#makkari x daughter!reader
zafirosreverie · 2 years
The M word (Ajak x F!Reader) part 2
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(part 1) (part 3)
fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
It was all you could think about as you ran as fast as your immortal legs would carry you. You didn't even bother to be careful with the relics that adorned the ship (priceless but dispensable), this was a life-or-death situation. You had to get to Ajak before Ikaris and avoid being hunted by Thena.
"Just wait for Makkari to come back!" you heard Kingo's voice behind you, probably having joined Thena in her hunt for you. "You can't escape this, Y/N!"
"Why can't you be a normal family?!" you yelled back, picking up your pace.
You knew the man was right, though. You were lucky to have discovered their plans while Makkari, Gilgamesh, Druig, and Sprite were away because any one of them could have easily stopped your escape.
Although, you had to admit that the whole situation was quite funny, at least you knew that you were accepted in this strange, large but beautiful family and that was something you were grateful for.
All the Eternals treated you with respect and affection, some as a child (Gilgamesh and Phastos), most as a sister, and Ajak...Ajak treated you as if you were the only important thing in the universe. It was a new feeling for you since you had spent too much time alone, but now you couldn't imagine a life without her, and you hoped you would be brave enough to tell her one day.
But today would not be that day!
Thena yelled after you, snapping you out of your thoughts, and you managed to react just in time to dodge one of Kingo's energy balls. You smiled to yourself when you saw Ajak's door down the hall. Unless Makkari appeared out of nowhere, you were almost 100% safe.
"It's just a dress!"
"Over my dead body, Kingo!" you shouted back
"Don't tempt me, Y/N" Thena said and you could hear her smile grow on her beautiful face.
"Ajak!!!" you yelled "Come and control your sister, cousin, daughter, best friend, ex-girlfriend, or whatever the fuck Thena is to you!"
You could hear Kingo's laugh and the blonde's slightly amused grunt, but you didn't have time to think about it much when your girlfriend's door opened just in time to let you in, closing firmly behind you seconds later.
Because of the speed, you couldn't stop in time, so you ended up landing on the bed, rolling and crashing into the wall.
"Y/N! Are you okay?!"
You grunted and rubbed your nose as the woman knelt beside you, her hands ready to heal any scratch, however small, she might find on you.
"I'm fine" you said, letting her check your face "but this is getting out of hand"
"I know," she sighed, feeling a little better when your nose returned to its place "I thought they'd get over it after a while."
"It's been, what? Three months?"
"Five" she corrected you
"Five, and I think it's just given them more motivation" you said
Ajak sighed and leaned back against the bed, closing her eyes for a moment. She felt terribly guilty for dragging you into all this chaos. When the other Eternals started making jokes and teasing her about the M word, she believed that it would stay just an inside joke, something that, while it annoyed her a little, she could live with.
She hadn't expected Kingo and his (quite real, she might add) wedding plans to open a pandora's box in the family. You were surprised when you found out that the others wanted you to marry her, and it had been quite an uncomfortable conversation for her, trying to explain her feelings, and putting them into words, it wasn't her strong point.
But you had been kind, understanding, and joking, something light and not heavy enough to affect your relationship with her or the way you looked at her (something that terrified her), and for that, she was deeply grateful.
That's when things got intense. The others decided that they would not take no for an answer and that they had already been patient enough to wait for you to take that step yourself, so it was up to them to drag you down the aisle.
Ajak knew that none of them harbored bad feelings for you and that they really wanted to see you happy, she also knew that for the Eternals, this kind of thing lacked the weight that humans gave it, and that if it weren't for the long centuries that they had lived alongside humans, adopting customs they didn't fully understand, marriage would not even be considered at this point.
But the thing was, they didn't realize how awkward it could be for you. You were immortal, but not an Eternal, and you had lived among humans all your life, you understood their ways better than any of them could, and you knew what they were asking for. For you it wasn't just another title, it would really mean a change, and she was terrified to think that it could be for the worse.
"Are you ok?" you asked carefully when you noticed how quiet she was
"I just…I’m sorry" she whispered
"What?" you frowned "why?"
"It's my fault this is happening" she said, feeling the tears well up slowly in her eyes.
"Ajak, what are you talking about?"
"I'm the prime eternal, it's my duty to keep everyone in line, I should be able to order them to leave this matter alone...but I can't even make them respect me"
You gasped quietly and moved a little closer to her, putting an arm around her. It was not the first time that your girlfriend confessed to you that she felt powerless in front of the other Eternals, but you had never seen her cry about it.
"Arishem should have chosen Thena, not me" she continued "Thena is a warrior, she has the respect of everyone on the ship, she knows how to take care of herself, she is brave, her voice sounds all over the place and the others hear it, even Ikaris, no matter how much he denies it. She should be the leader, not me"
"But she's not" you said "Thena is all of that, yes, but that doesn't mean that you aren't the same or better than her to lead. Arishem chose you for a reason."
"Or by mistake"
It wasn't the first time the older woman had allowed her mind to disagree with Arishem either. Ever since she met you, or perhaps a little before, hints of doubt had begun to flourish in her, making her wonder if her duty was really worth the price the earth had to pay, if she really was strong enough to continue taking that decision, or if she should simply give up, renounce everything and expect punishment for her disobedience. Maybe she was a factory bug and it had just taken her millennia to start bugging.
But you weren't having any of that. You carefully eased yourself into a better position, spreading your legs so that she could fit between them, and gently pushing her until her back rested against your chest. Your hands encircled her waist and you intertwined your fingers with hers.
"You know? Gilgamesh is strong, but I've seen you lift 25 tons without breaking a sweat, Ikaris flies, but I've seen you do it too. Kingo's energy balls? I remember once you decorated the room with them. Phastos is brilliant, but he would have kept himself in his workshop if you weren't listening so intently. Druig and Sprite would have gone crazy if you didn't remind them that they have a family. Makkari is great, and we all try hard to keep up with her, but at the end of the day, it's you who understands her best, who listens to her even if not a sound comes out of her, and don't get me started on Sersi, we both know you're everything she aspires to be, she admires you more than anyone "
Ajak smiled a little to herself as she remembered the sparkle in the girl's eyes every time she stopped to talk to her or urged her to continue exploring her abilities. Of all the Eternals, Sersi felt like a daughter the most, even more than Sprite, and so she did her best to remind her that she saw her, that she was important.
"And Thena" you continued, feeling the woman tense a little "Thena is a warrior, she is beautiful and strong...but she is broken. Her mind is divided, she is not always herself and she can be dangerous, although we all know that she would never hurt us of her own free will. Gilgamesh helps her, but it's always you who brings her back, she needs you, just like the rest of us. Arishem wasn't wrong, he chose you because he knew only you could keep them all together. They're a team, but you're the one who makes them a family."
The woman closed her eyes again, letting more tears roll down her cheeks as a familiar warmth pooled in her stomach, just below where your hands met. She didn't understand how you always managed to make her feel better.
"I don't deserve you" she whispered
"No" you agreed "you deserve more"
It was the woman's turn to frown and she slowly opened her eyes, turning her head slightly so she could look at you. You weren't crying like she was, but there was a deep sadness in your eyes. You chuckled a little at her confusion and squeezed her a little more before resting your chin on her shoulder and concentrating on your hands. You knew that she knew that you were avoiding her gaze, but you couldn't face her while you were having this conversation.
"I know you don't like to talk about how we met in front of others but...it's just us here right?"
She just nodded, squeezing your hand gently for support and to keep you going, whatever you were going to say to her had to be important because you were shaking. You took a deep breath and remembered in great detail the day your life changed, even though it seemed so far away. 
“I was broken, lost, I had just hit rock bottom and I wanted to give up" you said "I was cold, hungry, thirsty, and I was about to commit a horrible crime that I would have regretted for all eternity"
The woman closed her eyes, also remembering that moment. She had found you in terrible condition, your clothes were tattered, you were dirty, you had blood and bruises everywhere, and your gaze was empty. You seemed like a ghost more than a living being, and she still had nightmares thinking about what could have happened to you if she didn't arrive on time, despite the fact that she hadn't really been looking for you, nor did she know who you were.
"You stopped me, and I'll always be in your debt for that" you whispered "And I…I thought you'd leave after that, that you'd just walk away from me like the ones who had stopped me before had."
But she wouldn't have been able to. She knew from the moment you looked at her and your eyes sparkled with life again, that she could never leave you. But she didn't say it out loud.
"But you didn't" you continued "you...you saw through my cracks, you looked at me, not at the broken doll, but at the soul beneath all that chaos. And you found something...something worth loving. And I...I've tried to honor that all this time, I've tried to prove that I'm worthy of you, that I'm not going to let you down...I guess that's why it hurt so much when you were so firm and clear in rejecting the idea of marriage
Ajak gasped audibly and pulled away from you carefully but firmly. Her mind, which had been trying to catch up with everything, to assimilate the tender but powerful confession you had made to her, suddenly went completely blank.
"You…you wanted to get married?" she whispered, not sure if she really said it or she just thought it.
You just shrugged, staring at the ground. The woman's warm hands went directly to your cheeks, gently cupping your face, guiding you to force you to look at her. You didn't know how to feel under the intensity of her gaze.
“But you…you acted as if you didn’t”
“I tried to be supportive of your choice” you confessed “besides, it hurt less if I pretended it was a game”
"Why didn’t you tell me?"
"For what?" you asked "anyway, now I know your position in this and my place in your life"
"Y/N, I don't-"
"It's okay" you smiled sadly "I promise I'll keep trying to be better...maybe one day I'll be worthy of you"
"You are already more than I deserve" she said "forgive me, forgive me for not realizing this, how you felt, forgive me for-"
"You don't have to apologize for anything, Ajak" you interrupted her "you had no way of knowing...besides, at least I hope that when you're ready to take that step...it can be with me"
"It will be" she promised "there is no one else I would want to take that step with"
You smiled and pressed your forehead against hers, closing your eyes to enjoy the warmth and the familiar scent coming from the woman. You adored these intimate moments where your soul confirmed that you only belonged to her. Too bad it was in such gray circumstances, and with her tears still falling on you.
"Are you alright?" you asked
"Y-yes, I just..." she sighed "No, I'm not. I'm scared, Y/N"
"Of what?" You frowned at her, gently guiding her until she was straddling you, her hands never leaving your face.
"There's a reason why I rejected the idea" she said "And I promise you it has nothing to do with my love for you, or because I don't consider you worthy. It's me. I'm the one who isn't worthy of you"
"I'm afraid of not being enough" she interrupted "I'm afraid that your eyes will lose that sparkle, that one day your gaze will simply pass me by, that you won't look at me like I'm something you want in your life. I'm afraid that things change so much, that we can no longer recognize each other. I'm afraid of losing you because I would lose myself, and the universe would be a terrible and cold void."
"Ajak" you whispered, caressing her cheek "things would change, of course, but they could never change so much that I no longer think of you as the most beautiful star in the sky"
"How are you so sure?"
"Because you loved me when I was fading, and now I know, that not loving you as you deserve, would be failing the entire universe, and that is not a debt I want to accept."
Ajak looked at you for a moment, searching for some trace of doubt in you, but she was only received by the universe in your gaze that she already knew and had fallen in love with. She smiled at you and brought her hands closer to your face so that she could join her lips to yours.
She really hoped she could convey to you in that kiss everything she could never do with words. Eternals were used to changes happening around them, not in them, but now she knew she would do anything if you were by her side, no matter how scared she was.
"I love you" she whispered against your mouth
"I love you too" you smiled
Ajak looked at you for a moment, getting lost in your gaze for a few seconds while her hands played with your hair, before gently biting her lip. You knew she was thinking of something.
"What?" you asked softly
"It's just...we're not going to get rid of them" she said softly "so..."
"...maybe not tomorrow but...would you consider the idea again?"
You couldn't help but smile before drawing her in for another kiss, a little shorter but more intense than the previous one. Your fingers moved up to her ribs, which earned you a couple of giggles and a gentle push as you pulled away from her.
"Are you sure you're ready to think about the M word?" you asked
"Yes, if it's with you"
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nyctophicbtch · 3 years
Artemis and Apollo - Drukkari
[ Druig x Makkari!daughter ]
Request: Artemis was sooooo cool? You're such an amazing writer. Do you think it would be possible to see more of Artemis and Apollo's childhood? It would be sooooo interesting!!
Author's note: this is a prequel to the requested fic, Artemis, of the tales of you and your twin's childhood.
Warnings: injury
Word count: 2,616
In case you haven't already, read part one, Artemis - Druig x Makkari!daughter
Other prequel to Artemis Night Patrol - Peter Parker
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‘Stay here,’ your mother signed, ignoring the pure look of satisfaction in your brother’s face that soon reconciled as your mother ordered him to stay as well. 
‘You too, Apolo.’ Now it was you who gave him a satisfied smirk.
“We’re old enough to go out there too,” he argued, though you didn’t stick long enough to hear the rest of the argument where your father had joined in.
Walking through the city wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, you found yourself enjoying the company of humans whenever the eternals were on their hunt for deviants. Least to say, the humans also loved your company. To the people of the city, you and Apolo were sweet children, yet outsiders viewed you as a higher source of power, despite your young mental age.
You were Artemis and he was Apollo.
Many rumors claimed you had powers of the moon, and your brother, the sun. Others claimed you spoke to animals, which was partially true. But the most irritating thing your young mind couldn’t manage to comprehend was how as time passed, they could never spell your names right.
The humans praised you for being multilingual by the mere age of nine, and their progress in language translated your name even more, so you’d have various different names throughout ages.
“Árktos,” called a woman from her market stall. It was another name they had called you, which  meant ‘bear’ in their common tongue.
You smiled as you approached the familiar woman. After the years you’d spend around the city, people began recognizing you and your brother as the children who never aged, along with Sprite of course, though Sprite wasn’t living amongst the people as much as you were.
The woman adored you and your sweet personality, letting you pick whichever item from her shop when you wanted to. And you, as innocent as you were, happily requested a bunch of sweets, ending up coming back to your mother scolding you for taking so much after she returns from her mission.
Your parents offered to pay, of course, but the woman humbly refused, reasoning that spending time with their daughter was enough payment as it was.
As you roamed the halls of the eternals’ quarters guiltily, Kingo came up to you, offering you an encouraging smile.
“If it makes you feel better, I’m here to tell you that this is your first day officially training,” he whispered softly as he sat beside you on the polished floor. Your eyes lit up and you immediately jumped off the floor, forgetting about the glum mistake you made earlier on today
Training wasn’t an unusual thing for you. However, training before only meant controlling your powers and never truly learning how to fight deviants. After so many years of yearning to join in their fight, you and your brother were desperate at this point to start official training.
“Polo and your father managed to convince your very concerned mother.” Kingo winked, holding out a hand for you to take. WIthout any hesitation, you took his hand and he led you through the fields, to where most of the eternals trained and polished their abilities.
It was a large area, with all sorts of gadgets -- courtesy of Phastos -- for each eternal to use. Thena was wielding her sword in the side, gracefully slicing nothing but air. And your brother was watching intently as Sersi demonstrated her powers with the ground and plants.
“Hello there. Took you long enough, Kingo,” Thena protested, beckoning you to come closer.
“She is a very difficult girl to find,” Kingo defended, giving your back a gentle nudge of encouragement to enter the grounds.
You were mostly sure your mother was observing from somewhere, although you couldn’t see her. She was probably up in the city’s center building -- also your temporary home -- where you had a clear view of the training grounds. At least that was how you and Polo managed to observe the eternals all this time.
Finally getting to train here after all those years felt surreal. You’d often see Thena in the most unusual timings, gracefully moving her weapons around. Once, you caught her in the grounds at midnight when you snuck out to grab a snack, and she gave you a wink as she spotted you running down the corridor.
However you had also coincidentally heard the conversation your parents were having, and unintentionally listened in.
“Don’t worry too much. They’re both stronger than we give credit for,” your father said softly whilst signing as he approached from behind and wrapped an arm around your very concerned-looking mother who watched the training grounds along with Thena in it.
‘They’re not immortals, Druig. They’ll die one day,’ she signed, turning to look back at your father.
“Then we should cherish the time we have left with them.”
“You know how to use that bow of yours, don’t you?” You nodded wordlessly. “Good. We won’t be needing it today then.”
Your brother couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as he noticed your confusion. You both knew you were waiting for the day you could finally thoroughly train with your bow, and just a few minutes ago, you thought today would be the day.
“Here, try this.” Thena handed you a sword, smaller-sized than regular swords.
Thena gladly taught you how to wield weapons, finding a range of weapons for you to try out, other than the bow and arrow you were already able to create. 
She tested your abilities with each one in terms of fighting and hunting, often letting you out into the forest to fend for yourself to see how much you got done in a certain period of time to test your hunting skills, along with your transformation skills. After a few months of observing, Thena noticed your better skills in hunting knives and your certain fondness for deer.
Phastos created mechanisms that shouldn’t even be invented in earth’s current time period to help test out your abilities. Complex moving targets were your favorite, since you get to challenge your shooting skills.
Meanwhile, your brother had your father to help with his abilities. Although your father did not possess the ability to read the future, his mind reading experience helped to at least control where and when he used them. Ajak taught Apolo how to properly heal wounds, and even taught him how to manually heal without his powers. Ikaris taught him how to properly use his light-bending skills and put them to good use.
Along with you and your twin’s many different names, humans also conspired your abilities over life and nature, claiming the eternals as gods. Over time, you had become the goddess of the moon, wild animals, forests and hills, though the most known was your title as goddess of the hunt from the humans’ observations of your skills in the wilderness.
“You’re late,” Gilgamesh pointed out as you finally made it to the usual training grounds all disheveled.
"What were you up to this early in the morning?" Apolo pushed, pausing from his training to look at your flushed state.
"Nothing of your concern," you replied, grabbing the knife laid out on the weapons table before throwing each one in the center of each target, letting a relieved exhale afterwards.
“Ten minutes,” Gilgamesh ordered. Though you didn’t really need the ten-minute warmup after running all the way here. Your mother would be proud of how fast you even managed to get here from the tower that felt galaxies away.
“What’s on your neck?” You quickly brushed your hair to cover the left side of your neck, scowling at your twin who stood just a few feet away. If only you could just reach out and strangle him.
“If you tell dad-”
Apolo nonchalantly ran to the woods with a wooden bow and arrow before you could even continue your sentence, causing you to follow him in a hurry as your own golden bow appeared in your left hand whilst you ran after your brother.
"Teenagers," you heard Gilgamesh grumble lowly under his breath as he fixed the armor that covered his wrists.
You shot every target you saw as you passed by, including the more difficult moving ones Phastos had developed all around a section of the forest. Your eyes focused on the targets as your ears did all the work in tracking Apolo, a hunting skill you picked up over the past years.
Although Apolo was also skilled in hunting, he was nowhere near as precise and calculating as you were, and his loud footsteps often gave him away to all the possible animals he could prey on. It didn’t take long until you caught up to him, arrow hitting at the target he was about to get.
“Twenty one,” you stated as you usually did and he groaned in response.
“Ten. This isn’t fair. Your arrows appear out of thin air.”
“I had always been the better aim than you,” you shrugged, bumping at his shoulder playfully. Even though the two of you were twins, he had always been the charming little sibling towards you. He just wouldn’t admit you were born six minutes earlier.
And now you just had to hope your charming brother would hold his tongue about your state of arrival earlier on, but unfortunately, he was never one to keep secrets.
“You what?! Your mother and I left for one day.” Your father looked enraged as he sat on the opposite side from you.
As you said, your brother was never one to keep secrets.
“We didn’t do anything, he just invited me over for dinner and I fell asleep by accident. What was he supposed to do? Throw me out?” you argued and your father pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"You only have a few years until we need to move locations," he mentioned. Your father was right. With people noticing how the eternals never aged, you were forced to move several locations, having to move on from a single place to another no matter how much you loved the place.
It hadn't always been this way. People used to commonly know how the eternals were immortal, which was where the whole god conspiracy came from, but as time passed, it could no longer stay as a known fact throughout mankind.
"I know." You gritted your teeth as you got up, walking away and out of the room, unaware of the conversation that took place right afterwards.
Not long after, your mother slowly approached your father who was slumped in his seat, hands in his hair.
'She loves him. She's young, give her time,' she signed, gently laying a hand on his shoulder.
"He's human. He won't live forever."
'And neither will she.' Your mother gave him a sad smile, lightly squeezing his shoulder as he sighed in frustration.
"His hands were under her nightgown," your father argued stubbornly.
'Yours were under mine as well just last night,' your mother smirked knowingly, earning the shake of his head and his smile for the first time today.
"You're insufferable," he murmured onto the crook of her neck, wrapping his arms delicately around her waist.
Chess wasn’t really a favorite game of yours. Every move counted and you needed patience, which you didn’t really have much. So as Sersi taught Thena when she heard that the warrior never bothered to learn the tactics of the play, you stood the side aiming your arrow at nothing.
“I’m going to hunt,” Apollo said as he got off the grass where Thena and Sersi sat. After the little incident, you never even gave the thought to speak with your brother. But Sersi, who hated seeing the two of you in this state, convinced you to spend a day with her, out of the city and in the peaceful forest where you and your twin felt most at peace.
“No- Thena-”
“What?” Thena interjected as Sersi tried to stop her from moving the wrong chess pieces.
Ikaris, who leaned against a tree with his arms crossed over his chest, watched as you kept your eye on guard and aimed at any possible things that would make good targets, whether it was a certain part of a tree stump, a single leaf that was falling from a tree, or a particular Apolo that was strolling deeper into the woods. Though you didn’t release your arrow on that last target, no matter how badly you wished to.
“Careful, Aphrodite,” Ikaris playfully warned. He started to make use of the love goddess’ name when you grew up and caught the attention of innumerable humans with your rare beauty. “You’re going to get wrinkles if you keep glowering like that.”
You quickly pointed your arrow at the eternal, your face showing the disapproval of his remark.
“Don’t taunt her, Ikaris,” Thena cooly warned as she kept her eyes on the moving chess piece. Ikaris uncrossed his arms, lifting both up into the air with the smile still on his face. But the smile quickly dropped when the sound of a deviant’s screech pierced the air.
All heads turned in the same direction, the chess forgotten as you all ran towards the source of the sound. Ikaris flew faster, leaving you all to witness the fight that went on as you arrived.
Apolo was surrounded by three deviants and Ikaris attempted to clear them all off. You watched from the sidelines with Sersi as Thena joined in, already aiming your arrow at the creatures.
You managed to hit two straight through the head. One that was lurking behind your brother, and the other being the one Thena had just attacked with her spear. The other one was handled by Ikaris who shot the deviant against the trees.
“Apolo!” Sersi called out before making her way towards the scene, forcing you to follow behind her.
“Ikaris, get Ajak,” she breathed out as she examined him. 
As Ikaris flew, you trudged around to get a clearer view of the situation and that was when you spotted your brother, a big wound on his shoulder.
“Can you heal yourself?” you questioned, panic laced in your voice as you knelt down. It was the first word you spoke to him in days.
“He’s too weak,” Sersi responded when Apolo couldn’t manage to get the words out of his own mouth.
“You idiot,” you muttered, staring hopelessly at your brother who was sprawled across the ground, head on Sersi’s lap. “I said I wanted to kill you. Not let a deviant kill you.”
That managed to get a laugh out of him, however it turned into terrible coughs as the pain in his shoulder worsened. 
A few seconds later you felt the rush of wind hit your back as your mother appeared with Ajak who quickly made her way towards your brother. You stepped back, letting Ajak hover a hand above Apolo’s shoulder as you stood beside your mother.
Ikaris came flying in not long after, your father trailing behind him as they watched the scene unfold.
“What happened?” your father asked as he made his way beside you, not bothering to observe the scattered deviants that laid unmoving.
“Deviants,” you plainly stated, rushing out of his grip as Ajak finished healing your brother’s wound. As soon as Apolo stood up, you came over to smack the shoulder that was once injured, causing him to wince and hold a hand to caress the spot.
He gave a grin as he noticed the concern in your face before feigning disappointment.
“I’m not dead yet, unfortunately. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Your powers: shapeshifting into animals, turning others into animals, wielding and creating a bow and arrow (like how Thena creates her weapons out of thin air)
Apolo's powers: bending light, healing, foretelling future events
150 years is equivalent to a one years old (in terms of maturity and physical growth).
471 CE: 1,350 years old (9)
1371 CE: 2,250 years old (15)
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maudeeloise · 3 years
hi! maybe druig x eternal reader. the reader is essentially the most powerful witch/ mage who is skilled in all types and forms of magic ( especially chaos, dark and the type of magic strange does ). she may also have strong telepathic and telekinetic ( like jean grey ) powers and powers similar to sersi.
she and druig have a tumultous relationship that in 2007 leads to the conception of a daughter, whom he doesn’t know about and doesn’t meet her until the eternals reunite.
whilst her young daughter is growing up, she becomes incredibly powerful. she and ikaris somehow reunite when their daughter is young and he becomes her godfather or sort of a father figure to her and jokingly calls him dad.
they come for the reader, the last eternal they have to pick up but are met with and empty house with an invisible border ( maybe like westview border ) that only reader and the daughter can get through/open. the eternals shout for the reader but are not answered, as she is at work. then ikaris has the great idea of shouting the daughter’s name, and the eternals are like who tf is ( ex. calista or whatever name you choose ). the daughter, in a preppy school uniform and their pet dog are meet with the eternals unsuccessfully trying to get through her mothers’ magic and sort of makes fun of them and lets them in and tells them that her mom has an important case or whatever. then reader comes home and is just again like “wtf?
when the eternals reunite, druig is shocked to find out that his beloved somehow had a child. he thinks his now teenaged daughter is ikaris’ child and gets sort of moody and depressed. he confronts reader about it and he tells her that ikaris is an old flame and that there’s nothing going between them.
maybe angst, comedy, slight fluff please? thank you
Secret || Druig
Pairing : druig x reader; ikaris x platonic!reader
Genre : angst, slight fluff
Warning : none
Requested by : anon
A/N : thank you so much for requesting this. i’m living for the drama between druig, ikaris, and the reader *evil laughs*. anyways, enjoy!!
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If you had to be honest, living as a mortal in this world was exhausting. It turned out, work wasn’t very friendly and sometimes you wanted to slump down the couch and drink wine once you got home, but you were a mom and you had to take care of your teenage daughter.
It happened every day, making you get used to the feeling. However, that day was more exhausting than the others. You sighed once you reached your home, ready to greet your daughter, but instead, you were met with something which added to the list of your problems.
You looked back and forth between each Eternals with your jaw dropped. You were speechless and surprised at their sudden visit.
“Mom, are you alright?” Your daughter asked with puzzled future.
“What are you doing here?” You ignored her question, but you both knew that she knew the answer.
“We’re here to pick you up.” Ikaris replied with his best smile, trying to make the situation less awkward.
Ajak sighed before she said, “Y/N, there’s another Deviant-“
“Honey, can you go upstairs and do your homework?” You asked sweetly towards your daughter.
She nodded - understanding what you actually meant - before she jogged upstairs and once she was out of sight, the sound of the door opening closing could be heard.
You nodded at Ajak, letting her know that she could continue, “There’s another Deviant attack.”
“You’re the last Eternal to complete the group.” Kingo joined the conversation.
“I-I’m sorry.” You shook your head. “I can’t. I have a job, a daughter to take care of, and some other things.”
“But this is important.” Sprite said. “The world needs us.”
“We don’t have much time, Y/N. One week is all we have.” Phastos chimed in.
“Then you go. I’ll stay.” You looked down to avoid eye contacts with them. “I can’t leave my daughter.”
“Ask your neighbor to look after her. It’s only a few days. I’m sure the neighbor wouldn’t mind.” Kingo rolled his eyes.
“I hate to say this, but Kingo’s right.” Makkari signed.
“Your daughter’s old enough to be able to take care of herself.” Ikaris stood in front of you, giving you a sympathetic look. “You need to stop treating her like a baby.”
“You know I hate it when you remind me of that.”
“You know I’m right.”
Druig scoffed at the sight in front of him. “She wants to be left behind, then let’s leave.”
The smile that was once on your lips, fell into a frown after hearing those words. Ikaris seemed to notice that because he immediately grabbed your hand and squished it.
Ikaris sent you a look as a sign for you to talk to Druig about the secret. You somehow knew what he was thinking and let go of his hand.
You took a deep breath before finally facing Druig for the first time in years. “Before we leave, Druig, can we talk?”
“Sure, what is it about? Ikaris and you somehow married to each other while I’m gone?”
“In private?” You gestured towards the guest room.
Druig nodded before following you into the room. You closed the door once you both were inside. A sigh left your lips as you turned to face him.
Druig seemed uninterested. His face showed no expression, but his eyes told something else.
“I have something to tell you.” You started. “There’s something that I’ve been keeping from you-“
“If it’s about you and Ikaris, I don’t want to hear it.”
“It’s not-“
“Because it seems like you’re both happy with each other.” Druig scoffed. “You didn’t even bother to tell us about the child!”
“You left!” You mimicked his voice, but instantly regretting your choice. “You left, Druig.”
“And what does that supposed to do with the others?” You stayed silent, but your eyes told everything. Druig paused to look at you - puzzled - before his eyes suddenly grew wide in realization. “You’re bluffing.”
“No.” He shook his head. “You can’t be serious.”
“Do I look like I’m joking?” You raised your eyebrows.
“Does she know?” You closed your mouth instantly as you looked down in shame. “Please don’t tell me she doesn’t know.”
“How am I supposed to tell her?” You paused. “That her father left her before she was even born? That her father doesn’t know she existed?”
“You could tell her the truth.” Druig said. “I hate to tell you this, but I have to agree with Ikaris. You need to stop treating her like a baby.”
You clenched your jaw to hold yourself from talking because you knew he was right.
“She called Ikaris her dad, does she think Ikaris is her father?” Druig asked.
“She knows Ikaris is not her father. She called him that because he has been a father figure to her since she was a baby.” You explained. “I’m sorry. I never meant for this to happen.”
“Sorry!?” Druig snapped. “You took the time I could have with my daughter who I didn’t know she existed until now.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have left in the first place.” You said. “That way things would have been easier.”
Druig stayed silent for a few seconds before he spoke up. This time his voice was much softer than the previous one. “I guess we both are to be blamed in this situation.”
You knew that it was hard for him to say that and you appreciated it that he admitted.
The room was silent for a few moments before one of you decided to talk. “Do you want to meet her?”
Druig looked up, his eyes were wide and you swore you could see excitement in them. “Your daughter.”
“Of course.” Druig nodded as you smiled at his respond.
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bloodwrittenballad · 3 years
We’ve Got You | Drukarri x Gn!Reader
Summary: Reader is hurt during battle, leading to very worried partners and cuddles afterwards
Warnings: Slight violence and angst, blood and injuries but nothing serious, cute and protective drukarri, lots of fluff <3 not proofread.
Requested: No, just something cute I thought of :) But, requests are open if you’d like to submit one!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It all happened so fast. One minute you were busy helping the village folk with their gardening, using your powers to help manipulative the growth of the many different types of vegetation. Ajak had scolded you multiple times for it before, saying that humans needed to do it on their own in order to maintain their progression, but you couldn’t help it! You loved the smiles and happy giggles of the children as greenery grew right under your fingertips. You didn’t disobey often, but in moments like this you couldn’t resist.
The village and your fellow Eternals had all gathered outside today to attend the many different needs, some doing chores and others taking strolls with their lovers as they basked in the beautiful sunny day. Speaking of lovers, yours had decided to stop by and check on you as you tilled dirt with your hands “Y/n, our beautiful flower.” Druig greeted you, crouching down gently and carefully to avoid ruining any of your hardwork. “How are you,” Makkari signed with a smile on her face.
You looked happily at your lovers, brushing the dirt off your hands as Druig lent you his to help you stand up and properly embrace the two who had captured your heart. “Been busy, but it’s a beautiful day so who am I to ever complain.” You spoke softly as the three of you walked alongside each other now, making small talk and catching each other up on how the day was going for all of you. It was nice, being with your lovers on such a calm and beautiful day.
You wished it could stay like that forever, just you and your lovers immersed in each other. However, within a matter of seconds, the peaceful day turned into yet another brawl as Deviants began their vicious attack on the village people. Screams of horror soon filled the air, the once happy atmosphere now dreadful as the other Eternals launched into the intense battle.
“Y/n, Druig, stay safe.” Makkari had signed hurriedly before she ran to help. You looked at Druig, who had already been looking at you. “Be careful out there, my heart.” Druig dropped your hand, which he had been holding gently, before readying himself to defend the humans against the Deviants once more. You looked around you at the chaos, the screams and shouts of villagers as they and and your teammates as they fought hard.
You wasted no more time standing there, diving head first into the fight. Deviants prowled the village, their monstrous figures stalking around you as you helped a mother and her daughter get to safety. “Go, go!” You waved them off, frantically. They looked back at you, thankfulness in their eyes, as they took to their place of shelter. Your eyes stuck on them until they disappeared from your sight, and breathed out a big sigh of relief that they’d be safe.
Unfortunately for you, you hadn’t noticed one of the last few Deviants left as it pounced. A gasp of pain left your lips as blood soon seeped from the tear in your abdomen, but there wasn’t much time to dwell in the hurt you felt before you got into fighting mode. The creature was far more difficult to fend off in your injured state, but you held up your own well enough.
Sooner rather than later though, the blood loss had increased, and so had the count of injuries. Swipe after swipe of the Deviants claw left you well marked, sure to leave scars later on. Your body grew tired and weak as it went on, and the want for rest starting to weigh down on you as your defense slacked. Luckily for you, two certain someone’s popped in just in time
“Y/n!” Druig yelled, voice full of worry as Makarri held you. The Deviant had been finished off, thanks to him, but considering you did most of the work against it it didn’t take long for the beast to go down. “Ajak, help!” Druig shouted, his hand resting on your cheek gently. “You’re gonna be okay,” Makkari told you, tears in her eyes. “We’ve got you. We’ve got you.” Your lovers cooed to you, as Ajak worked on healing your injuries.
“There you are, y/n, all better now.” Ajak spoke softly to you, and motioned for Druig and Makarri to help you up. “Get them inside now, they to need rest.” Ordered the Prime Eternal. Your lovers wasted no time in doing so, taking you back to the living quarters you three shared together. You yawned immediately upon entering the bedroom, Druig and Makkari gently placing you on the bed as they looked at you softly.
You knew you scared them today, when they found your injured form in the midst of attack. It felt awful, knowing that the two you loved more than anything must’ve been worried out of their minds over you. Guilt at the thought almost ate you alive, but Druig and his damn mind reading was quick to reassure you. “We’re just relieved you’re okay, dear. You did give us quite the scare, but you’re okay now and that’s all that matters.” He told you gently, taking your hand in his and kissing it, knowing the gesture would help you feel better. “Just rest now, y/n.” Makkari said, “you need it after everything.”
You nodded and smiled gratefully at your loving and attentive partners. “I think some cuddles would definitely do me some good too,” you spoke cheekily, giving the two your infamous puppy eyes. “Well then, who are we to deny you something so important to your recovery,” teased Druig as he and Makkari settled in bed, you in between them as they held you gently. The three of you soon fell asleep in a tangle of limbs, warmth and love surrounding you and keeping you protected.
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scarthefangirl · 3 years
So here is my masterlist, I try to add a post within a day or two. Here is a quick key:
&= Platonic
∆= angst
±= fluff
∆±= angst and fluff
±&= platonic fluff | ∆&= platonic angst
☺= fan favorite
✉= Valentine's day fic (will make separate Masterlist when more)
Order goes: Marvel, spiderman and the spiderverse, harry potter, Percy Jackson, hunger games, Enola Holmes
Yelena Belova-
± Maybe Baby
Yelena x widow!fem!reader - You ask Yelena to adopt a baby.
∆ Mac and cheese
Yelena x g/n!reader - You clean some of Yelena's wounds after her fight with Clint Barton.
± You too
Yelena x fem!reader - Yelena tries to brave her fear and help kill a spider, but ends up in the chair with you.
Kate Bishop-
∆± He really is lucky
Kate Bishop x g/n!reader - Kate and you are broken up, but your shared dog brings you together again.
☺∆ She's not like you
Kate Bishop x g/n!reader - Reader is a bit jealous that Kate is interested in Yelena not them.
± With trembling hands
Kate Bishop x g/n!reader - When Kate almost dies, Y/N is the one to save her.
Peter Parker-
☺± My blanket is safe
Peter Parker x fem!reader - Peter comes to visit the reader because he is worried, but the reader refuses to let him see her because she is sick.
∆ Can't see the end of this (series: unfinished)
Peter Parker x g/n!reader - Peter swoops down to say goodbye to you, his partner, before you forget him.
± Trick or Treat (Halloween)
Peter Parker x g/n!reader - You go trick or treating with two of your best friends.
∆ Do better
Prompt!Peter Parker x fem!reader - Peter tells Y/N he likes MJ and needs help telling her. Y/N who has a crush on Peter is heart broken but helps anyway
± Mall date
Peter Parker x fem!reader - You drag Peter to the mall.
∆± Quit treating me like a wuss!
Peter parker x fem!wife!reader - after Peter comes home a little scraped up, Y/N tries to help him clean up but he pushes her away.
∆± My job
Peter parker x fem!reader - He comes home to a sick girlfriend and takes care of her
Natasha romanoff-
± Step by step
Natasha Romanoff x g/n!reader - You and your wife celebrate the first steps of your child.
∆ Ohio, I had a ring
Past!Natasha Romanoff x reader - The tragedy of Natasha's death takes a toll on Y/N'd mind.
∆& I can't
Platonic!Natasha Romanoff x teen!f!reader - The reader hates doctors, and begins to panic.
∆& Can you stop?
Platonic!Natasha Romanoff x teen!daughter!reader - The reader is a very bubbly person, and at one point it annoys Natasha causing her to snap at Y/N.
Maya Lopez-
± You make me ditsy
Maya Lopez x g/n!reader - You, a trained assassin, are a bit clumsy around the beautiful woman named Maya.
☺∆± Thats not fair
Druig x fem!reader - After the Eternals split up, Druig never reached out to his Fiancé.
± Someone like me
Druig x human!fem!reader - Druig comes to visit his girlfriend, an avenger, and finds her patching up a small wound and gets worried.
± Are you a candle?
Druig x fem!reader - You and Druig are quite the flirts when it comes to each other
☺∆ Subdue the damage
Druig x fem!reader - After the battle with Ikaris, Y/N is near to death and Druig knows he won't live without her.
± Gentle words
Druig x fem!reader - How Druig handles Y/N while she is on her period
☺✉± Beautiful woman
Druig x fem!reader - You assume Druig will ask Makkari to be his Valentine, but his sudden attention to her is all just a facade for him wanting to ask you.
± People Watching
Druig x fem!reader - Y/N has watched lovers her whole life, when will she ever find a love like the couples dancing?
± We're really dumb
Druig x fem!reader - is the love unreciprocated or are they just really stupid?
∆ From college
Ajak x eternal!reader - Your friends from long ago come for a visit, but it isn’t the pleasant reunion you had hoped for.
± Dating Ajak would include
Ajak x G/N!eternal!reader - What would it be like to date Ajak?
Wanda Maximoff-
☺ ∆& Insanity
(UNFINISHED SERIES)Wanda Maximoff x daughter!reader - When Y/N sees Wanda ready to kill America Chavez she can’t believe the monster her mother became
Bucky Barnes-
&∆± Bucky Barnes x reader
± Bucky Barnes x reader (Halloween)
Loki Laufeyson-
∆± Loki x reader
± Loki x reader
Other women-
± Darcy Lewis x reader
&± Morgan stark x sister!reader (Halloween)
Other men-
∆± Sam Wilson x reader
± tasm!spiderman x reader
&∆± Clint Barton x daughter!reader
&∆ dr strange x reader
± Marvel preference
☺∆± Count me out (Wanda and Kate) ☺∆& Insanity (wanda x reader)
±Avengers x fem!reader
Spiderman and the spider-verse:
Miles Morales:
∆ I can't even look at you
Earth42!Miles Morales x fem!reader - When Miles reveals his identity to his girlfriend, she isn't very accepting.
Miguel O'Hara:
☺± One more day
Miguel x fem!reader - Miguel gets sick and you care of him
± Kiss me you moron!
Miguel x fem!reader - When you are injured during a mission Miguel waits in your room for you to wake up. After you do, there are some confessions made.
Hobie Brown:
&± Don't make me call your sister
Hobie Brown x younger!sister!reader - Headcannons for what's its like being Hobie's younger sister
☺± The chance
Hobie brown x G/N!reader - Hobie catches you admitting your crush on him without knowing he's listening
± Giving to the poor
Hobie brown x G/N!reader - Headcannons for Hobie dating a ballerina and bookwarm
∆ Admit it, Part 2
Hobie brown x fem!reader - Y/N has to keep her distance from Hobie to ensure her canon events go as planned, but its not as easy as it sounds.
± Damn my punk lifestyle
Hobie brown x G/N!reader - Hobie helps you turn punk, at least, the hair part.
Pavitr Prabhakar:
± Luscious locks
Pavitr Prabhakar x G/N!reader - Pravitr is the new spiderman, and he wears a suit to hide his identity. But the suit isn't enough to throw you off and you see right through it.
Harry Potter:
∆± Fred Weasley x reader
& Hogwarts x hufflepuff!reader
Percy Jackson:
Leo Valdez:
∆± Leo Valdez x reader
Annabeth Chase:
∆ Annabeth chase x reader
Percy Jackson:
∆ Percy Jackson x sister!reader
Will Solace:
±& Will solace x sister!reader
±& Will solace x twin!sister!reader
&± Percy Jackson x reader
&± The seven x apollo!reader
Hunger games:
∆& Hunger games reader insert
Enola Holmes:
± Every step of the way
Sherlock Holmes x wife!reader - Discovering that, after already more than ten years of marriage, she expects their first child.
I will update for every fic! Remember to be kind about my older ones <3 To be added to one of those taglists, or all of them, fill out this form!
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spookiekewchie · 3 years
Marvel Masterlist
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None of my writing is suitable for minors, do not read or interact with my content if you are under the age of 18. Please be mindful of all content warnings listed on each post.
DO NOT repost or translate my work anywhere. Reblogs are always welcome, and let me know that you enjoy my fics.
🥵 - smut 🖤 - dark fic 💘 - fluff 😂 - humor 🌪️ - angst 💀 - horror
never let me go...  🥵🖤
Bucky Barnes has wanted you since the first day he saw you. He has every intention to have you, even if it means taking extreme measures.
the dreadful need in the devotee (vampire!bucky/siren!reader)🥵🖤💀
It’s a dreadful need, and only you can fill it for him.
untitled Druig x reader x Makkari fic 🥵
the one where you know you fucked up…
Too Hot, Hot Damn  🥵
There’s a heatwave and you’re pretty sure this is what hell is like. Lucky for you there’s a frost giant willing to help you cool off in his own special way.
worth it (dark??tasm!spider-man x black!reader)
Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man decides to make you earn what you've stolen.
Daddy’s Girl  😂
You’re Sam Wilson’s girl, but you’re also Nick Fury’s daughter. 
All For You  🥵
Teasing Sam at a party has consequences, but those consequences are half the fun. 
Risk & Reward (mob!sam) 🥵🖤
Breaking up with a notorious mobster isn’t easy, especially when he refuses to accept the words “it’s over”.
Training Day  🥵
Just a simple sparring session with Sam, what could possibly go wrong...or right.
Caffeine Kisses ☕️ 💘
The one where you meet the new Captain America in a coffee shop
forever’s gonna start tonight 💘
a drunken night out at a karaoke bar ends with you meeting a mysterious yet sweet stranger
Fireworks 🥵
The adventures of mean!Steve and one bratty agent that he just can’t seem to get enough of. 
Fireworks , Sky Flyer (1.5), Barrage, Bombette
Music Theory 🥵implied
Steve walks into find you putting on a show, who knew the man would get inspired.
Cap vs the Grey Sweats 🥵implied
The one where Steve goes out looking like a hoochie in some grey sweats
Let me Upgrade You 🥵implied
The one where you get Steve to stop dressing like a grandpa.
look what you did 🌪️🥵mentioned
Steve's choices have consequences that he's too late to realize.
Imagines 🥵
Mean!Steve w/ an overtalkative reader Steve taking back control after losing a bet
Thor Odinson
no church in the wild 🥵🖤💀
You'd made it out of the small town that you'd grown up in, but when you're pulled back by circumstances beyond your control you realize that your grandmother was right. No one ever really leaves here, sweetpea. Something always brings them back.
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pogueswrld · 3 years
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The characters I write for are listed below, along with the links and summaries to every blurb/series/one shot I've written for them this far :)
coming clean 🕊️
y/n is coming out as a non-binary omnisexual
PETER PARKER (tasm and mcu)
memories 🥀
I was wondering if you could do tom holland! Peter x reader? Where Peter and the reader are already married and got kids. But one day, Peter had an accident and lost his memory. Peter doesn’t remember getting married and still thinks that he was with MJ. The doctor then tells the reader that they don’t need to rush things and just wait for how it goes. (Y/n) went home and explained it to her kids about their father has lost his memories. The kids were sad about the news that their father can’t even recognize them.
Movie night 🦢
y/n is Carol Danvers' daughter but Peter doesn't know, he realizes she's not exactly human during their intimate time.
fatal flaw 🕊️
y/n is a former widow that found a safe home in New York with the Avengers and a fellow former widow, more specifically with a certain brunette doe eyed spider named Peter Parker. But lately, Natasha got caught up with the red room and taking them down alongside her sister, y/n figured it's only right to help out.
headcanons: being Peter's lover 🕊️
What it's like to date golden retriever bf Peter Parker.
midnight whispers 🕊️
Peter's partner is living across the world── literally, and this is what it's like to have him. (neutral pronouns muslim poc reader)
two world apart 🕊️
peter seems to be interested in this one cute person working in a bookstore down the street from the daily bugle, but he’s too shy to ask them out. Getting stuck on the same multi-hour long train seems to help give him the courage to get to know them.
hyper-everything 🦢
a lil piece about a hc that came to me last night, peter with hyperspermia
stuck in your spider webs 🦢
web bondage with peter <3
find me among the stars 🕊️🥀
Druig never believed himself to be the kind of guy to have a sappy and tragic love story, but as his years dragged on, he couldn't help but fall in love with you── in every lifetime.
silent love 🕊️
reader and makkari have been friends —more than friends— for a while, but makkari feels like she might've done something wrong when the girl she likes starts avoiding her, maybe it's time for a confrontation.
boyfriend 🕊️
makkari and druig are supposedly happy together, but then druig leaves, and y/n takes her chance
nothing yet :(
nothing yet :(
nothing yet :(
GWEN STACY (platonic only)
nothing yet :(
MILES MORALES (platonic only)
nothing yet :(
nothing yet :(
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fanficwritersworld · 4 years
Who I Write For
My Hero Academia*Up To Season 5*
Supergirl *Up To Season 2*
The Flash *Up To Season 7*
Superman and Lois
Teen Wolf*Up To Season 6A*
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Miraculous Ladybug
Titans *Up To Season 2 Finale*
The Originals *On Season 4 of Vampire Diaries*
Once Upon A Time
Umbrella Academy
x Reader (any kind, chubby, LGBTQ+ ect)
x Sibling!reader
x daughter!reader
x adopted!reader
x platonic!reader
Characters Am I Writing for Now:
Jordan Kent
Jonathan Kent
Natalie Irons
Sarah Cushing
Lois Lane
Clark Kent *Platonic Only*
Barry Allen
Iris West-Allen
Cecile Horton *Platonic Only*
Joe West *Platonic Only*
Cisco Ramon
Caitlin Snow
Killer Frost
Any Wells
Allegra Garcia
Chester P. Runk
Kara Danvers
Lena Luthor
Alex Danvers
J'onn J'onzz *Platonic Only*
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Malia Tate
Allison Argent
Kira Yukimura
Lydia Martin
Tony Stark *Platonic Only*
Bruce Banner
Steve Rogers *Platonic Only*
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Sarah Wilson
Wanda Maximoff
Peter Parker (Tom and Andrew)
MJ Jones
Dr. Stephen Strange *Platonic Only*
Katy Chen
All the princess and Bow!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson *Platonic Only*
Freya Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson *Platonic Only*
Hope Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Marcel Gerard
Dick Grayson
Kor'i A'nders
Rachel Roth
Donna Troy
Emma Swan
Killian Jones
Henry Mills
Ben Hargreaves
Viktor Hargreaves
Allison Hargreaves
Klaus Hargreaves *Platonic Only*
Diego Hargreaves
Eugene Fitzherbert
Arianna *Platonic Only*
Lance Strongbow
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nyctophicbtch · 3 years
Artemis - Drukkari
[ Druig x Makkari!daughter ]
Request: Eternals were not meant to birth children, however Makkari and Druig had somehow broken that nature, receiving twins that concepted what humans know today as Artemis and Apollo. In order to prevent the eternals' grief from your brother's death many years later after the disbandment of the eternals, you found a way to erased their memories of the two of you.
Click here for the full request
Author’s note: I know that Ajak only changed her mind about the emergence because of the blip, but let’s pretend she changed her mind a long time ago for the sake of the story.
Warnings: angst, mentions of death
Word Count: 5,285
read the prequel - Artemis and Apollo
read the other prequel - Night Patrol (Peter Parker)
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Your mother cupped your face with her hands, giving you an encouraging smile before kissing your forehead. No words had to be exchanged to see the true extent of the exchanged gesture.
'Stay strong’ she signed, the leftovers and fire on the battlefield blurring in the back of your mind as a more overwhelming thought occupied the space in your head.
Your father had just left and the eternals were separating.
It was a miracle, really. The birth of you and your twin brother, Apolo, wasn’t supposed to happen. Never had there been eternals who had the ability to procreate life from sexual exchange with another eternal.
Life was more than amazing with the eternals and humans coexisting together, and you and your brother got to spend your childhood growing unlike the rest of the eternals. The two of you grew slower than most, but you weren’t immortal like the rest.
Druig, your telepath father, stood, leaning against one of the trees with a pleased smile, observing as you shot multiple targets within a mere blink of an eye with the golden translucent bow and arrow that appeared whenever you'd needed it.
‘That’s it. You’re getting better.’ Makkari, your mother, signed as she knelt down to your level, embracing your small figure in a tight hug whilst your father approached.
“You know, we both thought you and your brother would inherit our powers. Guess we were both incorrect.” Your father stood with both hands in his pocket, looming down at the two of you with the smile that grew from watching the loving gesture.
"There she is! The birthday girl!" You parted from your mother, glancing back to see Kingo and Sprite approach, Sprite ruffling your hair along the way.
"You grew up so fast. Careful, Sprite. The twins are going to outgrow you soon," Kingo teased, earning himself a shove from the girl beside him.
You ran to the man as he knelt down to embrace you. "You're back."
"Nasty deviants take a while to handle," he replied with a chuckle as your parents stood beside each other, an arm wrapped around your mother as they drank in the sight of their daughter reuniting with one of her favorite uncles.
"What's going on?" Polo questioned as the two of you took notice of the tense expressions everyone wore and Ajak standing in between Ikaris and your dad as you entered the temple.
You noticed the missing sounds of screaming and gunfire that once echoed in the background, and immediately, you turned your gaze to your father.
"Dad?" His head snapped to yours at the sound of your voice and his angered gaze wavered as he glanced at your eyes brimmed with tears.
He stayed silent, the gold in his eyes never faltering, even when you heard the faint whisper in your head. I'll come back for you someday, my loves. Remember that.
You watched as your father descended down the stairs, and when Ajak dispersed the group, you heard your twin going against it. No words were spoken; no attempts to defend him. You merely stared where you saw your father disappearing into the fog.
I'll come back for you someday.
Yet he never did, and neither did your mother.
"V tom, chto vse?" Asked the man you recognized to be a distant descendant of the man Phastos once called a friend.
"Da. Spasibo," you thanked the man seductively as he gave you the hologram map -- a device way too advanced for a mere human to create -- to the Domo, the current goal you had being the only thing set in your mind.
After your twin brother's death, you had decided that your parents and the rest of the eternals were burdened enough. You were determined more than ever now -- after the grief you'd experience -- to release your parents from the pain his death would cause before they'd find out.
There was no going back. Your power didn’t extend to the point where you could restore memories once they’ve been wiped, and you had to live with the fact that none of them will remember who you are.
Your first targets were the easy ones -- apart from your father --, finally leading you to your mother who, you recently found out, stayed in the Domo.
Acres of sand covered your vision for the past hour, until the red dot on the hologram map perfectly lined up with the cursor that indicated where you were.
Although you had lived with the eternals for thousands of years, not once have you seen their spaceship, and you started to get wary as you approached the solution on how to get inside the Domo with all the sand covering it.
Your father hadn't been an easy one to get through, but over the past few years back in Babylon, you'd learn to block your thoughts from him, and allow your presence to be undetectable by the telepath.
Your mother however, was quick on her feet. If she sensed you and your footsteps, she'd be confronting you before you could even start to think of an escape.
So here you stood, stubbornly following the trail your mother left on how to get into the Domo through the sand without leaving your trails behind. The spaceship was larger than you’d expected, and at first it took you a while to navigate through the different rooms and hallways, but as you entered the main area, you knew better than to navigate around where the vibration of your footsteps could be heard.
Cats were the first quiet species that you could think of that didn’t acquire too much space to walk around in, so you transformed into exactly that. You just hoped your quiet footsteps were gentle enough to be able to sneak close enough to your mother.
And just as you suspected, she came rushing to the hiding spot you once hid in as she sensed your presence, only to come face to face with the stack of books you hid behind not too long ago.
Your mother ignored the nagging thought in the back of her head that told her that it was only you who could’ve outsmarted her speed, and that you were here. After years of separation, all you wanted was to reach for her, tell her everything, stay with her, but you thought against it and carried on with the spell.
The painfully long walk back from the mass amounts of sand on bare feet made you wish you inherited your mother’s super speed. The sun was starting to set and you had to head back before it got dark, but as you saw a person on a horse approaching you, you paused your journey.
"Ajak," you shakily breathed out. "You know."
It wasn't a question but she nodded nevertheless, motioning you to go follow her, and you did, silently trailing behind her. There was no need to erase Ajak’s memories, which was your last target after your mother. She had already grieved the loss of one of the twins and she knew you wouldn’t have wanted her to restore their memories back.
“Come inside,” she offered as you stepped to the porch of the single brown house amongst the field. You hesitantly complied to her request, letting yourself enter the cozy home and take a good look around.
The walls were made out of wood, and to the right of the living room was the kitchen. It was nothing large like the other places you’ve seen Ajak called home, but it was a decent living space. It had almost reminded you of the home you and your twin shared after parting with your parents.
Money was difficult the first few years, but you two quickly grew accustomed to the changing job systems within time, and were able to live various different identities.
“Please, sit.” Ajak motioned to the couch. “Tea?”
“No, thank you.”
It didn’t take long for Ajak to boil some hot water for the tea and return to the couch, sitting beside you.
“I know you’d want me to keep you hidden from them, but when the time comes, they need to remember. They need you, and each other.”
"Then why did she never visit him? Why didn't she come with him in the first place?" was the first question your irrational mind asked. It was your hurt and betrayal that were speaking this time.
“There are some things that you weren't supposed to understand.”
“I’m two thousand and six hundred,” you argued.
“You’re young. You’re eighteen.”
And when Ajak started telling you about Arishem and the celestials, you felt your head start to spin as it attempted to process the newfound information. How were you supposed to respond when you were just told the family you lived with for thousands of years had been living in a lie?
“Ikaris is loyal to Arishem,” you stated.
Ajak wasn’t a fool. She knew Ikaris would still serve Arishem if she were to tell him. And what about the eternals? What would happen when the deviants rise and you’d need to reunite? What would your parents think of the scheme you pulled on them and the rest of the eternals?
As if noticing your distressed thoughts, Ajak took your hands in hers, providing some sort of comfort before softly speaking up towards your obvious contemplation. “It’s better to restore their memories sooner.”
“They can enjoy the years they have left,” you argued.
Were you selfish enough to be unwilling to undo all your hard work in locating each eternal? Were you not ready to face their looks of disappointment when they’d all found out what you did? You weren’t quite sure.
“You’ll give them time to grief before having to discover the truth.”
And yet, even with Ajak’s seemingly more suitable argument for the situation, you still went with yours.
Makkari’s eyes widened as she turned around to face the person who had just lightly gripped her shoulders, and before she could stop her, Ajak held the sides of her head with her hands, restoring the memories that were once lost.
She stumbled back in shock of retrieving those memories, gripping the polished stone counter in her room in the Domo.
‘What did you do?’ Makkari signed, gazing at Ajak in horror.
“That should be enough, Darret.” The man nodded and brought the stack of freshly cut wood towards one of the stands.
“You’re not supposed to be here, Ajak,” Druig calmly stated as he sensed Ajak nonchalantly walking towards him from behind.
“Lovely place,” Ajak mentioned, eyes darting to look around the rainforest village.
“What do you want?” Druig questioned as Ajak took steps forward, nearing until they were only a foot away. His gaze on her didn’t waver as she looked him in the eye, neither did he attempt to step back in order to keep the distance between him and Ajak.
“Oh, Druig,” she sighed, placing her hands on either side of his head before he could have any further objections.
Hundreds and thousands of lost memories filled his mind in a few seconds as Ajak’s hands, along with his eyes, glowed gold. He staggered back and took harsh breaths as the glow started to fade and his senses filled with the reality of the rainforest surrounding them.
“He had a good heart,” Ajak said, smiling dolefully at Druig who had now managed to stand properly again. “And she had always been a bright kid.”
As if realizing how this had all occurred, his eyes held sorrow in them as he stated, “He’s dead.”
Ajak nodded, confirming his speculation before suggesting that they head inside.
“What about Makkari? And the others?”
“She erased their memories as well, but I’ve restored them. You were my last stop,” she lied. Ikaris was her last stop. She feared that if she were to visit Ikaris first, she wouldn’t have been able to retrieve Druig’s memories. And she had been right.
“Why would you? Restore our memories, I mean.”
“You needed to know,” Ajak answered and Druig held no suspicions, the more disturbing thoughts drowning any other rational thoughts in his mind.
He had forgotten you and your brother’s existence for 253 years. All the eternals had. And now his son is dead.
“Come on, buddy,” you bid, earning the attention of your dog who complied and strutted back inside the house.
“Are you sure?”
“Certain. I love dogs,” a friend of yours replied.
With the deviant attacks you’d witness through the television, it was beyond doubt that Ajak had restored everyone’s memories by now and they’d possibly go looking for you. So here you were, making sure your absolute love and best friend, your dog, was safe with one of your neighbors.
“We’re gonna have lots of fun, aren’t we?” Your friend cooed as she walked towards your front door.
“Thanks a lot. I needed this.”
“No problem, he’s in good hands,” she shrugged you off, opening the door only to look slightly surprised before calling out to you. “You have visitors!”
Right now? No, this is too soon, you thought as you hesitantly brought yourself from the kitchen to the front door. And there they were. The rare, foreign sight of Ikaris and Sersi waving vaguely at you from your driveway.
You were nowhere near ready to meet your parents again. What would you say? Would it be awkward? Of course it would.
“Come on, Alfee. I’ll make sure you’re well fed until your owner is back,” your cheerful neighbor said before waving goodbye and walking past Ikaris and Sersi, but not before giving them a smile.
“I see you got a dog,” Ikaris smiled, the three of you approaching each other.
“Come in,” you said, and they did, the three of you piling up on your couch.
“I’m sorry,” Sersi spoke first after the excruciating silence, laying a hand on your shoulder. You nodded, getting right to the point.
“So the deviants are back? How did you remember?”
“Yes, and that’s not all. Ajak is dead,” Ikaris stated and was quickly interrupted by Sersi. “She came a few days ago to retrieve our memories before a deviant killed her.”
You nodded as she explained about the emergence, and fortunately, you didn’t have to feign shock nor sadness. Ajak’s death was news to you as well. It was when you locked eyes with Ikaris you knew, and it looked like he knew you figured it out as well.
“We need you,” Ikaris said, the sharp look he gave with his eyes kept its gaze on you, as if threatening you to keep your mouth shut.
Needless to say, the trip to fetch the rest of the eternals was the least bit enjoyable to you when you had crucial information that you kept hidden from them. But you were thrilled to see Kingo anyways. He kept rambling excitedly about how much you’ve grown over the past few years. You remembered how much fun you’d have with him as a child, and when you’d visited Thena and Gilgamesh, they had welcomed you with warm arms -- although Thena wasn’t so welcoming at first, yet you understood her memories were just jumbled up.
Ikaris seemed friendly and started conversations with you whenever you were with the group, however he’d become distant when you two were alone, which rarely happened since you were mostly with Thena or Sersi, sometimes Sprite as well.
Although you were content to see the eternals after years, you dreaded the thought of meeting your father as you journeyed to his rainforest village.
The villagers busied themselves with tasks as you entered the area. When Sprite attempted to ask one of them where your father was, his eyes glowed, and at that moment, you wished you could go back to London where Alfee was and forget about all this.
“Hello, Sprite.”
Your father emerged not long after and you tried not to draw attention to you, in hopes he wouldn’t notice, but you’d be naive to think he hadn’t sensed your presence already.
You locked eyes with the man you once looked up to. The hostile facade he had suddenly crumpled as guilt and sorrow flooded his eyes. He was hurt and you could tell. Your father wasn’t over Apolo’s death, and how could he when you’d only given him a few days to grief before barging into his home with the family he left behind?
Silence. Not in the current room where you all sat, discussing how to stop the emergence, but silence between you and your father.
You flinched as Karun threw his camera, or rather, your father threw his camera. You hadn’t said a word since the moment you arrived, and you continued to observe silently as he stormed out of the building after childishly taunting Ikaris.
“Druig sucks.”
“He does, sir.”
You snorted at their comment, earning looks from everyone else in the room. It was the first sound you’ve made ever since arriving, and they certainly didn’t expect it to be laughter from the tension floating around in the air.
You continued laughing as you got up and left the building, not sure anymore whether you’re truly laughing or just laughing out of bitterness. You hadn’t realized tears were flowing until you noticed the looks the villagers gave you as you passed by their homes.
Nevertheless, you ignored their stares and continued walking to wherever you could find yourself at peace. It took about five minutes until you heard the sound of gushing water coming from the waterfall that lay in front of you.
You missed them, the family you once had. You missed your brother. You missed your parents. You missed Ajak. But most of all, you missed the bond you all had centuries ago, even if you were living a lie.
Dwelling on the past had become a natural instinct by now. Whenever you’d feel truly alone is when you’d miss your family, and that feeling frequently came back after your brother’s death.
You didn’t even care about the sun that had already set not too long ago. It was only when you heard screams and beastly noises when you were brought back to reality.
And reality really hit you like a ton of bricks when you failed to puncture your arrow through the deviant that attacked Gilgamesh. Although you had the help of your arrows, along with Ikaris, the deviant managed to escape, leaving you with the aftermath of the battle where Thena held Gilgamesh on the ground.
If you could have just come a second earlier, you probably wouldn’t be standing here in Gilgamesh’s passing ceremony. You wouldn’t be watching Thena consumed by her built up grief as she held Gilgamesh’s ashes in her hands.
“It wasn’t your fault. You came as fast as you could,” your father spoke his very first words to you after years. You didn’t return his gaze, and instead walked away.
Now that your father accompanied you, the rest of the journey became even more uncomfortable. And what made it worse was that you were about to face your mother.
“What has she done? Isn’t that-?” Phastos was in utter disbelief.
Your mother looked up with a smile as she saw the eternals, but it soon dropped when her gaze landed on you. What you didn’t expect was for her to come rushing with her superspeed to embrace you in a tight hug.
Your longing told you to hug back, but your mind told you to pull away. And so you sternly pushed her away before storming out the room out of the feeling of betrayal and hurt. Hurt that she never came back for you, even though Ajak restored her memories.
You walked around the corridors and hallways, trying to navigate through the place for a few minutes before giving up and slumping down against a wall. The overwhelming urge to just run back and embrace your parents was tempting, but your stubbornness got the best of you.
Blinking back the tears that threatened to escape, you leaned your head back against the wall as you sat on the floor, bringing your knees up to your chest.
It took longer than you had expected for your mother to find you slumped on the floor, looking at the ceiling. Your guess was that your father held her back when she was about to rush out for you, asking her to give you time to yourself for a bit.
She sat next to you, letting the silence fill in for a few seconds before you turned to look at her.
“Why didn’t you come back for us? Why didn’t you come back for me after you found out? Dad promised.”
‘We wanted to give you two your space. We never wanted you to have to choose between us,’ she signed.
“Then we all could’ve joined him.” Your mother frowned, thinking of her next words carefully.
‘Your father needed time for himself. I let him go. With his overwhelmed thoughts back in the tenochtitlan, I wasn’t sure if bringing you and Apolo with him was a good idea.’
When you stayed silent, your mother knew her answer didn’t cut it, but it was the truth.
‘I’m sorry I never visited you,’ she signed, bringing a hand to your cheek to wipe the single tear that had fallen from her confession. ‘After Ajak told me, I wanted nothing more than to visit you and your father. But I knew trying to bring us back together would just make it worse.’
That was all your mother needed to explain, so she continued, ‘The humans call you Artemis. They used to see us as gods. But even the gods were described to be selfish and made many mistakes.’
You already knew the meaning behind the comment she added. She had forgiven your father long ago. In fact, she felt as if there was nothing to forgive. And now it was your turn.
When more tears started to fall, you finally let loose, the stubborn angry part of you long forgotten. You let her hold you, finally feeling at peace even if it was just for a while. The built up tension inside of you towards your mother was finally released.
You missed her, you missed both of them, you wanted to say, but the words never ended up leaving your mouth as she let your tears fall onto her shoulder. Five hundred years may not seem like a long time for someone who could live thousands of years, but it was just as painfully long as if you were human.
As you finally pulled away and wiped your tears as you smiled at her, you noticed your father standing with that sorrowful look, observing the scene that had just unfold in front of him. Without hesitation, you got up and ran towards him where he accepted you in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled between sobs, repeating the same words over and over again even after your father had assured you that it was him who needed to apologize for the mess he caused.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Why don’t we turn Tiamut into an ant?” Sprite’s question from not too long ago lingered in your mind.
“You can do that, right?” Her gaze had landed on you and you shrugged, anxious from the now many eyes that had been on you.
“Putting Tiamut to sleep is the safest option,” Phastos argued.
After you told your parents about Ikaris’ betrayal, it wasn’t long after he revealed that he hated the plan to stop Tiamut, and with the help of your dad, the rest of the eternals managed to find out Ajak’s true cause of death.
“I warned you to keep your mouth shut,” Ikaris had threatened you the minute everyone else knew, causing your father to instinctively step in front of you and defend you.
And here you were, just the six of you, plotting on how to stop Tiamut now that the Uni-mind isn’t an option thanks to Ikaris.
Or so you thought, until Phastos suddenly gasped, startling most who were in the room with him.
"I figured it out!" He took your mother's hands in his and shook them out of happiness, before rushing to go find Sersi who was currently being consulted by Thena.
As soon as the inventor left, your father stood from his seat, walking towards your mom and wrapped his arms around her from behind.
"Don't do that," you squealed in disgust as he started throwing flirty, suggestive comments.
'Did you forget that your child is in the room?' she signed, earning your grateful stare even though she was enjoying this.
"I guess we'll have to take this somewhere else."
"I didn't need to hear that," you groaned, rushing out before they could say anything else.
Apparently, even with the tense mellow air that lingered because of your brother's death, five hundred years apart made their interactions even more… explicit, and you weren't going to stick around for that, although you knew they were just teasing you.
So you joined Phastos as he finally finished the Uni-mind, standing beside Sersi who looked at his invention in awe.
Not long after, you heard the gush of wind as your mother joined in, your father following behind her, when Phastos converted the Uni-mind to bracelets
"Let's go suit up," he said, twirling the bracelet between his fingers, tossing one to each person in the room, including you.
"I'm not an eternal."
"You're just as strong as any of us. We need you," Sersi replied, and you nodded.
"Thena, play nice," Ikaris warned as you observed from above, arrow lock on him the entire time.
"You never had to fight me."
"But I've always wanted to." And when she struggled to fight him, you released your arrow, going through his shoulder and alerting him of your presence in the room.
He was about to attack you, when the Uni-mind started connecting Thena to the rest, forcing Ikaris to retreat and go for the other three eternals instead.
You jumped down from your hiding spot, transforming into a chimera in the process and lunging at Ikaris in the air.
The weight of your force distracted him from his goal, but he easily brushed you off as he flew faster towards his target.
And so you went with your arrow as the better method, shifting back to human as you land on the ground, and quickly releasing your arrow.
It merely brushed his leg, but you had to give yourself credit for hitting any part of him at all since he was a quick, moving, flying target.
But when he attacked your father, you quickly ran towards them.
"I should've done this five centuries ago!" You heard him shout and the next thing you know, he was blasting him before destroying the Domo.
Your heart stopped the moment you saw the dent he left where he had attacked your father. You just got him back. You couldn’t lose him again.
Out of rage, you pounced on him in the air, attacking with whatever weapon your bow could be used for in such a short distance. He brought you higher up into the air where you wouldn't manage to survive if you'd dropped down from this height as a human.
The two of you struggled for a while, before he managed to slam you down onto the rocks by the beach, causing your mother who had just witnessed the fight to cry out to you.
You barely heard her scream, but it was already painful enough at it was; to look at her in such distress. Everything hurt. Your body felt weak and limp, but it wasn’t enough to injure you too much. It was nothing like what Ikaris had just done to your father.
Through hooded eyes, you saw her rush to bring the others to safety as Ikaris appeared before them.
"Druig's gone. It's over." The newfound rage that filled her face before she sped towards him almost terrified you. And the next thing you knew, they were gone in a blink of an eye.
As soon as you managed to get up, you ran along behind where Thena and Phastos had just gone, slower than usual from the pain your back felt.
Horror quickly flooded you as you saw the deviant you let escape in your father’s village grab your mother and attach its tentacles to her, just as it did to Gilgamesh.
"Mom!" Without hesitation you launched an arrow straight through the deviant who was absorbing your mother’s powers, and your eyes widened as it quickly healed itself.
Deviants usually never manage to make it out alive once you struck your arrow straight through its chest, but apparently, this one had gotten a lot stronger than you thought it would.
Luckily, Thena was there to chase after it when it ran, and Phastos was there to restrain Ikaris so you could help your mother.
“Are you okay?” You signed, helping her up.
‘Yes. You?’
“I’m fi-'' As you were about to respond, you felt the ground rumble as Tiamut’s large golden fingers started to appear around the island you were on. To add to the list of everything going wrong today, the force it took Ikaris to break free from his restraint knocked both you and your mother down.
“We need to help her.”
‘No, look.’ Your mother pointed towards the glowing figures from above, and soon enough, the Uni-mind attached you as well, freezing Tiamut. But you also saw the figure that flew not long after, higher and higher, your eyes following Ikaris until you couldn’t see him anymore.
‘He’s gone.’ She signed as she looked to your line of sight, wrapping an arm around your shoulder for comfort.
After the rush of events that had happened the past few days, you definitely needed this. You weren’t even sure whether your father was alive after Ikaris had attacked him, and the thought made you wary for a moment. That was, until your mother nudged you, signaling you to turn around where you saw your father approaching.
She let the arm that held you slip, walking towards your father and embracing him before leaning her forehead to his. It was a gesture she often shared with you and your father when you were younger.
You couldn’t even begin to explain how relieved you were that he was alive, but then again, you never underestimated him. He had been your inspiration; the one you looked up to when you were little, and would always be.
No words required to be exchanged as you ran towards him, engulfing him in a tight hug after your mother had pulled away. She watched the two of you with a smile, tears brimming her eyes as she drank in the sight.
“I’m okay,” he chuckled, releasing you and dragging you along with him by your shoulder towards the others.
Standing next to both your parents was something you longed for these past few centuries, though you couldn’t seem to grasp the thought after the separation and your brother’s death.
Yet here you were, drinking in the sight and aftermath of putting a stop to the emergence.
You didn’t know what might happen next, or what consequences may bring towards your actions, but what you did know was that from now on, as long as you’re still breathing, you were going to stay and fight for the family you were given.
Your powers: shapeshifting into animals, turning others into animals, wielding and creating a bow and arrow (like how Thena creates her weapons out of thin air)
150 years is equivalent to a one years old (in terms of maturity and physical growth).
879 BC: you and your twin brother were born
771 CE: 1,650 years old (11)
1521: 2,400 years old (16)
1771: 2,650 years old (18)
2024: 2,903 years old (19)
393 notes · View notes
nyctophicbtch · 3 years
Night Patrol - Peter Parker
[ Peter Parker x reader ]
Summary: When Peter attempted to stop a deviant attack, you stood in the way. Now you had to explain to him how you’ve been living hundreds of lives as an eternal without freaking him out.
Author’s note: click here for full request. The reader is essentially the same one from the fic i wrote a while ago called Artemis. This one took place right before the 2024 events in eternals, and after Spiderman: Far From Home.
Warnings: violence (fighting deviants)
Word Count: 2,511
Read Artemis - Druig x Makkari!daughter
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You had to admit. With the amount of things happening at the same time, you didn’t think a study session with Peter was the wisest activity for you to be currently doing right now.
Not only had spiderman's identity been revealed to the world not too long ago, but you’d also seen a certain Ikaris on the news. Even worse, Ikaris fighting a deviant with Sersi and Sprite, a creature you thought had been long gone ever since the eternals got rid of every deviant on the earth’s surface.
If Ikaris was with Sersi, then it was about time he’d find the rest of the eternals. You weren’t sure whether he needed you, yet you had a certain voice in the back of your mind telling you that they were going to come to you sooner or later.
“Hey, you okay?” the quiet voice snapped you back to reality. Peter was eyeing you, sitting inches away with a textbook on his lap.
“Yeah. Just trying to remember,” you answered. It technically wasn’t a lie. You were trying to remember the results for each test that you’d done in the biology lab this semester, until you started thinking of the more worrying events that happened the past week.
Peter eyed you for a few more seconds, not seeming convinced, but decided to drop the topic.
“Well it’s late and I gotta patrol. You know, spiderman stuff. So I’ll see you later?” You gave him a gentle smile and nodded.
“Don’t forget to lay low,” you reminded as he took a few steps back, replying with his own smile.
Watching Peter run to patrol worried you. Especially after the whole killing Mysterio thing. But what worried you most was the deviant you’d seen in the news a few days ago. You didn’t think it was possible for the deviants to come back when you thought they were already dead thousands of years ago, but apparently, you were wrong.
So that’s how you ended up following Peter on his patrol, making sure to stay hidden in the shadows as you observed him. You were relieved to find that the night had mostly been him just gliding from building to building, not a sign of danger anywhere. Though that asuring feeling didn’t last too long.
It was barely noticeable, but you saw the faint movement in the alleyway and it was no doubt inhuman. Throughout your childhood you’ve seen many deviants, but this one wasn’t like most you saw. It looked somewhat evolved and stronger, like the one you encountered not too long ago, judging from how it didn’t die with a shot of your silent arrow through its heart.
He hadn’t noticed it yet, but by the time he did, Peter was flung to the nearby wall when he tried to stop the deviant from rampaging the city streets.
And here’s to hoping he won’t notice you, you thought as you jumped down from the high rooftop of a building.
Deviants had grown a distinct instinct over time to harm eternals from their past encounters, hence is why when you ran towards it, the creature quickly diverted its attention to you instead.
Peter had just regained his composure, slightly shaking his head as he finally noticed you in the streets, in front of the monstrous creature.
“Are you insane? What are you doing?!” he yelled frantically, going over to you with the quickest possible method he could with his webs.
“Woah, wait-!” before you could object, he lifted you up in his arms and brought you to a balcony.
The deviant quickly followed not too far behind, causing Peter to panic and mumble incoherently, “This is not good. This is not good. Why is it targeting you?”
“Watch out!”
The deviant slammed the both of you through the window, separating you from Peter as the both of you fell to the ground. You got up first and noticed the scared poor old lady who was in her kitchen area.
“I am so sorry. May I borrow this please?” When she nodded hesitantly, you grabbed a pan from her counter, throwing it to Peter who looked defenseless against the creature. He threw the pan at it -- which barely caused it to flinch -- and diverted the deviant’s attention from you.
You hastily formed a golden knife in your hands, like how Thena had told you many years ago, the memory of her first lesson imprinted in your head. Peter was panicking by now as he figured that nothing he threw on the creature had affected it, muttering occasional ‘oh no’s over and over again from time to time.
Before it could get to him, you sliced its head off, leaving Peter to gape -- gag -- in shock at your figure behind its fallen form.
“Wha- what- what is going on? What did you just- How did you- what?” The poor boy couldn’t manage to speak from his shock as he tried to comprehend what had just happened a few seconds ago.
“Do you mind if we-” The old lady shook her head nicely, still spooked from the giant creature in her apartment living room. You pulled Peter up by his arm and towards the balcony where Peter brought you to escape the deviant a while ago.
“Ever notice how I don’t look older by time?” you questioned as Peter kept his eyes on the deviant in the living room, still in shock.
“We’ve only known each other since highschool.”
“Exactly,” you paused before continuing, “And you never seemed to notice how I don’t look any older after a few years?”
Peter was rendered speechless and he looked puzzled as you continued, “They’re called deviants. Your powers won’t work against them.
“Then how did you-?”
“The eternals were sent to earth seven thousand years ago by celestials in order to protect humans from the deviants. I’m not necessarily an eternal, but my powers still work against them since my parents are eternals.”
“You’re seven thousand years old?! What-?”
“Two thousand and nine hundred,” you corrected. Seeming as how Peter was still rendered speechless by your statement, you continued, “Well, nineteen and technically two years older than you. And I’ll stay nineteen for about a century, so-”
You were interrupted by a deviant crashing to the brick wall behind the two of you, and before it could attack either of you, you saw the bustling and screaming of the people down in the streets that averted its attention from you and Peter.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he continued, ignoring the faint sounds of battle in the background. “So you’re telling me that-”
“Peter! Save people, talk later.”
“Right, yeah.”
You didn’t hesitate to aim the arrow you created within seconds as Peter’s mask appeared and he quickly swung from the balcony to save people that were targeted by the deviant. The balcony was a good place to shoot, considering how the deviant didn’t bother to climb the buildings and attacked the busy streets instead.
The golden arrow that pierced its shoulder barely injured it and you concluded that it would take more than ten arrows to finally kill it. The deviant looked up, roaring at you as it climbed buildings towards you. At least you got its attention, and Peter’s as he followed behind it, swinging from building to building.
“Sorry, ma’am. I need to borrow this!” you shouted as you jumped from the balcony with the kitchen knife in hand, Peter and the deviant still following behind. You didn’t inherit your mother, Makkari’s superspeed, which meant it was impossible to outrun the deviant, so the other thing you could do was distract it and lead it away from the city because slicing it in half would be difficult in the large streets.
Fortunately -- or unfortunately --, you lived away from the tall buildings, yet close enough to divert the deviant there.
“What’s the plan?!” you heard Peter shout as he caught up with you. The deviant swung its claw on him and it barely scraped him as he lifted himself higher.
“My place is near here and no one lives around there. We can take it there until it stays still enough so I can kill it!”
“Hurry!” Peter yelled as he distracted the deviant from you, slowing it down.
The creature kept its target on you, knocking Peter’s constant distractions away. As soon as you reached your house, you noticed your first mistake through the glass window.
“Alfee,” you warned as your dog wagged his tail, looking out through a closed window. “Stay inside.”
“Look out!” yelled Peter and you ran aside as the deviant slammed into the wall where you were standing in front of not too long ago. Climbing it wasn’t too difficult, but staying on the deviant was a more of a difficult task than Peter came to find as he kept rushing you to do something.
Your knife was already in hand, and the deviant was already jumping around, thrashing its tentacles at you as a sign to get off his back. It managed to injure your side, though it looked like Peter didn't notice in the dark.
“I’m sorry! You try staying on this thing!” you responded to Peter’s unhelpfully obvious observations along the lines of ‘its attacking you’ and ‘it has tentacles!’, though the latter was more of a cry of disgust.
Thena would be disappointed by how much you lacked coordinance when you’d finally managed to slice the thing and kill it, but it got the job done anyways. Now just comes the other problem that’s currently running towards you.
“Okay- What- You better start explaining. I-” he looked tense, hurt, confused, and betrayed at the same time. The two of you started dating -- or whatever your relationship was called -- after Mysterio, so you didn’t blame him for looking so betrayed.
Yet instead you couldn’t form the right words in your head. Your mouth went dry as you attempted to answer, but it ended up in silence and your stupid answer afterwards, “look, Alfee is probably really scared and it’s getting late-”
“No, I can stay,” Peter argued and took steps towards you, but was stopped forcefully before he could reach you.
“We’ll talk about this in the morning.” Peter was now pushed towards the other direction unwillingly by the golden glow that formed by his sides and trapped his arms, forming an arch of a bow without its strings.
“This isn’t funny!” he yelled with his head facing towards you, his body, however, refused to cooperate. And when he started drifting further and further away, he hastily racked an excuse in his brain to get you to stop with whatever thing you had casted on him.
“I’ll do your chemistry homework if you let me stay!” he quickly mumbled all at once, not even trying to mask his desperation that made you hesitate for a moment, pausing on your ministrations on getting him to leave forcefully.
“It’s just-” His voice slightly cracked before he sighed in defeat. “I can’t really blame you for not telling me. I mean, I didn’t at first. Tell you I’m- you know, spiderman.”
You took steps closer towards him, silence crackling in the air before he mumbled quietly, “How is it? Are you relieved I found out?”
“I,” you paused, furrowing your eyebrows. “I guess I am. I just hate that you found out this way. It’s not like I had to keep it a secret, unlike you.”
“Hey, it’s okay.”
“I’m sorry. I guess I was just scared how’d you react when you’ll finally find out I don’t age. I mean, how is this even going to work between us?” You gestured to the little space between the two of you.
“I’ll grow old and wrinkly and you stay as beautiful and young?” he joked, taking a step closer as you let out a half-hearted laugh at his attempts.
"Yes. I suppose. Now let's get rid of that corpse before someone finds it," you said, stepping away and heading towards the deviant lying dead on the grass.
“Wait. So that guy in the news was an eternal?” Peter asked as he caught up to you.
“Mhm. Ikaris.”
“Like the greek god?”
“He is the ‘greek god’ humans back then used to talk about.”
“No way.” Peter paused, and before he could stop himself, he grinned as if he couldn't believe what you were saying and uttered out, “Which one are you- oh wait! Artemis. Right. Your name.”
You managed to crack an amused smile at how impressed he sounded.
"What are you going to do with this?" he questioned, looming over your kneeling figure.
"I don't know. Get rid of it someway I guess. Looks like I'll have to miss school for a while." you sighed, lifting yourself back up to face him.
"We have our finals tomorrow."
"No, you have yours tomorrow. I don't think I'll be back for a while. Not with the deviants and eternals around."
"What?" he started to stammer in panic. "Will-will I ever see you again?"
After centuries of living, this one might just be your favorite with how Peter never fails to amuse you. He looked dejected as you snorted in response and lightly punched his arm. "Don't be so dramatic. I'm not leaving for good."
"But what about-" Before he could go any further, you took a step towards him and grabbed him by his collar. You pulled him towards you, bringing his lips to yours.
Peter stayed frozen still, but eventually responded. His hands found themselves wrapping around you, holding you there as if you'd run away any moment now.
"Go home and nail your finals tomorrow. I'll take care of this and when I come back, I'll explain everything. I promise." you whispered against his lips as his thumb started to lightly stroke your hips, trying to ignore the pain in your side that he still hadn't noticed.
"Yeah," he replied, still stuck in his daze.
You gave him one final peck to the lips before completely pulling away and walking back towards your front door, looking back to smile and wave goodbye.
Peter responded with a smile of his own and took a few steps back whilst putting on his mask, giving himself a starting run before disappearing into the city.
"Looks like you might be needing a new caretaker for a little while," you faced your dog who joined you as you entered the house and closed the door.
You weren't too fond at the thought of the eternals coming to visit with whatever explanation they had going on, and you'd hope they'd come to forget about you. Worse, you were known as 'spiderman's girlfriend' on the news and you could just hear Kingo's never ending bickering.
However, one way or another, you knew Ikaris had to get to you if he needed your father, and you were proven right after his not-so welcomed visit the next day.
After his explanation, you could only hope to be able to return to Peter alive.
Your Powers: shapeshifting into animals, turning others into animals, wielding and creating a bow and arrow (like how Thena creates her weapons out of thin air)
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nyctophicbtch · 3 years
Drabbles, Fanfiction, Headcanons
Requests are closed. I write for multifandoms so feel free to request any fandom. request rules
Realms Away - Loki Laufeyson
Detour - Peter Parker
Relation between Druig and the Maximoff twins
Being Nat and Steve's daughter - F!reader insert
Being a Maximoff and dating Bucky - Bucky Barnes
Dating Tony Stark - Tony Stark
Night Patrol - Peter Parker x DruigxMakkari!daughter!reader
Stubborn Speedster - Druig x Makkari
Artemis and Apollo - DruigxMakkari!daughter!reader insert
Grocery Shopping - Druig x Makkari
Beautiful, Dumb Makkari - Druig x Makkari
Artemis - DruigxMakkari!daughter!reader insert
Druig and Makkari as parents - Druig x Makkari
The Last Deviant - Druig x Makkari
Cure - Druig x Makkari
Taco - Peter Parker
Nails - Wanda Maximoff
Breakfast and Mornings and Things - Avengers
Jealous Pietro when someone hits on you - Pietro Maximoff
Needy Kisses - Pietro Maximoff
Midnight Fuss - Bucky Barnes
Is That My Shirt? - Pietro Maximoff
When they have a crush on you pt 2 - Avengers
When they have a crush on you pt 1 - Avengers
Brother's Betrothed - Loki Laufeyson
Interesting Activities - Theodore Nott
Being Harry Potter's twin sister
Being Ron Weasley's twin sister
Fred Weasley being in love with you - Fred Weasley
Winter, Books and Thestrals - Theodore Nott
Smitten - Theodore Nott
The King's Healer - Nikolai Lantsov x F!healer!reader
The Right Way - Ao’nung x f!Sully!reader
Wandering Human - Neteyam x f!human!reader
Sleep Deprieved - Tsu’tey x gn!avatar!reader
But We’re Different - Lo’ak x F!avatar/human!reader
Seeing Neteyam for the first time in years - Neteyam x F!reader
Courting Rituals - Ao’nung x Gn!Omatikaya!reader
Should’ve Saved Me Sooner - Ao’nung x Gn!Metkayina!reader
The Spirit Tree - Neteyam x Gn!Omatikaya!reader
Na’vi - Colonel Quaritch x F!Tawkami!reader
Not a Freak - Rotxo x F!Sully!reader
A Little Push - Ao’nung x F!reader
Being Ao’nung’s Sully mate - Ao’nung x F!Sully!reader
Neteyam with Tonowari’s firstborn daughter - Neteyam x F!Metkayina!reader
Heartfelt - Ao’nung x F!Sully!reader
The Songcord - Neteyam x Gn!Omatikaya!reader
Neteyam with Tsireya’s sister - Neteyam x F!Metkayina!reader
Being Ao’nung’s expected mate - Ao’nung x Gn!Metkayina!reader
Lo’ak with a Metkayina Mer - Lo’ak x Gn!reader
Outsiders - Neteyam x F!Metkayina!reader
I Love You - Finnick Odair
Oyster - Finnick Odair
Critters - Peeta Mellark
Human ATM - Nick Jonas x F!reader (The Jonas Brothers)
Why Hire A Model When She Has Me? - Joe Jonas x F!reader (The Jonas Brothers)
Dating Sapnap - Sapnap x Gn!reader (MCYT)
Prison Break - Dream x Gn!reader (MCYT)
Thunder - Fundy x Gn!reader (MCYT)
Halfbreed pt 2 - Orm Marius x F!reader (DCEU)
Halfbreed pt 1 - Orm Marius x F!reader (DCEU)
Dating Henry Turner - Henry Turner x Gn!reader (Pirates of the Carribbean)
Being Edmund's twin sister - F!reader insert (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Being the youngest daughter of the Bridgerton family - F!reader insert (Bridgerton)
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