a red sky. A burning field. Two people, lost in the flames, at the very centre of it all.
And further, 
                             further in the back–
                                                   a hand emerging from the Earth.
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thedevilyk · 2 years
worst fear
druig x mortal!gn!reader
angst. just pure angst.
possible triggers: mentions of violence and injury but nothing over the top. character death.
a/n: i hate this sm, i started at 1am and just got around to finishing it now
word count: 560
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everyone had them. they were a part of life. just like living, and just like dying.
but you didn’t think you’d have to go through your worst fear, alone. oh no, you pictured it completely different. never having to face your fear because at that very moment it felt impossible to reach..
but here you were. tossed to the side with a large gash on your abdomen, just missing your heart. while you were close with the famous eternals, you yourself was in fact a human. and therefore not immortal.
your hand was pressed as firmly as it could get to stop the bleeding coming from the severe wound. you couldn’t say anything. it hurt too much.
but you could watch. and somehow watching hurt even more then speaking.
all focus was on makkari, who had a few scratches at most, nothing ajak couldn’t heal. but you, you were a completely different story.
your vision began to get blurry but you couldn’t look away from the fact that the love of your life, was there attending and checking in on makkari. in any other circumstances you wouldn’t have cared. but she was going to be fine. everyone knew that.
the thing was, you weren’t so sure you were going to be.
everything was going hazy, your mind, your vision and your hearing. but even with your senses deemed useless, you could still feel the tears gathering on your waterline. threatening to spill over at any coming moment. there was druig crouched down in front of makkari with one of his hands cradling the back of her head and concern visible in his eyes.
the dark haired woman reached her free hand up to cup the side of his face delicately. she wasn’t going to die. but you, you weren’t so sure.
blood was oozing from the gash wound in your side and your back was aching. after one of the deviants impaled you it also threw you into a tree, your back hit the trunk rather roughly causing you to go immobilized. you couldn’t feel your legs but could most definitely feel the deep wound.
it was faint but you heard someone speak up.
“…a…we’re….. ssing….. some….body”
the voice was unclear and you couldn’t tell who had said it but it sounded much more feminine.
probably not.
more than likely.
a gasp suddenly passed by the lips of the light haired woman who spoke and almost immediately your friend, your closest friend, was at your side and pulling you up to her chest. she was hugging you close to her, making sure you had a pulse. which you did but it was weak, almost nonexistent.
there was no hope in saving you now. you had already lost too much blood. thena understood that.
but by the time the others had noticed your condition it was far too late. you couldn’t feel anything from your waist down. you could barely hear, wouldn’t classify what you could see as actual sight because everything just looked like squiggly lines.
your whole body went cold. the last thing you could actually hear was the faint calling of your name. your vision got even more blurry then faded out to black. your pulse weakening, soon being rendered as non-existent.
and that was it.
your worst fear had came to life.
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alohastyles-x · 2 years
Druig prompt 28: “When things go wrong, you talk to someone; you don’t put a witch curse on someone!” plz!!
*Part of my mini-vacation, but posting separately since it took so long to come out*
warnings: just slight mentions of death, depression, and a not harmonious/good mother/reader relationship.
Wordcount: 1.1k
an : gn reader x eternals | I hope you enjoy this idea! I'm not sure if it makes much sense in the end, but I was trying not to make it an entire novel, lol. I apologize profusely at how long this took 🥺, and I think you eternally for your patience <3
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Divider by @firefly-graphics | gif doesnt match the story just the aesthetic
Fear. That was the feeling plaguing every inch of your body as you ran through the woods, the air harsh and thick with fog. It was a scene directly out of a horror movie, as the grunts and groans of the creatures behind you grew louder with every pounding foot step. 
Just a few more feet, you thought, as the house you shared with your friends, the Eternals, began to appear at the top of the hill you were running towards. You were crying tears of joy as you sent a distress signal to Makkari. Unlike the eternals, your powers had more to do with your ancestral history of witch craft then granted by an omnipotent being eons ago. 
This is what landed you in the predicament you were currently in, running for your life as you messed up… big time. 
Just as you reached the bottom of the hill, you felt a sharp swipe against your leg, knocking you on the ground, your head smacking against a rock, breaking your nose immediately. 
Shit. The snarl was no longer in the distance. It was right in your ear, drowning out your screams as you fought against the creature. 
Why, why, why did you have to get yourself into this mess? 
The events of the last few years had been weighing down heavily on you. It all started when you lost your grandmother, the last relative who had connections to the ancestral magic you had grew up hearing stories about. As she took her last breath, she sent her dying wish out to the ancestors, hoping you would be the relative to receive the magic next. And you were. But without her guidance, you had no idea how to control the sorcery that now flowed in your veins. Your grandmother had left journals upon journals for you to study, but your mother had burned them, hoping to end your family’s magic “curse” as she called it. 
You had felt a part of you shrivel up that day she burned the journals. Imaginary chains had made their way around your body, and it felt as if you were shackled against everything and nothing at the same time, restricting the chance for you to learn of your magical abilities. 
The depression you felt only increased as the days passed, causing a deep wound to open, festering, emitting a dark cloud to cover your soul. Somehow, even you were unsure as to how, you came in possession of a dark leather bounded book, full of dark magic spells. You kept it tucked away, secretly pulling it out when the Eternals were sleeping, studying the various incantations written in the book. You had quickly mastered the lighter stuff, like turning one thing into something else, but you were having trouble with the heavier spells. The black cloud continued to infect your body, turning your fingertips black as you continued to practice. Luckily, it was just in time for the winter season, giving you a great excuse to cover up your fingers with gloves. 
Not only was there a physical effect to the black cloud covering you, but it was evident in your mood as well. You grew colder, more isolated, spending most of your days and nights locked away in your room, in the dark. Druig was the first to noticed, and he tried getting you to open up to him, but you shut him down, claiming everything was fine. He knew better, but figured there was a reason you weren’t pushing it. He tried to invade your mind, but it was damn near impossible
Now you were regretting that choice to wall him off blocking him from reading your mind and emotions. 
Pain engulfed your body as the creature dug its nails back into your skin. It was short lived, however, as Thena’s glittering sword came reining down, slicing his head clean off. You yelled out as you grabbed your leg. Druig’s arms snaked under you, and he lifted you up gently. 
“Shhh, it’s okay I got you,” he whispered as he ran back up the hill to where Ajak stood in the doorway. 
“Here, lay them down here,” Ajak motioned for the kitchen table she cleared off, and Druig laid you down gently. You grunted again as the pain seared through your skin. 
“Hold them still.” 
Druigs arms came up to your arms, pinning them down on the table. You cried out as a liquid splashed over the wound. It was an antibiotic to make sure an infection wasn’t left behind when Ajak closed the wound with her powers. You began to black out, the pain becoming too much for your human body to handle. Your body quickly went limp in Druig’s arms, who continued to hold you tightly, too scared not to. 
When you came to, you were tucked gently into your bed. Druig sat in the chair next to your bed, his leg shaking violently as he waited impatiently for you to awaken. When he noticed your eyes fluttered open, he was by your side in seconds, taking your hand into his. 
“Y/N… what happened?” It came out barely above a whisper as he struggled to speak. 
You gave in, finally telling him everything. The dark magic, the blackness that devoured your soul, the depression that settled deep in your bones. You confided in him about how you felt helpless against it, like you were stuck with this. Yet, at the same time, you felt empowered. This angered him. 
“Empowered?!” This time, he yelled. “You messed with dark magic that nearly killed you, and you’re saying you felt empowered?!” He shook his head in disbelief, taking your hand out of his. 
“You don’t understan-” 
“What don’t I understand, y/n? What am I missing?” He cut you off, seething with anger this time. You looked down, ashamed for even trying to paint it in a different light. 
After a few minutes, he settled next to you again, but he didn’t take your hand in his. 
“What happened this specific time, that caused those creatures?” He asked. 
“I had gotten a call from my mom, and she said some hurtful things about disowning me, so I attempted to place a curse on her. That didn’t work, so I tried fixing it, and I just made everything worse.” 
“Y/N… When things go wrong, you talk to someone; you don’t put a witch curse on someone!” He sighed, giving you a small smile and giving your hand a gentle squeeze. 
You were thankful, in the end, for the bond you had with Druig. You vowed to always come to him for help, even when things went horribly wrong. 
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logancreatesworlds · 2 years
Out Of The Darkness (Ch. 1)
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Darkness isn't always bad. Sometimes, it's comfort. For her, it was protection.
Beginning of a series. This story will get spicy in future chapters.
Warnings: None...yet.
Word Count: Just under 900
Author's Note: I know I've been gone for a long while but I was in school so don't hate me.
Darkness was scary to many. For Fantasma, it was comfort. Nightly walks suited her. They always did since before the 15th century, the Civil War and now in 2023. She had already finished grading her students’ projects and now she simply meandered around the bustling streets of Atlanta, Georgia, enjoying the sparkle of the stars and crispness of the night air.
Fantasma had several routes she preferred. This one, the one she took on Tuesdays, was her favorite. As her purple petticoat hung onto her plump figure, she continued to skip through the night. Then…she stopped.
Something was behind her, Fantasma knew it. She learned to signs of changing vibrations from all those years with – as he who shall not be named called her, the beautiful, beautiful Makk-…no. Her name didn’t matter. Turning around, Fantasma saw the source of her ruined night.
He was about 6’2, muscular, dressed in a gray hoodie and sweatpants. That didn’t scare her. What mildly concerned her was the gun-shaped outline in his pocket.
“You planning to shoot me with that or are you just happy to see me?” Fantasma asked casually.
“Give me all your money!” The man ordered, holding a 9MM to her face.
“Shooting it is,” Fantasma sighed.
“I don’t wanna hurt you, lady,” the man said, his voice punctuated by the condensation puffing out of his ski mask, “Just give me your wallet.”
Fantasma gave an exaggerated sigh. Within a second, the man was grabbed by his shooting arm and tossed over her head like a thrown discus.
The man groaned as Fantasma walked towards him. Effortlessly, she crushed the gun in her hand to a prickled clump.
“Sir, if you’re willing to disappear right now, I’ll forget you tried to rob me,” she says, “Or I can just beat on you some more.”
“Please,” the man begged, “I just needed the money for drugs.”
Fantasma’s lips twisted with skepticism. Kneeling and taking the man’s arm in her hands, she instantly caught sight of the needle marks.
Sighing, Fantasma helped the man to his feet.
“Where are you taking me?” He asks as she links arms with him.
“To the nearest rehab center.”
Druig walked through his village with monitoring eyes. It’s not that the village was under attack, as it was secluded. He just needed to make sure his people were okay.
“Senhor Druig,” a little girl, no older than ten greeted, running up to him.
“Bom dia, minha pequena Florina,” He greets, bending down to kiss her head.
“Para você,” she says, holding up an orchid.
Druig gasped with both pretend surprise and genuine appreciation, “Uma pequena orquídea da minha orquídea.”
It was the tenth orchid she has given him that month.
Florina smiled as Druig planted another big kiss on her head. Just then, a bolt of light zipped into the peaceful compound, catching everyone’s attention.
Makkari smiled as Druig, whose eyes then glowed a beautiful golden. Within seconds, everyone went back to work.
“Vale, querida,” he says to Florina, “Necesitas ir al clase.”
“Pero no quiero-“
Druig placed a finger over her lips, “Quisiste decir sí señor.”
Florina gave an exaggerated sigh and Makkari smiled.
Though he would never say it aloud, Druig loved the children of the village like his own.
“Sí señor,” the little girl said.
“Buena,” Druig says, “Ahora, ve.”
Florina hurried off and Makkari walked up to him.
“My beautiful, beautiful Makkari,” he greets as the speedstress’ lips stretched into a wider smile.
Makkari leaned into his figures as his hands stretched over her waist.
“I scoured the entire west coast,” Makkari signed, “Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Cali, and Arizona.”
“Nothing?” Druig asks, cupping his hands into O-shapes and shaking them.
“Nothing,” Makkari signs back.
Druig sighs and a sad look passes Makkari’s face.
“I just want her home,” Makkari signs sadly.
“I know, beautiful,” Druig signs before pulling her into a warm embrace, “I know.”
“Ms. Luna,” Keisha asks, holding a bunch of balloons by the end, “Where do these go again?”
“In front of the lights,” Fantasma responds with a laugh, “In front of them, Keisha. Not on top. We don’t want them to burst.”
“Yes ma’am,” she calls.
Luna continues decorating as everyone moves around the quad.
“Okay,” Camille says, walking up to Luna and holding up her IPhone, “I have the tweet written down. What do you think?”
Luna quietly reads before leaning back again, “It’s terrible.”
“What?!” Camille screeched, eyes bulging out, the braids framing her sharp face flying back.
“I’m kidding,” Fantasma says, “It’s fine.”
“It can’t be fine,” Camille huffs, “It has to be nightly.”
Fantasma resists the urge to roll her eyes. Maybe trusting a mass communications major with the social media for the annual Nightly was a bad idea after all.
“It’s perfect,” she says, “Now send that and help us with the rest of these balloons.”
“Ugh,” Camille groans, “I cannot wrinkle my perfect lips, Ms. Black. You know that.”
“Oh come on, Hillary Banks,” Deante says, fine-tuning the playlists, “You can do balloon duty. Just like you do on Twitter with all yackin’.”
“I’m so sick of you! Imma fuck you up!” Camille shouts, running after him with a balloon.
“Ow, ow! Hey, watch the computer!”
Fantasma shakes her head mirthfully before returning to decorating.
Tonight would be perfect…right?
Author's Note: Whoo! Feels good to get back to writing. Please ask to be tagged in the comments if you liked this. I plan to write more.
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itsthestutterforme · 2 years
Chosing You (Druig x reader)
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Summary: Ari is visiting Y/N in the apartment she shares with Thena, Sersi, Sprite and Makkari.
Notes: GIF is not mine, smut (fingering, oral sex), 18+ ONLY, some angst, all mistakes are my own
You were coming out of a movie when you saw a gigantic creature charging at you. You shrieked when you set your eyes on it. You sprint through the streets as fast as you could but you know it would catch up. You used your momentum to rip loose a metal bar from the fence and climb over onto the nearest building.
You clamped your eyes shut and prayed that the creature didn't have a good sense of smell. Once your heard his footsteps descend elsewhere, you released a breath. You peak over the concrete lining of the building to see where it was.
There was a man flying around and shooting beams out of his eyes. "What the hell is happening?" You ask yourself. A bus was traveling at a woman full speed until she touched it and turned it into roses. You climbed down the building and rushed to your car when you heard a shrill scream.
Looking over your shoulder you see the same creature who was searching for you. You continued to run until you felt it's breath on your back. The grip on the rod tightened as you spun around stabbed the creature in the eye. He shakes his head and sends you flying into the wall.
Through blurred vision you see it's teeth enveloping your body until you saw a man punching the creature in the face. Another man comes into your obscured vision.
"You alright, darling? Are you able to follow my finger?" You shook your head no. "She seems to have brain damage. She might have a concussion." He explains to someone else.
"We can drop her off at the hospital." An accented voice comments. "She's a brave one," a woman says. "Let's go, love." You felt a pair of arms around you and carrying you. Pressure started to build behind your eyes, but it wasn't painful just yet.
"Guys, look." Druig says when he noticed your irises glowing white. Your veins started to glow white and your body started to shake.
Druig puts you down and turns you on your side, thinking that you were having a seizure. But what was really happening was your body healing itself with some sort of catalyst.
"What's happening to her?" Makkari signs. "I don't know. I don't think this is-" "She's a mutant." Sersi explains. "And I don't think she's aware of it." She adds. "We don't have time for this," Ikaris says. "We can't just leave her here." Druig snaps.
"We take her with us." Sersi states. "She's a liability." "Then she's my liability." Druig says, sending him a glare. "We have to find Kingo and Phastos. Let's just take her with us. There's enough of us to fight the Deviants and keep her safe." Giglamesh comments.
You were unconscious the entire time this was happening. While you were under, you saw people of a similar complexion to you. There was something familiar about them and they looked a lot like some of your family members.
They said they were your ancestors. They talked about your ancestry and who you descended from. Then they faded away and your visions started to regain. "She's awake." Sersi says.
You slowly sit up from the couch and pressed your palm to your forehead. "What happened?" You groan. "My name is Sersi. What's yours?" "Y/N," "What's the last thing you remember, Y/N?" Sersi asks. You look passed her to Druig who was leaning against the wall.
"Him," "Who? Druig?" Sersi asks and you nod, his gaze never leaving yours. "Looks like your my liability, little one." He says, kicking off the wall and striding towards you. "What are you talking about?" "You have mutant abilities. And you healed yourself from a concussion."
"What?" "The safest place is with us so I would get comfortable if I were you."
Ari came to visit you in your apartment you had with Druig, Makkari, Thena and Sprite. The two of you went to as many tourist attractions as you could before you came back around midnight to sleep. He held you in his arms; his bare chest burning through his shirt you were wearing.
You didn't think anything of it. You and Ari have been friends since college and it's never turned romantic. There you laid, wide awake at three in the morning while Ari was knocked the hell out behind you. You carefully slide out of his arms and walk out of the room.
You walked down to the kitchen for a glass of water when you heard Druig say, "Couldn't sleep?" You pour some water into a glass and took a sip. "You haven't talked to me all day. What, you're too good for me now that your little CIA boyfriend is here?" "He's not my boyfriend." "Really? Because he acts it-"
"Oh, you mean how you're acting like right now?" You snap, glaring when he chuckles at you. "I've always loved your sass." You take another sip and he takes the glass from you before setting it on the counter. He smooths a hand over your hair and applies pressure to your head so your neck was exposed to him.
He kisses down your neck tenderly and flushes his body against yours. "I'm sorry I ignored you. It wasn't my intention." "I know, little one." He pecks your lips softly.
"Come to bed. We both know you can't sleep because you're used to sleeping with me," you two wait in silence for a moment. "He's going to make you choose, you know." "I don't want to think about that," "That doesn't mean the time won't come."
"Stop it, Druig." You look into his hooded eyes, a breath hitches in your throat when he leans in to kiss you. "Either you come to bed with me now or I'll replay the last time we had sex the entire time you're with him." "You won't," he raises a brow and glows his eyes for a split second.
A warm wave enveloped your body when you see a vision on a golden board of you sitting on the couch and Druig sucking at your core. He shakes his head and pulls you closer to his face, not caring if he suffocates. Your grip on the couch cushions tightens to the point of a spasm.
A pressure started to build in between your legs. "Enough," you whisper and your vision vanishes before your eyes. He smiles proudly and you walk up the stairs.
He follows you and pulls you into his room. He locks the door and pushes your against it. Slamming his lips on yours, you melt into the door when he pins your arms by your sides. "Take this off or I'll fucking tear to pieces." He spits, motioning to Ari's shirt.
You take it off and toss it on the chair. Druig picks you up and sets you on the bed, careful not to make too much noise. He rips your panties off and toss it in the corner. Your walls stretch around his fingers and your back arches violently under the curl of his fingers.
"Do you really think that he'll make you as happy as I can?" He asks, nudging your chin upwards with his nose. You sob when he curls his fingers harder, wanting a response from you.
"No," you gasp. "That's what I fucking thought. You're mine, Y/N. No one else's." He whispers against your lips before devour your mouth with his.
Your breathing became uneven under the advances of his skillful fingers. Grabbing onto his wrist, you felt the muscles in his hands flex as he finger fucked you.
"Shit," your reached your peak and cried your way through it. Fresh tears stained your face and you wipe them away once you recovered from your orgasm.
"Time to clean you up, little one." He settles himself between your legs and flattens his tongue along your folds. "No, no, I can't keep quiet when eat me out, Druig."
"That's the idea. So he knows you're mine." "N- oh shit," you whimper when he holds your stomach down with his arms and circles your clit with the tip of his tongue.
You grabbed a pillow and covered your face with it. Your mouth gaped open when he lifted the hood and sucked at exposed nerve, sending you over the edge. Your body seized and trembled feverishly before calming.
He takes the pillow from you and he naturally curled his body around yours. Taking off his necklace of his favorite crystal: black obsidian. He found the crystal in a cave a few millenia back and sculpted it into the ring it is now.
He drapes it over your neck and your eyes widened as you realized what it was. "Druig, no I can't accept this."
"Everyone already knows we're together, Y/N. Why not make it official?" You turn around to face him and prop yourself up on your elbow.
"And to think I started out as a liability." He chuckles. "You'll always be my little one. No matter who you choose." "Don't make me sad."
"That wasn't my intention sweetheart. Now go to sleep." You rest your face against this collar bone and release a long breath.
"Has anybody seen Y/N?" Ari asks Makkari and Sersi at the dining table. "She's probably with Druig," Thena response nonchalantly as she strides into the room with a cup of tea in her hands. Sersi's eyes widen and Makkari made the cutting out motion.
"Oh.. you didn't know about that.. sorry." She glances to Sersi before taking a sip of her tea. You appear in the dining room wearing a sports bra and matching shorts. Not Ari's shirt you were in last night. He noticed the new necklace resting on your collarbone.
"So.. when we're you going to tell me?" Ari asks, his hands balancing on your hips. "Tell you what?" "That you were with him." "Ari,"
"I asked you out on a date last night. And you said we'll talk about it in the morning. Then you wake up in another man's bed." "You led me on for years, Y/N." He adds.
"I did what last night?" "You don't even remember?" "I lost count how many shots and whiskeys I drank. I'm surprised you even remember what you said. And how exactly did I lead you on?"
"God, you really need me to say it? I'm in love with you, Y/N. I've chickened out every time I tried to admit it. But I'm here now." "Ari.." you start.
"You're too late. Cute confession though." Druig states before kissing your temple. "Morning, little one." "Morning," you say softly.
"I refuse to believe that. You have any idea how hard it was to see you with other guys knowing that I was the one for you?" "Are you?" "Druig," you scold.
"How long have you guys been together?" "Six months," "Six months? Barely a year. What more could he learn about you that I haven't learned in the ten years I've known you?"
"It's different with him." "How is it different? What's the difference between me and him?" "Ari, don't do this to yourself." You shake your head sparingly.
"You're here. We should be having fun, not arguing." "I've waited ten years for this moment. The perfect moment and he ruins it." Ari steps close to you and Thena stands.
You extend your hand to her, telling her he's not a threat. "I'm sorry, Ari." "Yeah, I'm sorry too." He kisses your forehead and walks back up the stairs to pack his things.
Tears prick your eyes when you see him walk away. There are many things and people that you've seen drift away from you, but you never thought Ari would be one of those things.
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iovejolie · 3 years
i may start writing for makkari, natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff and monica rambeau
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tadpole-san · 3 years
part two ; centuries we don’t have
pairing(s): druig x asgardian!reader
warnings: maybe some mild spoilers for the eternals (i really don’t think i actually have any spoilers, but i just want to be safe), a timeline that’s all over the place because i’m mixing the comics and mcu dates
a/n: so… ya girl watched the eternals last night… and yes, druig and makkari did basically grab me by the throat. They’ve probably become the sole reason im reviving my actual writing on this tumblr, so any of yall who want makkari and/or druig fics, feel free to send them in <3
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685 A.D.
The first time you meet Druig, you would hardly call yourself beautiful.
That isn’t to say you don’t deem yourself attractive, of course - it’s just that there’s a dismembered Deviant lying at your feet, and you suspect that maybe some of the blood and gore extended beyond the lower half of your armor. So one can imagine your surprise when the train of your thoughts in the aftermath of the battle are interjected by a low, “Hello, beautiful one.”
You turn around.
If you were a poet, perhaps this would be the moment to inspire your works for the centuries to come. The moment you lock eyes with the man in red and black standing across the field, the way his lips tilt upwards when he knows you’ve seen him, the startled laugh that escapes you when the words beautiful one register.
But you are not a poet. You are simply an Asgardian - and he is Druig, the Eternal.
You hadn’t seen him during the battle, but from you know of the Eternals (admittedly, not too much), you understand that it doesn’t diminish his strengths towards the group. Five fighters, five thinkers is a mantra often heard amongst them.
“You are Druig,” you say, stepping over what you think used to be a Deviant arm.
“You know me.” By now, his smile has settled into more of a… smirk. Mischievous. Teasing. Amused? Either way, it holds until you are within a breadth of him and your weapon is sheathed at your side. “But I don’t know you,” he continues, and then there it is again. “Beautiful one. You came with the Asgardian king?”
By now, you understand that your king is already making himself known to the matriarch of the Eternals herself. In a way, the woman reminded you of your queen, raised and borne of witches, warm as the sun but cunning as a snake.
“I did,” you confirm. When you tell him your name, you find yourself revelling in the way it feels in the air between the two of you as he says it - the way the syllables roll off his tongue.
Beautiful, beautiful one.
800 A.D.
The second time you encounter Druig, he presents you with one of Idunn’s golden apples. To this day, you still have no idea how he acquired such a thing, although you suspect it may have something to do with the friendship he’d been able to maintain with Loki over the centuries.
“Hello, beautiful one.” This time, you don’t startle at the sound of his voice - although it is much closer than the first time, spoken at a low murmur right by your ear that you can still hear clear as day, even with all the revelries taking place in the tavern you’re both in. You turn your head just slightly and there he is.
“Hello, Druig.” This time, you’re out of your armor, and he dons local-wear in shades of black and grey fitting him in a way that does make your mouth run dry for a moment. You still indulge him in the best smile that you can, even as you take a sip from the mug of ale beside you. “How kind it is for an Eternal to grace a mere warrior with his presence.” It’s all in good jest. It always is.
He tuts anyway, reaching into his robes for… something, even as his eyes never leave your face. “I think we’ll have none of that now. Besides, I hear you’re moving up in the world, babysitting that prince of yours.” When you dig an elbow into his side for that comment, he only laughs again. “Guarding,” he corrects.
“That’s more like it,” you affirm, stopping to raise your mug as Thor makes another rambunctious announcement for cheers. Teenagers. By the time you’re back to focusing on Druig, the hand that had been withdrawn into his robes is back out, presenting you with a perfectly round, perfectly golden, apple. The startled laugh that you let out isn’t unlike the one you’d given him during your first meeting, and you accept the offer with a slightly reserved glee. “And how did you acquire this?” you ask him, admiring the apple in your eye and pressing your lips to it before taking a bite.
“Does it make me the apple of your eye?” The one-liner is enough to get you to choke on the apple for a moment, and Druig graciously allows you the dignity of a recovery before he continues. “It is said that those apples are the source of the Asgardians’ immortal youth and beauty. Is that true?”
You quirk an eyebrow at him as you take another bite, humming contemplatively. “Is this your way of saying you’d like me to be more beautiful?”
“Oh, beautiful one, never.” He even puts a hand over where his heart would be. “I don’t think I could handle that.”
“Mmm. That wasn’t a bad save on your end, Druig.” You catch the way his gaze flickers from the apple, then to your lips. You hold the apple out to him. “Would you like to try a bite, then?”
When he doesn’t say anything, you shake it lightly in front of his face. “This isn’t an offer made lightly.” it’s enough to break him out of his trance, because he smirks again and settles into his seat more comfortably, giving you a slight nod but grasping your wrist when you try to hold the apple out to him.
That’s not how I want to taste it.
It’s the first time you hear him in your head - and really, you shouldn’t be so startled. It’s not as if you don’t know the things he can do, haven’t seen him bring human conflicts to a standstill with a mere thought. And you can feel him in your head, too, sometimes, never prodding, never prying, just… there.
You like it, you think.
So does he.
Before he can close the distance between the two of you - before you can invite him to bridge the gap, you hear Thor call your name with a raucous laugh, mug raised to the heavens, inviting with a “Come drink with us!”
To Druig, you offer a shrug and an impish grin of your own, rising from your seat and offering him a bow as you make to leave. “Duty calls, then.” Rather than look upset, he just plucks the apple from your hands, eyes never leaving yours while he takes a generous bite.
Then one of the Warriors Three has you by the arm, the same time that you see one of the other Eternals bids Druig to rise - Kingo, you recognize, and he says something to Druig that has him scowling and shrugging his grip off as his cheeks redden slightly.
You feel his gaze on you for the rest of the night.
By now, this isn’t even the third encounter you’ve had with Druig - not even the fourth, the fifth, even the hundredth. You lose track by now, centuries blurring together. Centuries of Heimdall keeping a watchful eye out, telling you where Druig has landed himself, where to go when he opens the Bifrost for you. Centuries of meetings (hardly clandestine) as Thor distracts his father from the fact that his loyal bodyguard is almost nowhere in sight, of Loki conjuring mirages of you that get better by the decade, of Lady Sif and her Warriors Three making false alibis for you, of your queen giving you a knowing look whenever she passes you by.
You know how you must look, trekking through the Amazon rainforest and into the now-familiar encampment. You pay no heed to the stares that some of the men and women pin you with as you pass, don’t think twice about the golden glow in their eyes that flashes and passes.
When you reach the building at the opposite end of the encampment, you don;t even enter. Part of you isn’t even sure you have the energy to open the doors, so you just settle at the foot of the wooden doors and lean against one.
The door to your left opens not a minute later, and in your peripheral vision, you see Druig standing there, clad in dark pants and a sleeveless grey top. He crouches next to you, bumping his shoulder against yours affectionately, and you pretend like that will be enough to make you keel over, swaying to the side in a dramatic motion.
“Oh, stop that.” When he steadies you, there’s no real bite to it. “And not even a hello for me, beautiful one?” You sigh, as though burdened greatly.
“Hello.” He presses his forehead against yours and you smile a smile that feels more real than anything you’ve mustered over the past few days. You feel him squeeze your arm, and you don’t tense, but when his hand goes over a fresh injury over your ribs that has not healed, it earns him a loud “ow” and a slap to the shoulder. “You’re a fiend,” you start.
“You’ve been in battle,” he says, and truly, your lover is brilliant. Astounding. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“Only in my heart,” you jest, and it partially works because you see his lips quirk up before he settles back in a more serious expression. He waits for you to continue, and he doesn’t even need to use his abilities to know that there is more on your mind that you want to say. “We lost,” you begin to say, and his eyebrows shoot up, because he knows you and you never lose a battle. There have been so many fights to be fought, and none to lose.
“The Dark Elves,” you manage to continue, and the two words sit heavy in your throat, like they’re trying to choke you before you can finish what you want to say. “Queen Frigga was killed. So was Prince Loki.” And despite what your king says, despite the terrible things Loki did, he was still a prince of Asgard. From children to adolescence and to adulthood, you’d watched them both grow, sometimes alongside Druig, sometimes not.
Druig, who doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t offer words of empty comfort, who can feel what you feel in this moment, who looks at you now the way he looks at his humans sometimes - worried for them, wanting to interfere, wanting to keep them safe. So you press a hand to his cheek, opening your mind and heart to him, smiling as he leans into your touch.
I’ll be okay.
You will mourn. You will move forward. He, too, knows this.
You feel Druig before you see him. You know his touch in your mind - have known it for eons, could feel and recognize it across the span of time and space.
My beautiful, beautiful lover.
The words are whispered into the embrace of your mind, softly becoming you to turn and look. You do so, only after you’ve set the crate of harvested and fished goods on the trunk of Valkyrie’s truck. The sight of Druig standing at the end of the pier, the ocean wind and spray whipping strands of his hair out of his face, has you holding your arms out for him.
You laugh when he reaches you and he pulls you into an embrace, one that literally sweeps you off your feet. “Beautiful one,” he says, and you can hear the laughter in his voice as he presses a kiss to the side of your head. “Did you miss me?”
“Did you miss me?” you counter, pulling back just enough that you’re able to get a look at his face. Eight years apart should be inconsequential to the two of you, who are fated to live for millennia, but it feels like an eternity of a lifetime. “I didn’t know you could venture out of that forest of yours, beautiful Druig.”
“Only for you,” he says, always quick with a retort. Witty or otherwise. “I even had to pack a jacket.”
“Yes, you did,” you agree, finally taking note of the studded black leather that he dons. Running a hand over one of the studs has you shooting him a very amused look, and he retaliates with a tug to the knitted sleeve of your new sweater.
“I see that you’ve taken up the fisherman chic. Is that the fashion of New Asgard? I’ll be sure to dress more appropriately for the occasion next time.”
“Cheeky.” You’re only partially aware to the knowing look that Valkyrie gives the two of you before she is driving back to town, the two of you left to privacy. “Come on, you,” you add, linking your arm with his as you begin to lead him away from the water and up to one of the hills overlooking the town.
“How is Thor?” he asks you, and though it’s been many years since you were called to the duty of watching over the prince - no, now the king - of Asgard, your heart aches for the boy you watched grow into the man of loss you know today.
“Not the same,” you tell Druig, your footsteps coming to a stop as he moves himself in front of you, facing you. He keeps your hand clasped in his as he moves it over his chest, and you can feel the beat of his heart even through the jacket he wears. “He lost - we lost - nothing is the same.”
It’s hard to put into words, you think. You think of the person you were when you first met Druig, think of the naivety of that youth. You wonder what it is like for him now, to see the edges of that person chipped and worn away, eroded by the winds of love and loss.
When he brushes a strand of your hair out of your eyes, when he presses his forehead against yours, you feel some of those broken edges start to knit together again.
I’m sorry.
I should have been there.
I’m sorry I’m rooted to Earth.
“You’re here now,” your murmur, your eyes still closed. “You’re always here when I need you.” For that, he presses a kiss to your forehead before stepping back. He makes sure not to let go of your hand.
“I have something for you, you know.” His other hand is already reaching into his pocket.
“Should I be worried?” you ask, only in slight jest. “Your gifts are wonderful, really, but you do like to play things on the mischievous side-” Your words die in your throat when you see the golden apple he produces for you, glittering in the sun that’s starting to break through the clouds. “Oh. Oh, Druig.”
“You won’t demand the ways I acquired it for you?”
“You’d just evade the question - oh, Druig.” As he presses it into your palm, you have to breathe in sharply and blink back the stinging in your eyes. He shrugs a little, trying to play it nonchalant, even as you have to press your face into his shoulder so you can compose yourself without looking at him.
“People on Earth like to do this with a ring,” he says, suddenly, voice slightly louder to be heard above the wind. “A gold on. I thought-” you feel him shift his weight, and you squeeze his arm to steady him. “I thought this would be better.”
“Do you have a question you must ask of me?” Finally, you lift your head to look at him. “Beautiful Druig.”
“You’re the beautiful one,” is his automatic response, and the word, the endearment, has always been so natural. On the battleground. In a tavern. The past, and the present. This gift that he’s given you.
He is Druig, the Eternal. And he calls you beautiful, because he loves you.
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Druig Taglist
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achaoticeternal · 3 years
𝗮 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲
druig x avengers!reader
summary: a charity gala at the former Stark Tower offers you a chance meeting with an Eternal and a dance with temptation. word count: 2.3k wanings: mild language, implied smut, flirty druig a/n: uh oh... mattie got a little excited and let it all out. not edited.
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It was a chill evening as you peered out of the crystal windows of the grand tower, reminiscing on the past. It had been months since you had lost many of your friends and now the places you once called home felt lonely. The Avengers Compound and Tower rarely housed any guests besides yourself and occasionally Bruce and Peter when they ever felt like popping by.
Yet tonight, the Tower where you once celebrated great victories was filled with socialites and celebrities who could only talk about how honored they were to be invited. You knew that they were just trying to be courteous, but they would never understand the sacrifices you had all made. Living in a post-Blip world was strange and interesting to navigate as everyone questioned who would be there to help with a lack of Avengers.
"Hey, have you seen May?" Peter tapped your shoulder and greeted you with a hug.
"Where have you been, Parker? You said that you weren't going to leave my side, and instead, you show up an hour late," you whined, punching his arm playfully.
"Hey! I'm sorry, I walked with MJ to make sure she got home safely."
"Okay, but you better go find May and change into your suit. She has been delaying Spiderman's arrival for twenty minutes," You shoved him over to the backstage area.
"Okay, okay," Peter chuckled and turned to you really quick, "(Y/N), I need you to promise me something."
"What's up?" You raised a brow at him.
A grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly with endearment, "Please, try to have a fun night. I know it has been rough, believe me, but please smile and enjoy yourself."
You offered him a soft smile but he could still see a pang of sadness in your eyes, "I'll try, Peter... Now go before May comes hunting for you!"
He smiled and ran off to find his aunt. After so many charity events raising money to assist those displaced after the Blip, it was funny how formalities slipped his mind. You couldn't really complain though; Peter helped keep you sane when people brought up the future of the team or their grief for the lost heroes.
You swayed your way over to the open bar, bidding hellos and flashing smiles as people greeted you. No wonder Tony was never sober for anything, people were annoying. You were refiling your glass with champagne when someone bumped your hip.
You turned your head to mind the stranger but instead, you were met with an old friend, "Kingo!"
With a great smile on your face, you gave him a hug and exchanged hello's. It had been a couple years since you had last seen the movie star, but you really couldn't complain. Back when you were first recruited to join the Avengers, you were sent with Thor and Bruce to India and met Kingo who apparently was a friend of Thor's. You never really got the full story from either of them, but you and Kingo had immediately clicked.
"How are you doing? I mean, outside of... you know," he asked, smiling. You nodded your head, understanding his implication.
"I've been okay, I've been refocusing and trying to help displaced citizens and refugees. But how is Bollywood?"
"Oh, it's great, it's great. I'm actually starting shooting for a new movie in a few weeks that I can't wait for you to see. But I actually have some old... college friends that I would love for you to meet. They are huge fans of your work," He smiled and ushered you over to a large corner booth where a few people sat chatting with each other.
He pointed around the table introducing each of them, "The ginger is Sprite, she can be quite the hothead; those two lovers are Sersi and Dane, beautiful couple; that is Makkari, one of the coolest people alive; and wearing all black - once again is Druig."
You smiled at each of them and nodded yet when your eyes met Druig's ocean blue ones, you felt entranced by them. Though he was wearing all black, it was still a nice all-black three-piece suit that was tailored quite well. Yet when you met his eyes again, you could see the smug smirk on his face - oh, he's trouble.
Druig appeared to be stoic, but still suave. Though his face gave no expression of what he thought, he eyes could betray him. He seemed to be a man of few words, and still a man who loved power and control. You had met many a man like him and would meet many more.
Quickly, you turned your attention back to the group as a whole, "It's really great to meet all of you. Any friend of Kingo's is a friend of mine!"
You continued chatting with Kingo’s friends, learning about where they currently lived and what they did for work. It was small talk - yes - but you felt quite comfortable talking with them instead of surrounding yourself with gossiping reporters. Yet, you always felt Druig’s blue eyes focused on you.
“Ladies and gentlemen - we proudly present the NYPD band,” Happy announced and the band began to strike up with a bright swing.
Couples and friends made their way to the open floor; hands touching hands, cheeks touching cheeks. A smile graced your face and a hand presented itself to you. You turned your head to see Kingo offering to take you to the floor, “may I have this dance?”
Resting your hand in his, you giggled at his cheesiness, “yes, you may.”
As the two of you made your way to the dance floor to sway amidst the couples, Kingo’s friends began to whisper amongst themselves. They all admired you and your closeness with Kingo, yet they all senses the immediate attraction Druig had. His whole demeanor had shifted when you approached the table and the way he practically gawked at you also indicated his interest. Yet Druig didn’t join in the conversation until Sprite made a taunting remark.
“So are you gonna stare at her all night or are you planning to make a move?” The young-looking Eternal quipped, “I mean, I don’t know if stalker chic is really the best option for you.”
This comment caused Dane and Sersi to laugh as Druig just scowled. He would love to get to know you better if Sprite wasn’t around to ruin things for him. Makkari tapped his shoulder and signed to him, Ask her for the next dance. The worst thing that could happen is for her to say no.
He let out a light sigh, knowing that he should take his peers' advice. His eyes shifted back over to your form that practically glided across the floor. You looked like what the humans would call an angel as you smiled and laughed in response to whatever Kingo said. The song was coming to an end and Druig knew that he needed to act quick before you left or someone else snatched you away. He could sense the eyes of others looking at you, longing to take you into their arms.
Swiftly, Druig rose from the table, ignoring the commentary of his peers. He weaved through conversations and couples, only to meet you and Kingo at the edge of the floor. Both of you sipped on warm champagne, acknowledging Druig when he finally spoke, “Would I be able to steal you away for a dance?”
Your eyes glanced over to Kingo, not for approval, but for opinion. It would be a shame to overstep any boundaries he could have, and you appreciated the opinion of a dear friend. Kingo replied with a smirk and short nod.
“Y’know, dancing is a dangerous game,” you bit your lip softly, resting your palm in his.
Though he kept the same stoic demeanor, you could hear the smirk in his voice when he responded, "Then let's play."
Passing your glass off to Kingo, you allowed Druig to lead you into the near center of the floor. He pulled you in closer to him, adjusting your right hand in his before placing his warm hand in the little space between your hip and waist. The intimacy of this moment caused your breath to hitch in your throat and a chill to run up your spine.
You had only known this man for thirty minutes, but you were willing to let him into your bed. To let him bring the light back into your dreary life and maybe stop running away from what the world truly was.
With a final tug closer to his heat, Druig lead you into a swinging waltz as the jazz band became steady with the beat. His eyes were locked on yours and his expression never changed, only flickers of emotion passed through his baby blue eyes. Eyes that enchanted you to stay by his side for the rest of the night.
Maybe your first impression of him wasn't completely accurate. You could feel his lust for control, yet it wasn't belittling. No - it was far more complex than that. He was far more complex than that.
"Are you familiar with this song?" Druig asked, breaking your trance. You tuned your ears to listen closely to the melody that drifted through the air. When the crooner began to sing, the lyrics finally dawned on you that you did in fact know this song.
"In fact, I do," You smiled, cheeks warming, "So In Love by Cole Porter, but I prefer the Tony Bennett cover."
"So you're a fan of the classics?"
Druig twirled you around then pulled you back towards him, resting his hand a little lower. The thrill of the dance was infectious and made your heartbeat pick up, "Call me a romantic, but yes."
You couldn't get enough of each other, and even though you danced among crowded couples, it still felt like it was just the two of you. His nose brushed against your own, and you took it as a sign to rest your forehead against his. Your eyes fluttered close and you just absorbed the moment into your memory. Never in your life had to felt so calm yet so excited by someone's presence, and for the feeling to be towards a man you had barely known an hour ago. This was dangerous, but you had no plan of letting go yet.
As the song drew to a close, you could feel the energy of other people around you fleeing from the floor. Regretfully, you opened your eyes, signaling to Druig that both of you should escape to the floor before anyone dare glance at the intimate moment taking place.
Releasing a warm breath that fanned across your lips, he escorted you off the floor. Your eyes darted for an escape, nervous to get caught in the trap he laid before you. As soon as your feet tapped against the normal floors of the tower, you offered Druig a grin before you dissipated into the crowd.
Minutes later, you stood out on the balcony to catch your breath. This was a behavior that you never allowed to guide you, it wasn't like you to be so openly intimate. One might consider you a con artist in the way you made attachments or how you muddled in others' affairs. After losing so much, it was easier to swindle what you desired most; but with Druig, he could freely give it all to you.
On the streets below, you watched as the guests began to leave the tower in groups, only to return to their upper-class penthouse apartments and countryside mansions. These were the fools that you were a kin to. This was your safety net and your playing ground.
"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to share one last drink before the night came to a close," A glass of champagne presented itself in front of you. His heat radiated off of him and was a stark contrast to the New York Chill, while Druig's other hand rested on your hip.
Taking the neck of the glass between your fingers, you crooked your head to look at him. His head levitated above your shoulder, searching your eyes for the same semblance of intimacy you shared earlier. Your lips parted to speak, yet no words fell from them. His intoxicating presence kept you stuck in place, eyes flicking between his ocean blue eyes and his lips.
Understanding your silent tongue, Druig ghosted a kiss over your exposed shoulder before leaning into you. Falling into the motion, you closed your eyes, bracing yourself. But no contact came, you opened your eyes to see Druig smirking. Your furrowed your brows and left out a frustrated breath. You went to tell him off, but before you could form the first syllable, Druig pressed his lips to yours, swallowing away your words.
You kissed him back feverishly, turning your body to be closer to him. His arms wrapped around your lower waist, while you tangled your limbs around his neck, clutching onto your glass for dear life. This was want, this was need, this could be love.
The two of you only pulled apart when all the oxygen had escaped your lungs. Your foreheads rested against each other like earlier and you silently thanked whoever was watching over you for such a chance meeting. You lifted your head and pressed a kiss to his cheek before pulling out of his arms. Yet your fingers lingered in his and a seductive smile painted your lips, "Y'know, I'd love to give you a personal tour of my floor of the tower."
The pair of you giggled like teenagers, running to the elevator and crowds continued to escape from the tower. None of them knew of the lovers that were dancing with temptation up in the highrise and the mischief they could cause.
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m0chaminx · 3 years
Druig | I've Missed You
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*•.¸♡Request : none
*•.¸♡Prompt : none
*•.¸♡𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : Slight angst, Smut !!! Oral (M receiving), Switch reader, Switch Druig, Praise kink, Teasing, Mocking, Minors DNI
Reader has element manipulation
There is a fair bit of plot
*•.¸♡Paring : Druig x F!Eternal!reader
*•.¸♡𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : You find Druig once again and you want to prove you missed him
*•.¸♡words : 2000+
The sinking feeling that took over your gut, the twisting and churning and the buzz in your ears grew louder as you watched Druig, your lover, walk down the steps. Away from his role, away from his family, away from you. Ajak spoke to everyone but the words just fell dull in your ears, simply a background noise as the last of the villagers following Druig disappeared from sight. The hand sliding onto your shoulder made you jump and spin to Makkari looking at you with sorrow-filled eyes.
"Y/N, are you okay?" She signed quickly before moving back to rub a comforting hand on your shoulder. You shook your head and took a breath.
"I'm not sure," You signed in honesty resting your head against the stone wall. Your eyes darted to where the others were, but now it only held Thena, Gilgamesh and Ajak in the corner waiting to speak with you. Makkari held your cheek turning your head to face her again.
"Ajak said we can go," Makkari relayed. "I'm staying at the Domo for a while, but I understand if you need to go." Makkari's soft smile broke your heart, she wanted you to stay with her but now you were free. Free...
"I have to go," You singed softly pulling Makkari close so your heads rested together. "I'm sorry, but I can't stay." Makkari read your lips and nodded letting out a stuttered breath.
"I love you," Makkari signed once she pulled back enough. "I will see you in another time."
"I love you," You signed back squeezing her into a hug before she sped off.
Your head spun back to the burning village watching the flames flicker against the black sky. "Y/N," Ajak called before you could take a step down. "Do you mind if I walk with you?" Ajak smiled walking to stand with you. You smiled at her starting to take the journey down the stairs.
"What do I do?" You asked staring off ahead.
"Whatever you want," Ajak smiled softly knowing that wasn't what you meant but knowing you needed to admit it.
"No. What do I do without him?" You asked as your feet finally hit the dirt ground. "I saw him first, I talked to him first." You stopped to suck in a breath as you stopped in front of a charred hut. "I kissed him first, I loved him first." Each sentence brought you closer to rage, "The Eternals are my family... and now that's gone!" The last sentence sent a large surge of wind outwards stopping the flames dead.
Ajak walked out in front of you gripping your shoulders staring into your eyes, "You are Y/N the goddess of the Elements, you tame the seas, you let villages thrive, you give them air and you give them warmth," Ajak relayed Sprites many stories, which were based on truth. "You can do whatever you want."
The train blaring horn sprung you from your slumber and you nearly banged your head against the window again. You tugged the ends of the sleeves of your blue dress back down your forearms. A knock sounded to your left and you strained your posture noticing it was a train worker. With a curt nod, the man slid the door to your compartment open, a kind smile spread on his face.
"We will be entering Peru in just a few moments milady, but I must ask if this is truly your destination," The man offered a weary smile.
"I appreciate your concern sir, but I know this is the place," You reassured with a kind smile.
"I trust you mam, but be wary of the forest, a man lurks with indescribable power," The man spoke and with a final nod before closing the door again.
It was Druig, it had to be. Many a rumour passed through London where you had been for the past ten years, a young man capable of controlling even the toughest of minds. But still, your hope was little. The last two hundred years you spent searching for him, London had been your latest stop but certainly not your first. There had been Europe and its surrounding islands, the edges of Africa, North America and another rumour sent you back to London- and then nothing for ten years, until now.
Trudging the forest to reach the center of the Amazon was tiring, thank god you had brought a spare change of clothing. swapping the bulky dress for men's garden ware, was it the most appealing, no but after so many years certainly not the thing you wanted Druig to see first. Using the flora part of your gifts, the gold glow encasing your hand and forearm you pushed a large tree up and into its original place making sure to fix its rooting as well. Just beyond that revealed a lining of vines, pushing your way past into a small village.
You watched for a moment the residents doing their tasks or the small children running around chasing each other with sticks. Shaking your head you walked to a young woman who was plucking a flower from a bush to pass to a young boy.
"Excuse me, do you know a Druig?" You asked the woman tapping into your knowledge of Spanish. The woman's eyes raked over your attire and turned to mumble to a man behind her.
"Why do you ask?" The woman asked her accent much thicker than yours could ever be.
"I'm an old friend, I just need to know if he's here," Your voice broke into slight desperation your hope slowly fading.
"Druig?" A kid questioned tugging on your slacks, "His hut is over there." You followed the kids gaze to the largest hut in the area. You mumbled a small thank you even as the kids was being chastised. Your steps carried you to the door and your heart dropped into your stomach as your hand reached up to knock.
"It's open," Druig called, even speaking a different language you could still hear the Irish laced in it. You pushed the door open watching his figure loom by the window. "What do you need..?" His voice faltered when he turned and noticed it was you standing there. You, his once lover.
"Hey Druig," You spoke in English waving a hand sending the door closed behind you. His voice got stuck in his throat watching you move to release the hair tie from your head letting your hair drop on your shoulders. "I've been looking for you."
Druig stepped forward taking your face in his hand caressing his thumb running across your cheekbones. You brought your hands up to rest over his. "My beautiful, darling Y/N," His accent sparked a fire inside that you thought you had lost long ago. "My Y/N." He brought his head down pressing his lips to yours. Your hand moved to the waistline of his shirt gripping it and pulling him closer. He broke away leading you to the bed sat in the center of the room where you sat side by side. He finally took in your full appearance and chuckled at your choice of clothing.
"I know it's silly," You admitted brushing your hands along the pants. "But Dru, I've been looking for nearly two centuries. I wasn't actually expecting to find you here. So no fancy dress up." His eyes softened at your statement and he brushed some stray hair from your face.
"For two centuries..?" He asked holding your face in one hand, you leant into his touch letting your hands fall to his legs.
"It's not easy to get around, especially without the Domo," You giggled but you weren't joking at your laugh was empty. You lifted a hand to his cheek pulling him closer to kiss him again. Druig's free hand moved to grip your waist tugging at the bottom of your shirt. You pulled back to press your forehead to his and your breathing was faster than usual. "Let me show you how much I've missed you." Druig simply nodded and pulled you back to him engaging in the messiest kiss you had shared.
Druig ran his hand all over your body, whatever he could reach. You had been gone so long and god he missed this. Druig's hands ran to your legs trying to tug you closer. You got the message and swung your leg over his to trap him under your legs. Druig pulled back breathless holding you back slightly by your waist. "The door," Druig rasped before he latched his lips to the skin of your neck. You threw your hand up, glowing with gold as you covered the door in thick vines. Druig grazed his teeth against your collar bone making you let out a strangled moan as you gripped his shoulders in support. Druig chuckled at you his voice vibrating against your throat. "I have ruined you so many times my love," Druig grazed his hand up your sides raising goosebumps on your skin, "And yet you still react as if it's the first time I have touched you."
Druig tugged at the vest you wore tearing it at the seams, tossing it behind you onto the ground. Your shirt was next to go Druig ripped it open the buttons flying around. Druig leant back holding your thighs as you stripped the shirt off completely. You tugged at his shirt, "Please Druig," You whined trying to pull it up. Druig complied throwing his shirt behind him. You pushed your hands against his chest and he fell back against the bed. He gripped your sides pulling you with him. Your lips latched to his skin leaving dark red and purple marks from his neck to the top of his pants. Druig groaned throwing his head back as you nipped at his hip. You gripped his pants pulling them down letting them hit the ground, ridding you both of shoes as well. Druig pushed himself onto his hand squeezing his eyes shut letting a low moan slip as your fingers grazed over his hardening crotch. "We have spent so many nights together, and you still react as if I'm touching you for the first time," You teased pulling his underwear down his erection springing free.
"Y/N, I know it's been a while but if- Oh fuck," Druig's retort was replaced with a moan as you wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock. Druig gripped your hair and you rested your hand on his thighs as you started to lower yourself down. "Fuck, shit please Y/N."
"Please what Darling?" You teased taking your lips off slowly pumping him with your right hand. Druig cursed as slipped your thumb over his slit, "I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that."
"Please Y/N, I need to cum," Druig whined trying to buck his hips against his hand. A low giggle escaped your lips before you finally took him back in your mouth your hand moving to the base of his cock stroking what didn't fit. Druig threw his head back tugging at your hair as he tried not to move, not wanting to fuck your face so soon. "So fucking good, my beautiful Y/N." You moaned around him making Druig bucked his hips up your throat closing around his cock. "Fuck sorry, you're just- Fuck, so fucking good." You lifted your head to take a breath and you leant up kissing across Druig's neck and throat as you pumped his cock as fast as you could.
"Are you gonna cum for me, baby?" You whispered against Druig's ear listening to Druig's strangled and breathy moans. "My pretty boy." Druig hands quickly found your waist gripping it hard enough to leave bruises, his hips stuttering as his cock let out strings of white cum, it covered your hand as you gently stroked him through his orgasm. You whispered sweet praise in his ear, lightly rubbing circles against his hip. "So good baby, such a good boy."
Druig kissed your shoulder watching as you used your powers to make water to clean the mess and throw it out the window, "Jesus," Druig sighed pulling you closer to hug you properly. "I guess I really did miss you."
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dreaminginpastels · 2 years
oh my gosh pls provide me with more Druig fluff and his sweet lil nicknames 🤧❤️
the loudest silence
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pairing: druig x gn!eternal!reader
summary: you have a moment of crippling self-doubt after a battle goes awry, but then one voice inside your mind rises above all the others.
warnings: angst and fluff (but mostly fluff), hurt/comfort, low self-esteem, self-doubt and insecurity, brief but potentially triggering self-body shaming
reader pronouns: they/them
word count: 2.3k
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*✧ eternals masterlist | main masterlist | ask | taglist ✧*
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Eternals weren’t supposed to feel exhaustion. So why was it so hard for you to get everywhere you were summoned during this battle?
Your gift of teleportation was mostly used to disorient Deviants to your attacks, and to rush to help your fellow Eternals if the Deviants fought in pairs.
This time, however, was an unprecedented situation in which there were half a dozen Deviants that had arrived unannounced in the village you were currently protecting. They were getting stronger and smarter. You weren’t sure you were ready for that.
You had been battling for about an hour and for some reason, your body was feeling the exhaustion today.
Ajak’s voice cut through your thoughts. “y/n, go to Sprite, she needs backup!”
You nodded before vanishing and appearing next to Sprite. She was currently casting illusions from the ground  to distract the Deviant as some locals ran away. You teleported behind the Deviant and jumped on its back, pulling it away from Sprite who took a deep breath; grateful for the diversion.
Teleporting in front of the Deviant, you landed a heavy blow on its head, buying some time for Sprite to get back in position. The two of you landed blow after blow, with Sprite’s illusions and your teleportation confusing the Deviant until Kingo appeared to deliver the final cosmic blast.
He turned to you, “Phastos needs your help, Thena’s Mahd Wy’ry spiked again and Gil can’t get there in time.”
You nodded. “On it.”
Appearing behind Phastos, you took a second to think through your best strategy, and honestly, to catch your breath. You couldn’t risk the other Eternals noticing that you were puffing - you were sure they already thought you were weak.
Phastos was giving it his all in hand-to-hand combat with Thena, having attempted in vain to calm her with logic. As much as he tried, you all knew it wasn’t his strength. He was significantly disadvantaged against the Goddess of War.
Thena reached back to conjure another weapon and you took your moment - teleporting behind her and grabbing the axe before she could use it against Phastos. He mouthed his thanks while you continued to teleport and disorient the confused Thena in an effort to buy time for Gil, the only one who could calm her down, to find you.
Just as she started to adapt to your fighting style and the pattern of your teleportation with a few successful blows to your abdomen, Gil arrived and began to calm her down, taking over.
If you had thought that fighting Thena while her Mahd Wy’ry was in effect AND while you were physically drained was the toughest part of the battle, you would have been wrong.
You had finally had a couple of seconds to catch your breath and refocus when Makkari appeared next to you in a flash. She signed hurriedly, “A Deviant has Sersi cornered on the cliff near the Domo. You’ll get there faster than me, go!”
You tried to focus on the cliff but it took you a couple of precious seconds to get the location clearly enough in focus in your mind to send your body there.
You arrived at the cliff just in time to meet Sersi’s panicked eyes as she stumbled off the edge, deviant in tow. You panicked and ran towards her, arm outstretched, calling her name. You would’ve followed her off the cliff into the sea below had a strong arm not pulled you back and held you close.
As you felt your vision go blurry, you saw Ikaris catch Sersi from mid-air and fly her to safety.
Relieved, the last thing you saw before it all went black was the concerned expression on Druig’s face as you went limp in his arms.
You awoke on the beach below the cliff where the previous sequence of events had taken place. Where you had failed. You had been placed ever so gently on the sand, and Druig was leant over you, eyes still laced with concern.
“Damn it, y/n,” he breathed, desperately searching your eyes before adding “you had me worried, m’darlin.”
Feeling embarrassed that you had let down the Eternals, your family, you hurriedly stood up - only to meet each of their eyes as they gathered around you.
Ajak stepped in front of Druig, reaching up and taking your cheek in her hand. She whispered, for your ears only, “What happened, y/n?”
Taking a deep breath and looking at the sand beneath you, you announced “I need to be alone” before teleporting into your room in the Domo, your door locking behind you.
For the remainder of the evening, the Eternals knocked on your door one by one, each attempting to coax you from your room to no avail.
“y/n? It’s me, Sersi. I just wanted to make sure you’re doing okay. You mean a lot to all of us, I hope you know that.”
“Thanks Sersi, I need a bit longer though.”
“Okay, y/n, I know you wanted a moment but you’re kinda stepping on my turf with all the theatrics.”
“Go away Kingo”
“y/n, I just wanted to say thank you for trying to save Phastos from me. I apologise for the battle wounds I inflicted but you wear them well.”
“Thanks Thena but it’s not your fault. We do what we can to help.”
“And I appreciate it.”
“I baked a pie! I know you love them. Come out and have some when you’re ready - it will be waiting. So will we.”
You smiled at his thoughtfulness. “Thanks Gil.”
“y/n?” You were surprised to hear Ikaris’ voice at the other side of your door. “I don’t understand what’s going on for you right now but Sersi’s okay. You did what you could.”
“Got it, thanks.”
“The moping in your room thing is getting kinda old, y/n. Ajak’s worried about you. Are you going to be gracing the rest of us with your presence anytime soon?”
“Not yet, Sprite. Tell Ajak I’m alright. I just need some space.”
“Fine, I guess.”
“y/n? It’s Phastos. Thanks for earlier, you really helped me out there. You know that’s what we do, right? We’re a team - we do this together. If one of us falls, someone else picks them up. I know you need longer but know that we’re all here for you when you come back to us.”
“That means a lot, thanks Phastos.”
A note appeared under your door. You recognised Makkari’s handwriting immediately:
Hope you’re okay. I miss you ツ
You smiled and wrote a note back, sliding it under the door.
I miss you too. Be out soon ♡
But you weren’t. About a half hour after Makkari’s note, you could hear mumbling from the hull.
“I don’t know what to do, Sprite.”
“Relax, Ajak.” Sprite replied, sarcastic and unfazed. You could practically hear her raised eyebrow. “We all know Druig’s the only one that will get through to them.”
Blush coated your cheeks, and apparently Druig shared your sentiment as a loud, clearly startled cough resounded from the hull.
“Sorry, what?!”
Then Ajak, “Druig, you’re the only one that hasn’t checked on them. Go? For me? Please?”
You heard Sprite chuckle. “Go on lover boy.”
There was a distinct sound of water splashing as Sprite’s grumbling filled the room. There were scattered chuckling as you heard Druig’s footsteps approaching your door, a distant “Nice one, Druig” from Kingo.
Then, the gentlest knock you had ever heard. “I know you’re in there, m’darlin. And I know you well enough to know that no amount of grovelling is going to get you out-”
You knew him well enough to know that that statement was accompanied by a glaring look back at the others.
“-but these losers are right. You went above and beyond today, and you saved more of their arses in one battle than I have in ten. But you also scared me on that cliff. That was a feeling I don’t want to repeat, so, if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you could put a stop to it by leaving your room at some point tonight? Even for a minute, so we can all stop worrying about you?”
You sighed. You hadn’t wanted to worry them all and certainly hadn’t intended for these theatrics. To be honest, you’d convinced yourself that they’d all get on with their evenings, not just wait in a huddled group in the hull concerned about you. Frankly, you thought they didn’t care enough. Not when it came to you.
You sunk to the ground, leaning against your side of the door so that you felt close to him. “Druig, I- I can’t. I can’t face everyone yet. Not after what I did today.”
There was no reply. You assumed he had gone back to the hull with a shrug at Ajak as if to say, “See? No way anyone’s getting that stubborn mule out of their room.”
A few hours later, most of the Eternals had gone to their rooms to retire for the night. You knew this because they each, adorably, wished you a good night as they walked past. Some with more sarcasm than others, but it still meant a lot to you. It had temporarily quieted the voices in your head that had increased in volume throughout the day.
They had started in the form of intrusive reminders of the events of the battle, with laced messages about how you had failed. How you let them all down. How you had always been the weakest of the Eternals, and now you had proof. How Sersi had nearly paid the price for their faith in you.
Most recently, these thoughts had evolved into a question - Why had Arishem even made you an Eternal if you couldn’t do your sole purpose?
You began a list in your mind. A list of all the things you hated about yourself - all the reasons Arishem had made a mistake by creating you in your current form:
I hate my legs - how they can never get me places fast enough, and weaken quicker than any other part of my body.
I hate my hair - how it always manages to get in the way when I desperately need to focus.
I hate my arms - how they’re never long enough in battle. How they weren’t long enough today to save Sersi.
Suddenly, a powerful voice in your mind replaced your negative thoughts. It was mellifluous and soothing, with an unmistakable irish accent.
I love your smile - how it can light up any room, and brighten the harshest nights.
I love your laugh - how it sounds like pure joy; reassuring me that nothing in this world can harm me.
I love your voice, especially when you call my name. It’s like a second gift - the ability to melt hearts.
I love your shoulders - how they carry the weight of the world on them.
I love your heart - how it beats so powerfully, and feels so deeply.
I love you, m’darlin. And I hope you come back to me soon.
You could have cried, but instead, you opened your door. You were ready to find him, to have a dramatic reunion where you flung your arms around him; his words had touched you that much.
Instead, as you excitedly opened the door, you were greeted with a loud “Ow!” and the sweetest, but most hilarious, sight you could’ve imagined.
Druig lay sprawled across your feet, and it hit you. He’d never left.
He’d never gone back to the hull with a shrug of his shoulders and a witty, sarcastic quip. He’d stayed. Awkward and uncomfortable, in front of your door. He’d sat there whilst each Eternal bid you goodnight.
Now, he looked up at you pointedly from the floor. “Would you at least help me up?”
You chuckled and pulled him up so that he stood before you. He instantly craned his neck down to stare deep into your eyes. With a gentle hand on your chin, he whispered, “Ah, there you are, gorgeous.”
The blush was aggressive but you didn’t care. What he had done was so thoughtful, it had left you nearly speechless. Well, it was either that or the hours you had gone silently sitting in your room, the loudest silence bellowing from inside your mind.
“Shall we take a walk outside, m’love?”
You nodded.
You made it as far as the other side of the beach when Druig sat down. You joined him and whilst he looked at the starry night sky, you looked at him. “D-did you mean all that? What you said inside my mind.”
He looked at you then, scanning your face with the fondest of glances before locking eyes with you. “Oh, big time.”
As he glanced down at your lips, you turned away nervously, hoping the steady lapping of the waves would somehow calm the thundering heart that he claimed to love.
“Oh, well, uh, thanks.”
You felt his hand on your chin, gently guiding your face back to him. “Do you feel the same, m’darlin?”
You gulped, the intimacy of the way his eyes bore into yours almost intolerable. Flicking your eyes from his lips back to his eyes, you gently nodded.
A smirk morphed into a proud smile. “Would you mind if we maybe did something about that?”
Finding your voice, you somehow whispered. “I think I’d like that.”
A moment later, his rough lips found yours in the gentlest kiss. It lingered there on your lips for a moment as he pulled away. “Druig?”
He nodded, a rare content expression on his face. “Yes, m’love?”
“I love you too. Everything about you. Thank you for saving me from the battle inside my mind.”
As he pulled you back in for a deeper kiss, he smiled against your lips. “Anytime, m’darlin. Thank you for melting my heart.”
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a/n: hello lovely! thank you so much for being my first non-anonymous ask on this blog, it meant the world to me 🥰 I basically melted when I saw this, I hope that you enjoy what I ended up writing for you (and I hope it’s fluffy enough)! any future requests like this one are greatly appreciated - we love Druig fluff and adorable nicknames hehe 🤎
p.s. don’t ask me why I felt the need to try to write a battle sequence, that was such a challenge that literally nobody asked for 😅😂
p.p.s would it even be my writing if I didn’t end a battle sequence with a literal cliffhanger? 😂
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contentconsumer · 2 years
that regulars friend
a/n: okay, so it’s a little long and not much happens, but i love this fic and was hoping to maybe make it a little series? If that’s something y’all would want? Let me know! word count: 2,256 (sorry) requested?: no! My requests are open though! Send em in pairing: druig X f!reader /barisita!reader summary: makkari was one of your favourite regulars at the coffee shop you worked at but her new handsome friend may take that spot especially when he offers to walk you home.
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Your hands burnt slightly from the warm glasses they were holding, but you didn’t mind as it was cold outside anyway so it was bringing a sense of pleasure to your freezing knuckles. You continued to stack the clean glasses in your hands because no matter how often your co-workers tell you to use a tray, you were determined to carry the mugs stacked up to your chin with some of the handles clinging to your fingers. Walking back behind the bar you started to put the clean mugs away, carefully dodging your co-worker, Sam, who was trying to make a customer their cappuccino. “Steady,” Sam warns, “You know you should use a tray to carry them.” You giggle and roll your eyes, “m’aware Sam, thanks for the input though.” After finishing placing the cups into their places you turn to face Sam, getting ready to start an idle chat to pass the time. The coffee shop you worked at was relatively quiet which contrasted the busy highstreet outside but it’s why you loved it, the calm atmosphere makes it easy to people watch and lose yourself in a daydream. “If it isn’t my favourite regular” Sam calls making you turn around to face the door, there stood Makkari, she was a regular, someone who came in everyday and ordered the same oat milk latte, Makari was deaf you learnt through Sam, who knew some sign language meaning she mainly communicated with her but you never missed out on an opportunity to speak to your beloved customer as she was extremely talented at reading lips and due to this, you had picked up some basic signs such as “Hi Makkari! How are you?” which you signed to her now. Makari signed back to you telling you she was fine and asking how you were, “Well you know, same as always!” You reply with a faint smile. Sam and Makari got into a steady flow of conversation and you took this time to notice the figure next to her. A man. A very attractive brooding man. 
The breath felt like it was knocked out of your lungs when you made eye contact with the stranger, you didn’t hold his gaze for long though as you blushed and looked away. “The usual and an Americano, black.” Sam hums before coming over to you on the coffee machine to give you a hand with coffee shots. “Who’s that?” You mumble to Sam, “her boyfriend?” This was the only conclusion you could come to, “No,” Sam chuckles, “she said he is one of her best friends, said they’re almost family.” You hum and tray up, placing the drinks in front of the pair, offering Makari and her ‘friend’ a friendly smile, “Enjoy” you chirp, wiping your stained hands nervously on your apron. “You think he’s cute” Sam teases after they walk away, “I do not!” You go to protest, but cracking immediately when you look at Sam, who was standing with her hands on her hips cracking a sly smirk at you, “Okay, maybe a little bit!”
Druig places the tray down on a table Makkari had picked out, he reclines into the chair and shrugs off his leather jacket, absentmindedly his eyes flicker back to the bar where you’re standing serving another customer and repeating the order to your coworker. He reaches for the warm mug of coffee, bringing it up to his lips he makes eye contact with his friend sitting opposite him, who’s flashing a teasing smile and raised eyebrows. “What?” Druig furrows his own eyebrows staring back at Makkari, who sighs before signing to him, “You should speak to her.” “What are you going on about?” “You’re clearly interested in her, why don’t you say something?” “What? I’m not interested in anyone, or anything for that matter” Druig huffs, “I come here everyday, she’s here most days, maybe you wanted to start coming with me more often?” “Makkari, I’m not interested in the girl.” he shakes his head trying to brush off her accusations but also trying to shake the feelings of nervousness in his stomach when he looks at you again, he thinks the humans called them ‘butterflies’. How ridiculous. 
Sam and Makkari noticed it first. Way before Druig and yourself could admit it. You liked each other, like an embarrassing high school crush liked each other. Makkari was reluctant to ever say anything to Druig due to his defensive side, yet she couldn’t help but notice how he began to join her almost daily on her coffee run, whether they grabbed it to go or sat in for a couple of hours, Druig came along. Sam noticed how a light dusting of blazing red covered your cheeks everytime you noticed the mysterious man, especially when he would shoot you a quick lopsided smile. 
One day Makkari flounced into the store, the small brass bell atop of the door ringing loudly, behind her Druig followed in tow, hands stuffed into that leather jacket he always seemed to be wearing. It’s only four in the evening but it’s winter and you’re in England, meaning it was beginning to get dark. You waved at the pair, not expecting a response from the taller counterpart and you must admit you were shocked when he pulled a hand out of his jacket to give you a small wave. A bright smile found it’s way on to your face and it stayed there as you walked out back, afterall your shift had finished for today. You hung your apron up and pulled your jacket and coat over you, shivering slightly and cursing Sam for refusing to put the heating on. You grab your keys and current book you were reading on your break before whizzing back to the bar saying bye to Sam, “Catch you later!” You call, “See ya Y/N, enjoy your day off” She throws back. Tomorrow was your first day off after you had been working 10 days non stop. You didn’t mind and loved your job but sometimes you needed a day to rest, recuperate and catch up on some household things like the ever growing pile of dirty washing in your bathroom. 
You smile at your two favourite regulars as you leave, Makkari waving and you even get a head nod of acknowledgement from Druig. You didn’t notice how his eyes followed your figure as you left, but Makkari did and she couldn’t take much more of this pining. With a scrape of her chair she walked up to Sam at the bar, signing “I’ll be back in a second” To Druig’s curious expression. With determination she waltzed up to Sam, “Everything okay?” The barista signed when she noticed Makkari’s appearance. “They need our help.” Sam didn’t even need to ask who, she was already agreeing. 
It began the next week, you were back working pretty much everyday, you let a tired yawn pass your lips from behind the counter, you were working a 12 hour shift today as one of your other co-workers phoned in sick and you didn’t have the heart to ask Sam to come in on her day off. It had been very busy at times but you were determined to get through the remaining three hours to end up home wrapped in a blanket watching some form of shit tv. “Tired?” You hear a thick accent question, you raise your head up to meet the gaze of what you can only imagine is a new customer, but are shocked when you see Druig, who, you had just realised, had never spoken before. A blush creeps up your neck as you process his accent, it was all very attractive and you cursed yourself for putting the heating on because was it always this warm? “A little yeah” You reply honestly, logging into the till to put his order in, “How come you’re not accompanied by Makkari?” “Oh she’s not feeling very well” “There must be something in the air, the person that was meant to close today but he phoned in sick too” “Does that mean you’ve been here all day?” Druig has a concerned look on his face, you laugh as it’s a regular occurrence when your whole cafe is nearon ran by teenagers, “Yeah 6:30 this morning until 6:30 this night.” “I thought you closed at 6?” “We do but I need an extra half hour to close up and lock the door etc” You get started on his drinks and eagerly continue the conversation, desperate to his his accent, “It’s just annoying I walked to work instead of drove as I thought I was finishing early” To be truthful you were dreading the walk home in the freezing winter air, not to mention you also happened to forget your coat this morning. “Won’t it be dark?” Druig questions concerned about you walking the streets at night, “Yeah probably but it’s just one of those things - all ready” You sigh and place the two takeaway cups on the counter. “I can walk you.” The offer seems to surprise both of you, like Druig couldn’t control what he was saying, “Um okay, as long as you’re fine with it?” “Of course” A large grin stretches over his features, “See you at 6” “6:30” You try to correct him but he’s already gone.
And sure enough, he was there at 6, he even helped you clear some tables before walking home with you. The walk was comfortable and you both got along well, interested to learn more about the other as well as laughing at each others dumb jokes or stories. Once you got to your flat you were tempted to ask him if he wanted to come inside for a bit but held your tongue - what if he wasn’t interested in that way? He could have just been being polite, you brushed it off and bid him farewell, of course after exchanging numbers on the promise he would let you know when he got home and you would tell him if you ended up in this situation again. 
‘Back home. Xx’ You had been staring at the text on your screen for 10 minutes, what do you reply? Did he mean the kisses? You even sent a screenshot to Sam to ask her what you should reply but she was no help due to her insisting you send some form of cringy pick up line. ‘Good to hear, see you tomorrow? Xx’ You typed out slowly before hitting send and throwing your phone away, it was stupid how this grown man made you feel so immature, unsure on your emotions - the thought of seeing him more often and speaking to him personally made you feel slightly giddy. Your phone buzzed - ‘Of course you will. Xx’
A couple weeks passed and yourself and Druig only grew closer, you began texting regularly and he found himself speaking more when he visited you at work, your relationship bloomed into one full of flirty banter which you both loved, but both Makkari and Sam hated, both trying to force their friends to make a move. But both of you were too scared of rejection, Druig didn’t make friends often so he didn’t want to ruin what you had created and you were mortified at the thought of him rejecting you and then having to make his coffee everyday. 
That was until you finally got the balls to man up and ask him if he wanted to come inside after he walked you home which conveniently began to happen more often as Sam began telling you she had to run off to various appointments/was very busy after work so couldn’t even offer you a lift back and Druig began coming in without Makkari telling you she would go on walks and simply text him to pick up a coffee for her return. This evening you two had been discussing the Hunger Games trilogy and Druig shyly told you he had never seen it to which you replied “No way! You've gotta come inside to watch the first movie!” Trying to ignore how fast your heart was beating you looked through your lashes at Druig who was smiling down at you, “Okay” he grins. 
And that's how you ended up wrapped in a blanket, slightly too close for two friends but neither of you daring to cross the invisible border of actually acknowledging the possibility of being more. 
You didn’t know when you fell asleep, but nothing quite prepared you to wake up to your alarm still in your clothes from the day before, with Druig’s arm wrapped around your waist firmly. He mumbled something inaudible as you turned the alarm off - you forgot to turn it off yesterday and now you were awake at 5AM on your day off yet the most obscure part was Druig still being here? Maybe it was because you were too tired to think about the consequences of your actions or because you really wanted to kiss him but your body gravitated back towards the warmth of his arms and you snuggled back into his chest, placing a chaste kiss to his neck. You considered the fact that perhaps he had fallen back asleep but these thoughts were diminished immediately when you felt him press a kiss on your forehead and mutter “Go back to sleep.” You heard his breaths quickly become laboured and soon enough you felt yourself slip back into a peaceful slumber.
... part 2?
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marvelmaniac2000 · 3 years
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Summary: Druig teasing his precious girl in the library.
Characters: Druig x (Y/N) Reader
Side Note: This is a personal fantasy of mine, honestly the library was my best friend and sanctuary growing up and the character Makkari kinda remind me of myself (which is pretty obvious since marvel whole trademark is making relatable heroes) So this smut is inspired to book lovers and the sexy thoughts we all have.
Warning: (ADULT CONTENT) 18+ ONLY, fingering, unprotected sex, rough foreplay,Public sex, dominance, oral sex,
**Sorry for any misspelling and Grammar**
Once again you finished your book in less than a week. You glance over at Druig who was napping away on the couch. He looked so soft yet masculine. His arms were crossed while his gigantic black boots sat propped up on the coffee table. Today was a pretty chill day and you had plenty of time to kill. You glance at your watch and realize the library is still open. Druig was sound still asleep and you figured to leave him unbothered.
The smell of free knowledge welcomed you in. Your library was spacious with endless rows of bookshelves. The silence could make you hear the faint drop of a needle. You pass the librarian making your way toward your favorite section. Young Adult books still looked the same as you left it before. You almost knew where every single book was located in the corner genre. Your fingers traced over a shelf looking for the next best adventure to read. A book with a purple shaded title caught your attention as you pulled it out by the spine.
“Interesting pick” a low husky voice whispered in your ear. Druig snatched the book out of your hands and playfully waved it out of your reach.
“I thought you were still at home sleep” you sharply whispered.
“Not when you’re sneaking off from me” he casually examined the book. You look at him with slight guilt, noticing his eyes pierce yours with lust.
”I thought-” “Shhhh” Druig pressed his finger against his lips. “You have to be quiet remember?” he smirked, leaning closer to you. He rested his arm above your head to corner you in.
“You left me all alone. You know what that means right?” Druig gripped your chin making you feel moist. Druig snaked his hand under your dress. His long thick fingers stroked the entrance of your panties. You bite your lip to hold out a moan.he rolled his finger around your slit to tease your opening. His icy green eyes pierced onto your face as he deepen the digits into your opening. Your eyebrows furrowed trying to suppress every sharp breath out of your mouth. He couldn’t resist your luscious lips and pressed his onto yours.
“I think I feel a little hungry” he huskily amused. He lowered himself down between your legs. He ripped your panties off before resting your leg on his shoulder. His moist tongue wasted no time licking between your moist lips. A faint moan escapes your lips. He licked circular motions around your swollen clit endlessly, You quietly whimper at the pleasure trying to grip the book shelf for support. His thick tongue drove deeper inside your pussy exploring every inch of your wet flower. When Druig noticed the hot mess you became, he withdrew from between your legs and raised himself back up to give you a sloppy tongue kiss. You moan savouring the taste of your pussy from his lips. Druig loosen his pants just enough to expose his big harden member. You feel your wet slit pulsating wanting him inside you. He positioned himself between you and wrapped his fingers around your throat. Your facial expression shifted as he pushed his pre cum tip in. His dominance grew more watching your face as he marked you with every inch he pushed in. “You’re so cute when I’m putting my dick inside you” he released his grip and hoisted your legs around his waist. A few books fell to the ground as he slowly found his own rhythm. You rest your arms around his neck taking in the deep strokes. Druig buried his face between your neck sucking and biting leaving his mark. You moan from the mixer of pleasure and pain. His breath sharpen feeling your pussy tighten around his member. His thrusts became forceful as a topple of books fell. “slow down” you moaned. He noticed how much noise he was making and softened his thrusts. Drips of cum fell down between your thighs. His thrusts became deeper hearing your silent whimpers. You grip his shoulders for dear life feeling your climax coming. Druig’s seed burst into you just as you reach your own orgasm. He gently let you down and asked you if you were ok. Once both of you got yourself together, Druig handed back the book you initially were going to check out. You smile and made your way to the librarian. The librarian noticed your tassel hair and Druig trailing behind you. She gave you a look and silently checked out your book and handed it back to you
Side Note: I never knew how fun it was writing Druig until now! I know a lot of writers doing their own amazing work and Druig brings out the WHORE in all of us
***Let me know in the comments if you want to join my DRUIG tag list.***
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itsthestutterforme · 2 years
Reunited 2/2
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Notes: GIF is not mine
"How do you feel about going back to Earth?" Druig asks, trailing his fingers down your tummy under your loose shirt.
"Before I was anticipating and looking forward to it. Now I'm indifferent." You state. "Is that so?" "I already have what I need right here," "I like the sound of that," he says with a hum making you chuckle.
His touch drifts down your thighs. You loved how he could touch you without making things sexual. You sigh when he kissed your jawline tenderly.
"You want me to make you breakfast?" He suggests. "No because then that would mean you would have to leave the bed." You shifted around in his arms until you were facing him.
"You have a point there," you could feel him smile when you rest your forehead on his. He loves the meaning behind it. I see you. I feel you. I love you. A knock comes to the door.
"Hello there! You guys decent?" Eros chirps from behind the door. "Come in, Eros." You lay flat on your back and watch as Eros walks in.
"Oo, isn't this cozy?" "Well it was," Druig says flatly. "We're here, grumpy pants." Eros states. "And I made breakfast," he adds.
"Thanks, lusty." He nods before closing the door. "Lusty?" Druig repeats. "She's the only one allowed to call me that!" Eros yells from the hall.
How did he hear that?
No idea. I'm going back to sleep.
Pulling the pillow over your arm to lay on, he slides closer to you and watches your chest slowly rise and fall as you drifted off.
You and Druig have been seeing each other for close to a year. He hasn't once used his powers on you but he seemed to figure you out rather easily. Or so you thought. He loved how you kept him on his toes. You were everything but predictable.
He acknowledges that Bucky was your first real love and that you'll always love him. He's never been the insecure type.
Druig, Thena and Makkari still haven't found the rest of their family and they're going to Earth for recon. Makkari and Eros were the ones providing hope for the rest of the group.
You all landed in Budapest and went out for a proper meal. Druig insisted that you wear his jacket even when you said you weren't cold. You had a jacket of your own and he still insisted you wear it.
You think it has less to deal with the cold and more to do with letting other men know you were his. You walked with Druig hand in hand as Eros leads the way to the nearest movie theater when your eyes fell on a familiar brunette.
He was wearing a ball cap and the majority of his hair is under it but you could still see the brunette hair curling at the bottom. His gate looks familiar. It wasn't until you saw the metal peeking through his glove that you realized who it was.
"Bucky?" You say in disbelief. His body tenses before he turned around slowly. His mouth gapes open and his eyes widen as he stares at you just as you were staring at him. Tears prick your eyes and you rush over to him. He stumbles back when your chest hit his.
Wrapping your arms around your torso and you tighten your grip on him. "Are you real?" He speaks into your neck. "I'm real," you say with a chuckle. Your tear stained cheeks twitched into a smile when you pulled away. He holds your face in his hands and your heart patters in your chest.
"God, where have you been?" You ask. "We'll talk about that later," he says, pulling you in for a hug again. More tears escaped your eyes when he buries his face in your neck.
"I'm sorry," he says. "There's nothing to be sorry about." You state when you pull away and stare into his dilated ogate eyes.
He leans into to kiss you and you jolt your head back. Stepping away from him, you say, "Bucky, I- Look, it was good seeing you and we definitely need to catch up but.." you trail off when his gaze shifts behind you.
Druig's hand dips under his own jacket and around your waist. He didn't say anything to either of you as he glares at Bucky. "You should come with us. Catch up." "I have to get back," he turns to walk away but you grabbed his hand. "Bucky please. We need to talk about this."
He sighs and looks at you. "Please," "Where did you want to talk?" "There's a cafe near here," you turned to the group. "You guys can still head to the movie." Neither of them move. "It's okay guys," they all shake their heads. "No one left behind," Makkari signs.
You look to Druig. "What she said," you trail your hand down his face and smile when he leans into your touch. "I need to talk to him, okay?" He nods and you pull away from him before taking Bucky's hand. You two walk to the cafe and you asked if he wanted to order some coffee.
"I've spent two years looking for you. I even looked in other galaxies to see if the same thing that happened to Banner, happened to you. And nothing." You said as you sat down. "I saw you," you waited a moment for him to explain but he remained silent as his body sinks under the weight of his guilt.
"You what?" "In D.C. I saw you." "And you didn't say anything? Why?" "I had a lot of time to think after the second snap. About my friendship with Steve and Sam. My relationship with you."
"And instead of talking to me about it, you had me running around like a woman crazed searching for you because I was worried." "You are such a coward," you spit before getting up but Bucky holds your hands.
"I never meant to hurt you, Y/N. I thought you gave up looking for me." You yanked your hands away. "I never gave up looking for you! I never stopped looking for you. Tucked in the back of my mind, I was still searching. It looks like you were the one who gave up." You say aloud but you signed it as well.
You didn't care if those around you were staring. "Where's Steve?" You saw his heart break behind his eyes. "He's gone. Went back to the love of his life." He explains. "I'm sorry," you say with a sigh.
"I'm the one who is sorry. I just want a chance to make it up to you." "There's nothing to make up," you walk away and shake your head at the others, telling them not to engage.
Then you realize the pact you made. No one travels alone. Druig was already by your side before you could say anything. You walked down to the nearest pond and sat on the bench. "You wanna talk about it?" He finally asks. You shake your head no and the two of you remained in silence.
"I'm here whenever you want to talk," you leaned your head on his shoulder. "I'll be fine, Druig." "Your thoughts are racing. That's out of character for you."
"I don't even know what my character is anymore." "You are the most intelligent, spontaneous and rarest character I've ever met. And no one can ever take that away from you."
"I knew you would be here," You hear Bucky say from behind you. Druig's jaw clenched angrily as he stands. "Druig, don't." You tell him.
How did he get passed the others? Druig asks in your mind.
Impossible. He wouldn't have.
"Bucky, what did you do?" "I'm not going to give up until I have another chance."
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thetumbies · 2 years
the 2022 Annual Tumbies Nominations
Series of the Year
count me out by @scarthefangirl
New Hope Club by @fortuositywritings (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
I said No by @fortuositywritings (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
She Looks Like Fun by @therunawaykind
Soul by @cuinaminute229
I Hear A Symphony by @8bitscarlet
When The Deal Goes Down by @vancityfire13
Say My Name by @wellsayhelloaagin
It only takes the holidays by @abimess (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Destiny awaits/Agathas august by @nyx-aira (Agatha Harkness x Reader)
August by @rebeliz777 (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Go F*ck Your Selfie by @stealth-kittyy
Heart Of Stone | Ch. 2 by @thenatashamaximoff (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Scenes from An Italian Restaurant by @waspenned (Peter Parker x Reader)
Best AU
Can’t Take the Heat by @tastetherambeau (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Sorry for your lost by @randomshyperson
The Wrong Lifetime by @helloalycia
The CMR marvel crack fam by @scarthefangirl, @nyx-aira, @ynscrazylife, @sarahp-stan, @procrastinatingsapphictrash, @lilian-maximoff, @i-writes-things,  @leximills2004, @xxlastoftheemosxx,  @goddessofmischief and @dany-is-my-queen
Best Fluff One-Shot
Waltz with me by @ynscrazylife (Kate Bishop x Reader)
My Invisible Girlfriend by @lilian-maximoff (Yelena Belova x Reader)
love is in the air by @nyx-aira
Full House by @thenatashamaximoff for best fluff fic.
Natty? Where have you gone to? by @lilian-maximoff (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)
Trying To Remember How it Feels To Have a Heartbeat by @darling-im-moonstruck (Peter Parker x Reader)
only for you by @tshluvr (Druig x Reader)
and you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me by @tshluvr (Druig x Reader)
be my baby by @httparker
words beneath your skin by @missmonsters2 (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Best Angst One-Shot
drown it out by @waspenned (TASM!Peter Parker x Reader)
LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH by @tshluvr (Peter Parker x Reader)
an unforgettable christmas trip by @abimess
Powerful Mistakes by @natsfirecat (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)
Silver Bullet by @cuinaminute229
Blame it all on me (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)
love of my life (Valkyrie x Reader) by @sl-ut
August by @rebeliz777
Best Enemies to Lovers
Dancing with our Hands Tied by @maybepointlessthoughts
Best Character x Character
Show Me My Silver Lining by @haeva Be for reason (be for love) by @haeva
Best Confession (Marvel)
Will you be my valentine? @zafirosreverie
Sweater Weather by @tshluvr
be my baby by @httparker
Best Quote
shoppinglist: cereal and a ban from the supermarket by @nyx-aira
"Attention, Wanda Maximoff! Please come to security, your girlfriend has been arrested!"
Here, Love Is Not Enough by @tshluvr
“Unrequited love doesn't die. it only get hidden away deep beneath your heart, wounded and then sometimes it turns bitter and mean and full of vengeance; or sometimes it turns so frail and afraid and feels as if it could never love again.”
Fa La La by @somewhatgreatexpectations
[The world slowed even further when Wanda turned and met your eyes from across the room, every twinkling holiday light that had been strung in the compound reflecting and bending around her. As if their sole purpose was to shine just for her, in envy of the way the light in her eyes stole their very purpose. You were almost positive that even the stars in the sky could not outshine her eyes.]
"See the sun, hide the moon" by @cuinaminute229​
“Her question is a whisper that's carried by the breeze, but you catch the echo of it.”
"See the sun, hide the moon" by @cuinaminute229
“The sky is black, with freckles of light dancing across its canvas. It's beautiful and hopeful and you wish you could shine like the stars, without a care who sees.”
Best Ship
Druig x Makkari
Loki x Sylvie
Wanda x Agatha
Author of the Year
Congratulations to everyone nominated! Voting will open soon!
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